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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


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10-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2171774C2

Изобретение относится к области объемных приводов. Техническим результатом изобретения является оптимизация конструкции, расширение функциональных возможностей, сохранение работоспособности гидропривода в условиях аварийного обесточивания системы управления. Гидропривод включает управляемый гидрораспределитель и два двухполостных гидродвигателя, один из которых имеет поршневую и штоковую полости. Другой гидродвигатель выполнен в виде гидроцилиндра с двусторонним штоком, имеющим части разных диаметров и образующим в корпусе гидроцилиндра две неравные по объему полости, причем корпус гидроцилиндра имеет шейку со стороны штока большего диаметра, при этом гидродвигатели жестко связаны друг с другом, а также связаны гидравлически посредством соединения поршневой полости одного гидродвигателя с меньшей по объему полостью другого гидродвигателя и штоковой полости одного гидродвигателя с большей по объему полостью другого гидpoдвигателя. 5 с.п.ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2396182C1

Изобретение относится к области судостроения. Азимутальный двигательно-движительный комплекс выполнен выдвижным и оснащен короткозамкнутой асинхронной машиной, способной работать в генераторном и двигательном режимах. При работе в генераторном режиме винт комплекса приводится во вращение набегающим потоком воды. Винт посредством редуктора связан с короткозамкнутой асинхронной машиной. Машину возбуждают при помощи батареи конденсаторов с регулируемой емкостью. Получаемую электрическую энергию преобразуют посредством выпрямителя и инвертора для получения ее характеристик, требуемых в бортовой сети судна. Поворот движительно-рулевого комплекса осуществляют при помощи гидравлического устройства. Достигается выработка электроэнергии, а также улучшение маневренных характеристик судна. 3 ил.

04-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2804744C1

Изобретение относится к возобновляемой энергетики и может быть использовано при создании мобильных ветроэнергетических установок. Парусное судно использует в качестве паруса змейковый аэростат, содержит гидрогенератор, управляющие тросы и лебедку, регулирующую длину управляющих тросов. На палубе парусного судна размещаются мобильные пригрузы переменной плавучести, выполненные с возможностью быстро переводить змейковый аэростат из надводного в подводное положение. Управляющие тросы используются как направляющие, по которым мобильные пригрузы перемещаются с палубы парусного судна на воду, передавая свой вес на змейковый аэростат. Это позволяет быстро перемещать змейковый аэростат из надводного в подводное положение и наоборот. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности быстрого подъема и уборки змейкового аэростата, увеличения рабочей площади змейкового аэростата без увеличения размера палубы, использования змейкового аэростата в подводном положении как плавучего якоря и проверки ...

27-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004135822A

... 1. Система энергоснабжения для автономных электросетей, которая содержит, по крайней мере, один генератор (3) и, по крайней мере, две системы трехфазного тока (1а, 1b), отличающаяся тем, что генератор (3) содержит, по крайней мере, две трехфазные системы обмоток, которые приданы в соответствие системам трехфазного тока (1a, 1b), причем в системах обмоток индуцируются напряжения и системы обмоток генератора (3) расположены пространственно таким образом, что напряжения обеих систем трехфазного тока (1а, 1b) электрически смещены по фазе относительно друг друга. 2. Система энергоснабжения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что электрический сдвиг фаз между системами трехфазного тока (1а, 1b) составляет 30°. 3. Система энергоснабжения по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что системы обмоток генератора (3) размещены в пазах генератора (3) таким образом, что устанавливается минимальный ток короткого замыкания. 4. Система энергоснабжения по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что нагрузка (6а, 6b) соединена больше, чем с ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012105812A

... 1. Подводно-парашютный взлетно-посадочный комплекс авианесущего корабля, включающий катапульту и/или авиафинишер, отличающийся тем, что его работа основана на усилии, по крайней мере, одного подводного парашюта, а распределение усилия парашютов по потребителям обеспечивает барабанно-распределительный механизм либо не обеспечивает.2. Комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что барабанно-распределительный механизм содержит коробку передач, мотор-генератор, систему датчиков натяжения троса, силовой и главный валы, на которых установлены барабаны - силовой, по крайней мере, один разгонный, по крайней мере, один тормозной, при этом все барабаны оборудованы электро- и/или гидроуправляемыми ручными и/или автоматическими муфтами сцепления со своим валом.3. Комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что аэрофинишер содержит, по крайней мере, один приемный трос, демпферы, систему шкивов, датчики натяжения троса, механизм эвакуации, свертывания и развертывания парашюта, устройства управления, барабанно-распределительный ...

15-09-1991 дата публикации

Судовая генераторная установка

Номер: SU1676927A1

Изобретение относится к судостроению , в частности к судовым электроэнергетическим установкам с валогенераторами. Цель изобретения - упрощение установки и повышение ее надежности. Установка содержит асинхронный валогенератор 1 с короткозамкнутым ротором, главный двигатель 2, зубчатую передачу 3, включающую дифференциальный механизм 4, входной вал которого через переборную ступень соединен с главным двигателем, выходной вал - с валогенератором, а регулируемый - с первой (регулирующей) машиной 5 постоянного тока, электрически подключенной через переключатель 6 к второй машине 7 постоянного тока, входящей в преобразователь , включающий также синхронную машину 8. Синхронная машина, валогенератор и at-тономные генераторные агрегаты 14, 15 подключены к общим шинам 10 соответственно через выключатели 9, 11, 12 и 13. Обмотка возбуждения машины 5 соединена с выходом первого регулятора 16, вход которого соединен с выходом датчика 17 частоты вращения входного вала дифференциального механизма. Обмотка ...

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Передаточный механизм для судового двигателя

Номер: SU81263A1

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Устройство для управления паровой машиной судна

Номер: SU79695A1
Автор: Бузо С.А.

13-06-1963 дата публикации

Регулятор скорости хода судна

Номер: SU153183A1

15-07-1985 дата публикации

Способ регулирования частоты напряжения валогенераторной установки

Номер: SU1167108A1

СПОСОБ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ЧАСТОТЫ НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ ВАЛОГЕНЕРАТОРНОЙ УСТАНОВКИ, содержащей подключенные к главным двигателям электромагнитные муфты скольжения с фазными якорными обмотками, связанными через тиристорный преобразователь частоты напряжения со звеном постоянного тока с электрической сетью, заключающийся в том, что передают электрическую энергию от электромагнитных муфт скольжения в электрическую сеть, измеряют отклонение частоты напряжения электрической сети от заданного значения и по сигналу рассогласования изменяют ток возбуждения электромагнитных муфт скольжения, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повыщения быстродействия процесса регулирования частоты напряжения валогенераторной установки, разделяют электрическую энергию, передаваемую от электромагнитных муфт скольжения,на два потока: основной, передаваемый в электрическую сеть, и дополнительный, передаваемый в регулируемую нагрузку, например, путем подключения последней через тиристорный регулятор в звено постоянного тока тиристорного ...

15-11-1991 дата публикации

Судовая валогенераторная система

Номер: SU1691223A1

Изобретение относится у судостроению , в частности к судовым валогенератор- ным системам, может быть использовано на объектах наземного и воздушного транспорта , в гидро- и ветроэнергетике. Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции, уменьшение массогабаритных характеристик и расширение функциональных возможностей системы путем обеспечения режима длительной параллельной ее работы с генераторами автономной судовой электростанции . Судовая валогенераторная система содержит биротативный валогене- ратор трехфазного переменного тока, причем от выполнен в виде асинхронной машины с короткозамкнутой обмоткой, расположенной на внутреннем роторе, а источник регулируемого напряжения постоянного тока - в виде электромашинного преобразователя переменно-постоянного тока, содержащего синхронную машину с самовозбуждением и регулятором постоянства напряжения переменного тока. 1 ил. ё ...

29-11-1990 дата публикации

Utilisation of power of sea waves aboard ship - involves set of hinge blades oscillated by action of waves

Номер: DE0003916902A1

The mechanism utilises the power of sea waves which impinge against a ship. A long blade (2) like a rudder is mounted on a vertical shaft so that it can swing in the horizontal plane under the force of the sea waves. The vertical shaft drives a dynamo through a train of gears and a double free-wheel so that the dynamo is always driven in the same direction irrespective of the direction in which the blade (2) is driven by the waves. USE - Utilisation of wave power aboard ship.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Fahrzeug mit Wechselstromabnehmer

Номер: DE112017003038T5
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB, Scania CV AB

Ein elektrisches System 1 für ein Motorfahrzeug und ein Verfahren zum Steuern des elektrischen Systems. Das elektrische System 1 umfasst eine elektrische Maschine 13, eine Batterie 2 zur Stromversorgung der elektrischen Maschine 13, zumindest einen Ladeverbinder 7, der mit einer Wechselstromverbindung zur Verbindung mit einer externen Ladestation 20 versehen ist, und einen ersten Umrichter 4, der konfiguriert ist, um Wechselstrom aus dem zumindest einen Ladeverbinder 7 zu empfangen, um den Wechselstrom in Gleichstrom umzuwandeln, und um den Gleichstrom der Batterie 2 während eines Ladevorgangs zuzuführen. Der zumindest eine Wechselstromabnehmer 5, 6 ist zwischen dem Ladeverbinder 7 und der Wechselstromseite des ersten Umrichters 4 angeordnet, wobei in einem ersten Betriebsmodus das elektrische System Wechselstrom mittels des Ladeverbinders 7 empfängt und Wechselstrom direkt dem zumindest einen Wechselstromabnehmer zuführt. In weiteren Betriebsmodi wird der erste Umrichter verwendet, um ...

18-12-2020 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur induktiven Übertragung elektrischer Energie zu einem Wasserfahrzeug und Ladesystem

Номер: DE202019105128U1
Принадлежит: IPT TECH GMBH, IPT Technology GmbH

Vorrichtung (18) zur induktiven Übertragung elektrischer Energie zwischen einer am Ufer (4) eines Gewässers (1) angeordneten Ladestation (13) und einem gegenüber dem Ufer (4) verfahrbaren Wasserfahrzeug (7; 207), umfassend mindestens eine erste Spule (16) und mindestens eine zum induktiven Übertragen der elektrischen Energie mit der ersten Spule (16) in Wirkverbindung bringbare zweite Spule (17), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass eine der Spulen (16; 17) an einer zum Laden und/oder Löschen von Fracht und/oder Passagieren des Wasserfahrzeugs (7; 207) ausgebildeten Beladeeinheit (12; 212) befestigbar ist.

23-11-2000 дата публикации

Steam powered vehicle such as locomotive with heat recovery, in which exhaust steam heat content is used via heat exchange plant for re-evaporation or evaporation

Номер: DE0019901165A1

The steam powered vehicle or other steam plant has a heat recovery system in which the exhaust steam heat content is used via a heat exchange plant for re-evaporation or evaporation. It can be used for pre-heating the water supplied to form the steam or for the intermediate superheating of steam in a machine connector with two or more steam expansion stages.

05-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060011908D1

05-06-1913 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to Means for Stopping Ships.

Номер: GB0191307089A

... 7089. Behrens, C. March 25. Stopping way by plates at side.-Side plates for stopping the way of a ship are put into operation at the same time as the engines are reversed by actuating them from the reversing - lever. Each door 2 has an extension 4 which limits its movement and its hinge 3 is coupled by rods 5 to a rod 10, Fig. 2. A plate 13 is attached to the rod 10 close to the engine reversing lever 12, Figs. 5 and 6, and carries a sliding pin 14 which is adapted to engage a worm 15 on the propelling-shaft when the rod 18 moves as the reversing-lever is put over. The pin 14 and rod 10 are then moved by the rotating shaft to open the doors until the pin 14 is raised. A cap 16, with conical upper end resting in the lever rod 18, is spring- controlled and operates the pin 14 which is guided vertically by a pin 19 and slot. Pins 22 on the cap 16 rest in one or other of two slots 23, 24 in a fixed rod 25, according to whether the doors 2 are shut or open. In a modification, the doors take ...

29-10-2014 дата публикации

New marine technology

Номер: GB0002513373A

A hybrid vessel propulsion and generation system comprises diesel jet drive outboard and inboard motors 1, with an electrical generator attached to a prop shaft of the motors to generate electricity to recharge batteries 9. On large boats or ships with a gear change the generator is mounted on the back of the gearbox and is attached to the prop shaft, with the generator being driven by rotation of the prop shaft and the drive off the gearbox. The system also incorporates electrically powered water thrusters 5 and mechanical pressurized water turbines 4 used for charging the batteries. The system also incorporates electric motors 3 attached to propellers, powered by the batteries.

11-09-2019 дата публикации

Self-sustainable water temperature regulating floating vehicle

Номер: GB0002571795A

An electrical floating vehicle powered by renewable energy systems that regulates the temperature of the water it floats on, such as local areas of sea, oceans or lakes. The vehicle is powered by wind sails having wind turbines 1; hydro generators/turbines (77, Fig 6 ) and solar panels 34, 35, 37, 40. The wind turbines and hydro turbines have two axis of rotation, one to allow the turbines to track wind and water direction changes, and another to allow the turbines to be retracted. The energy systems power may power the vehicles propulsion units; be stored in energy storage devices e.g. battery; or used to regulate the water temperature via temperature regulating channels within the vehicle. Water enters the channels due to the movement of the vehicle, or via the use of circulation pumps. The water is either cooled or heated via its interaction with said channels, e.g. heat exchange. The vehicle may have water temperature and velocity measuring devices, sonar and means to control the workings ...

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553996T

15-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000334039T

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Natural gas liquefaction vessel

Номер: AU2017207324B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A natural gas liquefaction vessel including an increased deadweight tonnage, as compared to a liquefied natural gas carrier (LNGC) of a comparably-sized ship, is achieved by reducing the LNGC's cargo capacity. This difference creates room on the port and starboard sides of cargo tanks to increase the size of the adjacent wing tanks. The increased size of the wing tanks occupy the space created by the reduced cargo tank size of the vessel and may- support a larger upper trunk deck. The ballast wing tanks and smaller cargo tanks increase the deadweight available. With this approach, the larger upper trunk deck of the vessel is able to support an efficient floating liquefaction plant that improves the LNG value chain because it is capable of producing 2.0 - 3.0 MTPA in the footprint of a standard vessel hull, such as for example a Q-Max hull ...

12-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002355917C

Provided is a compact generator mounting arrangement for vertical engines and outboard marine drives. The generator is mounted via brackets integrally cast with the crankcase of the engine. The brackets can be conveniently reinforced by a hollow ridge which is integrally cast with said crankcase to define an oil gallery therein. Thus, sturdy generator mounting brackets can be formed without increasing the cost and weight.

07-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002778213C

In a hybrid type marine propulsion device including a main engine and a motor, low fuel consumption is realized by a compact configuration and highly efficient drive control. A marine propulsion device includes a clutch 7 provided on an input shaft 6 of a main engine, a horizontal input/output shaft 8 connected to the clutch, a vertical shaft 11 connected to the input/output shaft through an upper bevel gear 9, a horizontal propeller shaft 13 connected to a lower end of the vertical shaft through a lower bevel gear 12, and a propeller 14 at the other end side of the propeller shaft, in which the propeller is revolved around the vertical shaft to set a propulsion direction, wherein a motor generator 20 is mounted on a floor 3, and connected directly to the other end side of the input/output shaft. In a low rotation region, motor propulsion is performed, and in a high rotation region, hybrid propulsion in which the main engine is assisted by the motor is performed.

09-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002763966A1

L'invention se rapporte à un dispositif et un procédé d'alimentation électrique d'un navire à quai. Un tel dispositif d'alimentation comprend un connecteur de bord, une navette (40), des moyens de traction (41) pour la navette, laquelle comprend des moyens de prise avec un connecteur terrestre (30) complémentaire du connecteur de bord, les moyens de traction étant prévus pour tracter navette et connecteur terrestre lorsqu'ils sont en prise, afin que le connecteur terrestre vienne en continuité électrique avec le connecteur de bord. Ce dispositif permet d'alimenter le navire sans faire tourner ses générateurs de bord. Pour les méthaniers notamment, il permet de fournir de l'électricité au réseau en brûlant les vapeurs de gaz. Ce dispositif peut être automatisé, évitant fatigue et risques électriques.

25-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002355917A1

Provided is a compact generator mounting arrangement for vertical engines and outboard marine drives. The generator is mounted via brackets integrally cast with the crankcase of the engine. The brackets can be conveniently reinforced by a hollow ridge which is integrally cast with said crankcase to define an oil gallery therein. Thus, sturdy generator mounting brackets can be formed without increasing the cost and weight.

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002945751A1

A vehicle-based airborne wind turbine system having an aerial wing, a plurality of rotors each having a plurality of rotatable blades positioned on the aerial wing, an electrically conductive tether secured to the aerial wing and secured to a ground station positioned on a vehicle, wherein the aerial wing is adapted to receive electrical power from the vehicle that is delivered to the aerial wing through the electrically conductive tether; wherein the aerial wing is adapted to operate in a flying mode to harness wind energy to provide a first pulling force through the tether to pull the vehicle; and wherein the aerial wing is also adapted to operate in a powered flying mode wherein the rotors may be powered so that the turbine blades serve as thrust- generating propellers to provide a second pulling force through the tether to pull the vehicle.

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002811480C

The invention relates to a ship (1), in particular a cargo ship, having a power supply system (6). The invention relates in particular to a ship having a plurality of diesel electric systems (11) for providing electrical power that are disposed within the ship (1), wherein a plurality of diesel electric systems (11) are each associated with a common opening (9) for removing the diesel electric systems (11). The invention further relates to a power supply system (6) for a ship (1) and to a method for controlling the power supply system of a ship.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002881909A1

A system has been disclosed for controlling and providing power to at least one electric motor in a vessel, such as a motor in a thruster or a winch. The system comprises an electric energy storage, a power controller device connected to the electric energy storage, a least one motor controller device, a first combined power and communication line interconnecting the power controller device and the at least one motor controller device, an electric motor connected to the motor controller device, and at least one operating device connected to the power controller device. The system may further include a second combined power and communication line that interconnects the power controller device and the at least one operating device. Advantageously, the first combined power and communication line operates with a DC voltage level which is at least twice the operational DC voltage level of the second power and communication line.

29-09-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000605249A5

15-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000632051A5

28-04-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000598484A5

28-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000648102A5

14-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000667495A5

31-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000667627A5

28-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000669977A5

31-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000668752A5

10-11-2015 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000102739U

16-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000040186A

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению, в частности, к двигателям внутреннего сгорания, которые используются в морском и речном транспорте. Главный судовой двигатель содержит, по крайней мере, два размещенных по одной оси цилиндра с поршнями и поворотно связанные с коленвалами шатуны. Поршни жестко связаны между собой штоком, на котором поворотно закреплены шатуны.

