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10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2247794C2

Изобретение относится к способу покрытия суперабразивных, а именно алмазных, частиц металлом, указанные покрытые частицы применяют для изготовления инструментов из суперабразива, предназначенных для шлифования и резания, или для металлизированных алмазных изделий. Предложенный способ покрытия суперабразивных частиц включает использование порошка, образующего покрытие из соединения, содержащего металл, при этом металл термически восстанавливают из соединения путем помещения суперабразивных частиц и образующего покрытие порошка вместе в инертную атмосферу, последующего нагрева суперабразивных частиц и образующего покрытие порошка от по меньшей мере 500°С до температуры ниже температуры деструкции суперабразива, в течение времени, достаточного для эффективного осаждения слоя металла по меньшей мере на один участок поверхности каждой суперабразивной частицы и образования химической связи между ними, охлаждения суперабразивных частиц и образующего покрытие порошка до температуры ниже температуры ...

07-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666390C2
Принадлежит: ХАРДАЙД ПиЭлСи (GB)

Изобретение относится к сверхтвердым алмазным материалам с покрытием и может быть использовано в износостойких изделиях, армированных твердым сплавом и содержащих абразив инструментах. Покрытие на алмазосодержащем материале, выбранном из группы, состоящей из алмаза, монокристаллического алмаза, поликристаллического алмаза, алмазно-карборундовых композитов и алмазосодержащего материала, преимущественно не содержащего катализирующих металлов, которое является термостойким при температурах до по меньшей мере 800°С, содержит первый адгезивный слой, сформированный непосредственно на алмазосодержащем материале и содержащий смесь из вольфрама и карбида вольфрама, сплавленную с фтором в количестве от 0,001 до 0,12% от общей массы первого слоя, и второй защитный слой, сформированный на первом слое и содержащий по меньшей мере вольфрам, сплавленный с фтором в количестве от 0,001 до 0,12% от общей массы второго слоя. Предложены также способ нанесения указанного покрытия, суперабразивный элемент с ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2456126C2
Принадлежит: ИСКАР ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к улучшенным системам покрытия, в частности к новым толстым покрытиям и способам их выполнения для получения режущих инструментов. Режущая пластина с многослойным керамическим покрытием, осажденным на ней по технологии CVD, содержит чередующиеся слои α-Al2O3 с промежуточными слоями, адгезивно прикрепленными к слоям α-Al2O3, причем промежуточные слои выполнены из материала, выбранного из группы, состоящей из TiAlON, TiAlOC и TiAlCON. Получаются режущие инструменты с улучшенными свойствами: с высокой вязкостью и низкой склонностью как к образованию трещин, так и к отслаиванию. 2 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 4 пр., 3 ил., 1 табл.

30-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695997C2

Изобретение относится к слоистому материалу, предназначенному для получения барьерных пленок, включающему более чем одну последовательность, включающую (а) слой, содержащий В, Al, Si, Ti, Zn, Y, Zr, La, имеющий толщину от 0.4 до 15 нм, и (б) слой, содержащий органический тиол. Также изобретение относится к способу получения, к барьерной пленке, применению барьерной пленки и электронному устройству. Предложенный слоистый материал сохраняет барьерные свойства при высоких механических нагрузках. 5 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 1 табл., 9 пр.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2536014C2
Принадлежит: СЕКО ТУЛЗ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к пластине для режущего инструмента, предназначенной для обточки закаленных и инструментальных сталей. Пластина для режущего инструмента содержит корпус из твердого сплава и покрытие. Твердый сплав, из которого выполнен корпус пластины, содержит WC, от 4,0 до 7,0 вес. % Со, предпочтительно от 4,5 до 6,0 вес. % Со, от 0,25 до 0,50 вес. % Cr, предпочтительно от 0,30 до 0,45 вес. % Cr, при этом величина S составляет от 0,68 до 0,88, предпочтительно от 0,7 до 0,8, а коэрцитивность, Нс, - от 28 до 38 кА/м, предпочтительно от 30 до 34 кА/м. Покрытие имеет толщину от 11 до 24 мкм и нанесено на корпус посредством CVD. По меньшей мере самый верхний слой покрытия представляет собой слой α-AlOтолщинойот7 до 12 мкм, предпочтительно от 8 до 11 мкм, текстурированный в направлении <006> с текстурным коэффициентом ТС(006)>2, предпочтительно >4 и <8, одновременно, при этом все текстурные коэффициенты ТС(012), ТС(110), ТС(113), ТС(202), ТС(024) и ТС(116)<1, а TC(104) представляет собой ...

28-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2728136C2

Изобретение относится к чёрным керамическим композитных покрытиям и может быть использовано в оптических устройствах. Керамическое композитное покрытие содержит керамическую оксидную матрицу с внедренными в нее карбидными наночастицами, в частности, наночастицами карбида металла, и/или внедренными в нее металл-углеродными композитными наночастицами с отдельными фазами металла и углерода. Карбидные наночастицы являются метастабильными, и металл-углеродные композитные наночастицы представляют собой продукты распада метастабильных карбидных наночастиц. Еще один аспект изобретения относится к получению такого керамического композитного покрытия. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил., 1 табл.

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Способ создания легированных дельта-слоев в CVD алмазе

Номер: RU2624754C2

Изобретение относится к технологии осаждения алмазных пленок из газовой фазы CVD методом, а именно к способу получения легированного дельта-слоя в CVD алмазе. Алмазную подложку помещают в CVD реактор. Сначала на подложку осаждают слой нелегированного CVD алмаза в потоке газовой смеси, содержащей Н+СН, затем в поток упомянутой газовой смеси вводят легирующую добавку для осаждения легированного дельта-слоя алмаза поверх нелегированного слоя CVD алмаза, затем в течение времени, превышающего на порядок время упомянутого легирования, формируют в реакционной камере CVD реактора газовую смесь, не содержащую углерод и упомянутую легирующую добавку, с геттером упомянутой легирующей добавки, затем формируют поток газовой смеси, содержащей углерод. Все потоки упомянутых газовых смесей через реакционную камеру CVD реактора поддерживают ламинарными и безвихревыми, не создающими застойных зон. В частном случае осуществления изобретения в качестве легирующей добавки используют бор, азот или фосфор. При ...

28-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017100539A3

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2384907C1

Изобретение относится к сверхпроводящему тонкопленочному материалу и способу его изготовления. Согласно изобретению, сверхпроводящий тонкопленочный материал (1) содержит текстурированную металлическую подложку (10) и оксидную сверхпроводниковую пленку (30), сформированную на этой текстурированной металлической подложке (10). Оксидная сверхпроводниковая пленка (30) содержит слой (31) физического осаждения из паровой фазы, сформированный методом физического осаждения из паровой фазы, и слой (32) осаждения металлоорганических соединений, сформированный на упомянутом слое физического осаждения из паровой фазы методом осаждения металлоорганических соединений, при этом в упомянутой сверхпроводниковой пленке (30) друг на друга наложено множество структур, состоящих из комбинации упомянутого слоя (31) физического осаждения из паровой фазы и упомянутого слоя (32) осаждения металлоорганических соединений. Техническим результатом является достижение превосходного свойства, такого как высокая плотность ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015118411A

... 1. Режущий инструмент с износостойким покрытием, содержащий подложку (1) и поверхностное покрытие (2), осажденное на подложке (1) и покрывающее по меньшей мере часть подложки (1), при этом поверхностное покрытие (2) имеет толщину T, причем подложка (1) содержит множество выемок в подложке (1) в структурированной области поверхности в пределах части подложки с покрытием, отличающийся тем, что каждая из упомянутых выемок имеет глубину D, где 2 мкм < D < 100 мкм, ширину Wна половине глубины [D/2] выемки, где W≤ 2T, а Tсоставляет от 2 до 30 мкм, причем выемка по меньшей мере частично заполнена поверхностным покрытием (2), содержащим внутренний слой толщиной T, выполненный из Ti(C,O,N), Ti(C,N), TiC, TiN или их комбинаций, и внешний слой толщиной T, выполненный из AlO.2. Режущий инструмент с износостойким покрытием по п. 1, в котором структурированная область поверхности подложки (1) содержит первую поверхность (4) подложки (1), выполненную с выемками в подложке (1), и причем толщина покрытия ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012106614A

... 1. Пластина для режущего инструмента, содержащая корпус из твердого сплава и покрытие, отличающаяся тем, чтокорпус из твердого сплава содержит WC, от 4,0 до 7,0 вес.% Со, предпочтительно от 4,5 до 6,0 вес.% Со; от 0,25 до 0,50 вес.% Cr, предпочтительно от 0,30 до 0,45 вес.% Cr; величина S составляет от 0,68 до 0,88, предпочтительно от 0,7 до 0,8; а коэрцитивность, Нс, - от 28 до 38 кА/м, предпочтительно от 30 до 34 кА/м,смежныйпокрытию толщиной от 11 до 24 мкм, нанесенному посредством CVD, при этом по меньшей мере самый верхний является слоем α-AlOтолщинойот7 до 12 мкм, предпочтительно от 8 до 11 мкм, текстурированным в направлении <006> с текстурным коэффициентом ТС(006)>2, предпочтительно >4 и <8, одновременно, при этом все ТС(012), ТС(110), ТС(113), ТС(202), ТС(024) и ТС(116)<1, и TC(104) представляют собой второй наивысший текстурный коэффициент ТС(hkl), определяемый по следующей формуле:где I(hkl) = измеренная интенсивность отражения (hkl);I(hkl) = стандартная интенсивность согласно ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007117804A

... 1. Износо-, эрозионно- и химически стойкий материал, содержащий вольфрам, легированный углеродом, причем углерод присутствует в количестве от 0,01 вес.% до 0,97 вес.%, в пересчете на полный вес материала. 2. Материал по п.1, содержащий матрицу металлического вольфрама с диспергированными наночастицами карбида вольфрама, имеющими размер не более 50 нм, преимущественно не более 10 нм. 3. Материал по п.2, в котором наночастипы карбида вольфрама содержат моно карбид вольфрама WC, полукарбид вольфрама W2C или их смесь. 4. Материал по п.1, дополнительно легированный фтором, причем фтор присутствует в количестве от 0,001 до 0,4 вес.%, в пересчете на полный вес материала. 5. Материал по любому из пп.1-4, имеющий микротвердость от 700 до 2000 Hv. 6. Покрытие, содержащее внутренний слой, содержащий вольфрам, осажденный на подложке; и внешний слой, осажденный на указанном внутреннем слое и содержащий материал по любому из пп.1-5. 7. Покрытие по п.6, отличающееся тем, что внутренний слой имеет толщину ...

21-07-2011 дата публикации

Device for plasma-treating a container for inner coating of the container, comprises an evacuatable treatment chamber, an electrode to generate plasma in the container, and a transport unit to move the container into the treatment chamber

Номер: DE102010000940A1

The device (1) for plasma-treating a container (4) for inner coating of the container, comprises an evacuatable treatment chamber (2), an electrode (6) for generating plasma in the container, and a transport unit (3) to move the container into the treatment chamber relative to the electrode. The electrode is arranged outside of the treatment chamber. A dielectric wall section containing plastic is formed in the treatment chamber to couple electromagnetic energy with the electrode in the treatment chamber. The electrode is divided into two segments. The device (1) for plasma-treating a container (4) for inner coating of the container, comprises an evacuatable treatment chamber (2), an electrode (6) for generating plasma in the container, and a transport unit (3) to move the container into the treatment chamber relative to the electrode. The electrode is arranged outside of the treatment chamber. A dielectric wall section containing plastic is formed in the treatment chamber to couple electromagnetic ...

12-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059903347D1
Принадлежит: WIDIA GMBH

21-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069710324D1

11-03-1999 дата публикации

Strangpreßwerkzeug, Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung sowie seine Verwendung

Номер: DE0019810015A1

The invention relates to an extrusion die - including for a disk-type threading die with at least one moulding opening for threading metal such as aluminium or an aluminium alloy - made of steel - mainly low distortion hot-work steel - with a coated surface. The coating of said extrusion die is made of a material selected from among a group containing carbides, nitrides, oxides and the combinations thereof, and applied onto the extrusion die according to a chemical vapour deposition process.

23-09-1999 дата публикации

Beschichteter Schneideinsatz

Номер: DE0069603765D1

12-05-2005 дата публикации

Kornorientiertes Elektroblech mit einer elektrisch isolierenden Beschichtung

Номер: DE0010130308B4

Kornorientiertes Elektroblech mit einer elektrisch isolierenden, harten Beschichtung aus einem amorphen Kohlenstoff-Wasserstoff-Netzwerk.

23-01-2002 дата публикации

Silica insulation film with a reduced dielectric constant and method of forming the same

Номер: GB0000129147D0

11-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008919482D0

14-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002240787A

A method for forming a layer of a Group II or III fluoride on a semiconductor substrate (e.g. as epitaxial insulating layer) comprising vaporizing a precursor (I), where M is Be, Ca, Sr, Ba or lanthanide, b and d are 0 or 1. A, B, C and D are independently (IIA) or (IIB), X being O, S, NR, PR where R is H, alkyl, perfluoroalkyl; Y is perfluoroalkyl, fluoroalkenyl, fluoroalkylamine or fluoroalkenylamine; Z is H, F, alkyl, perfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkenyl; and then decomposing the precursor vapor to form M fluoride. A preferred precursor for calcium fluoride is calcium 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluor-2,4-pentanedione complex where b and d are 0.

10-11-2004 дата публикации

Hydrophobic coating for oxide surfaces

Номер: GB0002401376A

Coatings may be produced by applying a compound of the general formula AXn or A(R<1>)mXn to an oxidized surface followed by a nucleophilic compound of the general formula DR<2>. The processes may result in a hydrophobic unreactive organic coating that sterically inhibits access to the underlying oxidized surface or reactive groups. In selected embodiments, the hydrophobic coating may form a monolayer. Preferably A = silicon and the nucleophile is an alcohol.

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Coated ceramic cutting insert and method of making the same

Номер: GB0002490470A

A coated ceramic cutting insert (20) for removing material from a workpiece, as well as a method for making the same, that includes a ceramic substrate ((40, 40A, 40B) with a rake surface (28) and at least one flank surface (30) wherein a cutting edge (32) is at the juncture therebetween. A wear-resistant coating scheme (50, 82) that includes at least one exposed alumina coating layer (50, 60, 62, 82) which exhibits a blasted stress condition ranging between about 50 MPa (tensile stress) and about - 2GPa (compressive) as measured by XRD using the Psi tilt method and the (024) reflection of alumina. The exposed alumina coating layer (50, 60, 62, 82) is the result of wet blasting a titanium-containing outer coating layer (54, 54A, 54B) region from the surface of the alumina-containing base coating layer region (50, 50A, 50B).

10-11-2004 дата публикации

Alloyed tungsten produced by chemical vapour deposition

Номер: GB0000422608D0

09-06-2004 дата публикации

Hydrophobic coating for oxide surfaces

Номер: GB0000410107D0

26-05-2004 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for forming a film on a substrate

Номер: GB0000408705D0

08-09-1982 дата публикации

Forming titanium containing coatings on nickel containing substrates

Номер: GB0002093865A

A workpiece of a highly heat-resistant steel containing nickel or of a nickel-base alloy is provided with a hard coating containing titanium. An intermediate layer of an intermetallic phase Ni3Ti intervenes between the core material and the hard coating. The deposition of the intermediate layer of the hard coating is achieved by means of separation in a gaseous phase.

