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10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU79390U1

Полезная модель относится к области легкой промышленности, в частности к средствам для хранения обуви, зонтов, сумок и других подобных предметов в домашних и офисных помещениях. Вешалка для обуви содержит стойку с основанием на нижнем торце и упором верхнем торце. На стойке по ее высоте распределены держатели на установочных подвесах. Стойка составлена, по крайней мере, из четырех частей, три, нижние из которых соединены между собой переходными муфтами, а верхняя часть стойки прикреплена телескопическим соединением посредством фиксатора, состоящего из полых трехступенчатого оконечного прижима и двухступенчатого зажима-обоймы. Переходные муфты плотно вставлены в смежные части стойки и выполнены в виде трубок с центральным кольцевым выступом и наружными шлицами. Держатели состоят из: ступицы, спиц с лепестками на концах, криволинейно загнутых вверх равномерно распределенных вокруг ступицы и кольцевых ребер жесткости, прикрепленных к спицам. Установочные подвесы держателей состоят из прижима ...

30-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015441C1
Принадлежит: Понт-а-Муссон С.А. (FR)

Сущность изобретения: в раструб с фланцем и бортиком на нем на конце одной трубы входит гладкий конец другой. Герметизирующая прокладка из эластомера состоит из закрепляющего элемента с выступом на наружной радиальной стороне прокладки и кольцевой пятой на внутренней стороне и герметизирующего корпуса с наружной цилиндрической поверхностью. Наружная поверхность прокладки между выступом и корпусом выполнена вогнутой с внутренним диаметром, меньшим диаметра выступа и корпуса. Наружный диаметр корпуса меньше или равен диаметру наружной поверхности выступа. 6 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2024419C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для стыковки воздушных магистралей частей летательного аппарата, например при стыковке двигателя и мотогондолы с обеспечением компенсации несоосности стыкуемых узлов. Целью изобретения является расширение диапазона компенсации первоначальной несоосности узлов стыковки с обеспечением необходимой герметичности воздушной магистрали. В узле стыковки магистралей летательного аппарата, выполненном в виде составного трубопровода, содержащего цилиндрическую часть 1, подпружиненную пружиной 2 с расширяющимся конусом 3 под вход ловителя 4 пристыковываемой части, законцовка которого выполнена в виде участка сферической поверхности 5, взаимодействующей с внутренней поверхностью конуса 3, цилиндрическая часть 1 вторым концом через уплотнительный элемент 6 телескопически установлена в шаровом шарнире 7, снабженном вторым уплотнительным элементом 8. 2 ил.

23-06-1990 дата публикации

Быстроразъемное соединение трубопроводов

Номер: SU1573286A1

Изобретение может быть использовано для подключения заправочного шланга газозаправочной колонки к газобаллонной установке автомобилей при заправке сжатым природным газом. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности быстроразъемного соединения за счет исключения выброса рабочей среды. Осевое отверстие 4 штыря 1 сообщено с радиальными проходами 5, по обе стороны от которых выполнены канавки 6, 8 с внешним и внутренним уплотнительными кольцами (К) 7, 9. В ответном элементе 3 имеется осевое отверстие 2 под штырь 1 и канал 10 для прохода рабочей среды. Боковая поверхность 11 канавки 6, наиболее удаленная от проходов 5, выполнена конусной. В отверстии 2 между каналом 10 и в К 7 выполнена проточка (П) 12 в виде двух конусов с общим основанием. Расстояние между П 12 и торцом элемента 3 со стороны установки штыря 1 больше расстояния между К 7, 9. Объем П 12 меньше объема К 7. К 9 не выходит за пределы отверстия 2, когда К 7 находится в П 12, обеспечивая тем самым герметичность. 2 ил.

30-11-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для соединения трубопроводов

Номер: SU1126764A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СОЕДИНЕНИЯ ТРУБОПРОВОДОВ, содержащее неподвижный штуцер, подвижный штуцер и рьиажный привод,о т л ич аю щ е е с я тем, что, с целью повьшения надежности соединения и сокращения кода подвижного штуцера оно снабжено насадкой, имеющей возможность перемещения , телескопически сочлененной с неподвижным штуцером, и направляющими роликами, жестко закрепленными на неподвижном штуцере и контактирукщими с подвижным штуцером -и насадкой. 2, Устройство по п..1, о т л и ч а ю щ е ес я- тем, что, с целью уменьшения износа отверстия неподвижного штуцера, направляющие ролики установлены не менее чем в два ряда.

13-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020019764U1

26-06-1980 дата публикации

Domestic or office ventilating ducting - comprises sections of different cross=sectional area having end wall thickness permitting dimensional deformation

Номер: DE0002944984A1

Ducting is produced by interconnecting a number of sections of varying cross-sectional area by deforming the ends of ducting sections to the cross-sectional areas is adjacent sections whose ends form connecting members. Pref. the ducting, which may be circular or oval in cross-section, has a dia. varying between 80 and 150 mm and is made of plastics material. Ducting wall is thin and flexible such taht ends (24, 42) of sections (2, 34) can be deformed into the required cross-sectional area by compression or distenstion. Ducting has sufficient rigidity to be self-supporting. Pref. the ends have bellows, blow moulded portions or wound sections. Special connectors are dispensed with.

22-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002035281B2

29-01-1964 дата публикации

Improvements relating to releasable pipe couplings

Номер: GB0000948009A

... 948,009. Pipe couplings. K. SANER. Nov. 18, 1960, No. 39821/60. Heading F2G. A releasable pipe coupling comprises a supply member 1, a delivery member 15 which can be pushed coaxially into the member 1, and a stop valve whose closure member 5, controllable by the member 15, is pressed against the valve seat 3. The member 1 has a closure device 12 which completely shields the valve closure member 5 on the outlet end side of the member in the disconnected position of the coupling. The member 15 has projections 16 which are guided by grooves 7 in a bush 2 into recesses 14 formed in the closure device 12. The latter has projections 13 which lie in an annular groove 10 formed in the bush 2, when the members 12 and 14 are turned through approximately 45 degrees, the projections 16 slide on a seating 9, until projections 13 enter the zone of a guide groove 11 which permits the member 15 to be pushed further into the bush 2 so as to displace the plate 5 from the seating 3 to form a fluid connection ...

16-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008718764D0

28-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001433330A

... 1433330 Pipe coupling CASA ARGENTINO SOCIEDAD EN COMANDITA POR ACCIONES 25 April 1973 49283/72 Heading F2G A gas burner is connected to a container 7 having an outlet valve and a neck with an internal bead 71 by a coupling which includes an externally screw-threaded tubular member 1, a cup-shaped retaining member 4 having an external retaining projection 41 for engagement with the bead 71, a wedging member 5 on the tubular member 1 and sealing means 6. When the projection 41 is engaged behind the bead 71, the tubular member 1 is screwed towards the container 7 to open the outlet valve therein and to advance the wedging member 5 adjacent the projection 41 on the retaining member 4 so so that the latter cannot be removed past the bead 71. The retaining member 4 which, together with a support bell member 2, is attached to a collar 3, has a series of longitudinal slots (411) (Fig. 1, not shown) around its skirt portion ...

09-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002236565B

20-02-2002 дата публикации

Universal respiratory device coupler

Номер: GB0002365358A

A universal respiratory adaptor for connecting medical equipment to a patient respiratory device comprises a machine end 14 comprising at least two male tapers 18, 20 of different diameters, a patient end 12 comprising a first female port 22 concentric within a second female port 24, wherein the second female port 24 has an outer wall 40 which defines a male fitting 42, and a tubular body portion 16 interconnecting the machine end 14 and the patient end 12 wherein the machine end 14 and the body portion 16 comprise a continuous lumen 56 in fluid communication with the first female port 22. The adaptor allows connectors of respiratory or anaesthetic machines to be connected to endotracheal tubes of different dimensions, or to a face mask, to avoid problems caused by incompatible breathing devices and respiratory systems.

23-06-2010 дата публикации

A connector to connect to an object having a hole, e g., a pipe

Номер: GB0002466322A

A connector 10 to couple to an object having a hole, e.g. a pipe 18, comprises a longitudinal element 11, components 12, 13, 15 movable relative to the longitudinal element, one 13 of which has a ramp, the connector designed such that when inserted into a hole one components 15 would cam / ride up the ramp of the other 13 causing a radial expansion resulting in the connector engaging the hole inner wall / pipe interior. A spring 16 biases the components into the expanded state to prevent removal. A releasable locking mechanism 14 enables the connector to be secured in the expanded state, or released for retraction. Ideally, the self-engaging connector has a collar (13c in fig. 1) abutted by the end face of the pipe. The other component/s may be a ball, wedge, or expander plate 15. Two connectors may be joined back-to-back for coupling tubes. Note cross-section in figure 1 of the same device taken along a different plane.

30-09-1981 дата публикации

Connectors for tubing

Номер: GB0002072288A
Автор: johnson, Mark

A medico-surgical connector arranged to make fluid connection between one end of a tube 4, such as an epidural cannula, and, for example, the nose 5 of a syringe 6. The connector has an elastomeric tubular inner member 2 with an axial passage 25 within which the tube is inserted. The inner member is retained at either end 21 and 24 within respective tubular outlet members 1 and 3 of a rigid plastics material. The outer members can be angularly displaced relative to one another, thereby twisting and elongating the inner member to distort its passage into sealing contact about the tube. The outer members have cooperating ratchet teeth 16 and 30 which serve to lock the outer members, with the inner member in a distorted state. One of the outer members 3 is formed with luer-tapered bore 37 that is in communication with the passage through the inner member and that receives the nose of the syringe. ...

05-04-1967 дата публикации

Anti-contamination joints for chemical apparatus

Номер: GB0001063944A

... 1,063,944. Stoppers. CANADIAN PATENTS & DEVELOPMENT Ltd. Jan. 20, 1965 [Jan. 31, 1964], No. 2503/65. Heading B8T. [Also in Division F2] The tapered mating surfaces of a flask and stopper, which rely on a sealing compound to effect a fluid seal therebetween, are provided with co-operating grooves to prevent passage of the compound into the flask.

25-06-1937 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to gas-flue pipes and other pipes made from cementitious materials and to joints therefor

Номер: GB0000467931A

... 467,931. Pipe joints. BROWN, C. W. Feb. 12, 1936, No. 4283. [Class 99 (i)] In a gas flue &c. constituted by pipes 2, 4 made of cementitious material, such as asbestoscement, the spigot end 1 of the pipe 2 is tapered to engage a like surface in the socket end 3 of the pipe 4, and these tapered surfaces merge into cylindrical surfaces 6, 5 respectively, which interfit closely. Specification 442,752, [Group V], is referred to.

15-02-1961 дата публикации

Improvements relating to unions between pipes

Номер: GB0000860906A

... 860,906. Pipe couplings. N.G.N. ELECTRICAL Ltd. Nov. 26, 1959 [June 10, 1959], No. 19801/59. Class 99(1). Pipes 4 are coupled by means of a flexible tube 3, e.g. of rubber, provided with internal stops 3a for abutment by the pipe ends and with internal circumferential ribs 3b which form a gas-tight seal between the tube and the pipes when the latter are introduced in the tube. A metal tube may be pressed over the tube 3 after insertion of the pipes.

24-02-2021 дата публикации

Method of protecting the end of a pipe

Номер: GB2582705B
Принадлежит: POLYPIPE LTD, Polypipe Limited

30-09-1981 дата публикации

Device of connection with sealing between two ends for the connection of two volumes.

Номер: OA0000006640A

31-03-1992 дата публикации

“Sealing packing, fitment intended to receive the aforementioned trimming and joined sealing thus realized”.

Номер: OA0000009177A

27-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000354201B

27-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364587B

15-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000643679A

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000325303T

15-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000008528T

15-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000041989T

15-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000081715T

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000093031T

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000058003T

15-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000185410T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000303548T

12-02-1973 дата публикации

Clutch for connecting the water drain hose of a household machine with the discharge filter of a wash basin

Номер: AT0000305180B

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: ATA33687A

25-08-1965 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000241925B

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000199454T

29-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005582690A

28-04-2005 дата публикации

Universal respiratory device coupler

Номер: AU2001278321B2

07-10-1999 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to tube couplings

Номер: AU0002242299A

13-01-1994 дата публикации

A coupling device

Номер: AU0004159293A

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002423318C

The present invention includes a pre-assembled, high-pressure coupling interface adapter (10) for use with a non-threaded port (28) of a female member (30). The adapter (10) comprises a generally cylindrically shaped metal body (12) including a central longitudinal channel (14) and an inner (16) and outer (18) surface. The body (12) includes an external segment (20) having an external end (22) and an internal segment (24) having an internal end (26), the internal segment (24) configured for receipt within the port (28) of the female member (30). The inner surface (16) of the body (12) is configured to engage and secure one or more external features of a separate male coupling member (46). The present invention also includes a coupling assembly (31) including a coupling adapter (10) and a method for forming a female coupling assembly (31) including an adapter (10).

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003018584A1

A locking pipe joint assembly, device and method can employ a center body connector, one or more sealing elements, a shoe gland, an indicator ring and a retaining cap. In embodiments, a bolt element and a nut element are provided for securing the retaining cap to the center body connector and compressing a packing assembly therein.

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002914823A1

A push fitting joint packaging arrangement allows the re-use and repair of push-to-connect fittings and valves without damage to the fitting or valve elements or the pipe, and without coining, gluing or threaded engagement of parts, while also requiring less force to connect and disconnect tubing elements. In one embodiment of the present invention, the arrangement comprises a sealing member, a fastening ring, a tube support member and a push release member.

30-04-1950 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000268017A
Принадлежит: HEEM V D NV, VAN DER HEEM N. V.

15-11-1966 дата публикации

Fitting für Kunststoffrohre

Номер: CH0000424400A

31-01-1962 дата публикации

Kupplung zum Kuppeln zweier Durchflussleitungen

Номер: CH0000359937A

15-12-1968 дата публикации

Dispositif de raccordement de canalisations

Номер: CH0000466653A

30-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000633358A5

31-01-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000594806A5

19-01-2018 дата публикации

A type plastics quick connector

Номер: CN0206904424U

18-02-1966 дата публикации

Pipe of smoke enamelled

Номер: FR0001429115A

01-03-1968 дата публикации

Process of obturation of pressure vessels

Номер: FR0001514973A
Принадлежит: Quanten Ges fur Zerst GmbH

01-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002735843B1
Автор: Carlos Martins
Принадлежит: Valeo Climatisation SA

27-06-1960 дата публикации

Improvements with the connections for flexible or rigid tubes

Номер: FR0001224789A

04-01-1954 дата публикации

Waterproofing system for dismountable air conduit

Номер: FR0001049913A

19-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002438222B1

12-12-1969 дата публикации

A Joint Sleeve for Pipelines

Номер: FR0002005585A1

12-12-1969 дата публикации

A Joint Sleeve for Pipelines

Номер: FR0002005585A5

24-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002555283A


18-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002478256A


30-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002468059A1

29-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002578020A1

22-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002640723A1

25-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101377198B1

22-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070052732A

PURPOSE: An inverse L-shaped pipe component is provided connect pipes even without using a PEPP pipe, a screw connection type pipe, or a welding pipe. CONSTITUTION: An inverse L-shaped pipe component includes pipe support tube protrusions(1,9) and pipe support tubes(3,8). Air gaps(2,24) are formed between the pipe support tube protrusions and the pipe support tubes. Air screws(22,23) for adjusting air flow rate are assembled into air holes(7,4), and the assembly is coupled to a main body(6) of an inverse L-shaped pipe. Air screws are tightened and loosened to adjust air-compression force. © KIPO 2007 ...

