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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
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Укажите год

Применить Всего найдено 17494. Отображено 200.
10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2326501C2

Изобретение относится к групповому обмену сообщениями. Техническим результатом является повышение удобства взаимодействия пользователей при групповом информационном обмене. Указанный результат достигается за счет того, что на рабочем столе каждого члена группы визуализируется пиктограммма информационного обмена, с помощью которой члены интерактивной группы могут взаимодействовать друг с другом и принимать участие в различных совместных действиях. Пиктограмма имеет множество атрибутов, включая режимы активации щелчком и функциональные возможности режима «перетащить и сбросить». Пиктограмма обеспечивает каждого члена группы представлением взаимоотношений в группе. Любой член группы может изменить пиктограмму группы и обеспечить передачу этого изменения на компьютеры других членов группы. Пиктограмма может быть активизирована как для вербальных, так и невербальных передач, а также для совместных действий. Интерактивные члены группы уведомляются о статусе группы и действий посредством отображаемой ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2338258C2
Принадлежит: Ай Джи Ти (US)

Изобретение относится к игровым системам, в которых игры осуществляются с помощью множества удаленных устройств игрока. Технический результат - повышение удобства при пользовании системой. В способе работы сервера подтверждения подлинности, в котором сервер подтверждения подлинности оперативно подключен к сети, из компьютера через сеть может быть принят запрос на определение того, разрешено ли человеку играть в игру на игровой системе. Запрос содержит биометрические данные, ассоциированные с человеком. Принятые биометрические данные сравниваются с данными, хранящимися в базе данных, содержащей биометрические данные людей, которым разрешено играть в игры на игровой системе. В компьютер через сеть передается сообщение, указывающее, разрешено ли человеку играть в игру на игровой системе. Кроме того, может быть определено, находится ли игровой модуль, на котором игрок желает играть в игру, в местоположении, разрешенном для проведения игры. В компьютер через сеть может быть передано сообщение ...

10-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2408932C2

Изобретение представляет собой функциональную модель игровой системы, основанную на использовании современных SMS-технологий сотовой связи и компьютерных технологий и является способом осуществления интерактивной игры. Отличительной особенностью данного решения является то, что в систему известных устройств, предназначенных для осуществления игрового процесса, включают ряд дополнительных компьютерных устройств. При помощи скоординированной работы двух дополнительных устройств (12) и (13) с предварительно введенными в них параметрами осуществляют автоматическое, синхронное с игровым процессом, не требующее окончания игры определение победителей. При помощи известных устройств (11), (15), (7), (6), (5) и (3) формируют и направляют в адрес участников игры SMS-сообщения, информационные параметры которых позволяют контролировать механизм защиты игрового процесса от возможного внешнего вмешательства. При помощи дополнительных устройств (23) и (22) с предварительно введенными в них параметрами ...

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2433451C2

Изобретение относится к средствам определения местоположения с помощью беспроводных средств связи. Техническим результатом является повышение точности слежения в реальном времени за объектами и их отображения в виртуальной системе обработки данных. Способ для установки виртуальных представлений области содержит этапы: устанавливают границы области с помощью устройства беспроводной связи с возможностью определения местоположения; маркируют позиции препятствия в области устройством беспроводной связи; обозначают информацию, идентифицирующую препятствие, которая представляет информацию о местоположении, размере, периметре, геометрической форме и типе препятствия. 5 н. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

27-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2239231C2

Изобретение относится к играм, проводимым в игровых залах и казино, и касается работы игровых автоматов. Технический результат заключается в повышении разнообразия игровых и призовых ситуаций и получении дополнительных выигрышей. Способ заключается в проведении основной и первой и второй призовых игр. Основную игру осуществляют в двух режимах, результат игры задает результат перехода из одного режима в другой. Отображают группы символов, соответствующих тому или иному результату, присуждают призовые выигрыши на основании групп символов, отображаемых в первом и втором режимах основной игры. Второй режим основной игры имеет бесплатную игровую линию, а также результат, обеспечивающий накопление и выплату накопительного выигрыша. 18 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2255372C2

Изобретение относится к техническому обеспечению соревнований в области интеллектуальных игр, в частности шахмат, между игроками, играющими в режиме реального времени, путем передачи о сделанных ходах по электронной компьютерной сети, при нахождении участников соревнования, например, в разных городах и странах. Техническим результатом является повышение достоверности контроля при проведении соревнований между удаленными игроками. В информационную сеть вводят информацию о сделанных игроками ходах, отображают игровые ситуации в игровых помещениях и передают по каналам сети, осуществляют контроль за соревнованием из центра контроля, содержащего компьютер с демонстрационным экраном, предназначенным для наблюдения за ходом соревнований и идентификации игроков. Осуществляют видеосъемку игроков в игровых помещениях и передают в центр контроля для отображения на демонстрационных экранах игровые поля играемых партий, игровых помещений и игроков. При передаче видеоизображений в центр контроля используют ...

10-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2202125C2

Изобретения предназначены для использования в информационно-призовых сетях (ИПС). Техническим результатом является обеспечение в этих сетях при любом удалении от пользователей и разнородной конструкции технических средств и сетей и различии в функционировании игровых устройств (ИУ), увеличение количества игроков, возможности выигрыша одного или сразу нескольких разнообразных дополнительных прогрессивных выигрышей (ДПВ) с различными условиями выигрышей по способу организации ДПВ, включающему проведение игр на ИУ с возможностью дополнительного выигрыша с обеспечением накопления одного или нескольких ДПВ путем соответствующих отчислений от ставок на ИУ, участвующих в розыгрыше одного или нескольких ДПВ в ИПС. Изобретение заключается в том, что генерируют случайным образом значение величины одного и/или нескольких ДПВ, и/или генерируют случайным образом значение величины одного или нескольких ДПВ в пределах заданного диапазона значений одного или нескольких ДПВ, и/или определяют случайным образом ...

10-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2211720C2
Автор: Горелик С.Л.

Изобретение относится к области досуга и может быть использовано при проведении азартных интерактивных игр для посетителей общественных мест, например кафе, ресторанов, вокзалов, гостиниц. Технический результат заключается в усилении эмоционального воздействия на игроков, при этом временной график проведения игр согласован с временем работы общественного заведения. В способе используют средства отображения видеоинформации и терминалы, которые размещают в общественных местах и подключают их к операционному центру, содержащему процессор, предназначенный для подготовки развлекательно-игровых программ на основании исходных данных, вводимых оператором, и сервер с базой данных и развлекательно-игровыми программами, с помощью операционного центра формируют совпадающую по длительности со временем работы общественных мест информационную развлекательно-игровую программу, игровые алгоритмы которой построены в форме конкурсов или вопросов-ответов, осуществляют подключение терминалов к операционному ...

10-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2363510C2

Изобретение относится к индустрии развлечений и может быть использовано в сети взаимосвязанных игровых терминалов в одном или более игровых заведениях. Устройство содержит главный контроллер для определения присуждения приза и вспомогательный контроллер для обмена данными с главным контроллером и одним или более игровыми терминалами. Способ заключается в приеме вспомогательным контроллером данных, включающих в себя, по меньшей мере, один идентификатор игрового терминала и ассоциированные накопления игрового терминала, от одного или более игровых терминалов, сохранении упомянутых данных, вычислении общего взноса и его передаче из вспомогательного контроллера в главный для определения игрового терминала, которому должен быть назначен приз. Устройство обеспечивает более высокую пропускную способность игровой системы. 3 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 3 табл.

27-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2220446C2

Изобретение относится к портативному электронному устройству, используемому в качестве вспомогательного запоминающего устройства. Технический результат заключается в создании портативного электронного устройства и системы развлечений, в которой портативное устройство может использоваться в качестве автономного подчиненного блока. Система содержит ведущий блок, имеющий возможность запуска и выполнения программы, и подчиненный блок с интерфейсом для соединения с ведущим блоком, причем ведущий блок имеет управляющее устройство для переноса информации, сопровождающей запуск программы, в подчиненный блок, и для считывания информации из подчиненного блока, а подчиненный блок имеет запоминающее устройство программ, в котором хранится программа, управляющее устройство, управляющее запуском и выполнением программы, и запоминающее устройство для хранения информации, характеризующей появление различных событий. 5 с. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 28 ил., 10 табл.

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2490713C2

Изобретение относится к средствам направления рекомендации пользователю онлайнового многопользовательского игрового окружения. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении времени поиска пользователей в игровом окружении. Отслеживают, одним или более компьютерами онлайнового многопользовательского игрового окружения, активность взаимосвязи первого пользователя и второго пользователя в онлайновом многопользовательском игровом окружении, причем активность взаимосвязи может указывать, что первый и второй пользователи разговаривают друг с другом, что каждый из них отдельно играет в игру с третьим пользователем, что каждый из них отдельно просматривает разные экземпляры одного и того же видео, что каждый из них зарегистрирован в онлайновом многопользовательском игровом окружении из одного и того же временного пояса, что каждый из них присвоил чему-либо одинаковый рейтинг или что они имеют одинаковые языковые настройки в онлайновом многопользовательском игровом окружении. Принимают, одним или ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2388056C1
Автор: ЯН Цянь (CN)

Изобретение относится к технологиям сетевых игр и может быть использовано для предотвращения обмана в сетевой игре. Техническим результатом является обеспечение эффективности предотвращения обмана в сетевых играх. Способ для предотвращения обмана в сетевых играх включает определение игровым сервером партнера для игрока согласно информации, предоставленной игровым клиентским терминалом, используемым игроком, а также передачу игроку информации о партнере на игровой клиентский терминал, используемый игроком; и отказ игрового клиентского терминала, используемого игроком, от передачи сообщения партнеру игрока. Изобретение также раскрывает систему, клиентский терминал и сервер, соответствующие указанному способу. 6 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU73220U1

Полезная модель относится к игровым системам, в том числе групповым и сетевым использующим дистанционное управление и экранные устройства отображения. Техническим результатом данной полезной модели является расширение функциональных возможностей, заключающееся в создании телевизионной игровой системы обеспечивающей возможность коллективных игр. Телевизионная игровая система содержит управляемые дистанционно блоки задания игрового режима. Каждый из указанных блоков связан с блоком хранения игровых программ и через игровой процессор - с блоком формирования субизображения. Блок формирования объединенного экранного отображения подключен к телевизионному экрану, блоку формирования субизображения и блоку формирования фонового изображения, связанному с блоком обработки телевизионного сигнала, принятого от антенны. Каждый блок выбора игрового режима подключен посредством радиомодема к телекоммуникационной сети, с которой связан игровой сервер.

20-06-2003 дата публикации

Устройство, позволяющее играть в рулетку

Номер: RU30090U1

... 1. Устройство, позволяющее играть в рулетку, содержащее, по крайней мере, одно игровое устройство (в частности, игровой стол для игры в рулетку), по крайней мере, одно устройство для передачи, по крайней мере, по одной линии связи (каналу связи) информации об игровой ситуации, по крайней мере, на одном игровом устройстве, отличающееся тем, что устройство, позволяющее играть в рулетку, содержит, по крайней мере, один телефон, соединенный, по крайней мере, одной линией связи (каналом связи), по крайней мере, с одной телефонной сетью (телефонной компанией) и выполненный с возможностью посредством, по крайней мере, цифрового и/или символьного набора сделать, по крайней мере, одну ставку, по крайней мере, в одной игре в рулетку, а в качестве устройства для передачи информации об игровой ситуации, по крайней мере, на одном игровом устройстве используется, по крайней мере, одна телекамера или, по крайней мере, одна видеокамера, соединенная, по крайней мере, одной линией связи с телевизионной студией ...

27-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2344865C1

Устройство для игры в бильярд содержит ограниченный бортом бильярдный стол, на котором расположены шары, один из которых используется в качестве битка, средство нанесения удара по битку посредством взаимодействия части его поверхности и ударной части поверхности средства нанесения удара и телевизионную камеру, которая связана с подключенным к вычислительной системе блоком определения положения шаров на бильярдном столе. Устройство содержит механизм перемещения средства нанесения удара по битку, которое выполнено в виде подвижной головки, которая связана с двухкоординатным приводом, обеспечивающим ее плоскопараллельное перемещение относительно всей поверхности бильярдного стола. Подвижная головка имеет привод, который обеспечивает поворот средства нанесения удара по битку относительно проходящей через него вертикальной оси, и механизм перемещения ударной части поверхности средства нанесения удара по битку. Приводы и механизм связаны с вычислительной системой. Использование заявленного устройства ...

10-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2043132C1

Изобретение относится к научно-познавательным аудиовизуальным системам. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит: два компьютера 1,2, систему управления 3, содержащую блок управления проектором "звездного неба" и центральным проекционным устройством 4, блок управления периферийным проекционным устройством 5, блок управления видеомагнитофоном 6, блок управления устройством звукового сопровождения 7, блок управления проекционным устройством световых эффектов 8, два блока управления предъявлением сюжетов компьютерной мультипликации 9,10, блок управления системы выбора маршрута полета 11, блок управления системы предъявления неожиданных ситуаций 12, блок автоматического управления системы выбора маршрута полета 13, периферийное проекционное устройство 14, центральное проекционное устройство 15, проектор звездного неба 16, видеомагнитофон 17, устройство звукового сопровождения 18 проекционное устройство световых эффектов 19, устройство видеоинформации 20, три опорно-поворотных устройства 21 ...

20-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2102790C1

Изобретение относится к электронным игровым и сервисным системам, которые могут использоваться в локальных и глобальных сетях для создания казино. Система может использоваться при моделировании реальных взаимоотношений хозяйствующих субъектов в рыночной экономике. Предложенная игровая система обеспечивает создание защищенной от широкой публики сети, не ограниченной территориально и представляющей возможность конфиденциального сервисного обслуживания субъектов, включенных в систему, с осуществлением денежных операций на банковских счетах на основе разнообразной игровой базы сразу по нескольким выбранным играм. Электронная игровая система состоит из центральной компьютерной станции (ЦКС), периферийной компьютерной станции (ПКС) и связи между ними, сети передачи данных (СПД). ЦКС состоит из систем регистрации игроков, ведения счетов игроков, формирования, хранения и поиска информации, записи игровой ситуации, определения счетов по результатам игры, приеме ставок и заключения пари, исполняющей ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005106848A

... 1. Информационная система, связанная с игровой системой, в состав которой входит по меньшей мере одно игровое устройство, причем игровое устройство предназначено для представления по меньшей мере одной игры, проводимой на этом устройстве, содержащая устройство трекинга игрока, связанное с указанным игровым устройством, причем в состав указанного устройства трекинга игрока входят считыватель карточек, вспомогательная клавиатура и по меньшей мере один дисплей, и указанное устройство трекинга игрока сконфигурировано для передачи игровой информации в хост-компьютер трекинга игроков для использования в системе трекинга игроков; хост-компьютер информационной системы, причем указанный хост-компьютер информационной системы предназначен для генерации информации и передачи этой информации в устройство трекинга игрока, связанное с указанным игровым устройством, для распространения в указанном игровом устройстве; и линию связи между указанным устройством трекинга игрока и указанным хост-компьютером ...

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006124101A

Способ проведения развлекательных игр, заключающийся в том, что организатор игры путем передачи информационных сообщений осуществляет представление правил игры, указывает определенную категорию предметов, участвующую в игре, формирует в центральном управляющем комплексе игровой системы базу данных уникальных кодов, каждый из которых представляет многосимвольную комбинацию, и присваивает уникальный код как минимум одному предмету из категории, представленной в правилах игры, участником игры становится любой обладатель предмета заявленной категории, игрок распознает уникальный код, присвоенный предмету, и по телекоммуникационной сети передает его в центральный управляющий комплекс, который регистрирует игрока и осуществляет сравнение переданного им кода с базой данных уникальных кодов, а победителя определяют в соответствии с представленными правилами игры.

20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006143670A

... 1. Система для предоставления множества игр, включающая в себямножество терминалов, используемых пользователями, для предоставления соответствующим игрокам первичной игры и для формирования информационных сообщений первичной игры,контроллер вторичной игры, реагирующий на информационные сообщения первичной игры с целью предоставления игрокам связанной вторичной игры, имеющей соответствующий приз, и для формирования сообщения переключения на третичную игру, когда вторичная игра выиграна, иконтроллер третичной игры, реагирующий на сообщение переключения на третичную игру, для предложения игроку, выигравшему вторичную игру, возможности сыграть третичную игру с использованием всего приза за вторичную игру или его части в качестве ставки.2. Система по п.1, в которой множество терминалов, используемых пользователями, включают в себя соответствующие устройства ввода, позволяющие пользователям принять или отклонить предложенную третичную игру.3. Система по п.2, в которой устройства ввода выполнены ...

27-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98121790A

... 1. Устройство, позволяющее дистанционно играть в казино, включающее игровой стол, над которым установлена телекамера, соединенная с преобразователем сигнала, центральное управляющее устройство, соединенное с пользовательскими местами, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит компьютерную систему определения игровой ситуации, вход которой соединен с преобразователем сигнала телекамеры, при этом преобразователь сигнала телекамеры выполнен в виде видеодекодера компьютерной системы определения игровой ситуации, выход которой соединен с входом центрального управляющего устройства, представляющего собой сервер, а пользовательские места представлены в виде компьютеров стандартной конфигурации. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит микрофон, установленный вблизи игрового стола с соответствующим звуковым трактом, соединенным с пользовательскими местами через компьютерную систему определения игровой ситуации и сервер.

