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24-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689245C2
Принадлежит: ЛОКЛАЙН С.Р.Л. (IT)

Регулировочный клапан (1), содержащий корпус (2), имеющий впускное отверстие (3) и выпускное отверстие (4) для прохождения текучей среды, затвор (6), расположенный внутри корпуса (2) между впускным и выпускным отверстиями (3, 4), средства (5) регенерации, предназначенные для передачи кинетической и/или потенциальной энергии, извлеченной из текучей среды, за пределы корпуса (2) и содержащие вращающийся элемент (7), расположенный внутри корпуса (2) ниже по потоку от затвора (6) и выполненный с возможностью приведения во вращение текучей средой. Вращающийся элемент (7) имеет по существу трубчатую и цилиндрическую конструкцию и имеет наружную стенку (7а) и центральную часть (7b), концентрическую с наружной стенкой (7а), между которыми ограничена внутренняя область (7с), по которой может проходить текучая среда. Корпус (2) клапана имеет по существу трубчатую и цилиндрическую форму, а затвор (6) расположен внутри корпуса (2) клапана между впускным и выпускным отверстиями (3, 4), причем затвор ...

27-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2296261C2

Изобретение относится к области энергетического арматуростроения и предназначено для регулирования потока транспортируемой среды. Проходной клетковый клапан содержит корпус с входным и выходным патрубками и размещенный в нем цилиндр с перфорацией. Внутри цилиндра проходит плунжер. Плунжер соединен со штоком. Шток проходит через крышку корпуса. В боковой поверхности цилиндра выполнены окна. Окна и перфорация выполнены под острым углом по отношению к продольной оси клапана. Плунжер снабжен стаканом с основанием в виде плавной профилированной чаши. В стакане выполнены отверстия, ориентированные под острым углом по отношению к продольной оси клапана. Седло клапана снабжено поворотным коленом, соединенным с выходным патрубком. На выходе поворотного колена установлен вихрегаситель диафрагменного типа. Последний выполнен совместно с последующим коническим диффузором. Изобретение направлено на снижение гидравлического сопротивления и повышенной вибрации, вызванной возмущениями потока при двукратном ...

25-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2765129C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для уменьшения шума регулировочных клапанов и регуляторов. Шаровой клапан с модальным глушителем шума для уменьшения шума содержит: корпус клапана, имеющий впускное отверстие для жидкости и выпускное отверстие для жидкости, соединенные проточным каналом для жидкости; элемент управления, расположенный в проточном канале для жидкости, управляющий потоком жидкости через корпус клапана; перфорированный экран, расположенный внутри указанного элемента управления на расстоянии от внутренней поверхности элемента управления, образующий кольцевое пространство между перфорированным экраном и внутренней поверхностью элемента управления; и множество камер, образованных в элементе управления между перфорированным экраном и внутренней поверхностью элемента управления множеством стенок, расположенных на внутренней поверхности элемента управления по существу перпендикулярно направлению потока жидкости через элемент управления. Техническим результатом изобретения является ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2780395C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам регулирования расхода газа и может быть использовано в энергетическом машиностроении для подачи газов к потребителям. Электромагнитный клапан-дроссель состоит из: корпуса 3 с входным наконечником 15, седла 4 с выходным наконечником 15, электромагнита 1 со стопом 9, пружины 10, якоря 2, державки 6, соединенной с якорем 2 штоком 5 и в которой, находится шайба пружинная 8, поджимающая заслонку 7 к седлу 4, у которых имеются зеркально выполненные прорези 12, имеющие ширину 0,8 от величины хода якоря, и перемычки шириной, равной или больше, чем ход якоря 2. В обесточенном состоянии электромагнитного дросселя расход через него максимальный, при подаче напряжения на электромагнит отверстия на стопе перекрываются перемычками золотника, и через дроссель идет минимальный расход через боковое отверстие 13, расположенное на цилиндрической поверхности седла 4. Таким образом, для перекрытия проходного сечения через электромагнитный дроссель, которое образуется из суммы ...

20-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU104656U1

... 1. Клапан регулирующий осевого типа, устанавливаемый в трубопроводе и состоящий из корпуса с входным и выходным отверстиями, в котором с возможностью возвратно-поступательного движения размещен поршень, связанный с помощью шпинделя с приводом, отличающийся тем, что в корпусе, дополнительно соединенном с приводом посредством упора, выполнены центральное и коаксиально расположенные по отношению к нему периферийные сквозные отверстия, при этом в центральном отверстии размещен связанный со шпинделем посредством эксцентрика поршень, рабочие концы которого выполнены переменного сечения, а торец со стороны выходного сечения снабжен износостойкой вставкой и выполнен конусным для ответного взаимодействия с седлом, установленным на выходном отверстии корпуса и размещенным в регулирующей втулке с образованием диффузора, в полость которого переходят периферийные отверстия. ! 2. Клапан регулирующий осевого типа по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве привода используют импульсный взрывозащищенный электродвигатель ...

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU166272U1

... 1. Клапан осевого потока, содержащий корпус и выполненный за одно целое с ним и размещенный внутри корпуса обтекатель, между которыми образован кольцевой канал, на выходе из которого расположена цилиндрическая гильза с проходными окнами и кольцевыми уплотнениями, при этом внутри обтекателя с возможностью осевого перемещения установлен поршень, выполненный за одно целое с сепаратором, имеющим отверстия, а с наружной стороны сепаратора образована кольцевая выемка, причем кольцевое уплотнение, расположенное в гильзе со стороны выходного отверстия корпуса, имеет с внутренней стороны кольцевой выступ, взаимодействующий с сепаратором, а ширина кольцевого выступа меньше ширины остальной части этого уплотнения, размещенной в ответной по форме канавке, образованной в гильзе.2. Клапан по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что гильза в месте установки упомянутого уплотнения выполнена разрезной.3. Клапан по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутое уплотнение выполнено из фторопласта.4. Клапан по п. 1, отличающийся ...

11-01-2021 дата публикации

Кран угловой шаровой со сменным газоперепускным клапаном

Номер: RU201750U1

Кран угловой шаровой со сменным газоперепускным клапаном включает корпус с входным и выходным патрубками, шаровой затвор. Входной и выходной патрубки расположены под углом 90° друг к другу. Сверху корпуса установлена крышка. Соосно продольной оси корпуса выполнено гладкое сквозное отверстие. Шаровой затвор установлен в цилиндрических гнездах корпуса и крышки с возможностью поворота посредством рукоятки, фиксируемой пружиной в торцевых пазах корпуса в положениях «Открыто», «Закрыто», «Дроссель». Шаровой затвор дополнительно снабжен двумя отверстиями, образующими Г-образные каналы, выполненные перпендикулярно оси корпуса, одно из которых гладкое, а другое - резьбовое. В резьбовое отверстие шарового затвора установлен сменный газоперепускной клапан. Устройство позволяет производить замену газоперепускного клапана без демонтажа крана с трубопровода, обеспечить экономию электроэнергии при работе в полнопроходном режиме, обеспечить возможность фиксации манометром величины давления до и после сменного дросселя. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 750 U1 (51) МПК F16K 5/06 (2006.01) F16K 47/04 (2006.01) F16K 11/087 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 5/0626 (2020.08); F16K 47/045 (2020.08); F16K 11/0873 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020120516, 19.06.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 11.01.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 11.01.2021 Бюл. № 2 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Управляющая компания общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ТМС групп" (RU) Адрес для переписки: 125476, Москва, а/я 21, Григорьева Анна Викторовна U 1 2 0 1 7 5 0 R U (54) Кран угловой шаровой со сменным газоперепускным клапаном (57) Реферат: Кран угловой шаровой со сменным снабжен двумя отверстиями, образующими Ггазоперепускным клапаном включает корпус с образные каналы, выполненные перпендикулярно входным и выходным патрубками, шаровой оси корпуса, одно из которых гладкое, а другое ...

13-05-2022 дата публикации

Прямоточный регулирующий клапан

Номер: RU2771894C1

Изобретение относится к арматуростроению и предназначено для регулирования и перекрытия рабочих сред жидкостей и газов. Прямоточный регулирующий клапан содержит внешний и внутренний корпусы, входной и выходной фланцы, делитель потока, представляющий собой перфорированный цилиндр, соосно которому установлен запирающий орган, соединенный с реечным приводом при помощи штока, размещенную в выходном фланце расширительную втулку, запирающий орган установлен с возможностью поворота вокруг своей оси, на поверхности штока и реечном приводе выполнены находящиеся в зацеплении зубчатые венцы, а отверстия в перфорированном цилиндре и запирающем органе имеют одинаковую форму, размещены кольцевыми рядами. Расстояния между рядами, расстояние до края выходного фланца от ближайшего к нему ряда отверстий и угловой шаг между центрами отверстий в перфорированном цилиндре и запирающем органе одинаковые. На внутренней поверхности запирающего органа, между рядами отверстий, кольцевыми рядами размещены радиально ...

20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2421650C1

Изобретение относится к арматуростроения и предназначено для использования в качестве устройства регулирования потока жидкости и получения малых расходов при больших перепадах давления в оборудовании корабельной ядерной энергетической установки, работающей на жидкометаллическом теплоносителе в режиме переменных нагрузок. Дроссель содержит корпус с входным и выходным патрубками и установленный в корпусе многоканальный дроссельный элемент. Каналы выполнены взаимоперпендикулярными с точкой пересечения на оси дроссельного элемента и расположены в перпендикулярных этой оси параллельных плоскостях. Два выхода каждого пересечения соединены с соответствующими двумя входами последующего пересечения с помощью проточек. Проточки расположены на поверхности дроссельного элемента. Вышеупомянутые выходы взаимоперпендикулярных каналов, расположенных в одной плоскости, развернуты относительно оси дроссельного элемента на одинаковый угол. Упомянутые развороты выполнены с последовательным чередованием влево-вправо ...

08-10-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2828288C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а именно является нормально открытым клапаном для управления расходом жидкости через трубопроводы. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что мембрана зажата при помощи резьбового соединения между двумя опорными дисками и приварена к центральному диску, который находится в крышке со штуцером, образующим полость управления. Кроме этого, шток, жестко соединенный с мембраной, выходит из дренажной полости через направляющие отверстия установленной втулки, поджатой пружиной к стенке корпуса, и отверстие корпуса. Во втулке установлено фторопластовое кольцо, а на торцах имеются каналы для прохода во входную полость клапана и через паз в торце запорного органа, поджатого пружиной к одностороннему седлу на корпусе. Через противоположное седло по оси, установленной на корпусе крышки, проходит в клапан рабочее тело. Изобретение направлено на уменьшение габаритов, увеличение пределов работоспособности при высоких давлениях рабочего тела и криогенных температур ...

27-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007147265A

... 1. Запорно-дросселирующий клапан, содержащий корпус, размещенное в нем седло, золотник, соединенный со штоком, крышку с буксой, приводной механизм, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен направляющим стаканом с окнами, охватывающим золотник, седло выполнено конфузорным с перфорированной поверхностью, чашка золотника выполнена плавной обтекаемой формы с отверстиями перфорации, расположенными в виде концентричных рядов в нижней ее части, выполненными под острым углом по отношению к продольной оси клапана. ! 2. Запорно-дросселирующий клапан по п.1, отличающийся тем, что направляющий стакан снабжен наплавкой, расположенной на внутренней поверхности стакана на секторе 90° толщиной Δ, равной радиальному зазору между внутренней поверхностью стакана и внешней поверхностью золотника. ! 3. Запорно-дросселирующий клапан по п.1, отличающийся тем, что боковая поверхность седла равномерно перфорирована отверстиями диаметром d=5-10 мм с окружным и вертикальным шагами t1=t2=2d.

23-08-2024 дата публикации

Прямоточный клапан

Номер: RU2825289C1

Изобретение относится к арматуростроению, в частности к регулирующим клапанам осевого потока, применяемым в промышленной трубопроводной арматуре, и предназначено для регулирования и перекрытия рабочих сред жидкостей и газов. Прямоточный клапан содержит внешний и внутренний корпусы, входной и выходной патрубки с фланцами, делитель потока, запирающее устройство цилиндрической формы, привод поступательного движения в виде реечного механизма, внутренняя поверхность запирающего устройства взаимодействует с внешней поверхностью делителя потока, на которой выполнены продольные ручьи криволинейного поперечного сечения, продольные оси которых параллельны продольной оси клапана, а ширина и глубина увеличивается к выходному патрубку. В выходном патрубке установлена цилиндроконическая расширительная втулка, на внутренней поверхности которой осесимметрично расположены впадины полукруглого поперечного сечения, диаметр которого уменьшается от внутреннего корпуса к фланцу, расположенному на выходном патрубке ...

27-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98109905A

... 1. Регулировочный клапан высокого давления, содержащий корпус клапана, имеющий впускное и выпускное отверстия и соединяющий их центральный канал, коробку, размещенную в указанном канале, и запорный элемент клапана, отличающийся тем, что коробка сообщена с указанным центральным каналом корпуса клапана и имеет центральное расточное отверстие, причем впускное отверстие коробки сообщено с впускным отверстием в корпусе клапана, выпускное отверстие коробки сообщено с выпускным отверстием в корпусе клапана, а внутренний канал коробки сообщает ее впускное и выпускное отверстия, при этом запорный элемент клапана размещен с возможностью возвратно-поступательного движения в центральном расточном отверстии коробки и сцеплен с его поверхностью с возможностью вращения и имеет ряд уплотняющих поверхностей и отстоящие друг от друга промежуточные отверстия, ведущие к внутренним каналам запорного элемента, причем запорный элемент клапана выполнен с возможностью выборочного перемещения для обеспечения расцепления ...

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004114938A

Клапан запорно-регулирующий, в корусе которого с входным и выходным каналами размещены два затвора, связанные с штоком, перемещаемым приводом, отличающийся тем, что первый затвор - запорный выполнен в виде штока со ступенчатым поршнем с отверстиями и уплотнительной поверхностью, а второй - запорно-регулирующий затвор выполнен в виде охватывающей поршень ступенчатой втулки-плунжера с уплотнительной поверхностью, установленной с возможностью осевого перемещения и фиксации ее в крайних положениях, причем запорно-регулирующий затвор расположен соосно в седле с уплотнительной поверхностью и уплотнительным элементом, выполненным трубчатым с отверстиями, расположенными после уплотнительного элемента и уплотнительной поверхности по ходу потока среды, причем внутренний диаметр трубчатой части седла после уплотнительной поверхности сопрягается с наружным диаметром запорно-регулирующего затвора, при этом последний установлен с возможностью осевого перемещения ступенчатым поршнем штока вдоль трубчатой ...

15-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: SU1060864A2

ДРОССЕЛЬ по авт. св. № 918631, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения иадежносш путем регулирования иастроЁкй давле} ния разгрузки гидропривода в зависимости от задаваемого дросселем расхода жидкости, в корпусе установлена дополнительная резьбовая втулка, зафиксированная от вращательного движеиия, а дросселирующая игла снабжена дополнительным резьбовым участксш, образующим с втулкой винтовунзсдаару. сл О5 о 00 а 4: ...

18-04-1969 дата публикации

Устройство для гашения пульсаций рабочей среды

Номер: SU241862A1
Автор: Цыхан А.И.

15-08-1987 дата публикации

Дроссель переменного расхода

Номер: SU1330393A1

Изобретение относится к области арматуростроения и может быть использовано в гидравлических и пневматических системах. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности работы путем повышения плавности регулирования расхода и гашения в противофазе пульсаций сравнения. Рабочее тело, поступая во входной канал 2, проходит через щелевые зазоры h, образованные последовательно расположеиньми заслонками 11 и поршнями 4 и 9, поступает в выходной канал 3. Величина расхода дросселя регулируется путем вращения регулировочного элемента В. 2 ил. f (Л со со о со со 00 ...

07-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1800191C

07-11-1992 дата публикации

Запорный элемент

Номер: SU1775022A3

Использование: в арматуростроении. Сущность изобретения: корпус 1 размещай в кожухе 2 клапана с входным и выходным каналами (К) 3 и 4, образующими проточный К. В корпусе 1 выполнены поперечные К 8-10. выходящие в одну сторону на поверхность 11 корпуса 1 и коммутирующие между собой продольные К 5-7. Некоторые оси К 8-10 эксцентрично смещены относительно осей сообщающихся с ними К 5-7. 6 ил.

15-04-1992 дата публикации

Клапан уменьшения высокого давления

Номер: SU1727538A3

Изобретение м.б. использовано в клапанах уменьшения высокого давления рабочей среды, содержащей составные части твердого вещества. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности и долговечности клапана путем преобразования поступательного перемещения исполнительного механизма во вращательное движение с последующим преобразованием (редуцированием ) его в уменьшенное линейное перемещение запорного органа. Кинематическая связь выполнена в виде шпиндельной гайки с внутренней сферической резьбой, связанной с расположенным внутри нее шнековым элементом, жестко соединенным с шпинделем. Дросселирующая щель выполнена а виде зазора, образованного двумя коническими поверхностями конуса и седла. Ход запорного органа (конуса) 1 мм с отклонением в сторону уменьшения примерно на 1 % хода конуса. Угол раскрытия конуса выполнен в пределах 120-170°. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016223660A1

Ein Druckreduzierventil (1) weist folgende Merkmale auf: ein Gehäuse (2); einen Einlass (4) und einen Auslass (6), die in dem Gehäuse (2) vorgesehen sind; einen in dem Gehäuse (2) beweglichen Kolben (9); eine sich von dem Kolben (9) zu dem Einlass (4) hin erstreckende Stange (9a); ein Stangenschiebeteil (11) an der Stelle, an der sich die Stange (9a) in dem Gehäuse (2) verschiebt; ein in der Stange (9a) vorgesehenes Ventilelement (12); ein mit dem Ventilelement (12) zu besetzender Ventilsitz (13); eine stromabwärts von dem Ventilsitz (13) um das Ventilelement (12) herum ausgebildete Ventilkammer (14); eine zwischen dem Kolben (9) und dem Gehäuse (2) stromabwärts von dem Kolben (9) vorgesehene Drucksteuerkammer (17), die mit dem Auslass (6) kommuniziert; ein in der Stange (9a) und dem Kolben (9) ausgebildeter Durchgang (9b); eine Feder (21), um den Kolben (9) und die Stange (9a) so zu drücken, dass das Ventilelement (12) von dem Ventilsitz (13) getrennt wird; sowie ein in dem Stangenschiebeteil ...

20-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002330392B2

28-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000269428A1

12-02-2004 дата публикации

Valve has support component for inlet side housing section and upon it are wear and/or sound reducing means formed by packet of several discs which has at least one flow passage connecting inlet side and outlet side housing sections

Номер: DE0010332262A1

The valve with an inlet side and an outlet side sections through which runs a passage is which is installed a sealing component, has a support component (2) for the inlet side housing section and upon it are provided wear and/or sound reducing means which are formed by a packet of several discs which has at least one flow passage connecting the inlet side and outlet side housing sections. The discs have cut-outs which are stacked one upon the other and offset in relation to each other so that they form at least one flow passage.

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Drosselkörper mit mehreren raumspiralförmig verlaufenden Kanälen

Номер: DE102015005611A1

Bei einem Drosselkörper zum Reduzieren des Fluiddrucks, insbesondere an einem Stellventil, vorzugsweise zum Anordnen in einer Prozessfluidleitung, einer prozesstechnischen Anlage, wie einer chemischen Anlage, insbesondere einer petrochemischen Anlage, einem Kraftwerk, einer Brauerei oder dergleichen, mit mehreren sich von einem stromaufwärtigen Kanaleintritt zu einem stromabwärtigen Kanalaustritt verlaufenden Kanälen, ist vorgesehen, dass ein zumindest abschnittsweiser, gekrümmter Verlauf wenigstens eines der mehreren Kanäle zwischen dem Kanaleintritt und dem Kanalaustritt von einer ebenen Erstreckung abweicht.

05-06-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE8611417U1

11-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002246176A1

05-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001354536A

... 1354536 Fluid regulation MASONEILAN INTERNATIONAL Inc 6 July 1971 [6 July 1970] 31769/71 Heading G3H [Also in Division F2] A fluid expansion valve having an inlet 10a, outlet 10c and a main closure member 3 is characterized by a tubular assembly 6, 9 constituting a series of blind bores 7 which co-operate with a series of ribs 2 formed on the valve spindle which provides a progressively increasing labyrinth passage from the inlet to the outlet. The first set of blind bores 7 adjacent the valve member 3 comprises two diametric bores Fig. 3a, (not shown), the second set three bores Fig. 3b, (not shown) and fourth set four bores Fig.3c, (not shown). The number of recesses in a set formed by the bores and tube 9 may be kept constant and the increase in section of the passage of the fluid obtained by progressively increasing the size of the recesses in each set. The valvemember is positioned by means of electrical or pneumatic signals.