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000402278T

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385266T

12-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387186B

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385267T

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: ATA120893A

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000401431T

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA414674A

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000519871T

15-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ATA181693A

15-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342987A

15-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AT515917A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Innenbeschichtung von Druckbehältern (10), beispielsweise Druckflaschen, zur Lagerung und Bereitstellung von Gasen, vorzugsweise für medizinische Anwendungen oder für die Lebensmittelindustrie. Die erfindungsgemäße Vorrichtung weist folgende Bestandteile auf: Zumindest ein Verschlusselement (1), welches gasdicht am Anschluss (11) einer der Druckbehälter (10) anschließbar ist, wobei das Verschlusselement (1) zumindest eine Anschlussleitung (2) aufweist, die das Verschlusselement (1) durchsetzt; eine Vakuumquelle (3), vorzugsweise eine Vakuumpumpe, die mit dem Innenraum (12) des Druckbehälters (10) in Strömungsverbindung bringbar ist; eine Prozessgaseinrichtung (4), die mit der Anschlussleitung (2) in Strömungsverbindung bringbar ist und zum Einleiten eines Gasgemisches für die Plasmabeschichtung in den Innenraum (12) des Druckbehälters (10) dient; sowie eine Generatoreinheit (5), die für die Bereitstellung und Einkopplung von ...

15-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121461T

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009748U1

15-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000180518T

15-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000183555T

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000105740T

15-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000164189T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331054T

15-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000208440T

15-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000228039T

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: ATA61597A

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000233328T

24-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037547544T

06-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032269855T

12-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039221834T

18-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030092546T

14-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038849850T

09-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037540714T

09-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035721803T

24-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030503812T

15-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032366797T

24-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037023558T

24-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037015264T

14-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034813392T

16-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030429238T

03-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000567853B2

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for synthesizing a material, in particular diamonds, by chemical vapor deposition, as well as device for applying the method

Номер: AU2011284614A1

The invention relates to a method for synthesizing a material by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), according to which plasma is produced in the vicinity of a substrate in a vacuum chamber, and according to which a substance containing carbon and H ...

14-03-2000 дата публикации

Method for depositing layers of high quality semiconductor material

Номер: AU0006130399A

24-07-2003 дата публикации

Superhard dielectric compounds and methods of preparation

Номер: AU2002365082A8

24-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002365082A1

10-03-2003 дата публикации

Method for producing a fluorescent material layer

Номер: AU2002331557A1

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Thermal chemical vapor deposition split-functionalization process, product, and coating

Номер: AU2016253571A1
Принадлежит: WADESON

THERMAL CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION SPLIT FUNCTIONALIZATION PROCESS, PRODUCT, AND COATING Thermal chemical vapor deposition split-functionalizing processes, coatings, and products are disclosed. The thermal chemical vapor deposition split-functionalizing process includes positioning an article within an enclosed chamber, functionalizing the article within a first temperature range for a first period of time, and then further functionalizing the article within a second temperature range for a second period of time. The thermal chemical vapor deposition split-functionalized product includes a functionalization formed by functionalizing within a first temperature range for a first period of time and a further functionalization formed by further functionalizing within a second temperature range for a second period of time. -12- ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Hydrophobic and oleophobic coatings

Номер: AU2014355153A1

A hydrophobic surface comprises a surface texture and a coating disposed on the surface texture, wherein the coating comprises an amorphous diamond like carbon material doped with 10 to 35 atomic percent of Si, O, F, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing, or a low surface energy material selected from fluoropolymer, silicone, ceramic, fluoropolymer composite, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing; and wherein the surface texture comprises a micro texture, a micro-nano texture, or a combination of a micro texture and a micro-nano texture.

10-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000578950B2

02-09-1997 дата публикации

Method for depositing fluorine doped silicon dioxide films

Номер: AU0002130297A

07-06-1999 дата публикации

Low pressure vapor phase deposition of organic thin films

Номер: AU0001412499A

09-08-1999 дата публикации

Tantalum amide precursors for deposition of tantalum nitride on a substrate

Номер: AU0002332199A

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Surface-coated cutting tool

Номер: US20120003452A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A surface-coated cutting tool includes a tool substrate made of tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide or titanium carbonitride-based cermet; and a hard coating layer formed by vapor-depositing in order, a lower layer (a), an intermediate layer (b), and an upper layer (c) on the tool substrate. The lower layer (a) is a Ti layer composed of one or more of a titanium carbide layer, a titanium nitride layer, a titanium carbonitride layer, a titanium carboxide layer, and a titanium oxycarbonitride layer, and having a thickness of 3 to 20 μm. The intermediate layer (b) is an aluminum oxide layer having a thickness of 1 to 5 μm, and having an α-type crystal structure in a chemically vapor-deposited state. The upper layer (c) is an aluminum oxide layer having a thickness of 2 to 15 μm, and containing one or more elements of Ti, Y, Zr, Cr, and B.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for selective epitaxy of si-containing materials and substitutionally doped crystalline si-containing material

Номер: US20120003819A1

The present invention discloses that under modified chemical vapor deposition (mCVD) conditions an epitaxial silicon film may be formed by exposing a substrate contained within a chamber to a relatively high carrier gas flow rate in combination with a relatively low silicon precursor flow rate at a temperature of less than about 550° C. and a pressure in the range of about 10 mTorr-200 Torr. Furthermore, the crystalline Si may be in situ doped to contain relatively high levels of substitutional carbon by carrying out the deposition at a relatively high flow rate using tetrasilane as a silicon source and a carbon-containing gas such as dodecalmethylcyclohexasilane or tetramethyldisilane under modified CVD conditions.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Tellurium Precursors for Film Deposition

Номер: US20120021590A1

Methods and compositions for depositing a tellurium-containing film on a substrate are disclosed. A reactor and at least one substrate disposed in the reactor are provided. A tellurium-containing precursor is provided and introduced into the reactor, which is maintained at a temperature ranging from approximately 20° C. to approximately 100° C. Tellurium is deposited on to the substrate through a deposition process to form a thin film on the substrate.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Methods of forming germanium-antimony-tellurium materials and a method of forming a semiconductor device structure including the same

Номер: US20120028410A1
Автор: Eugene P. Marsh
Принадлежит: Micron Technology Inc

A method of forming a material. The method comprises conducting an ALD layer cycle of a first metal, the ALD layer cycle comprising a reactive first metal precursor and a co-reactive first metal precursor. An ALD layer cycle of a second metal is conducted, the ALD layer cycle comprising a reactive second metal precursor and a co-reactive second metal precursor. An ALD layer cycle of a third metal is conducted, the ALD layer cycle comprising a reactive third metal precursor and a co-reactive third metal precursor. The ALD layer cycles of the first metal, the second metal, and the third metal are repeated to form a material, such as a GeSbTe material, having a desired stoichiometry. Additional methods of forming a material, such as a GeSbTe material, are disclosed, as is a method of forming a semiconductor device structure including a GeSbTe material.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Vapor deposition of metal oxides, silicates and phosphates, and silicon dioxide

Номер: US20120028478A1
Принадлежит: Harvard College

Metal silicates or phosphates are deposited on a heated substrate by the reaction of vapors of alkoxysilanols or alkylphosphates along with reactive metal amides, alkyls or alkoxides. For example, vapors of tris(tert-butoxy)silanol react with vapors of tetrakis(ethylmethylamido)hafnium to deposit hafnium silicate on surfaces heated to 300° C. The product film has a very uniform stoichiometry throughout the reactor. Similarly, vapors of diisopropylphosphate react with vapors of lithium bis(ethyldimethylsilyl)amide to deposit lithium phosphate films on substrates heated to 250° C. Supplying the vapors in alternating pulses produces these same compositions with a very uniform distribution of thickness and excellent step coverage.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Conductive layers for hafnium silicon oxynitride

Номер: US20120068272A1
Автор: Kie Y. Ahn, Leonard Forbes
Принадлежит: Individual

Electronic apparatus and methods of forming the electronic apparatus include HfSiON for use in a variety of electronic systems. In various embodiments, conductive material is coupled to a dielectric containing HfSiON, where such conductive material may include one or more monolayers of titanium nitride, tantalum, or combinations of titanium nitride and tantalum.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for fabricating wafer product and method for fabricating gallium nitride based semiconductor optical device

Номер: US20120070929A1

Provided is a method for fabricating a wafer product including an active layer grown on a gallium oxide substrate and allowing an improvement in emission intensity. In step S 105 , a buffer layer 13 comprised of a Group III nitride such as GaN, AlGaN, or AlN is grown at 600 Celsius degrees on a primary surface 11 a of a gallium oxide substrate 11 . After the growth of the buffer layer 13 , while supplying a gas G 2 , which contains hydrogen and nitrogen, into a growth reactor 10 , the gallium oxide substrate 11 and the buffer layer 13 are exposed to an atmosphere in the growth reactor 11 at 1050 Celsius degrees. A Group III nitride semiconductor layer 15 is grown on the modified buffer layer. The modified buffer layer includes, for example, voids. The Group III nitride semiconductor layer 15 can be comprised of GaN and AlGaN. When the Group III nitride semiconductor layer 15 is formed of these materials, excellent crystal quality is obtained on the modified buffer layer 14.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Heater with liquid heating element

Номер: US20120073502A1
Автор: Boris Volf, Eric A. Armour
Принадлежит: Veeco Instruments Inc

A heater for a heating system of a chemical vapor deposition process includes a relatively highly emissive body and an electrically conductive heating element disposed within a passageway in the body. The heating element is constructed to melt below an operating temperature of the heater. The passageway is constructed to retain the melted heating element in a continuous path, so that an electrical current along the heating element may be maintained during operation of the heater. Various shapes and arrangements of the passageway within the body may be used, and the heating system may be constructed to provide multiple, independently controllable temperature zones.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

High pressure chemical vapor deposition apparatuses, methods, and compositions produced therewith

Номер: US20120138952A1
Автор: Nikolaus Dietz

A composition, reactor apparatus, method, and control system for growing epitaxial layers of group III-nitride alloys. Super-atmospheric pressure is used as a process parameter to control the epitaxial layer growth where the identity of alloy layers differ within a heterostructure stack of two or more layers.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Composition and method for low temperature deposition of ruthenium

Номер: US20120216712A1
Принадлежит: Veeco Instruments Inc

Composition and method for depositing ruthenium. A composition containing ruthenium tetroxide RuO 4 is used as a precursor solution 608 to coat substrates 400 via ALD, plasma enhanced deposition, and/or CVD. Periodic plasma densification may be used.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Treating Containers

Номер: US20120231182A1
Принадлежит: KAIATECH Inc

An apparatus for treating the interior of containers includes a chamber for holding a container and provides precursor materials via an annulus formed by coaxially arranged electrodes at which plasma is created upon application of voltage and the container is treated.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing polarizing element

Номер: US20120234046A1
Автор: Yoshitomo Kumai
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A method for producing a polarizing element includes the steps of: forming an island-shaped film of a metal halide on a glass substrate; forming needle-shaped particles of the metal halide by stretching the glass substrate through heating to elongate the island-shaped film; and forming needle-shaped metal particles composed of a metal by reducing the metal halide of the needle-shaped particles, wherein the metal halide is deposited on the glass substrate by a reactive physical vapor deposition method.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Moisture-proof film, method for manufacturing the same, and organic electronic device including the same

Номер: US20120248975A1
Автор: Manabu Niboshi
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A moisture-proof film ( 10 ) includes a moisture-proof part ( 12 ) formed on a surface of a film body ( 11 ). The moisture-proof part ( 12 ) includes a first layer ( 11 a ) made of a silicon oxycarbonitride compound containing carbon atoms in a composition thereof, and a second layer ( 11 b ) made of a silicon oxynitride compound which, in a composition thereof, contains carbon atoms less than those of the first layer ( 11 a ) or does not contain carbon atoms, and having a density higher than that of the first layer ( 11 a ). The first and second layers ( 11 a, 11 b ) are stacked adjoining each other. The first layer ( 11 a ) has a density increasing toward the second layer ( 11 b ).

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Silicon oxycarbide, growth method of silicon oxycarbide layer, semiconductor device and manufacture method for semiconductor device

Номер: US20120252227A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Semiconductor Ltd

A method of manufacturing a semiconductor device includes the steps of: preparing an underlying structure having a silicon carbide layer covering a copper wiring, and growing silicon oxycarbide on the underlying structure by vapor deposition using, as source gas, tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane, carbon dioxide gas and oxygen gas, a flow rate of said oxygen gas being at most 3% of a flow rate of the carbon dioxide gas. The surface of the silicon carbide layer of the underlying structure may be treated with a plasma of weak oxidizing gas which contains oxygen and has a molecular weight larger than that of O 2 to bring the surface more hydrophilic. Film peel-off and cracks in the interlayer insulating layer decrease.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for deposition of materials on a substrate

Номер: US20120270384A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Methods and apparatus for deposition of materials on a substrate are provided herein. In some embodiments, an apparatus for processing a substrate may include a process chamber having a substrate support disposed therein to support a processing surface of a substrate, an injector disposed to a first side of the substrate support and having a first flow path to provide a first process gas and a second flow path to provide a second process gas independent of the first process gas, wherein the injector is positioned to provide the first and second process gases across the processing surface of the substrate, a showerhead disposed above the substrate support to provide the first process gas to the processing surface of the substrate, and an exhaust port disposed to a second side of the substrate support, opposite the injector, to exhaust the first and second process gases from the process chamber.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Atomic layer deposition of metal phosphates and lithium silicates

Номер: US20120276305A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present application relates to atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes for producing metal phosphates such as titanium phosphate, aluminum phosphate and lithium phosphate, as well as to ALD processes for depositing lithium silicates.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Hardmask materials

Номер: US20120276752A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Hardmask films having high hardness and low stress are provided. In some embodiments a film has a stress of between about −600 MPa and 600 MPa and hardness of at least about 12 GPa. In some embodiments, a hardmask film is prepared by depositing multiple sub-layers of doped or undoped silicon carbide using multiple densifying plasma post-treatments in a PECVD process chamber. In some embodiments, a hardmask film includes a high-hardness boron-containing film selected from the group consisting of Si x B y C z , Si x B y N z , Si x B y C z N w , B x C y , and B x N y . In some embodiments, a hardmask film includes a germanium-rich GeN x material comprising at least about 60 atomic % of germanium. These hardmasks can be used in a number of back-end and front-end processing schemes in integrated circuit fabrication.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Low temperature deposition of phase change memory materials

Номер: US20130005078A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Technology Materials Inc

A system and method for forming a phase change memory material on a substrate, in which the substrate is contacted with precursors for a phase change memory chalcogenide alloy under conditions producing deposition of the chalcogenide alloy on the substrate, at temperature below 350° C., with the contacting being carried out via chemical vapor deposition or atomic layer deposition. Various tellurium, germanium and germanium-tellurium precursors are described, which are useful for forming GST phase change memory films on substrates.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Methods for depositing thin films comprising gallium nitride by atomic layer deposition

Номер: US20130012003A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes for forming thin films comprising GaN are provided. In some embodiments, ALD processes for forming doped GaN thin films are provided. The thin films may find use, for example, in light-emitting diodes.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing semiconductor device and substrate processing apparatus

Номер: US20130017685A1

To provide a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device, including: forming a thin film different from a silicon oxide film on a substrate by supplying a processing gas into a processing vessel in which the substrate is housed; removing a deposit including the thin film adhered to an inside of the processing vessel by supplying a fluorine-containing gas into the processing vessel after executing forming the thin film prescribed number of times; and forming a silicon oxide film having a prescribed film thickness on the inside of the processing vessel by alternately supplying a silicon-containing gas, and an oxygen-containing gas and a hydrogen-containing gas into the heated processing vessel in which a pressure is set to be less than an atmospheric pressure after removing the deposit.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Chemical vapor deposition and method of manufacturing light-emitting device using chemical vapor deposition

Номер: US20130023080A1

A chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method includes forming a first semiconductor layer on a substrate that is mounted on a satellite disk at a first process temperature; and forming a second semiconductor layer on the first semiconductor layer at a second process temperature. Also, a method of manufacturing a light-emitting device (LED) includes: forming a quantum well layer on a substrate that is mounted on a satellite disk at a first process temperature; and forming a quantum barrier layer on the quantum well layer at a second process temperature.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Halogenated organoaminosilane precursors and methods for depositing films comprising same

Номер: US20130078392A1
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

Described herein are precursors and methods of forming films. In one aspect, there is provided a precursor having Formula I: X m R 1 n H p Si(NR 2 R 3 ) 4-m-n-p   I wherein X is selected from Cl, Br, I; R 1 is selected from linear or branched C 1 -C 10 alkyl group, a C 2 -C 12 alkenyl group, a C 2 -C 12 alkynyl group, a C 4 -C 10 cyclic alkyl, and a C 6 -C 10 aryl group; R 2 is selected from a linear or branched C 1 -C 10 alkyl, a C 3 -C 12 alkenyl group, a C 3 -C 12 alkynyl group, a C 4 -C 10 cyclic alkyl group, and a C 6 -C 10 aryl group; R 3 is selected from a branched C 3 -C 10 alkyl group, a C 3 -C 12 alkenyl group, a C 3 -C 12 alkynyl group, a C 4 -C 10 cyclic alkyl group, and a C 6 -C 10 aryl group; m is 1 or 2; n is 0, 1, or 2; p is 0, 1 or 2; and m+n+p is less than 4, wherein R 2 and R 3 are linked or not linked to form a ring.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing semiconductor device

Номер: US20130102131A1
Принадлежит: Elpida Memory Inc

A method of manufacturing a semiconductor device wherein a film containing Si and Ge is formed on a conducting film over a substrate by using a raw material gas containing Si and a raw material gas containing Ge, includes: forming Si nuclei on the conducting film at a first ratio of a flow rate of the raw material gas containing Ge to a flow rate of the raw material gas containing Si; and forming, on the Si nuclei, a film having Si and Ge at a second ratio of the flow rate of the raw material gas containing Ge to the flow rate of the raw material gas containing Si, the second ratio being greater than the first ratio.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Coated Cutting Tool, Cutting Member or Wear Part

Номер: US20130115018A1
Принадлежит: Ionbond Ag Olten, Iscar Ltd

A coated metal substrate has at least one layer of titanium based hard material alloyed with at least one alloying element selected from the list of chromium, vanadium and silicon. The total quantity of alloying elements is between 1% and 50% of the metal content, the layer having a general formula of: (Ti 100-a-b-c Cr a V b S i c )C x N y O z .

