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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 35434. Отображено 200.
27-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264917C2

Предпочтительные варианты выполнения относятся к способам и устройствам изготовления изделий из полиэфира, предпочтительно из чистого полиэтилен терефталата (ПЭТ), имеющего одну или более непосредственно покрытых поверхностей из одного или более слоев из переработанного или использованного ПЭТ и одного или более слоев из материала с хорошими барьерными характеристиками для газа, предпочтительно диоксида кремния. Заготовка содержит резьбовой горловинный конец из одного слоя чистого полиэфира, корпусную часть, включающую в себя концевую крышку, корпусную часть, содержащую первый и второй слой, причем второй слой состоит предпочтительно из переработанного ПЭТ слоя, составляющего около 25-50% общего содержания материала. Способ изготовления заготовки включает в себя шаги: инжектирование расплава полиэфира в полость, образованную литьевой формой и сердечником, причем литьевая форма имеет резьбовую горловинную концевую часть при первой температуре и корпусную часть при второй температуре. Первая ...

27-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2325279C2

Устройство содержит формовочные полуматрицы, которые, прилегая друг к другу, обращаются вдоль двух бесконечных направляющих с помощью соответствующего приводного устройства, причем обе направляющие имеют совместный формовочный участок, соответствующий участок обратного хода и соответствующие два поворотных участка. Соответствующий поворотный участок имеет поворотный орган с дугообразной направляющей кромкой. Направляющие снабжены вдоль совместного формовочного участка и вдоль участков обратного хода продолговатыми изнашивающимися элементами из стойкого к износу полимерного материала, которые предусмотрены на основании устройства с возможностью замены. В результате снижаются затраты на производство и ремонт устройства для производства труб с поперечными ребрами. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2204480C2

Способ относится к изготовлению верхних частей упаковочных контейнеров. В данном способе несколько верхних частей упаковочных контейнеров изготавливают в виде непрерывного ряда из попарно обращенных друг к другу верхних частей упаковочных контейнеров, после чего каждую пару отделяют от соседних пар и снабжают закрывающим средством на концевых участках, открывающихся в результате этого отделения. Данные признаки позволяют быстро и экономично изготовить верхние части для упаковочного сосуда. 7 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2200667C2

Изобретение относится к изделиям, изготовленным из полиэфирной пластмассы, предпочтительно из полиэтилентерефталата (ПЭТ), имеющего один или более слоев термопластического материала с хорошими характеристиками барьера для газа, нанесенного непосредственно на по меньшей мере одну из ее поверхностей, и к новым способам изготовления таких изделий. Предпочтительно изделия с барьерным покрытием имеют форму заготовок, покрытых по меньшей мере одним слоем барьерного материала, и емкостей, сформованных из них вдуванием. Такие емкости с барьерным покрытием предпочтительно представляют тип для хранения напитков, таких как безалкогольные напитки, пиво или сок. Предпочтительные барьерные материалы имеют более низкую проницаемость для кислорода и двуокиси углерода, чем ПЭТ, а их ключевые физические свойства одинаковы с ПЭТ. Материалы и способы обеспечивают то, что барьерные слои имеют хорошее сцепление с ПЭТ даже во время процесса выдувного формования и после него для формирования емкостей из заготовок ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2375393C2

Изобретение относится к бимодальной полиэтиленовой композиции и формованной раздувом бутыли, выполненной из нее. Композиция включает по меньшей мере один высокомолекулярный полиэтиленовый и по меньшей мере один низкомолекулярный полиэтиленовый компонент. Высокомолекулярный полиэтиленовый компонент композиции имеет молекулярно-массовое распределение примерно от 6 до 9, содержание короткоцепочечного разветвления менее примерно 2 разветвлений на 1000 углеродных атомов главной цепи и Mz примерно 1100000 или более. При этом отношение средневесовой молекулярной массы высокомолекулярного полиэтиленового компонента к средневесовой молекулярной массе низкомолекулярного полиэтиленового компонента составляет менее 20. Композиция по изобретению имеет плотность более 0,94 г/см3, стойкость к растрескиванию под воздействием окружающей среды более 600 ч и процент разбухания экструдата более 70%, а также хорошие характеристики механической прочности, подходящие для формования раздувом, включая бутыли. 3 ...

19-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2776380C1

Группа изобретений относится к устройству и способу обеспечения одноосных изменений в длине полотен пленки в машинном направлении, а также к линии получения пленки экструзией с раздувом для получения рукавной пленки с применением указанного устройства. Устройство содержит: технологический зазор, ограниченный двумя валками, посредством которого полотно пленки направляется в машинном направлении. При этом первый валок в направлении транспортировки пленки характеризуется первой окружной скоростью, и второй валок в направлении транспортировки пленки характеризуется второй окружной скоростью. Причем по меньшей мере один из валков представляет собой валок для потока воздуха, через который воздух поступает снаружи внутрь, при этом источник отрицательного давления подсоединен к валку для потока воздуха и, следовательно, отрицательное давление приложено к валку, и по меньшей мере один из валков для потока воздуха представляет собой комбинацию валка для потока воздуха и валка для термообработки.

20-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2139763C1
Принадлежит: Перно Рикар (FR)

Группа изобретений применима в области повторно используемых пластиковых бутылок, в частности, заполняемых пищевыми продуктами. Способ мойки емкости, особенно для пищевых продуктов или напитков, типа бутылки, предназначенной для повторного использования, включает промывку упомянутой емкости водным раствором при температуре более 70°С . Емкость многоразового использования изготавливают из гомополимера или сополимера либо из их смеси, при этом она прозрачна и имеет среднюю степень кристалличности более 30%, причем толщина стенок емкости составляет более 0, 35 мм по корпусу более 1,00 мм в днище. Достигается улучшение механических свойств, повышение химической стойкости к различным пищевым средам и газонепроницаемость, а также снижение степени остаточного загрязнения после промывки. 2 с. и 22 з.п.ф-лы, 2 табл.

16-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU6742U1

... 1. Машина для выдувания бутылок из полиэтилентерефталатных заготовок, содержащая станину, подвижный узел, рычажный механизм для перемещения подвижного узла и закрепленную на опорной поверхности станину стойку с установленными на стойке первой половиной пресс-формы и механизмом герметизации заготовок, причем подвижный узел выполнен с возможностью перемещения вдоль опорной поверхности станины по направляющим и содержит жестко соединенные между собой, переднюю платформу с установленной на ней второй половиной пресс-формы и заднюю платформу, расположенные по разные стороны от стойки, а рычажный механизм соединяет заднюю платформу подвижного узла со стойкой, отличающаяся тем, что машина содержит по меньшей мере одну закрепленную на опорной поверхности станины заднюю направляющую, выполненную как направляющая закрытого типа, на каретке которой закреплена задняя платформа подвижного узла.2. Машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве задней направляющей используется направляющая качения.3.

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU66718U1

Полезная модель относится к области нефтехимии, конкретно, к установкам, предназначенным для производства полимерных пленок экструзионным методом. Технический результат - разработка устройства, позволяющего получать полимерную пленку стабильного качества. Предлагаемая установка получения полимерной пленки содержит загрузочный бункер, червячный пресс, формующую головку, устройство для наружного охлаждения, складывающее устройство, выполненное в виде двух симметрично наклонных одна к другой плит, фальцовочное устройство, тянущее устройство, выполненное в виде двух валков, и намоточное устройство, при этом фальцовочное устройство выполнено с отверстиями для подачи сжатого воздуха.

20-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2157760C2
Принадлежит: ПЕПСИКО ИНК. (US)

Изобретение предназначено для изготовления сосудов. Способ изготовления секционного сосуда включает в себя изготовление заготовки, имеющей внутреннюю поверхность, отдельное изготовление внутренней стенки для вставки ее в заготовку, вставку внутренней стенки в заготовку, подготовку отливки и отливку заготовки и внутренней стенки в секционный сосуд и активацию связующего вещества для прикрепления внутренней стенки к внутренней поверхности заготовки во время подготовительного процесса. Внутреннюю поверхность заготовки выполняют с пазами для зацепления с контактными кромками внутренней стенки, которые скручивают для улучшения зацепления с внутренней поверхностью. Изобретение обеспечивает улучшение способа изготовления секционных сосудов. 9 з. п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2106973C1

Использование: для изготовления ориентированной слоистой пленки с продольно-поперечным расположением слоев. Сущность изобретения: слоистая полимерная пленка выполнена с ребрами, толщина которых больше средней толщины слоистой пленки, имеющими в основном вогнутые и в основном выпуклые поверхности, образующие изгибы ребер в поперечном направлении пленки. Материал около ребер и на их краях в ненапряженном состоянии пленки согнут в противоположном направлении по отношению к ребру для придания материалу между двумя соседними ребрами в основном выпрямленной формы. Способ изготовления слоистого материала предусматривает поперечное вытягивание слоистых полимерных пленок при температуре ниже температуры плавления термопластичного материала, стабилизацию во время процесса придания складчатой формы. Условия вытягивания подбирают так, чтобы стабилизированные складчатые участки сохраняли эту форму пли память о ней. Эти складчатые участки восстанавливают, по меньшей мере, частично создавая ребристую ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005121532A

... 1. Устройство для изготовления рифленых труб, содержащее формовочные полуматрицы (16), установленные с возможностью циркулирующего движения с прилеганием друг к другу вдоль двух направляющих (14) за счет привода посредством соответствующих приводных устройств (30), причем обе направляющие (14) имеют один общий формовочный тракт (18), по одному возвратному тракту (20) и по два огибных тракта (22; 24), причем соответствующий огибной тракт (22; 24) содержит огибной орган (26; 28), который выполнен с дугообразным направляющим краем (54) для формовочных полуматриц (16), установлен на неподвижном основании (38) с возможностью линейного движения и соединен с компенсационным устройством (42), выполненным с возможностью коррекции допустимого отклонения в размерах циркулирующих вдоль соответствующей направляющей (14) формовочных полуматриц (16), отличающееся тем, что соответствующий огибной орган (26; 28) состоит из малоизнашивающегося синтетического материала, а допустимое отклонение в размерах ...

20-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004137265A

... 1. Тонкослойное изделие, состоящее из по меньшей мере первого слоя и второго слоя, причем первый слой содержит полиэтилен терефталат, а второй слой содержит термопластики фенокси-типа, и упомянутый полиэтилен терефталат имеет содержание изофталиевой кислоты по меньшей мере 2% по весу, при этом первый слой непосредственно сцеплен со вторым слоем. 2. Тонкослойное изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что содержание изофталиевой кислоты в полиэтилен терефталате составляет 2-10% по весу. 3. Тонкослойное изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что содержание изофталиевой кислоты в полиэтилен терефталате составляет 4-5% по весу. 4. Тонкослойное изделие по п.1, отличающееся тем, что термопластичным материалом является поли(гидроксиаминоэфир). 5. Тонкослойное изделие по п.4, в котором упомянутый поли(гидроксиаминоэфир) содержит далее производное ресорцинола. 6. Тонкослойное изделие по п.5, в котором упомянутое производное ресорцинола содержит диглицидил эфир ресорцинола. 7. Тонкослойное изделие в виде заготовки ...

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004133343A

... 1. Способ изготовления капсул, использующий две пленки полимерного материала и содержащий стадии деформирования пленок для образования множества углублений между парой вращающихся сварочных матриц, заполнения углублений текучим заполняющим материалом, сварки пленок диэлектрической сваркой на вращающихся сварочных матрицах для образования множества оболочек, содержащих заполняющий материал, и отрезания заполненных оболочек от остающихся частей пленок для образования множества капсул, в котором отсутствует контакт металла с металлом между сварочными матрицами, и отличающийся тем, что как сварка, так и резка происходят в том же месте, при этом контакт металла с металлом между матрицами предотвращен использованием по меньшей мере одной сварочной матрицы, наружная поверхность которой покрыта непористым электрическим изолятором, или, в качестве альтернативы, резка происходит в другом от сварки месте, но капсулы остаются расположенными в углублениях на протяжении всего их прохождения между стадиями ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2469051C1

Изобретение относится к сополимерам этилена, показывающим улучшенную ударную прочность и к их применению. Сополимер этилена и (С3-С18) α-олефинового сомономера имеет плотность 0,900-0,940 г/см, ударную прочность на пробой падающим пробойником (F), удовлетворяющую корреляции с температурой размягчения по Вика, как выражено формулами (1)и формулой (2), где V представляет собой температуру размягчения по Вика, измеренную согласно ASTM D 1525; и F представляет собой ударную прочность на пробой падающим пробойником. Сополимер этилена с улучшенными ударными свойствами применим для пленки, литья под давлением, компаундирования, листа, ротационного формования, труб или формования раздувом. Технический результат - создание сополимеров этилена, имеющих превосходную перерабатываемость и высокую ударную прочность благодаря высокой жесткости. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 3 табл., 14 пр.

20-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98118378A

... 1. Заготовка из термопластичной смолы, в частности, используемая для последующего формования раздувом и превращения в бутылку либо полое тело из пластического материала, включающая верхний либо горловой участок (H), средний участок (L) и нижний участок (N), причем в состав упомянутого среднего участка, с нижней стороны последнего возле указанного конечного участка, входит нижний подучасток (M), приспособлений для вытяжки во время формования раздувом, с включением опорных зон (A, A1) бутылки и прилегающих зон (2), причем упомянутый подучасток (M) имеет толщину, которая уменьшается, по крайней мере, на 10% относительно толщины остальной части заготовки, отличающаяся тем, что угол (а) между сторонами указанного профиля в форме усеченного конуса и осью симметрии составляет, приблизительно, 5-10°. 2. Заготовка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что на указанном конечном участке (N) толщина (SP3) заготовки, соответствующая самой нижней точке (0), уменьшается до значения, составляющего 60 - 80% толщины ...

10-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003127754A

... 1. Комбинация емкости дутьевого формования и укупорочного средства, содержащая емкость, имеющую корпус и горловину, причем указанная емкость изготовлена из заготовки, имеющей горловину и корпус, причем указанная заготовка содержит опорный фланец для поддерживания указанной заготовки при транспортировании указанной заготовки в дутьевую форму, причем указанная заготовка подвергнута раздуву до формы готовой емкости, сохраняющей указанный фланец, а укупорочное средство имеет верхнюю стенку и отходящую от нее боковую стенку, причем от указанной верхней стенки и в пределах указанной боковой стенки отходит несколько крепежных элементов, имеющих на своем нижнем конце по меньшей мере один зацепляющий выступ, служащий для зацепления указанного опорного фланца и удерживания таким образом указанного укупорочного средства на указанной емкости. 2. Комбинация емкости дутьевого формования и укупорочного средства по п.1, в которой содержится уплотнительное кольцо, отходящее от указанной верхней стенки, ...

20-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012142652A

... 1. Способ изготовления пластиковой полой детали путем формования двух листов расплавленного пластика в форме, содержащей две полости, содержащий следующие этапы:a) два расплавленных пластиковых листа изготавливают путем экструзии по меньшей мере одного потока расплавленного пластика и его поперечного разрезания;b) эти листы вводят между полостями формы;c) форму закрывают, и полую деталь изготавливают так, что два листа соответствуют полостям формы;d) полую деталь, полученную таким образом, удаляют из формы;e) все операции a)-d) повторяют для изготовления другой полой детали из двух новых листов,отличающийся тем, что перед, во время и после операции поперечного разрезания нижний участок двух новых листов охлаждают с использованием конкретного устройство охлаждения, которое обеспечивает локальное охлаждение листов на упомянутом нижнем участке.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что листы получают путем продольного разрезания заготовки, имеющей переменную толщину.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся ...

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005107524A

... 1. Способ изготовления пластиковой емкости для жидкостей с четырьмя боковыми стенками, нижним и верхним основаниями, с закрываемым заливным отверстием в верхнем основании и раздаточной арматурой из пластмассы, в частности клапанным или шаровым краном, с корпусом арматуры, имеющим входной и выходной штуцера, при этом входной штуцер корпуса арматуры присоединен к сливному отверстию в нижней вогнутой части передней стенки контейнера для приема раздаточной арматуры, отличающийся тем, что осуществляют формирование дутьем емкости (2) с по меньшей мере одним удерживающим сегментом (18) на внешней стороне (19) вогнутой части (12) передней стенки (3) емкости (2) для центрирования и удержания готовой полученной дутьем емкости (2) в сварочном аппарате и с круглым углублением (20) на внешней стороне (19) вогнутой части (12) с диаметром (21), соответствующим номинальному внутреннему диаметру раздаточной арматуры (10), вырезают основание (22) углубления (20) с помощью центрированного в нем режущего инструмента ...

10-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011133177A

Автомат для выдува ПЭТ-тары, включающий конвейер перемещения заготовок (автопогрузчик), нагревательное устройство (печь), механизм выдува ПЭТ-тары, механизм запирания пресс-форм (силовую установку), отличающийся тем, что механизм запирания пресс-форм (силовая установка) расположен внутри контейнера и состоит из двух неподвижных плит, содержащих рамы, силовые цилиндры и упоры, и расположенных между неподвижными плитами подвижных плит, содержащих рамы, механизмы фиксации подвижных плит и цилиндры смыкания, корпус которых закреплен к раме неподвижной плиты через кронштейн, при этом при выдуве ПЭТ - тары воздухом высокого давления из нагретой преформы возникает противодавление, исключающее продольное раскрытие пресс-форм в момент выдува ПЭТ-тары, которое создается за счет поперечной фиксации упоров между подвижными плитами с закрепленными полуформами и силовыми цилиндрами, которые в момент заполнения пресс-форм воздухом высокого давления до 4,0 МПа осуществляют удержание подвижных плит от раскрытия ...

23-11-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для изготовления полых изделий из термопластов

Номер: SU1523262A1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для изготовления полых изделий из термопластов, получаемых методом раздува, оснащенным приспособлением для удаления облоя. Цель - улучшение качества поверхности изделий после удаления облоя и упрощение конструкции. Для этого устройство содержит головку 1 и корпус 2 экструдера, на котором установлен пневмоцилиндр 3, на штоке которого крепится схват 4 с Г-образными губками 5. Пресс-форма состоит из двух полуформ 6 и 7, каждая из которых имеет привод от пневмоцилиндров 8 и 9. Ниппель 10 установлен с возможностью перемещения в вертикальной плоскости от пневмоцилиндра 11. На полуформе 6 жестко закреплен кронштейн, на конце которого расположены прижим и фигурный нож, а на полуформе жестко закреплен кронштейн, на конце которого расположен прижим. Пневмоцилиндр обеспечивает возможность горизонтального перемещения полуформ 6 и 7 на роликах 19. Захват приводится в действие от пневмоцилиндров. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

01-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069533088D1

28-04-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002552774C2

14-03-1991 дата публикации

Thermoforming film container plus tube - by mould tools which grip tube in tapered holes so that when vacuum thermoforming is completed some space allows film to cool round tube

Номер: DE0003929664A1

A flexible thin-walled container with at least one film filling or emptying tube for liq. contents is produced by making the container from two adjacent extruded flat sheets of thermoplastic material, thermoforming them under vacuum, and welding them together when closing the thermoforming mould. Before the mould is closed the tube is positioned between the two flat sheets so that, when the mould is closed, the sheets are not only welded together round their edges but are also welded to the tube; the outer end of the tube remains free so that the thermoplastic material/film round it can be cooled in shape. ADVANTAGE - The filling/emptying tube is virtually positioned and welded at the same time as the two halves of the container and in the split line concerned. The method ensures that the film round the tube cools effectively before the mould is opened again, so that it does not adhere to the tube or to the mould.

15-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002924814A1

The apparatus has a container-shaping device (12, 12a, 16, 16a) and a filling device (6). The container-shaping device has two bottom-mould halves (12, 12a), movable relative to one another and provided with holding members for holding a tubular plastic blank, for the shaping of the container belly and the container bottom and upper-mould halves (16, 16a), arranged above them and movable independently of the bottom-mould halves, for the shaping of the container head. The filling device is provided with a gas pipe, a filling pipe and a vent pipe. So that powdery or granular materials can be dispensed (for filling) in predetermined quantities by means of such an apparatus, the filling pipe (34) accommodates a dust-retaining and gas-permeable device (38) which limits the quantity receivable by the filling pipe. Moreover, the filling pipe can be connected selectively to an underpressure source or to an overpressure source and can selectively be connected to or separated from a supply container ...

10-07-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002646759C3

27-03-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002605546C3

29-04-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002611731C2
Принадлежит: NIPPON OIL CO., LTD., TOKYO, JP

15-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002221715A1

16-12-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002558923C2

31-03-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003006338C2

09-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003120480A1

30-03-1977 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000125061A5

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Luftförderer zum Transportieren von Behältnissen

Номер: DE102017100635A1

Vorrichtung (1) zum Transportieren von Behältnissen und insbesondere von Kunststoffvorformlingen (10) entlang eines vorgegebenen Transportpfads, mit einem ersten Führungselement (2), welchem gegenüber das Behältnis (10) gleiten kann, mit einem zweiten Führungselement (4), welchem gegenüber das Behältnis (10) gleiten kann, wobei das erste Führungselement (2) und das zweite Führungselement (4) derart angeordnet sind, dass sie das zu transportierende Behältnis (10) zwischen sich aufnehmen, und mit wenigstens einer ersten Luftbeaufschlagungseinrichtung (6), welche dazu geeignet und bestimmt ist, Bereiche der zu transportierenden Behältnisse zu deren Transport mit Luft zu beaufschlagen. Erfindungsgemäß sind entlang des Transportpfads (T) wenigstens zwei Transportabschnitte (T1, T2) definiert, in denen die Behältnisse mit unterschiedlichen Drücken beaufschlagbar sind, so dass sie in diesen Abschnitten mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten und/oder Beschleunigungen transportierbar sind.

