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19-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730144C2
Принадлежит: КЕМИРА ОЙЙ (FI)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу обработки волокнистой массы, включающему стадию, во время которой волокнистую массу обрабатывают дистиллированной перкарбоновой кислотой, например - дистиллированной перуксусной кислотой (dPAA), и пероксидом, например - пероксидом водорода. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 4 ил.

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2439233C2
Принадлежит: КЕМИРА ОЙЙ (FI)

Изобретение относится к стабилизирующей композиции, применяемой в качестве средства при перекисной отбелке волокнистого материала, а также при очистке от краски волокнистого материала из вторичного сырья. Предлагается стабилизирующая композиция, включающая (А) полимер формулы ! ! где R1 - водород или С1-12-алкил, R2 - COOM или -CH2COOM; М - водород, ион щелочного или щелочноземельного металла, или ион аммония, или их смесь; n, m и k - молярные соотношения мономеров, где n составляет от 0 до 0,95, m от 0,05 до 0,9 и k от 0 до 0,8, а сумма (n+m+k)=1, и средневесовая молекулярная масса составляет от 500 до 20000000 г/моль; (В) - хелатирующий агент; (С) - поли-альфа-гидроксиакриловую кислоту или ее щелочную соль, или ее соответствующий полилактон и (D) возможно полимер поликарбоновой кислоты или его щелочную соль. Предлагается также способ обработки волокнистого материала указанной стабилизирующей композицией. Предложенная композиция обладает синергетическим стабилизирующим эффектом по сравнению ...

04-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678895C2

Предлагается беленое целлюлозное крафт-волокно древесины хвойных пород с высоким содержанием α-целлюлозы и низкой CED вязкостью. Также описано волокно, обработанное поверхностно-активным веществом, применимое в производстве химических производных целлюлозы. Также описаны способы изготовления целлюлозного крафт-волокна и получаемые из него продукты. 11 з.п. ф-лы ...

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016122102A3

26-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018117289A3

11-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729701C1

Изобретение относится к распушенным целлюлозам с улучшенной способностью устранения неприятного запаха, а также способам получения таких распушенных целлюлоз. Распушенная целлюлоза содержит беленое крафт-волокно, имеющее средневзвешенную длину волокна приблизительно 2 мм, медное число менее чем приблизительно 7, содержание карбоксильных групп более чем приблизительно 3,5 мэкв/100 г, белизну по ISO по меньшей мере 80, вязкость от приблизительно 2 спз до приблизительно 9 спз, и содержание ионов меди от приблизительно 0,2 части на миллион до приблизительно 50 частей на миллион в пересчете на массу беленого крафт-волокна. Техническим результатом является улучшение способности устранения неприятного запаха распушенных целлюлоз. 5 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 4 таб.

27-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009123743A

... 1. Усовершенствованный способ отбелки целлюлозы, включающий по меньшей мере одну ступень отбелки, которая включает обработку лиственной целлюлозы отбеливателем, содержащим ClO2, в присутствии слабого основания при рН от 3,5 до 6,5 и при температуре от 55 до 85°С, отличающийся тем, что консистенция целлюлозы составляет от 10 до 20% и время выдержки составляет от 10 до 300 мин. ! 2. Способ отбелки по п.1, отличающийся тем, что слабое основание выбирают из группы, состоящей из NaH2PO3, Ca(OH)2, NH4OH, NaHCO3, HOCCH3- и Mg(OH)2. ! 3. Способ отбелки по п.1, отличающийся тем, что слабым основанием является Mg(OH)2. ! 4. Способ отбелки по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рН целлюлозы составляет от 4,5 до 5,50. ! 5. Способ отбелки по п.1, отличающийся тем, что эффективность отбелки целлюлозы на 5% выше чем в таком же способе отбелки, в котором используют NaOH, а не Mg(OH)2, по меньшей мере на одной ступени отбелки. ! 6. Способ отбелки по п.1, отличающийся тем, что количество грязи после по меньшей мере ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012139480A
Принадлежит: Кемполис Ой

1. Способ получения целлюлозы и/или сахаросодержащего продукта из лигноцеллюлозного материала, включающийa) фракционирование лигноцеллюлозного материала посредством варки в муравьиной кислоте при содержании муравьиной кислоты от 70 до 98% и температуре от 110 до 160°С;b) доведение фракции целлюлозной массы, полученной таким образом, до консистенции от 10 до 40% и промывание ее муравьиной кислотой;c) обработку загущенной и промытой целлюлозной массы при температуре от 50 до 90°С пермуравьиной кислотой, полученной посредством добавления пероксида водорода к муравьиной кислоте в количестве от 0,5 до 3% от сухой массы целлюлозной массы, и проведения реакции муравьиной кислоты и пероксида водорода с получением перуксусной кислоты за 1-10 минут до добавления пермуравьиной кислоты к загущенной и промытой целлюлозной массе;где обработку целлюлозной массы пермуравьиной кислотой проводят до тех пор, пока пермуравьиная кислота не будет, по существу, израсходована, после чего обработку продолжают, оставляя реакционную смесь реагировать при той же температуре;d) промывку целлюлозной массы, которая была обработана пермуравьиной кислотой, муравьиной кислотой с концентрацией от 70 до 98%;e) обработку целлюлозной массы, полученной таким способом, муравьиной кислотой с концентрацией от 2 до 20% при температуре от 60 до 150°С;f) выделение полученной целлюлозы; иg) при необходимости, гидролиз полученной целлюлозы до водорастворимых моносахаридов и олигосахаридов с получением сахаросодержащего продукта.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что время варки на стадии а) составляет от 5 до 80 минут.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что соотношение лигноц РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК C08B 1/00 (13) 2012 139 480 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012139480/05, 17.09.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): Кемполис Ой (FI) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 23.09.2011 FI 20115937 Адрес для переписки: 191186, ...

29-03-1994 дата публикации

Novel method of bleaching of lignocellulosic pulp using persulphate

Номер: AU0005892094A

06-10-2011 дата публикации

Processes and Systems for the Pulping of Lignocellulosic Materials

Номер: AU2007203647B2

A non-compression vessel, such as a digester, is employed for the chemical preconditioning of the chips followed by a fiberizing device to break the preconditioned chips 5 down to fiber bundles, which are then washed before a high consistency chemical treatment. The digester may be one such as used in conventional chemical pulping of wood with or without screens for the extraction of chemical. If extracted this chemical could be recirculated to the digester with treatment in the circulation loop such as heating or the addition of dilution or other chemicals. This digester may be hydraulic or vapor phase (that is contain a vapor .0 space within the digester), and operate in either a continuous or batch fashion. This digester allows for the discharge of material without the use of a screw mechanism. The digester treated material is then defiberized to convert the chips into course fiber bundles, which then is washed and dewatered. The washed and dewatered pulp is then treated with alkali ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Process for delignifying and bleaching chemical pulp

Номер: AU2011200185B2

Process for delignifying and bleaching chemical pulp Abstract: The delignification and bleaching of chemical pulp by a bleaching stage, in which the chemical pulp is reacted first with chlorine dioxide and, after reaction of the chlorine dioxide, is further reacted without intermediate washing with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a molybdate or tungstate, permits the production of chemical pulp having a whiteness of at 1o least 89.5%, having improved stability to yellowing and reduced oxidative damage.

07-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002620978A1

A process for improving optical properties of high-yield pulp (HYP) for producing paper products with superior brightness. Optical brightening agents (OBAs) can effectively improve the optical properties of high-yield pulp (HYP). The present process involves incorporating the OBAs into the alkaline peroxide bleaching process. By combining peroxide bleaching with an optical brightening agent, one can decrease the bleaching cost to reach the same brightness target. Some key advantages of adding OBA to HYP at the pulp mill over the conventional wet-end addition of OBA include: i) the quenching effect on OBA by the wet-end cationic polymers such as PEI is decreased by fixing OBA on HYP fibers; ii) the negative impact of metal ions in the white water system on the OBA performance is minimized when OBA is pre-adsorbed and fixed on HYP fibers; iii) the photo-yellowing (color reversion) of HYP and HYP-containing paper sheets is decreased when more OBA is on HYP fibers to protect them from harmful ...

04-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002677972C
Принадлежит: ARKEMA FRANCE

L'invention concerne un procédé de fonctionnalisation de carbohydrates comprenant au moins une étape au cours de laquelle les carbohydrates réagissent avec un agent oxydant en présence d'un complexe cuivre- phénanthroline Elle a plus particulièrement pour objet un procédé de fonctionnalisation de fibres cellulosiques papetières.

08-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002691590A1

The invention relates to a process for making paper, wherein a pulp suspe nsion, which comprises mechanical pulp, is thickened in a dewatering device and is thereafter diluted with water and pumped to a storage tank, then dilu ted again and made in to paper. According to the invention, the pulp suspens ion is subjected to an acid - base treatment after the dewatering device. Th e pH of the suspension is first reduced with a strong acid by 0.5 -4 pH unit s to a pH between 4 and 6 and then the pH of the suspension is increased wit h a weak base by 0.5 -3 units to a pH below 8. The invention also relates to the use of an acid - base treatment in a process for making paper, wherein a pulp suspension, which has been thickened in a dewatering device, is subje cted to an acid - base treatment for improving the process and/or the produc t. The invention provides improvements in the brightness of the pulp suspens ion and/or reduces the need for bleaching agent. The invention also decrease s the ...

