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16-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000001735U1

ФИЛЬТР-ОСУШИТЕЛЬ, преимущественно для компрессоров холодильных машин со встроенным электродвигателем, содержащий цилиндрический корпус с угловым расположением входного и выходного патрубков, установленные в корпусе фильтрующие элементы и фланцевый разъем для их замены, отличающийся тем, что между фильтрующими элементами помещен слой адсорбента, образующий с фильтрующими элементами сменный защитный блок, а сам корпус имеет вертикальное рабочее положение и снабжен штуцером для замера давления у выходного патрубка. (19) RU (11) (13) 1 735 U1 (51) МПК F25B 43/00 (1995.01) B01D 27/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94019584/03, 24.05.1994 (46) Опубликовано: 16.02.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Коллективное предприятие "Ленинградский специализированный комбинат холодильного оборудования" 1 7 3 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели ФИЛЬТР-ОСУШИТЕЛЬ, преимущественно для компрессоров холодильных машин со встроенным электродвигателем, содержащий цилиндрический корпус с угловым расположением входного и выходного патрубков, установленные в корпусе фильтрующие элементы и фланцевый разъем для их замены, отличающийся тем, что между фильтрующими элементами помещен слой адсорбента, образующий с фильтрующими элементами сменный защитный блок, а сам корпус имеет вертикальное рабочее положение и снабжен штуцером для замера давления у выходного патрубка. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ФИЛЬТР-ОСУШИТЕЛЬ 1 7 3 5 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Коллективное предприятие "Ленинградский специализированный комбинат холодильного оборудования" R U (72) Автор(ы): Большаков Е.А., Поляков Э.А. RU 1 735 U1 RU 1 735 U1 RU 1 735 U1 RU 1 735 U1 RU 1 735 U1

27-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018569U1

1. Фильтр для очистки газов, содержащий проницаемый сердечник, выполненный, например, в виде перфорированного трубчатого элемента, на концевых участках которого образованы внутренние глухие зоны, торцевые крышки, фильтровальный материал, размещенный между проницаемым сердечником и наружным дренажным слоем, и внешние фиксирующие кольца, отличающийся тем, что в него введен внутренний дренажный слой, расположенный между внешней поверхностью проницаемого сердечника и фильтровальным материалом, а на концевых участках фильтровального материала образованы наружные глухие зоны. 2. Фильтр для очистки газов по п.1, отличающийся тем, что внутренний дренажный слой выполнен из металлической сетки. 3. Фильтр для очистки газов по п.1, отличающийся тем, что внутренний дренажный слой выполнен из стеклянной сетки. 4. Фильтр для очистки газов по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в верхнем и нижнем фиксирующих кольцах выполнены внутренние кольцевые выступы. 5. Фильтр для очистки газов по пп.1 и 4, отличающийся тем, что торцевые крышки выполнены в виде дисков, в центре которых расположены трубчатые элементы, причем внешний диаметр дисков больше внутреннего диаметра кольцевых выступов фиксирующих колец. (19) RU (11) 18 569 (13) U1 (51) МПК F25B 43/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001106032/20 , 11.03.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.03.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 27.06.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Кирилов В.И., Юдин Г.С. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кирилов Виктор Иванович, Юдин Геннадий Сергеевич Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 1 8 5 6 9 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Фильтр для очистки газов, содержащий проницаемый сердечник, выполненный, например, в виде перфорированного трубчатого элемента, на концевых участках которого образованы внутренние глухие зоны, торцевые крышки, фильтровальный материал, размещенный между проницаемым сердечником и наружным дренажным слоем, и внешние фиксирующие кольца, ...

10-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018758U1

1. Фильтрационный модуль для очистки газов от масляных аэрозолей и влаги, содержащий фильтроэлементы, расположенные в цилиндрических корпусах, соединительный трубопровод, краны, установочные и крепежные элементы, отличающийся тем, что он содержит переходные соединительные элементы, установленные сверху фильтроэлементов и связанные между собой через соединительный трубопровод, в верхней части цилиндрических корпусов образованы сепарационные зоны в виде свободного пространства, при этом каждый из цилиндрических корпусов снабжен боковым патрубком, закрепленным на боковой стенке в верхней части корпуса, и краном для слива отфильтрованной жидкости, закрепленным на днище корпуса. 2. Фильтрационный модуль по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на боковых патрубках установлены входной и выходной вентили и манометры для измерения давления на входе и выходе фильтрационного модуля. (19) RU (11) 18 758 (13) U1 (51) МПК F25B 43/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001108147/20 , 30.03.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.03.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 10.07.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Кирилов В.И., Юдин Г.С. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кирилов Виктор Иванович, Юдин Геннадий Сергеевич U 1 1 8 7 5 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Фильтрационный модуль для очистки газов от масляных аэрозолей и влаги, содержащий фильтроэлементы, расположенные в цилиндрических корпусах, соединительный трубопровод, краны, установочные и крепежные элементы, отличающийся тем, что он содержит переходные соединительные элементы, установленные сверху фильтроэлементов и связанные между собой через соединительный трубопровод, в верхней части цилиндрических корпусов образованы сепарационные зоны в виде свободного пространства, при этом каждый из цилиндрических корпусов снабжен боковым патрубком, закрепленным на боковой стенке в верхней части корпуса, и краном для слива отфильтрованной жидкости, ...

27-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000024870U1

Фильтр для очистки жидких сред, содержащий фильтрующий элемент, выполненный, например, в виде фильтр-патрона, состоящий из каркаса, на боковую поверхность которого натянуто фильтровальное полотно, из верхней и нижней плоских стенок с центральными отверстиями, в которых установлены первый и второй уплотнительные элементы, и центральной перфорированной трубки, при этом фильтр-патрон расположен в защитном цилиндрическом корпусе с верхней и нижней крышками, дополнительные уплотнительные элементы, а также входной и выходной патрубки, установочные и крепежные элементы, отличающийcя тем, что он содержит два нажимных элемента, втулку с внутренней резьбой, упругий элемент, выполненный в виде цилиндрической пружины, шайбу и установочный болт, расположенные на оси фильтра, входной патрубок жестко закреплен на верхней крышке цилиндрического корпуса, выходной патрубок образован концом перфорированной трубки, выступающим над верхней крышкой и пропущенным через первый уплотнительный элемент и первый нажимной элемент, нижняя поверхность которого выполнена конусной и связана с первым уплотнительным элементом, нижний конец перфорированной трубки пропущен через второй уплотнительный элемент и второй нажимной элемент, верхняя поверхность которого выполнена конусной и связана со вторым уплотнительным элементом, втулка с внутренней резьбой плотно вставлена снизу в перфорированную трубку, цилиндрическая пружина расположена на втором нажимном элементе с опорой на внутреннюю поверхность нижней крышки, выполненной конусной с отбортовкой по внешнему краю и с образованием кольцевого паза, в котором расположен третий уплотнительный элемент, выполненный в форме кольца, связанного с нижним торцом цилиндрического корпуса, установочный болт пропущен снизу через шайбу, четвертый уплотнительный элемент, цилиндрическую пружину и связан с втулкой резьбовым соединением. (19) RU (11) 24 870 (13) U1 (51) МПК F25B 43/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ ...

10-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000068101U1

1. Фильтр для очистки газов, содержащий проницаемый сердечник, выполненный, например, в виде перфорированного трубчатого элемента, торцевые крышки, фильтровальный материал, размещенный между внутренним и наружным дренажными слоями, с образованием на концевых участках фильтровального материала глухих зон, при этом внутренний дренажный слой расположен на внешней поверхности проницаемого сердечника, а поверх наружного дренажного слоя расположены фиксирующие кольца, отличающийся тем, что в глухих зонах выполнены уплотнения путем наружной и промежуточной ленточной перетяжки фильтровального материала. 2. Фильтр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что нижний торец проницаемого сердечника является заглушенным, а верхний торец является открытым. 3. Фильтр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он содержит переходной и трубчатый элементы, при этом переходной элемент установлен со стороны одного из торцов проницаемого сердечника с плотным закрытием проницаемого сердечника, а трубчатый элемент вставлен через упомянутый переходной элемент в проницаемый сердечник, выполненный с высотой большей, чем высота трубчатого элемента, внешний диаметр которого меньше внутреннего диаметра проницаемого сердечника. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 68 101 (13) U1 (51) МПК F25B 43/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007122959/22 , 20.06.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.06.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кирилов Виктор Иванович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кирилов Виктор Иванович (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 8 1 0 1 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Фильтр для очистки газов, содержащий проницаемый сердечник, выполненный, например, в виде перфорированного трубчатого элемента, торцевые крышки, фильтровальный материал, размещенный между внутренним и наружным дренажными слоями, с образованием на концевых участках фильтровального материала глухих зон, при этом ...

10-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000068102U1

1. Фильтр для очистки газов, содержащий проницаемый сердечник, выполненный в виде перфорированного трубчатого элемента, торцевые крышки, внутри фильтра размещен фильтровальный материал с образованием на своих концевых участках глухих зон, внутренний дренажный слой, расположенный на внешней поверхности проницаемого сердечника, наружный дренажный слой, фиксирующие кольца, и трубчатая горловина, связанная с проницаемым сердечником, отличающийся тем, что он содержит внутренний и внешний грубоволокнистые слои, дополнительный наружный дренажный слой с малым сопротивлением, слой из декоративной сетки и штуцер для отвода масла, при этом от внутреннего дренажного слоя к периферии фильтра последовательно расположены внутренний грубоволокнистый слой, фильтровальный материал, внешний грубоволокнистый слой, наружный дренажный слой, дополнительный наружный дренажный слой с малым сопротивлением и слой из декоративной сетки, причем в нижней части фильтра между нижней поверхностью нижней крышки и внутренней поверхностью нижнего фиксирующего кольца образована камера сбора масла, в нижней части которой расположен штуцер для отвода масла, а между нижней торцевой крышкой и внутренней боковой поверхностью нижнего фиксирующего кольца образован зазор, в который введен нижний край наружного дренажного слоя, при этом в глухих зонах выполнены уплотнения путем наружной и промежуточной ленточной перетяжки фильтровального материала, а трубчатая горловина установлена внизу фильтра. 2. Фильтр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что верхний торец проницаемого сердечника является заглушенным, а нижний торец является открытым. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 68 102 (13) U1 (51) МПК F25B 43/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007122961/22 , 20.06.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.06.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кирилов Виктор Иванович (RU) (73) ...

27-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000073720U1

Устройство для охлаждения и очистки газообразного гелия, содержащее криостат с двустенным цилиндрическим вертикальным корпусом, залитым жидким азотом, трубопроводы с арматурой для подачи и слива жидкого азота, трубопровод подачи газообразного гелия, теплообменники, контрольно-измерительные приборы, фильтр и трубопровод выхода очищенного гелия, отличающееся тем, что в нем криостат выполнен с экранно-вакуумной изоляцией и снабжен расположенным на корпусе вакуумным клапаном для контроля вакуума и откачки посредством вакуум-насоса теплоизоляционной полости, а внутри корпуса последовательно установлены объединенные в единый блок рекуперативный теплообменник, азотный теплообменник, фильтр, узел установки термометра сопротивления и индикатор уровня, закрепленные на крышке блока, при этом рекуперативный теплообменник выполнен в виде противоточного аппарата типа «труба в трубе» со змеевиковым исполнением, вход внутренней теплоотдающей трубы которого соединен с трубопроводом подачи газообразного гелия, а выход - с входом азотного теплообменника, выполненного в виде однопоточного трубчатого витого змеевика, выход которого через узел установки термометра сопротивления, фильтр, вход, межтрубное пространство и выход наружной тепловоспринимающей трубы рекуперативного теплообменника соединен с трубопроводом выхода очищенного гелия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 73 720 (13) U1 (51) МПК F25B 43/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007145318/22 , 07.12.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.12.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.05.2008 7 3 7 2 0 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Конструкторское бюро общего машиностроения имени В.П. Бармина" (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 121059, Москва, Бережковская наб., 22, ФГУП "КБОМ" (72) Автор(ы): Кунис Илья Давидович (RU), Морозов Михаил Алексеевич (RU), Рахманов Жан ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000138287U1

Энергосберегающая холодильная парокомпрессионная установка, включающая компрессор, конденсатор, регулятор давления конденсации, обратный клапан на выходе из конденсатора, жидкостный ресивер, регулятор давления в ресивере, терморегулирующий вентиль с установленным перед ним электромагнитным клапаном и соединительные трубопроводы, характеризующаяся тем, вход жидкостного ресивера через регулятор давления в ресивере, гидравлически связан с трубопроводом между выходом компрессора и входом регулятора давления конденсации, выход жидкостного ресивера гидравлически связан с трубопроводом между выходом обратного клапана и входом электромагнитного клапана, при этом соединительный трубопровод между выходом из конденсатора и входом в терморегулирующий вентиль выполнен с тепловой изоляцией. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F25B 43/00 (11) (13) 138 287 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013145256/06, 10.10.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.10.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Велюханов Виктор Иванович (RU), Коптелов Константин Анатольевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2014 Бюл. № 7 1 3 8 2 8 7 R U Формула полезной модели Энергосберегающая холодильная парокомпрессионная установка, включающая компрессор, конденсатор, регулятор давления конденсации, обратный клапан на выходе из конденсатора, жидкостный ресивер, регулятор давления в ресивере, терморегулирующий вентиль с установленным перед ним электромагнитным клапаном и соединительные трубопроводы, характеризующаяся тем, вход жидкостного ресивера через регулятор давления в ресивере, гидравлически связан с трубопроводом между выходом компрессора и входом регулятора давления конденсации, выход жидкостного ресивера гидравлически связан с трубопроводом между выходом обратного клапана и входом электромагнитного клапана, при этом соединительный трубопровод между выходом из конденсатора и входом в терморегулирующий вентиль выполнен с ...

20-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000139565U1

Коллектор-отделитель жидкости холодильной установки, включающий цилиндрический корпус с торцевыми полусферическими днищами, патрубком входа парожидкостной смеси, патрубками выхода пара, а также внутренний теплообменник с жидким хладагентом, характеризующийся тем, что внутренний теплообменник с жидким хладагентом выполнен из нескольких трубок, объединенных входным и выходным коллекторами теплообменника, выведенных из коллектора-отделителя жидкости по центру противоположных торцевых полусферических днищ, при этом трубки внутреннего теплообменника с жидким хладагентом расположены в нижней части коллектора-отделителя, каждая из трубок снаружи имеет одинаковое количество скользящих втулок, равномерно распределенных по их длине, причем втулки, расположенные в одном поперечном сечении цилиндрического корпуса, жестко соединены между собой и жестко фиксируются, как минимум, с одной из трубок. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 139 565 U1 (51) МПК F25B 43/00 (2006.01) F28D 9/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013139057/06, 22.08.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.08.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 20.04.2014 Бюл. № 11 1 3 9 5 6 5 R U Формула полезной модели Коллектор-отделитель жидкости холодильной установки, включающий цилиндрический корпус с торцевыми полусферическими днищами, патрубком входа парожидкостной смеси, патрубками выхода пара, а также внутренний теплообменник с жидким хладагентом, характеризующийся тем, что внутренний теплообменник с жидким хладагентом выполнен из нескольких трубок, объединенных входным и выходным коллекторами теплообменника, выведенных из коллектора-отделителя жидкости по центру противоположных торцевых полусферических днищ, при этом трубки внутреннего теплообменника с жидким хладагентом расположены в нижней части коллектора-отделителя, каждая из трубок снаружи имеет одинаковое количество скользящих втулок, равномерно распределенных по их ...

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000151158U1

Переохладитель жидкого хладагента холодильной установки, включающий контур хладагента и контур хладоносителя, отличающийся тем, что переохладитель хладагента выполнен в виде орошаемого газожидкостного теплообменника с побудителем расхода воздуха, установленным над газожидкостным теплообменником, при этом контур жидкого хладагента выполнен оребренным, а контур хладоносителя выполнен разомкнутым, в состав которого входят ороситель, установленный между побудителем расхода воздуха и оребренным контуром хладагента, поддон для сбора хладоносителя, установленный под оребренным контуром хладагента, поддон гидравлически связан побудителем расхода хладоносителя с оросителем и снабжен датчиком и регулятором уровня хладоносителя, гидравлически связанным с системой внешнего водоснабжения, в качестве хладоносителя выбрана вода, при этом организовано встречное направление потоков воздуха и капельного хладоносителя из оросителя. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F25B 43/02 (11) (13) 151 158 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014138787/06, 26.09.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.09.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Велюханов Виктор Иванович (RU), Коптелов Константин Анатольевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2015 Бюл. № 8 1 5 1 1 5 8 R U Формула полезной модели Переохладитель жидкого хладагента холодильной установки, включающий контур хладагента и контур хладоносителя, отличающийся тем, что переохладитель хладагента выполнен в виде орошаемого газожидкостного теплообменника с побудителем расхода воздуха, установленным над газожидкостным теплообменником, при этом контур жидкого хладагента выполнен оребренным, а контур хладоносителя выполнен разомкнутым, в состав которого входят ороситель, установленный между побудителем расхода воздуха и оребренным контуром хладагента, поддон для сбора хладоносителя, установленный под оребренным контуром хладагента, поддон гидравлически связан ...

