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20-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2043794C1

Использование: для обработки металлов давлением, в частности производства алюминиевой фольги. Сущность изобретения: в способе прокатки алюминиевой фольги в несколько проходов с применением технологической смазки на основе насыщенных углеводородов парафинового ряда в качестве технологической смазки используют смазку содержащую в основе насыщенные углеводороды фракции C9-C22 в количестве 99,0-99,7 мас. с вязкостью 1,6-3,2 сСт при температуре прокатки. Прокатку осуществляют с обжатием по проходам, определяемым из соотношения ε=εр· A·ν, где εр расчетное обжатие по проходам, А эмпирический коэффициент, равный 0,33-0,65, 1/сСт, ν вязкость смазки при температуре прокатки, сСт. Изобретение позволяет повысить производительность процесса при сохранении высокого выхода получаемой фольги. 1 табл.

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2254945C1

Изобретение относится к прокатному производству, точнее – к прокатке тонких и тончайших лент из стали и цветных металлов. Задача изобретения – повышение плоскостности лент. Нереверсивный стан для прокатки тонких и тончайших лент включает нажимной и натяжные механизмы, главный привод, предварительно взаимно прижатые друг к другу бочками опорные и рабочие валки, причем рабочие валки разного диаметра и один из них соединен с главным приводом. В соответствии с изобретением диаметр бочки приводного рабочего валка выполнен в 2...6 раз больше диаметра бочки неприводного рабочего валка. На бочке приводного рабочего валка по краям изготовлены бурты, расстояние между которыми выполнено по основанию на 10...15%, по вершинам на 15...20% шире прокатываемой ленты. Высоту буртов определяют в зависимости от технологических параметров прокатки и конструктивных размеров валка. Изобретение обеспечивает выравнивание поперечной разнотолщинности и создание условий для обжатия боковых кромок ленты без их пережатия ...

27-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002124861A

... 1. Установка для прокатки изделий, таких как листы или прутки, в особенности металлическая фольга, содержащая по меньшей мере один прокатный стан и приводной рабочий валок, встроенный с возможностью вращения в указанный прокатный стан, причем указанный рабочий валок имеет возможность смещения в прокатном стане перпендикулярно направлению прокатки и связан с блоком давления, который способен передавать давление прокатки указанному рабочему валку, и с опорным держателем, а также средства для подачи под давлением смазочной текучей среды на встроенную наружную поверхность указанного рабочего валка, причем эти средства содержат полость для текучей среды и подсоединены к источнику текучей среды, а указанный рабочий валок связан посредством указанного опорного держателя с указанным блоком давления для передачи давления прокатки, отличающаяся тем, что указанный рабочий валок (2, 3) встроен с возможностью вращения в прокатный стан (1) исключительно с помощью опорного держателя, который выполнен ...

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95106160A

Изобретение относится к производству армирующих материалов (в основном для армирования эластомерных и резинотехнических изделий) и может быть использовано при производстве автошин, конвейерных лент, ремней, поручней эскалаторов, оболочек, рукавов высокого давления и т.п., а также при производстве металлоарматуры в металлургической промышленности. Целью изобретения является повышение производительности, снижение трудо- и энергозатрат, обеспечение мобильности производства. Поставленная цель достигается заменой операции тонкого волочения латунированной заготовки операцией прокатки с суммарной степенью деформации, не превышающей 60%, с последующим наложением друг на друга не менее двух прокатанных элементов и последующей повивки латунированмой проволокой или лентой с прочностью, в 1,5 - 2,6 раза меньшей, чем у основного армирующего элемента. Сформированный пакет прокатывается с обжатием, не превышающим 5%.

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2563077C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к изготовлению металлической фольги, и может быть использовано для изготовления элементов химических источников тока, магниевых аккумуляторов и диффузоров высококачественных динамиков. Способ включает получение листовой заготовки из литого полуфабриката холодным поперечным выдавливанием за одну операцию со степенью деформации 95-98% и последующую холодную прокатку листовой заготовки в фольгу до толщины 50-10 мкм с суммарным обжатием 95-99%. При выдавливании наряду с дроблением литой структуры заготовки одновременно проходит процесс динамической рекристаллизации и достигается получение мелкозернистой структуры у заготовки со средним размером зерен 5-10 мкм. Кроме того, заготовка имеет текстуру, в которой угол между нормалью к плоскости базиса зерна и нормалью к плоскости полосы составляет от 0° до 30°. Такие особенности структуры и текстуры заготовки обеспечивают ее высокую деформируемость при последующей холодной прокатке, что повышает ...

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95106160A1

Изобретение относится к производству армирующих материалов (в основном для армирования эластомерных и резинотехнических изделий) и может быть использовано при производстве автошин, конвейерных лент, ремней, поручней эскалаторов, оболочек, рукавов высокого давления и т.п., а также при производстве металлоарматуры в металлургической промышленности. Целью изобретения является повышение производительности, снижение трудо- и энергозатрат, обеспечение мобильности производства. Поставленная цель достигается заменой операции тонкого волочения латунированной заготовки операцией прокатки с суммарной степенью деформации, не превышающей 60%, с последующим наложением друг на друга не менее двух прокатанных элементов и последующей повивки латунированмой проволокой или лентой с прочностью, в 1,5 - 2,6 раза меньшей, чем у основного армирующего элемента. Сформированный пакет прокатывается с обжатием, не превышающим 5%.

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Прокатный стан для плющения проволоки в ленту

Номер: SU134653A1

23-10-1992 дата публикации

Способ изготовления фольгового припоя из заэвтектического силумина

Номер: SU1586264A1

Изобретение относится к металлургии , в частности к способу изготовления фольгового припоя из заэв- тектического силумина, и может найти применение в приборостроении и радиоэлектронике . Цель - повышение эксплуатационных характеристик за счет соз Дания структуры с регламентированньм соотношением размеров частиц кремния. Способ включает отливку заготовки со скоростью охлаждения расплава 50- 800°С, последующий нагрев ее до 480- 510°С, вьдержку в течение 2,5-4 ч, последующую горячую прокатку в две стадии: на первой стадии ее проводят- с суммарным обжатием 50-60%, причем в первом проходе частное обжатие осуществляют на 18-22%, а в каждом.пос- ледующем его повышают на 3-7%, затем перед второй стадией заготовку вновь нагревают до первончальной температуры и последующую прокатку осуществляют с частными обжатиями 25-40% за проход, после чего проводят холодную прокатку с частными обжатиями за проход 18-60% и промежуточными отжигами . Способ обеспечивает улучшение эксплуатационных характеристик, ...

13-06-1933 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Auswalzen sehr duenner Magnesiumbaender bei hoher Temperatur

Номер: DE0000578395C

29-06-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in rolling mills

Номер: GB0000625557A

... 625,557. Rolling. ABRAMS, Ltd., S., and HARDING, C. G. Aug. 11, 1947, No. 22207. [Class 83 (iv)] A rolling-mill has a frame comprising two laterally spaced pairs of cylindrical columns rigidly mounted on a base and the bearing blocks which support the rolls are formed at their ends with semi-cylindrical recesses adapted to fit between the two columns of a pair. Pairs of plain and grooved rolls are mounted in superposed relation within a common frame so that the mill can be used for either sheets or bars. Two pairs of bolts or studs 12 pass upwardly from two elongated bosses 11 on a base 10 and surrounding each stud are upper and lower sleeves 16, 13 separated by bridge pieces 14 which extend between the studs of a pair. At their upper ends, the studs pass through a cast head member and the whole assembly is rigidly secured by nuts 19. Two bearing blocks 20, each having the form shown in Fig. 4, extend between each pair of sleeves 13, the lower two resting on the tops of the bosses 11. These ...

02-09-1998 дата публикации

Cold-rolling mill for thin and foil strip

Номер: GB0002297709B

30-04-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the working of material

Номер: GB0000794264A

... 794,264. Rolling. SMITH & SONS (ENGLAND), Ltd., S. Aug. 8, 1956 [May 11, 1955], No. 13589/55. Class 83 (4). In apparatus for rolling metal strip a fine pass adjustment for the rolls A is provided by varying the temperature of a thermally-expansible block G. The material of the block may be nickel steel, phosphor bronze or other materials having a higher coefficient of expansion than the steel or cast iron of the machine frame D. The rolls A are mounted in bearing blocks J in the frame D and are normally held apart by spring K. Coarse adjustment is provided by wedges E, one of which is moved transversely of the slideway by screws B, C. The temperature of the block G is varied by a heating element F surrounding the frame D and thermal insulation is provided by an intermediate block I. The block G is maintained at an adjustably selected temperature measured by resistance elements H recessed into the block G and forming part of a resistance thermometer circuit controlling the supply of electricity ...

15-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000844373A

14-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002002714A1

01-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002173049A1

A method and an apparatus for an anticipatory thickness control in foil rolling by using characteristic lines stored in a process control computer of the individual manipulated variables (for example, strip tensions, rolling speeds) for various operating points (conditions of operation) or by using an on-line operating physical computing model, also in combination with a monitor control. The method includes the steps of determining the thickness deviations of the foil at the entry side of the roll stand and of compensating the thickness deviations by an anticipatory thickness control. The apparatus includes a thickness measuring device between the running-off reel and the rolling mill or the roll gap of the roll stand. The thickness measuring device is connected to a superordinated process control computer. Following the thickness measuring device is arranged a tensioning unit which serves to change the travel path of the foil strip between the running-off reel and the roll gap. For example ...

30-06-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0001354273D

31-05-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000588309A5

31-08-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000604267B5

31-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000663555A5

30-12-2016 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing an aluminum foil and resulting aluminum foil.

Номер: CH0000708616B1

Die Aluminiumfolie (1) umfasst zwei Glanzseiten (3, 5). Bei der Herstellung durch mehrfaches Walzen von Aluminium wird das Folienband beim letzten Walzschritt nur einfach gewalzt. Die beiden Glanzseiten (3, 5) haben gute Antihaft- und Reflexionseigenschaften für Licht- und Wärmestrahlung.

31-03-2015 дата публикации

Aluminum Foil.

Номер: CH0000708616A2

Die Aluminiumfolie (1) umfasst zwei Glanzseiten (3, 5). Bei der Herstellung durch mehrfaches Walzen von Aluminium wird das Folienband beim letzten Walzschritt nur einfach gewalzt. Die beiden Glanzseiten (3, 5) haben gute Antihaft- und Reflexions-Eigenschaften für Licht- und Wärmestrahlung.

30-06-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0001354273A4

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Micro-forming rolling technology preparing high-specific-volume aluminum foil electrode

Номер: CN0106001111A

29-01-2019 дата публикации

Preparation method of gold-zinc alloy and preparation method of gold-zinc alloy foil

Номер: CN0109280799A

05-07-2019 дата публикации

The finished aluminum foil plate-shaped off-line dynamic detection automatic control system

Номер: CN0209061835U

08-02-2017 дата публикации

Finishing mill

Номер: CN0205926593U

02-07-2014 дата публикации

Reeling sleeve mechanism of foil mill

Номер: CN0203678837U

04-08-2020 дата публикации

Wide-width aluminum strip foil side rollable device

Номер: CN0211161189U

25-08-2017 дата публикации

A method for preparing a lithium battery for

Номер: CN0105063429B

11-01-2017 дата публикации

Be used for workroll bearing case refrigerated device

Номер: CN0205869070U

27-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002783443B1

18-05-1949 дата публикации

Rolling mill of jeweller for all metals

Номер: FR0000945935A

14-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002832084B1

16-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002549812B2

02-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002490973A


23-03-1973 дата публикации

Precision rolling mill - for spring strip,ensures uniform characteristics through the strip

Номер: FR0002148546A1

25-05-1949 дата публикации

Improvement with the rolling mills for jewellers

Номер: FR0000946176A

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101514909B1

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130095203A

21-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140061201A

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020150034185A

20-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AR0000110100A1

Un método y una máquina para realizar el engrosamiento de un fleje con anterioridad al proceso de formación de la espiral sinfín continua, que permite que cuando termine dicho proceso el espesor del fleje sea homogéneo y en algunos casos mayor en los bordes, que comprende: ingresar el fleje (1) por los 2 ejes paralelos (3), sincronizados en su velocidad de giro (6), que lo contiene en forma lateral y producen la tracción del fleje por los rolos (5) y vertical por las ruedas guías (2).

17-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005023444A2

The invention relates to a method and a device for applying an adjustable tensile-stress distribution, in particular in the edge regions during the cold-rolling of metal strips (16), in particular metal foil, in order to reduce the risk of an excessive build-up of tension and cracks at the edges of the strip, which can lead as a negative consequence to cracks in the strip and to a reduction in production, and in order to improve the surface of the strip and its planarity, even for a relatively high strip displacement speed, and also to reduce strip trimming widths. To achieve these aims, at least one or a combination of two of the following measures are implemented: a) separation of lubrication and cooling of the working rolls by lubricating on the run-in side and cooling on the discharge side, b) additional influencing of the strip edges using a hot edge spray", in particular by spraying (21) rolling oil with differing temperatures in zones, c) use of a special cross-sectional configuration ...

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013027437A1
Автор: NAKAMURO Kaichiro

This rolled copper foil exhibits an I(311)/I(200) ratio of 0.001 to 0.01 after annealing at 200°C for 0.5 hour, wherein I(311) is the integrated intensity of an X-ray diffraction peak attributed to the (311) plane, and I(200) is the integrated intensity of an X-ray diffraction peak attributed to the (200) plane. The rolled copper foil ensures stable flexibility.

01-09-1998 дата публикации

Process and plant for cold rolling with compensation for ovalization of the rolling rolls

Номер: US0005799526A1
Принадлежит: Clecim

A process for the cold rolling of a metal strip between rollers of rolling stands arranged sequentially is provided, along with a plant for its implementation, wherein the process involves: analyzing, as a function of frequency, a signal from an inter-stand tension measurement sensor corresponding to a level of tension of the metal strip to determine periodic variations in the signal having frequencies corresponding to a speed of rotation of the pair of rollers in a downstream rolling stand and proportional to out-of-roundness defects present in the rollers of the downstream rolling stand; and compensating for the out-of-roundness defects in the rollers in the downstream rolling stand by adjusting the clamping setting of the rollers in the downstream rolling stand in accordance with a compensation signal, produced by the means for compensating, that is proportional to the periodic variations.

29-07-2003 дата публикации

Roller cooling and lubricating device for cold rolling mills such as thin strip and foil rolling mills

Номер: US0006598448B1

A cooling and lubricating device for rollers of a cold rolling mill with one or more roll stands for controlling strip tensile stress of the strip across the width by changing the effective roll barrel diameter and/or the roller lubrication with a controlled supply of rolling oil or emulsions. The supply is pressure-, quantity-, and/or temperature-controlled. Several nozzle beams are provided and assigned to individual rollers, respectively. The nozzle beams are connected to side shields of the roll housing. Spray nozzles are mounted in the nozzle beams and distributed across the entire roller width. The nozzle beams are moveable independently relative to the rollers transverse to the strip running direction and in planes parallel to the strip plane. Rotary and linear drives are connected to the nozzle beams for rotating the nozzle beams about the longitudinal axis and for moving them in the longitudinal direction.

01-01-2019 дата публикации

Aluminum foil, electronic device, roll-to-roll aluminum foil, and method of producing aluminum foil

Номер: US0010166580B2

An aluminum foil includes a first main surface and a second main surface located opposite to the first main surface. In at least one of the first main surface and the second main surface, a surface roughness Ra is not more than 10 nm, a surface roughness Rz is not more than 40 nm in each of a rolling direction and a direction perpendicular to the rolling direction, and the number of peak counts is not less than 10 when a reference length is 40 μm, the number of peak counts being determined from a roughness curve in at least one of the rolling direction and the direction perpendicular to the rolling direction.

08-04-2015 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing aluminium foil and aluminium foil

Номер: EP2857114A1

Die Aluminiumfolie (1) umfasst zwei Glanzseiten. Bei der Herstellung durch mehrfaches Walzen von Aluminium wird das Folienband beim letzten Walzschritt nur einfach gewalzt. Die beiden Glanzseiten haben gute Antihaft- und Reflexions-Eigenschaften für Licht- und Wärmestrahlung.

22-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001542815A1

An apparatus for and method of manufacturing lithium or lithium alloy anodes for electrochemical cells by a lamination process wherein a lithium or lithium alloy sheet is reduced into a thin lithium or lithium alloy film. The method and apparatus provide adjustments of the profile defined by the meeting surfaces of a pair of working rollers to compensate for thermal dilation of the working rollers or to compensate for irregular thickness of the lithium or lithium alloy sheet to control the shape and profile of the lithium or lithium alloy film being laminated.

10-10-2001 дата публикации

Roll cooling and/or lubricating device for cold strip rolling mills, in particular fine strip and foil rolling mills

Номер: EP0001142653A3

Roller cooling and/or lubricating device used for cold rolling mills has nozzle crosspieces which pivot along its longitudinal axis by means of a drive and move in the direction of the longitudinal axis using an adjusting cylinder Roller cooling and/or lubricating device has nozzle crosspieces (7, 8) which pivot along its longitudinal axis by means of a drive (29) and move in the direction of the longitudinal axis using an adjusting cylinder (26). Preferred Features: Adapters (17) are arranged at both ends of the crosspieces on bearing pins (18) which are built into the side screens (20) on both roll stands of a rolling mill (1).

08-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: JP0001197003A

PURPOSE: To stably manufacture foil by using work rolls having a specified range of surface roughness each in the final pass and rolling by work rolls having a surface roughness each larger than this in the upstream pass excepting the final pass. CONSTITUTION: In a manufacture of metallic foil, rolling is performed by work rolls having a surface roughness Ra<0.1μm each in the final pass and by work rolls having a surface roughness Ra≥0.1μm each in the upstream passes excepting the final pass. As occasion calls, the rolling is performed by work rolls having a surface roughness each nearly equal to the surface roughness of the foil required in the final pass. Since, in the upstream passes excepting the final pass, the surface roughness of each work roll has a value ≥0.1μm, the frictional coefficient between each roll and the foil becomes large. As a result, since the foil is prevented from lateral slip in a rolling process, the manufacture of the foil is stabilized. COPYRIGHT: (C)1989,JPO ...