17-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001288906C

There is disclosed a process for souring chemical or mechanical cellulosic pulp using carbon dioxide to obtain proper acidification of the pulp slurry. The souring is performed after a single or a multistage bleaching sequence ending with sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide or the like in a common process for the preparation of paper pulp. The use of CO2 permits bleaching to continue because CO2 does not destroy the bleaching residuals remaining from the single or last bleaching stages.

20-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000987456A1

16-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002641691C

A method and an apparatus for determining the total peroxide content of a cellulose pulp suspension in the pulp suspension bleaching stage, wherein the bleaching chemical is peroxide. A sample is taken from the pulp suspension, which sample is measured in a measuring device (25, 25'). Before measuring, the pH of the sample is adjusted and after that the total peroxide content or the perhydroxyl content of the sample is measured, of which measurement the total peroxide content of the sample is determined.

30-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002053035C

This invention provides for a batch and continuous process with countercurrent recycle of bleaching filtrates for the delignification and bleaching of pulp. Oxygen delignification of pulp is achieved in excess of from about 50% to about 76% as measured by kappa numbers, while the pulp viscosity is minimally decreased in the range of from about 2 to about 5 cps. Bleaching of delignified pulp is achieved with peroxy compounds and ozone and pulp brightness of from about 82 to 88 ISO can be achieved with pulp containing zero level TOX from chlorine based bleaching chemicals and zero level of AOX in the bleach effluents. Higher brightness of from about 90 to about 92 ISO can also be achieved by addition of very low levels of chlorine based bleaching chemicals. Corresponding bleach effluents contain less than 200 ppm AOX. Bleaching filtrates can be recycled for pulp washing and for use with an organosolv pulping process which results in significant energy savings and mitigation if not elimination ...

30-04-1943 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von p,p'-Dioxy-3,4-diphenyl-hexan vom Smp. 185º.

Номер: CH0000226690A
Принадлежит: MERCK AG E, FIRMA: E. MERCK

30-07-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000578087A5

29-12-1962 дата публикации

Номер: CH0007325059A4

28-02-2020 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of nanocristallinanocristalli of cellulose (cncCNC).

Номер: CH0000715261A2

Viene proposto un procedimento per la produzione di nanocristalli di cellulosa (CNC) con: i. una fase di alimentazione di una materia prima cellulosica, come fibre vegetali native o materiali di biomasse o sottoprodotti dell’industria tessile e della carta, ii. una fase di messa in contatto della materia prima cellulosica con una componente acida ossidante ad elevata temperatura per produrre nanocristalli di cellulosa (CNC) e iii. una fase di recupero dei nanocristalli di cellulosa ottenuti, nel quale procedimento si prevede un trattamento assistito a microonde idrolitico ossidativo, con reattore a microonde chiuso in condizioni pressurizzate. I nanocristalli ottenuti possono formare vantaggiosamente sospensioni colabili, per esempio quale rivestimento sottile e funzionale sulla superficie attivata di materiali da imballaggio flessibili.

30-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002388075B1

12-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002367859A1

17-07-1997 дата публикации

Förfarande och anordning för blekning av massa

Номер: SE0009600159L

21-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: WO1997030208A1

A process for the bleaching or delignification of chemical pulp, wherein, before bleaching or delignification with an oxygen chemical, the pulp is pretreated with a chelating agent in order to eliminate the adverse effects of any heavy metals present in the pulp. The chelating agent used consists of compounds according to Formula (I), where n is 1-3, m is 0-3, p is 1-3, R1, R2, R3 and R4 are H, Na, K, Ca or Mg, R5 and R6 are H, CH2OH, CH2CH2OH or CH2O(CH2CH2O)1-10CH2CH2OH.

19-06-2008 дата публикации

Process in a (D) stage bleaching of hardwood pulps in a presence of Mg (OH)2

Номер: US2008142175A1

This invention relates to an improved bleaching process for bleaching pulp comprising at least one bleaching stage which comprises treating a hardwood pulp with a bleaching agent comprising ClO2 in the presence of a weak base such as, for example, Mg(OH)2 preferably at pH from about 3.5 to about 6.5. The invention is also relates a bleaching process for bleaching pulp having two or more bleaching stages, at least one of which and preferably two of which comprises treating a pulp with a bleaching agent comprising ClO2 in the presence of a weak base such as, for example, Mg(OH)2 preferably at pH from about 3.5 to about 6.5.

19-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: US0003986973A

25-10-2007 дата публикации

Pulp Bleaching Processes

Номер: US2007246176A1

The present invention aims to further advance the acid treatment or irradiation technology for pulp to develop a bleaching process using smaller amounts of chlorine chemicals with higher efficiency as compared with conventional bleaching processes. It also aims to provide an excellent high brightness pulp having a low environmental impact and no discoloration as well as a paper containing it. The present invention provides a chlorine-free bleaching process with very high efficiency by irradiating a pulp washed after an acid treatment with UV light and/or visible light at a wavelength of 100-400 nm under alkaline conditions, preferably in a pH range of 10-13. The acid treatment can be performed under conditions of pH 1-6 and a temperature of 80° C. or more. The irradiation treatment can be performed in the presence of at least one compound selected from the group consisting of reducing agents, peroxides, and hydrogen-donating organic compounds. The present invention also provides a high ...

24-03-2020 дата публикации

Method of making bleached microcrystalline cellulose

Номер: US0010597820B2

A method of producing bleached microcrystalline cellulose which method comprises neutralizing or alkalizing an acidic microcrystalline production reaction mixture slurry, typically produced by acid hydrolysis or by electronic beam irradiation, followed by adding an oxidant to such reaction mixture. This practice of this method permits the production of microcrystalline cellulose having desirable color stability as well as compression characteristics suitable for pharmaceutical binder use from paper grade and other low purity pulps.

06-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2268840B1
Принадлежит: Evonik Degussa GmbH

27-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2419700C2
Принадлежит: НАЛКО КОМПАНИ (US)

Способы касаются приготовления беленого бумажного материала и изготовления бумажного изделия (его вариант) и могут быть использованы в целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности. Способ приготовления беленого бумажного материала включает получение беленого бумажного материала и приведение последнего в контакт с эффективным количеством одного или более окислителей, за исключением органических пероксикислот. Способ изготовления бумажного изделия включает получение беленой бумажной массы. Создание водной суспензии из этой массы. Обезвоживание суспензии для получения листа и высушивание. При этом в беленую бумажную массу или ее суспензию добавляют эффективное количество одного или более окислителей, за исключением органических пероксикислот. Или на лист добавляют эффективное количество одного или более окислителей, включая органические пероксикислоты. Способ изготовления бумажного изделия (вариант) включает получение беленой бумажной массы и создание из нее густой суспензии. Затем в густую суспензию ...

09-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2779000C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения альфа-целлюлозы, включающему механическую обработку сырьевой массы, термохимическую обработку, промывку, отжим и сушку, характеризующемуся тем, что сырьевую массу пропускают через агрегат механического трепания, рыхлитель-очиститель и чесальную машину, затем осуществляют предварительную промывку массы в растворе каустика и смачивателя, кисловку в растворе 91%-ной серной кислоты и смачивателя, промежуточную промывку в растворе смачивателя, после чего проводят обработку щелочно-пероксидным раствором и три промывки, первую и третью из которых осуществляют в растворе смачивателя, вторую после охлаждения в течение 30 минут - в растворе смачивателя с добавлением серной кислоты, и завершают центифугированием и сушкой. 7 з.п. ф-лы.

10-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007136823A

... 1. Способ производства механической или химико-механической древесной массы, применяемой в качестве исходного материала для бумаги или картона, согласно которому: ! древесную массу подвергают фибриллированию с использованием известных способов, при этом исходным материалом является древесная щепа или древесина, и ! фибриллированную древесную массу отбеливают в щелочной среде; ! при этом указанный способ отличается тем, что после фибриллирования древесную массу просеивают для отделения отходов от приемлемого материала, в качестве отходов отделяют максимум 60% от общего количества древесной массы, отходы отбеливают отдельно от приемлемого материала, после чего отбеленные отходы смешивают с приемлемым материалом. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отходы подвергают размолу перед смешением с приемлемым материалом, который образует основную часть древесной массы. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отходы подвергают размолу перед отбеливанием. ! 4. Способ по пп.1-3, отличающийся ...

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007130557A

... 1. Способ механической варки целлюлозы с использованием щелочного пероксида, включающий стадии: (a) предварительной обработки лигноцеллюлозной щепы химическими стабилизаторами в некомпрессионной емкости; (b) выгрузки предварительно подготовленной лигноцеллюлозной щепы в размолочный аппарат для механического разбивания предварительно подготовленного лигноцеллюлозного материала с целью получения размолотого лигноцеллюлозного материала; (c) промывки размолотого лигноцеллюлозного материала; и затем (d) обработки промытого и размолотого лигноцеллюлозного материала химикатами со щелочным пероксидом в течение некоторого времени и в условиях, достаточных для получения из этого материала целлюлозной массы желаемой консистенции. 2. Способ по п. 1, где стадию (c) осуществляют с помощью рафинера высокой консистенции. 3. Способ по п. 2, где, по существу, все химикаты со щелочным пероксидом добавляются непосредственно перед подачей размолотого лигноцеллюлозного материала в рафинер. 4. Способ по п. 3, ...

