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26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662618C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. По первому варианту конструкция транспортного средства содержит основную конструкцию и конструкции порогов. Основная конструкция включает в себя сборную конструкцию пола и верхнюю конструкцию транспортного средства над сборной конструкцией пола. Конструкция порогов имеет замкнутое поперечное сечение и образует внутреннюю полость. Сборная конструкция пола включает в себя центральный тоннель, боковые горизонтальные участки, проходящие снаружи от центрального тоннеля к внутренним участкам конструкций порогов, и датчик ускорения. Один из порогов содержит жесткую центральную конструкцию, расположенную во внутренней полости. По второму варианту конструкция транспортного средства содержит конструкцию пола, конструкции трубчатых порогов, облицовку и датчик ускорения. Транспортное средство содержит упомянутую конструкцию пола с трубчатыми порогами. Достигается повышение пассивной безопасности за счет обнаружения деформации конструкции ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462383C2

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Кузов автомобиля выполнен с боковыми частями, каждая из которых имеет стойки, с которыми согласована обивка стоек. Поверх стоек проходит боковая балка крыши, в зоне которой находится надувная подушка безопасности. Подушка безопасности при развертывании воздействует на согласованную со стойкой обивку и открывает ее вдоль заданной линии открывания, образованной вырезом материала. С надувной подушкой безопасности согласован ленточный ограничитель, который одним концом крепится к надувной подушке, а противоположным концом - к стойке. Со стойкой или с примыкающим к ней компонентом согласован направляющий элемент для подушки безопасности и для ленточного ограничителя. Стойка при развертывании подушки безопасности направляет подушку безопасности и ленточный ограничитель. Достигается повышение точности направления подушки безопасности при развертывании. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615648C1

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Автомобильный конструктивный элемент имеет замкнутую форму поперечного сечения, образованную с помощью бретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. с помощью составляющих элементов. Составляющие элементы изготовлены из формованного тела из металлического листа. Первый составляющий элемент имеет участок вертикальной стенки, изогнутый участок и внутренний фланец. Изогнутый участок соединен с участком вертикальной стенки и изогнут по направлению к внутренней стороне замкнутой формы поперечного сечения. Внутренний фланец соединен с изогнутым участком. Автомобильный конструктивный элемент содержит участок передачи нагрузки. Участок передачи нагрузки образован в области между изогнутым участком и вторым составляющим элементом, является продолжением участка вертикальной стенки и соединяет их. Способ изготовления автомобильного конструктивного элемента содержит этап, на котором путем сварки образуют участок передачи ...

02-03-2021 дата публикации

Устройство крепления оперения и крыльев передних осей

Номер: RU202678U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, а именно к узлам крепления оперения и крыльев к раме транспортного средства повышенной проходимости с колесной формулой 8×8. Устройство крепления оперения и крыльев передних осей содержит Г-образные несущие кронштейны (1) для крепления верхних панелей крыла, опирающийся на кронштейны (1) каркас (2) в виде прямоугольной рамки, конструкцию из труб (3) с приваренными основаниями (4) для крепления задних панелей, а также сборно-сварную конструкцию (5) из труб и П-образных гнутых профилей для крепления боковых панелей и панелей передних крыльев. Г-образные несущие кронштейны (1) выполнены цельной конструкцией и имеют на боковых стенках серпообразные дуги R. При этом дополнительно установлены стяжные элементы в виде приварных уголков (6), закрепленных одной своей стороной к кронштейнам (1). Сварной каркас (2) снабжен продольной трубой-усилителем (7) и ребрами жесткости (8) в местах взаимного соединения. В местах соединения каркаса ...

20-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU93064U1

... 1. Упругий упор для ног, отличающийся тем, что включает две расположенные плоскостями одна к другой, изготовленные из металла или пластмассы прямоугольные пластины с закругленными краями и углами, с закрепленной между ними специальным клеем эластичной вставкой из упругого пористого материала. ! 2. Упругий упор для ног по п.1, отличающийся тем, что включает резиновую накладку для устранения скольжения, закрепленную специальным клеем на верхнюю пластину. ! 3. Упругий упор для ног по п.1, отличающийся тем, что включает эластичную вставку из упругого пористого материала с защитным покрытием от влаги и грязи по периметру. ! 4. Упругий упор для ног по п.1, отличающийся тем, что включает нижнюю пластину из металла или пластмассы с шероховатой поверхностью для надежной адгезии при монтаже на пол, коврик или дополнительный кронштейн салона автомобиля или автобуса с помощью специального клеевого состава.

04-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU212019U1

Полезная модель относится к конструктивным элементам кузова, усилитель порога ориентирован относительно продольной оси автомобиля, при этом имеет в центральной части углубление пирамидообразной формы с прямоугольной выштамповкой в верхней части углубления, фланцы на торцевых краях, а также фланец с внутренней стороны и напротив фланца, с внешней стороны, ряд отверстий, при этом между соседними отверстиями выполнены выштамповки. Таким образом, применение полезной модели позволяет повысить жесткость порога. 1 фиг.

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Конструкция кузова автомобиля в зоне соединения каркаса боковины и внутренней панели боковины

Номер: RU180455U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, а именно к конструкции кузова легкового автомобиля, в частности к конструкции боковой части кузова легкового автомобиля.Задачей полезной модели является повышение жесткости в зоне соединения переднего каркаса боковины и внутренней панели боковины автомобиля в процессе эксплуатации. Предлагаемая конструкция кузова автомобиля в зоне соединения переднего каркаса боковины и внутренней панели боковины, представленная в виде штампованных деталей, соединенных между собой рядом сварных точек, отличается тем, что в верхней части узла внутренняя панель боковины соединена с усилителем ветровой стойки боковины, имеющем П-образное сечение, а в нижней части узла внутренняя панель боковины соединена с нижней накладкой боковины, имеющей П-образное сечение. 6 ил.

16-04-1995 дата публикации

Автомобиль для перевозки ценностей

Номер: RU299U1

... 1. Автомобиль для перевозки ценностей, содержащий корпус с бронированными стенками, закрывающими салон, в котором расположены сиденья для водителя и сопровождающего лица и имеется дверь с запором, содержащим стержень с рукояткой, расположенный в кронштейне, закрепленном на стенке корпуса, и взаимодействующий с проушиной на двери, отличающийся тем, что рукоятка стержня запора подпружинена в сторону проушины на двери, а на стержне запора выполнен уступ для упора конца плеча рычага, другое плечо которого имеет привод от соленоида.2. Автомобиль по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что кронштейн запора двери выполнен П-образной формы и на нем сверху закреплен корпус упомянутого соленоида, а стержень запора снабжен цилиндрической направляющей, закрепленной в вертикальных стенках кронштейна и имеющей продольный паз, в котором расположена упомянутая рукоятка.3. Автомобиль по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что под направляющей стержня расположена пружина растяжения, один конец которой связан с вертикальной стенкой ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Кузов автомобиля в зоне расположения полки задка

Номер: RU213550U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, а именно к конструкции кузова легкового автомобиля, в частности к конструкции задней части кузова. Обеспечение жесткости в зоне расположения полки задка автомобиля с кузовом типа «универсал» достигается путем использования конструкции соединения полки задка, состоящей из деталей как расположенных симметрично продольной оси кузова автомобиля, так и под углом к ней, соединенных стойками, при этом кронштейн крепления амортизатора задней подвески через внутреннюю арку заднего колеса сопряжен с надставкой полки задка и усилителем перегородки, которые боковыми фланцами связаны с внутренней угловой панелью боковины, дополнительно включает соединитель заднего окна полки задка, который сопряжен с боковыми фланцами надставки полки задка, усилителя перегородки, соединителем стойки заднего крыла и полки задка, формируя замкнутое коробчатое сечение, усилитель подоконного бруса боковины кузова расположен в распор между соединителем стойки ...

10-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU16123U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения , а именно к кузовам легковых автомобилей. Задача полезной подели: сохранение жизненно важного пространства между щитком передка и сидениями после фронтального удара автомобиля - за счет увеличения жесткосткости кузова в районе щитка передка. Кузов легкового автомобиля включает пол 1, соединенный с кожухом 2 пола 1, щиток 3 передка, соединенный посредством контактной сварки с полом 1, с кожухом 2 пола 1 и с внутренними панелями 4 боковин. Щиток 3 передка и внутренний панели 4 боковин дополнительно соединены в районе верхних своих частей раскосами 5 коробчатой формы, которые в частном случае выполнены из соединенных между собой посредством контактной сварки передней б и задней 7 частей. На кожухе 2 пола 1 вдоль продольной оси кузова и противоположно друг другу относительно ее закреплены посредством контактной сварки два усилителя 8 вытянутой коробчатой формы. Кожух 2 пола 1 и шиток 3 передка соединены дополнительными соединителями ...

28-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU190380U1

Полезная модель относится к изделиям автомобильной промышленности, в частности к силовым монтажным элементам для скрытой установки лебедки электрической за штатный бампер автомобиля на его раму. Задачей полезной модели является обеспечение расположения лебедки во внутреннем подкапотном пространстве автомобиля без образования выступов за внешние габариты и переднюю поверхность бампера. Поставленная задача решается площадкой установочной лебедки электрической для автомобиля, выполненной из стального листа прямоугольной формы толщиной 6 мм, который имеет боковые крепежные площадки и расположенный в передней части площадки сектор под крепление клюза, отличающейся тем, что сектор загнут на 90° вверх к плоскости площадки, а угол гиба боковых крепежных площадок составляет 70° по отношению к основной плоскости на расстоянии 460 мм с обеих сторон и высотой подъема от основной плоскости 20 мм, при этом на передней поверхности основной плоскости выполнены углы 20° симметрично на расстоянии 370 мм ...

10-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU67954U1

Полезная модель относится к области легкового автомобильного транспорта и может быть использована при проектировании церемониального автомобиля для принятия парадов президентом и министром обороны. Задача предлагаемого технического решения - повышение прочности и надежности автомобиля, а также повышения удобства пользования и улучшение обзорности для пассажира. Для решения поставленной задачи в конструкцию церемониального автомобиля, имеющего раму 2, кузов 1 с двумя дверцами 13 и бортиком 4 и 5, сидения для водителя 9 и пассажира 10, а также поручень 11 перед сидением пассажира, внесены существенные изменения. Рама 2 выполнена из сварного швеллера и дополнена выступом в виде ступеньки 3. Пол 6 в кабине автомобиля выполнен двухуровневым, с перепадом между уровнями в одну стандартную ступеньку. На повышенной части пола 7 смонтирован поручень 11, за который может держаться пассажир при проезде стоя. Кроме того, в кабине предусмотрено дополнительное сидение 8 рядом с водителем для начальника ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU129072U1

Устройство для установки электронного модуля в салоне транспортного средства, содержащее элемент крепления электронного модуля, расположенный в отсеке, образованном между стенками элементов передней панели транспортного средства, отличающееся тем, что элемент крепления электронного модуля выполнен в виде плоского переходного кронштейна, на внешней стороне которого выполнены цилиндрические выступы и прямоугольные сквозные отверстия, на боковых сторонах электронного модуля выполнены упругие защелки, расположенные в прямоугольных сквозных отверстиях плоского переходного кронштейна, а цилиндрические выступы плоского переходного кронштейна размещены в отверстиях, выполненных в отсеке.

27-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU65011U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области гусеничных и колесных машин и может быть преимущественно использована в промышленных тракторах с бульдозерно-рыхлительным оборудованием. Задача - обеспечение работы трактора при высокой температуре (+40°С) окружающей среды за счет регулируемого раскрытия створок капота, улучшения обзора, а также повышение удобства доступа к часто обслуживаемым узлам систем двигателя, расположенным в задней части подкапотного пространства. Силовое отделение трактора включает в себя двигатель 1, установленный на раме 2 трактора и огражденный капотом в составе облицовки 3, крыши 4, задней стойки 5, опирающейся на раму 2 трактора, и боковых створок - передней 6, крупногабаритной и задней 7, меньших размеров. В задней части подкапотного пространства, перекрытого задней 7 створкой, размещены воздухозаборное устройство 8, воздухоочиститель 9, топливный бачок подогревателя 10, В передней части подкапотного пространства размещен блок радиаторов 11, вентилятор 12.

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU146476U1

... 1. Устройство защиты порога транспортного средства, содержащее фигурную накладку, выполненную, например, из металла или пластика, закрывающую наружную сторону порога с частью нижней его стороны и щель между порогом и дверью, снабженное средствами крепления к двери в виде продольной планки с шарнирно установленными на ней присосками.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что верхний край фигурной накладки дополнительно закреплен к двери липкой лентой, а присоски установлены с клеем.3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что присоски на продольной планке установлены на гибком основании из эластичного материала, например, резины или капрона.

10-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2132794C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения, а именно к кузовам легковых автомобилей. Задача данного изобретения направлена на повышение прочности и жесткости кузова транспортного средства в процессе эксплуатации, улучшение энергопоглощения при фронтальном ударе, что повышает пассивную безопасность транспортного средства. Кузов транспортного средства включает колесную нишу, соединенную с передней вертикальной стойкой боковины кузова коробчатого сечения, которая соединена с рамой ветрового окна, лонжерон с фланцем, соединенный с лонжероном пола и порогом пола. При этом кузов снабжен элементом жесткости, соединенным с поперечной балкой, соединяющей левую и правую боковины кузова, с нижней боковой стенкой колесной ниши и передней вертикальной стойкой боковины кузова, наружным и внутренним элементами, имеющими коробчатое сечение, соединенными с силовым ребром жесткости и с верхней стенкой колесной ниши и с рамой ветрового окна с образованием вертикальной стенки кузова, а нижняя ...

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2583424C1

Группа изобретений относится к области машиностроения, в частности производству автомобильных деталей. Сборка элемента на основе алюминия и элемента из стали с металлическим покрытием на одной его поверхности, выполненным из цинк-алюминий-магниевого сплава. Сплав включает 2,3-3,3 мас.% магния, 3,5-3,9 мас.% алюминия, остальное цинк, неизбежные примеси и несколько дополнительных элементов, выбранных из Si, Sb, Pb, Ti, Ca, Mn, Sn, La, Ce, Cr, Ni или Bi. Поверхность элемента из стали с покрытием частично находится в контакте с элементом на основе алюминия. Контакт может быть обеспечен с помощью слоя клея и/или герметика, толщина которого составляет менее 5 мм. Деталь транспортного средства содержит упомянутую сборку. Транспортное средство содержит упомянутую деталь. По первому варианту, применение детали из стали с металлическим покрытием на одной ее поверхности, выполненным из цинк-алюминий-магниевого сплава, для изготовления упомянутой сборки. По второму варианту, применение детали из стали ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2509022C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Конструкция корпуса передней части транспортного средства содержит верхнюю раму, которая проходит в продольном направлении транспортного средства. Один конец рамы соединен с передней стойкой. Рама содержит внутреннюю и внешние панели и разделительную перегородку. Внешняя панель разделена в разделяющей части в продольном направлении транспортного средства. Разделительная перегородка расположена между внутренней панелью и внешней панелью. Один конец перегородки соединен с внутренней панелью, а другой конец прикреплен и зафиксирован с разделяющей частью внешней панели посредством крепежного элемента. Достигается повышение жесткости конструкции корпуса передней части транспортного средства. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015120770A

... 1. Опора (1) оборудования для автомобиля, причем опора (1) оборудованияa) выполнена для монтажа множества компонентов автомобиля и/или агрегатов автомобиля,b) включает в себя крепежное устройство для крепления на автомобиле и/илиc) выполнена для монтажа на структуре несущей рамы автомобиля, чтобы действовать как полунесущая часть структуры несущей рамы.2. Опора (1) оборудования по п. 1, причем опора (1) оборудования выполнена как плита (1) для оборудования и/или плоскостная деталь.3. Опора (1) оборудования по п. 1, причем опора (1) оборудования имеет по меньшей мере один шаблон (2.1) отверстий для монтажа по меньшей мере одного агрегата автомобиля и/или по меньшей мере одного компонента автомобиля.4. Опора (1) оборудования по любому из пп. 1-3, причем опора (1) оборудования имеет по меньшей мере одну выемку (2.2) для позиционирования агрегата автомобиля и/или компонента автомобиля.5. Опора (1) оборудования по любому из пп. 1-3, причем на опоре (1) оборудования смонтирована или выполнена ...

13-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661274C1

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. По первому варианту нижняя конструкция транспортного средства содержит впускное и выпускное отверстия для воздуха и обтекатель. Впускное отверстие расположено на передней части транспортного средства. Выпускное отверстие расположено в вертикальном направлении относительно транспортного средства, ниже пола и направлено вниз относительно кожуха бампера. Кожух бампера расположен в передней части транспортного средства. Обтекатель расположен спереди в продольном направлении относительно переднего колеса транспортного средства. Обтекатель содержит переднюю и заднюю стенки. Обтекатель открывается с обеих сторон выпускного отверстия в поперечном направлении транспортного средства. По второму варианту нижняя конструкция транспортного средства содержит впускное отверстие, открытое в продольном направлении транспортного средства, и выпускное отверстие, открытое вниз в вертикальном направлении транспортного средства, и обтекатель ...

30-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735390C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Балочная конструкция пола второго этажа двухэтажного автобуса состоит из продольных и поперечных ферм, на которые укладывается напольное покрытие. Продольные фермы выполнены ниже уровня поперечных ферм, образуя на втором этаже проход для пассажиров, и установлены на переднюю и заднюю металлические колонны, опирающиеся на колесные арки. Достигается увеличение надежности и жесткости конструкции кузова. 4 ил.

10-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99125398A

... 1. Верхняя часть кузова легкового автомобиля типа "седан" или "купе", содержащая панель крыши, переднее и заднее стекла и средства их крепления с обеспечением герметичности на корпусе кузова, отличающаяся тем, что панель крыши, переднее и заднее стекла выполнены за одно целое в виде объединенного стекла, закрепленного на корпусе кузова по периметру. 2. Верхняя часть кузова по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что объединенное стекло тонировано нитридом титана. 3. Верхняя часть кузова по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что объединенное стекло снабжено системой электрообогрева. 4. Верхняя часть кузова по п.1 или 2, или 3, отличающаяся тем, что объединенное стекло выполнено, по крайней мере, двухслойным. 5. Верхняя часть кузова по п.1 или 2, или 3, или 4, отличающаяся тем, что объединенное стекло выполнено из стекла с прочностью на удар не менее 30 кгм/см2 .

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011122576A

... 1. Конструкция кузова автомобиля с лобовым стеклом, включающая в себя поперечный держатель (1), на который опирается лобовое стекло (16), причем поперечный держатель (1) имеет первый (2) и второй (3) краевые участки в виде консолей и лежащую между ними среднюю часть (4) U-образного сечения, причем первый краевой участок (2) образует опорный участок (13) для лобового стекла (16), второй краевой участок (3) закреплен на неподвижной детали (14) кузовной конструкции и в продольном направлении автомобиля (10) расположен за первым краевым участком (2), а средняя часть (4) выполнена таким образом, что она имеет выпуклое в направлении капота (21) сечение и может деформироваться при силовом воздействии сверху и/или спереди.2. Конструкция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что поперечный держатель (1) проходит поперек продольного направления автомобиля по всей ширине капота (21).3. Конструкция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что средняя часть (4) поперечного держателя (1) имеет чашеобразное сечение.4. Конструкция ...

20-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010150316A

... 1. Конструкция (1) кузова автомобиля, содержащая два проходящих в продольном направлении (х) автомобиля боковых швеллера (12), между которыми расположены конструктивные детали (31, 32, 35) днищевой группы (53), и два жестко соединенных с днищевой группой (53), проходящих от нее назад профиля (11) задней рамы, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит проходящую в поперечном направлении (у) автомобиля поперечную балку (2), которая непосредственно жестко соединяет между собой как оба боковых швеллера (12), так и оба профиля (11) задней рамы. ! 2. Конструкция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что днищевая группа (53) содержит жестко соединяющую между собой оба боковых швеллера (12) заднюю панель (28), которая создает жесткое соединение между расположенными на разной высоте панелями (31, 32) днища, причем поперечная балка (2) расположена вблизи задней панели (28). ! 3. Конструкция по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что поперечная балка (2) жестко соединена с задней панелью (28), образуя коробчатую профильную конструкцию ...

24-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2020138486A

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011115230A

Платформа-стабилизатор-генератор отличаются тем, что дополнительно внутри кузова машины установлены движущиеся платформы, на которые крепятся двигатель, блок сидений, багажный блок, платформа устанавливается со встроенными в нее генераторами, имеющими на крутящем валу выступающие шестерни, которые ложатся на зубчатые линейки, закрепленные к кузову машины, чтобы генераторы через шестерню при разгоне машины или торможении, вращаясь, через силу динамики передавали нагрузку постепенно, за счет чего колеса прикасаются к почве более плотно, повышая скорость разгона, а при торможении снижают тормозной путь, генераторы передают образованный ток на аккумулятор.

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011139748A

... 1. Люк, в частности для автомобилей, который открывается вверх и который на своем нижнем крае (2) и/или на своем боковом крае имеет сливное устройство для жидкостей, в частности для дождевой воды, распыляемой воды и/или конденсата, отличающийся тем, что сливное устройство (3) при полностью и/или частично открытом состоянии люка, по меньшей мере, частично разгружается в сборник (6).2. Люк по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сборник (6) по форме выполнен так, что когда люк открыт и/или частично открыт, жидкости, вытекающие из сливного устройства, собираются в сборнике (6).3. Люк по п.1, отличающийся тем, что жидкости, собираемые в сборнике (6), вытекают из сборника (6), когда люк частично открыт и/или закрыт.4. Люк по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в каждом случае сборник (6) расположен в зоне слева и справа снаружи на нижнем крае (2) люка.5. Люк по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сборник (6) выполнен цельным со сливным устройством (3).6. Люк по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сливное устройство (3) представляет ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013124391A

... 1. Консольная перегородка, предназначенная для размещения в салоне автомобиля без переднего кресла для пассажира между креслом водителя и задним рядом кресел для пассажиров, выполненная с нишей для ног пассажира, которая размещена на месте переднего кресла, и с возможностью для регулирования расстояния водительского кресла до рулевой колонки, при этом наружная сторона ниши снабжена кожухом для размещения предметов личного пользования водителя и/или пассажиров салона.2. Перегородка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена столиком, выдвижными ящиками, полками, и/или нишей для ноутбука.3. Перегородка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она ее верхняя часть выполнена из стекла, полимерного стекла или поликарбоната и снабжена раздвижными шторками или перегородкой из пластикового материала, которая отделяет переднюю часть салона автомобиля от задней части посредством автоматического или ручного привода.4. Перегородка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что часть перегородки отделана накладными молдингами ...