16-07-1997 дата публикации

Valve with removable control member

Номер: GB0002309063A
Автор: Assoni, I, ASSONI I, I * ASSONI

A valve includes a fluid passage therethrough in which is mounted a closure member (20) with a passage (22) therethrough in which is mounted a removable fluid control member (48). The closure member is moveable from an open to a closed position by a valve stem (40) the end of which fits into the closure member and carries the control member. When the closure member is moved to the closed position the control member can be removed for maintenance. The fluid control member (48) may be a filter, a strainer, a non-return valve or a regulator.

05-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002121920B

09-04-2014 дата публикации

Flow trim for a valve

Номер: GB0002506657A

A trim 30 means for a choke, control or anti-surge control valve, comprises a plug 2 engageable with a seat 11 and a plurality of flow control elements 8a, 8b that are moveable along a path to control flow through the trim means. The flow control elements 8a, 8b are spaced apart along the path, each flow control element defining its corresponding flow path. Movement of each flow control element along the path progressively varies the flow area through its corresponding flow path.

17-04-1985 дата публикации

Apparatus for dispensing pressurised liquids

Номер: GB0002146413A

Apparatus for dispensing pressurised liquids, such as carbonated beverages includes a plurality of successively communicating passages 8-13, the diameter of each passage converging in a downstream direction, the radial width of each passage increasing in a downstream direction. The member 5 which provides one wall of each passage is movable to provide a valve action. ...

02-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002122313B

10-10-1927 дата публикации

Improvements in steam valves

Номер: GB0000278451A

... 278,451. Pascale, P. July 9, 1926. Superheating by throttling. - A combined steam drier and stop valve comprises a tubular member 6 provided with a series of small apertures 8 and a number of ports 9 beyond the apertures adapted, when the ports are raised above the seat, to allow a free flow of steam. The member 6 is secured to a lift valve member 5 adapted to engage a seat 4 and connected by a spindle 15 to a perforated piston 14 working in a tubular member 13. The spindle is guided by a bridge 16 and rotation is prevented by rods 10 engaging projections 12. A cage 27 having segmental blades 28 is suspended from the valve member 5. An adjustable stop spindle 19 provided with an indicator 24 and adjusted by a handle wheel 20 enaging a screwed part of the spindle limits the opening of the valve.

03-03-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001223983A

... 1,223,983. Valves. ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. 29 Jan., 1970 [13 Feb., 1969], No. 7966/69. Heading F2V. A fluid control valve of the kind having two substantially concentric outlet passage openings 5, 6 for two parallel branches of fluid flow to be controlled by an annular partition 2 which defines a common boundary wall 13, is characterized by fluid guiding channels 14 spaced around the internal and external surfaces of the partition 2 adjacent the openings 5, 6. The channels 14 extend in the direction of fluid flow and are disposed so as to encourage the mixing of fluid emerging from the openings 5, 6 and so suppress resonance vibrations.

22-03-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001268073A

... 1,268,073. Valves. R. E. SELF. 25 April, 1969 [6 May, 1968; 22 Nov., 1968], No. 21297/69. Heading F2V. [Also in Divisions F1 and G2-G3] A fluid flow regulator comprises a stack of discs each having labyrinth passages as illustrated in Figs. 2-9 (not shown) to provide a number of parallel connected radial flow paths which weave between adjacent discs. The discs can be incorporated in a valve 10 in which movement of piston 12 varies the number of flow paths in circuit between inlet 13 and outlet 15. In a modification (Fig. 11, not shown) a relief valve piston (74) is moved against its loading spring by inlet pressure to vary the number of flow paths. In another modification (Fig. 12, not shown) the piston is moved by a solenoid and is combined with a conical silencer (see Division F1). Specification 1,193,980 is referred to.

25-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001498771A

... 1498771 Ball valves KAMYR VALVES Inc 22 April 1976 [3 June 1975] 16413/76 Heading F2V A ball valve assembly comprising a rotatable spherical, metal ball member 12 having a through bore 33 and mounted in a metal housing 11 which has an inlet bore 22 and an outlet bore 24, is characterized in that the bores 33, 22 and 24 are lined with tubular inserts 34, 28, 30 respectively which are formed of abrasionresistant material and which have wall thicknesses which are sufficient to close the valve without exposing the metal of the member 12 to the abrasive fluid. The inserts are preferably made of a ceramic. A clearance C is provided between the member 12 and the housing 11 and a smaller clearance A between the inserts 28, 34, while the inserts 34, 30 are in contact. A purge fluid may be supplied between the member 12 and the housing 11 at a pressure greater than that of the abrasive fluid passing through the bores of the inserts.

09-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002075639B

24-02-2006 дата публикации

Fluid flow and pressure control system and method.

Номер: AP0000001583A

A system and method for controlling fluid according to which an inlet passage (16)and outlet passage (14) are formed in a housing (12)and a choke member (40) controls flow between the inlet passage and the outlet passage. The movement of the choke member is dampened.

31-12-2001 дата публикации

Fluid flow and pressure control system

Номер: AP0200102353A0

31-12-2001 дата публикации

Fluid flow and pressure control system

Номер: AP2001002353A0

28-03-2006 дата публикации

Fluid flow and pressure control system and method.

Номер: OA0000011881A

31-12-2001 дата публикации

Fluid flow and pressure control system

Номер: AP0200102353D0

15-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: ATA821078A

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500302B1

A poppet valve device is composed such that a plurality of axial passages of substantially the same diameter and length communicating to a high-pressure space formed inside the valve seat member between the poppet valve body and the valve seat member are provided in the valve seat member. The passages are located adjacent to each other, or located axially symmetrically. An annular gap formed between the periphery of the poppet valve body and the inner perimeter of a projecting part on which the valve seat face of the valve seat member is formed is narrow to restrict liquid flow through the annular gap. An electronic controlled fuel injection apparatus equipped with the poppet valve device is composed such that a lower end part of the poppet valve body and the bottom of a valve device accommodating part of the fuel injection apparatus are formed to restrict the flow of fuel from between the lower end of the poppet valve body and the bottom of the valve device accommodation part to the central ...

15-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA185686A

15-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000062533T

15-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000101248T

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000002353T

15-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000075831T

15-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000047213T

15-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000019145T

15-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000155220T

15-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000290182T

15-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000271669T

25-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000613110B2

29-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000586115B2

03-02-2005 дата публикации

Water meter

Номер: AU2004203207A1

04-11-2004 дата публикации

Fluid flow and pressure control system and method

Номер: AU2004218726A1

30-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002361815A1

18-11-1999 дата публикации

Flow control valve with non-plugging multi-stage valve trim

Номер: AU0000712761B2

21-04-1994 дата публикации

High differential pressure control valve

Номер: AU0004608593A

25-09-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000934270A1

02-01-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA918133A

21-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1132268A

DUAL DISC PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE A pressure reducing control valve assembly for feeding an aeration fluid stream to a flotation tank includes a pair of overlapping discs, one having a central opening and affixed to an end of a tube, and the other imperorate and outwardly movable away from the surface of the fixed disc to define a valve opening having a predetermined land width optimum size of air bubbles for the objective desired is obtained by controlling the dimensions of a shear zone established by the land width within which the fluid stream is intensely turbulent for a short period of time, thereby causing air bubbles to form and then be discharged immediately into the liquid within the tank without having had time to coalesce.

16-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1176227A

... 13377:RDS HIGH PRESSURE VALVE An erosion resistant control valve or adjustable choke has a body with a side inlet, an end outlet and a conical valve seat in alignment with the outlet. Downstream from the valve seat are a converging passage having a smaller taper than the valve seat, a cylindrical passage and a diverging passage. A stem aligned with the seat assembly includes a plug having a tapered seal surface near its upstream end for engaging the valve scat and a converging control surface downstream therefrom with the same taper as the converging passage. The smaller end of the control surface is in the cylindrical passage when the valve is closed and in the converging passage is fully open for localizing erosion downstream from the valve seat. A bleed passage relieves pressure from within the valve before the valve bonnet can be removed. The valve can be locked in a selected control setting by a split ring engaging the stem.

11-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1201653A

ABRIDGEMENT A multiposition choke valve assembly comprises: a) a valve body defining an interior chamber and inlet and outlet flow ports communicable with that chamber, b) a valve stopper sub-assembly movable axially longitudinally in the chamber, the sub-assembly including an axially extending stem, an axially extending sleeve, an annular section located between the stem and sleeve, and an annular seal on the annular section and exposed at the section periphery. c) the sleeve forming multiple through openings and having a retracted position in which the flow passes with relatively lesser velocity past the seal and then forwardly to pass via such openings with relatively increased velocity into the sleeve, followed by generally axially forward flow toward the outlet flow port, d) the sleeve having an advanced position in which the seal is radially compressed to engage a body bore, and the flow through the sleeve openings is blocked.

01-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001206837A1

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002487170C

A skirt guided control valve (2) provides streamlined flow and minimum resistance to flow in flow up and flow down conditions when the valve is open. The skirt guided control valve has a fluid inlet (8), a fluid outlet (6), a passageway (12) disposed between the fluid inlet and fluid outlet, a valve seat (14) and a valve plug (10) with a skirt (16). The valve seat and the skirt portion of the valve plug include blended edges (38) and contoured surfaces (22) to provide for streamlined flow.

01-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888587A1

A flow restrictor for use on a pilot operated relief valve (PORV) assembly with a pilot valve that regulates operation of a main valve to reduce pressure in a system or vessel. In one embodiment, the flow restrictor is configured with a plurality of flow modifying regions, namely, a first region and a second region that is spaced apart from the first region. These regions are configured to generate flow at the outlet of the flow restrictor that induces operation of the pilot valve that is favorable for operation of the main valve. In one example, the first region and the second region define, respectively, a first flow area and a second flow area for the flow pathway, wherein each are configured to assign a ratio of the second flow area to the first flow area with a value of less than 10.

18-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002119633C

The flow trim has inner and outer, spaced apart, tubular cylindrical, coextensive, ported walls which project across the inlet of the choke. A tubular throttling collar may be advanced longitudinally through the annular space between the ported walls, to vary the flow area of the ports. The arrangement enables staging of the pressure drop in increments through the ports of the choke. This reduces cavitation.

14-01-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000583871A5

31-01-1929 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Schliessen von Druckleitungen.

Номер: CH0000131175A

15-10-1965 дата публикации

Reduzierventil für strömende Medien

Номер: CH0000400703A

31-08-1965 дата публикации

Kompatibles Farbfernsehgerät

Номер: CH0000397765A

15-06-1967 дата публикации

Mehrstufiges Drosselventil

Номер: CH0000437952A

31-07-1967 дата публикации

Gashahn, insbesondere für Erdgas

Номер: CH0000440886A

30-04-1976 дата публикации

High pressure differential through flow valve - operates in hot water long distance heating systems and at reduced noise levels

Номер: CH0000575089A5

High pressure differential through-flow valve is designed to reduce the noise of water flow as created by resonances in the valve. The valve cone (3) on its larger diameter side has a cylindrical extension (4) and on its smaller diameter side a further rotationally symmetrical extension (5) broadening in diameter away from the cone. The former extension lies on the inlet side of the valve. The latter extension can have the shape of a truncated cone or a trumpet-funnel. An uninterrupted passage is formed for the flowing medium at small opening positions of the valve so that no surfaces are acted upon by flow at right angles or edge-on.

14-05-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000575566A5

31-05-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000576092A5
Принадлежит: NUSSBAUM & CO AG R, NUSSBAUM, R., & CO. AG

15-09-1963 дата публикации

Robinet de détente d'un fluide gazeux compressé

Номер: CH0000371934A

31-10-1970 дата публикации

Steuerventil für Hochdruckfluidum

Номер: CH0000498319A

30-09-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000567220A5

15-06-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000588659A5
Принадлежит: SAMSON AG

31-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000636420A5

28-02-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000595749A5

13-09-1985 дата публикации

Shut-off valve for a sanitary outflow fitting

Номер: CH0000651365A5

The shut-off valve is provided with a valve body which is to be arranged in a fitting housing (2) and in which an actuating spindle (4) connected to the valve-regulating member (7) is mounted rotatably. There are two catch elements (20, 22) which can be brought into a mutually engaged position and of which one (22) is connected to a sleeve screwable in the fitting housing (2) and the other (20) is arranged on the spindle (4). The valve cannot be damaged if the spindle is over-rotated, since the engagement points defined by the catch elements can easily be overridden without much effort. If the regulating member is of symmetrical design, the direction of rotation for opening and closing the valve can be selected as desired, this being highly advantageous. ...

14-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000654893A5

15-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000653751A5

14-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000675267A5
Принадлежит: GEBERIT AG

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Клапан регулирующий угловой клеточного типа

Номер: RU0000205825U1

Полезная модель относится к запорно-регулирующим устройствам, предназначенным для регулирования потока среды с высоким содержанием абразивных включений (абразив, проппант) средних размеров.Предлагается клапан регулирующий угловой клеточного типа, включающий корпус, входной и выходной каналы корпуса, расположенные под углом 90°, втулку клеточную установленную в месте пересечения каналов, плунжер, установленный во втулке клеточной и выполненный с возможностью перекрывать каналы, крышку с герметично размещённым в ней приводом, осуществляющим движение плунжера. При этом перед втулкой клеточной выполнена полость, за которой установлена сетка клеточная защитная. Технический результат – повышение надежности и срока службы клапана регулирующего углового клеточного типа. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 825 U1 (51) МПК F16K 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 1/12 (2021.05); F16K 47/04 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021113900, 17.05.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 17.05.2021 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 192418 U1, 16.09.2019 . RU 2296261 C2, 27.03.2007. WO 2019067255 A1, 04.04.2019. US 3602261 A1, 31.08.1971. (45) Опубликовано: 11.08.2021 Бюл. № 23 2 0 5 8 2 5 R U (54) Клапан регулирующий угловой клеточного типа (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к запорнорегулирующим устройствам, предназначенным для регулирования потока среды с высоким содержанием абразивных включений (абразив, проппант) средних размеров. Предлагается клапан регулирующий угловой клеточного типа, включающий корпус, входной и выходной каналы корпуса, расположенные под углом 90°, втулку клеточную установленную в месте пересечения каналов, плунжер, Стр.: 1 установленный во втулке клеточной и выполненный с возможностью перекрывать каналы, крышку с герметично размещённым в ней приводом, ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Pressure Regulating Device and Method of Operating a Pressure Regulating Device

Номер: US20130118595A1
Принадлежит: FESTO AG & CO. KG

A pressure regulating device has a pressure regulating valve with a valve casing and a regulating unit which is movable relative to the former. The regulating unit contains an actuation element which may be moved by a control pressure, and two first and second closing members, each spring-biased in a closed position, which may be switched by the actuation element. The connection between a primary port and a secondary port is controlled by the first closing member. Fixed immovably to the actuation element is a restrictor element which is moved into a restriction position when the actuation element is so positioned that the first closing member is normally moved into its closed position. If, because of a fault, the first closing member is not moved into the closed position, only a very small amount of pressure medium flows to the secondary port, so that consequential damage may be avoided. 1. A pressure regulating device , with a pressure regulating valve which has a valve casing with a primary port for the supply of pressure medium , a pressure-regulated secondary port for connection to a load , and a vent port , wherein there is provided , between the secondary port and the primary port , a first overflow port bordered by a first valve seat and , between the secondary port and the vent port , a second overflow port bordered by a second valve seat , wherein a first closing member with a spring bias in the direction of a closed position abutting the first valve seat lies opposite the first valve seat , and a second closing member with a spring bias in the direction of a closed position abutting the second valve seat lies opposite the second valve seat , wherein both closing members belong to a regulating unit , which is movable relative to the valve casing , which also contains an actuation element which is movable relative to the two closing members and may be driven under the influence of a control pressure to a regulating movement relative to the valve casing , by ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276924A1

A control valve which includes a uniquely configured seat ring outfitted with flow passages adapted to operatively interact with a valve plug in a manner providing prescribed pressure reduction characteristics in a fluid flowing through the flow passages. The seat ring of the control valve of the present invention is preferably fabricated through the use of a direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) process. The use of the DMLS process to facilitate the fabrication of the seat ring in the control valve allows for the creation of more intricate and complex flow passages therein. Such increased intricacy/complexity provides better flow range/rangeability within the control valve. 1. A multi-stage control valve , comprising:a valve body; a first inner surface portion at least partially defining a generally cylindrical bore which extends through the seat ring along an axis; and', 'at least one flow passage formed in the first inner surface portion to a prescribed length and extending in generally parallel relation to the axis of the bore;, 'a seat ring disposed within the valve body and includinga valve plug advanced through the bore and reciprocally movable along the axis thereof in a manner which allows for selective variations in a portion of the length of the flow passage covered thereby.2. The valve of wherein the at least one flow passage has a tortuous configuration defining a series of right angle turns claim 1 , and includes at least first sections which each extend in generally parallel relation to the axis of the bore and second sections which each extend generally circumferentially relative to the axis of the bore.3. The valve of wherein the at least one flow passage comprises a plurality of flow passages formed in the first inner surface portion in prescribed orientations relative to each other.4. The valve of wherein the seat ring further includes at least one flow control groove which is formed within the first inner surface portion thereof and fluidly ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Regulating valve

Номер: US20130277595A1
Принадлежит: TA HYDRONICS AB

A regulating valve for flow control of a medium in a heating or cooling system includes a valve body including an inlet connection, an outlet connection, and a valve neck in which a valve seat and a flow through opening are provided. In the valve neck, a complete valve trim and a valve hand wheel are provided. The valve body includes a first cone to determine the preset (Kvs-value) of the maximal flow through the complete regulating valve. The first cone has at least one opening for flowing through of the medium, where the design of the opening determines the regulating characteristic of the complete regulating valve, and where the Kvs-value of the valve is changed continuously, with maintained regulating characteristic. The first cone is arranged continuously, axially displaceable relative the valve seat, whereby selected parts of the opening of the first cone are shielded by the valve seat.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021383A1

Disclosed is a device for reducing flow noise. In order to achieve a low flow noise, the device includes inlet apertures for receiving a fluid flow, chambers into which one or more inlet apertures open up, a cross-sectional area of a single chamber being larger than a combined flow cross-sectional area of the inlet apertures opening up thereto, and chamber-specific outlet apertures for forwarding the fluid flow from the chamber, a flow cross-sectional area of each outlet aperture being smaller than the cross-sectional area of the chamber, and the combined flow cross-sectional area of all outlet apertures of the single chamber being larger than the combined flow cross-sectional area of the inlet apertures opening up into said chamber. 117-. (canceled)18. A device for reducing flow noise , the device comprising:an inlet surface provided with inlet apertures for receiving a fluid flow,chambers into which said inlet apertures of the inlet surface open up, the inlet apertures being chamber-specific and one inlet aperture opening up into each chamber, and a cross-sectional area of a single chamber being larger than a flow cross-sectional area of the inlet aperture opening up thereto, andchamber-specific outlet apertures for forwarding the fluid flow from the chambers, a flow cross-sectional area of each outlet aperture being smaller than the cross-sectional area of the chamber, and the combined flow cross-sectional area of all outlet apertures of the single chamber being larger than the flow cross-sectional area of the inlet aperture opening up into said chamber, and whereinthe chambers are shaped to follow the edges of the outlet apertures, andat least one of the chambers is provided with three six or seven apertures.19. A device as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the device comprises a first part wherein the inlet apertures are formed claim 18 , a second part which is arranged against the first part and wherein the chambers are formed claim 18 , and a third part which is ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Adjustable Damping Valve Arrangement

Номер: US20140090733A1
Автор: SAUERBREY Achim

An adjustable damping valve arrangement includes an actuator for controlling a main stage valve. The main stage valve has a rigid main stage valve body which carries out an axial operating movement relative to a valve seat surface of the main stage valve. A pre-opening valve having at least one spring element which in turn preloads a pre-opening valve body precedes the main stage valve body. The main stage valve body is supported on the valve seat surface in the closed operating position by the pre-opening valve. The pre-opening valve is divided by the valve seat surface into an inner pressure-impinged incident flow surface and an outer pressure-impinged incident flow surface. The inner pressure-impinged surface is operative for a first incident flow direction, and the outer pressure-impinged surface is operative for a second incident flow direction. 1. An adjustable damping valve arrangement comprising:{'b': 19', '39', '27', '39', '19, 'a main stage valve () having a valve seat surface () and a rigid main stage valve body () constructed for carrying out an axial operating movement relative to said valve seat surface () of said main stage valve ();'}{'b': 57', '27', '27', '39', '57', '57, 'a pre-opening valve () comprising a pre-opening valve body and at least one spring element which preloads said pre-opening valve body, said pre-opening valve preceding said main stage valve body (); wherein said main stage valve body () is supported on said valve seat surface () in the closed operating position by said pre-opening valve (); wherein said pre-opening valve () is divided by said valve seat surface into an inner pressure-impinged incident flow surface and the pre-opening valve is divided by the valve seat surface into an inner pressure-impinged incident flow surface and an outer pressure-impinged incident flow surface; and'}wherein the inner pressure-impinged surface is operative for a first incident flow direction and the outer pressure-impinged surface is operative ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004036A1
Автор: Hopkins Jordan J.

