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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004012U1
Принадлежит: ЗАО-НТП "Гравитон"

Устройство определения статизма акселерометра, содержащее последовательно соединенные чувствительный элемент, датчик момента, измеритель напряжения, отличающееся тем, что к выходу измерителя напряжения подключены последовательно соединенные аналого-цифровой преобразователь, блок памяти, вычислитель и регулируемый генератор постоянного тока, первый выход которого соединен с другим входом датчика момента, а между вторым выходом регулируемого генератора постоянного тока и входом акселерометра введены последовательно-соединенные привод и блок позиционирования. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 012 U1 (51) МПК G01P 21/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96115449/20, 19.08.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.04.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): ЗАО-НТП "Гравитон" (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЗАО-НТП "Гравитон" U 1 4 0 1 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство определения статизма акселерометра, содержащее последовательно соединенные чувствительный элемент, датчик момента, измеритель напряжения, отличающееся тем, что к выходу измерителя напряжения подключены последовательно соединенные аналого-цифровой преобразователь, блок памяти, вычислитель и регулируемый генератор постоянного тока, первый выход которого соединен с другим входом датчика момента, а между вторым выходом регулируемого генератора постоянного тока и входом акселерометра введены последовательно-соединенные привод и блок позиционирования. 4 0 1 2 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ СТАТИЗМА АКСЕЛЕРОМЕТРА R U (72) Автор(ы): Аникейчев В.С., Трубицын Г.В., Смирнов А.А. RU 4 012 U1 RU 4 012 U1 RU 4 012 U1 RU 4 012 U1 RU 4 012 U1

16-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004013U1
Принадлежит: ЗАО-НТП "Гравитон"

Устройство определения жесткости упругого подвеса чувствительного элемента акселерометра, содержащее акселерометр, датчик момента, регулируемый потенциометр, источник питания, датчик угла поворота, измеритель напряжения, при этом первый выход акселерометра соединен с первым входом датчика момента, второй вход которого соединен с выходом источника питания, а третий - с выходом регулируемого потенциометра, второй выход акселерометра подключен к датчику угла поворота, последовательно соединенного с измерителем напряжения, отличающееся тем, что в него дополнительно введены шаговый двигатель, генератор тактовых импульсов, ключ, вычислитель момента, два блока памяти, анализатор, формирователь управляющего сигнала, аналого-цифровой преобразователь, вычислитель жесткости упругого подвеса чувствительного элемента акселерометра, причем выход датчика момента последовательно соединен с первым входом вычислителя момента, на (n - 1)-е входы которого поданы сигналы паспортных параметров акселерометра, первым блоком памяти, анализатором, выход которого соединен с первым входом второго блока памяти, а выход генератора тактовых импульсов соединен с первым входом ключа, второй вход которого подключен к выходу источника питания, а третий - с выходом формирователя управляющего сигнала, вход которого соединен с вторым выходом первого блока памяти, выход ключа соединен с входом шагового двигателя, а выход шагового двигателя соединен с входом регулируемого потенциометра, при этом выход измерителя напряжения последовательно соединен с аналого-цифровым преобразователем, вторым входом второго блока памяти и первым входом вычислителя жесткости упругого подвеса чувствительного элемента акселерометра, на (n - 1)-е выходы которого поданы сигналы паспортных параметров акселерометра. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 013 U1 (51) МПК G01P 21/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96115451/20, 19.08.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16 ...

10-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000016557U1

Установка сферического движения твердого тела, содержащая основание, двигатель собственного вращения, приводящий во вращение вал, на котором установлен стол для закрепления твердого тела, отличающаяся тем, что в установку дополнительно введены механизмы большого и малого конических движений, при этом двигатель собственного вращения установлен в трехстепенном кардановом шарнире, противоположный конец вала ротора двигателя собственного вращения имеет возможность свободного вращения и поступательного движения в соединительном элементе, связанном посредством сферического шарнира с поводком, приводимым в движение механизмами малого и большого конических движений, механизм малого конического движения состоит из шестерни, на которой закреплен поводок, приводимой во вращение посредством зубчатого колеса двигателя малого конического движения, шестерня установлена с возможностью вращения на водиле, закрепленном на платформе, приводимой во вращение двигателем большого конического движения посредством механической передачи, причем центр карданова шарнира находится на одной оси с платформой, в заданной точке твердого тела закреплен неоновый источник света, траектория движения которого фиксируется цифровой видеокамерой, закрепленной на неподвижном основании в направлении, совпадающем с осью полого вала и карданова шарнира, сигнал с которой подается на монитор. (19) RU (11) 16 557 (13) U1 (51) МПК G01P 21/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000123857/20 , 18.09.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.09.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.01.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Самсонов Л.М., Козлов А.А., Николаев Е.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Самсонов Лев Михайлович, Козлов Андрей Алексеевич, Николаев Евгений Владимирович Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 1 6 5 5 7 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Установка сферического движения твердого тела, содержащая основание, двигатель собственного вращения, приводящий ...

20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000074204U1

Испытательный стенд для проведения кинематических испытаний, содержащий неподвижное основание, первую раму, установленную с возможностью поворота во второй раме, при этом на первой раме установлен объект испытаний, представляющий собой блок инерциальной информации и содержащий датчики линейных ускорений и датчики угловых скоростей и ускорений, двигатели привода для первой и второй рам и систему управления испытательным стендом, включающую в себя комплекс программного обеспечения, в котором на первой раме установлен блок инерциальной системы, отличающийся тем, что испытательный стенд для проведения кинематических испытаний дополнительно содержит третью раму, подвижное основание, средство линейного перемещения, двигатели привода для третьей рамы, подвижного основания и средства линейного перемещения; вторая рама с возможностью поворота установлена в третьей раме таким образом, что ось вращения первой рамы относительно второй и ось вращения второй рамы относительно третьей перпендикулярны, а третья рама установлена с возможностью поворота на подвижном основании таким образом, что ось вращения второй рамы относительно третьей и ось вращения третьей рамы относительно основания перпендикулярны; ось вращения первой рамы относительно второй, ось вращения второй рамы относительно третьей и ось вращения третьей рамы относительно основания пересекаются в одной точке; подвижное основание установлено на средстве линейного перемещения с возможностью линейного перемещения, а средство линейного перемещения установлено на неподвижном основании с возможностью линейного перемещения таким образом, что направление линейного перемещения подвижного основания относительно средства линейного перемещения и направление линейного перемещения средства линейного перемещения относительно неподвижного основания взаимно перпендикулярны; при этом первая рама относительно второй, вторая рама относительно третьей и третья рама относительно подвижного основания могут совершать угловые колебательные ...

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000093991U1

Система управления испытательной центрифугой, содержащая приводной двигатель, вращающий ротор центрифуги, задатчик управляющих воздействий, датчики обратной связи и устройство, формирующее разностный управляющий приводом центрифуги сигнал, отличающаяся тем, что выход преобразователя угловых перемещений, размещенного на валу ротора центрифуги, подключен ко входу интерфейсного устройства, своим выходом соединенного со входом системного блока компьютера, выход которого подключен ко входу цифроаналогового преобразователя, выходом соединенного с управляющим входом частотного преобразователя, регулирующие выходы которого подключены к соответствующим статорным обмоткам асинхронного двигателя, вращающего ротор центрифуги, а системный блок компьютера при этом выполняет операции создания задающего управляющего воздействия, сравнения его с сигналом обратной связи от преобразователя угловых перемещений после соответствующей обработки его интерфейсным устройством и формирования разностного цифрового сигнала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 93 991 (13) U1 (51) МПК G01P 21/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009144259/22, 30.11.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.11.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Специальное конструкторское бюро испытательных машин" (ОАО "СКБИМ") (RU) U 1 9 3 9 9 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Система управления испытательной центрифугой, содержащая приводной двигатель, вращающий ротор центрифуги, задатчик управляющих воздействий, датчики обратной связи и устройство, формирующее разностный управляющий приводом центрифуги сигнал, отличающаяся тем, что выход преобразователя угловых перемещений, размещенного на валу ротора центрифуги, подключен ко входу интерфейсного устройства, своим выходом соединенного со входом системного блока компьютера, ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000123167U1

1. Блок проверки тахометров, содержащий источник питания и устройство задания оборотов, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит модуль управления, включающий контроллер и коммутатор, и устройства ввода и вывода, а устройство задания оборотов выполнено в виде сервопривода, соединенного с модулем управления и состоящего из серводвигателя и сервоусилителя, при этом серводвигатель механически соединен с проверяемым тахометром и формирует заданные обороты проверяемого тахометра, а проверяемый тахометр через электрический разъем соединен с коммутатором модуля управления. 2. Блок проверки тахометров по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит электрические разъемы для соединения с компьютером. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 123 167 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ QZ9K Государственная регистрация изменений, касающихся предоставления права использования по договору Вид договора: лицензионный R U Дата и номер государственной регистрации предоставления права использования по договору, в которое внесены изменения: 13.07.2017 РД0227386 Лицо(а), предоставляющее(ие) право использования: Борисов Юрий Александрович (RU) Изменения: Срок предоставления права использования продлен до 15.07.2022 Дата и номер государственной регистрации изменений, касающихся предоставления права использования: 29.09.2020 РД0342189 1 2 3 1 6 7 Лицо(а), которому(ым) предоставлено право использования: Акционерное общество "Научно-производственное объединение "СПАРК" (RU) Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 29.09.2020 U 1 1 2 3 1 6 7 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 29.09.2020 Бюл. №28

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000127477U1

1. Центрифуга, включающая платформу в виде консольной балки с площадкой для изделия на свободном конце, смонтированной другим концом на вращаемом шпинделе, отличающаяся тем, что консольная балка содержит, по меньшей мере, одну штангу, на которой площадка установлена с возможностью перемещения и она же дополнительно связана со шпинделем посредством гибкой связи в виде каната, многократно охватывающего их. 2. Центрифуга по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что консольная балка содержит две, горизонтально и параллельно установленные штанги. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 127 477 U1 (51) МПК G01P 21/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012153547/28, 11.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.12.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2013 Бюл. № 12 1 2 7 4 7 7 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Центрифуга, включающая платформу в виде консольной балки с площадкой для изделия на свободном конце, смонтированной другим концом на вращаемом шпинделе, отличающаяся тем, что консольная балка содержит, по меньшей мере, одну штангу, на которой площадка установлена с возможностью перемещения и она же дополнительно связана со шпинделем посредством гибкой связи в виде каната, многократно охватывающего их. 2. Центрифуга по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что консольная балка содержит две, горизонтально и параллельно установленные штанги. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ЦЕНТРИФУГА 1 2 7 4 7 7 Адрес для переписки: 195251, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Политехническая, 29, ФГБОУ ВПО "Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет" (ФГБОУ ВПО "СПбГПУ"), отдел интеллектуальной собственности (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "СанктПетербургский государственный политехнический университет" (ФГБОУ ВПО "СПбГПУ") (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.12.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Тимофеев Александр Николаевич (RU), ...

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000151193U1

Установка для поверки измерителей массовой концентрации пыли и скорости воздушного потока, включающая металлический корпус, выполненный в виде трубы, в аэродинамическом исполнении состоящий из отдельных элементов, герметично соединенных между собой, и оснащенный устройством для спрямления потока воздуха со съемным элементом, имеющим форму конуса, дозатор пыли, вытяжной вентилятор, пробоотборник, и в корпусе имеется шлюз для размещения исследуемых измерительных приборов, отличающаяся тем, что корпус соединен патрубком с пылеулавливающей установкой. Ц 151193 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 154 193” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 23.08.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 20.05.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 20.05.2021 Бюл. №14 Стр.: 1 па сбгго | ЕП

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152833U1

1. Устройство контроля работоспособности пьезоэлектрического преобразователя, включающий подключенный к преобразователю генератор тестового сигнала, блок измерения и контроля и индикатор неисправности преобразователя, отличающееся тем, что блок измерения и контроля выполнен в виде усилителя суммарного сигнала измерения и контроля, выход которого через первый полосовой фильтр низкой частоты соединен с измерительным выходом устройства, а через второй полосовой фильтр высокой частоты - с индикатором неисправности пьезоэлектрического преобразователя. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что в нем индикатор неисправности выполнен в виде светового и/или звукового сигнализатора. И 1 152833 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 152 8337 1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 26.11.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 05.10.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 05.10.2021 Бюл. №28 Стр.: 1 па сс8сЯ | ЕП

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000154436U1

Устройство управления испытательной центрифугой, содержащее приводной двигатель, вращающий ротор центрифуги, задатчик управляющих воздействий, датчик обратной связи и частотный преобразователь, регулирующие выходы которого подключены к статорным обмоткам приводного двигателя, имеющего возможность вращать ротор центрифуги, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит блок управления и стенд управления центрифугой, датчик обратной связи своим выходом подключен ко входам блока управления, частотомера и стенда управления, причем последний имеет связь с системным блоком компьютера, который через блок управления соединен с управляющим входом частотного преобразователя, а системный блок компьютера при этом имеет возможность создания задающего управляющего воздействия через управляемый им генератор и стенд управления и индикацию полученных ускорений на мониторе компьютера через пересчет показаний частотомера, обеспечивая блоку управления возможность сравнения сигнала с генератора с сигналом от датчика обратной связи с последующим формированием управляющего воздействия на частотный преобразователь. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 154 436 U1 (51) МПК G01P 21/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014154001/28, 29.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.12.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Измайлов Ренат Фаясович (RU), Сисин Михаил Александрович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2015 Бюл. № 24 1 5 4 4 3 6 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство управления испытательной центрифугой, содержащее приводной двигатель, вращающий ротор центрифуги, задатчик управляющих воздействий, датчик обратной связи и частотный преобразователь, регулирующие выходы которого подключены к статорным обмоткам приводного двигателя, имеющего возможность вращать ротор центрифуги, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит блок управления и стенд управления центрифугой, датчик обратной связи своим выходом ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000160686U1

1. Устройство для определения значения частоты установочного резонанса пьезоэлектрического вибропреобразователя, включающее рабочее тело в виде стального стержня, посадочное место на одном из торцов стержня для установки пьезоэлектрического вибропреобразователя и образования общей колебательной системы, первая резонансная частота которой, по крайней мере, в 1,2 раза превышает значение искомой частоты, прикрепленный к рабочему телу пьезоэлектрический вибратор с подсоединенным к нему генератором электрических сигналов и подключаемый к пьезоэлектрическому вибропреобразователю блок регистрации его выходного сигнала, отличающееся тем, что генератор электрических сигналов выполнен импульсным с регулировкой по длительности и амплитуде подаваемых на пьезоэлектрический вибратор одиночных электрических импульсов, а подключаемый к пьезоэлектрическому вибропреобразователю блок регистрации снабжен схемой для преобразования Фурье выходного временного сигнала в его спектральный вид для определения искомого значения частоты установочного резонанса пьезоэлектрического вибропреобразователя. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что его колебательная система ориентирована вертикально и установлена на основании через виброгасящую прокладку, при этом посадочное место для установки пьезоэлектрического вибропреобразователя совмещено с верхним торцом стержня - рабочего тела. И 1 160686 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 160 686” 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 02.06.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 01.03.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 01.03.2021 Бюл. №7 Стр.: 1 па 9389091 ЕП

