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20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2510104C2

Использование: для контроля металлических изделий. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что ультразвуковая дефектоскопная головка содержит линейное устройство из виброэлементов, установленных на направляющем клине для связи с изделием, при этом направляющий клин выполнен в виде заполненного жидкостью клинообразного полого тела (7, 7'), угол клина которого составляет максимально 24° и которое расположено на изделии так, что угол излучения звука в него составляет максимально 70°. Технический результат: обеспечение возможности просто и надежно осуществлять ультразвуковой контроль при небольшой конструктивной высоте дефектоскопной головки. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

21-03-2018 дата публикации

Преобразователь энергии вибраций

Номер: RU178056U1

Преобразователь энергии вибраций, состоящий из корпуса, средства закрепления преобразователя на вибрирующем объекте, набора круглых пьезомодулей и средств разделения и крепления пьезомодулей, причем круглые пьезомодули установлены в виде стопки так, что центры пьезомодулей разделены и склеены с центральными средствами разделения и средством закрепления преобразователя, а периметры пьезомодулей разделены и склеены с периметральными средствами разделения и жестко укреплены в корпусе преобразователя, при этом корпус дополнительно снабжен грузом для усиления резонансных колебаний конструкции. Такое решение направлено на упрощение и удешевление конструкции пьезопреобразователей. 1 ил.

26-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2748502C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Способ комплексной косметической обработки поверхностных тканей пациента осуществляют с помощью устройства. При этом воздействуют на поверхность обработки тела пациента периодически изменяющимся вакуумным массажем с помощью медицинской банки (1) с одновременным воздействием на область обработки ультразвуковыми цилиндрическими стоячими волнами (14) с регулируемыми амплитудой и фазой. Стоячие волны представляют собой чередующиеся узлы и пучности акустического давления в направлении, параллельном поверхности тела пациента. На локализованную область обработки одновременно воздействуют радиочастотным током (15), генерируемым синфазно и совпадающим пространственно с полем ультразвуковой цилиндрической стоячей волны. Устройство для комплексной косметической обработки поверхностных тканей пациента содержит медицинскую банку для вакуумного массажа, а также ультразвуковой пьезоэлектрический преобразователь, закрепленный внутри корпуса медицинской банки. Медицинская ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2537971C1

Изобретение относится к преобразователям энергии, работающим на основе применения пьезокерамических материалов, и может быть использовано в любой области техники в качестве маломощного источника переменного тока для свободновращающихся осесимметричных инерционных тел. Генератор содержит тонкостенный цилиндрический пьезоэлемент, внешней стороной прикрепленный к внутренней поверхности тела вращения, и прикрепленные к нему с внутренней стороны нескольких симметрично расположенных грузов. При вращении тела относительно его продольной оси грузы под воздействием центробежной силы осуществляют круговую деформацию пьезоэлемента, генерирующего электрическое напряжение. Техническим результатом является уменьшение массогабаритных характеристик и повышение надежности и мощности пьезоэлектрического источника тока. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157137A

... 1. Пьезоэлектрический прибор, включающий подложку, массив пьезоэлектрических нанокристаллов с двумя концами, один из которых расположен на подложке, первый электрод, контактирующий с первыми концами нанокристаллов, и второй электрод, контактирующий со вторыми концами нанокристаллов, отличающийся тем, пространство между пьезоэлектрическими проволоками заполнено материалом.2. Пьезоэлектрический прибор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что второй электрод является плоским.3. Пьезоэлектрический прибор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что второй электрод содержит массив углеродных нанотрубок или лепестков графена.4. Пьезоэлектрический прибор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве пьезоэлектрического нанокристалла может быть использована пьезоэлектрическая проволока, пьезоэлектрическая лента, пьезоэлектрическая трубка или пьезоэлектрический элемент иной формы с аспектным отношением длины к диаметру больше 1.5. Пьезоэлектрический прибор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве материала пьезоэлектрического ...

02-12-2004 дата публикации

Method for operating an piezoelectric actuator especially for motor vehicle fuel-injection device, requires detecting at least one characteristic of actuator for use in identifying its property class

Номер: DE0010320285A1

A method for operating a piezoelectric actuator, especially for a fuel injection device (16) of a combustion engine (10), and which comprises a capacitive element and an ohmic resistor connected across it, in which at least one characteristic (dt,V) of the actuator is detected and is used to identify a property class (K1,K2,K3) to which the actuator belongs. The capacitive element is discharged across the ohmic resistance and the voltage during discharge, and at least the time duration (dt) between two given voltage values (V1,V2), is ascertained and used to identify the property class (K1,K2,K3) of the actuator. Independent claims are included for (a) a computer program, for (b) an electric storage medium for control- and/or regulating-device, for (c) a control- and/or regulating device and for (d) a combustion engine, especially for a motor vehicle.

28-05-1998 дата публикации

Vibrationsangetriebener Motor

Номер: DE0069223907T2

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003881668D1

19-04-1990 дата публикации

Supply circuit for a device which is to be supplied with two AC voltages of different frequencies having a predetermined phase relationship

Номер: DE0003834782A1

Supply device (Figure 1) having only a single power amplifier (2) for, in particular, a piezoelectric motor (1) to be driven direction-selectively. ...

25-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050010768D1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Elektrisches Bauelement und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE102004005664B4
Принадлежит: EPCOS AG

Elektrisches Bauelement mit einem Grundkörper (3), der ein Keramikmaterial enthält und wenigstens zwei Außenelektroden (71, 72) aufweist, wobei- wenigstens ein Teil der Oberfläche des Grundkörpers mit einer Passivierungsschicht (6) aus einem Passivierungsmaterial bedeckt ist, wobei das Passivierungsmaterial in der Form eines Kompositmaterials vorliegt und eine Matrix (1) enthält, in die ein Füllstoff (2) eingebettet ist, und- die Passivierungsschicht zwischen dem Grundkörper und den Außenelektroden angeordnet ist- bei dem der Füllstoff Chromit, Kieselsäure, Korund, Mullit, Aluminiumsilikat, Aluminiumoxid, Siliziumdioxid, Titandioxid, Vanadiumdioxid, Zinkoxid, Zirkoniumdioxid, Zirkoniumsilikat, Zeolithe, mikroporöse oxidische oder nicht-oxidische Materialien, mesoporöse oxidische oder nicht-oxidische Materialien, makroporöse oxidische oder nicht-oxidische Materialien oder hochschmelzendes Glas enthält und- bei dem der Füllstoff in Form von Partikeln mit einer Größe zwischen 0,1 und 20 µm ...

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Bedieneinrichtung für ein Elektrogerät und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer solchen Bedieneinrichtung

Номер: DE102010043299A1

Eine Bedieneinrichtung für ein Elektrogerät weist ein formveränderliches Bedien-Feld auf, in welches eine Bedien-Kraft eingeleitet wird zur Durchbiegung und zur Bedienung. Hinter dem Bedien-Feld ist mindestens ein Piezo-Sensorelement angeordnet mit mechanischer Kopplung an das Bedien-Feld, wobei das Piezo-Sensorelement von einer piezoaktiven PZT-Schicht mit geringer Dicke gebildet ist, welche auf einen Träger aufgebracht ist und mit der Vorderseite zu dem Bedien-Feld hin weist. Auf der freien Rückseite des Piezo-Sensorelementes ist eine Elektrodenstruktur mit Elektroden aufgebracht mit einer elektrischen Kontaktierung an einen Leiterbahnträger zum elektrischen Anschluss.

13-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE502008001935D1

16-12-1999 дата публикации

Ventil zum Steuern von Flüssigkeiten

Номер: DE0019826339A1

Disclosed is a valve for controlling liquids. The inventive valve can be actuated by a piezo-actuator (53) which acts directly upon a valve member (40) pertaining to said control valve (31). A Peltier element (62) is inserted in the flow of heat from the piezo-actuator (53) to a heat dissipating part of the housing in order to compensate for various differences in length that arise as a result of temperature influences. The Peltier element (62) is controlled by an electric control device (36) in such a way that various temperature- induced differences in the length of the piezo-actuator (53) in relation to those of the housing (2) accommodating the piezo-actuator are at least partially compensated.

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Membranelementanordnung und Verfahren hierzu

Номер: DE102017126644B4

Membranelementanordnung, umfassend:mindestens ein bistabiles Membranelement (50A-50E) mit einem ersten stabilen Zustand und einem zweiten stabilen Zustand, undeine Steuerung (22) zum Ansteuern des mindestens einen Membranelements (50A-50E),wobei die Steuerung (22) eingerichtet ist, ein Membranelement (50C, 50D) des mindestens einen bistabilen Membranelements mit einem Steuersignal oberhalb einer Umschaltschwelle zum Umschalten zwischen dem ersten stabilen Zustand und dem zweiten stabilen Zustand anzusteuern, unddas Membranelement oder ein weiteres Membranelement (50A, 50B) des mindestens einen bistabilen Membranelements mit einem Ansteuersignal, dessen Amplitude über mehrere Perioden des Ansteuersignals unterhalb der Umschaltschwelle liegt, anzusteuern.

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Induktives Bauteil

Номер: DE102016110579A1

Es wird ein induktives Bauteil (1) mit einer Spule (4) aufweisend eine Wicklung (2) eines Drahtes und ein an der Spule (4) haftender Formkörper (8) angegeben. Der Formkörper (8) weist eine Oberfläche (13) zur Anordnung einer Wärmesenke (16) auf. Weiterhin wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines derartigen Bauteils (1) angegeben, bei dem zur Herstellung des Formkörpers (8) eine Vergussmasse in eine Gussform eingefüllt und die Gussform anschließend entfernt wird.

24-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002651094B1

01-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003465649D1

12-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004012231T2

14-07-2005 дата публикации

Drive device for fuel injection apparatus used in vehicle diesel engine carries out variable setting of the interruption threshold value according to detected voltage of the piezo stack

Номер: DE102004054109A1

The piezo stack and an energy storage coil (69) assume an electric state when a discharge switch (66) is switched during discharge of a piezo stack (51). Energy once stored in the stack is collected by the coil. The switch is turned off when discharge current of piezo stack reaches an interruption threshold value. A variable setting of the same value is carried according to detected voltage of the stack.

30-09-2010 дата публикации

Piezoaktor mit einem Mehrlagenaufbau und ein Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE102009001938A1

Es werden ein Piezoaktor und ein Herstellungsverfahren für den Piezoaktor mit einem Mehrlagenaufbau aus Piezoelementen (2) vorgeschlagen, die jeweils aus sinterbaren Piezolagen (3) bestehen, die zwischen Innenelektroden (4, 5) eingefasst sind und die in Richtung des Lagenaufbaus und der Wirkrichtung des Piezoaktors (1) über Außenelektroden (6, 7) abwechselnd mit einer unterschiedlichen Polarität einer elektrischen Spannung beaufschlagt sind. Der Piezoaktor (1) mit den Piezolagen weist mit durch äußeren Druck während einer Polarisierung vorausgerichtete Domänen auf, wobei die Polarisierung durch Beaufschlagung der Piezolagen (3) mit einem elektrischen Feld bei hohen Temperaturen oberhalb der Curie-Temperatur durchgeführt wird und durch Abkühlen unter weiterer Beaufschlagung durch das elektrische Feld und des Druckes wird die Ausrichtung der Domänen eingefroren.

20-06-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to piezo-electric transducers

Номер: GB0000654421A

... 654,421. Piezo-electric crystals. BRUSH DEVELOPMENT CO. March 3, 1948, No. 6704. Convention date, July 23, 1947. Drawings to Specification. [Class 40 (viii)] The outer electrode of a transducer comprising a number of piezo-electric plates with at least one interposed electrode, is separated from the plates by a coating of insulating material which incorporates a finely-divided titanate material having a high dielectric constant. This coating prevents short-circuits developing between the outer and inner electrodes without adversely affecting the performance and also makes the element moisture-proof. The coating is preferably plasticized nitrocellulose containing barium titanate and the outer electrode preferably covers the whole of the assembly and may be applied by plating or by dipping in a composition including shellac and finely-divided metal particles. The element may be a " bender " or " twister" composed of two plates of Rochelle Salt or of a piezo-electric titanate material. Specifications ...

12-02-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to means for and method of moisture-proofing piezoelectric crystals

Номер: GB0000598179A

... 598,179. Piezo-electric crystals. BRUSH DEVELOPMENT CO. Jan. 25, 1945, No. 2008. Convention date, Jan. 31, 1944. [Class 40 (v)] In a means of waterproofing a piezo-electric crystal unit, a plate of piezo-electric material has a moisture-resistant coating of two layers, one of which extends over at least one face of the plate and beyond its edges, and the other of which covers the plate and the first layer so that the formation of thin portions in the coating at the edges of the crystal plate is avoided. In Fig. 2, sheets 26 and 27, preferably of moisture-resistant material, extend over the major surfaces of the crystal 21 and are fixed to it and its electrodes by an adhesive and project above 1/32 of an inch beyond the edges. A liquid coating of moisture-proof material is applied to the unit and solidified by drying. Sheets 26 and 27 cover electrodes 22 and 23, Fig. 3, the moisture-proof coating 28 covers the entire unit and forms fillets 30 between the portions of 26 and 27 extended over ...

02-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001379622A

... 1379622 Piezo-electric motors SIEMENS AG and BRAUN AG 23 Feb 1972 [25 Feb 1971] 8230/72 Heading H2A A bender-type, permanently polarized, ceramic strip in a piezo-electric motor, e.g. for a shaver or cosmetic appliance, has electrodes on opposite faces which are connected to an A.C. supply through a parallel-connected rectifier and resistor, the rectifier being connected so that its conducting direction is opposite to the direction of polarization of the strip and the resistor having a value such that the peak value of the voltage applied to the electrodes when the rectifier is blocked does not exceed a predetermined fraction of the peak value of the supply voltage. Fig. 1 shows a pair of strips 6, 8 attached to a carrier strip 10 and fixed at their ends to supports 4, 5. One half of each strip is oppositely polarized with respect to the other half as shown by the arrows 21-24 so that, when excited, the strips bend in an 8-shaped configuration and electrodes 13-16 are applied to the outer ...

23-01-2002 дата публикации

Method of determining a drive control voltage for a piezoelectric actuator

Номер: GB0002364400A

A method of determining a drive control voltage (Ua) for a piezoelectric actuator (2) of a fuel injection valve comprise the step of indirectly measuring a pressure in a hydraulic coupler (4) in the valve before each injection cycle. The piezoelectric actuator (2) is coupled with the hydraulic coupler (4), so that the pressure in the latter induces a corresponding piezo voltage (Ui) in the actuator (2). This induced voltage is measured and used for correction of the drive control voltage for the actuator (2). A too-small induced voltage is evaluated as a fault for the recognition of the need for injection cut-out. The injection valve (1) is preferably that in a common rail system of a fuel injection installation of a petrol or diesel engine.

12-10-2005 дата публикации

Electronic drive system for a droplet spray generation device

Номер: GB0002412870A

An electronic drive system for a droplet generation device of the type having a droplet generator including a perforate membrane driven by a piezoelectric transducer. The electronic drive system comprising a programmable micro-controller 20 comprising a power supply unit 21 for converting in use a battery supply voltage 12 to power the device, a power amplifier 23 to receive electric power from the power supply unit 21 and supply a drive signal to the piezoelectric generator at regular intervals, and a mono-stable switch connected to a timer to generate a drive signal as a plurality of pulses of fixed interval over a predetermined period when the switch is operated. The power supply unit includes a DC-to-DC converter integrated circuit and supplies 5 volts at up to 200 mA from the cells 12. An air freshener having such a spray generation device is also claimed.

12-10-2005 дата публикации

Electronic drive system for a droplet spray generation device

Номер: GB0002412869A

An electronic drive system for a droplet spray generation device of the type having a droplet generator including a perforate membrane driven by a piezoelectric transducer. The electronic drive system comprising a programmable micro-controller 20 comprising a power supply unit 21 for converting in use a battery supply voltage 12 to power the device, a power amplifier 23 to receive electric power from the power supply unit 21 and supply a drive signal to the piezoelectric generator. The microcontroller is also arranged to control the operation of the power amplifier, including the drive signal operating frequency at substantially its resonant frequency, by measuring the current provided to the power amplifier by the power supply unit at a plurality of different frequencies, determining, as the resonant frequency of the droplet generator, the frequency at which the maximum power is consumed by the power amplifier, and setting the drive signal operating frequency at the resonant frequency.

08-07-1998 дата публикации

Piezoelectric transformers

Номер: GB0009809948D0

23-05-2001 дата публикации

Capacitive power driver circuit

Номер: GB0000108076D0

01-04-2020 дата публикации

Driver Circuit

Номер: GB0002564713B
Принадлежит: FEN TECH LIMITED, Fen Technology Limited

29-09-1999 дата публикации

Piezo-electric tag

Номер: GB0009917856D0

16-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001571304A

02-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001545157A

02-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001519629A

... 1519629 Selective printing SILONICS Inc 21 July 1975 [19 July 1974] 03901/78 Divided out of 1519627 Heading B6F The subject of this Specification is identical to that of Specification 1,519,627, but the claims are directed to the control of the ink pressure in the common chamber connected to each of the orifice containing chambers.

21-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002009496B

08-04-1981 дата публикации

Package for electric device

Номер: GB2058506A

A package for an electric device such as a surface acoustic wave filter or a semi-conductor device comprises a metallic cap 6 which is hermetically sealed to a base 2 with an insulating (plastics) liner 5 or inner cover 7 within the cap 6 so that any minute metallic fragments which might drop off the cap as the result of mechanical shocks do not affect the characteristics of the device. ...

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414994T

27-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364548B

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000481562T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000476756T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503441B1

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000425558T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000456866T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503441A4

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000423396T

15-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA392479A

15-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA391679A

15-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA188782A

15-05-2020 дата публикации

Sensor device

Номер: AT0000521772A4

Sensorvorrichtung (1) umfassend mindestens ein erstes Substrat (3), einen kapazitiven Sensor (4) zur Erfassung einer Annäherung eines Objekts, einen piezoelektrischen Sensor (5) zur Erfassung eines Druckes, wobei der kapazitive Sensor (4) auf einer ersten Seite des ersten Substrates (3) angeordnet ist und der piezoelektrische Sensor (5) auf einer zweiten Seite des ersten Substrates (3) angeordnet ist, wobei die zweite Seite der ersten Seite gegenüberliegt, oder wobei der kapazitive Sensor (4) und der piezoelektrische Sensor (5) auf derselben Seite des Substrates (3) angeordnet sind.