23-05-2012 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004936889B2

22-12-2010 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004601063B2

19-03-1997 дата публикации

Номер: JP0002592226B2

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2424075C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к изготовлению алюминиевой фольги и ее намотке в рулон на съемную шпулю в процессе прокатки. Осуществляют прокатку фольги с передним натяжением и намотку ее в рулон на съемную шпулю, надетую на консольный барабан моталки. При этом используют шпули с толщиной стенки, определяемой по представленной в формуле зависимости. Шпули изготавливают из материала, предел текучести которого превышает предел текучести материала прокатанной фольги. Снижается расход шпуль как сменного инструмента прокатного стана, и, как следствие, уменьшается стоимость парка шпуль, снижается себестоимость выпускаемой продукции. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 1 табл.

10-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2203749C2
Принадлежит: ЮЖИН СА (FR)

Изобретение относится к области изготовления тонкой полосы из нержавеющей стали путем непосредственного отверждения жидкой стали в виде полосы с толщиной, меньшей или равной 8 мм. Задача изобретения - обеспечение необратимого закрытия пор в сердцевине полосы после ее отверждения. Полосу получают в разливочном устройстве, имеющем две перемещающиеся охлаждаемые стенки, и горячей прокаткой этой полосы, отверждение которой в значительной степени завершается после того, как полоса покидает вышеназванные стенки. Горячую прокатку осуществляют на прокатном стане, рабочие валки которого имеют диаметр от 400 до 900 мм, и температура полосы на выходе из прокатного стана составляет от 800 до 1100 o С. Степень уменьшения толщины полосы в процессе горячей прокатки составляет от 15 до 50%. Изобретение обеспечивает необратимое закрытие центральных пор, а также сварку противоположных стенок пор посредством прокатки при определенных условиях. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл. 671$ 0сс ПЧ сэ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК” ВИ "” 2 203 749 ' 13) С2 В 21В 1/46 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 99120100/02, 20.09.1999 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 20.09.1999 (30) Приоритет: 21.09.1998 ЕВ 9811777 (46) Дата публикации: 10.05.2003 (56) Ссылки: 4Р 8252653, 01.10.1996. ММО 961710, 25.01.1996. КУ 2094139 СЛ, 21.10.1997. КУ 2078625 СЛ, 10.05.1997. КУ 2057601 СЛ, 10.04.1996. (98) Адрес для переписки: 129010, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Ю.Д.Кузнецову, рег.№ 595 (71) Заявитель: ЮЖИН СА (ЕК) (72) Изобретатель: ШАССАНЬ Франси (ЕК), МАЗЮРЬЕ Фредерик (ЕК), ГРАТАКО Паскаль (ЕК) (73) Патентообладатель: ЮЖИН СА (ЕКВ) (74) Патентный поверенный: Кузнецов Юрий Дмитриевич (54) СПОСОБ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ТОНКОЙ ПОЛОСЫ ИЗ НЕРЖАВЕЮЩЕЙ СТАЛИ (57) Изобретение относится к области изготовления тонкой полосы из нержавеющей стали путем непосредственного отверждения жидкой стали в виде полосы с ...

27-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2424861C1

Способ предназначен для получения фольги с высокими прочностными характеристиками, необходимой для использования в устройствах, где реализуются высокие и предельно высокие механические напряжения, а также для работы в условиях многократных изгибов. Способ включает предварительную обработку заготовки и холодную прокатку. Получение наноструктурированной фольги из меди и сплавов на основе меди с высокими прочностными характеристиками при сохранении высокого уровня электропроводности обеспечивается за счет того, что предварительную обработку ведут посредством различных вариантов интенсивной пластической деформации, прокатку ведут в несколько этапов с регламентируемыми обжатиями на каждом из них до получения фольги заданной толщины. Отжиг осуществляют при температуре ниже температуры начала рекристаллизации после второго этапа прокатки. Для получения достаточной технологической пластичности, необходимой для проведения фольговой прокатки на втором этапе, возможно осуществление промежуточного ...

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2096101C1

Использование: повышение производительности, снижение трудо- и энергозатрат, обеспечение мобильности при производстве автошин, конвейерных лент, ремней, поручней эскалаторов, оболочек, рукавов высокого давления и т.п., а также при производстве металлоарматуры в металлургической промышленности. Поставленная цель достигается заменой операции тонкого волочения латунированной заготовки операцией прокатки с суммарной степенью деформации, не превышающей 60%, с последующим наложением друг на друга не менее двух прокатанных элементов и последующей повивки латунированной проволокой или лентой с прочностью 1,5-2,6 раза меньше, чем у основного армирующего элемента. Сформированный пакет прокатывается с обжатием, не превышающим 5%. 2 ил.

20-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2124955C1

Изобретение относится к области прокатного производства, а именно, к производству тонколистового холоднокатаного металла, в частности к холодной прокатке жести. Способ обеспечивает производство металла с улучшенным качеством полосы за счет устранения поверхностных дефектов типа "окисная пленка" и "грязевые пятна". Способ заключается в последовательном деформировании заготовки в валках с подачей на валки смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости, изготовленной на основе пальмового масла при жирности смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости 0,5-0,8%. При этом на заготовку подают технологическую смазку на основе пальмового масла с кислотным числом не более 8 мг КОН на 1 г масла. 1 табл.

01-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2765594C1
Принадлежит: БЁЛЬИ-ГРАВЮР СА (CH)

Изобретение относится к области тиснения фольговых материалов посредством взаимодействующих валков, которые содержат структурированные поверхности. Предложены способ и устройство для тиснения индивидуально отражающих свет областей на фольговом материале, данные способ и устройство включают в себя подачу фольгового материала в зону контакта между парой валков, при этом пара валков содержит первый валок и второй валок, обеспечение на соответствующих поверхностях каждого из первого валка и второго валка, по меньшей мере в заданном периметре, соответственно, множества положительных выступов полиэдрической формы и множества отрицательных выступов, комплементарных положительным выступам, причем множество положительных выступов расположено в соответствии с двумерной решеткой. Множество положительных выступов полиэдрической формы беспрепятственно и без зазоров смыкаются с соответствующими отрицательными выступами при целевом тиснении фольгового материала, обеспечивая возможность получения на фольге ...

10-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2497611C1

Изобретение направлено на получение высокочистой вакуумноплотной фольги с мелкокристаллической структурой из нанокристаллического бериллия, а также увеличение выхода годного. Способ получения высокочистой вакуумноплотной фольги из бериллия включает заключение заготовки в чехол из стали 20, его герметизацию, многопроходную прокатку с промежуточными подогревами при температурах 650-900°С, охлаждение и удаление чехла. В качестве заготовки берут нанокристаллический бериллий, после каждого промежуточного подогрева выдерживают заготовку в печи ≤5 мин, после завершения прокатки осуществляют охлаждение заготовки со скоростью ≤10°C/мин, удаление чехла осуществляют путем стравливания с последующим травлением и/или шлифованием поверхности фольги. Полученная фольга имеет мелкокристаллическую структуру из нанокристаллического бериллия, обладает высокой химической чистотой, вакуумной плотностью и высокими механическими свойствами. 2 табл.

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Устройство для получения тонкой фольги из металлов и сплавов

Номер: SU142616A1
Автор: Иванов М.Н.

07-12-1992 дата публикации

Способ холодной прокатки жести

Номер: SU1779418A1

Использование: холодная прокатка жести . Сущность изобретения: на полосу перед холодной прокаткой наносят масляный смазочный слой и осуществляют холодную прокатку на конечный размер. Перед нанесением смазочного слоя поверхность полосы обдувают паром с температурой не менее 180°С. Обдувка горячим паром полосы способствует равномерному распределению смазки по ее поверхности. Это позволяет повысить скорость прокатки. 1 табл.

23-09-1989 дата публикации

Способ получения фольги из магниевых сплавов

Номер: SU1509143A1

Изобретение относится к обработке металлов давлением, в частности к прокатке магниевых сплавов. Цель изобретения - повышение качества фольги и выхода годного путем улучшения физико-механических свойств. Изобретение позволяет получать фольгу из магниевых сплавов путем обработки, включающей горячую прокатку, промежуточные отжиги, травление и холодную прокатку. Холодную прокатку ведут с общей суммарной деформацией 85,5-97% с промежуточными отжигами после суммарной деформации 60-95%. Полученная фольга может найти применение в производстве композитных материалов, а также деталей различных электротехнических и радиотехнических приборов. 2 табл.

07-10-1999 дата публикации

Rolled copper foil e.g. for flexible printed connection components of flexible printed circuits useful in printer heads and hard disk drives

Номер: DE0019914520A1

A rolled copper foil with excellent bending strength has a specified cubic texture after recrystallization heat treatment. Rolled copper foil with excellent bending strength has a cubic texture so that, after recrystallization heat treatment at 200 deg C for 30 min., the I/I0 ratio of the (200) plane intensity (I, determined by x-ray diffraction at the rolled surface) to that (I0) of fine copper powder is greater than 20. An Independent claim is also included for producing the above rolled copper foil.

22-08-1996 дата публикации

Cold rolling mill for thin and foil strip

Номер: DE0019602004A1

Cold rolling mill for thin and foil strip has at least one four-roll stand (1), at least one wind-off reel (6) and at least one wind-up reel (8). It is characterised by a horizontal arrangement of the rolls (12, 13; 16, 17), horizontal application of the screw-down forces (F) and the bending forces (FB) to the ends of the rolls; a vertical passage (a) of the rolled strip (9) through the rolling gap (18) between rolls (12, 13), and an arrangement of the multi-roll stand, wind-off reel and wind-up reel in respective planes (2-2, 5-5, 7-7) of a building (37) or framework which lie one above the other. The working rolls (12, 13) and/or backing rolls can be shifted axially to match strip width. Two wind-off and wind-up reels are provided for pack rolling, esp. double rolling thin and foil strip. Oil or emulsion coolant and lubricant is supplied from boxes (23) and chambers (40). A catch-pan (24) is located beneath the rolls. A trolley (27) with saddle pairs (28, 29) operates in the upper plane ...

14-08-1996 дата публикации

Cold rolling mill for thin foil and strip

Номер: GB0002297709A

A rolling mill has a roll stand 1 in a plane 2-2 of a building 37, a wind-off reel 6 arranged in a plane 5-5 above the plane 2-2, and a winding-up roll 8 for the rolled strip 9 standing on a plane 7-7. Two working rolls 12, 13 and two backing rolls 16, 17 are arranged horizontally in the roll stand 1. Screw-down forces F are applied horizontally to the ends of the backing rolls 16, 17 and bending forces are applied horizontally and vertically to the ends of the working rolls 12, 13. Rolled strip 9 runs in the vertical direction through the rolling gap 18 between the working rolls 12, 13. Feed boxes 23 arranged over the rolls ensure optimum lubrication and cooling of the rolls by laminar application of a film of oil to the rolls. Such cooling of the rolls provides optimum regulation of strip flatness.

24-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001512227A

04-04-1939 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the production of zinc sheet and foil

Номер: GB0000503488A

... 503,488. Alloys. TAINTON, U. C. Oct. 4, 1937, No. 26850. Drawings to Specification. [Class 82 (i)] [Also in Group XXII] Zinc sheet or foil is made from an alloy of substantially pure zinc with 0À05-0À1 per cent of manganese or nickel. The original ingot, plate, &c. consisting of zinc may be coated with e.g. aluminium, cadmium, or tin so as to produce a coated foil.

25-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008809308D0

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413934T

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000036818T

15-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000189140T

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000249683T

29-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000585907B2

26-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002321133A1

High strength foil having dead fold foil characteristics is produced without the rolling and other production problems encountered with prior high strength foils by controlling manganese content, interannealing temperatures and, optionally, final annealing temperatures. The alloy contains 0.05 to 0.15 %, preferably 0.095 to 0.125 %, manganese by weight. Cold worked sheet is interannealed at a temperature of about 200 ~C to about 260 ~C, preferably 230~ to 250 ~C, to produce substantially fully recrystallized sheet while maintaining most of the manganese in solid solution. The interannealed sheet is rolled to final gauge and finally annealed, preferably at a temperature of about 250 ~C to about 325 ~C, more preferably about 260 ~C to about 325 ~C, to produce dead fold aluminum foil with a yield strength of at least 89.6 MPa (13 ksi), and ultimate tensile strength of at least 103.4 MPa (15 ksi) and a Mullen rating of at least 89.6 kPa (13 psi) at a gauge of 0.0015 cm (0.0006 inch).

02-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002002714C

A method of forming thin metal sections of reactive metals which prevents high-temperature accelerated corrosion during hot working The reactive metal section is placed in a non-reactive metal frame. Two non-reactive metal sections are machined to form depressions in which a release agent is deposited. The framed reactive metal section is interleaved between the two non-reactive metal sections such that the release agent is interposed between the principal surfaces of the reactive metal section and the non-reactive metal sections. The assembly is then clamped and welded together along the perimeter. The laminate structure is hot worked as by hot rolling to the desired gauge. The release agent flows to form a continuous barrier during hot working which prevents bonding of the non-reactive sections to the reactive metal section. Since the reactive metal section is encapsulated in a non-reactive metal jacket, oxidation and other degradation of the reactive metal section during hot working ...

14-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001237923A1

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002944521A1

La technologie décrite concerne des polymères utilisés comme agents lubrifiants de laminage, des compositions les comprenant, et des films de métaux alcalins comprenant les polymères ou compositions sur leur surface(s). L'utilisation de ces polymères et compositions est aussi décrite pour le laminage de feuillards de métaux alcalins ou d'alliages de ceux-ci pour l'obtention de films minces. Des procédés de fabrication de ces films minces, lesquels conviennent à l'utilisation dans des cellules électrochimiques, sont aussi décrits. La technologie décrite propose un lubrifiant amélioré selon la formule I lequel, par exemple, atteint une conductivité accrue et/ou permet d'obtenir des cellules électrochimiques avec une durée de vie, en cycles, améliorée.

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000063941C2

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199045A1

A method for forming structural equipment employed in sulfur containing environments such as oil refineries and the like. In one embodiment, the method comprises: providing a steel composition containing up to 0.35% of C, 0.30 to 3.5% Si, up to 1.2% Mo, up to 1.35% Mn, up to 5% Al, less than 12.0% Cr, balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities; forming a structural component conforming to prevailing industry standards with respect to design, fabrication, inspection and testing, metallurgical and mechanical properties. The structural equipment has a corrosion rate of less than 15 mpy. In one embodiment, the equipment is formed from a steel composition has a carbon equivalent of less than 0.63, requiring no post weld heat treatment (“PWHT”). In another embodiment, the CE is less than 0.45, requiring no preheat nor PWHT. 1. A method for forming a corrosion resistant structural equipment , the method comprising:providing a steel composition having chemical requirements as specified according to any of ASTM and API standards, and modified by adding at least 0.05% Si to the chemical requirements of Si, for a Si content ranging from 0.30 to 3.5% by weight;forming a structural equipment from the steel composition such that the structural equipment complies to at least one of the ASTM standards, API standards with respect to manufacture, dimensions and weight, mechanical properties, testing, and certification of the structural equipment; andwherein the structural equipment is suitable for containing hydrocarbons in sulfur containing environments operating at a temperature ranging from 400° F. to 1000° F., and{'sub': '2', 'wherein the structural equipment has a corrosion rate of 15 mpy or less upon exposure to hydrocarbons saturated with a gas stream containing 10% HS and 90% nitrogen at 600° F. for 72 hours.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the steel composition is modified for a Si content ranging from 0.30 to 1% by weight.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the steel ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083570A1

Disclosed herein are processes for hot rolling billets of uranium that have been alloyed with about ten weight percent molybdenum to produce cold-rollable sheets that are about one hundred mils thick. In certain embodiments, the billets have a thickness of about 7/8 inch or greater. Disclosed processes typically involve a rolling schedule that includes a light rolling pass and at least one medium rolling pass. Processes may also include reheating the rolling stock and using one or more heavy rolling passes, and may include an annealing step. 2. The method of wherein the thickness of the starting billet is about ⅞ inch or greater.3. The method of wherein the starting billet is heated to about 800° C.4. The method of wherein the thickness of the thinned billet is reduced by about ten percent with each medium rolling pass.5. The method of further comprising a step between steps (a) and (b) of kiss-rolling the heated starting billet.6. The method of further comprising annealing the medial plate of the uranium molybdenum alloy.7. The method of wherein the medial plate is annealed between about 620° C. to about 640° C.9. The method of wherein the thickness of the reheated medial plate is reduced by about twenty percent with each heavy rolling pass.10. The method of further comprising annealing the thin strip of the uranium molybdenum alloy.11. The method of wherein the medial plate is annealed between about 620° C. to about 640° C.13. The method of wherein the thickness of the reheated medial plate is reduced by about twenty percent with each heavy rolling pass.14. The method of further comprising annealing the thin strip of the uranium molybdenum alloy.15. The method of wherein the medial plate is annealed between about 620° C. to about 640° C.16. The method of further comprising annealing the medial plate of the uranium molybdenum alloy.17. The method of wherein the medial plate is annealed between about 620° C. to about 640° C. The U.S. Government has rights to this ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071803A1