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000010271 U

Пристрій перемикання швидкостей в коробках передач конусними фрикційними муфтами, в якому для зберігання упору гребного гвинта перша передача вимикається за рахунок обгону конуса зубчастого колеса конуса півмуфти з правою гвинтовою різзю тільки в момент вмикання другої передачі конусною муфтою з лівою гвинтовою різзю.

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000015191U

Пристрій для індикації стану людини та сигналізації про його зміну містить датчик, з’єднаний з процесором, вихід якого з’єднаний з входом радіопередавача, причому пристрій містить з’єднані з тілом людини і виконані у вигляді окремого блока процесор, радіопередавач, кнопку для подавання сигналу тривоги, та як датчик - акселерометр (датчик рухальної активності), при цьому вихід радіопередавача по радіолінії зв’язаний з розміщеним окремо приймачем-передавачем, підключеним до загальновживаної мережі телефонного зв’язку.

04-08-2020 дата публикации

Desulfurization system for ship

Номер: CN0111491858A

06-07-2016 дата публикации

Operation releaser on water

Номер: CN0205366043U

... 本实用新型公开了一种水上作业释放器,包括释放钩、安装支架、承重主体、外壳、驱动电机、电机输出轴和电路控制板,所述电池仓安装在承重主体中心线的外侧,驱动电机通过电机安装环固定在承重主体上,承重主体底部与安装支架上部相连,释放钩固定在安装支架内,电路控制板安装在承重主体上。该装置采用机电一体化设计,采用远程遥控方式通过控制驱动电机的正反转来完成电机输出轴的伸出和缩回,从而完成释放钩的锁闭和释放,保证了设备的正常吊放,减轻了作业人员的工作强度和作业危险性,提高设备对预定目标投放的准确性和缩短试验周期;该装置有效的降低了其他产品存在的操作危险率和失误率,成功避免操作过程中不确定因素带来的困难。 ...

18-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001005477B

... 客轮推进发动机直接连着带有变距螺旋浆的驱动轴;推进发动机用于为最大巡航速度提供推进功率;为提供附加功率以达到峰值速度而配备了电动机/发电机,它与发动机串联,并由船的电气系统供给储备功率;由一些中速或高速四冲程发动机产生电能,它们的标定功率可使船的电气系统的容量大大超过需要量;出于提供了该新型的推进系统,则发动机的功率比在推进发动机用来提高峰值速度时所需功率的系统中的得到更有效的利用。 ...

05-12-1930 дата публикации

Device recuperator of energy

Номер: FR0000694558A

09-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002584372B1

08-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002296295B1

09-10-1959 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001190240A

28-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002366166A

... a. Ce dispositif d'ailerons flotteurs déjaugeurs à roues libres, entraînées au contact de l'eau, rencontre un minimum d'inertie, allège le bateau et augmente sa vitesse. b. Il comprend deux ailerons rotoriques babord tribord en matériau plastique dur et ultra léger par barre d'accouplement. c. L'invention permet de remplacer tous les ailerons flotteurs statiques de déjaugeage équipant les voiliers multicoques, d'armer ceux en construction; assure l'entraînement à bord d'une génératrice à l'exclusion de groupe électrogène lourd et encombrant.

09-11-1954 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the propellant devices for boats, in particular pourchalutiers out of wooden

Номер: FR0000060519E

09-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002584372A1

13-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002606362A


09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101704913B1

The present invention relates to a ship comprising: a raw material supply unit supplying raw materials; a raw water supply unit supplying raw water; a fuel cell system generating electricity by using the raw materials supplied from the raw material supply unit and raw water supplied from the raw water supply unit; and a power conversion unit converting direct current (DC), outputted from the fuel cell system, to alternative current (AC). According to the present invention, the ship can reduce installation costs and increase space availability. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

15-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102190939B1

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Heat Recovery Apparatus for Ship

Номер: KR0101391325B1

25-06-2014 дата публикации

The method of energy saving and power generation using wind turbine ventilation fan in ships

Номер: KR0101411585B1

06-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102175646B1

16-12-2020 дата публикации

Tank Cooling System, Liquefaction System and Ship having the same

Номер: KR0102192105B1

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Combined system of power generation, desalination and cooling system using ship waste heat

Номер: KR0102144454B1

08-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101326728B1

14-05-2009 дата публикации

Shipboard regasification for LNG carriers with alternate propulsion plants

Номер: KR0100897287B1

16-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0102031828B1

25-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020110127505A

PURPOSE: A floating structure with an electricity storing device is provided to reduce the replacement cost of a generator engine or the building cost of a ship since electricity is supplied to a ship by blocking replacement to a generator engine or replacing only some while a ship anchors at horbor. CONSTITUTION: A floating structure with an electricity storing device comprises a main propulsion engine(110), a propulsion body(140), a power transfer shaft(101), an shaft generator(123), an electricity storing device(150), a main clutch(111), a sub clutch(124), and a gear box(130). The main propulsion engine supplies propulsion to the floating structure. The main propulsion engine transfers some propulsion to be transferred to the shaft generator to produce electricity. The propulsion body propels the floating structure. The power transfer shaft is connected from the main propulsion engine to the propulsion body. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

29-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190058117A

14-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130049294A

01-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140115734A

19-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160121077A

Disclosed are a hydrogen supply system of a submarine, and a hydrogen supply method of a submarine. According to one aspect of the present invention, the present invention can provide the hydrogen supply system of a submarine, comprising: a hydrogen generator provided inside a submarine and receiving a metal fuel to generate hydrogen through a chemical reaction; a fuel cell receiving the hydrogen generated in the hydrogen generator to use; and a metal fuel pretreatment device performing pretreatment of the metal fuel supplied to the hydrogen generator. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 (AA) Pre-treated metal fuel (BB) Hydrogen ...

09-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150063240A

A power generation apparatus using a flow of an electrically conductive fluid and a ship having the same are disclosed. The power generation apparatus using a flow of an electrically conductive fluid and the ship having the same according to the present invention comprise: a power generation unit installed on a ship body and provided with a magnetic member disposed on a pipe through which an electrically conductive fluid flows to transport the electrically conductive fluid through a magnetic field generated by the magnetic member to generate electricity; and an electricity storage unit disposed on the ship body to store the electricity generated by the power generation unit. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015 (AA) Inflow (BB) Discharge ...

28-06-2013 дата публикации

A Ship

Номер: KR1020130071234A

11-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170080816A

The present invention relates to a ship which comprises: a raw material supply part for supplying a raw material; a raw water supply part for supplying raw water; a fuel cell system generating electricity using the raw material supplied from the raw material supply part and the raw water supplied from the raw water supply part; and a power conversion part converting direct current (DC) output from the fuel cell system into alternating current (AC). According to the present invention, the ship brings reduction in costs for operation and construction of facilities for producing fuel on demand. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 (AA) Steam H_2O (BB) Exhaust gas (CC) Fuel (DD) Mixed fuel ...

23-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150107326A

Disclosed is an apparatus to reduce methane. According to one embodiment of the present invention, an apparatus to reduce methane is to reduce methane present in an exhaust gas from an engine comprising: a first pipe where exhaust gas moves, and a plurality of outlets of which exhaust gas discharged are formed on a downstream lateral side; a second pipe connected to the first pipe through the outlets; and a plurality of methane oxidation catalyst parts attached to an internal surface of the first pipe to respectively cover the outlets, and promote methane oxidation reaction. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015 ...

21-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180018138A

Disclosed is a hybrid power generation and a propulsion system of a ship for propelling a ship by propelling a propulsion body of the ship while meeting the amount of power required by a power consumer installed in the ship. In the hybrid power generation and propulsion system, a propulsion engine and a power generation engine are engines of the same specification. An LNG processing unit supplies a processed LNG to one or both of the propulsion engine and the power generation engine so as to have a single pressure value and a single temperature value. In addition, a vaporized gas processing unit supplies the treated evaporative gas to one or both of the propulsion engine and the power generation engine so as to have a single pressure value and a single temperature value. The LNG processed by the LNG processing unit and the vaporized gas processed by the vaporized gas processing unit have the same pressure value and the same temperature value. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150052731A

Disclosed is a power plant using a cruise ship. The power plant using a cruise ship of the present invention comprises a generator connected with a main engine installed on used cruise ship or cruise ship waste in advance; and an accelerating unit connected with the main engine and the generator, and increasing the number of revolution to transfer to the generator. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015 ...

27-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020190142735A

27-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020190142714A

31-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: KR20040010386A

PURPOSE: A liquefied gas transport ship and a braking method thereof are provided to decrease braking distance by using a propeller screw as a brake at an initial stage for emergency stop, and to cut down expenses by substituting a fossil fuel boiler with an electric boiler. CONSTITUTION: A liquefied gas transport ship is composed of a propeller screw(1) driven by an electric motor acting as a power generator(2) when the liquefied gas transport ship receives brake action. An electrical energy distribution system(7) is composed of an electric boiler(8), and electrically connected to the power generator. The electric boiler is connected to a condenser(10) cooled by sea water. The electric motor is turned by the screw during braking, and the screw is operated by the electric motor. The electric motor supplies energy to an electric circuit(6) of the transport ship. © KIPO 2004 ...

04-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180075304A

The present invention relates to a ship capable of preventing the discontinuity in electricity production at anchor even if a steam turbine is damaged or broken. According to the present invention, the ship comprises: a raw material supply unit installed in a hull and supplying raw materials; a raw water supply unit to supply water; an air compressor to compress air; a gas turbine using engine exhaust gas discharged from an engine to produce electricity; a steam production unit using the engine exhaust gas discharged from the gas turbine as a heat source to phase-change the water supplied from the raw water supply unit into steam (H_2O); a branch unit to branch the steam (H_2O) produced by the steam production unit; the steam turbine using the steam (H_2O) branched by the branch unit to produce electricity; a fuel cell system receiving the steam (H_2O) branched by the branch unit to produce electricity; and a power conversion unit to convert direct current (DC) outputted from the fuel cell ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Installation Method For Waste-Heat Recovering Unit

Номер: KR1020140045667A

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150052751A

Disclosed is a power plant deploying method. The power plant deploying method of the present invention generates electricity by using a used floating propellant or a floating propellant waste, wherein the power plant is characterized by connecting a power generator with a main engine of the used floating propellant or floating propellant waste, comprises a power transmission equipment formed on the used floating propellant or floating propellant waste, and supplying power to power demand by being installed on the sea bottom or river bottom. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015 (AA) Start (BB) End (S100) Step of connecting a generator to a main engine and moving a power plant with a transmission facility to a power demanding place (S200) Step of seating the power plant on the bottom of sea or river (S300) Step of connecting the transmission facility to the cable of the power demanding place ...

16-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120035441A

PURPOSE: A ship having an energy recovery device is provided to minimize costing reduction of a rudder depending on reducing rudder blade area by installing a power generator for recovering energy in a fixed wing. CONSTITUTION: A ship having an energy recovery device includes a hull(10), a propeller(12), an energy recovery part(20), and a pair of rudders(30). The propeller generates driving force by rotating the propeller installed in a stern of the hull. The energy recover part is installed in the rear side of the propeller and generates power by using wake generated while rotating the propeller. The rudder is installed in both sides of the energy recovery part to control moving direction of the ship. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

02-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150109829A

A system for recovering waste heat in an offshore structure is disclosed. According to an embodiment of the present invention, the system comprises: a thermoelectric generation module generating power using heat of an engine and having a plurality of thermoelectric generation units connected to each other in parallel to each other; and a first transformer connected with the thermoelectric generation modules in parallel to each other. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015 ...

25-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120007737A

PURPOSE: A floating marine structure with a power generation system is provided to reduce the load of a marine structure and enhance the recovery and stability of a structure by lowering center of gravity of the marine structure. CONSTITUTION: A floating marine structure with a power generation system comprises an upper structure and hull. The power generation system comprises a main generator(100). The main generator supplies power to the marine structure in the steady state of the marine structure. The main generator is installed in the hull of the marine structure. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

25-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160044169A

The present invention provides a flowing power plant comprising: an LNG storage tank which is installed in a hull and stores LNG therein; a vaporizing part which vaporizes the LNG supplied from the LNG storage tank; a gas turbine which generates power by using the natural gas vaporized by the vaporizing part as fuel; a waste heat recovery boiler which generates steam by using the waste heat of exhaust gas generated from the gas turbine; a steam turbine which is operated by the steam generated by the waste heat recovery boiler; a generator which generates power by obtaining power from the gas turbine and the steam turbine; and a re-liquefaction device which compresses and liquefies the boil-off gas generated from the LNG storage tank. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

12-09-2017 дата публикации

선박 추진 시스템, 선박 및 선박 추진 방법

Номер: KR1020170102966A

... 메인 기관의 대형화를 방지할 수 있는 선박 추진 시스템을 제공한다. 선박 추진 시스템(1)은, 선내에 전력을 공급하는 메인 발전기(10A, 10B, 10C)와, 메인 발전기(10A, 10B, 10C)의 전력을 분배하는 배전부(11)와, 배전부(11)를 통하여 입력된 전력에 의하여 제1 회전축(27)을 회전 구동하는 제1 전동기(21)와, 제1 회전축(27)과 함께 회전하는 메인 프로펠러(24)와, 배전부(11)를 통하여 입력된 전력에 의하여 제2 회전축(17)을 회전 구동하는 제2 전동기(15)와, 메인 프로펠러(24)의 선미측에 배치되어, 제2 회전축(17)과 함께 회전하는 선미측 프로펠러(16)를 구비한다.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: WO2017097334A1

The invention concerns a method, engine parameter controlling arrangement and computer program product for controlling an engine parameter of a group of engines(33) in a vessel, each engine being equipped with a shaft used for powering a direct current (DC)power supply grid (37). The engine parameter controlling arrangement comprises an engine parameter controlling device (22) that obtains a current shaft speed of each shaft,obtains a current engine parameter value of each engine, independently determines, for each shaft, a desired shaft speed value that improves the engine parameter of the corresponding engine and individually controls each engine to influence the shaft speed towards reaching the corresponding desired shaft speed value.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: WO2015113887A1
Автор: BREDEMEIER, Horst

The invention relates to a cable-guiding system having direction-varying cable guidance of cables (4) for providing energy and/or data. The cable-guiding system according to the invention comprises: a device (1) for cable winding; a device (5) for guiding one or more cables (4), which device can be pivoted about a vertical axis by at least 80° and/or about a horizontal axis by at least 90°; and a device (3) for achieving a height difference between the device (1) for cable winding and the device (5) for guiding one or more cables (4). The device (5) for guiding one or more cables (4) preferably has a guiding-roller segment (52) and a sliding shell (51) and is pivotably arranged on a retainer (6). Thus, the direction in which the one or more cables (4) are guided can be changed.

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014073243A1
Автор: ICHIKI, Yoshihiro

A ship (1) comprises a supercharger (22) and is provided with: a gas turbine (14) that is driven by exhaust gas from a main engine (12) that drives a propulsion propeller (29); a steam turbine (18) that is driven by steam generated by the exhaust gas; ship equipment (44) that operates as a result of being supplied with power generated by a turbine generator (20); and a power-assist motor (46) that operates as a result of being supplied with power generated by the turbine generator (20) and that assists the main engine (12). A ship propulsion device (10) drives the assistance motor (46) using a surplus power amount that is the difference between the amount of power generated by the turbine generator (20) and the amount of power required by the ship equipment (44), and reduces the bleed air flow of exhaust gas to the gas turbine (14) when the power consumption amount of the power-assist motor (46) arrives at a preset power amount and the amount of generated power exceeds the total of the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014072072A1

The invention relates to a boat with an electric drive and an electric storage unit that comprises at least one storage element and a positive and a negative pole. The poles are in electroconductive contact with the storage element. A separating means for separating the electroconductive contact of at least one of the poles and the storage element is operatively connected to an emergency off switch that can be directly activated by the user of the boat.

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000129903U1

Электроэнергетическая установка автономного подвижного объекта, содержащая главный тепловой двигатель, соединенный через редуктор с валогенератором переменного тока, при этом валогенератор связан с входом полупроводникового преобразователя частоты, подключенного к главным распределительным шинам, вспомогательные дизели с системами автоматического пуска, соединенные разобщительными муфтами с синхронными генераторами, которые электрически соединены с главными распределительными шинами, к которым подключены ответственные и второстепенные электропотребители с устройством автоматического отключения/включения, отличающаяся тем, что установка дополнительно содержит источник постоянного тока, электронный ключ со схемой управления, датчик напряжения, три измерительных компаратора, датчики оборотов вспомогательных дизелей, полупроводниковый преобразователь частоты выполнен по схеме выпрямитель - шины постоянного тока - ведомый инвертор, при этом источник постоянного тока через электронный ключ, соединен с шинами постоянного тока и входом ведомого инвертора, вход датчика напряжения подключен к выходу выпрямителя, а выход - к входу первого измерительного компаратора, выход которого связан со схемой управления электронным ключом, устройством автоматического отключения/включения второстепенных электропотребителей и системами автоматического пуска вспомогательных дизелей, при этом разобщительные муфты выполнены дистанционно управляемыми с блоками управления, а выходы датчиков оборотов соединены с входами второго и третьего компараторов, выходы которых связаны с первым и вторым блоками управления дистанционно управляемых муфт. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 129 903 U1 (51) МПК B63H 21/00 (2006.01) B63J 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012123128/11, 04.06.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.06.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2013 Бюл. № 19 1 2 9 9 0 3 R U Формула ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Система электродвижения судов

Номер: RU0000181202U1

Полезная модель относится к области судовых движителей и может быть использована в системах электродвижения судов с силовыми генераторами переменного тока. Техническим результатом является повышение эксплуатационных характеристик судовых движителей, таких как, улучшение электромагнитной совместимости и снижение их себестоимости. Технический результат достигается тем, что гребная электрическая установка судна содержит источник напряжения с двумя трехфазными обмотками, два реверсивных полупроводниковых коммутатора, гребной электродвигатель переменного тока, реверсивные полупроводниковые коммутаторы, которые включаются последовательно с трехфазными обмотками, чередуясь с ними, при этом начало первой трехфазной обмотки замыкается в общую точку, вторая трехфазная обмотка выполняется разомкнутой, так что начало ее фазных обмоток соединяется с выходом первого полупроводникового коммутатора, а конец упомянутых фазных обмоток соединяется с входом второго полупроводникового коммутатора, выход второго полупроводникового коммутатора подключается к трехфазному входу гребного электродвигателя. 9 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 181 202 U1 (51) МПК B63H 23/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B63H 23/24 (2018.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017145703, 25.12.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Коптяев Евгений Николаевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 05.07.2018 157368 U1, 27.11.2015. RU 2392180 C1, 20.06.2010. US 20040192123 A1, 30.09.2004. RU 2059527 C1, 10.05.1996. (45) Опубликовано: 05.07.2018 Бюл. № 19 1 8 1 2 0 2 R U (54) СИСТЕМА ЭЛЕКТРОДВИЖЕНИЯ СУДОВ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области судовых движителей и может быть использована в системах электродвижения судов с силовыми генераторами переменного тока. Техническим результатом является повышение эксплуатационных характеристик судовых движителей, таких как, улучшение электромагнитной совместимости и ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Land connection for marine vessels having an articulated crane

