Improvements in Electric Arc Lamps.
Опубликовано: 12-08-1903
Автор(ы): Harris Lake Henry
Принадлежит: General Electric Co
Реферат: 17,690. Lake, H. H., [General Electric Co.]. Aug. 12. Arc lamps.-The arc is surrounded by a small transparent tube or case of highly-refractory material. The invention is described as applied to two types of lamp, in one of which the upper carbon is fed downwards by its own weight, and is drawn up by a series solenoid operating a clutch. Fig. 2 shows carbons maintained at a fixed distance apart by the tube or small globe 11, of quartz or silica which has been fused. This is clamped by a nut to the upper carbon-holder, and rests upon the lower carbon 10. A spiral spring feeds the lower carbon upwards. The arc is struck by means of the bridging- carbon 12<1>, passing through a central hole in the lower carbon. When the series coil 14 is energized, it attracts an armature 16, and lowers the bridging carbon 12<1> by the linkwork shown. The lower carbon may be fluted. Apertures allow air to pass in between the tube and the arc and upper carbon, the arc being thus induced to keep to the centre or hottest portion of the region. The tube may have a triangular crosssection, Figs. 3 and 4.
Improvements in high-pressure metal vapour arc lamps
Номер патента: GB397680A. Автор: . Владелец: Siemens and Halske AG. Дата публикации: 1933-08-31.