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011134581A

... 1. Конструкция раздвижной крыши автомобиля, содержащая раму (12), на которой с возможностью перемещения между закрытым и открытым положениями посредством противоположных боковых направляющих устройств (25) установлена панель (14), причем расстояние между противоположными направляющими устройствами (25) изменяется в направлении сдвига (15) панели (14), и каждое направляющее устройство (25) содержит несколько направляющих шин (16, 17, 18, 19; 38), которые проходят в направлении сдвига (15) панели (14), расположены со смещением по отношению друг к другу в направлении сдвига (15) панели (14) и наискось или перпендикулярно ему, ориентированы параллельно друг другу и выполнены для перемещения соответствующего элемента скольжения (20, 21, 22, 23; 40).2. Конструкция по п.1, причем, по меньшей мере, две направляющие шины (16, 17, 18, 19; 38) в проекции поперек своего продольного направления расположены с наложением друг на друга отдельными участками.3. Конструкция по п.1, причем, по меньшей мере ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012110287A

... 1. Цельная обрамляющая накладка внутренней отделки салона, выполненная из множества отлитых как единое целое компонентов, содержащая:первую совместно отлитую часть из непокрываемого полимеризованного материала, имеющую неокрашенную поверхность;вторую часть, отлитую совместно с первой частью, при этом вторая отлитая часть состоит из непокрываемого полимеризованного материала и при этом вторая часть отлита совместно с первой частью для формирования обрамляющей накладки внутренней отделки салона в виде единой детали.2. Цельная обрамляющая накладка внутренней отделки салона по п.1, дополнительно содержащая третью совместно отлитую, состоящую из полимеризованного материала.3. Цельная обрамляющая накладка внутренней отделки салона по п.1, в которой неокрашенная поверхность является высокоглянцевой или текстурной матовой поверхностью.4. Цельная обрамляющая накладка внутренней отделки салона по п.1, в которой полимеризованный материал, на котором отсутствует покрытие, выполнен черного рояльного ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004124578A

... 1. Узел кузова транспортного средства с защитным щитком ниши для колеса, содержащий стенку кузова, соединенную с крылом кузова с образованием ниши, в которой размещен защитный щиток, изогнутый в соответствии с изгибом арки крыла и прилегающий первым краем к стенке кузова с фиксацией на ней, а вторым краем взаимодействующий с обращенной к нише отбортовкой арки крыла, при этом защитный щиток выполнен из двух секций, отличающийся тем, что первый край щитка образован первой секцией, а второй край щитка образован второй секцией и выполнен в виде краевого уплотнителя U-образного сечения, охватывающего отбортовку арки крыла, при этом стык секций сформирован соединительным элементом U-образного сечения, связанным с одной из секций, в полости которого установлен стыковой край другой секции. 2. Узел кузова транспортного средства с защитным щитком по п.1, отличающийся тем, что первый край защитного щитка зафиксирован на стенке кузова посредством винта, соединенного с пробкой, установленной в отверстии ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150987A

... 1. Узел крепления кузова для использования при присоединении кабины к раме транспортного средства, содержащий:по существу трубчатый поперечный элемент, выполненный из алюминия и имеющий продольную ось и поперечное сечение, образующие внутренний канал, причем по существу трубчатый поперечный элемент содержит первый участок наружной поверхности и второй противоположно расположенный участок наружной поверхности, при этом каждый из первого участка поверхности и второго участка поверхности содержит выровненные каналы в сообщении с внутренним каналом и для приема болта; ивтулку, выполненную из алюминия и содержащую внутреннюю часть по существу цилиндрической формы, образующую центральную ось и первый канал, выровненный с центральной осью, причем втулка дополнительно содержит наружную часть по существу цилиндрической формы, образующую центральную ось, выровненную с центральной осью внутренней части, и множество стенок, соединяющих внутреннюю часть и наружную часть, при этом втулка расположена ...

07-03-1985 дата публикации

Основание кузова пассажирского транспортного средства

Номер: SU1143637A1

ОСНОВАНИЕ КУЗОВА ПАССАЖИРСКОГО ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА , преимущественно автобуса, содержащее пол, ступеньку, образующую с последним нишу для размещения в ней створки открытой двери, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения травмобезопасности пассажиров при открывании двери, в нише установлен вкладной элемент, образованный упругими пластинами, установленными вертикально и соединенными между собой гармошкой по боковым сторонам, причем верхняя поверхность вкладного элемента выполнена в виде горизонтальной площадки на уровне верхней поверхности ступеньки, а его жесткость в вертикальном направлении соизмерима с жесткостью ступеньки. i (Л оэ 05 со | Фиг.7 ...

28-10-1971 дата публикации

Крыша кузова транспортного средства

Номер: SU318498A1

30-11-1988 дата публикации

Кузов легкового автомобиля с передними крыльями

Номер: SU1440783A1

Изобретение относится к автомобилестроению и предназначено для снижения сопротивления воздуха при движении автомобиля . Цель изобретения - повышение топливной экономичности за счет исключения отрыва потока с боковых поверхностей кузова. Для этого отверстия 6, расположенные по высоте крыльев, соединены с всасывающим фильтром 3 двигателя 2. 2 ил.

23-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1796527C

15-04-1983 дата публикации

Стенка кузова транспортного средства

Номер: SU1011430A1

СТЕНКА КУЗОВА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА, содержащая имеющие открытый профиль стойки каркаса, прикрепленную к ним обшивку с гофрами жесткости, выполненную с вентиляционными окнами, равноотстоящими, друг от друга, установленные параллельно обшивке заслонки в виде пластин с отверстиями, соответствующими расположению и конфигурации указан- i -ных окон, устройство фиксации заслонок и их привод, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышения удобства пользования и упрощения конструкции, вентиляционные окна расположены в п53еДелах ширины указанных гофров жесткости в продольном направлении на их выпуклой части, а заслонки установлены с возможностью перемещения в направляющих, образованных внутренней стенкой гофров и стой- : ками каркаса, при этом устройство фиксац 1и выполнено в виде расположенных на заслонках выступов для взаимодействия со стенками, ограничивающими полость профиля соответствующей стойки.

15-07-1984 дата публикации

Откидной борт самосвального кузова транспортного средства

Номер: SU1102702A1

... 1. ОТКИДНОЙ БОРТ САМОСВАЛ НОГР КУЗОВА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА А содержащий шарнирио соединенные между собой две секции, нижнюю и верхнюю, которая в верхней своей части шарнирно связана с кузовом, о т л и чающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эксплуатационной надежности борта и удобства работы при разгрузке, он снабжен устройством поворота нижней секции относительно верхней и фиксатором для удержания нижней сек- , цйи относительно верхней в транспортном положении.

15-05-1982 дата публикации

Кузов транспортного средства

Номер: SU927584A1

15-05-1983 дата публикации

Кузов транспортного средства

Номер: SU1017574A1

... 1. КУЗОВ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА, преимущественно легкового автомобиля, содержащий переднюю часть, включающую панель облицовки радиатора и капот, опирающиеся на силовые элементы кузЬва, и ветровое стекло, отличающийся тем, что, с целью снижения аэродинамического сопротивления автомобиля путем изменения формы передней части его кузова при движении в зависимости от скорости , панель облицовки радиатора и капот связаны с упомянутыми силовыми элементами щарнирно с возможностью поворота в вертикальной плоскости и соединены с приводами их перемещения, которые связаны с датчиком скорости движения. 2.Кузов по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что с целью дополнительного снижения аэродинамического сопротивления, панель облицовки радиатора снабжена дефлекторами, поверхности которых направлены в сторону наружной поверхности капота. 3.Кузов по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что, с целью улучщения аэродинамических характеристик путем организации воздущного потока, выходящего из подкапотного пространства на ветровое стекло ...

07-02-1981 дата публикации

Борт платформы транспортногоСРЕдСТВА

Номер: SU802119A1

23-02-1993 дата публикации

Кабина трактора

Номер: SU1796527A1

Использование: в тракторном машиностроении , в частности в конструкциях кабин гусеничных сельскохозяйственных и лесопромышленных тракторов. Сущность изобретения: на каркасе кабины закреплены сваркой кронштейны 10 спаренных фар 11, установленных на резиновых амортизаторах . Под крупногабаритными передними и задними стеклами имеются поперечины 9, связывающие левую стойку 2 с правой 3 и служащие опорой для закрепления стекла по горизонтали. Такое исполнение и размещение кронштейнов фар на кабине позволяет получить жесткую конструкцию каркаса кабины с экономичным использованием металла . 3 ил.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug-Strukturteil sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung des Strukturteils

Номер: DE102009050518B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Verfahren zum Verstärken eines, einen Hohlraum (20) aufweisenden Strukturteiles eines Kraftfahrzeuges, bei dem im Hohlraum (20) eine Faserverstärkung vorgesehen wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in den Hohlraum (20) zunächst zumindest eine in Hauptbelastungsrichtung aussteifend wirkende Faser (26) eingesetzt und vorgespannt wird und dass anschließend ein aushärtender, die Faser (26) umschließender Strukturschaum (30) eingespritzt wird, wobei das Strukturteil zur Befestigung der Faser (26) zumindest zwei in das Strukturteil eingebrachte Schottteile (22, 24) aufweist, an denen die Faser (26) verankert wird, und dass die Faser (26) in definierter Länge an den Schottteilen (22, 24) befestigt wird, wobei zumindest ein Schottteil in dem Strukturteil (10) zur Vorspannung der Faser (26) durch eine Vorspannkraft (F) verlagert wird, und anschließend der Strukturschaum (30) eingespritzt und nach dessen Aushärten die Vorspannkraft (F) aufgehoben wird.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing hollow profile joint for frame element of motor car, involves curing thermosetting or thermoplastic matrix with embedded reinforcement, and removing soluble core from interior part of profile joint

Номер: DE102011113200A1

The method involves manufacturing a soluble core (9) whose size and shape are adapted an inner contour of a hollow profile joint. A portion-wise application of a dry fiber reinforcement is embedded in a thermosetting or thermoplastic matrix on an outer surface of the soluble core, where the reinforcement is made of a preformed textile semi-finished material. The matrix is cured with the embedded reinforcement, and the soluble core is removed from an interior part of the joint. A water soluble sand core is manufactured, where the sand core is made of quartz sand and water glass ester binder.

20-01-2000 дата публикации

Sicherheitsfahrwerk für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0019830423A1

Sicherheitsfahrwerk für Kraftfahrzeuge, insbesondere für Kleinfahrzeuge mit einer Fahrgastzelle, umfassend DOLLAR A - einen im gesamten Frontbereich der Fahrgastzelle schräg nach oben verlaufenden Fahrzeugboden, DOLLAR A - zwei unterhalb dieses Frontbereichs an Sicherheitsträgern mittels Längsträgern angebrachte Vorderräder, und DOLLAR A - eine vor den Vorderrädern angeordneten mit der Vorderkante der Fahrgastzelle und den Längsträgern verbundenen Prallplatte mit einer Sollbruchstelle.

15-07-2010 дата публикации

Montagerahmen für ein verschiebbares Fahrzeugkarosserieteil

Номер: DE202010003687U1
Принадлежит: WEBASTO AG

29-10-2009 дата публикации

Absorberelement für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE202008008071U1
Принадлежит: REHAU AG & CO, REHAU AG + CO

31-10-2018 дата публикации

Baukastensystem zum Herstellen von Bauvarianten einer gepanzerten Sonderschutz-Karosserie für Sonderschutz-Kraftwagen

Номер: DE102017207026A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Baukastensystem zum Herstellen von Bauvarianten einer gepanzerten Sonderschutz-Karosserie (2) für Sonderschutz-Kraftwagen, mit wenigstens einer bauvariantenspezifischen gepanzerten Sonderschutz-Bodengruppe (4), mit einem bauvariantenspezifischen und für eine erste der Bauvarianten vorgesehenen ersten Sonderschutzaufbau (1), welcher zwei erste Sonderschutz-Seitenrahmen (6, 7) und ein mit den ersten Sonderschutz-Seitenrahmen (6, 7) verbindbares erstes Sonderschutz-Dach (8) umfasst, und mit einem bauvariantenspezifischen und für eine zweite der Bauvarianten vorgesehenen zweiten Sonderschutzaufbau (3), welcher zwei zweite Sonderschutz-Seitenrahmen (9, 10) und ein mit den zweiten Sonderschutz-Seitenrahmen (9, 10) verbindbares zweites Sonderschutz-Dach (11) umfasst, wobei zur Bildung der jeweiligen Bauvariante wahlweise der erste Sonderschutzaufbau (1) oder der zweite Sonderschutzaufbau (3) über die jeweiligen Sonderschutz-Seitenrahmen (6, 7, 9, 10) mit der Sonderschutz-Bodengruppe ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Türanordnung mit zusammenlegbarem Träger

Номер: DE102017207061A1

Eine Türanordnung für ein Kraftfahrzeug umfasst ein äußeres Türpaneel und ein inneres Türpaneel, die miteinander verbunden sind, um eine Türpaneelstruktur mit einem Türinnenhohlraum zu bilden. Ein zusammenlegbares Trägermodul ist ausgebildet, um in einer zusammengelegten Orientierung zu sein, um die Installation in dem Türhohlraum durch eine Öffnung in dem inneren Türpaneel zu erleichtern. Das zusammenlegbare Trägermodul kann von seiner zusammengelegten Anordnung in eine ausgefahrene Anordnung bei der Installation innerhalb des Türhohlraums bewegt werden, um eine anschließende Montage an der Türpaneelstruktur zu erleichtern. Das zusammenlegbare Trägermodul umfasst eine zweiteilige Trägerplatte, die ausgebildet ist, um integral ein Paar von seitlich beabstandeten Glaslaufkanälen und ein Paar seitlich beabstandeter Gleitschienen zu umfassen.

03-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003006908A1

28-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE202016000479U1

Kraftfahrzeug mit einem sich einteilig beiderseits einer Gürtellinie (32) erstreckenden Außenhautelement (28) aus durchsichtigem Kunststoff.

22-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020127519A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung stellt mehrzellige energieabsorbierende Strukturen bereit. Eine Vorrichtung gemäß einem beispielhaften Aspekt der vorliegenden Offenbarung beinhaltet unter anderem eine strukturelle Fahrzeugkomponente, die eine Vielzahl offener Zellen aufweist, welche einen offenen Mittelabschnitt umgeben.Der offene Mittelabschnitt umfasst eine offene Mitte mit mehreren Ecken.Ein Verfahren gemäß einem anderen beispielhaften Aspekt der vorliegenden Offenbarung beinhaltet unter anderem ein Extrudieren einer strukturellen Fahrzeugkomponente aus einem metallischen Material, wobei die strukturelle Fahrzeugkomponente eine Vielzahl offener Zellen beinhaltet, die einen offenen Mittelabschnitt umgeben, und wobei von der Vielzahl offener Zellen jede einen polygonalen Querschnitt umfasst und der offene Mittelabschnitt eine offene Mitte mit mehreren Ecken umfasst.

31-01-2020 дата публикации

Verstärkungsstruktur eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE202019105393U1

Verstärkungsstruktur eines Fahrzeugs, gekennzeichnet durch:eine Basis mit einer ersten Vielzahl von Ausschnitten;Entlastungselemente, die über die Basis hinweg angeordnet sind und jeweils Folgendes beinhalten:einen Querschnitt mit einer Vielzahl von Ecken, die eine Vielzahl von Innen- und Außenwinkeln bilden;ein distales Ende; undein offenes proximales Ende, das mit einem der ersten Vielzahl von Ausschnitten in Verbindung steht.

07-02-2008 дата публикации

Crash forces absorbing device for motor vehicle, has support that is attached detachably to cross-bar and shock-absorber dome in non-destructive manner over vibration decoupling device for transferring crash forces

Номер: DE102007024565A1

The device (1) has a support (13) that is attached detachably to a cross-bar (7) and a shock-absorber dome (11) in a non-destructive manner over a vibration decoupling device. Crash forces are transferred between the cross-bar and the dome by the support during vehicle crash. The support is attached to the dome by a screw (15) for fixing a shock-absorber of a motor vehicle. The support is attached to the shock-absorber dome by a device for making a form closure.

19-02-2009 дата публикации

Expandable filler insert for filling hollow spaces, comprises self-supporting continuous structure including polymer matrix containing polymer(s) or polymer precursor and latent blowing agent(s), and spacer and/or fixing element

Номер: DE102007038659A1

The expandable filler insert (10) comprises a self-supporting continuous structure (11) having an outer surface which is positioned parallel to the interior shape of a cavity and is spaced apart from the interior surface of the cavity, and spacer and/or fixing element (12) protruding from the self-supporting continuous structure which secures the insert to the interior surface of the cavity. The self-supporting continuous structure comprises polymer matrix containing polymer(s) or polymer precursor and latent blowing agent(s). The expandable filler insert comprises a self-supporting continuous structure having an outer surface which is positioned parallel to the interior shape of a cavity and is spaced apart from the interior surface of the cavity, and spacer and/or fixing element protruding from the self-supporting continuous structure which secures the insert to the interior surface of the cavity. The self-supporting continuous structure comprises polymer matrix containing polymer(s) ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008015268A1

Ein Karosserierahmenaufbau weist auf: einen Rücksitz-Querträger, der sich in Querrichtung eines Fahrzeugs in einem Heckteil einer Karosserie in einem Unterteil eines Fahrzeuginnenraums erstreckt; einen vorderen oberen Querträger, der sich in Querrichtung in einem Frontteil des Fahrzeuginnenraums erstreckt; und ein Rückgrat, das in dünner Langform mit einem geschlossenen Querschnitt konfiguriert ist und sich in Längsrichtung des Fahrzeugs erstreckt. Ein vorderer Endabschnitt des Rückgrats ist mit dem vorderen oberen Querträger über ein Knotenblech verbunden, und ein hinterer Endabschnitt des Rückgrats ist mit dem Rücksitz-Querträger verbunden. Das Knotenblech wird leichter als das Rückgrat relativ zu einer Kraft von vorn verformt.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Anordnung eines Kantenschutzelements an einer Flanschverbindung und Verfahren zum Anbringen eines Kantenschutzes an eine Flanschverbindung

Номер: DE102008025329B4
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

Anordnung eines Kantenschutzelements (30) an einer Flanschverbindung (14) wenigstens zweier Flansche (22, 24) von jeweiligen Bauteilen eines Kraftwagens, wobei das Kantenschutzelement (30) zumindest zwei Schenkel (32, 38, 40) umfasst, und wobei der erste Schenkel (32) mit dem Flansch (22) des ersten Bauteils und der zweite Schenkel (40) mit dem Flansch (24) des zweiten Bauteils über eine Klebeverbindung stoffschlüssig verbunden sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das erste Bauteil ein Außenbeplankungsteil (12) und das zweite Bauteil ein Radhausverkleidungsteil (16) ist und dass die Flansche (22, 24) lediglich über die zumindest zwei Schenkel (32, 38, 40) des Kantenschutzelements (30) miteinander verbunden sind.

24-12-2009 дата публикации

Chassis component for motor vehicle, comprises hollow body made of corrosion susceptible material, which has cavity, where cavity is closed in fluid-proof and moisture-proof manner

Номер: DE102008027169A1

The chassis component (1) comprises a hollow body (4) made of a corrosion susceptible material, which has a cavity (5). The cavity is closed in fluid-proof and moisture-proof manner. The hollow body has an anti-corrosive coating, particularly formed on an external side turned away from the cavity. The hollow body has an axially opened pipe section (6) with an opening (7) closed with a closing plate (8). An independent claim is included for a method for attaching a corrosion protection to a chassis component of a motor vehicle, which involves galvanizing the chassis component and lacquering the galvanized chassis component, or by covering with zinc alloy for forming an anti-corrosive coating.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Polyurethane und deren Verwendung als Karosserieaußenteile

Номер: DE0010160375B4
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Polyurethanen durch Umsetzung einer Polyolkomponente (A) mit einem Polyisocyanatprepolymer (B), wobei die Polyolkomponente (A1) Polyetherole mit einer OH-Zahl von 10 bis 100, (A2) Vemetzerpolyetherole mit einer OH-Zahl von 500 bis 1000 und (A3) Kettenverlängerungsmittel auf Basis von Aminen enthält und das Polyisocyanatprepolymer (B) hergestellt ist durch Umsetzung (B1) eines Polyisocyanats mit (B2) Poly-THF.

24-05-2007 дата публикации

Engine cover component for use in body shell structure of motor vehicle body, has two fastening points provided, where connection unit proceeds between two fastening points, and component represents body shell structure-assembly part

Номер: DE102005054960A1

The component has two fastening points provided, where a connection unit proceeds between the two fastening points. The component represents a body shell structure-assembly part, where the material of the body shell structure-assembly part between the two fastening points possesses an elasticity modulus of 4000 mega Pascal. The component represents coverings (49) of an engine, and a radiator tank.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Schraubbefestigung für ein Verkleidungsteil

Номер: DE102006031455B4

Schraubbefestigung für einen abgestellten Befestigungsschenkel (6) eines aus Kunststoff bestehenden, die Karosserieaußenhaut bildenden Verkleidungsteiles (3) eines Kraftfahrzeuges an einem gleichgerichteten Flansch (10) eines angrenzenden Aufbauteiles (2) mittels einer Befestigungsschraube (13), die in ein am Aufbauteil (2) angebrachtes Aufnahmeteil (14) eindrehbar ist,wobei das Aufnahmeteil (14) durch eine Einnietmutter (21) gebildet ist, die mit einem endseitigen Kragen (22) an der dem Verkleidungsteil (3) zugekehrten Seite des Flansches (10) aufliegt,wobei der Befestigungsschenkel (6) im Bereich des endseitigen Kragens (22) der Einnietmutter (21) eine Aussparung (23) für den Kragen (22) der Einnietmutter (21) aufweist,wobei am Befestigungsschenkel (6) und am Flansch (10) Durchgangsöffnungen (15, 16) zum Hindurchführen der Befestigungsschraube (13) vorgesehen sind.wobei sich die Befestigungsschraube (13) mit ihrem Kopf am Befestigungsschenkel (6) abstützt,wobei die Befestigungsschraube ...

14-02-2008 дата публикации

Method for fitting external trim to vehicle by inserting edges of trim into window seal

Номер: DE102006036938A1

A simple and cost effective method for fitting external trim to the vehicle, especially a rear spoiler (10), has the plastic molded trim provided with lips which are pressed into the space between a window pane and the frame, i.e. into the window seal. The trim is contoured into the body shape and forms a hollow space which provides a protected mounting for e.g. aerials. The trim lips are fitted with a seal which is pressed into a mounting gap of less than 10mm.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Karosserie für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102006041216B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Karosserie für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einer einen Innenraum von einem Motorraum abtrennenden Trennwand, an welcher wenigstens ein Funktionsbauteil des Kraftfahrzeugs angebracht ist, und mit einem Querträger, wobei die Trennwand mittels wenigstens einer Strebe mit dem Querträger verbunden ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Strebe (9) als tiefgezogenes Blechteil ausgebildet ist und wenigstens eine Versteifungssicke (15) aufweist, und dass die Strebe (9) zwei Längselemente (10) und ein die Längselemente (10) miteinander verbindendes Querelement (11) aufweist.