15-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: ATA130482A

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA130582A

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000523262T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000556438T

15-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000187877A

15-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000936778A

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411459T

15-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000298387A

15-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000004007T

15-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000004945T

15-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000038340T

15-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000001962T

15-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000001346T

26-08-1974 дата публикации

Piezoelectric engine

Номер: AT0000317352B

15-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000169150T

17-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032496955T

14-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038942062T

18-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038497478T

28-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032243251T

11-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037358492T

02-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039047616T

13-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030458163T

14-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036560942T

19-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031068415T

06-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030008321T

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating an output stage for at least one piezoactuator

Номер: US20120032556A1
Автор: Marco Graf, Stefan Fuchs

A method for operating an output stage for a piezoactuator includes checking, during an operating phase, in response to the undershooting of a current for the piezoactuator below a setpoint current, whether a point in time for the undershooting lies outside or within a time window. A subsequent current pulse is controlled via the setpoint current if the point in time is located outside the time window, and the subsequent current pulse is controlled via a turn-on time if the point in time is located within the time window.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic-Motor-Driving Device and Ultrasonic Motor Unit

Номер: US20130069563A1

An ultrasonic-motor-driving device is provided which allows fine adjustment of the periods of driving waves that are generated by a driving-wave-generating portion. A driving device for an ultrasonic motor includes a driving-wave-generating portion. The driving-wave-generating portion generates signals for driving piezoelectric elements included in the ultrasonic motor. The driving-wave-generating portion is constructed capable of generating rectangular waves including a plurality of rectangular waves with different periods. 1. An ultrasonic-motor-driving device comprising:a driving-wave-generating portion that generates signals for driving piezoelectric elements, the piezoelectric elements being included in an ultrasonic motor, whereinthe driving-wave-generating portion is constructed capable of generating driving waves including a plurality of driving waves with different periods.2. The ultrasonic-motor-driving device according to claim 1 , whereinthe driving-wave-generating portion is constructed capable of cyclically generating sets of driving waves each set of which includes the plurality of driving waves with different periods.3. The ultrasonic-motor-driving device according to claim 2 , whereinthe plurality of driving waves with different periods include first and second driving waves, the second driving wave having a period different from the first driving wave, whereinthe driving-wave-generating portion is constructed capable of cyclically generating sets of driving waves each set of which includes one first driving wave and one second driving wave as the first and second driving waves.4. The ultrasonic-motor-driving device according to claim 3 , whereinthe driving-wave-generating portion is constructed to alternately generate the one first driving wave and the one second driving wave whereby cyclically generating sets of driving waves each set of which includes the one first driving wave and the one second driving wave.5. The ultrasonic-motor-driving ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108061A1

A piezoelectric device is provided with a sound source IC, an amplifier for amplifying a sound source from the sound source IC, a piezoelectric speaker for generating sound based on a drive signal from amplifier, an MPU for performing a predetermined control process on the drive signal, a memory for storing temperature dependency information about the piezoelectric constant (d) and Young's modulus E of the piezoelectric speaker, and a temperature sensor for detecting an ambient temperature. MPU has correcting unit, compares a detected result of the temperature sensor with the temperature dependency information, and performs temperature correction on the drive signal serving as an acoustic signal based on a compared result. The piezoelectric speaker outputs the acoustic signal temperature-corrected by correcting unit. Thus, it becomes possible to realize various piezoelectric devices, such as a piezoelectric speaker system, capable of preventing various input information from fluctuating even when there is a change in usage environmental temperature. 1. A piezoelectric device comprising:a piezoelectric element comprising at least one piezoelectric body comprising a piezoelectric polmer film having electrodes on both main surfaces thereof;an inputting unit for inputting predetermined information to said piezoelectric element;a memory for storing temperature dependency information comprising an amount of displacement when a voltage is applied and an amount of deflection when a stress is applied to said piezoelectric element;a temperature detector for detecting an ambient temperature; anda correction unit for correcting the input information of said inputting unit based on a detected temperature result of the temperature detector and said temperature dependency information.2. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , whereinsaid inputting unit comprises a sound source, and said input information comprises an acoustic signal, andsaid correction unit corrects said ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Array Transducer, Associated Circuit And Methods Of Making The Same

Номер: US20130113336A1

In some embodiments, circuits for ultrasonic transducer element arrays are provided. In some embodiments, a circuit described herein comprises a first layer for receiving a transducer element array, a ground layer comprising at least one ground disposed over the first layer and a plurality of first vias corresponding to transducer elements of the array, the first vias extending through the first layer to the at least one ground and comprising first ends for receiving ground electrodes of the transducer elements and second ends electrically connected to the ground. 128-. (canceled)29. An ultrasonic transducer system comprising:an array comprising a plurality of piezoelectric transducer elements, the piezoelectric transducer elements comprising individual positive electrodes and individual ground electrodes; anda circuit coupled to the array, the circuit comprising a first layer for receiving the array, a layer comprising at least one ground disposed above the first layer and a plurality of first vias corresponding to piezoelectric transducer elements of the array, the first vias extending through the first layer to the at least one ground and comprising first ends electrically connected to the individual ground electrodes of the piezoelectric transducer elements and second ends electrically connected to the ground.30. The ultrasonic transducer system of claim 29 , wherein the circuit further comprises second vias corresponding to piezoelectric transducer elements of the array claim 29 , the second vias extending through the first layer and comprising first ends electrically coupled to positive electrodes of the piezoelectric transducer elements and second ends electrically connected to one or more traces in electrical communication with circuitry external to the circuit.31. The ultrasonic transducer system of claim 30 , wherein at least one second via is associated with each piezoelectric transducer element of the array.32. The ultrasonic transducer system of claim ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140947A1

A piezoelectric device is provided with an element-mounting member , a piezoelectric element mounted on the element-mounting member , a metal pattern which is formed at the surface of the element-mounting member and includes an element-mounting region and a lead region , and an integrated circuit element which is electrically connected to the element-mounting region of the metal pattern by solder bump , wherein the metal pattern has a projecting part which is provided between the element-mounting region and the lead region , and at least the surface portion of the projecting part is made of a metal oxide. 1. A piezoelectric device comprising:an element-mounting member,a piezoelectric element which is mounted on the element-mounting member,a metal pattern which is formed on the surface of the element-mounting member and includes an element-mounting region and a lead region, andan integrated circuit element which is electrically connected to the element-mounting region of the metal pattern by a solder bump, whereinthe metal pattern has a projecting part which is provided between the element-mounting region and the lead region, and at least the surface portion of the projecting part is made of a metal oxide.2. The piezoelectric device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the projecting part has an element-mounting region side surface claim 1 , the element-mounting region side surface has a plurality of recesses in a plan view claim 1 , and each of the plurality of recesses is recessed so as to become narrower toward the direction of the lead region when in the plan view.3. The piezoelectric device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the projecting part has an element-mounting region side surface and a lead region side surface claim 1 , and the element-mounting region side surface is steeper than the lead side surface.4. The piezoelectric device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the metal pattern has a groove portion provided on the lead region side other than the projecting ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140949A1
Автор: URANO Osamu

A drive device includes a movable member, plural piezoelectric motors that cause the movable member to move in a predetermined direction, a drive circuit that drives the plural piezoelectric motors, and plural relays that electrically connect or disconnect at least one of the plural piezoelectric motors to or from the drive circuit. 1. A drive device comprising:a plurality of moving units that cause an object to move;piezoelectric motors that cause the plurality of moving units to move;drive circuits that drive the piezoelectric motors; andswitching units that electrically connect or disconnect the piezoelectric motors to or from the drive circuits,wherein the number of driving circuits is smaller than the number of piezoelectric motors.2. The drive device according to claim 1 , wherein the number of drive circuits is two or more.3. The drive device according to claim 1 , wherein the moving directions of the moving units are different from each other.4. The drive device according to claim 1 , wherein the number of switching units is two or more claim 1 , andwherein the switching units are disposed in the piezoelectric motors, respectively.5. The drive device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the switching units is formed of a photo-MOS relay.6. An electronic component transporting apparatus comprising:a plurality of grippers that grip an electronic component;moving units that cause the plurality of grippers to move;piezoelectric motors that are disposed in the moving unit, respectively, and that cause the moving units to move;drive circuits that drive the piezoelectric motors; andswitching units that electrically connect or disconnect the piezoelectric motors to or from the drive circuits,wherein the number of driving circuits is smaller than the number of piezoelectric motors.7. The electronic component transporting apparatus according to claim 6 , further comprising a linearly-moving mechanism that causes the movable member to move forward and backward in a ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140955A1

The disclosed technology features methods for the manufacture of electrical components such as ultrasound transducers. In particular, the disclosed technology provides methods of creating an ultrasonic transducer by connecting one or more multi-layer printed circuits to an array of ultrasound transducer elements. In one embodiment, the printed circuits have traces in a single layer that are spaced by a distance that is greater than a pitch of the transducer elements to which the multi-layer printed circuit is to be connected. However the traces from all the layers in the multi-layer printed circuit are interleaved to have a pitch that is equal to the pitch of the transducer elements. The disclosed technology also features ultrasound transducers produced by the methods described herein. 1. An ultrasonic transducer assembly comprising:a transducer array comprising a number of spaced transducer elements;at least one printed circuit including a plurality of trace layers, each layer having a plurality of conductive traces therein that are electrically coupled to a corresponding transducer element, wherein the conductive traces in any single trace layer at a point where the traces are coupled to the transducer elements are spaced farther apart than a distance between adjacent transducer elements in the transducer array; anda plurality of interconnections, each interconnection electrically coupling a conductive trace of the printed circuit to a corresponding transducer element.2. The ultrasonic transducer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the interconnections have a width that is narrower than a width of the transducer elements to which they are connected.3. The ultrasonic transducer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the transducer array has a length and a width that is shorter than the length claim 1 , and wherein the printed circuit has traces therein that extend along the printed circuit in a direction that is generally parallel to the length of the transducer array.4. The ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155631A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

The power generating device has a power generating section including a piezoelectric body; and a plurality of electrode pairs each constituted by a pair of electrodes placed on opposite sides of the piezoelectric body with regard to a thickness direction thereof to define a functional section therebetween, each of the functional sections is cooperated with the related electrode pair to define a power generating element. A plurality of the power generating elements includes a first and second power generating elements that give a polarization orientation opposite to each other in the thickness direction. The first and second power generating elements have the corresponding electrodes that are connected to each other by means of a wiring member on the same surface of the piezoelectric body with regard to the thickness direction thereof, such that all of the plurality of the power generating elements are connected in series. 1. A power generating device comprising:a device substrate having a supporting section, a cantilever section swingably supported to said supporting section, and a weight section provided at one end of said cantilever section away from the other end supported to said supporting section; anda power generating section carried by said cantilever section and configured to generate an AC voltage in response to a swing movement of said cantilever section,wherein said power generating section comprises:a piezoelectric body; anda plurality of electrode pairs each constituted by a pair of electrodes that are placed on opposite sides of said piezoelectric body with regard to a thickness direction of said piezoelectric body to define a functional section therebetween, each of the functional sections being cooperated with the related electrode pair to define a power generating element;wherein a plurality of the power generating elements comprises a first power generating element and a second power generating element configured to give a polarization orientation ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193809A1
Автор: ARAKI Kiyoto

A piezoelectric device prevents damage to a piezoelectric thin film caused by etching and the manufacturing cost of the piezoelectric device is reduced. On a surface of a support layer formed on a support substrate, an etching adjustment layer is formed. An etchant flows through etching windows to simultaneously form a through hole through which a portion of a sacrificial layer is exposed to a side of a piezoelectric thin film and an opening through which the etching adjustment layer, which is conductive with a lower electrode, is exposed to the side of the piezoelectric thin film. By making an etchant flow through the through hole, the sacrificial layer is removed. A lead-out wiring is formed between an upper electrode and a bump pad and a lead-out wiring is formed between the conductive etching adjustment layer, which is conductive with the lower electrode, and a bump pad. 1. A piezoelectric device , comprising:a piezoelectric thin film;a support member bonded to a rear surface of the piezoelectric thin film;a first electrode located on the rear surface of the piezoelectric thin film;a cavity located at a support member side of the first electrode between the piezoelectric thin film and the support member;a conductive etching adjustment layer arranged to adjust progress of etching, the etching adjustment layer being disposed on a piezoelectric thin film side of the support member, directly or so as to electrically connect through the first electrode;a through hole extending through the piezoelectric thin film and communicating with the cavity; andan opening portion through which the etching adjustment layer is exposed to a side of the piezoelectric thin film.2. A method for manufacturing a piezoelectric device including a piezoelectric thin film , a support member bonded to a rear surface of the piezoelectric thin film , a first electrode formed on the rear surface of the piezoelectric thin film , and a cavity formed at a support member side of the first electrode ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193810A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A laminated piezoelectric device comprising a device body on which a number of piezoelectric layers and internal electrodes are laminated, external electrodes electrically connected to the internal electrodes and formed on the surface of the device body an insulation layer and a resistance layer The insulation layer covers at least a portion wherein internal electrodes are exposed on the surface of the device body where mechanical displacement is generated by applying voltage. The resistance layer is formed to connect between external electrodes and has a lower electric resistance value than the insulation layer 1. A laminated piezoelectric device , comprising:a device body in which a number of piezoelectric layers, first internal electrodes and second internal electrodes having different polarities from the first internal electrodes are laminated;a first external electrode electrically connected to the first internal electrodes and formed on the surface of the device body;a second external electrode electrically connected to the second internal electrodes and formed on the surface of the device body;an insulation layer covering at least a portion wherein the first internal electrodes and the second internal electrodes are exposed on the surface of the device body, where mechanical displacement is generated by applying voltage; anda resistance layer formed to electrically connect the first external electrode and the second external electrode, and has a lower electric resistance value than the insulation layer.2. The laminated piezoelectric device as set forth in claim 1 , whereinthe resistance layer does not contact with the first internal electrodes and the second internal electrodes.3. The laminated piezoelectric device as set forth in claim 1 , whereinthe resistance layer covers at least a portion of the first external electrodes and/or the second external electrodes.4. The laminated piezoelectric device as set forth in claim 2 , whereinthe resistance layer ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200751A1
Автор: SCHROEDER Dale W.

A system comprises a voltage source, a piezoelectric material arranged in a first current path between the voltage source and a first reference voltage, a capacitor arranged in a second current path between the voltage source and a second reference voltage, and a correction circuit configured to adjust the first reference voltage to increase or decrease the current in the first current path according to the current in the second current path. 1. A system , comprising:a voltage source;a piezoelectric material located in a first current path between the voltage source and a first reference voltage;a capacitor located in a second current path between the voltage source and a second reference voltage; and,a correction circuit configured to adjust the first reference voltage to increase or decrease a first current in the first current path according to a second current in the second current path.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first reference voltage is a virtual ground voltage and the second reference voltage is ground.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a first current monitor located in the first current path and configured to detect a magnitude of the first current; anda second current monitor located in the second path and configured to detect a magnitude of the second current.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the second current monitor amplifies the second current claim 3 , and the correction circuit adjusts the virtual ground voltage such that the first current approximates the amplified second current.5. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a controller configured to adjust a target capacitance of the piezoelectric material by changing a gain ratio of the first and second current monitors.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the correction circuit comprises an amplifier that receives the first current and the amplified second current claim 4 , determines a difference between the first and second currents claim 4 , and adjusts the virtual ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200753A1
Принадлежит: Research Triangle Institute

A method and associated apparatus directed to a piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer (pMUT) defining an air-backed cavity are provided. A first via defined by a device substrate and associated dielectric layer, and extending to the first electrode, is substantially filled with a first conductive material. A support member engaged with the device substrate defines a second via extending to the first conductive material. The second via has a second conductive material disposed thereon, forms an electrically-conductive engagement with the first conductive material, and extends outwardly of the second via to be accessible externally to the support member. A connective element extends through a third via defined by a connection support substrate and is in electrically-conductive engagement with the second conductive material, wherein one of the connective element and connection support substrate is bonded to one of the support member and second conductive material by a bonding material engaged therebetween. 1. A method of forming a connection with a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer apparatus , said piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer apparatus comprising a transducer device disposed on a dielectric layer on a device substrate , and including a piezoelectric material disposed between a first electrode and a second electrode , the device substrate and the dielectric layer defining a first via extending to the first electrode and substantially filled with a first conductive material , the transducer device further including a support member engaged with the device substrate and the first conductive material , and defining a second via extending thereto , the second via having a second conductive material disposed thereon and forming an electrically-conductive engagement with the first conductive material , the second conductive material extending outwardly of the second via so as to be accessible externally to the support member , said method comprising: ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205898A1
Автор: NAKAGAWA Keiji

A vibrator element includes a base section, a driving vibrating arm extending from one end of the base section, a detecting vibrating arm extending from another end of the base section opposite to the one end, an adjusting vibrating arm extending from the base section on an opposite side to the driving vibrating arm, and a support section extending from the base section and to be fixed to a substrate, and an output signal of the adjusting vibrating arm has a reverse phase with respect to an output signal of a leakage vibration of the detecting vibrating arm. 1. A vibrator element comprising:a base section;a driving vibrating arm extending from one end of the base section;a detecting vibrating arm extending from another end of the base section opposite to the one end;an adjusting vibrating arm extending from the base section in a direction opposite to a direction in which the driving vibrating arm extends; anda support section extending from the base section and to be fixed to a substrate,wherein an output signal of the adjusting vibrating arm has a reverse phase with respect to an output signal of a leakage vibration of the detecting vibrating arm.2. The vibrator element according to claim 1 , whereinthe driving vibrating arm is a pair of driving vibrating arms,the detecting vibrating arm is a pair of detecting vibrating arms, andthe adjusting vibrating arm is a pair of adjusting vibrating arms disposed so that the pair of detecting vibrating arms are located between the pair of adjusting vibrating arms.3. The vibrator element according to claim 1 , wherein a first connection section and a second connection section each having one end connected to the base section,', 'a first fixation section connected to another end of the first connection section, and', 'a second fixation section connected to another end of the second connection section., 'the support section includes'}4. The vibrator element according to claim 3 , whereinthe first fixation section and the second ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221801A1
Автор: Shimodaira Kazuhiko

A piezoelectric device includes an integrated circuit (IC) chip and a piezoelectric resonator element, a part of the piezoelectric resonator element being disposed so as to overlap with a part of the IC chip when viewed in plan. The IC chip includes: an inner pad disposed on an active face and in an area where is overlapped, with the piezoelectric resonator when viewed in plan; an insulating layer formed on the active face; a relocation pad disposed on the insulating layer and in an area other than a part where is overlapped with the piezoelectric resonator element, the relocation pad being coupled to an end part of a first wire; and a second wire electrically coupling the inner pad and the relocation pad, the second wire having a relocation wire and a connector that penetrates the insulating layer, the relocation wire being disposed between the insulating layer and the active face. 1. A piezoelectric device comprising:an integrated circuit chip; and an inner pad disposed on an active face and in an area where is overlapped with the piezoelectric resonator in plan view;', 'an insulating layer formed on the active face;', 'a relocation pad disposed on the insulating layer and in an area other than a part where is overlapped with the piezoelectric resonator element in plan view, the relocation pad being coupled to ar. end part of a first wire; and', 'a second wire electrically coupling the inner pad and the relocation pad, the second wire having a relocation wire and a connector that penetrates the insulating layer, the relocation wire being disposed between the insulating layer and the active face., 'a piezoelectric resonator element, a part of the piezoelectric resonator element being disposed so as to overlap with a part of the integrated circuit chip in plan view, wherein the integrated circuit chip includes2. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , the relocation pad being disposed adjacent to at least one side of a peripheral part of the integrated ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221807A1
Принадлежит: TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD.

