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30-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2649276C2

Изобретение относится к системе привода транспортного средства. Компоновка привода для механического транспортного средства с гибридным приводом, имеющим двигатель внутреннего сгорания и электромашину, которые через коробку передач, поочередно или совместно подают выходную приводную мощность к дифференциалу. Двигатель отсоединяется посредством разъединяющего сцепления. Коробка передач разделена на две частичные коробки переключения передач, каждая из которых имеет минимум два передаточных отношения. Двигатель присоединен для привода к первой частичной коробке передач так, что он не может быть отсоединен. Электромашина размещена на линии, вдоль которой передается сила, ниже по потоку от разъединяющего сцепления, размещенного на выходе первой частичной коробки передач, но выше по потоку от второй частичной коробки передач. Выход второй частичной коробки передач подает выходную приводную мощность к дифференциалу моста. Решение направлено на перекрытие скоростного диапазона. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ...

27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2532211C2

Изобретение относится к приводным механизмам для передачи крутящего момента. Приводной механизм для передачи крутящего момента на первый и второй ведомый элемент содержит привод и переключающий элемент, связанный с приводом. Переключающий элемент избирательно соединяется с первым ведомым элементом в векторном режиме или с неподвижной корпусной деталью в режиме тяги. Переключающий элемент соединяется с первым ведомым элементом посредством соединительного элемента. В режиме тяги крутящий момент привода подводится к первому и второму ведомым элементам в одном и том же направлении, а в векторном режиме - в противоположных направлениях. Первый и второй ведомые элементы и привод связаны с дифференциалом, содержащим зубчатое колесо с наружными зубьями, связанное со вторым элементом привода. Первый ведомый элемент связан с водилом планетарного дифференциала, а второй ведомый элемент связан с солнечной шестерней планетарного дифференциала. Достигается повышение эффективности передачи крутящего момента ...

20-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2399516C1

Изобретение относится к способу управления транспортным средством. Транспортное средство содержит электродвигатель, модуль передачи энергии, модуль определения или вычисления скорости вращения ведущего вала, модуль определения скорости вращения электродвигателя, модуль оценки скорости вращения, модуль оценки остановки транспортного средства. Способ управления заключается в том, что оценивают, являются или нет определенная или вычисленная скорость вращения ведущего вала и определенная скорость вращения электродвигателя нормальными, на основе определенной или вычисленной скорости вращения ведущего вала. Скорость вращения ведущего вала определяется или вычисляется модулем определения или вычисления скорости вращения ведущего вала. Скорость вращения электродвигателя определяется модулем определения скорости вращения электродвигателя. Определяют, являются ли нормальными/ненормальными скорость вращения ведущего вала и скорость вращения электродвигателя. Оценивают, остановилось или нет транспортное ...

23-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2623284C1

Изобретение относится к электрическим транспортным средствам. Устройство управления для электрического транспортного средства с приводом на четыре колеса посредством электромотора-генератора содержит средство управления распределением мощности, которое выводит в сцепление с электронным управлением значение команды управления передаваемым крутящим моментом для приведения к состоянию с приводом на четыре колеса. Средство управления распределением мощности привода имеет контроллер координирования вмешательства рекуперативного управления, который, когда рекуперативное управление посредством электромотора-генератора вмешивается во время состояния с приводом на четыре колеса, доводит крутящий момент сцепления с электронным управлением до нуля перед инициированием рекуперативного управления. Предотвращается рывок при рекуперативном управлении. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010100930A

... 1. Гибридное транспортное средство, содержащее смонтированный сзади двигатель внутреннего сгорания, аккумулятор электрической энергии и, по меньшей мере, одну электромашину, которая предусмотрена в качестве генератора для зарядки аккумулятора электрической энергии в фазе рекуперации энергии и соответственно, в качестве, по меньшей мере, дополнительного привода к двигателю внутреннего сгорания в фазе привода, при этом двигатель внутреннего сгорания приводит заднюю ось гибридного транспортного средства, и при этом электромашина или каждая электромашина установлена на расстоянии от задней оси, в частности в области передней оси. ! 2. Гибридное транспортное средство, содержащее смонтированный спереди двигатель внутреннего сгорания, аккумулятор электрической энергии и, по меньшей мере, одну электромашину, которая предусмотрена в качестве генератора для зарядки аккумулятора электрической энергии в фазе рекуперации энергии и соответственно в качестве, по меньшей мере, дополнительного привода к ...

05-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666008C1

Изобретение относится к гибридным транспортным средствам. Устройство управления трансмиссией гибридного транспортного средства содержит электронный блок управления, сконфигурированный для управления двигателем, первым и вторым электродвигателем так, что гибридное транспортное средство движется с требуемой движущей силой, необходимой для движения. Первый коэффициент движущей силы становится больше, чем второй коэффициент, когда транспортное средство движется в режиме расходования заряда. Первый коэффициент представляет собой долю движущей силы, выдаваемой из второго электродвигателя, в требуемой движущей силе, когда транспортное средство движется в режиме расходования заряда. Второй коэффициент представляет собой долю движущей силы, выдаваемой из второго электродвигателя, в требуемой движущей силе, когда транспортное средство движется в режиме поддержания заряда, переключенном из режима расходования заряда переключателем режима работы. Предотвращается перегревание второго электродвигателя ...

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007131193A

... 1. Транспортное средство, оснащенное двигателем внутреннего сгорания, блоком передачи мощности и электродвигателем, причем блок передачи мощности выполнен с возможностью передачи, по меньшей мере, части выходной мощности двигателя внутреннего сгорания, который приводится в движение в произвольной точке привода независимо от положения механизма переключения передач на ось, а электродвигатель выполнен с возможностью подачи мощности на ось, при этом транспортное средство содержит модуль установки требуемого приводного усилия, который устанавливает требуемое приводное усилие, подаваемое на ось; модуль установки эффективной точки привода, который, в случае отсутствия изменения положения механизма переключения передач, устанавливает эффективную точку привода в заданную точку привода, определяемую согласно заранее установленному ограничению в соответствии с требуемым приводным усилием, а в случае изменения положения механизма переключения передач устанавливает эффективную точку привода в обновленную ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013117109A

Трехосный автомобиль с комбинированным приводом и комбинированной энергетической установкой, содержащий тепловой двигатель, обратимые электрические машины, коробку передач, трансмиссию, бортовую управляющую систему, отличающийся тем, что выполнен с постоянным приводом передних колес от электрических машин, установленных в ступицах колес, и комбинированным приводом средней и задней осей от теплового двигателя и обратимой электрической машины, расположенной в блоке с коробкой передач, и дополнительно содержит аккумуляторные батареи, при этом бортовая управляющая система снабжена функцией контроля уровня разряда аккумуляторных батарей и запуска теплового двигателя для зарядки последних при достижении установленного уровня разряда.

27-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94020395A

Изобретение касается автомобиля по меньшей мере с двумя независимыми друг от друга электрическими генераторами G1,G2 с приводом от двигателя внутреннего сгорания, которые с помощью по меньшей мере одного силового электронного устройства L питают электрическим током по меньшей мере один электродвигатель Е1, причем, электродвигатель сочленен по меньшей мере с одним ведущим колесом R1 автомобиля, Чтобы при сохранении компактной конструкции добиться оптимизации мощности, предусмотрен имеющий по меньшей мере два цилиндра двигатель V, который разделен по меньшей мере на два с точки зрения приведения в действие клапанов независимых секционных двигателей V1.. . V5 с собственным приводным валом, и каждый приводной вал соединен с собственным генератором.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018107742A1

Ein Antriebsstrang für ein Fahrzeug umfasst eine Verbrennungskraftmaschine und ein Verteilergetriebe. Das Verteilergetriebe umfasst eine Primärausgangswelle, einen Elektromotor und einen Planetenradsatz. Die Primärausgangswelle empfängt Kraftmaschinendrehmoment von der Verbrennungskraftmaschine. Der Elektromotor weist einen Rotor und einen Stator auf. Der Planetenradsatz umfasst ein Sonnenrad, das drehfest am Rotor ist, ein Hohlrad, Planetenräder, die radial zwischen und im Eingriff mit dem Sonnenrad und dem Hohlrad angeordnet sind, und einen Planetenträger, der mit den Planetenrädern gekoppelt und drehfest an der Primärausgangswelle ist. Das Hohlrad ist wahlweise arretierbar, um wahlweise Drehmoment zwischen dem Elektromotor und der Primärausgangswelle zu übertragen.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for adjusting operation of hybrid vehicle, involves automatically restarting engine in response to specific condition while hybrid vehicle is respectively operated and not operated in four wheel drive low gear range

Номер: DE102013111340A1

The method involves automatically restarting an engine (10) in response to a first condition while the hybrid vehicle is operated in a four wheel drive low gear range. The engine is automatically restarted in response to a second condition other than the first condition while the hybrid vehicle is not operated in the four wheel drive low gear range. The engine is not started in response to releasing a brake pedal during the second condition and the engine is started in response to releasing the brake pedal during the first condition.

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Kombiniertes elektromechanisches und elektrohydraulisches Antriebssystem

Номер: DE102017221754A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Fahrantrieb, der insbesondere für eine mobile Arbeitsmaschine vorgesehen ist, der zum Antrieb von einer ersten Antriebsachse zugeordneten Rädern dient und der wenigstens eine Primärenergiequelle und einen ersten Elektromotor aufweist, der aus einer vorhandenen Primärenergiequelle mit Energie versorgt wird und von dem rein mechanisch ein Rad der ersten Antriebsachse antreibbar ist.Um gegen eine große Last fahren zu können, ist ein zweiter Elektromotor vorhanden, der zum Antrieb von einer zweiten Antriebsachse zugeordneten Rädern dient und der aus einer vorhandenen Primärenergiequelle mit Energie versorgt wird und von dem über ein hydrostatisches Getriebe, das eine Pumpe und einen von der Pumpe mit Druckmittel versorgten Hydromotor umfasst, ein Rad der zweiten Antriebsachse antreibbar ist. Durch Adaption des Übersetzungsverhältnisses des hydrostatischen Getriebes wird der zweite Elektromotor nicht überlastet, auch wenn er relativ klein ist.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Antriebsanordnung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102017101744A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Antriebsanordnung für ein Kraftfahrzeug umfassend einen ersten Antriebsstrang (1) mit einem Verbrennungsmotor (2), einem Stufengetriebe (7), einer ersten Antriebsachse (3), die eine linke Antriebswelle (10) und eine rechte Antriebswelle (11) aufweist, und zumindest eine im Leistungspfad hinter dem Stufengetriebe (7) angeordnete Kupplungseinheit (22, 23, 39), und einen zweiten Antriebsstrang (4) mit einer elektrischen Maschine (5), einer zweiten Antriebsachse (6), die eine linke Antriebswelle (28) und eine rechte Antriebswelle (29) aufweist, und zumindest eine im Leistungspfad hinter der elektrischen Maschine (5) angeordnete Kupplungseinheit (26, 27, 43), wobei der erste Antriebsstrang (1) und der zweite Antriebsstrang (4) mechanisch voneinander getrennt sind.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Antriebseinheit mit einer an einem Planetenträger integrierter Kupplung; Allradantriebssystem sowie Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102020108002A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Antriebseinheit (1) für einen hybriden oder rein elektrischen Antriebsstrang eines Kraftfahrzeuges (25), mit einem Elektromotor (2), einem einer Rotorwelle (3) des Elektromotors (2) nachgeschalteten Planetengetriebe (4), einer mit einem Planetenträger (5) des Planetengetriebes (4) wirkverbundenen Kupplung (6) sowie einem mit dem Planetenträger (5) wirkverbundenen Abtrieb, wobei der Planetenträger (5) und ein Drehmomenteinleitungsbestandteil (7) der Kupplung (6) stoffeinteilig miteinander ausgebildet sind. Zudem betrifft die Erfindung ein Allradantriebssystem (16) mit dieser Antriebseinheit (1) sowie ein Kraftfahrzeug (25).

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Steuerungsvorrichtung für eine Antriebskraftübertragungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE102020113352A1

Eine Steuerungsvorrichtung ist bei einem Allradantriebsfahrzeug anbringbar, das ein Hauptantriebsrad und ein Hilfsantriebsrad umfasst, wobei sie konfiguriert ist, eine Antriebskraftübertragungsvorrichtung zu steuern, die konfiguriert ist, eine Antriebskraft zu dem Hilfsantriebsrad zu übertragen. Die Steuerungsvorrichtung umfasst einen Prozessor und einen Speicher, der ein Programm speichert, um, wenn es durch den Prozessor ausgeführt wird, die Steuerungsvorrichtung zu veranlassen, eine Steuerungskennlinie der Antriebskraftübertragungsvorrichtung, die eine Beziehung zwischen einem Fahrzeugzustand des Allradantriebfahrzeugs und einer Antriebskraft, die zu dem Hilfsantriebsrad übertragen wird, angibt, in Reaktion auf eine Eingabe von einer Eingabevorrichtung zu ändern.

28-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060307657D1

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Steuerungsvorrichtung eines Hybridfahrzeugs

Номер: DE112013000663T5
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO, AISIN AW CO., LTD.

Ein Automatikgetriebe (10) bringt eine Kupplung (C-1) in einem Vorwärtsbereich in Eingriff und bringt eine Bremse (B-2) in einem Rückwärtsbereich selbst in einer EV-Antriebsbetriebsart in Eingriff, bei der eine Brennkraftmaschine (2) gestoppt ist. Eine Steuerungseinheit (1) weist eine Einrichtung zur Steuerung einer rotierenden elektrischen Maschine (41), die einen hinteren Motor (20) antreibt, wenn der Schaltbereich der Vorwärtsbereich in der EV-Antriebsbetriebsart ist, und eine Einrichtung zur Beschränkung bei Änderung (42) auf, die den Antrieb des hinteren Motors (20) für eine eingestellte Zeit nach Änderung des Schaltbereichs von dem Vorwärtsbereich auf den Rückwärtsbereich in der EV-Antriebsbetriebsart beschränkt. Der Start des Antriebs des hinteren Motors (20) durch die Einrichtung zur Steuerung der rotierenden elektrischen Maschine (41) wird für die Einstellzeit beschränkt, nachdem der Schaltbereich von dem Vorwärtsbereich zu dem Rückwärtsbereich geändert worden ist, und wird ein ...

17-03-2021 дата публикации

Planetengetriebesystem mit Unterbrecher und damit hergestellte Antriebsachse

Номер: DE212019000353U1

Elektrische Antriebsachse, umfassend:ein erstes Zahnrad;eine drehfähige Welle mit einem zweiten Zahnrad und einem dritten Zahnrad, die um sie herum angeordnet sind, wobei das zweite Zahnrad mit dem ersten Zahnrad zusammenwirkt; undein Planetengetriebesystem, das um die drehfähige Welle herum angeordnet ist, wobei das Planetengetriebesystem dafür ausgelegt ist, ein vorgegebenes Übersetzungsverhältnis zwischen dem zweiten Zahnrad und dem dritten Zahnrad zu produzieren.

06-07-2006 дата публикации

Leistungsabgabevorrichtung und Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE112004001343T5

Leistungsabgabevorrichtung, die Leistung an eine Antriebswelle ausgibt, wobei die Leistungsabgabevorrichtung folgendes aufweist: eine Brennkraftmaschine; ein Aufnahme/Abgabe-Modul für elektrische Leistung und mechanische Leistung, das mit einer Antriebswelle der Brennkraftmaschine und mit der Antriebswelle verbunden ist und zumindest einen Teil der Leistung von der Brennkraftmaschine durch Aufnahme und Abgabe von elektrischer Leistung und mechanischer Leistung an die Antriebswelle abgibt; einen Motor, der in der Lage ist, Leistung von der Antriebswelle aufzunehmen und an diese abzugeben; einen Akkumulator, der in der Lage ist, elektrische Leistung an das Aufnahme/Abgabe-Modul für elektrische Leistung und mechanische Leistung und den Motor zu liefern und von diesen zu empfangen; ein Leistungsanforderungs-Einstellmodul, das ansprechend auf eine Manipulation durch den Fahrer eine erforderliche Leistungsanforderung für die Antriebswelle einstellt; ein Zielleistungs-Einstellmodul, das eine Zielleistung ...

23-04-2009 дата публикации

Hybridfahrzeug, Steuerverfahren für Hybridfahrzeug und Leistungsausgabevorrichtung

Номер: DE112005001361T5

Hybridfahrzeug, welches folgendes aufweist: eine Brennkraftmaschine; einen Eingabe-/Ausgabemechanismus für elektrische Leistung und mechanische Leistung, der mit einer Abtriebswelle der Brennkraftmaschine und mit einer Antriebswelle, die mit einer Achse des Hybridfahrzeugs verkoppelt ist, verbunden ist und durch Ein- und Ausgabe von elektrischer Leistung und mechanischer Leistung Leistung von bzw. zu der Abtriebswelle und der Antriebswelle ein- und ausgibt; einen Motor, der Leistung von und zu der einen Achsen oder der anderen Achse, die von der einen Achse verschieden ist, ein- und ausgibt; eine Akkumulatoreinheit, die elektrische Leistung zum und vom Eingabe-/Ausgabemechanismus für elektrische Leistung und mechanische Leistung und zum und vom Motor überträgt; ein Antriebsleistungsforderungs-Einstellungsmodul, das eine Antriebsleistungsforderung, die zum Antreiben des Hybridfahrzeugs erforderlich ist, einstellt; ein Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeits-Messmodul, das die Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit des ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE112012001601T5

Eine Hinterradantriebsvorrichtung (1) umfasst: einen ersten Rechts-Links-Verbindungsdurchgang (FP), durch den ein linker Vorratsbehälter (RL) und ein rechter Vorratsbehälter (RR) miteinander in Verbindung stehen; und einen zweiten Rechts-Links-Verbindungsdurchgang (SP), der parallel zu dem ersten Rechts-Links-Verbindungsdurchgang (FP) bereitgestellt ist und durch den der linke Vorratsbehälter (RL) und der rechte Vorratsbehälter (RR) miteinander in Verbindung stehen. Folglich wird die Fließfähigkeit eines in einem Gehäuse (11) gelagerten flüssigen Fluids verbessert und ein Ausgleichen eines Fluidpegels wird ermöglicht.

09-10-2008 дата публикации

Leistungsabgabevorrichtung und Verfahren zum Steuern der Leistungsabgabevorrichtung sowie Fahrzeug und Antriebssystem

Номер: DE102007055899A1

Wenn eine Schaltstufe des Getriebes gerade nicht geändert wird, wird ein Änderungsübersetzungsverhältnis (Gr) eines Getriebes durch Einstellen einer eingegebenen Drehzahl (Nm2) als Steuerdrehzahl (Nm2*) berechnet, und wenn die Schaltstufe des Getriebes gerade geändert wird, wird das Änderungsübersetzungsverhältnis (Gr) durch Einstellen der Drehzahl, die durch Addieren eines Werts, der durch Multiplizieren einer Differenz (DeltaNm2), die der Zeitdifferenzialkomponente der Drehzahl (Nm2) entspricht, mit einer Verstärkung (km) erhalten wird, zu der Drehzahl (Nm2) erhalten wird, eingestellt (S130 bis S160). Unter Verwendung von diesen werden die Drehmomentanweisungen (Tm1*, Tm2*) der Motoren (MG1, MG2) so eingestellt, dass der Verbrennungsmotor an einem Betriebspunkt betrieben wird, der durch eine Solldrehzahl (Ne*) und ein Solldrehmoment (Te*) dargestellt wird, wodurch der Verbrennungsmotor sowie die Motoren (MG1 und MG2) gesteuert werden.

29-10-2009 дата публикации

Redundant drive system for hybrid driven vehicle e.g. military all-terrain vehicle, has set of electrical machines alternatively separated from mechanical drive strand of internal combustion engine or wheel drive unit

Номер: DE102008020555A1

The system (2) has a set of electrical machines (212, 222) provided with a rotor, which is arranged as a mechanical connecting link in a mechanical drive strand in a set of drive assemblies (21, 22) between an internal combustion engine (211) and a wheel drive unit (3). A set of adjustable clutches (214-215, 224-225) is arranged between the combustion engine and one of the electrical machines and between other electrical machine and the wheel drive unit. The electrical machines are alternatively separated from the mechanical drive strand of the combustion engine or the wheel drive unit.

02-05-2014 дата публикации

Steuervorrichtung zum Betrieb eines straßengekoppelten Hybridfahrzeuges

Номер: DE202014001774U1

Steuervorrichtung zum Betrieb eines straßengekoppelten Hybridfahrzeuges mit einer einer ersten Achse (VA) zugeordneten ersten Antriebseinheit und mit einer einer zweiten Achse (HA) zugeordneten zweiten Antriebseinheit, mit einer vom Fahrer bedienbaren Wähleinrichtung (Max-E-Drive-Taster) zum manuellen Wechsel zwischen einem elektrischen Betriebsmodus (E-Modus) und einem automatischen Betriebsmodus (A-Modus) und mit mindestens einer elektronischen Steuereinheit (5, 8) zur Steuerung der Antriebseinheiten zumindest teilweise abhängig von der Bedienung der Wähleinrichtung (Max-E-Drive-Taster), wobei die erste Antriebseinheit einen Elektromotor (1) und ein mit dem Elektromotor (1) zusammenwirkendes automatisch schaltbares Zwei-Gang-Getriebe (7) aufweist und wobei die zweite Antriebseinheit einen Verbrennungsmotor (3) und ein mit dem Verbrennungsmotor (3) zusammenwirkendes weiteres Getriebe (4) aufweist.