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Laminate and process for producing laminate

Номер: US20130157062A1
Автор: Naoto Kihara, Takuya Nakao
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

Provision of a laminate excellent in weather resistance and gas barrier property and also excellent in adhesion between layers and its durability; and a process for producing such a laminate. A laminate which comprises a substrate sheet containing a fluororesin, and a gas barrier layer containing, as the main component, an inorganic compound composed of a metal and at least one member selected from the group consisting of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon, the gas barrier layer being directly laminated on at least one surface of the substrate sheet; wherein in a C1s spectrum of a surface of the substrate sheet on which the gas barrier layer is laminated, that is measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the position of the highest peak present within a binding energy range of from 289 to 291 eV is present within a range of from 290.1 to 290.6 eV.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Plasma cvd apparatus, method for forming thin film and semiconductor device

Номер: US20130160711A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A plasma CVD apparatus including a reaction chamber including an inlet for supplying a compound including a borazine skeleton, a feeding electrode, arranged within the reaction chamber, for supporting a substrate and being applied with a negative charge, and a plasma generating mechanism, arranged opposite to the feeding electrode via the substrate, for generating a plasma within the reaction chamber. A method forms a thin film wherein a thin film is formed by using a compound including a borazine skeleton as a raw material, and a semiconductor device includes a thin film formed by such a method as an insulating film. The apparatus and method enable to produce a thin film wherein low dielectric constant and high mechanical strength are stably maintained for a long time and insulating characteristics are secured.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

High Throughput Processing Using Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition

Номер: US20130171350A1
Принадлежит: Intermolecular Inc

A metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system is provided for high throughput processing. The system comprises a chamber containing a substrate support system comprising a plurality of substrate support planets operable to support one or more substrates, and a gas emission system operable to provide a plurality of isolated environments suitable for depositing uniform layers on the substrates. The MOCVD system is operable to independently vary one or more process parameters in each isolated environment, and to provide common process parameters to all substrates for depositing one or more layers on all substrates. Methods of forming uniform layers on a substrate are provided wherein at least one of the layers is deposited in an isolated environment.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Coatings for Electrowetting and Electrofluidic Devices

Номер: US20130171546A1
Принадлежит: GVD Corporation

Electrowetting devices coated with one or more polymeric layers and methods of making and using thereof are described herein. The coatings may be formed in a single layer or as multiple layers. In one embodiment the first layer deposited serves as an insulating layer of high dielectric strength while the second layer deposited serves as a hydrophobic layer of low surface energy. These materials may themselves be deposited as multiple layers to eliminate pinhole defects and maximize device yield. In one embodiment the insulating layer would be a vapor deposited silicone polymeric material including, but not limited to, polytrivinyltrimethylcyclotrisiloxane or polyHVDS. In another embodiment the insulating layer may be a vapor deposited ceramic such as SiOwith very little carbon content. In a further embodiment the insulating layer may be composed of alternating layers of a siloxane material and a ceramic material. 1. A method for coating an electrowetting or electrofluidic device or assembly with one or more coatings , the method comprising directing one or more gaseous precursors and optionally one or more gaseous initiators into a chamber under vacuum containing the device or assembly substrate to be coated and activating the one or more gaseous precursors and the optionally one or more initiators with an energy source to coat the device or assembly substrate , wherein at least one of the coatings provides insulation and/or low surface energy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more gaseous precursors comprise reactive monomers.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the reactive monomer is a fluorinated unsaturated compound.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the fluorinated unsaturated compound is selected from the group consisting of acrylate claim 3 , methyl acrylate claim 3 , fluorinated acrylate claim 3 , fluorinated methacrylate claim 3 , fluorinated methyl methacrylate claim 3 , fluorinate alkenes claim 3 , fluorinated perfluoroalkylethyl methacrylate ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183446A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Electron Ltd

Disclosed is a method for forming a Ge—Sb—Te film, in which a substrate is disposed within a process chamber, a gaseous Ge material, a gaseous Sb material, and a Te material are introduced into the process chamber, so that a Ge—Sb—Te film formed of Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 is formed on the substrate by CVD. The method for forming a Ge—Sb—Te film comprises: a step (step 2 ) wherein the gaseous Ge material and the gaseous Sb material or alternatively a small amount of the gaseous Te material not sufficient for formed of Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 in addition to the gaseous Ge material and the gaseous Sb material are introduced into the process chamber so that a precursor film, which does not contain Te or contains Te in an amount smaller than that in Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 , is formed on the substrate; and a step (step 3 ) wherein the gaseous Te material is introduced into the process chamber and the precursor film is caused to adsorb Te, so that the Te concentration in the film is adjusted.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202849A1

Provided are polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies, which inhibits preferential wear along specific lattice planes while ensuring wear resistance by controlling the shape and orientation of the grains forming polycrystalline diamond solid, and a method for fabricating the same. The polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies includes a section of diamond having an isotropic granular structure or a radially oriented texture, or has a stacked structure including an isotropic granular layer and a radial texture layer alternately in multiple layers. 1. Polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies , comprising a section of diamond crystalline texture having radially elongated columnar grains.2. Polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies , comprising an isotropic equiaxed grain layer and a radially elongated columnar grain textured layer , stacked alternately in multiple layers.3. A method for fabricating polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies , comprising carrying out a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process using hydrogen (H) and methane (CH) as precursors to form polycrystalline diamond having isotropic equiaxed grains on a substrate , wherein methane is present at 4-5 vol % in the mixed gas of hydrogen (H) and methane (CH).4. A method for fabricating polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies , comprising carrying out a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process using hydrogen (H) and methane (CH) as precursors to form polycrystalline diamond solid having radially elongated columnar grains on a substrate , wherein methane is present at 1-2 vol % in the mixed gas of hydrogen (H) and methane (CH).5. The method for fabricating polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies according to claim 3 , wherein the substrate has a temperature of 700-950° C.6. The method for fabricating polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies according to claim 4 , wherein the substrate has a temperature of 700-950° C.7. The method for fabricating polycrystalline diamond for drawing dies according to claim 4 ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Optical Element

Номер: US20130214325A1
Принадлежит: Tokuyama Corp

A method for manufacturing an optical element includes a step wherein an aluminum nitride single crystal layer is formed on an aluminum nitride seed substrate having an aluminum nitride single crystal surface as the topmost surface. A laminated body for an optical element is manufactured by forming an optical element layer on the aluminum nitride single crystal layer, and the aluminum nitride seed substrate is removed from the laminated body. An optical element having, as a substrate, an aluminum nitride single crystal layer having a high ultraviolet transmittance and a low dislocation density is provided.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Closed-Space Annealing of Chalcogenide Thin-Films with Volatile Species

Номер: US20130217176A1
Принадлежит: AQT SOLAR Inc

In one embodiment, a method includes depositing a chalcogenide precursor layer onto a substrate, introducing a cover into proximity with the precursor layer, and annealing the precursor layer in proximity with of the cover, where the annealing is performed in a constrained volume, and where the presence of the cover reduces decomposition of volatile species from the precursor layer during annealing.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Coating For Improved Wear Resistance

Номер: US20130224519A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

In one aspect, coated cutting tools are described herein which, in some embodiments, can demonstrate improved wear resistance in one or more cutting applications. In some embodiments, a coated cutting tool described herein comprises a substrate and a coating adhered to the substrate, the coating comprising an inner layer deposited by physical vapor deposition and an outer deposited by physical vapor deposition over the inner layer. 1. A coated cutting tool comprising:a substrate; and an inner layer deposited by physical vapor deposition comprising aluminum, one or more metallic elements selected from the group consisting of metallic elements of Groups IVB, VB and VIB of the Periodic Table and one or more non-metallic elements selected from the group consisting of nitrogen and non-metallic elements of Groups IIIA, IVA and VIA of the Periodic Table; and', 'an outer layer deposited by physical vapor deposition over the inner layer, the outer layer comprising aluminum and silicon and one or more metallic elements selected from the group consisting of metallic elements of Groups IVB, VB and VIB of the Periodic Table and one or more non-metallic elements selected from the group consisting of nitrogen and non-metallic elements of Groups IIIA, IVA and VIA of the Periodic Table, wherein the amount of silicon in the outer layer decreases toward the inner layer., 'a coating adhered to the substrate, the coating comprising2. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer is polycrystalline.3. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the outer layer is polycrystalline.4. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer comprises AlTiN where 0 Подробнее

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240478A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

Methods of depositing a tin-containing layer on a substrate are disclosed herein. In some embodiments, a method of depositing a tin-containing layer on a substrate may include flowing a tin source comprising a tin halide into a reaction volume; flowing a hydrogen plasma into the reaction volume; forming one or more tin hydrides within the reaction volume from the tin source and the hydrogen plasma; and depositing the tin-containing layer on a first surface of the substrate using the one or more tin hydrides. 1. A method of depositing a tin-containing layer on a substrate , comprising:flowing a tin source comprising a tin halide into a reaction volume;flowing a hydrogen plasma into the reaction volume;forming one or more tin hydrides within the reaction volume from the tin source and the hydrogen plasma; anddepositing the tin-containing layer on a first surface of the substrate using the one or more tin hydrides.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tin halide comprises tin tetrachloride (SnCl)3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction volume is the processing volume of a process chamber having the substrate disposed in the processing volume.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction volume is a cavity of at least one of a showerhead or an injector and wherein the one or more tin hydrides are flowed from the cavity of the at least one of the showerhead or the injector into a processing volume of a process chamber having the substrate disposed in the processing volume.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:co-flowing one or more of a silicon source or a germanium source with the one or more tin hydrides to deposit the tin-containing layer.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:co-flowing a dopant source with one or more of the silicon source, the germanium source, or the one or more tin hydrides.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:flowing a dopant source while depositing the tin-containing layer.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130244025A1
Принадлежит: SILCOTEK CORP.

A wear coating is disclosed that includes a layer treated by a trifunctional organosilane. An article is also disclosed, the article having a surface to which the wear coating is applied. A method of applying the wear coating is also disclosed. In some embodiments, the organosilane is trimethylsilane and the wear coating is applied by chemical vapor deposition, followed by heat treating the wear coating in the presence of the trimethylsilane. 1. A wear coating comprising a layer treated by trimethylsilane.2. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the layer comprises constituents of decomposed dimethylsilane.3. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the layer comprises oxidized constituents of decomposed dimethylsilane.4. The coating of claim 3 , wherein the layer comprises functionalized constituents of decomposed dimethylsilane.5. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the layer has a region of a substantially stable concentration of silicon claim 1 , oxygen and carbon.6. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the coating is formed by a chemical vapor deposition method claim 1 , the method comprising:preparing a substrate in a chemical vapor deposition chamber;thermally decomposing dimethylsilane in the chemical vapor deposition chamber;depositing constituents of the decomposed dimethylsilane on the substrate; and,treating at least a surface of the substrate by heating the substrate in the presence of trimethylsilane.7. The coating of claim 6 , further comprising oxidizing the thermally decomposed constituents with an oxidation reagent.8. The coating of claim 7 , wherein the oxidation reagent includes air.9. The coating of claim 8 , wherein the air is zero air.10. The coating of claim 7 , wherein the oxidation reagent includes nitrogen.11. The coating of claim 7 , wherein the oxidation reagent includes water.12. The coating of claim 7 , wherein the oxidation reagent includes air and water.13. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the coating has a wear resistance between about 13×10mm/Nm and ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Fabrication method and fabrication apparatus of group iii nitride crystal substance

Номер: US20130244406A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

A fabrication method of a group III nitride crystal substance includes the steps of cleaning the interior of a reaction chamber by introducing HCl gas into the reaction chamber, and vapor deposition of a group III nitride crystal substance in the cleaned reaction chamber. A fabrication apparatus of a group III nitride crystal substance includes a configuration to introduce HCl gas into the reaction chamber, and a configuration to grow a group III nitride crystal substance by HVPE. Thus, a fabrication method of a group III nitride crystal substance including the method of effectively cleaning deposits adhering inside the reaction chamber during crystal growth, and a fabrication apparatus employed in the fabrication method are provided.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248769A1

A process is described for the passivation of the surfaces of heat exchange apparatus exposed to a synthesis gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen, including the steps of: 1. A process for the passivation of the surfaces of heat exchange apparatus exposed to a synthesis gas containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen , comprising the steps of:(i) adding an arsenic compound to the synthesis gas at a temperature ≧850° C. to generate volatile arsenic passivation species,(ii) exposing the mixture of hot synthesis gas and arsenic passivation species to surfaces on the shell-side of said heat exchange apparatus to reduce the interaction between the carbon monoxide present in said gas and metals said in said surfaces,(iii) recovering a cooled synthesis gas from the shell-side of said apparatus, and(iv) passing the cooled synthesis gas, optionally after further cooling, through a sorbent bed to remove arsenic compounds from the synthesis gas.2. A process according to wherein the heat exchange apparatus comprises steam generating heat exchange apparatus and/or a gas-gas interchanger.3. A process according to wherein the heat exchange apparatus comprises a heat exchange reformer used to generate a primary reformed gas mixture.4. A process according to wherein the primary reformed gas mixture is subjected to partial oxidation with an oxygen containing gas and secondary reforming to generate the synthesis gas.5. A process according to wherein the arsenic compound is selected from the group consisting of elemental arsenic claim 1 , arsenic (III) oxide (AsO) claim 1 , arsenic (V) oxide (AsO) claim 1 , arsenic acid (HAsO) claim 1 , monoethylarsine claim 1 , trimethylarsenic claim 1 , triethylarsenic claim 1 , diethylarsine claim 1 , dimethylarsine claim 1 , phenylarsine claim 1 , tertiary-butylarsine and dimethylaminoarsenic.6. A process according to wherein the arsenic compound is selected from the group consisting of elemental arsenic claim 1 , arsenic (III) oxide claim 1 , ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method of Manufacturing Semiconductor Device, Substrate Processing Apparatus and Non-Transitory Computer-Readable Recording Medium