A stacked piezoelectric actuator has a laminate structure including piezoelectric layers and cover parts such that when an external electrode is applied with drive voltage, the piezoelectric layers become distorted and the entire stacked piezoelectric actuator deforms, and at that time, the cover parts become displaced, wherein the distortion difference occurring between the piezoelectric layers and the cover parts reduces, thereby inhibiting the development of cracks. Moreover, the surface area of the active region of the piezoelectric layers is the same as the surface area of the active region of the cover parts, and therefore the loss of the displacement transfer, which is produced by the piezoelectric layers, at the cover parts is reliably reduced. 1. A piezoelectric element , comprising:a laminated structure made by alternately laminating multiple first piezoelectric layers having first internal electrodes led out to a first area and multiple second piezoelectric layers having second internal electrodes led out to a second area different from the first area;a pair of covers constituted by piezoelectric bodies that are provided at both ends of the laminated structure in the laminating direction;a pair of cover electrodes provided on the respective exposed sides of the pair of covers, in a manner covering an area at least near the center of the corresponding cover;a first external electrode that applies drive voltage of first polarity to each of the first internal electrodes; anda second external electrode that applies drive voltage of second polarity to each of the second internal electrodes;wherein said piezoelectric element is such that:when each of the pair of cover electrodes is adjoining the first internal electrode, the cover electrode adjoining the first internal electrode is connected to the second external electrode; andwhen each of the pair of cover electrodes is adjoining the second internal electrode, the cover electrode adjoining the second internal ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221808A1

A piezoelectric resonator plate includes at least a pair of excitation electrodes and at least a pair of extraction electrodes. The pair of extraction electrodes are respectively extracted from the pair of excitation electrodes to electrically and mechanically bond the pair of excitation electrodes to an external electrode. The pair of extraction electrodes each include a distal end portion. The distal end portion includes a connecting electrode extracted to a vicinity of one end portion on one principal surface of the piezoelectric resonator plate. The connecting electrodes each include a top surface where a first metal film to be bonded to the external electrode is formed. The first metal film includes a top surface with two or more protruding portions. The first metal film has a larger surface roughness and a smaller area compared with the respective connecting electrodes. The protruding portions are formed with cross-sections in curvature shapes. 1. A piezoelectric resonator plate comprising:at least a pair of excitation electrodes; andat least a pair of extraction electrodes that are respectively extracted from the pair of excitation electrodes to electrically and mechanically bond the pair of excitation electrodes to an external electrode, whereinthe pair of extraction electrodes each include a distal end portion, the distal end portion including a connecting electrode extracted to a vicinity of one end portion on one principal surface of the piezoelectric resonator plate,the connecting electrodes each include a top surface where a first metal film to be bonded to the external electrode is formed,the first metal film has a larger surface roughness and a smaller area compared with the respective connecting electrodes, the first metal film including a to surface with two or more protruding portions, 'the top surface of the first metal film includes two or more protruding portions along a top surface end portion of the first metal film excluding a center region ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic transducer element chip, probe head, probe, electronic instrument, and ultrasonic diagnostic device

Номер: US20130223184A1
Автор: Masaki Takahashi
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An ultrasonic transducer element chip includes a substrate, a plurality of ultrasonic transducer elements, a wiring part and an additional wiring part. The substrate defines a plurality of openings arranged in an array pattern. Each of the ultrasonic transducer elements is provided in each of the openings. The wiring part is connected to the ultrasonic transducer elements. The additional wiring part is disposed in a peripheral region between an outline of the array pattern of the openings and an outer edge of the substrate in a plan view as viewed along a thickness direction of the substrate. The additional wiring part is electrically insulated from the wiring part. The additional wiring part is longer than a shortest distance between the outline of the array pattern and the outer edge of the substrate in the plan view.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic transducer device, probe, electronic instrument, and ultrasonic diagnostic device

Номер: US20130223192A1
Автор: Tsutomu Nishiwaki
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An ultrasonic transducer device includes a substrate, a plurality of ultrasonic transducer elements, a wiring substrate and a wiring member. The substrate defines a plurality of openings arranged in an array pattern. Each of the ultrasonic transducer elements is provided in each of the openings on a first surface of the substrate. The wiring substrate is arranged to face a second surface of the substrate that is opposite from the first surface. The wiring substrate includes a first wiring part. The wiring member is connected to the substrate and the wiring substrate. The wiring member includes a second wiring part electrically connecting the ultrasonic transducer elements to the first wiring part.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241348A1

A positioning device includes a positioning element that is situated movably in a first direction and a second direction, the first and the second directions being opposed to one another, and a first piezoelectric actuator and a second piezoelectric actuator, the first piezoelectric actuator moving the positioning element in the first direction and the second piezoelectric actuator moving the positioning element in the second direction. 110-. (canceled)11. A positioning device , including:a positioning element, which is situated movably in a first direction and a second direction, the first and second directions being opposed to one another;a first piezoelectric actuator; anda second piezoelectric actuator;the first piezoelectric actuator configured to move the positioning element in the first direction, andthe second piezoelectric actuator configured to move the positioning element in the second direction.12. The positioning device according to claim 11 , wherein the first piezoelectric actuator moves the positioning element from a starting position into a setting position in the first direction claim 11 , and the second piezoelectric actuator moves the positioning element from the setting position back into the starting position in the second direction.13. The positioning device according to claim 11 , further comprising:a control unit, which is connected to the first and second piezoelectric actuators and is configured to activate alternately the first and second piezoelectric actuators, and which is also configured to detect signals from a respective deactivated piezoelectric actuator.14. The positioning device according to claim 13 , wherein the control unit includes an arithmetic unit claim 13 , which is configured to calculate an exact position of the positioning element on a basis of the detected signals of the respective deactivated piezoelectric actuator.15. The positioning device according to claim 11 , wherein at least one of a) the first piezoelectric ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242710A1
Автор: Arimatsu Daishi

There is provided a piezoelectric vibrating piece including: a piezoelectric plate that includes a pair of vibrating arm portions, and a base portion which integrally fixes the base end portions of the pair of vibrating arm portions along a length direction; excitation electrodes which are formed on the vibrating arm portions and vibrate the vibrating arm portions; mounting electrodes which are formed on the base portion and mount the piezoelectric plate on external portions using a joining member; and leading-out electrodes which connect the excitation electrodes and the mounting electrodes, in which the leading-out electrodes are formed by folding back several times between the excitation electrodes and the mounting electrodes. 1. A piezoelectric vibrating piece comprising:a piezoelectric plate that includes a pair of vibrating arm portions, and a base portion that integrally connects base ends of the pair of vibrating arm portions along a length direction;excitation electrodes on the vibrating arm portions and configured to vibrate the vibrating arm portions;mounting electrodes on the base portion including a joining member that connects the piezoelectric plate to lead terminals; andlead-out electrodes connecting the excitation electrodes and the mounting electrodes,wherein the lead-out electrodes are configured in a serpentine pattern between the excitation electrodes and the mounting electrodes.2. The piezoelectric vibrating piece according to claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric plate includes a cut-out portion in a periphery of the piezoelectric plate in a thickness direction of the piezoelectric plate claim 1 , and wherein the lead-out electrodes are configured on an inner surface of the cut-out portion.3. The piezoelectric vibrating piece according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting electrodes comprise gold claim 1 , and the joining member comprises solder.4. A piezoelectric vibrator including the piezoelectric vibrating piece according to claim 1 , wherein ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257222A1
Автор: FUNAKUBO Tomoki

A piezoelectric actuator includes a prismatic piezoelectric element body having side surfaces, and external surface electrodes provided on at least three of the side surfaces of the piezoelectric element body. 1. A piezoelectric actuator comprising:a prismatic piezoelectric element body having side surfaces; andexternal surface electrodes provided on at least three of the side surfaces of the piezoelectric element body.2. The piezoelectric actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric element body has a through hole extending in a longitudinal direction.3. The piezoelectric actuator according to claim 2 , wherein an optical fiber is mounted in the through hole of the piezoelectric element body.4. The piezoelectric actuator according to claim 1 , wherein an optical fiber is mounted on an outer side surface of the piezoelectric element body.5. The piezoelectric actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the side surfaces of the piezoelectric element body include at least two pairs of side surfaces facing each other claim 1 , and the external surface electrodes are provided on the two pairs of side surfaces claim 1 , respectively.6. A driving method of the piezoelectric actuator according to claim 1 , comprising:applying a direct-current voltage between one pair constituting two of the external surface electrodes to polarize the piezoelectric element body; andapplying an alternating voltage between another pair constituting two of the external surface electrodes to curve and vibrate the piezoelectric element body.7. The driving method according to claim 6 , whereinthe side surfaces of the piezoelectric element body include two pairs of side surfaces facing each other, and the external surface electrodes are provided on the two pairs of side surfaces, respectively,the applying the direct-current voltage applies the direct-current voltage between adjacent external surface electrodes to polarize the piezoelectric element body, andthe applying the alternating ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Layer Electronic Component and Method for Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20130270969A1
Автор: SATO Masahiro

A multi-layer electronic component that can be repetitively operated under high voltage, high temperature and high humidity is provided. 135-. (canceled)36. A multi-layer electronic component comprising:an active stack section constituted from a plurality of dielectric material layers including lead and a plurality of internal electrodes which are stacked alternately one on another;an upper inactive section provided on the top surface of the active stack section in the stacking direction thereof; anda lower inactive section provided on the bottom surface of the active stack section in the stacking direction thereof,wherein dielectric constant ε1 of a first upper dielectric material layer disposed between a first upper internal electrode that is located at the top of the active stack and a second upper internal electrode located next to the first upper internal electrode and dielectric constant ε2 of a first lower dielectric material layer disposed between a first lower internal electrode that is located at the bottom of the active stack and a second lower internal electrode located next to the first lower internal electrode are larger than dielectric constant ε3 of a central dielectric material layer disposed at the center of the active stack.37. The multi-layer electronic component according to claim 36 , further comprising a plurality of dielectric material layers having a dielectric constant in a range from ε1 to ε3 claim 36 , the dielectric constant in each of the dielectric material layers gradually decreasing with closing central portion.38. The multi-layer electronic component according to claim 36 , further comprising a plurality of dielectric material layers having a dielectric constant in a range from ε2 to ε3 claim 36 , the dielectric constant in each of the dielectric material layers gradually decreasing with closing central portion.3938. The multi-layer electronic component as in one of - claims 36 , wherein the internal electrodes are made of a ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271044A1
Автор: YAMAGUCHI Masayuki

In order for keeping the amplitude of the excitation current of a vibrator constant irrespective not only of the temperature variation but also of the manufacturing variation and the variation in frequency, a comparison control circuit for controlling the amplitude of the drive signal for exciting the vibrator includes a comparative voltage supply circuit for supplying the comparative voltage, and the comparative voltage supply circuit generates the comparative voltage with a constant current source and a second resistor made of a material the same as a material of a first resistor included in a current-voltage conversion circuit. 1. A drive circuit adapted to output a drive signal for exciting a vibrator , comprising:a current-voltage conversion circuit adapted to convert an excitation current input into a voltage;a rectifying circuit adapted to perform rectification on an output voltage from the current-voltage conversion circuit;a drive signal generation circuit adapted to generate the drive signal based on the output voltage from the current-voltage conversion circuit; anda comparison control circuit adapted to compare an output voltage from the rectifying circuit with a comparative voltage to thereby control an amplitude of the drive signal,wherein the comparison control circuit includes a comparative voltage supply circuit adapted to supply the comparative voltage, andthe comparative voltage supply circuit generates the comparative voltage with a constant current source and a second resistor made of material having a temperature characteristic the same as a temperature characteristic of a first resistor included in the current-voltage conversion circuit.2. The drive circuit according to claim 1 , whereinThe first resistor and the second resistor are disposed in the same resistor area in an array fashion.3. The drive circuit according to claim 1 , whereinThe first resistor and the second resistor are each composed of one of a resistor cell and a combination of ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278114A1

A surface mount piezoelectric device includes a piezoelectric vibrating piece, a base plate, and a lid plate. The piezoelectric vibrating piece includes a vibrating portion. The base plate has one principal surface that includes a pair of mounting terminals and another principal surface where the piezoelectric vibrating piece is placed. The mounting terminals include a metal film formed by sputtering or vacuum evaporation and electroless plating film formed on a surface of the metal film. The lid plate has one principal surface that includes a metal film and an electroless plating film formed on a surface of the metal film by electroless plating and another principal surface seals the vibrating portion. The electroless plating film formed on the one principal surface of the base plate and the electroless plating film formed on the one principal surface of the lid plate have mutually a same shape and a same area. 1. A surface mount piezoelectric device , comprising:a piezoelectric vibrating piece that includes a vibrating portion that vibrates at a predetermined vibration frequency;a base plate having one principal surface and another principal surface, the one principal surface including a pair of mounting terminals, the piezoelectric vibrating piece being placed on the other principal surface, the pair of mounting terminals including a metal film formed by sputtering or vacuum evaporation and an electroless plating film formed on a surface of the metal film, the piezoelectric device being to be mounted with the pair of mounting terminals; anda lid plate having one principal surface and another principal surface, the one principal surface including a metal film and an electroless plating film formed on a surface of the metal film by electroless plating, the other principal surface sealing the vibrating portion, whereinthe electroless plating film formed on the one principal surface of the base plate and the electroless plating film formed on the one principal ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278180A1
Автор: Tajitsu Yoshiro

An actuator is provided which can be driven with a simple configuration and by simple control. The actuator comprises a thin film made of a shear piezoelectric material, a first electrode formed on a first main surface of the thin film, and a second electrode formed on a second main surface of the thin film. The actuator is characterized in that driving force is generated on at least one end edge of the thin film by applying a predetermined AC voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode. 1. An actuator comprising:a thin film made of a shear piezoelectric material;a first electrode formed on a first main surface of the thin film; anda second electrode formed on a second main surface of the thin film, whereindriving force is generated on at least one end edge of the thin film by applying a predetermined AC voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode, andthe predetermined AC voltage has a frequency displaced by a predetermined value from a resonant frequency of a standing wave in longitudinal waves generated on the thin film.2. The actuator according to claim 1 , whereinthe thin film is made of polymer film.3. The actuator according to claim 2 , whereinthe shear piezoelectric material is a piezoelectric polylactate material.4. The actuator according to claim 1 , whereinthe thin film is formed into a cylindrical shape, andtorque is generated on one open end of the cylindrical unit when the predetermined AC voltage is applied between the first electrode and the second electrode.5. The actuator according to claim 1 , whereina movable body is brought into contact with one point of the actuator, and driving force for rotating the movable body when the predetermined AC voltage is applied between the first electrode and the second electrode is generated on this contact portion.6. The actuator according to claim 1 , whereina movable body is mounted on one side of the actuator disposed linearly, and driving force is generated to allow the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283910A1

A vibrating reed includes a base part. A drive vibrating arm, a detection vibrating arm, and an adjustment vibrating arm extend from the base part. A first adjustment electrode and a second adjustment electrode are connected to the adjustment vibrating arm. The first adjustment electrode generates an electrical signal in first phase. The second adjustment electrode generates an electrical signal in second phase opposite to the first phase. The electrical signals of the adjustment electrodes are superimposed on the detection signal of the detection vibrating arm, and thereby, vibration leakage components are cancelled out. The adjustment vibrating arm is partially sandwiched between a first electrode piece and a second electrode piece, and the adjustment vibrating arm is partially sandwiched between a third electrode piece and a fourth electrode piece. 1. A vibrating reed comprising:a base part;a drive vibrating arm and a detection vibrating arm extending from the base part;an adjustment vibrating arm extending from the base part;a first adjustment electrode provided above the adjustment vibrating arm and generating an electrical signal in first phase;a second adjustment electrode provided above the adjustment vibrating arm and generating an electrical signal in second phase opposite to the first phase, a first surface,', 'a second surface opposite to the first surface,', 'a first side surface and a second side surface connecting the first surface and the second surface,', 'a first groove formed on the first surface and extending in a longitudinal direction of the adjustment vibrating arm, and having a first wall surface at the first side surface side and a second wall surface at the second side surface side, and', 'a second groove formed on the second surface and extending in the longitudinal direction of the adjustment vibrating arm, and having a third wall surface at the first side surface side and a fourth wall surface at the second side surface side,, 'wherein ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293064A1

The present invention relates to a piezoelectric circuit, a piezoelectric driving circuit driving the piezoelectric circuit, and a method for driving the piezoelectric circuit. The piezoelectric circuit includes a sub-piezoelectric circuit and an external inductor coupled in parallel with the sub-piezoelectric circuit. The external inductor discharges the sub-piezoelectric circuit when a polarity of a piezoelectric voltage, that is, a both-end voltage of the piezoelectric circuit is inverted. The piezoelectric driving circuit includes first and third switches connected to a first node of the piezoelectric circuit and second and fourth switches connected to a second node of the piezoelectric circuit. 1. A piezoelectric circuit comprising a sub-piezoelectric circuit and an inductor coupled to the sub-piezoelectric circuit in parallel ,wherein the inductor is configured to discharge the sub-piezoelectric circuit when a polarity of a piezoelectric voltage is inverted.2. The piezoelectric circuit of claim 1 , wherein the sub-piezoelectric circuit comprisesa series-resonance circuit including a first capacitor, a first inductor, and a resistor that are coupled in series, anda second capacitor coupled to the series-resonance circuit in parallel.3. A piezoelectric driving circuit comprising:a sub-piezoelectric circuit coupled between a first node and a second node,an inductor coupled to the sub-piezoelectric circuit in parallel, anda full-bridge circuit including first and third switches coupled to the first node and second and fourth switches coupled to the second node.4. The piezoelectric driving circuit of claim 3 , wherein the first switch comprises a first electrode configured to be coupled to a first voltage claim 3 , a second electrode coupled to the first node claim 3 , and a control electrode configured to be coupled to a first control voltage claim 3 , andthe third switch comprises a first electrode coupled to the first node, a second electrode coupled to a ground ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300806A1
Автор: NAKAYAMA Masao

A piezoelectric element includes a substrate; a first conductive layer disposed on or above the substrate; a piezoelectric layer covering a top and a side of the first conductive layer; a relaxing layer disposed on or above the piezoelectric layer and along an edge of a top surface of the piezoelectric layer; and a second conductive layer covering at least the relaxing layer and the piezoelectric layer. 1. A piezoelectric element comprising:a substrate;a first conductive layer disposed above the substrate;a piezoelectric layer covering a top surface and a side surface of the first conductive layer;a relaxing layer disposed along an edge of a top surface of the piezoelectric layer; anda second conductive layer covering at least the relaxing layer and a side surface of the piezoelectric layer.2. The piezoelectric element according to claim 1 , wherein the relaxing layer includes a first side surface connecting a top surface of the relaxing layer and a side surface of the piezoelectric layer; and a second side surface connecting the top surface of the relaxing layer and the top surface of the piezoelectric layer; andan inclination of the second side surface with respect to the top surface of the relaxing layer is smaller than an inclination of the first side surface with respect to the top surface of the relaxing layer.3. The piezoelectric element according to claim 1 , further comprising:a third conductive layer provided between the piezoelectric layer and the second conductive layer so as to cover the top surface of the piezoelectric layer,wherein the relaxing layer is disposed on or above the third conductive layer.4. The piezoelectric element according to claim 1 ,wherein a material of the relaxing layer includes at least one selected from aluminum oxide, titanium oxide, silicon nitride, and lanthanum nickel oxide.5. The piezoelectric element according to claim 1 ,wherein the piezoelectric element includes a plurality of multilayer structures including the first ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Displacement Member, Driving Member, Actuator, and Driving Device

Номер: US20130307373A1
Автор: Inoue Jiro

A displacement member with a driving element that includes first and second side surfaces that extend in a first direction and top and bottom surfaces that extend in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction. The driving element is a piezoelectric element that expands and contracts in the second direction when a pulsed voltage is applied. Further, an elastic conversion element is provided that contains the driving element and includes a first portion that is disposed adjacent the top surface of the driving element and that includes a displacement portion that is displaced downwardly and upwardly in the first direction when the driving element expands and contracts in the second direction, respectively. 1. A displacement member comprising:a driving element including first and second side surfaces extending in a first direction and top and bottom surfaces extending in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction, the driving element being configured to expand and contract in the second direction in response to a pulsed voltage; andan elastic conversion element containing the driving element and including a first portion disposed adjacent the top surface of the driving element,wherein the first portion of the elastic conversion element comprises a displacement portion that is displaced downwardly and upwardly in the first direction when the driving element expands and contracts in the second direction, respectively.2. The displacement member according to claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the conversion element comprises a convex portion including the displacement portion that is spaced apart from the top surface of the driving element claim 1 , and a second portion coupled to one end of the first portion and contacting the first side surface of the driving element,', 'a third portion coupled to a second end of the first portion and contacting the second side surface of the driving element,', 'a fourth portion extending perpendicularly to ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328450A1

A piezoelectric vibrating piece includes a rectangular vibrator, a framing portion, and a connecting portion. The rectangular vibrator is configured to vibrate at a predetermined vibration frequency and includes excitation electrodes on both principal surfaces. The framing portion surrounds a peripheral area of the vibrator and includes a first framing body and a second framing body. The first framing body extends in a long side direction. The second framing body extends in a short side direction. The connecting portion connects the vibrator and the framing portion. The first framing body includes a depressed portion or an extruding part on one principal surface that extends in a long side direction. The piezoelectric vibrating piece further includes an extraction electrode extending from the excitation electrode via the connecting portion. The extraction electrode extends from one end to another end of the one principal surface of the first framing body. 1. A piezoelectric vibrating piece , comprising:a vibrator, having a rectangular shape, the vibrator vibrating at a predetermined vibration frequency, the vibrator including excitation electrodes on both principal surfaces;a framing portion, surrounding a peripheral area of the vibrator, the framing portion including a first framing body and a second framing body, the first framing body extending in a long side direction, the second framing body extending in a short side direction; anda connecting portion, connecting the vibrator and the framing portion, whereinthe first framing body includes a depressed portion or an extruding part on one principal surface, the depressed portion or the extruding part extending in a long side direction, andthe piezoelectric vibrating piece further includes an extraction electrode extending from the excitation electrode via the connecting portion, the extraction electrode extending from one end to another end of the one principal surface of the first framing body, the first framing ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335157A1