24-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009302441D0

15-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000143073T

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365829T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000515593T

15-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA359673A

05-11-2009 дата публикации

Adsorption method for reclaiming molybdate or tungstate from aqueous solutions

Номер: AU2009242220A1

24-05-1994 дата публикации

Bleaching method for alkaline sulphate pulp

Номер: AU0005400194A

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Method for delignifying and bleaching pulp

Номер: AU2014345837A1

Method for delignifying and bleaching pulp, comprising a first bleaching stage using hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a molybdate or a tungstate in an acidic aqueous mixture, followed by a second bleaching stage using hydrogen peroxide in an alkaline aqueous mixture, and followed by a third bleaching stage using hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a molybdate or a tungstate in an acidic aqueous mixture.

19-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1144711A

Pulps are bleached by an organic peracid in the acid range and subsequently by peroxide in the alkaline range. An acid produced from the corresponding carboxylic acid by reaction with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a mineral acid is used as the peracid. The peroxide bleaching stage following the peracid bleaching stage is carried out after adding an amount of aqueous alkali solution required for carrying out the peroxide bleaching stage without intermediate washing of the cellulose of the pulp. No further peroxide is added.

30-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002335253A1

The invention relates to an oxidation and bleaching system with enzymatically produced oxidizing agents, namely an enzyme component system (ECM) as an oxidation and bleaching system for the production of special highly selective oxidizing agents, consisting of a) system components 1) at least one hydrolase from the enzyme class 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.2, 3.1.4 or 3.1.7 and/or at least one hydrolase from the enzyme class 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4, 3.5.5 or 3.5.99; b) system components 2) at least one fatty acid, preferably containing C6 to C26 (saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated); c) system components 3) at least one precursor oxidizing agent for reaction with the enzymes, and d) system components 4) at least one ketone from the group of the carbonyl compounds.

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002596796A1

A non-compression vessel, such as a digester, is employed for the chemical preconditioning of the chips followed by a fiberizing device to break the preconditioned chips down to fiber bundles, which are then washed before a high consistency chemical treatment. The digester may be one such as used in conventional chemical pulping of wood with or without screens for the extraction of chemical. If extracted this chemical could be recirculated to the digester with treatment in the circulation loop such as heating or the addition of dilution or other chemicals. This digester may be hydraulic or vapor phase (that is contain a vapor space within the digester), and operate in either a continuous or batch fashion. This digester allows for the discharge of material without the use of a screw mechanism. The digester treated material is then defiberized to convert the chips into course fiber bundles, which then is washed and dewatered. The washed and dewatered pulp is then treated with alkali peroxide ...

16-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002641691A1

A method and an apparatus for determining the total peroxide content of a cellulose pulp suspension in the pulp suspension bleaching stage, wherein the bleaching chemical is peroxide. A sample is taken from the pulp suspension, which sample is measured in a measuring device (25, 25'). Before measuring, the pH of the sample is adjusted and after that the total peroxide content or the perhydroxyl content of the sample is measured, of which measurement the total peroxide content of the sample is determined.

25-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002744961A1

Paper comprised solely of a nonwood fiber mix is demonstrated to meet the technical physical specifications of commercially produced papers made from wood. The esthetically impressive paper meets nearly every technical specification of commercially produced paper.

15-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002724024C

Process for recovering molybdate or tungstate from an aqueous solution, in which molybdate or tungstate is bound to a water-insoluble, cationized inorganic carrier material from the aqueous solution at a pH in the range from 2 to 6, the laden carrier material is separated off and the bound molybdate or tungstate is liberated once again into aqueous solution at a pH in the range from 6 to 14. The process is suitable for recovering molybdate or tungstate in the delignification of pulp with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of molybdate or tungstate as catalyst. The recovered molybdate or tungstate can be recycled to the delignification.

19-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002789562C
Принадлежит: CHEMPOLIS OY

The invention relates to manufacturing hydrolyzable cellulose and further, if desired, sugars from lignocellulosic material by means of formic and performic acid treatment.

22-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002100361C

A chemical pulp that contains reactants able to generate a dioxirane within the pulp. The reactants comprise of carbonyl compound, preferably a ketone, and oxygen donor in proportions suitable to produce a dioxirane having a molecular diameter of less than 140 angstrom units. A process of bleaching a chemical pulp is also described. The process comprises mixing the pulp with the reactants able to generate a dioxirane within the pulp.

17-08-1991 дата публикации

Bleaching of Lignocellulosic Material with Dioxiranes

Номер: CA0002073862A1

27-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002310038A1

The invention relates to a process for the bleaching of chemical pulp, wherein the pulp is delignified and/or bleached with chlorine dioxide or with a combination of chlorine dioxide and a per-compound, and additionally the pulp is chelated in order to bind heavy metals, such as Fe, Mn and/or Cu, to a chelate complex. The chelate complex is selected from the group made up of Nbis-¢(1,2-dicarboxylethoxy)-ethyl!-amine, N-bis¢(1,2-dicarboxylethoxy)-ethyl!-aspartic acid and N-tris-¢(1,2-dicarboxylethoxy)-ethyl!-amine, and the alkali metal and earth-alkali metal salts of these, and the chelating treatments are carried out simultaneously by combining the chelating chemical with the pulp in the same bleaching stage as chlorine dioxide.

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002310038C

The invention relates to a process for the bleaching of chemical pulp, where in the pulp is delignified and/or bleached with chlorine dioxide or with a combination of chlorine dioxide and a per- compound, and additionally the pulp is chelated in order to bind heavy metals, such as Fe, Mn and/or Cu, to a chelate comple x. The chelate complex is selected from the group made up of N-bis-[(1,2-dicarboxylethoxy)-ethyl]-amine, N- bis[(1,2dicarboxylethoxy)-ethyl]-aspartic acid and N-tris-[(1,2-dicarboxylethoxy)-ethyl]-amine, and the alkali metal and earth- alkali metal salts of these, and the chelating treatments are carried out simultaneously by combining the chelating chemical with the pulp in the same bleaching stage as chlorine dioxide.

14-08-1964 дата публикации

The method for producing the novel mercapto antimony compounds, products obtained and stabilized resins using these products

Номер: FR0001369301A

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180274172A1

The present technology is directed to fluff pulps with improved odor control as well as methods of making such fluff pulps. A fluff pulp is provided that includes a bleached kraft fiber and a copper ion content from about 0.2 ppm to about 50 ppm by weight of the bleached kraft fiber. The bleached kraft fiber includes a length-weighted average fiber length of at least about 2 mm, a copper number of less than about 7, a carboxyl content of more than about 3.5 meq/100 grams; an ISO brightness of at least 80; and a viscosity from about 2 cps to about 9 cps. 1. A fluff pulp comprising: a length-weighted average fiber length of at least about 2 mm;', 'a copper number of less than about 7;', 'a carboxyl content of more than about 3.5 meq/100 grams;', 'a ISO brightness of at least 80; and', 'a viscosity from about 2 cps to about 9 cps; and, 'bleached kraft fiber comprising'}a copper ion content from about 0.2 ppm to about 50 ppm by weight of the bleached kraft fiber.2. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein copper ions of the copper ion content comprise a copper (I) salt claim 1 , a copper (II) salt claim 1 , hydrates thereof claim 1 , or a combination of any two or more thereof.3. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein copper ions of the copper ion content comprise one or more of elemental copper claim 1 , copper (I) chloride claim 1 , copper (I) oxide claim 1 , copper (I) sulfate claim 1 , copper (II) carbonate claim 1 , copper (II) chloride claim 1 , copper (II) phosphate claim 1 , copper(II) nitrate claim 1 , copper (II) perchlorate claim 1 , copper (II) phosphate claim 1 , copper (II) sulfate claim 1 , copper (II) tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , and copper (II) triflate.4. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein the fluff pulp further comprises iron ions.5. The fluff pulp of claim 4 , wherein the fluff pulp comprises an iron ion content from about 0.2 ppm to about 50 ppm by weight of the bleached kraft fiber.6. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein the fluff pulp does not comprise a ...

13-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: JP0008041791A

... 【目的】 パルプ中の金属性不純物を低減し、パルプを有効かつ経済的に漂白する。 【構成】洗浄ずみの未漂白亜硫酸パルプを苛性剤で抽出処理して金属性不純物を低減し、得られたパルプを酸素含有漂白剤で漂白する。 ...

20-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2440449C2
Принадлежит: АНДРИТЦ ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к превращению лигноцеллюлозных материалов в целлюлозную массу при задействовании химического и механического способа. Для предварительной химической обработки щепы задействуется некомпресионная емкость, такая как варочный котел, затем следует размолочный аппарат, служащий для разбивания предварительно обработанной щепы на пучки волокон, которые после этого промываются перед прохождением химической обработки высокой консистенции. Варочный котел может быть представлен обычным котлом, используемым для химической варки древесины, с сортировками или без сортировок для извлечения химиката. В случае извлечения этот химикат может быть повторно направлен в варочный котел при условии его обработки в циркуляционной петле, например, нагреве или с добавлением разбавителя или других химикатов. Этот варочный котел может быть гидравлическим или паровым и работать в непрерывном или порционном режиме. Такой варочный котел позволяет выполнять выгрузку материала без использования винтового ...

03-08-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018145688A3

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011101637A

... 1. Способ делигнификации и отбелки целлюлозы со ступенью отбелки, на которой ! а) на первой стадии целлюлозу в водной смеси, содержащей целлюлозу в количестве от 3 до 30 мас.%, подвергают при температуре в пределах от 50 до 150°С и при значении рН в пределах от 2 до 7 взаимодействию с диоксидом хлора в количестве, соответствующем коэффициенту Каппа в пределах от 0,02 до 0,25, до превращения более 90% диоксида хлора и ! б) полученную на первой стадии смесь затем без отделения ее компонентов на второй стадии подвергают при температуре в пределах от 50 до 150°С дальнейшему взаимодействию с пероксидом водорода, используемым в количестве от 0,1 до 5 мас.%, в присутствии молибдата в количестве, которое соответствует содержанию молибдена от 10 до 2000 част./млн, или в присутствии вольфрамата в количестве, которое соответствует содержанию вольфрама от 200 до 10000 част./млн, при этом все количества в каждом случае указаны в пересчете на массу используемой сухой целлюлозы. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся ...

