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10-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2265505C2

Изобретение относится к области сварки, в частности к способу сварки турдносвариваемых изделий из суперсплавов, и может найти применение в различных отраслях машиностроения. Всю зону сварного шва и область, примыкающую к этой зоне, предварительно нагревают до температуры пластичности, которая выше температуры старения и ниже начальной температуры плавления для суперсплава. Поддерживают эту температуру во время сварки и твердения сварного шва. Увеличивают температуру сварного изделия до температуры снятия механических напряжений. Охлаждают сварное изделие до температуры ниже диапазона дисперсного твердения первичной гамма-фазы со скоростью, эффективной для уменьшения выделения первичной гамма-фазы. В результате получают сварное изделие без трещин как в сварном шве, так и в основном сплаве. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл.

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2503740C2

Изобретение относится к области получения на деталях наплавкой износостойких покрытий из порошковых материалов и может найти применение для изделий судостроения, авиационной промышленности, теплоэнергетического машиностроения, нефтегазодобывающей, металлургической и химической промышленности. Подвергаемые наплавке поверхности детали очищают, промывают и подвергают струйно-абразивной обработке для придания обеспечивающей адгезию с покрытием шероховатости с последующей обдувкой сжатым воздухом. Очистке и промывке дополнительно подвергают поверхности детали, прилегающие к зоне наплавки. Подготавливают порошковый материал, который затем из двух дозаторов подают на поверхность детали в зону наплавки потоком аргона и выполняют наплавку импульсным лазерным лучом в среде аргона. Из одного дозатора в поток аргона подают армирующий неметаллический дисперсный порошок агломерированного карбида вольфрама WC фракцией 80,0-150,0 мкм, а из другого дозатора - металлический порошок сплава кобальта В3К фракцией ...

14-11-2017 дата публикации

Способ восстановления элемента турбомашины

Номер: RU2635648C2

Изобретение относится к способу восстановления элемента турбомашины. Способ включает следующие этапы: настройку (50) установки для лазерного плакирования; подготовку (11) подлежащей восстановлению части элемента турбомашины путем удаления поврежденного объема элемента; поворот элемента турбомашины относительно установки для лазерного плакирования; восстановление (12) поврежденного объема с помощью лазерного плакирования для получения восстановленного объема в поврежденном элементе; применение (13) термической обработки к восстановленному объему элемента турбомашины; выполнение (14) чистовой обработки поверхности восстановленного объема и неразрушающее тестирование (15) восстановленного объема. На этапе настройки (50) установки для лазерного плакирования также выполняют несколько подэтапов задания параметров для управления указанной фазой восстановления. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2510994C2

Изобретение относится к способу лазерной сварки заготовок (9) из высокожаропрочных суперсплавов. Создают с помощью лазерного источника (3) тепла зоны (11) подвода тепла на поверхности (10) заготовки. Подают с помощью устройства (5) сварочный присадочный материал (13) в зону (11) подвода тепла и осуществляют с помощью транспортировочного устройства (15) относительное перемещение между источником (3) тепла и устройством (5) подачи с одной стороны а также поверхностью (10) заготовки с другой стороны. Подачу сварочного присадочного материала осуществляют с массовой скоростью ≤350 мг/мин. Устанавливают, по меньшей мере, один из следующих параметров лазерной сварки: мощность лазера от 100 Вт до 300 Вт, диаметр лазерного луча от 500 мкм до 800 мкм, скорость сварки, по меньшей мере, 250 мм/мин. 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU162341U1

Устройство контроля и адаптивного управления процессом прямого лазерного выращивания изделий из металлических порошковых материалов, включающее видеокамеру и блок управления, отличающееся тем, что блок управления соединен с видеокамерой по интерфейсу Ethernet и включает в себя вычислительное устройство с программным ПИД алгоритмом регулирования мощности лазерного луча, для видео-регистрации используется видеокамера с одним или двумя узкополосными фильтрами, соединенная с лазерной головкой через оптический коннектор коаксиально ее оптической оси.

22-12-2022 дата публикации

Способ ремонта гребешков лабиринтных уплотнений дисков газотурбинного двигателя

Номер: RU2786555C1

Изобретение относится к способу ремонта гребешков лабиринтных уплотнений дисков газотурбинного двигателя, изготовленных из гранулированных сплавов. Осуществляют механическое удаление части гребешка лабиринтного уплотнения диска на высоту дефекта, зачистку поверхности гребешка, установку и фиксацию диска в вертикальном положении и наплавку присадочным материалом на подготовленную поверхность гребешка лабиринтного уплотнения в среде защитного газа последовательным наложением слоев до полного восстановления по высоте размеров гребешка лабиринтного уплотнения. Наплавку осуществляют лазерным импульсным излучением с мощностью лазерного излучения, которую задают из условия, чтобы заданная плотность мощности была не более критической плотности мощности лазерного излучения, при которой происходит межгранульное проскальзывание, и более пороговой плотности мощности лазерного излучения в зоне наплавки, при которой происходит расплавление присадочного материала и поверхности основы, обеспечивающая их ...

21-03-2024 дата публикации

Способ придания супергидрофобных свойств поверхности металла

Номер: RU2815776C1

Изобретение относится к области текстурирования поверхностей металлов для придания им супергидрофобных свойств, обладающих водоотталкивающими свойствами, обеспечивающих эффективное снижение скорости коррозионных процессов при эксплуатации конструкций в различных условиях, в том числе в атмосфере с высокой влажностью, находящих применение для создания самоочищающихся поверхностей и предотвращения обледенения различных частей машин и конструкций, в частности неподвижных входных частей газотурбинной или воздушно-реактивной двигательной установки самолета. Способ заключается в предварительном определении необходимого условия гидрофобности, последовательном покрытии поверхности слоем деионизированной воды для защиты от оксидирования, воздействии на поверхность сфокусированным лучом импульсного лазерного излучения с определенными характеристиками, обеспечивающими возникновение поверхностных электромагнитных волн в расплаве, с изменением интенсивностью лазерного излучения и длительности импульсов ...

27-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2257285C1

Изобретение может быть использовано для наплавки деталей, работающих в условиях высоких температур и при воздействии значительных нагрузок. Наплавочный материал содержит от 99,3 до 99,9 мас.% порошка жаропрочного высоколегированного сплава на никелевой или кобальтовой основе сферической формы фракцией от 30 до 200 мкм и от 0,1 до 0,7 мас.% диоксида циркония, стабилизированного 7% окиси иттрия, фракцией от 1 до 20 мкм. Материал подают струей транспортирующего газа в сопло лазерной установки соосно с лазерным лучом. Лазерную установку настраивают так, что фокус лазерного пучка заключен в сопле на расстоянии 3-7 мм от торца сопла, а фокус потока порошкового наплавочного материала находится вне сопла на расстоянии 6-10 мм. Частицы диоксида циркония "замуровываются" в расплаве жаропрочного высоколегированного сплава и равномерно распределяются по объему наплавленного металла. Способ обеспечивает повышение жаропрочности и жаростойкости наплавленного на жаростойкий высоколегированный сплав металла ...

27-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005117178A

... 1. Способ наращивания материала на выполненное из суперсплава поврежденное изделие, требующее ремонта, путем однородной сварки, включающий (a) предварительное нагревание поврежденного изделия до повышенной температуры и в течение времени, достаточных для стабилизации изделия при указанной повышенной температуре; (b) завершение этапа предварительного нагревания; (c) наращивание материала на изделие в заданной зоне, требующей ремонта, посредством сварки и (d) нагревание изделия до температуры и в течение времени, достаточных для снятия напряжения в изделии. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что предварительное нагревание осуществляют в интервале температур приблизительно от 790 до 1300°С, а в качестве суперсплава выбирают сплав на основе никеля в фазе гамма-прим. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что снятие напряжения осуществляют при температуре, приблизительно равной 1095°C±15°С. 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что изделие представляет собой компонент газотурбинного двигателя. 5 ...

20-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99103981A

... 1. Способ порошковой лазерной наплавки деталей в виде тел вращения, при котором лазерный луч от оптико-фокусирующей системы направляют на поверхность вращающейся детали, пятно нагрева луча смещают от наивысшей точки поверхности вперед по направлению вращения для предотвращения попадания отраженного излучения обратно в оптико-фокусирующую систему, в пятно нагрева через систему подачи порошка подают присадочный наплавляемый порошок, отличающийся тем, что присадочный порошок подают вслед направлению вращения при совмещении центра порошковой струи с наивысшей точкой поверхности детали. 2. Способ порошковой лазерной наплавки деталей в виде тел вращения по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что после наплавки одного валика оптико-фокусирующую систему и систему подачи порошка перемещают вдоль оси детали для получения широкого наплавленного слоя, а после наплавки на поверхность одного слоя оптико-фокусирующую систему и систему подачи порошка перемещают поперек оси вращения детали на расстояние, равное толщине ...

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013137475A

Способ лазерной обработки профилированных поверхностей, включающий нанесение на обрабатываемую поверхность светопоглощающего покрытия, отличающийся тем, что в качестве светопоглощающего покрытия используют раствор «бриллиантового зеленого».

19-04-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002247034B2
Принадлежит: NCR CORP., DAYTON, OHIO (V.ST.A.)

13-11-1997 дата публикации

Structuring of surfaces of components by removal of material with laser pulses

Номер: DE0019717912A1

The method has a component (2) coated with a material, radiated with a laser pulse or a sequence of laser pulses for the ionisation of the coating material locally in the region of the desired structure. Each individual laser pulse (1) has an intensity which lies above the critical threshold intensity for the multi-photon ionisation of the coated material. Each laser pulse has wavelength and pulse duration, such that the expansion of the ionised material, by the laser pulse within the pulse duration, is smaller than the wavelength of the laser pulse, exciting the multi-photon ionisation.

04-11-2010 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Verkleinerung des unteren Bauraums einer Lasersinteranlage

Номер: DE202010005162U1

Vorrichtung zur Verkleinerung des unteren Bauraums einer Lasersinteranlage, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in eine bestehende Lasersinteranlage zusätzliche oder neue Seitenwände in den unteren Bauraum eingebracht werden.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Preparing and/or repairing component comprising silicon carbide, useful in projection exposure device for microlithography, comprises filling joint gap between two components with filling material and heating component in joint gap area

Номер: DE102012209796A1

Preparing and/or repairing a component (1) comprising silicon carbide, comprises filling at least one joint gap (2) in the component or between two components with filling material and locally heating at least one component in the area of the joint gap.

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zur Verwendung von sich bewegendem aufzehrbarem Draht mit Schweisspfütze

Номер: DE112013003467T5

Es werden ein System (100) und ein Verfahren zum Steuern von Fülldraht (140) bereitgestellt. Das System (100) enthält eine hoch-intensive Energiequelle (130), die dafür konfiguriert ist, mindestens ein Werkstück (115) zu erwärmen, um eine Schmelzpfütze (145) auf einer Oberfläche des mindestens einen Werkstücks (115) zu erzeugen. Eine Fülldrahtzuführvorrichtung (150) ist dafür konfiguriert, einen Fülldraht (140) in die Schmelzpfütze (145) zuzuführen, und eine Vorschubrichtungssteuereinheit ist dafür konfiguriert, die hoch-intensive Energiequelle (130) und den Fülldraht (140) in einer Vorschubrichtung voranzuschieben, um den Fülldraht (140) auf dem mindestens einen Werkstück (115) abzuscheiden. Das System (100) enthält außerdem einen Fülldraht (140)-Steuereinheit (195), die dafür konfiguriert ist, den Fülldraht (140) während des Zuführens und Voranschiebens des Fülldrahtes (140) in mindestens einer ersten Richtung zu bewegen. Mindestens die erste Richtung wird so gesteuert, um eine gewünschte ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Reparatur von superlegierten Komponenten durch Hinzufügen von pulverförmigem legiertem Werkstoff und pulverförmigem Flussmittel

Номер: DE112014003501T5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS ENERGY INC, Siemens Energy, Inc.

Verfahren zum Reparieren oder Herstellen eines superlegierten Bauteils (50) durch Abscheiden mehrerer Schichten (22, 24, 26, 28) zusätzlichen superlegierten Werkstoffs mit einer Eigenschaft, die sich von einem darunterliegenden, ursprünglichen superlegierten Werkstoff (30) unterscheidet. Die Eigenschaft, die zwischen dem ursprünglichen Werkstoff und dem zusätzlichen Werkstoff geändert wird, kann zum Beispiel die Werkstoffzusammensetzung, die Kornstruktur, die Kornhauptachse, die Korngrenzenfestigung und/oder die Porosität sein. Ein Bereich (60) des Bauteils, der aus dem zusätzlichen Werkstoff gebildet wird, wird eine verbesserte Leistung im Vergleich zum ursprünglichen Werkstoff aufweisen, beispielsweise eine größere Beständigkeit gegen Rissbildung (58).

25-08-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Verbinden von Bauteilen

Номер: DE102004006154A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Verbinden von dynamisch belasteten Bauteilen, insbesondere von Gasturbinenbauteilen. Erfindungsgemäß werden mindestens zwei miteinander zu verbindende Bauteile (10, 11; 14, 15) durch Laserpulverauftragsschweißen miteinander verbunden.

16-02-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Reparieren bzw. Fertigen eines Bauteils

Номер: DE102004036066A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Reparieren eines Bauteils, insbesondere eines statorseitigen Bauteils einer Gasturbine wie eines Gehäuses oder eines Leitschaufelkranzes, wobei aus dem Bauteil ein beschädigter Abschnitt herausgetrennt wird, und wobei ein den beschädigten sowie herausgetrennten Abschnitt ersetzender Neuabschnitt mit dem Bauteil durch Schweißen fest verbunden wird. Erfindungsgemäß wird der beschädigte Abschnitt derart aus dem zu reparierenden Bauteil herausgetrennt, das die Länge einer Trennnaht und damit einer späteren Schweißnaht minimiert wird, wobei abhängig von der Materialdickenverteilung entlang der Trennnaht zur Bereitstellung einer möglichst gleichmäßigen Materialdicke entlang der späteren Schweißnaht vom Bauteil Material abgetragen wird und wobei nach dem Verbinden des Bauteils mit dem Neuabschnitt durch Laserpulverauftragschweißen zumindest das abgetragene Material erneuert wird.

29-05-2008 дата публикации

Beschichter zum Auftragen einer Schicht eines pulverförmigen Aufbaumaterials in einer Vorrichtung zum schichtweisen Herstellen eines dreidimensionalen Objekts

Номер: DE102006055056A1

Es wird ein Beschichter (27) zum Auftragen einer Schicht eines pulverförmigen Aufbaumaterials in einer Vorrichtung (1) zum Herstellen eines dreidimensionalen Objekts durch schichtweises Verfestigen eines Aufbaumaterials an den dem Objekt entsprechenden Stellen in den jeweiligen Schichten bereitgestellt. Es sind ein Beschichterelement (61), das das pulverförmige Aufbaumaterial in Form einer Schicht aufträgt, und ein Antriebsmechanismus (59), der das Beschichterelement (61) zum Auftragen der Schicht des Aufbaumaterials über eine Bauebene (11) bewegt, vorgesehen. Der Antriebsmechanismus (59) weist ein Antriebs-Kolben-Zylinder-System (69) und ein Brems-Kolben-Zylinder-System (70) auf.

18-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE202013010638U1
Принадлежит: Alphaform AG, Alphaform-Claho GmbH

Umlenkspiegel in Leichtbauweise, erhältlich durch ein Verfahren, das folgende Schritte aufweist: a) Erstellen eines dreidimensionalen Modells eines Umlenkspiegels mit vorgegebener Geometrie in einem CAD-System und berechnen der beim Oszillieren des Umlenkspiegels um einen Auslenkwinkel auftretenden inneren Kraftflüsse nach der Methode der finiten Elemente (FEM), b) Anpassen einer verstärkenden dreidimensionalen Gitterstruktur entsprechend dem Kraftflussbild auf der Spiegelflächenrückseite des dreidimensionalen Umlenkspiegelmodells zum Ableiten der Kraftflüsse, c) Optimieren der dreidimensionalen Gitterstruktur nach einem Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus bis maximale Steifigkeit bei möglichst geringem Gewicht erreicht ist, d) Speichern der optimierten Umlenkspiegelmodelldaten in einer CAD-Datei, e) Kompilieren der Daten aus der CAD-Datei in zahlreiche dünne Schichten, die jeweils eine Querschnittsschicht des optimierten Umlenkspiegelmodells darstellen, f) Überführen der kompilierten CAD-Daten in ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von dreidimensionalen Bauteilen mit einem pulverbettbasierten Strahlschmelzverfahren

Номер: DE102016212573A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von dreidimensionalen Bauteilen durch schichtweises Aufschmelzen eines pulverförmigen Werkstoffes mit energetischer Strahlung. Bei dem Verfahren erfolgt der Aufbau der Bauteile auf einer oder mehreren Bauplattformen mit einer Belichtungseinrichtung in mehreren Belichtungsschritten, in denen jeweils ein oder mehrere Bereiche einer Schicht des pulverförmigen Werkstoffes mit der energetischen Strahlung belichtet werden, um den oder die Bereiche der Schicht aufzuschmelzen. Die Belichtungseinrichtung und die Bauplattform werden während des Belichtungsschrittes relativ zueinander translatorisch bewegt. Das Verfahren zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die Relativgeschwindigkeit der Bewegung für jede Schicht in Abhängigkeit von der jeweils mit der Belichtungseinrichtung zu belichtenden Fläche der Schicht gewählt wird. Damit können die Produktivität und Effizienz der Fertigung vor allem bei der kontinuierlichen oder parallelen Fertigung ...

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Formkörpern durch schichtweises Aufbauen aus Werkstoffpulver

Номер: DE202010018017U1
Принадлежит: Fockele

Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Formkörpern durch schichtweises Aufbauen aus Werkstoffpulver durch ortsselektives Verfestigen des Pulvers zu zusammenhängenden Bereichen nach Maßgabe von Geometriebeschreibungsdaten des Formkörpers (23), umfassend – einen Prozessraum (9) mit einem Prozessraumboden (11), der eine Basisebene (51) und eine relativ dazu mittels einer steuerbaren Antriebseinheit längs einer vertikalen Bauplattformachse (35) gesteuert höhenverstellbare Bauplattform (13) für den Formkörper (23) aufweist, – eine Pulverschichtenpräparierungseinrichtung (41) zur Präparierung einer jeweiligen nachfolgend ortsselektiv zu verfestigenden Pulverschicht (21) auf der Bauplattform (13) und – eine Pulververfestigungseinrichtung, die zum ortsselektiven Verfestigen von Pulver der jeweils zuletzt auf der Bauplattform (13) präparierten Pulverschicht (21) aktivierbar ist, wobei die Pulverschichtenpräparierungseinrichtung (41) eine Pulverversorgungseinrichtung (55, 57, 59, 63) zur Bereitstellung ...

01-06-2006 дата публикации

Powder coating control method involving powder coating head, coating track, for application of coating to workpiece and focussed laser beam generally useful for powder coating with at least one parameter held constant during coating

Номер: DE102004057799A1

Powder coating control involving powder coating head, a coating track for application of the coating to a workpiece (2), focussing a laser beam (3) through the head via a focal point and a convergent powder stream (7) guiding via the powder stream focal point onto the workpiece. An independent claim is included for a device for powder coating control as described above.

13-12-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zerspanwerkzeugs

Номер: DE102006026967A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zerspanwerkzeugs mit einem Werkzeughalter (1), an welchem lösbar ein Schneidwerkzeug (2) gelagert ist, wobei ein Werkzeuggrundkörper (3) gefertigt wird, welcher mittels eines generativen Fertigungsverfahrens zu der fertigen Form des Werkzeughalters (1) gebracht wird.

22-07-2004 дата публикации

Selectively joining bodies to bearers with laser beams involves subjecting body/bodies on bearer to high intensity pulsed laser beams in vacuum or protective gas up to lower than melting temperature

Номер: DE0010258934A1

The method involves placing a body or several bodies on the surface of the bearer and subjecting the body or bodies to high intensity pulsed laser beams in a vacuum or in a protective gas up to a temperature lower than the melting temp. of the body or bodies, whereby a pulsed radiation pressure acts on the body or bodies simultaneously. The bodies can be applied in the form of a powder. Independent claims are also included for the following: (a) an arrangement for implementing the inventive method (b) and the use of an ultrashort pulse laser.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Secondary circuit for device for producing three-dimensional metal object used in beam fusion plant, has return line that is provided for recycling of powder from overflow container in main circuit of device

Номер: DE102011088158A1

The secondary circuit (10) has an overflow container (20) that is provided for receiving excess powder from a space (120) of the device (100). A return line (30) is provided for recycling of powder from the overflow container in a main circuit (110) of the device. An overflow pipe (22) is provided for transfer of powder from installation space into overflow container. A shutoff valve (24) is provided at overflow pipe. The overflow container is provided with level sensor (26). Independent claims are included for the following: (1) device for producing three-dimensional metal object; and (2) method for handling excess powder in device for producing three-dimensional metal object.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von dreidimensionalen Werkstücken in einer Laser-Materialbearbeitungsanlage oder einer Stereolitographieanlage

Номер: DE0010157647C5

Verfahren zur Herstellung von dreidimensionalen Werkstücken in einer Laser-Materialbearbeitungsanlage oder einer Stereolithographieanlage, wobei entweder lagenweise Sintermaterial oder pastoses Material aus einer Vorratseinrichtung auf eine Unterlage aufgetragen und durch bereichsweise Bestrahlung mit Laserstrahlung eines Lasers derart erhitzt wird, dass sich die Bestandteile des Sintermaterials oder pastosen Materials bei zumindest teilweiser Aufschmelzung bestrahlungs-bereichsabhängig lagenweise zu dem Werkstück miteinander verbinden, wozu Laserstrahlung mit einer ersten Energiedichte und/oder einem ersten Fokusdurchmesser eingesetzt wird, und während oder nach dem Werkstückherstellungsprozess Bereiche des Werkstückes durch den Laser unter Erhöhung seiner Energiedichte aufgeschmolzen oder abgetragen werden, wobei nach dem Herstellen von einer oder mehrerer Materiallagen die Bauteilkontur mit erhöhter Energiedichte des Laserstrahls abgefahren und dadurch der Werkstückrand abgetragen wird ...