A resonating element includes a resonator element that includes a vibrating portion and an excitation electrode provided on both main surfaces of the vibrating portion, an intermediate substrate in which the resonator element is mounted so as to be spaced from the excitation electrode, and a spiral electrode pattern that is provided on at least one main surface of the intermediate substrate, in which the electrode pattern is electrically connected to the excitation electrode. 1. A resonating element comprising:a resonator element that includes a vibrating portion and an excitation electrode provided on both main surfaces of the vibrating portion;an intermediate substrate in which the resonator element is mounted so as to be spaced from the excitation electrode; anda spiral electrode pattern that is provided on the intermediate substrate,wherein the electrode pattern is electrically connected to the excitation electrode.2. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode pattern and the excitation electrode are connected in series or in parallel to each other.3. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode pattern and the excitation electrode are disposed so as not to overlap each other in plan view.4. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode patterns are provided on both main surfaces of the intermediate substrate which are front and rear surfaces claim 1 , and the electrode patterns are connected in series to each other.5. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode pattern is provided on one main surface of both main surfaces of the intermediate substrate which are front and rear surfaces claim 1 , a shield electrode is provided on the other main surface claim 1 , and the other main surface is opposite to the excitation electrode.6. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the resonator element includesthe vibrating portion; andan outer edge portion that is ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001918A1

A surface acoustic wave (SAW) array sensor having an input interdigital transducer (IDT); first and second output IDTs that are disposed at both sides of the input IDT, respectively; a first delay line between the input IDT and the first output IDT; and a second delay line between the input IDT and the second output IDT, wherein the first and second delay lines have different lengths; and related devices. 1. A surface acoustic wave (SAW) array sensor comprising:an input interdigital transducer (IDT) disposed on a piezoelectric substrate;first and second output IDTs disposed on the piezoelectric substrate and positioned on opposite sides of the input IDT;a first delay line between the input IDT and the first output IDT; anda second delay line between the input IDT and the second output IDT,wherein the first and second delay lines have different lengths.2. The SAW array sensor of claim 1 , wherein the input IDT claim 1 , the first and second output IDTs claim 1 , and the first and second delay lines are aligned with one another in the traveling direction of a SAW from the input IDT to the output IDTs.3. The SAW array sensor of claim 1 , wherein a receptor that specifically binds with a target material is disposed on each of the first and second delay lines.4. The SAW array sensor of claim 1 , comprising a plurality of SAW sensor units that are arranged on a single piezoelectric substrate claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of SAW sensor units comprise:an input IDT;first and second output IDTs; andfirst and second delay lines,wherein the input IDT, first and second output IDTs, and first and second delay lines of each SAW sensor unit are aligned with one another in the travelling direction of a SAW.5. The SAW array sensor of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of SAW sensor units are arranged adjacent to one another in a direction generally perpendicular to the traveling direction of the SAW.6. The SAW array sensor of claim 4 , wherein a receptor that specifically ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001920A1
Принадлежит: EPCOS AG

The invention relates to an actuator () having stacked piezoelements (), first and second inner electrodes () disposed alternatingly between the piezoelements (), a first outer electrode () which is electrically conductively connected to the first inner electrode (), a second outer electrode () which is electrically conductively connected to the second inner electrode (), characterized in that the actuator () comprises a plurality of actuator segments () and that the second outer electrode () comprises separate electrode segments () each of which are electrically conductively connected to the second inner electrodes () in one of the actuator segments (). 1. An actuator comprising:piezoelements arranged in a stacked fashion;first and second internal electrodes arranged alternately between the piezoelements;a first external electrode, which is electrically conductively connected to the first internal electrodes;a second external electrode, which is electrically conductively connected to the second internal electrodes,wherein the actuator comprises a plurality of actuator sections, and the second external electrode comprises separate electrode segments, which are electrically conductively connected in each case to the second internal electrodes in one of the actuator sections.2. The actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the first external electrode comprises separate electrode segments which are electrically conductively connected in each case to the first internal electrodes in one of the actuator sections.3. The actuator according to or claim 1 , wherein the electrode segments of the second external electrode in each case comprise a terminal claim 1 , to which a control signal can be applied.4. An actuator system comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'an actuator according to ; and'}a control arrangement, by means of which a first actuation signal can be applied to one of the actuator sections and a second actuation signal can be applied in a ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001921A1
Автор: TANAYA Hideo

A resonator element which can achieve a reduction in size while maintaining vibration characteristics, and a piezoelectric device and an electronic device, are to be provided. A quartz crystal resonator element has a base portion, a pair of arm portions extending from the base portion as a root, and a cut-out portion formed by reducing the width of the base portion in the width direction from each side of the arm portions. The root has a first root portion positioned on a side where the arm portions are opposed to each other, and a second root portion positioned on a side where the arm portions are not opposed to each other, and a relationship between a length A from the first root portion to the second root portion and a length B from the first root portion to an inner end portion of the cut-out portion is A≧B. 1. A vibrating element comprising:a base;first and second arms that independently extend from the base in a first direction;a first support that extends from the base in a second direction intersecting to the first direction and that continuously extends at outside of the first arm in the first direction;a second support that extends from the base in a third direction opposite to the second direction and that continuously extends at outside of the second arm in the first direction;a first cut-out portion that is provided in the base from a first arm side of the base and that extends in the second direction; anda second cut-out portion that is provided in the base from a second arm side of the base and that extends in the third direction, whereinwhen a bottom width of the first arm at a boundary between the base and the first arm is designated as A and when a minimum distance between an end of the boundary closest to the second arm and the first cut-out is designated as B, the following formula is satisfied: A>B.2. The vibrating element according to claim 1 , further comprising:first and second hammerheads that are respectively provided at tips of the first ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042871A1
Автор: JANG Eunsung, LEE Youngsik

A piezoelectric driving circuit generates a first PWM output according to a result of comparison between a ramp signal and a reference sinewave and generates a second PWM according to a result of comparison between the ramp signal and an inverse reference sinewave of the reference sinewave. The switching operation of the first and third switches of the piezoelectric driving circuit are controlled according to the first PWM output and the switching operation of the second and fourth switches of the piezoelectric driving circuit are controlled according to the second PWM output during a first cycle of the reference sinewave and the inverse reference sinewave. The switching operation of the first and third switches are controlled according to the second PWM output and the switching operation of the second and fourth switches are controlled according to the first PWM output during the next second cycle. 1. A piezoelectric driving circuit comprising:a full-bridge circuit including first and third switches connected to a first terminal of a piezoelectric element and second and fourth switches connected to a second terminal of the piezoelectric element; and generate a first pulse width modulation (PWM) output according to a comparison between a ramp signal that controls a switching frequency and a reference sine wave that controls a cycle of a piezoelectric voltage;', 'generate a second PWM output according to a comparison between the ramp signal and an inverse of the reference sine wave;', 'control the first and third switches according to the first PWM output during a first cycle of the reference sine wave and the inverse of the reference sine wave;', 'control the second and fourth switches according to the second PWM output during the first cycle of the reference sine wave;', 'control the first and third switches according to the second PWM output during a second cycle of the reference sine wave; and', 'control the second and fourth switches according to the first PWM ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042872A1

A polar switch circuit is disclosed. The polar switch circuit comprises the first to the forth transistor switches and the first to the second filter circuits. The first and forth transistor switches are controlled by a first pulse-width modulating signal. The second and third transistor switches are controlled by a second pulse-width modulating signal. The second and the fourth transistor switches are connected with a DC high voltage, and connected with the first and third transistor switches, respectively. The first filter circuit is connected with the first transistor switch, the second transistor switch and a contact of a piezoelectric actuator. The second filter circuit is connected with the third transistor switch, the forth transistor switch and another contact of the piezoelectric actuator. When the first and second pulse-width modulating signals switch high/low level in interlaced, an output AC voltage can be smooth and deliver to the contacts of the piezoelectric actuator. 1. A polarity switching circuit for converting a DC high voltage into an output AC voltage for driving a piezoelectric actuator , the polarity switching circuit comprising:a first switch circuit receiving a first pulse-width modulating signal and a second pulse-width modulating signal, wherein the first pulse-width modulating signal and the second pulse-width modulating signal are switching inversely, a terminal of the first switch circuit is connected to a ground terminal, and another terminal of the first switch circuit is connected to the DC high voltage;a second switch circuit receiving the first pulse-width modulating signal and the second pulse-width modulating signal, wherein the first pulse-width modulating signal and the second pulse-width modulating signal are switching inversely, a terminal of the second switch circuit is connected to the ground terminal, and another terminal of the second switch circuit is connected to the DC high voltage;a first filter circuit connected to ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Layout System Consisting of A Piezoactuator and A Flexible Circuit Board and Method for Assembling the Same

Номер: US20140055007A1
Принадлежит: VEGA Grieshaber KG

A layout arrangement and system consisting of a piezoactuator and a flexible circuit board, with at least one electrical and mechanical connection, produced by an electrically conducting adhesive, between a first connection contact on the circuit board and a second connection contact on the piezoactuator, wherein the connection is led through an opening in the flexible circuit board and wherein the surfaces of the connection contacts that are glued together have an essentially parallel and equally oriented normal vector, and a method for assembling and arranging the same. 1. A layout system , including a piezoactuator and a flexible circuit board , comprising:a piezoactuator;a flexible circuit board on said piezoactuator;a first connection contact on said circuit board and a second connection contact on said piezoactuator;an opening in said flexible circuit board proximate said first and said second connection contacts;an adhesive electrical and mechanical connection between said first and said second connection contacts;at least a portion of surfaces of each said first and said second connection being essentially in a parallel orientation together along a designated normal vector; and at least one thin-film electrode; and', 'at least one thick-film electrode., 'said second connection contact further comprises2. A layout system claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:said thick-film electrode is arranged on said thin-film electrode.3. A layout system claim 2 , according to claim 2 , wherein:said tick-film electrode has a surface area less than a surface are of said thin-film electrode.4. A layout system claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:said thick-film electrode is one of circular shape and an annular shape.5. A layout system claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:{'b': '1', 'said thick-film electrode has a first dimension d that is larger than a dimension d of said opening in said flexible circuit board.'}6. A layout system claim 5 , according to claim 5 ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062264A1

A piezoelectric actuator, in particular for injectors in internal combustion engines, is provided which includes a piezoelectric module including a ceramic body and two end pieces which clamp the ceramic body axially in place, and an electrical connecting element which is secured on the piezoelectric module and which includes two contact plates leading to the ceramic body. To increase the robustness of the connecting element and to avoid fractures in the contact plates under high vibrational stresses, the contact plates are designed as one-piece metal stampings including at least partially embossed stamped edges. 1. A piezoelectric actuator comprising:a piezoelectric module that includes a ceramic body and two end pieces which clamp the ceramic body axially in place; andan electrical connecting element secured to one of the end pieces, the electrical connecting element including two contact plates leading to the ceramic body, wherein the contact plates are one-piece, metal stampings including at least partially embossed stamped edges.2. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the contact plates each includes different metal sections and the embossed stamped edges are present at least in part in a subset of the metal sections.3. The actuator of claim 2 , wherein a transition from the sections including embossed stamped edges to sections without stamped edges is designed with a curvature radius.4. The actuator of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , with respect to each of the contact plates:the respective contact plate includes a contact section, a carrier section, a yoke section projecting perpendicularly from the carrier section, and a connecting section; andthe embossed stamped edges in the carrier and yoke sections of the respective contactplate are situated at least in a zone where the yoke section branches off from the carrier section.5. The actuator of claim 4 , wherein the yoke section includes a long hole claim 4 , boundary edges of which are embossed stamped edges.6. The ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085385A1

In an inactive region, a farthest dummy electrode formed in a base end portion and an isolated dummy electrode island are located at positions along an extension from an individual internal electrode toward the base end portion. Such a configuration allows the area of the dummy electrode to be reduced, compared with a dummy electrode continuously formed in the inactive region. Therefore, the cost incurred by the dummy electrode is reduced, which leads to reduction in manufacturing cost of a piezoelectric unit. 1. A piezoelectric unit , comprising:a plurality of piezoelectric elements formed along a plurality of slits so as to extend from a first end portion of a piezoelectric element block toward a second end portion thereof; anda circuit board with a driving electrode formed on a surface thereof,wherein the piezoelectric elements each include an active region in which a first internal electrode, a second internal electrode, a piezoelectric material layer interposed between the first internal electrode and the second internal electrode, and an insulative outer layer are stacked,the piezoelectric element block includes an inactive region in which the first internal electrode extending from the active region as far as the second end portion, a first dummy electrode formed on the second end portion at a position along an extension from the second internal electrode toward the second end portion, at least one isolated second dummy electrode formed between the second internal electrode and the first dummy electrode, the piezoelectric material layer, and the outer layer are stacked; a first external electrode connected to the first internal electrode at an end face of the second end portion; and a second external electrode connected to the second internal electrode at an end face of the first end portion, the second internal electrode extending through the active region so as to reach the first end portion, andthe first external electrode and the second external electrode ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001440A1

The present invention aims at providing a piezoelectric substrate that is less susceptible to the influence of adhesive after being subjected to connection, as well as an assembly, a liquid discharge head, and a recording device, each of which uses the piezoelectric substrate. The piezoelectric substrate of the present invention is a flat plate shaped piezoelectric substrate including a piezoelectric ceramic layer, a plurality of first electrodes, a second electrode, and a third electrode. The second electrode includes an outer peripheral part disposed so as to surround the entirety of the first electrodes, and a protrusion extending from the outer peripheral part toward the inside of the outer peripheral part when the piezoelectric substrate is viewed from above. The second electrode and the third electrode are electrically connected to each other at the protrusion. The outer peripheral part is used for an electrical connection with the outside. 1. A flat plate shaped piezoelectric substrate comprising:a piezoelectric ceramic layer;a plurality of first electrodes and a second electrode disposed on one main surface of the piezoelectric ceramic layer; anda third electrode disposed on another main surface of the piezoelectric ceramic layer so as to oppose to the first electrodes,wherein the second electrode comprises an outer peripheral part disposed so as to surround an entirety of the first electrodes, and a protrusion extending from the outer peripheral part toward inside of the outer peripheral part when the piezoelectric substrate is viewed from above,wherein the second electrode and the third electrode are electrically connected to each other at the protrusion, andwherein the outer peripheral part is used for an electrical connection with an outside.2. The piezoelectric substrate according to claim 1 , wherein there are two or more of the protrusions claim 1 , and there is a separation part to divide the second electrode into a plurality of sections in order to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001639A1
Автор: TANAKA Shuichi

Provided are an MEMS device, a head, and a liquid jet device in which substrates are inhibited from warping, so that a primary electrode and a secondary electrode can be reliably connected to each other. Included are a primary substrate provided with a bump including a primary electrode and a secondary substrate provided with a secondary electrode on a bottom surface of a recessed portion formed by an adhesive layer The primary substrate and the secondary substrate are joined together with the adhesive layer the primary electrode is electrically connected to the secondary electrode with the bump inserted into the recessed portion and part of the bump and the adhesive layer forming the recessed portion overlap each other in a direction in which the bump is inserted into the recessed portion 1. An MEMS device comprising:a primary substrate provided with a bump including a primary electrode; anda secondary substrate provided with a secondary electrode on a bottom surface of a recessed portion formed by an adhesive layer, wherein the primary substrate and the secondary substrate are joined together with the adhesive layer,the primary electrode is electrically connected to the secondary electrode with the bump inserted into the recessed portion, andpart of the bump and the adhesive layer forming the recessed portion overlap each other in a direction in which the bump is inserted into the recessed portion.2. The MEMS device according to claim 1 , wherein the bump includes an elastic core portion claim 1 , and a metal film provided on a surface of the core portion.3. The MEMS device according to claim 2 , wherein the primary substrate is provided with a plurality of the primary electrodes claim 2 ,the core portion of the bump is provided independently for each of the primary electrodes, andthe adhesive layer is provided between each pair of the core portions adjacent to each other.4. The MEMS device according to any one of to claim 2 , wherein the adhesive layer is made of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005951A1

The invention relates to a piezoelectric vibrator having a piezoelectric laminate in which oriented film layers made of a polylactic acid and conductive layers are laminated alternately and grippers gripping both ends of the piezoelectric laminate, wherein one of two conductive layers neighboring via an oriented film layer is short-circuited to a negative electrode and the other conductive layer is short-circuited to a positive electrode, the oriented film layers interposed between the respective conductive layers are laminated such that the oriented film layers expand and contract in the same direction when a current is applied, the piezoelectric laminate has two parallel surfaces which are parallel to the plane direction of the oriented film layers and two end faces A and B which are between the parallel surfaces and parallel to each other, and the gripped ends respectively include the end face A and the end face B. 1. A piezoelectric vibrator having a piezoelectric laminate in which oriented film layers made of a polylactic acid and conductive layers are laminated alternately and grippers gripping both ends of the piezoelectric laminate: wherein(i) the piezoelectric laminate is laminated in such a manner that one of two conductive layers neighboring via an oriented film layer is short-circuited to a negative electrode and the other conductive layer is short-circuited to a positive electrode and the oriented film layers interposed between the respective conductive layers expand and contract in the same direction when a current is applied;(ii) the piezoelectric laminate has two parallel surfaces which are parallel to the plane direction of the oriented film layers and two end faces A and B which are between the parallel surfaces and parallel to each other; and(iii) the gripped ends respectively include the end face A and the end face B, and a stress is applied by the grippers to the part of the piezoelectric laminate between the end faces A and B.2. The ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009538A1

A piezoelectric device used in a liquid ejecting head that ejects a liquid from a nozzle includes a flow-path-forming substrate in which an individual liquid chamber that communicates with the nozzle and a liquid supply chamber that communicates with the individual liquid chamber are formed, a vibration plate formed at a position corresponding to the individual liquid chamber and the liquid supply chamber of the flow-path-forming substrate, a plurality of liquid supply ports formed in the liquid supply chamber, and a piezoelectric element including a first electrode, a piezoelectric layer, and a second electrode, the piezoelectric element being formed at a position on the vibration plate corresponding to the individual liquid chamber, where the liquid supply ports are provided so as to penetrate the vibration plate, and where the vibration plate contains zirconium oxide. 1. A piezoelectric device used in a liquid ejecting head that ejects a liquid from a nozzle , comprising:a flow-path-forming substrate in which an individual liquid chamber that communicates with the nozzle and a liquid supply chamber that communicates with the individual liquid chamber are formed,a vibration plate formed at a position corresponding to the individual liquid chamber and the liquid supply chamber of the flow-path-forming substrate,a plurality of liquid supply ports formed in the liquid supply chamber, anda piezoelectric element including a first electrode, a piezoelectric layer, and a second electrode, the piezoelectric element being formed at a position on the vibration plate corresponding to the individual liquid chamber,wherein the liquid supply ports are provided so as to penetrate the vibration plate, andwherein the vibration plate contains zirconium oxide.2. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 ,wherein a crystal structure of the zirconium oxide includes a tetragonal crystal or a cubic crystal.3. The piezoelectric device according to claim 2 ,wherein the vibration plate ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013393A1

A drive circuit is adapted to charge and discharge a first capacitive load and a second capacitive load. The drive circuit includes a first connection path selection section, a second connection path selection section and a voltage generation section. The first connection path selection section is configured to selectively supply a plurality of voltages to the first capacitive load. The first connection path selection section is arranged so as to correspond to the first capacitive load. The second connection path selection section is configured to selectively supply a plurality of voltages to the second capacitive load. The second connection path selection section is arranged so as to correspond to the second capacitive load. The voltage generation section is configured to generate and supply the voltages shared by the first connection path selection section and the second connection path selection section. 1. A drive circuit adapted to charge and discharge a first capacitive load and a second capacitive load , the drive circuit comprising:a first connection path selection section configured to selectively supply a plurality of voltages to the first capacitive load, the first connection path selection section being arranged so as to correspond to the first capacitive load;a second connection path selection section configured to selectively supply a plurality of voltages to the second capacitive load, the second connection path selection section being arranged so as to correspond to the second capacitive load; anda voltage generation section configured to generate and supply the voltages shared by the first connection path selection section and the second connection path selection section.2. The drive circuit of claim 1 , further comprisinga control signal supply section configured to supply a control signal,a first switch configured and arranged to control supply/shutting off of the control signal to the first connection path selection section, anda second switch ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Piezoelectric Device, Liquid Ejecting Head, Liquid Ejecting Apparatus, And Method For Producing Piezoelectric Device