10-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000197982U1

Полезная модель относится к области приборостроения, в частности к системам управления необитаемыми подводными аппаратами. Техническим результатом является реализация возможности проведения в составе единого устройства калибровки, замеров, расчетов, создания калибровочных коэффициентов и формирования окончательного программного обеспечения для калибровки датчиков давления блоков приборов управления. Технический результат получен за счет того, что в состав устройства автоматизированной калибровки датчиков давления блоков приборов управления, состоящего из несущей стойки телекоммуникационной универсальной, блока управления (БУ), блока питания (БП), дополнительно включен блок сбора и обработки информации (БСИО) и блок датчиков гидростатического давления (БДГД). 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 197 982 U1 (51) МПК G01P 21/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01P 21/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019142619, 17.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 10.06.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2020 Бюл. № 16 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННОЙ КАЛИБРОВКИ ДАТЧИКОВ ДАВЛЕНИЯ БЛОКОВ ПРИБОРОВ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области блоков приборов управления. приборостроения, в частности к системам Технический результат получен за счет того, управления необитаемыми подводными что в состав устройства автоматизированной аппаратами. калибровки датчиков давления блоков приборов Техническим результатом является реализация управления, состоящего из несущей стойки возможности проведения в составе единого телекоммуникационной универсальной, блока устройства калибровки, замеров, расчетов, управления (БУ), блока питания (БП), создания калибровочных коэффициентов и дополнительно включен блок сбора и обработки формирования окончательного программного информации (БСИО) и блок датчиков обеспечения для калибровки датчиков давления гидростатического ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Accelerometer Control Systems

Номер: US20120116707A1
Автор: Alan Malvern
Принадлежит: Atlantic Inertial Systems Ltd

An accelerometer open loop control system comprising a variable capacitance accelerometer having a proof mass movable between fixed capacitor plates, drive signals applied to the capacitor plates, a charge amplifier amplifying an accelerometer output signal representing applied acceleration, and an autoranging facility for monitoring the output signal, and for adjusting the drive signals in dependence on the output signal in order to restrict the amplitude of the accelerometer output signal, thus maintaining sensitivity of the accelerometer while permitting response to a wide range of g values. Corrections are applied by means of look up tables to compensate for inaccuracies arising from movement of the proof mass and temperature variations.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Downhole instrument calibration during formation survey

Номер: US20120125077A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A downhole sensor calibration apparatus includes a rotational or gimbaling mechanism for guiding a sensing axis of an orientation responsive sensor through a three-dimensional orbit about three orthogonal axes. A method includes using measurements taken over the three-dimensional orbit to calibrate the sensor and determine other characteristics of the sensor or tool.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Method to calibrate digital speedometer display to meter speedometer display

Номер: US20120127180A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A method and system for calibrating a digital speedometer display to match an analog speedometer indicated value. The method generally includes calibrating each analog speedometer unit such that the exact deviation or “offset” from the center point of the analog speedometer is known. This measured deviation is then used to adjust the value input to the digital display thereby making the digital display value match the indicated value of the analog speedometer.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Motion analyzing apparatus

Номер: US20120128203A1
Автор: Yasushi Nakaoka
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A sensor unit is installed to a target object and detects a given physical amount. A data acquisition unit acquires output data of the sensor unit in a period including a first period for which a real value of a value of m time integrals of the physical amount is known and a second period that is a target for motion analysis. An error time function estimating unit performs m time integrals of the output data of the sensor unit and estimates a time function of an error of a value of the physical amount detected by the sensor unit with respect to the real value of the value of the physical amount detected by the sensor unit based on a difference between a value of m time integrals of the output data and the real value for the first period.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle speed signal falsification detection apparatus, vehicle speed limiting apparatus, vehicle speed signal falsification detection method, and vehicle speed limiting method

Номер: US20120215428A1
Принадлежит: UD Trucks Corp

A vehicle speed signal falsification detection apparatus has a control unit incorporating a computer. The control unit calculates a vehicle speed according to a pulse signal proportional to the rotational speed of a drive wheel and also calculates a simulated vehicle speed according to a pulse signal proportional to the rotational speed of a driven wheel. Then, the control unit determines, on the basis of the comparison between the vehicle speed and the simulated vehicle speed, whether a vehicle speed signal has been falsified. When the control unit determines that the vehicle speed signal has been falsified, then the control unit outputs a falsification detection signal to another control unit so as to suppress the output of an engine.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

MEMS Sensor with Movable Z-Axis Sensing Element

Номер: US20120223726A1
Автор: Michael W. Judy, Xin Zhang
Принадлежит: Analog Devices Inc

A MEMS sensor includes a substrate and a MEMS structure coupled to the substrate. The MEMS structure has a mass movable with respect to the substrate. The MEMS sensor also includes a reference structure electrically coupled to the mass of the MEMS sensor. The reference structure is used to provide a reference to offset any environmental changes that may affect the MEMS sensor in order to increase the accuracy of its measurement.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Test auxiliary device

Номер: US20120247176A1
Принадлежит: Askey Computer Corp

A test auxiliary device for testing a portable data terminal having a plurality of sensors includes a base, a carrying unit, a driving unit, and a controlling unit. The carrying unit is disposed on the base and includes a carrying platform and a carrying base. The carrying platform and the carrying base form a first angle and a second angle with the base, respectively, and thereby together form a compound slope. The driving unit drives the carrying unit to move, allowing the carrying platform to move with acceleration and at an angular velocity. The controlling unit receives sensing values generated by the sensors, respectively. The test auxiliary device further includes a test matching unit for testing the sensors in operation. Accordingly, the test auxiliary device assists users in determining whether the sensors of the portable data terminal are functioning well.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Acceleration/deceleration detecting system

Номер: US20120310473A1
Автор: Yuji Yoshii
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An acceleration/deceleration detecting system includes an acceleration/deceleration detector configured to be disposed in a measurement object and detect acceleration/deceleration of the measurement object, an acceleration/deceleration device configured to accelerate or decelerate the measurement object, and a calculation device configured to determine that a detection value of the acceleration/deceleration detector is an offset error or a detection error of the acceleration/deceleration detector, when an actual acceleration/deceleration direction of the measurement object is different from an acceleration/deceleration direction shown by a detection value of the acceleration/deceleration detector in a state that the measurement object is accelerated or decelerated by the acceleration/deceleration device.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for calibrating inertial sensor installed in arbitrary position on board vehicle and sensor system of dynamics of vehicle able to be installed on board in arbitrary position

Номер: US20120330497A1
Автор: Claudio De Tommasi
Принадлежит: Magneti Marelli SpA

A method calibrates an inertial-sensor device installed in an arbitrary position on board a vehicle and adapted to detect at least one entity indicative of vehicle dynamics along at least one direction of a local reference-coordinate system. The method includes steps of: acquiring by the inertial-sensor device at predetermined measuring times real-measured data indicative of the vehicle dynamics in the local reference-coordinate system; acquiring by a calibrating detector different from the inertial-sensor device, at sampling times coinciding with the measuring times, reference-measured data indicative of the vehicle dynamics in a vehicle-coordinate system; and generating a coordinate-transformation matrix adapted to correlate the entity measured in the local reference-coordinate system with a corresponding entity in the vehicle-coordinate system. Also, a sensor system of dynamics of the vehicle is able to be installed on board in an arbitrary position.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Linearity enhancement of capacitive transducers by auto-calibration using on-chip neutralization capacitors and linear actuation

Номер: US20130067984A1

A system and method are disclosed for automatically calibrating capacitive transducers to neutralize feed-through capacitance using linear actuation. The method includes starting with an initial neutralization capacitance, applying no electrostatic force and two known electrostatic forces to a proof mass of the transducer, recording the transducer output changes due to the applied forces; and determining how to revise neutralization capacitance based on the changes. The method can use a binary search to find a final neutralization capacitance providing the best linearity. The method can include comparing the final linearity to a threshold linearity. The electrostatic forces can be applied using a charge control method where the electrostatic force is a linear function of the actuation duration. The linear actuation can be used for continuous self-test of capacitive sensors.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130124127A1
Принадлежит: QUALCOMM Incorporation

Aspects of the disclosure relate to computing technologies. In particular, aspects of the disclosure relate to mobile computing device technologies, such as systems, methods, apparatuses, and computer-readable media to improve the calibration data by taking into account the effects of change in temperature on motion sensors. For instance, different levels of error may be associated with a motion sensor at different temperature levels. In one implementation, the sensor measurement data associated with the various orientations at a temperature is used in determining the calibration data for that temperature. 1. A method for generating calibration data , the method comprising:detecting temperature of an operating environment for a sensor coupled to a device;determining that diversity associated with sensor measurement data at or near the temperature is below a threshold; andin response to determining that the diversity associated with the sensor measurement data at or near the temperature is below the threshold, generating the calibration data for the sensor for the detected temperature using sensor measurement data from another temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is one or more of an accelerometer claim 1 , a gyroscope or a magnetometer.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising identifying a temperature bin from a plurality of temperature bins for the sensor using the detected temperature claim 1 , in response to detecting temperature of an operating environment for the sensor claim 1 , wherein the temperature bin comprises a range of temperatures.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the temperature bin has one or more sensor measurements received at a temperature within the range of temperatures associated with the temperature bin.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the generating comprises using sensor measurement data from another temperature bin.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising lowering a weight associated with the sensor ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133396A1

The present invention concerns an MEMS sensor and a method for compensation of a quadrature error on an MEMS sensor, which is intended for detection of movements of a substrate, especially accelerations and/or rotation rates. At least one mass arranged on the substrate and mounted to move relative to it is driven by means of drive electrodes. The mass/es execute a movement deviating from the prescribed movement due to a quadrature error. A deflection of the mass/es occurring due to Coriolis force and quadrature error is detected with detection electrodes. It is proposed according to the invention that a capacitance change be detected as a function of drive movement of the mass/es by means of compensation electrodes. A compensation charge dependent on the quadrature error of the MEMS sensor is generated on the compensation electrodes. For compensation, the distorted or incorrect charge generated by the quadrature error in the detection electrodes is compensated with the compensation charge. 1. A method for compensation of a quadrature error on an MEMS sensor , the method comprising:detecting a movement of at least one mass arranged on a substrate and mounted to move relative to drive electrodes, the movement deviating from a prescribed movement due to a quadrature error;identifying a capacitance change as a function of drive movement of the at least one mass using a plurality of compensation electrodes;generating a compensation charge on the compensation electrodes, the compensation charge being dependent on the quadrature error; andwherein the quadrature error in the detection electrodes is compensated using the compensation charge without changing a deviating movement of the mass caused by the quadrature error.2. The method of wherein the capacitance change generated by the quadrature error and the compensation charge essentially cancel each other out.3. The method of wherein a predetermined voltage dependent on the quadrature error is applied to the compensation ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Inertial Sensor

Номер: US20130133422A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

In order to provide an inertial sensor capable of suppressing a wrong diagnosis even in an adverse environment such that sudden noise occurs, an inertial sensor is provided with a movable part (), a first detection unit (C, C) for detecting the amount of displacement of the movable part (), a forced vibration means (, C, C) for forcedly vibrating the movable part () by applying a diagnosis signal, a physical quantity calculation unit () for calculating the physical quantity from a detection signal from the first detection unit (C, C), and an abnormality determination unit () for determining the presence or absence of the abnormality for the physical quantity using the diagnosis signal obtained via the first detection unit (C, C), and is used within a vehicle, the inertial sensor further comprising a second sensor () mounted in the same vehicle and connected to the abnormality determination unit (). 1. An inertial sensor , comprising:a first substrate;a first cavity formed on the first substrate;a first fixed part formed in the first cavity;a first elastically deformed part formed in the cavity and connected to the fixed part;a first movable part formed in the first cavity and connected to the elastically deformed part;a first capacity sensing element which includes a first capacitative element that mutually opposes a first fixed electrode formed in the first cavity and a first movable electrode formed in the movable part and which outputs the variation of the capacity of the first capacitative element caused when the movable part is displaced by external force;a first physical quantity calculation terminal connected to a first physical quantity calculating device that calculates the physical quantity of the external force based upon the variation of the capacity output from the first capacity sensing element;a forced oscillation generating device which includes a second capacitative element that mutually opposes a second fixed electrode formed in the first cavity ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152663A1

A system and method are disclosed for automatically calibrating capacitive transducers to neutralize feed-through capacitance using linear actuation. The method includes starting with an initial neutralization capacitance, applying no electrostatic force and two known electrostatic forces to a proof mass of the transducer, recording the transducer output changes due to the applied forces; and determining how to revise neutralization capacitance based on the changes. The method can use a binary search to find a final neutralization capacitance providing the best linearity. The method can include comparing the final linearity to a threshold linearity. The electrostatic forces can be applied using a charge control method where the electrostatic force is a linear function of the actuation duration. The linear actuation can be used for continuous self-test of capacitive sensors. 1. A method for automatically calibrating a capacitive transducer to neutralize feed-through capacitance using a neutralization capacitance , the method comprising:initializing a current neutralization capacitance to an initial neutralization capacitance;determining linearity of relationship between electrostatic forces applied to a proof mass of the capacitive transducer and resulting output values of the capacitive transducer;updating the current neutralization capacitance to improve the linearity of the relationship between the electrostatic forces applied to the proof mass of the capacitive transducer and the resulting output values of the capacitive transducer; andrepeating the determining and updating steps until a completion criteria is satisfied.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining linearity of relationship between electrostatic forces applied to a proof mass of the capacitive transducer and resulting output values of the capacitive transducer comprises:applying a first electrostatic force to the proof mass of the capacitive transducer;reading a first output value of the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152664A1
Автор: Pyo Seung Chul

The present invention relates to a circuit for correcting a phase error of a gyro sensor, a gyro sensor system and a method for correcting a phase error of a gyro sensor. In accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, the circuit for correcting a phase error of a gyro sensor includes: an offset detecting unit for detecting an offset due to the phase error included in a gyro output signal outputted by being demodulated from an output of the gyro sensor; a variable frequency generating unit for generating a switching frequency varied according to the result detected in the offset detecting unit; and a switched capacitor switched according to the switching frequency generated in the variable frequency generating unit. And also, a gyro sensor system including the circuit and a method for correcting a phase error of a gyro sensor are proposed. 1. A circuit for correcting a phase error of a gyro sensor , comprising:an offset detecting unit for detecting an offset due to the phase error included in a gyro output signal outputted by being demodulated from an output of the gyro sensor;a variable frequency generating unit for generating a switching frequency varied according to the result detected in the offset detecting unit; anda phase correcting unit including a switched capacitor switched according to the switching frequency generated in the variable frequency generating unit and supplying a gyro sensor driving signal from the output of the gyro sensor as a demodulation signal to demodulate the gyro output signal, wherein the gyro sensor driving signal being supplied as the demodulation signal is corrected in phase according to a signal transmission characteristic of the switched capacitor.2. The circuit for correcting a phase error of a gyro sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the phase correcting unit includes:the switched capacitor for playing a role of a resistor varied according to the switching frequency, wherein the switched capacitor receives and ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173198A1

The invention relates to a circuit arrangement of a sensor-triggered control and/or display system in the context of a safety-critical application with a DSP and a method for monitoring the DSP, characterized-in-that the position and/or attitude signals transferred to the DSP are reduced in terms of their information content, the reduced information content is delivered to a position and attitude computation instance and checked as to whether the unambiguous position and/or attitude determined by the DSP agrees with the inaccurate and/or ambiguous position and/or attitude determined by the position and attitude computation circuit within the scope of the accuracy and/or ambiguity, and a sensor fault signal is output if the check is negative. 1. A circuit arrangement of a sensor-triggered control and/or display system in the context of a safety-critical application with a DSP , comprising:(a) at least one sensor, which passes position and/or attitude signals in the form of alternating difference voltages having an amplitude and a phase to the DSP, which calculates relatively accurate and unambiguous position and/or attitude information from the supplied signals,(b) a signal conditioning circuit, which reduces the position and/or attitude signals in terms of their information content,(c) a first sub-component for which a position and attitude calculation, which is reduced in terms of its accuracy and/or which is ambiguous, is calculated from the position and/or attitude signals having reduced information content,(d) a second sub-component, which functions as a control instance, which checks whether the unambiguous position and/or attitude determined by the DSP agrees with the inaccurate and/or ambiguous position and/or attitude determined by the position and attitude calculation circuit to within the scope of the accuracy and/or ambiguity and/or is contained therein, and(e) a third sub-component, which outputs a sensor fault signal if the check of the control instance ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174345A1
Автор: Chow David, LEU Brian
Принадлежит: MyWellnessGuard Inc.