20-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000101239A

... 1. Способ проведения опросов, включающий предъявление участникам как минимум одного вопроса и вариантов ответов на него в виде меню с регистрацией количества каждого вида ответов с использованием для этого средств связи, отличающийся тем, что в качестве средства связи используют Интернет, вопросы и ответы на них предъявляют в диалоговом окне и регистрируют как количество и вид ответов, так и участников, отказавшихся от ответа и предоставляют участникам возможность предъявления своего варианта ответа. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что регистрируют данные об ответах каждого из участников, принявшего участие в разных опросах.

20-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99114848A

... 1. Система перераспределения выигрышей или призов, в частности, для игровых центров, включающая в себя средства управления и контроля для получения требуемого распределения и ряд карт с микропроцессором (C1,...Cj), находящихся в распоряжении участников игры, на которых записана информация, идентифицирующая участников, ряд считывающих устройств для карт с микропроцессором (L1,..Li), способных считывать и записывать информацию на этих картах, при этом упомянутые средства управления и контроля за перераспределением реализованы на картах и/или считывающих устройствах, отличающаяся тем, что упомянутые средства управления и контроля включают в себя средства статистического распределения для достижения статистического перераспределения выигрышей или призов. 2. Система перераспределения по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что средства статистического распределения включают в себя для каждой карты, как минимум, зону памяти (110), где фиксируются заранее определенные опорные статистические параметры требуемого ...

10-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94021630A

Самолетная видеоигровая система содержит многоцелевой главный компьютер, который хранит в основном видеоигровые и прикладные программы в своей памяти на жестких дисках. Главный компьютер связан с набором компьютеров зонального самолетного контроля и управления, которые выполняют также обычные задачи обеспечения полета. Компьютеры зонального контроля и управления принимают данные от главного управляющего компьютера и пересылают эти данные в идентифицируемые блоки обработки, обслуживающие пассажирские места (местные блоки обработки - МБО). Каждый МБО обменивается данными с индивидуальными блоками дисплеев пассажирских мест (ИБД), которые имеются на каждом пассажирском месте в самолете. Система загружает прикладное программное обеспечение в каждый ИБД через главный компьютер. После получения запроса на загрузку этот главный компьютер отвечает установлением режима передачи прикладной программы и формированием меню услуг, которое затем высвечивается на экранах всех ИБД после первоначальной загрузки ...

21-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069232440T2
Принадлежит: OPEN TV INC, OPEN TV, INC.

21-08-2003 дата публикации

Interaktive Anwendungen

Номер: DE0060001009T2

09-09-2010 дата публикации

Anordnung zur elektronischen Durchführung von Spielen

Номер: DE202010006477U1
Принадлежит: Belhomme, Tim, 70180 Stuttgart, DE

Anordnung zur elektronischen Durchführung von Spielen, mit einer Spielplattform (12), die eine Anzahl von Spielfeldern (14) aufweist, und einer Leseeinheit (13), wobei zumindest einigen der Spielfelder (14) ein Code (18) zugeordnet ist, der mit der Leseeinheit (13) auszulesen ist, und jeder Code (18) Informationen zu dem Spiel codiert.

12-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004019225D1

01-04-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Auswertung von Betrugsverhalten bei Online-Spielen

Номер: DE602004025574D1
Принадлежит: BWIN GAMES AB

03-02-1999 дата публикации

Game system and information storage medium

Номер: GB0009827418D0

11-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008702809D0

28-04-1999 дата публикации

Transmitting data packets over a network to remote users of a multi-user computer game according to multi-user proximity groups

Номер: GB0002330739A

A plurality of remote users communicate through a network to play a multi-user game which has a game space 200 (for example comprising a number of regions or rooms A, B, C, D, E, X). Users generate data packets for other users in the game. In order to increase scalability of game play and reduce the amount of computation, an user transmits data packets to a selected group of other users only. This group comprises other users who are currently located in the same region of game space as the user or an adjacent region from which the current region is visible. Region visibility relationships and user proximity relationships are held in a region-view table and a user-region table respectively. Tables are then updated throughout the game as users move around the game space.

02-01-2002 дата публикации

Evaluation of responses of participatory broadcast audience with prediction of winning contestants

Номер: GB0002363583A

A system and method for evaluating responses to broadcast programs, such as television programs, include an instructional signal modulated onto a signal transmitted concurrently with the television program, simulcast, or time-multiplexed with a television. At each of a plurality of remote receiving stations, one or more members of a remote audience has the opportunity to respond to a situation presented in the television program by entering a response on a keyboard. The system includes response evaluation circuitry which may be located at a central facility or partially at the central facility and partially at each remote receiving station, or completely within a response unit at each remote receiving station, in the latter case the response unit having a memory responsive to the instructional signal for storing acceptable responses, a comparison circuit for comparing responses entered at the keyboard with those stored in the memory, circuitry for scoring responses in accordance with commands ...

27-02-2002 дата публикации

Competitive simulation with real time input from real event

Номер: GB0002365790A

Real time data from a real event, such as a motor race (Fig 1, not shown), cycle race (Fig 3, not shown) or rowing event (Fig 4, not shown) is transmitted over a satellite link for use in simulated games where a player-controlled object competes in a virtual environment with a competitive object controlled by the real time data. The real time data may involve positional co-ordinates of the real object (eg from a global positioning system) and is continuously sent, along with televisual images, via satellite 21 directly to a player's own satellite dish 22 or relayed through a cable network 23. The real time inputs can also include road or steering wheel orientation or fuel load; track data can be obtained by scanning from a reference point for incorporation in a base program storable on the player's terminal or games console. Pre-race data, eg concerning track conditions, can additionally be sent via the satellite link and disseminated via the Internet. Data from real cars can also be used ...

08-01-2003 дата публикации

Computer system on the world wide web

Номер: GB2377291A

A computer system comprises a plurality of computers 1,2 and a plurality of web servers. The computers 1,2 can interact with each other via the world wide web 4. The web servers each have a respective address and software is provided for defining a notional multi-dimensional space where co-ordinates in the multi-dimensional space are representative of the server addresses. Each computer 1,2 may be provided with a browser and co-ordinates of the position of each browser in the multi-dimensional space can be derived from the address of the server computer. A browser can travel in the notational space by moving from one server address to another and if the distance exceeds a given range the browser is prevented from accessing the representative server.

05-07-2006 дата публикации

Portable transaction device for tracking game play

Номер: GB2421695A

A portable transaction device used for tracking game play in a gaming environment including a table game at which one or more games are presented and a player tracking server. The portable transaction device has an input for receiving a request to rate a player, an input operable by a casino employee for allowing the casino employee to input an estimate of an amount bet or lost by the player during a rating session while the player is participating in the game play in a game playing area and an input for inputting player identification information into the portable transaction device to identify the player. A wireless communication link for transmitting player identification information from the portable transaction device to the player tracking server and a touch screen display at the portable transaction device for displaying a game service interface for inputting game play information used for rating the player during his participation in the gaming activity are also provided. The portable ...

10-05-2006 дата публикации

Multi-player gaming machines played on-line

Номер: GB0002419991A

A multi-player on-line gaming method is disclosed where different players independently play different games on their computers in a common gaming environment. Each of the players sharing the common environment is presented with a similar display by the game server. In one embodiment, each player is presented with a display of four slot machines after registering with a server for an on-line gaming session. Each player selects, using a cursor pointing device, one of the four slot machines to play, and that machine is then associated with the player. The remote web-based game server controlling the game allows the player to see other on-line players playing on the other slot machines displayed on the same screen so the players share a common gaming experience as in a casino. The players may chat in real time by typing in their conversations via a keyboard on their home computer.

08-11-2006 дата публикации

Downloading entertainment content to a storage device

Номер: GB0002425735A

A system for playing electronic entertainment content, such as movies or films or games comprises apparatus for downloading the entertainment or games content from the Internet and a storage device, preferably a hard drive, having sufficient capacity to store the entertainment or games content. There is preferably a computer attached to the system and an apparatus for playing the downloaded content which is a games console.

03-09-2008 дата публикации

Entertainment system in which human operator assumes control of software-controlled avatars

Номер: GB0002447096A

An entertainment system includes first 10 and second 10A-10E entertainment devices in data communication. The first entertainment device 10 is arranged to generate and display in a virtual environment an avatar 2031-2033 representing a user of the device, and at least one software-controlled avatar 3031-3033. The system allows an alert signal 3002 for requesting interaction with a human operator to be transmitted in response to a predetermined action of the first entertainment device user. After transmission of the alert, and upon receipt of a notification signal, a software-controlled avatar 2031-2033 displayed by the first entertainment device 10 changes mode to represent an operator of the second entertainment device 10A-10E in order that the user and operator may interact via their avatars. The alert signal 3002 may be transmitted in response to predetermined actions of the user, such as placing the user's avatar within a predetermined proximity to the software-controlled avatar or ...

12-06-2002 дата публикации

Electronic game guide system

Номер: GB0002339394B
Принадлежит: NDS LTD, * NDS LIMITED

27-05-1998 дата публикации

Multi-user game system and method

Номер: GB0009806473D0

21-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008629766D0

01-04-1998 дата публикации

Digital information display eg for video games

Номер: GB0002317796A

A digital information display apparatus comprises a control console 10 adapted to accept compact discs 11 bearing encoded information. The console 10 is connected through an access device 13 to a communications channel 14 which provides a menu signal enabling the console to display on a TV monitor 12 a menu of the information on the disc 11. The user selects from the menu which information from the disc 10 to access and the console checks the user's available credit. If the user has sufficient credit to access the selected information on the disc 11 the access device 13 provides a release signal allowing the encoded information to be accessed. The user pays in accordance with their actual usage of the digital information held on the disc.

16-02-2005 дата публикации

Method and system for interacting with simulated phenomena

Номер: GB0002405010A

Methods and systems for interacting with simulated phenomena are provided. Example embodiments provide a Simulated Phenomena Interaction System "SPIS," which enables a user to incorporate simulated phenomena into the user's real world environment by interacting with the simulated phenomena. In one embodiment, the SPIS comprises a mobile environment (e.g., a mobile device) and a simulation engine. The mobile environment may be configured as a thin client that remotely communicates with the simulation engine, or it may be configured as a fat client that incorporates one or more of the components of the simulation engine into the mobile device. These components cooperate to define the characteristics and behavior of the simulated phenomena and interact with users via mobile devices. The characteristics and behavior of the simulated phenomena are based in part upon values sensed from the real world, thus achieving a more integrated correspondence between the real world and the simulated world ...

02-08-2006 дата публикации

Interactive broadcast game and system

Номер: GB0002422555A

An interactive broadcast game, e.g. roulette, includes the steps of publicly displaying or broadcasting a game, accepting within an allowed time frame at least one message transmitted via a message bearer in response to the broadcasted game, assigning a token to the transmitted message, and exhibiting the token with an event of the game. A first message may be transmitted using a different message bearer, e.g. SMS, to that used by a second transmitted message, e.g. e-mail. Confirmation of an accepted message may be sent to a player, e.g. by a back office. A message corresponding to a winning event may be sent to a participant using the same message bearer in which the accepted message was transmitted, and a winning message may be represented by a token exhibited in the game. Activities such as chat, quiz, voting and gaming may be exhibited with the broadcast game, and players may be able to send messages addressed to other players. A system for broadcasting games is also disclosed including ...

28-03-2007 дата публикации

An apparatus and method for a gaming tournament network

Номер: GB0002427149B
Принадлежит: IGT RENO NEV, IGT

18-03-2009 дата публикации

Handheld wagering game system and methods for conducting wagering games thereupon

Номер: GB2452896A

A gaming system for conducting a wagering game includes a handheld gaming machine configured to play at least one game and a controller. The controller is configured to base eligibility of the handheld gaming machine for a game-related feature at least upon a location of the handheld gaming machine and/or a proximity of the handheld gaming machine to an external device.

01-11-2000 дата публикации

Gaming system

Номер: GB0000022847D0

12-01-2000 дата публикации

Competition method and means

Номер: GB0002339130A

A method of conducting a pictorial competition entails displaying on a screen a pictorial display from which an object has been omitted and superimposing on the display an indication, selected by a competitor, of a position from which the competitor believes the object was omitted. The screen may be a television screen or a computer screen and the competitor's entry may be applied to the screen electronically, for example using an electronic pen, a touch screen, a computer mouse or a computer keyboard.

28-07-2010 дата публикации

System and method for providing an objective to a user

Номер: GB0002467264A

A system and method for providing an objective to a user comprises a user registration unit, a build unit, a user interface unit, and an objective determination unit. The user registration unit is configured to receive a user request to operate the system. The build unit is configured to select a plurality of variable components for the system. The user interface unit is configured to receive user requests to interact with the variable components and to provide information to the user in response to the user requests. The objective determination unit is configured to determine whether the user has achieved the objective based at least in part on the user interactions.

21-09-2011 дата публикации

A game control system

Номер: GB0002478809A

A game control system that comprises a floor standing exercise frame 1 having one or more game control switches a motion sensing means for control of an external games system and a control interface having a processor that integrates the control signals from the game control switches with control signals from the motion sensing means synchronising/co-ordinating them with the external games system controls to control game play. Optionally the motion sensing means comprise one or more accelerometers or a camera of the external games system. The motion sensing unit can be a portable, remote unit of the external games system and the frame can have a dock that demountably holds the motion sensing unit in use. Alternatively game control apparatus including game control switches and a transmitter, games control systems with a dock and receptacle and an interactive exercise system wherein exercise-related health data signals from an exerciser or sensors worn by a user are used to control an exercise ...

28-03-2001 дата публикации

Interactive multi-media activities

Номер: GB0000103154D0

27-03-2002 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to wireless communication systems

Номер: GB0000202820D0

13-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002160342B

20-03-2002 дата публикации

Computer system on the world wide web

Номер: GB0000202457D0

17-04-1996 дата публикации

Video game system

Номер: GB0009603170D0

28-04-1999 дата публикации

Interactive game system

Номер: GB0009904964D0

11-12-1995 дата публикации

System improves of remote plays

Номер: OA0000009971A

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405081T

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000384563T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000488955T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000494938T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000454194T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000453439T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000456901T

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355561T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505887T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404263T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009323U1

Das Nutzmodell gehört zu den elektronischen Spiel- und Servicesystemen und ist für die Teilnahme an und die Durchführung von kommerziellen und nichtkommerziellen Glücks- und Nichtglücksspielen auf elektronischer Basis über Entfernung mit hoher Teilnehmerzahl, für Wahlen, Lotterien, Ratings, soziologische und Marketingumfragen in Mobilfunknetzen vorgesehen. Das angemeldete System enthält Peripheriegeräte, einen zentralen Programm-Apparat-Komplex und ein Netz der Datenübertragung, dabei sind die Peripheriegeräte als Terminals für Mobilfunk ausgeführt, und der zentrale Programm-Apparat-Komplex enthält eine Einheit zur Wechselwirkung mit dem Netz, eine Einheit zur Teilnehmerregistrierung, eine Datenbank, eine Einheit zur Erzeugung von Rundsendungen, eine Statistik-Einheit, eine oder mehrere Einheiten für besondere Anwendungen sowie eine Steuereinheit.

15-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000175046T

15-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000109018T

15-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000184721T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000295212T

15-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000296673T

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Ubiquitous unified player identity tracking system

Номер: US20120009999A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Systems and method for providing a single sign in a gaming console that associates online activity that is out-of-game/cross game, and/or online activity that is in-game, and/or activity that is offline and in-game with that account. While online, a service tracks activity of gamers and provides usage statistics in a profile. While offline, the game console tracks the player's activity via a mechanism to collect detailed information about a specific player's in-game statistics and accomplishments. The offline activity is cached and uploaded when the console connects to the online service. Players can accumulate achievements offline that are credited towards online activities.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Game system capable of evaluating the correlation of user operation on a game machine with displayed operational information and user operation on another game machine

Номер: US20120015727A1
Принадлежит: Nintendo Co Ltd

In a game played by a plurality of game machines through teamwork, an evaluation is performed according to the correlation among operation information obtained through communications with each of the game machines. A plurality of game machines communicate with one another to establish timing synchronization. After the game, input timings at which buttons are operated during the game are collected and then evaluated so as to determine an absolute and relative timing coincidence in a predetermined period (unison part). A predetermined number of points are added to its game score based on the evaluation.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Minimizing latency in network program through transfer of authority over program assets

Номер: US20120059783A1
Автор: Glenn Fiedler
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC

Authority over an artificial intelligence (AI) asset can be controlled among two or more processing devices running a common program over a network using a technique in which authority can be transferred. A first processing device can exercise authority over the AI asset by executing code that controls one or more actions of the AI asset according to a decision tree. The decision tree can determine whether to engage the program asset based on criteria other than a distance between the AI asset and the program asset. The first processing device can broadcast a state of the AI asset to one or more other devices running the program. If the decision tree determines that the AI asset should engage a program asset over which another processing device has authority the first processing device can relinquish authority over the AI asset and transfer authority to the other device.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Detecting Lag Switch Cheating in Game

Номер: US20120108327A1
Автор: Jake Devore, Vinod Tandon
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC

Detecting lag switch cheating in a gaming network is disclosed. Data packets are received from a client. The data packets have tracking data including at least one of a sequence number and a time stamp. The tracking data is monitored to determine that a cheat-detection event has occurred.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Extended and editable gamer profile

Номер: US20120116553A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A user profile for an online gaming service is created. The user profile contains user gaming information received from a first location. The user profile is stored in a database, and the user is permitted to access the user profile from a second location.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Methodology for equalizing systemic latencies in television reception in connection with games of skill played in connection with live television programming

Номер: US20120157178A1
Принадлежит: Winview Inc

A method of and system for handling latency issues encountered in producing real-time entertainment such as games of skill synchronized with live or taped televised events is described herein. There are multiple situations that are dealt with regarding latencies in receiving a television signal with respect to real-time entertainment based on the unfolding games played along with the telecasts. Systemic delays, arbitrarily imposed delays of a broadcast signal and variances in the precise broadcast times of taped television programs have to be equalized so as to provide fair entertainment.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Information Processing Apparatus