18-06-1953 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Haftglaesern aus organischen Kunststoffen

Номер: DE0000880066C

28-11-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9017716U1

11-06-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Kunststoffbehaeltern

Номер: DE0001805872A1

07-12-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001917889B2

17-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002255174A1

26-09-2002 дата публикации

Blasgeformter Behälter aus Polyalkohol

Номер: DE0069714816D1

25-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069612014T2

13-03-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Blasformteilen aus Kunststoff

Номер: DE0069807769T2

15-04-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001479152A1

15-04-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001479152B2

07-06-1984 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for producing hollow articles from two sheets of thermoplastic material

Номер: DE0003244994A1

The production of hollow articles from two sheets of thermoplastic material has until now entailed quite considerable expenditure on machinery, irrespective of which process is used. According to the novel process and using the novel apparatus, all that is required is a tentering frame for the two sheets of thermoplastic material to be laid in as well as heating shields arranged above and below this tentering frame and a moulding tool, designed as corresponding half-shell moulds, with vacuum chambers which are able to change position in relation to each other, there being provided however, in particular in the tentering frame, an air blowing-in nozzle, in order to support the moulding operation by compressed air from inside. Once the moulding operation has been completed, the borders to be welded together of the deformed sheets are simply sheared off by increasing the clamping force of the two half-shell moulds. In this way, in the opinion of the inventor, a minimum of expenditure on machinery ...

26-08-1982 дата публикации

Device for blow moulding a container from a preform

Номер: DE0003101286A1

07-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002403618A1

25-09-1980 дата публикации

Parison for repeated use bottle - designed with specified cross=section and diameter to length ratio

Номер: DE0002910609A1

A parison for the blow moulding of bottles for repeated use, contg. carbonated beverages, made of transparent plastic such as polyethylene terephthalate has a throat angle of 3-45 degrees and a max. cross-section of the rump of 5-9 cm2. The normal outside rump dia. is 40 to 50 mm and the ratio of dia. to length is 1:3 to 1:4.5. Such a parison contains more material than conventional types. This material is distributed in such a way that the transparency is not impaired and the bottle has enough stability for repeated use.

31-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002916406A1

13-04-2000 дата публикации

Unit making drinking straws corrugated at appropriate intervals, avoiding marks on intermediate smooth sections, includes series of recirculated suction molds in liquid-filled vacuum tank

Номер: DE0019845321A1

The molding unit is built into a closed vacuum chamber (30) containing cooling medium flowing around it. It follows precalibration (40) directly.

15-01-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002755028B2

23-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002830236A1

22-03-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002307727B2

30-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002308114A1

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Leuchtmittelkolbens

Номер: DE102009050281B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Leuchtmittelkolbens, mit den folgenden Schritten: Bereitstellen oder Zubereiten eines Kunststoffmaterials (10) (S10); Einspritzen des Kunststoffmaterials (10) (S20) in eine Spritzgussvorrichtung (20), wobei die Spritzgussvorrichtung (20) eine erste Formwerkzeughälfte (21) und eine zweite Formwerkzeughälfte (22) aufweist, wobei die zweite Formwerkzeughälfte (22) einen Halsabschnitt (221), durch den das Kunststoffmaterial eingespritzt wird, und einen Körperabschnitt (222) aufweist, der sich ausgehend von dem Halsabschnitt (221) erstreckt, wobei der Halsabschnitt (221) eine ringförmige, sich vertikal erstreckende Wandung (223) aufweist und wobei der Körperabschnitt (222) eine gekrümmt ausgebildete Wandung (224) aufweist, die mit der ringförmigen, sich vertikal erstreckenden Wandung (223) verbunden ist, wobei das Kunststoffmaterial (10) zwischen der ersten und zweiten Formwerkzeughälfte (21, 22) durch den Halsabschnitt (221) hindurch eingespritzt wird, sodass ...

30-08-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002505256C3

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106024A1
Автор: Wang Jiabang

A method for producing bauxite-based hollow corundum sphere comprises the steps of: using high alumina bauxite as raw material, introducing desilication material, smelting and refining in a three phase alternating current submerged arc furnace or direct current submerged arc furnace, blowing with compressed air and sieving to obtain hollow corundum sphere with particle size of 0.2˜5 mm. 1. A method for producing a bauxite-based hollow corundum sphere , the method comprising:utilizing high alumina bauxite as a raw material;introducing a desilication material;heating and smelting in a three phase alternating current submerged arc furnace or direct current submerged arc furnace; andrefining for 10˜15 min after a temperature of the material reaches 2100˜2400° C. and desilication is finished, then turning-down and blowing with compressed air to obtain the hollow sphere.2. The method for producing bauxite-based hollow corundum sphere according to claim 1 , wherein: said desilication material is a carbon material or a mixture of carbon material and iron-bearing material.3. The method for producing bauxite-based hollow corundum sphere according to claim 2 , wherein: said carbon material is one or more selected from graphite claim 2 , petroleum coke claim 2 , calcined petroleum coke claim 2 , coal claim 2 , coke claim 2 , asphalt and charcoal; said iron-bearing material is one or more selected from iron chip claim 2 , iron ore claim 2 , iron oxide red claim 2 , iron oxide black claim 2 , scrap iron and scrap steel.4. The method for producing bauxite-based hollow corundum sphere according to claim 1 , wherein: when single carbon material is used as said desilication material claim 1 , the usage amount thereof ensures that the carbon mole number of carbon material is 1.2˜4 times of the SiOmole number in high alumina bauxite.5. The method for producing bauxite-based hollow corundum sphere according to claim 1 , wherein: when the mixture of carbon material and iron-bearing ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142974A1
Автор: Mitzler Jochen
Принадлежит: KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH

A plastics preform for an inflatable large-volume container, in particular for a container with capacity of at least 5 liters, preferably at least 10 liters, has a closure region and an inflatable hollow body region. For reducing cycle time, the preform, or at least the inflatable hollow body region thereof, is composed of a plurality of layers, where the thickness of each layer is at least 2 mm, preferably at least 3 mm, and where the thickness of the individual layers is in essence identical. Multicomponent injection moulding technology can thus be used with the rotating table technique or with the indexing plate technique to produce the various layers simultaneously in a plurality of injection units in such a way as to give, after each shot, a finished thick-walled preform. Also described are a process for producing the plastics preform and an injection moulding machine. 116.-. (canceled)17. A preform of an inflatable large-volume container , said preform comprising a closure region and an inflatable hollow body region , at least said inflatable hollow body region being formed by multiple layers , each defined by a layer thickness , wherein the layer thicknesses differ as a function of a cooling rate of the layers within a range to allow production or forming of the layers within a substantially same cycle time.18. The preform of claim 17 , wherein the layer thickness of each layer is at least 2 mm.19. The preform of claim 17 , wherein the layer thickness of each layer is at least 3 mm.20. The preform of claim 17 , wherein an innermost one of the layers is made of a new material claim 17 , and remaining ones of the layers are made of recycled material.21. The preform of claim 17 , wherein the inflatable body has at least three layers.23. The preform of claim 22 , wherein the layer thicknesses of the layers differ no more than 10%.24. The preform of claim 22 , wherein the layer thicknesses of the layers differ no more than 20%.25. The preform of claim 17 , having ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147097A1

A preform for use in a system for simultaneously forming and filling a container. The preform includes a finish region, a stretch initiation region adjacent to and descending from the finish region, a transition region adjacent to and descending from the stretch initiation region, a body region adjacent to and descending from the transition region, and an end cap region enclosing an end of the body region to define an interior for receiving a forming fluid. The stretch initiation region defines a wall thickness less than a wall thickness of the body region to encourage initial localized stretching in response to the forming fluid prior to stretching within the transition region or body region. 1. A preform for use in a system for simultaneously forming and filling a container , said preform comprising:a finish region;a stretch initiation region adjacent to and descending from said finish region;a transition region adjacent to and descending from said stretch initiation region;a body region adjacent to and descending from said transition region; andan end cap region enclosing an end of said body region to define an interior for receiving a forming fluid,wherein said stretch initiation region defines a wall thickness less than a wall thickness of said body region to encourage initial localized stretching therein in response to the forming fluid prior to stretching within said transition region or body region.2. The preform according to claim 1 , further comprising:a continuous interior surface extending from said stretch initiation region to said body region having a draft angle of about 0.3° to about 0.6°.3. The preform according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first outer surface disposed within said transition region being inwardly inclined toward a longitudinal axis of the preform.4. The preform according to claim 3 , further comprising:an inner surface disposed within said transition region being inwardly inclined toward said longitudinal axis of the preform.5. ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200556A1
Автор: Jonsson Per
Принадлежит: SECO TOOLS AB

The present invention relates to a method for the production of cemented carbide based hard metal parts comprising hard constituents in a binder phase by using powder injection moulding or extrusion of a mixture of hard constituents and binder phase in organic binders having a melting point: mixing. The method includes the steps of mixing the powders of hard constituents and binder phase to form a mixture and heating the mixture of hard constituents and binder phase to a temperature. When the temperature of the mixture of hard constituents and binder phase is above the melting point of the organic binders, the organic binders are added in melted form, making sure that the temperature does not fall below the melting point of the organic binders. The parts are formed by powder injection moulding or extrusion. The organic binders are removed from the obtained parts by a debinding step and the parts are sintered. 1. A method for the production of cemented carbide based hard metal parts comprising hard constituents in a binder phase by using powder injection moulding or extrusion of a mixture of hard constituents and binder phase in organic binders having a melting point , the method comprising the steps of:mixing powders of the hard constituents and binder phase to form a mixture;heating the mixture of hard constituents and binder phase to a temperature;when the temperature of the mixture of hard constituents and binder phase is above the melting point of the organic binders, adding the organic binders in melted form, such that the temperature does not fall below the melting point of the organic binders;forming the parts by powder injection moulding or extrusion;removing the organic binders from the obtained parts by a debinding step; andsintering the parts.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of holding the temperature of the mixture hard constituents and binder phase between 95 and 180° C.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein mixing ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281599A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS B.V.

The present invention relates to a fuel part, comprising a polymer composition comprising: i. a polyamide A, and ii. micro talcum in an amount of 0.001 to 1 weight percent with respect to the total amount of the polymer composition, wherein the polymer composition has a melt volume flow rate (MVR) of at most 70 cm/10 min at a weight of 21.6 kg and at a temperature of Tas measured according to ISO 1133. The invention also relates to a process for preparation of such fuel part wherein a blow-molding or roto-molding process is applied. 1. Fuel part , comprising a polymer composition comprising:i. a polyamide A, andii. micro talcum in an amount of 0.001 to 1 weight percent with respect to the total amount of the polymer composition,{'sup': '3', 'sub': 'measure', 'wherein the polymer composition has a melt volume flow rate (MVR) of at most 70 cm/10 min at a weight of 21.6 kg and at a temperature of Tas measured according to ISO 1133.'}2. Fuel part according to claim 1 , characterized in that the MVR is at most 60 cm/10 min.3. Fuel part according to claim 1 , characterized in that the MVR is at most 50 cm/10 min.4. Fuel part according to claim 1 , characterized in that the amount of micro talcum is between 0.01 to 0.5 weight percent with respect to the total amount of the polymer composition.5. Fuel part according to claim 1 , characterized in that the amount of micro talcum is between 0.01 to 0.2 weight percent with respect to the total amount of the polymer composition.6. Fuel part according to claim 1 , characterized in that the polyamide A is chosen from the group of PA6 claim 1 , PA66 claim 1 , PA46 claim 1 , PA410 claim 1 , PA610 claim 1 , PA11 claim 1 , PA12 claim 1 , PA412 or blends thereof.7. Fuel part according to claim 1 , characterized in that polyamide A is chosen from the group of PA6 and P-66 or blends thereof.8. Fuel part according to claim 1 , characterized in that the polymer composition further comprises a polyamide B being PA410 in an amount of at ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307199A1
Принадлежит: AMCOR LIMITED

A polyethylene terephthalate container having a hydrogen generator and catalyst disposed or otherwise incorporated in components of the container, including the closure, closure insert, label, label glue, and/or any other portions of the final container assembly. In addition, the catalyst and the hydrogen generator can both be located in the same component. Methods for dispersing the hydrogen generator and catalyst in the container wall without affecting clarity are provided. 1. A method for forming a preform for use in forming a container having a hydrogen generator and a catalyst , the method comprising:dissolving the hydrogen generator in a solvent to form a dissolved product;extruding a polymer material with the dissolved product to form the preform; andsubsequently blow molding the preform into a container.2. The method according to further including the step of incorporating the catalyst within a base portion of the container using multilayer technology.3. The method according to further including the step of confining a multilayer configuration including the catalyst within the base portion and specifically inward of the container standing surface.4. The method according to further including the step of prohibiting a consumer from noticing a decrease in desired clarity.5. The method according to further including the step of incorporating both the hydrogen generator and the catalyst within a neck area using a multilayer construction.6. The method according to further including the step of confining the multilayer construction including the hydrogen generator and the catalyst within the neck area.7. The method according to further including the step of prohibiting the hydrogen generator and the catalyst from exposure to high heat and mechanical stress.8. The method according to further including the step of prohibiting a consumer from noticing a decrease in desired clarity.9. The method according to further including the step of incorporating both the hydrogen ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319510A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

The present invention relates to a composition comprising a fluoropolymer and two white inorganic fillers, the said composition being intended for the manufacture of thin monolayer films which are opaque to visible light and to UV rays and which can be used in particular in the field of photovoltaic cells. This composition consists of at least one fluoropolymer and of two white inorganic fillers, which are zinc oxide and titanium oxide; they are present in a proportion by weight ranging from 5 to 30% and from 3 to 7.5% respectively, The said composition additionally comprises less than 5% by weight of acrylic polymer, with respect to the total weight of the composition. 1. A composition comprising at least one fluoropolymer and of two white inorganic fillers , wherein said fillers are zinc oxide and titanium oxide , in that they are present in a proportion by weight ranging from 5 to 30% and from 3 to 7.5% respectively , and wherein said composition additionally comprises at least one acrylic polymer at up to 5% by weight , with respect to the total weight of the composition.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one fluoropolymer is selected from the group consisting of vinylidene fluoride homopolymers and copolymers of vinylidene fluoride with at least one other fluoromonomer.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein there are two distinct fluoropolymers claim 1 , at least one of which is a vinylidene fluoride homopolymer.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content by weight of zinc oxide ranges from 10 to 20% by weight.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content by weight of titanium oxide ranges from 3 to 6% by weight.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the said acrylic polymer is a methyl methacrylate homopolymer or a copolymer comprising at least 50% by weight of methyl methacrylate with least one other monomer which can copolymerize with methyl methacrylate selected from the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

VOC or Compressed Gas Containment Device Made From a Polyoxymethylene Polymer

Номер: US20130330491A1
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

VOC or compressed gas containment devices, such as polymer fuel tanks, are made from a polyoxymethylene polymer composition. The polymer composition contains a polyoxymethylene polymer that is directly or indirectly chemically attached to an impact modifier. In one embodiment, for instance, a coupling agent bonds the impact modifier to the polyoxymethylene polymer. In order to preserve the permeability of the polymer material when combined with the impact modifier, a polyoxymethylene polymer is used that contains a low level of low molecular weight constituents. 120.-. (canceled)21. A containment device having a hollow volume surrounded by a wall , the wall being made from a polymer composition comprising:{'sup': 3', '3, 'a) a polyoxymethylene polymer having terminal groups and wherein at least 50% of the terminal groups are hydroxyl groups, the polyoxymethylene polymer having a melt index of from about 5 cm/10 min to about 20 cm/10 min measured at 190° C. and at an applied weight of 2.16 kg;'}b) an impact modifier comprising a thermoplastic elastomer, the impact modifier being present in an amount of at least about 5% by weight, the impact modifier being chemically attached to the polyoxymethylene polymer;c) a coupling agent present in an amount of from about 1.5% by weight to about 10% by weight, the coupling agent comprising an isocyanate; and{'sup': '2', 'wherein the polymer composition has a permeation of less than 5 g mm/mper day at 40° C. according to SAE Test J2665 and has a multi axial impact strength at −40° C. of greater than about 15 ftlb-f according to ASTM Test D3763.'}22. A containment device as defined in claim 21 , wherein at least about 70% of the terminal groups on the polyoxymethylene polymer are hydroxyl groups and wherein the polyoxymethylene polymer has a melt index of from about 7 cm/10 min to about 12 cm/10 min measured at 190° C. and at an applied weight of 2.16 kg.23. A containment device as defined in claim 21 , wherein the polymer ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337099A1

An automated system for changing a mold of a molding unit () with which a machine for manufacturing containers is provided, characterized in that the system includes at least one control module (M) having at least a first actuating device () combined with the locking device () of the molding unit () and a second actuating device () combined with the opening/closing device () of the molding unit (). 212213012124. The system as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the first actuating device () comprises at least one first actuator () claim 1 , in order to displace selectively between at least the first position (PV) and the second position (PV) claim 1 , a first maneuvering member () which forms said first maneuvering means.312613212128. The system as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the second actuating device () comprises at least one main actuator () claim 1 , in order to displace selectively between at least the first position (PL) and the second position (PL) claim 1 , a second maneuvering member () which forms said second maneuvering means.4142124122128126. The system as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the control module (M) comprises connection means () which can connect the first maneuvering means () of the first actuating device () in displacement with the second maneuvering means () of the second actuating device ().56442422628. The system as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the control module (M) comprises a third actuating device () which claim 1 , associated with the securing means () claim 1 , controls the securing means () selectively in order to give rise to a change of state corresponding to the release or securing claim 1 , on the associated mold holder () claim 1 , of each of said at least two molding elements () of the mold.614836342834363436. The system as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the control module (M) comprises a fourth actuating device () which claim 1 , associated with means () for ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Injection Stretch Blow Moulded Articles

Номер: US20140004285A1

This invention covers injection stretch blow moulded articles prepared from polyethylene resin having a bimodal molecular weight distribution (MWD), defined by the ratio of the weight average molecular weight (Mw) to the number average molecular weight (Mn), of from 2 to 20, comprising two polyethylene fractions A and B, fraction A being substantially free of comonomer and having a lower weight average molecular weight and a higher density than fraction B, each fraction prepared in different reactors of two reactors connected in series in the presence of a metallocene-containing catalyst system. 2. The injection stretch blow moulded article according to wherein the metallocene comprises a bridged unsubstituted bis(tetrahydroindenyl).3. The injection stretch blow moulded article according to wherein the metallocene is selected from ethylene-bis(tetrahydroindenyl) zirconium dichloride and ethylene-bis(tetrahydroindenyl)zirconium difluoride.4. The injection stretch blow moulded article according to wherein the two reactors connected in series are a double loop reactor.5. The injection stretch blow moulded article according to wherein the HDPE resin has a melt index MIof 0.8 to 3 g/10 min claim 1 , and a density of from 0.952 to 0.962 g/cm.6. The injection stretch blow moulded article according to wherein the fraction A comprises a polyethylene obtained from a first reactor of the two reactors and the fraction B comprises a polyethylene obtained from a second reactor of the two reactors.7. The injection stretch blow moulded article according to wherein the fraction A has a melt index MI claim 1 , measured following the method of standard test ASTM D 1238 at a temperature of 190° C. and under a load of 2.16 kg claim 1 , of from 10 to 1000 g/10 min claim 1 , and a density claim 1 , measured following the method of standard test ASTM 1505 at a temperature of 23° C. claim 1 , of from 0.953 to 0.980 g/cmand wherein the fraction B has a melt index MIof from 0.908 g/cmto 0.938 ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140010909A1

There is provided a molding stack assembly () for producing a molded article (), the molded article () including a neck finish () which includes a support ledge (), the molded article () suitable for subsequent blow-molding into a final shaped container. The molding stack assembly () comprises a core insert (), a lock ring (), a split mold insert (), a cavity flange () and a cavity insert () for jointly defining, in use, a molding cavity () for forming the molded article (), the split mold insert () and the cavity flange () defining a split line () therebetween, the split line () being defined substantially along a portion of the support ledge (); a biasing member () disposed, in use, between the cavity flange () and the cavity insert (), the biasing member () being configured to: (a) under applied clamp force, to allow the cavity flange () to abut the cavity insert (); and (b) during initial stages of the mold operation to bias the cavity flange () away from the cavity insert (). 1202214214218222214202. A molding stack assembly () for producing a molded article () , the molded article () including a neck finish () which includes a support ledge () , the molded article () suitable for subsequent blow-molding into a final shaped container , the molding stack assembly () comprising:{'b': 204', '206', '208', '209', '210', '212', '214', '208', '209', '226', '226', '222, 'a core insert (), a lock ring (), a split mold insert (), a cavity flange () and a cavity insert () for jointly defining, in use, a molding cavity () for forming the molded article (), the split mold insert () and the cavity flange () defining a split line () therebetween, the split line () being defined substantially along a portion of the support ledge ();'}{'b': 230', '209', '210', '230, 'claim-text': [{'b': 209', '210, '(a) under applied clamp force, to allow the cavity flange () to abut the cavity insert (); and'}, {'b': 209', '210, '(b) during initial stages of the mold operation to bias the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009666A1
Автор: SIEGL Robert