Disclosed is a rolling method for a board having various longitudinal thicknesses, comprising the following steps: 1) setting a number N of uniform-thickness segments of a sample, thicknesses h, h, . . . , hof the uniform-thickness segments, lengths L, L, . . . , Lof the uniform-thickness segments, and lengths T, T, . . . , Tof transitional segments between the uniform-thickness segments, the N uniform-thickness segments having N−1 transitional segments therebetween, and both the thickness and length having a unit of mm; 2) selecting a raw material; 3) setting a rolling force, a roll gap and a rolling period of time for each segment; 4) preparing rolling; 5) conducting rolling; 6) optimizing rolling parameters, measuring thicknesses and lengths of the uniform-thickness segments and lengths of the transitional segments after the rolling member is rolled; comparing the measured thicknesses of the uniform-thickness segments with the set thicknesses for the sample, so as to correct the rolling force Pand roll gap Gset for each segment in step 3); comparing the measured lengths with the positions marked in step 4), so as to correct the rolling period of time set for each segment in step 3); repeating steps 4) and 5) using raw materials of the same size, and making correction again, wherein a rolled member meeting the requirements of the sample can be made after 2-3 times of trial rolling. This method avoids preparation of a raw material in the form of a roll, avoids study on a complex controlling method for various-thickness rolling of the roll, and saves the raw material and test time. 1{'sub': 1', '2', 'N', '1', '2', 'N', '1', '2', 'N−1, '1) setting a number N of uniform-thickness segments for a sample, thicknesses h, h, . . . , hof the uniform-thickness segments, lengths L, L, . . . , Lof the uniform-thickness segments, and lengths T, T, . . . , Tof transitional segments between the uniform-thickness segments, wherein the N segments have N−1 transitional segments ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140173860A1

The present invention provides stainless steel foil for flexible display use which enables fabrication of a TFT substrate for display use which is superior in shape recovery after being rolled up or bent and which is high in surface flatness and is characterized by having a thickness of 20 μm to 200 μm, a surface roughness Ra of 50 nm or less, and a shape recovery of a distortion angle of 10° or less after being wound around a 30 mm diameter cylinder. 13-. (canceled)4. A method for producing a stainless steel foil for flexible display use having a thickness of 20 μm to 200 μm , a surface roughness Ra of 50 nm or less and a shape recovery of a distortion angle of 10° or less after being wound around a 30 mm diameter cylinder , comprisingapplying superbright finishing to a stainless steel sheet without bright annealing, wherein said superbright finishing comprises foil-rolling the stainless steel sheet using flat rolls lapped with #1000 or finer abrasive in at least a final pass of foil rolling.5. The method for producing a stainless steel foil for flexible display use as set forth in claim 4 , wherein said superbright finishing comprises foil-rolling the stainless steel sheet to 20 to 200 μm with a total reduction of 70% or more and a reduction at each pass of 20% or more claim 4 , using superhard rolls lapped with #1000 or finer abrasive claim 4 , at a rolling rate of 50 m/min or less in the pass right before the final one and the final pass.6. The method for producing a stainless steel foil for flexible display use as set forth in or claim 4 , wherein the stainless steel foil has 0.2% yield strength of at least 600N/mm.7. The method for producing a stainless steel foil for flexible display use as set forth in or claim 4 , wherein the stainless steel foil is ferritic stainless steel.8. The method for producing a stainless steel foil for flexible display use as set forth in claim 6 , wherein the stainless steel foil is ferritic stainless steel. This application is a ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140178709A1

An object of the present invention is to provide an aluminum alloy foil for an electrode current collector, the foil having a high strength after the drying step while keeping a high electrical conductivity. Disclosed is a method for manufacturing an aluminum alloy foil for electrode current collector, including: maintaining an aluminum alloy ingot comprising 0.1 to 0.5% of Fe, 0.01 to 0.3% of Si, 0.01 to 0.2% of Cu, 0.01% or less of Mn, with the rest being Al and unavoidable impurities, at 550 to 620° C. for 1 to 20 hours, and subjecting the resulting ingot under a hot rolling with a starting temperature of 500° C. or higher and an end-point temperature of 255 to 300° C. 1. An aluminum alloy foil for electrode current collector , comprising:0.1 to 0.5 mass % (hereinafter referred to as %) of Fe, 0.01 to 0.3% of Si, 0.01 to 0.2% of Cu, 0.01% or less of Mn, with the rest consisting of Al and unavoidable impurities, whereintensile strength of the aluminum alloy foil is 220 MPa or higher, 0.2% yield strength of the aluminum alloy foil is 180 MPa or higher, and electrical conductivity of the aluminum alloy foil is 58% IACS or higher.2. The aluminum alloy foil for electrode current collector of claim 1 , whereinsolid solution content of Fe is 100 ppm or higher,solid solution content of Si is 80 to 1800 ppm, andsolid solution content of Cu is 80 to 1500 ppm.3. The aluminum alloy foil for electrode current collector of claim 1 , whereinthe tensile strength and the 0.2% yield strength after performing either one of heat treatments of 24 hours at 120° C., 3 hours at 140° C. or 15 minutes at 160° C., is 190 MPa or higher and 160 MPa or higher, respectively.4. A method for manufacturing the aluminum alloy foil for electrode current collector of claim 1 , comprising the steps of:maintaining an aluminum alloy ingot comprising 0.1 to 0.5% of Fe, 0.01 to 0.3% of Si, 0.01 to 0.2% of Cu, 0.01% or less of Mn, with the rest consisting of Al and unavoidable impurities, at 550 to 620° C ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107211A1

A method and an apparatus for producing a microporous metal foil comprising (a) passing a metal foil through a gap between a pattern roll having large numbers of high-hardness, fine particles on the surface and a hard roll while pressing, to provide the metal foil with large numbers of fine penetrating pores, with a thin hard plastic film interposed between the metal foil and the pattern roll, and a thick soft plastic film interposed between the metal foil and the hard roll; and (b) adjusting tension applied to each of the metal foil, the hard plastic film and the soft plastic film to such an equal level that the metal foil is not broken during forming the fine penetrating pores. 1. A method for producing a microporous metal foil comprisingpassing a metal foil through a gap between a pattern roll having large numbers of high-hardness, fine particles on the surface and a hard roll while pressing, to provide said metal foil with large numbers of fine penetrating pores, with a thin hard plastic film interposed between said metal foil and said pattern roll, and a soft plastic film thicker than said hard plastic film interposed between said metal foil and said hard roll; andadjusting tension applied to each of said metal foil, said hard plastic film and said soft plastic film to such an equal level that said metal foil is not broken during forming said fine penetrating pores.2. The method for producing a microporous metal foil according to claim 1 , wherein said metal foil is an aluminum or copper foil.3. The method for producing a microporous metal foil according to claim 1 , wherein said hard plastic film has a thin metal film on the side of said metal foil.4. The method for producing a microporous metal foil according to claim 1 , wherein said soft plastic film is a composite film comprising a soft resin layer attached to a base film having high tensile strength and hardness.5. The method for producing a microporous metal foil according to claim 1 , wherein mechanical ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114065A1

A method for producing a porous metal foil comprising causing a metal foil together with a soft sheet to pass through a gap between a pattern roll of a hard metal, which has high-hardness, fine particles having particle sizes of 50-500 μm on the surface, and a hard metal roll opposing the pattern roll, to press the metal foil and the soft sheet, thereby forming fine pores in the metal foil; the soft sheet being a laminate sheet of a relatively hard plastic layer and a relatively soft plastic layer; and the pressing of the metal foil being conducted with the relatively hard plastic layer on the side of the metal foil, and the relatively soft plastic layer on the side of the hard metal roll. 1. A method for producing a porous metal foil comprising causing a metal foil together with a soft sheet to pass through a gap between a pattern roll of a hard metal , which has high-hardness , fine particles having particle sizes of 50-500 μm on the surface , and a hard metal roll opposing said pattern roll , to press said metal foil together with said soft sheet , thereby forming fine pores in said metal foil; said soft sheet being a laminate sheet of a relatively hard plastic layer and a relatively soft plastic layer; and the pressing of said metal foil being conducted with said relatively hard plastic layer on the side of said metal foil , and said relatively soft plastic layer on the side of said hard metal roll.2. The method for producing a porous metal foil according to claim 1 , wherein said soft sheet is a laminate sheet constituted by a polyethylene terephthalate layer and a polyethylene layer.3. The method for producing a porous metal foil according to claim 1 , wherein said soft sheet has hardness (Durometer Shore A) of 20-80.4. The method for producing a porous metal foil according to claim 2 , wherein said soft sheet has hardness (Durometer Shore A) of 20-80. The present invention relates to a method for efficiently producing a porous metal foil such as a porous ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112298A1
Автор: Weykamp Helen

A method of forming and processing a high strength aluminum alloy for the production of a vehicle component includes providing a metal sheet that was rolled from an aluminum alloy. The sheet is heat treated through a first aging step of a set of aging steps that are necessary to achieve a T6 or a T7 temper state. Prior to achieving the T6 or a T7 temper state, the sheet is formed to a desired shape and welded in the desired shape to produce a desired vehicle component. Once formed, the vehicle component is heat treated through a remaining aging step to achieve a T6 or T7 temper state homogeneously throughout the vehicle component. 1. A method of forming and processing an aluminum wrought product for the production of a component , said method comprising:providing a wrought product comprising an aluminum alloy, wherein the wrought product has been heat treated through a first aging step of a plurality of aging steps necessary to achieve a final temper state;processing the wrought product to provide a component having a desired shape; andheat treating the processed component through a remaining aging step of the plurality of aging steps to achieve the final temper state.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first aging step comprises heat treating the wrought product for approximately 5 to 6 hours at around 100 degrees Celsius.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the remaining aging step comprises heat treating the processed component for approximately 10 to 18 hours above 130 degrees Celsius.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein heat treating the processed component through the remaining aging step provides the final temper state homogeneously throughout the processed component.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein processing the wrought product comprises at least one of cutting claim 1 , welding claim 1 , and forming the wrought product to provide the component in the desired shape.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wrought product comprises one of a sheet claim 1 , a ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

System And Method For Manufacturing A Honeycomb Body

Номер: US20150128676A1

A system and method for manufacturing a honeycomb body is described provided. Said system having: a forming mold with a plurality of sub-molds, which are movable so that they can be opened and closed; a tightening mold for tightening said forming mold; rolling pin(s), which can be inserted into and pulled out of the inner volume of said forming mold and can rotate around a rotation axis; wherein said tightening mold has a shape that cooperates with the shape of said forming mold, so that an action of said tightening mold causes tightening of said forming mold. 1. A system for manufacturing a honeycomb body , comprising:a forming mold with a plurality of sub-molds, which are movable so that they can be opened and closed; a tightening mold for tightening said forming mold;rolling pin(s), which can be inserted into and pulled out of the inner volume of said forming mold and can rotate around a rotation axis;wherein said tightening mold has a shape that cooperates with the shape of said forming mold, so that an action of said tightening mold causes tightening of said forming mold.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said tightening mold has a conical inner surface claim 1 , which cooperates with a conical outer surface of said forming mold claim 1 , and said tightening mold are displaceable in the axial direction.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said forming mold comprises four sub-molds.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said sub-molds can be closed to form a cylindrical claim 1 , circumferential closed inner volume.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an ejecting part claim 1 , which is movable in the axial direction so as to push the rolled-up honeycomb structure into a housing.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a rolling pin driving shaft claim 1 , which supports one end of the rolling pin claim 1 , and on which said ejecting part is arranged claim 1 , such that said ejecting part is slidable on the rolling pin driving shaft.7. The system of ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119790A1
Принадлежит: UACJ Corporation

An aluminum-alloy foil that enables to satisfy both of high elongation and high strength even in the case of reducing the foil thickness. The chemical composition of the aluminum-alloy foil contains, in mass %, Fe: 1.0% or more and 2.0% or less, Cu: 0.1% or more and 0.5% or less, and Mn: 0.05% or less, the remainder being Al and unavoidable impurities. The aluminum-alloy foil has a foil thickness of 20 μm or less, and satisfies the relation El≥100×t/UTS. Here, t represents a foil thickness (μm), UTS represents a tensile strength (MPa), and El represents an elongation (%). 1. An aluminum-alloy foil , wherein:the chemical composition contains, in mass %, Fe: 1.0% or more and 2.0% or less, Cu: 0.1% or more and 0.5% or less, and Mn: 0.05% or less, the remainder being Al and unavoidable impurities;a foil thickness is 20 μm or less, and {'br': None, 'El≥100×t/UTS \u2003\u2003Formula 1'}, 'the aluminum-alloy foil satisfies Formula 1 expressed as belowwherein t represents the foil thickness (μm), UTS represents a tensile strength (MPa), and El represents an elongation (%).2. The aluminum-alloy foil according to claim 1 , wherein:the chemical composition further contains, in mass %, Si: 0.1% or more and 0.6% or less.3. The aluminum-alloy foil according to claim 1 , wherein: {'br': None, 'ρ≤0.002×UTS+0.006\u2003\u2003Formula 2'}, 'the aluminum-alloy foil further satisfies Formula 2 expressed as belowwherein ρ represents a resistivity (μΩ·cm), and UTS represents a tensile strength (MPa).4. The aluminum-alloy foil according to claim 2 , wherein: {'br': None, 'ρ≤0.002×UTS+0.006 \u2003\u2003Formula 2'}, 'the aluminum-alloy foil further satisfies Formula 2 expressed as belowwherein ρ represents a resistivity (μΩ·cm), and UTS represents a tensile strength (MPa).5. The aluminum-alloy foil according to claim 1 , wherein:the tensile strength is 250 MPa or more.6. The aluminum-alloy foil according to claim 2 , wherein:the tensile strength is 250 MPa or more.7. The aluminum-alloy foil ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170460A1

The specification discloses a nonferrous extrusion system and process providing improved transfer of extrusions from the runout table to the cooling table. The runout table includes interleaved runout rollers and transfer rollers that are vertically shiftable with respect to one another. The transfer rollers additionally are horizontally shiftable between the runout table and the cooling table. The runout table receives extrusions in a longitudinal direction. The vertical and horizontal shifting of the rollers is controlled to transfer the extrusions from the runout table to the cooling table. 1. A nonferrous extrusion method comprising the steps of:receiving an extrusion in a longitudinal direction on a runout table, the runout table including runout rollers and transfer rollers in a first position so that at least one of the runout rollers and the transfer rollers supports the extrusion;vertically shifting the runout rollers and/or the transfer rollers with respect to one another to a second position so that the extrusion is supported only by the transfer rollers;laterally shifting the transfer rollers in a first direction to a third position in which the extrusion is supported above a cooling table;vertically shifting the transfer rollers to a fourth position so that the extrusion is deposited on the cooling table; andlaterally shifting the transfer rollers in a second direction opposite to the first direction to return the transfer rollers to the first position.2. A nonferrous extrusion handling method as defined in wherein:the cooling table includes belts; andthe second vertically shifting step results in the extrusion being supported on the belts.3. A nonferrous extrusion handling method as defined in wherein the receiving step includes pulling the extrusion.4. A nonferrous extrusion handling method as defined in further comprising claim 1 , before the receiving step claim 1 , receiving the extrusion on a leadout table claim 1 , the leadout table including ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170141315A1
Автор: Ikenaga Chikao
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

A metal plate for manufacturing a deposition mask with reduced variation in dimension of through-holes. An average value of plate thicknesses of the metal plate in a longitudinal direction is within a ±3% range around a predetermined value. When an average value of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the longitudinal direction is represented as A, and a value obtained by multiplying a standard deviation of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the longitudinal direction by 3 is represented as B, (B/A)×100(%) is ≦5%. When a value obtained by multiplying a standard deviation of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the width direction by 3 is represented as C, and a value of a plate thickness of the metal plate at a central portion in the width direction is represented as X, (C/X)×100(%) is ≦3%. 3. The method of manufacturing the metal plate according to claim 1 , whereinthe plate thickness of the metal plate is 80 μm or less.4. The method of manufacturing a metal plate according to claim 1 , wherein:the standard deviation of the plate thicknesses in the width direction of the metal plate is calculated based on the plate thicknesses of the metal plate, the plate thicknesses being measured at intersections between m imaginary lines (m is a natural number of 2 or more) extending on the metal plate in the longitudinal direction and n imaginary line(s) (n is a natural number of 1 or more) extending on the elongated metal plate in the width direction; andm>n.5. The method of manufacturing a metal plate according to claim 1 , whereinthe base metal is made of an iron alloy containing nickel.7. The metal plate according to claim 6 , whereinthe plate thickness of the metal plate is 80 μm or less.8. The metal plate according to claim 6 , whereinthe standard deviation of the plate thicknesses in the width direction of the metal plate is calculated based on the plate thicknesses of the metal plate, the plate thicknesses being measured at intersections between ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140246399A1
Автор: Chiba Yoshihiro

A copper foil for producing graphene having a ratio (Ra/Ra) between an arithmetic mean roughness Rain a rolling direction and an arithmetic mean roughness Rain a direction transverse to rolling direction of 0.7 <=(Ra/Ra) <=1.3. 1. A copper foil for producing graphene consisting of tough pitch copper in accordance with JIS-H3100 , or consisting of oxygen free copper in accordance with JIS-H3100 , or containing from 0.001% by mass to 0.15% by mass of one or more of elements selected from the group consisting of Sn and Ag to the tough pitch copper or the oxygen free copper ,having a thickness of 18 to 50 μm or more,having 60 degree gloss in a rolling direction and 60 degree gloss in a direction transverse to rolling direction of each 200% or more,{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'and having a ratio (Ra/Ra) between an arithmetic mean roughness Rain the rolling direction and an arithmetic mean roughness Rain the direction transverse to rolling direction of 0.7 <=(Ra/Ra) <=1.3.'}2. The copper foil for producing graphene according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio (Ra/Ra) is 0.8 <=(Ra/Ra) <=1.2 after heating at 1000° C. for 1 hour in an atmosphere containing 20% by volume or more of hydrogen and balance argon.3. A method of producing the copper foil for producing graphene according to claim 1 , electropolishing a surface of a copper foil substrate to 0.5 μm or more in a depth direction.4. A method of producing the copper foil for producing graphene according to claim 1 , rolling with a roll having a ratio (Ra/Ra) between an arithmetic mean roughness in a circumferential direction Raand an arithmetic mean roughness in a width direction Rais 0.8 <=(Ra/Ra) <=1.2 at a final pass of a final cold rolling.5. A method of producing graphene using the copper foil for producing graphene according to claim 1 , comprising the steps of:providing a hydrogen and carbon-containing gas while placing the heated copper foil in a chamber to form graphene on a surface of the copper foil for ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180000A1