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zylinderblocks für einen Verbrennungsmotor

Номер: DE0010209401B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zylinderblocks eines Verbrennungsmotors, welches folgende Schritte aufweist: Festlegen eines Parametersatzes für den Zylinderblock, wobei der Parametersatz zumindest eine Schichtdicke der verschleißfesten Schicht, eine zulässige Schweißspannung, eine erste Abmessung des Zylinders nach der Endbearbeitung, eine Druck-Richtung und eine Gegen-Druck-Richtung beinhaltet, Ausbilden eines dem Parametersatz entsprechenden Zylinderblocks, Bestimmen mindestens eines ersten und eines zweiten Auftragschweiß-Abschnitts entlang eines Zylinders des Zylinderblocks entsprechend der Druck- und der Gegen-Druck-Richtung, wobei der erste Auftragschweiß-Abschnitt ein erster Bereich ist, der sich von mindestens etwa ±5° bis etwa ±45° auf beiden Seiten der Druck-Richtung relativ zur Mittelachse des Zylinders erstreckt und der zweite Auftragschweiß-Abschnitt ein zweiter Bereich ist, der sich von mindestens etwa ±5° bis etwa ±45° auf beiden Seiten der Gegen-Druck-Richtung relativ zur ...

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Rotating build plate for powder bed additive layer manufacturing system

Номер: GB0002450425A

A powder bed additive layer manufacturing system includes a linear traversing re-coater 8 and a build plate 6, characterised in that the build plate 6 is mounted for rotation. In a further aspect, the build plate 6 includes an elevator mechanism 7, which mechanism incorporates the rotation axis. In an alternative arrangement, the re-coater 8 is rotated instead of the build plate 6. Preferably, the re-coater 8 distributes powder material 4 from a hopper 9 onto the build plate 6, and a laser 1, directed by scanning optics 2, directs a beam 3 onto the powder 4 to to form a solid layer 5. By this method, a three-dimensional model can be fabricated. The provision of a rotation axis on the build plate 6 or re-coater 8 allows an uppermost deposited layer, especially in a body 5 having parts of different orientations, to be positioned so that it lies substantially orthogonal to the line of movement of the re-coater 8 before the next layer is deposited, thereby reducing any frictional forces and ...

01-08-2018 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Forming a Conductive Track

Номер: GB0002541412B
Принадлежит: M SOLV LTD, M-Solv Limited

19-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002071703B
Принадлежит: RAU GMBH G, RAU GMBH & CO G

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535339T

15-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000838372A

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512750T

15-04-2016 дата публикации

Generieren von 3D Teilen aus Metalldrähten mittels Laserstrahlung

Номер: AT515465B1

Dreidimensionale Bauteile können durch schichtweises Verschweißen von Metallpulver oder Drähten mittels Hochleistungslaserstrahlen hergestellt werden. Die Auftragsrate kann erhöht werden, indem mehrere Drähte (6), (7), (8) symmetrisch um den Fokus des verschweißenden Laserstrahls (1) angeordnet werden, wobei aber ein wesentlich größerer Fokus zum Überdecken aller Drähte (6), (7), (8) verwendet werden muss, womit aber feine Strukturen nicht mehr hergestellt werden können. Es wird nun erfindungsgemäß vorgeschlagen, dass zum groben und raschen Auftragen alle Drähte (6), (7), (8) Verwendung finden. Zur Herstellung feiner Strukturen werden dann so viele Drähte zurückgezogen, dass nur mehr ein Draht zum Einsatz kommt und damit auch ein kleinerer Fokus durch Verschieben des Bearbeitungskopfes mit integrierter Fokussierlinse (2) verwendet wird und auch die Relativgeschwindigkeit zwischen Werkstück (9) und Laserstrahl (1) und Drähten verringert wird. Alternativ könnten auch zwei Laser, einer mit ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

In-Line Verfahren und In-Line Fertigungsanlage

Номер: AT515183B1

The invention relates to an in-line method for producing workpieces or assemblies (2), in which method workpieces or assemblies (2) pass through a number of successive work stations (4) by means of a conveyor device (3). Said method is characterised by a hardening step that is carried out in one of the work stations (4), during which step at least one region of the workpiece or assembly (2) is hardened by the application of at least one laser hardening trace (6) by means of a laser device (5), in particular a laser with programmable focussing optics (PFO), or a linear laser. The invention also relates to a corresponding in-line production plant.

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000112201T

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000316835T

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000256525T

11-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0009027591A

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of fabricating an object

Номер: AU2010212593B2

A method of fabricating an object is disclosed. A first layer of powder is deposited onto a substrate in a configuration defining a first cross-section of the object, and is consolidated by laser irradiation. To fabricate the object, further layperson powder are then deposited onto the sintered first layer of powder to define further cross-sections of the object, and the further layers consolidated. A heat source is applied to the substrate in order to mitigate distortion of the substrate during fabrication of the object.

26-11-2001 дата публикации

Welding superalloy articles

Номер: AU0008537801A

19-12-2003 дата публикации

High energy beam cladding

Номер: AU2003237385A8

14-08-2001 дата публикации

Modified absorption through unique composite materials and material combinations

Номер: AU0004796101A

22-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002467221A1

The object of this invention is to provide a method and system for real-time monitoring and controlling the height of a deposit by using image photographing and image processing technology in a laser cladding and laser- aided direct metal manufacturing process. This invention also provides a method of controlling the intensity of laser output, which is one of the most important process variables, regardless of the operational condition of a laser output unit. The method and system of this invention controls the height of a deposit by real-time monitoring the position and height of a melt pool and controlling the process variables using the image photographing and image processing technology in such a laser cladding and laser-aided direct metal manufacturing process based on a laser surface reforming technology, such as laser surface alloying and laser cladding, or a laser-aided direct metal manufacturing technology.

07-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002368560A1

A surface-alloyed cylindrical, partially cylindrical or hollow cylindrical component consists of an aluminium matrix casting alloy (1) and a precipitation area (3) extending as far as the surface of the component (3) and consisting of an aluminium base alloy with precipitated hard phases. A eutectic area (2) (hereafter: "transition area") which is supersaturated by primary hard phases is present between the matrix (1) and the precipitation area (3) and the increase in hardness from the matrix (1) to the component surface (3) is gradual.

03-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002556034C

Procédé de fabrication d'une lame (1) pour outil tranchant, notamment pour un couteau, une paire de ciseaux, une scie, un appareil ménager ou électroménager, ou encore une machine industrielle, cette lame (1) étant réalisée en un acier ou un alliage d'aciers inoxydables et comprenant au moins une arête tranchante s'étendant sur au moins une partie de sa périphérie, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend les étapes suivantes: a) réaliser un corps (2) de lame possédant au moins un bord libre prévu au voisinage de l'emplacement de la ou de chaque arête tranchante (3), b) projeter sur au moins un bord libre un matériau d'appoint sous forme pulvérulente d'une dureté supérieure à la dureté du corps de la lame, c) soumettre la poudre de matériau d'appoint à un faisceau laser de manière à former un cordon ou une bande sur au moins une partie dudit bord libre, d) former l'arête tranchante dans le cordon ou la bande de matériaud'appoint. Les outils tranchant équipés d'une lame ainsi réalisée ont une grande ...

11-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002738619A1

An additive manufacturing apparatus comprises a processing chamber (100) defining a window (110) for receiving a laser beam and an optical module (10) The optical module is removably-mountable to the processing chamber for delivering the laser beam through the window. The optical module contains optical components for focusing and steering the laser beam and a controlled atmosphere can be maintained within the module.

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002720262A1

A method for fabricating a unitary component for a combustor is disclosed, said method comprising the steps of determining three-dimensional information of the unitary component 60, converting the three-dimensional information into a plurality of slices that each define a cross-sectional layer of the unitary component 60, and successively forming each layer of the unitary component 60 by fusing a metallic powder using laser energy. A combustor component 60, 50 is disclosed, comprising a body 61, 51 having a unitary construction wherein the body 61, 51 is made by using a rapid manufacturing process.

21-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002731121A1

An apparatus for manufacturing a three-dimensional object by layerwise consolidation of powder comprises a lowerable build platform for supporting the object during manufacture and a sealable chamber for controlling the atmosphere around the object. The apparatus also has gas transport devices, such as pumps and valves. Substantially all of the gas transport devices are maintained within a controlled atmosphere.

26-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001281949C

OF THE DISCLOSURE In this method for forming a composite layer on the surface of an aluminum alloy substrate, a powder mixture, containing a powder of a ceramic carbide of a metal and a metallic powder containing silicon and a metal element which forms an inter metallic compound with silicon, is disposed upon the surface of the aluminum alloy substrate. This powder mixture is then irradiated with a laser, so that the metallic powder in it is melted and fused together with a surface portion of the aluminum alloy substrate, so that these two are alloyed together. The powder mixture may be a powder of an alloy of silicon and the metal element which forms an inter metallic compound with silicon, or alternatively may be a mixture of a powder of silicon and a powder of the metal element which forms an inter metallic compound with silicon. The metal element which forms an inter metallic compound with silicon may be copper or may be molybdenum; and the ceramic carbide of a metal may be titanium ...

27-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001309321C

A corrosion-resistant amorphous surface alloy is disclosed which is 150 .mu.m or less thick and bonded onto a substrate crystalline metal or alloy and processed by irradiation of high energy density beam, such alloy being composed of 8-19 at% Cr, 17-22 at% in the sum of P and 2-7 at% B, and the remainder being Ni, Ni-Co containing Co in an atomic ratio of Co/Ni of 2/3 or less, or Ni-Fe or Ni-Co-Fe containing Fe in an atomic ratio of Fe/Ni or Fe/Ni+Co of 1/5 or less. Also disclosed is a process for producing such alloy.

28-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001002584A

14-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002475402A1

A novel and inventive hand held powder-fed laser fusion welding torch (100) providing manual flexibility for laser welding with powder-fed material. The hand held laser includes a body (104), handle (102), and nozzle assembly. The nozzle may be shrouded by a cover (170) that is slightly spaced apart from the nozzle. The gap between the two may provide space through which inert gas may flow. Laser light from a remote source shines through the nozzle's central aperture. The nozzle aperture (144) may be circumscribed by powder channel outlets (148) aligned upon a working focal point coincident with the laser beam to treat a workpiece. A proximity sensor (220) may enable selective welding torch operation according to the presence of a workpiece.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003041640A1

L'invention est un procédé de fabrication, à partir d'une pièce, d'un élément structurel métallique comportant une peau, à partir de laquelle s'étendent des raidisseurs. Selon l'invention, une partie des raidisseurs est obtenue par usinage, tandis que l'autre partie est obtenue par addition de matière. L'addition de matière peut être obtenue par un procédé de fabrication additive.

28-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002545863A1

A method for forming or remanufacturing a component to have an internal space. A refractory metal blocking element is formed, in situ, with at least a portion to be within the internal space. The formation includes an at least partial melting. A material is added, the blocking element at least partially blocking entry of the material to the internal space. The blocking element is removed.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002906400A1

In some examples, a technique includes delivering, using a material delivery device, material adjacent to a repair surface of a component and delivering, using a gas delivery device, a gas adjacent to the repair surface. The technique also may include delivering, from an energy source, energy to the material adjacent the repair surface to fuse the material to the repair surface; and receiving, by a computing device, at least one parameter indicative of at least one of a temperature or a geometry of the component. The technique may further include, responsive to the at least one parameter indicative of the at least one of the temperature or the geometry of the component, controlling, by the computing device, at least one processing parameter to control the temperature of the component.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002865658A1

The present concept is a method of cladding and fusion welding of superalloys and includes the steps of firstly application of a composite filler powder that comprises 5- 50% by weight brazing powder which includes melting point depressants, and 50-95% by weight high temperature welding powder, to a superalloy base material. Secondly there is simultaneous heating of the base material and the composite filler powder by a welding heat source that is movable relative to the base material. There is heating to a temperature that will fully melt the brazing powder and at least partially melt the high temperature welding powder and also melt a surface layer of the base material, thereby forming a weld pool. Thirdly upon solidification and cooling of the weld pool, there is coalescence between a weld bead and the base material.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002870187A1

A method for epitaxial addition of repair material onto a process surface (38) of a directionally solidified component (30). The component is positioned in a fluidized bed (34) to drift particles of a repair material over the process surface as laser energy (36) is rastered across the surface to melt the particles and to fuse repair material onto the entire surface simultaneously. The component is moved downward (39) in the bed in a direction parallel to the grain orientation in the component as material is added to the surface, thereby providing continuous epitaxial addition of material to the surface without recrystallization.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002873032A1

A method of applying a protective cladding, particularly to gas-tight membranes of energy boilers involves coupling of two gas-tight membranes (2) together, and then soaking a pair of gas-tight membranes (2) coupled together at 300°C to 800°C, favorably at around 700°C; afterwards, the membrane (2) surface where a cladding (1) is to be applied is cleaned, a pair of gas-tight membranes (2) coupled together is mounted on a positioner and then preheated up to 80°C to 600°C, favorably to around 300°C-450°C, and then the cleaned and preheated surface of a pair of gas- tight membranes (2) coupled together is covered with a protective cladding (1), wherein a protective cladding is applied at a thickness of 0.1 mm to 3.00 mm, favorably around 0.6 mm, and then the entire pair of gas-tight membranes (2) coupled together with a cladding (2) is finally soaked at 300°C to 800°C, favorably at around 700°C, and the set temperature is maintained for 10 minutes to 600 minutes, favorably for 15 minutes to ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002896507A1

A method of applying a laser metal formed build layer on a surface (16) of an article (12) is disclosed. A laser deposition head (10) including a light source (17) and a nozzle (18) is positioned relative to the surface of the article by a distance that is about normal to the surface. The surface (16) of the article is melted locally using the laser light source to form a melt pool (26). Powdered metal (30) is injected into the melt pool (26) using the nozzle (18). The melt pool (26) is solidified to form the build layer (36F) having a desired microstructure on the surface (16) of the article (12).

13-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002044226C
Принадлежит: Amysa-Yverdon S.A., SULZER METCO AG

The surface of a workpiece is provided with a surface layer. Initially, the workpiece is inductively heated by a HF/MF generator to a first temperature and subsequently heated further by a laser beam with coating material being applied to the region of the laser beam in an amount sufficient to form a surface layer on the workpiece. The generator and the laser source are able to operate simultaneously to effect a high duality surface layer of relatively thin thickness.

03-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002174635C

A multiple beam laser sintering device includes a sintering beam (64) having a focal point at a powder bed (68) and at least one defocussed laser beam (116) incident on a region near the focal point of the focussed beam (64). The sintering beam (64) raises the temperature of the powder (84) to the sintering temperature. The defocussed beam (116) raises the temperature of the material surro unding the sintering beam (64) to a level below the sintering temperature, thereby reducing the temperature gradient between the sintering location and the surrounding material. Thermal radiation may be measured from one or both beams and used to control the power of one or both beams and the power of one or both beams may be controlled to maintain the t emperature at a desired level. Alternatively, a plurali ty of defocussed beams may be used to provide either a plurality of thermal gradie nt steps, or to control the temperature of each region a round the sintering point independently.

09-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002170875A1

A process is provided for laser welding a superalloy article (20) by preheating the entire weld area and region adjacent to the weld area of the article to a ductile temperature within the range of 1400-2100 degrees F with an induction heat coil (14) and maintaining such temperature during welding and solidification of the weld; and welding the preheated article using a laser (11) with a powder alloy feed (12), with a control system which controls the laser powder feed (12) and a motion system on which the article is fixtured, wherein the control system includes a vision system which digitizes the weld area of the article (20) providing a path for the laser to follow.

24-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002293638C

A powder bed (32) is built up by repeated deposition of a slurry that contains powder. Layers are made by depositing a liquid dispersion of the desired powdered material, which then slip-casts into the forming powder bed to make a new layer (34). The slurry may be deposited in any suitable manner, such as by raster or vector scanning, or by a plurality of simultaneous jets that coalesce before the liquid slip-casts into the bed, or by individual drops, the deposits of which are individually controlled, thereby generating a regular surface for each layer.

13-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000557066A

14-08-2009 дата публикации

Repair welding method of a construction unit.

Номер: CH0000698457B1

Ein Verfahren zur Ausbesserung eines Metalllegierungsbauteils (10) und das resultierende ausgebesserte Bauteil (10). Das Verfahren bezieht maschinelles Bearbeiten der Bauteiloberfläche (14) ein, um eine Schadstelle zu entfernen und anschliessend im resultierenden Oberflächenhohlräum (32) einen Zusatzwerkstoffeinsatz (30) anzuordnen, dessen Grösse und Form vorbestimmt sind, so dass der Schweissvorgang so ausgeführt werden kann, dass der Einsatz (30) vollständig geschmolzen wird, während das Schmelzen des Bauteils (10), welches den Einsatz (30) unmittelbar umgibt, auf ein Minimum herabgesetzt wird. Dementsprechend erfolgt eine minimale Vermischung der Werkstoffe des Einsatzes (30) und des Bauteils (10), wodurch die Gefahr von Rissbildung nach dem Schweissvorgang verringert wird.

15-03-2011 дата публикации

Procedure for modifying a metallic component, for example a combustion chamber cap effusion plate, with a pulsed laser beam.

Номер: CH0000701826A2

Offenbart ist ein Verfahren zum Modifizieren oder Instandsetzen einer metallischen Komponente, beispielsweise einer Brennkammerkappeneffusionsplatte für eine Gasturbine. Das Verfahren beinhaltet die Schritte des Ausbildens einer Aussparung oder Nut in der metallischen Komponente und des Aufbringens eines Füllstoffmaterials (140) in der Aussparung oder Nut. Ein gepulster Laserstrahl (310) wird auf das Füllstoffmaterial (140) angewendet. Der gepulste Laserstrahl (310) weist eine ausreichende Leistung, Frequenz und Impulsbreite auf, um Wärme auf die metallische Komponente und auf das Füllstoffmaterial (140) zu übertragen, so dass wenigstens ein Teil der metallischen Komponente und des Füllstoffmaterials (140) schmilzt, um das Füllstoffmaterial (140) mit der metallisches Komponente zu verschweissen und die metallische Komponente instand zu setzen oder zu modifizieren. Unterschiedliche Betriebsparameter des gepulsten Laserstrahls (310) können eingestellt werden, um unerwünschte Wärmebeeinträchtigungen ...

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Procedure for modifying a metallic component, for example a combustion chamber cap effusion plate, with a pulsed laser beam.

Номер: CH0000701826A8

Offenbart ist ein Verfahren zum Modifizieren oder Instandsetzen einer metallischen Komponente, beispielsweise einer Brennkammerkappeneffusionsplatte für eine Gasturbine. Das Verfahren beinhaltet die Schritte des Ausbildens einer Aussparung oder Nut in der metallischen Komponente und des Aufbringens eines Füllstoffmaterials (140) in der Aussparung oder Nut. Ein gepulster Laserstrahl (310) wird auf das Füllstoffmaterial (140) angewendet. Der gepulste Laserstrahl (310) weist eine ausreichende Leistung, Frequenz und Impulsbreite auf, um Wärme auf die metallische Komponente und auf das Füllstoffmaterial (140) zu übertragen, so dass wenigstens ein Teil der metallischen Komponente und des Füllstoffmaterials (140) schmilzt, um das Füllstoffmaterial (140) mit der metallisches Komponente zu verschweissen und die metallische Komponente instand zu setzen oder zu modifizieren. Unterschiedliche Betriebsparameter des gepulsten Laserstrahls (310) können eingestellt werden, um unerwünschte Wärmebeeinträchtigungen ...

28-02-2016 дата публикации

Способ формирования из проволоки или ленты полого металлического изделия в виде тела вращения

Номер: BY0000019869C1

... 1. Способ формирования из проволоки или ленты полого металлического изделия в виде тела вращения, при котором используют проволоку диаметром от 0,3 до 0,6 мм или ленту толщиной и шириной не более 0,6 мм и подложку, изготовленную из неподдающегося плавлению материала и выполненную с формообразующей частью, формирующей внутреннюю поверхность полого металлического изделия; фиксируют на торцевой части подложки проволоку или ленту; подводят лазерную оптико-фокусирующую систему до соприкосновения с проволокой или лентой в зоне контакта ее с формообразующей частью подложки; придают подложке вращение и одновременно осевое перемещение перпендикулярно лучу лазера, укладывают проволоку или ленту по спирали на формообразующую Фиг. 1 часть подложки и одновременно расплавляют ее лучом лазера, получая слой частично перекрывающих друг друга по ширине валиков, формирующий полое металлическое изделие в виде тела вращения.

