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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 7293. Отображено 200.
20-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2336436C2

Изобретение относится к роторной винтовой машине объемного типа. Машина содержит корпус (30), имеющий основную ось X, и два элемента (10, 20), при этом первый элемент (20) окружает второй элемент (10). Первый элемент (20) шарнирно установлен в корпусе (30) и сам может поворачиваться вокруг своей оси (Xf), совпадающей с основной осью X, согласно поворотному движению, в то время как ось (Хm) второго элемента (10) обращается вокруг оси первого элемента (Xf) согласно движению обращения с длиной Е в качестве радиуса. Машина дополнительно содержит синхронизатор (34; 36; 38; 40), синхронизирующий поворотное движение и движение обращения так, что рабочая среда совершает объемное перемещение, по меньшей мере, в одной рабочей камере (11), ограниченной наружной поверхностью (22) первого элемента (20) и внутренней поверхностью (12) второго элемента (10). Задача изобретения - расширение технического и функциональных потенциалов, уменьшение угловой протяженности термодинамических циклов, повышение КПД ...

27-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2318134C2

Изобретение относится к эксцентриковым шнековым насосам или двигателям. У эксцентрикового шнекового насоса или эксцентрикового шнекового двигателя направленные внутрь в статор зубья и находящиеся между ними впадины снабжены дополнительной структурой ребро-паз. За счет этого снижается трение между статором и ротором, поскольку прижимное усилие при постоянном герметизирующем действии может быть уменьшено или при повышенном прижимном усилии уменьшается площадь контакта. 4 н. и 60 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2177085C2

Изобретение относится к насосостроению и может применяться в гидроприводах машин в качестве бесступенчатой коробки передач. Насос содержит ведущий вал с ведущей шестерней, вращающийся в подшипниках скольжения, опорный вал с ведомой шестерней, управляемый штоком ползун с уводящей втулкой, шестеренные обоймы, установленные с возможностью изменения длины зацепления шестерен. Насос снабжен плунжерами. В ползуне выполнены плунжерные камеры с отверстиями. В зубьях верхней шестеренной обоймы выполнены продольные отверстия, а в нижней шестерне - пазы с возможностью изменения длины зацепления шестерен при совмещении пазов в шестерне и отверстий в зубьях обоймы с отверстиями в ползуне, повышается скорость регулирования и КПД насоса. 4 ил.

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2338928C2

Изобретение относится к погружным насосам для использования в буровой скважине. Погружной насос выполнен в виде червячного или одновинтового насоса, соединенного с приводом. В качестве привода применен электродвигатель с частотой вращения от 250 до 300 об/мин. Для соединения электродвигателя с насосом применен подшипниковый узел, воспринимающий осевые и радиальные усилия и установленный таким образом, что с одной стороны к нему примыкает насос, а с другой стороны - электродвигатель. Диаметр подшипникового узла и насоса не превышает 100 мм. Обеспечивается возможность эксплуатации насоса в буровых скважинах, диаметр которых составляет 115 мм и менее. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2275532C2

Изобретение относится к области гидромашиностроения и может применяться для перекачки нефтепродуктов с повышенными требованиями по безопасности. Насос содержит переднюю и заднюю крышки, корпус с колодцами, в которых установлены ведущая и ведомая шестерни, выполненные заодно с валами и вращающиеся в подшипниках, установленных в этих же колодцах, компенсаторы с З-образными манжетами, компенсирующие торцевые зазоры между шестернями и подшипниками, внутренняя полость которых соединена с давлением нагнетания, торцевое уплотнение. Насос снабжен предохранительным клапаном для перепуска рабочей жидкости из зоны высокого давления в зону всасывания при превышении давления в нагнетательном трубопроводе выше допустимого. Торцевое уплотнение состоит из подпятника, установленного неподвижно в передней крышке и уплотненного по наружной поверхности резиновым кольцом, пяты, уплотненной по валу ведущей шестерни резиновым кольцом и поджимаемой к подпятнику пружиной, установленной в осевом отверстии вала ведущей ...

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2476725C2

Изобретение относится к гидромашинам объемного вытеснения с вращающимися рабочими органами. Оно может найти применение в насосах, компрессорах и двигателях. Роторная гидромашина содержит корпус 1, эпициклическое колесо 2 с внутренними зубьями, солнечное колесо 3 с наружными зубьями, шарнирно закрепленное на корпусе, пару одинаковых плавающих сателлитов 6, взаимодействующих с эпициклическим и солнечным колесами, а также неподвижные относительно корпуса торцовые крышки с плоскими рабочими поверхностями, в которых выполнены впускное 17 и выпускное 18 окна. Эпициклическое колесо 2 взаимодействует с корпусом 1 посредством поводка, например ползуна 19, лишающего эпициклическое колесо 2 возможности вращения относительно корпуса 1, и контактирует с корпусом 1 непосредственно, образуя с ним высшую кинематическую пару силового замыкания, для осуществления которого гидромашина снабжена нажимным устройством-пружиной 11. Изобретение направлено на увеличение производительности и удельной мощности гидромашины ...

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2395719C1

Изобретение относится к области гидроприводов строительных, дорожных и других гидрофицированных машин. Шестеренный насос состоит из корпуса, ведущей и ведомой шестерен, установленных на опорах скольжения. Во впадинах зубьев шестерен выполнено одно или несколько радиальных каналов, на выходном участке которых установлен обратный клапан. Радиальные каналы сообщаются через осевой канал с каналами, выполненными в цапфах. На внешних торцах опор скольжения и цапф установлены самоподжимающиеся манжетные уплотнения. Изобретение направлено на обеспечение принудительной подачи и удерживание рабочей жидкости в зоне трения подшипников скольжения. 4 ил.

27-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2135778C1

Роторная машина может быть использована в качестве привода или нагнетателя в различных отраслях промышленности и на транспорте. Роторная машина содержит корпус с цилиндрическими рабочей и вспомогательными камерами, ротор и колеса-разделители. Ротор установлен в рабочей камере с зазором относительно ее цилиндрической стенки, образуя кольцевой рабочий канал, и оснащен перекрывающими рабочий канал равноотстоящими одна от другой лопастями. Колеса-разделители установлены во вспомогательных камерах с перекрытием рабочего канала и имеют ответные лопастям выемки. В цилиндрической стенке рабочего канала выполнен проем, к которому подключен патрубок низкого давления. Ротор снабжен ограничивающими рабочий канал боковыми стенками, по крайней мере в одной из которых на участках, прилегающих к напорным поверхностям лопастей, выполнены окна, а в торцевых стенках рабочей камеры выполнены ответные проемы, к которым подключены патрубки высокого давления. Технический результат от применения изобретения заключается ...

15-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU212314U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения. Шестеренный насос содержит крышки, соединенные с корпусом посредством винтового соединения, корпус с отверстиями подвода и отвода рабочей жидкости и внутренними параллельными расточками, в которых установлены ведущая и ведомая шестерни, компенсаторы торцевого уплотнения венцов шестерен с установленными в них манжетами и подшипники скольжения с размещенными в них цапфами шестерен. Компенсаторы выполнены из низколегированного сплава меди с железом с содержанием железа (2,6…2,85)%, что обеспечивает повышение эксплуатационной надежности шестеренного насоса за счет увеличения износостойкости высокоскоростных узлов трения.

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU157623U1

... 1. Шестеренный насос, содержащий корпус, две крышки, подшипники, компенсаторы с манжетами, ведомую шестерню, состоящую из наружного зубчатого венца и двух цапф, и ведущую шестерню, состоящую из наружного зубчатого венца, двух цапф и шлицевого приводного конца, отличающийся тем, что обе шестерни выполнены из термически обработанной стали пониженной прокаливаемости с идеальным критическим диаметром, равным 2,0-3,5 модуля зубьев шестерен, каждая шестерня состоит из упрочненной матрицы с твердостью 32…54 HRC и организованного на матрице закаленного слоя толщиной 0,4-1,2 модуля зубьев шестерен, состоящего из внутреннего слоя и наружного эффективного слоя, причем внутренний слой имеет микроструктуру отпущенного мартенсита с твердостью 54…61 HRC, а наружный эффективный слой выполнен толщиной, равной 0,1-0,2 толщины закаленного слоя, с высотой микронеровностей на поверхности не более Rz=0,4 мкм и микроструктурой в виде пластически деформируемого мартенсита с твердостью 61…68 HRC, при этом мартенсит ...

16-04-1995 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: RU320U1
Автор: Цветков С.И.

Шестеренный насос перекачки растворов высокой вязкости, например маргариновой эмульсии, содержащий сцепляющиеся между собой помещенные в корпус с входным и выходным патрубками и камерами в местах начала зацепления и выхода из него, соединенными между собой каналом с перепускным клапаном, отличающийся тем, что параллельно каналу с перепускным клапаном выполнен канал с обратным клапаном, связывающий камеры между собой.

27-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU46820U1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано в качестве гидромоторов и насосов в приводах машин. Техническим результатом предлагаемого изобретения является повышение надежности и долговечности шти шитюком диапазоне частоты вращения выходного вала ролико-лопастной гидромашины. Достижение указанного результата обеспечивается за счет того, что ролико-лопастная гидромашина, содержащая корпус с рабочими полостями, общую гидромагистраль, синхронизированные ролики-разделители, ротор, установленный на подшипниках, и лопасти, которые разделяют рабочие полости на отдельные секторы независимого отключения. Внутренняя поверхность корпуса снабжена гнездами для роликов-разделителей, выполненных цилиндрической формы и с пазами для пропускания лопастей. Гнезда для роликов-разделителей расположены в четырех секторах под углом 18-22° к горизонтальной оси симметрии гидромашины и снабжены дополнительными карманами в виде усеченных цилиндров. При этом торцы ротора снабжены кольцевыми внешними ...

10-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU95758U1

Реверсивная насосная установка, включающая в себя шестеренчатый насос, регулирующую гидроаппаратуру и объемный гидродвигатель, отличающаяся тем, что шестеренчатый насос имеет в корпусе как полости всасывания и нагнетания, так и две дополнительные полости, находящиеся в одной плоскости с полостями (всасывания, нагнетания) в пересечении диаметра шестерен и оси соединения их центров, соединенные трубопроводом с гидроаккумулятором.

27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU58628U1

Блок питания гидравлической системы, содержащий шестеренный насос и подкачивающую ступень предназначен для повышения ресурса подкачивающей ступени. Поставленная задача достигается тем, что между шестеренным насосом 1 и подкачивающей ступенью 2 в гидролинию всасывания 3 устанавливается гаситель колебаний 4. При вращении шестерен пары жидкости и воздух в силу наличия центробежных сил концентрируются внизу впадин. Воздух и пары жидкости удаляются из впадин зубьев, так как углубления одновременно сообщены с впадинами зубьев в зоне заполнения и гидролинией всасывания 3 до подкачивающей ступени 2, давление в которой значительно ниже, чем в зоне заполнения. Гаситель пульсаций 4 снижает колебания рабочей среды, тем самым снижает пульсационное воздействие от шестеренного насоса 1 на подкачивающую ступень 2, что приводит к повышению ресурса гидравлической системы в целом.

05-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU210280U1

Полезная модель предназначена для подачи рабочей жидкости под давлением в гидравлические системы автомобилей, тракторов, сельскохозяйственных, дорожно-строительных и другой транспортной техники, для перекачивания нефтепродуктов и других неагрессивных жидкостей, а также для подачи рабочей жидкости под давлением в маслосистему различных газоперекачивающих агрегатов и в систему гидравлики современных обрабатывающих центров станкостроения. Шестеренный насос состоит из крышки 1, корпуса 2, ведущей шестерни 3, ведомой шестерни 4, компенсаторов 5, манжет 6 и подшипников 7. В корпусе 2 есть отверстие для подвода рабочей жидкости 8 и отверстие 9 для ее отвода. Ведущая шестерня 3 состоит из двух цапф 10, наружного зубчатого венца 11 и приводного конца 12. Ведомая шестерня 4 состоит из двух цапф 10 и наружного зубчатого венца 11. На одной цапфе 10 ведущей шестерни 3 установлено косозубое колесо 13 с зубьями правого направления, а на другой ее цапфе 10 установлено косозубое колесо 14 с зубьями левого ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU147441U1

... 1. Винтовой героторный насос, включающий винтовую насосную секцию, корпус-отвод, шпиндель с сальниковым или торцовым уплотнением, а также узел, передающий крутящий момент и воспринимающий осевую и радиальную нагрузку, отличающийся тем, что корпус-отвод содержит муфту, установленную с возможностью перемещения по наружной поверхности корпуса-отвода вдоль его оси.2. Винтовой героторный насос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что узел, передающий крутящий момент от шпинделя к ротору и воспринимающий осевую и радиальную нагрузку, выполнен в виде кардана.

10-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2130133C1
Автор: Тярасов Г.П.

Устройство может быть использовано в качестве основного узла гидропульсационного оборудования производств с вибрационными технологиями. В объемном гидропульсаторе, состоящем из корпуса замыкателей и ротора, в роторе имеется канал, сообщающий зоны высокого давления рабочей полости. Лопасти ротора имеют уплотнительные ролики и уплотнительные зубья, контактирующие с зубьями замыкателей. Для обеспечения плотного контакта уплотнительных зубьев шестеренный механизм синхронизации выполнен с люфтами между зубьями шестерен. Частота пульсации потока жидкости, осуществляемая объемным гидропульсатором, равна частоте вращения вала ротора, умноженной на число лопастей ротора. Позволяет повысить КПД за счет разгрузки ротора и обеспечения уплотнения. 2 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2144625C1

Роторная гидромашина может быть использована в силовых гидроприводах и гидротрансмиссиях машин и механизмов различного назначения. Роторная гидромашина содержит оптимальное сочетание числа разделительных колес и зубьев-поршней рабочего колеса, дополнительную и симметрично расположенную систему каналов подачи и отвода рабочей жидкости в рабочую зону, расположенную в том числе и в теле рабочего колеса, механизм выбора люфта в зацеплении и гуммировании рабочих стенок разделительных колес и их впадин упругим материалом, что обеспечивает оптимизацию конструкции машины, повышение объемного КПД, упрощение конструкции и ее технологичности. 7 з.п.ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2074987C1

Использование: в машиностроении, а конкретно - в конструкциях объемных обратимых гидромашин вращательного действия. Сущность изобретения: рабочее колесо расположено в центре машины в полости, имеющей цилиндрическую форму, колеса-разделители расположены вокруг рабочего колеса на равных угловых расстояниях один от другого и имеют на своих венцовых частях по одной или несколько впадин эвольвентного профиля, число пар каналов подвода и отвода рабочей жидкости равно числу колес-разделителей, каналы подвода и отвода рабочей жидкости выполнены последовательно чередующимися один за другим, каналы подвода и отвода рабочей жидкости каждой пары расположены симметрично относительно плоскости, проходящей через ось вращения рабочего колеса и ось вращения соответствующего колеса-разделителя, в корпусе гидромашины на поверхности скольжения торцевых поверхностей зубьев рабочего колеса симметрично каждой плоскости, проходящей через ось вращения рабочего колеса и ось вращения каждого колеса-разделителя, вдоль ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2511848C1

Изобретение относится к отрасли машиностроения, в частности к объемным гидромашинам регулируемой производительности. Регулируемый шестеренный насос наружного зацепления с осевым перемещением одной из насосных шестерен 5 содержит пару торцевых бандажей 6 и 7 с внутренними зубьями, размещенными во впадинах насосных шестерен 4 и 5, и бесконтактные уплотнители 13 и 14. Уплотнители 13 и 14 выполнены шестеренчатыми и закреплены на торцах шестерен 4 и 5, расположенных внутри бандажей 6 и 7. Зубья уплотнителей 13 и 14 размещены во впадинах внутренних зубьев бандажей 6 и 7. Их модули, зазоры и количество зубьев выполнены по определенным выражениям. Изобретение направлено на повышение объемного КПД за счет снижения объема утечки перекачиваемой жидкости по уменьшенным зазорам между зубьями торцевых бандажей и насосных шестерен. 2 ил.

20-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2035625C1

Использование: в качестве гидромотора или насоса. Сущность изобретения: узел синхронизации взаимного вращения ротора и замыкателей ротора выполнен в виде взаимодействующих между собой шестеренных зубьев, расположенных на поверхности ротора и замыкателя и размещенных в рабочей полости гидромашины. Полости ротора выполнены с внутренними зубьями. Внутренние зубья лопастей соединены с зубьями ротора с возможностью радиального перемещения. Коллектор выполнен разъемным и состоит из основной части, накладки и проставок. В коллекторе выполнено продольное гнездо, в котором установлен замыкатель. Ротор размещен в разъеме частей коллектора, расположенных с возможностью перемещения в осевом направлении для торцового уплотнения лопастей ротора. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003136948A

... 1. Насос для перекачки нефтепродуктов, состоящий из корпуса с колодцами, в которых установлены шестерня ведомая и ведущая, выполненные заодно с валами и вращающиеся в подшипниках, установленных в этих же расточках, с компенсацией торцевых зазоров между шестернями и подшипниками воздействием гидравлического давления нагнетания на торцы подшипников со стороны крышек, разгрузочного клапана, снижающего гидравлическое давление на торцы шестерен со стороны крышек и торцевое уплотнение, состоящее из подпятника, установленного неподвижно в крышке передней и уплотненного по наружной поверхности резиновым кольцом и контактируемой с ним пяты с упорной втулкой, соединенных между собой и валом штифтом и вращающихся вместе с валом, причем пята уплотнена относительно вала резиновым кольцом, при этом поджим пяты с упорной втулкой к подпятнику осуществляется пружиной, упираемой с другой стороны в упорное кольцо, свободно установленное на валу, предохранительного клапана для перепуска рабочей жидкости из ...

27-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003123015A

Шестеренный насос, состоящий из корпуса с всасывающей и нагнетательной полостями, в котором подвижно размещены ведущая и ведомая шестерни, отличающийся тем, что зубья шестерен выполнены полыми и их сопрягаемые между собой профильные поверхности, расположенные со стороны контакта их с транспортируемой рабочей жидкостью, а также горизонтальные части головок зубьев снабжены отверстиями с расположенными в них пластинчатыми клапанами одностороннего действия, причем пластинчатые клапаны, размещенные на горизонтальных частях головок зубьев, на их плоскостях, обращенных к криволинейной образующей корпуса насоса, имеют треугольной формы выступы длиной, равной длине зуба.

10-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005102530A

... 1. Насос вакуумный двухроторный, содержащий корпус с торцовыми крышками, профилированные ведущий и ведомый роторы с механизмом синхронного вращения, нагнетательное и всасывающее окна, отличающийся тем, что в зоне сопряжения ведущего и ведомого роторов и в полости сжатия газа ведущего ротора в обеих торцовых крышках установлены регулируемые уплотнения, изготовленные из антифрикционного материала. 2. Насос вакуумный двухроторный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подача уплотнения в осевом направлении осуществляется винтом.

10-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU111210U1

Лопастный насос, содержащий корпус с торцевыми крышками, два параллельных вала, установленных в крышках на подшипниковых опорах, шестеренный механизм синхронизации, а также расположенный на одном из валов приводной двигатель, впускной и выпускной каналы, отличающийся тем, что на каждом из валов на одинаковом расстоянии установлено и жестко закреплено колесо с лопатками, причем валы и колеса установлены с возможностью обеспечения взаимного вхождения каждой из лопаток одного колеса в межлопаточное пространство другого колеса не касаясь друг друга, с минимальным зазором между ними, обеспечивающим свободное вращение колес с лопатками в противоположные стороны, а также минимальным зазором между лопатками колес и внутренней поверхностью корпуса и внутренней поверхностью крышек, при этом впускной и выпускной каналы расположены на противоположных стенках корпуса.

20-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2442907C1

Изобретение относится к гидромашинам объемного вытеснения. Шестеренная гидромашина содержит корпус 1, неподвижное эпициклическое колесо 2 с внутренними зубьями, ведущий кривошип 3, солнечное колесо 4 с внешними зубьями, шарнирно закрепленное на кривошипе 3, два плавающих сателлита 5 и 6, оси которых в исходном положении гидромашины расположены на одной прямой с совпадающими осями С эпициклического и ВИ солнечного колес 2 и 4, торцовые крышки, закрепленные на корпусе 1, каналы 8 и 9 подвода и отвода рабочей среды, выполненные в корпусе 1 или крышке гидромашины. Ось D шарнира, связывающего кривошип 3 и солнечное колесо 4, расположена внутри начальной окружности солнечного колеса 4 и смещена относительно центральной оси В солнечного колеса 4 на расстояние, в 1,2-2 раза превышающее длину QD кривошипа 3. Изобретение направлено на увеличение производительности и срока службы механизмов насосов и компрессоров. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2561348C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и касается устройства насосов, применяемых в маслосистемах авиационных газотурбинных двигателей (ГТД) для подачи масла. Центробежно-шестеренный насос содержит расположенные в расточках корпуса 1 и находящиеся в зацеплении шестерни 2, в ступицах которых выполнены каналы 3 подвода жидкости в межзубовые впадины 5, заканчивающиеся заборными отверстиями 6, взаимодействующими с закрепленными в корпусе 1 разделителями 7 полостей всасывания и нагнетания. Перед заборными отверстиями 6 каналов подвода установлена с возможностью осевого перемещения дросселирующая игла 8 так, что ее наружный диаметр расположен внутри разделителей 7. Изобретение направлено на упрощение конструкции и повышение надежности работы насоса. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2553848C1

Шестеренная машина относится к области гидравлических и пневматических машин объемного вытеснения с вращающимся рабочим органом, в которых движение нагнетаемой среды происходит в направлении, перпендикулярном осям вращения шестерен, и может быть использовано в насосах для перекачки многофазных сред, в частности нефтепродуктов с высоким содержанием газовой фракции, и сред с большим количеством загрязнений, а также в пневмо- и гидродвигателях. Машина представляет собой корпус 1 с двумя цилиндрическими расточками 5 и 6, в которых расположены зубчатые колеса 7 и 8, находящиеся в зацеплении. Колеса имеют винтовые зубья. Профиль зубьев одного из колес в торцовом сечении образован дугами окружностей 14, смещенных относительно оси вращения колеса, а профиль зубьев второго колеса в этом же сечении образован участками фронтов циклоидальных кривых 15, образуя эксцентриково-циклоидальное (ЭЦ) зацепление колес. При определенных параметрах такое зацепление имеет пятно контакта, находящееся вблизи полюса ...

20-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2278300C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, в частности к шестеренным насосам с внешним зацеплением. Шестеренный насос содержит корпус насоса из самосмазывающегося материала с выполненными в нем каналом подвода перекачиваемого продукта, каналом отвода перекачиваемого продукта и опорным отверстием для приводного вала, верхнюю крышку шестеренного механизма, корпус шестеренного механизма с ведущей и ведомой шестернями с внешним зацеплением, нижнюю опорную пластину и приводной вал насоса с уплотнительной шайбой. Корпус насоса выполнен из самосмазывающегося композиционного материала с полиамидной матрицей, включающего (мас.%) пластичную смазку на основе авиационного масла сернокислой очистки №158 - от 12 до 16, графит С-1 - от 6 до 10, лецитин - от 1 до 2 и полигексаметиленсебациамид - остальное. Расстояние между выходным отверстием канала подвода перекачиваемой среды и входным отверстием канала отвода перекачиваемой среды составляет от 0,6 до 0,7 от наружного диаметра ведущей шестерни. Диаметр ...