Номер: US20130252439A1

A method includes: forming a thin film on a substrate by performing a cycle a predetermined number of times, the cycle including: (a) supplying a source gas to the substrate in a process chamber; and (b) supplying a reactive gas to the substrate in the process chamber, wherein at least one of (a) and (b) includes: (c) supplying the source gas or the reactive gas at a first flow rate with exhaust of an inside of the process chamber being suspended until an inner pressure of the process chamber reaches a predetermined pressure; and (d) supplying the source gas or the reactive gas at a second flow rate less than the first flow rate with exhaust of the inside of the process chamber being performed while maintaining the inner pressure of the process chamber at the predetermined pressure after the inner pressure of the process chamber reaches the predetermined pressure.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Gas barrier film and electronic device

Номер: US20130280521A1
Автор: Takahiro Mori

There are provided a gas barrier film which is excellent in gas barrier performance and heat resistance; and an electronic device excellent in durability, in which the gas barrier film is used. The gas barrier film including, on a base, a first gas barrier layer which is formed by a physical vapor deposition method or a chemical vapor deposition method and contains Si and N; and a second gas barrier layer which is formed by coating a solution containing a polysilazane compound, wherein the second gas barrier layer is subjected to conversion treatment by being irradiated with a vacuum ultraviolet ray; and, when the composition of each layer is represented by SiO x N y , the distribution of the composition SiO x N y of the second gas barrier layer in a thickness direction satisfies a condition specified in the following (A): (A) the second gas barrier layer includes 50 nm or more of a region of 0.25≦x≦1.1 and 0.4≦y≦0.75 in the thickness direction.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302521A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A coated article such as a coated cutting tool or coated wear part, which includes a substrate and a coating scheme on the substrate. The coating scheme has a titanium-containing coating layer, and an aluminum oxynitride coating layer on the titanium-containing coating layer. The aluminum oxynitride includes a mixture of phases having a hexagonal aluminum nitride type structure (space group: P63mc), a cubic aluminum nitride type structure (space group: Fm-3m), and optionally amorphous structure. The aluminum oxynitride coating layer has a composition of aluminum in an amount between about 20 atomic percent and about 50 atomic percent, nitrogen in an amount between about 40 atomic percent and about 70 atomic percent, and oxygen in an amount between about 1 atomic percent and about 20 atomic percent. The method of making the coated article includes a step of providing a substrate and depositing an aluminum oxynitride coating layer from a gaseous mixture that includes nitrogen, aluminum tri-chloride, ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, optionally carbon monoxide, optionally argon, and hydrogen. 1. A method for making a coated article , the method comprising the steps of:providing a substrate;depositing an aluminum oxynitride coating layer from a gaseous mixture, the gaseous mixture comprising:nitrogen in an amount between about 30.0 volume percent and about 65.0 volume percent of the gaseous mixture;aluminum tri-chloride in an amount between about 0.7 volume percent and about 1.3 volume percent of the gaseous mixture;ammonia in an amount between about 1.0 volume percent and about 2.0 volume percent of the gaseous mixture;carbon dioxide in an amount between about 0.1 volume percent and about 1.5 volume percent of the gaseous mixture;hydrogen chloride in an amount between about 1.5 volume percent and about 4.5 volume percent of the gaseous mixture;carbon monoxide optionally in an amount between about 0 volume percent and about 2.0 volume percent of the gaseous ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for depositing a transparent barrier layer system

Номер: US20130302536A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a transparent bather layer system, wherein in a vacuum chamber at least two transparent barrier layers and a transparent intermediate layer disposed between the two barrier layers are deposited on a transparent plastic film, wherein for deposition of the barrier layers aluminium is vaporised and simultaneously at least one first reactive gas is introduced into the vacuum chamber and wherein for deposition of the intermediate layer aluminium is vaporised and simultaneously at least one second reactive gas and a gaseous or vaporous organic component are introduced into the vacuum chamber.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

GaN Epitaxy With Migration Enhancement and Surface Energy Modification

Номер: US20130313566A1
Принадлежит: Intermolecular Inc

Methods and apparatus for depositing thin films incorporating the use of a surfactant are described. Methods and apparatuses include a deposition process and system comprising multiple isolated processing regions which enables rapid repetition of sub-monolayer deposition of thin films. The use of surfactants allows the deposition of high quality epitaxial films at lower temperatures having low values of surface roughness. The deposition of Group III-V thin films such as GaN is used as an example.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Temperature-controlled purge gate valve for chemical vapor deposition chamber

Номер: US20130327266A1
Принадлежит: Soitec SA

The present invention relates to methods and apparatus that are optimized for producing Group III-N (nitrogen) compound semiconductor wafers and specifically for producing GaN wafers. Specifically, the methods relate to substantially preventing the formation of unwanted materials on an isolation valve fixture within a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor. In particular, the invention provides apparatus and methods for limiting deposition/condensation of GaCl 3 and reaction by-products on an isolation valve that is used in the system and method for forming a monocrystalline Group III-V semiconductor material by reacting an amount of a gaseous Group III precursor as one reactant with an amount of a gaseous Group V component as another reactant in a reaction chamber.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Hardmask materials

Номер: US20130330932A1
Принадлежит: Novellus Systems Inc

Hardmask films having high hardness and low stress are provided. In some embodiments a film has a stress of between about −600 MPa and 600 MPa and hardness of at least about 12 GPa. In some embodiments, a hardmask film is prepared by depositing multiple sub-layers of doped or undoped silicon carbide using multiple densifying plasma post-treatments in a PECVD process chamber. In some embodiments, a hardmask film includes a high-hardness boron-containing film selected from the group consisting of Si x B y C z , Si x B y N z , Si x B y C z N w , B x C y , and B x N y . In some embodiments, a hardmask film includes a germanium-rich GeN x material comprising at least about 60 atomic % of germanium. These hardmasks can be used in a number of back-end and front-end processing schemes in integrated circuit fabrication.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Semiconductor laminate and process for production thereof, and semiconductor element

Номер: US20140027770A1
Принадлежит: Koha Co Ltd, Tamura Corp

A semiconductor laminate having small electric resistivity in the thickness direction; a process for producing the semiconductor laminate; and a semiconductor element equipped with the semiconductor laminate. include a semiconductor laminate including a Ga 2 0 3 substrate; an AlGalnN buffer layer which is formed on the Ga 2 0 3 substrate; a nitride semiconductor layer which is formed on the AlGalnN buffer layer and contains Si; and an Si-rich region which is formed in an area located on the AlGalnN buffer layer side in the nitride semiconductor layer and has an Si concentration of 5×10 18 /cm 3 or more.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030448A1

Disclosed herein are non-oxygen containing silicon-based films, and methods for forming the same. The non-oxygen silicon-based films contain >50 atomic % of silicon. In one aspect, the silicon-based films have a composition SixCyNz wherein x is about 51 to 100, y is 0 to 49, and z is 0 to 50 atomic weight (wt.) percent (%) as measured by XPS. In one embodiment, the non-oxygen silicon-based films were deposited using at least one organosilicon precursor having at least two SiHgroups with at least one Clinkage between silicon atoms such as 1,4-disilabutane. 1. A method for forming a non-oxygen silicon-based film on at least one surface of a substrate , the method comprising:providing at least one surface of the substrate in a reaction chamber;{'sub': 3', '2-3, 'providing at least one organosilicon precursor having at least two SiHgroups with at least one Clinkage between silicon atoms in the reaction chamber; and'}forming the non-oxygen silicon-based film on the at least one surface by a deposition process selected from a group consisting of chemical vapor deposition (CVD), low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD), plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), cyclic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD), plasma enhanced cyclic chemical vapor deposition (PECCVD, atomic layer deposition (ALD), and plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) wherein the non-oxygen silicon-based film comprises from about 51 to about 99 atomic weight percent silicon as measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).3. The method of wherein the at least one silicon precursor is 1 claim 2 ,4-disilabutane.4. The method of wherein the deposition step is conducted at one or more temperatures ranging from about 100° C. to 650° C.5. The method of wherein the non-oxygen silicon-based film is selected from the group consisting of a silicon carbide film claim 1 , a silicon nitride film claim 1 , and a silicon carbonitride film.6. The method of wherein the deposition process comprises ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus of forming compound semiconductor film

Номер: US20140038394A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Electron Ltd

A method for forming a compound semiconductor film on a substrate to be processed, which includes: mounting a plurality of substrates to be processed on a substrate mounting jig; loading the substrates to be processed into a processing chamber; and heating the substrates to be processed loaded into the processing chamber; supplying a gas containing one element that constitutes a compound semiconductor, and another gas containing another element that constitutes the compound semiconductor and being different from the one element, into the processing chamber in which the substrates to be processed are loaded; and forming the compound semiconductor film on each of the substrates to be processed.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing semiconductor device, substrate processing apparatus, and recording medium

Номер: US20140080319A1

A method of manufacturing a semiconductor device includes forming a thin film containing a predetermined element, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen on a substrate by performing a cycle a predetermined number of times. The cycle includes supplying a predetermined element-containing gas to the substrate; supplying a carbon-containing gas and a plasma-excited inert gas to the substrate; supplying an oxidizing gas to the substrate; and supplying a nitriding gas to the substrate.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002868A1

Methods for depositing rhenium-containing thin films are provided. In some embodiments metallic rhenium-containing thin films are deposited. In some embodiments rhenium sulfide thin films are deposited. In some embodiments films comprising rhenium nitride are deposited. The rhenium-containing thin films may be deposited by cyclic vapor deposition processes, for example using rhenium halide precursors. The rhenium-containing thin films may find use, for example, as 2D materials. 1. A method for depositing a thin film comprising rhenium sulfide on a substrate , the method comprising two or more sequential deposition cycles each comprising alternately and sequentially contacting the substrate with a vapor-phase rhenium precursor comprising a rhenium halide compound and a vapor-phase sulfur reactant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method is an atomic layer deposition (ALD) process.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method is a sequential or pulsed chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor-phase rhenium precursor comprises ReClor ReF.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor-phase sulfur reactant comprises hydrogen and sulfur.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor-phase sulfur reactant is an alkylsulfur compound.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor-phase sulfur reactant comprises elemental sulfur.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor-phase sulfur reactant has the formula R—S—H claim 1 , wherein R is a substituted or unsubstituted hydrocarbon.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein R is a C1-C8 alkyl or substituted alkyl10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor-phase sulfur reactant comprises HS claim 1 , wherein n is from 4 to 10.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor-phase sulfur reactant comprises one or more of HS claim 1 , (CH)S claim 1 , (NH)S claim 1 , ((CH)SO) claim 1 , and HS.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor-phase sulfur reactant comprises (NH)S.13. The method of ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002904A1

A method of manufacturing a group III nitride crystal according to a first aspect includes: preparing a seed substrate; generating a group III element oxide gas; supplying the group III element oxide gas; supplying a nitrogen element-containing gas; supplying an oxidizing gas containing nitrogen element containing at least one selected from the group consisting of NO gas, NOgas, NO gas, and NOgas; and growing the group III nitride crystal on the seed substrate. 1. A method of manufacturing a group III nitride crystal comprising:preparing a seed substrate;generating a group III element oxide gas;supplying the group III element oxide gas;supplying a nitrogen element-containing gas;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '4, 'supplying an oxidizing gas containing nitrogen element containing at least one selected from the group consisting of NO gas, NOgas, NO gas, and NOgas; and'}growing the group III nitride crystal on the seed substrate.2. The method of manufacturing a group III nitride crystal according to claim 1 , further comprising:reacting the oxidizing gas containing nitrogen element with a group III element droplet.3. The method of manufacturing a group III nitride crystal according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing gas containing nitrogen element is supplied at a partial pressure of 7.00×10atm or more and 1.75×10atm or less.4. The method of manufacturing a group III nitride crystal according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing gas containing nitrogen element is supplied at a partial pressure of 7.60×10atm or more and 1.30×10atm or less.5. The method of manufacturing a group III nitride crystal according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing gas containing nitrogen element is supplied before the seed substrate reaches a substrate maximum achieving temperature.6. The method of manufacturing a group III nitride crystal according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing gas containing nitrogen element is supplied before the seed substrate reaches the substrate temperature of 1050° C. This ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001373A1

Methods and apparatus for vapor deposition of an organic film are configured to vaporize an organic reactant at a first temperature, transport the vapor to a reaction chamber housing a substrate, and maintain the substrate at a lower temperature than the vaporization temperature. Alternating contact of the substrate with the organic reactant and a second reactant in a sequential deposition sequence can result in bottom-up filling of voids and trenches with organic film in a manner otherwise difficult to achieve. Deposition reactors conducive to depositing organic films are provided. 1. A method of forming an organic film , the method comprising:vaporizing a first reactant in a vaporizer to form a first reactant vapor;exposing a substrate in a reaction space to the first reactant vapor and a second reactant vapor, wherein the substrate is maintained at a temperature between about 100° C. and about 150° C. during the exposing; anddepositing a polyamic acid film from the first reactant vapor and the second reactant vapor on the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising converting the polyamic acid film to a polyimide.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a semiconductor substrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyamic film is mostly polyamic acid.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reactant comprises a dianhydride.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dianhydride comprises pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA).7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the second reactant comprises 1 claim 6 ,6-diaminohexane (DAH).8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second reactant comprises a diamine.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the exposing the substrate to the first reactant vapor and the second reactant vapor comprises alternately and sequentially exposing the substrate to the first reactant vapor and the second reactant vapor.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second reactant comprises a diamine.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Gas barrier film and method of producing gas barrier film

Номер: US20190001643A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

A gas barrier film includes, in order, a film substrate, an organic layer, and a silica layer, in which the silica layer includes a silica polymer having at least a covalent bond between a silicon atom and an oxygen atom, and a concentration of carbon atoms of the organic layer is 50% or more. A method of producing a gas barrier film includes forming an organic layer having a concentration of carbon atoms of 50% or more on a film substrate, applying a coating liquid including a silicon compound to the organic layer to form a layer including the silicon compound, and irradiating the layer including the silicon compound with vacuum ultraviolet rays to form a silica layer including a silica polymer having at least a covalent bond between a silicon atom and an oxygen atom.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Catalytic Atomic Layer Deposition Of Films Comprising SiOC

Номер: US20160002782A1

Provided are methods of for deposition of SiOC. Certain methods involve exposing a substrate surface to a first and second precursor in the presence of a catalyst comprising a neutral two electron donor base. The first precursor has formula (XHSi)CH, or (XHSi)(CH)(SiXH), wherein X is a halogen, y has a value of between 1 and 3, and z has a value of between 1 and 3, and n has a value between 2 and 5. The second precursor comprises water or a compound containing carbon and at least two hydroxyl groups. Certain other methods relate to exposing a substrate surface to a first and second precursor in the presence of a catalyst comprising a neutral two electron donor base, the first precursor comprising SiXor XSi—SiX, wherein X is a halide, and the second precursor comprising carbon and at least two hydroxyl groups. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of depositing a film , the method comprising exposing a substrate surface to a first and second precursor in the presence of a catalyst comprising a neutral two electron donor base , the first precursor having a formula (XHSi)CHor (XHSi)(CH)(SiXH) , wherein X is a halogen , y has a value of between 1 and 3 , and z has a value of between 1 and 3 , and n has a value between 2 and 5 , and the second precursor comprising water or a compound containing carbon and at least two hydroxyl groups.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein each X is independently selected from Cl claim 16 , Br and I.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the first precursor has a formula (XHSi)CH.20. The method of claim 16 , wherein the first precursor comprises bis(trichlorosilyl)methane.21. The method of claim 16 , wherein the first precursor has a formula (XHSi)(CH)(SiXH).22. The method of claim 21 , wherein n has a value of 2 or 3.23. The method of claim 16 , wherein the catalyst comprises an amine.24. The method of claim 16 , wherein the catalyst comprises pyridine or NH.25. The method of claim 16 , wherein the second precursor comprises a diol.26. The method of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002667A1