The invention relates to a plastic container which is stretch blow-molded from a preform and which comprises a container body having a container neck attached thereto, on which container neck there is provided an outlet opening, wherein the container body has a second opening closed by a weld seam. The container is made from a copolyester. The wall of the stretched container body has a stretching ratio relative to the wall of the unstretched container neck in the region of the at least one weld seam of more than 6:1. After the welding, the stretched container body has a density increase relative to the unstretched container neck in the region of the at least one weld seam of less than 0.06 g/cm. 1. A copolyester container that is stretch blow-molded from a preform comprising:a stretched container body having a container neck attached thereto, the container neck having an outlet opening, and the container body having a second opening closed by a weld seam;a container wall of the stretched container body having a stretching ratio relative to a neck wall of the unstretched container neck in a region of the weld seam of more than 6:1; and{'sup': '3', 'the stretched container body having greater density relative to the unstretched container neck in the region of the weld seam of less than 0.06 g/cmafter welding.'}2. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the copolyester of the container is polyethylene terephthalate (PET) having a copolymer content between 4 wt. % and 10 wt. % claim 1 , and the copolymer comprises isophthalic acid claim 1 , diethylene glycol claim 1 , furan dicarboxylic acid claim 1 , propylene glycol claim 1 , or butylene glycol.3. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the copolyester of the container is polyethylene furanoate (PEF) having a copolymer content below 5 wt. % claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is terephthalic acid claim 1 , isophthalic acid or diethylene glycol claim 1 , propylene glycol claim 1 , spiroglycol or butylene glycol.4 ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010098A1

A blow molded article, a method of making a blow molded article and a method of making a preform each having at least one layer comprising a thermoplastic resin and between 0.1% and 20% of an additive having a viscosity of greater than 1,000,000 cst. There is a refractive index difference of at least 0.04 between the additive and the thermoplastic resin. The high viscosity of the additive ensures even distribution of the additive within the thermoplastic resin in discrete domains, while additionally providing for a complex end look balancing opacity, gloss and depth. 1. An injection stretched blow molded bottle with an improved visual effect comprising a neck and a body wherein the body comprises at least one layer comprising:a. more than 50 wt. % of a first thermoplastic resin selected from the group consisting of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG), polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), post-consumer recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PCRPET), and combinations thereof;b. between about 0.1 wt. % and about 20 wt. % of a second thermoplastic material comprising a viscosity of from about 2,500,000 to about 50,000,000 cst;wherein the second thermoplastic material is immiscible or partially miscible with the first thermoplastic material;c. between about 10 to about 1000 discrete domains of the second thermoplastic material per 1000 μm3 of the at least one layer, wherein the discrete domains are dispersed throughout the at least one layer; wherein the domains comprise a length, a width, and a thickness and wherein the domains are considerably longer than they are thick and/or wide;wherein there is a refractive index difference of at least about 0.04 between the additive and the thermoplastic resin;wherein the body further comprises a high gloss outer surface.2. An injection stretch blow molded bottle as in claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is PET.3. An injection stretch blow molded bottle as in claim 1 , wherein the body ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009017A1

A method for making a substantially tube-shaped conduit resonator having a plurality of plastic component parts, the conduit resonator having a tubular hollow body and at least one tubular molded part arranged inside the tubular hollow body and connected to the tubular hollow body, the method comprising the steps of: making a molded part via an injection molding process in an outer tool having an inner mandrel; injecting the hollow body between the molded part and a surrounding outer tool wherein the molded part along with the inner mandrel serve as an inner tool; and, thereafter, via a blow molding process, seating the hollow body on the inner wall of the outer tool and reshaping the hollow body on the outer wall of the molded part and bonding the hollow body, in part, to the outer wall of the molded part. 1. A method for making a substantially tube-shaped conduit resonator having a plurality of plastic component parts , the conduit resonator having a tubular hollow body and at least one tubular molded part arranged inside the tubular hollow body and connected to the tubular hollow body , the method comprising the steps of:making a molded part via an injection molding process in an outer tool having an inner mandrel;injecting the hollow body between the molded part and a surrounding outer tool wherein the molded part along with the inner mandrel serve as an inner tool; and,thereafter, via a blow molding process, seating the hollow body on the inner wall of the outer tool and reshaping the hollow body on the outer wall of the molded part and bonding the hollow body, in part, to the outer wall of the molded part.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least two conduit resonators having respective molded parts and respective hollow bodies bonded to corresponding ones of the molded parts are produced in a single procedure. This application is a continuation application of international patent application PCT/EP2014/053681, filed Feb. 26, 2014, designating the United ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009147A1
Автор: Russo Marcello

A modular plastic pipe formation apparatus, wherein at least two components of the pipe formation apparatus are disposed with respect to at least one or more respective modules. 136-. (canceled)37. A modular plastic pipe formation apparatus comprising:a plurality of modules, wherein each module is configured as a transport container having opposite ends and has at least one component of the pipe formation apparatus located therein;the plurality of components disposed within the modules are adjustable in position and/or angle; andlocks configured to lock adjacent modules when drawn together in close proximity with respective ends adjoining;wherein the plurality of modules are aligned for pipe formation when the modules are locked together and the modules are adjusted in position and/or angle.38. A modular plastic pipe formation apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein one of the plurality of modules comprises a plastic extruder claim 37 , a plastic raw material dryer and a die head.39. A modular plastic pipe formation apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein the plurality of modules are adapted to be coupled to each other in use claim 37 , and decoupled from each other during transportation of the apparatus.40. A modular plastic pipe formation apparatus according to claim 37 , wherein at least one of the plurality of modules comprises:a standardised shipping container or a standardised shipping container that has been modified for use in the apparatus; ora container or supporting framework for use in the apparatus and having at least some of the features of a standardised shipping container to facilitate its transportation.41. A modular plastic pipe formation apparatus according to claim 37 , further comprising an adjustment mechanism configured to closely position the adjacent modules prior to locking them together.42. A modular plastic pipe formation apparatus according to claim 37 , further comprising external supports for supporting respective modules claim 37 ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009591A1

A mixing container and a method for the manufacturing thereof provide a mixing container which offers high pressure-resistance performance while allowing the sealing membrane to be easily broken when the containers are coupled together, by having the sealing membrane formed in an integrated manner with the metallic bottle end and arranging a breaking line on the sealing membrane. Also, the method for manufacturing a mixing container with which the time and effort required for manufacturing the mixing container may be reduced, to allow mass production at a low cost, as the holding body made from a synthetic resin material and the bottle end made from a metallic material are manufactured separately and subsequently seamed together. 1. A bottle end having a seaming rib formed on an edge thereof and having a connecting portion formed protruding from a middle portion thereof ,wherein an inlet hole is formed in the connecting portion, anda sealing membrane closing the inlet hole is formed at an end portion of the connecting portion.2. A mixing container comprising:a holding body having a holding space formed therein, an outlet formed in an upper part thereof, and a fastening portion formed around the outlet, the holding body being open at a lower part thereof; anda bottle end configured to couple with the holding body such that the open lower part of the holding body is covered,wherein a connecting portion is formed protruding towards the holding space from a middle portion of the bottle end,an inlet hole is formed in the connecting portion, the inlet hole having an inner perimeter shaped in correspondence to the fastening portion to receive the outlet as it is inserted upwards from a downward position and fastened, anda sealing membrane configured to close the inlet hole is formed on an upper end of the connecting portion.3. The mixing container of claim 2 , whereina first shoulder is formed between the fastening portion and an outer perimeter of a lower part of the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032517A1

A preform mold () including a core plate (), a cavity plate () and a plurality of mold stacks (MS) mounted between the core and cavity plates (). Each mold stack (MS) includes a core insert () mounted to the core plate (), a cavity insert () mounted to the cavity plate () and split mold inserts () mounted between the core and cavity inserts (). The core inserts () are mounted to the core plate () by fasteners accessible from a rear side of the core plate (). When the mold () is assembled, the core inserts () can be secured by the fasteners in a fixed condition in which they are immovable relative to the core plate (). Also disclosed is a method of aligning the core inserts () by securing the core inserts () from a floating condition, in which they are able to slide relative to the core plate () along a sliding interface therebetween, to the fixed condition. 1. A core plate assembly for incorporation into a preform mold , the assembly comprising a core plate and a plurality of preform core inserts mounted to the core plate by fastening means , wherein the fastening means is operable , from a rear side of the core plate and/or without access to a front side of the core plate , to secure the preform core inserts to a fixed condition in which the preform core inserts are immovable relative to the core plate.2. A core plate assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the fastening means comprises one or more threaded holes on the rear side of each preform core insert claim 1 , which receive respective threaded fasteners that extend through holes in the core plate and threadedly engage the threaded holes of the preform core inserts.3. A core plate assembly according to claim 1 , wherein each preform core insert comprises a molding surface describing part of a top sealing surface of a preform claim 1 , a taper extending from the molding surface and an annular support surface extending radially from the taper claim 1 , the taper being configured to engage claim 1 , in use claim ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021827A1
Автор: AKTAS Mahir

The present invention relates to a method and a device for producing a preform with a base geometry optimized for the subsequent stretch blow molding. The preform produced in the injection mold is removed in a cooled removal sleeve and cooled in the shaft by intensive contact cooling, while to the greatest extent no cooling contact is made with the domed preform end due to a special contour of the cooling sleeve. On account of the re-heating of this domed end that is possible as a result, the latter can be mechanically deformed into a new geometry that is more advantageous for the blow-molding process, and consequently also influenced in the wall thickness. In the subsequent blow-molding process, such a deformed preform has primarily the advantage that the polymer material distributed better in the bottle can lead to considerable material savings and to bottle bases of a higher quality. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for producing a preform with an optimized base geometry , comprising: producing a finished preform from at least one injection-molded thermoplastic material that has a substantially thinner wall thickness in a domed end region of the preform than in a preform shaft and the wall thickness of the preform gradually becoming equal in the progression from the gate to the preform shaft , the preform being intended for re-shaping into blow-molded containers; opening a mold after solidifying of an outer skin of the preform after first intensive cooling; taking up the preforms from the open mold by a removal arm and cooling sleeves of the removal arm , the cooling sleeves cooling the preform shaft , but not the domed region , by contact cooling before an embossing operation; correspondingly mechanically deforming , in dependence on cooling sleeve geometry , the still plastically deformable domed region reproducibly by an embossing body , a contour of the cooling sleeve and of the embossing body being designed so that these contours are to a greatest extent ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021552A1
Автор: Dygert Douglas Miles

A method for manufacturing a food and/or beverage packaging container is provided. The method includes injection molding a preform using a two phase injection system. A first phase of the two phase injection system includes injecting a first material into the preform and a second phase of the two phase injection system includes injecting a second material into the preform. The method further includes disposing the preform in a mold, blow molding the preform into an intermediate article having a length, a diameter and side walls having a wall thickness, and trimming the intermediate article to form a finished container having a wide mouth neck. Systems and finished products are disclosed. 1. A method for manufacturing a food and/or beverage packaging container , the method comprising the steps of:injection molding a preform using a two phase injection system, wherein a first phase of the two phase injection system comprises injecting a first material into the preform and a second phase of the two phase injection system comprises injecting a second material into the preform;disposing the preform in a mold;blow molding the preform into an intermediate article having a length, a diameter and side walls having a wall thickness; andtrimming the intermediate article to form a finished container having a wide mouth neck.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first material is different than the second material.3. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first material is virgin polyethylene terephythalate (PET) and the second material comprises PET and at least one additive.4. A method as recited in claim 3 , wherein the at least one additive comprises at least one of a group consisting of passive oxygen scavengers claim 3 , active oxygen scavengers claim 3 , colorants claim 3 , calcium carbonate fillers and foaming agents.5. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first material consists of polyethylene terephythalate (PET) and the second material ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028609A1
Принадлежит: DT Inventions, LLC

A method of forming a container from bi-axially orientable plastics material and having an integral handle with the steps of forming a preform having a neck portion and an expandable portion below the neck portion with the neck portion including a locating ring above the expandable portion and a handle molded to the non expandable at one end and molded to the expandable portion at the other end. Where the molded-in handle is the approximate length of the handle of the finished container. The unblown preform of orientable plastics is inserted into a blow molder and thereafter stretched by a stretch rod. During the stretch process the handle on the preform unbends rather than stretching to form the approximate shape of the handle in the finished container. The blow mold then closes on the stretched preform thus capturing the handle. Blow gas is then injected into the interior. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for forming a blown container from a preform , comprising: an expandable main body having an interior cavity, and', 'a handle attached to an exterior wall of the main body at two attachment points; and, 'placing the preform in a blow mold, the preform comprisingblowing the preform to form the blown container,wherein, when placing the preform in the blow mold, the handle is disposed in an initial position, andwherein, while blowing the preform, the handle is moved to a final position different from the initial position.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein claim 13 , while blowing the preform claim 13 , the handle is rotated outwards to the final position.15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the handle is rotated to be at a different angle with respect to the main body at the final position from the initial position.16. The method according to claim 13 , wherein at the final position claim 13 , an entirety of the handle is at a different position from the initial position.17. The method according to claim 13 , wherein a handle pocket of the blow ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029560A1

The present invention relates to a specific polyethylene terephthalate (PET) allowing to produce a stretch blow molded PET bottle having superior resistance to environmental stress cracking when the inner or outer surface of the bottle is treated with stress cracking causing chemical substances and to a method of manufacturing such specific PET. The invention also relates to a stretch blow molded bottle made of such PET and a preform of such a bottle. The invention further relates to the use of the specific PET for the manufacture of a stretch blow molded PET bottle having said superior resistance to environmental stress cracking or the manufacture of a preform of such a PET bottle. 113-. (canceled)14. A polyethylene terephthalate (PET) comprising:from 0 to 2.5% by weight IPA;from 1% to 2% by weight DEG; andfrom 0.005% to 0.1% by weight PeOH,each based on the weight of the PET.15. The PET of claim 14 , wherein the PET has an intrinsic viscosity (IV) in the range of 0.8 dl/g to 1.2 dl/g.16. The PET of claim 14 , wherein the PET has an intrinsic viscosity (IV) in the range of 0.9 dl/g to 1.1 dl/g.17. The PET of claim 14 , wherein the PET has an a-value in the range of 0.25 to 0.45.18. The PET of claim 14 , wherein the PET has an a-value in the range of 0.30 to 0.40.19. The PET of claim 14 , wherein the PET is manufactured by the use of one or more long chain branching agents present in a polycondensation reaction claim 14 , the one or more long chain branching agents selected from the group comprising tri- and tetrafunctional polyols.20. A preform formed from a PET comprising:from 0 to 2.5% by weight IPA;from 1% to 2% by weight DEG; andfrom 0.005% to 0.1% by weight PeOH,each based on the weight of the PET,wherein the preform is suitable for the manufacture of a PET bottle by stretch blow molding the preform.21. A stretch blow molded bottle formed from a PET comprising:from 0 to 2.5% by weight IPA;from 1% to 2% by weight DEG; andfrom 0.005% to 0.1% by weight PeOH,each ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Blank container preform

Номер: US20200031020A1
Автор: Jay Clarke Hanan
Принадлежит: Niagara Bottling LLC

A blank preform for being blow-molded to form a container is provided herein. The blank preform comprises a cylindrical portion that includes a tapered portion that extends to a finish portion. The finish portion includes an opening to an interior of the preform. The finish portion comprises one or more wall thickness portions for blow-molding any of a tamper evidence ledge, one or more threads, a neck portion, and a handling valley. The handling valley facilitates air-conveying the container along a manufacturing line. The cylindrical portion comprises at least one wall thickness suitable for blow-molding any of a base, a portion of a bell, a sidewall, and a shoulder between the sidewall and the bell. The tapered portion comprises one or more wall thickness portions that are suitable for blow-molding any of a portion of the bell, a blown neck, and a blown support ledge.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031962A1
Принадлежит: Niagara Bottling, LLC

A preform is provided for blow-molding to form a container. The preform includes a finish portion for rotatably engaging a closure to seal contents within an interior of the container. The finish portion comprises a cylindrical body that begins at an opening to the interior and extends to and includes a tamper evidence ledge. A mirror polished sealing surface inside the finish portion cooperates with a plug seal of the closure to seal the container. Threads outside the finish portion engage with similar threads inside the closure. Thread starts of the threads reduce potential damage to the threads during installation of the closure. The thread starts may include a start pitch that is greater than a thread pitch of the threads. A handling valley disposed between the threads and the tamper evidence ledge facilitates air-conveying the container along a manufacturing assembly line. 1. A finish portion of a container preform for forming a plastic container , the finish portion comprising:an opening to an interior of the container preform;a tamper evidence ledge adjacent to a neck portion of the container preform;a stepped interior comprising a graduated narrowing of the opening and extending to the tamper evidence ledge;one or more threads disposed on an exterior of the finish portion for rotatably engaging with a closure and to seal contents within the interior; anda thread start comprising each of the one or more threads for guiding a thread of the closure between the one or more threads.2. The finish portion of claim 1 , wherein the thread start is configured to reduce potential damage to the one or more threads during installation of the closure.3. The finish portion of claim 1 , wherein the thread start is oriented toward the opening so as to direct the thread of the closure into a valley between adjacent portions of the one or more threads.4. The finish portion of claim 3 , wherein the thread start provides a start pitch that is greater than a thread pitch of the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055276A1

A cavity plate assembly () for a preform mold (), which includes a cavity plate () having an array of seats () and a corresponding array of cavity inserts () mounted to a front face (CVF) of the cavity plate () and in communication with a respective seat (). Each cavity insert () includes a body () with a mounting face () and a spigot () projecting from the mounting face () and received in a respective seat () of the cavity plate () such that the mounting () face abuts the front face (CVF) of the cavity plate (). Each cavity insert () also includes a molding surface () along its length, at least two thirds of which extends beyond the cavity plate (). 1. A cavity plate assembly for a preform mold , the assembly comprising a cavity plate having one or more seats and one or more cavity inserts mounted to a front face of the cavity plate and in communication with a respective seat , wherein the or each cavity insert comprises a molding surface along its length at least two thirds of which extends beyond the cavity plate.2. A cavity plate assembly according to claim 1 , wherein at least 90% of the molding surface extends beyond the cavity plate.3. A cavity plate assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the cavity plate comprises a rear face for mounting to a melt distributor claim 1 , a depth described from the front face to the rear face and a cooling channel described therein which has a depth that is at least 15% of the plate depth.4. A cavity plate assembly for a preform mold claim 1 , the assembly comprising a cavity plate having one or more seats and one or more cavity inserts mounted to a front face of the cavity plate and in communication with a respective seat claim 1 , wherein the cavity plate comprises a rear face for mounting to a melt distributor claim 1 , a depth described from the front face to the rear face and a cooling channel described therein which has a depth that is at least 15% of the plate depth.5. A cavity plate assembly according to claim 4 , ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044324A1
Принадлежит: MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology AG

The present invention relates to an injection mold plate for use in an injection mold for producing molded articles, comprising a plurality of handling elements arranged in columns and rows, wherein the distance r between adjacent handling elements within the rows is greater than the distance s between adjacent handling elements within the columns. According to the invention, in order to provide an injection mold plate of the type mentioned above for which the distance between adjacent handling elements can be reduced without impairing the generally required heating channel, it is proposed that a row of handling elements is formed by two groups of handling elements, wherein the following applies to the distance x between the group: z=r(1+a/n), wherein r is the distance of the handling elements within a group and n,a=IN with n>1. 112-. (canceled)14. An injection molding tool plate as set forth in where a Подробнее

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043602A1

To provide a polyarylene sulfide (PAS) resin composition and a PAS resin molded article that are excellent in mechanical strengths such as impact resistance while maintaining excellent heat resistance of the PAS resin, and methods for producing the PAS resin composition and the PAS resin molded article. Specifically, provided are a method for producing a long fiber-reinforced PAS resin molded article, the method including obtaining a long fiber-reinforced PAS resin composition containing a PAS resin and a fiber reinforcing material having a fiber length of more than 5 mm, subsequently subjecting the resin composition and a PAS resin to dry blending, and subsequently subjecting the dry-blended substance to melting and subsequently to melt-molding; the long fiber-reinforced PAS resin composition; and a method for producing the long fiber-reinforced PAS resin composition. 1. A method for producing a long fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide resin molded article , the method being a method for producing a blow-molded hollow article containing a polyarylene sulfide resin and a fiber reinforcing material having a fiber length of more than 5 mm ,the method comprising subjecting a long fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide resin composition containing a polyarylene sulfide resin (a1) and a fiber reinforcing material having a fiber length of more than 5 mm and a polyarylene sulfide resin (a2) to dry blending, subsequently to heating at a temperature not lower than a melting point of the polyarylene sulfide resins to melt the polyarylene sulfide resins, and subsequently to molding.2. The method for producing a long fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide resin molded article according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of the long fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide resin composition is 98 to 2 parts by mass and a proportion of the polyarylene sulfide resin (a2) is 2 to 98 parts by mass claim 1 , with respect to the total 100 parts by mass of the long fiber-reinforced polyarylene ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Polymer Compositions for Injection Stretch Blow Molded Articles

Номер: US20170044330A1

A polymer composition of polypropylene copolymer and 1 to 50% by weight of hard resin. The polypropylene copolymer is either an impact copolymer or a random copolymer. The polymer composition can be used to make injection stretch blow molded articles having improved top load strength. 111-. (canceled)12. A method of making a polymer composition comprising:blending a polypropylene copolymer with a hard resin; andextruding the polypropylene copolymer and the hard resin to form a substantially homogenous polymer blend, wherein the polymer blend contains 1 to 50% by weight of hard resin.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the polypropylene copolymer is an impact copolymer comprising a polypropylene homopolymer and an ethylene-propylene rubber.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the homopolymer comprises at least 60% by weight of the impact copolymer claim 13 , and the ethylene-propylene rubber comprises less than 40% by weight of the impact copolymer.15. The method of claim 13 , wherein the impact copolymer has a melt flow rate from 1 to 500 g/10 min.16. The method of claim 12 , wherein the polypropylene copolymer is a random copolymer.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the random copolymer contains less than 10% by weight of an ethylene comonomer.18. The method of claim 12 , wherein the polymer composition is used to make an injection stretch blow molded article.19. A method of making an article comprising:providing a polymer composition comprising a polypropylene impact copolymer and 1 to 50% by weight of hard resin;injection molding the polypropylene impact copolymer into a preform; andstretch-blowing the preform into an article.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the article is a container used in cold temperature applications of less than 40° F. The present invention generally relates to polymer compositions. More specifically the present invention relates to polypropylene based polymer compositions for injection stretch blow molding (ISBM) of articles, and ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047179A1
Автор: Sideris Constantinos

The production of a container with an integrated handle, by injection moulding a preform with an incorporated handle protrusion, where such protrusion has a direction perpendicular to the axis of the preform and then stretch blow moulding the said preform into a container, where before the end of the blowing step the handle protrusion is deformed into the shape and/or position it will have in the finished container. 1. A preform for blow moulding a plastics container , wherein said preform comprises a body area , a neck area , and at least one incorporated deformable handle protrusion ,wherein a first end of the handle protrusion is connected on or adjacent to the neck area of the preform comprising a connection point and a second opposed, free end of the handle protrusion(s) extends outwardly away from the neck such that in an initial position the handle protrusion extends in a direction extending substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the body area of the preform, andwherein the second opposed, free end of the handle protrusion(s) comprises a structural feature that enables a secure engagement of the second opposed, free end of the protrusion to the blown body of the container, andwherein said preform is stretch blow moulded into a container and wherein the handle protrusion(s) is deformable around the connection point into a final predetermined position substantially parallel to or at an acute angle to the longitudinal axis of the body area of the container before the end of the blowing step.2. The preform of claim 1 , wherein said handle protrusion(s) is made from the same material as the preform and produced as an integral member with the preform during injection moulding of the preform.3. The preform of claim 2 , in which the handle protrusion(s) and preform are composed of PET.4. The preform of claim 1 , wherein said handle protrusion(s) is substantially linear in shape claim 1 , and relatively thin so that it possesses sufficient flexibility ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127524A1
Принадлежит: STRATASYS, INC.