Example implementations are directed to a system that can be used to monitor the state of an occupant of a structure, such as a bed or a mattress. The states that can be monitored include whether or not the occupant is present, the position of the occupant, entry or exit of the occupant, and other signs that can be detected via movement, such as activity level, breathing, epileptic seizures, and heart rate. Example implementations involve one or more accelerometers disposed on the structure, such that the movement or changes in position by the occupant is transferred to the accelerometers, and a computing system to process the data from the accelerometers. 1. A system , comprising:a sensor sheet comprising one or more accelerometers configured to detect one or more respective surface deflections of an occupant supporting structure, and a module configured to record data based on the one or more detected surface deflections and to communicatively connect with a computing device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is further configured to send a notification to a remote device based on the received data meeting a condition.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the remote device is configured to connect to the computing device by a wireless network claim 2 , and to adjust controls associated with the occupant supporting structure by the wireless network.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the controls associated with the occupant supporting structure comprises environmental controls of a room containing the occupant supporting structure.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the condition comprises a configurable rule-set based on a profile of the occupant claim 2 , the configurable rule-set comprising a calibration directed to the occupant.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is further configured to determine vital sign data based on the processing of the data from the sensor sheet.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor sheet ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Device Self-Calibration

Номер: US20130174636A1
Автор: Joseph Benjamin E.

A system, computer readable storage medium and method for calibrating sensors of a human interface device having a first accelerometer and a second accelerometer and the method includes calibrating the first accelerometer, calibrating the second accelerometer and calibrating a combined-sensor output that includes contributions from the first accelerometer and the second accelerometer to generate combined-sensor conversion values. The method further includes adjusting the calibration of the first accelerometer in accordance with the combined-sensor conversion values. 1. A method comprising: calibrating the first accelerometer;', 'calibrating the second accelerometer;', 'calibrating a combined-sensor output to generate combined-sensor conversion values for converting uncalibrated combined-sensor measurements of the combined-sensor output to calibrated combined-sensor measurements of the combined-sensor output, wherein the combined-sensor output includes contributions from the first accelerometer and the second accelerometer; and', 'adjusting the calibration of the first accelerometer in accordance with the combined-sensor conversion values., 'at a device including a first accelerometer and a second accelerometer2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combined-sensor output is based on a difference between measurements of the first accelerometer and measurements of the second accelerometer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein calibrating the first accelerometer includes storing first-accelerometer conversion values for converting uncalibrated accelerometer measurements of the first accelerometer to calibrated accelerometer measurements of the first accelerometer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein calibrating the second accelerometer includes storing second-accelerometer conversion values for converting uncalibrated accelerometer measurements of the second accelerometer to calibrated accelerometer measurements of the second accelerometer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein: ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179107A1

According to one embodiment, a moving state estimation apparatus includes a sensor, a storage, a first estimation unit, a second estimation unit, a calculation unit and a correction unit. The sensor detects acceleration data. The first estimation unit estimates certainty degrees of the moving states. The second estimation unit calculates orientations of the terminal based on the acceleration data, and to estimate terminal states. The calculation unit calculates reliability degrees of the moving states. The correction unit corrects the certainty degrees in accordance with the reliability degrees, to obtain corrected moving states with the certainty degrees corrected. 1. A moving state estimation apparatus comprising:a sensor configured to detect at least three-axis acceleration of a terminal as acceleration dataa storage configured to store a moving state estimation model including moving states of a user of the terminal;a first estimation unit configured to estimate certainty degrees of the moving states based on the acceleration data and the moving state estimation model, the certainty degrees indicating degrees of certainty with which the user may be in the respective moving states;a second estimation unit configured to calculate orientations of the terminal based on the acceleration data, and to estimate terminal states indicating states of the terminal, based on the orientations of the terminal and the acceleration data;a calculation unit configured to calculate reliability degrees of the moving states, the reliability degrees indicating degrees with which combinations of the moving states and the terminal states coincide with a combination of an actual moving state of the user and an actual terminal state of the terminal; anda correction unit configured to correct the certainty degrees in accordance with the reliability degrees, to obtain corrected moving states with the certainty degrees corrected.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the terminal ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186171A1
Принадлежит: MCube Inc.

A method for providing acceleration data with reduced substrate-displacement bias includes receiving in an accelerometer an external acceleration, determining the acceleration data with reduced substrate displacement bias in a compensation portion in response to a first and a second displacement indicators from a MEMS transducer, and, in response to substrate compensation factors from a MEMS compensation portion, outputting the acceleration data with reduced substrate displacement bias, wherein the first displacement indicator and the second displacement indicator are determined by the MEMS transducer relative to a substrate in response to the external acceleration and to a substrate displacement, and wherein the substrate compensation factors are determined by the MEMS compensation portion relative to the substrate in response to the substrate displacement. 1. A method for providing acceleration data , with reduced substrate- displacement bias , from an accelerometer comprising a substrate , a MEMS transducer , a MEMS compensation portion , and a compensation portion , wherein the substrate is subject to a substrate displacement , the method comprising:receiving in the accelerometer an external acceleration;determining the acceleration data with reduced substrate displacement bias in the compensation portion in response to a first displacement indicator and a second displacement indicator from the MEMS transducer and in response to substrate compensation factors from the MEMS compensation portion; andoutputting the acceleration data with reduced substrate displacement bias from the compensation portion;wherein the first displacement indicator and the second displacement indicator are determined by the MEMS transducer relative to the substrate in response to the external acceleration and to the substrate displacement; andwherein the substrate compensation factors are determined by the MEMS compensation portion relative to the substrate in response to the substrate ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192333A1
Автор: Tohta Yuzuru
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co, Ltd.

An acceleration detection device is provided with a zero point correction unit for correcting a zero point position of a sensor signal value by using the correction amount (absolute value of a correction value) based on the acceleration when the vehicle transitions from a stopped state on a sloping road to a running state. The acceleration detection device is also provided with a correction amount restriction unit for restricting the correction amount, thereby suppressing calculation of an excessive correction amount due to road surface irregularities or movement of the occupant and deterioration in correction accuracy. 1. An acceleration detection device , comprising:a zero point correction unit that corrects a zero point position of an acceleration sensor signal by a correction amount based on an acceleration sensor signal at transition from a vehicle stationary state to the running state; anda correction amount restriction unit that limits the correction amount.2. The acceleration detection device claimed in claim 1 , wherein the correction amount restriction unit limits a change amount from a previous correction amount.3. The acceleration detection device claimed in claim 1 , wherein the zero point correction unit executes a zero point correction during a period between a time at which an ignition switch is turned ON and a time at which the ignition switch is turned OFF.4. The acceleration detection device claimed in claim 1 , wherein the zero point correction unit executes a zero point correction each time a vehicle stops with a driving force transmission to driving wheels being disconnected.5. The acceleration detection device claimed in claim 1 , wherein the zero point correction unit executes a zero point correction when the correction restriction unit restricts the correction amount at an initial correction smaller than the correction amount at a time of subsequent corrections. The present disclosure relates to an acceleration detection device.In the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

N-use automatic calibration methodology for sensors in mobile devices

Номер: US20130197845A1
Принадлежит: InvenSense Inc

A method, system and computer readable medium for calibrating an accelerometer in a portable device is disclosed. The method, system and computer readable medium comprises receiving data from the accelerometer, and providing accelerometer samples from the data based upon one or more selection rules that adaptively selects data that satisfy certain criteria. The method system and computer readable medium also includes fitting the accelerometer samples to a mathematical mode. The method system and computer readable medium further includes providing a bias of the accelerometer based upon a center of the mathematical model.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197846A1

A thickness measurement apparatus and method thereof being possible to measure an object to be inspected with required sensitivity stability and accuracy is provided. 1. A thickness measurement apparatus comprising:an ultrasonic wave transmission/reception device that receives and transmits an ultrasonic wave to/from a wall of a pipe to be inspected, covered with a heat insulation material;a support device that supports the ultrasonic wave transmission/reception device from an outer surface of the pipe to be inspected;a thickness calculation device that measures a propagation time of the ultrasonic wave received and transmitted by the ultrasonic wave transmission/reception device, and calculates a thickness of the pipe to be inspected;a calibration board of which a thickness is predetermined and more than a thickness of a dead zone of the ultrasonic wave transmission/reception device; anda calibration board adjustment device that moves the calibration board between a gap between the ultrasonic wave transmission/reception device and the outer surface of the pipe to be inspected and the position being different from the gap.2. The thickness measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the support device is fixed to the heat insulation material.3. The thickness measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic wave transmission/reception device includes an electromagnetic acoustic transducer.4. The thickness measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic wave transmission/reception device includes an ultrasonic wave probe including an ultrasonic wave vibrator.5. The thickness measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a heat radiation device of which one end is contacted with an outer surface of the heat insulation material and another end is contacted with the support device claim 1 ,wherein the heat radiation device radiates a heat generated from the ultrasonic wave transmission/reception device ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Reducing error contributions to gyroscopic measurements

Номер: US20130211723A1
Принадлежит: Gyrodata Inc

A method and system for reducing error contributions to gyroscopic measurements is provided. The method includes receiving a plurality of signals indicative of at least one component of the Earth's rotation substantially perpendicular to a portion of a wellbore and a component of the Earth's rotation substantially parallel to the portion of the wellbore. The plurality of signals is generated by one or more gyroscopic sensors within the portion of the wellbore. The method further includes calculating, using the plurality of signals and using one or more signals indicative of the Earth's rotation rate and one or more signals indicative of the latitude of the one or more gyroscopic sensors within the portion of the wellbore, a mass unbalance offset for the one or more gyroscopic sensors.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Auto-calibration of acceleration sensors

Номер: US20130211764A1
Автор: Christoph Steiner

Representative implementations of devices and techniques provide calibration for a sensor. The calibration includes adapting an output signal of the sensor based on acceleration components at the sensor and a rotational frequency of the sensor.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218505A1
Автор: Bhandari Sanjay, Kelly Joe
Принадлежит: mCube, Incorporated

A hand-held processor system for processing data from an integrated MEMS device disposed within a hand-held computer system and method. A dynamic offset correction (DOC) process computes 3-axis accelerometer biases without needing to know the orientation of the device. Arbitrary output biases can be corrected to ensure consistent performance A system of linear equations is formed using basic observations of gravity measurements by an acceleration measuring device, conditioned upon constraints in data quality, degree of sensed motion, duration, and time separation. This system of equations is modified and solved when appropriate geometric diversity conditions are met. 1. A micro-processor , on-chip logic , or software implemented method for processing data from an integrated MEMS device disposed within a hand-held computer system programmed to perform the method , the method comprising:sensing, by the MEMS sensor disposed within the computer system, calibration data measurements; anddetermining, with a processor disposed within the computer system, computed offset data for the MEMS sensor through a dynamic offset correction (DOC) process using the calibration data measurements.2. The method of wherein the sensing of the calibration data measurements comprises sensing X claim 1 , Y claim 1 , and Z axis sensor data in one or more static orientations for a predetermined time period;wherein the calibration data measurements includes a plurality of valid data points, and wherein the DOC process comprises building an N×3 matrix including the plurality of valid data points and using an Ordinary Least Squares method.3. The method of wherein the calibration data measurements includes at least four desired data points claim 1 , and wherein the DOC process comprises building a 3×3 matrix including the at least four desired data points.4. The method of wherein the DOC process is initiated by a user performing a predetermined maneuver with the hand-held computer system;wherein ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233046A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An inertial force sensor of the present invention includes a detection element, a detection circuit for detecting the amount of inertia corresponding to the inertial force applied to the detection element; a first low-pass filter connected to the output side of the detection circuit; and a correction circuit for correcting the output of the first low-pass filter. The correction circuit includes a correction amount generation unit connected to the output side of the first low-pass filter; a correction amount storage unit connected to the output side of the correction amount generation unit; and a correction unit to connected to the output side of the first low-pass filter and to the output side of the correction amount storage unit. The correction unit corrects an output value of the first low-pass filter based on a correction amount stored in the correction amount storage unit. 1. An inertial force sensor comprising:a detection element;a detection circuit for detecting an amount. of inertia corresponding to an inertial force applied to the detection element;a first low-pass filter connected to an output side of the detection circuit; anda correction circuit for correcting an output of the first low-pass filter, a correction amount generation unit connected to an output side of the first low-pass filter, the correction amount generation unit including a data masking circuit masking an output value of the first low-pass filter;', 'a correction amount storage unit connected to an output side of the correction amount generation unit', 'a correction unit connected to the output side of the first low-pass filter and to an output side of the correction amount storage unit; and', 'an inertia amount determination unit for outputting an instruction signal,, 'wherein the correction circuit includeswherein the correction amount storage unit stores the correction amount if the inertia amount determination unit outputs the instruction signal, andwherein the correction unit ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239650A1
Принадлежит: Merlin Technology Inc.