25-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000190278U1
Принадлежит: ООО "ТЕРМОКОН"

Полезная модель относится к оборудованию, применяемому в энергетике, в частности в энергокомплексах на органическом цикле Ренкина, нефтяной, газовой, химической, металлургической, холодильной и других отраслях промышленности. Воздухоохлаждаемый конденсатор предназначен для конденсации паров и переохлаждения конденсата различных рабочих тел. Воздухоохлаждаемый конденсатор с переохладителем конденсата, характеризующийся тем, что он включает приваренную к входной трубной доске, установленной под углом к вертикали, крышку входной камеры с приваренными к ней патрубком подвода пара рабочего тела, поперечными и продольными перегородками, образующими следующие камеры: выходную камеру перепуска пара, входную камеру первого хода пара, расположенную под выходной камерой перепуска пара, входную камеру второго хода пара, расположенную под входной камерой первого хода пара, канал отвода пара из камеры перепуска во входную камеру второго хода пара и поворотную камеру переохладителя конденсата, расположенную под входной камерой второго хода пара; приваренную к выходной трубной доске, имеющей тот же наклон к вертикали, что и входная трубная доска, крышку выходной камеры с приваренными к ней: патрубком отвода конденсата из выходной камеры второго хода пара, имеющим внутренний диаметр не менее половины высоты выходной камеры второго хода пара, в который вварен патрубок отвода конденсата из выходной камеры второго хода переохладителя, поперечными и продольными перегородками, образующими следующие камеры: выходную камеру первого хода пара, выходную камеру второго хода пара, расположенную под выходной камерой первого хода пара, канал отвода конденсата из выходной камеры первого хода пара во входную камеру первого хода переохладителя, расположенную под выходной камерой второго хода пара, выходную камеру второго хода переохладителя, расположенную под входной камерой переохладителя; узел перепускного дросселя между входной камерой второго хода пара и поворотной камерой переохладителя, ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000198344U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для очистки воды методом перекристаллизации. Теплообменное устройство содержит две секции 1, 2 с расположенными внутри них изолированными друг от друга теплообменными камерами 3, 4, экраны цилиндрической формы 7, охлаждающие и нагревательные элементы трубчатой формы, смонтированные в теплообменных камерах 3, 4 вдоль их продольной оси, нагревательные элементы спиральной формы 8, закрепленные в верхней части теплообменных камер 3, 4, дополнительные нагревательные элементы, закрепленные в нижней части теплообменных камер 3, 4 с наружной стороны экрана 7, спиральные ребра 9 и средства для подачи 10 и слива воды 11. Охлаждающие и нагревательные элементы трубчатой формы состоят из внутренней 5 и наружной 6 труб, расположенных коаксиально друг относительно друга. Нагревательные элементы спиральной формы 8 и спиральные ребра 9 закреплены на наружной трубе 6. Экраны 7 закреплены на спиральных ребрах 9 с образованием кольцевой полости между ними и наружной трубой 6. Внутренняя труба 5 выполнена с открытым нижним торцом. Наружная труба 6 выполнена с закрытым нижним торцом, а длина внутренней трубы 5 меньше длины наружной трубы 6. Полезная модель позволяет существенно снизить продолжительность режимов замораживания воды и оттаивания льда при одновременном снижении расхода исходной воды. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 344 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация отчуждения исключительного права по договору Приобретатель(и) исключительного права: ООО "ПЕРВОЗДАННАЯ" (RU) Адрес для переписки: 129346, Москва, а/я 194, Филиппову Василию Алексеевичу Дата и номер государственной регистрации отчуждения исключительного права: 12.11.2021 РД0379929 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 12.11.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 12.11.2021 Бюл. №32 1 9 8 3 4 4 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ООО "ПЕРВОЗДАННАЯ" (RU) R U Лицо ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Device for separating lubricant from a lubricant-refrigerating gas mixture discharged from at least one refrigerant compressor

Номер: US20120011872A1
Принадлежит: Danfoss Commercial Compressors SA

The separating device according to the invention comprises a body delimiting a separating chamber, at least one inlet orifice emerging in the separating chamber and intended to be connected to a discharge orifice of the refrigerant compressor so as to allow a lubricant-refrigerating gas mixture to be introduced into the separating chamber, at least one lubricant outlet orifice emerging in the separating chamber and intended to be connected to a lubricant pan formed in the refrigerant compressor. The separating device comprises a first measuring means arranged to measure the temperature of the lubricant contained in the lubricant pan formed in the refrigerant compressor, and a regulating arranged to regulate the temperature of the lubricant separated in the separating chamber as a function of the temperature of the lubricant measured by said first measuring means.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Heat pump apparatus and operation method for heat pump apparatus

Номер: US20130008194A1
Принадлежит: Mayekawa Manufacturing Co

This description relates to a heat pump and a method of using the heat pump. The heat pump includes a hydraulic compressor that compresses a heat medium, an oil separation and recovery device that separates oil from the heat medium discharged from the compressor and returns the separated oil to the compressor, a condenser that liquefies the heat medium compressed in the compressor, a decompression device that decompresses the heat medium liquefied in the condenser, and an evaporator that causes the heat medium to absorb heat. The aforementioned devices are connected in series and the heat medium is circulated in those devices. The heat medium can be compressed at a compression ratio, at which a discharge temperature from the compressor becomes 150 to 200° C. An intake temperature control unit which can control the temperature of the heat medium taken into the compressor is on the intake side of the compressor.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus to Clear Oil from the Hoses and Front End of a Recovery Recharge Machine

Номер: US20130014520A1
Принадлежит: Service Solution US LLC

A refrigerant recovery unit is provided that can recover and recharge refrigerant. The unit is further configured with a pair of service hoses and a refrigerant control circuit operable to receive and transport the refrigerant between the hoses and the storage vessel and to process the refrigerant to substantially remove contaminants from the refrigerant. A fluid connector is provided in fluid communication with the hoses to enable the refrigerant to flow between the hoses and to establish a closed loop through the refrigerant control circuit, and a controller is operatively connected to the refrigerant control circuit and configured to control a flow of the refrigerant through the refrigerant control circuit and through the fluid connector.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091891A1
Принадлежит: Hill Phoenix, Inc.

A cascade refrigeration system including an upper portion having at least one modular chiller unit that provides cooling to at least one of a low temperature subsystem having a plurality of low temperature loads, and a medium temperature subsystem having a plurality of medium temperature loads. The modular chiller unit includes a refrigerant circuit having at least a compressor, a condenser, an expansion device, and an evaporator. An ammonia refrigerant which may have entrained oil from the compressor circulates within the refrigerant circuit. An oil recycling circuit removes some oil from the ammonia refrigerant for return to the compressor. An oil pot collects oil accumulated in the evaporator and an oil return line drains oil from the oil pot to an ammonia accumulator or directly to the compressor. 1. A cascade refrigeration system , comprising:an upper portion having at least one modular chiller unit that provides cooling to at least one of a low temperature subsystem having a plurality of low temperature loads, and a medium temperature subsystem having a plurality of medium temperature loads;the modular chiller unit comprising:a refrigerant circuit having at least a compressor, a condenser, an expansion device, and an evaporator;an ammonia refrigerant configured for circulation within the refrigerant circuit;an ammonia refrigerant accumulator configured to receive the ammonia refrigerant from the evaporator;an oil management system downstream of the compressor and configured to remove oil from the ammonia refrigerant, the oil management system having an oil separator disposed between the compressor and the condenser, and an oil return line coupled to the evaporator and the ammonia refrigerant accumulator.2. The cascade refrigeration system of claim 1 , further comprising both the low temperature subsystem and the medium temperature subsystem claim 1 , and wherein the low temperature subsystem comprises a CO2 refrigerant claim 1 , and the medium temperature ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Temperature system having an impurity filter

Номер: US20130092356A1
Принадлежит: Temptronic Corp

A temperature control system for controlling a temperature of a device under test includes a fluid source and a cooling device reducing a temperature of the fluid supplied by the fluid source and outputting the fluid having the reduced temperature to a device under test. A filter is positioned between the device under test and the cooling device to filter out ice particles that lead to significant charge generation in order to prevent the device under test from being subjected to high voltages as a result of static charge generation.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Ejector Cycle Refrigerant Separator

Номер: US20130111934A1

A system has a compressor (). A heat rejection heat exchanger () is coupled to the compressor to receive refrigerant compressed by the compressor. The system has a heat absorption heat exchanger (). The system includes a separator () comprising a vessel having an interior. The separator has an inlet, a first outlet, and a second outlet. An inlet conduit may extend from the inlet and may have the conduit outlet positioned to discharge an inlet flow into the vessel interior to cause the inlet flow to hit a wall before passing to a liquid refrigerant accumulation in the vessel. 1. A system comprising:a compressor;a heat rejection heat exchanger coupled to the compressor to receive refrigerant compressed by the compressor;a heat absorption heat exchanger; and a vessel having an interior;', 'an inlet;', 'a first outlet;', 'a second outlet; and', 'an inlet conduit extending from the inlet and having a closed lower end and lateral apertures forming a conduit outlet positioned to discharge an inlet flow into the vessel interior to cause the inlet flow to hit a wall before passing to a liquid refrigerant accumulation in the vessel., 'a separator comprising2. The system of further comprising: a primary inlet coupled to the heat rejection heat exchanger to receive refrigerant;', 'a secondary inlet; and', 'an outlet,, 'an ejector having the inlet of the separator is coupled to the outlet of the ejector; and', 'the second outlet of the separator coupled to the heat absorption heat exchanger to deliver refrigerant to the heat absorption heat exchanger., 'wherein3. The system of wherein:the system has no other ejector; andthe system has no other compressor.4. A method for operating the system of comprising running the compressor in a first mode wherein:the refrigerant is compressed in the first compressor;refrigerant received from the first compressor by the heat rejection heat exchanger rejects heat in the heat rejection heat exchanger to produce initially cooled refrigerant;the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Identifying and Operating Air Purge in Safe Mode and Having a Dip Tube

Номер: US20130118189A1
Принадлежит: Service Solution US LLC

A refrigerant recovery unit is provided and includes a safe purging mode. The safe purging mode allows non-condensable gases to be incrementally purged from a storage tank when the determined ideal vapor pressure is high, such as 40 p.s.i., in order to minimize refrigerant loss during purging. The purging can be done in small increments of time, pressure or mass. The storage tank can include a dip tube that extends into the liquid portion of the refrigerant in order to heat up the refrigerant in the tank with the heated recovered refrigerant.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130126136A1

A heat exchange system and a method of manufacturing the same are provided. The heat exchange system may include a first heat exchanger, a second heat exchanger spaced apart from the first heat exchanger, a connection device provided between the first and second heat exchangers to guide refrigerant into the first and second heat exchangers, and one or more connection pipes that couple the connection device to the first and second heat exchangers, the connection pipes including at least one bent portion.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126415A1

An oil separator configured to separate oil from refrigerant in a refrigeration system is disclosed. For example, the oil separator may be deployed in a heat exchange system configured to liquefy one or more fluids that are gaseous at ambient temperature and pressure. By virtue of its design and method of manufacture, the oil separator may reduce costs associated with manufacture, reduce failure to leakage, reduce misalignment of components that impair function and/or result in other undesirable effects (e.g., undesirable noise during operation, etc.). 1. An oil separator configured to separate oil from refrigerant , the oil separator comprising:(a) a cylindrical housing having a first end and a second end, the cylindrical housing including:(1) an oil outlet opening in a sidewall of the cylindrical housing near the first end of the cylindrical housing, the oil outlet opening being configured to release oil that has been separated from refrigerant within the cylindrical housing out of the cylindrical housing,(2) an inlet opening in the sidewall of the cylindrical housing spaced away from the oil outlet opening toward the second end of the cylindrical housing, the inlet opening being configured to receive a flow of refrigerant mixed with oil into the oil separator, and(3) a refrigerant outlet opening at the second end of the cylindrical housing, the refrigerant outlet opening being configured to release refrigerant from which oil has been removed out of the cylindrical housing;(b) a first annular seat disposed on an inner surface of the cylindrical housing between the inlet opening and the refrigerant outlet opening, wherein the first annular seat is a fixed annular protrusion from the inner surface of the cylindrical housing;(c) a first screen seated on a side of the first annular seat facing toward the second end of the cylindrical housing, wherein the first screen has a shape that corresponds to the cross section of the cylindrical housing;(d) a second annular seat ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133359A1

In a turbo chiller, pipe joint groups ( to ) provided to refrigerant cooling pipe systems ( to ) and lubricant pipe systems connected to a turbo compressor () and a motor (), as well as a joint group () of various replacement components () provided to the pipe systems, are intensively placed, and at least one refrigerant detection sensor () is arranged below the intensive placement region () of the joint groups ( to ) and at a pre-identified point at which a slight amount of refrigerant that leaks from each of the joint groups ( to ) and flows downward is distributed and pools at a high concentration, whereby the slight amount of refrigerant leakage can be detected by the refrigerant detection sensor (). 1. A turbo chiller comprising:a turbo compressor;a motor for driving the turbo compressor;a refrigerant cooling pipe system and a lubricant pipe system connected to the turbo compressor and the motor;pipe joint groups provided to the pipe systems; anda joint group of replacement components provided to the pipe systems,the pipe joint groups and the joint group being intensively placed in an intensive placement region,the turbo chiller further comprising at least one refrigerant detection sensor that is arranged below the intensive placement region and at a pre-identified point at which a slight amount of refrigerant that leaks from each of the joint groups and flows downward is distributed and pools at a high concentration, the slight amount of refrigerant leakage being detectable by the refrigerant detection sensor.2. The turbo chiller according to claim 1 , whereinthe refrigerant cooling pipe system at least includes a refrigerant cooling pipe system that returns a refrigerant extracted from a downstream side of a condenser constituting a refrigeration cycle, to a lower-pressure side than that of the condenser through the motor and an oil cooler.3. The turbo chiller according to claim 1 , whereinthe lubricant pipe system at least includes: a lubricant pipe system ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152625A1

The present invention provides a receiver drier for a vehicle air conditioner including: a tubular body into which a desiccant bag is inserted, and on the outer side of which a refrigerant inlet, through which a refrigerant is introduced from a condenser, and a refrigerant outlet, through which a liquid refrigerant flows out into a sub-cooling zone, are formed, the body having an opening at the lower portion thereof; a filter installed in the body; and a cap having a cap body inserted in and coupled to the opening of the body, wherein a lower part of the filter is inserted into the upper peripheral surface of the cap body, and a guide member protrudes from the top surface of the cap body toward the inner side of the filter and guides the refrigerant supplied through the refrigerant inlet to smoothly flow out through the refrigerant outlet. 1. A receiver drier for a vehicle air conditioner , the receiver drier comprising:a tubular body into which a desiccant bag is inserted, and on an outer side of which a refrigerant inlet, through which a refrigerant is introduced from a condenser, and a refrigerant outlet, through which a liquid refrigerant flows out into a sub-cooling zone, are formed, the body having an opening at a lower portion thereof;a filter installed in the body; anda cap having a cap body inserted in and coupled to the opening of the body, wherein a lower part of the filter is inserted into an upper peripheral surface of the cap body, and a guide member protrudes from a top surface of the cap body toward an inner side of the filter and guides the refrigerant supplied through the refrigerant inlet to smoothly flow out through the refrigerant outlet.2. The receiver drier of claim 1 , wherein the guide member has a shape of a cone.3. The receiver drier of claim 1 , wherein the filter comprises:a filter body inserted into a lower part of the cap body;a baffle integrated with an upper portion of the filter body and having a through hole formed in a middle of ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Aerodynamic separation nozzle

Номер: US20130174602A1
Автор: Michael R. Bloom
Принадлежит: Tenoroc LLC

Multiple designs and methods for aerodynamic separation nozzles and systems for integrating multiple aerodynamic separation nozzles into a single system are disclosed herein. These aerodynamic separation nozzles utilize a combination of aerodynamic forces and separation nozzle structure to induce large centrifugal forces on the fluids that in combination with the structure of the nozzle are used to separate heavier constituents of the fluid from lighter constituents, and more particularly to separate a first or liquid phase from gaseous phases. In some embodiments a number of separation nozzles are combined into a single system suitable for dynamic processing of a process gas. In other embodiments the separation nozzles are temperature controlled to condition the incoming gas to a temperature in order to encourage a phase change in certain constituents of the gas to occur within the nozzle to further enhance separation.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186128A1

A chiller according to the present invention comprises: a compressor for compressing a refrigerant; an oil separator for separating oil and the refrigerant discharged from the compressor; a condenser for condensing the refrigerant passing through the oil separator; and expander for expanding the refrigerant condensed in the condenser; an evaporator for cooling cold water with the refrigerant expanded in the expander and connected to a demanding place via cold water pipes; an ejector for partially passing the refrigerant compressed in the compressor and connected to the evaporator via an evaporator oil recovery path; an oil recovery path of the oil separator connected in such as manner that the oil leaked out of the oil separator passes through the oil recovery path so as to be recovered to the compressor; and an ejector outlet path connected in such a manner than the oil and the refrigerant leaked out of the ejector passes through the ejector outlet path so as to be recovered to the compressor. The oil recovery path of the oil separator and the ejector outlet path are disposed to be able to exchange heat. Therefore, it is possible to lower the temperature of the oil which has been recovered at high temperature via the oil recovery path of the oil separator is lowered. In addition, the liquid refrigerant which has been recovered via the evaporator oil recovery path is gasified in the evaporator. Therefore, it is possible to prevent the damage to the compressor and increase the efficiency of the compressor. 1. A chiller comprising:a compressor compressing a refrigerant;an oil separator separating a refrigerant and oil discharged from the compressor;a condenser condensing the refrigerant that has passed through the oil separator;an expander expanding the refrigerant condensed by the condenser;an evaporator allowing the refrigerant expanded by the expander to cool cold water, and connected with a cold-water demand source by a cold water pipe;an ejector through which ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192295A1
Автор: Kolbe Martin

