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10-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2244177C2
Автор: ЛО Чи С. (US)

Изобретение относится к опорным устройствам, в частности к подшипникам скольжения. На элемент опорного устройства различными способами наносится серебряно-медный сплав с содержанием от 15 до 60 мас.% серебра. Технический результат заключается в улучшении скользкости и теплопроводности для опорных устройств. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2244856C2

... 1. Подшипник скольжения, содержащий несущую подложку и по крайней мере один металлический слой скольжения, нанесенный электронно-лучевым напылением, отличающийся тем, что поверхность слоя скольжения имеет закругленные выступы и впадины, причем выступы по отношению к горизонтальной плоскости занимают 30-50%, всей поверхности подшипника, при этом плоскость лежит на высоте, на которой сумма полученных в вертикальном сечении долей поверхности выступов равна сумме соответствующей доли поверхности впадин, и круглые выступы в виде сверху имеют диаметр 3-8 мкм, причем это значение при некруглых в виде сверху выступах и впадинах относится к максимальному диаметру и при этом поверхность имеет шероховатость Rz=3-7 мкм. 2. Подшипник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что несущая подложка состоит из комбинированного материала, который имеет стальную спинку и литой агломерированный или платированный подшипниковый сплав. 3. Подшипник по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что слой скольжения состоит из медно-алюминиевого ...

20-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2274777C2

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, в частности к опорам скольжения (подшипникам и направляющим), работающим в условиях граничной, полужидкостной и жидкостной смазки. Способ создания антифрикционной поверхности детали включает выполнение канавок, нанесение антифрикционного материала и последующее его деформирование в пределах упругих деформаций материала основы. Антифрикционный материал наносят в виде гальванического покрытия на основе мягких металлов, а усилие деформирования задают в диапазоне его пределов текучести и прочности. Канавки выполняют методом вибрационного обкатывания инструментом со сферической рабочей поверхностью, а покрытие наносят методом электронатирания. Технический результат - обеспечение безотходного использования антифрикционного материала, создание рабочей поверхности, обладающей одновременно высокой антифрикционностью и износостойкостью на весь срок службы. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл.

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2456486C2

Изобретение относится к элементу скольжения и способу его получения. Элемент скольжения с задающей форму подложкой и нанесенным на нее гальванически антифрикционным слоем, который образован из сплава с компонентами олово, сурьма и медь, содержание которых составляет в вес.%: сурьма 5-20%, медь 0,5-20%, остальное олово, причем содержание свинца <0,7%, и полное содержание прочих компонентов составляет <0,5%, причем в слое для подшипника скольжения кристаллы олова имеют преимущественно глобулярную форму. Способ получения элемента скольжения заключается в том, что проводят электролитическое осаждение антифрикционного слоя сплава с компонентами олова, сурьмы и меди, причем электролит в качестве смачивателя предпочтительно содержит С13С15-оксоспирт, С16С18-жирный спирт или C18-оксоспирт со степенью этоксилирования от 10 до 30. Состав и скорость осаждения регулируют добавлением вспомогательных веществ с крупными молекулами, в результате чего повышается антифрикционный слой и возникают кристаллы ...

10-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2405985C2
Принадлежит: Х.Е.Ф. (FR)

Изобретение относится к самосмазывающимся направляющим деталям для шарниров и подшипников. Самосмазывающаяся направляющая деталь для шарниров и подшипников, предварительно смазанная и эксплуатируемая в режиме полужидкостной смазки, содержит отверстие (1а) для установки со скольжением и возможностью шарнирного соединения и (или) скользящего перемещения конструктивного элемента. При этом корпус (1) изготовлен из материала, обладающего высокой износостойкостью, в том числе устойчивостью к явлениям задира и (или) коррозии. Каждый из краев высверленного отверстия (1а) содержит, по меньшей мере, один кольцевой желобок (1b) и (1с) для предотвращения вытекания консистентной смазки из зоны трения. В высверленном отверстии (1а), по меньшей мере, между кольцевыми желобками (1b) и (1с) содержатся канавки, которые расположены выходящими, по меньшей мере, в один из кольцевых желобков и могут служить для сохранения смазки. Причем для подачи в канавки смазки кольцевые желобки (1е) рассредоточены по всей ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462625C2

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, а именно к тяжелонагруженным подшипникам скольжения. Способ включает формирование модели вкладыша со сформированными на листе из политетрафторэтилена (ПТФЭ) выступами, совмещение с листом препрега углепластика на основе эпоксидной смолы и намотку препрега углепластика на модель вкладыша, прессование и термообработку совмещенных компонентов и срезание ПТФЭ листа. Выступы на ПТФЭ листе формируют фрезерованием его поверхности в двух направлениях под равными углами (30-45°) к оси ординат, намотку препрега углепластика на модель вкладыша осуществляют под углом, равным углу фрезерования. В качестве углепластика используют углепластик, включающий углеродную ткань из углеродного волокна со средним размером кристаллитов по базисной плоскости 3,0-6,0 нм и толщиной пакета базисных плоскостей 1,0-4,0 нм и пропитывающую хлорсодержащую полиглицидиларилендиаминовую смолу. Технический результат: упрощение технологии изготовления вкладыша подшипника. 3 з.п. ф-лы, ...

21-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613640C1

Изобретение относится к подшипнику со слоем скольжения и способу его получения. Подшипник со слоем скольжения состоит из формообразующего корпуса, с нанесенным антифрикционным подшипниковым сплавом на основе меди или алюминия и гальваническим слоем скольжения, который включает в себя матрицу из твердого раствора олова и сурьмы в количестве 0,5…4,5 вес.%, содержащую включения медно-оловянных частиц соединения CuSnпри общем содержании меди в сплаве 2…25 вес.%. Содержание примеси свинца не более 0,35% и общее содержание примесей остальных элементов не более 1%. Технический результат: создание подшипника со слоем скольжения с улучшенными рабочими свойствами.

10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2428597C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроительного производства и может быть использовано для изготовления узлов и механизмов, эксплуатация которых осуществляет в условиях, максимально близких к экстремальным. Способ формирования включает сборку элементов трущейся пары в единый узел с формированием в полученном зазоре смазочного слоя, способного осуществлять функции «третьего тела». Это «тело» создается в процессе перемещения поверхностей составляющих эту пару элементов относительно друг друга. На возникающее в контактной зоне «третье тело» накладывают дополнительное полевое физическое воздействие в виде вращающегося магнитного поля, которое подается через один из элементов от внешнего источника. Воздействие проводят для активации входящих в объем «третьего тела» составных компонентов. Периодически подача воздействия к «третьему телу» осуществляется в моменты, когда на непрерывно снимаемом в процессе работы графике разности напряжений, характеризующем состояние трущихся поверхностей, вторая ...

20-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95111399A1
Автор: Булатов В.А.

Предполагаемое изобретение относится к области машиностроения и направлено на улучшение конструкций соединения деталей, работающих в условиях высоких температур порядка 1000oС...2000oС. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что соединение деталей содержит цилиндрический вал с выполненной в нем перпендикулярно продольной оси вала цилиндрической полостью, в которую с натягом установлен цилиндрический штифт из материала, величина коэффициента линейного расширения которого ниже величины коэффициента линейного расширения материала вала, и втулку, установленную на вал по посадке скольжения. Во втулке выполнены две радиальные прорези, оси которых лежат в одной радиальной плоскости, проходящей через центр вала. В прорези установлен штифт ступенчатой формы, у которого диаметры концевых частей меньше диаметра его средней части, а торцы средней части штифта выполнены заподлицо с наружной поверхностью вала. Ширина прорезей втулки больше диаметра концевых частей штифта и меньше средней части штифта. При ...

27-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013108167A

Триботехническая композиция для металлических узлов трения, включающая серпентинит Mg[SiO][OH]с содержанием в композиции в диапазоне 30-40 мас.%, хлорит HMgAlSiOс содержанием в композиции не более 30 мас.%, барит BaSOи коалинит Al[SiO](OHотличающаясятем, что в композицию введен сферокобальтит СоСОс содержанием в композиции 10,0-20,0 мас.%, причем содержание барита в композиции составляет 20,0-30,0 мас.%, содержание хлорита составляет 20,0-30,0 мас.%, а коалинита - 10,0-15,0 мас.%.

27-09-2006 дата публикации

Способ приработки антифрикционного покрытия опоры скольжения и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1579134A1

... 1. Способ приработки антифрикционного покрытия опоры скольжения путем нагружения опорных рабочих поверхностей вала и подшипника для их контактного взаимодействия, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения вибропрочности, оптимизации профиля рабочего зазора и снижения трудоемкости приработки в газодинамических лепестковых опорах скольжения, нагружение осуществляют путем приложения ортогонального к опорной поверхности подшипника вибрационного синусоидального усилия при плавном знакопеременном сканировании частоты вибровозбуждения в диапазоне резонансных частот системы вал - подшипник, при этом обеспечивают вращение подшипника относительно вала для тангенциального взаимодействия их опорных рабочих поверхностей, а величину упомянутого вибрационного синусоидального усилия увеличивают ступенчато на каждом цикле сканирования. 2. Устройство для приработки антифрикционного покрытия опоры скольжения, содержащее станину, корпус для установки прирабатываемого подшипника опоры скольжения и вал с цапфами ...

21-12-2018 дата публикации

Способ нанесения антифрикционного покрытия на стальные тонкостенные вкладыши подшипников скольжения

Номер: RU2675679C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, судостроению и судоремонту и может быть применено для изготовления и восстановления подшипников скольжения. Способ получения антифрикционного покрытия на стальных тонкостенных вкладышах опор скольжения с помощью высокоскоростного газопламенного напыления заключается в том, что напыление проводят в защитной атмосфере предварительно механически активированным порошком cBN-Co-Mo, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: cBN 70-80; Со 10-15; Мо 10-15, с толщиной покрытия 0,8-1,2 мм, с последующим ультразвуковым воздействием на расплавленный порошок в зоне напыления с частотой ультразвуковых колебаний 35-40 кГц и механической обработкой. При этом механически активированный порошок cBN-Co-Mo используют с размером частиц 10-30 мкм. Высокоскоростное газопламенное напыление осуществляли при углах наклона горелки 60-80°. В качестве защитной атмосферы при высокоскоростном газопламенном напылении используют аргон. Технический результат: увеличение прочностных ...

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU92001124A

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано при изготовлении опор скольжения приборов, машин и механизмов, в том числе часов и других точных приборов. Целью изобретения является повышение надежности и ресурса работы опор скольжения. Опора скольжения, в которой основа вала и втулки выполнены из стали, а их нагрузочные части по всей рабочей поверхности скольжения вала и углубления втулки выполнены с диффузионным переходом от основы из стали к слою твердого сплава и от слоя твердого сплава с диффузионным переходом к слою твердой смазки.

20-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95111399A
Автор: Булатов В.А.

Предполагаемое изобретение относится к области машиностроения и направлено на улучшение конструкций соединения деталей, работающих в условиях высоких температур порядка 1000С...2000С. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что соединение деталей содержит цилиндрический вал с выполненной в нем перпендикулярно продольной оси вала цилиндрической полостью, в которую с натягом установлен цилиндрический штифт из материала, величина коэффициента линейного расширения которого ниже величины коэффициента линейного расширения материала вала, и втулку, установленную на вал по посадке скольжения. Во втулке выполнены две радиальные прорези, оси которых лежат в одной радиальной плоскости, проходящей через центр вала. В прорези установлен штифт ступенчатой формы, у которого диаметры концевых частей меньше диаметра его средней части, а торцы средней части штифта выполнены заподлицо с наружной поверхностью вала. Ширина прорезей втулки больше диаметра концевых частей штифта и меньше средней части штифта. При ...

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003117589A

Способ формирования антифрикционного покрытия кинематических пар трущихся поверхностей, заключающийся в том, что между трущимися поверхностями размещают размельченную минеральную композицию, формирующую антифрикционное покрытие, содержащую серпентин (H4Mg3Si2O9), отличающийся тем, что в качестве серпентина используют его полиморфную модификацию - хризотил, имеющий моноклинную сингонию с координационными числами 5,0<а<5, 3А°, 9,0 Подробнее

10-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003117584A

... 1. Плотный материал с объемной плотностью более 90%, самосмазывающийся по всему объему посредством сухой смазки при коэффициенте трения менее 0,3 и образованный матрицей, придающей ему механическую прочность не менее 400 МПа в области температур от 300 до 600°С и заключающей в своем объеме частицы твердой смазки. 2. Материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанные частицы твердой смазки имеют эквивалентный диаметр от 5 до 100 мкм. 3. Материал по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что указанные частицы твердой смазки составляют от 1 до 30%, предпочтительно от 10 до 20% объема материала. 4. Материал по любому из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что состоит из мартенситной нержавеющей стали, заключающей в себе частицы нитрида бора; из сплава на основе кобальта, заключающего в себе частицы нитрида бора и/или графита или из никеля или сплава на основе никеля, заключающего в себе частицы графита. 5. Материал по любому из пп.1-4, отличающийся тем, что получен с использованием метода порошковой металлургии.

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007114207A

Способ формирования сервовитной пленки триботехническим составом, включающий механоактивацию приготовленной смеси абразивоподобного порошка со связующим, размещение смеси в зоне трения и последующую ее приработку, отличающийся тем, что для повышения устойчивости и понижения коэффициента трения сервовитной пленки в разогретое чистое масло последовательно добавляют активированный абразивоподобный порошок и антифрикционную композицию.

20-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94009119A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, а именно к подшипникам шарнирным. Задачей предполагаемого изобретения является снижение трудоемкости изготовления подшипников и повышение их точности. Для этого в подшипнике скольжения, имеющем внутреннее металлическое кольцов со сферической наружной поверхностью, наружное кольцо со сферической внутренней поверхностью, между которыми установлена антифрикционная прокладка, наружное кольцо выполнено из литейного материала - полиамида, алюминия, бронзы, чугуна и помещено в тонкостенную металлическую обойму с монтажными наружными размерами, а антифрикционная прокладка изготовлена из эластичного износостойкого материала типа ткани технической ПТТ-45-75. В способе изготовления подшипника, при котором одно из колец изготавливается с помощью механической обработки, а второе - методом литья в форму, перед отливкой наружного кольца на сферическую поверхность внутреннего кольца наносится слой смазки графитовой или дисульфидо-молибденовой, на которую помещается ...

15-02-1992 дата публикации

Способ приработки подшипников качения

Номер: SU1712693A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано при изготовлении опор качения прецизионныхприборов и машин. Цель - сокращение времени приработки. В качестве металлоплаки- рующей смазки используют суспензию (С) из базового масла пластичной смазки (ПС) и сверхпластичного эвтектического сплава висмут-свинец-олово. Упомянутую С вместе с ПС прирабатывают на шаровой мельнице до состояния коллоидного раствора. Вводят приработанную смазку в подшипник (П) и в процессе приработки В в испытательном стенде измеряют электрическую мощность, потребляемую стендом. Об окончании приработки П судят по достижению минимума потребляемой мощности стенда. Этим достигается улучшение зксплуатаци- онных характеристик приработанных под- \ шипников. 1 табл.!у^ ...

18-02-1969 дата публикации


Номер: SU229104A1
Автор: Боков Е.С.

15-10-1993 дата публикации

Способ модифицирования трущихся поверхностей

Номер: RU2001323C1

Сущность изобретения способ модифицирования трущихся поверхностей включает размещение между трущимися поверхностями состава из минерального порошка и органического связующего . Новым в изобретении является то, что в качестве минерального порошка используют диспергированный минерал, способный к образованию в процессе трения между трущимися поверхностями частиц абразива. Соотношение компонентов смеси следующее, минерал, способный к образованию абразивных частиц 0.1 - 10 мас%. органическое связующее - остальное. Кроме того, в качестве минерала , способного к образованию в процессе трения между трущимися поверхностями абразивных частиц , может быть использован диспергированный антигорит. Техническим результатом, достигнутым изобретением, является ускорение формирования оптимальной шероховатости трущихся поверхностей за счет участия в процессе трения образовавшихся абразивных частиц, количество которых обеспечивает снижение износа узпа 1 зп .

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1828521C

23-10-1989 дата публикации

Способ технологической обработки элемента пары трения

Номер: SU1516641A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, в частности к металлополимерным парам трения. Цель изобретения - повышение износостойкости элементов пар трения из полимерных композиционных материалов, армированных дискретными углеродными волокнами при снижении величины осадки. Элемент пары трения предварительно помещают в жидкую среду. Затем подвергают сжатию в направлении, перпендикулярном поверхности трения. Сжатие осуществляют, прикладывая динамическую нагрузку, изменяющуюся во времени от 0,5 до 6 МРа с частотой (0,042-1,0)ч-1. Нагрузку изменяют по амплитуде с постоянной частотой или по амплитуде с переменной частотой, или по синусоидальному закону, или ступенчато. После этого пару разгружают и эксплуатируют в режиме рабочих параметров. В результате происходит уменьшение начальной и равновесной осадки и статочной деформации антифрикционного материала в металлополимерной паре. 4 з.п.ф-лы, 6 табл.

30-04-1988 дата публикации

Способ изготовления вкладышей подшипников скольжения

Номер: SU1392261A1

... ; Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, в частности к технологии изготовления работающих в режиме самосмазывания подпшпников скольжения из пористого спеченного материала на основе железа. Цель - повышение износостойкости вкладыша подпипника в условиях самосмазывания. Материал вкладыша прессуют, спекают и дернуют его рабочую поверхность под размер. Дорнование осуществляют на равномерно распределенных на рабочей поверхности участках, составляющих 50-70% ее площади. После этого недорнованные участки срезают под размер, равный рабочему диаметру дор- на. Дорнование осуществляют дорном, обеспечивающим коэффициент трения по обрабатываемому вкладышу, определяемый по математической зависимости. Срезание недорнованных участков осуществляют режущим инструментом, обеспечивающим коэффициент трения по обрабатываемому вкладышу, определяемый также определенной зависимостью. Образуется рабочая поверхнрсть вкладыша из участков различной маслопро- ницаемости и твердости. Такая поверхность обеспечивает ...

23-10-1990 дата публикации

Способ формирования сервовитной пленки на трущихся поверхностях и состав для формирования сервовитной пленки на трущихся поверхностях

Номер: SU1601426A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано в узлах трения. Цель изобретения - повышение долговечности. Из определенного количества природного истертого кварца и синтетического солидола образуют смесь. Подвергают ее механоактивации. Готовую смесь вводят в зону трения и проводят приработку при определенных режимах. В процессе приработки на трущихся поверхностях формируются сервовитные пленки. Это обеспечивает уменьшение коэффициента трения между трущимися поверхностями. 2 с. и 1 з.п. ф-лы.

01-01-1938 дата публикации

Способ изготовления подшипников

Номер: SU54346A1

15-07-1993 дата публикации

Способ изготовления радиальных подшипников

Номер: SU1828521A3

Сущность изобретения: смешивают металлический порошок с не более, чем 20 мас.% твердых частиц. Приготовленную смесь прессуют в форме, соответствующей форме подшипника. Пористость прессованного изделия составляет не менее 15%. Прессованное изделие спекают, после чего отверстие под вал доводят до нужного размера путем пропускания через него калиброванной оправки. Содержание твердых частиц в смеси может составлять 30-10 мас.%. Предпочтительно, чтобы содержание твердых частиц в смеси составляло 5 мас.%. Пористость подшипника может составлять 20-30%. В качестве металлического порошка можно использовать порошок бронзы. Твердые частицы могут быть выполнены из оксида алюминия, нитрата кремния или другого керамического материала. Размеры твердых частиц и частиц металлического порошка могут быть величинами одного порядка и иметь близкую к сферической форму. 8 з.п. ф-лы. ч w fe ...

30-07-1998 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Flachlagerschalen

Номер: DE0019702444A1

A process is disclosed for manufacturing flat bearing shells. A strip of material (2) is cut into bearing shell sections (26), these sections are bent into a semicircular shape, and the outer and inner sides (88, 58), as well as the parting surfaces (52) of the thus obtained bearing shells are calibrated. An oil groove (14) is shaped on the inner side (58) from parting surface (52) to parting surface (52). For the oil groove to be more easily shaped with a less complex milling tool, the oil groove (14) is continuously shaped, in particular milled, broached or sandblasted in the strip of material (2) before the strip of material is cut into bearing shell sections (26), and a cutting die (6) which matches the cross-section profile of the strip of material (2) after the oil groove (14) is milled is used to cut the strip of material into bearing shell sections (26).

