Improved Valve Gear for Steam Engines.
Реферат: 26,046. Davey, H. Dec. 20. Valve gear; stop gear. -Comprises gear for operating separate admission and exhaust valves, shown as applied to cylindrical or Corliss valves, and also comprises safety or stop gear for the prevention of racing. Fig. 3 shows in plan and elevation the trip-gear for operating the admission valve. On the valve spindle C is keyed the disc or lever F, which is connected to the dash-pot K. On the same spindle is mounted loosely the actuating- levers G, which are connected by the rod J to the actuating-eccentric, either on the crank shaft or on a secondary shaftdriven thereby. The levers G carry a pawl H, capable of engaging with the disc F for opening the valve and of being released by a lever M acting on the tail L for permitting of the closure of the valve by the dash-pot. The levers M for the two admission valves may be adjusted either by hand or by a governor, and may be connected to safety or stop gear for preventing racing, as shown in Fig. 2. Raising the rod N adjusts the levers M so as to make the cut-off occur earlier. If, owing to racing, the rod is raised high enough to release the pawl S through the lever T, the weighted lever Q acts to raise it further so as to disconnect the valves entirely. For actuating the exhaust valves, either a releasing-gear like that for the admission valves is used, or a linkage gear is used with lost motion, as shown in Figs. 4 and 6, in order to allow each valve to remain at rest while the other one is being opened and closed.
Valve-gear for direct-acting steam-engines
Номер патента: US476148A. Автор: . Владелец: . Дата публикации: 1892-05-31.