Номер: US20220032624A1
Автор: ITAYAMA Yasuhiro

A piezoelectric device includes a diaphragm, a piezoelectric actuator, and an orientation layer between the diaphragm and the piezoelectric layer. The piezoelectric actuator has a first electrode, a piezoelectric layer, and a second electrode, with the first electrode, a piezoelectric layer, and a second electrode on the diaphragm. The orientation layer is a stack of two or more tiers. 1. A piezoelectric device comprising:a diaphragm;a piezoelectric actuator having a first electrode, a piezoelectric layer, and a second electrode, the first electrode, a piezoelectric layer, and a second electrode being on the diaphragm; andan orientation layer between the diaphragm and the piezoelectric layer, the orientation layer being a stack of two or more tiers.2. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , whereinthe orientation layer is a stack of tiers containing the same material.3. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , whereinthe diaphragm contains silicon oxide.4. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': y', 'y', 'x', 'y', 'x', 'y, 'the orientation layer contains at least one selected from LaNiO, SrRuO, (Ba,Sr) TiO, and (Bi, Fe) TiO.'}5. The piezoelectric device according to claim 4 , wherein{'sub': y', 'x, 'the orientation layer is made of LaNiO.'}6. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , whereinthe orientation layer has a (100) preferentially oriented tier on a piezoelectric layer side.7. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , whereinthe orientation layer is a stack of three or more tiers.8. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , whereineach tier of the orientation layer has a thickness of 10 nm or less.9. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga layer containing zirconium oxide between the orientation layer and the piezoelectric layer.10. A liquid ejecting head comprising:a substrate having a recess;a diaphragm on a first side of the substrate;a piezoelectric actuator having a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014312A1

Provided is a power generation device that restrains interference between a plurality of flows of alternating current power if the flows of alternating current power are generated in the power generation device. The power generation device includes a housing, a first power generator held in the housing so as to be allowed to vibrate, and a second power generator held in the housing so as to be allowed to vibrate. The second power generator is electrically isolated from the first power generator. 1. A power generation device comprising:a housing;a first power generator held in the housing so as to be allowed to vibrate; anda second power generator held in the housing so as to be allowed to vibrate, the second power generator being electrically isolated from the first power generator.2. The power generation device according to claim 1 , wherein a first substrate including a first fixed end fixed to a location near a middle of the housing and a first free end disposed at a location that is nearer to an end of the housing than to the first fixed end; and', 'a first power generating part formed on the first substrate, the second power generator comprises:', 'a second substrate different from the first substrate, the second substrate including a second fixed end fixed to a location near the middle of the housing and a second free end disposed at a location that is nearer to an end of the housing than to the fixed first end; and', 'a second power generating part formed on the second substrate, and, 'the first power generator compriseson condition that a direction the first substrate extends from the first fixed end toward the first free end is designated as a first direction and a direction the second substrate extends from the second fixed end toward the second free end is designated as a second direction, the first direction and the second direction are opposite to each other, and the second fixed end is disposed so as to be shifted relative to the first fixed end in the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037579A1

An oscillator includes: an outer package having an accommodation space; an inner package accommodated in the accommodation space and fixed to the outer package via a heat insulating member; a vibration element accommodated in the inner package; a heat generation element accommodated in the accommodation space and fixed to the inner package; an oscillation circuit configured to oscillate the vibration element; a control circuit disposed outside the accommodation space and configured to control the heat generation element; and a conductive wire electrically coupling the outer package and the inner package. 1. An oscillator comprising:an outer package having an accommodation space;an inner package accommodated in the accommodation space and fixed to the outer package via a heat insulating member;a vibration element accommodated in the inner package;a heat generation element accommodated in the accommodation space and fixed to the inner package;an oscillation circuit configured to oscillate the vibration element;a control circuit disposed outside the accommodation space and configured to control the heat generation element; anda conductive wire electrically coupling the outer package and the inner package.2. The oscillator according to claim 1 , whereinthe outer package includes a first base substrate that has a first recess that accommodates the inner package, and a first lid bonded to the first base substrate so as to close an opening of the first recess,the accommodation space is formed by the first recess and the first lid, andthe inner package is fixed to the first base substrate via the heat insulating member.3. The oscillator according to claim 1 , whereinthe inner package includes a second base substrate that has a second recess that accommodates the vibration element, and a second lid bonded to the second base substrate so as to close an opening of the second recess,the vibration element is fixed to the second base substrate, andthe second lid is fixed to the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104345A1

There is provided a piezoelectric device comprising a first electrode, a piezoelectric layer that is formed above the first electrode, a second electrode that is formed above the piezoelectric layer and a coating layer that is formed above the second electrode consisting of tungsten or titanium. 1. A piezoelectric device comprising:a first electrode;a piezoelectric layer that is formed above the first electrode;a second electrode that is formed above the piezoelectric layer; anda coating layer that is formed above the second electrode,wherein the coating layer is formed at a boundary between an active region and an inactive region of the piezoelectric layer, the active region being a region where the piezoelectric layer is disposed between the first and second electrodes and the inactive region being a region where the piezoelectric layer is not disposed between the first and second electrodes.2. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , wherein the first electrode and the second electrode form a rectangular overlap region in which the first electrode overlaps the second electrode in a plan view claim 1 , the first electrode defining a long side of the overlap region and the second electrode defining a short side of the overlap region claim 1 , the overlap region having a pair of first regions and having a second region claim 1 , the pair of the first regions being positioned adjacent to a pair of the short sides claim 1 , and the second region being positioned between the pair of the first regions claim 1 , the coating layer is formed at least in the first regions so as to avoid the second region of the overlap region.3. A liquid-ejecting apparatus having the piezoelectric device according to .4. A liquid-ejecting apparatus having the piezoelectric device according to . This application is a Divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/094,490 filed Apr. 26, 2011 (which patent application is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety), which claims ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021093A1

A medical device with a self-sustaining power source is disclosed herein. The medical device includes a pump and at least one mechanical activation mechanism for engaging the pump to cause a dose event. An energy generator coupled to the activation mechanism generates energy each time the activation mechanism is actuated. The generated energy is supplied to a dose counter of the infusion device. 1. An infusion device , comprising:a housing having a reservoir that is sized to retain a quantity of liquid medicament;a mechanical pump that displaces a portion of the liquid medicament when mechanically actuated;a mechanically driven activation mechanism disposed on the housing for actuating the pump in order to deliver a dose of liquid medicament and thereby signifying a dose event; andan energy generator coupled to the activation mechanism, the energy generator being configured to generate energy upon each operation of the mechanically driven activation mechanism in order to power a dose counter that is configured to record dose events.2. The infusion device of claim 1 , wherein the energy generator comprises at least one piezo crystal coupled to the activation mechanism claim 1 , the at least one piezo crystal being configured to produce a predetermined amount of energy when the activation mechanism is actuated.3. The infusion device of claim 2 , further comprising an energy storage device configured to store energy generated by the energy generator.4. The infusion device of claim 3 , wherein the energy storage device comprises at least one capacitor.5. The infusion device of claim 3 , wherein the dose counter comprises a microcontroller and wherein the energy storage device is coupled to the microcontroller.6. The infusion device of claim 2 , wherein the activation mechanism comprises at least one depressible button coupled to the pump wherein at least one said piezo crystal is coupled to the at least one depressible button.7. The infusion device of claim 2 , in which ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020823A1

There is presented a method for driving a piezoelectric device and an atomizer for atomizing a fluid, and an atomization method for a fluid using a piezoelectric device; the atomizer employs a piezoelectric device and circuitry that uses a switching voltage across the piezoelectric device at an operating frequency; sensing a sensed voltage corresponding to a phase of the piezoelectric device; and responsive to whether the sensed voltage is in phase or out of phase relative to the switching voltage, changing the operating frequency provided to the piezoelectric device, and the changing is one of: increasing the operating frequency by a first value, or decreasing the operating frequency by a second value. 1. An atomizer for a liquid comprising:a housing;a power source;a piezoelectric device operable by a switching voltage; anda circuit including a sense load, the sense load being operably coupled to the piezoelectric device so that a sensed voltage across the sense load has a phase corresponding to a phase of the piezoelectric device, the circuit being configured to:determine whether the sensed voltage is in phase or out of phase relative to the switching voltage;responsive to the sensed voltage being in phase relative to the switching voltage when the switching voltage is provided at an operating frequency, make a change to the operating frequency by a predetermined first value; andresponsive to the sensed voltage being out of phase relative to the switching voltage when the switching voltage is provided at the operating frequency, make a change to the operating frequency by a predetermined second value,wherein if the predetermined first value corresponds to an increase in value of the operating frequency, the predetermined second value corresponds to a decrease in value of the operating frequency, andwherein if the predetermined first value corresponds to a decrease in value of the operating frequency, the predetermined second value corresponds to an increase in ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021811A1
Автор: HORSKY Pavel, KUTEJ Jiri

In one embodiment, a transducer controller is configured to form a drive signal with a first frequency to drive a transducer. The drive signal has a period and a half-period and drives the transducer for a first portion of the half-period. The transducer controller is configured to, for a second portion of the half-period, sense a voltage formed by the transducer, measure portions of the voltage and estimate a phase error between the first frequency and a resonant frequency of the transducer, and to adjust the first frequency to a second frequency that reduces the phase error. 1. A method of forming a transducer controller comprising:configuring a transducer controller to form a drive signal at a first frequency that forms a drive period and a drive half-period;configuring the transducer controller to drive a transducer with the drive signal for a first portion of a drive half-period;configuring the transducer controller to sense a reverberation voltage formed by the transducer for a second portion of the drive half-period;configuring the transducer controller to measure portions of the reverberation voltage and estimate a phase error between the first frequency and a resonant frequency of the transducer; andconfiguring the transducer controller to adjust the first frequency to a second frequency that reduces the phase error.2. The method of wherein configuring the transducer controller to adjust the first frequency includes configuring the transducer controller to adjust the first frequency to the second frequency incrementally for a first number of subsequent drive periods.3. The method of wherein configuring the transducer controller to measure the reverberation voltage includes configuring the transducer controller to calculate a curvature of a waveform of the voltage and to estimate the phase error from the curvature.4. The method of further including configuring the transducer controller to adjust the first frequency to the second frequency that is ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025429A1

The disclosure provides a thermal management apparatus. The apparatus includes a housing that defines a first air flow channel and a second air flow channel and an electroactive polymer actuator located within the housing, the electroactive polymer actuator configured to move in response to an activation signal. The electroactive polymer actuator defines a first chamber in fluid communication with the first air flow channel and defines a second chamber in fluid communication with the second air flow channel, the first and second chambers are fluidically isolated from each other. The electroactive polymer actuator is configured to oscillate when excited by the activation signal and eject pulses of air through the first and second air flow channels. An apparatus that includes two electroactive polymer actuators as well as method of generating air flow for thermal management also is disclosed. 1. A thermal management apparatus comprising:a housing defining a first air flow channel and a second air flow channel;an electroactive polymer actuator located within the housing, the electroactive polymer actuator configured to move in response to an activation signal;wherein the electroactive polymer actuator defines a first chamber in fluid communication with the first air flow channel and defines a second chamber in fluid communication with the second air flow channel, the first and second chambers fluidically isolated from each other; andwherein the electroactive polymer actuator is configured to oscillate when excited by the activation signal and eject pulses of air through the first and second air flow channels.2. The thermal management apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electroactive polymer actuator comprises:a first diaphragm comprising a first electroactive polymer film; anda second diaphragm comprising a second electroactive polymer film,wherein the first and second diaphragms are oriented adjacent to each other and are connected at a portion thereof; and ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025595A1

A piezoelectric vibration module includes external electrodes arranged in a stack direction on the outside surface of a piezoelectric device so that the state in which the piezoelectric device is coupled to the terminals of an FPCB can be reliably maintained even in a piezoelectric device bending phenomenon dependent on the repetition of contraction and/or expansion of the piezoelectric device. A portion in which the external electrodes of the piezoelectric device come in contact with the FPCB may be placed in a portion having small displacement. 1. A piezoelectric vibration module comprising:a piezoelectric device, the piezoelectric device comprising:one or more first internal electrodes;one or more second internal electrodes alternately formed with the first internal electrodes without crossing the first internal electrode;a first external electrode electrically connected to the one or more first internal electrodes; anda second external electrode electrically connected to the one or more second internal electrodes,wherein the first external electrode and the second external electrode are disposed on an outside surface of the piezoelectric device in such a way as to be separated from each other.2. The piezoelectric vibration module of claim 1 , wherein:the piezoelectric device comprises wide-width sides extended in a length direction of the piezoelectric device and narrow-width sides disposed to be orthogonal to the length direction, andthe piezoelectric device has a thin and long shape.3. The piezoelectric vibration module of claim 1 , wherein the first external electrode and the second external electrode are coated on the outside surface or the piezoelectric device in a stack direction.4. The piezoelectric vibration module of claim 2 , wherein:the first external electrode is formed on a first wide-width side of the wide-width sides of the piezoelectric device, andthe second external electrode is formed on a second wide-width side of the wide-width sides of the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028368A1
Автор: SHEALY Jeffrey B.

A method of wafer scale packaging acoustic resonator devices and an apparatus therefor. The method including providing a partially completed semiconductor substrate comprising a plurality of single crystal acoustic resonator devices, each having a first electrode member, a second electrode member, and an overlying passivation material. At least one of the devices to be configured with an external connection, a repassivation material overlying the passivation material, an under metal material overlying the repassivation material. Copper pillar interconnect structures are then configured overlying the electrode members, and solder bump structures are form overlying the copper pillar interconnect structures. 1. A wafer scale package apparatus , the apparatus comprising:a partially completed semiconductor substrate, the semiconductor substrate comprising a plurality of single crystal acoustic resonator devices, each of the devices having a first electrode member, a second electrode member, and an overlying passivation material;for at least one of the devices to be configured with an external connection, a repassivation material overlying the passivation material, the repassivation material having a first region exposing the first electrode member and a second region exposing the second electrode member;an under metal material overlying the repassivation material and covering the first region and the second region such that the first electrode member and the second electrode member are each in electrical and physical contact with the under metal material;a copper pillar interconnect structure configured to fill the first region and the second region using a deposition process to form a first copper pillar structure overlying the first electrode member and a second copper pillar structure overlying the second electrode member; anda first solder bump structure overlying the first copper pillar structure and a second solder bump structure overlying the second copper pillar ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190028041A1

A piezoelectric generator including: a piezoelectric element; a circuit for shorting and placing in open circuit the piezoelectric element; and an inductive converter. 1. A piezoelectric generator comprising:a piezoelectric element;a switching circuit coupled to the piezoelectric element;an inductive converter; anda circuit for controlling the switching circuit to, sequentially:short the piezoelectric element;place the piezoelectric element in open circuit; andconnect the piezoelectric element to the inductive converter.2. The generator of claim 1 , wherein:the switching from the shorting to the placing in open circuit of the piezoelectric element depends on information representative of the deformation of the piezoelectric element; andthe switching from the open circuit to the connection of the piezoelectric element to the inductive converter depends on the voltage across the piezoelectric element.3. The generator of claim 2 , wherein the conditions of the switching from the shorting to the placing in open circuit of the piezoelectric element and of the switching from the open circuit to the connection of the piezoelectric element to the inductive converter are defined by a regulator of the maximum power point to maximize the energy transferred to a load powered by the inductive converter.4. The generator of claim 1 , comprising at least one switch controlled by the control circuit to perform the shorting or the placing in open circuit.5. The generator of claim 1 , wherein the switching from the state where the piezoelectric element is connected to the inductive converter to the state where the piezoelectric element is shorted is performed when the voltage across the piezoelectric element is zero.6. The generator of claim 1 , wherein said switching circuit is controlled to optimize the energy transfer to a load powered by the inductive converter.7. The generator of claim 1 , wherein said switching circuit includes a voltage rectifier.8. The generator of claim 1 , ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140117812A1
Автор: HAJATI Arman

Micromachined ultrasonic transducer (MUT) arrays capable of multiple resonant modes and techniques for operating them are described, for example to achieve both high frequency and low frequency operation in a same device. In embodiments, various sizes of piezoelectric membranes are fabricated for tuning resonance frequency across the membranes. The variously sized piezoelectric membranes are gradually transitioned across a length of the substrate to mitigate destructive interference between membranes oscillating in different modes and frequencies. 1. An apparatus for generating and sensing pressure waves in a medium , the apparatus comprising:a micromachined ultrasonic transducer (MUT) array comprising a plurality of transducer elements, each including a membrane, a single drive/sense electrode, and a reference electrode; anddrive or sense circuitry to operate the MUT array with at least two modes of oscillation, wherein the at least two modes comprise a first mode associated with a first resonant frequency band, and a second mode associated with a second resonant frequency band that includes one or more frequencies greater than one or more frequencies within the first resonant frequency band.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a center of the second resonant frequency band is approximately twice a center of the first resonant frequency band claim 1 , and wherein one or more of the first and second resonant frequency bands includes a third claim 1 , or higher claim 1 , mode of oscillation.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a highest resonance frequency of the first resonance frequency band is higher than a lowest resonance frequency of the second resonance frequency band.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a total bandwidth of the first frequency band and the second frequency band is at least 120% −6 dB factional bandwidth.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the MUT array is piezoelectric MUT (pMUT) with transducer elements of the array having a range of ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160035963A1
Автор: KUROKAWA Kenichi

A piezoelectric device includes a base, a vibration film, and a piezoelectric element. The base of the piezoelectric device has at least one opening. The opening is closed by the vibration film. The piezoelectric element is located on the vibration film. The vibration film includes a first layer that is has lower water permeability than silicon oxide and a second layer that is in close contact with the first layer and that has a larger toughness value than the first layer. 1. A piezoelectric device , comprising:a base having at least one opening;a vibration film that closes the opening; anda piezoelectric element located on the vibration film,the vibration film including a first layer and a second layer that is in close contact with the first layer,the first layer having lower water permeability than silicon oxide, andthe second layer having a larger toughness value than the first layer.2. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , whereinthe base has a plurality of openings including the opening, and the first layer is continuous between adjacent ones of the openings.3. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , whereinthe vibration film further includes a third layer that is provided closer to the opening than the first layer and the second layer are and that has an etching rate different from an etching rate of the base.4. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , wherein the second layer contains ZrO.5. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer contains at least one of AlO claim 1 , TaOx claim 1 , and HfOx.6. The piezoelectric device according to claim 3 , wherein the third layer contains SiO.7. The piezoelectric device according to claim 6 , wherein the second layer is formed of ZrO claim 6 , the first layer is formed of AlO claim 6 , and the first layer is arranged such that the first layer is sandwiched between the second layer and the third layer.8. An ultrasonic device claim 6 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Ultrasound Transducer and Manufacturing Method Thereof

Номер: US20180033945A1

An ultrasound transducer used in an ultrasound system and a manufacturing method thereof includes: a backing block; a piezoelectric layer placed on the backing block; a matching layer placed on the piezoelectric layer; and a ground layer placed between the piezoelectric layer and the matching layer. The backing layer includes a connector that connects a transmitting unit and a receiving unit of an ultrasound system, and a wiring area that connects the piezoelectric layer and the connector. The wiring area is formed by etching and filling with metal material. 1. An ultrasound transducer comprising:a backing block;a piezoelectric layer placed on the backing block;a matching layer placed on the piezoelectric layer; anda ground layer placed between the piezoelectric layer and the matching layer,wherein the backing layer comprises a connector that connects a transmitting unit and a receiving unit of an ultrasound system, and a wiring area that connects the piezoelectric layer and the connector, the wiring area comprising conductors filling etched portions of the backing layer.2. The ultrasound transducer of claim 1 , wherein the backing block further comprises a ground area for connecting with the ground layer.3. The ultrasound transducer of claim 2 , wherein the ground layer is connected to the ground area by using a flexible printed circuit board.4. The ultrasound transducer of claim 1 , wherein the wiring area is formed by being etched by laser processing and by being filled with metal material as the conductors.5. The ultrasound transducer of claim 1 , wherein the backing block comprises a predetermined ratio of oxide of metal of at least one of Cr claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , and Cu.6. The ultrasound transducer of claim 5 , wherein the predetermined ratio is in a range of more than 0% to less than 21%.7. A method comprising:preparing a backing block comprising a predetermined ratio of oxide of metal of at least one of Cr, Fe, and Cu;etching and filling a wiring area on at ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033946A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