09-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003728951A1

27-11-2008 дата публикации

Electrode for electro-chemical machining of workpiece, has electrode body made from electrically conductive materials including insulating material, where materials are selected to yield different current density at electrode body

Номер: DE102007023494A1

The electrode (10) has an electrode body made from electrically conductive materials (14, 16), whose surface is partially provided with an insulating material (18). The electrically conductive materials and the insulating material are selected to yield different current density at the electrode body during operation of the electrode. Each of the electrically conductive materials exhibit different specific electrical resistances. The electrode body has an inner core region that is connected at one side with a voltage source (30). An independent claim is also included for a method for applying a groove structure on a bearing surface of a fluid dynamic bearing.

30-05-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008223293U1

20-01-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002128821A1

13-03-1997 дата публикации

Bearing fitting process for cylinder head of IC engine

Номер: DE0019634541A1

The process comprises making the bearing halves (6) in the blank (1) initially oversize, and then plating this region with a material similar to that of the other blank (2). When assembled, the bearing (4) is produced by machining, taking off swarf. By this means, a side run of the cutting tool during the machining process is avoided, and the fitting of bearing shells becomes unnecessary. The screw connections (10) can be made to set a minimal clearance giving optimum bearing loading with little play.

24-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001450035B2

10-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059905790D1

03-07-1929 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000478692C

07-12-1938 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000668604C

13-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003530454A1

16-12-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Gleitelements

Номер: DE102020004652B3
Автор: Thumm, Voggeser
Принадлежит: Wieland-Werke Aktiengesellschaft

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Gleitelements (1, 11, 13), umfassend folgende Schritte: a) Bereitstellen eines ersten band- oder streifenförmigen, metallischen Werkstoffs (21) der Dicke D1, wobei der erste Werkstoff (21) Durchbrüche (3) aufweist, die sich über die gesamte Dicke des ersten Werkstoffs (21) erstrecken, b) Bereitstellen eines zweiten band- oder streifenförmigen, metallischen Werkstoffs (22) der Dicke D2, c) flächiges Verbinden des ersten band- oder streifenförmigen Werkstoffs (21) mit dem zweiten band- oder streifenförmigen Werkstoff (22) durch Laserwalzplattieren, so dass ein band- oder streifenförmiger Verbundwerkstoff (23) gebildet wird, der eine Längsrichtung X und eine Querrichtung Y aufweist, und senkrecht zur Längs- und zur Querrichtung die Dicke D aufweist, d) Biegen des Verbundwerkstoffs (23) um eine Achse A, die parallel zur Querrichtung Y des Verbundwerkstoffs (23) orientiert ist, so dass ein Gleitelement (1, 11, 13) gebildet wird, das ...

24-03-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to plain bearings

Номер: GB0000706128A

A method for the production of continuous strip material from which bearing liners, thrust washers or the like may be formed comprises electro-depositing on a continuous steel backing strip an adherent coating of metal, e.g. copper, silver, capable of being wetted by the molten soft metal which forms the bearing surface layer, said coating extending up to or short of the edges of the packing strip so that said edges and the marginal parts of the strip are left uncoated, applying on the coated surface an evenly distributed layer of a soft bearing metal, e.g. lead. tin or babbit metal, which will not readily wet steel and heating the strip in a neutral or reducing atmosphere to melt the bearing metal and bond it to the coated surface of the backing. The uncoated steel edges and marginal parts of the strip confine the molten bearing metal to the coated surface and means for preventing the molten metal from flowing over the edges of the strip are not required. The coating may be electrodeposited ...

22-04-1941 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to anti-friction bearings and methods of making the same

Номер: GB0000535769A

... 535,769. Making compound bearings. UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION. July 15, 1939, Nos .20648 and 20649. Convention dates July 30, 1938 and Aug. 2, 1938. [Class 83 (ii)] [Also in Groups XXXIV and XXXVI] An anti-friction bearing comprises three or more mutually bonded strata of different materials arranged in order of increasing hardness away from the bearing surface. Fig. 6 shows a bearing block for use in the big end of a connecting rod. consisting of a backing- member 20 of a strong durable material such as steel coated interiorly with a softer material 28 such as silver which forms a base for a highly flowable malleable material 36 having good oilwetting properties such as lead. The surface of the silver layer 28 may be roughened by sand blasting and the lead applied by electro plating. The lead surface is then smoothed down to the proper thickness by a rolling operation. The lead surface may be fortified by electro plating with indium, thallium or gallium. This electroplating may be effected ...

27-11-1974 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001375542A

16-01-1974 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001343886A

28-01-1953 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the construction of bimetallic articles

Номер: GB0000686809A

... 686,809. Making composite articles. FAIRCHILD ENGINE & AIRPLANE CORPORATION. Dec. 11, 1950, No. 30264/50. Class 83 (ii). [Also in Group XXXIV] In a method of making a composite metal article comprising a ferrous part bonded to an aluminium base alloy part by means of an alloy composed predominantly of the two metals and having opposite thermal stress conditions in the two parts at ordinary temperatures, the thickness of the aluminium alloy part is so chosen that such stress conditions are maintained at high temperatures instead of becoming reversed. The invention is described as applied to making a brake drum having an inner steel drum 10 bonded to an outer heat conducting and dissipating member 11 of aluminium base alloy by a bonding film 12 of ferro-aluminium. When fully cooled from the bonding operation, the outer member 11 will be in tension and the inner member 10 and film 12 in compression as a result of the different coefficients of expansion of the materials. These stresses tend ...

08-10-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to plain bearings and the manufacture thereof

Номер: GB0000680444A

Bearing bushes are made from an alloy containing 70 per cent or more of copper, 3-15 per cent lead, with or without 0.5-10 per cent tin and 0.0-5 per cent zinc. The strength of the alloy is increased by compressive cold-working.

11-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001473384A

... 1473384 Jointing by forging; drawing CENTRE STEPHANOIS DE RECHERCHES MECANIQUES HYDROMECANIQUE & FROTTEMENT 23 April 1974 [25 April 1973 16 April 1974] 17744/74 Headings B3H and B3P [Also in Division F2] A bearing element is made by winding metallic wire or strip 2 around a mandrel 106 into a helical configuration, separating the winding from the mandrel and fixing the winding to a support part 1 so that the winding forms a bearing surface and, along substantially the length of the wire or strip, the support is in contact with the wire or strip. The winding may be either inside or outside a cylindrical support part, and the size of the mandrel used for winding may be such that the winding is held in/on the support by its natural resilience. The winding may also have grooves or corrugations in the surface engaging the support and the support may be deformed with the winding in place, e.g. by drawing through a die 113, to enhance the connection with the winding. During winding, the wire or ...

20-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008412462D0

26-07-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to fluid thrust bearings

Номер: GB0001077142A

... 1,077,142. Making bearings. PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPEN FABRIEKEN N.V. Sept. 24, 1964 [Sept. 27, 1963], No. 38957/64. Heading B3A. [Also in Division F2] A fluid thrust bearing has one of its bearing surfaces formed with regularly distributed identical shallow grooves (4), Figs. 1 and 2 (not shown), the centre-line of each groove having a spiral-shape and the grooves being formed by fixing an apertured foil (2) to a base-plate (1). The foil (2) may be made of metal and may be soldered to the base-plate, altematively, the foil (2) may be made of synthetic plastics material and may be adhered to the base-plate. The apertures in the foil may be milled, punched or produced by a photo-etching process, for example. In soldering the foil (2) to the baseplate (1), solder is deposited on the foil and is wiped with a cloth so as to form a layer of solder having a thickness of about 0À5 microns; the foil is then pressed against the base-plate and heated.

24-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008907919D0

21-10-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001209291A

... 1,209,291. Bearings. CLEVITE CORP. 1 Jan., 1969 [4 Jan., 1968], No. 125/69. Heading F2A. [Also in Division C7] A strip of bearing material is made in a process comprising the following steps: (a) spreading a layer of powder Cu and Sn or Cu and bronze to form 1-2% Sn on a steel strip, (b) sintering at about 1800‹ F. and cooling to 600-750‹ F., (c) casting molten Pb base babbitt containing Sn on to the strip at 600-650‹ F. to give 5-6À5% Sn, (d) Quickly cooling the strip. Sintering, cooling and casting are carried out in a reducing atmosphere and casting is such that the hard Cu-Sn alloy layer formed is not more than 0.0002 inch thick. The babbitt preferably has a Sn content of 6-10% and the cast metal should solidify in less than 15 seconds. Fig. 1 shows the powder, application, sintering, cooling, casting and cooling zones. The excess molten babbitt layer may be removed by wiper 32 and then quenched. The composite strip may then be marked conventionally. Strip is used as sleeve bearings ...

18-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001324198A

... 1324198 Duplex electro-plate aluminium base alloys UDYLITE CORP 15 July 1971 [27 July 1970] 33280/71 Heading C7A and C7B Composite bearing material for sleeve bearings, thrust washers, gear teeth or wear plates, comprises an electro-deposited metallic layer comprising at least one of Cu, Ag, Ni, Co, Fe, and their alloys e.g. brass, bronze or Cu-Cd and comprised of a lower portion containing densely co-deposited fine non-metallic particles and an upper portion containing dense fine vertical porosity, and a final overlay electro-plate of Pb-Sn alloy, e.g. Pb containing 5-10% Sn and 0-3% Cu. The metallic layer and overlay electro-plate are each 0À2-5 mils thick. The non-metallic particles may be Ba SO 4 , SrSO 4 , talc, mica, vinylidene chloride-acrylonitrile copolymer, PVC, PTFE, polychlorotrifluoroethylene or polyethylene acetyl resin. The multiple electro-plate may be electro-deposited on bi-metal strip consisting of a steel backing clad with Cu, Cu alloy e. g. brass, Al or Al alloy, pressed ...

30-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002196876B

05-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002207961B

04-10-1989 дата публикации

Manufacture of plain bearing liners

Номер: GB0002216197A

The liners (half liners) are made from a composite material in the form of a band. The band 23 is subjected, in plurality of consecutive stations 1-17 of a processing machine, to processing steps, each of which is carried out as a working stroke. At the beginning of the processing the band 23 is divided into individual blanks 28, which extend transversely to the direction of their transport through the machine and each of which serves for the manufacture of one plain bearing liner 33. The severed blanks are transported one behind the other with the same spacing in common feeding steps through the processing machine and are between the feeding steps subjected to processing and machining steps. After every transport step and before every processing machining step setting of each blank or each workpiece for the processing step is carried out. The steps are length trimming, grooving, side trimming, side chamfering, end chamfering, cleaning, bending into a semi-circle, and hole forming and tang ...

22-03-1995 дата публикации

Seat belt retractor

Номер: GB0002247288B

17-02-1999 дата публикации

Plain bearing with overlay

Номер: GB0002298250B

01-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002163687B

09-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002242690A

In inductive hardening of working surfaces and transition radii on crank shafts in which, to receive connecting rods, crank pins are disposed directly one after another at different angular attitudes in planes at right-angles to the axis of rotation, adjacently disposed inductors are applied against the crank pins from the same side. Both inductors are disposed in the region between the two serially disposed crank pins and are spaced apart from each other. ...

15-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002218749B

27-04-1994 дата публикации

Process for producing sliding bearing

Номер: GB0002271780A

A process for producing a sliding bearing which is provided with a lead alloy overlay and excellent in fatigue resistance, said process comprising the steps of forming on a bearing metal layer a substrate layer formed of either lead or a lead alloy and containing a number of pyramidal crystal grains with the apexes facing toward the mating member, coating the surface of the substrate layer with a diffusing metal, and forming a lead alloy overlay having on the surface thereof a number of deformed pyramidal crystal grains having rounded apexes and edges by diffusing the diffusing metal into the pyramidal crystal grains through heat treatment.

16-07-2003 дата публикации

Sliding bearings

Номер: GB0002384007A

A method of making a multi-layered sliding bearing by spreading copper or a copper-based alloy powder on a steel substrate, sintering 5 and then rolling 6 the powder and re-sintering 7 and re-rolling 8 with reduction of not less than 10%. The bearing is then heat treated 9 at a temperature above the recrystallisation temperature of the copper/copper alloy but below that of the steel (e.g. at a temperature of 500-650 {C). The method produces a sliding bearing which has a steel substrate with a hardness not less than 160 VHN and an elongation not less than 10% on which is bonded a sintered layer of copper or copper alloy with a hardness not more than 130 HVN and a grain size of not more than 45 žm. The copper based alloy may comprise 1-11 weight % tin, not more than 0.2 weight % phosphorous, not more than 10 weight % in total of nickel and silver, not more than 25 weight % in total of lead and bismuth, not more than 15 volume % in total hard particles and high melting point particles and/ ...

18-10-2006 дата публикации

Self-lubricating bearing

Номер: GB0002420832B

21-09-2011 дата публикации

Process for producing a ferrous sintered multilayer roll-formed bushing

Номер: GB0002447855B

14-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009303667D0

23-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001391427A

... 1391427 Bearings VANDERVELL PRODUCTS Ltd 18 Aug 1972 [27 Aug 1971] 40332/71 Heading B3E [Also in Division F2] A bearing member is made from flat strip material by cutting from the strip blanks of the required size and roll forming each blank to the required shape, a bearing surface layer being applied to at least one side of the material prior to the roll forming step. The width of the strip corresponds to the required circumferential length of the member. The strip is indented on both sides at locations separated by the required axial length of the member and oil holes and grooves are formed in the surface of the strip which will be on the inside of the finished member. The strip is then cut at the indentations and the edges chamfered. The blanks are then electroplated to provided a bearing surface layer of lead indium of a thickness of 0À001 inch. The blanks are rolled between two large rollers 10 and 11 on either side of which are two small rollers 13, 14. The rollers are movable in ...

31-08-1967 дата публикации

A sliding surface bearing and method of making same

Номер: GB0001081414A

... 1,081,414. Bearings; lubricating. CLEVITE CORPORATION. Aug. 11, 1964 [Sept. 13, 1963], No. 32748/64. Heading F2A. A bearing for a rotatable shaft 10 comprises a housing 11 containing a cylindrical shell or so-called outer race 13 and a further cylindrical shell or so-called inner race 12 with a ring 14 of bearing material, e.g. lead oxide in a matrix of metal of the kind disclosed in Specifications 963,266 and 1,001,017, sintered iron or aluminium and aluminium alloys, therebetween, the said ring being fixed by friction relative to the shell 13 and separated from the shell 12 by a narrow annular gap that is filled with oil or grease so as to allow rotation of the shell 12 with the shaft 10. The oil or grease is supplied to said gap by wicking material 18 that fills radial slots in the ring 14 and annular spaces on either side thereof, the material being retained and protected by annular seals 20. The shell 12 may include an annular groove of arcuate shape in cross-section to render the ...

04-03-1998 дата публикации

A sliding member.

Номер: GB0002316686A

The member has excellent resistance to corrosion with sulfur and a Vickers hardness of 80 to 150, and is prepared by bonding to a backing metal layer to a sliding layer comprising more than 35% by weight but not more than 43% by weight of Zn, the balance being composed of Cu, preferably by a pressure-bonding method, subjecting the pressure-bonded assembly to diffusion-annealing and subjecting the assembly to work-hardening treatment to allow the sliding layer softened by the diffusion-annealing to have a Vickers hardness to 80 to 150.

05-10-2005 дата публикации

A metal-to-metal spherical bearing

Номер: GB0002412701A

A metal-to-metal bearing comprising a bearing housing 2 of a first material and a ball 3 of a second material held within the housing 2, the interface 4 between the housing 2 and the ball 3 comprising two bearing surfaces, wherein one of the first and second materials is a titanium alloy having a diffusion zone 6 near its surface to which is adhered a coating 5 of titanium nitride to provide one of the bearing surfaces. The other of the first and second materials may be a copper alloy. The coating 5 is applied by a physical vapour deposition process which is carried out in a vacuum at 700{C ...

10-05-2006 дата публикации

Cylindrical bearing member and method and apparatus for manufacturing same

Номер: GB0002414206B

17-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002065795B

08-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002161225A

A method of manufacturing a composite plain bearing is shown comprising the steps of forming, through pressing and sintering of powdered-metal, a porous base member defining a bearing surface having a height greater than four times its wall thickness, disposing the porous member in intimate engagement with a backing member, and infiltrating an anti-galling metal alloy into the pores to substantially fill the pores and concomitantly braze the members into an integral unit, subsequent steps of finishing the integral unit prior to assembly as a bearing surface in a rock bit, include machining the I.D. and O.D. thereof, and heat treating to harden the base member.

25-06-2003 дата публикации

A bladder system

Номер: GB0000311453D0

11-10-2000 дата публикации

Bearing assembly and method

Номер: GB0002321676B

25-07-2001 дата публикации

Intermediate layer,notably binding layer,made of an alloy on aluminium basis

Номер: GB0002358406A

The invention relates to an intermediate layer, notably a binding layer, made of an alloy on aluminium basis, for composite materials having layers of different composition, notably for plain bearings. As admixtures the alloy contains no more than 10 % by weight, preferably 4 % by weight and notably between 0.015 % by weight and 3.25 % by weight, in relation to 100 % by weight alloy, of at least one element of a group consisting of Sc, Y, Hf, Nb, Ta, La, the lanthanoids and the actinoids. The rest consists of aluminium containing melt-related contaminants.

28-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002085118B

20-06-2001 дата публикации

Process for galvanic depositing of a dispersion layer on a work piece surface

Номер: GB0000110694D0

24-03-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in the production of aluminium alloy-lined steel-backed bearing material

Номер: GB0000706149A

... 706,149. Rolling composite sheets. GLACIER METAL CO., Ltd. March 14, 1952 [Jan. 15, 1952], No. 6664/52. Classes 83 (2) and 83 (4) In a method of producing aluminium alloylined steel-backed bearing strip by hob rolling, the aluminium is confined at the edges to obtain a good bond over the full width of the strips. An aluminium alloy strip 11 is rolled on a steel strip 10 between a pair of rolls 2, 5, the upper roll 5 having a circumferential groove 8, the sides 9 of which engage the edges 12 of the aluminium strip 11 to prevent spreading. The steel strip 10 may be plated with silver, copper, nickel or their alloys. A bonding layer of aluminium or aluminium alloy may be interposed between the strips ands may be a separate layer or clad to the aluminium strip.

26-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008625588D0

25-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008520770D0

02-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008809794D0

04-02-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008630976D0

28-10-1929 дата публикации

Lined bearing and method of making same

Номер: GB0000320943A

... 320,943. Klocke, W. July 27, 1928. Bearings.-A lined bearing is made by cutting a rectangular blank from rolled steel or other metal sheet having high resilience and tensile strength, so that the grain is transverse thereof, bending the ends 7, Fig. 6, bending to U-shape in a die 5 and closing to cylindrical form by a pair of dies similar to, but having a slightly larger radius of curvature than, the die 5. The cylinder is then rotated through 90 degrees and again pressed in the dies to set the metal. To avoid the ends just meeting as shown at 11, 12, Fig. 9, the blank is made of extra length so that a close joint 10 is produced and the extra metal 14 is inside the cylinder 3. This may be removed by broaching or machining if desired. The cylinder 3 is then cleaned with acid, tinned and lined, with Babbitt or other bearing metal having a low melting point, by centrifugal casting or otherwise. It is then cooled rapidly to prevent annealing of the cylinder 3. The lined cylinder may be divided ...