Номер: US20120031721A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, Stemmann Technik GmbH

An apparatus for electrically connecting a polyphase vessel distribution system of a vessel to a polyphase land supply system having a supply system connection disposed on land to be connected to a vessel system connection of the vessel distribution system at least in sections by at least one cable connection, enables a fast and secure connection of the land supply system to the vessel distribution system. During normal operation, vessel movements can be reliably compensated by at least one articulated arm used as a support for one or more cable connections. The articulated arm has arm segments interconnected by at least one articulated connection. A joint drive is associated with each articulated connection for mutually pivoting the arm segments interconnected by the articulated connection, which is associated with the joint drive.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for generating electricity in liquefied natural gas carrier

Номер: US20120108117A1

Provided is an apparatus for generating electricity required by an LNG carrier which stores LNG, which is obtained by liquefying natural gas to ultra low temperature in a gas field, in an LNG storage tank and carries the stored LNG. The apparatus includes: a reformer reforming boil-off gas occurring in the LNG storage tank and producing synthetic gas; and a fuel cell generating electricity through an electrochemical reaction of the synthetic gas produced by the reformer.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle Electrical Power Management and Distribution

Номер: US20120232728A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Vehicles, systems, and methods are disclosed for providing and directing first power, such as vehicle generator power, and alternate sources of power. In a particular embodiment, a vehicle includes a power distribution grid that includes a plurality of power sources and a plurality of distributions buses configured to distribute power from the plurality of power sources. The plurality of power sources include an engine-driven power source is configured to provide first power where the first power has first power characteristics. The plurality of power sources also includes a plurality of engine-independent power sources including a first alternate power source configured to provide first alternate power. The first alternate power has first alternate power characteristics that are different than the first power characteristics. The plurality of engine-independent power sources also includes a second alternate power source configured to provide second alternate power. The second alternate power has second alternate power characteristics that are different from the first power characteristics and different from the first alternate power characteristics. The vehicle also includes a global controller that sends control signals to control generation of power by the engine-driven power source, the first alternate power source and the second alternate power source via the plurality of distribution buses responsive to power demand of the power distribution grid.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Particle swarm optimization system and method for microgrids

Номер: US20120259477A1

The particle swarm optimization method for microgrids formulates a control problem as an optimization problem and PSO is used to search the solution space for optimal parameter settings in each mode. The procedure models optimal design of an LC filter, controller parameters and damping resistance in grid-connected mode. Moreover, the procedure optimizes controller parameters and power sharing coefficients in autonomous mode. The method uses particular nonlinear time-domain-based and eigenvalue-based objective functions to minimize the error in the measured power, and also to enhance the damping characteristics, respectively.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Phase angle drift method for loss of mains/grid protection

Номер: US20120271575A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

A phase angle drift method for loss of mains/grid protection is disclosed. According to one aspect, an accumulated electrical phase angle drift derived from the difference between the current measured local frequency and the estimated frequency using historical data is compared to an angle threshold. An estimated grid frequency may be calculated based on the historical delay, and the window, over which the estimated frequency is calculated. An addition/subtraction of a phase angle offset value is calculated for a half cycle is performed when the frequency difference between the estimated frequency f n est and the measured frequency f n is greater or equal to a first determined value.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Ship drive system having a plurality of electric drive shafts

Номер: US20120302112A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A ship drive system includes a first and one second drive shaft for driving a respective propulsion unit, wherein each of the electric drive shafts includes at least one speed-variable generator driven by an internal combustion engine for generating a motor voltage having a variable amplitude and variable frequency, and at least one speed-variable drive motor that is supplied with the voltage and coupled to the propulsion unit. The first and second drive shafts can be switched from a first operating state, in which they are electrically disconnected from each other, to a second operating state, in which they are electrically coupled to each other such energy can be transmitted from the at least one generator of the one drive shaft to the at least one drive motor of the other drive shaft. To this end, the at least one generator includes a superconductor winding.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130063992A1

A power converter apparatus is provided with a lead-in board in which alternating-current power received from power converting units is connected in parallel, and a connection base including frames for installing the power converting units therein. The frames are provided with connection sections for connecting the main, circuits of the power converting units. The lead-in board is provided with breakers for cut off alternating-current power from the power converting units. 1. A connection apparatus for a power converter apparatus which comprises power converting units with power converting circuits configured to convert direct-current power into alternating-current power , a lead-in board configured to receive alternating-current power output from , the power converting units , and frames configured to mount therein the power converting units , the connection apparatus comprising:alternating-current output connecting units provided in the respective frames and configured to connect to output terminals configured to output alternating-current power of the power converting units;cables configured to electrically connect the alternating-current output connecting units in the respective frames to the lead-in board;a parallel, circuit configured to connect the cables in parallel; andopening/closing units incorporated in the lead-in board and configured to open and close alternating-current power lines, the alternating-current power lines connecting the power converting units to the parallel circuit.2. The connection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lead-in board comprises a simultaneous opening unit configured to simultaneously open claim 1 , the opening/closing units.3. The connection apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe power converting units comprise alternating-current side opening/closing units provided on an alternating-current side of the power converting circuits and configured to stop output of alternating-current power when the alternating-current side opening/ ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Onboard Floating Drilling Installation and Method for Operating an Onboard Floating Drilling Installation

Номер: US20130078875A1
Автор: Ove Boe
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

The disclosure relates to an onboard floating drilling installation and to a method for operating an onboard floating drilling installation, comprising a draw-works for reeling out and reeling in a drilling line, comprising several thrusters for dynamic positioning the onboard floating drilling installation and comprising at least one generator to operate the thrusters and the draw works.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Energy Systems And Energy Storage System Charging Methods

Номер: US20130119769A1

Energy systems and energy storage system charging methods are described. In one aspect, an energy storage system charging method includes applying an excitation signal to a stator of an induction machine, outputting electrical energy from the stator of the induction machine during the applying, and charging an energy storage system using the electrical energy outputted from the stator. 1. An energy system comprising:a first induction machine;a second induction machine mechanically coupled with the first induction machine, wherein the second induction machine is configured to utilize first electrical energy to provide a first rotational force to rotate the first induction machine at a first moment in time and to output second electrical energy at a second moment in time as a result of receiving a second rotational force from the first induction machine; anda power converter electrically coupled with the second induction machine and configured to provide the first electrical energy to the second induction machine which is utilized by the second induction machine to provide the first rotational force at the first moment in time, to receive the second electrical energy outputted from the second induction machine at the second moment in time, and to provide the second electrical energy to an energy storage system to charge the energy storage system.2. The system of wherein the power converter is configured to receive third electrical energy from a power grid and to provide the third electrical energy to the energy storage system to charge the energy storage system at a third moment in time.3. The system of wherein the energy storage system has a voltage greater than a peak voltage of the power grid when the energy storage system is in a substantially fully charged state claim 2 , and wherein the power converter is configured to increase a voltage of the third electrical energy prior to the provision of second and third electrical energy to the energy storage system.4. ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169055A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Hydro France

This electricity producing installation () includes electricity producing devices () at least partly immersed in water, each electricity producing device comprising a rotary mechanical receiver and an alternator () comprising at least one rotor () and at least one stator (), a rotor of the alternator being able to be set into rotation by the rotary mechanical receiver. Each electricity producing device () produces an electric AC signal with variable voltage and frequency conveyed by an at least partly immersed electric transport cable (). The installation further comprises an interconnection device () to which are connected at the input in parallel electric transport cables () and which provide at the output a joint electric signal (S″) with variable frequency and voltage, the current amplitude of which is equal to the sum of the input currents. 1. An electricity producing installation including a plurality of electricity producing devices at least partly immersed in water , capable of transforming the mechanical energy provided by a stream flow into electric energy , each electricity producing device comprising a rotary mechanical receiver able to set into rotation by the flow stream and an alternator comprising at least one rotor and at least one stator , a rotor of the alternator being able to be set into rotation by the rotary mechanical receiver ,wherein each electricity producing device produces an electric AC signal with variable voltage and frequency conveyed by an at least partly immersed electric transport cable, an interconnection device to which are connected at the input, in parallel, electric transport cables stemming from each electricity producing device, and which provides at the output a joint electric signal, said joint electric signal being an electric AC signal with variable frequency and voltage, the current amplitude of which is equal to the sum of the input currents,', 'a partly immersed export cable connecting the output of the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Portable Solar Array Deployment

Номер: US20130187464A1

A deployable portable solar system is provided. The portable solar system provides power for industrial use situations. The portable solar system contains solar cells, one or more charge controllers, one or more battery banks, DC to AC inverters, and a disconnect. Optionally, the solar system contains a backup AC generator, one or more transfer switches, a backup DC generator, a utility line connection, one or more transformers, and a variable frequency drive. 1. A portable solar power generator comprising:one or more solar cells;one or more charge controllers electrically coupled to the one or more solar cells, the one or more charge controllers configured to receive power from the one or more solar cells;a battery bank electrically coupled to the one or more charge controllers, the one or more charge controllers configured to charge the battery bank;one or more direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) inverters electrically coupled to the battery bank; anda disconnect electrically coupled to the one or more DC to AC inverters, the one or more DC to AC inverters configured to provide AC current via the disconnect.2. The portable solar power generator of claim 1 , further comprising a backup DC generator.3. The portable solar power generator of claim 1 , further comprising a rotary converter electrically coupled to the one or more DC to AC inverters.4. The portable solar power generator of claim 1 , wherein the generator is configured to provide single claim 1 , dual claim 1 , or three phase power.5. The portable solar power generator of claim 1 , further comprising a transfer switch electrically coupled to one or more of a group consisting of a backup AC generator claim 1 , a combustion generator claim 1 , and a utility power line.6. The portable solar power generator of claim 5 , wherein an electrical component is configured to provide excess power generated by the one or more solar cells to the utility power line.7. The portable solar power generator of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Power distribution systems

Номер: US20130200691A1

In a marine power distribution and propulsion system with a medium voltage distribution busbar (MVAC 1 ) and a low voltage distribution busbar (LVAC 1 ) then a rectifier (SC) is controlled, optionally to provide active filtering and static compensation benefits. A common power supply system incorporating ac generators (G 1 -G 4 ) supplies power to the medium and low voltage distribution busbars. The rectifier (SC) is connected to the medium voltage distribution busbar (MVAC 1 ). A controller (Co) uses feedback signals indicative of electrical quantities of the distribution voltages carried by both the medium voltage and low voltage distribution busbars (MVAC 1 , LVAC 1 ) to control the rectifier (SC) to regulate electrical quantities at the ac terminals of the rectifier (SC) in order to achieve desired electrical quantities of the distribution voltage carried by the low voltage distribution busbar (LVAC 1 ).

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Propulsion system

Номер: US20130293003A1
Принадлежит: ABB Oy

An arrangement is disclosed for supplying electric power to a propulsion system of a marine vessel having a propeller motor, which is connected to an AC generator. The AC generator supplies electric energy to the propeller motor. The AC generator is rotated by a rotating power unit. A frequency converter is electrically connectable in parallel to the AC generator and the frequency converter supplies electric power from a second power unit.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Blackout Ride-Through System

Номер: US20130313894A1
Автор: Stig Olav Settemsdal
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A blackout ride-through system adapted to bridge a gap in the supply of electrical energy to an electric drive of a marine vessel caused by a blackout of a main power supply is provided. The main power supply includes a generator and is configured to provide electrical energy for operating the electric drive of the marine vessel. The blackout ride-through system includes a battery coupled to the main power supply and to the electric drive of the marine vessel and configured to store electrical energy for operating the electric drive in case of a blackout of the main power supply.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334888A1
Автор: Luo Yuhao

A solar photovoltaic three-phase micro-inverter comprises: DC terminals, coupled with three DC photovoltaic assemblies adjacent to each other; three single-phase inverter circuits having input terminals coupled respectively with the three DC photovoltaic assemblies via the DC terminals, for converting the DC currents generated by the three DC photovoltaic assemblies to AC currents, respectively; AC terminals coupled with a three-phase AC power grid; wherein output terminals of each single-phase inverter circuit are coupled respectively with a neutral wire and one of the three phases of the three-phase AC power grid. A solar photovoltaic power generation system is also provided. The three single-phase inverter circuits can be integrated as above Because the three DC photovoltaic assemblies on one three-phase micro-inverter are disposed adjacently and have similar environment conditions, such as illumination, temperature, etc., the three-phase AC current can be well balanced. 1. A solar photovoltaic three-phase micro-inverter , comprising:DC terminals, coupled with three DC photovoltaic assemblies which are adjacent to each other, for receiving DC currents generated by the DC photovoltaic assemblies;three single-phase inverter circuits having input terminals coupled respectively with the three DC photovoltaic assemblies via the DC terminals, for converting the DC currents generated by the three DC photovoltaic assemblies to AC currents, respectively;AC terminals coupled with a three-phase AC power grid, for grid-connectedly outputting the AC currents generated by the three single-phase inverter circuits;wherein output terminals of each single-phase inverter circuit are coupled respectively with a neutral wire and one of the three phases of the three-phase AC power grid.2. The three-phase micro-inverter of claim 1 , wherein the three single-phase inverter circuits are the same.3. The three-phase micro-inverter of claim 2 , wherein the single-phase inverter circuit ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341144A1

A power supply device for a ship stationed on a mooring of a harbor includes a land-based, horizontally displaceable carriage, on which a power supply line with a plug is disposed for supplying the ship with electrical energy. The power supply line can be electrically connected to a land-based power supply network. A plug-side section of the power supply line is disposed in a vertically displaceable manner on the carriage. 110-. (canceled)11. A power supply device for a ship , including a cruise ship , stationed at a mooring of a harbor , the power supply device comprising:a land-based carriage configured to be displaced horizontally;a power supply line disposed on said carriage and configured to be electrically connected to a land-based power supply network to supply the ship with electrical energy;said power supply line having a plug-side section vertically displaceably disposed on said carriage; andsaid power supply line having a plug at said plug-side section.12. The power supply device according to claim 11 , wherein:said carriage has a movement direction;said movement direction and the vertical span a plane; andsaid plug-side section is configured to be displaced perpendicular to said plane.13. The power supply device according to claim 11 , which further comprises rails running along the mooring claim 11 , said carriage being disposed on said rails.14. The power supply device according to claim 11 , which further comprises a first crossbar linkage disposed on said carriage and configured to be extended in a vertical direction to displace said plug-side section of said power supply line vertically.15. The power supply device according to claim 11 , wherein:said carriage has a movement direction;said movement direction and the vertical span a plane; anda second crossbar linkage is disposed on said carriage and is configured to be extended perpendicular to said plane.16. The power supply device according to claim 11 , which further comprises a circuitless socket ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062198A1
Автор: Luo Yuhao

The invention provides a solar photovoltaic three-phase micro-inverter, comprising DC terminals, connected with three DC photovoltaic assemblies for receiving DC; three single-phase inverter circuits, having DC input terminals connected with the DC photovoltaic assemblies via the terminals, for converting the DC to AC; AC terminals, connected with the AC output terminals of the inverter circuits and a three-phase AC power grid, for outputting the AC generated by the inverter circuits; wherein DC input terminals of each inverter circuit are connected in parallel with each other, and AC output terminals are connected with one phase of the three-phase AC power grid and a neutral wire via the AC terminals. The invention further provides a solar photovoltaic generation system. The invention connects DC sides of three single-phase inverter circuits in parallel, which can simply eliminate ripple power at DC side input terminals in a three-phase micro-inverter. 1. A solar photovoltaic three-phase micro-inverter , comprising:DC terminals, connected with three DC photovoltaic assemblies, for receiving DC generated by the DC photovoltaic assemblies;three single-phase inverter circuits, having DC input terminals connected respectively with the three DC photovoltaic assemblies via the DC terminals, for converting the DC generated by the three DC photovoltaic assemblies to AC, respectively;AC terminals, connected with the AC output terminals of the three single-phase inverter circuits and a three-phase AC power grid, for grid-connectedly outputting the AC generated by the three single-phase inverter circuits;wherein each single-phase inverter circuit comprises a DC-DC conversion circuit for maximum power point tracking control, the output terminals of the DC-DC conversion circuits are connected in parallel with each other and the AC output terminals of the three single-phase inverter circuits are connected respectively with one phase of three phases of the three-phase AC power ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Electric Drive and Emergency Stop Switch for Boats

Номер: US20180001987A1
Принадлежит: Torqeedo GmbH

A boat having an electric motor coupled with an electrical store is disclosed. The electrical store includes a storage element, and positive and negative poles in current-conducting connection with the storage element. An isolating circuit element is operatively connected to a user activatable emergency stop switch. The isolating circuit element is configured to, upon activation of the emergency stop switch, isolate the current-conducting connection between the storage element and at least one of the poles. 1. An outboard motor assembly for a boat , the outboard motor assembly comprising:an electric motor for propelling the boat; positive and negative poles in current-conducting connection with a battery cell;', 'a user activatable emergency stop switch, including a magnet and a magnetic field sensing sensor, the emergency stop switch activating when the sensor senses a magnetic field change caused by the magnet; and', 'an isolating circuit element operatively connected to the emergency stop switch, and configured to, upon activation of the emergency stop switch, isolate the current-conducting connection between at least one of the poles and the battery cell., 'a battery coupled to the electric motor, the battery including2. The outboard motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the battery comprises a high-voltage source having a terminal voltage of more than 60 volts.3. The outboard motor assembly of claim 1 ,wherein the emergency stop switch is positioned on one or more of a housing and a tiller of the outboard motor assembly.4. The outboard motor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:one or more electrical consumers in respective current-conducting connection with the poles of the battery; andone or more additional isolating circuit elements operatively connected to the emergency stop switch, and configured to, upon activation of the emergency stop switch, isolate the respective current-conducting connection between the one or more electrical consumers and at least ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Outboard motor

Номер: US20170008606A1
Автор: Jun Noguchi
Принадлежит: Yamaha Motor Co Ltd

An outboard motor includes an engine, a power generator including a rotor and a stator, a convertor, and an engine cover configured to cover the engine and the power generator. The rotor includes a permanent magnet.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009354A1

A power system for a marine ship includes a plurality of protection zones, wherein at least two protection zones are coupled to each other via at least one bus-tie converter. Each of the protection zones includes a plurality of direct current (DC) buses; wherein DC buses which do not have same DC voltage are coupled to each other via at least one DC to DC converter. Furthermore, at least one energy source is coupled to at least one DC bus via a power electronic converter. 1. A power system for a marine ship , comprising: a plurality of direct current (DC) buses; wherein DC buses which do not have same DC voltage are coupled to each other via at least one DC to DC converter;', 'at least one energy source coupled to at least one DC bus via a power electronic converter; and, 'a plurality of protection zones, each protection zone comprisingwherein at least two protection zones are coupled to each other via at least one bus-tie converter.2. The power system of further comprising a controller to control the operation of at least one DC to DC converter claim 1 , the power electronic converter and the bus-tie converter.3. The power system of further comprising at least one passive device including a fuse or a circuit breaker.4. The power system of claim 3 , wherein the controller blocks propagation of a fault from one DC bus to another DC bus based on the coordination between the operation of the at least one DC to DC converter claim 3 , the power electronic converter claim 3 , the bus-tie converter and the at least one passive device.5. The power system of claim 3 , wherein the controller blocks propagation of a fault from a faulty DC bus to a non-faulty DC bus by operating the DC to DC converter feeding a faulty DC bus in a current control mode.6. The power system of claim 3 , wherein the controller blocks power flow between a faulty protection zone and a non-fault protection zone by stopping operating of a part of the corresponding bus-tie converter.7. The power system ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Management Of Battery Capacity

Номер: US20150021991A1
Автор: McKeon Brian, Wood John
Принадлежит: East Penn Manufacturing Co.