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Vehicle body, has light metal components connected with steel component, where light metal components exhibit protective layers partially limited to light metal components on connecting areas

Номер: DE102009050924A1

The body (1) has light metal components (3, 3') connected with a steel component (2), where the light metal components exhibit protective layers (5, 5'). The protective layers are partially limited to the light metal components on connecting areas (4, 4'). The light metal components are made of aluminum. The protective layers are formed as cathodic dipping coating, powder coating or plastic film.

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Karosserieteil oder Strukturteil für ein Fahrzeug und ein Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE102009060319A1

Ein Karosserieteil oder Strukturteil für ein Fahrzeug ist gekennzeichnet durch einen oder mehrere Abschnitte (2, 4) mit einer ersten Wandstärke und einen oder mehrere Abschnitte (3, 5) mit einer zweiten Wandstärke, wobei die Abschnitte (2, 3, 4, 5) durch Laserschweißen gefügt sind. Das gefügte Bauteil ist durch Umformen geformt (1).

15-09-2011 дата публикации

Dachaufsatz für ein Kraftfahrzeug und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE102010011042A1

Ein Dachaufsatz für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einem Außenbauteil (6) aus einem Kunststoff zeichnet sich durch ein Innenbauteil (10) aus einem Kunststoff aus, wobei zwischen dem Innenbauteil (10) und dem Außenbauteil (6) eine Halteplatte (14) aus Metall angeordnet ist.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Aufbau eines Rückwandbereichs

Номер: DE102010049581B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Karosserie für ein Fahrzeug, mit einem Querträger (14), welcher zwischen zwei B-Säulen (18, 22) im Bereich einer Rückwand der Karosserie (10) angeordnet ist, wobei der Querträger (14) über ein jeweiliges Hutprofil (42) an den B-Säulen (18, 22) abgestützt ist, wobei das Hutprofil (42) in der B-Säule angeordnet ist und der Querträger (14) Endflansche (16, 20) aufweist, die deckungsgleich mit der Krempe (48) des Hutprofils (42) positioniert sind.

19-08-2010 дата публикации

Composite component for use as hybrid device, has support parts that are connected with each other by reversibly detachable connections i.e. screw connections, where support parts are made of metallic material

Номер: DE102009008659A1

The component (10) has two support parts i.e. bearing plates (12, 14), provided for forming a hybrid device and comprising plastic parts (26, 28). The plastic parts are directly connected with each other by contact areas. The support parts are connected with each other by reversibly detachable connections i.e. screw connections (18, 20). The support parts are made of metallic material. An outer broadside (34) of each support part is completely covered with the plastic parts. The support parts are separable at a separation plane (16). An independent claim is also included for a method for manufacturing a composite component.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Materialoptimierter Verbindungsknoten

Номер: DE202017105474U1
Принадлежит: EDAG Engineering GmbH

System (100) aus einem Verbindungsknoten (1) und wenigstens eine ersten Anschlusskörper (2, 3, 4), wobei der Verbindungsknoten (1) umfasst einen einteiligen oder mehrteiligen Verbindungsknotenzentralkörper (5), ein erstes Verbindungselement (6, 7, 8) zum Fügen mit dem Anschlusskörper (2, 3, 4) und wenigstens ein zweites Verbindungselement (6, 7, 8) zum Fügen mit einem zweiten Anschlusskörper (2, 3, 4) umfasst, das erste Verbindungselement (6, 7, 8) und das zweite Verbindungselement (6, 7, 8) mit dem Verbindungsknotenzentralkörper (5) verbunden oder verbindbar sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass wenigstens ein Teil des Verbindungsknotenzentralkörpers (5) und/oder des ersten Verbindungselements (6, 7, 8) und/oder des zweiten Verbindungselements (6, 7, 8) mittels eines generativen Verfahrens, zum Beispiel 3D-Druck, und/oder eines Gussverfahrens hergestellt ist/sind.

03-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004025479B4

Kraftfahrzeug mit einer Karosserie, welche eine A-Säule (1, 2) mit einem Längsprofil (4) und einer frontseitigen Verkleidung (5) aufweist, wobei zwischen Längsprofil (4) und Verkleidung (5) wenigstens ein elastisch nachgiebiger Abstützkörper (6) angeordnet ist und wobei ferner eine Frontscheibe (3) mit zumindest einem Scheibenwischer (7, 8) vorgesehen ist, der von einer Ruheposition (R) in eine Wischposition (W) verlagerbar ist und der Scheibenwischer (7, 8) in der Ruheposition (R) durch die Verkleidung abgedeckt ist, dadurch gekennzechnet, dass die Verkleidung (5) über eine Dämpfereinheit (16) an der Frontscheibe (3) abgestützt ist.

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Verbundbauteil und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Verbundbauteils

Номер: DE102004056148A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verbundbauteil mit einem umschäumten Einleger (102) aus expandiertem Metall, insbesondere einen Lenksäulen-Aufprallschutz.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Karosserieelement für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102017216640A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Karosserieelement für ein Fahrzeug und ein Fahrzeug mit einem solchen Karosserieelement. Das Karosserieelement umfasst eine Stützstruktur, eine Außenhaut und einen Antrieb. Die Stützstruktur trägt die Außenhaut. Der Antrieb ist eingerichtet, um die Stützstruktur zwischen zumindest einer ersten und einer zweiten Position zu verfahren. Die Außenhaut umfasst mehrere Außenhautelemente, die relativ zueinander beweglich sind, sodass die Außenhaut zumindest zwischen der ersten und der zweiten Position elastisch dehnbar ist. Die Außenhaut bildet in der ersten Position eine erste Fahrzeugaußenform und in der zweiten Position eine zweite, unterschiedliche Fahrzeugaußenform.

08-09-2005 дата публикации

Karosserieelement mit Verstärkungsblech

Номер: DE0050106926D1
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

13-06-2002 дата публикации

Stahllegierung zur Herstellung von Stossfängern für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0059901386D1

24-11-2011 дата публикации

Body component for motor vehicle, particularly passenger car, has bonded blank, particular customized plate with two laminar subareas made from different metal alloys

Номер: DE102010021137A1

The body component has a bonded blank, particular a customized plate with two laminar subareas made from different metal alloys. The body component has an edge-constant subarea made from steel and an additional subarea made from an aluminum alloy.

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Trägerprofil für eine Fahrzeugkarosserie mit unterschiedlichen Versagensmodi

Номер: DE102014001232A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Trägerprofil (1) für eine Fahrzeugkarosserie mit einem einen äußeren Lastpfad bildenden äußeren Hohlprofil (2) sowie einem einen inneren Lastpfad bildenden inneren Hohlprofil (3), wobei das äußere und das innere Hohlprofil (2, 3) an einem Ende (1.1) des Trägerprofils (1) angeordneten Stützelement (4) abgestützt sind. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass das innere Hohlprofil (3) über wenigstens ein Brückenelement (5) mit dem äußeren Hohlprofil (2) verbunden ist, wobei das Brückenelement (5) unter Sicherstellung der Betriebsfestigkeit mit einer Sollbruch- oder Sollknickstelle (5.1) ausgebildet ist, das Stützelement (4) mit einer Energieabsorbtionseinrichtung (6) ausgebildet ist, welche zum Energieabbau mit dem inneren Hohlprofil (3) verbunden ist, und infolge einer Stoßbelastung in axialer Richtung des Trägerprofils (1) nach Aufheben der von dem Brückenelement (5) hergestellten Verbindung zwischen dem inneren und äußeren Hohlprofil (2, 3) unter plastischer Verformung ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Trägerelement für einen Kraftwagenrohbau

Номер: DE102015003212A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Trägerelement für einen Kraftwagenrohbau, mit einem Trägerteil (12) aus einem ersten Trägerwerkstoff, wobei das Trägerelement ein weiteres Trägerteil (38) aus einem gegenüber dem ersten Trägerwerkstoff unterschiedlichen zweiten Trägerwerkstoff aufweist.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Karosseriebauteils

Номер: DE102015008642A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Karosseriebauteils (10), insbesondere einer Fahrzeugsäule, für einen Kraftwagen, bei welchem das Karosseriebauteil (10) in zwei Umformschritten aus einem Stahlhalbzeug hergestellt wird, indem eine Funktionsfläche (12) des Karosseriebauteils im ersten Umformschritt mit einem definierten Versatz bezüglich einer vorgegebenen Endgeometrie (16) der Funktionsfläche (12) und im zweiten Umformschritt in die vorgegebene Endgeometrie (16) umgeformt wird.

10-09-2009 дата публикации

Cockpit cross-member for passenger vehicle body, comprises multiple individual modules, where steering console is provided as individual module, and support elements are laterally connected on steering console

Номер: DE102008012647A1

The cockpit cross-member comprises multiple individual modules, where a steering console (10) is provided as individual module. Support elements (12,14) are laterally connected on the steering console, where retainers (24,26,28,30,32), rods (22) or consoles (16) are fastened on the support elements.

06-11-2014 дата публикации

Träger für wenigstens ein Anbauteil

Номер: DE202014007038U1
Принадлежит: Eissmann Cotesa GmbH

Träger für wenigstens ein Anbauteil, wobei der Träger ein Bestandteil einer Kraftfahrzeugkarosserie ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Träger (1) zwei miteinander verbundene und jeweils aus einem Faser-Kunststoff-Verbundwerkstoff mit Kohlenstofffasern bestehende Schalen (2, 3) aufweist und dass die Randbereiche der Schalen (2, 3) durch Kleben und/oder Nieten flächig miteinander verbundene Randbereiche sind, so dass die miteinander verbundenen Schalen (2, 3) wenigstens einen Hohlraum (4) begrenzen.

26-08-2010 дата публикации

Profilknoten zur Verbindung einer Mehrzahl von Trägerteilen einer Karosserie eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE202006020853U1
Принадлежит: AUDI AG, 85057 Ingolstadt, DE

Profilknoten zur Verbindung einer Mehrzahl von Trägerteilen (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) einer Karosserie eines Fahrzeugs, welcher zumindest einen Hohlprofilbereich (111, 121, 122) aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Profilknoten (1) derart ausgebildet ist, dass zumindest ein erstes Trägerteil (2 bis 6) zur Befestigung an dem Profilknoten (1) bereichsweise in Längsrichtung des Hohlprofilbereichs (111) in diesen einsteckbar ist und zumindest ein zweites Trägerteil (2 bis 6) an einer Außenwand (11c, 11d, 11e, 11f; 12c, 12d, 12e) des Profilknotens (1) befestigbar ist.

15-03-2007 дата публикации

Motor vehicle e.g. passenger car, body part, has detuning mass is fastened to vibration area that vibrates with same frequency as outer shell, such that body part releases sound waves with acoustic pressure in passenger compartment

Номер: DE102005043568A1

The body part has an outer shell (3) fastened to an inner shall (7) by a fastening area (5). A vibration area (9) of the outer shell is formed adjacent to a fastening area, where the vibration area vibrates relative to the fastening area when the body part vibrates. A detuning mass (15) is fastened to the vibration area that vibrates with the same frequency as the outer shell in a predetermined excitation area, such that the body part releases sound waves with an acoustic pressure in a passenger compartment, where the acoustic pressure is lower than another acoustic pressure. An independent claim is also included for a motor vehicle comprising a body part.

24-08-2000 дата публикации

Vehicle bodywork and frame production process, involving building up object, dividing it into sections and fixing end sections of parts together

Номер: DE0010007329A1

The production process includes the steps of: building up the object of the required initial form, e.g. one with a closed cross section, by producing a pair of end sectors on it, possibly by means of hydraulic deformation; dividing the object into first and second sectors; and firmly fixing the end sector of the first part to the end sector of the second part.

17-11-2011 дата публикации

Profile part for motor vehicle, has walls that form two closed chambers in partial manner, where solid foam is arranged in one of chambers

Номер: DE102011014454A1

The profile part has walls that form two closed chambers (16,22) in a partial manner, where a solid foam is arranged in one of the chambers. Another solid foam is arranged in other of the two chambers. The chambers are adjacent to each other in a partial manner.

04-10-2007 дата публикации

Dichtungseinheit für ein Hohlprofil einer Fahrzeugkarosserie

Номер: DE102006014963A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine Dichtungseinheit (1) für ein sich entlang einer Längsachse erstreckendes Hohlprofil (10) einer Fahrzeugkarosserie, mit einem Rahmen (2), dessen Seitenwände (3) in Richtung der Längsachse des Hohlprofils (10) um ein bestimmtes Maß ausdehnbar und derart angeordnet sind, dass sie im Wesentlichen der Form des Querschnitts des Hohlprofils (10) entsprechen, wobei die Seitenwände (3) an ihrer Außenseite umlaufend mit einer Wanddichtung (5) zur Abdichtung des Rahmens (2) an der Innenwand des Hohlprofils (10) versehen sind, wobei die Dichtungseinheit (1) innerhalb ihres Rahmens (2) mindestens einen sich in Richtung der Längsachse des Hohlprofils (10) erstreckenden Raumabschnitt (15, 16) umfasst, welcher mindestens ein bewegbares Dichtelement (6, 7) zur Abdichtung des Raumabschnitts (15, 16) in Richtung der Längsachse des Hohlprofils (10) aufweist.

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Fahrzeugflächenbauteil mit einer Solarzellenanordnung

Номер: DE102008038647B4
Принадлежит: WEBASTO SE, Webasto SE

Fahrzeugflächenbauteil, das als steifes Kunststoffverbundbauteil gebildet ist, in außenseitiger Anordnung an einem Fahrzeug anbringbar ist und eine Solarzellenanordnung aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Kunststoffverbundbauteil (10, 11, 12, 13, 14) in Leichtbauweise nach dem CSM-Verfahren (composite spray moulding) hergestellt ist und die Solarzellenanordnung (16) am Kunststoffverbundbauteil (10, 11, 12, 13, 14) außenflächig angeordnet ist und dass eine tiefgezogene transparente Folie eine Außenhaut (14) bildet und die Solarzellenanordnung (16) und angrenzende Bereiche des Kunststoffverbundbauteils (10, 11, 12, 13) überdeckt.

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Skalierbare, zweiteilige Verstärkung

Номер: DE102009015655B4

Verstärkungsanordnung (10), die umfasst: ein erstes Halbelement (12), das aus einem ersten Materialteil vorgeformt ist; und ein zweites Halbelement (14), das zum ersten Halbelement (12) im Wesentlichen gleich ist, aber umgekehrt wie dieses orientiert ist, und aus einem zweiten Materialteil vorgeformt ist, wobei das erste und das im Wesentlichen gleiche zweite Halbelement (12, 14) jeweils umfassen: wenigstens einen Grundabschnitt (18); wenigstens einen versetzten Abschnitt (20); wenigstens einen winkligen Abschnitt (22), der den wenigstens einen Grundabschnitt (18) mit dem wenigstens einen versetzten Abschnitt (20) verbindet; und wenigstens einen Endabschnitt (26), wobei der wenigstens eine Grundabschnitt (18) des ersten Halbelements (12) mit dem wenigstens einen Grundabschnitt (18) des zweiten Halbelements (14) derart verbunden ist, dass das erste und das zweite Halbelement (12, 14) wenigstens eine Kammer (34, 36) definieren; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das erste und das im Wesentlichen ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Querträger, insbesondere für eine Schalttafel eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE0010121402B4
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG, Volkswagen AG

Querträger einer Schalttafel eines Kraftfahrzeugs, der sich über die Breite des Kraftfahrzeugs erstreckt und aus wenigstens zwei Querträgerabschnitten (5, 6) aufgebaut ist, die einen unterschiedlichen Profilquerschnitt aufweisen und im Angrenzungsbereich (7) über eine Steckmuffe (8) verbunden sind, die ein erstes Steckmuffenteil (9) für eine verdrehsichere Steckverbindung mit einem ersten Querträgerabschnittende und ein zweites Steckmuffenteil (10) für eine verdrehsichere Steckverbindung mit einem zweiten Querträgerabschnittende aufweist, wobei die jeweiligen Steckmuffenteile (9, 10) und die zugeordneten Querträgerabschnitte derart für die Herstellung einer Steckverbindung ausgelegt sind, dass die Steckmuffenteile (9, 10) einen Querschnitt aufweisen, in die die mit einem entsprechenden Querschnitt ausgebildeten Querträgerabschnitte formschlüssig ein- oder aufgesteckt sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Toleranzausgleich in Querträgerlängsrichtung (14) an jedem Steckmuffenteil (9, 10) ...

17-06-2010 дата публикации

Flachstab oder Flachprofilstab aus Metall

Номер: DE102008033822B4

Flachstab oder Flachprofilstab (1) aus Metallblech, der um eine Biegeachse, deren Radius vorzugsweise größer als 1000 mm ist, quer zu seiner Längserstreckung bombiert ist, wobei die Biegeachse parallel zu einer Breitseite des Flachstabes oder parallel zu einer Breitseite eines Schenkels des Flachprofilstabes (1) verläuft, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass parallel zur Biegeachse verlaufende Prägezonen (3, 4) einseitig in eine Breitseite des Flachstabes und/oder die Breitseiten der Schenkel des Flachprofilstabes (1) eingeprägt sind.

17-06-2010 дата публикации

Body structure for sports car, has side wall element that is designed as single-piece aluminum or magnesium pressure casting part and comprises reinforcement contours and multiple integrated functional elements

Номер: DE102008062006A1

The structure has a side wall comprising a side wall element (1), a wheel housing (2) and an adapter part. The side wall element is designed as a single-piece aluminum or magnesium pressure casting part and comprises reinforcement contours (8) and multiple integrated functional elements e.g. spring strut retainer (9) and longitudinal control arm connection. One of the functional elements integrated into the side panel element is designed as a connecting area for connecting a rollover protection device.

13-11-2018 дата публикации

Передняя часть бронированного транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000184886U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению, в частности к конструкции передней части бронированного транспортного средства. Технический результат, достигаемый заявляемым решением, заключается в обеспечении удобства доступа к обслуживаемым силовым агрегатам. Указанный результат достигается тем, что передняя часть бронированного транспортного средства, содержащая кабину и капоты, закрывающие силовую установку, передний из которых шарнирно закреплен перед силовой установкой, а задний шарнирно закреплен за силовой установкой, причем передний капот выполнен с возможностью фиксации в нескольких открытых положениях, при этом он связан с упором переднего капота, выполненным в виде рычагов, шарнирно крепящихся между собой, к переднему капоту и каркасу оперения, причем на одном из рычагов шарнирно закреплен ограничитель, который, при частично открытом положении переднего капота, имеет возможность взаимодействия с выступом, выполненным на другом рычаге. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 184 886 U1 (51) МПК B62D 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 25/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018110682, 26.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.11.2018 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.03.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 13.11.2018 Бюл. № 32 94011269 A1, 27.08.1996. SU 948737 A1, 07.08.1982. US 3179201 A1, 20.04.1965. US 2332377 A1, 19.10.1943. (54) Передняя часть бронированного транспортного средства (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к установкой, а задний шарнирно закреплен за машиностроению, в частности к конструкции силовой установкой, причем передний капот передней части бронированного транспортного выполнен с возможностью фиксации в нескольких средства. открытых положениях, при этом он связан с Технический результат, достигаемый упором переднего капота, выполненным в виде заявляемым решением, заключается в рычагов, шарнирно крепящихся между собой, к обеспечении ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108885A1
Автор: Takahashi Masaya

A sheet material () has a concave-convex part (). Using first, second and intermediate reference planes (K, K, K) as a reference system, a virtual lattice longitudinally and laterally divides a unit area () disposed in the intermediate reference plane (K) into n equal parts that are categorized as first boxes () and second boxes (). A first reference area () contains a plurality of the first boxes (), and a second reference area () contains a plurality of the second boxes (). First areas () respectively protrude from the first reference areas () toward the first reference plane (K). Second areas () respectively protrude from the second reference areas () toward the second reference plane (K). Each of the first areas comprises a first top surface () and first side surfaces (). Each of the second areas comprises a second top surface () and second side surfaces (). 1. A sheet material having a stiffness-increasing concave-convex part , whereina first reference plane, an intermediate reference plane, and a second reference plane, which are three virtual planes that are successively disposed spaced apart and parallel to one another serve as a reference system; a plurality of unit areas, which are virtual squares, are defined in the intermediate reference plane and each unit area contains an interior portion;virtual boxes, which are partitioned by a virtual lattice that longitudinally and laterally divides the interior portion of each of the unit areas into n equal parts, wherein n is an integer greater than or equal to 4, are categorized as first boxes and second boxes;{'sup': '2', 'the boxes are arranged such that each column and each row of boxes in each unit area contains both the first boxes and the second boxes and such that two or more of the same type of box are disposed adjacently either longitudinally or laterally, and such that the total number of the first boxes and the total number of the second boxes inside each unit area are both an integer that is within ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181480A1
Принадлежит: NISSIN KOGYO CO., LTD.

A support structure for a vehicle is interposed between a vehicle body and a vehicle part and is connected with fastening members to support the vehicle part. The support structure is made of a non-ferrous light alloy. Among connecting surfaces of the support structure to which the vehicle body and the vehicle part are connected, an electrochemical corrosion inhibitor is applied to a connecting surface that is located on a lower side, in a vertical direction of the vehicle, of one of the vehicle body and the vehicle part. The one of the vehicle body and the vehicle part corresponds to the applied connecting surface. 1. A support structure for a vehicle that is made of a non-ferrous light alloy , that is to be interposed between a vehicle body and a vehicle part , and that is to be connected to the vehicle body and the vehicle part with fastening members to support the vehicle part , whereinamong connecting surfaces of the support structure to which the vehicle body and the vehicle part are connected, an electrochemical corrosion inhibitor is applied to a connecting surface that is located on a lower side, in a vertical direction of the vehicle, of one of the vehicle body and the vehicle part, the one of the vehicle body and the vehicle part corresponding to the applied connecting surface.2. The support structure according to claim 1 , wherein a film thickness of the electrochemical corrosion inhibitor is in a range of from 20 μm to 50 μm.3. The support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the support structure is a mount bracket.4. The support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the support structure is a steering knuckle.5. The support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the support structure is manufactured by casting.6. The support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the non-ferrous light alloy is selected from a group consisting of aluminum claim 1 , an aluminum alloy claim 1 , copper claim 1 , a copper alloy claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , and ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183498A1
Автор: Takahashi Masaya

A sheet material () includes a stiffness-increasing concave-convex part (). A first reference plane (K), an intermediate reference plane (K), and a second reference plane (K) serve as a reference system. The intermediate reference plane is partitioned by first lattice straight lines (L), second lattice straight lines (L), and third lattice straight lines (L) so as to define hexagonal unit areas () and triangular unit areas () in the intermediate reference plane. Areas that include a plurality of the hexagonal unit areas and the triangular unit areas are designated as first, second and third reference areas (), respectively. Combinations thereof constitute new first, second and third reference areas (), respectively. The concave-convex part includes first areas () and second areas (), which respectively include the new first reference areas and the new second reference areas, and third areas (), which include the new third reference areas. 1. A sheet material having a stiffness-increasing concave-convex part , whereina first reference plane, an intermediate reference plane, and a second reference plane, which are three virtual planes that are successively disposed spaced apart and parallel to one another, serve as a reference system;the intermediate reference plane is partitioned by (i) a plurality of virtual first lattice straight lines disposed parallel to one another and spaced apart by a prescribed spacing, (ii) a plurality of virtual second lattice straight lines inclined by substantially 60° with respect to the first lattice straight lines and disposed parallel to one another and spaced apart by the prescribed spacing, and (iii) a plurality of virtual third lattice straight lines inclined by substantially 60° with respect to the first lattice straight lines and the second lattice straight lines, disposed parallel to one another and spaced apart by the prescribed spacing, and disposed such that the third lattice straight lines pass through the midpoint of each ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192916A1
Автор: Ballard Lon R.