25-06-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to Spiral-Groove Thrust Bearings

Номер: GB0001156537A

... 1,156,537. Bearings. PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN N.V. 13 July, 1966 [16 July, 1965], No. 31502/66. Heading F2A. In a fluid thrust bearing, spiral grooves 6, Fig. 2, are formed in one side of a thin metal plate 5, the other side of which is secured to a member 3, Fig. 1. The grooves 6 have a depth which is about one-fifth the thickness of the plate 5 and are formed by etching. The plate 5 is provided with two tags 7 which may be bent-over and held in recesses in the member 3, which may be made of a synthetic resin; alternatively, the plate may be secured by the tags to the member 3 by welding. The member 3 is square-shaped, is mounted within four lugs 2 of a stationary member 1, and is provided with a part-spherical shaped protrusion 4 which effects self-aligning thereof. In a modification, the plate 5 may be secured to a shaft 9.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Slide bearing composite material

Номер: US20120020592A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a slide bearing composite material having at least one carrier layer and a sintered bearing metal layer. The sintered bearing metal layer is designed in at least one layer region as a gradient layer.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Wear resistant lead free alloy sliding element method of making

Номер: US20120114971A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sliding element 20 , such as a bushing or bearing, includes a sintered powder metal base 24 deposited on a steel backing 22 . The base 24 includes a tin, bismuth, first hard particles 40 , such as Fe 3 P and MoSi 2 , and a balance of copper. In one embodiment, a tin overplate 26 is applied to the base 24 . A nickel barrier layer 42 can be disposed between the base 24 and the tin overplate 26 , and a tin-nickel intermediate layer 44 between the nickel bather layer 42 and the tin overplate 26 . In another embodiment, the sliding element 20 includes either a sputter coating 30 of aluminum or a polymer coating 28 disposed directly on the base 24 . The polymer coating 28 includes second hard particles 48 , such as Fe 2 O 3 . The polymer coating 28 together with the base 24 provides exceptional wear resistance over time.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Slide bearing, slide bearing unit with same, and motor with the bearing unit

Номер: US20120133226A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

Provided is a bearing capable of satisfying demands for cost reduction and further quietness, and stably maintaining high support accuracy. A sliding bearing ( 4 ) includes an inner member ( 5 ) having a mounting surface ( 9 ) with respect to a rotary shaft ( 2 ), and an outer member ( 6 ) being arranged on a radially outer side of the inner member ( 5 ). A radial bearing gap is formed between an outer peripheral surface ( 5 a 1 ) of the inner member ( 5 ) and an inner peripheral surface ( 7 a 1 ) of the outer member ( 6 ), and a lubricating oil is interposed in the radial bearing gap. Further, between the inner member ( 5 ) and the outer member ( 6 ), sealing gaps (S, S) for maintaining an oil level of the lubricating oil on both axial sides of the radial bearing gap are formed. At least a part of the mounting surface ( 9 ) of the inner member ( 5 ) is made of a metal.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Fluid dynamic bearing device

Номер: US20120170880A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

A density of a bearing sleeve made of a sintered metal is set within a range of from 80% to 95% with respect to a true density, and a Young's modulus of the bearing sleeve is set to be equal to or more than 70 GPa. When the density of the bearing sleeve is increased and also the Young's modulus thereof is set to be equal to or more than 70 GPa in this manner, dimensional variation of an inner peripheral surface of the bearing sleeve can be suppressed to be equal to or less than 0.5 μm when a shaft member having an outer diameter of from 2 mm to 4 mm is to be supported.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Radial joint and process for manufacturing such a radial joint for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20120210582A1

A radial joint with a metallic housing ( 1 ), through the opening ( 2 ) on one side of which a ball pivot ( 3 ) can be inserted into an interior space ( 4 ) of the housing ( 1 ). The housing ( 1 ) has, in the area of its opening ( 2 ), a section ( 7 ), which is prepared by machining and which is deformed by a cold forming process. A process for manufacturing a radial joint includes: manufacturing the housing blank, machining of section ( 7 ) close to the opening ( 2 ) of housing ( 1 ), inserting the joint ball ( 5 ) of ball pivot ( 3 ) into the interior space ( 4 ) of housing ( 1 ), cold forming of the opening-side edge section of housing ( 1 ) until a metallic overlap ( 13 ) is attained between the joint ball ( 5 ) and housing ( 1 ).

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Oil-impregnated sintered bearing and method of producing the same

Номер: US20130104400A1
Принадлежит: Diamet Corp

An oil-impregnated sintered which does not damage rotating shaft and itself and has a high durability even in the case that the rotating shaft is inclined in the bearing by a large shear load applied thereto, and a method of manufacturing an oil-impregnated sintered bearing which exhibits center deviation-suppressing action of the bearing satisfactorily by accurately forming a bearing hole in an intermediate completely sintered are disclosed.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing a lead-free sliding bearing

Номер: US20130139390A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In a method for producing a lead-free sliding bearing, a copper-based material comprising a total of 0.1% to 3% of the elements aluminum, magnesium, silicon, titanium, zircon, and chromium is sintered. Additionally, up to 15% tin can be included in order to ensure optimal properties for use in the internal combustion engine.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Slide member and method for the production thereof

Номер: US20130168351A1
Принадлежит: Tohoku University NUC, Toyota Motor Corp

A slide member includes a substrate that is made of a metal material and has a sliding surface with a plurality of microdimples formed therein. Each of the microdimple has a circular opening, the microdimples are arranged in regular intervals in a hexagonal close-packed configuration, and the area ratio of the openings of all the microdimples to the entire sliding surface is in the range of 50 to 80%.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230263A1

The invention relates to a sliding bearing and to a method for producing a sliding bearing, having at least one groove formed on the sliding surface which extends at least partially in the axial direction of a mounted shaft, ends on at least one end before the edge of the bearing and is deeper than 80 μm and/or wider than 150 μm, so that dirt and/or particles can be embedded. 1. A sliding bearing comprising:at least one groove formed on a sliding surface of said sliding bearing, which extends at least in part in the axial direction, ends at at least one end before an edge of the bearing and is deeper than 50 μm or wider than 100 μm or both deeper than 50 μm and wider than 100 μm so that dirt and/or particles can be embedded, andat least one depository on a depository surface formed as pocket hole, which is at least one of the sliding surface or a surface of an oil supply groove, whereinthe depository is a recess that is open towards the depository surface, has a depository wall and extends away from the depository surface into the bearing, and whereinthe depository wall in the direction of extension forms with a reference direction an acute angle, the reference direction being the tangent of the depository surface at the intersection of the depository wall with the depository surface in the direction away from the depository.2. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove is up to 80 μm deep.3. The sliding bearing according to wherein the at least one groove is up to 150 μm wide.4. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove is at an inclination to the axial direction.5. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein there are at least two grooves formed in the axial direction one next to the other and having an inclination in different directions.6. The sliding bearing according to claim 5 , wherein the at least two plural grooves are formed at a specific point claim 5 , seen in axial direction claim ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Sliding bearing having improved lubrication characteristics

Номер: US20130236134A1
Автор: Choung Rae Lee
Принадлежит: Doosan Infracore Co Ltd

The present disclosure relates to a sliding bearing which is usefully applicable to equipment to which high surface pressure is applied, by processing an inner surface of a sliding bearing manufactured in the form of a sintered body to be optimized to lubrication characteristics.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Tribological pair and process for surface treatment in tribological pairs

Номер: US20130315513A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool SA

The present invention is applied to a tribological pair comprising two metal pieces, a first of them having a movable contact surface which provides friction in relation to a respective contact surface of a second of said metal pieces. According to the present invention, the first metal piece has its contact surface defined by a coating formed: by a first surface layer in a material harder than that of the first metal piece; and by a second surface layer, disposed onto the first surface layer and in a material defining a coating which reduces the chemical affinity in relation to the contact surface of the second metal piece of the tribological pair, in order to provide, to said tribological pair, a lower friction coefficient in relation to the tribological pair deprived of said coating.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315519A1

The present invention provides a process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings by means of a powder metallurgy process. 1. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings , the bearings having an annular matrix with a central hole for coupling a rotating shaft; characterized in that it comprises the following steps:obtaining the matrix through a powder metallurgy manufacturing process; andapplying a porous coating of soft metal on the central hole of the matrix;such that the sealing by plastic deformation of the pores of the coating is facilitated.2. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings according to claim 1 , characterized in that the metal of the porous coating is copper-based metal.32. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings according to one of - claims 1 , characterized in that the matrix is of hard metal.4. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings according to claim 3 , characterized in that the metal of the matrix is iron-based metal.54. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings according to one of - claims 1 , characterized in that the porous coating is applied by electroplating.65. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings according to one of - claims 1 , characterized in that the porous coating has a thickness comprised in the range of 1 to 30 μm.7. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings according to claim 6 , characterized in that the porous coating has a thickness comprised in the range of 8 to 15 μm.87. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings according to one of - claims 1 , characterized in that it comprises the following steps:impregnating the central hole of the matrix with a chemical pore filling product;electroplating process; andremoving the chemical pore filling product.9. Process for manufacturing sintered sliding bearings according to claim 8 , characterized in that the chemical pore filling product is a polymer resin.109. Process for manufacturing ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323528A1
Автор: Distler Bernd, Ernst Peter

The invention relates to a bearing part as well as to a spray method for manufacturing a layer system on a bearing part, in particular a connecting rod eye of a connecting rod for a reciprocating piston combustion engine, with a layer system containing at least tin being provided on a surface of the bearing part. In accordance with the invention, an outer, thermally sprayed top layer of the layer system is composed only of tin with the exception of contaminants. 1. A bearing part , in particular a connecting rod eye for a connecting rod for a reciprocating piston combustion engine , wherein a layer system containing at least tin is provided at a surface of the bearing part , characterized in that an outer , thermally sprayed top layer of the layer system is composed only of tin except for contaminants.2. A bearing part in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the top layer is sprayed directly onto the surface of the workpiece.3. A bearing part in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an intermediate layer is provided between the surface of the substrate and the top layer.4. A bearing part in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the intermediate layer is a zinc-free thermal spray layer which has the following composition claim 3 , except for unavoidable contaminants:tin=5% to 30% by weight;aluminum=0.1% to 5% by weight;iron=at most 1% by weight;copper=difference to 100% by weight.5. A bearing part in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the intermediate layer contains between 15% and 25% by weight tin claim 4 , preferably 20% by weight tin.6. A bearing part in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the intermediate layer contains between 0.5% and 2% by weight aluminum claim 4 , preferably 1% by weight aluminum.7. A bearing part in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the intermediate layer contains at most 0.5% by weight iron claim 4 , preferably at most 0.2% by weight iron.8. A bearing part in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the intermediate layer has a porosity of 0.5% to 5% by volume ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099050A1

This disclosure relates to bushings produced with adapted dovetails for production on a carrying web of a progressive stamping machine at a plurality of stations. The bushing includes a regular shape male dovetail inserted into an irregular shape crenellated female opening at the conclusion of a plurality of operations at stations on a progressive stamping machine. Once the bushing is bent in shape, in a subsequent step, the regular shape male dovetail is punched to lock in place into the irregular shape crenellated female opening. 1. A method for producing bushings using the progressive die stamping technology , the method comprising the steps of:punching alignment guides on both lateral edges of a carrying web having an external side;punching a mating opening with top and bottom ends adjacent to both lateral edges, and a front end with at least a regular shaped dovetail and a back end with a mating irregular shaped opening, the front end and the back end between the top and bottom ends on both sides of the mating opening;punching a longitudinal slit across the top and bottom ends of the mating opening to allow for the back end and the front end to be curved away from the carrying web at a subsequent step;curving the carrying web between two adjacent mating openings along the carrying web to form a bushing in at least two successive steps until the regular shaped dovetail created in a first mating opening mates with the irregular shaped openings of the back end of a second mating opening to form the bushing; andcutting tabs along both lateral edges between two successive longitudinal slits to remove the bushing from the carrying web.2. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of punching the regular shaped dovetail in the irregular shaped openings to lock the dovetail to the opening before the step of cutting tabs.3. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of punching the regular shaped dovetail in the irregular shaped openings to lock the ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001446A1
Принадлежит: Diamet Corporation

A sintered component forming step is for forming a sintered component by powder molding. An insert forming step is for forming a sintered insert component in which an exterior component is integrated on an outer peripheral portion of the sintered component. One or more grooves or ridges are formed on an outer peripheral portion of a region except for one end portion of the sintered component in the sintered component forming step. The insert forming step includes a step for bringing the outer peripheral portion of the end portion into contact with an inner peripheral surface of an insert forming mold along a circumferential direction and covering the one or more grooves or ridges by the insert forming mold with an interval to form a cavity on an outer peripheral portion of the sintered component and a step for filling a melted material in the cavity. 1. A manufacturing method of an insert bearing comprising:a step of forming a sintered bearing by powder molding and a step of forming an insert bearing in which an exterior component is integrated with an outer circumference of the sintered bearing; wherein a large diameter portion having an outer diameter is formed on the outer peripheral portion of the sintered bearing, and the large diameter portion is larger than both end portions, and', 'one or more grooves or ridges extending along an axis direction are formed on an outer peripheral surface of the large diameter portion; and, 'in the step of forming the sintered bearing,'} 'a mold assembling step forming a cavity on the outer peripheral portion of the sintered bearing by bringing an outer peripheral surface of a tip end portion of both of the end portions of the sintered bearing into contact with an inner peripheral surface of an insert molding mold along a circumference direction and covering around the base end portion of each end portion and the large diameter portion while leaving a space; and', 'the step of forming the insert comprisesa filling step for ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Slide bearing, in particular for a gearbox of a wind turbine

Номер: US20220003218A1
Принадлежит: Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH

A sliding bearing for a gearbox of a wind turbine, having a support body and a sliding layer which is applied on the support body, and on which a sliding surface is formed, wherein a lubricant distribution groove extending in an axial direction of the sliding surface is formed on the sliding surface. The support body is formed as a bush rolled from a support body strip, wherein a first longitudinal end and a second longitudinal end of the support body strip are connected to one another in a materially bonded manner, in particular by a welding connection, at a joint, wherein the joint is formed in the region of the lubricant distribution groove.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003172A1
Автор: AOKI Maki
Принадлежит: TAIHO KOGYO CO.,LTD.

The sliding member includes an aluminum alloy layer containing 7.0% by mass or more and 13.0% by mass or less of Sn, 6.5% by mass or more and 12.0% by mass or less of Si, 0.5% by mass or more and 3.0% by mass or less of Cu, unavoidable impurities, and a balance Al. Si particles are dispersed in the aluminum alloy layer. A Vickers hardness of a matrix of the aluminum alloy layer is 40 HV or more and 60 HV or less. A load resistance value, which is a product of a volume concentration and average area of the Si particles and the Vickers hardness of the matrix, is 0.00001 N or more and 0.00029 N or less. 1Si particles are dispersed in the aluminum alloy layer,the Vickers hardness of a matrix of the aluminum alloy layer is 40 HV or more and 60 HV or less, anda load resistance value, which is a product of a volume concentration and average area of the Si particles and the Vickers hardness of the matrix, is 0.00001 N or more and 0.00029 N or less.. A sliding member comprising an aluminum alloy layer containing 7.0% by mass or more and 13.0% by mass or less of Sn, 6.5% by mass or more and 12.0% by mass or less of Si, 0.5% by mass or more and 3.0% by mass or less of Cu, unavoidable impurities, and a balance Al, wherein The present invention relates to a sliding member provided with an aluminum alloy layer.In sliding bearings of engines for automobiles and industrial machines, aluminum alloys based on Al-Sn-Si ternary alloys are widely used as bearing alloys. Generally, in aluminum-based bearing alloys, Sn is added to provide conformability, and Si is added to provide wear resistance. In the Al-Sn-Si ternary alloys, precipitates of Si (hereinafter referred to as “Si particles”) are formed, and the characteristics of the bearing alloys are influenced by the size of the Si particles. Therefore, the optimization of the particle diameter of the Si particles is attempted as in Patent Literature 1.Patent Literature 1: JP 3472284 BHowever, when the matrix is soft even though the Al- ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009811A1
Автор: GAERTNER Walter
Принадлежит: Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH

The invention relates to a method for producing a bi-material sliding bearing () whereby a metal sliding layer () of at least two different particle types is deposited under reduced pressure from the gas phase on a flat, metal substrate (), and a first particle type forms a matrix with first grains and the second particle type forms grains embedded in the matrix of the metal sliding layer (), and the metal sliding layer () is produced with a thickness () of more than 250 μm and with a Vickers hardness below 100 HV(0.025), and the metal sliding layer () is made of a single layer in only one pass and with a maximum grain size of at most 1 μm for at least 90% of the first grains forming the matrix and with a maximum grain size for at least 90% of the embedded grains, and a maximum particle size of at most 1.5 μm for the remaining grains making up 100% of all grains. 1138212338343. Method for producing a bi-material sliding bearing () whereby a metal sliding layer () of at least two different particle types is deposited from the gas phase under reduced pressure on a flat , metal substrate () constituting the supporting layer () of the sliding bearing , the particle types being produced by means of at least one electron beam by evaporation from at least one container () constituting an evaporation source , and a first particle type forms a matrix with first grains and the second particle type forms grains embedded in the matrix of the metal sliding layer () , and whereby , after depositing the metal sliding layer () , the coated substrate () is re-shaped to obtain the sliding bearing , the metal sliding layer () being produced with a thickness () of more than 250 μm and with a Vickers hardness below 100 HV(0.025) , wherein the metal sliding layer () is made of a single layer in only one pass and with a maximum grain size of at most 1 μm for at least 90% of the first grains forming the matrix and for at Ieast 90% of the etbedded grains , and a maximum grain size of at ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010462A1
Принадлежит: Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH

The invention relates to a wind turbine gearbox (), in particular planetary gearbox, having at least one gear () which is mounted on an axle (), wherein a sliding surface () is arranged between the gear () and the axle (). The sliding surface () is arranged on at least one layer () of a clad material made from a sliding bearing material. Furthermore, the invention relates to a method for producing the wind turbine gearbox (). 171419261419192426253334. A wind turbine gearbox () , in particular planetary gearbox , having at least one gear () which is mounted on an axle () , wherein a sliding surface () is arranged between the gear () and the axle () or between the axle () and an axle holder () , wherein the sliding surface () is arranged on at least one layer ( , , ) of a clad material made of a sliding bearing material.22533342919. The wind turbine gearbox according to claim 1 , wherein the layer ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of the clad material is applied directly to an outer shell surface () of the axle ().335192533343635. The wind turbine gearbox according to claim 2 , wherein an offset () is arranged on the axle () and the layer ( claim 2 , claim 2 , ) of the clad material is applied directly to the end face () of the offset ().4253334272814. The wind turbine gearbox according to claim 1 , wherein the layer ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of the clad material is applied directly to an inner shell surface () of a bore () of the gear ().52533343714. The wind turbine gearbox according to claim 4 , wherein the layer ( claim 4 , claim 4 , ) of the clad material is applied directly to the end face () of the gear ().638141925333438. The wind turbine gearbox according to claim 1 , wherein a sliding bearing bush () is arranged between the gear () and the axle () claim 1 , wherein the layer ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of the clad material is applied directly to the sliding bearing bush ().7253334404138382814. The wind turbine gearbox according to claim 6 , wherein the layer ( claim 6 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034364A1

A method for producing a sliding element, providing a first band-shaped or strip-shaped metallic material of a thickness, wherein the first material has apertures which extend over the entire thickness of the first material, providing a second band-shaped or strip-shaped metallic material of a thickness, areally connecting the first band-shaped or strip-shaped material to the second band-shaped or strip-shaped material by laser roll cladding such that a band-shaped or strip-shaped composite material is formed, which has a longitudinal direction X and a transverse direction, and has a thickness oriented perpendicularly with respect to the longitudinal and transverse directions. The method further includes bending the composite material about an axis oriented parallel to the transverse direction of the composite material, such that a sliding element is formed which has cutouts on its running surface that are formed at least partially from the apertures of the first material. 1. A method for producing a sliding element , comprising the following steps of:a) providing a first band-shaped or strip-shaped metallic material of a thickness, wherein the first material has apertures which extend over the entire thickness of the first material,b) providing a second band-shaped or strip-shaped metallic material of a thickness,c) areally connecting the first band-shaped or strip-shaped material to the second band-shaped or strip-shaped material by laser roll cladding, such that a band-shaped or strip-shaped composite material is formed, which has a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction, and has a thickness oriented perpendicularly with respect to the longitudinal and transverse directions,d) bending the composite material about an axis, which is oriented parallel to the transverse direction of the composite material, such that a sliding element is formed which has cutouts on its running surface that are formed at least partially from the apertures of the first ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Sintered sliding member having exceptional corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and wear resistance; and method for producing said member

Номер: US20190022758A1
Принадлежит: Diamet Corp

A sintered sliding material with excellent corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and wear resistance is provided. The sintered sliding material has a composition made of: 36-86 mass % of Ni; 1-11 mass % of Sn; 0.05-1.0 mass % of P; 1-9 mass % of C; and the Cu balance including inevitable impurities. The sintered sliding material is made of a sintered material of a plurality of grains of alloy of Ni—Cu alloy or Cu—Ni alloy, the Ni—Cu alloy and the Cu—Ni alloy containing Sn, P, C, and Si; has a structure in which pores are dispersedly formed in grain boundaries of the plurality of the grains of alloy; and as inevitable impurities in a matrix constituted from the grains of alloy, a C content is 0.6 mass % or less and a Si content is 0.15 mass % or less.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for Producing a Rotor Unit

Номер: US20200031032A1

The invention pertains to a method for producing a rotor unit or a bearing unit, wherein the rotor unit or bearing unit is respectively realized with a rotor or a bearing housing and a plain bearing bush ( 20 ) for the rotatable arrangement of the rotor on a spindle, wherein the plain bearing bush is placed into a mould ( 21 ), wherein the rotor or the bearing housing is respectively produced by attaching a polymeric material to the plain bearing bush in the mould by means of a transfer moulding process or injection moulding process, wherein the plain bearing bush is composed of a first bush section ( 25 ) and a second bush section ( 26 ) that is connected to the first bush section, wherein the bush sections are placed into the mould, and wherein the polymeric material is attached to the bush sections.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049741A1

The device disclosed herein allows a user to maintain the outboard stabilator of a Blackhawk helicopter. The device, which comprises a kit, allows a user to remove damaged outdoor stabilator bushings from a Blackhawk. Upon removal, the device enables a user to install new outdoor stabilator bushings. Additionally, the device allows a user to ream the newly installed outdoor stabilator bushings so that the outboard stabilator may be reinstalled upon the Blackhawk and safely flown. 1. A device for reaming a helicopter stabilator lug bushing comprising:a reamer, and wherein the reaming block assembly comprises an outer block, an inner block, and a reamer guide block:', 'wherein the outer block is positioned onto an outer surface of a helicopter stabilator lug, wherein the outer block includes:', the outer block middle pin channel, wherein the outer block middle pin channel is formed to accept a bolt, wherein the outer block middle pin channel is positioned at a point that is one-half the length of the outer block,', 'two outer block pin channels, wherein each of the two outer block pin channels is formed to accept a guide pin, wherein each of the two outer block pin channels is positioned from the other outer block pin channel at a point that is equidistance from the outer block middle pin channel,', 'two outer block bolt channels, wherein each of the two outer block bolt channels is positioned from the other outer block bolt channel at a point that is equidistance from the middle pin channel, wherein each of the two outer block bolt channels is formed to accept a bolt, wherein each of the two outer block bolt channels is positioned below one of the two outer block pin channels,', 'at least two reaming guide block coupling channels, wherein the at least two reaming guide block coupling channels allows a user to couple the reamer guide block to the outer block,, 'two bushing openings, wherein each of the two bushing openings is positioned an equidistance from an outer ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037899A1
Автор: Wada Hitoshi
Принадлежит: TAIHO KOGYO CO., LTD.