25-01-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000113265U

24-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: EA0199800640A1

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid laser arc welding process and apparatus

Номер: US20120000892A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A welding method and apparatus for welding workpieces together by conducting a laser beam welding process on a joint region that includes a weld seam defined by and between faying surfaces of the workpieces, and then conducting a hybrid laser arc welding process on the joint region. The laser beam welding process entails causing a first laser beam to travel along the joint region, penetrate the weld seam and form a weldment. The hybrid laser arc welding process remelts the weldment by simultaneously causing an electric arc and a second laser beam to overlap and travel along the joint region and form a weld pool in the weldment. On cooling, a weld joint is formed within the joint region and its weld seam.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Buffer Layer to Enhance Photo and/or Laser Sintering

Номер: US20120049384A1
Принадлежит: Ishihara Chemical Co Ltd

Conductive lines are deposited on a substrate to produce traces for conducting electricity between electronic components. A patterned metal layer is formed on the substrate, and then a layer of material having a low thermal conductivity is coated over the patterned metal layer and the substrate. Vias are formed through the layer of material having the low thermal conductivity thereby exposing portions of the patterned metal layer. A film of conductive ink is then coated over the layer of material having the low thermal conductivity and into the vias to thereby coat the portions of the patterned metal layer, and then sintered. The film of conductive ink coated over the portion of the patterned metal layer does not absorb as much energy from the sintering as the film of conductive ink coated over the layer of material having the low thermal conductivity. The layer of material having the low thermal conductivity may be a polymer, such as polyimide.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Robot system control method

Номер: US20120116585A1
Автор: Kazumasa Yoshima
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

In a control method of a robot system of the present invention, one of two industrial robots is used as a master robot, and the other is used as a slave robot. Data indicating the relation of the relative position and relative attitude between the master robot and the slave robot in welding conditioning work is stored as one set of information. During teaching work, in a state where the master robot and the slave robot exist at any positions, the slave robot is moved with respect to the position of the master robot so as to reproduce the relation of the relative position and relative attitude indicated by the one set of stored information, or the master robot is moved with respect to the position of the slave robot.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Laser processing system and overlay welding method

Номер: US20120145683A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A laser processing system includes a laser processing head, a powder supply device, and a controller. The powder supply device supplies powder to the laser processing head. The laser processing head includes: a laser emission unit which irradiates a workpiece with laser light; and a powder supply unit which receives the powder supplied from a powder supply device to the laser processing head, and can supply the powder to a laser spot on the workpiece. The powder supply unit includes: a powder discharge unit which can discharge the powder toward the laser spot on the workpiece; and a powder-supply control mechanism which controls the amount of the powder to be supplied to the powder discharge unit, by distributing to the powder discharge unit at least a part of a flow of the powder supplied from the powder supply device. The controller controls the distributing by the powder-supply control mechanism.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Cutting/polishing tool and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120164927A1
Автор: Jeong-Hun Suh
Принадлежит: INSSTEK Inc, Shinhan Diamond Ind Co Ltd

There are provided a cutting/polishing tool that may be readily manufactured and have an improved cutting performance, and a manufacturing method thereof. The method for manufacturing the cutting/polishing tool including at least one cutting/polishing body may comprise preparing a tool body, and forming a cladding layer including cutting material particles by spraying, onto an outer surface of the tool body, the cutting material particles and a metal powder having a specific gravity greater than a specific gravity of the cutting material particles while heating the outer surface of the tool body using a heating device installed in a lower side of the outer surface of the tool body so that the metal powder is deposited on the outer surface of the tool body, wherein the cladding layer configures the at least one cutting/polishing body.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Automated repair method and system

Номер: US20120179285A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method and system for automated repair of a machine component is provided. According to the proposed method, a first geometry of the component, including a damaged portion of the component, is digitalized. A trough is then machined over the damaged portion of the component. The machining is numerically controlled using digitalized geometrical data of the first geometry of the component. A second geometry of the component is then digitalized subsequent to the machining, the second geometry including the trough. Subsequently, a material is deposited over the trough. The deposition of the material is numerically controlled digitalized geometrical data of the second geometry of the component.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Welding device and carbon dioxide gas shielded arc welding method

Номер: US20120199560A1
Принадлежит: Daihen Corp

A welding device includes a power supply circuit for applying a voltage across a torch and a base metal, and a power supply control device. The power supply control device controls the power supply circuit such that a high level current is output during a first arc period Ta 1 that is the initial period of an arc period, and an arc current corresponding to a regulated welding voltage is output during a second arc period Ta 2 that is the latter period of the arc period. The power supply control device controls the power supply circuit such that a high level current is generated having a waveform increasing and decreasing at a constant frequency and constant amplitude superimposed on the high level current. By superimposing the waveform, the elevation of a droplet caused by an repelled force by the arc can be prevented, allowing a droplet to be formed in stabilization.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for producing a component of a turbomachine

Номер: US20120217226A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a component ( 10 ) of a turbomachine, especially a structural part of a turbine or a compressor, the method being a generative production method for the layer-by-layer buildup of the component ( 10 ). After production of one or more successive component layers pressure is applied to at least sections of the surface of the most recently produced component layer ( 12 ), the pressure being induced by laser or plasma. The invention further relates to a device for producing a component ( 10 ) of a turbomachine, especially a structural part of a turbine or a compressor, the device ( 26 ) comprising at least one powder feed ( 28 ) for the deposition of at least one powder component material ( 16 ) onto a component platform, at least one radiation source ( 14 ) for a local layer-by-layer fusion or sintering of the component material ( 16 ) and at least one laser radiation source ( 20 ) or at least one plasma impulse source.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing sealing disks

Номер: US20130048614A1
Принадлежит: SOUDRONIC AG

Sealing disks ( 44 ) for producing peel-off lids comprising lid rings having a peel-off foil sealed onto the lid ring are produced in that an annular sealing part made of steel ( 54 ) is fastened on a main plate ( 53 ) made of copper, for example by electron-beam welding, whereupon the sealing part is hardened by laser hardening. In this way, a sealing disk having good thermal conductivity and high wear resistance can be favorably produced.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068735A1

The present invention provides a method of forming a metal coating having a microstructure as well as a structural member having a metal coating formed by the method. In particular, the invention provides an advantageous method of forming a metal coating in which minute carbides are uniformly dispersed. The method of forming the metal coating of the present invention includes the steps of cladding a surface of the substrate with metal powder by a laser cladding method and forming the metal coating having a microstructure by applying a friction stir processing to the cladded region. 1. A method of forming a metal coating on a substrate , the method comprising the steps of:cladding a surface of the substrate with a metal powder by a laser cladding method; andforming the metal coating comprising a microstructure by applying a friction stir processing to the cladded region of the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal powder comprises a chromium carbide.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal powder comprises a vanadium carbide.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the laser cladding method is conducted by supplying the metal powder and emitting a laser along an equivalent axis.5. A structural member comprising a metal coating formed by the method of . This application is a national phase application under 35 U.S.C. §371 of International Application Serial No. PCT/JP2011/057394, filed on Mar. 25, 2011, and claims the priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 to Japan Patent Application No. 2010-070680, filed on Mar. 25, 2010, which are hereby expressly incorporated by reference in their entirety for all purposes.The present invention relates to a method of forming a metal coating having a microstructure and a structural member having the metal coating formed by the method. In particular, the invention relates to an advantageous method of forming a metal coating in which fine carbides are uniformly dispersed. The term “microstructure” in the present invention means ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for patterning nano particles

Номер: US20130084451A1
Принадлежит: UChicago Argonne LLC

The invention provides a simple and inexpensive method to assemble nanomaterials into millimeter lengths. The method can be used to generate optical, sensing, electronic, magnetic and or catalytic materials. Also provided is a substrate comprised of fused nanoparticles. The invention also provides a diode comprised of assembled nanoparticles.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid Arc/Laser-Welding Method For Aluminized Steel Parts Using Gammagenic Elements And A Gas Containing Less Than 10% Of Nitrogen Or Oxygen

Номер: US20130098878A1

The invention relates to a hybrid laser/arc-welding method using an electric arc and a laser beam that are combined together within a single welding melt to which molten metal is supplied by melting a filler wire, wherein the welding melt is provided on at least one steel part including an aluminum surface coating, and a protective gas is used, characterized in that the filler wire contains at least 3 wt % of one or more gammagenic elements, in particular the gammagenic elements selected from C, Mn, Ni and N, and the protective gas consists of helium and/or argon with the addition of at least 10 vol % of nitrogen or oxygen. The method of the invention is particularly suitable for welding end-welded flanks used in the field of manufacturing automobiles or for tube welding. 115-. (canceled)16. A laser/arc hybrid welding process using an electric arc and a laser beam in combination together in a single weld pool , in which the weld metal is provided by melting a consumable wire , the weld pool being produced in at least one steel workpiece comprising an aluminum-based surface coating , and using a shielding gas , wherein the consumable wire contains at least 3 wt % of one or more gammagenic elements and the shielding gas is formed of helium and/or argon and at least 10 vol % of nitrogen or oxygen.17. The process of claim 16 , wherein the gammagenic elements are chosen from C claim 16 , Mn claim 16 , Ni and N.18. The process of claim 16 , wherein the wire contains at most 20 wt % of gammagenic elements.19. The process of claim 16 , wherein the shielding gas is formed of helium and/or argon and less than 10 vol % nitrogen.20. The process of claim 16 , wherein the one or more steel work pieces comprise an aluminum-based surface coating having a thickness of between 5 and 100 pm.21. The process of claim 16 , wherein the one or more steel work pieces comprise an aluminum-based surface coating having a thickness of 50 μm or less.22. The process of claim 16 , wherein the one ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method For Arc-Welding Aluminum-Coated Metal Parts Using An Inert Gas Containing Nitrogen

Номер: US20130105445A1

The invention relates to a method for electric arc welding, without a laser beam, one or more metal parts, in particular made of steel, including an aluminum surface coating, in particular a coating consisting of aluminum and silicon, using a protective gas, characterized in that the protective gas consists of a mixture of argon and/or helium, and additionally of nitrogen, in particular less than 30 volume % of nitrogen, typically 2 to 10 volume % of nitrogen. 112-. (canceled)13. A process for the electric-arc welding of at least one metallic part comprising a surface coating based on aluminum , using a shielding gas , wherein the melting of the metal of said metallic part is carried out solely by the electric arc , with no laser beam contributing to the melting , wherein the shielding gas consists of a mixture of argon and/or helium , and nitrogen , said shielding gas containing at least 0.025% and at most 30% by volume of nitrogen.1413. The process of clam , wherein the shielding gas contains at least 0.025% and at most 20% by volume of nitrogen.1513. The process of clam , wherein the shielding gas contains at least 3% by volume of nitrogen or less than 10% by volume of nitrogen.1613. The process of clam , wherein the shielding gas contains at least 4% by volume of nitrogen and at most 8% by volume of nitrogen.1713. The process of clam , wherein the shielding gas contains from 5% to 7% by volume of nitrogen.1813. The process of clam , wherein the metallic part or parts comprise a surface coating based on aluminum having a thickness between 5 and 100 μm.1913. The process of clam , wherein the metal part or parts are made of steel with a surface coating based on aluminum and silicon (Si/Al).2013. The process of clam , wherein the metal part or parts comprise a surface coating based on aluminum and silicon containing a proportion of aluminum between 5 and 100 times greater than that of silicon.2113. The process of clam , wherein the metal part or parts comprise a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

MIG/MAG Welding of Carbon Steel with Rotating Arc and Ar/He/O2 Gas Mixture

Номер: US20130112662A1

The invention relates to a ternary gaseous mixture formed from argon, helium and oxygen, characterized in that it is formed from between 19.5 and 20.5% of helium, between 2.7 and 3.3% of Oi, and argon for the remainder (volume %), and to the use thereof as gaseous protection in a method of electric arc welding of at least one steel part to carbon, using a fusible filler wire. Preferably, the welded parts overlap or cover each other and the rotary arc welding takes place where the parts overlap. 111-. (canceled)12. A process for the electric-arc MIG/MAG welding of at least two carbon steel parts with use of a consumable filler wire , a rotating arc and gas shielding formed of a ternary gas mixture consisting of 19.5 to 20.5% of helium , of 2.7 to 3.3% of O2 and of argon for the remainder (% by volume) , wherein the consumable filler wire is melted by the rotating arc so as to obtain metal transfer by rotating liquid vein and the at least two carbon steel parts overlapping or covering one another , the rotating arc welding taking place at said overlap or covering up.13. The process of claim 12 , wherein the gas shielding is formed of a ternary gas mixture containing from 19.8 to 20.2% of helium.14. The process of claim 12 , wherein the gas shielding is formed of a ternary gas mixture containing from 2.8 to 3.2% of O2.15. The process of claim 12 , wherein the gas shielding is formed of a ternary gas mixture containing from 2.9 to 3.1% of O2.16. The process of claim 12 , wherein the gas shielding is formed of a ternary gas mixture consisting of 20% of helium claim 12 , 3% of O2 and of argon for the remainder.17. The process of claim 12 , wherein the welded parts are in a joggled type configuration.18. The process of claim 12 , wherein the welded parts are constituent components of a pressure vessel of the hot water tank claim 12 , extinguisher claim 12 , compressor claim 12 , refrigeration device or gas cylinder type.19. The process of claim 12 , wherein the welded ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140278A1

A method for depositing superalloy materials. A layer of powder () disposed over a superalloy substrate () is heated with an energy beam () to form a layer of superalloy cladding () and a layer of slag (). The layer of powder includes flux material and alloy material, formed either as separate powders or as a hybrid particle powder. A layer of powdered flux material () may be placed over a layer of powdered metal (), or the flux and metal powders may be mixed together (). An extrudable filler material () such as nickel, nickel-chromium or nickel-chromium-cobalt wire or strip may be added to the melt pool to combine with the melted powder to give the superalloy cladding the composition of a desired superalloy material. 1. A method comprising:cleaning a surface of a superalloy substrate, the superalloy substrate comprising a composition beyond a zone of weldability defined on a graph of superalloys plotting titanium content verses aluminum content, wherein the zone of weldability is upper bounded by a line intersecting the titanium content axis at 6 wt. % and intersecting the aluminum content axis at 3 wt. %;pre-placing or feeding a layer of powdered material comprising flux material and metal material onto the cleaned surface;melting the powdered material into a melt pool and floating slag layer, the melt pool having a composition of a desired superalloy material comprising a composition beyond the zone of weldability;allowing the melt pool and slag layer to cool and solidify, leaving a layer of the desired superalloy material clad over the superalloy substrate; andpost weld heat treating the clad superalloy material and substrate superalloy material without weld solidification cracking and strain age cracking.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:pre-placing the layer of powdered material as mixed flux and superalloy powder to a depth from 2.5 to 5.5 mm; andmelting the powdered material with laser energy at a power level from 0.6 to 2 kilowatts using ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140279A1

A method of repairing service-induced surface cracks () in a superalloy component (). A layer of powdered flux material () is applied over the cracks and is melted with a laser beam () to form a re-melted zone () of the superalloy material under a layer of slag (). The slag cleanses the melt pool of contaminants that may have been trapped in the cracks, thereby eliminating the need for pre-melting fluoride ion cleaning. Optionally, alloy feed material may be applied with the powdered flux material to augment the volume of the melt or to modify the composition of the re-melted zone. 1. A method comprising:applying powdered flux material to a surface of a superalloy substrate containing a defect;traversing an energy beam across the surface to form a re-melted zone in the substrate covered by an overlying slag layer; andallowing the re-melted zone to solidify under the slag layer to form a repaired surface free of the defect.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy beam is a laser beam.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying a filler material to the surface during the step of traversing an energy beam such that melted filler material is additive to the re-melted zone.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising applying the filler material to the surface as powdered alloy material.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein a mesh size range of the powdered alloy material overlaps with a mesh size range of the powdered flux material.6. The method of claim 3 , further comprising applying the filler material as wire or strip material.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the superalloy substrate comprises a composition beyond a zone of weldability defined on a graph of superalloys plotting titanium content verses aluminum content claim 1 , wherein the zone of weldability is upper bounded by a line intersecting the titanium content axis at 6 wt. % and intersecting the aluminum content axis at 3 wt. %.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying heat to ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing printed wiring board

Номер: US20130177714A1
Принадлежит: Ibiden Co Ltd, Nagoya University NUC

A method for manufacturing a printed wiring board includes forming an interlayer insulation layer on a conductive circuit, applying laser to a portion of the interlayer insulation layer such that an opening reaching to the conductive circuit is formed for a via conductor, subjecting the opening to a plasma treatment using a processing gas which includes a reactive gas including a fluorovinyl ether gas having a double bond of two carbon atoms and a fluoroalkyl ether group, forming an upper conductive circuit on the interlayer insulation layer, and forming a via conductor in the opening such that the via conductor connects the conductive circuit and the upper conductive circuit.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for closed-loop controlling a laser processing operation and laser material processing head using the same

Номер: US20130178952A1
Принадлежит: Precitec Itm Gmbh, Precitec KG

The present invention relates to a method for closed-loop controlling a processing operation of a workpiece, comprising the steps of: (a) recording a pixel image at an initial time point of an interaction zone by means of a camera, wherein the workpiece is processed using an actuator having an initial actuator value; (b) converting the pixel image into a pixel vector; (c) representing the pixel vector by a sum of predetermined pixel mappings each multiplied by a corresponding feature value; (d) classifying the set of feature values on the basis of learned feature values into at least two classes of a group of classes comprising a first class of a too high actuator value, a second class of a sufficient actuator value and a third class of a too low actuator value at the initial time point; (e) performing a control step for adapting the actuator value by minimizing the error e t between a quality indicator y e and a desired value; and (f) repeating the steps (a) to (e) for further time points to perform a closed-loop controlled processing operation.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233846A1

Disclosed is a method for generatively producing or for repairing at least one area of a component, wherein a zone arranged downstream of a molten bath is post-heated to a post-heating temperature and the component is set to a base temperature, and also a device for carrying out such a method. 110.-. (canceled)11231. A method for generatively producing of for repairing at least one area of a component which is made up of individual powder layers , wherein the method comprises (i) locally heating , by a first high-energy beam , a powder layer to be produced to a melting temperature (T) , whereby a molten bath is formed , (ii) post-heating , by a second high-energy beam , a zone arranged downstream of the molten bath to a post-heating temperature (T) , and (iii) setting , by a heating device , a temperature of the component globally to a base temperature (T).121. The method of claim 11 , wherein the base temperature (T) is kept at a constant level.1312. The method of claim 12 , wherein the base temperature (T) is kept in a range of between 300° C. and 400° C. below the melting temperature (T).14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the component is heated virtually uniformly over its entire surface area.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the component is heated inductively.16. The method of claim 11 , wherein the zone arranged downstream of the molten bath adjoins the molten bath.17. The method of claim 11 , wherein an environment surrounding the heating device is cooled.18. The method of claim 11 , wherein the first high-energy beam is a laser beam.19. The method of claim 11 , wherein the first high-energy beam is an electron beam.20. The method of claim 11 , wherein the second high-energy beam is a laser beam.21. The method of claim 11 , wherein the second high-energy beam is an electron beam.22. The method of claim 11 , wherein the second high-energy beam is an IR beam.23231. An apparatus for carrying out the method of claim 11 , wherein the apparatus comprises (a) ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240488A1

There is provided a flux-cored wire containing flux within a stainless steel or mild steel outer cover for use in stainless steel welding and gas-shielded arc welding using a shielding gas. The flux-cored wire contains, based on the total mass of the flux-cored wire, predetermined amounts of C, Si, Mn, P, S, Cr, Ti, and O. The remainder are Fe and incidental impurities. The shielding gas is pure Ar gas. 1. A flux-cored wire containing flux within a stainless steel or mild steel outer cover for use in stainless steel welding and gas-shielded arc welding using a shielding gas ,the flux-cored wire comprising: based on the total mass of the flux-cored wire,C: 0.10% by mass or less,Si: 1.50% by mass or less,Mn: 2.00% by mass or less,P: 0.050% by mass or less,S: 0.050% by mass or less,Cr: 15.0% to 25.0% by mass,Ti: 0.16% to 1.00% by mass, andO: 0.300% by mass or less,the remainder being Fe and incidental impurities,wherein the shielding gas is pure Ar gas.2. The flux-cored wire according to claim 1 , further comprising: based on the total mass of the flux-cored wire claim 1 , at least one ofAl: 1.00% by mass or less,N: 0.05% by mass or less,Nb: 0.10% to 1.00% by mass, andMo: 3.00% by mass or less.3. The flux-cored wire according to claim 1 , wherein the Cr and Ti contents areCr: 15.0% to 19.0% by mass, andTi: 0.16% to 0.50% by mass,the flux-cored wire further comprising:based on the total mass of the flux-cored wire, at least one ofAl: 1.00% by mass or less,N: 0.05% by mass or less,Nb: 0.10% to 1.00% by mass, andMo: 3.00% by mass or less.4. The flux-cored wire according to any one of to claim 1 , wherein the flux filling factor is in the range of 5% to 30% by mass based on the total mass of the flux-cored wire.5. The flux-cored wire according to or claim 1 , wherein the Nb content is Nb: 0.30% to 1.00% by mass.6. A gas-shielded arc welding method claim 1 , comprising: feeding the flux-cored wire according to into a shielding gas of pure Ar; and passing a pulsed electric ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Welding method