Номер: US20120190445A1
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

At least application programs and display files used to generate display images associated with the applications are recorded in a cartridge-type game recording medium. A storage is a built-in type recording medium. When the game recording medium is loaded in a drive, an installer processing unit acquires the display files from the game recording medium and installs the acquired display files in the storage. A board image generating unit generates a board image using the display file installed.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Systems, Methods, And Computer Readable Media For Providing Information Related To Virtual Environments To Wireless Devices

Номер: US20120196576A1

Methods, systems, and computer-readable media are disclosed for providing information related to virtual environments. One such method includes receiving user input identifying an event related to the virtual environment for which a notification is to be provided to a mobile wireless communication device. User input is also received identifying an output to be provided by the mobile wireless communication device in response to receipt of the notification. A determination is then made that the event related to the virtual environment has occurred. In response to determining that the event occurred, the mobile wireless communication device is provided with the notification, and the output identified by the user input is provided by the mobile wireless communication device.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Communication hub for video game development systems

Номер: US20120196687A1
Принадлежит: Disney Enterprises Inc

A video game development system for enhancing communications between development tools and video game platforms or running games. The system includes a communications hub module running on a computer or server and communicatively linked with first and second video game platforms to allow the communications hub module to forward messages to and receive messages from the game platforms. Memory accessible by the communications hub module stores communication data sets or libraries controlling communications with the game platforms. A video game development tool is provided in the system and is communicatively linked with the communications hub module. The development tool transmits messages formatted based on a client-side communications library defining communications with the hub module. The hub module receives the transmitted messages, generates game platform messages from the received messages based on the platform communication libraries, and forwards the game platform messages to the first and second video game platforms.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Information processing device and information processing method

Номер: US20120198185A1
Автор: Keiichi Aoki
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

A newer generation game terminal according to one embodiment of the present invention is provided with a storage access control unit. The storage access control unit accesses a newer generation storage according to a request for access from an AP designed to execute a synchronization process on the assumption of a speed of access to an older generation storage. The storage access control unit estimates time required to access the older generation storage in accordance with an evaluation function for calculating the required time. The storage access control unit executes an adjustment process to fill time gap between record time required to access the newer generation storage and time estimated to be required for access.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Automatic player information generation for interactive entertainment

Номер: US20120202602A1
Автор: Brian D. Buhr
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC

Automatic player profile generation may be implemented for an interactive online game in which one or more players interact via one or more client devices connected to a server device via a network. Information relating to game activity may be collected for the one or more players during one or more game sessions with the server device. One or more player statistics relevant to the game activity may be calculated for each of the one or more players during the game session based on the information relating to game activity with the server device. A player profile may be generated for each of the one or more players with the server. Each player profile may include the one or more player statistics for a corresponding one of the one or more players.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Portable electronic device

Номер: US20120252577A1
Автор: David Webster
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable electronic device including: a memory for storing information including gaming information and location information; a display for displaying at least a portion of the information stored on the memory; a first data interface for communicating with a storage server and for transmitting gaming information to and receiving gaming information from the storage server; a second data interface for communicating with at least one other adjacent portable electronic device and for transmitting location information to and receiving location information from the at least one other portable electronic device wherein the information displayed on the display is dependent at least in part on the location information.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Metrics-based gaming operations

Номер: US20120283021A1
Автор: Joseph Riego
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC

Methods and systems for metrics-based gaming operations are provided. Information concerning game play for each play may be received and stored. Such information may be used to generate certain metrics. The generated metrics, in turn, may be used to determine how to customize a game operation. Such game operations may include providing training to a player, matching a player up with another player or with a team, adjusting a game event, etc.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Conditional Access System and Method

Номер: US20120304309A1
Принадлежит: Scientific Games Holdings Ltd

The present invention relates to methods of and systems for providing conditional access to electronic content. Electronic content is provided to a user along with authorization information. The electronic content may be transmitted to the user, and the user may use the authorization information to access the electronic content. An authorization code may be provided to the user such that the user may be granted access to the content based on a comparison of the provided authorization code and a second authorization code transmitted with the electronic content, and transmission of the second authorization code may be controlled by a content provider to control access by the user.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Friend recommendation system based on an active social network

Номер: US20130005478A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Social network information of a player of a computer-implemented game is accessed to identify active players from the social network information. The active players each have a minimum number of reciprocated communications with the player within a time range. A recommendation of players is generated to the player based on the identified active players.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072271A1
Принадлежит: WINVIEW, INC.

A method of and system for handling latency issues encountered in producing real-time entertainment such as games of skill synchronized with live or taped televised events is described herein. There are multiple situations that are dealt with regarding latencies in receiving a television signal with respect to real-time entertainment based on the unfolding games played along with the telecasts. Systemic delays, arbitrarily imposed delays of a broadcast signal and variances in the precise broadcast times of taped television programs have to be equalized so as to provide fair entertainment. 131-. (canceled)32. A network of devices comprising:a. a plurality of mobile devices; andb. a server coupled to the mobile devices wherein the server groups the plurality of mobile devices into a set of cohorts and wherein the server sends a lockout signal at an appropriate time based on an amount of delay to prevent users from submitting a response to a game of skill or chance based on a broadcast.33. The network of devices as claimed in wherein each cohort within the set of cohorts is based on a signal reception path.34. The network of devices as claimed in wherein the signal reception path is selected from the group consisting of an over the air network claim 32 , a cable network and a satellite network.35. The network of devices as claimed in wherein the server stores game control data and transfers the game control data to each mobile device within the plurality of mobile devices.36. The network of devices as claimed in wherein the game control data is specific for each cohort within the set of cohorts.37. The network of devices as claimed in wherein the game control data includes delay information for equalizing the lockout signal.38. The network of devices as claimed in wherein the amount of delay accounts for delays within a television signal reception path.39. The network of devices of wherein the broadcast comprises commercials.40. The network of devices of wherein ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for exchanging npc data between computer devices

Номер: US20130072296A1
Принадлежит: Namco Bandai Games Inc

A special enemy character appears in a game world when a given appearance condition has been satisfied in a node (game device). When a game status relating to the special enemy character has satisfied a given game world-to-game world transfer condition (e.g., when the special enemy character has been severely damaged), the node transmits current character data of the special enemy character to another node (another game device), and deletes the special enemy character from the game world. When the appearance condition has been satisfied in the other node, the special enemy character appears in the game world generated by the other node while maintaining the state before transfer.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072309A1
Принадлежит: TOVIS CO., LTD.

A game machine includes: a cable capable of transmitting electric power and data signal; one or more function modules which are connected to the cable and are configured to perform a predetermined function respectively; and a main controller which generates data signal for controlling the function modules and transmits the generated data signal and electric power supplied from outside to the function modules via the cable. Since data signal such as image signal or audio signal and electric power are combined and are then transmitted via one cable, the data signal wiring and the electric power wiring between the main controller and the function module of a game machine can be unified as one, so wiring can be simplified. Accordingly, manufacturing and maintenance become easy and cost for the same can also be saved. 1. A game machine comprising:a cable capable of transmitting electric power and data signal;one or more function modules which are connected to the cable and are configured to perform a predetermined function respectively; anda main controller which generates data signals for controlling the function modules and transmits the generated data signal and electric power supplied from outside to the function modules via the cable.2. The game machine of claim 1 , wherein the main controller comprises a signal encoder which encodes the generated data signal into a type of being transmittable via the cable claim 1 , an electric power supplier which receives electric power from the outside claim 1 , and a first transform circuit which composes the data signal and the electric power to produce a composed signal claim 1 ,and wherein the respective function module comprises a second transform circuit which decomposes the composed signal received via the cable into the data signal and the electric power, and a signal decoder which decodes the decomposed data signal.3. The game machine of claim 2 , wherein the cable is a LAN cable claim 2 , and wherein the signal encoder ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079072A1
Принадлежит: IGT

In an embodiment, a gaming system includes a plurality of gaming devices and a controller configured to communicate with the gaming devices. The gaming system enables a plurality of players to play an interactive game in a non-competitive mode and in a competitive mode. If at least two players play the interactive game in the competitive mode, for a competitive wagering event, which includes a competition between two players, the gaming system determines a winning player and a losing player. The gaming system causes the winning player to contribute a winning player portion toward a wager associated with the competitive wagering event and causes the losing player to contribute a losing player portion toward the wager associated with the competitive wagering event. The losing player portion is less than the winning player portion. The gaming system randomly determines and provides any awards to the winning player based on the wager. 1. A gaming system comprising:a controller configured to operate with a plurality of gaming devices to:(a) enable each of a plurality of players to play an interactive game in a non-competitive mode; and(b) enable each of the players to play the interactive game in a competitive mode; (i) determine a winning player of the competitive event;', '(ii) determine a losing player of the competitive event;', '(iii) cause the winning player to have a greater quantity of sections of a wheel than the losing player;', '(iv) display an indication of the winning player sections of the wheel and the losing player sections of the wheel;', '(v) randomly select one of the sections of the wheel;', '(vi) if the selected section of the wheel is one of the winning player sections of the wheel, provide any determined award to the winning player; and', '(vii) if the selected section of the wheel is one of the losing player sections of the wheel, provide any determined award to the losing player., '(c) if a designated number of at least two of the players are ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079076A1
Принадлежит: IGT

In an embodiment, a gaming system includes a plurality of gaming devices and a controller configured to communicate with the gaming devices. The gaming system enables a plurality of players to play an interactive game in a non-competitive mode and in a competitive mode. If at least two players play the interactive game in the competitive mode, for a competitive wagering event, which includes a competition between two players, the gaming system determines a winning player and a losing player. The gaming system causes the winning player to contribute a winning player portion toward a wager associated with the competitive wagering event and causes the losing player to contribute a losing player portion toward the wager associated with the competitive wagering event. The losing player portion is less than the winning player portion. The gaming system randomly determines and provides any awards to the winning player based on the wager. 1. A gaming system comprising:a controller configured to operate with a plurality of gaming devices to enable each of a plurality of teams to participate in a play of an interactive game in a competitive mode and, for the play of the interactive game, to:(a) display the play of the interactive game;(b) determine a winning team of the play of the interactive game;(c) determine a losing team of the play of the interactive game;(d) cause the winning team to contribute a winning team portion toward a wager associated with the play of the interactive game, the winning team portion being greater than zero;(e) cause the losing team to contribute a losing team portion toward the wager associated with the play of the interactive game, the losing team portion being greater than zero, the losing team portion being less than the winning team portion;(f) randomly determine any award resulting from the play of the interactive game based in part on the wager; and(g) provide any determined award to the winning team.2. The gaming system of claim 1 , ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Methodology for equalizing systemic latencies in television reception in connection with games of skill played in connection with live television programming

Номер: US20130079081A1
Принадлежит: Winview Inc

A method of and system for handling latency issues encountered in producing real-time entertainment such as games of skill synchronized with live or taped televised events is described herein. There are multiple situations that are dealt with regarding latencies in receiving a television signal with respect to real-time entertainment based on the unfolding games played along with the telecasts. Systemic delays, arbitrarily imposed delays of a broadcast signal and variances in the precise broadcast times of taped television programs have to be equalized so as to provide fair entertainment.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079092A1
Принадлежит: WINVIEW, INC.

A method of and system for handling latency issues encountered in producing real-time entertainment such as games of skill synchronized with live or taped televised events is described herein. There are multiple situations that are dealt with regarding latencies in receiving a television signal with respect to real-time entertainment based on the unfolding games played along with the telecasts. Systemic delays, arbitrarily imposed delays of a broadcast signal and variances in the precise broadcast times of taped television programs have to be equalized so as to provide fair entertainment. 19-. (canceled)10. A method of preventing a first set of participants of a game of skill or chance at a live event from having an advantage over a second set of participants of the game of skill or chance watching the live event on television comprising:a. determining a cellular site that serves a set of cellular phones at a venue site;b. determining the set of cellular phones that are utilizing the cellular site of the venue site;c. determining a subset of cellular phones within the set of cellular phones that are located within the venue site; andd. generating separate groups of competitions based on the subset of cellular phones within the set of cellular phones that are located within the venue site.11. The method as claimed in wherein a first group within the separate groups of competitions includes only the first set of participants and a second group within the separate groups of competitions includes only the second set of participants.12. The method as claimed in wherein an application on a server determines the cellular site claim 10 , the set of cellular phones utilizing the cellular site and the subset of cellular phones located within the venue site.13. The method as claimed in wherein an application on each cellular phone within the subset of cellular phones determines if the cellular phone is located within the venue site.1438-. (canceled)39. The method of wherein ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079120A1
Принадлежит: IGT

The invention allows a casino, or other entity, via a game machine, to provide relevant information at appropriate times, and/or in response to appropriate events, to players using the game machine. A dynamic and flexible system adapted to interact with players on an individual basis by aiding in the management, determination, distribution, and delivery of promotional, inspirational, instructive, informational, communicative, incentive, and other types of messages, is provided. Various methods are provided to ensure that receiving messages at a game machine enhances a player's overall gaming experience by selectively outputting helpful and desirable messages to players while minimizing interference with the players' gaming and to avoid overwhelming players with unsolicited, unwanted, and/or irrelevant messages. 1. A gaming system comprising:at least one output device;at least one input device;at least one processor; and (a) identify a player placing at as one wager on at least one play of a game,', '(b) track information associated with the identified player,', (i) determine, based at least in part on the first set of tracked information, a first message, and', '(ii) output the determined first message to the identified player, and, '(c) if a first set of information associated with the identified player is tracked and a message trigger condition occurs in association with the identified player, (i) determine, based at least in part on the second set of tracked information, a second, different message, and', '(ii) output the determined second message to the identified player., '(d) if a second, different set of information associated with the identified player is tracked and the message trigger condition occurs in association with the identified player], 'at least one memory device which stores a plurality of instructions, which when executed by the at least one processor, cause the at least one processor to operate with the at least one output device and the at ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079134A1
Принадлежит: IGT

The invention allows a casino, or other entity, via a game machine, to provide relevant information at appropriate times, and/or in response to appropriate events, to players using the game machine. A dynamic and flexible system adapted to interact with players on an individual basis by aiding in the management, determination, distribution, and delivery of promotional, inspirational, instructive, informational, communicative, incentive, and other types of messages, is provided. Various methods are provided to ensure that receiving messages at a game machine enhances a player's overall gaming experience by selectively outputting helpful and desirable messages to players while minimizing interference with the players' gaming and to avoid overwhelming players with unsolicited, unwanted, and/or irrelevant messages. 1. A promotion server system in a casino gaming network , the casino gaming network including a plurality of gaming devices , the promotion server system comprising:at least one CPU;memory; andat least one interface for communicating with other devices in the gaming network; identify one or more game play parameters available for game play at a first gaming device in the casino gaming network, the one or more game play parameters including a first game play parameter selected from a group of game play parameters consisting of: a game theme, a game type, a paytable, and a denomination;', 'identify a plurality of promotions that are available for the identified one or more game play parameters;', 'select, from the identified plurality of promotions, a first promotion that is available for the first game play parameter; and', 'transmit instructions to the first gaming device on the casino gaming network to display a first promotional offer relating to the identified first promotion on an externally-controlled interface on the first gaming device generated using one or more externally-controlled processes that are decoupled from the processes used to generate a ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Methodology for equalizing systemic latencies in television reception in connection with games of skill played in connection with live television programming

Номер: US20130079135A1
Принадлежит: Winview Inc

A method of and system for handling latency issues encountered in producing real-time entertainment such as games of skill synchronized with live or taped televised events is described herein. There are multiple situations that are dealt with regarding latencies in receiving a television signal with respect to real-time entertainment based on the unfolding games played along with the telecasts. Systemic delays, arbitrarily imposed delays of a broadcast signal and variances in the precise broadcast times of taped television programs have to be equalized so as to provide fair entertainment.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Methodology for equalizing systemic latencies in television reception in connection with games of skill played in connection with live television programming

Номер: US20130079151A1
Принадлежит: Winview Inc

A method of and system for handling latency issues encountered in producing real-time entertainment such as games of skill synchronized with live or taped televised events is described herein. There are multiple situations that are dealt with regarding latencies in receiving a television signal with respect to real-time entertainment based on the unfolding games played along with the telecasts. Systemic delays, arbitrarily imposed delays of a broadcast signal and variances in the precise broadcast times of taped television programs have to be equalized so as to provide fair entertainment.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Gaming assistance system and method

Номер: US20130084985A1
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd

A method of assisting a first player of a videogame is provided. The method includes making a game state of the first player accessible to a second player. The game state describes a state of the videogame as played by the first player. The method also includes executing the videogame for the second player using the game state of the first player to define the initial state of the videogame for the second player, allowing the second player to play the videogame based upon the game state of the first player until a first predetermined criterion is met, and providing to the first player data for updating their game state in response to the play of the second player.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102395A1
Принадлежит: CLEVERSAFE, INC.