A relief valve assembly is provided for use in connection with high pressure and ultrahigh pressure pumps. The relief valve assembly includes a valve pin having an engagement portion with a tapered surface and a valve seat having a valve pin receiving aperture defining a tapered surface on the valve seat to sealingly mate with the engagement portion of the valve pin when the valve pin is seated against the valve seat in a seated configuration. The valve seat further includes at least one bypass passage that extends from the valve pin receiving aperture to an exterior surface of the valve seat such that when the valve pin is displaced away from the seated configuration fluid can pass through the bypass passage and an annular space created between the engagement portion of the valve pin and the valve seat. Systems incorporating the relief valve assembly are also provided. 1. A relief valve assembly comprising:a valve pin having an engagement portion with a tapered surface; anda valve seat having a valve pin receiving aperture defining a tapered surface on the valve seat to sealingly mate with the engagement portion of the valve pin when the valve pin is seated against the valve seat in a seated configuration, the valve seat further having at least one bypass passage that extends from the valve pin receiving aperture to an exterior surface of the valve seat such that when the valve pin is displaced away from the seated configuration fluid can pass through the bypass passage and an annular space created between the engagement portion of the valve pin and the valve seat.2. The relief valve assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a housing having a fluid outlet chamber, the valve seat positioned within the housing such that when the valve pin is displaced away from the seated configuration the bypass passage and the annular space created between the engagement portion of the valve pin and the valve seat are each in fluid communication with the fluid outlet chamber.3. The ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003372A1

A control valve for controlling flow of a pressure fluid in a breaking device includes a sleeve-like control valve having at least one opening enabling flow of the pressure fluid through the opening. The at least one opening includes at least one wall, at least a part of which is not arranged in a direction parallel to a radial direction of the control valve extending through the middle point of the cross section of the opening on the outer circumference of the control valve, such that the pressure fluid flowing through the opening may be arranged to rotate the control valve about the longitudinal axis of the control valve. 1. A control valve for controlling flow of a pressure fluid in a breaking device , comprisinga sleeve-like control valve including an outer surface, an inner surface and at least one opening extending from the inner surface of the control valve to the outer surface of the control valve enabling flow of the pressure fluid between the inside of the control valve and the outside of the control valve through the at least one opening, wherein the at least one opening includes at least one wall, at least a part of which is not arranged in a direction parallel to a radial direction of the control valve extending through a middle point of a cross-section of the at least one opening on an outer circumference of the control valve, and wherein a cross-sectional area of the at least one opening on the inner surface is substantially equal to or larger than a cross-sectional area of the at least one opening on the outer surface of the control valve, such that the pressure fluid flowing through the at least one opening rotates the control valve about a longitudinal axis of the control valve.2. A control valve according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one wall having at least a part of which is not arranged in a direction parallel to a radial direction of the control valve extending through the middle point of the cross-section of the at least one opening on ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003333A1

A valve comprises a flap, a tubular valve body defining an exhaust gas flow passage, and a device to guide the flap relative to the valve body to allow the flap to pivot relative to the valve body around a pivot axis between a closing position and a freed position of the exhaust gas flow passage. The flap has two large faces substantially parallel to one another and connected to one another by an edge of the flap. The guide device comprises a pin, a distal, end and a base. The valve also comprises a stabilizing member secured to the flap. 1. A valve comprising: a tubular valve body defining an exhaust gas flow passage; and', 'a device to guide the flap relative to the valve body to allow the flap to pivot relative to the valve body around a pivot axis between a closing position and a freed position of the exhaust gas flow passage, the flap having two large faces substantially parallel to one another and connected to one another by an edge of the flap, the guiding device comprising a pin including:, 'a flap;'}a distal end, traversed by the pivot axis, bearing against the valve body, and defines a bearing face opposite the distal end and traversed by the pivot axis, and', 'has at least one slot in which the edge of the flap is received,, 'a base, which'}and wherein the valve also comprises a stabilizing member secured to the flap, the stabilizing member having two protruding portions each protruding opposite the pivot axis relative to a respective one of the two large faces of the flap, each protruding portion being in contact with the bearing face of the pin.2. The valve according to claim 1 , wherein the or each protruding portion has a support face in contact with the bearing face of the pin claim 1 , the support face being substantially planar.3. The valve according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing face of the pin is substantially planar.4. The valve according to claim 2 , wherein the bearing face of the pin is substantially planar and the support face is ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003225A1

A ball valve trim apparatus for high differential pressure service that is resistant to erosion includes elements selected from a plurality of stacked impedance trim plates positioned in the passage of the ball portion of the valve; the plates being independently adjustable along transverse axes that are parallel to the axis of rotation of the ball: one or more of the plates having a convex upstream contour, each plate provided with a predetermined pattern of variously sized fluid passageways, the pattern varying from plate-to-plate in the stack; erosion-resistant bushings inserted into the trim plate holes can be independently rotationally adjustable to control the rate of the flowing fluid, the upstream surface of the plate surrounding the orifice of the bushing defining a raised toroidal body. 1. A ball valve trim apparatus for controlling the flow of fluid under high differential pressure conditions , the ball having a passage for the fluid , the apparatus comprising:a plurality of impedance trim plates positioned in the fluid passage at an angle that is acute to a plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the passage and the axis of rotation of the ball when the valve is in the fully-opened position;each trim plate having a plurality of holes extending through the plate, the holes forming a predetermined pattern that is offset from a pattern formed by holes in an adjacent trim plate;the holes in the trim plates being fitted with tungsten carbide bushings for passing the pressurized fluid;the upstream surface of the trim plates surrounding the holes being covered by a layer of tungsten carbide.2. The ball valve trim apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the upstream surface of one or more trim plates have a convex contour.3. The ball valve trim apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the trim plates is mounted for rotation about an axis that is parallel to the axis of rotation of the ball.4. The ball valve trim apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of trim ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018463A1

A control valve a body having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet and a valve seat between the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet. A valve plug is positioned within the body and movable between a closed position, in which the valve plug sealingly engages the valve seat, and an open position, in which the valve plug is spaced away from the valve seat. A cage is disposed within the body adjacent the valve seat. The cage includes a cage wall having a throttling inlet and a throttling outlet, which are connected by a throttling passageway. The throttling passageway has a radial direction, an axial direction, and an angular direction between the throttling inlet and the throttling outlet. The passageway includes a plurality of vena contracta and a plurality of pressure recovery chambers, which form a plurality of pressure reducing stages. 1. A control valve , comprising:a body having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet;a valve seat positioned in a passageway of the body between the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet;a valve plug positioned within the body and movable between a closed position, in which the valve plug sealingly engages the valve seat, and an open position, in which the valve plug is spaced away from the valve seat; anda cage disposed within the body adjacent the valve seat, the cage providing longitudinal guidance for the valve plug as the valve plug moves longitudinally within the cage, the cage including a cage wall having a throttling inlet and a throttling outlet, which are connected by a throttling passageway, the throttling passageway having a radial direction, an axial direction, and an angular direction between the throttling inlet and the throttling outlet, the passageway also including plurality of vena contracta and a plurality of pressure recovery chambers,wherein the throttling passageway forms a plurality of pressure reducing stages.2. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein at least one vena contracta is sharp-edged.3. The control valve of claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009906A1
Автор: NITTA Masashi

To provide a regulating valve of which stability of an operation is high, a regulating valve is disclosed that includes a valve box in which a first flow channel and a second flow channel are formed; a cage having a first throttle portion provided in a boundary between the first flow channel and the second flow channel; a plug head having a second throttle portion slidably inserted into an inside of the cage; and a guide ring slidably holding a plug guide holding the plug head. In a closed state of the regulating valve, a distance between a through-hole of the first throttle portion and an end portion of the plug head on the other end side is equal to a distance between a through-hole of the second throttle portion and an end portion of the cage on the opened one end side. 1. A regulating valve comprising:a valve box in which a first flow channel and a second flow channel are formed;a cage which is formed in a cylindrical shape opened at one end and comprising a bottom portion at the other end, the cage comprising a first throttle portion including through-holes penetrating a side wall on the other end side having the bottom portion, and of which an opened one end is disposed within the second flow channel and the other end having the bottom portion is disposed within the first flow channel;a plug comprising a plug head which is formed in a cylindrical shape, the plug comprising a second throttle portion including through-holes penetrating a side wall on one end side, the plug is configured to be inserted into an inside of the cage, the plug is slidably provided by making the other end side to be a bottom portion side of the cage;a plug guide configured to hold the plug head; anda guide ring which is formed in a cylindrical shape, one end of the guide ring is fixed on the second flow channel side of the valve box, the guide rings is configured to slidably hold the plug guide on an inside of a side wall,wherein in a closed state in which the first throttle portion is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009907A1
Автор: NITTA Masashi

To provide a regulating valve whose stability of an operation is high,a regulating valve is disclosed that includes a valve box in which a first flow channel and a second flow channel are formed, a cage having a first throttle portion provided in a boundary between the first flow channel and the second flow channel, a plug head having a second throttle portion slidably inserted into an inside of the cage, and a guide ring slidably holding a plug guide holding the plug head. In a closed state of the regulating valve, a distance between a through-hole of the first throttle portion and an end portion of the plug head on the other end side is shorter than a distance between a through-hole of the second throttle portion and an end portion of the cage on the opened one end side. 1. A regulating valve comprising:a valve box in which a first flow channel and a second flow channel are formed;a cage which is formed in a cylindrical shape opened at one end and comprising a bottom portion at the other end, the cage comprises a first throttle portion including through-holes penetrating a side wall on the other end side having the bottom portion, and an opened one end of which is disposed within the second flow channel and the other end having the bottom portion is disposed within the first flow channel;a plug comprising a plug head which is formed in a cylindrical shape, the plug comprising a second throttle portion including through-holes penetrating a side wall on one end side, is the plug configured to be inserted into an inside of the cage, the plug is slidably provided by making the other end side to be a bottom portion side of the cage;a plug guide configured to hold the plug head; anda guide ring which is formed in a cylindrical shape, one end of the guide ring is fixed on the second flow channel side of the valve box, the guide ring is configured to slidably hold the plug guide on an inside of a side wall,wherein in a closed state in which the first throttle portion is ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010714A1

A damping valve includes an annular valve disc, the valve disc having an annular outer peripheral sheet that projects toward an axial direction of the valve disc, an inner peripheral sheet that is provided on an inside of the outer peripheral sheet and projects toward the axial direction, an annular window formed between the outer peripheral sheet and the inner peripheral sheet, and a port that communicates with the annular window. The damping valve comprises an annular leaf valve that is laminated on the valve disc and is seated/unseated on the outer peripheral sheet, an annular spacer that is interposed between the leaf valve and the inner peripheral sheet and sets an initial deflection amount of the leaf valve, and a positioning part that restricts positional deviation of the spacer in a radial direction relative to the valve disc. 1. A damping valve comprising: an annular outer peripheral sheet that projects toward an axial direction of the valve disc;', 'an inner peripheral sheet that is provided on an inside of the outer peripheral sheet and projects toward the axial direction;', 'an annular window formed between the outer peripheral sheet and the inner peripheral sheet; and', 'a port that communicates with the annular window;, 'an annular valve disc, the valve disc comprisingan annular leaf valve that is laminated on the valve disc and is seated/unseated on the outer peripheral sheet;an annular spacer interposed between the leaf valve and the inner peripheral sheet, the annular spacer being configured to set an initial deflection amount of the leaf valve; anda positioning part being configured to restrict positional deviation of the spacer in a radial direction relative to the valve disc.2. The damping valve according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning part comprises a projection that projects from one end of the valve disc toward the axial direction and opposes an outer periphery of the spacer.3. The damping valve according to claim 2 , wherein a groove is ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010755A1

A pressure compensation valve for a dialysis machine is disclosed. The pressure compensation valve has a valve housing, in which a flow path with fresh dialysate is separated from a flow path with exhausted dialysate by a diaphragm. The diaphragm and the valve housing are configured such that pressure compensation is possible. In addition, the diaphragm is configured such that no vibrations or a reduced amount of vibrations and/or no noise emission or a reduced amount of noise emission will occur during operation. Furthermore, a dialysis machine comprising such a pressure compensation valve is disclosed. The dialysis machine comprises a balancing unit, and the pressure compensation valve is arranged on the outlet side of the balancing unit. 115-. (canceled)16. A valve for a dialysis machine , comprising:a valve housing having formed therein a first flow path in fluid communication with a first inlet connection and a first outlet connection and a second flow path in fluid communication with a second inlet connection and a second outlet connection,an equalizer element arranged within the valve housing that equalizes pressures of the flow paths and through which the fluids of respective flow paths operatively interact, the equalizer element having associated therewith a valve seat.17. The valve according to claim 16 , wherein the equalizer element is a diaphragm claim 16 , which is acted upon by the fluid of the first flow path and by the fluid of the second flow path and which is provided with a diaphragm projection.18. The valve according to claim 17 , wherein the diaphragm is configured as a sealing element for fluidically separating the first and second flow paths.19. The valve according to claim 17 , wherein the second flow path comprises a fluid space into which a channel section of the second flow path opens claim 17 , the diaphragm projection being adapted to be introduced into said channel section.20. The valve according to claim 19 , wherein an outlet opening ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010705A1

In a throttle device depressurizing and sending a refrigerant condensed by the condenser to the evaporator, hunting of a needle valve is prevented and hysteresis in differential pressure-flow rate characteristics in a high-pressure region is reduced. A valve seat member, in which a valve port is formed, and a cylindrical guide member, which is integral with the valve seat member, are provided in a cylindrical main body case configuring a primary chamber connected to the condenser and a secondary chamber connected to the evaporator. The needle valve and a coil spring energizing toward the valve port are provided in the guide member. A blade member is provided on a boss portion of the needle valve. A blade of the blade member abuts on a cylindrical guide surface of the guide member to apply sliding resistance. 1. A throttle device provided between a condenser and an evaporator in a refrigerating cycle to decompress and send a refrigerant condensed by the condenser to the evaporator , the throttle device comprising:a main body case comprising a primary chamber connected to the condenser and a secondary chamber connected to the evaporator;a valve seat member, in which a valve port is formed, arranged inside the main body case and in between the primary chamber and the secondary chamber;a valve body to allow an opening level of the valve port to be variable by moving along an axial line of the valve port;a guide surface parallel to the axial line of the valve port, and arranged in the secondary chamber side with respect to the valve seat member,a spring member energizing the valve body toward the valve port;an introduction channel as a gap between a side wall of the valve body and the guide surface, through which the refrigerant flows from the valve port side to a back-pressure chamber of the valve body; anda blade member provided on one of the valve body and the guide surface, and applying sliding resistance between the other of the valve body and the guide surface and ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Valve Device for Throttling a Pressure Medium Flow, and Damping Device for Damping Pressure Pulsations

Номер: US20190011060A1

A valve device includes a valve body that forms a throttle cross section and a valve element that sets the throttle cross section depending on the pressure. To avoid pulsation-induced noises, the valve element is configured with a flow-deflecting member that causes action upon the valve element with a transverse force. The flow-deflecting member prevents noise-causing vibrations of the valve element and permits a lower throttling effect of the valve device, in particular when volumetric flows are increased. A damping device, in particular for damping pressure pulsations in a brake circuit of a slip-controllable vehicle brake system, includes the valve device. 1. A valve device , comprising:a valve body that forms a throttle cross-section surrounded by a valve seat; anda valve element that is received movably in the valve body and sets the throttle cross-section depending on the prevailing pressure conditions, the valve element loaded by an elastic return element against the throughflow direction of the valve device,wherein the valve element is configured with a flow-deflecting member that causes a transverse force to act upon the valve element transversely to the throughflow direction of the valve device when the pressure medium flows around the valve element.2. The valve device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flow-deflecting member is formed on the valve element in the form of one or more of (i) at least one groove through which pressure medium flows and (ii) at least one wing-like protrusion around which pressure medium flows.3. The valve device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flow-deflecting member is formed integrally with the valve element.4. The valve device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flow-deflecting member is arranged on at least one first peripheral portion of the valve element claim 1 , and wherein the valve element has at least one second peripheral portion that is free from the flow-deflecting member.5. The valve device as claimed in ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013797A1

A system including a valve trim having a plurality of flow paths, wherein each flow path of the plurality of flow paths includes a series of stages, and a plurality of expansion zones disposed in series with the series or stages, wherein each expansion zone of the plurality of expansion zones is disposed between a sequential set of adjacent upstream and downstream stages of the series of stages, wherein each expansion zone of the plurality of expansion zones is configured to flow a fluid in a direction that is generally transverse to directions of flow in both the adjacent-upstream stage and the adjacent-downstream stage, and wherein each expansion zone of the plurality of expansion zones is in line with one of the adjacent-upstream stage or the adjacent-downstream stage and offset from a different one of the corresponding adjacent-upstream stage or the adjacent-downstream stage. 1. A system , comprising: a series of stages; and', 'a plurality of expansion zones disposed in series with the series or stages, wherein each expansion zone of the plurality of expansion zones is disposed between a sequential set of adjacent upstream and downstream stages of the series of stages, wherein each expansion zone of the plurality of expansion zones is configured to flow a fluid in a direction that is generally transverse to directions of flow in both the adjacent-upstream stage and the adjacent-downstream stage, and wherein each expansion zone of the plurality of expansion zones is in line with one of the adjacent-upstream stage or the adjacent-downstream stage and offset from a different one of the corresponding adjacent-upstream stage or the adjacent-downstream stage., 'a valve trim having a plurality of flow paths, wherein each flow path of the plurality of flow paths comprises2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of expansion zones progressively increase in size along each of the flow paths.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one flow path of the plurality ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025239A1
Автор: Yang Young-Dug

A leaf spring type variable valve may include a housing wherein a hinge support part may be formed at a side thereof and an opening may be formed at another side thereof, a valve cover which may be rotatably secured to the hinge support part of the housing to thereby open or close the opening of the housing, and a leaf spring which may be interposed between a leaf spring support part fixedly secured to the hinge support part of the housing and the valve cover to thereby elastically pressurize the valve cover, wherein the leaf spring has an area in contact with the valve cover. 1. A leaf spring type variable valve , comprising:a housing wherein a hinge support part is formed at a side thereof and an opening is formed at another side thereof;a valve cover which is rotatably secured to the hinge support part of the housing to thereby open or close the opening of the housing; anda leaf spring which is interposed between a leaf spring support part fixedly secured to the hinge support part of the housing and the valve cover to thereby elastically pressurize the valve cover,wherein the leaf spring has an area in contact with the valve cover.2. The variable valve of claim 1 , further comprising:a first mounting part which is grooved at a side surface of the valve cover; anda second mounting part which is grooved at a lower side surface of the leaf spring support part,wherein the leaf spring is supported such that a bottom of the leaf spring is inserted in the first mounting part and a top of the leaf spring is inserted in the second mounting part.3. The variable valve of claim 1 , wherein a top of the leaf spring is bent in a direction of the valve cover to thereby prevent excessive opening of the valve cover.4. The variable valve of claim 1 , further comprising:a hinge part which is formed at an end of the valve cover and includes a hinge hole which passes through the hinge part; andan engaging pin which is inserted into a through hole which passes through the hinge ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024821A1

Fluid flow control devices comprise a cylindrical body extending along a longitudinal axis and having a sidewall. The cylindrical body has a first channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall and a second channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall. At least a portion of one of the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel extends longitudinally at an oblique angle with respect to the longitudinal axis to form a pattern of channels for improving the flow characteristics of a fluid through the channels. 1. A flow control device , comprising:a substantially cylindrical body extending along a longitudinal axis and having a sidewall;at least one first channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall;at least one second channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall;wherein at least a portion of one of the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel extends longitudinally at an oblique angle with respect to the longitudinal axis; andwherein the cylindrical body is a first cylindrical body and further comprising a second cylindrical body concentrically situated in an interior cylindrical cavity of the first cylindrical body.2. The fluid flow control device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel extend at least substantially longitudinally from a first end of the cylindrical body to a second end of the cylindrical body.3. The fluid flow control device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel intersect.4. The fluid flow control device of claim 1 , further comprising one or more additional cylindrical bodies each concentrically situated in an interior cylindrical cavity of another cylindrical body.5. The fluid flow control device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first channel intersects a plurality of other channels.6. The fluid flow control device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first channel and the at ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025049A1