Technologies are described for a piezo electric element for generating vibrations in an electronic device. The piezo electric element comprises a piezo beam and an elongate mass. The piezo beam is sized for positioning in an internal recess of the electronic device and configured for mounting to an internal structure of the electronic device adjacent the recess in a mounting direction generally perpendicular to a thinnest dimension of the electronic device. The elongate mass is coupled to a center area of the piezo beam and having opposing free ends that are free to vibrate in a selected frequency range. An electronic device having a piezo electric element is also described. 1. A piezo electric element for generating vibrations in an electronic device , comprising:a piezo beam sized for positioning in an internal recess of the electronic device and configured for mounting to an internal structure of the electronic device adjacent the recess in a mounting direction generally perpendicular to a thinnest dimension of the electronic device;an elongate mass coupled to a center area of the piezo beam and having opposing free ends that are free to vibrate in a selected frequency range.2. The piezo electric element of claim 1 , wherein the piezo beam has opposite first and second ends spaced apart from ends of the elongate mass and having respective first and second openings claim 1 , and wherein the first and second openings are dimensioned to receive a fastener inserted parallel to the mounting direction.3. The piezo electric element of claim 1 , wherein the piezo beam has opposite first and second ends spaced apart from ends of the elongate mass and configured for mounting to the internal structure in the mounting direction with adhesive.4. The piezo electric element of claim 1 , wherein the piezo beam and the elongate mass are positionable to extend approximately parallel to at least one side of the electronic device that defines the thinnest dimension.5. The piezo ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Piezoelectric Driving Device, Driving Method Of Piezoelectric Driving Device, Robot, Electronic Component Transport Apparatus, Printer, And Projector

Номер: US20190036001A1

A piezoelectric driving device includes a piezoelectric vibrating body and a driving circuit. The piezoelectric vibrating body includes a contact which extends in a first direction and comes into contact with a driven member, a first piezoelectric element which generates bending vibration in a direction intersecting with the first direction in accordance with a first driving voltage, and a second piezoelectric element which generates longitudinal vibration in the first direction in accordance with a second driving voltage. The piezoelectric vibrating body is configured such that a resonance frequency of the longitudinal vibration is higher than a resonance frequency of the bending vibration. The driving circuit sets a driving frequency of each of the first driving voltage and the second driving voltage to be equal to or higher than the resonance frequency of the longitudinal vibration. 1. A piezoelectric driving device for driving a driven member , comprising:a piezoelectric vibrating body; anda driving circuit for electrically driving the piezoelectric vibrating body, a contact which extends in a first direction with respect to the driven member and comes into contact with the driven member,', 'a first piezoelectric element which generates bending vibration in a direction intersecting with the first direction in accordance with a first driving voltage supplied from the driving circuit, and', 'a second piezoelectric element which generates longitudinal vibration in the first direction in accordance with a second driving voltage supplied from the driving circuit,, 'wherein the piezoelectric vibrating body includes'}wherein the piezoelectric vibrating body is configured such that a resonance frequency of the longitudinal vibration is higher than a resonance frequency of the bending vibration, andwherein the driving circuit sets a driving frequency of each of the first driving voltage and the second driving voltage to be equal to or higher than the resonance frequency ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200035904A1

Method for operating an ultrasonic motor with an ultrasonic actuator formed as a plate and an electrical excitation device. The ultrasonic actuator has at least four identical volume regions arranged symmetrically in relation to a transverse plane and in relation to a longitudinal plane, each volume region forming acoustic standing waves and static bending deformations. The electrical excitation device provides at least one electric alternating voltage and two static electric voltages the at least one alternating voltage U being applied in a dynamic operating mode simultaneously to two of the generators for forming an acoustic standing wave in the ultrasonic actuator, and the two static electric voltages being applied in a static operating mode simultaneously to all generators for forming a static bending deformation of the ultrasonic actuator. 1. Method for operating an ultrasonic motor , comprising{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'providing an ultrasonic actuator formed as a plate made of piezoelectric or electrostrictive or magnetostrictive material whose width B is greater than its thickness D and smaller than its length L, said plate including two main faces, two side faces extending along the length, and two end faces extending along the width, and having a transverse plane of symmetry S which runs perpendicular to said main faces, and said side faces and parallel to said end faces, and a longitudinal plane of symmetry S which runs perpendicular to said side faces and said end faces and parallel to said main faces; a friction element configured for contacting an element to be driven arranged on at least one of said end faces of said ultrasonic actuator; and at least four identical volume regions arranged symmetrically in relation to said transverse plane of symmetry S as well as symmetrically in relation to said longitudinal plane of symmetry S, each of said volume regions together with excitation electrodes and general electrodes arranged on and/or in said ultrasonic ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036208A1

A piezoelectric element substrate is provided. The piezoelectric element substrate includes: a substrate member; a plurality of piezoelectric elements on the substrate member; a plurality of wiring patterns on one side of the substrate member on which the plurality of piezoelectric elements is disposed; and a bonding pattern in a region different from the wiring patterns on the one side of the substrate member. Each of the piezoelectric elements includes a first electrode, a piezoelectric body, and a second electrode. The wiring patterns are connected to the corresponding piezoelectric elements. The bonding pattern is to be bonded to another substrate directly or via an insulating film, and is made of a metal layer having a plurality of slots. 1. A piezoelectric element substrate comprising:a substrate member;a plurality of piezoelectric elements on the substrate member, each of the piezoelectric elements including a first electrode, a piezoelectric body, and a second electrode;a plurality of wiring patterns on one side of the substrate member on which the plurality of piezoelectric elements is disposed, the wiring patterns connected to the corresponding piezoelectric elements; anda bonding pattern in a region different from the wiring patterns on the one side of the substrate member, the bonding pattern to be bonded to another substrate directly or via an insulating film, the bonding pattern made of a metal layer having a plurality of slots.2. The piezoelectric element substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the slots have an identical shape and are regularly arranged.3. The piezoelectric element substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the slots are arranged in a grid shape.4. A bonded substrate comprising: a substrate member;', 'a plurality of piezoelectric elements on the substrate member, each of the piezoelectric elements including a first electrode, a piezoelectric body, and a second electrode;', 'a plurality of wiring patterns on one side of the substrate ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059752A1

An oscillator includes a second container as a container in which a vibrator is accommodated, a base substrate on which the second container is mounted, three or more protruding portions provided on the base substrate at positions overlapping the second container in a plan view, and a bonding member configured to bond the second container and at least one of the protruding portions. 1. An oscillator comprising:a container in which a vibrator is accommodated;a base substrate on which the container is mounted;three or more protruding portions provided on the base substrate at positions overlapping the container in a plan view; anda bonding member configured to bond the container and at least one of the protruding portions.2. The oscillator according to claim 1 , whereinthe container includes a base and a lid, andthe lid is bonded to the protruding portion, and the base is electrically coupled to the base substrate via a bonding wire.3. The oscillator according to claim 2 , further comprising:a sealing member bonding the base and the lid, whereinthe protruding portion bonded to the lid is provided at a position not overlapping the sealing member in the plan view.4. The oscillator according to claim 1 , whereinthe protruding portion is formed by an insulating bump member.5. The oscillator according to claim 1 , whereinthe protruding portion is formed of the same material as that of the base substrate.6. The oscillator according to claim 1 , whereineach of the protruding portions is bonded to the container via the bonding member.7. The oscillator according to claim 1 , wherein a first protruding portion bonded to the container via the bonding member; and', 'a second protruding portion and a third protruding portion provided on an outer peripheral side of the container with respect to the first protruding portion, and, 'the protruding portion includes'}gaps are provided between the second protruding portion and the container and between the third protruding portion and ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048718A1
Автор: Etzler Dirk, SCHROD WALTER
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A capacitive actuator is connected to an output of an apparatus which is formed with a capacitor connected between an input and a reference potential, with a full bridge with four power switching elements connected in parallel with the capacitor. To charge the capacitive actuator, a control circuit first turns on the first and third power switching elements. Current then flows from the first capacitor via a coil connected between the bridge paths and energy is stored in the coil. When a maximum current value is reached, the first and third power switching elements are switched off and magnetic energy stored in the coil decays due to current flow via the diodes of the second and fourth power switching elements. This charges the capacitive actuator. The capacitive actuator is charged to a predefined voltage by possible repeated switching of the first and third power switching elements. 12-. (canceled)3. A method of operating a capacitive actuator , the method comprising: a capacitor connected between the input connection and a reference potential;', 'a series circuit formed of a first and a second power switching element connected in parallel with the first capacitor;', 'a coil having a first connection connected to a center tap of the first series circuit and having a second connection connected to the reference potential via a third power switching element and to the output connection via a fourth power switching element;', 'diodes connected in parallel with the first, second, third, and fourth power switching elements and polarized in a reverse direction from the input connection or from the output connection, respectively, to the reference potential;, 'providing an apparatus with an output connection connected to the capacitive actuator and with an input connection, the apparatus further includingcharging the capacitive actuator by first turning on the first and third power switching elements by a control circuit to cause a current to flow from the capacitor via ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048720A1

Disclosed herein are a piezoelectric actuator module and a method of manufacturing the same. The piezoelectric actuator module includes: a plate; a piezoelectric element disposed on the plate and having a through-hole formed therein; and a feeding wire inserted into the through-hole to apply an external voltage to the piezoelectric element. 1. A piezoelectric actuator module comprising:a plate;a piezoelectric element disposed on the plate and having a through-hole formed therein; anda feeding wire inserted into the through-hole to apply an external voltage to the piezoelectric element.2. The piezoelectric actuator module according to claim 1 , wherein one end of the feeding wire inserted into the through-hole is fixed to a surface of the plate by soldering.3. The piezoelectric actuator module according to claim 1 , further comprising a conductive resin filled in the through-hole.4. The piezoelectric actuator module according to claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric element includes a plurality of piezoelectric layers stacked in a thickness direction and first and second electrode plates alternately stacked claim 1 , having the piezoelectric layer therebetween.5. The piezoelectric actuator module according to claim 4 , wherein the through-hole includes a first through-hole penetrating through the first electrode plate and a second through-hole penetrating through the second electrode plate.6. The piezoelectric actuator module according to claim 5 , wherein the feeding wire includes a first feeding wire inserted into the first through-hole to thereby be connected to the first electrode plate and a second feeding wire inserted into the second through-hole to thereby be connected to the second electrode plate.7. The piezoelectric actuator module according to claim 1 , further comprising an insulating layer disposed between the plate and the piezoelectric element.8. A method of manufacturing a piezoelectric actuator module claim 1 , comprising:soldering one end of a ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048721A1

A piezoelectric actuator includes one piezoelectric layer, a common electrode disposed on the lower surface of the piezoelectric layer and individual electrodes disposed on the upper surface of the piezoelectric layer. In the piezoelectric layer, a plurality of metal patterns arranged at regular intervals in the conveyance direction and in a direction orthogonal to the conveyance direction and overlapping with pressure chambers are provided substantially at the central part in the direction of the thickness. The metal patterns are not electrically continuous with each other and not electrically continuous with other parts. The metal patterns situated outermost in the conveyance direction are disposed so as to cross the edge of the pressure chamber. Some metal patterns overlap with the individual electrode and the other metal patterns do not overlap with the individual electrode. 1. A piezoelectric actuator for applying a pressure to a liquid in a plurality of pressure chambers , comprising:a piezoelectric layer covering the pressure chambers;a common electrode disposed on one surface of the piezoelectric layer and covering the pressure chambers;a plurality of individual electrodes disposed on the other surface of the piezoelectric layer opposite to the common electrode, and overlapping with the pressure chambers; anda plurality of metal patterns which are arranged in the piezoelectric layer in a direction of surface of the piezoelectric layer, are neither electrically connected with each other nor to an outside.2. The piezoelectric actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the metal patterns are disposed in the piezoelectric layer so as to overlap with the pressure chambers.3. The piezoelectric actuator according to claim 2 , wherein some of the metal patterns are disposed in the piezoelectric layer so as to overlap with the individual electrodes and the common electrode when viewed from a direction of thickness of the piezoelectric layer claim 2 , and the other metal ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048723A1

A piezoelectric vibration element and a vibration element package having the same are disclosed. The piezoelectric vibration element and the vibration element package having the same in accordance with the present invention includes: a vibrating piece having a first mesa portion and a second mesa portion, which are vibrated by electric signals, formed on one surface and the other surface thereof, respectively; a first excitation electrode formed on the first mesa portion and configured to transfer the electric signals to the first mesa portion; a second excitation electrode formed on the second mesa portion and configured to transfer the electric signals to the second mesa portion; a first post formed on the one surface of the vibrating piece in such a way that one end thereof connected with a lateral surface of the first mesa portion has a same height as that of the first mesa portion; a first connection electrode formed on the first post so that the electric signals supplied from outside are received and transferred to the first excitation electrode; and a second connection electrode formed on the vibrating piece so that the electric signals supplied from outside are received and transferred to the second excitation electrode. 1. A piezoelectric vibration element comprising:a vibrating piece having a first mesa portion and a second mesa portion formed on one surface and the other surface thereof, respectively, the first mesa portion and the second mesa portion being vibrated by electric signals;a first excitation electrode formed on the first mesa portion and configured to transfer the electric signals to the first mesa portion;a second excitation electrode formed on the second mesa portion and configured to transfer the electric signals to the second mesa portion;a first post formed on the one surface of the vibrating piece in such a way that one end thereof connected with a lateral surface of the first mesa portion has a same height as that of the first mesa ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049573A1

A piezoelectric driving device includes a vibrating plate and a piezoelectric vibrator provided on the vibrating plate. The piezoelectric vibrator has a first electrode, a second electrode, and a piezoelectric body located between the first electrode and the second electrode, and a thickness of the piezoelectric body is within a range from 50 nm to 20 μm. 1. A piezoelectric driving device comprising:a vibrating plate; anda piezoelectric vibrator having a first electrode, a second electrode, and a piezoelectric body located between the first electrode and the second electrode, the piezoelectric vibrator being provided on the vibrating plate,wherein a thickness of the piezoelectric body is within a range from 50 nm to 20 μm.2. The piezoelectric driving device according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the piezoelectric body is from 400 nm to 20 μm.3. The piezoelectric driving device according to claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric vibrator has a substrate claim 1 , the first electrode formed on the substrate claim 1 , the piezoelectric body formed on the first electrode claim 1 , and the second electrode formed on the piezoelectric body claim 1 , andthe substrate is bonded to the vibrating plate.4. The piezoelectric driving device according to claim 3 , wherein the substrate is a silicon substrate.5. The piezoelectric driving device according to claim 1 , wherein the vibrating plate has a first surface and a second surface claim 1 , andthe piezoelectric vibrators are provided on the first surface and the second surface of the vibrating plate.6. The piezoelectric driving device according to claim 1 , wherein the vibrating plate includes a projecting portion in contact with a driven member.7. A robot comprising:a plurality of link parts;joint parts connecting the plurality of link parts; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the piezoelectric driving devices according to , which rotate the plurality of link parts in the joint parts.'}8. A robot ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140125202A1

A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator, comprises: a first electrode; a second electrode comprising a plurality of sides. At least one of the sides comprises a cantilevered portion. The bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator also comprises a piezoelectric layer disposed between the first and second electrodes. The piezoelectric layer comprises a piezoelectric material doped with a plurality of rare earth elements, and the cantilevered portion extends above the piezoelectric layer. The bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator comprises a gap between the cantilevered portion and the piezoelectric layer. 1. An acoustic resonator , comprising:a first electrode;a second electrode comprising a plurality of sides, wherein at least one of the sides comprises a cantilevered portion;a piezoelectric layer disposed between the first and second electrodes, the piezoelectric layer comprising a piezoelectric material doped with a plurality of rare earth elements, wherein the cantilevered portion extends above the piezoelectric layer; anda gap between the cantilevered portion and the piezoelectric layer.2. An acoustic resonator as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a reflective element disposed beneath the first electrode claim 1 , the second electrode and the piezoelectric layer claim 1 , wherein an overlap of the reflective element claim 1 , the first electrode claim 1 , the second electrode and the piezoelectric layer defines an active area of the acoustic resonator.3. An acoustic resonator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the cantilevered portion of the second electrode extends beyond a termination of the active region.4. An acoustic resonator as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising a bridge adjacent to a termination of the active area of the acoustic resonator.5. An acoustic resonator as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising a frame element.6. An acoustic resonator as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the frame element is a recessed frame element.7. An acoustic resonator as claimed in ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140125203A1

A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator, comprises: a first electrode; a second electrode comprising a plurality of sides. At least one of the sides comprises a cantilevered portion. The bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator also comprises a piezoelectric layer disposed between the first and second electrodes. The piezoelectric layer comprises a piezoelectric material doped with a plurality of rare earth elements, and the cantilevered portion extends above the piezoelectric layer. The bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator comprises a gap between the cantilevered portion and the piezoelectric layer. 1. A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator , comprising:a first electrode;a second electrode comprising a plurality of sides, wherein at least one of the sides comprises a cantilevered portion;a piezoelectric layer disposed between the first and second electrodes, the piezoelectric layer comprising undoped piezoelectric material and doped piezoelectric material, the doped piezoelectric material being doped with at least one rare earth element; anda gap between the cantilevered portion and the piezoelectric layer.2. A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric material comprises aluminum nitride (AlN).3. A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one rare earth element comprises at least one of scandium (Sc) and yttrium (Y).4. A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a concentration of each of the at least one rare earth element is less than approximately 10 atomic percent of the piezoelectric material.5. A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a concentration of each of the at least one rare earth element is in a range of approximately 30 atomic percent to approximately 40 atomic percent of the piezoelectric material.6. A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric layer comprises an undoped sub-layer formed ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048285A1

A resonator with stabilized resonant frequency that includes a lower electrode, a plurality of upper electrodes, and a piezoelectric film disposed between the lower electrode and the plurality of upper electrodes. Moreover, an upper lid having a first and second opposing surfaces is provided so that the first surface faces and seals a first surface of the resonator. In addition, a lower lid having a first and second opposing surfaces is provided so that the first surface faces and seals a second surface of the resonator. The resonator further includes a power terminal electrically connected to the upper electrodes and a ground terminal provided on the second surface of the upper lid. The lower electrode is electrically connected to the ground terminal by the upper lid. 1. A resonator device , comprising:a resonator including a lower electrode, a plurality of upper electrodes, and a piezoelectric film disposed between the lower electrode and the plurality of upper electrodes;an upper lid having a first and second opposing surfaces with the first surface facing the plurality of upper electrodes of the resonator to seal an upper surface of the resonator;a lower lid having a first and second opposing surfaces with the first surface facing the lower electrode of the resonator to seal a lower surface of the resonator;at least one power terminal electrically connected to at least one of the plurality of upper electrodes; anda ground terminal disposed on the second surface of the upper lid and electrically connected to the lower electrode via the upper lid.2. The resonator device according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least one first through hole extending through the upper lid;a wire that connects the at least one power terminal with the at least one of the plurality of upper electrodes via the at least one first through hole, respectively; andan insulating layer interposed between the upper lid and the at least one first through hole.3. The resonator device ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054382A1

