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10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2430680C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине и медицинской технике, а именно к системам и способам для определения типа ткани раны по изображению участка ткани раны. Система включает устройство получения изображения; маркер эталонного цвета, имеющий заранее заданный цвет; устройство обработки данных, имеющее связь с устройством получения изображения. Устройство обработки данных сконфигурировано так, что обеспечивается прием данных изображения от устройства получения изображения, регулировка одного параметра изображения на базе части изображения маркера эталонного цвета для нормализации цвета изображения; сравнение цветов нормализованного изображения участка ткани раны с диапазоном цветов и идентификация ткани раны, находящейся на одинаковой стадии заживания, на участке ткани раны на основании сравнения цветов. При этом данные изображения включают изображение участка ткани раны и маркера эталонного цвета. При помощи этой системы получают изображение участка ткани раны и маркера, регулируют параметр ...

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2436507C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к устройствам и способам измерения скорости заживления биологической ткани. Система для определения и отслеживания области раны содержит пленку, выполненную с возможностью получения и сохранения обрисовки контура раны, шаблон задней панели, содержащий область поверхности фона и контрольную область поверхности, которая визуально контрастирует с областью поверхности фона. Шаблон задней панели имеет размер, позволяющий разместить пленку с образованием сборки пленка/шаблон. На расстоянии и под углом от указанной сборки пленка/шаблон размещено устройство построения цифрового изображения. Процессор цифрового изображения предназначен для обработки изображения, чтобы определить площадь внутри указанного контура раны. Способ использования системы включает этапы выбора пленки, имеющей такой размер, чтобы на ней могла быть получена и сохранена обрисовка контура раны, размещения внутренней поверхности пленки на рану и выполнения обрисовки контура раны на наружной ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018136956A3

27-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009109109A

... 1. Система для анализа заживания ткани, включающая: ! устройство захвата изображения; ! маркер эталонного цвета, имеющий заранее заданный цвет; ! устройство обработки данных, имеющее связь с указанным устройством захвата изображения и сконфигурированное так, чтобы обеспечивать: ! прием данных изображения от указанного устройства захвата изображения, причем данные изображения включают изображение участка ткани и указанного маркера эталонного цвета; ! регулировку по меньшей мере одного параметра изображения на базе по меньшей мере части изображения указанного маркера эталонного цвета для нормализации цвета изображения и ! предоставление клиницисту нормализованного изображения. ! 2. Система по п.1, в которой указанное устройство обработки данных при регулировке по меньшей мере одного параметра изображения изменяет цвет по меньшей мере части изображения указанного элемента эталонного цвета так, чтобы обеспечить, по существу, полное соответствие заданному цвету, причем указанное устройство обработки ...

21-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019107481A

20-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008143461A

... 1. Система для определения и отслеживания области раны (12), содержащая: ! пленку (14), выполненную с возможностью получения и сохранения обрисовки контура раны (12); ! шаблон (20) задней панели, содержащий область поверхности фона и контрольную область (22) поверхности, причем указанная контрольная область (22) поверхности визуально контрастирует с указанной областью поверхности фона, а указанный шаблон (20) задней панели в целом имеет размер, позволяющий разместить указанную пленку (14) с образованием сборки пленка/шаблон; ! устройство построения цифрового изображения, в целом размещенное на расстоянии и под углом от указанной сборки пленка/шаблон и предназначенное для получения цифрового изображения (28) указанной сборки пленка/шаблон, включая указанную контрольную область поверхности, указанную область поверхности фона и указанный контур раны; и ! процессор цифрового изображения, предназначенный для обработки указанного изображения, чтобы определить площадь внутри указанного контура ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010146772A

... 1. Способ обнаружения инфекции в ране, вызванной заражающим организмом на участке раны, включающий: ! сбор текучей среды из участка раны, выведенной в ответ на пониженное давление, приложенное к участку раны, и ! осуществление анализа текучей среды, собранной из участка раны, для выявления продукта инфекции, ! причем наличие продукта инфекции указывает на наличие инфекции в ране. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором рана содержит ткань, выбранную из группы, состоящей из кожной ткани, костной ткани, хрящей, сухожилий, связок, мышц, нервной ткани, подкожной ткани и жировой ткани. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором продукт инфекции представляет собой аденозин-5'-трифосфат (АТФ). ! 4. Способ по п.3, в котором объединяют текучую среду, собранную из участка раны, с люциферазой и люциферином для получения реакции и затем измеряют свет, создаваемый реакцией, для обнаружения АТФ, причем рана является инфицированной, если создаваемый свет выше уровня, создаваемого текучей средой, собранной из раны, которая не ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150762A

... 1. Портативное устройство для измерения хромофоров в коже, содержащее:источник света для излучения широкополосного света в кожу;детектор изображения для захвата колориметрического изображения кожи, полученного с помощью отраженного от кожи широкополосного света;непрозрачный блок защиты детектирования для окружения источника света и детектора изображения, причем этот непрозрачный блок защиты детектирования выполнен съемным и имеет соединительную часть, предназначенную для присоединения непрозрачного блока защиты детектирования к портативному устройству для измерения хромофоров в коже и отсоединения непрозрачного блока защиты детектирования от портативного устройства для измерения хромофоров в коже; иблок обработки, выполненный с возможностью обработки характеристик захваченного колориметрического изображения кожи для определения содержания хромофоров.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором блок защиты детектирования имеет внутреннее покрытие, которое имеет поглощающие свойства.3. Устройство по ...

07-08-1988 дата публикации

Способ определения глубины ожога

Номер: SU1415189A1

Изобретение относится к медицине , касается способа диагностики глубины ожогового поражения и предназнаг- чено для ранней дифференциальной диагностики поверхностных и глубоких ожогов , в том числе у детей. Цель изобретения - повышение точности способа. Для этого под наркозом производят туалет ожоговых поверхностей: вскрывают , пузыри, удаляют отслойку эпидермиса , промывают поверхность ран фура- циллином, высушивают. Измеряют коэффициент отражения здоровой кожи в ближней ИК-области спектра па участке , смежном с ожоговой раной, расположенном проксимальнее. Измерение проводят при внешнем давлении менее 30 мм рт.ст., дополнительно определяют коэффициент отражения от пораженной кожи при давлении извне более 300 мм рт.ст., что превышает величину систолического давления в кровеносном русле, и по соотношению этих показателей определяют глубину ожога. (Л с: ...

16-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0099908489T9

Verfahren zur Kennzeichnung des Zustandes eines Interessenbereiches der Haut, bei welchem die Absorption und die Streuung von Licht in verschiedenen Spektralbanden, die durch den Interessenbereich verursacht werden, eine Funktion des Zustandes der Haut sind, wobei das Verfahren umfasst: eine Beleuchtung einer Portion der Haut, einschließlich des Interessenbereiches, durch Licht in mindestens drei Spektralbanden; eine digitale Bilderzeugung einer Portion der Haut, einschließlich des Interessenbereiches, bei den mindestens drei Spektralbanden mit demjenigen Licht, das von der Portion der Haut wiederausgestrahlt wird, um digitale Bilder zu erzeugen, welche digitale Signale umfassen deren Werte eine Funktion von dem Zustand des Interessenbereiches der Haut sind; und eine Lieferung der digitalen Bilder an einen Prozessor, wobei der Prozessor: die digitalen Bilder in Segmente teilt indem er eine Segmentierungsmaske generiert, welche die Grenze des Interessenbereiches aus einem digitalen Bild ...

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for detection, measurement and documentation of wounds of patient, involves providing mobile recording device to record pictorial form of surface of wound on body surface

Номер: DE102011109921A1

The method involves providing mobile recording device (1) to record the pictorial form of the surface of a wound (2) on body surface. The distance between the recording device and the wound is measured. The measured data is processed in recording device and is transmitted to a central storage system for storage. An independent claim is included for device for detection, measurement and documentation of wounds.

20-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069834827D1

12-03-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for wound monitoring

Номер: GB0201401112D0

07-11-2012 дата публикации

Analytic methods of tissue evaluation

Номер: GB0201217217D0

31-08-2005 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for quantifying tissue histology

Номер: GB0002411467A

This PCT Application to be published without Abstract.

10-04-2002 дата публикации

Malignancy detection apparatus

Номер: GB0002367615A

A system for reliably testing skin lesions to determine whether or not a particular lesion is malignant. Comprises: an infra red housing (10) that is scanned in a measurable, position aware manner, over the skin to sense the skin's temperature in the area of and around the suspect lesion. The sensor's output being recorded and then displayed to provide a profile of the temperature along the scanned track, from which profile can be deduced something about the likely nature of the lesion. The sensor is maintained at a known distance from the skin by rods (11) and is moved by a motor (14).

21-10-2015 дата публикации

Electrode apparatus

Номер: GB0201515831D0

29-11-2017 дата публикации

A skin inspection device identifying abnormalities

Номер: GB0002550582A

A skin inspection device for identifying abnormalities comprises a transparent panel or window 102 having an inspection area; an array of thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) formations 105 provided on the transparent panel which are operable to change colour in response to a change of temperature; and one or more image capture devices for capturing a colour image of the TLC formations and an area of skin of a target located in the inspection area; the captured colour image being analysed to identify abnormalities in the area of skin. Particularly of use in inspecting the feet of diabetic patients to prevent ulcer formation.

04-08-2021 дата публикации

Measurement of susceptibility to diabetic foot ulcers

Номер: GB2591707A

An apparatus for treating a diabetic foot ulcer comprises a plurality of sub-epidermal moisture (SEM) sensors disposed on a flexible substrate for measuring SEM values of a patient’s skin, two electrodes detect conductive contact with the patient’s skin during an SEM measurement period and apply a therapeutic stimulus during a therapeutic phase. The apparatus may be integrated into the lining of a garment, a shoe or bed clothing, and may include an absorbent pad and a layer of adhesive.

17-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000717365D0

08-06-2005 дата публикации

Determining the age of skin bruises

Номер: GB0000508840D0

19-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000912009D0

28-07-2021 дата публикации

Strategic treatment of pressure ulcer using sub-epidermal moisture values

Номер: GB202108380D0

12-06-2019 дата публикации

Bisymmetric comparison of sub-epidermal moisture values

Номер: GB0201905837D0

08-11-2017 дата публикации

Skin condition and risk evaluation methodology

Номер: GB0201715450D0

16-09-2020 дата публикации

Detection of tissue damage

Номер: GB0202012001D0

03-06-2020 дата публикации

Strategic treatment of pressure ulcer using sub-epidermal moisture values

Номер: GB0002575186B
Автор: MARTIN BURNS, Martin Burns
Принадлежит: BRUIN BIOMETRICS LLC, Bruin Biometrics, LLC

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000538718T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000556650T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000554702T

15-09-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Überwachung der Wundheilung

Номер: AT0000513325B1

The invention relates to a method and a device for monitoring wound healing by means of at least one sensor which is arranged on or in a wound dressing material (12), wherein the light absorption of the wound (11) is measured at at least two different wound depths.

15-03-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erfassung, Vermessung und Dokumentation von Wunden sowie Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens

Номер: AT0000511933A2

Verfahren zur Erfassung, Vermessung und Dokumentation von Wunden (2) vorzugweise am menschlichen Körper, insbesondere an der Körperoberfläche sowie im oberflächennahen Bereich, bei welchem mittels eines mobilen Aufnahmegerätes (1) eine bildhafte Aufzeichnung der Wunde (2) und zu deren Skalierung im wesentlichen zeitgleich eine Abstandsmessung des Aufnahmegeräts (1) zur Wunde (2) erfolgt, und dass anschließend eine Speicherung der erfassten Daten zur Sicherung und weiteren Bearbeitung im Aufzeichnungsgerät und/oder eine Übertragung auf ein zentrales Speichersystem erfolgt.

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erfassung, Vermessung und Dokumentation von Wunden sowie Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens

Номер: AT511933A3

Verfahren zur Erfassung, Vermessung und Dokumentation von Wunden (2) vorzugweise am menschlichen Körper, insbesondere an der Körperoberfläche sowie im oberflächennahen Bereich, bei welchem mittels eines mobilen Aufnahmegerätes (1) eine bildhafte Aufzeichnung der Wunde (2) und zu deren Skalierung im wesentlichen zeitgleich eine Abstandsmessung des Aufnahmegeräts (1) zur Wunde (2) erfolgt, und daß anschließend eine Speicherung der erfassten Daten zur Sicherung und weiteren Bearbeitung im Aufzeichnungsgerät und/oder eine Übertragung auf ein zentrales Speichersystem erfolgt.

15-01-2016 дата публикации

Vorrichtung für die Ermittlung des Zustandes der Haut einer Person

Номер: AT515656B1

The invention relates to a device for determining the state of a persons' skin and is characterized in that, as a flat sheet that can be applied to the skin (9) and can be secured flat thereon, it has a self-adhesive film, in particular skin plaster flat sheet (1) made of a non-conductive film adapting the skin topography, which film has a window-like recess (2) passing transversely through it, in particular for direct application of a cosmetic or medical formulation (91) from outside (as) onto the skin (9), wherein at least two contact electrodes (3; 3') are arranged as sensors on the skin side (hs) of the film, in particular of the skin plaster flat sheet, and can be applied to the skin, in that the electrodes are further connected to an impedance and resistance and/or capacitance measurement unit (5) via a voltage supply unit (4) that can be supplied with current by means of NFC technology, from which a preferably passive communications unit (6) with an antenna loop (7) issuing from ...

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000215690T

31-07-1998 дата публикации

Optical array converting uv

Номер: AU0005419698A

23-04-2020 дата публикации

System and method for facilitating analysis of a wound in a target subject

Номер: AU2017415626A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A system and method for facilitating analysis of a wound in a target subject is provided. The method comprises obtaining one or more digital images of at least a portion of the wound; extracting a plurality of feature vectors from the one or more digital images; and identifying, using a first trained deep neural network, a type of wound tissue based on the plurality of extracted feature vectors. The method may further comprise constructing a three-dimensional model of the wound, processing the three-dimensional model of the wound for segmentation of the wound from other surrounding tissue, and determining at least one critical dimension of the wound, using a second trained deep neural network.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Skin cleanser

Номер: AU2020227091A1
Автор: SEDIC FILIP, Sedic, Filip
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A skin cleanser includes a surface, such as a silicone surface, with at least one textured portion for transmitting vibrational tapping to the skin. The skin cleanser includes at least one oscillating motor for generating the tapping motion to the skin. The textured portion includes touch-points or a wave that transmit the tapping motion to skin in contact with the textured portions. The touch-points may include thicker and thinner formations of the touch-points to provide firmer or softer vibrations to the skin. The touch-points are within about 0.5 to 2.5 mm in diameter. One configuration includes multiple oscillating motors configured to provide different vibration frequencies at around 50-300 Hertz and operable simultaneously. -14- ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации

Detection of tissue damage

Номер: AU2019217995A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Methods and apparatus for detection of tissue damage in patients using a medical device for an extended period of time are disclosed.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Wireless pressure ulcer alert dressing system

Номер: AU2019283875B2

A wireless pressure ulcer alert dressing system for warning a patient or caregiver that soft tis-sue pressure or health condition has exceeded some predetermined level that over time would necessitate moving the patient to prevent or at least reduce a risk of soft tissue damage. The dressing assembly is adapted to be applied to or near a surface of the patient's body and generate electrical outputs corresponding to soft tissue pressure and other health characteristics sensed at the surface. The dressing assembly generates output signals based on the electrical outputs and correspond-ing to whether or not the soft tissue pressure has ex-ceeded a predetermined pressure level during the preselected time period. The dressing assembly in-cludes a pocket formed therein for removable, secured and protected insertion of a variety of different sensors such as multiple pressure sensors.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

A method and system for cosmetic recommendations

Номер: AU2019307872A1

There is provided a cosmetic method for scoring and assigning codes for a person's skin. The cosmetic method involves dividing a person's skin into a plurality of zones; evaluating zones predetermined skin characteristics in each zone; scoring the zones on a predetermined scale of scores for each predetermined skin characteristic based on the evaluation; determining a collective score wherein the scores for each zone for the predetermined skin characteristic is combined; and assigning a skin status quo code by utilising the collective score for each predetermined skin characteristic.

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Negative pressure wound therapy system using eulerian video magnification

Номер: AU2018269113A1
Принадлежит: Patent Attorney Services

Embodiments of tissue monitoring in combination with negative pressure wound therapy systems and methods are disclosed. In some embodiments, a monitoring and therapy system comprises collecting video images of a tissue site and amplifying said video images via Eulerian Video Magnification. Depending upon the changes detected via Eulerian Video magnification, negative pressure wound therapy may be delivered to the tissue site, stopped, or altered in some manner.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Positioning of sensors for sensor enabled wound monitoring or therapy

Номер: AU2018312883A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

Embodiments of apparatuses and methods for determining a positioning of sensors in a wound dressing are disclosed. In some embodiments, a wound monitoring and/or therapy system can include a wound dressing and a plurality of sensors configured to measure one or more wound characteristics. The wound monitor system can also include at least one positioning device configured to indicate position and/or orientation in the wound of a sensor of the plurality of sensors. In some embodiments, a detector can be configured to determine, based on the positioning data, the position and/or orientation in the wound of the sensor of the plurality of sensors. In some embodiments, the plurality of sensors can be positioned on a strip or string of material in communication with the positioning device.

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Measurement of tissue viability

Номер: AU2018217185A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The present disclosure provides apparatuses and methods for measuring sub-epidermal moisture as an indication of tissue viability and providing information regarding the location of a boundary of non-viable tissue.

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Bisymmetric comparison of sub-epidermal moisture values

Номер: AU2018217182B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The present disclosure provides apparatuses and methods for measuring sub-epidermal moisture at bisymmetric locations on patients to identify damaged tissue for clinical intervention.

23-11-2006 дата публикации

A device for recording and transferring a contour

Номер: AU2006246840A1

10-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007468391A

09-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003248961A1

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Methods for assessing erythema

Номер: AU2014234334A1

The present invention relates to methods for an objective and quantitative erythema documentation and analysis. In particular, the invention relates to a method for assessing erythema of a subject comprising the steps of measuring the light reflectance of a skin or mucosal area of the subject, obtaining the L* value and the a* value of said measurement according to the L*a*b* color space, and calculating the erythema value according to the formula (L* ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

A method and apparatus for testing chronic and acute skin inflammation treatments

Номер: AU2013239470A1

The present invention is directed to a load application mechanism for use in a method for testing the efficacy of a preparation or dressing or other suitable product for the prevention of skin inflammation wherein the mechanism is used to generate a force or pressure, in combination with friction and shear, which leads to skin inflammation and comprises a contact means for rubbing against the skin of a participant and a means for controlling the rate at which the contact means contact a participant's skin.

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Skin cleanser

Номер: AU2014204242B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice

A skin cleanser includes a surface, such as a silicone surface, with at least one textured portion for transmitting vibrational tapping to the skin. The skin cleanser includes at least one oscillating motor for generating the tapping motion to the skin. The textured portion includes touch-points or a wave that transmit the tapping motion to skin in contact with the textured portions. The touch-points may include thicker and thinner formations of the touch-points to provide firmer or softer vibrations to the skin. The touch-points are within about 0.5 to 2.5 mm in diameter. One configuration includes multiple oscillating motors configured to provide different vibration frequencies at around 50-300 Hertz and operable simultaneously.