The present invention relates to an actuator device configured for impelling elements between two positions such that, in the end position with maximum extension, the force being applied is limited, preventing the impelled element from becoming damaged. 1. An actuator device (A) for actuating linear displacement , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a main rod ();'}{'b': 3', '4', '3, 'a first chamber () housing a substance () such that its specific volume changes in the event of temperature changes, the first chamber () being configured to be in thermal contact with a heat source;'}{'b': 2', '3', '4', '3, 'an inner rod () emerging from the first chamber () and movable in an axial direction (X-X′) to apply a drive force in response to the variation in the volume of the substance () housed in the first chamber ();'}{'b': 5', '2', '1', '10', '10, 'a first base () adapted for being impelled by the inner rod () and movable in the axial direction (X-X′), wherein the main rod () is movable in the axial direction (X-X′) and is attached to a second base () either at an end or close to an end, wherein said second base () is movable in the axial direction (X-X′);'}{'b': 8', '1', '5', '8', '5', '8', '1', '10, 'an inner support surface (.) attached to the first base () by means of a spacer element () separating it according to the axial direction (X-X′) from said first base (), wherein the inner support surface (.) limits the movement of the second base ();'}{'b': 6', '5', '10', '10', '5', '6, 'a first spring () with a first elastic constant located with one end supported on the first base () and the opposite end supported on the second base (), such that the second base () can be moved closer to the first base () by means of compressing the first spring ();'}{'b': 9', '3', '5', '8', '1', '10', '7, 'claim-text': {'b': 7', '5', '9', '5', '7', '5', '2, 'the second spring () is located with an end supported on the first base () and the opposite end supported on the outer shell (), such that the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041002A1
Автор: Malavasi Stefano

A fluid flow control valve () includes a housing () and a spherical obstructer () having a through hole (), wherein the spherical obstructer () is inserted in the housing () and is adapted to rotate therein () about an axis of rotation () between a first position, in which the through hole () is substantially coaxial to the control valve to allow the passage of a fluid, and a second position, in which the through hole () is substantially transversal to the control valve to prevent the passage of a fluid. The control valve further includes a rotor () within the through hole (), wherein the rotor is adapted to rotate in a continuous manner under the action of a fluid flowing through the control valve, rotating about a second axis of rotation () substantially coinciding with the axis of rotation of the spherical obstructer. 1. A fluid flow control valve , comprising: a through hole,', 'wherein said spherical obstructer is inserted in said housing and is adapted to rotate therein about an axis of rotation between a first position, in which said through hole is substantially coaxial to said control valve to allow the passage of a fluid, and a second position, in which said through hole is substantially transversal to said control valve to prevent the passage of a fluid, wherein said control valve further comprises a rotor within said through hole,', 'wherein said rotor is adapted to rotate in a continuous manner under the action of a fluid flowing through said control valve, rotating about a second axis of rotation substantially coinciding with said axis of rotation of said spherical obstructer., 'a housing and a spherical obstructer comprising2. Control valve according to claim 1 , wherein said rotor comprises a shaft and a plurality of blades which are substantially transversal to a flow of said passing fluid and which are secured to said shaft claim 1 , wherein said shaft substantially coincides with said axis of rotation.3. Control valve according to claim 2 , ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038512A1

A motor-operated valve includes a motor, a linear-motion shaft which receives power of the motor and is linearly moved and which includes a valve member that opens and closes a valve port formed at an end of a valve body, and an elastic member which is provided in the valve body and which contacts with an outer circumferential surface of the linear-motion shaft and regulates the lateral movement of the linear-motion shaft. 1. A motor-operated valve comprising:a motor;a linear-motion shaft which receives power of the motor and is linearly moved and which includes a valve member that opens and closes a valve port formed at an end of a valve body; andan elastic member which is provided in the valve body and which contacts with an outer circumferential surface of the linear-motion shaft and regulates a movement of the linear-motion shaft in a radial direction.2. The motor-operated valve according to claim 1 , comprising:a rotor of the motor which is rotated with respect to the valve body in a state where the rotor is positioned in a direction of a rotation axis and which is screwed into the linear-motion shaft;a noncircular shaft portion which is provided in the linear-motion shaft, which is loosely fitted to a noncircular hole formed in the valve body so as to prevent the linear-motion shaft from being rotated and whose cross section is noncircular; anda circular shaft portion which is provided in the linear-motion shaft and whose cross section is circular,wherein the linear-motion shaft is linearly moved only in a range in which the elastic member contacts with the circular shaft portion.3. The motor-operated valve according to claim 2 , comprising:a receiving cylindrical member which is provided in the valve body, which includes the noncircular hole and which receives the linear-motion shaft.4. The motor-operated valve according to claim 3 ,wherein the noncircular shaft portion and the circular shaft portion are arranged so as to be aligned between the valve member ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057004A1
Автор: Chen Bin, Tang Hanwei

An electric switch valve, comprising a valve base and a valve block. The valve base has an upper end surface, and is provided with a first outlet and a second outlet. The valve block has a matching portion and a notch portion. The matching portion is adhered to the upper end surface of the valve base, and can rotate relative to the valve base. The notch portion can be selectively communicated with the first outlet or the second outlet. The valve block further comprises at least one throttling portion. A channel formed in the throttling portion comprises at least one throttling orifice. A valve block, which can not only be applied in an electric switch valve, but also can be applied in valves used for other refrigeration systems so as to achieve the throttling function for the flow of a certain outlet. 1. An electric switch valve , comprising a valve seat and a valve block , wherein the valve seat has an upper end surface and is provided with a first outlet port and a second outlet port;the valve block has a cooperation portion and a notch portion;the cooperation portion is abutted against the upper end surface of the valve seat, and is configured to rotate relative to the valve seat;the notch portion is configured to be selectively communicated with the first outlet port or the second outlet port; andthe valve block further comprises at least one throttling portion, and at least one throttling orifice is defined in a passage formed by the throttling portion.2. The electric switch valve according to claim 1 , wherein the valve block comprises a plate-shaped portion claim 1 , an upper body portion and a lower body portion claim 1 ,the plate-shaped portion is made of a metal material, the upper body portion and the lower body portion are formed by injection molding, the throttling portion is formed on the upper body portion and the lower body portion, andthe throttling orifice is defined in the plate-shaped portion.3. The electric switch valve according to claim 2 , ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Anti cavitation control valve

Номер: US20150048267A1
Автор: Baumann Hans D.

An anti-cavitation control valve suitable to reduce high pressure in a fluid control system without creating cavitation or high noise levels, comprising a housing having one fixed and one movable cylinder, both having equally spaced holes that can be opened or closed simultaneously. 1. An anti-cavitation control valve comprising a housing having an inlet and an outlet port extending into a cylindrical bore containing therein one inner fixed and one outer sliding cylinder , each having a number of equally spaced holes capable of conducting fluid from said inlet to said outlet port , said fixed cylinder having a lower rim being suitably fastened to the cylindrical bore of the housing and supporting a coiled spring capable of exerting a force against the lower portion of said sliding cylinder causing the latter to slide up and cause the holes of the inner and outer cylinders to line up in order to conduct fluids from the inlet port to the outlet port.2. An anti-cavitation control valve as in claim 1 , wherein said cylindrical bore has a closure at the terminating upper part of said bore and wherein said sliding cylinder likewise is closed at its upper terminating portion in order to form a cavity between said closure and the top of said sliding cylinder and wherein the terminating upper portion of said sliding cylinder is suitably sealed at its circumference against the surface of said cylindrical bore.3. An anti-cavitation control valve as in claim 2 , wherein said upper closure of said cylindrical bore contains a sensing port capable to conduct an hydraulic pressure signal into said cavity threby causing a downward motion of said sliding cylinder and a compression of said coiled spring.4. An anti-cavitation control valve as in claim 2 , wherein said closure incorporates a sliding stem which claim 2 , when motivated by an external actuating device claim 2 , can move said sliding cylinder.5. An anti-cavitation control valve as in claim 1 , wherein the inner bore of ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124055A1

A valve cage for a fluid flow control device includes a hollow cylindrical body, a noise abatement section, a high capacity flow section, and a transition section. The noise abatement section has a plurality of inlet openings, a plurality of outlet openings, and a plurality of tortuous flow paths extending between the inlet and outlet openings. The high capacity flow section is disposed axially adjacent to the noise abatement section and includes a first axial end, a second axial end, and a plurality of primary flow openings. The transition section is defined at an interface between the noise abatement section and the second axial end of the high capacity flow section and includes a plurality of transition openings. The transition section provides a valve cage with zero dead band between the noise abatement and high capacity flow sections when implemented into a fluid flow control device. 1. A valve cage for a fluid flow control device , the cage comprising:a hollow cylindrical body having at least one inner cylindrical surface and at least one outer cylindrical surface;a noise abatement section of the hollow cylindrical body, the noise abatement section including a plurality of inlet openings formed in the inner cylindrical surface or the outer cylindrical surface, a plurality of outlet openings formed in the other of the inner cylindrical surface and the outer cylindrical surface, and a plurality of tortuous flow paths extending between the inlet and outlet openings;a high capacity flow section of the hollow cylindrical body disposed axially adjacent to the noise abatement section, the high capacity flow section comprising a first axial end, a second axial end, and a plurality of primary flow openings spaced circumferentially about the high capacity flow section and between the first and second axial ends; anda transition section of the hollow cylindrical body defined at an interface between the noise abatement section and the second axial end of the high capacity ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Slotted Snap-Action Valve Assembly For Exhaust System

Номер: US20180051609A1

A snap-action valve assembly for an exhaust system and a method for manufacturing the same is provided. The valve assembly includes a first conduit and a second conduit that is partially received in the first conduit. A valve flap is disposed within the first conduit for controlling exhaust flow. A shaft supports the valve flap in the first conduit for rotation between open and closed positions. The first conduit has first and second slots, each extending from an open slot end to a closed slot end. First and second bushings supporting the shaft are disposed within the slots between the second conduit and the closed slot ends. A pad made of wire mesh is attached to the valve flap. The pad includes an end portion that contacts the first conduit in the closed position to dampen vibration and reduce valve flap flutter. 1. A snap-action valve assembly for an exhaust system comprising:a first conduit extending along a central axis from a junction end to a distal end, said first conduit having a first conduit wall with an outside surface and an inner mating surface;a second conduit extending co-axially with said central axis between an insertion end and a proximal end, said second conduit having a second conduit wall with an inner surface and an outer mating surface;said first and second conduits cooperating to define an exhaust passageway therein that extends from said proximal end of said second conduit to said distal end of said first conduit;a valve flap disposed within said first conduit for controlling exhaust flow through said exhaust passageway;a shaft supporting said valve flap in said first conduit for rotation about a pivot axis between a closed position and an open position;first and second bushings supporting said shaft on said first conduit, each of said first and second bushings including a shaft opening that receives said shaft;said insertion end of said second conduit being received in said junction end of said first conduit such that said outer mating ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131598A1

In one embodiment, a constant-flow valve assembly is provided that comprises a first fluid passageway carrying fluid at a first fluid pressure, a piston chamber, and a second fluid passageway connected to the chamber and carrying fluid at the second fluid pressure. A third fluid passageway is configured to carry fluid at a third fluid pressure. An adjustable valve member is provided between the chamber and the third passageway to provide constant fluid flow to the third passageway. An adjustable restrictor assembly is positioned between the first and second fluid passageways. An inlet portion of the restrictor assembly receives fluid at the first fluid pressure and directs the fluid to a restrictor. An outlet portion receives fluid from the restrictor and directs the fluid to the second fluid passageway at the second fluid pressure. The restrictor is movable to adjust the position of entry and exit portions relative to the inlet and outlet portions to adjust a fluid flow rate through fluid pathway to the second fluid passageway, thereby adjusting the flow rate through the valve assembly. 137.-. (canceled)38. A flow valve assembly , comprising:a fluid inlet portion with a fluid inlet;a fluid outlet portion with a fluid outlet;a fluid passageway between the fluid inlet and fluid outlet; andan adjustable restrictor having the fluid passageway extending therethrough, the restrictor having an entry portion defining a portion of the fluid passageway that receives fluid from the fluid inlet portion, the restrictor having an exit portion that directs fluid along the fluid passageway toward the fluid outlet portion, the restrictor being movable adjust the position of the entry and exit portions relative to the fluid inlet and outlets, the fluid passageway includes the entry portion defined by a plurality of blind notches interconnected by at least one blind channel and in fluid communication with a through passage between the entry and exit portions, the restrictor being ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059711A1
Автор: KISHI Ryoyu

A valve element in a valve chamber is movable between an OFF position and an ON position to switch a flow quantity of fluid between a large flow quantity and a small flow quantity. The valve chamber has a fluid passage including an outer passage defined between an inner periphery of the valve chamber and an outer periphery of the valve element. The valve chamber has a throttle shape to decrease in inner diameter gradually from upstream toward downstream to decrease a minimum passage area of the fluid passage in a non-linear form. The valve chamber increases a differential pressure across the valve element in a linear form relative to a stroke of the valve element when the valve element moves from the OFF position toward the ON position. 1. A flow control valve comprising:a valve housing defining a valve chamber internally and having an inlet port and an outlet port, the inlet port and the outlet port being opposed to each other in an axial center direction of the valve chamber and opened to the valve chamber;a valve element equipped in the valve chamber and movable between an OFF position, which is on a side of the inlet port, and an ON position, which is on a side of the outlet port; anda spring configured to bias the valve element toward the OFF position, whereinthe valve element is configured, on receiving pressure of fluid flowing into the inlet port, to move from the OFF position to the ON position to switch a flow quantity of fluid, which flows through the valve chamber, from a large flow quantity to a small flow quantity,the valve element is further configured, on decrease in pressure of fluid flowing in the inlet port, to return from the ON position to the OFF position to switch the flow quantity from the small flow quantity to the large flow quantity,the valve chamber has a fluid passage including an outer passage to flow fluid therethrough, the outer passage being defined between an inner periphery of the valve chamber and an outer periphery of the valve ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059879A1

A poppet valve is provided with a seat portion which has a conical inner peripheral surface with a center axis, and a conical portion which is displaced along the center axis inside the seat portion, forms a flow passage having an annular cross-section between the conical portion and the seat portion and is supported at a position concentric with the seat portion. An effect of rectifying fluid flowing in the flow passage is thereby obtained and the generation of noise is prevented. 1. A poppet valve , comprising a seat portion which has a conical inner peripheral surface with a center axis , and a conical portion which is supported at a position concentric with the seat portion and displaces along the center axis inside the seat portion while forming a flow passage having an annular cross-section between the conical portion and the seat portion.2. The poppet valve according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a maximum radius of the seat portion to a length of the seat portion in the direction of the center axis is set at unity or higher.3. The poppet valve according to claim 1 , wherein an apex angle of the conical portion is set to be greater than an apex angle of the inner peripheral surface of the seat portion.4. The poppet valve according to claim 3 , wherein a fluid flowing through the poppet valve flows in the flow passage in a direction in which a diameter of the conical portion decreases and a cross-sectional area of the flow passage is set to gradually increase toward a downstream side.5. The poppet valve according to claim 1 , wherein a downstream tip of the seat portion is formed to be located in the vicinity of a tip of the conical portion in a state where the conical portion is seated on the seat portion.6. The poppet valve according to claim 1 , wherein a fluid flowing through the poppet valve flows in the flow passage in a direction in which a diameter of the conical portion decreases claim 1 , and the poppet valve further comprises a control pressure ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Valve Having a Poppet with a Soft Seal and Features Enhancing Life of the Soft Seal

Номер: US20220074501A1

An example valve includes a valve body having a first port and a second port; a poppet movable within the valve body and comprising (i) a conical surface, (ii) an exterior cylindrical surface, and (iii) an annular groove; and a seal disposed in the annular groove of the poppet, wherein the poppet is movable to a partially-unseated position in which the poppet moves to form a flow area allowing fluid flow from the first port to the second port, wherein the exterior cylindrical surface of the poppet forms a flow restriction with the interior surface of the valve body downstream from the flow area, wherein the conical surface is configured to direct fluid toward the interior surface of the valve body, away from the seal, and wherein the flow restriction generates back-pressure around the seal to reduce velocity of fluid around the seal. 1. A valve comprising:a valve body having a first port and a second port;a poppet movable within the valve body, wherein the poppet comprises: (i) a first conical surface having a first angle and a second conical surface having a second angle, such that the first angle is greater than the second angle, (ii) an exterior cylindrical surface, and (iii) an annular groove; anda seal disposed in the annular groove of the poppet, wherein the poppet is movable between at least (i) a seated position in which the seal contacts an interior surface of the valve body to block fluid flow from the first port to the second port, and (ii) a partially-unseated position in which the poppet moves to form a flow area allowing fluid flow from the first port to the second port, wherein the exterior cylindrical surface of the poppet forms a diametrical clearance restriction with the interior surface of the valve body downstream from the flow area, wherein the first conical surface is configured to direct fluid toward the interior surface of the valve body, away from the seal, and wherein the diametrical clearance restriction generates back-pressure around the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061156A1
Автор: KIM Youngmin

A chamber for reducing operating noise of a purge control solenoid valve (PCSV) for an evaporative emission control system comprises a first housing into which operating noise of the PCSV enters. The first housing has an inner space to change a cross sectional area of an operating noise path or an operating noise transfer direction at least once. A second housing has an upper portion coupled to a lower portion of the first housing to transfer the operating noise outside. At least one end of the chamber in a length direction thereof is connected with a vapor hose which connects a canister collecting fuel evaporation gas generated from a fuel tank with the PCSV to deliver the fuel evaporation gas to an engine and through which the fuel evaporation gas flows. 1. A chamber for reducing operating noise of a purge control solenoid valve (PCSV) for an evaporative emission control system , the chamber comprising:a first housing into which the operating noise of the PCSV enters, the first housing having an inner space such that a cross sectional area of an operating noise transfer path or an operating noise transfer direction is changed at least once; anda second housing having an upper portion coupled to a lower portion of the first housing to transfer the operating noise to the outside,wherein at least one end of the chamber in a length direction thereof is connected with a vapor hose which connects a canister collecting fuel evaporation gas generated from a fuel tank with the PCSV to deliver the fuel evaporation gas to an engine and through which the fuel evaporation gas flows.2. The chamber of claim 1 , whereinthe operating noise transfer direction is opposite to a flow direction of the fuel evaporation gas.3. The chamber of claim 1 , wherein the first housing comprises:a column extending from an upper portion of a center of the first housing in a lower direction;a fixing hole formed from a lower end of the column in an upper direction; andat least one inlet hole formed ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061340A1
Автор: SHEN Wen Bin

A pneumatic valve comprises a gas passage tube, a plug member, an elastic member and an adjustment member, wherein the gas passage tube is connected with the adjustment member and has a gas inlet and at least one first opening, the first opening being arranged between the gas inlet and the adjustment member; the plug member is disposed in the gas passage tube and has a blocking portion, the blocking portion having a first end proximal to the gas inlet and a second end distal from the gas inlet, the first end and the second end being located at two sides of the first opening respectively; and the elastic member is arranged between the plug member and the adjustment member. 1. A pneumatic valve , comprising a gas passage tube , a plug member , an elastic member and an adjustment member , wherein the gas passage tube is connected with the adjustment member and has a gas inlet and at least one first opening , the first opening being arranged between the gas inlet and the adjustment member; the plug member is disposed in the gas passage tube and has a blocking portion , the blocking portion having a first end proximal to the gas inlet and a second end distal from the gas inlet , the first end and the second end being located at two sides of the first opening respectively; and the elastic member is arranged between the plug member and the adjustment member.2. The pneumatic valve of claim 1 , wherein the gas passage tube further comprises at least one second opening arranged between the first opening and the adjustment member.3. The pneumatic valve of claim 2 , wherein the gas passage tube comprises two first openings and two second openings respectively arranged symmetrically about a longitudinal direction of the gas passage tube.4. The pneumatic valve of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the blocking portion is provided with gas-modulating means for enabling gas entering the gas passage tube from the gas inlet to act on the plug member with a normal force greater than a ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056709A1

A pinch valve can include a finger guard or tubing retainer for blocking at least a portion of a tube slot. A headpiece for a pinch valve can include a tube slot for receiving tubing and can be adapted to couple with a guard. A guard can include a base and an extension and can be removably coupled to a headpiece. The extension can be adapted to block at least a portion of a tube slot. 1. A headpiece for a pinch valve , comprising:a headpiece body having a first end adapted to couple with a valve actuator, a longitudinally opposite second end and a tube slot having a mouth adapted to receive a portion of tubing there through; and a base configured to couple to the second end of the headpiece body; and', 'an extension coupled to the base;', 'wherein the extension is adapted to cover at least a portion of the mouth of the tube slot., 'a guard removably coupled to the headpiece body, wherein the guard comprises'}2. The headpiece of claim 1 , wherein the mouth of the tube slot is disposed in a wall of the headpiece body longitudinally between the first and second ends and wherein the extension is disposed at least partially within the mouth of the tube slot.3. The headpiece of claim 1 , further comprising:a tubular wall disposed longitudinally between the first and second ends;wherein the tube slot is disposed in the wall longitudinally between first and second portions of the wall;wherein the second portion of the wall comprises a guard slot in fluid communication with the tube slot; andwherein the extension is disposed at least partially within the guard slot.4. The headpiece of claim 3 , wherein the tubular wall is at least partially cylindrical claim 3 , and wherein each of the guard slot and the extension is at least partially arcuate.5. The headpiece of claim 3 , wherein the second portion of the wall and the mouth of the tube slot have a combined height claim 3 , wherein the extension has a length claim 3 , and wherein the length of the extension is less than the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072189A1
Автор: Vu Kim Ngoc