A consumable material and sensor assembly for use in an additive manufacturing system, the consumable material comprising an exterior surface having encoded markings that are configured to be read by the sensor assembly, where the consumable material is configured to be consumed in the additive manufacturing system to build at least a portion of a three-dimensional model. 1. An encoded filament for use in an additive manufacturing system having an extrusion head , the encoded filament comprising:compositionally, a consumable material;a longitudinal length;volume-increment markings that are offset from each other along the longitudinal length of the encoded filament by increment lengths that vary to define segments of the encoded filament having volumes that are substantially the same, wherein the volume-increment markings are configured to be read by an optical sensor of the additive manufacturing system; anda cross-sectional geometry configured to be received by a liquefier of the extrusion head for building a three-dimensional model from the consumable material.2. The encoded filament of claim 1 , wherein the cross-sectional geometry comprises a substantially circular geometry having an average diameter ranging from about 0.8 millimeters to about 2.5 millimeters.3. The encoded filament of claim 1 , wherein the cross-sectional geometry has a width and thickness claim 1 , wherein the width of the cross-sectional geometry ranges from about 1.0 millimeter to about 10.2 millimeters claim 1 , and wherein the thickness of the cross-sectional geometry ranges from about 0.08 millimeters to about 1.5 millimeters.4. The encoded filament of claim 1 , wherein the volume-increment markings extend substantially along an entirety of the longitudinal length.5. The encoded filament of claim 1 , wherein the consumable material comprises a thermoplastic material claim 1 , and wherein the volume-increment markings comprise an ultraviolet-activated material.6. The encoded filament of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048134A1
Автор: DIRCX Steven

A container made by blow molding out of crystallisable polymers having regular sequence of variations in molecular pre-alignment/orientation between different locations of the cross-section of the preform. 1. A container made by blow molding out of crystallizable polymers , said container comprising a regular sequence of variations in molecular pre-alignment/orientation between different locations of the cross-section of the container.2. A container made by blow molding out of crystallizable polymers , said container comprising a regular sequence of variations in molecular pre-alignment/orientation and a regular sequence of variations in crystallinity between different locations of the cross-section of the container.3. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the crystallizable polymer is PET claim 1 , high IV PET or modified PET or a combination thereof.4. The container according to claim 3 , comprising claim 3 , as copolymers suitable for modifying the container's physical characteristics polyamide claim 3 , PGA claim 3 , PEN claim 3 , or mixtures thereof.5. The container according to claim 3 , comprising claim 3 , as additives to the polymer claim 3 , anti-oxidants claim 3 , UV-absorbers claim 3 , dyes claim 3 , colorants claim 3 , nucleating agents claim 3 , fillers and mixtures thereof.6. The container according to claim 1 , wherein a shrinkage percentage of said container during hot fill operations being less than about 4%.7. The container according to claim 1 , wherein parts of the container have wall thicknesses less than about 1 mm.8. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the preform is a monolayer structure.9. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the preform is a multilayer structure. This application is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/219,336 filed Mar. 19, 2014, which is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/602,241 filed Nov. 30, 2009, which has been granted as U.S. Pat. No. 8,715,563, both ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053438A1

This method for manufacturing a pipe () for a vehicle fuel tank involves—molding a wall, comprising an inner layer () made from ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and an outer layer () made from a polymer suitable for welding, in a mold comprising at least one female shoulder that creates at least one male shoulder on an outer surface of an end portion of the wall during molding, then—cutting off the end portion of the wall. 1. A method for manufacturing a pipe for a vehicle fuel tank comprising:molding a wall, comprising an inner layer made of ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and an outer layer made of a polymer suitable for welding, in a mold comprising at least one female shoulder that creates at least one male shoulder on an outer surface of an end portion of the wall during molding, and thencutting off the end portion of the wall.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting step takes place in parallel with a main axis of the pipe.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting step takes place at a non-zero angle in relation to a main axis of the pipe.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the cutting step takes place at an angle of less than 60° in relation to the main axis.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the female shoulder of the mold is formed by an insert.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the molding step is carried out by blow-molding the wall in the mold.7. A method for manufacturing a fuel storage system claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'manufacturing a pipe according to a method corresponding to , and welding the end of the pipe to a fuel tank.'}8. A pipe for a vehicle fuel tank claim 1 , comprising a wall having an inner layer made of ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and an outer layer made of a polymer suitable for welding claim 1 , an axial end portion of the pipe being formed of the polymer suitable for welding claim 1 , the outer diameter of the pipe in the region of ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050339A1
Автор: Linares Miguel A.

The present invention discloses a process for recycling and repurposing a scrap material into a stock reusable material, including the steps of providing a scrap material, mechanically reducing the scrap material into a desired particulate size, mixing the particulate with a plasticized based syrup, and reforming the homogenous mixture into a repurposed article. The step of processing impurities from the scrap material is further conducted to achieve a desired purity and the mixture can be formed into any of a powder, pellet, sheet preform or extrusion. Additional steps include any of injection molding, compression molding, thermoforming, slush, transfer or rotational molding operations. Separately, the mixture can be reformed using an extrusion operation. 1. A process for recycling and repurposing a scrap material into a stock reusable material , comprising the steps of:providing a scrap material;mechanically reducing the scrap material into a desired particulate size;mixing the particulate with a plasticized based syrup; andreforming the homogenous mixture into a repurposed article.2. The process as described in claim 1 , further comprising the step of processing impurities from the scrap material to achieve a desired purity.3. The process as described in claim 1 , further comprising the step of forming the mixture into any of a powder claim 1 , pellet claim 1 , sheet preform or extrusion.4. The process as described in claim 3 , the step of reforming the mixture further comprising any of injection claim 3 , compression claim 3 , thermoforming claim 3 , slush claim 3 , transfer or rotational molding operations.5. The process as described in claim 3 , the step of reforming the mixture further comprising an extrusion operation.6. The process as described in claim 1 , the step of mixing fluffier comprising providing at least one of a propylene claim 1 , an ester claim 1 , a phthalate claim 1 , or a trimellitate into the plasticized syrup.7. The process as described in ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131920A1
Автор: NAKAHARA Atsushi

The outer circumferential surface of a bottom of a preform and a lower site of a trunk continuous with the bottom is mechanically brought into intimate contact with a cooling pot to undergo reliable cooling. The trunk excluding the lower site of the trunk continuous with the bottom is heated to a predetermined temperature by a heating block When blow-molded, the so treated preform can provide a container having a bottom of a desired thickness and having a uniformly stretched thin-walled trunk. 1. A temperature control apparatus for a preform , comprising:a temperature control pot contacting an outer circumferential surface of a bottom of a bottomed preform and a part of a peripheral portion of the bottomed preform continuous with the bottom;a temperature control block disposed outside the peripheral portion of the bottomed preform; andpressing drive means for allowing the temperature control pot to intimately contact and hold a bottom wall surface of the bottomed preform.2. A temperature control apparatus for a preform , comprising:a temperature control pot for holding an outer circumferential surface of a bottom of a bottomed preform and a part of a peripheral portion of the bottomed preform continuous with the bottom;a temperature control block disposed outside the peripheral portion of the bottomed preform;a temperature control core inserted into an inside of the bottomed preform, and having a leading end portion contacting an inner circumferential surface of the bottom and the part of the peripheral portion continuous with the bottom; andpressing drive means for holding a bottom wall surface of the bottomed preform between the temperature control pot and the temperature control core, and bringing the temperature control pot and the temperature control core close to each other relatively so as to make intimate contact with the bottom and the part of the peripheral portion and hold them.3. The temperature control apparatus for a preform according to claim 2 , ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058909A1

Provided are a tissue structure mimetic used for regenerating a tissue and a method for manufacturing the same, and more particularly, a 3-dimensional tissue structure mimetic which consists of a complex of extracellular matrix protein and bone mineral, wherein the complex is specifically bound to a regeneration-functional peptide to thereby be capable of implementing environment of a tissue requiring restoration, and a method for manufacturing the same. In the tissue structure mimetic according to the present invention, bone mineral components are finely dispersed in the extracellular matrix protein to have excellent mechanical strength of the tissue structure mimetic and conductivity which provides a migration path of cells involved in tissue regeneration. Further, environment of the tissue may be implemented by the peptide contained in the tissue structure mimetic to finally remarkably increase tissue regeneration capacity. 1. A method for manufacturing a tissue structure mimetic which consists of a complex of extracellular matrix protein and bone mineral , the method comprising the steps of:(a) injecting a mixture of extracellular matrix protein and micro-sized bone mineral particles into a predetermined size of a forming mold;(b) repeating rapid-freezing and thawing thereby aligning a structure of protein;(c) crosslinking by adding a monosaccharide solution; and(d) performing lyophilization.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extracellular matrix protein is at least one selected from the group consisting of collagen claim 1 , hyaluronic acid claim 1 , elastin claim 1 , chondroitin sulfate claim 1 , and fibroin.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bone mineral component is at least one selected from the group consisting of bio-derived bone mineral powders that are derived from allograft claim 1 , bovine bone claim 1 , equine bone claim 1 , swine bone claim 1 , synthetic hydroxide apatite claim 1 , and tricalcium phosphate micro powders.4. The method of ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Method of Locally Influencing Resin Permeability of a Dry Preform

Номер: US20180056546A1
Автор: Meure Sam, Szarski Martin

Resin permeation of a dry preform having one or more reinforcement plies is locally influenced during resin infusion using a selectively permeable veil applied to at least one of the reinforcement plies. 1. A method of locally influencing resin permeation of a dry preform having one or more reinforcement plies , comprising:applying a selectively permeable veil to at least one of the reinforcement plies of the dry preform, the selectively permeable veil having a veil pattern of a predetermined spatial density and being adapted to dissolve or melt into resin to at least locally impart toughness to the preform upon resin infusion and curing of the dry preform;infusing resin into the dry preform; anddirecting the resin through the selectively permeable veil such that the resin impregnates the dry preform.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selectively permeable veil is selectively non-homogeneously permeable.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:forming the selectively permeable veil with veil pattern having a locally varying spatial density.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:controlling a volume flow rate of resin flowing into the dry preform by locally varying a thickness of the selectively permeable veil and directing the resin through a resin path.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:applying the selectively permeable veil to increase a length of a resin path through the dry preform; anddirecting the resin through the resin path.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the selectively permeable veil comprises 3D printing the veil onto a reinforcement ply of the dry preform.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein applying the selectively permeable veil comprises inkjet printing the veil onto a reinforcement ply of the dry preform.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the selectively permeable veil comprises laying up the veil onto a reinforcement ply of the dry preform.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the selectively ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055069A1
Автор: Cerveny Jean-Paul

A cap for a container can include a disc-shaped top section, an annular side section projecting from the disc-shaped top section, and a locking flange disposed at an extremity of the annular side section opposite the disc-shaped top section. The cap can further include a locking flap extending from the annular side section, and the locking flap can be mobile between a locked first position in which a portion of the locking flange extends inwardly from the annular side section and an unlocked second position in which the locking flange is at least partially recessed relative to the annular side section. 1: A cap for a container , the cap comprising:a disc-shaped top section having a perimeter;an annular side section projecting from the perimeter of the disc-shaped top section;a locking flange disposed on the annular side section;a locking flap extending from the annular side section, the locking flap movable between (a) a locked first position wherein a portion of the locking flange contiguous with the locking flap extends inwardly from an interior face of the annular side section and (b) an unlocked second position wherein the portion of the locking flange contiguous with the locking flap is at least partially recessed relative to an interior face of the annular side section; anda frangible tab, wherein the locking flap is immobilized in the locked first position by the frangible tab, and the locking flap has at least one configuration selected from the group consisting of (i) the locking flap is bistably movable between the locked first position and unlocked second position, (ii) the locking flap extends from the annular side section along the entire perimeter of the annular side section, (iii) the locking flap extends along a portion of the perimeter of the annular side section, the locking flange is divided into an immobile first portion and a mobile second portion contiguous with the locking flap, and the immobile first portion of the locking flange extends from ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061225A1

A facility for the production of containers from blanks, which facility includes: a forming unit equipped with a rotating carrousel driven by a motor; a unit for heating blanks, equipped with infrared emitters and a power feed for each emitter; a control unit having in the memory a nominal speed setpoint ωof the rotation of the carrousel and a nominal electrical power setpoint P. The control unit is programmed for: controlling the rotation of the carrousel according to the nominal speed setpoint ω. During its acceleration: taking into account the real instantaneous speed ω of rotation of the carrousel, and regulating the electrical power of the feed to an instantaneous value P such that: 212514331431423. Facility () according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises a device () for feeding the heating unit () with blanks () claim 1 , suitable for adopting an open state in which the passage of the blanks () toward the heating unit () is free claim 1 , and a closed state in which the passage of the blanks () toward the heating unit () is blocked claim 1 , with the control unit () being programmed for:{'b': 9', '25, 'As long as the real speed of rotation of the carrousel () is less than a threshold value of between 15% and 50% of the setpoint, keeping the feed device () closed;'}{'b': 9', '25, 'As soon as the speed of rotation of the carrousel () reaches the threshold value, controlling the opening of the feed device ().'}4125143314314. Method according to claim 3 , characterized in that with the facility () being equipped with a device () for feeding the heating unit () with blanks () claim 3 , suitable for adopting an open state in which the passage of the blanks () toward the heating unit () is free claim 3 , and a closed state in which the passage of the blanks () toward the heating unit () is blocked claim 3 , the following operations are also provided:{'b': 9', '25, 'As long as the real speed of rotation of the carrousel () is less than a threshold value ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080637A1

An injection mold () including a core plate assembly (), a cavity plate assembly () and a stripper plate assembly () arranged between the core and cavity plate assemblies (). The mold () includes a plurality of mold stacks (MS) with a molding configuration, in which the mold stacks (MS) are closed to define molding cavities. A gap (G) is provided between the core plate () and the stripper plate () when the mold () is in the molding configuration, such that a clamping load (CL) applied to urge the core plate () toward the cavity plate () is directed substantially entirely through the mold stacks (MS). 1. An injection mold comprising:a core plate assembly, a cavity plate assembly and a stripper plate assembly arranged between the core and cavity plate assemblies;a plurality of mold stacks, each of which includes a core insert, a cavity insert and a split mold insert pair arranged therebetween;the core plate assembly including a core plate having a plurality of the core inserts mounted thereon;the stripper plate assembly including a stripper plate with a bearing surface upon which a plurality of slide pairs are slidably supported, each slide pair being configured to retain a subset of the split mold inserts thereon;the cavity plate assembly including a cavity plate having a plurality of the cavity inserts mounted thereon;wherein the mold comprises a molding configuration in which the mold stacks are closed to define molding cavities and the stack height is configured such that a clamping load applied, in use, to urge the core plate toward the cavity plate is directed substantially entirely through the mold stacks.2. An injection mold according to claim 1 , wherein the distance between the split mold inserts and the core plate claim 1 , when the mold is in the molding configuration claim 1 , is greater than the thickness of the stripper plate assembly received therebetween claim 1 , thereby to prevent the clamping load from being directed through the stripper plate ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180063631A1

The present invention provides a blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker and an assembling method thereof, and a loudspeaker module. The blocking piece covering the sound hole of the loudspeaker module is arranged at a position where the sound hole is located on the case of the loudspeaker module and covers the sound hole. The blocking piece is made of a nonmetallic flexible net. The nonmetallic net-shaped blocking piece and the case are formed integrally by injection moulding. The loudspeaker module and the blocking piece covering the sound hole thereof in the present invention have advantages of good acoustic performance, high reliability, high space utilization rate and high production efficiency. The assembling method for the blocking piece covering the sound hole of the loudspeaker module further makes the assembling of the blocking piece convenient for operation, and improves the assembling efficiency and assembling quality. 1. A blocking piece covering a sound hole of a loudspeaker module , wherein the blocking piece is disposed at a position where the sound hole is located on a case of the loudspeaker module and is covered on the sound hole , the blocking piece is a nonmetallic flexible net , and is integrally formed on the case by injection moulding.2. The blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the blocking piece is in the range of 0.05 mm to 0.3 mm claim 1 , and the diameter of the meshes of the blocking piece is in the range of 0.03 mm to 0.1 mm.3. The blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module according to claim 2 , wherein the thickness of the blocking piece is in the range of 0.05 mm to 0.1 mm claim 2 , and the diameter of the meshes of the blocking piece is in the range of 0.03 mm to 0.05 mm.4. The blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module according to claim 1 , wherein the case is made of a nonmetallic material.5. The ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Deep Drawn Microcellularly Foamed Polymeric Containers Made Via Solid-State Gas Impregnation Thermoforming

Номер: US20140151919A1
Автор: Branch Gregory L.

The present invention is directed to a deep draw microcellularly foamed polymeric container comprising a polymeric sidewall integrally connected to a polymeric base along a bottom edge. The polymeric sidewall and base are contiguous with each other and define a shape of an open top container. The polymeric sidewall and base have a contiguous inner microcellular foam structure (having average cell diameters ranging from about 5 to about 100 microns) surrounded by a smooth outer skin layer integrally connected therewith. The polymeric sidewall defines a container height and a top opening, wherein the top opening defines a top opening width, and wherein the polymeric base defines a container base width, and wherein the area defined by the top opening is greater than the area defined by the polymeric base, and wherein the ratio of the container height (h) to the top opening width (w) is greater than about 1:1 (h:w). 15.-. (canceled)6. A method for forming a thermoplastic material into a desired shape , the method comprising: includes a core and a surface layer adjacent the core, and', 'has a threshold degree of crystallinity above which bubbles will not nucleate when the gas-infused thermoplastic material is heated to its glass-transition-temperature, and, "increasing the thermoplastic material's degree of crystallinity by infusing the thermoplastic material with a gas for a period, wherein the thermoplastic material:"} ["greater than the core's degree of crystallinity, and", "less than the thermoplastic material's threshold degree of crystallinity;"], "wherein the increase in the material's degree of crystallinity includes the surface layer's degree of crystallinity being:"}allowing, for a period, gas infused into the thermoplastic material to migrate out of the material;nucleating bubbles in the gas-infused thermoplastic material by causing the gas-infused thermoplastic material to reach a temperature that is at least the glass-transition-temperature of the gas- ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Injection Molded Preform and Manufacture Thereof

Номер: US20220088831A1
Автор: Clarke Peter Reginald

An injection molded thermoplastic preform for blow moulding to form a container, the preform base of a central part having a first, downwardly and radially inwardly tapering portion therebetween which increases in thickness from a radially outer end of the first tapering portion adjacent to the hollow transition portion to a radially inner end of the first tapering portion adjacent to the gate part and the middle part opposite the gate part can allow the injected resin to be urged back through the gate at the end of the injection moulding cycle at a lower fluid pressure in the vicinity of the gate which is associated with high resin temperatures. The technical effect achieved by the first tapering portion is that crystallinity in the gate area is minimized or eliminated, which avoids or minimizes partial blocking of the gate which would otherwise restrict the injected resin from being urged back through the gate at the end of the injection moulding cycle. 1. An injection moulded thermoplastic preform for blow moulding to form a container , the preform comprising a lower closed base portion , a hollow body portion , a hollow transition portion between the lower closed base portion and the hollow body portion , and an upper open end portion adjacent to an upper part of the hollow body portion , wherein the closed base portion comprises a central part which extends over at least 50% of an internal radius of a lower end of the hollow body portion , the central part having an external surface which comprises an outwardly raised gate part surrounding a central longitudinal axis of the preform and a first peripheral part surrounding the gate part , the first peripheral part being convex and an internal surface which is concave and comprises a middle part opposite the gate part and a second peripheral part surrounding the middle part , wherein the first and second peripheral parts define a first , downwardly and radially inwardly tapering portion therebetween which ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150080544A1