16-12-2004 дата публикации

Method for determining care and prevention pathways for clinical management of wounds

Номер: AU0000778729B2

12-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001038272A1

17-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002674854A1

In embodiments of the present invention, systems and methods of a non-inv asive imaging device may comprise an illumination source comprising an incid ent light source to direct light upon skin, and a detector for detecting the degree of polarization of light reflected from the skin. A system and metho d of determining a skin state may be based on an aspect of the polarization of the reflected light.

17-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002692119A1

24-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002770325A1

Systems and methods are disclosed that use wireless coupling of energy for operation of both external and internal devices, including external sensor arrays and implantable devices. The signals conveyed may be electronic, optical, acoustic, biomechanical, and others to provide in situ sensing and monitoring of internal anatomies and implants using a wireless, biocompatible electromagnetic powered sensor systems.

22-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002777481A1

The present invention are devices and the methods used by these devices that enable the determination of the physiological status of one or more body regions within a larger body zone, and the application of a therapy, preferably photonic therapy, based upon one or more sensor measurements, preferably photonic, used to determine the physiological status. Such applied photonic therapies may be accomplished in an effectively simultaneous fashion while being adjusted independently to each body region.

12-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002511786A1

The invention relates to an acne profile of an individual comprising an acne quality of life score which is determined by obtaining and analyzing acne quality of life information. The profile may also optionally contain an acne severity score which is determined by obtaining and analyzing acne severity information and/or a stress score which is determined by obtaining and analyzing stress information from the individual.

22-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002618692A1

A device and method to non-invasively identify pathological skin lesions. The method and device detect and identify of different kinds of skin nevi, tumors, lesions and cancers (namely, melanoma) by combined analyses of visible and infra-red optical signals based on integral and spectral regimes for detection and imaging leading earlier warning and treatment of potentially dangerous conditions.

12-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002396883A1

Published without an Abstract ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003083644A1

The present disclosure provides for, and includes, a method of detecting tissue damage before it is visible on a patient's skin, comprising: measuring a plurality of sub-epidermal moisture (SEM) values at a single location at incremental times, calculating a slope between the latest SEM value and the immediately prior SEM value, comparing this slope to a threshold value, and determining that there is tissue damage if the slope exceeds the threshold value.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003082015A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

A biosensor for detecting a biomarker in a bodily fluid, secretion or exudation is disclosed. The biosensor essentially comprising a first electrode (100a), a second electrode (100b), an electrode coating (200) and a mechanical electrode stabilizer (300). The biomarker is an enzyme catalyzing a chemical reaction in which a singularity or plurality of constituents of the electrode coating (200) are chemically altered by the breaking of covalent chemical bonds when being in contact with the same. The electrode coating comprises a natural or synthetic substrate of the biomarker. The first electrode and the second electrode are electrically conductive and are kept in a substantially constant and uniform distance from each other by means of the mechanical electrode stabilizer (300). The exposed electrically conductive surface of at least one of the first electrode and the second electrode are substantially fully covered by the electrode coating (200). The biosensor exists in at least one state ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3130066A1

Disclosed herein are computer-implemented real-time systems and methods for determining success of a revascularization procedure and/or wound healing of a patient, that can involve measuring blood perfusion characteristics utilizing diffuse speckle contrast analysis (DSCA), and determining blood perfusion and vascular health indices predictive of a likely positive or negative patient outcome, and communicating that outcome to an operator utilizing a display, etc.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003018592A1

A wireless pressure ulcer alert dressing system for warning a patient or caregiver that soft tissue pressure or health condition has exceeded some predetermined level that over time would necessitate moving the patient to prevent or at least reduce a risk of soft tissue damage. The dressing assembly is adapted to be applied to or near a surface of the patient's body and generate electrical outputs corresponding to soft tissue pressure and other health characteristics sensed at the surface. The dressing assembly generates output signals based on the electrical outputs and corresponding to whether or not the soft tissue pressure has exceeded a predetermined pressure level during the preselected time period. The dressing assembly includes a pocket formed therein for removable, secured and protected insertion of a variety of different sensors such as multiple pressure sensors.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003042250A1

A method determines the emergence of an ulcer or a pre-ulcer on at least one foot of a patient provides one or more processors and a modality for receiving at least one foot. The method generates, using a plurality of temperature sensors, discrete temperature data values after receipt of the at last one foot. The plurality of discrete temperature data values represents temperatures at different locations of the at least one foot. Next, the method compares, using a prescribed function, each of the discrete temperature data values to one of a plurality of different predetermined values. The predetermined values are different for at least two different locations of the at least one foot. The method then produces output information indicating an emergence of an ulcer or a pre-ulcer on the at least one foot as a result of comparing.

05-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002669039A1

The invention relates to a device for treating wounds of a patient by mea ns of low pressure. Said device comprises a covering for forming a low press ure chamber over the wound. Said covering is secured to the skin surrounding the wound. The shape of the covering can be modified from a base shape into a predefined shape for use after applying to the wound and securing to the skin. Preferably, the covering comprises a shape-memory.

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002937579A1

Systems, devices, and methods are provided for monitoring wound status and progression by measuring pH levels indicated by pH-sensitive wound dressings. In some implementations, a wound is monitored by capturing an image of the pH-sensitive wound dressing and processing the captured image to determine the color of a pH indicator included on the wound dressing. The color of the indicator is determined in terms of RGB values from the image, and a pH value for the wound dressing is calculated from the dressing RGB values. The calculated pH value is then relayed to a user to be used as an indicator of wound status or health.

09-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002912586C

A method and assembly for acquiring pressure data. A pressure sensor is applied to a target surface on an individual. A calibrator and a processing element are in communication with the pressure sensor. Processing element receives pressure data and provides an integrated pressure value over a measurement time period. The integrated pressure value is compared to an alert value and to a change condition value. Where an alert value is exceeded, an alert is transmitted to an output device for display. Where a change condition value is exceeded, a measurement parameter of the pressure sensor is changed, or the calibrator is applied to the pressure sensor to recalibrate the pressure sensor to a recalibrated pressure range.

17-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002811609A1

A handheld, conforming capacitive sensing apparatus configured to measure Sub-Epidermal Moisture (SEM) as a mean to detect and monitor the formation of pressure ulcers. The device incorporates an array of electrodes which are excited to measure and scan SEM in a programmable and multiplexed manner by a battery-less RF-powered chip. The scanning operation is initiated by an interrogator which excites a coil embedded in the apparatus and provides the needed energy burst to support the scanning/reading operation. Each electrode measures the equivalent sub-epidermal capacitance corresponding and representing the moisture content.

10-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002819549C

A stand-alone system for assessing wound exudates from the wound of a patient is described. The system contains functionality to detect, process and report various wound parameters. The system also may make treatment determinations based on these findings. The system may detect one or more physiological values of the wound exudates from the wound of the patient. The system may also compare detected physiological values to predetermined physiological values, in order to obtain a comparison result in real time. The system may include a processor (15) which provides an electronic signal based on the comparison result in which the electronic signal may corresponds to guidelines for treating the wound (3). The system described may be an accessory, which may be used on its own, or in conjunction with other wound treatment devices (9).

14-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002819549A1

A stand-alone system for assessing wound exudates from the wound of a patient is described. The system contains functionality to detect, process and report various wound parameters. The system also may make treatment determinations based on these findings. The system may detect one or more physiological values of the wound exudates from the wound of the patient. The system may also compare detected physiological values to predetermined physiological values, in order to obtain a comparison result in real time. The system may include a processor (15) which provides an electronic signal based on the comparison result in which the electronic signal may corresponds to guidelines for treating the wound (3). The system described may be an accessory, which may be used on its own, or in conjunction with other wound treatment devices (9).

27-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002856932A1

A method of comparing at least two images, each image capturing a suspect area, the method comprising: identifying a reference item in the at least two images; measuring an attribute of the reference item in a first image; transforming a second image based on the measured attribute of the reference item in the first image using a transformation algorithm performed by a computing system, wherein a reference item in the second image is transformed to correspond with an orientation and size of the reference item in the first image; measuring an attribute of the suspect areas in both images; and comparing the respective measured attributes of the respective suspect areas.

31-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002149600C
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

L'invention concerne un procédé et un appareil pour la détermination de grandeurs caractéristiques du comportement d'une surface, notamment de la peau humaine, soumise à un rayonnement lumineux. A l'aide de moyens d'éclairage (15,6), de moyens de détection de mesures (7,16) et de moyens de calcul (17), on détermine un spectre de diffusion et l'on calcule une ou plusieurs grandeurs caractéristiques du comportement de la surface eclairée dans une gamme de longueurs d'ondes prédéterminée.

02-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002168558A1

A method and apparatus is provided for customising a facial foundation product at point of sale to a customer. Three essential elements are that of a skin analyzer for reading skin properties, a programmable device receiving the reading and correlating same with an optimal formula from a preprogrammed set of formulas, and a formulation machine for preparing the facial foundation product from various cosmetic chemical compositions. The formulation machine receives instructions from the programmable device on the optimal formula. This formula is then dosed and blended from a series of dispensers containing separate cosmetic chemical compositions into a receiving bottle. The optimal formula may be altered through customer preferences by manual alteration of the selected optimal formula.

19-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002231125A1

A method is provided for obtaining a customized skin foundation product to cover human skin imperfections. The steps include spectrophometrically measuring a customer's normal skin to obtain normal skin coloration values of lightness, redness and yellowness respectively denoted as L, a and b units. Thereafter the normal skin coloration values are converted through calculation to a modified value determined by a set program correcting L, a and b values. Based on the modified value the next step is formulating a facial foundation having color pursuant to the modified value. Adjustments are provided for redness and yellowness according to a set of schedules determined by the b/a ratio. Normally the measurement and skin imperfection determination are performed by a licensed dermatologist. Formulation and adjustment is conducted at a site remote from the dermatologist office or place where the customer is measured and evaluated. Most preferred is the use of a formulation machine at the remote ...

25-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002264193C

A tonometer system for measuring intraocular pressure by accurately providing a predetermined amount of applanation of the cornea, and detecting the amount of force required to achieve the predetermined amount of applanation. The system is also capable of measuring intraocular pressure by identing the cornea using a predetermined force applied using an indenting element, and detecting the distance the indenting element (16) moves into the cornea when the predetermined force is applied, the distance being inversely proportional to intraocular pressure. Also provided is a method of using a tonometer system to measure hydrodynamic characteristics of the eye, especially outflow facility. The tonometer system includes a contact device for placement in contact with the cornea and an actuation apparatus (6) for actuating the contact device so that a portion thereof projects inwardly against the cornea to provide a predetermined amount of applanation. The system further includes a detecting arrangement ...

09-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002316233A1

An optical array containing a system of absorptive filters and a system of interference filters. For the sun light the spectral characteristics of transmission of the optical array is close to the world-wide accepted Diffey Standard. That standard models human skin sensitivity to UV burning. The invention allows making inexpensive, miniature UV sensors that can be applied in miniature devices measuring burning power of UV contained in the sun light.

29-06-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000612006A5

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the measurement of surfaces

Номер: US20120035469A1

A portable, hand-held, non-contact surface measuring system comprises an image capturing element, at least four projectable reference elements positioned parallel to one another at known locations around the image capturing element, a processing unit, and a user interface. The invention further discloses a method for the noncontact surface measurement comprising projecting at least four references onto a target surface, capturing an image of the targeted surface and the projected references with the image transferring device, transferring the image to a processing unit, processing the image using triangulation-based computer vision techniques to correct for skew and to obtain surface measurement data, transferring the data to the user interface, modifying the data with the user interface. The systems and methods for the measurement of surfaces can be applied to the measurement of biological surfaces, such as skin, wounds, lesions, and ulcers.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Calibration and measurement system

Номер: US20120157883A1
Автор: Thomas J. Richards
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments of the present invention include a calibration and measurement system designed primarily for use in the rapid evaluation and characterization of open or visible wounds in patients. The invention in a preferred embodiment comprises a set of colored concentric rings, typically constructed of paper or synthetic paper. The practitioner removes only as many rings, from the center outward, until the entire wound is visible within the open aperture at the center of the remaining rings. The area dimensions of the wound are then read out from the size of the inner remaining ring. Photography optionally records the wound appearance and size. A related system is developed for linear dimensioning of wounds. This embodiment is also designed to standardize the color scheme for accurate photography wound description. The color scheme is also applicable to a linear device to accurately describe wound size. Embodiments of the invention are also useful in forensic and accident investigations.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Tool for recording patient wound history

Номер: US20120259230A1
Автор: Elven Riley
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for reliably recording, and reproducing, a history of a patient's wound using the cameras readily available on smart phone or blackberries by taking a digital record image of the wound along with a fiducial marker that has both shape and color fiducial elements. The image then contains sufficient information so that any display may be adjusted to accurately display the original color, and to accurately deduce the original size and shape of the wound. By transmitting the recorded images to a central database having image analysis capability, real time information may be made available indicating any significant changes that have occurred since the last recording of the same wound, providing an opportunity for the attending physician to give further attention to the patient without a time consuming second visit.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Medical Device for Diagnosis Pressure Ulcers

Номер: US20130030308A1
Автор: Mark B. Friedman
Принадлежит: AugmenTech Inc

Medical device or instrument for diagnosing pressure ulcers using optical reflectance spectroscopy. The device may comprise a tip and a controller. The tip is pressed against the skin of the patient and collects the optical reflectance data. The controller processes the data to determine whether there exists a pressure ulcer and, if there is one, its depth. The tip may also include a pressure sensor for sensing the pressure at which the tip is applied to the patient's skin.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

System and method for wound care management based on a three dimensional image of a foot

Номер: US20130053677A1
Автор: Jeffrey E. Schoenfeld
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a system for wound care management of the diabetic foot. In an embodiment, the system uses a scanner configured to obtain a two-dimensional image of the plantar surface of the foot. This system also includes a wound measurement tool to measure the diameter and volume of the diabetic ulcer. Additionally, this system includes an image processor that converts a two-dimensional image of the diabetic ulcer into a three-dimensional map. The system also includes a measurement calculator, using the three-dimensional map, that accurately measures the diameter and volume of each ulcer on the plantar of the foot. All scans are stored indefinitely and can be compared in a side-by-side setting, at the same time analyzing and comparing progress of the ulcer treatment in a wireframe mode. Other embodiments are also disclosed.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Colometric scale

Номер: US20130058546A1
Принадлежит: Universita Degli Studi

A device for use when taking photographs used in the clinical and/or medico-legal and forensic sector, to establish the age of traumatic cutaneous lesions in the form of bruising.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Sem scanner sensing apparatus, system and methodology for early detection of ulcers

Номер: US20130123587A1

A handheld, conforming capacitive sensing apparatus configured to measure Sub-Epidermal Moisture (SEM) as a mean to detect and monitor the formation of pressure ulcers. The device incorporates an array of electrodes which are excited to measure and scan SEM in a programmable and multiplexed manner by a battery-less RF-powered chip. The scanning operation is initiated by an interrogator which excites a coil embedded in the apparatus and provides the needed energy burst to support the scanning/reading operation. Each electrode measures the equivalent sub-epidermal capacitance corresponding and representing the moisture content.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Compositions for Injection Delivery

Номер: US20130231583A1
Автор: Rekkerth Donna

The present invention discloses methods, devices and systems for intradermal delivery comprising injection delivery guide devices as described herein. An injection delivery guide device may comprise a carrier member and at least one indentation applicator. Such methods, devices and systems are useful in intradermal administration of solutions comprising active agents. 1. An injection delivery guide , comprising a carrier having affixed at least one indentation applicator having a first end for contacting skin , wherein the first end is blunt and does not puncture or cut skin.2. The guide of claim 1 , wherein an indentation applicator is affixed to the carrier by a connecting element located between a second end of the indentation applicator and the carrier.3. The guide of claim 1 , wherein the first end has a diameter of from about 1 mm to about 8 mm.4. The guide of claim 1 , wherein there are from 2 to 30 indention applicators.5. The guide of claim 1 , wherein the indention applicators are affixed in a straight line along a longitudinal axis of the carrier.6. The guide of claim 1 , wherein the indention applicators are affixed in two or more straight lines parallel to a longitudinal axis of the carrier.7. The guide of claim 1 , wherein one or more indentation applicators are affixed to a wheel carrier.8. The guide of claim 1 , wherein one or more indentation applicators are affixed to a curved carrier.9. The guide claim 6 , wherein the curved carrier has a convex shape.10. The guide of claim 6 , wherein the curved carrier has a concave shape.11. The guide of claim 1 , wherein the indention applicators are spaced apart from each other approximately between 0.2 cm to 5 cm.12. The guide of claim 1 , further comprising a handle attached to the carrier.13. The guide of claim 1 , wherein at least one indentation applicator is optionally removable from the carrier.14. The guide of claim 1 , further comprising at least one indication applicator.15. A kit claim 1 , ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Sensing Patch Applications

Номер: US20130261409A1

Various methods, devices and systems for patch based physical, physiological, chemical, and biochemical sensors that diagnose and monitor disease states are described. The patch based sensors provide a panel of specific analyte parameters that determine one or more physiological conditions and/or the level of healing progression of a wound. The use of such analyte panels in local or remote monitoring of parameters related to various disease states is also described. 1. A wound healing indicator device comprising:a functional layer, wherein the functional layer determines the level of at least one specific parameter from wound exudates and provides an indication as to the status of a wound healing process.2. The wound healing indicator device of claim 1 , further comprising a carrier layer.3. The wound healing indicator device of claim 1 , further comprising a sampling layer.4. The wound healing indicator device of claim 3 , wherein the sampling layer operates through at least one of an electrophoretic mechanism claim 3 , an electrokinetic mechanism claim 3 , a capillary effect claim 3 , a pressure driven mechanism claim 3 , and combinations thereof.5. The wound healing indicator device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one specific parameter includes concentration of chemical or biochemical agents associated with at least one of bacteria claim 1 , inflammation cytokines claim 1 , proteases claim 1 , growth factors claim 1 , ECM receptors claim 1 , pH claim 1 , iconicity claim 1 , NO/O claim 1 , temperature claim 1 , integrins claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The wound healing indicator device of claim 1 , wherein the status of the wound healing process is indicated through at least one of a color change claim 1 , a digital display claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The wound healing indicator device of claim 6 , wherein the color change is provided by use of at least one of a coulometric assay claim 6 , a luminescence assay claim 6 , an electrochemical assay ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Indicating the Emergence of an Ulcer

Номер: US20130261495A1
Принадлежит: PODIMETRICS Inc

A method of monitoring a patient's foot forms a thermogram of the sole of at least one foot of the patient, and determines whether the thermogram presents at least one of a plurality of prescribed patterns. The method also compares the thermogram against a prior thermogram of the same foot, and produces output information indicating the emergence of an ulcer on a given portion on the at least one foot as a function of 1) whether the thermogram is determined to present the at least one pattern, and 2) the comparison with the prior thermogram, which shows non-ulcerated tissue at the given location.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317393A1