A piezoelectric vibration component and a portable terminal each include a piezoelectric vibration element and a power supply line . The piezoelectric vibration element includes at least: a layered structure in which a plurality of internal electrodes and piezoelectric layers are layered in a first direction; and surface electrodes and electrically connected to the internal electrodes. The piezoelectric vibration element bends and vibrates, and its amplitude changes in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction. The power supply line includes at least: a conductive path including a connection part bonded to a surface electrode ; and a conductive path including a connection part bonded to a surface electrode . The connection part has a plurality of partial electrodes and that extend in a third direction perpendicular to both the first direction and the second direction. 1. A piezoelectric vibration component comprising: a layered structure in which a plurality of internal electrodes and a plurality of piezoelectric layers are layered in a first direction; and', 'a first surface electrode and a second surface electrode which are electrically connected to the internal electrodes,, 'a piezoelectric vibration element including at leastthe piezoelectric vibration element bending and vibrating in the first direction in response to an input of an electrical signal, an amplitude of the piezoelectric vibration element changing in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction; and a first conductive path including a first connection part bonded to the first surface electrode at an end of the first conductive path; and', 'a second conductive path including a second connection part bonded to the second surface electrode at an end of the second conductive path, wherein, 'a power supply line including at leastthe layered structure including a first section at its center in the second direction, the plurality of internal electrodes and the plurality of ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054387A1
Автор: Li Youming

Multi-layered thin film piezoelectric material stacks and devices incorporating such stacks. In embodiments, an intervening material layer is disposed between two successive piezoelectric material layers in at least a portion of the area of a substrate over which the multi-layered piezoelectric material stack is disposed. The intervening material may serve one or more function within the stack including, but not limited to, inducing an electric field across one or both of the successive piezoelectric material layers, inducing a discontinuity in the microstructure between the two successive piezoelectric materials, modulating a cumulative stress of the piezoelectric material stack, and serving as a basis for varying the strength of an electric field as a function of location over the substrate. 1. A thin film piezoelectric device , comprising:a lower electrode disposed over a first region of a substrate;a first piezoelectric layer having a first polarization disposed over the lower electrode;a second piezoelectric layer having the first polarization disposed over the first piezoelectric layer;an intervening layer disposed between the first and second piezoelectric layers in at least a portion of the first region, wherein the intervening layer is of a different composition than that of the first and second piezoelectric layers; andan upper electrode disposed over the second piezoelectric layer.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the intervening layer is an inner electrode comprising conductive material capable of sustaining a voltage different than that of either the lower or upper electrode.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the intervening layer includes at least one of Pt claim 1 , Ir claim 1 , an alloy thereof claim 1 , or an oxide thereof in direct contact with both the first and second piezoelectric layers.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein each of the first and second piezoelectric layers comprise PZT claim 3 , and wherein both of the lower electrode and ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Piezoelectric Sensing Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20190051812A1

A piezoelectric sensor with: (i) a capacitive element, comprising piezoelectric material; (ii) a pre-conditioning circuit, comprising circuitry for establishing a polarization of the capacitive element in a polarizing mode; and (iii) signal amplification circuitry for providing a piezoelectric-responsive output signal, in response to charge across the capacitive element in a sensing mode. 1. A piezoelectric sensor , comprising: a capacitive element, comprising piezoelectric material;', 'a pre-conditioning circuit, comprising circuitry for establishing a polarization of the capacitive element in a polarizing mode; and', 'signal amplification circuitry for providing a piezoelectric-responsive output signal, in response to charge across the capacitive element in a sensing mode., 'an integrated circuit comprising a substrate, and affixed relative to the substrate2. A piezoelectric sensor , comprising:a capacitive element, comprising a plurality of serially-connected piezoelectric capacitors;a pre-conditioning circuit, comprising circuitry for establishing a polarization of the capacitive element in a polarizing mode; andsignal amplification circuitry for providing a piezoelectric-responsive output signal, in response to charge across the capacitive element in a sensing mode.3. The sensor of wherein the pre-conditioning circuit comprises circuitry for establishing a same polarization of each different capacitor in the plurality of serially-connected piezoelectric capacitors at a separate time per capacitor in the serially-connected piezoelectric capacitors.4. The sensor of wherein the pre-conditioning circuit comprises circuitry for establishing a same polarization of each different capacitor in the plurality of serially-connected piezoelectric capacitors at a separate time per capacitor and along a sequential direction in the serially-connected piezoelectric capacitors.5. The sensor of wherein the pre-conditioning circuit comprises:circuitry for establishing a ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

3-D Woven Active Fiber Composite

Номер: US20140132119A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A three-dimensional woven active fiber composite is disclosed. The composite includes a plurality of actuating fibers configured in a three-dimensional arrangement. The composite further includes a plurality of conductive wire electrodes that are woven through the plurality of actuating fibers. The electrodes may be configured into two dimensional electrode mats that are spaced apart along the length of the composite. Filler fibers may be used between adjacent electrode mats to help reinforce the composite. A sleeve member can also be used to help provide compressive containment for the actuating fibers and conductive wire electrodes. 1. A woven active fiber composite , comprising:a longitudinal direction extending along a length of the woven active fiber composite;a lateral direction extending along a width of the woven active fiber composite;a vertical direction extending along a height of the woven active fiber composite;a plurality of actuating fibers, each actuating fiber extending in the longitudinal direction and having a generally circular cross-sectional shape associated with a first diameter;a first group of actuating fibers from the plurality of actuating fibers that are spaced apart from one another in the lateral direction;a second group of actuating fibers from the plurality of actuating fibers that are spaced apart from one another in the lateral direction;the second group of actuating fibers being spaced apart from the first group of actuating fibers in the vertical direction;a conductive wire electrode configured to transfer electrical energy to and from the first group of actuating fibers and the second group of actuating fibers, the conductive wire electrode having a generally circular cross-sectional shape associated with a second diameter; andwherein the conductive wire electrode is in contact with at least one actuating fiber from the first group of actuating fibers and wherein the conductive wire electrode is in contact with at least one ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132677A1
Автор: Kondo Hirofumi

There is provided a liquid jetting apparatus, including: a channel structure in which a liquid channel including a nozzle and a pressure chamber communicating with the nozzle is formed; a piezoelectric element including a piezoelectric body and an electrode; a driving device; and a cover member joined to the surface of the channel structure. A first wiring section connected to the electrode is formed on the surface of the channel structure, and the cover member includes a cover body section and a wiring connection section. A second wiring section is formed in the cover member. The wiring connection section is joined to the surface of the channel structure in a state that the second wiring section is electrically conductive with the first wiring section. A thickness, of the wiring connection section is thinner than a thickness of the cover body section. 1. A liquid jetting apparatus configured to discharge a liquid , comprising:a channel structure in which a liquid channel including a nozzle and a pressure chamber communicating with the nozzle is formed;a piezoelectric element including a piezoelectric body and an electrode, the piezoelectric body being arranged, on a surface of the channel structure, to face the pressure chamber, and the electrode being provided on the piezoelectric body;a driving device electrically connected to the electrode to drive the piezoelectric element; anda cover member joined to the surface of the channel structure so that the cover member is stacked on the surface to cover the piezoelectric element,wherein a first wiring section connected to the electrode is formed on the surface of the channel structure;the cover member includes a cover body section covering the piezoelectric element and a wiring connection section extending from the cover body section along the surface of the channel structure while facing at least a part of the first wiring section;a second wiring section is formed in the cover member, the second wiring section being ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061461A1

A device for charging and discharging a capacitive actuator connectable to an output connection has a first capacitor disposed between an input connection and a reference potential. The device has a series connection composed of a first and a second power switching element which is connected in parallel with the first capacitor. The device additionally has a first coil with a first connection connected to the center tap of the series connection, wherein the second connection of the first coil is connected to the reference potential via a third power switching element and to the output connection via a fourth power switching element. Wherein the power switching elements have diodes connected in parallel therewith such that they are reverse-biased from the input connection or the output connection to the reference potential. Wherein a connection of the fourth power switching element is connected to the input connection via a diode. 1. A device for charging and discharging a capacitive actuator , the device comprising:an output connection to be connected to the capacitive actuator;an input connection;a reference potential connection;a first capacitor disposed between said input connection and said reference potential connection;a first series connection containing a first power switching element, a second power switching element and a center tap, said first series connection connected in parallel with said first capacitor;a third power switching element;a fourth power switching element;a first coil having a first connection connected to said center tap of said first series connection and a second connection coupled to said reference potential connection via said third power switching element and to said output connection via said fourth power switching element;said first through fourth power switching elements having diodes connected in parallel therewith such that said diodes are reverse-biased from said input connection or said output connection to said reference ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140139072A1
Автор: SUDOL Wojtek

The present invention relates to an ultrasound transducer assembly () comprising ultrasound transducer elements () for transmitting ultrasound waves in a general transmission direction (A). Each of or each of part of the ultrasound transducer elements () comprises a piezoelectric layer () having a top surface, a bottom surface and a side surface with respect to the general transmission direction (A), as well as a bottom electrode layer () and a top electrode layer (). A conductive layer () is applied at least partly on the side surface of at least one specific one () of the piezoelectric layers, such that the conductive layer () is connected to the top electrode layer () and the bottom electrode layer () of said specific piezoelectric layer (). 2. The ultrasound transducer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasound transducer element having the side surface conductive layer is a dummy element not operable to transmit or receive ultrasound waves.3. The ultrasound transducer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasound transducer element having the side surface conductive layer is the outermost ultrasound transducer element in the row of the ultrasound transducer elements.4. The ultrasound transducer assembly of claim 3 , wherein the side surface to which the conductive layer is applied is the side surface facing outward in the row of the ultrasound transducer elements.5. (canceled)6. The ultrasound transducer assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least one de-matching layer applied to the bottom electrode layer.7. The ultrasound transducer assembly of claim 6 , wherein the conductive layer is further applied on the side surface of the de-matching layer.8. (canceled)9. The ultrasound transducer assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the bottom electrode layers of the ultrasound transducers elements is connected to the semiconductor chip.10. The ultrasound transducer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bottom electrode layer of the ultrasound transducer element ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Actuator device

Номер: US20180061885A1

An actuator device (AV) including a main body ( 10 ) with a base body ( 10 a ) and a buildup body ( 10 b ) a plurality of actuators which are formed of actuator bodies comprising a piezoelectric or electrostrictive material and actuation electrodes and a printed circuit board ( 100 ) which extends in the longitudinal direction (X) of the actuator device (AV) over at least sections of actuator connection coatings, wherein conductive paths thereof are in electrical contact with the actuator connection coatings and wherein in the connection area segment (S 0 b , S 1 b , S 2 b , S 3 b ) of the respective recess (S 0 , S 1 , S 2 , S 3 ) at least in sections a connection layer (V) made of a resin reinforcement material with bismaleimide is disposed such that the connection layer (V) at least in sections contacts side surfaces (AS 1 , AS 2 ) which respectively delimit a connection area segment (S 0 b , S 1 b , S 2 b , S 3 b ) and which are opposed to each other.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062062A1

Disclosed herein is an adaptive system that converts vibration in mechanical structures into electrical energy using a transducer having piezoelectric properties. The electrical energy generated is then converted into heat loss in an electrical circuit comprising: an adaptive inductance that autonomously changes its value by comparing the phase difference of the vibration velocity and the current flowing through the shunt circuit; a resistance to convert electrical energy into heat loss; and a synthetic negative capacitance to enhance the vibration attenuation. 1. An adaptive electromechanical shunt system for controlling vibrations of a structure , comprising:a transducer with piezoelectric properties mechanically attached to a structure to transform mechanical vibration energy of the structure into electrical energy; andan element that dissipates electrical energy;wherein the adaptive electromechanical shunt system comprises means for autonomously controlling, in an analog manner, vibrations of a structure independently of the normal variations of mechanical and electrical properties of the shunt system components and of changes of the operating conditions.2. The adaptive electromechanical shunt system of claim 1 , wherein the means for autonomously controlling claim 1 , in an analog manner claim 1 , vibrations of a structure independently of the normal variations of mechanical and electrical properties of the shunt system components and of changes of operating conditions comprise:a transducer to sense the mechanical vibration of the structure;a variable inductance circuit, which changes its value controlled by a control voltage;a synthetic negative capacitance connected to the electromechanical component circuit to change the total equivalent capacitance and enhance the vibration attenuation of the structure; andan adaptation law circuit, which autonomously generates the control voltage in an analog manner based on the phase difference between an inductor voltage ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062066A1
Автор: Clingman Daniel John

Actuator assemblies, mechanical assemblies including the actuator assemblies, and methods of fabricating the same are disclosed herein. The actuator assemblies include a piezoelectric element having a first side and a second side, a first electrode in electrical communication with the first side, and a second electrode in electrical communication with the second side. The first electrode includes a flexible, electrically conductive membrane. The mechanical assemblies include a first structure, which includes a first interface surface, a second structure, which includes a second interface surface, and the actuator assembly. The actuator assembly is configured to provide a motive force for relative motion between the first structure and the second structure. The methods include defining a first electrode on a first side of a piezoelectric element and defining a second electrode on a second side of the piezoelectric element. The first electrode includes a flexible, electrically conductive membrane. 1. An actuator assembly , comprising:a piezoelectric element having a first side and an opposed second side;a first electrode in electrical communication with the first side, wherein the first electrode includes a flexible, electrically conductive membrane; anda second electrode in electrical communication with the second side.2. The actuator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flexible claim 1 , electrically conductive membrane includes at least one of:(i) an organic membrane;(ii) a polymeric membrane;(iii) a carbon fiber membrane; and(iv) a mat-weave carbon fiber membrane.3. The actuator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flexible claim 1 , electrically conductive membrane is non-metallic.4. The actuator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flexible claim 1 , electrically conductive membrane has a Young's Modulus of at most 10 GPa.5. The actuator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flexible claim 1 , electrically conductive membrane has a membrane thickness of at least 10 ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063358A1

A fuel injection control device has a valve opening control portion which opens a control valve by electrically charging a piezoelectric element, and a valve closing portion which closes the control valve. The valve opening control portion includes a first rising control portion, a pause control portion and a second control portion. The first rising control portion increases a charge amount of the piezoelectric element during a first rising period. The pause control portion pauses an increase in the charge amount of the piezoelectric element during a pause period after the first rising period. The second rising control portion increases the charging amount of the piezoelectric elements again during a second rising period after the pause period. The pause period includes a period of immediately before the control valve is opened. 1. A fuel injection control device which is applied to a fuel injector having:a valve body opening/closing an injection port through which a fuel is injected;a control chamber for receiving the fuel which applies a valve-closing force to the valve body;a control valve controlling the valve-closing force by opening/closing an outlet passage through which the fuel flows out from the control chamber; anda piezoelectric element opening the control valve when being electrically charged to expand;the fuel injection control device comprising:a valve opening control portion opening the control valve by electrically charging the piezoelectric element; anda valve closing control portion closing the control valve by electrically discharging the piezoelectric element, whereinthe valve opening control portion includes:a first rising control portion for increasing a charge amount of the piezoelectric element during a first rising period;a pause control portion for pausing an increase in the charge amount of the piezoelectric element during a pause period after the first rising period;a second rising control portion for increasing the charge amount of the ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066016A1

An ultrasonic transmitter. The ultrasonic transmitter includes a first enclosure, a second enclosure, a piezoelectric transducer, a first piston, and a second piston. The first enclosure has an opening for directing an output of the ultrasonic transmitter in a first direction and a wall opposite the opening. The second enclosure has a first opening aligned in the first direction and a second opening opposite the first opening. The second enclosure is positioned in the first enclosure with the second opening directed toward the wall. The piezoelectric transducer is positioned in the second enclosure and movable relative to the first enclosure. When an ultrasonic electric signal is applied to the piezoelectric transducer, the piezoelectric transducer expands and contracts pulsing the first and second pistons to produce ultrasonic sound waves from the first and second openings which combine and our output by the ultrasonic transmitter. 1. An ultrasonic transmitter , the ultrasonic transmitter comprising:a first enclosure having an opening for directing an output of the ultrasonic transmitter in a first direction and a wall opposite the opening;a second enclosure having a first opening aligned in the first direction and a second opening opposite the first opening, the second enclosure positioned in the first enclosure with the second opening directed toward the wall;a piezoelectric transducer positioned in the second enclosure and movable relative to the first enclosure;a first piston contained within the first enclosure and coupled to the piezoelectric transducer, a head of the first piston directed toward the first opening; anda second piston contained within the first enclosure and coupled to the piezoelectric transducer, a head of the second piston directed toward the second opening;wherein when an ultrasonic electric signal is applied to the piezoelectric transducer, the piezoelectric transducer pulses the first and second pistons to produce ultrasonic sound waves ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180068146A1
Автор: BAI Anpeng

The present disclosure discloses an ultrasonic transducer and a manufacturing method. The ultrasonic transducer for an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor comprises a piezoelectric layer, receiving electrode lines, emitting electrode lines, a substrate, connecting electrodes and bonding wires. Wherein the piezoelectric layer comprises an array of piezoelectric pillars. The plurality of receiving electrode lines are formed on the piezoelectric layer. The plurality of emitting electrode lines being formed beneath the piezoelectric layer. The substrate is formed under the emitting electrode lines. The connecting electrodes are formed under the substrate. The bonding wires are configured to connect the receiving electrode lines with the connecting electrodes and to connect the emitting electrode lines with the connecting electrodes. 1. An ultrasonic transducer for an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor comprising:a piezoelectric layer, wherein the piezoelectric layer comprises an array of piezoelectric pillars;a plurality of receiving electrode lines being formed on the piezoelectric layer, wherein each of the receiving electrode lines is configured to connect to a corresponding column of the piezoelectric pillars;a plurality of emitting electrode lines being formed beneath the piezoelectric layer, wherein each of the emitting electrode lines is configured to connect to a corresponding row of the piezoelectric pillars;a substrate, wherein the substrate is configured to carry the receiving electrode lines, the piezoelectric layer and the emitting electrode lines;a plurality of connecting electrodes, wherein the connecting electrodes are formed on the substrate, opposite to the emitting electrode lines; anda plurality of bonding wires, wherein the bonding wires are configured to connect the receiving electrode lines with the connecting electrodes and to connect the emitting electrode lines with the connecting electrodes.2. The ultrasonic transducer of claim 1 , wherein the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Tunable Lithium Niobate Resonators and Filters Via Lithiation and Delithiation

Номер: US20180069166A1
Автор: Samarao Ashwin

A surface acoustic wave (SAW) device includes a silicon substrate, a piezoelectric substrate formed of lithium niobate, an alumina layer interposed between the silicon substrate and the piezoelectric substrate, and at least one electrode on the piezoelectric substrate. 1. A surface acoustic wave (SAW) device comprising:a silicon substrate having a main surface;a piezoelectric substrate formed of lithium niobate;a metal oxide layer interposed between the silicon substrate and the piezoelectric substrate; andat least one electrode on the piezoelectric substrate.2. The SAW device of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide layer is formed of alumina.3. The SAW device of claim 2 , wherein the at least one electrode comprises at least one pair of interdigital transducers.4. The SAW device of claim 1 , further comprising a tuning circuit configured to alter a charge center of the piezoelectric substrate.5. The SAW device of claim 4 , wherein the tuning circuit includes at least one of a resistor and a voltage source electrically connected to the piezoelectric substrate.6. The SAW device of claim 5 , wherein the resistor is a tunable resistor.7. The SAW device of claim 4 , wherein the tuning circuit includes the voltage source claim 4 , the voltage source being configured to apply a predetermined voltage to the piezoelectric substrate.8. The SAW device of claim 3 , further comprising a pair of reflectors on the piezoelectric substrate positioned on opposing sides of the at least one pair of interdigital transducers.10. A method of fabricating a tunable surface acoustic wave (SAW) device claim 3 , the method comprising:depositing a metal oxide layer on a silicon substrate;attaching a piezoelectric substrate to the metal oxide layer, the piezoelectric substrate being formed of lithium niobate; andforming at least one electrode on a side of the piezoelectric substrate opposite the metal oxide layer.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the metal oxide layer is an alumina layer.12. ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067555A1
Автор: OKAGUTI Kenjiro