A sliding member includes a base layer that includes soft particles made of a soft material deposited in a matrix and a soft layer made of a soft material. The soft material is softer than the matrix, the soft layer is formed on a surface of the base layer, and an average epitaxial index of the soft particles at the boundary portion of the sliding member is equal to or greater than 70% and less than or equal to 100%. The epitaxial index of a soft particle at the boundary portion is a ratio of: a portion of a length between a first endpoint and a second endpoint of a soft particle where an edge of the boundary portion is not visible within an area less than 1 μm from the length between the first endpoint and the second endpoint, to the length between the first endpoint and the second endpoint. 1. A sliding member , comprising:a base layer comprising soft particles made of a soft material deposited in a matrix; anda soft layer made of a soft material,wherein the soft material is softer than the matrix,wherein the soft layer is formed on a surface of the base layer,wherein an average epitaxial index of the sliding member is equal to or greater than 70% and less than or equal to 100%,wherein the average epitaxial index of the sliding member is an average of all of an epitaxial index of the soft particles at the boundary portion, and a portion of a length between a first endpoint of a soft particle and a second endpoint of the soft particle where an edge of the boundary portion is not visible within an area not farther than 1 μm from the length between the first endpoint and the second endpoint, to', 'the length between the first endpoint and the second endpoint., 'wherein the epitaxial index of the soft particles at the boundary portion is a ratio of2. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein the soft layer comprise an epitaxial growth portion that comprises epitaxially grown soft particles.3. The sliding member according to claim 2 , wherein the matrix is made ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040907A1

A method of electrodynamically finishing a plain bearing includes electrically separating a bearing housing from a journal shaft with a lubricant disposed on a bearing surface of the bearing housing. The bearing housing or the bearing housing is rotated relative to the other and a voltage differential applied across the bearing housing and the journal shaft. One or more asperities disposed on the bearing surface are eroded with electric discharge events between the journal shaft and the bearing housing. Electrodynamically finished bearing assemblies and reaction/momentum wheel arrangements having such bearing assemblies are also described. 1. A method of electrodynamically finishing a plain bearing assembly , comprising:electrically separating a bearing housing from a journal shaft with a lubricant disposed on a bearing surface of the bearing housing;rotating one of the bearing housing and the journal shaft relative to the other of the bearing housing and the journal shaft;applying a voltage differential across the bearing housing and the journal shaft; anderoding an asperity disposed on the bearing surface with an electric discharge event across a gap between the bearing housing and the journal shaft.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising mechanically matching the journal shaft with the bearing housing prior to electrically separating the bearing housing and member.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising communicating a mechanical load between the bearing housing and journal shaft through a lubricant film disposed in the gap.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising reducing minimum mechanical separation between the bearing housing and the journal shaft.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising rotating or sliding the journal shaft.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising rotating the bearing housing.7. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising smoothing the bearing surface ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047201A1

A fabrication method is provided for use in making a component. The fabrication method may include generating a laser beam at a first orientation relative to a wear surface of the component to produce a first laser beam spot having a first characteristic, and feeding a cladding material into the first laser beam spot to produce a cladding layer on the wear surface. The fabrication method may also include generating a laser beam at a second orientation relative to the wear surface of the component to produce a second laser beam spot having a second characteristic, and moving the second laser beam spot along the cladding layer to substantially flatten the cladding layer. 1. A method of fabricating a component , comprising:generating a laser beam at a first orientation relative to a. wear surface of the component to produce a. first laser beam spot having a first characteristic;feeding a cladding material into the first laser beam spot to produce a cladding layer on the wear surface;generating a laser beam at a second orientation relative to the wear surface of the component to produce a second laser beam spot having a second characteristic; andmoving the second laser beam spot along the cladding layer to substantially flatten the cladding layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and second orientations are angles of a laser beam produced by the laser relative to a center axis of the component.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first and second orientations are produced by changing a physical orientation of a laser.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first and second orientations are produced by directing the laser beam through optics that split and redirection portions of the laser beam.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein;the first orientation is an angle of about 0-12°; andthe second orientation is angle of about 20-30°.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first characteristic is a generally circular or square shape; andthe second characteristic is ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Sliding member

Номер: US20210048106A1
Принадлежит: Eagle Industry Co Ltd

In a pair of sliding components having respective sliding faces (S) which slide relative to each other, at least one of the sliding faces (S) is provided with a plurality of dimples ( 10 ), and the dimples ( 10 ) include a concave part ( 15 ), and a peripheral edge part ( 11 ) which is located at the outer peripheral part of the concave part ( 15 ) and is shallower than the concave part ( 15 ). Accordingly, the performance of the plurality of dimples formed on the sliding face can be sufficiently exploited, thereby improving their lubrication performance and sealing performance.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045241A1
Автор: Seki Daisuke, Takagi Yuji

It is possible to provide a sliding bearing that can obtain a friction reduction effect, and can suppress the total amount of outflow oil. A manufacturing method of the present invention is a method of manufacturing a sliding bearing () in which half members () are arranged in a vertical arrangement, the half members () being obtained by dividing a cylinder into two parts along a line parallel with the axial direction and having a metal layer () and a lining layer () provided on the inner circumferential surface of the metal layer (), the manufacturing method comprising: a groove configuration step (S) (first step) of providing a groove () in an axial end portion of the half member () on the lower side, the groove () extending in the circumferential direction on a downstream side in a rotation direction, wherein in the groove configuration step (S), the depth (d) of the groove () is set smaller than the result of subtracting the sum of the tolerance (a) of the thickness of the lining layer () and the tolerance (a) of the depth of the groove () from the thickness (h) of the lining layer (). 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. A sliding bearing comprising:a metal layer having a half-cylindrical shape;a lining layer formed on an inner surface of the metal layer, the lining layer having a sliding surface that slides on a shaft;a groove formed on the lining layer, the groove extending towards a circumferential direction of the shaft, the groove being formed at a part of a downstream side in a rotation direction, whereina depth of the groove is smaller than a thickness of the lining layer.5. A sliding bearing according to claim 4 , whereinthe lining layer has only two grooves.6. A sliding bearing according to claim 5 , whereinan outside wall in an axial direction, of the groove is lower than an inside wall of the groove.7. A method for manufacturing a half bearing having a metal layer and a lining layer formed on an inner surface of the metal layer claim 5 , the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Sliding Member

Номер: US20150049966A1
Принадлежит: Senju Metaal Industry Co., Ltd.

To provide a sliding member which has hardness that is suitable for the circumstance, to which heavy load is applied, and which is excellent in abrasion resistance property. 1. A sliding member comprising:a sliding layer for slidably supporting a body to be slid, shot blasting having been performed on a surface of the sliding layer; anda sliding surface formed on a surface of the sliding layer, the sliding surface having an uneven configuration with arithmetic mean roughness (Ra) of 1.0 μm through 2.5 μm, 10-point average roughness (Rz) of 5.0 μm through 10.0 μm, and surface hardness (Hv) of 220 through 250.2. The sliding member according to wherein the shot blasting has been performed using blasting material composed of steel-based metallic material at a blasting distance of not less than 50 mm and not more than 150 mm for a period of blasting time of not less than 5 seconds and not more than 30 seconds claim 1 , the blasting material having a spherical shape with a particle size of 180 μm through 300 μm and surface hardness (Hv) of 280 through 600.3. The sliding member according to wherein the sliding layer is composed of copper alloy having the a surface hardness (Hv) of 80 through 150 before the shot blasting was performed.4. The sliding member according to wherein the sliding layer is composed of copper alloy having a surface hardness (Hv) of 80 through 150 before the shot blasting was performed. The present invention relates to a sliding member that slidably supports a body to be slid.In general, it is desirable that a sliding surface is a smooth surface in order to reduce friction in the sliding surface. When, however, the sliding surface becomes the smooth surface, frictional resistance is limited to a low one. On the other hand, heat occurs in some degree at the sliding surface so that there is a risk of a generation of adhesion by so-called seizing. Accordingly, the sliding surface is required to have any suitable surface roughness.In past, a shot blasting ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150055909A1
Автор: LOKE David Weng Seng

A method of refurbishing a bearing is disclosed. The method includes providing a bearing having a tube structure and inner and outer surfaces. The bearing is mounted onto a mounting unit and a cladding head of a laser cladding unit is positioned within a bore of the bearing. The cladding head forms laser cladding layers disposed on the inner surface of the bearing. The cladding layers increase a thickness of the bearing and reduce an internal diameter of the bearing. 1. A method of cladding a bearing comprising:providing a bearing having a tube structure, the bearing comprises inner and outer surfaces;mounting the bearing onto a mounting unit;positioning a cladding head of a laser cladding unit within a bore of the bearing, wherein the cladding head comprises a source end and a head end; andforming laser cladding layers disposed on the inner surface of the bearing, wherein the cladding layers increase a thickness of the bearing and reduce an internal diameter of the bearing.2. The method of wherein the head end comprises a cladding nozzle and a powder nozzle.3. The method of wherein the head end is in communication with the source end through a cladding shaft.4. The method of wherein the cladding and powder nozzle is positioned over the inner surface of the bearing.5. The method of wherein the cladding nozzle disposes a beam spot onto a cladding surface and the powder nozzle disposes a cladding material onto the cladding surface.6. The method of wherein the source end comprises a laser source claim 1 , a source feeder and an optical system.7. The method of wherein the laser source delivers a laser through a fiber cable to the optical system.8. The method of wherein the optical system comprises collimating and focusing lens.9. The method of wherein the bearing comprises copper-tin alloy.10. The method of wherein the material of the cladding layers is similar to the base bearing.11. The method of wherein the material of the cladding layers is different to the base ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Sliding component and method for producing the same

Номер: US20180051693A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

A sliding component and its producing method are provided. The sliding component includes a base section made of steel or cast iron, and a sliding section having a sliding surface, made of copper alloy including hard particles, and joined to the base section. The hard particles in the sliding section are arranged such that those in a region including an outer periphery of the interface with the base section have their longitudinal directions coinciding with the directions along the outer periphery as compared to those in an inner peripheral side. This improves the durability of the sliding section in its region including the outer periphery of the interface with the base section.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051747A1

Provided is a sintered bearing formed mainly of an iron structure () and a copper structure () which are formed of a partially diffusion-alloyed powder () of an iron powder () and a copper powder (). The sintered bearing includes a copper structure () formed of a granular elemental copper powder (′) having a grain diameter of 45 μm or less, the ratio of the copper structure () being 10 mass % or less. With this, a further increase in strength of the sintered bearing can be realized. 1. A sintered bearing , which is formed mainly of an iron structure and a copper structure which are formed of partially diffusion-alloyed powder of iron powder and copper powder ,the sintered bearing comprising a copper structure formed of granular elemental copper powder having a grain diameter of 45 μm or less, a ratio of the copper structure formed of the elemental copper powder being 10 mass % or less.2. The sintered bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the partially diffusion-alloyed powder contains 30 mass % or more of powder having a grain diameter of more than 106 μm.3. The sintered bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the sintered bearing has a density of 7.0 g/cmor more.4. The sintered bearing according to claim 1 , further comprising 2 mass % to 3 mass % of a low-melting point substance having a melting point lower than that of copper.5. The sintered bearing according to claim 1 , further comprising a surface layer formed mainly of flat copper powder arranged substantially parallel to a surface of the sintered bearing.6. The sintered bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the partially diffusion-alloyed powder has a grain diameter equal to or less than ½ of a minimum thickness of the sintered bearing.7. The sintered bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the sintered bearing is used for a vibration motor.8. A method of manufacturing a sintered bearing claim 1 , comprising the steps of:classifying partially diffusion-alloyed powder of iron powder and copper powder by ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055984A1
Принадлежит: Diamet Corporation

This sintered sliding material has a composition including, by mass %, 10% to 35% of Ni, 5% to 12% of Sn, 0% to 0.9% of P, and 4.1% to 9% of C, with a remainder of Cu and inevitable impurities, wherein the sintered sliding material includes a sintered body of a plurality of Cu—Ni alloy grains containing Sn and C, the sintered sliding material has a structure in which pores are dispersedly formed in grain boundaries of the plurality of alloy grains and free graphite is distributed in the pores, and an amount of C in a metal matrix including the alloy grains is, by mass %, 0% to 0.07%. 1. A sintered sliding material exhibiting excellent corrosion resistance , heat resistance , and wear resistance , comprising , by mass %:10% to 35% of Ni;5% to 12% of Sn;0% to 0.9% of P;4.1% to 9% of C; anda remainder of Cu and inevitable impurities, whereinthe sintered sliding material includes a sintered body of a plurality of Cu—Ni alloy grains containing Sn and C,the sintered sliding material has a structure in which pores are dispersedly formed in grain boundaries of the plurality of alloy grains and free graphite is distributed in the pores, andan amount of C in a metal matrix including the alloy grains is, by mass %, 0% to 0.07%.2. The sintered sliding material exhibiting excellent corrosion resistance claim 1 , heat resistance claim 1 , and wear resistance according to claim 1 ,wherein a porosity of the sintered body is 8% to 21%.3. The sintered sliding material exhibiting excellent corrosion resistance claim 1 , heat resistance claim 1 , and wear resistance according to claim 1 ,wherein a Sn-rich alloy layer is formed in at least a part of an outer circumferential portion of the sintered body and in at least a part of the pores of the sintered body.4. A method for producing a sintered sliding material exhibiting excellent corrosion resistance claim 1 , heat resistance claim 1 , and wear resistance claim 1 , which is a method for producing the sintered sliding material ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058502A1

Sliding characteristics are improved in a wide range of bearing characteristic numbers on a sliding face, and a predetermined dynamic pressure is generated by dimples processed accurately. In a sliding component including a plurality of dimples disposed on at least one of sliding faces S of a pair of sliding parts and relatively sliding on each other, the plurality of dimples is provided mutually independently of the other dimples and disposed in a randomly distributed manner, each of the dimples is formed by irradiation with an ultrashort pulse laser, constituting a shallow groove with a depth in a range of 0.05 μm to 5 μm, and the dimples have a bottom surface whose roughness Ra is 1/10 or less of a processing depth. 1. A sliding component comprising:a plurality of dimples disposed on at least one of sliding faces of a pair of sliding parts relatively sliding on each other, the plurality of dimples being provided mutually independently of the other dimples and disposed in a randomly distributed manner, each of the dimples being formed by irradiation with an ultrashort pulse laser, constituting a shallow groove with a depth in a range of 0.05 μm to 5 μm, the dimples having a bottom surface whose roughness Ra is 1/10 or less of a processing depth.2. The sliding component according to claim 1 , wherein a protuberance formed by debris at an edge of a processed portion is less than 0.01 μm.3. The sliding component according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of dimples has an opening diameter set in a range of 10 to 500 μm.4. The sliding component according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of dimples has a depth set in a range of 50 to 10000 nm.5. The sliding component according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of dimples has a depth set in a range of 50 to 1000 nm.6. The sliding component according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of dimples has an area ratio to the sliding face set in a range of 30 to 50%.7. The sliding component according to claim 1 , wherein ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Sintered bearing and manufacturing method for same

Номер: US20150064045A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

Provided is a sintered bearing ( 1 ), including 3 to 12% by mass of aluminum, 0.05 to 0.5% by mass of phosphorus, and the balance including copper as a main component, and inevitable impurities, the sintered bearing ( 1 ) having a structure in which an aluminum-copper alloy is sintered with a sintering aid added to raw material powder, a pore (db, do) in a surface layer portion of the sintered bearing ( 1 ) being formed smaller than an internal pore (di).

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069386A1

A hydrostatic profiled rail guide, having a guide carriage () which is arranged on a guide rail () so as to be longitudinally slidable and is hydrostatically mounted on said guide rail, wherein the guide carriage has pressure pockets and pocket surfaces arranged around the pressure pockets, and wherein the guide rail on the faces thereof facing towards the pressure pockets has rail running surfaces () for hydrostatic mounting of the guide carriage on the guide rail, wherein the pocket surfaces formed on the guide carriage have a first coating formed of a Cu/Sn alloy. 1. A hydrostatic profiled rail guide comprising a hydrostatically supported guide carriage arranged to slide longitudinally on a guide rail , the guide carriage includes pressure pockets and pocket surfaces arranged around the pressure pockets , and rail running surfaces are located on sides of the guide rail that face the pressure pockets for hydrostatic support of the guide carriage on the guide rail , and the pocket surfaces formed on the guide carriage are provided with a first coating formed of a Cu/Sn alloy.2. The hydrostatic profiled rail guide according to claim 1 , wherein whose Cu/Sn alloy is made from Cu with 12 to 14 weight percent Sn.3. The hydrostatic profiled rail guide according to claim 1 , wherein the guide carriage has a supporting body formed from steel with the pocket surfaces formed on the supporting body claim 1 , the first coating is deposited on a second coating made from Cu that is deposited on the steel of the supporting body.4. The hydrostatic profiled rail guide according to claim 3 , wherein the first coating and the second coating together have a layer thickness from 14 μm up to and including 16 μm.5. The hydrostatic profiled rail guide according to claim 1 , wherein the first coating is deposited galvanically.6. The hydrostatic profiled rail guide according to claim 3 , wherein the second coating is deposited galvanically.7. A method for producing a hydrostatic profiled ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Sintered bearing, fluid dynamic bearing device and motor comprising same, and sintered bearing manufacturing method

Номер: US20170067506A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

Provided is a sintered bearing ( 8 ) having a plurality of axial grooves ( 8 c 1 ) equiangularly arranged in an outer peripheral surface ( 8 c ) thereof and a plurality of dynamic pressure generating grooves ( 8 a 11 ) equiangularly arranged in an inner peripheral surface ( 8 a ) thereof, in which a number of the plurality of axial grooves ( 8 c 1 ) is an integral multiple of a number of the plurality of dynamic pressure generating grooves ( 8 a 11 ) on the same circumference.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140147199A1
Принадлежит: NHK SPRING CO., LTD.