A device is described for use in performing an inground operation. An accelerometer is supported by the device for generating accelerometer readings that characterize the inground operation subject to a native temperature drift of the accelerometer. A set of compensation data is developed and stored for use in compensating for the native temperature drift. The compensation data is applied to the accelerometer readings to produce compensated accelerometer readings that externally compensate for the native temperature drift to yield an enhanced thermal performance which is improved as compared to a native thermal performance of the accelerometer. A seven position calibration method for a triaxial accelerometer is described. An air module is described which isolates the accelerometer of the device at least from a potting compound that at least fills otherwise unoccupied volumes of the device interior. 1. A device for use in performing an inground operation , said device comprising:at least one accelerometer for generating accelerometer readings that characterize an operational condition of the device during the inground operation, which accelerometer readings are subject to a native temperature drift that is a characteristic of the accelerometer;a set of compensation data for use in compensating for said native temperature drift; anda processor that is configured to apply said compensation data to said accelerometer readings to produce accelerometer readings that compensate for said native temperature drift.2. The device of wherein the operational condition is an orientation parameter of the device.3. The device of including a memory for storing said compensation data locally with the accelerometer and wherein said processor is separated from the accelerometer and the memory by at least one interface.4. The device of wherein the interface is an IC interface.5. The device of wherein said compensation data comprises a set of coefficients.6. The device of wherein said set ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239651A1

A microelectromechanical gyroscope includes a body and a sensing mass, which is movable with a degree of freedom in response to rotations of the body about an axis. A self-test actuator is capacitively coupled to the sensing mass for supplying a self-test signal. The capacitive coupling causes, in response to the self-test signal, electrostatic forces that are able to move the sensing mass in accordance with the degree of freedom at an actuation frequency. A sensing device detects transduction signals indicating displacements of the sensing mass in accordance with the degree of freedom. The sensing device is configured for discriminating, in the transduction signals, spectral components that are correlated to the actuation frequency and indicate the movement of the sensing mass as a result of the self-test signal. 1a body;a sensing mass, elastically connected to the body and movable with respect to the body according to a degree of freedom in response to rotations of the body about a sensing axis;a self-test actuator that is connectable to the sensing mass through a capacitive coupling, the capacitive coupling being configured to apply, in response to a self-test signal from the self-test actuator, electrostatic forces to move the sensing mass in accordance with the degree of freedom and at an actuation frequency; anda sensing device configured to sense transduction signals indicative of displacements of the sensing mass according to the degree of freedom, and to discriminate, in the transduction signals, spectral components corresponding to the actuation frequency and spectral components indicative of motion of the sensing mass caused by the self-test signal.. A microelectromechanical gyroscope comprising: 1. Technical FieldThe present invention relates to a microelectromechanical gyroscope with continuous self-test function, and to a method for controlling a microelectromechanical gyroscope.2. Description of the Related ArtAs is known, the use of ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253875A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

Systems and methods are disclosed that monitor movement of a person, or of a vehicle ridden by the person, to determine speed, distance traveled and/or airtime of the person or vehicle. Accelerometer-based sensors, pressure sensors or Doppler sensors may be employed in these systems and methods. A liquid crystal display may attach to the person to display speed, distance traveled and/or airtime. 1. An apparatus comprising:a motion sensor comprising multiple accelerometers and configured to be attached to a user for transport by the user while performing an athletic activity, to generate acceleration signals in response to user movement; and (i) acceleration due to gravity;', '(ii) orientation of the multiple accelerometers from the acceleration due to gravity;', '(iii) a centripetal compensation;', '(iv) an earth rate compensation; and', '(v) a loft time from the acceleration signals, the orientation, the centripetal compensation and the earth rate compensation, wherein the multiple accelerometers comprise a pitch accelerometer, a yaw accelerometer, a roll accelerometer, a surge accelerometer, a heave accelerometer and a sway accelerometer., 'a processor configured for processing the acceleration signals to determine2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the accelerometers is oriented relative to a different axis.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a clock for providing timing information used to determine a vertical speed and/or a loft height.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the processor integrates the at least one acceleration signal to determine the vertical speed.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the processor double integrates the at least one acceleration signal to determine the loft height.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a display configured for user attachment for transport by the user while performing the athletic activity and for displaying one or both of the vertical speed of the user and the loft height ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Compass calibration

Номер: US20130262011A1

A system, method, and computer program product are provided for calibrating a sensor device, such as an accelerometer, gyroscope, and/or magnetometer. The sensor device provides measurements, and a determination if the sensor device is in a steady state is made based at least partly on the measurements. If the sensor device is in a steady state then measurement data is stored in a memory, and the sensor device is calibrated at least partly with the stored data. A set of such steady points is gathered with the sensor device in various spatial orientations, preferably with the steady point orientations spaced appropriately apart to ensure precise calibration throughout the range of possible orientations. Calibration parameters are determined by fitting the set of steady point measurements to an ellipsoid. Active audio and visual guidance may be provided to a user to assist with orienting the sensor device during calibration.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263641A1
Автор: Opris Ion, Seng Justin
Принадлежит: Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation

An apparatus includes a MEMS gyroscope sensor including a first sensing capacitor and a second sensing capacitor and an IC. The IC includes a switch circuit configured to electrically decouple the first sensing capacitor from a first input of the IC and electrically couple the second sensing capacitor to a second input of the IC, and a capacitance measurement circuit configured to measure capacitance of the second sensing capacitor of the MEMS gyroscope sensor during application of a first electrical signal to the decoupled first capacitive element. 1. An apparatus comprising:a micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) gyroscope sensor including a first sensing capacitor and a second sensing capacitor; and a switch circuit configured to electrically decouple the first sensing capacitor from a first input of the IC and electrically couple the second sensing capacitor to a second input of the IC; and', 'a capacitance measurement circuit configured to measure capacitance of the second sensing capacitor of the MEMS gyroscope sensor during application of a first electrical signal to the decoupled first capacitive element., 'an integrated circuit (IC), including2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second sensing capacitors are configured to sense a Coriolis effect of the MEMS gyroscope sensor in a normal operating mode.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the switch circuit is configured to:electrically decouple the second sensing capacitor of the MEMS gyroscope sensor from the second input of the IC and electrically couple the first sensing capacitor of the MEMS gyroscope sensor to the first input of the IC; andwherein the capacitance measurement circuit is configured to measure capacitance of the first sensing capacitor of the MEMS gyroscope sensor during application of a second electrical signal to the decoupled second sensing capacitor.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein applying a first electrical signal includes:applying a first sinusoidal electrical ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for testing and calibrating an accelerometer of an electronic device

Номер: US20130263642A1
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Ltd

A method and system for testing and calibrating an accelerometer of an electronic device are provided. In accordance with one embodiment, there is a test system for an electronic device having an accelerometer with three mutually orthogonal sensing axes, the test system comprising: a test fixture having: a nest defining a cavity for receiving an electronic device; wherein the nest is configured so that, when the test fixture is substantially horizontal, a two-dimensional sensing plane defined by two of the sensing axes of the accelerometer is substantially horizontal and the third sensing axis is perpendicular to the two-dimensional sensing plane and substantially parallel to the force of gravity.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298636A1

A system and method automatically calibrate a posture sensor, such as by detecting a walking state or a posture change. For example, a three-axis accelerometer can be used to detect a patient's activity or posture. This information can be used to automatically calibrate subsequent posture or acceleration data. 1. A device comprising:an accelerometer configured to sense an acceleration signal from a patient;a filter circuit configured to extract a characteristic of the acceleration signal;a comparison circuit configured to perform a comparison between the characteristic of the acceleration signal and a stored template to distinguish a first state of the patient from a second state of the patient; anda posture calibration circuit configured to use an orientation of the accelerometer in the first state to perform a posture calibration of the acceleration signal of the accelerometer.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the filter circuit includes a highpass filter circuit configured to extract an AC component of the acceleration signal claim 1 , the characteristic of the acceleration signal including a characteristic of the AC component of the acceleration signal.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the filter circuit includes a lowpass filter circuit configured to extract a DC component of the acceleration signal.4. The device of claim 3 , comprising a signal processor circuit configured to:determine a gravity vector using the DC component of the acceleration signal;compute a parallel component of the acceleration signal, the parallel component being in the direction of the gravity vector;compute an orthogonal component of the acceleration signal, the orthogonal component being in a direction orthogonal to the gravity vector;compare the parallel component to a parallel template and compare the orthogonal component to an orthogonal template; anddistinguish the first state from the second state using the computed parallel component of the acceleration signal and using the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304410A1
Автор: Li Ming, LIANG XIAO

In a method for testing sensors of a server, the method obtains serial numbers of each of the sensors from a board management controller (BMC) of the server using an intelligent platform management interface (IPMI) service of the server, and modifies lower and upper critical values to generate first and second system event logs even during normal working of the components subject to sensing. The method records a confirmed and tested status of each of the sensors if the first system event log and the second system log are right. 1. A computer-implemented method for testing sensors of a server , the method comprising:(a) obtaining serial numbers of each of the sensors from a board management controller (BMC) of the server using an intelligent platform management interface (IPMI) service of the server;(b) obtaining one of the serial numbers of the sensors, and selecting a sensor according to the obtained serial number;(c) obtaining a name of the sensor according to the serial number of the sensor;(d) modifying a lower critical value of the sensor to a first threshold value that is higher than a current value of the sensor, to generate a first system event log of the server;(e) recording a first testing status of the sensor if the first system event log includes a first keyword which presents that the first system event log is right;(f) modifying an upper critical value of the sensor to a second threshold value which is lower than the current value of the sensor, to generate a second system event log of the server;(g) recording a second testing status of the sensor if the second system event log includes a second keyword which presents that the second system event log is right;(h) repeating from the step (b) to the step (g) until all of the sensors are selected to be tested.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprises:recording an error in the first system event log and determining that the second system event log is wrong, if the first system event log does ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for determining a measurable target variable and corresponding system

Номер: US20130311123A1
Принадлежит: SUUNTO OY

The invention relates to a method and a system for determining a target variable to be measured in a mobile device. A first physical variable is measured with the aid of a first sensor and a second physical variable with the aid of a second sensor. The second physical variable is different to the first physical variable, or is measured using a different technique. The value of the target variable is calculated with the aid of the measurement of the first and second physical variables. An estimate for the target variable is determined with the aid of at least the measurement of the first physical variable. At least a first error estimate is determined, which depicts the accuracy of the measurement of the first physical variable. The estimate of the target variable is filtered using both the first error estimate and the measurement of the second physical variable.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312483A1
Принадлежит: iWalk, Inc.

Hybrid terrain-adaptive lower-extremity apparatus and methods that perform in a variety of different situations by detecting the terrain that is being traversed, and adapting to the detected terrain. In some embodiments, the ability to control the apparatus for each of these situations builds upon five basic capabilities: (1) determining the activity being performed; (2) dynamically controlling the characteristics of the apparatus based on the activity that is being performed; (3) dynamically driving the apparatus based on the activity that is being performed; (4) determining terrain texture irregularities (e.g., how sticky is the terrain, how slippery is the terrain, is the terrain coarse or smooth, does the terrain have any obstructions, such as rocks) and (5) a mechanical design of the apparatus that can respond to the dynamic control and dynamic drive. 140-. (canceled)41. A method for minimizing the effect of accelerometer and rate gyro errors on a lower extremity prosthesis or orthosis comprising a foot member , a lower leg member , and an ankle joint for connecting the foot member to the lower leg member , the method comprising:determining at least one velocity error contribution for an accelerometer signal output by an accelerometer coupled to the lower leg member when the ankle joint is substantially stationary during a walking cycle of the prosthesis or orthosis; anddetermining at least one velocity error contribution for an inertial pose misalignment signal output by an inertial measurement unit coupled to the lower leg member when the ankle joint is substantially stationary during a walking cycle of the prosthesis or orthosis.42. The method of claim 41 , wherein the inertial pose misalignment signal output by the inertial measurement unit is a rate gyro signal output by a rate gyro.43. The method of claim 42 , comprising computing the pose of the lower leg member using signals output by the accelerometer and rate gyro.44. The method of claim 43 , ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312484A1
Автор: Avery John

A method of processing signals from an accelerometer/gyroscopic-based input device includes providing the input device within a vehicle. An accelerometer/gyroscopic-based second device is also provided within the vehicle. The input device is manually actuated while the vehicle is in motion. First signals are transmitted from the input device in response to the manually actuating step. Second signals are transmitted from the second device in response to the motion of the vehicle. The first signals are adjusted dependent upon the second signals. 1. A method of processing signals from a gyroscopic-based input device , comprising the steps of:providing the input device within a vehicle;providing a gyroscopic-based second device within the vehicle;sensing manual actuation of the input device while the vehicle is in motion;transmitting first signals from the input device in response to the sensing of the manual actuation;transmitting second signals from the second device in response to the motion of the vehicle;adjusting the first signals dependent upon the second signals; and providing two energy emitters;', 'emitting energy from the emitters into a passenger compartment of the vehicle;', 'providing a sensor associated with the input device; and', 'using the sensor to sense the emitted energy., 'calculating an orientation of the input device, the adjusting step being dependent upon the calculated orientation, the calculating step including2. The method of wherein the adjusting step includes subtracting the second signals from the first signals.3. The method of wherein each of the first signals and the second signals are indicative of acceleration in three axes.4. The method of wherein the input device comprises a user interface for an electronic game.5. The method of wherein the input device is provided within a passenger compartment of the vehicle.6. The method of comprising the further step of fixedly attaching the second device to the vehicle.7. An arrangement for ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319071A1
Принадлежит: HYSITRON, INC.

An automated testing system includes systems and methods to facilitate inline production testing of samples at a micro (multiple microns) or less scale with a mechanical testing instrument. In an example, the system includes a probe changing assembly for coupling and decoupling a probe of the instrument. The probe changing assembly includes a probe change unit configured to grasp one of a plurality of probes in a probe magazine and couple one of the probes with an instrument probe receptacle. An actuator is coupled with the probe change unit, and the actuator is configured to move and align the probe change unit with the probe magazine and the instrument probe receptacle. In another example, the automated testing system includes a multiple degree of freedom stage for aligning a sample testing location with the instrument. The stage includes a sample stage and a stage actuator assembly including translational and rotational actuators. 131-. (canceled)32. A method for automatically examining an instrument probe coupled with a mechanical testing instrument configured to performing mechanical testing at micron scale or less , the method comprising: counting a number of transducer operations, and', 'determining if the number of transducer operations is greater than a transducer operation count threshold, or', 'measuring one or more of the instrument probe indentation depth, force applied to the instrument probe through the transducer or a sample mechanical parameter of a sample, and', 'determining the instrument probe use threshold is met if one or more of the instrument probe indentation depth, force applied to the instrument or the sample mechanical parameter is outside of one or more of a specified indentation depth threshold range, a specified force threshold range or a specified sample mechanical parameter threshold range of the sample; and, 'determining if an instrument probe use threshold is achieved, the instrument probe is coupled with a transducer, and the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Sensor Module and Sensor System

Номер: US20130319075A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

Reliability and accuracy of a sensor are secured while adjustment cost of a sensor module is suppressed. A signal component analysis part receives a signal output from a signal processing part before passing through a low-pass filter , analyzes whether or not application of a fragile frequency with respect to a physical quantity is equal to or more than a threshold level, if the application of the fragile frequency is equal to or more than the threshold level, outputs output stop signals to output signal control parts . The output signal control parts receive control signals output from the signal component analysis part , and outputs an acceleration signal and a physical quantity signal from which noise has been removed by the low-pass filters through the signal processing parts 1. A sensor module characterized by comprising:a first detection element that detects acceleration from outside;an acceleration signal processing unit that processes an acceleration signal detected by the first detection element;a first filter that removes a noise from the signal processed by the acceleration signal processing unit;a second detection element that detects another physical quantity than acceleration;a first physical quantity signal processing unit that processes a physical quantity signal detected by the second detection element;a second filter that removes a noise from the signal processed by the first physical quantity signal processing unit;a signal component analysis unit that analyzes a frequency component of the signal processed by the acceleration signal processing unit, determines whether or not a physical quantity having a frequency split component representing a difference between a frequency in a drive direction of the second detection element and a frequency in a detection direction of the second detection element is applied, and, if determining that the physical quantity having the frequency split component is applied, outputs an output stop signal;a first output ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319076A1
Автор: Moreau Maurice
Принадлежит: SERCEL

An anti-stiction method is proposed in an inertial micro-electro-mechanical device. The device includes: a mobile mass, suspended to an armature via a spring, and having at least one mobile electrode; and at least one fixed electrode rigidly attached to the armature, each fixed electrode cooperating with one of the at least one mobile electrode to form a pair of electrodes. The anti-stiction method carries out a step of detecting, for at least one stuck pair of electrodes, a stiction associated to a stiction force and a step of applying, during a predetermined time period, a predetermined voltage between the electrodes of at least one of the pair or pairs of electrodes, so as to create an electrostatic force which generates a displacement of the mobile mass according to the direction of the stiction force. 18-. (canceled)9. An anti stiction method in an inertial micro-electro-mechanical device comprising:a mobile mass, suspended to an armature via a spring, said mobile mass comprising at least one mobile electrode; and said anti-stiction method comprising:', 'a step of detecting, for at least one stuck pair of electrodes, a stiction associated to a stiction force,', 'at least one separating step, comprising a step of applying, during a predetermined time period, a predetermined voltage between the electrodes of at least one of said pair or pairs of electrodes, so as to create an electrostatic force which generates a displacement of the mobile mass according to a direction of said stiction force., 'at least one fixed electrode rigidly attached to said armature, each fixed electrode cooperating with one of said at least one mobile electrode to form a pair of electrodes;'}10. The anti stiction method according to claim 9 , wherein claim 9 , when said predetermined time period has elapsed claim 9 , said predetermined voltage is stopped within a time-stop period such that the ratio between the time-stop period and a response of the mass-spring system formed by said ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Procedure and device for the determination of airspeeds of a rotorcraft in stationary flight and/or at low speeds

Номер: US20130325220A1
Принадлежит: Eurocopter SA

A procedure and a device for the determination of current airspeeds [ 13 ] of a rotorcraft [ 2 ] in a stationary flight regime and/or at low speeds. A calculation system [ 1 ] incorporates two pairs of polynomial calculation laws [ 9] [10 ] that are executable successively by pairs. A pair of first polynomial laws [ 9 ] calculates estimated airspeeds [ 11 ], consisting respectively of longitudinal and lateral airspeeds, and is constructed through multilinear regression based on parameters relating to simulated flight points [ 17 ] defined by means of a flight simulator [ 18 ]. A pair of second polynomial laws [ 10 ] calculates the current airspeeds based on the estimated airspeeds [ 11 ], and is constructed through multilinear regression based on parameters relating to test-flight points defined by means of test flights [ 25].