10-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328289B

15-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000118843T

15-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000161037T

15-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000252176T

15-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000001826T

18-08-1998 дата публикации

Method for making chemical paper pulp

Номер: AU0006212898A

17-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002351904A1

09-03-1995 дата публикации

Chlorine-free wood pulps and process of making

Номер: AU0001018395A

12-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002436765A1

The present invention discloses methods of bleaching chemical pulp that combine xylanase enzymes with hydrogen peroxide, peracids, or a mixture. The method comprises the steps of carrying out a chemical pulping operation, optionally followed by delignifying the pulp with oxygen, then combining xylanase enzymes with hydrogen peroxide, peracids, or a mixture to bleach the pulp. The method allows the mill to use both xylanase and peracids in a single bleaching tower to decrease the usage of chlorine dioxide and other bleaching chemicals. The pulp bleaching method of the present invention may be performed in a pulp mill as part of a complex pulp bleaching process.

30-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002520236A1

A high pH and a low pH process for reducing the degree of polymerization of a pulp having a hemicellulose content of at least 7%. The high pH is greater than 8, and the low pH process is 2 to 8. The high pH process reduces the degree of polymerization without substantially increasing the copper number. The low pH process requires a subsequent treatment with alkali to reduce the copper number of the pulp to less than 2. The process can be practiced in pulp mills with a bleaching sequence having one or more E or D stages. At the end of the bleach sequence, a pulp having a degree of polymerization of 200 to 1100, a copper number of less than 2, and a hemicellulose content of at least 7% is provided. The pulp can be used to make lyocell fibers.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002965427A1

The present invention relates to the removal of hemicelluloses from paper-grade alkaline pulp thereby upgrading the pulp e.g. into dissolving-grade pulp using a combination of enzyme treatment, hot caustic extraction and optionally one or more bleaching steps.

27-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2898417C

A bleached softwood kraft pulp fiber with high a-cellulose content and a low CED viscosity is provided, A surfactant treated fiber useful in the production of chemical derivatives is also described. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described.

26-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002671826A1

This invention relates to an improved bleaching process for bleaching pul p comprising at least one bleaching stage which comprises treating a softwoo d pulp with a bleaching agent comprising CIO2 in the presence of a weak base such as, for example, Mg(OH)2 preferably at pH from about 3.5 to about 6.5. The invention is also relates a bleaching process for bleaching pulp having two or more bleaching stages, at least one of which and preferably two of w hich comprises treating a pulp with a bleaching agent comprising CIO2 in the presence of a weak base such as, for example, Mg(OH)2 preferably at pH from about 3.5 to about 4.5.

05-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002724024A1

Process for recovering molybdate or tungstate from an aqueous solution, in which molybdate or tungstate is bound to a water-insoluble, cationized inorganic carrier material from the aqueous solution at a pH in the range from 2 to 6, the laden carrier material is separated off and the bound molybdate or tungstate is liberated once again into aqueous solution at a pH in the range from 6 to 14. The process is suitable for recovering molybdate or tungstate in the delignification of pulp with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of molybdate or tungstate as catalyst. The recovered molybdate or tungstate can be recycled to the delignification.

07-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002607178A1

Method for the production of mechanical or chemi-mechanical pulp as raw material for paper or cardboard. According to this method, the pulp is fibrillated and the fibrillated pulp is bleached in alkaline conditions. According to the present invention, the pulp is screened to separate the reject from the accept, at maximum approximately 60 % of the total amount of pulp is separated as the reject, the reject is bleached separate from the accept, and, after that, the bleached reject is remixed with the accept. When operating according to the present invention, the strength of the pulp increases and the energy used for refining is reduced, which is seen both in the refining of the reject and in the post-refining of the final mechanical pulp.

24-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002163389A1

This invention provides for a batch and continuous process with countercurrent recycle of bleaching filtrates for the delignification and bleaching of pulp. Oxygen delignification of pulp is achieved in excess of from about 50% to about 76% as measured by kappa numbers, while the pulp viscosity is minimally decreased in the range of from about 2 to about 5 cps. Bleaching of delignified pulp is achieved with peroxy compounds and ozone and pulp brightness of from about 82 to 88 ISO can be achieved with pulp containing zero level TOX from chlorine based bleaching chemicals and zero level of AOX in the bleach effluents. Higher brightness of from about to about 92 ISO can also be achieved by addition of very low levels of chlorine based bleaching chemicals. Corresponding bleach effluents contain less than 200 ppm AOX. Bleaching filtrates can be recycled for pulp washing and for use with an organosolv pulping process which results in significant energy savings and mitigation if not elimination ...

17-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002230315A1

A pulp refining and bleaching process for increasing the pulp brightness of a mechanical wood pulp prepared from softwood chips wherein the pulp is treated in one or more stages in refiner by adding sodium perborate or peracetic acid generated in a bleach generating unit by reacting sodium perborate or hydrogen peroxide with an activating agent such as tetraacetylethylenediamine in the presence or absence of caustic solution and the pulp discharged from the refiner is subjected to another bleaching stage in a bleach tower by separate addition of sodium perborate or hydrogen peroxide with or without a bleach activator. The process is preferably carried out by passing the pulp through a primary refiner at elevated pressure and optionally to a bleaching tower, a solution of sodium perborate or in-situ generated peracetic acid from a mixture of sodium perborate or hydrogen peroxide and an activator, tetraacetylethylenediamine being fed in the refiner and sodium perborate or hydrogen peroxide ...

03-05-1994 дата публикации

Polpa quimica, e, processo de branqueamento de polpa quimica.

Номер: BR9205620A

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Alkaline peroxide treatment of rejects in an intergrated neutral-alkaline paper mill

Номер: US20120097350A1
Принадлежит: Arkema Inc

A processes producing mechanical pulps utilizing refiners for improving the quality of screen rejects, and most particularly to a mechanical pulp mill integrated with a neutral-alkaline papermaking process producing mechanical printing paper grades is disclosed. The rejects are treated with hydrogen peroxide, an alkali and an organic stabilizing agent just prior to or during refining to provide improved optical and physical properties of the refined rejects and more efficiently utilize electrical energy to reach target fiber quality after bleaching for cost-effectively producing a wide array of coated and uncoated mechanical printing papers.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Modified cellulose from chemical kraft fiber and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20120183772A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Process for Recovering Molybdate or Tungstate from Aqueous Solutions

Номер: US20120305208A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

Process for recovering molybdate or tungstate from an aqueous solution, in which molybdate or tungstate is bound to a water-insoluble, cationized inorganic carrier material from the aqueous solution at a pH in the range from 2 to 6, the laden carrier material is separated off and the bound molybdate or tungstate is liberated once again into aqueous solution at a pH in the range from 6 to 14. The process is suitable for recovering molybdate or tungstate in the delignification of pulp with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of molybdate or tungstate as catalyst. The recovered molybdate or tungstate can be recycled to the delignification.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Pretreatment Method for Producing Water-Soluble Sugars From Lignocellulosic Material

Номер: US20130078695A1
Принадлежит: CHEMPOLIS OY

The invention relates to manufacturing hydrolyzable cellulose and further, if desired, sugars from lignocellulosic material by means of formic and performic acid treatment.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Chemical activation and refining of southern pine kraft fibers

Номер: US20130098571A1
Принадлежит: International Paper Co

A method for alteration of the morphology of cellulose fibers, particularly softwood fibers, by (a) subjecting the fibers to a metal ion-activated peroxide treatment carried out at a pH of between about 1 and about 9, preferably between 3 and 7, and (b) subjecting the treated fibers to a refining treatment thereby converts SW fibers to HW-like fibers in many respects. The metal ion-activated peroxide treatment has been noted to act on pulp cellulose and hemi-cellulose, causing oxidation and oxidative degradation of cellulose fibers. The chemical treatment of the pulp, taken alone, is not sufficient to attain the desired modification of the morphology of the fibers, however, subsequent refining or like mechanical treatment of the chemically-treated fibers to achieve a given degree of refinement of the fibers requires dramatically less refining energy to achieve a desired end point of refinement and to impart other desirable properties to the pulp. A pulp of modified SW fibers and a mixture of HW fibers and modified HW fibers are disclosed.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Perhydrolase variant providing improved specific activity