Номер: US20130240490A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A tack welding method for use with a hybrid laser arc welding process. The method provides a recess on an edge of a first piece. The edge of the first piece is configured to cooperate with a second piece. The method positions the first piece relative to the second piece so as to provide a gap between the first piece and the second piece. Subsequently, the method provides a tack weld within the recess of the first piece. The recess is configured to accommodate placing the tack weld at a root of the gap.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Laser Cladding Surface Treatments

Номер: US20130248219A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A metal enclosure has a surface region which is coated with cladding material using a laser cladding process. The metal enclosure can form at least a portion of an electronic device housing. All or part of one or more surfaces of the enclosure can be coated with cladding material. The coating of cladding material can be varied at selective regions of the enclosure to provide different structural properties at these regions. The coating of cladding material can be varied at selective regions to provide contrast in cosmetic appearance.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248499A1
Принадлежит: CERAMTEC GMBH

The invention relates to a method for joining two partners to be joined at defined joining points, one partner () being made of a ceramic material and the other partner being made of a metal or a ceramic material. The aim of the invention is to improve such a method in such a way as to make the same easy to use while creating a permanent joint. Said aim is achieved by arranging the partners () to be joined in such a way that the partners () are in contact with each other at the joining points, and directing a laser beam to one of the partners () at the joining points in such a way as to make the laser beam shoot through said partner and at least partially penetrate into the other partner (). 115-. (canceled)16. A method of joining two joining partners at joining sites comprising the steps of:arranging the joining partners to contact one another at the joining sites; anddirecting a laser beam at one of the joining partners at the joining sites;wherein the laser beam passes through this joining partner and penetrates at least partially into the other joining partner; andwherein one joining partner is made of a ceramic and the other joining partner is made of a metal or a ceramic.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the laser beam is directed at the ceramic.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein a slot is formed by the laser beam.19. The method according to claim 16 , wherein a pattern of individual slots is formed by the laser beam in the joining partner claim 16 , such that all the slots form either longitudinal slots or transverse slots running perpendicular to the longitudinal slots.20. The method according to claim 19 , wherein a transverse slot is formed adjacent to each longitudinal slot.21. The method according to claim 19 , wherein all the longitudinal slots are arranged in longitudinal rows running parallel to one another at a fixed distance from one another claim 19 , and all the transverse slots are arranged in transverse rows running ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of Joining at Least Two Components, a Method for Rendering a Component Resistant to Eroision, and a Turbine Blade

Номер: US20130259698A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method of joining at least two components, a method of preventing erosion of a base component and a turbine blade is provided. The method of joining at least two components includes providing a laser cladding apparatus, aligning a first component and second component, and jointing the first and second components by laser cladding. The first component includes a first joining surface adjacent to a seconding joining surface of the second component. The first joining surface and the second joining surface are joined by laser cladding along a joining plane. A joining material from the laser cladding provides at least one joining layer between the first joining surface and the second joining surface. The first and second joining surfaces include a bevel angle. A method for rendering a component resistant to erosion and a turbine blade are also provided.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285221A1
Автор: Miyasaka Toshiyuki

A semiconductor device has a heat dissipating base; a patterned insulating substrate attached to the heat dissipating base with a solder therebetween; a semiconductor chip attached to a conductive pattern of the patterned insulating substrate with a solder therebetween; a first conductor attached to the semiconductor chip with a solder therebetween; a resin case attached to the heat dissipating base with an adhesive; and a second conductor attached to the first conductor by laser welding. The second conductor formed by rolling has stripe-shaped rolling traces formed on a surface thereof in a rolling direction and is disposed on the first conductor such that the rolling traces are arranged in a same direction. 1. A semiconductor device , comprising:a heat dissipating base;a patterned insulating substrate attached to the heat dissipating base with a solder therebetween;a semiconductor chip attached to a conductive pattern of the patterned insulating substrate with a solder therebetween;a first conductor attached to the semiconductor chip with a solder therebetween;a resin case attached to the heat dissipating base with an adhesive; anda second conductor attached to the first conductor by laser welding,wherein the second conductor is formed by rolling, has stripe-shaped rolling traces formed on a surface thereof in a rolling direction, and is disposed on the first conductor such that the rolling traces are arranged in a same direction.2. A semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein an optical axis of a laser beam at a time of the laser welding is angled with respect to a perpendicular line perpendicular to the surface of the second conductor claim 1 , and the direction of the rolling traces is made substantially perpendicular to a projection axis formed by projecting the angled optical axis onto the surface of the second conductor.3. A semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductor is a lower lead frame and the second conductor is an ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

High Toughness Weld Metals With Superior Ductile Tearing Resistance

Номер: US20130292362A1

Weld metals and methods for welding ferritic steels are provided. The weld metals have high strength and high ductile tearing resistance and are suitable for use in strain based pipelines. The weld metal contains retained austenite and has a cellular microstructure with cell walls containing lath martensite and cell interiors containing degenerate upper bainite. The weld metals are comprised of between 0.02 and 0.12 wt % carbon, between 7.50 and 14.50 wt % nickel, not greater than about 1.00 wt % manganese, not greater than about 0.30 wt % silicon, not greater than about 150 ppm oxygen, not greater than about 100 ppm sulfur, not greater than about 75 ppm phosphorus, and the balance essentially iron. Other elements may be added to enhance the properties of the weld metal. The weld metals are applied using a power source with current waveform control which produces a smooth, controlled welding arc and weld pool in the absence of COor oxygen in the shielding gas. 2. The weld metal of wherein the weld metal further comprises between 0.5 and 10 vol. % retained austenite.3. The weld metal of wherein the weld metal has a tensile strength greater than 110 ksi and R-curve toughness higher than a curve represented by a delta value greater than 1.0.4. The weld metal of wherein 50 or more percent of the volume of the cell walls comprises lath martensite and 20 or more percent of the volume of the cell interiors comprises degenerate upper bainite.5. The weld metal of further comprising at least one of the following:not greater than about 0.30 wt % copper,not greater than about 0.04 wt % vanadium,not greater than about 0.30 wt % chromium,not greater than about 0.40 wt % molybdenum,not greater than about 0.04 wt % niobium,not greater than about 0.02 wt % titanium,not greater than about 0.02 wt % zirconium,not greater than about 20 ppm boron.6. The weld metal of wherein said weld metal is applied using a shielding gas comprising helium and argon.7. The weld metal of wherein said ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299467A1

During welding, frequently cracks develop at the end of the weld seam. A method is provided in which the power is reduced at the end of the weld seam, reducing the development of cracks. For the method, a welding appliance is used wherein the welding appliance may be a laser. 1. A method for producing a weld seam with a length in a component , comprising:using a welding appliance; and a weld seam,', 'wherein the weld seam extends at one end of the weld seam at least partially in a form of a ramp,', 'wherein the weld seam has a directionally solidified structure without misorientations,', 'wherein the weld seam includes a length,', 'wherein the ramp includes a ramp length in a direction of the length of the weld seam, and', 'wherein the ramp length is considerably smaller than the length of the weld seam., 'reducing a power of the welding appliance over a defined ramp length, wherein the ramp length <1, at an end of the weld seam, and wherein the component comprises2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the welding appliance used is a laser.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the power of the welding appliance is reduced to 0 watt at one end of the weld seam.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the power of the welding appliance is not reduced to 0 watt at the end of the weld seam.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the power of the welding appliance is reduced at the end of the weld seam within 4 s to 8 s.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a preheating temperature of the substrate is controlled and/or regulated.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a travel speed during a ramp formation is 40 mm/min-60 mm/min.8. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the power of the welding appliance is increased over the defined ramp length claim 1 , where the ramp length <1 claim 1 , at the start of the weld seam.9. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the power of the welding appliance is increased or decreased ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Localized repair of superalloy component

Номер: US20130316183A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, Siemens Energy Inc

A method for repairing a damaged portion ( 144 ) of a brazed-on gas turbine engine seal ( 142 ) without the need to remove and to replace the entire seal. The damaged portion is removed to reveal a repair surface ( 146 ) of the underlying superalloy material, and a new seal structure ( 148 ) is formed by an additive manufacturing processes using a laser beam ( 124 ) to melt a powder ( 116 ) including superalloy material ( 116 ′) and flux material ( 116 ″). The flux material forms a protective layer of slag ( 132 ) over the melted superalloy material, thereby permitting the new seal structure to be formed directly onto the underlying superalloy material without the need for an intervening braze layer.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319325A1

A laser cladding device for applying a coating to a part comprising a laser which can generate laser light, which is adapted to heat the coating and the part, a main body defining a laser light channel adapted to transmit the laser light to the part, a coating channel adapted to transmit the coating to the part, and a vacuum channel and a nozzle having an exit. The nozzle comprises a delivery port at one end of the laser light channel, a coating port at one end of the coating channel, and a vacuum port at one end of the vacuum channel, wherein the vacuum port is positioned generally adjacent the delivery port In operation the vacuum port draws a vacuum, pulling the coating towards the part. 1. A laser cladding device for applying a coating to a part , comprising:a laser configured to generate laser light;a nozzle assembly defining: (i) a coating channel configured to transmit the coating to the part, (ii) a coating port at one end of the coating channel, (iii) a vacuum channel, and (iv) a vacuum port at one end of the vacuum channel, wherein the vacuum port is positioned generally adjacent the coating port and in operation the vacuum port draws a vacuum;a zoom lens assembly configured to receive the laser light and transmit the laser light to the part, wherein the laser light heats the coating and the part in a laser work zone; anda controller configured to adjust the zoom lens assembly such that a size of the laser work zone is variable.2. The laser cladding device of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle assembly is a lateral feed nozzle assembly.3. The laser cladding device of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle assembly further defines (i) a shaping gas channel claim 1 , and (ii) a shaping gas port at one end of the shaping gas channel claim 1 , the shaping gas channel configured to transmit shaping gas from the nozzle assembly.4. The laser cladding device of claim 3 , wherein the shaping gas channel claim 3 , the coating channel and the vacuum channel each have a tubular ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Flange for pressure measurement cells or pressure transfer means and method for manufacture of such flanges

Номер: US20130333479A1
Принадлежит: Endress and Hauser SE and Co KG

A flange for a corrosion resistant and nevertheless low cost flange for pressure measurement cells, or pressure transfer means, is composed essentially of a metal foundation of a standard material and is protected on the side facing a process medium by a there applied layer of a highly alloyed, special material.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337316A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A feed-through, in particular a feed-through which passes through part of a housing, in particular a battery housing, for example made of metal, in particular light metal, for example aluminum, an aluminum alloy, AlSiC, magnesium, an magnesium alloy, titanium, a titanium alloy, steel, stainless steel or high-grade steel. The housing part has at least one opening through which at least one conductor, in particular an essentially pin-shaped conductor, embedded in a glass or glass ceramic material, is guided. The base body is, for example, an essentially annular-shaped base body. 1. A housing part of a housing having at least one opening , said housing part comprising: one of a glass material and a glass ceramic material;', 'at least one conductor embedded in said one of a glass material and a glass ceramic material; and', 'a base body through which said at least one conductor embedded in said one of a glass material and a ceramic material is guided., 'a feed-through placed in said at least one opening, said feed-through including2. The housing part according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is a battery housing.3. The housing part according to claim 2 , wherein the housing part is a metal.4. The housing part according to claim 3 , wherein said metal is a light metal.5. The housing part according to claim 4 , wherein the metal is one of aluminum claim 4 , an aluminum alloy claim 4 , aluminum silicon carbide (AlSiC) claim 4 , magnesium claim 4 , a magnesium alloy claim 4 , titanium claim 4 , a titanium alloy claim 4 , steel claim 4 , stainless steel and a high-grade steel.6. The housing part according to claim 1 , wherein said base body is an essentially ring-shaped base body.7. The housing part according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one conductor is an essentially pin-shaped conductor.8. The housing part according to claim 1 , wherein said base body is in a region of said at least one opening and is hermetically sealed with the housing part by one of welding ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Sawing bead

Номер: US20140000579A1
Принадлежит: Bekaert NV SA

A sawing bead for use in a sawing cord is described and claimed. Sawing cords are used for cutting hard and brittle materials. The sawing bead comprises a tubular metallic sleeve on which an abrasive layer is deposited. The abrasive layer comprises a metal matrix material in which abrasive particles are held. Special about the bead is that the metal matrix material shows a dentritic structure in a metallographic cross section which is a result of the way it has been produced namely by laser cladding. The abrasive layer adheres very well to the sleeve as a metallurgical bonding layer is present between the abrasive layer and the sleeve. Abrasive particles are present down to this bonding layer thereby improving the useful life of the bead as no brazing layer is present between abrasive layer and sleeve as in prior-art beads. In the metal matrix material active metals are present that enhance the wetting and adhesion of the abrasive particles. Single bead cutting tests show at least as good a performance of the inventive beads when compared to existing beads.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Laser welding consumable

Номер: US20140042131A1
Автор: Elliott ASH
Принадлежит: Lincoln Global Inc

A system and method for heating a filler wire (consumable) using a laser in brazing, cladding, building up, filling, overlaying, welding, and joining applications. The filler wire includes a first surface that absorbs energy from a laser beam and a second surface separated from said first surface by a thickness t that is in a range of 0.010 inch to 0.045 inch. A cross-sectional shape of the filler wire includes at least one bend toward the laser beam along a length of the cross-sectional shape. The cross-sectional shape has a projected width w that is in a range of 0.030 inch to 0.095 inch.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076858A1
Автор: Peters Steven R.

The invention described herein generally pertains to a system and method for generating a negative polarity welding output current waveform to control a welding process. An electric arc welding system generates an electric welding waveform with portions in a negative polarity. A cycle of the electric welding waveform includes a background current phase, a short clearing ramp phase after the background current phase, a peak current phase, and a tail-out current phase of the electric welding waveform, wherein the peak current phase provides a negative peak current level, the tail-out current phase provides a monotonically increasing tail-out current level toward the positive background current level, and the short clearing ramp phase provides a decreasing current level in a positive polarity of current for the electric welding waveform. 1. A method of promoting droplet transfer of a welding system , comprising:regulating an output current level of a waveform to a positive polarity background current level to sustain an electric arc between an electrode and a workpiece, producing a molten metal ball on a distal end of the electrode;dropping the output current level below the positive polarity background current level in response to the molten metal ball shorting to the workpiece and extinguishing the electric arc to allow the molten metal ball to wet into a puddle on the workpiece;automatically further decreasing the output current level into a negative polarity below the positive polarity background current level to induce the molten metal ball to pinch off from the distal end of the electrode;increasing the output current level within the negative polarity toward the positive polarity background current level as the molten ball pinches off from the distal end of the electrode onto the workpiece to re-establish an electric arc between the electrode and the workpiece;decreasing the output current level within the negative polarity away from the positive polarity ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079891A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

A method for treating a Cu thin sheet is provided. The method comprises the steps of: supplying a slurry in which a diffusion bonding aid (DBA), such as Ni powder, and a reinforcing material (RM), such as a carbide base metal compound, are dispersed in a solvent to a predetermined portion on a Cu or Cu base alloy thin sheet, drying the supplied slurry, and applying a laser to induce melting, solidification, and fixation, so as to form a buildup layer. In the method, the weight ratio of DBA to RM is specified to be 80:20 to 50:50, and the median diameters D 50 of both DBA and RM employed fall within 0.1 to 100 μm, the median diameter D 50 of DBA is larger than the median diameter D 50 of RM, and both the distribution ratio D 90 /D 10 of DBA and the distribution ratio D 90 /D 10 of RM are 4.0 or less.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140097158A1

The invention concerns a MIG/MAG-type electric arc welding method that uses a consumable filler wire and gas protection formed by a ternary gaseous mixture comprising 19 to 21% helium, 0.8 to 1.2% CO2 and argon for the remainder (% of volume), in order to weld one or more pieces of stainless steel. According to the invention, the arc is rotary, the consumable filler wire is melted by the arc such as to transfer metal by means of a rotating liquid flow, and the welded parts comprise overlapping ends. 1. An electric arc welding process of MIG/MAG type with use of a consumable filler wire and gas shielding formed of a ternary gas mixture consisting of 19 to 21% of helium , of 0.8 to 1.2% of COand of argon for the remainder (% by volume) in order to weld one or more parts made of stainless steel , wherein the arc is a rotating arc , the consumable filler wire is melted by the arc , so as to obtain transfer of metal by a rotating liquid vein , and the welded parts comprise ends which overlap each other.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gas mixture comprises at least 19.5% of helium.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gas mixture comprises at most 20.5% of helium.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gas mixture comprises at least 0.9% of CO.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gas mixture comprises at most 1.10% of CO.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gas mixture comprises from 17.95 to 18.05% of helium claim 1 , from 0.98 to 1.02% of COand argon for the remainder.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the gas mixture is composed of 20% of helium claim 1 , of 1% of COand of 79% of argon.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the welded parts comprise cylindrical ends which overlap each other.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the welded parts are constituent components of a pressure vessel of the following types: hot water tanks claim 1 , extinguishers claim 1 , compressors claim 1 , refrigeration devices or gas cylinders. This application is a 371 of ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Integrated Laser Material Processing Cell

Номер: US20140099170A1
Автор: Shin Yung C.

An integrated laser material processing cell allowing laser-assisted machining to be used in conjunction with directed material deposition in a single setup, achieving greater geometric accuracy and better surface finish than currently possible in existing laser freeform fabrication techniques. The integration of these two processes takes advantage of their common use of laser beam heat to process materials. The cell involves a multi-axis laser-assisted milling machine having a work spindle, a laser emitter, and means for positioning the emitter with respect to the spindle so as to direct a laser beam onto a localized area of a work piece in proximity to a cutting tool mounted in the spindle. A powder delivery nozzle mounted on the machine and positioned adjacent to the emitter delivers powder to a deposition zone in the path of the beam, such that material deposition and laser-assisted milling may be performed substantially simultaneously in a single workspace. 1. A process for integrating machining with directed material deposition , comprising:positioning a primary laser emitter within a workspace;positioning a powder delivery nozzle within said workspace and adjacent said primary laser emitter;delivering powder material through said nozzle onto a substrate within said workspace;melting said material into a solidified layer with heat from a laser beam emitted from said primary laser emitter;positioning a cutting tool within said workspace, over said substrate and adjacent said solidified layer;heating said solidified layer adjacent said cutting tool to a temperature that facilitates material removal with said cutting tool; andcutting material from said solidified layer with said cutting tool;wherein said melting and cutting are performed substantially simultaneously.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said heating incorporates heat retained by said solidified layer during said melting.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein said heating is carried out by laser beam ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000108A1

A machining method and apparatus for machining a part comprises a machining head and motorized axes comprising a rotary axis for displacing the machining head in a working space. Apparatus comprises a mechanism for positioning a part and holding it in position the working space. The machining head comprises a support for supporting a material shaping tool and a supply device for supplying material. 117-. (canceled)18. Apparatus for machining a part , comprising:a machining head and motorized axes comprising a rotary axis for displacing the machining head in a working space;a mechanism for positioning and holding the part in position in the working space; andwherein the machining head comprises a support for supporting a material shaping tool and a supply device for supplying a material.191. A method implemented utilizing apparatus according to claim , comprising the steps of:depositing a layer of the material on the part using the supply device during an adding operation;shaping a section of the part using the material shaping tool during a shaping operation;wherein the adding and shaping operations are performed in a same machining phase along trajectories that extend in three dimensions of the working space; andwherein the supply device and the material shaping tool are directed normally in relation to the trajectories.20. Apparatus according to claim 18 , further comprising:a sensor located on the machining head; anda device for measuring, on the motorized axes, a position of the sensor in the working space.21. Apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein the material shaping tool is a cutting tool.22. Apparatus according to claim 21 , further comprising a tool for transmitting a cutting motion to the cutting tool.23. Apparatus according to claim 21 , further a tool for transmitting a cutting motion to the part.24. Apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein the material shaping tool is a tool for forming the material by plastic deformation.25. Apparatus according to ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001497A1
Принадлежит: Sigma Labs, Inc.