A motorized vehicle, including rigid core board panels joined together to form a support structure having an exterior surface and an interior surface opposite the exterior surface. The interior surface of the support structure faces an occupant compartment. Each of the panels includes a honeycomb core sandwiched between opposing fiberglass-reinforced sheets. The vehicle includes a layer of energy absorbing material mounted on the exterior surface of the support structure and wheels mounted on the support structure. At least one of the wheels is steerable from the occupant compartment. A motor is mounted on the support structure and operatively connected to at least one of the wheels. 1. A motorized vehicle , comprising:a plurality of rigid core board panels joined together to form a support structure having an exterior surface and an interior surface opposite said exterior surface, the interior surface of the support structure facing an occupant compartment, each of said panels comprising a honeycomb core sandwiched between opposing fiberglass-reinforced sheets;a layer of energy absorbing material mounted on the exterior surface of the support structure;a plurality of wheels mounted on the support structure, at least one wheel of said plurality of wheels being steerable from the occupant compartment; anda motor mounted on the support structure and operatively connected to at least one wheel of said plurality of wheels.2. A motorized vehicle as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the honeycomb core comprises polypropylene.3. A motorized vehicle as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the fiber-reinforced sheets comprise polypropylene.4. A motorized vehicle as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the fiber-reinforced sheets comprise woven fiberglass at least partially surrounded by the polypropylene.5. A motorized vehicle as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the fiber-reinforced sheets comprise about 40% to about 60% polypropylene by volume.6. A motorized vehicle as set forth in claim 1 ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241237A1

A modular vehicle frame structure assembly, which combines a monocoque cabin structure with separately attachable space frame structures, is disclosed. The modular vehicle body assembly includes a monocoque cabin structure, a front frame section and a rear frame section, wherein the front and rear frame sections secure separately to the respective front and rear sections of the cabin structure and extend longitudinally therefrom forming a modular vehicle body with the cabin structure. The modular vehicle frame assembly is useful in the construction of light weight, low-profile military vehicles. 1. A modular vehicle body assembly comprising:a monocoque cabin structure;a front frame section; and,a rear frame section, wherein the front and rear frame sections secure separately to the respective front and rear sections of the cabin structure and extend longitudinally therefrom forming a modular vehicle body with the cabin structure.2. The modular vehicle body assembly of claim 1 , wherein the monocoque cabin structure further comprises an armored construction.3. The modular vehicle body assembly of claim 1 , wherein the front and rear frame sections form a chassis.4. The modular vehicle body assembly of claim 1 , wherein the front frame section further includes first and second rail members parallel to one another with a cross member extending between and connecting the first and second rail members.5. The modular vehicle body assembly of claim 4 , wherein the front frame section houses a front wheel and suspension assembly and an engine compartment.6. The modular vehicle body assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rear frame section further includes first and second rail members parallel to one another with a cross member extending between and connecting the first and second rail members.7. The modular vehicle body assembly of claim 6 , wherein the rear frame section houses a rear wheel and suspension assembly.8. A modular architecture for forming a vehicle body for a ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Structure for passenger vehicle interior, and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20130249242A1

A structure for a passenger vehicle interior is a structure for constituting the vehicle interior of a passenger vehicle, is formed in a monocoque structure in which the entire structure from the front side to the rear side of the vehicle interior is integrally formed by a fiber-reinforced resin, has a bowl-shaped structure part which is provided at least on the front side among the front side and the rear side of the structure and which opens toward the rear side, and has a side-wall part formed as a vertical wall that is continuous with the bowl-shaped structure part and extends in a front-rear direction of the structure, at each of both side parts of the structure, and a manufacturing method therefor.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257098A1

There is provided a vehicle. The vehicle of a first aspect of the present invention includes a main frame constituted by a structure in which an outer member and an inner member are connected to each other. A reinforcing member (reinforcement pillar center outers) made of reinforced plastics is interposed between the outer member and the inner member. The vehicle of a second aspect of the present invention includes a plurality of members. One (a pillar center inner) of at least two members (for example, a pillar center inner and a panel side outer) connected to each other is made of reinforced plastics. 1. A vehicle comprising a main frame constituted by a structure in which an outer member and an inner member are connected to each other ,wherein a reinforcing member made of reinforced plastics is interposed between the outer member and the inner member.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing member includes shock absorbing members made of reinforced plastics.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the shock absorbing members extend from a reinforcing member side to an outer member side.4. The vehicle according to claim 3 , wherein the shock absorbing members are formed into plate-like shapes and have the same thickness and length.5. The vehicle according to claim 3 , wherein the shock absorbing members are formed into plate-like shapes and have the same thickness and different lengths.6. A vehicle comprising a plurality of members claim 3 , wherein one of at least two members connected to each other is made of reinforced plastics.7. The vehicle according to claim 9 , wherein a connecting member that connects the at-least two members is made of reinforced plastics.8. The vehicle according to claim 9 , wherein the members include an inner member and an outer member claim 9 , the inner and outer members constitute a vehicle structure claim 9 , and the inner member is made of reinforced plastics.911. The vehicle according to claim claim 9 , ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Raised and recessed sheet material, and vehicle panel and laminated structure using the same

Номер: US20130288069A1
Автор: Masaya Takahashi
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Light Metal Industries Ltd

Providing a raised and recessed sheet material having extremely high stiffness, and useful vehicle panel and laminated structure using the same. The surface of the sheet is formed by a plurality of imaginary squares arranged in two mutually perpendicular directions, and has a raised and recessed pattern. A basic configuration A, where first regions M and a Z-shaped second region N are formed in the imaginary square, and basic configurations B to D derived from the basic configuration A are butted together at their peripheral edges such that first regions M having those peripheral edges are butted together and the second regions N having those peripheral edges are butted together. The raised and recessed pattern is formed by upwardly raising the first regions M and downwardly recessing the second regions N, or upwardly raising or downwardly recessing either one or both of the first and second regions M and N.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle Skeleton Member

Номер: US20130313863A1

Provided a vehicle skeleton member including: a portion obtained by joining a plurality of members constituted by a composite material of a thermoplastic resin and a reinforcing fiber, and an axis parallel to a front-rear direction and/or a right-left direction of the vehicle body is included in a joined surface by vibration welding. 1. A vehicle skeleton member comprising:a joined portion obtained by joining a plurality of members constituted by a composite material of a thermoplastic resin and a reinforcing fiber,wherein an axis parallel to a front and rear direction of a vehicle body and/or a right and left direction of the vehicle body is included on a joining surface joined by vibration welding.2. The vehicle skeleton member according to claim 1 ,wherein the joining surface is a plane surface and/or a curved surface having a uniform cross-sectional shape.3. The vehicle skeleton member according to claim 1 ,wherein the vehicle skeleton member is a floor structural component.4. The vehicle skeleton member according to claim 1 ,wherein the vehicle skeleton member is a side sill structural component.5. The vehicle skeleton member according to claim 1 ,wherein the vehicle skeleton member is a body upper structural component.6. The vehicle skeleton member according to claim 1 ,wherein the reinforcing fiber is a carbon fiber. This is a continuation of International Application No. PCT/JP2012/052797 filed on Feb. 1, 2012, and claims priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2011-021650, filed on Feb. 3, 2011, the entire disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a vehicle skeleton member having a member constituted by a composite material of a thermoplastic resin and a reinforcing fiber. Particularly, it relates to a vehicle skeleton member that is light in weight and excellent in strength.A current vehicle skeleton member generally has a structure in which steel is subjected to sheet metal processing and assembled by ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Motor Vehicle Body With Stiffening Struts

Номер: US20130334841A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A motor vehicle body includes stiffening struts created from a composite fiber material. Each stiffening strut is connected at both ends to the adjoining body components via a connection section. The fibers of the stiffening strut run essentially unidirectionally in the direction of loading of the stiffening strut and the cross-sectional area of the stiffening strut remains constant at least between the connection sections of the stiffening strut along a length of the stiffening strut. 110-. (canceled)11. A motor vehicle body , comprising:stiffening struts constructed from a composite fiber material,wherein each stiffening strut is connected at a first and second end to adjoining vehicle body components via respective connection sections,wherein fibers of the stiffening strut are aligned unidirectionally in a direction of loading of the stiffening strut, anda cross-sectional area of the stiffening strut remains constant at least between the respective connection sections of the stiffening strut along a length of the stiffening strut.12. The motor vehicle body according to claim 11 , wherein for a particular motor vehicle body the cross-sectional area of the stiffening strut is selected such that its product with a modulus of elasticity E of the stiffening strut corresponds to a product of a cross-sectional area of a steel stiffening strut and its modulus of elasticity E for the particular motor vehicle body claim 11 , wherein the cross-sectional area of the stiffening strut is at least 20% greater than the cross-sectional area of the steel stiffening strut.13. The motor vehicle body according to claim 12 , wherein the cross-sectional area of the stiffening strut is at least 25% greater than the cross-sectional area of the steel stiffening strut.14. The motor vehicle body according to claim 12 , wherein the cross-sectional area of the stiffening strut is at 30% greater than the cross-sectional area of the steel stiffening strut.15. The motor vehicle body according to ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341115A1

A strengthening member for an automotive vehicle comprises a twelve-cornered cross section including sides and corners creating internal angles and external angles. Each internal angle ranges from about 100° to about 110° and each external angle ranges from about 105° to about 130°. 120-. (canceled)21. A strengthening member for an automotive vehicle , comprising:a twelve-cornered cross section including sides and corners creating internal angles and external angles;wherein the strengthening member has a mean crush force of at least 500 kN over a crush distance of 150 mm or more when axially impacted with a rigid wall at 35 mph.22. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein the internal angles and the external angles of the cross section consists of eight internal angles and four external angles.23. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein the sides of the cross section are the same length.24. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein some of the sides of the cross section differ in length.25. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein each of the sides of the cross section differ in length.26. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein the external angles have the same angle measure and the internal angles have the same angle measure.27. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein some of the external angles differ in angle measure.28. The strengthening member of claim 21 , where each of the external angles differ in angle measure.29. The strengthening member of claim 28 , wherein each of the internal angles differ in angle measure.30. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein the cross section has a one piece construction.31. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein the cross section has a two piece construction.32. The strengthening member of claim 21 , wherein a thickness of the sides is about 0.7 mm to about 6.0 mm.33. A motor vehicle claim 21 , comprising:an engine compartment;a front rail;a side rail;a roof structure; anda ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020770A1

A valve type drain plug for a vehicle trunk drains water outward from a trunk room of a vehicle via a drain hole formed in the trunk room and prevents external air from flowing in the trunk room via the drain hole. The valve type drain plug includes a valve and a grommet which are engaged with each other by a slide portion. As the valve is moved, the water flows along the slide portion and is then discharged outward from the trunk. 1. A drain plug for a vehicle trunk , comprising:a grommet including a clip portion inserted and fixed to an inner panel of the vehicle trunk, a valve insertion hole formed in a center thereof, and a hollow portion which is formed parallel with the valve insertion hole to discharge a liquid from the vehicle trunk; anda valve mounted in the valve insertion hole and is movable upward and downward, the valve having an arrowhead-shaped upper end.2. The drain plug of claim 1 , wherein the valve is moved upward to seal the hollow portion when external air enters the vehicle.3. The drain plug of claim 1 , wherein the clip portion has four cross-shaped grooves.4. The drain plug of claim 3 , wherein the four cross-shaped grooves communicate with the hollow portion to discharge the liquid. The present application claims priority of Korean Patent Application Number 10-2012-0079262 filed Jul. 20, 2012, the entire contents of which application is incorporated herein for all purposes by this reference.1. Field of InventionThe present invention relates to a valve type drain plug for a vehicle trunk; and, particularly, to a valve type drain plug for a vehicle trunk which drains water outward from a trunk room of a vehicle via a drain hole formed in the trunk room and prevents external air from entering the trunk room via the drain hole.2. Description of Related Artis a plan view schematically illustrating the configuration of a vehicle body of a passenger car, in which the vehicle body is provided with a trunk room at a rear side thereof. The trunk room ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062137A1
Принадлежит: Century Plastics, Inc.

A panel assembly includes at least one reinforcing assembly made of a high strength material having a low yield to tensile strength ratio for energy absorption and reduced weight and profile. The panel assembly may be light-weight with a low profile to minimize protrusion into an opening or compartment enclosed by the panel. The panel assembly may be a floor panel assembly for a vehicle floor. The reinforcing assembly may traverse the panel such that the reinforcing assembly extends laterally, e.g., cross-vehicle, relative to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle body. A method of making the panel assembly may include forming the reinforcing assembly by joining a plurality of metal channel members in a nested arrangement with a plurality of welds to provide a structural assembly with good bending resistance loads imposed on the panel assembly including knee loads. The channel members may be made of a dual phase steel. 1. A panel assembly configured to enclose an opening , the panel assembly comprising:a first panel;a second panel attached to the first panel; and a first channel member; and', 'a second channel member;, 'a reinforcing assembly comprisingwherein the first and second channel members are attached to each other;wherein the reinforcing assembly is interposed between the first and second panels.2. The panel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the panel assembly is configured as a load bearing panel assembly.3. The panel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the panel assembly is configured as a low-profile panel.4. The panel assembly of claim 3 , wherein the profile depth of the panel assembly does not exceed 25 mm.5. The panel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the opening is defined by a vehicle.6. The panel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one bracket interposed between the first and second panels and configured to position the reinforcing assembly relative to the panel assembly.7. The panel assembly of claim 6 , wherein the bracket includes at least one ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084635A1

A vehicle includes: a main frame having a plurality of members; and a reinforcing member that is made of a reinforced resin and that is disposed at a junction where two members out of the plurality of members intersect a point from two directions or a bent portion of one member. 1. A vehicle comprising:a main frame having a plurality of members; anda reinforcing member made of a reinforced resin and disposed at a junction where two members out of the plurality of members intersect a point from two directions or at a bent portion of one of the plurality of members.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the two members at the junction where the two members intersect a point from two directions are joined through the reinforcing member.3. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing member has a three-directional structure.4. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the reinforcing member has a three-directional structure.5. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the two members includes an outer member and an inner member; and the reinforcing member is disposed in a tubular hollow space defined between the outer and inner members so as to make a clearance in which the reinforcing member nearly comes into contact with inner walls of the outer and inner members.6. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the two members includes an outer member and an inner member; and the reinforcing member is disposed in a tubular hollow space defined between the outer and inner members so as to make a clearance in which the reinforcing member nearly comes into contact with inner walls of the outer and inner members.7. The vehicle according to claim 5 , wherein the reinforcing member is disposed in a hollow space defined in a bent portion of one of the plurality of members or in a hollow space defined in a bent portion where the plurality of members intersect; and the reinforcing member is disposed in an outer corner part of the bent portion so as to ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Shell Structure Comprising Force Transmission Point

Номер: US20160016613A1

The invention relates to a shell structure having a force transmission point, wherein a force transmission structure is provided on the force transmission point, wherein the force transmission structure has a fitting element comprising a fastening element, wherein the fitting element is connected to the shell structure. According to the invention, the fitting element has a contact surface having the shell structure and the contact surface can be clamped with or is clamped with the shell structure. 1. A shell structure having a force transmission point , the shell structure comprising a force transmission structure provided at the force transmission point , wherein the force transmission structure has a fitting part with a fastening element , wherein the fitting part is connected with the shell structure , wherein the fitting part has a contact surface with the shell structure and the contact surface is configured to be braced with the shell structure.2. The shell structure according to claim 1 , wherein the shell structure is produced of one of glass fiber-reinforced plastic and carbon fiber-reinforced plastic.3. The shell structure according to claim 1 , wherein the fitting part is made of one of iron claim 1 , steel claim 1 , aluminum and an alloy thereof.4. The shell structure according to claim 1 , wherein the fitting part is one of a sheet-metal-shaped component claim 1 , a plate-shaped component and a disk-shaped component claim 1 , and wherein the contact surface is formed by cold forming or cranking.5. The shell structure according to claim 1 , wherein the fitting part is glued to the shell structure claim 1 , the contact surface being free of adhesive.6. The Shell structure according to claim 1 , wherein one of the fitting part or the shell structure includes a jutting-back surface that juts back from the contact surface claim 1 , the jutting-back surface configured for a glued connection with the shell structure.7. The Shell structure according to claim 2 ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Rail and method of making and using the same

Номер: US20150021892A1

A number of variations includes a rail and method of manufacture thereof wherein a rail may be fabricated from a first segment, a first node, and a second segment, wherein the first segment is attached to the first node, wherein the second segment is attached to the first node, and wherein the first node comprises a pre-machined hollow aluminum casting comprising at least one chassis component mounting point for attachment.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Tornado unit

Номер: US20200029511A1
Автор: Lewis Nathanial Henry

This is a mobile vehicle with three basic eternal features a conical front, cylindrical body and ellipsoidal rear end. The vehicle will have stationary rear wheels and steerable front wheels. This design will allow the vehicle to enter a tornado safely and spray cold water through its outer nozzles into the tornado, reducing its energy and destructive power. This vehicle can become a tornado hunter. This vehicle can be used in fighting large fires on relatively level terrains, by creating a watery path-like barricade. 1. A tornado unit for entering a very violent tornado safely and spray cold water into it to reduce its internal forces; said tornado unit comprises a mobile vehicle having outer geometric shapes and inner support systems for above purpose:said mobile vehicle has a conical shape front nose connected to a cylindrical shape body;said mobile vehicle has stationary rear wheels connected to steerable front wheels;said mobile vehicle has several water nozzles pointing upward and located on the exterior of said cylindrical body, andsaid mobile vehicle has a driver compartment.2. A tornado unit for entering a very violent tornado safely and spray cold water into it to reduce its internal forces; said tornado unit comprises a mobile vehicle having outer geometric shapes and inner support systems for above purpose:said mobile vehicle has a conical shape front nose connected to a cylindrical shape body;said mobile vehicle has stationary rear wheels connected to steerable front wheels connected to an unmanned steering system:said mobile vehicle has several water nozzles pointing upward and located on the exterior of said cylindrical body;said mobile vehicle has a driver compartment that is mounted in the upper front part of said cylindrical body, andsaid mobile vehicle has a large location light mounted on its said partial ellipsoid rear end. We have large snow plowers to remove large snow falls from our highways and freeways making life a little better for ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Profiled Brace, In Particular for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20220048573A1

A profile strut includes an upper chord, a lower chord, two spaced-apart lateral walls which, together with the upper chord and the lower chord, define an interior, and a first profile end and a second profile end. A first end piece is disposed in the first profile end and a second end piece is disposed in the second profile end. A connecting web connects the first end piece to the second end piece. Each of the first end piece and the second end piece bears via end faces thereof against adjacent inner wall regions of the upper chord and the lower chord; respectively. An intermediate region, which is configured as a tunnel incorporated into the lower chord, is disposed between the first profile end and the second profile end. 18.-. (canceled)9. A profile strut , comprising:an upper chord;a lower chord;two spaced-apart lateral walls which, together with the upper chord and the lower chord, define an interior;a first profile end and a second profile end;a first end piece disposed in the first profile end and a second end piece disposed in the second profile end; anda connecting web, wherein the connecting web connects the first end piece to the second end piece;wherein each of the first end piece and the second end piece bears via end faces thereof against adjacent inner wall regions of the upper chord and the lower chord; respectively;wherein an intermediate region, which is configured as a tunnel incorporated into the lower chord, is disposed between the first profile end and the second profile end.10. The profile strut according to claim 9 , wherein the first end piece is clamped in the first profile end and the second end piece is clamped in the second profile end.11. The profile strut according to claim 9 , wherein a material of the first and the second profile ends and a material of the first and the second end pieces are identical or different.12. The profile strut according to claim 9 , wherein the first end piece has a first through-aperture and the second end ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034066A1

According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, a mobile robot may include an outer cover including an insulating material and defining an appearance; an inner cover including an insulating material and configured to define a predetermined gap with respect to the outer cover; a battery disposed inside the inner cover; and at least one pressure sensing module disposed in the gap between the outer cover and the inner cover. The pressure sensing module may include an outer metal panel contacting an inner periphery of the outer cover, an inner metal panel contacting an outer periphery of the inner cover and spaced apart from the outer metal panel, and a pressure sensing sheet pressed between the outer metal panel and the inner metal panel and having a variable resistance. The battery may generate an electric potential difference between the outer metal panel and the inner metal panel. 112-. (canceled)13. A mobile robot , comprising:an outer cover defining an exterior of the mobile robot, the outer cover including an insulating material, the outer cover having an inner periphery;an inner cover spaced from the outer cover by a gap, the inner cover including an insulating material, the inner cover having an outer periphery facing the inner periphery of the outer cover; an outer metal panel contacting the inner periphery of the outer cover;', 'an inner metal panel contacting the outer periphery of the inner cover and spaced apart from the outer metal panel; and', 'a pressure sensing sheet pressed between the outer metal panel and the inner metal panel, the pressure sensing sheet having a variable resistance; and, 'at least one pressure sensing module disposed in the gap between the outer cover and the inner cover, the at least one pressure sensing module includinga battery disposed inside the outer cover and connected to the outer metal panel and the inner metal panel, the battery being configured to generate an electric potential difference between the outer metal ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Multiple stage deformation reinforcement structure for impact absorption

Номер: US20180037264A1
Принадлежит: Zephyros Inc

A structural reinforcement for a vehicle comprising: a) a carrier having a base wall from which a plurality of projections extend, the plurality of projections including at least one first projection and at least one second projection and the at least one first projection having a height greater than a height of the at least one second projection; b) an activatable material which is heat activatable and affixed to the carrier, configured to secure the carrier in a cavity of the vehicle; wherein in event of an impact, the at least one first projection and second projection are configured to deform toward the base wall and/or in a direction of an impact load in response to the impact load; and the at least one first projection is configured to receive the impact load and deform before the at least one second projection receives the impact load and deforms.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046327A1