Номер: US20130102669A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

An acetyl xylan esterase variant having perhydrolytic activity is provided for producing peroxycarboxylic acids from carboxylic acid esters and a source of peroxygen. More specifically, a Thermotoga maritima acetyl xylan esterase gene was modified using error-prone PCR and site-directed mutagenesis to create an enzyme catalyst characterized by an increase in specific activity. The variant acetyl xylan esterase may be used to produce peroxycarboxylic acids suitable for use in a variety of applications such as cleaning, disinfecting, sanitizing, bleaching, wood pulp processing, and paper pulp processing applications.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Modified cellulose from chemical kraft fiber and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20130197461A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206349A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them. 1. A method of making an absorbent core having improved embossability comprising:including in the core, fiber that has been oxidized with a copper or iron catalyst and peroxide in an acidic environment within the bleaching sequence and which has further been treated with a surfactant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is a debonder or softener.3. A fluff pulp comprising:bleached softwood kraft fiber exhibiting an aldehyde content ranging from about 1 meq/100 g to about 9 meq/100 g, a carboxyl content of at least about 3 meq/100 g, a 0.5% capillary CED viscosity of less than about 10 mPa·s, an ISO brightness of at least 88, and a length-weighted average fiber length of at least about 2 mm,wherein the fiber has been treated with a surface active agent.4. A fluff pulp comprising:a modified kraft fiber produced by bleaching a cellulosic kraft pulp using a multi-stage bleaching process; and oxidizing the kraft pulp during at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process with a peroxide and a catalyst under acidic condition, wherein the multi-stage bleaching process comprises at least one bleaching stage following the oxidation stage,wherein the fiber has been treated with one or more surfactants. This disclosure relates to the chemical modification of cellulose fiber. More particularly, this disclosure relates to chemically modified ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Modified cellulose from chemical kraft fiber and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20130248131A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Softwood Kraft Fiber Having an Improved A-Cellulose Content and its Use in the Production of Chemical Cellulose Products

Номер: US20160002849A1

A bleached softwood kraft pulp fiber with high α-cellulose content and a low CED viscosity is provided, A surfactant treated fiber useful in the production of chemical derivatives is also described. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described. 1. A method for making an oxidized kraft pulp comprising:continuously digesting a softwood cellulose pulp to a kappa number of from about 10 to about 16;oxygen delignifying the cellulose pulp to a kappa number of less than 6.5;bleaching the cellulosic kraft pulp using a multi-stage bleaching process; and oxidizing the kraft pulp during at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process with a peroxide and a catalyst under acidic condition, wherein the multi-stage bleaching process comprises at least one alkaline stage and at least one chlorine dioxide bleaching stage following the oxidation stage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the softwood fiber is southern pine fiber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is chosen from at least one of copper and iron.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the catalyst is present in an amount of from about 25 ppm to about 100 ppm.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the peroxide is hydrogen peroxide.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the hydrogen peroxide is present in an amount of from 0.1% to about 0.5%.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pH of the oxidation stage ranges from about 2 to about 6.8. The method claim 1 , wherein oxygen is applied during the oxidation stage.9. The method of claim 8 , where oxygen is applied at at least about 90 PSI.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the fiber treated with added oxygen exhibits a higher carboxylic acid content and a lower aldehyde content than a fiber treated in the same manner without the addition of oxygen to the peroxide oxidation stage.11. The kraft fiber of claim 6 , wherein the brightness is at least about 90.12. The method of claim 7 , wherein the digestion is carried out in two ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Bleaching Trichomes to Remove Proteins

Номер: US20200002887A1

A process for bleaching trichome fibers individualized from a trichome source, such as a leaf and/or a stem, is disclosed. The process of bleaching degrades trichome associated protein. Further, the bleaching processes improves the color of the trichomes, exhibiting CIELAB Color values of L* greater than 87 and b* less than 17 and with less than 0.1% protein by weight of molecular weight greater than 3,500 daltons. 1. A process of treating individualized trichomes to remove proteins , whereby the process comprises:a. selecting a trichome containing biomass,b. individualizing the trichomes from the biomass, wherein the trichomes have a protein content,c. wetting the trichomes,d. reacting the trichomes with a reactant,e. removing the trichomes from the reaction, andf. measuring the protein content of the reacted trichomeswherein protein present in the individualized trichomes is reacted to break down the protein, yielding individualized trichomes with less than 0.1% protein by weight of molecular weight greater than 3,500 daltons.2. The process of wherein the reactant comprises a peracid.3. The process of wherein the peracid is peracetic acid.4. The process of wherein peracetic acid is generated by reacting N claim 3 ,N claim 3 ,N′ claim 3 ,N′-Tetraacetylethylenediamine with hydrogen peroxide.5. The process of wherein the temperature of the reacting step d is maintained above 20° C.6. The process of wherein the pH of the reacting step d is maintained above 5.0.7. The process of wherein the reaction of the reacting step d is for greater than 1 minute.8Stachys byzantina.. The process of wherein the biomass is from9. A process of treating individualized trichomes to remove proteins claim 1 , whereby the process comprises:a. selecting a trichome containing biomass,b. individualizing the trichomes from the biomass, wherein the trichomes have a protein content,c. wetting the trichomes,d. reacting the trichomes with a first reactant,e. reacting the trichomes with a second ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016179A1

A biorefining method of processing a lignocellulosic biomass to separate lignin and hemicellulose from cellulose includes the steps of (a) reacting the biomass in an aqueous slurry having a pH less than 7, comprising a transition metal catalyst, hydrogen peroxide; and (b) 1. A method of producing a nanoparticulate catalyst comprising multivalent iron from an aqueous solution , comprising the steps of:(a) oxidizing or allowing to oxidize the aqueous solution comprising multivalent iron;(b) collecting precipitated nanoparticles or aggregated nanoparticles.2. The method of wherein the aqueous solution comprises groundwater.3. The method of comprising the further step of amending the aqueous solution with one or more additional transition metals claim 2 , prior to the oxidation step.4. The method of wherein the aqueous solution is amended with copper ions.5. A nanoparticulate catalyst comprising multivalent iron claim 3 , at least one iron oxide and at least one iron hydroxide.6. The catalyst of further comprising calcium carbonate.7. A method of using a nanoparticulate catalyst of to produce crystaline cellulose from biomass comprising the steps of:(a) reacting the biomass in an aqueous slurry having a pH less than 7, comprising the catalyst and hydrogen peroxide.1. A method of producing a nanoparticulate catalyst comprising multivalent iron from an aqueous solution claim 5 , comprising the steps of:(a) oxidizing or allowing to oxidize the aqueous solution comprising multivalent iron;(b) collecting precipitated nanoparticles or aggregated nanoparticles.2. The method of wherein the aqueous solution comprises groundwater.3. The method of comprising the further step of amending the aqueous solution with one or more additional transition metals claim 2 , prior to the oxidation step.4. The method of wherein the aqueous solution is amended with copper ions.5. A nanoparticulate catalyst comprising multivalent iron claim 3 , at least one iron oxide and at least one iron ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Modified cellulose from chemical kraft fiber and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20190024308A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

A Low Viscosity Kraft Fiber Having an Enhanced Carboxyl Content and Methods of Making and Using the Same

Номер: US20160032524A1

A pulp fiber with an enhanced carboxyl content resulting in improved antimicrobial, anti-yellowing and absorptive properties. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described. 141-. (canceled)42. A method of making a modified acid-treated kraft fiber comprising:subjecting cellulose fiber to a kraft pulping step;oxygen delignifying the cellulose fiber following the kraft pulping step;bleaching the cellulose fiber following oxygen delignification using a multi-stage bleaching process;wherein one or more of the stages of the multi-stage bleaching process is an oxidation stage comprising treating the cellulose fiber with a peroxide and a catalyst under acidic conditions;wherein one or more of the stages of the multi-stage bleaching process is an acid-treatment stage comprising treating the cellulose fiber with a carboxylating acid source; andwherein at least one acid-treatment stage follows at least one oxidation stage.43. The method of claim 42 , wherein the kappa number of the fiber after kraft pulping and oxygen delignification is from about 13 to about 21.44. The method of claim 42 , wherein the kappa number of the fiber after kraft pulping and oxygen delignification is from about 5 to about 845. The method of claim 42 , wherein the catalyst in the one or more oxidation stages is chosen from at least one of copper and iron.46. The method of claim 45 , wherein the peroxide in the one or more oxidation stages is hydrogen peroxide.47. The method of claim 46 , wherein the pH in the one or more oxidation stages ranges from about 2 to about 6.48. The method of claim 47 , wherein the catalyst in the one or more oxidation stages is an iron catalyst chosen from at least one of ferrous sulfate claim 47 , ferrous chloride claim 47 , ferrous ammonium sulfate claim 47 , ferric chloride claim 47 , ferric ammonium sulfate claim 47 , or ferric ammonium citrate.49. The method of claim 48 , wherein the iron catalyst in the one or more oxidation ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Methods of pulp fiber treatment

Номер: US20190031545A1
Принадлежит: Clean Chemistry Inc

In some embodiments, a method may include treating pulp in pulp and paper mills. The methods may include providing a peracetate oxidant solution and generating a reactive oxygen species. The peracetate solution may include peracetate anions and a peracid. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution may include a pH from about pH 10 to about pH 12. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate anions to peracid ranging from about 60:1 to about 6000:1. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate to hydrogen peroxide of greater than about 16:1. The peracetate oxidant solution may provide enhanced treatment methods of bleaching, brightening, and delignifying pulp fibers involving the use of peracetate oxidant solutions.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032801A1

The present invention is directed to a method of increasing the brightness of non-wood fibers and nonwoven fabric fabrics produced by the method. In one aspect, the method includes forming a mixture of non-wood fibers and exposing the mixture to a brightening agent to produce brightened fibers. The brightening agent is oxygen gas, peracetic acid, a peroxide compound, or a combination thereof. The brightened fibers have a brightness greater than the fibers of the mixture before exposure as measured by MacBeth UV-C standard. 1. An article , comprising:brightened bast fibers with a mean length of about 5 to about 95 millimeters (mm) and a brightness greater than or equal to 80 as measured by a TAPPI standard;wherein the article is a yarn, a thread, a rope, a cord, or a sliver.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the brightened bast fibers are flax fibers claim 1 , hemp fibers claim 1 , jute fibers claim 1 , ramie fibers claim 1 , nettle fibers claim 1 , Spanish broom fibers claim 1 , kenaf plant fibers claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The article of claim 1 , further comprising a lubricant claim 1 , a finish claim 1 , an antistatic agent claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article further comprises synthetic fibers claim 1 , polymeric fibers claim 1 , thermoplastic fibers claim 1 , staple fibers claim 1 , regenerated cellulose fibers claim 1 , cotton fibers claim 1 , wood pulp fibers claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. A fabric claim 1 , comprising:brightened bast fibers with a mean length of about 5 to about 95 millimeters (mm) a brightness greater than or equal to 80 as measured by a TAPPI standard;wherein the fabric is a woven fabric or a knit fabric.6. The fabric of claim 6 , wherein the fabric comprises a yarn claim 6 , a thread claim 6 , a rope claim 6 , or a combination thereof.7. The fabric of claim 6 , wherein the brightened bast fibers are flax fibers claim 6 , hemp fibers claim 6 , jute fibers claim 6 , ramie ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032812A1
Автор: Lee Jeffrey A.