07-02-2008 дата публикации

Hybrid drive section for e.g. passenger car, has main strand implemented in transaxle construction with arrangement of drive transmission at engine distant drive axis and long drive shaft between output shaft of engine and gear input unit

Номер: DE102006027901A1

The drive section (1.1) has a main drive strand, a combustion engine (3) arranged adjacent to a drive axis (2). An additional drive section comprises an electrical machine (9), a side gear with a radial outer lying output and a short drive shaft and an axle drive of the drive axis. The main strand is implemented in transaxle construction with an arrangement of drive transmission at an engine distant drive axis (7) and a long drive shaft between an output shaft (8) of the combustion engine and an input unit of the drive gear (4).

02-07-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9206125U1

21-03-2002 дата публикации

Hybridantrieb für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0019919455C2

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Getriebeeinrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102019201637A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Getriebeeinrichtung (1) für ein Kraftfahrzeug (2), die eine mit einer Antriebseinrichtung (6) des Kraftfahrzeugs (2) wirkverbindbare Eingangswelle (3) sowie eine erste Ausgangswelle (4) und eine zweite Ausgangswelle (5) aufweist und über ein als Planetengetriebe ausgestaltetes Drehmomentverlagerungsgetriebe (13) verfügt, über das die Eingangswelle (3) mit der ersten Ausgangswelle (4) und der zweiten Ausgangswelle (5) gekoppelt ist. Dabei ist vorgesehen, dass ein Planetenträger (14) des Planetengetriebes mit der Eingangswelle (3) und der ersten Ausgangswelle (4) drehfest gekoppelt und ein Hohlrad (17) des Planetengetriebes mit der zweiten Ausgangswelle (5) drehfest und/oder über ein Verstärkungsplanetengetriebe (27) gekoppelt ist, wobei ein Sonnenrad (18) des Planetengetriebes über eine Schaltkupplungsanordnung (19) antriebstechnisch an eine elektrische Maschine (20) angeschlossen ist.

17-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019931311C2

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Fahrzeug mit Verteilergetriebe und Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Fahrzeugs mit einem Verteilergetriebe

Номер: DE102018200948A1

Fahrzeug mit Längsmotor (2) und mit einem Verteilergetriebe (1) für Vierrad-Antrieb mit wenigstens einer Eingangswelle (3) und zwei Ausgangswellen (4a, 4b), die jeweils mit den Achsen (20, 22) des Fahrzeugs antriebswirksam verbunden oder zu verbinden sind, wobei eine elektrische Maschine (8) mit mindestens einer der Ausgangswellen (4a, 4b) über einen ersten Offseteintrieb (11) verbindbar ist, wobei die elektrische Maschine (8) parallel zu einer Kupplung (5) des Verteilergetriebes (1) angebracht ist und über einen zweiten Offseteintrieb (12) an einer der Ausgangswellen (4a) angreift.

10-01-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001755126C3

15-11-2001 дата публикации

Motor vehicle hybrid drive has controller that regulates charging pressure depending on operating conditions, limits charging pressure by regulating electrical power of electrical machine

Номер: DE0010022113A1

The drive has an internal combustion engine and at least one electrical machine as a drive source, at least one electrical accumulator and an electronic controller that regulates the engine charging pressure depending on defined operating conditions and limits the charging pressure produced by an exhaust gas turbocharger by regulating the electrical power of a second electrical machine(s). The drive has an internal combustion engine (6) and at least one electrical machine (8) as a drive source, at least one electrical accumulator (14) and an electronic controller (10) for automatically operating the machine as a motor or generator. At least one exhaust gas turbocharger (16) feeds fresh gas to the engine for combustion. At least one second machine (32) operable as a generator has a drive connection to the turbocharger's shaft (22), is electrically coupled to the accumulator to supply current and has a control connection to the controller. The controller regulates the engine charging pressure ...

15-11-2001 дата публикации

Steuervorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE0019616583C2

09-11-2006 дата публикации

Allradangetriebenes Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102005019489A1

Ein allradangetriebenes Kraftfahrzeug mit mindestens zwei Achsen (A1, A2, A3) und einer elektrischen oder hydraulischen Antriebseinrichtung, die mehrere jeweils einem der Antriebsräder (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6) zugeordnete und diese über ein Getriebe oder direkt antreibende, an eine elektrische oder hydraulische Energiequelle (EQ) angeschlossene Motoren (16.1, 17.1, 18.1, 19.1, 20.1, 21.1) aufweist. Die jeweils einer Radachse zugeordneten Motoren sind über schaltbare Quersperreinrichtungen (13.1, 14.1, 15.1) miteinander koppelbar, und mindestens ein Motor (17.1) einer Fahrzeugseite (R) ist über eine schaltbare Längssperreinrichtung (24.1) mit einem einer der anderen Radachsen (A2) zugeordneten Motor (18.1) der gleichen oder der anderen Fahrzeugseite koppelbar.

23-05-2002 дата публикации

Drehmomentsteuerungs- bzw. -regelungssystem und Drehmomentsteuerungs- bzw. -regelungsverfahren für ein Hybridfahrzeug

Номер: DE0010153476A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Drehmomentregelungsverfahren und ein Drehmomentregelungssystem für ein Hybridfahrzeug mit einem Verbrennungsmotor (1) und einem Elektromotor (2), welche als Antriebsquellen dienen, umfassend eine Kupplung (4), welche mit einer Ausgangsseite des Verbrennungsmotors verbunden ist, ein Getriebe (5), welches mit einer Ausgangsseite der Kupplung verbunden ist, Schaltsteuerungsmittel (11) zum Eingreifen und Lösen der Kupplung (4) und zum Ändern eines Übersetzungsverhältnisses des Getriebes, Verbrennungsmotordrehmomentregelungsmittel (11, 19) zur Regelung von Drehmoment des Verbrennungsmotors, Elektromotordrehmomentregelungsmittel (11, 9) zur Regelung von Drehmoment des Elektromotors (2), wobei, wenn das Getriebe einen Schaltvorgang ausführt, die Verbrennungsmotordrehmomentregelungsmittel zeitweise das Drehmoment des Verbrennungsmotors ändern und die Schaltsteuerungsmittel die Kupplung (4) außer Eingriff bringen und das Übersetzungsverhältnis ändern. Das Verbrennungsmotorregelungsmittel ...

01-12-1993 дата публикации

Differential gearing unit having a clutch and a brake to provide ratio change.

Номер: GB2267322A

A differential gearing unit, preferably for a vehicle driven by an electric motor either as the sole propulsion means of the vehicle or as part of a hybrid drive system, includes an arrangement whereby the differential may be switched between low ratio two-wheel drive and high ratio one-wheel drive operation. The changeover between these two drive conditions is provided by two friction couplings associated with an output shaft of the differential, a clutch 44 being engagable to connect the output shaft to an axle shaft for the two-wheel drive condition and a brake 43 being operable to lock the output shaft to the casing of the differential to achieve the high ratio one-wheel drive condition. The clutch 44 and the brake 43 are mounted on an output shaft 41 which is coaxial mounted for rotation on an axle shaft42. The clutch and brake are preferably actuated by a mechanism employing balls in variable depth grooves and a rotary adjusting ring 49 driven by a further electric motor. ...

11-02-2009 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle launch control system and method

Номер: GB2451734A

A method for controlling the launch of a hybrid electric vehicle is disclosed in which the method comprises determining a desired magnitude of wheel torque to be produced at a first wheel set 34, 35, using the desired magnitude of wheel torque to be produced at the first wheel set 34, 35 to determine a magnitude of crankshaft torque, producing a predetermined magnitude of torque capacity at an input clutch 40, 41, determining a crankshaft speed error, determining a change in magnitude of torque at the crankshaft that will reduce the crankshaft speed error and operating an engine 14 to produce a desired engine torque, whose magnitude is determined from the change in magnitude of torque at the crankshaft and the magnitude of desired crankshaft torque.

26-07-2000 дата публикации

Vehicle steering by differentially driving steerable wheels

Номер: GB0002345895A

A vehicle having steerable wheels 24, 26 driven by individual motors 16, 18 has the motors controlled to create a torque imbalance in response to the steering angle to reduce the turning circle. The torque imbalance may be triggered by the approach of the steering to the full lock position. The vehicle may have a hybrid drive system with all wheels driven by electric motors.

01-05-2002 дата публикации

Differential gear

Номер: GB0000206788D0

10-04-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in power driven vehicles

Номер: GB0000347104A

... 347,104. Petrol electric motor vehicles. TATRA-WERKE, AUTO-MOBIL-UND WAGGONBAU AKT.-GES., 200, Kartouzskß U1, SmÝchov, Prague. Jan. 10, 1930, No. 972. Convention date, Jan. 23, 1929. [Classes 79 (ii), 79 (iii), and 79 (iv).] In a power-driven vehicle of the kind in which one or more pairs of driving wheels are driven by an electric motor or motors supplied with current by a generator driven by an internal-combustion engine or the like, and in which the electric motor or motors and/or the generator and also the transmission gearing are enclosed by a tubular chassis to which swinging half-axles carrying the driving wheels are pivoted or by an extension of such tubular chassis, provision is made to enable the electric drive to be cut out or superseded by a direct drive from the engine to the mechanical transmission gearing. The change may be effected at the will of the driver or automatically, when a certain speed has been attained. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 2, the generator 7 is driven ...

08-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001550288A

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000388515T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380703T

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000300443T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452786T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399670T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000549194T

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000540845T

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000092858T

08-01-2002 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle drive system

Номер: AU0006616501A

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Electric motor/generator with integrated differential

Номер: AU2018200339A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An electrical machine comprising: at least one stator, at least one module, the at least one module comprising at least one electromagnetic coil and at least one switch, the at least one module being attached to the at least one stator; at least one rotor with a plurality of magnets attached to the 5 at least one rotor, an integrated electrical differential coupled to at least one of the rotors, the at least one integrated electrical differential permitting the at least one rotor to output at least two rotational outputs to corresponding shafts, wherein the at least two rotational outputs are able to move the shafts at different rotational velocities to one another. The electrical machine is configured to fit into a housing, and that can be retrofitted into a conventional vehicle by replacing the mechanical 10 differential.

08-04-2002 дата публикации

Platforms for sustainable transportation

Номер: AU0009466001A

29-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002527344A1

In a constant speed drive (in an auto cruise), the procedure of the invention executes proportional control to set an accelerator opening Acc corresponding to an observed vehicle speed and a target vehicle speed. When the accelerator opening Acc is less than a preset opening A2 included in a dead zone where a torque demand Tr* is kept equal to 0, the procedure corrects the accelerator opening Acc to have a corresponding torque demand Tr* included in a negative zone where the torque demand Tr* takes negative values and linearly increases. This arrangement heightens the linearity of the graph of the torque demand Tr* against the accelerator opening Acc in the constant speed drive, compared with the linearity in a standard drive.

19-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002470973A1

Improvements in a hybrid vehicle using an internal combustion engine and an electric propulsion, the improvement comprising the arrangement wherein there is a rear section which comprises a rear axle, wheels mounted on the rear axle, a platform mounted on the axle, and wherein the platform has a weight distribution whereby greater than 50% of the weight of the platform is located rearwardly of the rear axle and the platform is tilted with respect to the horizontal.

05-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002623398A1

A plug-in hybrid propulsion system includes a fast energy storage device that preserves battery life, where the energy storage elements of the hybrid drive train may be charged with externally supplied electricity as well as energy from the engine or regenerative braking. Electronic switches, passive electronics, an enclosure, controller circuitry, and/or control algorithms are used to manage the flow of power between a fuel powered engine, a battery, a fast energy storage system, traction motors, a charger, ancillary systems, an electrical distribution system, and/or a drive train.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002919965A1

Provided is a vehicle that can improve vehicle posture control or operation performance during accelerating turn. A vehicle (10) is provided with: a left drive wheel (36a) and a right drive wheel (36b) connected to a motor (16, 18); a required drive power amount input device (64) for inputting a required drive power amount; and a required turn amount input device (62) for inputting a required turn amount. The vehicle (10) further includes a turn control device (28) that adjusts a power difference (?T) between the left drive wheel (36a) and the right drive wheel (36b) on the basis of a time derivative value of the required drive power amount in addition to the required turn amount.

14-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002935038C

According to this vehicle and control method for the same, an electric motor control device sets a target left power (TM1) and a target right power (TM2), on the basis of the power (.beta.) suppliable by a power supply, power loss (L1, L2) dependent on the respective rotation state quantities (Nmot) of a left electric motor and a right electric motor, the target power difference (.DELTA.TT) between the left electric motor and the right electric motor, and the target sum of power (TRT_req) of the left electric motor and the right electric motor, and controls the left electric motor and the right electric motor using the target left power (TM1) and the target right power (TM2).

28-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002204872C

A coupling device between left and right wheels of a vehicle includes a differential gear, a driving source, a first power transmission system and a pair of second and third power transmission systems. The differential gear has a first rotational element and second and third rotational elements, one of which rotates forward, the other of which rotates in reverse. The driving source is coupled to the first rotational element. The first transmission system couples the second rotational element to the left or right wheel. The second and third power transmission systems couple the third rotational element to the other wheel. The gear ratio of the third power transmission system differs from the gear ratios of the first and second power transmission systems which are equal to each other.

30-03-2007 дата публикации

System of propulsion to cold flame.

Номер: CH0000696297A5

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108883693A

11-09-2013 дата публикации

Motor drive force transmission device

Номер: CN103298646A

Provided is a motor drive force transmission device capable of inhibiting and continuously using the excessive heat of an electric motor generated from continuously operating same over a long period of time. A motor drive force transmission device (1) is provided with: a deceleration transmission mechanism (2) for transmitting the motor drive force to a rear differential (107); a first electric motor (3) coupled to the rear differential (107) via the deceleration transmission mechanism (2) and for generating a first motor drive force (a); a second electric motor (4) connected to the first electric motor (3) and the deceleration transmission mechanism (2) and for generating a second motor drive force (b); and an ECU (5) for outputting a control signal for driving the first electric motor (3) and the second electric motor (4) when a torque equal to or greater than a predetermined torque is required as the drive torque for the rear differential (107), and a control signal for alternately driving ...

07-01-2015 дата публикации

Drive train for a motor vehicle

Номер: CN0101801701B

15-03-2017 дата публикации

The four-wheel drive hybrid electric system

Номер: CN0104589998B

17-07-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle and its control method

Номер: CN101668669B

14-01-2009 дата публикации

Displacement on demand with regenerative braking

Номер: CN0100450810C

28-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002959174A1

Pour un véhicule qui peut être entraîné exclusivement au moyen d'une machine électrique (3), ou qui est réalisé sous forme de véhicule hybride, plusieurs systèmes d'essieu différents sont indiqués. Le véhicule présente un essieu avant (1) et un essieu arrière, ainsi qu'au moins un entraînement, qui comprend une machine électrique (3) pour l'entraînement d'au moins une roue (2) de l'un des essieux.

03-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002931399B1

09-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002958227B1

23-12-1994 дата публикации

Any-distance (unlimited range) hybrid electric car

Номер: FR0002706375A1

Dispositif de propulsion électrique pour voitures automobiles caractérisé par deux moteurs placés, dans les roues arrières, dont l'énergie est fournie par des accumulateurs. Ce dispositif est adaptable (essence ou diésel), gardant la possibilité d'une conduite mixte; les accumulateurs sont disposés dans un caisson-tiroir amovible et interchangeable, et la recharge de ces accumulateurs est effectuée sur courant économique de nuit.

22-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002959174B1

22-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003043364B1

09-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003044609A1

L'invention concerne un groupe motopropulseur d'un véhicule. L'invention est caractérisée en ce que le groupe motopropulseur comprend des premier (2) et second (3) moteurs électriques, un système motoréducteur (4) comportant un arbre de sortie (5), les arbres moteurs (6, 7) des premier (2) et second (3) moteurs électriques étant mécaniquement reliés à l'arbre de sortie (5) du système motoréducteur (4) via respectivement deux dispositifs d'accouplement (8, 9), le groupe motopropulseur comprenant en outre au moins des premier (10) et second (11a) accessoires entraînés respectivement par les premier (2) et second (3) moteurs électriques, l'arbre moteur (6) du premier moteur électrique (2) étant aligné avec l'arbre (13) du premier accessoire (10), et l'arbre moteur (7) du second moteur électrique (3) étant aligné avec l'arbre (14a) du second accessoire (11a). L'invention trouve son application dans le domaine de l'industrie automobile.

29-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003081412A1

15-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002380934A1

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002894547A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de contrôle et de supervision d'un véhicule hybride comportant : un moteur thermique d'entraînement (20) et une machine électrique (22) pouvant sur commande fonctionner en moteur d'entraînement et alimenté par une batterie (26) caractérisé en ce qu'il consiste : - à détecter l'état de fonctionnement du véhicule ; - à produire en réponse une consigne de fonctionnement de la machine électrique (22) seule, sans exiger aucune commande particulière du moteur thermique (20), tout en assurant un respect d'une contrainte de stabilité du véhicule et d'une contrainte de protection des organes électriques du véhicule.

09-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003065920A1

L'invention porte principalement sur une architecture de traction (10) pour véhicule automobile comportant: - une chaîne de traction (11) implantée sur un train avant (12) comprenant notamment un moteur thermique (13) associé à une boîte de vitesses (16), - une première machine électrique tournante (21) de type réversible intégrée dans la chaîne de traction, et - une deuxième machine électrique tournante (26) de type réversible, ladite deuxième machine électrique tournante (26) étant une machine électrique tournante sans courroie implantée sur un train arrière (27) du véhicule automobile, caractérisée en ce que la première machine électrique tournante (21) est de type sans courroie.

11-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003079777A1

20-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002482528A1

21-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003067662A1

13-06-1997 дата публикации

Dual drive system for hybrid road vehicle powered by IC engine and two electric motors

Номер: FR0002742100A1

L'invention concerne les véhicules automobiles qui utilisent à la fois un moteur thermique et des moteurs électriques. L'invention réside dans le fait que le moteur thermique (22) entraîne les roues avant (12, 14) par l'intermédiaire d'un embrayage/boîte de vitesses 24 et qu'un moteur électrique (26, 28) entraîne chacune des roues arrière (16, 18). Le choix entre les différentes motorisations est effectué par un superviseur 40 en fonction des commandes du poste de pilotage 38 et de la vitesse du véhicule. Les moteurs électriques sont utilisés aux vitesses faibles ou à titre de complément de couple au moteur thermique, ce dernier étant utilisé en permanence aux vitesses élevées.

03-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002653718A1

14-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003046592A1
Принадлежит: MURRAY

La présente invention a pour objet un dispositif d'hybridation intégré dans un ensemble de véhicules comprenant un véhicule tracteur (1) et au moins un véhicule remorque (2), caractérisé en ce que le dispositif d'hybridation comprend : - une motorisation électrique (3) montée ou couplée avec au moins un essieu du véhicule remorque (2), la motorisation électrique (3) étant apte à fonctionner en freinage génératif, - une unité de stockage électrique (4) connectée à la motorisation électrique (3), - un dispositif de gestion (5) connectée, d'une part, à la motorisation électrique (3) et, d'autre part, à un mécanisme de commande (6) de la motorisation (7) du véhicule tracteur (1).