16-05-1991 дата публикации

Connecting pipes and clusters comprising such pipes with push-fit connectors

Номер: ES0002018996A6
Принадлежит: LEGRIS SA, LEGRIS SA.

A connecting pipe, preferably of plastics material, comprises a tube (2) of which at least one end is joined hermetically to an end piece (3) containing an instantaneous connection device intended to receive a tubular inlet or outlet (14) of an element which is to be connected. The tube (2) is advantageously semi-rigid and preshaped. The invention also relates to clusters obtained by assembling a plurality of such pipes. Motor vehicle construction is a sphere of application of these connecting pipes, since they are very reliable and assembled very rapidly.

16-01-1967 дата публикации

Номер: BE685146A

01-01-2000 дата публикации

Apparatus of connecting hydraulic equipment to exterior components

Номер: TW0000378732U

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020210219A1

Fluid couplings prevent or discourage misconnection of fluid lines. In embodiments, a coupling device includes multiple male and female connectors that are joined to a common line. The coupling device is mated to a matching coupling device only when all the multiple male and female connectors are properly joined. If any of the connectors is not properly mated to a corresponding one, the coupling will leak, since the connectors on each side are joined to a furcating channel. In embodiments, the coupling devices are made unique by providing an arrangement of the connectors, number of connectors, shape of connectors or arrangement of interfering connector parts that ensure that any attempt to improperly couple two fluid lines will result in the incomplete mating and thereby cause leakage of the fluid, failure of the coupling to engage, or otherwise cause the attempt to connect to fail.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: WO2018105877A1

A one-touch pipe connecting apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: a socket main body part formed of a plurality of connection pipe parts which are connected to each other and into which pipes to be connected are inserted; a sealing part, installed between the socket main body part and a pipe to be connected, for sealing a gap between the pipe to be connected, inserted into a connection pipe part, and the socket main body part; and a cap part which has an inner passing hole for allowing the passage therethrough of the pipe to be connected and inserted into the connection pipe part, is coupled to the connection pipe part with the migration thereof in a direction in which the pipe to be connected is inserted into the connection pipe part, and pressurizes the sealing part in a direction in which the sealing part comes into close contact with the pipe to be connected when the cap part is coupled to the connection pipe part.

21-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: WO1993001443A1

A fluid connection and control device for fluid machines permits fluid inlet or outlet connections without the necessity for threaded adapters. This is accomplished by a radially symmetrical body (25) having first and second ends and a central axial fluid passage (28) connecting the ends. The body is appropriately sized for the fluid channel of the fluid machine and has a provision (22) at the first end for attachment of a flexible hose (20). The second end has a provision for a fluid tight seal between the body and the fluid channel as well as a mechanism by which the body is captured within the fluid channel (15) of the fluid machine. Options are provided for incorporation of a valve mechanism (33) for controlling the fluid flow. The valve mechanism may be incorporated as an integral part of the body or as a separate modular unit (fig. 3) which is retained in the fluid channel (15) by the connector body (25). This provides the advantages of rapid assembly and avoidance of undue stresses ...

11-06-1996 дата публикации

Telescoping fluid coupling

Номер: US0005524935A1
Автор: Everts; Michael

A coupling for connecting a pair of pipe ends together. The inventive device includes a main body having a mounting aperture for securing to a first pipe end and a hollow interior which receives a telescoping tube therewithin. A seal is releasably positioned within a circumferential seal mounting groove formed along an interior surface of the main body and engages a seal mounting groove formed along the telescoping tube during a positioning of the telescoping tube within the main body. Once engaged to the seal, the telescoping tube can be slidably positioned within the main body to desired position, with the seal precluding a passage of fluid across a juncture of the telescoping tube and the main body. The telescoping tube can be extended from the main body to couple with a second pipe end positioned a predetermined and fixed distance away from the first pipe end to fluidly couple the pipe ends together.

03-03-1998 дата публикации

Coupling structure for pipes of synthetic resin

Номер: US5722700A

A first pipe is press-fitted into a second pipe having an inner peripheral surface, circular in section, about an axis of the second pipe. The first pipe, having an outer peripheral surface provided with recesses each located between arcuate portions, and which recesses have the same radius about an axis of the first pipe and are located at a plurality of circumferentially spaced-apart points, The recesses are each located radially inwardly of a phantom circumferential extension of the arcuate portions to extend axially over a predetermined length of the first pipe. Thus, it is possible to relatively enlarge the press-fit margin leading to an elongation limit and to set the dimensional accuracy of the pipe product at a relatively low value by the fact that when the first pipe is press-fitted into the second pipe, the second pipe flows so as to fill a gap produced between the first and second pipes due to the plurality of recesses provided on the outer peripheral surface of the first pipe ...

03-02-1981 дата публикации

Valve assemblies

Номер: US4248235A

A valve assembly comprises a resilient housing of plastic material and a valve element in the form of a unitary plastic body located within the housing. The body is closed at one end by a dish-shape portion having a circumferential lip which forms a seal with the housing. The body has a tongue formed in its wall, one end of the tongue being provided with an inwardly directed tooth. By inserting a tube or rod within the valve element to engage the tooth, the tongue can be displaced outwardly and the overlying part of the housing can thereby be distorted away from the lip to permit fluid flow through the housing. The valve assembly may be used to seal one end of the inflation line of a cuffed medico-surgical tube.

21-06-1988 дата публикации

Cluster guide with centering and antivibratory positioning device for nuclear reactors

Номер: US0004752438A

A tubular cluster guide for use in a nuclear reactor having upper internals comprising a lower plate formed with flow openings is fixed to an upper plate of the intervals and provided with a device for guiding and centering its lower part in the lower core plate. The centering device has a plurality of rigid blades carried by the lower part of the guide, spaced apart angularly about the axis of the guide and engagable in an opening of the lower plate with a radial clearance and a plurality of flexible blades between the rigid blades. The flexible blades bear on the edge of the opening and exert a radially directed force thereon. Bridges may be formed in the lower plate to retain a broken resilient blade.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Pressure-Energized Probe Seal for Female Hydraulic Coupling Member

Номер: US20190195406A1

A probe seal for a female hydraulic coupling member has both internal and external pressure-energized seals. The outer wall or opposing ends of the seal have one or more pressure-energized seals for sealing between the body of the probe seal and the body of a coupling member in which the probe seal is installed. Annular, L-shaped, T-shaped or angled grooves in the inner wall of the seal form cavities and sealing projections that can be urged in an inward, radial direction by fluid pressure within an associated cavity to increase the sealing effectiveness between the body of the seal and the probe of a male hydraulic coupling member inserted in the receiving chamber of the female coupling member.

19-01-2005 дата публикации

Номер: JP0003612383B2

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004705073B2

31-01-1996 дата публикации

Номер: JP0008003813Y2

24-09-1997 дата публикации

Номер: JP0002548645Y2

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Quick Connector

Номер: US20130307263A1

A quick connector assembly for quickly connecting and establishing fluid communication between a male end form having a bead and a hose or any other type of tube. The quick connector assembly includes a housing having a stem portion for receiving the hose and a female receiving portion for receiving the male end form. A plunger is disposed within the housing, and the plunger is biased in a first direction by a spring. The quick connector further includes a locker which is held in a non-engaged position until the male end form has been inserted into the housing until the bead moves the plunger in a second direction opposite of the first direction. Once the bead of the male end form clears the locker, the locker can be moved into an engaged position with the bead of the male end form being trapped between the locker and the plunger. 1. A quick connector assembly for establishing fluid communication between a male end form and a tube comprising:a housing having a female receiving portion and a stem portion;said housing presenting a bore configured to convey a fluid;a plunger slidably disposed in said bore of said housing;a spring disposed in said bore of said housing and engaging said plunger for biasing said plunger in a first direction toward a resting position; anda locker movable from a non-engaged position to an engaged position only in response to a male end form being inserted into said bore of said housing and sliding said plunger away from said resting position.2. The quick connector assembly as set forth in wherein said locker includes a pair of inner legs each having an upper section and a lower section.3. The quick connector assembly as set forth in wherein the male end form includes a bead and said upper sections of said inside legs are spaced from one another by a distance which is greater than the diameter of the male end form and less than a diameter of the bead for trapping the male end form in said housing when said locker is in said engaged position. ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084583A1
Принадлежит: A. RAYMOND ET CIE

A hollow conduit is provided. In another aspect, a quick connector, suitable to carry fluid therethrough, is made of layers of material, a light curable material and/or multiple built-up materials. Another aspect uses a three-dimensional printing machine to emit material from an ink jet printing head to build up a conduit. 1. A method of making a conduit adapted for carrying fluid , the method comprising:(a) depositing a layer of material onto a support surface;(b) depositing subsequent layers of the material upon each prior layer until the conduit is completely created;(c) creating the conduit to comprise a hollow bore extending inside an outer wall made of the material with at least one die-locked bend therein between a female end and a male end of the conduit, as part of the depositing steps;(d) surrounding at least a majority of the conduit with a gas during the depositing and creating steps;(e) curing the conduit so that the layers of the material bond together; and(f) removing the completed conduit from the support surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is a liquid carrying tube-connector claim 1 , the method further comprising using the deposited layers to create the female end and the opposite male end of a smaller cross-sectional dimension than the female end.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising using the deposited layers to create a flexible coupling and a rigid insert substantially simultaneously with the tube connector in the same machine cycle claim 2 , at least part of the coupling and at least part of the insert being created inside the female end claim 2 , the insert being hollow claim 2 , and the insert being removeable from the coupling and female end after the curing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas is air claim 1 , the bore inside the conduit includes at least two turns claim 1 , and the wall is a single piece.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising flowing the material from a head positioned above the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Plug unit and connection system for connecting capillary tubes, especially for high-performance liquid chromatography

Номер: US20170003255A1

A plug unit for connecting capillary tubes includes a plug housing that has an axial borehole, a plug capillary tube that projects through the axial borehole, and a sealing element that surrounds the plug capillary tube. The front end of the plug capillary tube is sealed by an elastic and/or plastic deformation of the sealing element against the capillary tube receptacle opening of a bushing unit. A hollow cylindrical pressure piece is provided that surrounds the sealing element in an axial region facing away from the end surface of the plug capillary tube, and the pressure piece has a rearward end side that faces away from the end surface of the plug capillary tube and that can be loaded by the plug housing with an axial pressure force when the plug unit and bushing unit are connected.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Retrofitted Pipe Conduit Addition Method And Assembly

Номер: US20170009924A1
Автор: Madsen Justin, Madsen Mike

A retrofitted pipe conduit addition method and assembly includes a pipe having a cylindrical shape and which has an outer diameter. A coupler is positioned on the pipe. A cylinder is integrally coupled to and extends away from the coupler. The coupler has an aperture extending therethrough. The cylinder bounds the aperture. The pipe has an opening extending therethrough and the cylinder is aligned with the opening. The cylinder may then be fluidly coupled to a drainage conduit. 1. A conduit retrofitting system including:a pipe having a cylindrical shape and having an outer diameter;a coupler being positioned on said pipe;a cylinder being integrally coupled to and extending away from said coupler, said coupler having an aperture extending therethrough, said cylinder bounding said aperture; andsaid pipe having an opening extending therethrough, said cylinder being aligned with said opening, wherein said cylinder is configured to be fluidly coupled to a drainage conduit.2. The conduit retrofitting system according to claim 1 , wherein said coupler is elongated and has a first end claim 1 , a second end and a perimeter wall extending between said first and second ends claim 1 , said first and second ends being open claim 1 , said perimeter wall having elongated break therein extending through each of said first and second ends claim 1 , a first edge and a second edge being defined on opposite sides of said break claim 1 , said perimeter wall having a semi-circular cross-section taken perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of said perimeter wall extending through said first and second ends claim 1 , said coupler having an inner diameter being equal to or less than said outer diameter claim 1 , a distance between said first and second edges being less than said outer diameter.3. The conduit retrofitting system according to claim 2 , wherein a distance between said first and second ends is between 3.0 inches and 8.0 inches.4. The conduit retrofitting system according to ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010775A1

A coupling apparatus that is attachable to a substantially tubular element having a passageway extending therethrough. The coupling apparatus has a coupling body and at least one adapter. The coupling body has a passageway extending therethrough and at least one leg having at least one annular groove. The adapter has a passageway extending therethrough and a radially extending inward portion for engaging the annular groove on the leg of the coupling body for connecting the adapter to the coupling body. The adapter is connectable to the tubular element for forming a continuous passageway through the coupling apparatus. 1. A coupling apparatus that is attachable to a tubular element having a passageway extending therethrough , comprising:a coupling body having a passageway extending therethrough and having at least two substantially similar legs, each leg having at least two annular grooves, wherein one of the at least two annular grooves is wider and shallower than the other annular groove; andat least one adapter having a passageway extending therethrough and an integrally formed, radially extending inward portion for frictionally engaging at least one of the at least two annular grooves of one of the at least two legs of the coupling body for connecting the at least one adapter to the coupling body, wherein the at least one adapter is connectable to the tubular element for forming a continuous passageway through the coupling apparatus.2. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body is molded from glass reinforced polybutylene terephthalate plastic.3. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has two legs that extend at a substantially right angle with respect to each other.4. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has a substantially linear configuration with two legs extending substantially coaxially with respect to each other.5. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010695A1
Автор: WANG Lo Pin

An air valve connecting device includes a housing, a sliding member slidably engaged in the housing and having a pathway selectively aligning with a passage of the housing, a gasket attached to the sliding member for engaging with an inflation valve, a follower slidably engaged in the sliding member for engaging with the inflation valve, and an actuating knob rotatably attached to the sliding member, the actuating knob is rotatable relative to the sliding member to an angular position where the follower is anchored to the sliding member, and the actuating knob is rotatable relative to the sliding member to another angular position where the follower is released from the sliding member. 1. An air valve connecting device comprising:a housing including a chamber formed therein, and including a first end portion, and including a second end portion, said housing including a passage formed therein and communicating with said chamber of said housing,a sliding member slidably engaged in said chamber of said housing. said sliding member including a compartment formed therein, and said sliding member including a pathway formed therein and communicating with said compartment of said sliding member for selectively aligning and communicating with said passage of said housing and for allowing an air from said passage and said chamber of said housing to flow from said pathway to said compartment of said sliding member,a gasket attached to said sliding member and including a bore formed therein and communicating with said compartment of said sliding member for selectively engaging with an inflation valve,a follower slidably engaged in said compartment of said sliding member and engageable into said bore of said gasket for selectively engaging with said inflation valve, andan actuating knob rotatably attached to said sliding member, said actuating knob being rotatable relative to said housing and said sliding member to a first angular position where said follower is anchored to said ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016792A1