Disclosed is a battery cell system, which provides regulation service to the grid, as well as the battery being used as part of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Part of the capacity of the storage batteries may be used for regulation service, while maintaining a reserve of battery capacity to provide the UPS supply if required. An advantage is that the battery installation can be more effectively monitored as it is more regularly being charged and discharged. 1. A method for providing selective electricity grid modulation from a backup battery system for a facility which is connected to the grid , comprising:providing one or more batteries in the backup battery system;providing a converter for converting from AC to DC for charging the batteries from the grid, and an inverter for converting from DC to AC to supply the facility load and to selectively supply the grid;selectively connecting the inverter AC output to the grid and modulating to provide grid regulation;designating at least some of the batteries for use as both a backup supply for said facility and for grid regulation;designating a first part of a capacity of said batteries for use as a backup supply;designating a second part of the capacity of said batteries for use for grid regulation; andselectively charging the second part from the grid via the converter, or selectively discharging the second part via the inverter to the grid.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein between 50 and 70% of the capacity is used for said first part.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein between 15 and 30% of the capacity is not used by either the first or second part claim 2 , so as to optimise the life of said batteries.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the second part is used to provide regulation services claim 1 , and wherein a controller is provided to control discharge and charge of said second part which is responsive to supply grid automated ancillary service messages.5. A method according to ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028683A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel, Hadar Ron

Systems and methods to balance currents among a plurality of photovoltaic units connected in series. In aspect, a management unit is coupled between a photovoltaic energy production unit and a string of energy production units. The management unit has an energy storage element (e.g., a capacitor) connected to the photovoltaic energy production unit. The management unit further has a switch to selectively couple to the energy storage element and the photovoltaic energy production unit to the string. The management unit allows the current in the string to be larger than the current in the photovoltaic energy production unit. 1. A management unit in a photovoltaic energy production system , comprising:a circuit to periodically connect and disconnect a solar module to and from a power bus according to a duty cycle, the duty cycle being adjustable to operate the solar module at a maximum power point; anda controller to receive operating parameters from first management units coupled to the power bus, each of the first management units to determine operating parameters of a respective solar module and transmit the operating parameters of the respective solar module to the controller, the controller to determine duty cycles for the first management units based at least in part on the operating parameters received from the first management units.2. The management unit of claim 1 , wherein the power bus is a serial power bus.3. The management unit of claim 2 , wherein each of the first management units has a switch to periodically connect and disconnect a respective solar module to and from the power bus.4. The management unit of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to determine different phases for respective switches in the first management units.5. The management unit of claim 2 , wherein the operating parameters include at least one of: current claim 2 , voltage claim 2 , and temperature.6. The management unit of claim 5 , wherein the controller is configured ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for controlling power generation and transmission output speed for marine propulsion devices

Номер: US20220048601A1
Принадлежит: Brunswick Corp

A method for controlling a marine propulsion device having an engine rotatably engaged with a transmission via a clutch, and rotatably engaged with a charging device for charging a battery. The method includes measuring a voltage of the battery and comparing the voltage to a minimum threshold. The method further includes increasing a speed of the engine when the voltage is below the minimum threshold, and also increasing a slip of the clutch when the speed of the engine is increased in response to the voltage being below the minimum threshold.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039459A1
Автор: BERARDI Sebastiano

A solar-powered boat comprising a hull which comprises a bottom panel and side panels extending upwardly from opposed sides of the bottom panel for defining a hull interior region. At least one of the side panels comprises an upper section angled inwardly with respect to an axis orthogonal to the bottom panel; and at least one panel opening provided in the upper section. The solar-powered boat is further comprised of at least one solar panel configured to supply electricity to the boat, the solar panel being mounted within the panel opening using a solar panel mounting kit. 1. A solar-powered boat comprising: a bottom panel; and', an upper section angled inwardly toward the hull interior region with respect to an axis orthogonal to the bottom panel; and', 'at least one panel opening provided in the upper section; and, 'side panels extending upwardly from opposed sides of the bottom panel and defining a hull interior region therebetween, at least one side panel comprising], 'a hull comprisingat least one solar panel configured to supply electricity to the boat, the solar panel being mounted within the panel opening, the solar panel comprising panel edges that are each mounted to a corresponding side edge of the panel opening via at least one mounting component and a corresponding fastening element, an outer cap having an outward-facing surface and an inward-facing surface;', 'a projection extending from the inward-facing surface of the outer cap and defining a first and second overhang sections of the outer cap on either side of the projection, the second overhang section and the projection defining a recess adapted to receive a corresponding panel edge;', 'a proximal strip extending from the projection in spaced-apart relation to the first overhang section and defining a proximal channel therebetween for receiving one of the side edges; and', 'a distal strip extending from the projection in spaced-apart relation to the proximal strip and defining a distal channel ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Power system of ship

Номер: US20190039707A1
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK

A power system of a ship includes a first power storage device, a second power storage device, and a control system. The first power storage device has an energy density higher than that of the second power storage device. The second power storage device has a power density higher than that of the first power storage device. The control system is configured to: as a power generator application, prioritize discharging the first power storage device over discharging the second power storage device, such that base power is continuously supplied to an onboard electrical load connected to an onboard bus; and as a grid stabilization application, prioritize charging/discharging the second power storage device over charging/discharging the first power storage device to compensate for frequency variation or voltage variation of an onboard power grid.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052896A1
Автор: Ono Taisuke

To provide a waste heat recovery system for a vessel capable of efficiently recovering waste heat regardless of a flow volume of excess steam. 12-. (canceled)3. A waste heat recovery system for a vessel for supplying , to a steam utilization device , steam generated by a steam generator , using waste heat from a main machine as a heat source , whereina plurality of expansion machines are connected in parallel to one another, and excess steam without being supplied to the steam utilization device is supplied individually to the expansion machines by the opening/closing of gate valves arranged in the respective expansion machines respectively, whereinthe plurality of expansion machines are configured to have the same capacity, whereina control device is comprised further, wherein the control device is programmed to control such that,when the flow volume of excess steam supplied to the expansion machines exceeds an upper limit value of an allowable supply amount that is determined from the combination of the expansion machines, the gate valve of the one expansion machine that is least frequently used among the plurality of expansion machines in which excess steam is not supplied is open, whereaswhen the flow volume of excess steam supplied to the expansion machines is equal to or lower than a lower limit value of the allowable supply amount, the gate valve of the one expansion machine that is most frequently used among the plurality of expansion machines in which excess steam is supplied is closed. This is the U.S. national stage of application No. PCT/JP2013/055708, filed on Mar. 1, 2013. Priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(a) and 35 U.S.C. §365(b) is claimed from Japanese Application No. 2012-051060, filed Mar. 7, 2012, the disclosure of which is also incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates a waste heat recovery system for a vessel.Conventionally, with respect to a vessel, a waste heat recovery system for the vessel which generates steam at high ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Power System For Vessels

Номер: US20140132064A1
Автор: Kennedy Louis

A power system for dynamic positioning of a vessel. The power system reduces fuel consumption, carbon buildup deposits and the risk of cylinder bore glazing while in combustion engine driven generators and provides an adequate protection against blackouts. The power system includes first and second combustion engine driven generators, a battery unit, and a converter unit arranged to provide power to the vessel from the battery unit. A first operational state of the power system in which the first combustion engine driven generator is arranged to deliver power to the vessel, and a second operational state, in which the first generator is subject to a fault, the second combustion engine driven generator arranged to deliver power to the vessel, and the converter unit is arranged to deliver power to the vessel during transition between the states. 1. A power system for dynamic positioning of a vessel , which power system comprises:a first combustion engine driven generator,a second combustion engine driven generator,a battery unit, anda converter unit arranged to provide power to the vessel from the battery unit,wherein in a first operational state of the power system only the first combustion engine driven generator is arranged to deliver power to the vessel, and wherein in a second operational state in which the first combustion engine driven generator is subject to a failure, the second combustion engine driven generator is arranged to deliver power to the vessel, and wherein the converter unit is arranged to deliver power to the vessel during the transition from the first operational state to the second operational state.2. The power system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first operational state is a state in which the first combustion engine driven generator is in a normal operational mode.3. The power system as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a bus claim 1 , wherein the first combustion engine driven generator and the second combustion engine driven generator ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054990A1

A human load of regularly measuring a pH of a position 4 meters from a discharge point during a term of a commissioning of a ship with a scrubber apparatus is reduced. Provided is an apparatus provided inside a ship having a scrubber, including a first pH measuring instrument which measures a pH value of washing water discharged from the scrubber to outboard, a second pH measuring instrument which measures a pH value of washing water supplied from outboard to the scrubber, and a calculating unit which calculates a pH value of water at a predetermined position outboard, based on a dilution ratio which shows a ratio by which the washing water discharged to outboard is diluted at the predetermined position outboard, the pH value measured by the first pH measuring instrument, and the pH value measured by the second pH measuring instrument. 1. An apparatus provided inside a ship having a scrubber , comprising:a first pH measuring instrument which measures a pH value of washing water discharged from the scrubber to outboard;a second pH measuring instrument which measures a pH value of washing water supplied from outboard to the scrubber; anda calculating unit which calculates a pH value of water at a predetermined position outboard, based on a dilution ratio which shows a ratio by which the washing water discharged to outboard is diluted at the predetermined position outboard, the pH value measured by the first pH measuring instrument, and the pH value measured by the second pH measuring instrument.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe calculating unit calculates a value of the dilution ratio in advance, based on a first pH value measured by the first pH measuring instrument, a second pH value measured by the second pH measuring instrument, and a third pH value of the water at the predetermined position outboard,the apparatus further comprises a recording unit which is connected to the calculating unit, and records the value of the dilution ratio, andthe ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170063092A1

A switchable supply network for powering multiple digital islands. In one embodiment, a first digital island includes a first power collapsible circuit and a first retention circuit, and a second digital island includes a second power collapsible circuit and a second retention circuit. In a normal mode of operation, the first digital island is provided a first supply voltage and a second digital island is provided a second supply voltage higher than the first supply voltage. In a transition mode the second power collapsible circuit is powered down and the second supply voltage is lowered and provided to the second retention circuit. When the second supply voltage falls below the first supply voltage, the first power collapsible circuit is powered down. The second supply voltage is now provided only to the retention circuits, and is furthered lowered in a retention mode to a final retention voltage. 1. A method comprising:coupling an output port of a first voltage regulator to a first power collapsible circuit and a first retention circuit to provide a first supply voltage;coupling an output port of a second voltage regulator to a second power collapsible circuit and a second retention circuit to provide a second supply voltage greater than the first supply voltage;de-coupling the output port of the second voltage regulator from the second power collapsible circuit;coupling the output port of the second voltage regulator to the second retention circuit to provide a supply voltage;lowering the supply voltage; andcomparing the first supply voltage to the supply voltage as the supply voltage is lowered.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:in response to the comparing indicating that the supply voltage is below the first supply voltage, de-coupling the output port of the first voltage regulator from the first power collapsible circuit and the first retention circuit, and coupling the output port of the second voltage regulator to the first retention circuit to ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061546A1
Автор: Miftakhov Valery

An electric or hybrid-electric vehicle incorporating: a vehicle battery adopted to store electrical power; a battery charger electrically coupled to the battery and configured to perform charging of the vehicle battery from an external power source; and a battery management system electrically coupled to the vehicle battery and the battery charger and configured to manage a state of the vehicle battery. At least one of the battery, the battery charger or the battery management system provides an application programming interface accessible, via a data network, by an application program executing on a remote control server. The application programming interface may be used for obtaining various data from the vehicle, such as vehicle battery cost of control, and/or for controlling one or more parameters of the respective electric vehicle components, such as reactive power of the battery charger. 1. An electric or hybrid-electric vehicle comprising:a. a vehicle battery adopted to store electrical power;b. a battery charger electrically coupled to the battery and configured to perform charging of the vehicle battery from an external power source; andc. a battery management system electrically coupled to the vehicle battery and the battery charger and configured to manage a state of the vehicle battery, wherein at least one of the battery, the battery charger or the battery management system comprises an application programming interface accessible, via a data network, by an application program executing on a remote control server comprising at least one processing unit and a memory.2. The electric or hybrid-electric vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the battery management system of the vehicle comprises the application programming interface.3. The electric or hybrid-electric vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the application programming interface is configured to enable the application program executing on the remote control server to access cost of control data for the vehicle ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068331A1
Автор: Shimazaki Keisei
Принадлежит: YANMAR CO.,LTD.

A forward input gear, a backward input gear, a forward clutch, a backward clutch, and a PTO transmission unit for extracting motive power are contiguously arranged in the cover width direction in a case cover, and the PTO transmission unit is constituted by a PTO gear meshed with the forward input gear, and a PTO shaft on which the PTO gear is fixedly disposed in the middle of the shaft, and the PTO shaft is detachably and rotatably supported between a second case and the case cover. 1. A decelerating and reversing device for marine vessels , wherein a first case , a second case , and a case cover detachable with the second case are aligned in order from one side to other side of an axial direction of an input shaft with respect to the device in such a manner as to form a housing , and forward and backward propulsion transmission units are stored in the housing , and any of the propulsion transmission units comprises a pinion configured to mesh with an output gear coupled with a propeller , an input shaft configured to be freely fitted with the pinion in a middle thereof , an input gear configured to be fixedly disposed on other side of the input shaft , and a clutch configured to be interposed between the input gear and the pinion in such a manner as to connect and disconnect motive power , the decelerating and reversing device for marine vessels comprising:wherein the input gear, the clutch, and a PTO transmission unit for extracting the motive power are contiguously arranged in a cover width direction in the case cover, andwherein the PTO transmission unit comprises a PTO gear configured to mesh with the input gear; and a PTO shaft on which the PTO gear is fixedly disposed in a middle of the PTO shaft, andwherein the PTO shaft is detachably and rotatably supported between a bearing of the second case and a bearing of the case cover, both of which are facing each other.2. The decelerating and reversing device for marine vessels according to claim 1 ,wherein a PTO ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069845A1
Автор: Liebel Manfred

An electric device for controlling an energy generator connected to an energy supply grid includes a control device that controls the generator with respect to the energy generator operating state. The electric device, which is connected between the energy supply grid and the generator, enables comparably simple control of the generator. The control device monitors the voltage and/or frequency and generates a switch-on signal if the voltage and/or frequency falls below a lower threshold and generates a switch-off signal if the monitored voltage and/or frequency exceeds an upper threshold. If a switch-on signal is present, the energy generator is switched on or the electric power output is increased. If a switch-off signal is present, the energy generator is switched off or the electric power output is decreased. A related method provides for controlling an electric energy generator. 112-. (canceled)13. An electric device for controlling an electric energy generator that is connected to an electric medium-voltage or low-voltage energy supply grid , comprisinga supply grid-side connection connecting the electric device to a node between the medium-voltage or low-voltage energy supply grid and the energy generator;a control device for controlling the energy generator with respect to an operating state thereof;said control device including a monitoring device configured to monitor a voltage and/or a frequency applied to the electric device on a supply grid-side, to generate a switch-on signal when the monitored voltage and/or frequency falls below a lower threshold, and to generate a switch-off signal when the monitored voltage and/or frequency exceeds an upper threshold; and if the switch-on signal is present, to switch on the energy generator or to increase an electric power output by the energy generator to the medium-voltage or low-voltage energy supply grid; and', 'if the switch-off signal is present, to switch off the energy generator or to decrease the electric ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Electric Drive for a Vehicle

Номер: US20180065723A1
Принадлежит: Torqeedo GmbH

A method for charging an auxiliary voltage source that provides power for at least one additional component, the additional component being in addition to an electric drive that is powered by a main voltage, is described. The method includes electrically connecting a protection and/or control circuit to the main voltage source via a DC-to-DC converter configured for power supply, and to the auxiliary voltage source via a reverse blocking valve. The method further includes electrically connecting the main voltage source to the auxiliary voltage source via a charging device. The method still further includes charging the auxiliary voltage source via the main voltage source. 1. A method for charging an auxiliary voltage source that provides power for at least one additional component , the additional component being in addition to an electric drive that is powered by a main voltage , the method comprising:electrically connecting a protection and/or control circuit to the main voltage source via a DC-to-DC converter configured for power supply, and to the auxiliary voltage source via a reverse blocking valve;electrically connecting the main voltage source to the auxiliary voltage source via a charging device; andcharging the auxiliary voltage source via the main voltage source.2. A method of claim 1 , further comprising: charging the main voltage source via the auxiliary voltage source.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising charging the main voltage source and the auxiliary voltage source at different times.4. The method of claim 1 , the method further comprising: supplying claim 1 , via the auxiliary voltage source claim 1 , a current to the protection and/or control circuit claim 1 , and to the charging device.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reverse-blocking valve comprises a diode.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reverse-blocking valve comprises a MOSFET driven in the inverse direction.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reverse-blocking valve ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150071780A1

Provided are a propulsion device for a ship and a ship including the same. The propulsion device for the ship includes: a rear propeller fixed to a rotation shaft; a front propeller that is rotatably supported on the rotation shaft in the front of the rear propeller; at least one bearing interposed in at least one of spaces between a hub of the front propeller and the rotation shaft and between the rotation shaft and a ship body; and an inverse rotation unit that inverts rotation of the rotation shaft, transfers the inverted rotation to the front propeller and includes a gearbox that is accommodated in an installation space formed in a tail of the ship body in a state in which a plurality of gears for implementing inversion of the front propeller are embedded, wherein at least one measurement unit for measuring operating states of the at least one bearing is mounted to the rotation shaft. 1. A propulsion device for a ship , comprising:a rear propeller fixed to a rotation shaft;a front propeller that is rotatably supported on the rotation shaft in the front of the rear propeller;at least one bearing interposed in at least one of spaces between a hub of the front propeller and the rotation shaft and between the rotation shaft and a ship body; andan inverse rotation unit that inverts rotation of the rotation shaft, transfers the inverted rotation to the front propeller and comprises a gearbox that is accommodated in an installation space formed in a tail of the ship body in a state in which a plurality of gears for implementing inversion of the front propeller are embedded,wherein at least one measurement unit for measuring operating states of the at least one bearing is mounted to the rotation shaft.2. The propulsion device of claim 1 , wherein the measurement unit comprises:a sensor that measures a change in temperatures of the at least one bearing; andan adaptor in which the sensor is embedded.3. The propulsion device of claim 2 , wherein the adaptor is formed of a ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080999A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel Sam