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327143A1

A sensor unit includes sensors. Each of the sensors provides a measurement axis. A connector is electrically connected with the sensors. The position of the connector is fixed relative to the sensors. A memory unit stores calibration information which specifies the respective directions of the measurement axes with respect to a reference plane established for the connector. 1. A sensor unit , comprising:a sensor providing a measurement axis;a connector electrically connected with the sensor with the position of the connector fixed with respect to the sensor; anda memory unit which stores calibration information for specifying the direction of the measurement axis with respect to a reference plane established for the connector.2. The sensor unit according to claim 1 , further comprising a processing unit which corrects a detection value detected based on the measurement axis in accordance with the calibration information to obtain a detection value based on a reference coordinate system established for the reference plane.3. The sensor unit according to claim 1 , wherein the connector provides an outer surface which defines the reference plane.4. The sensor unit according to claim 1 , wherein the connector provides a plate shape and projects from a structure which houses the sensor.5. The sensor unit according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is at least either a gyro sensor or an acceleration sensor.6. An electronic device claim 1 , comprising the sensor unit according to .7. A moving body claim 1 , comprising the sensor unit according to .8. A calibration method for a sensor unit claim 1 , comprising:positioning a sensor unit on a rotary table, which sensor unit includes a connector electrically connected with a sensor providing a measurement axis with the position of the connector fixed with respect to the sensor, and fixing the connector to the rotary table;rotating the rotary table to apply an external force to the sensor; andspecifying the deviation between a ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Intelligent Sensor System

Номер: US20130346009A1

A sensor system and method of using the system synergistically to improve the accuracy and usefulness of measured results is described. The system is comprised of electronically linked components that act as markers to trigger events, producers that gather data from sensors and aggregators that combine the data from a plurality of producers using triggers from marker devices to select the data of interest. The system is shown to be applicable to selection of data regions of interest and to analysis of the data to improve accuracy. The analysis of the data of any particular sensor within the system makes use of extrinsic data, being data generated by other sensors and intrinsic data, that is data or data limits that are known to be true from nature, laws of physics or just the particular information the user wants to acquire. The system is demonstrated on the analysis of Doppler radar measurements of a thrown object. 1. A system for making measurements on moving objects said system comprising:a) a first sensor that can detect a movement of objects,b) a second sensor that can detect the movement of objects,c) a processor that acquires data from the sensors, calculates measurements related to the movement of the objects and reports the measurementsd) where the processor filters the raw data used in its calculation, said filters based upon both intrinsic information and data acquired by both of the sensors, i) a maximum speed for the objects,', 'ii) a minimum speed for the objects,', 'iii) the three dimensional location of the objects at a start of the movement,', 'iv) the three dimensional location of the objects at an end of the movement, and,', 'v) a time interval between the start of the movement and the end of the movement,, 'e) where intrinsic information is at least one selected from i) the average speed of the objects,', 'ii) the maximum speed of the objects,', 'iii) acceleration of the objects, and,', 'iv) a video of the objects during their movement., 'f) ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000340A1

Disclosed herein are an apparatus and a method for controlling an automatic gain of an inertial sensor. The automatic gain control apparatus of an inertial sensor includes: an inertial sensor; a driving unit; a detection unit; a state determination unit generates an AGC control signal according to the state of the driving mass; and a control unit that includes an AGC controlling to compensate for the driving displacement of the driving mass when the state of the driving mass is abnormal and performs a control to wake-up the AGC or convert the AGC into a sleep mode according to the AGC control signal input from the state determination unit to operate the AGC at the corresponding driving rate. 1. An automatic gain control apparatus of an inertial sensor , comprising:an inertial sensor that detects accelerations and angular velocities of the corresponding axes based on vibrations of driving masses and Coriolis forces for each axis;a driving unit that vibrates the driving mass in a direction of the corresponding axis by applied driving voltage;a detection unit that detects a driving displacement of the driving mass vibrated by the driving unit;to a state determination unit that compares the detected driving displacement with a preset target value to determine a state of the driving mass and generates an AGC control signal according to the state of the driving mass; anda control unit that includes an AGC controlling to compensate for the driving displacement of the driving mass when the state of the driving mass is abnormal and performs a control to wake-up the AGC or convert the AGC into a sleep mode according to the AGC control signal input from the state determination unit to operate the AGC at the corresponding driving rate.2. The automatic gain control apparatus of an inertial sensor as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the state determination unit includes:an operation state determination unit that calculates a difference between the detected driving displacement and ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007646A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A downhole sensor calibration apparatus includes a rotational or gimbaling mechanism for guiding a sensing axis of an orientation responsive sensor through a three-dimensional orbit about three orthogonal axes. A method includes using measurements taken over the three-dimensional orbit to calibrate the sensor and determine other characteristics of the sensor or tool. 1. A downhole sensor calibration apparatus comprising:a body having an axis; anda rotational mechanism supported by the body, the mechanism including at least one sensor;wherein the rotational mechanism is operable to rotate the sensor relative to three orthogonal axes.2. The apparatus of wherein the rotational mechanism is operable to rotate the sensor in three orthogonal planes.3. The apparatus of wherein the rotational mechanism includes an outer cage rotatable about the body axis claim 1 , and a sensor chassis supported in the outer cage and rotatable about an axis orthogonal to the body axis.4. The apparatus of wherein the rotational mechanism comprises a gimbaling mechanism.5. The apparatus of wherein the at least one sensor comprises an orientation responsive sensor wherein a sensing axis of the sensor is sensitive to the orientation of the sensor.6. The apparatus of wherein the at least one sensor comprises an accelerometer claim 5 , a magnetometer claim 5 , an inclinometer claim 5 , a gyroscope claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7. The apparatus of wherein the rotational mechanism contains a second sensor.8. The apparatus of wherein a second sensor is mounted outside of the rotational mechanism.9. The apparatus of wherein the sensor chassis comprises:rotational support members to rotate a sensing axis of the sensor about the orthogonal axis; anda gear;wherein the gear is rotatably coupled to a second gear;wherein the gears comprise interlocking, beveled gears; andwherein the second gear is coupled to a rotatable shaft.10. The apparatus of wherein the rotational mechanism is operable to move a ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012531A1
Автор: Bhandari Sanjay, Kelly Joe
Принадлежит: MCube, Inc.

A hand-held processor system for processing data from an integrated MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) device disposed within a hand-held computer system and methods therefor. The Single Point Offset Correction (SPOC) process computes offset values to calibrate MEMS sensors using a single set of data measurements at an orientation without dynamic perturbation, and without requiring advance knowledge of orientation of the device. Arbitrary output biases, which are known to be dominant on a single axis, can be corrected to ensure consistent performance. The SPOC process provides a simple method to effectively calibrate a MEMS sensor without requiring extensive system resources. This process can be enhanced by additional estimations of sensor offsets using the set of data measurements or by use of rule-based empirical gain factors. 1. A micro-processor , on-chip logic , or software implemented method for processing data from a MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) sensor disposed within a hand-held computer system programmed to perform the method , the method comprising:sensing, by the MEMS sensor disposed within the computer system, a single calibration data measurement point; anddetermining, with a processor disposed within the computer system, computed offset data for the MEMS sensor through a Single Point Offset Correction (SPOC) process using the single calibration data measurement point.2. The method of wherein wherein the sensing of the single calibration data measurement point comprises sensing a set of X claim 1 , Y claim 1 , and Z axis sensor data in one static orientation for a predetermined time period; and{'sub': m', 'm', 'm, 'wherein the X, Y, and Z axis sensor data are denoted as X, Y, and Z, respectively.'}3. The method of wherein the one static orientation includes an orientation without dynamic perturbation.4. The method of wherein the SPOC process comprises determining an offset value of the computed offset data via the following equation:{'br ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140019080A1
Принадлежит: VITAL CONNECT, INC.

A method and system for calibrating a wireless sensor device are disclosed. In a first aspect, the method comprises determining a vertical calibration vector and determining a rotation matrix using the vertical calibration vector to line up native axes of the wireless sensor device with body axes. In a second aspect, a wireless sensor device comprises a processor and a memory device coupled to the processor, wherein the memory device includes an application that, when executed by the processor, causes the processor to determine a vertical calibration vector and to determine a rotation matrix using the vertical calibration vector to line up native axes of the wireless sensor device with body axes. 1. A method for calibrating a wireless sensor device , the method comprising:determining a vertical calibration vector; anddetermining a rotation matrix using the vertical calibration vector to line up native axes of the wireless sensor device with body axes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining a vertical calibration vector further comprises:determining the vertical calibration vector using any of automatic calibration, adaptive calibration, and manual calibration.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining the vertical calibration vector using automatic calibration further comprises:determining an acceleration vector corresponding to a footstep number of a user of the wireless sensor device;determining whether the footstep number meets a minimum footstep number threshold within a predetermined time period; andcalculating the vertical calibration vector based on the acceleration vector using a walking detection algorithm.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the walking detection algorithm further comprises:retrieving accelerometer data in 3 axes (x, y, z) within a predetermined time period;calculating a signal magnitude area (SMA) for the predetermined time period;calculating a magnitude of acceleration in a horizontal plane and overall; andcomparing the SMA to a ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Dynamic temperature calibration

Номер: US20140025330A1
Автор: Sanjay Bhandari
Принадлежит: MCube Inc

A hand-held processor system for processing data from an integrated MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) device disposed within a hand-held computer system and methods therefor. The Dynamic Temperature Correction (DTC) process computes offset values to calibrate MEMS sensors using a single set of data measurements at an orientation without dynamic perturbation and one or more temperature data measurements, and without requiring advance knowledge of orientation of the device. Arbitrary output biases, which are known to be dominant on a single axis, can be corrected to ensure consistent performance. The DTC process provides a simple method to effectively calibrate a MEMS sensor without requiring extensive system resources. This process can be enhanced by additional estimations of sensor offsets using the set of data measurements or by use of rule-based empirical gain factors.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035562A1

Disclosed is a method for identifying a fan type of a fan in an electronic system having a controller. The method includes: setting a fan identification characteristic value, the fan identification characteristic value corresponding to a PWM (pulse width modulation) duty cycle with a substantial maximum difference between the fan speed of a first type of fan and the fan speed a second type of fan; receiving, via the fan, the fan identification characteristic value; initiating the fan with the fan identification characteristic value; reading, via the controller, a stable fan speed value of the fan; identifying, via the controller, the fan type of the fan based on which fan has a predetermined fan speed (RPM) that is the closest to the stable fan speed value (RPM) when operating at the fan identification characteristic value (PWM). 1. A method for identifying a fan type of a fan in an electronic system having a controller , the method comprising:setting a first fan identification characteristic value, the first fan identification characteristic value corresponding to a PWM (pulse width modulation) duty cycle with a substantial maximum difference between a fan speed of a first type of fan and a fan speed of a second type of fan;receiving, via the fan, the first fan identification characteristic value;initiating the fan with the first fan identification characteristic value;reading, via the controller, a stable fan speed value of the fan; andidentifying, via the controller, the fan type of the fan based on which fan has a predetermined fan speed that is the closest to the stable fan speed value when operating at the first fan identification characteristic value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein for the first type of fan and the second type of fan claim 1 , different PWM duty cycles are used to obtain different fan speeds and further to obtain the substantial difference to set the first fan identification characteristic value.3. The method of claim 1 , further ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Abnormality determination device and method of longitudinal acceleration sensor

Номер: US20140046532A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The running control device and method according to the present invention are those for determining abnormality of a longitudinal acceleration sensor which detects vehicular longitudinal acceleration that is used in a vehicle running control. An integrated value of a vehicular longitudinal acceleration that is detected by the longitudinal acceleration sensor is calculated, and determination whether or not the longitudinal acceleration sensor is abnormal is conducted on the basis of the integrated value and a vehicle speed based on vehicle wheel speeds. The calculation of the integrated value is initiated when a situation where the vehicle speed based on vehicle wheel speeds is zero and the increasing rate of the detected vehicular longitudinal acceleration is equal to or larger than a reference value for the increasing rate continues for a period which is equal to or larger than a reference value for the initiation of calculation.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052401A1

Techniques for compensating for inertial and/or magnetic interference in a mobile device are provided. The mobile device can include a vibration motor to vibrate the device, a processor, and can include an inertial sensor and/or a magnetometer. The processor can be configured to actuate the vibration motor to induce vibration of the mobile device, to measure motion of the mobile device with the inertial sensor of the device to produce sensor output data and/or to measure a magnetic field generated by the vibration motor to produce magnetometer output data, and to compensate for the vibration of the inertial sensor induced by the vibration motor to produce compensated sensor output data and/or to compensate for a magnetic field generated by the vibration motor when the vibration motor is actuated to produce compensated magnetometer output data. 1. A mobile device comprising:a vibration motor configured to vibrate the mobile device;an inertial sensor configured to sense motion of the mobile device and to provide sensor output data indicative of the motion; and actuate the vibration motor to induce vibration of the mobile device;', 'measure motion of the mobile device with the inertial sensor of the mobile device to produce sensor output data; and', 'compensate for the vibration of the inertial sensor induced by the vibration motor, the processor being configured to produce compensated sensor output data based on the sensor output data., 'a processor communicatively coupled to the vibration motor and to the inertial sensor and configured to2. The mobile device of wherein to produce the compensated sensor output data the processor is configured to blank the sensor output data during a time period of the induced vibration.3. The mobile device of wherein to produce the compensated sensor output data the processor is configured to filter the sensor output data during a time period of the induced vibration.4. The mobile device of wherein to produce the compensated sensor ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058696A1