20-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002125399A

Шестеренный насос, содержащий корпус, в котором установлены насосная и приводная секции, включающие шестерни и боковые диски, крышки, ведущий и ведомый валы со шлицами, подшипники, входной и выходной патрубки и уплотнения, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде цилиндрического патрубка, причем насосная и приводная секции разделены друг от друга распорным кольцом, а их полости разобщены торцовыми уплотнениями, трущиеся поверхности шестерен и боковых дисков насосной секции выполнены из релита; на торце каждого зуба с обеих сторон одной шестерни насосной секции выполнена разгрузочная канавка по нормали зуба, переходящая плавно во впадину, расположенную спереди по направлению вращения, оси симметрии шлицов, расположенных на двух участках одного из валов, лежат строго в одних продольных плоскостях, а оси симметрии шлицов, расположенных на участке насосной секции другого вала, смещены относительно осей симметрии шлицов, расположенных на участке приводной секции того же вала, на угол где ...

20-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97101427A
Автор: АН И-Кан

Шестеренная гидромашина планетарного типа, содержащая некруглые солнечные колеса для внутреннего и внешнего зацепления, сопряженные с ними цилиндрические сателлиты и торцевые крышки с каналами подвода и отвода рабочей жидкости, отличающаяся тем, что на солнечных колесах зубья выполнены в виде промежуточных тел, например роликов, закрепленных на колесах сепараторами, снабженными гнездами для промежуточных тел, причем на солнечном колесе для внутреннего зацепления сепараторы совмещены с торцевыми крышками, а на солнечном колесе для внешнего зацепления сепараторами являются два цилиндрических диска, неподвижно связанных с указанным колесом и помещенных с возможностью вращения в цилиндрические углубления на торцевых крышках.

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003136950A

... 1. Шестеренный насос, содержащий корпус с двумя крышками, внутренняя поверхность которых выполнена с расточками и каналами для отвода утечек в зону низкого давления, шестерни ведущую и ведомую, подшипники цилиндрической формы с внешним диаметром, равным диаметру колодцев корпуса под шестерни, и с хвостовиком меньшего диаметра, устанавливаемого в расточки крышек, компенсаторы с установленными в их пазах З-образными манжетами с плоским дном, выступающим над компенсатором, отличающийся тем, что подшипник выполнен без хвостовика, а часть цилиндрической поверхности подшипника выполнена с ребрами жесткости, диаметр вершин которых меньше диаметра цилиндрической поверхности подшипника, при этом, цилиндрический торец оребренной части подшипника выполнен с радиальными пазами для слива рабочей жидкости из зоны трения или утоплен относительно ребер жесткости. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что дно манжеты выполнено треугольным, вершина которого выступает над компенсатором. 3. Устройство по ...

20-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004113409A

... 1. Шестеренная гидромашина, содержащая ведущую и ведомую шестерни внешнего зацепления, цапфы которых расположены в радиально и аксиально подвижных корпусах подшипников, а все вместе размещены во внутренней камере корпуса гидромашины, образованной двумя пересекающимися цилиндрическими отверстиями, по крайней мере, с одной стороны шестерен, на тыльных поверхностях корпусов подшипников, примыкающих к ним, расположено уплотнение, а на их внешнем периметре, в канавках вблизи и параллельно боковым поверхностям шестерен, размещены уплотнения в форме цифры восемь, отличающаяся тем, что форма канавок выполнена с образованием между внутренней поверхностью двух кругообразных частей уплотнения в форме цифры восемь и дном канавок кольцевых каналов. 2. Шестеренная гидромашина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что поперечное сечение кольцевых каналов имеет прямоугольную форму с двумя скругленными углами. 3. Шестеренная гидромашина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что поперечное сечение кольцевых каналов имеет форму ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: SU678915A1

15-04-1991 дата публикации

Роторная машина

Номер: SU1642072A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению , в частности к роторным машинам. Цель - повышение КПД путем снижения пе- ретечек газа из полости нагнетания в полость всасывания. Роторная машина содержит корпус 1, во внутренней полости 2 которого на параллельных валах установлены два профилированных ротора 3 и 4, профиль каждого из которых ограничен криволинейными поверхностями с выступами и впадинами , а также шестеренный механизм синхронизации 5 вращения роторов 3 и 4. Участок боковой поверхности каждого выступа роторов 3 и 4 между начальной окружностью радиуса г и промежуточной окружностью радиуса rm ограничен эвольвентой основной окружности радиуса г0, который находится в пределах 0,838 г r0 :S 0,981 г. Участок 7 боковой поверхности выступа между промежуточной окружностью и окружностью выступов ограничен кривой, обкатываемой окружностью радиусом Гп, пересекающейся с окружностью выступов в точке, лежащей на луче, проходящем через точку пересечения начальной окружности с нормалью, проведенной ...

01-01-1939 дата публикации

Зубчатый насос с наружным зацеплением

Номер: SU55016A1

07-09-1991 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU1675580A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано в гидроприводах сельскохозяйственных машин. Цель изобретения - повышение гидромеханического КПД и снижение трудоемкости изготовления . Шестеренный насос содержит корпус 1, в цилиндрических расточках которого размещены с образованием камер нагнетания и всасывания шестерни (Ш) 5 внешнего зацепления с цапфами 6, установленными в подшипниках 7 скольжения, сопряженные с торцовыми поверхностями 8 Ш 5 компенсаторы 9 торцовых зазоров с размещенными в пазах 10 эластичными манжетами (ЭМ) 11. Причем ЭМ 11 выполнены с наружными поясками (НП), внутренними поясками (ВП) и радиальными перегородками (РП) Ширина ВП ЭМ 11 выполнена меньше ширины НП, а НП и ВП соединены РП и, кроме того, высота ВП может быть выполнена больше высоты НП и РП. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил ел С 10 СЬ VI ел ел CD о ...

30-12-1988 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU1448106A1

Изобретение позволяет упростить конструкцию и повысить надежность шестеренного насоса. В цилиндрических расточках корпуса 1 размещены шестерни внешнего зацепления с цапфами 4, установленными в радиальных подшипниках 5. Механизм регулирования производительности выполнен в виде поршней-разделителей 6, установленных в осевых расточках 7 шестерен с образованием камер 8 переменного объема. Одна камера 8 соединена радиальным каналом 9 с межзубовой впадиной, другая - с замкнутой полостью 11. Поршни-разделители 6 выполнены в виде шариков. Полость II соединена через постоянный гидравлический дроссель 14 с полостью нагнетания, через регулируемый гидравлический дроссель 15 - с полостью всасывания. Для обес- ттечения уменьшения перетечек поршни-разделители 6 м. б. выполнены в виде двух соединенных между собой шариков. 2 ил.

30-12-1986 дата публикации

Планетарно-роторный гидромотор Ерасова

Номер: SU1280197A1

... 1. Планетарно-роторный гидромотор , содержащий ротор эксцентрично установленный внутри корпуса и вьтолненный с двумя зубчатыми венцами - внешним, входящим в зацепление с неподвижным зубчатым венцом корпуса , и внутренним, сопряженным с образованием рабочих камер с шестерней , неподвижно закрепленной на валу , распределитель, вьшолненньй в виде распределительного диска с распределительными окнами, неподвижно установленного на валу и сопряженного с торцом ротора, и подвижного в осевом направлении подпружиненного золотника с окнами, размещенного в торцовой крьшже с образова;нием поршневой полости, уплотнение вала, выполненное в виде плавающей обоймы, уш1отнительных колец, и механизм реверса и разгрузки с дополнительным распределителем, причем окна распределительного диска соединены с рабочими камерами, окна основания соединены с каналами -подвода и отвода рабочей жидкости, поршневая полость соединена калиброванным отверстием с каналом подвода, а окна дополнительного распределителя соединены ...

15-11-1991 дата публикации

Вертикальный насос

Номер: SU1691554A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению , в частности к вертикальным насосам, и может быть использовано в любой области машиностроения для перекачивания вязких жидкостей. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности перекачивания вязкой жидкости . Вертикальный насос содержит трубчатый корпус 1 с выходным отверстием 2, качающий узел 3 с всасывающей 4 и нагне7 тательной 5 полостью, установленное с возможностью вращения перемешивающее устройство 6 и привод 7 с приводным валом 8, жестко соединенным с входным валом 9 качающего узла 3. Качающий узел 3 выполнен в виде трехшестеренного насоса, корпус 1 которого установлен с возможностью вращения , на внутренней поверхности 11 трубчатого корпуса 1 выполнен зубчатый вехе ц 12, валы 13 и 14 ведомых шестерен 15 снабжены дополнительными шестернями 16, сопряженными с внутренним зубчатым венцом 12. Перемешивающее устройство 6 выполнено в виде тангенциально расположенных на корпусе 10 шестереннего насоса патрубков. Всасывающие полости 4 качающего узла 3 соединены ...

30-10-1991 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU1687877A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения , в частности к шестеренным насосам , и может быть использовано в сельскохозяйственном машиностроении. Цель изобретения - снижение расхода цветного металла и трудоемкости изготовления Шестеренный насос содержит корпус, в цилиндрических расточках которого размещены с образованием полости всасывания (ПВ) и полости нагнетания шестерни (Ш) внешнего зацепления с цапфами, установленными в подшипниках скольжения, сопряженные с торцовыми поверхностями Ш компенсаторы (К) торцовых зазоров, установленные в пазах эластичные манжеты и карманы, выполненные на цилиндрической поверхности К со стороны ПВ, при этом карманы соединены с ПВ и могут быть выполнены в виде канавок. 4 ил.

30-04-1991 дата публикации

Шестеренная гидромашина

Номер: SU1645626A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано в гидравлических системах тракторов, комбайнов , сельскохозяйственных, дорожностроительных и других машин. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности и долговечности. Гидромашина содержит корпус, в цилиндрических расточках которого размещены шестерни внешнего зацепления с цапфами, расположенными в П e-JLS. « /Л подшипниках скольжения, и торцовые компенсаторы с эластичными манжетами с выемками и перегородками, установленные в кольцевых пазах с образованием камер поджима высокого и низкого давления и камер поджима промежуточного давления, соединенных каналами с межзубовыми впадинами , расположенными против них. При этом торцовые компенсаторы снабжены коническими пружинами, в теле компенсаторов выполнены расположенные симметрично относительно линии центров открытые в камеры поджима промежуточного давления цилиндрические расточки, каналы выполнены соосно с цилиндрическими расточками в виде гидравлических дросселей, причем ...

15-04-1991 дата публикации

Планетарно-роторный гидромотор Ерасова

Номер: SU1642050A1

Изобретение относится к гидромашиностроению , в частности к планетарно-ротор- ным гидромоторам. Цель - повышение надежности и долговечности уплотнения вала . Гидромотор содержит корпус 1 с торцовой крышкой 2 и внутренней зубчатой поверхностью 3, концентрично установленную в нем на валу 4 шестерню 5 и охватывающий последнюю ротор 6 с внешним 7 и внутренним 8 зубчатыми венцами, эксцентрично установленный в корпусе 1 с аозможностью взаимодействия с шестерней 5 и корпусом 1 с образованием рабочих камер 9. Распределительный диск 10 с окнами 11 закреплен на валу 4 и сопряжен с торцом 12 ротора 6. Подпружиненный в осевом направлении пружиной 13 золотник 14 с перепускными каналами 15 размещен в торцовой крышке 2 с образованием поршневой полости 16. Уплотнение вала выполнено в виде плавающей обоймы 17 и уплотнительных колец 18. Механизм реверса выполнен в виде плунжера 19 с зубчатой рейкой 20, сопряженной с зубчатым сектором 21, выполненным на внешней цилиндрической поверхности 22 золотника 14.

15-02-1986 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU1211456A1

28-02-1966 дата публикации

Реверсивный шестеренный насос

Номер: SU180093A1
Автор: Усов А.А.

30-11-1985 дата публикации

Регулируемая гидромашина

Номер: SU1195016A1

PEГУЛИPУE/V AЯ ГИДРОМАШИНА , содержащая корпус, в цилиндрических расточках которого размещены подпружиненная ведупхая шестерня, ведомый зубчатый элемент и подвижный подпружиненный торцовый уплотнитель с вращающейся щайбой , зубчатый венец внутреннего зацепления которой сопряжен с зубьями ведомого элемента , установленного с воз.можностью свободного вращения относительно ведомого вала , а ведущая щестерня установлена на ведущем валу с возможностью осевого перемещения относительно ведомого элемента, причем боковая поверхность торцового уплотнителя имеет полукольцевой выступ и сопряжена с торцовой поверхностью ведущей щестерни, а зубчатый венец вращающейся шайбы сопряжен с зубьями ведомого элемента , отличающаяся тем, что, с целью ббеспечения бесступенчатого изменения выходных параметров в зависимости от нагрузки, она снабжена дополнительной ведущей щестерней , жестко соединенной с ведущим валом , в теле которой выполнен зубчатый венец внутреннего зацепления, ведомый элемент выполнен в виде ...

03-07-1970 дата публикации

Шестеренная гидромашина

Номер: SU275750A1

07-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1792849C

15-12-1992 дата публикации

Роторный насос

Номер: SU1781459A1

Использование: в строительстве при перекачиваний материалов в пастообразном состоянии с твердыми абразивными включениями . Сущность изобретения: профилированные роторы установлены в полости корпуса с торцевыми крышками и каналами подвода и отвода рабочей среды на параллельных валах с образованием рабочих камер . Полость корпуса образована двумя цилиндрическими поверхностями и двумя плоскостями, являющимися касательными к цилиндрическим. Канал подвода выполнен в нижней части одной из крышек, кана.л отвода- в верхней плоскости корпуса. Роторы размещены в корпусе с образованием между рабочими взаимодействующими поверхностями зазора, равного 1,0-1,1 макс. размера твердых включений. 2 ил.

30-11-1989 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU1525324A1

Изобретение позволяет повысить надежность работы шестеренного насоса путем охлаждения подшипников скольжения и фильтрации рабочей среды. В цилиндрических расточках корпуса 1 размещены шестерни 3 внешнего зацепления с цапфами 4, установленными в подшипниках 5 скольжения. Механизм регулирования производительности выполнен в виде поршней-разделителей 6, установленных в осевых расточках шестерен с образованием камер 8,9 переменного объема. Камера 8 соединена радиальным каналом 10 с межзубовой впадиной, камера 9 - с замкнутой полостью 12, соединенной каналами 13,14 через постоянный гидравлический дроссель с полостью нагнетания и через регулируемый гидравлический дроссель 17 с полостью всасывания. Фильтрующие элементы 19 установлены на цапфах 4 в каналах 13,14 между дросселями. Постоянный дроссель выполнен в виде зазора между цапфами и внутренними радиальными поверхностями 15 подшипников 5. Рабочая жидкость, проходя по зазорам, охлаждает подшипники и выносит продукты износа, которые оседают на ...

07-01-1984 дата публикации

Планетарный гидромотор

Номер: SU1065631A1

ШЛАНЕТАРНЫЙ ГИДРОМОТОР, содержащий две зубчатые пары, образоваййые корпусом с зубчатым вейцом вйутреййего зацеплейия, промежуточйой шестерйей с зубьями вйутрейнего зацеплейия, выполйейными в виде роликов и зубчатым ротором. зубья которого обр.йзуют с роликами промежуточйой шестерйи пары смежных рабочих камер, распределительный диск с подводящими окнами, сообщающимися с рабочими камерами, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повыщейия гидромеханического КПД, подводящие окйа на распределительном диске расположены с неравномерным угловым смещейием , а угол определяется по зависимости А Z KjtAj Г- п где c(i -угол расположейия оси симметрии пары смежных рабочих камер; К, -порядковый йомер пары смежных камер; Пу -количество подводящих окон в распределителе ,g (Л О5 СЛ О5 со ...

30-01-1988 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU1370305A1

Изобретение позволяет повысить ресурс работы подшипников скольжения, В потоке охлаждающей жидкости (ОЖ) установлены регулируемые дроссели, выполненные в виде биметаллического В Ю 578 . ,11 разрезного кольца 9, установленного в кольцевой проточке 10 на рабочей поверхности 7 каждого подшипника 6 скольжения. При нагреве подшипников концы кольца расходятся, площадь проходного сечения дросселя увеличивается , что приводит к увеличению расхода ОЖ и уменьшению температуры подшипников. Дроссель может быть выполнен в виде цилиндрического подпружиненного элемента с термокомпенсатором , высота которого уменьшается с увеличением температуры, что также приводит к увеличению расхода ОЖ. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. (Л :о :о :п Ю 7 ...

15-08-1982 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU950951A1

07-08-1981 дата публикации

Роторная машина

Номер: SU853169A1

07-10-1989 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU1513199A1

Изобретение позволяет повысить КПД и надежность шестеренного насоса в работе. Во внутренней полости 2 корпуса 1 размещены шестерни (Ш) 3, 4 с внешними зубьями 5 и сопряженная с ними гибкая Ш 6 с внутренними зубьями 7. Разделитель (Р) установлен между Ш 3, 4 с образованием полостей 8, 9 всасывания и нагнетания. Боковые радиальные поверхности (РП) 10 Р сопряжены с внешней РП 11 вершин 12 зубьев 5. Р выполнен в виде двух элементов 14, 15 с цилиндрическими расточками 16, соединенными каналами 17 с полостями 9. Р снабжен плавающими втулками 18 с осевыми каналами 19 и пружинами 20. Каждая втулка 18 установлена одновременно в соосных расточках 16. Пружины 20 установлены в каналах 19 с возможностью взаимодействия с торцовыми поверхностями 21 расточек 16. На внешней РП 22 втулок 18 выполнены пояски 23 со сферической поверхностью 24. Поверхности 25 элементов 14, 15, сопряженные с РП 26 вершин 27 зубьев 7, выполнены выпуклыми. Наличие пояской 23 с поверхностью 24 обеспечивает герметизацию полостей ...

07-10-1989 дата публикации

Шестеренчатый насос

Номер: SU1513200A1

Изобретение позволяет повысить надежность шестеренчатого насоса путем обеспечения стерилизуемости внутренних полостей и упрощения сборки и разборки. Торцовые крышки корпуса 1 выполнены из немагнитного материала. Ведущая и ведомая шестерни 3, 4 установлены в цилиндрических расточках 5 корпуса 1 с образованием полости 6 всасывания и полости нагнетания. В теле шестерни 3 установлены постоянные магниты 8 с чередующейся полярностью. Привод шестерни 3 выполнен в виде С-образных электромагнитов 9, установленных с внешней стороны корпуса 1 с возможностью взаимодействия с магнитами 8. Отношение числа пар полюсов электромагнитов 9 к числу магнитов 8 равно 2/3. Сердечник 10 электромагнитов 9 выполнен составным, что дает возможность отсоединить его от корпуса 1. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

01-01-1946 дата публикации

Шестеренчатый насос

Номер: SU66217A1
Автор: Рево В.Д.

15-01-1990 дата публикации

Шестеренный насос

Номер: SU1536056A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и позволяет упростить конструкцию шестеренного насоса. В корпусе 1 с торцовыми крышками размещены шестерни 2 внешнего зацепления. Плунжеры 3 установлены в расточках 4 шестерен 2. Каждая надплунжерная полость 5 соединена с внутренней полостью 6 корпуса 1. Пружины 7 и ограничители 8 хода плунжеров 3 размещены в расточках 4 соответственно в подплунжерных полостях 9 и со стороны вершин 10 зубьев 11 шестерен 2. Размещение плунжеров 3 в теле зубьев 11 исключает возможность компрессии жидкости. 1 ил.

30-10-1984 дата публикации

Планетарно-роторный гидромотор

Номер: SU1121499A1

ПЛАНЕТАРНО-РОТОРНЫЙ ГИДРОМОТОР , содержащий корпус с зубьями внутреннего зацепления, эксцентрично установленный в корпусе ротор с двумя зубчатыми венцами - внешним, сопряженным с зубьями внутреннего зацепления, и внутренним, сопряженным с шестерней, жестко установленной на валу с образованием с зубьями шестерни рабочих камер, зопотниковые распределители, жестко связанные с валом и каналы подвода - отвода рабочей жидкости, о.тлнчающ и и с я тем, 4TOf с целью расширения диапазона регулирования выходных параметров гидромотора, он снабжен дополнительным ротором, дополнительной шестерней и перегородкой, жестко установленными на валу, a корпус - дополнительными втулками с кольцевыми проточками, образующими с внутренней поверхностью корпуса кольцевые камеры, при этом на, торцовых поверхностях перегородки, сопряженных с торцовыми поверхностями основного и дополнительного роторов, выполнены окна, a на внутренней поверхности дополнительных втулок зубья внутреннего зацепления, причем окна соединены ...

25-06-1974 дата публикации

Объемный насос

Номер: SU433287A1

07-07-1990 дата публикации

Шестеренная реверсивная гидромашина

Номер: SU1576725A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано в любой области машиностроения в качестве насоса или мотора, обладающего повышенными надежностью, долговечностью и гидромеханическим КПД. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности долговечности и гидромеханического КПД за счет гарантированного предварительного поджима компенсатора к боковой поверхности шестерен. Шестеренная реверсивная гидромашина содержит раззмещенные в цилиндрических расточках корпуса 2 шестерни 3 внешнего зацепления с цапфами 4, установленными в подшипниках 5 скольжения, сопряженные с боковыми поверхностями 6 шестерен 3 торцовые компенсаторы 7 с эластичными манжетами 8, размещенными в выборках 9 с перегородками с образованием камер 11 прижима, и установленные в цилиндрических выборках упругие цилиндрические выступы, жестко сопряженные с эластичными манжетами 8. При этом подшипники 5 скольжения выполнены в виде отдельных втулок, цилиндрические выборки выполнены во втулках, а другие цилиндрические выступы ...

15-10-1986 дата публикации

Способ ремонта шестеренных насосов

Номер: SU1263910A1

Изобретение м.б. использовано для устранения брака при изготовлении шестеренных насосов. Цель изобретения - упрощение технологии ремоя1 Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а именно к способам ремонта шестеренных насосов и устранения брака при изготовлении насосов. Цель изобретения - упрощение технологии ремонта. На чертеже представлен поперечный разрез шестеренного насоса после ремонта . Предлагаемый способ может быть реализован при ремонте шестеренного насоса, содержащего корпус 1, шестерни 2 и 3 внешнего зацепления и торцовые уплотнительные пластины (не показаны). Способ состоит . в следующем. Шестерни 2 и 3 внешнего зацепления и поверхности торцовых уплотнительных пластин обрабатывают путем шлита насосов восстановлением посадок в сопряжениях до исходных значений путем шлифования и доводки шестерен до вьтедения следов износа. Торцовые поверхности корпуса обрабатывают до размера ширины венца шестерен.Колодцы корпуса растачивают у приемной полости на части окружности длиной, ...

07-09-1987 дата публикации

Шестеренная гидромашина

Номер: SU1335729A2

Изобретение относится к гидромашиностроению и позволяет повысить долговечность работы. Геометрический центр 10 кольцевых выборок 9 смещен относительно отверстий 11 в сторону полости высокого давления (ПВД). На радиальной поверхности отверстий II вьшолнены серповидные карманы, геометрическая ось которых также смещена в сторону ПВД. Такое вьтолнение обеспечивает смещение равнодействующей силы прижима торцовых компенсаторов в сторону ПВД и уменьшение перекоса торцовых компенсаторов за счет совпадения равнодействующей сил прижима и равнодействующей сил отжима. 1 3.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. // оо оо ел ND СО UZ.J 14) ...