Methods, systems and devices for a check valve for deterring intrusion into downspouts include a body member having at least a first orifice and are configured to mount on a downspout, where the downspout is adapted to promote fluid flow in a single direction. Pivotably mounted on the body members are various valve members. The mounting arrangement can provide a closed position that substantially occludes the first orifice and a range of open positions when the valve member is pivoted with respect to the body member to open in the flow direction. In addition, at least one additional orifice can be provided in either the body member or the valve member to permit fluid flow irrespective of the position of the valve member. 1. A check valve apparatus for deterring intrusion into a downspout opening and allowing fluid flow outward , comprising:a body member, operable to couple to at least one wall of a downspout that defines a downspout opening; anda valve member, pivotably coupled to the body member,wherein the valve member is operable to at least partially block intrusion into the downspout opening in a closed position and to allow fluid flow outward from the downspout in an open position.2. The check valve apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body member further comprises:at least one securing mechanism to secure the body member to the at least one downspout wall.3. The check valve apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the securing mechanism further comprises: at least one panel; and', 'a channel that is operable to receive at least a portion of the at least one wall of the downspout opening., 'a clipping mechanism, comprising4. The check valve apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body member couples to an interior of the at least one wall of the downspout.5. The check valve apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body member couples to an exterior of the at least one wall of the downspout.6. The check valve apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the valve member is pivotably coupled to the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020921A1

A device includes a first body having a curved wall with a top surface that slopes away from the first body and a second body having an interior configured to receive the curved wall of the first body, the interior including a curved ramp with a sloped bottom ramp surface. The second body is mounted on the first body with the bottom surface of the curved ramp resting on the top surface of the curved wall. A compressible seal extends from the first body bottom, and a shaft projects from the second body through a passage in the first body and into the interior of the compressible seal. Rotating the bodies relative to each other causes the shaft to pull the seal against the first body and radially expand the seal against an interior wall of an opening in which the device is placed to form a seal therewith. 1. An adapter comprising:a first body having a bottom;a second body having a top and being rotatably mounted to the first body, the first body and the second body being movable between a first angular relationship and a second angular relationship;a first ramp having a first ramp surface on a first one of the first body and the second body;a ramp follower on a second one of the first body and the second body in contact with the first ramp surface;the first body bottom being separated from the second body top by a first distance when the first body and second body are in the first angular relationship and by a second distance greater than the first distance when the first body and the second body are in the second angular relationship;the ramp follower moving from a first location on the first ramp surface to a second location on the first ramp surface in response to the first body and the second body moving from the first angular relationship to the second angular relationship;a compressible seal extending from the first body, the compressible seal having a first end at the first body, a second end spaced from the first body, an interior, and an outer wall configured ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Quick connector

Номер: US20150021900A1
Принадлежит: Volvo Car Corp

The disclosure relates to a quick connector comprising a first part and a second part. The first part forms a seal with the second part via a first sealing surface on the first part and a second sealing surface on the second part. The first part comprises an outer connector comprising a first through channel, and an inner connector comprising a second through channel in fluid communication with the first through channel. The second part comprises a housing comprising a housing end opposite the second sealing surface, and a third through channel that extends between the second sealing surface and the housing end. The inner connector of the first part protrudes a predetermined distance into the third through channel. The quick connector further comprises a conduit attached to the inner connector and extending through and out from the third through channel.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025248A1
Автор: Peirce John M.

A fitting for connecting to a tube includes a connector body, a cartridge, a retaining ring and a fastener. The connector body has a generally cylindrical cavity having an inside body diameter that is larger than an outer diameter of a selected tube that is to be connected to by the fitting. The cartridge is disposed in the cylindrical cavity of the connector body and has a passageway therethrough. The cartridge is selected from a plurality of different sized cartridge and the selected cartridge has an inside diameter that generally corresponds to the outer diameter of the selected tube. When the fastener is attached at the connector body, the fastener urges the retaining ring into engagement with the selected tube and at least one of the end of the connector body and the selected cartridge to secure the selected tube within the selected cartridge and the connector body. 1. A fitting for connecting to a tube , said fitting comprising:a connector body having a first end and a second end with a generally cylindrical cavity, said cylindrical cavity having an inside body diameter that is larger than an outer diameter of a tube that is to be connected to by said fitting;a cartridge disposed in said cylindrical cavity of said connector body at said first end of said connector body, said cartridge having a passageway therethrough, wherein an outer diameter of said cartridge generally corresponds to said inside body diameter of said cylindrical cavity of said connector body, and wherein an inner diameter of said passageway of said cartridge generally corresponds to the outer diameter of the tube;a fastener configured to attach at said first end of said connector body, said fastener comprising a passageway to receive the tube therethrough;a retaining ring disposed at least partially within said passageway of said fastener, wherein said retaining ring comprises an inner diameter and an outer diameter, wherein said inner diameter of said retaining ring generally corresponds to ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025320A1
Автор: Maro Randall A.

A female fluid adapter assembly that has a receiving end that receives a fluid device, a female quick connect end coupled to the receiving end, and a through hole defined between the receiving end and the female quick connect end to allow fluid to flow therebetween. Wherein, the female quick connect end has a first cylindrical opening having a first diameter, a second cylindrical opening having a second diameter, the second diameter being smaller than the first diameter, a female transition profile defined between the first cylindrical opening and the second cylindrical opening, the female transition profile providing a transition from the first diameter of the first cylindrical opening to the second diameter of the second cylindrical opening. Wherein, the female quick connect end is coupleable to a male quick connect end having a male transition profile, the female transition profile being different from the male transition profile. 1. A female fluid adapter assembly that is coupleable to both a first male connector and a second male connector , comprising:a receiving end that receives a fluid device;a female quick connect end coupled to the receiving end;a through hole defined between the receiving end and the female quick connect end to allow fluid to flow therebetween; a first cylindrical opening having a first diameter;', 'a second cylindrical opening having a second diameter, the second diameter being smaller than the first diameter;', 'a female transition section between the first cylindrical opening and the second cylindrical opening that provides a transition from the first diameter of the first cylindrical opening to the second diameter of the second cylindrical opening;, 'wherein, the female quick connect end comprises [ a first cylindrical portion;', 'an intermediate cylindrical portion; and', 'a second cylindrical portion; and', 'wherein the first male transition section is between the first cylindrical portion and the second cylindrical portion, the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Connecting Device For A Fluid Supply System

Номер: US20200041057A1
Автор: Rapien Tony

Connecting device for a fluid supply system including a female connecting part and a male connecting part, wherein the female connecting part has a back support plate; a middle support plate; a front support plate; wherein the front support plate comprises a fluid outlet port intended to be connected to a corresponding connecting element of the male connecting part, and the back, middle and front support plates each comprising an outlet hole connected to the outlet port, wherein the middle support plate is fastened to the back support plate and the front support plate is fastened to the middle support plate; wherein the front support plate is configured to be able to move along a first axis, wherein the middle support plate is configured to be able to move along a second axis, the second axis being transverse to the first axis. 1. A connecting device for a fluid supply system comprising a female connecting part and a male connecting part ,wherein the female connecting part comprises:a back support plate;a middle support plate;a front support plate;wherein said front support plate comprises a fluid outlet port intended to be connected to a corresponding connecting element of the male connecting part, and said back, middle and front support plates each comprising an outlet hole connected to the outlet port,wherein the middle support plate is fastened to the back support plate and the front support plate is fastened to the middle support plate;wherein the front support plate is configured to be able to move along a first axis,wherein the middle support plate is configured to be able to move along a second axis, the second axis being transverse to the first axis.2. The connecting device according to claim 1 , wherein the front support plate is bolted to the middle support plate using at least one bolt claim 1 , the front support plate comprising a slotted hole extending along the first axis and wherein the middle support plate is bolted to the back support plate using ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061789A1

A plug unit for connecting capillary tubes includes a plug housing that has an axial borehole, a plug capillary tube that projects through the axial borehole, and a sealing element that surrounds the plug capillary tube. The front end of the plug capillary tube is sealed by an elastic and/or plastic deformation of the sealing element against the capillary tube receptacle opening of a bushing unit. A hollow cylindrical pressure piece is provided that surrounds the sealing element in an axial region facing away from the end surface of the plug capillary tube, and the pressure piece has a rearward end side that faces away from the end surface of the plug capillary tube and that can be loaded by the plug housing with an axial pressure force when the plug unit and bushing unit are connected. 1. A plug unit for connecting a capillary tube to a bushing unit of a high-pressure fluid handling system , the plug unit including:(a) a plug housing having an axial borehole;(b) a plug capillary tube projecting through the axial borehole of the plug housing;(c) an elongated annular sealing element through which a front end region of the plug capillary tube is received so that a front end surface of the plug capillary tube resides within a volume defined by the annular sealing element;(d) wherein the plug housing is adapted to detachably connect to the bushing unit;(e) a pressure piece through which a rear portion of the annular sealing element extends, the pressure piece having a front end spaced apart from a front end wall of the annular sealing element and having a rearward end surface that faces away from the front end wall of the annular sealing element;(f) wherein the pressure piece and the annular sealing element are both connected rigidly to the plug capillary tube so as to prevent relative movement between the pressure piece, the annular sealing element, and the plug capillary tube, and so that the front end region of the plug capillary tube, the annular sealing element, ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063643A1

A one-touch pipe connection device includes a socket main body portion, wherein a plurality of pipe fitting portion, in each of which a pipe to be connected is inserted, are connected to each other, a sealing portion provided between the socket main body portion and the pipe to be connected and sealing between the pipe to be connected inserted in the pipe fitting portion and the socket main body portion, and a cap portion having a through hole therein for passing the pipe to be connected inserted in the pipe fitting portion, coupled to the pipe fitting portion while moving in an insertion direction of the pipe to be connected inserted in the pipe fitting portion, and, when coupled to the pipe fitting portion, pressing the sealing portion in a direction in which the sealing portion closely contacts the pipe to be connected. 1. A one-touch pipe connection device comprising:a socket main body portion, wherein a plurality of pipe fitting portions, in each of which a pipe to be connected is inserted, are connected to each other;a sealing portion provided between the socket main body portion and the pipe to be connected and sealing between the pipe to be connected inserted in the pipe fitting portion and the socket main body portion; anda cap portion having a through hole therein for passing the pipe to be connected inserted in the pipe fitting portion, coupled to the pipe fitting portion while moving in an insertion direction of the pipe to be connected inserted in the pipe fitting portion, and, when coupled to the pipe fitting portion, pressing the sealing portion in a direction in which the sealing portion closely contacts the pipe to be connected,wherein the sealing portion comprises a first sealing member that is provided at a side of an open entrance of the pipe fitting portion coupled to the cap portion and sealing between an inner circumferential surface of the pipe fitting portion and an outer circumferential surface of the pipe to be connected,wherein the cap ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Hose Connection Device

Номер: US20160069489A1
Автор: de Gruyter Peter

The invention relates to a hose connecting device () for connecting at least one hose, comprising at least, one hollow connecting section () which has a fluid flow opening () in its interior and is sized and shaped so that a hose is directly attachable on the connecting section () from the outside, wherein at least one sealing element () is arranged on the connecting section (). 112220223031323031322. A hose connecting device () for connecting at least one hose , comprising at least one hollow connecting section ( , ′) which has in its interior a fluid flow opening () and which is sized and shaped so as to be directly placeable on the at least one hollow connecting section ( , ′) from the outside , wherein at least one sealing element ( , , , ′ , ′ , ′) is attached to the connecting section ().2130313230313222. The hose connecting device () according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of sealing elements ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ′ claim 1 , ′ claim 1 , ′) that are spaced apart in the longitudinal direction are attached on the connecting section ( claim 1 , ′).3122242526303132303132303132303132242526. The hose connecting device () according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting section ( claim 1 , ′) comprises a number of annular claim 1 , circumferentially extending grooves ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) that corresponds to the number of sealing elements ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ′ claim 1 , ′ claim 1 , ′) claim 1 , wherein a respective one of the sealing elements ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ′ claim 1 , ′ claim 1 , ′) is arranged in each of the receiving grooves ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ).4122212223212223. The hose connecting device () according to claim 3 , wherein the connecting section ( claim 3 , ′) has claim 3 , as viewed in the longitudinal direction claim 3 , a plurality of substantially frusto-conical shaped outer wall sections ( claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , ′ claim 3 , ′ claim 3 , ′) extending in the circumferential direction.5112230313230313222. The ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076810A1
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

A connector system includes a plug portion and a receiving portion. The plug portion includes a resilient retention portion at the forward end of the plug portion, a sealing member distal from the retention portion, an orientation plate rigidly connected to the plug portion, wherein the orientation plate has a frontal profile including one or more straight edges. The receiving portion includes, a hole through the receiving portion, wherein the hole has a diameter smaller than a largest diameter of the resilient retention portion, a shoulder on one side of the receiving portion that cooperates with the retention portion to fix the axial position of the plug portion in the receiving portion, a recess on the opposite side of the receiving portion, wherein the recess has a frontal shape similar to the frontal profile of the orientation plate, wherein the orientation plate fits within the recess to fix the rotational orientation of the plug portion with respect to the receiving portion. 1. A connector system , comprising: a resilient retention portion at the forward end of the plug portion;', 'a sealing member distal from the retention portion;', 'an orientation plate rigidly connected to the plug portion; and', 'a receiving portion comprising:', 'a hole through the receiving portion, wherein the hole has a diameter smaller than a largest diameter of the resilient retention portion;', 'a shoulder on one side of the receiving portion that cooperates with the retention portion to fix the axial position of the plug portion in the receiving portion;', 'a recess on the opposite side of the receiving portion, wherein the orientation plate fits within the recess to fix the rotational orientation of the plug portion with respect to the receiving portion., 'a plug portion comprising2. The connector system of claim 1 , wherein the retention portion comprises a forward-facing ramp and a rear-facing ramp.3. The connector system of claim 1 , wherein the forward-facing ramp has a ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Pressure-Energized Probe Seal for Female Hydraulic Coupling Member