Disclosed herein are an apparatus and a method for controlling a gain automatically in an inertia sensor. The apparatus for controlling a gain automatically in an inertia sensor includes: an inertia sensor detecting an acceleration and angular velocity of a corresponding shaft by vibration and Coriolis force of a driving mass for each shaft; a driving unit vibrating the driving mass toward the corresponding shaft by applied driving voltage; a detection unit detecting driving displacement of the driving mass which vibrates by the driving unit; and a control unit comparing the detected driving displacement with a predetermined target value to judge a state of the driving mass and when a state of the driving mass is abnormal, and controlling the driving displacement of the driving mass to be compensated, and as a result, accuracy can be improved, and damage of the driving mass and driving noise can be minimized. 1. An apparatus for controlling a gain automatically in an inertia sensor , comprising:an inertia sensor detecting an acceleration and angular velocity of a corresponding shaft by vibration and Coriolis force of a driving mass for each shaft;a driving unit vibrating the driving mass toward the corresponding shaft by applied driving voltage;a detection unit detecting driving displacement of the driving mass which vibrates by the driving unit; anda control unit comparing the detected driving displacement with a predetermined target value to judge a state of the driving mass and when a state of the driving mass is abnormal, and controlling the driving displacement of the driving mass to be compensated.2. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the control unit calculates a difference between the detected driving displacement and the target value to judge that the state of the driving mass is normal when the difference is within the range of a margin value and judge that the state of the driving mass is abnormal when the difference is not within the range ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140067306A1

Described are methods and systems for controlling sensor use on an electronic device, the electronic device having a first sensor defining at least one first sensor axis, the method comprising: detecting a first sensor reading; determining an orientation of the electronic device; and, disabling the detection of the first sensor reading in respect an identified first sensor axis when the first sensor reading in respect of the identified first sensor axis is substantially not expected to change for at least a predetermined amount of time. 1. A method of controlling sensor use on an electronic device , the electronic device having a first sensor defining at least one first sensor axis , the method comprising:detecting a first sensor reading;determining an orientation of the electronic device; and,disabling the detection of the first sensor reading in respect an identified first sensor axis when the first sensor reading in respect of the identified first sensor axis is substantially not expected to change for at least a predetermined amount of time.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electronic device further comprises a second sensor defining at least one second sensor axis and a third sensor defining at least one third sensor axis claim 1 , the method further comprising:detecting a second sensor reading and third sensor reading;determining that at least one of the detected second sensor reading and third sensor reading indicate movement of the electronic device in respect of the identified first sensor axis above a predetermined threshold; andenabling the detection of the first sensor reading in respect of the identified first sensor axis.3. The method of wherein the first sensor is a magnetometer claim 2 , the second sensor is an accelerometer and the third sensor is a gyroscope claim 2 , and wherein the magnetometer reading in respect of the identified magnetometer axis is substantially not expected to change for at least a predetermined amount of time because ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Calibrating rotational accelerometers

Номер: US20140083160A1
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

A method and system for calibrating a rotational accelerometer. The method includes attaching a rotational accelerometer to be tested to a plate fitted with and second linear accelerometers and vibrating the plate. Angular acceleration measurements from the rotational accelerometer and linear acceleration measurements from the first and second linear accelerometers are obtained during the vibrating. The linear acceleration measurements are converted into angular acceleration values, and data representing, or usable for, a comparison of the angular acceleration measurements from the rotational accelerometer and the converted angular acceleration values is generated.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Inertial Sensor Bias Estimation by Flipping

Номер: US20140088906A1
Автор: Wilson John M.

First and second inertial sensors are arranged in such a manner that their sensitive axes may be made alternately parallel and anti-parallel to one another. Measurements from both inertial sensors are taken during parallel and anti-parallel periods. Measurements from these two periods are used to calculate sensor biases for both sensors. Sensor biases so obtained are used to correct the outputs of the first and second inertial sensors. 1. A system for estimating the bias of inertial sensors , comprising:a first inertial sensor having a first sensor sensitive axis;a second inertial sensor having a second sensor sensitive axis;a mechanism for physically rotating said second inertial sensor so as to align its said second sensor sensitive axis either substantially parallel or anti-parallel to said first sensor sensitive axis;a sensor signal converter to convert signals from said first and second inertial sensors;a sensor data memory to store said converted signals from said first and second inertial sensors; andan electronic data processor to calculate sensor biases of said first and second inertial sensors based on said converted signals stored during periods in which said first sensor and second sensor sensitive axes are parallel and periods in which said first sensor and second sensor sensitive axes are anti-parallel.2. The system of further comprising a bias subtractor to compensate sensor outputs by subtracting the biases so determined from the measurements indicated by the sensor signals.3. The system of further comprising:a filter memory for storing and retrieving calculated bias filter states; anda noise-reduction bias filter to filter the most recent calculated bias estimate using the recorded bias filter states in said filter memory in order to reduce noise in the bias estimate employed by said bias subtractor.4. The system of further comprising:a bias memory for recording the calculated sensor biases;a prescribed bias comparison standard; anda sensor health ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088907A1

Disclosed herein is a method for correcting an inertial sensor, including: (A) analyzing, by a computer, an inertial sensor; (B) detecting inertia moments at both sides based on a driving reference axis of the inertial sensor; (C) determining, by the computer, whether the inertia moment or a mass center is regularly symmetrical with each other at both sides based on the driving reference axis; and (D) correcting, by the computer, design information of the inertial sensor so that the inertia moment or the mass center is regularly symmetrical with each other based on the driving reference axis. 1. A method for correcting an inertial sensor , comprising:(A) analyzing, by a computer, an inertial sensor;(B) detecting inertia moments at both sides based on a driving reference axis of the inertial sensor;(C) determining, by the computer, whether the inertia moment or a mass center is regularly symmetrical with each other at both sides based on the driving reference axis; and(D) correcting, by the computer, design information of the inertial sensor so that the inertia moment or the mass center is regularly symmetrical with each other based on the driving reference axis.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the step (A) includes recognizing a structure claim 1 , a position claim 1 , and a mass of components including a plurality of electrodes claim 1 , pads claim 1 , and wirings that are formed on a piezoelectric body.3. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the step (A) includes analyzing whether the inertial sensor is resonated based on the driving reference axis and the other axis.4. The method as set forth in claim 2 , wherein in the step (B) claim 2 , the inertia moments are divided based on the driving reference axis and the inertia moments at both sides claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , based on the driving reference axis are detected by calculating a value obtained by multiplying a mass m claim 2 , of the components based on the driving reference axis ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096587A1
Принадлежит: Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation

One embodiment includes a method for dynamic self-calibration of an accelerometer system. The method includes forcing a proof-mass associated with a sensor of the accelerometer system in a first direction to a first predetermined position and obtaining a first measurement associated with the sensor in the first predetermined position via at least one force/detection element of the sensor. The method also includes forcing the proof-mass to a second predetermined position and obtaining a second measurement associated with the sensor in the second predetermined position via the at least one force/detection element of the sensor. The method further includes calibrating the accelerometer system based on the first and second measurements. 1. A method for dynamic self-calibration of an accelerometer system , the method comprising:forcing a proof-mass associated with a sensor of the accelerometer system in a first direction to a first predetermined position;obtaining a first measurement associated with the sensor in the first predetermined position via at least one force/detection element of the sensor;forcing the proof-mass in a second direction opposite the first direction to a second predetermined position;obtaining a second measurement associated with the sensor in the second predetermined position via the at least one force/detection element of the sensor; andcalibrating the accelerometer system based on the first and second measurements.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the first and second measurements comprises:measuring a first net force applied to the proof-mass via the at least one force/detection element; andmeasuring a second net force applied to the proof-mass via the at least one force/detection element.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the proof-mass is a first proof-mass associated with a first sensor of the accelerometer system claim 1 , the force/detection elements comprising a first at least one force/detection element and a second at least ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002126A1

A system for diagnosing the operating state of a MEMS sensor includes a stimulation circuit, external to the MEMS sensor, configured to generate a stimulation signal designed to be detected by the MEMS sensor. The system has control circuitry, operatively coupled to the stimulation circuit and to the MEMS sensor, so as to control the stimulation circuit to generate the stimulation signal and receive a diagnostic signal generated by the MEMS sensor in response to the stimulation signal. The control circuitry determines an operating state of the MEMS sensor based on the diagnostic signal and an expected response to the stimulation signal by the MEMS sensor. 1. A diagnostic system , comprising:stimulation circuitry, configured to generate a stimulation signal to be detected by a MEMS sensor external to the stimulation device; andcontrol circuitry, operatively coupled to the stimulation circuitry and to the MEMS sensor, configured to control the stimulation circuitry to generate the stimulation signal, to receive a diagnostic signal generated by the MEMS sensor in response to the stimulation signal, and to determine an operating state of the MEMS sensor based on the diagnostic signal and an expected response to the stimulation signal by the MEMS sensor.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the control circuitry is configured to perform a joint time-frequency analysis of the diagnostic signal and to check for an expected response pattern in the joint time-frequency analysis.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the MEMS sensor is a triaxial sensor and the diagnostic signal has components along a first claim 2 , a second claim 2 , and a third axes of a reference system; and wherein the joint time-frequency analysis includes uniaxial responses with respect to each of the first claim 2 , second claim 2 , and third axes claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , and a combination of the uniaxial responses.4. The system according to claim 2 , comprising a neural-network ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003315A1

A micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) device comprises a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) sensor; a detector circuit; a controller circuit coupled with the MEMS sensor; a first connection arranged between a first output of the MEMS sensor and a first input of the detector circuit; a second connection arranged between a second output of the MEMS sensor and a second input of the detector circuit; and a first switch arranged in the first connection. The controller circuit is configured to open the first switch during a first test mode so as to connect only a single input of the detector circuit with an output of the MEMS sensor. A further switch may be provided to connect two outputs of the MEMS sensor to a single input of the detector circuit. 1. A micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) device comprisinga MEMS sensor;a detector circuit;a controller circuit coupled with the MEMS sensor;a first connection coupled to a first output of the MEMS sensor and a first input of the detector circuit;a second connection coupled to a second output of the MEMS sensor and a second input of the detector circuit; anda first switch arranged in the first connection, and configured to be controlled by the controller circuit,wherein the controller circuit is configured to open the first switch during a first test mode so as to connect only a single input of the detector circuit with an output of the MEMS sensor.4. The MEMS device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga third connection between the first output of the MEMS device and the second input of the detector circuit; anda third switch arranged in the third connection, and configured to be controlled by the controller circuit,wherein the controller circuit is configured to close the third switch during the first test mode so as to connect only a single input of the detector circuit with both outputs of the MEMS sensor.5. The MEMS device according to claim 4 , further comprisinga fourth connection between the second ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003734A1

A system includes a MEMS sensor having dual proof masses capable of moving independently from one another in response to forces imposed upon the proof masses. Each proof mass includes an independent set of sense contacts configured to provide output signals corresponding to the physical displacement of the corresponding sense mass. A switch system is in communication with the sense contacts. The switch system is configured to enable a sense mode and various test modes for the MEMS sensor. When the switch system enables a sense mode, output signals from the sense contacts can be combined to produce sense signals. When the switch system enables a test mode, the second contacts are electrically decoupled from one another to disassociate the output signals from one another. The independent sense contacts and switch system enable the concurrent compensation and calibration of the proof masses along two different sense axes. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of determining trim values for a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensor , said MEMS sensor having a first movable element and a second movable element suspended from a substrate , and said method comprising:providing a first stimulus signal to said MEMS sensor to cause physical displacement of said first movable element;providing a second stimulus signal to said MEMS sensor to cause said physical displacement of said second movable element;detecting a first output signal corresponding to said physical displacement of said first movable element;detecting a second output signal corresponding to said physical displacement of said second movable element;evaluating said first output signal to determine a first trim value specific to said first movable element; andevaluating said second output signal to determine a second trim value specific to said second movable element.14. The method of wherein said physical displacement of said first movable element differs from said physical displacement of said second movable element ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003655A1
Автор: Mahfouz Mohamed R.
Принадлежит: TechMah Medical, LLC

A method of calibrating an inertial measurement unit, the method comprising: (a) collecting data from the inertial measurement unit while stationary as a first step; (b) collecting data from the inertial measurement unit while repositioning the inertial measurement unit around three orthogonal axes of the inertial measurement unit as a second step; (c) calibrating a plurality of gyroscopes using the data collected during the first step and the second step; (d) calibrating a plurality of magnetometers using the data collected during the first step and the second step; (e) calibrating a plurality of accelerometers using the data collected during the first step and the second step; (f) where calibrating the plurality of magnetometers includes extracting parameters for distortion detection and using the extracted parameters to determine if magnetic distortion is present within a local field of the inertial measurement unit. 122.-. (canceled)23. A method of calibrating at least two magnetometers of an inertial measurement unit , where the inertial measurement unit includes at least two accelerometers , the method comprising:presuming at least one of the following: (1) a vector angle and a vector length of the at least two magnetometers have approximately identical values; (2) each of a plurality of magnetometer vectors is approximately unity in magnitude; (3) an angle between a calibrated magnetometer vector and a calibrated accelerometer vector should not change; (4) a radius of the at least two magnetometers post calibration is approximately equal to one; and, (5) quaternions calculated using different ones of the at least two magnetometers are approximately equal;collecting data from the inertial measurement unit, while stationary as a first step;collecting data from the inertial measurement unit while repositioning the inertial measurement unit as a second step;calibrating the at least two magnetometers using the data collected during the first step and the second ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004663A1
Автор: Yasui Yuji

A failure determination system for a vehicle speed detection device, which, in a case where only one vehicle speed detection device is used, can always accurately perform failure determination of the device, and ensure a high marketability, while avoiding increases in manufacturing costs and product prices of the system. An ECU calculates an engine speed, calculates a detected vehicle speed based on a detection signal from a vehicle speed sensor, calculates an estimated total transmission gear ratio indicative of correlation between the detected vehicle speed and the engine speed, stores the estimated total transmission gear ratio, calculates a reference vehicle speed using a value of the estimated total transmission gear ratio, calculated predetermined times earlier, and the engine speed, and determines a failure of the sensor using a for-use-in-monitoring vehicle speed error which indicates an error between the reference vehicle speed and the detected vehicle speed. 1. A failure determination system for a vehicle speed detection device that outputs a vehicle speed detection signal indicative of a vehicle speed which is a speed of a vehicle , comprising:detected vehicle speed calculation means for calculating a detected vehicle speed, which is a detection value of the vehicle speed, based on the vehicle speed detection signal;motive power speed acquisition means for acquiring a motive power speed, which is a speed of a motive power source of the vehicle;correlation parameter calculation means for calculating a correlation parameter indicative of a correlation between the vehicle speed and the motive power speed;storage means for storing the calculated correlation parameter;reference vehicle speed calculation means for calculating a reference vehicle speed, using the correlation parameter calculated at a calculation time a predetermined time period earlier than a current time point and stored in said storage means, and the motive power speed; andfailure ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for detecting a failure of at least one sensor onboard an aircraft implementing a baro-inertial loop, and associated system

Номер: US20150006020A1
Принадлежит: Dassault Aviation SA

A method for detecting a failure of at least one sensor onboard an aircraft implementing a baro-inertial loop is provided. The method includes implementing a baro-inertial loop including obtaining a computed vertical speed, then a short-term baro-inertial altitude, based on a double integration of the measured vertical acceleration; and developing at least one intermediate loop parameter based on a deviation between the short-term baro-inertial altitude and the pressure altitude. The method also includes observing at least one failure detection parameter obtained from one of the intermediate parameters of the baro-inertial loop; and determining the presence of a failure on one of the sensors of the aircraft based on the value of the observed failure detection parameter.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014131A1

A sensor device includes a first sensor element that generates a first sensor signal based on a varying magnetic field; a second sensor element that generates a second sensor signal based on the varying magnetic field; a signal processing circuit configured to generate a first pulsed signal based on the first sensor signal and generate a second pulsed signal based on the second sensor signal; a fault detector that detects a fault and generates an error signal indicating the fault; and an output generator that receives the error signal based on a first condition that the fault detector detects the fault, and simultaneously outputs a first output signal and a second output signal. In response to the first condition being satisfied, the output generator maintains the first output signal in a steady state and outputs the second pulsed signal as the second output signal. 1. A sensor device , comprising:at least one first sensor element having a first sensing direction and configured to generate at least one first sensor signal based on sensing a first magnetic field component of a varying magnetic field aligned in the first sensing direction;at least one second sensor element having a second sensing direction and configured to generate at least one second sensor signal based on sensing a second magnetic field component of the varying magnetic field aligned in the second sensing direction;a signal processing circuit configured to generate a first pulsed signal based on the at least one first sensor signal and generate a second pulsed signal based on the at least one second sensor signal;a fault detector configured to detect at least one fault and generate an error signal indicating the at least one fault in response to detecting the at least one fault; andan output generator configured to receive the first pulsed signal and the second pulsed signal, receive the error signal based on a first condition that the fault detector detects the at least one fault, and ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007632A1
Принадлежит: HTI IP, L.L.C.