This relates to a turbine blade comprising a preformed fibrous fabric of fibres consisting of carbon, silicon carbide or rhenium fixed with a binder resin, and wherein the preformed and fixed fibrous fabric is coated and infiltrated, respectively, with BC, wherein the preformed fibrous fabric that has been fixed and coated and infiltrated, respectively, with BC further has a multilayer coating consisting of at least one layer of silicon carbide and at least one layer of a metal boride, a metal nitride or a metal carbide, and wherein an oxide ceramic is applied over the multilayer coating. The turbine blade is resistant to high temperatures and is particularly well suited for use in a gas turbine. Methods for producing the turbine blade are also described. 1. A turbine blade comprising a preformed fibrous fabric of fibres comprising carbon , silicon carbide or rhenium fixed with a binder resin , and wherein the preformed and fixed fibrous fabric is coated and/or infiltrated with BC , wherein the preformed fibrous fabric that has been fixed and coated or infiltrated with BC further has a multilayer coating comprising at least one layer of silicon carbide and at least one layer consisting of a metal boride , a metal nitride or a metal carbide , and wherein an oxide ceramic is applied over the multilayer coating.2. The turbine blade according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide ceramic comprises an oxide selected from AlO claim 1 , ZrO claim 1 , MgO claim 1 , YOand HfO.3. The turbine blade according to claim 1 , wherein the metal boride claim 1 , metal nitride or metal carbide is selected from HfB claim 1 , HfC claim 1 , HfN claim 1 , ZrB claim 1 , ZrC claim 1 , ZrN claim 1 , TiB claim 1 , TiC claim 1 , TiN claim 1 , TaB claim 1 , TaC claim 1 , TaN claim 1 , NbC claim 1 , TaC and NdB.4. Use of the turbine blade according to in a gas turbine.5. A method for manufacturing a turbine blade claim 1 , comprising the following steps:providing a fibrous fabric, wherein the fibrous ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Tin-Containing Precursors and Methods of Depositing Tin-Containing Films

Номер: US20200002814A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Tin containing precursors and methods of forming tin-containing thin films are described. The tin precursor has a tin-diazadiene bond and is homoleptic or heteroleptic. A suitable reactant is used to provide one of a metallic tin film or a film comprising one or more of an oxide, nitride, carbide, boride and/or silicide. Methods of forming ternary materials comprising tin with two or more of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, boron, silicon, titanium, ruthenium and/or tungsten are also described.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002760A1

According to one embodiment, a treatment solution is provided. The treatment solution is used for treating halosilanes having a cyclic structure. The treatment solution includes at least one of an inorganic base or an organic base and being basic. 1. A treatment solution for treating halosilanes having a cyclic structure , the treatment solution comprising at least one of an inorganic base or an organic base and being basic.2. The treatment solution according to comprising the inorganic base claim 1 , wherein the inorganic base comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a metal hydroxide claim 1 , an alkali metal claim 1 , a carbonate claim 1 , a hydrogencarbonate claim 1 , and a metal oxide.3. The treatment solution according to comprising the organic base claim 1 , wherein the organic base comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of alkylammonium hydroxides claim 1 , an organometallic compound claim 1 , a metal alkoxide claim 1 , an amine claim 1 , and a heterocyclic amine.4. The treatment solution according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment solution has a pH value of 8 to 14.5. The treatment solution according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment solution further comprises a surfactant.6. The treatment solution according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment solution further comprises a pH buffer.7. The treatment solution according to claim 1 , wherein the halosilanes having the cyclic structure comprise chlorosilanes having a cyclic structure.8. The treatment solution according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment solution is a treatment solution for treating both of the halosilanes having the cyclic structure and halosilanes having a chain structure.9. A method for treating halosilanes having a cyclic structure claim 1 , the method comprising making the halosilanes having the cyclic structure come into contact with the treatment solution according to .10. The treatment method according to claim 9 , comprising claim 9 , after making ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003044A1

Surfaces, articles, and processes having silicon-nitride-containing thermal chemical vapor deposition coating are disclosed. A process includes producing a silicon-nitride-containing thermal chemical vapor deposition coating on a surface within a chamber. Flow into and from the chamber is restricted or halted during the producing of the silicon-nitride-containing thermal chemical vapor deposition coating on the surface. A surface includes a silicon-nitride-containing thermal chemical vapor deposition coating. The surface has at least a concealed portion that is obstructed from view. An article includes a silicon-nitride-containing thermal chemical vapor deposition coating on a surface within a chamber. The surface has at least a concealed portion that is obstructed from view. 1. An article , comprising:a silicon-nitride-containing coating on a surface of the article,wherein the surface has at least a concealed portion that is obstructed from view.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-nitride-containing coating includes pure silicon nitride.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-nitride-containing coating includes substantially pure silicon nitride.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-nitride-containing coating includes silicon nitride oxide.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-nitride-containing coating includes a functionalized layer.6. The article of claim 1 , further comprising an additional silicon-nitride-containing coating claim 1 , the additional silicon nitride coating having a smaller thickness than the silicon-nitride-containing coating.7. The article of claim 1 , further comprising an additional silicon-nitride-containing coating claim 1 , the additional silicon nitride coating having a greater thickness than the silicon-nitride-containing coating.8. The article of claim 1 , further comprising an additional silicon-nitride-containing coating claim 1 , the additional silicon nitride coating having a thickness of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009003A1
Автор: FUKUSHIMA Naoyuki

An object of the invention is to provide a coated cutting tool whose tool life can be extended by having excellent wear resistance and fracture resistance. The coated cutting tool includes: a substrate; and a coating layer formed on a surface of the substrate, in which the coating layer includes a lower layer, an intermediate layer, and an upper layer in this order from a substrate side to a surface side of the coating layer, the lower layer includes one or more Ti compound layers formed of a specific Ti compound, the intermediate layer contains TiCNO, TiCO, or TiAlCNO, the upper layer contains α-type AlO, an average thickness of the lower layer is 2.0 μm or more and 8.0 μm or less, an average thickness of the intermediate layer is 0.5 μm or more and 2.0 μm or less and is 10% or more and 20% or less of an average thickness of the entire coating layer, an average thickness of the upper layer is 0.8 μm or more and 6.0 μm or less, and in the intermediate layer, a ratio of a length of CSL grain boundaries and a ratio of a length of Σ3 grain boundaries are in specific ranges. 1. A coated cutting tool , comprising:a substrate; anda coating layer formed on a surface of the substrate, whereinthe coating layer includes a lower layer, an intermediate layer, and an upper layer in this order from a substrate side to a surface side of the coating layer,the lower layer includes one or more Ti compound layers formed of a Ti compound containing Ti and at least one element selected from the group consisting of C, N, and B,the intermediate layer contains TiCNO, TiCO, or TiAlCNO,{'sub': 2', '3, 'the upper layer contains α-type AlO,'}an average thickness of the lower layer is 2.0 μm or more and 8.0 μm or less,an average thickness of the intermediate layer is 0.5 μm or more and 2.0 μm or less and is 10% or more and 20% or less of an average thickness of the entire coating layer,an average thickness of the upper layer is 0.8 μm or more and 6.0 μm or less, andin the intermediate layer, a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005358A1

A method for producing an oxynitride film includes: (A) supplying a first precursor containing a network former into a reactor in which a substrate is placed; (B) supplying at least one of an oxygen gas and an ozone gas into the reactor; (C) supplying a second precursor containing at least one of an alkali metal element and an alkaline-earth metal element into the reactor; (D) supplying at least one of a nitrogen gas and an ammonia gas into the reactor; and (E) supplying a purge gas into the reactor. 1. A method for producing an oxynitride film , comprising:(A) supplying a first precursor containing a network former into a reactor in which a substrate is placed;(B) supplying at least one of an oxygen gas and an ozone gas into the reactor;(C) supplying a second precursor containing at least one of an alkali metal element and an alkaline-earth metal element into the reactor;(D) supplying at least one of a nitrogen gas and an ammonia gas into the reactor; and(E) supplying a purge gas into the reactor.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a cycle including (A) claim 1 , (B) claim 1 , (C) claim 1 , (D) claim 1 , and (E) is repeated a plurality of times.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein (E) is performed after each of (A) claim 1 , (B) claim 1 , (C) claim 1 , and (D) is performed once.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein (A) is performed at least once before (B) or (D).5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising (F) supplying an ammonia gas into the reactor claim 1 ,wherein (F) is performed concurrently with at least one of (A), (B), (C), and (E).6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein(D) includes supplying the ammonia gas into the reactor, and(D) is performed concurrently with at least one of (A), (B), (C), and (E).7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein (A) and (C) are performed in different periods.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the second precursor contains at least one selected from the group consisting of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Low-k Dielectric and Processes for Forming Same

Номер: US20200006059A1

Embodiments described herein relate generally to methods for forming low-k dielectrics and the structures formed thereby. In some embodiments, a dielectric is formed over a semiconductor substrate. The dielectric has a k-value equal to or less than 3.9. Forming the dielectric includes using a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The PECVD includes flowing a diethoxymethylsilane (mDEOS, C 5 H 14 O 2 Si) precursor gas, flowing an oxygen (O 2 ) precursor gas; and flowing a carrier gas. A ratio of a flow rate of the mDEOS precursor gas to a flow rate of the carrier gas is less than or equal to 0.2.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006586A1

Methods are provided for depositing doped chalcogenide films. In some embodiments the films are deposited by vapor deposition, such as by atomic layer deposition (ALD). In some embodiments a doped GeSe film is formed. The chalcogenide film may be doped with carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, silicon, or a metal such as Ti, Sn, Ta, W, Mo, Al, Zn, In, Ga, Bi, Sb, As, V or B. In some embodiments the doped chalcogenide film may be used as the phase-change material in a selector device. 1. An atomic layer deposition (ALD) method for forming a selector device comprising depositing a doped chalcogenide film on a substrate by a process comprising multiple deposition cycles in which the substrate is alternately and sequentially contacted with two or more reactants for forming the chalcogenide film , and wherein the substrate is contacted with a third dopant precursor in one or more of the deposition cycles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is alternately and sequentially contacted with each of the reactants in the one or more of the deposition cycles.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ALD method comprises two or more deposition cycles in which the substrate is alternately and sequentially contacted with the first reactant claim 1 , the second reactant and the dopant precursor to form the doped chalcogenide film.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ALD method comprises a first primary deposition sub-cycle in which the substrate is alternately and sequentially contacted with the first reactant and a second reactant to form a chalcogenide material and a second dopant sub-cycle in which the substrate is contacted with the dopant precursor.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the substrate is alternately and sequentially contacted with one or both of the first and second reactants and the dopant precursor in the dopant sub-cycle.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the dopant sub-cycle is provided at one or more intervals in the ALD method to obtain the desired dopant ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006706A1

A method of manufacturing a display apparatus having an organic EL element includes: a step of forming the organic EL element over a substrate made of a flexible substrate; and a step of forming a protecting film made of an inorganic insulating material so as to cover the organic EL element by using an ALD method. In the step of forming the protecting film , the protecting film is formed by alternately performing a step of forming a high-density layer H by using an ALD method and a step of forming, by using an ALD method, a low-density layer L that has the same constituent element as the high-density layer H and has a lower density than the high-density layer H. The protecting film has a layered structure made of one or more high-density layers H and one or more low-density layers L so that the low-density layer L and the high-density layer H are alternately layered so as to be in contact with each other. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a flexible substrate;an organic EL element formed over the flexible substrate; anda protecting film made of an inorganic insulating material formed so as to cover the organic EL element,wherein the protecting film has a layered structure made of one or more high-density layers and one or more low-density layers having a lower density than a density of the high-density layer so that the low-density layer and the high-density layer are alternately layered so as to be in contact with each other, andthe one or more high-density layers and the one or more low-density layers configuring the protecting film have the same constituent element as each other.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the one or more high-density layers and the one or more low-density layers configuring the protecting film is made of a silicon oxide layer, a silicon nitride layer, a silicon oxynitride layer, a titanium oxide layer, a zirconium oxide layer, an aluminum oxide layer, an aluminum oxynitride layer or an aluminum nitride layer, ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018016A1

Methods and systems for forming molybdenum layers on a surface of a substrate and structures and devices formed using the methods are disclosed. Exemplary methods include forming an underlayer prior to forming the molybdenum layer. The underlayer can be used to manipulate stress in the molybdenum layer and/or reduce a nucleation temperature and/or deposition temperature of a step of forming the molybdenum layer. 1. A method of forming a structure , the method comprising the steps of:providing a substrate;forming an underlayer comprising one or more of a transition metal sulfide, a transition metal carbide, and a transition metal nitride on a surface of the substrate; andforming a molybdenum layer overlying the underlayer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the underlayer comprises the transition metal nitride.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the underlayer comprises a transition metal selected from a Group 4 to Group 7 transition metal.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the underlayer is greater than 0 nm and less than 10 nm claim 1 , about 1-10 nm claim 1 , about 1-5 nm claim 1 , or greater than 5 nm and less than 10 nm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of forming the underlayer comprises a cyclic deposition process.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the cyclic deposition process comprises:providing a transition metal precursor to a reaction chamber;providing one or more of a carbon, a sulfur, and a nitrogen reactant to the reaction chamber; andoptionally providing a reducing reactant to the reaction chamber.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the transition metal precursor comprises one or more of a transition metal halide claim 6 , a transition metal chalcogenide halide claim 6 , a transition metal carbonyl claim 6 , a transition metalorganic precursor claim 6 , and a transition metal organometallic precursor.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the carbon reactant comprises one or more of acetylene claim 6 , ethylene claim 6 , alkyl halide ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Group 6 transition metal-containing compounds for vapor deposition of group 6 transition metal-containing films

Номер: US20220018026A1

Disclosed are Group 6 film forming compositions comprising Group 6 transition metal-containing precursors selected from the group consisting of:M(=O)2(OR)2  Formula I,M(=O)(NR2)4  Formula II,M(=O)2(NR2)2  Formula III,M(=NR)2(OR)2  Formula IV, andM(=O)(OR)4  Formula V,wherein M is Mo or W and each R is independently H, a C1 to C6 alkyl group, or SiR′3, wherein R′ is H or a C1 to C6 alkyl group. Also disclosed are methods of synthesizing and using the disclosed compositions to deposit Group 6 transition metal-containing films on substrates via vapor deposition processes.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Treatment solution and treatment method

Номер: US20210008399A1
Принадлежит: Tohoku University NUC, Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a treatment solution is provided. The treatment solution is used for treating a byproduct stemming from a process of depositing a silicon-containing material on a member using a gas which includes silicon and halogen. The treatment solution includes at least one of an inorganic base or an organic base and being basic.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009352A1
Автор: Kubo Hayato, Ri Kou

A cutting tool includes: a base including cemented carbide containing Cr; and a coating layer including a Ti-based layer including at least a layer of Ti(CNO) (0≦x1≦1, 0≦y1≦1, 0≦z1≦1, x1+y1+z1=1), an AlOlayer, and an outermost layer of Ti(CNO) (0≦x3≦1, 0≦y3≦1, 0≦z3≦1, x3+y3+z3=1), and a content of Cr contained at a first Ti-based layer of the Ti-based layer is lower than a content of Cr contained in the base, and higher than a content of Cr contained at the AlOlayer, and a content of Cr contained at the outermost layer is higher than the content of Cr contained at the AlOlayer in a glow-discharge emission spectrometry. 1. A cutting tool comprising:a base including cemented carbide containing Cr; and{'sub': x1', 'y1', 'z1', '2', '3', 'x3', 'y3', 'z3, 'a coating layer comprising a Ti-based layer including at least a layer of Ti(CNO) (0≦x1≦1, 0≦y1≦1, 0≦z1≦1, x1+y1+z1=1), an AlOlayer, and an outermost layer of Ti(CNO) (0≦x3≦1, 0≦y3≦1, 0≦z3≦1, x3+y3+z3=1), which are laminated in order from the base side on a surface of the base,'}{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'wherein a content of Cr contained at a thickness-center position of a first Ti-based layer of the Ti-based layer on a side closer to the base is lower than a content of Cr contained in the base, and higher than a content of Cr contained at a thickness-center position of the AlOlayer, and a content of Cr contained at a thickness-center position of the outermost layer is higher than the content of Cr contained at the thickness-center position of the AlOlayer in a glow-discharge emission spectrometry (GDS analysis).'}2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein when ratios of the contents of Cr contained at the thickness-center positions of the respective layers of the first Ti-based layer claim 1 , the AlOlayer claim 1 , and the outermost layer to the content of Cr contained in the base are respectively represented by Cr claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , and Cr claim 1 , the following conditions are met: 0.5≦Cr≦0.9; 0.01≦Cr≦0 ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008636A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.