19-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100659209B1

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Aftermarket electrical propulsion system for vehicles

Номер: US20120000721A1
Автор: Frank F. Lipski
Принадлежит: FAZER Tech CORP

A supplemental propulsion system for a vehicle includes an electrical generator coupled to the vehicle's engine. At least one electric motor is coupled to one or more propulsion devices, such as road wheels of a motor vehicle. Electrical power from the generator is supplied to an electronic control unit that then supplies electric power to the electric motor. The system may be configured to be retrofitted to a conventional gasoline or diesel-powered vehicle.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Brake control device

Номер: US20120160580A1
Автор: Daisuke Nakata
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fluid pressure brake unit generates a friction braking force by supplying an operating fluid to a wheel cylinder provided to each wheel of a vehicle so as to press a brake pad against the wheel. A regenerative brake unit generates a regenerative braking force by electric power regeneration to a motor that drives the wheel. A battery collects electric power from the motor. A low-temperature determination unit determines that the temperature of the battery is low when the temperature of the battery is below a predetermined temperature range. A battery temperature increasing unit generates, when the temperature of the battery is determined to be low, a braking force to the vehicle by at least either a fluid pressure brake unit or a regenerative brake unit during acceleration of the vehicle by the motor or the engine.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Drive method and drive device for a hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20120166029A1
Автор: Thomas Rauner
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A drive device for a hybrid vehicle, which has a first driven axle and a second driven axle, including: a first motor/generator unit, which is connected to the first driven axle; an internal combustion engine unit, which is connected in a rotationally fixed fashion to a differential/transmission unit which is connected to the rear axle; a second motor/generator unit, which is connected in a rotationally fixed fashion to the differential/transmission unit, parallel to the internal combustion engine unit; a clutch unit, which is designed to disconnect and connect a force flux between the differential/transmission unit and the second driven axle; and a control unit, which actuates the clutch unit, the internal combustion engine unit, the first motor/generator unit and the second motor/generator unit as a function of predefined operating states.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Powertrain and Method for a Kinetic Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20120196721A1
Автор: Hongping He, Jing He
Принадлежит: Individual

A kinetic hybrid device and method for a vehicle may include a planetary gear system configured as a continuously variable transmission comprised of three or four ports. The kinetic hybrid device and method may include a flywheel connected to a first port of the system, a final drive connected to a second port of the system, and the variator for the flywheel connected to a third or fourth port of the system. The prime mover and/or other power sources may share a port with the flywheel, but do not share a port with the final drive.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for Disconnecting an Electrical Machine on a Running Gear of a Vehicle, in Particular a Hybrid Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20120253577A1

A method for disconnecting an electrical machine connected with the wheels of a vehicle's drive axle by means of a dog clutch having intermeshing couplers includes, upon receipt of a command to disengage, two successively activated steps. In the first step, a torque equal to a calibrated threshold of a target torque (d) is applied to the electrical machine so to effect a zero torque between the couplers. During this step, a dog clutch actuator is deactivated so to allow the dog clutch to disengage from the electrical machine as quickly as possible. Next, a torque having a value determined according to a slope whose value ranges from the calibrated threshold of the target torque (d) to zero is applied to the electrical machine.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Driveline product for selective coupling of multiple inputs and multiple outputs

Номер: US20130036862A1
Автор: Robert Francis Keller
Принадлежит: BorgWarner Inc

A driveline product including first and second inputs having input rotational axes, first and second outputs having output rotational axes, a transfer coupling between at least one of the input rotational axes and at least one of the output rotational axes, and at least two selective couplings operatively coupled between the inputs and the outputs for operation selective between at least two drives powered by at least one of two prime movers.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid drive train

Номер: US20130087400A1
Автор: Martin Fuechtner
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

The invention relates to a hybrid drive-train of a motor vehicle ( 1 ) equipped with a mechanical all-wheel drive, said drive-train comprising a combustion engine ( 5 ) which can be drive-connected to two axles ( 5 ) by means of a transmission ( 6 ), and a transversally installed electric machine arrangement ( 10 ). In order to improve the hybrid drive-train, particularly with regard to an operational mode that is highly dynamic, the electric machine arrangement is arranged approximately central in relation to the transverse direction of the vehicle.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Front Wheel Traction Assist for General Purpose and Task Oriented Vehicles

Номер: US20130092467A1
Автор: Jager Bill

A vehicle with electric wheel hub motors for one or more wheels for operation to provide drive at low vehicle speeds and to supplement one or more primary drive motors which drive other wheels of the vehicle through all desired vehicle speeds including the low vehicle speeds and vehicle speeds higher than the low speeds. 1. A vehicle having at least two ground engaging wheels comprising one forward wheel and one rear wheel ,an independent electric motor for each respective front wheel to independently drive each respective front wheel,a respective overrunning clutch disposed between each electric motor and each respective front wheel,each overrunning clutch engaging the wheel with the motor when the wheel rotates slower than the motor,each overrunning clutch disengaging the wheel from the motor when the wheel rotates faster than the motor,an electrical battery serving as a power source for the electric motors,a controller for controlling the supply of power to each electric motor,a drive system to drive the rear wheels throughout a range of speeds of the vehicle from a zero vehicle speed to a maximum vehicle speed,each electric motor having a maximum design speed of rotation,at the design speed of each electric motor, the electric motor rotating the front wheel at a speed which corresponding to a low vehicle speed which is less than the maximum vehicle speed.2. A vehicle as claimed in wherein the maximum vehicle speed is pre-selected and the low vehicle speed is in the range of 30% of the maximum vehicle speed.3. A vehicle as claimed in wherein when the vehicle speed exceeds the low vehicle speed claim 1 , the controller reduces power to the electric motors.4. A vehicle as claimed in wherein an internal combustion engine drives the rear wheels.5. A vehicle having at least two ground engaging wheels comprising one forward wheel and one rear wheel claim 1 ,an independent electric motor for each respective rear wheel to independently drive each respective rear wheel,a ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138284A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A vehicle has at least two drive wheels which can be driven in each case by single-wheel drive units which are in particular of structurally identical dimensions and which can be actuated by means of a control device control device determines a target torque which, in a torque distribution unit, can be divided into a first target torque for the first drive unit and a second target torque for the second drive unit. The torque distribution unit is assigned an adjustment unit by means of which the first and/or the second target torque can be corrected with an adjustment factor which can be determined as a function of a torque difference, arising owing to manufacturing and/or component tolerances, between the drive units 110.-. (canceled)11. A vehicle comprising:at least two drive wheels;single-wheel drive units for driving the at least two drive wheels in one to one correspondence;a control device for controlling the single-wheel drive units, said control device calculating a total target torque;a torque distribution unit for dividing the total target torque into a first target torque for a first one of the drive units and a second target torque for a second one of the drive units; andan adjustment unit assigned to the torque distribution unit for correcting the first and/or the second target torques with an adjustment factor which is determinable as a function of a torque difference between the drive units resulting from manufacturing and/or component tolerances.12. The vehicle of claim 11 , wherein the single-wheel drive units are of structurally identical dimensions.13. The vehicle of claim 11 , wherein the torque difference is detected in a reference driving operation in which the two drive units are controllable with reference target torques.14. The vehicle of claim 13 , wherein the reference target torques are of equal value.15. The vehicle of claim 11 , wherein the torque difference is a yawing torque which acts about a vertical axis of the vehicle.16. The ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Propulsion device for an all-wheel-drive vehicle and method for distributing the drive torque to a front axle drive and a rear axle drive

Номер: US20130211640A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

The invention relates to a propulsion device for an all-wheel-drive vehicle with a front-axle drive ( 5, 7 ) and a rear-axle drive ( 19; 33, 34 ), which propulsion device has an electronic control device which defines a drive torque (M Summe ) for driving the vehicle based on a driver request. The electronic control device is associated with a torque distribution unit ( 25 ), by way of which the drive torque (M Summe ) can be variably distributed to the front-axle drive ( 5, 7 ) and the rear-axle drive ( 19; 33, 34 ) as a function of input parameters generated by a driver-assistance controller ( 31 ).

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Powertrain system for hybrid vehicles having multiple modes of operation

Номер: US20130252773A1

A powertrain system for a vehicle is provided. The powertrain system includes an internal combustion engine, a first gearset connected to the internal combustion engine, a first electric machine connected to the first gearset, a drivetrain gear for connection to a drivetrain of the vehicle, a second gearset connecting the first gearset to the drivetrain gear, a second electric machine, and at least one dynamic clutch selectively coupling the second electric machine to the first electric machine, the first gearset, and the second gearset. In a first mode of operation, the at least one dynamic clutch couples the second electric machine and the first electric machine. In a second mode of operation, the at least one dynamic clutch couples the second electric machine and the first gearset. In a third mode of operation, the at least one dynamic clutch couples the second electric machine and the second gearset.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313035A1
Автор: Jenkins, JR. PHILIP JOSEPH

A dual-powered utility vehicle that includes a gasoline engine configured to rotate a first axle that rotates at least a first wheel; an electrical motor configured to rotate a second axle that rotates at least a second wheel; and at least one battery. The at least second wheel also rotates the second axle. The at least one battery is connected to the electrical motor. The vehicle is configured such that when being moved under power from the gasoline engine, the at least second wheel of the electrical drive train is rotated by virtue of its ground contact when the gasoline engine rotates the at least first wheel. Energy created by the at least second wheel rotating is transferred to the at least one battery to recharge the battery and make available for use by the electrical motor to rotate the at least one second wheel when activated to do so. 1. A dual-powered utility vehicle comprising:a gasoline engine configured to rotate a first axle that rotates at least a first wheel;an electrical motor configured to rotate a second axle that rotates at least a second wheel;wherein the at least second wheel also rotates the second axle;at least one battery connected to the electrical motor;wherein the vehicle is configured such that when being moved under power from the gasoline engine, the at least second wheel of the electrical drive train is rotated by virtue of its ground contact when the gasoline engine rotates the at least first wheel; andwherein energy created by the at least second wheel rotating is transferred to the at least one battery to recharge the battery and make available for use by the electrical motor to rotate the at least one second wheel when activated to do so.2. The dual-powered utility vehicle of claim 1 , further an electrical motor controller configured to control the electric motor.3. The dual-powered utility vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a controller in communication with the motor that includes a regeneration mode that causes any ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Controller and method of control of a hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: US20130332015A1
Автор: Clement Dextreit
Принадлежит: Individual

An illustrative controller for a hybrid electric vehicle has a plurality of actuators each operable independently to provide torque to a driveline of the vehicle. At least one of the actuators is arranged to consume a fuel and at least one other comprises an electric machine. The controller is operable to control the plurality of actuators to apply respective amounts of torque to a driveline of the vehicle according to one of three or more operational modes of the vehicle. The respective amounts of torque are based on a value of each of a first set of two or more operating parameters. The controller is arranged to select two or more of the operational modes based on the first set of operating parameters and a value of a cost functional. A first of the selected modes is the mode having the lowest cost functional according to a control optimisation methodology.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Multi-speed transaxle for electric and hybrid vehicle application

Номер: US20140051538A1
Принадлежит: Magna Powertrain Inc

An electric drive module for transferring torque to wheels of a motor vehicle a planetary gearset having a first member driven by the rotor and a second member. A synchronizer restricts a third member of the planetary gearset from rotation when the electric drive module operates at a first drive ratio. The synchronizer transfers energy from the rotating rotor to the third member during a shift between the first drive ratio and a second drive ratio to match the rotational speeds of the rotor and the second member. A reduction unit includes an input member being driven by the second member and also includes an output member driven at a reduced speed relative to the input member. A differential assembly includes an input driven by the output member, a first differential output driving a first output shaft, and a second differential output driving a second output shaft.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Hybrid electric vehicle and method of control thereof

Номер: US20140051545A1
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

The invention relates to a hybrid electric vehicle ( 100 ) comprising: an engine ( 121 ) and at least one electric propulsion motor ( 123 ), the vehicle ( 100 ) being operable in a HEV mode in which the engine ( 121 ) may be switched on automatically during a drive-cycle by control means ( 140 ) and an electric vehicle (EV)-only mode in which engine starting is inhibited during a drive-cycle, the vehicle ( 100 ) being operable in one of a plurality of attribute modes in which one or more operating parameters of the vehicle ( 100 ) are changed by the control means ( 140 ) responsive to the identity of the selected attribute mode, wherein when in the HEV mode and a first attribute mode is selected, selection of the EV-only mode by the driver results in assumption of the EV-only mode and continued operation in the first attribute mode, and when in the HEV mode and a second or further attribute mode has been selected, selection of the EV-only mode by the driver results in assumption of the EV-only mode and automatic de-selection by the control means of the second or further attribute mode.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001708A1

A power transmission device outputting torque from a first power source and a second power source to axles, is provided with: a first shaft coupled with the first power source; a differential configured to differentially distribute the torque to the axles; a first gear set configured to drivingly couple the first shaft with the differential; a second shaft coupled with the second power source; a second gear set drivingly coupled with the second shaft; a clutch configured to receive fluid pressure to drivingly and releasably couple the second gear set with the first gear set; and a pump driven by a third power source at least independent of the first power source and the clutch to generate the fluid pressure, the pump being disposed separate from the clutch and in fluid connection with the clutch to supply the fluid pressure. 18.-. (canceled)9. A power transmission device outputting torque from a first power source and a second power source to axles , comprising:a first shaft coupled with the first power source;a differential configured to differentially distribute the torque to the axles;a first gear set configured to drivingly couple the first shaft with the differential;a second shaft coupled with the second power source;a second gear set drivingly coupled with the second shaft;a clutch configured to receive fluid pressure to drivingly and releasably couple the second gear set with the first gear set;a third gear set drivingly coupled with the second power source;a pump driven by the third gear set to generate the fluid pressure, the pump being disposed separate from the clutch and in fluid connection with the clutch to supply the fluid pressure;a casing defining a single space so dimensioned as to house the first and second shafts, the differential, the first, second and third gear sets, the pump and the clutch, the casing including an oil reservoir disposed around a lowermost point in the space and just below the pump; anda flow path passing through the casing ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150006036A1
Автор: Nishimori Takashi
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A vehicle has a rear wheel drive device for driving rear wheels independently of a front wheel drive device. A drive mode control unit performs at least one of a first switching operation for switching between a front-wheel-only-drive mode and a rear-wheel-only-drive mode, a second switching operation for switching between a composite drive mode and the rear-wheel-only-drive mode, and a third switching operation for switching between the composite drive mode and the front-wheel-only-drive mode. When the drive mode control unit performs any one of the first switching operation, the second switching operation, and the third switching operation, an assistive force controller of the steering apparatus changes a control process for controlling a steering assistive force. 1. A steering apparatus for use in a vehicle including a front wheel drive device for driving front wheels , a rear wheel drive device for driving rear wheels independently of the front wheel drive device , and a drive mode control unit for controlling the front wheel drive device and the rear wheel drive device to control drive modes of the front wheels and the rear wheels , wherein the drive mode control unit performsa first switching operation of switching between a front-wheel-only-drive mode in which only the front wheels are driven and a rear-wheel-only-drive mode in which only the rear wheels are driven; andthe steering apparatus further comprises:a manual steering device that manually steers steerable wheels, which are at least the front wheels or the rear wheels;an assistive force generator, which generates a steering assistive force acting in a same direction as or in an opposite direction to a steering force applied to the manual steering device, for assisting in steering the steerable wheels with the manual steering device; andan assistive force controller that controls the steering assistive force; andwhen the drive mode control unit performs the first switching operation, the assistive ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008509A1
Автор: Sato Keita

During EV traveling in a CD mode, an electronic control unit determine that an engine is in a state where the engine is likely to be started when an electric power storage ratio SOC of a battery falls short of a threshold Sref, when a battery temperature Tb of the battery falls short of a threshold Tbref, when an output limit Wout of the battery falls short of a threshold Wref, when a temperature Tmg2 of a motor is higher than a threshold Tmg2ref, and when a torque limit Tm2lim of the motor falls short of a threshold Tm2limref. Then, the electronic control unit set a required torque Tr* by using a map for a CS mode in which the required torque Tr* is set to be lower than in a map for the CD mode. 1. A hybrid car comprising:an engine configured to output power for traveling;a motor configured to output power for traveling;a battery configured to exchange electric power with the motor, andan electronic control unit configured toi) control the engine and the motor for traveling in accordance with a required output for traveling with respect to an accelerator operation amount in one of a charge depleting mode and a charge sustaining mode,ii) start the engine and make a transition to hybrid traveling, which is traveling entailing an operation of the engine, when the required output becomes equal to or higher than a threshold during electric traveling as traveling not entailing the operation of the engine, andiii) set the required output such that the required output at a time when at least one of predetermined conditions is satisfied falls short of the required output at a time when the at least one of predetermined conditions is not satisfied with respect to the same accelerator operation amount during the electric traveling in the charge depleting mode,wherein the predetermined conditions include a condition that an electric power storage ratio of the battery falls short of a predetermined ratio, a condition that a temperature of the battery falls short of a first ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009310A1
Автор: STORM Jonas

A vehicle provided with an electric propulsion system and a method for controlling the electric propulsion system are provided. The system includes a first Electrical Motor (EM) connected via first Electrical Connections (EC) to an on-board Energy Storage System (ESS) and drivingly connected to wheels. The system further includes a second Electrical Motor (EM) connected via second Electrical Connections (EC) to one or several electrical energy sources and drivingly connected to wheels. The system is controlled by an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and the Electrical Motors (EM, EM) are used in dependence of the State Of Charge (SOC) level in the first Energy Storage System (ESS) and the availability of electrical energy for the second Electrical Motor (EM). The ECU is programmed to include an energy transfer mode in which the use of the second Electric Motor (EM) for propulsive force is increased and the use of the first Electric Motor (EM) for regenerative breaking is increased when the State Of Charge (SOC) level in the first electrical Energy Storage System (ESS) is below a defined level and it is estimated that there is more electrical energy available for the second Electrical Motor (EM) than for the first Electrical Motor (EM). 22222121211. A vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the second Electrical Motor (EM) is electrically connected to and powered by a second Energy Storage System (ESS) and the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is programmed such that it is estimated that there is more electrical energy available for propulsion of the second Electrical Motor (EM) when the second Energy Storage System (ESS) is able to provide an electrical power for propulsive force for a longer time than the first Energy Storage System (ESS) based on estimation of present or future vehicle operation conditions and/or when the second Energy Storage System (ESS) is able to provide energy with less reduction of the overall State Of Charge of the on board Energy Storage Systems ( ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Power-split hybrid powertrain using turbine generator

Номер: US20160016577A1
Автор: Alan G. Holmes

A hybrid powertrain has a turbine generator having a shaft. The hybrid powertrain includes a power-split hybrid transmission that has an input member, an output member, and a ratio-controlling motor/generator controllable to vary a speed ratio of the input member to the output member. The turbine generator is in electrical communication with the ratio-controlling motor/generator to electrically power the ratio-controlling motor/generator when the ratio-controlling motor/generator functions as a motor during a power-split operating mode.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016653A1

To provide a vehicle drive device capable of effectively driving a vehicle by using in-wheel motors without falling into the vicious cycle between enhancement of driving via the motors and an increase in vehicle weight. The present invention is a vehicle drive device that uses in-wheel motors to drive a vehicle and includes in-wheel motors () that are provided in wheels () of a vehicle () and drive the wheels, a body side motor () that is provided in a body of the vehicle and drives the wheels of the vehicle, and a battery () and a capacitor () that supply electric power for driving the in-wheel motors and/or the body side motor, in which a voltage of the battery is applied to the body side motor and a voltage of the battery and the capacitor connected in series is applied to the in-wheel motors. 1. A vehicle drive device that uses an in-wheel motor to drive a vehicle , the vehicle drive device comprising:an in-wheel motor that is provided in a wheel of the vehicle and drives the wheel;a body side motor that is provided in a body of the vehicle and drives the wheel of the vehicle;a battery; anda capacitor,wherein a voltage of the battery is applied to the body side motor and a voltage of the battery and the capacitor that are connected in series is applied to the in-wheel motor.2. The vehicle drive device according to claim 1 ,wherein a maximum inter-terminal voltage of the capacitor is set to a voltage higher than an inter-terminal voltage of the battery.3. The vehicle drive device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first voltage converting unit connected between the capacitor and the battery,wherein the first voltage converting unit performs at least one of an operation that raises the voltage of the battery and charges the capacitor with electric power stored in the battery andan operation that lowers the voltage of the capacitor and charges the battery with electric power stored in the capacitor.4. The vehicle drive device according to claim 1 , further ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle Energy Management System and Related Methods

Номер: US20210016678A1

A through the road (TTR) hybridization strategy is proposed to facilitate introduction of hybrid electric vehicle technology in a significant portion of current and expected trucking fleets. In some cases, the technologies can be retrofitted onto an existing vehicle (e.g., a truck, a tractor unit, a trailer, a tractor-trailer configuration, at a tandem, etc.). In some cases, the technologies can be built into new vehicles. In some cases, one vehicle may be built or retrofitted to operate in tandem with another and provide the hybridization benefits contemplated herein. By supplementing motive forces delivered through a primary drivetrain and fuel-fed engine with supplemental torque delivered at one or more electrically-powered drive axles, improvements in overall fuel efficiency and performance may be delivered, typically without significant redesign of existing components and systems that have been proven in the trucking industry. 1. A vehicle energy management method , comprising:receiving, from one or more on-board sensors, trailer data including at least one of trailer position data, trailer weight data, trailer speed data, and trailer acceleration data for the trailer traveling along a given trajectory;based at least in part on the received trailer data, computing a total estimated torque to maintain movement of the trailer along the given trajectory; andbased on a computationally estimated torque applied by a powered vehicle towing the trailer and on the computed total estimated torque, applying a trailer torque to one or more trailer axles, wherein the trailer torque is provided by an electric motorgenerator coupled to the one or more trailer axles.2. The energy management method of claim 1 , wherein the computing the total estimated torque includes computing one or more of a driver input torque claim 1 , an air drag torque claim 1 , a road drag torque claim 1 , a road grade torque claim 1 , an acceleration torque claim 1 , and a braking torque.3. The energy ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017584A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A driving system includes a drive source for driving a left drive portion and a right drive portion, a power transmission mechanism having first and second differential mechanisms each including a first rotating element, a second rotating element and a third rotating element and a switching unit. The first rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to each other so as to rotate in the same direction, the second rotating elements of the first and second differential elements are connected to the left drive portion and the right drive portion, respectively, and the third rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to each other so as to rotate in opposite directions. 1. A driving system comprising:a drive source, which drives a left driving portion that is disposed on a left side of a vehicle with respect to a traveling direction and a right driving portion that is disposed on a right side of the vehicle with respect to the traveling direction; anda power transmission mechanism, which has a first differential mechanism and a second differential mechanism, each having a first rotating element, a second rotating element, and a third rotating element, wherein:the first rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to each other so as to rotate integrally in a same direction;the second rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to the left driving portion and the right driving portion, respectively;the third rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to each other so as to rotate in opposite directions;the power transmission mechanism comprises:a first switching mechanism that can switch between an applied state where a power transmission path between the drive source and the first rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms is connected and a released state where the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021112A1

