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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 35287. Отображено 200.
20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2317308C2

Изобретение относится к производству технического углерода из жидкого углеводородного сырья. В способе осуществляют предварительный нагрев жидкого углеводородного сырья и технологического воздуха до температуры 150-200°С, нагрев в кожухотрубчатом теплообменнике до температуры, выше температуры самовоспламенения топлива. Горение топлива с технологическим воздухом проводят при температуре, превышающей температуру разложения углеводородного сырья на 200-300°С для получения дымового газа с заданным количеством остаточного активного кислорода, рассчитываемым в зависимости от марки получаемого технического углерода. Первая секция системы рекуперативного нагрева - кожухотрубчатый теплообменник со спирально оребренными трубами с шагом навивки от 5 до 15 мм. Оребрение выполняют прерывисто, а в межсекционных перегородках трубы уплотняются цилиндрическими втулками. Вторая секция - теплообменник типа «труба в трубе» в цилиндрической обечайке, с двумя кольцевыми каналами. В первом кольцевом канале установлены ...

20-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2179692C2

Изобретение предназначено для теплообменников с пластинчатыми ребрами и может быть использовано в качестве рекуператора. Множество устойчивых к давлению отдельных элементов теплообменника соединены между собой посредством пайки с применением разделительных пластин с образованием единого теплообменника с пластинчатыми ребрами. Каждый отдельный элемент теплообменника содержит все особенности цельного противоточного теплообменника с входным и выходным отверстиями, воздухораспределительными коллекторами и теплопреобразовательными ребрами, спаянными в единый блок. Затем элементы объединяются в блок и рельефные фланцы свариваются вместе. Множество блоков затем свариваются вместе с образованием теплообменника. При таком способе сборки и при таком выполнении отдельного элемента и теплообменника в целом достигается полное сцепление элементов теплообменника и повышается надежность элементов теплообменника и самого теплообменника. 3 с. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

12-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2787799C2
Принадлежит: НЕКСАН ГРУП (FR)

Изобретение относится к области теплотехники и может быть использовано в пластинчатых теплообменниках. Пластина (20А) для теплообменника, предназначенная для размещения в стопке из пластин, содержащая: основную панель (60), имеющую первый край (67) и второй край (68), противоположный первому краю (67), и по меньшей мере одно первое ребро (63), выступающее от основной панели (60) и выполненное с возможностью ограничения, вместе с основной панелью (60) и соседней пластиной, тракта циркуляции текучей среды, при этом первое ребро (63) проходит от первого края (67) основной панели (60) в направлении второго края (68), не доходя до второго края (68), чтобы обеспечить первый проход для первой текучей среды между одним концом первого ребра (63) и вторым поперечным краем (68), где тракт циркуляции текучей среды образует первый отражательный барьер. Изобретение также относится к теплообменнику, содержащему такую пластину. Технический результат - снижение засорения и упрощение очистки теплообменника ...

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316389C2

Изобретение относится к химическому реактору или к теплообменнику с тонкой пластиной для труб, например нефтехимическому и нефтеочистительному реактору. Химический реактор или теплообменник содержит по меньшей мере одну трубу, имеющую ось трубы, тонкую пластину для труб, прикрепленную первой стороной к трубе и расположенную перпендикулярно трубе, камеру, образованную тонкой пластиной для труб, основанием, расположенным напротив второй стороны пластины, и соединяющей пластину и основание боковой секцией с образующими, параллельными оси трубы, и соединительный элемент, непосредственно соединенный с основанием и пластиной для труб и расположенный между ними и по оси трубы. В другом варианте выполнения химический реактор или теплообменник содержит трубу, имеющую ось трубы и стенку, тонкую пластину для трубы, прикрепленную к трубе перпендикулярно ее оси, камеру, образованную второй стороной тонкой пластины для труб, основанием камеры, расположенным противоположно тонкой пластине для труб, соединяющей ...

27-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2245501C2

Изобретение предназначено для применения в теплообменных аппаратах, в частности в аппаратах с двумя не сообщающимися потоками теплоносителей, вступающими в теплообмен через стенку, а также может быть использовано в различных областях техники. Теплообменник состоит из корпуса, в котором размещены тонкостенные полые элементы, между которыми имеются зазоры, открывающиеся в эти зазоры элементы оребрения, выполненные полыми, проходящими через внутреннюю полость тонкостенных полых элементов, причем тонкостенные полые элементы выполнены в виде расположенных друг за другом герметичных плоских полостей, соединенных между собой круговыми каналами, а элементы оребрения выполнены так, что в любых двух соседних тонкостенных полых элементах в одном из них единственный элемент оребрения расположен по оси теплообменника, а в другом их несколько и расположены они по периферии тонкостенных полых элементов. Изобретение позволяет интенсифицировать теплообмен и уменьшить габариты и массу устройства.1 з.п. ф-лы ...

10-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2174728C2

Изобретение относится к топливным элементам, состоящим из пакета пластин. Техническим результатом изобретения является создание усовершенствованной конструкции топливного элемента и способа его изготовления. Согласно изобретению батареи топливных элементов содержат пакетированные элементы с узлами разделитель/мембранный электрод, в которых разделители содержат ряд пакетированных пластин из тонкого листа, имеющих внутри себя серпантинные области микроканалов индивидуальной конфигурации для увлажнения реагирующих газов, активные области охлаждения. Индивидуальные пластины пакетируют с совпадающими по координатам деталями, прецизионно совмещенными с соседними пластинами, и соединяют для формирования монолитного разделителя. Обработка после соединения включает пассивацию, такую как нитридирование. Предпочтительным материалом пластин является Ti, в котором детали, серпантинные каналы, закругления, углубления, протоки, рельефы и отверстия формируют путем химического или лазерного травления, вырезания ...

27-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2427776C2
Принадлежит: АРЕВА НП (FR)

Изобретение относится к области теплотехники и может быть использовано в теплообменниках для ядерных реакторов. Устройство теплообмена между первой и второй текучими средами содержит: множество модулей теплообмена между первой и второй текучими средами, распределенных вокруг центральной оси (X) и содержащих находящиеся друг против друга соответствующие боковые стороны; коллекторы питания модулей первичной и вторичной текучими средами и коллекторы удаления этих текучих сред. По меньшей мере, некоторые из указанных коллекторов и/или части указанных коллекторов расположены между модулями, при этом указанные коллекторы или части коллекторов, охватывающие один и тот же модуль, расположены по существу симметрично по отношению к центральной плоскости, проходящей между двумя боковыми сторонами указанного модуля таким образом, чтобы указанные коллекторы или части коллекторов создавали в боковых сторонах модуля по существу одинаковые термические напряжения. Технический результат - снижение термомеханических ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571695C2

В теплообменнике (12), включающем уложенные друг над другом в виде штабеля пары пластин (29), причем между обеими пластинами (30, 31) одной пары пластин (29) образовано первое проточное пространство для пропуска первой текучей среды, второе проточное пространство (21) для пропуска второй текучей среды, причем второе проточное пространство (21) образовано между двумя соседними парами пластин (29), впускное отверстие (32) для впуска первой текучей среды, выпускное отверстие (33) для выпуска первой текучей среды, пластины (30, 31) имеют по меньшей мере одно удлиненное отверстие, в частности по меньшей мере одно удлиненное щелевое отверстие, для уменьшения напряжений в пластинах (30, 31). Технический результат - повышение устойчивости теплообменника к высоким термическим и механическим нагрузкам, увеличение ресурса работы. 3 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2607130C2
Принадлежит: Кельвион ПХЕ ГмбХ (DE)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу получения пластинчатого теплообменника, содержащего каналы потока, по которым текут первый и второй потоки, причем каналы потока сформированы для первой среды между отдельными пластинами (1), соединенными вместе для формирования в каждом случае пары (P) пластин, и для второй среды между парами (Р) пластин, соединенными вместе для формирования пакета (S) пластин. Для экономически эффективного производства пластин с встречным потоком, а также пластин с перекрестным потоком на одной производственной установке, в настоящем изобретении предлагается, чтобы отдельные пластины (1) производили в каждом случае из непрессованной заготовки пластины, причем вначале выполняют переоборудование рабочего инструмента при помощи взаимозаменяемых элементов пресс-формы для получения пластин с перекрестным потоком или пластин с встречным потоком, и затем заготовку пластины прессуют посредством переоборудованного инструмента в пластину с перекрестным потоком или пластину ...

10-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2279307C2
Принадлежит: МЕТАНОЛ КАЗАЛЕ С.А. (CH)

Псевдоизотермический реактор по существу с цилиндрическим корпусом, закрытым с противоположных концов соответствующими днищами, по меньшей мере одно из которых имеет по меньшей мере один люк с отверстием, диаметр которого меньше диаметра корпуса, и расположенной внутри корпуса зоной реакции со слоем катализатора, согласно изобретению имеет по меньшей мере два расположенных в зоне реакции модульных и собранных теплообменника, размеры поперечного сечения которых меньше размеров отверстия люка и каждый из которых имеет по меньшей мере один пластинчатый теплообменный элемент. Технический результат - оптимизация процесса теплообмена. 2 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-03-2004 дата публикации

Пластинчатый теплообменник и пластинчатый элемент дл него

Номер: RU2225580C2
Принадлежит: СЕИДЕЛ Пессах (IL)

Заявленное изобретение предназначено для применения в пластинчатых теплообменниках, а именно в пакетах пластинчатых элементов. Пластинчатый теплообменник включает несущую конструкцию, имеющую вытянутое несущее устройство, и большое количество плоских пластинчатых элементов, выполненных из теплопроводного материала и приспособленных для присоединения к вышеупомянутому несущему устройству так, чтобы опираться на него, причем согласно изобретению на кромке каждого пластинчатого элемента выполнена, по крайней мере, одна область зацепления с несущим устройством для обеспечения защелкиваемого соединения между ними, которая включает, по крайней мере, одну упругую деталь в виде гибкого рычага, приспособленную для отгибания в направлении, которое, с одной стороны, является поперечным к направлению соединения, и, с другой стороны, является в значительной степени параллельным плоскости упомянутого пластинчатого элемента. Пластинчатый элемент для использования в пластинчатом теплообменнике выполнен ...

10-03-2004 дата публикации

Способ работы пластинчатого теплообменника и устройство дл его осуществлени

Номер: RU2225581C2

Заявленное изобретение предназначено для применения в котельных и тепловых сетях. Предложенный способ работы пластинчатого теплообменника включает подачу и вывод потоков жидкостей в щелевые каналы через соответствующие пары входных и выходных отверстий в каждой пластине, равномерное распределение потоков по ширине упомянутых каналов, турбулизацию потоков путем создания движения жидкости на поверхностях с регулярным рельефом вогнутостей, причем турбулизацию потоков осуществляют созданием течения жидкости на поверхностях с регулярным рельефом четырехгранных пирамидальных вогнутостей, а распределение потока жидкости по ширине щелевого канала осуществляют путем, по меньшей мере, одной дополнительной пары входного и выходного отверстий в пластине для упомянутого канала. Предложенный пластинчатый теплообменник включает установленный между прижимными плитами пакет теплообменных пластин прямоугольной формы, выполненных с регулярным рельефом вогнутостей, с канавками, в которые уложены уплотнительные ...

27-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2211423C2

Изобретение предназначено для применения в устройствах для проведения теплообменных процессов между двумя средами через стенку, а именно в химической, пищевой и нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности. Изобретение содержит пучок пластинчатый теплообменника, содержащий пакет теплообменника "ПЛАСТАН", собранный из плоскопараллельных пластин с пуклевками в виде части сферы или цилиндра, или волны, сваренных попарно в короба, которые зафиксированы по торцам в распределительных плитах с зазором друг с другом, с каналами для входа и выхода горячего и холодного продукта и уплотнительными элементами, причем пакет теплообменника снабжен установленными между распределительными плитами двумя дополнительными плоскопараллельными плитами и съемной монтажно-транспортной опорой, при этом одна из дополнительных плит монтирована под пакетом теплообменника и снабжена полозьями или колесами, а другая размещена на пакете теплообменника, причем на обеих дополнительных плитах выполнены поперечные перегородки для ...

10-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2296616C2

Изобретение относится к области обмена и/или реакции между текучими средами, касается ли это обмена калориями или фригориями, например, посредством нагрева или охлаждения, или обмена составляющими элементами, например, посредством фильтрации или сепарации, или абсорбции, или десорбции, или впрыскивания вещества (веществ), или химической реакции. Сущность изобретения: устройство для обмена и/или реакции между, по меньшей мере, двумя текучими средами, содержит прикрепленные друг к другу модульные блоки (Bi), причем каждый блок содержит первый разделитель (1) с первой боковой стенкой и полой центральной частью, образующий первую камеру (2) для потока первой текучей среды, второй разделитель (7) с первой боковой стенкой, образующий вторую камеру (6) для потока второй текучей среды, причем первая и вторая камеры отделены, по меньшей мере, одной разделительной пластиной (11), и выполненные в разделителях отверстия для подачи текучей среды в камеры и сбора текучей среды из камер. Каждый разделитель ...

27-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2356616C2
Принадлежит: МЕТАНОЛ КАСАЛЕ С.А. (CH)

Изобретение относится к химической промышленности и может быть использовано, в частности, для получения мочевины при высоком давлении. Псевдоизотермический химический реактор имеет множество коробчатых теплообменников, по существу плоской прямоугольной формы. Теплообменники изготовлены из двух уложенных с зазором друг на друга и соединенных по периметру металлических листов, образующих внутреннюю полость, через которую в определенном направлении пропускается текучий теплоноситель. Между металлическими листами во внутренней полости теплообменника расположены промежуточные элементы, предотвращающие сплющивание или выпучивание металлических листов. Промежуточные элементы изготовлены в виде металлической сетки, вытянутой металлической пластины или решетки и приварены к листам теплообменника в заранее выбранных точках. Реактор выдерживает без деформации и коробления высокую разность давлений между зоной реакции и внутренней полостью теплообменника. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2293271C2

Изобретение предназначено для применения в пластинчатых теплообменниках. Теплообменная пластина для пластинчатого теплообменника, содержащая первую часть (А), расположенную на первом краевом участке теплообменной пластины и содержащую, по меньшей мере, один канал для каждой из двух сред, вторую часть (В), расположенную на втором краевом участке теплообменной пластины и содержащую, по меньшей мере, один канал для каждой из сред, и теплообменную часть, расположенную между частями (А, В), при этом каналы на первой части (А) расположены вдоль первой геометрической линии (LA, LA1, LA2), проходящей, по существу, параллельно продольному направлению (L) пластины, и каналы на второй части (В) расположены вдоль второй геометрической линии (LB, LB1, LB2), проходящей, по существу, параллельно продольному направлению (L) пластины, причем, по меньшей мере, на первой части (А) рядом с одним из каналов, расположенным ближе всего ко второй части (В), установлен ограничитель потока, который имеет такую протяженность ...

22-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636358C2

Изобретение относится к теплообменнику, в частности, охладителю газообразных отходов или охладителю наддувочного воздуха, содержащему пакет (2) пластин, состоящий из нескольких продолговатых пар (32) пластин, причем соответственно соединенные друг с другом две пластины (18, 18') образуют между собой второй канал (4) рабочей среды, а между двумя парами пластин образован первый канал (30) рабочей среды, причем первый канал (30) рабочей среды охвачен двумя вторыми каналами (4) рабочей среды, причем каждый второй канал (4) рабочей среды присоединен, по меньшей мере, к одному сборному каналу (11, 12) охлаждающего агента. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2403523C2

Изобретение относится к теплотехнике и может быть использовано в любых отраслях техники для нагрева или охлаждения жидких или газообразных сред, а также в качестве испарителей и конденсаторов. Матрица пластинчатого теплообменника состоит из набора пластин с гофрами, расположенными под острым или тупым углом к любой из сторон пластин и образующих теплообменную поверхность. Теплообменная поверхность занимает всю пластину, фронтальные поверхности входа и выхода теплоносителей расположены по периферии пластины. При наложении пластин друг на друга образуются перекрещивающиеся каналы для греющего и нагреваемого теплоносителя. Каналы герметично закрыты по периметру пластин, кроме каналов соответствующего теплоносителя на участках входа и выхода. Участки входа и выхода одного теплоносителя находятся на противоположных сторонах пластин, а другого теплоносителя -симметрично на двух других сторонах при удалении участков входа от участков выхода на длину пластины без отбортовок. Каналы для греющего ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2298432C2
Принадлежит: МЕТАНОЛ КАСАЛЕ С.А. (CH)

Блочный теплообменник для радиальных или радиально-осевых изотермических реакторов имеет по существу кольцевую и цилиндрическую конструкцию с осевым проходным отверстием определенного диаметра и состоит из множества по существу прямоугольных сплющенных коробчатых теплообменников, расположенных в нескольких имеющих общую ось концентричных зонах и образующих в блочном теплообменнике множество по существу радиальных групп, состоящих из лежащих в одной радиальной плоскости и в разных кольцевых зонах теплообменников, длинные стороны которых проходят параллельно оси блочного теплообменника, а короткие стороны проходят в радиальном направлении, и каждый такой теплообменник имеет внутреннюю полость, через которую проходит текучий теплоноситель, по меньшей мере одну расположенную на одной стороне теплообменника трубу для распределения подаваемого в него текучего теплоносителя и по меньшей мере одну расположенную на противоположной стороне теплообменника трубу, в которой собирается прошедший через ...

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126519C1

Способ предназначен для криогенного фракционирования (при самоохлаждении) и очистки и совместно с теплообменником для его осуществления относится к холодильной технике. Газовый поток обрабатывают в теплообменнике, образующем единый узел: он частично конденсируется при охлаждении в контурах С1 и С5, несконденсировавшуюся газовую фазу нагревают в контуре С2. Необходимый холод получают от конденсатов, которые после переохлаждения в контуре С3 и дросселирования через клапан V1 испаряются в контуре С4. Процесс может осуществляться в теплообменнике, состоящем из множества каналов в каждом контуре. Способ позволяет эффективно очищать газовый поток из нескольких конденсируемых компонентов при охлаждении. 2 с. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 8 табл.

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU130378U1

Пластинчатый теплообменник, содержащий пакет металлических пластин, размещенных внутри каркаса из скрепленных между собой профилей и крышек с образованием каналов для газовых потоков ребрами жесткости и плоскими поверхностями пластин, при этом ребра жесткости расположены перпендикулярно плоскости металлической пластины и параллельно друг к другу и к борту теплообменника, а пластины в пакете расположены с чередованием каналов для газовых потоков во взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях, причем ребра жесткости сформированы на металлической пластине путем штамповки канавок на глубину, соответствующую высоте ребер жесткости, с последующим сдавливанием стенок канавок до создания ребер жесткости.

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU154573U1

Пластинчатый теплообменник, содержащий корпус с расположенными в нём неразъёмно соединёнными параллельными пластинами, сформированными в пакет с первыми межпластинчатыми промежутками для первой среды и вторыми межпластинчатыми промежутками для второй среды, отличающийся тем, что каждый межпластинчатый промежуток снабжён подводящим штуцером, расположенным в нижней части корпуса, верхняя часть каждого межпластинчатого промежутка выполнена с расширением, снабжённым переливной перегородкой, и закрыта кожухами, образующими коллекторы слива со штуцерами отвода первой и второй среды соответственно, причём переливные перегородки расширений первых межпластинчатых промежутков для первой среды и вторых межпластинчатых промежутков для второй среды расположены на противоположных сторонах, а в каждом межпластинчатом промежутке размещён слой мелкозернистого материала.

10-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU59230U1

Полезная модель относится к теплотехнике, а именно, к теплообменным элементам пластинчатых теплообменников. Теплообменный элемент выполнен в виде пластины квадратной или прямоугольной формы с выполненными противоположных ее углах ассиметричными каналами, имеющими отбортовки конической формы, на конце каждой из которых имеется цилиндрический поясок, как минимум, на одной стороне пластины имеются канавки, причем на пластине, в двух других противоположных ее углах, выполнены ассиметричные отверстия. 2 илл.

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2391614C1

Изобретение относится к газотурбостроению и может быть применено в рекуператорах. Воздушно-газовый противоточный пластинчатый матрично-кольцевой малогабаритный керамический рекуператор состоит из ряда цилиндрических теплообменных матриц разного диаметра, установленных соосно одна в другой, при этом каждая матрица выполнена в виде цилиндрического стакана, собранного в виде стопки плоских кольцевых листов - пластин с отверстиями и поперечными прорезями, имеющими определенный окружной шаг и предназначенными для раздельного движения в них потоков воздуха и отработанного горячего газа, причем эти воздушные и газовые потоки нигде не смешиваются при их движении в пространстве по спиралевидным ступенчатым цилиндрическим каналам и по коротким поперечным каналам. Техническим результатом изобретения является существенное улучшение характеристик (массогабаритных, стоимостных, материаловедческих) обычных пластинчатых рекуператоров, используемых в газотурбинных установках открытого цикла. 5 ил.

26-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2743818C2

Изобретение относится к области энергетики. Теплообменник содержит несколько пластин, размещенных параллельно друг другу таким образом, чтобы образовывать первый ряд проходов для направления по меньшей мере одной охлаждающей текучей среды (F1) и второй ряд проходов для направления по меньшей мере одной теплотворной текучей среды (F2) для приведения ее в теплообменный контакт по меньшей мере с указанной охлаждающей текучей средой (F1). По меньшей мере один проход первого ряда, образованный между второй пластиной, образующей смежный проход второго ряда, и первой пластиной. Смесительное устройство, также размещаемое в указанном по меньшей мере одном проходе первого ряда и содержащее: по меньшей мере один первый канал для направления газовой фазы охлаждающей текучей среды (F1), по меньшей мере один второй канал для направления жидкой фазы охлаждающей текучей среды (F1). Продольное сечение второго канала, измеряемое параллельно второй пластине, уменьшается в направлении указанной второй пластины ...

30-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013741C1

Использование: для повышения эффективности теплообменника за счет уменьшения веса и габаритов и повышения технологичности. Сущность изобретения: теплообменник содержит пакет гофрированных теплообменных пластин. Они разделены дистанционирующими и уплотнительными элементами. Последние формируют в пакете собирающие и раздающие коллекторы и между пластинами теплообменные и коммутационные каналы. Гофры на участках пластин, формирующих теплообменные каналы, расположены цепочкой в один ряд вдоль оси теплообменного канала. При размещении теплообменной поверхности в центральной зоне пластины на ней выполнен один гофр. При размещении теплообменной поверхности в периферийной зоне в радиальном направлении за коллекторами количество гофров выбрано из ряда чисел 1, 2, 4. Гофры в сечении поперечными к оси пакета плоскостями имеют в радиальном направлении выпуклую криволинейную форму. 2 з. п. ф - лы, 6 ил.

10-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2077010C1

Использование: в теплотехнике. Сущность изобретения: каналы 19 конденсации азота образованы с помощью заслонки 22, над которой размещен отсек 23 для распределения жидкого кислорода, закрытый в его верхнем конце. Этот отсек 23 содержит на середине высоты перфорированную горизонтальную заслонку 27 и под ней футеровку 28 с вырезами с горизонтальными образующими. Жидкий кислород вводят сбоку в эти отсеки, предварительно распределяя его через отверстия 33 заслонки 27 при помощи футеровки 28, и он проходит в смежные каналы 18 испарения кислорода, открытые сверху и снизу, через горизонтальную прорезь 34, расположенную как раз над заслонкой 22. Теплообменник применен в главных испарителях-конденсаторах установок дистилляции воздуха с двумя колоннами. 2 с. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2094726C1

Использование: в энергетическом и химическом машиностроении, в частности в теплообменниках, охладителях, подогревателях и т.п. Сущность изобретения: повышение прочности конструкции с обеспечением компактности при значениях перепада давлений обеспечивается тем, что в пластинчатом теплообменнике каналы 5 и 6 для циркуляции теплообменных сред выполнены за счет изгиба гофрированной или гладкой ленты 4 с обеспечением замкнутого контура в поперечном сечении, а на входных и выходных участках каналов установлены закладные элементы. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2435121C1

Изобретение относится к энергетике и может быть использовано для утилизации тепловых отходов, в частности для утилизации дымовых газов. Аэродинамическая установка содержит вытяжную башню с входными отверстиями в ее нижней части, ветровое колесо с вертикальной осью вращения, соединенное с генератором, и воздухонаправляющие щиты. Вокруг основания башни расположена плоская кольцевая распределительная система с отверстиями наверху для выхода дымовых газов и размещенная на ней емкость для жидкости с отверстиями, совпадающими с отверстиями распределительной системы. На емкости для жидкости находятся воздухонаправляющие щиты, касательные к сечению башни, с подвижными воздушными заслонками у их внешних концов, и положенное на воздухонаправляющие щиты горизонтальное перекрытие, находящееся над входными окнами вытяжной башни. Изобретение обеспечивает расширение области применения и повышение надежности и энергоэффективности аэродинамических установок при утилизации тепловых отходов. 1 ил.

20-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2031346C1

Использование: для охлаждения различых сред в нефтяной, газовой, химической и других отраслях промышленности. Сущность изобретения: пакет пластинчатого теплообменника содержит листы 1, между которыми установлены уплотняющие бруски 3. В каналах размещены насадки в виде проволочных спиралей 2, образованных витками разновеликого диаметра, и отношение максимального к минимальному диаметру равно 2,5..25. Спирали могут быть соединены с листами торцами и установлены в каналах вертикально. Спираль в канале может быть одна и установлена в нем зигзагообразно. Витки спирали максимального диаметра имеют форму эллипса, малая ось которого перпендикулярна листам. Центры витков каждой спирали могут быть смещены относительно друг друга. Витки спиралей максимального диаметра могут быть расположены на входном и выходном участках канала. Спирали могут быть выполнены с монотонным убыванием диаметров витков с образованием идентичных конусов, частично вложенных друг в друга. Витки спиралей с разновеликим диаметром ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462677C1

Изобретение относится к теплообменной технике и может быть использовано в пластинчатых теплообменниках. Матрица пластинчатого теплообменника содержит между теплоотдающими профильными поверхностями промежуточную профильную пластину-турбулизатор с такой же геометрией рельефа, обеспечивающую существенное увеличение соотношения проходных сечений профилированных каналов для смежных теплоносителей и их высокую теплоэнергетическую эффективность. 4 ил.