07-09-1984 дата публикации

Шестеренная гидромашина

Номер: SU1112146A1

ШПСТЕРНИНАЯ ГИДРОМАШИМА , содержащая корпус и разме1цем 1ые в цилиндрических расточках корпуса шестерни внен1него зацеплення, цапфы которых установлены в подшипниках скольжениями торцовые компенсаторы,на торцовых поверхностях которых между диаметрами вершин и впадин зубьев шестерен в зоне высокого давления выполнены незамкнутые кольцевые выборки, огл«(,тем,что,с целью экономии металла и упрои1ения ее конструкции, выборки вынолнены по всей толщине торцовых компенсаторов. еЗ| (Л А А o 1 05 Фиг.1 ...

30-07-1984 дата публикации

Многошестеренный насос

Номер: SU1105690A1

... 1. МНОГОШЕСТЕРЕННЫЙ НАСОС , содержащий ведущую и ведомые щестерни внещнего зацепления, размещенные в расточках корпуса с образованием камер всасывания и нагнетания рабочей жидкости и каналы подвода и отвода рабочей жидкости , приче.м ведущая П1естерня в.ходит в запепление одновременно по меньщей мере с двумя ведомыми щестернями, при этом камеры Hai-нетания и всасывания расположены поочередно с внепшей и внутренней стороны линии, соединяюЕцей геометрические оси враи е1П1я 1иестерен, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повыщения ме.ханичсского КНД путем разгрузки шестерен от действия радиальных сил, геометрические оси вращения щестерен размещены в . по меныней мере одного правильного и)огоуг()льпика. 2. Насос по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что геометрические оси вращения щестерен размещены в вершинах по меньщей мере двух многоугольников, сопряженных .между собой одной из сторон. (Q (Л ел 05 со ...

23-05-1973 дата публикации

Роторный вакуумный насос-компрессор

Номер: SU383882A1

11-05-1965 дата публикации

Реверсивный шестеренчатый насос

Номер: SU171266A1

07-04-1982 дата публикации

Гидравлическое устройство

Номер: SU919605A3
Принадлежит: ТРВ ИНК (ФИРМА)

15-08-1993 дата публикации

Ручной планетарно-роторный насос

Номер: SU1834984A3

Изобретение относится к машиностроению , в частности к шестеренным насосам с внутренним зацеплением, предназначенным для обработки садов. Целью изобретения является уменьшение габаритов насоса в осевом направлении, массы насоса, удобство его в эксплуатации. Указанная цель достигается за счет того, что роторный насос снабжен державкой, закрепленной на его корпусе, причем державка выполнена с осевой горизонтальной расточкой и в этой расточке расположены соосно кардан и приводной вал. Сам кардан выполнен полым и установлен шарнирно на валу, который одним концом размещен в глухом отверстии державки, а другим - в крышке корпуса. 2 ил.

22-10-1998 дата публикации

Rotary piston pump, particularly for delivery of fluids containing solid matter

Номер: DE0019715608A1

The rotary pistons (30) are located on a support shaft (40) and are driven by a drive motor via a gear. Each piston has a displacement vane engaging in the intermediate spaces of the other piston. Each piston comprises a metallic core (33) and an elastomer material coating (32). With the rotation of the piston, the coating circulates in a sealed manner on the inside of the wall of the pump housing (20) and on the other rotary piston. The coating extends into the fixture area (37) of the rotary piston with the support shaft (40) and seals the transition area (36) between it and the metallic part of the rotary piston and also the metallic core (33) of the rotary piston and the support shaft against the delivered fluid medium.

05-05-1983 дата публикации

Rotation device for the displacement of flowing media

Номер: DE0003237974A1

A device for the displacement of flowing media can be operated as a geared pump or motor and comprises an intermediate plate which is arranged between adjacent pairs of intermeshing drive and intermediate gears inside a housing. The intermediate plate is constructed from a reinforcing section which has an essentially mechanical stability as well as from a bearing section which is fitted on each end of the reinforcing section in order to engage with the adjoining ends of the adjacent drive and intermediate gears. The intermediate plate thereby provides both the required bearing capability and improved mechanical stability.

29-07-1971 дата публикации

Dickstoff- bzw. Guellepumpe

Номер: DE0002002518A1

09-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069924891T2

17-02-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002701303C3

01-10-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003026222C2

07-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003112470A1

21-09-2006 дата публикации

Zahnradpumpe mit Splinefunktion erzeugtem Zahnradprofil

Номер: DE0060208520T2

22-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069926709D1

17-03-1994 дата публикации

Sedimenthomogenisator für Exzenterschnecken-Tauchpumpen

Номер: DE0009314746U1

23-12-2004 дата публикации

Positive displacement gear pump for use in e.g. internal combustion (IC) engine, has pump case formed of material e.g. steel, whose coefficient of thermal expansion is lower than that of material e.g. zinc, for pair of gears

Номер: DE0010356807A1

A gear pump (2) has a pair of gears (8,10) meshed together inside a pump case (4). The pump case is formed of a material e.g. steel, ceramic, whose coefficient of thermal expansion is lower than that of the material e.g. zinc alloy, zinc, light alloy, for each gear.

15-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001675066B2

20-07-1978 дата публикации

Externally meshing gear pump with wear plate - has pressure equalising grooves with radial ends in housing end cover facing plate

Номер: DE0001958936B2

The arrangement is intended for equalising pressure in a gear pump with externally meshing gears. A wear plate (28) is positioned in the pump chamber (5) between the end faces of the gear wheels and the housing end cover. Between the plate and the end cover there is a branch (76) of a pressure equalisation groove (75), the branch extending from a recess in the pump suction area and concentrically in the direction of rotation of the adjacent gear. The groove (75) is arranged in the face of the end cover and its branches (76) each have an end portion (77) which extends radially relative to the end face of the adjacent gear.

05-10-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002208291A1

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Gear root geometry for increased carryover volume

Номер: US20120141316A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A gear includes a gear root defined by a stretched root blended into an involute tooth profile curve within a True Involute Form diameter.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

External Gear Pump for Hot Cooking Oil

Номер: US20120258006A1
Принадлежит: Viking Pump Inc

An overhung external spur gear positive displacement pump for hot oil or deep fryer applications is disclosed. The external gear pump includes a casing that includes a through bore for accommodating a drive shaft that leads to a pump chamber that accommodates a drive gear and a driven gear. The casing further includes a recess connected to the pump chamber for accommodating a stationary pin. The casing also includes a proximal end coupled to a prime mover and a distal end coupled to a head. The gears are enclosed in the pump chamber by the head. The stationary pin is accommodated within the driven gear and the drive shaft is coupled to the drive gear. The head is provided in the form of a flat plate with a plurality of holes for accommodating fasteners that couple the head to the distal end of the casing.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Fluid Energy Transfer Device

Номер: US20130034462A1
Автор: George A. Yarr
Принадлежит: ENER-G-ROTORS Inc

A rotary chambered fluid energy-transfer device includes a housing with a central portion having a bore formed therein and an end plate forming an arcuate inlet passage, with a radial height and a circumferential extent. The device also includes an outer rotor rotatable in the central portion bore with a female gear profile formed in a radial portion defining a plurality of roots and an inner rotor with a male gear profile defining a plurality of lobes in operative engagement with the outer rotor. A minimum radial distance between an outer rotor root and a corresponding inner rotor lobe define a duct end face proximate the end plate, wherein the duct end face has a radial height substantially equivalent to the inlet passage radial height at a leading edge of the inlet passage.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130089453A1

An oil pump includes a first spill passage formed on a side surface () of a pump chamber () to communicate a hydraulic pressure chamber () with a first high pressure discharge passage () when the entire hydraulic pressure chamber () is positioned between the first high pressure discharge passage () and a first low pressure discharge passage (). Therefore, when the hydraulic pressure chamber () passes between the first high pressure discharge passage () and the first low pressure discharge passage (), the hydraulic pressure inside the predetermined hydraulic pressure chamber () escapes to the first high pressure discharge passage () through a first spill passage (), so a hydraulic pressure value inside the hydraulic pressure chamber () is maintained at the pressure value inside the first high pressure discharge passage (). As a result, fluid is inhibited from flowing into the hydraulic pressure chamber () from the first high pressure discharge passage () through a space between inner peripheral teeth () and outer peripheral teeth (). 1. A vehicular internal gear type oil pump including:a drive gear that has outer peripheral teeth and that is provided rotatable about an axis;an annular driven gear that has inner peripheral teeth that mesh with the outer peripheral teeth of the drive gear and that is provided rotatable about an offset axis that is offset from the axis, and that is rotatably driven by the drive gear;a pump chamber inside of which the driven gear and the drive gear are housed; anda housing that has a high pressure discharge passage and a low pressure discharge passage that are open, a predetermined distance apart from each other in a circumferential direction, to a side surface of the pump chamber, in order to discharge fluid from within the pump chamber,wherein a plurality of hydraulic pressure chambers, that are formed in the circumferential direction by a mesh gap between the inner peripheral teeth and the outer peripheral teeth, move in a ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330222A1

In producing tooth shapes of two toothed rings of an annular gear machine, a starting geometry of a first toothed ring, at least one quality criterion of the annular gear machine, and a desired eccentricity between rotational axes of the two toothed rings are defined. A motion is performed with the starting geometry that performs a rotational motion about its rotational axis and a revolving motion about the rotational axis of the second toothed ring. The rotational and revolving motions are coupled so the rotational angle of the eccentricity equals the product of the rotational angle and tooth count of the first toothed ring. A tooth shape contour of the second toothed ring is generated by recording the path described by the envelope of the starting geometry. If the defined quality criterion is not met, the previously used starting geometry and/or the defined eccentricity is changed and steps are repeated. 1. A method for forming the tooth shape of a first and a second annular gear of an annular gear machine , comprising the following steps:a) establishing a starting geometry of the first annular gear, the inner or outer ring of the annular gear machine, at least one quality criterion of the annular gear machine as well as a desired eccentricity (e) between the rotation axes (A, B) of the two annular gears;b) performing a movement with the starting geometry established, wherein the starting geometry performs a rotational movement about its own rotational axis (B) and at the same time a revolving movement about the rotational axis (A) of the second annular gear, and wherein this rotational movement and this revolving movement are interrelated such that the angle of rotation (b) of the eccentricity (e) is continuously equal to the product of the angle of rotation (a) of the first annular gear and the number of teeth (Z) of the first annular gear (b=a×Z);c) generating the tooth shape contour of the second annular gear by plotting the path described by the envelope ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330224A1

A multi-cluster gear device operable to function as a pump, a motor or operable to alternate between a pump and a motor. 1. A multi cluster gear device comprising:a shaft rotatable about a longitudinal axis;a primary gear mounted on the shaft;at least two secondary gears spaced about and positioned to engage with the primary gear;each of the at least two secondary gears configured to independently receive fluid from a fluid reservoir and to allow flow of a portion of the fluid about the secondary gear and to allow the remaining portion of the fluid to be carried by the primary gear to the adjacent secondary gear.2. A multi cluster gear device comprising:a primary gear;at least two secondary gears spaced about and positioned to engage with the primary gear;each of the at least two secondary gears configured to independently receive fluid from a fluid reservoir and to allow flow of a portion of the fluid about the secondary gear and to allow the remaining portion of the fluid to be carried by the primary gear to the adjacent secondary gear.3. The multi cluster gear device according to claim 2 , wherein the at least two secondary gears are smaller than the primary gear.4. The multi cluster gear device according to claim 2 , wherein the at least two secondary gears are spaced evenly about the periphery of the primary gear.5. The multi cluster gear device according to claim 2 , wherein approximately 50% of the fluid received by each of the at least two secondary gears flows around respective secondary gears and the remaining fluid portion is carried to the adjacent secondary gear.6. The multi cluster gear device according to claim 2 , wherein the each of the secondary gears discharges approximately half of the total volume of fluid received claim 2 , such that each of the secondary gears is associated with an input port and an output port claim 2 , providing for a pair of ports per said each of the secondary gears.7. The multi cluster gear device according to claim 6 , ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Polyetherimide pump

Номер: US20140010697A1
Автор: Peter Haug

A positive displacement pump and methods of making a positive displacement pump having a component, the component having a density ranging from more than 0 to 3 g/cm 3 , a glass transition temperature (Tg) greater than or equal to 150° C., and a yield strength retention greater than 90% after soaking in engine oil for 7 days at 150° C.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079581A1

The present invention relates to a rotor for a vacuum pump having a roots pumping mechanism, the rotor comprising at least two hollow lobes, each lobe having an outer wall which defines a lobe profile, a hollow cavity generally inward of the outer wall, and at least one strengthening rib located in the cavity to resist stress on the lobes generated during rotation. 1. A vacuum pump rotor for use in a vacuum pump having a roots pumping mechanism , the rotor comprising at least two hollow lobes , each respective hollow lobe comprising:a respective outer wall which defines a lobe profile,a respective hollow cavity generally inward of the respective outer wall, andat least one respective strengthening rib located in the respective hollow cavity to resist stress on the respective hollow lobe generated during rotation.2. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the at least one respective strengthening rib extends around an interior wall of the respective hollow lobe.3. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the at least one respective strengthening rib has a varying extent and is distributed within the respective hollow cavity dependent on the varying stresses applied to the respective hollow lobe in use.4. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the respective outer wall has a varying thickness and is thicker at a radially inner portion than at a lobe tip.5. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the respective outer wall defines a thickness such that the respective hollow lobe deforms under centrifugal loading when the rotor is rotated in use and the deformation is greater than manufacturing tolerances.6. The rotor of claim 5 , wherein the respective hollow lobe defines a first configuration in a first condition in which the rotor is rotated in use and a second condition when the rotor is not rotated and the respective hollow lobe is not in the first configuration claim 5 , and wherein the respective hollow lobe deforms from the second condition to the first condition when tip speed of the respective ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003173A1

An internal gear pump includes a pinion, a ring arranged around the pinion, and a cylindrical wall arranged around the ring. A support element, on which the pinion and the ring are supported, carries high-pressure liquid towards a recess located at the junction between the ring and the cylindrical wall, and also carries low-pressure liquid towards another recess located at another point of the junction between the ring and the cylindrical wall. The recess allows the load of the ring on the cylindrical wall to be reduced. 1. An internal gear pump comprising:a pinion capable of rotating about a first axis of rotation;a ring arranged around the pinion, having a cylindrical periphery and being configured to rotate about a second axis of rotation that is different to the first axis of rotation and parallel thereto, the pinion and the ring being arranged to delimit a work space comprising a high-pressure space and a low-pressure space;a first support element arranged on a first side of the ring to limit the movement thereof in a first sense along a first orientation that is substantially parallel to the first and second axes of rotation;a second support element arranged on a second side of the ring to limit the movement thereof in a second sense that is opposite the first sense and in the first orientation;a cylindrical wall arranged around the ring to limit the movement thereof in a plane that is substantially perpendicular to the second axis of rotation;a first high-pressure recess in an arc of a circle and in fluid contact with a first portion of the cylindrical periphery of the ring;a first low-pressure recess in an arc of a circle and in fluid contact with a second portion of the cylindrical periphery of the ring, the first high-pressure recess and the first low-pressure recess being separated;a first high-pressure conveying means forming a fluid connection between the high-pressure space and the first high-pressure recess; anda first low-pressure conveying means ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003128A1

A carrier for a motor subassembly of a hydraulic motor is provided that enables multiple components of the motor subassembly to be temporarily bundled into a compact and easy-to-transport motor subassembly kit. The carrier is a non-hydraulically-functioning member that is configured to have one or more features that mimic a corresponding one or more features of a hydraulically-functioning motor housing to which motor subassembly is intended to be coupled for forming the hydraulic motor. The carrier may have a body with a recessed portion that is configured to receive and/or enclose one or more components of the motor subassembly, and which may cooperate with the one or more motor subassembly components to temporarily secure and bundle the motor subassembly as a compact kit, thereby facilitating transportation and handling of the subassembly components. 1. A motor subassembly kit for a hydraulic motor , the kit comprising:a hydraulically-operable motor subassembly having a plurality of motor components that are configured to be operably coupled to a hydraulically-operable motor housing for at least partially forming the hydraulic motor; anda non-hydraulically-operable carrier for carrying the motor subassembly;wherein the carrier cooperates with the motor subassembly to temporarily secure the plurality of motor components of the motor subassembly as a transportable bundle, andwherein the carrier has one or more portions that mimic a corresponding one or more portions of the hydraulically-operable motor housing, thereby facilitating transportation of the plurality of motor components in the transportable bundle.2. The motor subassembly kit according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier includes a body having a nose portion claim 1 , a base portion claim 1 , and an intermediate portion extending between the nose portion and the base portion;wherein the carrier has an opening in the base portion for receiving one or more of the plurality of motor components, andwherein the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010420A1
Автор: ODA Hiroyuki

An oil pump of the present invention includes a housing () which includes an inlet port () to suck oil, a discharge port () to discharge oil, and a purge port () to eject air-mixed oil, an inner rotor () which is arranged in the housing as being rotatable about a predetermined axis line (S), an outer rotor () which is arranged in the housing to be rotated as being interlocked with the inner rotor, and a filter member () which is arranged at the housing from the outside thereof to prevent foreign matter from entering through the purge port. According to the above, entering of foreign matter and the like can be prevented even when oil is sucked through the purge port. 1. An oil pump , comprising:a housing which includes an inlet port to suck oil, a discharge port to discharge oil, and a purge port to eject air-mixed oil with air mixed;an inner rotor which is arranged in the housing as being rotatable about a predetermined axis line;an outer rotor which is arranged in the housing to be rotated as being interlocked with the inner rotor; anda filter member which is arranged at the housing from the outside thereof to prevent foreign matter from entering through the purge port.2. The oil pump according to claim 1 ,wherein the purge port is arranged at a range capable of providing communication, concurrently with the inlet port, with a pump chamber defined by the inner rotor and the outer rotor.3. The oil pump according to claim 1 ,wherein the housing includes a housing body including a concave portion for containing the inner rotor and the outer rotor, and a housing cover which is connected to the housing body to close an opening of the housing body,the purge port is formed at the housing cover, andthe filter member is attached to the housing cover from the outside.4. The oil pump according to claim 1 ,wherein the inner rotor and the outer rotor include an upstream rotor including a first inner rotor and a first outer rotor and a downstream rotor including a second inner ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025883A1
Автор: Ahrens Henrik, Krampe Paul
Принадлежит: VOGELSANG GMBH & CO. KG

A rotary lobe pump having a pump housing with a pump room, an inlet opening and an outlet opening, a first multi-lobe rotary piston, which is arranged in the pump room and is rotatably mounted about a first axis of rotation, a second multi-lobe rotary piston, which is arranged in the pump room and is rotatably mounted about a second axis of rotation spaced apart from the first axis of rotation and meshingly engages in the first rotary piston, wherein the first and second rotary pistons are drivable in opposite directions and are designed to generate a flow of a conveyed medium from the inlet opening through the pump room to the outlet opening by counter-rotation about the first and second axis of rotation, respectively, and a drive device, which is mechanically coupled to the rotary pistons for driving the rotary pistons. 124-. (canceled)25. A rotary lobe pump for conveying a particle-laden conveyed medium , comprising:a pump housing with a pump room;an inlet opening and an outlet opening;a first, multi-lobe rotary piston, which is arranged in the pump room and is rotatably mounted about a first axis of rotation;a second multi-lobe rotary piston, which is arranged in the pump room, and is rotatably mounted about a second axis of rotation spaced apart from the first axis of rotation and meshingly engages in the first rotary piston;wherein the first and the second rotary pistons are drivable in opposite directions and are designed to generate a flow of the conveyed medium from the inlet opening through the pump room to the outlet opening by counter-rotation about the first and second axis of rotation, respectively;a drive device arranged on one side of the pump housing, which is mechanically coupled to the rotary pistons for driving the rotary pistons;a first fixed axle body, which is arranged inside the first rotary piston and connected to the pump housing on the side of the drive device; andat least one first bearing for rotatably supporting the first rotary piston ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023561A1

The invention relates to a bi-helical toothed wheel () with non-encapsulating profile () for hydraulic gear apparatuses (), of the type bound to a support shaft () to form a driving or driven wheel of said hydraulic apparatus and comprising a plurality of teeth () extended with variable helix angle with continuous function in the longitudinal direction, wherein the teeth profile () keeps a shape continuity in each cross section thereof. More particularly, each tooth of the toothed wheel is longitudinally split in three zones: initial (A), central (B) and terminal (C) zones, and the central zone (B) has a variable helix angle, while the initial (A) and terminal (c) zones have a constant helix angle. The invention allows to manufacture contra-rotating rotors, having a non-encapsulating profile and a helix shape such as to suppress the angular point at the center of the rotors themselves and therefore all the problems related to their machining. 1. A bi-helical toothed wheel with non-encapsulating profile for hydraulic gear apparatuses , said bi-helical toothed wheel being bound to a support shaft to form a driving or driven wheel of said hydraulic apparatus and comprising a plurality of teeth extended with variable helix angle with continuous function in the longitudinal or axial tooth direction , wherein the teeth profile keeps a shape continuity in each cross section thereof.2. A toothed wheel according to claim 1 , wherein each tooth is longitudinally split in three zones: initial claim 1 , central and terminal zones claim 1 , where the initial and terminal zones have a symmetrical helix angle.3. A toothed wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the helix angle of the tooth is variable over the whole gear length.4. A toothed wheel according to claim 1 , wherein each cross section coincides with the front profile of the toothed wheel.5. A toothed wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the helix development has a transition point between a right-handed portion and a left- ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024657A1

A gear pump assembly includes a drive gear having a plurality of circumferentially spaced teeth, and a driven gear likewise having a plurality of circumferentially spaced teeth positioned for intermeshing engagement between the drive and driven gears via the teeth. A bleed mechanism directs carryover fluid from a discharge side of a bearing dam to an inlet side of the bearing dam in order to supply the carryover fluid to a carryover volume disposed between mating drive gear teeth and driven gear teeth. The bleed mechanism including a passage communicating with at least one of (i) a gear face of the drive gear, (ii) a gear face of the driven gear; or (iii) a bottom of a gear tooth profile adjacent a root region between adjacent gear teeth. 1. A gear pump assembly comprising:a drive gear having a plurality of circumferentially spaced teeth;a driven gear having a plurality of circumferentially spaced teeth that mesh with the teeth of the drive gear whereby rotation of the drive gear results in rotation of the driven gear; anda bleed mechanism that directs carryover fluid from a first side of a bearing dam to a second side of the bearing dam in order to supply the carryover fluid to a carryover volume disposed between mating drive gear teeth and driven gear teeth, the bleed mechanism including a passage communicating with at least one of:(i) a gear face of the drive gear,(ii) a gear face of the driven gear; or(iii) a bottom of a gear tooth profile adjacent a root region between adjacent gear teeth.2. The gear pump assembly of wherein the passage includes at least one of a first passage portion extending through a tooth of the drive gear and/or driven gear.3. The gear pump assembly of wherein the first passage portion extends in a direction substantially parallel to opposite faces of the tooth of the drive and/or driven gear.4. The gear pump assembly of wherein the passage includes a second passage portion communicating at a first end with the first passage portion ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025198A1