An enhanced system and various methods for remotely deploying boat fenders from a safe and convenient location. The boat fenders, which are placed along the entire periphery of the boat, may be deployed and retracted with lines attached to winches and motors. A smart phone app may be employed to remind users to deploy boat fenders upon entering known ports, and may also deploy the boat fenders automatically. 1. An automatic system for deploying a boat fender to protect the boat's hull , comprising:a fender basket configured to contain a boat fender in a stowed position and to lower the boat fender from the stowed position into a deployed position; anda system controller configured to direct operation of one or more motors;wherein the boat fender is attached to a line attached to a winch coupled to a motor;and wherein the system controller directs the motor to lower the boat fender to the deployed position automatically.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the operation being based at least in part on the location.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the operation being directed based at least in part on a plurality of stored operation instructions.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the location information further comprises at least a plurality of map data.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fender is attached to a line using an additional part such as a spring.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the line is attached to the winch using an additional part.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system prompts a user for information raising or lowering the boat fender.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system controller is stored and operates on a mobile computing device.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system controller is stored and operates on a tablet.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system controller is installed and operates onboard a boat.11. The system of claim 1 , wherein the winch is replaced by a pulley.12. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190081482A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel, Hadar Ron

Systems and methods to balance currents among a plurality of photovoltaic units connected in series. In aspect, a management unit is coupled between a photovoltaic energy production unit and a string of energy production units. The management unit has an energy storage element (e.g., a capacitor) connected to the photovoltaic energy production unit. The management unit further has a switch to selectively couple to the energy storage element and the photovoltaic energy production unit to the string. The management unit allows the current in the string to be larger than the current in the photovoltaic energy production unit. 1. A management unit in a photovoltaic energy production system , comprising:a circuit to periodically connect and disconnect a solar module to and from a power bus according to a duty cycle, the duty cycle being adjustable to operate the solar module at a maximum power point; anda controller to receive operating parameters from first management units coupled to the power bus, each of the first management units to determine operating parameters of a respective solar module and transmit the operating parameters of the respective solar module to the controller, the controller to determine duty cycles for the first management units based at least in part on the operating parameters received from the first management units.2. The management unit of claim 1 , wherein the power bus is a serial power bus.3. The management unit of claim 2 , wherein each of the first management units has a switch to periodically connect and disconnect a respective solar module to and from the power bus.4. The management unit of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to determine different phases for respective switches in the first management units.5. The management unit of claim 2 , wherein the operating parameters include at least one of: current claim 2 , voltage claim 2 , and temperature.6. The management unit of claim 5 , wherein the controller is configured ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160099569A1

An energy generating device for generating electric energy from an energy source, in particular a regenerative energy source, and for feeding the generated electric energy into a grid, in particular a power supply grid, comprises: a power converter for converting energy at its input into a grid compatible energy at its output, at least one electric line for electrically connecting the output of the power converter to the grid, a separation device for a potential separation of the power converter from the grid, a noise filter device for discharging high-frequency interference signals against a reference point, a measuring device for capturing discharge currents flowing over the noise filter element and for delivering a discharge current signal characterizing a respective discharge current, and a control device for controlling the switch elements of the separation device. 1. An energy generating device for generating electric energy from an energy source , in particular a regenerative energy source , and for feeding the generated electric energy into a grid , in particular a power supply grid , comprising:a power converter for converting energy at its input into a grid compatible energy at its output;at least one electric line (for electrically connecting the output of the power converter to the grid;a separation device for a potential separation of the power converter from the grid, wherein the separation device comprises a series circuit that is arranged in the at least one electric line and consists of at least two separately controllable switch elements;a noise filter device that includes at least one noise filter element connected to the at least one electric line between the output of the power converter and the separation device and provided for discharging high-frequency interference signals against a reference point;a measuring device for capturing discharge currents flowing over the noise filter element and for delivering a discharge current signal ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Parallel Inverters Connected to One Inductor

Номер: US20150102678A1

An inductor device has a plurality of inductor windings arranged on a common magnetic core and electrically connected, parallel to one another, to a common connection at one end of the inductor windings. The inductor windings are implemented by a one-part coil form arranged on the common magnetic core and comprising the common connection of the inductor windings. The inductor windings are wound around their common connection and the common magnetic core. 1. An inductor device , comprising:a first common magnetic core; anda plurality of first inductor windings arranged on the first common magnetic core and electrically connected, parallel to one another, to a first common connection at one end of the first inductor windings;wherein the first inductor windings are implemented by a first one-part coil form arranged on the first common magnetic core and comprising the first common connection of the first inductor windings, the first inductor windings being wound around their first common connection and the first common magnetic core.2. The inductor device of claim 1 , further comprising:a second common magnetic core; anda plurality of second inductor windings arranged on the second common magnetic core and electrically connected, parallel to one another, to a second common connection at one end of the second inductor windings,wherein the second inductor windings are implemented by a second one-part coil form arranged on the second common magnetic core and comprising the second common connection of the second inductor windings, the second inductor windings being wound around their second common connection and the second common magnetic core.3. The inductor device of claim 2 , further comprising:a third common magnetic core; anda plurality of third inductor windings arranged on the third common magnetic core and electrically connected, parallel to one another, to a third common connection at one end of the third inductor windings,wherein the third inductor windings are ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Controlling Power Output to a Load by Multiple Gensets Based On Load Operation Modes

Номер: US20180109110A1

A control system for a plurality of generator sets (gensets) includes a plurality of controllers and a data link. Each of the plurality of controllers is operatively associated with at least one of the plurality of gensets. The plurality of controllers is configured to control power output of each of the plurality of gensets, based on a plurality of operating modes. Each of the plurality of operating modes is configured for a power consumption scenario associated with the load. The datalink connects each of the plurality of controllers to at least one other controller of the plurality of controllers. The plurality of controllers is further configured to select a current operating mode, from the plurality of operating modes, for the plurality of gensets and control power output of at least one of the plurality of gensets based on the current operating mode. 1. A control system for a plurality of generator sets (gensets) , the plurality of gensets configured to provide power to a load , the system comprising:a plurality of controllers, each of the plurality of controllers operatively associated with at least one of the plurality of gensets and each of the plurality of gensets being operatively associated with at least one of the plurality of controllers, the plurality of controllers configured to control power output, to the load, of each of the plurality of gensets, based on a plurality of operating modes, each of the plurality of operating modes configured for a power consumption scenario associated with the load; anda datalink connecting each of the plurality of controllers to at least one other controller of the plurality of controllers, select a current operating mode, from the plurality of operating modes, for the plurality of gensets, and', 'control power output of at least one of the plurality of gensets based on the current operating mode., 'the plurality of controllers configured to2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of controllers ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Land Power Connection For Container Ships

Номер: US20210155334A1
Автор: Schmidt Hans-Erhard

A device for establishing an electrical connection between a multiphase distribution grid of a ship and a multiphase supply grid on the land, having an electrical plug unit arranged on the ship and an electrical coupling unit arranged on the land for making electrical contact with the electrical plug unit of the ship, wherein the electrical coupling unit arranged on the land is designed to be able to be moved along at least a partial region of the ship. To create a device for establishing a land power connection of a ship that allows rapid and flexible establishment of electrical contact, it is proposed according to the invention for the electrical coupling unit on the land to be designed to be able to be moved in a manner guided by rails, wherein the electrical coupling unit on the land has a reception and guidance device for the wired plug of the electrical plug unit of the ship. 1. A device for establishing an electrical connection between a multiphase distribution grid of a ship and a multiphase supply grid on land , having an electrical plug unit arranged on the ship and an electrical coupling unit arranged on land for making electrical contact with the electrical plug unit of the ship , wherein the electrical coupling unit arranged on land is designed to be able to be moved along at least a partial region of the ship ,wherein the electrical coupling unit on land is configured so that it can move with guidance by tracks, wherein the electrical coupling unit on land comprises an intake and guidance device for the cable-connected plugs of the electrical plug unit of the ship.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein a track system of the electrical coupling unit on land claim 1 , movable with guidance by tracks claim 1 , is mounted on the dock wall or on a high-water-protection wall mounted on the dock wall.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the track system is configured as interrupted in the area for securing a ship as well as in the area of ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129983A1
Автор: GIAMPICCOLO Marcello

A multi-service pedestal () in particular for ports and marinas, being provided with a support structure () and adapted to provide a variety of utilities, such as electricity, tap water, telephone and television connections, to a cruiser moored at a pier or quay, further has a central conditioning apparatus () which is located in the multi-service pedestal () and is adapted to be connected to a terminal unit () onboard the moored cruiser for conditioning the air within it through the heat exchange with a conditioning liquid. The support structure () has a front side () on which a computer screen () is installed.

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Drive for a Boat and Method for Operating a Drive for a Boat

Номер: US20180134162A1
Автор: Jens Biebach
Принадлежит: Torqeedo GmbH

A drive for a boat, in particular a sailing boat, comprising an electric motor configured for the operation in the first quadrant and in the fourth quadrant, a propeller connected to the electric motor, and a control device. The control device is configured to operate the electric motor in the fourth quadrant in such a way that flow energy transmitted via the propeller to the electric motor is regenerated into electrical power. The control device is further configured to operate the electric motor such that a product of the propeller's pitch and rotational speed is smaller than a relative flow speed between the water and the drive.

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Marine craft

Номер: US20220281557A1
Автор: Enrico Maim
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a water-going assembly comprising a first buoyant structure (S 1 ) comprising at least two hulls (F 1 , F 1 ′; F 11 , F 11 ′, F 12 , F 12 ′) delimiting between them a space (E 1 ) and a photovoltaic arrangement (PH 1 ) occupying a substantial proportion of the footprint of the buoyant structure, and a second buoyant structure (S 2 ) provided with an electric thruster (P 2 ) and with a battery (B 2 ), means for assembling the two buoyant structures detachably, with means of electrical connection between the photovoltaic arrangement of the first buoyant structure and the battery of the second buoyant structure, the latter being able to be used for moving the two structures (S 1 , S 2 ) with a directional guidance, or as an autonomous motorized marine craft.

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152850A1
Автор: Nielsen Jesper

A wind turbine comprising a novel switchgear arrangement is described. The wind turbine includes a tower, a rotor supported at an upper end of the tower, a generator, a transformer for increasing the voltage output of the generator prior to supplying a collector grid, and switchgear arranged between the transformer and the collector grid. The switchgear includes a first switching device associated with the transformer, and a second switching device associated with one or more cables connecting the wind turbine to another wind turbine in the collector grid. The first switching device is connected to, but located remotely from, the second switching device. 1. A wind turbine comprising:a tower:a rotor supported at an upper end of the tower;a generator coupled to the rotor to convert mechanical energy of the rotor to electrical enemy;a transformer for increasing the voltage output of the generator prior to supplying a collector grid; andswitchgear arranged between the transformer and the collector grid, the switchgear comprising a first switching device associated with the transformer, and a second switching device associated with one or more cables connecting the wind turbine to another wind turbine in the collector grid,wherein the first switching device is connected to, but located remotely from, the second switching device.2. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the first switching device comprises a circuit breaker panel.3. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the second switching device comprises at least one cable disconnector panel for connecting and disconnecting the wind turbine to/from the collector grid.4. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the first and second switching devices are connected together via a cable.5. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the first switching device is located inside the tower.6. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the first switching device is located adjacent to the transformer.7. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180151974A1
Автор: Feger Damien

An electrical connection assembly between a movable object and a fixed installation, the assembly including the following elements of substantially cylindrical shape, centered around a vertical axis and going downwards: a windlass using a chain to move a rod along the axis; an outlet receiving a plurality of connections and provided with a hawse pipe in which the rod can engage with small clearance; a connector provided with a top endplate receiving, facing the connections of the outlet, the complementary connections; a turnable lid protecting the connections; a guide and locking system for guiding and locking the rod; and having its bottom portion of conical shape; a rod passing downwards in succession through the hawse pipe of the outlet, then the lid, in order to reach a locking system for locking with the connector; and a basket of funnel-shape, with its large opening upwards, its shape being complementary to the bottom portion of the connector, and centering the connector on the axis. 1. An assembly for making an electrical connection between a movable object and a fixed installation , or between two movable objects , the assembly comprising the following elements of substantially cylindrical shape , going downwards and centered around a vertical axis:a windlass using a chain or a cable to move a shuttle rod along this main vertical axis;an outlet receiving a plurality of electrical contacts and provided in its bottom portion with a peripheral skirt having funnel-shaped openings, larger openings facing downwards, and a hawse pipe in which the shuttle rod can engage with small clearance; and a top endplate receiving, facing the contacts of the outlet, complementary contacts;', 'one or more lugs controlling progressive turning of the connector relative to the outlet and about the main vertical axis while they are being progressively engaged in the opening(s) of shapes that are defined so that when the top of the connector engages in the outlet, the contacts are ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Power supply unit, power supply assembly, and water vehicle having a power supply unit or having a power supply assembly

Номер: US20160160752A1
Автор: Henning Kuhlmann
Принадлежит: Becker Marine Systems GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to transportable and compact power supply unit for supplying a water vehicle, in particular an electrical power supply system of the water vehicle, with electrical energy and in particular for arrangement on the water vehicle, containing in a transport container or a plurality of transport containers that can be connected together, wherein the transport container or the plurality of transport containers can be transported as a single, coherent unit: at least one internal combustion engine that can be operated on gas, in particular a natural gas, at least one generator for generating power, which can be driven by the at least one internal combustion engine, at least one control device for the at least one internal combustion engine and/or at least one control device for the at least one generator, at least one fuel treatment device for the at least one internal combustion engine and/or at least one exhaust gas cleaning device for the at least one internal combustion engine, and at least one fuel storage device, wherein the fuel of the fuel storage device is a gas, in particular a natural gas, which is present preferably as liquefied gas, especially preferably as LNG.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154780A1

A system for providing mechanical and electrical power in a vehicle or other engine-driven platform includes a first engine having a first power rating and a second engine having a second power rating that is less than the first power rating. The system further includes a first generator (for example, an alternator) for generating electrical power for a load operation (such as vehicle propulsion), and a second generator (for example, a DFIG) for generating fixed frequency electrical power; both generators are operatively connected to and powered by the first and/or second engines. The first and/or second engines may be selected to power the first generator for generating power for vehicle propulsion or another load operation depending upon situational power requirements of the engine-driven platform. 1. A system comprising:a high power engine disposed in an engine-driven platform;a low power engine disposed in the engine-driven platform;a first generator configured to generate first electrical power for a load operation of the engine-driven platform, wherein the high power engine and the low power engine are operably coupled for either to drive the first generator;a second generator disposed in the engine-driven platform and configured to generate second electrical power; anda controller configured to select either of the low power engine or the high power engine to drive the first generator based on the load operation.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the high power engine and the low power engine are operably coupled for either to drive the second generator claim 1 , and wherein the high and low power engines are operatively connected to a rotatable shaft for driving the first generator and the second generator.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the high power engine and the low power engine are operably coupled for either to drive the second generator claim 1 , and wherein the second generator is configured to generate the second electrical power at a fixed ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Multi-generator power plant arrangement, energy supply network having a multi-generator power plant arrangement and method for distributing reactive power generation in a multi-generator power plant arrangement

Номер: US20170163040A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A multi-generator power plant arrangement, energy supply network having a multi-generator power plant arrangement and method for distributing reactive power generation in a multi-generator power plant arrangement, is provided. A multi-generator power plant arrangement, and also a method for distributing reactive power generation in a multi-generator power plant arrangement, is provided. The control parameters for the controllers of the individual generators of a multi-generator power plant arrangement are thereby calculated individually on the basis of predetermined parameters and transmitted to the controllers of the individual generators. Consequently, the reactive power component to be generated in each case can be individually specified for each generator of a multi-generator power plant arrangement.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180175623A1

A method and apparatus is disclosed that can intelligently invert DC power from single or multiple DC sources to single-phase, split-phase, or three-phase AC power, supply the AC power to the electric power grid when the grid is on, or supply AC power to electric devices or loads when the grid is down. A Smart and Grid-Flexible Power Inverter, or On/Off-Grid Power Inverter, is disclosed that can work in either the on-grid or off-grid mode, and switch back and forth between the two modes manually or automatically depending on the power grid conditions. The system provides a simple and cost-effective solution for areas where the power grid has frequent outages or long downtimes. 1. A scalable DC to AC power inversion system for providing AC power to the electric grid or to an off-grid AC circuit respectively from a plurality of individual DC power sources each having a DC output port , comprising:a) at lease one on-grid power inverter, each having at least one DC input port, an on-grid AC input port, and an on-grid AC output port;b) at least one on/off-grid power inverter, each having at least one DC input port, an on-grid AC output port, and an off-grid AC output port;c) the on-grid AC output port of each inverter being connected in a daisy chain to the on-grid AC input port of the next inverter, except for the on-grid AC output port of the first inverter being connected to the grid;d) said on-grid AC output port of the first inverter being arranged to supply AC power produced by all inverters to the grid when the grid is on;e) the off-grid AC output port of each on/off-grid power inverter being connected to an off-grid AC circuit and arranged to supply AC power to AC loads in the off-grid circuit when grid is down; andf) whereby said system is incrementally scalable by adding or subtracting DC power sources and daisy-chained inverters.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a) a first DC power source connected to one of said DC power input ports of one of said ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190176951A1

A hybrid electrical and mechanical ship propulsion and electric power system, includes a first mechanical power plant configured to drive a first propeller via a first shaft. There is a second electrical power plant configured to drive a second propeller via a second shaft. The second electrical power plant includes HTS generators and a high temperature superconductor (HTS) motor interconnected to the second shaft. There is a first electrical network to which the HTS motor is connected in order to energize the HTS motor to drive the second propeller via the second shaft. 1. A hybrid electrical and mechanical ship propulsion and electric power system , comprising:a first mechanical power plant configured to exclusively drive a first propeller via a first shaft;a second electrical power plant configured to exclusively drive a second propeller via a second shaft; wherein the second electrical power plant includes a high temperature superconductor (HTS) motor interconnected to the second shaft; anda first electrical network to which the HTS motor is connected in order to energize the HTS motor to drive the second propeller via the second shaft.2. The ship propulsion and electric power system of further including at least one electric weapons system interconnected to and powered by the first electrical network.3. The ship propulsion and electric power system of further including a second electrical network configured to power the ship service electric system; wherein the second electrical network is connected to a disconnect switch which is also connected to the first electrical network; the disconnect switch configured to connect and disconnect the first power network and the second power network.4. The ship propulsion and electric power system of wherein the second electrical power plant includes at least one HTS generator connected to the first power network via a first switchgear.5. The ship propulsion and electric power system of wherein the at least one HTS ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172210A1