A tolerance ring that has a ring shape approximately circling along a predetermined direction includes a plurality of projections, wherein the curvature radiuses of end portions in a circling direction are smaller than the curvature radius of a portion other than the end portions in the circling direction. 1. A tolerance ring that has a ring shape approximately circling along a predetermined direction , the tolerance ring comprising:a plurality of projections, whereincurvature radiuses of end portions in a circling direction are smaller than a curvature radius of a portion other than the end portions in the circling direction.2. The tolerance ring according to claim 1 , wherein the curvature radiuses are continuously reduced in directions from the portion other than the end portions to the end portions.3. The tolerance ring according to claim 1 , whereinthe projections are arranged along the circling direction, andnumber of projections arranged in each row of the projections arranged along the circling direction is an even number.4. The tolerance ring according to claim 3 , wherein the number of projections arranged in each row is a multiple of three.5. A method of manufacturing a tolerance ring that is disposed between members serving as insertion targets and makes fastening between the members claim 3 , the method comprising the steps of:forming a base material by shaping an outer shape of the tolerance ring coupled, through a runner, to a mother material that has a belt-like shape and is sequentially transferred;forming a projection on the base material formed at the step of forming the base material;curving the base material in a stepwise manner such that curvature radiuses of end portions in a circling direction of the base material on which the projection is formed are smaller than a curvature radius of a portion other than the end portions; andtrimming the tolerance ring by cutting off the base material curved at the step of curving from the runner.6. The ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078617A1
Автор: Harada Kazuyoshi

The fluid dynamic bearing including: a pair of bearing surfaces ( and ) having dynamic pressure generating grooves (G and G) on an inner peripheral surface (); a pair of first smooth surfaces ( and ) formed between both the bearing surfaces ( and ) so as to be adjacent to the respective bearing surfaces ( and ); and a relief portion (), which is formed between both the first smooth surfaces ( and ), and has a diameter larger than those of the pair of bearing surfaces ( and ). 1. A fluid dynamic bearing , comprising: a pair of bearing surfaces, which are formed in two regions separated from each other in an axial direction, and have dynamic pressure generating grooves;', 'a pair of first smooth surfaces formed between the pair of bearing surfaces so as to be adjacent to the respective bearing surfaces; and', 'a relief portion formed between the pair of first smooth surfaces, and has a diameter larger than a diameter of the pair of bearing surfaces; and, 'an inner peripheral surface comprisingan outer peripheral surface having pressure marks formed in entire axial regions covering the pair of bearing surfaces and the pair of first smooth surfaces.2. The fluid dynamic bearing according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first smooth surfaces has a diameter gradually increased toward the relief portion side.3. The fluid dynamic bearing according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first smooth surfaces is formed so as to be continuous with the dynamic pressure generating grooves of each of the bearing surfaces adjacent to the each of the first smooth surfaces.4. The fluid dynamic bearing according to claim 1 , further comprising a pair of second smooth surfaces formed on outer sides of the pair of bearing surfaces in the axial direction so as to be adjacent to the respective bearing surfaces.5. The fluid dynamic bearing according to claim 4 , wherein each of the second smooth surfaces is formed so as to be continuous with the dynamic pressure generating grooves of each of ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Bearing Structural Member, Support, Joint Assembly and Tube Section Assembly

Номер: US20190078618A1

The present application discloses a bearing structural member, a support, a joint assembly and a tube section assembly, wherein the maximum counter force provided by the bearing structural member under an external load is an own designed threshold value, namely when the external load is greater than the designed threshold value of the bearing structural member, the bearing structural member deforms, and provides a counter force equal to the designed threshold value; the support includes at least one bearing structural member; and the joint assembly and the tube section assembly are both equipped with the support. When the external load is not high and is less than the designed threshold value, the bearing structural member may effectively suppress the deformation just like a rigid structural member; when the external load exceeds the designed threshold value, the bearing structural member may deform, and provide a stable counter supporting force less than the external load. The bearing structural member may be applied to the support, the joint assembly and the tube section assembly, plays a role in protecting the structures or key structural components, and may be widely applied to the fields of design of bridges, design of building structures, design of tunnels and the like. 1. A design method of a bearing structural member , wherein under the action of an external load , a maximum counter force provided by the bearing structural member is an own designed threshold value , and when the external load is greater than the designed threshold value of the bearing structural member , the bearing structural member deforms , and provides a counter force equal to the designed threshold value.2. The design method of the bearing structural member according to claim 1 , wherein when the external load is less than or equal to the designed threshold value of the bearing structural member claim 1 , the counter force is not greater than the external load.3. The design method of ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088077A1

The invention relates to a method for producing components of a tilting-pad bearing (), wherein: the tilting-pad bearing () has an outer ring () and multiple tilting pads () preferably arranged at regular angular intervals about a longitudinal axis () of the outer ring (); the tilting pads () are pivotably mounted with an outer surface () about a pitch line () on an inner surface () of the outer ring (); and a blank () in the form a cylinder portion () having a constant wall thickness is used to produce the tilting pads () from a tilting pad ring () or to produce the outer ring (). The invention is characterised in that: a radial force (F) acting in the direction of the longitudinal axis () is applied to the cylinder portion () at multiple clamping points () in the region of its outer periphery (), said radial forces (F) elastically deforming the cylinder portion (); an inner bore () having a round cross-section is subsequently produced on the inner surface () of the elastically deformed cylinder portion (); and subsequently the radial clamping of the cylinder portion () is stopped. 11010101012121818aaaa. A method for producing components of a tilting-pad bearing (; ) , wherein the tilting-pad bearing (; ) has an outer race (; ) and a plurality of tilting pads (; ) ,{'b': 18', '18', '20', '20', '26', '26', '16', '16', '12', '12, 'i': a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a, 'wherein the tilting pads (; ) by way of an external face (; ) are disposed so as to be pivotable about a rolling line (; ) on an internal face (; ) of the outer race (; ),'}{'b': 30', '30', '14', '18', '42', '12, 'i': a', 'a, 'wherein a blank (; ) in the form of a cylindrical portion () having a consistent wall thickness is used for producing the tilting pads () from a tilting-pad race () or the outer race ();'}{'b': 14', '32', '32', '33', '33', '34', '34', '35', '35', '3', '46, 'i': a', 'a', 'a', 'a, 'sub': 'R', 'wherein the cylindrical portion () in the region of the external circumference (; ) thereof at a ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087519A1
Автор: Bischof Kenneth

A thrust bearing, particularly for a turbocharger, having unique configurations on the thrust pad faces, including free-form curvatures or non-linear configurations defined by a geometric equation. The thrust pad faces can be configured by a programmed linear actuator system and cutting tool. 1. A fluid-film thrust bearing for a turbocharger having a housing , a compressor wheel , a turbine wheel and a rotating elongated shaft member , said thrust bearing comprising:a one-piece disc shaped body member having a first substantially planar surface on one side and a second substantially planar surface on the opposite side from said first surface;each of said first and second surfaces oriented to face axially in the longitudinal direction of a turbocharger shaft member;said first surface having a plurality of thrust pad members thereon, each of said thrust pad members having an outer axial oriented surface thereon;each of said axially oriented outer surfaces having a curved profile configuration on at least a portion thereof;said curved profile configurations being defined by a non-linear equation.2. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in further comprising a central opening in said disc member claim 1 , wherein said disc member can be positioned on a shaft member claim 1 , and wherein said thrust pad members have a wedge-shaped configuration.3. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in wherein said pad members are arranged in a circular orientation on said first surface.4. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in further comprising a plurality of fluid channels positioned on said first surface claim 1 , wherein a fluid can be applied to said pad members on said first surface.5. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in further comprising a plurality of thrust pad members on said second surface.6. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in wherein each of said thrust pad members on said second surface has a wedge-shape configuration with an outer ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Bearing bushing and method for manufacturing a bearing bushing

Номер: US20210095716A1
Принадлежит: Umfotec GmbH

A bearing bushing ( 1 ) and to a method for manufacturing a bearing bushing are provided. The bearing bushing includes a wire article ( 2 ) formed from knitted wire mesh or knitted wire fabric ( 6 ) and compressed into a dimensionally stable compressed product ( 3 ). The bearing bushing can be provided for supporting a throttle valve used in high-temperature applications. The wire article ( 2 ) is formed from a stainless steel. Existing voids ( 10 ) of the compressed product ( 3 ) are filled with solder ( 4 ).

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140177989A1
Принадлежит: Federal-Mogul Wiesbaden GmbH

A plain bearing shell includes a slide face of which, in the region of the apex of the plain bearing shell, is convexly curved in the axial direction at least at the edge regions, wherein the curvature is at its most pronounced at the apex of the plain bearing shell and decreases continuously in the circumferential direction of the plain bearing shell toward the two partial surfaces. A method for producing such a plain bearing shell is also provided. 1. A plain bearing shell , having a slide face of which , in the region of apex of the plain bearing shell , the slide face is convexly curved in an axial direction of the bearing shell at least at the edge regions of the slide face; andwherein the convex curvature is most pronounced at the apex of the plain bearing shell and decreases continuously in the circumferential direction of the plain bearing shell toward two partial end surfaces of the bearing shell.2. The plain bearing shell according to claim 1 , wherein the curvature in the circumferential direction continuously tapers off to zero such that no convex profiling is provided at least at the two partial end surfaces.3. The plain bearing shell according to wherein the slide face of the plain bearing shell is convexly curved in the axial direction at the edge regions and is flat therebetween claim 1 , and the transition between the curved region and the flat region is continuous.4. The plain bearing shell according to claim 3 , wherein the curvature radius in the axial direction in the edge regions is constant.5. The plain bearing shell according to claim 3 , wherein the curvature radius in the axial direction in the edge regions changes.6. The plain bearing shell according to wherein the slide face of the plain bearing shell is curved in the axial direction over the entire width claim 1 , the curvature being continuously convex.7. The plain bearing shell according to claim 6 , wherein the curvature radius in the axial direction over the entire width is constant. ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101651A1

A steel track chain component, such as a track bushing, may be formed with a carburized portion, a hardface portion, and a core portion. The core portion may be softer than the carburized portion, which in turn, may be softer than the hardface portion. This configuration of the various portions of the component may allow for relatively high wear resistance of the component, as well as toughness. The core portion may be mostly ferrite crystal structure, while the carburized portion and the hardface portions may include martensitic and/or austenitic crystal structure. The carburized portion may be formed by carburizing the track chain component in a heated and carbon rich environment. The hardface portion may be formed by welding a hardface alloy over at least a portion of the carburized portion. 1. A method of manufacturing a track chain component , comprising:carburizing a rough component of a track chain to form a carburized portion of the track chain component, the rough component formed from a steel having a carbon content less than approximately 0.4% by weight, wherein the steel has a substantially ferrite crystal structure; anddepositing a hardface alloy over at least a part of the carburized portion to form a hardface portion of the track chain component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the steel comprises alloy steel including boron.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the steel comprises a carbon content less than 0.25% by weight.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carburized portion is harder than a core portion of the track chain component and the hardface portion is harder than the core portion.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the carburized portion has a hardness of at least 58 HRC and core portion has a hardness of less than 52 HRC.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein carburizing the rough component further comprises:heating the rough component to at least 900° C. for a predetermined period of time in a carbon environment; andquenching the heated ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Split bearing, assembly, and method of making and using the same

Номер: US20210140473A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Performance Plastics Corp

A bearing including a bearing sidewall including a first circumferential end including an apex region, and a second circumferential end including a nadir region, where the first circumferential end and the second circumferential end are adapted to contact each other to form an interface, where at least one of the apex region or the nadir region includes a void to prevent contact between the apex region of the first circumferential end and the nadir region of the second circumferential end, where the bearing sidewall includes a substrate and a low friction material, and where at least one of the first circumferential end or the second circumferential end comprises an end face that is free of low friction material.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119739A1
Автор: Seki Daisuke, Takagi Yuji

It is possible to provide a sliding bearing that can obtain a friction reduction effect, and can suppress the total amount of outflow oil. A manufacturing method of the present invention is a method of manufacturing a sliding bearing () in which half members () are arranged in a vertical arrangement, the half members () being obtained by dividing a cylinder into two parts along a line parallel with the axial direction and having a metal layer () and a lining layer () provided on the inner circumferential surface of the metal layer (), the manufacturing method comprising: a groove configuration step (S) (first step) of providing a groove () in an axial end portion of the half member () on the lower side, the groove () extending in the circumferential direction on a downstream side in a rotation direction, wherein in the groove configuration step (S), the depth (d) of the groove () is set larger than the result of subtracting the tolerance (al) of the thickness of the lining layer () from the thickness (h) of the lining layer (). 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. A sliding bearing comprising:a metal layer having a half-cylindrical shape;a lining layer formed on an inner surface of the metal layer, the lining layer having a sliding surface that slides on a shaft;a groove formed on the lining layer, the groove extending towards a circumferential direction of the shaft, whereinan upstream side end of the groove is located at a half of downstream side of the sliding surface, anda depth of the groove is greater than a thickness of the lining layer.5. The sliding bearing according to claim 4 , whereinthe groove is formed from a position that is apart from an edge of a mating face toward a center in a circumferential direction of the sliding surface.6. A sliding bearing according to claim 5 , whereinan outside wall in an axial direction, of the groove is lower than an inside wall of the groove.7. A method for manufacturing a sliding bearing claim 5 , the method ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Hydro Dynamic Bearing Device

Номер: US20160131185A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Ltd

A hydro dynamic bearing device comprising an upper half of a main bearing and a lower half of the main bearing, wherein the upper half of the main bearing is lined with a low-strength metal such as a Babbitt metal, wherein a circumferential groove is formed in the lower half of the main bearing, and wherein the low-strength metal of the upper half of the main bearing, which is formed at a region opposed to a downstream side of the circumferential groove formed in the lower half of the main bearing, is partially removed to cause a high-strength bearing base metal to be partially exposed.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128307A1
Автор: UEDA Tatehito

A semicircular tube-shaped bearing has a bearing main body that is formed from a resin, has a semicircular tube shape, and has an inner circumferential surface that slides over an opposing shaft and an outer circumferential surface that comes into contact with a housing. The semicircular tube-shaped bearing may have a structure in which multiple resin layers are laminated in a direction of radiation from the axial center. In this case, the bearing main body has a first layer that includes the outer circumferential surface and a second layer that includes the inner circumferential surface. The first layer is formed from a thermosetting resin. The first layer may include fiber reinforced resin in which fibers are mixed with a thermosetting resin. The second layer is formed from a thermoplastic resin. The second layer may include fiber reinforced resin in which fibers are mixed with a thermoplastic resin. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. An internal combustion engine bearing comprising:a bearing main body that is formed from a resin, has a semicircular tube shape, and has an inner circumferential surface that is to slide over an opposing shaft and an outer circumferential surface that is to come into contact with a housing, wherein a first layer that is formed from a thermosetting resin and includes the outer circumferential surface; and', 'a second layer that is formed from a thermoplastic resin and includes the inner circumferential surface., 'the bearing main body includes'}6. The internal combustion engine bearing according to claim 5 , whereina thickness of the first layer is greater than or equal to 80% of a thickness of the bearing main body.7. The internal combustion engine bearing according to claim 5 , whereinthe bearing main body has an oil passage between the first layer and the second layer.8. A method of manufacturing an internal combustion engine bearing claim 5 , comprising:producing a slurry by stirring a material that contains a ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Bearing Bush for a Rotating Shaft, Bearing Shield, Electric Motor and Method for Manufacturing a Damping Element

Номер: US20220275830A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Various teachings herein may be used to make a bearing bush for a rotating shaft, wherein a wall of the bearing bush has a wall thickness which amounts to less than 10% of the diameter of the bearing bush. In the axial direction, the bearing bush is made from a plurality of layers connected with a material bond. Each layer has a layer thickness between 10 μm and 200 μm and the wall has closed cavities which are filled with a powder.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124096A1

A component for a track-type machine comprises a body, a through-bore extending through the body forming an inner wall, and a bushing located in the through-bore. The bushing comprises a bearing surface, an outer surface engaging the inner wall, a flange extending from the outer surface and extending into the inner wall, and retention features located in the outer surface proximate the flange. The retention features comprise voids in the bushing filled-in by material of the body. Methods of manufacturing a component for a track-type system comprises casting-in-place a bushing with a flange and retention features into the component. 1. A track shoe comprising:a base extending along a transverse direction; [ a first longitudinal wall; and', 'a second longitudinal wall;, 'a body connected to the base, the body comprising, 'a through bore extending from the first longitudinal wall to the second longitudinal wall;', 'a channel positioned in the through bore between the first longitudinal wall and the second longitudinal wall; and', 'a bushing located in the through bore, the bushing including a flange positioned in the channel., 'a first link extending along the base in a longitudinal direction, the first link comprising2. The track shoe of claim 1 , wherein the bushing extends from the first longitudinal wall to the second longitudinal wall.3. The track shoe of claim 1 , wherein the bushing comprises Manganese material.4. The track shoe of claim 1 , wherein the bushing comprises:an outer wall from which the flange extends; andthree-dimensional depressions located on the outer wall adjacent the flange.5. The track shoe of claim 1 , wherein the system of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional depressions comprise threading forming trenches.6. The track shoe of claim 1 , wherein the system of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional depressions comprise knurling forming projections.7. The track shoe of claim 1 , wherein the system of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138401A1

A bearing element () for a plain or antifriction bearing is provided, the bearing element () being formed of or including at least sectionally a powder-metallurgical composite material which includes a metallic binder phase and a hard material phase, wherein the metallic binder phase is based on at least one element from the following group: chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, titanium. 110-. (canceled)11. A bearing element for a plain or antifriction bearing , the bearing element comprising:at least sectionally a powder-metallurgical composite material including a metallic binder phase and a hard material phase, wherein the metallic binder phase is based on at least one element from the group consisting of chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, and titanium.12. The bearing element as recited in wherein the metallic binder phase further comprises fractions of iron or carbon or nitrogen or of at least one iron or carbon or nitrogen containing compound.13. The bearing element as recited in wherein the metallic binder phase comprises chromium carbide or molybdenum carbide or titanium carbide as carbon containing compound.14. The bearing element as recited in wherein the hard material phase includes individual hard material phase grains claim 11 , and the composite material includes an intermediate phase formed around the hard material phase grains claim 11 , attachment of the hard material phase grains to the metallic binder phase is realized via the intermediate phase.15. The bearing element as recited in wherein the hard material phase is includes at least one of the following hard material compounds: borides claim 11 , carbides claim 11 , carbonitrides claim 11 , and silicides.16. The bearing element as recited in wherein the hard material phase includes titanium carbide or tungsten carbide.17. The bearing element as recited in wherein the hard material phase includes titanium carbonitride or titanium nitride.18. The bearing element as recited in wherein the hard ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132117A1
Автор: Toda Kazuaki

The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a slide member in which the bonding strength between a Bi-containing copper alloy layer and a substrate is enhanced; and a method for manufacturing the slide member. The slide member according to the present invention has a substrate and a copper alloy layer. The copper alloy layer comprises a copper alloy containing 4.0-25.0 mass % of Bi and has a structure in which Bi phases are scattered in a copper alloy structure. The volume ratio of Bi phases in the region of the copper alloy layer extending 10 μm from the bonding interface with the substrate is not more than 2.0%. The slide member is manufactured by casting a molten copper alloy onto the substrate and causing the copper alloy to unidirectionally solidify. 1. A sliding member comprising:a substrate; anda copper alloy layer bonded to the substrate,wherein the copper alloy layer comprises a copper alloy including 4.0 to 25.0 mass % of Bi, the copper alloy having a structure in which Bi phases are dispersed in a copper alloy matrix, andwherein a volume ratio of the Bi phases in a region extending 10 μm from a bonding interface between the copper alloy layer and the substrate is not more than 3.0%.2. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein the volume ratio of the Bi phases satisfies:volume ratio of the Bi phases/Bi content≤0.120,where the Bi content is represented by mass %.3. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein the copper alloy includes:4.0 to 25.0 mass % of Bi,a total amount of not more than 50.0 mass % of one or more selected from Sn, Al, Zn, Mn, Si, Ni, Fe, P, Zr, Ti and Mg, andthe balance of copper and inevitable impurities.4. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein the copper alloy further includes a total amount of not more than 10 volume % of either or both of MoSand graphite.5. The sliding member according to claim 1 , further comprising an overlay on the copper alloy layer.6. The sliding member according to claim 1 , ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172475A1

A bearing including a sidewall including an open metal substrate at least partially embedded in a low friction material, the sidewall further including a generally cylindrical body; and a flange contiguous with and extending from an axial end of the generally cylindrical body, where at least one of 1) the flange includes a multiple wall construction including a plurality of flange sidewalls in contact with each other along at least 25% of a radial length of the flange, or 2) the sidewall or the flange comprises an outward conductive region and an inward conductive region. 1. A bearing comprising: a generally cylindrical body; and', 'a flange contiguous with and extending from an axial end of the generally cylindrical body, wherein at least one of 1) the flange comprises a multiple wall construction comprising a plurality of flange sidewalls in contact with each other along at least 25% of a radial length of the flange, or 2) the sidewall or the flange comprises an outward conductive region and an inward conductive region., 'a sidewall comprising an open metal substrate at least partially embedded in a low friction material, the sidewall further comprising2. An assembly comprising:an inner component;an outer component; and a generally cylindrical body; and', 'a flange contiguous with and extending from an axial end of the generally cylindrical body, wherein at least one of 1) the flange comprises a multiple wall construction comprising a plurality of flange sidewalls in contact with each other along at least 25% of a radial length of the flange, or 2) the sidewall or the flange comprises an outward conductive region and an inward conductive region., 'a sidewall comprising an open metal substrate at least partially embedded in a low friction material, the sidewall further comprising, 'a bearing disposed radially between the inner component and the outer component, wherein the bearing comprises3. A method comprising:providing a blank comprising an open metal substrate ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142685A1

A bearing carrier has a bearing body including a first material. The bearing body has an exterior surface defining a bridge land with a finger cut and rotatably supports a first and second gear. The first and second gears intermesh with one another for pressurizing fluid traversing the gears between a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet defined in a housing enveloping the bearing carrier. 1. A method of fabricating a bearing carrier , comprising:defining a near net shape contour of a bridge land in a surface of a second material integral with an underlying first material.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , further including coupling the second material to the first material using a laser cladding process.3. A method as recited in claim 2 , further including scanning a surface of the first material prior to coupling the second material to the first material using the laser cladding process.4. A method as recited in claim 1 , further including removing a portion of the first material prior to coupling the second material to the first material using the laser cladding process.5. A method of fabricating a bearing carrier claim 1 , comprising:at a bearing body formed from a first material, the bearing body having a bridge land with a finger cut to channel fluid pressurized by intermeshing of gears rotatably supported by the bearing carrier into an outlet defined by a housing enveloping the bearing carrier,coupling a second material to the first material; anddefining a near-net shape contour of a bridge land in a surface of a second material integral with an underlying first material.6. The method as recited in claim 5 , wherein the bearing body is a cast body.7. The method as recited in claim 5 , wherein the bearing body is formed from a copper alloy claim 5 , brass claim 5 , or bronze.8. The method as recited in claim 5 , wherein coupling the second material to the first material includes coupling a second material that is the same as the first material.9. The method as ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143395A1
Автор: OCHIAI Hirokazu
Принадлежит: TAIHO KOGYO CO., LTD.