A hard rolled-copper foil which, when heated and laminated on an insulating resin base material, can exhibit excellent bend-resistance characteristics without increasing a final reduction ratio, which, being not prone to develop rolling marks, can maintain a low surface coarseness and can therefore be preferably used in a flexible printed wiring board having excellent high-speed transmission characteristics, which is not prone to softening at room temperature, and which provides excellent operation efficiency and foil passing property when being processed into a flexible printed wiring board after having been stored. A hard rolled-copper foil in which a crystal orientation density in a copper orientation is not less than 10, and a crystal orientation density in a brass orientation is not less than 20. 1. A hard rolled-copper foil wherein a crystal orientation density in a copper orientation is 10 or more , and a crystal orientation density in a brass orientation is 20 or more.2. The hard rolled-copper foil according to claim 1 , wherein the crystal orientation density in the copper orientation is 25 or less claim 1 , and the crystal orientation density in the brass orientation is 45 or less.3. The hard rolled-copper foil according to claim 1 , manufactured by rolling oxygen-free copper having a copper purity of 99.99% or more.4. (canceled)5. The hard rolled-copper foil according to claim 1 , having a ten-point average roughness Rzjis94 of less than 1 μm.6. The hard rolled-copper foil according to claim 1 , having a foil thickness of 12 μm or less.7. A printed wiring board comprising a laminate that includes the hard rolled-copper foil according to .8. (canceled)9. (canceled) The present invention relates to a hard rolled-copper foil suitable for use in a flexible printed wiring board. More specifically, the present invention relates to a hard rolled-copper foil which, when heated and laminated with an insulating resin base material, exhibits excellent bending- ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200185607A1
Автор: Ikenaga Chikao
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

A metal plate for manufacturing a deposition mask with reduced variation in dimension of through-holes; wherein an average value of plate thicknesses of the metal plate in a longitudinal direction is within a ±3% range around a predetermined value. When an average value of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the longitudinal direction is represented as A, and a value obtained by multiplying a standard deviation of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the longitudinal direction by 3 is represented as B, (B/A)×100(%) is ≤5%. When a value obtained by multiplying a standard deviation of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the width direction by is represented as C, and a value of a plate thickness of the metal plate at a central portion in the width direction is represented as X, (C/X)×100(%) is ≤3%. 1. A method of inspecting an elongated metal plate used for manufacturing a deposition mask having a plurality of through-holes formed in the metal plate , the method comprising:a first inspection step of measuring a plate thickness of the metal plate along the longitudinal direction of the metal plate at plural points;a second inspection step of measuring the plate thickness of the metal plate along the width direction of the metal plate at plural points; and (1) when an average value of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the longitudinal direction is represented as A, and a value obtained by multiplying a standard deviation of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the longitudinal direction by 3 is represented as B, (B/A)×100(%) is 5% or less; and', '(2) when a value obtained by multiplying a standard deviation of the plate thicknesses of the metal plate in the width direction by 3 is represented as C, and a value of the plate thickness of the metal plate in a central portion in the width direction, which is obtained when the plate thickness of the metal plate is measured along the width direction in order to calculate the standard ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210252571A1

Methods for producing a coiled strip of metal matrix composite (MMC) material are disclosed. The methods include a combination of hot rolling and warm rolling processes that reduce the thickness of the input material and increase its ductility. The resulting MMC strip can be coiled, which is useful for high volume coil-to-coil applications. 1. A method for producing a strip of a metal matrix composite (MMC) material , comprising:hot working a rectangular input of the MMC material to produce a hot rolled MMC material; andwarm working the hot rolled MMC material to obtain the strip of MMC material.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising winding the strip of MMC material into a coil.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot working is performed at a temperature from about 900° F. (482° C.) to about 1050° F. (565° C.).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot working is performed to a total % HW of at least 75%.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot working is performed by a plurality of hot passes claim 1 , each hot pass resulting in a % HW of up to 20%.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the warm working is performed at a temperature from about 350° F. to about 600° F. (about 177° C. to about 315° C.).7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the warm working is performed using heated rolls.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the warm working is performed to a total % WW of at least 75%.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the warm working is performed by a plurality of warm passes claim 1 , each warm pass resulting in a % WW of up to 65%.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising cold working the strip of MMC material after the warm working.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the cold working is performed to a total % CW of about 10% or less.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MMC material comprises an aluminum alloy and ceramic particles dispersed in the aluminum alloy.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the ceramic particles comprise at least one ceramic ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180226630A1

{Problem} Provided is a roll-press machine provided with a wrinkle occurrence prevention device for suppressing occurrence of wrinkles caused by a roll-pressing operation on a coated part and an uncoated part of an electrode plate, and a roll-pressing method. 1. A roll-press machine for roll-pressing an electrode plate having a coated part coated with an active material applied on an electrode foil and a plurality of uncoated strip parts not coated with the active material using a pair of an upper pressing roll and a lower pressing roll ,wherein the roll-press machine has a wrinkle occurrence prevention means provided as a set of combination with either one of the pressing rolls, and the electrode plate is pressed to such one of pressing rolls,wherein the wrinkle occurrence prevention means is provided with a work roll and a backup roll for strengthening the work roll, andthe wrinkle occurrence prevention means stretches the uncoated part, and the diameter of either one of work rolls of the wrinkle occurrence prevention means in contact with the uncoated part is larger than the diameter of the roll in contact with the coated part.2. The roll-press machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the wrinkle occurrence prevention means used in a set of combination with either one of the pressing rolls has a work roll and a backup roll for strengthening the work roll having a larger diameter than that of the work roll,wherein the backup roll is constituted with two backup rolls disposed in a V-shape formation.3. The roll-press machine according to claim 2 ,wherein one backup roll of the two backup rolls disposed in V-shape formation is disposed so as to contact the other pressing roll to which the work roll does not touch.4. The roll-press machine according to claim 1 ,wherein a roll driving device is provided which allows moving the work roll in the axial direction with a state the work roll is pressing the uncoated part.5. A method for roll-pressing an electrode plate having a ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140322557A1

Method for producing an aluminum foil with integrated security features. An aluminum foil is rolled to a thickness of less than 150 μm in multiple cold rolling passes, and simultaneously a texture which runs in the rolling direction is produced on both faces of the foil. A loose composite formed from at least two of the aluminum foils, is fed into a pair of working rollers in a final cold rolling pass, wherein the relief-like surface structure which is produced in the rolling direction via a polishing process has been reduced by 10 to 50% with respect to the average roughness height in one region in a contrast- and motif-dependent manner on at least one roller surface in order to form a motif for a security feature. The security feature is transferred onto the aluminum foil face facing the roller surface, and the loose composite of aluminum foils is separated. 1164445584911662814ababa. Process for the manufacture of an aluminum foil () with integrated security features () whereby an aluminum foil () is rolled in several cold rolling passes to a thickness of less than 150 μm , and whereby at the same time on outer faces ( , ) of the aluminum foil a texturing ( , ) extending in rolling direction is created , whereby a loose composite () is formed from at least two of those aluminum foils () which composite is fed into a working roller pair () in a last cold rolling pass , in which on at least one roller surface () the relief type surface structure produced by grinding is reduced , depending on contrast and motif in a range (′) of 10-50% relative to the average depth of roughness , for the formation of a motif for a security feature () which is transferred to the outer face () of the aluminum foil facing the roller surface , whereafter the loose composite () of the aluminum foil ( , ′) is separated.2994. Process according to claim 1 , characterized in that the last cold rolling pass is carried out with a closed roller gap (′) and a defined mixed friction range is ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Method and Device for Embossing Relief Structures

Номер: US20210260633A1

A method and device of embossing individually light-reflecting areas on a foil material, the method and device comprising feeding a foil material into a roller nip between a pair of rollers, wherein the pair of rollers comprises a first roller and a second roller, providing each of the first roller and second roller at their respective surfaces at least in a determined perimeter, respectively with a plurality of polyhedron-shaped positive projections and a plurality of negative projections complementary to the positive projections, whereby the plurality of positive projections are arranged according to a -dimensional grid. The plurality of polyhedron-shaped positive projections seamlessly and gaplessly join with those corresponding negative projections at the intended embossing of the foil material, hence enabling a homogeneously jointed embossed polyhedron-like shape in the foil. The method and device further comprise, for the purpose of providing a plurality of light-reflecting areas on the foil material, that are intended to reflect light in line with a table of reflectivity values for the -dimensional grid, according to an orientation and shape of each of the plurality of light-reflecting areas, and enabling a perception by the human eye of a user, of the intended reflected light on a determined wide viewing angle covered by reflected light from any of the light-reflecting areas, a step of adjusting for each of the plurality of light-reflecting areas to be provided, an orientation and shape of the corresponding positive projection in the -dimensional grid, that is intended to emboss the light-reflecting area. 134-. (canceled)35. An embossing device configured to emboss light-reflecting areas on a foil material , the embossing device comprising:a pair of rollers configured to form a roller nip for admission of the foil material, the pair of rollers including a first roller and a second roller, each one of the first roller and second roller having, at their ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140335372A1

A rolled copper foil composed of crystal particles of copper or a copper alloy, wherein an average particle size of the crystal particles composing the outermost surface is not less than 0.2 μm and not greater than 6 μm; a ratio of the average particle size of the crystal particles composing the outermost surface to a thickness of the rolled copper foil is not less than 1% and not greater than 6%; and an intragranular distortion rate found by the following formula (1) when a cross-section perpendicular to a length direction of the rolled copper foil is analyzed by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is not less than 0.5% and not greater than 10%. 1. A rolled copper foil comprising crystal particles of copper or a copper alloy , the rolled copper foil comprising:an average particle size of the crystal particles composing the outermost surface of the rolled copper foil of not less than 0.2 μm and not greater than 6 μm;a ratio of the average particle size of the crystal particles composing the outermost surface of the rolled copper foil to a thickness of the rolled copper foil of not less than 1% and not greater than 6%; {'br': None, 'i': A', 'B, 'Intragranular distortion rate(%)=()/()×100\u2003\u2003Formula (1)'}, 'and an intragranular distortion rate, found by the following formula (1) when a cross-section perpendicular to a length direction of the rolled copper foil is analyzed by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), of not less than 0.5% and not greater than 10%'}(provided that in the formula (1), (A) represents an area of a region identified through image analysis to have an orientation difference of not less than 1 degree and not greater than 15 degrees, and (B) represents an area of a region identified through image analysis to have an orientation difference of not less than 0 degrees and not greater than 15 degrees).2. The rolled copper foil according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the average particle size of the crystal particles composing the ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150273547A1

Method for producing an aluminum foil with integrated security features. An aluminum foil is rolled down to a thickness of less than 150 μm in a plurality of cold rolling passes, texturing that runs in the direction of rolling being induced simultaneously on both surface sides of the foil. In a final cold rolling pass, the foil is fed to a working roller pair, in which, on at least one roller surface, the relief-like surface structuring generated in the rolling direction by grinding was reduced on the basis of contrast and motif in a region of 10 to 50% relative to the average surface roughness to form a motif for a security feature that is transferred to the surface side of the foil facing the roller surface. The generated aluminum foil has a glossy appearance on both sides such that the security feature rises clearly due to its dull appearance. 116444554911762a,ba,ba. Process for the manufacture of an aluminum foil () with integrated security features () whereby an aluminum foil () is rolled down in several cold rolling passes to a thickness of less than 150 μm , and whereby at the same time on both outer faces () of the aluminum foil a texturing () extending in rolling direction is created , whereby the aluminum foil () is fed into a working roller pair () in a last cold rolling pass , in which on at least one roller surface () the relief type surface structure produced by grinding is reduced , depending on contrast and motif , in a range () of 10-50% relative to the average depth of surface roughness , for the formation of a motif for a security feature () which is transferred to the outer face () of the aluminum foil facing the roller surface.2949. Process according to claim 1 , characterized in that the last cold rolling pass is carried out with a closed roller gap () and a defined mixed friction range is adjusted according to the Striebeck curve by way of the parameters friction co-efficient claim 1 , dynamic viscosity of the rolling oil claim 1 , rolling ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180281036A1

An aluminum foil includes a first main surface and a second main surface located opposite to the first main surface. In at least one of the first main surface and the second main surface, a surface roughness Ra is not more than 10 nm, a surface roughness Rz is not more than 40 nm in each of a rolling direction and a direction perpendicular to the rolling direction, and the number of peak counts is not less than 10 when a reference length is 40 μm, the number of peak counts being determined from a roughness curve in at least one of the rolling direction and the direction perpendicular to the rolling direction. 1. An aluminum foil comprising a first main surface and a second main surface located opposite to the first main surface ,in at least one of the first main surface and the second main surface, a surface roughness Ra being not more than 10 nm, a surface roughness Rz being not more than 40 nm in each of a rolling direction and a direction perpendicular to the rolling direction, the number of peak counts being not less than 10 when a reference length L is 40 the number of peak counts being determined from a roughness curve in at least one of the rolling direction and the direction perpendicular to the rolling direction.2. The aluminum foil according to claim 1 , wherein a static friction coefficient is not more than 1.0 in the at least one of the first main surface and the second main surface.3. The aluminum foil according to claim 1 , wherein a dynamic friction coefficient is not more than 0.8 in the at least one of the first main surface and the second main surface.4. The aluminum foil according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminum foil has a thickness of not less than 4 μm and not more than 200 μm.5. An electronic device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the aluminum foil recited in ; and'}a function element formed on the aluminum foil.6. A roll-to-roll aluminum foil comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292642A1
Автор: ZHENG Guangping

The present disclosure relates to the preparation of bulk nanostructured pure titanium at cryogenic temperatures using rolling, allowing the whole microstructures of pure titanium to be refined into the one that the mean grain size is smaller than 100 nm. 1. A method for preparing a bulk nanostructured pure titanium from a pure titanium plate comprising:providing at least one roller;injecting liquid nitrogen onto the pure titanium plate to cool down the pure titanium plate to a temperature between −125° C. and −50° C.; androlling the cooled pure titanium plate by the at least one roller to form the bulk nanostructured pure titanium.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one roller includes two rollers respectively located on both sides of the pure titanium plate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of rolling has a rolling speed between 0.05 and 2 rad/min.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cooled pure titanium plate is rolled 15 to 30 times.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pure titanium plate has a thickness between 2 mm and 10 mm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bulk nanostructured pure titanium comprises grain sizes of less than 100 nm.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid nitrogen is injected from at least one liquid nitrogen sprayer.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one liquid nitrogen sprayer includes two liquid nitrogen sprayers respectively located on both sides of one of the at least one roller. This application is a continuation of U.S. non-provisional patent application Ser. No. 15/219,280 filed Jul. 26, 2016, which claims benefit of U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 62/249,945 filed Nov. 3, 2015. The foregoing applications are incorporated by reference in their entirety as if fully set forth herein.The present disclosure relates to a nanostructured pure titanium, more particularly, the present invention relates to a method for preparing a bulk nanostructured pure titanium.It is a long- ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Roller-Press Apparatus

Номер: US20150360268A1

The present disclosure provides a roller-press apparatus, which comprises: an unwinding mechanism around which an electrode plate to be rolled is wound, the electrode plate has a foil and a coating layer, the foil has at least a coated area and a blank foil area, the foil is provided with the coating layer at the coated area and is not provided with the coating layer at the blank foil area; a rolling mechanism; and a stretching mechanism. The stretching mechanism comprises: two guide rollers; and an uneven roller positioned between the two guide rollers, and forming a wrap angle with the two guide rollers, the uneven roller matches the electrode plate in size to allow a protruding portion of the uneven roller to act on the foil at the blank foil area, so as to allow the foil at the blank foil area to be plastically deformed. 1. A roller-press apparatus , comprising:{'b': 1', '9', '1', '9', '9', '91', '92', '91', '91', '911', '91', '911', '92', '91', '92', '911', '92, 'an unwinding mechanism () around which an electrode plate () to be rolled is wound, and the unwinding mechanism () unwinding the electrode plate () to be rolled, the electrode plate () to be rolled having a foil () and a coating layer () provided on at least a surface of the foil (), the foil () having at least a coated area () extending along a longitudinal direction of the foil () and a blank foil area positioned at a side direction of the coated area () on the corresponding surface provided with the coating layer (), the foil () being provided with the coating layer () at the coated area () and being not provided with the coating layer () at the blank foil area;'}{'b': 2', '21', '22', '9, 'a rolling mechanism () comprising a press roller () and a back roller () which are oppositely provided, and used for rolling the electrode plate ();'}{'b': 3', '9, 'a winding mechanism () winding the electrode plate () after rolled; and'}{'b': 5', '2', '3, 'claim-text': [{'b': '51', 'two guide rollers (); and'}, ...

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160358684A1

The present invention aims to provide aluminum foil having high adhesiveness to solder. The aluminum foil of the present invention contains at least one of Sn and Bi, in which a ratio of a total mass of Sn and Bi to a total mass of the aluminum foil is 0.0075 mass % or more and 15 mass % or less. 1. Aluminum foil containing at least one of Sn and Bi , a ratio of a total mass of Sn and Bi to a total mass of the aluminum foil being 0.0075 mass % or more and 15 mass % or less.2. The aluminum foil according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a total surface area of Sn and Bi to a total surface area of the aluminum foil is 0.01% or more and 65% or less claim 1 , and the ratio of the total surface area is 5 times or more a ratio of a total volume of Sn and Bi to a volume of Al.3. The aluminum foil according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminum foil is tempered in a range from 0 to ¼H defined in JIS-H0001.4. The aluminum foil according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminum foil is aluminum foil for soldering.5. An electronic component wiring board manufactured using the aluminum foil according to .6. A method of manufacturing aluminum foil claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:preparing aluminum molten metal;adding at least one of Sn and Bi to the aluminum molten metal to produce a molten metal mixture in which a ratio of a total mass of Sn and Bi is 0.0075 mass % or more and 15 mass % or less;forming an ingot or a casting plate using the molten metal mixture;rolling the ingot or the casting plate to manufacture aluminum foil in which the ratio of the total mass of Sn and Bi is 0.0075 mass % or more and 15 mass % or less, the aluminum foil being tempered in a range from ¾H to H defined in JIS-H0001; andsubjecting the tempered aluminum foil to a heat treatment at a temperature of 230° C. or more so as to be tempered. The present invention relates to aluminum foil, an electronic component wiring board manufactured using the same, and a method of manufacturing aluminum foil. ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160372779A1

A system for rolling electrode plates includes: supplying units for supplying first and second electrode plates and separators; electrode processing units for forming first electrode tabs having gradually increasing intervals between tabs on one side of the first electrode plate and second electrode tabs having gradually increasing intervals between tabs on one side of the second electrode plate by performing cutting processes on the sides of the first and second electrode plates; an assembling unit for forming an electrode assembly by rolling the first and second electrode plates and the separators; and buffer units for temporarily storing the first and second electrode plates to compensate for differences in processing rates and base material transfer amounts between the electrode processing units and the assembling unit, and for transmitting the temporarily stored first and second electrode plates to the assembling unit. 1. A system for rolling electrode plates , the system comprising:supplying units configured to supply a first electrode plate, a second electrode plate, and separators;electrode processing units configured to form a plurality of first electrode tabs having gradually increasing intervals between them on a first side of the first electrode plate and a plurality of second electrode tabs having gradually increasing intervals between them on a first side of the second electrode plate by performing cutting processes on the first sides of the first and second electrode plates supplied from the supplying units;an assembling unit configured to form an electrode assembly by rolling the first and second electrode plates cut by the electrode processing units and the separators supplied from the supplying units; and temporarily store the first and second electrode plates cut by the electrode processing units to compensate for differences in processing rates and base material transfer amounts between the electrode processing units and the assembling unit, and ...