The disclosed embodiments relate to the monitoring and control of additive manufacturing. In particular, a method is shown for removing errors inherent in thermal measurement equipment so that the presence of errors in a product build operation can be identified and acted upon with greater precision. Instead of monitoring a grid of discrete locations on the build plane with a temperature sensor, the intensity, duration and in some cases position of each scan is recorded in order to characterize one or more build operations. 1. (canceled)2. A method comprising:generating an energy beam;directing the energy beam across a work piece along a plurality of scan lines to fuse a layer of powder to the work piece, wherein each scan line of the plurality of scan lines includes a respective scan length;acquiring data from an optical sensor arranged to receive optical emissions from the layer while the energy beam is directed across the work piece; andgenerating, using the acquired data, a baseline characteristic curve of a variation of optical emission intensity for the plurality of scan lines.3. The method of wherein a unique baseline characteristic curve is generated for each respective layer that is fused to the work piece.4. The method of further comprising comparing the baseline characteristic curve to a characteristic curve of a same layer of a different work piece to detect a defect in the different work piece.5. The method of wherein the baseline characteristic curve is corrected for a variation in the scan length of each of the plurality of scan lines.6. The method of wherein the baseline characteristic curve is corrected for a variation in a distance between the optical sensor and each respective scan line.7. The method of wherein the data comprises an intensity of the optical emissions from the layer for each scan line of the plurality of scan lines.8. The method of wherein the data from the optical sensor indicates a temperature at the layer.9. The method of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001364A1

A solid freeform manufacturing system includes a manufacturing chamber containing a powder based additive manufacturing device. The manufacturing chamber is connected to an environmental control chamber. The environmental control chamber contains environmental control devices including fans, filters, and an inert gas source. An interconnection between the environmental control chamber and manufacturing chamber allows an inert, contaminant free manufacturing environment. 1. A solid freeform object manufacturing system comprising:a manufacturing chamber containing a powder based additive manufacturing device;a first environmental control chamber containing environmental control devices; andan interconnection between the manufacturing chamber and the first environmental control chamber.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the additive manufacturing device is selected from the group consisting of:a direct laser sintering apparatus;a direct laser melting apparatus;a selective laser sintering apparatus;a selective laser melting apparatus;a laser engineered net shaping apparatus;an electron beam melting apparatus; anda direct metal deposition apparatus.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the environmental control chambers contain at least a blower claim 1 , filter claim 1 , control system claim 1 , and inert gas source.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the inert gas source comprises helium claim 3 , neon claim 3 , argon claim 3 , nitrogen claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein interconnection comprises duct work claim 1 , valves claim 1 , and control systems.6. The system of claim 3 , wherein valve operation is automatic claim 3 , semi-automatic claim 3 , or with manual override.7. The system of claim 3 , wherein filters in environmental control chambers have finite lifetimes due to filter clogging.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least a second environmental control chamber is interconnected to the manufacturing chamber.9. The system of claim ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001365A1
Автор: BLANCHET Etienne

The invention relates to A part obtained by selective melting of a powder on a support plate, this part comprising a main element and rigid secondary elements, these secondary elements supporting the main element between a lower surface of this main element and the support plate. The Secondary elements are intended to be detached from the main element. The lower surface of the main element thus comprises a first surface portion and at least one second surface portion, and the first surface portion makes, with the support plate, an angle α1 of less than a predetermined value, and the second surface portion makes, with this support plate, an angle α2 greater than or equal to this predetermined value. The first surface portion is therefore entirely supported by the secondary elements and the second surface portion is partially supported by the secondary elements. The predetermined value is between 20° and 30°. 1. A part obtained by selective melting of a powder on a support plate , this part comprising:a main element, andrigid secondary elements, these secondary elements supporting the main element between a lower surface of this main element and the support plate,wherein the secondary elements are adapted to be detached from the main element, a first surface portion, and', 'at least one second surface portion, 'wherein the lower surface of the main comprises{'b': 1', '2, 'wherein the first surface portion makes, with the support plate, an angle α of less than a predetermined value, and the second surface portion makes, with this support plate, an angle α greater than or equal to this predetermined value, wherein the predetermined value s between 20° and 30°, and'}wherein the first surface portion is entirely supported by the secondary elements and the second surface portion is partially supported by the secondary elements.2. The part according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , with the second surface portion having a surface area claim 1 , this second surface portion is ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001389A1
Автор: KIM Young Joo

A butt joint welding apparatus and method are provided. The apparatus comprises a traveling device part to convey a welding tip vertically or slantingly to the bevel of upper and lower parent metal. A welding torch with a welding tip is mounted in the traveling device part. A copper shoe device is mounted in the traveling device part and positioned in the direction of welding by the welding tip for ejecting a gas to the molten metal in the direction reverse to the welding direction. A control unit controls the welding condition according to the positions of the bevels of the butt joint welding. The control unit enables the traverse device part to be conveyed along a particular weaving pattern, and controls the welding current and voltage, the wire supply speed, the traverse speed, and the stopping time at the nodal points in the moving interval between adjacent nodal points. 1. A horizontal butt joint welding apparatus comprising:a traveling device part to convey a welding tip vertically or slantingly to bevels of an upper parent metal and a lower parent metal;a welding torch comprising a welding tip and mounted in the traveling device part;a copper shoe device mounted in the traveling device part and located in a welding direction by the welding tip to inject a gas to a molten metal in a reverse direction to the welding direction;a control unit to control welding conditions according to positions of the bevels to maintain a fixed deposition amount on the upper parent metal not to form a macro cross section on which a welded side is not formed; andwherein the control unit enables the traveling device part to be conveyed along a particular weaving pattern including weaving traveling having a plurality of nodal points and diagonal traveling and controls welding current and voltage, wire supply speed, traveling speed, and stopping time at the nodal points in moving intervals between the nodal points to carry out deposited welding of the bevels.2. The horizontal butt ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001401A1

Selective laser solidification apparatus is described that includes a powder bed onto which a powder layer can be deposited and a gas flow unit for passing a flow of gas over the powder bed along a predefined gas flow direction. A laser scanning unit is provided for scanning a laser beam over the powder layer to selectively solidify at least part of the powder layer to form a required pattern. The required pattern is formed from a plurality of stripes or stripe segments that are formed by advancing the laser beam along the stripe or stripe segment in a stripe formation direction. The stripe formation direction is arranged so that it always at least partially opposes the predefined gas flow direction. A corresponding method is also described. 1. Selective laser solidification apparatus , comprising;a powder bed onto which a powder layer can be deposited,a gas flow unit for passing a flow of gas over the powder bed along a predefined gas flow direction, anda laser scanning unit for scanning a laser beam over the powder layer to selectively solidify at least part of the powder layer to form a required pattern, the required pattern being formed from a plurality of stripes or stripe segments, each stripe or stripe segment being formed by advancing the laser beam along the stripe or stripe segment in a stripe formation direction,wherein the stripe formation direction is always at least partially opposed to the predefined gas flow direction.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the stripe formation direction subtends an angle (α) of more than 30° to the normal to the gas flow direction.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the flow of gas over the powder bed originates from a first side of the powder bed and the plurality of stripes are formed in reverse order of their proximity to the first side of the powder bed.4. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the gas flow unit comprises at least one gas outlet and at least one gas exhaust claim 1 , the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001258A1

The invention relates to a machine tool () comprising a machine controller (), a machine frame (), a work table (), a tool holder (), preferably of a standardized design, multiple translational and/or rotational axes () for adjusting the relative position of the work table () and the work holder (), a tool magazine () for one or more material-removing, in particular machining tools (), a tool-change mechanism for automatically transporting tools between the tool holder () and the tool magazine (), a deposit-welding head () that can be inserted into the tool holder () and a storage device () for storing the deposit-welding head outside the tool holder (). 110. A machine tool () , comprising:{'b': '19', 'a machine controller (),'}{'b': '11', 'a machine frame (),'}{'b': '13', 'a workpiece table (),'}{'b': '14', 'a workpiece holder () preferably formed in accordance with a standard,'}{'b': 12', '12', '13', '14, 'i': a', 'b, 'plural translatory and/or rotatory axes (, ) for adjusting a relative position between workpiece table () and tool holder (),'}{'b': 16', '15, 'a tool magazine () for one or plural material removing tools, particularly chipping tools (),'}{'b': 14', '16', '17', '15', '14', '16, 'a first tool changing mechanism for automatically transporting tools between the tool holder () and the tool magazine (), which may comprise an automatically operating arm () for transporting the tool () between the tool holder () and the tool magazine (),'}{'b': 20', '14, 'a cladding welding head () insertable into the tool holder (), and'}{'b': 25', '14', '25', '20', '14', '25, 'a storage apparatus () for storing the cladding welding head apart from the tool holder (), wherein the storage apparatus () may be provided apart from the tool magazine, and wherein the cladding welding head () is automatically transportable from the tool holder () towards the storage apparatus (), and vice versa.'}22529201420. A machine tool in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the storage ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method Of Laser Beam Localized-Coating

Номер: US20170001260A1

A process is disclosed for laser welding sheet metal plates having an anti-corrosion surface layer pre-coat. The plates are arranged one relative to the other in an edge-butting relationship. Using a laser beam having a first beam spot-size, a laser weld joint is formed along the adjacent edges of the sheet metal plates. Subsequent to forming the laser weld joint, a localized anti-corrosion surface layer is formed at least on the laser weld joint. In particular, a laser beam having a second beam spot-size larger than the first beam spot-size is scanned along the laser weld joint. During the scanning, a flow of a powdered anti-corrosion surface layer material is directed toward a portion of the laser weld joint that is being irradiated by the laser beam. The powdered material is melted by the laser beam and forms a layer adhering to the laser weld joint. 2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the anti-corrosion surface layer material is zinc or an aluminum-silicon alloy (AlSi).3. (canceled)4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet metal plates comprise a steel substrate claim 1 , and wherein the second beam spot-size is selected to heat the powdered anti-corrosion surface layer material to a temperature that is below the melting temperature of the steel substrate and above 400° C.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the localized anti-corrosion layer extends beyond the edges of the laser weld joint and overlaps with the anti-corrosion surface layer pre-coat on each of the sheet metal plates.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the laser weld joint extends between a first side of the sheet metal plates and a second side of the sheet metal plates that is opposite the first side claim 1 , and wherein the localized anti-corrosion surface layer is formed at least on the laser weld joint along each of the first side and the second side.7. The process according to claim 1 , comprising:selecting a flow rate of the powdered anti- ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001400A1
Принадлежит: nLIGHT, Inc.

Methods include directing a laser beam to a target along a scan path at a variable scan velocity and adjusting a digital modulation during movement of the laser beam along the scan path and in relation to the variable scan velocity so as to provide a fluence at the target within a predetermined fluence range along the scan path. Some methods include adjusting a width of the laser beam with a zoom beam expander. Apparatus include a laser source situated to emit a laser beam, a 3D scanner situated to receive the laser beam and to direct the laser beam along a scan path in a scanning plane at the target, and a laser source digital modulator coupled to the laser source so as to produce a fluence at the scanning plane along the scan path that is in a predetermined fluence range as the laser beam scan speed changes along the scan path. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a continuous-wave laser source situated to emit a laser beam;a 3D scanner situated to receive the laser beam and to direct the laser beam along a scan path in a scanning plane at a target; anda laser source digital modulator coupled to the continuous-wave laser source and configured to adjust a digital modulation of the laser beam between a first digital modulation power level and a second digital modulation power level during movement of the laser beam along the scan path and in relation to a variable scan velocity to provide a fluence at the scanning plane along the scan path that is in a predetermined fluence range along the scan path.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a zoom beam expander situated to receive the laser beam from the continuous-wave laser source and to change a width of the laser beam received by the 3D scanner to change a size of a focused laser spot of the laser beam in the scanning plane.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the laser source digital modulator is configured to digitally modulate the laser beam between two or more power levels based on a digital modulation ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001423A1

The present disclosure generally relates to methods for additive manufacturing (AM) that utilize integrated ribs to support thin walled annular structures. An annular wall fabricated using AM has a thickness less than 0.022 inches across a majority of a surface of the annular wall and a plurality of ribs having a thickness greater than 0.030 inches. The annular wall has a mean thickness less than 0.100 inches. The annular wall conforms to a surface of the component and a mean distance between the annular wall and the component is less than 0.080 inches. 1. A method for fabricating an object , comprising:(a) irradiating a layer of powder in a powder bed with an energy beam in a series of scan lines to form a fused region;(b) providing a subsequent layer of powder over the powder bed by passing a recoater arm over the powder bed from a first side of the powder bed to a second side of the powder bed; and(c) repeating steps (a) and (b) until the object is formed in the powder bed,wherein the object includes a first annular portion and a second annular portion, the second portion being an annular wall with a thickness less than 0.022 inches across a majority of a surface of the second portion, the second portion conforming to a shape of the first portion, wherein a mean distance between the first portion and second portion is less than 0.080 inches, wherein the second portion includes a plurality of ribs having a thickness greater than 0.030 inches and a mean thickness of the second portion is less than 0.100 inches.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mean thickness of the second portion is less than 0.030 inches.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second portion is external to the first portion.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second portion is internal to the first portion.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ribs form an isogrid or an orthogrid.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first portion is a combustor liner.7. The method of claim 1 ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001424A1

The manufacturing rate of selective production methods is increased by using thicker powder layers. 1. A method for producing a component , in which powder in layers is deposited as a thick powder layer and is selectively compacted , wherein the thick powder layers is at least 0.1 mm and is deposited at least partially and at least in layers and compacted.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , thick powder layer is is comprised of fine powders with a grain size of >50 μm.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the thick powder layer is deposited in one operation.4. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the thick powder layer is achieved by deposition of a plurality of powder layers.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein grain sizes of at least 0.1 mm are used in order to achieve the thick powder layer.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein prolate and/or oblate powder particles are used.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the deposition of the powder layers is carried out by means of two doctor blades claim 1 , which in particular are arranged perpendicularly to each other.8. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein as powder a powder mixture is used.9. A component produced by means of a method according to claim 1 , which has different regions and at least one region differs with regard to a thickness of the powder layer which is to be compacted claim 1 , and correspondingly has a different roughness.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the thick powder layer is melted. This application claims priority to PCT Application No. PCT/EP2016/050550, having a filing date of Jan. 13, 2016, based off of German application No. DE 102015204686.2 having a filing date of Jan. 30, 2015, the entire contents of both which are hereby incorporated by reference.The following relates to a method or to a component from the field of additive manufacturing (AM), in which thick powder layers are used in order to accelerate the manufacturing process.Beam ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for decorating parts and decorated parts

Номер: US20160001587A1
Автор: Tokinobu SHIMADA
Принадлежит: Trinity Industrial Corp

A method for decorating a given part is designed to print designs onto a coat layer deteriorating the coat layer on the surface of the given part. In the coat layer-forming process, in spreading the metallic-coating material containing aluminum flake onto the surface of the resin compact, the coat layer is formed on the surface of it. In a laser-printing process, a laser is irradiated on the condition of being able to maintain the same state of the coat layer before and after irradiating the laser, so as to reduce the aspect ratio of the micronized-metallic powder, which is the average value of the ratio of the maximum dimension of the micronized-metallic powder to the average value of the minimum dimension of the micronized-metallic powder, which laser irradiation eventually thermally deforms the first scale-shaped micronized-metallic powder into a spherical shape in the coat layer to print designs on the film.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001437A1

Provided are a jet device and systems and methods using the jet device for manufacturing objects by additive manufacturing, especially titanium and titanium alloy objects, wherein the jet device directs a cooling gas across a liquid molten pool, or to impinge on the liquid molten pool, or to impinge upon a solidified material adjacent to a liquid-solid boundary of the liquid molten pool, or to impinge on an as-solidified material, or any combination thereof, during the additive manufacturing process. The application of the cooling gas can result in an additively manufactured metal product having refined grain structure with a high proportion of the grains being approximately equiaxed, and can yield an additively manufactured product exhibiting improvements in strength, fatigue resistance, and durability. 1. A jet device , comprising: an inlet for accepting a cooling gas; and', 'an aperture connected to a nozzle for dispensing a cooling gas;, 'a first conduit comprising an inlet for accepting a cooling gas; and', 'an aperture connected to a nozzle for dispensing a cooling gas;, 'a second conduit comprisingwherein:the first conduit is attached to a melting tool producing a thermal energy source on one side of the thermal energy source and the second conduit is attached to the melting tool on an opposite second side of the thermal energy source;at least one nozzle is configured to produce a turbulent flow of the cooling gas as the cooling gas exits the nozzle; andthe nozzles are configured and positioned to prevent blowing the cooling gas toward the thermal energy source.2. A jet device , comprising: an inlet for accepting a cooling gas; and', 'at least one aperture connected to at least one nozzle for dispensing the cooling gas in situ to a surface of an as-deposited metal string deposited during a metal additive manufacturing process; and, 'a conduit comprisinga bracket allowing attachment of the conduit to a component of a metal additive manufacturing system and ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001440A1

A method for additive manufacturing of three-dimensional objects from metallic glasses utilizing a process of melting of successive layers of the starting material by a laser beam or an electron beam. The method includes steps such that every material layer is melted twice, using parameters which yield a crystalline melt trace in the first melting, and the successively melted beam paths contact with one another, while in the second melting, parameters yielding an amorphous melt trace are used, and the successively remelted paths or spots do not come in contact with one another, and/or between the scanning of successive paths or spots, an interval not shorter than 10 ms is maintained, the surface power density in the first remelting being lower than in the second remelting. 1. A method for additive manufacturing of three-dimensional objects from metallic glasses , the method comprising:melting of successive layers of an alloying starting material by a laser beam or an electron beam, wherein every material layer is melted twice, using parameters which yield a crystalline melt trace in the first melting, and the successively melted beam paths come in contact with one another, while in the remelting, parameters yielding an amorphous melt trace are used, and the successively remelted paths or spots do not come in contact with one another, and/or between the scanning of successive paths or spots, an interval not shorter than 10 ms is maintained, the surface power density in the first remelting being lower than in the second remelting.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in the amorphous remelting claim 1 , paths or spots remelted successively are separated by a distance not shorter than 300 μm.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first melting is realized with a beam speed of 10-2000 mm/s and a surface power density of 10-5·10W/cm.4510. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the remelting is realized with a beam speed of 200-5000 mm/s and a surface ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002785A1

Additive manufacturing methods, and articles made using additive manufacturing methods, are described herein. One embodiment is an article that comprises a hafnium-bearing superalloy. The superalloy includes at least about 50 weight percent nickel, from about 0.015 weight percent to about 0.06 weight percent carbon, and up to about 0.8 weight percent hafnium. The article further includes a plurality of primary carbide phase particulates disposed within the superalloy; the plurality has a median size less than about 1 micrometer. A method includes melting and solidifying particulates of a metal powder feedstock to build an intermediate article comprising a series of layers of solidified material. The feedstock includes the above-described superalloy composition. The method further includes heating the intermediate article to a temperature of at least about 950 degrees Celsius to form a processed article. The processed article further includes a plurality of primary carbide phase particulates disposed within the solidified material, the plurality of particulates having a median size less than about 1 micrometer. 1. An article , comprising:a hafnium-bearing superalloy comprising at least about 50 weight percent nickel, from about 0.015 weight percent to about 0.06 weight percent carbon, and up to about 0.8 weight percent hafnium;wherein the article further comprises a plurality of primary carbide phase particulates disposed within the superalloy, the plurality of particulates having a median size less than about 1 micrometer.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the superalloy further comprises a gamma prime phase that claim 1 , at a temperature in a range from about 700 degrees Celsius to about 800 degrees Celsius claim 1 , is present at a concentration of at least about 50 percent by volume of the superalloy.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein the concentration is at least about 60 percent by volume of the superalloy.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the median size ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003251A1
Автор: Himmelmann Richard A.