The present invention is directed to a heat-resistant polyester blow-molded article made of a polyester resin composition containing 0.035 to 1.75 equivalent/ton of a hindered phenol structural unit and containing at least one selected from the group consisting of antimony compounds as a polymerization catalyst, the cyclic trimer content thereof being less than or equal to 0.5% by mass, the acetaldehyde content thereof being less than or equal to 50 ppm and the intrinsic viscosity thereof being 0.68 to 0.90 dL/g. The present invention enables efficient production of a molded article excellent in transparency and heat-resistant dimensional stability, in particular a heat-resistant blow-molded article. Moreover, according to the present invention, there are provided a polyester resin composition which is excellent in long-term continuous moldability and hardly stains a mold and a molded article prepared therewith, and a method for molding a polyester blow-molded article using the polyester resin composition. 1. A polyester blow-molded article comprising a polyester resin composition containing 0.035 to 1.75 equivalent/ton of a hindered phenol structural unit and containing at least one selected from the group consisting of antimony compounds as a polymerization catalyst , the cyclic trimer content thereof being less than or equal to 0.5% by mass , the acetaldehyde content thereof being less than or equal to 50 ppm and the intrinsic viscosity thereof being 0.68 to 0.90 dL/g.2. The polyester blow-molded article according to claim 1 , wherein said polyester resin composition is a polyester resin composition not subjected to a deactivation treatment of the polymerization catalyst.3. The polyester blow-molded article according to claim 1 , wherein said hindered phenol structural unit is derived from a hindered phenol compound containing no metal salt structure.4. The polyester blow-molded article according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal oxidative degradation parameter ( ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079600A1
Автор: YUMOTO Haruhito

A transport apparatus comprises: transport means which is equipped with transport members for holding preforms to be rotatable in a horizontal direction and transports the transport members along a transport line ; and positioning means for aligning the preforms in a predetermined direction. The transport members include regulation members for regulating the rotation of the preforms aligned in the predetermined direction by the positioning means 1. A transport apparatus for transporting preforms to be blow-molded , comprising:transport device which is equipped with transport members for holding the preforms to be rotatable in a horizontal direction and transports the transport members along a transport line; andpositioning devices configured to align the preforms in a predetermined direction,wherein the transport members include regulation members for regulating a rotation of the preforms aligned, in the predetermined direction by the positioning devices.2. The transport apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe transport member comprisesa support shaft for supporting the preform, anda housing for holding the support shaft to be rotatable, andthe regulation member includesa slide member which is provided in an outer peripheral part of the support shaft so as to be slidable in an axial direction of the support shaft and is transported in a constant direction, with respect to the transport line,raising/lowering devices configured to move the slide member upward or downward when she preform is aligned in the direction by the positioning means, anda pinched member to be pinched between the support shaft and the slide member when the slide member is moved by the raising/lowering devices.3. The transport apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinat least two of the slide members provided in the transport members which are adjacent to each other are coupled to be individually slidable.4. The transport apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe pinched member is an O-ring ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083167A1

A composite foamed container forming, in the body portion, thereof, a foamed region in which foamed cells are distributed, the foamed region including a first gradationally foamed region A having a gradational distribution of the foamed cells of which the length in the direction of maximum stretch gradationally decreasing from the outer surface side of the body portion toward the inner surface side thereof and a second gradationally foamed region having a gradational distribution of the foamed cells of which the length in the direction of maximum stretch gradationally decreasing from the inner surface side of the body portion toward the outer surface side thereof. The container has a large resistance against the pressure exerted on the outer surface, good liquid-dispelling property and, at the same time, has improved appearance and heat resistance. 1. A composite foamed container forming , in the body portion , thereof , a foamed region in which foamed cells are distributed , said foamed region including a first gradationally foamed region having a gradational distribution of the foamed cells of which the length in the direction of maximum stretch gradationally decreasing from the outer surface side of the body portion toward the inner surface side thereof and a second gradationally foamed region having a gradational distribution of the foamed cells of which the length in the direction of maximum stretch gradationally decreasing from the inner surface side of the body portion toward the outer surface side thereof.2. The composite foamed container according to claim 1 , wherein the body portion of said foamed container includes a tapered portion that is continuous to a mouth portion of the container and having an inner diameter that is increasing from said mouth portion toward the bottom portion claim 1 , said tapered portion forming said first gradationally foamed region.3. The composite foamed container according to claim 2 , wherein said tapered portion is ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097284A1

A blow molding device is provided in which a preform is injection-molded. The injection-molded preform is temperature-controlled by a temperature adjusting unit, and the temperature-adjusted preform is blow-molded, wherein the temperature adjusting unit has a multistage structure in which an uppermost stage has the highest temperature structure, and the mold surface temperatures of lower stages and other than the uppermost stage are set to be 10° C. or more lower than the glass transition temperature of the preform. 1. A resin container manufacturing apparatus comprising:an injection molding station configured to injection-mold a preform;a temperature adjustment station configured to adjust a temperature of the injection-molded preform; anda blow molding station configured to blow-mold the temperature-adjusted preform,wherein the temperature adjustment station has a multistage structure where an uppermost stage has the highest temperature, and a mold surface temperature of a lower stage other than the uppermost stage is lower than a glass transition temperature of the preform by 10° C. or more.2. The resin container manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the mold surface temperature of the lower stage is equal to or higher than 30° C. and equal to or lower than 80° C. in a case where a thickness of the preform is equal to or greater than 1.5 mm and equal to or smaller than 3.0 mm.3. The resin container manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the mold surface temperature of the lower stage is equal to or higher than 10° C. and equal to or lower than 60° C. in a case where a thickness of the preform is equal to or greater than 3.0 mm and equal to or smaller than 5.0 mm.4. The resin container manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature adjustment station is configured to sandwich and compressively deform the preform with a temperature adjustment core mold and a temperature adjustment cavity mold.5. The resin ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097287A1

A temperature adjustment device and a temperature adjustment method for a preform in a blow molding device with which it is possible to reduce a molding cycle time is provided. A temperature adjustment device for a preform in which a hollow rod member is inserted into an injection-molded, bottomed preform retained by a retention member, and a first air circulation path is formed between the preform and the hollow rod member to adjust the temperature of the preform. The temperature adjustment device is characterized in that a flow path adjustment member is fitted and attached to the outer periphery of the hollow rod member, whereby the cross-sectional area of the first air circulation path is partially adjusted and changed. 1. A temperature adjusting device for adjusting a temperature of an injection-molded bottomed preform , comprising:a hollow rod member configured to be inserted in the preform held by a holding member to form a first air flow path between the preform and the hollow rod member; anda flow path adjustment member fitted and attached to an outer periphery of the hollow rod member to adjust a cross-sectional area of the first air flow path at least partially.2. The temperature adjusting device according to claim 1 , wherein an outer periphery of the flow path adjustment member has a circular cross-section.3. The temperature adjusting device according to claim 1 , wherein an outer periphery of the flow path adjustment member has a circular cross-section and has a cross-sectional shape having a notched portion at at least one place in a circumferential direction.4. The temperature adjusting device according to claim 1 , wherein an outer periphery of the flow path adjustment member has an elliptical or polygonal cross-section.5. The temperature adjusting device according to claim 1 , wherein the flow path adjustment member has a cross-sectional shape where an outer diameter of a portion corresponding to a neck portion of the preform is larger than an outer ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097895A1

Disclosed are preforms which incorporate improvements in the region of the neck and upper segment of the body to allow the production of lightweight containers, such as bottles suitable for containing water or other beverages. In accordance with certain embodiments, the improvements include a thinner neck finish area than conventional bottles, where the thinner area is extended into the upper segment of the body portion below the support ring. Reducing the thickness in these areas of the bottle allows for less resin to be used in forming the preform and bottle. 121-. (canceled)22. A preform suitable to form a container , the preform comprising:a neck portion having an opening to an interior of the preform;a tapered portion including a transition from a diameter of the neck portion to a diameter of an elongate member that extends to an end cap;a finish disposed on the neck portion and including one or more threads configured to rotatably engage with a cap; andone or more exterior columns disposed around the perimeter of the neck portion and aligned parallel to a longitudinal axis of the preform.23. The preform of claim 22 , wherein the one or more exterior columns comprise at least two columns forming a thicker portion of the neck portion.24. The preform of claim 22 , wherein the one or more exterior columns comprise three columns disposed uniformly around the perimeter of the neck portion.25. The preform of claim 22 , wherein the one or more exterior columns span across one thread of the one or more threads.26. The preform of claim 22 , wherein the one or more exterior columns span between two threads of the one or more threads.27. The preform of claim 22 , further including a neck ring claim 22 , and wherein the one or more exterior columns are positioned on a side of the neck ring nearest the opening.28. A preform suitable to form a container claim 22 , the preform comprising:a neck portion having an opening to an interior of the preform;a tapered portion ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086401A1

A preform configured to form a carbonated beverage container. The preform includes a finish defining an opening. A body portion of the preform extends from the finish. A bottom portion of the preform is at an end of the preform opposite to the finish. A longitudinal axis of the preform extends through an axial center of the bottom portion. A base layer is included with the body portion and the bottom portion. The base layer has an inner portion with an inner surface at a carbonated product side of the preform. An outer portion of the base layer has an outer surface at an outer bottle side of the preform. A passive CO2 barrier layer is between the inner portion and the outer portion of the base layer. The passive CO2 barrier layer extends along the body portion to the bottom portion, and across the bottom portion. The passive CO2 barrier layer is arranged closer to the inner surface than the outer surface to increase the shelf-life of carbonated products. 1. A preform configured to form a carbonated beverage container , the preform comprising:a finish defining an opening;a body portion extending from the finish;a bottom portion at an end of the preform opposite to the finish, a longitudinal axis of the preform extends through an axial center of the bottom portion;a base layer included with the body portion and the bottom portion, the base layer has an inner portion with an inner surface at a carbonated product side of the preform, and an outer portion with an outer surface at an outer bottle side of the preform; and{'sub': 2', '2, 'a passive CObarrier layer between the inner portion and the outer portion of the base layer, the passive CObarrier layer extending along the body portion to the bottom portion, and across the bottom portion, the passive CO2 barrier layer is arranged closer to the inner surface than the outer surface.'}2. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the base layer is a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) base layer.3. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160088385A1

A blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module may be arranged at a position where the sound hole is located on the case of the loudspeaker module and covers the sound hole. The blocking piece may be made of a nonmetallic flexible net. The nonmetallic net-shaped blocking piece and the case may be formed integrally by injection moulding. The loudspeaker module and the blocking piece covering the sound hole thereof in the present invention may provide good acoustic performance, high reliability, high space utilization rate and/or high production efficiency. The assembling method for the blocking piece covering the sound hole of the loudspeaker module further makes the assembling of the blocking piece convenient for operation, and improves the assembling efficiency and assembling quality. 1. A blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module , characterized in that the blocking piece is disposed at a position where the sound hole is located on the case of the loudspeaker module and is covered on the sound hole , the blocking piece is a nonmetallic flexible net , and is integrally formed on the case by injection moulding.2. The blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module according to claim 1 , characterized in that the thickness of the blocking piece is in the range of 0.05 mm to 0.3 mm claim 1 , and the diameter of the meshes of the blocking piece is in the range of 0.03 mm to 0.1 mm.3. The blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module according to claim 2 , characterized in that the thickness of the blocking piece is in the range of 0.05 mm to 0.1 mm claim 2 , and the diameter of the meshes of the blocking piece is in the range of 0.03 mm to 0.05 mm.4. The blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module according to claim 1 , characterized in that the case is made of a nonmetallic material.5. The blocking piece covering the sound hole of a loudspeaker module according to claim 4 , ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089517A1

An expandable medical balloon, the expandable medical balloon comprising a first balloon wall, the first balloon wall comprising a first balloon layer of polyethylene terephthalate having a first intrinsic viscosity, the first layer is outer to a second layer of polyethylene terephthalate, the second balloon layer of polyethylene terephthalate having a second intrinsic viscosity, the second layer is an inner layer, wherein the intrinsic viscosity of the first balloon layer is higher than the intrinsic viscosity of the second balloon layer by about 0.05 dl/g or more. 1. An expandable medical balloon , the expandable medical balloon comprising:a first balloon wall, the first balloon wall comprising a first balloon layer of polyethylene terephthalate having a first intrinsic viscosity, the first layer is outer to a second layer of polyethylene terephthalate, the second balloon layer of polyethylene terephthalate having a second intrinsic viscosity, the second layer is an inner layer, wherein the intrinsic viscosity of the first balloon layer is higher than the intrinsic viscosity of the second balloon layer by about 0.05 dl/g or more.2. The expandable medical balloon of comprising a balloon-in-balloon construction claim 1 , the expandable medical balloon further comprising a second balloon wall claim 1 , the second balloon wail is an inner balloon wall and the first balloon wall is an outer balloon wall claim 1 , the second balloon wall comprising a first balloon layer of polyethylene terephthalate having a first intrinsic viscosity claim 1 , the first layer is an outer layer; and a second balloon layer of polyethylene terephthalate having a second intrinsic viscosity claim 1 , the second layer is an inner layer claim 1 , wherein the intrinsic viscosity of the first balloon layer is higher than the intrinsic viscosity of the second balloon layer by about 0.05 dl/g or more.4. The expandable medical balloon of wherein the inner diameter hoop ratio of the outer balloon ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Method For Molding Hollow Objects From Recycled Polymer

Номер: US20160101558A1
Автор: Bernstein Mitchell

A method for blow molding a large hollow object from recycled polymer, and an object made by the method. In particular, the large hollow object is a mannequin and the recycled polymer is recycled ABS. 1. A hollow object blow molded from recycled ABS.2. The hollow object of claim 1 , wherein the hollow object is a large hollow object having a volume of at least about 15 liters.3. The hollow object of claim 2 , wherein the volume is at least about 20 liters.4. The hollow object of claim 1 , wherein the hollow object is an arm for a mannequin.5. The hollow object of claim 1 , wherein the hollow object is a leg for a mannequin.6. The hollow object of claim 1 , wherein the hollow object is a pelvis and leg for a mannequin.7. The hollow object of claim 1 , wherein the hollow object is a torso for a mannequin.8. The hollow object of claim 3 , wherein the hollow object is a mannequin from neck to foot.9. The hollow object of claim 3 , wherein the mannequin further includes a head.10. The hollow object of claim 2 , wherein the hollow object is a model of at least part of an animal.11. A method for making a hollow object claim 2 , the method comprising:inflating a parison of recycled ABS until it fills a mold;cooling the recycled ABS to form the hollow object; andejecting the hollow object from the mold.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the hollow object is a large hollow object.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the hollow object is a part of a mannequin.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the hollow object is a mannequin.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the mannequin includes a head.16. The method of claim 11 , wherein the mold temperature is between about 15° C. and about 100° C.17. The method of claim 11 , further comprising:extruding recycled ABS at a temperature between about 125° C. and about 225° C. to form the parison.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the mold temperature is between about 15° C. and about 100° C.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein the ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101707A1
Принадлежит: Niagara Bottling, LLC

A preform is provided for blow-molding to form a container. The preform includes a finish portion for rotatably engaging a closure to seal contents within an interior of the container. The finish portion comprises a cylindrical body that begins at an opening to the interior and extends to and includes a tamper evidence ledge. A bevel at a beginning of the opening receives a plug seal of the closure. A sealing surface adjacent to the bevel is disposed along an interior of the finish portion and includes a polished buffer zone to cooperate with the plug seal to seal the container. A transition surface extends from the sealing surface to a handling surface that receives equipment to form the preform into the container. In some embodiments, the transition surface includes a polished buffer zone to cooperate with an end of the plug seal to seal the contents in the container. 1. A finish portion of a preform for rotatably engaging with a closure to seal contents within an interior of a container formed from the preform , the finish portion comprising:a cylindrical body that begins at an opening to the interior and extends to and includes a tamper evidence ledge;a bevel disposed at a beginning of the opening and configured to receive a plug seal of the closure;a sealing surface adjacent to the bevel and including a first polished buffer zone configured to cooperate with the plug seal to seal the contents with the container; anda transition surface extending from the sealing surface to a handling surface configured to receive equipment to form the preform into the container.2. The finish portion of claim 1 , wherein the first buffer zone is polished by way of any of hand polishing techniques claim 1 , coating with known chemicals claim 1 , plasma treatments claim 1 , electrocoating treatments claim 1 , or machine polishing techniques.3. The finish portion of claim 1 , wherein the first buffer zone exhibits a Roughness Average ranging between substantially 0.1 μm and ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140183775A1

A foamed plastic container in which the cell diameters vary along a gradient so as not to decrease the content protection performance, in a manner quite different from the foamed cells distributed in the conventional foamed containers. The foamed plastic container has a container wall formed by using a plastic material and in which foamed cells are distributed, the lengths of the foamed cells in the surface direction of the container wall decreasing from the outer surface of the container toward the inner surface thereof. 1. A method of forming a foamed preform including: forming a non-foamed preform by injecting and filling a molten resin imbibing an inert gas in a mold cavity while applying hold pressure in the mold cavity , and heating said non-foamed preform.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said molten resin is injected and filled in the mold cavity in which gas-pressure is maintained.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said hold pressure is applied by a degree of pressure such that the non-foamed state is maintained.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a portion of said non-foamed preform claim 1 , which becomes a body portion of a container claim 1 , is selectively heated to form a foamed preform.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein a further part of the portion of said non-foamed preform that becomes the body portion of the container is selectively heated.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a nozzle of said foamed preform is left non-foamed.7. A method of producing a stretched and foamed plastic container including:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'blow-molding a foamed preform formed by the method according to .'} The present application is a divisional of pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/919,560, which is a national stage application of PCT/JP2009/055759, filed Mar. 24, 2009 which claims the benefit of Japanese Application Nos. 2008-083608, filed Mar. 27, 2008, 2008-092082, filed Mar. ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105805A1

A container including a finish at a first end of the container defining an opening. A base is at a second end of the container that is opposite to the first end. A shoulder extends from the finish. A body defines an internal volume and extends from the shoulder to the base. A single layer material portion of the container extends from the first end to form at least a portion of the finish. A multi-layer material portion of the container extends from the single layer material portion to the second end of the container and across the base. A transition area is spaced apart from the first end where the single layer material portion transitions to the multi-layer material portion. 1. A container comprising:a finish at a first end of the container defining an opening;a base at a second end of the container that is opposite to the first end;a shoulder extending from the finish;a body defining an internal volume, the body extends from the shoulder to the base;a single layer material portion of the container extending from the first end to form at least a portion of the finish;a multi-layer material portion of the container extending from the single layer material portion to the second end of the container and across the base; anda transition area spaced apart from the first end where the single layer material portion transitions to the multi-layer material portion; the single layer material portion is formed of an inactive material; and', 'the multi-layer material portion is formed of an active material including an outer active material portion at an exterior of the container and an inner active material portion at an interior of the container, the inactive material is between the outer and inner active material portions., 'wherein2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the finish is entirely formed by the single layer material portion.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the inactive material is a polymeric material.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the inactive ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114505A1

An injection molding device including a middle flow channel which forms an intermediate layer of a preform which is subject to biaxial stretch blow molding. The middle flow channel s segmented into a predetermined number of flow sub-channels by vertical blocking rib piece(s). Side wall's upstream portions of the vertical blocking rib piece are formed as angled surfaces whose distance from each other decreases from the downstream side to the upstream side, and/or, an end portion of the vertical blocking rib piece that is located on the downstream side is tucked in at least one of the inner flow channel and the outer flow channel. 1. An injection molding device that injection molds a preform which is subject to biaxial stretch blow molding and which includes at least one intermediate layer laminated between substrate layers , the injection molding device including a nozzle section through which a main resin used to form the substrate layers and an intermediate layer resin used to form the intermediate layer are injected ,the nozzle section including at least three cylindrical layer-forming flow channels disposed coaxially, the three cylindrical layer-forming flow channels including an inner flow channel and an outer flow channel, which are used to form the substrate layers each made of the main resin, and a middle flow channel, which is located between the inner flow channel and the outer flow channel and is used to form the intermediate layer made of the intermediate layer resin, and "(i) the vertical blocking rib piece has a pair of side walls located on both sides of the vertical blocking rib piece in a circumferential direction, and the pair of side walls each include a side wall's upstream portion located on an upstream side, the side wall's upstream portions being formed as angled surfaces whose distance from each other decreases from the downstream side to the upstream side, and/or (ii) an end portion of the vertical blocking rib piece that is located on the ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176608A1

A method for manufacturing a resin container, the method including: injection-molding a bottomed preform made of resin; and blow-molding the preform to manufacture a resin container, in which the injection molding includes filling a cavity formed by at least an injection core mold and an injection cavity mold with a molten resin to form the preform, and a first groove that extends from a bottom portion defining portion to a neck portion defining portion is formed in a surface of the body portion defining portion of the injection core mold. 1. A method for manufacturing a resin container , the method comprising:injection-molding a bottomed preform made of resin; andblow-molding the preform to manufacture a resin container,wherein the injection-molding includes filling a cavity formed by at least an injection core mold and an injection cavity mold with a molten resin to form the preform, a bottom portion defining portion configured to define a shape of a bottom portion of the preform;', 'a body portion defining portion configured to define a shape of a body portion of the preform; and', 'a neck portion defining portion configured to define a shape of a neck portion of the preform, and, 'wherein the injection core mold includeswherein a groove that extends from the bottom portion defining portion to the neck portion defining portion is formed in a surface of the body portion defining portion.2. The method for manufacturing the resin container according to claim 1 ,{'b': '1', 'wherein a center line average roughness Ra of a portion of the surface of the body portion defining portion of the injection core mold, in which the groove is formed, in a circumferential direction is 0.2 μm or more and 15 μm or less.'}3. The method for manufacturing the resin container according to claim 1 , an inner bottom portion configured to define an outer shape of the bottom portion of the preform;', 'an inner wall portion configured to define an outer shape of the body portion of the ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112051A1