27-03-1991 дата публикации

Patent JPH0322828B2

Номер: JPH0322828B2
Принадлежит: Nippon Foil Manufacturing Co Ltd

20-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164180C2

FIELD: plastic working of metals and alloys, particularly, working billets of titanium aluminides such as TiAl (γ+α 2 phase) and Ti 3 Al (γ phase) made by casting or powder metallurgy method. SUBSTANCE: method comprises steps of rolling initial billet with preliminarily prepared fine-grain structure to sheet or to foil of predetermined thickness and grain size in range of deformation rate α 2 1/c and in temperature range (T* +-Te) C, where T* is 400-700 C and Te is temperature of eutectoid conversion, during one or several stages realized as N passes in isothermal or quasi-isothermal conditions; selecting heating temperature of billet for each next stage Ti+1 according to condition Ti+1=Ti, where Ti is temperature of billet heating at previous stage; at first stage setting Ti=To, where To is temperature of deformation at final stage during making billet for rolling or setting Ti+1= Ti+10 -3 -10 1 Ti+1 or Ti+1= Ti-Δti+1, where ΔTi+1 is selected according to condition of admissible grain growing and Δti+1 - according to condition of deformability or deformability and lowered oxidation capability of alloy. Initial billet for rolling is made by heating and deforming in temperature range (700-Te) C, where Te is temperature of eutectoid conversion, at rate values Δ 1/c during i stages, n transitions at each stage and with total deformation degree 10 -4 -10 -1 providing fine grain size due to recrystallization. Temperature Ti and deformation rate Σε for each stage are determined according to results of testing of N samples with size of grain/colony di (di= d bil) by means of single axis compression at isothermal conditions in above mentioned range of temperature and deformation rate while taking into account size of recrystallized grains and specific recrystallized volume. Number of stages is determined according to smooth lowering of grain size in initial billet until necessary value. EFFECT: manufacture of sheet and foil with normalized structure, preparation of fine- ...

04-09-2018 дата публикации

Способ изготовления плит из двухфазных титановых сплавов

Номер: RU2665864C1

Изобретение относится к обработке металлов давлением, в частности к термомеханической обработке двухфазных титановых сплавов, и предназначено для изготовления плоского проката, применяемого в авиационной промышленности, а также машиностроении. Способ изготовления плит из двухфазных (α+β)-титановых сплавов, включающий горячее деформирование слитка в сляб, горячую прокатку сляба, правку полученной плиты на правильной машине и ее последующую термическую обработку. Горячую прокатку сляба проводят в четыре стадии, при этом на первой стадии прокатку осуществляют в (α+β)-области, на второй - в β-области, на третьей - в (α+β)-области, а на четвертой - при температуре на 30-180°С ниже температуры полиморфного превращения (Тпп) сплава, с последующим охлаждением полученной плиты в режиме покачивания на рольганге до температуры 150-200°С и дальнейшим охлаждением на воздухе до комнатной температуры. Правку полученной плиты осуществляют в роликовой правильной машине в процессе охлаждения от температуры (Тпп-50)°С до 500°С, а термическую обработку проводят путем отжига в печи в интервале температур (Тпп-200)°С…(Тпп-250)°С и выдержки не менее 2 часов, после чего плиту охлаждают в режиме покачивания на рольганге до температуры 150-200°С и далее на воздухе до комнатной температуры. Данный способ позволяет с высокой производительностью получать плиты с минимальным уровнем внутренних остаточных напряжений и неплоскостности, используя стандартное оборудование прокатного цеха. 4 з.п. ф-лы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 665 864 C1 (51) МПК C22F 1/18 (2006.01) B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C22F 1/183 (2006.01); B21B 3/003 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017135121, 04.10.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 04.09.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество "Корпорация ВСМПО-АВИСМА" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 04.09.2018 Бюл. № 25 2 6 6 5 8 6 4 R U ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Method of producing cold-rolled products

Номер: RU2699480C1

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of metallurgy. Performing steel melting, casting, hot rolling, etching, cold rolling, annealing, cold rolling, annealing and temper rolling, at that, the first cold rolling is performed with reduction of 20–40 %, and second cold rolling – with reduction of 20–55 %, and annealing after each cold rolling is performed by heating rolls to annealing start temperature of 700–730 °C, holding for 7–15 hours at reduction to annealing end temperature, wherein annealing start temperature is 15–35 °C above annealing end temperature, then cooling at rate of 20–35 °C/h. Besides, steel contains, wt%: carbon 0.20–0.40, silicon at least 0.70, manganese 0.60–1.20, chromium min. 0.70, iron and unavoidable impurities – the rest, hot rolling is finished at temperature of 850–900 °C, strip winding is carried out at temperature of 620–690 °C, and temper rolling is performed with reduction of 0.4–0.7 %. EFFECT: providing the required complex of mechanical properties, stable and uniform along the strip length. 4 cl, 3 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 699 480 C1 (51) МПК C21D 8/02 (2006.01) C22C 38/00 (2006.01) B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C21D 8/02 (2019.05); C22C 38/00 (2019.05); B21B 3/00 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018144587, 14.12.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 05.09.2019 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество "Северсталь" (ПАО "Северсталь") (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 05.09.2019 Бюл. № 25 2 6 9 9 4 8 0 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2155645 C1, 10.09.2000. RU 2222610 C2, 27.01.2004. RU 2532689 C2, 10.11.2014. RU 2603519 C2, 27.11.2016. RU 2470087 C2, 20.12.2012. RU 2524031 С2, 27.07.2014. (54) СПОСОБ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ХОЛОДНОКАТАНОГО ПРОКАТА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области до температуры конца отжига, причем металлургии. Для ...

14-02-2000 дата публикации

Rolled copper foil and method for producing the same

Номер: JP3009383B2
Автор: 隆紹 波多野
Принадлежит: Nippon Mining and Metals Co Ltd

03-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: JPS6272405A

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

22-12-2017 дата публикации

Method of thermomechanical treatment of sheets of two-phase titanium alloys to produce low values of thermal coefficient of linear expansion (tclp) in plane of sheet

Номер: RU2639744C1

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: method for thermomechanical treatment of sheet semi-finished products made of two-phase titanium alloy with molybdenum equivalent from 3.3 to 22% includes hot rolling of semi-finished sheet products and cold longitudinal-transverse rolling. Hot rolling is carried out at temperature from 500°C to T pt - 20°C with total reduction of not less than 10%, then hardening is carried out from temperature in the range from 600°C to T pt , and subsequent cold longitudinal-transverse rolling of semi-finished sheet product is carried out at temperature not higher than 300°C with total reduction from 1 to 30%, where T pt is temperature of complete polymorphic transformation of used alloy melt. The TCLP value is not more than 5⋅10 6 K -1 in sheet plane in the temperature range from -140 to +80°C, while strength is greater than 900 MPa and ductility more than 5%. EFFECT: producing low values of thermal coefficient of linear expansion in the sheet plane. 3 tbl, 1 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 639 744 C1 (51) МПК C22F 1/18 (2006.01) B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C22F 1/18 (2006.01); B21B 3/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016144521, 14.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 22.12.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 22.12.2017 Бюл. № 36 Адрес для переписки: 620034, Свердловская обл., г. Екатеринбург, ул. Опалихинская, 26, кв. 327, Гадееву Д. В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Гадеев Дмитрий Вадимович (RU), Демаков Сергей Леонидович (RU), Степанов Степан Игоревич (RU), Попов Артемий Александрович (RU), Илларионов Анатолий Геннадьевич (RU), Семкина Яна Алексеевна (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2555267 С2, 10.07.2015. RU C 1 2 6 3 9 7 4 4 R U (54) СПОСОБ ТЕРМОМЕХАНИЧЕСКОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ ЛИСТОВ ИЗ ДВУХФАЗНЫХ ТИТАНОВЫХ СПЛАВОВ ДЛЯ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ НИЗКИХ ЗНАЧЕНИЙ ТЕРМИЧЕСКОГО КОЭФФИЦИЕНТА ЛИНЕЙНОГО РАСШИРЕНИЯ В ПЛОСКОСТИ ...

28-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2769137C1

Изобретение относится к трубопрокатному инструменту, а именно к рабочим инструментам для пильгерной прокатки тонкостенных титановых труб. Рабочий инструмент состоит из оправки и пары симметричных калибров. Оправка выполнена в виде металлического стержня круглого сечения с переменным диаметром, имеющего обжимную, предкалибрующую и калибрующую зоны. На цилиндрической поверхности калибра выполнен ручей переменного сечения. Профиль оправки в обжимной и предкалибрующей зоне имеет вогнутую кривую линию, форма которой определяется из условий равномерного распределения фактора трубной обработки по длине обжимного участка. Ручей переменного сечения имеет по длине обжимную, предчистовую и калибрующую зоны, уменьшающегося поперечного сечения. В обжимной и предчистовой зонах радиус центральной дуги выполнен с уменьшающимся значением, а в калибрующей - постоянным, равным радиусу готовой трубы. Коэффициент развалки в обжимной зоне составляет не более 3%, в калибрующей зоне не более 1%. Шероховатость поверхности ручья в калибрующей зоне имеет Ra 0,63…0,32 мкм. В результате повышается прочность трубы в радиальном направлении за счет формирования радиальной текстуры материала. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 1 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 769 137 C1 (51) МПК B21B 21/04 (2006.01) B21B 3/00 (2006.01) B21B 17/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B21B 21/04 (2022.02); B21B 3/00 (2022.02); B21B 17/08 (2022.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021121670, 21.07.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 28.03.2022 (45) Опубликовано: 28.03.2022 Бюл. № 10 Адрес для переписки: 111141, Москва, ул. Плеханова, 1, оф. 1, помещ. 24, ООО "Хермит Рус", Хорин Михаил Семенович 2 7 6 9 1 3 7 C 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2006301 C1, 30.01.1994. RU 2301715 C1, 27.06.2007. RU 2133161 C1, 20.07.1999. RU 2150342 C1, 10.06.2000. JP 3823762 B2, 20.09.2006. (54) КОМПЛЕКТ РАБОЧЕГО ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR20130095156A

(과제) 재결정소둔 공정후에 우수한 굴곡특성을 구비시킨다. (해결수단) 주표면과 평행한 복수의 결정면의 회절 피크 강도가, I{022}/(I{022} + I{002} + I{113} + I{111} + I{133}) ≥ 0.50이며, (I{002} + I{113})/(I{111} + I{133}) ≤ 2.0이며, 10 ≤ I{022}/I{002} ≤ 45이며, I{022}/I{113} ≥ 5.0이며, I{022}/I{111} ≤ 120이며, I{022}/I{133} ≤ 25이며, I{002}/I{113} ≤ 5.0이며, I{111}/I{133} ≤ 3.0이며, I{113}/I{111} ≤ 5.0이며, I{002}/I{111} ≤ 8.0이며, I{002}/I{133} ≤ 2.0이며, 또한, I{113}/I{133} ≤ 2.0이다.

06-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108746205A
Принадлежит: Wuyang Iron and Steel Co Ltd


21-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CN103255308A
Автор: 关聪至, 室贺岳海
Принадлежит: Hitachi Cable Ltd

本发明提供一种轧制铜箔,在再结晶退火工序后具有优良弯曲特性。与主表面平行的多个晶面的衍射峰强度为:I {022} /(I {022} +I {002} +I {113} +I {111} +I {133} )≥0.50,(I {002} +I {113} )/(I {111} +I {133} )≤2.0,10≤I {022} /I {002} ≤45,I {022} /I {113} ≥5.0,I {022} /I {111} ≤120,I {022} /I {133} ≤25,I {002} /I {113} ≤5.0,I {111} /I {133} ≤3.0,I {113} /I {111} ≤5.0,I {002} /I {111} ≤8.0,I {002} /I {133} ≤2.0,且I {113} /I {133} ≤2.0。

15-10-2015 дата публикации

High strength multi-matrix hot rolled steel sheet having excellent impact resistance and formability of edge part and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR101560948B1
Автор: 김성일, 김성환, 서석종
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

본 발명은 내충격특성 및 엣지부 성형성이 우수한 고강도 복합조직 열연강판에 관한 것으로서, 0.03∼0.15 중량%, Si: 0.5∼1.5 중량%, Mn: 1.5∼2.0 중량%, Sol.Al: 0.01∼0.08 중량%, Cr: 0.2∼0.8 중량%; Mo: 0.01~0.3 중량%, P: 0.001∼0.05 중량%, S: 0.001∼0.005 중량% 및 N: 0.001∼0.01 중량%를 포함하고, Nb, Ti 및 V 중에서 선택된 적어도 하나의 성분을 총 0.001~0.2 중량% 추가적으로 포함하며, 잔부 Fe 및 불가피한 불순물을 포함하고, 페라이트 기지조직과 80 체적%이상의 베이나이트 상을 포함하는 미세조직을 갖고, 미세조직 중 직경 100nm이상의 Ti, Nb 및 V의 단독 또는 복합 탄질화물의 개수가 단위면적(1cm 2 )당 3x10 8 이하이고, 그리고 열연강판 엣지(Edge)부에서의 미세조직중 마르텐사이트 상분율이 5 체적% 미만인 내충격특성 및 엣지부 성형성이 우수한 고강도 복합조직 열연강판 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a high strength composite steel hot-rolled steel sheet excellent in impact resistance and edge formability, comprising 0.03 to 0.15 wt% Si, 0.5 to 1.5 wt% Si, 1.5 to 2.0 wt% Mn, 0.01 to 0.08 wt% By weight, Cr: 0.2 to 0.8% by weight; 0.001 to 0.005 wt% of Mo, 0.001 to 0.05 wt% of P, 0.001 to 0.05 wt% of S, 0.001 to 0.01 wt% of N and 0.001 to 0.01 wt% of N, wherein the total amount of at least one component selected from Nb, And the balance Fe and inevitable impurities, and having a microstructure including a ferrite matrix and a bainite phase of 80 volume% or more, and having a diameter of 100 nm or more of Ti, Nb and V in the microstructure, A high strength composite material having an impact resistance characteristic that the number of carbonitride is 3 x 10 8 or less per unit area (1 cm 2 ) and a martensite phase fraction of the microstructure at the edge portion of the hot-rolled steel sheet is less than 5% The present invention relates to a hot rolled steel sheet and a manufacturing method thereof.

16-07-2021 дата публикации

Wide-width foil rolling mill and rolling method

Номер: CN113118212A
Автор: 刘洪勤, 徐继玲, 李毅, 马力
Принадлежит: Shanghai Wuxing Copper Co ltd


14-06-2019 дата публикации

Method of production of rolled sheet from titanium alloy of grade bt8

Номер: RU2691471C1

FIELD: metallurgy.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to metallurgy of titanium alloys and can be used for production of rolled sheet from (α+β)-titanium high alloy of BT8 grade. Proposed method comprises deformation of ingot into slab, machining of slab, multi-pass hot rolling and hardening thermal treatment. Deformation of ingot is performed by forging in two stages, at first of which forging is performed with degree of deformation of not less than 80 % after ingot heating, at second – forging is performed with degree of deformation of 50–70 % with cooling after forging at rate of 30–50 °C/min. Multi-pass hot rolling is performed in three stages, at the first stage, rolling is performed for rolling with degree of deformation of not less than 70% with cooling of rolled stock in air to room temperature, at second step, rolling is performed on strip with total degree of deformation of 40–60 % with subsequent cooling of strip in air to room temperature and further strip opening to billets, at third stage, sheet metal is produced by means of multi-pass rolling of workpieces in transverse direction with deformation degree of 50–60 %. Hardening heat treatment is carried out by quenching with heating to temperature (Tpp-80)–(Tpp-120) °C, holding for at least 1 hour and cooling in air with subsequent aging by heating to temperature (Tpp-370)–(Tpp-420) °C, holding for 4–12 hours and subsequent cooling in air.EFFECT: high-quality sheet metal is obtained, having a high complex of mechanical properties at room and elevated temperature, as well as low anisotropy of mechanical properties owing to control of formation of texture in thermomechanical processing.1 cl, 3 dwg, 2 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 691 471 C1 (51) МПК C22F 1/18 (2006.01) B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C22F 1/18 (2019.02); B21B 3/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018134089, 26.09.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока ...