A device including a steel carrier, an expandable material located about the carrier a fastener connected to one or more of the carrier and expandable material, wherein the steel carrier and expandable material are formed into a loop-shaped profile. 1. A method comprising:providing a steel carrier;locating an expandable material about the carrier;forming the steel carrier and expandable material into a loop-shaped profile;locating a fastener connected to one or more of the carrier and expandable material;locating the expandable material into a vehicle cavity adjacent a vehicle panel.2. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the step of locating the expandable material in a loop-shaped profile includes cutting the expandable material to form individual members.3. A method as in claim 1 , wherein expandable material is located about the carrier by extrusion.4. A method as in claim 2 , wherein the fastener is a mechanical fastener that is separately formed from the expandable material.5. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the carrier material is provided by extrusion and the carrier material is extruded simultaneously with the expandable material.6. A method as in claim 2 , wherein the carrier material is extruded prior to the extrusion of the expandable material upon the carrier.7. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the carrier material is coextruded with the expandable material and the resulting coextrusion is further extruded to form the loop-shaped profile configuration.8. The method as in claim 5 , wherein the expandable material is adapted for forming a sealing material claim 5 , an acoustical material claim 5 , an adhesive claim 5 , a structural foam claim 5 , or a combination of at least two of the foregoing.10. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the expandable material is a material that is thermally deformable at the temperature of extrusion but upon thermal activation at an elevated temperature will cross link to form a thermoset material.11. The method as in claim 8 ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052557A1

A strengthening member for an automotive vehicle comprises a twelve-cornered cross section including sides and corners creating eight internal angles and four external angles. Each internal angle and each external angle is greater than 90°. At least a portion of the strengthening member tapers along its length. 1. A strengthening member for an automotive vehicle , comprising a twelve-cornered cross section including sides and corners creating internal angles and external angles , wherein each internal angle ranges from about 100° to about 110° , wherein a length of the strengthening member extends between a first end and a second end , and wherein the strengthening member tapers along at least a portion of its length.2. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein each external angle ranges from about 105° to about 130°.3. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein the corners of the cross section have substantially the same thickness as the sides of the cross section.4. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein the corners of the cross section have substantially the same hardness as the sides of the cross section.5. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the sides and corners ranges from about 0.7 mm to about 6.0 mm.6. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein each internal angle has substantially the same angular degree as the other internal angles and each external angle has substantially the same angular degree as the other external angles.7. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein a length of each of the sides of the twelve-cornered cross section is the same.8. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the sides of the twelve-cornered cross section differs in length from one of the other sides of the twelve-cornered cross section.9. The strengthening member of claim 2 , wherein some of the external angles differ in angle measure.10. The strengthening member of claim 2 , where each of the external ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057063A1

A strengthening member for a motor vehicle and a vehicle including a strengthening member are provided. The strengthening member can have twenty-eight sides arranged to create twenty internal angles and eight external angles. 1. A strengthening member for a motor vehicle , comprising:twenty-eight sides arranged to create twenty internal angles and eight external angles.245. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein each internal angle ranges between about degrees and about 175 degrees.345. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein each external angle ranges between about degrees and about 175 degrees.4. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein:twelve of the twenty internal angles are substantially equal to one another; andthe other eight of the twenty internal angles are substantially equal to one another.5. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein the eight external angles are substantially equal to one another.6. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein:twelve of the twenty internal angles are each substantially equal to a first angle size;the other eight of the twenty internal angles are each substantially equal to a second angle size;the eight external angles are each substantially equal to a third angle size; andthe first angle size, the second angle size, and the third angle size are substantially different from one another.7. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein the strengthening member further comprises at least one recessed area extending along a length of the strengthening member.8. The strengthening member of claim 7 , wherein the at least one recessed area is defined by two internal angles and one external angle of the strengthening member.9. The strengthening member of claim 8 , wherein the two of the internal angles defining the recessed area differ from one another.10. The strengthening member of claim 1 , wherein the strengthening member further comprises eight recessed areas claim 1 , wherein each recessed area ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Motor vehicle body with lightweight component

Номер: US20140145469A1
Автор: Lothar Teske, Udo Mildner

A motor vehicle body includes, but is not limited to a lightweight component of a composite material and a metallic structure, on which the lightweight component is fastened. The metallic structure includes, but is not limited to a first groove, in which a first edge strip of the lightweight component engages. Between two surfaces of the first edge strip facing away from one another and side walls of the first groove located opposite these surfaces, an adhesive layer is formed.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140152052A1
Автор: MILDNER Udo, TESKE Lothar

A motor vehicle body is provided with a lateral front wall and a wheel installation strut connected therewith with an inner component and an outer component with an outer side wall. The outer component includes, but is not limited to a front portion with a lower front connecting flange, which is connected to the inner component and forms an angle with the horizontal which amounts to a maximum of approximately 20°, and a rear portion with a lower rear connecting flange, which is connected to the lateral front wall and forms an angle with the vertical which amounts to a maximum of approximately 20°. 1. A motor vehicle body , comprising:a lateral front wall;a wheel installation strut; andan inner component and an outer component connecting the lateral front wall and the wheel installation strut with an outer side wall,wherein the outer component comprises a front portion with a lower front connecting flange that is connected to the inner component and forms a first angle with a horizontal that amounts to a first maximum of approximately 20°, andwherein a rear portion with a lower rear connecting flange is connected to the lateral front wall and forms a second angle with a vertical that amounts to a second maximum of approximately 20°.2. The motor vehicle body according to claim 1 ,wherein the front portion of the outer component comprises a front outer component that comprises the lower front connecting flange, andwherein the rear portion of the outer component comprises a rear outer component that comprises the lower rear connecting flange and is connected to the front outer component.3. The motor vehicle body according to claim 2 , wherein the rear outer component is connected to the front outer component in an overlap portion.4. The motor vehicle body according to claim 2 , wherein the rear outer component comprises a flank that is offset from an outer side wall and connected to a front connecting flange of the front outer component.5. -The motor vehicle body ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070759A1

An insulating element for insulating a structural element in a vehicle including a carrier element having an edge region and an expandable material which is provided at least on the edge region on the carrier element. The expandable material projects beyond the edge region of the carrier element in at least one direction so that the expandable material forms a flexible projection in this at least one direction. 1. An insulating element for insulating a structural element in a vehicle , said insulating element comprising:a carrier element having a peripheral region; andan expandable material which is disposed at least on the peripheral region on the carrier element, whereinthe expandable material in at least one direction protrudes beyond the peripheral region of the carrier element such that the expandable material in said at least one direction forms a flexible projection.2. The insulating element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a length of the projection measured along a plane of the carrier element is between 5 and 50 mm and/or wherein a thickness of the projection measured perpendicularly to the plane of the carrier element is between 2 and 20 mm.3. The insulating element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carrier element has at least one rib which in said at least one direction extends from the peripheral region of the carrier element such that the at least one rib supports the flexible projection.4. The insulating element as claimed in wherein the projection extends substantially in the plane of the carrier element.5. The insulating element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the projection extends in a plane which forms an angle in relation to the plane of the carrier element.6. The insulating element as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the angle is between 10 and 80°.7. The insulating element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the projection has a rectangular claim 1 , a trapezoidal claim 1 , a triangular claim 1 , an irregularly shaped claim 1 , a convex claim 1 , or ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158447A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A center panel assembly for a body of a vehicle includes a left cover, a right cover, a top cover, and a plurality of fasteners. The top cover is releasably attached to the left cover with at least a first one of the plurality of fasteners and is releasably attached to the right cover with at least a second one of the plurality of fasteners. The center panel assembly is configured for releasable attachment to a frame of a vehicle. 1. A center panel assembly for a body of a vehicle , the center panel assembly comprising:a left cover;a right cover;a top cover; anda plurality of fasteners; whereinthe top cover is releasably attached to the left cover with at least a first one of the plurality of fasteners and is releasably attached to the right cover with at least a second one of the plurality of fasteners; andthe center panel assembly is configured for releasable attachment to a frame of a vehicle.2. The center panel assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the at least a first one of the plurality of fasteners comprises a first plurality of the fasteners and the at least a second one of the plurality of fasteners comprises a second plurality of the fasteners; andat least some of the first plurality of the fasteners and at least some of the second plurality of the fasteners are obscured from view when the center panel assembly is installed on a vehicle.3. The center panel assembly of claim 2 , wherein:each of the left cover, the right cover, and the top cover comprises a respective seat flange; andeach of the seat flange of the left cover, the seat flange of the right cover, and the seat flange of the top cover, is configured to underlie a saddle-type seat of a vehicle.4. The center panel assembly of claim 2 , wherein:the top cover comprises an upper portion and a lower portion, the lower portion being integral with, and extending away from, the upper portion;the upper portion of the top cover comprises a generally U-shaped, forward portion configured to be positioned adjacent a ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140159421A1

The present invention is predicated upon the provision of systems and methods for reinforcement of a structural member. More particularly, the present invention is predicated upon unique carrier configurations and application of reinforcing material thereto. In one configuration, the application of reinforcing material is achieved without the use of fasteners, adhesives, or both, for placement, locating and restrictive movement of the reinforcing material onto the carrier. 1. A reinforcement system for a structural member , the system comprising:a carrier member formed of a combination of polymeric and metallic materials having a length extending between a first end and a second end, the carrier member including one or more sidewalls joined together to form one or more cavities extending along the length of the carrier, the carrier including a cross-sectional shape roughly corresponding to the cross-sectional shape of interior walls of a hollow structural member;a plurality of ribs integrally formed with and extending from the carrier;an activatable material placed over the carrier, the activatable material configured to expand upon application of heat and adhere to the interior walls of the hollow structural member to provide reinforcement to the same.23-. (canceled)4. The reinforcement system of claim 1 , wherein the cavities are formed of a raised portion of one of the carrier sidewalls and includes a top wall and side walls integrally formed with the carrier to form a unitary structure.511-. (canceled)12. The reinforcement system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more attachment feature for attaching the carrier member to the interior walls of the hollow structural member.1316-. (canceled)17. The reinforcement system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of cavities are consecutively arranged along a height or width of the carrier.1820-. (canceled)21. The reinforcement system of claim 12 , wherein the attachment feature is located at an end of the carrier.22. ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140159432A1

A roof side rail is connected to a roof panel and includes a multi-sectional rail having a plurality of integrally formed ribs and bent along a shape of an upper portion of a side surface of a vehicle body, and a reinforcement rail that is combined with an inner side surface of the rail, an upper side flange is connected to the roof panel, and a lower side flange is engaged with a weather strip. 1. A roof side rail that is connected to a roof panel , comprising:a rail including a plurality of integrally formed ribs having a multi-sectional structure and bent along a shape of an upper portion of a side surface of a vehicle body; anda reinforcement rail combined with an inner side surface of the rail, an upper side flange is connected to the roof panel, and a lower side flange is engaged with a weather strip.2. The roof side rail of claim 1 , wherein the rib includes a lower side rib configured to connect an outside interior section of the rail and an inside interior section of the rail in a first direction and an upper side rib that connects the outside interior section of the rail and the inside interior section of the rail in a second direction different than the first direction.3. The roof side rail of claim 1 , wherein an edge portion of the rail has a round shape.4. The roof side rail of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the rail includes an extruded pipe in which the plurality of ribs are integrally formed therein.5. The roof side rail of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement rail includes a panel pressed along an inner side surface of the rail.6. The roof side rail of or claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement rail is continuously welded to an upper side end portion and a lower side end portion of an inner side surface of the rail claim 1 , and is welded to an upper side and a lower side of an inner side surface of the rail in one direction.7. The roof side rail of claim 6 , wherein the continuous welding is one of COwelding claim 6 , MIG welding claim 6 , TIG welding ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Body part arrangement for a motor vehicle, and method for producing a body part arrangement of said type

Номер: US20180079454A1
Автор: Philipp Kellner
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A body part arrangement for a motor vehicle includes a body part in which at least one electrical line element is integrated in a receiving material of the body part. The body part includes a molded part in which a plastics part is provided. The at least one electrical line element is embedded in the plastics part.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083016A1

A vehicle body skeleton structure includes: a skeleton member bent to have a predetermined shape; and at least one reinforcement member welded to the skeleton member along a plurality of weld lines to be joined to a surface of the skeleton member, and bent along the surface. 1. A vehicle body skeleton structure , comprising:a skeleton member bent to have a predetermined shape; andat least one reinforcement member welded to the skeleton member along a plurality of weld lines to be joined to a surface of the skeleton member, and bent along the surface.2. The vehicle body skeleton structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one reinforcement member includes a first region and a second region in each of which the weld lines are set substantially parallel to each other at predetermined intervals, andthe weld lines set in the first region extend in a direction different from a direction in which the weld lines set in the second region extend.3. The vehicle body skeleton structure according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one reinforcement member is a single reinforcement member joined to the skeleton member and including the first region and the second region.4. The vehicle body skeleton structure according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one reinforcement member is welded along the weld lines to be joined to the skeleton member claim 1 , while the skeleton member and the at least one reinforcement member are each in a form of a plate before being bent.5. The vehicle body skeleton structure according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one reinforcement member is welded along the weld lines to be joined to the skeleton member claim 2 , while the skeleton member and the at least one reinforcement member are each in a form of a plate before being bent.6. The vehicle body skeleton structure according to claim 3 , wherein the single reinforcement member is welded along the weld lines to be joined to the skeleton member claim 3 , while the skeleton member and the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Attachment Systems for Pultruded, Extruded, and Molded Parts

Номер: US20220097776A1
Автор: Royston Kyle

A structural member comprising an integrally formed connector portion on two or more elements for forming the structural member, wherein a first connector portion on a first element is shaped to engage a second connector portion on a second element. 1. A structural member for forming a battery box comprising an integrally formed connector portion located on two or more elements for forming the structural member , wherein a first connector portion on a first element is shaped to include a projection and to engage a second connector portion on a second element which is shaped as an indent to receive the projection.2. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , one or more of the first and second connector portion is contacted with an adhesive to improve connection between the first and second element.3. (canceled)4. The structural member of claim 2 , wherein one or more of the first or second connector portions include one or more openings.5. (canceled)6. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the first or second connector portions includes a dovetail joint.7. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein the projection is substantially linear claim 1 , arrowhead shaped claim 1 , t-shaped claim 1 , u-shaped claim 1 , v-shaped claim 1 , circular claim 1 , oval claim 1 , trapezoidal claim 1 , or rectangular.8. The structural member of claim 2 , wherein the indent is formed as a pathway for receiving the projection.9. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the first or second connector portions are flexible and adapted to flex in order to engage an adjacent connector portion.10. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein the structural member includes at least three claim 1 , at least four claim 1 , at least five claim 1 , or even at least six connector portions.11. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein the member includes an adhesive that is substantially free of any contact with one or more of the first and second ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101672A1
Автор: Oshima Takuya

There is provided a vehicle upper section structure including: a roof side rail extending along a vehicle front-rear direction; a roof reinforcement extending along a vehicle width direction further to a vehicle cabin inside than the roof side rail and a roof panel of the vehicle; a center frame that is disposed at a vehicle up-down direction upper side or lower side of the roof reinforcement, and that extends in the vehicle width direction; and a bracket that is joined to a vehicle cabin inside of the roof side rail, to the roof reinforcement, and to the center frame. 1. A vehicle upper section structure comprising:a roof side rail extending along a vehicle front-rear direction;a roof reinforcement extending along a vehicle width direction further to a vehicle cabin inside than the roof side rail and a roof panel of the vehicle;a center frame that is disposed at a vehicle up-down direction upper side or lower side of the roof reinforcement, and that extends in the vehicle width direction; anda bracket that is joined to a vehicle cabin inside of the roof side rail, to the roof reinforcement, and to the center frame.2. The vehicle upper section structure of claim 1 , wherein the bracket joins together an upper face of whichever out of the roof reinforcement and the center frame is positioned on the vehicle up-down direction lower side claim 1 , and a lower face of whichever out of the roof reinforcement and the center frame is positioned on the vehicle up-down direction upper side.3. The vehicle upper section structure of claim 1 , wherein the bracket comprises:a first bracket joined to the roof side rail and to one of the roof reinforcement or the center frame; anda second bracket joined to the roof reinforcement and the center frame.4. The vehicle upper section structure of claim 1 , further comprising:a sunroof unit that opens up and closes off an opening formed in the roof panel, whereinthe center frame configures part of the sunroof unit. This application is ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140197664A1

A method of manufacturing a structural support member for a vehicle includes forming a first portion, forming a second portion, and connecting the first portion and the second portion together. The first portion and the second portion may be formed from one of an aluminum material, a magnesium material, a cold-formable steel material, a glass fiber composite material, or a plastic material. The first portion and the second portion are connected together such that the second portion is disposed in a tensile loading condition in response to an impact load applied to the first portion. A laminate layer is attached to the second portion. The laminate layer includes an ultra high strength material having a yield strength equal to or greater than five hundred fifty (550) MPa. The laminate layer may include, for example, an iron based glassy metal foil or an iron based glassy metal foil fabric. 1. A method of manufacturing a structural support member for a vehicle , the method comprising:forming a first portion;forming a second portion;connecting the first portion and the second portion together; andattaching a laminate layer directly to a surface of the second portion, wherein the laminate layer includes an ultra high strength material having a yield strength equal to or greater than fifteen hundred (1500) MPa, and wherein the laminate layer includes one of an iron based glassy metal foil, an iron based glassy metal foil fabric, or a fiber or iron based glassy metal foil reinforced polymer.2. A method as set forth in wherein connecting the first portion and the second portion together is further defined as connecting the first portion and the second portion together such that the second portion is disposed in a tensile loading condition in response to an impact load applied to the first portion.3. A method as set forth in wherein the structural support member is one of an automotive A-pillar claim 1 , an automotive B-pillar claim 1 , an automotive hinge pillar claim 1 , ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140203592A1

A structural body of a vehicle can comprises: a hollow metal component comprising walls that define a channel, wherein the metal component has a metal component length, and wherein the metal component is selected from the group consisting of beam, rail, pillar, chassis, floor rocker, and cross-bar, combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing; and a plastic-metal hybrid reinforcement having a cavities therethrough, and a metal support having greater than or equal to 3 walls forming a support channel. The plastic element is located in the support channel wherein the reinforcement is located in the component channel. 1. A structural body of a vehicle , comprising:a hollow structural vehicle component comprising walls that define a component channel, wherein the vehicle component has a component length, and wherein the vehicle component is selected from the group consisting of bumper beam, rail, pillar, chassis, floor rocker, and cross-bar, combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing; anda reinforcement comprising a plastic element having a honeycomb structure, and a metal support having greater than or equal to 3 walls forming a support channel;wherein the plastic element is located in the support channel; andwherein the reinforcement is located in the component channel.2. The structural body of claim 1 , wherein the honeycombs are filled.3. The structural body of claim 1 , wherein the plastic element comprises a thermoplastic.4. The structural body of claim 1 , wherein the plastic element further comprises fiber reinforced thermoplastic.5. The structural body of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement has a reinforcement length that is less than or equal to 80% of the component length.6. The structural body of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement length is 10% to 35% of the component length.7. The structural body of claim 1 , wherein the plastic element has a hollow honeycomb structure with a hexagonal comb geometry claim 1 , and has a length of 150 mm ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118431A1

A member () for providing sealing, baffling, and/or reinforcement to a cavity member () comprising: (a) a carrier () with an insertion end () and a base end () having: (i) a base () at the base end () adapted for engaging with a wall () of the cavity member (); (ii) a fastener () adapted for passing through an opening of the cavity member () and retaining the member () to the cavity member (); (iii) a center portion () extending from the insertion end () to the base end (); and (b) activatable material () disposed on the carrier (). 1. A member for providing sealing , baffling , and/or reinforcement to a cavity member comprising: (i) a base at the base end adapted for engaging with a wall of the cavity member;', '(ii) a fastener adapted for passing through an opening of the cavity member and retaining the member to the cavity member;', '(iii) a center portion extending from the insertion end to the base end; and, 'a) a carrier with an insertion end and a base end havingb) activatable material disposed on the carrier.2. The member of claim 1 , wherein the base is configured to be larger than at least one opening of the cavity member.3. The member of claim 1 , wherein the activatable material is disposed on the center portion claim 1 , the base claim 1 , the fastener claim 1 , or any combination thereof.4. The member of claim 2 , wherein the member has a length which is greater than a width of the cavity member.5. The member of claim 1 , wherein the fastener is located at the insertion end which is opposite the base and the base end.6. The member of claim 1 , wherein the base is located at the base end and the insertion end is at an opposing end as the base end;wherein the fastener is located between the base end and the insertion end.7. The member of claim 2 , wherein the fastener includes at least a section of the center portion claim 2 , such that the fastener and the base are adapted to receive a wall of the cavity member between the fastener and the base.8. The ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129943A1
Автор: TSUKIMORI Takao

A vehicle panel structure includes: a vehicle outer plate panel having a reinforcement installation region on a vehicle inner side surface; a reinforcement provided in the installation region; and a connecting member placed between the installation region and the reinforcement. The connecting member is made from a connecting material having a loss factor tan δ of not less than 0.6. 1. A vehicle panel structure comprising:a vehicle outer plate panel having a reinforcement installation region on a vehicle inner side surface;a reinforcement provided in the installation region; anda connecting member placed between the installation region and the reinforcement, wherein:the connecting member is made from a connecting material having a loss factor tan δ of not less than 0.6.2. The vehicle panel structure according to claim 1 , wherein:the reinforcement makes contact with the connecting member.3. The vehicle panel structure according to claim 2 , wherein:the reinforcement makes contact with the connecting member via a connecting surface placed in an outer edge of the reinforcement and facing an outer-plate-panel side.4. The vehicle panel structure according to claim 3 , wherein:the connecting member is placed only between the installation region and the connecting surface.5. The vehicle panel structure according to claim 4 , wherein:the connecting member forms a linear shape along a skeletal center of the reinforcement.6. The vehicle panel structure according to claim 4 , wherein:the connecting member forms a dispersed shape continued at predetermined intervals along a skeletal center of the reinforcement.7. The vehicle panel structure according to claim 1 , wherein:the reinforcement further includes a recessed portion placed in a skeletal center of the reinforcement and having an opening on the outer-plate-panel side, andthe installation region makes contact with the opening.8. The vehicle panel structure according to claim 1 , wherein:the connecting member makes contact ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190126995A1

A body frame of a vehicle is provided. The body frame having: a rear wall extending between a pair of pillars of the body frame; a reinforcement beam that is spaced from the rear wall to define a gap and wherein the reinforcement beam extends between the pair of pillars of the body frame; a rear window opening partially defined by the rear wall and the reinforcement beam; and wherein the body frame is configured for use with either a fixed window or a moving window, wherein the fixed window when secured to the body frame is fixedly secured to the reinforcement beam and the rear wall and the fixed window has an overmolding located about a periphery of the fixed window and a bottom portion of the overmolding traverses the gap and wherein the moving window when secured to the body frame moves in the gap. 1. A body frame of a vehicle , comprising:a rear wall extending between a pair of pillars of the body frame;a reinforcement beam that is spaced from the rear wall to define a gap and wherein the reinforcement beam extends between the pair of pillars of the body frame;a rear window opening partially defined by the rear wall and the reinforcement beam; andwherein the body frame is configured for use with either a fixed window or a moving window, wherein the fixed window when secured to the body frame is fixedly secured to the reinforcement beam and the rear wall and the fixed window has an overmolding located about a periphery of the fixed window and a bottom portion of the overmolding traverses the gap and wherein the moving window when secured to the body frame moves in the gap.2. The body frame as in claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement beam comprises an inner reinforcement and an outer reinforcement each of which extend between the pillars.3. The body frame as in claim 1 , wherein the pair of pillars extend along sides of the body frame.4. The body frame as in claim 3 , wherein the rear window opening is defined by edges of the rear wall claim 3 , the pair of pillars ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Reinforcing Devices

Номер: US20200122784A1
Автор: Richardson Henry E.