A pressure wound prevention system comprising at least one management device which comprises at least one user input apparatus, at least one output mechanism, at least one data input for connecting with a pressure sensor assembly and a processor configured to measure elapsed time, to receive pressure data from the data input and to present an output via the output mechanism. The system may be modular. A method for preventing the development of pressure wounds of a subject is also presented. 160-. (canceled)61. A pressure wound prevention system comprising:at least one sensor module comprising a plurality of pressure sensor elements; and at least one user input apparatus;', 'at least one output mechanism;', 'at least one data input connectable with the at least one sensor module; and', 'a processor configured to measure elapsed time, to receive pressure data from the data input, use the pressure data to calculate at least one risk index, compare the calculated risk index with at least one threshold value and to present an output via the output mechanism when the calculated risk index is greater than the at least one threshold value., 'at least one management module connectable with the sensor module, the at least one management module including62. The pressure wound prevention system of wherein the at least one sensor module comprises a docking station configured to connect to the at least one management module.63. The pressure wound prevention system of wherein the docking station includes a wireless communicator configured to communicate pressure data to the at least one management module.64. The pressure wound prevention system of wherein the at least one sensor module and the at least one management module each include at least one set of electrical contacts configured to connect with a corresponding set of electrical contacts on the other of the at least one sensor module and the at least one management module.65. The pressure wound prevention system of wherein ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

System for integrated wound analysis

Номер: US20130335545A1
Автор: Matthew Ross DARLING
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for integrated wound analysis; said system including sensing and image recording elements; sensed data and images of at least a first recording session stored for analysis; said system including a reference system whereby sensing and image recording of any subsequent said recording session substantially repeats sensing and recording of parameters of said first recording session.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

System for Measuring Skin Hydration

Номер: US20140066728A1
Принадлежит: Nova Technology Corp

A system for measuring skin hydration at a measurement site with a independent measurement probe and a portable data processing system. Wireless communications enable the transfer of commands and data between the probe and portable data processing system. The portable data processing system can comprise a wireless tablet or smartphone. The portable data processing system provides input functions and output functions on its display and includes a camera for imaging the measurement site.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Multi-component method for regenerative repair of wounds implementing photonic wound debridement and stem cell deposition

Номер: US20140074068A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A new and useful method for regenerative repair of wounds implementing photonic wound debridement and stem cell deposition is presented which consists of a Wound Assessment and Debridement, Wound Infrastructure Building, and Cell Deposition phases. The present invention allows structured regenerative repair of the wound, utilizes robotic systems to inspect, define and debride the wound, and prints an extracellular matrix on the prepared wound site which speeds healing using developing stem cell technologies. This device is believed to be useful in hospitals and clinics, wherein patients with wounds related to skin trauma such as burns, infection, or melanoma are present. An example of a theatre of use is a children's burn ward. This device is also believed to be useful in military hospitals which receive soldiers injured in combat.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Real Time Multispectral Imaging

Номер: US20140088380A1

Multispectral filter arrays and methods of making and using the arrays are described herein. Multispectral imaging systems and methods of making and using the systems are also described. A multispectral filter array includes a mosaic of light sensitive elements that includes a first element sensitive to a first narrow spectral region, a second element sensitive to a second narrow spectral region, and a third element sensitive to a third narrow spectral region. A multispectral imaging system includes an illumination system having at least three lighting elements, each of which are configured to transmit light at a different wavelength, and the multispectral filter array. 1transmitting light at a different wavelengths within a plurality of narrow spectral regions to the skin to illuminate the skin;capturing a plurality of separate spectral images of the skin using a multi-spectral filter array directly mounted to a single sensor; andprocessing the images to form a real time composite image of the skin to detect, identify or characterize erythema or bruising of skin.. A method for non-invasive detection, identification or characterization of erythema or bruising of skin beyond visual inspection with the unaided eye, the method comprising the steps of: This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/518,824, filed on Feb. 5, 2010, which published as U.S. Patent Publication No. 2010/0140461, on Jun. 10, 2010, and which is the National Phase of International Application No. PCT/US07/87479, filed on Dec. 13, 2007, which published in English as WO 2008/074019, on Jun. 19, 2008, and which claims benefit to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/869,822 filed on Dec. 13, 2006. The disclosures of these documents are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety as if fully set forth below.This invention was made with U.S. Government support under Grant No. 1 RO1 EB002224-01 awarded by the National Institutes of Health. The U.S. Government has certain ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000397A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

In various exemplary embodiments, a method for determining a degree of colonization of skin with acne bacteria is provided. The method may comprise: for at least one region of a user's skin, recording an image of the region of skin by a camera during illumination of the region of skin with ultraviolet and/or blue light, wherein the camera is configured to at least capture light in a fluorescence wavelength range of a fluorescent agent produced by the acne bacteria, by the image, determining a captured quantity of light which is emitted from the fluorescent agent as fluorescence as a consequence of the illumination, and allocating a degree of colonization of the skin to the determined captured quantity of light, wherein the allocation of the degree of colonization of the skin to the determined captured quantity of light is carried out by a database stored in cloud computing architecture. 1. A method for determining a degree of colonization of skin with acne bacteria , comprising the steps of:for at least one region of a user's skin, during illumination of the at least one region of skin with ultraviolet and/or blue light, recording an image of the at least one region of skin using a camera, wherein the camera is configured to at least capture light in a fluorescence wavelength range of a fluorescent agent produced by the acne bacteria;in the image, determining a captured quantity of light emitted from the fluorescent agent as fluorescence as a consequence of the illumination; andallocating a degree of colonization of the skin to the determined captured quantity of light;wherein the allocation of the degree of colonization of the skin to the determined captured quantity of light is carried out by a database stored in a cloud computing architecture.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the step of:updating the database based on new allocations of the degree of colonization of the skin to the determined captured quantity of light from a plurality of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000398A1
Автор: Curtin Candice Ganey

Systems and methods for accurately and efficiently diagnosing, assessing, staging/grading/categorizing, and treating pressure ulcers, as well as preventing reverse staging of pressure ulcers, are disclosed. The system, in one embodiment, ensures that the rationale for the stage assigned to the patient will be in the patients' medical record. The system, in various embodiments, further suggests the pressure ulcer classification and allows the user to choose which classification terms should be used. In various embodiments, the system also allows for the different classification/staging system guidelines to be used, including the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) guidelines, the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Guidelines (EPUAP), the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance, CMS, WHO, and the MDS Guidelines. 1. A method of classifying decubitus ulcers , comprising the steps of:determining whether one or more criteria of a first stage/grade/category decubitus ulcer are presented by a particular wound;if the one or more criteria of the first stage/grade/category decubitus ulcer are presented, classifying the particular wound as the first stage/grade/category decubitus ulcer and generating a recommended treatment corresponding to the first stage/grade/category for the particular wound;if the one or more criteria of a first stage/grade/category decubitus ulcer are not presented, determining whether one or more criteria of a second stage/grade/category decubitus ulcer are presented by the particular wound;if the one or more criteria of the second stage/grade/category decubitus ulcer are presented, classifying the particular wound as the second stage/grade/category decubitus ulcer and generating a recommended treatment corresponding to the second stage/grade/category for the particular wound; andif the one or more criteria of the second stage/grade/category decubitus ulcer are not presented, taking a predetermined action with respect to the particular wound. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Biological information detection device using second light from target onto which dots formed by first light are projected

Номер: US20180000359A1
Автор: Hisashi Watanabe

A biological information detection device includes a light source, an image capturing device, and one or more arithmetic circuits. The light source projects dots formed by light onto a target including a living body. The image capturing device includes photodetector cells and generates an image signal representing an image of the target onto which the dots are projected. The one or more arithmetic circuits detect a portion corresponding to at least a part of the living body in the image by using the image signal and calculate biological information of the living body by using image signal of the portion.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000351A1

A handheld skin monitoring or measuring device includes a camera having a camera optical axis; and a structured light arrangement configured to project three or more laser fan beams such that the laser an beams cross at a crossing point in front of the camera. 1. A handheld skin monitoring or measuring device , including:a camera having a camera optical axis; anda structured light arrangement configured to project three or more laser fan beams such that the laser fan beams cross at a crossing point in front of the camera.2. A handheld skin monitoring or measuring device as claimed in wherein the structured light arrangement is configured to project the laser fan-beams such that a pattern formed by the laser fan-beams on a skin surface varies with a distance between the device and the skin surface claim 1 , and wherein the pattern is a predetermined pattern when the device is at a distance from the skin surface within an optimum range claim 1 , such that a user is enabled to position the handheld skin monitoring or measuring device at a distance from the skin surface within the optimum range by adjusting the distance such that the predetermined laser pattern is formed on the surface.3. A handheld skin monitoring or measuring device as claimed in wherein the predetermined pattern includes the laser fan-beams crossing at the crossing point claim 2 , and a user is enabled to position the handheld skin monitoring or measuring device at a distance from a skin surface within an optimum range by aligning the crossing point with the skin surface.4. A handheld skin monitoring or measuring device as claimed in wherein the camera has a camera field of view and the three or more laser fan beams subtend fan beam angles corresponding to the camera field of view claim 1 , such that the ends of the laser beams projected onto a skin surface define a region that substantially corresponds to an image frame of the camera.5. A handheld skin monitoring or measuring device as claimed in ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000409A1
Принадлежит: BIOMERIEUX

A biosensor intended to be integrated in the actual structure of a dressing, a compress or any other similar absorbent article. This biosensor makes it possible to monitor the onset of a microbiological infection of a wound and/or of a skin lesion. The biosensor includes a piece of absorbent hydrophilic material on which, on the surface and/or within the thickness thereof, a composition of agglomerated powders is immobilized, the composition including ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) particles having a surface partially coated at least with a salt of orthophosphoric acid and a visual indicator of microbiological growth. 1. A biosensor comprising a piece of absorbent hydrophilic material on which , on the surface and/or within the thickness thereof , a composition of agglomerated powders is immobilized , said composition comprising ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) particles having a surface partially coated at least with a salt of orthophosphoric acid and a visual indicator of microbiological growth.2. The biosensor as claimed in claim 1 , in which the salt of orthophosphoric acid is selected from potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KHPO) and sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaHPO).3. The biosensor as claimed in claim 1 , in which EVA and KHPOare present in a KHPO/EVA weight ratio between 1:25 and 1:8.4. The biosensor as claimed in claim 1 , in which EVA and NaHPOare present in an NaHPO/EVA weight ratio between 1:15 and 1:3.5. The biosensor as claimed in claim 1 , in which the EVA has a vinyl acetate content by weight from 10 to 40%.6. The biosensor as claimed in claim 1 , in which the surface of the EVA particles is also coated with a gelling agent.7. The biosensor as claimed in claim 6 , in which the gelling agent is selected from agar claim 6 , agarose claim 6 , guar gum and xanthan gum.8. The biosensor as claimed in claim 1 , in which the surface of the EVA particles is also coated with MnCl.9. The biosensor as claimed in claim 1 , in which the surface of the EVA particles is ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Methods for Assessing Erythema

Номер: US20170000406A1

The present invention relates to methods for an objective and quantitative erythema documentation and analysis. In particular, the invention relates to a method for assessing erythema of a subject comprising the steps of measuring the light reflectance of a skin or mucosal area of the subject, obtaining the L* value and the a* value of said measurement according to the L*a*b* color space, and calculating the erythema value according to the formula (L*−L*)×a*. 1. A computer-based method for assessing erythema of a subject comprising the steps ofmeasuring the light reflectance of a skin or mucosal or conjunctive area of the subject; andobtaining the L* value and the a* value of said measurement according to the L*a*b* color space; and {'br': None, 'sub': 'max', '(L*−L*)×a*.'}, 'calculating the erythema value according to the formula'}2. The method of for assessing the risk of a subject to develop erythema caused by irradiation comprising the steps ofmeasuring the light reflectance of a skin or mucosal area of the subject prior to irradiation,obtaining the L* value and the a* value of said measurement according to the L*a*b* color space, {'br': None, 'sub': 'max', '(L*−L*)×a*, and'}, 'calculating the baseline erythema value according to the formula'}correlating the baseline erythema value to the risk of the subject to develop erythema caused by irradiation.3. The method of for predicting the intensity of erythema that a subject develops due to irradiation comprising the steps ofmeasuring the light reflectance of a skin or mucosal area of the subject prior to irradiation,obtaining the L* value and the a* value of said measurement according to the L*a*b* color space, and {'br': None, 'sub': 'max', '(L*−L*)×a*, and'}, 'calculating the baseline erythema value according to the formula'}correlating the baseline erythema value to the intensity of erythema that the subject develops due to irradiation.4. The method of for predicting the time until a subject develops erythema ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000407A1

Systems, devices, and methods are provided for monitoring wound status and progression by measuring pH levels indicated by pH-sensitive wound dressings. In some implementations, a wound is monitored by capturing an image of the pH-sensitive wound dressing and processing the captured image to determine the color of a pH indicator included on the wound dressing. The color of the indicator is determined in terms of RGB values from the image, and a pH value for the wound dressing is calculated from the dressing RGB values. The calculated pH value is then relayed to a user to be used as an indicator of wound status or health. 1. A system for monitoring a wound , comprising:means for capturing an image of a wound dressing;means for determining the color of a pH indicator on the wound dressing, wherein the means for determining the color comprises means for extracting RGB values from the captured image;means for calculating a pH value for the wound dressing from the dressing RGB values; andmeans for displaying an indication of the calculated pi I value.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising means for displaying a guiding frame during image capture claim 1 , wherein the guiding frame provides an indication of proper wound dressing alignment to a user.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising means for detecting the alignment of the wound dressing relative to the displayed guide frame claim 2 , wherein the image is automatically captured by the means for capturing when the wound dressing is properly aligned with the guiding frame.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:means for rejecting an image having inadequate light or excessive shadow; andmeans for displaying a request to a user to capture a new image.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising means for displaying an option to accept or reject the calculated pH value when the calculated pi 1 value is displayed.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising means for storing the calculated pH value in ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008001A1

A system and method of generating an enhanced Lund and Browder chart and total body surface area burn score is described herein. In some embodiments, a plurality of images is obtained from of a patient using a camera system. The images may be taken by aligning the patient's body with pose templates presented on a display of the camera system. The non-skin portions of the images may be removed, and skin analysis performed on the skin portion to determine burn location, coverage, and depth. Further, landmarks may be detected in the images to morph and align the images with the pose templates to obtain standard poses. The plurality of images may be combined and presented in two-dimensional and three-dimensional models with labels and the total surface area burn score. 1. A method of creating an enhanced Lund and Browder chart and determining a total body surface area burn score for a patient with burns , the method comprising the steps of:obtaining, by at least one camera, a plurality of images of the patient with burns,wherein the patient is positioned based on at least one pose template presented to a user via a display associated with the at least one camera;recognizing patient body landmarks in the plurality of images;recognizing patient skin regions in the plurality of images;recognizing a background in the plurality of images;recognizing distractors in the plurality of images;recognizing burn locations on the patient in the plurality of images;combining the plurality of images to create the enhanced Lund and Browder chart; anddetermining the total body surface area burn score based at least in part on the enhanced Lund and Browder chart.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the enhanced Lund and Browder chart is a two-dimensional model of the patient including burns,wherein the enhanced Lund and Browder chart is two-dimensional and customized to a size and a shape of the patient,wherein the enhanced Lund and Browder chart is a combined image from the plurality of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Device and Method for Detecting and Monitoring Cutaneous Diseases

Номер: US20220008002A1
Автор: Farina Marco, Secco Jacopo

A device and a method are provided for detecting and monitoring cutaneous diseases, wherein the device includes an image acquisition component adapted to acquire medical images of at least one portion of skin affected by a cutaneous disease, sensors adapted to detect physical conditions of the portion of skin and/or environmental conditions around the portion of skin, and to generate pathology data representing the physical conditions and/or the environmental conditions, memory for storing data in digital form, and a processor configured for a) reading the pathology data detected by the sensors and the medical images acquired by the image acquisition component, and b) storing the pathology data and the medical images into the memory. 1. A device for monitoring cutaneous diseases , comprising:image acquisition means adapted to acquire medical images of at least one portion of skin affected by a cutaneous disease;sensor means adapted to detect physical conditions of said portion of skin and/or environmental conditions around said portion of skin, and to generate pathology data representing said physical conditions and/or said environmental conditions;memory means for storing data in digital form; and reading the pathology data detected by the sensor means and the medical images acquired by the image acquisition means, and', 'storing said pathology data and said medical images into said memory means., 'processing means in communication with the image acquisition means, the sensor means and the memory means, wherein said processing means are configured for2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor means comprise one or more distance sensors capable of measuring a distance between said portion of skin and said device.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor means comprise an ultraviolet image sensor capable of detecting light having a wavelength in the range of 200 to 450 nanometres claim 1 , and one or more sources of ultraviolet light.4. The ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008640A1

A method and apparatus for measuring a volume of a wound are described, the method comprising the steps of: applying a dressing over a wound, the volume of which is to be measured, the dressing including at least a sealing drape over the wound so as to create a sealed wound cavity; creating a vacuum in said wound cavity by vacuum pump means so as to produce a predetermined vacuum in the wound cavity; measuring a volume of air extracted from said wound cavity in producing said predetermined vacuum; and, calculating a volume of said wound. 116-. (canceled)17. A negative pressure wound therapy device comprising:a negative pressure source configured to be connected to a wound via a fluid flow path and to provide negative pressure to the wound; and monitor a cumulative fluid flow in the fluid flow path, the cumulative fluid flow comprising fluid flow due to operation of the negative pressure source and fluid flow due to a leak in the fluid flow path, and', 'provide an indication based on the cumulative fluid flow., 'a controller programmed to operate the negative pressure source, the controller further programmed to18. The device of claim 17 , wherein the controller is programmed to:determine a rate of the leak; andprovide an indication of the rate of the leak.19. The device of claim 18 , wherein the controller is programmed to:determine the rate of the leak responsive to the negative pressure operating in a steady state.20. The device of claim 19 , wherein in the steady state claim 19 , the rate of the leak is equivalent to the cumulative fluid flow.21. The device of further comprising a pressure sensor configured to measure pressure in a fluid flow path claim 18 , wherein the steady state is determined based on the measured pressure.22. The device of wherein the pressure sensor is configured to be positioned in the fluid flow path between the negative pressure source and a wound dressing covering the wound.23. The device of further comprising a display configured to ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005640A1

In one particular arrangement, a smartphone camera is moved by a user to capture dermatologic imagery from a variety of viewpoints. When the user thereafter holds the phone in a particular pose (e.g., with the display inclined upwardly, and with a display edge oriented substantially horizontally), the device switches to a display mode—presenting information derived from the earlier-captured dermatologic imagery. The device thus switches automatically between data collection and data presentation modes, based on pose and motion. A great variety of other features and arrangements are also detailed. 122-. (canceled)23. A method comprising the acts:sensing whether a mobile device is in a static, viewing pose;when the mobile device is sensed not to be in the static, viewing pose, collecting frames of imagery of a user; andwhen the mobile device is sensed to be in the static, viewing pose, presenting information for user review, the presented information being based, at least in part, on said collected frames of imagery;wherein the device automatically switches between data collection and data presentation modes.24. The method of in which claim 23 , when the mobile device is sensed not to be in said static claim 23 , viewing pose claim 23 , the method comprises collecting frames of imagery of the user from different viewpoints.25. The method of that further includes:sensing whether the mobile device is in motion; andwhen the mobile device is sensed to be in motion, collecting said frames of imagery of the user;wherein the device automatically switches between data collection and data presentation modes, based on pose and motion.26. The method of in which the device comprises a phone having a display and at least two cameras claim 23 , one of said cameras being on a side of the device with said display claim 23 , wherein said static claim 23 , viewing pose is a pose in which the display is upwardly inclined claim 23 , with a bottom edge of the display being substantially ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005644A1
Автор: Rhoads Geoffrey B.