20-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2068167C1

Использование: для утилизации теплоты паровоздушных выбросов в различных отраслях промышленности, например, в текстильной и химической. Сущность изобретения: теплообменник содержит камеру 1 с профилированными листами 2, которые образуют конфузор-диффузорные каналы 3, 4. С одной стороны расположены патрубки подвода, а с другой - отвода теплоносителей. В стенках конфузорных участков имеются отверстия для организации фильтрации горячего теплоносителя в холодный. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2110030C1

Изобретение относится к пластинчатому теплообменнику для теплообмена между двумя жидкостями при разных больших расходах, содержащему несколько по существу прямоугольных теплообменных пластин 2а, имеющих входные и выходные отверстия 5а, 6а и 7а, 8а в угловых частях 9а, 10а, 11а, 12а. Каждая теплообменная пластина 2а имеет центральную теплообменную часть 17а и две распределительные части 15а, 16а, расположенные между теплообменной частью 17а и соответствующими входными и выходными отверстиями 5а, 6а, 7а, 8а. В соответствии с изобретением размеры входного и выходного отверстий 5а, 6а для одной из названных двух жидкостей отличаются от размера входного и выходного отверстий 7а, 8а для другой жидкости. Дополнительно распределительные части 15а, 16а теплообменных пластин создают большее гидродинамическое сопротивление для первой названной жидкости, чем для другой жидкости. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2578741C1

Изобретение относится к области теплотехники. Пластинчатый теплообменник (2) содержит первую рамную пластину (4), вторую рамную пластину (6) и пакет (24) теплообменных пластин (26). Каждая из теплообменных пластин имеет центральный участок (56) и периферийный участок (58), окружающий центральный участок. Теплообменные пластины расположены попарно между первой и второй рамными пластинами, причем первый потоковый путь (F1) для первой текучей среды образуется между теплообменными пластинами пар и второй потоковый путь (F2) для второй текучей среды образуется между парами теплообменных пластин. Первый или второй потоковый путь является путем свободного потока, вдоль которого центральные участки теплообменных пластин полностью отделены друг от друга. Пластинчатый теплообменник дополнительно содержит усиливающую пластину (28a), которая толще, чем теплообменные пластины и имеет центральный участок (100), окруженный периферийным участком (102). Усиливающая пластина расположена между первой рамной ...

28-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692865C1
Принадлежит: Данфосс А/С (DK)

Теплопередающая пластина (10) кожухопластинчатого теплообменника (100), причем теплопередающая пластина (10) имеет тело (11) пластины, имеющее первую и вторую стороны (111, 112), противоположные по отношению друг к другу в направлении, перпендикулярном к телу (11) пластины; и выступ (12), отходящий от тела (11) пластины в направлении от первой стороны (111) ко второй стороне (112), проходящий вдоль участка (115S) периферии (115) тела (11) пластины и имеющий первый конец (121) и второй конец (122). 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

22-01-2021 дата публикации

Воздушный пластинчатый рекуператор

Номер: RU2741182C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для рекуперации тепла путём теплообмена между двумя теплоносителями. Изобретение предназначено для уменьшения ширины и массы воздушного пластинчатого рекуператора. Воздушный пластинчатом рекуператор включает корпус прямоугольного сечения, разделённый установленными в нём теплообменными пластинами на ряд каналов, воздуховод для первого теплоносителя, сообщающийся с одной половиной каналов, и воздуховод для второго теплоносителя, сообщающийся с другой половиной каналов. Каналы для первого теплоносителя чередуются с каналами для второго, ширина канала выполнена в соответствии с объёмным расходом теплоносителя и определена по формуле, полученной из условия, что аэродинамическое сопротивление канала равно допускаемой величине. Техническое решение позволяет уменьшить ширину и массу воздушного пластинчатого рекуператора за счёт обеспечения соответствия ширины каналов расходам теплоносителей. 1 ил.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485428C1

Изобретение относится к области теплотехники и может быть использовано в теплообменных аппаратах. В способе охлаждения двух потоков теплоносителя путем теплообмена с охлаждающим воздухом через теплообменную поверхность в многоходовом перекрестноточном теплообменнике оба потока охлаждаются в единой двухсекционной матрице теплообменника, при этом поток теплоносителя, имеющий более высокую входную температуру, предварительно охлаждается в первой секции матрицы, используя температурный потенциал выходящего потока охлаждающего воздуха, затем, смешиваясь с основным потоком теплоносителя, изменяя его входную температуру и повышая температурный напор, поступает во вторую секцию матрицы, где оба потока продолжают охлаждаться до необходимой температуры набегающим воздушным потоком при более высоком температурном напоре. Технический результат - повышение эффективности теплообменника и уменьшение гидравлического сопротивления воздушного тракта. 8 ил.

25-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2754050C1

Изобретение относится к области теплотехники и может быть использовано в пластинчатых теплообменниках для обработки подаваемого вещества. Пластинчатый теплообменник включает в себя пакет пластин, содержащий множество теплообменных пластин, и определяет нагревающий объем, охлаждающий объем и множество технологических объемов. Каждый из технологических объемов включает в себя испарительную секцию для испарения части подаваемого вещества, отделительную секцию для отделения неиспарившейся части подаваемого вещества от испарившейся части подаваемого вещества и конденсационную секцию для конденсации испарившейся части подаваемого вещества. Каждая теплообменная пластина определяет первую поверхность теплового раздела между нагревающим объемом и испарительной секцией первого технологического объема, вторую поверхность теплового раздела между охлаждающим объемом и конденсационной секцией второго технологического объема и по меньшей мере одну дополнительную поверхность теплового раздела между испарительной ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2755961C1

Изобретение относится к области теплотехники и может быть использовано в пластинчатых теплообменниках. Теплопередающая пластина (2) содержит первую область (14) распределения, снабженную первым распределительным рисунком, вторую область (22) распределения, снабженную вторым распределительным рисунком, и область (26) теплопередачи, снабженную теплопередающим рисунком, отличающимся от первого и второго распределительных рисунков. Первый и второй распределительные рисунки являются рисунками типа шоколада и содержат распределительные гребни (50) и распределительные впадины (52). Распределительные гребни (50) и распределительные впадины (52) первого и второго распределительных рисунков, расположенные ближе всего к области (26) теплопередачи, образуют концевые гребни (66) и концевые впадины (68). Верхний участок (58) теплопередающей пластины (2) по меньшей мере одного из множества концевых гребней (66) вдоль по меньшей мере части своей продольной протяженности может иметь вторую ширину (w2), ...

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2430822C1

Изобретение относится к области энергомашиностроения и может быть использовано при изготовлении разборных пластинчатых теплообменников. Теплообменные пластины с расположенными между ними уплотнительными прокладками собирают в пакет с образованием теплообменных каналов. Пакет размещают между основной и прижимной плитами на верхней и нижней направляющих. Используют направляющие в виде цилиндрических стержней с резьбовыми хвостовиками на концах, которые закрепляют одним концом на основной плите, а другим - на опоре. Пакет стягивают и закрепляют между основной и прижимной плитами путем затягивания резьбовых шпилек. Шпильки имеют диаметр, равный диаметру резьбовых хвостовиков. После стягивания пакета пластин резьбовыми шпильками отвинчивают гайки с резьбовых хвостовиков направляющих. Опору демонтируют и на концы цилиндрических стержней со стороны опоры устанавливают металлические втулки толщиной 5-6 мм. Втулки выступают за торец стержней на величину 5-6 мм. Затем повторно устанавливают опору ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003122084A

... 1. Теплообменник пластинчатый разборный, содержащий гофрированные пластины с коллекторными отверстиями для подвода и удаления жидкости, попарно соединенные между собой через уплотнительные прокладки, расположенные за пределами гофр, и стянутые с помощью нажимных плит и нескольких винтовых тяг в пакет, причем в каждой из нажимных плит имеется несколько сквозных отверстий и соединенных с ними патрубков, причем торцевая поверхность каждой из плит установлена параллельно гофрированным пластинам, а между выступами гофр смежных пластин имеется зазор, отличающийся тем, что между торцевой поверхности каждой из нажимных плит и смежными с ними пластинами пакета установлены уплотнительные прокладки, а вся торцевая поверхность плит до прокладок вместе с отверстиями и патрубками дополнительно снабжена защитным покрытием. 2. Теплообменник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что защитное покрытие плит выполнено многослойным. 3. Теплообменник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на внутренней стороне каждой из нажимных ...

20-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96106157A

... 1. Пластинчатый теплообменник, содержащий корпус с устройствами для подвода и отвода одного теплоносителя, а также установленный в корпусе по крайней мере один пакет попарно соединенных по периферийным кромкам гофрированных пластин и патрубки подвода и отвода второго теплоносителя, сообщенные с коллекторами, образованными выполненными в пластинах окнами с отбортовками, отличающийся тем, что корпус включает соединенные стяжными элементами прижимные плиты, между которыми становлен вышеописанный пакет пластин, при этом корпус снабжен тепло- и звукоизоляцией. 2. Теплообменник по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что угол при вершине гофра пластины составляет 50 - 100o. 3. Теплообменник по пп. 1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что попарно скрепленные пластины размещены с образованием зазора между вершинами гофр в каждой паре. 4. Теплообменник по пп. 1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что пары пластин расположены с зазором относительно смежной пары пластин. 5. Теплообменник по пп. 1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что все пластины ...

10-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005126304A

... 1. Испарительный теплообменник для передачи тепла к первой текучей среде от второй текучей среды и третьей текучей среды для испарения первой текучей среды, содержащий сердечник, включающий первую секцию, вторую секцию и третью секцию, причем вторая секция соединяет первую и третью секции, первая и третья секции отделены друг от друга в местах, удаленных от второй секции, чтобы обеспечить поправку на разности в термическом расширении между первой и третьей секциями, первый путь потока в сердечнике для первой текучей среды, причем первый путь потока включает первый проход в первой секции сердечника и второй проход в третьей секции центральной части, причем первый путь потока проходит через вторую секцию и является непрерывным между первым и вторым проходами, второй путь потока в сердечнике для второй текучей среды, причем второй путь потока накладывается на первый проход в первой секции сердечника для передачи тепла от второй текучей среды к первой текучей среде в первом проходе, и третий ...

27-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94012040A1

Использование: газотурбинный двигатель малой мощности, преимущественно для автомобилей. Сущность: газотурбинный двигатель, содержащий последовательно по ходу рабочего тела включенные нагреватель (камеру сгорания), турбину, нагревающий тракт основного теплообменника и компрессор, причем охлаждающий тракт основного теплообменника сообщен на входе с атмосферой, а выход охлаждающего тракта основного теплообменника сообщен с входом нагревателя (камеры сгорания), между нагревающим трактом основного теплообменника и компрессором включен дополнительный газовоздушный теплообменник, между нагревающим трактом основного теплообменника и компрессором включен топливогазовый теплообменник, газотурбинный двигатель снабжен перепускной магистралью, имеющей клапан, которая сообщает выход дополнительного газовоздушного теплообменника по воздуху с входом охлаждающего тракта основного теплообменника, причем последний выполнен из кольцевых пластин с выштамповками секторных внутренних и наружных окон и прямолинейных ...

20-10-2006 дата публикации

Пластинчатый перекрестноточный теплообменник

Номер: SU1598592A1

Пластинчатый перекрестноточный теплообменник, содержащий пакет плоских листов и размещенные между ними гофрированные пластины с образованием центральных и периферийных каналов для теплообменивающихся сред, снабженных двутавровыми проставками, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эксплуатационной надежности, центральные каналы выполнены без проставок, а проставки в периферийных каналах расположены с увеличением их числа в каждом канале в направлении от центра к периферии.

20-09-2006 дата публикации

Подогреватель газа

Номер: SU1383947A1

Подогреватель газа, содержащий корпус и установленный в нем с зазором блок металлических теплоаккумулирующих элементов с каналами для прохода нагреваемого газа и электрические нагревательные спирали, равномерно расположенные по объему блока, отличающийся тем, что, с целью интенсификации теплообмена и повышения эксплуатационной надежности при высоких давлениях газа, теплоаккумулирующие элементы выполнены в виде расположенных с зазором одна относительно другой пластин с пазами, причем в зазоры помещены прокладки из высокотеплопроводного металла, а нагревательные спирали размещены в пазах пластин и выполнены с теплопроводной изоляцией, заключенной в металлическую оболочку, контактирующую с теплоаккумулирующими элементами, причем выводы спиралей расположены в зазоре между корпусом и блоком, а указанный зазор заполнен термостойкой органической массой.

27-07-2006 дата публикации

Способ изготовления теплообменника с плоскими трубами

Номер: SU1394871A1

Способ изготовления теплообменника с плоскими трубами, путем закрепления на трубах пластинчатого оребрения с получением у труб оголенных концевых участков, сборки их в пакет и последующей пайки, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения качества изготовления, у крайних труб оребрение с наружной стороны выполняют меньших размеров, а перед пайкой в межтрубное пространство вводят поперечные термостабилизирующие элементы в виде листов в зоне оребрения и вкладышей в зоне концевых участков, торцы которых выводят за пределы труб, и после пайки указанные элементы удаляют.

27-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2549759C1
Принадлежит: НЕСТЕК С.А. (CH)

Теплообменник содержит открытую камеру, трубопровод, который расположен внутри камеры и содержит вторую композицию, датчик уровня для поддержания заданного количества первой композиции в камере. Заданное количество первой композиции соответствует уровню первой композиции, составляющему приблизительно от 75% до приблизительно 95% высоты камеры. Система асептической обработки пищевых продуктов содержит нагревательное устройство, устройство выдержки, охлаждающее устройство, которое имеет камеру для содержания первой композиции и некоторого количества воздуха, трубопровод, который расположен внутри камеры для содержания второй композиции и датчик уровня для поддержания заданного количества первой композиции в камере. Способ производства асептичного пищевого продукта включает нагревание пищевой композиции до заданной температуры, выдерживание композиции в течение заданного времени, охлаждение композиции в охлаждающем устройстве, которое имеет камеру для содержания первой композиции и некоторого ...

30-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718109C1
Принадлежит: Данфосс А/С (DK)

Настоящее изобретение относится к защелкивающему элементу прокладки для теплообменника, состоящего из собранных в стопку пластин. Прокладка содержит основной участок, выполненный с возможностью установки в прокладочной канавке, образованной в теплообменной пластине и окружающей теплообменную область, причем теплообменная пластина дополнительно содержит структуру из вершин и углублений, размещенную в наружной краевой области по внешней периферии прокладочной канавки, и причем прокладка содержит защелкивающий элемент, выполненный с возможностью размещения в углублении. Кроме того, настоящее изобретение относится к способу крепления прокладки. 4 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

20-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008140299A

... 1. Устройство (1) теплообмена между первой и второй текучими средами, содержащее герметичную камеру (2) с центральной осью (X); множество модулей (12) теплообмена между первой и второй текучими средами, размещенных внутри герметичной камеры (2) вокруг центральной оси (X) и содержащих расположенные друг против друга соответствующие боковые стороны (47); по меньшей мере один коллектор (14) питания модулей (12) первичной текучей средой; по меньшей мере один коллектор (16) питания модулей (12) вторичной текучей средой; по меньшей мере один коллектор (18) сбора и удаления первичной текучей среды, выходящей из модулей (12); и по меньшей мере один коллектор (20) сбора и удаления вторичной текучей среды, выходящей из модулей (12), отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, некоторые из указанных коллекторов (14, 16) и/или части указанных коллекторов (18) расположены между модулями (12), размещенными последовательно вокруг центральной оси (X), при этом указанные коллекторы (14, 16) или части коллекторов ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2559412C1

Изобретение относится к теплотехнике и может быть использовано в теплообменных аппаратах. Кожухопластинчатый теплообменник содержит корпус с двумя крышками, патрубки подвода и отвода теплоносителей и установленный в корпусе пакет пластин с отверстиями, образующими коллекторы первого теплоносителя, при этом между указанными коллекторами расположены каналы второго теплоносителя. Пакет пластин выполнен в виде кругового цилиндра и состоит из по меньшей мере одной секции. Секция содержит n одинаковых пластин сетчато-поточного типа с турбулизаторами в виде полых двусторонних выступов одинаковой высоты в форме усеченных конусов, по вершинам которых стянуты пластины, образующие между собой сетку взаимных опор с прямоугольной структурой и каналами теплоносителей между ними, причем основания усеченных конусов выполнены в виде параллелограммов, стороны которых являются сторонами соседних оснований. Соседние выступы соединены седловидными перемычками. Технический результат предлагаемого изобретения ...

20-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU93035599A

Использование: в теплотехнике, в частности в теплообменниках с увеличенной площадью поверхности теплообмена в единичном объеме теплообменника, в энергетике, химической и пищевой промышленностях. Сущность изобретения: теплообменник состоит из корпуса и установленного в нем разборного пакета пластин. В пакете пластины неразъемно соединены по замкнутым контурам в группы, в частности попарно. Пакет пластин разделен перегородками на секции. Схема течения теплоносителей по секциям определяется взаимным расположением отверстий в соседних перегородках. Теплообменник имеет регулируемые характеристики, поскольку число пластин, а также число и положение перегородок в пакете могут изменяться. Теплообменник может иметь модульное исполнение, при этом каждый модуль может быть вычленен из теплообменника и выполнять функции автономного теплообменника.

27-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003113128A

Пластинчатый теплообменник, содержащий пластины, оребренные с обеих сторон и собранные в пакет с образованием каналов между поверхностями пластин и ребер, отличающийся тем, что на обеих сторонах каждой пластины выполнено по меньшей мере по одному дополнительному ребру, расположенному на краю пластины и удаленному от ближайшего ребра на расстояние, равное толщине ребра, расположенного на противоположном краю этой же стороны пластины.

10-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95109845A

... \ \ 1 Изобретение относится к способу приваривания гребенчатых уплотнительных планок к пластинчатым теплообменникам, состоящим из множества попарно соединенных в пары отдельных пластин, изготовленных предпочтительно из вызококоррозионностойкого материала, соединенных между собой, в свою очередь, в штабель и снабженных гребенчатыми планками для разделения участвующих в теплообмене газовых потоков. Для получения газонепроницаемых и коррозионностойких сварных швов сварку входящих в прорези уплотнительной планки краев отдельных пластин с уплотнительной планкой осуществляют по меньшей мере с частичным использованием выступающего за наружную поверхность уплотнительной планки материала торцевых кромок краев пластин. Примыкающие к соединенным между собой краям пластин торцевые кромки краевых зон отдельных пластин сваривают с наружной стороной уплотнительной планки без присадочного материала с использованием материала пластин. Непрерывно возникающее в процессе сварки тепло отводят за счет прилегания ...

27-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97117614A

... 1. Пластинчатый теплообменник, состоящий из труб и пластин, причем упомянутые пластины имеют дугообразные рифления, располагающиеся поперек пластины по крайней мере в два ряда, разделенные промежутком, причем упомянутые дугообразные рифления имеют трубные отверстия, окруженные манжетами и имеющие такую форму, чтобы упомянутые трубы в них помещались; и взаимно перпендикулярные ребра жесткости, расположенные на указанной пластине между упомянутыми рядами трубных отверстий. 2. Пластинчатый теплообменник по п. 1, в котором каждое трубное отверстие окружено манжетой, 3. Пластинчатый теплообменник по п. 1, в котором ребра жесткости выступают над плоскостью пластины. 4. Пластинчатый теплообменник, по п. 1, в котором упомянутые трубы имеют впадины в стенках. 5. Пластинчатый теплообменник, состоящий из труб и пластин, причем упомянутые пластины имеют дугообразные рифления, располагающиеся поперек пластины по крайней мере в два ряда, разделенные промежутком, упомянутые дугообразные рифления имеют ...

10-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93048648A

Изобретение относится к теплообменникам, в частности к способам изготовления матричных теплообменников, и может быть использовано в криогенной технике, теплотехнике. Способ изготовления матричного теплообменника включает размещение в коаксиальных каналах набивки и пропускание через каналы химического раствора. В качестве набивки используют проницаемую полимерную пену, а после пропускания раствора набивку с осажденным на нее металлом соединяют со стенками каналов путем нагрева до температуры спекания металла. Набивку используют в виде дискретных колец и размещают в каналах с зазором относительно друг друга. Предлагаемый способ позволяет расширить технологические возможности известных способов, обеспечить надежный металлический и тепловой контакт между набивкой и кольцами, а также получать набивку с переменным диаметром пор и связанным с ним переменной пористостью, удельной поверхностью, теплопроводностью и гидравлическим сопротивлением.

10-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99104671A

... 1. Пакет пластин для теплообменника, состоящий из чередующихся, примыкающих друг к другу, гладких пластин и гофрированных пластин-вставок, имеющих на поверхности гофры в виде чередующихся по одной из осей плоскости пластины-вставки выступов и впадин, отличающийся тем, что гофры на пластинах-вставках выполнены в виде выступов и впадин, чередующихся по обеим осям плоскости пластины-вставки. 2. Пакет пластин для теплообменника по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что гофры, выполненные в виде выступов и впадин, имеют разный размер. 3. Пакет пластин для теплообменника по пп. 1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что края пластин-вставок выполнены с возможностью обеспечения герметизации пакета при его сборке.

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010145153A

... 1. Пластинчатый теплообменник, содержащий множество теплообменных пластин (1), которые расположены рядом друг с другом и неразъемно соединены друг с другом для образования пакета пластин, имеющего первые промежутки 4 между пластинами и вторые промежутки 5 между пластинами, ! причем каждая теплообменная пластина (1) имеет теплопередающую область (20) и множество областей (21-24) с отверстием, причем каждая область (20-24) с отверстием окружает соответствующее отверстие, образованное краем (25) отверстия, ! причем каждая теплообменная пластина (1) проходит вдоль главной плоскости (р) прохождения, ! причем упомянутые области (20-24) проходят на одной стороне теплообменной пластины (1) между первичным уровнем (р') на расстоянии от главной плоскости (р) прохождения и вторичным уровнем (р'') на расстоянии и на противоположной стороне от главной плоскости (р) прохождения, и ! причем каждая из областей (21-24) с отверстием содержит: ! плоскую кольцевую область (31), расположенную на одном из первичного ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013140684A

... 1. Пластинчатый теплообменник, содержащий:множество пластин (2) теплообменника, расположенных одна за другой и образующих пакет (1) пластин с первыми промежутками (3) для первой среды и вторыми промежутками (4) для второй среды, при этом первый и второй промежутки (3, 4) чередуются в пакете (1) пластин,множество каналов, проходящих через пакет пластин и образующих первые впускной и выпускной каналы (5, 6), предназначенные для передачи первой среды в первые промежутки (3) и из первых промежутков (3),вкладыш (10), который обеспечен в одном из каналов для первой среды и содержит кольцевой корпус (11) и кольцевой фланец (12), выступающий из кольцевого корпуса (11) и обеспеченный между двумя пластинами (2) теплообменника пакета (1) пластин,при этом кольцевой фланец (12) имеет первую сторону (12a) и противоположную вторую сторону (12b), которая упирается в соответствующую одну из двух пластин (2) теплообменника,отличающийся тем, что первая сторона (12a) содержит кольцевое углубление (15) вблизи ...

27-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94040734A1

Изобретение относится к области энергетического и химического машиностроения и может быть использовано в теплообменниках, охладителях, подогревателях и др. Решаемая задача - повышение прочности конструкции с обеспечением компактности при значительных перепадах давлений. В пластинчатом теплообменнике каналы 5 и 6 для циркуляции выполнены за счет изгиба гофрированной или гладкой ленты с обеспечением замкнутого контура в поперечном сечении, на входных и выходных участках установлены закладные элементы 7 и 8.

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006102873A

... 1. Псевдоизотермический химический реактор (1) со множеством коробчатых теплообменников (7) по существу плоской прямоугольной формы, изготовленных из двух уложенных с зазором друг на друга и соединенных по периметру металлических листов (8, 8а), образующих внутреннюю полость (9) теплообменника, через которую в определенном направлении пропускается текучий теплоноситель, отличающийся тем, что между металлическими листами (8, 8а) во внутренней полости (9) теплообменника (7) расположены промежуточные элементы (12). 2. Химический реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что промежуточные элементы (12) изготовлены из металлической сетки, растянутого перфорированного металлического листа, решетки либо волнистого или гофрированного листа с параллельными гофрами. 3. Химический реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что промежуточные элементы (12) структурно не связаны с остальными деталями теплообменника. 4. Химический реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что промежуточные элементы (12) приварены к листам (8, ...

27-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: SU555687A1

... 1. Пакет пластинчатого теплообменника, содержащий плоские листы и расположенные между ними по всей плоскости гофрированные пластины, а по двум противоположным сторонам профилированные бруски, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения прочности и герметичности, бруски размещены от срезов листов на расстоянии, равном 0,1-0,5 высоты бруска, а образовавшиеся свободные края смежных листов встречно наклонены под углом 10-40° к плоскости листов. 2. Способ изготовления пакета пластинчатого теплообменника по п.1 путем нанесения между листами, гофрированными пластинами и брусками слоя припоя и последующей пайки, отличающийся тем, что между брусками и краями листов оставляют свободные участки, отгибают их навстречу один другому, заполняют пространство между припоем и перед пайкой пропитывают припой акриловой смолой.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005120015A

... 1. Способ изготовления многоканального устройства, содержащий следующие этапы: (а) изготовление частичного ламината, содержащее следующие этапы: (i) обеспечение базовой полосы, имеющей первую кромку и вторую кромку, причем вторая кромка расположена напротив и по существу параллельно первой кромке и первой поверхности, (ii) обеспечение первой кромочной полосы, (iii) обеспечение второй кромочной полосы, (iv) обеспечение, по выбору, одной или более дополнительных полос, (v) выравнивание первой кромочной полосы с первой кромкой базовой полосы, (vi) соприкосновение первой кромочной полосы с первой поверхностью базовой полосы, (vii) выравнивание второй кромочной полосы со второй кромкой базовой полосы, (viii) соприкосновение второй кромочной полосы с первой поверхностью базовой полосы, (ix) выравнивание любых, по выбору, дополнительных полос между первой кромочной полосой и второй кромочной полосой, (x) соприкосновение любых, по выбору, дополнительных полос с первой поверхностью базовой полосы ...