11-08-2017 дата публикации

A kind of rafifinal target heavy reduction rolling method

Номер: CN107030108A
Принадлежит: Chinalco Ruimin Co Ltd


22-07-2019 дата публикации

Rolled copper foil

Номер: KR102002355B1
Принадлежит: 제이엑스금속주식회사

높은 내굴곡성과 함께 우수한 내절곡성을 구비시키는 것을 과제로 한다. 해결수단은, 주표면과 평행한 복수의 결정면에는 {022}면, {002}면, {113}면, {111}면 및 {133}면이 포함되고, 주표면에 대한 2θ/θ법을 이용한 X선 회절 측정으로부터 구해지고, 합계치가 100이 되도록 환산된 각 결정면의 회절 피크 강도비가, I{022}+I{002}≥ 75.0이며, X선 폴 피겨법을 이용하여 측정한 {111}면의 회절 피크의 평균 강도를 도시 한그래프에서, 틸트 각도가 47도와 53도에서의 {111}면의 회절 피크의 평균 강도끼리를 연결하는 직선의 세로축 절편 [A]와, 틸트 각도가 15도 이상 90도 이하의 범위 내에서의 {111}면의 회절 피크의 평균 강도의 최대값 [B]가 [A]/[B] < 1/4이다. And to provide excellent bending resistance and excellent bending resistance. The solution is characterized in that a plurality of crystal planes parallel to the main surface include {022} plane, {002} plane, {113} plane, {111} plane and { And the diffraction peak intensity ratio of each crystal plane calculated from the X-ray diffraction measurement used and converted so that the total value is 100 is I {022} + I {002}? 75.0, The average intensity of the diffraction peaks of the {111} plane at the tilt angle of 47 degrees and the degree of the diffraction peaks at the angle of 53 degrees, and the vertical axis segment [A] The maximum value [B] of the average intensity of the diffraction peaks of the {111} plane within the range of not less than 90 degrees and not more than 90 degrees is [A] / [B] <1/4.

26-02-2001 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing metal foil

Номер: KR20010012804A

본 발명은 금속박의 형상불량을 초래하지 않고 고능률압연이 가능한 금속박의 제조방법을 제공한다. 구체적으로는, 복수 패스의 냉간압연에 의해 판두께 0.2 ㎜ 이하의 금속박을 제조하는 금속박의 제조방법에 있어서, 연질의 워크 롤을 사용하여 제 1 패스로 부터 키스 롤 발생전 패스까지 압연시키고, 키스 롤 발생패스에서는 경질의 워크 롤을 사용하여 압하율 30 % 초과로 압연하고, 최종 패스 또는 나아가 최종전 패스에서는 연질의 워크 롤을 사용하여 압하율 20 % 이하로 압연한다. 또한, 경질의 워크 롤을 사용할 경우는, 키스 롤을 하고 안하고의 판정을 다시 하여, 그 결과에 따라 상기 패스의 목표하중을 조정한다.

21-02-1985 дата публикации

Manufacture of hot rolled titanium sheet

Номер: JPS6033805A
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

16-06-2020 дата публикации

Anodic oxidation bottle cap aluminum material and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN111286645A


14-11-2017 дата публикации

Method of thermomechanical processing of high-alloyed pseudo- (titanium alloys alloyed by rare and rare-earth metals

Номер: RU2635650C1

Изобретение относится к области цветной металлургии, в частности к термомеханической обработке высоколегированных псевдо-β титановых сплавов и изделий из них, и может быть использовано в авиационной технике. Способ изготовления листовых полуфабрикатов из псевдо-β титановых сплавов включает изготовление листового полуфабриката и его термомеханическую обработку путем многократных нагревов и деформаций. Термомеханическую обработку листовых полуфабрикатов проводят в семь стадий. Первая стадия включает всестороннюю ковку на сляб за не менее чем два подхода с суммарной степенью деформации на каждом не менее 40±10%, снижением температуры ковки и промежуточных подогревов в интервале температур от Т пп +180 до Т пп +490°С. Вторая стадия включает нагрев сляба до температуры (Т пп +250÷Т пп +420)°С, деформацию путем горячей прокатки с суммарной степенью деформации не менее 80±10% и промежуточными подогревами. Третья стадия включает нагрев до температуры (Т пп +30÷Т пп +70)°С, деформацию промежуточного горячекатаного подката путем горячей прокатки с суммарной степенью деформации не менее 40±10% и промежуточными подогревами. Четвертая стадия включает дальнейшую деформацию подката в один или более этапов путем нагрева до температуры (Т пп +90÷Т пп +130)°С и горячей прокатки с суммарной степенью деформации от 40 до 70±10% и промежуточными подогревами. Пятая стадия включает термическую обработку листовых полуфабрикатов при температуре (Т пп +10÷T пп +50)°С в течение 0,3-1,5 часа в камерной печи сопротивления и последующую закалку в воду или на воздухе с получением β-структуры. Шестая стадия включает холодную прокатку листов с суммарной степенью деформации от 20 до 60±10%. Седьмая стадия включает прогладку при температуре (Т пп -20÷Т пп -90)°С с последующей обработкой поверхности. Увеличивается степень проработки структуры путем повышения предельных степеней деформации при горячей и холодной обработке давлением, повышается технологическая пластичность при сохранении прочности и ...

04-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR101133029B1
Принадлежит: 한국생산기술연구원

본 발명은, 용해 주조된 탄탈륨 잉고트 또는 빌렛트에 대해 최종 냉간 압연 후 재결정 소둔을 실시하기 전에, 내부의 국부적인 잔류응력을 제거하기 위해 재결정 온도 이하에서 일정 시간 동안 회복 소둔을 실시하는 것을 특징으로 하는 고순도 탄탈륨 판재 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention is characterized by subjecting the melt-molded tantalum ingot or billet to recovery annealing at a temperature below the recrystallization temperature for a predetermined time to remove local residual stress before performing recrystallization annealing after the final cold rolling. It relates to a high purity tantalum plate material and a method of manufacturing the same. 이러한 본 발명에 의하면, 재결정 소둔 온도 이하에서 일정 시간 동안 회복 소둔 과정을 거침으로써, 근상의 모양 발생을 방지하고, 또한 재결정 개시시간이 균일해짐에 따라 결정립의 표준편차가 줄어들게 되어, 탄탈륨 판재의 결정입도가 균일하게 되는 효과가 있다. 예를 들어, 탄탈륨 판재를 스퍼터 타겟으로 이용할 경우, 탄탈륨 판재의 결정립 미세화 및 결정입도의 균일성으로 인해, 아킹이나 파티클의 발생을 억제할 수 있고, 그로 인해 스퍼터 성막의 품질을 향상시킬 수 있는 효과가 있다. According to the present invention, by undergoing a recovery annealing process for a predetermined time below the recrystallization annealing temperature, the appearance of the shape of the wound is prevented, and as the recrystallization start time becomes uniform, the standard deviation of the crystal grains is reduced, thereby determining the tantalum plate There is an effect that the particle size becomes uniform. For example, when a tantalum sheet is used as a sputter target, it is possible to suppress the occurrence of arcing or particles due to the grain refinement and uniformity of grain size of the tantalum sheet, thereby improving the quality of the sputter deposition. There is.

15-12-1981 дата публикации

Manufacture of titanium slab

Номер: JPS56163001A
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd

01-08-2017 дата публикации

A kind of cold-rolling production process of pure magnesium or magnesium alloy foil

Номер: CN106994464A
Автор: 柯伟, 闫宏, 陈荣石, 马跃群
Принадлежит: Institute of Metal Research of CAS


07-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2751067C2

Изобретение относится к способам изготовления проволоки из (α+β)-титановых сплавов для аддитивных технологий. Осуществляют нагрев заготовки и деформацию заготовки путем волочения или прокатки в несколько проходов. Деформацию заготовки проводят при температуре Т з =(450-850)°С, при скорости деформации (25-100) м/мин и степени деформации μ=(10-50)% за один проход, где - μ=(d 2 i -d 2 (i+1) )/d 2 i ×100, d i и d (i+1) - диаметры проволоки до и после деформации на i-м проходе. Нагрев заготовок до этой температуры проводят индукционным методом с использованием одной, двух или трех установок индукционного нагрева с заданной номинальной мощностью и частотой в зависимости от диаметра заготовки. В результате изготавливают проволоку единым куском без сварных соединений с однородной, мелкозернистой структурой, при этом повышается прочность и пластичность проволоки, снижается анизотропия механических свойств по длине и сечению проволоки. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 2 табл., 17 пр. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 751 067 C2 (51) МПК B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B21B 3/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018107953, 05.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 07.07.2021 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хермит Эдванст Технолоджиз ГмбХ (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 05.09.2019 Бюл. № 25 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1520717 A1, 20.09.2001. RU 2460825 C1, 10.09.2012. RU 2623979 C2, 29.06.2017. US 20160138149 A1, 19.05.2016. (45) Опубликовано: 07.07.2021 Бюл. № 19 2 7 5 1 0 6 7 R U (54) СПОСОБ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ПРОВОЛОКИ ИЗ (α+β)-ТИТАНОВОГО СПЛАВА ДЛЯ АДДИТИВНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к способам Нагрев заготовок до этой температуры проводят изготовления проволоки из (α+β)-титановых индукционным методом с использованием одной, сплавов для аддитивных технологий. двух или трех установок индукционного нагрева Осуществляют ...

24-08-2016 дата публикации

A kind of production technology of prevention paper-thin steel coil " sag " defect

Номер: CN104475448B

本发明公开了一种预防极薄钢卷“塌芯”缺陷的生产工艺。它是将原料钢卷经过开卷机开卷后,卷取机钳口夹住带钢头部并卷取带钢1.5圈,然后对带钢进行5‑7道次的轧制,将2.5‑3.0mm厚度的带钢轧制成0.3mm以下薄规格带钢,然后经过卷取机卷取成品钢卷后,经卸卷、称重、打捆后入库。本发明成品卷取采取大张力启车工艺,将芯部启车张力加大到1.6~2倍的设定卷取张应力,然后缓慢减小,直至钢卷外径为800mm时恢复到70N/mm 2 的设定张应力,卸卷中收缩卷筒后2°倒转钳口。本发明采用上述不增加卷取圈数的硬芯张力冷轧方法能够节省套筒制造和运输费用,有效地消除极薄卷的“塌芯”缺陷,提高生产节奏和效率。

20-04-2012 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of strip for metal dome having aluminum layer

Номер: KR101136488B1
Автор: 여인기, 유정상, 이찬엽
Принадлежит: (주)알오호일, 여인기

본 발명은 돔 스위치(dome switch)의 탄성 판재로 사용되는 메탈 돔용 알루미늄층 금속박판 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 전기 전도성 및 내석성이 좋은 알루미늄층을 포함한 금속박판을 사용함으로써, 메탈 돔의 전기 전도성 및 내식성을 높일 수 있도록 하는 메탈 돔용 알루미늄층 금속박판 제조방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing an aluminum layer metal thin plate for a metal dome used as an elastic plate material of a dome switch, and more particularly, by using a metal thin plate including an aluminum layer having good electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. It relates to a metal layer aluminum plate manufacturing method for a metal dome to increase the electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance of. 이를 위해, 본 발명에 따른 메탈 돔용 알루미늄층 금속박판 제조방법은, 금속재질의 스프링 판재 및 용융 알루미늄을 준비하는 원소재 준비단계와, 상기 준비된 스프링 판재에 보강층 재료인 용융 알루미늄을 도금하는 용융도금 단계와, 보강층이 도금된 스프링 판재를 1차로 압연 후 소둔하는 중간압연 및 소둔 단계와, 상기 스프링 판재 및 보강층을 압연 후 소둔하는 완직압연 및 소둔 단계 및 상기 스프링 판재 및 보강층을 압연하는 완제압연 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. To this end, the method for manufacturing an aluminum layer metal thin plate for a metal dome according to the present invention comprises a raw material preparation step of preparing a spring plate material and molten aluminum of a metal material, and a hot dip plating step of plating molten aluminum as a reinforcing layer material on the prepared spring plate material. And, the intermediate rolling and annealing step of rolling the spring plate plated reinforcement layer first and annealing, the finished rolling and annealing step of annealing the spring plate and reinforcement layer after rolling and the finished rolling step of rolling the spring plate and the reinforcement layer It is characterized by including. 돔(dome), 스위치, 금속박판, 전도성, 내식성, 알루미늄(Al), STS Dome, Switch, Metal Sheet, Conductive, Corrosion Resistance, Aluminum (Al), STS

10-04-2019 дата публикации

Rolled copper foil

Номер: KR101967714B1
Принадлежит: 제이엑스금속주식회사

(과제) 고굴곡특성과 아울러 우수한 내절곡성을 구비시킨다. (해결수단) 주표면과 평행한 복수의 결정면에는 {022}면, {002}면, {113}면, {111}면 및 {133}면이 포함되고, 주표면에 대하여 2θ/θ법을 사용한 X선 회절 측정으로부터 구해지고, 합계치가 100이 되도록 환산된 각 결정면의 회절 피크 강도비가 각각 I{113} ≤ 6.0이며, I{111} ≤ 6.0이며, 또한 I{133} ≤ 6.0이며, 각 결정면의 회절 피크의 반가폭이 각각 FWHM{002} ≤ 0.60이며, FWHM{022} ≤ 0.50이며, FWHM{113} ≤ 0.50이며, FWHM{111} ≤ 0.50이며, 또한 FWHM{133} ≤ 0.70이다. [PROBLEMS] To provide a high bending property and excellent bending resistance. A plurality of crystal planes parallel to the main surface include {022} plane, {002} plane, {113} plane, {111} plane and {133} plane, The diffraction peak intensity ratios of the respective crystal planes calculated from the used X-ray diffraction measurement and converted so as to have a total value of 100 are I {113}? 6.0, I {111}? 6.0 and I {133}? 6.0, FWHM {002}? 0.50, FWHM {113}? 0.50, FWHM {111}? 0.50, and FWHM {133}? 0.70 in the FWHM {002}?

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Hot rolled steel sheet having a good low temperature toughness and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR101560943B1
Автор: 노경민, 배진호
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

본 발명은 중량%로, C:0.03-0.1%, Si:0.01-0.50%, Mn: 1.2-2.5%, S:0.002%이하, P:0.03%이하, Ti:0.01-0.10%, N:0.01%이하, Nb:0.01-0.13%, Ni: 0.1-0.5%, Mo:0.1-0.5%, Cr: 0.01~0.5%, B: 0.002 이하 및 잔부의 Fe 및 기타 불순물을 포함하되, 상기 원소들이 식(1) 내지 식 (3)을 만족하도록 포함되고, 미세 조직은 면적 분율로 60% 내지 80%의 침상형 페라이트 및 20% 내지 40%의 그래뉼라(granular) 베이나이트를 포함하는 것인 강관용 열연 강판 및 그 제조 방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a steel sheet comprising, by weight%, 0.03-0.1% of C, 0.01-0.50% of Si, 1.2-2.5% of Mn, 0.002% or less of S, % Or less of Nb, 0.01-0.13% of Nb, 0.1-0.5% of Ni, 0.1-0.5% of Mo, 0.01-0.5% of Cr, 0.002 or less of B and the balance Fe and other impurities, (1) to (3), wherein the microstructure comprises 60% to 80% of acicular ferrite in an area fraction and 20% to 40% of granular bainite. To a hot-rolled steel sheet and a manufacturing method thereof.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Roll press machine and roll press method by roll press machine

Номер: KR102115991B1
Принадлежит: 오노 롤 가부시키가이샤

[과제] 전극판의 도공부와 미도공부에서 롤 프레스 작업에 의해 생기는, 주름의 발생을 억제하는 주름 발생 방지 장치를 구비한 롤 프레스기를 제공한다. [해결 수단] 주름 발생 방지 장치는 프레스 롤보다 직경이 작은 작업 롤을 프레스 롤에 누르고, 당해 작업 롤은 보강 롤을 개재하여 베어링 프레임에 의해 지지되어, 균일한 가압력으로 미도공부를 연신 가능하게 한다. 또한, 당해 작업 롤을 지지하는 당해 베어링 프레임의 축단부에 단부 롤러를 배치하여, 당해 단부 롤러와 당해 작업 롤과 접촉하지 않는 타방(他方)의 프레스 롤과 접촉시켜, 항상 당해 작업 롤과 당해 프레스 롤의 축심 평행도를 유지할 수 있도록 한다. [Problem] A roll press machine provided with a wrinkle generation prevention device that suppresses the occurrence of wrinkles caused by a roll pressing operation in the coated and uncoated portions of the electrode plate is provided. [Solutions] The anti-crease device presses the work roll having a smaller diameter than the press roll onto the press roll, and the work roll is supported by a bearing frame via a reinforcing roll, so that the uncoated portion can be stretched with a uniform pressing force. . In addition, an end roller is disposed at the shaft end of the bearing frame that supports the work roll, and the end roller is brought into contact with the other press roll that is not in contact with the work roll, so that the work roll and the press are always Make sure to maintain the parallelism of the axial center of the roll.

07-07-2021 дата публикации

Method of making wire from (α+β)-titanium alloy for additive technology

Номер: RU2751066C2

FIELD: wire manufacturing.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to methods for manufacturing wire from (α+β)-titanium alloys for additive technologies. The workpiece is heated and the workpiece is deformed by drawing or rolling it in several passes. The deformation of the workpiece is carried out at a temperature of ТW=(450-850)°С at a deformation rate of (25-100) m/min. Heating of the workpieces to this temperature is carried out by the induction method using one, two or three induction heating installations with a given rated power and frequency, depending on the diameter of the workpieces.EFFECT: as a result, the wire is made in a single piece without welded joints with a fine-grained structure, while the strength and ductility of the wire increases, the anisotropy of mechanical properties along the length and cross-section of the wire decreases.4 cl, 2 dwg, 2 tbl, 17 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 751 066 C2 (51) МПК B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B21B 3/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018107955, 05.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 07.07.2021 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хермит Эдванст Технолоджиз ГмбХ (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 05.09.2019 Бюл. № 25 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1520717 A1, 20.09.2001. RU 2460825 C1, 10.09.2012. RU 2623979 C2, 29.06.2017. US 20160138149 A1, 19.05.2016. (45) Опубликовано: 07.07.2021 Бюл. № 19 2 7 5 1 0 6 6 R U (54) Способ изготовления проволоки из (α+β)-титанового сплава для аддитивной технологии (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к способам индукционным методом с использованием одной, изготовления проволоки из (α+β)-титановых двух или трех установок индукционного нагрева сплавов для аддитивных технологий. с заданной номинальной мощностью и частотой Осуществляют нагрев заготовки и деформацию в зависимости от диаметра заготовок. В заготовки путем волочения или ...