Game data is received at a dispersed storage processing unit, the game data associated with at least one of a plurality of user devices. The game data is stored in a cache memory associated with the dispersed storage processing unit. Dispersed storage metadata associated with the cached game data is generated. A data block is generated based on the cached game data and further based on the dispersed storage metadata. The data block is stored in a dispersed storage network. 1. A method for use in conjunction with a dispersed storage processing unit coupled to a data network , the method comprising:receiving game data at the dispersed storage processing unit, the game data associated with a game being played in association with at least one of a plurality of user devices;storing the game data in a cache memory associated with the dispersed storage processing unit;generating dispersed storage metadata associated with the cached game data;generating a data block based on the cached game data and further based on the dispersed storage metadata;storing the data block in a plurality of storage devices at a corresponding plurality of different locations of a dispersed storage network.2. The method of further comprising:determining when to generate the data block.3. The method of further comprising:updating a remaining cache capacity associated with the cache;wherein the determination of when to generate the data block is based on the remaining cache capacity.4. The method of wherein the determination of when to generate the data block is based on expiration of a time out period.5. The method of further comprising:analyzing the game data to identify a game event;wherein the determination of when to generate the data block is triggered by the game event.6. The method of further comprising:determining a plurality of dispersed storage units for use in storing the data block;wherein storing the data block in the dispersed storage network includes storing slices formed from the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Technique for Providing a Virtual Digital Video Recorder Service Through a Communications Network

Номер: US20130104176A1

In response to a request initiated by a user at a user terminal, selected entertainment programming content, when broadcast, is recorded at a location remote from the user terminal. The request is communicated through a communications network, e.g., cable TV network, which is also used for transmission of entertainment programming content to user terminals. The recorded programming content is stored in a storage space at the remote location, which is allocated to the user terminal. In response to a review request from the user terminal, the recorded programming content is retrieved from the storage space allocated thereto, and transmitted to the user terminal through the communications network. The presentation of the recorded programming content may be manipulated by the user to perform rewinding, pausing and fast-forwarding thereon. 1. A system to provide programming content to users of a network , comprising: 'receive programming content;', 'a first interface configured to 'at least one respective storage location assigned exclusively to each of a plurality of users, the storage device being located remotely from a premise of the respective users; and', 'a storage device comprising cause at least some of the received programming content to be stored in one of the at least one respective storage locations assigned to a user;', 'retrieve at least some of the stored programming content from the at least one storage location; and', 'provide the retrieved programming content to a user device, via a network., 'at least one processor configured to2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising: 'receive from the user device a request to store the at least some of the programming content;', 'a second interface configured to 'cause the requested programming content to be stored in the respective storage location.', 'wherein the at least one processor is configured to3. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the network includes a cable TV network.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111517A1
Принадлежит: Time Warner Cable Enterprises, LLC

A system and method for determining entitlement to content residing on a server. A subscriber account with a multi-channel video program distributor (MVPD) includes subscription information indicative of the services provided by the MVPD to the subscriber. A computing device operated by the subscriber sends a request for access to content controlled by the MVPD. The request is received by the MVPD and forwarded to an entitlements server. The entitlement server sends an access granted message to the MVPD when the subscriber is entitled to receive the requested content. The IP address of the subscriber computing device is used to determine whether the computing device is connected to the network via a network access device authorized by the MVPD. The “on-net” or “off-net” status of the computing device may be used to determine whether the subscriber receives the requested content and/or a quality of service level applied to the content. 1. A method for determining entitlement to content residing on a server comprising:associating a subscriber identifier with an account of a subscriber with a multi-channel video program distributor (MVPD), wherein the subscriber account with the MVPD comprises a subscription level indicative of services provided by the MVPD to the subscriber;receiving at an MVPD server via a network a request from a subscriber computing device operated by the subscriber for access to a requested content provided by the MVPD, wherein the request comprises an IP address of the subscriber computing device;determining from the IP address of the subscriber computing device whether the subscriber computing device is connected to the network via a network access device authorized by the MVPD; and forwarding the content request and the subscriber identifier from the MVPD server to an entitlements server;', "determining by the entitlements server using the subscriber identifier the subscription level of the subscriber associated with the subscriber's account ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116044A1
Автор: Schwartz Lawrence

The present disclosure relates to computer-implemented methods, computer-readable media, and computer systems for providing a location-aware, trivia-based, massively-multiplayer online game and contest. One computer-implemented method includes authenticating a user for access to an asynchronous, turn-based, massively-multiplayer online game (MMOG) with user account log-in information received from a client computing apparatus following direction to the MMOG from a MMOG source, determining that the MMOG source is classified as premier, transmitting premium content associated with the MMOG source to the client computing apparatus, prompting to purchase a premium user experience, receiving an indication to purchase the premium user experience, and transitioning to a mini-store to permit purchase of the premium user experience. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:authenticating a user for access to an asynchronous, turn-based, massively-multiplayer online game (MMOG) with user account log-in information received from a client computing apparatus following direction to the MMOG from a MMOG source;determining that the MMOG source is classified as premier;transmitting premium content associated with the MMOG source to the client computing apparatus;prompting to purchase a premium user experience;receiving an indication to purchase the premium user experience; andtransitioning to a mini-store to permit purchase of the premium user experience.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MMOG source is at least one of a demographic value claim 1 , a date claim 1 , a time claim 1 , a location claim 1 , an organization claim 1 , a political event claim 1 , a sporting event claim 1 , a hyperlink claim 1 , or a social media posting.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a premium user experience is presented on the client computing apparatus using the transmitted premium content.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the premium user experience includes at least one of enhanced ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Game apparatus

Номер: US20130123000A1
Принадлежит: Konami Digital Entertainment Co Ltd

A game apparatus has an operation unit and a radio communication unit for performing radio communication with the outside and a connection unit that establishes a connection with an external terminal device via the radio communication unit, and stores the number of credits in association with a player ID obtained and also stores this player ID in association with a terminal ID of the external terminal device for which the connection has been established by the connection unit. Also, the game apparatus controls a first game that advances based on an operation of the operation unit while consuming credit corresponding to a player ID and a second game that advances while consuming credit corresponding to a player ID that is associated with the terminal ID of the external terminal device for which the connection has been established by the connection unit so that the first game and the second game advance simultaneously. The game apparatus reduces the number of credits corresponding to the player ID depending on credit consumed respectively in the first and the second game.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123008A1

Provided are a method and system for detecting a bot in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) online and in real time. By analyzing a communication pattern between a client and a server, the bot is detected based on parameters such as data length, inter-arrival time and data length auto correlation. Tests using respective parameters are combined to construct a global decision scheme, and thus more accurate detection results can be obtained. An integrated anti-bot defense system can be built by combining other tests such as a Turing test. 12-. (canceled)3. A method for detecting a bot in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) , the method comprising:{'b': '1', 'counting the number of packets having an inter-arrival time over a first threshold (itthr) among consecutive packets inputted from a user within a window having a predetermined size;'}{'b': '2', 'counting the number of packets having the inter-arrival time over a second threshold (itthr) among the consecutive packets; and'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'determining the user as a bot when the number of packets having the inter-arrival time over the first threshold (itthr) is less than a third threshold (itrt), or a ratio of the number of packets having the inter-arrival time over the second threshold (itthr) and the number of packets having the inter-arrival time over the first threshold (itthr) is more than a fourth threshold (itrt).'}4. A method for detecting a bot in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) , the method comprising:{'b': '1', 'counting the number of packets having a data length over a first threshold (dlthr) among consecutive packets inputted from a user within a window having a predetermined size;'}{'b': '2', 'counting the number of packets having the data length over a second threshold (dlthr) among the consecutive packets; and'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '2, 'determining the user as a bot when the number of packets having the data length over the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123012A1
Принадлежит: Bally Gaming, Inc.

An embedded user interface is equipped with a touch screen and audio device to operate as a user interface (UI) terminal to provide a gaming machine with the capability of executing applications from one or more web servers, and local applications executing in the gaming machine, simultaneously. The user interface includes a touch controlled browser rendering information from the gaming machine and interconnected web servers, providing the user with game data, local player session data, and back-end casino management data in a single interface. 1. A gaming machine including a gaming presentation , a gaming processor , and an embedded user interface , the embedded user interface comprising:a display screen, wherein the display screen presents web content data to a user via the display screen;a dictionary component, wherein the dictionary component translates a text data message directed to be displayed to a player upon a display screen into an XML, HTML, or DHTML enhanced player message directed to be displayed to the player upon the display screen; andan embedded processor that employs an internal operating system and communicates with the gaming processor and two or more servers, wherein the embedded processor reads an incoming text data message directed to be displayed to the player upon the display screen and calls the dictionary component that enables display of the translated XML, HTML, or DHTML enhanced player message directed to be displayed to the player upon the display screen, and wherein the embedded processor and the two or more servers direct content to the display screen.2. The user interface of claim 1 , wherein the embedded processor communicates with the gaming processor over an IC bus.3. The user interface of claim 1 , wherein the display screen is a color graphic touch screen display.4. The user interface of claim 1 , wherein the embedded processor is at least a 32-bit processor.5. The user interface of claim 1 , wherein the internal operating ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123016A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

An exemplary information-processing device includes: a first receiving unit configured to receive plural categories for each of which a search condition is set, from a configuration device via a network; a first display control unit configured to control a display unit to display the received plural categories; a selecting unit configured to select one category from among the received plural categories; a transmitting unit configured to transmit to a search device a search condition that is set for the selected category; a second receiving unit configured to receive from the search device via the network a search result obtained using the transmitted search condition; and a second display control unit configured to control the display unit to display a content corresponding to the selected category, based on the received search result. 1. An information-processing device comprising:a first receiving unit configured to receive a plurality of categories for each of which a search condition is set, from a configuration device via a network;a first display control unit configured to control a display unit to display the received plurality of categories;a selecting unit configured to select one category from among the received plurality of categories;a transmitting unit configured to transmit to a search device a search condition that is set for the selected category;a second receiving unit configured to receive from the search device via the network a search result obtained using the transmitted search condition; anda second display control unit configured to control the display unit to display a content corresponding to the selected category, based on the received search result.2. The information-processing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe selecting unit is further configured to select the one category based on an input by a user via an input unit.3. The information-processing device according to claim 1 , whereinlocations on the display unit are set for the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123019A1

A computer-implemented system and method are described for managing audio chat for an online video game or application. For example, a system according to one embodiment comprises: an online video game or application execution engine to execute an online video game or application in response to input from one or more users of the video game or application and to responsively generate audio and video of the video game or application; and a chat subsystem to establish audio chat sessions with the one or more users and one or more spectators to the video game or application, the chat subsystem establishing a plurality of audio chat channels including a spectator channel over which the spectators participate in audio chat and a user channel over which the users participate in audio chat. 1. A system for managing audio chat sessions for online video games or applications comprising:an online video game or application execution engine to execute an online video game or application in response to input from one or more users of the video game or application and to responsively generate audio and video of the video game or application; anda chat subsystem to establish audio chat sessions with the one or more users and one or more spectators to the video game or application, the chat subsystem establishing a plurality of audio chat channels including a spectator channel over which the spectators participate in audio chat and a user channel over which the users participate in audio chat.2. The system as in wherein one or more spectators and users of the video game or application may join the spectator channel to participate in audio chat over the spectator channel and wherein users may join the user channel to participate in audio chat with other users over the user channel.3. The system as in wherein a first user channel is established for a first team of users playing the video game or application and a second user channel is established for a second team of users playing ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123020A1
Принадлежит: WETPAINT.COM, INC.

Embodiments are directed towards dynamically managing contextual recommendations that can fee employed with content when provided to a channel. A test for a variable having at least two outcomes may be determined to be employed with selected-content. Each outcome may correspond to a different contextual recommendation. An outcome to employ with the content may be randomly determined/selected such that each of the outcomes of the test is selected a substantially similar number of times. The content may be modified and/or provided to the channel based on contextual recommendations that correspond to the determined outcome. Actions associated with a plurality of content may be monitored and/or analyzed to determine metrics for each outcome of a test A comparison of the metrics for each outcome may be utilized to determine a preferred outcome for the test. 1. A method for providing content to a plurality of users over a network , wherein at least one network device performs actions , comprising:selecting a plurality of content to be provided to the plurality of users through a channel for distribution of content;determining a test for a variable having at least two outcomes, wherein each outcome corresponds to a different contextual recommendation to employ with a piece of content;determining one of the at least two outcomes to employ with each piece of the selected content; andproviding each piece of the selected content to the channel based on the contextual recommendation corresponding to the determined outcome.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a first metric for a first outcome of the at least two outcomes based on actions performed on a subset of the plurality of content that employed the first outcome;determining a second metric for a second outcome of the at least two outcomes based on actions performed on another subset of the plurality of content that employed the second outcome; andif a result of a comparison of the first metric and the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130794A1

Provided is a user interface having improved usability when, in a period in which information relating to a state of a game which is being executed by a game device is being distributed to another game device, users exchange messages regarding the game being distributed. The game device executes a game application, distributes the information relating to the state of the game being executed to the another game device, receives from a distribution-destination game device a message input by the user of the distribution-destination game device regarding the distributed information, and controls display means to display a game image representing the state of the game along with the received message. 124.-. (canceled)25. A game device , which controls a display unit to display a motion image representing a content of play of a game by another user , comprising:a selection condition acquisition unit that acquires selection condition information for selecting a motion image subject to display;a selection unit that selects, out of a plurality of candidate motion images each representing the content of play of the game by another user and being associated with attribute information, a motion image to which attribute information corresponding to the selection condition information is associated, as the motion image subject to display; anda display control unit that receives the selected motion image from a distribution source device, and controls the display unit to display the selected motion image.26. The game device according to claim 25 , further comprising a message reception unit that receives a message including information for identifying a transmitting user claim 25 ,wherein the selection condition acquisition unit acquires the information for identifying the transmitting user included in the received message, as the selection condition information.27. The game device according to claim 25 , further comprising a game execution unit executes a game application claim ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137522A1

In the present invention, a game system includes a game program storage unit, a group information management unit, a play history storage unit, and a group information update unit. The game program storage unit stores a game program for executing a game to be provided to a plurality of terminal devices. The group information management unit stores player identification information identifying each of a plurality of players of the game and group identification information identifying a group which includes the player, in association with each other. The play history storage unit stores a play history of each of the plurality of players for the game. The group information update unit changes an association stored in the group information management unit between player identification information identifying a first player among the plurality of players and group identification information, at least partially in accordance with the play history of the first player. 1. A game system comprising:a game program storage unit that stores a game program for executing a game to be provided to a plurality of terminal devices;a group information management unit that stores player identification information and group identification information in association with each other, the player identification information identifying each of a plurality of players of the game, the group identification information identifying a group which includes the player;a play history storage unit that stores a play history of each of the plurality of players for the game; anda group information update unit that changes an association stored in the group information management unit between player identification information identifying a first player among the plurality of players and group identification information identifying a group which includes the first player, at least partially in accordance with the play history of the first player.2. The game system according to claim 1 , whereinthe play ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Playing and Managing Virtual Activities Via User Devices

Номер: US20130157736A1

Generally, systems and methods for playing and managing electronic games via a mobile device. According to one aspect, users can be located at geographically distributed activity centers (e.g., bowling alleys, golf courses, etc.). Further aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to engaging in challenges with other mobile device users via a mobile software application, wherein the challenges are based on live, in-person activities. Specifically, a user of an embodiment of the present system is able to link scores, statistics, and other information corresponding to an in-person activity (or game) to a virtual environment, thus enabling the user to “play” against another user (often in a separate geographical location) based on the other user's actual, in-person activity. 1. In a virtual activity management computer system (VAMS) , wherein the VAMS includes a VAMS management server wirelessly connected to one or more edge servers located at one or more corresponding activity centers , and wherein the one or more edge servers are operatively coupled to one or more electronic scoring systems affiliated with the one or more activity centers , wherein one or more users physically perform one or more activities at the one or more activity centers , a method for enabling virtual activity challenges , comprising the steps of:receiving a request from a user at the VAMS management server relating to initiation of an electronic activity challenge corresponding to a physical activity being performed by the user at a particular activity center, wherein the request is transmitted to the VAMS management computer system by an electronic device of the user;retrieving one or more predefined rules that define criteria of the electronic activity challenge initiated by the user;receiving and storing activity information at the VAMS management server corresponding to the physical activity being performed by the user at the particular activity center, wherein the activity ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Casino Game Download System and Method of Use

Номер: US20130157766A1

Certain embodiments provide systems and methods for multi-tiered gaming data download. The system includes a gaming device for local play of a game. The gaming device includes a communication interface receiving and transmitting data to download a game for play at the gaming device. The system also includes a plurality of download servers communicating with the gaming device to provide game data for download to and play at the gaming device. The system further includes a middle tier server acting as a hub to communicate with the plurality of download servers to provide game data from one or more of the plurality of download servers. The middle tier server allocates download server resources and schedules a download of game data from one or more download servers to the gaming device based on resource constraints at the plurality of download servers and availability for download at the gaming device. 1. A system for game download , said system comprising:a gaming terminal for local play of a game, said gaming terminal including a communication interface receiving and transmitting data to download a game for play at said gaming terminal;one or more download servers communicating with said gaming terminal to provide game data for download to said gaming terminal for local play at said gaming terminal; anda middle tier server acting as a hub to communicate with said one or more download servers to provide game data to said gaming terminal from said one or more download servers and provide data from at least one of a database server and a user interface server, said middle tier server scheduling a download of game data from at least one of said one or more download servers to said gaming terminal.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising the database server and the user interface server.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein download of data from said one or more download server to said gaming terminal is scheduled as a function of at least one of available bandwidth ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Monitoring method and system using collective intelligence and rating propagation in virtual world community