A cutting tool including a rake face, a flank face, and a cutting edge portion, comprising a substrate and an AlTiN layer, the AlTiN layer including cubic AlTiN crystal grains, Al having an atomic ratio x of 0.7 or more and less than 0.95, the AlTiN layer including a central portion, the central portion at the rake face being occupied in area by (111) oriented AlTiN crystal grains at a ratio of 50% or more and less than 80%, the central portion at the cutting edge portion being occupied in area by (111) oriented AlTiN crystal grains at a ratio of 80% or more. 1. A cutting tool including a rake face , a flank face , and a cutting edge portion connecting the rake face and the flank face together ,the cutting tool comprising a substrate and an AlTiN layer provided on the substrate,{'sub': x', '1-x, 'the AlTiN layer including cubic AlTiN crystal grains,'}{'sub': x', '1-x, 'an atomic ratio x of Al in the AlTiN being 0.7 or more and less than 0.95,'}the AlTiN layer including a central portion,the central portion being a region sandwiched between an imaginary plane D and an imaginary plane E, the imaginary plane D being an imaginary plane which passes through a point 1 μm away in a direction of thickness from a first interface located on a side of the substrate and is parallel to the first interface, the imaginary plane E being an imaginary plane which passes through a point 1 μm away from a second interface opposite to the side of the substrate in the direction of thickness and is parallel to the second interface,the first interface being parallel to the second interface,{'sub': x', '1-x, 'when a cross section of the AlTiN layer obtained when cut along a plane including a normal to the second interface at the rake face and a normal to the second interface at the flank face is subjected to an electron backscattering diffraction image analysis using a field emission scanning microscope to determine a crystal orientation of each of the AlTiN crystal grains and a color map is ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025522A1

A method of manufacturing a part with a CMAS-resistant thermal coating includes providing a part body having a surface and forming a thermal barrier coating (TBC) layer on the surface. The method also includes providing a precursor of a CMAS-reactive material and depositing the CMAS-reactive material on the TBC layer using the precursor. 1. A method of manufacturing a part with a CMAS-resistant thermal coating comprising:providing a part body having a surface;forming a thermal barrier coating (TBC) layer on the surface;providing a precursor of a CMAS-reactive material;depositing the CMAS-reactive material on the TBC layer using the precursor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the precursor is a metal-containing material and the CMAS-reactive material is chosen from a group consisting of alumina and an oxide of at least one rare-earth element.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the precursor is a metal-nitrate hydrate.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the precursor is aluminum nitrate hexahydrate (Al(NO)-9H0).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the precursor includes dissolving the precursor in a liquid solvent.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing the precursor in the liquid solvent at a ratio between approximately 1:10 to 1:100.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the TBC layer includes forming a plurality of voids within the TBC layer; andfurther comprising condensing the CMAS-reactive material into at least some of the plurality of voids.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising condensing the CMAS-reactive material into a plurality of precipitations having a respective size that is claim 1 , at most claim 1 , ten micrometers (10 um).9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the TBC layer includes a zirconia-based ceramic that is doped with at least one oxide of a rare-earth material.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein depositing the CMAS-reactive material includes providing the precursor to a thermal spray device and thermal ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009423A1

The present invention relates to a device comprising physical properties controlled by a microstructure and a method of manufacturing the same. The present invention discloses a base layer having a patterned surface; and a two-dimensional structure layer formed on the patterned surface of the base layer, the two-dimensional structure layer extending on and in compliance to topography of the patterned surface of the base layer, such that change of physical properties of the two-dimensional structure layer conforms to the stress generated along the topography. 1. A device comprising physical properties controlled by a microstructure , comprising:a base layer having a patterned surface; anda two-dimensional structure layer formed on the patterned surface of the base layer, the two-dimensional structure layer extending on and in compliance with topography of the patterned surface of the base layer,wherein the two-dimensional structure layer comprises a two-dimensional material having a lattice arrangement of a two-dimensional pattern, and the change of the physical properties of the two-dimensional structure conforms to stress generated along the topography.2. The device comprising physical properties controlled by a microstructure according to claim 1 , wherein the two-dimensional structure layer comprises one or more single-layer two-dimensional materials.3. The device comprising physical properties controlled by a microstructure according to claim 2 , wherein the two-dimensional structure layer comprises 1 to 30 layers.4. The device comprising physical properties controlled by a microstructure according to claim 2 , wherein the two-dimensional structure layer comprises 1 to 5 layers.5. The device comprising physical properties controlled by a microstructure according to claim 2 , wherein the two-dimensional material comprises at least one of the group consisting of graphene claim 2 , transition metal disulfide claim 2 , silicene and germanene.6. The device comprising ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010133A1

A method to manufacture a film made of vanadium disulphide by chemical vapor deposition on a previously heated substrate, includes successive procedures implemented in a vacuum reactor: injection of at least one organometallic molecule of vanadium, where the vanadium has a valence of less than or equal to 4; drainage of the reactor; injection of at least one sulphur molecule including at least one free thiol group, or forming a reaction intermediate comprising at least one free thiol group; injection of a reducing gas. 1. A film made of vanadium disulphide intended to be deposited on a substrate with a transmittance of over 50% for a wavelength of between 450 and 2750 nm , having a transmittance of over 50% for a wavelength of between 450 and 2750 nm , wherein the film has a surface roughness of less than 0.3 nm , where the surface roughness is measured by X-ray reflectometry.2. The film according to claim 1 , wherein the film is intended to be deposited conformally on the substrate.3. The film according to claim 1 , wherein the film is between 6 and 10 nm thick.4. The film according to claim 1 , wherein the film has a transmittance of over 60% for a wavelength of between 450 and 2750 nm.5. A method of manufacture of a film made of vanadium disulphide according to claim 1 , by chemical vapor deposition on a substrate claim 1 , comprising a step of heating of the substrate and successive steps implemented in a vacuum reactor:i. injecting at least one organometallic molecule of vanadium, where the vanadium has a valence of less than or equal to 4;ii. draining the reactor;iii. injecting at least one sulphur molecule comprising at least one free thiol group, or forming a reaction intermediate comprising at least one free thiol group;iv. injecting a reducing gas.6. The method of manufacture according to claim 5 , wherein the steps i. to iv. are repeated multiple times.7. The method of manufacture according to claim 5 , wherein the steps i. to iv. are undertaken at a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010159A1

A wafer carrier includes a pocket sized and shaped to accommodate a wafer, the pocket having a base and a substantially circular perimeter, and a removable orientation marker, the removable orientation marker comprising an outer surface and an inner surface, the outer surface having an arcuate form sized and shaped to mate with the substantially circular perimeter of the pocket, and the inner surface comprising a flat face, wherein the removable orientation marker further comprises a notch at a first end of the flat face. 1. A wafer carrier , comprising:a pocket sized and shaped to accommodate a wafer, the pocket comprising a base and a substantially circular perimeter; anda removable orientation marker, the removable orientation marker comprising an outer surface and an inner surface, the outer surface having an arcuate form sized and shaped to mate with the substantially circular perimeter of the pocket, and the inner surface comprising a flat face,wherein the removable orientation marker further comprises a notch at a first end of the flat face.2. The wafer carrier of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface extends into a first arcuate surface at the first end of the flat face and into a second arcuate surface at a second end of the flat face claim 1 , the second end opposing the first end claim 1 , the flat face forming a chord with the first arcuate surface and the second arcuate surface.3. The wafer carrier of claim 1 , wherein the removable orientation member further comprises an additional notch arranged at a second end of the flat face claim 1 , the second end opposing the first end.4. The wafer carrier of claim 1 , wherein an arcuate section of the substantially circular perimeter comprises a depression sized and shaped to accommodate the removable orientation marker.5. The wafer carrier of claim 4 , wherein the arcuate section of the substantially circular perimeter further comprises first engaging means for engaging with the removable orientation marker.6. ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010605A1

The present invention provides a novel method for producing a GaN crystal, the method including growing GaN from vapor phase on a semi-polar or non-polar GaN surface using GaCl3 and NH3 as raw materials. Provided herein is an invention of a method for producing a GaN crystal, including the steps of: (i) preparing a GaN seed crystal having a non-polar or semi-polar surface whose normal direction forms an angle of 85° or more and less than 170° with a [0001] direction of the GaN seed crystal; and (ii) growing GaN from vapor phase on a surface including the non-polar or semi-polar surface of the GaN seed crystal using GaCl3 and NH3 as raw materials.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Vapor phase deposition system

Номер: US20200010955A1
Принадлежит: ABCD Technology SARL

A showerhead for vacuum deposition of several species, the showerhead being divided into several quarters containing each at least one outlet for the species, each of the quarter defining the wall of an underlying compartment containing at least one species, wherein two adjacent compartments contains different species. A process for vacuum deposition of one or more species onto a substrate, including providing a substrate for thin film growth in a growth chamber, providing two or more species to be effused towards the substrate, effusing the two or more species towards the substrate with line of sight propagation and in high vacuum conditions, and obtaining a thin film with gradients of chemical elements composition, morphology or crystalline phase.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013577A1
Автор: Ito Yasutaka
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

A structure of the present invention is the structure which is formed of a base made of a metal and an inorganic material surface layer made of crystalline and amorphous inorganic materials, wherein thermal conductivity of the inorganic material surface layer is lower than the thermal conductivity of the base, infrared emissivity of the inorganic material surface layer is higher than the infrared emissivity of the base, and the base is an annular body. 1. An annular structure , comprising:a base made of a metal and formed into an annular body having a cylindrical form or a cylindroid form; andan inorganic material surface layer made of crystalline inorganic material and amorphous inorganic material,wherein the metal of the base includes steel, iron, copper, or stainless steel, the inorganic material surface layer has a thermal conductivity which is lower than a thermal conductivity of said base, and the inorganic material surface layer has an infrared emissivity which is higher than an infrared emissivity of said base.2. The annular structure according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal conductivity of said inorganic material surface layer at room temperature is at least about 0.1 W/mK and at most about 2.0 W/mK.3. The annular structure according to claim 1 , wherein the emissivity of said inorganic material surface layer at room temperature at a wavelength in a range of 1 μm to 15 μm is at least about 0.70 and at most about 0.98.4. The annular structure according to claim 1 , wherein a degree of irregularities claim 1 , Rz claim 1 , on a surface of said base is about 1/60 or more of a thickness of said inorganic material surface layer.5. The annular structure according to claim 1 , wherein said inorganic material surface layer is formed on at least one of an outer surface and an inner surface of said base.6. The annular structure according to claim 1 , wherein the metal of said base includes stainless steel.7. The annular structure according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033942A1

An article including a metal having an austenite transformation temperature of 850 degrees C. or more. The metal may be a steel, such as a stainless steel, a martensitic steel, or a martensitic stainless steel. In some embodiments, the metal is a steel including iron, molybdenum, and tungsten, and at least one of the following: manganese, nickel, chromium, and vanadium, where the manganese, nickel, chromium, and vanadium are in the following ranges: manganese: less than 0.1 wt %, nickel: less than 0.7 wt %, chromium: more than 12.5 wt %, and vanadium: more than 0.3 wt %. The article may have a surface coated with inorganic particles. In some embodiments, the article is an extrusion die, such as a honeycomb extrusion die. 1. An article comprising a metal having an austenite transformation temperature of 850 degrees C. or more.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The article of claim 1 , wherein the metal is a steel comprising:iron, molybdenum, and tungsten, and 'wherein the manganese, nickel, chromium, and vanadium, which, if present, are in the following ranges:', 'at least one of the following: manganese, nickel, chromium, and vanadium,'}manganese: less than 0.1 wt %,nickel: less than 0.7 wt %,chromium: more than 12.5 wt %, andvanadium: more than 0.3 wt %.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. The article of claim 1 , wherein the metal is a steel comprising:iron, molybdenum, and tungsten, and manganese: 0 wt % to 0.05 wt %,', 'nickel: 0.35 wt % to 0.65 wt %,', 'chromium: 13 wt % to 14 wt %, and', 'vanadium: 0.35 wt % to 0.65 wt %., 'manganese, nickel, chromium, and vanadium in the following ranges16. The article of claim 1 , wherein the metal is a steel comprising:iron, molybdenum, and tungsten, and manganese: 0 wt % to 0.05 wt %,', 'copper: 0 wt % to 0.05 wt %,', 'nickel: 0.35 wt % to 0.65 wt %,', 'chromium: 13 wt % to 14 wt %,', 'molybdenum: 1.0 wt % to 1.5 wt %, and', ' ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

High-Strength Refractory Fibrous Materials

Номер: US20220033999A1

The disclosed materials, methods, and apparatus, provide novel ultra-high temperature materials (UHTM) in fibrous forms/structures; such “fibrous materials” can take various forms, such as individual filaments, short-shaped fiber, tows, ropes, wools, textiles, lattices, nano/microstructures, mesostructured materials, and sponge-like materials. At least four important classes of UHTM materials are disclosed in this invention: (1) carbon, doped-carbon and carbon alloy materials, (2) materials within the boron-carbon-nitride-X system, (3) materials within the silicon-carbon-nitride-X system, and (4) highly-refractory materials within the tantalum-hafnium-carbon-nitride-X and tantalum-hafnium-carbon-boron-nitride-X system. All of these material classes offer compounds/mixtures that melt or sublime at temperatures above 1800° C.—and in some cases are among the highest melting point materials known (exceeding 3000° C.). In many embodiments, the synthesis/fabrication is from gaseous, solid, semi-solid, liquid, critical, and supercritical precursor mixtures using one or more low molar mass precursor(s), in combination with one or more high molar mass precursor(s). Methods for controlling the growth, composition, and structures of UHTM materials through control of the thermal diffusion region are disclosed. 1. A fibrous material comprising at least a first element and a second element ,a. wherein said first and second elements are at least two of tantalum, hafnium, carbon, boron, nitrogen and an additive element, andb. wherein the concentration of nitrogen, if present, is no greater than 67 atomic percent, and the concentration of the additive element, if present, is no greater than 67 atomic percent, andc. wherein said fibrous material is grown in at least one localized reaction zone from gaseous, liquid, semi-solid, critical, or supercritical precursor fluid mixtures using at least one primary heating means.2. The fibrous material of claim 1 , wherein said first element is ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Downhole sand control screen system

Номер: US20220034202A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

System and method of non-line-of-sight coating of a sand screen for use in wellbores during the production of hydrocarbon fluids from subterranean formations. The coatings can have uniformly coated internal and external surfaces.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017485A1