20-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002105664A

... 1. Пучок пластинчатый теплообменника, содержащий пакет теплообменника "ПЛАСТАН", собранный из плоскопараллельных пластин с пуклевками в виде части сферы или цилиндра, или волны, сваренных попарно в короба, которые зафиксированы по торцам в распределительных плитах с зазором друг с другом, с каналами для входа и выхода горячего и холодного продукта и уплотнительными элементами, отличающийся тем, что пакет теплообменника снабжен установленными между распределительными плитами двумя дополнительными плоскопараллельными плитами и съемной монтажно-транспортной опорой, при этом одна из дополнительных плит монтирована под пакетом теплообменника и снабжена полозьями или колесами, а другая размещена на пакете теплообменника, причем на обеих дополнительных плитах выполнены поперечные перегородки для перекрытия свободной площади поперечного сечения корпуса теплообменника, а на перегородках, выполненных перед каналом для выхода холодного продукта закреплен уплотнительный пояс, наружный диаметр которого ...

27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006122634A

... 1. Пластинчатый теплообменник (20, 120) для теплообменного блока (40) химического реактора (60), имеющий коробчатый корпус (22) по существу плоской прямоугольной формы, выполненный в виде прямоугольного параллелепипеда с внутренней полостью (24), соединенной с входным (28) и выходным (29) патрубками для подачи в нее и отвода из нее текучего теплоносителя, и расположенной в ней распределительной трубой (10, 110), которая проходит вдоль длинной стороны (22а) корпуса (22), отличающийся тем, что распределительная труба (10, 110) состоит из двух - первой, или наружной, (30, 130) и второй, или внутренней (32, 132), расположенных одна в другой труб, пространство (32а) между которыми сообщается через множество выполненных в наружной трубе (30, 130) отверстий (26) с внутренней полостью (24) теплообменника и с внутренней трубой (32, 132), которая соединена с входным патрубком (28) теплообменника, предназначенным для подачи в него текучего теплоносителя. 2. Пластинчатый теплообменник (20, 120) по ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009128028A

... 1. Теплообменник (1), содержащий набор пластин (10), образующих между собой контуры (2, 3) для жидкости, проходящей поочередно через уплотнения (4), установленные между каждой парой двух смежных пластин, причем каждая пластина содержит, по меньшей мере, один направляющий вырез (5), выполненный, по меньшей мере, на одном из его концов для направления каждой пластины (10) внутри рамы (6), отличающийся тем, что он также содержит между каждой парой двух смежных пластин и вблизи направляющего выреза (5), по меньшей мере, одну распорку (7), сжимаемую и входящую в контакт с двумя смежными пластинами (10, 11), причем каждая распорка (7, 17) имеет перед сжатием толщину, по меньшей мере, равную толщине уплотнения. ! 2. Теплообменник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждая распорка вставлена в паз (8), выполненный в одной из пластин (10), с которой она входит в контакт. ! 3. Теплообменник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждая распорка (7, 17) имеет, по существу, форму прямоугольного параллелепипеда. !

10-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96101410A

... 1. Теплообменник, содержащий корпус с состоящей из штампованных пакетов сердцевиной и с патрубками для подвода теплоносителей в соответствующие полости и отвода их обратно, отличающийся тем, что пакеты выполнены в виде бесшовных труб с прямоугольными торцами, соседние боковые стороны которых совмещены друг с другом, а полости внутри пакетов и между ними образованы волнообразными углублениями на сплющенных их боковых поверхностях. 2. Теплообменник по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что боковые стенки корпуса его образованы крайними пакетами сердцевины.

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004117086A

... 1. Лист для изготовления теплообменника, нагревательного трубопровода, распределительной решетки или другой конструкции, имеющей повторяющуюся трехмерную структуру на обеих его поверхностях, при этом структура содержит множество конусообразных выступов и впадин, расположенных вокруг по существу плоскостной центральной области, причем по меньшей мере один из выступов оканчивается по существу плоскостным концом, при этом лист выполнен с возможностью его пакетирования с другими аналогичными листами таким образом, что плоскостной конец листа контактирует с плоскостной центральной областью соседнего листа, и между соседними листами ограничена повторяющаяся структура взаимно соединенных свободных пространств. 2. Лист по п.1, отличающийся тем, что выступы и впадины чередуются вокруг плоскостной центральной области. 3. Лист по п.1, отличающийся тем, что по меньшей мере один из выступов имеет форму пирамиды. 4. Лист по п.1, отличающийся тем, что все выступы оканчиваются по существу плоскостным концом ...

20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003127382A

... 1. Способ непрерывного проведения определенной химической реакции в так называемых псевдоизотермических условиях и в определенной среде, например в слое катализатора, в который помещают по меньшей мере один теплообменник, в который подают первый поток рабочего теплоносителя с определенной температурой на входе, который пропускают по меньшей мере через один теплообменник по определенному пути от входа к выходу, отличающийся тем, что по меньшей мере в один теплообменник в одной или нескольких промежуточных точках на пути движения рабочего теплоносителя подают второй поток рабочего теплоносителя с определенной температурой на входе. 2. Теплообменник для проведения реакций способом по п.1, содержащий две большие стенки (2, 3; 21, 22), камеру (5, 26), расположенную между стенками (2, 3; 21, 22), через которую пропускают рабочий теплоноситель, входной (6, 24) и выходной (7, 25) патрубки соответственно для подвода и отвода рабочего теплоносителя из камеры (5, 26), по меньшей мере один распределитель ...

25-04-1975 дата публикации

Многосекционный охладитель

Номер: SU468076A1

07-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: SU1661559A1

Изобретение относится к теплотехнике, а именно к теплообменникам. Цель изобретения - повышение технологичности конструкции, повышение надежности и снижение массогабаритных характеристик. Холодный теплоноситель поступает в камеру 3 через патрубок 6, проходит вдоль пластины 5 и отводится за пределы теплообменника через патрубки 7. Горячий теплоноситель подается в камеру 4 через патрубок 6 и, пройдя по зигзагообразным каналам 10, отводится через патрубок 7, расположенный на крышке 2. Теплообменивающиеся среды турбулизируются элементами 11, что способствует повышению интенсивности теплоотдачи. Тепло от горячего теплоносителя к холодному передается через пластину 5. 6 ил.

30-04-1987 дата публикации

Пластинчатый теплообменник

Номер: SU1307205A2

Изобретение м.б. использовано в целлюлозно-бумажной и текстильной промышленности. Изобретение позволяет интенсифицировать теплообмен и повысить надежность и экономичность. Пластины (П) 1 в местах крепления к ним накладок 5 снабжены отбойниками 7, наклоненными к плоскости П 1 под углом 40-60 . При этом отбойники 7 м.б. выполнены из эластичного материала. Отбойники 7 уменьшают сечение каналов 3 паровоздушной смеси на участках 6, что приводит к увеличению скорости потоков. Благодаря расположению отбойников 7 под углом к П 1 имеет место дополнительная турбу- лизация потока, которая позволяет исключить оседание пыли и способствует удалению конденсата со стенок под воз действием направленной струи паровоздушной смеси, образующейся при ударе последней об отбойники 7. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил. -i (Л фие. 3 фие, | ...

30-12-1991 дата публикации

Абсорбционная холодильная установка

Номер: SU1702125A1

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике и м.б. использовано в холодильной и химической отраслях промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение термодинамической эффективности. Для этого абсорбционная холодильная установка выполнена в виде единого пластинчатого аппарата с прижимными плитами 1, 2, между которыми установлены блоки 6 пластин с образованием теплообменника 7, генератора 8, конденсатора 9, абсорбера 10 и испарителя 11, причем три первых из них расположены под двумя другими, а распределительные устройства выполнены в виде вставок, установленных в верхней части, блоков 6, которые образуют испаритель 11, абсорбер 10 и генератор 8. 6 ил ...

30-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: SU1688099A1

Изобретение относится к теплообмен- ным аппаратам и может быть использовано в газовой, химической, нефтяной и холодильной отраслях промышленности. Цель изобретения - интенсификация теплообмена . Теплообменник содержит пластины 1 и гофрированные вставки 2 с турбулизатора- ми в виде просечек 3, отогнутых с образованием конических поверхностей и расположенных на плоских участках 4 гофр 5, примыкающих к пластинам 1, причем конические поверхности просечек 3 каждого гофра 5 симметричны относительно плоскости симметрии гофра. Каждая просечка 3 может быть отогнута с образованием пары симметричных конических поверхностей, вершины конусов которых направлены в противоположные стороны При работе теплообменника среда набегает на просечки 3 со стороны вершин их конусов, вследствие чего часть потока отклоняется к углам каналов 6 и разрушает в них застойные зоны, что интенсифицирует теплообмен. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. Ё О 00 00 о о о ...

30-06-1986 дата публикации

Теплообменник (его варианты)

Номер: SU1241050A1

... 1. Теплообменник, содержащий кожух с разделительными перегородками и установленный в нем пакет перфорированных матриц с разделительными проставками, образующими каналы для рабочих сред, отличающийся тем, что, с целью интенсификации теплообмена при выполнении матриц круглыми, кожух имеет не менее щести перегородок, которые расположены на одинаковом угловом расстоянии вдоль образующих пакета, а проставки имеют V-образную форму и установлены поочередно по обе стороны матриц в контакте своими концами с перегородками , причем центральные участки матриц, ограниченные проставками, выполнены сплошными . 2. Теплообменник, содержащий кожух и установленный в нем пакет перфорированных матриц с разделительными проставками,обра- зующими каналы для рабочих сред, отличающийся тем, что, с целью интенсификации теплообмена при выполнении матриц многоугольными , последние имеют не менее шести граней , а проставки выполнены V-образной формы и размещены своими концами в контакте с верщинами матриц и поверхностью ...

30-10-1985 дата публикации

Рекуперативный теплообменник

Номер: SU1188500A1

... 1. РЕКУПЕРАТИВНЬШ ТЕПЛООБМЕННИК , содержащий расположенные в корпусе каналы горячего и холодного теплоносителр;й, которые разделены между собой теплообменными перегородками с фиксируемыми между ними прокладками, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения эффективности работы путем предотвращения фазового перехода горячего теплоносителя , он снабжен вставками с переменным термическим сопротивлением по их длине, выполненными с торцовыми пазами, причем вставки установлены со стороны входа в корпус холодного теплоносителя, соединены торцовыми пазами встык с теплообменными перегородками и зафиксированы в корпусе. а термическое сопротивление вставок уменьшается по ходу холодного теплоносителя в следующей зависимости: ( { RT 06,tr()l oi, oil где R - термическое сопротивление вставок; t,t2 - местные температуры соответственно горячего и холодного теплоносителей; , itvJj местные коэффициенты теплоотдачи соответственно со стороны горячего и холодноS го теплоносителей; (Л t(p - температура фазового ...

15-06-1992 дата публикации

Пластинчато-трубный теплообменник

Номер: SU1740946A1

Изобретение относится к теплотехнике, а именно к теплообменным аппаратам. Цель изобретения - повышение технологичности изготовления и эксплуатационной надежности теплообменника. Жидкий теплоноситель через коллектор 1 поступает в трубы 6, отдает тепло и отводится за пределы теплообменника через коллектор 2. Тепло через стенки труб 6 и пластины 3 отдается газообразной среде, продуваемой через теплообменник . Отбортовки 5 выполнены в виде конуса с углом раскрытия 4-8° и высотой, превышающей расстояние между пластинами 3 в три раза, а отбортовки концевых пластин имеют переменную толщину, уменьшающуюся к кромке. При этом герметичное соединение между отбортовка- ми образуется за счет диффундирования поверхностных слоев металла. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

07-03-1985 дата публикации

Пластинчатый теплообменник

Номер: SU1143965A1

ПЛАСТИНЧАТЫЙ ТЕПЛООБМЕННИК, содержаний пакет в виде попарно собранных пластин со встречно направленными гЬфрс1ми и размещенных между смежными парами пластинчатых :вставок, отличающийся f&4, что, с целью интенсификации теплообмена и повышения компактности при выполнении вставок сплошными, а пластин пористыми, пластины в парах установлены с образование июлей между встречно направленными гофрами и каждая из пластин установлена в контакте со вставкой с перекрытием посредством отбортовки впадин гофр, а другая - в контакте с аналогичной отбортовкой смежной .пластины с перекрытием как впадин гофр, так и щели между Этими пластинами . «S ...

07-01-1982 дата публикации

Теплообменный аппарат

Номер: SU896364A1

07-07-1985 дата публикации

Пластинчатый теплообменник

Номер: SU1165868A1

ПЛАСТИНЧАТЫЙ ТЕПЛООБМЕННИК , содержащий корпус и установленный в нем пакет пористых пластин с прокладками между ними, образующими каналы для теплообменных сред, отличающийся тем, что, с целью уменьщения протечек , участки пластин, контактирующие с прокладками, выполнены с нулевой пористостью .

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Нагревательный прибор для центрального отопления

Номер: SU74685A1

02-04-1970 дата публикации

Пластинчатый теплообменник

Номер: SU267647A1

28-06-1968 дата публикации

Каркас воздухоохладителя

Номер: SU220285A1

30-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1778485C

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284412A1

A plate heat exchanger comprising a set of heat exchanger plates arranged between a frame plate and a pressure plate. A guide bar guides the set of heat exchanger plates and the pressure plate relatively the frame plate, a tightening member is arranged on the guide bar and a plate engager is arranged intermediate the tightening member and the pressure plate for allowing the tightening member to press the pressure plate in a direction towards the frame plate. The plate engager is releasable and the tightening member is configured to protect the guide bar, such that the pressure plate may move in a direction from the frame plate and past the tightening member when the plate engager is released. A related method is also described. 1. A plate heat exchanger comprising:a frame plate,a pressure plate,a set of heat exchanger plates arranged between the frame plate and the pressure plate,a guide bar for guiding the set of heat exchanger plates and the pressure plate relatively the frame plate,a tightening member arranged on the guide bar, anda plate engager arranged intermediate the tightening member and the pressure plate for allowing the tightening member to press the pressure plate in a direction towards the frame plate, whereinthe plate engager is releasable and the tightening member is configured to protect the guide bar, such that the pressure plate may move in a direction from the frame plate and past the tightening member when the plate engager is released.2. A plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the plate engager has the form of a washer that is provided with a U-shaped cut-out that allows the plate engager to be removed from the position intermediate the tightening member and the pressure plate.3. A plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the plate engager comprises a recess that is configured to receive the tightening member for restraining a transverse movement of the plate engager relative the tightening member.4. A plate heat ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20150000869A1
Принадлежит: Vsleo Systems Thermiques

The invention relates to a heat exchanger for carrying out a thermal exchange between a first fluid and a second fluid. The heat exchanger includes a plurality of chambers stacked in a longitudinal direction to form a thermal exchange bundle. At least one first chamber suitable for containing the first fluid is defined by a pair of first plates, and at least one second chamber suitable for containing the second fluid is defined by a pair of second plates. The second plates including openings in communication with the second chamber The first plates each include at least two primary openings and at least two secondary openings The two primary openings being in communication with the first chamber, and the two secondary openings being in communication with the openings of the second plates. 11. A heat exchanger () for producing an exchange of heat between a first fluid (FC) and a second fluid (FR) , the heat exchanger comprising:{'b': 3', '6', '2, 'a plurality of chambers (, ) stacked in a longitudinal direction (A-A′) to form a heat exchange core (),'}{'b': 3', '3', '4', '5, 'at least one first chamber () capable of containing the first fluid (FC) with the first chamber () delimited by a pair of first plates (, ),'}{'b': 6', '6', '7', '8', '7', '8', '71', '72', '81', '82', '6, 'at least one second chamber () capable of containing the second fluid (FR) with the second chamber () delimited by a pair of second plates (, ), with the second plates (, ) comprising openings (, , , ) in communication with the second chamber (),'}{'b': 4', '5', '41', '42', '51', '52', '43', '44', '53', '54', '41', '42', '51', '52', '3', '43', '44', '53', '54', '71', '72', '81', '82', '7', '8, 'wherein the first plates (, ) each comprise at least two primary openings (, , , ) and at least two secondary openings (, , , ), with the two primary openings (, , , ) being in communication with the first chamber () and the two secondary openings (, , , ) being in communication with the openings (, , , ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003505A1

A plate package for a heat exchanger device includes a plurality of heat exchanger plates with mating abutment portions forming a fluid distribution element in every second plate interspace thereby forming in the respective second plate interspaces two arc-shaped flow paths wherein a respective one of the two flow paths is divided into at least three flow path sectors arranged one after the other along a respective flow path. A plate and a heat exchanger are also disclosed. 1. A plate for a heat exchanger device , the plate comprising:a first sector with mutually parallel ridges;an adjoining second sector with mutually parallel ridges extending at an angle relative to the ridges of the first sector; andat least one transition ridge formed as a stem branching off into two legs.2. The plate according to claim 1 , wherein the stem has a length exceeding twice a distance from ridge to ridge of the mutually parallel ridges of the first and second sectors.3. The plate according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the two legs and/or the stem along a longitudinal extension thereof has a portion with a locally enlarged width as seen in a direction transverse the longitudinal extension.4. The plate according to claim 1 , further comprising:an inlet and an outlet; anda third sector with mutually parallel ridges extending at an angle relative to the ridges of the second sector,wherein the first sector is between the inlet and second sector, the second sector is between the first sector and third sector and the third sector is between the second sector and the outlet.5. The plate according to claim 1 , wherein a length of the stem is greater than three times a distance from ridge to ridge of the mutually parallel ridges of the first and second sectors. This application is a divisional application of U.S. Ser. No. 16/475,216, filed Jul. 1, 2019, which is the national phase application of PCT/EP2018/053750, filed Feb. 15, 2018, which claims benefit of EP 17160262.6, filed Mar. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003774A1

A heat exchanger including a plurality of flat sheets arranged in parallel and a plurality of profiled sheets, each of which including a number of straight segments and being arranged between two subsequent flat sheets and having a repeating profile. The profiled sheets and the flat sheets together create a plurality of parallel ducts arranged in layers. The parallel ducts are divided by the profiled sheets into ducts of a first type and ducts of a second type, the ducts of the second type neighboring the ducts of the first type. Each duct of the first and second type has a width w(d) which is a function of a distance d with d the distance from a first flat sheet. 1. A heat exchanger comprising a plurality of flat sheets arranged in parallel and a plurality of profiled sheets , each of which comprising a number of substantially straight segments and being arranged between two subsequent flat sheets and having a repeating profile ,the profiled sheets and the flat sheets together creating a plurality of parallel ducts arranged in layers, the parallel ducts being divided by the profiled sheets into ducts of a first type and ducts of a second type, the ducts of the second type neighboring the ducts of the first type, [{'br': None, 'i': w', 'd', 'c', 'd', 'd Подробнее

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003775A1
Автор: Lin Chun-Hung

An anti-bending heat dissipation module includes a vapor chamber, a heat dissipation fin set and an anti-bending component. The vapor chamber includes a case and a chamber formed in the case. The heat dissipation fin set is fixed on a surface of the case. The anti-bending component is arranged between the case and the heat dissipation fin set and is pressedly connected on the case. 1. An anti-bending heat dissipation module comprising:a vapor chamber comprising a case and a chamber formed in the case, wherein the case is formed in a rectangle shape;a fixing frame disposed under the vapor chamber, an outline of the fixing frame approximating to a shape of the vapor chamber;a heat dissipation fin set fixed on a surface of the case; andan anti-bending component, arranged between the case and the heat dissipation fin set, and pressedly connected on the case,wherein the case comprises a first side and a second side perpendicular to the first side, a length of the first side is greater than a length of the second side, and a length of the anti-bending component is no shorter than the length of the second side.2. (canceled)3. The anti-bending heat dissipation module of claim 1 , wherein the anti-bending component is arranged perpendicularly to the first side.4. The anti-bending heat dissipation module of claim 3 , wherein the anti-bending component is pressedly connected to a middle position of the first side length.5. The anti-bending heat dissipation module of claim 1 , wherein the heat dissipation fin set is formed by parallelly stacking up heat dissipation fins claim 1 , and a heat dissipation passage is formed between two adjacent heat dissipation fins.6. The anti-bending heat dissipation module of claim 5 , wherein a receiving trough is arranged under the heat dissipation fin set for receiving the anti-bending component.7. The anti-bending heat dissipation module of claim 1 , wherein a channel is formed in a middle position of the case for receiving the anti-bending ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Plate Assembly for Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20200006822A1

A plate assembly for a heat exchanger includes a first plate, a second plate, and an intermediate plate arranged between the first and second plates. The intermediate plate is joined to the first and second plates at peripheral edges to create a sealed periphery of the plate assembly. Corrugations of the intermediate plate provide crests and troughs that are in contact with inwardly facing surfaces of the first and second plates. The plate assembly can be configured as a battery cooling plate heat exchanger to transfer heat from a battery to fluid flowing through the plate assembly. 1. A battery cooling plate heat exchanger , comprising:a first plate;a second plate;an intermediate plate arranged between the first and the second plate and joined thereto at peripheral edges to create a sealed periphery, the intermediate plate having corrugations with crests and troughs in contact with inwardly facing surfaces of the first and the second plate;a fluid manifolding area arranged at an end of the battery cooling plate heat exchanger in a lengthwise direction of the battery cooling plate heat exchanger;a first inlet chamber, first outlet chamber, second inlet chamber, and second outlet chamber arranged within the fluid manifolding area;a first plurality of nonlinear fluid flow paths arranged between the intermediate plate and the first plate and providing fluid connections between the first inlet chamber and the first outlet chamber; anda second plurality of nonlinear fluid flow paths arranged between the intermediate plate and the second plate and providing fluid connections between the second inlet chamber and the second outlet chamber.2. The battery cooling plate heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein:each of the first plurality of nonlinear fluid flow paths includes at least two linear flow segments extending in said lengthwise direction of the battery cooling plate heat exchanger;each of the second plurality of nonlinear fluid flow paths includes at least two linear flow ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026158A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Autosystemy Sp. z o.o.