A piezoelectric element drive circuit includes a piezoelectric element driven at a predetermined frequency and having a resonant frequency of (n+) times the predetermined frequency (n is a predetermined natural number), and a drive voltage generator that has a first output terminal connected to a first terminal of the piezoelectric element and a second output terminal connected to a second terminal of the piezoelectric element. When the piezoelectric element is driven, a waveform of potential difference between the first output terminal and the second output terminal is a step wave which transitions while taking an intermediate potential. A time length for which the potential difference is the intermediate potential is around (t−t)/(2n+1) in a period of time from time tat which the potential difference falls to the intermediate potential to time tat which the potential difference falls to the intermediate potential subsequently. 1. A piezoelectric element drive circuit comprising:a piezoelectric element configured to be driven at a predetermined frequency and that has a resonant frequency of (2n+1) times the predetermined frequency, wherein n is a predetermined natural number; anda drive voltage generator circuit that has a first output connected to a first terminal of the piezoelectric element and a second output connected to a second terminal of the piezoelectric element,wherein a waveform of a potential difference between the first output terminal and the second output terminal is a step wave that transitions through an intermediate potential, and{'b': 2', '1', '2', '1, 'the potential difference is the intermediate potential for a time length of (t−t)/(2n+1), wherein (t−t) is one period of the step wave.'}2. The piezoelectric element drive circuit according to claim 1 , wherein a maximum of an absolute value of an impedance of the piezoelectric element at the resonant frequency is greater than a maximum of an absolute value of an impedance of the piezoelectric ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190068083A1
Автор: REITH Jeremias

The invention relates to an actuating method for an electromechanical element for positioning an element that is to be driven and that is at least temporarily in contact with the electromechanical element, wherein, in a step mode, electrical voltage pulses are applied to the electromechanical element and each voltage pulse has at least two temporal sections, wherein, in one of the temporal sections, a temporal change of the electrical voltage occurs that is slower on average and, in the other temporal section, a temporal change of the electrical voltage occurs that is faster on average, and, at least in one part of the temporal section of the temporal change of the electrical voltage that is slower on average, which part defines a drive time section, by means of static friction between the electromechanical element, expanding or contracting in the drive direction, and the element to be driven, the latter is moved along by the electromechanical element, and at least in one part of the time section of the temporal change of the electrical voltage that is faster on average, which part defines a relative motion time section, a relative movement occurs between the electromechanical element and the element to be driven by sliding friction between the electromechanical element contracting or expanding opposite the drive direction, such that the element to be driven carries out a discrete step in the drive direction with each voltage pulse, and the method furthermore comprises the providing of a controller and of a driver electrically connected thereto. According to the invention, the controller transmits a temporally continuous current to the driver, and the driver outputs a corresponding charge current to the electromechanical element that is electrically connected thereto, wherein the controller continually adapts the temporally continuous current in dependence on the difference between the actual position and the target position of the element to be driven and the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200066963A1

The invention relates generally to electroactive material actuators (and combined sensor-actuators) having embedded magnetic particles for facilitating enhanced actuation and/or sensing effects. 1. An actuator device , comprising: an electroactive material, wherein the electroactive material is arranged to deform in response to application of an electrical stimulus; and', wherein the particles of the hard magnetic material are dispersed within the electroactive material,', 'wherein the particles of the hard magnetic material are ordered such that at least a portion of the actuator member exhibits a magnetization in a given direction;, 'particles of a hard magnetic material,'}], 'an actuator member, the actuator member comprisinga magnetic field generation circuit, wherein the magnetic field generation circuit is arranged to generate a magnetic field of a configurable field strength pattern for application across at least the portion of the actuator member;an electrical stimulus generation circuit, wherein the electrical stimulus is created by the electrical stimulus generation circuit; and wherein the controller circuit is arranged to control the magnetic field generation circuit and the electrical stimulus generation circuit in a coordinated manner,', 'wherein the control of the magnetic field generation circuit and the electrical stimulus generation circuit realize one or more deformation patterns in the actuator member., 'a controller circuit,'}2. The actuator device as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the magnetic field generation circuit is arranged to generate a magnetic field of non-uniform field strength such that the magnetic field of non-uniform field strength is applied across the actuator member,wherein the magnetic field of non-uniform field strength achieves a non-uniform deformation pattern across the actuator member.3. The actuator device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coordinated manner comprises activating the magnetic field generation circuit and ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070920A1

Flex circuits and methods for ultrasound transducers are provided herein. In at least one embodiment, an ultrasound device includes a plurality of transducer elements and a flex circuit. The flex circuit includes an insulating layer having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface. A plurality of first conductive pads is included on the first surface of the insulating layer, and each of the first conductive pads is electrically coupled to a respective transducer element. A plurality of second conductive pads are included on the second surface of the insulating layer, and each of the second conductive pads is electrically coupled to a respective first conductive pad and the respective transducer element. 1. An ultrasound transducer , comprising:a plurality of transducer elements; and an insulating layer having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface;', 'a plurality of first conductive pads on the first surface of the insulating layer, each of the first conductive pads being electrically coupled to a respective transducer element; and', 'a plurality of second conductive pads on the second surface of the insulating layer, each of the plurality of second conductive pads being electrically coupled to a respective first conductive pad and the respective transducer element., 'a flex circuit including2. The ultrasound transducer of wherein the flex circuit further includes:a plurality of conductive traces on the first surface of the insulating layer, each conductive trace being electrically coupled to a respective first conductive pad.3. The ultrasound transducer of wherein the first conductive pads are electrically coupled to respective second conductive pads by a conductive via formed through the respective first and second conductive pads.4. The ultrasound transducer of wherein the respective first and second conductive pads are attached to the respective transducer element by an adhesive material.5. The ultrasound transducer ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Generator of electricity and refrigeration using induced vibrational and acoustic potential energy reclamation via tuned piezoelectric resonant cavity systems

Номер: US20150076963A1
Автор: Sipp Timothy James

A plurality of pressurized sequentially perpendicularly coupled and tuned piezoelectric resonators mechanically amplifies ambient and induced Sound Pressure Levels via Standing Wave Resonance such that the anti-node of the Natural Resonant Frequency in each resonator occurs in a plane consistent with the coupling port of the subsequent resonator thereby acting as a mechanically amplified acoustic driver for the proceeding resonator until acoustically driving mechanically coupled and tuned Piezoelectric Helmholtz resonators with physical parameters such that Standing Wave Resonance occurs within the Piezoelectric Helmholtz Resonant Cavities and Acoustic Refrigeration Units comprising cylindrical resonant cavities with axial regenerating stacks acted upon by tuned frequencies such that the hot heat exchangers are in the center of said cavities while the cold heat exchangers comprise the termination of the second ends of said cavities. The latent heat generates steam in a pressurized vessel. This invention generates electricity, heating and cooling without moving parts. 1. A Generator of Electricity and Refrigeration Using Induced Vibrational and Acoustic Potential Energy Reclamation , comprising:an acoustic driver; which plurality of mechanically coupled and tuned piezoelectric resonators mechanically connected together, with each piezoelectric resonator comprised of gallium nitride on silicon carbide substrates and a nano-silver matrix bonded to and contained within titanium inner shells; with the externality of the titanium inner shells coated in titanium nitride;', 'said mechanically coupled and tuned piezoelectric resonators being ring shaped in cylindrical resonators and sized to form Spheroidal Piezoelectric Helmholtz resonating cavities;', "each said mechanically coupled and tuned piezoelectric resonator is further connected to a tuning plunger that can change the shape of that resonator's resonating cavity", {'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, ' ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077117A1

Apparatus and method that includes providing a variable-parameter electrical component in a high-field environment and based on an electrical signal, automatically moving a movable portion of the electrical component in relation to another portion of the electrical component to vary at least one of its parameters. In some embodiments, the moving uses a mechanical movement device (e.g., a linear positioner, rotary motor, or pump). In some embodiments of the method, the electrical component has a variable inductance, capacitance, and/or resistance. Some embodiments include using a computer that controls the moving of the movable portion of the electrical component in order to vary an electrical parameter of the electrical component. Some embodiments include using a feedback signal to provide feedback control in order to adjust and/or maintain the electrical parameter. Some embodiments include a non-magnetic positioner connected to an electrical component configured to have its RLC parameters varied by the positioner. 1. A method comprising:providing an RF circuit in a remote environment, wherein the RF circuit includes an electrical component having a characteristic impedance at a resonance frequency of the RF circuit in the remote environment;changing a characteristic of the remote environment that affects the characteristic impedance and the resonance frequency of the RF circuit;sensing a parameter of the RF circuit and generating an electrical feedback signal based on the sensed parameter; andbased on the electrical feedback signal, automatically changing the electrical component to adjust both the characteristic impedance and the resonance frequency.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the automatically changing includes moving part of the electrical component using the non-magnetic mechanical-movement device that comprises moving using a piezo-electric motor.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the electrical component comprises an inductor claim 2 , and wherein at ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for controlling an inertial drive

Номер: US20140152147A1

A method for controlling an inertial drive on the basis of pulse trains is disclosed. The pulse trains include pulses having sections of different gradients and having variable amplitude and/or frequency. A pulse interval occurs between the individual pulses, wherein the selected pulse duration is so short that is substantially less than the cycle duration of the natural oscillation of the system to be driven.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160079511A1
Автор: ONFROY Philippe

A method for controlling a piezoelectric device comprising a piezoelectric element () attached to a substrate (), with the substrate () and the piezoelectric element () being made of materials having different coefficients of thermal expansion, with the method comprising the step of subjecting the piezoelectric element () to a predetermined electric voltage in order to cause a set deformation of the piezoelectric element (). The determined electric voltage comprises a compensation portion determined according to ambient temperature to cancel a stress generated on the vibrating element () due to a differential thermal expansion between the vibrating element () and the substrate (). 1122111112. A method for controlling a piezoelectric device comprising a piezoelectric element () fixed on a substrate () , with the substrate () and the piezoelectric element () being made of materials having different coefficients of thermal expansion , with the method comprising the step of subjecting the piezoelectric element () to a determined electric voltage (U) to cause a set deformation of the piezoelectric element () , characterized in that the determined electric voltage (u) comprises a compensation portion (U′) determined according to ambient temperature (Θ) to cancel a stress generated on the vibrating element () due to a differential thermal expansion between the vibrating element () and the substrate ().2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ambient temperature (Θ) is periodically measured and the compensation portion (U′) is periodically determined.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compensation portion (U′) is determined using a table relating ambient temperature values (Θ) with compensation portion (U′) values.41221441. A piezoelectric device comprising a piezoelectric element () fixed on a substrate () claim 1 , with the substrate () and the piezoelectric element () being made of materials having different coefficients of thermal expansion claim 1 ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160079513A1
Автор: Thalmayr Florian

Mechanical resonators including doped piezoelectric active layers are described. The piezoelectric active layer(s) of the mechanical resonator may be doped with a dopant type and concentration suitable to increase the electromechanical coupling coefficient of the active layer. The increase in electromechanical coupling coefficient may all for improved performance and smaller size mechanical resonators than feasible without using the doping. 1. A device , comprising:a doped piezoelectric resonator comprising a doped piezoelectric active layer formed of a first material and having a first area, the doped piezoelectric resonator having a motional resistance; andan electrical circuit coupled to the doped piezoelectric resonator,wherein the piezoelectric active layer comprises a non-isotropically implanted dopant, the dopant representing less than 50% of the concentration of the first material, andwherein the motional resistance of the doped piezoelectric resonator is approximately the same as a motional resistance of a piezoelectric resonator with an active layer surface area between two to five times greater than the first area and lacking the dopant.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the dopant is Scandium.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first material is Aluminum Nitride (AlN).4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the electrical circuit is an oscillator circuit claim 1 , and wherein the doped piezoelectric resonator is configured to provide a frequency reference signal for the oscillator circuit.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device forms at least part of a frequency filter.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device forms at least part of a duplexer.7. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a multi-layer temperature compensation structure coupled to the piezoelectric active layer.8. A method of manufacturing a resonator claim 1 , comprising:forming a piezoelectric active layer;doping the piezoelectric active layer with a dopant to a concentration ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078970A1

A piezoelectric device according to an embodiment comprises a piezoelectric thin film, a first electrode disposed on a first surface of the piezoelectric thin film, a substrate provided with an electrode pad, a plurality of pillar-shaped first supporting members provided between a second surface on an opposite side of the first surface of the piezoelectric thin film and the electrode pad of the substrate so as to fix the piezoelectric thin film onto the substrate, and a plurality of second electrodes electrically connected to the electrode pad from a part of the second surface of the piezoelectric thin film via a lateral surface of the first supporting member. The piezoelectric thin film, the first electrode, and the second electrodes compose a plurality of diaphragms each of which is a transducer element. The first supporting members are provided at locations at which the respective diaphragms are sectioned. The first electrode is provided in common to the diaphragms. 1. A piezoelectric device comprising:a piezoelectric thin film;a first electrode disposed on a first surface of the piezoelectric thin film;a substrate provided with an electrode pad;a plurality of pillar-shaped first supporting members provided between a second surface on an opposite side of the first surface of the piezoelectric thin film and the electrode pad of the substrate so as to fix the piezoelectric thin film onto the substrate; anda plurality of second electrodes electrically connected to the electrode pad from a part of the second surface of the piezoelectric thin film via a lateral surface of the first supporting member, whereinthe piezoelectric thin film, the first electrode, and the second electrodes compose a plurality of diaphragms each of which is a transducer element,the first supporting members are provided at locations at which the respective diaphragms are sectioned, andthe first electrode is provided in common to the diaphragms.2. The piezoelectric device according to claim 1 , ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140159546A1

There is provided a piezoelectric actuator including: positive electrode layers and negative electrode layers iteratively alternately vertically laminated; piezoelectric element layers interposed between the positive electrode layers and the negative electrode layers, respectively; a positive electrode (or anode) connection pillar provided in a position corresponding to less than 50% of maximum displacement in the event of driving and penetrating the electrode layers and the piezoelectric element layers to connect the positive electrode layers; and a negative electrode (or cathode) connection pillar provided in a position corresponding to less than 50% of maximum displacement in the event of driving and penetrating the electrode layers and the piezoelectric element layers to connect the negative electrode layers. 1. A piezoelectric actuator comprising:positive electrode layers and negative electrode layers iteratively alternately vertically laminated;piezoelectric element layers interposed between the positive electrode layers and the negative electrode layers, respectively;a positive electrode connection pillar provided in a position corresponding to less than 50% of maximum displacement in the event of driving and penetrating the electrode layers and the piezoelectric element layers to connect the positive electrode layers; anda negative electrode connection pillar provided in a position corresponding to less than 50% of maximum displacement in the event of driving and penetrating the electrode layers and the piezoelectric element layers to connect the negative electrode layers.2. The piezoelectric actuator of claim 1 , wherein the positive electrode layers have a quadrangular shape having a horizontal side and a vertical side claim 1 , and the positive electrode connection pillar and the negative electrode connection pillar are provided in a position corresponding to less than 50% of maximum displacement in the event of driving in a horizontal direction.3. The ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150084710A1

A resonating element includes a resonator element that includes a vibrating portion and an excitation electrode provided on both main surfaces of the vibrating portion, an intermediate substrate in which the resonator element is mounted so as to be spaced from the excitation electrode, and a spiral electrode pattern that is provided on at least one main surface of the intermediate substrate, in which the electrode pattern is electrically connected to the excitation electrode. 1. A resonating element comprising:a base substrate that has first and second base terminals;a resonator element that includes a vibrating portion;first and second excitation electrodes;an intermediate substrate in which the resonator element is mounted so as to be spaced from the first and second excitation electrodes, the intermediate substrate being mounted to the base substrate, the intermediate substrate being spaced apart from the base substrate; anda spiral electrode pattern that is provided on the intermediate substrate and that has first and second ends, whereinthe first base terminal, the first excitation electrode, and the first and second ends of the spiral electrode pattern are electrically connected to each other,the second base terminal and the second excitation electrode are electrically connected to each other.2. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the spiral electrode pattern and the first and second excitation electrodes are connected in series or in parallel to each other.3. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the spiral electrode pattern and the first and second excitation electrodes are disposed so as not to overlap each other in a plan view.4. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the spiral electrode patterns are provided on the upper and lower surfaces of the intermediate substrate and the spiral electrode patterns are connected in series to each other.5. The resonating element according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200075838A1

Technologies for a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) made up of composable piezoelectric actuators is disclosed. An elongated piezoelectric rod is disposed between a top and a bottom electrode. The top electrode runs along one edge of the top of the piezoelectric rod for a first segment, then runs along the other edge of the top of the piezoelectric rod for the a second segment. When a voltage is applied across the electrodes, the piezoelectric rod bends in a first direction for the first segment and in a second direction opposite the first for the second segment, displacing the tip of the rod. Several such rods can be joined in parallel and/or series, allowing for large-scale systems to be composed. 1. A microelectromechanical system (MEMS) comprising:an elongated rod, wherein the elongated rod is piezoelectric, wherein the elongated rod has a top side and a bottom side opposite the top side, wherein the top side has a first long edge and a second long edge;a first electrode disposed adjacent the bottom side of the elongated rod; anda second electrode disposed adjacent the top side of the elongated rod, wherein the second electrode has a first segment that is closer to the first long edge of the elongated rod than the second long edge of the elongated rod and a second segment that is closer to the second long edge of the elongated rod than the first long edge of the elongated rod.2. The MEMS of claim 1 , wherein the elongated rod has a length between 20 and 2000 micrometers claim 1 ,wherein the elongated rod has a height between the top side and the bottom side between 0.1 and 100 micrometers, andwherein the elongated rod has a width between 0.1 and 100 micrometers.3. The MEMS of claim 1 , wherein the first and second electrodes are configured such that claim 1 , when a voltage is applied across the first electrode and the second electrode claim 1 , an electric field is generated between the second and first electrodes such that a first segment of the rod bends ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210083601A1

A device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy including a support (), a structure (S) suspended to the support through embedding by a first longitudinal end () and including a mass (M) fastened to a second longitudinal end (), two layers of piezoelectric material () extending between the first longitudinal end () and second longitudinal end () of the structure (S) and disposed so that, when the mass (M) moves, the layers are flexurally deformed, electrodes (E, E) on either side of the layer of piezoelectric material (), wherein the structure (S) includes transverse elements () integral with the layers of piezoelectric material () extending transversely relative to the longitudinal direction (X) of the structure over a length at least equal to half the transverse dimension (L) of the layers of piezoelectric material (). 1. A device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy including a support , a structure extending along a longitudinal direction , said structure being suspended to the support through embedding by a first longitudinal end , at least one layer of piezoelectric material at least partly extending between the first longitudinal end and the second longitudinal end of the structure and disposed so that, when the mass moves in a direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction, the layer is flexurally deformed, electrodes on either side of the layer of piezoelectric material,', 'transverse elements integral with the layer of piezoelectric material extending transversely relative to the longitudinal direction over a length at least equal to half the transverse dimension of the layer of piezoelectric material,', 'a beam including a central plate a longitudinal end of which is embedded into the support, and another longitudinal end of which carries the mass, said the transverse elements being fastened to at least one face of the central plate, the at least one layer of piezoelectric material being fastened to the edges of the ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Vibrating Element, Angular Velocity Sensor, Electronic Apparatus, and Moving Object

Номер: US20160087190A1

A vibrating element includes a vibration portion including a first main surface, a second main surface, a first side surface, and a second side surface, and extending in a first direction. The vibration portion includes a first groove formed in the first main surface and a second groove formed in the second main surface, and in a plan view seen from a direction perpendicular to the first main surface, the first groove and the second groove are provided to shift in opposite directions from each other, in a second direction. 1. A vibrating element comprising:a base; anda vibration portion extending to a first direction from the base, a first main surface,', 'a second main surface located on the opposite side of the first main surface,', 'a first side surface,', 'a second side surface located on the opposite side of the first side surface,', 'a first groove formed on the first main surface, and', 'a second groove formed on the second main surface,, 'wherein the vibration portion includes'}wherein in a plan view seen from a direction perpendicular to the first main surface, the first groove is provided to shift further from the first side surface than the second groove,{'b': 1', '1, 'wherein in a cross section perpendicular to the first direction in which the vibration portion extends, a length a between a first open end on the first side surface side of the first groove and a first end at which the first main surface and the first side surface intersect each other is longer than a length b between a second open end on the second side surface side of the first groove and a second end at which the first main surface and the second side surface intersect each other,'}{'b': 2', '2, 'wherein in the cross section, a length a between a third open end on the second side surface side of the second groove and a third end at which the second main surface and the second side surface intersect each other is longer than a length b between a fourth open end on the first side surface ...