Номер: US20140159363A1
Автор: III Robert E., Smith

A probe seal for a female hydraulic coupling member has both internal and external pressure-energized seals. The outer wall or opposing ends of the seal have one or more pressure-energized seals for sealing between the body of the probe seal and the body of a coupling member in which the probe seal is installed. Annular, L-shaped, T-shaped or angled grooves in the inner wall of the seal form cavities and sealing projections that can be urged in an inward, radial direction by fluid pressure within an associated cavity to increase the sealing effectiveness between the body of the seal and the probe of a male hydraulic coupling member inserted in the receiving chamber of the female coupling member. 1. A probe seal for a female hydraulic coupling member comprising:a generally ring-shaped body having a first end, an opposing second end, a generally cylindrical outer surface and a generally cylindrical inner surface;a first annular chamber within the ring-shaped body between the inner surface and the outer surface, the chamber having an inner wall generally parallel to the inner surface of the ring-shaped body and an outer wall generally parallel to the inner surface of the ring-shaped body;a first fluid passageway connecting the annular chamber with the outer surface; and,an annular groove in at least one end of the ring-shaped body proximate the outer surface.2. The probe seal recited in further comprising a second annular chamber within the ring-shaped body between the inner surface and the outer surface claim 10 , the chamber having an inner wall generally parallel to the inner surface of the ring-shaped body and an outer wall generally parallel to the outer surface of the ring-shaped body claim 10 , the second annular chamber being in fluid communication with the fluid passageway.3. The probe seal recited in further comprising an annular groove in each end of the ring-shaped body such that the probe seal is symmetric about its midline.4. The probe seal recited in ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084417A1
Автор: Mason Tyler

Provided is an adapter configured for use with an aerosol can spray nozzle and an extension tube. The adapter is configured to fit onto an extension tube and to receive a second extension tube to provide a more rigid and fluidly secure connection between the extension tubes. The adapter includes a portion for a first extension tube and a second extension tube portion. Each extension tube portion includes an inner channel extending therethrough, and is sized and configured to allow the extension tube to be insertable therein to create friction-tight engagement between the extension tube and the adapter. 1. An adapter configured to be engageable with two extension tubes to securely and fluidly connect two extension tubes , the adapter comprising:an adapter body that includes a first surface, a second surface, and a side surface extending between the first and second surfaces, the adapter body defining:an opening on the first and second surfaces, the diameter sized at each opening to allow an extension tube to be insertable therein to create a friction tight engagement between the extension tube and the adapter body;a continuous inner channel extending from the first surface to the second surface; and,a constriction section that narrows the continuous inner channel to a diameter less than that of the openings on the first and second surfaces and is substantially equal to the inner diameter of the extension tube such that when an extension tube is inserted into the openings of the first and second surfaces of the adapter, the tube is stopped from crossing the constriction section, and a continuous, uniform flow channel of a substantially constant diameter is created.2. The adapter recited in claim 1 , wherein the adapter body is formed from a rubber material3. The adapter recited in claim 1 , wherein the adapter body is formed from a resilient material4. The adapter recited in claim 1 , wherein the inner channel is configured to allow an extension tube to be inserted ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097477A1

The invention is a pipe coupling comprising: a) a cylindrical body for accepting and retaining ends of a pair of spaced apart pipe sections, the cylindrical body comprising two opposed ends; b) an end connector attached to each opposed end of the cylindrical body; c) a gasket disposed within an indentation defined within the interior surface of each of the opposed ends of the cylindrical body; d) a gasket retaining ring disposed between each end connector and gasket, wherein the gasket retaining ring comprises a shoulder; and e) a gripper washer comprising an exterior periphery, the gripper washer disposed between each gasket retaining ring and end connector; wherein the gasket retaining ring shoulder contacts and retains the exterior periphery of the gripper washer. 1. A pipe coupling comprising:a) a cylindrical body for accepting and retaining ends of a pair of spaced apart pipe sections, the cylindrical body comprising two opposed ends, the two opposed ends each comprising an interior surface;b) an end connector attached to each opposed end of the cylindrical body;c) a gasket disposed within an indentation defined within the interior surface of each of the opposed ends of the cylindrical body;d) a gasket retaining ring disposed between each end connector and gasket, wherein the gasket retaining ring comprises a shoulder; ande) a gripper washer comprising an exterior periphery, the gripper washer disposed between each gasket retaining ring and end connector;wherein the gasket retaining ring shoulder is adjacent to the exterior periphery of the gripper washer.2. The pipe coupling of claim 1 , wherein the end connectors are attached to each end of the body by one or more of the following: friction welding claim 1 , sonic welding or a suitable adhesive.3. The pipe coupling of claim 1 , wherein the gasket comprises an O-ring.4. The pipe coupling of claim 1 , wherein the gasket retaining ring is made from plastic or metal.5. The pipe coupling of claim 1 , wherein the ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102245A1

The present invention provides a connector against contrary flowing for medical treatment, as to its structure, it includes a connecting seat to connect with a transmitting pipe, an insertion connecting cap fixed on the connecting seat for insertion of an external connecting terminal and a needless injection cylinder, and an elastic valve plug provided between the connecting seat and the insertion connecting cap, when the injection cylinder is pulled out of the insertion connecting cap, the elastic valve plug can impede the reverse pressure generated by the transmitting pipe (or the connecting seat), in order to avoid generating of contrary flowing of blood of a patient to reduce pain. 1. A connector against contrary flowing for medical treatment , said connector includes:a connecting seat, said connecting seat has a hollow on its top, said hollow has at its center an upwardly protruding conical syringe needle, and said lower area of said hollow is extended downwardly to form a pipe connecting terminal to connect with a transmitting pipe; a top lateral wall of said conical shaped syringe needle is provided at least with an open hole, and has in it a transmitting channel getting downwards through a bottom of said pipe connecting terminal;an elastic valve plug in a conical shape covering a conical shaped syringe needle, said elastic valve plug includes a fixed sheet provided at a bottom of said hollow, a pressed portion in a shape of having continuous waves extended upwards from said fixed sheet and surrounding periphery of said conical shaped syringe needle, a sealed portion extended upwards from said pressed portion and tightly contact a top outer periphery of said conical shaped syringe needle, an outer and a first stop annulus provided on an outer periphery of said sealed portion having an outer radius larger than that of said sealed portion;an insertion connecting cap fixed on an upper portion of said connecting seat, said insertion connecting cap has an annular ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170102105A1

Some fluid coupling devices described herein are configured for use in fluid systems for purposes of providing a repeatable, aseptic fluid coupling system. Such repeatable, aseptic fluid coupling systems are configured to facilitate multiple connection and disconnection cycles while repeatably establishing a sterile fluid pathway through the coupling system. The repeatable, aseptic fluid coupling systems can repeatably establish a sterile fluid pathway through the coupling system even though the coupling system may be used in a non-sterile environment. 1. An aseptic fluid coupling system comprising: a first valve body defining a first longitudinal axis and a first end port;', 'a first valve member disposed within the first valve body; and', 'a cap that is releasably coupleable to the first valve body, the cap enclosing at least a portion of the first valve body while the cap is coupled to the first valve body; and, 'a first coupling portion comprising a housing;', 'a second valve body coupled with the housing, the second valve body defining a second longitudinal axis and a second end port;', 'a second valve member disposed within the second valve body; and', 'a connection member configured to releasably couple with the first coupling portion, the connection member movably coupled with the housing between a first position and a second position., 'a second coupling portion configured to releasably couple with the first coupling portion, comprising2. (canceled)3. The aseptic fluid coupling system of claim 1 , wherein the second valve body is slidable along the second longitudinal axis.4. (canceled)5. The aseptic fluid coupling system of claim 1 , wherein the connection member is slidable between the first position and the second position along a path that is transverse to the second longitudinal axis.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The aseptic fluid coupling system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , while the connection member is in the first position and the first coupling ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140191502A1
Автор: Gilbreath Donald R.

A quick connect coupling includes a male coupling and a female coupling. A stop may be associated with the male coupling and configured to prevent the male coupling from being inserted into a port of the female coupling beyond a predetermined depth. The stop may be axially slidable between a first position and a second position. The first position may be located between a leading edge of the male coupling and the second position. The stop may be biased towards the first position so that the stop substantially resets to the first position. 1. A quick connect hydraulic coupling with a retention mechanism to prevent inadvertent disconnection , comprising:a female coupling with an external surface and an internal surface which defines a port;a male coupling having an external surface, an internal surface, a leading edge, a longitudinal axis, and a geometric profile adapted for insertion into said female coupling; anda stop mechanism disposed at least partially around the external surface of the male coupling and configured to prevent the male coupling from being inserted into said port of the female coupling beyond a predetermined position, the stop mechanism slidable relative to the longitudinal axis of the male coupling between a first position and a second position, the first position located between the leading edge of the male coupling and the second position, the stop mechanism biased towards the first position so that the stop mechanism resets to the first position upon removal of an insertion force.2. The quick connect coupling of claim 1 , wherein when in the first position claim 1 , the stop mechanism is incapable of sliding toward the second position without a repositioning of the stop mechanism.3. The quick connect coupling of claim 2 , wherein the external surface of the male coupling has an annular groove and the stop mechanism has an inner surface with a protrusion extending inwardly claim 2 , wherein when the stop mechanism is in the first position claim ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160116094A1
Автор: Ré Daniel

A breakaway hydraulic coupler includes a coupler body assembly removably attachable to a fluid hydrant by a first lock member thereof. A sleeve assembly is connected to the coupler body assembly and includes a second lock member selectively movable into engagement with the first lock member to move the first lock member into locked position to attach the coupler body to the fluid hydrant. Upon an application of a load external to the hydraulic coupler exceeding a predetermined amount, the first lock member applies a sufficient force to the second lock member to cause a region of weakness of the second lock member to displace, allowing the first lock member to move to the unlocked position and the hydraulic coupler to detach from the hydrant. 1. A break-away hydraulic coupler , comprising:a coupler body assembly removably attachable to a fluid hydrant to form a fluidpathway therewith, the coupler body assembly having at least one first lock member movable between a locked position and an unlocked position;a sleeve assembly connected to the coupler body assembly and including a second lock member having a region of weakness, the second lock member being selectively movable into engagement with the at least one first lock member to move the at least one first lock member into a locked position to attach the coupler body to the fluid hydrant, and movable out of engagement with the at least one first lock member to allow the at least one first lock member to move into the unlocked position and permit the coupler body to detach from the fluid hydrant;wherein upon an application of a load external to the hydraulic coupler exceeding a predetermined amount, the at least one first lock member applies a sufficient force to the second lock member to cause the region of weakness of the second lock member to displace, allowing the at least one first lock member to move from the locked position to the unlocked position and the hydraulic coupler to detach from the hydrant.2. The ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Insert piece for inserting into a rapid connector device for fluid lines

Номер: US20220178478A1
Автор: Michal STACH

An insert piece for inserting into a rapid connector device for fluid lines. The insert piece comprises a hollow cylindrical main part, and the hollow cylindrical main part extends between a front annular surface and a rear annular surface along a cylinder axis and has a passage opening extending along the cylinder axis and an outer lateral surface for arranging on the inner wall of a rapid connector device The passage opening has a passage section which expands in the direction of the front annular surface. The insert piece can prevent a fluid line and/or a rapid connector device from being damaged.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116679A1

A plug unit for connecting capillary tubes includes a plug housing that has an axial borehole, a plug capillary tube that projects through the axial borehole, and a sealing element that surrounds the plug capillary tube. The front end of the plug capillary tube is sealed by an elastic and/or plastic deformation of the sealing element against the capillary tube receptacle opening of a bushing unit. A hollow cylindrical pressure piece is provided that surrounds the sealing element in an axial region facing away from the end surface of the plug capillary tube, and the pressure piece has a rearward end side that faces away from the end surface of the plug capillary tube and that can be loaded by the plug housing with an axial pressure force when the plug unit and bushing unit are connected. 1. A plug unit for connecting a plug capillary tube , the plug unit including:(a) a plug housing adapted to connect to a bushing unit;(b) the plug capillary tube projecting axially through the plug housing;(c) an annular sealing element, in which a front end surface of the annular sealing element projects in an axial direction past a front end surface of the plug capillary tube; and(d) a pressure piece crimped to the plug capillary tube and at least a region of the pressure piece has a radial plastic change in shape,wherein the annular sealing element is connected rigidly to the plug capillary tube so as to avoid detachment of the annular sealing element from the plug capillary tube when dismounting the plug unit from the bushing unit,wherein the plug housing is configured to apply an axial force to the pressure piece, the annular sealing element, and the plug capillary tube when mounting the plug unit to the bushing unit, andwherein the annular sealing element is configured to receive the front end region of the plug capillary tube so that the front end surface of the plug capillary tube resides within a volume defined by the annular sealing element.2. The plug unit of claim 1 , ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140209197A1
Принадлежит: VYGON

The invention relates to a male connector for a liquid circuit, comprising: a distal connection piece comprising a tubular part that defines a passage; a proximal connection piece; a joining member extending in a fixed and co-axial manner in the tubular part of the distal connection piece, the joining member being formed by a tubular body on which is fixed, at a free end, a cylindrical valve which is elastically deformable and closed at a distal end by a valve thickness traversed by a slit; and a sliding ring mounted on the tubular body, the sliding ring being movable between an inactive position, in which it encapsulates the walls of the valve, leaving the distal end of the valve free, and a connection position, in which it is situated at a distance from the distal end of the valve and exposes all or part of the lateral walls of the valve. 1. A male connector for a liquid circuit , including:a distal hub including a tubular portion defining a passage,a proximal hub,extending fixedly and coaxially within the tubular portion of the distal hub, said connection member consisting of a tubular body whereon is fastened, at a free end, a cylindrical, elastically deformable valve closed at a distal end by a thickness of valve through which passes a slit,a sliding ring mounted on the tubular body, said sliding ring being movable between an inactive position, wherein it encapsulates the walls of the valve while leaving free the distal end of said valve, and a connection position wherein it is situated at a distance from the distal end of the valve and exposes all or a portion of the sidewalls of the valve.2. The male connector according to claim 1 , also including a biasing means supported between the sliding ring and the tubular body and designed to bias the sliding ring toward its rest position.3. The male connector according to claim 1 , wherein the valve sealingly closes the free end of the tubular body.4. The male connector according to claim 1 , wherein the valve also ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131289A1

A telescoping pipe coupling comprising a hollow body, a hollow tubular insert slidably disposed within the body, two gasket wells, two end connectors, one end connector coupled to each end of the telescoping pipe coupling, two gripper washer wells, a gasket for sealing the tubular insert with the body, two gaskets for sealing one or more pipe sections to the telescoping pipe coupling, two gasket retaining rings each comprising a shoulder, two gripper washers retained within the two gripper washer wells each comprising an outer periphery, wherein the shoulder of each gasket retaining ring is adjacent to the outer periphery of a gripper washer. 2. The telescoping pipe coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow body defines a linear passageway between the first open end of the hollow body and the second open end of the hollow body claim 1 , wherein the linear passageway comprises a circular interior diameter.3. The telescoping pipe coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow tubular insert defines a linear passageway between the first open end of the hollow tubular insert and the second open end of the hollow tubular insert.4. The telescoping pipe coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow tubular insert is disposed within the hollow body such that a fluid entering the telescoping pipe coupling via the first open end of the hollow body can flow to the tubular insert via the second open end of the hollow tubular insert claim 1 , flow through the hollow tubular insert and exit the telescoping pipe coupling via the first open end of the hollow tubular insert.5. The telescoping pipe coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the first gasket comprises one or more O-rings.6. The telescoping pipe coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the second and third gaskets comprise one or more O-rings.7. The telescoping pipe coupling according to claim 6 , wherein a first one of the one or more O-rings is disposed proximate to the first open end of the hollow body ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150145240A1
Принадлежит: Jiffy-tite Company