04-01-2017 дата публикации

A kind of metal forming rolling device

Номер: CN106269866A
Автор: 万嵘, 帅立国, 张弛, 穆开洪
Принадлежит: Jiangsu You Zha Machinery Co Ltd


27-09-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing aluminium foil with integrated security features

Номер: RU2598413C2
Принадлежит: Констанция Тайх Гмбх

FIELD: metal processing. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to rolling aluminium foil. Method includes production of aluminium foil (1), as well as aluminium foil with integrated security features (6); the aluminium foil is rolled to a thickness of less than 150 µm in multiple cold rolling passes and simultaneously a texture (5a, 5b) which runs in the rolling direction is produced on both faces (4a, 4b) of the aluminium foil. Higher reliability of identification of the produced foil and reduced probability of forgery is ensured by the following: at least two aluminium foils (4) form a loose composite (8), which is fed into a pair of working rollers (9) in a final cold rolling pass, wherein on at least one of the surfaces (11) of the pair of working rollers the relief-like surface structure (11a) which is produced in the rolling direction by means of a polishing process has been reduced by 10 to 50% with respect to the average roughness height in one region (6') in a contrast- and motif-dependent manner on at least one roller surface (11) in order to form a motif for a security feature (6). Security feature is transferred onto the aluminium foil face (2a) that faces the roller surface, and the loose composite (8) of aluminium foils (1, 4') is then separated. EFFECT: higher reliability of identification of the produced foil and reduced probability of forgery. 10 cl, 8 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 598 413 C2 (51) МПК B21B 1/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013122467/02, 27.08.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.08.2012 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.11.2014 Бюл. № 32 R U 22.09.2011 EP 11450126.5 (72) Автор(ы): БРУННТХАЛЕР, Кристоф (AT), ХУБЕР, Райнер (AT), КОРНФЕЛЬД, Мартин (AT), ШЕДЛЬ, Адольф (AT), НЕКУЛА, Ламберт (AT), ЦУЗЕР, Вильхельм (AT), ШАРНЕР, Энгельберт (AT) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ...

05-07-2006 дата публикации

Analytical method of production data at double cold reduction line

Номер: KR100597306B1
Принадлежит: 동부제강주식회사

본 발명은 석도원판 혹은 냉연강판을 제조하는 극박 이단 냉간압연기(Double Cold Reduction Mill)에서 생산 데이터를 수집 및 분석하는 방법으로, 강판에 가해지는 압하력, 장력 등의 압연 설정 항목에 대한 작업자의 초기 설정값과 실제 극박 이단 냉간압연기에서 측정된 측정값이 분석시스템에 저장되고, 이 저장된 데이터와 작업자의 초기 설정값을 별도의 분석 시스템에 저장하여 이 초기 설정값과 측정값의 관계를 분석하여, 생산라인의 각각의 공정에서의 설정항목의 조정여부를 결정하고, 생산공정에서 프로세스 컴퓨터의 압하 실린더의 압하력과 장력을 정량적으로 판단할 수 있으며, 압하력과 장력 설정값의 추가적인 조정 여부를 판단할 수 있어, 제품의 품질을 향상시키고 고객의 요구 조건에 보다 근접한 제품을 생산할 수 있는 극박 이단 냉간압연 생산라인에서 생산 데이터의 분석방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention is a method of collecting and analyzing production data in an ultra-thin double cold reduction mill for manufacturing a stone plate or cold rolled steel sheet, the operator's initial to the rolling setting items such as rolling force, tension applied to the steel sheet The measured values measured in the set value and the actual ultra-slim cold rolling mill are stored in the analysis system, and the stored data and the operator's initial set values are stored in a separate analysis system to analyze the relationship between the initial set values and the measured values, It is possible to determine whether to adjust the setting items in each process of the production line, to quantitatively determine the reduction force and tension of the reduction cylinder of the process computer in the production process, and to determine whether to further adjust the reduction force and tension setting values. Ultra-cold two-stage cold rolling to improve product quality and produce products closer to customer requirements A method for analyzing production data in a production line. 극박 이단 냉간압연 생산라인, 적중률분석, 데이터 분석, 압하력, 장력 Ultra-thin two-stage cold rolling production line, hit rate analysis, data analysis, rolling force, tension

17-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for using steckel mill for producing stainless steel for producing titanium plate

Номер: CN105327938A


03-08-2018 дата публикации

A kind of magnesium alloy plate milling method with lateral pressure and its device used

Номер: CN106345812B
Автор: 于晓林, 王忠堂, 王羚伊
Принадлежит: Shenyang Ligong University


11-11-2015 дата публикации

Hot rolled steel sheet having excellent anti-crack property, steel pipe using the same and method for manufacturing thereof

Номер: KR101568503B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

본 발명은 조관 후에도 우수한 강도를 확보하는 동시에, 모재 뿐만 아니라 용접부에서 균열에 대한 저항성을 향상시킨 강관용 열연강판과 상기 열연강판을 이용하여 제조된 강관 및 이들의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a hot-rolled steel sheet for steel pipes, which has excellent strength after joining and which has improved resistance to cracking in not only the base material but also the welded portion, a steel pipe manufactured using the hot-rolled steel sheet, and a manufacturing method thereof.

20-03-1973 дата публикации

Rolling of lithium

Номер: US3721113A
Автор: B Hovsepian
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co


07-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2751068C2

Изобретение относится к способам изготовления проволоки из (α+β)-титановых сплавов для аддитивных технологий. Осуществляют нагрев заготовки и деформацию заготовки путем волочения или прокатки в несколько проходов. Деформацию заготовки проводят при температуре Тз=(450-850)°С с контролем поля допуска температуры деформации ±10°С, при скорости деформации (25-100) м/мин и степени деформации μ=(10-50)% за один проход, где - μ=(d2i-d2(i+1))/d2i×100, diи d(i+1)- диаметры проволоки до и после деформации на i-м проходе. Нагрев заготовок до этой температуры проводят индукционным методом с использованием одной, двух или трех установок индукционного нагрева с заданной номинальной мощностью и частотой в зависимости от диаметра заготовки. В результате изготавливают проволоку единым куском без сварных соединений с однородной мелкозернистой структурой, при этом повышается прочность и пластичность проволоки, снижается анизотропия механических свойств по длине и сечению проволоки. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 21 пр., 2 табл., 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 751 068 C2 (51) МПК B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B21B 3/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018107957, 05.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 07.07.2021 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хермит Эдванст Технолоджиз ГмбХ (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 05.09.2019 Бюл. № 25 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1520717 A1, 20.09.2001. RU 2460825 C1, 10.09.2012. RU 2623979 C2, 29.06.2017. US 20160138149 A1, 19.05.2016. (45) Опубликовано: 07.07.2021 Бюл. № 19 2 7 5 1 0 6 8 R U (54) СПОСОБ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ПРОВОЛОКИ ИЗ (α+β)-ТИТАНОВОГО СПЛАВА ДЛЯ АДДИТИВНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к способам i-м проходе. Нагрев заготовок до этой изготовления проволоки из (α+β)-титановых температуры проводят индукционным методом сплавов для аддитивных технологий. с использованием одной, двух или трех ...

23-11-2021 дата публикации

Ti2AlNb alloy cold-rolled foil and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN112553553B
Принадлежит: Gaona Aero Material Co Ltd

本发明涉及合金材料技术领域,尤其是涉及一种Ti 2 AlNb合金冷轧箔材及其制备方法。Ti 2 AlNb合金冷轧箔材的制备方法,包括如下步骤:将Ti 2 AlNb合金板材进行轧制处理后,进行轧后真空热处理;所述轧制处理包括至少一道次的冷轧处理和每道次的所述冷轧处理前的轧前真空热处理;所述轧前真空热处理包括:于Ti 2 AlNb合金的β转变温度以上保温处理后,快速冷却。本发明在冷轧处理前对Ti 2 AlNb合金进行特定的真空热处理,得到细小晶粒的B2单相组织,具有优异的冷轧塑性;在轧制处理后,进行轧后真空热处理,B2单相组织转变为α 2 、B2和O的三相组织,使其同时具有良好的强度和塑性。

24-07-2020 дата публикации

Thin foil rolling equipment

Номер: CN109622618B
Автор: 薛传亮
Принадлежит: Liao Yuanjie


16-04-2019 дата публикации

A kind of rolling equipment of thin foil

Номер: CN109622618A
Автор: 薛传亮
Принадлежит: 薛传亮


15-10-2015 дата публикации

Lightweight hot rolled steel sheet having excellent hot rolling and corrosion resistance properties and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR101560922B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

본 발명은 우수한 열간압연성과 내식성을 갖는 경량 열연강판 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시형태는 중량%로, C: 0.5%이하, Al: 12~18%, Ti: 0.1~2.0%, Cu: 0.3~1.0%, Cr: 5초과~12%, Ni: 0.1~0.5%, Mn: 0.5~3.0%, Mo: 0.02~1%, Nb: 0.05~1%, S: 0.01%이하, P: 0.02%이하, N: 0.01%이하, 잔부 Fe 및 기타 불가피한 불순물을 포함하고, 역위상 경계 에너지(Anti-phase Boundary Energy)가 70mJ/m 2 이하인 우수한 열간압연성과 내식성을 갖는 경량 열연강판 및 그 제조방법을 제공한다. 본 발명에 따르면, B2, DO3과 같은 규칙상과 BCC 상간의 정합성을 향상시킴과 동시에 카바이드 석출물의 생성을 억제시킴으로써 저융점 원소인 Al을 12%이상 첨가하더라도 열간압연시 크랙이 발생하지 않아 우수한 생산성을 가지며, 높은 연성과 저비중을 갖고, 황산분위기에서 우수한 내식성을 갖는 강판을 제공할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a light-weight hot-rolled steel sheet having excellent hot-rolling and corrosion resistance and a method of manufacturing the same. An embodiment of the present invention is a steel sheet comprising, by weight%, C: 0.5% or less, Al: 12 to 18%, Ti: 0.1 to 2.0%, Cu: 0.3 to 1.0% 0.5 to 3.0% of Mn, 0.02 to 1% of Mo, 0.05 to 1% of Nb, 0.01% or less of S, 0.02% or less of P and 0.01% or less of N and the balance Fe and other unavoidable impurities And an anti-phase boundary energy of not more than 70 mJ / m 2, and a method of manufacturing the lightweight hot-rolled steel sheet having excellent corrosion resistance. According to the present invention, it is possible to improve the consistency between the ordered phase such as B2 and DO3 and the BCC phase, and suppress the generation of carbide precipitates. Therefore, even when Al as the low melting point element is added by 12% or more, cracks are not generated during hot rolling, A steel sheet having high ductility and low specific gravity and having excellent corrosion resistance in a sulfuric acid atmosphere can be provided.

25-12-2018 дата публикации

A kind of preparation method of ultra-thin Copper-Aluminum compound foil

Номер: CN109078983A


21-08-2020 дата публикации

Method for preparing block fine-grained material by flexible rolling

Номер: CN110369498B


05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018107953A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2018 107 953 A (51) МПК B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2018107953, 05.03.2018 (71) Заявитель(и): Хермит Эдванст Технолоджиз ГмбХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.03.2018 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 05.09.2019 Бюл. № 25 деформации заготовки μ=(10-50)% за один проход, где - μ=(d2i-d2(i+1))/d2i×100, di и d(i+1) - диаметры проволоки до и после деформации на i-том проходе. 2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что изготавливают проволоку из титанового сплава, содержащего, мас. %: Алюминий 5,50-6,76 Ванадий 3,50-4,40 Железо ≤0,22 Углерод ≤0,05 A Кислород 0,14-0,18 Азот ≤0,03 R U Водород ≤0,015, Титан Остальное 3. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что проволока имеет допуск на диаметр -0,05/ +0,01 мм. 4. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что проволока имеет остаточное напряжение, определенное по отклонению от прямолинейности, на образцах, отобранных в начале и конце проволоки, и составляющее не более 1,0 мм на 1 м проволоки после ее изгиба по радиусу 150 мм. Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 8 1 0 7 9 5 3 (57) Формула изобретения 1. Способ изготовления проволоки из (α+β)-титановых сплавов для аддитивных технологий с высокой степенью деформации, включающий нагрев заготовки и деформацию заготовки путем волочения или прокатки в несколько проходов, отличающийся тем, что нагрев заготовок (Тз) проводят индукционным методом, используя одну или две или три установки с номинальной мощностью N=(50-80) кВт и частотой f=(40-80) кГц, и/или номинальной мощностью N=(30-60) кВт и частотой f=(80300) кГц, и/или номинальной мощностью N=(10-40) кВт и частотой f=(300-500) кГц, деформацию заготовки проводят при температуре Тз=(450-850)°С при степени 2 0 1 8 1 0 7 9 5 3 (54) СПОСОБ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ПРОВОЛОКИ ИЗ (α+β)-ТИТАНОВОГО СПЛАВА ДЛЯ АДДИТИВНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ С ВЫСОКОЙ СТЕПЕНЬЮ ДЕФОРМАЦИИ R U Адрес для переписки: 115580, Москва, а/я 31, Месяшной Н.В. (72) Автор(ы): Алтынбаев ...

01-03-2019 дата публикации

The rolling methods of roll squeezer and roll squeezer

Номер: CN109414747A
Автор: 森茂, 箭内胜彦
Принадлежит: Daye Roller Press Ltd


24-08-2018 дата публикации

A kind of method of full-automatic reversible hot mill rolling tungsten plate

Номер: CN108435795A
Автор: 何忠武, 李志斌, 祝根莲


11-08-2015 дата публикации

Ultra high strength cold rolled steel sheet having excellent shape property and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR101543918B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

형상 품질이 우수한 초고강도 냉연강판 및 그의 제조방법이 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 측면인 형상 품질이 우수한 초고강도 냉연강판은 중량%로, C: 0.1~0.3%, Si: 0.5% 이하(0은 제외), Mn: 0.5~2.0%, P: 0.03% 이하(0은 제외), S: 0.015% 이하(0은 제외), Al: 0.01~0.1%, Cr: 0.5% 이하(0은 제외), Ti: 48/14×[N]~0.1%, Nb: 0.1% 이하(0은 제외), B: 0.005% 이하(0은 제외), N: 0.01%이하(0은 제외), 잔부 Fe 및 기타 불가피한 불순물을 포함하고, 상기 C 및 Mn 은 하기 관계식 1을 만족하는 것을 특징으로 한다. [관계식 1] 3450C+207Mn≥1000 An ultra-high strength cold-rolled steel sheet excellent in shape quality and a manufacturing method thereof are disclosed. The ultra-high strength cold-rolled steel sheet excellent in shape quality, which is one aspect of the present invention, contains 0.1 to 0.3% of C, 0.5 to 2.0% of Si (excluding 0), 0.5 to 2.0% of Mn and 0.03% or less of P (Excluding 0), S: not more than 0.015% (excluding 0), Al: 0.01 to 0.1%, Cr: not more than 0.5% (Excluding 0), B: not more than 0.005% (excluding 0), N: not more than 0.01% (excluding 0), the balance Fe and other unavoidable impurities, and C and Mn satisfy the following relational expression 1 . [Relation 1] 3450C + 207Mn? 1000

28-08-2020 дата публикации

Rare earth aluminum manganese alloy sterilization foil for pet food packaging steamed fresh brick and production process thereof

Номер: CN111589861A
Автор: 崔广健, 戴苏宁, 赖其先


13-06-2017 дата публикации

A kind of blank design method of titanium alloy C-shaped cross section taper ring rolling

Номер: CN106825340A
Автор: 刘�东, 杨艳慧, 王海
Принадлежит: Northwestern Polytechnical University


15-03-1984 дата публикации

Method of producing aluminium foil

Номер: SU1079318A1

СПОСОБ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА АЛЮМИНИЕВОЙ ФОЛЬГИ, включающий гор чую У t / прокатку, холодную прокатку, травление в нейтральном электролите и от- иг при 450-500с в течение 12-24 ч, отличающийс  тем, что, с целью увеличени  уровн  значений удельной емкости фольги, гор чую прокатку заканчивают при температуре на 60-80&amp;deg;С ниже температуры начала рекристаллизации алюмини , а холодную прокатку осуществл ют в две стадии: первую холодную прокатку провод т с суммарной выт жкой 15-20 при скорост х деформации в последних трех проходах METHOD OF MANUFACTURING ALUMINUM FOIL, including hot Y t / rolling, cold rolling, etching in a neutral electrolyte and withdrawing at 450-500s for 12-24 h, characterized in that in order to increase the level of specific capacity of the foil, mountains Feel rolling is finished at a temperature of 60-80 ° C below the temperature of the onset of aluminum recrystallization, and cold rolling is carried out in two stages: the first cold rolling is carried out with a total stretch of 15-20 at the deformation rates in the last three passes

24-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR100394489B1

상이한 작업점에 대해 공정제어컴퓨터에 기록된 개별제어량 (예컨대, 스트립인장응력, 압연속도)의 작용특성곡선과 제어관리부의 조합에 의해 박판압연시 두께를 제어하기 위한 방법은 박판의 두께편차가 입력측에서 측정되고 그리고 사전두께제어에 의해 보상된다. 사전두께제어에 의해 두께제어를 실시하는 설비(1)는 언코일러(4)와 압연기(6)의 로울틈새(5) 사이의 위에 배치된 공정제어컴퓨터(10)와 연결된 두께측정장치(9)와, 이것과 일렬로 배치되고 언코일러(4)와 로울틈새(5) 사이의 박판스트립(2)의 경로를 연장시키는 인장기구(11)가 구비된다. A method for controlling the thickness during rolling of a thin plate by a combination of an operating characteristic curve of an individual control amount (for example, a strip tensile stress, a rolling speed) recorded in the process control computer with respect to different work points and a control management section, And compensated by pre-thickness control. The apparatus 1 for carrying out the thickness control by the preliminary thickness control includes a thickness measuring device 9 connected to the process control computer 10 disposed on top of the roll gap 5 between the uncoiler 4 and the rolling mill 6, And a tension mechanism 11 which is arranged in line with this and extends the path of the thin strip 2 between the uncoiler 4 and the roll gap 5. [

27-07-2021 дата публикации

Method and device for controlling rolling system and rolling process control system

Номер: CN113172095A
Автор: 李锦�, 邹世平


10-01-2008 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing thin metal strip

Номер: KR100793644B1
Автор: 여인기, 유한익
Принадлежит: (주)알오호일, 여인기

A method of manufacturing thin metal strip is provided to make the thin strip of copper, silver, stainless steel and other metals having 0.1 mum ~ 2 mum thickness at lower processing cost. A method of manufacturing thin metal strip includes a first step of plating a base material(1) made of ferrous or non-ferrous metal with a plating material(2) having lower melting point than copper such as indium, lead, tin, aluminum, and zinc or two or three metal alloys selected from alloys belong to indium, lead, tin, aluminum, and zinc group; a second step of rolling the plated base material with placing a material to be fabricated on either side or both sides of the base material to get a thin metal strip(3) having 0.1 mum ~ 4 mum thickness; a third step of separating the thin metal strip from the base material by applying heat to reach temperature higher than the melting point of the plating material used in the first step.

