Improvements relating to Carriages for Overhead Railways
Реферат: 9004. Reisner, 0. April 21. Elevated railways ; rope railways.-Relates to carriages running on inclined overhead rails and adapted to carry loads up and down. During the motion of the carriage, the axle d of the pulley D rests upon the hooked end of a lever a. On reaching the bottom of the track, a nose a<1> of the lever a strikes a block b, whereupon the lever is forced back, and, through levers h, i, a bolt c is raised into the path of a stop o, while at the same time, the notch of a lever g under the action of a spring n, falls upon the upper end of the lever a and retains it, as shown in Fig. 1. The pulley may then descend as the rope is unwound. To return the carriage to the top of the track, the pulley carrying a load is raised until the axle, rising in the slot r, strikes a lever e, which, through a chain F, pulls down the lever g and releases the lever a, which swings under the axle d. The lever e is, at the same time, raised into contact with a lever f, which lowers the bolt c, leaving the carriage free to be drawn up the track by the rope. Near the top of the track, a bolt l, normally raised, strikes a tumbler stop m, Fig. 2, which arrests further progress. Continuing the pull on the rope then raises the pulley past the lever e, until the axle engages the nose a<1>, throws back the lever a, and raises the bolt c, the lever a being retained as before. The axle now passes the nose, and coming into contact with a lever k, the bolt l is lowered and the carriage set free to move further up the track until the bolt c engages a stop s. A stop p prevents the carriage from descending the rails, and the load may now be lowered. The bolt l is raised to its normal position by a spring k<1>, the stop m allowing the bolt to pass in the downward passage of the carriage.
Improvements relating to medical apparatus and accessories
Номер патента: WO2013045937A3. Автор: Ian George Moir Drysdale,David Morris Williams. Владелец: Danmedical Ltd. Дата публикации: 2013-07-11.