A sprocket gerotor pump includes an outer gerotor gear configured to rotate about a first axis. The outer gerotor gear includes an outer gear body including a plurality of internal gear teeth extending from the outer gear body toward the first axis. The sprocket gerotor pump includes an inner gerotor gear configured to rotate about a second axis. The inner gerotor gear includes an inner gear body and a plurality of external gear teeth extending from the inner gerotor gear away from the second axis. The external gear teeth mesh with the internal gear teeth. Rotating the outer gerotor gear causes rotation of the inner gerotor gear. The sprocket gerotor pump further includes a sprocket integrally coupled with the outer gerotor gear such that the sprocket and the outer gerotor gear collectively form a one-piece structure. The sprocket is driven by a chain. 1. A sprocket gerotor pump , comprising:an outer gerotor gear configured to rotate about a first axis, wherein the outer gerotor gear includes an outer gear body including a plurality of internal gear teeth extending from the outer gear body toward the first axis;an inner gerotor gear configured to rotate about a second axis, wherein the second axis is spaced apart from the first axis, the inner gerotor gear includes an inner gear body and a plurality of external gear teeth extending from the inner gear body away from the second axis, and the plurality of external gear teeth meshes with the plurality of the internal gear teeth such that rotation of the outer gerotor gear causes rotation of the inner gerotor gear; anda sprocket integrally coupled with the outer gerotor gear such that the sprocket and the outer gerotor gear collectively form a one-piece structure.2. The sprocket gerotor pump of claim 1 , wherein the sprocket includes a ring and a plurality of external sprocket teeth extending from the ring.3. The sprocket gerotor pump of claim 2 , wherein the ring is directly coupled to the outer gear body claim 2 , the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025241A1

A bearing assembly for a gear pump that includes a bearing housing, a bearing, and a biasing member. The bearing housing has a housing bore that extends between a first housing end and a second housing end along a bearing axis. The bearing is disposed within the housing bore. The bearing has an outer diameter extending between a first bearing end and a second bearing end. The biasing member is disposed between the bearing and the bearing housing to apply a biasing load to the bearing. 1. A bearing assembly for a gear pump , comprising:a bearing housing having a housing bore that extends between a first housing end and a second housing end along a bearing axis;a bearing disposed within the housing bore, the bearing having an outer diameter extending between a first bearing end and a second bearing end; anda biasing member disposed between the bearing and the bearing housing to apply a biasing load to the bearing.2. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the biasing member includes a first arm that engages the outer diameter of the bearing and a second arm that engages the housing bore.3. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bearing housing defines an opening that radially extends from an outer surface of the bearing housing towards the housing bore.4. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bearing includes a first bearing arm that radially extends from the outer diameter towards the housing bore.5. The bearing assembly of claim 4 , wherein the biasing member is axially disposed between the first bearing arm and the second bearing end.6. The bearing assembly of claim 4 , wherein the first bearing arm defines a pocket that receives the biasing member.7. The bearing assembly of claim 4 , wherein the bearing includes a second bearing arm that is axially spaced apart from the first bearing arm and radially extends from the outer diameter towards the housing bore.8. The bearing assembly of claim 7 , wherein the second bearing arm defines a pocket that ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032923A1

An oil pump which changes an amount of fluid transferred from an intake port to a discharge port in one rotation, by causing a rotation of a reference line linking centers of rotation of an inner rotor and an outer rotor, the oil pump including a pump housing in which a first partitioning section is formed between a trailing end section of the intake port and a leading end section of the discharge port, and a second partitioning section is formed between a trailing end section of the discharge port and a leading end section of the intake port. A width dimension of the second partitioning section is formed to be the same as or larger than a formation range of a space between teeth which is constituted by the inner rotor and the outer rotor passing the second partitioning section during a low-speed rotation. 1. An oil pump which changes an amount of fluid transferred from an intake port to a discharge port in one rotation , by causing a rotation of a reference line linking centers of rotation of an inner rotor and an outer rotor , the oil pump comprising:a pump housing in which a first partitioning section is formed between a trailing end section of the intake port and a leading end section of the discharge port, and a second partitioning section is formed between a trailing end section of the discharge port and a leading end section of the intake port,wherein the reference line passes through respective central positions of the first partitioning section and the second partitioning section in a width direction during a low-speed rotation,wherein the reference line rotates in a direction opposite to a direction of rotation of the inner rotor and the outer rotor, and passes through rear sides, in terms of the direction of rotation, of the respective central positions of the first partitioning section and the second partitioning section in the width direction during a high-speed rotation,wherein a width dimension of the second partitioning section is formed to be the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032969A1

A journal bearing assembly includes a first journal bearing disposed about a longitudinal end of a gear shaft and spaced a first distance from a first axial gear face. A first fluid film location and a first hybrid pad location are annularly between an inner surface of the first journal bearing and an outer surface of the gear shaft. The first hybrid pad location circumferentially adjacent to the first fluid film location has a minimum leading edge angular location of at least about 31.0° measured relative to a first bearing flat. A first porting path provides high pressure fluid communication from a location outside the first journal bearing to the first fluid film location at or adjacent to the first hybrid pad location. 1. A journal bearing assembly comprising:a gear shaft;a gear mounted to the gear shaft, the gear including a first axial gear face;a first journal bearing disposed about a longitudinal end of the gear shaft and spaced a first distance from the first axial gear face;a first fluid film location annularly between an inner surface of the first journal bearing and an outer surface of the gear shaft;a first hybrid pad location circumferentially adjacent to the first fluid film location, the first hybrid pad location having a minimum leading edge angular location of at least about 31.0° measured relative to a first bearing flat; anda first porting path through a body of the first journal bearing providing high pressure fluid communication from a location outside the first journal bearing to the first fluid film location at or adjacent to the first hybrid pad location.2. The journal bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first porting path comprises:a discharge face cut into an outer surface of the first journal bearing for receiving the high pressure fluid;a radial spool cut into the first journal bearing;an axial hole through the first journal bearing for communicating the high pressure fluid from the discharge face cut to the radial spool cut; anda ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus for Reducing Noise of Gear Pump Through Uneven Pitch-Simulated Control and Method Thereof

Номер: US20220049696A1

An apparatus for reducing noise of a gear pump through uneven pitch-simulated control includes a calculation unit to calculate different control current values for each tooth of a teeth order by applying a teeth number, the teeth order, and a teeth angle of the gear pump in which a plurality of teeth are evenly formed, a storage unit to map and store the teeth order and the different control current values corresponding to the teeth order for each tooth, and a current controller to variably generate the control current value mapped corresponding to the teeth order when each tooth reaches a reference position when the gear pump rotates by a motor, wherein the control current value is added to a reference current value of a motor control signal and applied to the motor. 1. An apparatus for reducing noise of a gear pump through uneven pitch-simulated control , the apparatus comprising:a calculation unit configured to calculate different control current values for each tooth of a teeth order by applying a teeth number, the teeth order, and a teeth angle of the gear pump in which a plurality of teeth are evenly formed to a predetermined function;a storage unit configured to map and store the teeth order and the different control current values corresponding to the teeth order for each tooth; anda current controller configured to variably generate the control current value mapped corresponding to the teeth order when each tooth reaches a reference position when the gear pump rotates by a motor, wherein the control current value is added to a reference current value of a motor control signal and applied to the motor.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the current controller is configured to:instantaneously generate the control current value mapped with the tooth corresponding to the teeth order at a time when the tooth corresponding to the teeth order reaches the reference position; andapply only the reference current value to the motor during a remaining time when the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032653A1

An internal gear pump includes an outer rotor, an inner rotor, and a pump housing. The inner rotor is rotatably disposed inside the outer rotor having internal teeth, forms pump chambers between the outer rotor and the inner rotor, and has external teeth. The pump housing has an inhalation port, a discharge port, and a first notch formed within a first land surface that extends from an end of the inhalation port to an end of the discharge port. The first notch is formed along a projection trajectory obtained by projecting a trajectory of chip points on the first land surface, where each chip point is a middle point between a corresponding one of the internal teeth and a corresponding one of the external teeth at a location at which the internal and external teeth substantially face each other above the first land surface and are closest to each other. 1. An internal gear pump comprising:an outer rotor that comprises internal teeth;an inner rotor that is rotatably disposed inside the outer rotor, that forms pump chambers configured to expand and contract repeatedly between the outer rotor and the inner rotor, and that comprises external teeth a number of which is one less than a number of the internal teeth, the external teeth being engageable with the internal teeth; anda pump housing that is formed of a case comprising a retention hollow in which the outer rotor is rotatably retained and a cover that blocks an opening of the retention hollow and that has an inhalation port via which a fluid is to be inhaled into the pump chambers and a discharge port via which the fluid is to be discharged from the pump chambers,wherein the pump housing has a first notch formed within a first land surface that extends from an end of the inhalation port to an end of the discharge port, and the internal teeth and the external teeth are in sliding contact with the first land surface, andwherein the first notch is formed along a projection trajectory obtained by projecting a trajectory ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Positive Displacement Pump With Shaft-Mounted Sleeve

Номер: US20200032790A1
Автор: Garner Bob

A rotary positive displacement pump comprising a pair of forwardly-positioned sealing arrangements and a pair of forwardly-positioned sleeves are received within a cavity providing for easy maintenance of the pump when the seals need to serviced. Each of the sealing arrangement includes a dynamic seal and a static seal. The dynamic seal is positioned forward of the static seal and abuts a corresponding sleeve and hub. 1. A rotary positive displacement pump for pumping a pumped product , the rotary positive displacement pump comprising:a gear case including a pair of shafts extending therefrom at a forward end;a pump body supported by the gear case on the forward end of the gear case, the pump body having a cover attached thereto so as to define a cavity between the pump body and the cover in which the cavity has an inlet and an outlet, the pump body having a pair of hubs that extend into the cavity in which each of the pair of hubs has an axially-extending opening through each one of which a corresponding one of the pair of shafts from the gear case is received;a pair of rotors, each of the pair of rotors having a central portion received on one of the pair of shafts inside the axially-extending opening of the hub, each rotor having wings attached to the central portion of the rotor in which the wings of the rotor are disposed radially outward of the hub when the central portion of the rotor is attached to the shaft, the rotors on the pair of shafts being rotatable in opposite directions to pump a pumped product through the pump body from the inlet through the cavity to the outlet;a pair of sleeves, each of the pair of sleeves having a wall extending circumferentially along and about a longitudinal axis to define a central opening therein, the central opening of each of the pair of sleeves receiving a corresponding one of the pair of shafts, and each of the pair of sleeves configured to rotate in concert with the corresponding one of the pair of shafts; anda pair of ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037194A1

An oil pump has a pump body, an outer rotor, and an inner rotor. The pump body includes a rotor chamber, an inlet port and an outlet port formed in the rotor chamber, an inlet passage communicating with the inlet port, an outlet passage communicating with the outlet port, a relief valve, a relief chamber formed on a discharge side of the relief valve, and an oil return passage formed from the relief chamber to the inlet passage. The outer rotor is supported by the inner circumferential support wall of the rotor chamber. The oil return passage is formed in the inner circumferential support wall as a groove-like recess and opens along an outer circumferential surface of the outer rotor. 1. An oil pump , comprising:a pump body;an outer rotor; andan inner rotor,the pump body including a rotor chamber having an inner circumferential support wall on an inner circumferential side, an inlet port and an outlet port formed in the rotor chamber, an inlet passage communicating with said inlet port, an outlet passage communicating with said outlet port, a relief valve allowing oil to flow from the outlet passage to said inlet passage by relieving pressure, a relief chamber formed on a discharge side of the relief valve, and an oil return passage formed from said relief chamber to said inlet passage;the outer rotor being supported by the inner circumferential support wall of said rotor chamber; andthe inner rotor being arranged on an inner circumferential side of the outer rotor, wherein said oil return passage is formed in said inner circumferential support wall as a groove-like recess and opens along an outer circumferential surface of said outer rotor.2. The oil pump according to claim 1 , wherein said oil return passage is formed at and around a symmetric point of a maximum partition part located between a trailing end of said inlet port and a leading end of said outlet port relative to a center point of said rotor chamber.3. The oil pump according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Rotary Expansible Chamber Devices Having Adjustable Working-Fluid Ports, and Systems Incorporating The Same

Номер: US20140119967A1
Автор: Feustel Aaron

Rotary expansible chamber (REC) devices having one or more working-fluid ports that are adjustable, for example, in size or location. In some embodiments, the variable port mechanisms can be used to control any one or more of a plurality of operating parameters of a REC device independently of one or more others of the operating parameters. In some embodiments, the REC devices can have a plurality of fluid volumes that change in size during rotation of the REC device, and that transition to a zero volume condition during the rotation of the REC device. Systems are also provided that can include one or more REC devices. Methods for controlling various aspects of REC devices, including methods of controlling one or more operating parameters, are also provided. 1. A rotary expansible chamber device , comprising:an outer rotary component having a machine axis;an inner rotary component located relative to said outer rotary component so as to define a fluid zone between said inner and outer components, said fluid zone for receiving a working fluid during use, wherein said inner and outer rotary components are designed and configured to engage one another so that, when at least one of said inner and outer rotary components is continuously moved relative to the other about an axis parallel to said machine axis, said inner and outer rotary components continuously define at least one shrinking arc, at least one expanding arc, and at least one zero volume arc within said fluid zone;a first working-fluid port in fluid communication with said fluid zone and having a first circumferential extent and a first angular position about said machine axis; anda first mechanism designed and configured to controllably change at least one of said first circumferential extent and said first angular position.2. The rotary expansible chamber device of claim 1 , further comprising:a second working-fluid port in fluid communication with said fluid zone and having a second circumferential extent ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Lightweight and Flexible Rotors for Positive Displacement Devices

Номер: US20140119974A1
Автор: Kitching Alan H.

A rotor for a progressive cavity device has a central axis and includes an outer tubular. The outer tubular has a radially outer surface and a radially inner surface defining a rotor cavity. The outer surface includes at least one helical rotor lobe. The rotor also includes a filler structure disposed within the rotor cavity. The outer tubular is made of a first material having a first density and the filler structure is made of a second material having a second density that is less than the first density. 1. A rotor for a progressive cavity device , the rotor having a central axis and comprising:an outer tubular having a radially outer surface and a radially inner surface defining a rotor cavity, wherein the outer surface includes at least one helical rotor lobe; anda filler structure disposed within the rotor cavity;wherein the outer tubular is made of a first material having a first density and the filler structure is made of a second material having a second density that is less than the first density.2. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the first material is steel and the second material is an elastomer or polymer.3. The rotor of claim 1 , further comprising an inner tubular disposed within the outer tubular claim 1 , wherein the filler structure is radially positioned between the outer tubular and the inner tubular.4. The rotor of claim 3 , wherein an annulus is radially positioned between the inner tubular and the outer tubular claim 3 , wherein the filler structure is disposed in the annulus.5. The rotor of claim 3 , wherein the radially inner surface of the outer tubular includes at least one helical lobe and wherein the inner tubular contacts the at least one helical lobe on the radially inner surface of the outer tubular.6. The rotor of claim 3 , wherein the inner tubular is made of a third material having a third density claim 3 , wherein the second density is less than the third density.7. The rotor of claim 6 , wherein the first material and the third ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Slurry Pump

Номер: US20160047376A1
Автор: KLASSEN James

In a rotor in rotor configuration, a pump has inward projections on an outer rotor and outward projections on an inner rotor. The outer rotor is driven and the projections mesh to create variable volume chambers. The outer rotor may be driven in both directions. In each direction, the driving part (first inward projection) of the outer rotor contacts a sealing surface on one side of an outward projection of the inner rotor, while a gap is left between a sealing surface of the other side of the outward projection and a second inward projection. The gap may have uniform width along its length in the radial direction, while in a direction parallel to the rotor axis it may be discontinuous or have variable size to create flow paths for gases. 1. A fluid transfer device comprising:a housing having an inward facing surface;an outer rotor secured for rotation about an outer rotor axis that is fixed in relation to the housing, the outer rotor having inward projections, the outer rotor being arranged to be driven in operation by a drive shaft;an inner rotor secured for rotation about an inner rotor axis that is fixed in relation to the housing, the inner rotor axis being inside the outer rotor, the inner rotor having outward projections, the outward projections in operation meshing with the inward projections to define variable volume chambers as the inner rotor and outer rotor rotate; fluid transfer passages in a portion of the housing to permit flow of fluid into and out of the variable volume chambers; andeach outward projection having a first sealing surface and a second sealing surface circumferentially opposed to each other for respective engagement with corresponding sealing surfaces of adjacent inward projections such that in an operational configuration in which the outer rotor is driven in a first direction, the first sealing surface seals against a first corresponding inward projection with a first gap between at least part of the second sealing surface and a ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Gear Wheel with Meshing Teeth

Номер: US20160047462A1
Автор: CAGNANI Pierpaolo

The invention concerns a gear wheel () having a plurality of identical teeth suitable for meshing in parallel with a similar second gear wheel in a casing () of a hydraulic machine, said gear wheel having a side face of the front toothing () and a side face of the rear toothing () suitable for dragging in rotation against a front bush () and a rear bush (), respectively, said bushes () being slotted onto a sleeve () fixedly connected to the gear wheel (), said helical teeth extending along the entire gear wheel () between the front side face () and the rear side face (), where both the side face of the front toothing () and the side face of the rear toothing () have, at each tooth, a removed rotor portion (), so as to have an area of the side faces of the toothing that does not come into contact with the bush when the latter is placed in abutment against the respective side face of the toothing of the gear wheel. 1. A Gear wheel having a plurality of identical teeth suitable for meshing in parallel with a similar second gear wheel in a casing of a hydraulic machine , said gear wheel having a side face of the front toothing and a side face of the rear toothing suitable for dragging in rotation against a front bush and a rear bush respectively , said bushes being slotted onto a sleeve fixedly connected to the gear wheel , said helical teeth extending along the entire gear wheel between the front side face and the rear side face , wherein both the side face of the front toothing and the side face of the rear toothing have , at each tooth , a rotor portion removed , so as to have an area of the side faces of the toothing that does not come into contact with the bush when the latter is placed in abutment against the respective side face of the toothing of the gear wheel.2. The gear wheel according to claim 1 , wherein said removed portion comprises a chamfer uniformly distributed along the entire perimeter of the side faces of the toothing.3. The gear wheel according to ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Fluid Delivery System With A Shaft Having A Through-Passage

Номер: US20170045046A1
Автор: Afshari Thomas

A fluid delivery system having at least one fluid storage device and a pump with at least one fluid driver with a flow-through shaft that has a through-passage. The pump includes a casing, and at least one fluid driver having a prime mover and at least one fluid displacement member. A shaft of the prime mover and/or a shaft of the fluid displacement member and/or a common shaft of the prime mover/fluid displacement member (depending on the configuration of the pump) is a flow-through shaft with a through-passage configuration that allows fluid communication between at least one port of the pump and the at least one fluid storage device. 1. A pump comprising:a casing defining an interior volume, the casing including a first port in fluid communication with the interior volume, and a second port in fluid communication with the interior volume;a first gear disposed within the interior volume, the first gear having a first gear body and a plurality of first gear teeth;a second gear disposed within the interior volume, the second gear having a second gear body and a plurality of second gear teeth projecting radially outwardly from the second gear body, the second gear is disposed such that a second face of at least one tooth of the plurality of second gear teeth aligns with a first face of at least one tooth of the plurality of first gear teeth;a first motor that rotates the first gear about a first axial centerline of the first gear in a first direction to transfer a fluid from the first port to the second port along a first flow path;a second motor that rotates the second gear, independently of the first motor, about a second axial centerline of the second gear in a second direction to contact the second face with the first face and to transfer the fluid from the first port to the second port along a second flow path; andat least one flow-through shaft disposed in at least one of the first motor, the second motor, the first gear and the second gear, each of the at ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045197A1

The disclosed technology includes pumps, pipes, valves, seals, and systems for pumping and controlling high temperature fluids, such as liquid tin, at temperatures of between 1000-3000° C. The systems and device may be partially or entirely constructed using brittle materials, such as ceramics, that are capable of withstanding extreme heat without significantly degrading, and may be secured using components made of refractory metals, such as tungsten. The systems and devices may utilize static and dynamic seals made from brittle materials, such as graphite, to enable the high temperature operation of such pumps, pipes, valves, and systems without leakage. 1. A pump for pumping at least one of liquids and gases , the pump being formed at least in part from at least one brittle material and configured to operate at temperatures between 500° C. and 3000° C.2. The pump of claim 1 , comprised of a first brittle material and having a seal comprised of a second brittle material.3. The pump of claim 2 , further comprising stationary components sealed by a static seal comprised of the second brittle material and moveable components sealed with a dynamic seal comprised of the second brittle material.4. The pump of comprising: a closed face having an aperture for receiving a shaft;', 'an open face;', 'a chamber disposed between the closed face and the open face, the chamber housing at least a first gear, the first gear being attached to the shaft; and', 'a first plurality of apertures for receiving securing members;, 'a pump body made of the first brittle material, the pump body comprisinga first plate positioned externally to the closed face of the pump body, the first plate being made of the first brittle material or a refractory metal and having an aperture for receiving the shaft and a second plurality of apertures for receiving securing members;a plurality of securing members that are disposed in the first and second plurality of apertures to secure the first plate to the ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045198A1
Автор: BRIERE Olivier

Disclosed is a gear pump including a pumping chamber in which a first shaft and a second shaft are rotated about their respective axes, each of the first and second shafts supporting at least one hydraulic-pumping element that hydraulically pumps a fluid in the pumping chamber, the at least one hydraulic-pumping element of each of the first and second shafts being positioned in the pumping chamber and each having at least one first radial projection. In the pumping chamber, each of the first and second shafts further supports at least one mechanical drive pinion that rotates each of the first and second shafts, each mechanical drive pinion having second radial projections. The at least one mechanical drive pinion is separate from the at least one hydraulic-pumping element, and the number of the at least one first radial projection and of the second radial projections is different. 1128989. Gear pump () comprising a pumping chamber () in which a first shaft () and a second shaft () are driven in rotation about the respective axis thereof (D , D) ,{'b': 8', '9', '20', '2', '20', '8', '9', '2', '21, 'each of the first and second shafts (, ) bearing at least one hydraulic pumping element () providing the hydraulic pumping of a fluid in the pumping chamber (), said at least one hydraulic pumping element () of each of said first and second shafts (, ) being positioned in said pumping chamber () and each having at least one first radial projection (), wherein'}{'b': 2', '8', '9', '14', '8', '9', '14', '15', '8', '9', '14', '20, 'in the pumping chamber (), each of said first and second shafts (, ) also bears at least one pinion () for mechanically driving in rotation each of said first and second shafts (, ), each mechanical drive pinion () having second radial projections (), wherein, on each of said first and second shafts (, ), said at least one mechanical drive pinion () is distinct from said at least one hydraulic pumping element (),'}{'b': 21', '15, 'and wherein said ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065246A1
Принадлежит: The Bricks Groupe, LLC

Lobe pumps have rings which can be located at least partially in at least one of cover plates and rotors, if not both to provide at least thrust bearings to space the rotors from the cover plates. Some rotors may have voids in ears to make the rotor lighter in weight with the voids potentially capped, symmetrically disposed, arcuately shaped and/or have other desirable features. Some rotors may have ears extending beyond cutouts which may extend beyond hubs, if not beyond hub extensions as well which may receive cover spigots thereabout. Some rings may act as radial bearings as well when located in the cover spigots. 1. A rotary lobe pump comprising:a rotor housing assisting defining a cavity intermediate side walls, an end wall and a cover plate;parallel first and second shafts extend into the cavity from the end wall;an inlet port and an outlet port communicating with the cavity;first and second rotors connected to the first and second shafts, respectively; each of the first and second rotors having ears with faces directed toward the cover plate connected to a central hub with the hub connected to the respective first and second shaft; andfirst rings intermediate each of the first and second rotors and the cover plate located at least partially in a first ring groove circumnavigating one of the cover plate and rotor, said first rings providing at least a thrust bearing spacing the faces of the first and second rotors from the cover plate.2. The rotary lobe pump of further comprising (a) cutouts spacing portions of the ears from the shaft and (b) cover spigots extending from the cover plate claim 1 , said cover spigots receiving and surrounding portions of the first and second shafts and extending into the cutouts.3. The rotary lobe pump of wherein the cutout extends a depth of at least ⅓ of a depth of the ears.4. The rotary lobe pump of further comprising voids in the ears.5. The rotary lobe pump of wherein at least some of the voids have a depth greater than a ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Cardan shaft