A charge air cooler comprising: a first heat exchange section comprising a first inlet manifold and a first outlet manifold connected fluidically by a plurality of stacked first coolant conduits; a second heat exchange section comprising a second inlet manifold and a second outlet manifold connected fluidically by a plurality of stacked second coolant conduits; a coolant inlet connected fluidically with the first inlet manifold and the second inlet manifold; a coolant outlet connected fluidically with the first outlet manifold and the second outlet manifold; wherein the first coolant conduits and the second coolant conduits are distanced within their stacks so that heat exchange between the coolant and the air is enabled, and are both situated between the manifolds of the first heat exchange section and the manifolds of the second heat exchange section. 1. A charge air cooler comprising:a first heat exchange section comprising a first inlet manifold and a first outlet manifold connected fluidically by a plurality of stacked first coolant conduits;a second heat exchange section comprising a second inlet manifold and a second outlet manifold connected fluidically by a plurality of stacked second coolant conduits;a coolant inlet connected fluidically with the first inlet manifold and the second inlet manifold; and{'b': '32', 'a coolant outlet connected fluidically with the first outlet manifold and the second outlet manifold,'}wherein the first coolant conduits and the second coolant conduits are distanced within their stacks so that heat exchange between the coolant and the air is enabled, and are both situated between the manifolds of the first heat exchange section and the manifolds of the second heat exchange section.2. The charge air cooler according to claim 1 , wherein the first coolant conduits and the second coolant conduits are carried out in form of plate assemblies.3. The charge air cooler according to claim 2 , wherein the plate assembly comprises two ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023899A1

This heat exchanger can include parallel plates which define liquid-refrigerant passages following a longitudinal direction, and—fins extending in each passage in a lateral direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction, each fin having orifices for the flow of the liquid refrigerant. At least one lower portion of at least one fin defines, with the plate secured to this lower portion, a distribution channel for channeling the liquid refrigerant in the lateral direction. The orifices in said at least one fin are formed by overflow openings in the upper portion. The liquid refrigerant flows through the overflow openings when the or each distribution channel is full of liquid refrigerant. 114-. (canceled)15. A heat exchanger configured for transferring heat from at least one calorigenic fluid to at least one frigorigenic fluid , the heat exchanger comprising:plates arranged parallel to each other so as to define a first series of passages configured for conducting liquid refrigerant globally in a longitudinal direction extending in the vertical direction during operation, each passage being defined between two successive plates, and a second series of passages configured for conducting a calorigenic fluid globally in the longitudinal direction, each passage being defined between two successive plates, the passages of the second series being interposed between two passages of the first series;at least one inlet for liquid refrigerant configured to pour the liquid refrigerant only into the passages of the first series; anddistribution means situated in the upper end of the exchanger in passages of the first series only, comprising fins extending in one or each passage of the first series globally in a lateral direction which is orthogonal to the longitudinal direction and parallel to the plates, each passage of the first series housing several fins succeeding each other in the longitudinal direction,wherein each fin comprises orifices configured to allow the flow of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024983A1
Автор: Romlund Jens

A plate heat exchanger, and a heat exchanger plate for the plate heat exchanger for heat exchange between a first fluid and a second fluid are disclosed. The heat exchanger plate comprises a heat exchanger area comprising a first end zone, a central main zone adjoining the first end zone, a second end zone adjoining the central main zone, and a corrugation of ridges and valleys on the heat exchanger area. A longitudinal center axis extends along and through the three zones. The ridges and valleys extend along a respective continuous line, which is at least partly curved and forms an angle of inclination with the longitudinal center axis. The angle of inclination at the longitudinal center axis is less steep for the continuous lines at the first end zone than at the central main zone. 1. A heat exchanger plate for a plate heat exchanger for heat exchange between at least a first fluid and a second fluid , the heat exchanger plate comprising: a first end zone,', 'a central main zone adjoining the first end zone,', 'a second end zone adjoining the central main zone, and a corrugation of ridges and valleys, which extends on the first end zone, the central main zone and the second end zone, and', 'a longitudinal center axis, which extends along and through the first end zone, the central main zone and the second end zone,', 'wherein the ridges and valleys extend along a respective continuous line,', 'the continuous line being at least partly curved and forming an angle of inclination with the longitudinal center axis, and the angle of inclination at the longitudinal center axis being is less steep for substantially each of the continuous lines at the first end zone than at the central main zone., 'a heat exchanger area comprising2. A heat exchanger plate according to claim 1 , wherein the angle of inclination at any longitudinal line extending on the heat exchanger area in parallel with the longitudinal center axis is less steep for each continuous line at the first end ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025453A1

A heat exchanger plate for use in a plate package for a heat exchanger device is disclosed. The plate has a geometrical main extension plane (q) and a circumferential edge portion, the circumferential edge portion having a curved upper portion, a substantially straight lower portion and two opposing side portions interconnecting the upper and the lower portions. An upper porthole is arranged in an upper section of the heat exchanger plate and located at a distance from the upper portion of the circumferential edge portion thereby defining an upper intermediate portion. The upper intermediate portion includes the shortest distance (d2) between a centre of the upper porthole and the upper portion of the circumferential edge portion. The heat exchanger plate further comprises an upper flange having an extension along the upper portion of the circumferential edge portion. The upper flange has a length (L2) as seen in a direction transverse the shortest distance (d2), being 200-80% of the diameter (D2) of the upper porthole and more preferred 180-120% of the diameter (D2) of the upper porthole. Further, a plate package is disclosed and also a heat exchanger device using such heat exchanger plate/plate package. 1. A heat exchanger plate for use in a plate package for a heat exchanger device , the heat exchanger plate having a geometrical main extension plane (q) and a circumferential edge portion , the circumferential edge portion having a curved upper portion , a substantially straight lower portion and two opposing side portions interconnecting the upper and the lower portions , andan upper porthole arranged in an upper section of the heat exchanger plate and located at a distance from the upper portion of the circumferential edge portion thereby defining an upper intermediate portion located between the upper portion of the circumferential edge portion and a circumferential edge of the upper porthole, the upper intermediate portion including the shortest distance (d2) ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025465A1

A plate for a heat exchanger has a longitudinal centerline, a reference plane parallel to the longitudinal centerline, and multiple corrugations provided in the plate that define flow channels through which fluid flows. The corrugations extend at an angle to the reference plane and at least some of the corrugations are intersected by the reference plane, wherein over at least a portion of a surface area of the plate the corrugations are arranged in sub-regions that have a longitudinal length and the corrugations of each sub region are at the same angle relative to the longitudinal centerline, and the corrugations of adjacent sub-regions are at different angles from each other, and wherein the corrugations in adjacent sub-regions meet at junctions and the junctions are not longitudinally aligned. 1. A plate for a heat exchanger having a longitudinal centerline , a reference plane parallel to the longitudinal centerline , and multiple corrugations provided in the plate that define flow channels through which fluid flows , the corrugations extend at an angle to the reference plane and at least some of the corrugations are intersected by the reference plane , wherein over at least a portion of a surface area of the plate the corrugations are arranged in sub-regions that have a longitudinal length and the corrugations of each sub region are at the same angle relative to the longitudinal centerline , and the corrugations of adjacent sub-regions are at different angles from each other , and wherein the corrugations in adjacent sub-regions meet at junctions and the junctions are not longitudinally aligned.2. The plate of wherein a lateral direction is defined perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline and the reference plane is parallel to both the lateral direction and longitudinal centerline claim 1 , and wherein the junctions of the adjacent sub-regions are arranged with some on one side and some on another side of an imaginary line parallel to the longitudinal ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025655A1

Methods and systems are provided for heat exchangers including a first outer plate, a second outer plate, and an intermediate plate. The intermediate plate is positioned between the outer plates. Fluid flow passages are formed between the intermediate plate and each of the outer plates. 1. A heat exchanger , comprising:an intermediate plate positioned between a first outer plate and a second outer plate;first fluid flow passages formed between the first outer plate and a first side of the intermediate plate;second fluid flow passages formed between the second outer plate and a second side of the intermediate plate;a first fluid manifold formed between the first outer plate and the first side of the intermediate plate, and the first fluid manifold positioned at a first end of the first fluid flow passages;a second fluid manifold formed between the second outer plate and the second side of the intermediate plate, and the second fluid manifold positioned at a second end of the second fluid flow passages; andthe first fluid manifold and the second fluid manifold positioned on a first end of the heat exchanger.2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein fluid flows from the first end of the heat exchanger claim 1 , to a second end of the heat exchanger claim 1 , and back to the first end of the heat exchanger.3. The heat exchanger of claim 2 , wherein fluid flows from the first fluid manifold into the first fluid flow passages claim 2 , from the first fluid flow passages into the second fluid flow passages claim 2 , and from the second fluid flow passages into the second fluid manifold.4. The heat exchanger of claim 3 , wherein a first port is connected to the first fluid manifold and a second port is connected to the second fluid manifold.5. The heat exchanger of claim 4 , wherein each of the first and second sides of the intermediate plate comprise a flange which engages with a respective flange on the first and second outer plates.6. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033011A1
Автор: WEI Wenjian, Zhang Zhifeng

A heat-exchanging plate (), and plate heat exchanger () using same. The heat-exchanging plate () comprises concave locations () and/or convex locations (). In at least one partial region of the heat-exchanging plate (), a transitional curved surface between at least two adjacent concave location () and/or convex location () is configured to be controllable. 1. A heat exchange plate , comprising depressions and/or protrusions , wherein a transitional curved surface between at least two adjacent depressions and/or protrusions on an at least partial region of the heat exchange plate is configured to be restricted.2. The heat exchange plate as claimed in claim 1 , whereinflow paths on two adjacent sides of an at least partial region of the heat exchange plate have different minimum flow cross section profiles and/or areas.3. The heat exchange plate as claimed in claim 1 , whereinat least one of pressure drop, heat exchange performance and volume of an entire plate heat exchanger is/are adjusted by means of at least one of the following parameters of an at least partial region of the heat exchange plate:Ta: edge spacing between two adjacent protrusions or shortest distance between two adjacent protrusions on the heat exchange plate;Tb: edge spacing between two adjacent depressions or shortest distance between two adjacent depressions, wherein a distance connecting line of said Tb and a distance connecting line of said Ta intersect with each other in space;Ha: perpendicular distance between the highest point of the heat exchange plate and the lowest point of an upper surface of a depressed transitional curved line connected across Ta;Hb: perpendicular distance between the lowest point of the heat exchange plate and the highest point of a lower surface of a protruding transitional curved line connected across Tb;Wa: distance between two ends of the curved line corresponding to Ha;Wb: distance between two ends of the curved line corresponding to Hb;e: perpendicular distance ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033013A1
Автор: BYFIELD Geoffrey

A heat exchanger includes a plurality of sets of fluid channels, each fluid channel including first and second end portions and an intermediate portion between the first and second end portions. The first end portions in a plane perpendicular to a direction of fluid flow in the channels have respective end perimeters which are in a first configuration, where adjacent end portions of different sets of fluid channels have a total first shared heat transfer length, this being a summation of lengths of mutually opposed perimeters of the so adjacent end portions of the different sets. The intermediate portions of the channels in a plane transverse to the direction of fluid flow have respective intermediate channel perimeters, the intermediate portions having a second configuration with a total second shared heat transfer length being a summation of lengths of mutually opposed channel perimeters of the adjacent channels of the different sets. Therefore, the total second shared heat transfer length is different to, and moreover greater than, the total first heat transfer length. 2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the first configuration is a matrix comprising alternating rows of channels of different sets so that each row in the matrix comprises only channels of the same set and wherein the channels in the matrix are aligned in columns claim 1 , and wherein mutually adjacent columns of channels are progressively offset relative to each other in a direction of the columns from the first ends to the intermediate portion so as to be arranged in the chequerboard configuration.3. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein either (a) a cross sectional area claim 1 , or (b) a cross sectional shape of one or more channels in at least one of the sets of channels changes for at least a portion of the length of the one or more channels from the end portion to the intermediate portion.4. A heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of sets of fluid channels, each ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20190033016A1
Автор: AOKI Taku

A heat exchanger includes a core and a header. At least one of first header portions or second header portions includes a guiding flow passage that has a plurality of flow passages which guide a fluid between a plurality of core end openings and a tank while changing a flow passage sectional shape. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a core that includes a plurality of first flow passages and a plurality of second flow passages and exchanges heat between fluids flowing in the first flow passages and the second flow passages respectively; anda header that includes a first header portion, which is connected to an end surface of the core and covers core end openings of the plurality of first flow passages, and a second header portion, which covers core end openings of the plurality of second flow passages,wherein the first header portion and the second header portion each include a port for causing the fluids to flow into or flow out from an inside thereof and a tank connected to the port, andat least one of the first header portion or the second header portion includes a guiding flow passage that is connected to the plurality of core end openings of one of the first flow passages or the second flow passages and that has a plurality of flow passages which extend to a corresponding tank side and guide the fluids between the plurality of core end openings and the tank while changing a flow passage sectional shape orthogonal to a flow direction of the fluids.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of core end openings each have a first flow passage width in a width direction orthogonal to a flow passage height direction, in a section orthogonal to the flow direction of the fluids,the tank has a second flow passage width smaller than the first flow passage width in the width direction, in a boundary portion of the tank with the guiding flow passage, andthe flow passages each have the flow passage sectional shape which changes such that the closer to a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033349A1

A plate type heat exchanger according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a plate package in which a plurality of heat exchange plates is stacked to form a flow path, through which fluid flows, an end plate coupled to an outside of the plate package, and a socket connected to the plate package by passing through the end plate, in which the end plate includes a base which is in contact with the outside of the plate package, a socket hole which is formed through the base and into which the socket is inserted, and a ridge which protrudes outward from an edge of the socket hole of the base. 1. A plate type heat exchanger comprising:a plate package in which a plurality of heat exchange plates is stacked to form a flow path, through which fluid flows;an end plate coupled to an outside of the plate package; anda socket connected to the plate package by passing through the end plate,wherein the end plate includesa base which is in contact with the outside of the plate package,a socket hole which is formed through the base and into which the socket is inserted, anda ridge which protrudes outward from an edge of the socket hole of the base.2. The plate type heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein a part of the socket is in contact with an outer surface of the ridge claim 1 , and the other part of the socket is in contact with an inner surface of the ridge.3. The plate type heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein the base includes a depression space provided by the ridge therein claim 1 , and wherein a part of the socket is located in the depression space.4. The plate type heat exchanger of claim 3 , wherein the part of the socket extends through the socket hole to the depression space of the ridge.5. The plate type heat exchanger of claim 4 , wherein the part of the socket is in contact with an inner surface of the depression space of the ridge.6. The plate type heat exchanger of claim 3 , wherein the socket is fixed in a caulking manner inside the ridge.7. The plate ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041110A1
Автор: Ito Daisuke
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A plate heat exchanger reduces the cross-sectional diameter of channels and suppresses clogging of the channels with a brazing material. First heat transfer plates each include a plurality of rows of inverse V-shaped waves formed on its surface, and second heat transfer plates each include a plurality of rows of V-shaped waves formed on its surface are alternately stacked. The intersections of the waves are joined by brazing. Further, a distance (L) between joint points in the short-axis direction of the heat transfer plates and a fillet dimension (f) in the short-axis direction of the heat transfer plates satisfy a relation 0≦((L−f)/L)×100≦40. 1. A plate heat exchanger configured such that heat transfer plates each having a plurality of rows of wavy channel forming patterns formed on a surface thereof and heat transfer plates each having wavy patterns obtained by inverting the channel forming patterns are alternately stacked , and intersections of the channel forming patterns are joined ,wherein the intersections of the channel forming patterns are joined by brazing, and a distance (L) between joint points in a short-axis direction of the heat transfer plates and a fillet dimension (f) in the short-axis direction of the heat transfer plates satisfy a relation 0≦((L−f)/L)×100≦40.2. The plate heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein at least one non-joint wave is provided between adjacent joint points of waves continuing in a direction parallel to lines which intersect with center lines of waves of the channel forming patterns extending in a direction of a wave angle (θ).3. The plate heat exchanger of claim 2 , wherein the non-joint wave has a wave height less than a wave height at the joint points.4. The plate heat exchanger of claim 2 , wherein the non-joint wave has a wave height equal to a wave height at the joint points or more than the wave height at the joint points.5. The plate heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein the channel forming patterns are formed by a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041140A1

The present invention relates to a heat exchanger comprising: 1. A heat exchanger , comprising:a plurality of flat tubes positioned parallel to one another, in which a first fluid flows; andspacers positioned between each of said plurality of flat tubes, said spacers having a periodic profile whose ends are in contact with outer surfaces of said plurality of flat tubes, said spacers having a second fluid flowing through them,wherein each of the plurality of flat tubes comprises grooves on the outer surfaces, the ends of the spacers and said grooves having a complementary shape and length, such that said ends of the spacers are inserted into said grooves.2. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ends of the spacers have the profile of a continuous line over a whole width of the plurality of flat tubes claim 1 , and wherein a groove on the outer surface of the flat tubes forms a single continuous line over the width of said plurality of flat tubes.3. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the spacers comprise at least two strips with a periodic profile claim 1 , offset relative to one another claim 1 , and claim 1 , over the whole width claim 1 , the plurality of flat tubes comprise claim 1 , on their outer surfaces claim 1 , segmented grooves which are complementary to the ends of the strips with a periodic profile.4. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the grooves on the outer surface of the plurality of flat tubes also form a protuberance on the inner surface of said flat tubes.5. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the grooves and the protuberances of the two walls of the flat tubes are positioned one below the other.6. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the grooves and the protuberances of the two walls of the flat tubes are offset relative to one another.7. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the depth of the grooves is less than 50% of the height of a void in the flat tube. ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047817A1

A laminated total heat exchange element that includes a plurality of laminated plates, a first spacing member forming a first flow path between the laminated plates, and a second spacing member forming a second flow path between the laminated plates, wherein the first flow path is formed to allow fluid to pass from one side to another side of the laminated total heat exchange element, the second flow path is formed to allow fluid to pass from the another side to the one side of the laminated total heat exchange element, a third flow path, which communicates with the first flow path on the one side and extends substantially parallel to a lamination direction of the laminated plates, is formed, and a fourth flow path, which communicates with the second flow path on the another side and extends substantially parallel to the lamination direction of the laminated plate, is formed. 1. A laminated total heat exchange element that includes a plurality of laminated plates that are laminated , a first spacing member that is inserted between the laminated plates and forms a first flow path between the laminated plates , and a second spacing member that is inserted between the laminated plates and forms a second flow path between the laminated plates , and in which a layer in which the first flow path is formed and a layer in which the second flow path is formed are alternately provided , whereinthe first flow path is formed to allow fluid to pass from one side to another side of the laminated total heat exchange element,the second flow path is formed to allow fluid to pass from the another side to the one side of the laminated total heat exchange element,a third flow path is formed, the third flow path communicating with the first flow path on the one side and extending substantially parallel to a lamination direction of the laminated plates, anda fourth flow path is formed, the fourth flow path communicating with the second flow path on the another side and extending ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047818A1

The disclosure relates to a heat exchanger, for example an indirect air cooler, in which the air, for example compressed charge air for an internal combustion engine, is cooled, for example by a fluid, wherein the heat exchanger is constructed from stacked pairs of plates. The exemplary fluid can be conducted into an inlet region and/or outlet region of the plate pairs in at least one flow path approximately in the direction of the common edge, and further through at least a first duct approximately in cross current with respect to the exemplary air, and passes further through the plate pairs over the largest heat exchange area of the plate pairs approximately in countercurrent with respect to the air, in order to flow through at least one second duct, approximately in cross current with respect to the exemplary air, and back to the outlet. 113-. (canceled)14. A heat exchanger comprising ,stacked pairs of plates arranged in a housing, the housing configured to receive a flow of a first fluid, wherein each pair of plates has an inlet for receiving a second fluid and an outlet for expelling the second fluid, wherein the inlet and the outlet are both disposed proximate a common edge of the stacked pairs of plates;fins arranged between the stacked pairs of plates such that the first fluid flows over the fins generally in a first fluid direction;wherein the housing defines a housing inlet and a housing outlet configured such that the first fluid direction is generally in a direction of the common edge; a first duct extending non-parallel with respect to the common edge;', 'a second duct extending non-parallel with respect to the common edge; and', 'a heat transfer region extending from the first duct to the second duct, wherein the heat transfer region has a larger heat exchange area than the first duct, the second duct, the inlet, and the outlet;', 'wherein the pairs of plates are configured such that the second fluid can be conducted from the inlet, through the first ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065557A1

The present invention introduces a heat exchanger including a stack of heat transfer plates positioned between two end plates in which recesses formed in edge regions are adapted to accommodate bolts reaching from a first to a second of said two end plates, said at least one of said recesses formed with locking features adapted to engage with a locking device including an opening, where the locking device is to be positioned on the respective end plate with the opening aligned with the recess in such a manner that a bolt positioned in the recess also can project through said opening. This prevents the bold from falling out of the recesses.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053381A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

The present invention relates to a heat exchange element in which unit constituent members, each of which includes a partition member that has a heat-transfer property and a moisture permeability and a spacing member that holds the partition member with a predetermined spacing, are stacked and in which a primary air flow that passes along an upper surface side of the partition member and a secondary air flow that passes along an undersurface side of the partition member and crosses the primary air flow exchange heat and moisture through the partition member, wherein a detachment suppressing rib is provided on the opposite side of the spacing member when viewed from the partition member at a bonded portion between the partition member and the spacing member, and the partition member is sandwiched by the spacing member and the detachment suppressing rib. 1. A heat exchange element in which unit constituent members , each of which includes a partition member that has a heat-transfer property and a moisture permeability and a spacing member that holds the partition member with a predetermined spacing , are stacked , and in which a primary air flow that passes along an upper surface side of the partition member and a secondary air flow that passes along an undersurface side of the partition member and crosses the primary air flow exchange heat and moisture through the partition member , wherein first sealing ribs that are provided on both sides of an upper surface of the partition member and parallel to a direction of the primary air flow,', 'second sealing ribs that are provided on both sides of an undersurface of the partition member and parallel to a direction of the secondary air flow,', 'first spacing ribs that are connected to the second sealing ribs and are provided between the first sealing ribs and parallel to each other at a predetermined spacing, and', 'second spacing ribs that are connected to the first sealing ribs and are provided between the second sealing ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060031A1

The invention relates to a plate heat exchanger with at least two heat exchanger blocks. Each heat exchanger block has several sheets, arranged parallel to one another, that form a plurality of heat-exchange passages for fluids. The heat exchanger blocks are joined to one another via joining means and have at least one common header. A metal foam, that joins the outside surfaces of adjacent heat exchanger blocks to one another, is introduced into an interspace of adjacent heat exchanger blocks. In this way, a blanket heat-conductive and non-positive joining is provided between the opposing outside surfaces of adjacent heat exchanger blocks. 1. A plate heat exchanger comprising:{'b': 10', '10', '10', '10', '4', '1, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'at least two heat exchanger blocks (, ), each heat exchanger block (, ) having several sheets () that are arranged parallel to one another and that form a plurality of heat-exchange passages () for fluids that are involved in the heat exchange,'}{'b': 10', '10', '11', '17', '10', '10', '10', '10, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'said at least two heat exchanger blocks (, ) being joined to one another via joining means () and having at least one common header () for distribution of a heat-exchanging fluid to the said at least two heat exchanger blocks (, ) or for draining a heat-exchanging fluid from said at least two heat exchanger blocks (, ),'}{'b': 13', '14', '14', '12', '10', '10', '14', '14, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'wherein a metal foam () joins the outside surface () of a heat exchange block to the outside surface () of an adjacent heat exchange block in an interspace () between the adjacent heat exchanger blocks (, ) that is present between the outside surfaces (, ) of the adjacent heat exchanger blocks.'}213. The plate heat exchanger according claim 1 , wherein the metal foam () is formed from aluminum or an aluminum alloy.31314141010abab. The plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the metal foam () ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058765A1
Автор: Parfenov Vladimir

A heat exchanger includes a heat exchanger block, a first collector box arranged on a first end face of the heat exchanger block and a second collector box arranged on a second end face of the heat exchanger block opposite to the first end face of the heat exchanger block. The heat exchanger block has multiple process channels arranged parallel to one another and connecting the first collector box to the second collector box for the through flow of a process medium, and also multiple coolant medium channels for the through flow of a coolant medium. The coolant medium channels are arranged between the process channels. Adjacent process channels have different material masses, heat-transferring areas of different sizes, and/or structural flow resistances of different sizes, and/or coolant medium channels have different material masses and/or heat-transferring areas of different sizes, so that in operation, in the event of a cyclic temperature change of the process medium, an equal or nearly equal material temperature gradient results between adjacent process channels and lateral parts in the heat exchanger block. 1. A heat exchanger , comprising:a heat exchanger block;a first collector box arranged on a first end face of the heat exchanger block; 'wherein the heat exchanger block has a plurality of process channels arranged parallel to one another and connecting the first collector box to the second collector box for through flow of a process medium,', 'a second collector box arranged on a second end face of the heat exchanger block opposite to the first end face of the heat exchanger block;'}wherein the heat exchange block has a plurality of coolant medium channels for through flow of a coolant medium, 'wherein adjacent process channels of the plurality of process channels have different material masses, heat-transferring areas of different sizes, or structural flow resistances of different sizes, or the plurality of coolant medium channels have different material ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068244A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A plate fin includes a slit structure formed by cutting and raising a portion of the plate fin to form an opening facing a flow direction of a fluid and a waffle structure formed by bending a portion of the plate fin to form a protrusion having an angle-shaped cross section which protrudes in a stack direction and having a ridge substantially perpendicular to the air flow direction, and the waffle structure is disposed on the upstream side on the plate fins with respect to the slit structure and a slant length L1 on the upstream side of the waffle structure is smaller than a slant length L2 on the downstream side of the waffle structure. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of plate fins which are stacked at intervals and allow a fluid to flow between the plate fins; anda plurality of heat transfer pipes disposed in the plate fins and in which a medium that exchanges heat with the fluid flows therethrough, a slit structure formed at a portion of the plate fin to form an opening facing a flow direction of the fluid, and', 'a protrusion formed by bending a portion of the plate fin which protrudes in a stack direction of the plate fins and having a slant on an upstream side and a slant on a downstream side in the flow direction of the fluid, and', 'the protrusion is disposed on the upstream side of the flow direction of the fluid with respect to the slit structure., 'wherein each of the plate fins includes'}2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of notches are formed on the plurality of plate fins claim 1 , and the plurality of heat transfer pipes are composed of flat pipes and are disposed in the notches of the plurality of plate fins.3. The heat exchanger of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the plate fins claim 2 , the notches are formed at an end of the downstream side of the flow direction of the fluid.4. The heat exchanger of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the plate fins claim 2 , the notches are formed at an end of the upstream side of the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063844A1
Автор: Hölzl Reinhold

The invention relates to a plate-type heat exchanger having at least a first and second heat-transfer block, wherein each block has multiple separating plates, which are arranged parallel to one another, which form a multiplicity of heat-transfer passages for fluids taking part in the heat transfer. The heat-transfer blocks are outwardly bounded by cover plates. A first cover plate of the first heat-transfer block is secured to an opposite second cover plate of the second heat-transfer block. At least one elongate first profile is secured to the first cover plate. At least one elongate second profile running parallel to the at least one first profile is secured to the second cover plate such that the two profiles are opposite one another in a direction parallel to the cover plates. Between the two profiles there is an interspace in which an elongate element is arranged in an interference fit with the two profiles, such that the two cover plates and thus the two heat-transfer blocks are secured to one another. The elongate element is designed as a hollow profile. 11001010101041101055510510ababababaabb. A plate-type heat exchanger () with at least one first and one second heat exchanger block ( , ) , wherein each heat exchanger block ( , ) has multiple separating plates () which are arranged parallel to one another and form a multiplicity of heat exchange passages () for fluids involved in the heat exchange , and wherein the heat exchanger blocks ( , ) are outwardly delimited by cover plates ( , ) , wherein a first cover plate () of the first heat exchanger block () is fixed to an opposite second cover plate () of the second heat exchanger block () ,characterized in that{'b': 11', '5', '12', '11', '5', '11', '12', '5', '5', '15', '13', '11', '12', '5', '5', '10', '10', '13, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'at least one elongate first profile () is fixed to the first cover plate (), and in that at least one elongate second profile (), which runs parallel to ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Intercooler System

Номер: US20190063845A1
Принадлежит: K&N Engineering, Inc.