Номер: US20130159069A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method and system for monitoring and judging activities in a virtual world environment are disclosed. The method comprises a first user engaging in an activity in the virtual world environment, a witness witnessing the first activity and reporting the activity to a monitor as possibly malicious, and the monitor organizing a jury comprised of a plurality of jurors. The jurors view and judge the activity in the virtual world environment; and on the basis of this judging, defined benefits in the virtual world environment are awarded to the witness, monitor and jurors. The method may further comprise penalizing the first user in the virtual world environment. For instance, if the first user has friends in the virtual world environment, the penalizing may include penalizing these friends.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165222A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A management application, or media management application, for managing game software is disclosed. In one embodiment, the media management application can also manage other types of media besides games, such other media can include music, videos, images, audiobooks, and/or podcasts. 119-. (canceled)20. A method for handling media assets , comprising: in a portable media device , acquiring compatibility information for the portable media device;', 'using the compatibility information to determine when one or more of the media assets that are stored on the portable media device are incompatible with the portable media device; and', 'downloading an updated version of the one or more media assets that are stored on the portable media device from a server device, the updated version of the one or more media assets being compatible with the portable media device., 'managing media assets that are stored on the portable media device, the managing comprising21. The method of claim 20 , wherein using the compatibility information to determine when one or more of the media assets that are stored on the portable media device are incompatible with the portable media device comprises: requesting version information for the media asset from the server device;', 'based on the compatibility information, determining a current version of the media asset from the version information; and', 'determining that the media asset is incompatible with the portable media device when a comparison of the current version with a version acquired from the media asset indicates that the server device has an updated version of the media asset., 'in the portable media device, for each of the one or more media assets that are stored on the portable media device22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the compatibility information comprises a model of the portable media device and a hardware platform of the portable media device.23. The method of claim 20 , wherein the media asset is a game that is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165228A1
Принадлежит: Creative Kingdoms, LLC

A wireless input device for playing an interactive motion-sensitive game using a wireless-compatible game console in which a virtual play environment is represented through one or more computer-animated visual, aural or tactile effects is provided wherein game play is conducted by moving, shaking, twisting, waving or pointing the input device in a particular manner. The input device can include motion-sensitive circuitry and/or command circuitry for generating control signals and/or an effects generator and associated control circuitry to enable the input device to selectively generate at least one visual, aural or tactile effect comprising sound, lighting or vibration. The input device can include a wireless transceiver for providing two-way wireless communication with the wireless-compatible game console. An optional display screen displays short text messages received through wireless communications with the wireless-compatible game console. 1. (canceled)2. A portable handheld device for gaming or entertainment having dual transceivers for providing both short- and medium-range wireless communications with one or more wireless-compatible devices , said portable handheld device comprising:a body comprising an internal cavity sized and configured to contain one or more internal power sources and associated circuitry configured to power and operate said portable handheld device;an input interface configured to receive one or more user inputs;a display screen configured to display information;non-volatile memory configured to store at least one unique identifier uniquely identifying said portable handheld device;a first radio frequency (RF) transceiver configured to provide medium-range two-way wireless communication with a medium-range wireless-compatible device over a first wireless communication range of at least 10 feet; anda second RF transceiver configured to provide short-range two-way wireless communication with a short-range wireless-compatible device over a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165238A1

A service that allows users to collect, process and share data about competition and recreational activities. Human, Organization or Robot users using any internet connected device are provided with a single profile where they can view their data, challenge other users and be judged by other users. The service also allows users to add all means they use to compete as Dependent members such as Animals, Plants, Vehicles, Humans, Teams and Tools. The service also provides means for users to create activities with custom data types, formulas and ranking systems as a representation of an existing live or virtual activity or a variation of an existing one. Relationships between users and user roles are automatically assigned based on operations they do. Users can compare two or more elements of the network or just follow any element of the network receiving constant updates about topics of their interest. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:Creating activities with one or more custom sets of data types, rules, formulas and ranking system definitions to mimic a virtual or live activity; or creating activities by using or modifying an existing set of rules, data types, formulas and ranking systems definitions as a template;Adding and maintaining data of all means they use to compete;Participating in competition events, having all data generated in said events on a centralized profile;Sending requests and invitations to events where a predefined set of rules will apply;Challenging one or more users, inviting them to an event that will be certified by an arbiter;Establishing competition based relationships;Accepting one or more arbiter designations to judge one or more events;Sharing data and statistics;Following users, organizations, dependent profiles, events or competition activities; andComparing network elements based on competition data and other sources;2. The method cited in claim 1 , further comprising a Human claim 1 , Organization or Artificial ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172078A1

The present invention integrates the concepts of interactive player based promotions, games, and bonusing that utilize a touch screen display on a gaming system associated with a remote player tracking system. The promotions are configured at a remote configuration workstation by selecting system criteria defining the particular bonus promotion to thereby create a “bonus rule.” Promotions have four primary criteria. The first is the “Trigger” which is the criterion that determines when the bonus screen is activated to display a promotion. The second is the “Interface” that determines what will be displayed on the bonus screen. The third is the “Award” in which the nature of the bonus payment, including the method of choosing the value to award and the required player interaction to receive the promotion, is determined. And finally, the “Currency” system determines the method of payment to the player for earning or receiving the promotion. 1. A method for operating networked gaming machines to remotely configure a bonus game on at least one of the networked gaming machines , at least some of the gaming machines being of a type having a base game display area and a bonus game display area , the method comprising:receiving, by a processor at a configuration station at a location remote from the networked gaming machines, a selection from an operator of the networked gaming machines at least one of a plurality of possible bonus game triggering criteria displayed in a list to thereby define a bonus game triggering criterion related to at least one of a base game and the bonus game, wherein the selected triggering criterion is based at least partially on multiple selected outcomes of the base game and is specific to a particular player playing the base game;receiving, by the processor from the location remote from the networked gaming machines, a selection of at least one of a plurality of possible visual activities displayed in a list for presentation on the bonus game ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172080A1
Автор: Cram Marc

A system of electronic gaming machines, each generating a composite video signal formed from two video signals. One video signal carries game graphics information for generating at least a still graphics display which moves at selected times during play of the game. A second video signal carries video information for generating a moving video display. The two video signals are combined in accordance with key color information, which is carried by the first video signal. The combining is selectively controlled by a central computer. 1. A method of creating amusement with a plurality of electronic gaming machines , each having a video display unit and each interconnected by a network to a central authority , comprising: (i) game graphics information corresponding to an amusement theme, said graphics information generating still graphic images on said display unit in a game area; and', '(ii) key color information identifying a non-game display area on said display unit;, 'generating a first video signal in one of said gaming machines having'}generating a second video signal having video information corresponding to said amusement theme, said video information generating a moving video display on said display unit;generating a composite video signal including responding to said key color information of said first video signal; andinputting said composite video signal to said video display unit, whereby said still graphics images are displayed in said game area of said display unit and said moving video display is displayed in said non-game area.2. A method according to wherein said step of generating a composite video signal includes replacing said key color information of said first video signal with said video information of said second video signal.3. A method according to and further including generating sound at said one of said gaming machines in synchronism with said moving video display displayed in said non-game area.4. A method according to wherein said step ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

System And Method For Facilitating Access To An Online Game Through A Plurality Of Social Networking Platforms

Номер: US20130172085A1
Принадлежит: Kabam Inc

Participation in an online game through a plurality of different social network platforms may be facilitated. This may include enabling an individual user to log in to the online game, which may take place in a virtual space, through a plurality of different social network platforms, thereby extending the accessibility of the online game with respect to the individual user. The online game may be provided to users through different social network platforms such that a first user accessing the online game through a first social network platform may access a common instance of the online game (and/or the virtual space) with a second user accessing the online game through a second social network platform.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178261A1

A method, computer system, and computer program product to assign player-entries in an online card game. The method commences by receiving preference parameters corresponding to a player, then receiving a player command corresponding to the player to fold out of a current hand of a particular game. For alacrity of play and for supporting a large number of concurrently open tables for an online player to play a large number of games, the method proceeds to identify an open table that satisfies player preference parameters, and wherein the open table is an open table (e.g., with fewer player-entries than the open table's capacity). The preferred game and/or the player's preferred seating arrangement can be determined by using a second preference parameter. The method can respond to a fold-out command by the player and can open a new table on the basis of the player's preference parameters. 1. A computer implemented method to assign player-entries in an online card game , the method comprising:receiving, by a computer, two or more preference parameters corresponding to a player-entry of a player;receiving a player command corresponding to the player-entry to fold out of a current hand of a particular game;identifying, by a computer, an open table satisfying to at least one first preference parameter, wherein the open table comprises a table with fewer player-entries than the open table's capacity;assigning the player-entry to the open table using the second of the two or more preference parameters.2. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein receiving the two or more preference parameters corresponding to a player-entry of a player comprises receiving a relative ranking of the two or more preference parameters.3. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising creating at least one new table corresponding to at least one of the first preference parameter claim 1 , the second preference parameter claim 1 , or a third preference parameter.4. ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178262A1

A method, computer system, and computer program product to assign player-entries in an online card game. The method commences by receiving preference parameters corresponding to a player, then receiving a player command corresponding to the player to fold out of a current hand of a particular game. For alacrity of play and for supporting a large number of concurrently open tables for an online player to play a large number of games, the method proceeds to identify an open table that satisfies player preference parameters. The preferred game and/or the player's preferred seating arrangement can be determined by using a second preference parameter. The method can respond to a fold-out command by the player and can open a new table on the basis of the player's preference parameters. 1. A computer implemented method to assign player entries in an online card game , the method comprising:receiving, by a computer, at least one preference parameter corresponding to a player-entry of a player;receiving a fold-out command corresponding to the player-entry to fold out of a current hand of a particular game;determining a table ID of an open table satisfying at least one preference parameter when the open table is not null;determining a table ID of a new table satisfying at least one preference parameter when the open table ID is null; andassigning the player-entry of the player to the determined table ID.2. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein assigning a player-entry of the player to the table ID is further based on a number of players at the table corresponding to the table ID.3. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein at least one preference parameter corresponds to a game type identifier.4. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein at least one preference parameter corresponds to a wagering rule.5. The computer implemented method of claim 1 , wherein at least one preference parameter corresponds to a minimum number of players at the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178277A1
Принадлежит: CFPH, LLC

In accordance with the teachings of the present embodiment, a system and method for wireless gaming with location-dependent gaming functions are provided. In a particular embodiment, the apparatus includes a gaming server; a wireless network at least partially covering a property, the wireless network comprising a plurality of signal detection devices; and a gaming communication device operable to transmit and receive gaming information to and from the gaming server via the wireless network. A location of the gaming communication device on the property is used to alter a game play function, such as a bet option, wager, graphic overlay, permission, or to provide location-dependent advertising or embedded advertising. Based upon the location of the gaming communication device on the property, a predetermined functionality of the gaming communication device may be enabled and/or controlled. 1. A method for wireless gaming , comprising:providing, by a computing device, a wireless gaming terminal having a network interface operable to transmit and receive gaming information;determining, by the computing device, a location of the wireless gaming terminal; andinteracting, by the computing device, with a user to implement a game, wherein game play of the game is dependent on the determined location.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the location determination step employs network based location.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the location determination step employs satellite based location.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wireless network interface communicates in an unlicensed radio frequency band.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wireless network interface communicates in a licensed radio frequency band.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wireless network interface communicates using at least one of an IEEE-802.11x compatible protocol and an IEEE-802.16x compatible protocol.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said user interface comprises a cellular ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178279A1
Принадлежит: Bally Gaming, Inc.

A gaming system is disclosed herein that provides game play in exchange for monetary input per game played. The gaming system includes: a game server, a plurality of game units connected to the game server via a network, and a progressive controller. The progressive controller enables time based progressive gaming in which a progressive award is incremented by time unit. The progressive controller manages the progressive award that is incremented over time at intervals rather than being incremented by coin input. In one embodiment, the time intervals are random. In another embodiment, the incrementing intervals are calculated during the course of a game to produce a dynamic progressive increment rate. In still another embodiment, communication with the game server is only required once at a beginning of a game to downloading an incrementing rate and the progressive award. 1. A gaming system that provides game play over a network , the gaming system comprising:a game server;a plurality of game units connected to the game server via a network; anda progressive controller, wherein the progressive controller enables time based progressive gaming in which a progressive award is incremented by time unit, wherein the progressive controller manages the progressive award that is incremented over time at random intervals rather than being incremented by coin input.2. The gaming system of claim 1 , further comprising a game points controller claim 1 , wherein the game points controller enables game points awarded to a player to be used as currency.3. The gaming system of claim 1 , further comprising an additional processor attached to the game unit claim 1 , wherein the additional processor enables a game process to be implemented in association with the game unit.4. The gaming system of claim 1 , further comprising a credit betting selector claim 1 , wherein the credit betting selector allows a player to bet additional game credits for a game to potentially increase the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Real-Time HD TV/Video IP Streaming to a Game Console

Номер: US20130178282A1

Program code enabling the streaming of HD content in real-time to a game console is stored on a storage medium remote from the game console. The game console executes software that facilitates transfer of the program code from the remote storage medium to the game console. The program code ensures that sufficient bandwidth exists on a network between the game console and a HD tuner, and enables the streaming of HD content in real-time to the game console. 1. A game console comprising:memory;one or more processors; and detect high definition (HD) transmission enablement program code; and', enable the game console to receive high definition transmissions over a home network; and', 'store the high definition (HD) transmissions in the memory., 'load the HD transmission enablement program code to the memory so that once loaded the HD transmission enablement program code is configured to], 'bootloader program code executable by the one or more processors, the bootloader program code configured to2. The game console of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the HD transmission enablement program code or the bootloader program code is configured to:evaluate an adequacy of bandwidth of a home network connected to the game console to convey high definition transmissions;prioritize packets associated with the high definition transmissions above packets associated with other information transmitted to the game console over the home network; andinform a user of one or more network performance issues if the adequacy of the home network is deemed inadequate.3. The game console of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the HD transmission enablement program code or the bootloader program code is configured to prioritize the packets associated with the high definition transmissions via admission control and quality of service (QoS) packet tagging procedures.4. The game console of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the HD transmission enablement program code or the bootloader program code is ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184040A1
Принадлежит: DeNa Co., Ltd.

A server device according to the present invention is a server device that is configured to connect over a network to a plurality of user terminals that are used when users are playing a game, including: a storage section that stores a plurality of sets of replay information used for reproducing play images of the game played by the users with the user terminals; and a control section that, if a replay reproduction request is received from any one of the plurality of user terminals, extracts from the plurality of sets of replay information stored in the storage section a set of replay information conforming to a certain condition that defines a skill level of a user who played the game, the replay reproduction request requesting a reproduction of a play image of the game. 1. A server device to which a plurality of user terminals are connected over a network , the user terminals being used when users are playing a competitive game whose outcome is determined by a battle with an opposing character in a preset game progression unit , comprising: the replay information being used for reproducing play images of the game played by the users with the user to terminals, and', which is performed in the game progression unit, and', 'in which a user defeats the opposing character; and, 'the replay information including information concerning a number of matches'}], 'a storage section that stores a plurality of sets of replay information,'} 'the replay reproduction request requesting a reproduction of a play image of the competitive game.', 'a control section that, if a replay reproduction request is received from any one of the plurality of user terminals, extracts from the plurality of sets of replay information stored in the storage section a set of replay information conforming to a condition that the opposing character is defeated in the matches the number of which is equal to or less than a predetermined number,'}2. A server device to which a plurality of user terminals ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184062A1
Принадлежит: WMS Gaming, Inc.

A wagering game system and its operations are described herein. In some examples, the operations include detecting a side wager placed by a social network user accounts connected to a communal wagering game, detecting that a jurisdictional rule prohibits a characteristic of the side wager, and altering the characteristic of the side wager to comport with the jurisdictional rule. In some examples, the operations can further include determining a request by a first of the social network user accounts to transact an exchange of one or more non-cash items associated with the communal wagering game with a second of the social network user accounts, and transacting the exchange. 1. A method comprising:detecting a side wager placed by one of a plurality of social network user accounts connected to a communal wagering game;detecting that a jurisdictional rule, associated with one or more of the social network user accounts, prohibits a characteristic of the side wager; andaltering the characteristic of the side wager to comport with the jurisdictional rule.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the altering the characteristic of the side wager to comport with the jurisdictional rule comprises changing a cash value of the side wager to a non-cash value.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the side wager is placed against an additional one of the plurality of social network user accounts claim 1 , wherein the detecting that the jurisdictional rule prohibits the characteristic of the side wager comprises detecting that the jurisdictional rule prohibits one or more of the one of the plurality of the social network user accounts and the additional one of the plurality of social network user accounts from making monetary wagers claim 1 , and wherein the altering the characteristic of the side wager to comport with the jurisdictional rule comprises providing a non-monetary wagering alternative for the side wager.4. The method of further comprising detecting the side-wager in response to ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Progressive Jackpot Communication Techniques

Номер: US20130184067A1

A gaming system () includes gaming machine groups (GR -GR ) arranged to receive input data and to generate output progressive jackpot data relating to two or more progressive jackpots. A central database () stores the input data relating to the progressive jackpots. A monitoring computer () includes a local database (). The computer () obtains and temporarily stores the progressive jackpot output data. 1. In a gaming system , a first and second plurality of gaming machines and a progressive jackpot server , a method of processing a plurality of progressive jackpots comprising:controlling the first plurality of gaming machines;controlling the second plurality of gaming machines;generating first progressive jackpot data based at least in part on game play of the first plurality of gaming machines;generating second progressive jackpot data based at least in part on game play of the second plurality of gaming machines, wherein the second progressive jackpot data is different from and coexisting with the first progressive jackpot data;transmitting the first and second progressive jackpot data to the progressive jackpot server; andcalculating a progressive jackpot value based at least in part on the first and second progressive jackpot data, wherein the step of calculating the progressive jackpot value is performed by the progressive jackpot server.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of controlling the first plurality of gaming machines is performed by a first legal entity claim 1 , wherein the step of controlling the second plurality of gaming machines is performed by a second legal entity claim 1 , and wherein the first legal entity comprises a first corporation and the second legal entity comprises a second corporation.3. The method of wherein the step of transmitting the first and second progressive jackpot data is performed at least in part via a network.4. The method of wherein the progressive jackpot server is located at a site remote from the first and ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184068A1
Автор: DAngelo Kenneth

Progressive betting pools are provided. A betting administrator may define a set of competition-based events upon which to wager. For example, a set of six soccer matches that occur during a week may be defined as being available for wagering. Each wager may include specifications as to the winner of each of the selected matches. In some embodiments, the wagering individual may be requested to specify certain tie-breaking metrics (e.g., rank the teams by number of goals), which may be considered in the event of a tie between two or more wagers. The wager may be available for a limited window of time. Following which, the outcomes of the competition-based events may be decided and provided to a server, which determines one or more winners and calculates payouts for the determined winners. 1. A method for progressive betting pools , the method comprising:storing information in memory regarding a plurality of competition-based events, wherein each competition-based event has a plurality of possible outcomes;receiving wagers sent over a communication network from a plurality of client devices, each wager specifying a set of outcomes for a set of competition-based events;receiving information sent over a communication network regarding outcomes of the set of competition-based events; determines one or more winners based on the received outcomes and one or more algorithms for ranking the wagers, and', 'calculates payouts in accordance with the determined winners and ranked wagers; and, 'executing instructions stored in memory, wherein execution of the instructions by a processorsending a notification to each of the winners regarding the outcomes and calculated payouts.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the set of competition-based events is predefined by an administrator.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each wager additionally includes a ranking of participants within the set of competition-based events.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wager additionally includes ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184073A1
Принадлежит: Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.