A thin-skin side-stay beam may include an upper arm with thin skin and a mating flange extending longitudinally from the thin skin. A lower arm may also have a thin skin and a mating flange extending longitudinally from the lower arm. A joint may include a pin and/or a bushing extending through the mating flanges to pivotally couple the upper arm to the lower arm. The upper arm and/or the lower arm may include one or more internal walls defining one or more internal cavities. 1. An arm of a thin-skin side-stay beam , comprising:a thin skin elongated in a longitudinal direction with a first mating flange extending from a first longitudinal end of the thin skin and a second mating flange extending from a second longitudinal end of the thin skin;a first internal wall extending longitudinally within the thin skin, wherein the thin skin and the first internal wall define a first triangular cavity; anda second internal wall extending longitudinally within the thin skin, wherein the thin skin, the first internal wall, and the second internal wall define a rectangular cavity, wherein the thin skin and the second internal wall define a second triangular cavity.2. The arm of claim 1 , wherein the thin skin has a thickness ranging from about 0.07 inches to about 0.125 inches.3. The arm of claim 2 , wherein the first internal wall has a thickness ranging from about 0.125 inches to about 0.25 inches.4. The arm of claim 3 , wherein the first internal wall is blended into the thin skin by a curved surface.5. The arm of claim 4 , wherein the curved surface has a radius of curvature ranging from about 0.5 inches to about 0.8 inches.6. The arm of claim 1 , wherein the first internal wall is aligned longitudinally with the first mating flange and the second mating flange.7. The arm of claim 1 , wherein the arm has a first height at the first longitudinal end of the thin skin and a second height at the second longitudinal end of the thin skin and the first height is greater than the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008735A1

Medical devices provide metallic connector enclosures. The metallic connector enclosures may be constructed with relatively thin walls in comparison to polymer connector enclosures to aid in miniaturizing the medical device. The metallic connector enclosures may be constructed with interior surfaces that deviate less from an ideal inner surface shape in comparison to polymer connector enclosures to allow for better concentricity of electrical connectors. The metallic connector enclosures may include a panel that allows access to the cavity of the connector enclosure where set screw blocks, lead connectors, spacers, seals, and the like may be located. Furthermore, the lead connectors within the metallic connector enclosures may be separated from the metallic connector enclosure by being positioned within non-conductive seals that reside within features included in cavity walls of the connector enclosure. Similarly, set screw blocks may be separated from the metallic connector enclosure by non-conductive spacers present within the cavity. 1. An implantable medical device comprising:a can that houses medical circuitry;a connector enclosure that includes an opening and a base, the base including a plurality of feedthrough pin passageways spaced longitudinally, the connector enclosure defining a cavity;lead connectors within the cavity and aligned with the opening;a plurality of feedthrough pins electrically connected to the lead connectors, each of the plurality of feedthrough pins passing through a respective one of the plurality of feedthrough pin passageways;a ground pin at the base; anda flex circuit extending within the can, the flex circuit including electrical contacts, each of the electrical contacts connected to a respective one of the plurality of feedthrough pins such that the flex circuit electrically connects the plurality of feedthrough pins and the medical circuitry, the flex circuit electrically connected to the ground pin to provide a ground connection ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003639A1

A method of monitoring the residual stress in surface and near surface regions of a component includes identifying predetermined locations on the surface of a component that are expected to experience high stress during normal operating conditions of the component. Marker particles are introduced into the component during additive manufacture of the component at the predetermined locations. Then, the residual stress of the component is measured at a location corresponding with the marker material using x-ray techniques. 1. A component of a base alloy , formed by additive manufacturing , that is subjected to stress during operation , the component comprising a marker of a marker material different than the base alloy inserted in surface and near surface regions of the component at a predetermined location to allow residual stress measurements to be made on the component at the marker.2. The component of claim 1 , wherein the pre-determined location comprises a region expected to undergo stress during normal operating conditions of the component.3. The component of wherein the residual stress measurements are x-ray diffraction measurements.4. The component of wherein the x-ray diffraction measurements are used to determine residual strain in the marker material by measuring lattice interplanar spacing of the marker material.5. The component of wherein the x-ray diffraction measurements are performed with an x-ray diffractometer.6. The component of wherein the X-ray diffraction measurements use beam sizes of about 1 mm to 2 mm.7. The component of wherein additive manufacturing comprises direct metal deposition claim 1 , direct laser melting or direct laser deposition.8. The component of wherein the marker material is insoluble in the base alloy claim 1 , does not form a second phase with the base alloy and otherwise does not react with the base alloy.9. The component of wherein the base alloy comprises titanium alloy and the marker material comprises cerium. This ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007834A1

An endoscope including: a flexible portion having an elastic hose; at least one rigid portion having at least at one end adjoined to the flexible portion at an end area, the at least one end being enclosed by the elastic hose; and a clamping device disposed over the elastic hose at the end area to sealingly clamp the flexible portion to the at least one rigid portion by applying a radial force to the end area, the clamping device including a loop member which is made of metal and which winds around the hose with at least two windings, and in which at least the two windings are welded to one another. 1. An endoscope comprising:a flexible portion having an elastic hose;at least one rigid portion having, at least at one end adjoined to the flexible portion at an end area, the at least one end being enclosed by the elastic hose; anda clamping device disposed over the elastic hose at the end area to sealingly clamp the flexible portion to the at least one rigid portion by applying a radial force to the end area, the clamping device including a loop member which is made of metal and which winds around the hose with at least two windings, and in which at least the two windings are welded to one another.2. The endoscope according to claim 1 , wherein the loop member is provided with an eyelet on one end.3. The endoscope according to claim 2 , wherein the loop member is formed as a flat strip.4. The endoscope according to claim 3 , wherein the flat strip has a broadened width claim 3 , relative to other portions of the flat strip claim 3 , in the area of the eyelet.5. The endoscope according to one of claim 1 , wherein the loop member is formed as a wire.6. A method for producing the endoscope of claim 1 , the method comprising:pushing the hose with the end area over the at least one rigid portion;looping the looped member at least once around the end area;tightening the loop member to apply the radial force to the end area, andwelding the at least two windings of the loop ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008080A1
Автор: Xu JinQuan

A method of working an additively manufactured part includes applying a layer of wax to a part manufactured with an additive manufacturing process. Then a mold is formed over the layer of wax on the part. The wax is then removed from between the mold and the part. The part is then melted in the mold, and then the part is re-solidified in the mold. Finally, the mold is removed. 1. A method of working an additively manufactured part , the method comprising:applying a coating to a part manufactured with an additive manufacturing process;forming a mold over the coating on the part;removing the coating between the mold and the part;melting the part in the mold;re-solidifying the part in the mold; andremoving the mold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the part is manufactured with an additive manufacturing process selected from the group consisting of direct metal laser sintering claim 1 , electron beam freeform fabrication claim 1 , electron-beam melting claim 1 , selective laser melting claim 1 , selective laser sintering claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein interior surfaces of the mold have an average surface roughness Requal to or less than 125 microinches (3.2 micrometers).4. The method of claim 3 , wherein interior surfaces of the mold have an average surface roughness Rbetween 60 microinches (1.5 micrometers) and 125 microinches (3.2 micrometers).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mold that is formed over the part is a ceramic mold.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the ceramic mold and the part are placed in a furnace and heated to a temperature that is lower than the melting temperature of the part to sinter the mold.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the ceramic mold and the part are heated in the furnace to a temperature that is greater than the melting temperature of the part to melt the part in the ceramic mold.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the part is re-solidified on a chill block to control the crystallization of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008084A1

A method of fabricating a joining preform includes the step of printing a self-fluxing joining alloy. Joining includes brazing and soldering. The self-fluxing joining alloy contains at least one of phosphorus, boron, fluorine, chlorine, or potassium. Another printing step prints a non-phosphorous joining alloy. Both printing steps are performed by an additive manufacturing or 3D printing process. The printing a self-fluxing joining alloy step may be repeated until the non-phosphorous joining alloy is substantially encapsulated by the self-fluxing joining alloy. The self-fluxing joining alloy may be a BCuP alloy, a CuP alloy, a CuSnP alloy, a CuSnNiP alloy or a CuAgP alloy. The non-phosphorous joining alloy may be a BAg alloy, a BNi alloy or a BAu alloy. 1. A method of fabricating a joining preform , the method comprising:printing a self-fluxing joining alloy, the self-fluxing joining alloy containing at least one of phosphorus, boron, fluorine, chlorine, or potassium;printing a non-phosphorous joining alloy;repeating the printing a self-fluxing joining alloy step until the non-phosphorous joining alloy is substantially encapsulated by the self-fluxing joining alloy; andwherein both printing steps are performed by an additive manufacturing process.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the self-fluxing joining alloy is at least one of: a BCuP alloy claim 1 , a CuP alloy claim 1 , a CuSnP alloy claim 1 , a CuSnNiP alloy or a CuAgP alloy.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-phosphorous joining alloy is at least one of a BAg alloy claim 1 , a BNi alloy claim 1 , a BAu alloy.4. The method of claim 1 , the printing a self-fluxing joining alloy step further comprising:printing the self-fluxing joining alloy on a part to be joined.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the joining preform is formed into at least one of:a cylinder, a disc, a sheet or a washer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the printing a self-fluxing joining alloy step further comprises:printing multiple ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008125A1

There are provided processes for encapsulating a device on a substrate utilizing a flux material . The incorporation of the flux material substantially reduces oxide formation and porosity in the cladding that encapsulates the encapsulated device 1. A deposition process comprising:disposing a device at least partially within an encapsulating material and a molten flux material on a substrate;cooling the encapsulating material and the molten flux material to form a cladding that encapsulates the device and a slag layer formed over the cladding; andremoving the slag layer to leave behind the cladding that encapsulates the device.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the disposing is done by:adding the encapsulating material, the device, and the flux material to the substrate; andmelting the encapsulating material and the flux material via an effective amount of energy from an energy source.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of a depth of the substrate is also melted during the melting.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the energy source comprises a laser energy source claim 1 , and wherein the encapsulating material and the flux material are provided in the form of a member selected from the group consisting of a powder claim 1 , a wire claim 1 , a fabric claim 1 , and a pre-form.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the substrate and the encapsulating material both comprise a material selected from the group consisting of a superalloy material and a ceramic material.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cladding claim 1 , comprises less than 5 vol % of oxides and less than 5 vol. % porosity.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises a wire or an instrument configured to monitor a property selected from the group consisting of temperature claim 1 , heat flux claim 1 , strain claim 1 , pressure claim 1 , and a load claim 1 , or comprises a device configured to alter the substrate by at least one of heating claim 1 , cooling claim 1 , or ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing of Advanced Ceramics

Номер: US20170008236A1

Methods, processes, systems, devices and apparatus are provided for additive manufacture resulting in the 3D printing of novel ceramic composites. Additive manufacture or 3D printing of bulk ceramic and ceramic composite components occurs at considerably lower temperatures and shorter manufacturing intervals than the current state of the art. The methods, processes, systems, devices and apparatus and selection of precursor resins produce ceramic and ceramic composite material systems which have not been produced before by 3D printing. 1. A process for forming a finished green body component , in an additive manufacturing system wherein the green body is converted to a bulk , monolithic ceramic composite , comprising the steps of:selecting a precursor resin;converting the precursor resin to beads;blending the precursor resin beads with a powder selected from at least one of a metal powder, a carbide powder, a ceramic powder and a mixture thereof;depositing a plurality of layers of the polymer precursor resin and powder blend in a bed;spraying each layer with photocurable or thermally curable resins;heating the layers and the entire bead bed with ultraviolet or infrared radiation to cure the resin mixture and form a finished green body component; andremoving the finished green body component to a furnace to convert the green body to a ceramic composite having a thickness in a depth dimension in a range between approximately 200 microns and approximately 25 millimeters (mm).2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the depositing of the plurality of layers of the polymer precursor resin and powder blend is computer controlled.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the precursor resin is selected from one of a liquid resin and a multiple of different precursor resins.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the precursor resin is enhanced with a plurality of enhancement particles selected from the group consisting of a metallic powder claim 1 , a ceramic powder claim 1 , graphite ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008889A1
Автор: Xu JinQuan

A method for forming a diffusion cooling hole in a substrate includes removing material from the substrate to form a metering section having an inlet on a first side of the substrate and removing material from the substrate to form a diffusing section that extends between the metering section and an outlet located on a second side of the substrate generally opposite the first side. The method also includes forming a feature on a substrate surface within one of the metering section and the diffusing section. Forming the feature includes depositing a material on the substrate surface and selectively heating the material to join the material with the substrate surface and form the feature. 1. A method for forming a diffusion cooling hole in a substrate , the method comprising:removing material from the substrate to form a metering section having an inlet on a first side of the substrate;removing material from the substrate to form a diffusing section that extends between the metering section and an outlet located on a second side of the substrate generally opposite the first side; depositing a material on the substrate surface;', 'selectively heating the material to join the material with the substrate surface and form the feature., 'forming a feature on a substrate surface within one of the metering section and the diffusing section comprising2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the steps of removing material from the substrate to form a metering section and removing material from the substrate to form a diffusing section are performed by a technique selected from the group consisting of casting claim 1 , drilling claim 1 , laser drilling claim 1 , machining claim 1 , electrical discharge machining and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate surface on which the feature is formed is located within the metering section.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the feature obscures a line of sight between the inlet and the outlet.5. The method of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008919A1

Use of a laser beam () which has one external and one internal laser beam area () with different intensities enables a higher temperature gradient to be produced in the z-direction. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for applying a laser beam to a substrate for heating the substrate where the laser beam impinges on the substrate , the method comprising:applying a laser beam to impinge on the substrate, impinging the laser beam to have two different laser beam areas which impinge on the substrate, wherein the two different laser beam areas differ in at least one of output of the laser beam areas and wavelengths of the laser beam areas; andwherein the laser beam has a radially internal laser beam area, and a surrounding radially external laser beam area, and the external laser beam area completely surrounding the internal laser beam area.15. The method as claimed in claim 14 , in which the external laser beam area has an intensity such that the external laser beam areas does not melt the substrate or a material supplied to the substrate to be impinged upon on the substrate.16. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the substrate to be impinged upon is metallic.17. The method as claimed in claim 14 , further comprising remelting a crack in the substrate at the laser beam areas.18. The method as claimed in claim 14 , further comprising:applying a welding material to the substrate on which the laser beam is impinging and performing deposition welding on the material by impinging the laser beam such that the deposition welding takes place.19. The method as claimed in claim 14 , further comprising:impinging the laser beam on the substrate such that the internal laser beam area is arranged concentrically within the area surrounded by the external laser beam area.20. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein an intensity or an output of the internal laser beam area is at least 20% greater than an intensity or an output of the external laser beam area for either causing more ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008920A1

A processing apparatus and a processing method which perform processing more accurately with a simple structure are provided. The processing apparatus includes an irradiation head and a control device. The irradiation head includes a laser turning unit and a condensing optical system The laser turning unit includes a first prism a second prism a first rotating mechanism and a second rotating mechanism The control device adjusts the differences between rotation speeds and phase angles of the first prism and the second prism based on a relation between at least a heat affected layer of a workpiece and a turning speed of laser. 1. A processing apparatus which performs processing by irradiating a workpiece with laser , comprising:an irradiation head configured to irradiate the workpiece with the laser and including a laser turning unit which turns the laser relative to the workpiece and a condensing optical system which collects the laser turned by the laser turning unit; anda control device configured to control an operation of the irradiation head, whereinthe laser turning unit includes a first prism which refracts the laser, a second prism which is arranged at a position opposite to the first prism and refracts the laser output from the first prism, a first rotating mechanism which rotates the first prism, and a second rotating mechanism which rotates the second prism, andthe control device controls the first and second rotating mechanisms based on a relation between at least an allowable thickness of a heat affected layer of the workpiece and a turning speed of the laser emitted to the workpiece, and adjusts differences between rotation speeds and phase angles of the first and second prisms.2. The processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe first rotating mechanism includes a first spindle which holds the first prism and of which a part of the light path of the laser is hollow, and a first hollow motor to which the first spindle is rotatably inserted and ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Part Obtained by Selective Melting of a Powder Comprising a Main Element and Rigid Secondary Elements

Номер: US20160009039A1
Автор: BLANCHET Etienne

A part obtained by selective melting of a powder on a support plate having a main element and rigid secondary elements arranged between the main element and the support plate, and adapted to be detached from the main element. All or part of the secondary elements comprises a body of thickness E and a head of width L greater than the thickness E of this body, the body connected to the support plate and the head connected to main element. All or part of the secondary elements includes a region of connection between the head and the body. The head of the secondary element extends over at most half the height H of this element. 1. A part obtained by selective melting of a powder on a support plate , this part comprising:a main element, andrigid secondary elements,wherein these secondary elements are arranged between the main element and the support plate,wherein the secondary elements are adapted to be detached from the main element,{'b': '9', 'wherein all or part of the secondary elements comprises a body of thickness E and a head of width L which is greater than the thickness E of this body (),'}wherein the body is connected to the support plate and the head is connected to the main elementwherein all or part of the secondary elements comprises a region of connection between the head and the body, andwherein the head of the secondary element extends over at most half the height H of this element.2. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the head of the secondary element extends over at most ⅓ of the height H of the secondary element.3. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the region of connection has a blend radius R.4. The part according to claim 1 , wherein the head widens progressively from the region of connection with a divergence α.5. The part according to claim 4 , wherein the divergence α of the head is between 20° and 140°.6. The part according to claim 4 , wherein the divergence α of the head is between 90° and 120°.7. The part according to claim 1 , ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023821A1

In various embodiments, a microreactor features a corrosion-resistant microchannel network encased within a thermally conductive matrix material that may define therewithin one or more hollow heat-exchange conduits. 121.-. (canceled)22. A method of fabricating a microreactor , the method comprising:providing a network of hollow microchannel conduits from a corrosion-resistant material;providing one or more microreactor parts each (i) configured to interface with one or more of the microchannel conduits and (ii) comprising the corrosion-resistant material;joining the one or more microreactor parts to the network of microchannel conduits; andsurrounding the network of microchannel conduits with a matrix material having a thermal conductivity larger than a thermal conductivity of the corrosion-resistant material.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein providing the one or more microreactor parts comprises forming the one of more microreactor parts via an additive manufacturing technique.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the additive manufacturing technique comprises three-dimensional printing.25. The method of claim 22 , wherein surrounding the network of microchannel conduits with the matrix material comprises forming the matrix material via an additive manufacturing technique.26. The method of claim 22 , wherein surrounding the network of microchannel conduits with the matrix material comprises forming the matrix material via at least one of casting or powder pressing.27. The method of claim 22 , wherein the corrosion-resistant material comprises at least one of niobium claim 22 , molybdenum claim 22 , tantalum claim 22 , tungsten claim 22 , rhenium claim 22 , titanium claim 22 , zirconium claim 22 , glass claim 22 , or stainless steel.28. The method of claim 22 , wherein the matrix material comprises at least one of aluminum claim 22 , gold claim 22 , brass claim 22 , silver claim 22 , or copper.29. The method of claim 22 , wherein a portion of the matrix proximate ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009007A1

Various embodiments of the invention include an apparatus for removing particulates from the surface of a 3D printed workpiece. Various particular embodiments include a material removal apparatus having: an enclosure having a first inlet and a first outlet; a rotatable platform contained within the enclosure for positioning a 3D printed workpiece having particulate on a surface thereof; a pressurized fluid applicator connected to the first inlet and configured to selectively apply a pressurized fluid to the 3D printed workpiece; a vibration source configured to apply an adjustable vibratory frequency to at least one of the rotatable platform or the 3D printed workpiece; and a material reclamation unit connected to the first outlet configured to collect a material removed from the 3D printed workpiece. 1. A material removal apparatus comprising:an enclosure having a first inlet and a first outlet;a rotatable platform contained within the enclosure for positioning a 3D printed workpiece having particulate on a surface thereof;a pressurized fluid applicator connected to the first inlet and configured to selectively apply a pressurized fluid to the 3D printed workpiece;a vibration source configured to apply an adjustable vibratory frequency to at least one of the rotatable platform or the 3D printed workpiece; anda material reclamation unit connected to the first outlet configured to collect a material removed from the 3D printed workpiece.2. The material removal apparatus of claim 1 , having a second inlet and a vacuum unit connected thereto for applying a vacuum to the 3D printed workpiece.3. The material removal apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vibration source includes a mechanical actuator.4. The material removal apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vibration source includes an acoustic frequency generator.5. The material removal apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a glove box configured to allow a user to operate the pressurized fluid applicator inside the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009054A1

Provided are a systems and methods for continuously providing a metal wire to a welding torch for manufacturing objects by solid freeform fabrication to provide continuous deposition of metal to the freeform object, especially objects made with titanium or titanium alloy wire. 1. A metal wire feeding system , comprising:a positionally adjustable wire supply spool;a cabinet comprising an entry wire position detector containing an aperture;a wire feeding device comprising a first motorized grooved roller, a first passive grooved roller, and a first motor attached to the first motorized grooved roller, wherein the first motorized grooved roller and the first passive grooved roller form a channel therebetween;a combination of at least three slack wire guides, wherein a first slack wire guide is positioned after the wire feeding device an in line therewith, a second slack wire guide positioned to the right of and below the first slack wire guide, and a third slack wire guide positioned to the left of and below the first slackwire guide;a slack wire pulling device comprising a second motorized grooved roller, a second passive grooved roller, and a second motor attached to the second motorized grooved roller, wherein the second motorized grooved roller and the second passive grooved roller form a channel therebetween; anda cabinet exit guide.2. The metal wire feeding system of claim 1 , where: a first dual grooved roller having a first and second groove, the roller being attached to a first arm pivotally connected to a back plate of the cabinet; and', 'a second dual grooved roller having a first and second groove, where the first groove of the first grooved roller and the first groove of the second grooved roller form a channel therebetween, and the first groove of the first dual grooved roller is biased by a spring on the first arm connected to a first support connected to the back plate of the cabinet;, 'the first slack wire guide comprises a third passive grooved roller ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008662A1

A laser beam is directed onto a pyramid-shaped element, wherein the beam is directed onto at least three reflecting surfaces and the respective reflected partial beams are incident on reflecting surfaces arranged on an optics carrier element. The partial beams are aligned such that they intersect in a common plane. An internal wire feed is arranged in a housing, having an outlet nozzle for a fusible wire-shaped material, which material is using the energy of the partial beams. The outlet nozzle is arranged in front of the plane in which the reflected partial beams intersect. The pyramid-shaped element and the reflecting surfaces are formed on a carrier element, which is arranged in such a way that it is displaceable following the outlet nozzle in two perpendicular directions to the optical axis of the laser beam or perpendicular to the central longitudinal axis of the wire-shaped material. 1. A laser processing head which is formed for laser wire build-up welding , whereina laser beam is directed through a housing onto a pyramid-shaped element and in doing so onto at least three reflecting surfaces of the pyramid-shaped element which are aligned at equal angular distances from each other and the respective partial beams reflected by the reflecting surfaces are incident on reflecting surfaces arranged radially on the outside of an optics carrier element, wherein the reflecting surfaces are aligned such that the partial beams reflected at them are aligned such that they intersect in a common plane and an internal wire feed is arranged in the housing, said feed having an outlet nozzle, arranged in the direction of a workpiece to be processed, a wire-shaped material, which material is fusible using the energy of the partial beams incident on the wire-shaped material,the outlet nozzle and is arranged in the feed movement of the wire-shaped material in front of the common plane in which the reflected partial beams intersect;the improvement being thatthe pyramid-shaped ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008666A1
Автор: Era Tetsuo, LIU Zhongjie

A laser-arc hybrid welding apparatus includes a laser torch and a welding torch. The laser torch includes a DOE. The DOE enlarges a laser irradiated region in a direction of width of welding as compared with irradiation without the DOE and adjusts a shape of the irradiated region to allow a distribution in the width direction, of a quantity of heat input by laser to exhibit a prescribed profile. The prescribed profile refers to such a profile that a central portion in the width direction is not larger in quantity of heat input than an end in the width direction. 1. A laser-arc hybrid welding apparatus that uses laser and arc , the laser-arc hybrid welding apparatus comprising:a laser torch that emits laser toward a joined portion; anda welding torch that generates arc between the welding torch and the joined portion,the laser torch including an adjustment mechanism that adjusts a shape of an irradiated region irradiated with laser,the adjustment mechanism enlarging the irradiated region in a direction of width of welding as compared with irradiation without the adjustment mechanism in the laser torch and adjusting a shape of the irradiated region to allow a distribution in the direction of width, of a quantity of heat input by laser to exhibit a prescribed profile,the prescribed profile being such a profile that the quantity of heat input in a central portion in the direction of width is equal to or smaller than the quantity of heat input at an end in the direction of width.2. The laser-arc hybrid welding apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe adjustment mechanism adjusts the shape of the irradiated region to a rectangular shape including opposing sides in parallel to a direction of movement of the laser torch.3. The laser-arc hybrid welding apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe adjustment mechanism further adjusts a distribution of a laser irradiation energy density in the irradiated region to set the irradiation energy density in the central portion in ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009367A1
Принадлежит: TOA Industries Co., Ltd.