Described is a structural unit composed of a heat exchanger and a liquid separator, in particular for separating droplets from evaporated refrigerant, in particular for refrigeration and air conditioning systems, which structural unit is of compact design. According to the invention, in a pressure vessel () in which heat transfer plates () are arranged in a lower region and in which an upper region as a space for the separation of droplets from evaporated refrigerant is formed above the heat transfer plates () as a result of the arrangement of the heat transfer plates () in the lower region, the heat transfer plates are arranged substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pressure vessel. 1. A structural unit comprising a heat exchanger and a liquid separator for separating droplets from evaporated refrigerant , in particular for refrigeration and air conditioning systems ,{'b': 1', '2', '2', '2, 'having a pressure vessel () in which heat transfer plates () are disposed in a lower region, and in which an upper region is formed above the heat transfer plates () as a space for separating droplets from evaporated refrigerant due to the arrangement of the heat transfer plates () in the lower region,'}characterized in thatthe heat transfer plates are disposed substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pressure vessel.2. The structural unit comprising a heat exchanger and a liquid separator according to claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 1', '3', '4', '5, 'the pressure vessel () is formed substantially of a tubular base body () and torispherical heads (; ) welded thereto on both sides.'}3. The structural unit comprising a heat exchanger and a liquid separator according to or claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': '2', 'the heat transfer plates () are at least one fully welded plate pack of pairs of profiled heat transfer plates having a rectangular shape and head pieces delimited on both sides in an arc shape, wherein each head piece has a passage ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239595A1
Принадлежит: INVENSOR GMBH

The invention relates to a vacuum container for an adsorption refrigeration machine, said vacuum container being connected to a condenser unit of the adsorption refrigeration machine via connection means that permit the passage of vapor. The container has a discharge arrangement and at least one cooling element. The connection means are provided with at least one component for shutting off or regulating the flow of fluids. 1. A vacuum container for an adsorption refrigeration machine ,whereinthe vacuum container is connected to a condenser unit of the adsorption refrigeration machine via a connection that is open to permit vapor to pass through, and the container has a discharge mechanism and at least one cooling element, wherein at least one component for shutting off or regulating the flow of fluids is provided in the connection.2. The vacuum container according to claim 1 ,whereinthe cooling element is selected from the group consisting of:a. cooling unit that uses condensate from the condenserb. cooling fan;c. connection between the vacuum container and an evaporator unit of the adsorption refrigeration machine, the connection being open to permit vapor to pass through;d. Peltier element;e. heat exchange connection of the vacuum container with a recooling circuit of the adsorption refrigeration machine;f. heat transfer connection to a refrigerant cycle of the adsorption refrigeration machine; andg. active refrigeration apparatus.3. The vacuum container according to claim 1 ,whereinthe component is selected from the group consisting of through-valves, corner valves, Y-type valves, solenoid valves, non-return valves and floats.4. The vacuum container according to claim 1 ,whereinthe component is manually or automatically regulated or is self-regulating.5. The vacuum container according to claim 1 ,whereinthe discharge mechanism is designed as a valve.6. The vacuum container according to claim 1 ,whereina heating element is present on the container.7. The vacuum ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283830A1

Refrigeration systems with a purge for removing non-condensables from the refrigerant and an acid filter for remove acid from the refrigerant are provided. The acid filter can be operatively connected to the purge. Optionally, the purge can include a separating device for separating non-condensable gases from condensable refrigerant gases and an acid filter is provided to remove acid from the condensable refrigerant gases. 1. A refrigeration system , comprising:a compressor;a condenser;an expansion device;an evaporator;the compressor, the condenser, the expansion device, and the evaporator are fluidly connected to form a refrigeration circuit;a purge fluidly connected to the condenser to receive a chiller refrigerant flowing through the refrigeration system from the condenser, the purge configured to remove one or more non-condensable gases from the chiller refrigerant; andan acid filter operatively connected to the purge, the acid filter configured to remove one or more acids from the chiller refrigerant.2. The refrigeration system of claim 1 , further comprising a separation device operatively connected to the purge at a downstream position of the purge claim 1 , the separation device configured to receive a mixture from the purge and separate the non-condensable gases and the chiller refrigerant from the mixture.3. The refrigeration system of claim 2 , wherein the acid filter is fluidly connected to an outlet of the separation device and configured to receive at least one of the non-condensable gases and the chiller refrigerant from the separation device and remove the acids from the chiller refrigerant and the non-condensable gases.4. The refrigeration system of claim 2 , wherein the acid filter is fluidly connected to an inlet of the separation device.5. The refrigeration system of claim 1 , wherein the acid filter is disposed within the purge.6. The refrigeration system of claim 2 , wherein the acid filter is disposed within the separation device.7. The ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312434A1
Автор: Sanhaji Rahhali
Принадлежит: ECOTECHNICS S.P.A

An apparatus for recovering refrigerant () from an air conditioning system includes a collector for connecting hydraulically a high pressure branch and a low pressure branch, provided in the air conditioning system, with a fluid feeding duct of the fluid into the apparatus. The apparatus also has an evaporator arranged to separate the refrigerant from impurities, through an evaporation of residual liquid fractions of the refrigerant obtaining a purified refrigerant that rises towards an upper part of the evaporator, from impurities that are concentrated in a lower part of the evaporator. 2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said feeding duct comprises a first portion claim 1 , downstream of said collector claim 1 , and a second portion consecutive to said first portion and arranged upstream of said evaporator claim 1 , and said auxiliary compressor means is arranged in parallel to said second portion claim 1 , wherein in said second portion a feed valve is arranged movable between an open position and a closed position claim 1 , so that claim 1 , when the pressure in said first portion is higher than a threshold value claim 1 , said auxiliary compressor means is turned off and said feed valve is in open position claim 1 , and so that claim 1 , when the pressure in said first portion is less than said value claim 1 , said auxiliary compressor means is turned on and said feed valve is in closed position claim 1 , so that the refrigerant is fed to said evaporator through said auxiliary compressor means claim 1 , which cooperates with said suction unit for lowering further the pressure on said first portion of said feeding duct.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein said auxiliary compressor means for lowering the pressure of said refrigerant on said first portion of said feeding duct comprises a vacuum generation device.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein said vacuum generation device is connected hydraulically with said evaporator by a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319023A1
Принадлежит: Z124

A method to recover water from the atmosphere is provided. Dehumidification of the airstream is also achieved by removal of the water. A device of the system includes a chamber having a group of trays that hold respective amounts of liquid desiccant in each tray. A foam media absorbs the desiccant to increase an exposed surface of the desiccant to the airstream. Fans and valves are used to control airflow through the device. A charge cycle circulates air through the device to remove water vapor from the airstream. A subsequent extraction cycle removes water collected in the liquid desiccant by a condenser communicating with the chamber. An integral heat exchanger adds heat to the chamber during the extraction cycle. A controller is used to integrate and manage all system functions and input variables to achieve a high efficiency of operational energy use for water collection. 1. A method of recovering water vapor from ambient air , the method comprising:providing a water recovery device including (i) a desiccant stack having a chamber defining an airflow path therein, the stack including a plurality of desiccant trays, each tray including a desiccant media cartridge and an amount of liquid desiccant placed within the tray and being absorbed by a media material of the media cartridge; (ii) a condenser communicating with the desiccant stack; and (iii) a heat exchanger communicating with the desiccant stack for providing heat to the desiccant stack;operating the device in a charge cycle, wherein the ambient air is circulated through the chamber to remove water vapor by the liquid desiccant and retaining water vapor in the chamber;further operating the device in an extraction cycle to remove the retained water vapor within the chamber; andcondensing the water vapor by a cooling source within the condenser thereby producing an amount of water condensate.2. A method claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , further including:controlling functioning of the water recovery device by ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319039A1
Принадлежит: VAHTERUS OY

The invention relates to a device () for separating droplets, which comprises—an outer casing (), which has a substantially horizontal cylindrical shell () and substantially vertical ends ();—an inlet connection () for a substance to be vapourised for leading a substance to be vapourised into the outer casing;—a plate pack () functioning as an evaporator, which is arranged inside the outer casing, in its lower part ();—an inlet connection () and an outlet connection () for a heating substance for leading a heating substance into the plate pack and out of it;—a gravitational droplet separator (), which is arranged inside the outer casing, above the plate pack;—an outlet connection () for vapourised substance for leading the vapourised substance out of the outer casing from its upper part ();—one or more filler units () arranged between the outer casing () and the plate pack () for decreasing the liquid volume of the substance to be vapourised inside the outer casing. The invention is suited to be used for example as a flooded evaporator () of a refrigerating machinery and a thereto related droplet separator (). 2. The device according to claim 1 , characterised in that it further comprises{'b': 5', '15', '8, 'a demister droplet separator (), which is arranged inside the outer casing, in its upper part (), beneath the outlet connection () for the vapourised substance.'}3202012123aba,b. The device according to claim 1 , characterised in that a flow channel ( claim 1 , ) for the substance to be vapourised and for the generated vapour has been arranged between one or more filler unit () and the plate pack ().41919121214aba,b. The device according to claim 1 , characterised in that a flow channel ( claim 1 , ) for the substance to be vapourised and for the generated vapour has been arranged between the filler unit () and the cylindrical shell ().521212a,b. The device according to claim 1 , characterised in that the inner surface of the cylindrical shell () and the outer ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340468A1
Автор: Ma Zidu

An air conditioning and water producing system includes a heat pumping unit and a membrane contactor in thermal communication with the heat pumping unit. The membrane contactor is configured such that a first brine flow is cooled by the heat pumping unit and diluted at the membrane contactor. A distiller is in thermal communication with the heat pumping unit and the membrane contactor such that a second brine flow is heated by the heat pumping unit and conveyed through the distiller. Thermal interaction between the second brine flow and the first brine flow flowing through the distiller extracts water from the second brine flow. 1. An air conditioning and water producing system comprising:a heat pumping unit;a membrane contactor in thermal communication with the heat pumping unit configured such that a first brine flow is cooled by the heat pumping unit and diluted at the membrane contactor; anda distiller in thermal communication with the heat pumping unit and the membrane contactor such that a second brine flow is heated by the heat pumping unit and conveyed through the distiller, thermal interaction between the second brine flow and the first brine flow flowing through the distiller extracts water from the second brine flow.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a heat exchanger to reject heat from the second brine flow after distillation.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a brine pump to pump at least a portion of the first brine flow to the heat pumping unit.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cooling unit is a vapor-compression heat pump or a sorption heat pump.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the membrane contactor is thermally connected to an evaporator of the cooling unit via the first brine flow.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the distiller is thermally connected to a condenser of the heat pumping unit via the second brine flow.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the distiller is a liquid gap membrane distiller.8. The system of ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026609A1
Автор: TADANO Rikio
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

The oil separator separates oil in the refrigerant discharged from the compressor and returns the oil back to the compressor And includes a tank into which refrigerant discharged from the compressor flows, a float whose inside is hollow formed by welding a plurality of members and made vertically movable according to the changes in the oil surface inside the tank and a needle valve that returns oil inside the tank to the compressor according to the vertical movement of the float The float is provided such that the end point E of the welded portion comes above the oil surface 1. An oil separator for separating an oil in a refrigerant discharged from a compressor and for returning the oil to the compressor , comprising:a tank configured to have the refrigerant discharged from the compressor be flown thereinto;a float formed by welding a plurality of members and configured to be vertically movable according to a change of an oil level inside the tank; anda valve configured to return the oil inside the tank to the compressor according to the vertical movement of the float,wherein the float is provided such that an end point of a welded portion is positioned above the oil surface.2. The oil separator according to claim 1 , wherein the float is provided in such a manner that the end point of the welded portion is positioned at substantially an uppermost portion of the float when the valve is opened.3. The oil separator according to claim 1 , further comprising:a separating mechanism provided above the float and configured to separate the oil in the refrigerant discharged from the compressor, the separating mechanism including a first portion, the oil separated by the separating mechanism is fallen from the first portion,wherein the float is provided such that the first portion is not positioned just above the end point to prevent the oil separated by the separating mechanism from falling onto the end point.4. The oil separator according to claim 1 , further comprising:a ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041401A1
Автор: Douglas Jonathan
Принадлежит: Lennox Industries Inc.

Systems and methods for dehumidifying and conditioning air for a commercial building are presented. In one instance, a system involves ventilating a building at a rate higher than the required outdoor airflow rate in order to compensate for the fan being turned off when the compressor is off. Other systems and methods are presented. 1. A method for ventilating a building comprising: an outdoor air intake and an actuator to adjust outdoor air introduced there through;', 'an outdoor air measurement device associated with the outdoor air intake for determining a quantity of outdoor entering through the outdoor air intake;', 'a compressor for cooling air;', 'and a controller, the controller coupled to the outdoor air measurement device and the outdoor air intake and configured to control the outdoor air intake to allow a prescribed amount of outdoor air to enter there through;, 'providing a heating, ventilating and air conditioning system comprising;'}determining a first desired airflow rate through the outdoor air intake based on a first estimated duty cycle of the compressor and a required continuous outdoor air flow rate;adjusting the outdoor air intake using the controller to set the first desired airflow rate through the outdoor air intake; andrunning the compressor and fan for a first time interval.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein theoutdoor air intake and an actuator comprises economizer having an outdoor damper and an actuator to move blades thereof; andwherein the outdoor air measurement device comprises a pressure sensor configured to determine a pressure differential across the outdoor damper.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining an integrative error for total outside air flow during the first time interval;determining a second desired flow rate through the outdoor damper based on a duty cycle of the preceding time interval and the required continuous outdoor air flow rate and the integrative error;adjusting the outdoor air intake using ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041411A1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

The invention relates to an insert for a collector of a condenser, having a main body with a sealing lip for abutment against the inner wall of the collector axially between the two flow transfer openings of the collector, having a filter element for the fluid to flow through, having a fluid diverting element, and having a fluid duct such that the fluid diverting element diverts the radially inflowing fluid stream into an axially flowing fluid stream, and the fluid duct conducts the diverted fluid flow to the filter. 1. Insert for a collector of a condenser , having a main body with a sealing lip for abutment against the inner wall of the collector axially between the two flow transfer openings of the collector , having a filter element for the fluid to flow through , having a fluid diverting element , and having a fluid duct such that the fluid diverting element diverts the radially inflowing fluid stream into an axially flowing fluid stream , and the fluid duct conducts the diverted fluid flow to the filter.2. Insert according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid diverting element is in the form of a tubular element which diverts the fluid stream by way of its outer circumference and which forms the fluid duct in the radially inner region of the tubular element.3. Insert according to claim 2 , wherein the fluid stream flows in a different direction radially at the outside at the tubular element than radially at the inside in the tubular element.4. Insert according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on the tubular element claim 1 , on the outer circumference thereof claim 1 , there is provided a contour claim 1 , which is of arcuate section claim 1 , for flow diversion.5. Insert according to claim 1 , wherein the insert also has a supporting structure which bears a dryer vessel.6. Insert according to claim 5 , wherein the supporting structure is formed by struts which protrude from the tubular element in the axial direction and which are connected by a connecting means.7. ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069140A1
Автор: Kim Moogeun

Disclosure relates to an accumulator heat exchanger. The accumulator heat exchanger is capable of guiding only a gas-phase refrigerant to a compressor by allowing a high pressure refrigerant passing through a condenser to pass through an accumulator and to be heat exchanged with a low pressure refrigerant, thereby promoting evaporation of a liquid-phase refrigerant. 1. An accumulator heat exchanger , comprising:{'b': '20', 'an accumulator housing ();'}{'b': 30', '31', '32', '33, 'a heat exchanger () made of metal including a cylindrical main body () installed inside the accumulator housing and having upper and lower ends formed to be open, heat exchange bodies () connected to each other inside the main body and formed in a honeycomb shape having polygonal cross sections and being open in a vertical direction, a plurality of tube insertion ports () installed to penetrate the heat exchange bodies in the vertical direction and allowing a plurality of tubes in which a refrigerant flows to be inserted thereinto to be in contact with outer surfaces of the tubes;'}{'b': 40', '33', '30', '40', '2, 'a high pressure refrigerant tube () inserted into and coupled to two of the tube insertion ports () of the heat exchanger () in a U shape, the high pressure refrigerant tube () allowing a high pressure refrigerant supplied from a condenser () of a cooling cycle to flow therein;'}{'b': 50', '20', '33', '30', '50, 'a low pressure refrigerant tube () inserted through a bottom of the accumulator housing () and passing through one of the tube insertion ports () of the heat exchanger (), the low pressure refrigerant tube () having an upper end formed to be open to eject the low pressure refrigerant supplied from an evaporator of the cooling cycle into the accumulator housing; and'}{'b': 60', '30', '60', '33', '30', '20, 'a refrigerant gas exhaust tube () having an upper end formed to be open at an upper side of the heat exchanger (), the refrigerant gas exhaust tube () being inserted ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Multifunctional refrigerant container and method of operating such a refrigerant container

Номер: US20140090407A1
Автор: Markus Piesker

A refrigerant container, which is in particular suitable for use in a cooling system designed for operation with a two-phase refrigerant, includes a receiving space for receiving a refrigerant that is disposed in an interior of the refrigerant container. Disposed in the receiving space of the refrigerant container is a heat exchanger allowing passage of a further refrigerant therethrough and being configured to remove heat from refrigerant in the liquid and/or gaseous state of aggregation that is received in the receiving space in order to supercool the refrigerant and/or convert the refrigerant to the liquid state of aggregation.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001246A1
Автор: PRICE Daniel Lee