A game system is provided with a communication mode using communication and a task mode in which a player selects one task from a plurality of tasks (operations), and plays a game with an aim to achieve the task, and operates operation management data so that it is changed by following a predetermined condition whether the status of task is permission or forbiddance. The game system allows the player to select at least one task achieved by the player, and communicates data in association with the game-play of communication mode between the game apparatuses, the data being for permitting the selection of task specified by each player. And, the game system operates the operation management data so that the selection of task corresponding to the data received gets permitted. 1. A game system provided with a communication mode enabling , by using communication among a plurality of game machines , a player of each of the plurality of game apparatuses to play a predetermined game and a task mode enabling a player of each of the game apparatuses to select one of a plurality of tasks and play a game with an aim to achieve the task , the game system comprising:a storage device which stores, with respect to at least one part of the tasks, task management data for identifying for each task whether a status of selection by a player is permission or forbiddance;a task management device adapted and configured to operate the task management data so that the status of selection of task changes between permission and forbiddance by following a predetermined condition;a present target specifying device adapted and configured to allow a player of each of the game apparatuses to specify at least one task from tasks achieved by the player himself/herself as a present target;an information sending device adapted and configured to send to a game machine of a partner of the communication mode, necessary information for permitting the selection in the task mode with respect to the task ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184075A1
Автор: KIM So-young, Oh Hyun-joo
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

According to one embodiment, a content providing system of a terminal in a content providing system, a content server is requested to provide specific content. The specific content and a reward item associated with the specific content are received from the content server. A reward item list representing reward items associated with content having content providers different from each other is generated. The reward item list is displayed. Multiple content are received from a plurality of content providers. A corresponding reward item is determined for each received content. A specific content provide request is received from the terminal. The requested content and a reward item corresponding to the requested content are then transmitted to the terminal. 1. A content providing method comprising:receiving, by a terminal, content and one or more reward items associated with the content from a content server; anddisplaying a reward item list representing the reward items associated with content having content providers that are different from each other.2. The content providing method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing a game playing function that simultaneously uses the reward items associated with content having content providers that are different from each other,wherein the game playing function comprises at least one of position change, size change, color change, rotation angle change of the reward items, text input, voice signal input, dynamic effect application, scene generation, and moving picture generation.3. The content providing method of claim 1 , wherein the reward item list represents the reward items possessed by the content server and not possessed by the terminal.4. The content providing method of claim 3 , wherein the reward item list discriminates and displays one of the reward items possessed by the terminal and another one of the reward items not possessed by the terminal.5. The content providing method of claim 3 , further comprising: ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184080A1

Methods of controlling migration to new version game code during an active game session are disclosed. In an embodiment, new version game code is received at a game server. In response to receipt of a game request from a gaming client at a gaming server, the current version code an active game session is employing is determined. The active gaming session is migrated to the new version code if the new version code is compatible. The migration to be performed is controlled by a reconnect if the new version code contains a new sub-component related to the client. Also, related gaming servers, gaming systems, methods of controlling game code updates in gaming systems, and game version distribution controllers are disclosed. 1. A method of controlling an update of game code in a gaming system comprising:distributing new version game code intended to replace current version code to a set of affected gaming servers, each gaming server arranged such that it may be conducting a game session with at least one gaming client during which portions of the current version game code are executed by the gaming server and the gaming client respectively when the new version code is distributed;permitting continued execution of the current version game code during the distribution step; andcontrolling the gaming system subsequent to completion of distribution of the new version game code to prevent further execution of the current version code in a game session.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the new version code contains a new portion of code relevant to at least one of the gaming server and the gaming client.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the new version code contains new portions of code relevant to both the gaming server and the gaming client.4. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein controlling the gaming system comprises stopping all active gaming sessions between gaming clients and gaming servers.5. A method as claimed in claim 4 , comprising:saving ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184081A1
Автор: Farah Anthony Robert

Described herein are a gaming system, method, computer server, and computer program product that utilise a first gaming table and a predefined number of tokens. The gaming table includes a number of cells that correspond to the number of tokens and each token has an associated value. The tokens are stored in the cells of the gaming table, with one token in each cell, until all of the cells are populated. The gaming system, method, and computer program product of the present disclosure compute a score for a player by utilising the values associated with the tokens. 1. A gaming server comprising:a memory for storing data and a computer program;a processor coupled to said memory for executing said computer program stored in said memory;a first player service module for providing an interface for communication with a first remote computing device;a database storing player information and game information; anda game application forming part of said computer program, said game application including instructions for performing the method steps of:receiving player information from said first remote computing device via said first player service module and storing said player information in said database; anddelivering to said first computing device, via said first player service module, a game involving a first gaming table and a predefined number of first tokens, wherein said first gaming table includes a plurality of cells corresponding to said number of first tokens, each cell of said first gaming table being associated with a unique identifier, and further wherein each of said first tokens has an associated value;controlling population of said first gaming table by storing each of said first tokens in one of said cells of said first gaming table;receiving at least one selection command from said first computing device;revealing to said first computing device, in response to each one of said selection commands from said first computing device, one of said first tokens ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Level Competition / Game, Talent, and Award Show Production Systems, Methods, and Apparatus

Номер: US20130184082A1
Автор: PATCHEN Jeffrey Allen

A multi-level competition includes a competition between on-stage competition content, a competition between off-stage judges, and a competition between at-home players. The competition content (e.g., multiple television advertisements, singing contestants, etc.) is provided to at-home players, who provide a rating for each content offering and rank the content offerings. At a later time, a group of off-stage judges view the competition content, provide a rating for each content offering, and rank the content offerings. One or more accurate responses are identified by a control which may be, for example, a target demographic. A winning content offering is identified based on the one or more accurate responses. The off-stage judges and at-home players are ranked based on whether their ratings/rankings are in sync with the control. Winners may be selected from each of the group of off-stage judges and the group of at-home players. 1. A method of conducting a multi-level competition , comprising:providing competition content to a focus group, wherein the competition content includes a plurality of content offerings and the focus group includes a plurality of participants;receiving rating and ranking information from each participant in the focus group for each content offering in the competition content;providing the competition content to a judging group, wherein the judging group includes a plurality of judges;receiving rating and ranking information from each judge in the judging group for each content offering in the competition content;receiving one or more control responses from a control;selecting a winning content offering from the competition content based on the one or more control responses;ranking each judge in the judging group by comparing the ranking information received from each judge with the one or more control responses;ranking one or more participants from the focus group by comparing the ranking information received from each participant with the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for interactive logic fault tolerance in online game, and system and client for fault tolerance in online game

Номер: US20130184083A1
Автор: Li Wei

The disclosure relates to the field of computer, and provides a method for interactive logic fault tolerance in an online game and a system for fault tolerance in an online game. The method includes the following steps: a client determines whether there is fault in the game data; the client sends a game data synchronization request to a game sever when it is determined that there is fault in the game data; the game server returns a game data synchronization response to the client, and the game data synchronization response comprises correct game data corresponding to the false game data; and the client updates game data of a game player according to the game data synchronization response. In embodiments of the disclosure, the client sends the game data synchronization request to the game sever when it is determined that there is fault in the game data, the game server returns the game data synchronization response to the client, and the client updates the game data of the game player according to the game data synchronization response returned by the game server, so that the client can also play a game by synchronizing the game data with the game server when there is fault in the game data. 1. A method for interactive logic fault tolerance in an online game , comprising:determining, by a client, whether there is fault in game data of the client;sending, by the client, a game data synchronization request to a game sever when it is determined that there is fault in the game data of the client;returning, by the game server, a game data synchronization response to the client, the game data synchronization response comprises correct game data corresponding to the false game data; andupdating, by the client, the game data of the client according to the game data synchronization response;wherein the step of determining, by a client, whether there is fault in game data comprises:sending, by the client, a game operation instruction to the game sever; anddetermining, by the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190064A1

Certain embodiments provide systems and methods for sweepstakes awards in a gaming environment. Certain embodiments provide a method including accumulating sweepstakes entries for a player based on at least one sweepstakes entry criterion and randomly selecting a winner from the pool of sweepstakes entries. The sweepstakes entries are associated with the player and incorporated in a pool of sweepstakes entries. In certain embodiments, the at least one sweepstakes entry criterion comprises at least one of one entry per player, accumulating points based on play, accumulating points based on machine outcome, and coin in. In certain embodiments, the method further includes determining eligibility of a player for the sweepstakes. In certain embodiments, eligibility is determined based on at least one of a player group, a machine group, a machine denomination, a machine type, a machine manufacturer, a game manufacturer, a game theme and a game title, for example. 1. A sweepstakes method for use with a gaming network having a plurality of gaming devices and a controller , the method comprising:determining via said controller characteristics of players gaming at a subset of said gaming devices;grouping via said controller the players in response to the players having a player characteristic meeting a promotional characteristic;monitoring via said controller gaming characteristics of said grouped players at said subset of said gaming devices;determining via said controller whether a said monitored gaming characteristic meets a sweepstakes characteristic;issuing a virtual sweepstakes ticket with respect to a said grouped player in response to said grouped player meeting said sweepstakes characteristic, said issuing adding a said virtual sweepstakes ticket to a pool of tickets;determining whether a pool closing threshold has been met;closing said pool of tickets to prevent adding of any additional virtual sweepstakes ticket to said pool in response to said pool closing ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Player wagering account and methods thereof

Номер: US20130190077A1
Принадлежит: WMS Gaming Inc

A system for adding funds to a handheld gaming machine. The system includes a portable digital wallet that wirelessly communicates with a handheld gaming machine (“handheld”). The digital wallet stores an amount of funds or funds associated with a remotely stored player account, and is used by the player to add credits to a handheld. The credit meter may be stored remotely, though the player perceives that the funds are actually being transferred via the digital wallet. Other funding techniques include a kiosk that accepts cash or credit/debit cards and dispenses tickets or other media that encodes information representing an amount of funds. The player uses this media to add credits to the handheld. The media may be player-dependent such that the player's identity is somehow linked to the media or it may be player-agnostic such that the player's identity is not linked to the funds associated with the media.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190081A1

According to a method for enabling online game play in a content stream, a website logon is received from a user of a computing device and an associated profile is retrieved. The content stream associated with the profile is displayed in a GUI presented by the computing device. The content stream includes a view of an online game. The view associated with the game is updated in response to a game move. The game move results from input from the user and the view associated with the game continues to be displayed in the content stream. 1. A computer-implemented method for enabling online game play in a content stream , comprising:receiving a website logon from a user of a computing device and retrieving a profile associated with the logon;displaying a content stream associated with the profile in a graphical user interface presented by the computing device, wherein the content stream includes a view of an online game; andupdating the view associated with the game in response to a game move, wherein the game move results from input from the user and the view associated with the game continues to be displayed in the content stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the graphical user interface is associated with a social networking website.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the content stream is a content feed displayed by a social networking website.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is a smartphone.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is a tablet computing device.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the view associated with the game includes a current score of the game.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the game is a multiplayer online game.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the multiplayer online game is a turn-based game.9. A computer program embedded in a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium claim 7 , the computer program claim 7 , when executed by one or more processors claim 7 , causing online game play to be ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190084A1
Принадлежит: CFPH, LLC

In various embodiments, a player may play a simulation of a mobile gaming device over the Internet using a personal computer. 1. A method comprising:displaying by at least one processor via a network on a screen of a computing device in use by a user an image of a mobile device, wherein the image of the mobile device includes a screen;displaying by the at least one processor via a network on the screen of the computing device to the user a plurality of graphics, wherein the plurality of graphics are displayed on the screen of the mobile device, and wherein the graphics are of a game;prompting by the at least one processor the user via the computing device to provide identifying information of the user; andresponsive to the prompting, receiving by the at least one processor from the user via the computing device identifying information of the user.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:responsive to receiving the identifying information, providing the user with a unique identifier.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the identifying information received from the user includes at least one of the user's name claim 1 , the user's social security number claim 1 , and a handle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the graphics of the game are a simulation of graphics used in a real gaming environment.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the game claim 4 , in the real gaming environment claim 4 , is played with real money.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising enabling the user to play the game via the computing device.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the game is a simulation of a game that is similar to a game played in a real gaming environment.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the game is played in the real gaming environment using real money.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the user is enabled to play the game via the computing device without using real money.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the user can win the game and receive points claim 9 , ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Faults and Performance Issue Prediction

Номер: US20130190095A1

Systems and methods for an online predictive diagnostic and prognostic maintenance system are disclosed. The systems and methods may be configured for use with networked gaming machines. The systems and methods may operate in real time and may detect and analyze data representing various indicators of machine performance or a current or future decrease in machine performance. The data may represent or be used to predict machine performance and risk of failure and to identify necessary or recommended repair, maintenance or other performance issues. In another embodiment systems and methods are disclosed for automated analysis of data regarding machine operation and generation of rules related to predicting the future performance, repair and maintenance needs of machines. 2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of modifying a set of one or more preexisting fault prediction rules based on the recently generated fault prediction rules to form a new fault prediction rule set.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of analyzing device event data over a time window against the fault prediction rule set and predicting the likelihood of device malfunction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the event data comprises device malfunctions.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the event data comprises device repair or service.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of triggering diagnostic tests on a gaming device responsive to the event data analysis.7. The method of claim 3 , further comprising the step of determining a time window for the device malfunction.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the event data is specific to a particular gaming site.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the event data is specific to a particular gaming device.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the event data is specific to a particular model of gaming device.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the event data represents at least one malfunction selected from ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196728A1
Автор: YASUE Tai

An object of the present invention is to provide a game system in which when data is transmitted to a game apparatus of a receiver side, the influence which the transmitted data has on a game progressing in the game apparatus of the receiver side is diversified and the interest of the game is increased. 1. A game system comprising:a first game apparatus and a second game apparatus which can connect and communicate with each other,wherein a game, which progresses in the first game apparatus and the second game apparatus, progresses by moving a player character assigned to each game apparatus on a game field,the first game apparatus includesa first object placer that places an object on an arbitrary position on the game field when the game progresses, andan object information transmitter that transmits object information related to the object placed by the first object placer and the position where the object is placed to the second game apparatus, andthe second game apparatus includesan object information receiver that receives the object information from the first game apparatus,a second object placer that places an object corresponding to the object placed in the first game apparatus at a position on the game field corresponding to a position where the object is placed in the first game apparatus according to the object information received by the object information receiver,a player character mover that moves a second player character assigned to the second game apparatus on the game field according to an operation to an operation section by a player, andan event generator that generates an event at the position where the object is placed by the second object placer.2. The game system according to claim 1 , wherein the object is a first player character assigned to the first game apparatus or a first sub-character that acts in cooperation with the first player character.3. The game system according to claim 2 , wherein the event is a virtual battle between the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Connecting Gaming Devices to a Network for Remote Play

Номер: US20130196730A1

A gaming system receives information over a network from a user of a remote player device for the gaming system. The gaming system includes a central gaming controller and a random number generator for a gambling game. The information includes a password and an age. The gaming system authenticates the user using the password and determines that the user is of age to gamble on the gambling game using the age, based on data stored in a database for the gaming system. The gaming system accepts a wager from the user over the network and executes a play of the gambling game. Then the gaming system causes a result for the play to be displayed on the remote player device. 1. A method , which is computer-implemented , comprising operations of:receiving information over a network from a user of a remote player device for a gaming system that includes a central gaming controller and a random number generator for a gambling game, wherein the information includes a password and an age;authenticating the user using the password and determining that the user is of age to gamble on the gambling game using the age, based on data stored in a database for the gaming system;accepting a wager from the user over the network and executing a play of the gambling game; andcausing a result for the play to be displayed on the remote player device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the network included the Internet.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the remote player device is a mobile or wireless telephone handset.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the remote player device is a handheld computer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the remote player device is a personal computer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the remote player device is a television or a television with a set-top box.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information received from the user is received at least in part through the use of a keyboard coupled to the remote player device.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196760A1
Принадлежит: Bally Gaming, Inc.