The invention elates to an electric drive assembly for a multi-axle driven motor vehicle which comprises an internal combustion engine, a multi-step transmission with an output shaft for driving a rear axle, as well as an optionally driveable front axle. The drive assembly comprises an electric machine (), a reduction gearing () drivingly connected to the electric machine (), a driveshaft () drivingly connected to the reduction gearing () and drivingly connectable to a front propeller shaft () for driving the front axle, and a housing in which the electric machine () and the reduction gearing () are arranged. The housing () comprises connecting means () for connecting the drive assembly () to the multi-step transmission. The electric drive assembly is designed such that, with the electric drive assembly mounted at the multi-step transmission (), a rear propeller shaft () can be connected at least indirectly to the output shaft of the multi-step transmission for driving the rear axle. Furthermore, the invention relates to a motor vehicle with such a driveline assembly. 115-. (canceled)16. An electric drive assembly for a multi-axle driven motor vehicle that comprises an internal combustion engine , a multi-step transmission with an output shaft for driving a rear axle , and an optionally driveable front axle , said electric drive assembly comprising:an electric machine;a reduction gearing drivingly connected to the electric machine;a driveshaft that is drivingly connected to the reduction gearing and that is connectable to a front propeller shaft for driving the front axle; anda housing in which the electric machine and the reduction gearing are arranged, wherein the housing comprises at least one connection element arranged to connect the housing to the multi-step transmission,wherein the electric drive assembly is configured such that, with the electric drive assembly mounted at the multi-step transmission, a rear propeller shaft is connectable at least indirectly ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021718A1

A powertrain for a vehicle includes an engine, a first motor serving as a motor for driving of a vehicle or serving as a generator, a first power transmission mechanism disposed between the engine and the first motor to transmit the power of the engine to the first motor or to cut off transmission of power between the engine and the first motor, a second power transmission mechanism disposed between the first motor and a driving shaft of running wheels to transmit the power of the first motor to the driving shaft of the running wheels or to cut off transmission of power between the first motor and the driving shaft of the running wheels, and a second motor connected to the second power transmission mechanism via a third power transmission mechanism to transmit power to the second power transmission mechanism and outputting power for driving the vehicle and transmit the power to the driving shaft of the running wheels. 1. A powertrain for an eco-friendly vehicle comprising:an engine;a first motor for driving of a vehicle or receiving power from the engine to operate as a generator;a first power transmission mechanism disposed between the engine and the first motor to transmit engine power to the first motor or to cut off the power transmission between the engine and the first motor;a second power transmission mechanism disposed between the first motor and a driving shaft of running wheels to transmit power from the first motor to the driving shaft of the running wheels or to cut off the power transmission between the first motor and the driving shaft of the vehicle wheels; anda second motor connected to the second power transmission mechanism via a third power transmission mechanism to transmit power to the second power transmission mechanism, the second motor outputting power for driving the vehicle and transmitting power to the driving shaft of the running wheels through the third power transmission mechanism and the second power transmission mechanism.2. The ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022198A1
Автор: Perkins William Paul

A hybrid powertrain system for a vehicle includes an electric machine, a gear set mechanically connected with the electric machine, and a clutch mechanically coupled with at least one of a primary and secondary driveline assembly. The electric machine is configured to selectively provide motive power to at least one of the primary and secondary driveline assemblies. The gear set is configured to permit differential rotation between the primary and secondary driveline assemblies. The clutch is configured to selectively transfer torque between the primary and secondary driveline assemblies. 1. A system for a vehicle comprising:a clutch coupled with at least one of a primary driveline assembly and secondary driveline assembly and configured to selectively transfer torque therebetween;an electric machine configured to selectively provide motive power to at least one of the primary driveline assembly and secondary driveline assembly; anda gear set connected with the electric machine and configured to permit differential rotation between the primary driveline assembly and secondary driveline assembly.2. The system of wherein the electric machine is further configured to selectively convert motive power received from at least one of the primary driveline assembly and secondary driveline assembly to electrical power.3. The system of wherein the electric machine is further configured to selectively free spin.4. The system of wherein the gear set includes a first element mechanically connected with the electric machine.5. The system of wherein the gear set further includes a second element mechanically connected with one of the primary driveline assembly and secondary driveline assembly.6. The system of wherein the gear set comprises an epicyclic gear set and wherein the epicyclic gear set further includes a third element mechanically connected with the other of the primary driveline assembly and secondary driveline assembly.7. The system of wherein the clutch is further ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150024901A1
Автор: Valler Gary R.

An all-wheel drive vehicle includes a first drive axle and a second drive axle, a transaxle, an internal combustion engine, and an electric motor. The first drive axle and second drive axle are separated by a distance, and each drive axle is coupled with a respective pair of drive wheels. The transaxle is disposed in mechanical communication with the first drive axle, and is coupled to the internal combustion engine through a driveshaft. The electric motor is circumferentially disposed about the driveshaft, between the internal combustion engine and the transaxle, and is in mechanical communication with the second drive axle. 1. An all-wheel drive vehicle comprising:a first drive axle and a second drive axle separated by a distance, each drive axle coupled with a respective pair of drive wheels, wherein the first drive axle defines a first end portion of the vehicle and the second drive axle defines a second end portion of the vehicle;a driveshaft disposed between the first end portion and the second end portion of the vehicle;a transaxle disposed in mechanical communication with the first drive axle and disposed at the first end portion of the vehicle;an internal combustion engine disposed proximate the second drive axle, proximate to the second end portion of the vehicle, and coupled with the transaxle via the driveshaft;a first electric motor coupled directly to the internal combustion engine, wherein the first electric motor is disposed proximate to the second end portion of the vehicle and between the internal combustion engine and the transaxle, and wherein the first electric motor is in mechanical communication with the second drive axle; anda second electric motor coupled with the transaxle and disposed at the first end portion of the vehicle, wherein the second electric motor is in mechanical communication with the first drive axle.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the first electric motor is circumferentially disposed about the driveshaft.3. The vehicle ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023115A1

Methods and systems are provided for a hybrid electric vehicle including a front-wheel drive system and a rear-wheel drive system. In one example, the rear-wheel drive system includes an internal combustion engine configured to drive rear wheels of the vehicle, and the front-wheel drive system includes a first electric motor and a second electric motor mounted directly to opposing sides of the engine. The first electric motor is coupled to a first reduction gearbox to drive a first front wheel of the vehicle, and the second electric motor is coupled to a second reduction gearbox to drive a second front wheel of the vehicle. 1. A system , comprising:a longitudinally mounted engine adapted to drive rear wheels of a vehicle; andtwo, independent, electric motors mounted to the engine, on opposite sides of the engine, and adapted to drive front wheels of the vehicle, where the two electric motors are not rotationally coupled to the engine.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the two electric motors each include a housing having a cylindrical section claim 1 , and wherein a width of the cylindrical section in a direction of a central axis of the cylindrical section and a latitudinal axis of the engine is less than a diameter of the cylindrical section.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the two electric motors each include a plurality of arms extending in different outward directions from a housing of each electric motor claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of arms mount the electric motors to the engine.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the two electric motors include a first electric motor mounted to an oil pan of the engine at a first side of the engine and a second electric motor mounted to the oil pan at a second side of the engine claim 1 , with the first side being opposite to the second side relative to a longitudinal axis of the engine.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the oil pan is positioned along a longitudinal axis of the vehicle and a central vertical axis of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023117A1

A vehicle includes a body, an internal combustion engine, a traction battery, a front axle connecting two front wheels with at least one of the two front wheels drivingly coupled to the internal combustion engine, a rear axle connecting two rear wheels and carried by two leaf spring units, each leaf spring unit being pivotably connected at one end to the body and at another end to a connection arm pivotably connected to the body, wherein the rear axle includes two driveshafts connecting the rear wheels, and a drive unit supported by the rear axle to be self-supporting relative to the body. The drive unit includes an electric motor coupled to the traction battery and a differential mechanically coupled to the two driveshafts and the electric motor. The rear axle is mechanically uncoupled from the internal combustion engine. 1. A vehicle comprising:a body;an internal combustion engine;a traction battery;a front axle connecting two front wheels with at least one of the two front wheels drivingly coupled to the internal combustion engine;a rear axle connecting two rear wheels and carried by two leaf spring units, each leaf spring unit being pivotably connected at one end to the body and at another end to a connection arm pivotably connected to the body, wherein the rear axle includes two driveshafts connecting the rear wheels; anda drive unit supported by the rear axle to be self-supporting relative to the body, the drive unit comprising:an electric motor coupled to the traction battery; anda differential mechanically coupled to the two driveshafts and the electric motor.2. The vehicle of further comprising a drive housing containing the electric motor and the differential.3. The vehicle of further comprising two shaft housings connected to the drive housing claim 2 , each shaft housing associated with claim 2 , and at least partly containing claim 2 , one of the two driveshafts.4. The vehicle of further comprising a second traction battery coupled to the electric motor ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Variable Voltage Controller

Номер: US20190023144A1

A vehicle includes an inverter connected to an energy store having a variable output voltage and including a first pair of battery partitions. The vehicle includes a controller configured to operate a first set of switches to arrange electrical connections between the first pair such that the variable output voltage is greater than battery voltage of a one of the battery partitions. The operation of switches is responsive to a parameter indicative of speed of an electric machine electrically coupled to the inverter exceeding a first predetermined threshold.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023734A1

A motor module for modularly making a front and/or rear electric axle, comprising an electric motor generator and a gear train enclosed in a gearbox case permanently fixed to a stator of said electric motor-generator, the module having an L-shape. Electric axle comprising a pair of L-shaped modules for making a T-shaped front electric axle and a U-shaped rear electric axle. 2. The vehicle (SC) according to claim 1 , wherein each gear train defines a fixed gear ratio.322. The vehicle (SC) according to claim 1 , wherein each gear train comprises a device for selecting one or more gear ratios (GA claim 1 , GB claim 1 , DS).4. The vehicle (SC) according to claim 1 , wherein each gear train comprises:{'b': '1', 'a first gear wheel (G) fitted onto the drive shaft (SH);'}{'b': 2', '1, 'a second gear wheel (G) which meshes with the first gear wheel (G) and is fitted onto the intermediate shaft (ISH);'}{'b': '3', 'a third gear wheel (G) fitted onto the intermediate shaft (ISH); and'}{'b': 4', '3, 'a fourth gear wheel (G) which meshes with the third gear wheel (G) and is fitted onto the secondary shaft (SSH).'}5. The vehicle (SC) according to claim 1 , wherein each secondary shaft (SSH) has an end defining an output (OUTR claim 1 , OUTL) of the motor module claim 1 , arranged externally claim 1 , to be operatively connected to an axle shaft (DSR claim 1 , DSL).6. The vehicle (SC) according to claim 1 , wherein rotation axes of said four wheels identify a plane and in which said rotation axis (Y) of said drive shafts (SHR claim 1 , SHL) and said extension axes of said gearbox cases (GTR claim 1 , GTL) lie in said plane.7. The vehicle (SC) according to claim 6 , wherein:said rear electric axle (RA) defines a clearance area (CL) in said plane, confined on three sides by said electric axle (RA) and by a passenger compartment (AB) of the vehicle; andwherein, a battery pack (BAT) or an internal combustion engine (CE) is housed in said clearance area.8. The vehicle (SC) according to ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

All electric vehicle without plug-in requirement

Номер: US20170028837A1
Автор: Heinz Welschoff
Принадлежит: Individual

An electric powered vehicle includes a battery pack capable of storing electric energy, A fuel engine operated with a clean fuel. A generator or alternator 126 having communication with the engine, and supply electric energy to the electric driving motor A starter of the fuel engine activates when a sensed charge of the battery pack falls to or below the DMF value. Included is a second 128 and third generator or alternator 130 in communication with the fuel engine during periods when no electrical communication exists between the EDM and the battery pack. The second and third generators maintain an electrical output to the battery pack until the battery packs are fully charged. Included is a rear generator or alternator 152 in communication with a rear drive shaft assembly, or differential, including a level orientation sensor and a rotational velocity sensor communication between an output of such communication enabled upon any downhill motion of the vehicle above a predetermined operational velocity determined by the velocity sensor. A second rear generator 156 is controlled by an accelerator pedal, rpm sensor, electric clutch and is activated when no pressure is applied by a driver upon the accelerator pedal, permitting charging of the battery pack by the second rear generator 156 only upon a condition of zero acceleration. A third rear generator 300 is activated by the brake pedal and brake pedal switch does charge the battery packs 102/104.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031310A1

A drivetrain providing tractive torque to a ground vehicle includes a non-combustion torque machine coaxial to and rotatably coupled to an integrated gear set including a conjoined carrier assembly coupling a reducing gear set to a differential gear set. The differential gear set is coaxial to and rotatably coupled to first and second differential axle members. The first differential axle member couples to a first wheel assembly of the ground vehicle and the second differential axle member couples to a second wheel assembly located on a second, opposite side of the ground vehicle. 1. A drivetrain providing tractive torque to first and second wheel assemblies of a ground vehicle , the drivetrain comprising a non-combustion torque machine coaxial to and rotatably coupled to an integrated gear set including a conjoined carrier assembly coupling a reducing gear set to a differential gear set , said differential gear set being coaxial to and rotatably coupled to first and second differential axle members , said first differential axle member coupled to the first wheel assembly arranged on a first side of the ground vehicle and said second differential axle member coupled to the second wheel assembly arranged on a second , opposite side of the ground vehicle.2. The drivetrain of claim 1 , wherein the integrated gear set including the conjoined carrier assembly coupling the reducing gear set to the differential gear set comprises the conjoined carrier assembly coaxial to the reducing gear set coaxial to the differential gear set.3. The drivetrain of claim 1 , wherein the non-combustion torque machine coaxial to and rotatably coupled to the integrated gear set comprises a rotor member of the non-combustion torque machine rotatably coupled to a tubular motor member rotatably coupled to an intermediate member rotatably coupled to a rotatable element of the integrated gear set.4. The drivetrain of claim 3 , further comprising the tubular motor member claim 3 , the intermediate ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Control device and control method for automatic transmission

Номер: US20150032316A1
Принадлежит: Aisin AW Co Ltd

A control device for a hybrid vehicle automatic transmission. The hybrid vehicle being capable of EV travel in which drive wheels are driven by only a rotary electric machine with the internal combustion engine stopped. The control device having an electric oil pump control device to drive an electric oil pump that supplies oil to the friction engagement element. A neutral control device performs disengagement control on the friction engagement element. A drag determination device determines whether conditions under which drag of the friction engagement element occurs are met because of a shortage in amount of oil to be supplied to a cancellation oil chamber of the friction engagement element by the electric oil pump during the EV travel started from a state in which the hybrid vehicle is stationary. Drag elimination control device provides a command to start the internal combustion engine.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031015A1

A hybrid driveline assembly for a vehicle includes an engine, an electric motor, and a transmission having an input and an output. The transmission input is selectively coupled to the engine and electric motor. The transmission is shiftable between a plurality of drive modes. The driveline assembly further includes a final drive assembly operably coupled to the transmission output. The final drive assembly has a front final drive operably coupled to a rear final drive. 1. A hybrid driveline assembly for a vehicle , comprising:an engine;an electric motor;a transmission having an input and an output, the transmission input being selectively coupled to the engine and electric motor, and the transmission being shiftable between a plurality of drive modes; anda final drive assembly operably coupled to the transmission output, the final drive assembly having a front final drive operably coupled to a rear final drive.2. The hybrid driveline assembly of claim 1 , wherein the electric motor is directly coupled to the transmission input.3. The hybrid drive assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a continuously variable transmission operably coupled to the engine and the transmission input.4. The hybrid driveline assembly of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a first drive mode of the plurality of drive modes claim 1 , the transmission is configured to selectively couple the electric motor to the transmission output and selectively decouple the engine from the transmission output.5. The hybrid driveline assembly of claim 4 , wherein the first drive mode is a silent drive mode and the transmission is configured to receive torque from the electric motor and to provide torque to the rear final drive.6. The hybrid driveline assembly of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , in a second drive mode of the plurality of drive modes claim 4 , the transmission is configured to selectively couple the electric motor to the transmission output and selectively couple the engine to the transmission output ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031022A1

A vehicle, such as a hybrid vehicle, according to one aspect of the present invention is configured such that: a propeller shaft rotated by an engine is arranged so as to extend in a vehicle body front-rear direction; a drive gear provided at a rear end portion of the propeller shaft and a driven gear configured to rotate together with a differential case of a differential device mesh with each other; a motor or a generator is connected to the differential case so as to transmit power to the differential case; the motor or the generator is arranged at one of vehicle width direction right and left sides of an axis of the propeller shaft; and the differential case is arranged at the other of the vehicle width direction right and left sides of the axis of the propeller shaft. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising:an engine;a propeller shaft rotated by the engine and arranged so as to extend in a vehicle body front-rear direction;a drive gear provided at a rear end portion of the propeller shaft; a driven gear meshing with the drive gear,', 'a differential case configured to rotate together with the driven gear, and', 'a pair of left and right side gears accommodated in an accommodating portion of the differential case;, 'a differential device including'}a left axle connecting the left side gear and a left driving wheel through a universal joint;a right axle connecting the right side gear and a right driving wheel through a universal joint; anda motor connected to the differential case so as to transmit power to the differential case, wherein:the motor is arranged at one of right and left sides with respect to an axis of the propeller shaft in a vehicle body width direction; andthe differential case is arranged at the other of the right and left sides with respect to the axis of the propeller shaft in the vehicle body width direction.2. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein:the motor is arranged at the right side with respect to the axis of the propeller shaft in ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for starting a combustion engine

Номер: US20190031185A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A method for starting a combustion engine fitted to a hybrid or dual-mode motor vehicle includes starting an additional motor upon a setpoint torque demanded by a driver of the vehicle, with a view to accelerating the vehicle beyond a threshold speed at which the combustion engine is driven beyond a stalling speed threshold when the combustion engine is mechanically coupled to wheels of the vehicle.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031216A1
Автор: Zhou Yuxing

Control techniques for an electrically all-wheel drive (eAWD) hybrid vehicle involve determining whether to transition from an electric-only mode to a parallel mode based on a driver torque request or a state of charge (SOC) of a battery system. During the electric-only mode, the electric motor is operated such that a torque reserve is maintained. When the driver torque request exceeds a maximum drive torque that the electric motor is capable of generating, the electric-only to parallel mode transition is performed. This involves the electric motor depleting the torque reserve to provide an expected acceleration feel for the driver while engine and transmission speeds are synchronized. When the SOC of the battery system falls below an SOC threshold, the drive torque of the electric motor is decreased to zero upon engine/transmission speed synchronization such that the battery system can be recharged. 1. A control system for an electrically all-wheel drive (eAWD) hybrid vehicle , the system comprising:an input device configured to receive a driver torque request; and operate the hybrid vehicle in an electric-only mode including maintaining a torque reserve for an electric motor of the vehicle, wherein during the electric-only mode only the electric motor is providing drive torque to a first axle of the hybrid vehicle;', 'receive, from the input device, the driver torque request;', 'determine to transition the hybrid vehicle from the electric-only mode to a parallel mode based on the driver torque request or a state of charge (SOC) of a battery system that powers the electric motor, wherein during the parallel mode the electric motor is providing drive torque to the first axle and an engine of the vehicle is providing drive torque to a different second axle of the hybrid vehicle via a transmission; and', 'when the driver torque request exceeds a maximum drive torque that the electric motor is capable of generating, increase the drive torque provided by the electric ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Hyper-Compact Electric All-Terrain Vehicle Drivetrain and Conversion Kit

Номер: US20220055470A1

The present invention relates to electric drivetrain kits for converting all-terrain vehicles into hybrid or electric vehicles. In exemplary embodiments, a conversion kit replaces an existing standard single motor and transmission drive system with a dual set-up including a motor for each rear wheel and a split transmission that houses two sets of gear reduction components in a single housing or an all-wheel configuration with two transmission sets (front and rear). Dual output shafts in each transmission set drive the wheels independently to provide the torque needed as required and demanded by each wheel. System electronics send signals to the motors and other components to manage the system and independently control each wheel. 1. A vehicle drivetrain comprising:a first transmission comprising a first input shaft, a second input shaft, a first output shaft, and a second output shaft, wherein the second transmission is configured to replace an original transmission such that the first output shaft is connected to a first wheel assembly and the second output shaft is connected to a second wheel assembly;an electronic control unit (ECU) configured to execute a plurality of machine instructions comprising:a first plurality of machine instructions comprising an initialization module that initializes a real time interrupt (RTI) module; anda second plurality of machine instructions comprising the RTI module, wherein the RTI module is configured to ascertain if the vehicle is in an on or an off position and transmits direction and throttle messages to at least motor controller if the vehicle is in the on position; wherein the RTI module is configured to ascertain if the vehicle is in a run state and transmit close contactor messages to a power source if the vehicle is in the run state and transmit open contactor messages to the power source if the vehicle is not in the run state.2. The vehicle drivetrain of claim 1 , the plurality of machine instructions further ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055602A1
Автор: SHIN Dong Jun