An internal oil filter is installed at least partially inside a crankcase and/or an oil sump of a compressor. The internal oil filter can receive oil from an oil pressure regulator and filter the oil via filter media. The received oil radially penetrates through the filter media and flow directly into the oil sump from an outside surface of the filter media. This can eliminate the need of fluid lines connecting an outlet of an oil filter to the oil sump and any sealing mechanism therebetween. 1. A transport refrigeration system (TRS) compressor , the compressor comprising:a crankcase;a crankshaft;an oil filter including a filter media, the crankshaft and the oil filter disposed within the crankcase;an oil pump configured to pump oil to the crankshaft and the oil filter;an oil sump configured store oil received from the crankshaft and the oil filter; anda pressure regulator in fluid communication with the oil pump and the oil filter, the pressure regulator configured to regulate an oil pressure of oil directed from the oil pump to the oil filter,wherein the oil filter is disposed downstream of the pressure regulator and the oil sump is disposed downstream of the oil filter so that a first portion of oil flows from the oil pump to the pressure regulator, then to the oil filter, and then to the oil sump, andwherein the oil filter is an inside-out filter that is absent of a housing, the oil filter includes a filter media, and oil received from the pressure regulator penetrates through the filter media and flows into the oil sump from an outside surface of the filter media.2. (canceled)3. The TRS compressor of claim 1 , wherein the TRS compressor is configured to achieve between about 10 to about 50 cubic inches of displacement per revolution.4. The TRS compressor of claim 1 , wherein the TRS compressor is configured to achieve about 30 cubic inches of displacement per revolution.5. The TRS compressor of claim 1 , wherein the oil filter includes a bypass valve having an ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003510A1

A system for reducing the refrigerant pressure in an oil sump () or in a cavity () of a housing. The invention is particularly useful for reducing pressure in a compressor () for heat pump applications that has been validated for water chiller operations or in turbine and generator systems in ORC systems generating electricity using refrigerant, the ORC systems essentially being a heat pump application operating in reverse. An auxiliary compressor (), an auxiliary condenser () or an ejector pump () may be used to reduce pressure in the oil sump (), to separate refrigerant from oil. The auxiliary compressor (), the auxiliary condenser () or the ejector pump () may also be used to reduce the pressure of refrigerant in the housing of a compressor in heat pump applications at temperatures and pressures at which the compressor was validated for water chiller applications and of the turbine and generator in ORC applications. 123253127. Apparatus for separating refrigerant from oil in a refrigeration or heat pump system including a refrigeration circuit having a compressor () that raises a pressure of a refrigerant gas , a condenser () in fluid communication with the compressor that condenses the refrigerant gas into a high pressure liquid , an expansion valve () in fluid communication with the condenser , the expansion valve converting the high pressure liquid into a mist of liquid entrained in gas , an evaporator () in communication with the expansion valve and with the compressor , the evaporator changing the state of liquid refrigerant to refrigerant gas , the compressor further including components requiring lubrication , and a lubricant mixing with the refrigerant in the compressor , wherein the improvement is characterized by:{'b': '10', 'a sump () that receives the lubricant, refrigerant and combinations thereof from the compressor;'}means for providing the lubricant from the sump to portions of the compressor requiring lubrication; and{'b': '409', 'a refrigerant ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Oil management for heating ventilation and air conditioning system

Номер: US20160003511A1
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

A method of lubricant management in a heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system includes flowing a volume of a compressor lubricant and refrigerant mixture from an evaporator into a lubricant still and stopping the flow of the compressor lubricant and refrigerant mixture into the lubricant still when the mixture fills the lubricant still to a selected level. Compressor lubricant is distilled from the mixture via a thermal energy exchange, and the distillation is stopped when a concentration of compressor lubricant in the lubricant still exceeds a predetermined concentration level. The distillate is urged from the lubricant still.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003512A1
Автор: JUNG Jaehwa, Song Chiwoo

An air conditioner is provided. The air conditioner includes a compressor for compressing a refrigerant, an oil separator for separating an oil of the refrigerant discharged from the compressor to collect the separated oil into the compressor, a condenser for condensing the refrigerant separated from the oil separator, and a supercooling part in which a main refrigerant that is the refrigerant condensed by the condenser is heat-exchanged with a branch refrigerant branched from the main refrigerant. At least a portion of the oil collected into the compressor passes through the supercooling part. 1. An air conditioner comprising:a compressor for compressing and discharging a refrigerant;an oil separator for separating an oil from the refrigerant discharged from the compressor, wherein the separated oil is collected back in the compressor;a condenser for condensing the refrigerant remaining after oil separation by the oil separator; anda supercooling part in which the condensed refrigerant is heat-exchanged with a branch refrigerant, wherein the branch refrigerant is branched from the condensed refrigerant,wherein at least a portion of the oil collected back in the compressor passes through the supercooling part.2. The air conditioner according to claim 1 , further comprising:an injection passage through which the branch refrigerant flows and in which an injection expansion valve is disposed; andan injection introduction part disposed on the compressor, the injection introduction part being connected to the injection passage,wherein the injection passage connects the supercooling part to the injection introduction part on the compressor.3. The air conditioner according to claim 2 , further comprising:an accumulator for separating a gaseous refrigerant from the refrigerant and supplying the separated gaseous refrigerant back to the compressor; andan oil collection passage for collecting and guiding the oil separated by the oil separator back into the compressor,wherein ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003326A1

According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, a refrigerant pipe fitting, the fitting having a pipe shape with a hollow to connect a pipe, may include an out pipe opening which is opened at one end of the fitting and into which an out pipe is inserted; an inner pipe opening which is opened at the other end of the fitting and into which an inner pipe is inserted to be inserted into the out pipe inside the fitting; a pressing portion which is configured to form a part of an inner surface of the fitting and formed to have a narrower inner diameter as it extends toward the inner pipe opening to press and deform the out pipe to allow the out pipe to connect with the inner pipe in movement of the fitting; and a fastening portion which is formed on the inner surface of the fitting between the pressing portion and the out pipe opening to constrain an end of the out pipe to prevent the fitting from being separated. 1. A refrigerant pipe fitting that is configured to connect to one or more pipes , the refrigerant pipe fitting comprising:an out pipe opening defined at a first end of the refrigerant pipe fitting and configured to receive an out pipe;an inner pipe opening defined at a second end of the refrigerant pipe fitting and configured to receive an inner pipe that is configured to be inserted into the out pipe disposed inside the refrigerant pipe fitting;a pressing portion that defines a part of an inner surface of the refrigerant pipe fitting, the refrigerant pipe fitting having an inner diameter that becomes narrower in a direction from the out pipe opening toward the inner pipe opening and being configured to press and deform the out pipe toward the inner pipe based on moving relative to the out pipe to connect the out pipe with the inner pipe; anda fastening portion defined on the inner surface of the refrigerant pipe fitting between the pressing portion and the out pipe opening, the fastening portion being configured to couple to an end of the out pipe to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003755A1

Methods, systems and apparatuses are described that are directed to on-site recovery and/or repurposing of refrigerant, where an original refrigerant is converted into a refrigerant different from the original refrigerant. The refrigerant different from the original refrigerant can have relatively lower global warming potential (GWP) than the original refrigerant. The recovery and/or repurposing can be implemented for example in a refrigeration circuit, such as for example in general cooling and/or heating applications, which may be embodied in a heating, venting, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and/or unit, in a transport refrigeration system and/or unit, as well as in commercial, residential and/or industrial cooling and/or heating applications. 2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising one or more of using the converted refrigerant in the refrigeration unit claim 1 , using the converted refrigerant in another refrigeration unit claim 1 , and storing the converted refrigerant.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converting comprises diluting of the recovered refrigerant to obtain the converted refrigerant claim 1 , where the converted refrigerant has a lower global warming potential (GWP) than the recovered refrigerant.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converting comprises using one or more of a filter and dryer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converting comprises adding into the container with the recovered refrigerant claim 1 , one or more other refrigerant components claim 1 , and/or removing one or more refrigerants from the recovered refrigerant to obtain the converted refrigerant.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converted refrigerant is a refrigerant blend claim 1 , the converting comprises adding into the container with the recovered refrigerant claim 1 , one or more other refrigerant components to obtain the converted refrigerant.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converted refrigerant has a relatively lower global warming ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010027A1

A heat recovery variable-frequency multi-split heat pump system and a control method thereof. The system comprises an outdoor unit and at least two indoor units. The system is a three-pipe heating recovery multi-split heat pump system designed on the basis of a four-way reversing valve, and one indoor unit thereof is provided with two electronic expansion valves and two heat exchangers so that any indoor unit in the system can operate independently under three working conditions of refrigeration, heating or heat recovery dehumidification. Under multi-split condition, the system can operate under six working conditions, namely, the full-refrigeration working condition, the full-heating working condition, the common-heat-recovery working condition, the common-heat-recovery-dehumidification working condition, the heat recovery dehumidification-refrigeration-combination working condition and the heat recovery dehumidification-heating-combination working condition. Under the heat recovery dehumidification condition, a lower outlet air temperature, during low-temperature dehumidification, is raised by means of heat removal of a condenser so as to achieve the purpose of dehumidification without temperature fall or temperature rise, so that the thermal comfort and efficiency of the system are improved, and the refrigerating capacity and heating capacity of the system are effectively improved. 1. A heat recovery variable-frequency multi-connected heat pump system , comprising an outdoor unit and at least two indoor units , wherein the outdoor unit and the indoor units are connected through a high-pressure liquid pipe , a high-pressure gas pipe , and a low-pressure gas return pipe , wherein:{'b': 4', '5', '6', '10', '11', '1, 'the outdoor unit comprises a four-way valve (), an outdoor heat exchanger (), an outdoor electronic expansion valve (), a second electromagnetic valve (), a third electromagnetic valve (), and at least one compressor ();'}{'b': 1', '4', '4', '5', '5', ' ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009648A1

Disclosed are climate systems and methods for control the climate systems. A climate system includes a plurality of compressors, a first heat exchanger disposed downstream of the compressors and a second heat exchanger disposed downstream of the first heat exchanger. The compressors and heat exchangers are fluidly connected by refrigerant lines to form a refrigerant circuit. The climate system also includes a controller that controls the operation of the compressors to draw back lubricant to the compressors without use of an oil equalization system. 1. A climate system for conditioning air within a compartment of a vehicle , comprising:a first compressor that includes a first oil sump;a second compressor that includes a second oil sump, independent of the first oil sump;a first refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger fluidly coupled to the first and second compressors and thermally coupled to an exterior of the vehicle;a second refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger fluidly coupled to the first refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger and thermally coupled to the compartment of the vehicle;refrigerant lines fluidly connecting the first and second compressors and the first and second heat exchangers to form a refrigerant circuit; anda controller communicatively coupled to the first and second compressors and including instructions that are configured to selectively draw back compressor oil from the refrigerant lines to at least one of the first and second oil sumps by adjusting an operating speed of at least one of the first and second compressors.2. The climate system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to:draw oil back to the first oil sump by lowering a speed of the first compressor for a first time period; anddraw oil back to the second oil sump by lowering a speed of the second compressor for a second time period.3. The climate system of claim 1 , wherein the first oil sump and the second oil sump are not connected by an oil equalizing system.4. The climate system ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026121A1

A system for measuring oil circulation ratio in a vapor-compression refrigeration system (VCRS) is provided. The system may include an oil separator configured to receive the refrigerant and oil flow from the low-pressure line of the VCRS and output a oil flow and a refrigerant flow. The system may further include an oil collector configured to receive the separated oil flow provided by the oil separator. A valve may control an oil flow from the oil collector to the low-pressure line. A level sensor may measure oil level in the oil collector. The system may close, in response to the oil being at or less than a first level, the valve to collect oil in the oil collector. The system may open, in response to the oil being at or greater than a second level, the valve to release oil from the oil collector to the low-pressure line. 1. A system , the system comprising:an oil separator configured to receive the refrigerant and oil flow from the low-pressure line of the VCRS and output a oil flow and a refrigerant flow;an oil collector configured to receive the separated oil flow provided by the oil separator;a valve configured to control an oil flow from the oil collector to the low-pressure line;a level sensor configured to measure oil level in the oil collector; and close, in response to the oil being at or less than a first level, the valve to collect oil in the oil collector; and', 'open, in response to the oil being at or greater than a second level, the valve to release oil from the oil collector to the low-pressure line., 'a processor, the processor configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:measure an amount of oil in the accumulator at the first level of the oil collector;measure an amount of oil in the accumulator at the second level of the oil collector;generate an oil cycle rate for the VCRS measurement and the second oil level measurement; andoutput the oil cycle rate.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein to output the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026125A1

Oleophobic and/or philic surface(s) are utilized for oil separation, direction, and/or collection in a refrigeration system. Surfaces of component(s) of a refrigeration system (compressor, oil separator, evaporator, etc.) are produced to be oleophobic or philic. The oleophobic and/or philic surfaces are utilized to direct a flow path of oil within the refrigeration system or to prevent oil connection in an area. Refrigerant phobic and/or lubricant phobic material(s) also may be utilized to help promote separation of refrigerant vapor from refrigerant liquid and/or from oil in refrigeration systems. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A method of utilizing oleophobic and/or oleophilic surface(s) for directing oil flow within a refrigeration and/or HVAC system , comprising:directing oil or an oil/refrigerant mixture into contact with an oleophobic surface and/or an oleophilic surface; andat least one of: (i) repelling oil from the oleophobic surface and aggregating oil on the surface thereon for oil beading, when the oil comes into contact with the oleophobic surface; and (ii) attracting, adsorbing, and/or absorbing oil on the oleophilic surface for preventing oil beading, when the oil comes into contact with the oleophilic surface, wherein the oleophilic surface and/or the oleophobic surface is an inner surface area exposed to the inside of a compressor.4. A compressor internal oil separator for a refrigeration system , comprising:a housing including an open end configured to receive a mixture of refrigerant vapor and oil from an insider of a compressor, and a vapor outlet configured to direct out refrigerant vapor; andone or more partitions separating the open end from the vapor outlet, one or more of the partitions including a phobic and/or lubricant phobic material for preventing oil from passing through the walls while allowing for the refrigerant vapor to penetrate through the walls and exit the housing via the vapor outlet, the separated oil being collected in a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009939A1

Methods and systems are provided for a cooling system. In one example, a system comprising a housing comprising a first chamber fluidly coupled to a first cooling circuit and a second chamber fluidly coupled to a second cooling circuit. A reservoir is arranged vertically above each of the first chamber and the second chamber within the housing. A transverse wall fluidly separates the reservoir from the first and second chambers and a dividing wall physically coupled to the transverse wall, separates the first and second chambers from one another. Each of the transverse wall, dividing wall, first chamber, and the second chamber are arranged vertically below a minimum fill line of the reservoir. 1. A system , comprising:a reservoir arranged vertically above a first chamber and a second chamber within a single housing, wherein a dividing wall fluidly seals the first chamber from the second chamber, and a transverse wall arranged below a minimum fill line of the housing, the transverse wall comprising apertures configured to flow coolant from the reservoir to the first and second chambers.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein a first inlet and a first outlet are fluidly coupled to the first chamber claim 1 , wherein a second inlet and a second outlet are fluidly coupled to the second chamber claim 1 , wherein the first inlet and the second outlet are arranged at a first side of the single housing and the first outlet and the second inlet are arranged at a second side of the single housing opposite the first side relative to a longitudinal axis of the single housing.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first inlet is arranged vertically above the first outlet and the second inlet is arranged vertically above the second outlet.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the dividing wall is physically coupled to the transverse wall and arranged below the minimum fill line.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first chamber is fluidly coupled to a first coolant circuit and the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010906A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A receiver having a receiver housing that has a fluid-receiving chamber, a fluid inlet, and a fluid outlet. A drier is provided in the fluid-receiving chamber. The receiver is has an inlet channel protrudes into the fluid-receiving chamber, which inlet channel has a channel outlet in the fluid-receiving chamber and conducts fluid into the fluid-receiving chamber from the fluid inlet as a channel inlet, the inlet channel being shaped in such a way that the fluid flowing out of the channel outlet flows out in a lateral direction. A condenser having the receiver is also provided. 1. A receiver comprising:a receiver housing with a fluid-receiving chamber having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet;a drier arranged in the fluid-receiving chamber; andan inlet channel extending into the fluid-receiving chamber, the inlet channel having a channel outlet in the fluid-receiving chamber that feeds fluid from the fluid inlet as a channel inlet into the fluid-receiving chamber, the inlet channel being shaped such that the fluid flowing out of the channel outlet flows in a lateral direction at a distance from a central axis of the receiver.2. The receiver according to claim 1 , wherein above the channel outlet there is an unobstructed volume which comprises at least 50% of a gross volume of the receiver in this section and which extends over a height of at least 50% of the total internal height of the receiver.3. The receiver according to claim 2 , wherein the drier comprising drying granulate is arranged below the channel outlet claim 2 , on a side facing away from the unobstructed volume.4. The receiver according to claim 1 , wherein the drier comprising drying granulate is arranged at an upper end of the receiver.5. The receiver according to claim 1 , wherein a receiver volume essentially has a constant cross-sectional area.6. The receiver according to claim 1 , wherein a cross section of the receiver has a round shape.7. The receiver according to claim 1 , wherein the channel ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Refrigeration System with Full Oil Recovery

Номер: US20160010907A1
Автор: Masood Ali
Принадлежит: Heatcraft Refrigeration Products LLC

The present application provides a refrigeration system with full oil recovery for removing oil from a flow of a refrigerant. The refrigeration system may include a compressor, an oil separator positioned downstream of the compressor to remove most of the oil from the flow of the refrigerant, a condenser positioned downstream of the oil separator, and a receiver positioned downstream of the condenser. The receiver may include a barrier to separate the oil on a first side from the refrigerant on a second side.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Refrigeration System with Separate Feedstreams to Multiple Evaporator Zones