The present invention relates to an apparatus and a system that may be utilized to maximize and utilize greater air flow through an intercooler apparatus. The present invention utilizes unique coil configurations and designs to help promote better air flow through an intercooler apparatus. The present invention utilizes unique profiled passage separators to improve air flow through the passages of the intercooler. Additionally, the present invention utilizes profiled passage separators that improve and significantly cool temperatures of the air flow in much smaller packaging because of the unique passage separators and air flow design of the intercooler. 1. A heat exchange apparatus for improving fluid flow , the apparatus comprising:a hot fluid inlet end and a cooled fluid discharge end;an internal portion having a cooling fluid path contained within the internal portion of the heat exchange apparatus;a plurality of cooling fluid passageways in the cooling fluid path portion; anda plurality of profiled passageway separators.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fluid path is utilized to cool a gaseous fluid.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fluid path is utilized to cool a liquid fluid.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of profiled passageways are capped by a convex surface to funnel fluid more efficiently through the passageways.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the convex surface is connected to the passageway on the hot fluid inlet end of the heat exchange apparatus.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the convex surface is connected to the passageway on the cooled fluid discharge end of the heat exchange apparatus and the hot fluid inlet end of the heat exchange apparatus.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus applies basic fluid mechanics to the entry and exit of the cooling fluid passageways to improve air flow through the heat exchanger device.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus utilizes unique ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075749A1

An integrated circuit chip cooling device includes a network of micropipes. A first pipe portion and a second pipe portion of the network are connected by at least one valve. The valve is formed of a bilayer strip. In response to change in temperature, the shape of the bilayer strip changes to move the valve from a substantially closed position to an open position. In one configuration, the change is irreversible. In another configuration, the change is reversible in response to an opposite change in temperature. 1. A device for cooling an integrated circuit chip , comprising:a network of micropipes including pipe portions;wherein said pipe portions are connected by valves, each valve comprising at least one bilayer strip; and a first network of interconnected trenches located in a first substrate, and', 'a second network of interconnected trenches located in a second substrate stacked to the first substrate and separated from the first substrate by a stack of two layers of different materials having different thermal expansion coefficients., 'wherein said micropipe network comprises2. The device of claim 1 , wherein in each valve said at least one bilayer strip is configured to change shape under the effect of a variation of temperature.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein said at least one bilayer strip in each valve is configured to pass from a first shape where the bilayer strip delimits in the valve a first opening when valve temperature is lower than a first threshold to a second shape where the bilayer strip delimits in the valve a second opening larger than the first opening when valve temperate reaches the first threshold.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein said at least one bilayer strip in each valve is further configured to return from said second shape to said first shape when valve temperature falls back below a second threshold lower than the first threshold.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the passing of said at least one strip from said first shape ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073811A1

An improved double-wall heat exchanger in which the safety “leak” space between heat exchange surfaces forming channels for the fluids exchanging heat is filled with a heat transfer medium with improved thermal conductivity in comparison to air. Pressure responsive rupture points allow release of the heat transfer medium and the heat exchange fluid in the event of failure of one of the containment surfaces. Metal-to-metal heat transfer points are dispersed in the gap to further enhance heat transfer between the hot and cold heat exchange fluid streams. 1. A double-wall heat exchanger comprising:a first conduit for a first heat exchange fluid and having a heat transfer surface;a second conduit for a second heat exchange fluid and having a heat transfer surface;wherein the heat transfer surface of the first conduit and the heat transfer surface of the second conduit together define a heat transfer space bounded by a perimeter; andwherein the heat transfer space is occupied by a thermally conductive medium.2. The double-wall heat exchanger of wherein the heat exchanger is a plate heat exchanger.3. The double-wall heat exchanger of wherein the heat exchanger is a tube-in-tube heat exchanger.4. The double-wall heat exchanger of wherein the perimeter of the heat transfer space includes a rupture point configured to permit release of thermally conductive medium if the internal pressure of the heat transfer space exceeds a predetermined level.5. The double-wall heat exchanger of wherein the heat exchanger comprises a plurality of solid heat transfer contacts providing surface-to-surface heat transfer connections between the heat transfer surface of the first conduit and the heat transfer surface of the second conduit.6. The double-wall heat exchanger of wherein the thermal conductivity of the thermally conductive medium exceeds 0.134 W/(m K) at 288K temperature.7. The double-wall heat exchanger of wherein the heat exchanger comprises a plurality of solid heat transfer ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073813A1
Автор: Ranjan Ram, Wong Eva

A heat exchanger assembly embodiment includes a plurality of laminated ceramic tape layers having at least one hole surrounded by at least one tape remainder portion. The plurality of layers is arranged in a build direction defined parallel to a counter-flow plane. Each laminated ceramic tape layer is stacked and sintered to define a ceramic core section integrally formed with a first ceramic manifold and a second ceramic manifold. The ceramic core section of the assembly includes a plurality of spaced apart counter-flow plates stacked along a stacking direction normal to the counter-flow plane and the build direction, defining a plurality of flow passages parallel to the counter-flow plane. Each flow passage is in communication with the first manifold and the second manifold. A plurality of counter-flow fins is disposed in at least one of the plurality of flow passages, between adjacent ones of the plurality of counter-flow plates. 1. A heat exchanger assembly comprising:a first plurality of laminated ceramic tape layers having at least one first hole surrounded by at least one first tape remainder portion, the first plurality of layers arranged in a build direction to define a first manifold section of the assembly, the build direction defined parallel to a counter-flow plane; anda second plurality of laminated ceramic tape layers arranged adjacent to the first plurality of laminated ceramic tape layers in the build direction, the second plurality of layers having at least one second hole surrounded by at least one second tape remainder portion, the second plurality of layers arranged in the build direction to define a core section of the assembly in communication with the first manifold section of the assembly; a plurality of spaced apart counter-flow plates stacked along a stacking direction normal to the counter-flow plane and the build direction, the plurality of counter-flow plates defining a plurality of flow passages parallel to the counter-flow plane; and ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099379A1
Автор: Romlund Jens

A plate heat exchanger and a heat exchanger plate for evaporation of a first fluid are disclosed. The heat exchanger plate comprises a heat exchanger area extending in parallel with an extension plane of the heat exchanger plate and comprising a corrugation of ridges and valleys. An edge area extends around the heat exchanger area. Portholes extend through the heat exchanger area and comprise a first inlet porthole for said first fluid. A peripheral rim surrounds the first inlet porthole and extends transversely to the extension plane from a root end to an edge. The peripheral rim has a circumferential length and comprises a flat or substantially flat portion. A restriction hole extends through the flat or substantially flat portion. 1. A heat exchanger plate configured to be comprised by a plate heat exchanger configured for evaporation of a first fluid , the heat exchanger plate comprisinga heat exchanger area extending in parallel with an extension plane of the heat exchanger plate and comprising a corrugation of ridges and valleys,{'b': '5', '#text': 'an edge area extending around the heat exchanger area (),'}a number of portholes extending through the heat exchanger area, the portholes comprising a first inlet porthole for said first fluid,a peripheral rim surrounding the first inlet porthole and extending transversely to the extension plane from a root end of the peripheral rim to an edge of the peripheral rim, wherein the peripheral rim has a circumferential length around the first inlet porthole, andat least one restriction hole extending through the peripheral rim,wherein the peripheral rim, along the circumferential length, comprises at least one flat or substantially flat portion and that the restriction hole extends though the flat or substantially flat portion.2. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 1 , wherein the flat or substantially flat portion of the peripheral rim extends transversely to the extension plane of the heat exchanger plate.3. ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099380A1

An enclosed heat sink with a brazed structure is provided. The enclosed heat sink with the brazed structure includes a first brazing plane formed on a top surface of a first brazing body, and a second brazing plane formed on a bottom surface of a second brazing body. The first brazing plane and the second brazing plane are pressed and brazed together, so that the first brazing body and the second brazing body enclose a cavity. A plurality of channels are formed on the first brazing plane, and each of the channels is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the first brazing plane. 1. An enclosed heat sink with a brazed structure , comprising:a first brazing plane formed by a top surface of a first brazing body and a second brazing plane formed by a bottom surface of a second brazing body, the first brazing plane and the second brazing plane being pressed and brazed together, so that the first brazing body and the second brazing body enclose a cavity; wherein a plurality of channels are formed on the first brazing plane, and each of the channels is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the first brazing plane.2. The enclosed heat sink according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the channels are also formed on the second brazing plane claim 1 , and each of the channels on the second brazing plane is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the second brazing plane.3. The enclosed heat sink according to claim 1 , wherein the channels are surface finishing line structures formed in a diagonal direction in a surface finishing manner.4. The enclosed heat sink according to claim 1 , wherein the channels are cut out using hand tools claim 1 , carved out using sandpaper claim 1 , or cut out using a computer numerical control machine.5. The enclosed heat sink according to claim 1 , wherein the first brazing body is a box-shaped body claim 1 , and the second brazing body is a cover body.6. The enclosed heat sink according to claim 5 , wherein the first brazing body has the box- ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087806A1

A latent heat recovery heat exchanger includes a case, a heat exchange portion, and a straightening vane. The heat exchange portion includes a plurality of heat transfer plates surrounded by a peripheral wall portion of the case and layered on one another, each of the plurality of heat transfer plates extending in a direction from an inlet toward an outlet. The straightening vane includes a top plate portion covering the plurality of heat transfer plates so as to close a space between the plurality of heat transfer plates in end portions of the plurality of heat transfer plates in a direction intersecting with a direction of layering of the plurality of heat transfer plates when the heat exchange portion is viewed from the inlet toward the outlet. 1. A heat exchanger for exchanging heat between a heating gas which flows outside and water and/or hot water which flows inside , the heat exchanger comprising:a case including an inlet through which the heating gas flows in, an outlet through which the heating gas flows out, and a peripheral wall portion which connects the inlet and the outlet to each other;a heat exchange portion including a plurality of heat transfer plates surrounded by the peripheral wall portion of the case and layered on one another, each of the plurality of heat transfer plates extending in a direction from the inlet toward the outlet; anda straightening vane surrounded by the peripheral wall portion of the case and rectifying the heating gas,the straightening vane including a top plate portion which covers the plurality of heat transfer plates so as to close a space between the plurality of heat transfer plates in end portions of the plurality of heat transfer plates in a direction intersecting with a direction of layering of the plurality of heat transfer plates when the heat exchange portion is viewed from the inlet toward the outlet.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , whereinan outermost heat transfer plate of the plurality of heat ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Diffusion-Bonded Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20190086155A1

A diffusion-bonded heat exchanger () includes a core () in which a first heat transfer plate () and a second heat transfer plate () are stacked and diffusion-bonded to each other, a plurality of pairs of first ports (), and second ports (). The first heat transfer plate () includes a plurality of first fluid passages (). 1. A diffusion-bonded heat exchanger comprising:a core in which a first heat transfer plate and a second heat transfer plate each including a groove-like fluid passage are stacked and diffusion-bonded to each other;a plurality of pairs of first ports through which fluids are introduced into and discharged from the first heat transfer plate; andat least a pair of second ports through which a fluid is introduced into and discharged from the second heat transfer plate, whereinthe first heat transfer plate includes a plurality of first fluid passages connected to different pairs of the first ports and isolated from each other.2. The diffusion-bonded heat exchanger according to claim 1 , whereinthe second ports include a plurality of pairs of second ports,the second heat transfer plate includes a plurality of second fluid passages formed so as to correspond to the first fluid passages of the first heat transfer plate and isolated from each other, andthe plurality of second fluid passages are respectively connected to different pairs of the second ports.3. The diffusion-bonded heat exchanger according to claim 2 , whereinthe second fluid passages are equal in number to the first fluid passages, and the second fluid passages are respectively disposed at locations that overlap the plurality of first fluid passages of the first heat transfer plate in a planar view.4. The diffusion-bonded heat exchanger according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of first fluid passages are each formed into an elongated shape that extends in a first direction from one end connected to the first port on an entrance side toward another end connected to the first port on an exit ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096727A1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

The invention relates to a stacked plate heat exchanger, comprising a plurality of elongate plates which are stacked on one another and connected to one another and which have a corrugated profile, which plates have a cavity for leading through a medium to be cooled in the longitudinal direction of the plates and define a further cavity for leading through a coolant, wherein leadthrough openings for supplying or discharging the medium to be cooled or the coolant are formed approximately in the end regions of each elongate plate and each elongate plate is surrounded by a bent-off edge, wherein an nth corrugation of the corrugated profile of each plate is drawn close to the edge, preferably into the edge, whereas the other corrugations of the corrugated profile of the plate terminate before the edge, where n=2, 3, 4 etc. 1. Stacked plate heat exchanger , comprising a plurality of elongate plates which are stacked on one another and connected to one another and which have a corrugated profile which plates have a cavity for leading through a medium to be cooled in the longitudinal direction of the plates and define a further cavity for leading through a coolant , wherein leadthrough openings for supplying or discharging the medium to be cooled or the coolant are formed approximately in the end regions of each elongate plate and each elongate plate is surrounded by a bent-off edge , wherein an nth corrugation of the corrugated profile of each plate is drawn close to the edge , preferably into the edge , whereas the other corrugations of the corrugated profile of the plate terminate before the edge , where n=2 , 3 , 4 etc.2. Stacked plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein each nth corrugation of the corrugated profile of each plate is drawn close to the edge claim 1 , preferably into the edge claim 1 , where n=2 claim 1 , 3 claim 1 , 4 etc.3. Stacked plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the plates are arranged in a block claim 1 , wherein each ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers with Variable Chamber Sizes

Номер: US20190101334A1

Devices, systems, and methods for a heat exchanger and operation of a heat exchanger are disclosed. The heat exchanger comprises a chamber with a plurality of fluid inlets and a plurality of fluid outlets. The chamber comprises plates, the plates being parallel and defining fluid plenums between each of the plates. The fluid plenums define a fluid flow path, wherein each of the fluid plenums are aligned with one of the plurality of fluid inlets, one of the plurality of fluid outlets, a fluid path between at least two of the fluid plenums, or a combination thereof. The plates are mounted on guides perpendicular to a plane of the plates. The plates move along the guides due to changes in pressure in the fluid plenums, application of an external force to the one or more plates, or a combination thereof. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a chamber comprising a plurality of fluid inlets and a plurality of fluid outlets; andone or more plates inside the chamber, the one or more plates being parallel and defining fluid plenums between each of the one or more plates, the fluid plenums defining a fluid flow path, wherein each of the fluid plenums comprise one of the plurality of fluid inlets, one of the plurality of fluid outlets, a fluid path between at least two of the fluid plenums, or a combination thereof,wherein the one or more plates being movably mounted between guides perpendicular to a plane of the one or more plates, andwherein the one or more plates move along the guides, wherein the one or more plates move along the guides due to changes in pressure in the fluid plenums, application of an external force to the one or more plates, or a combination thereof.2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , further comprising spacers that limit movement of the one or more plates.3. The heat exchanger of claim 2 , wherein the spacers limit the movement of the one or more plates such that the fluid plenums aligned with each of the plurality of fluid inlets and each of the plurality of ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20170108284A1

A spacer portion () of this heat exchanger () includes an outer peripheral portion () circumferentially provided along outer peripheral edges of bonded surfaces () of cores () and a gap portion (and ) provided in a partial region of the circumferential outer peripheral portion, and the gap portion is provided at a position where a temperature gradient on the bonded surfaces of the cores is relatively shallow. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:multiple cores in which flow path portions through which multiple types of fluids flow are alternately stacked; anda spacer portion arranged between bonded surfaces of the cores adjacent to each other and integrally fixed to the cores on both sides by welding, whereinthe spacer portion includes an outer peripheral portion circumferentially provided along outer peripheral edges of the bonded surfaces of the cores and a gap portion provided in a partial region of the circumferential outer peripheral portion, andthe gap portion is provided at a position where a temperature gradient on the bonded surfaces of the cores is relatively shallow.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , whereinthe spacer portion includes a first spacer having a rectangular plate shape and provided on the outer peripheral edges of the bonded surfaces of the cores and regions inside the outer peripheral edges of the bonded surfaces.3. The heat exchanger according to claim 2 , whereinthe bonded surfaces of the cores each have a rectangular shape, andan outer peripheral portion of the first spacer having the rectangular plate shape is arranged along three sides of the outer peripheral edges of the bonded surfaces of the cores.4. The heat exchanger according to claim 2 , further comprising a first header portion provided on first side surfaces of the cores orthogonal to the bonded surfaces and a second header portion provided on second side surfaces of the cores orthogonal to the first side surfaces and the bonded surfaces claim 2 , whereinon the bonded ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123692A1
Автор: Nielsen Helge

Lining to be positioned in a frame plate of heat exchanger comprising a stack of heat transfer plates, where the lining comprises a tubular part with a first end formed with a first flange and second flange positioned at a distance to the second end, where the second flange is adapted to form a platform to accommodate a sealing element is positioned on the platform of the second flange and this confined between the edge of the recess, the second flange and the outer section and the neighbouring heat transfer plate in the stack of heat transfer plates. 1. A lining to be positioned in a frame plate of heat exchanger , said heat exchanger comprising a stack of heat transfer plates each positioned in parallel to the frame plate , said lining comprising a tubular part with a first end formed with a first flange , wherein a second flange is positioned at a distance to the second end , thus dividing the tubular part into a middle section and an outer section , where the middle section is formed between the first flange and second flange. wherein the second flange and outer section together forms a platform to accommodate a sealing element to be positioned between second flange and the neighbouring heat transfer plate in the stack of heat transfer plates to the frame plate.2. The lining according to claim 1 , wherein the lining is adapted to be positioned in connection to a frame plate which in its inner surface is formed with a recess encircling the opening claim 1 , and borders the opening encircling the opening claim 1 , where the first flange is positioned with the ‘inner’ surface forming a first flange contact section to the outer surface of the frame plate claim 1 , and where the recess is adapted to accommodate the second flange claim 1 , such that the inner surface of the second flange forms a contact to the surface of the recess.3. The lining according to claim 2 , where a sealing element is adapted to be positioned on the second flange being confined between the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113285A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A stacked-plate heat exchanger may include a plurality of stacked plates stacked on top of each other along a stacking direction. A channel structure, through which a fluid may be flowable, may be formed in at least one stacked plate. From a top view of the at least one stacked plate, the channel structure may have at least one fluid channel along the stacking direction that may have at least one channel section with a zigzag-like geometry. 1. A stacked-plate heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of stacked plates stacked on top of each other along a stacking direction;wherein a channel structure, through which a fluid is flowable, is formed in at least one stacked plate;wherein, from a top view of the at least one stacked plate, the channel structure has at least one fluid channel along the stacking direction that has at least one channel section with a zigzag-like geometry.2. The stacked-plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one channel section has a first partial section and a second partial section forming an angle between 90° and 165°.3. The stacked-plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the first and the second partial sections are respectively formed substantially rectilinear and continue into one another via a curved formed transition section.4. The stacked-plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one fluid channel is formed in a meander-like manner and has a plurality of channel sections each with a zigzag-like geometry.5. The stacked-plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein at least one fluid channel has a plurality of U-shaped channel sections claim 1 , wherein at least one channel section with the zigzag-like geometry is provided between at least two U-shaped channel sections adjacent along an extent direction of the fluid channel.6. The stacked-plate heat exchanger according to claim 5 , wherein two channel sections with the zigzag-like geometry and following one another along ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140722A1

A heat exchanger plate () is described comprising an edge (), a groove () running along the edge (), and a corrugated area () having tops () and valleys () between the groove () and the edge (), wherein the tops () run substantially perpendicular to the edge () and the groove () comprises an external wall () adjacent to the corrugated area () and an internal wall (). Using such a heat exchanger plate () it should be possible to produce a reliable plate-type heat exchanger of simple construction. To this end the external wall () is in form of a wavy shape. 1. A heat exchanger plate comprising an edge , a groove running along the edge , and a corrugated area having tops and valleys between the groove and the edge , wherein the tops run substantially perpendicular to the edge and the groove comprises an external wall adjacent to the corrugated area and an internal wall , wherein the external wall is in form of a wavy shape.2. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 1 , wherein the wavy shape comprises crests and troughs claim 1 , wherein the crests are closer to the edge than the troughs and wherein at least in a middle section of the edge the number of crests corresponds to the number of tops.3. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 2 , wherein the crests are arranged in the region of the tops.4. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 3 , wherein the crests extend at least to an internal border of the corrugated area.5. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 1 , wherein the groove comprises a varying width.6. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 1 , wherein the internal wall is straight at least over a part of its lengths.7. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 1 , wherein the internal wall is not straight at least over a part of its lengths.8. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 1 , wherein the crests and troughs are rounded.9. The heat exchanger plate according to claim 8 , wherein the crests and troughs are in form of a ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Semiconductor Thermal-Conductive Heat Sink Structure

Номер: US20190115276A1
Автор: Hu Wen-Sung

The present invention relates to a semiconductor thermal-conductive heat sink structure including a substrate and a thermal-conductive heat sink device. The substrate includes opposed upper and lower planes. A top conductive copper foil is provided on the upper plane to carry a semiconductor device. The thermal-conductive heat sink device includes at least one cooling fin and a high thermal-conductive rivet. A clearance is formed between the cooling fin and a thermal-conductive heat sink device socket or between two adjacent cooling fins such that greater cooling areas are available to the thermal-conductive heat sink device. With the thermal-conductive rivet joining the top conductive copper foil and the cooling fins, heat generated by the activated semiconductor device is fast conducted through the rivet and dissipated from greater cooling areas of the cooling fins for no malfunction of the semiconductor device attributed to heat accumulation induced by poor heat dissipation. 1. A semiconductor thermal-conductive heat sink structure comprising:a thermal-conductive heat sink device adapted to be connected to a substrate, with the substrate including an upper plane and a lower plane opposed to the upper plane, with the upper plane provided with a top conductive copper foil on which a semiconductor device is mounted;wherein the thermal-conductive heat sink device includes a first cooling fin and a thermal-conductive rivet, with the first cooling fin including first and second surfaces opposed in a thickness direction, with the thermal-conductive rivet thermally joining the first cooling fin and the top conductive copper foil for development of cooling planes at the first and second surfaces of the first cooling fin.2. The semiconductor thermal-conductive heat sink structure according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal-conductive heat sink device is mounted on a socket for the thermal-conductive heat sink device claim 1 , with a plurality of convex portions provided ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120034A1
Автор: Pandya Nayankumar

An air-oil heat exchanger used in a compression system that includes a compressor is disclosed. The heat exchanger can be used to cool oil in one embodiment which is used in a compression process. The heat exchanger can be a bar-and-plate type heat exchanger having a number of external fins, internal fins, parting sheets, and header bars. The external fins can include louvers formed therein. An arrangement of multiple unrelated components can be provided that improves pressure loss and reduces weight. 1. An apparatus comprising:a bar and plate heat exchanger having an arrangement of external fins disposed in a first flow path separated from an arrangement of internal fins disposed in a second flow path by a parting sheet, the first flow path distinct from the second flow path, wherein the arrangement of external fins and the arrangement of internal fins are structured according to the following:external fin height of about 0.438″;internal fin height of about 0.098″;internal fin pitch of about 0.069″; andexternal fin per inch of about 11.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second flow path within which the internal fins are disposed is structured to contain oil.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , which further includes a compressor and an oil sump claim 2 , the second flow path including a passage to convey oil between the oil sump and the internal fins.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , which further includes another arrangement of external fins claim 3 , the arrangement of internal fins disposed between the arrangement of external fins and the another arrangement of external fins claim 3 , which further includes another parting sheet between the internal fins and the another arrangement of external fins claim 3 , and wherein internal strip length is about 0.14″.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , which further includes another arrangement of internal fins structured to flow oil and in fluid communication with the oil sump claim 4 , and wherein the external fins includes a ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116432A1
Автор: Chi Yen-Chu

A heat exchanger having alternating first and second fluid passages with perpendicular flow directions separated by channels, spacer bars located at sides of the first fluid passages, side walls located at sides of the second fluid passages that are formed by folded portions of pairs of adjacent channels coupled to form a joint, fins located within the fluid passages, and side panels located at and sealing oppositely disposed ends of the series of alternating fluid passages. The heat exchanger can be produced with methods that include providing and advancing a continuous, elongated strip of material along a path, flattening the strip, folding edges of the strip to define partial fold patterns, cutting a formed portion of the strip to produce one of the channels, and assembling pairs of the channels such that the respective partial fold patterns interlock or overlap to define a joint. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a series of alternating first and second fluid passages, the first fluid passages having a first flow direction and the second fluid passages having a second flow direction perpendicular to the first flow direction;channels located between and separating the first and second fluid passages, the channels being formed of a multilayer of a braze clad alloy or a multilayer of a brazing material having a thickness of greater than 0.3 mm;spacer bars located at and sealing sides of the first fluid passages, the spacers bars having longitudinal axes parallel to the first flow direction and perpendicular to the second flow direction;side walls located at and sealing sides of the second fluid passages, the side walls having longitudinal axes parallel to the second flow direction and perpendicular to the first flow direction, the side walls being formed by folded portions of adjacent pairs of the channels coupled to form a joint;fins located within the first and second fluid passages; andside panels located at and sealing oppositely disposed ends of the series of ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

System and Method of Producing Scalable Heat-sink Assembly

Номер: US20150136375A1

A system for producing heat-sink assemblies in which a series of extruded members possess mating faces, each face having an alternating series of troughs and bulbous shaped ridges which are formed from the sides of the troughs. Mating ridges of one face of each extruded member are dipped with a thermally conductive compound prior to press-fitting and at least some of the ridges and troughs possess a groove that when mated to an opposing region of an adjacent extruded member, produces a reservoir that serves as a feeder source for thermally conductive compound. Once the extruded members are press-fitted, portions of the bulbous-shaped ridges on one face are forced past portions of the bulbous-shaped ridges of the opposing face and into the troughs. Deformation of the bulbous-shaped ridges is uniformly expansive so as to reduce shearing relative to the surfaces of the troughs, and the formed reservoirs are further compressed and feed thermal compound into the interstices between mating members. 1. A heat-sink assembly comprising:(1) at least two extruded members, each extruded member having length, width, a top portion, a middle portion, a bottom portion, a first face and a second face, with the top portion extending to a fin, and the first and second faces having an alternating pattern of longitudinal ridges and troughs; and,(2) a generally bulbous formation formed from each ridge, the bulbous formation possessing a head portion, and a neck portion that transitions to an adjacent trough; and, wherein the first face of one extruded member is mateably engageable with the second face of another extruded member, with the spaces between adjacent extrusions defining interstices; and, at least some of the head portions and it least some of the troughs of an extruded member possessing a groove that when engaged with an adjacent extruded member produces a reservoir for the feeding of a thermally conductive compound into the interstices during a press-fitting operation ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128549A1
Принадлежит: MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD.