A method for synthesizing an In(III) N,N′-diisopropylacetamidinate precursor including cooling a mixture comprised of diisopropylcarbodiimide and diethyl ether to approximately −30° C., adding methyllithium drop-wise into the mixture, allowing the mixture to warm to room temperature, adding indium(III) chloride as a solid to the mixture to produce a white solid, dissolving the white solid in pentane to form a clear and colorless solution, filtering the mixture over a celite plug, and evaporating the solution under reduced pressure to obtain a solid In(III) N,N′-diisopropylacetamidinate precursor. This precursor has been further used to develop a novel atomic layer deposition technique for indium sulfide by dosing a reactor with the precursor, purging with nitrogen, dosing with dilute hydrogen sulfide, purging again with nitrogen, and repeating these steps to increase growth. 1. A method for synthesizing an In(III) N ,N′-diisopropylacetamidinate precursor , the method comprising:cooling a mixture comprised of diisopropylcarbodiimide and a first solvent to approximately −30° C.;adding methyllithium drop-wise into the mixture;allowing the mixture to warm to room temperature;adding indium(III) chloride as a solid to the mixture to produce a white solid;dissolving the white solid in a second solvent to form a clear and colorless solution; andevaporating the solution under reduced pressure to obtain a solid In(III) N,N′-diisopropylacetamidinate precursor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first solvent is diethyl ether and the second solvent is pentane.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising allowing a reaction of the mixture comprised of diisopropylcarbodiimide claim 1 , diethyl ether claim 1 , methyllithium and indium(III) chloride to take place overnight at room temperature prior to the evaporating step.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising removing volatiles under a reduced pressure prior to the evaporating step.5. The method of claim 1 , further ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017486A1

The hardness of zinc sulfide is increased by adding selective elements within a specified range to the crystal lattice of the zinc sulfide. The increased hardness over conventional zinc sulfide does not substantially compromise the optical properties of the zinc sulfide. The zinc sulfide may be used as a protective coating for windows and domes. 1. A composition comprising zinc sulfide and 0.5 molar % to 10 molar % of one or more dopants chosen from selenium , gallium , aluminum and silicon.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more dopants are in amounts of 1 molar % to 6 molar %.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the zinc sulfide is water clear zinc sulfide.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the dopant is selenium.5. A method comprising:a) providing a source of zinc, a source of sulfur and a source of one or more dopants chosen from selenium, gallium, aluminum and silicon;b) injecting the source of zinc as a gas at 0.2 to 1 slpm, the source of sulfur as a gas at 0.1 to 0.9 slpm and the one or more sources of selenium, gallium, aluminum and silicon as a gas at 0.01 slpm to 0.1 slpm into a chemical vapor deposition chamber comprising an inert gas, the pressure in the chemical vapor deposition chamber ranges from 20 to 50 Torr; andc) chemical vapor depositing one or more layers of a composition comprising zinc sulfide and 0.5 molar % to 10 molar % of one or more of the dopants chosen from selenium, gallium, aluminum and silicon on a substrate, a temperature of the substrate is from 600° C. to 800° C.6. The method of claim 4 , further comprising Hipping the composition comprising zinc sulfide and 0.5 molar % to 10 molar % of one or more of the dopants chosen from selenium claim 4 , gallium claim 4 , aluminum and silicon.7. An article comprising a substrate and one or more layers of a composition comprising zinc sulfide and 0.5 molar % to 10 molar % of one or more dopants chosen from selenium claim 4 , gallium claim 4 , aluminum and silicon.8. ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Nitride semiconductor crystal and method of fabricating the same

Номер: US20160020359A1

Fabricating a high-quality nitride semiconductor crystal at a lower temperature. A nitride semiconductor crystal is fabricated by supplying onto a substrate ( 105 ) a group III element and/or a compound thereof, a nitrogen element and/or a compound thereof and an Sb element and/or a compound thereof, all of which serve as materials, and thereby vapor-growing at least one layer of nitride semiconductor film ( 104 ). A supply ratio of the Sb element to the nitrogen element in a growth process of the at least one layer of the nitride semiconductor film ( 104 ) is set to not less than 0.004.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037126A1

Embodiments of the disclosure relate to articles, coated chamber components and methods of coating chamber components with a protective coating that includes at least one metal fluoride having a formula selected from the group consisting of M1F, M1M2Fand M1M2M3F, where at least one of M1, M2, or M3 is magnesium or lanthanum. The protective coating can be deposited by atomic layer deposition, chemical vapor deposition, electron beam ion assisted deposition, or physical vapor deposition. 1. A semiconductor chamber component comprising:a substrate; and{'sub': x', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w, 'a protective coating deposited on an un-roughened surface of the substrate, the protective coating comprising at least one metal fluoride having a formula selected from the group consisting of M1F, M1M2Fand M1M2M3F,'}wherein:{'sub': x', 'w, 'a) when the metal fluoride has the formula of M1F, x is 1, and w ranges from 1 to 3,'}{'sub': x', 'y', 'w, 'b) when the metal fluoride has the formula of M1M2F, x ranges from 0.1 to 1, y ranges from 0.1 to 1, and w ranges from 1 to 3, and'}{'sub': x', 'y', 'z', 'w, 'b': '1', 'c) when the metal fluoride has the formula of M1M2M3F, x ranges from 0.1 to 1, y ranges from 0.1 to , z ranges from 0.1 to 1, and w ranges from 1 to 3;'}wherein at least one of M1, M2, or M3 comprises magnesium or lanthanum.2. The semiconductor chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the protective coating comprises at least one of MgF claim 1 , LaF claim 1 , YMgF claim 1 , YLaF claim 1 , LaMgF claim 1 , or YMgLaF.3. The semiconductor chamber component of claim 1 , further comprising an adhesion and fluorine diffusion barrier layer deposited between the surface of the substrate and the protective coating.4. The semiconductor chamber component of claim 1 , wherein the protective coating is crystalline.5. The semiconductor chamber component of claim 4 , wherein a top surface of the protective coating has a nano-roughness ranging from about 0.1 microinches to about ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037146A1

Various embodiments include methods to produce low dielectric-constant (low-k) films. In one embodiment, alternating ALD cycles and dopant materials are used to generate a new family of silicon low-k materials. Specifically, these materials were developed to fill high-aspect-ratio structures with re-entrant features. However, such films are also useful in blanket applications where conformal nanolaminates are applicable. Various embodiments also disclose SiOF as well as SiOCF, SiONF, GeOCF, and GeOF. Analogous films may include halide derivatives with iodine and bromine (e.g., replace “F” with “I” or “Br”). Other methods, chemistries, and techniques are disclosed. 1. A method of forming low dielectric-constant (low-κ) films , the method comprising:depositing, by atomic-layer deposition (ALD) techniques, a film-deposition layer;doping the deposited film layer with fluorine;depositing, by atomic-layer deposition techniques, a subsequent film-deposition layer; andrepeating the deposition operations and the doping operations as needed to obtain a final film thickness of a film having a low dielectric constant.2. The method of claim 1 , where the formed low-κ films are silicon-based materials.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising selecting a silane precursor.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the low-κ films comprise at least one material selected from materials including fluorine-doped silicon oxide (SiOF) claim 1 , carbonofluoridoylsilicon (SiOCF) claim 1 , and fluorinated silicon oxynitride (SiONF).5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising selecting a density of the fluorine dopant is within a range of about 1×10atoms per cmto about 1×10atoms per cm.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the stated range of the density of the fluorine dopant is within a silicon oxide (SiO) matrix.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising selecting at least one variable from variables comprising a level of fluorine doping and a deposited film thickness per deposition layer. ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037151A1
Принадлежит: Versum Materials US, LLC

A composition and method for using the composition in the fabrication of an electronic device are disclosed. Compounds, compositions and methods for depositing a low dielectric constant (<4.0) and high oxygen ash resistance silicon-containing film such as, without limitation, a carbon doped silicon oxide, are disclosed. 1. A method for forming a carbon doped silicon oxide film having carbon content ranging from 15 at. % to 30 at. % via a thermal ALD process , the method comprising:a) placing one or more substrates comprising a surface feature into a reactor;b) heating to reactor to one or more temperatures ranging from ambient temperature to about 550° C. and optionally maintaining the reactor at a pressure of 100 torr or less;c) introducing into the reactor at least one silicon precursor having two Si—C—Si linkages selected from the group consisting of 1-chloro-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1-bromo-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,3-dichloro-1,3-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,3-dibromo-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,1,3-trichloro-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,1,3-tribromo-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,1,3,3-tetrachloro-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,1,3,3-tetrabromo-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,3-dichloro-1,3-dimethyl-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,3-bromo-1,3-dimethyl-1,3-disilacyclobutane, 1,1,1,3,3,5,5,5-octachloro-1,3,5-trisilapentane, 1,1,3,3,5,5-hexachloro-1,5-dimethyl-1,3,5-trisilapentane, 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexachloro-3,3-dimethyl-1,3,5-trisilapentane, 1,1,3,5,5-pentachloro-1,3,5-trimethyl-1,3,5-trisilapentane, 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexachloro-1,3,5-trisilapentane, 1,1,5,5-tetraachloro-1,3,5-trisilapentane;d) purging with an inert gas;e) providing a nitrogen source into the reactor to react with the surface to form a carbon doped silicon nitride film;f) purging with inert gas to remove reaction by-products;g) repeating steps c to f to provide a desired thickness of a resulting carbon doped silicon nitride;h) treating the resulting carbon doped silicon nitride film with an oxygen source at one or more temperatures ranging from ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Heat Resistant Hydrogen Separation Membrane and Method for Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20150020686A1

The present invention relates to a hydrogen separation membrane which coats granular ceramic onto the surface of a porous metal support and which coats a hydrogen permeation metal thereon so as to inhibit diffusion between the support and a hydrogen separation layer, and to a method for manufacturing same. As a result, the metal support can be modularized with ease, the hydrogen permeation layer can be made thinner to increase the amount of hydrogen permeation, the use of a separation material can be minimized, and the hydrogen separation membrane can have higher competitiveness. 1. A hydrogen separation membrane comprising:porous metal support;an interdiffusion barrier which is prepared by coating a surface of the porous metal support with ceramics or a mixture of ceramics and metals in a column shape; anda dense hydrogen separation layer which is applied on the interdiffusion barrier.2. The hydrogen separation membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic components include any one of oxide-based claim 1 , non-oxide-based claim 1 , and nitride-based components claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.3. The hydrogen separation membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the interdiffusion barrier includes at least one selected from Al claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , V claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Ru claim 1 , Pd claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , W claim 1 , and Mo.4. The hydrogen separation membrane claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the interdiffusion barrier in a column shape has a coating thickness of 50 nm to 3 μm claim 1 , and is coated so that the column has a diameter of 10 nm to 3 μm.5. The hydrogen separation membrane according to claim 1 , herein the interdiffusion barrier in a column shape claim 1 , has a porosity of 5 to 50%.6. A method for manufacturing the hydrogen separation membrane according to claim 1 , comprising:coating a surface of a porous metal support with ceramics or a mixture of ceramics ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019622A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A polycrystalline dielectric thin film and a capacitor element have a large relative dielectric constant. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film has a perovskite oxynitride as a principal component. The perovskite oxynitride is represented by compositional formula ABON(a1+b1+o+n=5), and the a-axis length of the crystal lattice of the perovskite oxynitride is larger than a theoretical value. 16-. (canceled)7. A polycrystalline dielectric thin film , comprising a main component of a perovskite-type oxynitride ,{'sub': a1', 'b1', 'o', 'n, 'wherein the perovskite-type oxynitride is represented by a composition formula of ABON(a1+b1+o+n=5), and'}wherein an a-axis length of a crystal lattice of the perovskite-type oxynitride is larger than its theoretical value.8. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film according to claim 7 , wherein all of the a-axis length claim 7 , a b-axis length claim 7 , and a c-axis length of the crystal lattice are larger than their theoretical values.9. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film according to claim 7 , comprising an octahedron structure of BON claim 7 , wherein an arrangement of N in the octahedron structure is cis-type.10. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film according to claim 8 , comprising an octahedron structure of BON claim 8 , wherein an arrangement of N in the octahedron structure is cis-type.11. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film according to claim 7 , wherein a sum of an average valence of A-site ions and an average valence of B-site ions is seven.12. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film according to claim 8 , wherein a sum of an average valence of A-site ions and an average valence of B-site ions is seven.13. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film according to claim 7 , where the a-axis length is 5.695 Å or more.14. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film according to claim 8 , where the a-axis length is 5.695 Å or more.15. A capacitor element comprising the polycrystalline dielectric thin film ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020456A1

Process for manufacturing a composite nuclear component comprising i) a support containing a substrate comprising a metallic material and a ceramic material (), the substrate () being coated or not coated with an interposed layer () positioned between the substrate () and at least one protective layer () and ii) the protective layer () composed of a protective material comprising chromium; the process comprising a step a) of vaporizing a mother solution followed by a step b) of depositing the protective layer () onto the support via a DLI-MOCVD deposition process. 1. Process for manufacturing a nuclear component via the method of chemical vapor deposition of an organometallic compound by direct liquid injection (DLI-MOCVD) , the nuclear component comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '3', '1', '2, 'i) a support containing a substrate comprising a metallic material and a ceramic material (), the substrate () being coated or not with an interposed layer () placed between the substrate () and at least one protective layer ();'}{'b': '2', 'ii) said at least one protective layer () coating said support and composed of a protective material comprising chromium chosen from. a partially metastable chromium comprising a stable chromium crystalline phase and a metastable chromium crystalline phase, an amorphous chromium carbide, a chromium alloy, a carbide of a chromium alloy, a chromium nitride, a chromium carbonitride, a mixed chromium silicon carbide, a mixed chromium silicon nitride, a mixed chromium silicon carbonitride, or mixtures thereof;'}the process comprising the following successive steps:a) vaporizing a mother solution containing a hydrocarbon-based solvent free of oxygen atoms, a precursor of bis(arene) type comprising chromium; and containing, where appropriate, an addonal precursor, a carbon incorporation inhibitor or a mixture thereof; the precursors having a decomposition temperature comprised between 300° C. and 600° C.;{'b': '2', 'b) in a chemical vapor deposition ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

A Two-Dimensional AlN Material and its Preparation Method and Application

Номер: US20210020428A1

The present invention discloses a two-dimensional AlN material and its preparation method and application, wherein the preparation method comprises the following steps: (1) selecting a substrate and its crystal orientation; (2) cleaning the surface of the substrate; (3) transferring a graphene layer to the substrate layer; (4) annealing the substrate; (5) using the MOCVD process to introduce H 2 to open the graphene layer and passivate the surface of the substrate; and (6) using the MOCVD process to grow a two-dimensional AlN layer. The preparation method of the present invention has the advantages that the process is simple, time saving and efficient. Besides, the two-dimensional AlN material prepared by the present invention can be widely used in HEMT devices, deep ultraviolet detectors or deep ultraviolet LEDs, and other fields.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Metal components with inert vapor phase coating on internal surfaces

Номер: US20150024152A1

The invention provides metal liquid chromatography components with uniformly coated internal surfaces and methods for achieving the same. The invention addresses the problem of corrosion or interference of metal components in the flow path for LC analyses in which the sample interacts with metal ions or surfaces. The invention also alleviates the difficulties in coating very long metal tubes and very small metal channels with an inert, continuous coating that adheres well to metal surfaces. The metal flow path is rendered inert by the coating, and thus compatible with bioanalytical separations, for example, by using a vapor phase deposition process to coat the inner surfaces with a coating that continuously covers all metal surfaces in the flow path.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022368A1

The hardness of zinc sulfide is increased by adding selective elements within a specified range to the crystal lattice of the zinc sulfide. The increased hardness over conventional zinc sulfide does not substantially compromise the optical properties of the zinc sulfide. The zinc sulfide may be used as a protective coating for windows and domes. 1. A composition comprising water clear zinc sulfide and 0.5 molar % to 10 molar % of one or more dopants chosen from selenium , gallium , aluminum and silicon.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more dopants are in amounts of 1 molar % to 6 molar %.3. (canceled)4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the dopant is selenium.56-. (canceled)7. An article comprising a substrate and one or more layers of a composition comprising water clear zinc sulfide and 0.5 molar % to 10 molar % of one or more dopants chosen from selenium claim 1 , gallium claim 1 , aluminum and silicon.8. The article of claim 7 , wherein the one or more dopants are in amounts of 1 molar % to 6 molar %.9. The article of claim 7 , wherein the dopant is selenium.10. The article of claim 7 , wherein the substrate is a dome or a window. The present invention is directed to increasing the hardness of zinc sulfide. More specifically, the present invention is directed to increasing the hardness of zinc sulfide without substantially compromising the optical properties of the zinc sulfide by adding selective amounts of specific dopants to the zinc sulfide.Materials such as zinc sulfide are highly desirable materials for infrared (IR) articles, such as windows and domes for high speed aeronautical vehicles which may reach transonic speeds, due to their high transmission in the visible to long wavelength infrared (LWIR) band region, i.e., 0.6 μm to 14 μm. In general, transmissions through zinc sulfide may be from around 60% and greater. However, zinc sulfide is also relatively soft which makes it unsuitable for high speed aeronautical vehicles. Such ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Cutting tool