A method and apparatus for forming a quick connector with a lock connection. The quick connector includes a quick connector body and a mating component on of which having, in one aspect, an external spacing recess. The component has a step bore extending from a first end. A seal member is mounted on the step surface for sealing connection to a tubular component inserted through the quick connector body into the bore end component. Material is displaced from the component into the body or from the body into the component to mechanically lock and fluidically seal the body in the first component. In another aspect, one or more roll pins are inserted through aligned openings in the first component in the body. The roll pin expands to form an interference connection between the body and the component. In another aspect, a projection formed on one of a component in the body are used to projection weld the body to the component. 1. A fluid coupling comprising:a body with the bore receiving a tubular conductor;a component with a bore extending from an open end;a seal mounted in the bore in the component positioned to sealingly engage the tubular conduit extending through the body when the body is mounted in the component; andthe body fixedly joined to the component by an interference joint between the body and the component.2. The fluid coupling of wherein:the interference joint is a non-threaded joint.3. The fluid coupling of wherein the component comprises:one of a thermal relief valve assembly, an in-line filter, a hose barb, and an in-line fluid connector.4. The fluid coupling of comprising:the body carrying a material receiving cavity receiving material displaced from the component to fixedly couple the body to the component.5. The fluid coupling of wherein:the material displaced from an internal surface of the component is disposed in the material receiving cavity to mechanically lock the body to the component.6. The fluid coupling of further comprising:a stepped ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180156370A1

A conduit connector and method of construction thereof is provided. The conduit connector includes a body having a through passage extending between open opposite ends and a tubular male port section extending axially to an end face of one of the ends. The tubular male section has an outer surface configured for connection to a tubular conduit and an inner surface bounding at least a portion of the through passage. The end face has an outer annular first surface extending radially inwardly from the outer surface and an inner annular second surface extending radially inwardly from the annular first surface toward the inner surface. The annular second surface forms a counterbore that is recessed axially a first distance from the annular first surface, wherein an annular bead extends from one of the annular second surface or the inner surface, with the entirety of the annular bead remaining recessed below the annular first surface. 1. A conduit connector , comprising:a tubular body having a through passage extending inwardly between opposite open ends;a tubular male port section extending axially to an end face of one of said opposite ends and having an outer surface for receipt of a tubular conduit and an inner surface bounding at least a portion of said through passage;said end face extending radially from said outer surface to said inner surface and defining an annular first surface extending radially inwardly from said outer surface and an annular second surface extending radially inwardly from said annular first surface toward said inner surface;said annular second surface recessed axially a first distance from said annular first surface; andan annular bead disposed radially and axially inwardly from said annular first surface.2. The conduit connector of claim 1 , wherein said annular bead extends axially from said annular second surface a second distance claim 1 , wherein said second distance is less than said first distance.3. The conduit connector of claim 2 , ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158273A1
Автор: LU Wenlong

A quick connector for removable join of two pipes is provided by the present disclosure, which includes: a quick joint, an elastic pressing sleeve and a quick connection body; wherein the quick joint is a member for passing water, and is composed of a water pipe joint and a plug-in portion; an outer side wall of the plug-in portion is provided with a fixing groove and sealing ring grooves; an inner side wall of the elastic pressing sleeve is provided with an elastic insert that is capable of being ejected outwardly, and the elastic insert is disposed on the inner side wall of the elastic pressing sleeve in a cross sectional direction and extends inwardly. 1. A quick connector for removable join of two pipes , comprising a quick joint , an elastic pressing sleeve , and a quick connection body; wherein the quick joint is a member for passing water , and is composed of a water pipe joint and a plug-in portion from top to bottom respectively; the water pipe joint is configured to be connected to an external water passage , and an outer side wall of the plug-in portion is provided with a fixing groove and at least one sealing ring groove respectively; the elastic pressing sleeve is penetrated from top to bottom , and at least a segment of a side wall of the elastic pressing sleeve is formed with slots in an axial direction and a circumferential direction thereof , so that one end of the segment of the side wall forms a free end , and the segment of the side wall is elastically deformable; the segment of the side wall is provided with an elastic insert extending inwardly at a radial position of the segment of the side wall , and the elastic insert is elastically outwardly deformable when urged by an external force; the quick connection body is a tubular member having a cavity in the middle , and a side wall on one end thereof , which is a plug-in end , is provided with a slot corresponding to the elastic insert on the side wall of the elastic pressing sleeve , and the ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199223A1
Автор: Langer Elizabeth J.

Some fluid coupling devices described herein are configured as non-spill fluid couplings. In addition, some embodiments described in this document relate to fluid coupling devices that are constructed modularly, and to modules that can be universally incorporated into the construction of multiple different types of fluid couplings. Further, fluid handling component coupling members are described. 1. A fluid coupling device , comprising:a fluid coupling housing defining a first opening leading to a coupling internal space defined within the fluid coupling housing;a termination portion extending from the fluid coupling housing on an end of the fluid coupling housing that is opposite of the first opening, the termination portion defining a second opening leading to the coupling internal space; and a module housing defining a module internal space;', 'a stem affixed to the module housing and extending within the module internal space along a longitudinal axis of the fluid coupling module; and', 'a valve sleeve disposed between the stem and the module housing, wherein the valve sleeve is movable along the stem within the module internal space between: (i) a closed position in which the valve sleeve seals the first opening off from the second opening and (ii) an open position in which the first opening is fluidly connected to the second opening via the module internal space., 'a fluid coupling module disposed within the coupling internal space, wherein the fluid coupling module comprises2. The fluid coupling device of claim 1 , further comprising an elastomeric seal disposed between the module housing and the fluid coupling housing.3. The fluid coupling device of claim 1 , further comprising:a first elastomeric seal disposed between the stem and the valve sleeve while the valve sleeve is in the closed position;a second elastomeric seal disposed between the valve sleeve and the module housing while the valve sleeve is in the closed position; anda third elastomeric seal ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180180206A1

A hydraulic tube connector for a vehicle may include a connector body including a first through-hole into which a tube having a tube protrusion protruding outward is inserted and a sealing O-ring groove which is formed at one side of the first through-hole, a sealing O-ring configured to be coupled to the sealing O-ring groove, and a release sleeve coupled to the connector body to prevent the sealing O-ring from being separated from the sealing O-ring groove. 1. A hydraulic tube connector for a vehicle , the hydraulic tube connector comprising:a connector body including a first through-hole into which a tube having a tube protrusion extending outward therefrom is configured to be inserted and a sealing O-ring groove which is formed at a first side of the first through-hole;a sealing O-ring configured to be coupled to the sealing O-ring groove; anda release sleeve coupled to the connector body to prevent the sealing O-ring from being separated from the sealing O-ring groove;2. The hydraulic tube connector according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing O-ring includes a second through-hole into which the tube is configured to be inserted and a tube protrusion groove which is configured to be coupled to the tube protrusion.3. The hydraulic tube connector according to claim 2 , wherein the sealing O-ring further includes a step protrusion inserted into the sealing O-ring groove to prevent oil flowing between the tube and the first through-hole from leaking to the outside of the connector body.4. The hydraulic tube connector according to claim 1 , wherein the connector body further includes a plurality of coupling holes distanced from each other in a circumferential direction of the connector body.5. The hydraulic tube connector according to claim 4 , wherein the release sleeve further includes a push protrusion configured to press the tube protrusion claim 4 , wherein the tube protrusion contacts with the tube protrusion groove.6. The hydraulic tube connector according to ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150198274A1

A conduit-coupling adaptor configured for mutually joining conduits of disparate diameters includes a central conduit with interior and exterior surfaces extending longitudinally between central-conduit first and second ends. The central-conduit first and second ends define, respectively, first-end and second-end coupling sleeves that extend longitudinally in opposite directions and terminate at, respectively, first and second openings. The coupling sleeves can be implemented, alternatively, as male or female coupling members relative to other conduits. A first-end skirt includes a skirt wall concentrically disposed about at least a lengthwise portion of the central-conduit first end. The skirt wall has skirt-wall inside and outside surfaces that longitudinally co-extend with at least a portion of the first-end coupling sleeve and are joined to the central-conduit wall by a shoulder. The skirt-wall inside surface defines a socket that is configured as a female connector for insertably receiving a male coupling member of another conduit. 1. A conduit-coupling adaptor configured for mutually coupling fluid conduits of disparate diameters , the adaptor comprising:a self-supporting central conduit having a central-conduit wall with interior and exterior surfaces extending longitudinally along a central-conduit axis between central-conduit first and second ends integrally joined to one another through a conduit center portion situated between the first and second ends;a first-end coupling sleeve defined by the central-conduit first end and extending longitudinally away from the conduit center portion toward a first opening defined by the central-conduit first end, the first-end coupling sleeve having first-sleeve inner and outer surfaces defined by, respectively, co-extensive portions of the interior and exterior surfaces of the central-conduit wall;a second-end coupling sleeve defined by the central-conduit second end and extending longitudinally away from the conduit ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186642A1
Автор: Burns William J.
Принадлежит: Reliance Worldwide Corporation

A valve assembly includes a body having a fluid inlet disposed on a first end of the body and a fluid outlet disposed on a second end of the body in fluid connection with the fluid inlet. The valve assembly further includes a push-to-connect fitting which is integral to the body and configured to connect to an end of a pipe, a stem configured to seal the body in a first position and configured to allow fluid to flow from the fluid inlet of the body to the fluid outlet in a second position, and a connector surrounding at least part of the push-to-connect fitting. The body is configured to house a sealing ring. The push-to-connect fitting is configured to communicate the fluid inlet with the end of the pipe. The sealing ring secured by the push-to-connect fitting is configured to provide a seal between the fluid inlet and the end of the pipe. 1. A valve assembly comprising:a body having a fluid inlet disposed on a first end of the body and a fluid outlet disposed on a second end of the body, the fluid outlet being configured to be in fluid connection with the fluid inlet, the body being configured to house a sealing ring;a push-to-connect fitting which is integral to the body, the push-to-connect fitting being configured to connect to an end of a pipe;a stem configured to seal the body in a first position and configured to allow fluid to flow from the fluid inlet of the body to the fluid outlet in a second position; anda connector surrounding at least part of the push-to-connect fitting,wherein the push-to-connect fitting is configured to communicate the fluid inlet with the end of the pipe, andwherein the push-to-connect fitting, in conjunction with the sealing ring, is configured to provide a seal between the fluid inlet and the end of the pipe.2. The valve assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a wing handle.3. The valve assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a wheel handle.4. The valve assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the stem ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Connecting device and gas hob

Номер: US20200182478A1

A connecting arrangement of a gas pipe of a gas appliance to a gas connection of a gas device of the gas appliance comprising a connecting device to connect the gas pipe to the gas connection. To achieve a safer and more reliable connection between the gas pipe and the gas connection, the connecting device is inserted between the gas pipe and the gas connection. The invention also comprises a gas appliance with such a connecting arrangement and the assembly process of the connecting arrangement. 115-. (canceled)16. A connecting arrangement of a gas pipe of a gas appliance to a gas connection of a gas device of the gas appliance , said connecting arrangement comprising a connecting device configured to connect the gas pipe to the gas connection , said connecting device comprising:an insertion part including a meshing section insertable in a mounting axial direction through an opening of the gas connection into an opening tubular space defined by an opening inner surface of the gas connection, with the opening inner surface of the gas connection having a diameter which is greater than a diameter of a pipe outer surface of the gas pipe, said meshing section being fixed at least axially to the opening inner surface, anda gripping section contacting the pipe outer surface of the gas pipe, when the gas pipe is received in the connecting device.17. The connecting arrangement of claim 16 , further comprising an opening inner stop formed internally in the gas connection beyond the opening in a direction of insertion of the gas pipe claim 16 , said opening inner stop having a diameter which is smaller than the diameter of the opening inner surface.18. The connecting arrangement of claim 16 , further comprising a sealing device mounted in the opening tubular space between the pipe outer surface and the opening inner surface.19. The connecting arrangement of claim 16 , wherein the gripping section presses the pipe outer surface and limits a movement of the gas pipe at least in ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Plug on disconnect pcv fitting

Номер: US20160230626A1

A crankcase ventilation system for an engine that may include a control valve and a disconnect fitting disposed in a conduit between the crankcase and an intake system. The disconnect fitting may include a tube wall, where the inside of the tube wall may have a support. The support may include at least one flow gap, and a plunger opening. The inside of the tube wall may have a plunger seat spaced apart from the support. A plunger may include a stem positioned in the plunger opening, that may be configured to translate in the opening. The plunger may include a head configured to engage the plunger seat to close flow. The conduit may include a segment configured for insertion into the disconnect to engage and unseat the plunger from the plunger seat to open flow.