The present invention relates to a method for producing shaped bodies having a radiation-cured coating, comprising the steps of:—providing a coated film, wherein the film comprises a radiation-curable coating, wherein the coating comprises a polyurethane polymer which has (meth)acrylate groups and is obtainable from the reaction of a reaction mixture comprising: (a) polyisocyanates and (b1) compounds which comprise (meth)acrylate groups and are reactive toward isocyanate, (b2) at least one photoinitiator, and wherein the coating further comprises inorganic nanoparticles having a median particle size of=1 nm to =200 nm,—forming the shape body,—curing the radiation-curable coating by means of LED UV radiation. 113.-. (canceled)14. A method for producing shaped bodies having a radiation-cured coating , comprising (a) polyisocyanates and', '(b1) compounds which are reactive to isocyanates and which comprise (meth)acrylate groups', '(b2) at least one photoinitiator, 'preparation of a coated film, wherein the film comprises a radiation-curable coating, wherein the coating comprises a polyurethane polymer, which has (meth)acrylate groups and which is obtainable from the reaction of a reaction mixture comprisingand wherein the coating furthermore comprises inorganic nanoparticles with a mean particle size of ≥1 nm to ≤200 nm,shaping of the shaped bodycuring the radiation-curable coating by LED UV radiation.optionally after the curing with LED UV radiation, curing with UVC radiation.15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the shaping of the shaped body takes place in a tool at a pressure of ≥20 bar to ≤150 bar.16. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the shaping of the shaped body takes place at a temperature of ≥20° C. to ≤60° C. below the softening temperature of the material of the film.17. The method according to claim 14 , furthermore comprising the step:applying a polymer to the side of the film opposite the cured layer.18. The method according to claim 14 ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Preform Extended Finish For Processing Light Weight Ecologically Beneficial Bottles

Номер: US20150122766A1
Принадлежит: Niagara Bottling LLC

Disclosed are preforms which incorporate improvements in the region of the neck and upper segment of the body to allow the production of lightweight containers, such as bottles suitable for containing water or other beverages. In accordance with certain embodiments, the improvements include a thinner neck finish area than conventional bottles, where the thinner area is extended into the upper segment of the body portion below the support ring. Reducing the thickness in these areas of the bottle allows for less resin to be used in forming the preform and bottle. 1. A plastic preform suitable for forming a bottle , comprising:a neck portion adapted to engage a closure and including a support ring at its lowermost point, the neck portion having a first wall thickness; andan elongated body portion including a generally cylindrical wall portion and an end cap;wherein an upper segment of the body portion adjacent to the support ring has a second wall thickness substantially similar to the first wall thickness and less than a third wall thickness in a lower segment of the body portion.2. The plastic preform of claim 1 , wherein the second wall thickness is about 10% to about 40% of the third wall thickness.3. The plastic preform of claim 1 , wherein the second wall thickness is about 25% to about 30% of the third wall thickness.4. The plastic preform of claim 1 , wherein the second wall thickness is about 0.7 mm to about 0.8 mm.5. The plastic preform of claim 1 , wherein an axial length of the upper segment is about 25% or more of an axial length of the neck portion.6. The plastic preform of claim 1 , wherein an axial length of the upper segment is about 25% to about 35% of an axial length of the neck portion.7. A plastic preform claim 1 , comprising:a neck portion including a support ring, wherein the neck portion has a first wall thickness; and,a body portion including an elongated cylindrical wall having upper, middle and lower segments, wherein the middle segment has a ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118409A1

A preform suitable for subsequent blow-molding into a final-shaped container comprises: a neck portion; a base portion; and a body portion extending between the neck portion and the base portion; the body portion being defined between an inner surface having a circular transverse cross-sectional shape and an outer surface also having a circular transverse cross-sectional shape, the inner and outer surfaces being non-concentric, such that a wall thickness of the body portion varies circumferentially around the preform. A preform handling apparatus for retrieving a preform from a mold comprises a take-off device having a preform carrier and a take-off device alignment mechanism for maintaining the preform carrier in alignment with a contact surface of a body portion of the preform regardless of any offset between a longitudinal axis of a cylindrical outer surface of the body portion and a longitudinal axis of a cylindrical inner surface of the body portion. 1. A preform suitable for subsequent blow-molding into a final-shaped container , the preform comprising:a neck portion;a base portion; and the body portion being defined between an inner surface having a circular transverse cross-sectional shape and an outer surface also having a circular transverse cross-sectional shape, the inner and outer surfaces having respective longitudinal axes that are offset from one another along substantially the entire length of the body portion, such that a wall thickness of the body portion varies circumferentially around the preform;', 'wherein the base portion is defined between an inner end surface and an outer end surface that extend from the inner surface of the body portion and the outer surface of the body portion, respectively, coaxially therewith, wherein a base thickness of the base portion varies circumferentially around the preform., 'a body portion extending between the neck portion and the base portion;'}2. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the wall thickness comprises ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Lightweight Neck Finish for a Container

Номер: US20190118989A1
Автор: Kim Sungsuk Steve

A lightweight neck finish includes a retaining structure that interacts with a tamper band to cause frangible connectors between the tamper band and closure to break upon initial removal of the closure from the neck finish. An upper retention portion of the retaining structure has a profile with a reduced footprint as compared to a conventional retaining structure. A lower support portion of the retaining structure has an outermost diameter similar in size to an outermost diameter of a conventional retaining structure. However, the lower support of the lightweight neck finish is formed with one or more circumferentially extending slots and/or one or more vertical slots. The reduced footprint of the retention portion and the slots of the support portion minimize the amount of material, weight, and time and cost required to make the lightweight neck finish, while providing for increased tamper evidence visibility as compared to conventional neck finishes. 1. A container comprising:a body portion defining an interior; and a cylindrical neck having a first end and a second end;', 'a channel extending between the first end and the second end of the neck;', 'the first end of the neck being attached to and extending from an upper end of the body portion;', 'the second end of the neck defining an opening configured to provide for fluid communication between the interior of the body portion and a location outside the container;', 'a thread extending about an exterior surface of an upper portion of the neck, the thread configured to engage a corresponding engagement structure on a closure to seal the opening when a closure is attached to the neck; and', [ an upper surface extending between a first end and a second end, the first end of the upper surface attached to the exterior surface of the neck; and', 'a lower surface extending between a first end and a second end, the first end of the lower surface being attached to the exterior surface of the neck;', 'the second end of ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Spike For Footwear Having Rigid Portion And Resilient Portion

Номер: US20160128431A1
Автор: Johnson Jeffrey L.

A spike is operable to be removably coupled to an article of footwear. The spike includes a first portion that is substantially rigid. The spike also includes a second portion that is resilient.

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129140A1
Автор: DESTOMBES Gautier

A forming tool of a preform made of composite material, the tool comprising at least one flexible element and at least a first and a second rigid plate connected to the flexible element and disposed on either side of the flexible element. The first and second rigid plates and the flexible element comprise first, second and third reference surfaces, respectively. The flexible element is configured to allow the tool to occupy a depositing state in which the first, second and third reference surfaces are coplanar and a forming state in which the third reference surface is curved and the first and second reference surfaces are at a desired angle to one another. 1. A forming tool of a preform in composite material , said tool comprising:at least one flexible element andat least a first and a second rigid plate connected to the flexible element and disposed on either side of the flexible element,the first and second rigid plates and the flexible element comprising first, second and third reference surfaces, respectively,the tool being adapted to receive the composite material preform on the first, second and third reference surfaces,the flexible element being configured, moreover, to allow the tool to occupy:a first state, known as the depositing state, in which the first, second and third reference surfaces are coplanar, anda second state, known as the forming state, in which the third reference surface is curved and the first and second reference surfaces are at a desired angle to one another.2. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible element has mechanical and geometric properties that allow the flexible element to deform in a transverse plane along a circular arc which extends from the first rigid plate up to the second rigid plate.3. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible element has a thickness of between 0.2 mm and 0.7 mm.4. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second rigid plates each comprise a honeycomb structure ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190126512A1

A preform manufacturing device for manufacturing a preform from thermoplastic resin flakes, comprises a decontamination apparatus removing contaminants in the thermoplastic resin flakes, and an injection molding apparatus injecting and molding the thermoplastic resin supplied from the decontamination apparatus. 1. A preform manufacturing device for manufacturing a preform from thermoplastic resin flakes , comprising:a decontamination apparatus removing contaminants in the thermoplastic resin flakes, andan injection molding apparatus injecting and molding the thermoplastic resin supplied from the decontamination apparatus.2. The preform manufacturing device according to claim 1 , further comprising a filter disposed between the decontamination apparatus and the injection molding apparatus.3. The preform manufacturing device according to claim 2 , further comprising a gear pump disposed between the filter and the injection molding apparatus.4. The preform manufacturing device according to claim 1 , wherein the injection molding apparatus comprises a plurality of molds and continuously shapes preforms.5. The preform manufacturing device according to claim 4 , wherein the injection molding apparatus is a rotary type injection molding apparatus comprising a rotary mechanism rotating the plurality of molds. The present invention relates a preform manufacturing device for manufacturing a preform for a plastic bottle from thermoplastic resin flakes such as PET flakes.A plastic bottle such as plastic container, etc., made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is widely used to contain food and liquid for drinking. The plastic bottle is shaped by blowing up a preform having the shape such as a test tube by a stretch blow molding method.Recently, recycle of a plastic bottle which is manufactured from a used plastic bottle, has been carried out. In particular, in order to recycle a used plastic bottle as a plastic bottle for liquid for drinking, food, etc., completely removing ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Preform For Blow Molded Syringe For Use With Injectors

Номер: US20150140245A1

A syringe for use in a pressurized injection of a fluid includes a syringe barrel including a polymeric material having undergone expansion via blow molding. A preform for blow molding a blow molded syringe is described, the preform including a proximal end having a retention mechanism adapted to connect to the syringe to a powered injector, a distal end having a syringe outlet section, and a barrel section between the retention mechanism and the syringe outlet section, wherein the barrel section is adapted to be blow molded to form a cylindrical wall of a syringe barrel defined between the retention mechanism and the syringe outlet section. 1. A preform for a blow molded syringe , the preform comprising:a proximal end having a retention mechanism, the retention mechanism adapted to connect the syringe to a powered injector;a distal end having a syringe outlet section; anda barrel section between the retention mechanism and the syringe outlet section,wherein the preform comprises at least one polymeric material, andwherein the barrel section is adapted to be blow molded to form a cylindrical wall of a syringe barrel defined between the retention mechanism and the syringe outlet section.2. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the retention mechanism is formed during an injection molding process of the preform.3. The preform of claim 2 , wherein the retention mechanism comprises at least one flange.4. The preform of claim 2 , wherein the retention mechanism is not substantially altered during a blow molding expansion process on the preform.5. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the syringe outlet section comprises a connector adapted to connect with a complementary connector of a fluid path element.6. The preform of claim 5 , wherein the syringe outlet section is formed during an injection molding process of the preform and is not substantially altered during a blow molding expansion process on the preform.7. The preform of claim 5 , wherein the connector is one of a male ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136845A1

A blow mold for PET bottles has the inner surface which contacts the hot PET during the blowing operation, coated with a layer of ceramic material having a nanometric thickness, of which at least one thickness layer is AIOand/or TiO2 deposited by ALD technique. Due to this technique, the PET preforms are subject to less friction during the contact with the interior of the mold. 1. A mold having steel walls for the production of preforms made of PET by injection molding , comprising a coating of ceramic material with a thickness between 90 and 120 nm which coats the walls of the mold , wherein the coating is made of a layer of AlOor comprises a first layer made of AlOand a second layer made of TiOadapted for the production of preforms with L/t>50 , when L>100 mm or preforms with L/t>45 when L<100 mm where “L” and “t” are the total length of the preform and the wall thickness of the preform , respectively.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. A process for obtaining molds according to claim 1 , having a reduced chemical interaction with the PET claim 1 , such a process comprising;a step of cleaning the surface of the mold walls,a step of polishing the mold walls,{'sub': 2', '3', '2, 'a step of depositing on the mold walls a ceramic coating of thickness in the range between 90 and 120 nm made of a layer of AlOand a second layer of TiO.'}9. A process according to claim 2 , wherein the ALD technique is provided for depositing the ceramic coating.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. Use of a mold according to for the production of preforms made of PET claim 1 , with L/t>50 claim 1 , when L>100 mm or preforms with L/t>45 when L<100 mm claim 1 , were “L” and “t” are the total length of the preform and the wall thickness of the preform claim 1 , respectively. The present application claims priority to PCT International Application No. PCT/IB2014/062614 filed on Jun. 26, 2014, which application claims priority to Italian ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Bottle Feeding Device

Номер: US20150144584A1

A bottle feeding device, including a bottom piece of a bottle body having a first perimeter wall and a top piece of a bottle body having a second perimeter wall. The top piece is pivotally affixed to the bottom piece and is rotatable with respect to the bottom piece about an axis extending generally orthogonally through the first perimeter wall and the second perimeter wall. A pair of detent features is provided to restrain the bottom piece and the top piece into either a first relative rotational position or a second relative rotational position. A nipple is operatively affixed to the top piece of the bottle by a nipple ring threaded onto the top piece of the bottle. A method of feeding an infant and of manufacturing the bottle are also provided. 1. A bottle feeding device , comprising:a bottom piece of a bottle body having a first perimeter wall;a top piece of the bottle body having a second perimeter wall, wherein the top piece is pivotally affixed to the bottom piece and is rotatable with respect to the bottom piece about an axis extending generally orthogonally through the first perimeter wall and the second perimeter wall.2. The bottle feeding device of claim 1 , further comprising:a pair of detent features to restrain the bottom piece and the top piece into either a first relative rotational position or a second relative rotational position.3. The bottle feeding device of claim 2 , wherein each detent feature includes a first protrusion from the first perimeter wall claim 2 , and a corresponding second protrusion from the second perimeter wall which interacts with the first protrusion to resist rotational motion.4. The bottle feeding device of claim 2 , wherein each detent feature includes a protrusion from the first perimeter wall and a corresponding indent in the second perimeter wall which interacts with the protrusion to resist rotational motion.5. The bottle feeding device of claim 2 , wherein an angle between a central axis of the bottom piece and a ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135975A1

Provided is a method for producing a bio-PET resin derived from substantially 100% a biomass resource, using a raw material derived from a carbon-neutral biomass resource as much as possible in place of a raw material derived from a petroleum resource. Ethylene glycol derived from a biomass resource is polymerized with terephthalic acid derived from a biomass resource in the presence of a catalyst containing an aluminum compound or a germanium compound. 1. A method for producing a Bio-PET resin , comprising the step of polymerizing ethylene glycol derived from a biomass resource with terephthalic acid derived from a biomass resource , in the presence of a catalyst comprising an aluminum compound or a germanium compound.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a copolymerizing component is not added.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the copolymerizing component is isophthalic acid claim 2 , cyclohexanedimethanol claim 2 , or diethylene glycol.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminum compound is an organic aluminum compound selected from aluminum acetate claim 1 , aluminum lactate claim 1 , aluminum chloride claim 1 , aluminum hydroxide claim 1 , aluminum hydroxychloride claim 1 , aluminum acetylacetonate claim 1 , acetylacetone aluminum claim 1 , aluminum oxalate claim 1 , aluminum oxide or alkylaluminum claim 1 , or partial hydrolysates of the organic aluminum compound claim 1 , or any combinations thereof.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the germanium compound is germanium tetroxide claim 1 , germanium tetraethoxide claim 1 , germanium tetra-n-butoxide claim 1 , crystalline germanium dioxide claim 1 , amorphous germanium dioxide claim 1 , germanium hydroxide claim 1 , germanium oxalate claim 1 , germanium chloride or germanium phosphite claim 1 , or any combinations thereof.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the biomass resource is a saccharide material selected from sugarcane claim 1 , molasses or beet claim 1 ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160151935A1
Автор: Simpson Thomas J.

A method of forming a multi-layer, co-injection molded article is disclosed. In an embodiment inner, middle, and outer layers of a polymer material are co-injected, and the velocity of the co-injection of the inner, middle, and outer layers are controlled. In embodiments of the method, the velocity of the co-injecting is less than about 0.390 inch/second. With embodiments, the articles may be formed from polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Articles, such as preforms, that are formed from a co-injection process, in which velocity is controlled, are also disclosed. 1. A method for forming a co-injection molded article , the method comprising:co-injecting at least an inner layer and an outer layer of a polymer material; andcontrolling the velocity of the co-injecting of the inner layer and the outer layer, wherein the velocity of the co-injecting is less than about 0.390 inch/second.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the velocity is less than about 0.250 inch/second.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the velocity is less than about 0.05 inch/second.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the velocity is less than about 0.01 inch/second.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a valve gate controls the velocity of the co-injecting.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a valve gate is controllably opened to different diameters.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a valve gate is controllably opened to at least three different diameters claim 1 , and is configured to form different layers of the molded article.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein a valve gate controls the thickness ratios with respect to each layer.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein an actuation timing is employed at the beginning of opening a melt channel claim 1 , and co-injecting commences prior to opening the melt channel.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the start of cycle timing is triggered by one or more triggering events involved with an injection molding machine cycle.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein a “mold ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Method for Engineering Three-Dimensional Synthetic Vascular Networks Through Mechanical Micromachining and Mutable Polymer Micromolding

Номер: US20210178636A1

The present invention relates generally to a method that is used to create three-dimensional synthetic vascular networks. Micromachining and molding techniques are used to create a template in a shape that mimics a biological network. Cellular material can be seeded around the template or a space created by the template and grown into an engineered tissue-construct. 1. An artificial vascularized structure comprising:a cavity embedded in a growth medium, wherein the cavity is formed by the following process:forming a micromold having a microchannel with a circular cross-section; 'wherein the micromold has a dissolution rate that prevents dissolution of the micromold during flowing the template material;', 'flowing a template material into the microchannel,'}causing the template material to solidify in the microchannel;dissolving the micromold, leaving a template having a shape of the microchannel;embedding the template in a growth medium;solidifying the growth medium;liquefying and then removing the template material, leaving the cavity in the growth medium in the shape of the template; andperfusing the cavity with cellular material.2. The artificial vascularized structure of claim 1 , wherein forming a micromold comprises:milling a groove on a substrate, wherein the groove forms a pattern that mimics a biologic structure;transferring the pattern from the substrate to a first mold;transferring the pattern from the substrate to a second mold, wherein the second mold is a mirror image of the first mold; andjoining the first mold and second mold together.3. The artificial vascularized structure of claim 1 , wherein the cellular material is selected from the group consisting of endothelial cells and neural cells.4. The artificial vascularized structure of claim 1 , wherein the growth medium is a collagen gel seeded with a second cellular material.5. The artificial vascularized structure of claim 1 , wherein the template material is a gelatin solution.6. An engineered- ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150158204A1
Автор: Kraus Andreas

Method for producing a plastic preform, the method comprising a first step of producing a plastic preform from raw material, and a second step of applying an outer layer to the plastic preform, wherein the outer layer forms a bond with the plastic preform, and is insoluble in aqueous solutions having a pH-value between 3 and 10, and well soluble in aqueous solutions having a pH-value in a range of less than 3 and/or more than 10. 1. A method for producing a plastic preform , comprising a first step of a production of a plastic preform from raw material , and a second step of applying an outer layer to the plastic preform , and the outer layer forms a bond with the plastic preform , and is insoluble in aqueous solutions having a pH-value between 3 and 10 , and well soluble in aqueous solutions having a pH-value in a range of less than 3 and/or more than 10.2. The method according to claim 1 , and the first step comprises the production of a plastic preform by an injection molding process.3. The method according to and the outer layer is applied to the plastic preform by at least one of the following method steps: rolling claim 1 , spraying claim 1 , dip coating claim 1 , direct printing claim 1 , combustion chemical vapor deposition claim 1 , plasma deposition claim 1 , electrostatic coating.4. The method according to claim 1 , and the outer layer is applied either to a portion of the outer surface of the plastic preform or to the whole outer surface of the plastic preform.5. The method according to claim 1 , and the behavior of the outer layer with respect to being wetted with printing inks is better than the behavior of the surface of the plastic preform with respect to being wetted with printing inks.6. The method according to claim 1 , and the outer layer is at least stretchable and transparent.7. The method according to claim 1 , and at least one physical property of the outer layer is changed during a downstream stretch blow molding process.8. The method ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140235798A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS B.V.