A refrigerant heat exchanger is provided and includes: a hollow container having a cylindrical shape; a plate stack disposed on an inner lower side of the hollow container, including plates each having a front side and a back side with a plurality of concavo-convex portions formed thereon which are stacked to form a first heat exchange flow passage through which a first refrigerant flows and a second heat exchange flow passage through which a second refrigerant flows; a supply pipe disposed in an interior space of the hollow container above the plate stack and configured to supply the first refrigerant to the plate stack; and a discharge pipe configured to exchange heat between the first refrigerant supplied from the supply pipe and the second refrigerant flowing through the plate stack and to discharge the first refrigerant. 1. A refrigerant heat exchanger , comprising:a hollow container, having a cylindrical shape;a plate stack, disposed on an inner lower side of the hollow container, and the plate stack including: plates, each having a front side and a back side with a plurality of concavo-convex portions formed thereon, and the plates are stacked to form a first heat exchange flow passage through which a first refrigerant flows and a second heat exchange flow passage through which a second refrigerant flows;a supply pipe, disposed in an interior space of the hollow container above the plate stack and configured to supply the first refrigerant to the plate stack; anda discharge pipe, configured to exchange heat between the first refrigerant supplied from the supply pipe and the second refrigerant flowing through the plate stack and to discharge the first refrigerant,wherein a lower side of the plates of the plate stack has a semi-circular shape along and adjacent to an inner wall surface of the hollow container,wherein an upper side of the plates has a flattened shape having a greater curvature radius than a curvature radius of the semi-circular shape,wherein a ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170131041A1
Автор: BLOMGREN Fredrik

A heat transfer plate has first and second long sides, with a transition area adjoining the distribution area along a first borderline and adjoining a heat transfer area along a second borderline. The transition area includes a transition pattern comprising transition projections and depressions, and first, second and third sub-areas successively arranged between the first/second border lines. An imaginary straight line extends between two end points of each transition projection with a smallest angle α, n=1, 2, 3 . . . relative to a longitudinal center axis of the plate. The smallest angle varies between transition projections within the second sub-area such that the smallest angle for at least a main part of the transition projections within the second sub-area is larger than the first angle α, and the smallest angle for a main part of the transition projections within the first sub-area is essentially equal to the first angle. 14. A heat transfer plate having a central extension plane , a first long side and second long side and comprising a distribution area , a transition area and a heat transfer area arranged in succession along a longitudinal center axis of the heat transfer plate , the transition area adjoining the distribution area along a first borderline and the heat transfer area along a second borderline , the heat transfer area , the distribution area and the transition area being provided with a heat transfer pattern , a distribution pattern and a transition pattern , respectively , the transition pattern differing from the distribution pattern and the heat transfer pattern and comprising transition projections and transition depressions in relation to the central extension plane , the transition area comprising a first sub area , a second sub area and a third sub area arranged in succession between the first and second border lines and adjoining each other along fifth and sixth borderlines , respectively , extending between and along adjacent ones of ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124359A1
Принадлежит: Recair BV, Recair Holding BV

A recuperator including a number of neighbouring hexagonal sheets which are connected to each other. Flow passages are formed between neighbouring sheets. Each of the sheets, at its periphery, is at least partially surrounded by and connected to an associated connecting body. Neighbouring connecting bodies are connected to each other at at least a part of the periphery of the associated sheets and together form the wall of a housing. Passage openings are provided in the wall which are connected to the flow passages for allowing air into the flow passages via the passage openings. Neighbouring connecting bodies are provided with protruding parts and with recesses respectively on sides facing each other, wherein the forms of the protruding parts and of the recesses adjoin each other in order to connect the connecting bodies to each other by a press fit. Methods for producing a connecting body and for producing a recuperator.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164735A1

A heat exchanger includes an inlet for receiving bulk solids, a plurality of heat transfer plate assemblies, a plurality of spacers disposed between adjacent heat transfer plate assemblies, and supports for supporting the heat transfer plate assemblies. The heat transfer plate assemblies include a first plate having a first pair of holes extending therethrough, the first plate having channels extending along a surface thereof, for the flow of fluid through the channels, and a second plate bonded to the first plate to enclose the channels, the second plate including a second pair of holes generally aligned with the first pair of holes to form through holes to facilitate flow of the fluid through the through holes and the channels. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:an inlet for receiving bulk solids; a first sheet having a first pair of holes extending through the first sheet and channels extending along a surface thereof, for the flow of fluid from a first of the first pair of holes, through the channels, to a second of the first pair of holes; and', 'a second sheet bonded to the first sheet to enclose the channels between the first sheet and the second sheet, the second sheet including a second pair of holes generally aligned with the first pair of holes of the first sheet to form first through holes and second through holes to facilitate flow of the fluid through the first through holes, through the channels, and through the second through holes;, 'a plurality of heat transfer plate assemblies, ones of the heat transfer plate assemblies comprisinga plurality of spacers disposed between adjacent heat transfer plate assemblies to space the adjacent heat transfer plate assemblies apart to facilitate the flow of the bulk solids from the inlet, between the adjacent heat transfer plate assemblies; andsupports for supporting the plurality of heat transfer plate assemblies.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first pair of holes is located near a ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144312A1

An oil cooler includes flat tubes layered together with a clearance, wherein cooling water flows through the clearance. Each flat tube includes a first plate, a second plate, and a fin plate held between the first plate and the second plate. The first plate is recessed to form a fin plate accommodation portion accommodating the fin plate, wherein a thin portion is formed outside of the fin plate accommodation portion in a longitudinal direction of the flat tube. An oil port is provided at the thin portion. Each flat tube includes a guide wall at a lateral periphery thereof, wherein the guide wall faces the oil port in a width direction, and projects in a layering direction. The guide wall, the thin portion, and a lateral wall of the oil port form a nozzle portion to guide cooling water in the longitudinal direction. 1. An oil cooler comprising:a plurality of flat tubes layered together with a clearance to one another in a layering direction, and configured to be mounted in a case, wherein the case allows cooling water to flow therein through the clearance in a longitudinal direction of the flat tubes, and wherein each flat tube allows working oil to flow therein; wherein: a first plate;', 'a second plate including a periphery joined with a periphery of the first plate;', 'a fin plate held between the first plate and the second plate; and', 'an oil port having a cylindrical shape having a longitudinal axis extending substantially in the layering direction, and provided at first longitudinal end portions of the first plate and the second plate configured to receive inflow of cooling water;, 'each flat tube includeseach flat tube is connected to one another via the oil port;the first plate is recessed to form a fin plate accommodation portion accommodating the fin plate, wherein the first longitudinal end portion of the first plate is outside of the fin plate accommodation portion in the longitudinal direction of the flat tube;the second plate has a substantially flat ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210166856A1
Автор: Bachinger Florian

An electrical device, such as a transformer or an inductor, for connecting to a high-voltage network includes a tank which is filled with an insulating fluid and which encases a magnetizable core and at least one winding. A cooling system includes at least one radiator which is arranged outside the tank and is connected to same for circulating the insulating fluid via the radiator. The radiator has at least two heat exchange elements connected in parallel with one another. In order to cost-effectively accelerate a cold start, one of the heat exchange elements is fitted with a thermal insulation unit which reduces the heat transfer from the insulating fluid into the insulated heat exchange element to the atmosphere in comparison with a heat exchange element with no thermal insulation unit. 19-. (canceled)10. An electrical device for connection to a high-voltage network , the electrical device comprising:a tank filled with an insulating fluid;a magnetizable core and at least one winding disposed in said tank;a cooling system having at least one radiator arranged outside and fluidically connected to said tank for circulating the insulating fluid via said radiator, said radiator having at least two heat-exchange elements connected in parallel with one another;at least one of said heat-exchange elements being an insulated heat-exchange element equipped with a thermally insulating unit configured to reduce a heat transfer from the insulating fluid in said insulated heat-exchange element to an exterior atmosphere in comparison with a heat-exchange element without a thermally insulating unit.11. The electrical device according to claim 10 , wherein one single heat-exchange element is equipped with said thermally insulating unit.12. The electrical device according to claim 11 , wherein said at least one radiator has an upper feed line and a lower return line each connected to said tank and connected to one another via said heat-exchange elements claim 11 , and wherein said ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132386A1
Автор: Masgrau Marcello

A plate for a heat exchange arrangement for the exchange of heat between a first and a second medium. The plate has a first heat transferring surface in contact with the first medium and a second heat transferring surface in contact with the second medium. The plate includes an inlet porthole for the first medium; an inlet porthole for the second medium, and an outlet porthole for the first medium. The first heat transferring surface includes a protrusion forming at least one ridge arranged to divide the heat transfer surface into at least a first region in direct thermal contact with the inlet porthole for the second medium, and a second region not in direct thermal contact with the inlet porthole for the second medium. The second region substantially surrounds the first region. The inlet porthole for the first medium is arranged in the first region, while the outlet porthole for the first medium is arranged in the second region. Moreover, the at least one ridge forms at least one elongated transfer channel arranged to convey the first medium from the first region to the second region. 1. A plate for a heat exchange arrangement for the exchange of heat between a first and a second medium , wherein the plate has a first heat transferring surface arranged in use to be in contact with the first medium and a second heat transferring surface arranged in use to be in contact with the second medium , and wherein the plate comprises:an inlet porthole for the first medium;an inlet porthole for the second medium; andan outlet porthole for the first medium,wherein the first heat transferring surface comprises a protrusion forming at least one ridge arranged to divide said first heat transferring surface into at least a first region in direct thermal contact with the inlet porthole for the second medium, and a second region not in direct thermal contact with the inlet porthole for the second medium, andwherein the second region substantially surrounds the first region, wherein ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132397A1

A plate heat exchanger includes a plurality of plates stacked so that a liquid flow passage is formed on the inside thereof, and a gas flow passage through which heating gas passes, the gas flow passage being formed between the plurality of plates and including a gas inflow opening portion and a gas outflow opening portion positioned on an opposite side to the gas inflow opening portion, wherein the gas outflow opening portion has a smaller opening area than the gas inflow opening portion. Thus, when the heating gas passes through the gas flow passage, even if the volumetric flow thereof decreases due to a reduction in temperature or condensation, a reduction in the flow velocity of the heating gas can be suppressed. Hence, a reduction in a heat transfer coefficient can be suppressed, leading to an improvement in heat transfer efficiency, and as a result, reductions in overall size, weight, and manufacturing cost can be achieved appropriately. 1. A plate heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of plates stacked so that a liquid flow passage is formed on the inside thereof; anda gas flow passage through which heating gas passes, the gas flow passage being formed between the plurality of plates and including a gas inflow opening portion and a gas outflow opening portion positioned on an opposite side to the gas inflow opening portion, whereinthe gas outflow opening portion has a smaller opening area than the gas inflow opening portion.2. The plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , whereineach of the plates has a smaller width on the gas outflow opening portion side than the gas inflow opening portion side.3. The plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , whereineach of the plates is provided in an upright attitude in an up-down height direction, andan inflow port of the liquid flow passage is provided in a lower portion of each of the plates on the side of a first end portion in a width direction, while an outflow port of the liquid flow passage is provided in an ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141655A1

In some examples, a heat exchanger includes an outer shell defining an open cavity configured to receive heat exchanger core components. The heat exchanger core components may include a layer of hot passageway components configured to be separated from a layer of cold passageway components by a tube sheet. In some examples, the outer shell defines one or more alignment features on an inner wall of the open cavity, the one or more alignment features being configured to align the heat exchanger core components within the open cavity when inserted in the open cavity. The heat exchanger further comprises a cover configured to be attached to the outer shell via one or more braze joints to enclose the core components within the open cavity of the outer shell. 1. A method of assembling a heat exchanger , the method comprising:inserting heat exchanger core components into an open cavity of a preformed outer shell, wherein the outer shell defines one or more alignment features on an inner wall of the open cavity configured to align the heat exchanger core components within the open cavity when inserted in the open cavity, the heat exchanger core components comprising a layer of hot passageway components configured to be separated from a layer of cold passageway components by a tube sheet; andattaching a cover to the outer shell via one or more braze joints to enclose the heat exchanger core components within the open cavity of the outer shell.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger core components comprise a plurality enclosure bars claim 1 , a plurality of fins claim 1 , and a plurality of tube sheets.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more alignment features comprise one or more grooves in the inner wall of the preformed outer shell claim 2 , wherein inserting the heat exchanger core components into the open cavity of the preformed outer shell comprises inserting an end portion of an enclosure bar of the plurality of enclosure bars into a ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141656A1

A multilayer heat exchanger device comprising: a stack of plates arranged to provide multiple fluid flow paths separated by the plates; wherein at least some of the plates are pin fin plates that each have an array of pins extending outwards from the pin fin plate into the fluid flow paths; and wherein each pin comprises an inner end integrally formed with the pin fin plate, a mid-point along a longitudinal axis of the pin, and an outer end to be bonded to an adjacent plate; wherein the cross sectional area of the pin at the outer end is larger than the cross sectional area at the mid-point. 1. A multilayer heat exchanger device comprising:a stack of plates arranged to provide multiple fluid flow paths separated by the plates;wherein at least some of the plates are pin fin plates that each have an array of pins extending outwards from the pin fin plate into the fluid flow paths; andwherein each pin comprises an inner end integrally formed with the pin fin plate, a mid-point along a longitudinal axis of the pin, an outer end to be bonded to an adjacent plate; andwherein the cross sectional area of the pin at the outer end is larger than the cross sectional area at the mid-point.2. The multilayer heat exchanger device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the array of pins is distributed across the body of the plate in a grid pattern.3. The multilayer heat exchanger device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the array of pins have the same distribution across the body of each plate within the stack of plates.4. The multilayer heat exchanger device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pins have a circular cross section.5. The multilayer heat exchanger device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cross sectional area of the outer end is larger than the cross sectional area of the inner end.6. The multilayer heat exchanger device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cross sectional area of the outer end is equal to the cross sectional area of the inner end.7. The multilayer heat ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150168075A1

The invention relates to a plate heat exchanger including a plate package, which plate package includes a plurality of heat exchanger plates of at least two configurations which are joined to each other and which alternate with each other to form a stack of heat exchanger plates forming plate interspaces between the heat exchanger plates. The plate interspaces are arranged to receive at least two different fluids. At least one through hole is arranged to extend between the exterior of the plate package and a compartment inside the plate package, the compartment being at least partly formed by any of the plate interspaces, wherein the at least one through hole is formed by a thermal drilling. 1. A plate heat exchanger including a plate package , which plate package includes a plurality of heat exchanger plates of at least two configurations which are joined to each other and which alternate with each other to form a stack of heat exchanger plates forming plate interspaces between the heat exchanger plates , the plate interspaces being arranged to receive at least two different fluids , wherein at least one through hole is arranged to extend between the exterior of the plate package and a compartment inside the plate package , the compartment being at least partly formed by any of the plate interspaces , wherein the at least one through hole is formed by a thermal drilling.2. A plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the compartment comprises a plurality of plate interspaces communicating with each other via a common channel wherein the at least one through hole is arranged in a wall portion defining the common channel.3. A plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one through hole is arranged to receive a component contained in the group consisting of sensors such as temperature sensors claim 1 , pressure sensors and optic sensors claim 1 , plugs claim 1 , such as drainage plugs or inspection glasses and connectors for tubings.4. A ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger Comprising A Bundle Provided With Means Permitting The Limitation Of The Movements Of The Said Exchange Bundle In Relation To The Walls Of The Housing

Номер: US20150168076A1
Автор: Ferlay Benjamin

A heat exchanger comprises a housing adapted to surround a heat exchange bundle. The housing is provided with an opening for receiving the heat exchange bundle in the interior of the housing. The heat exchange bundle comprises a first extremity adapted to close the opening in the housing when the heat exchange bundle is inserted in the interior of the housing. A second extremity of the heat exchange bundle opposite the first extremity is provided with at least one protuberance, and the wall of the housing is provided with a contact element adapted to support the protuberance in order to limit the movement of the second extremity of the heat exchange bundle in relation to the wall of the housing. 1134343434342131350214313. A heat exchanger () comprising a housing () adapted to enclose a heat exchange bundle () , the housing () being provided with an opening for receiving the heat exchange bundle () in the interior of the housing () , the heat exchange bundle () comprising a first extremity adapted to close the opening in the housing () when the heat exchange bundle () is inserted into the interior of the housing () , wherein a second extremity of the heat exchange bundle () opposite the first extremity is provided with at least one protuberance () , and in which the wall () of the housing () is provided with a contact element () adapted to support the protuberance () in order to limit the movement of the second extremity of the heat exchange bundle () in relation to the wall () of the housing ().2143215021313. A heat exchanger () according to claim 1 , in which the heat exchange bundle () is introduced into the interior of the housing () in a direction of introduction claim 1 , the protuberance () extends essentially in the direction of introduction claim 1 , and the contact element () is adapted to support the protuberance () in order to limit the movement of the protuberance in relation to the wall () of the housing () in a direction essentially perpendicular to ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Internal degas feature for plate-fin heat exchangers

Номер: US20170167806A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

A heat exchange assembly includes an upper cover panel, a lower cover panel, a plurality of stacked plate assemblies, and a plurality of fins interposed between the plurality of plate assemblies. Each of the plurality of plate assemblies forms a flow passage for receiving a coolant. A continuous flow path extends through the heat exchange assembly. The flow path is in fluid communication with the flow passage of each of the plates and configured to convey air from each of the flow passages to an environment separate from the heat exchanger.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162489A1

The present invention relates to a heat exchanger for an internal combustion engine, developed for cooling air by means of a cooling fluid, comprising 17.-. (canceled)8. A heat exchanger for an internal combustion engine , developed for cooling air by means of a cooling fluid , comprising:a housing that comprises in its interior volume tubes for conducting the air to be cooled that extend through the housing; wherein the housing comprises several plate elements that form the housing, wherein the inlet and the outlet are developed in different plate elements, and', 'wherein the inlet and/or the outlet is or are provided in a protrusion of the plate elements, wherein the protrusion has or have an extent along the housing, that has a component perpendicular to a straight line connecting the inlet and the outlet., 'an inlet and an outlet for the cooling fluid that are developed in the housing,'}9. A heat exchanger according to claim 8 , wherein the tubes open out into base plates of the heat exchanger and wherein the inlet and/or the outlet for the cooling fluid is and/or are developed in a plate element that is integral with the associated base plate.10. A heat exchanger according to claim 9 , wherein the base plate and the component of the plate element into which the inlet or the outlet open out are substantially perpendicular with respect to one another.11. A heat exchanger according to claim 10 , wherein the plate element of the base plate further comprises encompassing components that border on the base plate and wherein these encompassing components claim 10 , together with the component into which the inlet or the outlet opens out claim 10 , encompass the base plate.12. A heat exchanger according to claim 8 , wherein the plate element in which the inlet and/or the outlet is or are provided overlaps another plate element of the housing such that the other plate element partially delimits the hollow volume formed by the protrusion.13. A heat exchanger according to ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Conical Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20150176913A1

A heat exchanger having a conical-shaped core is disclosed. A first set of flow passages is formed between mating conical-shaped core plates, the mating plates forming plate pairs that are spaced apart from each other forming a second set of flow passages therebetween. A pair of oppositely disposed fluid openings are provided for inletting/discharging a fluid to/from the heat exchanger in a co-axial manner, the fluid openings being interconnected by a pair of fluid manifolds formed in the outer perimeter of the core, the second set of flow passages and a fluid manifold formed centrally through the heat exchanger. A second set of inlet/outlet manifolds formed within the perimeter of the core are interconnected by the first set of flow passages. Flow through the first set flow passages is peripheral around the perimeter of the conically-shaped core plates while flow through the second set of flow passages is along the angle defined by the conical-shaped plates. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a heat exchanger core comprising a plurality alternatingly stacked conically-shaped core plates defining a first set of flow passages between adjacent plates in a plate pair and a second set of flow passages between adjacent plate pairs forming the heat exchanger core, the first and second flow passages being in alternating order through the heat exchanger core;a pair of first inlet manifolds in fluid communication with said second set of flow passages, the pair of inlet manifolds being arranged generally opposite to each other at the perimeter of the heat exchanger core;a first outlet manifold in fluid communication with said second set of flow passages, the outlet manifold being formed centrally through the heat exchanger core;a second inlet manifold in fluid communication with said first flow passages, said second inlet manifold formed within the perimeter of the heat exchanger core;a second outlet manifold in fluid communication with said first flow passages, said second ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199384A1

Provided is a heat exchanger capable of being efficiently and easily produced. The present invention is directed to a heat exchanger having an outer packaging body having an inlet , an outlet , a pair of opposing walls, and a corrugated inner fin disposed between the pair of opposing walls and provided alternately and continuously with a concave portion and a convex portion . The outer packaging body is formed of an outer packaging laminate material L in which a resin heat-fusible layer is provided on an inner surface side of a metal heat transfer layer . The inner fin is formed of an inner core laminate material L in which a heat-fusible layer is provided on both surface sides of a metal heat transfer layer . The inner fin is formed in a rectangular wave shape in which a concave portion and a convex portion are alternately and continuously provided, a concave bottom wall of the inner fin and a convex top wall of the inner fin are arranged parallel to the pair of opposing walls, and a rising wall connecting the concave bottom wall and the convex top wall is arranged perpendicular to the pair of opposing walls. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:an outer packaging body provided with an inlet, an outlet, and a pair of opposing walls; anda corrugated inner fin disposed between the pair of opposing walls and provided with a concave portion and a convex portion alternately and continuously,wherein a heat exchange medium flows into an inner fin installation portion in the outer packaging body from the inlet, passes through the inner fin installation portion, and flows out of the outlet,wherein the outer packaging body is formed of an outer packaging laminate material in which a resin heat-fusible layer is provided on an inner surface side of a metal heat transfer layer,wherein the inner fin is formed of an inner core laminate material in which a heat-fusible layer is provided on both surface sides of a metal heat transfer layer,wherein the inner fin is formed in a rectangular ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170176111A1
Автор: Cook David

A heat exchanger system comprises a first heat exchanger, a second heat exchanger, a mixer, and a third heat exchanger. A first working fluid flow path connects the first working fluid outlet port and the first mixer inlet port, a second working fluid flow path connects the second working fluid outlet port and the second mixer inlet port, and a third working fluid flow path connects the mixer outlet and the third inlet port. 1a first heat exchanger including a first working fluid inlet port, a first working fluid outlet port, a first heat transfer medium inlet port, and a first heat transfer medium outlet port;a second heat exchanger including a second inlet port, a second outlet port, a second heat transfer medium inlet port, and a second heat transfer medium outlet port;a mixer including a first mixer inlet port, a second mixer inlet port, and a mixer outlet port; anda third heat exchanger including a third inlet port, a third outlet port, a third heat transfer medium inlet port, and a third heat transfer medium outlet port; andwherein a first working fluid flow path connects the first working fluid outlet port and the first mixer inlet port;wherein a second working fluid flow path connects the second working fluid outlet port and the second mixer inlet port; andwherein a third working fluid flow path connects the mixer outlet and the third inlet port.. A heat exchanger system comprising: This application comprises a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/978,687 filed Jul. 8, 2013, which is a U.S. National Stage Entry of PCT/US12/20566 filed Jan. 6, 2012, which incorporates by reference and claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/430,530 filed Jan. 6, 2011, each of which is incorporated in its entirety.The present invention relates to heat exchangers and specifically those which directly extract heat from high temperature media streams and transfer this heat to a heat sensitive working fluid and/or heat exchangers which combine ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200166282A1

The plate-type heat exchanger includes blocks stacked on each other, each of the blocks including a heat exchanger body configured to exchange heat between a first fluid and a second fluid. A connection passage for the first fluid is formed between blocks adjacent to each other of the plurality of blocks, the connection passage allowing the outlet of one of the blocks adjacent to each other and the inlet of the other of the blocks adjacent to each other to communicate with each other, the first fluid in the blocks adjacent to each other having different flow directions between the blocks adjacent to each other, and a second connection passage is provided between at least one pair of blocks adjacent to each other among the plurality of blocks, the second connection passage being configured to cause the first fluid to flow to a position different from the connection passage. 1. A plate-type heat exchanger comprising a plurality of blocks stacked on each other , each of the blocks including a heat exchanger body configured to exchange heat between a first fluid flowing inside the heat exchanger body and a second fluid flowing outside the heat exchanger body , whereineach of the blocks includes a plurality of through holes through which the second fluid flows, an inlet configured to cause the first fluid to flow into the block, and an outlet configured to cause the first fluid to flow out of the block,a connection passage for the first fluid is formed between blocks adjacent to each other of the plurality of blocks, the connection passage allowing the outlet of one of the blocks adjacent to each other and the inlet of another of the blocks adjacent to each other to communicate with each other, the first fluid in the blocks adjacent to each other having different flow directions between the blocks adjacent to each other, anda second connection passage is provided between at least one pair of blocks adjacent to each other among the plurality of blocks, the second ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200166283A1
Автор: Masgrau Marcello

Heat exchanger () for heat exchange between a first medium and a second medium, comprising a main inlet () and a main outlet () for the first medium; and a plurality of heat exchanging plates (), each of which comprising a plate inlet () and a plate outlet () for the first medium; and a respective first heat transfer surface () on a first side () and arranged to be in contact with the first medium flowing along said first side; a respective second heat transfer surface () on a second side () and arranged to be in contact with the second medium flowing along said second side; a respective plurality of indentations (); wherein the plates are fastened together in a stack, comprising plates of a first type () and plates of a second type () arranged alternatingly, whereby corresponding ones of said indentations of adjacent plates are arranged in direct abutting contact with each other, so that flow channels () for said first and second media are formed between said surfaces. The invention is characterised in that each plate of the first type comprises a respective ridge-shaped indentation (), arranged to form a closed flow first medium channel (), in that each plate of the first type comprises a respective bridge-shaped indentation (), formed to comprise a through hole () arranged to form an open flow channel () for the second medium, and in that said open flow channel communicates with corresponding open flow channels between other pairs of first and second type plates. 1. A heat exchanger for heat exchange between a first medium and a second medium , comprisinga main inlet for the first medium;a main outlet for the first medium; anda plurality of heat exchanging plates, which plates are associated with a respective substantially parallel main plane of extension and a height direction perpendicular to said main plane, and each of which plates comprisinga plate inlet for the first medium, connected to the main inlet for the first medium;a plate outlet for the first ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Heat exchanger plate and heat exchanger

Номер: US20200166284A1
Принадлежит: Innoheat Sweden AB

Plate (110) for a heat exchanger (100) between a first medium and a second medium, the plate comprising a first heat transfer surface (114) on a first side (113) of the plate, arranged to be in contact with the first medium; a second heat transfer surface (116) on a second side (115) of the plate, arranged to be in contact with the second medium; a plurality of indentations (120, 130, 140) in the plate (110; 210; 310), bulging out locally in a plate height direction (H), which plate is arranged to be stacked together with similar plates to form a heat exchanger heat plate stack. The invention is characterised in that the plate comprises a ridge-shaped indentation, arranged to form, together with a corresponding ridge-shaped indentation of an adjacent plate in said stack, a closed flow channel (105′, 105″) for the first medium with a general flow direction, in that the said closed channel comprises a floor (105a) and a ceiling (105b), as viewed in the height direction, and comprises a step (105c) in the height direction along said general flow direction by the said floor and said ceiling both being offset in same height direction.