A high purity fluid control valve includes a moveable control plate having a flow-through passage to enhance fluid sweep of the internal valve volume. The valve is of jet and seat type using nested orifice ridges to achieve high conductance with small actuator movement. Enhanced leak tightness in the valve shut-off condition may additionally be provided by selectively incorporating into the control plate materials softer than the material comprising the orifice ridge. The control plate is especially useful in high conductance, fast acting, and proportional control applications such as gas delivery in semiconductor manufacturing. 1. A control plate for a high-conductance valve comprising:a control plate body formed as a basically circular disk having a flat side and an opposed side opposite the flat side, the control plate configured to be moved within a valve by an actuator, the flat side having a continuous uninterrupted flat portion to shut-off fluid flow in the valve;a centered mounting hole defined as a counterbore in the control plate body, the centered mounting hole terminating in a control plate through hole defined in the control plate body, the control plate through hole having a diameter that is less than a diameter of the centered mounting hole;a central insert received in the mounting hole; andat least one insert hole defined in the central insert, each insert hole in conjunction with the control plate through hole forming a fluid path for fluid to pass from the flat side through to the opposed side.2. The control plate of claim 1 , wherein the at least one insert hole includes a plurality of insert holes defined in the central insert.3. The control plate of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of insert holes are disposed about a center of the central insert so that a web of material of the central insert surrounds each of the plurality of insert holes.4. The control plate of claim 3 , further comprising a central thru-hole extending through the center of ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074422A1
Автор: Matteucci Brian

A system including a pressure regulator configured to regulate a flow of pressurized fluid in a hydrocarbon extraction system, the pressure regulator, including a housing having a chamber, a biasing system configured to provide a biasing force, a sensing piston disposed within the chamber, wherein the sensing piston is responsive to pressure within the chamber and the biasing force from the biasing system, and a supply seal plate comprising a first fluid supply passageway configured to reduce oscillations of the sensing piston. 1. A system comprising: a housing having a chamber;', 'a biasing system configured to provide a biasing force;', 'a sensing piston disposed within the chamber, wherein the sensing piston is configured to move axially in response to pressurized fluid within the chamber and the biasing force from the biasing system; and', 'a supply seal plate comprising a fluid supply window configured to reduce oscillations of the sensing piston., 'a pressure regulator configured to regulate a flow of pressurized fluid in a hydrocarbon extraction system, wherein the pressure regulator, comprises2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid supply window comprises a first fluid supply passageway comprising a snow-cone or teardrop shape with a triangular portion and a rounded portion.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid supply window comprises a first fluid supply passageway and a second fluid supply passageway claim 1 , wherein the first fluid supply passageway is axially offset from the second fluid supply passageway with respect to an axis of the sensing piston.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the second fluid supply passageway is substantially the same size as the first fluid supply passageway.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the second fluid supply passageway has the same shape as the first fluid supply passageway.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid supply window comprises an elongated first fluid supply passageway with a first portion ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210080026A1

Fluid flow control devices comprise a cylindrical body extending along a longitudinal axis and having a sidewall. The cylindrical body has a first channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall and a second channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall. At least a portion of one of the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel extends longitudinally at an oblique angle with respect to the longitudinal axis to form a pattern of channels for improving the flow characteristics of a fluid through the channels. 1. A fluid flow control device , comprising: a substantially cylindrical body extending along a longitudinal axis and having a sidewall;', 'at least one first channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall;', 'at least one second channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall; and', 'a tapered flange positioned proximate ends of the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel, wherein each of the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel are spaced from the tapered flange along the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical body;', 'wherein at least a portion of one of the at least one first channel and at least a portion of the at least one second channel each extends longitudinally at an oblique angle with respect to the longitudinal axis; and, 'a plug comprising permit fluid flow through the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel when the tapered flange is spaced from the seat ring in an unseated position; and', 'prohibit the fluid flow through the annular opening and through the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel when the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel are placed in a position bordering the interior wall of the seat ring in a seated position., 'a seat ring defining a cylindrical fluid flow path, wherein the cylindrical body is situated in the fluid flow path defined within the seat ring, a majority of ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083940A1
Автор: Wang Hsiang-Shih

A ceramic balancing control valve of a faucet includes a fixed valve pipe, a movable spool, two flow covers and two caps. The fixed valve pipe has a through hole, and each side of the pipe body engraves a conduction gap communicating with the through hole. The movable spool is located inside the through hole of the fixed valve pipe, and each side thereof has a concave groove compartment separated by a partition. Two flow covers are facing each other, and a flow channel is formed on an upper and lower portion of the flow cover corresponding to the conduction gap of the fixed valve pipe; and each caps has at least one circulation hole, and is located at an upper portion of the flow channel, so the water flowing into the flow cover is configured to flow out of the cap from circulation hole. 1. A ceramic balancing control valve of a faucet comprising: a fixed valve pipe , a movable spool , two flow covers and two caps , wherein the fixed valve pipe has a through hole , and each side of the pipe body engraves a conduction gap communicating with the through hole; the movable spool is located inside the through hole of the fixed valve pipe , and each side thereof has a concave groove compartment separated by a partition , and each sidewall of the groove compartment has a slot corresponding to the conduction gap; the two flow covers are facing each other , and each has a receiving slot to secure the fixed valve pipe of the balancing valves , and a flow channel is formed on an upper and lower portion of the flow cover corresponding to the conduction gap of the fixed valve pipe; and each caps has at least one circulation hole , and is located at an upper portion of the flow channel , so the water flowing into the flow cover is configured to flow out of the cap from circulation hole.2. The ceramic balancing control valve of a faucet of claim 1 , wherein a ring grove is formed at an outer portion of the conduction gap claim 1 , and a sealing ring is provided for said ring grove ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084211A1

A gas valve in particular a dosing valve for a gaseous medium, having a valve seat body which is arranged on a valve housing and a closing body which can perform a stroke motion relative to the valve seat body and to an opening stroke stop interacting with the valve housing According to the invention, a gas valve is provided which is improved as regards its durability. This is achieved by virtue of the fact that the gas valve has an impact body which reduces the impact speed and/or impact energy of the closing body on the valve seat body and/or on the opening stroke stop 11327317217317. A gas valve () , having a valve seat body () , which is arranged on a valve housing () , and a closing body () , which is configured to perform a stroke motion relative to the valve seat body () and to an opening stroke stop () interacting with the valve housing () , characterized in that the gas valve () has an impact body which reduces the impact speed and/or impact energy of the closing body () on at least one of the valve seat body () and the opening stroke stop ().211818a,b. The gas valve () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the impact body is an annular body ().31223. The gas valve () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the impact body is a cylinder () arranged centrally in the valve seat body ().4177. The gas valve () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the impact body is configured to be moved during interaction with the closing body () claim 1 , braking the movement of the closing body ().51. The gas valve () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the impact body is elastically deformable.61737. The gas valve () according to claim 1 , characterized in that a maximum opening stroke of the closing body () relative to the valve seat body () is greater than a maximum stroke of the closing body () relative to the impact body.717177. The gas valve () according to claim 1 , characterized in that a maximum opening stroke of the closing body () ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084393A1
Автор: Barone Michael R.

A check valve includes a housing, a hinge pin connected to the housing, and a flap with a cam surface having stability points, the flap rotatably connected to the hinge pin. The check valve further includes a stop pin connected to the housing, a spring mounted on the stop pin, the spring having an arm, and a detent element mounted on the arm of the spring. The spring urges the detent element to be in contact with the cam surface and the flap is stable when the detent element is located at one of the plurality of stability points. 1. A check valve comprising:a housing:a hinge pin connected to the housing;a flap with a cam surface having a plurality of stability points, the flap rotatably connected to the hinge pin;a stop pin connected to the housing;a spring mounted on the stop pin, the spring having an arm; anda detent element mounted on the arm of the spring, wherein the spring urges the detent element to be in contact with the cam surface and wherein the flap is stable when the detent element is located at one of the plurality of stability points.2. The check valve of claim 1 , wherein the cam surface is removable from the flap.3. The check valve of claim 2 , wherein the cam surface comprises rubber or plastic.4. The check valve of claim 3 , wherein the cam surface attaches to the flap with glue claim 3 , a screw claim 3 , or a rivet.5. The check valve of claim 1 , wherein the detent element comprises a roller claim 1 , a bearing claim 1 , or a low friction slider.6. The check valve of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of stability points comprises a first stability point and a second stability point.7. The check valve of claim 6 , wherein the first stability point is configured such that the flap is stable at 0 degrees and the second stability point is configured such that the flap is stable at 77 degrees.8. The check valve of claim 7 , wherein the plurality of stability points further comprises a third stability point.9. The check valve of claim 8 , wherein the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080651A1

A valve having an inlet, exhaust, control port, and diaphragm. The diaphragm moves between an open position, in which the inlet and exhaust are in fluid communication, and a closed position, in which the diaphragm blocks fluid from flowing between the inlet and the exhaust. The diaphragm moves from the closed position to the open position when an inlet force due to pressure at the inlet is greater than the sum of the biasing force and a control port force due to pressure at the control port. The valve is operable to automatically drain contaminants from a vehicle air reservoir when the vehicle's emergency brakes are set. To reduce noise, the diaphragm of the valve is preferably in tension when in the closed position, and/or the diaphragm opens a limited distance when in the open position so that a back pressure is generated at the inlet. 1. A valve for purging contaminants from an air reservoir on a vehicle , comprising:a housing comprising an inlet, an exhaust, and a control port, wherein the inlet is configured for connection to an air reservoir, wherein the control port is configured for connection to a vehicle emergency brake system comprising at least one emergency brake, wherein the housing further comprises a bracket configured for mounting the housing to a surface, and wherein central axes of the inlet, the exhaust, and the control port are spaced from the bracket in a direction that is perpendicular to the central axes of the inlet, the exhaust, and the control port; anda diaphragm positioned within the housing, wherein at least a portion of the diaphragm is moveable between an open position, in which the inlet and exhaust are in fluid communication, and a closed position, in which the diaphragm blocks fluid from flowing between the inlet and the exhaust, wherein the control port is configured so that control port fluid from the vehicle emergency brake system entering the control port exerts a control port force on the diaphragm, wherein the inlet is ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Noise and Drag Reducing Cabin Pressure Outflow Valve

Номер: US20160091112A1
Автор: Gibbs John H.

A system and method for regulating pressure inside a vehicle (“cabin pressure”) is disclosed. The system can include a forward gate and an aft gate that can be moved from a closed position to an open position to release cabin pressure in a controlled manner. The forward gate, the aft gate, or both can comprise an interior cavity and one or more permeable surfaces. When open, or partially open, an airflow can be created by a pressure differential between the cabin pressure and the pressure outside the vehicle (“atmospheric pressure”). At least a portion of the airflow can flow through the one or more permeable surfaces and the hollow cavity of the forward gate, the aft gate, or both to promote laminar flow through the gates and into the atmosphere alongside the vehicle (e.g., an aircraft fuselage). In this manner, flow efficiency can be increased and noise reduced. 1. A valve for regulating the interior pressure of a vehicle , comprising: a first interior cavity;', 'a first permeable surface located proximate a leading edge of the first gate and in fluid communication with the first interior cavity; and', 'a second permeable surface located proximate a trailing edge of the first gate and in fluid communication with the first interior cavity., 'a first gate, positionable between a closed position and an open position, the first gate comprising2. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the first permeable surface and the second permeable surface each comprise a plurality of holes; andwherein the plurality of holes are sized and shaped such that moving the first gate from the closed to the open position causes air to flow through the first interior cavity.3. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the first gate includes an active flow control device proximate at least one of the first permeable surface and the second permeable surface for energizing a boundary layer in a flow around the first gate.4. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the first interior cavity comprises a plurality of ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086000A1

A valve body has in inlet, an outlet, and a port positioned between the inlet and outlet. An approach passage interconnects the inlet and the port and has a cross-sectional area that is greater than that of the port. One or more guide vanes are positioned within the approach passage and extend longitudinally along at least a portion of the approach passage so that a downstream end of the guide vanes is spaced apart from the port and the guide vanes divide the portion of the approach passage into sub-passages that have equal flow resistances. 1. A valve body , comprising:an inlet, an outlet, and a port positioned between the inlet and the outlet;an approach passage interconnecting the inlet and the port; and a cross-sectional area of the port is less than a cross-sectional area of the approach passage; and', 'downstream ends of the plurality of guide vanes are spaced apart from the port., 'a plurality of guide vanes positioned within the approach passage, the plurality of guide vanes extending longitudinally along at least a portion of the approach passage, such that the plurality of guide vanes divide the portion of the approach passage into sub-passages having equal flow resistances; wherein'}2. The valve body of claim 1 , wherein the sub-passages have equal cross-sectional areas.3. The valve body of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of guide vanes are parallel and each guide vane extends across the approach passage.4. The valve body of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of guide vanes comprise a first guide vane extending across the approach passage and a second guide vane extending across the approach passage claim 1 , the second guide vane perpendicular to the first guide vane.5. The valve body of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of guide vanes comprise a first guide vane extending across the approach passage and a second guide vane extending between the first guide vane and a surface of the approach passage claim 1 , the second guide vane extending perpendicular to ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095785A1

A flow control device is described comprising a body including a first flow control member and a second flow control member , each of which is provided with apertures or recesses , the apertures or recesses of the first flow control member overlapping the openings or recesses of the second flow control member to define a flow path extending between a first surface of the body and a second surface of the body, wherein the shapes and/or sizes of at least some of the apertures or recesses of at least one of the flow control members are adapted to promote tangential or transverse fluid flow within the body. 1. A flow control device comprising a body including a first flow control member and a second flow control member , each of which is provided with apertures or recesses , the apertures or recesses of the first flow control member overlapping the openings or recesses of the second flow control member to define a flow path extending between a first surface of the body and a second surface of the body , wherein at least one of the shapes and the sizes of at least some of the apertures or recesses of at least one of the flow control members are adapted to promote tangential or transverse fluid flow within the body.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein each flow control member is of annular shape claim 1 , the flow control members being stacked upon one another such that the body is of hollow cylindrical form.3. A device according to claim 2 , wherein the first surface comprises the inner cylindrical surface of the body and the second surface comprises the outer cylindrical surface of the body.4. A device according to claim 2 , wherein the first surface comprises the inner cylindrical surface of the body and the second surface comprises the outer cylindrical surface of the body.5. A device according to claim 2 , further comprising blanking plates restricting axial flow of fluid within the body claim 2 , the blanking plates sandwiching therebetween pairs of the first ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107706A1
Принадлежит: Delavan Inc.

A fluid flow control apparatus includes first and second bodies, an inlet, and an outlet. The first body includes a slot, and the second body includes a vortex chamber. The second body is moveable relative to the first body to align the slot and the vortex chamber. The vortex chamber includes a chamber inlet section, an orifice, and a tapered section that has a frustoconical shape and tapers from the chamber inlet section to the orifice. The chamber inlet section is in fluid communication with the slot when the vortex chamber is aligned with the slot. The inlet is in fluid communication with the slot, and the outlet is in fluid communication with the orifice. 1. A fluid flow control apparatus comprising:a first body that includes a slot; a chamber inlet section in fluid communication with the slot when the first vortex chamber is aligned with the slot; and', 'an orifice; and, 'a second body that includes a first vortex chamber, wherein the second body is moveable relative to the first body to align the slot and the first vortex chamber, and wherein the first vortex chamber comprisesan inlet in fluid communication with the slot; andan outlet in fluid communication with the orifice.2. The fluid flow control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vortex chamber further comprises a tapered section that has a frustoconical shape and tapers from the chamber inlet section to the orifice3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first body is a sleeve oriented annularly about a centerline claim 1 , and wherein the second body is a piston oriented annularly about the centerline.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the piston is received within a bore of the sleeve.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the slot is an annular slot that extends the full circumference of the sleeve.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the piston includes a second vortex chamber claim 5 , and wherein the first and second vortex chambers are evenly spaced circumferentially about the piston.7. The ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Valve Sound Reducing Trim Assembly With Pressure Relief Mechanism

Номер: US20140183384A1

A cage for a control valve trim assembly includes a cage body having an opening at one end and a wall extending from the opening, a plurality of cage openings disposed in the wall, and a pressure relief mechanism disposed in the cage wall. 1. A fluid valve comprising:a valve body having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet connected by a fluid passageway;a trim assembly disposed within the fluid passageway; anda fluid control member movably disposed within the fluid passageway, the fluid control member cooperating with the trim assembly to control fluid flow through the fluid passageway;wherein the trim assembly includes a cage with a cage wall and a pressure relief mechanism disposed in the cage wall.2. The fluid valve of claim 1 , wherein the cage pressure relief mechanism is a gate.3. The fluid valve of claim 2 , wherein the gate is pivotably attached to the cage wall by a hinge.4. The fluid valve of claim 3 , wherein the hinge has an axis of rotation that is substantially parallel to a longitudinal axis of the cage wall.5. The fluid valve of claim 4 , wherein the gate is disposed in a notch formed in the cage wall.6. The fluid valve of claim 5 , wherein the gate is biased to a closed position by a biasing element.7. The fluid valve of claim 6 , wherein the biasing element is a spring.8. The fluid valve of claim 7 , wherein the spring is attached to a distal end of the gate.9. The fluid valve of claim 8 , wherein the cage wall includes a plurality of posts that separate the notches.10. The fluid valve of claim 9 , wherein the spring is attached to a post.11. The fluid valve of claim 3 , wherein the hinge has an axis of rotation that is substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the cage body.12. The fluid valve of claim 11 , wherein the gate includes a bracket that is secured to the cage wall and a pivotable flap attached to the bracket.13. The fluid valve of claim 12 , wherein the pivotable flap covers an auxiliary opening formed in the cage wall.14. The ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170568A1

Fluid flow control devices comprise a cylindrical body extending along a longitudinal axis and having a sidewall. The cylindrical body has a first channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall and a second channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall. At least a portion of one of the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel extends longitudinally at an oblique angle with respect to the longitudinal axis to form a pattern of channels for improving the flow characteristics of a fluid through the channels. 1. A method of using a flow control device assembly , comprising:in an open position, partially unseating a plug from a valve seat, the plug having two or more channels extending along an exterior sidewall of the plug in a direction transverse to a longitudinal axis of the plug;in the open position, flowing a fluid between the plug and the valve seat through a path defined by the two or more channels of the plug between the exterior sidewall of the plug and an interior wall of the valve seat;in the open position, flowing the fluid unrestricted into an intersection of the two or more channels that converge at a fluid entrance of the two or more channels; andin a closed position, abutting a plug head of the plug with the valve seat to define a seal that physically interrupts fluid communication between the plug and the valve seat, the two or more channels being spaced from the plug head and extending only partially along a length of the plug.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preventing flow of the fluid between the exterior sidewall of the plug and the interior wall of the valve seat when the plug is inserted a selected distance into the valve seat with the two or more channel that are spaced from the plug head and extending only partially along a length of the plug.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in the open position claim 1 , continuing to contact the interior wall of the valve seat with at least ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Choked Flow Valve With Clamped Seat Ring

Номер: US20160116072A1
Автор: David J. Westwater

A fluid valve includes a valve body having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet connected by a fluid passageway. A valve seat is disposed within the fluid passageway. A fluid control member is movably disposed within the fluid passageway, the fluid control member cooperating with a trim assembly to control fluid flow through the fluid passageway. The valve seat is clamped into the valve body and the fluid valve operates under choked flow at a pressure drop of 10% or less of the inlet fluid pressure.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Switch valve with impact damping

Номер: US20180112793A1
Принадлежит: Rausch and Pausch GmbH

An electrically or electromagnetically operated valve has a movable structural group with a magnetic armature, which is movable along an axis between a first and a second position to open or close the valve. The valve has a valve sleeve in which the magnetic armature is movable between the first and the second position, the magnetic armature defining on its axial sides two volumes in the valve sleeve. There is provided a throttling element elastic in the radial direction, which is arranged between the first volume and the second volume such that upon axial movement of the movable structural group it throttles an air stream between the first volume and the second volume in order to decelerate a movement of the movable structural group.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170115041A1

A valve mechanism for an air condition circuit of an air condition system may include a valve housing enclosing a fluid duct for passing a fluid flow, a closure body arranged movably in the fluid duct between at least a closed position and an open position, and adjustment element operably connected to the closure body to move the closure body between the open position and the closed position, and a noise reduction device configured to facilitate a reduction of an operating noise when the fluid flow through the fluid duct. The noise reduction device may be disposed at one or more of the closure body, a valve seat, and the adjustment element. 1. A valve mechanism for an air conditioning circuit of an air conditioning system , comprising:a valve housing enclosing a fluid duct for passing a fluid flow;a closure body arranged movably in the fluid duct, wherein in a closed position the closure body closes a valve opening disposed in the fluid duct and enclosed by a valve seat and bears against the valve seat to close the valve opening, and wherein in an open position the closure body is arranged at a distance from the valve seat to release the valve opening;an adjustment element operably connected to the closure body to move the closure body between the open position and the closed position; anda noise reduction device configured to facilitate a reduction of an operating noise when fluid flows through the fluid duct, wherein the noise reduction device is disposed at one or more of the closure body, the valve seat and the adjustment element.2. The valve mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the closure body is structured as a closure ball and the adjustment element is structured as a control tappet.3. The valve mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the noise reduction device includes a surface structure claim 1 , and wherein the surface structure includes at least one of a plurality of elevations protruding into the fluid duct and a plurality of ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Valve plug for pressure regulator