The present invention is directed to a method of increasing the brightness of non-wood fibers and nonwoven fabric fabrics produced by the method. In one aspect, the method includes forming a mixture of non-wood fibers and exposing the mixture to a brightening agent to produce brightened fibers. The brightening agent is oxygen gas, peracetic acid, a peroxide compound, or a combination thereof. The brightened fibers have a brightness greater than the fibers of the mixture before exposure as measured by MacBeth UV-C standard. 1. Brightened bast fibers , comprising:a mean length of about 5 to about 95 millimeters (mm); anda brightness greater or equal to 80 as measured by a TAPPI brightness test.2. The brightened bast fibers of claim 1 , wherein the brightened bast fibers are substantially pectin-free and are flax fibers claim 1 , hemp fibers claim 1 , jute fibers claim 1 , ramie fibers claim 1 , nettle fibers claim 1 , Spanish broom fibers claim 1 , kenaf plant fibers claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. A nonwoven fabric claim 1 , formed by a method comprising:forming bast fibers into fiber mat at consistency of about 20% to about 50%, the fibers having a mean length of about 5 to about 95 millimeters (mm); andexposing the fiber mat at the consistency of about 20% to about 50% to a brightening agent to produce brightened bast fibers, the brightening agent comprising a peroxide compound and oxygen gas, the oxygen gas being dissolved in solution and being about 0.1 to about 10.0% on fiber oxygen;wherein the brightened bast fibers have a brightness greater or equal to 80 as measured by a TAPPI standard.4. The nonwoven fabric of claim 3 , wherein the nonwoven fabric is a wet wiper claim 3 , a dry wiper claim 3 , an impregnated wiper claim 3 , a sorbent claim 3 , a medical supply product claim 3 , a personal protective fabric claim 3 , an automotive protective covering claim 3 , a personal care article claim 3 , a fluid filtration product claim 3 , a home furnishing ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Method For Preparing Dissolving Pulp By Totally Chlorine-Free Bleaching Of Poplar Kraft Pulp

Номер: US20210062419A1

The application relates to a method for preparing dissolving pulp by totally chlorine-free bleaching of poplar kraft pulp, including: preparing poplar kraft pulp by pre-hydrolysis kraft process with poplar as raw material; ZOQP bleaching of poplar kraft pulp to obtain dissolving pulp, wherein Z denotes ozone bleaching, O denotes oxy delignification, Q denotes chelation treatment, and P denotes hydrogen peroxide bleaching. In this way, washing and bleaching wastewater can be recycled in entire preparation process described above, achieving “zero” discharge. The dissolving pulp prepared by the method has no residual toxic substances, and exhibits that all indexes exceed the requirements of qualified products in dissolving pulp industry standard (QB/T 4898-2015), and most of indexes meet those of excellent products; thus, it can replace imported dissolving pulp. The use of the method significantly solved the problems of large pollution in the production and shortage of raw materials for viscose fibers. 1. A method for preparing dissolving pulp by totally chlorine-free bleaching of poplar kraft pulp , comprising:(1) preparing poplar kraft pulp by pre-hydrolysis kraft process with poplar as a raw material; and(2) performing ZOQP bleaching on the poplar kraft pulp to obtain dissolving pulp;wherein Z denotes ozone bleaching, O denotes oxy delignification, Q denotes chelation treatment, and P denotes hydrogen peroxide bleaching.2. The method for preparing dissolving pulp by totally chlorine-free bleaching of poplar kraft pulp according to claim 1 , wherein the pre-hydrolysis kraft process comprises procedures of hot water pretreatment and the kraft cooking.3. The method for preparing dissolving pulp by totally chlorine-free bleaching of poplar kraft pulp according to claim 1 , wherein the hot water pretreatment comprises steps of:mixing poplar pieces with water according to a liquid ratio of 1:4-1:7, heating up to 150-180° C., and holding for 60-100 min.4. The method for ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062420A1
Принадлежит: Qilu University of Technology

The present application relates to a method for preparing dissolving pulp by TCF bleaching of poplar KP, including: preparing poplar KP by pre-hydrolysis kraft process with poplar as a raw material, and OZQP bleaching of the poplar KP to obtain dissolving pulp, wherein O denotes oxygen delignification, Z denotes ozone bleaching, Q denotes chelating treatment, and P denotes hydrogen peroxide bleaching. The dissolving pulp prepared by the same exhibits that all indexes can meet the requirements of excellent products in dissolving pulp industry standard (QB/T4898-2015), and most of the indexes are far superior to those of excellent products, and thus it can completely replace imported dissolving pulp. 2. The method for preparing dissolving pulp by TCF bleaching of poplar KP according to claim 1 , wherein the poplar is a fast-growing broad-leaved poplar claim 1 , and the poplar is cut into chips with a length of 3-6 cm and a thickness of 2-5 mm.3. The method for preparing dissolving pulp by TCF bleaching of poplar KP according to claim 1 , wherein the pre-hydrolysis kraft process comprises hot water pretreatment and kraft cooking.4. The method for preparing dissolving pulp by TCF bleaching of poplar KP according to claim 3 , wherein the hot water pretreatment comprises steps of:(i) mixing poplar pieces with water according to a liquid ratio of 1:4-1:7 and heating said mixture at a temperature range of 150° C. to 170° C. for 60-90 min; or{'sub': '2', '(ii) mixing poplar pieces with water according to a liquid ratio of 1:4-1:6 in the presence of an alkali in an amount (calculated as NaO) of 18-25%, and heating said mixture at a temperature range of from 150° C. to 180° C. for 60-120 min until a degree of vulcanization of 18-25% is achieved.'}5. The method for preparing dissolving pulp by TCF bleaching of poplar KP according to claim 1 , wherein O-stage comprises steps of: placing the poplar KP in an oxygen bleaching tank claim 1 , introducing oxygen to an oxygen pressure ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081833A1

The present invention provides a method of producing an improved cellulose pulp consisting of cellulose fibers of a desired length, such as cellulose fibers having a length-weighted average fiber length Lc(l)>0.6 mm and its use in cellulose pulp-comprising products, such as packaging material with improved properties. 2. The method according to claim 1 , said method comprising an additional step (v′) following step (v) claim 1 , prior to step (vi) claim 1 , wherein said additional step (v′) comprises:(v′) continuing bleaching at temperature 65-95° C. and pH 9-11.5 for a duration of 20-90 minutes (T3) without wet mechanical treatment.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said enzymatic pretreatment comprisesa) an enzymatic treatment of the dry mechanically treated cereal straw using two or more different enzymes selected from the list: proteases, pectinases, hemicellulases, and ligninases to liberate cellulose from hemicellulose, lignin and wax;b) removal of the liberated wax to provide dewaxed solid lignocellulosic material in aqueous suspension.4. The method according to any one of - claim 1 , wherein said enzymatic pretreatment comprisesa) a first enzymatic treatment of the dry mechanically treated cereal straw in an aqueous suspension with a protease and/or pectinase to liberate wax;b) removal of the liberated wax; andc) a second enzymatic treatment of the cereal straw after removal of the wax using one or more enzymes selected from the list: proteases, pectinases, hemicellulases, and ligninases to liberate cellulose from hemicellulose and lignin to provide the dewaxed lignocellulosic material in aqueous suspension.5. The method according to any one of or claim 1 , wherein the hemicellulase enzymes are selected from xylanases and ferulic esterase.6. The method according to any one of - claim 1 , wherein the wet mechanical treatment of step (v) is performed using a refiner operated at atmospheric pressure.7. The method according to any one of - claim 1 , ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073892A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A pulp fiber with an enhanced carboxyl content resulting in improved antimicrobial, anti-yellowing and absorptive properties. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described. 1. A method of making an oxidized acid-treated kraft fiber comprising:subjecting cellulose fiber to a kraft pulping step;oxygen delignifying the cellulose fiber;bleaching the cellulose fiber using a multi-stage bleaching process;oxidizing the cellulose fiber with a peroxide and a catalyst under acidic conditions in at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process;treating the fiber with a carboxylating acid in at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process prior to the at least one oxidation stage; andtreating the fiber with a carboxylating acid in at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process following the at least one oxidation stage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the kappa number of the fiber after kraft pulping and oxygen delignification is from about 13 to about 21.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is chosen from at least one of copper and iron.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the peroxide is hydrogen peroxide.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the pH of the oxidation ranges from about 2 to about 6.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the iron catalyst is chosen from at least one of ferrous sulfate claim 5 , ferrous chloride claim 5 , ferrous ammonium sulfate claim 5 , ferric chloride claim 5 , ferric ammonium sulfate claim 5 , or ferric ammonium citrate.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the iron catalyst is added in an amount ranging from about 25 to about 150 ppm iron based on the dry weight of the kraft pulp.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multi-stage bleaching process is a five stage bleaching process.9. The method of any of claim 1 , wherein the multi-stage bleaching process is a five stage bleaching process comprising a sequence chosen from (C/A)(OX)(C/A)ED claim 1 , (C/A)(OX)DE(C/A) claim 1 , (C ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

High Efficiency Fiber Bleaching Process

Номер: US20210079594A1
Автор: Lee Jeffrey A.