Disclosed are a system and method for controlling driving of an electronic 4-wheel drive hybrid vehicle in which torque distribution and compensation to front wheels and rear wheels in each gear position are appropriately executed to satisfy driver's requested torque depending on selected driving mode of the electronic 4-wheel drive hybrid vehicle in which an engine and a front wheel motor are connected to the front wheels and a rear wheel motor is connected to the rear wheels, thereby being capable of increasing acceleration performance when a sports mode is selected as the driving mode and realizing acceleration linearity when a comfort mode is selected as the driving mode. 1. A system for controlling driving of an electronic 4-wheel drive hybrid vehicle , the system comprising:a first powertrain apparatus for front wheels, wherein the first powertrain apparatus includes an engine, a front wheel motor, an engine clutch mounted between the engine and the front wheel motor to transmit or cut off power of the engine, and a transmission mounted between the front wheel motor and the front wheels and configured to shift the power of the engine and power of the front wheel motor and to output the shifted powers to the front wheels;a second powertrain apparatus for rear wheels, wherein the second powertrain apparatus includes a rear wheel motor, and a reducer connected to the rear wheel motor and configured to reduce power of the rear wheel motor and to output the reduced power to the rear wheels; anda controller configured to control the driving of the electronic 4-wheel drive hybrid vehicle to further output rear wheel torque determined according to rear wheel motor torque for satisfying driver's requested torque in addition to front wheel torque determined according to maximum engine torque and maximum front wheel motor torque, upon determining that a first mode in which acceleration performance is preferentially considered is selected as a driving mode, or configured ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039341A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Defense, LLC

A drive train includes a first gear set including a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, a second gear set including a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, a first motor/generator coupled to the first gear set, a second motor/generator coupled to the second gear set, a first clutch that selectively engages the second motor/generator with the first gear set, and a second clutch that selectively engages the ring gear of the second gear set with the planetary gear carrier of at least one of the first gear set and the second gear set. The planetary gears of both sets are rotatably supported by respective planetary gear carriers. 1. A drive train for a vehicle , comprising:a first gear set comprising a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear;a second gear set comprising a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, wherein the planetary gears of both sets are rotatably supported by respective planetary gear carriers;a first motor/generator coupled to the first gear set;a second motor/generator coupled to the second gear set;a first clutch that selectively engages the second motor/generator with the first gear set; anda second clutch that selectively engages the ring gear of the second gear set with the planetary gear carrier of at least one of the first gear set and the second gear set.2. The drive train of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first gear set and the second gear set are at least selectively engaged with an output shaft of an engine.3. The drive train of claim 1 , further comprising a fifth gear set including at least two gears that couple the first clutch to the second motor/generator.4. The drive train of claim 1 , further comprising a brake mechanism configured to selectively prevent rotation of the first motor/generator.5. The drive train of claim 4 , further comprising a third clutch ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046816A1

A transfer case having, a transmission mount, an input shaft received through the transmission mount, an electric propulsion motor, a transfer case portion and a transmission portion. The transfer case portion has a transfer case portion input, a first transfer case portion output, a second transfer case portion output, and a power transfer mechanism, the first transfer case portion output being drivingly coupled to the transfer case input portion, the power transfer mechanism drivingly coupling the second transfer case portion output to the first transfer case output portion. the transmission portion has a first coupling, which is selectively operable for drivingly connecting the input shaft to the transfer case portion input, and a second coupling that is selectively operable for drivingly connecting a rotor of the electric propulsion motor to the transfer case portion input. 110. A transfer case () comprising:{'b': '40', 'a transmission mount ();'}{'b': 42', '40, 'an input shaft () received through the transmission mount () and configured to be rotatably coupled to an output shaft of a transmission;'}{'b': 44', '56, 'an electric propulsion motor () having a rotor ();'}{'b': 48', '152', '154', '156', '158', '154', '152', '158', '156', '154, 'a transfer case portion () having a transfer case portion input (), a first transfer case portion output (), a second transfer case portion output (), and a power transfer mechanism (), the first transfer case portion output () being drivingly coupled to the transfer case input portion (), the power transfer mechanism () drivingly coupling the second transfer case portion output () to the first transfer case output portion (); and'}{'b': 46', '64', '42', '152', '68', '56', '152, 'a transmission portion () having a first coupling (), which is selectively operable for drivingly connecting the input shaft () to the transfer case portion input (), and a second coupling () that is selectively operable for drivingly connecting the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle Energy Management System and Related Methods

Номер: US20210046845A1
Принадлежит: Hyliion Inc.

A through the road (TTR) hybridization strategy is proposed to facilitate introduction of hybrid electric vehicle technology in a significant portion of current and expected trucking fleets. In some cases, the technologies can be retrofitted onto an existing vehicle (e.g., a truck, a tractor unit, a trailer, a tractor-trailer configuration, at a tandem, etc.). In some cases, the technologies can be built into new vehicles. In some cases, one vehicle may be built or retrofitted to operate in tandem with another and provide the hybridization benefits contemplated herein. By supplementing motive forces delivered through a primary drivetrain and fuel-fed engine with supplemental torque delivered at one or more electrically-powered drive axles, improvements in overall fuel efficiency and performance may be delivered, typically without significant redesign of existing components and systems that have been proven in the trucking industry. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a vehicle frame configured for travel over a roadway under power of drive axles, wherein at least one of the drive axles is coupled via a primary drivetrain to a fuel-fed engine to drive at least a pair of wheels, and wherein at least one other of the drive axles is a first electrically-powered drive axle configured to supply supplemental torque to one or more additional wheels of the vehicle;an energy store on the vehicle, the energy store configured to supply the first electrically powered drive axle with electrical power in a first mode of operation and further configured to receive energy recovered using the first electrically powered drive axle in a second mode of operation; anda controller operatively coupled between the first electrically-powered drive axle and one or more sensor inputs, including at least a brake line sensor, to transition between the first mode of operation and the second mode of operation, wherein the controller is not coupled to control the fuel-fed engine or the primary drivetrain.2. ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Planetary gear system with disconnect and the drive axle made therewith

Номер: US20200040967A1
Автор: Eric M. Engerman
Принадлежит: Dana Automotive Systems Group LLC

An electric drive axle including a first gear and an idler shaft having a second gear and a third gear disposed thereon, wherein the second gear cooperates with the first gear. A clutch assembly selectively couples a planetary gear system to one of the second gear and the third gear, wherein the planetary gear system is configured to produce a predetermined gear ratio between the second gear and the third gear.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20170043658A1

A hybrid vehicle includes an engine, a motor, and a belt stepless speed changer device having a driving rotary body, a driven rotary body, a first shaft member supporting the driving rotary body with allowing rotation thereof in unison, a second shaft member supporting the driven rotary body with allowing rotation thereof in unison, and an endless belt wound around the driving rotary body and the driven rotary body. The vehicle further includes a transmission case configured to receive the powers from the engine and the motor via the belt stepless speed changer device and a centrifugal clutch incorporated in a power transmission line extending form the engine to the first shaft member. The motor is disposed on the side opposite the engine across the driving rotary body, and the driving power of the motor is inputted to the first shaft member. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising:an engine;a motor;a belt stepless speed changer device having a driving rotary body, a driven rotary body, a first shaft member supporting the driving rotary body with allowing rotation thereof in unison, a second shaft member supporting the driven rotary body with allowing rotation thereof in unison, and an endless belt wound around the driving rotary body and the driven rotary body;a transmission case configured to receive the powers from the engine and the motor via the belt stepless speed changer device; anda centrifugal clutch incorporated in a power transmission line extending form the engine to the first shaft member;wherein the motor is disposed on the side opposite the engine across the driving rotary body, and the driving power of the motor is inputted to the first shaft member.2. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein a drive shaft of the motor is disposed coaxially with the first shaft member claim 1 , so that the drive shaft and the first shaft member are rotated in unison.3. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the hybrid vehicle further comprises a support ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043881A1

There is provided a hybrid vehicle configured to control an engine, a first motor, a second motor and a third motor such as to be driven based on a required torque for driving. When the second motor is undrivable, the hybrid vehicle is configured to control the engine, the first motor and the third motor, such as to provide a higher state of charge of a battery than a state of charge of the battery provided when the second motor is drivable and such as to output a torque from the engine via a planetary gear to one pair of wheels accompanied with output of a torque from the first motor and output a torque from the third motor to the other pair of wheels. 1. A hybrid vehicle , comprising:an engine;a first motor;a planetary gear configured to include three rotational elements that are respectively connected with one pair of wheels between front wheels and rear wheels, the engine and the first motor, such that the first motor, the engine and the one pair of wheels are arrayed in this sequence in a collinear diagram;a second motor connected with the one pair of wheels;a third motor connected with the other pair of wheels between the front wheels and the rear wheels;a battery configured to transmit electric power to and from the first motor, the second motor and the third motor; anda control device configured to control the engine, the first motor, the second motor and the third motor such that the hybrid vehicle is driven based on a required torque for driving, whereinwhen the second motor is undrivable, the control device is configured to control the engine, the first motor and the third motor, such as to provide a higher state of charge of the battery than a state of charge of the battery provided when the second motor is drivable and such as to output a torque from the engine via the planetary gear to the one pair of wheels accompanied with output of a torque from the first motor and output a torque from the third motor to the other pair of wheels.2. The hybrid ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Electrically driven working vehicle

Номер: US20150047916A1

There is provided an electrically driven working vehicle that needs reduced assisting power from an electrical storage device when accelerating subsequent to modulation and still obtains acceleration at least equivalent to that of torque converter vehicles. The electrically driven working vehicle has an engine 1 , a generator motor 5 connected mechanically to the engine 1 , a generator inverter 6 for controlling the amount of power generated by the generator motor 5 , a traveling motor 7 for driving a vehicle body, an electrical storage device 3 connected electrically to the generator inverter 6 and to the traveling motor 7 , and a forward/reverse switching device 103 for switching the traveling direction of the vehicle body. The vehicle includes a control device 100 for outputting to the generator inverter 6 an instruction to increase the amount of power generated by the generator motor 5 when the voltage of the electrical storage device 3 is equal to or lower than a maximum voltage level and a speed signal of the traveling motor 7 given upon switching of the forward/reverse switching device 103 is equal to or lower than a predetermined speed.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051774A1

The invention relates to a method for regulating a hybrid drive of a hybrid electric motor vehicle which has an electric energy store (HV), said method having the following steps: determining (S) criteria for engaging the electric drive (EM EM EM) and/or the internal combustion engine (VM) using an adjustable drive mode, wherein a part of a battery capacity of the electric energy store (HV) is reserved using a variable setting; and regulating (S) the engagement of the electric drive (EM EM EM) and/or the internal combustion engine (VM) of the hybrid electric motor vehicle using the determined criteria and the variable setting. 1. A method for regulating a hybrid drive of a hybrid electric motor vehicle which has an electric energy store (HV) , having the steps:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '2, 'defining (S) criteria for actuating an electric drive (EM; EM, EM) and/or an internal combustion engine (VM) of the hybrid electric motor vehicle on the basis of an adjustable driving mode, wherein a portion of a battery capacity of the electric energy store (HV) is reserved by means of a variable setting; and'}{'b': 2', '1', '1', '2, 'regulating (S) the actuation of the electric drive (EM; EM, EM) and/or of the internal combustion engine (VM) of the hybrid electric motor vehicle by means of the defined criteria and by means of the variable setting.'}2112. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electric drive (EM; EM claim 1 , EM) of the hybrid electric motor vehicle is configured as an actuable electric drive which permits all-wheel drive of the hybrid electric motor vehicle.3112. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a demand claim 1 , determined by a sensor device claim 1 , for an increase in the traction of the hybrid electric motor vehicle is used as one of the criteria for the actuation of the electric drive (EM; EM claim 1 , EM) and/or of the internal combustion engine (VM).4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjustable driving mode is selected from a ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047399A1

An axle driving apparatus may include a first rotary shaft connected to an internal combustion engine; a second connected to an electric motor; a third rotary shaft connected to a driving shaft of a wheel; an interlocking unit interlocking the first, second, and third rotary shaft; and an input and output switchover unit. The interlocking unit and the input and output switchover unit are structured to switch the interlocking unit between a first mode in which only the power of the internal combustion engine is output from the third rotary shaft, a second mode in which only the power of the electric motor is output from the third rotary shaft, a third mode in which the power of the internal combustion engine and the power of the electric motor are combined and output from the third rotary shaft, and a fourth mode in which the power of the internal combustion engine is output from the second rotary shaft to the electric motor. 1. An axle driving apparatus for a hybrid utility vehicle comprising an internal combustion engine , an electric motor , and a wheel having a driving shaft , the axle driving apparatus comprising:a first rotary shaft to which power of the internal combustion engine can be input;a second rotary shaft to which power of the electric motor can be input and which can output power to the electric motor that serves as a generator;a third rotary shaft which can output power to the driving shaft of the wheel;an interlocking unit which interlocks the first rotary shaft, the second rotary shaft, and the third rotary shaft such that power can be transmitted between the first rotary shaft, the second rotary shaft, and the third rotary shaft; andan input and output switchover unit structured to enable an input and output system of the interlocking unit to be artificially switched over, wherein a first mode in which only the power of the internal combustion engine is output from the third rotary shaft,', 'a second mode in which only the power of the electric ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053435A1

A hybrid vehicle includes an engine that drives first wheel, and a motor that drives second wheel. The hybrid vehicle includes (1) a minute speed launch support mode where the hybrid vehicle is driven only by the motor as a drive source, (2) a sudden launch support mode where the hybrid vehicle is driven by the engine and motor as the drive source, and (3) a smooth launch support mode where the hybrid vehicle is driven only by the motor as the drive source in an early stage, is driven by the engine and motor in a middle stage, and is driven only by the engine in a late stage, and if an operation amount of an acceleration instruction unit is not 0 or is substantially not 0, any one of the support modes is executed according to an operation status of the acceleration instruction unit. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising: an engine that drives first wheels; anda motor that drives second wheel separated from the first wheel in a front-rear direction, whereinthe hybrid vehicle includes:(1) a minute speed launch support mode in which the hybrid vehicle is driven only by the motor serving as a drive source;(2) a sudden launch support mode in which the hybrid vehicle is driven by the engine and the motor serving as the drive source; and(3) a smooth launch support mode in which the hybrid vehicle is driven only by the motor serving as the drive source in an early stage, is driven by the engine and the motor serving as the drive source in a middle stage, and is driven only by the engine serving as the drive source in a late stage, andif an operation amount of an acceleration instruction unit is not 0 or is substantially not 0, any one of the support modes is executed in accordance with an operation status of the acceleration instruction unit.2. The hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , comprising: a control device that controls the motor and the engine claim 1 , whereinif the operation amount of the acceleration instruction unit is less than a first predetermined value and a ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059687A9

A vehicle drive system comprising three motor/generators, an engine and an electrical energy storage device. The system is arranged so that two axles can be driven at the same time. Each axle can be driven using power generated by the engine or provided by the electrical energy storage device. The system can also be configured to drive one of axles using mechanical power from the engine. 1. A vehicle drive system comprising:an engine for providing electrical power for propelling the vehicle;an electrical energy storage device;a first motor for driving rotation of a first axle of the vehicle;a second motor for driving a rotation of a second axle of the vehicle;wherein the system is configured to operate in a first mode wherein power for each of the first and second motors is provided exclusively by the energy storage device.2. The vehicle drive system of claim 1 , further comprising a third motor for providing power to drive rotation of one of the first and second axles claim 1 , wherein the system is configured to operate in a second mode wherein each of the first claim 1 , second and third motors are driven exclusively by power from the energy storage system.3. A vehicle drive system comprising:an engine for providing power for propelling the vehicle;an electrical energy storage device;a first motor for driving rotation of a first axle of the vehicle;a second motor for driving a rotation of a second axle of the vehicle;further comprising a third motor configured to be driven by the engine;wherein the system is configured to operate in a first mode wherein the third motor is configured to generate electricity and only one of the two axles is driven by either the first motor or the second motor using electrical power generated by the engine.4. The vehicle drive system of claim 3 , wherein the system is configured to operate in a second mode wherein the third motor is configured to generate electricity and wherein both the first and second motors are configured to be ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Controlling Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20170057487A1
Автор: Minsu Kim
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An apparatus for controlling a hybrid vehicle may include an engine that generates driving torque by combustion of fuel; an integrated starter-generator that starts the engine and generates electrical energy by selectively operating as a power generator; a drive motor that supports the power of the engine and generates electrical energy by selectively operating as a power generator; a battery that charges with the electrical energy generated by the integrated starter-generator and the drive motor; a nitrogen oxide purification device (LNT) that purifies nitrogen oxide included in exhaust gas exhausted from the engine; and a controller that controls engine torque by calculating a target engine torque for regenerating the nitrogen oxide purification device, supports the engine torque through the integrated starter-generator or the drive motor when a driving torque necessary for driving is greater than the target engine torque at a regeneration mode of the nitrogen oxide purification device, and performs regenerative braking the driving torque through the integrated starter-generator or the drive motor when the driving torque is less than the target engine torque.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059023A1

A torque vectoring device for a vehicle is provided, comprising an electrical motor () being connected to a differential mechanism () via a transmission (), wherein the torque vectoring device further comprises at least one control means () for changing the torque path of the transmission () between a first mode, in which the transmission connects the electrical motor () to the input shaft of the differential mechanism () for hybrid drive mode, and a second mode, in which the trans mission connects the electrical motor () to the output shaft of the differential mechanism () for torque vectoring mode. 1110201201401401301501201102011020ab. A torque vectoring device for a vehicle , comprising an electrical motor () being connected to a differential mechanism () via a transmission () comprising a first planetary gear set () and a second planetary gear set () , wherein the torque vectoring device further comprises at least one control means ( , ) for changing the torque path of the transmission () between a first mode , in which the electrical motor () connects only to the input shaft of the differential mechanism () for hybrid drive mode , and a second mode , in which the electrical motor () connects to the input shaft and to the output shaft of the differential mechanism () for torque vectoring mode.211014020140aa. The torque vectoring device according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical motor () is driving the sun gear of the first planetary gear set () claim 1 , and wherein the input shaft of the differential mechanism () is connected to the planet carrier of the first planetary gear set ().3140140130abb. The torque vectoring device according to claim 2 , wherein the ring gear of the first planetary gear set () is connected to the ring gear of the second planetary gear set () via a clutch ().4130140aa. The torque vectoring device according to claim 3 , further comprising a clutch () for braking the ring gear of the first planetary gear set ().520140b. The torque ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Electrified (4WD) Four Wheel Drive Device

Номер: US20190061521A1
Автор: GUO Chengyun
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

A transfer case capable of multiple drive ratios (i.e. high and low) in all operating modes of a hybrid all-wheel or four-wheel drive vehicle. The transfer case comprises an input shaft, a primary output shaft, a secondary output shaft, an electric motor, and a planetary gear set. The secondary output shaft is selectively rotatably coupled to the primary output shaft. The planetary gear set has a ring gear rotatably fixed to the input shaft, a planet carrier rotatably fixed to the primary output shaft, and a sun gear rotatably fixed to an output of the electric motor. 1. A transfer case comprising:an input shaft;a primary output shaft;a secondary output shaft selectively rotatably coupled to the primary output shaft;an electric motor; anda planetary gear set having a ring gear rotatably fixed to the input shaft, a planet carrier rotatably fixed to the primary output shaft, and a sun gear rotatably fixed to an output of the electric motor.2. The transfer case of claim 1 , wherein the electric motor and the secondary output shaft are concentric.3. The transfer case of claim 2 , wherein torque is not directly transferred between the electric motor and the secondary output shaft.4. The transfer case of claim 3 , wherein torque is indirectly transferred between the electric motor and the secondary output shaft via the primary output shaft.5. The transfer case of claim 2 , wherein the secondary output shaft is driven by the electric motor only when the primary output shaft is driven by the electric motor.6. The transfer case of claim 1 , further comprising:a torque transfer mechanism that selectively rotatably couples the secondary output shaft to the primary output shaft.7. The transfer case of claim 1 , wherein the ring gear is operable in a first ring gear state claim 1 , wherein the ring gear is grounded to a housing claim 1 , and a second ring gear state claim 1 , wherein the ring gear rotates freely.8. The transfer case of claim 7 , wherein the sun gear is operable ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling motor of a vehicle and method thereof

Номер: US20220080838A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A vehicle motor control apparatus includes: a processor configured to determine whether a state of a vehicle is an over-steer state or an under-steer state, to determine a driving control mode or a braking control mode of a motor based on a determination result of the state of the vehicle, to calculate a target yaw moment of based on a tire force by using the over-steer state or the under-steer state, and to determine a motor control amount that follows the target yaw moment; and a storage configured to store data and algorithms driven by the processor.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Self-contained electric axle for all-wheel drive

Номер: US20160068053A1
Принадлежит: BorgWarner Inc

A driveline ( 12 ) of a motor vehicle having an internal combustion engine ( 10 ) for propelling the vehicle and method of assembly can include a self-contained drive axle assembly ( 35 ). The self-contained drive axle assembly ( 35 ) can include an electric motor ( 18 ) for propelling the motor vehicle mounted coaxial with and sheathing a first portion of the drive axle assembly ( 35 ) and a disconnect clutch ( 20 ) mounted coaxial with and sheathing a second portion of the drive axle assembly ( 35 ) for selectively connecting powered rotation between the electric motor ( 18 ) and a gear box ( 14 ). The drive axle assembly ( 35 ) can include the gear box ( 14 ) having at least one of a transmission ( 15 ) and a power take off unit ( 40 ) mounted coaxial with and sheathing a third portion of the drive axle assembly ( 35 ) for transferring powered rotation to a pair of wheels ( 16 a, 16 b ) through the drive axle assembly ( 35 ).