Номер: US20150122352A1
Автор: Kunrong MATTHEWS

A valve plug comprising a cylindrical body having an annular flange with a top surface, a bottom surface, and a circumference is disclosed. The valve plug further comprises an annular recess disposed in the bottom surface of the flange, and a plurality of holes disposed in the top surface of the flange. Each hole extends into the recess to create a plurality of channels extending between the bottom and top surfaces of the flange. Each channel of the plurality of channels includes a stepped portion. A polyurethane sealing member is disposed within each channel and includes: a top portion forming a continuous bond on the top surface and along the circumference of the flange; a central portion forming a horizontal bond on each stepped portion; and a bottom portion forming a sealing surface adapted to sealingly engage a seating surface of the seat.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112894A1
Автор: Hered William A.
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

A valve arrangement including a housing having a port, a closure member defining a bore, the bore being of a smaller flow area than an adjoining flow area to produce a lower pressure in flowing fluid therein than pressure in fluid flowing in the adjoining flow area, the closure member being disposed within the housing and movable between a closed position and an open position, a volume defined between the closure member and the housing, an opening in the closure member extending from the volume to the bore of the closure member to convey fluid pressure generated in the bore of the closure member to the volume thereby creating a lower pressure in the volume thereby biasing the closure member into a closed position. 1. A valve arrangement comprising:a housing having a port;a closure member defining a bore, the bore being of a smaller flow area than an adjoining flow area to produce a lower pressure in flowing fluid therein than pressure in fluid flowing in the adjoining flow area, the closure member being disposed within the housing and movable between a closed position and an open position;a volume defined between the closure member and the housing;an opening in the closure member extending from the volume to the bore of the closure member to convey fluid pressure generated in the bore of the closure member to the volume thereby creating a lower pressure in the volume thereby biasing the closure member into a closed position.2. The valve arrangement as claimed in wherein the housing comprises a valve housing and a spring housing.3. The valve arrangement as claimed in wherein the closure member is a sleeve.4. The valve arrangement as claimed in wherein the closure member includes seals in contact with housing defining a part of the volume.5. The valve arrangement as claimed in wherein the opening is angled in a flow direction through the bore.6. The valve arrangement as claimed in further including a spring acting on the closure member to bias the closure member to ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120263A1

A controller for a valve assembly that is configured to meet requirements for use in hazardous areas. These configurations may regulate flow of instrument air to a pneumatic actuator to operate a valve. The controller may comprise enclosures, including a first enclosure and a second enclosure, each having a peripheral wall forming an interior space, and circuitry comprising a barrier circuit disposed in the interior space of one of the enclosures that power limits digital signals that exits that enclosure. In one example, the peripheral wall of enclosures are configured to allow instrument air into the interior space of the first enclosure but to prevent instrument air from the interior space of the second enclosure. 1. A valve assembly , comprising:a valve;a pneumatic actuator coupled to the valve; anda controller pneumatically coupled with the pneumatic actuator, the controller comprising a first enclosure and a second enclosure, each having a peripheral wall forming an interior space, and circuitry comprising a barrier circuit disposed in the interior space of the second enclosure that power limits digital signals that exit the second enclosure,wherein the peripheral wall of the first enclosure and the second enclosure are configured to allow instrument air into the interior space of the first enclosure but to prevent instrument air from the interior space of the second enclosure.2. The valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a main control board disposed in the second enclosure and coupled with barrier circuit to generate the digital signals in response to a loop control signal from outside of the second enclosure.3. The valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a pneumatic relay disposed in the first enclosure.4. The valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a current-to-pressure converter disposed in the first enclosure.5. The valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a processor and ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130868A1
Автор: Jackson Trenton Frank

Valve trim for a valve includes a valve plug having one or more balance ports located along the outer surface of a tapered nose portion of the valve plug. Each balance port is located to be downstream of the throat and spaced from the tip of the tapered nose portion of the valve plug. The valve trim may be use, for example, in a high recovery angle body valve. A high recovery valve with the valve trim may have better recovery performance as well as a smaller spike in stem force through the choked flow transition point. A method of reducing stem forces on a valve stem of sliding stem valve is also provided. 1. A valve plug for a flow control valve , comprising:a body portion extending from back end to a tapered nose portion for seating against a valve seat, wherein the tapered nose portion has a tip at a distal end;a balance port through an outer surface of the tapered nose portion, the balance port vented through the valve plug to equalize a first pressure along the tapered nose portion with a second pressure at the back end of the valve plug body, wherein the balance port is spaced apart from the tip.2. The valve plug of claim 1 , further comprising:a shoulder at a junction of the body portion and the tapered nose portion,wherein the outer surface of the tapered nose portion extends from the shoulder to a tip, andwherein the balance port is disposed between the shoulder and the tip, the balance port spaced a first distance from the shoulder and a second distance from the tip.3. The valve plug of claim 1 , further comprising a second balance port through the outer surface of the tapered nose portion.4. The valve plug of claim 1 , further comprising a central bore extending along the body portion of the valve plug claim 1 , wherein the balance port connects to the central bore to vent through the valve plug via the central bore.5. The valve plug of claim 3 , further comprising an axial bore extending from each balance port axially through the valve plug claim 3 , ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144212A1

A cushion valve includes a housing having a pair of primary chambers and a pair of secondary chambers. A first spool and a pair of second spools are arranged in the housing. Biasing members are respectively arranged between the first spool and the second spool and between the first spool and the second spool. A first internal passage communicating with a tank port is formed at the first spool. Each of the second spools includes a land portion configured to open or close an opening formed between the primary chamber and the corresponding secondary chamber. A second internal passage including a restrictor is formed at each of the second spools. When one of the second spools moves toward the first spool, the first internal passage communicates with the secondary chamber located at the other second spool side. 1. A cushion valve comprising: a pair of primary chambers respectively communicating with a pair of primary ports,', 'a pair of secondary chambers located at an inner side of the pair of primary chambers to respectively communicate with a pair of secondary ports, and', 'a tank port formed between the pair of secondary chambers;, 'a housing including'}a first spool extending so as to connect the pair of secondary chambers and including a first internal passage communicating with the tank port;a pair of second spools respectively arranged at both sides of the first spool, each of the second spools including a land portion configured to open or close an opening formed between the corresponding primary chamber and the corresponding secondary chamber, each of the second spools being provided with a second internal passage including a restrictor and connecting the corresponding primary chamber and the corresponding secondary chamber; andbiasing members respectively arranged between the first spool and one of the second spools and between the first spool and the other second spool so as to each bias the first spool and the corresponding second spool in such a direction ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Hydraulic overpressure valve and hydraulic machine

Номер: US20170138492A1
Принадлежит: Danfoss Power Solutions ApS

A hydraulic overpressure valve ( 1 ) is provided comprising a valve housing ( 2 ), a valve seat ( 3 ) located in said valve housing and having a seat center and a seat center axis ( 4 ), a cone element ( 5 ) movable relatively to said valve seat ( 3 ), said cone element ( 5 ) having a cone ( 6 ) protruding at least partly into said valve seat ( 3 ) and having a cone center axis ( 4 ), and force generating means acting on said cone element ( 5 ) in a direction towards said valve seat ( 3 ). Such a hydraulic overpressure valve should be operated with low noise. To this end said cone ( 6 ) is movable along a path of movement in which said cone center axis is kept outside said seat center axis ( 4 ).

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Adjustable Damping Valve Device For A Vibration Damper

Номер: US20190136937A1

A damping valve device having at least one damping valve which is adjustable via an actuator. The actuator has a coil and a back iron which is separate from a valve housing for a magnetic flux circuit. The back iron is fixed in radial direction inside the valve housing so as to be free of play. 111.-. (canceled)12. A damping valve device comprising:a valve housing;an actuator having a magnetic flux circuit comprising:a coil arrangement; anda back iron fixed in radial direction inside the valve housing so as to be free of play and which is separate from the valve housing; andat least one damping valve configured to be adjusted by the actuator.13. The damping valve device according to claim 12 , wherein the back iron forms an interference fit with an inner wall of the valve housing.14. The damping valve device according to claim 13 , wherein the valve housing has a fitting surface that is offset relative to a rest of the inner wall.15. The damping valve device according to claim 13 , wherein the back iron has areas with different radial elasticity claim 13 , wherein the interference fit is formed by an area with a greatest radial elasticity.16. The damping valve device according to claim 13 , wherein the interference fit is formed by a lateral surface region of the back iron that extends from an end area of the back iron.17. The damping valve device according to claim 12 , wherein the back iron and the valve housing form a cone connection.18. The damping valve device according to claim 17 , wherein the cone connection is formed by a lateral surface of the back iron extending in circumferential direction.19. The damping valve device according to claim 17 , wherein the cone connection is formed by an end face of the back iron.20. The damping valve device according to claim 12 , wherein the back iron is fixed in the valve housing by a glue connection.21. The damping valve device according to claim 12 , wherein at least one separate fastener is arranged between the valve ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140224343A1
Автор: Hunt Jason B., JR. Eli, Oklejas

A throttle housing having an inlet end and an outlet end includes a shuttle housing disposed within the throttle housing. The shuttle housing has a first end cap at a first end and an orifice array therethrough. The shuttle housing comprises a shuttle housing therein. The shuttle has an opened position and a closed position relative to the shuttle housing. The shuttle defines a varying control volume between the end cap, the shuttle and the shuttle housing. The control inlet fluidically communicates a control fluid to the control volume to control the position of the shuttle in the shuttle housing. 1. A throttle valve comprising:a throttle housing having an inlet end and an outlet end;a shuttle housing disposed within the throttle housing, said shuttle housing having a first end cap at a first end and an orifice array therethrough, said shuttle housing comprising a shuttle housing therein, said shuttle having an opened position and a closed position relative to the shuttle housing, said shuttle defining a varying control volume between the end cap, the shuttle and the shuttle housing; anda control inlet fluidically communicating a control fluid to the control volume to control the position of the shuttle in the shuttle housing.2. The throttle valve as recited in further comprising a valve assembly coupled to the control inlet selectively controlling fluid flow through the control inlet.3. The throttle valve as recited in wherein the valve assembly comprises a first valve selectively communicating fluid from the inlet end through the control inlet and a second valve selectively communicating fluid from the outlet end to the control inlet.4. The throttle valve as recited in further comprising a flow sensor disposed proximate the outlet end claim 3 , said flow sensor generating a flow signal.5. The throttle valve as recited in wherein the flow signal comprises a flow rate signal.6. The throttle valve as recited in further comprising a controller coupled to the first ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142533A1

A chemical injection valve can include a valve stem reciprocably disposed relative to a primary seal, and a variable flow restrictor upstream of the primary seal relative to a direction of flow through the chemical injection valve. The variable flow restrictor restricts the flow when the valve stem is disengaged from the primary seal. A chemical injection system can include a chemical treatment pumped through a chemical injection valve and into an interior of a tubular string in a well, the chemical injection valve including a valve stem, a primary seal sealingly engaged with the valve stem in a closed position and disengaged from the valve stem in an open position, and a flow restrictor that restricts the flow of the chemical treatment downstream from the primary seal in the open position. 1. A chemical injection valve for use in a subterranean well , the chemical injection valve comprising:a valve stem reciprocably disposed relative to a primary seal, the valve stem being displaceable relative to the primary seal between closed and open positions, and flow between first and second sections of a flow passage being selectively prevented and permitted in the respective closed and open positions; anda variable flow restrictor upstream of the primary seal relative to a direction of flow through the chemical injection valve,in which the variable flow restrictor restricts the flow when the valve stem is disengaged from the primary seal.2. The chemical injection valve of claim 1 , in which the variable flow restrictor comprises a tortuous flow path.3. The chemical injection valve of claim 2 , in which the tortuous flow path comprises a series of longitudinally spaced apart annular grooves.4. The chemical injection valve of claim 1 , in which the variable flow restrictor comprises a plurality of structures formed on or in at least one of the group consisting of the valve stem and a housing surrounding a portion of the valve stem.5. The chemical injection valve of claim 1 , ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146137A1

A valve having an inlet, exhaust, control port, and diaphragm. The diaphragm moves between an open position, in which the inlet and exhaust are in fluid communication, and a closed position, in which the diaphragm blocks fluid from flowing between the inlet and the exhaust. The diaphragm moves from the closed position to the open position when an inlet force due to pressure at the inlet is greater than the sum of the biasing force and a control port force due to pressure at the control port. The valve is operable to automatically drain contaminants from a vehicle air reservoir when the vehicle's emergency brakes are set. To reduce noise, the diaphragm of the valve is preferably in tension when in the closed position, and/or the diaphragm opens a limited distance when in the open position so that a back pressure is generated at the inlet. 1. A valve , comprising:a housing comprising an inlet, an exhaust, and a control port; anda diaphragm positioned within the housing, wherein the diaphragm comprises a fixed portion that does not move relative to the housing and a moveable portion that is generally planar when not tensioned, wherein the moveable portion is moveable between an open position, in which the inlet and exhaust are in fluid communication, and a closed position, in which the moveable portion blocks fluid from flowing between the inlet and the exhaust, wherein control port fluid entering the control port exerts a control port force on the diaphragm, wherein inlet fluid entering the inlet exerts an inlet force on the diaphragm, wherein a biasing force is exerted on the diaphragm, wherein the diaphragm moves from the closed position to the open position when the inlet force is greater than the sum of the biasing force and the control port force, and wherein a portion of the diaphragm is in tension when the diaphragm is in the closed position.2. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the moveable portion is offset a distance D from the fixed portion when the diaphragm ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153583A1
Автор: Nakamura Yoshinari
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

A control valve includes a seat portion through which the fluid passes, a poppet which has a valve body portion and is configured to move relative to the seat portion, and a poppet throttle passage defined between the seat portion and the valve body portion. The poppet throttle passage is formed to gradually increase a flow passage area in a horizontal cross-section perpendicular to center axes of the seat portion and the valve body portion from an upstream side to a downstream side. 1. A control valve for controlling the flow of fluid , comprising:a seat portion through which the fluid passes;a poppet which has a valve body portion and is configured to move relative to the seat portion;a poppet throttle passage defined between the seat portion and the valve body portion, wherein the poppet throttle passage is formed to gradually increase a flow passage area in a horizontal cross-section perpendicular to center axes of the seat portion and the valve body portion from an upstream side to a downstream side;a valve seat angle between two virtual lines extending along the inner peripheral surface of the seat portion is larger than a valve body angle between two virtual lines extending along the outer peripheral surface of the valve body portion in a vertical cross-section including the center axes of the seat portion and the valve body portion; andan angle difference between the valve seat angle and the valve body angle is in a range of not larger than 1.5°.2. The control valve according to claim 1 , wherein:a length of the poppet throttle passage in a direction of the center axis of the seat portion is larger than a minimum opening diameter of the seat portion.3. The control valve according to claim 1 , wherein:a valve seat portion is provided at an upstream side of the seat portion; anda seal ring is mounted on the outer periphery of the valve body portion and comes into contact with the valve seat portion.4. (canceled)5. (canceled) The present invention relates to a ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290779A1

Provided is a linear solenoid valve having at least one notch that opens on an end surface of the land of the spool on the drain chamber side and is formed on an outer peripheral surface of the land. In response to movement of the spool, a state is formed in which the end surface of the land on the drain chamber side is located inside the communication chamber and the output chamber and the drain chamber communicate with each other via the notch and the communication chamber, and a state is formed in which the end surface of the land on the drain chamber side is located inside the output chamber and the output chamber and the drain chamber communicate with each other via the communication chamber. 1. A linear solenoid valve including a sleeve that includes an input port , an output port , and a drain port , a spool that is slidably arranged in the sleeve , and a solenoid portion that moves the spool in the sleeve in accordance with supplied electric power , whereininside the sleeve, an output chamber communicating with the output port, a drain chamber communicating with the drain port, and a communication chamber that is located between the output chamber and the drain chamber and that has a sectional area smaller than the output chamber are defined,the spool includes a land that changes a communication state between the output port and the drain port,at least one notch that opens on an end surface of the land on the drain chamber side is formed on an outer peripheral surface of the land,the notch is a recess portion that extends in an axial direction of the spool from the end surface of the land on the drain chamber side toward an end surface on an opposite side, and that is recessed from the outer peripheral surface of the land toward an axial center side of the spool,in response to movement of the spool, a state is formed in which the end surface of the land on the drain chamber side is located inside the communication chamber and the output chamber and the drain ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Throttle Device and Refrigeration Cycle System with Same

Номер: US20180149395A1
Принадлежит: Saginomiya Seisakusho Inc

In a throttle device, a guide section including a small-diameter hole which slidably guides a guide stem of a needle member is formed upstream side portion from a communicating hole-in a guide tube.

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167858A1

An assembly for limiting excess flow includes a housing having an internal bore that defines a seat. A cage is positioned within the internal bore and includes an upstream end and a sealing surface at a downstream end. A back plate with at least one magnet is seated within the internal bore upstream of the cage. The cage moves away from the back plate when a predetermined flow condition is exceeded such that the sealing surface engages the seat. 1. An assembly for limiting excess flow comprising:a housing having an internal bore defining a seat;a cage positioned within the internal bore, the cage having an upstream end and a downstream end providing a sealing surface; andat least one back plate with a magnet, the back plate being seated within the internal bore upstream of the cage, wherein the cage moves away from the back plate when a predetermined flow condition is exceeded such that the sealing surface engages the seat.2. The assembly of wherein the cage includes at least one opening from an exterior surface into an interior of the cage.3. The assembly of wherein the sealing surface comprises a curved sealing surface.4. The assembly of wherein the cage defines a central axis extending in a direction of flow through the housing claim 1 , and wherein the cage includes a plurality of legs extending from the upstream end to the downstream end and which are circumferentially spaced apart from each other about the axis to provide a plurality of openings.5. The assembly of wherein the legs are curved to provide a convex radially outer surface.6. The assembly of wherein the base includes an open end that is in fluid communication with the plurality of openings claim 4 , and wherein the downstream end comprises a closed end.7. The assembly of wherein when flow does not exceed the predetermined flow condition claim 6 , fluid flows through the open end of the upstream end of the cage claim 6 , through the plurality of openings claim 6 , and then flows radially outward and ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190218A1

A quick disconnect fitting includes a plug and a socket to receive the plug. The plug includes a fluid channel, an inlet to the fluid channel, and a pressure regulating valve assembly. The valve can include a poppet, and a valve nozzle comprising an orifice. The valve assembly resides in the fluid channel. The socket includes a socket stem to contact the valve assembly and push the valve assembly into the fluid channel of the plug upon the socket receiving the plug. 1. A quick disconnect plug comprising:a fluid channel;a fluid inlet; and a pintle; and', 'a valve nozzle comprising an outlet, the pintle and valve nozzle defining a valve channel, the valve channel having a volume that can decrease in response to high-pressure fluid entering the fluid inlet;, 'a valve assembly comprisingthe valve assembly residing within the fluid channel, the quick disconnect plug to carry liquid to cool one or more processor units of a computing system.2. The quick disconnect plug of claim 1 , further comprising a plug spring within the fluid channel claim 1 , the valve assembly residing between the plug spring and the fluid inlet.3. The quick disconnect plug of claim 2 , the valve assembly to slidably move toward the plug spring in response to high-pressure fluid entering the fluid inlet.4. The quick disconnect plug of claim 1 , wherein the valve assembly comprises a pintle spring between the pintle and the valve nozzle.5. The quick disconnect plug of claim 1 , wherein the pintle comprises a low-pressure fluid bypass channel.6. The quick disconnect plug of claim 1 , wherein the pintle is coupled to the valve nozzle by a flexible member.7. The quick disconnect plug of claim 1 , further comprising an O-ring surrounding a portion of the pintle or a portion of the valve nozzle.8. A quick disconnect fitting comprising: a fluid channel;', 'a fluid inlet, and', a pintle; and', 'a valve nozzle comprising an outlet, the pintle and valve nozzle defining a valve channel, the valve channel ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Vibration Damping Device

Номер: US20140251457A1
Автор: Mcneely Michael

Embodiments of the invention provide a vibration damping system including a fixed element, a moveable element arranged to move linearly along an axis relative to the fixed element in response to a non-mechanical force, and an inerter element coupling the moveable element to the fixed element, and configured to convert the linear motion of the moveable element into rotational motion about the axis. The vibration damping system may be applied to many types of valves. In some embodiments, the vibration damping system may be applied to pressure relief valves. In some embodiments, the moveable element rotates to provide inertial damping. In other embodiments, the inerter element rotates to provide inertial damping.