A high efficiency bleaching method for cellulosic pulp includes: (a) providing a charge of aqueous cellulosic pulp to a bleaching vessel at a consistency of from 10% to 30% along with a peroxy bleaching agent and an alkaline agent effective to adjust pH of the charge to 9.5 to 12.5; and (b) bleaching the aqueous cellulosic pulp in the bleaching vessel while maintaining a bleaching temperature of from 110° F. (43° C.) to 135° F. (57° C.) and a pH of the charge from 9.5 to 12.5 for an extended bleaching retention time. The bleaching method is advantageously used to bleach low brightness recycle pulp, and/or as part of a multistage process with bleaching stages of lesser duration, and/or as a high peroxy efficiency, low dose bleaching process or in connection with concurrently storing and bleaching pulp. 1. A multi-stage bleaching process for aqueous cellulosic pulp comprising:(a) bleaching the aqueous cellulosic pulp in an extended duration bleaching stage including: (i) providing the aqueous cellulosic pulp to the extended duration bleaching stage at a consistency of from 10% to 30% along with a peroxy bleaching agent and an alkaline agent effective to adjust pH of the charge to 9.5 to 12.5; (ii) bleaching the pulp in the bleaching vessel while maintaining an extended duration bleaching temperature of from 110° F.(43° C.), to 135° F. (57° C.) and a pH of the charge from 9.5 to 12.5 for a bleaching retention time in the extended duration bleaching stage of from 6 to 90 hours; and(b) bleaching the aqueous cellulosic pulp in one or more bleaching stages of lesser duration with bleaching agent for a retention time of from 5 minutes to 3.5 hours while maintaining a lesser duration bleaching temperature of from 122° F. (50° C.) to 230° F. (110° C.).2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the extended duration bleaching stage precedes the one or more bleaching stages of lesser duration.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the extended duration bleaching ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087216A1

Bleached polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers with reduced furfural content are disclosed. The reduced furfural content is accompanied by a strong reduction of malodor associated with crosslinked fibers. Methods of furfural reduction include treatment with hydrogen peroxide in the absence of alkaline or other bleaching agents subsequent to curing polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers. Some embodiments of treated polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers have a furfural content lower than 1.3 ppm. In some embodiments, the reduction of furfural content of the treated crosslinked fibers compared to untreated crosslinked fibers is at least 55%. In some embodiments, furfural content decreases with aging of the treated crosslinked fibers. 1. A method of reducing the furfural content of polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulosic fibers , the method comprising applying hydrogen peroxide alone , in a bleaching stage subsequent to a curing stage , to polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulosic fibers in an amount of from about 0.1 to about 20 pounds (about 0.045 to about 9.07 kg) per ADMT of fiber and at a pH of between about 4.5 and 5 , wherein the amount of furfural in the treated crosslinked fibers reduces from a first value determined at least one day after the treatment of the crosslinked fibers to a second , subsequent value determined up to 21 days after treatment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein hydrogen peroxide is applied to the fibers in an amount of from about 3.0 to about 10 pounds (about 1.36 to about 4.54 kg) per ADMT fiber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein hydrogen peroxide is applied to the fibers in an amount of about 5 pounds (2.27 kg) per ADMT fiber.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen peroxide is applied by spraying the hydrogen peroxide alone into an air stream containing the crosslinked fibers.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reduction of furfural from the first value to the second value is at least about 25%.6. The ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Method for isolating alpha cellulose from lignocellulosic materials

Номер: US20200095728A1

The present invention involves an environmentally friendly process and apparatus for the delignification of lignin-containing materials, such as cardboard newspaper or agricultural or tree pruning wastes. This process produces cellulose using low temperatures and low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. It can be performed using a column fitted with a semipermeable gasket that pressurizes the column by retaining oxygen released by action of the hydrogen peroxide on a lignin-containing material.

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182796A1

An omnibus process of pulping and bleaching lignocellulosic materials in which a charge of a lignocellulosic material is biopulped and/or water extracted prior to pulping and bleaching. The lignocellulosic material may be mechanically pulped and bleached in the presence of an enzyme that breaks lignin-carbohydrate complexes. The aqueous extract in embodiments including a water extract step is separated into acetic acid and hemicellulose sugar aqueous solutions. 1. A process of pulping lignocellulosic materials comprising:(a) contacting a charge of a lignocellulosic material with a fungus which breaks lignin-carbohydrate complexes in lignocellulosic materials;(b) contacting said lignocellulosic materials product of said step (a) with water at a temperature in the range of between about 20° C. and about 200° C. and a pH in the range of between about 0.5 and about 6.9 for a period in the range of between about 1 minute and about 7 days, wherein an aqueous extract and extracted lignocellulosic materials are obtained;(c) pulping said extracted lignocellulosic materials wherein individual fibers and fiber bundles are produced;(d) bleaching said product of said step (c); and(e) combusting said lignocellulosic materials of said step (b) not subjected to said steps (c) and (d).2. A process in accordance with wherein said fungus is a lignin-degrading fungus.3. A process on accordance with wherein said lignin-degrading fungus produces a lignin-degrading enzyme upon contact with said lignocellulosic material product in said step (a).4. A process in accordance with wherein said aqueous extract of said step (b) is recovered.5. A process in accordance with comprising separating said aqueous extract into an aqueous acetic acid solution and an aqueous hemicellulose sugar solution.6. A process in accordance with wherein said lignin-degrading enzyme produced in said step (a) is recovered.7. A process in accordance with wherein said pulping step (c) is effectuated by a pulping process ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170206A1

Method of delignification of plant material, said method comprising: providing said plant material comprising cellulose fibres and lignin; exposing said plant material requiring to a composition comprising: 2. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a modifying agent selected from the group consisting of: sulfamic acid; imidazole; N-alkylimidazole; taurine; alkylsulfonic acid; aryl sulfonic acid; triethanolamine; taurine; taurine derivatives; and taurine-related compounds; and combinations thereof.3. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a taurine derivative or taurine-related compound modifying agent selected from the group consisting of: sulfamic acid; taurolidine; taurocholic acid; tauroselcholic acid; tauromustine; 5-taurinomethyluridine and 5-taurinomethyl-2-thiouridine; homotaurine(tramiprosate); acamprosate; taurates; aminoalkylsulfonic acids where the alkyl is selected from the group consisting of C1-C5 linear alkyl and C1-C5 branched alkyl.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid and the capping agent are present in a molar ratio ranging from 1:1 to 10:1.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid and the capping agent are present in a molar ratio ranging from 1:1 to 5:1.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid and the capping agent are present in a molar ratio ranging from 1:1 to 3:1.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid and the peroxide are present in a molar ratio ranging from 1:1 to 10:1.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid and the modifying agent are present in a molar ratio ranging from 1:1 to 10:1.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid and the modifying agent are present in a molar ratio ranging from 1:1 to 5:1.10. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid and the modifying agent are present in a molar ratio ranging from 1:1 to 3:1.11. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112758A9
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A pulp fiber with an enhanced carboxyl content resulting in improved antimicrobial, anti-yellowing and absorptive properties. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described. 1. A method of making an oxidized acid-treated kraft fiber comprising:subjecting cellulose fiber to a kraft pulping step;oxygen delignifying the cellulose fiber;bleaching the cellulose fiber using a multi-stage bleaching process;oxidizing the cellulose fiber with a peroxide and a catalyst under acidic conditions in at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process;treating the fiber with a carboxylating acid in at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process prior to the at least one oxidation stage; andtreating the fiber with a carboxylating acid in at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process following the at least one oxidation stage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the kappa number of the fiber after kraft pulping and oxygen delignification is from about 13 to about 21.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is chosen from at least one of copper and iron.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the peroxide is hydrogen peroxide.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the pH of the oxidation ranges from about 2 to about 6.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the iron catalyst is chosen from at least one of ferrous sulfate claim 5 , ferrous chloride claim 5 , ferrous ammonium sulfate claim 5 , ferric chloride claim 5 , ferric ammonium sulfate claim 5 , or ferric ammonium citrate.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the iron catalyst is added in an amount ranging from about 25 to about 150 ppm iron based on the dry weight of the kraft pulp.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multi-stage bleaching process is a five stage bleaching process.9. The method of any of claim 1 , wherein the multi-stage bleaching process is a five stage bleaching process comprising a sequence chosen from (C/A)(OX)(C/A)ED claim 1 , (C/A)(OX)DE(C/A) claim 1 , (C ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Method of making bleached microcrystalline cellulose