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070266A1

When braking of the electric vehicle is performed, the braking is controlled based on a target braking split ratio which is a target value of the ratio of the braking force that is applied to the rear wheels to a total braking force that is applied to the front and rear wheels. In this case, an initial value of the target braking split ratio is set to a value within an allowable range about a transmission split ratio when braking of the electric vehicle is started while the electric vehicle is being braked by the motor, the transmission split ratio being the ratio of a braking force that is transmitted from a drive shaft to the rear wheels via a driving force split device to a total braking force that is transmitted from the drive shaft to the front and rear wheels via the driving force split device. 1. An electric vehicle comprising:a motor connected to a drive shaft;a driving force split device configured to transmit a driving force from the drive shaft to a front wheel and a rear wheel and to adjust a transmission split ratio, the transmission split ratio being a ratio of the driving force that is transmitted from the drive shaft to the rear wheel via the driving force split device to a total driving force that is transmitted from the drive shaft to the front wheel and the rear wheel via the driving force split device;a braking force applying device configured to apply a braking force to the front wheel and the rear wheel; anda controller configured to control the braking force applying device based on a target braking split ratio when braking of the electric vehicle by the braking force applying device is performed, the target braking split ratio being a target value of a ratio of the braking force that is applied to the rear wheel by the braking force applying device to a total braking force that is applied to the front wheel and the rear wheel by the braking force applying device,wherein the controller is configured to set an initial value of the target ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Control apparatus and vehicle having the same

Номер: US20150073641A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

In a control apparatus for controlling front-wheel and rear-wheel rotating electrical machines capable of driving front and rear wheels of a vehicle on electrical power of a battery, a command torque determinator determines command torques for the rotating electrical machines based on a predetermined torque distribution ratio, a power distribution ratio calculator calculates a power distribution ratio based on the torque distribution ratio, an outputtable torque calculator calculates outputtable torques of the rotating electrical machines, a power distribution ratio corrector corrects the power distribution ratio based on the outputtable torques, and a power distributor distributes the electrical power of the battery between the rotating electrical machines in the corrected power distribution ratio.

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Electrical axle

Номер: US20140148307A1
Автор: Lars Severinsson
Принадлежит: BorgWarner TorqTransfer Systems AB

An electrical axle ( 200, 300, 400 ) for a four wheeled road vehicle is provided, comprising an electrical propulsion motor ( 210, 310, 410 ) arranged coaxially on said axle ( 200, 300, 400 ), a first planetary gear ( 222 a, 322 a, 422 a ) connected to said electrical propulsion motor ( 210, 310, 410 ) and to a first side of said axle ( 200, 300, 400 ), and a second planetary gear ( 222 b, 322 b, 422 b ) connected to said electrical propulsion motor ( 210, 310, 410 ) and to a second side of said axle ( 200, 300, 400 ), said first and second planetary gears ( 222, 322, 422 ) is forming a differential mechanism ( 220, 320, 420 ), and a torque vectoring unit ( 240, 340, 440 ) comprising an electrical motor ( 242, 342, 442 ) arranged coaxially on said axle ( 200, 300, 400 ) for providing a change in torque distribution between said first side and said second side of said axle ( 200, 300, 400 ), wherein said electrical motor ( 242, 342, 442 ) of said torque vectoring unit ( 240, 340, 440 ) is connected to the first and second planetary gears ( 222, 322, 422 ).

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072303A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Defense, LLC

A vehicle drive includes a gear set, a first motor/generator coupled to the gear set, a second motor/generator at least selectively rotationally engaged with the gear set, an engine at least selectively coupled to the gear set and selectively coupled to the second motor/generator, and a clutch configured to selectively engage the second motor/generator to the engine. The first motor/generator and the second motor/generator are electrically coupled without an energy storage device configured to at least one of (a) provide electrical energy to the first motor/generator or the second motor/generator to power the first motor/generator or the second motor/generator and (b) be charged by electrical energy from the first motor/generator or the second motor/generator. 1. A vehicle drive comprising:a gear set comprising a sun gear, a ring gear, and planetary gears, the planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, wherein the planetary gears are rotatably supported by a planetary gear carrier;a first motor/generator coupled to the gear set;a second motor/generator at least selectively rotationally engaged with the gear set, wherein the second motor/generator is electrically coupled to the first motor/generator by an electrical power transmission system, wherein the first motor/generator and the second motor/generator are electrically coupled without an energy storage device configured to at least one of (a) provide electrical energy to the first motor/generator or the second motor/generator to power the first motor/generator or the second motor/generator and (b) be charged by electrical energy from the first motor/generator or the second motor/generator;an engine at least selectively coupled to the gear set and selectively coupled to the second motor/generator;a clutch configured to selectively engage the second motor/generator to the engine.2. The vehicle drive of claim 1 , wherein the first motor/generator generates all of the electrical energy required by the ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089013A1

An apparatus including a transmission mechanism in a power transfer path between a drive source and wheels; an oil pressure control device supplying lubricating oil to the transmission mechanism; and a control part outputting an electrical instruction to increase a flow rate of the supplied lubricating. When the control part outputs an electrical instruction to the oil pressure control device to increase a flow rate of lubricating oil supplied to the transmission mechanism, and determines that the flow rate of lubricating oil supplied to the transmission mechanism from the oil pressure control device does not increase as indicated by the electrical instruction (time t), the control part considers that the oil pressure control device is in an abnormal state, and can impose a limitation that an absolute value of torque of the transmission mechanism transferred between the wheels and the drive source be reduced (time t-t). 1. A vehicle drive device comprising:a transfer mechanism interposed in a power transfer path between a drive source and wheels;an oil pressure supplying part that can supply lubricating oil to the transfer mechanism; anda control part that can output an electrical instruction to the oil pressure supplying part to increase a flow rate of lubricating oil supplied to the transfer mechanism,whereinwhen the control part outputs an electrical instruction to the oil pressure supplying part to increase a flow rate of lubricating oil supplied to the transfer mechanism, and determines that a flow rate of lubricating oil supplied to the transfer mechanism from the oil pressure supplying part does not increase as indicated by the electrical instruction, the control part considers that the oil pressure supplying part is in an abnormal state, and can impose a limitation that an absolute value of torque of the transfer mechanism transferred between the wheels and the drive source be reduced.2. The vehicle drive device according to claim 1 , wherein when the oil ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Generator and Electrical Motor for Multi-Axle Vehicles

Номер: US20190070944A1
Автор: Soto Erik

A generator and electrical motor includes a main axle assembly housing; a wheel axle that extends through the main axle assembly housing; a wheel statically coupled to each end of the wheel axle; a plurality of magnets coupled to a circumference of the wheel axle; a stator within the main axle assembly housing, the stator including a field winding that surrounds the wheel axle, such that rotation of the wheel axle induces a current in the field winding; and at least one vehicle mount on an exterior of the main axle assembly, the at least one vehicle mount configured for coupling to the vehicle. 1. A generator and electrical motor for a multi-axle vehicle comprises:a main axle assembly housing;a wheel axle that extends through the main axle assembly housing;a wheel statically coupled to each end of the wheel axle;a plurality of magnets coupled to a circumference of the wheel axle;a stator within the main axle assembly housing, the stator including a field winding that surrounds the wheel axle, such that rotation of the wheel axle induces a current in the field winding; andat least one vehicle mount on an exterior of the main axle assembly, the at least one vehicle mount configured for coupling to the vehicle.2. The generator and electrical motor of wherein the multi-axle vehicle is a tractor trailer.3. The generator and electrical motor of wherein the plurality of magnets are coupled to the circumference of the wheel axle along a substantial portion of a length of the wheel axle.4. The generator and electrical motor of wherein the field winding surrounds a substantial portion of a length of the wheel axle.5. The generator and electrical motor of wherein the at least one vehicle mount on the exterior of the main axle assembly comprises at least a pair of vehicle mounts on the exterior of the main axle assembly.6. A system for providing generation of electrical energy in a multi-axle vehicle claim 4 , comprising: a main axle assembly housing;', 'a wheel axle that ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070947A1

A power transmission device outputting torque from a first power source and a second power source to axles, is provided with: a first shaft coupled with the first power source; a differential configured to differentially distribute the torque to the axles; a first gear set configured to drivingly couple the first shaft with the differential; a second shaft coupled with the second power source; a second gear set drivingly coupled with the second shaft; a clutch configured to receive fluid pressure to drivingly and releasably couple the second gear set with the first gear set; and a pump driven by a third power source at least independent of the first power source and the clutch to generate the fluid pressure, the pump being disposed separate from the clutch and in fluid connection with the clutch to supply the fluid pressure. 18.-. (canceled)9. A power transmission device outputting torque from a first power source and a second power source to axles , comprising:a first shaft coupled with the first power source;a differential configured to differentially distribute the torque to the axles;a first gear set configured to drivingly couple the first shaft with the differential;a second shaft coupled with the second power source;a second gear set drivingly coupled with the second shaft;a clutch configured to receive fluid pressure to drivingly and releasably couple the second gear set with the first gear set; anda pump driven by a third power source at least independent of the first power source and the clutch to generate the fluid pressure, the pump being disposed separate from the clutch and in fluid connection with the clutch to supply the fluid pressure.10. The power transmission device of claim 9 , wherein the pump and the clutch are disposed below the first shaft claim 9 , the second shaft claim 9 , and an axis of the differential.11. The power transmission device of claim 9 , further comprising:a casing defining a single space so dimensioned as to house the first ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070948A1
Автор: NISHIDA Hideyuki

A hybrid vehicle having a pendulum damper in which resonance at around an idling speed of an engine can be prevented to improve N.V. performance. The hybrid vehicle comprises an engine and at least one motor. In the hybrid vehicle, a power transmission path is formed between the engine and drive wheels. In the power transmission path, a pendulum damper is disposed to suppress torsional vibrations, and a disconnecting clutch is disposed to selectively interrupt power transmission between the engine and the pendulum damper. 1. A hybrid vehicle , in which a prime mover includes an engine and at least one motor , comprising:a drive wheel;a power transmission path from the engine to the drive wheel via the motor;a pendulum damper that is arranged on the power transmission path to absorb torsional vibrations on the power transmission path; anda disconnecting clutch that is arranged on the power transmission path to selectively interrupt power transmission between the engine and the pendulum damper.2. The hybrid vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the disconnecting clutch is disengaged to interrupt power transmission between the engine and the pendulum damper at least in cases of starting the engine claim 1 , stopping the engine claim 1 , operating the engine at around a predetermined speed.3. The hybrid vehicle as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the disconnecting clutch is disposed between the engine and the motor, andthe pendulum damper is disposed closer to the drive wheel than the disconnecting clutch.4. The hybrid vehicle as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the motor includes a motor case holding a motor oil for lubricating at least the motor,the pendulum damper is arranged in the motor case together with at least the motor, andthe motor oil lubricates the pendulum damper.5. The hybrid vehicle as claimed in claim 4 ,wherein the motor includes a coil end as a portion of a coil protruding in an axial direction from an axial end of a stator of the motor, andthe pendulum ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Method of increasing regeneration in a hybrid vehicle beyond what is calculated from requested vehicle deceleration

Номер: US20170072940A1

A method of controlling a vehicle includes calculating a desired deceleration limited regeneration torque request based on a requested deceleration input from a driver. If current dynamic operating conditions of the vehicle are in a performance region that permits an increase to the regeneration torque request, the desired deceleration limited regeneration torque request is increased based on a regeneration torque overhead, to define a modified axle regeneration torque request. Modified torque values are output based on the modified axle regeneration torque request. If the torque control values will cause an estimated yaw rate that is less than a target yaw rate, then the modified torque values are applied. Otherwise, the modified torque values are re-defined until the estimated yaw rate is not greater than the target yaw rate, and the re-defined values of the modified torque values are applied.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072171A1

A differential gearing for a motor vehicle, with a ring gear, which has an external toothing system and which can be driven by a pinion of the motor vehicle, and with a differential unit which can be driven by the ring gear for rotational speed compensation between wheels of the motor vehicle that can be driven by the pinion via the differential unit, wherein the differential unit has an internal gear which can be driven by the ring gear and has an internal toothing system, the wheels being drivable by way of said internal gear. In relation to a torque flow from the ring gear to the internal gear, a coupling device is arranged between the ring gear and the internal gear. 113-. (canceled)14. A differential gearing for a motor vehicle , comprising:a ring gear, which has an external toothing system and which can be driven by a pinion of the motor vehicle, and with a differential unit which can be driven by the ring gear for rotational speed compensation between wheels of the motor vehicle that can be driven by the pinion via the differential unit, wherein the differential unit has an internal gear, which can be driven by the ring gear and has an internal toothing system, the wheels being drivable by way of said internal gear, wherein, in relation to a torque flow from the ring gear to the internal gear, a coupling device is arranged between the ring gear and the internal gear, and said coupling device can be moved between at least one coupled position, in which the internal gear is coupled to the ring gear, and at least one decoupled position, in which the internal gear is decoupled from the ring gear.15. The differential gearing as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the differential gearing comprises a housing claim 14 , which has an uptake space in which the differential unit is accommodated claim 14 , wherein the ring gear is arranged on an outer side of the housing facing away from the uptake space.16. The differential gearing as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20200070809A1

One axle of a hybrid vehicle is powered by an electric motor while a second axle of the vehicle is powered by a powertrain that includes an internal combustion engine. The electrically driven axle can be controlled in a speed control mode or in a torque control mode based on a driver demanded torque. The speed control mode is used when slip is detected at the electrically driven axle. The torque control mode is used when the electrically driven axle has traction. During a transition between these modes, the rate of change of torque is controlled to a predetermined level to mitigate noise, vibration, and harshness. 1. A vehicle comprising:a first axle powered by a first powertrain;a second axle powered by a first electric motor; and in response to traction at the second axle, adjust a torque of the first electric motor to a driver demand based torque level,', 'in response to slip of the second axle, adjust the torque of the first electric motor to a speed control torque level, and', 'during a transition between the driver demand based torque level and the speed control torque level, set a rate of change of torque of the first electric motor to mitigate noise, vibration, and harshness associated with rapid torque changes., 'a controller programmed to'}2. The vehicle of wherein the first powertrain comprises:an internal combustion engine; anda second electric motor.3. The vehicle of wherein the first powertrain further comprises:a planetary gear set having a sun gear fixedly coupled to the second electric motor, a carrier fixedly coupled to the internal combustion engine, and a ring gear driveably connected to the first axle; anda third electric motor drivably connected to the first axle.4. A method of controlling a hybrid vehicle comprising:setting a first motor torque to a first driver demand based torque level in response to traction at a first axle;setting the first motor torque to a speed control based torque level in response to slip of the first axle; ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070810A1

A control system for a hybrid vehicle that can prevent an overcharging of a battery even if a wheel speed drops abruptly. The hybrid vehicle comprises: an engine; a generator that is driven by the engine; a drive motor that generate a drive torque; and a battery. The electric power generated by the generator is supplied directly to the battery or the drive motor. A controller is configured to determine whether the drive wheel will be locked, and to reduce the electric power generated by the generator less than an acceptable input power to the battery if the drive wheel is expected to be locked. 1. A control system for a hybrid vehicle comprising:an engine;a generator that is driven by the engine;a drive motor that is connected to drive wheels, and that is operated to generate a drive torque for propelling the hybrid vehicle by supplying an electric power to the drive motor; andan electric storage device that is charged with the electric power generated by the generator,wherein the control system is configured to supply the electric power generated by the generator directly to the electric storage device or the drive motor,the control system comprises a controller that controls the generator, andthe controller is configured todetermine whether at least one of the drive wheels is expected to be locked, andreduce the electric power generated by the generator less than an acceptable input power to the electric storage device in a case that the drive wheel is expected to be locked.2. The control system for the hybrid vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an assist control system that controls a posture and a behavior of the hybrid vehicle,wherein the controller is further configured to determine that the at least one of the drive wheels is expected to be locked upon reception of a detection signal indicating abnormality from a sensor that detects the behavior of the hybrid vehicle.3. The control system for the hybrid vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , further ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074193A1

A method of calculating an engine torque request value for a vehicle includes a vehicle controller receiving an regeneration torque request value corresponding to a regeneration torque to be generated by an energy recovery mechanism. The vehicle controller further receives a desired acceleration value, and calculates the engine torque request value based on the regeneration torque request value and the desired acceleration value. The vehicle controller may then operate the engine in accordance with the engine torque request value. 1. A method of calculating an engine torque request value for a vehicle , the method comprising:receiving a regeneration torque request value corresponding to the regeneration torque to be generated by an energy recovery mechanism, with a vehicle controller;receiving a desired acceleration value, with the vehicle controller;calculating an engine torque request value, with the vehicle controller, based on the regeneration torque request value and the desired acceleration value; andoperating the engine, with the controller, in accordance with the engine torque request value.2. The method set forth in claim 1 , further comprising modifying the regeneration torque request value to define a modified regeneration torque request value.3. The method set forth in claim 2 , wherein modifying the regeneration torque request value includes multiplying the regeneration torque request value by a multiplication factor to define the modified regeneration torque request value claim 2 , wherein the multiplication factor is based on a speed of the vehicle.4. The method set forth in claim 3 , further comprising re-defining the modified regeneration torque request value based on a gear shift in a transmission of the vehicle.5. The method set forth in claim 4 , wherein re-defining the modified regeneration torque request value includes multiplying the modified regeneration torque request value by a limiting factor to re-define the modified regeneration torque ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158448A1

A parallel regeneration brake torque modulation system for an electrified vehicle includes a brake pedal travel sensor adapted to transmit a brake pedal travel sensor signal upon travel of a vehicle brake pedal through at least a portion of a range of motion; and a regenerative braking system adapted to apply regeneration braking torque to a vehicle using the brake pedal travel sensor signal from the brake pedal travel sensor. 1. A parallel regeneration brake torque modulation system for an electrified vehicle , comprising:a brake pedal travel sensor adapted to transmit a brake pedal travel sensor signal upon travel of a vehicle brake pedal through at least a portion of a range of motion; anda regenerative braking system adapted to apply regeneration braking torque to a vehicle using the brake pedal travel sensor signal from the brake pedal travel sensor.2. The system of further comprising a brake on/off switch interfacing with the regenerative braking system.3. The system of wherein the regenerative braking system is adapted to apply regeneration braking torque to the vehicle via the brake on/off switch when the regenerative braking system does not sense the brake pedal travel sensor signal from the brake pedal travel sensor.4. The system of wherein the vehicle comprises a hybrid electric vehicle.5. The system of wherein the vehicle comprises a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.6. The system of further comprising an electrical storage facility adapted to store electrical power from the regenerative braking system.7. The system of wherein the regenerative braking system is adapted to apply regeneration torque to a selected one of front wheels and rear wheels of the vehicle.8. A parallel regeneration brake torque modulation system claim 1 , comprising:a vehicle having a front axle with front wheels and a rear axle with rear wheels;a regeneration powertrain coupled and adapted to apply regeneration torque to at least one of the front and rear axles;a brake pedal travel ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082823A1