A window manager server is able to initialize and configure one or more windows on a gaming device display screen. The window manager has the ability to configure specific URLs for each window, configure and Z-order depth for each window, set window size and position, and call functions on the pages. A client side application on a gaming device is capable of creating multiple windows on an electronic gaming device and responding to said server configuration or window message commands. 1. A method of using a window manager to present and control two or more windows on one or more gaming machines from a server via a network , wherein each gaming machine includes a primary display and a secondary display , the method comprising:creating two or more windows on a display of a gaming machine from the server;positioning two or more windows next to each other on a display of a gaming machine from the server in an X-Y plane of a coordinate system; andpositioning an order of two or more windows on top of each other on a display of a gaming machine from the server along a Z axis of the coordinate system, wherein one of the two or more windows is a parent window and remaining windows are child windows, and wherein window layout management incorporates prioritization of the parent window.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein one of the two or more windows is linked to a universal resource locator (URL).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the windows is linked to a different universal resource locator (URL).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein one of the two or more windows is linked to an application.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the windows is linked to an application.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the parent window maintains the highest Z axis position on the display.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein parent window status can be changed to child window status by the server via the network claim 1 , and wherein child window status can be changed to parent ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196761A1
Принадлежит: Dazzletag Entertainment

Methods and apparatus for gaming according to various aspects of the present invention may be implemented in conjunction with a multiplayer game. The game system may prompt a player of the multiplayer game to create a content stream bragging about an achieved score or motivating another player to play the game. The game system may record the content stream and make the recorded content stream accessible to one or more other players of the game. The game system may make the recorded content stream accessible to others through email or through a website, such as a social networking website. 1. A computer-implemented method of promoting a multiplayer game , the method comprising:prompting a first player of the multiplayer game to create a content stream;recording the content stream to a long-term memory device of a first computer system;granting access to the recorded content stream; andgenerating a notification that the recorded video stream is accessible.2. A computer-implemented method according to claim 1 , wherein prompting the first player comprises;identifying a performance condition; andpresenting the first player with an option to create a content stream of a performance by the first player.3. A computer-implemented method according to claim 1 , wherein the content stream comprises a video stream received from a camera local to the first player;4. A computer-implemented method according to claim 1 , wherein granting access to the recorded content stream comprises storing the recorded content stream to a long-term memory device of a second computer system configured to allow access to the recorded content stream.5. A computer-implemented method according to claim 1 , wherein granting access to the recorded content stream comprises presenting the recorded content stream to a second player of the multiplayer game for playback.6. A computer-implemented method according to claim 1 , wherein generating the notification comprises at least one of sending an electronic ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196774A1
Принадлежит: WINVIEW, INC.

A system and method are provided for updating game participants. In some embodiments, participants receive game control information via a one-way broadcast. The method selects a set of sampling participants. In some embodiments, selection occurs prior to start of the game. The method of some embodiments establishes a two-way connection between a server and each sampling participant. During each discrete game period, the method receives data for the sampling participant's game period performance. Based on the received data, the method determines performance for the game period and broadcasts this information to a non-sampling participant. In some embodiments, the non-sampling participant determines a standing relative to other participants. Some embodiments provide a method and system for detecting unusual performance. An average performance level is calculated. Based on the average performance level, a participant improvement factor is tracked, stored and compared to a threshold value. 119-. (canceled)20. A system for updating game participants , the system comprising:a server to host the game;a first mobile device having a two-way connection with the server;a second mobile device having a one-way connection with the server; anda network, wherein the first mobile device communicates with the server through the network by using the two-way connection, wherein based on the two-way communication, the server broadcasts to the second mobile device by using the one-way connection.21. The system of claim 20 , wherein the two-way connection is realtime.22. The system of claim 20 , further comprising a first set of data claim 20 , wherein the first mobile device uploads the first set of data over the two-way connection.23. The system of claim 20 , further comprising a second set of data claim 20 , wherein the server broadcasts the second set of data to the second mobile device over the one-way connection.24. The system of claim 20 , wherein the second set of data is based on ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196776A1
Автор: Nguyen Binh T.

In one embodiment, a system, apparatus, and method for social gaming may include a gaming machine configured to play a game of chance and produce game information. A social gaming server can be configured to communicate with the gaming machine, may establish a remote gaming session between the gaming machine and a user device, and may distribute the portion of the game information to the user device. 1 establish a social game session between a gaming machine and at least one user device;', 'acquire gaming information from the gaming machine;', 'determine portions of gaming information to be distributed to the at least one user device; and', 'initiate transfer of the portions of gaming information to the at least one user device., 'a social game session manager configured to. A social gaming server, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/296,182, filed Nov. 14, 2011, and entitled “SOCIAL GAMING,” which is hereby incorporated herein by reference, which in turn claims priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/413,477, filed Nov. 14, 2010, and entitled “Social Gaming,” which is hereby incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to games of chance. More particularly, the present invention relates to social game play when playing games of chance. Even more particularly, the present invention relates to using gaming machines for social game play when playing games of chance at a gaming establishment.Social networks in different forms are becoming exponentially popular, with most of them being slight variations on the well-known MySpace™ (http://www.myspace.com) or Facebook™ (http://www.facebook.com) models. For example, active membership in Facebook™, a popular social networking site, has greater than 500 million users, and comprises everyone from school children to grandparents. Such tools are generally used to post information that can be accessed by other registered users of the system. ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Online Gaming with Real-World Data

Номер: US20130196777A1
Автор: Otho Dale Hill
Принадлежит: Internet Gaming Services International

Online gaming integrating sensory data and/or gameplay data from a real-world environment is provided within an environment incorporating playback of a recorded instance of an original, live card game played in a real-world environment delayed or in real-time. Data from a live card game in a real-world environment can be recorded for delayed playback or streamed live and a remote player can participate on-line in the game as if the remote player had been present at the original, live card game. The remote player may play in the online game at the position/seat occupied by areal-world player. In games where a player is dealt his or her own hand of cards, the remote player will receive cards as they were dealt to the original, real-world player that occupied the same position/seat and may make strategic decisions during gameplay that differ from those of the original, real-world player.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196778A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

A wireless communication game system includes a plurality of mobile game apparatuses, which function as a parent device or a child device and are capable of making a communication with each other, and broadcasts from the parent device a parent device packet including a parent device PID, a user name UserName, a game name GameName, an OC flag, an E slot, a U slot, and a payload. All the parent device packets are received from the parent device existing within a communicationable range of a user's own apparatus, and the user's own apparatus creates a parent device list, and displays the parent device list on an LCD. Therefore, a user or a player of his own apparatus looks at the game name of the parent device list, for example, and operates a cross key included in an operation key so as to select one desired parent device. Then, transmitting a child device number CID of the user's own apparatus at the E slot designated by the parent device packet, the user's own apparatus transmits a connection request to the parent device. 1. A wireless communication information system using a plurality of information devices , wherein , a program storing unit for storing a program to be sent to another device, and', 'a sending unit for sending own device identifying information and application identifying information for an application which is being executed on the apparatus,, 'at least one of the devices includes a receiving unit for receiving said own device identifying information and said application identifying information,', 'a displaying unit for displaying a screen including device information existing within the communication range and application information for an application which is being executed on each of the devices, based on said information received by said receiving unit,', 'a selecting unit for allowing a user to select one of the devices displayed by the displaying unit, and', 'a program request transmitting unit for transmitting a program request toward the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for conducting focus groups using networked gaming devices

Номер: US20130203485A1

The invention includes a system and method for conducting a focus group via networked gaming devices. A slot server or a third party server in communication with gaming devices provides access to players operating the gaming devices. A topic for the focus group's discussion is received from a marketer via a marketer terminal in communication with the slot server. The system identifies players currently operating gaming devices who also are suitable potential participants in the focus group based on a focus group pool definition received from the marketer. Those players that accept an invitation to participate, become participants. The topic is communicated to the participants and the participants comments are relayed back to a moderator who controls the focus group discussion via a moderator terminal (and a graphical user interface) also in communication with the slot server. The moderator (and/or the system) verifies that each of the participants is in fact participating in the focus group and compensation is provided to the participants via the gaming devices.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203488A1

Methods and devices are provided for detecting and/or preventing cheating in online gaming. Some implementations provide gaming information in formats that are difficult for a bot to interpret, but which are preferably easy for humans to interpret. Some implementations of the invention involve the tracking and analysis of players' gaming activities. Some implementations of the invention provide a multi-tier approach to data analysis. Some analyses may be performed, for example, by a centralized computing device such as a server, whereas other analyses may be performed by a host device. In some implementations, “challenge and response” measures will be employed. Some implementations of the invention involve detection and prevention of collaboration between players. 116-. (canceled)17. A gaming method , comprising:providing an online wagering game involving a plurality of host devices and at least one game server; andpresenting game data required for participation in the online wagering game in a format that requires a human interface or the use of pattern recognition methods.18. The gaming method of claim 17 , wherein the game data comprise playing card data and wherein the format comprises varying an angle of rotation for a playing card.19. The gaming method of claim 17 , wherein the game data comprise playing card data and wherein the format comprises varying positions of playing card symbols on the playing cards.20. The gaming method of claim 17 , wherein the game data comprises playing card data and wherein the format comprises a variable display of playing card hands.21. The gaming method of claim 17 , wherein the game data comprise playing card data and wherein the format comprises playing card images displayed as playing card backs claim 17 , wherein playing card symbols are temporarily shown only at turned up corners of the playing card images.22. The gaming method of claim 17 , wherein the format comprises an entire screen of game play information claim 17 , ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203497A1
Автор: Ogden Benjamin Thomas

A system allows people to socially connect with and play games with their friends online for free and for real money. The system allows them to schedule group events where group gaming occurs, and play in tournaments, play in various types of games such as person versus software, person versus another person, or person versus many people games, as well as many people versus many people games. Various individual and group chats and live group discussions can take place. Social connections, subscriptions, and other key data points, such as notifications of important events between friends can be analyzed and organized using a social data organization model (SDOM) to deliver a personalized data feed (PDF), recommendations, real time notifications (RTN) and real time invitations (RTI) which drives social gaming/gambling and solves the social gaming need of play free games and real money gambling games remotely over the internet together in one environment. 1. A social gaming engine comprising:a registration system operable to permit users to register with the social gaming engine via an internet connection through a data transmission device;a profile data loop operable to store key data points relevant to the user;a social data organization model operable to provide notifications between a first user and a second user when the first and second users are identified as friends;a social data organization model operable to provide personalized data feeds to each member based on their unique profile data loop; anda game component cycle permitting users to play real risk monetary gambling games and free play games, the game component cycle tracking the user's account balance during game play.2. The social gaming engine of claim 1 , wherein the game component cycle further includes software operable to provide payment processing for the users.3. The social gaming engine of claim 1 , wherein the social data organization model provides real time notifications and real time ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Wager gaming network with wireless hotspots

Номер: US20130203498A1
Принадлежит: WMS Gaming Inc

Embodiments of a wager gaming network that includes handheld wager gaming units and hotspots are described herein. In one embodiment, a method includes receiving, in a handheld wager gaming unit, a wager associated with a wagering game. The method can also include wirelessly connecting the handheld wager gaming unit to a wireless access point in a wager gaming network. The method can also include transmitting, via the wireless access point, information from the handheld wager gaming unit to a device on the wager gaming network.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203500A1

A game machine () receives via a server apparatus () and displays on a game image (), a comment transmitted from a terminal apparatus () of a user. When a user of the game machine () indicates a reply to the comment, the game machine () requests the server apparatus () to transmit as a reply comment, a comment for reply which is specified in advance by the user, to a user who is a transmitter of the comment to be replied. By following the request, the server apparatus () transmits the comment for reply to the terminal apparatus () of the user who is a destination of reply. 1. An amusement system including a game machine for commercial use configured to allow a user to play a game in exchange of payment of game-play fee by the user , a personal terminal apparatus configured to allow a user to input given strings and a server apparatus configured to provide a predetermined service associated with the game to the game machine , and the terminal apparatus , the game machine , the terminal apparatus and the server apparatus communicating with each other via a network with specifying the other side of communication , the server apparatus configured to specify a user of each of the game machine and the terminal apparatus by exchanging information necessary for specifying the user with each of the terminal apparatus and the game machine , whereinthe server apparatus is connected to a storage device for server storing comment data for each user, where a comment which the user transmitted with specifying another user as a receiver is registered with information necessary for specifying the user as a transmitter of the comment,the terminal apparatus has:a comment transmission device adapted and configured to transmit a comment inputted by a user of the terminal apparatus to the server apparatus with information necessary for specifying a user as a receiver of the comment; anda comment reception device adapted and configured to receive from the server apparatus and present to ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Bandwidth Management During Simultaneous Server-to-Client Transfer of Game Video and Game Code

Номер: US20130203501A1

A determination is made, using a computer, of an amount of game code data to be included in a data packet containing streaming game video data. A data packet is generated to contain the streaming game video data and to include the amount of game code data. The generated data packet is transmitted from a server computer system to a client computer system. 1. A method for server-to-client transmission of game code , comprising:determining, using a computer, an amount of game code data to be included in a data packet containing streaming game video data;generating the data packet containing the streaming game video data and including the amount of game code data; andtransmitting the data packet from a server computer system to a client computer system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the game code data defines game code for generating game video upon execution of the game code at the client computer system.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the game code data includes one or more of executable code claim 2 , scripts claim 2 , data structures claim 2 , images claim 2 , textures claim 2 , geographic information claim 2 , character names claim 2 , object shapes claim 2 , user data claim 2 , and game data.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the amount of game code data to be included in the data packet is determined by subtracting an amount of streaming game video data required per data packet to maintain a specified quality level of game video at the client computer system from an available data payload capacity of the data packet.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining the amount of game code data to be included in the data packet and generating the data packet is performed by either an encoder or a post processor.6. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving the data packet at the client computer system; andoperating the client computer system to parse the data packet and decode the streaming game video data separately from the game code data.7. The ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203502A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

A game system including a plurality of mobile game apparatuses, and a mobile game apparatus that can communicate with another game apparatus that exists within a communicable range by use of a radio communications unit. When a communicated state is established, exchanging conditions for exchanging game data are received and transmitted, and in a case the exchange conditions are coincident with each other, the game data are exchanged. 1. A device , comprising:a communication unit for performing short-distance radio communication, the communication unit being operable in a first mode for sending broadcasting data, and a second mode for waiting to receive broadcasting data; anda cycling unit cooperating with the communication unit for alternately repeating the first and second modes.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first mode and the second mode are performed immediately after each other.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the cycling unit is operable in cycles claim 1 , each cycle comprising at least one first mode and at least one second mode.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein each cycle consists of exactly one first mode and exactly one second mode.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a responding unit cooperating with the communication unit in the second mode for sending responding data claim 1 , in response to receiving broadcasting data claim 1 , to another device that sent the broadcasting data.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the responding unit sends claim 5 , automatically in response to receiving broadcasting data claim 5 , responding data to another device that sent the broadcasting data.7. The device of claim 5 , wherein the responding unit sends claim 5 , automatically in response to receiving broadcasting data claim 5 , responding data to another device that sent the broadcasting data if the broadcasting data satisfies a predetermined condition.8. The device of claim 5 , further comprising a receiving unit cooperating with the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203503A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

A game system including a plurality of mobile game apparatuses, and a mobile game apparatus that can communicate with another game apparatus that exists within a communicable range by use of a radio communications unit. When a communicated state is established, exchanging conditions for exchanging game data are received and transmitted, and in a case the exchange conditions are coincident with each other, the game data are exchanged. 1. A device , comprising:a communication unit for performing short-distance radio communication, the communication unit being operable in a first mode for sending broadcasting data, and a second mode for waiting to receive broadcasting data; anda cycling unit cooperating with the communication unit for alternately repeating the first and second modes, at least one of the first and second modes being performable for a randomized length of time.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the randomized length of time varies across cycles.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the randomized length of time varies in a predetermined sequence.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the randomized length of time varies periodically.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the randomized length of time varies with a predetermined cycle.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the randomized length of time varies with each cycle of the cycling unit.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the randomized length of time is determined independently from other devices.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first mode and the second mode are performed immediately after each other.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein one of the first and second modes is performed for a fixed length of time and the other of the first and second modes is performed for a randomized length of time.10. The device of claim 9 , wherein the first mode is performed for a fixed length of time and the second mode is performed for a randomized length of time.11. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203504A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

A game system including a plurality of mobile game apparatuses, and a mobile game apparatus that can communicate with another game apparatus that exists within a communicable range by use of a radio communications unit. When a communicated state is established, exchanging conditions for exchanging game data are received and transmitted, and in a case the exchange conditions are coincident with each other, the game data are exchanged. 1. A game device , comprising:a communication unit for performing short-distance radio communication; anda searching unit cooperating with the communication unit for searching for other devices, the searching unit being operable to concurrently execute both of a first function for searching for another device and a second function for receiving a search from another device.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a responding unit claim 1 , cooperating with the communication unit executing the second function claim 1 , for sending responding data in response to receiving a search to another device that sent the search.3. The device of claim 2 , the responding unit sends the responding data automatically.4. The device of claim 3 , the responding unit sends the responding data if the search satisfies a predetermined condition.5. The device of claim 2 , further comprising a receiving unit claim 2 , cooperating with the communication unit executing the first function claim 2 , for receiving responding data from another device in response to the device's own search.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a connection establishing unit claim 1 , cooperating with the communication unit claim 1 , for establishing a connection with another device found by the search.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the connection establishing unit automatically connects with another device found by the search.8. The device of claim 6 , wherein the connection establishing unit automatically connects with another device which satisfies a predetermined ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203505A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