The invention provides manufacturing a partially reinforced press formed product with high corrosion resistance and antirust property without grain boundary cracks due to spot welding. First and second galvanized steel plates are heated to an austenite range temperature to transform the bodies of the first and second galvanized steel plates into austenite and form a zinc oxide film and a Fe—Zn solid solution phase on the surfaces of the first and second galvanized steel plates. Hot press forming is then performed to the first and second galvanized steel plates which are heated in the process mentioned above, the first and second galvanized steel plates being superposed. The first and second galvanized steel plates, which are hot press formed, are then welded. 1. A method of manufacturing a press formed product , comprising:heating first and second galvanized steel plates to an austenite range temperature so as to transform bodies of the first and second galvanized steel plates into austenite and form a zinc oxide film and a Fe—Zn solid solution phase on surfaces of the first and second galvanized steel plates;performing, after the heating of the first and second galvanized steel plates, hot press forming to the first and second galvanized steel plates while the first and second galvanized steel plates are superposed but not welded; andwelding the first and second galvanized steel plates which are hot press formed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and second galvanized steel plates are heated by first and second furnaces claim 1 , respectively.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the welding comprises laser welding. This application claims priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-131342, filed Jul. 4, 2017, the content of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The invention relates to a method of manufacturing a press formed product, particularly, to a method of manufacturing a press formed product which is partially reinforced ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009368A1
Автор: LEVINE Rachel

The present disclosure generally relates to additive manufacturing systems and methods on a large-scale format. One aspect involves a method for fabricating an object. The method includes (a) irradiating a layer of powder in a build area above a build platform to form a fused region; (b) providing a subsequent layer of powder over the build area; (c) repeating steps (a) and (b) until at least a portion of the object, a support structure, and a build envelope are formed; and (d) removing the object from the build envelope and the support structure. The support structure extends from an inner surface of the build envelope to a location proximate a location of the object to be built. 1. A method for fabricating an object , comprising:(a) irradiating a layer of powder in a build area above a build platform to form a fused region;(b) providing a subsequent layer of powder over the build area;(c) repeating steps (a) and (b) until at least a portion of the object, a support structure, and a build envelope are formed, wherein the support structure extends from an inner surface of the build envelope to a location proximate a location of the object to be built; and(d) removing the object from the build envelope and the support structure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the build envelope includes a horizontal surface extending inwardly.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the support structure is formed on top of the horizontal surface.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the build envelope is formed by a second process different than irradiating the layer of powder.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second process is one of welding claim 4 , wire deposition claim 4 , or laser powder deposition.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the build envelope includes a vertical wall and a horizontal surface extending inwardly from the vertical wall.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the build envelope extends outward from the build area in the location of the support structure.8. The ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009369A1
Автор: Vorontsov Mikhail A.

A system that uses a scalable array of individually controllable laser beams that are generated by a fiber array system to process materials into an object. The adaptive control of individual beams may include beam power, focal spot width, centroid position, scanning orientation, amplitude and frequency, piston phase and polarization states of individual beams. Laser beam arrays may be arranged in a two dimensional cluster and configured to provide a pre-defined spatiotemporal laser power density distribution, or may be arranged linearly and configured to provide oscillating focal spots along a wide processing line. These systems may also have a set of material sensors that gather information on a material and environment immediately before, during, and immediately after processing, or a set of thermal management modules that pre-heat and post-heat material to control thermal gradient, or both. 1. An additive manufacturing system adapted for use on a material at a manufacturing surface comprising: (i) a laser beam delivery fiber comprising a first section fiber-connected to a laser power source and a second section comprising a fiber tip, wherein the second section is mounted to an actuator that is operable to oscillate the fiber tip along one axis, and wherein the laser power source is operable to provide laser power to the fiber tip; and', '(ii) a lens configured to reimage the fiber tip onto the material to create a laser focal spot;, '(a) a laser module comprising a set of oscillating beam modules configured to produce a linear array of oscillating laser focal spots to produce a processing line comprising a set of interconnected processing sections on the material, each oscillating beam module comprising(b) a gantry system adapted to hold the laser module above the manufacturing surface and operable to move or scan the laser array module along a line orthogonal to the processing line; (i) provide signals to the laser power source to control the output laser ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010457A1

A turbine wheel for an exhaust gas turbocharger may include a body composed of a TiAl alloy via at least one of metal injection moulding, selective laser melting and electron beam melting. The body may include a plurality of blades each having an outlet blade root and an outlet blade tip disposed radially away from a rotation axis with respect to the outlet blade root. The body may have a quotient Q of a diameter ddefined by each of the outlet blade tips to a diameter ddefined by each of the oulet blade roots corresponding to the following relationship: Q=d/d 1. A turbine wheel for an exhaust gas turbocharger , comprising: a body composed of a TiAl alloy via at least one of metal injection moulding , selective laser melting and electron beam melting , the body including a plurality of blades each having an outlet blade root and an outlet blade tip disposed radially away from a rotation axis with respect to the outlet blade root , wherein the body has a quotient Q of a diameter ddefined by each of the outlet blade tips to a diameter ddefined by each of the outlet blade roots corresponding to the following relationship:{'br': None, 'i': Q=d', '/d, 'sub': S', 'N, '>3.85.'}2. An exhaust gas turbocharger , comprising: a turbine wheel composed of a TiAl alloy , the turbine wheel including a plurality of blades each having an outlet blade root and an outlet blade tip disposed radially away from a rotation axis with respect to the outlet blade root;{'sub': S', 'N, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': Q=d', '/d, 'sub': S', 'N, '>3.85.'}, 'wherein the turbine wheel has a quotient Q of a diameter ddefined by each of the blade tips to a diameter ddefined by each of the outlet blade roots corresponding to the following relationship4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the powdered metallurgy process is metal injection moulding claim 3 , and further comprising the steps of debinding and sintering the component.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the component is a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011034A1

Techniques for joining nodes and subcomponents are presented herein. An additively manufactured first node or subcomponent has a groove. An additively manufactured second node or subcomponent has a tongue configured to extend into and mate with the groove to form a tongue-and-groove connection between the first and second node or subcomponent. In some aspects, the tongue-groove connection may extend substantially around a periphery of the node or subcomponent. In other aspects, a first subcomponent having a fluid pipe interface may be coupled via a tongue-groove connection to a second subcomponent having a fluid pipe interface, thereby enabling fluid to flow between subcomponents of the resulting integrated component. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an additively manufactured first node having a groove; andan additively manufactured second node having a tongue extending into the groove to form a tongue-and-groove connection between the first and second node.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first node further comprises a channel extending from an exterior surface of the first node to the groove for adhesive injection.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising adhesive between the tongue-and-groove.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the tongue comprises a centering feature.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the centering feature comprises a proximal portion of the tongue having a clearance fit with the groove.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second nodes cooperate to form a sealant reservoir on each side of the tongue-and-groove connection.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a standoff tab extending across the first and second nodes.8. An apparatus claim 1 , comprising:an additively manufactured first subcomponent comprising a tongue structure disposed along a first peripheral region thereof; andan additively manufactured second subcomponent comprising a groove structure disposed along a second peripheral region ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014282A1
Автор: Raudsepp Hannes
Принадлежит: ESAB AB

A contact tip () for gas metal-arc welding comprising: 110-. (canceled)11. A contact tip for use in gas metal-arc welding , said contact piece comprising:a body comprising an electrically conductive metal material, which body has a tubular base portion and two or more fingers connected to the base portion and extends in the axial direction from a front end of the base portion;at least one wire-feed conduit extending axially through the body in which a welding wire is to be received and advanced, said wire-feed conduit having an inlet opening at the rear end of the contact tip and an outlet port at the front end of the contact tip between the said fingers, andslots arranged in the body between said fingers in order separate these from one another, whereby each slot extends in the axial direction from the body's base portion and to the said outlet port;wherein the contact tip includes a spring surrounding the finger and arranged to exert a radial force on the fingers so that the fingers, when cool, are spaced apart such that they will not exert pressure against the casing surface of a welding wire introduced in the wire-feed conduit, and when heated to a temperature above the softening temperature of the metal material, are compressed by the spring force radially inward to exert pressure against the casing surface of a welding wire introduced in the wire-feed conduit.12. A contact tip according to claim 11 , wherein the spring is disposed a groove disposed on the outside of the figures.13. A contact tip according to claim 11 , wherein the spring means consists of a volute spring in the shape of an open ring.14. A contact tip according to claim 11 , wherein the spring means consists of a coil spring.15. A contact tip according to claim 11 , wherein the spring means consists of a bimetallic element16. A contact tip according to claim 11 , wherein the spring means is made of a metallic spring material with a softening temperature above the softening temperature of the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid Hot-Wire And Arc Welding Method And System Using Offset Positioning

Номер: US20150014283A1

A method and system to weld or join coated workpieces using an arc welding operation and at least one hot wire, resistance heated wire. Each of the arc welding and hot wire operation are directed to the same puddle. However, the arc welding operation is offset out of the joint from the hot wire operation, where the hot wire is directed into the joint. 1. A welding system , comprising:an arc generating power supply which provides an arc generation signal to an electrode to generate an arc between said electrode and at least one workpiece so as to create a molten puddle on said at least one workpiece, where said arc generation signal comprises a plurality of current pulses;a hot wire power supply which generates a heating signal to heat at least one consumable such that said consumable melts in said molten puddle when said consumable is in contact with said molten puddle, where said heating signal comprises a plurality of heating current pulses; anda controller which synchronizes both of said arc generation signal and said heating signal such that a constant phase angle is maintained between said current pulses of said arc generation signal and said heating current pulses,wherein each of said electrode and said consumable are moved in a travel direction relative to said at least one workpiece, and where said electrode is offset from consumable in a direction normal to said travel direction; andwherein at least one of said hot wire power supply and controller monitors a feedback related to said heating signal and compares said feedback to an arc generation threshold and said hot wire power supply turns off said heating signal when said feedback reaches said arc generation threshold level.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said phase angle is in the range of 340 to 20 degrees.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said electrode is offset from said consumable by a distance in the range of 2 to 5 mm.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of heat input into said puddle ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Laser device

Номер: US20180013263A1
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

A laser device has a plurality of laser diodes; a plurality of optical elements installed corresponding to the plurality of the laser diodes; a plurality of units formed by fixing the laser diodes and the optical elements per each laser diode and installed corresponding to the plurality of the laser diodes; a converging element that converges laser beams emitted from the plurality of the laser diodes to a fiber; a housing element houses the plurality of the units and the converging element; and a thermal transfer plate performs heat dissipation of the plurality of the units. The heat resistance reducing element having a heat resistance value that is smaller than a predetermined value is installed between the thermal transfer plate and each unit or the processing for reducing the heat resistance is performed.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013692A1

In one embodiment, a stator includes a stator core and a winding assembly. The stator core has an axis and a slot extending a radial depth from a slot opening. The winding assembly is disposed in the slot, and includes a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shapes that vary as a function of radial location within the slot. 1. A stator comprising:a stator having an slot extending a slot depth from a slot opening; anda winding assembly disposed in the slot, the winding assembly comprising a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shapes that vary as a function of depth within the slot.2. The stator of claim 1 , wherein the stator has an axis claim 1 , and the slot depth is a radial depth from the slot opening.3. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the winding strands have substantially the same cross-sectional area claim 1 , despite varying in cross-sectional shape.4. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein each winding strand has a substantially rectangular or trapezoidal cross-section though a plane normal to the axis.5. The stator assembly of claim 4 , wherein a radial depth of each winding strand decreases as a function of radial distance from the slot.6. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of winding strands are arranged in a plurality of radial sections claim 1 , each radial section having a different number of winding strands per radial layer.7. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein each winding strand is displaced across a range of radial locations over the course of one or more full turns.8. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the winding strands form twisted bundles.9. A method of forming a stator winding assembly for a stator slot claim 1 , the method comprising:additively manufacturing a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shape that varies as a function of depth within the slot; andadditively manufacturing an insulating gap matrix that separates separating the winding strands.10. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032400A1

A system for controlling overlapping in single-layer laser cladding of a shaft-like workpiece includes an acceleration time calculation module, a feed shaft displacement calculation module and a module for adjusting an initial zero position of a laser head in a feed direction. Using the system, the motions of the spindle and the feed shaft are planned based on an S-curve acceleration and deceleration method. The motion planning is dynamically adjusted considering the overlapping rate and the clamping allowance of the workpiece to be cladded in a feed direction. 1. A system for controlling overlapping in single-layer laser cladding of a shaft-like workpiece , comprising:an acceleration time calculation module, for obtaining a shaft diameter of the shaft-like workpiece to be processed, a feed rate of a feed shaft and a laser cladding width; obtaining a calculation formula of an overlapping rate; planning a motion of the feed shaft and a motion of a spindle based on a rotational velocity of the spindle and an S-curve acceleration and deceleration planning algorithm; and calculating a feed velocity of the feed shaft to obtain acceleration time of the spindle and acceleration time of the feed shaft;a feed shaft displacement calculation module, for determining whether the acceleration time of the spindle is equal to the acceleration time of the feed shaft; if yes, calculating a displacement of the feed shaft; otherwise, determining whether the acceleration time of the spindle is greater than the acceleration time of the feed shaft;if yes, after the feed shaft accelerates to a preset velocity, keeping the feed shaft at the preset velocity for a period of uniform motion until the spindle reaches the preset velocity; otherwise, re-planning a motion of the spindle according to S-curve acceleration and deceleration; adding a period of uniform acceleration motion for the spindle or reducing a maximum jerk of the spindle to make the acceleration time of the spindle equal to the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014235A1

The present invention disclosed a method of producing a three-dimensional porous tissue in-growth structure. The method includes the steps of depositing a first layer of metal powder and scanning the first layer of metal powder with a laser beam to form a portion of a plurality of predetermined unit cells. Depositing at least one additional layer of metal powder onto a previous layer and repeating the step of scanning a laser beam for at least one of the additional layers in order to continuing forming the predetermined unit cells. The method further includes continuing the depositing and scanning steps to form a medical implant. 1. A method of producing a three-dimensional porous tissue in-growth structure comprising the steps of:depositing a first layer of a powder made from a metal selected from the group consisting of titanium, titanium alloys, stainless steel, cobalt chrome alloys, tantalum and niobium onto a substrate; andscanning a laser beam having a power (P) for a period of time (μsec) with a point distance (μm), to form a portion of a plurality of predetermined unit cells within said metal powder layer.2. The method of producing a three-dimensional porous tissue in-growth structure according to claim 1 , further comprising depositing at least one additional layer of said powder onto said first layer and repeating the step of scanning a laser beam for at least one of said deposited layers in order to continuing forming said predetermined unit cells.3. The method of producing a three-dimensional porous tissue in-growth structure according to claim 1 , wherein at least some of said predetermined unit cells are a tetrahedron.4. The method of producing a three-dimensional porous tissue in-growth structure according to claim 1 , wherein at least some of said predetermined unit cells are a dodecahedron.5. The method of producing a three-dimensional porous tissue in-growth structure according to claim 1 , wherein at least some of said predetermined unit cells are ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014933A1

The invention described herein generally pertains to an apparatus for a welding operation having two or more welding tools and a switching device which directs the current to the appropriate welding device for a welding operation. One or more switch devices having two or more settings can be employed to control which device or devices receive current. Moreover, varying remote control techniques can be utilized to control a welding power source or other operatively coupled devices. Powered devices other than welding tools may be used with the switch in embodiments. 1. A system for controlling an electrical current o a first welding tool and a second welding tool , said system comprising:a welding power supply operatively coupled to supply welding power to the first welding tool and the second welding tool;a switch device operatively coupled to the welding power supply, the first welding tool, and the second welding tool, said switch device controlling the electrical current from the welding power supply to the at least one of the first welding tool and the second welding tool; anda control circuit communicatively coupled with the switch device, said control circuit automatically controlling the switching of the switch device between at least a first setting and a second setting,wherein when the switch device is in the first setting, a first current is directed to the first welding tool such that the second welding tool is electrically isolated from the first current and when the switch device is in the second setting, a second current is directed to the second welding tool such that the first welding tool is electrically isolated from the second current, andwherein the switch device is operatively coupled to the welding power supply using an integrated power cable.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the control circuit is housed within the switch device.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the switch device has a third setting which prevents either one of the first ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014951A1

A laser build-up method according to an embodiment includes the processes of: forming an annular counter sunk groove in an edge of an opening of a port on a side of a combustion chamber; and irradiating a laser beam while a metallic powder is being supplied to the counter sunk groove and successively forming a cladding layer for a valve seat, in which: the cladding layer is formed while a seal gas is being sprayed onto a melt pool the cladding layer includes a starting end part a part formed just after the starting end part is formed an intermediate part a part formed just before a terminating end part is formed and a terminating end part which are formed in this order. 1. A laser build-up method comprising the processes of:forming an annular counter sunk groove in an edge of an opening of a port on a side of a combustion chamber in a cylinder head roughly formed material; andirradiating a laser beam while a metallic powder is being supplied to the counter sunk groove and successively forming a cladding layer for a valve seat, wherein:the cladding layer is formed while seal gas is being sprayed onto a melt pool,the cladding layer comprises a starting end part, a part formed just after the starting end part is formed, an intermediate part, a part formed just before a terminating end part is formed, and a terminating end part, which are formed in this order, and the cladding layer is successively formed in an annular shape, andthe flow rate of the seal gas when an overlapped part in which the terminating end part overlaps with the starting end part is formed is made larger than the flow rate of the seal gas when the intermediate part is formed.2. The laser build-up method according to claim 1 , wherein the flow rate of the seal gas when the part formed just before the terminating end part is formed is formed is made larger than the flow rate of the seal gas when the intermediate part is formed.3. The laser build-up method according to claim 1 , wherein the flow rate ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014953A1

A method of determining a quality of a cladding layer according to one aspect of the present invention is a method of determining a quality of a cladding layer formed by irradiating a laser beam while a metallic powder is being supplied, the method including: a process of capturing an image of a melt pool and an area around thereof while the cladding layer is being formed; a process of measuring the sizes and the number of ball-shaped metallic powder aggregates absorbed in the melt pool from the image that has been captured; and a process of determining the quality of the cladding layer based on the sizes and the number that have been measured. 1. A method of determining a quality of a cladding layer formed by irradiating a laser beam while a metallic powder is being supplied , the method comprising:a process of capturing an image of a melt pool and an area around thereof while the cladding layer is being formed;a process of measuring the sizes and the number of ball-shaped metallic powder aggregates absorbed in the melt pool from the image that has been captured; anda process of determining the quality of the cladding layer based on the sizes and the number that have been measured.2. The method of determining the quality of the cladding layer according to claim 1 , wherein an optical axis of the laser beam that illuminates the melt pool is made coincident with an optical axis of light to capture the image of the melt pool and the area around thereof.3. A laser build-up apparatus comprising:a supply part that supplies a metallic powder; anda laser oscillator that outputs a laser beam, wherein:a cladding layer is formed by irradiating the laser beam while the metallic power is being supplied from the supply part, an image-capture unit that captures an image of a melt pool and an area around thereof; and', 'a measurement unit that measures the sizes and the number of ball-shaped metallic powder aggregates absorbed in the melt pool from the image that has been captured ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Slag free flux for additive manufacturing

Номер: US20170014956A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Inc

A flux ( 55 ) for superalloy laser welding and additive processing ( 20, 50 ), including constituents which decompose when heated in a laser induced plasma or to a melt temperature of the superalloy ( 42 ), creating one or more gases ( 46 ) that blanket the melt to protect it from air, while producing not more than 5 wt. % of slag relative to the weight of the flux. Embodiments may further include compounds providing one or more functions of surface cleaning, scavenging of impurities in the melt, and elemental additions to the superalloy.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014844A1
Автор: Conlon Sean P.