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160238169A1

A hose coupler generally includes a hose adapter including opposing ends, an interior surface forming a fluid passage between the opposed ends, and an exterior surface including a series of barbs for engaging an interior surface of a hose that is configured to be fluidly connected to the hose adapter. A ferrule is connected to the hose adapter and is positioned to at least partially surround the exterior surface of the hose adapter. The ferrule has an interior surface facing the exterior surface of the hose adapter. The interior surface defines at least one cutting rib having a sharp corner or edge for piercing an outer layer of the hose and a plurality of compression ribs each defining a rounded surface for compressing the hose against the barbs. 1. A hose coupler comprising:a hose adapter including opposing ends, an interior surface forming a fluid passage between the opposed ends, and an exterior surface including a series of barbs for engaging an interior surface of a hose; anda ferrule connected to the hose adapter at an attachment point and positioned to at least partially surround the exterior surface of the hose adapter, the ferrule having an interior surface facing the exterior surface of the hose adapter, the interior surface of the ferrule defining at least one cutting rib having a sharp corner or edge for piercing an outer layer of the hose, and the interior surface of the ferrule defining a plurality of compression ribs each having a rounded surface disposed on the interior surface of the ferrule for compressing the hose against the series of barbs.2. The hose coupler of claim 1 , wherein an annular space is formed between the interior surface of the ferrule and the exterior surface of the hose adapter that is sized for receiving the hose claim 1 , and the hose adapter includes a connector at a proximal end for attachment to a second hose.3. The hose coupler of claim 2 , wherein a distal end of the hose adapter extends to a length beyond a distal end of ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160238170A1

A device is provided for deflating an inflated item. The device has a first penetrating lip end for displacing a counter-valve within an air valve on the inflated item. A second end of the device has a planar annular peripheral ring for airtight contact with the vacuum source. A stem extending between the two ends facilitates deflation of the device by allowing air flow through a central aperture. The device may be used in conjunction with a vacuum source. The force of vacuum suction holds the vacuum source into contact with the device without the need for mechanical connection members. 1. A device for deflating an inflated item , said device comprising:a longitudinal stem having a first penetrating end with a tip portion and a second receiving end formed distal to said first penetrating end;a central aperture extending longitudinally within said stem between said first end and said second end;a planar annular plate formed contiguous with said second end, and substantially perpendicular to said stem and aperture;wherein upon insertion of said first penetrating end into an air valve on said inflated item, said tip portion displaces a counter valve within said air valve, and air is released from said item through said aperture.2. A device for deflating an inflated item in conjunction with a vacuum source , said device comprising:longitudinal stem having a first penetrating end with a tip portion and a second receiving end formed distal to said first penetrating end;a central aperture extending longitudinally within said stem between said first end and said second end;a planar annular plate formed contiguous with said second end, and substantially perpendicular to said stem and aperture;wherein upon placement of said vacuum source against said plate and insertion of said first penetrating end into an air valve on said inflated item, said tip portion displaces a counter valve within said air valve, and air is rapidly drawn from said item through said aperture.3. A ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248852A1
Автор: WANG Ding, Xie Jian Qiang

This utility model discloses a kind of outdoor furniture with a non-welded and quick-installed structure, including a furniture body, is characterized in that the connection of each pipe of the furniture body mentioned is realized through the interference fit between the fittings and adjacent pipes. The utility model eliminates the welding and polishing processes and simplifies the assembly process through the interference fit of the two-coupling, three-coupling and four-coupling fittings with pipes for the early stage brackets, greatly saving the labor cost and production cost. 1. A kind of outdoor furniture with a non-welded and quick-installed structure , including a furniture body , is characterized in that the connection of each pipe of the furniture body mentioned is realized through the interference fit between the fittings and adjacent pipes.2. A kind of outdoor furniture with a non-welded and quick-installed structure claim 1 , as described in claim 1 , is characterized in that the fittings include connecting blocks and connector clips arranged on different faces of connecting blocks. The barbed splicing pieces are arranged around the connector clips mentioned.3. A kind of outdoor furniture with a non-welded and quick-installed structure claim 2 , as described in claim 2 , is characterized in that the splicing pieces mentioned are arranged along the radial direction outwardly claim 2 , with a barbed sheet or a vertical sheet-like structure.4. A kind of outdoor furniture with a non-welded and quick-installed structure claim 3 , as described in claim 3 , is characterized in that the fittings mentioned are provided in an integrated way.5. A kind of outdoor furniture with a non-welded and quick-installed structure claim 3 , as described in claim 3 , is characterized in that the outer edge of the splicing pieces mentioned has interference fit with splicing pipes.6. A kind of outdoor furniture with a non-welded and quick-installed structure claim 3 , as described ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Push-to-Connect Fitting Device, Arrangement and Method

Номер: US20170268708A1

Embodiments of an integrated piping conduit include a device having a center body with an interior surface having a tube stop extending radially inwardly thereof, one or more head connectors, and a packing arrangement comprising at least one sealing ring, a spacer gland and a grip ring maintained within a radial housing compartment of the one or more head connectors. The packing arrangement can further include a retainer ring. In various embodiments, each head connector is secured to the center body through gluing or ultrasonic welding.

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160325128A1
Автор: Booth David D.

Apparatuses and methods are disclosed concerning an aqueous foam fire suppression system. The aqueous foam can be contained within a container that allows longer term, low maintenance storage of the aqueous foam. The container can be pierced with a piercing rod and the aqueous foam extracted from the container from the opening created by the piercing rod. The piercing rod can optionally include orifice(s) and internal channels to enable extraction of the aqueous foam without withdrawing the piercing rod. 1. An aqueous foam fire suppression system , comprising:a piercing rod configured and arranged to pierce the exterior of a shipping container of aqueous foam, forming an orifice;an actuation member coupled to the piercing rod and wherein the actuation member is configured and arranged to move the piercing rod with sufficient force to pierce the container;a foam eductor member;a suction member in fluid communication with the foam eductor;wherein the suction member is configured and arranged to draw aqueous foam from the container through the orifice created by the piercing rod; andwherein the foam eductor member is configured and arranged to mix aqueous foam drawn from the container with a liquid flowing through the foam eductor member.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the piercing rod and the suction member are mechanically coupled or unitary to enable suction of the aqueous foam without withdraw of the piercing rod from the container.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the foam eductor member is configured and arranged to draw aqueous foam from the container through the suction member substantially via fluid pressure effects from liquid flowing through the foam eductor member.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a valve situated between the suction member and the foam eductor member wherein the valve is configured and arranged to enable opening and closing of the fluid communication path between the suction member and the foam eductor member by an operator ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180339562A1
Автор: LIU Hsu-Ming

A rapid clipper for air inlet clipper comprises: an air inlet connector, an air inlet clipper, a first control member and an elastic member; the air inlet clipper includes a main body, formed with a first end and a second end, and a clipping member, and includes a passageway and at least one cut groove; the clipping member is inside the cut groove and capable of being reciprocally moved along the cut groove, and the middle portion of the clipping member is protruded into the passageway so as to be latched with an outer thread of a tire valve nozzle; the first control member is moveably disposed in the air inlet clipper and formed with an accommodation slot, when the first control member is axially moved along the air inlet clipper, the location where the clipping member being disposed in the cut groove is able to be altered. 1. A rapid clipper for inflating tire , comprising:an air inlet connector, used for being connected to an air inlet pipe;an air inlet clipper, including a main body and a clipping member, wherein the main body is formed with a first end and a second end and includes a passageway and at least one cut groove, the passageway is axially penetrated the main body, a tire valve nozzle is allowed to pass the first end of the main body and inserted into the passageway, and the air inlet connector is allowed to pass the second end of the main body and inserted into the passageway so as to be fastened with the main body; the middle portion of the cut groove is communicated with the passageway, the clipping member is accommodated inside the cut groove and capable of being reciprocally moved along the cut groove, two ends of the clipping member are protruded out from the cut groove, and the middle portion of the clipping member is protruded into the passageway so as to be latched and connected to an outer thread of the tire valve nozzle; and characterized in that: further comprising:a first control member, moveably disposed at the exterior of the air inlet ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190331273A1
Принадлежит: Wavin B.V.

A press fitting device () for establishing a fluid-tight connection with at least one pipe section (), the press fitting device being configured to generate a sound when a gaseous fluid flows along or through the press fitting device a) in a pre-press fit condition, in which a connection with the at least one pipe section is established and before the connection is press-fit; and/or b) in a press fit condition, in which the connection is press-fit, if the connection is not fluid-tight.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170356573A1
Автор: Graves Jim, Quijada Boris

A connector assembly includes a first connector, a compression member, a retainer, and a second connector. The first connector includes a first coupling portion, a proximal opening, and an annular inner surface extending from the proximal opening. The compression member includes an inner surface and an outer surface. The outer surface is configured to sealingly engage the annular inner surface of the first connector. The retainer includes a ring portion and a plurality of teeth. The ring portion includes a proximal end and a distal end. Each of the plurality of teeth extends from the distal end and is configured to engage the compression member. The second connector includes a second coupling portion and an engagement surface. The second coupling portion is configured to engage the first coupling portion. The engagement surface is configured to engage the proximal end of the retainer. 1. A connector assembly comprising:a first connector having a first coupling portion, a proximal opening, and an annular inner surface extending from the proximal opening;a compression member having an inner surface and an outer surface, the outer surface configured to sealingly engage the annular inner surface of the first connector;a retainer having a ring portion and a plurality of teeth, the ring portion having a proximal end and a distal end, the plurality of teeth extending from the distal end and configured to engage the compression member; anda second connector having a second coupling portion configured to engage the first coupling portion, and an engagement surface configured to engage the proximal end of the retainer.2. The connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first connector includes a male threaded portion and the second connector includes a female threaded portion configured to engage the male threaded portion.3. The connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the compression member is configured to sealingly engage an outer surface of a conduit.4. ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170356580A1
Автор: Huang Ming-Ching

A pipe joint for coupling to at least one pipe is disclosed in the present invention. The pipe joint includes a main body and at least one positioning socket. The main body has a runner and at least one opening communicated with the runner. The runner has an insertion area adjacent to the opening. The positioning socket has a head, an inserting portion, a pipe channel, a radial threaded hole and a bolt. The inserting portion is inserted into the runner via the opening. The pipe channel runs through the head and the inserting portion in an axial direction of the positioning socket. The threaded hole is formed on the head and communicated with the pipe channel. The bolt is adapted to engage with the threaded hole for abutting against the outer surface of the pipe. 1. A pipe joint for coupling to at least one pipe , comprising:a main body, having a runner, at least one opening communicated with the runner, and a recess formed on an outer periphery of the main body, the runner having an insertion area adjacent to the opening and an inner stopping lip adjacent to the insertion area, the insertion area comprising a slide-contacting section, a tapering section and a divergent section, the tapering section being located between the slide-contacting section and the divergent section, the tapering section being more remote from the opening than the slide-contacting section, the inner stopping lip being radially extended to a center of the main body from the runner, the inner stopping lip having an annular inclined surface facing the divergent section, an accommodating zone being defined between the divergent section and the annular inclined surface, the recess being adapted for a tool to clamp; andat least one positioning socket, having a head, an inserting portion and a pipe channel, the inserting portion being inserted into the insertion area via the opening, the pipe channel running through the head and the inserting portion in an axial direction of the positioning socket, ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200355308A1

A quick connector (QC) assembly is provided, and comprises a housing defining a fluid passageway extending along an axis at an open end, a retainer ring disposed in the open end and defining a slot, a retainer clip secured to the housing and at least partially disposed within the fluid passageway at the open end, and a verification tab disposed within the slot. The tab is slideably displaceable along the slot between a negative position, where the tab is completely disposed within the housing, and a positive position, where a portion of the tab is visibly disposed above an exterior surface of the housing. A method for connecting and establishing fluid communication between components with the QC assembly is also provided. 1. A connector assembly for connecting and establishing fluid communication between two components , comprising:a housing defining a fluid passageway extending along a first axis at an open first end and to an open second end;a retainer ring disposed in the open first end of the housing and coaxially about the first axis, the retainer ring defining a slot extending along the first axis;a retainer clip secured to the housing and at least partially disposed within the fluid passageway at the open first end, the retainer clip being adapted for releasably engaging and retaining a component when inserted into the open first end; anda verification tab disposed within the slot of the retainer ring, the verification tab adapted for being slideably displaced along the slot between a negative verification position where the verification tab is completely disposed within the housing and a positive verification position where a portion of the verification tab is visibly disposed above an exterior surface of the housing.2. The connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the verification tab is adapted for slideable displacement to the positive verification position when a component is inserted into the open first end and retained therein by the retainer clip.3. The ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200393068A1

A structure for mounting a gasket on a block includes a block with a fluid channel and a gasket surrounding an opening of the fluid channel. The gasket has a sealing tip, which is an annular wall made of resin and located radially outside the opening of the fluid channel. The sealing tip is press-fitted in the block and is elastically deformable in its radial direction. 1. A structure for mounting a gasket on a block , comprising:a block including a fluid channel; anda gasket surrounding an opening of the fluid channel and including an annular wall made of resin radially outside the opening of the fluid channel, whereinthe annular wall is press-fitted in the block and is elastically deformable in its radial direction.2. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the annular wall is 0.165 mm to 5.4 mm in thickness.3. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the annular wall is 1.5 mm to 15 mm in axial length.4. The structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe annular wall has an outer diameter of 5 mm to 60 mm, and [{'br': None, 'i': b=', 'a+, '0.06515,\u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': b=', 'a., '0.033\u2003\u2003(2)'}], 'an outer diameter a of the annular wall and a radial thickness b thereof fall within a range defined by the following equations (1) and (2)5. The structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe annular wall is 1.5 mm to 15 mm in axial length, and [{'br': None, 'i': b=', 'c, '0.379−0.285,\u2003\u2003(3)'}, {'br': None, 'i': b=', 'c, '0.31−0.3.\u2003\u2003(4)'}], 'an axial length c of the annular wall and the thickness b thereof fall within a range defined by the following equations (3) and (4)6. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the annular wall is made of a material with a modulus of elasticity of 200 MPa to 3200 MPa.7. A gasket to be connected to an opening of a block with a fluid channel claim 1 , comprising an annular wall made of resin radially outside the opening of the fluid channel claim 1 , whereinthe annular wall is press- ...

03-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220349503A1

Male or female fluid coupling element and fluid coupling including such an element This coupling element has a body and a nozzle. The body delimits a housing for partially receiving the nozzle. The nozzle has a tubular part and a flange received in the housing. Two sealing barriers formed by at least one sealing joint are interposed between a rear surface of the flange and a front face of the body, between a front surface of the flange and a rear face of the body, respectively. A plug caps an inner conduit. Portions of the inner conduit communicate through at least one passage opening into an inner volume of the nozzle, forward of the plug, and on an outer peripheral surface of the flange. An inner chamber is separated from the inner conduit by the body, the flange, the plug and the first sealing barrier. 2. The coupling element according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio between an area of a sealing section delimited by the second sealing barrier and an area of a sealing section delimited by the first sealing barrier is between 0.85 and 1.153. The coupling element according to claim 2 , wherein the ratio is between 0.95 and 1.05.4. The coupling element according to claim 3 , wherein the ratio is equal to 1.5. The coupling element according to claim 1 , wherein at least one vent connects the inner chamber to the outside of the coupling element and extends through the body.6. The coupling element according to claim 5 , wherein the vent extends parallel to the radial plane.7. The coupling element according to claim 1 , wherein the inner chamber is delimited by an inner part of the body claim 1 , which is frustoconical in shape centered on an axis parallel to the longitudinal axis claim 1 , converging towards the rear of the coupling element claim 1 , and which is connected to an intermediate portion of the body arranged around the inner part by at least one connecting bracket claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the inner conduit extends between the inner part and the ...

29-04-2014 дата публикации

Medium connector

Номер: US8708376B2
Автор: Brian D. Tracey
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A medium connector including a passage configured to allow for the flow of medium, and a multi-portion engagement surface positioned about the passage. The multi-portion engagement surface includes a first surface portion, and a second surface portion. The first surface portion is configured to provide an interference fit with a corresponding sealing surface of a mating connector. The second surface portion is configured to provide a clearance fit with the corresponding sealing surface of the mating connector. The ratio of the first surface portion and the second surface portion is selected to regulate an engagement force between the medium connector and the mating connector.