In one arrangement, a smartphone camera gathers skin imagery while controlled spectral illumination is emitted from the smartphone display. In a particular embodiment, differently colored bands move across a darkened screen to illuminate the skin from different angles as plural images are being captured. The collection of imagery from different viewing angles, with different spectral illumination, and different illumination angles, can provide imagery (including composite imagery) useful in manual or automated dermoscopic analysis. A great variety of other features and arrangements are also detailed. 129-. (canceled)30. A method employing a portable device that includes both a camera and a display screen , the method comprising the acts:presenting a first illumination from the device display screen to a subject at a first time;capturing a first image of said subject with the device camera while presenting said first illumination;presenting a second, different illumination from the device display screen to the subject at a second time; andcapturing a second image of said subject with the device camera while presenting said second illumination;wherein neither said first nor said second illumination comprises a viewfinder rendering of captured imagery.31. The method of in which:said presenting actions comprise controlling the display to present a color band of a first uniform color that moves from one side of the device display screen to a second, opposite side of the device display screen; andsaid capturing actions comprise capturing the first image with said color band at a first location, and capturing the second image with said color band at a second location.32. The method of in which said first illumination consists of light from display pixels of only a first color.33. The method of in which said first illumination consists of light from display pixels of only first and second colors.34. The method of in which the portable device includes both said camera and ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008387A1
Автор: Godavarty Anuradha

Systems and methods for scanning near infrared (NIR) and visible light images and creating co-registered images are provided. A system can include a visible light image capturing device, an near infrared image capturing device, a housing unit, a light source configured to emit light at multiple wavelengths, and a processor configured to use image segmentation algorithms to measure a target issue or wound, detect hemodynamic signals, and combine the visible light image and a hemodynamic image to create a single image. 1. A system for scanning near infrared (NIR) and visible light images. the system comprising:a visible image capturing device configured to capture a visible light image, the visible light image comprising a digital color or white light image;a near infrared image capturing device configured to capture a near infrared (NIR) image of at least one wavelength;a portable, handheld, housing unit configured to contain the visible image capturing device and the NIR image capturing device;a light source configured to illuminate a target area and connected to the housing unit,a plurality of drivers configured to control the light source;a processor; anda machine-readable medium comprising machine-executable instructions stored thereon, in operable communication with the processor,the light source comprising a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs) configured to emit light waves of at least one wavelength,the processor being configured to detect at least one NIR signal at at least one wavelength and generate a hemodynamic signal,the processor being configured to detect dimensional measurements of a target tissue or wound,the NIR image capturing device being disposed on a front face of the housing unit, andthe light source being disposed on a top face of the housing unit through a hinge, such that an angle of illumination provided by the light source is adjustable via the hinge without moving the housing unit.2. The system of claim 1 , the visible image ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008428A1

Device comprising polyurethane material for indicating pH at a locus, preferably as indication of presence of microbes, comprising a polyurethane network having immobilised therein one or more hydrophilic copolymers, the or each said copolymer comprising: 1. A device for indicating pH at a locus in the range pH 5 to pH 10 , preferably as indication of presence of microbes , comprising a surface configured to contact the locus , wherein the device comprises polyurethane material distributed in relation to said surface , which material comprisesa polyurethane network having immobilised therein one or more hydrophilic copolymers, the or each said copolymer comprising:hydrophilic monomer; andone or a plurality of ionisable groups or moieties having one or more characteristic pKa values in the range 2 to 12;wherein hydrophilic state of hydrophilic copolymer is affected by ionisation of said ionisable groups or moieties; andwherein the or each said copolymer further comprises indicator monomer which provides indication of hydrophilic state of said hydrophilic copolymer.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an opposing non-locus contacting surface claim 1 , wherein either surface or both comprises the polyurethane material distributed in relation to said surface.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein either surface or both provides a pH indicating zone comprising the polyurethane material.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the surface comprises the polyurethane material or the polyurethane material is applied to a locus contacting surface claim 1 , and wherein the surface may comprise polyurethane material at a face thereof configured to contact the locus or at an opposing face thereof.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the surface and/or the material is suitably fluid permeable at least on a locus contacting face thereof and may be fluid impermeable at an opposing face thereof.68.-. (canceled)9. The device of claim 1 , wherein said one or a plurality of ionisable ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008445A1
Автор: Lo Jung-Yueh
Принадлежит: SHUI-MU International Co.,Ltd.

Disclosed is a hand and foot assistive device capable of taking care of a lesion area of a patient's hand or foot. The device includes a carrier and a measurement module. The carrier is in contact with at least one of the patient's hands and feet. The measurement module is installed at the carrier and includes a sensing unit, a processing unit and a communication unit. The processing unit is coupled to the sensing unit and the communication unit. The sensing unit is disposed adjacent to or overlapped with the lesion area. The sensing unit detects the lesion area to selectively generate a sensing signal. The processing unit processes the sensing signal and sends the sensing signal to communication unit, and the communication unit sends the sensing signal to the outside of the carrier. The sensing unit is provided for detecting a humidity change of the lesion area. 1. A hand and foot assistive device , for taking care of a lesion area of a patient's hands and feet , comprising:a carrier, for setting at least one of the patient's hands and feet; anda measurement module, installed to the carrier, and having a sensing unit, a processing unit and a communication unit, and the processing unit being coupled to the sensing unit and the communication unit, and the sensing unit being installed adjacent to or overlapped with the lesion area, and the sensing unit detecting the lesion area to selectively generate a sensing signal, and the processing unit processing the sensing signal and transmitting the sensing signal to the communication unit, and the communication unit sending the sensing signal to the outside of the carrier, wherein the sensing unit detects a humidity change of the lesion area.2. The hand and foot assistive device of claim 1 , wherein the carrier is a sock claim 1 , an insole claim 1 , a shoe claim 1 , a glove or a weight scale.3. The hand and foot assistive device of claim 1 , wherein the sensing unit is one selected from the group consisting of a ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011892A1
Автор: Sostek Ron

Aspects of the invention relate to methods and devices for evaluating tissue injuries. In some embodiments, the invention provides methods and devices for evaluating tissue injuries based on infrared emission spectra and/or emission levels from injured tissue. In some embodiments, the invention provides methods and devices for evaluating skin injuries (e.g., skin burns) and for targeting treatment delivery to injuries including skin injuries. 1. A method of evaluating a burn , a wound , or a natural biological state of one or more cells , tissues , organs , organ systems , or objects , the method comprising:detecting infrared emission from a tissue burn/wound, cell, tissue, organ, system, or object; and,determining a pattern of infrared emission levels.240-. (canceled) This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) from U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/589,292 having a filing date of Jan. 20, 2012 and entitled “METHODS FOR EVALUATING TISSUE INJURIES,” from U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/637,266 having a filing date of Apr. 23, 2012 and entitled “METHODS FOR EVALUATING TISSUE INJURIES,” and from U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/638,481 having a filing date of Apr. 25, 2012 and entitled “METHODS FOR EVALUATING TISSUE INJURIES,” the contents of each of which are incorporated herein in their entirety by reference.A burn is a type of injury to skin or another tissue that can be caused by a variety of different insults, including, for example, heat, electricity, chemicals, light, radiation or friction. It is often important to determine the extent of a burn injury because, depending on its severity, a burn may be treated with first aid without the need for hospitalization or professional medical care or may require more specialized treatment such as those available at specialized burn centers. Furthermore, managing burn injuries properly is important because they are common, painful and can result in disfiguring and disabling scarring, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011288A1

A flexible and non-functionalized low cost paper-based electronic system platform fabricated from common paper, such as paper based sensors, and methods of producing paper based sensors, and methods of sensing using the paper based sensors are provided. A method of producing a paper based sensor can include the steps of: a) providing a conventional paper product to serve as a substrate for the sensor or as an active material for the sensor or both, the paper product not further treated or functionalized; and b) applying a sensing element to the paper substrate, the sensing element selected from the group consisting of a conductive material, the conductive material providing contacts and interconnects, sensitive material film that exhibits sensitivity to pH levels, a compressible and/or porous material disposed between a pair of opposed conductive elements, or a combination of two of more said sensing elements. The method of sensing can further include measuring, using the sensing element, a change in resistance, a change in voltage, a change in current, a change in capacitance, or a combination of any two or more thereof. 1. A method of producing a paper based sensor , comprising the steps of:a) providing a conventional paper product to serve as a substrate for the sensor or as an active material for the sensor or both, the paper product not further treated or functionalized; andb) applying a sensing element to the paper substrate, the sensing element selected from the group consisting of a conductive material, the conductive material providing contacts and interconnects, sensitive material film that exhibits sensitivity to pH levels, a compressible and/or porous material disposed between a pair of opposed conductive elements, or a combination of two of more said sensing elements.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conventional paper product is selected from the group consisting of cellulose fiber based porous structures.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031231A1

A wound monitoring and/or therapy system can include a substantially stretchable substrate supporting a plurality of electronic components, including sensors, and a plurality of electronic connections that connect at least some of the electronic components. The electronic components can also include a circuit board supporting at least one controller configured to control at least some of the sensors, the circuit board configured to operate without failure when the substrate is flexed as a result of strain. A calibration track can be positioned on the substrate and connected to a monitoring circuit configured to measure a change in resistance of the calibration track indicative of resistance change of at least some of the plurality of electronic connections. The system can include a controller with a circuit board supporting a plurality of electrical components and an antenna configured to communicate with the substrate, the antenna at least partially enclosing the circuit board. 114-. (canceled)15. A wound monitoring and/or therapy system comprising:a wound dressing configured to be positioned over a wound, the wound dressing comprising a stretchable substrate supporting a plurality of electronic components and a plurality of electronic connections that connect at least some of the plurality of the electronic components, the plurality of electronic components comprising a plurality of sensors configured to obtain measurement data of at least one of the wound or periwound; anda control module configured to be connected to the wound dressing, the control module comprising a first controller configured to obtain the measurement data from the plurality of sensors and a first power source configured to provide power to the first controller and the plurality of sensors, the first controller and first power source enclosed in an enclosure.16. The system of claim 15 , wherein the enclosure comprises a first portion supporting the first controller and first power source and ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031495A1

An ostomy bag can include one or more sensors for measuring one or more metrics. An ostomy wafer can also include one or more sensors for measuring one or more metrics. The sensors can be temperature sensors and/or capacitive sensors, for example, and the metrics can include bag fill, leakage, skin irritation, and phase of stoma output, among others. 1. (canceled)2. An ostomy wafer comprising:an adhesive layer configured to adhere to skin around a stoma of a user; anda flexible sensor layer coupled with the adhesive layer, the flexible sensor layer comprising a plurality of sensors and electronic components, the electronic components in electrical communication with the plurality of sensors so as to receive and process data from the plurality of sensors,wherein the electronic components are directly mounted on the flexible sensor layer.3. The ostomy wafer of claim 2 , wherein the flexible sensor layer comprises a plurality of conductors claim 2 , the electronic components electrically coupled to the plurality of sensors by one or more of the plurality of conductors.4. The ostomy wafer of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of sensors comprise a plurality of temperature sensors.5. The ostomy wafer of claim 4 , wherein the electronic components are configured to receive and process resistance values of the temperature sensors.6. The ostomy wafer of claim 2 , wherein at least two or more of the plurality of sensors is configured to detect a leak of effluent from the stoma.7. The ostomy wafer of claim 2 , further comprising a coin-cell battery mounted on the flexible sensor layer.8. The ostomy wafer of claim 7 , wherein the flexible sensor layer comprises a neck and a body claim 7 , and wherein the coin-cell battery is located on the neck.9. The ostomy wafer of claim 8 , wherein the electronic components are located on the neck.10. The ostomy wafer of claim 2 , wherein the electronic components are mounted on the flexible sensor layer without support from a printed circuit ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Determining Damaged Tissue Using Sub-Epidermal Moisture Measurements

Номер: US20170014045A1
Принадлежит: Bruin Biometrics LLC

The present disclosure provides apparatuses and computer readable media for measuring sub-epidermal moisture in patients to determine damaged tissue for clinical intervention. The present disclosure also provides methods for determining damaged tissue. 122.-. (canceled)23. A method for assessing tissue health at and around a target location , comprising the steps of:obtaining a bioimpedance signal at the target location,obtaining a first plurality of bioimpedance signals at a respective plurality of locations along a first ring centered on and having a first radial distance from the target location,calculating a first average of the first plurality of bioimpedance signals,calculating a first difference between the first average and the bioimpedance signal obtained at the target location, anddetermining that the tissue is damaged if the first difference exceeds a predetermined threshold.24. The method of claim 23 , further comprising the steps of:obtaining a second plurality of bioimpedance signals at a respective plurality of locations along a second ring centered on and having a second radial distance from the target location, wherein the second radial distance is greater than the first radial distance,calculating a second average of the second plurality of bioimpedance signals, andcalculating a second difference between the second average and the bioimpedance signal obtained at the target location;wherein the step of determining that the tissue is damaged comprises determining that the tissue is damaged if any of the first difference and second difference exceed the predetermined threshold.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the first ring is positioned equidistantly between the target location and the second ring.26. The method of claim 24 , wherein the locations along the first and second rings are disposed on a single straight line passing through the target location.27. The method of claim 24 , further comprising the step of:determining that an edge of ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Remote delivery and monitoring of health care

Номер: US20160015310A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Various embodiments for providing remote delivery and monitoring of health care are provided. In one embodiment, A portable apparatus for dermatological monitoring, comprising a housing; an imaging device integrated into the housing, wherein the imaging device is adapted for obtaining a digital, high-resolution, dermatological image of a patient; a processor device integrated into the housing and in communication with the imaging device, wherein the processor device is adapted for applying an anti-motion algorithm to the dermatological image to enhance image quality; and a wireless communications interface integrated into the housing and coupled to the processor device, wherein the wireless communications interface is adapted to upload the dermatological image to a remote server to be viewed by a medical professional.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015028A1

Polyurethane material for indicating pH at a locus, preferably as indication of presence of microbes, comprising a polyurethane network having immobilised therein one or more hydrophilic copolymers, the or each said copolymer comprising:

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015735A1
Принадлежит: Bruin Biometrics, LLC

The present disclosure provides methods and apparatus for evaluating the flow of blood in damaged or healing tissue. The present disclosure also provides methods of identifying a patient at the onset of risk of pressure ulcer or at risk of the onset of pressure ulcer, and treating the patient with anatomy-specific clinical intervention selected based on perfusion or blood oxygenation values, or a combination thereof. The present disclosure also provides methods of stratifying groups of patients based on risk of wound development and methods of reducing incidence of tissue damage in a care facility. The present disclosure also provides methods to analyze trends of perfusion or oxygenation measurements to detect tissue damage before it is visible, and methods to compare bisymmetric perfusion values to identify damaged tissue. 1. An apparatus for assessing perfusion of blood in tissue below a patient's skin , comprising:an emitter configured to emit light at a first wavelength and a second wavelength when activated,a first receiver configured to measure a first intensity of received light at the first wavelength and a second intensity of received light at the second wavelength and provide a first signal comprising information about the first and second intensities of the received light,a substrate coupled to the emitter and the first receiver and configured such that the emitter and first receiver can be placed in simultaneous contact with the patient's skin, and receive the first signal,', 'determine a first summation value of the first and second intensities of the received light, and', 'determine a level of perfusion of the tissue from the first summation value., 'a processor coupled to the first receiver and configured to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first receiver is spaced apart from the emitter by a first distance selected so that the light emitted by the emitter and received by the first receiver is reflected from a first depth below the patient's ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180018785A1

A method of processing optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans through a subject's skin, the method comprising: receiving a plurality of scans through the subject's skin, the scans representing an OCT signal in slices through the user's skin at different times; comparing the scans to determine time-varying regions in the scans; determining a depth-distribution of the time varying regions. 1. A method of processing optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans through a subject's skin , the method comprising:receiving a plurality of scans through the subject's skin, the scans representing an OCT signal in slices through the user's skin at different times;comparing the scans to determine time-varying regions in the scans; anddetermining a depth-distribution of the time varying regions.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the determination of the time varying regions includes the determination of a time-varying region dependent upon a magnitude of a difference in an OCT signal between the scans that are compared.3. The method of claim 1 , in which the determination of the time-varying regions makes use of any of speckle-variance OCT claim 1 , decorrelation claim 1 , or differencing of intensity or phase.4. The method of claim 1 , in which the determination of the distribution of the time-varying regions comprises determining a depth distribution of the time-varying regions through the subject's skin.5. The method of claim 4 , comprising displaying the distribution to an operator as a graph of density of time-varying regions against depth.6. The method of claim 4 , in which the determination of the time-varying regions comprises the determination of a threshold depth through the user's skin at which the density of time-varying regions exceeds a density threshold.7. The method of claim 6 , comprising comparing the threshold depth to a predetermined value claim 6 , and giving an indication to an operator whether the threshold depth is larger or smaller than the predetermined ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020633A1

Various methods and systems for designing a restored smile are provided. One method includes receiving scan data of a patient's teeth, developing a digital model of the patient's teeth via a computing device, where the model represents the patient's teeth based upon the scan data, creating a dental treatment plan to restore one or more teeth from an initial condition to a successive condition, and wherein a final condition of the one or more is based on the one or more teeth having at least one planned additional restorative tooth structure provided therewith. 1. A computing device implemented method , comprising:receiving image data of a face of a patient including at least a frontal image of lips of the patient and teeth of the patient that are visible between the lips, defining a smile inner lip line and smile;developing a digital model of teeth of a patient based upon scan data;creating a dental treatment plan for the digital model of the teeth to move one or more of the teeth from an initial condition through a number of successive conditions to a final condition; andcombining the digital model of the teeth with the image data of the face to provide the smile as it would appear on the face in one of the number of successive conditions or the final condition according to the digital model.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes developing a digital model of one or more facial features of the patient in combination with the digital model of the teeth of the patient.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes replacing a background in the image data with a neutral color.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes identifying a location of the inner lip line and smile by identifying a color range of the lips versus other colors in the image data.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes previewing a number of smile configurations from a smile library database.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the method includes ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Devices, Methods, and Systems for Fluorescence-Based Imaging and Collection of Data for Food Safety Purposes