A vessel () having a stabilization arrangement, the stabilization arrangement having a first tank () and a second tank (), each of the first and second tanks () configured to hold a water column, a channel () connecting the first tank () to the second tank (), and a turbine unit () arranged in the channel (). 1. A vessel having a stabilization arrangement , the stabilization arrangement having a first tank and a second tank , each of the first and second tanks configured to hold a water column , and a first channel connecting a lower part of the first tank to a lower part of the second tank ,wherein the vessel comprises at least one of:a first turbine unit arranged in an upper part of the first tank; anda second turbine unit arranged in an upper part of the second tank,and wherein the first and second turbine units each comprises a fluid turbine coupled to a generator.2. A vessel according to claim 1 , further comprising a power distribution network claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and second turbine units is operatively coupled to the power distribution network such as to allow power generated by the turbine unit to be supplied to the power distribution network.3. (canceled)4. A vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second turbine units comprises a control unit configured for regulating a torque acting from the generator on the turbine.5. A vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second turbine units comprises a guide vane arranged to guide a fluid towards the fluid turbine.6. A vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the first tank and the second tank are spaced in a direction abeam the vessel.710-. (canceled)11. A vessel according to claim 6 , wherein the fluid turbine is configured to have a fixed direction of rotation claim 6 , independent of the direction of fluid flow through the turbine unit.12. A vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid turbine comprises variable pitch blades.13. (canceled)14. A vessel according to ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214063A1
Автор: Scholz Sascha
Принадлежит: Schottel GmbH

A drive system for a ship, including at least two propulsion units, each propulsion unit having a propeller and a drive engine with an above-water transmission connected downstream for driving the propeller. Each drive engine can be connected to and disconnected from the associated above-water transmission with a clutch and between the above-water transmissions, a switchable drive train is provided by which in one switching state, the above-water transmissions can be coupled and driven jointly and in another switching state, they can be decoupled from each other. 112121020112114241020112114241323142431424. A drive system for a ship , comprising at least two propulsion units ( , ) , each said propulsion unit ( , ) having a propeller ( , ) and a drive engine ( , ) with an above-water transmission ( , ) connected downstream for driving the propeller ( , ) , the drive system comprising each drive engine ( , ) able to be connected to and disconnected from the associated above-water transmission ( , ) by a clutch ( , ) and between the above-water transmissions ( , ) , a switchable drive train () and in one switching state , the above-water transmissions ( , ) can be coupled and driven jointly and in another switching state can be decoupled from each other.23303132142430. The drive system according to claim 1 , wherein the drive train () includes a drive shaft () with at least one switchable clutch ( claim 1 , ) between at least one above-water transmission ( claim 1 , ) and the drive shaft ().33303132142430. The drive system according to claim 2 , wherein the drive train () includes a drive shaft () with synchronously switchable clutches ( claim 2 , ) between the above-water transmissions ( claim 2 , ) and the drive shaft ().4303330. The drive system according to claim 3 , wherein the drive shaft () includes a drive engine () operatively connected to the drive shaft ().5142431114142421. The drive system according to claim 4 , wherein when the above-water transmissions ( ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180196386A1
Автор: Shiraki Yohei

A controller, which is a high-voltage power supply apparatus, includes: a secondary transfer high-voltage output device including a first high-voltage generator, which is configured to generate a first voltage having a positive voltage value, and a second high-voltage generator, which is connected in series to the first high-voltage generator, and is configured to generate a second voltage, the secondary transfer high-voltage output device being configured to output an output voltage, which is a sum of the first voltage and the second voltage; and a secondary transfer high-voltage control device, which is configured, in a case where the high-voltage power supply apparatus is switched from a state in which the first high-voltage generator is driven to output a first target voltage as the output voltage, to a state in which a second target voltage is output as the output voltage, to perform feedback control on the second voltage. 1. A high-voltage power supply apparatus , comprising: a first high-voltage generator, which is configured to generate a first voltage having a predetermined voltage value; and', 'a second high-voltage generator, which is connected in series to the first high-voltage generator, and is configured to generate a second voltage,', 'the high-voltage output device being configured to output an output voltage based on the first voltage and the second voltage; and, 'a high-voltage output device includinga high-voltage control device, which is configured, in a case where the high-voltage power supply apparatus is switched from a state in which the first high-voltage generator is driven and the high-voltage output device is caused to output a first target voltage as the output voltage, to a state in which a second target voltage is output as the output voltage, to perform feedback control on the second voltage so that the output voltage becomes the second target voltage while continuing to drive the first high-voltage generator,the second target ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150226185A1
Автор: Beekmann Alfred

The invention concerns a wind farm for generating electrical energy from wind, including at least 2 wind turbines for producing the electrical energy and a collective injection device for injecting the electrical energy generated, or part of it, into an electrical supply grid, whereby the wind turbines are connected to the injection device via an electrical DC voltage grid, in order to supply the electrical energy generated using the wind turbines as electrical direct current to the injection device. 1. A wind farm for generating electrical energy from wind , the wind farm comprising:a plurality of wind turbines for generating electrical energy;a common feed-in device for feeding at least a portion of the electrical energy generated to an electrical supply grid; andan electrical DC voltage grid coupling the plurality of wind turbines to the common feed-in device, the electrical DC voltage grid being configured to supply the electrical energy generated by the respective wind turbines as a DC electrical signal to the common feed-in device.2. The wind farm according to claim 1 , wherein the DC voltage grid has an electrical DC voltage in the range of 1 to 50 kV.3. The wind farm according to claim 1 , wherein each wind turbine has the following:a generator for generating an AC electrical signal;a rectifier for rectifying the AC electrical signal generated into a first DC electrical signal having a first DC voltage; anda boost converter for raising the first DC electrical signal to a second DC electrical signal having a second DC voltage that is higher than the first DC voltage.4. The wind farm according to claim 1 , wherein at least one the plurality of the wind turbines has a synchronous generator for generating an AC electrical signal.5. The wind farm according to claim 1 , wherein the common feed-in device has an inverter coupled to the DC voltage grid claim 1 , wherein the inverter is configured to generate an AC electrical signal for supplying to the electrical ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140319920A1

A grid interconnection apparatus includes a voltage conversion section including DC/DC converters to step up or down output voltages of DC power sources. The voltage conversion section combines DC power outputs from the DC/DC converters into combined DC power and output the DC power. A power conversion section converts the DC power output from the voltage conversion section into AC power, and outputs the AC power to a power grid. A current detector detects a current input into the power conversion section. A voltage detector detects a voltage input into the power conversion section. A controller controls the DC/DC converters to maximize the power outputs from the DC power sources based on the detected current and the detected voltage. 1. A grid interconnection apparatus comprising:a voltage conversion section comprising a plurality of DC/DC converters configured to step up or down output voltages of a plurality of DC power sources, the voltage conversion section being configured to combine DC power outputs from the plurality of DC/DC converters into combined DC power and output the combined DC power;a power conversion section configured to convert the DC power output from the voltage conversion section into AC power, and output the AC power to a power grid;a current detector configured to detect a current to be input into the power conversion section;a voltage detector configured to detect a voltage to be input into the power conversion section; anda controller configured to control the plurality of DC/DC converters to maximize the power outputs from the plurality of DC power sources based on the current detected by the current detector and on the voltage detected by the voltage detector.2. The grid interconnection apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the voltage conversion section is configured to combine DC power output from another DC power source different from the plurality of DC power sources with the DC power outputs from the plurality of DC/DC converters, ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Power Supply System of Marine Vessel

Номер: US20140320092A1
Автор: Damir Radan
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A power supply system configured to couple to a power distribution bus of a marine vessel and to power a plurality of electric motors coupled to the power distribution bus. The power supply system includes a generator configured to generate electric power and a control system coupled to the generator and configured to control the output voltage of the generator based on a voltage setpoint. The control system includes a measuring unit configured to measure a parameter of the electric power generated by the generator and a control unit configured to control the voltage setpoint for the output voltage of the generator based on the measured parameter.

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Ship Or Power Plant Voltage Supply System

Номер: US20180226689A1

A voltage supply system for supplying an electric consumer with an electric target voltage and an electric target energy, with a plurality of automotive traction battery modules. Each automotive traction battery module has an electric actual voltage and an electric actual energy. The automotive traction battery modules are interconnected dependent on the electric target voltage, the electric actual voltage, the electric target energy, and the electric actual energy in series connections and/or in a parallel connection to form at least one traction battery module group. 1. A ship voltage supply system configured to supply an electric consumer of a ship with an electric target voltage and an electric target energy , comprising:a plurality of automotive traction battery modules, wherein each automotive traction battery module has an electric actual voltage and an electric actual energy;wherein the plurality of automotive traction battery modules are interconnected based at least in part on the electric target voltage, the electric actual voltage, the electric target energy, and the electric actual energy; andwherein the plurality of automotive traction battery modules are interconnected at least one of:in a series connections to form a plurality of traction battery module subgroups; andin a parallel connection to form at least one traction battery module group.2. The ship voltage supply system according to claim 1 , wherein when the electric actual voltage of the plurality of automotive traction battery modules corresponds to the electric target voltage of the electric consumer claim 1 , the plurality of automotive traction battery modules are connected in parallel to form the at least one traction battery module group.3. The ship voltage supply system according to claim 1 , wherein when the electric actual voltage of the plurality of automotive traction battery modules is smaller than the electric target voltage of the electric consumer claim 1 , the plurality of ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150239546A1
Автор: Limseth Finn
Принадлежит: Nodin Innovation AS

A system for controlling and providing power to at least one electric motor in a vessel, such as a motor in a thruster or a winch. The system includes an electric energy storage, a power controller device connected to the electric energy storage, at least one motor controller device, a first combined power and communication line interconnecting the power controller device and the at least one motor controller device, an electric motor connected to the motor controller device, and at least one operating device connected to the power controller device. The system may further include a second combined power and communication line that interconnects the power controller device and the at least one operating device. The first combined power and communication line operates with a DC voltage level which is at least twice the operational DC voltage level of the second power and communication line. 1. A system for controlling and providing power to a plurality of electric motors in a vessel , the system comprisingan electric energy storage;a power controller device, connected to the electric energy storage;a plurality of motor controller devices;a first combined power and communication line interconnecting the power controller device and the plurality of motor controller devicesan electric motor connected to each motor controller device; andat least one operating device connected to the power controller device.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a second combined power and communication line interconnecting the power controller device and the at least one operating device.3. The system according to claim 2 ,wherein the first combined power and communication line is configured to operate with an operational voltage level at least two times the operational voltage level of the second power and communication line.4. The system according to claim 1 ,wherein the power controller device includes a DC-DC converter and is configured to provide a first DC voltage ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации

System and a Method for Control of the RPM of at least One Main Engine of a Vessel

Номер: US20150247416A1
Автор: Esper Flodgaard
Принадлежит: DEIF AS

The present invention relates to a system and a method for control and reduction of the RPM of at least one main engine of a vessel, which main engine drives at least one first propeller for propulsion, which first propeller is pitch-regulated, which second thruster propeller is pitch-regulated. It is the object of the invention to reduce the RPM of one ore more main engines of a vessel and by increasing the pitch of the propellers to maintain constant propulsion, and by reducing the RPM of the main engines to re-duce the fuel consumption and in this way reduce pollution. The object can be fulfilled by a system analysing the RPM and pitch of the first main shaft propeller, which system analyses the RPM and the pitch of the second thruster propeller, which system based on said analyses performs downward regulation of the RPM of the main engine.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190237973A1

An emulator apparatus that emulates entities included in a microgrid is described herein. The emulator apparatus emulates a load with time-varying inductance/resistance or an energy storage device or combination of energy storage devices. The emulator apparatus is electrically coupled to a system or device that is desirably tested/maintained/designed. The emulator apparatus emulates a particular device, and response of the system of device to the emulated device is monitored for purposes of design, testing, or maintenance. 1. An emulator apparatus , comprising:a computer-readable data store comprising a plurality of computer-implemented control systems that respectively correspond to a plurality of energy storage systems; an energy storage device from amongst the plurality of energy storage devices; or', 'a combination of energy storage devices from amongst the plurality of energy storage devices; and, 'an interface that receives an indication ofemulator circuitry that emulates the energy storage device or the combination of energy storage devices responsive to the interface receiving the indication, the emulator circuitry configured to emulate the energy storage device or the combination of energy storage devices by a control system or combination of control systems that respectively correspond to the indication.2. The emulator apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of energy storage devices comprises a battery system claim 1 , a capacitor system claim 1 , and a flywheel system.3. The emulator apparatus of configured for connection to a DC bus of a microgrid.4. The emulator apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the microgrid comprises at least one variable source of power and at least one variable load.5. The emulator apparatus of being coupled to a voltage source claim 3 , wherein the emulator apparatus is configured to direct energy supplied by the voltage source to the DC bus when emulating discharge of energy from the energy storage device or the combination of ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Quick Dissipation of Stored Energy from Input Capacitors of Power Inverters

Номер: US20200235583A1

Methods and systems for connecting a photovoltaic module and an inverter having an input capacitor are presented. The photovoltaic system includes a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller coupled between the inverter and the photovoltaic module. The MPPT controller includes a direct current (DC) converter configured to reduce, in a forward buck mode, a voltage of the photovoltaic module, to supply power from the photovoltaic module to the input capacitor of the inverter. The photovoltaic system also includes a microcontroller unit (MCU) configured to control the DC converter to allow the photovoltaic module to operate at a maximum power point, and to increase, in a reverse boost mode, a voltage of the input capacitor of the inverter, to dissipate power from the input capacitor in the photovoltaic module, and the MPPT controller is configured to, based upon one or more triggers. 1. A photovoltaic system for connecting to an inverter having an input capacitor , the photovoltaic system comprising:at least one photovoltaic module; and a direct current (DC) converter configured to reduce, in a forward buck mode, a voltage of the at least one photovoltaic module, to supply power from the at least one photovoltaic module to the input capacitor of the inverter; and', 'a microcontroller unit (MCU) configured to control the DC converter to allow the at least one photovoltaic module to operate at a maximum power point,', 'wherein the DC converter is software-configurable to increase, in a reverse boost mode, a voltage of the input capacitor of the inverter, to dissipate power from the input capacitor in the at least one photovoltaic module, and, 'a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller coupled between the input capacitor of the inverter and the at least one photovoltaic module, wherein the MPPT controller includeswherein the MPPT controller is configured to, based upon one or more triggers, automatically change the DC converter from the forward buck mode to ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Obtaining Electricity from Offshore Wind Turbines

Номер: US20150260162A1

According to one aspect of the teachings herein, various feeder connection arrangements and architectures are disclosed, for collecting electricity from wind turbines in an offshore collection grid that operates at a fixed low frequency, e.g., at one third of the targeted utility grid frequency. Embodiments herein detail various feeder arrangements, such as the use of parallel feeder connections and cluster-based feeder arrangements where a centralized substation includes a common step-up transformer for outputting electricity at a stepped-up voltage, for low-frequency transmission to onshore equipment. Further aspects relate to advantageous generation arrangements, e.g., tower-based arrangements, for converting wind power into electrical power using, for example, medium-speed or high-speed gearboxes driving generators having a rated electrical frequency for full-power output in a range from about 50 Hz to about 150 Hz, with subsequent conversion to the fixed low frequency for off-shore collection. 1. A system configured for obtaining electricity in an offshore wind turbine farm and including a first arrangement that comprises:a gearbox configured to mechanically convert a variable first rotational speed of a wind turbine into a higher variable second rotational speed;a generator having a rated electrical frequency for full-power output in a range from about 50 Hz to about 150 Hz, and configured to be driven at the variable second rotational speed by an output of the gearbox and to thereby generate electricity at a correspondingly variable first frequency; andan AC-to-AC converter configured to convert the electricity from the generator into electricity output from the AC-to-AC converter at a fixed low frequency for off-shore collection at the fixed low frequency, wherein the fixed low frequency is lower than a utility grid frequency.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first arrangement further comprises a step-up transformer having a rated electrical frequency ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Buoyant vessel

Номер: US20190241243A1
Автор: Paul Rembach
Принадлежит: Thrustmaster of Texas Inc

A buoyant vessel having a hull and a drive system mounted to the hull, the system having a rectifier, a generator, an AC bus in communication with shore power or a charging system and the rectifier, a DC bus in communication with the rectifier, at least one energy storage system, an inverter, a prime mover, a load regenerating device, and a control and monitor system which has predefined specifications for at least one of: storage units of at least one energy storage system; stored therein and wherein the control and monitor system is adapted to: automatically control the DC/DC converters, relieve a current draw from one or more storage units, provide charging current, and automatically draw power and redirect energy.