Номер: US20180010830A1
Автор: Scherer John

A refrigeration system has: (a) a fluid tight circulation loop including a compressor, a condenser and an evaporator, the evaporator having at least three evaporator zones, each evaporator zone having an inlet port, the circulation loop being further configured to measure the condition of the refrigerant with a refrigerant condition sensor disposed within the evaporator upstream of the evaporator outlet port; and control the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator based upon the measured condition of the refrigerant within the evaporator, and (b) a controller for controlling the flow rate of refrigerant to the evaporator based upon the measured condition of the refrigerant within the evaporator upstream of the evaporator outlet port. 1. A method of controlling a refrigeration system , wherein the refrigeration system comprises a refrigerant disposed within a fluid-tight circulation loop including a compressor , a condenser and an evaporator , the refrigerant being capable of existing in a liquefied state , a gaseous state and a two-phase state comprising both refrigerant in the liquefied state and refrigerant in the gaseous state , the evaporator having an outlet port and multiple evaporator zones in series , each evaporator zone having an evaporator zone inlet port , the method comprising the steps of:(a) compressing refrigerant in a gaseous state within the compressor and cooling the refrigerant within the condenser to yield refrigerant in the liquefied state;(b) flowing refrigerant from the condenser into the evaporator via the inlet ports of each evaporator zone, wherein the refrigerant partially exists in a two-phase state; and(c) flowing refrigerant from the evaporator to the compressor.2. The method of wherein the multiple zones in the evaporator are provided by a continuous length of tubing.3. The method of wherein the continuous length of tubing continually and smoothly expands from the inlet port of the most upstream evaporator zone to the outlet port of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010725A1
Автор: Ishiyama Hiroki

A refrigeration cycle apparatus includes: a refrigerant circuit; an oil reservoir; a first pipe that connects the oil separator and the oil reservoir, the first pipe being configured to send the refrigeration oil separated by the oil separator to the oil reservoir; a first valve provided at the first pipe; a second pipe that connects the oil reservoir and a suction side of the compressor; a second valve provided at the second pipe; a third pipe that connects the oil reservoir and the suction side of the compressor at a position lower than a position at which the second pipe is connected to the oil reservoir; and a third valve provided at the third pipe. The first to third valves are closed in a non-operational period of the compressor. 1. A refrigeration cycle apparatus comprising:a refrigerant circuit in which refrigerant circulates in the order of a compressor, an oil separator, a first heat exchanger, a decompressing apparatus, and a second heat exchanger and returns to the compressor;an oil reservoir configured to store refrigeration oil;a first pipe that connects the oil separator and the oil reservoir, the first pipe being configured to send the refrigeration oil separated by the oil separator to the oil reservoir;a first valve provided at the first pipe;a second pipe that connects the oil reservoir and a suction side of the compressor;a second valve provided at the second pipe;a third pipe that connects the oil reservoir and the suction side of the compressor at a position lower than a position at which the second pipe is connected to the oil reservoir; anda third valve provided at the third pipe, whereinthe first to third valves are closed in a non-operational period of the compressor;the refrigeration cycle apparatus further comprising:an oil concentration sensor configured to detect an oil concentration of liquid stored in the oil reservoir; anda controller configured to control respective degrees of opening of the first to third valves to allow the oil ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Refrigerant Liquid-Gas Separator

Номер: US20210010730A1

An HVAC system includes a refrigerant liquid-gas separator. The liquid-gas separator is thermally coupled to electronics to transfer heat away from the electronics, and assist in vaporizing liquid refrigerant. The liquid-gas separator device includes a refrigeration section configured to couple to a refrigeration loop, and electronics thermally coupled to the refrigeration section. The refrigeration section includes: (a) a refrigerant inlet configured to receive refrigerant from the refrigeration loop; (b) a refrigerant outlet configured to release vapor refrigerant to the refrigeration loop; and (c) a cavity coupled to the refrigerant inlet and the refrigerant outlet, the cavity configured to separate liquid refrigerant from vapor refrigerant. During use of the HVAC system, heat from the electronics board is transferred to the refrigerant. The liquid-gas separator includes a check valve configured to inhibit flow of refrigerant into the liquid-gas separator device via the refrigerant outlet. 1. A method of cooling electronics , comprising:receiving the refrigerant via a refrigerant inlet of a liquid-gas separator device;separating, within a refrigerant cavity of the liquid-gas separator device, vapor refrigerant from liquid refrigerant;operating one or more electronic components thermally coupled to the refrigerant cavity, whereby the one or more electronic components generate heat during operation;transferring at least a portion of the heat generated by the one or more electronic components to the refrigerant while the refrigerant is within the refrigerant cavity; andreleasing a substantially vapor refrigerant via a refrigerant outlet of the liquid-gas separator device;whereby transferring the at least a portion of the heat generated by the one or more electronic components to the refrigerant converts at least a portion of the refrigerant from liquid refrigerant to vapor refrigerant; andwhereby transferring the at least a portion of the heat generated by the one ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034563A1

A reservoir tank includes: a tank main body configured to store a refrigerant within the tank main body; an inflow path configured to allow the refrigerant to flow into the tank main body; an outflow path configured to allow the refrigerant to flow out of the tank main body; a collision member that has a first surface and faces an outlet of the inflow path within the tank main body, wherein the collision member is configured such that the refrigerant flowing out from the outlet of the inflow path collides against the first surface; and an air bubble mixing prevention member that faces an inlet of the outflow path within the tank main body, wherein the air bubble mixing prevention member is configured to prevent air bubbles from getting into the outflow path. 1. A reservoir tank comprising:a tank main body configured to store a refrigerant within the tank main body;an inflow path configured to allow the refrigerant to flow into the tank main body;an outflow path configured to allow the refrigerant to flow out of the tank main body;a collision member that has a first surface and faces an outlet of the inflow path within the tank main body, wherein the collision member is configured such that the refrigerant flowing out from the outlet of the inflow path collides against the first surface of the collision member; andan air bubble mixing prevention member that faces an inlet of the outflow path within the tank main body, wherein the air bubble mixing prevention member is configured to prevent air bubbles from getting into the outflow path.2. The reservoir tank according to claim 1 , wherein the inlet of the outflow path is disposed within the tank main body at a position away from an inner wall of the tank main body.3. The reservoir tank according to claim 1 , whereinthe inflow path includes a first inflow path into which the refrigerant flows from outside the tank main body, and a second inflow path connected to the outlet of the inflow path from the first inflow path, ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015808A1

Embodiments of an electrically powered transport refrigeration unit (TRU) are disclosed. The TRU may include a refrigeration circuit that includes an electrically powered compressor, an evaporator equipped with an electrically powered blower, and a gas cooler equipped with an electrically powered blower. The TRU may also include a control circuit and a power regulator unit. The power regulator unit may be configured to supply variable DC and/or AC outputs to power components of the refrigeration circuit, and the control circuit may be configured to regulate the variable DC and AC outputs of the power regulator unit so as to control the operation of the TRU. The electrically powered TRU may be configured to use R774 as refrigerant. 1. A transport refrigeration unit comprising: an electrically powered first compressor,', 'an evaporator equipped with a first electric blower, and', 'an electrically controlled expansion valve configured to control a refrigerant flow into the evaporator;, 'an electrically powered refrigeration module that includesa frame to support the electrically powered first compressor, the evaporator, the first electric blower, and the electrically controlled expansion valve;a power regulator circuit configured to, while in transport, receive power solely from an electric power supply and configured to supply DC and AC power having variable voltages and/or frequencies to the electrically powered first compressor, the first electric blower, and the electrically controlled expansion valve so as to power the electrically powered refrigeration module,wherein the electrically powered first compressor, the evaporator and the expansion valve are configured to form a refrigeration circuit.2. The transport refrigeration unit of claim 1 , wherein the electrically powered refrigeration module further includes a gas cooler equipped with a second electric blower claim 1 , wherein the gas cooler is configured to be part of the refrigeration circuit.3. The ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Compressor system

Номер: US20170016438A1
Принадлежит: Danfoss Tianjin Ltd

A compressor system includes: at least one variable-speed compressor, at least one fixed-speed compressor, a main suction pipe and a main discharge pipe; respective suction pipes of the variable-speed compressor and the fixed-speed compressor are connected to the main suction pipe in parallel, and respective discharge pipes of the variable-speed compressor and the fixed-speed compressor are connected to the main discharge pipe in parallel. The main suction pipe is configured with an oil-gas separation fitting structure, and the oil-gas separation fitting structure is designed to enable most oil of oil-gas mixture from the main suction pipe to move into the variable-speed compressor, and to make the variable-speed compressor stay in an oil-rich state.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016654A1
Автор: Shimazu Yusuke

A refrigeration cycle apparatus in which working refrigerant is a zeotropic refrigerant mixture containing at least a first refrigerant and a second refrigerant having a higher boiling point than the first refrigerant at the same pressure, the refrigeration cycle apparatus including at least a main passage in which a compressor, a first heat exchanger, a first expansion valve, and a second heat exchanger are sequentially connected, the first refrigerant having a property of disproportionation, the first refrigerant having a smaller composition ratio in the compressor than a composition ratio of the first refrigerant passing through the main passage. 1. A refrigeration cycle apparatus operating with working refrigerant being a zeotropic refrigerant mixture containing at least first refrigerant and second refrigerant having a higher boiling point than the first refrigerant at a same pressure ,the refrigeration cycle apparatus comprising at least a main passage in which a compressor, a first heat exchanger, a first expansion valve, and a second heat exchanger are sequentially connected,the first refrigerant having a property of disproportionation,the main passage includes an oil separator connected between the compressor and the first heat exchanger and configured to separate the zeotropic refrigerant mixture containing the first refrigerant at a composition ratio to the refrigerant mixture, the composition ratio being lower than a composition ratio of the first refrigerant in the zeotropic refrigerant mixture passing through the main passage,the zeotropic refrigerant mixture having the lower composition ratio of the first refrigerant and separated by the oil separator, being supplied into the compressor from the oil separator through a bypass.28-. (canceled)9. The refrigeration cycle apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bypass has an expansion device having an adjustable opening degree.10. The refrigeration cycle apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the opening degree of the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016656A1
Принадлежит: SELEX ES LTD

A method and system for purifying contaminated refrigerants is described. The refrigerant is heated in a controlled manner to separate it into fractions, one fraction having the pure refrigerant and the remaining fractions containing the contaminants. The temperature of the refrigerant fraction output being closely monitored and controlled to ensure that it is the correct required fraction. 1. A method of removing contaminants from a refrigerant , the method comprising:heating a contaminated refrigerant in a controlled manner;using an isobaric process to isolate the refrigerant from the contaminants; andremoving the contaminants by condensing or evaporating as required.2. A method according to in which the isobaric isolation process comprises:hybrid fractional distillation of the refrigerant.3. A method according to comprising:measuring a temperature of gas output; andcontrolling the temperature of the contaminated refrigerant during fractional distillation to ensure that a correct fraction is being output.4. A system for removing contaminants from refrigerant claim 1 , the system comprising:a fractional distillation column having a heat source, demister, and a gas outlet;temperature measuring means for measuring a temperature of a gas output from the column, andtemperature control means for controlling a temperature of the heat source in the column in response to signals received from the temperature measuring means, the temperature of the refrigerant being controlled to ensure that a gas output is a desired fraction.5. A method according to comprising:measuring a temperature of gas output; andcontrolling the temperature of the contaminated refrigerant during fractional distillation to ensure that a correct fraction is being output. The invention relates to a system and method for removal of contaminants from refrigerants. More specifically but not exclusively it relates to a coolant recycling system for and a method of purifying contaminated coolant fluids ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016657A1
Автор: HOSOKAWA Kouji

Provided is an accumulator capable of effectively suppressing a bumping phenomenon and the following impact noise without making the structure of the accumulator complicated or increasing the cost and the size thereof. A protrusion serving as an origination of boiling is disposed at a part soaked with a liquid part including liquid-phase refrigerant and oil accumulated in the tank of the accumulator . Especially the protrusion is disposed at least at a part of an outer periphery of the outer pipe in a double-pipe structure, and an inner periphery and an upper face of a bottom of the tank 1. An accumulator comprising:a tank having an inflow port and an outflow port; and an outflow pipe joined to the outflow port and disposed in the tank, whereina protrusion serving as an origination of boiling is disposed at a part soaked with a liquid part including liquid-phase refrigerant and oil accumulated in the tank of the accumulator.2. The accumulator according to claim 1 , whereinthe outflow pipe has a double-pipe structure including an inner pipe joined to the outflow port and hanging inside of the tank, and an outer pipe disposed outside of the inner pipe, andthe protrusion is disposed at least at a part of an outer periphery of the outer pipe, and an inner periphery and an upper face of a bottom of the tank.3. The accumulator according to claim 2 , wherein the protrusion is disposed at a position above the bottom of the tank by a predetermined height and/or at a position below from the upper end of the outer pipe by a predetermined height.4. The accumulator according to claim 2 , wherein the protrusion is disposed at least at a height area between a lower-limit liquid surface height position where abnormal sound is generated because of bumping of the liquid part and a highest liquid surface height position of the liquid part.5. The accumulator according to claim 2 , wherein the protrusion protrudes spirally or along the vertical direction on the outer periphery of the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016658A1
Автор: HOSOKAWA Kouji

Provided is an accumulator capable of effectively suppressing a bumping phenomenon and the following impact noise during the starting of a compressor without making the structure of the accumulator complicated or increasing the cost and the size thereof, and so having cost-effectiveness. An accumulator includes: a tank having an inflow port and an outflow port and a double-pipe structured outflow pipe including an inner pipe joined to the outflow port and hanging inside of the tank and an outer pipe disposed outside of the inner pipe A cloth-like member such as felt or a foam material is wound around or externally inserted to the outer pipe 1. An accumulator comprising:a tank having an inflow port and an outflow port; and a double-pipe structured outflow pipe including an inner pipe joined to the outflow port and hanging inside of the tank, and an outer pipe disposed outside of the inner pipe, whereina cloth-like member or a foam material is wound around or externally inserted to the outer pipe.2. The accumulator according to claim 1 , wherein the cloth-like member or the foam material is wound around or externally inserted to at least a height area between a lower-limit liquid surface height position where abnormal sound is generated because of bumping of a liquid part including liquid-phase refrigerant and oil accumulated in the tank and a highest liquid surface height position of the liquid part.3. The accumulator according to claim 1 , wherein the cloth-like member is provided with a desiccant storage part to store desiccant to absorb and remove water in refrigerant.4. The accumulator according to claim 3 , wherein the desiccant storage part is disposed vertically and externally to the outer pipe.5. The accumulator according to claim 3 , wherein the desiccant storage part is disposed externally to the outer pipe at a position closer to the inflow port. The present application claims priority from Japanese patent application JP 2015-143242 filed on Jul. 17, 2015, ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018143A1

A cooling apparatus includes N (N is an integer of 2 or larger) refrigerant storage units arranged in a vertical direction and configured to store refrigerants, a condensation unit disposed above the N refrigerant storage units, a steam pipe for circulating gas phase refrigerants flowing out of the N refrigerant storage units to the condensation unit, a liquid pipe for circulating a liquid phase refrigerant flowing out of the condensation unit to an uppermost refrigerant storage unit, and separation piping for circulating a liquid phase refrigerant flowing out of an upper refrigerant storage unit to a lower refrigerant storage unit. The liquid phase refrigerant flows into each refrigerant storage unit via an inlet, and flows out from the refrigerant storage unit via a first connection port formed below the inlet.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018144A1

Apparatus for use in the treatment of fluid in a fluid circuit of a heating or cooling system. The apparatus () comprises a vessel () defining an open upper end (), and defining a circulating fluid inlet port () in a side wall () thereof and a fluid outlet port () in the lower end () thereof. The open upper end () of the vessel () is provided with a removable lid () defining a dosing port () and an air vent port (). A permanent magnet collector () for collecting magnetic particles on an external collection surface () thereof is removably locatable within the vessel (). A filter () and baffle plate () are also each removably locatable within the vessel (). A method of treating fluid in a fluid circuit of a heating or cooling system.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Centrifugal Mesh Mist Eliminator

Номер: US20200016522A1
Автор: Pepper McKendree G.