The invention relates to a high molecular weight branched polyamide polymer comprising (a) blocks predominantly consisting of AA-BB repeat units, (b) blocks predominantly consisting of AB repeat units, and (c) branching units. The invention also relates to a process for the preparation of the high molecular weight branched polyamide polymer, comprising (1) a melt-mixing step wherein an essentially linear polyamide prepolymer (X-1), predominantly consisting of AA-BB repeat units, an essentially linear polyamide (pre)polymer (X-2), predominantly consisting of AB repeat units, and a branching agent are provided to and mixed and heated in a melt mixing apparatus, thereby forming a mixed melt, and the mixed melt being cooled, thereby forming a solid mixture; and (2) a solid state post condensation step wherein the solid mixture is post-condensed at elevated temperature in the solid state, thereby forming a high molecular weight branched polyamide polymer. 1. Process for the preparation of a high molecular weight branched polyamide polymer , comprising an essentially linear polyamide (pre)polymer (X-1), predominantly consisting of AA-BB repeat units,', 'an essentially linear polyamide (pre)polymer (X-2), predominantly consisting of AB repeat units, and', 'a branching agent, are provided to and mixed and heated in a melt mixing apparatus, thereby forming a mixed melt, and the mixed melt being cooled, thereby forming a solid mixture;', 'and, '(1) a melt-mixing step wherein'}(2) a solid state post condensation step wherein the solid mixture is post-condensed at elevated temperature in the solid state, thereby forming a high molecular weight branched polyamide polymer. the (pre)polymers (X-1) and (X-2) are provided in a weight ratio (X-1)/(X-2) in the range of 0.25-4;', 'the (pre)polymer (X-1) and/or the (pre)polymer (X-2) have a viscosity number (VN), measured according to ISO 307, in the range of 50-250 m L/g;', 'the branching agent is a branched polyamide oligomer/ ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160158991A1

A blow-molding method for forming a squeezable or tubular plastic container is provided. The method includes molding a preform having a sidewall, an interior cavity, an open end, a closed end, and a neck adjacent the closed end of the preform. The neck of the preform has an engagement structure. The method includes providing a blow mold system including a blow mold cavity. The method includes placing at least a portion of the preform into the blow mold cavity, and blow molding a one-piece container body from the preform by inflating the preform within the blow mold cavity. The container body has an open end, a closed end and a neck adjacent to the closed end. Wherein the open end of the container body is formed from the open end of the preform, and the closed end of the container body is formed from the closed end of the preform. The method includes creating a dispensing opening through the closed end of the container body. 1. A blow mold system for producing a plastic squeezable container , comprising:a blow mold body defining a blow mold cavity; anda blow mold base including a recess configured to receive a threaded preform neck during blow molding, the blow mold base positioned below the blow mold body such that the recess of the blow mold base is located below the blow mold cavity.2. The blow mold system of wherein the recess includes an upper portion and a lower portion claim 1 , wherein a cross-sectional area of the upper portion is greater than a cross-sectional area of the lower portion claim 1 , wherein the upper portion of the recess is angled relative to the longitudinal axis of the blow mold cavity to produce a shoulder section of the container body during blow molding claim 1 , and further wherein the threaded preform neck is received within the lower portion of the recess during blow molding and the diameter of the lower portion is greater than the outer diameter of the preform neck such that there is clearance between the preform neck and the lower ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154570A1
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

This disclosure provides effective methods for expanding the processing window for poly(ethylene furanoate) (PEF) and poly(ethylene furanoate) co-polymer (PEF co-polymer) polyester preforms, such that these preforms can be beneficially used in the fabrication of bottles and containers, including bottles for carbonated soft drinks. The processing window is expanded by, for example, pre-conditioning the PEF or PEF co-polymer preform prior to stretch blow-molding by contacting the PEF or PEF co-polymer preform with water or high (>50%) relative humidity air for a desired time period and at a temperature greater than or equal to ambient temperature, to take advantage of the unique and unexpected properties afforded the preform by water sorption at these temperatures. 1. A method of pre-conditioning a poly(ethylene furanoate) or poly(ethylene furanoate) co-polymer preform for stretch blow-molding , the method comprising:a) having a poly(ethylene furanoate) (PEF) or poly(ethylene furanoate) co-polymer (PEF co-polymer) preform; andb) contacting the PEF or PEF co-polymer preform with water or high (>50%) relative humidity air at a temperature greater than or equal to ambient temperature for a time period.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the PEF or PEF co-polymer preform is contacted with at least about 65% relative humidity air at a temperature greater than about 45° C. for a time period from about 0.25 h to at least 72 h.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the PEF or PEF co-polymer preform is contacted with at least about 85% relative humidity air at a temperature greater than about 35° C. for a time period from about 0.5 h to at least 44 h.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the PEF or PEF co-polymer preform is contacted with ambient temperature water for a time period from about 3 h to at least 48 h claim 1 , wherein the ambient temperature is room temperature.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the PEF or PEF co-polymer preform is contacted with water at a temperature of ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Post-Mold Cooling Injection Molded Articles

Номер: US20190152108A1
Принадлежит: Niigon Machines Ltd.

A method for cooling molded preforms includes transferring preforms of a first injection cycle from a mold to retained engagement on a take-out plate, the preforms having exterior surfaces and interior surfaces targeted for cooling. The preforms are released from cooling tubes of the take-out plate to retained engagement on cooling pins of a transfer shell spaced away from the mold. The transfer shell rotates and the preforms are released from the transfer shell to retained engagement in supplemental tubes of a supplemental cooling device. After a period of time the preforms are released from the supplemental cooling device and transferred back to retained engagement on the transfer shell. The transfer shell rotates to an unload position to eject the preforms from the transfer shell for evacuation from the machine. 1. A method for cooling molded preforms , comprising:a) transferring preforms of a first injection cycle from a mold to retained engagement on a take-out plate, the preforms having exterior surfaces and interior surfaces targeted for cooling;b) drawing together the take-out plate and a transfer shell, the transfer shell spaced away from the mold;c) releasing the preforms from the take-out plate and transferring the preforms to retained engagement on the transfer shell;d) drawing together a supplemental cooling device and the transfer shell;e) releasing the preforms from the transfer shell and transferring the preforms to retained engagement on the supplemental cooling device; andf) releasing the preforms from the supplemental cooling device and transferring the preforms back to retained engagement on the transfer shell.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising after step f):g) orienting the transfer shell to an unload position; andh) ejecting the preforms from the transfer shell.3. The method of claim 3 , further comprising collecting the ejected preforms with a part removal mechanism disposed below the transfer shell.4. The method of claim 4 , ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150165668A1
Автор: McCrary Robert Ellis

The invention is generally directed to sports bottles and other articles produced by blow molding from polymeric materials containing isosorbide having glass transition temperatures ranging from 90° C. to 130° C., as well as to processes for producing them. These articles can be exposed to water at high temperatures and can be produced by using a suitable combination of a stretch ratio of less than 3x and a preform temperature at least 20° C. greater than the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymeric material. 1. A process for making a sports bottle comprising blow molding a preform made from a polymeric material ,wherein the preform temperature at the time of inflation is at least 20° C. above the Tg temperature of the polymeric material;wherein the stretch ratio of the sports bottle with respect to the preform is 2.7× or less;wherein the Tg of the polymeric material is from 90° C. to 130° C.;wherein the polymeric material contains isosorbide; andwherein the sports bottle displays shrinkage of 5% or less after immersion in boiling water for one hour.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material is chosen from polyacrylics claim 1 , polystyrenes claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , blends thereof claim 1 , and polycarbonate/polyester blends.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material is a polyester composition.4. A process according to claim 3 , wherein the polyester composition comprises: [ i) 70 to 100 mole % of terephthalic acid residues;', 'ii) 0 to 30 mole % of aromatic dicarboxylic acid residues having up to 20 carbon atoms; and', 'iii) 0 to 10 mole % of aliphatic dicarboxylic acid residues having up to 16 carbon atoms; and, '(a) a dicarboxylic acid component comprising, i) 5 to 35 mole % of isosorbide residues;', 'ii) 40 to 65 mole % of 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol residues, and', 'iii) 20 to 45 mole % of ethlylene glycol residues;, '(b) a glycol component comprising, 'wherein the total mole % of the dicarboxylic ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220305710A1

A co-injection hot runner nozzle comprises an inner melt flow channel and an annular outer melt flow channel that surrounds the inner melt flow channel. The inner and outer melt flow channels have a first common source. The nozzle further comprises an annular intermediate melt flow channel disposed between the inner and outer melt flow channels. The annular intermediate melt flow channel is at least partly defined by a plurality of spiral grooves, each spiral groove having a respective inlet and defining a helical flow path. Lands between adjacent spiral grooves increase in clearance in a downstream direction. An annular axial flow path is defined over the lands. A plurality of feeder channels having a second common source is configured to supply melt to the plurality of inlets of the spiral grooves. The relationship of feeder channels to spiral grooves may be one-to-one. The inlets may be longitudinal channels. 1. A co-injection molding method comprising:{'b': 134', '178', '100, 'splitting a first melt flow between an inner channel () and an outer channel () of a co-injection hot runner nozzle (), the outer channel forming an annular outer melt flow that surrounds an inner melt flow formed by the inner channel; and'}{'b': 210', '212', '214', '216', '172', '136', '138', '140', '142', '146', '148', '150', '152', '160', '162', '164', '166, 'splitting a second melt flow among a plurality of feeder channels (, , , ) upstream of an annular intermediate channel () of the co-injection hot runner nozzle, the intermediate channel being disposed between the inner and outer channels and being at least partly defined by a plurality of spiral grooves (, , , ), each spiral groove having a respective inlet (, , , ), the plurality of feeder channels supplying melt to the inlets of the plurality of spiral grooves, the intermediate channel being further defined by lands (, , , ) between adjacent spiral grooves that increase in clearance in a downstream direction, wherein melt ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170148A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A foam molded body has a cylindrical shape, is produced by foaming a resin, and has a mass per unit area of 0.090 g/cmor less and an expansion ratio of from 3.4 to 40 times. A duct for an air conditioner and a duct for a vehicle air conditioner include a foam molded body that has a cylindrical shape, is produced by foaming a resin, and has a mass per unit area of 0.090 g/cmand an expansion ratio of from 3.4 to 40 times. 112.-. (canceled)13. A foam molded body having a cylindrical shape and produced by foaming a resin ,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the foam molded body has a mass per unit area of from 0.045 g/cmto 0.090 g/cm,'}an expansion ratio of from 3.4 to 6.7 times anda closed cell ratio of from 79% to 86%.14. The foam molded body according to claim 13 , wherein the foam molded body has an average cell size of from 50 μm to 700 μm.15. The foam molded body according to claim 13 , wherein the resin is a thermoplastic resin.16. The foam molded body according to claim 14 , wherein the resin is the thermoplastic resin.17. The foam molded body according to claim 13 , wherein the resin is a polyolefin resin.18. The foam molded body according to claim 14 , wherein the resin is the polyolefin resin.19. The foam molded body according to claim 15 , wherein the resin is the polyolefin resin.20. The foam molded body according to claim 16 , wherein the resin is the polyolefin resin.21. The foam molded body according to claim 13 , wherein the resin is polypropylene or polyethylene.22. The foam molded body according to claim 14 , wherein the resin is polypropylene or polyethylene.23. The foam molded body according to claim 15 , wherein the resin is polypropylene or polyethylene.24. The foam molded body according to claim 16 , wherein the resin is polypropylene or polyethylene.25. The foam molded body according to claim 17 , wherein the resin is polypropylene or polyethylene.26. The foam molded body according to claim 18 , wherein the resin is polypropylene or polyethylene.27. The ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170173825A1
Автор: Clarke Peter Reginald
Принадлежит: Gr8 Engineering Limited

An injection moulded thermoplastic preform for blow moulding to form a container, the preform comprising a lower closed base portion, a hollow body portion, a hollow transition portion between the lower closed base portion and the hollow body portion, and an upper open end portion adjacent to an upper part of the hollow body portion, wherein the closed base portion comprises a central portion which extends over at least 50% of an internal radius of a lower end of the hollow body portion and is either substantially flat or has a shallow concave or convex internal curvature, and the transition portion comprises an upwardly and radially outwardly tapering portion extending away from the central portion to connect to the hollow body portion, the tapering portion being inclined at an angle of from 1 to 20 degrees to a longitudinal axis of the preform and the tapering portion increasing in thickness from the central portion to the hollow body portion. Also disclosed is a method of injection moulding the thermoplastic preform. 1. An injection moulded thermoplastic preform for blow moulding to form a container , the preform comprising a lower closed base portion , a hollow body portion having an annular wall , a hollow transition portion between the lower closed base portion and the hollow body portion , and an upper open end portion adjacent to an upper part of the hollow body portion , wherein the closed base portion comprises a central portion which extends over at least 50% of an internal radius of a lower end of the hollow body portion and is either substantially flat or has a shallow concave or convex internal curvature , and the transition portion comprises an upwardly and radially outwardly tapering portion extending away from the central portion to connect to the hollow body portion , the tapering portion being frustoconical and defined between outer and inner frustoconical walls , the tapering portion increasing in thickness from the central portion to the hollow ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Bottle with Extended Neck Finish and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20170173841A1
Автор: Porter Randal, Thomas Neal

A blow molded synthetic resin bottle has a body and an elongated neck with the body providing a shoulder extending about the base of the neck. The neck has a first collar extending thereabout spaced adjacent the shoulder and at least one additional collar extending thereabout adjacent the upper end of the neck. The resin in the neck is substantially unoriented. To produce the bottle, a synthetic resin preform is injection molded with a generally tubular body and the elongated neck. This preform is placed in a blow mold cavity having a body receiving portion and a neck receiving portion that has a recess extending thereabout seating the first collar therein. The additional collar is disposed outwardly of the mold cavity and is disposed on the upper surface of the mold. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method for making a container , the method comprising:providing a preform including a closed body, a neck located between the closed body and an open end, and a collar and a thread formation located along the neck, wherein the thread formation is located between the open end and the collar;providing a mold having a body receiving portion and a neck receiving portion, wherein the neck receiving portion includes a circumferential recess;closing the mold about the preform so that the closed body of the preform is received within the body receiving portion of the closed mold, the thread formation is located outside of the neck receiving portion of the closed mold, and the collar of the preform is engaged within the circumferential recess of the neck receiving portion of the closed mold to restrict vertical movement of the preform relative to the mold; andblowing the closed body of the preform into conformity with walls of the body receiving portion of the closed mold.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the collar has a height claim 21 , the circumferential recess has a height claim 21 , and the height of the collar is substantially the same as the height of the circumferential ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168437A1
Автор: Auch Sven

A method is provided for producing a corrugated tube that has, at least in sections, first outer wall regions with a first external diameter and second outer wall regions with a second external diameter that alternate in a wave-shaped manner. The first external diameter is greater than the second external diameter. The corrugated tube is produced by a plastic vacuum/blow molding process in a plastic vacuum/blow mold with a corrugator (). One or more openings are made in at least some of the first outer wall regions. The openings are made in at least some of the first outer wall regions of the corrugated tube during the plastic vacuum/blow molding process within the corrugator (). 1. A method for producing a corrugated tube that has first outer wall regions with a first external diameter and second outer wall regions with a second external diameter , the first and second outer wall regions alternating in a wave-shaped manner , the first external diameter being greater than the second external diameter , the corrugated tube being produced by a plastic vacuum/blow molding process in a plastic vacuum/blow mold with a corrugator , and one or more openings being made in at least some of the first outer wall regions , the method comprising forming the openings in at least some of the first outer wall regions of the corrugated tube during the plastic vacuum/blow molding process within the corrugator.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of forming the openings comprises forming the openings with the aid of mandrels arranged in at least some shaping recesses in the corrugator for shaping the first outer wall regions.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein each of the mandrels is arranged fixedly in one of the shaping recesses.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of forming the openings comprises forming the openings to have a diameter of from approximately 0.5 mm to approximately 1 mm in at least some of the first outer wall regions of the corrugated tube.5. An ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174828A1

Described are polyesters comprising (a) a dicarboxylic acid component comprising 80 to 100 mole % terephthalic acid residues; optionally, 0 to 20 mole % aromatic dicarboxylic acid residues or aliphatic dicarboxylic acid residues; 20 to 30 mole % of 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol residues; and 70 to 80 mole % 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol residues. The polyesters may be manufactured into articles such as fibers, films, bottles or sheets. 117.-. (canceled)18. A molded article comprising polyester , wherein the polyester comprises: i) 95 to 99.99 mole % of terephthalic acid residues; and', 'ii) 0.01 to 5 mole % of isophthalic acid residues; and, '(a) a dicarboxylic acid component comprising i) 5 to 15 mole % of 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol residues; and', 'ii) 85 to 95 mole % of 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol residues,, '(b) a glycol component comprisingwherein the total mole % of the dicarboxylic acid component is 100 mole %, and the total mole % of the glycol component is 100 mole %;wherein the inherent viscosity of said polyester is from 0.80 to 1 dL/g as determined in 60/40 (wt/wt) phenol/tetrachloroethane at a concentration of 0.5 g/100 ml at 25° C.; andwherein said polyester has a Tg of 90 to 110° C.19. The molded article according to claim 18 , wherein the glycol component of the polyester comprises 5 to 10 mole % 2 claim 18 ,2 claim 18 ,4 claim 18 ,4-tetramethyl-1 claim 18 ,3-cyclobutanediol residues and 90 to 95 mole % 1 claim 18 ,4-cyclohexanedimethanol residues.20. The molded article according to claim 18 , wherein the polyester has an inherent viscosity from 0.80 to 0.95 dL/g as determined in 60/40 (wt/wt) phenol/tetrachloroethane at a concentration of 0.5 g/100 ml at 25° C.21. The molded article according to claim 18 , wherein the polyester has a Tg of 95 to 105° C.22. The molded article according to claim 18 , wherein the 2 claim 18 ,2 claim 18 ,4 claim 18 ,4tetramethyl-1 claim 18 ,3-cyclobutanediol residues are a mixture comprising greater ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164563A1

A blow molding, filling and closing process and container product produced accordingly, in particular an ampoule product. 1. A blow molding , filling and closing process for producing a filled and closed container product that can be stored as well , in particular in the form of an ampoule product which is formed from a plastic material and has a single-layer container wall or ampoule wall and which , during initial use , permits the withdrawal , in particular for an oral use of the product content , by opening at least one withdrawal opening for withdrawal purposes , characterized in that plastic materials suitable for the process are selected which are tasteless and/or odorless or essentially tasteless and/or odorless in interaction with the contents of the container before and during use and which retain this tastelessness and/or odorlessness even after prolonged storage.2. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that aromatic polyester polymers and/or polyester copolymers and/or blends of these materials are used as plastic materials for the products to be produced.3. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that temperatures in the range from 250° C. to 280° C. can be selected as processing temperatures for the aromatic polyester polymers and their intrinsic viscosities during processing can be selected to be 0.6 dl/g to 1.7 dl/g.4. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that the water content of the plastic granulate in the manufacturing process for specifically selected aromatic polyester polymers and/or copolymers immediately prior to extrusion is selected to be less than 50 ppm claim 1 , preferably 30 ppm.5. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that 10% to 80% claim 1 , preferably 30% to 60% reclaimed material is added to the aromatic polyester polymers used.6. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least partially apolyethylene naphthalate (PEN),polyethylene furanoate (PEF)polyester ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171727A1

A molded article suitable for subsequent blow-molding into a final-shaped container. The article includes a neck portion; a gate portion; and a body portion extending between the neck portion and the gate portion, at least a majority of the body portion having an overall shape which is symmetric about a body axis extending longitudinally through a center of the body portion. The body portion includes an inner exterior layer and an outer exterior layer of a first polymeric material; and a core layer of a second polymeric material disposed between the inner exterior layer and the outer exterior layer. A radial thickness or a material of the core layer is selectively varied to govern non-uniform blow molding of the molded article into the final-shaped container. 1. A molded article suitable for subsequent blow-molding into a final-shaped container , the article comprising:a neck portion;a gate portion; anda body portion extending between the neck portion and the gate portion, at least a majority of the body portion having an overall shape which is symmetric about a body axis extending longitudinally through a center of the body portion, at least the body portion including:an inner exterior layer and an outer exterior layer of a first polymeric material; anda core layer of a second polymeric material disposed between at least a portion of the inner exterior layer and the outer exterior layer, a radial thickness of the core layer being selectively varied to govern non-uniform blow molding of the molded article into the final-shaped container.2. The molded article of claim 1 , wherein:the rate of thermal crystallization of the first polymeric material is substantially less than that of the second polymeric material; andthe first polymeric material includes at least one of a strain-crystallizable homopolymer, copolymer, and blend of polyethylene terephthalate (PET).3. The molded article of claim 2 , wherein at least a majority of the neck portion is composed of the first ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Preform for container made of plastic material

Номер: US20160193750A1

The part under the neck ring ( 9 ) of a preform for blowing a PET bottle of predetermined capacity not larger than 75 cl and with a max. material weight of 15 g, is inclined by an angle α less accentuated than normal, max. 17°, which allows to make a preform with a thickness t 2 of the wall thinner than 1.9 mm and a thinner inner diameter of the preform body in order to allow a lower stretch ratio starting from a larger preform to obtain the final bottle of predetermined capacity.