A powertrain of a hybrid vehicle may include a planetary gear set, a first motor unit and a second motor unit. The planetary gear set may include three rotary members in which one rotary member is connected to an engine and another rotary member is connected to a front driveshaft. The first motor unit is connected to the remaining rotary member in the three rotary members, and the second motor unit is connected to a rear driveshaft and supplying power to the rear driveshaft. 1. A powertrain of a hybrid vehicle , comprising:a planetary gear set including three rotary members in which one rotary member is connected to an engine and another rotary member is connected to a front driveshaft;a first motor unit connected to the remaining rotary member in the three rotary members; anda second motor unit connected to a rear driveshaft and supplying power to the rear driveshaft.2. The powertrain of claim 1 , wherein the planetary gear set includes a sun gear claim 1 , a carrier claim 1 , and a ring gear.3. The powertrain of claim 2 , wherein the first motor unit is connected to the sun gear of the planetary gear set claim 2 , the engine is connected to the carrier claim 2 , and the front driveshaft is connected to the ring gear.4. The powertrain of claim 1 , further comprising:a first clutch disposed between the rotary member connected to the first motor unit and the rotary member connected to the engine, in the planetary gear set; anda second clutch disposed between the front drive shaft and the rotary member connected to the front driveshaft, in the planetary gear set,wherein a driving mode changes in accordance with engagement states of the first clutch and the second clutch.51. The powertrain of claim 4 , wherein in an EV driving mode claim 4 , the first clutch is disengaged claim 4 , the second clutch is engaged claim 4 , and the first motor unit is operated claim 4 , so that the vehicle is driven by front wheels operated by power from the first motor unit.62. The ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079205A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A first connector on a case front wall of a battery pack is connected to a first electric motor with a first power line interposed therebetween. A second connector on a case rear wall of the battery pack is connected to a second electric motor with a second power line interposed therebetween. A fuel tank is arranged behind the battery pack. A muffler is disposed on an exhaust pipe extending from an engine toward the rear along a side surface in a vehicle width direction of the battery pack and is inclined so as to be near the fuel tank behind the battery pack. The second power line is at least partially arranged in a space surrounded by the second connector, the fuel tank, and the muffler as seen in a vertical direction. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising:an engine;a first electric motor;a second electric motor;a fuel tank;a battery pack including a case including a front wall and a rear wall; anda muffler,whereinthe engine and the first electric motor are disposed in a front portion of a vehicle body,the second electric motor is disposed in a rear portion of the vehicle body,the battery pack is mounted in a central portion of the vehicle body, the central portion being located between the front portion and the rear portion, and the battery pack supplies power to the first electric motor and the second electric motor,the first electric motor is connected to a first connector disposed on the front wall of the battery pack with a first power line interposed therebetween,the second electric motor is connected to a second connector disposed on the rear wall of the battery pack with a second power line interposed therebetween,the fuel tank is disposed at a rear of the battery pack,the muffler is disposed at the rear of the battery pack, the muffler is provided to an exhaust pipe extending from the engine toward the rear of the vehicle body, the exhaust pipe extending along a side surface of the battery pack located in a vehicle width direction of the battery pack, and the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079349A1

Systems and methods for operating a hybrid powertrain or driveline that includes an engine and an integrated starter/generator are described. In one example, engine power is adjusted based on a time averaged transmission input shaft power so that the engine may operate in a power region where its performance is enhanced to support operation in an off-road environment. 1. A powertrain operating method , comprising:adjusting power output of an engine via a controller according to a time averaged transmission input power, the time averaged transmission input power an averaged sum of engine power output and electric machine power output.2. The method of claim 1 , where the averaged sum of engine power and electric machine power is averaged over a predetermined time interval.3. The method of claim 1 , where the adjusting of power output of the engine is performed in an off-road vehicle operating mode.4. The method of claim 1 , where the off-road vehicle operating mode includes a second transmission gear shifting schedule and where an on-road vehicle mode includes a first transmission gear shifting schedule claim 1 , the first transmission gear shifting schedule different than the second transmission gear shifting schedule.5. The method of claim 1 , where the adjusting of power output of the engine is performed in a four wheel drive vehicle operating mode.6. The method of claim 1 , where the four wheel drive vehicle operating mode includes transferring engine torque to the vehicle's rear wheels and front wheels claim 1 , and further comprising:not adjusting power output of an engine via a controller according to a time averaged transmission input power when a vehicle is in a two wheel drive mode.7. The method of claim 1 , where power output of the engine is adjusted via an engine torque actuator.8. The method of claim 1 , where the adjusting of power output of the engine is performed when a driver demand power is positive claim 1 , and further comprising:not adjusting ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Work vehicle

Номер: US20140163804A1
Принадлежит: Individual

There are provided an electric storage device ( 11 ), inverter devices ( 7, 10 ), a converter device ( 12 ) for converting the voltage of circuits to which the inverter devices ( 7, 10 ) are connected, a motor generator ( 6 ) for driving a hydraulic pump ( 4 ) using alternate current from the inverter device ( 7 ), a motor ( 9 ) for driving wheels ( 61 ) using alternate current from the inverter device ( 10 ), and a control device ( 200 ) for controlling the inverter devices ( 7, 10 ). When any of the devices necessary for supplying the current to the motor ( 9 ) has developed a failure, the control device ( 200 ) drives the motor ( 9 ) by getting another normal device to perform another process corresponding to the process that has been performed by the malfunctioned device before the failure. This makes it possible to continue travel movement even when part of a travel power supply system has developed a failure.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084445A1
Автор: Horiuchi Yutaka
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Provided is an electric-powered vehicle in which a motor can be driven with a more appropriate torque value for a given situation. This electric-powered vehicle is provided with an electric motor that drives a vehicle wheel, and a control unit that controls the electric motor on the basis of a torque instruction including an instructed torque value for driving the electric motor with a prescribed torque, the control unit having a torque value control unit that decides a prescribed coefficient on the basis of the instructed torque value and a correlating value of the actual speed of the electric motor, and that outputs to the electric motor a torque drive instruction including an appropriate torque value obtained by multiplying the instructed torque value by the prescribed coefficient. 1. An electric-powered vehicle comprising:an electric motor which drives a wheel; anda control unit which controls the electric motor based on a torque instruction including an instructed torque value for driving the electric motor at a predetermined torque,wherein the control unit has a torque value control unit which determines a predetermined coefficient based on the instructed torque value and a correlating value of actual rotating speed of the electric motor, and outputs a torque drive instruction including an appropriate torque value obtained by multiplying the predetermined coefficient by the instructed torque value, to the electric motor.2. The electric-powered vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the predetermined coefficient includes a first predetermined coefficient, andwherein the torque value control unit performs control to determine the first predetermined coefficient so that the absolute value for the appropriate torque value becomes a value smaller than the absolute value for the instructed torque value, in a case of the absolute value for the correlating value of actual rotating speed of the electric motor exceeding the absolute value for a first predetermined ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086741A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co.,Ltd.

A weight ratio of each driving wheel of the vehicle at the time of automatic driving is calculated, a front and rear distribution ratio of a driving force of the vehicle is calculated from the weight ratio, a rear wheel plan driving force is calculated from the front and rear distribution ratio and an action plan required driving force, and a temperature of a rear wheel motor is estimated. Then, when the estimated attainment temperature of the rear wheel motor is higher than the upper limit value of the temperature, the front and rear distribution ratio is changed within a range in which excessive slip does not occur at the front wheels, the rear wheel plan driving force is recalculated, and the automatic driving of the vehicle is implemented taking the rear wheel plan driving force as a target driving force. 1. A control system of a four-wheel drive vehicle which is capable of driving automatically and in which a driving source of rear wheels is a motor , comprising:a weight ratio calculation portion, which calculates a weight ratio of each driving wheel at the time of automatic driving;a front and rear distribution ratio calculation portion, which calculates a front and rear distribution ratio of a driving force of the vehicle from the weight ratio calculated by the weight ratio calculation portion;a rear wheel plan driving force calculation portion, which calculates a rear wheel plan driving force based on the front and rear distribution ratio obtained by the front and rear distribution ratio calculation portion and an action plan;a motor attainment temperature estimation portion, which estimates an attainment temperature of a rear wheel motor at the time of automatically driving with the rear wheel plan driving force obtained by the rear wheel plan driving force calculation portion;a motor temperature determination portion, which determines whether the attainment temperature of the rear wheel motor estimated by the motor attainment temperature estimation portion ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150099606A1

A transmission system for a four wheel drive hybrid electric vehicle includes: an input shaft selectively connected to a front wheel transmission housing while being connected to an output shaft of an engine; a first motor/generator having disposed in the front wheel transmission housing; a second motor/generator having a function of the motor and the generator and connected to a rear wheel output gear disposed in a rear wheel transmission housing; a planetary gear set on the input shaft and including three rotating elements, in which among three rotating elements, a first rotating element is directly connected to the first motor/generator and selectively connected to the input shaft, a second rotating element is directly connected to the input shaft, and a third rotating element is selectively connected to a front wheel output gear; and a connection unit disposed at a selective connection part. 1. A transmission system for a four wheel drive hybrid electric vehicle , comprising:an input shaft selectively connected to a front wheel transmission housing while being connected to an output shaft of an engine;a first motor/generator having motor and generator functions and disposed in the front wheel transmission housing;a second motor/generator having motor and generator functions and connected to a rear wheel output gear disposed in a rear wheel transmission housing;a planetary gear set on the input shaft and including three rotating elements, in which among three rotating elements, a first rotating element is directly connected to the first motor/generator and selectively connected to the input shaft, a second rotating element is directly connected to the input shaft, and a third rotating element is selectively connected to a front wheel output gear; anda connection unit disposed at a selective connection part.2. The transmission system for a four wheel drive hybrid electric vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising:a front wheel reduction gear unit on a front wheel ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093655A1

A through the road (TTR) hybridization strategy is proposed to facilitate introduction of hybrid electric vehicle technology in a significant portion of current and expected trucking fleets. In some cases, the technologies can be retrofitted onto an existing vehicle (e.g., a truck, a tractor unit, a trailer, a tractor-trailer configuration, at a tandem, etc.). In some cases, the technologies can be built into new vehicles. In some cases, one vehicle may be built or retrofitted to operate in tandem with another and provide the hybridization benefits contemplated herein. By supplementing motive forces delivered through a primary drivetrain and fuel-fed engine with supplemental torque delivered at one or more electrically-powered drive axles, improvements in overall fuel efficiency and performance may be delivered, typically without significant redesign of existing components and systems that have been proven in the trucking industry. 1. A vehicle comprising:a vehicle frame configured for travel over a roadway under power of plural drive axles, wherein at least one of the plural drive axles is coupled via a primary drivetrain to a fuel-fed engine to drive at least a pair of wheels, and wherein at least one other of the plural drive axles is a first electrically-powered drive axle configured to supply supplemental torque to one or more additional wheels of the vehicle;an energy store on the vehicle, the energy store configured to supply the first electrically powered drive axle with electrical power in a first mode of operation and further configured to receive energy recovered using the first electrically powered drive axle in a second mode of operation; anda controller operatively coupled between the first electrically-powered drive axle and one or more sensor inputs, including at least a brake line sensor, to transition between the first, the second and at least a third mode of operation, wherein the controller is not coupled to control the fuel-fed engine or the ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180099671A1
Автор: Bang Jae-Sung, Lee Chan-Ho

A 4 wheel drive vehicle removes sense of shift difference through an acceleration shift control mode, and the acceleration shift control mode transfers an independent other drive shaft input torque to a drive shaft not connected to a transmission with respect to a transmission input torque transferred to a drive shaft connected with the transmission, so that a vehicle acceleration in an actual shift section connecting between a fore-section and post-section of the shift can be maintained to be equal to the vehicle acceleration of the fore-section and post-section of the, thereby overcoming the transfer torque change, which is not overcome in a conventional slip control method, speed control method and time control method, when transferring a torque to the drive wheels in the actual shift section and realizing the shift quality without the sense of shift difference. 1. A method for controlling sense of shift difference , performing an acceleration shift control mode through a controller when shifting during travelling of a vehicle ,wherein the acceleration shift control mode transfers an independent other drive shaft input torque to a drive shaft not connected to a transmission with respect to a transmission input torque transferred to a drive shaft connected with the transmission, so that a vehicle acceleration in an actual shift section connecting between a fore-section and post-section of the shift can be maintained to be equal to the vehicle acceleration of the fore-section and post-section of the shift.2. The method for controlling sense of shift difference of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the acceleration shift control mode claim 1 , (A) an average value of the vehicle acceleration depending on the vehicle travelling is calculated claim 1 , it makes before shift section to A claim 1 , and the A is matched to SP (Shift Phase) of the transmission dividing fore-section and post-section of the actual shift section into a shift preparation section and a shift ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101480A1

An electric or hybrid electric vehicle comprises a vehicle chassis extending along a longitudinal axis and a rotatable vehicle drive axle disposed along a transverse axis and having opposed ends that are configured for attachment of a pair of opposed drive wheels. The electric vehicle also comprises a selectively movable electric propulsion motor comprising a rotatable motor shaft rotatable about a motor axis, the electric propulsion motor configured to be mounted within the vehicle chassis and operatively coupled to the rotatable vehicle drive axle and opposed drive wheels, the motor axis configured to be oriented in a substantially vertical direction, a selectively movable differential disposed on the drive axle and configured to operatively couple motive power of the electric propulsion motor that is transmitted to the rotatable motor shaft to the drive axle, and a motor actuator operatively coupled to the electric propulsion motor and the vehicle chassis. 1. An electric vehicle , comprising:a vehicle chassis extending along a longitudinal axis and a rotatable vehicle drive axle disposed along a transverse axis and having opposed axle ends that are configured for attachment of a pair of opposed drive wheels; anda selectively movable electric propulsion motor comprising a rotatable motor shaft rotatable about a motor axis, the selectively movable electric propulsion motor configured to be mounted within the vehicle chassis and operatively coupled to the rotatable vehicle drive axle and opposed drive wheels, the selectively movable electric propulsion motor and the motor axis configured to be oriented in a substantially vertical direction and movable with reference to the rotatable vehicle drive axle;a selectively movable differential disposed on the rotatable vehicle drive axle and configured to operatively couple motive power of the selectively movable electric propulsion motor that is transmitted to the rotatable motor shaft to the rotatable vehicle drive axle; ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122239A1
Автор: FUJII Noriyuki

A drive device for a vehicle includes an electric motor, a speed reduction device configured to reduce the speed of rotation transferred from the electric motor, and a drive force distribution device that distributes and outputs a drive force of the electric motor that is input via the speed reduction device to a first output rotary member and a second output rotary member. The speed reduction device has a first gear member, a second gear member, a coupling member, and a moving mechanism. 1. A drive device for a vehicle , comprising:an electric motor; 'a drive force distribution device that distributes and outputs a drive force of the electric motor that is input via the speed reduction device to a first output rotary member and a second output rotary member, wherein the speed reduction device includes a first gear member having a first gear portion that has a first pitch circle diameter, a second gear member supported coaxially with the first gear member so as to be rotatable relative to the first gear member and having a second gear portion that has a second pitch circle diameter that is different from the first pitch circle diameter, a coupling member disposed so as to be movable in an axial direction between a non-coupled position at which the coupling member is meshed with only one of the first gear member and the second gear member and a coupled position at which the coupling member is meshed with both the the first gear member and the second gear member, and a moving mechanism configured to move the coupling member in the axial direction.', 'a speed reduction device configured to reduce a speed of rotation transferred from the electric motor; and'}2. The drive device according to claim 1 , wherein:the second gear member is in a shape of a cylinder in which a shaft hole is provided at a central portion of the cylinder;the moving mechanism has a bar-shaped body, at least a part of which in a longitudinal direction is disposed in the shaft hole; andthe coupling ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Eco-Friendly Vehicle and Method of Controlling Braking for the Same

Номер: US20210122372A1
Автор: PARK Joon Young

A method of controlling braking of a vehicle having a transfer case disposed between a driving motor and a plurality of driving wheels including a main driving wheel and an auxiliary driving wheel includes determining a first required braking amount of the main driving wheel and a second required braking amount of the auxiliary driving wheel, comparing the first required braking amount with a regenerative brake available amount of the driving motor, and, as a result of the comparing, when the first required braking amount is equal to or greater than the regenerative brake available amount, distributing regeneration capability of the driving motor only to the main driving wheel, and when the first required braking amount is less than the regenerative brake available amount, distributing the regeneration capability to both the main driving wheel and the auxiliary driving wheel. 1. A method of controlling braking of an all-wheel drive (AWD) eco-friendly vehicle having a transfer case disposed between a driving motor and a plurality of driving wheels including a main driving wheel and an auxiliary driving wheel , the method comprising:determining a first required braking amount of the main driving wheel and a second required braking amount of the auxiliary driving wheel in a situation in which the vehicle needs to be decelerated while traveling;comparing the first required braking amount with a regenerative brake available amount of the driving motor;as a result of the comparing, when the first required braking amount is equal to or greater than the regenerative brake available amount, distributing regeneration capability of the driving motor only to the main driving wheel through the transfer case, and when the first required braking amount is less than the regenerative brake available amount, distributing the regeneration capability to both the main driving wheel and the auxiliary driving wheel through the transfer case; andexecuting each of a difference between the ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111540A1

The disclosure relates to a multimodal transportation apparatus for passenger transportation. The multimodal transportation apparatus comprises a passenger car. According to the disclosure, the multimodal transportation apparatus contains a motorcycle that is equipped with, and can be driven by an electric motor, and a securing apparatus to releasably fixedly secure the motorcycle to the passenger car. The motorcycle is arranged between a driver seat and a passenger seat, as seen in a direction of travel, in a secured operating state. At least a portion of a center console serves to support at least one body part of a rider of the motorcycle in an operating state, wherein the motorcycle is detached from the passenger car. 1. A multimodal passenger transportation apparatus comprisinga passenger car with a drivers seat, a passenger seat and a center console;a motorcycle equipped with and autonomously driven by an electric motor; anda securing apparatus that releasably, fixedly secures the motorcycle to the passenger car, wherein the motorcycle is arranged between the driver seat and the passenger seat in a direction of travel, in a secured state, and at least a portion of the center console supports at least one body part of a motorcycle rider in an operating state of the motorcycle being detached from the passenger car.2. The multimodal passenger transportation apparatus as claimed in further comprising at least one guide element coupled with the securing apparatus that guides a movement of the motorcycle during movement between the secured state and the operating state.3. The multimodal passenger transportation apparatus as claimed in further comprising at least one actuator claim 1 , coupled with the securing apparatus claim 1 , that moves the motorcycle between the secured state and the operating state.4. The multimodal passenger transportation apparatus as claimed in further comprising a rechargeable battery that supplies power to the electric motor claim 1 , and ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108816A1

A vehicle includes an electric machine and a controller. The controller is programmed to responsive to a threshold difference, indicative of wheel slip, between average wheel speed and a vehicle speed that is based on a difference between wheel acceleration and measured vehicle acceleration, command a speed to the electric machine to reduce the wheel slip. 1. A vehicle comprising:an electric machine; and responsive to a threshold difference, indicative of wheel slip, between average wheel speed and a vehicle speed that is based on a difference between wheel acceleration and measured vehicle acceleration, command a speed to the electric machine to reduce the wheel slip, and', 'otherwise, command a torque to the electric machine., 'a controller programmed to'}2. The electric machine of further comprising primary and secondary axles claim 1 , wherein the electric machine powers one of the primary and secondary axles.3. The electric machine of further comprising a second electric machine that powers the other of the primary and secondary axles.4. The electric machine of claim 3 , wherein the controller is further programmed toresponsive to a threshold difference between average wheel speed of the other of the primary and secondary axles and the vehicle speed, command a speed to the second electric machine to reduce the wheel slip of the other of the primary and secondary axles, andotherwise, command a torque to the second electric machine.5. The electric machine of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle speed is further based on wheel measured speed.6. The electric machine of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle speed is further based on a grade offset acceleration.7. The electric machine of claim 6 , wherein the grade offset acceleration is based on a derivate of a measured speed of a slowest wheel.8. The electric machine of further comprising speed sensors each associated with one of the wheels and configured to output a signal indicative of wheel speed.9. The electric machine of ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120739A1

A utility vehicle, in particular a motor truck or motor bus, is provided having at least one double-axle unit. The double-axle unit has a driven first axle and a driven second axle, wherein the first axle can be driven by way of a mechanical drivetrain and the second driven axle can be driven by at least one hydraulic motor of a hydrostatic drive. 1. A utility vehicle comprising:at least one double-axle unit having a first driven axle and a second driven axle, wherein the first driven axle is driven by way of a mechanical drivetrain and the second driven axle is driven by at least one hydraulic motor of a hydrostatic drive.2. The utility vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrostatic drive further comprises a hydraulic pump driven by a drive engine and the at least one hydraulic motor which is connected to the hydraulic pump by way of hydraulic working lines.3. The utility vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the first axle is the front axle of the double-axle unit in relation to a forward direction of travel of the vehicle claim 1 , and the second axle is the rear axle of the double-axle unit in relation to the direction of travel.4. The utility vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic motor is flange-mounted onto the outside of the axle housing of the second drive axle claim 1 , and a drive shaft of the hydraulic motor is operatively connected to an axle differential claim 1 , arranged in the axle housing claim 1 , of the second driven axle.5. The utility vehicle according to claim 4 , wherein the axle differential is a bevel-gear differential gearbox claim 4 , including a crown gear claim 4 , a pair of axle bevel gears and a pair of differential bevel gears claim 4 , and wherein a drive gear seated on the drive shaft of the hydraulic motor is in engagement with the crown gear.6. The utility vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic motor is arranged in the axle housing of the second driven axle claim 1 , and a part claim 1 , which ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120899A1