A structural reinforcement comprising a rigid polymeric structure () including a central portion () and two side portions () adjacent the central portion, each of the central portion and side portions including a top surface and bottom surface and an expandable adhesive material () located onto at least one surface of each of the central portions and two side portions, wherein the expandable adhesive material is located along the bottom surface of the central portion and the top surface of each of the side portions. 1. A structural reinforcement comprising:i) a rigid polymeric structure having a longitudinal axis and including a central portion and two side portions adjacent the central portion, each of the central portion and side portions including a top surface and bottom surface;ii) one or more wells extending from the top surface toward the bottom surface of one or more of the side portions;ii) an expandable adhesive material located onto at least one surface of each of the central portions and two side portions;wherein the expandable adhesive material is located along the bottom surface of the central portion and the top surface of each of the side portions; andwherein the top surface of the central portion includes a plurality rib structures of running substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and the bottom surface of each side portion includes a plurality rib structures of running substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.2. (canceled)3. The structural reinforcement of claim 1 , wherein the expandable adhesive material covers at least a portion of the one or more wells.4. The structural reinforcement of claim 1 , wherein the central portion includes an extension which extends beyond a terminal end of each side portion.5. The structural reinforcement of claim 4 , wherein the extension includes a top surface that includes the expandable adhesive material.6. The structural reinforcement of claim 4 , wherein the extension includes a bottom ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163078A1

A system for insulating a structural element in a motor vehicle including a structural element having a first constituent part and a second constituent part which are joined together at a first joining point and a second joining point and form a cavity. The system furthermore includes a device having a carrier and a first expandable adhesive, wherein the carrier is arranged on the first constituent part of the structural element by way of a fastening element. The system furthermore includes a second expandable adhesive which is arranged on the second constituent part of the structural element. In this case, the first expandable adhesive and the second expandable adhesive are configured, and arranged, in such a way that, after the adhesives have been expanded, the device and the second expandable adhesive substantially completely fill a cross section of the structural element. 1. A system for insulating a structural element in a motor vehicle , the system comprising:a structural element having a first constituent part and a second constituent part, wherein the constituent parts are joined together at a first joining point and at a second joining point, and wherein the structural element forms a cavity;a device having a carrier and a first expandable adhesive, wherein the carrier is arranged on the first constituent part of the structural element by way of a fastening element; anda second expandable adhesive which is arranged on the second constituent part of the structural element;wherein the first expandable adhesive and the second expandable adhesive are in a non-expanded state and are configured, and arranged, in such a way that, after the adhesives have been expanded, the device and the second adhesive substantially completely fill a cross section of the structural element.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the device has a compact form and/or wherein the device has substantially the form of a cuboid or cylinder or truncated cone or cone or cone of ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130749A1

A reinforcement element has a carrier having a longitudinal axis and elongate opening extending in the axis direction. The reinforcement element has an insert element having a longitudinal axis constructed to be arranged in the elongate opening. The insert element has first and second portions. The first portions are parallel with a first plane. The insert element longitudinal axis is in this first plane. The second portions are parallel with a second plane. The insert element longitudinal axis is in the second plane. The reinforcement element has a first adhesive which can be arranged on the carrier outer side and on a first group of insert element first portions and to bond the carrier and insert element in the structural element. The reinforcement element has a second adhesive which can be arranged on a second group of insert element first portions and to bond the insert element in the carrier. 1. A reinforcement element for reinforcing structural elements in vehicles , the reinforcement element comprising:a carrier having a longitudinal axis, wherein the carrier has at least one elongate opening which extends in the direction of the longitudinal axis;at least one insert element which has a longitudinal axis and which is constructed to be arranged in the elongate opening of the carrier and which comprises a plurality of first portions and a plurality of second portions, wherein the first portions are arranged parallel with a first plane, wherein the longitudinal axis is located in this first plane, and wherein the second portions are arranged parallel with a second plane, wherein the longitudinal axis is located orthogonally to this second plane;a first adhesive which can be arranged on an outer side of the carrier and on a first group of first portions of the insert element and which is constructed to adhesively bond the carrier and the insert element in the structural element; anda second adhesive which can be arranged on a second group of first portions of the ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289309A1
Автор: Kizler Tobias

A cavity sealing bulkhead part is provided comprising a first structural component, a second structural component and a hinge for producing a movable connection between the first structural component and the second structural component; the hinge comprising a first hinge component assigned to the first structural component and a second hinge component assigned to the second structural component, the first hinge component and the second hinge component being movable relative to one another about a shaft, at least one of the two hinge components comprising an expansion material that is convertible from an initial state into an expanded state by activation, and in the expanded state acting as a sealant between the first and second hinge components; and the bulkhead part being produced in a two-component injection molding process using a carrier material and the expansion material; also provided are methods for producing the bulkhead part. 1. A bulkhead part for sealing a cavity , comprising a first structural component and a second structural component and a hinge for producing a movable connection between the first structural component and the second structural component , the hinge comprising a first hinge component assigned to the first structural component and a second hinge component assigned to the second structural component , and the first hinge component and the second hinge component being movable relative to one another about a shaft , wherein at least one of the two hinge components comprises an expansion material , it being possible to convert the expansion material from an initial state into an expanded state by activation , in which expanded state it acts as a sealant between the first and second hinge components , and the bulkhead part being produced in a two-component injection molding process using a carrier material and the expansion material.2. The bulkhead part according to claim 1 , wherein the expansion material can be converted from the initial ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144051A1

A structural reinforcement comprising a base reinforcing structure including a plurality of ribs and having a first surface and a second surface, an expandable adhesive material located onto a first portion of the first surface, and a sealant material located around an edge of the second surface, the second surface being substantially free of any of the plurality of ribs. 1. A reinforcement structure comprising: (a) a plurality of ribs;', '(b) a first surface having a first portion; and', '(c) a second surface substantially free of the plurality of ribs and including a second portion;, '(i) a reinforcement base structure, including(ii) an adhesive material located on the first portion; and(ii) a sealant material located along an edge of the second surface,wherein the first portion is in a plane that is substantially perpendicular to a plane of the second portion; andwherein the adhesive material is free of direct contact with the sealant material in a green state.210-. (canceled)11. A method comprising: (i) a first surface having a first portion; and', '(ii) a second surface having a second portion;, '(a) locating a polymeric material in a mold to form a reinforcement base structure, including(b) molding an adhesive material onto the reinforcement base structure in a mold;(c) removing the reinforcement base structure and adhesive material from the mold; and(d) extruding a sealant material onto an edge of the reinforcement base structure, wherein the sealant material is located on the second portion and the second portion is substantially free of the adhesive material.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the sealant material is extruded via a mini-applicator.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the adhesive material and the sealant material are applied so that they are substantially free of any direct contact with one another in a green state.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the adhesive material and the sealant material are applied so that they are free of any ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Multiple stage deformation reinforcement structure for impact absorption

Номер: US20190168808A1
Принадлежит: Zephyros Inc

A structural reinforcement for a vehicle comprising: a) a carrier having a base wall from which a plurality of projections extend, the plurality of projections including at least one first projection and at least one second projection and the at least one first projection having a height greater than a height of the at least one second projection; b) an activatable material which is heat activatable and affixed to the carrier, configured to secure the carrier in a cavity of the vehicle; wherein in event of an impact, the at least one first projection and second projection are configured to deform toward the base wall and/or in a direction of an impact load in response to the impact load; and the at least one first projection is configured to receive the impact load and deform before the at least one second projection receives the impact load and deforms.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140265443A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A vehicle body includes a hollow structural member having an inner surface. The hollow structural member includes a first metal or metal alloy. A structural reinforcement member is positioned in the hollow structural member and includes a stiffener including a second metal or metal alloy different from the first metal or metal alloy. A gap is provided between the stiffener and the inner surface of the structural member. An adhesive is secured to the stiffener. The adhesive is substantially dry to the touch prior to activation and is activatable to expand toward the inner surface to fill at least a portion of the gap. A frame is secured to the stiffener and is positioned between the stiffener and the inner surface of the structural member to maintain the gap prior to expansion of the adhesive. The frame is adapted to insulate the stiffener from the hollow structural member. 1. A vehicle body comprising:a hollow structural member having an inner surface, the hollow structural member includes a first metal or metal alloy; anda structural reinforcement member positioned in the hollow structural member, the structural reinforcement member including:a stiffener including a second metal or metal alloy different from the first metal or metal alloy, wherein a gap is provided between the stiffener and the inner surface of the hollow structural member;an adhesive secured to the stiffener, the adhesive is substantially dry to the touch prior to activation and is activatable to expand toward the inner surface to fill at least a portion of the gap; anda frame secured to the stiffener and positioned between the stiffener and the inner surface of the hollow structural member to maintain the gap prior to expansion of the adhesive, the frame adapted to insulate the stiffener from the hollow structural member.2. The vehicle body of claim 1 , wherein the stiffener includes a honeycomb structure defining a plurality of openings claim 1 , the adhesive is positioned on opposite sides of ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140265447A1

A side-support structure mounted over an upper side portion of a vehicle includes an upper horizontal portion attached to a portion of the roof of the vehicle. A central arcuate portion of the side-support structure is attached to a portion of the vehicle between the roof and the side-pillar of the vehicle. The side-support structure also includes a lower vertical portion attached to an upper portion of the side-pillar of the vehicle. 1. A side-support structure mountable over an upper side portion of a vehicle , the side-support structure comprising:an upper horizontal portion attached to a portion of a vehicle roof;a central arcuate portion extending between the roof and a side-pillar of the vehicle; anda lower vertical portion attached to an upper portion of the side-pillar of the vehicle;wherein the side-support structure is hydroformed from a continuous closed structure of metallic material.2. The side-support structure of claim 1 , wherein the side-support structure is hydroformed from a continuous closed structure of plastic material.3. The side-support structure of claim 1 , wherein the central arcuate portion has a base having a surface profile substantially matching with a surface profile of a portion of the vehicle between the roof and the side-pillar of the vehicle.4. The side support structure of claim 1 , wherein the lower vertical portion has a substantially rectangular cross-section claim 1 , and is flattened with respect to the upper horizontal portion.5. The side-support structure of claim 1 , and having a substantially L-shaped structure claim 1 , wherein the lower vertical portion and the upper horizontal portion form arms of the L-shaped structure.6. The side-support structure of claim 1 , wherein the central arcuate portion of the side-support structure is configured to transfer loads from the upper horizontal portion to the lower vertical portion of the side-support structure.7. The side-support structure of claim 1 , wherein the lower ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Twenty-eight-cornered strengthening member for vehicles

Номер: US20190176892A1

A vehicle includes a strengthening member having a cross section including twenty-eight corners. The cross section has twenty-eight sides arranged to create twenty internal angles and eight external angles.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180709A1
Автор: Sato Yuichi
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A mobile body has a reflection control layer that reflects light in a wavelength region of sunlight or in a wavelength region of infrared radiation formed on a surface thereof. A mainstream outside the mobile body is heated by the reflected light to reduce air resistance of the mobile body. A refractive index of the reflection control layer is a value outside a range between a refractive index of a body-side substance and a refractive index of air. A thickness of the reflection control layer is equal to or larger than a value obtained by dividing 187.5 nanometers by a refractive index of the reflection control layer, and equal to or smaller than a value obtained by dividing 275,000 nanometers by a refractive index of the reflection control layer. 18.-. (canceled)9. A mobile body having a reflection control layer that reflects light in a wavelength region of sunlight or a wavelength region of infrared radiation formed on a surface of the mobile body , whereinin a wavelength region from 0.75 micrometer to 100 micrometers,a refractive index of the reflection control layer is a value outside a range between a refractive index of a body-side substance under the reflection control layer and a refractive index of air, anda thickness of the reflection control layer is equal to or larger than a value obtained by dividing 187.5 nanometers by a refractive index of the reflection control layer, and equal to or smaller than a value obtained by dividing 275,000 nanometers by a refractive index of the reflection control layer.10. The mobile body according to claim 9 , whereinin a wavelength region from 0.75 micrometer to 100 micrometers,a refractive index of the reflection control layer is larger than both a refractive index of the body-side substance and a refractive index of air.11. The mobile body according to claim 10 , whereinin a wavelength region from 0.75 micrometer to 100 micrometers,a refractive index of the reflection control layer is equal to or larger than 1.01 times ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210221444A1

A device for reinforcing, sealing, or damping a structural element in a motor vehicle including a carrier, having a first lateral region and a second lateral region, and a first adhesive for connecting the carrier to the structural element. The first adhesive is arranged on the first lateral region of the carrier. The second lateral region of the carrier is designed in such a way that a second adhesive, which can be pumped or extruded onto the structural element or onto the second lateral region of the carrier, is supported by the second lateral region of the carrier during and/or after its activation. 1. A device for reinforcing , sealing or damping a structural element in a motor vehicle , comprising:a carrier having a first lateral region and a second lateral region; anda first adhesive for bonding the carrier to the structural element, wherein the first adhesive is arranged on the first lateral region of the carrier;wherein the second lateral region of the carrier is formed in such a way that a second adhesive, which can be pumped or extruded onto the structural element or onto the second lateral region of the carrier, is supported during and/or after the activation of said second adhesive by the second lateral region of the carrier.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first lateral region and the second lateral region of the carrier are arranged substantially opposite one another.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second lateral region has an extent in the direction of a longitudinal axis of the structural element of between 5 and 50 mm.4. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second lateral region has at least one projection claim 1 , which projects away from the second lateral region.5. The device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the projection is in the form of an elongate rib.6. The device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the projection is arranged substantially at an edge of the second lateral region or substantially in a ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Twelve-cornered strengthening member for a vehicle with straight and curved sides and an optimized straight side length to curved side radius ratio

Номер: US20170203790A1

A strengthening member for a vehicle, a vehicle including a strengthening member, and a method of making a strengthening member for a vehicle is provided. The strengthening member can have a twelve-cornered cross section that includes sides and corners. The sides can include eight straight sides and four curved sides. A length of each straight side can be substantially the same, a radius of a curvature of each curved side can be substantially the same, and a ratio of the straight side length to the curvature radius may range from about 0.9 to about 1.6. In a motor vehicle, length of each straight side of the cross section of the strengthening member can range from about 10 mm to about 200 mm and the radius of the curvature of each curved side of the cross section of the strengthening member can range from about 3 mm to about 400 mm.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200207425A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention is directed to a closed structural component and process for preparing the same. 1. A closed structural component comprising an elongated base composite comprising:a first longitudinal wall and a second longitudinal wall each having an edge, wherein the first longitudinal wall and the second longitudinal wall are disposed opposite to one another and disposed on a bottom;a plurality of reinforcement ribs connected at each end to each of the first longitudinal wall and the second longitudinal wall and dispersed on the bottom; anda flat top disposed on the edge of each of the first longitudinal wall and the second longitudinal wall, wherein the flat top is integrally olded to the elongated base composite.2. The closed structural component of claim 1 , wherein the elongated base composite further comprises a plurality of longitudinal reinforcement ribs dispersed between two or more reinforcement ribs.3. The closed structural component of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of longitudinal reinforcement ribs is disposed on the bottom.4. The closed structural component of claim 1 , wherein the flat top is integrally molded to the first longitudinal wall or the second longitudinal wall.5. A process for preparing a closed structural component claim 1 , the process comprising:(A) thermoforming at least one thermoplastic composite material to obtain an elongated base composite comprising a first longitudinal wall, a second longitudinal wall and a bottom, wherein the first longitudinal wall and the second longitudinal wall are disposed opposite to one another and disposed on the bottom, and wherein a flat top is disposed on an edge of the first longitudinal wall at an angle theta (θ) which is in a range of from greater or equal to 0 degrees to lower or equal to 90 degrees, wherein the flat top is integrally molded to the elongated base composite;(B) injection molding the elongated base composite obtained in (A) with the at least one thermoplastic composite ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160229464A1

The present invention includes a metal outer panel configuring an outer panel of a vehicle, a metal reinforcing member that is disposed at an end portion of the outer panel and that is joined to the outer panel further toward an inner side of the vehicle than the outer panel, and a resin inner panel that is disposed further toward an inner side of the vehicle than the reinforcing member and that is joined to the reinforcing member, wherein a closed cross-section is formed between the inner panel and the reinforcing member. 1. A vehicle panel structure , comprising:a metal outer panel that configures an outer panel of a vehicle;a metal reinforcing member that is disposed at an end portion of the outer panel and that is joined to the outer panel further toward an inner side of the vehicle than the outer panel; anda resin inner panel that is disposed further toward the inner side of the vehicle than the reinforcing member and that is joined to the reinforcing member so as to form a closed cross-section between the inner panel and the reinforcing member.2. The vehicle panel structure of claim 1 , wherein the inner panel includes a sealing portion that seals between the inner panel and a vehicle main body.3. The vehicle panel structure of claim 1 , wherein:the inner panel is formed with a first attachment hole for assembly to a vehicle main body; andthe reinforcing member is formed with a second attachment hole that is in communication with the first attachment hole in a state in which the reinforcing member is assembled to the vehicle main body.4. The vehicle panel structure of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing member is formed in a ring shape along an outer peripheral end portion of the outer panel.5. A method of manufacturing a vehicle panel structure claim 1 , the method comprising:disposing a reinforcing member along an end portion of a metal outer panel configuring an outer panel of a vehicle and further toward an inner side of the vehicle than the outer panel, and ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle frame structure

Номер: US20210253173A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle frame structure includes a pair of side members located on both right and left sides of a vehicle, each of the pair of side members extending both forward and rearward of a cabin along a respective side of the cabin. As each of the pair of side members extends in a longitudinal direction at a substantially uniform height, a load applied to one end can be transferred toward the other end.

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264187A1

A node is disclosed. The node may have a core. The node may also have a projection extending from the core. Further the node may have a structural member attached to the projection. The node may also have a top cover having a top recess. The top recess may be configured to receive the structural member. Additionally, the node may have a bottom cover having a bottom recess. The bottom recess may be configured to receive the structural member. In addition the node may have a fastener to connect the top cover and the bottom cover. 1. A node , comprising:a core;a projection extending from the core;a structural member configured to be attached to the projection;a top cover including a top recess configured to receive the structural member;a bottom cover including a bottom recess configured to receive the structural member; anda fastener to connect the top cover and the bottom cover.2. The node of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the structural member is a first structural member having a first longitudinal axis claim 1 , the projection is a first projection claim 1 , the top recess is a first top recess claim 1 , the bottom recess is a first bottom recess claim 1 , and the node further includes:a second projection extending from the core; and the top cover has a second top recess configured to receive the second structural member, and', 'the bottom cover has a second bottom recess configured to receive the second structural member., 'a second structural member configured to be attached to the second projection, the second structural member having a second longitudinal axis, wherein'}3. The node of claim 2 , wherein the first longitudinal axis is inclined relative to the second longitudinal axis.4. The node of claim 1 , whereinthe structural member has a node attach portion disposed at a first end of the structural member, andthe projection is configured to slidingly receive the node attach portion of the structural member.5. The node of claim 4 , wherein the core includes a ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264188A1

A coupling assembly includes a panel and a clip. The panel has a panel hole, and the clip is partly inserted through the panel hole. The clip is a one-way clip because, once it is partly inserted through the panel hole, it cannot be decoupled from the panel. In an embodiment, the clip includes a clip base and a plurality of retainers coupled along the clip base. Once the coupling assembly is fully assembled, the retainers extend through the panel hole. Each retainer includes a frame coupled to the clip base and an overhang rotatably coupled to the frame. Each retainer also includes a restrictor coupled to the overhang. The restrictor can rotate relative to the frame between a first restrictor position and a second restrictor position. In the second restrictor position, the restrictor inhibits the clip from decoupling from the panel. 1. A coupling assembly , comprising:a panel having a panel hole; a frame coupled to the clip base, wherein the frame defines a first end portion and a second end portion opposite the first end portion, the first end portion is coupled to the clip base, and the second end portion defines an axis of rotation;', 'an overhang rotatably coupled to the second end portion such that the overhang is rotatable relative to the frame about the axis of rotation;', 'a restrictor coupled to the overhang such that the restrictor is rotatable relative to the frame between a first restrictor position and a second restrictor position, wherein, in the first restrictor position, the restrictor is spaced apart from the frame, and in the second restrictor position, the restrictor is in direct contact with the frame;, 'a clip including a clip base and a plurality of retainers coupled along the clip base, wherein the plurality of retainers extend through the panel hole, and each retainer includeswherein the restrictor is movable from the first restrictor position to the second restrictor position when a withdrawal force is applied to the clip; andwherein, in the ...

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle Panel Connecting Structures Including Anti-Rotation Members

Номер: US20210316795A1

An exterior accessory panel that connects to a vehicle includes a vehicle panel connecting structure including a boss structure including a fastener receiving member having a fastener receiving opening extending therethrough that aligns with a fastener receiving opening of an exterior body panel of the vehicle and an anti-rotation flange that extends outward from the fastener receiving member toward the exterior body panel adjacent to a stop member of the exterior body vehicle panel that inhibits rotation of the anti-rotation flange and boss structure during a torqueing operation on a fastener extending through the fastener receiving openings.

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150273564A1
Автор: Devathi Srinivas S.