Номер: US20180051752A1
Автор: Vagn Soennichsen
Принадлежит: Danfoss Power Solutions ApS

A shaft ( 1 ) is shown comprising a shaft section ( 2 ) having an axis ( 3 ), a tooth geometry ( 4 ) at least at one end of said shaft section, said tooth geometry ( 4 ) having a first end ( 5 ) opposite said shaft section ( 2 ) and a second end ( 6 ) adjacent said shaft section ( 2 ), a number of teeth ( 7 ) distributed in circumferential direction around said axis ( 3 ), a bottom curve ( 9 ) between adjacent teeth ( 7 ), and an outer tooth curve ( 12 ), said bottom curve ( 9 ) having a positive slope from said first end ( 5 ) towards said shaft section ( 2 ) and a negative slope ( 14 ) at said second end ( 6 ). In such a shaft wear should be made as small as possible. To this end said bottom curve ( 9 ) comprises a section having a concave bottom curvature ( 15 ) between said positive slope and said negative slope.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074406A1

An oil pump is configured to include a rotor, a drive shaft that drives the rotor to rotate, a rotor chamber in which the rotor is contained, an inlet port and an outlet port each provided in the vicinity of the rotor chamber, and a pump cover. The pump cover is made of a resin. On a portion of an outer surface side of the pump cover corresponding to an inner portion, in which oil circulates, of the pump cover, a rib that has an erecting wall shape is provided. 1. An oil pump comprising:a rotor;a drive shaft that drives the rotor to rotate;a rotor chamber in which the rotor is contained;an inlet port and an outlet port each provided in the vicinity of the rotor chamber; anda pump cover, whereinthe pump cover is made of a resin, andon a portion of an outer surface side of the pump cover corresponding to an inner portion, in which oil circulates, of the pump cover, a rib that has an erecting wall shape is provided.2. The oil pump according to claim 1 , wherein the rib is formed along a shape of the outlet port.3. The oil pump according to claim 1 , wherein the rib is formed on the portion corresponding to a range disposed at a radial middle portion of the outlet port and extending claim 1 , along a direction of the rotation of the rotor claim 1 , to the vicinity of a terminal end of the outlet port or to the vicinity of a beginning end of the inlet port.4. The oil pump according to claim 1 , wherein the rib is formed to extend gradually radially away from a periphery of an insertion portion which is disposed at a radial middle portion of the outlet port and through which the drive shaft is inserted claim 1 , and a portion of the rib extending away has a linear shape.5. The oil pump according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on an outer peripheral side or an inner peripheral side of the rib claim 1 , an auxiliary rib having a length claim 1 , in a direction of the rotation claim 1 , which is shorter than that of the rib is formed to be radially spaced apart by a ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063587A1
Автор: Pydin Andrii

An aeration preventing apparatus including a partition erected on an upper surface of a bottom wall portion of a case member to separate a reservoir space of oil into a radially inward space and a radially outward space and provided with openings formed over a whole circumference in the partition so as to communicate the radially inward space and the radially outward space, an oil passage forming part forming an oil passage from a suction port facing the radially inward space to an oil pump, a movable plate formed in a substantially arc shape and disposed facing a peripheral surface of the partition so as to cover a part of the openings, and a plate support supporting the movable plate to be movable along the peripheral surface of the partition by a gravitational or inertial force acting on the movable plate. 1. An aeration preventing apparatus , comprising:a case member installed in a vehicle and including a bottom wall portion and a side wall portion to form a reservoir space for accumulating an oil supplied from an oil pump;a partition erected on an upper surface of the bottom wall portion and formed in a substantially cylindrical shape about a axial line in a vertical direction to separate the reservoir space into a radially inward space and a radially outward space, the partition including openings formed over a whole circumference in the partition so as to communicate the radially inward space and the radially outward space;an oil passage forming part configured to form an oil passage from a suction port facing the radially inward space to the oil pump;a movable plate formed in a substantially arc shape about the axial line and disposed facing a peripheral surface of the partition so as to cover a part of the openings; anda plate support configured to support the movable plate to be movable along the peripheral surface of the partition by a gravitational or inertial force acting on the movable plate.2. The aeration preventing apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Hydrodynamic gear assembly

Номер: US20140144268A1
Автор: Lyle Ward
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A gear assembly includes a first gear having a first pitch diameter and a second gear having a second pitch diameter different than the first pitch diameter. The first and second gears are located in a housing bore having a cusp line between first and second sections of the housing bore corresponding to the first and second gears. A first gear bearing is located in the first section of the housing bore and has a first flat side. A second gear bearing is located in the second section of the housing bore and has a second flat side. The second flat side is configured to press against the first flat side along the cusp line of the gear housing based on a pressurized fluid being provided to the housing bore.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066655A1

A dual input fluid pump system for coupling to a transmission or an engine and an electrical motor is disclosed. The system may include a first external gear, vane, internal gear, or gerotor-type pump, a second external gear pump, and connecting shaft. Gears of the second pump include one-way clutch bearings that enable operation of the system in multiple modes including engine-only; motor-only; a combined mode where the engine operates the first pump via the shaft and the motor operates the second pump with an external gear rotating in its pumping direction at a rate greater than the shaft; inlet boost; and a disconnection mode. Also noted is a pump that has a first shaft for coupling the engine to a first external gear and a second shaft for coupling the motor to a second external gear, as well as a one-way clutch bearing that performs in a similar manner. 1. A dual input fluid pump system for coupling to a transmission or an internal combustion engine power source and an electrical motor power source , the pump system comprising:a first pump comprising a housing, a rotatable pumping element rotatably mounted in the housing, an inlet, an outlet, and a first input shaft for coupling the transmission or internal combustion engine power source to the rotatable pumping element thereof for rotating the rotatable pumping element in a pumping direction to pump fluid from the inlet to the outlet through the housing;a second pump that is an external gear pump comprising a housing, at least first and second intermeshed external gears rotatably mounted in the housing, an inlet, an outlet, and a second input shaft for coupling the electrical motor power source to the second external gear thereof for rotating the gears in counter-rotating pumping directions to pump fluid from the inlet to the outlet through the housing; anda connecting shaft between the rotatable pumping element of the first pump and the first external gear of the second pump, the connecting shaft being ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150078947A1
Автор: Perez Balthazar L.

A method for producing modular down hole, hydraulic motor components involving the formation of replaceable stator slugs to be collectively housed within a stator housing to form a stator assembly, including, in some embodiments, replaceable lobe components for the stator slugs for altering the interference with a selected rotor for such motor. 1. A modular down hole motor assembly component comprising: a first stator slug having a first stator slug exterior surface configured for telescopic positioning within a stator housing , and for relative juxtaposition with one or more additional stator slugs to form , with said one or more additional stator slugs , an elongate stator assembly within said stator housing , said first stator slug having a first interior slug space configured for defining first stator helical lobes and corresponding first stator helical cavities for interaction with correspondingly configured rotor helical lobes and rotor helical cavities of a rotor for facilitating rotation of said rotor under force of fluid forced through said first stator helical cavities and first rotor helical cavities.2. The assembly component of wherein at least portions of one of said stator slugs defining said stator helical lobes and stator helical cavities are formed of a molded claim 1 , polymeric material.3. The assembly of further comprising a second stator slug having an exterior surface configured for telescopic positioning within a stator housing claim 1 , and for relative juxtaposition with said first stator slug to form claim 1 , at least in part with said first stator slug claim 1 , an elongate stator assembly claim 1 , said second stator slug having an interior slug space configured for defining stator helical lobes and corresponding stator helical cavities for interaction with correspondingly configured rotor helical lobes and rotor helical cavities of a rotor for facilitating rotation of said rotor under force of fluid forced through said stator helical ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074257A1
Принадлежит: Röchling Automotive SE & Co. KG

A tank for motor vehicle includes a tank wall, a fill opening, an outlet opening, a plurality of functional components, and a plurality of attachment formations. The tank wall forms an outermost casing of the tank. The fill opening passes through the tank wall for inlet of operating fluid into the tank. The outlet opening passes through the tank wall for outlet of the operating fluid. The plurality of functional components are designed for pumping and/or for cleaning and/or for detecting a property and/or for changing a property of the operating fluid. The plurality of attachment formations are designed as being integral with the tank wall for positioning of a plurality of functional components on the tank wall. The functional components are disposed on segments of the tank wall, which are arranged at an incline to each other. 2. The tank according to claim 1 , wherein the tank wall comprises a top wall claim 1 , a bottom wall opposite to the top wall claim 1 , and a side wall connecting the top wall to the bottom wall claim 1 , wherein the top wall claim 1 , the bottom wall and the side wall form tank wall segments arranged at an incline to each other.3. The tank according to claim 1 , wherein at the tank wall claim 1 , preferably at the outer side of the tank wall claim 1 , as one functional component a pumping device is arranged for pumping of operating fluid claim 1 , wherein the pumping device features a suction side for the intake of operating fluid and a pressure side for the ejection of operating fluid.4. The tank according to claim 1 , wherein at the tank wall claim 1 , as one functional component a filter device is arranged for filtering of operating fluid.5. The tank according to claim 1 ,wherein the filter device is connected to the pumping device by a first line extending into the interior of the tank for guiding the operating fluid, wherein the first line features an inlet end nearer to the filter device, and an outlet end nearer to the pumping device, ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Sintering a Multi-lobed Helical Rotor

Номер: US20180079005A1
Автор: Peer Richard David
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

The present disclosure relates to a method and system for manufacturing a multi-lobed helical rotor. The method for manufacturing a multi-lobed helical rotor may comprise mixing one or more powdered metals, compacting a mixture of one or more powdered metals to form a solid metal piece, sintering the solid metal piece, and polishing the solid metal piece. The system may comprise a positive displacement pump, which may comprise a casing, a multi-lobed helical rotor disposed in the casing, wherein the multi-lobed helical rotor comprise sintered powdered metals, an inlet to the casing, and an outlet leading from the casing. 1. A method for manufacturing a multi-lobed helical rotor comprising:mixing one or more powdered metals;compacting a mixture of the one or more powdered metals to form a solid metal piece;sintering the solid metal piece; andpolishing the solid metal piece.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising choosing the one or more powdered metals as the base material for the multi-lobed helical rotor.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising choosing the one or more powdered metals and at least one additive as the base material for the multi-lobed helical rotor.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of mixing comprises combining the one or more powdered metals with at least one additive.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of compacting comprises adding the at least one powdered metal and at least one additive to a die.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the step of compacting comprises compacting the at least one powdered metal and at least one additive with a hydraulic ram.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the step of compacting the at least one powdered metal and the at least one additive with a hydraulic ram forms the multi-lobed helical rotor.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the step of sintering comprises placing the multi-lobed helical rotor in a furnace.{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00008', 'claim 8'}, 'The method of , wherein ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Internal-Gear Pump and Hydraulic Circuit for a Motor Vehicle Drivetrain

Номер: US20150086403A1

An internal-gear pump has a housing which has a first fluid port and a second fluid port. An inner rotor is mounted in the housing so as to be rotatable about an inner rotor axis and has an external toothing. An outer rotor is rotatable in the housing about an outer rotor axis and has an internal toothing which, to generate a pump action, engages with the external toothing of the inner rotor. The internal-gear pump furthermore has a ring element which is mounted movably in the housing so as to be pivotable between a first position and a second position. At least a third fluid port is formed on the housing. The third fluid port is arranged relative to the ring element such that, in the first position of the ring element, the third fluid port is connected to the second fluid port. In the second position, said third fluid port is separated from the second fluid port. 2. An internal-gear pump according to claim 1 , wherein at least a fourth fluid port is formed on the housing claim 1 , wherein the fourth fluid port is arranged relative to the ring element such that claim 1 , in the second position of the ring element claim 1 , the fourth fluid port is connected to the second fluid port and claim 1 , in the first position claim 1 , said fourth fluid port is separated from the second fluid port.3. An internal-gear pump according to claim 1 , wherein the ring element is mounted in the housing so as to be rotatable about a ring element axis between a first rotational position and a second rotational position and has a rotor receptacle for rotatably receiving the outer rotor claim 1 , wherein the rotor receptacle is formed eccentrically with respect to the ring element axis.4. An internal-gear pump according to claim 1 , wherein the first fluid port is in the form of a suction port regardless of the rotational direction of the inner rotor claim 1 , and the second fluid port is in the form of a pressure port regardless of the rotation direction of the inner rotor.6. A ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087425A1

A hydraulic circuit includes a pump in fluid communication with a reservoir containing a liquid to be pumped. The pump includes an inlet and an outlet. The hydraulic circuit also includes a venturi pump in fluid communication with the reservoir and with the outlet of the pump, and an injection valve including a cooling feature. The injection valve is in fluid communication with the outlet of the pump, and is configured to dispense liquid supplied to the injection valve by the pump. The cooling feature is in fluid communication with the venturi pump. The pump is configured to produce a first flow of liquid, and the hydraulic circuit is configured to supply a first portion of the first flow of liquid to the injection valve for dispensing by the injection valve and a second portion of the first flow of liquid to the venturi pump. 1. A hydraulic circuit , comprising:a pump in fluid communication with a reservoir containing a liquid to be pumped, the pump including an inlet and an outlet;a venturi pump in fluid communication with the reservoir and with the outlet of the pump;an injection valve including a cooling feature, the injection valve being in fluid communication with the outlet of the pump and configured to dispense liquid supplied to the injection valve by the pump, the cooling feature being in fluid communication with the venturi pump;wherein the pump is configured to produce a first flow of liquid, and the hydraulic circuit is configured to supply a first portion of the first flow of liquid to the injection valve for dispensing by the injection valve and a second portion of the first flow of liquid to the venturi pump.2. The hydraulic circuit of claim 1 , wherein the venturi pump is configured to produce a second flow of liquid from the reservoir and combine the second flow of liquid with the second portion of the first flow of liquid to produce a venturi pump liquid flow.3. The hydraulic circuit of claim 2 , wherein the hydraulic circuit is configured to ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087504A1

A pump housing includes: a slide surface, along which inner and outer gears are slid; a suction guide passage, which is recessed from the slide surface and guides the fuel at a suction side; a discharge passage, which is recessed from the slide surface-and guides the fuel at a discharge side; and a communication groove, which is recessed from the slide surface and is shaped into an arcuate form that extends along a circumcircle of the inner gear. The communication groove is communicated with the suction groove and the discharge passage through two opposite groove end parts, respectively, of the communication groove. 1. A fuel pump comprising:an outer gear that includes a plurality of internal teeth;an inner gear that includes a plurality of external teeth and is meshed with the outer gear while the inner gear is eccentric to the outer gear; anda pump housing that rotatably receives the outer gear and the inner gear, wherein:when the outer gear and the inner gear are rotated to increase and decrease volumes of a plurality of pump chambers, which are formed between the outer gear and the inner gear, fuel is sequentially drawn into and is discharged from the plurality of pump chambers; and a pair of slide surfaces which hold the outer gear and the inner gear from two opposite sides, respectively, in an axial direction, so that the outer gear and the inner gear are slid along the pair of slide surfaces;', 'a suction guide passage that is recessed from at least one of the pair of slide surfaces and guides fuel at a suction side;, 'the pump housing includesa discharge guide passage that is recessed from the slide surface, at which the suction guide passage is formed, wherein the discharge guide passage guides the fuel at a discharge side;a communication groove that is recessed from the slide surface at which the suction guide passage and the discharge guide passage are formed, wherein the communication groove is shaped into an arcuate form that extends along a ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087505A1

The present disclosure provides a forklift, an internal gear pump, and an axial compensation component thereof. The axial compensation component for the internal gear pump is configured to be sandwiched between a pump cover of the internal gear pump and a gear pair of the internal gear pump, and the axial compensation component includes: a floating side plate; and a floating sleeve fixed at a side of the floating side plate far away from the gear pair, in which a part of the floating sleeve is configured to extend into an oil storage tank of the pump cover, the oil storage tank is configured to be in communication with a high-pressure oil area of the internal gear pump, and the floating side plate is configured to press tightly against the gear pair under an oil pressure in the oil storage tank. 117.-. (canceled)18. An axial compensation component for an internal gear pump , configured to be sandwiched between a pump cover of the internal gear pump and a gear pair of the internal gear pump , the axial compensation component comprising:a floating side plate; anda floating sleeve fixed on a side of the floating side plate away from the gear pair,wherein a portion of the floating sleeve is configured to extend into an oil storage tank of the pump cover, the oil storage tank is configured to be in communication with a high-pressure oil region of the internal gear pump, and the floating side plate is configured to press tightly against the gear pair under an oil pressure in the oil storage tank.19. The axial compensation component according to claim 18 , wherein:a guide groove configured to be in communication with the high-pressure oil region of the internal gear pump is formed in a side of the floating side plate facing the gear pair, and an installation groove is formed in a side of the floating side plate facing the pump cover; anda portion of the floating sleeve is disposed in the installation groove via an interference fit, the floating sleeve is provided with a ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150097339A1
Автор: TRIEBE René

The invention relates to a sealing arrangement () for conveying devices, in particular for gear pumps, in which an inner space () can be sealed off from an outer space (), wherein the sealing arrangement comprises at least two parts () each having at least one sealing surface (), wherein the sealing surfaces () comprise: a first seal () along a first, medial perimeter of the sealing surface (), a second seal () along a second, lateral perimeter of the sealing surface (), a recess () between the first seal () and the second seal (), characterized in that the recess () can be connected to a source () of a flushing medium such that the recess () can be actively flushed with the flushing medium. 115.-. (canceled)17. The sealing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , wherein at least one of the first seal and the second seal comprises an O ring or a spiral seal.18. The sealing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , further comprising the source claim 16 , wherein the source is configured such that a constant flow of the flushing medium through the recess is maintained or such that a constant pressure of the flushing medium in the recess is maintained.19. The sealing arrangement as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the recess and the source are configured as a closed flushing medium circuit.20. The sealing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , wherein at least a portion of the recess runs parallel to at least one of the first seal and the second seal.21. The sealing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , further comprising an inlet point for the flushing medium and an outlet point for the flushing medium claim 16 , said inlet point and outlet point being operatively connected to the recess.22. The sealing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the first part is a housing of the conveying device and the second part is a cover on the housing of the conveying device.23. The sealing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , further comprising a flow sensor measuring a flow of flushing ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Gerotor Pump And Method Of Making Pressure Equalization In A Gerotor Pump

Номер: US20200088191A1

A gerotor pump having an inner rotor and an outer rotor, which is also the rotor of an electric drive, having a housing and a flange which closes the housing with the motor compartment, the rotor being arranged on a shaft and sealing against the flange at a gap, wherein, in addition to the gap, there is at least one device with which at least a partial pressure compensation takes place between the suction region of the gerotor pump and the motor compartment of the gerotor pump. 1. A gerotor pump having an inner rotor and an outer rotor , which is also the rotor of an electric drive , having a housing and a flange which closes the housing with the motor compartment , the rotor being arranged on a shaft and sealing against the flange at a gap , wherein , in addition to the gap , there is at least one device with which at least a partial pressure compensation takes place between the suction region of the gerotor pump and the motor compartment of the gerotor pump.2. The gerotor pump according to claim 1 , wherein the device is a connection between the motor compartment and the suction region claim 1 , the connection being provided as a bore in the flange.3. The gerotor pump according to claim 1 , wherein the device consists of a cavity in the shaft and connections between the motor compartment and the cavity of the shaft and the cavity of the shaft to the suction region.4. The gerotor pump according to claim 3 , wherein the cavity in the shaft has a taper which serves as a throttle.5. The gerotor pump according to claim 1 , wherein the device consists of a cavity in the shaft and connections between the motor compartment and cavity of the shaft and cavity of the shaft to an eccentric bearing of the gerotor pump.6. The gerotor pump according to wherein at least one of the connections has a reduction in cross-section which serves as a throttle.7. A method for producing a pressure compensation in a gerotor pump according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein an ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Pressure compensated external gear machine

Номер: US20200088285A1

Devices and systems relating to external gear machines that comprise microsurface shaping on the lateral surfaces of the gear teeth and/or bushing surfaces are provided. Such microsurface shaping may comprise a flat step to linear wedge profile, a flat step to flat step profile, or solely a linear wedge profile. The incorporation of microsurface shaping on the gear teeth and/or bushing plates contributes to improving the lubrication performance within the external gear machine and provides significant benefits, including the improvement of operating efficiency, life, and reliability of the system components. Methods for manufacturing the gear teeth and related bushings are also provided, the methods configured to optimize the overall axial balance within the system.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150098853A1

A screw-type positive displacement machine includes a housing with a first rotor and a second rotor which are mounted to rotate in the housing and which are driven in directions which are the opposite of one another. The positive displacement machine has a first motor and a second motor arranged in a drive casing and connected to the housing in such a way that the first rotor is driven by the first motor and the second rotor is driven by the second motor. Typically, the first motor and/or the second motor is an asynchronous motor. 1. Screw-type positive displacement machine comprising a housing with a first rotor and a second rotor mounted to rotate in the housing and driven in directions opposite of one another ,characterized in that the positive displacement machine comprises a first motor and a second motor arranged in a drive casing and connected to the housing in such a way that the first rotor is driven by the first motor and the second rotor is driven by the second motor.2. Positive displacement machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first motor and/or the second motor is an asynchronous motor.341. Positive displacement machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that the rotary part of the first motor is connected to the first rotor and/or the rotary part (″) of the second motor is connected to the second rotor.4. Positive displacement machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a first synchronization wheel and a second synchronization wheel claim 1 , which mesh with one another claim 1 , connected to the first rotor and second rotor respectively.5. Positive displacement machine according to claim 4 , characterized in that a contact surface between the first synchronization wheel and the second synchronization wheel is not lubricated.6. Positive displacement machine according to claim 4 , characterized in that the surface of the teeth of the first synchronization wheel and/or of the second synchronization wheel is covered by a ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Internal gear pump

Номер: US20210095566A1
Принадлежит: Subaru Corp

An internal gear pump includes an outer rotor having internal teeth, an inner rotor rotatably disposed inside the outer rotor and having external teeth engaging with the internal teeth, and a pump housing. The pump housing includes: a holding recess rotatably holding the outer rotor and having a wall on which an outer peripheral face of the outer rotor is to slide; an inlet to take in a fluid into pump chambers defined between the inner rotor and the outer rotor; an outlet to discharge the fluid from the pump chambers; a case groove provided on the wall and to hold the fluid; and a joint groove provided on an upper land face defined between a trailing end of the inlet and a leading end of the outlet and on which the internal teeth and the external teeth are to slide.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095663A1

