Rolling frame for continuous rolling mill with roll space adjustment - by eccentrics shifting roll bearings
Реферат: A rolling stand has both rolls borne in members and mounted on a frame against a roll spacing adjustment apparatus. Each spacing adjustment apparatus comprises a shaft with an eccentric pin arranged above or beneath its respective roll and a link with a curved head which engages a correspondingly curved depression in the members. There is also provided for each roll a hydraulic cylinder connected at one end to the frame and the other end to a respective roll-carrying member. This arrangement provides play-free adjustment of the roll spacing.
Regulation method of rolling mill
Номер патента: RU2345856C2. Автор: Франк БЕНФЕР,Маттиас КИППИНГ,Петер БРАНДЕНФЕЛЬС. Владелец: Смс Демаг Аг. Дата публикации: 2009-02-10.