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Methods to Balance Solar Panels in a Multi-panel System

Номер: US20200244069A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel, Hadar Ron

Systems and methods to balance currents among a plurality of photovoltaic units connected in series. In aspect, a management unit is coupled between a photovoltaic energy production unit and a string of energy production units. The management unit has an energy storage element (e.g., a capacitor) connected to the photovoltaic energy production unit. The management unit further has a switch to selectively couple to the energy storage element and the photovoltaic energy production unit to the string. The management unit allows the current in the string to be larger than the current in the photovoltaic energy production unit. 1. A management unit in a photovoltaic energy production system , comprising:a circuit to periodically connect and disconnect a solar module to and from a power bus according to a duty cycle, the duty cycle being adjustable to operate the solar module at a maximum power point; anda controller to receive operating parameters from first management units coupled to the power bus, each of the first management units to determine operating parameters of a respective solar module and transmit the operating parameters of the respective solar module to the controller, the controller to determine duty cycles for the first management units based at least in part on the operating parameters received from the first management units.2. The management unit of claim 1 , wherein the power bus is a serial power bus.3. The management unit of claim 2 , wherein each of the first management units has a switch to periodically connect and disconnect a respective solar module to and from the power bus.4. The management unit of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to determine different phases for respective switches in the first management units.5. The management unit of claim 2 , wherein the operating parameters include at least one of: current claim 2 , voltage claim 2 , and temperature.6. The management unit of claim 5 , wherein the controller is configured ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248461A1
Автор: MAEJIMA Masaki

A vessel power supply system for a vessel including a propulsion device that includes an engine and a generator driven by the engine to generate electricity, includes a first battery that supplies power to the propulsion device, a second battery that supplies power to accessories of the vessel, a first open circuit voltage sensor that detects an open circuit voltage of the first battery, a second open circuit voltage sensor that detects an open circuit voltage of the second battery, and a switch that is turned on/off to open and close a current path between the first battery and the second battery. 1. A vessel power supply system for a vessel including a propulsion device that includes an engine and a generator driven by the engine to generate electricity , the vessel power supply system comprising:a first battery that supplies power to the propulsion device;a second battery that supplies power to accessories of the vessel;a first open circuit voltage sensor that detects an open circuit voltage of the first battery;a second open circuit voltage sensor that detects an open circuit voltage of the second battery;a first switch that is turned on/off to open and close a current path between the first battery and the second battery; andan on/off switch disposed in a power line that connects the propulsion device to the first battery; whereinthe second battery is connected in parallel with the first battery; andthe first switch is disposed in a current path between the second battery and the on/off switch.2. The vessel power supply system according to claim 1 , whereinthe second battery is connected to the propulsion device via the current path; andwhen the first switch is turned on/off, the second battery is connected to/disconnected from the propulsion device.3. The vessel power supply system according to claim 1 , further comprising a switch controller configured or programmed to control the first switch.4. The vessel power supply system according to claim 3 , further ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Electric power system and a method and equipment for controlling the same

Номер: US20200251908A1
Принадлежит: Danfoss Editron Oy

An electric power system includes electric energy sources and control equipment for controlling the electric energy sources in accordance with a target value of electric power produced by the electric power system. The control equipment activates and deactivates the electric energy sources based on a control value and on activation and deactivation limits. The control value can be the target value or the actual value of the electric power. The control equipment controls active electric energy sources according to the target value and according to power sharing defined for the active electric energy sources. The activation and deactivation limits as well as activation and deactivation order of the electric energy sources can be determined based on properties of the electric energy sources and on a prevailing operational situation of the electric power system.

05-10-2017 дата публикации

System for Controlling an Electrical Power System

Номер: US20170283024A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A system for limiting power to a plurality of on-line consumers includes an operating characteristic sensor associated with each of a plurality of prime movers and a controller. The controller is configured to determine a maximum torque capability of each of the plurality of prime movers, determine the available electrical power response of each of the plurality of generators, determine a total available electrical power response, and determine a total maximum power demand. The controller then compares the total available electrical power response to the total maximum power demand, and upon the total maximum power demand exceeding the total available electrical power response, limits power to the plurality of on-line consumers to no more than the total available electrical power response.

13-10-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Subsea Propulsion and Energy Harvesting Using Current Shear

Номер: US20160297506A1

A subsea system for exploiting an oceanic current shear includes a first vehicle positionable in a first oceanic current and tethered to a second vehicle positionable in a second oceanic current. The first and second oceanic currents have a velocity differential. A drag or lift device integral or attached to the first vehicle exerts a force through the tether on the second vehicle and its associated drag or lift device, thus providing a net propulsive force. Hydrofoils or control devices attached to the vehicles provide hydrodynamic lift, drag, and/or depth control that allow the direction of the force to be controlled for propulsion in a desired direction. The relative currents and/or change in separation of the vehicles can be used for energy harvesting. Turbines and generators coupled to the vehicles harvest energy for long term subsea endurance. A sensor aperture comprises a plurality of sensors coupled to components of the subsea system. 1. A subsea system for exploiting an oceanic current shear , the system comprising:a vehicle positionable in a first oceanic current; anda drag device coupled to the vehicle by a tether, the drag device positionable in a second oceanic current, the first and second oceanic currents having a velocity differential, whereby the drag device exerts a propulsion force on the vehicle.2. The subsea system of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle has a turbine for harvesting energy to power components onboard the vehicle claim 1 , the turbine movable by hydrodynamic forces created due to the vehicle's propulsion through the first oceanic current.3. The subsea system of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle has a drum reel generator whereby the tether is spooled around the drum reel generator such that the drag device causes the tether to be spooled or unspooled claim 1 , depending upon the magnitude of the velocity differential claim 1 , to harvest energy to power components onboard the vehicle.4. The subsea system of claim 3 , wherein the vehicle ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170291672A1
Автор: MAEJIMA Masaki

A vessel power supply system for a vessel including a propulsion device that includes an engine and a generator driven by the engine to generate electricity, includes a first battery that supplies power to the propulsion device, a second battery that supplies power to accessories of the vessel, a first open circuit voltage sensor that detects an open circuit voltage of the first battery, a second open circuit voltage sensor that detects an open circuit voltage of the second battery, and a switch that is turned on/off to open and close a current path between the first battery and the second battery. 1. A vessel power supply system for a vessel including a propulsion device that includes an engine and a generator driven by the engine to generate electricity , the system comprising:a first battery that supplies power to the propulsion device;a second battery that supplies power to accessories of the vessel;a first open circuit voltage sensor that detects an open circuit voltage of the first battery;a second open circuit voltage sensor that detects an open circuit voltage of the second battery; anda first switch that is turned on/off to open and close a current path between the first battery and the second battery.2. The vessel power supply system according to claim 1 , whereinthe second battery is connected via the current path to the propulsion device; andthe first switch is turned on/off to connect/disconnect the second battery and the propulsion device.3. The vessel power supply system according to claim 1 , further comprising a switch controller configured or programmed to control the first switch.4. The vessel power supply system according to claim 3 , further comprising a main switch that is turned on by a user to power the propulsion device and to be turned off by the user to stop power to the propulsion device; whereinthe switch controller turns the first switch off when the main switch is turned off.5. The vessel power supply system according to claim 4 , ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304176A1
Автор: Arditi Shmuel Sam

An enhanced system and various methods for remotely deploying boat fenders from a safe and convenient location. The fenders, which are placed along the entire periphery of the boat, may be deployed and retracted with lines attached to winches and motors. A user interface application installed on a mobile device may be utilized to alert the need for deploying boat fenders upon entering known ports, and may also deploy the fenders automatically. 1. A system for automatically deploying a boat fender to protect a boat's hull , comprising:a fender basket configured to contain a boat fender in a stowed position and further configured to lower the boat fender from the stowed position into a deployed position capable of protecting the boat's hull and further configured to retract the boat fender to its previously stowed position, wherein the boat fender is attached to a line, the line being coupled to a winch, the winch being coupled to a motor; anda system controller comprising a plurality of software programming instructions stored in a memory and operating on a processor of a computing device and configured to direct the operation of the motor via wireless control signals.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system power is drawn from a battery.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the battery is a component of an onboard power supply.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the battery is a separate component and may recharged by a solar panel linked to the battery.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein BLUETOOTH™ is used for a wireless control signal to control the motor.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein Wi-Fi is used for a wireless control signal to control the motor.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein ZIGBEE™ is used for a wireless control signal to control the motor.8. A mobile device comprising a processor claim 1 , a memory claim 1 , and a user interface application comprising a plurality of programming instructions stored in the memory and operating on the processor claim 1 ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Boat-Mounted Wind Power Assembly

Номер: US20190291840A1
Автор: Street Shirley

A boat-mounted wind power assembly for powering devices of a boat includes a first shaft that is rotatably coupled to and extends vertically from a boat. A plurality of blades is coupled to and extends from the first shaft. A generator is operationally coupled to the first shaft. A rectifier is operationally coupled the generator. A battery, which is rechargeable, is operationally coupled to the rectifier. The battery is selectively couplable to devices of the boat. The blades are configured to convert kinetic energy of wind into rotation of the first shaft. The generator is positioned to convert rotation of the first shaft into unstable alternating current. The rectifier is positioned to convert the unstable alternating current from the generator to direct current so that the battery is charged by the generator. The battery is configured to supply direct current to power the devices of the boat. 1. A boat-mounted wind power assembly comprising:a first shaft rotatably coupled to and extending vertically from a boat;a plurality of blades coupled to and extending from said first shaft, each said blade comprising a first section and a second section, said first section extending from said first shaft and said second section extending from said first section, said first section and said second section each being planar and defining an obtuse angle therebetween, said first section defining an acute angle with said first shaft, said acute angle and said obtuse angle being on respective opposite sides of said first section;a generator operationally coupled to said first shaft;a rectifier operationally coupled said generator;a battery, said battery being rechargeable, said battery being operationally coupled to said rectifier, said battery being selectively couplable to devices of the boat; andwherein said blades are configured for converting kinetic energy of wind into rotation of said first shaft, wherein said generator is positioned for converting rotation of said first ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190291841A1

A navigation method for a ship which includes: a plurality of main generators that feed power to navigation equipment used in normal navigation and appliances for the living quarters provided within a ship body; and an emergency generator that feeds power to emergency equipment in case of fire or flood. The navigation method includes: an emergency power feeding step for feeding power to the emergency equipment using the emergency generator when at least one of the plurality of main generators is disabled due to fire or flood; and a return-to-port power feeding step for feeding power to return-to-port equipment, required for navigation for returning to port, using the main generators and the emergency generator after the fire or flood has subsided. 1. A navigation method for a ship including a plurality of main generators that feed power to navigation equipment for use in normal navigation and living quarter appliances provided inside a ship body , and an emergency generator that feeds power to emergency equipment when fire or flood occurs , the navigation method comprising:an emergency power feeding step of feeding power to the emergency equipment using the emergency generator when at least a part of the plurality of main generators are disabled due to fire or flood; anda return-to-port power feeding step of feeding power to return-to-port equipment required for navigation for returning to a port using the main generators and the emergency generator after fire or flood has subsided.2. The navigation method for a ship according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the return-to-port power feeding step claim 1 , the emergency generator feeds power to at least a part of the living quarter appliances.3. The navigation method for a ship according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the return-to-port power feeding step claim 2 , the main generators feed power to at least a part of the navigation equipment and another part of the living quarter appliances.4. The navigation ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150322921A1

According to an embodiment, a power generation system is provided comprising a wind power plant comprising a plurality of wind turbine generators and a power plant controller configured to signal, to at least a portion of the plurality of wind turbine generators, a voltage reference for the output voltage of the wind turbine generator wherein each wind turbine generator comprises a controller configured to control the wind turbine generator based on the voltage reference. 1. A power generation system comprisinga wind power plant comprising a plurality of wind turbine generators;a power plant controller configured to signal, to each of at least a portion of the plurality of wind turbine generators, a voltage reference for the output voltage of the wind turbine generator;wherein each of the at least a portion of the plurality of wind turbine generators comprises a controller configured to control the wind turbine generator based on the voltage reference.2. The power generation system according to claim 1 , wherein the power plant controller comprises a determiner configured to determine the voltage reference for each of the wind turbine generators.3. The power generation system according to claim 2 , wherein the determiner is configured to individually determine a voltage reference for each of the at least a portion of the plurality of the wind turbine generators.4. The power generation system according to claim 2 , wherein the determiner is configured to determine the voltage reference for each of the at least a portion of the plurality of the wind turbine generators based on a location of the wind turbine generator.5. The power generation system according to claim 4 , wherein the determiner is configured to determine the voltage reference for each of the at least a portion of the plurality of the wind turbine generators based on a location of the wind turbine generator within the wind power plant.6. The power generation system according to claim 4 , wherein the ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180312236A1

A marine reduction gear makes it possible to reduce the installation space of an electrical rotating machine. A marine reduction gear includes: an input shaft coupled to an output shaft of an engine; an output shaft coupled to a propeller shaft that rotates a screw propeller; a gearbox accommodating an input gear provided on the input shaft and an output gear provided on the output shaft, the gearbox supporting a first bearing that supports the output shaft in a rotatable manner; and an electrical rotating machine including: a central shaft that rotates together with the output shaft; a rotor fixed to the central shaft; and a stator surrounding the rotor. The gearbox supports the stator and a second bearing that supports the central shaft of the electrical rotating machine in a rotatable manner. 1. A marine reduction gear comprising:an input shaft coupled to a first output shaft that is an output shaft of an engine;a second output shaft coupled to a propeller shaft that rotates a screw propeller;a gearbox accommodating an input gear provided on the input shaft and an output gear provided on the second output shaft, the gearbox supporting a first bearing that supports the second output shaft in a rotatable manner; andan electrical rotating machine including:a central shaft that rotates together with the second output shaft;a rotor fixed to the central shaft; anda stator surrounding the rotor, whereinthe gearbox supports the stator and a second bearing that supports the central shaft of the electrical rotating machine in a rotatable manner.2. The marine reduction gear according to claim 1 , further comprising a lubricating oil pump mounted to the gearbox and driven by the input shaft claim 1 , whereinthe lubricating oil pump circulates lubricating oil such that the lubricating oil flows downward in the gearbox, and supplies the lubricating oil to the second bearing, andthe lubricating oil supplied to the second bearing is ejected from the second bearing into the ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160344186A1

Some embodiments relate to an example generator management system. The generator management system includes a first generator that is adapted to supply power to a load and a first generator controller that operates the first generator. The generator management system further includes a second generator that is adapted to supply power to the load and a second generator controller that operates the second generator. The generator management system further includes a communication bus that connects the first generator controller and the second generator controller such that the first generator controller and the second generator controller exchange data. At least one of the first generator controller and the second generator controller selectively activates the first generator and the second generator in an order that depends on an operating parameter of the first generator and the second generator (as opposed to a fixed sequence which is done in existing systems). 1. A method for dynamically controlling one or more generators adapted to supply power to a load , the method comprising:receiving first data indicative of an operating parameter of a first generator;performing a comparison of the first data to second data for a second generator; anddetermining a sequence for operating the first generator and the second generator based on the comparison.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:dynamically updating the sequence for the first generator and the second generator.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sequence is an order for starting the first generator and the second generator.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first generator is adapted to provide power to a load and the second generator is adapted to provide power to the load.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first data is a number of run hours for the first generator.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first data is an amount of emissions produced by the first generator.7. The method of ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170338655A1

An auxiliary generator connection, a method of operating and a system are disclosed. The auxiliary generator connection includes at least one first conductor coupled to a first portion of the electrical utility distribution network. At least one second conductor is coupled to a second portion of the electrical utility distribution network. A t-type connector is coupled between the at least one first conductor and the at least one second conductor. A switch is coupled between the at least one second conductor and the t-type connector. A generator conductor is electrically coupled at a first end to the t-type connector. A generator plug is coupled to a second end of the generator conductor opposite the t-type connector. 1. An auxiliary generator connection for an electrical utility distribution network , the connection comprising:at least one first conductor coupled to a first portion of the electrical utility distribution network;at least one second conductor coupled to a second portion of the electrical utility distribution network;a t-type connector coupled between the at least one first conductor and the at least one second conductor;a switch coupled between the at least one second conductor and the t-type connector;a generator conductor electrically coupled at a first end to the t-type connector; anda generator plug coupled to a second end of the generator conductor opposite the t-type connector.2. The connection of claim 1 , wherein the t-type connector includes a body and an elastomeric submersible outer layer.3. The connection of wherein the generator conductor is a 500 kCMIL welding cable having a length of 1 foot to 5 feet.4. The connection of wherein the generator plug is a camlock type generator plug.5. The connection of wherein the elastomeric outer layer is made from rubber.6. The connection of wherein the t-type connector is configured to operate at 120V claim 4 , 600 amp continuous rating with a 50 KA peak short circuit rating.7. The connection of ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Recharging Power Storage Devices on a Watercraft

Номер: US20170349051A1
Автор: Connell Edward

A system for recharging power storage devices on a watercraft is disclosed herein. The system for recharging power storage devices on a watercraft includes a shell, at least one linear-channel fixedly mounted inside the shell, a turbine having at least one rotor and at least one shaft connected to the rotor, and a generator. The system for recharging power storage devices on a watercraft is useful for converting the rotational energy provided by the water flowing past the turbine rotor into electrical energy to charge a power storage device on a watercraft. 1. A system for recharging power storage devices on a watercraft , the system comprising:a shell, the shell having a front, a rear, a first side, a second side, a bottom, and an open top, the open top dimensionally configured to encase a hull of the watercraft;at least one channel fixedly mounted inside the shell;a turbine having an encasement, the encasement coupled to the shell via at least one shaft, the turbine in communication with the at least one channel, the turbine including a rotor configured to rotate and produce kinetic energy; anda generator configured to convert the kinetic energy into electric energy to charge at least one power storage device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the shell is configured to cover the hull of the watercraft from a bow of the watercraft to a stern of the watercraft at least partially below the waterline on the watercraft.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the shell comprises at least one fastener configured to fixedly attach the shell to the hull of the watercraft.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the shell comprises at least one fastener configured to removably attach the shell to the hull of the watercraft.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the shell further comprises at least one linear-channel horizontally positioned and traversing the length of the shell.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the linear-channel is tapered directionally toward the stern of the ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170356599A1

The present invention relates to a natural gas hydrate tank container loading system for transporting natural gas hydrate, and the present invention provides a natural gas hydrate tank container loading system which enables automated connection of an electric power line and a boil-off pipe, and may automatically connect an electric power line and automatically connect the pipe by simultaneously stacking respective natural gas hydrate tank containers, in order to solve problems of a transportation method using the existing natural gas hydrate tank containers in the related art in that an operation of connecting an electric power line to a refrigerator for minimizing the occurrence of boil-off gas and maintaining a phase equilibrium condition in the tank containers and an operation of connecting the pipe for discharging the boil-off gas need to be manually and individually performed for long-distance transportation of a large amount of natural gas hydrate by using a ship, which causes an inconvenience. 1. A natural gas hydrate tank container loading system enabling automated connection of an electric power line and a boil-off gas pipe , which solves problems of natural gas hydrate transportation methods in the related art in that an operation of connecting the electric power line to a refrigerator for maintaining a phase equilibrium condition in a natural gas hydrate tank container and an operation of connecting the pipe for discharging boil-off gas generated in the respective natural gas hydrate tank containers are manually and individually performed during long-distance transportation of natural gas hydrate , which causes an inconvenience , the natural gas hydrate tank container loading system comprising:a plurality of natural gas hydrate tank containers which is stacked in a vertical direction;a refrigerator which is installed at one side of each of the natural gas hydrate tank containers for maintaining phase equilibrium of natural gas hydrate stored in each of ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180366974A1
Автор: Jacobson Boris S.