A centrifugal mesh mist eliminator generally comprises a cylindrical roll of mesh attached to a vertical rotating shaft positioned within the center of a pressure vessel. A horizontal partition within the pressure vessel forms a barrier seal between the upper and lower portions thereby directing droplet laden gas flow through the rotating mesh. The incoming droplet laden gas stream enters the lower portion of the pressure vessel through an inlet nozzle. The droplet laden gas stream flows through the rotating cylindrical mesh element where it enters the top section of the pressure vessel. Droplets impinge on the mesh and coalesce into larger diameter drops. These larger diameter drops detach from the mesh due to centrifugal force. The detached liquid droplets settle to the bottom of the vessel as their mass is sufficient to overcome the surrounding flow stream drag force. Liquid discharges from the bottom of the vessel through an outlet nozzle while dry gas exits through a top outlet nozzle. 1. An apparatus for extracting entrained liquid droplets from a gaseous stream , comprising:a mesh mist elimination element attached to a frame;the frame affixed to a shaft, the shaft rotatable mounted in a separator vessel;wherein the shaft, the frame and the mesh mist eliminator element are disposed in the separator vessel, the separator vessel comprising a fluid inlet on one side of a partition disposed in the separator vessel, the separator vessel comprising a fluid outlet on the other side of the partition, the partition in rotatable sealing contact with an exterior of the mesh mist eliminator element; anda motor coupled to the shaft to rotate the shaft and the mesh mist eliminator element.2. The apparatus of further comprising at least one backwashing spray disposed inside the mesh mist eliminator element.3. A method for extracting entrained liquid droplets from a gaseous stream claim 1 , comprising:moving the gas stream through a mesh mist elimination element from an ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Condenser receiver drier refrigerant filter

Номер: US20180017298A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

A receiver drier comprises a housing and a filter unit. The housing includes a moisture absorbing chamber and a longitudinally spaced filter chamber. The filter chamber includes an inlet formed adjacent a first portion of an inner circumferential surface thereof and an outlet formed adjacent a second portion of the inner circumferential surface. The filter unit is received within the filter chamber and includes a main body defining a first filter compartment therein. A first surface of the first filter compartment is defined by a first screen element fluidly coupling an interior of the first filter compartment to an exterior thereof. The flow of the refrigerant enters and exits the first filter compartment while flowing in a direction substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the receiver drier.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017301A1

Devices, methods, systems, and computer-readable media for a refrigeration rack monitor are described herein. One or more embodiments include a refrigeration system monitor, comprising a computing device with a memory storing instructions executable by a processor to: monitor real time performance metrics for a refrigeration system, wherein the real time performance metrics are received from temperature sensors, pressure sensors, and power sensors coupled to the refrigeration system, compare the real time performance metrics to a performance curve of devices associated with the refrigeration system, and generate health information for the devices associated with the refrigeration system based on the comparison. 1. A refrigeration system monitor , comprising a computing device with a memory storing instructions executable by a processor to:monitor real time performance metrics for a refrigeration system, wherein the real time performance metrics are received from temperature sensors, pressure sensors, and power sensors coupled to the refrigeration system;compare the real time performance metrics to a performance curve of devices associated with the refrigeration system; andgenerate health information for the devices associated with the refrigeration system based on the comparison.2. The refrigeration system monitor of claim 1 , wherein the devices associated with the refrigeration system includes a compressor.3. The refrigeration system monitor of claim 2 , wherein the temperature sensors claim 2 , pressure sensors claim 2 , and power sensors are coupled to the compressor to monitor real time performance of the compressor.4. The refrigeration system monitor of claim 1 , wherein the performance curve is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) performance curve for a compressor associated with the refrigeration system.5. The refrigeration system monitor of claim 1 , wherein the health information indicates a probability of failure for the devices associated with the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018235A1

An HVACR system includes first and second compressors arranged in parallel, a condenser, an expansion device, an evaporator, and a lubricant separator fluidly connected. The first compressor includes a first lubricant sump and a first suction inlet. The second compressor includes a second lubricant sump and a second suction inlet. The lubricant separator is disposed between the evaporator and the first and second compressors, and includes a fluid inlet and two fluid outlets. A first of the two fluid outlets is fluidly connected to at least one of the first and second lubricant sumps. A second of the two fluid outlets is fluidly connected to the first and second suction inlets. The second fluid outlet includes a nozzle disposed within a flow passage of the lubricant separator such that a space is maintained between an outer surface of the nozzle and an inner surface of the flow passage. 1. A heating , ventilation , air conditioning , and refrigeration (HVACR) system , the system comprising:a first compressor, a second compressor, a condenser, an expansion device, an evaporator, and a lubricant separator fluidly connected;wherein the first compressor and the second compressor are arranged in parallel,the first compressor includes a first lubricant sump and a first suction inlet,the second compressor includes a second lubricant sump and a second suction inlet, andthe lubricant separator is disposed between the evaporator and the first and second compressors, the lubricant separator includes a fluid inlet and two fluid outlets, a first of the two fluid outlets is fluidly connected to at least one of the first and second lubricant sumps, a second of the two fluid outlets is fluidly connected to the first and second suction inlets, the second fluid outlet includes a nozzle disposed within a flow passage of the lubricant separator such that a space is maintained between an outer surface of the nozzle and an inner surface of the flow passage.2. The system according to claim ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

One-way drier filter

Номер: US20160023129A1
Автор: DING Xiaohong

A one way drier filter includes: an input end cap with an input opening provided thereon; an output end cap with an output opening provided thereon; a cylinder shell having an inner space, wherein an input end and an output end of the cylinder shell are respectively covered by the input end cap and the output end cap; a granular molecular sieve provided in the inner space of the cylinder shell for dehydrating refrigerating fluid; parallel punched nets; filtering nets; glass fibers; a spring mounted at the input end of the cylinder shell; a hot air pump connected to an air inlet of the output end cap through an air tube; an air inlet valve mounted on the air inlet of the output end cap; and an air outlet valve mounted on an air outlet of the input end cap. 13-. (canceled)4. A one-way drier filter , comprising:an input end cap with an input opening provided thereon;an output end cap with an output opening provided thereon;a cylinder shell having an inner space, wherein an input end and an output end of said cylinder shell are respectively covered by said input end cap and said output end cap;a granular molecular sieve provided in said inner space of said cylinder shell for dehydrating refrigerating fluid;parallel punched nets;filtering nets;glass fibers;wherein said parallel punched nets, said filtering nets and said glass fibers are provided in said inner space of said cylinder shell for filtering the refrigerating fluid;a spring mounted at said input end of said cylinder shell for compressing said granular molecular sieve, said parallel punched net, said filtering nets and said glass fibers;a hot air pump connected to an air inlet of said output end cap through an air tube, wherein said hot air pump heats air and drives heated air into said cylinder shell for regenerating said granular molecular sieve;an air inlet valve mounted on said air inlet of said output end cap, wherein when dehydrating and filtering the refrigerating fluid, said air inlet valve is closed for ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Refrigeration Purger Monitor

Номер: US20160025393A1
Автор: Rockwell Thomas C.

An industrial refrigeration system has a purger for removing non-condensable content extracted from a volume of refrigerant. The purger separates a quantity of refrigerant from a mixture of refrigerant and air and purges the air and a portion of the refrigerant. The purger includes a control unit and an algorithm that estimates the purged quantity of refrigerant from measured and stored refrigeration and purger operating parameters. 1. A refrigeration purger system comprising:a purger unit having an upper chamber and a lower chamber in fluid communication with the upper chamber, and a head connected to the upper chamber;at least one of a pressure sensor and a temperature sensor mounted on the head and configured to measure an associated state within the upper chamber; anda control unit connected to the at least one pressure and temperature sensor, the control unit having an algorithm configured to control a purging cycle that purges air collected in the purger unit and determining an estimate of refrigerant loss during the purging cycle.2. The refrigeration purger system of wherein a float having a fluid level sensor is disposed within the upper chamber claim 1 , the fluid level sensor measuring a refrigerant level and sending a fluid level measurement value to the control unit claim 1 , the algorithm determining a volume of air in the purger and initiating the purging cycle based on the fluid level measurement and the measured state within the upper chamber.3. The refrigeration purger system of wherein the pressure and temperature sensors and the fluid level sensor are mounted to the upper chamber head claim 2 , the algorithm estimating the volume of refrigerant using the temperature claim 2 , pressure claim 2 , and fluid level measurements within the purger and determining a volume of mixed air and refrigerant vented during the purging cycle.4. The refrigeration purger system of wherein the algorithm uses a purge length of time measurement to estimate the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023847A1

An ejector refrigeration cycle has a compressor, a radiator, an ejector, a swirl flow generator, an evaporator, and an oil separator. The compressor compresses refrigerant, mixed with refrigerant oil compatible with a liquid-phase refrigerant, and discharges the high-pressure refrigerant. The ejector has a nozzle and a body having a refrigerant suction port and a pressure increasing part. The swirl flow generator is configured to cause a decompression boiling in the refrigerant by causing the refrigerant to swirl about a center axis of the nozzle. The oil separator separates the refrigerant oil from the high-pressure refrigerant compressed by the compressor and guides the refrigerant oil to flow to a suction side of the compressor. The oil separator decreases a concentration of the refrigerant oil in the refrigerant, which is to flow into the swirl flow generator, so as to promote the decompression boiling of the refrigerant in the swirl flow generator. 1. An ejector refrigeration cycle comprising:a compressor that compresses refrigerant, mixed with refrigerant oil, to be a high-pressure refrigerant and discharges the high-pressure refrigerant, the refrigerant oil being compatible with a liquid-phase refrigerant;a radiator that causes a high-pressure refrigerant discharged by the compressor to radiate heat to be a subcooled liquid-phase refrigerant; a nozzle that decompresses the refrigerant flowing from the radiator and injects the refrigerant as an injection refrigerant at a high speed and', 'a body that has a refrigerant suction port and a pressure increasing part, the refrigerant suction port that draws the refrigerant, as a suction refrigerant, using suction power of the injection refrigerant, the pressure increasing part that mixes the injection refrigerant and the suction refrigerant and increases a pressure of a mixture of the injection refrigerant and the suction refrigerant;, 'an ejector having'}a swirl flow generator that is configured to cause the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023870A1

In an air conditioning device () to which an outdoor unit () and indoor units () are connected, when a flow rate of a gaseous refrigerant in a gas main pipe () is lower than a lower limit flow rate in main pipe, an amount of refrigerating machine oil accumulated in the gas main pipe () is calculated. When gas branch pipes () include a gas branch pipe () having a flow rate lower than a lower limit flow rate in branch pipe even though the flow rate of the gaseous refrigerant in the gas main pipe () is higher than the lower limit flow rate in main pipe, an amount of the machine oil accumulated in the gas branch pipe () is calculated. When the amounts are integrated and the integrated value exceeds a set amount, oil collecting operation is performed. 1. An air conditioning device which includes:a refrigerant circuit including an outdoor unit and indoor units connected to each other via an interconnecting pipe; and an operation controller controlling operation of the refrigerant circuit,the interconnecting pipe including: a liquid main pipe connected to the outdoor unit, and liquid branch pipes branching off from the liquid main pipe and each connected to a corresponding one of the indoor units; and a gas main pipe connected to the outdoor unit, and gas branch pipes branching off from the gas main pipe and each connected to a corresponding one of the indoor units,the operation controller including an oil collection controller calculating, at predetermined time intervals, an amount of refrigerating machine oil accumulated in the interconnecting pipe during the operation, and integrating the amount calculated for each predetermined time interval, and when a value of the integration exceeds a set amount, performing oil collecting operation for collecting the refrigerating machine oil in the refrigerant circuit into the compressor, whereinthe oil collection controller includes an oil accumulation amount calculator (i) determining that, when a flow rate of a gaseous ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Temperature control method

Номер: US20180023871A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Electron Ltd

A temperature control method is performed by a temperature control apparatus including a heat exchanger configured to exchange heat using a phase change of a refrigerant, a rotary pump configured to receive the refrigerant from the heat exchanger and fuse the refrigerant with oil contained inside the rotary pump, and an oil refrigerant separator configured to receive the refrigerant fused with the oil from the rotary pump and separate the refrigerant from the oil. The temperature control method includes the steps of: circulating the refrigerant separated from the oil back to the heat exchanger; and adjusting at least one of a rotation speed of a rotor of the rotary pump, a position of a valve arranged at a connecting portion of the rotary pump and the heat exchanger, and a position of an airflow adjustment valve arranged at a connecting portion of the oil refrigerant separator and the heat exchanger.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024994A1
Автор: Sun Xi, Zha Shitong

According to one embodiment, a system includes a high side heat exchanger, a load, a compressor, and a horizontal oil separator. The high side heat exchanger is configured to remove heat from a refrigerant. The horizontal oil separator comprises a centrifugal chamber, an oil, a cut line, a filter, a collector, and an outlet. The centrifugal chamber is configured to receive the refrigerant from the compressor and rotate the refrigerant, wherein rotating the refrigerant separates an oil from the refrigerant. The cut line is configured to prevent the oil separated in the centrifugal chamber from combining with the refrigerant. The filter is configured to separate additional oil from the refrigerant. The collector is configured to collect the oil separated in the centrifugal chamber and the additional oil. The outlet is configured to discharge the refrigerant to the high side heat exchanger. 1. A system comprising:a high side heat exchanger configured to remove heat from a refrigerant;a load configured to use the refrigerant to remove heat from a first space proximate to the load;a compressor configured to compress the refrigerant from the first load; [ receive the refrigerant from the compressor; and', 'rotate the refrigerant, wherein rotating the refrigerant separates an oil from the refrigerant;, 'a centrifugal chamber configured to, 'a cut line configured to prevent the oil separated in the centrifugal chamber from combining with the refrigerant;', 'a filter configured to separate additional oil from the refrigerant;', 'a collector configured to collect the oil separated in the centrifugal chamber and the additional oil; and', 'an outlet configured to discharge the refrigerant to the high side heat exchanger., 'a horizontal oil separator comprising2. The system of claim 1 , the horizontal oil separator further comprising a second filter comprising a mesh claim 1 , wherein the filter comprises a plate.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filter is between the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033184A1

A purging apparatus for removing a non-condensable gas from a refrigeration system is described and which includes a low temperature liquid refrigerant storage tank for enclosing refrigerant, which is supplied by the refrigeration system, and a condenser having a main body, which lies in conductive heat transferring relation relative to an exterior facing surface of the storage tank and progressively to the low temperature liquid refrigerant within, and wherein the condenser, is maintained at a reduced temperature by the low temperature liquid refrigerant enclosed within the storage tank, and wherein foul gas generated by the refrigeration system is processed by the condenser in a manner so as to remove non-condensed refrigerant, and return the condensed refrigerant to the storage tank while releasing non-condensable gases to the ambient environment. 1. A purging apparatus for removing a non-condensable gas from a refrigeration system by receiving a foul gas from the refrigeration system , the foul gas containing non-condensed refrigerant and non-condensable gas , the apparatus comprising:a main body that is associated with a vessel of the refrigeration system such that the refrigerant within the vessel operates to cool the main body; anda plurality of internal passageways within the main body to provide a condensing operation for gaseous contents within the plurality of internal passage ways;a foul gas inlet for allowing foul gas to enter the internal passageways;a condensed refrigerant outlet; anda non-condensable gas outlet,wherein the foul gas within the internal passageways is exposed to the low ambient temperature thereby facilitating a condensation of the previously non-condensed refrigerant from the source of foul gas and wherein the condensed refrigerant passes out of the condenser by way of the condensed refrigerant outlet, and is returned to the vessel, and the non-condensable gas exits the condenser by way of the non-condensable gas outlet and is ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031282A1

A supercritical refrigeration cycle apparatus and a method for controlling a supercritical refrigeration cycle apparatus are provided. The supercritical refrigeration cycle apparatus may include a compressor; a gas cooler configured to cool the compressed a refrigerant in a supercritical state; a pressure control electronic expansion valve connected to the gas cooler; a receiver configured to temporarily store the refrigerant; a flow control electronic expansion valve connected to an outlet side of the receiver to control a flow rate of the refrigerant; and a controller configured to control the flow control electronic expansion valve based on a suction superheat degree of refrigerant suctioned into the compressor and a target suction superheat degree, and control the pressure control electronic expansion valve based on a target operation high pressure and a current operation high pressure. In this way, flow control and pressure control of refrigerant may be respectively implemented in a separate manner, thereby enhancing reliability and operation efficiency of the compressor, respectively. 1. A supercritical refrigeration cycle apparatus , comprising:a compressor configured to compress a refrigerant in a supercritical state;a gas cooler configured to cool the compressed refrigerant;a pressure control electronic expansion valve connected to the gas cooler to control a pressure of the refrigerant;a receiver configured to temporarily store the refrigerant which has passed through the pressure control electronic expansion valve;a flow control electronic expansion valve connected to an outlet side of the receiver to control a flow rate of the refrigerant; anda controller configured to control the flow control electronic expansion valve based on a suction superheat degree of refrigerant suctioned into the compressor and a target suction superheat degree, and control the pressure control electronic expansion valve based on a target operation high pressure and a current ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031294A1

A refrigerant system includes a compressor connected to a first valve forming a harvest line, a condenser connected to the compressor by a first segment of conduit and an expansion device by a second segment of conduit with the condenser and the second segment of conduit forming a liquid line. A third segment of conduit is connected to the liquid line and the harvest line with the third segment of conduit having a second valve. The second valve allows flow of refrigerant from the liquid line to the harvest line through the third segment of conduit in an open position and the second valve blocking flow of the refrigerant from the liquid line to the harvest line through the third segment of conduit in a closed position. 1. A refrigerant system comprising:a compressor connected to a first valve forming a harvest line;a condenser connected to said compressor by a first segment of conduit and an expansion device by a second segment of conduit, said condenser and said second segment of conduit forming a liquid line; anda third segment of conduit connected to said liquid line and said harvest line, said third segment of conduit having a second valve, said second valve allowing flow of refrigerant from said liquid line to said harvest line through said third segment of conduit in an open position and said second valve blocking flow of said refrigerant from said liquid line to said harvest line through said third segment of conduit in a closed position.2. The refrigerant system of claim 1 , wherein said valve is a check valve.3. The refrigerant system of claim 1 , wherein said valve is a solenoid valve.4. The refrigerant system of claim 1 , further comprising a third valve in said first segment of conduit at an inlet of said condenser.5. The refrigerant system of claim 4 , wherein said third valve is a check valve.6. The refrigerant system of claim 1 , wherein said refrigerant is a hydrocarbon refrigerant claim 1 , and wherein 150 grams or less of said hydrocarbon ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033788A1
Автор: Wang Lixin, Wang Zhengwei