Номер: US20220039656A1

A method of screening for contamination during food production is disclosed. The method includes applying an exogenous, bacteria-specific contrast agent to a surface to be screened, wherein the surface to be screened is one or more of a food product, a food-preparation surface, a food-handling surface, and a food-equipment surface. The surface is illuminated with excitation light emitted by at least one light excitation light source of a handheld device and optical signals responsive to illumination of the surface are filtered with at least one optical filter of the handheld device. Bacterial fluorescence data regarding the illuminated surface is collected with an image sensor of the handheld device and, in real-time, based on the collected bacterial fluorescence data, the presence and/or location of bacteria on the illuminated surface is determined 1. A method of screening for contamination during food production , comprising:applying an exogenous, bacteria-specific contrast agent to a surface to be screened, wherein the surface to be screened is one or more of a food product, a food-preparation surface, a food-handling surface, and a food-equipment surface;illuminating the surface on which the contrast agent has been applied with excitation light emitted by at least one light excitation light source of a handheld imaging device;filtering, with at least one optical filter of the handheld device, optical signals responsive to illumination of the surface including the contrast agent with the excitation light, the at least one optical filter being configured to enable optical signals having a wavelength corresponding to bacterial fluorescence to pass through the filter;collecting bacterial fluorescence data regarding the illuminated surface with an image sensor of the handheld imaging device, wherein the collected bacterial fluorescence data comprises at least one image containing data relating to exogenous fluorescence of bacteria responsive to illumination of the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021459A1

A product for monitoring the condition of the wound comprising a biologically inert matrix which absorbs wound exudate and one or more reagents on or in the matrix for measuring one or more markers comprised within the wound exudate. A change in the one or more reagents caused by the one or more markers comprised within the wound exudate provides a visual indication of an alteration in the condition of the wound. Companion wound dressings, kits and methods are also provided. 2. The product according to wherein the one or more reagents comprise a complete test unit integrated on or in the matrix.3. The product according to wherein the one or more reagents form a discrete reaction zone on or within the matrix.4. The product according to wherein the alteration is a deterioration.5. The product according to wherein the matrix is able to absorb and retain a volume of wound exudate sufficient for further analysis of the wound exudate.6. The product according to wherein the matrix has the capacity to absorb a volume of at least 0.2 ml wound exudate.7. The product according to wherein the matrix is dimensioned to facilitate positioning between a wound dressing and the wound.8. The product according to wherein the matrix comprises:(i) a first matrix portion comprising one or more reagents on or in the matrix portion for measuring one or more markers comprised within the wound exudate; and(ii) a second matrix portion which is able to absorb and retain a volume of wound exudate sufficient for further analysis of the wound exudate.9. The product according to wherein:(a) the two matrix portions are laminated together; or(b) the two matrix portions are separate, independent components.10. The product according to wherein the surface of the first matrix portion that is not in contact with the second matrix portion is coated or surrounded by a transparent protective layer.11. The product according to wherein the matrix does not measurably alter the condition of the exudate or its ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Device for non-invasive detection of skin problems associated with diabetes mellitus

Номер: US20190021649A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A medical diagnostic apparatus includes a controller; a user interface; a platform having a horizontal surface; and at least one visible light image sensor positioned below the horizontal surface that is capable of producing a diagnostic visible light image of a bottom portion of a foot or feet positioned on the horizontal surface. At least a portion of the horizontal surface is transparent to visible light. The apparatus may further include at least one infrared image sensor positioned below the horizontal surface that is capable of producing a thermal image of the first target area. The apparatus may further include sensors positioned above the platform capable of producing diagnostic visible light images or thermal images of a top portion of the user's foot or feet. The apparatus may further include a weight measurement system coupled to the platform.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Methods for measuring changes in optical properties of wound tissue and correlating near infrared absorption(fNIR) and diffuse refelectance spectroscopy scattering (DRS) with tissue neovascularization and collagen concetration to determine whether wound is healing

Номер: US20150025342A1

Optical changes of tissue during wound healing measured by Near Infrared and Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy are shown to correlate with histologic changes. Near Infrared absorption coefficient correlated with blood vessel in-growth over time, while Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) data correlated with collagen concentration. Changes of optical properties of wound tissue at greater depths are also quantified by Diffuse Photon Density Wave (DPDW) methodology at near infrared wavelengths. The diffusion equation for semi-infinite media is used to calculate the absorption and scattering coefficients based on measurements of phase and amplitude with a frequency domain or time domain device. An increase in the absorption and scattering coefficients and a decrease in blood saturation of the wounds compared to the non wounded sites was observed. The changes correlated with the healing stage of the wound. The methodologies used to collect information regarding the healing state of a wound may be used to clinically assess the efficacy of wound healing agents in a patient (e.g., a diabetic) and as a non-invasive method 116-. (canceled)17. A system for determining if a wound in a human patient is healing , comprising:A light source for illuminating the wound tissue in the patient;A diffuse photon density wave (DPDW) device that is a continuous wave, a frequency domain, or a time domain measurement device for measuring one or both of the amplitude and phase shift of the light as it propagates through the wound tissue;calculating optical absorption coefficients using the measured amplitude or phase shift of the light;the system providing the concentration of the oxygenated hemoglobin or the total hemoglobin in the wound tissue from the optical absorption coefficients; and the rate of change of the oxygenated hemoglobin or total hemoglobin concentration over the period of time,thereby allowing a determination of whether there is a negative rate of change of either the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Allergy testing system, method and kit

Номер: US20150025412A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An allergy skin test kit includes a template having puncture site indicators and a computer-readable storage medium storing allergy test information that associates the puncture site indicators of the template with template locations or test substance indicators. A method of performing an allergy skin test includes providing a template having puncture site indicators. Allergy test information that associates the puncture site indicators of the template with template locations or test substances identifiers is obtained. Image data corresponding to a test area on the skin of a test subject obtained and image regions corresponding to the puncture site indicators of the template are identified. Test results corresponding to the image regions are determined based, at least in part, on the allergy test information.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

System And Method For Monitoring A Person Via An Analog Multi-Zone Pressure Sensitive Pad

Номер: US20200022643A1
Принадлежит: J. Brasch Co., LLC

A pressure sensitive pad, generally planar in shape for placement underneath a mattress or cushion, capable of outputting a spectrum of signals depending on the pressure applied on the pad, comprising a plurality of sensitive zones, each zone being connected to a respective controller, configured to measure the pressure on each zone. The pressure sensitive pad comprising two electrically conductive layers; a variable conductive foam layer between the two conductive layers; and a non-conductive layer comprising a plurality of holes, disposed between a first of the two electrically conductive layers and the conductive foam layer. A system operable with the pad calibrates to detect absence and presence of a person for a range of mattress types and mattress weights and person weights; and determines a relative weight and position of the person while the person is on the mattress. 1. A pressure sensitive pad , generally planar in shape for placement underneath a mattress or cushion , capable of outputting a spectrum of signals depending on the pressure applied on the pad.2. The pressure sensitive pad of configured for substantially not deforming the mattress or cushion.3. The pressure sensitive pad of claim 1 , comprising at least one of: a conductive film; a conductive foam; a conductive ink; and a strain gauge.4. The pressure sensitive pad of claim 1 , comprising a plurality of sensitive zones claim 1 , each zone being connected to a respective controller claim 1 , configured to measure the pressure on each zone.5. The pressure sensitive pad of claim 1 , comprising:two electrically conductive layers;a variable conductive layer between the two conductive layers, configured such that a resistance of the variable conductive layer decreases when pressure is applied on the variable conductive layer and the variable conductive layer is compressed;wherein the two electrically conductive layers are separated by the variable conductive layer, such that the electrical resistance ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022609A1

Provided are wireless electronic devices for thermally interfacing with a biological tissue. The device may have a flexible substrate; a thermal actuator supported by said flexible substrate configured to provide a thermal input to said biological tissue; a temperature sensor supported by said flexible substrate configured to measure a temperature to determine thermal conductivity of said biological tissue; and a wireless electronic system in electronic communication with said thermal actuator and said temperature sensor, wherein said wireless electronic system is configured to provide two-way communication with an external controller. Also provided are related methods of using the electronic devices, including for cosmetic, beauty, or medical applications. 1. A wireless electronic device for thermally interfacing with a biological tissue comprising:a flexible substrate;a thermal actuator supported by said flexible substrate configured to provide a thermal input to said biological tissue;a temperature sensor supported by said flexible substrate configured to measure a temperature to determine thermal conductivity of said biological tissue;a wireless electronic system in electronic communication with said thermal actuator and said temperature sensor, wherein said wireless electronic system is configured to provide two-way communication with an external controller;a first and a second active region, wherein each region comprises an electrically conductive wire that serves as the temperature sensor and the thermal actuator;a first contact pad and a first electrically conductive ribbon that electrically connects the first contact pad to the first active region;a second contact pad and a second electrically conductive ribbon that electrically connects the second contact pad to the second active region;an encapsulation layer that fluidically isolates said first and second active regions; andwherein said flexible substrate supports said first and second contact pads.2. The ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028108A1
Принадлежит: BIO1 SYSTEMS, LLC

A wound assessment device is provided which can include any number of features. In one embodiment, the wound assessment device comprises a hands-free device that includes a camera, additional sensors, electronics including a processor, a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium, an energy source, and a display. The wound assessment device can be configured to document the healing process of a wound, and overlay a digital ruler and information pertaining to the wound and the patient onto images taken of the wound. Methods of use are also provided. 1. A method of assessing a healing process of a wound , comprising the steps of:capturing a digital image of the wound with a wound assessment device;automatically determining one or more dimensions of the wound with the wound assessment device;overlaying a digital ruler onto the digital image of the wound with the wound assessment device to create a modified digital image; anddisplaying the digital image on a display of the wound assessment device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the automatically determining step further comprises automatically determining one or more dimensions of the wound with the wound assessment device without positioning a physical ruler or object of known size on or near the wound.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the capturing step further comprises capturing the digital image of the wound with a camera of the wound assessment device.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the automatically determining step further comprises:determining a focal length of the camera;determining a field of view of the camera; andcalculating the one or more dimensions of the wound based on the focal length of the camera and the field of view of the camera.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the automatically determining step further comprises:determining a distance between a range finder of the wound assessment device and the wound;determining a field of view of the camera; andcalculating the one or more ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027897A1
Принадлежит: DERMALA INC.

An artificial intelligence-supported mobile or internet application is disclosed that receives and analyzes image of skin and associated information. Algorithms and learning techniques are applied to generate a treatment plan for the user. The treatment plan is continuously monitored to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. New factors may be identified as variables that impact skin health by using the algorithms and learning techniques disclosed herein. 1. A method for treating and monitoring skin conditions for each user of one or more users , the method comprising:receiving medical information of each user of the one or more users;receiving demographic information of each user of the one or more users;receiving one or more images of each user of the one or more users, wherein the one or more images depict one or more affected skin areas;sending the medical information for each user of the one or more users, the demographic information for each user of the one or more users, and the one or more images for each user of the one or more users to a server;generating an artificial intelligence (AI)-supported model to yield a profile for each user of the one or more users, at the server, wherein the profile for each of the one or more users comprises the medical information, the demographic information, and the one or more images;extracting contents from a database using the AI-supported model, wherein the contents from the database comprise established treatment plans, medical findings, and effects of local environments on skin regions; establishing a baseline for each user of the one or more users, and', 'devising a customized plan for each user of the one or more users;, 'applying the AI-supported model on the profile for each of the one or more users and the contents from the database, and therebyreceiving subsequent medical information for each user of the one or more users and subsequent one or more images of the one or more users;comparing the subsequent ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047164A1

A system for fluorescence-based imaging of a target includes at least one excitation light source configured to emit a homogeneous field of excitation light and positioned to uniformly illuminate a target surface with the homogeneous field of excitation light during fluorescent imaging, a power source, and a portable housing configured to be held in a user's hand during imaging. The housing contains a lens, a filter, an image sensor, and a processor. The filter is configured to permit optical signals responsive to illumination of the target surface and having a wavelength corresponding to at least one of bacterial autofluorescence and tissue autofluorescence to pass through the filter to the image sensor. The at least one excitation light is adjacent to the housing so as to be positioned between the target surface and the image sensor during fluorescent imaging. 1a housing configured to receive and secure a wireless communication device therein, the housing having a first surface a second surface opposite the first surface;at least one light source configured to emit a field of excitation light, the at least one light source being coupled to the housing and configured to illuminate a target surface with the field of excitation light, the target surface including at least a portion of a wound and an area around the wound;a power supply contained in the housing and configured to provide power to the at least one light source; and{'claim-text': ['an image acquisition device having a sensor configured to detect signals responsive to illumination of the target surface, each signal indicative of at least one of endogenous fluorescence, exogenous fluorescence, absorbance, and reflectance from bacteria, fungus, yeast, and/or other microorganisms in the target surface;', 'a processor configured to receive the detected signals and to output a representation of the target surface based on the detected signals, wherein the processor is further configured to store, in a memory ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150032031A1
Автор: Hartwell Edward

A method and apparatus for measuring a volume of a wound are described, the method comprising the steps of: applying a dressing over a wound, the volume of which is to be measured, the dressing including at least a sealing drape over the wound so as to create a sealed wound cavity; creating a vacuum in said wound cavity by vacuum pump means so as to produce a predetermined vacuum in the wound cavity; measuring a volume of air extracted from said wound cavity in producing said predetermined vacuum; and, calculating a volume of said wound. 110-. (canceled)11. A negative pressure wound therapy apparatus comprising:a source of negative pressure configured to provide negative pressure, via a fluid flow path, to a wound dressing placed over a wound; and measure a volume of air extracted from at least the wound;', 'measure a leak rate in the fluid flow path;', 'determine a wound volume based at least in part on the measured volume of air; and', 'correct the determined wound volume based at least in part on the measured leak rate in the fluid flow path., 'a controller configured to operate the source of negative pressure, the controller further configured to12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. The apparatus according to claim wherein the controller is further configured to operate the source of negative pressure to achieve a steady state level of negative pressure under the dressing.15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. The apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the controller is configured to measure the leak rate based at least in part on a flow rate measured after reaching a steady state level of negative pressure under the dressing.18. The apparatus of claim 17 , further comprising a pressure sensor configured to measure pressure in the fluid flow path.19. The apparatus of claim 18 , wherein the pressure sensor is positioned in the fluid flow path between the source of negative pressure and a waste canister.20. The apparatus of claim 11 , further comprising a flow sensor configured to ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029592A1

A method of measuring edema (e.g., peripheral edema and/or lymphedema) is described. The method involves directing a pulse of compressed air or other gas at a skin surface and determining the level of edema using processed camera images of the skin surface after indentation with the compressed air or other gas. The method can be completed within minutes, is simple to perform, and is free of user bias. Devices and systems for measuring edema and/or one or more skin-related properties are also described. The devices can be portable and suitable for use in medical or veterinary settings as well as for in-home/personal use. 1. A device for measuring edema and/or one or more skin-related properties , optionally wherein the one or more skin-related properties are selected from elasticity , thickness , quality , age , or hydration level , said device comprising:(a) a nozzle configured for directing at least one pulse of compressed air or other gas from a first end of said nozzle to a first portion of a skin surface of a subject; and(b) one or more camera configured to record one or more images of the first portion of the skin surface.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a housing claim 1 , wherein said housing comprises a first opening for the first end of the nozzle and at least a second opening for one or more lens of the one or more camera claim 1 , optionally wherein said housing comprises a thermoplastic or thermosetting polymer.3. The device of claim 2 , where said housing further comprises a positioning arm claim 2 , wherein said positioning arm extends from a main body of the housing and wherein claim 2 , when an end of said positioning arm is placed directly adjacent to a second portion of the skin surface of the subject claim 2 , said positioning arm controls one or more of the group consisting of a first distance at which the first end of the nozzle is positioned relative to the first portion of the skin surface of the subject; a first angle at which ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030359A1

The invention provides a light therapy device for providing therapeutic treatment to a user's body, wherein the user may be a person or an animal. The device is using a light projection method for treating the body problems and/or skin disorders. Further, the device is having a rotatable assembly that automatically follows the movement of the desired area of the body needs to be treated. The device uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, localization modules, object detection module, image processing module, and 3D-mapping to automatically identify and treating the desired area of the body. Furthermore, the user can manually identify, select and prioritize desired treatment portion and can select the type of treatment required. 1. A device for providing light therapy to a user body , the device comprises:a camera unit includes a camera and at least one sensor;a memory unit, wherein the memory unit includes a database having a pre-stored data;a light projection unit; and scanning the user body, by the camera unit, to capture an image data and at least one body parameter of the user body;', 'storing the image data and the at least one body parameter in the memory unit;', 'identifying at least one treatment portion of the user body from the image data and the at least one body parameter stored in the memory unit;', 'identifying at least one external body condition and/or at least one internal body condition based on the at least one body parameter and the image data of the at least one treatment portion of the user body;', 'retrieving a treatment profile from the memory unit based on the at least one external body condition and/or at least one internal body condition; and', 'projecting a light, from the light projection unit on the at least one external body condition and/or the at least one internal body condition according to the treatment profile retrieved from the memory unit., 'a controlling unit operably connected to the camera unit, the memory unit, and ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029887A1

The present application discloses a method, using monoclonal antibodies or alternative fluorophore biomarkers, in combination with near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging, for assessment of the bacterial contamination and infection of an acute or chronic wound for prescribing medical treatments. The method includes applying a detection reagent containing at least one type of monoclonal antibody bonded to a fluorophore, wherein the monoclonal antibody binds to a unique receptor site of a bacteria in the wound and the monoclonal antibody is detected by a NIRF imaging system. The fluorescence signal of the wound is used to determine the concentration of bacteria in colony forming units (CFUs) to assess whether the wound needs further treatment or is ready for closure. 1. A method for determining if a subject's wound is ready for closure after treatment , which comprises:washing the wound with a solution that comprises a fluorophore associated with an antibody that is configured for attachment to receptors on a single bacteria, bacterial species, groups of bacteria, or multiple bacteria;exposing the wound after washing to near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging to observe in real time fluorescence which indicates the presence of bacteria contamination in the wound from single or multiple bacterial species;wherein the wound is ready for closure when the detected fluorescence of the bacteria indicates an amount that is not greater than a safe level, or a threshold, which the subject can tolerate without the closed wound becoming infected;wherein the wound is further treated when the detected fluorescence of the bacteria indicates an amount that is unsafe for wound closure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the further treatment includes debriding claim 1 , irrigating claim 1 , treating with topical medication claim 1 , or applying other wound care interventions and the method further comprises re-imaging the wound after the further treatment claim 1 , with the imaging ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035348A1

A non-invasive imaging device includes an illumination source comprising an incident light source to direct unpolarized light upon skin of a person, the incident unpolarized light having polarization properties including electrical and magnetic properties. The device also includes a detector for detecting light reflected from the skin, the light reflected from the skin of the person having polarization properties including electrical and magnetic properties. A host system coupled to the detector detects differences in polarization properties of the detected light reflected from the skin of the person compared to polarization properties of reflected light from the person at a different point in time and generates an assessment of skin health changes based on the differences. 1. A non-invasive imaging device , comprising:an illumination source comprising an incident light source to direct unpolarized light upon skin of a person, the incident unpolarized light having polarization properties including electrical and magnetic properties;a detector for detecting light reflected from the skin, the light reflected from the skin of the person having polarization properties including electrical and magnetic properties; anda host system coupled to the detector, the host system adapted to detect differences in polarization properties of the detected light reflected from the skin of the person compared to polarization properties of reflected light from the person at a different point in time and to generate a skin assessment based on the differences,wherein the detector and the host system produce the skin assessment using differences in the polarization data and the electrical and magnetic properties of the light reflected from the skin compared to the polarization properties and the electrical and magnetic properties of the light reflected from the skin of the person at the different point in time.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is adapted for home use.3. The ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035349A1