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180187975A1
Автор: Rondet Frédéric

A plate heat exchanger comprising a casing, a fluid separation device, a number of heat transfer plates that are permanently joined to each other and have central openings that form a central space in a plate stack and in which the fluid separation device is arranged, such that a first part of the central opening may act as a fluid inlet and a second part of the central opening may act as a fluid outlet for a first fluid, opposite sides of the plates act fluid entries and exits for a second fluid, an outer dimension (D) of the plate stack is smaller than an inner dimension (D) of a shell of the casing, wherein fluid blockers are arranged in a gap between the shell and the plate stack. 1. A plate heat exchanger comprisinga casing that comprises a shell, and a top cover and a bottom cover that are connected to the shell to from an enclosure in the casing,a fluid separation device,a number of heat transfer plates that are joined to each other to form a plate stack that is arranged within the enclosure and has alternating first and second flow paths for a first fluid and a second fluid in between the heat transfer plates, 'central openings that form a central space in the plate stack and in which the fluid separation device is arranged, such that a first part of the central opening may act as a fluid inlet and a second part of the central opening may act as a fluid outlet for the first fluid,', 'the heat transfer plates having'}first sides that act as a fluid entries for the second fluid, and second sides that are opposite the first sides and act as fluid exits for the second fluid,an outer dimension of the plate stack is smaller than an inner dimension of the shell, such that a gap is formed between the shell and the plate stack, anda first fluid blocker and a second fluid blocker are arranged in the gap between the shell and the plate stack, for reducing a flow of the second fluid in the gap.2. A plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , whereinthe first fluid ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186845A1
Принадлежит: HUTCHINSON

The invention relates to a method for heat exchange. At a first point in time, in a thermal energy storing device, at least part of the previously accumulated thermal energy is discharged to a first fluid by heat exchange, and subsequently, at a second later point in time, when the first fluid has been heated to a temperature higher than the temperature of a second fluid, the second fluid receives heat energy by heat exchange with said first fluid which then circulates on the other side of a first wall that prevents the first and second fluids from mixing. 2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein at said second point in time claim 1 , the temperature to which the first fluid has been heated being higher than the change-of-state temperature of the PCM material/of at least one of these PCM materials:said at least one phase-change material (PCM) is loaded with calories by heat exchange with the first fluid in the thermal energy store,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'and the step b) of is performed.'}3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein in the thermal energy storing device claim 1 , said PCM material is provided to a second wall that separates claim 1 , away from the first wall claim 1 , an inlet flow of the first fluid into several sub-flows claim 1 , said sub-flows are circulated along this second wall claim 1 , said sub-flows:during step a), at a temperature below the change-of-state temperature of said PCM material,and during step b), at a temperature above the temperature of said PCM material.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , through the first wall claim 1 , the first and second fluids are placed in direct heat exchange there between claim 1 , without interposition of PCM.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the first oil circuit is a gearbox circuit of the vehicle.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , at the first point in time:c) during step a), oil adapted to lubricate said engine and circulating in said ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Plate stack and heat exchanger

Номер: US20210222961A1
Принадлежит: Mayekawa Manufacturing Co

A plate stack includes a plurality of plates, each including corrugated portions formed on front and back surfaces thereof. First and second heat exchange flow passages are formed between plates, arranged alternately along stacking direction of the plates. Each plate has two through holes penetrating the front and back surfaces, through which the first heat exchange fluid is introduced and derived. The plate stack includes first partition weirs formed on at least one of two plate surfaces, the two plate surfaces forming a corresponding one of the first heat exchange flow passages therebetween. First partition weirs are symmetrically and obliquely arranged with respect to a center line connecting centers of two through holes as viewed from the stacking direction. A flow passage is formed along the center line on a side of at least one of the two through holes, from which first heat exchange fluid is introduced.

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195739A1

A heating device with hot water supply function includes: a combustion means; a first heat exchanger; a circulation passage that connects the first heat exchanger and an room heating unit; a circulation pump; a bypass passage that branches off from the circulation passage; a second heat exchanger for hot water supply provided in the bypass passage; a cold water supply passage; a hot water supply passage for supply of hot water from the second heat exchanger; and a distribution means that is provided at a branching section and whose distribution ratio can be adjusted, so that it becomes possible selectively to execute either only room heating operation, or only hot water supply operation, or simultaneous room heating operation and hot water supply operation; wherein the hot water supply outlet, the thermal medium inlet, and the room heating outlet of the distribution means are at the same height. 1. A heating device with hot water supply function , comprising:a combustion means;a heat exchanger for heating a thermal medium for room heating;a circulation passage that connects the heat exchanger and a room heating unit;a circulation pump for circulating the thermal medium provided in the circulation passage;a bypass passage that branches off from the circulation passage and bypasses the room heating unit;a heat exchanger for hot water supply provided in the bypass passage;a cold water supply passage for supplying cold water to the heat exchanger for hot water supply;a hot water supply passage for supply of hot water that has been heated by the heat exchanger for hot water supply at a predetermined set hot water supply temperature; anda distribution means that is provided at a branching section where the bypass passage branches off from the circulation passage, and whose distribution ratio can be adjusted, so that it becomes possible selectively to execute either only room heating operation, or only hot water supply operation, or simultaneous room heating operation and ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Heat exchanger

Номер: US20200191491A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A heat exchanger includes a heat exchanger core, an intake tank, and a flow limiting portion. The heat exchanger core includes a stacked heat exchange portion, a distribution portion, and a collection portion. The stacked heat exchange portion defines first fluid flow paths through which a first fluid flows in a first direction, and second fluid flow paths through which a second fluid flows in a third direction. The distribution portion is configured to distribute the first fluid to the first fluid flow paths. The collection portion is configured to collect the first fluid from the first fluid flow paths. The flow limiting portion is configured to suppress an inflow of the second fluid from the intake tank into the distribution portion and the collection portion. The flow limiting portion and the intake tank are provided as a single component.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231383A1

A fractal heat exchanger comprises: a heat exchanger core comprising a plurality of channels in a close-packed configuration, the plurality of channels comprising a plurality of first channels and a plurality of second channels; a first fractal channel for conveying a first fluid to the plurality of first channels of the heat exchanger core; and a second fractal channel for conveying the first fluid from the plurality of first channels of the heat exchanger core; wherein the first fractal channel and the second fractal channel each comprise at least one divergence point along its length where a parent channel splits into a plurality of sub-channels which diverge away from each other. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a heat exchanger core comprising a plurality of channels in a close-packed configuration, the plurality of channels comprising a plurality of first channels and a plurality of second channels;a first fractal channel for conveying a first fluid to the plurality of first channels of the heat exchanger core; anda second fractal channel for conveying the first fluid from the plurality of first channels of the heat exchanger core;wherein the first fractal channel and the second fractal channel each comprises at least one divergence point along its length where a parent channel splits into a plurality of sub-channels which diverge away from each other.2. A heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger core comprises a homogeneous block of material having a plurality of bores extending therethrough defining the plurality of channels.3. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the first fractal channel and the second fractal channel each comprises a plurality of fractal stages claim 1 , wherein each fractal stage comprises at least one parent channel claim 1 , a divergence point and a plurality of sub-channels claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of sub-channels of one fractal stage form parent channel of a subsequent fractal stage.4. ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211826A1
Автор: Mariotto Mathieu

A dual air flow exchanger, allowing a heat transfer and humidity transfer between two air flows, and including a plurality of first and second air circulation networks separated by membranes permeable to water vapor and impermeable to air and to liquid water, each of the first and second networks including cells each defined by a wall including openings for passage of air, the cell wall including two opposing edges at which same is open in a direction of stacking. For at least one of the first networks, at least one of the two opposing edges of each cell wall defines a hollow open in a direction of the second directly consecutive air circulation network, the hollows receiving a part of the second network. 119-. (canceled)20. A dual air flow exchanger , allowing for a heat transfer and a humidity transfer between two air flows , and comprising:a plurality of first and second air circulation networks stacked alternately according to a direction of stacking and separated two-by-two by membranes permeable to water vapor and impermeable to air and to liquid water,each one of the first and second air circulation networks comprising cells each defined by a wall comprising openings for passage of air, the cell wall comprising two opposing edges on which the cell is open in the direction of stacking,wherein for at least one of the first air circulation networks, at least one of the two opposing edges of each cell wall defines a hollow open in a direction of the second directly consecutive air circulation network, the hollow receiving a part of the second network.21. An exchanger according to claim 20 , wherein for at least one of the second air circulation networks claim 20 , at least one of the two opposing edges of each cell wall defines a hollow open in a direction of the first directly consecutive air circulation network claim 20 , the hollow receiving a part of the first network.22. An exchanger according to claim 20 , wherein the two opposing edges claim 20 , of each ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150223972A1

Cold plates through which refrigerant flows define a slot between them that can receive a cassette through which sterile working fluid with a relatively low flow rate flows from an intravascular heat exchange catheter. The working fluid from the catheter is heated or cooled by heat exchange with the cold plates through the walls of the cassette to maintain the sterility of the working fluid. On the other hand, high flow rate working fluid chambers surround the cold plates and non-sterile working fluid from an external heat exchange pad flows through the high flow rate working fluid chambers to exchange heat through direct contact with the cold plates. 1. Heat exchanger , comprising:at least first and second heat exchange plate assemblies defining a first modality working fluid chamber between them, the first modality working fluid chamber being configured for receiving a holder through which sterile working fluid can flow to and from a first modality patient heat exchange member such that the sterile working fluid can exchange heat with the plate assemblies through the holder without the sterile working fluid touching the plate assemblies; andat least a second modality working fluid chamber through which second working fluid can flow to and from a second modality patient heat exchange member such that the second working fluid from the second modality patient heat exchange member can exchange heat with at least one of the plate assemblies by directly contacting at least one the plate assemblies.2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein the first modality patient heat exchange member is established by an intravascular heat exchange catheter.3. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , comprising the first modality patient heat exchange member.4. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein the second modality patient heat exchange member is established by an externally-applied exchange pad.5. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , comprising the second modality patient heat exchange ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150226496A1

A heat exchanger and fins thereof are provided. The fin includes a plurality of first fin units and a plurality of second fin units which are arranged in parallel and alternately, and each first fin unit includes a first louver facing an inflow direction of fluid, and each second fin unit includes a second louver facing the inflow direction of the fluid, the first louver and the second louver are arranged in parallel, and the first louver and the second louver are staggered in the inflow direction of the fluid to form a first space between the first louver and the second louver, and at least one of first louvers or at least one of second louvers has a varied width. 1. A fin of a heat exchanger , wherein the fin comprises a plurality of first fin units and a plurality of second fin units which are arranged in parallel and alternately , and each first fin unit comprises a first louver facing an inflow direction of fluid , and each second fin unit comprises a second louver facing the inflow direction of the fluid , the first louver and the second louver are arranged in parallel , and the first louver and the second louver are staggered in the inflow direction of the fluid to form a first space between the first louver and the second louver , and at least one of first louvers or at least one of second louvers has a varied width.2. The fin of the heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein as viewed from the inflow direction of the fluid claim 1 , a top end of the first louver is broader than a bottom end of the first louver claim 1 , and a top end of the second louver is narrower than a bottom end of the second louver.3. The fin of the heat exchanger according to claim 2 , wherein the first louver and the second louver are parallel with each other claim 2 , and both of the first louver and the second louver has a top half area and a bottom half area which are not equal claim 2 , and the top half area of the first louver is greater than the bottom half area thereof ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190212065A1
Автор: Masgrau Marcello

A plate () for a heat exchange arrangement has a first heat transferring surface (A) with a protrusion () forming a continuous and closed ridge. This ridge divides said surface into a closed inner region (A) and an outer region (A). The inner region (A) encloses a first inlet porthole () and a first outlet porthole () for a first medium. The outer region (A) has a second inlet porthole () and a second outlet porthole () for the first medium. A heat exchange arrangement comprises a stack of first and second plates of the above type. The protrusions () on the first heat transferring surfaces (A) of said plates are connected to each other to separate first channels into first and second flow paths for the first medium. Each first flow path is configured to direct the first medium from a first inlet to a first outlet inside the inner region (A) and each second flow path is configured to direct the first medium from a second inlet to a second outlet in the outer region (A), said inlets and outlets being defined between said inlet and outlet portholes ( and respectively). 1. A plate for a heat exchange arrangement for the exchange of heat between a first and a second medium , wherein:the plate has a first heat transferring surface arranged in use to be in contact with the first medium and a second heat transferring surface arranged in use to be in contact with the second medium;the plate is configured with a first inlet porthole for the first medium and an inlet porthole for the second medium, and a first outlet porthole for the first medium;the plate comprises at least a second inlet porthole for the first medium and at least a second outlet porthole for the first medium,the first heat transferring surface is configured with at least one protrusion forming a continuous and closed ridge which is arranged to divide said heat transfer surface into at least a closed inner region and an outer region;the inner region completely encloses the first inlet porthole for the first ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190212075A1
Автор: Shin Yoon K.

A cassette for use in cassette-type heat exchanger has an inlet and an outlet, and include an upper plate and a lower plate. The upper and lower plates are sealed together around an edge area of the cassette, thereby forming a flow path within the cassette between the inlet and outlet. The plates are formed with a stamped pattern that increases the surface area of the plates as compared to a flat plate surface. The pattern includes a series of weld points whereby the upper and lower plate are welded or bonded together at a point location. 1. A cassette for a heat exchanger comprising:an inlet;an outlet;an upper plate; anda lower plate,wherein the upper plate is welded to the lower plate around an edge are sealed together around an edge area of the cassette to form a flow path within the cassette between the inlet and the outlet, the flow path extending along a longitudinal axis of the cassette, the longitudinal axis being perpendicular to a horizontal axis of the cassette,wherein both the upper and lower plates are formed with at least one stamped pattern that increases the surface area of the plate, andwherein the at least one stamped pattern comprises a first sinusoidal wave pattern and a second sinusoidal wave pattern intersecting the first sinusoidal wave pattern.2. The cassette of claim 1 , wherein the pattern includes a series of weld points whereby the upper and lower plate are welded or bonded together.3. The cassette of claim 1 , wherein the first sinusoidal wave pattern comprises a plurality of lines of wave apexes claim 1 , wherein the lines of wave apexes extend at an angle α relative to the horizontal axis of the cassette claim 1 , wherein angle α is between about 0° and about 25°.4. The cassette of claim 3 , wherein the second sinusoidal wave pattern comprises a plurality of lines of major valleys claim 3 , wherein the lines of major valleys extend at an angle θ relative to the longitudinal axis of the cassette claim 3 , wherein the angle θ is between ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210247143A1
Автор: Seidel Pessach

The present invention discloses an improve plate for plate heat exchangers (PHE) which its parameters are tailor-made to be utilized in industrial operation comprising various set of at least one first fluid and at least one second fluid having different physical and chemical characteristics and hence requires different two or more sets of PHE-related parameters. The invention also discloses method of using and manufacturing the same. 1. A plate for a PHE characterized by a length X , main longitudinal axis , directed North , width y , transverse axis , and height Z; upwards surface (UP) and opposite surface (DOWN) , the plate is corrugated with an array of protruding peaks and depressed valleys; upper peaks & valleys and down peaks & valleys are denoted as P′ , V′ , P″ and V″ , respectively; P′ lies on a substantially single plane denoted as (upper-) peak plane; V″ lies on a substantially single plane denoted as (down-) valley plane; heights are measured from said valley plane; distance between P′ and V′ and between P″ and V″ is denoted as drawing depth b′ and b″ , respectively; metal sheet thickness between P′ plane P″ or between V′ and V″ denoted as t; plate thickness equals t+b′=b=t+b″; lower peaks , namely LP′ are equal to or lower along Z axis than peaks P′; lower peaks , namely LP″ are equal to or lower along Z axis than peaks P″; high valleys , namely HV′ are equal to or higher along Z axis than valleys V′; high valleys , namely HV″ are equal to or higher along Z axis than valleys V″; plate n is stackable along Z axis with adjacent plates (n−1 , lower plate) and (n+1 , upper plate) , n is an integer number; when stacked , peaks P′ of plate (n−1) abut (support) valleys V″ of plate (n) and peaks P′ of plate (n) abut valleys V″ of plate (n+1); again , when stacked and between two adjacent plates , an interspace (channel) is provided for fluid flow , channel maximal height equals to or lower than b′+b″; channels are sealed by a technology selected from a group ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger Insert

Номер: US20150241142A1

The invention relates to an insert intended to encourage the exchange of heat between a first fluid and a second fluid. The insert includes a concertina-folded plate for the circulation of the first fluid. The plate is intended to come into thermal contact with circulation channels for the second fluid. The plate includes a multiplicity of ridges able to divert the circulation of the first fluid from one direction of flow. The insert has an increasing density of ridges in the direction of flow. The invention also relates to a heat exchange bundle including a plurality of such inserts, as well as a heat exchanger for a cooling circuit comprising such a heat exchange bundle. 1. An insert intended to encourage the exchange of heat between a first fluid and a second fluid , the insert comprising a concertina-folded plate for the circulation of the first fluid , the plate for coming into thermal contact with circulation channels for the second fluid , the plate including a multiplicity of ridges able to divert the circulation of the first fluid from one direction of flow , the insert having an increasing density of ridges in the direction of flow.2. The insert claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , in which the plate comprises a plurality of corrugations intended to guide the fluid in the direction of flow claim 1 , each corrugation being offset claim 1 , one in relation to the other claim 1 , in a direction transverse to the direction of flow in such a way that the ridges are formed by opposed end edges of the corrugations claim 1 , the length of the corrugations decreasing in the direction of flow.3. The insert claim 2 , as claimed in claim 2 , in which the corrugations are offset by a distance substantially equal to half of a pitch of the corrugation.4. The insert claim 2 , as claimed in claim 2 , formed from one and the same said the concertina-folded plate.5. The insert claim 2 , as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising at least two zones claim 2 , each zone including ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170234622A1

A plate laminated type heat exchanger includes: a plate laminated body which is formed by laminating a plurality of plates; and a heat exchanger body which includes a first header through which fluid (G) flows in from outside of the plate laminated body and a second header through which the fluid (G) flows out to the outside of the plate laminated body which are connected to the plate laminated body. Each of the plurality of plates is formed from a flat plate shape having a first surface and a second surface. The first surface is provided with a plurality of grooves defined by inner walls through which the fluid flows. The plurality of plates are connected each other so that the first surface of one of the plurality of plates is brazed to the second surface of the other one of the plurality of plates. 1. A plate laminated type heat exchanger comprising:a plate laminated body which is formed by laminating a plurality of plates; anda heat exchanger body which includes a first header through which fluid flows in from outside of the plate laminated body and a second header through which the fluid flows out to the outside of the plate laminated body which are connected to the plate laminated body,wherein each of the plurality of plates is formed in a flat plate shape having a first surface and a second surface,the first surface of at least one of the plurality of plates is provided with a plurality of grooves defined by inner walls through which the fluid flows, andthe plurality of plates are bonded each other by brazing so that the first surface of one of the plurality of plates is brazed to the second surface of the other one of the plurality of plates.2. The plate laminated type heat exchanger according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of grooves includes at least two groove groups of a first groove group and a second groove group which has a groove width narrower than a groove width of the first groove group.3. The plate laminated type heat exchanger according to ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Plate heat exchanger with reinforced covers and method for the production of said reinforced covers and their assembly

Номер: US20210262734A1

A plate heat exchanger includes a pack of superimposed heat exchanger plates, and has two cover plates mounted on the side portions of the first heat exchanger plate. The surface area of each of the two cover plates is smaller than half of the surface area of said first heat exchanger plate. 11. A plate heat exchanger () comprising:{'b': 10', '101', '102', '103', '102', '103', '101', '104, 'a pack () of superimposed heat exchanger plates () provided with alternating ridges () and depressions (), said alternating ridges and depressions defining, together with the ridges () and depressions () present on another facing heat exchanger plate (), circuits for the heat exchange fluids, and through-holes () configured to convey two of the heat exchange fluids in spaces between the heat exchanger plates following at least two hydraulically isolated circuits,'}{'b': '101', 'wherein each heat exchanger plate () is rectangular in shape,'}{'b': 21', '22', '107', '101, 'wherein the heat exchanger comprises two cover plates (, ) mounted on a first one () of said heat exchanger plates (),'}{'b': 21', '22', '107, 'wherein a surface area of each of said two cover plates (, ) is smaller than half the surface area of said first heat exchanger plate () and'}{'b': 21', '22, 'wherein each of said two cover plates (, ) further comprises{'b': 23', '231', '104, 'a pair of second holes (, ) shaped and positioned to correspond to said through-holes () in the heat exchanger plates; and'}{'b': 3', '3', '231', '107', '104, 'a metal ring (, ′), positioned to surround one of said second holes () and on a lower area of said first heat exchanger plate () where one of the through-holes () for one of the heat exchange fluids is made,'}{'b': 3', '3', '21', '22', '107, 'wherein said metal ring (, ′) is adapted to guarantee a hermetic seal between one of said cover plates ( ) and said first heat exchanger plate ().'}212322312122212232122. The plate heat exchanger () according to claim 1 , wherein an edge ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262735A1

A heat exchanger, comprising first plates and second plates, several protrusions being provided on the side of a first plate surface of each first plate, a fin being provided between a second plate surface of each first plate and a first plate surface of the adjacent second plate, and no fin being provided between the side of the first plate where the protrusions are provided and the second plate surface of the adjacent second plate. The heat exchanger increases flow turbulence in first fluid channels by means of the fins, and increases flow turbulence in second fluid channels by means of a structure of the several protrusions, so that low-pressure fluid can flow through the first fluid channels, and high-pressure fluid can flow through the second fluid channels. 1. A heat exchanger , comprising a heat exchange core , the heat exchange core comprising a plurality of first plates , a plurality of second plates and fins , whereinthe first plate comprises a first plate surface, a plurality of protrusions protruding from the first plate surface, and a second plate surface opposite to the first plate surface,the second plate comprises a first plate surface and a second plate surface opposite to the first plate surface,a first fluid passage and a second fluid passage isolated from each other are formed in the heat exchange core, the fin is arranged between the second plate surface of the first plate and the first plate surface of the second plate, and the protrusions are located between the first plate surface of the first plate and the second plate surface of the adjacent second plate, a first passage is formed between the second plate surface of the first plate and the first plate surface of the second plate, the first passage is part of the first fluid passage, a second passage is formed between the first plate surface of the first plate and the second plate surface of the second plate, and the second passage is part of the second fluid passage.2. The heat exchanger ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234690A1

A plate for use in a heat exchanger is includes: a first surface; a second surface; first, second and third discrete flow passages passing through the plate from the first surface to the second surface, the second flow passage extending around the first flow passage and the third flow passage extending around the second flow passage. A plurality of fins extend parallel to the first surface across the third flow passage and have a first surface extending parallel to the first surface of the plate and a second surface extending parallel to and spaced from the first surface of the fin; and one or more pins protruding from the first surface of at least some of the fins. The pins extend away from the second surface of the fins. 1. A plate for use in a heat exchanger , the plate comprising:a first surface;a second surface extending parallel to and spaced from the first surface;first, second and third discrete flow passages passing through the plate from the first surface to the second surface,the second flow passage extending around the first flow passage and the third flow passage extending around the second flow passage;a plurality of fins extending parallel to the first surface across the third flow passage and having a first fin surface extending parallel to the first surface of the plate and a second fin surface extending parallel to and spaced from the first fin surface; andone or more pins protruding from the first fin surface of at least some of the fins, the pins extending away from the second fin surfaces,wherein a first distance from the second fin surfaces to an end of the pins removed from the first fin surfaces is less than or equal to a second distance from the second surface of the plate to the first surface thereof.2. A plate as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a solid central portion extending from the first surface to the second surface claim 1 ,wherein the first flow passage extends around the solid central portion.3. A plate as claimed in claim ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210278138A1
Автор: Lee Sangyeol, Yoo Sanghoon

A plate heat exchanger is disclosed. The plate heat exchanger of the present disclosure includes: a first plate having a wavy first heat transfer surface through which a first fluid flows; a second plate having a wavy second heat transfer surface through which a second fluid flows, the first plate and the second plate being stacked on top of each other; and ribs provided at a portion of the first heat transfer surface, wherein the wavy first heat transfer surface has alternating ridges and grooves; and the ribs project from the grooves toward the ridges in the first heat transfer surface, to come into contact with the second plate. 1. A plate heat exchanger , comprising:a first plate having a wavy first heat transfer surface through which a first fluid flows;a second plate having a wavy second heat transfer surface through which a second fluid flows, the first plate and the second plate being stacked on top of each other; andribs provided at a portion of the first heat transfer surface, wherein:the wavy first heat transfer surface has alternating ridges and grooves; andthe ribs project from the grooves toward the ridges in the first heat transfer surface, to come into contact with the second plate.2. The plate heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein the ribs are pressed on the first plate to be formed together with the ridges.3. The plate heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein:the first heat transfer surface is elongated in an up-down direction;the ridges and the grooves of the first heat transfer surface are elongated in a direction intersecting the up-down direction; andthe ribs further comprise a plurality of ribs which are spaced apart from each other in the up-down direction.4. The plate heat exchanger of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of ribs further comprise:a first rib adjacent to a right edge of the first heat transfer surface;a second rib adjacent to a left edge of the first heat transfer surface and disposed above the first rib; anda third rib adjacent to the ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210293484A1