Systems and methods for altering the appearance and/or texture of a surface include installing a vest relative to the surface such that an exterior side of the vest, spaced from the surface, defines a fluid-tight space between the surface and the exterior side of the vest. Visual media can be provided into and from the fluid-tight space using one or more ports, the exterior side being at least partially transparent or translucent such that the visible media within the fluid-tight space are visible through the exterior side of the vest, thereby allowing the repeatable alteration of the appearance of the surface. 1. A system for altering the appearance of a surface , the system comprising:a vest comprising an edge secured to the surface and an exterior side spaced from the surface to define a fluid-tight space between the exterior side of the vest and the surface, wherein the exterior side is at least partially transparent, at least partially translucent, or combinations thereof for enabling visualization of visible media in the fluid-tight space through the exterior side; andat least one port communicating between the fluid-tight space and a region exterior to the fluid-tight space for receiving visible media into the fluid-tight space, removing visible media from the fluid-tight space, or combinations thereof.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vest further comprises an interior side adjacent to the surface and spaced from the exterior side claim 1 , and wherein the fluid-tight space is defined between the exterior side and the interior side.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a sealant between the interior side of the vest and the surface for preventing passage of materials between the interior side of the vest and the surface.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a visible medium within the fluid-tight space claim 1 , where in the visible medium comprises a fluid adapted to remain flowable at temperatures ranging from negative 37 degrees ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Structurally reinforced hollow element and a vehicle body comprising said structurally reinforced hollow element

Номер: US20190263454A1
Автор: Jens Linsel

A structurally reinforced hollow element includes a wall which surrounds a cavity at least in part. The wall extends three-dimensionally in such a manner that it comprises (a) a first wall portion with an opening and a second wall portion which is situated diametrically opposite said first wall portion and is spaced apart from said first wall portion, and (b) a bolt. The bolt includes at its first axial bolt end a bolt head that protrudes in the radial direction beyond a head-side bolt extent. The bolt also includes a second axial bolt end, which is remote from the first axial bolt end, is fastened on the second wall portion in a manner that is resistant to axial displacement. An overall clearance remains between an outside surface of the first wall portion and a radial surface of the bolt head which faces the outside surface.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170282865A1
Автор: Roy Nicolas

A vehicle has a frame, at least one seat, an engine, a plurality of ground engaging members, a windshield, and a wiper assembly connected to the upper portion of the windshield. The wiper assembly has a wiper motor, a reservoir, a wiper arm pivotally connected to the upper portion of the windshield, a wiper blade connected to the wiper arm, and a sprayer connected to the wiper arm and fluidly connected to the reservoir. The wiper motor selectively pivots the wiper arm and the wiper blade between a stowed position and a pivoted position. The wiper blade has a first side and a second side. The first side is above the second side in the stowed position. The sprayer is configured for spraying a fluid only on the surface of the windshield away from the first side of the wiper blade. A method for wiping a windshield is also disclosed. 1. A vehicle comprising:a frame;at least one seat connected to the frame;an engine connected to the frame;a plurality of ground engaging members operatively connected to the frame, at least one ground engaging member of the plurality of ground engaging members being operatively connected to the engine;a windshield connected to the frame, the windshield having an upper portion; and a wiper motor connected to the upper portion of the windshield;', 'a reservoir connected to the frame;', 'a wiper arm pivotally connected to the upper portion of the windshield, the wiper arm being operatively connected to the wiper motor, the wiper motor selectively pivoting the wiper arm between a stowed position and a pivoted position;', 'a wiper blade connected to the wiper arm, the wiper blade being in contact with a surface of the windshield, the wiper blade being pivotable with the wiper arm between the stowed position and the pivoted position, the wiper blade having a first side and a second side, the first side being above the second side in the stowed position, the first side being below the second side in the pivoted position; and', 'a sprayer connected ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200290528A1

A sound insulating member includes a mass section and spring sections. The mass section is disposed so as to have a gap with respect to an outer panel which divides an internal space of a vehicle body and outside thereof, and includes at least a part which has a planar shaped form. The plurality of spring sections are disposed on the mass section at a side of the mass section facing an outer panel. Each of the spring sections has a hollow film member having airtightness and flexibility, and a gas sealed inside the film member. The film member has a first stepped section and a second stepped section that are formed in a stepped shape in an arrangement direction of the outer panel and the mass section.

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305471A1

A node is disclosed. The node may have a core. The node may also have a projection extending from the core. Further the node may have a structural member attached to the projection. The node may also have a top cover having a top recess. The top recess may be configured to receive the structural member. Additionally, the node may have a bottom cover having a bottom recess. The bottom recess may be configured to receive the structural member. In addition the node may have a fastener to connect the top cover and the bottom cover. 1. A node , comprising:a core;a projection extending from the core;a structural member configured to be attached to the projection;a top cover including a top recess configured to receive the structural member;a bottom cover including a bottom recess configured to receive the structural member;a fastener to connect the top cover and the bottom cover; a top cover plate having a top cover edge; and', 'a side section attached to the top cover plate at the top cover edge;, 'wherein the top cover includes a recess portion including the top recess extending from a recess leading edge to a recess trailing edge; and', 'a transition portion extending from the recess portion to the top cover edge;, 'wherein the side section includeswherein the transition portion includes a transition edge disposed adjacent the top cover edge and the transition edge is welded to the top cover edge; and a second side section having a second recess portion extending from a second recess leading edge to a second recess trailing edge; and', 'a web section having a web leading edge, a web trailing edge, and a web outer edge, wherein the web leading edge is attached to the first recess trailing edge, and the web trailing edge is attached to the second recess leading edge., 'wherein the side section is a first side section, the recess leading edge is a first recess leading edge, the recess trailing edge is a first recess trailing edge, and the top cover plate further includes2 ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160318220A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for the production of a vehicle body element is disclosed, wherein the vehicle body element is provided as a component composite comprised of at least one carrier profile part having a hollow structure, and a lightweight material, for example plastic. A liquid starting component of the lightweight construction material is introduced into the hollow structure of the carrier profile part and is then cured to forms the component composite. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for the production of a vehicle body element , comprising:introducing into a hollow structure of at least one carrier profile part a lightweight material made from structural plastic foam having a liquid starting component which undergoes a foaming process under pressure and heat to produce a composite component; andintegrating lightweight filler pellets or lightweight pellets in the structural plastic foam.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the liquid starting component is directly injected into the hollow structure of the carrier profile part and foamed.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the structural plastic foam is a 2-component structural foam.19. The method of claim 16 , wherein the lightweight filler pellets are a material selected from the group consisting of cellular composite material claim 16 , expanded glass pellets claim 16 , hollow glass spheres claim 16 , mineral foam pellets claim 16 , and metal foam pellets claim 16 , said lightweight filler pellets having a density which is smaller than a density of the structural plastic foam.20. The method of claim 16 , wherein the foaming process is executed at a process temperature which is lower than a melting temperature of the lightweight filler pellets.21. The method of claim 17 , wherein the lightweight filler pellets are introduced claim 17 , prior to injection of the liquid starting component of the structural plastic foam claim 17 , as loose bulk material into the hollow structure of the carrier profile part.22. The method of ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Locking Retainer System For Automotive Assembly

Номер: US20170334373A1

A locking retainer system configured to secure an automotive component within a motor vehicle includes a panel defining a T-shaped aperture and a retainer. The T-shaped aperture has a vertical aperture portion and a longitudinal aperture portion. The vertical aperture portion is defined by a first planar portion of the panel and the longitudinal aperture portion is defined by a second planar portion of the panel. The first planar portion is laterally offset from the second planar portion. The retainer has a vertical retainer portion and a longitudinal retainer portion and is attached to the automotive component by an elongated strut intermediate the vertical retainer portion and the automotive component. The panel is configured to receive the retainer within the aperture, thereby securing the automotive component to the panel and limiting motion of the automotive component relative to the panel along vertical, longitudinal, and lateral axes. 1. A locking retainer system , comprising:a panel defining a T-shaped aperture having a vertical aperture portion and a longitudinal aperture portion, wherein the vertical aperture portion is defined by a first planar portion of the panel and the longitudinal aperture portion is defined by a second planar portion of the panel, and wherein the first planar portion is laterally offset from the second planar portion; anda retainer having a vertical retainer portion and a longitudinal retainer portion and attached to an automotive component by an elongated strut intermediate the vertical retainer portion and the automotive component, wherein the retainer defines a longitudinal ridge protruding from the longitudinal retainer portion, wherein the panel is configured to receive the retainer within the aperture, wherein the longitudinal ridge engages an edge of the longitudinal aperture portion when the retainer is received within the aperture, thereby securing the automotive component to the panel and limiting motion of the automotive ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200338624A1

The invention relates to a method, use or a profile for manufacturing metallic flat materials to a cost-effective load-bearing structure of a passenger car and the usage of it. As the main forming manufacturing method the bend forming according to DIN EN ISO 8580 is used. 1. Method for manufacturing a load-bearing structure of a passenger carcharacterized in that the bend forming according to DIN EN ISO 8586 is usedas the main forming procedure for the structure (≥50%) manufactured out of metallic flat materials whereby load-bearing structure is defined as a land-based automotive vehicle or attached or pulled structure of it and whereby bend forming is carried out as a multi-edged forming process for most of the metallic flat materials (≥50%).2. Method for manufacturing a load-bearing structure of a passenger car according to the claim 1 , characterized in that the load-bearing structure that is used is metallic flat material and have a thickness ≤6.0 mm claim 1 , more preferably ≤3.0 mm.3. Method for manufacturing a load-bearing structure of a passenger car according to claim 1 , characterized in that the as-delivered condition of the used metallic flat material before a necessary preparatory cutting step and the following bend forming step is a coil claim 1 , a strip claim 1 , a plate claim 1 , a sheet claim 1 , a blank claim 1 , a contoured or shaped sheet claim 1 , or a panel.4. Method for manufacturing a load-bearing structure of a passenger car according to claim 1 , characterized in that the load-bearing structure is used with a blank metallic surface without an additional painting or cathodic dip coating.5. Method for manufacturing a load-bearing structure of a passenger car according to claim 1 , characterized in that the metallic flat material is preferably a stainless steel claim 1 , more preferably a cold-hardened stainless steel.6. Method for manufacturing a load-bearing structure of a passenger car according to claim 1 , characterized in that the ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200353994A1

A device for reinforcing, sealing, or damping a structural element in a motor vehicle including a support which has multiple cells, wherein each cell surrounds a cavity. Each cavity is at least partially delimited by walls in each direction, wherein each cell has an extension in length, height, and width between 5 mm and 100 mm. An outer surface of the support can be connected to the structural element by an adhesive. 1. A device for reinforcing , sealing or damping a structural element in a motor vehicle , comprising:a support with multiple cells, wherein the cells each surround a cavity, wherein each cavity is at least partially delimited by walls in each direction, and wherein each cell has an extension in length, height, and width between 5 mm and 100 mm,wherein an outer surface of the support can be connected to the structural element by an adhesive.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the support has at least four cells.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the walls of the cells close at least 70% of the outer surface of the support.4. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cells are arranged in only one layer.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an arrangement and form of the cells are adapted to a proposed load case for the device.6. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cells have different dimensions and/or wherein the cells are irregular in form.7. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the walls of the cells is adapted to a proposed load case for the device.8. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the walls of the cells is uneven.9. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cells have openings.10. The device as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the openings are round claim 9 , oval claim 9 , rectangular claim 9 , square or irregular in form.11. The device as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the cells have at least one opening on at least two walls.12. The device as claimed in ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации

Insulation element

Номер: US20170369004A1
Автор: Nicolas BRICHET

An insulation element for insulating a structural element in a vehicle includes a support element having a first surface and a second surface and an expandable material, which is arranged at least on partial areas of the first surface of the support element. The support element has at least one penetration and the expandable material projects through the penetration and forms a protrusion on one side of the second surface of the support element. The protrusion is dimensioned and the expandable material designed in such a way that the protrusion has a larger cross section after expansion than a cross section of the penetration.

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200361544A1

A reinforcing element for reinforcing structural elements including at least one channel on an outer side. The outer side forms a shoulder next to the channel. Furthermore, the reinforcing element is provided for forming an open system in terms of an adhesion of the reinforcing element in the structural element, wherein, in a use state of the reinforcing element in the structural element, a space is formed between the shoulder of the reinforcing element and the structural element, which is open relative to an adjacent cavity of the structural element. 1. A reinforcing element for reinforcing structural elements , the reinforcing element having at least one channel on an outside , the outside of the reinforcing element forming , alongside the channel , a shoulder , whereinthe reinforcing element is intended for forming an open system in respect of adhesive bonding of the reinforcing element in the structural element, wherein, in a state of use of the reinforcing element in the structural element, a space is formed between the shoulder of the reinforcing element and the structural element, said space being open in relation to a bordering cavity of the structural element.2. The reinforcing element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a channel width is between 5 and 300 mm and/orwherein a channel depth is between 0.5 and 10 mm and/orwherein a channel length is between 50 and 500 mm.3. The reinforcing element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a cross section of the channel has a V-shaped or a U-shaped or an angular or a semicircular form.4. The reinforcing element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the channel runs transversely to a longitudinal axis of the reinforcing element.5. The reinforcing element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the channel goes completely around the reinforcing element and so is self-contained.6. The reinforcing element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the channel has branches and/orwherein the channel has a main channel and side channels connected thereto. ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190375419A1

The invention is a modular vehicle that is intended for a variety of operations including both military and civilian operations. The vehicle addresses the issue of performing special purpose tasks that the vehicle is asked to do. Such tasks can be accomplished by configuring the vehicle as an ambulance, as a fire-fighting vehicle, as a communications van, as a command and control vehicle, etc. Thus, the vehicle is readily adapted using standardized and customized modules that are readily attached to a standardized platform that includes an appropriate interconnection means. 1. A modular vehicle , comprising: one or more removably adjustable module frames for housing module devices, each removably adjustable module frame configured with one or more mounting brackets, wherein each mounting bracket is configured with a second plurality of fixation sites arranged with said predetermined regular intervals along each mounting bracket;', 'a plurality of releasable connecting mechanisms, wherein each releasable connecting mechanism is configured to be connectable to one of the first plurality of fixation sites and one of the second plurality of fixation sites simultaneously;', 'a control system configured with one or more established operating relations for operating the modular vehicle, wherein the control system comprises a processor, embodying instructions, which when executed by the processor, recognizes one or more module devices upon coupling of the one or more removably adjustable module frames to the vehicle frame via one or more of the plurality of releasable connecting mechanisms., 'a vehicle frame configured with a first plurality of fixation sites arranged at predetermined regular intervals along said frame;'}2. The modular vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising:a pre-wired, wiring trough, coupled to the vehicle frame, that extends from a front portion of the vehicle frame to a back portion of the vehicle frame.3. The modular vehicle of claim 1 , further ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190375464A1
Автор: Favaretto Fabrizio

Sports car comprising a cockpit equipped with a windscreen that delimits the cockpit, the windscreen being supported by a peripheral frame made of high-resistance material comprising an upper crossbeam at the top, a lower crossbeam at the bottom and a pair of side uprights connecting said upper and lower crossbeams, the windscreen comprising a front central upright arranged between said front side uprights to connect said upper and lower crossbeams. 1. A sports car comprising a cockpit provided with a windscreen (WS) that delimits the cockpit (AB) , the windscreen being supported by a peripheral frame of high-resistance material comprising an upper crossbeam (TVS) at the top , a lower crossbeam (TV) at the bottom and a pair of front side uprights (ML) connecting said upper and lower crossbeams , the windscreen comprising a front central upright (MC) arranged between said pair of front side uprights to connect said upper and lower crossbeams.2. The car according to claim 1 , further comprising a conditioning system comprising a conditioning device (CD) for treating environmental air claim 1 , a first inner channel (Cout) for delivering conditioned air generated by said conditioning device to a vehicle cockpit (AB) claim 1 , the car comprising a roof (R) wherein said first inner channel (Cout) is at least partially integrated and wherein said front central upright (MC) and said first inner channel define a single component for reinforcing said cockpit.3. The car according to claim 2 , wherein said first inner channel is arranged longitudinally and preferably centrally with respect to a longitudinal development of the car.4. The car according to claim 2 , further comprising a conditioning system comprising a conditioning device (CD) for treating environmental air claim 2 , an outer channel (Cin) for conveying environmental air into said conditioning device (CD) and wherein said outer channel (Cin) is at least partially integrated in said roof (R) claim 2 , forming with ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Pillar Reinforcement

Номер: US20190382056A1
Автор: Shantz Jeffrey T.

A structural reinforcement comprising a rigid polymeric structure having a longitudinal axis and including a lower portion and an upper portion each of the lower and upper portions including a top surface and bottom surface, an expandable adhesive material located onto a portion of each of the top and bottom surface of each of the upper and lower portions, wherein the rigid polymeric stricture includes a plurality of ribs and the top edge of one or more of the ribs is co-planar with the expandable adhesive material prior to activation of the expandable adhesive material. 111-. (canceled)12. A structural reinforcement comprising:i) a rigid polymeric structure having a longitudinal axis and including a lower portion and an upper portion each of the lower and upper portions including a top surface and bottom surface;ii) an expandable adhesive material located onto a portion of each of the top and bottom surface of each of the upper and lower portions;iii) a central portion including at least three ribs that are substantially parallel with one another and substantially equidistant from one another, wherein the at least three ribs are arranged substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis;wherein the at least three ribs include a top edge that is substantially co-planar with the expandable adhesive material prior to activation of the expandable adhesive material.13. The structural reinforcement of claim 12 , including one or more weld tabs located in the upper portion.14. The structural reinforcement of claim 13 , wherein the weld tabs are overmolded by the rigid polymeric material.15. (canceled)16. The structural reinforcement of claim 12 , wherein the lower portion includes at least one undulating surface that receives a layer of expandable adhesive.17. The structural reinforcement of claim 12 , wherein the upper portion has a longitudinal axis that is substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the structural reinforcement.18. The structural ...

14-09-2006 дата публикации

Tubes with integrated flange, in particular of flexibly rolled material, for chassis and body structural parts

Номер: DE102005011764A1

Flanschrohr 11 aus Blech mit geschlossenem Querschnitt, das zumindest einen einstückig aus Blech des Rohrkörpers 12 gebildeten, in Längsrichtung verlaufenden Flansch 13 aufweist. Flanged tube 11 made of sheet metal with a closed cross-section, which has at least one integrally formed from sheet metal of the tubular body 12, extending in the longitudinal direction flange 13.

21-06-2019 дата публикации

Damping and stiffening assembly for body panel, vehicle body component and vehicle door

Номер: RU2692174C2

FIELD: machine building.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to the field of transport machine building. Damping and stiffening assembly for vehicle body comprises damping straps attached to body panel and stiffening plate. Stiffening plate has a first edge, a middle portion and a second edge. First edge overlaps and is attached to the first damping pad. Middle part is attached to body panel. Second edge overlaps and is fixed to the second damping plate. Component of vehicle body with damping and stiffening assembly for vehicle body comprises vehicle body panel having inner surface, damping straps and stiffening panel. Damping straps have outer and inner surfaces. Outer surface is secured to inner surface of vehicle body panel. Vehicle door with damping and stiffening assembly for vehicle body comprises aluminum door panel, damping straps and stiffening plate.EFFECT: reduced vibration and noise of vehicle body.20 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 692 174 C2 (51) МПК B62D 25/00 (2006.01) B62D 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 25/00 (2019.02); B62D 29/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2015125288, 25.06.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) 21.06.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 3256669 A, 21.06.1966. US 26.06.2014 US 14/316,064 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.01.2017 Бюл. № 1 3868796 A, 04.03.1975. RU 2515676 C2, 20.05.2014. RU 7391 U1, 16.08.1998. (45) Опубликовано: 21.06.2019 Бюл. № 18 2 6 9 2 1 7 4 R U (54) ДЕМПФИРУЮЩИЙ И ПРИДАЮЩИЙ ЖЕСТКОСТЬ УЗЕЛ ДЛЯ ПАНЕЛИ КУЗОВА, КОМПОНЕНТ КУЗОВА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА И ДВЕРЬ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного средства, имеющую внутреннюю транспортного машиностроения. Демпфирующий поверхность, демпфирующие накладки и и придающий жесткость узел для ...

28-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN110753655B


10-01-2017 дата публикации

Демпфирующий и придающий жесткость узел для панели кузова, компонент кузова транспортного средства и дверь транспортного средства

Номер: RU2015125288A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2015 125 288 A (51) МПК B62D 31/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015125288, 25.06.2015 (71) Заявитель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 26.06.2014 US 14/316,064 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 5 1 2 5 2 8 8 R U A (57) Формула изобретения 1. Демпфирующий и придающий жесткость узел для панели кузова, содержащий: первую демпфирующую накладку, прикрепленную к панели кузова; вторую демпфирующую накладку, прикрепленную к панели кузова; и придающую жесткость пластину, имеющую первый край, среднюю часть и второй край, при этом первый край крепится к и перекрывает первую демпфирующую накладку, средняя часть крепится к панели кузова, а второй край крепится к и перекрывает вторую демпфирующую накладку. 2. Демпфирующий и придающий жесткость узел по п. 1, в котором первая поверхность крепления первой демпфирующей накладки крепится к внутренней поверхности панели кузова, и первая поверхность крепления второй демпфирующей накладки крепится к внутренней поверхности панели кузова. 3. Демпфирующий и придающий жесткость узел по п. 2, в котором первый край придающей жесткость пластины прикреплен к внутренней поверхности первой демпфирующей накладки, средняя часть придающей жесткость пластины прикреплена к внутренней поверхности панели кузова, а второй край придающей жесткость пластины прикреплен к внутренней поверхности второй демпфирующей накладки. 4. Демпфирующий и придающий жесткость узел по п. 1, в котором первая демпфирующая накладка и вторая демпфирующая накладка являются по существу прямоугольными по форме. 5. Демпфирующий и придающий жесткость узел по п. 1, в котором придающая жесткость пластина является по существу прямоугольным по форме. 6. Демпфирующий и придающий жесткость узел по п. 5, в котором первый край и ...

23-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN112537375A
Принадлежит: Anhui Hualing Automobile Co Ltd


25-07-2019 дата публикации

Конструкция стойки транспортного средства и конструкция бокового участка транспортного средства

Номер: RU2695710C1

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Конструкция стойки транспортного средства содержит множество рамных конструкционных участков стойки, прозрачный элемент и соединительный элемент. Рамные конструкционные участки стойки находятся на стороне кромки верхней половины дверного проема. Рамные конструкционные участки стойки расположены параллельно с интервалом. Рамные конструкционные участки стойки выполнены как отдельные элементы, сформированы с полой столбчатой формой и имеют верхний и нижний крайние участки, прикрепленные к рамному элементу бокового участка транспортного средства. Прозрачный элемент образует перемычку между рамными конструкционными участками стойки. Соединительный элемент соединяет рамные конструкционные участки стойки, которые находятся рядом друг с другом. Конструкция бокового участка транспортного средства содержит упомянутую стойку транспортного средства, переднюю боковую дверь, элемент усиления линии остекления. Достигается увеличение жесткости стойки транспортного средства. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 695 710 C1 (51) МПК B62D 25/00 (2006.01) B60Q 1/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 25/00 (2019.05); B60Q 1/08 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018146936, 27.12.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 25.07.2019 16.01.2018 JP 2018-005153 (45) Опубликовано: 25.07.2019 Бюл. № 21 2 6 9 5 7 1 0 R U (54) КОНСТРУКЦИЯ СТОЙКИ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА И КОНСТРУКЦИЯ БОКОВОГО УЧАСТКА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к области крайние участки, прикрепленные к рамному транспортного машиностроения. Конструкция элементу бокового участка транспортного стойки транспортного средства содержит средства. Прозрачный элемент образует множество рамных конструкционных участков перемычку между рамными конструкционными стойки, прозрачный элемент и соединительный ...