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180186035A1
Автор: SIEGL Robert

The invention relates to a preform for producing a plastic container in a 2-stage stretch blow molding method, said preform having a preform body that extends along a central axis and that comprises: a first end a second end that lies opposite the first end, wherein the first end is closed and a neck part with a pouring opening adjoins the second end; and an inner wall that delimits an interior of the preform. Along a length of at least 30 mm of the interior, every point of the inner wall is at a distance of less than 3.5 mm from the central axis. Also disclosed are a suitable method and a device for producing such a preform. 1. A preform for producing a plastic container in a two-step injection stretch blow molding process , comprising:a preform body extending along a central axis thereof and having a first end and a second end opposite the first end, the first end being closed by a preform bottom;a neck part haying a pour opening connected to the second end of the preform body; andan inside wall bordering an interior space of the preform body, each point on the inside wall in the interior space being less than 3.5 mm away from the central axis for a length of at least 30 mm.2. The preform of claim 1 , wherein each point on the inside wall in the interior space is less than 3 mm or less than 2.5 mm away from the central axis for a length of at least 30 mm.3. The preform according to of claim 1 , wherein the preform body is comprised of polyester claim 1 , the polyester being PEF or PET.4. The preform of claim 1 , wherein an (a)/(b) ratio is greater than 60 and less than 110 claim 1 , wherein (a) is an average wall thickness of the preform in an area of the preform body and (b) is a length corresponds to the wall of the preform from the pour opening to a midpoint of a preform bottom claim 1 , wherein the length of the wall is measured along a line running in the area of the preform body at the center of the wall and running at a constant distance from the inside ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180186054A9
Автор: Porter Randal, Thomas Neal

A blow molded synthetic resin bottle has a body and an elongated neck with the body providing a shoulder extending about the base of the neck. The neck has a first collar extending thereabout spaced adjacent the shoulder and at least one additional collar extending thereabout adjacent the upper end of the neck. The resin in the neck is substantially unoriented. To produce the bottle, a synthetic resin preform is injection molded with a generally tubular body and the elongated neck. This preform is placed in a blow mold cavity having a body receiving portion and a neck receiving portion that has a recess extending thereabout seating the first collar therein. The additional collar is disposed outwardly of the mold cavity and is disposed on the upper surface of the mold. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method for making a container , the method comprising:providing a preform including a closed body, a neck located between the closed body and an open end, and a collar and a thread formation located along the neck, wherein the thread formation is located between the open end and the collar;providing a mold having a body receiving portion and a neck receiving portion, wherein the neck receiving portion includes a circumferential recess;closing the mold about the preform so that the closed body of the preform is received within the body receiving portion of the closed mold, the thread formation is located outside of the neck receiving portion of the closed mold, and the collar of the preform is engaged within the circumferential recess of the neck receiving portion of the closed mold to restrict vertical movement of the preform relative to the mold; andblowing the closed body of the preform into conformity with walls of the body receiving portion of the closed mold.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the collar has a height claim 21 , the circumferential recess has a height claim 21 , and the height of the collar is substantially the same as the height of the circumferential ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160200012A1

A post-molding cooling apparatus directs a stream of cooling fluid against a concave interior surface of a molded article to cool the molded article. The apparatus includes an outlet positioned to direct the stream of cooling fluid into an open end of the molded article. The interior surface of the molded article is concave. The outlet is configured to direct the stream of cooling fluid in a helical direction such that at least a portion of the concave interior surface of the molded article acts as a curved surface relative to a direction of flow of the stream of cooling fluid to create turbulent flow of the stream of cooling fluid against the concave interior surface of the molded article along a length of the concave interior surface from the open end of the molded article toward a closed end of the molded article. 1. A post-molding cooling apparatus configured to direct a stream of cooling fluid against a concave interior surface of a molded article to cool the molded article , the apparatus comprising an outlet positioned to direct the stream of cooling fluid into an open end of the molded article , the interior surface of the molded article being concave , the outlet being configured to direct the stream of cooling fluid in a helical direction such that at least a portion of the concave interior surface of the molded article acts as a curved surface relative to a direction of flow of the stream of cooling fluid to create turbulent flow of the stream of cooling fluid against the concave interior surface of the molded article along a length of the concave interior surface from the open end of the molded article toward a closed end of the molded article.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the outlet is angled with respect to a plenum in which the outlet is disposed or the outlet is provided in an angled nozzle that is angled with respect to a plenum.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an insert defining the outlet claim 1 , the outlet being angled.4 ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200187600A1
Автор: Johnson Jeffrey L.
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A spike is operable to be removably coupled to an article of footwear. The spike includes a first portion that is substantially rigid. The spike also includes a second portion that is resilient. 120-. (canceled)21. A spike for an article of footwear , the spike comprising:a first portion configured to be attached to the article of footwear and being formed from a first polymeric material having a first hardness; anda second portion attached to the first portion and forming a ground-engaging surface of the spike, the second portion being formed from a second material having a second hardness that is less than the first hardness.22. The spike of claim 21 , wherein the second material is formed from a polymeric material.23. The spike of claim 21 , wherein the second material is rubber.24. The spike of claim 21 , wherein the first portion is chemically bonded to the second portion.25. The spike of claim 21 , wherein the first portion includes a durometer between 40 and 75 on the Shore D scale.26. The spike of claim 25 , wherein the second portion includes a durometer between 45 and 95 on the Shore A scale.27. The spike of claim 21 , wherein the first portion includes a projection extending into and surrounded by the second portion.28. The spike of claim 21 , wherein the first portion includes a fastener operable to attach the first portion to the article of footwear.29. The spike of claim 28 , wherein the fastener includes a series of threads.30. An article of footwear incorporating the spike of .31. A spike for an article of footwear claim 21 , the spike comprising:a first portion configured to be attached to the article of footwear and being formed from a nylon material having a first hardness; anda second portion attached to the first portion and forming a ground-engaging surface of the spike, the second portion being formed from a polymeric material having a second hardness that is less than the first hardness.32. The spike of claim 31 , wherein the nylon material ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207242A1
Автор: FERRARI Gianluca

A polyester resin for use in a process in which, during an expansion step, an incompressible fluid is injected through an opening of a preform, formed of the polyester resin, to form a container. The polyester resin includes a crystallizable polyester polymer wherein the polyester polymer is comprised of acid moieties and glycol moieties, with at least 85% of the total moles of acid moieties being terephthalate derived from terephthalic acid or its dimethyl ester and at least 85% of the total moles of glycol moieties derived from ethylene glycol. At least 2% of the total moles of acid plus glycol moieties are derived from a primary comonomer with the mole percents of the acid plus glycol moieties totaling 100 mole %. 1. A process to form a polyester resin container from a preform having an opening , preferably at the level of a neck , the process comprising utilizing an expansion step carried out with a cavity or a mould , wherein , during said expansion step , an incompressible fluid is injected through the opening of said preform to form said container; characterized in thatthe polyester resin container comprises an improved polyester resin comprisinga crystallizable polyester polymer wherein the polyester polymer is comprised of acid moieties and glycol moieties, with at least 85% of the total moles of acid moieties being terephthalate derived from terephthalic acid or its dimethyl ester and at least 85% of the total moles of glycol moieties derived from ethylene glycol and with at least 2% of the total moles of acid plus glycol moieties derived from a primary comonomer with the mole percents of the acid plus glycol moieties totaling 100 mole %.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the primary comonomer is selected from the group consisting of the aliphatic diacids or their dimethyl esters.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the primary comonomer is selected from the group consisting of sebacic claim 1 , adipic acid and their respective dimethyl ester.4. The ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140295119A1
Автор: Clarke Peter Reginald

A preform for blow moulding to form a container, the preform being formed of a thermoplastic material, the preform comprising a neck finish at an open end of the preform, an elongate body section and a closed end, wherein the body section has elongate, longitudinally extending inner and outer surfaces each centered about a longitudinal axis of the preform, the inner and outer surfaces defining therebetween a wall of the body section, wherein the wall of the body section has at least one locally thickened portion along the body section, the locally thickened portion being thicker than adjacent first and second thinner portions at respective opposite longitudinal ends of the thickened portion, the thickened portion having an inner surface portion which is nearer to the longitudinal axis than respective first and second inner surface portions of the first and second thinner portions. 1. A preform for blow moulding to form a container , the preform being formed of a thermoplastic material , the preform comprising a neck finish at an open end of the preform , an elongate body section and a closed end , wherein the body section has elongate , longitudinally extending inner and outer surfaces each centered about a longitudinal axis of the preform , the inner and outer surfaces defining therebetween a wall of the body section , wherein the wall of the body section has at least one locally thickened portion along the body section , the locally thickened portion being thicker than adjacent first and second thinner portions at respective opposite longitudinal ends of the thickened portion , the thickened portion having an inner surface portion which is nearer to the longitudinal axis than respective first and second inner surface portions of the first and second thinner portions , wherein the wall thickness changes between the locally thickened portion and the adjacent first and second thinner portions are smoothly continuously inclined in the longitudinal direction , with ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160214279A1

The invention relates to an apparatus for cooling a plurality of preforms made of thermoplastic material which continuously move on a conveyor belt. The apparatus includes a cylindrical casing with a vertical extension formed by two coaxial cylinders, such a casing contains a guide crossed by a chain or a cable for transporting the preforms therein. The guide, which forms a closed path, comprises a first helical stretch, which raises from the lower plane starting from a station in which the preforms coming from a conveying device are hooked by the chain or by the cable, a second straight stretch, which returns the preforms to the lower plane once they have reached the upper plane, and a third flat stretch at the height of the lower plane, which returns the preforms to the arrival station. The helical stretch of the guide is contained within a cooling tunnel formed in the gap between the two walls of the outer cylinder and the inner cylinder of said casing. The cooling air is conveyed within the cooling tunnel by a specific manifold which is located within the casing. 1. An apparatus for cooling preforms P made of thermoplastic material , in particular for PET preforms , which comprises:a guide for the preforms P, which defines a cooling path comprising:a first substantially helical stretch, which develops about a vertical central axis, said first helical stretch being comprised between a lower plane and an upper plane, with start point A at the height of the lower plane and end point B at the height of the upper plane,a second substantially straight stretch arranged inside the first helical stretch, which starts in said end point B and continues from the top downwards ending at the lower plane, anda third stretch, located at the lower plane which joins an end point (C) of the second straight stretch with the start point A of the first helical stretch,a helical tunnel inside of which the turns of the first helical stretch of said guide run.2. The apparatus according ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150217554A1

A method for fabricating a preform () by providing a plurality of preform segments (-) which each define a portion of a preform (), positioning said preform segments (-) in continuous contact with each other along at least one edge of said preform segments (-) such that said plurality of preform segments (-) define a cavity (), and bonding each of said preform segments (-) to at least one other preform segment such that said plurality of preform segments (-) forms a continuous whole. 1. A method for fabricating a preform ,comprising the steps of:providing a plurality of preform segments, each of the preform segments defining a portion of a preform;positioning the preform segments in continuous contact with each other along at least one edge of the preform segments, such that the plurality of preform segments define a cavity; andbonding each of the preform segments to at least one other preform segment such that the plurality of preform segments forms a continuous whole.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the bonding step is achieved by ultrasonic welding.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the preform segments are fabricated by injection molding or extrusion.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the inside diameter of the preform at a cross-section is greater than the inside diameter of the preform at its open end.5. An apparatus for the fabrication of a preform according to the method of providing a plurality of preform segments claim 1 , each of the preform segments defining a portion of a preform;positioning the preform segments in continuous contact with each other along at least one edge of the preform segments, such that the plurality of preform segments define a cavity; andbonding each of the preform segments to at least one other preform segment such that the plurality of preform segments forms a continuous whole.6. A preform claim 1 , comprising a plurality of preform segments each defining a portion of the preform claim 1 , each of ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170210050A1

The inventions relates to a method for processing polyethylene terephthalate (PET) comprising supplying PET raw material (S), drying the PET raw material (S) to a target moisture level, plasticizing the PET (S), and injecting the plasticized PET (S) into a mold. In this method, the target moisture level is between 60 ppm and 250 ppm to generate hydrolysis of PET during plasticization (S) resulting in a controlled drop of intrinsic viscosity of the PET. According to other aspects of the invention, there is provided a method for forming a bottle and a method for packaging still beverage in this bottle. 1. Method for processing polyethylene terephthalate (PET) comprising:supplying PET raw material;drying the PET raw material to a target moisture level;plasticizing the PET;injecting the plasticized PET into a mold; andthe target moisture level is between 60 ppm and 250 ppm to generate a hydrolysis of PET during plasticization resulting in a controlled drop of intrinsic viscosity of the PET.2. Method according to claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , before drying the PET raw material claim 1 , determining the target moisture level based on the intrinsic viscosity of the supplied PET raw material and a targeted intrinsic viscosity of the PET after plasticization.3. Method according to claim 2 , wherein the targeted intrinsic viscosity is set between 0.70 dL/g and 0.76 dL/g.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the supplied raw material has an intrinsic viscosity of between 0.80 dL/g and 0.85 dL/g.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein drying is performed at 150° C. or below.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein drying is performed using drying air having a dew point of −40° C. or higher.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein drying is performed using a residence time of the PET raw material in a dryer of between one and four hours.8. Method according to claim 1 , wherein PET is injection-molded to form a container preform.9. Method according to claim 8 , wherein the ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200198214A1

Method of making a blow molded article from a preform including: a) providing a preform of a thermoplastic material having a plurality of effect structures each having an effect surface having a normal with an orientation, the preform having a body with one or more walls and an opening, wherein at least a portion of the one or more walls of the preform has a three-dimensional pattern of cavities and/or protrusions thereon; and b) blow molding the preform to form a blow molded article, wherein the step of blow molding the preform changes the orientation of the normal of at least some of the effect surfaces of the effect structures to create a visual effect in at least one wall of the blow molded article. 1. A method for making a blow molded article from a preform , the method comprising the following steps:a) providing a preform of a thermoplastic material having a plurality of effect structures each having an effect surface having a normal with an orientation, the preform having a body with one or more walls and an opening, wherein at least a portion of the one or more walls of the preform has a three-dimensional pattern of cavities and/or protrusions thereon; andb) blow molding the preform to form a blow molded article, wherein the step of blow molding the preform changes the orientation of the normal of at least some of the effect surfaces of the effect structures to create a visual effect in at least one wall of the blow molded article.2. The method of wherein the preform has a three-dimensional pattern of cavities formed by: thermal-etching claim 1 , mechanical etching claim 1 , laser etching claim 1 , chemical etching claim 1 , preform mold design claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of wherein the one or more walls include at least two layers including an inner layer and an outer layer.4. The method of wherein the three-dimensional pattern of cavities and/or protrusions is disposed on the outer layer or the inner layer.5. The method of wherein the ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237330A1

The invention relates to a device and a method for semi-continuous blow moulding of fiber-reinforced, thermoplastic, endless, hollow-profile-shaped components with longitudinally constant or varying cross-sections, consisting of at least one consolidation tool, which, in its closed state, encloses a preform enclosing an elastically moldable pressure chamber. 113-. (canceled)14. A device for the semi-continuous blow moulding of fiber-reinforced , thermoplastic , endless , hollow-profile components with cross sections that are constant or varying in the longitudinal direction , consisting of at least one consolidating tool which , in the closed state , encloses a preform , which encloses an elastically deformable pressure chamber , wherein:a) a preforming unit and the consolidating tool are arranged directly one after the other;b) the preforming unit provides the endless preform;c) the preform enclosed by the consolidation tool is a preform segment;d) the central axis of the preforming unit, the consolidation tool, the preform segment, and the pressure chamber are arranged congruently;e) the consolidating tool is designed in at least two parts; andf) the consolidation tool corresponds to the contour of the component; the consolidation tool has at least two independently isothermal-tempered tool segments, and in that the tool segments are arranged along the middle axis;', 'the dimensions of the consolidation tool, the pressure chamber, and the preform segment for processing are identical along the central axis;', 'the device has a feed device which is capable of repeatedly moving the preform by the amount of the length of a tool segment into a machining direction directed along the central axis;', an endless, deformable pressure membrane and sealing elements, or', 'a pressure membrane that is a deformable hose firmly attached to sealing elements; and, 'the pressure chamber is formed from, 'the pressure chamber is pressurizable., 'wherein15. The device according to ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140302268A1

[Object] 1. A blow molding parison for a container comprising:a neck forming portion, a shoulder forming portion, a body forming portion and a bottom forming portion,wherein the bottom forming portion has a sidewall and a bottom wall and wall thicknesses of both of the sidewall and bottom wall are greater than a wall thickness of a body section of the container to be molded, andwherein an external shape of the bottom forming portion of the parison is same as an external shape of a bottom section of the container to be molded.2. The blow molding parison according to claim 1 , whereina hollow portion in which a compressed air is blown is formed along a central axis of the body forming portion of the parison in a narrow cylindrical concave shape with a bottom surface of the concave terminating at a position within 3.5 mm above a boundary between the body forming portion and the bottom forming portion of the parison.3. The blow molding parison according to claim 1 , whereina lower portion of the body forming portion of the parison has a curved surface whose width and thickness gradually increase toward the bottom forming portion and the curved surface has a gradient such that an amount of change in a axial direction is greater than an amount of change in a width direction.4. A method for blow molding a container comprising the steps of:forming a parison comprising a neck forming portion, a shoulder forming portion, a body forming portion and a bottom forming portion, wherein the bottom forming portion has a sidewall and a bottom wall and wall thicknesses of both of the sidewall and bottom wall are greater than a wall thickness of a body section of the container to be molded;preparing blow molding mold which has such internal shape that is greater than external shapes of the shoulder forming portion and the body forming portion and is substantially same as an external shape of the bottom forming portion;inserting the parison into the mold with the neck forming portion ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170217074A1

In the manufacture of double-walled corrugated extruded pipe it is desirable to form an integral connecting cuff that is of a single wall thickness and typically of a large diameter. The mold blocks and process parameters for forming of the cuff as part of an otherwise double-walled pipe requires a transition as the cuff moves past the die outlets. The present invention allows for accurate sensing and control of air pressure and temperature as the cuff moves past the die outlets. Improvements in both the die tooling and the method of manufacture are disclosed. 1. A pipe corrugator and associated die tooling for forming pipe having elongate pipe sections separated by integral connecting cuffs provided at predetermined locations in the length of the formed pipe , said pipe corrugator including two opposed series of circulating mold blocks that abut to form an inlet to a mold tunnel and remain in abutment until an exit to the mold tunnel where the mold blocks separate and are returned to said inlet;each series of mold blocks including first mold blocks for forming said elongate pipe sections in said mold tunnel and second mold blocks for forming in said mold tunnel said connecting cuffs;said die tooling including two die outlets located in said mold tunnel adjacent said inlet with said die outlets separated by a process air cavity formed in a recessed portion of an exterior wall of said die tooling open to said mold tunnel and connected to a first process air supply providing air under pressure to a first process air outlet located in said process air cavity, a first air pressure transducer located in said process air cavity detecting air pressure in said process air cavity, a second supply of process air supplying process air to a second process air outlet located immediately downstream of said second die outlet; anda controller receiving a signal of the air pressure sensed by said first transducer and based thereon providing process air at a first air pressure to ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180215115A1

Technical problems of this invention is to create an injection molding device and an injection molding process for a test tube shaped preform, that can laminate a colored layer at certain positions of a wall of the reform with a certain thickness in a manner of a high degree of accuracy. 111-. (canceled)12. A injection molding process for making a preform used in biaxial stretching and blow molding , the preform having a shape of a test tube and having a second resin layer or layers laminated with a main resin layer that makes up a shape of the preform , the injection molding process comprising the steps of:maintaining a first confluence in an open state while controlling the sliding position of a shutoff pin, and supplying the main resin from the outer flow channel to the joined flow channel at a predetermined time span;supplying the second resin from the inner flow channel to the joined flow channel simultaneously with the main resin for a predetermined period of time within the predetermined time span by bringing the second confluence to an open state, and forming the joined resin mass of the main resin and the second resin in the joined flow channel;injecting this joined resin mass into the cavity of the mold, by way of the pin gate and filling the cavity with the joined resin mass; andlaminating the second resin layer or layers with the main resin layer in a given embodiment, by setting an injection pattern including a start time, an ending time, and a supply velocity profile for the supply of the second resin, and also by setting an extent to which the second confluence is opened.13. The process for making the preform according to claim 12 , wherein the second resin layer or layers is/are a decorative layer or layers made of a colored resin.14. The process for injection molding the preform according to claim 12 , whereinthe sliding position of the forefront of the shutoff pin is shifted in a vicinity of the second confluence such that the opening of the second ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160229087A1

The invention relates to a new PET preform design that enables a more precise distribution of material in the bottle bottom and avoids the waste of material around the injection point. The thickness BWTof the wall at the center of the gate or tip () (injection point) is reduced to a minimum in order to avoid the waste of material around the injection point when the preform is blown. This is particular important for carbonated soft drink application since the reduced amount of amorphous material at the center of the gate () helps to reduce the risk of stress cracking on the bottle base. Furthermore a step () having thickness WTin the body wall thickness, in the region of the periphery of the base with WT>WT, allows enough material to be available for the proper blowing of the bottle bottom making the bottle more stable. 2. Preform according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , at said end of bottom portion claim 1 , in the region where the preform portion having side wall thickness WT ends claim 1 , there is provided a wall step having a thickness WThigher than said side wall thickness WT.3. Preform according to claim 2 , where the thickness WTof the wall step is between 4% and 20% higher than said side wall thickness WT.4. Preform according to claim 2 , wherein the wall step is placed between the body portion and the bottom portion.5. Preform according to claim 1 , wherein the preform is for a carbonated soft drink bottle and the ratio BWTmin/WT is between 0.20 and 0.30.6. Preform according to claim 1 , wherein the preform is for non-carbonated soft drink bottle and the ratio BWTmin/WT is between 0.50 and 0.55.7. Preform according to adapted to make a bottle having a capacity of less than 0.75 L. The present invention relates to a preform in plastic material, such as PET or other suitable material, used for example for making small-size containers for beverages or other liquids by means of injection compression blow molding.For economic reasons, the line followed by the ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140314984A1

Method for producing a plastic bottle, and preform and blowing mold suited therefore are disclosed. An exemplary process can produce a plastic bottle, for example, a PET bottle. Such a bottle can be produced from a preform which has a body which is closed on one side, which is connected to a neck section with a pour opening, in which the preform which has been produced in a plastic injection process or an extrusion process is placed in the mold cavity of a blow mold and inflated using the blow nozzle by overpressure according to the mold cavity. Sealing can take place between the blow nozzle and the preform within the preform. 1. Preform for producing plastic bottles in a blow molding or stretch blow molding process , with an essentially cylindrical , oblong body with one lengthwise end which is made closed , and on its other lengthwise end a neck section with a pour opening is formed , wherein the neck section has a greater outside diameter than the body and a support surface is formed on the transition from the body to the neck section.2. Preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the support surface is an annular claim 1 , peripheral shoulder.3. Preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the neck section at least in the region bordering the pour opening has a greater inside diameter (i) than the body.4. Preform as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the inner surface of the neck section in the transition region to the body of the preform is made as the surface of a cone.5. Preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the neck section in the region of the pour opening has an inside diameter (i) from roughly 35 mm to roughly 95 mm.6. Preform as claimed in claim 1 , wherein it is produced preferably in a plastic injection process from PET claim 1 , PET-G claim 1 , HDPE claim 1 , PP claim 1 , PVC or also from a filled plastic.7. Blow mold claim 1 , especially for a preform as claimed in claim 1 , with at least two mold parts which can be moved out of a closed into an open position and ...