A gear pump includes: an inner rotor having external teeth; an outer rotor having a tubular inner housing portion in which the inner rotor is rotatably housed in an eccentric state, and internal teeth meshing with the external teeth; a first core having a tubular rotor housing portion in which the inner and outer rotors are housed, and a flange portion projecting radially outward from a tube wall of the rotor housing portion; a board-shaped second core having a contact portion in contact with the flange portion in an axial direction, and closing an opening of the rotor housing portion; and a housing opposing the second core and made of a resin. A gap is formed between opposing surfaces of the second core and the housing in a state where the flange portion is in contact with the contact portion and the housing opposes the second core. 1. A gear pump comprising:an inner rotor having external teeth;an outer rotor having a tubular inner housing portion in which the inner rotor is rotatably housed in an eccentric state, and internal teeth that mesh with the external teeth;a first core having a tubular rotor housing portion in which the inner rotor and the outer rotor are housed, and a flange portion projecting radially outward from a tube wall of the rotor housing portion;a board-shaped second core having a contact portion that is in contact with the flange portion in an axial direction, and closing an opening of the rotor housing portion; anda housing disposed so as to oppose the second core and made of a resin, whereina gap is formed between opposing surfaces of the second core and the housing in a state where the flange portion and the contact portion are in contact with each other and the housing is disposed so as to oppose the second core.2. The gear pump according to claim 1 , further comprising:a fastening member inserted into fastening holes provided in the flange portion, the contact portion, and the housing and fastening the first core, the second core, and the ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Rotary pump and brake device having the same

Номер: US20140178236A1
Принадлежит: Advics Co Ltd, Denso Corp, Nippon Soken Inc

A rotary pump includes a first side plate and a second side plate between which an outer rotor and an inner rotor are arranged. The second side plate has a concave portion on a surface adjacent to a maximum gap portion relative to a drive shaft. The concave portion is located in an outer teeth passing section which is defined between a line on which a teeth tip of an outer teeth part of the inner rotor passes in response to rotation of the inner rotor and a line on which a teeth bottom of the outer teeth part of the inner rotor passes in response to rotation of the inner rotor. The concave portion communicates with one of a plurality of gap portions while the inner rotor is rotated.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

A beverage dispensing machine and a gear pump therefor

Номер: US20200095991A1
Автор: Thomas LISBY

A gear pump for a beverage dispensing machine, has a pump chamber, and a driving gear wheel meshing with a driven gear wheel inside the pump chamber.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Dual-screen movement converter

Номер: US20160108911A1

A dual-screw movement converter, in which a movement converter between a drive organ includes a screw fixed in translation and driven in rotation, having threads, a nut connected in translation to the receptor organ, having first threads engaging with the threads of the screw and second threads. A sleeve coaxially surrounds the nut, fixed in rotation and translation with respect to the screw and having threads with which the second threads of the nut engage. To the nut, slaved by its second threads to the threads of the sleeve, screw communicates a combined movement of rotation and translation whose translation component along an axis is transmitted to the receptor organ. 1. A screw-operated movement converter between a drive organ and a receptor organ , comprising:a screw having an axis of rotation, fixed in translation and driven in rotation, and having threads;a nut connected in translation to the receptor organ and having first threads engaging with the threads of the screw and second threads; anda sleeve coaxially surrounding the nut and fixed in rotation and in translation with respect to the screw and having threads with which the second threads of the nut engage;wherein the screw, driven in rotation, communicates to the nut, slaved by the second threads to the threads of the sleeve, a combined movement of rotation and translation whose translation component along the axis of rotation is transmitted to the receptor organ.2. The converter of claim 1 , wherein the first threads of the nut are interior threads and the screw has corresponding exterior threads.3. The converter of claim 1 , wherein the second threads of the nut have a length less than one half-turn.4. The converter of claim 1 , wherein the threads of the sleeve are composed of one or more thread segments of different pitch.5. The converter of claim 3 , wherein the second threads of the nut have the shape of a curvilinear parallelogram whose large sides claim 3 , slightly curved claim 3 , are ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106253A1

A gear pump is comprised of a driving gear, a first driven gear and second driven gears mutually in mesh; a housing accommodating them and defining a flow path including a first suction port, a second suction port, a first pressure port and a second pressure port; a floating comprising a thrust face bearing a floating force exerted by fluids and first, second and third pressure-receiving faces respectively oriented in a direction opposed to the thrust face; a first pressurizing chamber having fluid connection with the first pressure port or the second pressure port to exert pressure on the first pressure-receiving face; a second pressurizing chamber having fluid connection with the first suction port to exert pressure on the second pressure-receiving face; and a third pressurizing chamber having fluid connection with the second suction port to exert pressure on the third pressure-receiving face. 1. A gear pump comprising:a driving gear rotatable about a driving shaft, and first and second driven gears respectively meshing with the driving gear to follow rotation of the driving gear;a housing accommodating the driving gear, the first driven gear and the second driven gear, and defining a flow path including first and second suction ports capable of sucking fluids, a first pressure port employing rotation of the driving gear and the first driven gear to pressurize and discharge the fluid from the first suction port, a second pressure port employing rotation of the driving gear and the second driven gear to pressurize and discharge the fluid from the second suction port;a floating bearing supporting the driving gear so as to allow the driving gear to rotate about the driving shaft and being capable of floating along the driving shaft, and comprising a thrust face bearing a floating force exerted by the fluids along the driving shaft and first, second and third pressure-receiving faces respectively oriented in a direction opposed to the thrust face;a first pressurizing ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114790A1
Автор: Yamamori Motoyasu

A pump apparatus with a switching valve includes an actuator that is rotationally driven, a pump, a switching valve and a driving power interrupting device. The pump discharges a fluid sucked by rotational driving of the actuator. The switching valve is changed in phase by the rotational driving of the actuator so as to be switchable among a plurality of destinations of the fluid discharged from a pump chamber of the pump. The driving power interrupting device for a valve is switchable between a state where rotational driving power of the actuator is transmitted to the switching valve and a state where the rotational driving power of the actuator is interrupted. 1. A pump apparatus with a switching valve , comprising:an actuator that is rotationally driven;a pump that discharges a fluid sucked by rotational driving of the actuator;a switching valve that is changed in phase by the rotational driving of the actuator so as to be switchable among a plurality of destinations of the fluid discharged from a pump chamber of the pump; anda driving power interrupting device for a valve that is switchable between a state where rotational driving power of the actuator is transmitted to the switching valve and a state where the rotational driving power of the actuator is interrupted.2. The pump apparatus with a switching valve according to claim 1 , whereinthe driving power interrupting device for a valve transmits the rotational driving power of the actuator in one rotational direction to the switching valve and interrupts the rotational driving power of the actuator in the other rotational direction with respect to the switching valve.3. The pump apparatus with a switching valve according to claim 1 , whereinthe actuator rotationally drive the pump with the rotational driving power of the actuator in one rotational direction, andthe driving power interrupting device for a valve transmits the rotational driving power of the actuator in the other rotational direction to the ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Remanufacturing a transmission pump assembly

Номер: US20190107108A1
Автор: Edwin J. Waterbury

A transmission pump is be removed from service and remanufactured into a remanufactured transmission pump. A first gear assembly is removed from the pump. A bore of the pump is machined from a first depth to a greater second depth. A second gear assembly is installed in the machined bore. The second gear assembly has a same horizontal geometry and a greater axial depth than the first gear assembly.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112660A1
Автор: Rhoden William E.

A multi-stage gear pump includes a first pump stage, a second pump stage, and a variable speed gearbox including an input and an output, wherein the input is rotationally coupled to the first pump stage and the input rotates at a first rotational speed, and the output is rotationally coupled to the second pump stage and rotates at a second rotational speed, wherein a variable gear ratio determines the second rotational speed relative to the first rotational speed. 1. A multi-stage gear pump , comprising:a first pump stage;a second pump stage; anda variable speed gearbox including an input and an output, wherein the input is rotationally coupled to the first pump stage and the input rotates at a first rotational speed, and the output is rotationally coupled to the second pump stage and rotates at a second rotational speed, wherein a variable gear ratio determines the second rotational speed relative to the first rotational speed.2. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 1 , further comprising a gearbox controller to adjust the variable gear ratio.3. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 2 , further comprising an electronic engine controller to provide at least one operating parameter to the gearbox controller.4. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 3 , wherein the gearbox controlled adjusts the variable gear ratio in response to the at least one operating parameter.5. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 1 , wherein the first pump stage is a main pump stage.6. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 1 , wherein the first pump stage is an actuator pump stage.7. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 1 , wherein the second pump stage is a main pump stage.8. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 1 , wherein the second pump stage is an actuator pump stage.9. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 1 , further comprising a boost stage claim 1 , wherein the boost stage is rotationally coupled to the first pump stage.10. The multi-stage gear pump of claim 1 , further comprising a boost stage claim 1 , ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112662A1
Принадлежит: ADVICS CO., LTD.

In the present invention, polishing lines are connected to an outer circumferential high-pressure region, but are not connected to each area that is a low-pressure region. In this configuration, the polishing lines are connected to the outer circumferential high-pressure region where there is high discharge pressure, so high-pressure brake fluid is introduced within the polishing lines . Therefore, a pushback effect is obtained, wherein gear pumps and are pushed back on the basis of the high-pressure brake fluid pressure. Furthermore, the polishing lines are connected to the outer circumferential high-pressure region but are not connected to each area that is a low-pressure region, so high-pressure can be maintained within the polishing lines , and a reduction in the pushback effect can be prevented. Accordingly, a decrease in the loss torque reduction effect can be prevented, and the loss torque can be further reduced. 1. A gear pump device comprising:a gear pump which has an outer rotor having an inner tooth portion and an inner rotor meshed with the outer rotor while forming a plurality of void portions and performs a suction/discharge operation of a fluid by rotating the outer rotor and the inner rotor based on rotation of a shaft inserted into a center hole of the inner rotor;a case that forms a housing portion that houses the gear pump; anda sealing mechanism disposed between the case and one of pump shaft direction end surfaces of the gear pump and, in the gear pump, partitioning a low-pressure side including a suction side sucking a fluid and a periphery of the shaft, and a high-pressure side including a discharge side discharging the fluid and a part of gaps between an outer periphery of the outer rotor and the case,the other end surface of the pump shaft direction end surfaces in the gear pump being brought into contact with a sliding surface of the case based on pressing force of the sealing mechanism to seal a portion between the low-pressure side and ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109710A1
Принадлежит: VIKING PUMP, INC.

One or more techniques and/or systems are disclosed for a gear pump for low speed transfers of viscous liquid slurries promotes growth of suspended particles, such as sugar crystals, by avoiding crushing of the particles. The pump includes a rotor gear in mesh with an eccentrically mounted idler gear supported on a boss of a pump head that includes a crescent seal extending into an opening resulting from the eccentricity of the idler gear relative to the rotor gear. The idler gear contains a radially extending land on each tooth profile, symmetrically oriented on adjacently spaced pairs of teeth. The lands, configured to minimize crushing of crystals passing through the pump, engage mating rotor teeth for sealing between inlet and outlet ports of the pump. To promote crystal growth, the lands cover only 10% to 30% of profile surface area of each tooth. To minimize gear tooth wear, the lands are axially staggered between successive adjacent pairs of teeth. 1. A positive displacement gear pump comprising:a casing defining a casing interior, the casing comprising an inlet port and an outlet port for transferring a target fluid though the casing interior;an external rotor gear supported within an inboard end of the casing by a rotor shaft, the external rotor gear comprising radially inwardly oriented teeth;a head positioned at an outboard end of the casing; andan internal idler gear rotationally supported on the head about an idler gear axis within the casing interior, the internal idler gear comprising radially outwardly oriented teeth, the internal idler gear being operably disposed on the head in a fixed, radially eccentric, relationship with the external rotor gear, and at least a portion of the internal idler gear teeth operably meshing with at least a portion of the external rotor gear teeth; two radially oriented surfaces respectively extending between a root and a tip of the idler gear tooth;', 'a land comprising a substantially planar surface rising from the ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Pump Assembly and Method for Producing a Pump Assembly

Номер: US20200109774A1

A pump assembly which comprises at least one housing and two gear wheels as conveying means. The housing comprises at least one base plate and a cover element, which are interconnectable in order to form a pressure chamber. An outer circumferential surface of each of the two gear wheels has a toothing, and said gear wheels intermesh via the toothings in order to convey a fluid. The gear wheels are arranged along an axial direction in the pressure chamber between the base plate and the cover element. The pressure chamber is formed in the housing at least by two bores. The first gear wheel is arranged in a first bore and the second gear wheel is arranged in a second bore. A plurality of centering pins are provided for aligning the bores and the gear wheels with respect to one another, wherein all said centering pins are arranged exclusively in the cover element or exclusively in the base plate. 1. A pump assembly comprisinga housing with at least one base plate and a cover element, which are interconnectable in order to form a pressure chamber; andtwo gear wheels, wherein an outer circumferential surface of the first gear wheel has a first toothing with a first outside diameter and an outer circumferential surface of the second gear wheel has a second toothing with a second outside diameter, wherein the gear wheels intermesh via the toothings in order to convey a fluid; wherein the gear wheels are arranged along an axial direction in the pressure chamber between the base plate and the cover element;wherein the pressure chamber is formed in the housing at least by two bores, wherein the first gear wheel is arranged in a first bore with a first inside diameter and the second gear wheel is arranged in a second bore with a second inside diameter, wherein a plurality of centering pins are provided for aligning the bores and the gear wheels with respect to one another, wherein all said centering pins are aligned with respect to one another exclusively via the cover element ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Pump Assembly

Номер: US20210140427A1

A pump assembly, which comprises at least one housing and two gear wheels as transfer means as well as a drive shaft. The housing comprises at least one base and one cover element, which can be connected together in order to constitute a pressure chamber. Each of the two gear wheels has a toothing on an outer circumferential surface and mesh with one another via the toothing in order to transfer a fluid. The gear wheels are arranged in an axial direction between the base and the cover element in the pressure chamber. The drive shaft extends into the housing in the axial direction via an opening in the cover element. The first gear wheel is arranged on a first bearing bush, wherein the first bearing bush is mounted only in the base. The first gear wheel is connected to the drive shaft via a formfitting connection in a circumferential direction. 2. The pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drive shaft is arranged in a radial direction with a free clearance with respect to the first gear wheel and the first bearing bush.3. The pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drive shaft is arranged mounted exclusively outside the housing with respect to a force acting in a radial direction.4. The pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the formfitting connection is constituted by an inner circumferential surface of the first gear wheel and an outer circumferential surface of the drive shaft.5. The pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drive shaft and the first gear wheel or the drive shaft and the first bearing bush constitute an abutment against displacement in the axial directions.6. The pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first bearing bush is connected to the base via a press fit.7. The pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first bearing bush is connected in an integrally bonded manner to and formed integrally with the base.8. The pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least the base and the cover ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Planetary Gear Pump

Номер: US20140200109A1
Автор: Leo James Stocco
Принадлежит: Individual

A planetary gear pump comprising a central gear and a plurality of planet pairs provides a space efficient transducer between hydraulic and mechanical energy. When it is configured as a pump, a high flow rate is provided. When it is configured as an actuator, a high torque is provided. A dual-stage configuration may be used as a low speed high torque actuator with high energy efficiency, high pitch velocity, and low slippage.

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123390A1

A gear pump includes a drive gear mounted to a first gear shaft, a driven gear meshable with the drive gear, a plurality of journal bearings, and a first porting path. The first porting path is adapted to provide high pressure fluid communication from a discharge of the gear pump to a first hybrid pad location for a first journal bearing selected from the plurality of journal bearings, the first hybrid pad location circumferentially adjacent to a first fluid film location. Each location is disposed annularly between an inner surface of the first journal bearing, and an outer surface of the first gear shaft or second gear shaft corresponding to the first journal bearing. 1. A gear pump comprising:a drive gear mounted to a first gear shaft;a driven gear meshable with the drive gear, the driven gear mounted to a second gear shaft; a drive-side pressure loaded journal bearing disposed about a first longitudinal end of the first gear shaft;', 'a drive-side stationary journal bearing disposed about a second opposing longitudinal end of the first gear shaft;', 'a driven-side pressure loaded journal bearing disposed about a first longitudinal end of the second gear shaft; and', 'a driven-side stationary journal bearing disposed about a second opposing longitudinal end of the second gear shaft; and, 'a plurality of journal bearings including at leasta first porting path adapted to provide high pressure fluid communication from a discharge of the gear pump to a first hybrid pad location for a first journal bearing selected from the plurality of journal bearings, the first hybrid pad location circumferentially adjacent to a first fluid film location, and each location disposed annularly between an inner surface of the first journal bearing, and an outer surface of the first gear shaft or second gear shaft corresponding to the first journal bearing.2. The gear pump of claim 1 , wherein the porting path comprises:a discharge face cut on the first journal bearing for receiving ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119695A1

A gear pump comprising:—a pair of gears () able to interact with a fluid crossing the pump ();—a housing seating () of said pair of gears (), said housing seating () comprising a rest plane () of a shim ();—a delivery conduit () which develops from said housing seating () and comprising an inlet mouth (). The inlet mouth () of the delivery conduit () is at a distance from an intersection () between a rest plane () of the shim () and remaining parts of the housing seating (). 23. The pump according to claim 1 , characterised in that said housing compartment () comprises:{'b': 31', '32', '20', '2', '31', '30, 'a first and a second base (, ) which develop transversally to a direction () parallel to the rotation axis of at least one of said gears (); said first base () comprising said rest plane ();'}{'b': 33', '31', '32', '60', '6', '33', '7, 'a lateral surface () interposed between the first and the second base (, ); said inlet mouth () of the delivery conduit () being entirely fashioned in said lateral surface () and the minimum distance from said intersection () being greater than 10 millimetres.'}353231331310311304. The pump according to claim 2 , characterised in that it comprises a cover () which defines said second base () opposite said first base () and which contributes to delimiting the housing seating (); said first base () comprising a recess () having a bottom () defined by said rest plane () of the shim ().4333046. The pump according to claim 2 , characterised in that said lateral surface () and said rest plane () of the shim () have a surface finish that is better than a surface finish of an initial portion of said delivery conduit ().52. The pump according to claim 1 , characterised in that said pair of gears () are a pair of cogwheels which enmesh with one another and interact with the fluid crossing the pump.78. The method according to claim 6 , characterised in that the step of realising the first body () comprises steps of:{'b': 80', '80', '31', '33 ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268275A1
Автор: BAYER Sandro
Принадлежит: BigRep GmbH

The application relates to a positive displacement pump shaft bearing assembly that comprises a shaft having a shaft lodging and a shaft rotational axis. The assembly further comprises a housing having a housing lodging and one rolling element that is located between said lodgings. The rolling element comprises a rolling element centre point that coincides with the shaft rotational axis. 110202510030354025354090100. A positive displacement pump shaft bearing assembly () , comprising a shaft () having a shaft lodging () and a shaft rotational axis () , a housing () having a housing lodging () and one rolling element () located between said lodgings ( , ) , wherein the rolling element () comprises a rolling element center point () that coincides with the shaft rotational axis ().2102535505152. The shaft bearing assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the shaft lodging () or the housing lodging () has one lodging form selected among: a conical-shape () claim 1 , a sphere-shape () claim 1 , or a sphere-recessed-shape ().310402535. The shaft bearing assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling element () has point or line contact with the shaft lodging () or the housing lodging ().4102535100. The shaft bearing assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein the shaft lodging () and/or the housing lodging () is adjustable in position parallel to the shaft rotational axis ().51025352530. The shaft bearing assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein the shaft lodging () and/or the housing lodging () is threadedly connected with the shaft () or the housing ().610602535406025352030. The shaft bearing assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein at least one distance element () is located between the shaft lodging () or the housing lodging () and the rolling element () claim 1 , or at least one distance element () is located between the shaft lodging () and/or the housing lodging () and the shaft () and/or the housing ().710702535. The shaft bearing ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150132167A1
Автор: Forgy Fritz, JR. John, Novak

Rotary components are described that include a housing comprising a rotor having a rotor working face and a gate having a gate working face and a pocket; at least one vane, wherein the vane is coupled to the rotor; at least one wiper coupled to the vane; a plurality of endplates coupled to the housing, wherein at least one of the endplates is a float plate; an intake chamber; and an outlet chamber. In addition, methods of aspirating a working medium by utilizing the rotary component having at least one float plate includes pulling the working medium into the intake chamber, depositing the working medium into a working chamber that is located between the intake chamber and the outlet chamber; maintaining the working medium in a stationary position until the vane sweeps around toward the outlet chamber; accumulating the working medium into the outlet channel of the outlet chamber; and centrifugally ejecting the working medium into the outlet chamber and out of the system. 123-. (canceled)24. A method of aspirating a working medium by utilizing a rotary component , the method comprising: a housing comprising a rotor having a rotor working face and a gate having a gate working face and a pocket;', 'at least one vane, wherein the vane is coupled to the rotor;', 'at least one wiper coupled to the vane;', 'a plurality of endplates coupled to the housing, wherein at least one of the endplates is a float plate;', 'an intake chamber; and', 'an outlet chamber;, 'providing a rotary component comprisingpulling the working medium into the intake chamber, depositing the working medium into a working chamber that is located between the intake chamber and the outlet chamber;maintaining the working medium in a stationary position until the vane sweeps around toward the outlet chamber;accumulating the working medium into the outlet channel of the outlet chamber; andcentrifugally ejecting the working medium into the outlet chamber and out of the system.25. The method of claim 24 , ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Fluid Pump With Shim And Related Methods Of Manufacture

Номер: US20190128256A1
Автор: Enke Olaf

A fluid pump includes a gear housing with a pocket wall and a base. The pocket wall and the base define a pocket that projects into the gear housing from a pocket surface. The fluid pump also includes a first gear rotatably positioned in the pocket. The first gear is spaced from the pocket surface by a first gap. The fluid pump also includes a second gear rotatably positioned in the pocket that engages the first gear. The second gear is spaced from the pocket surface by a second gap. The fluid pump also includes a selected shim that is selected from a plurality of shims in a shim set. The selected shim has a thickness that results in a desired clearance between the selected shim and the first face or the second face. 1. A fluid pump comprising:a gear housing including a pocket wall and a base, the pocket wall and the base defining a pocket that projects into the gear housing from a pocket surface;a first gear rotatably positioned in the pocket, the first gear including a first face that is spaced from the pocket surface by a first gap;a second gear rotatably positioned in the pocket and engaging the first gear, the second gear including a second face that is spaced from the pocket surface by a second gap; anda selected shim positioned in the pocket over the first gear and the second gear, wherein the selected shim is selected from a plurality of shims in a shim set by comparing thicknesses of the shims in the plurality of shims to the first gap or the second gap, the selected shim having a thickness that results in a desired clearance between the selected shim and the first face or the second face.2. The fluid pump of wherein the desired clearance is a minimum clearance.3. The fluid plump of wherein the pocket wall includes two rounded portions to define a pocket with a first circular depression and a second circular depression claim 1 , the first circular depression configured to receive the first gear and the second circular depression configured to receive the ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Curvilinear circular-arc tooth gears for use in external gear pumps