Social media databases are minded for data related to a subject person. The data in indicative of a level of ultraviolet light exposure of the subject person. An ultraviolet violet exposure profile for the subject person is generated based upon the data and a health assessment report provided. The data may include timestamped images of the subject person and other related persons. The skin characteristics within images are analysed to determine an ultraviolet light exposure level for the subject person from each image. The skin characteristics may include skin colour, freckling and blemishing. The ultraviolet light exposure profile may be developed over an extended interval based upon the image timestamps. The health report may be used to mitigate risks, such as skin cancer, associated with exposure to ultraviolet light. 1. A method comprising:receiving a multiplicity of images from an at least one remote database;analysing, by a digital processing machine, the multiplicity of images to determine an ultraviolet light exposure profile of a subject person; andgenerating a health assessment report for the subject person based upon the ultraviolet light exposure profile, wherein a related person having a relationship with the subject person has a related skin characteristic that varies based upon exposure to ultraviolet light, and determining a presence of the related person within the multiplicity of images;', 'determining the related skin characteristic of the related person for each of the multiplicity of images; and', 'determining an ultraviolet light exposure level for the related person, and, 'the analysing further includesthe determining the ultraviolet profile of the subject person further includes determining the ultraviolet profile of the subject person based upon the ultraviolet light exposure level of the related person.2. The method according to wherein the receiving further includesreceiving a first plurality of the multiplicity of images from a first ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038064A1

A system for administering negative pressure therapy to a wound includes a screen adapted to be positioned at the wound. A reduced pressure source is in fluid communication with the screen, and a Hood gas transducer is exposed to a reduced pressure provided by the reduced pressure source. The reduced pressure supplied by the reduced pressure source induces hyperperfusion of a blood gas at the wound. 1. A system for administering negative pressure therapy to a wound , the system comprising:a screen adapted to be positioned at the wound;a reduced pressure source comprising a pump in fluid communication with the screen;a blood gas transducer exposed to a reduced pressure provided by the reduced pressure source; andwherein the reduced pressure supplied by the reduced pressure source induces hyperperfusion of a blood gas at the wound.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the blood gas transducer is an electrochemical blood gas transducer.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a cover adapted to be positioned over the screen at the wound to maintain the reduced pressure at the wound; andwherein the blood gas transducer is adapted to be positioned beneath the cover.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a blood gas data acquisition device in communication with the blood gas transducer to capture a measure of gas pressure of the blood gas.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the blood gas data acquisition device is further capable of estimating an arterial partial pressure of the blood gas using the measured gas pressure.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the blood gas is oxygen.7. The system of claim 4 , wherein the blood gas is carbon dioxide.8. The system of claim 4 , wherein the blood gas transducer is electrically connected to the blood gas data acquisition device by an electrical cable.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the reduced pressure source is in fluid communication with the blood gas transducer via a hose claim 8 , the hose and electrical cable ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Optical Imaging or Spectroscopy Systems and Methods

Номер: US20220054012A1

Optical imaging or spectroscopy described can use laminar optical tomography (LOT), diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS), or the like. An incident beam is scanned across a target. An orthogonal or oblique optical response can be obtained, such as concurrently at different distances from the incident beam. The optical response from multiple incident wavelengths can be concurrently obtained by dispersing the response wavelengths in a direction orthogonal to the response distances from the incident beam. Temporal correlation can be measured, from which flow and other parameters can be computed. An optical conduit can enable endoscopic or laparoscopic imaging or spectroscopy of internal target locations. An articulating arm can communicate the light for performing the LOT, DCS, or the like. The imaging can find use for skin cancer diagnosis, such as distinguishing lentigo maligna (LM) from lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM). 1. An imaging method , comprising:scanning an excitation beam through an objective lens causing a point of incidence of the excitation beam to move across a target;using the objective lens, imaging a region of interest of the target onto a light detector to capture image light caused by optical responses induced by the excitation beam;the imaging including de-scanning the image light so that the region of interest moves with the point of incidence thereby holding the image's position on the light detector;the scanning and de-scanning including positioning a beam splitter to direct the excitation beam toward the objective and direct the image light from the objective such that the image light and the excitation beam can be deflected by a moving deflector element.2. An imaging method , comprising:scanning an excitation beam through an objective lens causing a point of incidence of the excitation beam to move across a target;using the objective lens, imaging a region of interest of the target onto a light detector to capture image light caused by optical ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037880A1
Автор: TAKANO Yasuju

An ultrasonic irradiation device includes an ultrasonic transducer for external application of HIFU, which is focused ultrasound, to a body surface; and an optical imaging member or camera that takes images of part of the body surface corresponding to an ultrasonic irradiation target area. An irradiation position guide or a marker is located on the body surface, the marker is detected by the camera, and position and irradiation angle of the ultrasonic transducer are controlled based on information about a position of the marker. This makes it possible to direct a therapeutic transducer to a proper irradiation position, and monitor body surface condition during ultrasonic irradiation. 1. An ultrasonic irradiation device , comprising:an ultrasonic transducer configured to irradiate focused ultrasound to a target area; andan optical imaging member configured to take images of an object located in the target area.2. The ultrasonic irradiation device according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic transducer comprises a surface opposed to the object claim 1 , andcomprises an opening located the surface between the optical imaging member and the object.3. The ultrasonic irradiation device according to claim 1 , further comprising an image processing section that carries out computation on an image obtained by the optical imaging member claim 1 ,wherein the image processing section comprises a skin condition determination portion that determines a condition of a skin at the target area based on a distribution of reflection of light in a plurality of specific wavelength regions from target area in the obtained image.4. The ultrasonic irradiation device according to claim 3 , wherein the image processing section comprises a heat-caused-injury risk assessment portion that assesses a risk of heat-caused-injury in the skin based on the distribution.5. The ultrasonic irradiation device according to claim 4 , further comprising a heat-caused-injury preventive portion that stops ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Delivery system

Номер: US20190038849A1
Принадлежит: Wake Forest University Health Sciences

Provided herein is a delivery system, including: (a) an optical sensor configured to detect data to create a map of a patient bodily surface; and (b) a dispenser operatively associated with the optical sensor and configured to deliver compositions (optionally including cells) to the patient bodily surface based upon the data or map. Methods of forming a tissue on a patient bodily surface of a patient in need thereof are also provided, as are methods, systems and computer program products useful for processing patient bodily surface data.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Wound therapy system with wound volume estimation

Номер: US20200038249A1
Принадлежит: Kci Licensing Inc

A pump generates a vacuum at a wound site via first tubing. A negative pressure circuit is defined by a canister, the first tubing and the wound site. A controller of a therapy device operates the pump to apply a first negative pressure to the entirety of the negative pressure circuit, following which ambient air is allowed to flow into the negative pressure circuit. The controller also operates the pump to apply a second negative pressure to a selected portion of the negative pressure circuit exclusive of the wound site, following which ambient air is allowed to flow into the selected portion. A quantity of fluid to be delivered to the wound site via a second tubing is determined by comparing measured parameters related to the flow of air into the negative pressure circuit to parameters measured with respect to the flow of air into the selected portion.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045590A1
Автор: Sedic Filip

A skin cleanser includes a surface, such as a silicone surface, with at least one textured portion for transmitting vibrational tapping to the skin. The skin cleanser includes at least one oscillating motor for generating the tapping motion to the skin. The textured portion in touch-points or a wave that transmit the tapping motion to skin in contact with the to portions. The touch-points may include thicker and thinner formations of the touch-points to provide firmer or softer vibrations to the skin. The touch-points are within about 0.5 to 2.5 mm in diameter. One configuration includes multiple oscillating motors configured to provide different vibration frequencies at around 50-300 Hertz and operable simultaneously. 1. A skin cleanser having a skin cleanser body , comprising:a substantially flat base configured to stand unaided on a substantially flat surface, said skin cleanser body having a cross-sectional shape that is longer in a first direction substantially parallel to the base than in a second direction substantially parallel to the base;a silicone exterior covering substantially all of an exterior of said skin cleanser body, the silicone exterior having a textured surface area that is integrally formed with the silicon exterior, the textured surface area comprising a set of touch-points;a motor disposed within said skin cleanser laxly configured to produce pulsations of the skin cleanser; andat least one control disposed on said skin cleanser body configured to operate the motor.2. The skin cleanser of claim 1 , wherein the diameter of thee touch-points is between about 0.5 millimeters and about 2.5 millimeters.3. The skin cleanser of claim 2 , wherein the touch-points are integrally formed with the silicone exterior.4. The skin cleanser of claim 1 , wherein the base is substantially transparent.5. The skin cleanser of claim 1 , wherein the motor is operable to oscillate within the range of about 50 to 300 Hertz (Hz).6. The skin cleanser of claim 1 , ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and System for Imaging and Collection of Data for Diagnostic Purposes

Номер: US20160045114A1

A system for acquiring data regarding a wound in tissue comprises at least one light source configured to directly illuminate a target surface with a homogeneous field of excitation light. An optical sensor is configured to detect signals responsive to illumination of an illuminated portion of a wound and the area around the wound. A thermal sensor is configured to detect thermal information regarding the illuminated portion of the wound and the area around the wound. A processor receives the detected signals and the detected thermal information and outputs data regarding the illuminated portion of the wound and the area around the wound. The output data may include wound size of the illuminated portion of the wound, bacterial load of the illuminated portion of the wound, or at least one temperature associated with the illuminated portion of the wound and the area around the wound. The data output by the processor may be displayed on a display of the system.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042452A1

Dimensions of a surface feature are determined by capturing an image of the surface feature and determining a scale associated with the image. Structured light may be projected onto the surface, such that the position of structured light in the captured image allows determination of scale. A non-planar surface may be unwrapped. The surface may alternatively be projected into a plane to correct for the scene being tilted with respect to the camera axis. A border of the surface feature may be input manually by a user. An apparatus and system for implementing the method are also disclosed. 130-. (canceled)31. A method for determining the area of an anatomical surface feature , the method comprising:capturing an image of the anatomical surface feature;displaying the image of the anatomical surface feature to a user via a display;creating an outline of the anatomical surface feature on the display;enabling the user to adjust the outline manually by selecting and moving a portion of the outline to change the position of the portion relative to the image of the anatomical surface feature, thereby creating a revised outline of the anatomical surface feature; anddetermining the area of the anatomical surface feature based on the outline or the revised outline.32. The method of wherein creating the outline includes enabling the user to trace at least a portion of the outline.33. The method of wherein the display is a touch screen claim 31 , and wherein creating the outline includes enabling the user to trace at least a portion of the outline on the touch screen while the image of the anatomical surface feature is displayed.34. The method of ; further comprising determining a perimeter measurement of the anatomical surface feature based on the outline or the revised outline.35. The method of wherein the outline is created automatically.36. The method of wherein creating the outline includes using image processing techniques.37. The method of wherein the method further ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042521A1

The present invention relates to a wound volume measuring method and device, wherein the method comprises the steps of: disposing a foam dressing on a wound site; hermetically sealing the wound site by attaching a film dressing on skin adjacent to the wound site; supplying a negative pressure to the hermetically sealed space formed between the film dressing and the wound site, and thereby discharging fluid into the hermetically sealed space; measuring the flow of the fluid discharged from the hermetically sealed space; and calculating the volume of the wound site on the basis of the measured fluid flow. 1. A wound volume measuring method comprising steps ofdisposing a foam dressing on a wound site;hermetically sealing said wound site by attaching a film dressing to skin adjacent to said wound site;supplying a negative pressure to the hermetically sealed space formed between said film dressing and said wound site to discharge fluid in said hermetically sealed space;measuring the flow of said fluid discharged from said hermetically sealed space; andcalculating the volume of said wound site on the basis of the measured fluid flow.2. The wound volume measuring method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of calculating the volume of said wound site calculates the volume of said wound site by integrating the flow of the fluid discharged in the process that said film dressing and said foam dressing are compressed onto the surface of said wound site.3. The wound volume measuring method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of calculating the volume of said wound site calculates the volume of said wound site by integrating the flow of said fluid measured from the time when the measured flow change rate of said fluid exceeds the critical change rate.4. The wound volume measuring method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of calculating the volume of said wound site calculates the volume of said wound site by integrating the flow of said fluid measured from the time ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Method of Monitoring the Status of a Wound

Номер: US20180047162A1

A system for determining a clinically relevant temperature differential between a predetermined area of interest on the body surface of a mammal and a control area on the body surface of said mammal, said system comprising: a visual and thermal image capturing device, said image capturing device comprising: a housing, a means for capturing a digital visual image within said housing; and a means for capturing a digital thermal image within said housing; a display apparatus, said display apparatus comprising means for showing said captured visual image and said captured thermal image; and a computing apparatus, said computing apparatus operatively connected to said image capturing device and to said display apparatus, said computing apparatus comprising: a means for selecting a control area on the surface of the skin; a means for determining an temperature of said control area; a means for selecting an area of clinical interest within said visual image; a means for calculating plane geometric features of said selected area of clinical interest; a means for overlaying said digital image onto said thermal image in a desired orientation on said display apparatus; and a means for applying a unique pixel value to a specific predetermined temperature range on said thermal image. 1. A system for determining a clinically relevant temperature differential between a predetermined area of interest on the body surface of a mammal and a control area on the body surface of said mammal , said system comprising: a housing,', 'a means for capturing a digital visual image within said housing; and', 'a means for capturing a digital thermal image within said housing;, 'a visual and thermal image capturing device, said image capturing device comprisinga display apparatus, said display apparatus comprising means for showing said captured visual image and said captured thermal image; and a means for selecting a control area on the surface of the body;', 'a means for determining a ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Photoacoustic Probe for Burn Injury Diagnosis

Номер: US20160051149A1
Автор: Viator John Andrew

A method and apparatus for depth profiling the structure of a subsurface region of skin, in particular burned skin, wherein the method/apparatus comprises directing laser light at an absorbing target to generate ultrasonic sound waves, which are used to determine the sound speed in the skin, and using the determined sound speed in conjunction with two-wavelength photoacoustics to depth profile of the structure of the subsurface of the skin. 1. An apparatus for depth profiling the structure of a subsurface region of skin , the apparatus comprising:(a) at least one light source for generating a light pulse at a wavelength and intensity effective to generate photoacoustic responses in (i) an absorbing target and (ii) the subsurface region of the skin;(b) at least one optic fiber coupled to the at least one light source for delivering the light pulse to the absorbing target and the skin;(c) a probe that comprises (i) a housing comprising an exterior surface, wherein the exterior surface at least a portion of which is placed in contact with the skin, (ii) an inner chamber disposed within the housing and defined, at least in part, by an interior surface of the housing opposite the portion of the exterior surface placed in contact with the skin, (iii) a terminus of the at least one optic fiber located such that it is within or it defines, at least in part, the inner chamber, (iv) the absorbing target, which is located proximate to or in contact with said interior surface of the inner chamber, wherein the photoacoustic response of the absorbing target produces ultrasonic waves, at least a portion of which propagate into and are reflected by the skin, and (v) an acoustic detector for receiving and generating electrical signals in response to the reflected ultrasonic waves and photoacoustic waves generated by the photoacoustic response in the subsurface region of the skin, wherein the acoustic detector is within or defines, at least in part, the inner chamber and is spaced ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051181A1

A method is described that makes it possible to measure flushing, particularly in the context of the study of rosacea, and to distinguish normal flushing from pathological flushing. Also described, is the use of said method to study the effect of drug candidates, particularly against rosacea. The method can include: a) subjecting the subject to a flushing inducing stimulus; b) measuring the inflow of blood in the face of the subject during a time period covering the flushing; and c) calculating entropy of the inflow of blood. 1. A method for measuring a flush in a subject , the method comprising:a) subjecting the subject to a stimulus inducing a flush;b) measuring blood inflow at the subject's face for a period of time covering the flushing; and,c) calculating entropy of the blood inflow.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement of the blood inflow at the subject's face is made by measuring intensity of the blood flow in surface skin portions of the face and/or measuring a color of skin on the face.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the measurement of the blood flow intensity in the surface skin portions of subject's the face is made by measuring blood microcirculation.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the measurement of the blood flow intensity in the surface skin portions of the subject's face is made by an analysis of laser granularity contrast.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement of the blood inflow is made on one or both cheeks of the subject's face.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the period of time during which the blood inflow is measured claim 1 , is from 30 min to 1 hour and 30 minutes.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises regular evaluation of a heat sensation felt by the subject.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the stimulus inducing the flush is hot drink claim 1 , absorption of a spice claim 1 , or an alcoholic beverage.9. The ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Method and system for pressure related skin injury risk assessment and treatment

Номер: US20220071551A1
Автор: Deborah C. Bly
Принадлежит: Individual

A system or method for pressure related skin injury risk assessment and treatment including measuring extrinsic and intrinsic pressure on skin of the patient through assigned ratings responsive to the pressure on skin measurement, measuring oxygenation of the patient and assigning a rating responsive to the oxygenation measurement, measuring perfusion of the patient and assigning a rating responsive to the perfusion measurement, summing the pressure on skin, oxygenation and perfusion ratings to obtain a POP Box score, determining a risk of pressure related skin injury for the patient in response to the POP Box score, and determining or selecting a recommended treatment from among a plurality of recommended treatments for the patient in response to the determined risk of pressure related skin injury.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071554A1
Принадлежит: SCIBASE AB

The present invention relates to a medical device and a method for assessing and monitoring epithelial barrier function in vivo of a subject using electrical impedance measurements. The method comprises initiating an impedance measurement session including passing an electrical current through the skin of the subject to obtain values of skin impedance of a target tissue region, said data comprising at least one impedance value measured in the target tissue region at different tissue layers. Further, an evaluation procedure is applied for analyzing the epithelial barrier function in the target tissue region based on the measured data set of impedance values for the target tissue region at different tissue layers. The procedure evaluates the obtained data set of impedance values to provide an outcome indicating a status of the epithelial barrier function of the subject. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for assessing and monitoring epithelial barrier function of a subject in vivo using electrical impedance measurements comprising:initiating an impedance measurement session including passing an electrical current through skin of the subject to obtain data of skin impedance of a target tissue region using a plurality of electrodes adapted to be placed in contact with the target tissue region, wherein each electrode is provided with spikes, thereby forming a spiked surface, said data comprising at least one impedance value measured in the target tissue region at different tissue layers;selectively activating electrode pairs to gradually scan tissue of the subject so as to obtain a sequence of impedance signals from selected tissue depths;applying an evaluation procedure for analyzing the epithelial barrier function in the target tissue region based on of the measured data of impedance values for the target tissue region at different tissue layers; andevaluating the measured data of impedance values to provide an outcome indicating a status of the epithelial barrier function ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Strategic Treatment of Pressure Ulcer Using Sub-Epidermal Moisture Values