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Vibration Damping Device for a Valve

Номер: US20140251458A1
Автор: Mcneely Michael

Embodiments of the invention provide a vibration damping system including a fixed element, a moveable element arranged to move linearly along an axis relative to the fixed element in response to a non-mechanical force, and an inerter element coupling the moveable element to the fixed element, and configured to convert the linear motion of the moveable element into rotational motion about the axis. The vibration damping system may be applied to many types of valves. In some embodiments, the vibration damping system may be applied to pressure relief valves. In some embodiments, the moveable element rotates to provide inertial damping. In other embodiments, the inerter element rotates to provide inertial damping.

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307625A1

A venturi valve having a valve housing that includes a narrowing section extending between a broader upstream end and a narrower valve throat followed by a broadening section downstream of the valve throat, and a valve member configured to be situated in the valve housing and movable along a valve axis in an axial direction of the valve housing. The venturi valve includes a plurality of flow influencing features positioned in a reattachment region of the valve member and/or extending inward from an inner wall of the valve housing. The plurality of flow influencing features are configured to reduce perturbations in an air flow passing through the venturi valve thereby reducing rattle from the venturi valve. 1. A valve apparatus comprising:a venturi valve housing that houses a valve member, wherein the valve member is movable in an axial direction of the valve housing, a maximum width region that defines a maximum width of the valve member;', 'a first region downstream of the maximum width region,', 'a second region downstream of the first region;', 'wherein the first region tapers radially inward, the second region tapers radially inward from the first region, and wherein the first region and the second region do not have the same taper; and', 'wherein the first region includes a plurality of distinct flow influencing features including a plurality of protrusions., 'the valve member including2. (canceled)3. The valve apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the valve member has a central axis extending centrally along the length of the valve member claim 1 , and wherein the first region has an upstream end and a downstream end with an angle in the range of 5 and 40 degrees between:a first axis extending out from the upstream end of the first region and parallel with the central axis of the valve member; anda second axis intersecting the first line at the upstream end of the first region, extending to the downstream end of the first region, and intersecting the central axis of ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158259A1

A flow control assembly for subsea applications comprises a valve assembly and a damper assembly configured to control fluid flow between an external region and the valve assembly. The damper assembly comprises a damper housing, a damper flowpath extending between the inlet and the outlet of the damper housing, and a flow restrictor apparatus disposed in the damper flowpath to control a damper coefficient of the damper assembly. 1. A flow control assembly for subsea applications , comprising:a valve housing having an inlet port and an outlet port forming a valve flowpath through the valve housing;a valve member movable within the valve flowpath between a first position and a second position;a valve biasing member configured to urge the valve member towards the first position;a damper interface flowpath disposed in the valve housing; and a damper housing having an inlet in fluid communication with the damper interface flowpath and an outlet in fluid communication with a region external to the damper housing;', 'a damper flowpath extending between the inlet and the outlet of the damper housing; and', [ a first damper valve flowpath disposed between a first damper valve inlet and a first damper valve outlet;', 'a first damper valve member, a first damper biasing member retainer, and a first damper biasing member disposed in the first damper valve flowpath biasing the first damper valve member into a checked position; and, 'a first damper check valve having, a second damper valve flowpath disposed between a second damper valve inlet and a second damper valve outlet;', 'a second damper valve member, a second damper biasing member retainer, and a second damper biasing member disposed in the second damper valve flowpath biasing the second damper valve member into a checked position., 'a second damper check valve having], 'a damper valve assembly disposed in the damper housing and comprising], 'a damper assembly comprising2. The flow control assembly of claim 1 , wherein ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140261822A1

A fluid distribution door for use in a heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system includes a main body having a first surface and a second surface. The first surface and the second surface cooperate to form a first surface configuration which intersects with a second surface configuration. Each of the first surface configuration and the second surface configuration is formed by a three-dimensional feature. 1. A fluid distribution door , comprising:a main body having a first surface and a second surface, wherein the first surface and the second surface cooperate to form a first surface configuration and a second surface configuration, wherein the first surface configuration intersects with the second surface configuration.2. The fluid distribution door of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first surface configuration and the second surface configuration is formed by at least one three-dimensional feature.3. The fluid distribution door of claim 2 , wherein at least one of a shape and size of the at least one three-dimensional feature is substantially constant across the main body.4. The fluid distribution door of claim 2 , wherein at least one of a shape and size of the at least one three-dimensional feature varies across the main body.5. The fluid distribution door of claim 1 , wherein the first surface configuration is formed substantially perpendicular to the second surface configuration.6. The fluid distribution door of claim 1 , wherein the main body includes at least one support element formed thereon.7. The fluid distribution door of claim 1 , wherein an outer peripheral edge of the main body includes at least one seal disposed thereon.8. A fluid distribution door claim 1 , comprising:a main body having a first surface and a second surface, wherein the first surface and the second surface cooperate to form a first surface configuration and a second surface configuration, wherein the first surface configuration intersects with the second surface ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140264109A1

A valve assembly is provided to control the flow of a fluid therethrough. The valve assembly includes a valve body and a pressure-regulating assembly. The valve body defines an inlet, an outlet, and a flow path extending therebetween. The pressure-regulating assembly includes a longitudinally extending piston tube, a venturi element, and a vent. The piston tube is shiftably mounted in the valve body and at least in part defines an outer chamber. The flow path extends through the piston tube. The venturi element is disposed in the flow path. The vent fluidly interconnects the flow path and the outer chamber such that a pressure drop associated with fluid flow through the venturi element draws fluid from the outer chamber through the vent and into the flow path. 1. A valve assembly configured to control the flow of a fluid therethrough , said valve assembly comprising:a valve body defining an inlet, an outlet, and a flow path extending therebetween; and a longitudinally extending piston tube shiftably mounted in the valve body,', 'said piston tube at least in part defining an outer chamber,', 'said flow path extending through the piston tube,', 'a venturi element disposed in the flow path, and', 'a vent fluidly interconnecting the flow path and the outer chamber such that a pressure drop associated with fluid flow through the venturi element draws fluid from the outer chamber through the vent and into the flow path., 'a pressure-regulating assembly including—'}2. The valve assembly as claimed in claim 1 ,said venturi element being located inside the piston tube.3. The valve assembly as claimed in claim 2 ,said venturi element comprising a flow restriction located within the piston tube.4. The valve assembly as claimed in claim 3 ,said venturi element including at least one arm supporting the flow restriction in a spaced relationship from the piston tube.5. The valve assembly as claimed in claim 4 ,said vent extending though the at least one arm and the flow ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Fluid flow control devices and systems, and methods of flowing fluids therethrough

Номер: US20140264132A1
Принадлежит: Flowserve Management Co

Fluid flow control devices comprise a cylindrical body extending along a longitudinal axis and having a sidewall. The cylindrical body has a first channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall and a second channel extending longitudinally along the sidewall. At least a portion of one of the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel extends longitudinally at an oblique angle with respect to the longitudinal axis to form a pattern of channels for improving the flow characteristics of a fluid through the channels.

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Valve Piston, and Slide Valve having a Valve Piston

Номер: US20170175924A1
Автор: Gerlach Daniel, Habr Klaus

A valve piston includes a section that has a circular-cylindrical configuration with a constant diameter. A plurality of longitudinal grooves are made in the section with the grooves parallel to one another and distributed uniformly on the circumference. The remaining webs enable the section of the valve piston to be moved in the valve without tilting. Each longitudinal groove has one steeper flank and one less steep flank. The steeper flank is set against a pressure medium that flows in. A slide valve includes the valve piston. 1. A valve piston , comprising:a circular-cylindrical first region;a circular-cylindrical second region, the two regions having identical diameters; anda plurality of longitudinal grooves extending between the first region and the second region.2. The valve piston according to claim 1 , wherein:the longitudinal grooves have a first flank arranged adjacently with respect to the first region and a second flank arranged adjacently with respect to the second region, anda steepness of the first flank in the immediate vicinity of the first region is lower than a steepness of the second flank in the immediate vicinity of the second region.3. The valve piston according to claim 2 , wherein the steepness of the first flank is approximately constant in the vicinity of the first region.4. The valve piston according to claim 2 , wherein the steepness of the first flank is lower than 40 degrees.5. The valve piston according to claim 2 , wherein the second flank is arcuate claim 2 , the steepness of the second flank decreasing in a manner that starts from the second region.6. The valve piston according to claim 2 , wherein the steepness of the second flank in the immediate vicinity of the second region is greater than 55 degrees.7. The valve piston according to claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal grooves have first end sections arranged adjacently with respect to the first region and arranged axially at different positions of the valve piston.8. The valve ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207739A1

In one aspect, an aspiration system for a work vehicle includes an exhaust tube extending along a flow direction from an upstream end to a downstream end. The exhaust tube defines an exhaust passage extending from the upstream end of the exhaust tube to the downstream end of the exhaust tube. The exhaust tube includes a venturi portion. The aspiration system also includes an aspiration tube in flow communication with the venturi portion and configured to receive an aspirated airflow. The system further includes a flow adjustment mechanism provided in operative association with venturi portion such that the flow adjustment mechanism is configured to adjust a cross-sectional flow area of the venturi portion of the exhaust tube. 1. An aspiration system for a work vehicle , the aspiration system comprising:an exhaust tube extending along a flow direction from an upstream end to a downstream end, the exhaust tube defining an exhaust passage extending from the upstream end of the exhaust tube to the downstream end of the exhaust tube, the exhaust tube including a venturi portion;an aspiration tube in flow communication with the venturi portion and configured to receive an aspirated airflow; anda flow adjustment mechanism provided in operative association with venturi portion such that the flow adjustment mechanism is configured to adjust a cross-sectional flow area of the venturi portion of the exhaust tube.2. The aspiration system of claim 1 , wherein the aspiration tube is configured to receive the aspirated airflow from an air filtration system of the work vehicle claim 1 , the aspiration tube defining an aspiration passage extending between the air filtration system and the venturi portion of the exhaust tube.3. The aspiration system of claim 1 , wherein an outlet end of the aspiration tube is placed in association with the venturi portion of the exhaust tube such that an exhaust gas flowing through the venturi portion generates the aspirated airflow through the ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207740A1

A fluid control valve includes a valve housing having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet. A valve body is disposed within the valve housing and is transitional relative to the valve housing between an open position and a closed position. In the closed position, the valve body prevents fluid flow between the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet. The valve body is incrementally transitional from the closed position to the open position to incrementally increase the amount of fluid flow from the fluid inlet to the fluid outlet. A flow control element is positioned within the valve housing downstream of the valve body. The flow control element includes a peripheral body and an inward body having a plurality of flow control passageways extending therethrough. The flow control element additionally includes an opening defined collectively by the peripheral body and the inward body. 1. A fluid control valve comprising:a valve housing having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet;a valve body disposed within the valve housing and transitional relative to the valve housing between a fully open position and a closed position, in the closed position, the valve body preventing fluid flow between the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet, the valve body being incrementally transitional from the closed position to the fully open position to incrementally increase the amount of fluid flow from the fluid inlet to the fluid outlet; and a peripheral body;', 'an inward body having a plurality of flow control passageways extending therethrough; and', 'at least one opening collectively defined by the peripheral body and the inward body., 'a flow control element positioned within the valve housing downstream of the valve body, the flow control element having2. The fluid control valve recited in claim 1 , wherein the valve body and flow control element are positioned relative to each other such that as the valve body transitions from the closed position toward the open position claim 1 , fluid flows ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Self-pressure-relief air distribution mechanism and cryogenic refrigerator using same

Номер: US20210207852A1

Disclosed are a self-pressure-relief air distribution mechanism and a corresponding cryogenic refrigerator. The self-pressure-relief air distribution mechanism includes an air distribution valve (6) and a rotary valve (7), where a rear face of the air distribution valve (6) is divided into a high-pressure face (66) and a low-pressure face (65), and the high-pressure face (66) and the low-pressure face (65) are hermetically separated by a third sealing ring (b3) that seals the air distribution valve (6) and a cover (2); and the air distribution valve (6) is provided with a pressure-relief hole (61) that axially penetrates an air distribution face (64) and the low-pressure face (65) of the air distribution valve (6), and a low-pressure passage (22) of the cover (2) can communicate with the rear face of the air distribution valve (6) via the pressure-relief hole (61), to guide a low-pressure airflow in the cover (2) to the rear face of the air distribution valve (6). The cryogenic refrigerator includes the self-pressure-relief air distribution mechanism. With the provision of the pressure-relief hole (61) and the third sealing ring (b3), the self-pressure-relief air distribution mechanism has a reduced pressure receiving area, thereby reducing a positive acting force and reducing wear.

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160186891A1
Автор: Hopper Hans Paul

A valve assembly is provided, the assembly comprising a valve housing; an inlet for fluid entering the valve housing; an outlet for fluid leaving the valve housing; a flow control assembly disposed within the valve housing between the inlet and the outlet, whereby fluid entering the valve housing is caused to flow through the flow control assembly, the flow control assembly comprising a cage having apertures therethrough to provide passage for fluid passing from the inlet to the outlet, the cage having a longitudinal axis and an outlet end, in use fluid generally flowing within the cage in a downstream direction towards the outlet end; a closure assembly moveable with respect to the cage to open or close each of the apertures through the cage, to thereby control the flow of fluid through the cage; wherein the apertures in the cage extend through the cage at a first angle being an angle to the longitudinal axis of the cage in the upstream direction. A cage for use in a valve assembly is also provided. 1. A valve assembly comprising:a valve housing;an inlet for fluid entering the valve housing;an outlet for fluid leaving the valve housing;a flow control assembly disposed within the valve housing between the inlet and the outlet, whereby fluid entering the valve housing is caused to flow through the flow control assembly, the flow control assembly comprising:a cage having apertures therethrough to provide passage for fluid passing from the inlet to the outlet, the cage having a longitudinal axis and an outlet end, in use fluid generally flowing within the cage in a downstream direction towards the outlet end;a closure assembly moveable with respect to the cage to open or close each of the apertures through the cage, to thereby control the flow of fluid through the cage;wherein the apertures in the cage extend through the cage at a first angle being an angle to the longitudinal axis of the cage in the upstream direction.2. The valve assembly according to claim 1 , ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160186892A1

A valve assembly is provided, the assembly comprising a valve housing; an inlet for fluid entering the valve housing; an outlet for fluid leaving the valve housing; a flow control assembly disposed within the valve housing between the inlet and the outlet, whereby fluid entering the valve housing is caused to flow through the flow control assembly, the flow control assembly comprising a cage having apertures therethrough to provide passage for fluid passing from the inlet to the outlet, the cage having an outlet end, in use fluid flowing within the cage in a downstream direction towards the outlet; a closure assembly moveable with respect to the cage to open or close each of the apertures through the cage, to thereby control the flow of fluid through the cage; wherein the apertures in the cage extend through the cage at a first angle to the radial direction of the cage and at a second angle to the radial direction of the cage, such that, in use, fluid entering the cage through each aperture is directed into the cage at the first angle to the radial direction so as to flow around the interior of the cage and at the second angle to the radial direction of the cage so as to flow in the downstream direction towards the outlet end of the cage. A cage assembly is also provided. The valve assembly is of particular use in a wellhead assembly.

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Valve cage for receiving a valve member and method for operating a control valve with a valve cage and a valve member

Номер: US20170184219A1
Автор: Anke Braeuer
Принадлежит: SAMSON AG

A sleeve shaped valve cage for receiving a valve member is described. The valve cage can guide the valve member relative to the valve cage. The valve cage can include a throttle section configured to provide pressure-reduced flow rates of the processing fluid, the throttle section having multiple throttle conduits extending from an inside of the valve cage to an outside of the valve cage; a high capacity flow section adjacent to the throttle section in the displacement direction, the high capacity flow section configured to provide increased flow rates of the processing fluid; and at least one equalization channel formed in the valve cage and extending from the inside to the outside of the valve cage, the at least one equalization channel leading from the high capacity flow section to the throttle section such that, before the valve member releases all throttle conduits, the equalization channel is released.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200182378A1

A fluid flow control device includes a valve body defining an inlet, an outlet, and a fluid flow path extending therebetween, a rotatable valve member at least partially disposed in the valve body, an attenuator operably coupled to the valve body, and a retention member disposed within the valve body. The rotatable valve member is rotatable within the fluid flow path from a shut-off position to an open position for controlling the flow of fluid through the fluid flow path. The attenuator defines an attenuator body that includes a plurality of noise-reducing apertures. The retention member is positioned against a portion of the attenuator body to retain the attenuator within the valve body. 1. A fluid flow control device comprising:a valve body defining an inlet, an outlet, and a fluid flow path extending from the inlet to the outlet;a rotatable valve member at least partially disposed in the valve body and being rotatable within the fluid flow path from a shut-off position to an open position for controlling the flow of fluid through the fluid flow path;an attenuator operably coupled to the valve body, the attenuator defining an attenuator body including a plurality of noise-reducing apertures; anda retention member disposed within the valve body;wherein the retention member is positioned against a portion of the attenuator body to retain the attenuator within the valve body.2. The fluid flow control device of claim 1 , wherein the attenuator body defines a retention flange claim 1 , wherein the retention member is configured to abut the retention flange to retain the attenuator within the valve body.3. The fluid flow control device of claim 2 , wherein the valve body further defines a retention member groove to accommodate a portion of the retention member.4. The fluid flow control device of claim 3 , wherein the retention member is frictionally fit within the retention member groove.5. The fluid flow control device of claim 2 , wherein the retention flange ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195640A1
Автор: TAKEUCHI Toru
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

A solenoid valve includes a main valve that controls a flow rate of a working fluid, a sleeve in which the main valve is slidably inserted, and a solenoid unit that displaces the main valve. The sleeve includes a slide support and a large-diameter portion. The main valve is slidably supported by the slide support. The large-diameter portion is closer to an open end of the insertion hole than the slide support is, and has a diameter larger than an outer diameter of the slide support. The sleeve is fixed inside the insertion hole by causing the large-diameter portion to be pushed against the valve block by the solenoid unit. 1. A solenoid valve fixedly inserted in an insertion hole provided in a valve block , the solenoid valve comprising:a valve body configured to control a flow rate of a working fluid flowing through a passage provided inside the valve block;a hollow cylindrical sleeve configured to allow the valve body to be slidably inserted therein; anda solenoid unit configured to displace the valve body in an axial direction,whereinthe sleeve includes a slide support and a large-diameter portion, the slide support being configured to slidably support the valve body, the large-diameter portion being provided so as to be closer to an open end of the insertion hole than the slide support and being configured to have a diameter larger than an outer diameter of the slide support,the solenoid unit is adjacent to the large-diameter portion, andthe sleeve is fixed inside the insertion hole by causing the large-diameter portion to be pushed against the valve block by the solenoid unit.2. The solenoid valve according to claim 1 ,whereinthe sleeve further includes a seat configured to allow the valve body to be seated thereon, andthe seat is located at a side of the slide support opposite to the large-diameter portion.3. The solenoid valve according to claim 1 ,whereinthe solenoid unit includes a cylindrical solenoid tube connected to the sleeve, andthe large-diameter ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Valve and construction machine with the same

Номер: US20150211643A1
Принадлежит: Kobelco Construction Machinery Co Ltd

Provided is a valve restrained from unintentional close. The valve includes a valve element formed with a flow-path hole, a holding member having inlet and outlet ports and holding the valve element while permitting its rotational movement in first and second directions, and a rotational restriction section. The valve element has an open position for making communication between the ports through the flow-path hole and a close position for blocking between the ports. The rotational restriction section restricts the rotational movement so as to stop the rotational movement thereof in the first direction at the open position where a specific part of the outer peripheral surface of the valve element overlaps the inlet port and receives pressure of the liquid to allow the pressure to impart a rotational bias in the first direction to the valve element in the open position.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Device to Reduce the Pressure of a Liquid Flow and a Regulating Valve

Номер: US20150233493A1
Автор: Irgens-Hagevik Paal

A construction is described for the reduction of pressure in a liquid that flows through an extended hollow body, characterised in that the hollow body comprises a unit that defines one or more flow channels, said channels show a stepwise, or continuously, increasing flow cross section calculated from an inlet end to an outlet end of the one or more channels. Also described is an application area for the construction. In addition, a valve construction is described for the reduction of the pressure in a liquid flow comprising a closing body that can be set between a position that closes for through-flow of liquid and a position that opens for full through-flow, where the closing body comprises one or more pipes in which bodies are arranged for stepwise or continuous increase of the liquid flow area and thereby the reduction of the liquid pressure. 1. Construction for reduction of pressure in a liquid that flows through an extended , hollow body , characterised in that the hollow body comprises a unit that defines one or more flow channels , said channels show a stepwise , or continuous , increasing flow cross section calculated from the inlet end to the outlet end of the one or more channels.24414442142. Construction according to claim 1 , characterised in that the unit comprises an extended claim 1 , solid approximately circular claim 1 , solid rod-formed body ( claim 1 , ) the surface of which is formed with extended recesses ( claim 1 , ) that together with the inside of the hollow body define said flow channels with an increasing cross section.3. Construction according to claim 2 , characterised in that the recesses have the form of concave V-shaped or U-shaped recesses formed along in the body () claim 2 , or they are formed in a recessed spiral shape around the body ().444144230250252242252. Construction according to claim 2 , characterised in that the unit comprises an extended solid rod-formed body ( claim 2 , ) with a multi-sided shape claim 2 , the extended ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Control cylinder for a control valve and control valve comprising such a control cylinder