The axes of an accelerometer, installed in a vehicle at an arbitrary orientation, may be realigned to the coordinate frame of the vehicle. In one implementation, a method may include determining, based on acceleration measurements from the accelerometer that likely corresponds to stopping, a dominant orientation of the accelerometer in relation to gravity, including calculating a first transformation angle and a second transformation angle as parameters to perform coordinate realignment of a coordinate frame of the accelerometer to a coordinate frame of the vehicle. The method may further include identifying, based on the acceleration measurements, an occurrence of acceleration events of the vehicle; determining, based on an analysis of the acceleration events, a third transformation angle; and storing the first, second, and third transformation angles. 1. A method , implemented by one or more devices , comprising:receiving, by the one or more devices, acceleration measurements from a three axis accelerometer mounted in a vehicle;determining, by the one or more devices and based on the acceleration measurements, a dominant orientation of the accelerometer in relation to gravity, the determination of the dominant orientation including calculating a first transformation angle and a second transformation angle as parameters to perform coordinate realignment of a coordinate frame of the accelerometer to a coordinate frame of the vehicle;identifying, by the one or more devices and based on the acceleration measurements, an occurrence of acceleration events of the vehicle, each of the acceleration events including a plurality of acceleration measurements in which a magnitude of the plurality of acceleration measurements are greater than a threshold value;determining, by the one or more devices and based on an analysis of the acceleration events, a third transformation angle as a parameter to perform coordinate realignment of the coordinate frame of the accelerometer to ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011228A1

A method and system for determining a speed of a vehicle based on a GPS speed captured from a Global Positioning System (GPS). A capturing module captures GPS speed Vand a horizontal accuracy value corresponding to a time stamp T. A speed modification module modifies the GPS speed Vcorresponding to the time stamp T. A speed correcting module corrects the GPS speed Vcorresponding to the time stamp T. The GPS speed may be corrected by filtering an error in the GPS speed by using a Slope dependent averaging (SDA) filter in order to obtain a first corrected speed V′. Further, the first corrected speed is corrected by selecting one of a centre weight (CW) filter and an edge weight (EW) filter, based upon a pre-defined condition, in order to obtain a second corrected speed V″ indicating the speed of the vehicle. 1. A method for determining a speed of a vehicle based on a GPS speed captured from a Global Positioning System (GPS) , the method comprising:{'sub': x', 'x, 'capturing, by a processor, the GPS speed Vand a horizontal accuracy value corresponding to a time stamp T;'}{'sub': x', 'x', 'x, 'modifying, by the processor, the GPS speed Vcorresponding to the time stamp Twhen the horizontal accuracy corresponding to the time stamp Tis greater than a pre-defined value; and'}{'sub': x', 'x, 'claim-text': [{'sub': 'x', 'filtering an error in the GPS speed by using a Slope dependent averaging (SDA) filter in order to obtain a first corrected speed V′,'}, {'sub': x', 'x', 'x, 'selecting one of a centre weight (CW) filter and an edge weight (EW) filter, based upon a pre-defined condition, to correct the first corrected speed V′ in order to obtain a second corrected speed V″, wherein the second corrected speed V″ indicates the speed of the vehicle.'}], 'correcting, by the processor, the GPS speed Vcorresponding to the time stamp T, wherein the GPS speed is corrected by'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the capturing further comprises latitude-longitude coordinates ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Compound Sensor

Номер: US20160011254A1

The present invention provides a technology capable of suppressing a fault which has occurred in a certain detection element from affecting other detection units in which no fault has occurred in a compound sensor. The compound sensor includes: a plurality of detection units made up of C/V conversion circuits and , amplifier circuits and , ADCs and , diagnosis voltage outputting DACs and , carrier signal generating DACs and and substrate voltage generating DACs and which are signal detection circuits provided for each of a plurality of detection elements; a power source voltage input unit and a GND voltage input unit shared among each of the plurality of detection units; and overcurrent switch circuits and which are fault detection circuits provided for each of the plurality of detection units for detecting a fault of each detection element and stopping power supply to the detection unit in which the fault has occurred. 1. A compound sensor including a plurality of detection elements for detecting a plurality of physical quantities , the compound sensor comprising:a plurality of detection units made up of signal detection circuits provided for each of the plurality of detection elements;a power source shared among each of the plurality of detection units; anda plurality of fault detection circuits provided for each of the plurality of detection units for detecting a fault of each detection element and stopping power supply to a faulty detection unit.2. The compound sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of fault detection circuits detect fault occurrence when a current is not at a predetermined value or when a current is larger than a threshold.3. The compound sensor according to claim 2 ,wherein the plurality of detection elements include first and second acceleration detection elements for detecting biaxial acceleration.4. The compound sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising:a reference voltage generation circuit and a clock generation circuit ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Precision calibration method of attitude measuring system

Номер: US20180010923A1

A precision calibration method of attitude measuring systems is provided. The precision calibration method of attitude measuring systems includes the following steps: calibrating a zero-deviation, a scale coefficient, and a non-orthogonal angle between axes of an accelerometer to the attitude measuring system via an ellipsoid fitting model (S 1 ); compensating original data of the accelerometer using a calculated ellipsoid parameter (S 2 ); calibrating an electronic compass via the ellipsoid fitting model according to compensated accelerometer data (S 3 ); compensating original electronic compass data by the calculated ellipsoid parameter (S 4 ); calculating an attitude according to the compensated data of the accelerometer and compensated data of the electronic compass (S 5 ). The above steps of the method have a reliable calibration result and a high precision with a less time consumption of calibration.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011702A1
Автор: Clark William A.

Techniques for self-testing of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) inertial sensors are described. Some techniques involve testing inertial sensor characteristics such as an accelerometer's sensitivity to acceleration and a gyroscope's sensitivity to angular motion. The tests may be performed by providing a test signal, which simulates a stimulus such as an acceleration or angular rate, to a MEMS inertial sensor and examining the sensor's output. The efficacy of such self-tests may be impaired by spurious signals, which may be present in the sensor's environment and may influence the sensor's output. Accordingly, the self-testing techniques described herein involve detecting the presence of any such spurious signals and discarding self-test results when their presence is detected. In some embodiments, the presence of spurious signals may be detected using a signal obtained by mixing the response of the MEMS inertial sensor with a reference signal substantially in quadrature with the test signal. 1. A system for testing a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) inertial sensor , the system comprising: receive a response signal representing a response of the MEMS inertial sensor to a test signal generated by a signal generator;', 'generate an in-phase response signal by mixing an in-phase reference signal with the response signal;', 'generate a quadrature response signal by mixing the response signal with a quadrature reference signal;', 'determine, based on the quadrature response signal, whether the in-phase response signal is to be used for assessing a characteristic of the MEMS inertial sensor; and', 'when it is determined that the in-phase response signal is to be used for assessing the characteristic of the MEMS inertial sensor, assess the characteristic of the MEMS inertial sensor using the in-phase response signal., 'test circuitry configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the in-phase reference signal and the test signal are substantially in-phase ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013272A1

The disclosure is related to a method for avoiding misjudgment when detecting a human fall, and an apparatus thereof. When the apparatus worn on a person generates a collision signal, it determines if the apparatus was in a proper status in the past period of time before the collision according to the acceleration data. The apparatus was in the proper status if a specific axial direction of an accelerometer of the apparatus is substantially parallel with the direction of gravity, and the method goes on detecting the human fall; otherwise, the process is terminated. The acceleration data before and after the collision is compared with fall conditions set by a fall detection program. A fall event is determined if the acceleration data meets the fall conditions. 1. A method for avoiding misjudgment when detecting a human fall , comprising:the accelerometer determining that a current acceleration value calculated from current acceleration data is larger than a first threshold and generating a collision signal;determining if the apparatus is in a proper status in the past period of time according to the acceleration data before the collision;if the apparatus is determined to be in the proper status, comparing the acceleration data before and after the collision with fall conditions set by a fall detection program; and raising an alarm for a fall event if the acceleration data meets the fall conditions; andif the apparatus is determined not to be in the proper status, ignoring the collision signal in this fall event.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the accelerometer is a three-axis accelerometer that is used to measure three acceleration vector components in three axial directions claim 1 , and the acceleration value is calculated according to the three acceleration vector components.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step for determining if the apparatus is in the proper status claim 1 , an acceleration value is calculated from ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

In Situ Accelerometer Calibration

Номер: US20150016216A1

Disclosed are methods and systems for calibration of an accelerometer used in a geophysical sensor while deployed in the water. An embodiment may include towing a streamer behind a survey vessel in a body of water, wherein the streamer comprises an accelerometer; causing at least a portion of the streamer to twist; receiving data from the accelerometer at a selected plurality of times during the twist; and based at least in part on the data, determining at least one calibration parameter of the accelerometer. 1. A method , comprising:towing a streamer behind a survey vessel in a body of water, wherein the streamer comprises an accelerometer;causing at least a portion of the streamer to twist;receiving data from the accelerometer at a selected plurality of times during the twist; andbased, at least in part on the data, determining at least one calibration parameter of the accelerometer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the accelerometer comprises a multi-axis accelerometer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the steamer caused to twist has a length of about 100 meters or longer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the streamer has a twist of about 1° to about 15° per meter.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the streamer has a twist of about 3° to about 8° per meter.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining relative rotation of a first sensor on the streamer with respect to another sensor on the streamer.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising:obtaining geophysical data from the first sensor; andproducing a geophysical data product from the geophysical data.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising importing the geophysical data product onshore.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising projecting at least a portion of the data from the accelerometer onto a two- or three-dimensional coordinate system; and fitting a geometrical shape to the projection of the data.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034936A1
Автор: BÖWERING Gabriel

A method for automatically calibrating a rocker-type sensor module having a position or acceleration sensor involves measuring a position of the sensor module as an angle relative to a fixed spatial direction, and outputting an output signal that depends on whether the measured angle is less than or greater than a switching angle. The output signal is set to a first output value if the measured angle exceeds the switching angle. The switching angle is set to a value corresponding to the measured angle minus an “off” free pivot angle, as long as the value of the measured angle continues to increase. The output signal is set to a second output value if the measured angle falls below the switching angle. The switching angle is set to a value corresponding to the measured angle plus an “on” free pivot angle, as long as the value of the measured angle continues to fall. 18-. (canceled)9. A method for automatically calibrating a sensor module formed as a rocker , the sensor module having which has a position or acceleration sensor , the method comprising:measuring, by the sensor module, a position of the sensor module as an angle relative to a fixed spatial direction;outputting, by the sensor module, an output signal that depends on whether the measured angle is greater than or less than a switching angle;setting the output signal to a first output value responsive to the measured angle exceeding the switching angle;setting the switching angle to a value equal to the measured angle minus an off free pivot angle as long as a value of the measured angle continues to increase;setting the output signal to a second output value responsive to the measured angle falling below the switching angle; andsetting the switching angle to a value corresponding to the measured angle plus an on free pivot angle as long as the value of the measured angle continues to decrease.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the setting of the switching angle to the value equal to the measured angle ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Vibration exciter having load compensation

Номер: US20170016802A1

A vibration exciter with load compensation for the dynamic excitation of test specimens includes a base, an actuator, an armature which can be moved by the actuator in an excitation direction relative to the base and guided by a linear guiding element parallel to the excitation direction, and a pneumatic load compensator which compensates for the gravity force of at least the armature and the test specimen being excited. A high-quality low-perturbation exciter signal is generated by minimizing friction and other nonlinearities occurring during the load compensation. The linear guiding element of the vibration exciter with load compensation includes an air bearing, and the load compensator includes the linear guiding element.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Diverse integrated processing using processors and diverse firmware

Номер: US20180018208A1

Fault detection devices, systems and methods are provided which implement identical processors. A first processor is configured to receive a first measurement, execute a first firmware based on the first measurement, and output a first result of the executed first firmware. A second processor, identical to the first processor, is configured to receive a second measurement, execute a second firmware based on the second measurement, and output a second result of the executed second firmware. The first firmware and the second firmware provide a same nominal function in a diverse manner for calculating the first result and the second result, respectively, such that the first result and the second result are expected to be within a predetermined margin. Thus, a fault can be detected by comparing the first and the second results.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020571A1
Принадлежит: VITAL CONNECT, INC.