Номер: US20220071555A1
Автор: BURNS Martin F.
Принадлежит: Bruin Biometrics, LLC

The present disclosure provides methods of identifying a patient in need of pressure ulcer treatment and treating the patient with clinical intervention selected based on sub-epidermal moisture values. The present disclosure also provides methods of stratifying groups of patients based on pressure ulcer risks and methods of reducing incidence of pressure ulcers in a care facility. 115.-. (canceled)16. A method of managing care of a patient , the method comprising the steps of:performing an initial evaluation of the patient and an initial SEM scan of each body location selected for monitoring upon admission,calculating a set of initial delta values for each body location selected for monitoring,determining that a patient is deviated and setting an intervention level to N=1 if any initial delta value from the set of initial delta values is greater than or equal to a first threshold,implementing a level-N intervention for each body location having an initial delta value from the set of initial delta values greater than or equal to the first threshold,performing subsequent SEM scans of each body location selected for monitoring at a level-N frequency, andcalculating a set of subsequent delta values.17. The method of claim 16 , further comprising the step of:implementing a level N+1 intervention, andperforming further SEM scans at a level-N+1 frequency if any subsequent delta value from the set of subsequent delta values is greater than or equal to any initial delta value from the set of initial delta values at the same body location.18. The method of claim 16 , further comprising the step of:continuing the level-N intervention and performing further SEM scans at the level-N frequency if all subsequent delta values from the set of subsequent delta values above the first threshold are less than the respective prior delta values at the same body location.19. The method of claim 16 , further comprising the step of:implementing a level-N−1 intervention, and performing ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055359A1

A wound dressing device with reusable electronics for wireless monitoring and a method of making the same are provided. The device can be a smart device. In an embodiment, the device has a disposable portion including one or more sensors and a reusable portion including wireless electronics. The one or more sensors can be secured to a flexible substrate and can be printed by non-contact printing on the substrate. The disposable portion can be removably coupled to the one or more sensors. The device can include one or more sensors for wireless monitoring of a wound, a wound dressing, a body fluid exuded by the wound and/or wearer health. 115-. (canceled)16. A wound dressing system comprising:a disposable substrate portion, which includes a first electrode of a sensor and a bandage pad interposed between a first side of the disposable substrate portion and the first electrode; anda reusable portion, which includes a flexible substrate having a first side removably coupled to a second side of the dispose substrate portion, wherein sensor electronics and a second electrode of the sensor are arranged a second side of the flexible substrate the second electrode are electrically coupled to the sensor electronics.17. The wound dressing system of claim 16 , wherein the first electrode of the sensor is configured to allow bodily fluids to pass through it to the bandage pad.18. The wound dressing system of claim 16 , wherein the first and second electrodes form a capacitive sensor.19. The wound dressing system of claim 18 , wherein the capacitive sensor senses bodily fluids.20. The wound dressing system of claim 19 , wherein the capacitive sensor senses pressure applied to the wound dressing system.21. The wound dressing system of claim 16 , wherein the first electrode is coupled to the sensor electronics to form a resistive sensor.22. The wound dressing system of claim 16 , further comprising:an antenna arranged on the flexible substrate and coupled to the sensor electronics. ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055440A1
Автор: MING Wei

A wound image capture method that uses self color compensation to improve color consistency of the captured image and reliability of color-based wound detection. The method uses the skin tone of parts of the patient's own body for color calibration and compensation. In a data registration process, multiple parts of a new patient's body are imaged as baseline images and color data of the baseline images are registered in the system as reference color data. During subsequent wound image capture and wound assessment process, the same parts of the patient's body are imaged again as baseline images, and the wound and its surrounding areas are also imaged. Color data of the newly capture baseline images are compared to the registered reference color data and used to perform color compensation for the wound image. 1. A method implemented in a system including an image capture device for using color images to assess a wound of a patient , comprising:during an initial registration stage:(a) capturing one or more first images of one or more baseline regions which are parts of the patient's body;(b) storing, in a database, the one or more first images and/or color data of the one or more first images;during a wound assessment stage:(c) retrieving, from the database, the one or more first images and/or color data of the one or more first images;(d) capturing one or more second images of the one or more baseline regions;(e) capturing a third image containing the wound and its surrounding area;(f) calculate color compensation data by comparing color data of the second images and corresponding color data of the first images, and compensating color values of the third image based on the calculated color compensation data; and(g) assessing the wound using the compensated third image containing the wound and its surrounding area.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (f) comprises:either calculating first average color values of the one or more baseline regions using the retrieved ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059531A1
Автор: Whitehead Peter
Принадлежит: YES Biotechnology Inc.

Detection systems and methods configured to scan and interpret a suspected infection at in vivo biological target site, comprising emitting excitation light selected to elicit fluorescent light from a suspected infection at the target site; sensing fluorescent light emanating from the target site elicited by such excitation light; sensing heat levels above ambient body temperature emanating from the target site; and then based at least in part on the sensed fluorescent light and the heat levels, determining a probability whether the target site comprises an infection. 1. A detection system configured to scan and interpret a suspected infection at in vivo biological target site , the detection system comprising a housing comprising at least one light emitter configured to emit excitation light selected to elicit fluorescent light from the suspected infection at the target site , a light sensor configured to detect the fluorescent light , and a heat sensor configured to detect and identify thermal data indicating heat above ambient body temperature emanating from the suspected infection at the target site , the detection system further operably connected computer-implemented programming configured to a) accept fluorescent light data associated with the fluorescent light and thermal data associated with the heat levels above ambient body temperature , and b) interpret the data to determine a probability whether the target site contains an infection.2. The detection system of wherein the system is further configured to determine whether the suspected infection is a viral infection or a non-viral infection.3. The detection system of wherein the housing further comprises an imaging system aimed and configured to provide an image of the target site.4. The detection system of wherein the image of the target site identifies a spatial organization of the suspected infection.5. The detection system of wherein the system utilizes the spatial organization when determining the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Non-contact blood circulation detection system and method thereof

Номер: US20210059598A1
Автор: Ren-Guey Lee
Принадлежит: ZOETEK Inc

A non-contact blood circulation detection system and method thereof is provided. The non-contact blood circulation detection system comprises a thermal image acquisition module, a non-contact blood oxygen detection device and an information processing module. The thermal image acquisition module faces to a biological skin and generates a thermal image corresponding to the biological skin when being activated; the non-contact blood oxygen detection device faces to a biological skin and generates a blood oxygen image corresponding to the biological skin when being activated, and the information processing module is in information connection with the thermal image acquisition module and the non-contact blood oxygen detection device so as to receive the thermal image and the blood oxygen image, and generates a blood circulation image on the basis of the thermal image and the blood oxygen image, wherein the blood circulation image is a two-dimensional image.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Wearable thermometer patch comprising a temperature sensor array

Номер: US20200054218A1
Автор: Xi Cecilia

A wearable thermometer patch for monitoring healing of a wound on a user's skin includes a circuit substrate comprising an electric circuit and a plurality of temperature probe units distributed in a two-dimensional array. Each of the plurality of temperature probe units can include a temperature sensor in electric connection with the electric circuit in the circuit substrate. The plurality of temperature probe units can measure temperature values on a user's skin at different positions defined by the two-dimensional array. 1. A wearable thermometer patch for monitoring temperature on a user's skin , comprising:a circuit substrate comprising an electric circuit; anda two-dimensional array of temperature probe units mounted on the circuit substrate, wherein the two-dimensional array is distributed in a plane parallel to the circuit substrate,wherein each of the temperature probe units comprises a temperature sensor in electric connection with the electric circuit in the circuit substrate,wherein the temperature probe units are configured to measure temperature values on a user's skin at different positions defined by the two-dimensional array.2. The wearable thermometer patch of claim 1 , wherein the two-dimensional array of temperature probe units include at least four temperature probe units.3. The wearable thermometer patch of claim 2 , further comprising:a lower layer below the circuit substrate, wherein the circuit substrate and the lower layer include through holes in which the two-dimensional array of temperature probe units are respectively mounted, wherein the two-dimensional array of temperature probe units include portions respectively configured to be in contact with the user's skin.4. The wearable thermometer patch of claim 3 , further comprising:an elastic layer on the circuit substrate and the two-dimensional array of temperature probe units; andan adhesive material under the lower layer and configured to attach the lower layer to the user's skin.5. ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Allergy Testing Device And Method Of Testing For Allergies

Номер: US20200054270A1

An allergy testing system comprises a skin test device having a grip portion for holding the device. One or more legs extend from the grip, and each leg is oriented to interact with a well containing a potential allergen. Each leg has a test head, and each test head has a plurality of elongated spike members. The elongated spike members have a sharp end configured to receive the potential allergen from a well and to puncture a patient's skin. In addition, each test head has a touch activator. The touch activator is longer than the plurality of elongated spike members, such that during an allergy test, the touch activator comes into contact with the skin prior to the elongated spike members, causing the touch activator to activate nerve tissue that blocks transmission of pain, resulting in a reduction of pain and/or discomfort during testing. 1. An allergy testing system comprising: an elongated grip portion for holding the skin test device;', 'a plurality of legs extending from the elongated grip portion, the plurality of legs spaced and oriented to interact with a plurality of wells containing test solutions; wherein each of the plurality of legs has a test head, each test head having a center and comprising a plurality of elongated spikes each having a sharp end configured to receive the test solution from a well and to puncture skin to deliver the test solution, each test head further comprising a touch activator positioned radially outward from the center of the test head, wherein the plurality of elongated spikes are positioned radially outward from the center on opposite side of the touch activator, and', 'wherein the touch activator is longer than the plurality of elongated spikes, such that during an allergy test, the touch activator is configured to come into contact with the skin prior to the elongated spikes, to cause the touch activator to activate nerve tissue that suppresses transmission of pain, resulting in a reduction of pain during testing and the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054272A1

An apparatus for estimating a skin condition includes a data acquirer configured to acquire an optical absorption spectrum of a skin; and a processor configured to determine content of a component in the skin from the optical absorption spectrum and determine a skin condition based on the determined content of the component in the skin. 1. An apparatus for estimating a skin condition , the apparatus comprising:a data acquirer configured to acquire an optical absorption spectrum of a skin;a storage configured to store skin condition estimation model indicating a relation between a skin condition and content of a component in the skin; anda processor configured to determine the content of the component in the skin based on the optical absorption spectrum and determine the skin condition comprising at least one of a degree of skin aging and a degree of skin damage, based on the determined content of the component in the skin and the skin condition estimation model.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the component in the skin comprises at least one of keratin and lipids.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to extract individual component spectrum data from the optical absorption spectrum and determine the content of the component in the skin by comparing reference spectrum data of the component with the extracted individual component spectrum data.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the processor is further configured to extract the individual component spectrum data from the optical absorption spectrum using a regression analysis algorithm.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the skin condition estimation model comprises at least one of a first estimation model claim 1 , a second estimation model claim 1 , a third estimation model claim 1 , and a fourth estimation model claim 1 , andwherein the first estimation model indicates a relation between the degree of skin aging and keratin content in the skin, the second estimation ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Device for generating a detectable signal based upon concentration of at least one substance

Номер: US20150065837A1
Автор: Marcio Marc Abreu
Принадлежит: GeeLux Holdings Ltd

Utilization of a contact device placed on the eye in order to detect physical and chemical parameters of the body as well as the non-invasive delivery of compounds according to these physical and chemical parameters, with signals being transmitted continuously as electromagnetic waves, radio waves, infrared and the like. One of the parameters to be detected includes non-invasive blood analysis utilizing chemical changes and chemical products that are found in the conjunctiva and in the tear film. A transensor mounted in the contact device laying on the cornea or the surface of the eye is capable of evaluating and measuring physical and chemical parameters in the eye including non-invasive blood analysis. The system utilizes eye lid motion and/or closure of the eye lid to activate a microminiature radio frequency sensitive transensor mounted in the contact device. The signal can be communicated by wires or radio telemetered to an externally placed receiver. The signal can then be processed, analyzed and stored. Several parameters can be detected including a complete non-invasive analysis of blood components, measurement of systemic and ocular blood flow, measurement of heart rate and respiratory rate, tracking operations, detection of ovulation, detection of radiation and drug effects, diagnosis of ocular and systemic disorders and the like.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059787A1

This invention relates generally to an index map comprising both pressure and perfusion information from a diabetic patient foot for the purpose of treatment. The index map may also be a map of perfusion and/or metabolism of the tissue (reflecting oxygen delivery and oxygen extraction, obtained by thermal imaging, hyperspectral imaging, or duplex ultrasound, MRA, CT or laser Doppler imaging. This information aids treatment in prevention of diabetic foot ulceration and amputation and in treatment of tissue compromise to prevent tissue loss in other body regions. 157-. (canceled)58. A method for designing a prosthetic or orthotic device for treatment of a tissue of a subject , the method comprising:(A) obtaining a gradient map of the tissue of the subject, wherein the gradient map comprises information about tissue oxygenation, tissue oxygen extraction, tissue metabolism, or tissue perfusion of the tissue;(B) determining a pressure or stress applied to the tissue;(C) identifying one or more areas of the tissue that are at risk for disease formation or disease progression based on the gradient map, or the pressure or stress applied to the tissue; and(D) designing the prosthetic or orthotic device to redistribute the pressure or stress across the tissue, wherein the redistribution of the pressure or stress across the tissue reduces the pressure or the stress applied to the one or more identified areas of the tissue that are at risk for disease formation or disease progression.59. The method of claim 58 , wherein the gradient map of the tissue of the subject is a hyperspectral image.60. The method of claim 58 , wherein the gradient map of the tissue of the subject is paired with a spatial map of the pressure or stress applied to the tissue to form a composite image claim 58 , wherein the identifying of the one or more areas of the tissue that are at risk for disease formation or disease progression is based on the composite image.61. The method of claim 58 , wherein the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079509A1

A wound management system (WMS) is provided that includes dressings, bandages, or implantable medical devices that are equipped with filters, environmental controls, and sensors that promote the formation of a natural biologic seal between the skin and the dressing to form a barrier to microbial invasion into the body that accelerates healing and mitigates wound or exit site infection. Percutaneous access devices (PAD) used with the WMS or other devices including peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheters, Steinman pin, Kirschner wires, and chronic indwelling venous access catheters that require skin penetration. The WMS minimizes risk of exit site infection by reducing the bioburden in the exit tunnel environment in the acute and subacute phases of the PD catheter post-implant. Visualization of the wound without taking off the dressing is provided via a window in the wound area or exit-site to visually monitor for signs of infection and the presence of exudate. 1. A wound management system for monitoring and controlling environmental conditions of a wound area of a patient comprising:a wound dressing configured to be positioned over the wound area, said wound dressing defining a wound environment;at least one of a humidity sensor, a pressure sensor, a temperature sensor, and a chemical sensor integrated into the wound dressing to provide physiologic parameters that correlate to a degree of wound healing;a pump in fluid communication with said wound environment; anda controller configured to control operation of said pump.2. The system of further comprising a strain relieving fixture.3. The system of further comprising an extrudate reservoir.4. The system of further comprising an air quality sensor integrated into the wound dressing to provide physiologic parameters indicative of infection.5. The system of wherein said wound dressing includes at least one port for introducing moisture or an anti-infection treatment into the wound environment.6. The system of wherein said ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Wearable environmental pollution monitor computer apparatus, systems, and related methods

Номер: US20160066848A1
Принадлежит: Vision Service Plan VSP

A system, according to various embodiments, includes eyewear (or any other suitable wearable device) that includes at least one environmental pollution monitoring sensor (e.g., at least one light pollution, air pollution, radioactive pollution, thermal pollution, and/or noise pollution sensor) that may be used to monitor the presence of environmental pollution adjacent a wearer of the eyewear. The system may further include one or more health monitoring sensors to determine the health effects of the environmental pollution on the wearer. In certain circumstances, the system may alert the user to potentially harmful environmental conditions, or convey preventative healthcare advice to the wearer.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Skin diagnostic device and coupling system therefor

Номер: US20200060608A1
Автор: Won Suk Choi
Принадлежит: Chowis Co Ltd

A skin diagnostic device is provided that includes a body including a coupling member positioned on one surface, the body being attached/detached to/from an electronic device including an image sensor by using the coupling member, an optical unit positioned in the body and including at least one lens, wherein the optical unit is configured to focus measurement light reflected from a target on the image sensor of the electronic device, and at least one light source unit positioned adjacent to the optical unit and configured to irradiate light toward the target, wherein the coupling member includes at least one magnetic body and an alignment member positioned adjacent to the magnetic body.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068664A1

A handheld skin monitoring or measuring device includes a camera having a camera optical axis; and a structured light arrangement configured to project three or more laser fan beams such that the laser fan beams cross at a crossing point in front of the camera. 117-. (canceled)18. A method of capturing data concerning an anatomical surface feature on a patient's skin surface , including:directing a camera having a camera optical axis towards the patient's skin surface;projecting a light pattern onto the skin surface using a projection arrangement mounted in fixed relation to the camera, the pattern being formed by three or more fan beams that cross at a crossing point;adjusting a position of the camera and projection arrangement such that the crossing point falls on or near the patient's skin surface; andcapturing data using the camera.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein a user may adjust the position of the camera and projection arrangement without reference to a display by aligning the crossing point of the laser fan beams with the skin surface.20. The method of claim 18 , wherein capturing data is performed in response to a user capture instruction.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein capturing data includes capturing a plurality of images each including one or more fan beams claim 20 , such that each fan beam is unambiguously identifiable in the captured data.22. The method of claim 21 , including capturing at least one image with the fan beams turned off.23. The method of claim 18 , wherein capturing data includes capturing one or more images of the anatomical surface and light pattern claim 18 , and wherein the method further comprises determining a depth claim 18 , area or volume of the anatomical surface feature based on the captured data.24. The method of claim 18 , wherein the fan beams projected onto the patient's skin surface define a region that substantially corresponds to an image frame of the camera; wherein adjusting the position of the camera and ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068742A1

An image processing system comprises an imaging apparatus and an image processing apparatus. The imaging apparatus receives light from a subject to generate image data, outputs the image data to a communication network, and displays an image based on the image data. The image processing apparatus acquires the image data over the communication network, and extracts an affected area of the subject from the image data. The image processing apparatus outputs information indicating a result of extraction of the affected area to the communication network, and the imaging apparatus acquires the information indicating the result of extraction of the affected area. The imaging apparatus performs display based on the information and causes a user to input evaluation values of a plurality of predetermined evaluation items in the affected area. 1. An image processing system comprising an imaging apparatus and an image processing apparatus , wherein: an imaging device configured to receive light from a subject to generate image data,', 'a first communication circuit configured to output the image data to a communication network, and', 'a display configured to display an image based on the image data generated by the imaging device,, 'the imaging apparatus includes'} a second communication circuit configured to acquire the image data over the communication network, and', 'an arithmetic circuit configured to extract an affected area of the subject from the image data,, 'the image processing apparatus includes'}the second communication circuit outputs information indicating a result of extraction of the affected area extracted by the arithmetic circuit to the communication network,the first communication circuit acquires the information indicating the result of extraction of the affected area over the communication network, andthe display performs display based on the information indicating the result of extraction of the affected area and display causing a user to input evaluation ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Wound exudate monitor accessory

Номер: US20170065751A1
Автор: Landy Aaron Toth
Принадлежит: Convatec Technologies Inc

A stand-alone system for assessing wound exudates from the wound of a patient is described. The system contains functionality to detect, process and report various wound parameters. The system also may make treatment determinations based on these findings. The system may detect one or more physiological values of the wound exudates from the wound of the patient. The system may also compare detected physiological values to predetermined physiological values, in order to obtain a comparison result in real time. The system may include a processor ( 15 ) which provides an electronic signal based on the comparison result in which the electronic signal may corresponds to guidelines for treating the wound ( 3 ). The system described may be an accessory, which may be used on its own, or in conjunction with other wound treatment devices ( 9 ).