Номер: US20170234440A1
Принадлежит: VAG - Armaturen GmbH

A control cylinder for a control valve, the control cylinder including a main body having through-openings. To optimize the flow and to reduce cavitation, the through-openings have an inside wall with a curved, oblique or conical profile and/or with edges and/or undercuts. 1. A control cylinder for a control valve comprising a main body with through-openings , wherein the through-openings have an inside wall with a curved , oblique or conical profile and/or with edges and/or undercuts.2. The control cylinder as in claim 1 , wherein the through-openings extend through the main body in the form of spirals claim 1 , steps claim 1 , curves or zigzags.3. The control cylinder as in claim 1 , wherein the inside wall of the through-openings is curved toward or away from a center line of the through-openings.4. The control cylinder as in claim 1 , wherein the through-openings are configured in the form of a venturi nozzle with a cross section which claim 1 , when looking in the direction of flow claim 1 , initially narrows and subsequently widens again.5. The control cylinder as in claim 1 , wherein the through-openings comprise a plurality of consecutive conical sections or a plurality of cylindrical sections laterally offset relative to each other.6. The control cylinder as in claim 1 , wherein at least one molded part is deposed in the through-openings.7. The control cylinder as in claim 1 , wherein the through-openings have inlet openings on an outside face claim 1 , the shape of which differs from that of outlet openings on an inside face of the main body.8. The control cylinder as in claim 7 , wherein the inlet openings are configured in the form of a slotted hole claim 7 , and in that the outlet openings are configured in the form of a circular hole.9. The control cylinder as in claim 7 , wherein the inlet openings are configured in the form of a circular hole claim 7 , and in that the outlet openings are configured in the form of a slotted hole.10. The control ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160245361A1
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

A valve includes a valve disc that partitions one chamber and another chamber. The valve disc includes annular bosses and seats. The boss is formed at each of the one chamber side and the other chamber side to support leaf valves. The seats are formed on outer peripheral sides of the respective bosses on the one chamber side and the other chamber side. The leaf valves are left from/seated on the seats. At least one of the seats on the one chamber side and the other chamber side are disposed to project with respect to the bosses. An outer peripheral end of the seat on the one chamber side is disposed on an outer peripheral side with respect to an outer peripheral end of the seat on the other chamber side. The valve disc includes an auxiliary seat. The auxiliary seat is formed on an outer peripheral side of the seat on the other chamber side. The auxiliary seat is disposed at a height identical to the seat on the other chamber side. Alternatively, the auxiliary seat projects with respect to the seat on the other chamber side. 1. A valve comprising:a valve disc that partitions one chamber and another chamber; andannular-plate shaped leaf valves laminated on each of the one chamber side and the other chamber side of the valve disc, wherein an annular boss formed at each of the one chamber side and the other chamber side to support the leaf valves;', 'a seat formed on an outer peripheral side of the boss on each of the one chamber side and the other chamber side, the leaf valves being left from/seated on the seats;', 'an opening surrounded by each of the seats;', 'one passage that allows the one chamber to communicate with the opening at the other chamber side; and', 'another passage that allows the other chamber to communicate with the opening at the one chamber side,, 'the valve disc includesat least one of the seats on the one chamber side and the other chamber side is disposed to project with respect to the bosses,an outer peripheral end of the seat on the one ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Shuttle Valve with Damping

Номер: US20180238471A1
Автор: Merrill Ian Stuart

An example valve includes: (i) a valve body defining a first longitudinal bore therein and including a first inlet, a second inlet, and an outlet; (ii) a cage disposed in the first longitudinal bore coaxial with the valve body, where the cage defines a second longitudinal bore therein; (iii) a pin mounted and extending longitudinally within the second longitudinal bore at an end of the cage adjacent to the first inlet; and (iv) a spool shiftably mounted within the second longitudinal bore and configured to move axially therein to shift between a first position and a second position. The spool includes a blind hole formed at an end thereof facing the pin and coaxial therewith, such that as the spool shifts from the second position to the first position, a portion of the pin is received within the blind hole of the spool. 1. A shuttle valve comprising:a valve body defining a first longitudinal bore therein, wherein the valve body comprises a first inlet, a second inlet, and an outlet;a cage disposed in the first longitudinal bore coaxial with the valve body, wherein the cage defines a second longitudinal bore therein, wherein the outlet is fluidly coupled to an annular area formed between an exterior peripheral surface of the cage and an interior peripheral surface of the valve body;a pin mounted and extending longitudinally within the second longitudinal bore at an end of the cage adjacent to the first inlet; anda spool shiftably mounted within the second longitudinal bore and configured to move axially therein to shift between: (i) a first position adjacent to the first inlet, wherein at the first position the spool blocks the first inlet while allowing pressurized fluid to flow from the second inlet to the annular area and the outlet, and (ii) a second position adjacent to the second inlet, wherein at the second position the spool blocks the second inlet while allowing pressurized fluid to flow from the first inlet to the annular area and the outlet, wherein the ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Device For A High-Pressure Pump For A Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20170261115A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

The present disclosure relates to a device for a high-pressure pump for a motor vehicle comprising a valve housing and an actuator assembly arranged substantially along the central axis of the valve housing. The actuator assembly may include a recess extending from a first end. The actuator assembly may include at least one hydraulic compensation opening extending through a wall of the actuator assembly from the recess into an exterior region. It may also include a volume body in the actuator recess spaced apart from the actuator assembly and extending into a region of the at least one hydraulic compensation opening. The volume body may be immovable relative to the valve housing. The actuator assembly may move along the central axis relative to the valve housing and relative to the volume body.

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Flow restrictor for a plug valve

Номер: US20200248838A1
Принадлежит: Spm Flow Control Inc

A flow restrictor is provided for a plug valve. The flow restrictor includes a restrictor body configured to be at least one of held within an internal bore of a valve body of the plug valve or mounted to the valve body in fluid communication with the internal bore. The restrictor body includes a plurality of fluid passages extending through a length of the restrictor body. The fluid passages include turns such that the fluid passages define tortuous fluid paths through the restrictor body.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190256067A1

An electromagnetic valve whose inlet and outlet ducts are oriented transversely with respect to the valve holding bore in the valve carrier, wherein the outlet duct opens out, at a distance from the discharge of the filter element, in a portion of the valve holding bore in which the filter element has a closed sleeve portion, in order to achieve a noise reduction through targeted diversion of the flow in the direction of the outlet duct. 1. An electromagnetic valve , for slip-controlled motor vehicle brake systems , comprising:a valve housing having a valve passage;a valve closing element which is arranged in the valve housing and which is capable of opening or closing the valve passage in the valve housing,a magnet armature for actuating the valve closing element, which is relatively movable within a range of a defined working stroke,a restoring spring which acts on the magnet armature,a block-shaped valve carrier in whose valve holding bore the valve housing and a filter element are introduced, andan inlet duct and an outlet duct which open out into the valve holding bore,wherein both the inlet and outlet ducts are oriented transversely with respect to the valve holding bore in the valve carrier, and wherein the outlet duct opens out, at a distance from the discharge of the filter element, into a portion of the valve holding bore in which the filter element has a closed sleeve portion.2. The electromagnetic valve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an annular space is provided between the filter element and the valve holding bore and extends from the base of the valve holding bore to a sealing region formed on the valve housing claim 1 , which sealing region is preferably fixed by a press fit in the valve carrier.3. The electromagnetic valve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the discharge of the filter element is arranged between the sleeve portion and the base of the valve holding bore and is provided with a fine filter fabric.4. The electromagnetic valve as ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170269614A1

A fill valve for receiving a fluid flow includes a lower pipe and a flow restrictor cartridge. The flow restrictor cartridge is received in the lower pipe. The flow restrictor cartridge receives the fluid flow at a first fluid flow rate and provides the fluid flow as a second fluid flow rate lower than the first fluid flow rate. The flow restrictor cartridge includes a receiver and a compact flow restrictor. The compact flow restrictor is received by the receiver. The compact flow restrictor is configured to facilitate the reduction from the first fluid flow rate to the second fluid flow rate.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160281337A1

A proportional pressure reducing valve for waterworks structured so as to prevent water leakage to the exterior of a valve box even if water leakage occurs into an airtight chamber by some chance. 1. A proportional pressure reducing valve for waterworks constructed by providing a cylindrical valve box having an inlet opened in a front end surface thereof and an outlet set to be larger in diameter than the inlet and opened in a rear end surface thereof , forming a reduced diameter portion in an annular projection shape so as to bulge out on an inner wall between the inlet and the outlet of the valve box , inserting through the reduced diameter portion a piston in an airtight state and freely slidably , said piston being provided at its distal end with a valve portion that opens and closes the inlet and provided with a hollow portion opening at a base end side thereof to the outlet and having a plurality of water-flow ports in communication with the hollow portion opened in a distal end-side peripheral surface thereof located at all times further to the front than the reduced diameter portion , and providing a flange that slides in an airtight state a valve box inner wall that is further to the rear than the reduced diameter portion around the base end of the piston , wherein an airtight chamber provided between the flange and the reduced diameter portion is in communication with a hollow chamber defined by airtightly blocking a recess portion for which the periphery of a valve box outer wall is formed to cave in by a cylindrical cover externally fitted to the valve box.2. The proportional pressure reducing valve for waterworks according to claim 1 , wherein the airtight chamber and the hollow chamber are in communication with each other via a diaphragm.3. The proportional pressure reducing valve for waterworks according to claim 2 , wherein an annular flow path in communication with the airtight chamber and an annular flow path in communication with the hollow ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140366970A1

A cage for a control valve trim assembly includes a cage body having an opening at one end and a wall extending from the opening, a plurality of cage openings disposed in the wall, and a pressure relief mechanism disposed in the cage wall. 1. A fluid valve comprising:a valve body having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet connected by a fluid passageway;a trim assembly disposed within the fluid passageway; anda fluid control member movably disposed within the fluid passageway, the fluid control member cooperating with the trim assembly to control fluid flow through the fluid passageway;wherein the trim assembly includes a cage with a cage wall and a pressure relief mechanism disposed in the cage wall.2. The fluid valve of claim 1 , wherein the cage pressure relief mechanism is a gate.3. The fluid valve of claim 2 , wherein the gate is pivotably attached to the cage wall by a hinge.410-. (canceled)11. The fluid valve of claim 3 , wherein the hinge has an axis of rotation that is substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the cage body.12. The fluid valve of claim 11 , wherein the gate includes a bracket that is secured to the cage wall and a pivotable flap attached to the bracket.13. The fluid valve of claim 12 , wherein the pivotable flap covers an auxiliary opening formed in the cage wall.14. The fluid valve of claim 1 , wherein pressure relief mechanism includes a bracket portion that is attached to the cage wall and an overhang portion attached to the bracket portion claim 1 , the overhang portion being separated radially from an auxiliary opening in the cage wall.15. The fluid valve of claim 14 , further comprising a cover attached to the overhang portion.16. The fluid valve of claim 14 , wherein the cover is attached to the overhang portion with a spring.17. The fluid valve of claim 1 , wherein the pressure relief mechanism comprises a plurality of flexible leaflets.18. A cage for a control valve trim assembly claim 1 , the cage comprising:a cage body ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Vibration Damping Device

Номер: US20150285331A1
Автор: Michael Mcneely
Принадлежит: Pentair Flow Services AG

Embodiments of the invention provide a vibration damping system including a fixed element, a moveable element arranged to move linearly along an axis relative to the fixed element in response to a non-mechanical force, and an inerter element coupling the moveable element to the fixed element, and configured to convert the linear motion of the moveable element into rotational motion about the axis when the moveable element begins to move linearly. The vibration damping system may be applied to many types of valves. In some embodiments, the vibration damping system may be applied to pressure relief valves. In some embodiments, the moveable element rotates to provide inertial damping. In other embodiments, the inerter element rotates to provide inertial damping.

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150285401A1

Bypass check valves, suitable for bypassing a Venturi gap, are disclosed and include a housing defining an internal cavity having a first seat and a second seat, and a seal member within the internal cavity translatable between a closed position against the first seat and an open position against the second seat. The second seat defines a support structure having a middle region of a predetermine height and a downstream side having a height that is shorter than the predetermined height of the middle region. The seal member is seatable against the second seat with a downstream portion thereof a further distance from the first seat than an upstream portion thereof. 1. A bypass check valve comprising:a housing defining an internal cavity having a first port and a second port both in fluid communication therewith and having a first seat and a second seat; anda seal member within the internal cavity, wherein the seal member is translatable between a closed position against the first seat and an open position against the second seat;wherein the second seat defines a support structure having a middle region of a predetermine height, and a downstream side having a height that is shorter than the predetermined height of the middle region;wherein the seal member is seatable against the second seat with a downstream portion thereof a further distance from the first seat than an upstream portion thereof.2. The bypass check valve of claim 1 , wherein the second seat further comprises an upstream side that has a height shorter than the height of the middle region claim 1 , but greater than the height of the downstream side.3. The bypass check valve of claim 2 , wherein the seal member is deflectable between a generally planar closed position against the first seat and an arcuate position against the second seat.4. The bypass check valve of claim 1 , wherein the support structure comprises a plurality of fingers extending into the internal cavity circumferentially spaced apart ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150285402A1

A flow path velocity modifier allows a control member of a control valve to operate very close to a seat ring while reducing or eliminating restricted flow areas, which results in greatly reduced flow velocity fluctuations, which results in smoother flow, between the sealing element and the seat ring. As a result, sealing elements made of relatively soft materials may be used without fear of damage from high flow velocities. 1. A retainer for a control member of a control valve , the retainer comprising:a body portion, the body portion having a longitudinal axis, a top surface, and a bottom surface, the bottom surface having a first portion that extends parallel to the longitudinal axis and a second portion that extends away from the first portion, the second portion being angled more than 60 degrees with respect to the longitudinal axis.2. The retainer of claim 1 , wherein the second portion is angled more than 60 degrees and less than 90 degrees with respect to the longitudinal axis.3. The retainer of claim 2 , wherein the second portion is angled more than 70 degrees and less than 80 degrees with respect to the longitudinal axis.4. The retainer of claim 1 , wherein the first portion forms a plug extension that extends longitudinally outward claim 1 , away from the body portion.5. The retainer of claim 4 , wherein the plug extension is cylindrical in shape.6. A control member assembly for a control valve claim 4 , the control member assembly comprising:a control member;a retainer secured to one end of the control member, the retainer having a body portion, the body portion having a longitudinal axis, a top surface, and a bottom surface, the bottom surface having a first portion that extends parallel to the longitudinal axis and a second portion that extends away from the first portion, the second portion being angled more than 60 degrees with respect to the longitudinal axis;a sealing element disposed between the top surface of the retainer and the control member; ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140373948A1

A rotary valve for an adsorption heat pump may include a cylindrical valve body, arranged rotatably about a central axis in a predetermined rotation direction with an outer covering and two front plates. A plurality of counter-directional high temperature connections may be arranged on the outer covering for connecting a high temperature heat source. A plurality of counter-directional medium temperature connections may be arranged on the outer covering for connecting a medium temperature heat sink. A plurality of sorption module connections may be arranged on the front plates for connecting a plurality of corresponding sorption modules. A duct system may pass through the valve body for directing a fluid, and a throttle, integrated into the valve body, may be included for constricting a flow cross-section at a throttle site of the duct system. The duct system may include open ducts and closed ducts. 1. A rotary valve for an adsorption heat pump , comprising:a cylindrical valve body, arranged rotatably about a central axis in a predetermined rotation direction with an outer covering and two front plates,a plurality of counter-directional high temperature connections arranged on the outer covering for connecting a high temperature heat source,a plurality of counter-directional medium temperature connections arranged on the outer covering for connecting a medium temperature heat sink,a plurality of sorption module connections arranged on the front plates for connecting a plurality of corresponding sorption modules,a duct system passing through the valve body for directing a fluid, anda throttle, integrated into the valve body, for constricting a flow cross-section at a throttle site of the duct system, wherein the duct system includesopen ducts, which open into a sorption module connection, andclosed ducts, which at least one of terminate in and terminate at a front plate.2. The rotary valve according to claim 1 , further comprising a first switch position claim 1 , in ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180283567A1

A digital valve positioner for use with an actuator. The digital valve positioner includes a housing, at least one exhaust port opening formed in the housing, and a vent assembly operatively coupled to the at least one exhaust port opening. The vent assembly includes a body having a bore, a valve seat surrounding the bore, and a check valve disposed within the bore. The check valve is arranged to shift from a closed position seated against the valve seat to an open position disposed away from the valve seat. A plurality of barriers is disposed around and positioned to enclose the check valve. The plurality of barriers is arranged to prevent an external medium from entering the check valve and to provide a tortuous flow path for the exhaust medium reducing sound through the vent assembly. 110.-. (canceled)11. A digital valve positioner for use with an actuator , the digital valve positioner comprising:a housing;at least one exhaust port opening formed in the housing; a body operatively coupled to the at least one exhaust port opening, the body including a bore;', 'a valve seat surrounding the bore; and', 'a check valve disposed within the bore, the check valve arranged to shift from a closed position seated against the valve seat to an open position disposed away from the valve seat when an exhaust medium flows through the at least one exhaust port opening; and', 'a cap removably secured to the body, the cap having a plurality of barriers extending therefrom and disposed around the check valve to enclose the check valve, the cap and the plurality of barriers arranged to prevent an external medium from entering the check valve and to provide a tortuous flow path for the exhaust medium reducing sound through the vent assembly., 'a vent assembly operatively coupled to the at least one exhaust port opening, the vent assembly including12. The digital valve positioner of claim 11 , the cap comprising a top face and a bottom face claim 11 , the bottom face having a concave ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180283578A1

Check valves are disclosed and include a housing defining an internal cavity having a first seat and a second seat, and a seal member within the internal cavity translatable between a closed position against the first seat and an open position against the second seat. The second seat has a middle axis transverse to a plane of a longitudinal cross-section of the housing and has a shortest finger positioned to either the left or to the right of the middle axis. The seal member is seatable against the second seat at an angle or in a deflected position against the plurality of fingers, thereby defining a longer distance of travel to reach the closed position for a portion of the check valve disc that is associated with the position of the shortest finger relative to other portions of the check valve disc. 1. A Venturi device comprising:a housing defining a passageway having a central longitudinal axis, wherein the passageway comprises a first tapering portion coupled to a second tapering portion at a fluid junction in fluid communication with a suction port, defining a bypass port in fluid communication with the passageway located downstream of the second tapering portion, and defining a bypass check valve controlling fluid flow through the bypass port; an internal cavity having a first seat defining a closed position and a second seat comprising a plurality of fingers defining an open position that are circumferentially spaced apart about the bypass port and project into the internal chamber;', 'a check valve disc within the internal cavity that translates between a flat sealing state in the closed position, and an angled state or a deflected state against the plurality of fingers in the open position;', 'wherein the plurality of fingers has a shortest finger in a position that defines a longer distance of travel to the closed position for a first portion of the check valve disc in need thereof and has longer fingers in a position that define a shorter distance of ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180283579A1
Автор: Morein Alexander

A fluid flow metering rotary valve body is provided that includes a central axis, and at least one lobe having at least one fluid opening. At least one fluid throttle is formed on a perimeter surface of the at least one fluid opening. The fluid throttle can have at least one blind void or at least one protrusion and can facilitate various flow strategies, including a decreasing fluid flow with increasing overlap between the fluid opening and a fluid port. The at least one protrusion can extend to various depths to accommodate different fluid openings and injection molding strategies. 1. A fluid flow metering rotary valve body comprising:a central axis;at least one lobe having at least one fluid opening, the at least one fluid opening configured with at least one fluid throttle;the at least one fluid throttle formed on a perimeter surface of the at least one fluid opening, the fluid throttle comprising at least one protrusion; and,a depth of the at least one fluid throttle extending to a bottom surface of the at least one lobe.2. The fluid flow metering rotary valve body of claim 1 , further comprising an actuator interface.3. The fluid flow metering rotary valve body of claim 1 , wherein the at least one lobe has at least one axial wall.4. The fluid flow metering rotary valve body of claim 3 , wherein the at least one axial wall is configured with at least one through-aperture.5. The fluid flow metering rotary valve body of claim 3 , wherein the at least one axial wall is configured with at least one radial vane.6. The fluid flow metering rotary valve body of claim 5 , wherein an actuator interface extends from the at least one radial vane.7. The fluid flow metering rotary valve body of claim 1 , wherein the at least one protrusion has at least one distal end.8. The fluid flow metering rotary valve body of claim 1 , wherein a top portion of the at least one protrusion defines at least one cut-out.9. A fluid flow metering rotary valve body comprising:a central axis; ...