03-05-1996 дата публикации

A vehicle closure

Номер: KR960005855B1

내용 없음. No content.

20-05-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle body, in particular land vehicle body

Номер: RU2515676C2
Принадлежит: Консепт Инн Срл

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: set of inventions relates to automotive industry. A vehicle body contains a metal support structure including rods interlinked to form a three-dimensional rigid frame. Additionally the vehicle body contains inflatable elements filled with air or other gas and mounted on the support structure. The inflatable elements form panels between the rods of the support structure. The inflatable elements are formed by a pair of walls made of composite plastic and welded together along their perimeter to form an air-tight body. The body is inflated by injection into it of the set amount of air or other gas. The vehicle contains the said body. EFFECT: decreased weight of the vehicle body. 10 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B62D 23/00 (13) 2 515 676 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011137441/11, 11.02.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.02.2010 (72) Автор(ы): ДИ КАМИЛЛО Дарио (IT) (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОНСЕПТ ИНН СРЛ (IT) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.03.2013 Бюл. № 8 R U 11.02.2009 IT TO2009A000093 (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2014 Бюл. № 14 10356460 A1, 21.07.2005. RU 79494 U1, 10.01.2009. RU 69807 U1, 10.01.2008 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 12.09.2011 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 1 5 6 7 6 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2001000119 A1, 05.04.2001. DE 2 5 1 5 6 7 6 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2010/092547 (19.08.2010) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) КУЗОВ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА, В ЧАСТНОСТИ, КУЗОВ СУХОПУТНОГО ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к области стержнями опорной конструкции. Надувные транспортного машиностроения. Кузов элементы образованы парой стенок, транспортного средства содержит ...

15-12-1998 дата публикации

Fixing clip of head linning

Номер: KR0131636Y1
Автор: 최낙성
Принадлежит: 전성원, 현대자동차주식회사

본 고안은 자동차의 헤드라이닝 후방 고정클립에 관한 것으로서, 자동차의 주행중 발생되는 진동 또는 충격에 의하여 헤드라이닝이 루프패널고정부재에서 유동되지 않도록 함과 동시에 헤드라이닝이 이탈되는 것을 방지토록 한 것이다. The present invention relates to a rear fixing clip of a headlining of a vehicle, and prevents the headlining from falling off while at the same time preventing the headlining from flowing from the roof panel fixing member due to vibration or shock generated during driving of the vehicle. 본 고안은 헤드라이닝고정부재(1)의 기판(2)에 삽입부(3)가 형성되게 지지판(4)을 형성하여 기판(2)과 지지판(4)의 연결부에 지지공(5)을 뚫음과 동시에 기판(2)의 지지공(5)반대편에 유동방지돌기(6)를 형성하고, 루프패널고정부재(7)의 고정판(8)의 일측에 고정편(9)(9')을 수직으로 형성함과 동시에 고정판(8)의 중앙부에 이탈방지돌기(10)와 선단부에 유동방지홈(11)을 형성하여, 헤드라이닝고정부재(11)에 루프패널고정부재(7)를 결합하여서 된 것이다. The present invention forms the support plate 4 so that the insertion part 3 is formed in the substrate 2 of the headlining fixing member 1, so that the support hole 5 is drilled at the connection portion between the substrate 2 and the support plate 4. At the same time, a flow preventing protrusion 6 is formed on the opposite side of the support hole 5 of the substrate 2, and the fixing piece 9, 9 'is perpendicular to one side of the fixing plate 8 of the roof panel fixing member 7. At the same time, the separation preventing projection 10 at the center of the fixing plate 8 and the flow preventing groove 11 at the distal end are formed, thereby coupling the roof panel fixing member 7 to the headlining fixing member 11. will be.

28-10-2009 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to cavity filling

Номер: GB0916205D0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Zephyros Inc

28-12-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle pillar structure and vehicle side portion structure

Номер: KR102195739B1
Принадлежит: 도요타 지도샤(주)

차량용 필러 구조는, 차량 측부에 있어서 기둥 형상의 필러(30)의 일부로서 도어 개구부(40)의 상반부측의 가장자리측에 배치되며, 간격을 두고 병렬적으로 마련되며, 상하 단부가 상기 차량 측부의 골격 부재(24,30)에 고정된 복수의 필러 골격 구성부(50,60)와, 투명한 재료로 형성되며, 서로 이웃하는 상기 필러 골격 구성부(50,60)끼리의 사이에 걸쳐 놓은 투명 부재(70,72)와, 상기 필러 골격 구성부(50,60)를 구성하는 부재, 상기 골격 부재(24,30) 및 상기 투명 부재(70,72)와는 별체로서, 서로 이웃하는 상기 필러 골격 구성부(50,60)끼리를 연결하는 연결 부재(80,82)를 가진다. The vehicle pillar structure is disposed on the edge side of the upper half side of the door opening 40 as a part of the pillar-shaped pillar 30 on the vehicle side, and is provided in parallel at intervals, and the upper and lower ends are A plurality of pillar skeleton components 50 and 60 fixed to the skeleton members 24 and 30, and a transparent member formed of a transparent material and interposed between the pillar skeleton components 50 and 60 adjacent to each other (70, 72), the member constituting the pillar skeleton configuration portion (50,60), the skeleton member (24,30) and the transparent member (70,72) as a separate body, the pillar skeleton configuration adjacent to each other It has a connecting member (80, 82) connecting the parts (50, 60) to each other.

04-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN107010116A
Автор: 胡红舟, 钟志华
Принадлежит: Hunan University


24-07-2017 дата публикации

Modules with structures that guide assembly for dashboard

Номер: KR101760081B1
Автор: 김태환
Принадлежит: 덕양산업 주식회사

An assembly derivative module for a dashboard is disclosed. The assembled derivative module for a dashboard according to the present invention has a shape of a long plate formed along the longitudinal direction of the dashboard and coupled to the lower surface of the dashboard, a through hole is formed at the center, A joining frame in which fusion ribs are formed; And at least two assembled integrally formed with one side of the coupling frame adjacent to the vehicle body frame to induce matching of the assembly positions between the dashboard and the vehicle body frame so as to be engaged with the guide pins of the vehicle body frame . According to the present invention, a module in which a plurality of assembled derivatives and a plate-shaped coupling frame are integrally formed is fusion-bonded at a predetermined position on the dashboard surface, thereby quickly matching the joining position between the vehicle body frame and the dashboard It is possible to shorten the assembling time for mounting the assembled derivative on the dash board and to provide the assembled derivative module for the dash board capable of reducing the connection failure between the body frame and the dash board. As a result, automobile production efficiency can be improved and production cost can be reduced.

03-05-1991 дата публикации

The structure for protecting automobile-vibration

Номер: KR910002696B1

내용 없음. No content.

15-10-1998 дата публикации

A connecting structure of a seat

Номер: KR0155125B1
Автор: 임이제
Принадлежит: 김태구, 대우자동자주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 시트의 결합구조(10)에 관한 것으로, 차체의 하부에 부착되어 내측에 구비한 너트를 통해 볼트를 체결시키므로써 차량용 시트를 결합시키도록 한 차량용 시트의 결합구조에 있어서, 차체의 저부에는 관통공을 갖는 장방형의 돌출부를 형성하고, 상기한 돌출부의 하부로는 내측에 너트를 구비한 사각통체형상의 보강부재를 부착시킨 구조로 이루어지므로써 단순한 구조에 의해 제작 및 체체와의 결합을 용이하게 할 수 있도록 하는 한편, 차체(30)의 저부에 형성된 돌출부(1)와 보강부재(3)에 의해 차량의 측면강도를 높이게 되므로 차량의 측면으로부터 강한 충격이 발생할 경우에도 차량의 과도하 변형을 방지하여 탑승자를 안전하게 보호할 수 있는 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a coupling structure (10) of a vehicle seat, which is attached to the lower portion of the vehicle body in the coupling structure of the vehicle seat to engage the vehicle seat by fastening a bolt through a nut provided on the inside, The bottom part is formed with a rectangular protrusion having a through hole, and the lower part of the protrusion has a structure in which a rectangular cylinder-shaped reinforcing member having a nut is attached to the lower part thereof. In the meantime, the lateral strength of the vehicle is increased by the protrusion 1 and the reinforcing member 3 formed at the bottom of the vehicle body 30, so that even when a strong shock occurs from the side of the vehicle, It is effective to protect the occupants by preventing deformation.

20-04-1993 дата публикации

Side structure of car

Номер: KR930005853A

차체의 측면부에 슬라이드 도어(13)에 의해 개폐되는 개방부(12)가 형성된 자동차에 있어서 상기한 개방부(12) 전면가장 자리의 이면측에 배치되는 토오크상자(24)에 개량을 가하므로서 그 개방부(12)주변에 있어서의 측면부에 차체의 강도나 강성을 향상시키는 것을 목적으로 하는 것으로서, 토오크상자(24)를 구성하는 상부부재(27)의 상단을 바닥패널(19)의 하면에 접합해서 그 바닥패널(19)와로 폐색단면(A)를 형성함과 동시에 그 토오크상자(24)의 후방의 개방부에 따라 배치된 레일부재(23)의 전면단말을 토오크자상자(24)의 후면부재(26)을 전방으로 넘어서 전면부재(25)에 접합해서 그 레일부재(23)의 하면과 상기한 전면부재(25) 및 후면부재(26)으로 폐색단면(B)을 형성하는 자동차의 측면부 차체 구조이다.

15-03-1989 дата публикации

Method for filling foaming agent in structural member with enclosed section

Номер: JPS6469308A
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

30-04-2009 дата публикации

Expandable material

Номер: SI1644238T1
Принадлежит: Zephyros Inc

09-02-2021 дата публикации

Upper arch structure of vehicle body side portion

Номер: CN109591892B
Автор: 山岸亨
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


24-04-2019 дата публикации

External body assembly of vehicle

Номер: RU2686286C2

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Внешний узел корпуса для транспортного средства содержит боковую стенку, капот и крыло, смежное боковой стенке. Крыло включает в себя корпусную часть, образованную из пластика, уплотнительные части, полку и участки увеличенной толщины. Корпусная часть имеет внешнюю и внутреннюю поверхности. Уплотнительные части выполнены за одно целое с корпусной частью, образованы из резины и являются упругими относительно корпусной части. Уплотнительные части включают в себя основание, выполненное за одно целое с корпусной частью, и выступ, который является более тонким и гибким, чем основание. Участки увеличенной толщины выполнены за одно целое с корпусом в основании уплотнительных частей. Достигается повышение точности уплотнения и сборки крыла с другими компонентами корпуса транспортного средства. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 686 286 C2 (51) МПК B62D 25/00 (2006.01) B62D 65/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 25/00 (2019.02); B62D 65/06 (2019.02) (21) (22) Заявка: 2015135829, 24.08.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.08.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) 24.04.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 74885 U1, 20.07.2008. RU 136000 27.08.2014 US 14/469,844 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 02.03.2017 Бюл. № 7 U1, 27.12.2013. US 20140062136 A1, 06.03.2014. US 20140062131 A1, 06.03.2014. (45) Опубликовано: 24.04.2019 Бюл. № 12 C 2 2 6 8 6 2 8 6 R U (54) ВНЕШНИЙ УЗЕЛ КОРПУСА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области корпусной части. Уплотнительные части транспортного машиностроения. Внешний узел включают в себя основание, выполненное за одно корпуса для транспортного средства содержит целое с корпусной частью, и выступ, который боковую стенку, капот и крыло, смежное боковой является более тонким и гибким, чем ...

21-10-1992 дата публикации

Patent JPH0465736B2

Номер: JPH0465736B2
Принадлежит: Showa Aluminum Corp

01-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: KR200204153Y1
Автор: 김영인
Принадлежит: 정몽규, 현대자동차주식회사

본 고안은 자동차의 발판에 관한 것으로, 자동차에 승하차시 사용되는 발판이 사이드 실에 수납가능 하도륵 하기 위하여 자동차의 사이드 실(100) 상부에 고정설치되면서 벨트(13)를 권취할 수 있도록 작동스위치(30)에 의하여 정역회전되는 구동모터(11)와 기어 결합되며 양단에 상기 벨트(13)가 결합되어 있는 권취축(12)으로 구성된 구동부(10)와, 상기 벨트(13)의 단부에 고정되면서 사이드 실(100)의 하부에 회동 가능하게 힌지 결합됨과 더불어 상기 사이드 실(100)에 수납되는 발판(20)으로 구성된 것으로서 상술한 바와같이 발판이 사이드 실에 수납 가능하게 구성되어 있으므로 외부의 돌출물과의 충돌로 인한 파손이 방지됨과 더불어 자동차의 외관이 향상되게 된 것이다. The present invention relates to a footrest of a vehicle, the operation switch to be wound on the belt 13 while being fixed to the upper side of the side seal 100 of the car so that the footrest used in getting on and off the vehicle can be stored in the side seal. The drive unit 10 is geared with the drive motor 11 is rotated forward and backward by the 30 and composed of a winding shaft 12 is coupled to the belt 13 at both ends, and fixed to the end of the belt 13 While the hinge is rotatably coupled to the lower side of the side seal 100 and the footrest 20 accommodated in the side seal 100, as described above, the footrest is configured to be accommodated in the side seal, so that an external protrusion In addition to preventing damage due to collision with the car appearance has been improved.

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Tunnel reinforcement and support structure

Номер: KR101438313B1

본 발명은 자동차의 센터 터널(4)용 터널 보강재에 관한 것이다. 자동차의 센터 터널(4)용 터널 보강재를 최적화하기 위하여, 상기 터널 보강재 (20)는, 섬유강화플라스틱재로 형성되며 횡방향으로 서로 이격된 2개의 종방향 빔(21, 22)을 포함한다. The present invention relates to a tunnel reinforcement for a center tunnel (4) of an automobile. In order to optimize the tunnel reinforcement for the center tunnel 4 of an automobile, the tunnel reinforcement 20 comprises two longitudinal beams 21, 22 formed of fiber-reinforced plastic and spaced apart from one another in the transverse direction.

12-02-2021 дата публикации

Patent RU2019125254A3

Номер: RU2019125254A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 125 254 A (51) МПК B62D 25/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019125254, 08.12.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): ПСА ОТОМОБИЛЬ СА (FR) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ПРО, Фабьен (FR) 12.01.2017 FR 1750272 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 12.08.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 12.02.2021 Бюл. № 5 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/130753 (19.07.2018) A Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Конструкция автотранспортного средства, содержащая: - два лонжерона (13) низа (2) кузова, находящиеся сбоку соответственно с двух сторон транспортного средства; - две боковые стороны (15) кузова, расположенные сбоку соответственно с двух сторон транспортного средства и содержащие, каждая, нижний участок (19), закрепленный на нижнем крае (29) соответствующего лонжерона (13) низа (2) кузова; отличающаяся тем, что по меньшей мере для одной из боковых сторон (15) кузова нижний участок (19) образован вспомогательным продольным профилем (17), закрепленным на смежном (27) участке упомянутой боковой стороны (15) кузова при помощи комбинации клеевого соединения и заклепок. 2. Конструкция по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что вспомогательный продольный профиль (17) содержит наружный продольный край (25), накладываемый на нижний продольный край (33) смежного участка (27), при этом между упомянутым краями (25,33) применяют крепление при помощи комбинации клеевого соединения и заклепок. 3. Конструкция по п. 2, отличающаяся тем, что наложенные друг на друга края (25,33) вспомогательного продольного профиля (17) и смежного участка (27) боковой стороны (15) кузова имеют поперечный профиль, наклоненный относительно горизонтали, чтобы избегать застаивания воды на упомянутых краях (25,33). 4. Конструкция по п. 3, ...

24-07-1997 дата публикации

Combined Structure of Vehicle Seat

Номер: KR970041165A
Автор: 임이제
Принадлежит: 김태구, 대우자동자 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 시트의 결합구조(10)에 관한 것으로, 차체의 하부에 부착되어 내측에 구비한 너트를 통해 볼트를 체결시키므로써 차량용 시트를 결합시키도록 한 차량용 시트의 결합구조에 있어서, 차체의 저부에는 관통공을 갖는 장방형의 돌출부를 형성하고, 상기한 돌출부의 하부로는 내측에 너트를 구비한 사각통체형상의 보강부재를 부착시킨 구조로 이루어지므로써 단순한 구조에 의해 제작 및 체체와의 결합을 용이하게 할 수 있도록 하는 한편, 차체(30)의 저부에 형성된 돌출부(1)와 보강부재(3)에 의해 차량의 측면강도를 높이게 되므로 차량의 측면으로부터 강한 충격이 발생할 경우에도 차량의 과도하 변형을 방지하여 탑승자를 안전하게 보호할 수 있는 효과가 있다.

10-09-2012 дата публикации

Method of making vehicles and vehicle thus made

Номер: RU2460660C2
Принадлежит: Тата Моторс Лимитед

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: inner facing elements and mechanical elements are attached to outer body by means of self-bearing structural element made from composite material equipped with multiple inner elements to allow connection thereto of other inner facing elements, body elements and mechanical elements in whatever sequence of assembly. Then, foam density is selected subject to structural peculiarities or to mechanical-and-vibration peculiarities of mechanical elements jointed thereto, to force said foam into self-bearing element cavity to make it stiff. EFFECT: reduced production costs. 18 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 460 660 (13) C2 (51) МПК B62D 23/00 B62D 65/04 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010108166/11, 07.08.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.08.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТАТА МОТОРС ЛИМИТЕД (IN) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 07.08.2007 IT MI2007A001639 (72) Автор(ы): ГАНДИНИ Марчелло (IT) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.09.2011 Бюл. № 26 2 4 6 0 6 6 0 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2012 Бюл. № 25 2 4 6 0 6 6 0 R U (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 09.03.2010 C 2 C 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ЕР 0142581 A1, 29.05.1985. GB 2311966 А, 15.10.1997. WO 2006134477 A2, 21.12.2006. ЕР 1607313 A2, 21.12.2005. DE 8902503 U1, 03.05.1989. ЕР 0297057 A1, 28.12.1988. RU 2155140 C1, 27.08.2000. RU 2146208 C1, 10.03.2000. (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2008/053173 (07.08.2008) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/024883 (26.02.2009) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА АВТОТРАНСПОРТНЫХ СРЕДСТВ И АВТОТРАНСПОРТНОЕ СРЕДСТВО, ПОЛУЧЕННОЕ ТАКИМ СПОСОБОМ (57) Реферат: Изобретения относятся к способу производства автотранспортных средств и автотранспортному средству, полученному ...

26-08-2022 дата публикации

Structural reinforcement of struts

Номер: CN110418750B
Автор: 杰弗里·T·尚茨
Принадлежит: Zephyros Inc


11-07-2019 дата публикации

Fokin's sliding and sliding framework for an awning of a body and the trailer of the truck

Номер: RU2018100119A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2018 100 119 A (51) МПК B62D 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2018100119, 09.01.2018 (71) Заявитель(и): Фокин Евгений Станиславович (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.01.2018 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 11.07.2019 Бюл. № 20 (72) Автор(ы): Фокин Евгений Станиславович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 109386, Москва, ул. Совхозная, 49, кв. 125, Фокин Е.С. Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 8 1 0 0 1 1 9 R U A (57) Формула изобретения Сдвижной-раздвижной каркас для тента кузова и прицепа грузового автомобиля, содержащий собственно тент, и средства его крепления к кузову или прицепу автомобиля, в виде стальных п-образных опор, отличающийся тем, что сам тент крепится к опорам посредством петель через отверстия в них, а сами дуги установлены на стальных направляющих соответственно правого и левого бортов с выступами крепежных узлов, размещенных под кузовом, вдоль него и заподлицо с ним, сами п-образные дуги связаны между собой стальными поворотными тягами, установленными с возможностью поворота вокруг своих осей на п-образных дугах, при этом поворотные тяги установлены в удлиненных отверстиях дуг на осях, зафиксированных от выпадения шляпками, кроме того, одна часть поворотных тяг установлена снаружи п-образных дуг, а другая - изнутри, а сами направляющие установлены под кузовом и заподлицо с ним и крепятся посредством болтов, через отверстия в дне кузова, кроме того в направляющих имеются продольные полости, при этом п-образные дуги устанавливаются в продольных плоскостях направляющих через шайбы посредством роликов с резиновыми прокладками, закрепленных на болтах фиксаторами, кроме того, каркас имеет привод сдвига-надвига п-образных дуг, при этом, привод состоит из электромотора с понижающим редуктором к которому посредством муфты присоединена резьбовая штанга левого борта, на этой штаге размещена звездочка, связанная посредством цепной передачи со звездочкой, ...

01-08-1998 дата публикации

Sealing device of panel hole

Номер: KR0121634Y1
Автор: 이주하
Принадлежит: 전성원, 현대자동차주식회사

본 고안은 차량의 내부로 케이블이 통과할 수 있게 차체패널에 형성되는 패널홀을 밀폐시키는데 사용하는 셀링(SEALING)장치에 관한 것으로서, 특히 상기 패널에 형성되는 홀에 일측으로 노치부가 형성되고, 중심으로 케이블 삽입공이 형성되며, 타측에는 플라스틱 링이 결합되는 삽입고정부가 걸림홈과 함께 형성되어 구성되는 고정구를 상기 패널에 삽입고정부를 이용하여 결합 설치한 후 이 중심의 삽입공으로 케이블을 통과시켜 케이블이 급격하게 굴곡되더라도 상기 고정부의 노치부에서만 변형이 발생하고, 삽입고정부는 고정상태를 그대로 유지하여 셀링효과를 증대시킬 수 있도록 한 차량의 패널홀 셀링장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a sealing device used to seal a panel hole formed in a vehicle body panel so that a cable can pass through the inside of a vehicle. Particularly, a notch part is formed at one side in a hole formed in the panel, and a center is formed. The cable insertion hole is formed, and the other side is inserted into the fixing ring is formed with the locking groove is inserted into the fixing ring is inserted into the panel by using the fixing fixture in the panel and then through the cable through the insertion hole in the center of the cable Even if the bending is sharp, the deformation occurs only in the notch portion of the fixing portion, and the insertion fixing portion relates to a panel hole selling apparatus for a vehicle to maintain the fixed state to increase the selling effect.