There is provided a method of manufacturing washers with improved material yield. The method includes: a preparing step of preparing a material having a panel shape; a first cutting-out step of cutting out a first thrust washer having a substantially arc shape from the material; and a second cutting-out step of cutting out a second thrust washer from a portion of the material in contact with a portion from which the first thrust washer is cut out. 1. A method of manufacturing washers , the method comprising:a preparing step of preparing a material having a panel shape;a first cutting-out step of cutting out a first washer having a substantially arc shape from the material; anda second cutting-out step of cutting out a second washer from a portion of the material in contact with a portion from which the first washer is cut out.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the second washer is cut out such that an outer peripheral cut-away portion formed on an outer peripheral face of the second washer is in contact with an end portion of an inner peripheral face of the first washer in the second cutting-out step.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the second washer is cut out from a second area partially overlapping with a first area claim 1 , from which the first washer is cut out claim 1 , in the second cutting-out step.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the second washer is cut out from a second area partially overlapping with a first area claim 2 , from which the first washer is cut out claim 2 , in the second cutting-out step. The present invention relates to a technique of a washer formed in an arc shape.Conventionally, there has been a known technique of a washer formed in an arc shape. For example, such a technique is described in Patent Literature 1.Patent Literature 1 discloses the technique of combining two washers (washer members) having an arc (semicircular) shape and mounting the washers to a cylinder block.Such a washer having an arc ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Plain shaft bearing

Номер: US20220290719A1
Автор: Thomas Meyer
Принадлежит: Flender GmbH

A plain shaft bearing, in particular of a shaft of a wind turbine gearbox, includes a sliding surface having a surface roughness. The sliding surface is further provided with a structure formed from depressions defined by a depth which is greater than the surface roughness and less than 80 μm.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180650A1

A light-weight bearing component for sliding or rolling engagement with a mating surface includes a core lattice structure that has a plurality of support members interconnected with one another and a plurality of spaces located between the support members. The bearing component includes a cover that has an interior surface and an exterior surface. The cover extends over a portion of or all of the core lattice structure. 1. A light-weight bearing component for sliding or rolling engagement with a mating surface , the bearing component comprising:a core lattice structure having a plurality of support members interconnected with one another and a plurality of spaces located between the support members; anda cover having an interior surface and an exterior surface, the cover extending over at least a portion of the core lattice structure.2. The light-weight bearing component of claim 1 , further comprising at least one of:(a) a surface lattice structure extending from the exterior surface of the cover; and(b) a roughened area on the exterior surface of the cover.3. The light-weight bearing component of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the core lattice structure claim 1 , the cover claim 1 , the surface lattice structure and the roughened area being formed by an additive manufacturing process.4. The light-weight bearing component of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the surface lattice structure and the roughened area has an adhesive therein; anda self-lubricating liner is adhered to at least one of the surface lattice structure and the roughened area, by the adhesive.5. The light-weight bearing component of claim 4 , at least one sensor extending outwardly from the cover and into the self-lubricating liner claim 4 , the sensor being configured to measure thickness of the self-lubricating liner.6. The light-weight bearing component of claim 3 , wherein the self-lubricating liner comprises polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).7. The light-weight bearing component of claim 1 , ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Bearing cover

Номер: US20180156279A1

The invention relates to a bearing cover ( 3 ) for a split bearing arrangement ( 1 ) which comprises a bearing block ( 2 ) in addition to the bearing cover ( 3 ), and the bearing cover ( 3 ) has clamping surfaces ( 4 ) which lie against co-operating clamping surfaces ( 5 ) of the bearing block ( 2 ) when the bearing arrangement ( 1 ) is in the assembled state, and a first radially inner bearing support surface ( 12 ) having an at least approximately curved cross-section as viewed in the axial direction is provided between the two clamping surfaces ( 4 ). An additional surface ( 15 ) is provided between at least one of the clamping surfaces ( 4 ) and the first radially inner bearing support surface ( 12 ) which directly adjoins the first radially inner bearing support surface ( 12 ) and clamping surface ( 4 ) and which is disposed at an obtuse angle ( 16 ) to the first radially inner bearing support surface ( 12 ) and at an acute angle ( 17 ) to the clamping surface ( 5 ).

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167737A1
Принадлежит: MAG IAS GmbH

In order to reduce friction of a crank shaft during operation by a large amount with low complexity through structuring sliding bearing surfaces () of the crank shaft through controlled introduction of microscopically small indentations () it is proposed for the center bearings and the crank bearings to only structure highly loaded portions of the bearing surface in circumferential direction and also in axial direction since this is already difficult to achieve in view of the operating gap towards the tool that only has a size of a few μm. 11. A sliding surface () , in particular a rotation symmetrical sliding bearing surface for sliding movement along an opposite surface which is structured through indentations , [{'b': '28', 'the sliding surface in movement direction () in portions where the main load occurs, and/or'}, {'b': 29', '28', '11, 'in transversal direction () to the movement direction () in portions () in which the bearing gap is the smallest during operation,'}], 'characterized in that'}{'b': '11', 'is structured differently from other portions, and is only structured in these portions ().'}2. The sliding surface according the claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': '11', 'i': 'b', 'a center width portion (), wherein 50% of the entire width, is structured more strongly transversal to the movement direction than the edge portions, or only the center portion is structured.'}3. The sliding surface according to claim 1 , [{'b': '28', 'on circumferential sliding surfaces, in particular on rotation symmetrical sliding bearing surfaces, in movement direction (), the circumferential direction, only a portion of less than 90° is structured differently from a remaining portion or structured at all'}, {'b': '2', 'on rotation symmetrical sliding bearing surfaces of a crank shaft () for a reciprocating internal piston combustion engine'}, {'b': 1', '11', '1', '11', '2', '28', '13, 'i': a', 'a', 'a, 'on a sliding bearing surface of the crank bearing () a circumferential ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Sintered bearing

Номер: US20210190145A1
Принадлежит: Diamet Corp

A sintered bearing includes a bearing main body which has a substantially cylindrical shape and is made of a sintered material, a through-hole being formed in a center of the bearing main body; a sealing member in a disk shape, the sealing member being configured to be disposed such that one surface side of the sealing member is in contact with the bearing main body, and an opening being formed in a center of the sealing member; and a locking member in a block shape, the locking member being configured to be in contact with at least another surface side of the sealing member and holding the sealing member between the locking member and the bearing main body.

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307548A1
Автор: Yamada Tomohiro

A half thrust bearing for a crankshaft of an internal combustion engine is formed of a back metal layer and a bearing alloy layer to have a slide surface and two thrust reliefs. Each thrust relieve includes a first region, where the back metal layer is exposed, on a circumferential end surface side, and a second region and a third region, where the bearing alloy layer is exposed while the slide surface includes a fourth region. A circumferential end region consists of the first and second regions. The bearing alloy layer includes a uniform thickness portion, and a decreased thickness portion adjacent to an inner-diameter-side end surface in a cross-section of the second region and includes a uniform thickness portion and an increased thickness portion adjacent to the inner-diameter-side surface in cross-sections of the third and fourth regions. 1. A semi-annularly shaped half thrust bearing for receiving axial force of a crankshaft of an internal combustion engine , whereinthe half thrust bearing comprises a back metal layer made of a Fe alloy, and a bearing alloy layer provided on a surface of the back metal layer, the bearing alloy layer forming a slide surface which receives the axial force, the back metal layer forming a back surface parallel to the slide surface,the half thrust bearing comprises two thrust reliefs formed adjacent to both circumferential end surfaces thereof, each of the thrust reliefs comprising a flat thrust relief surface extending between the slide surface and the circumferential end surface, so that a wall thickness of the half thrust bearing becomes smaller from a slide surface side toward a circumferential end surface side in the thrust relief,each of the thrust relief surfaces comprises a first region on the circumferential end surface side that consists of a surface in which the back metal layer is exposed, a second region adjacent to the first region, and a third region adjacent to the slide surface, each of the second region and the ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158090A1
Принадлежит: Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH

The invention relates to a wind turbine gearbox (), in particular a planetary gearbox, having at least one gear () mounted on an axle (), for which purpose a sliding layer () is arranged between the gear () and the axle (), said sliding layer () being sprayed directly onto the axle () or, with intermediate arrangement of at least one further layer (), onto the further layer () by means of a thermal spaying method. 18121520121520152121: A wind turbine gearbox () , in particular a planetary gearbox , having at least one gear () mounted on an axle () , for which purpose a sliding layer () is arranged between the gear () and the axle () , wherein the sliding layer () is sprayed directly onto the axle () or , with intermediate arrangement of at least one further layer () , onto the further layer () by means of a thermal spaying method.2820: The wind turbine gearbox () according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding layer () consists of or comprises a material selected from a group comprising consisting of aluminum base alloys claim 1 , bismuth base alloys claim 1 , silver base alloys claim 1 , and copper base alloys.3820: The wind turbine gearbox () according to claim 1 , wherein a polymer-based running-in layer is arranged on the sliding layer ().482015: The wind turbine gearbox () according to claim 1 , wherein two sliding layers () arranged at an axial distance from one another are sprayed onto the axle () by means of a thermal spaying method.58: The wind turbine gearbox () according to claim 1 , wherein hard particles and/or soft phase particles are embedded in the sliding layer.68: The wind turbine gearbox () according to claim 5 , wherein the hard particles are selected from a group consisting of metal oxides claim 5 , metal nitrides claim 5 , metal carbides claim 5 , metal borides claim 5 , and metal silicides and/or wherein the soft phase particles are selected from a group consisting of graphite claim 5 , hexagonal BN claim 5 , and metal sulfides.7157857578: A wind ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160176005A1

Grinding is performed on an outer peripheral surface of a shaft member () while rotationally driving the shaft member () under a state in which both end surfaces of the shaft member () are sandwiched between a pair of support portions (a backing plate () and a pressure plate ()). A convex surface () is formed on one axial end surface of the shaft member by swelling an inner-diameter portion thereof, and a flat surface is formed on an end surface () of the pressure plate () configured to support the convex surface in a contact manner. The end surface () of the pressure plate () and an apex () of the convex surface () of the shaft member () are brought into contact with each other to support one axial end portion of the shaft member (). 1. A method of manufacturing a shaft member for a fluid dynamic bearing device , comprising grinding an outer peripheral surface of a shaft member while rotationally driving the shaft member under a state in which both end surfaces of the shaft member are sandwiched between a pair of support portions from both axial sides of the shaft member ,wherein one of one axial end surface of the shaft member and an end surface of one support portion, which is configured to support the one axial end surface in a contact manner, has a flat surface formed thereon,wherein another one of the one axial end surface of the shaft member and the end surface of the one support portion has a convex surface formed thereon by swelling an inner-diameter portion thereof to the flat surface side, andwherein the manufacturing method further comprises bringing the flat surface and an apex of the convex surface into contact with each other to support one axial end portion of the shaft member.2. The method of manufacturing a shaft member for a fluid dynamic bearing device according to claim 1 ,wherein both of another axial end surface of the shaft member and an end surface of another support portion, which is configured to support the another axial end surface in a ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140259642A1
Автор: AOSHIMA Hisayuki

A manufacturing method of a bearing component for a dynamic pressure bearing is provided. The method includes forming a plurality of individual recesses in a groove dispose area in an end face of the bearing component along respective turns of a spiral line having a distance from a center of the bearing component gradually increasing turn by turn from an inner circumference of the groove dispose area to an outer circumference thereof. Each of the plurality of individual recesses is disposed so as to partially overlap at least one adjoining individual recess in a radial direction to form a thrust dynamic pressure generating groove. 1. A manufacturing method of a bearing component for a dynamic pressure bearing , the manufacturing method comprising:a groove machining step for forming a plurality of individual recesses in a groove dispose area in an end face of the bearing component along respective turns of a spiral line having a distance from a center of the bearing component gradually increasing turn by turn from an inner circumference of the groove dispose area to an outer circumference thereof,wherein each of the plurality of individual recesses is disposed so as to partially overlap at least one adjoining individual recess in a radial direction to form a thrust dynamic pressure generating groove.2. The bearing component manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the groove machining step comprises:reciprocating a machining tool in an axial direction of the bearing component so as to alternately repeat a contacting condition and a non-contacting condition with the groove dispose area while the bearing component is rotated; andsimultaneously, moving the machining tool from one of an inner circumference side of the groove dispose area and an outer circumference side of the groove dispose area to the other of the inner circumference side of the groove dispose area and the outer circumference side of the groove dispose area.3. The bearing component ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Refractory Bearing

Номер: US20180172074A1
Принадлежит: McDanel Advanced Ceramic Technologies

At least one bearing insert is secured within a metallic housing to form a wear resistant bearing. In operation, the bearing insert engages a journal and provides a wear-resistant surface. The housing defines a cavity for receiving the bearing insert. The cavity preferably expands radially so that the bearing insert remains secured in the cavity. The bearing insert can comprise a refractory ceramic. The bearing insert is secured within the cavity by any suitable means, such as thermal shrink-fit. A thin layer of sacrificial metal protects the bearing insert during initial start-up. The sacrificial metal wears to expose the bearing insert. Further wear exposes a larger area of the refractory bearing insert. A second bearing insert can be disposed opposite to the first so that rotating the housing can expose the second bearing insert to the journal. 1. A refractory bearing comprising:a) at least one bearing insert comprising a refractory material; andb) a housing having a radius and an inner surface, the inner surface defining at least one cavity for receiving the bearing insert, the cavity separated from the inner surface by a sacrificial layer.2. The refractory bearing of claim 1 , characterized by the bearing insert comprising a refractory ceramic.3. The refractory bearing of claim 2 , characterized by the refractory ceramic selected from a group consisting of sialon claim 2 , zirconia claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The refractory bearing of claim 1 , characterized by the housing comprising a cylinder.5. The refractory bearing of claim 1 , characterized by the cavity enlarging radially claim 1 , whereby the bearing insert is secured in the cavity.6. The refractory bearing of claim 1 , characterized by the cavity defining a cylindrical shape and the bearing insert comprising a cylinder.7. The refractory bearing of claim 1 , characterized by the housing defining a plurality of cavities for a plurality of bearing inserts.8. The refractory bearing of claim 1 , ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210206138A1
Принадлежит: TEIKOKU ION CO., LTD.

A wear-resistant coating film is disclosed that can maintain high wear resistance for a long period of time even when it is subjected to repetitive wear, and a method for producing the film, as well as a wear-resistant component. The wear-resistant coating film includes a plated layer , lump parts , and a coat layer . The plated layer and the coat layer are laminated, and each of the lump parts is formed of a single particle and/or an assembly of particles . The lump parts are held by the plated layer and are disposed to protrude from the plated layer . The coat layer is formed to coat the surface of the plated layer , the lump parts have flat portions , and the flat portions are placed on the same plane as the surface of the coat layer 1. A wear-resistant coating film comprising a plated layer , lump parts , and a coat layer , whereinthe plated layer and the coat layer are laminated in this order,each of the lump parts is formed of a single particle and/or an assembly of particles,the lump parts are held by the plated layer and are disposed so as to protrude from the plated layer,the coat layer is formed to coat the surface of the plated layer,the lump parts have flat portions, and the flat portions are placed on the same plane as the surface of the coat layer.2. The wear-resistant coating film according to claim 1 , wherein the lump parts are placed at predetermined intervals.3. The wear-resistant coating film according to claim 1 , wherein the particle includes at least one member selected from the group consisting of diamond particles claim 1 , carbon particles claim 1 , polytetrafluoroethylene particles claim 1 , and molybdenum disulfide particles.4. The wear-resistant coating film according to claim 1 , wherein the coat layer includes at least one member selected from the group consisting of chromium claim 1 , silver claim 1 , polytetrafluoroethylene-nickel composites claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , nickel-phosphorus claim 1 , tin claim 1 , and copper.5. A wear- ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140272128A1

A bearing having improved wear resistance has a bearing material of a copper-tin-bismuth alloy which may also include phosphorus which has excellent strength, due to the solid solution of copper, tin and phosphorus (when used), attached to a steel backing shell. The material also has good lubricity as a result of the presence of the bismuth which also promotes tin mobilization and formation of a layer of tin on the bearing surface upon use of the bearing. The addition of small amounts of relatively small hard particles in the copper-tin-matrix, particularly FeP, MoSior a mixture thereof, provides a suitable hard surface artifact to improve the wear resistance of the bearing material. The bearing includes a sintered powder compact bearing material of a copper-tin-bismuth alloy powder and a metal compound powder which is bonded to a steel backing shell, wherein the metal compound powder has an average particle size of less than 10 μm. 1. A method of making a bearing comprising the steps of:applying a mixture of a copper-tin-bismuth alloy powder and a metal compound powder having an average particle size of less than 10 μm to a steel backing shell;heating the powder mixture and steel backing shell to produce a sintered powder mixture and bond the sintered powder mixture to the steel backing shell; androlling the sintered powder mixture and steel backing shell to reduce a porosity of the sintered powder mixture and produce a fully-dense sintered compact bearing material.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of heating the fully dense bearing material sufficiently to promote interdiffusion within the bearing material at sites associated with the porosity.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising a step of running-in the bearing sufficiently to produce a tin-rich surface layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said copper-tin-bismuth alloy powder comprises claim 1 , by weight: 8-12% tin claim 1 , 1-<5% bismuth claim 1 , and the balance essentially ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213520A1

A ring for a connection element includes a contact portion intended to cooperate with a contact surface of another ring and a fastening portion intended to be secured to a support. The contact portion is made of a first metallic material and the fastening portion is made of a second metallic material, the hardness of the first material being substantially greater than that of the second material, and the toughness of the second material being substantially greater than that of the first material, the contact portion and the fastening portion being of one piece construction. 1. A ring for a connection element , the ring comprising:a contact portion configured to cooperate with a contact surface of another ring and formed of a first metallic material; anda fastening portion configured to be secured to a support and formed of a second metallic material, the hardness of the first material being substantially greater than that of the second material, and the toughness of the second material being substantially greater than that of the first material, the contact portion and the fastening portion being made in one piece.2. The ring according to claim 1 , wherein the contact portion and the fastening portion are made in one piece by sintering of metallic powders.3. The ring according to claim 1 , wherein the fastening portion includes a cage having a radial fastening rim and a substantially axial portion with a plurality of circumferentially spaced windows.4. The ring according to wherein the axial portion of the cage includes a first axial portion with a first diameter and a second axial portion with a second diameter claim 3 , the first diameter being greater than the second diameter claim 3 , and a foldover portion connecting the first and second axial portions.5. The ring according to wherein the radial fastening rim of the cage is attached to the contact portion of the outer ring.6. The ring according to claim 1 , wherein:the first material is one of T15, AMS6560, T1 ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195281A1