An electrical circuit and a method for regulating current and providing a circuit breaker to the electrical circuit. The circuit includes a bidirectional cell including a set of forward switches for power flow during a forward mode of operation and a set of reverse switches for providing reverse power flow during a reverse mode of operation, a control inductor for controlling current flow during the reverse mode of operation, and a voltage clamping switch configured to provide the control inductor in the circuit during the reverse mode of operation and remove the control inductor from the circuit during the forward mode of operation. The circuit is operated in at least the reverse mode of operation. 1. An electric circuit , comprising:a bidirectional cell including a set of forward switches for power flow during a forward mode of operation and a set of reverse switches for providing reverse power flow during a reverse mode of operation;a control inductor for controlling current flow during the reverse mode of operation; anda voltage clamping switch configured to provide the control inductor in the circuit during the reverse mode of operation and remove the control inductor from the circuit during the forward mode of operation.2. The electric circuit of claim 1 , wherein the bidirectional cell includes a capacitor that forms a bridge rectifier circuit with the set of forward switches in the forward mode of operation and forms a bridge rectifier circuit with the set of reverse switches in the reverse mode of operation.3. The electric circuit of claim 1 , further comprising a master control inductor for controlling the control inductor during at least the reverse mode of operation.4. The electric circuit of further comprising a processor that activates the set of forward switches during the forward mode of operation and activates the set of reverse switches during the reverse mode of operation.5. The electric circuit device of claim 1 , further comprising:a first ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190389552A1

A drive system mounted to the hull of a buoyant vessel, the drive system having a rectifier, a generator, an AC bus in communication with shore power or a charging system and the rectifier, a DC bus in communication with the rectifier, at least one energy storage system, an inverter, a prime mover, a load regenerating device, and a control and monitor system which has predefined specifications for at least one of: storage units of at least one energy storage system; stored therein and wherein the control and monitor system is adapted to: automatically control the DC/DC converters, relieve a current draw from one or more storage units, provide charging current, and automatically draw power and redirect energy. 1. A drive system mounted to a hull of a buoyant vessel for balancing power between electrical devices on the buoyant vessel using a digital signal processor that enables a particular module to respond instantly and correctly to changing voltages , currents , temperatures , thrusters and propellers of the buoyant vessel , the drive system comprises:(a) a rectifier for converting AC current to DC current;(b) a generator connected to the rectifier;(c) an AC bus in communication the rectifier;(d) a DC bus in communication with the rectifier;(e) a DC/DC converter in communication with the DC bus;(f) at least one energy storage system with at least one storage unit in bi-directional communication with the DC/DC converter; wherein the DC/DC converter selectively controls bidirectional charging and discharging of the at least one energy storage system and, wherein the energy storage system comprises at least one of: a battery, a battery-ultra capacitor, an ultracapacitor, and capacitors;(g) an inverter in communication with the DC bus;(h) a prime mover;(i) a load regenerating device connected to the inverter, wherein the rectifier is configured to provide regenerated power from the prime mover, load regenerating device, or combinations thereof to the energy storage ...

17-08-2006 дата публикации

Medium-voltage country connection for ships

Номер: DE102005004628A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Es wird eine Vorrichtung (1) zum elektrischen Anschluss eines mehrphasigen Schiffsverteilungsnetzes (14) an ein mehrphasiges Landversorgungsnetz (2) mit einer Anschlusseinheit zum Anschluss des Landversorgungsnetzes (2) bereitgestellt, welche über einen Eingangstransformator (4) mit einer Kurzkupplung (5) verbunden ist, die über wenigstens einen Gleichspannungskreis (19, 20) miteinander verbundene Stromrichter (6, 7) aufweist, wobei der Kurzkupplung (5) ein Ausgangstransformator (8) nachgeschaltet ist, dessen Ausgangsspannung im Bereich zwischen 5 und 50 KV liegt und der über eine einzige mehrphasige Verbindungsleitung (9) mit dem Schiffsverteilungsnetz (14) verbindbar ist. A device (1) for the electrical connection of a multiphase ship distribution network (14) to a multiphase land supply network (2) with a connection unit for connection of the shore supply network (2) is provided, which is connected via an input transformer (4) to a short coupling (5) , which has at least one DC voltage circuit (19, 20) interconnected power converters (6, 7), wherein the short coupling (5) an output transformer (8) is connected downstream, whose output voltage is in the range between 5 and 50 KV and the one multiphase connection line (9) with the ship distribution network (14) is connectable.

26-06-2008 дата публикации

Method for operating a marine propulsion system with waste heat recovery and marine propulsion system with waste heat recovery

Номер: DE102006020144B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Bei einem Schiffsantriebssystem (1) mit einer Hauptmaschine (2), die eine Wellenanlage (3) antreibt, die mit einem Schiffspropeller (4) gekoppelt ist, einem Abwärmerückgewinnungssystem (20), das aus Abwärme der Hauptmaschine elektrische Energie erzeugt und in ein elektrisches Schiffsnetz (5) einspeist, und einem über einen Umrichter (12) mit dem elektrischen Netz (5) verbundenen Wellengenerator/-motor (11), der mit der Wellenanlage (3) gekoppelt ist und der im Motorbetrieb elektrische Energie aus dem Schiffsnetz (5) in mechanische Energie zum Antrieb der Wellenanlage (3) und im Generatorbetrieb mechanische Energie der Wellenanlage (3) in elektrische Energie für das Schiffsnetz (5) umwandelt, besteht das Problem, dass ein unvorhergesehener Ausfall der Energieerzeugung durch das Abwärmerückgewinnungssystem (20) zu einer Netzstörung bis hin zu einem Blackout des Schiffes führen kann. Dies wird erfindungsgemäß dadurch vermieden, dass bei Motorbetrieb des Wellengenerators/-motors (11) und einem Ausfall der Energieerzeugung durch das Abwärmerückgewinnungssystem (20) der Wellengenerator/-motor (11) von Motorbetrieb in Generatorbetrieb umgeschaltet wird, wobei während der Umschaltzeit eine Energiequelle (17, 52) elektrische Energie in das Schiffsnetz (5) einspeist, derart, dass die Spannung und Frequenz des Schiffsnetzes (5) einen jeweils vorgegebenen Grenzwert nicht unterschreiten. In a marine propulsion system (1) having a main engine (2) driving a shaft assembly (3) coupled to a ship propeller (4), a waste heat recovery system (20) generating electrical energy from waste heat from the main engine and into an electrical ship network (5), and a wave generator / motor (11) connected to the electrical system (5) via an inverter (12), which is coupled to the shaft system (3) and which, during engine operation, generates electrical energy from the ship network (5). In mechanical energy for driving the shaft system (3) and in generator operation converts mechanical energy of ...

13-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN105490307A
Автор: 孙龙林, 潘年安, 程林, 陶磊
Принадлежит: Sungrow Power Supply Co Ltd


10-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN105490307B
Автор: 孙龙林, 潘年安, 程林, 陶磊
Принадлежит: Sungrow Power Supply Co Ltd


31-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN107086605B
Автор: 林雪华, 邓丽君, 郭琦


16-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN106856332A


13-07-2022 дата публикации

An electric power system and a method and equipment for controlling the same

Номер: KR102420883B1
Принадлежит: 단포스 에디트론 오와이

본 발명의 전력 시스템은 전기 에너지 소스들(106~110) 및 상기 전력 시스템에 의해 생산되는 전력의 목표값에 따라 전기 에너지 소스들을 제어하기 위한 제어 장치(101)를 포함한다. 상기 제어 장치는 제어값 및 활성화 한계값 및 비활성화 한계값을 기반으로 하여 전기 에너지 소스들을 활성화 및 비활성화한다. 상기 제어값은 상기 전력의 목표값 또는 실제값일 수 있다. 상기 제어 장치는 상기 목표값 및 활성 전기 에너지 소스들에 대해 규정되는 전력 공유에 따라 전기 에너지 소스들을 활성화한다. 활성화 한계값 및 비활성화 한계값 뿐 아니라 전기 에너지 소스들의 활성화 및 비활성화 순서는 전기 에너지 소스들의 특성들 및 전력 시스템의 주요 작동 상황을 기반으로 하여 결정될 수 있다. The power system of the present invention includes electrical energy sources 106-110 and a control device 101 for controlling the electrical energy sources according to a target value of the power produced by the power system. The control device activates and deactivates the electrical energy sources based on the control value and the activation and deactivation thresholds. The control value may be a target value or an actual value of the power. The control device activates the electrical energy sources according to the target value and the power sharing defined for the active electrical energy sources. The activation and deactivation sequence of the electrical energy sources as well as the activation and deactivation thresholds can be determined based on the characteristics of the electrical energy sources and the main operating situation of the power system.

21-01-2015 дата публикации

Wave-force generation system using bargewave force for ship and ship with the same

Номер: KR101482864B1
Автор: 문병영
Принадлежит: 군산대학교산학협력단

The present invention relates to a wave power generation system and, more specifically, to a wave power generation system using a barge. According to the present invention, the wave power generation system comprises: a barge; and a wave power generation device installed in the barge. The wave power generation device includes: a buoy which linearly reciprocates in a vertical direction in accordance to a change in water level; a balance weight which linearly reciprocates in a vertical direction by corresponding to the vertical movement of the buoy; a motion switching part which switches the linear reciprocating motion of the buoy and the balance weight into a bidirectional rotating motion; and a generator which generates electricity using the bidirectional rotating motion of the motion switching part.

28-07-2022 дата публикации

Hybrid ship

Номер: KR102426969B1
Принадлежит: 삼성중공업 주식회사

배터리 시스템의 온도가 일정 온도 이상이 되도록 배터리 시스템의 온도를 관리하는 하이브리드 선박이 제공된다. 하이브리드 선박은, 선박을 작동시키는 데에 이용되는 제1 전력을 생산하는 연료 전지; 선박을 작동시키는 데에 이용되는 제2 전력을 저장하는 배터리; 제1 전력과 제2 전력 중 적어도 하나의 전력을 이용하여, 선박의 운항 계획에 따라 선박을 추진시키는 추진부; 및 배터리의 온도를 모니터링하여, 배터리의 온도가 기준값보다 낮을 때 연료 전지를 가동시켜 열 에너지를 생성하며, 열 에너지를 배터리에 공급하여 배터리의 온도를 상승시키는 온도 관리 장치를 포함한다. A hybrid vessel is provided that manages the temperature of the battery system so that the temperature of the battery system is equal to or higher than a predetermined temperature. The hybrid vessel includes: a fuel cell that produces first electric power used to operate the vessel; a battery for storing secondary power used to operate the vessel; a propulsion unit for propelling the vessel according to the operation plan of the vessel by using at least one of the first electric power and the second electric power; and a temperature management device for monitoring the temperature of the battery, generating thermal energy by operating the fuel cell when the temperature of the battery is lower than the reference value, and supplying the thermal energy to the battery to increase the temperature of the battery.

09-04-2021 дата публикации

Floating marine structure with electric power generator

Номер: KR102239300B1
Принадлежит: 한국조선해양 주식회사

부유식 해상구조물이 개시된다. 본 발명에 따른 부유식 해상구조물은, 발전부의 가스터빈의 압축기로 유입되는 공기를 재기화부의 냉열을 이용하여 냉각시킨다. 그러면, 공기를 냉각시키기 위한 별도의 장치가 필요 없으므로, 원가가 절감되는 효과가 있을 수 있다. 그리고, 냉각된 해수를 이용하여 발전부의 제1복수기의 증기를 응축시키므로, 상대적으로 적은 양의 해수로 제1복수기의 증기를 응축시킬 수 있다. 그러면, 상대적으로 작은 용량의 펌프를 이용하여 해수를 펌핑할 수 있는 효과가 있을 수 있고, 해수가 통과하는 관로가 손상되는 것을 최소화할 수 있는 효과가 있을 수 있다. A floating offshore structure is disclosed. The floating offshore structure according to the present invention cools the air flowing into the compressor of the gas turbine of the power generation unit by using the cold heat of the regasification unit. Then, since there is no need for a separate device for cooling the air, there may be an effect of reducing the cost. In addition, since the cooled seawater is used to condense the vapor of the first condenser of the power generation unit, the vapor of the first condenser can be condensed with a relatively small amount of seawater. Then, there may be an effect of pumping seawater using a pump having a relatively small capacity, and there may be an effect of minimizing damage to a pipeline through which the seawater passes.

03-09-2018 дата публикации

가스터빈발전장치의 과잉 bog 처리장치

Номер: KR101894323B1
Автор: 송용석, 이동원
Принадлежит: 삼성중공업 주식회사

본 발명은 가스터빈발전장치의 과잉 BOG 처리장치에 관한 것으로, 액화가스 저장용기, 상기 액화가스 저장용기에서 발생하는 증발가스를 과냉각된 액화가스를 이용하여 재응축하는 재응축기, 상기 재응축기에서 재응축된 액화가스를 기화시키는 기화기, 상기 기화기에서 기화된 액화가스를 이용하여 발전을 하는 가스터빈 및 상기 재응축기에서 응축되지 않은 과잉 증발가스를 연료로 스팀을 발생시키는 보일러를 포함한다.

28-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111082460A
Принадлежит: Sungrow Power Supply Co Ltd


28-12-2011 дата публикации

Heat recovery device and heat recovery system have the same

Номер: KR101099709B1
Автор: 이성준, 정재훈
Принадлежит: 삼성중공업 주식회사

본 발명은 폐열회수장치 및 그것을 구비한 폐열회수 시스템에 관한 것으로, 엔진에서 발생되는 폐기가스로부터 열을 회수하는 폐열회수장치로서, 폐기가스가 유동되는 폐기가스관에 결합되는 외관과, 외관의 내부에 상기 외관과 간격을 형성하며 설치되는 내관과, 내관을 개폐하는 댐퍼와, 외관과 내관의 간격 내에 설치되는 열교환기를 포함하는 폐열회수장치 및 그것을 구비한 폐열회수 시스템을 제공함으로써, 엔진룸 내부 공간을 적게 점유하고, 설치 공정이 단순하여 설치에 소요되는 시간, 노력 및 비용이 절감된다. The present invention relates to a waste heat recovery apparatus and a waste heat recovery system having the same, wherein the waste heat recovery apparatus recovers heat from waste gas generated in an engine, the waste heat recovery apparatus coupled to a waste gas pipe through which waste gas flows, and the inside of the exterior. By providing a waste heat recovery apparatus including an inner tube that is formed to form a gap with the exterior, a damper that opens and closes the inner tube, and a heat exchanger that is installed within the gap between the exterior and the inner tube, and a waste heat recovery system having the same, It occupies less and the installation process is simpler, saving time, effort and cost of installation. 폐열회수, 바이패스, 댐퍼, 엔진룸 Waste Heat Recovery, Bypass, Damper, Engine Room

19-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CN102963518B
Автор: 柳田彻郎
Принадлежит: Nippon Yusen KK


06-08-2021 дата публикации

Energy generation and storage system

Номер: KR102287189B1
Принадлежит: 한국에너지기술연구원

The present invention relates to an energy generation and storage system. The present invention provides the energy generation and storage system comprising: a hull; a ballast tank; a water inflow module; a chain hoist; a seawater receiving tank; a seawater power generation module; and a control device. According to the present invention, it is possible to provide the effect of continuously producing renewable energy in a state in which the environmental constraints, which are disadvantages of an existing hydroelectric power generation system, are greatly reduced.

19-06-2006 дата публикации

시추선의 전력 조정장치

Номер: KR100568622B1
Автор: 동 섭 황, 원 기 신
Принадлежит: 삼성중공업 주식회사

본 발명은 시추선의 전력 조정 장치에 관한 것으로, 조류 및 풍향, 풍속, 파고에 의하여 선체의 위치변화를 최소화시킬 수 있도록 복수 개의 제너레이터로부터 전력을 공급받아 구동되는 좌현 자기위치 제어용 쓰러스터 및 센터 자기위치 제어용 쓰러스터, 우현 자기위치 제어용 쓰러스터와, 해저의 지하에 존재하는 석유 및 가스를 시추하는 시추장비를 갖춘 제 1 시추 시스템 및 제 2 시추 시스템을 포함하여 이루어진 시추선의 전력 조정 장치에 있어서, 상기 좌현 자기위치 제어용 쓰러스터 및 센터 자기위치 제어용 쓰러스터, 우현 자기위치 제어용 쓰러스터로부터 요구되는 전력정보를 파악한 후 상호 보충 및 교환하여 신속한 구동을 이룰 수 있도록 상기 다수 개의 제너레이터의 전력을 조정 배분하는 좌현 전력 조정부 및 센터 전력 조정부, 우현 전력 조정부와, 상기 제 1 시추 시스템 및 제 2 시추 시스템으로부터 요구되는 전력정보를 파악하여 상기 좌현 전력조정부 및 우현 전력조정부로부터 상기 제너레이터의 전력을 공급받아 신속히 제공하는 제 1 시추 제어부 및 제 2 시추 제어부를 구비하여 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 한다. 따라서, 조류에 의하여 선체가 크게 흔들릴 경우 구동되는 자기위치 제어용 쓰러스터의 급격한 부하요구나 제 1 시추 시스템 및 제 2 시추 시스템의 시추 작업중에 발생되는 급격한 부하요구에 더욱 능동적으로 전력량을 배분할 수 있는 탁월한 효과가 있다.

13-07-2020 дата публикации

Electric power supply system of autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle with hybrid power plant

Номер: RU2726383C1

FIELD: electrical engineering.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to ship electric engineering and can be used in creation of power supply system of self-contained unmanned underwater vehicles (SCUUV). Arrangement of power supply system of SCUUV with hybrid power plant includes at least two electrochemical generators, an oxygen tank and a hydrogen tank connected to electrochemical generators, a reaction water tank, at least two storage batteries, a DC bus, the output of which is connected to an electric motor driver. One of power supply taps is input to power navigation equipment, control equipment and communication equipment. In addition, the electrical system device includes a second DC power bus, wherein both power supply busbars further comprise a switching and control unit. Inputs of switching and control unit are connected to corresponding outputs of electrochemical generator and accumulator battery. Output of the second DC power bus is input of supply of navigation equipment, control equipment and communication equipment.EFFECT: reduced level of interference in the operation of navigation, communication and control equipment, as well as increases the amount of stored energy to increase autonomy of the SCUUV.5 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 726 383 C1 (51) МПК B63H 23/24 (2006.01) B63G 8/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B63H 23/24 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019132684, 15.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 13.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 13.07.2020 Бюл. № 20 2 7 2 6 3 8 3 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2006071630 A1, 06.04.2006. RU 2534470 C1, 27.11.2014. US 2002090868 A1, 11.07.2002. CN 103328321 A, 25.09.2013. (54) Устройство электроэнергетической системы питания автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата с гибридной энергетической установкой (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области судовой в ...

26-02-2013 дата публикации

Offshore wind turbine generator installation system and ship having the same

Номер: KR101236832B1
Автор: 김종문, 김홍수, 박병태
Принадлежит: 삼성중공업 주식회사

PURPOSE: A system for installing an offshore wind power generator and a ship with the same are provided to stably connect an offshore wind power generator on a platform by using a side thruster. CONSTITUTION: A system for installing an offshore wind power generator comprises a guide rack, a crane(20), and a tower moving and fixing device(100). The guide rack is formed outside a tower. The crane is installed on a ship to move the tower. The tower moving and fixing device is installed at one side of the ship. The tower moving and fixing device comprises a pinion and a fixing rack. The pinion interlocks with the guide rack so that the tower with the guide rack moves up and down. The fixing rack selectively interlocks with the guide rack to fix the height of the tower.