A method and system for fall detection using machine learning are disclosed. The method comprises detecting at least one signal by a wireless sensor device and calculating a plurality of features from the at least one detected signal. The method includes training a machine learning unit of the wireless sensor device using the features to create a fall classification and a non-fall classification for the fall detection. The system includes a sensor to detect at least one signal, a processor coupled to the sensor, and a memory device coupled to the processor, wherein the memory device includes an application that, when executed by the processor, causes the processor to calculate a plurality of features from the at least one detected signal and to train a machine learning unit of the wireless sensor device using the features to create a fall classification and a non-fall classification for the fall detection. 1. A method for fall detection using machine learning , the method comprising:detecting at least one signal by a wireless sensor device;calculating a plurality of features from the at least one detected signal; andtraining a machine learning unit of the wireless sensor device using the features to create a fall classification and a non-fall classification for the fall detection.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the calculating is carried out during both periods of falls and activities of daily living.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one signal comprises a plurality of acceleration samples detected by a tri-axial accelerometer of the wireless sensor device.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:obtaining a calibration vector from the plurality of acceleration samples using any of manual calibration and implicit calibration.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machine learning unit is a support vector machine (SVM).6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:initiating the SVM using a training data set that includes intentional falls and ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019853A1

A product testing system and an auxiliary testing method are provided. The product testing system includes a computer and a test fixture. The computer has a machine learning model. The auxiliary testing method includes the following steps. Firstly, the test fixture tests the plural under-test products sequentially, and generates corresponding test data to the computer. Then, the computer generates plural trend line graphs corresponding to the test data. Then, the operator determines corresponding human judging results according to the trend line graphs. The test data, the trend line graphs and the human judging results are inputted into the machine learning model, and a learning process is performed. If the number of samples reaches a predetermined threshold value, the machine learning model generates auxiliary judging results according to the corresponding test data and the corresponding trend line graphs. 1. An auxiliary testing method for a product testing system and plural under-test products , the product testing system comprising a computer and a test fixture , the computer being in communication with the test fixture , the computer having a machine learning model , the auxiliary testing method comprising steps of:the test fixture testing the plural under-test products sequentially, and generating corresponding test data to the computer;the computer generating plural trend line graphs corresponding to the test data;the operator judging contents of the trend line graphs, and determining corresponding human judging results;inputting the test data, the trend line graphs and the human judging results into the machine learning model, and performing a learning process; andif the number of samples in the learning process reaches a predetermined threshold value, the machine learning model generating auxiliary judging results according to the corresponding test data and the corresponding trend line graphs.2. The auxiliary testing method according to claim 1 , wherein a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150024534A1

Systems and methods for two degree of freedom dithering for micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) sensor calibration are provided. In one embodiment, a method for a device comprises forming a MEMS sensor layer, the MEMS sensor layer comprising a MEMS sensor and an in-plane rotator to rotate the MEMS sensor in the plane of the MEMS sensor layer. Further, the method comprises forming a first and second rotor layer and bonding the first rotor layer to a top surface and the second rotor layer to the bottom surface of the MEMS sensor layer, such that a first and second rotor portion of the first and second rotor layers connect to the MEMS sensor. Also, the method comprises separating the first and second rotor portions from the first and second rotor layers, wherein the first and second rotor portions and the MEMS sensor rotate about an in-plane axis of the MEMS sensor layer. 1. A method for fabricating a micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) sensing device , the method comprising: a MEMS sensor; and', 'an in-plane rotator configured to rotate the MEMS sensor in the plane of the MEMS sensor layer;, 'forming a MEMS sensor layer, the MEMS sensor layer comprisingforming a first rotor layer and a second rotor layer;bonding the first rotor layer to a top surface of the MEMS sensor layer and bonding the second rotor layer to the bottom surface of the MEMS sensor layer, such that a first rotor portion of the first rotor layer and a second rotor portion of the second rotor layer connect to the MEMS sensor; andseparating the first rotor portion from the first rotor layer and the second rotor portion from the second rotor layer, wherein the first rotor portion, MEMS sensor, and second rotor portion rotate about an axis in the plane of the MEMS sensor layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the in-plane rotator comprises:forming a circular interdigitated comb drive; andforming suspension connections between the circular interdigitated comb drive and the MEMS sensor.3. The ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for Calibrating an Acceleration Sensor and Acceleration Sensor

Номер: US20160025769A1
Автор: GLUECK Manuel

A method for calibrating an acceleration sensor includes, in a first method step measured values being generated as a function of acceleration forces acting on the acceleration sensor, in a second method step the measured values being analyzed as to whether a spurious acceleration is present, and in a third method step the acceleration sensor being calibrated as a function of a mathematical filter if no spurious acceleration is detected in the second method step. In addition, in the second method step a mathematical hypothesis test is carried out on the measured values for detection of a spurious acceleration. 19-. (canceled)10123122. A method for calibrating an acceleration sensor () , in a first method step measured values being generated as a function of acceleration forces acting on the acceleration sensor , in a second method step () the measured values being analyzed as to whether a spurious acceleration is present , and in a third method step () the acceleration sensor () being calibrated as a function of a mathematical filter if no spurious acceleration is detected in the second method step () , wherein in the second method step () a mathematical hypothesis test is carried out on the measured values for detection of a spurious acceleration.1112. The method as recited in claim , in the second method step () a mathematical hypothesis test in the form of a z-test or a t-test being carried out on the measured values.1212. The method as recited in one of the preceding claims , zero-th method step carried out earlier in time than the first method step , a plurality of further measured values being generated as a function of acceleration forces acting on the acceleration sensor () , in the second method step () mean values being calculated from the plurality of further measured values and checked by way of a null hypothesis as to whether the mean values and the measured values generated in the first method step derive from the same normal distribution.133. The ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023609A1

A method for examining signals. The method comprises a step of reading in a signal (), a step of comparing the signal () to an interference signal characteristic characterizing an interference signal in order to determine whether the signal () represents the interference signal, and a step of buffering the signal () at least for a predetermined time interval in order to obtain a buffered signal (). 1400400. A method () for examining signals , the method () comprising:{'b': 402', '204, 'reading () a signal ();'}{'b': 404', '204', '102', '204, 'comparing () the signal ()to an interference signal characteristic () characterizing an interference signal in order to determine whether the signal () represents the interference signal; and'}{'b': 406', '204', '107', '222, 'buffering () the signal () at least for a predetermined time interval ) in order to obtain a buffered signal ().'}2400102108110. The method () according to claim 1 , in which the interference signal characteristic () is constituted by a beginning partial characteristic () and an end partial characteristic ().3400. The method () according to claim 2 , in which a length of the predetermined time interval is determined by a time lag between the beginning partial characteristic and the end partial characteristic.4400404108102110102. Method () according to claim 3 , in which claim 3 , in the step of comparing () claim 3 , the beginning partial characteristic () of the interference signal characteristic () represents a first signal edge and the end partial characteristic () of the interference signal characteristic () represents a second signal edge oriented oppositely to the first signal edge.5400222210404204. The method () according to claim 1 , comprising a step of providing the buffered signal () to an application interface () when it is determined in the step of comparing () that the signal () does not represent the interference signal.6400408222208404204. The method () according to claim 1 , comprising a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for 3-Axis Accelerometer Calibration with Vertical Sample Buffers

Номер: US20170023610A1

Systems and methods for the calibration of 3-axis accelerometers using vertical sample buffers in accordance embodiments of the invention are disclosed. In one embodiment, a telematics system includes a processor, an acceleration sensor, a velocity sensor, and a memory configured to store an acceleration alignment application, wherein the acceleration alignment application configures the processor to receive a velocity information sample using the velocity sensor, determine vehicular acceleration information along at least one vehicle axes using the velocity information sample, receive at least one acceleration sensor acceleration information sample using the acceleration sensor, determine a plurality of vertical vector samples using the vehicular acceleration information, calculate an average vertical vector sample using at least one of the vertical vector samples, and calibrate at least one of the vehicle axes to an acceleration sensor axis using the vehicular acceleration information, the acceleration sensor acceleration sample, and the average vertical vector sample. 1. A telematics system , comprising:a processor;an acceleration sensor connected to the processor and configured to determine acceleration information along one or more acceleration sensor axes;a velocity sensor connected to the processor and configured to determine velocity information along a vehicular forward axis and heading information; anda memory connected to the processor and configured to store an acceleration alignment application and a vertical sample buffer, where the vertical sample buffer is configured to store a number of vertical vector samples; receive a velocity information sample using the velocity sensor;', 'determine vehicular acceleration information along at least one vehicle axes using the velocity information sample;', 'receive at least one acceleration sensor acceleration information sample using the acceleration sensor;', 'determine a plurality of vertical vector samples ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025707A1

A control system adapted to be mounted on a motor vehicle for control of a motor vehicle system in accordance with the inertial state of the motor vehicle. The control system includes an inertial sensor providing an inertial measurement output in accordance with the inertial state of the motor vehicle, where the inertial measurement output is referenced to a reference voltage. A controller is provided for controlling the motor vehicle system at least partially in accordance with the inertial measurement output. The controller includes a circuit for comparing the reference voltage used by the inertial sensor to a nominal voltage. The circuit causes the controller to discontinue use of the inertial measurement output when the reference voltage deviates from the nominal voltage. 1. Apparatus for providing inertial measurements , comprising an inertial sensor providing an inertial measurement output referenced to a reference value , and a circuit for evaluating the reference value and for selectively using the inertial measurement output in response to said evaluation.2. Apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein an inertial measurement output equal to said reference value denotes zero angular rate of said sensor.3. Apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said evaluating circuit accepts or rejects said inertial measurement output in response to said evaluation.4. Apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said evaluation circuit rejects said inertial measurement output unless said reference is at or near a nominal value.5. Apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said inertial sensor is adapted to be powered by a DC power signal that is single ended claim 1 , and said reference is generally midway between said DC power signal and ground.6. A control system adapted to be mounted on a motor vehicle for control of a motor vehicle system in accordance with the inertial state of the motor vehicle claim 1 , comprising:an inertial sensor providing an inertial ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027198A1
Принадлежит: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

A sensor system includes a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensor, control circuit, signal evaluation circuitry, a digital to analog converter, signal filters, an amplifier, demodulation circuitry and memory. The system is configured to generate high and low-frequency signals, combine them, and provide the combined input signal to a MEMS sensor. The MEMS sensor is configured to provide a modulated output signal that is a function of the combined signal. The system is configured to demodulate and filter the modulated output signal, compare the demodulated, filtered signal with the input signal to determine amplitude and phase differences, and determine, based on the amplitude and phase differences, various parameters of the MEMS sensor. A method for determining MEMS sensor parameters is also provided. 1. A microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) system comprising:a MEMS sensor having a moveable mechanical element configured to be moveable responsive to an electromagnetic signal applied to the moveable mechanical element, and further comprising a sense contact configured to provide as an output an electromagnetic output signal corresponding to motion of the moveable mechanical element;a control circuit in electrical communication with the moveable mechanical element of the MEMS sensor, and configured to provide an electromagnetic input signal comprising at least two oscillating frequencies to the moveable mechanical element of the MEMS sensor; anddemodulation circuitry in electrical communication with the sense contact of the MEMS sensor and the control circuit, and configured to demodulate the electromagnetic output signal corresponding to motion of the moveable mechanical element and provide a demodulated signal to the control circuit, wherein the control circuit is configured to evaluate the demodulated signal to determine at least one characteristic of the MEMS sensor.2. A MEMS parameter identification system as claimed in further comprising signal evaluation ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027199A1
Автор: Sarma Garimella R

A compensation circuit connected to an accelerometer's output extends the frequency response of the accelerometer, while reducing noise produced by the accelerometer. The compensation circuit has a gain as a function of frequency that is (i) constant up to a first frequency that is less than the accelerometer's natural resonance frequency, and (ii) reduced to approximately zero at a second frequency that is greater than the accelerometer's natural resonance frequency.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Movement Amount Estimation System, Movement Amount Estimation Method and Mobile Terminal

Номер: US20150027200A1
Автор: AKIYAMA Takayuki

A movement amount estimation system, comprising a storage area to store acceleration data, for estimating a movement amount of a holder of a mobile terminal, the movement amount estimation system is configured to: detect a start time and an end time of an elevator riding time period of the holder based on the acceleration data; integrate the acceleration data from the start time to the end time to calculate a movement velocity of the holder; correct one of a movement velocity at the start time and a movement velocity at the end time based on another of the movement velocity at the start time and the movement velocity at the end time; and integrate the movement velocity corrected by the time period to estimate a movement amount of the holder when the holder uses an elevator.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025336A1

A system determines absolute speed of a moving object. In AM, time of flight data over a time period is processed to determine ranges between the system and the moving object. The system performs linear regression analysis on the collected ranges to calculate the radial velocity. The system measures angular swivel rate of the system to determine tangential velocity. From the radial velocity and tangential velocity, the absolute speed can be calculated by taking the square root of the addition of the square of the radial velocity and square of the tangential velocity. In MM, the system calculates object distance, i.e. distance in the direction of travel, by subtracting the square of a pre-determined perpendicular distance L, perpendicular to the direction of travel, from a square of line-of-sight distance R, and taking square root of the result. Absolute speed is determined by calculating the slope of modified linear regression curve-fit. 1. A system for determining absolute speed of a moving object , comprising:a storage resource;a processor communicatively coupled to the storage resource, wherein the processor executes application code instruction that are stored in the storage resource to cause the system to:process a plurality of time of flight data over a measurement time interval;determine a plurality of ranges between a location associated with the system and a location associated with the moving object for each time of flight data;determine a linear regression curve-fit on the plurality of time of flight data for the plurality of ranges between the location associated with the system and the location associated with the moving object over the measurement time interval;determine absolute speed; andcommunicate the absolute speed.2. The system of wherein the processor executes application code instruction to cause the system to:determine a radial velocity associated with the plurality of time of flight data over the measurement time interval from the slope of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Universal Sensor Mount

Номер: US20200025785A1
Автор: Zusman George V.

A universal sensor mount for mounting a sensor module to a machine in a precise orientation and a corresponding sensor module installation method. The universal sensor mount includes a main body having a central main axis. A machine mounting member extends from the main body in a first direction substantially parallel to the main axis for attachment to the machine. A threaded sensor module mounting member extends from the main body in a second direction substantially parallel to the main axis for threaded attachment to the sensor module. The sensor module mounting member is rotatable relative to the main body. An adjustable locking member in the main body is operable to lock the sensor module mounting member in a selected rotational position. The selected rotational position of the sensor module mounting member determines a rotational position of the sensor module when it is attached to the sensor module mounting member. 1. A universal sensor mount for mounting a sensor module to a machine in a precise orientation relative to one or more machine reference axes , comprising:a main body having a central main axis;a machine mounting member extending from the main body in a first direction substantially parallel to the main axis for attachment to the machine;a threaded sensor module mounting member extending from the main body in a second direction substantially parallel to the main axis for threaded attachment to the sensor module;the sensor module mounting member being rotatable relative to the main body;an adjustable locking member in the main body operable to lock the sensor module mounting member in a selected rotational position; andthe selected rotational position of the sensor module mounting member determining a rotational position of the sensor module relative to the one or more machine reference axes when it is threadably attached to the sensor module mounting member.2. The universal sensor mount of claim 1 , wherein the main body is a generally cylindrical ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025795A1

Motion and/or orientation sensing systems can utilize gyroscopes, accelerometers, magnetometers, and other sensors for measuring motion or orientation of connected objects. Temperature changes affect the precision of the data output by the motion/orientation sensing device. A system is provided for controllably heating a device within a package to a desired temperature that varies based on the ambient temperature. The operating temperature of the device can then be known and controlled. The ambient temperature can be known through an ambient temperature sensor, for example. Given this information, a controller compensates the data output by the device to further improve the accuracy in the measurements. Like the amount of heating provided to the package, the amount of compensation is also based on the ambient temperature and/or the device temperature. 1. A system for improving accuracy in a motion or orientation sensing device , the system comprising:an isolation platform having a device mounting region and an isolation structure providing mechanical and electrical connections between the device and components not located on the device-mounting region;a heat source disposed on the isolation platform;a device disposed on the isolation platform; andat least one internal temperature sensor disposed in a local area on the isolation platform adjacent the device and configured to detect a temperature of the local area; receive internal temperature signals from the at least one internal temperature sensor indicating the temperature of the local area,', 'receive signals indicating an ambient temperature of an ambient environment,', 'control the heat source to achieve a desired temperature of the local area,', 'receive signals from the device, and', 'compensate the received signals from the device by a compensation factor that varies based on a combination of the temperature of the local area and the ambient temperature., 'at least one controller programmed to2. The system ...