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148708A1
Принадлежит: Cardiocom, LLC

A wound management reference object comprising a sheet of material of a known size including at least one colored segment, wherein the wound management reference object is configured to be positioned in close proximity to a wound, wherein an image can be captured of the wound management reference object and the wound, and wherein the image is used to evaluate the wound. 1. A wound management kit comprising:a pack of at least one reference object, the at least one reference object comprising a sheet of material of a known size including at least two colored segments, indicia on each reference object providing at least one of: a date identifier and a user identifier; and an adhesive to allow the at least one reference object to temporarily stick to an individual's skin.2. The wound management kit of claim 1 , wherein the pack includes ten or more reference objects.3. A wound management system comprising:a first reference object, the first reference object comprising a sheet of material of a known size including at least one colored segment; anda camera for capturing an image of the first reference object in close proximity to a wound on the individual.4. The wound management system of claim 3 , wherein the first reference object further comprises an adhesive to allow the first reference object to temporarily stick to an individual's skin.5. The wound management system of claim 3 , further comprising a monitor for viewing the image.6. The wound management system of claim 3 , further comprising a processor for correcting the image based on the first reference object.7. The wound management system of claim 5 , wherein the monitor is remotely located.8. The wound management system of claim 7 , further comprising:a second reference object available to a healthcare professional and near the remote monitor, allowing the healthcare professional to visually compare the second reference object with the first reference object while viewing the image.9. The wound management ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Abdominal Negative Pressure Therapy Dressing With Remote Wound Sensing Capability

Номер: US20220087871A1

A system for applying negative-pressure therapy to an abdominal cavity. The system comprises: a tissue interface comprising a first contact layer and a second contact layer, each of the first contact layer and the second contact layer having perforations formed therein. The system also comprises a spacer layer disposed between the first contact layer and the second contact layer, the spacer layer configured to extend to different zones within the abdominal cavity. The system also includes a first sensor associated with the spacer layer and configured to acquire data associated with fluid at a first zone within the abdominal cavity and a first wireless transceiver associated with the first sensor and configured to transmit the data to an external therapy control device. 1. A system for applying negative-pressure therapy to an abdominal cavity , the system comprising:a tissue interface comprising a first contact layer and a second contact layer, each of the first contact layer and the second contact layer having perforations formed therein;a spacer layer disposed between the first contact layer and the second contact layer, the spacer layer configured to extend to a plurality of different zones within the abdominal cavity;a first sensor associated with the spacer layer and configured to acquire data associated with fluid at a first zone within the abdominal cavity; anda first wireless transceiver associated with the first sensor and configured to transmit the data to an external therapy control device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor is configured to acquire data associated with the presence of fluid in the first zone.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor is configured to acquire data associated with pressure in the first zone.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor is configured to acquire data associated with temperature in the first zone.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor is configured to acquire data ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems for characterizing tissue of a subject

Номер: US20210073994A1
Принадлежит: Stryker European Operations Ltd

Methods and systems for characterizing tissue of a subject are disclosed. The method includes retrieving a time series of angiography images of tissue of a subject, defining a plurality of calculation regions, generating a time-intensity curve for each respective calculation region, calculating a rank value for each respective calculation region based on one or more parameters derived from the time-intensity curve; and generating a viewable image in which on the image position of each calculation region an indication is provided of the calculated rank value for that calculation region. Also disclosed are methods and systems for generating first and second time-intensity curves for respective first and second calculation regions, calculating first and second rank values for the respective calculation regions based on first and second pluralities of parameters selected to approximate the respective time-intensity curves, and generating a spatial map of the first and second calculated rank values.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071527A1

An allergy testing system comprises a skin test device having a grip portion for holding the device. One or more legs extend from the grip, and each leg is oriented to interact with a well containing a potential allergen. Each leg has a test head, and each test head has a plurality of elongated spike members. The elongated spike members have a sharp end configured to receive the potential allergen from a well and to puncture a patient's skin. In addition, each test head has at least one touch activator. The touch activator is longer than the plurality of elongated spike members, such that during an allergy test, the touch activator comes into contact with the skin prior to the elongated spike members, causing the touch activators to activate nerve tissue that blocks transmission of pain, resulting in a reduction of pain and/or discomfort during testing. 1. An allergy testing system comprising: an elongated grip portion for holding the device;', 'a plurality of legs extending from the grip, the plurality of legs spaced and oriented to interact with a plurality of wells containing test solutions; wherein each of the plurality of legs has a test head, each test head comprising a plurality of elongated spikes each having a sharp end configured to receive the test solution from a well and to puncture skin to deliver the test solution, each test head further comprising at least one touch activator, wherein the touch activator is longer than the plurality of elongated spikes, such that during an allergy test, the touch activator is configured to come into contact with the skin prior to the elongated spikes, to cause the touch activators to activate nerve tissue that suppresses transmission of pain, resulting in a reduction of pain during testing and the plurality of legs being configured such that the test heads maintain the same spacing during testing., 'a skin test device comprising2. The allergy testing system of claim 1 , wherein both the touch activator and the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071528A1
Автор: Chen Wei-yu

An adaptability skincare information prompting system and an adaptability skincare prompting method are disclosed. The adaptability skincare information prompting system includes a detecting device for detecting environmental parameters of an environment where a user is currently in and physiological parameters of a target skin of the user, and an electronic device for giving skincare advice information according to the environmental parameters and then verifying or correcting the skincare advice information according to the physiological parameters. 1. An adaptability skincare prompting system , comprising:a detecting device for detecting environmental parameters of an environment where a user is currently in and physiological parameters of a target skin of the user; andan electronic device for giving skincare advice information according to the environmental parameters and then verifying or correcting the skincare advice information according to the physiological parameters.2. The adaptability skincare prompting system of claim 1 , further comprising:a cloud server communicating with the electronic device for collecting and storing user information containing the environmental parameters and the physiological parameters from the electronic device.3. The adaptability skincare prompting system of claim 2 , wherein the cloud server comprises a first database and a second database claim 2 , the first database collects and stores private information in the user information according to an identical code claim 2 , and the second database collects and stores non-private information in the user information according to the identical code.4. The adaptability skincare prompting system of claim 3 , wherein the cloud server analyzes history data of the user as a base of the skincare advice information given by the electronic device.5. The adaptability skincare prompting system of claim 3 , wherein the cloud server analyzes history data of another user as a base of the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Strategic Treatment of Pressure Ulcer Using Sub-Epidermal Moisture Values

Номер: US20200069240A1
Автор: BURNS Martin F.
Принадлежит: Bruin Biometrics, LLC

The present disclosure provides methods of identifying a patient in need of pressure ulcer treatment and treating the patient with clinical intervention selected based on sub-epidermal moisture values. The present disclosure also provides methods of stratifying groups of patients based on pressure ulcer risks and methods of reducing incidence of pressure ulcers in a care facility. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of identifying and treating a patient in need of pressure ulcer treatment , the method comprising the steps of:evaluating a patient for a risk of pressure ulcer in a patient upon admission to a care facility, where the evaluating comprises making a first plurality of Sub-Epidermal Moisture (SEM) measurements in the patient,calculating a first delta value from a portion of the first plurality of SEM measurements,determining whether the first delta value exceeds a first threshold, administering a first intervention of level-0 if the first delta value does not exceed the first threshold, andadministering a first intervention of level-N if the first delta value exceeds the first threshold,wherein N is an integer and N has a value of 1 or greater.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the step of making a first plurality of SEM measurements comprises using a SEM Scanner to make each SEM measurement and produce a respective SEM value claim 21 , and the step of calculating the first delta value comprises comparing the SEM values produced by a portion of the first plurality of SEM measurements.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the step of making a first plurality of SEM measurements comprises making a first sub-set of SEM measurements at the first location and at least one additional sub-set of SEM measurements at a second location claim 21 , the step of calculating a first delta value comprises calculating a first-location first delta value from a portion of the first sub-set of measurements and calculating a second-location first delta value from a portion of the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Providing a Continuity of Care Across Multiple Care Settings

Номер: US20200069241A1
Автор: BURNS Martin F.
Принадлежит: Bruin Biometrics, LLC

The present disclosure provides methods of providing a continuity of care for a patient during transfer between care settings. The method includes the steps of deciding to transfer a patient from a first care setting to a second care setting, performing a first assessment of the patient in the first care setting, preparing a transfer record of the assessment, and transferring the transfer record with the patient to the second care setting. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of providing a continuity of care for a patient during transfer from a first care setting to a second care setting , the method comprising the steps of:identifying a current intervention of level-K received by the patient at the first care setting;making a plurality of Sub-Epidermal Moisture (SEM) measurements at a body location on the patient at the second care setting,calculating a delta value by a difference between two of the plurality of SEM measurements,determining whether the delta value exceeds a threshold,continuing to administer the current intervention if the delta value does not exceed the threshold, andadministering a new intervention of level-N if the delta value exceeds the threshold, where N has a value greater than K.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the current intervention of level-K is provided in a transfer record.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the transfer record further comprises delta values calculated from a portion of the plurality of SEM scans of the patient taken at different times while in the first care setting.24. The method of claim 22 , wherein the transfer record further comprises results obtained from at least one of assessments selected from the group consisting of a risk assessment of the patient claim 22 , a visual skin assessment of at least one body location of the patient claim 22 , and an image of the at least one body location.25. The method of claim 22 , wherein the transfer record further comprises results obtained from performing a first SEM scan ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Measurement of Susceptibility to Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Номер: US20200069242A1
Принадлежит: Bruin Biometrics, LLC

The present disclosure provides apparatuses and methods for measuring capacitance as an indication of susceptibility to the formation of a diabetic foot ulcer. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. A method for assessing susceptibility of tissue to formation of a diabetic foot ulcer , said method comprising:obtaining a first sub-epidermal moisture (SEM) value at a first location of a patient's skin;obtaining a temperature measurement at said first location of a patient's skin; anddetermining that said first location of a patient's skin is susceptible to formation of a diabetic foot ulcer when said first SEM value differs from a first reference value by an amount greater than a first predetermined threshold and said temperature measurement differs from a second reference value by an amount greater than a second predetermined threshold.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein said first reference value is predetermined.20. The method of claim 18 , wherein said first reference value is determined by measurement of said first SEM value at a time when said first location of a patient's skin is healthy.21. The method of claim 18 , wherein said first reference value is determined from measurements of said first SEM value at said first location of a patient's skin at one or more times prior to the most recent measurement of said first SEM value.22. The method of claim 18 , wherein said first reference value is a measurement of a second SEM value of a second location of a patient's skin that is separated from said first location of a patient's skin.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein said second location of a patient's skin is known to be healthy.24. The method of claim 22 , wherein said second SEM value is measured at approximately the same time as said first SEM value.25. An ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

pH Indicator Dressing for Monitoring of Wound and Infection

Номер: US20200069482A1

Wound dressings, methods for forming the wound dressings, and methods for using the wound dressings are described. Wound dressings include a polymeric composition that includes a biocompatible polymer and a pH indicating agent. The polymeric composition can be at a wound contacting surface of a wound dressing in the form of, e.g., a fiber, a hydrogel, or a microsphere. The color of the polymeric composition as determined by the pH indicating agent can indicate the presence of infection or a chronic wound state. The wound dressings can be used for early detection of healing abnormalities in acute, chronic, or burn wounds. 1. A wound dressing comprising:a wound contacting surface; andan absorbent substrate at the wound contacting surface, the absorbent substrate comprising a polymeric composition, the polymeric composition comprising a biocompatible polymer and a pH indicator, the pH indicator exhibiting a detectable color change in the visible spectrum that is indicative of the pH of a fluid in contact with the polymeric composition.2. The wound dressing of claim 1 , the absorbent substrate comprising fibers claim 1 , the fibers comprising the polymeric composition.3. The wound dressing of claim 1 , the absorbent substrate comprising a crosslinked hydrogel matrix claim 1 , the crosslinked hydrogel matrix comprising the polymeric composition.4. The wound dressing of claim 1 , the absorbent substrate encapsulating a plurality of microspheres claim 1 , the microspheres comprising the polymeric composition.5. The wound dressing of claim 1 , the polymeric composition further comprising a plasticizer.6. The wound dressing of claim 5 , the plasticizer comprising dioctylphthalate claim 5 , castor oil claim 5 , diacetylated monoglycerides claim 5 , diethyl phthalate claim 5 , glycerin claim 5 , mono- and di-acetylated monoglycerides claim 5 , polyethylene glycol claim 5 , propylene glycol claim 5 , triacetin claim 5 , triethyl citrate claim 5 , bis-(2-butoxyethyl) adipate ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

System for Strategic Monitoring and Treatment of Pressure Ulcer Using Sub-Epidermal Moisture Values

Номер: US20210076974A1
Автор: BURNS Martin F.
Принадлежит: Bruin Biometrics, LLC

The present disclosure provides systems and methods for detecting and monitoring a patient in need of pressure ulcer treatment based on measurements of Sub-Epidermal Moisture (SEM) values. 1. A system for monitoring a patient in need of pressure ulcer treatment , the system comprising:a sub-epidermal moisture scanner comprising a barcode scanner;a first barcode identifying the patient,a second barcode identifying a caretaker;and a third barcode identifying a pressure ulcer intervention asset being applied to the patient, wherein the pressure ulcer intervention asset is selected from the group consisting of a specialized support surface, a heel boot, a dressing, a low-friction sheet cover, a low-friction padded mattress surface, a wedge, a container of barrier cream, a container of topical cream for enhancing perfusion, an accelerometer measuring patient movement, and a silicone pad.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sub-epidermal moisture scanner further comprises:one or more electrodes capable of interrogating target tissue of the patient,a circuit that is electronically coupled to the one or more electrodes to form a sensor, generate a bioimpedance signal, and convert the bioimpedance signal into a sub-epidermal moisture value;a processor electronically coupled to the circuit and configured to receive the sub-epidermal moisture value; and receive the sub-epidermal moisture value measured at the target tissue,', 'receive the first barcode, receiving the second barcode, and receiving the third barcode., 'a non-transitory computer readable medium that is electronically coupled to the processor and comprises instructions stored thereon that, when executed on the processor, cause the system to3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a database capable of receiving and storing the sub-epidermal moisture value claim 1 , and the first barcode claim 1 , the second barcode claim 1 , and third barcode collected by the sub-epidermal moisture scanner.4. A method of ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Optical coherent imaging medical device

Номер: US20150080742A1
Принадлежит: Aimago SA

An OCI medical device includes a coherent light source, a light sensor, a first processing unit adapted to calculate OCI Data from the light sensor, a control unit which allows taking or loading of at least one Reference OCI Value, a second processing unit adapted to calculate the Intra-Individual Relative Assessment of the OCI Data of an Imaging Zone and the at least one OCI Reference Value, and display means adapted to show at least one Relative OCI Value. Uses and a method for assessing the blood flow of a body region use OCI imaging and include an Intra-Individual Relative Assessment between OCI Data of the Imaging Zone and at least one Reference OCI Value.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220092770A1

The present disclosure provides methods, systems, and devices for coregistering imaging data to form three-dimensional superimposed images of a biological target such as a wound, a tumor, or a surgical bed. A three-dimensional map can be generated by projecting infrared radiation at a target area, receiving reflected infrared radiation, and measuring depth of the target area. A three-dimensional white light image can be created from a captured two-dimensional white light image and the three-dimensional map. A three-dimensional fluorescence image can be created from a captured two-dimensional fluorescence image and the three-dimensional map. The three-dimensional white light image and the three-dimensional fluorescence image can be aligned using one or more fiducial markers to form a three-dimensional superimposed image. The superimposed image can be used to track wound healing and to excise cancerous tissues, for example, breast tumors. Images can be in the form of videos. 1. A method of generating a three-dimensional image of a target using two-dimensional images , comprising:generating a three-dimensional map of a target area associated with one or more fiducial markers;capturing a two-dimensional white light image of the target area and the one or more fiducial markers;creating a three-dimensional white light image from the two-dimensional white light image and the three-dimensional map;capturing a two-dimensional fluorescence image of the target area and the one or more fiducial markers;creating a three-dimensional fluorescence image from the two-dimensional fluorescence image and the three-dimensional map; andaligning the three-dimensional white light image and the three-dimensional fluorescence image using the one or more fiducial markers to form a three-dimensional superimposed image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the capturing of the two-dimensional fluorescence image of the target area and the one or more fiducial markers comprises:illuminating the ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160080665A1

An apparatus for analyzing a subject including a hyperspectral image module is provided. It is used to identify a suspect region of a subject by using a hyperspectral sensor (for obtaining a hyperspectral image of the subject), a control computer including a processor unit (PU) and a computer readable memory (CRM) (for controlling and is in electronic communication with the sensor), a control software module including instructions stored in the CRM and executed by the PU (for controlling said at least one operating parameter of the sensor), a spectral calibrator module including instructions stored in the CRM and executed by the PU (for applying a wavelength dependent spectral calibration standard constructed for the sensor to a hyperspectral image), and a light source for illuminating the subject. An optional contact probe module is used to collect a signal of the suspect region for medical diagnosis. 1. An apparatus for analyzing the skin of a subject , the apparatus comprising:a hyperspectral sensor for obtaining a hyperspectral image of said subject;a control computer for controlling the hyperspectral sensor, wherein the control computer is in electronic communication with the hyperspectral sensor and wherein the control computer controls at least one operating parameter of the hyperspectral sensor, and wherein the control computer comprises a processor unit and a computer readable memory;a control software module, stored in the computer readable memory and executed by the processor unit, the control software comprising instructions for controlling said at least one operating parameter of the hyperspectral sensor;a spectral calibrator module, stored in the computer readable memory and executed by the processor unit, the spectral calibrator module comprising instructions for applying a wave-length dependent spectral calibration standard constructed for the hyperspectral sensor to a hyperspectral image collected by the hyperspectral sensor; anda light source that ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Bed having load detection function and bed-load detector

Номер: US20160081592A1
Принадлежит: Showa Denko KK

In a bed having a load detection function, a load detector attached to a bed main body includes a load cell provided at a site which is positioned at any location on a load transmission path extending from a bed surface-forming portion to a bed installation surface, and at which a load from the bed surface-forming portion side is received and the load is transmitted to a configuration member of the installation surface side. The load cell includes a load-receiving member, and a base body which is separated from the load-receiving member and to which the load from the load-receiving member is applied. The load-receiving member comes into contact with the base body, the load from the load-receiving member acts on the base body, and the resulting strain is detected by a strain sensor.