01-08-2011 дата публикации

Connecting device for corrugated pipe

Номер: KR101052730B1
Автор: 오승일
Принадлежит: 주식회사 코뿔소

본 발명이 해결하고자 하는 과제는 구성요소들이 하나의 어셈블리 상태로 결합된 연결장치에 주름파이프를 끼워 넣은후 캡너트와 체결부재를 조여주는 것만으로 주름파이프의 설치작업이 이루어질 수 있도록 한 주름파이프용 연결장치를 제공하기 위한 것이다. 상술한 본 발명이 해결하고자 하는 과제는 내측에는 축방향으로 주름파이프의 산 직경보다 작은 관통구멍과, 주름파이프의 산 직경보다 큰 압축구멍과, 압축구멍보다 직경이 큰 삽입구멍이 차례로 연통되게 형성되고 외측에는 나사부가 형성된 체결부재; 한쪽에 경사부가 형성되어 상기 삽입구멍의 내측에 끼워지는 가이드부재; 신축가능한 개구부가 형성되어 상기 삽입구멍에 끼워지는 압축부재; 상기 압축구멍의 내경에 대응하는 외경을 갖는 누름부가 한쪽에 형성되어 상기 삽입구멍에 끼워지는 압입부재; 상기 삽입구멍에 대응하는 외측에 단턱을 경계로 돌출부가 형성되고, 내측에는 주름파이프의 산 직경에 대응하는 구멍이 형성된 슬리브부재; 상기 나사부에 체결되는 나사공과 상기 돌출부가 끼워지는 결합구멍이 형성된 캡 너트;로 이루어진 주름파이프용 연결장치에 의하여 달성되어진다. 주름 파이프, 연결 장치 The problem to be solved by the present invention is for the pleated pipe so that the installation work of the pleated pipe can be made by simply tightening the cap nut and the fastening member after inserting the pleated pipe to the connection device combined with the components in one assembly state To provide a connection device. The problem to be solved by the present invention described above is formed so that the through-hole smaller than the acid diameter of the corrugated pipe in the axial direction, the compression hole larger than the acid diameter of the corrugated pipe, and the insertion hole having a larger diameter than the compression hole are sequentially communicated. A fastening member having a threaded portion at an outer side thereof; A guide member which is formed at one side and is fitted inside the insertion hole; A compressive member having a stretchable opening formed in the insertion hole; A pressing member having a pressing portion having an outer diameter corresponding to the inner diameter of the compression hole formed on one side and fitted into the insertion hole; A protruding portion formed on the outer side corresponding to the insertion hole with a stepped boundary, and an inner side of the sleeve member having a hole corresponding to the acid diameter of the corrugated pipe; It is achieved by the connection device for the pleated pipe consisting of a cap nut formed with ...

03-09-2021 дата публикации

Tube connector for pipe

Номер: KR102297906B1
Автор: 한호철
Принадлежит: 한호철

The present invention relates to a tube assembly for a pipe joint mounted on a connection part of a pipeline through which granules, grains, tablets, and various kinds of dust and powder are transported, and connecting pipes, wherein the pipe connection operation is easily and quickly conducted, and a complete sealing state is maintained with strong binding force, such that the workplace can be cleanly maintained by means of a tube. To this end, the tube assembly for a pipe joint in accordance with the present invention is characterized by comprising: a connector with a pipeline coupling end part on one side and a mounting end part on the other side; a flexible body with a binding end part to be inserted into the mounting end part; and an elastic restoring means configured to attach the binding end part to the inner surface of the mounting end part, such that the binding end part is coupled to the inside of the mounting end part.

07-07-2017 дата публикации

One touch type pipe connector

Номер: KR101755002B1
Автор: 이종태, 황기웅
Принадлежит: 피피아이평화 주식회사

원터치 배관 연결 장치에 대한 발명이 개시된다. 개시된 발명은: 연결 대상 배관이 내부에 삽입되는 복수 개의 접속관부가 서로 연결되어 형성되는 소켓본체부와; 소켓본체부와 연결 대상 배관 사이에 설치되어 접속관부에 삽입된 연결 대상 배관과 소켓본체부 사이를 실링하는 실링부; 및 접속관부에 삽입되는 연결 대상 배관을 통과시키기 위한 통과공이 내부에 형성되며, 접속관부에 삽입되는 연결 대상 배관의 삽입방향을 따라 이동하면서 접속관부에 결합되고, 접속관부에 결합되며 실링부가 연결 대상 배관에 밀착되는 방향으로 실링부를 가압하는 캡부;를 포함한다. An invention relating to a one-touch piping connection apparatus is disclosed. The present invention provides a socket comprising: a socket body portion formed by connecting a plurality of connection pipe portions into which a pipe to be connected is inserted; A sealing part which is provided between the socket main body part and the connection target pipe and which seals between the connection target pipe inserted into the connection pipe part and the socket main body part; And a through hole for passing the connection target pipe inserted into the connection pipe portion is formed therein and is coupled to the connection pipe portion while moving along the insertion direction of the connection pipe inserted into the connection pipe portion, And a cap portion for pressing the sealing portion in a direction in which the sealing portion is brought into close contact with the pipe.

20-02-1969 дата публикации

Verschluss fuer Druckgefaesse

Номер: DE1289700B
Автор: Dr-Ing Paul, Schmidt
Принадлежит: Quanten Ges F Zerstaeubun GmbH

13-01-2012 дата публикации

Tube fitting

Номер: KR101105501B1

본 발명은 외부 배관을 접속하는 이음새부의 위치(각도)를 변화시킬 수 있는 관 이음새가 제공된다. 본 발명은, 본체(2)의 일단측에, 이음새부(4)를 구비하고, 타단측에, 부착용 나사부(3)를 구비하는 관 이음새(1)로서, 상기 본체는, 내부에 유체가 통과하는 관로(20)를 갖고, 상기 이음새부(4)는, 선단부에 외부 배관(60)이 삽입되는 개구부 (42)를 갖는 동시에, 내부에 유체가 통과하는 관로(40)를 갖고, 상기 개구부(42)의 중심축과 상기 부착용 나사부(3)의 중심축과의 이루는 각도가 변화하는 방향으로 회전운동 가능하도록, 본체(2)의 측면부에 설치되는 연결부(24)에 연결되고, 상기 이음새부(4)의 관로(40)는, 일단이 상기 개구부(42)에 연이어 통하고, 타단이 상기 연결부(24)를 통하여 상기 본체(2)의 관로(20)에 연이어 통한다.

15-10-2015 дата публикации

caster roller bicycle

Номер: KR101560078B1
Принадлежит: 안동대학교 산학협력단

본 발명은 캐스터 롤러 자전거에 관한 것으로서, 하단부에 일련의 캐스트 휠(W, W')이, 후반부에 운전자 둔부 지지 부재(16)가, 좌우 측단부에 손잡이(15)가 각각 구비된 프레임(10)과; 프레임(10)의 전단부의 힌지 결합부(13)를 지점으로 하여 상대 회전 가능 구조로 결합된 발판 조합(12)을 포함하여 구성됨에 따라, 반쯤 누운 상태로 운전하는 구조이면서 역동성과 안전성을 함께 갖춘 차원 높은 레포츠 장비로서의 성격을 띤 특별한 구조의 캐스트 롤러 자전거이다. The present invention relates to a caster roller bicycle, A frame 10 having a series of cast wheels W and W 'at its lower end, a driver's buttress support member 16 at its rear half and a knob 15 at its left and right ends, respectively; And a footrest combination (12) coupled to the frame (10) in a relatively rotatable structure with the hinge joint (13) at the front end of the frame (10) as a fulcrum, It is a specially structured castor roller bike that has the structure to operate in a semi-recumbent state, and as a dimension high-performance equipment equipped with dynamism and safety.

08-11-2013 дата публикации

Pipe connecting device

Номер: KR101325712B1
Автор: 영 식 김
Принадлежит: 주식회사 대연

본 발명은 유체의 유동을 안내하기 위한 배관을 구성하는 파이프를 손쉽게 연결할 수 있는 파이프 연결장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 의한 파이프 연결장치는, 일단에 파이프의 끝단이 삽입되는 파이프 삽입부가 마련된 연결파이프, 파이프 삽입부의 내측 가장자리에 배치되고 파이프 삽입부에 삽입된 파이프의 외면에 밀착됨으로써 파이프가 파이프 삽입부에서 벗어나는 것을 막는 복수의 스토퍼, 파이프 삽입부에 결합되어 복수의 스토퍼를 지지하는 스토퍼 지지링, 연결파이프를 다른 배관 구성물에 결합하기 위해 연결파이프에 구비되는 결합기구를 포함한다. 본 발명에 의한 파이프 연결장치는 파이프를 단순히 삽입하는 것으로 파이프와 견고하게 결합될 수 있다. 그리고 볼트, 너트 등의 결합기구를 이용하여 파이프 연결장치에 결합된 파이프를 다른 배관 구성물에 손쉽게 결합할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a pipe connecting device that can easily connect the pipes constituting the pipe for guiding the flow of the fluid. In the pipe connecting device according to the present invention, a pipe is inserted into a pipe insert portion into which one end of the pipe is inserted, and the pipe is disposed on the inner edge of the pipe insert portion and is in close contact with the outer surface of the pipe inserted into the pipe insert portion. A plurality of stoppers for preventing the deviation, a stopper support ring coupled to the pipe insertion portion for supporting the plurality of stoppers, coupling mechanisms provided in the connection pipe for coupling the connection pipes to other piping components. The pipe connecting device according to the present invention can be firmly coupled to the pipe by simply inserting the pipe. In addition, using a coupling mechanism such as bolts, nuts, the pipe coupled to the pipe connection can be easily coupled to other piping components.

31-08-2006 дата публикации

Device and method for a fluid-tight connection

Номер: WO2006091952A1
Автор: Sylvan Cormier

A device for connecting a fluid conduit to an orifice of a vessel includes a flexible fitting, a deformable fitting, and one or more compression fittings. The flexible fitting can fix a position of the fluid conduit with respect to the orifice of the vessel, and the deformable fitting can provide a fluid seal between the fluid conduit and the orifice of the vessel. A method for connecting a fluid conduit to an orifice of a vessel includes urging a deformable fitting against both a surface of the fluid conduit and the orifice, urging a flexible fitting toward a surface of the fluid conduit, and attaching the flexible fitting to the orifice.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Non-drip, direct-flow connectors with secure locking

Номер: KR101934452B1
Принадлежит: 비공

본 발명은 액체 회로용 수 커넥터(1)에 관한 것이며, 이는: 통로를 정의하는 관상부를 포함한 원위 연결 피스(10), 근위 연결 피스(20), 원위 연결 피스(10)의 관상부에서 고정되어 동축으로 연장되는 결합 부재(30) -상기 결합 부재는 슬릿(42)에 의해 가로질러진 밸브 두께에 의해 원위 단부(41)에서 폐쇄되고 탄성 변경가능한 원통형 밸브(40)가 자유 단부(32)에서 고정되는 관상체(30)에 의해 형성됨- , 및 관상체(30) 상에 장착된 슬라이딩 링(50)을 포함하고, 상기 슬라이딩 링(50)은 밸브(40)의 벽들(46)을 캡슐화하고 상기 밸브(40)의 원위 단부(41)는 자유롭게 두는 비동작 위치와 밸브(40)의 원위 단부(41)로부터 이격되어 놓이고 밸브(40)의 측벽들(46)의 전체 또는 일부분을 노출시키는 연결 위치 사이에서 이동가능하다.

27-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017109589A
Автор: Даниэль РЕ
Принадлежит: Кла-Вэл Ко.

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 109 589 A (51) МПК F16K 17/40 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017109589, 17.09.2015 (71) Заявитель(и): КЛА-ВЭЛ КО. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): РЕ Даниэль (CH) 23.10.2014 US 62/067,899; 16.09.2015 US 14/856,227 33 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.11.2018 Бюл. № (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.05.2017 US 2015/050598 (17.09.2015) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: A WO 2016/064496 (28.04.2016) Адрес для переписки: 190000, Санкт-Петербург, BOX-1125, "ПАТЕНТИКА" R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Аварийный гидравлический соединитель, содержащий: узел корпуса соединителя, выполненный с возможностью разъемно соединяться с гидрантом для текучей среды для образования с ним канала для текучей среды, указанный узел корпуса соединителя содержит по меньшей мере один первый закрепляющий элемент, выполненный с возможностью перемещения между закрепленным положением и раскрепленным положением; штуцерный узел, присоединенный к узлу корпуса соединителя и включающий в себя второй закрепляющий элемент, имеющий ослабленную область, при этом второй закрепляющий элемент выполнен с возможностью выборочно перемещаться во взаимодействие по меньшей мере с одним первым закрепляющим элементом для перемещения по меньшей мере одного первого закрепляющего элемента в закрепленное положение для прикрепления корпуса соединителя к гидранту для текучей среды, и выхода из взаимодействия по меньшей мере с одним первым закрепляющим элементом для обеспечения возможности по меньшей мере одному первому закрепляющему элементу перемещаться в раскрепленное положение, чтобы позволить корпусу соединителя отсоединиться от гидранта для текучей среды; причем при приложении к гидравлическому соединителю внешней нагрузки, превышающей предварительно заданную величину, по меньшей мере один первый Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 0 9 5 8 9 (54) АВАРИЙНЫЙ ...

17-05-2019 дата публикации

Emergency hydraulic connector

Номер: RU2688088C2
Автор: Даниэль РЕ
Принадлежит: Кла-Вэл Ко.

FIELD: hydraulic engineering.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to an emergency hydraulic connector, which comprises a connector body assembly configured to detachably connect to the hydrant for fluid medium by means of its first fastening element. Connector assembly is connected to assembly of connector assembly, which comprises second fastening element configured to selectively move in interaction with first fastening element in order to move it to fixed position for attachment of connector housing to hydrant for fluid medium. When applying external load to hydraulic connector exceeding the specified value, the first fastening element applies sufficient force to the second fastening element to force the weakened area of the second fastening element to displace, allowing the first fastening element to move into the unfolded position to allow the hydraulic connector disconnect from the hydrant. Invention covers also version of emergency hydraulic connector.EFFECT: invention provides reliable detachment from hydrant for fluid medium with required minimum force.23 cl, 13 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 688 088 C2 (51) МПК F16K 17/40 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 17/40 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017109589, 17.09.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): КЛА-ВЭЛ КО. (US) Дата регистрации: 17.05.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 4078577 A, 14.03.1978. US 4348039 A, 07.09.1982. US 4691941 A, 08.09.1987. US 2010/0065132 A1, 18.03.2010. US 3034544 A, 15.05.1962. SU 294039 A1, 26.01.1971. 23.10.2014 US 62/067,899; 16.09.2015 US 14/856,227 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.11.2018 Бюл. № 33 (45) Опубликовано: 17.05.2019 Бюл. № 14 (86) Заявка PCT: C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.05.2017 US 2015/050598 (17.09.2015) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2016/064496 (28.04.2016) 2 6 8 8 0 8 ...