Номер: US20200124047A1
Автор: Williams Logan

A curvilinear circular-arc-toothed (CCAT) gear for improving gear performance and reducing noise while avoiding axial loads common to helical gears includes an annular gear body; and a gear tooth having a hybrid gear tooth profile comprising one or more curves configured to provide a sweep of the gear tooth space by a mating gear tooth while maintaining smooth contact during gear mesh, and wherein the gear tooth extends along an axial length of the gear body along an axial profile. 1. A curvilinear circular-arc-toothed (CCAT) gear for improving gear performance and reducing noise while avoiding axial loads common to helical gears , the CCAT gear comprising:an annular gear body; anda set of gear teeth, with each tooth extending radially away from the gear body and extending axially along the gear body, andwherein the gear tooth has a cross-sectional profile transverse to the rotational axis of the gear body, the cross-sectional profile formed from a hybridization of two or more curves, the two or more curves defining a tooth tip, a tooth flank, and a tooth root, andwherein the gear tooth has an axial tooth profile defining a circumferential positioning of the gear tooth on the gear body relative to a respective axial positioning of the gear tooth on the gear body, the axial tooth profile being generally symmetric across the midplane of the gear to reduce axial loading on gears induced by gear meshing.2. The CCAT gear of claim 1 , wherein the axial tooth profile is continuously differentiable.3. The CCAT gear of claim 1 , wherein the axial tooth profile is fully symmetric about an axial mid-plane of the gear to eliminate axial loading from gear meshing.4. The CCAT gear of claim 1 , wherein the axial tooth profile has an initial helix angle at each end of the gear.5. The CCAT gear of claim 1 , wherein the axial tooth profile is curvilinear.6. The CCAT gear of claim 5 , wherein the axial tooth profile is a half-period sinusoid function.7. The CCAT gear of claim 1 , ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138591A1
Автор: Ho Ying-Yi, Ma Huei-Shen

A variable flow engine oil pump has a first seat, a second seat attached to the first seat, and a regulating valve assembly and a pressurizing assembly mounted in the second seat. An eccentric wheel of the pressurizing assembly meshes with a plug of the regulating valve assembly. With the plug driving the eccentric wheel to rotate by an angle, a volume flow rate of engine oil output by the engine oil pump can be adjusted. Elements used for adjusting the output of the engine oil are reduced, and manufacturing cost and assembling complexity of the engine oil pump are lowered accordingly. Moreover, since the regulating valve assembly drives the pressurizing assembly directly, the regulating valve assembly can drive the pressurizing assembly efficiently. 1. A variable flow engine oil pump comprising: a first axial hole formed through the first seat; and', 'an oil return channel formed in an inner surface of the first seat;, 'a first seat having'} a second axial hole formed through the second seat and aligning with the first axial hole;', 'an oil inlet formed through the second seat;', 'an oil outlet formed through the second seat;', 'an oil regulating chamber formed in the second seat, being elongated, and having an inner end;', 'a guiding channel formed in the second seat and communicating with the inner end of the oil regulating chamber; and', 'an oil return hole formed in an inner surface of the second seat, communicating with the oil regulating chamber, and corresponding in position to and communicating with the oil return channel;, 'a second seat attached to the first seat and having'}an oil inlet chamber formed in the first seat and the second seat;an oil outlet chamber formed in the first seat and the second seat and communicating with the guiding channel; [ an open end;', 'a closed end facing and selectively sealing the guiding channel;', 'a receiving recess formed in the open end of the plug; and', 'a driving toothed portion formed on an outer surface of the ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Screw spindle pump

Номер: US20210164466A1
Принадлежит: Leistritz Pumpen GmbH

A screw spindle pump for delivering a cooling liquid for cooling a battery and/or power electronics or a cleaning or supply liquid of a motor vehicle, including a housing in which a working spindle, which is coupled to a drive assembly, and at least one running spindle, which meshes with the latter, are accommodated, and including a feather key-like support element, which is fixed by the housing and against which the working spindle and the running spindle are axially supported. In the housing, there is provided at least one aperture through which it is possible to insert the support element, which, in the assembled position, is received with one end in the aperture and with the other end in a receiving part situated diametrically opposite the aperture, wherein the support element is secured via at least one securing element which closes the aperture at the outside.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136856A1

A disc valve assembly for control of a flow of hydraulic fluid in a hydraulic fluid system may include a disc element comprising an inlet facing side and a second side opposite to the inlet facing side, and flow pathways configured as a plurality of different pressure zones with the flow pathways extending axially along a longitudinal axis of the disc element from at or adjacent to the inlet facing side to the second side. A valve housing houses the disc element and includes porting configured as part of the plurality of different pressure zones respectively in fluid communication with the flow pathways of the disc element. The disc element is configured to rotate to control a flow of hydraulic fluid through the disc valve assembly. The different pressure zones are isolated from each other using a plurality of annular sealing rings located on the inlet facing side of the disc element. 1. A disc valve assembly configured to control a flow of hydraulic fluid to and from a hydraulic motor in a hydraulic fluid system , the disc valve assembly comprising:a disc element comprising an inlet facing side and a second side opposite to the inlet facing side, and flow pathways configured as a plurality of different pressure zones with the flow pathways extending axially along a longitudinal axis of the disc element from at or adjacent to the inlet facing side to the second side; anda valve housing that houses the disc element, the valve housing comprising porting configured as part of the plurality of different pressure zones respectively in fluid communication with the flow pathways of the disc element;wherein the disc element is configured to rotate to control a flow of hydraulic fluid through the disc valve assembly.2123123. The disc valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of different pressure zones comprises a Zone pressure zone claim 1 , a Zone pressure zone claim 1 , and a Zone pressure zone claim 1 , wherein flow pathways of Zone claim 1 , Zone claim 1 , and ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290612A1
Автор: OTA Akira

What is provided is a fuel supply system that includes a fuel gear pump that is driven by an electric motor and sends fuel in a fuel tank to a fuel nozzle that supplies fuel to the combustor, a controller that controls a rotational speed of the electric motor, and the flow rate measurer that measures the flow rate of fuel discharged from the fuel gear pump. When the difference between the fuel flow rate actually discharged from the electric motor and a target value of the flow rate is equal to or greater than a first threshold value with respect to the target value, the controller adjusts the rotational speed of the electric motor so that the measured value of the flow rate of the fuel discharged from the fuel gear pump approaches the target value. 1. A fuel supply system comprising:a fuel gear pump configured to be driven by an electric motor and to send fuel in a fuel tank to a fuel nozzle that supplies the fuel to a combustor; anda control device,wherein the control device includesa storage device configured to store a program, anda hardware processor,wherein the hardware processor executes the program stored in the storage device toexecute a control process of a rotational speed of the electric motor, andmeasure a flow rate of the fuel to be discharged from the fuel gear pump, andwhen a difference between the fuel flow rate actually discharged from the electric motor and a target value of the flow rate is equal to or greater than a first threshold value with respect to the target value in the control process, a rotational speed of the electric motor is adjusted so that a measured value of the flow rate of the fuel discharged from the fuel gear pump approaches the target value.2. The fuel supply system according to claim 1 , wherein the target value is set for each rotational speed based on past discharge flow rate characteristics of the fuel gear pump claim 1 , andthe hardware processor acquires the target value of the flow rate with respect to a current ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Improvements In and Relating to Gear Pumps

Номер: US20190145405A1

Disclosed is a gear pump () comprising a contra rotating gear element pair ( and ) mounted within a housing (), each gear element having complementary gear teeth sets providing a pumping action in use, said teeth being formed from an annulus ( and ) of generally rigid construction mounted on a relatively flexible inner section ( and ), the gear pair being mounted such that their respective annuli are biased into resilient contact with the housing to provide a sliding seal. 1. A gear pump comprising a housing supporting first and second gear elements having complementary teeth or other projections cooperable to provide a pressure differential in a fluid circuit by means of rotation of the first and second gear elements , the first , or the first and second elements being arranged in the pump for resilient contact of its/their teeth with the housing to provide sliding sealing contact between the teeth and the housing in use , wherein the first and/or second gear elements include a relatively rigid outer portion forming at least a portion of said teeth or other projections , and an inner relatively more flexible section between the outer portion and a centre of rotation of the or each gear element.2. The gear pump as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first and second gear elements are contra-rotating elements and wherein the teeth of both gears come together in use in resilient contact.3. The gear pump as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the inner flexible section is formed from one or more of: flexible spokes; continuous elastomeric material; elastomeric material claim 1 , foamed material and voids in the elastomeric material.4. The gear pump as claimed in claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , where said inner section is formed from flexible spokes claim 3 , said spokes are swept backwards in relation to the intended direction of rotation of the spokes.5. The gear pump as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said housing includes a portion biased towards one or more of the gear elements to ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145406A1

A scavenge/charge pump drive gear for use in an integrated drive generator has a gear body extending between a first end and a second end and having a disc extending radially outwardly. A boss extends from the disc toward the second end. There are outer gear teeth outwardly of an outer diameter of the disc. The outer gear teeth have a unique gear tooth profile with roll angles A, B, C, and D. An integrated drive generator and a method are also disclosed. 1. A scavenge/charge pump drive gear for use in an integrated drive generator comprising:a gear body extending between a first end and a second end and having a disc extending radially outwardly, and a boss extending from said disc toward said second end, there being outer gear teeth outwardly of an outer diameter of said disc, said outer gear teeth having a gear tooth profile with roll angles A, B, C, and D, and the roll angle at A for said outer gear teeth being between 20.9 and 22.3 degrees, the roll angle at B for said outer gear teeth being between 22.7 and 24.2 degrees, the roll angle at C for said outer gear teeth being between 28.2 and 29.7 degrees, and the roll angle at D for said outer gear teeth being between 30.0 and 31.5 degrees.2. The scavenge/charge pump drive gear as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said outer gear teeth have a pitch diameter of 3.10 inches (7.87 centimeters) with a tolerance of +/−0.01 inch (0.025 centimeters).3. The scavenge/charge pump drive gear as set forth in claim 2 , wherein there are 62 of said outer gear teeth.4. The scavenge/charge pump drive gear as set forth in claim 3 , wherein there are eight spline teeth within a bore in said boss.5. The scavenge/charge pump drive gear as set forth in claim 4 , wherein said outer gear teeth have a maximum form diameter of 3.00 inches (7.62 centimeters).6. The scavenge/charge pump drive gear as set forth in claim 1 , wherein there are eight spline teeth within a bore in said boss.7. The scavenge/charge pump drive gear as set forth in ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141402A1
Принадлежит: ADVICS CO., LTD.

Provided is a gear pump device that enables improvement in volumetric efficiency and manufacturability, and also makes it possible to ensure sealing property and to reduce drive torque. According to the present invention, a sealing mechanism is provided with an annular rubber member, an outer member, and an inner member, wherein: the inner member has, at an end of an outer peripheral wall on the side of an inner gear in the axial direction, a notch which is recessed radially inward of the inner gear so as to form, together with an axial one end face of the inner gear, a depressed part; and the outer member has an insertion part which is disposed within the depressed part and which abuts against the axial one end face of the inner gear so as to constitute a part of a sealing surface on the other side. 1. A gear pump device , comprising:a gear pump having an outer gear and an inner gear, wherein the outer gear has an internal tooth portion and the outer gear and the inner gear are configured to be meshed with each other while forming a plurality of void portions therebetween, wherein the gear pump is configured to suck and discharge a fluid as the outer gear and the inner gear are rotated by rotation of a shaft;a case defining a receiving portion, in which the gear pump is received; anda seal mechanism arranged between the case and the gear pump and configured to partition a low pressure side, which includes a suction side of the gear pump sucking the fluid and the periphery of the shaft, and a high pressure side, which includes a discharge chamber of the gear pump allowing the fluid to be discharged therein;wherein the seal mechanism comprises: an annular rubber member for sealing between the low pressure side and the high pressure side while surrounding the low pressure side; an outer member having one seal surface abutting against the annular rubber member and the other seal surface abutting against one axial end face of the outer gear and also against one axial ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180156214A1
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

There is provided a pump unit capable of shortening the overall length thereof and maintaining mechanical efficiency even after long-term use and also to provide an actuator having such a pump unit, the pump unit (U) includes a hydraulic pump (P), a motor (M), a coupling () coupling a drive shaft () of the hydraulic pump (P) and a shaft () of the motor (M), a holder (H) having a housing portion (L) that is hollow and houses the coupling (), and an introduction passage (D) that guides the hydraulic oil to the housing part (L). 1. A pump unit comprising:a hydraulic pump;a motor;a coupling coupling a drive shaft of the hydraulic pump and a shaft of the motor; anda holder holding the hydraulic pump and the motor and having a housing portion that is hollow and houses the coupling,wherein the holder is provided with an introduction passage that guides hydraulic oil to the housing portion.2. The pump unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the introduction passage is connected to a suction port of the hydraulic pump.3. The pump unit according to claim 2 ,wherein the introduction passage connects a tank that stores the hydraulic oil to the suction port in order to supply the hydraulic oil to the hydraulic pump, andthe housing portion is provided between the suction port and the tank in the middle of the introduction passage.4. The pump unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the coupling is cylindrical and has either a plurality of spline grooves and a plurality of serration grooves provided in an inner periphery from one end to the other end along an axial direction in a seamless manner, andthe drive shaft and the shaft have either a plurality of spline teeth fitted to the spline grooves or a plurality of serrated teeth fitted to the serration grooves, and are fitted to the inner periphery of the coupling.5. The pump unit according to claim 1 ,wherein a protruding member protruding inwardly is provided in the middle of the inner periphery of the coupling.6. An actuator comprising:{' ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167665A1
Принадлежит: Mikuni Corporation

Conventional multistage oil pumps could not have been used in an application where the pressure and the temperature are high. A multistage oil pump including two rotors that are connected in series in the direction of the rotation axis, wherein the respective rotors are accommodated in a rotor case separately across a spacer, the inside thereof being partitioned by the spacer part. The rotor case is in the form of an integral cylindrical part, and the spacer is integral with the rotor case. The rotors and the rotor case are made of a ferrous material, and the rotor case is fixed to a housing by positioning pins. 1. A multistage oil pump , two rotors being connected in series in the direction of the rotation axis , said respective rotors being accommodated in a rotor case separately across a spacer , the inside thereof being partitioned by the spacer part , said rotor case being in the form of an integral cylindrical part , and said spacer part being integral with said rotor case.2. The multistage oil pump according to claim 1 , wherein said rotors and said rotor case are made of a ferrous material.3. The multistage oil pump according to claim 1 , wherein said rotor case is fixed to a housing by positioning pins.4. The multistage oil pump according to claim 2 , wherein said rotor case is fixed to a housing by positioning pins. The present invention relates to a multistage oil pump which is used particularly for automobiles, and the like.Conventionally, there have been proposed multistage oil pumps in which a plurality of rotors are connected in series (for example, refer to Patent Document 1). As shown in FIG. 1 in Patent Document 1, trochoid pumps (rotors) , are directly accommodated in a housing main body which is bottomed and cylindrical.Patent Document 1: Japanese Patent Application Laid-open No. 2006-161614However, with the above-mentioned structure, the trochoid pumps are not cased, and therefore the multistage oil pump disclosed in Patent Document 1 could not ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167667A1

An oil pump device includes an oil circulation flow channel; a gear pump section including a drive gear unit and a driven gear unit; a first branching flow channel that branches from the oil circulation flow channel and communicates with the gear pump section; a hydraulic control valve that drives the driven gear unit; a second branching flow channel that branches from the oil circulation flow channel and communicates with a second small-diameter passage section; a solenoid valve that includes a drain discharge port; an orifice that is disposed between the second small-diameter passage section and the solenoid valve; and a spring that elastically urges the driven gear unit. The solenoid valve performs control in such a manner that the second branching flow channel and the second small-diameter passage section are put to a communicating state or a non-communicating state, and that the drain discharge port communicates with the second small-diameter passage section in the non-communicating state. 1. An oil pump device comprising:an oil circulation flow channel; a drive gear unit that does not move in an axial direction;', 'a driven gear unit that moves back and forth in the axial direction; and', 'a second small-diameter passage section in which a second small-diameter shaft section of the driven gear unit slides;, 'a gear pump section includinga first branching flow channel that branches from the oil circulation flow channel and communicates with the gear pump section;a hydraulic control valve that is disposed on the first branching flow channel and drives the driven gear unit in the axial direction;a second branching flow channel that branches from the oil circulation flow channel and communicates with the second small-diameter passage section;a solenoid valve that is disposed on the second branching flow channel and includes a drain discharge port;an orifice that is disposed between the second small-diameter passage section and the solenoid valve; anda spring that ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Gear Pump Bearing Dam

Номер: US20160169224A1
Автор: Czerwonka Adam F.

The subject matter of this specification can be embodied in, among other things, a method that includes a gear pump includes gears having a gear root diameter and teeth having an addendum and pressure angle. A housing includes a fluid inlet and discharge, bearings configured to position the gear teeth in intermeshing contact across a fluid dam. The fluid dam includes a first face arranged at an angle to a split line, spaced apart from a center line at the split line a first distance towards the inlet, and extending from the first gear root diameter away from the center line to the first gear root diameter, and a second face arranged approximately perpendicular to the split line, spaced apart from the center line at the split line a second distance towards the outlet, and extending between the first gear root diameter and the second gear root diameter. 1. A gear pump comprising:a first gear having a first axis, a first gear root diameter, and a plurality of first gear teeth having a gear addendum and a gear set pressure angle;a second gear having a second axis, a second gear root diameter, and a plurality of second gear teeth having the gear addendum and the gear set pressure angle; a fluid inlet and a fluid discharge;', 'a first gear bearing and a second gear bearing configured to position the first gear and the second gear along a bearing center line extending between the first axis and the second axis on opposite sides of a bearing split line, the bearing split line extending through a midpoint between the first gear root diameter and the second gear root diameter and extending perpendicular to the bearing center line, the first gear bearing and the second gear bearing configured to position the first gear teeth and second gear teeth in intermeshing contact; and,', a first face arranged at an angle to the bearing split line, spaced apart from the bearing center line at the bearing split line a first distance towards the fluid inlet, formed as a straight edge ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

High-Pressure Pump for Use in a High-Pressure Press

Номер: US20180163720A9

A high-pressure pump comprising an elongated casing and a hollow interior formed along a central axis thereof. At least one partition may be axially fixed within the elongated casing such that it divides the hollow interior. First and second pressure differential devices may be disposed on opposite sides of the at least one partition and each have a rotary shaft extending there through. A first rotary shaft extending through the first pressure differential device may be axially fixed by the at least one partition and rotationally fixed to a second rotary shaft extending through the second pressure differential device. The high-pressure pump may be driven by a servomotor and used in a high-pressure press. 1. A high-pressure pump , comprising:an elongated casing comprising a hollow interior formed along a central axis;at least one partition axially fixed within the elongated casing and dividing the hollow interior;a first pressure differential device disposed on one side of the at least one partition and a second pressure differential device disposed on an opposite side; anda first rotary shaft extending through the first pressure differential device, axially fixed by the at least one partition, and rotationally fixed to a second rotary shaft extending through the second pressure differential device.2. The high-pressure pump of claim 1 , wherein the first rotary shaft comprises a male spline end mating with a female spline end of the second rotary shaft.3. The high-pressure pump of claim 1 , wherein the first rotary shaft mates with the second rotary shaft through a coupling.4. The high-pressure pump of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second pressure differential devices comprises a solitary positive displacement gear pump.5. The high-pressure pump of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second pressure differential devices comprises a plurality of positive displacement gear pumps.6. The high-pressure pump of claim 1 , wherein the at least one partition ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Gear Pump That Removes Air From Pumped Oil

Номер: US20190162182A1

A gear pump can be equipped in an engine oil system. The gear pump has a housing, a first gear, and a second gear. The housing has an outlet passage for exiting oil, and has one or more outlet openings for exiting air. The first gear has a set of first teeth with multiple first roots and first tips. The second gear has a set of second teeth with multiple second roots and second tips. The outlet opening(s) is situated in the housing so that it can communicate with a first clearance, with a second clearance, or with both the first and second clearances. The first clearance is established at the confrontation of one of the first roots and one of the second tips. And the second clearance is established at the confrontation of one of the second roots and one of the first tips. 1. A gear pump , comprising:a housing having an outlet passage for oil to exit the gear pump, the housing having at least one outlet opening for air to exit the gear pump;a first gear disposed within the housing, the first gear having a set of first teeth with a plurality of first roots and a plurality of first tips; anda second gear disposed within the housing, the second gear having a set of second teeth with a plurality of second roots and a plurality of second tips;wherein the at least one outlet opening is situated at a location in the housing to communicate with a first clearance established between a confronting first root and second tip, or with a second clearance established between a confronting second root and first tip, or with both the first clearance and the second clearance upon respective establishment thereof.2. The gear pump of claim 1 , wherein the at least one outlet opening is situated at a timing rib of the housing claim 1 , the timing rib being interposed between a vacuum side of the gear pump and a pressure side of the gear pump.3. The gear pump of claim 1 , wherein the at least one outlet opening is situated adjacent a first tip circumference of the plurality of first tips ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158106A1

One example of a gerotor pump includes an inner rotor comprising multiple teeth, the inner rotor configured to rotate about a first longitudinal gerotor pump axis. The gerotor pump also includes a hollow outer rotor including an outer surface and an inner surface having substantially identical contours, the inner surface configured to engage with the multiple teeth and to rotate about a second longitudinal gerotor pump axis. The pump includes a pump housing within which the inner rotor and the outer rotor are disposed, wherein the outer surface of the outer rotor defines gaps between the pump housing and the outer rotor. 1. A method comprising: an inner rotor comprising a plurality of teeth, the inner rotor configured to rotate about a first longitudinal gerotor pump axis; and', 'a hollow outer rotor comprising an outer surface and an inner surface having substantially identical contours, the inner surface configured to engage with the plurality of teeth and to rotate about a second longitudinal gerotor pump axis; and, 'positioning a gerotor pump in a wellbore, the gerotor pump comprisingpumping wellbore fluid through the wellbore using the gerotor pump.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gerotor pump comprises a pump housing within which the inner rotor and the outer rotor are disposed claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the outer rotor defines gaps between the pump housing and the outer rotor claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises flowing fluid through the gaps.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises wellbore fluid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises cooling fluid.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a direction of flow of the cooling fluid in the gaps is either concurrent with or counter-current to a direction of flow of the wellbore fluid through the pump.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the gerotor pump in the wellbore comprises positioning the gerotor pump downhole inside the wellbore.7. The ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Internal gear pump

Номер: US20140255236A1

An internal gear pump for a hydraulic vehicle brake system includes a bearing formed for a pump shaft in a tubular form. The bearing is integrally formed with a housing of the internal gear pump. The bearing is configured to mount a pinion of the internal gear pump rotatably on the bearing. The internal gear pump also includes a catch configured to connect the pinion to the pump shaft for conjoint rotation.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172000A1
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

A gear pump having a suction port, first and second discharge ports, an inner rotor having external teeth, an outer rotor having internal teeth such that the number of the internal teeth is larger than that of the external teeth of the inner rotor, and inter-tooth chambers defined by the external teeth and the internal teeth. The first and second discharge ports are in communication with the inter-tooth chamber whose volume is decreased along with rotation of the inner rotor etc. An inter-tooth chamber which has been brought out of communication with the second discharge port is brought into communication with the suction port while the volume is decreasing. The volume of the inter-tooth chamber which has been brought out of communication with the second discharge port is increased after at least a part of the inter-tooth chamber has been brought into communication with the suction port. 1. A gear pump including a suction port , a discharge port , an inner rotor having a plurality of external teeth , an outer rotor which has a plurality of internal teeth such that the number of the internal teeth is larger than that of the external teeth of the inner rotor and which is disposed eccentrically with respect to the inner rotor , and a plurality of inter-tooth chambers defined by the plurality of external teeth and the plurality of internal teeth ,wherein the discharge port is in communication with the inter-tooth chamber, whose volume is decreased along with rotation of the inner rotor and the outer rotor, the inter-tooth chamber which has been brought out of communication with the discharge port is brought into communication with the suction port while the volume of the inter-tooth chamber is decreasing, and the volume of the inter-tooth chamber which has been brought out of communication with the discharge port is increased after at least a part of the inter-tooth chamber has been brought into communication with the suction port.2. The gear pump according to claim 1 , ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172001A1
Принадлежит: MGI COUTIER