A wireless communication game system includes a plurality of mobile game apparatuses, which function as a parent device or a child device and are capable of making a communication with each other, and broadcasts from the parent device a parent device packet including a parent device PID, a user name UserName, a game name GameName, an OC flag, an E slot, a U slot, and a payload. All the parent device packets are received from the parent device existing within a communicationable range of a user's own apparatus, and the user's own apparatus creates a parent device list, and displays the parent device list on an LCD. Therefore, a user or a player of his own apparatus looks at the game name of the parent device list, for example, and operates a cross key included in an operation key so as to select one desired parent device. Then, transmitting a child device number CID of the user's own apparatus at the E slot designated by the parent device packet, the user's own apparatus transmits a connection request to the parent device. 1. An information system including a plurality of devices , comprising: 'a sending unit for wirelessly sending self-identifying information and application identifying information identifying an application which is being executed on the one of the devices,', 'at least one of the devices including a receiving unit for wirelessly receiving, from the plurality of devices existing within a communication range, said self-identifying information and said application identifying information from said sending unit,', 'a displaying unit for displaying indications of devices existing within the communications range that are communicative with an application which is being executed on the other of the devices, based on the application identifying information received by said receiving unit,', 'a selecting unit for allowing a user to select at least one of the devices displayed by the displaying unit, and', 'a connection request transmitting unit for ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Game Execution Environments

Номер: US20130203508A1

Systems and methods for executing multiple video games, or other sources of video, include a game execution environment in which each game application is executed on the same operating system but within a virtual I/O shell. The virtual I/O shell includes virtual video, audio and input channels that allow each game application to operate as if it had dedicated drivers. In some embodiments, the systems and methods of the invention are used to provide video streams to a plurality of clients over the internet.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210361A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

A wireless communication game system includes a plurality of mobile game apparatuses, which function as a parent device or a child device and are capable of making a communication with each other, and broadcasts from the parent device a parent device packet including a parent device PID, a user name UserName, a game name GameName, an OC flag, an E slot, a U slot, and a payload. All the parent device packets are received from the parent device existing within a communicationable range of a user's own apparatus, and the user's own apparatus creates a parent device list, and displays the parent device list on an LCD. Therefore, a user or a player of his own apparatus looks at the game name of the parent device list, for example, and operates a cross key included in an operation key so as to select one desired parent device. Then, transmitting a child device number CID of the user's own apparatus at the E slot designated by the parent device packet, the user's own apparatus transmits a connection request to the parent device.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210508A1

The present invention is a game, computer program product, system and method that is operable to permit play of a casino-style, “in between” type game that provides for multiple wager options during various intervals in the play of a single hand or multiple-hand game. The game does not involve a dealer's hand, so the player makes wagers based solely on the odds and potential outcome of their own hand. The game is particularly suited to play on through mobile devices, in an online environment, and/or as electronic home entertainment. For example, the game may be played on wireless devices, cellular phones, laptop computers, gaming consoles, Internet connected devices, and other devices, as well as systems integrating said devices. Wagers and play instructions may be provided at the push of a button or by way of other communication means. Additionally, interaction between a player and a playing surface, whether the play is live or via any electronic means, may be incorporated into the game of the present invention to indicate wagers or instructions for play. 1. A method of an in-between game playable upon an electronic device , wherein a player is provided with multiple options to wager characterized in that the method comprises the steps of:(a) the player making one or more pre-dealing wagers prior to any cards being provided to the player;(b) providing at least two cards to the player; and(c) the player determining if the at least two cards represent a playable hand, resulting in the player communicating a request to take one or more of the following steps: pushing; splitting; making a post-dealing wager; or surrendering.2. The method of claim 1 , characterized in that the method further comprises the step of making one or more pre-dealing that include at least one of the following: an initial wager; and a bonus wager.3. The method of claim 1 , characterized in that the method further comprises the step of making one or more post-dealing wagers that include at least ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210513A1
Автор: Nguyen Binh T.

In one embodiment, a system, apparatus, and method for social gaming may include a gaming machine configured to play a game of chance and produce game information. A social gaming server can be configured to communicate with the gaming machine, may establish a remote gaming session between the gaming machine and a user device, and may distribute the portion of the game information to the user device. 1. A social gaming system , comprising:at least one gaming machine configured to play a game of chance and produce game information; and communicate with the at least one gaming machine;', 'establish a remote gaming session between the gaming machine and at least one user device; and', 'distribute at least a portion of the game information to the at least one user device., 'a social gaming server configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one user device is another gaming machine.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one user device is a computing device.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one user device is a portable electronic device.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the social gaming server is configured to communicate with the at least one user device via a local casino network.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a third party server configured to:authenticate the at least one user device or a user; andreceive the at least a portion of the game information.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the said social gaming server is further configured to:determine a location of the at least one user device; anddetermine eligibility of the at least one user device to receive the game information distribution based on the location of the at least one user device.8. A method for distributing game information claim 1 , comprising:operating a game of chance on a gaming machine to produce game information;identifying at least one remote user; anddistributing at least a portion of the game information from the game of chance to the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210522A1
Принадлежит: CiiNOW, Inc.

A data center architecture for remote rendering includes a hardware processor, a memory, a storage device, a graphics processor, a virtual machine monitor functionally connected to the hardware processor, memory, and storage device, one or more virtual machine game servers functionally connected to the virtual machine monitor, each virtual machine game server including a virtual processor, a virtual memory, a virtual storage, a virtual operating system, and a game binary executing under the control of the virtual operating system; a virtual machine rendering server functionally connected to the virtual machine monitor and functionally connected to the graphics processor, the virtual machine rendering server including: a virtual memory, a virtual storage, a virtual operating system, and one or more renderers. 1. A data center architecture for remote rendering comprising:a hardware processor;a memory;a storage device;a graphics processor;a virtual machine monitor functionally connected to the hardware processor, memory, and storage device; a virtual processor;', 'a virtual memory;', 'a virtual storage;', 'a virtual operating system;', 'a game binary executing under the control of the virtual operating system;, 'one or more virtual machine game servers functionally connected to the virtual machine monitor, each virtual machine game server comprising an operating system; and', 'one or more renderers., 'a rendering server connected to the graphics processor, the rendering server comprising2. The data center architecture of claim 1 , wherein the data center architecture is configurable and may be selectively configured to:add one or more graphics processors and one or more corresponding rendering servers functionally connected to the one or more graphics processors; oradd one or more hardware processors, one or more corresponding virtual machine monitors, and one or more virtual machine game servers functionally connected to the corresponding one or more virtual machine ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210527A1
Автор: Kim Seungil, Ko Youngil

Technologies are generally described for a player matching scheme for a game system. In some examples, a player matching system may include an access pattern analysis unit configured to analyze access patterns of a plurality of players of a game provided by a game server, and a player recommendation unit configured to recommend to one player of the plurality of players at least some others of the plurality of players with whom the one player can compatibly play the game, based at least in part on the analyzed access patterns. 1. A player matching system comprising:an access pattern analysis unit configured to analyze access patterns of a plurality of players of a game provided by a game server; anda player recommendation unit configured to recommend to one player of the plurality of players at least some others of the plurality of players with whom the one player can compatibly play the game, based at least in part on the analyzed access patterns.2. The player matching system of claim 1 , wherein the access pattern analysis unit is further configured to identify at least one of when each of the plurality of players accesses the game server and for how long each of the plurality of players accesses the game server.3. The player matching system of claim 1 , wherein the access pattern analysis unit is further configured to analyze the access patterns of the plurality of players based at least in part on access log data for each of the plurality of players.4. The player matching system of claim 1 , wherein the player recommendation unit is further configured to recommend to the one player at least some of the others of the plurality of players in order of similarity between the analyzed access pattern of the one player and the analyzed access pattern of each of the others of the plurality of players.5. The player matching system of claim 1 ,wherein the access pattern analysis unit is further configured to determine an attribute for each of the plurality of players and ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Code Execution Probability Based Server-to-Client Transfer of Game Code

Номер: US20130210528A1

A computer is operated to receive a current game state of a game being executed on a client computer system from a subset of game code. A determination is made of respective probabilities for advancement from the current game state to a set of possible later game states. Game code required for the set of possible later game states is prioritized in accordance with the determined probabilities for advancement from the current game state to each of the set of possible later game states. Game code required for the set of possible later game states is transmitted from a sever computer system to the client computer system in order of the prioritized game code. 1. A method for execution probability based server-to-client transmission of game code , comprising:operating a computer to receive a current game state of a game being executed on a client computer system from a subset of game code;determining respective probabilities for advancement from the current game state to a set of possible later game states;prioritizing game code required for the set of possible later game states in accordance with the determined probabilities for advancement from the current game state to each of the set of possible later game states; andtransmitting game code required for the set of possible later game states, in order of the prioritized game code, from a sever computer system to the client computer system.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:upon changing from the current game state to a new game state, determining respective probabilities for advancement from the new game state to the set of possible later game states;re-prioritizing game code required for the set of possible later game states in accordance with the determined probabilities for advancement from the new game state to each of the set of possible later game states; andcontinuing transmission of game code required for the set of possible later game states, in order of the re-prioritized game code, from the sever ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210529A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

A wireless communication game system includes a plurality of mobile game apparatuses, which function as a parent device or a child device and are capable of making a communication with each other, and broadcasts from the parent device a parent device packet including a parent device PID, a user name UserName, a game name GameName, an OC flag, an E slot, a U slot, and a payload. All the parent device packets are received from the parent device existing within a communicationable range of a user's own apparatus, and the user's own apparatus creates a parent device list, and displays the parent device list on an LCD. Therefore, a user or a player of his own apparatus looks at the game name of the parent device list, for example, and operates a cross key included in an operation key so as to select one desired parent device. Then, transmitting a child device number CID of the user's own apparatus at the E slot designated by the parent device packet, the user's own apparatus transmits a connection request to the parent device. 1. A communication information system using a plurality of information devices , comprising: 'a wireless broadcasting unit for wirelessly broadcasting self-identifying information and application identifying information identifying an application on the one of the devices,', 'at least one of the devices including a wireless receiving unit for wirelessly receiving said self-identifying information and application identifying information identifying an application from said broadcasting unit when said one of the devices is within a communications range,', 'a displaying unit for displaying information concerning devices existing within the communication range and information about applications on each of the devices, based on said information received by said receiving unit,', 'a selecting unit for allowing a user to select between devices displayed by the displaying unit, and', 'a connection request transmitting unit for wirelessly transmitting a ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210530A1
Автор: Nguyen Binh T.

In one embodiment, a system, apparatus, and method for distributing a portion of game information may include a gaming machine configured to play a game of chance and produce game information. A social gaming server can be configured to communicate with the gaming machine, may establish a remote gaming session between the gaming machine and a user device, and may distribute the portion of the game information to the user device. A social gaming server may also establish a temporal bonus game feature between the gaming machine user and at least one available remote user. 1. A gaming system , comprising: present a primary game of chance on a display of the gaming machine;', 'determine whether a bonus triggering event is triggered on the primary game of chance;', 'receive a list of at least one available remote user;', 'display the list of at least one available remote user on the display of the gaming machine;', 'detect a selection of at least one remote user from the list of at least one available remote user displayed on the display;', 'transmit the selection of at least one remote user to a social gaming server;', 'await, up to a predetermined period of time, for receipt of a bonus game input associated with the bonus game, the bonus game input being initiated by the at least one remote user; and', 'display results of the bonus game following receipt of the bonus game input;, 'a gaming machine configured to monitor the primary game of chance presented on the gaming machine;', 'determine whether the bonus triggering event is triggered on the gaming machine;', 'generate the list of at least one available remote user for participation in the bonus game;', 'transmit the list of at least one available remote user to the gaming machine;', 'receive the selection of the at least one remote user from the gaming machine for distribution of the bonus game feature to the at least one remote user;', 'distribute the bonus game feature to each of the selected at least one remote ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217489A1
Принадлежит: Zynga Inc.

A system, computer-readable storage medium storing at least one program, and a computer-implemented method for representing a resource object in a virtual environment are presented. To begin, a graphical user interface may be provided to a player. The graphical user interface may display a virtual environment that includes the resource object and a game object. A resource production event may be detected. The resource production event may be generated based on a resource production attribute that specifies that a quantity of resource units have been generated. Based on the detected resource production event, at least some portion of the quantity of generated resource units is allocated to the resource pool. Then, responsive to detecting a user initiated game action being applied to the game object, a determinable amount of resource units is removed from the resource pool. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:providing a graphical user interface to a player, the graphical user interface displaying a virtual environment, the virtual environment including a resource object and a game object;detecting a resource production event generated based on a resource production attribute of the resource object, the resource production event specifying that a quantity of resource units have been generated;based on the detected resource production event, allocating at least some portion of the quantity of generated resource units to a resource pool belonging to a user; andresponsive to detecting a user initiated game action applied to the game object, removing a determinable amount of resource units from the resource pool.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the resource object is depicted as a well claim 1 , a river claim 1 , a lake claim 1 , a stream claim 1 , a reservoir claim 1 , a dam claim 1 , or a water tower.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising updating a visual representation of the resource object based on an ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217490A1

The present application facilitates reconstruction of a party after game over to avoid wastefulness in time required for party construction. Moreover, the present application aims at hastening reconstruction of the party to improve real thrill of the game. A game server executes the game. The game server includes a party storage for storing party information relating to the party. The party includes characters. A reached points storage stores, for each character, at least one point that the character has reached. An interface transmits, for a first character, display information that is operative to display to the first character the at least one point that the first character has reached. The display information is also operative to display to the first character the at least one point that each other character has reached and that the first character has also reached. 1. A game server for executing a game in an information communication network , the game including characters which exist within a virtual space provided by the game server and which are subject to input manipulation by clients , the game server comprising:a party storage for storing party information relating to a party, the party including a plurality of characters;a reached points storage for storing, for each character of the plurality of characters, at least one point that the character has reached; andan interface for transmitting, for a first character of the plurality of characters, display information that is operative to display to the first character the at least one point that the first character has reached in association with the first character, and to also display to the first character the at least one point that each other character of the plurality of characters except the first character has reached and that the first character has also reached in association with each other character.2. The game server according to claim 1 , further comprising:a transporter for transporting the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217492A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

A game apparatus includes a CPU, and the CPU acquires character information data from another game apparatus by executing communication processing. Furthermore, the CPU calculates character information data from image data obtained by imaging a QR Code with a camera and acquires the same. The CPU generates a character on the basis of the character information data, and displays the generated character on a second LCD. 1. A non-transitory storage medium storing a game program to be executed by a computer of a game apparatus having a communicator , an imager and a displayer , wherein receiving character data from a predetermined computer connectable to said computer via said communicator;', 'acquiring code data by imaging a predetermined image by said imager;', 'calculating character data from the acquired code data;', 'generating a character corresponding to the received character data or the calculated character data; and', 'executing game processing by displaying the generated character on said displayer., 'said game program causes said computer to at least perform2. The non-transitory storage medium according to claim 1 , wherein storing the received character data or the calculated character data in a character memory area; wherein', 'said generating a character generates a character corresponding to predetermined character data stored in said character memory area., 'said game program causes said computer to further perform3. The non-transitory storage medium according to claim 2 , wherein selecting the predetermined character data out of the character data stored in said character memory area in response to an operation by a user; and', 'transmitting to said predetermined computer the selected predetermined character data by using said communicator., 'said game program causes said computer to further perform4. The non-transitory storage medium according to claim 2 , wherein selecting predetermined character data out of the character data stored in said ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217502A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

An example game device automatically receives character data from another game device positioned nearby through wireless communication, and generates an other-player character based on the character data. Further, a game is executed with the other-player character which is automatically controlled and a player character. Acquisition information is generated which enables the other game device to acquire points according to a result of the game. After the acquisition information is generated, the wireless communication is automatically conducted with the other game device to transmit the acquisition information to the other portable game device. 1. A game system including a player portable game device and at least one other-player portable game device which , while being close to each other , are capable of automatically conducting wireless communication with each other even when no game program is running , the system comprising:an other-player data receiver configured to automatically receive other-player data from the other-player portable game device through the wireless communication;an other-player generator configured to generate an other-player character based on the other-player data;a game processor configured to execute a game with the other-player character which is automatically controlled and a player character which is an object controllable by a player;an acquisition information generator configured to generate acquisition information which enables the other-player portable game device to acquire an acquisition based on a result of the game, the acquisition being at least one of a predetermined item, a score, and a benefit;a transmitter configured to transmit the acquisition information to the other-player portable game device by automatically conducting wireless communication with the other-player portable game device after the acquisition information is generated;an acquisition information receiver configured to automatically receive the acquisition ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Game Execution Environments

Номер: US20130217506A1

Systems and methods for executing multiple video games, or other sources of video, include a game execution environment in which each game application is executed on the same operating system but within a virtual I/O shell. The virtual I/O shell includes virtual video, audio and input channels that allow each game application to operate as if it had dedicated drivers. In some embodiments, the systems and methods of the invention are used to provide video streams to a plurality of clients over the internet. 1. A method for switching between application environments , comprising:receiving a first request to play a game from a first client device via a network;executing an instance of a game application in response to receiving the request;establishing a virtual shell to drive data between the instance of the game application and the first client device, the instance of the game application executed by an operating system, the operating system executed by a hardware device of a first application environment;receiving a second request to play the game from a second client device via the network;determining whether a quality of service associated with use of the first application environment is higher than a quality of service associated with use of a second application environment upon receiving the second request;spawning an additional instance of the game application within the second application environment upon determining that the quality of service associated with use of the second application environment is higher than the quality of service associated with use of the first application environment;synchronizing the additional instance of the game application within the second application environment with the instance of the game application within the first application environment; andswitching transfer of data between the game application and the first and second client devices to the second application environment from the first application environment after ...