A transaxle may include a motor, an input shaft, first and second output shafts, and first and second clutches. The input shaft has first and second ends. The first end of the input shaft is structured to receive an engine power from an engine. The second end of the input shaft is structured to receive motor power from the motor. The first output shaft is driven by power outputted from the input shaft. The second output shaft is driven by the motor power. The second output shaft is extended coaxially to the input shaft. The first clutch is interposed between the motor and the input shaft. The second clutch is interposed between the motor and the second output shaft. The first clutch and the second clutch are coaxially disposed between the second end of the input shaft and an axial end of the second output shaft. 1. A transaxle for a hybrid vehicle , comprising:a motor configured to output a motor power;an input shaft having first and second ends axially opposite each other, the first end of the input shaft being structured to receive an engine power from an engine of the hybrid vehicle, and the second end of the input shaft being structured to receive the motor power from the motor;a first output shaft driven by power outputted from the input shaft so as to drive a first drive wheel of the hybrid vehicle;a second output shaft driven by the motor power from the motor so as to drive a second drive wheel of the hybrid vehicle, the second output shaft extended coaxially to the input shaft; anda first clutch interposed between the motor and the input shaft; anda second clutch interposed between the motor and the second output shaft,wherein the first clutch and the second clutch are coaxially disposed between the second end of the input shaft and an axial end of the second output shaft.2. The transaxle for a hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the motor comprises a motor shaft serving as a rotary axis of the motor, the motor shaft being axially offset from the ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Tractor Unit With On-Board Regenerative Braking Energy Storage for Stopover HVAC Operation Without Engine Idle

Номер: US20220266675A1

A through the road (TTR) hybridization strategy is proposed to facilitate introduction of hybrid electric vehicle technology in a significant portion of current and expected trucking fleets. In some cases, the technologies can be retrofitted onto an existing vehicle (e.g., a trailer, a tractor-trailer configuration, etc.). In some cases, the technologies can be built into new vehicles. In some cases, one vehicle may be built or retrofitted to operate in tandem with another and provide the hybridization benefits contemplated herein. By supplementing motive forces delivered through a primary drivetrain and fuel-fed engine with supplemental torque delivered at one or more electrically-powered drive axles, improvements in overall fuel efficiency and performance may be delivered, typically without significant redesign of existing components and systems that have been proven in the trucking industry. 1. A vehicle , comprising:at least one electrically-powered drive axle;an electric motor/generator (M/G) coupled to the electrically-powered drive axle;a battery management system comprising one or more batteries, wherein the battery management system is configured to:identify an upcoming downhill grade or upcoming downhill grade; andselectively supply electrical power to the M/G in a first mode of operation to provide a motive force to the vehicle when traveling on the upcoming uphill grade or selectively receive energy recovered from the M/G in a second mode of operation when traveling on the upcoming downhill grade to maintain a desired state-of-charge (SoC) of the one or more batteries during over-the-roadway travel.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the M/G is configured to supply claim 1 , in the first mode of operation claim 1 , a motive torque to the electrically-powered drive axle claim 1 , and receive claim 1 , in the second mode of operation claim 1 , energy recovered from the electrically-powered drive axle via a regenerative brake mode of operation.3. The ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266688A1

A control apparatus for a motive power transmission device equipped with a first input shaft, a second input shaft to which a motive power from a motor is input, a rear wheel-side output shaft from which a motive power is output to a first driving wheel, a front wheel-side output shaft from which a motive power is output to a second driving wheel, and a planetary gear device that has, as three rotating elements, a sun gear to which the second input shaft is coupled, a carrier to which the front wheel-side output shaft is coupled, and a ring gear to which the first input shaft and the rear wheel-side output shaft are coupled engages an engagement device when a torque of the rear wheel-side output shaft is equal to or smaller than a threshold with the motor outputting the motive power. 1. A control apparatus for a motive power transmission device equipped with a first input shaft to which a motive power from a first motive power source is input , a second input shaft to which a motive power from a second motive power source is input , a first output shaft from which a motive power is output to a first driving wheel , a second output shaft from which a motive power is output to a second driving wheel , and a differential device that has , as three rotating elements , a first rotating element to which the second input shaft is coupled , a second rotating element to which the second output shaft is coupled , and a third rotating element to which the first input shaft and the first output shaft are coupled ,the control apparatus restricting a differential effect of the differential device more when a torque of the first output shaft is equal to or smaller than a threshold than when the torque of the first output shaft is larger than the threshold, with the second motive power source outputting the motive power.2. The control apparatus for the motive power transmission device according to claim 1 , whereinthe motive power transmission device is further equipped with an ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266689A1

When temperature of a second power source of a vehicle becomes higher than a threshold value during a first mode in which three rotating elements of a differential gear can make differential movement and when four-wheel drive is needed, switching is performed to a second mode in which the three rotating elements are unified, and when four-wheel drive is not needed even when the temperature of the second power source becomes higher than the threshold value during the first mode, output of the second power source is restricted, while the first mode is maintained. 1. A vehicle comprising a transmission system , a first input shaft to which motive power from a first power source is input;', 'a second input shaft to which motive power from a second power source is input;', 'a first output shaft that outputs the motive power to a first drive wheel;', 'a second output shaft that outputs the motive power to a second drive wheel;', a first rotating element to which the second input shaft is coupled,', 'a second rotating element to which the second output shaft is coupled, and', 'a third rotating element to which the first output shaft is coupled; and, 'a differential gear including, as three rotating elements,'}, 'an engagement device that selectively couples any two rotating elements of the three rotating elements, and, 'the transmission system includingthe transmission system being capable of switching between a first mode in which the engagement device is released and the three rotating elements can make differential movement, and a second mode in which the engagement device is engaged and the three rotating elements are mechanically unified,wherein when temperature of the second power source becomes higher than a threshold value during the first mode and when both the first drive wheel and the second drive wheel need to be driven, switching is performed from the first mode to the second mode, and when the first drive wheel and the second drive wheel do not both need to ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266813A1

Through-the-road (TTR) hybrid designs using control strategies such as an equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS) or an adaptive ECMS are implemented at the supplemental torque delivering electrically-powered drive axle (or axles) in a manner that follows operational parameters or computationally estimates states of the primary drivetrain and/or fuel-fed engine, but does not itself participate in control of the fuel-fed engine or primary drivetrain. BSFC type data particular to the paired-with fuel-fed engine allows an ECMS implementation (or other similar control strategy) to adapt to efficiency curves for the particular fuel-fed engine and to improve overall efficiencies of the TTR hybrid configuration. 1. A system , comprising:a fuel-fed engine;a primary drivetrain coupled to the fuel-fed engine;an engine control module (ECM) for the fuel-fed engine coupled to a controller area network (CAN) interface;an electric drive axle configured to operate independently of the primary drivetrain; and retrieve a signature indicative of the fuel-fed engine;', 'communicate over a wireless communication interface to retrieve brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) type data based on the retrieved signature;', 'determine a through-the-road (TTR) equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS) independent of any driver inputs; and', 'control motive torque supplied by the electric drive axle in accordance with the TTR ECMS., 'an equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS) controller for the electric drive axle coupled to the network interface, wherein the ECMS controller is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system forms part of a vehicle having the fuel-fed engine claim 1 , the primary drivetrain claim 1 , the electric drive axle and the controller.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fuel-fed engine comprises a fuel combustion engine claim 1 , a hydrogen internal combustion engine (ICE) claim 1 , a homogeneous charge compression ignition ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114751A1

A drive train for a hybrid vehicle, in particular for a temporarily four-wheel-driven motor vehicle, wherein the drive train comprises a first partial drive train assigned to a primary axle and a second partial drive train assigned to a secondary axle, and wherein the first partial drive train comprises a first drive unit configured as an internal combustion engine and a second drive unit configured as an electric machine and a change transmission, is refined in that the hybrid drive train is inexpensive to produce, has low CO2 emissions in operation, and may be used in a drive train of a temporarily four-wheel-driven motor vehicle. This is achieved in that change transmission comprises an input shaft and an output shaft, wherein the first drive unit is coupled to the primary axle via the change transmission, and wherein the second drive unit is coupled to the primary axle via the input or output shaft of the change transmission, and wherein the drive train furthermore comprises a clutch arrangement, wherein the secondary axle can be coupled in a driving manner to the primary axle by means of the clutch arrangement. 1. A drive train for a hybrid vehicle , in particular for a temporarily four-wheel-driven motor vehicle , wherein the drive train comprises a first partial drive train assigned to a primary axle and a second partial drive train assigned to a secondary axle , and wherein the first partial drive train comprises a first drive unit configured as an internal combustion engine and a second drive unit configured as an electric machine and a change transmission , wherein the change transmission comprises an input shaft and an output shaft , and wherein the first drive unit is coupled to the primary axle via the change transmission , and wherein the second drive unit is coupled to the primary axle via the input or output shaft of the change transmission , and wherein a clutch arrangement is arranged between the first partial drive train and the second partial ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for Actuating a Vehicle Drivetrain

Номер: US20200114913A1

A method actuates a vehicle drivetrain of a vehicle having a drive unit, in particular an electric motor, wherein the drivetrain has at least one first partial drivetrain which is assigned to a first output unit which transmits a torque between the drive unit and the first output unit, and has at least one second partial drive train which is assigned to a second output unit which transmits a torque between the drive unit and the second output unit. When a positive torque is transmitted, a load is applied to the drivetrain in a first direction, and when a negative torque is transmitted, a load is applied to the drivetrain in a second direction opposed to the first direction. At least one pre-load device is provided which, when a predetermined positive torque limiting value is reached or when a predetermined negative torque limiting value is reached, pre-loads the first partial drivetrain in the first direction of the positive torque and pre-loads the second partial drivetrain in the second direction of the negative torque. 1. A drive train of a vehicle , comprising:at least one drive unit;at least one first partial drive train which is assigned to a first output unit, and which transmits a torque between the drive unit and the first output unit; andat least one second partial drive train which is assigned to a second output unit, and which transmits a torque between the drive unit and the second output unit, whereinthe drive train is subjected to load in a first direction in the case of a transmission of a positive torque, and the drive train is subjected to load in a second direction which is opposed to the first direction in the case of a transmission of a negative torque;at least one preload apparatus which, if a predefined positive torque limit value is reached or if a predefined negative torque limit value is reached, preloads the first partial drive train in the first direction of the positive torque and preloads the second partial drive train in the second ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268347A1

In a vehicle drive device, a second power source is connected to a first rotating element of a differential mechanism. The other output shaft of a first output shaft and a second output shaft is connected to a third rotating element so as to be disconnectable and connectable by a disconnection-connection mechanism. A control device places the disconnection-connection mechanism in a disconnected state. When a second traveling mode in which the third rotating element is fixed to a fixing member through engagement of a first engaging element is switched to a first traveling mode in which the disconnection-connection mechanism is placed in a connected state, the control device disengages the first engaging element, executes synchronous control in which rotational speeds of the other output shaft and the third rotating element are synchronized by a second engaging element, and switches the disconnection-connection mechanism from the disconnected state to the connected state. 1. A vehicle drive device , comprising:a first power source;a second power source;a first output shaft that is connected to the first power source and outputs power to one of front wheels and rear wheels;a second output shaft that outputs power to the other of the front wheels and the rear wheels;a differential mechanism provided with a first rotating element, a second rotating element, and a third rotating element; anda control device, wherein:in the differential mechanism, the first rotating element is connected to the second power source, one output shaft of the first output shaft and the second output shaft is connected to the second rotating element, and the other output shaft of the first output shaft and the second output shaft is connected to the third rotating element via a disconnection-connection mechanism so as to be disconnectable and connectable, and the third rotating element is selectively fixed to a fixing member through engagement of a first engaging element, and any two of the ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274478A1

A vehicle drive device includes: a brake that is provided with a plurality of friction plates, a first piston and a second piston, and a first piston hydraulic chamber and a second piston hydraulic chamber, and selectively fixes the third rotating element to a fixing member; a hydraulic control circuit that controls supply of the hydraulic pressure to the first piston hydraulic chamber and the second piston hydraulic chamber; and a control device. The control device controls the hydraulic control circuit such that the hydraulic pressure is supplied to the first piston hydraulic chamber and the second piston hydraulic chamber when the first traveling mode is set, and controls the hydraulic control circuit such that the hydraulic pressure is supplied only to one of the first piston hydraulic chamber and the second piston hydraulic chamber when the second traveling mode is set. 1. A vehicle drive device , comprising:a first power source;a second power source;a first output shaft that is connected to the first power source and outputs power to one of front wheels and rear wheels;a second output shaft that outputs power to the other of the front wheels and the rear wheels;a differential mechanism provided with a first rotating element, a second rotating element, and a third rotating element; anda control device;a brake that is provided with a plurality of friction plates, a first piston and a second piston that press the friction plates, and a first piston hydraulic chamber and a second piston hydraulic chamber for applying a hydraulic pressure to the first piston and the second piston, respectively, and selectively fixes the third rotating element to a fixing member; anda hydraulic control circuit that controls supply of the hydraulic pressure to the first piston hydraulic chamber and the second piston hydraulic chamber, wherein:a first traveling mode and a second traveling mode are configured to be settable, the first traveling mode being a mode in which at least the ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162855A1

A method of controlling an axle assembly includes providing an axle assembly in a first state. A first controller is provided in electrical communication with the axle assembly. The first controller determines if a source of power has an available amount of electrical energy that is within a predetermined range and a predetermined period of time has elapsed. If the available amount of electrical energy is within the predetermined range and the predetermined period of time has elapsed, then electrical energy is transferred from the source of power to an electric motor generator and an axle disconnect clutch is engaged to provide the axle assembly in another state. 1. A method of controlling an axle assembly , comprising:providing an axle assembly in a first state; andproviding a first controller in electrical communication with the axle assembly, the first controller determining if a source of power has an available amount of electrical energy that is within a predetermined range and a predetermined period of time has elapsed;wherein if the available amount of electrical energy is within the predetermined range and the predetermined period of time has elapsed, then transferring electrical energy from the source of power to an electric motor generator and engaging an axle disconnect clutch to provide the axle assembly in another state.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining if a brake light switch has been activated claim 1 , a cruise control mode has been deactivated claim 1 , or a road grade is above a predetermined road grade threshold.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electric motor generator provides a motor speed that is within a predetermined range of a wheel speed of a wheel and the first controller sends a signal to engage the axle disconnect clutch.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a second state claim 1 , electrical energy is transferred from the source of power to the electric motor generator and the axle disconnect ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170136870A1

A powertrain includes an output member, and first and second simple planetary gear sets. The planetary gear sets each have a first, a second, and a third member including a sun gear, carrier, and ring gear member. The drive unit includes a single electric machine operable as a motor and having a rotor connected to rotate in unison with and drive the sun gear member of the first planetary gear set. An interconnecting member connects the second member of the first planetary gear set to rotate in unison with the first member of the second planetary gear set. The third member of the first planetary gear set or the second member of the second planetary gear set is continuously grounded to the stationary member or operatively connected to be driven by an engine. The third member of the second planetary gear set is continuously operatively connected to the output member. 1. A powertrain comprising:an output member;a first planetary gear set;a second planetary gear set; wherein each of the first and the second planetary gear sets are simple planetary gear sets having a first member, a second member, and a third member including a sun gear member, a carrier member, and a ring gear member;a single electric machine operable as a motor and having a rotor connected to rotate in unison with and drive the sun gear member of the first planetary gear set;an interconnecting member connecting the second member of the first planetary gear set to rotate in unison with the first member of the second planetary gear set;wherein one of the third member of the first planetary gear set and the second member of the second planetary gear set is continuously grounded to the stationary member or is operatively connected to be driven by an engine; andwherein the third member of the second planetary gear set is continuously operatively connected to the output member.2. The powertrain of claim 1 , further comprising:a first brake selectively engageable to ground to a stationary member one of the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170136871A1

A wheel driving system includes a generator connected to an engine and configured to generate electrical energy, a front axle configured to drive a front wheel and including a front electric motor configured to produce a driving torque and a front transmission configured to convert the driving torque into a conversion torque and transmit the conversion torque to the front wheel via a front drive shaft, a rear axle configured to drive a rear wheel and including a rear electric motor configured to produce a driving torque and a rear transmission configured to convert the driving torque into a conversion torque and transmit the conversion torque to the rear wheel via a rear drive shaft, and a central connection unit operatively connected to the front drive shaft and the rear drive shaft and configured to transmit the conversion torque between the front axle and the rear axle. 1. A wheel driving system , comprising:a generator connected to an engine and configured to generate electrical energy;a front axle configured to drive at least one front wheel, and including a front electric motor configured to produce a driving torque from the electrical energy supplied from the generator and a front transmission configured to convert the driving torque into a conversion torque required according to a speed of construction machinery and transmit the conversion torque to the front wheel via a front drive shaft;a rear axle configured to drive at least one rear wheel, and including a rear electric motor configured to produce a driving torque from the electrical energy supplied from the generator and a rear transmission configured to convert the driving torque into a conversion torque required according to the speed of the construction machinery and transmit the conversion torque to the rear wheel via a rear drive shaft; anda central connection unit operatively connected to the front drive shaft and the rear drive shaft and configured to transmit the conversion torque between the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137012A1

A powertrain includes a propulsion system having first and second torque sources, and first and second drive axles respectively connected to and independently driven by the first and second torque sources. A permissible range of torque contribution from the torque sources to the respective first and second drive axles is defined by a component torque window. The powertrain includes sensors for detecting a dynamic driving maneuver of a vehicle having the powertrain. A controller executes a method to adjust a size and/or orientation of a chassis torque window during the detected dynamic driving maneuver, determine an optimally efficient axle torque operating point that falls on a torque line within the component torque window in proximity to the chassis torque window, and command the torque contribution via transmission of torque control signals to the first and second torque sources to achieve the optimally efficient axle torque operating point. 1. A powertrain system comprising:a propulsion system having first and second torque sources;first and second drive axles that are respectively connected to and independently driven by the first and second torque sources, wherein a permissible range of torque contribution from the first and second torque sources to the respective first and second drive axles is defined by a component torque window;a plurality of sensors operable for detecting a dynamic driving maneuver of a vehicle having the powertrain; anda controller programmed to automatically adjust at least one of a size and orientation of a chassis torque window during the detected dynamic driving maneuver, to determine an optimally efficient axle torque operating point that falls on a permissible torque line within the component torque window in proximity to the adjusted chassis torque window, and to command the torque contribution via transmission of torque control signals to the first and second torque sources to achieve the optimally efficient axle torque operating ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137017A1
Автор: Cho Sung Hyun

Disclosed is a startup control method for a hybrid vehicle, the method including judging, by a controller, whether starting motion of the vehicle is possible using only a motor or whether starting motion of the vehicle additionally requires power of an engine, preparing the power of the engine, by the controller, by igniting the engine and also initiating engagement of a driving gear when it is judged that starting motion of the vehicle additionally requires the power of the engine, and linearly increasing a torque of the motor to a maximum value, and completing the remainder of a motion start process by increasing a torque of a clutch while increasing a torque of the engine, by the controller, when transmission of the power of the engine to a drive wheel becomes possible via the preparation of the power of the engine. 1. A startup control method for a hybrid vehicle , the method comprising:judging, by a controller, whether starting motion of the vehicle is possible using only a motor or whether starting motion of the vehicle additionally requires power of an engine;preparing the power of the engine, by the controller, by igniting the engine and also initiating engagement of a driving gear when it is judged that starting motion of the vehicle additionally requires the power of the engine, and linearly increasing a torque of the motor to a maximum value; andcompleting the remainder of a motion start process by increasing a torque of a clutch while increasing a torque of the engine, by the controller, when transmission of the power of the engine to a drive wheel becomes possible via the preparation of the power of the engine.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the judging includes judging that starting motion of the vehicle additionally requires the power of the engine when a driver-required torque exceeds a predetermined reference torque claim 1 , or when a state of charge of a battery is below a predetermined reference amount.3. The method according to ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281308A1

A transfer case for use in a vehicle, with the vehicle including a powertrain, includes an input shaft configured to be rotatably coupled to the powertrain. The transfer case also includes a primary output shaft rotatably coupled to the input shaft, and a secondary output shaft selectively rotatably coupled to the primary output shaft. The transfer case further includes a planetary gearset disposed between and rotatably coupled to the input shaft and the primary output shaft. The transfer case also includes an input member and an electric machine. The input member is rotatably coupled to the electric machine and the input shaft to provide rotational torque from the electric machine, to the input shaft, and to the primary output shaft. 1. A transfer case for use in a vehicle , with the vehicle comprising a powertrain for providing rotational torque to at least one of a first and second set of wheels of the vehicle , said transfer case comprising:an input shaft configured to be rotatably coupled to the powertrain;a primary output shaft rotatably coupled to said input shaft to provide rotational torque to the first set of wheels of the vehicle;a secondary output shaft selectively rotatably coupled to said primary output shaft to provide rotational torque to the second set of wheels of the vehicle;a planetary gearset disposed between and rotatably coupled to said input shaft and said primary output shaft;an input member; andan electric machine;wherein said input member is rotatably coupled to said electric machine and said input shaft to provide rotational torque from said electric machine, to said input shaft, and to said primary output shaft.2. The transfer case as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a clutch rotatably coupled to said input shaft claim 1 , said planetary gearset claim 1 , and said primary output shaft.3. The transfer case as set forth in claim 2 , wherein said clutch is further defined as a dual clutch.4. The transfer case as set forth in claim ...
