Improvements in Steam Generators.
Опубликовано: 17-03-1900
Автор(ы): Henry Courteen
Принадлежит: Individual
Реферат: 8874. Courteen, H. April 27. Instantaneous generators.-Three or other odd number of plates, flat or curved, are bolted or otherwise secured together, and the inner surfaces of the outer plates, or the two surfaces of the intermediate plate, or both, are grooved or channelled to afford a continuous passage for the water and steam ; or the intermediate plate may have channels cut through it. Fig. 1 shows, in sectional elevation, a generator composed of three such sets of plates, each set or element being composed of three plates bolted together. The outer plates are grooved longitudinally and transversely as shown in Fig. 4, which represents a transverse section of one element near one end. The longitudinal grooves communicate at each end with transverse grooves, and the grooves above and below the intermediate plate are connected together by an opening through the latter plate, the arrangement being such that the water entering below at one end passes to the other end and back again, then through the intermediate plate, and again to the other end at the top, whence it is conducted to the next element, through which it passes in a like manner and so on. The steam becomes superheated before leaving the generator. Fig. 9 shows a modified form of generator composed of conical plates, a spiral channel being formed by cutting away the intermediate plate. The intermediate plate is preferably of wrought metal, so that it may be caulked. The plates may be of cylindrical, spherical, or other suitable form.
Waste processing apparatus and method featuring power generation, water recycling and water use in steam generation
Номер патента: EP2406010A1. Автор: Jan K. Michalek,Theodore J. Thomas. Владелец: Estech LLC. Дата публикации: 2012-01-18.