A receiver dryer includes a first body and a second body, one end of the second body away from the first body defining first and second connecting ports. The receiver dryer includes a filter cartridge including a first mating portion, a second mating portion, and a filter part at a middle portion; the first mating portion fits with an inner wall of the second body, one space allowing refrigerant to flow is formed between the filter part and the inner wall of the second body, the second mating portion is connected to the second connecting port, the space between the filter part and the inner wall of the second body communicates with the first connecting port, an inside of the filter part communicates with the second connecting port via the second mating portion, and refrigerant is filtered at least once when flowing between the first and second connecting ports. 1. A receiver dryer , comprising a second body , the second body having a first connecting port and a second connecting port; wherein , the receiver dryer further comprises a filter cartridge fitting with an inner wall of the second body to form a passage , the filter cartridge comprises a filter part having filter capability , a first mating portion , and a second mating portion , and the first mating portion and the second mating portion are arranged at two ends of the filter cartridge , respectively , the space between the filter part and the inner wall of the second body is in communication with the first connecting port , an inside of the filter part is in communication with the second connecting port via the second mating portion , and the refrigerant is filtered at least once during a process of flowing from the first connecting port to the second connecting port.2. A receiver dryer , comprising a first body and a second body , one end of the second body facing the first body forming an open structure , and another end of the second body away from the first body defining a first connecting port and a ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Vapor compression system

Номер: US20220049879A1
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

A refrigeration system includes a compressor connected to a first heat exchanger and a second heat exchanger. An expansion device is connected between the first heat exchanger and the second heat exchanger. A ratio of a volume of the first heat exchanger to a volume of the second heat exchanger is between 0.6 and 1.8.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049882A1

Methods, systems and apparatuses are described that are directed to on-site recovery and/or repurposing of refrigerant, where an original refrigerant is converted into a refrigerant different from the original refrigerant. The refrigerant different from the original refrigerant can have relatively lower global warming potential (GWP) than the original refrigerant. The recovery and/or repurposing can be implemented for example in a refrigeration circuit, such as for example in general cooling and/or heating applications, which may be embodied in a heating, venting, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and/or unit, in a transport refrigeration system and/or unit, as well as in commercial, residential and/or industrial cooling and/or heating applications. 2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising one or more of using the converted refrigerant in the refrigeration unit claim 1 , using the converted refrigerant in another refrigeration unit claim 1 , and storing the converted refrigerant.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converting comprises diluting of the recovered refrigerant to obtain the converted refrigerant claim 1 , where the converted refrigerant has a lower global warming potential (GWP) than the recovered refrigerant.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converting comprises using one or more of a filter and dryer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converting comprises adding into the container with the recovered refrigerant claim 1 , one or more other refrigerant components claim 1 , and/or removing one or more refrigerants from the recovered refrigerant to obtain the converted refrigerant.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converted refrigerant is a refrigerant blend claim 1 , the converting comprises adding into the container with the recovered refrigerant claim 1 , one or more other refrigerant components to obtain the converted refrigerant.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converted refrigerant has a relatively lower global warming ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Outdoor Unit of an Air Conditioning System, Air Conditioning System, and Control Method Thereof

Номер: US20190032968A1

A heat recovery variable-frequency multi-split heat pump system and a control method thereof. The system includes an outdoor unit and at least two indoor units. The system is a three-pipe heating recovery multi-split heat pump system designed on the basis of a four-way reversing valve, and one indoor unit thereof is provided with two electronic expansion valves and two heat exchangers so that any indoor unit in the system can operate independently under three working conditions of refrigeration, heating or heat recovery dehumidification. Under multi-split condition, the system can operate under six working conditions, namely, the full-refrigeration working condition, the full-heating working condition, the common-heat-recovery working condition, the common-heat-recovery-dehumidification working condition, the heat recovery dehumidification-refrigeration-combination working condition and the heat recovery dehumidification-heating-combination working condition. Under the heat recovery dehumidification condition, a lower outlet air temperature, during low-temperature dehumidification, is raised by means of heat removal of a condenser so as to achieve the purpose of dehumidification without temperature fall or temperature rise, so that the thermal comfort and efficiency of the system are improved, and the refrigerating capacity and heating capacity of the system are effectively improved. 1. An outdoor unit of an air conditioning system , the outdoor unit comprising a four-way valve , an outdoor heat exchanger , a throttling element , a second electromagnetic valve , a third electromagnetic valve , and a compressor , wherein:an exhaust end of the compressor is connected with an A end of the four-way valve; a B end of the four-way valve is connected with one end of the outdoor heat exchanger, and another end of the outdoor heat exchanger is connected with a first connecting pipe through the throttling element; a C end of the four-way valve is connected with a suction end ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032974A1
Автор: OH Hae Jin

An electric compressor may include: a housing part having a refrigerant inlet through which refrigerant is introduced; a boss part formed in the housing part, having a bearing installed therein to support a rotating shaft, and guiding the refrigerant to the bearing; a guide part formed in the housing part, and inducing the refrigerant introduced into the refrigerant inlet toward the boss part, while delaying the movement of the refrigerant; and a heating part mounted in the housing part, and configured to provide heat to the guide part in order to heat the refrigerant moved to the boss part. 1. An electric compressor comprising:a housing part having a refrigerant inlet through which refrigerant is introduced;a boss part formed in the housing part, having a bearing installed therein to support a rotating shaft, and guiding the refrigerant to the bearing;a guide part formed in the housing part, and inducing the refrigerant introduced into the refrigerant inlet toward the boss part, while delaying the movement of the refrigerant; anda heating part mounted in the housing part, and configured to provide heat to the guide part in order to heat the refrigerant moved to the boss part.2. The electric compressor of claim 1 , wherein the housing part comprises:a finished part having one side brought in contact with the heating part, and having the boss part formed at the other side thereof; anda circumference part protruding from the edge of the finished part, and having the refrigerant inlet formed therein.3. The electric compressor of claim 2 , wherein the finished part is formed of a thermal conductive material.4. The electric compressor of claim 3 , wherein only a portion of the finished part claim 3 , which is brought in contact with the heating part claim 3 , is formed of a thermal conductive material.5. The electric compressor of claim 2 , wherein the boss part comprises:a boss formed at the other side of the finished part so as to surround the bearing; anda boss hole ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033316A1

In order to reduce the effect of foaming occurring in an oil tank on a compressor, an oil pump control unit () is applied to a turbo refrigerator comprising an oil tank that stores lubrication oil supplied to a compressor and a variable-speed oil pump that supplies the lubricating oil in the oil tank to the compressor. The oil pump control unit () comprises: an intake refrigerant gas amount calculation unit () for calculating the amount of refrigerant gas drawn into the oil pump, as an intake refrigerant gas amount; a supplied lubricating oil amount calculation unit () for using the intake refrigerant gas amount and a required lubricating oil amount, which is an amount of lubricating oil required by the compressor, to calculate a supplied lubricating oil amount; and a command value generation unit () for generating a rotation speed command value for the oil pump on the basis of the supplied lubricating oil amount. 1. An oil pump control device which is applied to a centrifugal chiller including an oil tank for storing a lubricant to be supplied to a compressor , and an oil pump having a variable rotating speed and supplying the lubricant in the oil tank to the compressor , the control device comprising:a suction refrigerant gas amount calculation unit which calculates an amount of refrigerant gas sucked by the oil pump, as a suction refrigerant gas amount;a supply lubricant amount calculation unit which calculates a supply lubricant amount using the suction refrigerant gas amount and a required lubricant amount which is a lubricant amount required by the compressor; anda command value generation unit which generates a rotating speed command value of the oil pump based on the supply lubricant amount;wherein the suction refrigerant gas amount calculation unit includesa first calculation unit which calculates an amount of refrigerant gas generated from the lubricant in the oil tank, anda second calculation unit which calculates the amount of refrigerant gas sucked by ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040917A1
Автор: LIU Bin Wade, LV Hai Zhen

Methods and systems to manage refrigerant flow inside a shell and tube heat exchanger, such as a condenser, to reduce inundation effect are provided. A method of managing refrigerant flow may include collecting at least a portion the refrigerant in the liquid state and directing the collected refrigerant in the liquid state toward an end of an internal space of the condenser. The method may further include directing the refrigerant in the liquid form toward a subcooling section. The method may also include directing the collected in the liquid state toward a refrigerant outlet located at proximately a middle section of a length of the condenser through the subcooling section. The condenser may have one or more separation/collection pans positioned within heat transfer tubes to collect and direct the refrigerant in the liquid form. A two-stage refrigerant distributor is also disclosed. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a shell having an internal space, the internal space having a length and a height;a refrigerant inlet;a first-stage distributor positioned next to the refrigerant inlet in the internal space of the heat exchanger, the first-stage distributor extending in a longitudinal direction of the length of the heat exchanger; anda second-stage distributor positioned next to the first-stage distributor in the internal space of the heat exchanger, the second-stage distributor extending in the longitudinal direction of the length of the heat exchanger.2. The heat exchanger of further comprising:a plurality of heat transfer tubes running in a longitudinal direction of the length of the shell in the internal space; anda first separation/collection pan running in a direction of the length of the internal space of the shell positioned within the plurality of heat transfer tubes, where the plurality of heat transfer tubes configured to cool a refrigerant in a vapor state so that at least a portion of the refrigerant in the vapor state transits to a liquid state.3. The heat ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Screw Compressor and Chiller Unit Provided with Same

Номер: US20170038107A1

A screw compressor in which it is possible to achieve size reduction and reduce the oil rate and a chiller unit equipped with the screw compressor are provided. In the screw compressor, an oil separator includes: an outer cylinder; an inner cylinder positioned inside the outer cylinder; and an introducing flow path that lets refrigerant discharged from a compression working chamber flow in so that the refrigerant swirls to the circumferential direction on the inner wall surface of the outer cylinder. The upper end portion of the inner cylinder is held by the oil separator and the outer wall of the inner cylinder is thereby held independently of the inner wall of the outer cylinder. The diameter of the inner wall of the outer cylinder is so configured that the diameter is gradually reduced along the swirl flow path in which refrigerant that flowed in through the introducing flow path swirls. The refrigerant that flowed in through the introducing passage swirls and goes down along the swirl flow path which is the inner wall of the outer cylinder and is thereby separated into gas refrigerant and oil. Thereafter, the separated gas refrigerant flows from the lower end portion of the inner cylinder into the inner cylinder and goes up; and the separated oil flows down along the inner wall surface of the outer cylinder.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038151A1

A heat exchanger includes a first stack portion and a second stack portion. The first stack portion has a plurality of plates which are stacked, and a first refrigerant passage and a first coolant passage are formed between the plurality of plates. The second stack portion has a plurality of receiver components which are stacked, and a refrigerant retaining portion leading to the first refrigerant passage is formed in the plurality of receiver components. The second stack portion is stacked on the first stack portion in the same direction as a stacking direction in which the plurality of plates are stacked. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a first stack portion including a plurality of plates which are stacked, a first refrigerant passage and a first coolant passage being formed between the plurality of plates;a second stack portion including a plurality of receiver components which are stacked, a refrigerant retaining portion leading to the first refrigerant passage being formed in the plurality of receiver components, the second stack portion being stacked on the first stack portion in the same direction as a stacking direction in which the plurality of plates are stacked; anda third stack portion for subcooling including a plurality of subcool plates which are stacked, a second refrigerant passage for subcooling and a second coolant passage for subcooling being formed between the plurality of subcool plates, the third stack portion being further stacked on one of the first stack portion and the second stack portion, which are stacked.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of receiver components has a plate shape or a window frame shape.3. The heat exchanger according to claim 2 , wherein a size of each of the plurality of plates in the stacking direction of the plurality of plates is identical to a size of each of the plurality of receiver components in a stacking direction in which the plurality of receiver components are ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038618A1

A cyclonic type lubricant separator with various features that reduces pressure losses, manages local gas velocities which may contribute to entrainment of liquid(s) (e.g. oil), maintains and/or improves oil separation (e.g. achieving lower oil circulation rates), reduces the size of the lubricant separator, and/or reduces or minimizes costs of production. Lubricant separators herein include a shell, a fluid inlet, a vapor outlet, a liquid outlet, and a discharge tube within the shell. Lubricant separators herein include multiple inlets that have openings such that the discharge tube is out of sight relative to the openings of the inlet, include openings along the length of the discharge tube, and/or include a flow director on the discharge tube, where the flow director includes a surface that extend away from the outer dimension of the discharge tube. 1. A cyclonic lubricant separator comprising:a shell;a fluid inlet to receive a fluid, the fluid including refrigerant vapor and lubricant, the fluid inlet configured to receive the fluid and direct the fluid into the shell and to direct the fluid to swirl inside the shell;a vapor outlet;a liquid outlet to exit lubricant,a discharge tube within the shell, the discharge tube in fluid communication with the fluid inlet and the vapor outlet to discharge refrigerant vapor separated from the lubricant; anda flow director on the discharge tube,wherein the flow director includes one or more surfaces that extend away from an outer dimension of the discharge tube, andwherein the inlet includes an opening through which a majority of the outer dimension of the discharge tube is out of a line of sight as viewed through the opening of the inlet.2. The lubricant separator of claim 1 , wherein the fluid inlet comprises multiple inlets.3. The lubricant separator of claim 1 , wherein the fluid inlet comprises multiple inlets that have openings such that the discharge tube is out of sight relative to the openings of the inlet.4. The ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041110A1

A purging device equipped with: a purging pipe () for purging a gas mixture containing a coolant and a non-condensable gas from a chiller; a purging tank () for storing the gas mixture purged from the purging pipe (); a cooling device () which cools the interior of the purging tank () and has a cooling heat-transfer surface () provided therein which condenses the coolant in the gas mixture and is oriented in the height direction inside the purging tank (); a drainage pipe () for discharging the liquid coolant inside the purging tank () to the chiller; an exhaust pipe () for discharging the non-condensable gas in the gas mixture inside the purging tank () to the exterior; a purging tank pressure sensor () for measuring the pressure inside the purging tank (); and a control device () which detects that an increase in the level of the liquid coolant inside the purging tank () has occurred when the measured value from the purging tank pressure sensor () decreases, and thereafter, increases to a prescribed value or higher, when condensing the coolant by cooling the interior of the purging tank () using the cooling device (). 1. An air bleeding device , comprising:an air bleeding pipe through which a mixed gas containing a refrigerant and an uncondensable gas is bled from a chiller;an air bleeding tank in which the mixed gas bled through the air bleeding pipe is stored;a cooler in which a cooling heat transfer surface which cools an inside of the air bleeding tank and condenses the refrigerant in the mixed gas is installed in a height direction in the air bleeding tank;a drain pipe through which a liquid refrigerant in the air bleeding tank is discharged to the chiller;an exhaust pipe through which the uncondensable gas in the mixed gas in the air bleeding tank is discharged to an outside;an air bleeding tank pressure sensor which measures a pressure in the air bleeding tank; anda control unit which, when the cooler cools the inside of the air bleeding tank to condense ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041170A1

A two-stage compressor includes a casing, a first compression mechanism and a second compression mechanism. The casing has a first compression chamber, a second compression chamber and an oil tank, wherein the first compression chamber communicates with the second compression chamber and the oil tank is located in the second compression chamber. The first compression mechanism is disposed in the first compression chamber. The second compression mechanism is disposed in the second compression chamber and the second compression mechanism corresponds to the oil tank. The first compression mechanism and the second compression mechanism consume different amounts of lubricant oil respectively. 1. A two-stage compressor comprising:a casing having a first compression chamber, a second compression chamber and an oil tank, the first compression chamber communicating with the second compression chamber, the oil tank located in the second compression chamber;a first compression mechanism disposed in the first compression chamber; anda second compression mechanism disposed in the second compression chamber, the second compression mechanism corresponding to the oil tank, the first compression mechanism and the second compression mechanism consuming different amounts of lubricant oil.2. The two-stage compressor of claim 1 , wherein the oil tank stores lubricant oil; when the second compression mechanism is operating claim 1 , the second compression mechanism stirs the lubricant oil to nebulize the lubricant oil.3. The two-stage compressor of claim 2 , wherein an oil separator is connected to the casing claim 2 , the oil separator receives an oil and refrigerant gas mixture from the two-stage compressor claim 2 , separates the lubricant oil from the oil and refrigerant gas mixture claim 2 , and transmits the lubricant oil to the first compression chamber of the two-stage compressor.4. The two-stage compressor of claim 3 , wherein a condenser is connected to the oil separator claim ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041181A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to a heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) system having a purge system configured to purge a vapor compression system of non-condensable gases (NCG). The purge system includes a refrigerant loop configured to circulate a purge refrigerant and a purge heat exchanger configured to place the purge refrigerant in a heat exchange relationship with a mixture of vapor refrigerant and NCG received from the vapor compression system. The purge system further includes a pump configured to draw the mixture from the vapor compression system, increase a pressure of the mixture, and deliver the mixture to the purge heat exchanger. The pump is disposed upstream of the purge heat exchanger, relative to a flow path of the mixture from the vapor compression system to the purge heat exchanger. 1. A heating , ventilation , air conditioning , and refrigeration (HVAC&R) system , comprising: a refrigerant loop configured to circulate a purge refrigerant;', 'a purge heat exchanger configured to place the purge refrigerant in a heat exchange relationship with a mixture received from the vapor compression system, wherein the mixture comprises vapor refrigerant and the NCG; and', 'a pump configured to draw the mixture from the vapor compression system, increase a pressure of the mixture, and deliver the mixture to the purge heat exchanger, wherein the pump is disposed upstream of the purge heat exchanger, relative to a flow path of the mixture from the vapor compression system to the purge heat exchanger., 'a purge system configured to purge a vapor compression system of non-condensable gases (NCG), comprising2. The HVAC&R system of claim 1 , wherein the purge system comprises an expansion device disposed upstream of the purge heat exchanger claim 1 , relative to the flow path of the mixture from the vapor compression system to the purge heat exchanger claim 1 , wherein the expansion device is configured to receive the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Engine Off Vapor Compression Adsorption Cycle