Номер: US20220040767A1

A cutting tool comprises a substrate and a coating that coats the substrate, the coating including an α-alumina layer provided on the substrate, the α-alumina layer including crystal grains of α-alumina, the α-alumina layer including a lower portion and an upper portion, the upper portion being occupied in area at a ratio of 50% or more by crystal grains of α-alumina having a (006) plane with a normal thereto having a direction within ±15° with respect to a direction of the normal to the second interface, the lower portion being occupied in area at a ratio of 50% or more by crystal grains of α-alumina having a (006) plane with a normal thereto having a direction within ±15° with respect to the direction of the normal to the second interface, the α-alumina layer having a thickness of 3 μm or more and 20 μm or less.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Low Temperature Molecular Layer Deposition Of SiCON

Номер: US20160024647A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Methods for the deposition of a SiCON film by molecular layer deposition using a multi-functional amine and a silicon containing precursor having a reactive moiety.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022761A1

Mono-substituted TSA precursor Si-containing film forming compositions are disclosed. The precursors have the formula: (SiH)N—SiH—X, wherein X is selected from a halogen atom; an isocyanato group; an amino group; an N-containing C-Csaturated or unsaturated heterocycle; or an alkoxy group. Methods for forming the Si-containing film using the disclosed mono-substituted TSA precursor are also disclosed. 1. An ALD silicon and oxygen containing film formation process , the process comprising the steps of:{'sub': 3', '2', '2', '2', '1', '6', '3', '1', '6, 'depositing a silicon and oxygen containing film on a substrate by sequentially introducing a vapor of a mono-substituted TSA precursor and an oxygen-containing reactant into a reactor containing the substrate, the mono-substituted TSA precursor having a formula (SiH)N—SiH—X, wherein X is a halogen atom or an amino group [—NR] and each R is independently selected from the group consisting of H; a C-Chydrocarbyl group; or a silyl group [SiR′] with each R′ being independently selected from H or a C-Chydrocarbyl group.'}2. The ALD silicon and oxygen containing film formation process of claim 1 , wherein X is Cl.3. The ALD silicon and oxygen containing film formation process of claim 1 , wherein X is NiPr.4. The ALD silicon and oxygen containing film formation process of claim 1 , wherein X is NEt.5. The ALD silicon and oxygen containing film formation process of claim 1 , wherein X is N(SiH).6. The ALD silicon and oxygen containing film formation process of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen-containing reactant is selected from the group consisting of O claim 1 , O claim 1 , HO claim 1 , HO claim 1 , NO claim 1 , NO claim 1 , NO claim 1 , alcohols claim 1 , diols claim 1 , carboxylic acids claim 1 , ketones claim 1 , ethers claim 1 , O atoms claim 1 , O radicals claim 1 , O ions claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The ALD silicon and oxygen containing film formation process of claim 6 , wherein the oxygen-containing reactant is ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041870A1
Принадлежит: Versum Materials US, LLC

Described herein are compositions for depositing a carbon-doped silicon containing film comprising: a precursor comprising at least one compound selected from the group consisting of: an organoaminosilane having a formula of RN(SiRLH), wherein R, R, and L are defined herein. Also described herein are methods for depositing a carbon-doped silicon-containing film using the composition wherein the method is one selected from the following: cyclic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD), atomic layer deposition (ALD), plasma enhanced ALD (PEALD) and plasma enhanced CCVD (PECCVD). 13-. (canceled)4. A method of forming a carbon-doped silicon nitride film via an atomic layer deposition process , the method comprising the steps of:a. providing a substrate in a reactor;{'sup': 9', '9, 'sub': '2', 'b. introducing into the reactor a precursor comprising at least one organoaminosilane having a formula of RN(SiRLH), wherein'}{'sup': '8', 'Ris selected from the group consisting of a C1 to C10 linear or branched alkyl group, a C3 to C10 cyclic alkyl group, a linear or branched C2 to C10 alkenyl group, a linear or branched C2 to C10 alkynyl group, a C5 to C10 aromatic group, and a C3 to C10 saturated or unsaturated heterocyclic group;'}{'sup': '9', 'Rselected from the group consisting of hydrogen, C1 to C10 linear or branched alkyl, a C3 to C10 cyclic alkyl group, a linear or branched C2 to C10 alkenyl group, a linear or branched C2 to C10 alkynyl group, a C5 to C10 aromatic group, and a C3 to C10 saturated or unsaturated heterocyclic group; and'}L is selected from the group consisting of Cl, Br, and I;c. purging the reactor with a purge gas;d. introducing a nitrogen source into the reactor wherein the nitrogen source is selected from the group consisting of ammonia, hydrazine, monoalkylhydrazine, dialkylhydrazine, nitrogen, nitrogen/hydrogen, ammonia plasma, nitrogen plasma, nitrogen/hydrogen plasma, and mixture thereof; ande. purging the reactor with a purge gas, wherein steps b through ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Uv light emitting devices and systems and methods for production

Номер: US20170025565A1
Принадлежит: RayVio Corp

A method of fabricating an ultraviolet (UV) light emitting device includes receiving a UV transmissive substrate, forming a first UV transmissive layer comprising aluminum nitride upon the UV transmissive substrate using a first deposition technique at a temperature less than about 800 degrees Celsius or greater than about 1200 degrees Celsius, forming a second UV transmissive layer comprising aluminum nitride upon the first UV transmissive layer comprising aluminum nitride using a second deposition technique that is different from the first deposition technique, at a temperature within a range of about 800 degrees Celsius to about 1200 degrees Celsius, forming an n-type layer comprising aluminum gallium nitride layer upon the second UV transmissive layer, forming one or more quantum well structures comprising aluminum gallium nitride upon the n-type layer, and forming a p-type nitride layer upon the one or more quantum well structures.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024731A1

There is provided a technique that includes: forming an oxynitride film on at least one substrate by performing a cycle a predetermined number of times, the cycle including non-simultaneously performing: (a) supplying a precursor from a precursor supply part to the at least one substrate; (b) supplying an oxidizing agent from an oxidizing agent supply part to the at least one substrate; and (c) supplying a nitriding agent from a nitriding agent supply part to the at least one substrate, wherein in (b), an inert gas is supplied from an inert gas supply part, which is different from the oxidizing agent supply part, to the at least one substrate, and at least one of nitrogen concentration and refractive index of the oxynitride film formed on the at least one substrate is adjusted by controlling a flow rate of the inert gas. 1. A method of manufacturing a semiconductor device , comprising:forming an oxynitride film on at least one substrate by performing a cycle a predetermined number of times, the cycle including non-simultaneously performing:(a) supplying a precursor from a precursor supply part to the at least one substrate;(b) supplying an oxidizing agent from an oxidizing agent supply part to the at least one substrate; and(c) supplying a nitriding agent from a nitriding agent supply part to the at least one substrate, wherein in (b), an inert gas is supplied from an inert gas supply part, which is different from the oxidizing agent supply part, to the at least one substrate, and at least one of nitrogen concentration and refractive index of the oxynitride film formed on the at least one substrate is adjusted by controlling a flow rate of the inert gas.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one substrate includes a plurality of substrates claim 1 ,wherein the act of forming the oxynitride film is performed in a state in which the plurality of substrates are arranged in a substrate arrangement region, andwherein in (b), the inert gas whose flow ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024733A1

Disclosed are vapor transport deposition systems and methods for alternating sequential vapor transport deposition of multi-component perovskite thin-films. The systems include multiple vaporizing sources that are mechanically or digitally controlled for high throughput deposition. Alternating sequential deposition provides faster sequential deposition, and allows for reduced material degradation due to different vapor temperatures. 1. A method of making a perovskite film , comprising the steps of:{'sup': −4', '2, '(a) heating a metal halide in a first source tube at a first temperature from about 350° C. to about 480° C. at a first pressure from about 1×10Torr to about 1×10Torr, thereby producing a sublimated metal halide;'}{'sup': −4', '2, '(b) flowing a first carrier gas from a first inlet through the first source tube and exposing a substrate to the sublimated metal halide and the first carrier gas at a second pressure from about 1×10Torr to about 1×10Torr, thereby forming a metal halide-coated substrate;'}{'sup': −4', '2, '(c) heating an organic halide in a second source tube at a second temperature from about 100° C. to about 250° C. at a third pressure from about 1×10Torr to about 1×10Torr, thereby producing a sublimated organic halide; and'}{'sup': −4', '2, '(d) flowing a second carrier gas from a second inlet through the second source tube and exposing the metal halide-coated substrate to the sublimated organic halide and a second carrier gas at the second pressure from about 1×10Torr to about 1×10Torr, thereby forming the perovskite film.'}2. A method of making a perovskite film , comprising the steps of:{'sup': −4', '2, '(a) heating an organic halide in a second source tube at a second temperature from about 100° C. to about 250° C. at a third pressure from about 1×10Torr to about 1×10Torr, thereby producing a sublimated organic halide;'}{'sup': −4', '2, '(b) flowing a second carrier gas from a second inlet through the second source tube and exposing a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024735A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to articles, coated articles and methods of coating such articles with a rare earth metal containing fluoride coating. The coating can contain at least a first metal (e.g., a rare earth metal, tantalum, zirconium, etc.) and a second metal that have been co-deposited onto a surface of the article. The coating can include a homogenous mixture of the first metal and the second metal and does not contain mechanical segregation between layers in the coating. 1. An article comprising:a body; anda rare earth metal containing fluoride coating on a surface of the body, wherein the rare earth metal containing fluoride coating as deposited is pin-hole free,wherein the rare earth metal containing fluoride coating comprises about 1 mol % to about 40 mol % of a first metal and about 1 mol % to about 40 mol % of a second metal, wherein the first metal and the second metal are independently selected from a group consisting of a rare earth metal, zirconium, hafnium, aluminum and tantalum, wherein the first metal is different from the second metal, andwherein the rare earth metal containing fluoride coating comprises a homogenous mixture of the first metal and the second metal.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the rare earth metal containing fluoride coating has a thickness of about 5 nm to about 10 μm.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article is a component of a processing chamber selected from a group consisting of a chamber wall claim 1 , a shower head claim 1 , a nozzle claim 1 , a plasma generation unit claim 1 , a radiofrequency electrode claim 1 , an electrode housing claim 1 , a diffuser and a gas line.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a material selected from a group consisting of aluminum claim 1 , steel claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , copper and magnesium.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first metal comprises a rare earth metal selected from a group consisting of yttrium claim 1 , erbium claim 1 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024737A1

A method of forming a film on a substrate is disclosed. The method comprises: heating a thiodisilane according to formula (I) (RRRCS)(RN)(Si—Si)XH(I) in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or atomic layer deposition (ALD) process under thermal or plasma conditions to give a silicon-containing film disposed on the substrate, wherein: subscript s, n, x, h and R, R, R, R, and X are as described herein. 1. A method of forming a silicon-containing film on a substrate , the method comprising: heating a thiodisilane according to formula (I){'br': None, 'sup': 1a', '1b', '1c', '2, 'sub': s', '2', 'n', 'x', 'h, '(RRRCS)(RN)(Si—Si)XH\u2003\u2003(I),'}wherein: subscript s is an integer from 1 to 6; subscript n is an integer from 0 to 5; subscript x is an integer from 0 to 5; subscript h is an integer from 0 to 5; with the proviso that sum s+n+x+h=6;each H, when present in formula (I), is independently bonded to the same or different one of the silicon atoms in formula (I);each X is a monovalent halogen atom F, Cl, I, or Br and, when present in formula (I), is independently bonded to the same or different one of the silicon atoms in formula (I);{'sup': 1a', '1b', '1c, 'wherein R, R, and Rare defined by limitation (a), (b), or (c){'sup': 1a', '1a', '1b', '1c, 'sub': 2', '20', '1', '20, '(a) at least one Rindependently is (C-C)alkyl or phenyl and each of any remaining R, R, and Rindependently is H or (C-C)hydrocarbyl; or'}{'sup': 1a', '1b', '1c', '1a', '1b', '1c, 'sub': 6', '20', '1', '20, '(b) there is at least one group RRRC that independently is a substituted or unsubstituted (C-C)aryl, and each of any remaining R, R, and Rindependently is H or (C-C)hydrocarbyl; or'}{'sup': 1a', '1b', '1c', '1', '1a', '1b', '1c', '11', '11', '1a', '1b', '1c, 'sub': 2', '3', '20', '1', '20, '(c) any two of R, R, and R(collectively Rgroups), in the same or different RRRC group, are bonded together to form a divalent group, —R—, wherein —R— is a CHor a (C-C)hydrocarbylene and each of any remaining ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024549A1

The present disclosure is in the field of processes for the generation of thin inorganic films on substrates, in particular atomic layer deposition processes. Described herein is a process for preparing metal-containing films including: 2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein R comprises no hydrogen atom in the 1-position.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein R is tert-butyl.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein Z is ethylene.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the compound of general formula (I) has a molecular weight of not more than 600 g/mol.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the compound of general formula (I) has a vapor pressure of at least 1 mbar at a temperature of 200° C.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein (a) and (b) are successively performed at least twice.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal-containing compound contains Ti claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , W claim 1 , or Al.9. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal-containing compound is a metal halide.10. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a temperature does not exceed 350° C.12. The compound according to claim 11 , wherein R comprises no hydrogen atom in the 1-position.13. The compound according to claim 12 , wherein R is tert-butyl.14. The compound according to claim 11 , wherein Z is ethylene. The present invention is in the field of processes for the generation of thin inorganic films on substrates, in particular atomic layer deposition processes.With the ongoing miniaturization, e.g. in the semiconductor industry, the need for thin inorganic films on substrates increases while the requirements on the quality of such films become stricter. Thin metal films serve different purposes such as barrier layers, conducting features, or capping layers. Several methods for the generation of metal films are known. One of them is the deposition of film forming compounds from the gaseous state on a ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025662A1

A method of applying a heat exchanger coating system includes forming a conversion coated substrate by applying a conversion coat onto a substrate to provide corrosion resistance to the substrate and encapsulating the conversion coated substrate with a pinhole-free, uniform, atomic layer deposited, corrosion resistant coating. 1. A method of applying a heat exchanger coating system , the method comprising:forming a conversion coated substrate by applying a conversion coat onto a substrate to provide corrosion resistance to the substrate; andencapsulating the conversion coated substrate with a pinhole-free, uniform, atomic layer deposited, corrosion resistant coating.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein encapsulating the conversion coated substrate comprises applying a first corrosion resistant coating layer by atomic layer deposition and applying a second corrosion resistant coating layer over the first corrosion resistant coating layer by atomic layer deposition.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conversion coat includes hexavalent chromium.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conversion coat includes non-hexavalent chromium selected from the group consisting of trivalent chromium claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , V claim 1 , P claim 1 , Co claim 1 , La claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , rare earth metals claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conversion coat is an oxidation layer formed by a sol-gel claim 1 , boe-gel claim 1 , or boehmite process.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is formed of aluminum or aluminum alloy.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is formed of stainless steel claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Ti alloy claim 1 , or Ni alloy.8. The method of and further comprising:applying a topcoat over the corrosion resistant coating, wherein the topcoat is formed of a phenolic epoxy or silicone.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the corrosion ...