A method of forming a component of an ultrasonic surgical instrument includes accessing a file including a digital model representing the component. The component includes a proximal portion and a distal portion. The proximal portion includes a contact portion. The distal portion includes an ultrasonic blade. The contact portion is configured to transmit ultrasonic vibrations to the ultrasonic blade when the component is acoustically coupled to a complementary portion of an acoustic waveguide of the ultrasonic surgical instrument. The file is used to fabricate the component via an additive manufacturing process. Once the component has been fabricated, the distal portion is secured to a distal end of the complementary portion of the acoustic waveguide. 1. A method of forming a component of an ultrasonic surgical instrument , the method comprising:(a) accessing a file including a digital model representing the component, wherein the component comprises a proximal portion and a distal portion, wherein the proximal portion comprises a contact portion, wherein the distal portion comprises an ultrasonic blade, wherein the contact portion is configured to transmit ultrasonic vibrations to the ultrasonic blade when the component is acoustically coupled to a complementary portion of an acoustic waveguide of the ultrasonic surgical instrument;(b) using the file to fabricate the component via an additive manufacturing process; and(c) securing the proximal portion of the component to a distal end of the complementary portion of the acoustic waveguide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contact portion comprises a predetermined surface roughness claim 1 , wherein the predetermined surface roughness is configured to enable the ultrasonic blade to vibrate at a predetermined vibratory frequency in response to the ultrasonic vibrations transmitted from the transducer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined surface roughness is approximately 32 RMS.4. The method of ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Device for Altering the Jet Shape of Pourable Products

Номер: US20170015452A1

A device is illustrated and described for altering the jet shape of pourable products, in particular of foodstuffs, including an entry region for the entry of the pourable products, an exit region for the exit of the pourable products, and several ducts for conveying the pourable products, wherein each duct has at least one inlet associated with the entry region and at least one outlet associated with the exit region. The use of this device for the filling of foodstuffs and a method for the production of this device are also illustrated and described. In order to achieve that the shape and the velocity profile of the filling jet can be adjusted simply and gently, it is proposed that at least one of the ducts is curved, at least in sections. 115.-. (canceled)16. A device for altering the jet shape of pourable products comprising:an entry region for the entry of the pourable products,an exit region for the exit of the pourable products, andseveral ducts for conveying the pourable products,wherein each duct has at least one inlet associated with the entry region and at least one outlet associated with the exit region,wherein at least one of the ducts is curved, at least in sections,wherein the wall surfaces of the ducts are constructed in one piece,and whereinthe device is constructed in one piece in the region of the ducts.17. The device according to claim 16 , wherein at least one of the ducts is an eccentric duct; and wherein all the eccentric ducts are curved claim 16 , at least in sections.18. The device according to claim 16 , wherein at least one of the ducts is curved continuously.19. The device according to claim 16 , wherein at least one of the ducts is an eccentric duct; and wherein all the eccentric ducts are curved continuously.20. The device according to claim 16 , further comprising a multi-part housing.21. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the inlets and/or the outlets of the ducts are arranged in a plane.22. The device according to claim 16 , ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016263A1

The use of a laser beam, which has an external and an internal laser beam area with different intensities allows a higher temperature gradient to be produced along the z direction, is provided.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016093A1

A method for making an article is disclosed. The method involves first generating a digital model of the article. The digital model is inputted into an additive manufacturing apparatus comprising an energy source. The additive manufacturing apparatus applies energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model. The powder includes an aluminum alloy having 83.35-93.00 wt. % aluminum, 6.00-8.00 wt. % silicon, 1.00-3.00 wt. % magnesium, 0-0.50 wt. % iron, 0-0.50 wt. % manganese, 0-2.00 wt. % titanium, 0-0.50 wt. % boron, 0-1.50 wt. % nickel, 0-0.25 wt. % vanadium, 0-0.25 wt. % zirconium, and 0-0.15 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy. 1. A method for making an article , comprising:generating a digital model of the article;inputting the digital model into an additive manufacturing apparatus or system comprising an energy source; andrepeatedly applying energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model, wherein the powder comprises an aluminum alloy comprising 83.35-93.00 wt. % aluminum, 6.00-8.00 wt. % silicon, 1.00-3.00 wt. % magnesium, 0-0.50 wt. % iron, 0-0.50 wt. % manganese, 0-2.00 wt. % titanium, 0-0.50 wt. % boron, 0-1.50 wt. % nickel, 0-0.25 wt. % vanadium, 0-0.25 wt. % zirconium, and 0-0.15 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source sinters the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source melts or fluidizes the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source provides homogeneous melting of the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016094A1

A method for making an article is disclosed. The method involves first generating a digital model of the article. The digital model is inputted into an additive manufacturing apparatus comprising an energy source. The additive manufacturing apparatus applies energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model. The powder includes an aluminum alloy having 90.15-95.80 wt. % aluminum, 3.00-4.50 wt. % silicon, 0.70-1.50 wt. % magnesium, 0.50-1.00 wt. % manganese, 0-0.50 wt. % iron, 0-0.10 wt. % copper, 0-0.50 wt. % titanium, 0-0.20 wt. % boron, 0-1.50 wt. % nickel, and 0-0.05 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy. 1. A method for making an article , comprising:generating a digital model of the article;inputting the digital model into an additive manufacturing apparatus or system comprising an energy source; andrepeatedly applying energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model, wherein the powder comprises an aluminum alloy comprising 90.15-95.80 wt. % aluminum, 3.00-4.50 wt. % silicon, 0.70-1.50 wt. % magnesium, 0.50-1.00 wt. % manganese, 0-0.50 wt. % iron, 0-0.10 wt. % copper, 0-0.50 wt. % titanium, 0-0.20 wt. % boron, 0-1.50 wt. % nickel, and 0-0.05 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source sinters the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source melts or fluidizes the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source provides homogeneous melting of the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing an inert atmosphere around the aluminum alloy ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016095A1

A method for making an article is disclosed. The method involves first generating a digital model of the article. The digital model is inputted into an additive manufacturing apparatus comprising an energy source. The additive manufacturing apparatus applies energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model. The powder includes an aluminum alloy having 85.20-96.40 wt. % aluminum, 2.50-4.00 wt. % magnesium, 0.10-0.50 wt. % copper, 0.50-1.00 wt. % nickel, 0.50-5.50 wt. % zinc, 0-0.15 wt. % chromium, 0-3.00 wt. % titanium, 0-0.50 wt. % boron, and 0-0.15 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy. 1. A method for making an article , comprising:generating a digital model of the article;inputting the digital model into an additive manufacturing apparatus or system comprising an energy source; andrepeatedly applying energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model, wherein the powder comprises an aluminum alloy comprising 85.20-96.40 wt. % aluminum, 2.50-4.00 wt. % magnesium, 0.10-0.50 wt. % copper, 0.50-1.00 wt. % nickel, 0.50-5.50 wt. % zinc, 0-0.15 wt. % chromium, 0-3.00 wt. % titanium, 0-0.50 wt. % boron, and 0-0.15 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source sinters the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source melts or fluidizes the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source provides homogeneous melting of the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing an inert atmosphere around the aluminum alloy powder.6. The method of claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016096A1

A method for making an article is disclosed. The method involves first generating a digital model of the article. The digital model is inputted into an additive manufacturing apparatus comprising an energy source. The additive manufacturing apparatus applies energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model. The powder includes an aluminum alloy having 78.80-92.00 wt. % aluminum, 5.00-6.00 wt. % copper, 2.50-3.50 wt. % magnesium, 0.50-1.25 wt. % manganese, 0-5.00 wt. % titanium, 0-3.00 wt. % boron, 0-0.15 wt. % vanadium, 0-0.15 wt. % zirconium, and 0-0.25 wt. % silicon, 0-0.25 wt. % iron, 0-0.50 wt. % chromium, 0-1.0 wt. % nickel, and 0-0.15 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy. 1. A method for making an article , comprising:generating a digital model of the article;inputting the digital model into an additive manufacturing apparatus or system comprising an energy source; andrepeatedly applying energy from the energy source to successively applied incremental quantities of a powder to fuse the powder to form the article corresponding to the digital model, wherein the powder comprises an aluminum alloy comprising 78.80-92.00 wt. % aluminum, 5.00-6.00 wt. % copper, 2.50-3.50 wt. % magnesium, 0.50-1.25 wt. % manganese, 0-5.00 wt. % titanium, 0-3.00 wt. % boron, 0-0.15 wt. % vanadium, 0-0.15 wt. % zirconium, and 0-0.25 wt. % silicon, 0-0.25 wt. % iron, 0-0.50 wt. % chromium, 0-1.0 wt. % nickel, and 0-0.15 wt. % other alloying elements, based on the total weight of the aluminum alloy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source sinters the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source melts or fluidizes the incremental quantities of the aluminum alloy powder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy source provides homogeneous melting of the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016334A1

A rotor blade including: a blade main body having a tip as the upstream end in the rotation direction, and a blade surface in contact with the tip and which is the upstream surface in the flow direction of a work fluid; and an erosion shield formed as a cladding portion using laser welding on the tip and the blade surface. The boundary between the main body and the erosion shield is shaped to approach the surface opposite of the blade surface as the boundary moves from the end facing the blade surface towards the tip, and the boundary includes a first arc that includes the end facing the blade surface and a second arc arranged more towards the tip than the first arc; the first arc is convex towards the inside of the main body and the second arc is convex towards the outside of the main body. 1. A turbine blade installed in a turbine , comprising:a blade main body having a tip end which is an end portion in an upstream side in a rotational direction and a blade surface which is in contact with the tip end and which is a surface in an upstream side in a flow direction of working fluid; andan erosion shield which is formed by a cladding portion using laser welding on at least part of the tip end and the blade surface of the blade main body,whereina boundary between the blade main body and the erosion shield has a shape that approaches a surface opposite of the blade surface as the boundary moves from an end portion on the blade surface towards the tip end in a cross-section perpendicular to an extension direction, and the boundary includes a first arc which includes the end portion on the blade surface, a second arc which is arranged more towards the tip end side than the first arc, and a third arc which is arranged more towards the tip end side than the second arc,the first arc is convex towards inside of the blade main body,the second arc is convex towards outside of the blade main body, andthe third arc is convex towards the outside of the blade main body.2. The ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015932A1
Автор: Teulet Patrick

Disclosed is a method in which flat layers are produced in succession so each newly produced layer is stacked on a previously produced layer or on a flat metal support, each layer having at least one metal strip occupying the entire thickness of the corresponding layer. The production of each layer includes: deposition, during which part of the strip is pressed against the previously produced layer or the support; a fusion step carried out during the deposition step during which only a fused portion of the part is fusion-welded to the previously produced layer or to the support; and repeating the deposition and fusion steps, applying them to corresponding parts of the or each strip offset from each other along a second axis perpendicular to the first axis, such that the fused portions of two of the parts following each other along the second axis overlap. 114-. (canceled)16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein claim 15 , when the layer to be produced is made up of several strips claim 15 , each deposition step relative to a second of the strips:is carried out while a first of the strips is stationary relative to the layer previously produced or, if the latter is not present, to the support, andprovides, throughout its entire duration, for placing the respective lateral edges of the first and second strips in contact with one another along a third axis that is perpendicular to both the first axis and the second axis, and, at the end of or during the fusion steps relative to the second strip, the respective lateral edges of the first and second strips are welded by fusion both to the layer previously produced or, if the latter is not present, to the support, and to one another by connecting the corresponding fused portions of the first and second strips.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the deposition steps relative to the second strip are carried out at the end of at least some claim 16 , or even all of the deposition and fusion steps relative to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016393A1

The present invention relates to a method for laser cladding and forming of a metal or alloy under partial atmosphere protection. Including: transporting a metal or alloy powder beam by an inert carrier gas to move on a machined surface with a focused laser beam; and forming at least one layer of inert protective gas at the outer periphery of the metal or alloy powder beam. The inert protective gas includes first inert protective gas, and the first inert protective gas is at the outer periphery of the focused laser beam. The problems of limited size, high cost and difficulty in moving a cladding and forming system and the like during part forming are solved by forming the inert protective gas at the outer periphery of the focused laser beam. Compared with the prior art, the convenient, fast and economical method is provided for on-site part forming and repair. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for laser cladding and forming of a metal or alloy under partial atmosphere protection , comprising:transporting a metal or alloy powder beam by an inert carrier gas to move on a machined surface with a focused laser beam; andforming at least one layer of inert protective gas at the outer periphery of the metal or alloy powder beam.12. The method for laser cladding and forming of a metal or alloy under partial atmosphere protection according to claim 11 , wherein the metal or alloy powder beam and the inert carrier gas are coaxial with the focused laser beam claim 11 , and spraying directions thereof are consistent.13. The method for laser cladding and forming of a metal or alloy under partial atmosphere protection according to claim 11 , wherein the thickness of the inert protective gas of each layer is sequentially increased in the radial direction of a center line of the metal or alloy powder beam.14. The method for laser cladding and forming of a metal or alloy under partial atmosphere protection according to claim 11 , wherein the inert protective gas comprises first inert ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016530A1

Rib- or fin-shaped element () comprising an anchoring part () and a molding part (), wherein the anchoring part () can be anchored in a profile ring segment of a profile ring of a vulcanizing mold that molds the tread of a vehicle tire and the molding part () is provided for molding a sipe or a groove in the tread. 117.-. (canceled)18. An element comprising an anchoring part and a molding part , wherein the anchoring part can be anchored in a profile ring segment of a profile ring of a vulcanizing mold that molds the tread of a vehicle tire and a molding part is provided for molding a sipe or a groove in the tread , and wherein the element is rib- or fin-shaped;wherein the element has at least one elongate projection, which forms a bevel at the periphery of the tread; and,wherein the bevel is produced by means of selective laser melting without post-processing the vehicle tire.19. The element as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the element is a fin which a constant thickness of from 0.3 mm to 1.5 mm outside of the at least one elongate projection.20. The element as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the element is a rib which has in the anchoring part a thickness of from 0.3 mm to 1.5 mm claim 18 , outside of the at least one elongate projection claim 18 , and in the molding part claim 18 , a thickness of from 1.0 mm to 3.0 mm.21. The element as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the elongate projection is formed with a 0.1 mm to 1.0 mm thin claim 18 , strip-shaped portion in the anchoring part and in the molding part.22. The element as claimed in which is profile ring segment of a profile ring of a vulcanizing mold that molds the tread of a vehicle tire claim 18 , for a vehicle tire with a tread which has sipes and/or grooves claim 18 , which are provided with at least one bevel running at least one of their edges with respect to the periphery of the tread claim 18 , wherein anchored on the inside of the profile ring segment claim 18 , for forming sipes and/or grooves with ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160019879A1

A metamaterial () for attenuating acoustic transmission comprises a plurality of layers (). Each layer () comprises a transmission structure () and a resonator (), coupled to the transmission structure (). The transmission structure () in a layer () is coupled to the transmission structures () of the layers () neighbouring said layer (). The resonator () in a layer () is coupled to the transmission structure () of the layers () neighbouring said layer (). 1. A metamaterial for attenuating acoustic transmission , the metamaterial comprising a plurality of layers , each layer comprising:(a) a transmission structure, and(b) a resonator, coupled to the transmission structure,wherein the transmission structure in a layer is coupled to the transmission structures of the layer(s) neighbouring said layer; CHARACTERISED IN THAT the resonator in a layer is coupled to the transmission structure of the layer(s) neighbouring said layer.2. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 1 , in which there are at least three of said layers.3. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 1 , in which the transmission structure comprises a disc or an annulus.4. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 3 , in which the discs or annuli of the layers are coaxial with each other.5. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 1 , in which the resonator is a cylinder.6. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 5 , in which the cylinders of the layers are coaxial with each other.7. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 6 , in which the transmission structure comprises a disc or an annulus and the cylinders are co-axial with the discs or annuli.8. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 1 , in which any of the couplings are viscoelastic couplings.9. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 1 , in which the metamaterial includes at least one active element configured to enhance the attenuation of acoustic transmission.10. A metamaterial as claimed in claim 9 , in which the at least one active element is comprised in at least one of the resonators. ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017866A1

A turbine blade for the rotor of a gas turbine, having a blade airfoil, which has a blade airfoil main body with a first material and a blade airfoil tip with a second material, the second material being more resistant to oxidation than the first material. The composition of the second material is graduated at least in subregions. A method for producing the turbine blade includes: providing a main body of a turbine blade airfoil on a construction platform of a device for performing an additive method, the main body having a first material; applying a pulverous second material, which is different from the first material, in a certain amount; fusing the pulverous material by applying a high-energy beam; lowering the construction platform, repeating applying and fusing the pulverous material and of lowering the construction platform as many times as necessary to complete the tip of the blade airfoil. 114.-. (canceled)15. A turbine blade for a rotor of a gas turbine , comprising:a blade section which extends from a blade root in radial direction and includes a main blade body comprising a first material and a blade tip comprising a second material, wherein the second material is more resistant to oxidation and the first material,wherein a composition of the second material is graduated at least in part-regions, andwherein the second material has the following chemical composition:Co: 22-26% by wt.,Cr: 14-18% by wt.,Al: 9.5-11.5% by wt.,Y: 0.2-0.7% by wt.,Re: 0.0-1.8% by wt.Ta: 0.0-1.7% by wt.,a remainder being nickel and coincidental and unavoidable impurities.16. The turbine blade as claimed in claim 15 ,wherein the material of the blade tip comprises an MCrAlY alloy.17. The turbine blade as claimed in claim 15 ,wherein the first material used is an Alloy 247 alloy.18. The turbine blade as claimed in claim 15 ,wherein the second material is graduated in the region of the transition from the first material to the second material, such that thermomechanical stresses ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018345A1
Автор: Himmelmann Richard A.

A thin-skin side-stay beam may include an upper arm with thin skin and a mating flange extending longitudinally from the thin skin. A lower arm may also have a thin skin and a mating flange extending longitudinally from the lower arm. A joint may include a pin and/or a bushing extending through the mating flanges to pivotally couple the upper arm to the lower arm. The upper arm and/or the lower arm may include one or more internal walls defining one or more internal cavities. 1. A method of making an arm for a thin-skin side stay beam , comprising:selecting a metal;forming a thin skin of the arm from the metal using additive manufacturing, wherein the thin skin and the internal wall at least partially define a plurality of internal cavities; andforming an internal wall of the arm using additive manufacturing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming the thin skin of the arm comprises:depositing a first layer of the metal;removing an excess material from the first layer of the metal; anddepositing a second layer of the metal over the first layer of the metal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming the thin skin of the arm comprises:depositing a first layer of the metal;depositing a second layer of the metal over the first layer of the metal; andremoving an excess material from the first layer of the metal and the second layer of the metal.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the internal wall and the thin skin define an internal cavity of the plurality of internal cavities claim 1 , wherein the cavity has a triangular geometry. This application is a divisional of, claims priority to and the benefit of, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/222,772, filed on Jul. 28, 2016, and entitled “THIN-SKIN SIDE STAY BEAMS AND LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLIES,” which is incorporated by reference in its entirety.The disclosure relates generally to aircraft landing gear, with various embodiments relating to thin-skinned landing gear structures.Aircraft designers have continuously ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023272A1

In a first embodiment, a hollow gas turbine engine workpiece comprises first and second walls formed via additive manufacturing, and a cooling passage defined between the first and second walls by a surface of the first and second walls having arithmetic average surface roughness of at least 100 μin (0.0025 mm). In a second embodiment, a method of manufacture of a gas turbine engine component comprises depositing successive layers of pulverant material via additive manufacturing to form first and second walls defining a cooling passage therebetween, and loading a grain size of the pulverant material to produce lattice convective cooling design networks of various size and proportions with each having a range of relative roughness values, 0.10<ε/Dh<0.50 to achieve optimal thermal cooling performance along the cooling passage. 1. A hollow gas turbine engine workpiece comprising:a first wall;a second wall; anda cooling passage defined between the first wall and the second wall by surfaces of the first and second walls having a relative roughness ε/Dh between 0.10 and 0.50.2. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the relative roughness ε/Dh is at most 0.30.3. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the relative roughness ε/Dh is at least 0.14.4. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the hollow gas turbine engine workpiece is a gas turbine vane claim 1 , blade claim 1 , air seal claim 1 , or panel claim 1 , and the cooling passage is a vascular cooling passage.5. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the arithmetic average surface roughness is between 100 μin (0.0025 mm) and 1000 μin (0.0254 mm).6. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 5 , wherein the arithmetic average surface roughness is less than 600 μin (0.0152 mm).7. The hollow gas turbine engine workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the cooling passage has a minimum passage dimension less than 0.15 inches (3.8 mm).8. The ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023306A1

A nozzle for laser powder build-up welding, in particular, an annular powder channel for feeding powdery material into a processing region in front of the laser outlet opening, wherein the powder channel is designed in such a way that the angle included between the radially outer wall of the powder channel and the axis of the powder channel is constant or decreases in the direction of the material outlet opening at least in the region extending from the at least one material inlet opening to the material outlet opening is provided. 1. A nozzle for laser powder build-up welding , comprising a sleeve-shaped nozzle body in which an axial through opening for a processing laser beam , having a laser-entry opening at the rear side thereof and a laser-exit opening at the front side thereof , is configured , wherein the through opening is tapered toward the laser-exit opening and , for the supply of pulverulent material into an operating region ahead of the laser-exit opening , has an annular powder duct which surrounds the through opening across at least part of the axial length thereof and extends coaxially thereto , said operating region having at least one material-entry opening in the radially outer wall thereof and a material-exit opening which is defined by the open front end-side of the powder duct , and tapering toward the front , wherein the powder duct is configured in such a manner that the angle enclosed between the radially outer wall of the powder duct and the axis of the powder duct is constant at least in the region which extends from the at least one material-entry opening up to the material-exit opening , or decreases in the direction of the material-exit opening.2. The nozzle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the width of the powder duct at least in the region which extends from the at least one material-entry opening up to the material-exit opening decreases in the direction of the material-exit opening.3. The nozzle for laser powder build-up welding ...