A sliding member includes: a base material; a solid lubricant layer arranged on a surface of the base material; a defect layer having a material defect, disposed in the solid lubricant layer, and being changeable into an ultra low friction layer by mechanical stress more easily than changing from the solid lubricant layer to the ultra low friction layer; and a ultra low friction layer covering a surface of the defect layer. 1. A sliding member comprising:a base material;a solid lubricant layer arranged on a surface of the base material;a defect layer having a material defect, disposed in the solid lubricant layer, and being changeable into an ultra low friction layer by mechanical stress more easily than changing from the solid lubricant layer to the ultra low friction layer; anda ultra low friction layer covering a surface of the defect layer.2. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein:the solid lubricant layer is defined as a hard carbon film in which carbon atoms are bonded; andthe defect layer is provided by a carbon bonding defect.3. The sliding member according to claim 2 , wherein:the solid lubricant layer is made of diamond-like carbon.4. The sliding member according to claim 3 , wherein:the defect layer has an ID/IG ratio equal to or more than 0.056 and a SD/SG ratio equal to or more than 0.048 in Raman spectroscopy.5. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein:the solid lubricant layer is made of chromium nitride, silicon nitride, or silicon carbide.6. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein:the sliding member has a functional group disposed on a surface of the defect layer.7. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein:the ultra low friction layer has a friction coefficient equal to or smaller than a predetermined friction coefficient.8. The sliding member according to claim 7 , wherein:the predetermined friction coefficient is 0.05.9. A method for manufacturing a sliding member comprising:preparing a base material;forming ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202492A1

The present application relates to a sliding bearing material comprising a steel substrate back and an aluminum alloy applied thereto, characterized in that the aluminum alloy contains an aluminum alloy matrix and hard particles, preferably 0.01 to 10 wt %, and/or fibers, preferably 0.01 to 50 vol %. The invention further relates to a method for producing a sliding bearing material, to the use of a sliding bearing material for a sliding bearing and to a sliding bearing. 1. Sliding bearing material comprising a steel substrate back and an aluminum alloy applied thereon , whereinthe aluminum alloy contains an aluminum alloy matrix, hard particles in an amount, 0.01 to 10 wt %, fibers in an amount of, 0.01 to 50 vol % and 0.01 to 54 wt %, and the steel substrate back consists of one of the steels C06, C10, C22 or CXX (wherein XX>22), wherein, up to 3 wt % respectively of Cu, Mn, Mg, Si, Fe, V, Ti, Sc, Cr, Zn and/or Ni;', 'up to 15 wt % Sn;', {'sub': '2', 'up to 0.2 wt %, preferably 0.02 to 0.05 wt % Sr, boron, TiBand/or Na;'}, 'and the balance aluminum with up to 0.5 wt % inevitable impurities; wherein, 'the aluminum alloy matrix is lead-free and/or comprises one or more of the following alloy elementsthe hard particles are selected from a group of carbides, nitrides, borides and/or oxides and the hard particles exhibit a size <20 μm andthe fibers are selected from a group of organic and/or inorganic fibers, and the fibers exhibit a length <50 μm and a diameter <3 m, in the form of nanotubes.2. The sliding bearing material according to claim 1 , whereinthe aluminum alloy contains lubricant.3. The sliding bearing material according to claim 1 , whereinthe fibers have a higher tensile strength and/or a higher modulus of elasticity and/or a lower fracture elongation in the longitudinal direction than the aluminum alloy matrix.4. The sliding bearing material according to claim 1 , whereinan intermediate layer is provided between the steel substrate back and the aluminum ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Sliding Member and Method for Manufacturing Sliding Member

Номер: US20160215819A1
Принадлежит: Senju Metal Industry Co Ltd

A sliding member having a supporting layer composed of an iron-based metallic material and a sliding layer formed on a surface of the supporting layer and composed of a copper-based metallic material. The surface of the supporting layer and the sliding layer have non-flat surfaces. A sliding surface having a non-flat surface is formed on the surface of the sliding layer. The sliding layer is formed on the roughened surface of the supporting layer by thermal spraying. The surface of the sliding layer is then subjected to a shot blasting treatment to form the sliding surface which has an uneven surface having an arithmetic average roughness (Ra) of more than 0 μm and 2.0 μm or less, a ten-point average roughness (Rz) of more than 0 μm and 7.5 μm or less and a surface hardness (Hv) of 150-250, and which slidably supports an object to be slid.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150219153A1

This sliding bearing comprises a pair of semicircular half bearings formed into a cylindrical shape by bringing both circumferential ends thereof into contact with each other. The axial width of the half bearings is narrower in both circumferential ends and the circumferential center, and wider in the quarter parts located therebetween. During manufacturing of the half bearings, finishing by cutting processing is first performed on the parts of a flat-plate material which after formation are to become the two axial-direction end faces and the two circumferential-direction end faces of the half bearings, and thereafter, the flat-plate material is deformed into a semicircle. 1. A sliding bearing formed cylindrically by engaging both peripheral ends of a pair of semicircular half bearings with each other ,characterized in thatan axial width of the half bearings is small in both peripheral ends and a peripheral central part and is large in a quarter part positioned therebetween, and end surfaces of both axial ends of the half bearings are finished by cutting processing.2. A manufacturing method of a sliding bearing ,wherein flat-plate materials are deformed semicircular so as to manufacture semicircular half bearings, and both peripheral ends of the half bearings are contacted to each other so as to shape these members cylindrically,characterized in thatparts of the flat-plate materials which are to be both axial end surfaces and both peripheral end surfaces of the half bearings after the deformation are finished by cutting processing previously, and subsequently, the flat-plate materials are deformed semicircular so as to manufacture the half bearings.3. The manufacturing method of the sliding bearing according to claim 2 , wherein at the time of finishing the end surfaces of the flat-plate materials claim 2 , slant surfaces are formed at positions to be at sides of inner peripheral surfaces of the half bearings after finishing claim 2 , and the slant surfaces are made ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Multi-layered plain bearing

Номер: US20150219154A1
Принадлежит: Miba Gleitlager Austria GmbH

The invention relates to a multi-layered plain bearing ( 1 ) comprising a sliding layer ( 5 ) made from a tin-based alloy, which contains between 1 wt. % and 8 wt. % Sb, between 8 wt. % and 20 wt. % Cu and if necessary at least one of the elements Si, Cr, Ti, Zn, Ag and Fe, wherein the proportion of each of these elements is between 0.1 wt. % and 2 wt. %, the total content of all of the alloy elements is a maximum of 30 wt. % and remainder is formed by Sn, wherein at least a proportion of the Cu with Sn is present as a copper-rich deposit in the tin matrix with a maximum particle size of 50 nm and/or in addition contains at least one further element from a second group consisting of Al, Bi and Ni, wherein the proportion of the at least one further element is between 0.1 wt. % and 5 wt. % for each of said elements, and wherein the sliding layer ( 5 ), which contains at least one element of the second element group, is deposited by a PVD-method when the particle size of the nanoparticles is greater than 50 nm.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150219155A1
Автор: Andler Gerd
Принадлежит: Federal-Mogul Wiesbaden GmbH

The present invention relates to a method for producing bearing shells for plain bearings, in which the bearing shells are blasted with corundum particles on the bearing metal side, in order in this way to produce residual compressive stresses in the blasted side of the bearing shell. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a bearing shell produced using such a method. 1. A method for producing bearing shells for plain bearings , in which the bearing shells are blasted with corundum particles on the bearing metal side so as to generate compressive residual stresses on the blasted side of the bearing shell , and whereinthe bearing metal of the bearing shell is compressed by the impact of the particles.2. The method according to claim 1 , in which the particles are blasted against the bearing metal side at a pressure of between 2.5 and 5 bar.3. A bearing shell produced with a by the method according to .4. Bearing shell according to claim 3 , the unblasted bearing metal of which has a hardness of a maximum of approximately 115 Hv 0.01 claim 3 , while the blasted area has a hardness of a minimum of approximately 130 Hv 0.01 and/or where the hardness is locally increased by blasting by more than 10% than 13% claim 3 , in relation to the unblasted area.5. Bearing shell according to claim 3 , in which a bearing shell consisting of having two or more layers is blasted.6. Bearing shell according to claim 5 , in which an aluminum alloy claim 5 , preferably an aluminum-tin alloy claim 5 , is used as the bearing metal of the bearing shell and the bearing metal is preferably applied onto a steel back by roll cladding.7. Bearing shell according to any one of claims 5 , in which the bearing shell consists of three layers claims 5 , wherein the middle layer preferably consists of high-grade aluminum or an aluminum alloy having the alloy elements Mn claims 5 , Cu claims 5 , Ni claims 5 , Cr claims 5 , Zr claims 5 , V claims 5 , Mg and/or Si.8. The method according to claim 2 ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211623A1

A sliding member () is formed of a sintered compact. The sintered compact includes: a base layer (), which mainly contains an Fe-based structure and further contains 1.0 wt % to wt % of Cu, a metal having a melting point lower than a melting point of Cu, and C; and a sliding layer (), which is sintered together with the base layer () in a state of being held in contact with the base layer () and has a sliding surface (A). The sliding layer () mainly contains an Fe-based structure containing at least one kind of alloy element selected from Ni, Mo, Mn, and Cr and further contains Cu and C, and the content of Cu in the sliding layer () is larger than the content of Cu in the base layer. 1. A sliding member , which is formed of a sintered compact and has a sliding surface that slides with another member ,the sliding member comprising:a base layer, which mainly contains an Fe-based structure and further contains 1.0 wt % to 5.0 wt % of Cu, a metal having a melting point lower than a melting point of Cu, and C; anda sliding layer, which is sintered together with the base layer in a state of being held in contact with the base layer and has the sliding surface, the sliding layer mainly containing an Fe-based structure that contains an alloy element and a Cu-based structure, and further containing C, the sliding layer having a content of Cu larger than a content of Cu in the base layer,wherein all the alloy element contained in the sliding layer is alloyed with the Fe-based structure.2. A sliding member , which is formed of a sintered compact and has a sliding surface that slides with another member ,the sliding member comprising:a base layer, which mainly contains an Fe-based structure and further contains 1.0 wt % to 5.0 wt % of Cu, a metal having a melting point lower than a melting point of Cu, and C; anda sliding layer, which is sintered together with the base layer in a state of being held in contact with the base layer and has the sliding surface, the sliding layer ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203731A1
Автор: Bischof Kenneth

A thrust bearing, particularly for a turbocharger, having unique configurations on the thrust pad faces, including free-form curvatures or non-linear configurations defined by a geometric equation. The thrust pad faces can be configured by a programmed linear actuator system and cutting tool. 1. A fluid-film thrust bearing comprising:a disc member having a first surface on one side and a second surface on an opposite side from said first surface;said first surface having a plurality of thrust pad members thereon, each of said thrust pad members having an outer axial oriented surface;each of said outer axial oriented surfaces having a curved profile configuration on at least a portion thereof; said curved profile configuration extending perpendicular to said first surface and being defined by a non-linear geometric equation.2. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in further comprising a central opening in said disc member claim 1 , wherein said disc member can be positioned on a shaft member claim 1 , and wherein said thrust pad members have a wedge-shaped configuration.3. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in wherein said thrust pad members are arranged in a circular orientation on said first surface claim 1 , and said thrust bearing is a turbocharger thrust bearing.4. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in further comprising a plurality of fluid channels positioned on said first surface claim 1 , wherein a fluid can be applied to said thrust pad members on said first surface.5. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in wherein said second surface has said thrust pad members thereon.6. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in wherein each of said thrust pad members on said second surface has a wedge-shape configuration with an outer surface having a curved profile configuration.7. The fluid-film thrust bearing as set forth in wherein said curved profile configuration on the outer surfaces of said thrust pad members on said second ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203769A1
Автор: SUGA Shigeyuki
Принадлежит: TAIHO KOGYO CO., LTD.

Provided are a sliding member and a sliding bearing which can improve the fatigue resistance. A sliding member having a base layer and a coating layer laminated on the base layer, in which the coating layer contains Bi or Sn as a first metal element, a second metal element which is harder than the first metal element and forms an intermetallic compound with the first metal element, C, and unavoidable impurities. 1. A sliding member comprising a base layer and a coating layer laminated on the base layer ,wherein the coating layer contains:Bi as a first metal element;a second metal element that is harder than the first metal element and forms an intermetallic compound with the first metal element;0.010 wt % or more and 0.080 wt % or less of C; andunavoidable impurities.2. A sliding bearing comprising a base layer and a coating layer laminated on the base layer ,wherein the coating layer contains:Bi as a first metal element;a second metal element that is harder than the first metal element and forms an intermetallic compound with the first metal element;0.010 wt % or more and 0.080 wt % or less of C; andunavoidable impurities.3. A sliding member comprising a base layer and a coating layer laminated on the base layer ,wherein the coating layer contains:Sn as a first metal element;a second metal element that is harder than the first metal element and forms an intermetallic compound with the first metal element;0.015 wt % or more and 0.100 wt % or less of C; andunavoidable impurities.4. A sliding bearing comprising a base layer and a coating layer laminated on the base layer ,wherein the coating layer contains:Sn as a first metal element;a second metal element that is harder than the first metal element and forms an intermetallic compound with the first metal element;0.015 wt % or more and 0.100 wt % or less of C; andunavoidable impurities. The present invention relates to a sliding member and a sliding bearing in which a counterpart member slides on a sliding surface.An ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Sintered bearing for fuel pump and method of manufacturing same

Номер: US20160223018A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a sintered bearing ( 1, 2 ) for a fuel pump, including raw material powder including 8.5% by weight to 10% by weight of aluminum, 0.1% by weight to 0.6% by weight of phosphorus, and the balance including copper as a main component, and inevitable impurities. The sintered bearing ( 1, 2 ) has a structure of a sintered aluminum-copper alloy, and has a pore formed in a surface layer portion of the sintered bearing, which is smaller in size than an internal pore of the sintered bearing.

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170219008A1

Bearing includes: a half bearing member having an inner circumferential face that slides against an associated shaft, and a plurality of recesses provided in a first end face in an axial direction of the associated shaft; a first flange member having a plurality of projections provided at positions corresponding to the plurality of recesses provided in the first end face; and a plurality of staking marks formed in a periphery of each recess when each recess is staked in a state where each of the plurality of projections is fitted to a corresponding one of the plurality of recesses in the first end face to fix the first flange member to the half bearing member. When staking marks formed on both sides of at least one of the plurality of recesses are viewed in a radial direction of the associated shaft, a volume of a deformed portion near a staking mark located outside in a circumferential direction is smaller than a volume of a deformed portion close to a staking mark located inside. 1. A sliding bearing comprising:a half bearing member having an inner circumferential face that slides against an associated shaft, and a plurality of recesses provided in a first end face in an axial direction of the associated shaft;a first flange member having a plurality of projections provided at positions corresponding to the plurality of recesses provided in the first end face; anda plurality of staking marks formed in a periphery of each recess when each recess is staked in a state where each of the plurality of projections is fitted to a corresponding one of the plurality of recesses in the first end face to fix the first flange member to the half bearing member,wherein, when staking marks formed on both sides of at least one of the plurality of recesses are viewed in a radial direction of the associated shaft, a volume of a deformed portion near a staking mark located outside in a circumferential direction is smaller than a volume of a deformed portion close to a staking mark ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246947A1

A valve and a bearing surface for a valve and a manufacturing method of the same including a valve body with a main channel extending between a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet, and a closing member provided in the main channel. The valve further includes a shaft connected to the closing member for moving the closing member between an open and a closed position. Moreover, the valve includes at least one bearing surface between the valve body and the closing member or the valve body and the shaft, the bearing surface further including a plurality of cavities filled with solid lubricant. An advantage of the claimed valve is that the lubricant is maintained longer on the bearing surfaces and thus lubrication periods and valve lifetime are increased. 1. A valve comprising:a valve body with a main channel extending between a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet, anda closing member provided in the main channel, anda shaft connected to the closing member for moving the closing member between an open and a closed position, andat least one bearing surface between the valve body and the closing member or the valve body and the shaft, the bearing surface further comprising a plurality of cavities filled with solid lubricant.2. The valve according to claim 1 , whereinthe bearing surface is an axial bearing surface bearing axial loads.3. The valve according to claim 2 , whereinthe valve comprises a cylindrical and end surface, andwherein the axial bearing surface is provided in the end surface.4. The valve according to claim 2 , whereinthe cylindrical sleeve comprises a flange in the end surface.5. The valve according to claim 1 , whereina second bearing surface is provided between the shaft and the valve body, and whereinthe second bearing surface is a radial bearing surface bearing radial loads which comprises a plurality of cavities filled with solid lubricant.6. The valve according to claim 1 , whereinthe bearing surface is a radial bearing surface bearing radial loads.7. The valve ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246948A1

Provided is a sintered bearing formed mainly of an iron structure () and a copper structure () which are formed of a partially diffusion-alloyed powder () of an iron powder () and a copper powder (). The sintered bearing includes a copper structure () formed of a granular elemental copper powder (′) having a grain diameter of 45 μm or less, the ratio of the copper structure () being 10 mass % or less. With this, a further increase in strength of the sintered bearing can be realized. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for manufacturing a sintered bearing comprising:an iron structure and a first copper structure which are formed of partially diffusion-alloyed powder of iron powder and copper powder having a grain diameter smaller than that of the iron powder; anda second copper structure formed of granular elemental copper powder having a grain diameter of 45 μm or less, the sintered bearing having a radial crushing strength of 350 MPa or more, and a ratio of the second copper structure formed of the granular elemental copper powder being 10 mass % or less,the method comprising sintering the partially diffusion-alloyed powder at a sintering temperature of 900° C. or less to form the iron structure and the first copper structure,wherein the partially diffusion-alloyed powder contains 30 mass % or more of powder having a grain diameter of more than 106 μm, and the partially diffusion-alloyed powder has a maximum grain diameter of 150 μm or less.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the sintered bearing has a density of 7.0 g/cmor more.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the sintered bearing further comprises 2 mass % to 3 mass % of a low-melting point substance having a melting point lower than that of copper.19. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the sintered bearing further comprises a surface layer comprising flat copper powder arranged substantially parallel to a surface of the sintered bearing.20. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Sintered metal bearing, fluid-dynamic bearing device provided with said bearing, and fan motor provided with said bearing device

Номер: US20160230769A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

A sintered metal bearing is formed of a porous body formed through sintering of a compact obtained through compression molding of raw-material power. The sintered metal bearing includes a dynamic pressure generating portion formed on an inner peripheral surface, the dynamic pressure generating portion including dynamic pressure generating groove array regions formed continuously to each other in an axial direction of the sintered metal bearing. The dynamic pressure generating groove array regions each include a plurality of dynamic pressure generating grooves arrayed so as to be inclined with respect to a circumferential direction of the sintered metal bearing. An axial dimension of the sintered metal bearing is set to 6 mm or less, and a density ratio of the sintered metal bearing is set to 80% or more and 95% or less.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190218646A1
Автор: Toda Kazuaki

Provided are a slide material in which the joining strength between a Bi-containing copper alloy layer and a substrate is improved, and a method for manufacturing the slide material. The slide material according to the present invention has a substrate and a copper alloy layer. The copper alloy layer comprises a copper alloy containing 4.0-25.0 mass % of Bi and has a structure in which Bi phases are scattered in a copper alloy structure. The contact area ratio of Bi phases of the copper alloy layer at the joining interface with the substrate is not more than 2.0%. The slide material is manufactured by casting a molten copper alloy onto a substrate and causing the copper alloy to solidify unidirectionally. 1. A sliding material comprising:a substrate; anda copper alloy layer bonded to the substrate,wherein the copper alloy layer comprises a copper alloy including 4.0 to 25.0 mass % of Bi, the copper alloy having a structure in which Bi phases are dispersed in a copper alloy matrix, andwherein a contact area ratio of the Bi phases at a bonding interface with the substrate is not more than 2.0%.2. The sliding material according to claim 1 , wherein the contact area ratio of the Bi phases satisfies:contact area ratio/Bi content≤0.075,where the Bi content is represented by mass %.3. The sliding material according to claim 1 , wherein the copper alloy includes:4.0 to 25.0 mass % of Bi,a total amount of not more than 50.0 mass % one or more selected from Sn, Al, Zn, Mn, Si, Ni, Fe, P, Zr, Ti and Mg, andthe balance of copper and inevitable impurities.4. The sliding material according to claim 1 , wherein the copper alloy further includes a total amount of not more than 10 volume % of either or both of MoSand graphite.5. The sliding material according to claim 1 , further comprising an overlay on the copper alloy layer.6. The sliding material according to claim 1 ,wherein the substrate has a thickness of 1.0 to 25.0 mm, andwherein the copper alloy layer has a thickness of 0. ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254658A1
Автор: Schmidt Robert Kyle
Принадлежит: Safran Landing Systems Canada Inc.