12-02-2014 дата публикации

Rotary union pressure controlled seal actuator

Номер: KR20140018159A
Автор: 아론 라크루아
Принадлежит: 듀블린캄파니

로터리 유니언은 회전형 씨일부재가 연결되는 회전형 씨일 캐리어와, 비회전형 씨일부재가 연결되는 비회전형 씨일 캐리어를 포함한다. 비회전형 씨일 캐리어의 피스턴부분에는 유동제한링이 배치되고 이들 모두는 하우징에 형성된 피스턴공내에 활동가능하고 밀봉가능하게 배치된다. 유동제한링의 외경과 피스턴공의 내경 사이에 간극이 형성되어 있다. 피스턴부분의 큰 직경은 하우징의 피스턴공내에 존재하는 정부의 대기압력에서 유체에 의하여 작동될 수 있는 순공압 및 유압면을 제공한다.

26-06-2018 дата публикации

Plastic pipe connection of liquid pipings connection system using multi layer for pipe inserting checking with visual inspection and touch

Номер: KR101871167B1
Автор: 원재희
Принадлежит: 주식회사 프럼파스트

본 발명은 외관돌출에 의한 육안과 촉감으로 파이프 완전삽입확인이 용이한 산업용 멀티레이어 유체배관 클림핑 연결시스템 플라스틱 이음구조체에 관한 것으로서, 보다 상세하게는 파이프 삽입시 이음구조의 외부로 돌출되는 이음확인부재를 구비함으로써, 외부에서 파이프 삽입된 것을 육안으로 확인이 가능하면서도, 돌출된 이음확인부재를 촉감을 통해서 확인하여 시야확보가 되지 않는곳에서도 체결여부를 확인가능하며, 체결부재의 색상을 통해 체결대상파이프의 적용파이프 규격 또한 손쉽게 확인할 수 있음과 동시에, 체결된 파이프는 탈거가 되지 않으면서도 실링은 확실하게 유지되는 효과는 가지는 외관돌출에 의한 육안과 촉감으로 파이프 완전삽입확인이 용이한 산업용 멀티레이어 유체배관 클림핑 연결시스템 플라스틱 이음구조체에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to an industrial multi-layer fluid piping crimping connection system plastic joint structure which is easy to confirm complete insertion of a pipe by visual and tactile feeling due to external protrusion, and more particularly, It is possible to visually confirm that the pipe has been inserted from the outside by checking the protruded joint confirming member through the touch, thereby confirming whether or not the joint can be tightened even when the view is not secured, The applicable pipe specification of the target pipe can also be confirmed easily, and the sealed pipe can be reliably maintained even if the pipe is not detached. The industrial multi-layer Fluid piping clamping connection system Plastic joint structure .

25-08-1967 дата публикации

Improvements to relief valves and caving devices for hydraulic mine props

Номер: FR1492817A

02-12-1960 дата публикации

Flexible tube

Номер: FR1247652A
Принадлежит: Cooper Tire and Rubber Co

04-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR2317584A1
Автор: [UNK]

09-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR2847331B1
Автор: David Feveillard
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

02-11-1979 дата публикации

Adaptor for inflating purposes - fits any size of exhaust pipe and has conical part connected to flexible pipe

Номер: FR2421744A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: FOUQUET Marcel

The inflation fitting which can be fitted on exhaust pipes, is used with an adaptor which enables it to be fitted on exhaust pipes of various diameters. This adaptor is based on a coned end which locks on different pipes. The adaptor (1) is hollow, having a through hole (3). The main body (2) cylindrical and in one end is fitted a flexible pipe (4). At the end of this is a slightly coned adaptor (5) which fits into a valve cap (6), or similar, of the item to be inflated.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Connector for connecting to a standardized luer taper or luer-lok connection

Номер: KR101329056B1

본 발명은 표준 루어테이퍼(15) 또는 루어록커넥터의 원뿔형 접속면(25)에 접속하기 위해 설계된 원뿔형 영역(20)을 가진, 표준 루어테이퍼(15) 또는 루어록커넥터에 접속하기 위한 커넥터(5) 및 원뿔형 영역(20)에 배치된 씰(45)에 관한 것이다 . The present invention provides a connector (5) for connecting to a standard luer taper (15) or a luer lock connector, having a conical area (20) designed for connecting to a standard luer taper (15) or a conical connection surface (25) of a luer lock connector. ) And a seal 45 disposed in the conical region 20.

10-06-2011 дата публикации

Crushing device for water closet, has rigidification device positioned in end of flexible hose penetrating in hard plastic pump outlet tube, and dilaceration unit connected to hard plastic pump outlet tube

Номер: FR2953538A1
Автор: Victor Jean Ballestra
Принадлежит: Individual

Un dispositif broyeur pour W.-C. comporte une cuve dans laquelle est disposé un ensemble moteur-pompe-moyen de dilacération raccordé à un tube (1) de sortie de pompe en matière plastique dure dans lequel est insérée à étanchéité l'extrémité d'une durite (2) flexible. Un dispositif de rigidification (3) est positionné dans l'extrémité de la durite (2) pénétrant dans le tube (1) de sortie de pompe.

17-03-1967 дата публикации

Advanced fitting

Номер: FR1473169A

16-01-1976 дата публикации

Rapid connection for domestic tap - screwed connection with sealing ring for fitting various accessories

Номер: FR2275978A7
Принадлежит: Pont a Mousson SA

An adapter for mounting a heater or other accessory, onto a discharge tap; consists of two screwed rings, screwed together and having one smooth external surface (10) matching in diameter the inside of the tap and co-operating with a sealing ring which can expand radially and clamped axially by the two rings. The outside of the lower ring is screwed for attaching the heater. The patent covers a hygienic type tap to which can be fitted any accessory allowing a flow of liquid to pass through it.

27-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR2953538B1
Автор: Victor Jean Ballestra
Принадлежит: Victor Jean Ballestra

17-01-1964 дата публикации

Plastic hose nozzle

Номер: FR1349595A
Принадлежит: Inteco Establishment

26-05-1948 дата публикации

Flue pipe connection device

Номер: FR934578A
Принадлежит: TOLERIE IND

18-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR2478256A1
Автор: Mark JOHNSON

The connection device is used for the connection of one end of a tube, for example a cannula, to, for example, the tip of a syringe. The connection device has an elastomeric, tubular inner part with an axial passage bore in which the tube can be inserted. The inner part is connected by each of its ends, which deviate from the tube shape, to tubular outer parts of a rigid plastic. The outer parts can be twisted relative to one another, the inner part being twisted and hence extended with the result that the walls of the passage bore come to bear against the tube surface in liquid-tight fashion. The outer parts have interacting catch teeth which retain the outer parts in the twisted state. One of the outer parts is provided with a truncated conical bore to which the syringe can be connected.

07-01-1972 дата публикации

Patent FR2089040A5

Номер: FR2089040A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Daimler Benz AG

09-01-1998 дата публикации

Assembly of two tubular pieces one nesting in other for air ducts in motor vehicles

Номер: FR2750755A1
Принадлежит: MGI Coutier SA

The assembly of two tubular pieces by nesting one inside of the other, a male piece and a female piece, these pieces being air ducts. It contains an edge (13) adjacent to the extreme end of one of the pieces (11,12). This edge being acted on to be folded during the assembly of the two pieces and to find itself in an intermediary position between the two pieces in a fitting zone where the two pieces are superimposed one on top of the other.

09-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR2397576A1
Автор: [UNK]

L'invention concerne une valve. Ladite valve comprend un corps logé dans une enveloppe et ayant une partie venant en contact étanche avec cette dernière pour empêcher un fluide d'y circuler, le corps pouvant être actionné par un élément introduit de façon qu'une partie au moins de ce corps soit repoussée vers l'extérieur de manière à déformer l'enveloppe et à l'écarter de la partie d'étanchéité du corps pour permettre au fluide de circuler dans ladite enveloppe. Application à une valve utilisable avec des tubes médico-chirurgicaux, des ballons de football, des gilets de sauvetage, des matelas pneumatiques, etc. The invention relates to a valve. Said valve comprises a body housed in a casing and having a part coming into sealing contact with the latter to prevent a fluid from circulating therein, the body being operable by an element inserted so that at least part of this body is pushed outwards so as to deform the envelope and to separate it from the sealing part of the body to allow the fluid to circulate in said envelope. Application to a valve usable with medico-surgical tubes, footballs, life jackets, air mattresses, etc.

09-03-1973 дата публикации

Patent FR2147482A6

Номер: FR2147482A6
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Muller Jacques

17-12-1965 дата публикации

Plain End Pipe Fitting

Номер: FR1421906A
Принадлежит: Mannesmann AG

25-01-1960 дата публикации

Removable coupling

Номер: FR1204317A
Принадлежит: Electrolux Corp

07-09-1990 дата публикации

Corrugated plastic pipe

Номер: SU1591819A3
Принадлежит: Hegler Wilhelm

16-10-1964 дата публикации

Heat and sound insulated piping for hot air heating systems

Номер: FR1375187A
Автор: Spass

02-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR2978353B1
Принадлежит: Vygon SA

31-05-2022 дата публикации

press-fitting device

Номер: KR102404606B1
Принадлежит: 와빈 비. 브이

적어도 하나의 파이프 섹션(10)과의 유체-기밀 연결부를 확립하기 위한 압입 장치(1)이며, 상기 압입 장치는, a) 적어도 하나의 파이프 섹션과의 연결부가 확립되고 연결부가 압입되기 전인 압입-전 상태; 및/또는 b) 연결부가 유체-기밀하지 않지만 연결부가 압입되어 있는 압입 상태에서 기체 유체가 압입 장치를 따라 또는 압입 장치를 통해 유동할 때 소리를 발생시키도록 구성된다. A press-fitting device (1) for establishing a fluid-tight connection with at least one pipe section (10), said press-fitting device comprising: a) a connection with at least one pipe section is established and before the connection is press-fitted; former state; and/or b) the connection is not fluid-tight but is configured to produce a sound when the gaseous fluid flows along or through the press-in device in a press-fit state in which the connection is press-fitted.

14-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: ES2927670B2
Принадлежит: ABN Pipe Systems SL

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Structure for attaching gasket to block, and gasket

Номер: WO2019176259A1
Принадлежит: 日本ピラー工業株式会社

This structure for attaching a gasket to a block comprises a block 1 having a fluid flow path 11, and a gasket 3 that surrounds an opening 13 of the fluid flow path 11. Also, the gasket 3 has seal protrusions 23 that serve as resin tubular wall parts provided radially outward of the opening 13 of the fluid flow path 11. The seal protrusions 23 are configured so as to be press-fitted into the block 1 and be capable of elastic deformation in the radial direction of the seal protrusions 23.

22-01-2020 дата публикации

Separate hydraulic coupler

Номер: JP6632617B2
Автор: レ,ダニエル

17-02-2009 дата публикации

Coupling for an outlet conduit of a washing tank of a washing machine

Номер: US7490869B2
Принадлежит: Coprecitec SL

“Coupling for an outlet conduit ( 2 ) of a washing tank ( 1 ) of a washing machine, the coupling comprising a connection conduit ( 3 ) coupled to said outlet conduit ( 2 ), and a sealing gasket ( 4 ) between said outlet conduit ( 2 ) and said connection conduit ( 3 ). Said sealing gasket ( 4 ) comprises a base ( 5 ) and two lateral walls ( 6,7 ) that delimit a first housing ( 8 ) in which the end of the outlet conduit ( 2 ) is housed, and the connection conduit ( 3 ) comprises a substantially transversal surface ( 9 ) and two lateral surfaces ( 10,11 ) that delimit a second housing ( 12 ) in which the sealing gasket ( 4 ) is housed.”

16-10-1990 дата публикации

Quick disconnect tube coupling

Номер: CA1275298C
Принадлежит: ER Squibb and Sons LLC

ABSTRACT QUICK DISCONNECT TUBE COUPLING A tube coupling having a male body, a female body for receiving at least a portion of the male body and at least one peripheral member made from a relatively compressible plastic material molded into a groove within either the relatively rigid male or female body. The peripheral member is disposed to become compressed against a surface of the mating body to form a liquid seal. At least two peripheral members disposed in grooves in a tubular shaped end portion of the male body are made of a compressible plastic and serve as liquid sealing and locking means. The female body comprises a receving end portion with a tapered interior adapted to receive the male tubular end portion. As the tubular end portion is inserted into the receiving end portion, one of the peripheral members engages the tapered interior surface and becomes compressed there against as the tubular end portion is further inserted. As the tubular end portion is fully inserted a second peripheral member seats itself in a groove in the interior surface of the receiving end portion acting to lock the male and female bodies together. The relatively compressible peripheral members are formed in grooves in the relatively rigid male or female body by insert molding or by simultaneous injection molding of two dissimilar plastics.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Circuit element with easy insert insertion

Номер: WO2018007410A1
Автор: Philippe Le Quere

The invention relates to a fluid transport circuit element, comprising a body (1) provided with a channel (2) having an end portion (3) and a tubular connection insert (5) which is received in said end portion (3) and which is provided, on the inside, with means (6, 9) for sealingly holding a tube and, on the outside, with anchoring teeth (10), characterised in that the end portion of the channel has a central axis (X) and is defined by a wall including at least one first axial portion (12) relatively close to the central axis and a second axial portion (11) relatively separated from the central axis so that the anchoring teeth (10) exert an anchoring force on the first portion (12) and do not exert an anchoring force on the second axial portion (11).

19-07-2011 дата публикации

Coupler for corrugated pipe

Номер: US7980601B2
Автор: Seung-Il Oh
Принадлежит: Kofulso Co Ltd

A coupler for a corrugated pipe in which several elements thereof can be handled as a single assembly body, and which can be coupled to the corrugated pipe through a simple process. The coupler includes a coupling base, a guide member, a compression ring, a force-fitting member, a sleeve and a cap nut. A through hole, a compression hole and an insert hole are continuously formed through the coupling base. The guide member is inserted into the insert hole of the coupling base. The compression ring has an opening such that the compression ring is elastically expanded or contracted in diameter. The compression ring is fitted into the insert hole of the coupling base. The force-fitting member is fitted into the insert hole of the coupling base. The sleeve is inserted into the insert hole of the coupling base. A passing hole having a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the peak portion of the corrugated pipe is formed through the sleeve. The cap nut has a threaded hole threaded over the coupling base, and a coupling hole fitted over the protruding part of the sleeve.

21-07-1992 дата публикации

Quick coupling pipe connecting structure with body-tapered sleeve

Номер: US5131632A
Автор: Darwin B. Olson
Принадлежит: Individual

A quickly attachable longitudinally split coupling structure to connect a pair of pipe ends for a leak proof connection, the coupling structure requiring only a tapping tool for installation or removal.