28-08-2013 дата публикации

Rolled copper foil

Номер: JP5273236B2
Автор: 岳海 室賀, 聡至 関
Принадлежит: Hitachi Cable Ltd

The invention provides rolled copper foil which exhibits low rigidness and also exhibits excellent bending properties after a recrystallization annealing process. The diffraction peak intensity of a plurality of crystal faces, parallel to a main surface, of the rolled copper foil is: I{022}/(I{022}+I{022}+I{113}+I{111}+I{133})>=0.50, (I{002}+I{113})/(I{111}+I{133})>=1.0, I{022}/I{002}<=8.0, I{022}/I{113}<=30, I{022}/I{111}>=7.0, I{022}/I{133}>=10, 1.0<=I{002}/I{113}<=15, I{111}/I{133}<=10, I{113}/I{111}>=0.30, 1.0<=I{002}/I{111}<=20, 1.0<=I{002}/I{133}<=75, and 0.50<=I{113}/I{133}<=20.

08-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing ultra thin and wide width steel sheet

Номер: KR102200160B1
Автор: 김상훈, 이동렬, 이진우
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

본 발명은 초박물 광폭 강판의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시형태는 2매 이상의 판재를 준비하는 단계; 상기 판재의 표면에 분리제를 도포하는 단계; 상기 분리제가 도포된 판재를 쌓은 뒤, 상기 판재를 결합시키는 단계; 상기 결합된 판재를 압연하는 단계; 및 상기 압연된 판재를 분리하여 강판을 얻는 단계를 포함하고, 상기 판재의 결합에 의해 형성되는 결합부의 단면적은 50~2500㎟이며, 상기 결합부 높이(H)와 결합부 폭(W)의 비(H/W)는 0.2 이상인 초박물 광폭 강판의 제조방법을 제공한다. The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing an ultra-thin wide steel sheet. An embodiment of the present invention comprises the steps of preparing two or more plates; Applying a separating agent to the surface of the plate material; Stacking the plate to which the separating agent is applied, and then combining the plate material; Rolling the combined plate; And obtaining a steel plate by separating the rolled plate, wherein the cross-sectional area of the coupling portion formed by the coupling of the plate is 50-2500 mm2, and the ratio of the coupling portion height (H) and the coupling portion width (W) (H/W) provides a method of manufacturing an ultra-thin wide steel sheet of 0.2 or more.

25-11-1979 дата публикации

Rolling apparatus

Номер: SU698689A1
Принадлежит: Предприятие П/Я В-2156

15-04-2011 дата публикации

Flexible circuit board and method for producing same and bend structure of flexible circuit board

Номер: KR20110039283A

특히 곡률반경이 작은 반복 굴곡부에 있어서의 가혹한 조건에 대하여 내구성을 구비하며 내구성이 뛰어난 가요성 회로기판 및 그 제조방법을 제공한다. 수지층과 금속박으로 형성된 배선을 구비하고, 배선의 적어도 한 부위에 굴곡부를 가지고 사용되는 가요성 회로기판으로서, 금속박이 입방정계의 결정 구조를 가지는 금속으로 이루어지면서, 굴곡부에 있어서의 능선으로부터 두께방향으로 잘랐을 때의 배선의 단면이 [001]을 정대축으로 해서 (100)에서 (110)으로의 회전방향에 있어서의 (20 1 0)에서 (1 20 0)의 범위에 포함된 어느 하나의 면에 주방위를 이루는 가요성 회로기판이며, 금속박이 입방정계의 결정 구조를 가지는 금속으로 이루어지고, 굴곡부에 있어서의 능선이, 금속박의 면 내의 기본 결정축 <001>의 하나와 2.9∼87.1°의 각도를 가지도록 배선을 형성한다.

29-01-2021 дата публикации

Production method of industrial pure titanium plate

Номер: CN110538872B
Автор: 周峰, 周庆, 唐顺, 陈建平
Принадлежит: Foshan Polytechnic


27-09-2021 дата публикации

Method for producing titanium alloy round rods (options)

Номер: RU2756077C1

FIELD: metallurgy.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to metallurgy, in particular to the production of rods of circular cross-section from a titanium alloy. Variants of the method for producing circular rods from titanium alloy are declared. The method includes heating the billets to a temperature below the temperature of the polymorphic transformation of the titanium alloy, deformation of the billets by three-roll helical rolling with direct quenching from rolling (WIP) into the water of the resulting rods and their subsequent aging. The deformation of billets by three-roll helical rolling is carried out in four or five passes, and before the first pass, the billets are heated to a temperature of 850°С, at each pass the billets are rolled with a true logarithmic degree of deformation equal to 0.36-0.78, and the total true the logarithmic deformation in the workpieces is 2.6, the resulting rods are aged at a temperature of 450°С for 5 hours. After the first rolling pass, billets can be cooled for 8-10 seconds, followed by heating to the temperature of the second rolling pass.EFFECT: rods with high values of mechanical properties and a high endurance limit under high-cycle loading (107cycles) are obtained.3 cl, 4 dwg, 1 tbl, 3 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 756 077 C1 (51) МПК C22F 1/18 (2006.01) B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C22F 1/183 (2021.05); B21B 3/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021104711, 25.02.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 27.09.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 27.09.2021 Бюл. № 27 Адрес для переписки: 634055, г. Томск, пр. Академический, 2/4, патентный отдел, ИФПМ СО РАН C 1 2 7 5 6 0 7 7 R U (54) Способ получения прутков круглого сечения из титанового сплава (варианты) (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к металлургии, а заготовок осуществляют с истинной именно к получению прутков круглого сечения логарифмической степенью ...

01-04-1986 дата публикации

Cold rolling method

Номер: JPS6163310A
Принадлежит: Daido Steel Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

15-12-2020 дата публикации

Magnesium alloy plate fine-grain chemical edge cracking rolling method

Номер: CN110216145B


10-07-2013 дата публикации

Titanium material for hot rolling and method of its production

Номер: RU2486973C2

Изобретение предназначено для уменьшения вероятности образования дефектов поверхности в процессе прокатки плоского материала не только на основных плоских поверхностях, но также и на боковых поверхностях и кромках. Титановый материал для горячей прокатки имеет углубления на своей поверхности. Снижение количества дефектов, возникающих на поверхности вследствие горячей прокатки, обеспечивается титановым материалом с регламентированными углублениями на поверхности и способом его получения. Углубления на титановом материале для горячей прокатки получены путем холодной пластической деформации, средняя величина высоты (Wс) элементов профиля шероховатости составляет от 0,2 до 1,5 мм, а средняя величина их длины (WSm) составляет от 3 до 15 мм. Указанные углубления образуются путем пластической деформации поверхности титана в холодном состоянии с использованием стального инструмента, имеющего закругленный конец с радиусом кривизны от 3 до 30 мм, или стальной сферы с радиусом от 3 до 30 мм. 4 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 4 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 486 973 (13) C2 (51) МПК B21B 1/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011137162/02, 08.02.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.02.2010 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.03.2013 Бюл. № 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 1156456 А, 20.06.1989. SU 1807896 A3, 07.04.1993. JP 2004306126 А, 04.11.2004. JP 62214801 А, 21.09.1987. (73) Патентообладатель(и): НИППОН СТИЛ КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP), ТОХО ТИТАНИУМ КО., ЛТД. (JP) 2 4 8 6 9 7 3 R U (86) Заявка PCT: JP 2010/052129 (08.02.2010) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 09.09.2011 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2010/090352 (12.08.2010) Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент", М.Н.Стручкову (54) ТИТАНОВЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ ДЛЯ ГОРЯЧЕЙ ПРОКАТКИ И СПОСОБ ЕГО ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение предназначено ...

15-02-2021 дата публикации

Amorphous strip rolling method

Номер: RU2743080C1

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of metal forming by pressure, in particular, to the production of thin strips from amorphous alloys, mainly based on zirconium, using multi-pass rolling. The method for rolling amorphous strips includes forming a package, which consists of a sheet steel billet bent at an angle of 180°, between the two halves of which strip samples of an amorphous alloy are placed. The thickness of the steel sheet is 0.95-1.00 mm. EFFECT: as a result, it is possible to roll thin amorphous strips with a degree of deformation of more than 50% while reducing labor intensity and energy consumption. 1 cl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 743 080 C1 (51) МПК B21B 3/00 (2006.01) C22C 45/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B21B 3/00 (2020.08); C22C 45/00 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020131577, 25.09.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 15.02.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 15.02.2021 Бюл. № 5 2 7 4 3 0 8 0 R U (54) Способ прокатки аморфных лент (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области обработки металлов давлением, в частности, к получению тонких лент из аморфных сплавов, преимущественно на основе циркония, с использованием многопроходной прокатки. Способ прокатки аморфных лент включает формирование пакета, который состоит из листовой стальной заготовки, согнутой под углом Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 184621 U1, 01.11.2018. RU 172685 U1, 19.07.2017. SU 596302 A1, 05.03.1978. RU 2675011 C1, 14.12.2018. US 20130025746 A1, 31.01.2013. C 1 C 1 Адрес для переписки: 119991, Москва, ГСП-1, В-49, Ленинский пр-кт, 4, НИТУ "МИСиС", отдел интеллектуальной собственности (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Национальный исследовательский технологический университет "МИСиС" (RU) 2 7 4 3 0 8 0 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи ...

12-06-2018 дата публикации

A kind of zinc foil material and preparation process

Номер: CN108149072A
Автор: 不公告发明人


10-11-2006 дата публикации

Roll device to prevent the wrinkles on thin film

Номер: KR100644511B1
Автор: 송치윤, 양훈철, 이준근
Принадлежит: 엘에스전선 주식회사

An equipment which does not use a gap sensor that generates an error caused by vibration generated from a ultra-thin rolling material, and which prevents damage or breakage of a ultra-thin material generated when an actuator intermittently applies an external force onto a ultra-thin rolling material by the feedback action of the gap sensor is provided. A rolling equipment with a dancer roll(10) for preventing creases from being generated on a ultra-thin rolling material(1) is characterized in that: when transferring the ultra-thin rolling material over a guide roll(4) through rolling rolls(2) while winding the ultra-thin rolling material from an unwinder(5) using a rewinder, the dancer roll is disposed between the guide roll and the rolling rolls; the dancer roll is coated with a vibration absorbing material capable of absorbing vibration generated from the ultra-thin rolling material; the dancer roll is rotatably connected to elastic guide bars(12) connected to a supporting member(14); and the dancer roll has a crown-shaped longitudinal axial section, and an outer peripheral surface of the dancer roll is formed in a crown amount represented by expression of Crmax=[Droll/Lroll]ÎTthin(mum)Î10^3, wherein Crmax: the maximum crown amount(mm), Droll: roll diameter, Lroll: roll length, and Tthin: thickness of thin film material(mum).

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013122467A
Принадлежит: Констанция Тайх Гмбх

1. Способ изготовления алюминиевой фольги (1) с интегрированными защитными элементами (6), при котором алюминиевую фольгу (4) в несколько проходов холодной прокатки прокатывают до толщины менее 150 мкм, и при этом одновременно на двух сторонах (4a, 4b) поверхности алюминиевой фольги возникает проходящее в направлении прокатки текстурирование (5a, 5b), при этом по меньшей мере из двух этих алюминиевых фольг (4) образуется нескрепленная слоистая структура (8), которую в последнем проходе холодной прокатки подают к паре (9) рабочих валков, у которой по меньшей мере на одной поверхности (11) валка созданное в направлении прокатки за счет полировки рельефное структурирование (11a) поверхности было продавлено в зависимости от контраста и мотива в пределах (6') от 10 до 50% относительно средней глубины шероховатости с целью образования мотива защитного элемента (6), который переносят на обращенную к поверхности валка сторону (2a) поверхности алюминиевой фольги, после чего нескрепленную слоистую структуру (8) алюминиевых фольг (1, 4') разделяют.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что последний проход холодной прокатки выполняют с сомкнутым межвалковым зазором (9') и с помощью графика Штрибека посредством параметров коэффициента трения, динамической вязкости прокатного масла, скорости прокатки и давления прокатки устанавливают заданную область смешанного трения, при этом одновременно в сомкнутом межвалковом зазоре (9') к алюминиевой фольге (4) прикладывают напряжения продольного растяжения, которые действуют против сопротивления деформации алюминиевых фольг.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что для последнего прохода холодной прокатки на пове РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2013 122 467 A (51) МПК B21B 1/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013122467/02, 27.08.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): КОНСТАНЦИЯ ТАЙХ ГМБХ (AT) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 22.09.2011 EP 11450126.5 ...

07-03-2001 дата публикации

Method for producing aluminum foil for electrolytic capacitor electrode

Номер: JP3143904B2
Принадлежит: Nippon Foil Manufacturing Co Ltd

19-02-2021 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing ultra thin and wide width steel sheet

Номер: KR102218396B1
Автор: 김상훈, 이진우
Принадлежит: 주식회사 포스코

본 발명은 초박물 광폭 강판의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시형태는 2매 이상의 판재를 준비하는 단계; 상기 판재의 표면에 분리제를 도포하는 단계; 상기 분리제가 도포된 판재를 쌓은 뒤, 결합부가 형성되도록 상기 판재를 결합시켜 결합 판재를 얻는 단계; 상기 결합 판재의 결합부를 일부 제거하는 단계; 상기 결합부가 일부 제거된 결합 판재를 가열 및 압연하는 단계; 및 상기 압연된 결합 판재를 분리하여 강판을 얻는 단계를 포함하는 초박물 광폭 강판의 제조방법을 제공한다. The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing an ultra-thin wide steel sheet. An embodiment of the present invention comprises the steps of preparing two or more plates; Applying a separating agent to the surface of the plate material; Stacking the plate to which the separating agent is applied, and then combining the plate to form a bonding portion to obtain a bonded plate; Removing a portion of the coupling portion of the coupling plate; Heating and rolling the bonding plate from which the bonding portion is partially removed; And separating the rolled bonded plate to obtain a steel plate.

25-04-2018 дата публикации

Method of production of hot-rolled sheets from high-strength steel

Номер: RU2652281C1

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of metallurgy, namely to the production of thick steel sheets, used for structural elements operated in arctic conditions, for example, for the production of icebreakers and large-tonnage vessels. Method comprises producing a continuously cast billet of steel containing, mass%: carbon 0.07–0.12, silicon 0.15–0.40, manganese 0.3–0.9, the total content of chromium, nickel and copper is 3.4–4.2, the total content of vanadium, niobium and titanium 0.02–0.07, molybdenum 0.15–0.20, nitrogen is not more than 0.007, aluminum 0.01–0.05, sulfur not more than 0,003, phosphorus is not more than 0.010, iron and impurities remaining, at the same time, the resistance parameter of crack formation during P st welding does not exceed 0.28 %, austenization of the billet at a temperature of 1,200–1,230 °C, rough rolling to a thickness of 2×t±5 mm, where t is the nominal thickness of the sheet, caving of the rolls, finishing rolling with its completion at a temperature not lower than A r3 +100 °C and thermal improvement of the metal by quenching followed by tempering at a temperature of not more than 680 °C. EFFECT: obtaining a sheet thickness of 70 mm with a yield strength of at least 500 MPa, a high impact level at a test temperature of 60 °C below zero, including after mechanical aging, level of properties in the part of the temperature of the viscous-brittle transition T kb and the zero ductility temperature of NDT, as well as increased resistance to layered fractures under tensile stresses in the direction of thickness. 1 cl, 3 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 652 281 C1 (51) МПК C21D 8/02 (2006.01) C22C 38/16 (2006.01) B21B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C21D 8/02 (2006.01); C22C 38/16 (2006.01); B21B 3/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017119086, 31.05.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 25.04. ...

29-09-1989 дата публикации

Metal sheet cold rolling mill - has tension system with staggered rows of rollers on either side of stand

Номер: FR2628987A1
Принадлежит: Ugine Aciers

A cold-rolling mill, designed to produce thin and extra-thin sheet metals, consists of an uncoiling roller (2), a multi-cylinder roller stand (3,6,7) and a coiling roller (10). It is also equipped with a tensioning system (20,40) for the metal sheet, situated in between the uncoiling and coiling rollers (2,10) and independent of the two. The tensioning system is made up of a number of rollers (21,41) with adjustable speed to allow the desired traction to be achieved. The tensioning rollers (21,41) are set in staggered rows and are located on either side of the rolling stand to provide independent tension for the sheet metal before it enters and after is leaves the rolling stand. The number of tensioning rollers in each section is selected so as to achieve the required friction coefficient between the rollers and the sheet metal, and in each section there are at least two rollers. ADVANTAGE - Suitable for producing metal sheet from 1.0 mm thick down to 0.1 mm thick. (14pp Dwg.No.2/2)