Plate () for a heat exchanger between a first medium and a second medium, the plate being associated with a main plane (P) of extension and a height direction (H) perpendicular to said main plane, and comprising a first heat transfer surface () on a first side () of the plate, arranged to be in contact with the first medium flowing along said first side; a second heat transfer surface () on a second side () of the plate, arranged to be in contact with the second medium flowing along said second side; a plurality of indentations () in the plate, formed by the material of the plate bulging out locally in the said plate height direction, of which a plurality are bridge-shaped indentations () comprising two respective through-holes () in the plate, as well as a respective bridge part () forming a passage () between the said through-holes, and wherein the passage has a general direction being substantially parallel to a general flow direction (D) of the second medium past the bridge-shaped indentation in question. The invention is characterised in that, for at least a plurality of the said bridge-shaped indentations, the shape of the respective bridge part, in a cross-section taken perpendicularly to both the main plane and to the said general direction of the passage in question, comprises a local minimum (), so that the height of the bridge part, in said cross-section, first increases, then decreases to the said local minimum, and then again increases. 114-. (canceled)15. A heat exchanger for heat exchange between a first medium and a second medium , comprisinga main inlet for the first medium;a main outlet for the first medium; anda plurality of heat exchanging plates, each of said plates being associated with a respective main plane of extension and a respective height direction perpendicular to said main plane, said plates being fastened together in a stack on top of each other with their respective main planes parallelly arranged, said stack comprising plates of a ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140345834A1

A heat exchanger assembly for an electronic image assembly placed within a housing where ambient air surrounds the exterior of the housing and a rear plate may be placed behind a backlight to create a channel. An ambient air fan may be placed between two portions of a heat exchanger to force ambient air through the heat exchanger. The fan may also be positioned to also force ambient air through the channel. A circulating gas fan may also be placed within the housing to force circulating gas through at least one portion of the heat exchanger. 1. A heat exchanger assembly for use with an electronic image assembly within a housing where ambient air surrounds the exterior of the housing , the assembly comprising:a first portion of a heat exchanger comprising a plurality of stacked plates where each plate contains a plurality of parallel channels;a second portion of a heat exchanger comprising a plurality of stacked plates where each plate contains a plurality of parallel channels; anda fan positioned between the first and second portions.2. The heat exchanger assembly of wherein:the fan draws ambient air into the housing.3. The heat exchanger assembly of wherein:the fan exhausts ambient air out of the housing.4. The heat exchanger assembly of wherein:the channels within the first portion of the heat exchanger are in gaseous communication with the channels within the second portion of the heat exchanger.5. The heat exchanger assembly of wherein:the two portions of the heat exchanger are sealed to prevent ambient air from entering the interior of the housing, other than the pathways within the heat exchanger.6. The heat exchanger assembly of wherein:the heat exchanger portions are comprised of corrugated layers.7. The heat exchanger assembly of wherein:the heat exchanger portions are cross-flow heat exchanger portions.8. A heat exchanger assembly for use with an electronic image assembly within a housing where ambient air surrounds the exterior of the housing claim 1 , ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254598A1

The plate heat exchanger and method for manufacturing a plate heat exchanger comprise a stack of heat transfer plates, with first and second flow channels arranged between the plates. Pairs of heat transfer plates form cells. A cell comprises inner spacing elements arranged between the heat transfer plates leaving open a first inlet opening and a first outlet opening for the one of the fluids. The cell also comprises outer spacing elements welded to the heat transfer plates on the sides of the heat transfer plates facing away from each other. The cells are stacked against each other and joined together by welding via the outer spacing elements. The plate heat exchanger further comprises cover plates for covering sides of the stack of heat transfer plates with interruption for an inlet port section formed by the first inlet openings and an outlet port section formed by the first outlet openings. The two first sides of the cell comprising the first inlet opening or the first outlet opening comprise leakage passageways provided between the heat transfer plates for the one of the fluids, in addition to the passages provided by the first inlet opening and the first outlet opening. 1. Plate heat exchanger comprising a stack of heat transfer plates ,each heat transfer plate extending in a general plane and comprising four edge parts, wherein first and second flow channels are arranged between the plates, with every first flow channel for a through-flow of a first fluid and every second flow channel for a through-flow of a second fluid, the first flow channels for one of the fluids are via first inlet openings and first outlet openings connectable to an inlet port and an outlet port, inner spacing elements arranged between the heat transfer plates, the inner spacing elements extending along the four edge parts leaving open a first inlet opening and a first outlet opening for the one of the fluids,', 'outer spacing elements welded to at least one of the heat transfer plates ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140352934A1

A plate heat exchanger includes a plurality of main plates having ridges and troughs to direct first and second flows of fluids across the main plates to exchange heat between the fluids while maintaining the first and second flows of fluids separate from each other. The heat exchanger also includes a first end plate including first and second inlets and first and second outlets. The first end plate includes a substantially flat inside surface configured to contact the ridges of a first main plate among the plurality of main plates and at least one slot formed in the substantially flat surface to provide a fluid communication of the first fluid flow between the inlet and a cavity formed by the first end plate and the first main plate. 1. A plate heat exchanger , comprising:a plurality of main plates having ridges and troughs to direct first and second flows of fluids across the main plates to exchange heat between the fluids while maintaining the first and second flows of fluids separate from each other;a first end plate including first and second inlets to provide the first and second flows to the plurality of main plates and first and second outlets to output the first and second flows from the plurality of main plates, the first end plate including a substantially flat inside surface configured to contact the ridges of a first main plate among the plurality of main plates and at least one first slot formed in the substantially flat surface to provide a fluid communication of the first fluid flow between the inlet and a first cavity formed by the first end plate and the first main plate;a second end plate on an opposite side of the plurality of main plates from the first end plate, the second end plate including a substantially flat inside surface configured to contact the ridges of a second main plate among the plurality of main plates and at least one second slot formed in the substantially flat surface to provide a fluid communication of one of the first fluid ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140352935A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A plate heat exchanger may include a cover plate, a base plate and heat exchanger plates, the heat exchanger plates arranged as a stack oriented between the cover plate and the base plate. The base plate may overlap an edge of the adjacent heat exchanger plate, the base plate having an edge which is arranged in the direction of the heat exchanger plate stack. The edge of the base plate may follow at least in part a contour of the heat exchanger plate stack. The edge of the base plate may be formed at least in part by a projection. The projection may be integrally formed with the base plate and may be bent along folding lines. 1. A plate heat exchanger , comprising: a cover plate , a base plate and heat exchanger plates arranged as a stack oriented between the cover plate and the base plate , wherein the base plate overlaps an edge of the adjacent heat exchanger plate , the base plate having an edge which is arranged in the direction of the heat exchanger plate stack and which follows at least in part a contour of the heat exchanger plate stack wherein the edge of the base plate is formed at least in part by a projection , said projection being integrally formed with the base plate and being bent along folding lines.2. The plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the base plate is constructed from thin sheet metal.3. The plate heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the base plate is formed from a sheet metal blank having projections integrally adjoining edge-parallel folding lines claim 1 , the projections turned over in the direction of the heat exchanger plates forming doubled regions claim 1 , the edges of the base plate bent up relative to the plane of the sheet metal blank remote from the folding lines and are nestled against the adjacent edge of the heat exchanger plates.4. The plate heat exchanger according to claim 3 , wherein the projections are connected integrally with a central region of the base plate in a central section of the ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140352936A1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

A plate-type heat exchanger, in particular for motor vehicles, is described which includes plate pairs. In one example, a plate pair includes a first plate and a second plate that form a first flow path and a second flow path between the plates. In this configuration, the first and the second plate are associated with a first attachment plate and a second attachment plate, respectively. A third flow path is formed between the first plate and the second attachment plate and the first flow path is formed between the second plate and the first attachment plate. Alternatively, the third flow path is formed between the first plate and the first attachment plate and the first flow path is formed between the second plate and the second attachment plate. A spatial region for a fourth flow path may also be formed between adjacent plate pairs. 1. A plate-type heat exchanger , in particular for motor vehicles , having a multiplicity of plate pairs for forming first , second and third flow paths , wherein a space region for fourth flow paths is formed between adjacent plate pairs , and a plate pair is formed from at least one first plate and one second plate in order to form the first flow path and the second flow path between the first and the second plate , wherein the first and the second plate are assigned a first attachment plate and a second attachment plate , respectively , wherein the third flow path is formed between the first plate and the second attachment plate which is placed onto the first plate , and the first flow path is furthermore formed between the second plate and the first attachment plate which is placed onto the first plate , or the third flow path is formed between the first plate and the first attachment plate which is placed onto the first plate , and the first flow path is furthermore formed between the second plate and the second attachment plate which is placed onto the second plate.2. The heat exchanger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein that the ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248967A1

The present disclosure concerns a stacked plate for a stacked-plate heat exchanger, e.g., for a motor vehicle. The stacked plate includes an inlet, an outlet, and a U-shaped flow path extending between the inlet and the outlet. A raised separating web is disposed along a longitudinal centre of the stacked plate, and extends between the inlet and the outlet and provide a U-shaped extent of the U-shaped flow path. The separating web includes at least one U-shaped protrusion and at least one separating web portion projecting from the separating web. 1. A stacked plate for a stacked-plate heat exchanger , comprising:an inlet, an outlet, and a flow path extending U-shaped between the inlet and the outlet,a raised separating web extending in a longitudinal centre, structured and arranged to extend between the inlet and the outlet and provide a U-shaped extent of the flow path, andwherein the raised separating web comprises at least one U-shaped protrusion and at least one separating web portion projecting from the raised separating web.2. The stacked plate according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of raised flow guiding contours provided in a region of the flow path.3. The stacked plate according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the plurality of raised flow guiding contours is structured as a bead.4. The stacked plate according to claim 1 , wherein the raised separating web includes at least two U-shaped protrusions and at least two separating web portions projecting therefrom.5. The stacked plate according to claim 4 , wherein the at least two U-shaped protrusions are arranged on one side and the at least two separating web portions are arranged on another side of the separating web relative to the longitudinal centre.6. The stacked plate according to claim 1 , wherein the raised separating web extends from an edge of a short side between the inlet and the outlet over a maximum of 80% of a length of the stacked plate.7. The stacked plate according to ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248975A1

A metal base plate material includes trip-shaped first regions each having a plurality of first ridges arranged substantially parallel to each other and at substantially equal intervals such that an angle of intersection with a longitudinal direction is greater than or equal to 10° and less than or equal to 25°. Strip-shaped second regions each have a plurality of second ridges arranged substantially parallel to each other and at substantially equal intervals and angled to face the plurality of the first ridges in a crosswise direction. The first regions and second regions are separated by a gap regions therebetween, at substantially equal intervals. First ends on a downstream side of the plurality of the first ridges and second ends on a downstream side of the plurality of the second ridges are positioned differently from each other in the longitudinal directions. 1. A metal base plate material for a heat exchange plate to be built into a plate-type heat exchanger , whereinat least one surface is provided with a plurality of strip-shaped first regions and a plurality of strip-shaped second regions, which are provided alternately and in parallel,the strip-shaped first regions each comprise a plurality of first ridges arranged substantially parallel to each other and at substantially equal intervals such that an angle of intersection with a longitudinal direction is greater than or equal to 10° and less than or equal to 25°,the strip-shaped second regions each comprise a plurality of second ridges arranged substantially parallel to each other and at substantially equal intervals and angled to face the plurality of the first ridges in a crosswise direction,the first regions are separated from the second regions adjacent thereto by gap regions therebetween, respectively, at substantially equal intervals, andwhen one orientation of longitudinal directions of the first regions and the second regions is defined as a downstream direction, first ends on a downstream side of ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160273841A1
Автор: SIVERKLEV Johan

The present disclosure relates to a sheet () for exchange of heat and/or mass transfer between fluid flows, which sheet () is provided with corrugations defining open channels (),wherein every other open channel () is a corrugated open channel (), wherein a cross-section of every corrugated open channel () has two channel end points(), and two peaks () and a valley floor () between the two channel end points(), wherein the two channel end points () of a corrugated open channel () define the mouth of that corrugated open channel (), wherein the remaining open channels that are intermediate each pair of corrugated open channel () are intermediate open channels (), wherein corrugated open channels () and intermediate open channels () have mouths in opposite directions. A device comprising such a sheet and a method of manufacturing the sheet is also disclosed herein. 1. A device for exchange of heat and/or mass transfer between fluid flows comprising a plurality of sheets , wherein each sheet is provided with corrugations defining open channels , wherein every other open channel is a corrugated open channel , wherein a cross-section of every corrugated open channel has two channel end points , and two peaks and a valley floor between the two channel end points ,wherein the two channel end points of a corrugated open channel define the mouth of that corrugated open channel, wherein the remaining open channels that are intermediate each pair of corrugated open channel are intermediate open channels, wherein corrugated open channels and intermediate open channels have mouths in opposite directions,wherein the sheets are stacked such that open channels of each pair of adjacent sheets define fluid flow channels, and wherein the device comprises fluid inlets and fluid outlets, wherein each fluid inlet is arranged to direct fluid into the fluid flow channels of two adjacent sheets and each fluid outlet is arranged to direct fluid out from the fluid flow channels of two ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Stacked Plate Heat Exchanger With Form Fitting Connection Of The Plates

Номер: US20180266774A1
Автор: GUO Zhangeng, Ran Hongwei
Принадлежит: Zehnder Group International AG

The present invention provides a heat exchanger, comprising a plurality of first heat exchange plates () and second heat exchange plates () that are connected sequentially and at an interval; the first heat exchange plates (1) and the second heat exchange plates () each comprise a heat exchange sheet () and a heat exchange frame () disposed on side ends of the heat exchange sheet (); the side ends of the heat exchange sheet () are formed with a snap projection () in a direction away from the heat exchange frame (); the heat exchange frame () is formed with a snap groove (); the first heat exchange plates () and the second heat exchange plates () are in interference connection through the engagement between the snap projection () and the snap groove (); an air channel () is formed between a first heat exchange plate () and an adjacent second heat exchange plate (), the air inlet of the first heat exchange plate () and the air inlet of the second heat exchange plate () have different directions, and the air outlet of the first heat exchange plate () and the air outlet of the second heat exchange plate () have different directions. The present invention puts the first heat exchange plate () and the second heat exchange plate () in interference connection through the engagement between the snap projection () and the snap groove (), which effectively ensures stability and reliability of the connection, and ensures the airtightness of the connection. 112. A heat exchanger , characterized in that it comprises a plurality of first heat exchange plates () and second heat exchange plates () that are connected sequentially and at an interval;{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '3', '4, 'the first heat exchange plates () and the second heat exchange plates () each comprise a heat exchange sheet () and a heat exchange frame () disposed on side ends of the heat exchange sheet (), an air inlet and an air outlet being formed, respectively, on the heat exchange frame ();'}{'b': 3', '9', '4, ' ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210356218A1

A heat exchanger element for use in a heat exchanger includes an outer wall formed into a tubular shape including a first portion and a second portion. The first portion is arranged parallel to and is spaced apart from the second portion. A plurality of fin structures extends between the first portion and the second portion of the outer wall. Each of the fin structures defines a flow channel configured to provide fluid communication between an outer surface of the first portion of the outer wall and an outer surface of the second portion of the outer wall. An interior of the outer wall is configured to receive a first fluid while an exterior of the outer wall and each of the flow channels defined by the fin structures are configured to receive a second fluid in heat exchange relationship with the first fluid.

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160287432A1

A heat exchange assembly can be removably engaged between two cold plates of a heat exchange system for exchanging heat with working fluid from an intravascular heat exchange catheter or an external heat exchange pad. The heat exchange assembly may have a serpentine, winding, tortuous, or sinuous configuration, or it may have one or more curves, turns and/or bends and/or can have a flattened transverse cross-section to facilitate heat exchange with the cold plates. 1. A heat exchange member comprising:a hollow body through which working fluid from an intravascular heat exchange catheter or an external heat exchange pad can flow, the body being configured for removable engagement between two plates of a heat exchange system for exchanging heat between the heat exchange system and the working fluid, the body comprising:a working fluid inlet;a working fluid outlet; anda plurality of straight segments between the inlet and outlet, wherein adjacent straight segments are connected by a respective curved end segment, and at least some of the end segments are corrugated or flexible.2. The heat exchange member of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchange member includes a serpentine body.3. The heat exchange member of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchange member is made of metal or thermally conductive thermo-plastic.4. The heat exchange member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the straight segments has a flattened transverse cross-section.5. The heat exchange member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the straight segments defines a non-circular transverse cross-section.6. The heat exchange member of claim 5 , wherein the non-circular transverse cross-sections are oblong.7. The heat exchange member of claim 5 , wherein the non-circular transverse cross-sections have opposed flat sides.8. The heat exchange member of claim 1 , comprising the plates claim 1 , the plates configured for circulating refrigerant to and from a compressor.9. The heat exchange member of claim 8 , ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140374067A1

In one embodiment, a plate for an evaporative cooler is disclosed. The plate may comprise a wicking material with an exposed surface and a sealed surface opposite the exposed surface. An impermeable barrier may be coupled to the sealed surface. One or more masks may line a portion of the exposed surface, wherein the masks may comprise an impermeable material. In some embodiments, the mask may be a strip of impermeable material and may be coupled to a flat area of the top surface. In further embodiments, the one or more masks may align with a liquid wick path of the wicking material. In further embodiments, the one or more masks may line the edge of perforations that pass at least partially through the plate. 1. A plate for an evaporative cooler , comprising:a wicking material with at least one exposed surface and one or more masks lining a portion of the at least one exposed surface,wherein the one or more masks comprise an impermeable material.2. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the wicking material further comprises a sealed surface claim 1 , opposite the at least one exposed surface claim 1 , wherein the sealed surface comprises an impermeable barrier.3. The plate of claim 2 , wherein the one or more masks comprise a strip of the impermeable material coupled to a flat area of the at least one exposed surface.4. The plate of claim 3 , further comprising:at least two masks lining the portion of the at least one exposed surface, wherein the masks align with each other.5. The plate of claim 3 , wherein the one or more masks align with a liquid wick path of the wicking material.6. The plate of claim 3 , wherein the one or more masks comprise a surface area sufficient to cause a wick rate through the wicking material to exceed an evaporation rate potential of the at least one exposed surface.7. The plate of claim 2 , further comprising one or more channel guides coupled to the at least one exposed surface of the wicking material.8. The plate of claim 2 , further ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140374076A1

A plate-type heat exchanger, in particular for motor vehicles, is provided that includes a plurality of plate groups in order to form first and second and/or third flow paths, a spatial region for fourth flow paths being formed between adjacent plate groups, the plate groups having at least one plate pair having a first and second plate in order to form the first flow paths and the second flow paths, wherein a third plate can be arranged in interaction with one of the first or one of the second plates in order to form the third flow path. 1. A plate-type heat exchanger for motor vehicles , the heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of plate groups to form first and second and/or third flow paths, wherein a spatial region for the fourth flow paths is formed between adjacent plate groups, the plate groups having at least one plate pair having a first and second plate to form the first flow paths and the second flow paths; anda third plate arranged in conjunction with one of the first or one of the second plates in order to form the third flow path.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the plates have openings and/or cups as connecting and interconnecting regions and have channel-forming structures or embossings to form flow paths between connecting regions.3. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the first plate of the plate group at two opposite end regions has two connecting regions as an inlet or outlet of the first and second flow path and a channel-forming structure between each of the two connecting regions to form the first and second flow path claim 1 , and wherein two openings or cups are provided at opposite ends of the first plate for connection to the third flow path.4. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the second plate of the plate group at two opposite end regions has two connecting regions as an inlet or outlet of the first and second flow path and a channel-forming structure between two connecting regions to ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210389060A1
Принадлежит: AXENS

The invention relates to a heat exchanger plate (A; B) comprising a central panel (A; B) with at least four sides (A, A, A, A; B, B, B, B), said central panel being preferably quadrilateral, or quadrilateral with truncated corners, said plate having: 1. A heat exchanger plate (A; B) comprising a central panel (A; B) with at least four sides (A , A , A , A; B , B , B , B) , said central panel being preferably quadrilateral , or quadrilateral with truncated corners , characterized in that:{'sub': 1', '1', '0', '0', 'A', 'B, 'a first side (A; B) of the central panel is inclined with respect to said central panel (A; B) and forms a first joining panel (J; J),'}{'sub': 3', '3', '1', '1, 'the opposite side (A; B) to said first side (A; B) is flat.'}2. The heat exchanger plate (A; B) as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first joining panel (J; J) comprises a first part claim 1 , notably a single part claim 1 , said first part forming an angle (α) with said central panel.3. The heat exchanger plate (A; B) as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first joining panel (J; J) is made from a first part (A; B) and from a second part (A; B) extending from said first part claim 1 , said first part forming an angle (α) with the central panel (A; B) and said second part being parallel to the central panel.4. The heat exchanger plate (A; B) as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said angle (α) between the first part (A; B) of the first joining panel and the central panel (A; B) is comprised between 10° and 90° claim 2 , preferably between 20° and 60° claim 2 , and more preferably between 30° and 50°.5. The heat exchanger plate (A; B) as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:{'sub': 2', '2', '0', '0', '1', '1', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B, 'a second side (A; B) of the central panel (A; B) is inclined with respect to the central panel, said second side being adjacent to the first side (A; B) and said second side forms a second joining panel (K; K) inclined in the opposite direction with respect to the first joining ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации

Ultra-Compact Thin Foil Heat-Exchanger

Номер: US20200271387A1

Various embodiments include heat exchangers and methods of making heat exchangers from a series of stacked plates each made of two foil sheets bonded together in bonding locations forming fluid flow passages between the foil sheets in regions where the foil sheets are not bonded. An inlet port and an outlet port located at opposite ends of the planar extent of the two foil sheets extend through the foil sheets perpendicular to the planar extent of the foil sheets. The inlet and outlet ports provide access for a first fluid to flow into or out of the internal plate passages formed between the two foil sheets. Interstitial channels are formed between the series of plates and configured to allow the flow of a second fluid between the series of plates, allowing heat to be transferred between the two fluids while isolating the two fluids from one another. 1. A heat-exchanger , comprising: two foil sheets bonded together at a series of spaced apart bonding locations across a planar extent of the two foil sheets in a pattern wherein internal plate passages are formed between the two foil sheets that allow the flow of a first fluid between the two foil sheets in regions where the two foil sheets are not bonded, and', 'an inlet port and an outlet port, each located at opposite ends of the planar extent of the two foil sheets, wherein each of the inlet and outlet ports extend through the two foil sheets perpendicular to the planar extent of the two foil sheets, wherein the inlet and outlet ports provide access for the first fluid to flow into or out of the internal plate passages,, 'a series of plates stacked on one another, wherein each of the plates compriseswherein interstitial channels are formed between the series of plates, wherein the interstitial channels are configured to allow the flow of a second fluid between the series of plates, wherein the first and second fluids are isolated from one another.2. The heat-exchanger of claim 1 , wherein each of the plates further ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190285351A1

A heat exchanger core includes a first standard sheet having a first face and a second face opposite of the first face, a second standard sheet opposing the first face of the first standard sheet, a first fin extending between the first standard sheet and the second standard sheet, the first fin defining multiple channels, and a first partial sheet connected to the first face. The first partial sheet is smaller in width and/or height than the first face of the first standard sheet. 1. A heat exchanger core comprising:a first standard sheet having a first face and a second face opposite of the first face;a second standard sheet opposing the first face of the first standard sheet;a first fin extending between the first standard sheet and the second standard sheet, the first fin defining a first plurality of channels;a first partial sheet connected to the first face, the first partial sheet being smaller in at least one of width and height than the first face of the first standard sheet; anda second fin connected to the first partial sheet and to the second standard sheet, the second fin defining a second plurality of channels and the second fin being adjacent to the first fin;wherein the first fin is connected to the first face of the first standard sheet and to the second standard sheet.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The heat exchanger core of claim 1 , further comprising:a third standard sheet;a third fin extending between the second face of the first standard sheet and the third standard sheet, the third fin defining a third plurality of channels; anda second partial sheet connected to one of the second face and the third standard sheet.5. The heat exchanger core of claim 4 , further comprising:a fourth fin connected to the second partial sheet and to the other of the second face and the third standard sheet, the fourth fin defining a fourth plurality of channels, the fourth fin being adjacent to the third fin.6. The heat exchanger core of claim 4 , wherein the first ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170299281A1

A heat sink includes a heat sink base, a first fin, and a second fin. The spacing between the base and the first fin and the second fin, restively, may be adjusted by rotating a threaded rod. The threaded rod includes a first threaded knurl that is engaged with the first fin and a second threaded knurl that is engaged with the second fin. The thread pitch of the first threaded knurl and the second threaded knurl may differ. For example, the pitch of the first threaded knurl may be smaller than the pitch of the second threaded knurl if the first fin is located nearest the heat sink base relative to the second fin. The spacing of the heat sink fins may be adjusted based upon the current operating conditions of the electronic device to maintain an optimal temperature of a heat generating device during device operation. 1. A heat sink comprising:a heat sink base comprising an underside and a topside;a first heat sink fin comprising a first threaded opening;a second heat sink fin comprising a second threaded opening, the first heat sink fin located nearest the heat sink base relative to the second heat sink fin; anda threaded rod comprising a first threaded knurl comprising first threads of a first thread pitch that engage with threads of the first threaded opening and a second threaded knurl comprising second threads of a second thread pitch that engage with threads of the second threaded opening.2. The heat sink of claim 1 , further comprising a motor that rotates the threaded rod about an axis orthogonal to the topside of the heat sink base.3. The heat sink of claim 2 , wherein upon the rotation of the threaded rod claim 2 , the first fin is displaced against the first threaded knurl by a first dimension along the axis and the second fin is displaced against the second threaded knurl by a second dimension along the axis.4. The heat sink of claim 3 , wherein the first thread pitch is smaller than the second thread pitch and wherein the first dimension is smaller than ...