A bushing is configured for installation in the hole of a lug, which has a protrusion extending radially inward from a surface of the hole. The bushing includes a first cylindrical body that is sized to be received within the hole of the lug. A flange extends radially outward from one end of the first cylindrical body, and a first recess is formed in the first cylindrical body to a radial face. The recess is sized and configured to receive the protrusion of the lug when the bushing is installed in the hole. Engagement of the protrusion with the recess preventing movement of the bushing relative to the lug. 1. A bushing configured for installation in a hole of a lug , the lug including a protrusion extending radially inward from a surface of the hole , the bushing comprising:a first cylindrical body sized to be received within the hole of the lug;a flange extending radially outward from one end of the first cylindrical body;a first recess formed in the first cylindrical body and defining a radial face,wherein the recess is sized and configured to receive the protrusion of the lug when the bushing is installed in the hole, engagement of the protrusion with the recess preventing movement of the bushing relative to the lug.2. The bushing of claim 1 , wherein engagement of the radial face with the protrusion prevents movement of the bushing in a first direction relative to the lug.3. The bushing of claim 2 , wherein engagement of the flange with the protrusion prevents movement of the bushing in a second direction relative to the lug.4. The bushing of claim 1 , further comprising a slot extending along a surface of the first cylindrical body.5. The bushing of claim 1 , further comprising a second cylindrical body positioned proximate to a second end of the first cylindrical body.6. The bushing of claim 5 , wherein the first cylindrical body comprises a first material having a first elastic modulus and the second cylindrical body comprises a second material having a ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254660A1

Provided is a sliding bearing that can improve contact with a holder on a bearing rear surface and improve material yield. This sliding bearing comprises a pair of upper and lower half split members which are formed by bisecting a cylinder in a direction parallel to the axial direction thereof, the sliding bearing having hardened sections on the end faces of the upper half split member in the cylinder axial direction and hardened sections on the end faces of the lower half split member in the cylinder axial direction. The hardened sections are laser modified sections in which the properties of the material have been changed by the thermal influence of a laser. 1. A sliding bearing comprising a pair of half split members formed by bisecting a cylinder in a direction parallel to an axial direction , wherein the half split members have hardened sections on end faces in a cylinder axial direction of the half split members.24.- (canceled)5. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein each of the hardened sections is a laser modified section.6. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding bearing has no inflection point in a shape along a line parallel to a cylinder axis of an outer circumferential face of the sliding bearing.7. The sliding bearing according to claim 5 , wherein the sliding bearing has no inflection point in a shape along a line parallel to a cylinder axis of an outer circumferential face of the sliding bearing.8. A sliding bearing comprising a cylindrical member formed integrally claim 5 ,wherein the cylindrical member has hardened sections on end faces in a cylinder axial direction of the cylindrical member.9. The sliding bearing according to claim claim 5 , wherein each of the hardened sections is a laser modified section.1068. The sliding bearing according to claim claim 5 , wherein the sliding bearing has no inflection point in a shape along a line parallel to a cylinder axis of an outer circumferential face of the sliding ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Sliding Member

Номер: US20160238071A1

A sliding member which has a hardness suitable for use under heavy-load conditions and which exhibits excellent abrasion resistance property. A sliding surface is formed on a surface of a sliding layer that slidably supports an object to be slid. The sliding surface is then shot-blasted and is formed to have an uneven shape exhibiting an arithmetic average roughness (Ra) of more than 0 to 2.0 μm, a ten-point average roughness (Rz) of more than 0 to 7.5 μm, and a surface hardness (Hv) of 150 to 250. 1. A sliding member comprising a sliding surface is-formed on a surface of a sliding layer to-which has been subjected to a shot-blasting treatment , wherein a surface of the sliding surface has an uneven shape exhibiting arithmetic average roughness (Ra) of more than 0 μm and 2.0 μm or less , ten-point average roughness (Rz) of more than 0 μm and 7.5 μm or less and surface hardness (Hv) of 150-250 , and the sliding surface slidably supports an object to be slid.2. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein in the shot-blasting treatment claim 1 , a grinding material composed of an iron-based metal material having a spherical shape exhibiting a particle size of 180-300 μm and a surface hardness (Hv) of 280-600 is used claim 1 , a spray distance thereof is 50 mm or more and 150 mm or less and a grinding time therefore is 5 seconds or more and 30 seconds or less.3. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein said sliding layer is composed of a copper alloy having a surface hardness (Hv) of 80-150 before the shot-blasting treatment.4. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of said sliding layer is more than 0 mm and 1.5 mm or less. The present invention relates to a sliding member that slidably supports an object to be slid.In general, it is preferable that a sliding surface has a smooth surface to reduce friction in the sliding surface. However, if the sliding surface is the smooth surface, a friction resistance can be lower but some ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210277944A1

A sintered bearing bush material for a sliding bearing may include: 0.5 to 1.7 percentage by weight carbon; 0.2 to 1.2 percentage by weight manganese; 0.2 to 1.2 percentage by weight sulphur; 1.2 to 2.4 percentage by weight nickel; 1.0 to 2.1 percentage by weight molybdenum; 3.0 to 7.0 percentage by weight copper; 0.2 to 1.2 percentage by weight tin; 0 to 0.8 percentage by weight phosphorus; and a residual component. 1. A sintered bearing bush material for a sliding bearing , comprising:0.5 to 1.7 percentage by weight carbon;0.2 to 1.2 percentage by weight manganese;0.2 to 1.2 percentage by weight sulphur;1.2 to 2.4 percentage by weight nickel;1.0 to 2.1 percentage by weight molybdenum;3.0 to 7.0 percentage by weight copper;0.2 to 1.2 percentage by weight tin;0 to 0.8 percentage by weight phosphorus; anda residual component.2. The sintered bearing bush material according to claim 1 , wherein the residual component comprises a maximum of 0.2 percentage by weight impurities.3. The sintered bearing bush material according to claim 1 , wherein the residual component contains 83.4 percentage by weight to 94.9 percentage by weight iron.4. The sintered bearing bush material according to claim 1 , wherein the residual component consists of iron and impurities.5. The sintered bearing bush material according to claim 1 , wherein the remaining weight proportion of the residual component of the bearing bush material is formed by iron.6. The sintered bearing bush material according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of:the bearing bush material is produced from a powder mixture with at least three powder components and a pressing adjuvant, wherein one of the at least three powder components is a sulphidic solid lubricant; andthe bearing bush material is produced by means of sintering of a green body, which has been formed via uniaxial pressing of the powder mixture.7. The sintered bearing bush material according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing bush material is sintered at a ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150260222A1

Disclosed is a sliding bearing having a cylindrical shape, including: a Fe alloy back metal layer on an outside diameter side of the cylindrical shape and a sliding layer on an inside diameter side; and a first and second circumferential direction end surfaces, the first and the second circumferential direction end surfaces facing each other, a plurality of hardened convex portions projecting toward the second circumferential direction end surface being formed on the first circumferential direction end surface, a plurality of hardened concave portions corresponding to the plurality of hardened convex portions being formed on the second circumferential direction end surface, a first hardened area being formed on each of the hardened convex portions of the first circumferential direction end surface and its vicinity, and a second hardened area being formed on each of the hardened concave portions of the second circumferential direction end surface and its vicinity. 1. A sliding bearing having a cylindrical shape , comprising:a Fe alloy back metal layer on an outside diameter side of the cylindrical shape and a sliding layer on an inside diameter side of the cylindrical shape; anda first circumferential direction end surface and a second circumferential direction end surface, the first circumferential direction end surface and the second circumferential direction end surface facing each other, wherein{'b': '1', 'there is a first circumferential direction space S in a free state between the first circumferential direction end surface and the second circumferential direction end surface,'}a plurality of hardened convex portions projecting toward the second circumferential direction end surface being formed on the first circumferential direction end surface,a plurality of hardened concave portions corresponding to the plurality of hardened convex portions being formed on the second circumferential direction end surface,{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'a dimensional relation ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Bearing device

Номер: US20150260223A1
Принадлежит: Daido Metal Co Ltd

Disclosed is a bearing device including: a bearing housing made of an Al alloy and having a bearing holding hole; a sliding bearing having a cylindrical shape and forced into the bearing holding hole; and a shaft supported with an inner circumferential surface of the sliding bearing, wherein in the sliding bearing to be forced into, a plurality of hardened convex portions projecting toward the second circumferential direction end surface being formed on the first circumferential direction end surface, a plurality of hardened concave portions corresponding to the plurality of hardened convex portions being formed on the second circumferential direction end surface, a first hardened area being formed on each of the hardened convex portions of the first circumferential direction end surface and its vicinity, and a second hardened area being formed on each of the hardened concave portions of the second circumferential direction end surface and its vicinity.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190240806A1

A method for producing bearing components includes providing a first bearing component, a second bearing component, a first production line, and a second production line. The first production line has a first grinding machine, a first honing machine, a first measuring unit, and a first conveyor unit. The second production line has a second grinding machine, a second honing machine, and a second conveyor unit. The method also includes grinding and honing the first bearing component, measuring a first dimension of the first bearing component, grinding and honing the second bearing component, and combining the first bearing component and the second bearing component to form a roller bearing or a slide bearing. The first production line and the second production line are operated in a synchronized manner such that the second grinding machine or the second honing machine is operated under closed-loop control using the first dimension. 111.-. (canceled)12. A method for producing bearing components comprising:providing a first bearing component and a second bearing component;providing a first production line comprising a first grinding machine, a first honing machine, a first measuring unit, and a first conveyor unit;providing a second production line comprising a second grinding machine, a second honing machine, and a second conveyor unit;transporting the first bearing component with the first conveyor unit;grinding the first bearing component with the first grinding machine and honing the first bearing component with the first honing machine;measuring a first dimension of the first bearing component with the first measuring unit;transporting the second bearing component with the second conveyor unit;grinding the second bearing component with the second grinding machine and honing the second bearing component with the second honing machine; and,combining the first bearing component and the second bearing component to form a roller bearing or a slide bearing, wherein the ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Landing leg assembly for vehicles

Номер: US20200238957A1
Автор: Jeffrey R. JASPER
Принадлежит: SAF Holland Inc

A landing leg assembly for a heavy duty commercial vehicle includes a first leg member defining an interior space, a second leg member telescopingly engaging the first leg member and movable between a retracted position and an extended position with respect to the first leg member, a gear assembly at least partially located within the interior space of the first leg member and operably coupled to the second leg member and configured to receive an input from a user to move the first leg member between the retracted and extended positions, the gear assembly including a shaft member and a gear member fixed for rotation with the shaft member, and an integral, single-piece bearing member including a bore that rotatably receives the shaft member, wherein the bearing member comprises a powdered metal and is directly welded to the first leg member.

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254357A1

A ratio W/W of a circumferential width W of each of inclined hill portions G of a radial dynamic pressure generating portion G and a circumferential width W of each of inclined groove portions G is 1.2 or larger. And when an inner diameter of a bearing member is D, the circumferential width W of each of the inclined groove portions satisfies 0.2D≦W≦0.4D. 1. A fluid dynamic bearing device , comprising:a bearing member;a shaft member inserted into an inner periphery of the bearing member; and an annular hill portion extending in a circumferential direction,', 'a plurality of inclined hill portions extending from the annular hill portion to both sides in an axial direction, and', 'a plurality of inclined groove portions provided between the plurality of inclined hill portions in the circumferential direction,, 'a radial dynamic pressure generating portion formed on an inner peripheral surface of the bearing member or an outer peripheral surface of the shaft member, the radial dynamic pressure generating portion comprising{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '2', '2, 'wherein a ratio W/W of a circumferential width W of each of the inclined hill portions and a circumferential width W of each of the inclined groove portions is 1.2 or larger, and when an inner diameter of the bearing member is D, the circumferential width W of the each of the inclined groove portions satisfies 0.2D≦W≦0.4D.'}2. The fluid dynamic bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein an angle of each of the inclined hill portions and the inclined groove portions relative to the circumferential direction falls within a range from 10° to 30°.3. The fluid dynamic bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing member is made of a sintered metal.4. The fluid dynamic bearing device according to claim 2 , wherein the bearing member is made of a sintered metal.5. A fan motor claim 1 , comprising the fluid dynamic bearing device of .6. A fan motor claim 2 , comprising the fluid dynamic bearing device of .7. A ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Bearing for internal combustion engines

Номер: US20160265591A1

A bearing for an internal combustion engine may include a steel support layer. A coating layer containing a Cu alloy may be laid over the steel support layer. A Ni-based anti-diffusion barrier layer may be laid over the coating layer, and an anti-friction layer containing a matrix of Sn—Zn and Zn precipitates may be laid over the anti-diffusion barrier layer.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249716A1

Raw material powder containing metal powder as a main component is molded to form a metal powder molded body (), and the metal powder molded body () is sintered to form a metal substrate (). Further, a lubricating member () is made of an aggregate of graphite particles (), and at least a part of a bearing surface () is formed of the lubricating member (). The lubricating member () is fitted into the metal powder molded body (). After that, the metal powder molded body () is sintered, and at this time, the lubricating member () is fixed onto the metal substrate () with a contraction force (F) generated in the metal powder molded body (). 110-. (canceled)11. A method of manufacturing a sliding member having a sliding surface that slides with a mating member ,the method comprising:firing powder containing solid lubricant powder and a binder, to thereby form a lubricating member;molding raw material powder containing metal powder as a main component to form a metal powder molded body, and bringing the lubricating member into contact with the metal powder molded body so that a part of the lubricating member appears on a surface to be the sliding surface; andheating the lubricating member and the metal powder molded body at a sintering temperature under a state in which the lubricating member is brought into contact with the metal powder molded body, to thereby form a metal substrate by sintering of the metal powder molded body, and fix the lubricating member onto the metal substrate with a contraction force generated in the metal powder molded body during the sintering.12. A method of manufacturing a sliding member having a sliding surface that slides with a mating member ,the method comprising:molding first powder containing, as a main component, coated powder formed by coating solid lubricant powder with a metal and second powder containing metal powder as a main component so that the first powder appears on a surface to be the sliding surface under a state in which ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150273584A1

A sliding member having a hardness proper for an environment where a high-pressure is applied and having a good abrasion resistance. A sliding member comprises a first sintered compact layer formed by solidifying an iron-based metallic powder with a sinter; and a second sintered compact layer formed by solidifying a copper-based metallic powder on a surface of the first sintered compact layer to improve a sliding characteristic. The second sintered compact layer is densified by a blast process where the powder is collided against a surface of the second sintered compact layer 1. A sliding member , comprising:a first sintered compact layer formed by molding and sintering a first metallic powder; anda second sintered compact layer formed on one surface of said first sintered compact layer by molding and sintering a second metallic powder different from said first metallic powder in composition;wherein said second sintered compact layer is densified by an impact process wherein the powder is collided against one surface of said second sintered compact layer.2. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein said first sintered compact layer is formed with said first metallic powder of iron-based material and said second sintered compact layer is formed with said second metallic powder of copper-based material.3. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein said second sintered compact layer is densified such that a hardness of at least one surface thereof as a sliding surface is equal to or larger than Hv 150 but equal to or less than Hv 250.4. A method of manufacturing a sliding member claim 1 , comprising:forming a first sintered compact layer by molding a quantity of a first metallic powder and sintering said molded first metallic powder;spreading a quantity of a second metallic powder on at least one surface of said first sintered compact layer as a sliding surface matching with a shape of said first sintered compact layer, said second metallic powder having ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160273576A1

For friction reduction in sliding bearing, it is known to structure the sliding surface () by ECM by introducing a plurality of microscopic small indentations (). According to the invention it is proposed in particular in the same process step to smoothen also the intermediary spaces () between the indentations (), thus to remove the tips of the surface profile. 1127. A rotation symmetrical sliding bearing surface for a sliding movement along an opposite surface , wherein a surface of the sliding surface () is structured by microscopic indentations () , which comprises:{'b': 11', '5', '27, 'a roughness (Rz) is reduced compared to non structured portions in a structured portion () in entire intermediary spaces () between the indentations ().'}251127. The sliding surface according to claim 1 , characterized in that the intermediary spaces () in the structured portion () between the indentations () have a roughness (Ra) of 0.2 μm at the most and/or a roughness (R) of 0.16 μm at the most.352711. The sliding surface according to claim 1 , characterized in that the roughness (Rz) is at least 10% lower in the intermediary spaces () between the indentations () of the structured portion () than in the non-structure portion.42727. The sliding surface according to claim 1 , characterized in that in the portion between the indentations () claim 1 , the surface has a roughness (Rz) which is less than the depth (t) of the indentations () claim 1 , in particular below 5 μm claim 1 , and/or a contact portion of at least 50%.527272127. The sliding surface according to claim 1 , characterized in that the roughness (Rz) in the portion between the indentations () increases with increasing distance from the indentations -() when a distance () between two adjacent indentations () is{'b': 29', '26', '26, 'either twice the size of the lateral extension of the electrical scatter field () of one of the protrusions () beyond an edge of the protrusion (), or'}{'b': 27', '27, 'greater than the ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170266725A1
Автор: Kurimura Tetsuya

Dynamic pressure bearing (), including: a green compact (), as a base material, of raw material powder including metal powder capable of forming an oxide coating; and dynamic pressure generating portions (A and A) formed through die molding on an inner peripheral surface () forming a radial bearing gap with an outer peripheral surface () of a shaft to be supported, that is, a shaft member (). An oxide coating () is formed between particles of the metal powder by subjecting the green compact () to steam treatment, and the dynamic pressure bearing () has a radial crushing strength of 150 MPa or more.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190257356A1

A sintered bearing () contains as main components iron, copper, a metal having a lower melting point than copper, and a solid lubricant. The sintered bearing () includes a surface layer (S) and a base part (S). The surface layer (S) is formed mainly of flat copper powder arranged so as to be thinned in a thickness direction. In the base part (S), an iron structure () and a copper structure () brought into contact with the iron structure are formed of partially diffusion-alloyed powder in which copper powder is partially diffused in iron powder. Thus, a sintered bearing which achieves a balance between wear resistance of a bearing surface and strength of the bearing, and realizes low cost can be provided. 114-. (canceled)15. A manufacturing method of a sintered bearing , which contains as main components iron , copper , an element having a lower melting point than copper , and a solid lubricant , and comprises a base part containing an iron structure and a copper structure , and a surface layer containing a copper structure ,the element having a lower melting point than copper being any of tin, zinc and phosphorus, andthe surface layer covering a surface of the base part, wherein,the copper structure of the surface layer is formed by sintering of flat copper powder, and the iron structure and the copper structure of the base part are formed by sintering of partially diffusion-alloyed powder in which a plurality of grains of copper powder are partially diffused on an surface of an iron powder.16. The manufacturing method of the sintered bearing according to claim 15 , wherein the copper structure of the surface layer is formed in a surface of the surface layer at an area ratio of 60% or more.17. The manufacturing method of the sintered bearing according to claim 15 , wherein the iron structure and the copper structure in the base part are entirely formed of the partially diffusion-alloyed powder.18. The manufacturing method of the sintered bearing according to claim ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190257357A1
Автор: OCHIAI Hirokazu
Принадлежит: TAIHO KOGYO CO., LTD.

There is provided a method of manufacturing a washer capable of suppressing reduction in a sliding area, which includes: a preparing step of preparing a panel-shaped member N; a cutting step of cutting the panel-shaped member N with a laser L to thereby obtain a longitudinal member N; and a forming step of obtaining an arc-shaped washer by using the longitudinal member N. The panel-shaped member N has an equal width to a longitudinal width of the longitudinal member N. The cutting step is a step of cutting the panel-shaped member N from one end to the other end in a width direction to thereby obtain the longitudinal member N and the forming step is a step of deforming the longitudinal member N into an arc shape so that cut faces of the longitudinal member N form an outer peripheral face and an inner peripheral face. 1. A method of manufacturing a washer , the method comprising:a preparing step of preparing a panel-shaped member;a cutting step of cutting the panel-shaped member with a laser to thereby obtain a longitudinal member; anda forming step of obtaining an arc-shaped washer by using the longitudinal member.2. The method of manufacturing the washer according to claim 1 , whereinthe panel-shaped member has an equal width to a longitudinal width of the longitudinal member,the cutting step is a step of cutting the panel-shaped member from one end to the other end in a width direction to thereby obtain the longitudinal member, andthe forming step is a step of deforming the longitudinal member into an arc shape so that cut faces of the longitudinal member form an outer peripheral face and an inner peripheral face.3. A washer comprising a sliding portion capable of sliding against the other member claim 1 , whereina substantially right-angled edge portion in cross-sectional view is formed at at least a part of an outer edge of the sliding portion.4. The washer according to claim 3 , wherein the edge portion is formed to have a radius of curvature in cross-sectional ...