Номер: US20170045276A1

A cooling system is disclosed so that an operator cabin can be cooled even if the engine is off. An accumulator can be used to store high-pressure refrigerant until its release. When the compressor is off, the accumulator can release the high pressure refrigerant through the pressure reducer and to the evaporator where heat in the operator cabin can be removed by the refrigerant. An absorption bed with activated carbon can be used to adsorb the refrigerant from the evaporator in order to create a pressure gradient in A/C system. The refrigerant in the accumulator can also be used to subcool a refrigerant in the condenser through a heat exchanger. This allows the operator cabin to be cooled faster up on engine start up. The adsorption bed can also be used to create a pressure gradient in the cooling system. 1. A cooling system for a vehicle , comprising:a compressor configured to compress a refrigerant in a gas state;a condenser configured to remove heat from the refrigerant to convert the refrigerant from the gas state to a liquid state;an accumulator configured to store refrigerant from the condenser at a high pressure;an evaporator configured to remove heat from an operator cabin with the refrigerant;a pressure reducer configured to decrease refrigerant pressure and to meter an amount of refrigerant that is received by the evaporator; andan adsorption bed having an adsorption material that adsorbs refrigerant when the compressor is off, wherein when the compressor is off, the accumulator releases the stored high pressure condensed refrigerant to cool the operator cabin.2. The cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the evaporator includes a blower that circulates air in the operator cabin.3. The cooling system of further comprising:a valve configured to allow heat from the vehicle to cause the adsorbed refrigerant to desorb from the adsorption bed; anda controller that controls the valve to open and close.4. The cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the adsorption ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065502A1

A heat exchange system and a method for reclaiming corrosion inhibitor in a heat exchange system are provided by the present disclosure. The heat exchange system includes a compressor (), a condenser () and an evaporator () connected in sequence, and the heat exchange system further includes a system for reclaiming corrosion inhibitor which includes an ejector () including a high-pressure fluid inlet () connected to an outlet () of the compressor, a suction fluid inlet () connected to the heat exchange system to extract a liquid-state refrigerant in the heat exchange system, and a fluid outlet () leading to bearings of the compressor, wherein a pressurizing device () is provided between the outlet of the compressor and the high-pressure fluid inlet of the ejector. The heat exchange system according to the embodiments of the present disclosure can provide sufficient corrosion inhibitor to the bearings of the compressor under various working conditions. 1. A heat exchange system , comprising: a compressor , a condenser and an evaporator connected in sequence , wherein the heat exchange system further comprises a system for reclaiming corrosion inhibitor , the system for reclaiming corrosion inhibitor comprising:an ejector comprising a high-pressure fluid inlet connected to an outlet of the compressor, a suction fluid inlet connected to the heat exchange system to extract a liquid-state refrigerant in the heat exchange system, and a fluid outlet leading to bearings of the compressor, wherein a pressurizing device is provided between the outlet of the compressor and the high-pressure fluid inlet of the ejector.2. The heat exchange system according to claim 1 , wherein the pressurizing device is a pump or an additional compressor.3. The heat exchange system according to claim 1 , wherein the suction fluid inlet is connected to a bottom of the evaporator to extract a liquid-state refrigerant with corrosion inhibitor.4. The heat exchange system according to claim 1 , ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052915A1
Принадлежит: Danarctica ApS

The invention relates to a cooling system () and a method for oil separation, where a condenser unit () contains an oil separator (), from which oil separator oil is lead through a pipeline () and back to the compressor (). It is an object of the invention to collect all condensing functions and oil separation functions into a common pressure container (). According to the invention, this objective is achieved by a system, the condenser unit and oil separator are integrated in a common pressure tank () that contains at least one first oil separator and at least a second secondary oil separator, which pressure tank contains a condenser container () which interacts with a third oil separator (). Hereby, it is attained that condensation and oil separation are integrated in a common pressure tank. 1244682101012141416101820182024410182022262628263030323022422242303022422826424. Cooling system () comprising at least one compressor () , which compressor () has at least one suction inlet () and at least one suction outlet () , which cooling system () comprises at least one condenser unit () , which condenser unit () via a cooling agent line () is connected to at least one restriction element () , which restriction element () is connected to at least one evaporator () , where the condenser unit () contains at least one oil separator ( , ) from which oil separator ( , ) oil is lead through a pipeline () back to the compressor () , characterised in that the condenser unit () and the oil separator ( , , ) are integrated into a common pressure tank () , which pressure tank () contains at least one oil sump () , where the pressure tank () contains a condenser container () , which condenser container () is cooled by a heat exchanger , through which heat exchanger there flows a first cooling agent () , where the condenser container () interacts with an oil cooler ( , ) , which oil cooler ( , ) is placed in connection with the condenser container () , where a liquid and gas ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Thermal Expansion Valve with Power Element

Номер: US20150052924A1
Принадлежит: Standard Motor Products, Inc.

An improved power element for use with a thermal expansion valve. The power element contains a filter positioned at an open end of the power element to prevent debris from entering the body of the thermal expansion valve. 1. A thermal expansion valve for use in an automotive air conditioner comprising:a body including an inlet port fluidly connected to an evaporator and an outlet port fluidly connected to a condenser;a power element having an annular domed upper housing, a mating annular lower housing having an opening in the bottom of the annular lower housing, an annular diaphragm having an upper surface and a lower surface wherein the lower surface of the diaphragm and the annular lower housing define a diaphragm chamber, a sleeve that passes through the opening in the bottom of the annular lower housing and a stem slidably disposed within the sleeve; anda paper filter disposed in a fluid path between the evaporator and the diaphragm chamber.2. The thermal expansion valve of further including a frictional clip interdisposed around the valve stem for securing the filter.3. The thermal expansion valve of wherein the filter is made of LyTherm® paper.4. A power element for use with a thermal expansion valve of an automotive air conditioner comprising:an annular domed upper housing;a mating annular lower housing having an opening in the bottom of the annular lower housing;an annular diaphragm having an upper surface and a lower surface wherein the lower surface of the diaphragm and the annular lower housing define a diaphragm chamber;a sleeve that passes through the opening in the bottom of the annular lower housing;a stem slidably disposed within the sleeve; anda paper filter interdisposed around the valve stem.5. The power element of further including a frictional clip interdisposed around the valve stem for securing the filter.6. The power element of wherein the filter is made of LyTherm® paper. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application 61/ ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052936A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A sealed compressor includes a centrifugal impeller above a rotor to synchronously rotate. A refrigerant rises through a rotor air hole, flows in an upper space, and flows out from a discharge pipe. The centrifugal impeller includes an oil separation plate on the rotor, and plural vanes standing on the oil separation plate, and forms inter-vane flow passages between adjacent vanes, and a vane inner flow passage that guides refrigerant from the rotor air hole to inner entrances of the inter-vane flow passages. Outer exits of the inter-vane flow passages are disposed along an entire circumference, and refrigerant increased in pressure while passing through the inter-vane flow passages flows out from the outer exits to the upper space. The oil separation plate closes a short-circuit passage through which the refrigerant directly flows from the vane inner flow passages to the discharge pipe without passing through the inter-vane flow passages. 1. A sealed compressor comprising:a sealed container that stores lubricant oil at a bottom thereof;a motor that is provided within the sealed container and has a stator and a rotor;a drive shaft attached to the rotor;a compression mechanism that is provided within the sealed container and configured to compress a refrigerant upon rotation of the drive shaft;a centrifugal impeller that is provided above the rotor and configured to rotate in synchronization with the rotor;a rotor air hole that penetrates the rotor in an up-down direction; anda discharge pipe configured to cause the refrigerant, upon flowing into a lower space of the motor, rising through the rotor air hole, and flowing into an upper space of the motor, to flow out from the upper space to an external circuit of the sealed container,wherein the centrifugal impeller includesan oil separation plate and a lower surface partition plate that are provided on an upper side of an upper end of the rotor so as to be spaced apart from each other,a plurality of vanes that stand ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047098A1
Автор: Zapletal Jiri

The present solution provides a cyclone for separation of gas-liquid mixtures, particularly suitable for a refrigerant accumulator or an accumulator with an internal heat exchanger in a vehicle air conditioning system using carbon dioxide as refrigerant, including an inlet of the gas-liquid mixture and a body of the cyclone with an inlet chamber, an outlet chamber, and at least one stationary vane in the form of a helix to ensure rotation of the mixture in the cyclone outlet chamber, where the gas-liquid mixture inlet is arranged substantially coaxially with the axis of the cyclone and opens directly into the inlet chamber of the cyclone body. The solution further provides a refrigerant accumulator and an accumulator with an integrated internal heat exchanger which includes the cyclone according to the invention. 1. A cyclone for separation of a gas-liquid mixture , particularly suitable for a refrigerant accumulator or an accumulator with an internal heat exchanger in a vehicle air conditioning system with carbon dioxide as a refrigerant , the cyclone comprising:an inlet for the gas-liquid mixture and a body of the cyclone with an inlet chamber,an outlet chamber; andat least one stationary vane in a shape of a helix for ensuring rotation of the gas-liquid mixture in the outlet chamber, wherein the inlet is arranged substantially coaxially with an axis of the cyclone and opens directly into the inlet chamber of the body of the cyclone.2. The cyclone according to claim 1 , wherein an outlet from the at least one stationary vane is oriented substantially perpendicular to the axis of the cyclone and tangentially to a diameter of the inlet chamber of the cyclone claim 1 , and wherein the at least one stationary vane is flat at an outlet end thereof.3. The cyclone according to claim 1 , wherein the cyclone separates gaseous carbon dioxide from liquid carbon dioxide and/or liquid oil in the refrigerant accumulator or the accumulator with the internal heat exchanger in the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049154A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An air-conditioning apparatus includes a refrigerant circuit in which pipes sequentially connect a compressor, a flow switching device, a heat source side heat exchanger, an expansion device, a load side heat exchanger, and the flow switching device, and configured to perform a cooling operation and a heating operation switched by the flow switching device, an oil separator configured to separate refrigerating machine oil from refrigerant discharged from the compressor, a first bypass passage in which fluid flowing out of the oil separator flows, an auxiliary heat exchanger configured to cool the fluid, a first flow control device configured to control passing of the fluid, a second bypass passage in which liquid refrigerant or two-phase gas-liquid refrigerant flowing through one of the pipes connecting the heat source side heat exchanger and the expansion device flows, and a second flow control device configured to control passing of refrigerant. 1. An air-conditioning apparatus comprising:a refrigerant circuit in which pipes sequentially connect a compressor, a flow switching device, a heat source side heat exchanger, an expansion device, a load side heat exchanger, and the flow switching device, and configured to perform a cooling operation and a heating operation switched by the flow switching device, the cooling operation being an operation in which a discharge side of the compressor is connected to the heat source side heat exchanger and a suction side of the compressor is connected to the load side heat exchanger, the heating operation being an operation in which the discharge side of the compressor is connected to the load side heat exchanger and the suction side of the compressor is connected to the heat source side heat exchanger;an oil separator disposed in one of the pipes connecting a discharge unit of the compressor and the flow switching device, and configured to separate refrigerating machine oil from refrigerant discharged from the compressor;a ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Refrigerator And/Or Freezer Device

Номер: US20190049164A1

The present invention relates to a refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit having at least one carcass and having at least one inner space arranged in the carcass, wherein the unit has at least one refrigerant circuit that serves the cooling of the inner space and wherein the refrigerant circuit has at least one evaporator, at least one compressor, at least one condenser, and at least one restrictor, wherein at least one bypass to the restrictor is provided that extends directly or indirectly from the condenser to the evaporator and in which at least one valve is arranged for shutting off the bypass, with the evaporator and the bypass being arranged and configured such that a heat pipe effect is present in the bypass and/or in components arranged the direction of flow before and/or after it. 1. A refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit having at least one carcass and having at least one inner space arranged in the carcass , wherein the unit has at least one refrigerant circuit that serves the cooling of the inner space and wherein the refrigerant circuit has at least one evaporator , at least one compressor , at least one condenser and at least one restrictorcharacterized in thatat least one bypass to the restrictor is provided that extends directly or indirectly from the condenser to the evaporator and in which at least one valve is arranged for shutting off the bypass, with the evaporator and the bypass being arranged and configured such that a heat pipe effect is present in the bypass and/or in components arranged the direction of flow before and/or after it.2. The refrigerator unit and/or the freezer unit in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the bypass extends between the condenser and a collector connected downstream of the evaporator.3. The refrigerator unit and/or the freezer unit in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the bypass extends between the condenser and the suction pipe that extends between the evaporator and the compressor ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051704A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co., Ltd.

An exemplary heat pump () includes: a compressor (A, B) that discharges refrigerant; an oil separator () that separates oil from the refrigerant discharged from the compressor; an oil return channel () that returns the oil separated by the oil separator to the compressor; a pressure sensor (A, B) that detects a pressure in the oil return channel; a first pressure loss member (A, B) and a second pressure loss member (A, B) disposed in portions of the oil return channel at an oil separator side and a compressor side relative to the pressure sensor; and a control device that increases an output of the compressor in a case where a pressure detected by the pressure sensor exceeds a suction pressure of the compressor and less than a discharge pressure of the compressor. 1a compressor configured to compress refrigerant and discharge the compressed refrigerant;an oil separator configured to separate oil from the compressed refrigerant discharged from the compressor;an oil return channel configured to return the oil separated by the oil separator to the compressor;a pressure sensor configured to detect a pressure at a location in the oil return channel; the first pressure loss member is upstream of the location; and', 'the second pressure loss member is downstream of the location;, 'first and second pressure loss members disposed in or defining portions of the oil return channel, whereina shut-off valve configured to selectively block fluid communication between the oil separator and the first pressure loss member; anda control device configured to control the compressor to increase an output of the compressor when a pressure detected by the pressure sensor exceeds a suction pressure of the compressor and is less than a discharge pressure of the compressor.. A heat pump comprising: The present invention relates to a heat pump.In a heat pump that has been known to date, an oil separator collects refrigerating machine oil (oil) included in refrigerant discharged from a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051956A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An accumulator that is used in a refrigeration apparatus including a plurality of compressors and is provided for the plurality of compressors, the accumulator including an inlet pipe that penetrates a cylindrical container perpendicularly to a central axis of the cylindrical container and conveys gas-liquid mixed refrigerant into the container and a plurality of outlet pipes connected to respective suction sides of the plurality of compressors, wherein the plurality of outlet pipes each have one end located in the container and forming outlet port for conveying gas refrigerant in the container toward the plurality of compressors, and wherein the outlet port of each of the plurality of outlet pipes is concentrated in a central part of the container. 1. An accumulator that is used in a refrigeration apparatus including a plurality of compressors and is provided for the plurality of compressors , the accumulator comprising:an inlet pipe that penetrates a cylindrical container perpendicularly to a central axis of the cylindrical container and conveys gas-liquid mixed refrigerant into the container; anda plurality of outlet pipes connected to respective suction sides of the plurality of compressors,wherein the plurality of outlet pipes each have one end located in the container and forming an outlet port for conveying gas refrigerant in the container toward the plurality of compressors, andwherein the outlet port of each of the plurality of outlet pipes is concentrated in a central part of the container.2. The accumulator of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of outlet pipes is formed in a U-shape claim 1 , an other end opposite to the one end is located in an upper part of the container claim 1 , and the one end of each of the plurality of outlet pipes is bent toward the central axis to dispose the outlet port in the central part of the container.3. The accumulator of claim 1 , wherein at least one baffle plate blocking a flow of the gas-liquid mixed refrigerant ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Oil separation device

Номер: US20170051957A1
Автор: Kazuki SHIMASAKI
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

Disclosed herein is a technique for reducing a decrease in efficiency in producing an oil separator while maintaining high efficiency in separating a refrigerant and refrigeration oil from each other. An oil separator includes a cylindrical container body, and an injection pipe inserted into the container body and introducing a liquid mixture into the container body. The injection pipe has a bend disposed inside the container body. The bend is bent such that an outer portion of the bend is closer to a sidewall of the container body than an inner portion of the bend is when the container body is viewed from above.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051960A1

The present invention provides a control system for managing lubricant levels in tandem compressor assemblies of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. In transitioning from a partial load that operates a first compressor but not a second compressor of a tandem assembly to a full load that operates both the first and the second compressor, a controller of the HVAC system turns OFF both compressors of the tandem compressor assembly to allow time for lubricant levels to equalize between the first and the second compressor. 1. A control system for a heating , ventilation , and air conditioning (HVAC) system , the control system comprising:a control assembly configured to operationally connect to an HVAC compressor assembly of an HVAC system for controlling the environment in an enclosed space;wherein the HVAC compressor assembly is configured for operation by the controller to deliver a load capacity in one or more demand stages, wherein the controller operates the HVAC compressor assembly in at least a lower demand stage and a higher demand stage, wherein the HVAC compressor assembly delivers a larger capacity at the higher demand stage than at the lower demand stage;wherein the HVAC compressor assembly is configured for operation by the control assembly in one or more modes of operation based on an ambient temperature outside the enclosed space;wherein the control assembly comprises a controller configured to control operation of a first compressor assembly and a second compressor assembly of the HVAC compressor assembly;wherein the first compressor assembly comprises a first tandem compressor assembly having a first compressor and a second compressor operationally connected for tandem operation as part of a first circuit having first heat transfer devices;wherein the second compressor assembly comprises at least a third compressor comprising a part of a second circuit having second heat transfer devices separated from the first heat transfer ...