A lightweight gear pump easy to manufacture, having a reduced manufacturing cost, while giving sufficient performances. It consists of: A gear, three metal plates, placed on each other, an intermediate plate of which including an eight-shaped cavity adapted to house the gear, and two peripheral plates having the function of enclosing the gear in the cavity, a circuit for fluid supply to the gear, centering means to align the three plates above each other, the three metal plates being provided with centering holes in the axial direction, adapted to receive the centering means, the device according to the invention is particularly intended for liquid transfer applications for automobiles or heavy trucks. 1. A gear pump includingA gear,Three metal plates, placed on each other, an intermediate plate of which including an eight-shaped cavity adapted to house the gear, and two peripheral plates having the function of enclosing the gear in the cavity,A circuit for fluid supply to the gear,Centering means to align the three plates above each other,The three metal plates being provided with centering holes in the axial direction, adapted to receive the centering means, the gear pump being characterized in thatThe intermediate plate is provided with openings enabling said fluid supply circuit between the centering holes and the eight-shaped cavity, a first flange made of plastic material adapted to receive the three metal plates and including a pipe for the inlet and the outlet of the fluid of the gear,', 'a second flange made of plastic material including the centering means adapted to align the centering holes in the three plates, these centering means being adapted to at least partially form said fluid circuit with the cavity housing the gear and the inlet and outlet pipe in the first flange, and', 'fastening means to fasten the first flange to the second flange in order to enclose the three metal plates., 'the pump also comprising2. The gear pump according to claim 1 , ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172003A1
Автор: Afshari Thomas

A pump having at least two fluid drivers and a method of delivering fluid from an inlet of the pump to an outlet of the pump using the at least two fluid drivers. Each of the fluid drives includes a prime mover and a fluid displacement member. The prime mover drives the fluid displacement member to transfer fluid. The fluid drivers are independently operated. However, the fluid drivers are operated such that contact between the fluid drivers is synchronized. That is, operation of the fluid drivers is synchronized such that the fluid displacement member in each fluid driver makes contact with another fluid displacement member. The contact can include at least one contact point, contact line, or contact area. 188.-. (canceled)89. A pump comprising:a casing defining an interior volume, the casing including a first port in fluid communication with the interior volume, and a second port in fluid communication with the interior volume;a first gear disposed within the interior volume, the first gear having a first gear body and a plurality of first gear teeth;a second gear disposed within the interior volume, the second gear having a second gear body and a plurality of second gear teeth projecting radially outwardly from the second gear body, the second gear is disposed such that a second face of at least one tooth of the plurality of second gear teeth aligns with a first face of at least one tooth of the plurality of first gear teeth;a first motor that rotates the first gear about a first axial centerline of the first gear in a first direction to transfer a fluid from the first port to the second port; anda second motor that rotates the second gear, independently of the first motor, about a second axial centerline of the second gear in a second direction to contact the second face with the first face and to transfer the fluid from the first port to the second port,wherein the first motor is an outer-rotor motor disposed in the interior volume and comprising a first rotor ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Gear Wheel with Profile Capable of Meshing with Semi-Encapsulation in a Geared Hydraulic Apparatus

Номер: US20140271314A1

A gear wheel comprising a plurality of helical teeth, each helical tooth of the gear wheel having a tooth profile meshing with semi-encapsulation in a geared hydraulic apparatus. Each tooth having a profile which falls within a band of tolerance of +− 1/15 of the depth of a nominal tooth defined by a spline function interpolating a plurality of node points having pre-established coordinates {X,Y} with their origin on the gear wheel center. 2. The gear wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the spline function is a cubic natural spline function which is continuous and smooth.3. The gear wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the gear wheel claim 1 , when meshing with a mating gear wheel claim 1 , has a transverse contact ratio comprised between 0.4 and 1.2.4. The gear wheel according to claim 3 , wherein the transverse contact ratio is comprised between 0.7 and 1.1.5. The gear wheel according to claim 3 , wherein the transverse contact ratio is comprised between 0.9 and 1.6. The gear wheel according to claim 3 , wherein the transverse contact ratio is equal to one.7. The gear wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the gear wheel has a ratio between dimensions of face width and pitch circle comprised between 0.5 and 2.8. The gear wheel according to claim 7 , wherein the ratio between dimensions of face width and pitch circle is comprised between 0.7 and 1.25.9. The gear wheel according to claim 7 , wherein the ratio between dimensions of face width and pitch circle is equal to one.10. The gear wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the band of tolerance is of ± 1/20 of the depth of the nominal tooth profile obtained with the spline function.11. The gear wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the band of tolerance is of ± 1/30 of the depth of the nominal tooth profile obtained with the spline function.13. The geared hydraulic apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein the hydraulic apparatus is a hydraulic pump.14. The geared hydraulic apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170182694A1
Автор: Henke Matthias

Melt pumps for producing synthetic granules, extruded profiles or molded parts are disclosed. One disclosed example melt pump for building up pressure at a fluid medium is to be used for pressing the medium through a tool. The example melt pump includes a compressor that comprises an inlet and an outlet opening, and at least two worm conveyors disposed in a common housing, where worm flights provided on the worm conveyors are configured in such a manner that a force feed of the medium occurs and where the worm conveyors are drivable by their own drive. 1. A melt pump for building up pressure at a fluid medium , the melt pump for pressing the medium through a tool , comprising:a compressor that comprises an inlet and an outlet opening; andat least two worm conveyors disposed in a common housing, wherein worm flights provided on the worm conveyors are configured in such a manner that a force feed of the medium occurs and wherein the worm conveyors are drivable by their own drive.2. The melt pump as defined in claim 1 , wherein the worm conveyor is configured to have a ratio between the outward diameter (D) and the core diameter (D) is approximately between 1.6 and 2.4.3. The melt pump as defined in claim 1 , wherein the worm flight has a rectangular or trapeze-shaped thread profile.4. The melt pump as defined in claim 3 , wherein the worm flight has a profile angle approximately between 0° and 20°.5. The melt pump as defined in claim 1 , wherein the two worm conveyors are disposed vertically relative to one another.6. The melt pump as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a gear provided between the drive and the compressor claim 1 , wherein the worm conveyors are synchronously drivable.7. The melt pump as defined in claim 6 , wherein the drive and the gear have a rotation speed of the worm conveyors between approximately 30 rpm and 300 rpm.8. The melt pump as defined in claim 1 , wherein the worm flights and the worm conveyors are configured so that they correspond ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178244A1

A fluid gear pump gear arranged to rotate about a first axis includes a concentrically disposed first hub portion and a plurality of first teeth radially projecting and circumferentially spaced about the first hub portion, the first hub portion and the first teeth being formed of a ceramic material. The gear also includes a first shaft on which the first hub portion is carried. 1. A fluid gear pump comprising:a first gear constructed and arranged to rotate about a first axis, the first gear including a concentrically disposed first hub portion and a plurality of first teeth radially projecting and circumferentially spaced about the first hub portion, the first hub portion and the first teeth being formed of a ceramic material;a second gear operably coupled to the first gear for rotation about a second axis, the second gear including a concentrically disposed second hub portion and a plurality of second teeth radially projecting and circumferentially spaced about the second hub portion, wherein at a time in operation the plurality of first teeth and the plurality of second teeth contact at first contact point and a second contact point to create a backlash volume interposed between the first contact point and the second contact point;a first bearing abutting and coaxial to the first hub portion; anda second bearing abutting and coaxial to the second hub portion.2. The fluid gear pump as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the first gear is formed of a silicon-aluminum-oxygen-nitrogen (SiAlON) ceramic.3. The fluid gear pump as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the second gear is formed of a SiAlON ceramic.4. The fluid gear pump as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the first gear is formed of partially stabilized zirconia.5. The fluid gear pump as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the partially stabilized zirconia is doped with yttrium.6. The fluid gear pump set forth in claim 1 , further comprising:a first shaft on which the first gear is carried; anda second shaft on which the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178245A1

A fluid gear pump gear arranged to rotate about a first axis. The fluid gear pump gear includes a concentrically disposed first hub portion and a plurality of first teeth radially projecting and circumferentially spaced about the first hub portion, the first hub portion and the first teeth being coated with a vapor-deposited of cavitation resistant coating. The gear also includes a first shaft on which the first hub portion is carried. 1. A fluid gear pump comprising:a first gear constructed and arranged to rotate about a first axis, the first gear including a concentrically disposed first hub portion and a plurality of first teeth radially projecting and circumferentially spaced about the first hub portion, the first teeth being coated with a vapor-deposited of cavitation resistant coating;a second gear operably coupled to the first gear for rotation about a second axis, the second gear including a concentrically disposed second hub portion and a plurality of second teeth radially projecting and circumferentially spaced about the second hub portion, wherein at a time in operation the plurality of first teeth and the plurality of second teeth contact at first contact point and a second contact point to create a backlash volume interposed between the first contact point and the second contact point;a first bearing abutting and coaxial to the first hub portion; anda second bearing abutting and coaxial to the second hub portion.2. The fluid gear pump as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the coating is deposited by filter arc deposition.3. The fluid gear pump as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the coating is nickel titanium (NiTi).4. The fluid gear pump as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the coating is deposited by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or physical vapor deposition (PVD).5. The fluid gear pump as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the coating is at least one of titanium nitride claim 4 , titanium aluminium nitride (TiAlN) claim 4 , titanium aluminum silicon nitride or ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Oil pump

Номер: US20190178246A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

An oil pump includes: an inner rotor including external teeth; an outer rotor including internal teeth; a housing configured to accommodate the inner and outer rotors; an inlet port formed in the housing and configured to guide oil into a pump chamber between the external and internal teeth; an outlet port formed in the housing and configured to guide the oil to the outside of the pump chamber; and a discharge hole formed in the housing and configured to guide bubbles in the oil to the outside of the pump chamber. The discharge hole communicates with the pump chamber earlier than a timing when the pump chamber and the outlet port communicate with each other. The outlet port communicates with the pump chamber later than a timing when the pump chamber has a maximum volume.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210215156A1

A volumetric gear machine interacting with a working fluid comprising: —a first toothed wheel () with helical teeth comprising a first tooth () in turn comprising a first and a second flank () opposite each other; —a second toothed wheel () with helical teeth having two opposite flanks, the first and the second wheel () being operatively coupled in a meshing area (). At a portion of the meshing area (), the first and the second flank () being in simultaneous contact with the second wheel (). 110-. (canceled)12. The machine according to claim 11 , characterised in that the displacement is greater than half of the angular pitch.13. The machine according to claim 11 , characterised in that:{'br': None, 'i': 'TR−εEL≤', '0.5≤ε1.'}14. The machine according to claim 11 , characterised in that{'br': None, 'i': 'TR−εEL≤', '0≤ε0.5.'}15. The machine according to claim 11 , characterised in that:{'br': None, 'i': 'TR−εEL≥', 'ε0.'}1634. The machine according to claim 11 , characterised in that it is a gear pump claim 11 , all the teeth of the first toothed wheel () meshing in double contact with the teeth of the second wheel ().173113124. The machine according to claim 11 , characterised in that at least one portion of the first and second flank ( claim 11 , ) being involutes of a circle; at least one portion of the flanks of the helical teeth of the second toothed wheel () being involutes of a circle.1831131331431331533143231133313233431331644. The machine according to claim 17 , characterised in that said involute portion of the first flank () extends between a first and a second edge ( claim 17 , ) claim 17 , the first edge () being radially close to a rotation axis () of the first toothed wheel () with respect to the second edge (); the helical teeth of the first wheel comprising a second tooth () consecutive to the first one and facing the first flank (); a first compartment () being afforded as the space interposed between the first tooth () and the second tooth (); in a ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186204A1

A progressing cavity pump or a positive displacement motor includes an external member having three or more lobes and an internal member extending through the external member and having one less lobe than the external member. One of the internal member and the external member rotates with respect to the other. The curvature of a profile of each of the internal member and external member is finite at all points. A ratio of a lobe volume of the external member to a valley volume of the external member enclosed between a minor external member diameter and a major external member diameter is between 0.9 and 1.2. A lobe height of the external member is related to a ratio of a minor internal member diameter to one less than the number of internal member lobes. 1. A progressive cavity pump or a positive displacement motor comprising:an external member comprising three or more lobes; andan internal member extending through the external member and comprising one less lobe than the external member,wherein one of the internal member and the external member rotates with respect to the other,wherein a curvature of a profile of each of the internal member and external member is finite at all points,wherein a ratio of a lobe volume of the external member to a valley volume of the external member enclosed between a minor external member diameter and a major external member diameter is between 0.9 and 1.2, andwherein a lobe height of the external member is related to a ratio of its minor member diameter to one less than the number of member lobes.2. The progressive cavity pump or positive displacement motor of claim 1 , wherein the lobe height of the external member is between 0.95 and 1.05 times the ratio.3. The progressive cavity pump or positive displacement motor of claim 1 , wherein a convexity of the external member profile increases from a peak tip to an inflection point and has a finite maximum near the inflection point.4. The progressive cavity pump or positive displacement ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Electric gerotor pump and method for producing same

Номер: US20200182241A1
Принадлежит: NIDEC GPM GmbH

An electrically driven gerotor pump has a gerotor which comprises a stationary outer gerotor element with an inner toothing that is axially delimited by two chamber walls, wherein each chamber-forming root section of the inner toothing is paired with a pressure valve which is connected to the outlet. The gerotor also comprises an inner gerotor element with an outer toothing which is guided in the outer gerotor element in a circumferential manner on an eccentric section of the shaft and is mounted in a rotatable manner so as to mesh with the inner toothing.

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140286809A1

A pump includes a second housing member in which a suction-side groove and a discharge-side groove are formed at a predetermined interval in a circumferential direction of a bottom of a pump chamber so as to be recessed in the bottom of the pump chamber. Fitting portions that are fitted to bosses are formed on an outer surface of the second housing member. A protruding portion, which overlaps with the bosses in a thickness direction, is formed so as to protrude from a surface of the housing on which the fitting portions are formed. A relief valve is provided in the protruding portion, and the relief valve discharges fluid from the discharge-side groove when pressure in the discharge-side groove is equal to or higher than predetermined pressure. 1. A pump that is fitted to bosses protruding from a fitting target portion , the pump comprising:a housing in which a pump chamber that is a columnar space is defined, and a suction-side groove and a discharge-side groove are formed at a predetermined interval in a circumferential direction of a bottom of the pump chamber so as to be recessed in the bottom of the pump chamber;an outer rotor that is rotatably provided in the pump chamber and includes internal teeth formed at an inner peripheral side of the outer rotor; andan inner rotor that is provided inside the internal teeth, the inner rotor including external teeth that mesh with the internal teeth and are formed at an outer peripheral side of the inner rotor,wherein fitting portions that are fitted to the bosses are formed on an outer surface of the housing,wherein a protruding portion, which overlaps with the bosses in a thickness direction, is formed so as to protrude from a surface of the housing on which the fitting portions are formed, andwherein a relief valve is provided in the protruding portion, and the relief valve discharges fluid from the discharge-side groove when pressure in the discharge-side groove is equal to or higher than predetermined pressure.2. The ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Oil pump

Номер: US20200191142A1
Автор: Yoshito Uno
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

An oil pump includes: an inner rotor having external teeth; an outer rotor having internal teeth engaging with the external teeth; a housing that houses the inner and outer rotors; a suction port formed in the housing and guiding oil into a pump chamber; a discharge port formed in the housing and guiding the oil to outside the pump chamber; and a discharge passage through which the pump chamber and an outside area communicate with each other and that discharges a bubble in the oil inside the pump chamber to the outside area. A bubble accommodation portion having a recess shape is formed in a side surface portion of each of the external teeth on a side opposite to a rotation direction of the inner rotor.

20-07-2017 дата публикации

External Gear Pump Integrated with Two Independently Driven Prime Movers

Номер: US20170204854A1
Автор: Afshari Thomas

A pump includes a casing defining an interior volume. The pump casing includes at least one balancing plate that can be part of a wall of the pump casing with each balancing plate including a protruding portion having two recesses. Each recess is configured to accept one end of a fluid driver. The balancing plate aligns the fluid displacement members with respect to each other such that the fluid displacement members can pump the fluid when rotated. The balancing plates can include cooling grooves connecting the respective recesses. The cooling grooves ensure that some of the liquid being transferred in the internal volume is directed to bearings disposed in the recesses as the fluid drivers rotate. 1. A pump with self-aligning casing , comprising: an inlet port that provides fluid communication with the interior volume,', 'an outlet port that provides fluid communication with the interior volume,', 'a first protruded portion extending toward the interior volume, the first protruded portion having a first land and first and second recesses,', 'a second protruded portion extending toward the interior volume and opposing the first protruded portion, the second protruded portion having a second land and third and fourth recesses, the first and second protruded portions disposed such that the first land and the second land confront each other and are spaced apart to define a gap;, 'a casing defining an interior volume, the casing including,'} a first support shaft supported by the casing, and', 'a first motor casing housing a first stator and a first rotor and fixedly connected to the first rotor, which drives the first motor casing in a first rotational direction, the first motor casing at least partially disposed in the first recess and the third recess, and', 'a first gear having a plurality of first gear teeth fixedly connected to and projecting radially outwardly from the first motor casing, the first gear teeth disposed in the gap; and, 'a first fluid driver, the ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202439A1

In accordance with one embodiment, the gear pump comprises a first gear meshed with a second gear as well as a housing, in which the gears are supported. The housing includes a first void, which at least partly adjoins a first side surface of the first gear, and a second void, which at least partly adjoins a second side surface of the first gear. The gear pump further comprises a fluid intake channel configured to direct fluid towards the gears, wherein at least one deflector is arranged within the fluid intake such that an incident fluid flow is diverted towards the first void as well as to the second void. 1. An external gear pump comprising:a first external gear meshed with a second external gear;a housing, in which the gears are supported, wherein the housing includes a first void, which at least partly adjoins a first side surface of the first external gear, and a second void, which at least partly adjoins a second side surface of the first external gear;a fluid intake channel configured to direct fluid towards the gears; andat least one deflector arranged within the fluid intake channel such that an incident fluid flow is diverted towards the first void as well as to the second void.2. The external gear pump according to claim 1 ,wherein the deflector is shaped and positioned such that the incident fluid flow is split into a first portion and at least a second portion, wherein the first portion of the fluid flow is diverted towards the first void and the second portion of the fluid flow is diverted towards the second void.3. The external gear pump according to claim 2 , further comprising a further deflector arranged such so as to guide the first portion of the fluid flow towards the first void.4. The external gear pump according to claim 1 ,wherein the first void is formed by a recess formed in an inner surface of a cover of the housing.5. The external gear pump according to claim 1 , wherein the second void is formed by a recess formed in an inner surface of ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Oil pump

Номер: US20170211572A1
Принадлежит: Brose Fahrzeugteile SE and Co KG

An oil pump having a pump housing with a suction-side inlet and with a pressure-side first outlet, which is coupled to a first pump chamber, and with a pressure-side second outlet, which is coupled to a second pump chamber having a first pump rotor which is situated in the first pump chamber so as to be rotatable about a first axis, and having a second pump rotor which is situated in the second pump chamber so as to be rotatable about a second axis, wherein the pump rotors are arranged in a plane, oriented substantially perpendicular to the axes of the pump housing and are coupled by way of an external circumferential toothing.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203708A1
Автор: Meyers Andrew S.
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Limited

A rotor comprises a central body configured to rotate. A lobe extends perpendicularly from the central body along an lobe axis. A curved leading periphery and a curved trailing periphery are on opposite sides of the lobe axis. A V-shaped rib spans between the curved leading periphery and the curved trailing periphery. A first hollow space is bounded by the V-shaped rib, the curved leading periphery, and the curved trailing periphery. The first hollow space is distal with respect to the central body along the lobe axis. A second hollow space is bounded by the V-shaped rib, the central body, the curved leading periphery, and the curved trailing periphery. The second hollow space is proximal with respect to the central body along the lobe axis. The rotor can comprise a plurality of stacked, stamped sheets to form a helically twisted supercharger rotor. 1. A rotor comprising:a central body configured to rotate; a curved leading periphery on a first side of the lobe axis;', 'a curved trailing periphery on a second side of the lobe axis;', 'a V-shaped rib spanning between the curved leading periphery and the curved trailing periphery;', 'a first hollow space bounded by the V-shaped rib, the curved leading periphery, and the curved trailing periphery, the first hollow space distal with respect to the central body along the lobe axis; and', 'a second hollow space bounded by the V-shaped rib, the central body, the curved leading periphery, and the curved trailing periphery, the second hollow space proximal with respect to the central body along the lobe axis., 'a lobe extending from the central body, the lobe comprising: an lobe axis perpendicular to the central body;'}2. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the V-shaped rib comprises: periphery distal with respect to the central body along the lobe axis; and a second arm extending from the vertex to connect to the curved trailing', 'periphery distal with respect to the central body along the lobe axis., 'a vertex proximal with ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Internal Gear Pump for a Hydraulic Vehicle Brake System and Method for Producing the Internal Gear Pump

Номер: US20160222962A1

An internal gear pump for a hydraulic vehicle brake system includes a pump shaft, a pinion, a ring gear, a first axial plate, and a second axial plate. The pinion is disposed on the pump shaft, is configured to rotate conjointly therewith, and is arranged eccentrically within the ring gear so as to mesh therewith. The first and second axial plates are adjacent to the pinion and the ring gear. A toothing on at least one of the ring gear and the pinion is configured such that an axial width of a root of a respective tooth is greater than an axial width of a crest of the respective tooth. A corresponding method relates to producing such an internal gear pump.

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140308150A1
Автор: FURRER Randall Edward

A mounting adapter is disclosed for use with a gear pump. The mounting adapter may have a generally plate-like base member, and inlet and outlet ports both formed in the base member. The mounting adapter may also have a first bearing bore formed in the base member between the inlet port and the outlet port and configured to receive a first gear shaft, and a first bleed groove formed in the base member adjacent the outlet port. The first bleed groove may be generally concentric with the first bearing bore. The mounting adapter may further have a second bearing bore formed in the base member between the inlet port and the outlet port and configured to receive a second gear shaft, and a second bleed groove formed in the base member adjacent the outlet port. The second bleed groove may be generally concentric with the second bearing bore. 1. A mounting adapter for a gear pump , comprising:a generally cylindrical base member;a generally plate-like mounting flange connected to one end of the base member;an inlet port formed in the base member;an outlet port formed in the base member;a first bearing bore formed in the base member between the inlet port and the outlet port and configured to receive a first gear shaft;a first bleed groove formed in the base member adjacent the outlet port, the first bleed groove being generally concentric with the first bearing bore;a second bearing bore formed in the base member between the inlet port and the outlet port and configured to receive a second gear shaft; anda second bleed groove formed in the base member adjacent the outlet port, the second bleed groove being generally concentric with the second bearing bore.2. The mounting adapter of claim 1 , wherein the first and second bleed grooves each have a generally constant cross-section along their lengths.3. The mounting adapter of claim 2 , wherein the first and second bleed grooves have generally square cross-sections and an arc length of about 70-75°.4. The mounting adapter of ...