Номер: US20180119346A1
Принадлежит: DuPont Nutrition USA Inc

A method of producing bleached microcrystalline cellulose which method comprises neutralizing or alkalizing an acidic microcrystalline production reaction mixture slurry, typically produced by acid hydrolysis or by electronic beam irradiation, followed by adding an oxidant to such reaction mixture. This practice of this method permits the production of microcrystalline cellulose having desirable color stability as well as compression characteristics suitable for pharmaceutical binder use from paper grade and other low purity pulps.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220267955A1

An aqueous composition comprising: sulfuric acid; a modifying agent comprising a carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound; and a peroxide. Said composition being capable of delignifying biomass under milder conditions than conditions under which kraft pulping takes place. 1. An aqueous acidic composition comprising:sulfuric acid;a modifying agent comprising a carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound; anda peroxide.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein sulfuric acid claim 1 , said carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound are present in a molar ratio ranging from 28:1 to 2:1.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein sulfuric acid and carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound are present in a molar ratio ranging from 20:1: to 5:1.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein sulfuric acid and said carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound are present in a molar ratio of approximately 10:1.6. The composition according to claim 1 , where said carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound is selected from the group consisting of: caffeine; lysine; creatine; glutamine; creatinine; 4-aminobenzoic acid; glycine; NMP (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone); histidine; DMA (N claim 1 ,N-dimethylacetamide); arginine; 2 claim 1 ,3-pyridinedicarboxylic acid; hydantoin; and combinations thereof.8. The composition according to claim 7 , wherein sulfuric acid and carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound are present in a molar ratio ranging from 20:1: to 5:1.9. The composition according to claim 8 , wherein sulfuric acid and said carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound are present in a molar ratio of approximately 10:1.10. The composition according to claim 8 , where said carbonyl-containing nitrogenous base compound has a molecular weight below 300 g/mol.11. The composition according to claim 8 , where the peroxide is hydrogen peroxide.12. A one-pot process to separate lignin from a lignocellulosic feedstock claim 8 , said process ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Arylsulfonic acid - modified sulfuric acid and uses thereof

Номер: US20220267956A1
Принадлежит: Sixring Inc

An aqueous composition comprising: sulfuric acid; a modifying agent comprising an arylsulfonic acid; and a peroxide. Said composition being capable of delignifying biomass under milder conditions than conditions under which kraft pulping takes place.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220267957A1

A feedstock includes feedstock paper and non-paper material. The feedstock paper includes lignin and cellulose. A method includes cooking the feedstock in cooking liquor to dissolve at least a portion of the lignin from the feedstock paper and to at least partially dissolve the non-paper material in the cooking liquor, thereby yielding a cooked pulp. The method further includes washing the cooked pulp to yield washed pulp and spent cooking liquor, regenerating the spent cooking liquor to yield regenerated cooking liquor, and bleaching the washed pulp. 1. A method for manufacturing bleached pulp from a feedstock comprising feedstock paper and non-paper material , the feedstock paper comprising lignin and cellulose , the method comprising:cooking the feedstock in a cooking liquor to dissolve at least a portion of the lignin from the feedstock paper and to at least partially dissolve the non-paper material in the cooking liquor, thereby yielding a cooked pulp;washing the cooked pulp to yield washed pulp and spent cooking liquor;regenerating the spent cooking liquor to yield regenerated cooking liquor; andbleaching the washed pulp.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedstock paper has claim 1 , on average claim 1 , a kappa number of at least 70.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedstock paper has claim 1 , on average claim 1 , a kappa number of at least 90.6. (canceled)7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedstock paper has claim 1 , on average claim 1 , a kappa number of at least 110.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedstock paper has claim 1 , on average claim 1 , a kappa number of at least 120.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedstock paper includes OCC materials.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-paper material has a positive gross heating value in a dissolved state within the cooking liquor.11. (canceled)12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-paper material has a positive gross heating value in a ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127919A1

Processes for pulping raw pulp material, such as wood chips, to provide pulp fibers having increased bulk, as well as bleaching the resulting pulp fibers to provide bleached pulp fibers having increased bulk. These pulp fibers and bleached pulp fibers may be incorporated into or used various products, such as multi-ply coated paperboards, fluff pulp, etc. 1. A composition comprising one or more of: softwood pulp fibers having an ISO brightness of at least about 60 and a coarseness in the range of from about 15 to about 45 mg/100 m. of fiber; or hardwood pulp fibers having an ISO brightness of at least about 80 and a coarseness in the range of from about 5 to about 20 mg/100 m. of fiber , the pulp fibers comprising: from about 15 to about 27% by weight acid-insoluble lignin;', 'from about 20 to about 25% by weight hemicellulose;', 'from about 40 to about 50% by weight cellulose; and', 'about 0.4% or less by weight extractives; or, 'for softwood pulp fibers from about 8 to about 20% by weight acid-insoluble lignin;', 'from about 15 to about 25% by weight hemicellulose;', 'from about 47 to about 58% by weight cellulose; and, 'for hardwood pulp fibersfrom about 0.01 to about 0.08% by weight extractives.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the softwood pulp fibers are unbleached and comprise: from about 23 to about 27% by weight of acid-insoluble lignin; from about 20 to about 23% by weight of hemicellulose; from about 40 to about 50% by weight (of cellulose; and about 0.25% or less by weight extractives.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the softwood pulp fibers are bleached and comprise: from about 15 to about 20% by weight of acid-insoluble lignin; from about 22 to about 25% by weight of hemicellulose; from about 46 to about 50% by weight of cellulose; and about 0.01% or less by weight of the extractives.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the softwood pulp fibers have an ISO brightness of from about 60 to about 68.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130397A1
Принадлежит: VALMET AB

The present invention relates to an improved process for producing dissolving pulp from a hydrolysis-kraft cooking process, and wherein production increases may result in less viscosity reduction and thus not meeting the target viscosities in the dissolving pulp produced. In order to compensate for losses in viscosity reduction in the cook at production increases is the oxygen delignification stage boosted with modest charges of peroxide that introduce an additional viscosity reduction. 1. A method for producing low viscosity dissolving pulp from lignocellulosic material , said dissolving process comprising a first acidic hydrolysis process followed by a kraft cooking process reaching a kappa number in the washed cooked pulp below 30 , said cooked and washed pulp subsequently further delignified in at least an oxygen delignification stage and finally bleached in at least one bleaching stage , and wherein the final target viscosity of the bleached dissolving pulp is primarily controlled by adjusting the conditions of the oxygen stage using temperature , alkali charge and oxygen charge obtaining a basic viscosity reduction in said oxygen stage in the range of 50-300 ml/g by said adjustment of temperature and charge of alkali and oxygen , said oxygen stage being further reinforced by a charge of at least one additional oxidation agent in order to obtain an additional viscosity reduction in said oxygen stage in the range of an additional 50-100 ml/g at least.2. Method according to wherein the additional oxidation agent is hydrogen peroxide.3. Method according to claim 2 , said dissolving process comprising following steps in sequence;a) subjecting comminuted cellulosic material for an acidic hydrolysis process wherein at least 20% of the original hemicellulose content of the lignocellulosic material is degraded in the hydrolysis process,b) subjecting the hydrolysed lignocellulosic material to a kraft cook obtaining a cooked pulp, c1) a retention time of at least 40 ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138219A1

Compositions suitable for use in the bleaching of pulps may include one or more particulate alkaline earth metal oxides or alkaline earth metal hydroxides or mixtures thereof, and one or more pitch control additives. The compositions may be suitable for use in a pulp preparation or a papermaking process. A method for the bleaching of pulps may include providing the composition. 115-. (canceled)16. A composition for use in bleaching of pulps , the composition comprising:(a) one or more particulate alkaline earth metal oxides or alkaline earth metal hydroxides or mixtures thereof; and(b) one or more pitch control additives.17. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein said pitch control additive is selected from talc claim 16 , bentonite claim 16 , zeolite claim 16 , diatomaceous earth claim 16 , cationic mica claim 16 , hydrophobic carbonates claim 16 , resin-decomposing enzymes claim 16 , cationic polymers designed to capture and immobilise resins or resinous components on fibre surfaces claim 16 , aluminium sulphate claim 16 , polyaluminium chloride claim 16 , and dispersing agents specifically designed for the dispersion of resins and resinous components claim 16 , and mixtures thereof.18. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the particulate alkaline earth metal is selected from magnesium claim 16 , calcium claim 16 , and mixtures thereof.19. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein said pitch control additive is selected from micronized talc claim 16 , bimodal talc claim 16 , and cationic talc.20. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the composition is an aqueous slurry.21. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein said aqueous slurry has a total solids content of from 10 to 75 wt.-% claim 20 , on the basis of the total weight of the slurry.22. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the content of the particulate alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide ranges from 10 wt.-% to 90 wt.-% claim 16 ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135245A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

This disclosure relates to improved products containing oxidized cellulose. This disclosure further relates to improved methods of making oxidized cellulose in multi-stage bleaching processes, including, for example, in four-stage and three-stage bleaching processes. This disclosure further relates to products made therefrom, including wipe, tissue, towel, and napkin products. 131-. (canceled)32. A method of making an oxidized cellulose comprising:bleaching a cellulosic pulp using a four-stage bleaching process, wherein at least one stage of the four-stage bleaching process is an oxidizing stage comprising oxidizing the pulp with at least one peroxide and at least one catalyst under acidic conditions.33. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the at least one catalyst is chosen from at least one of a copper-containing catalyst and an iron-containing catalyst claim 32 , and wherein the at least one peroxide is hydrogen peroxide.34. The method according to claim 33 , wherein at least one stage of the bleaching process is a carboxylating stage comprising treating the fiber with a carboxylating agent.35. The method according to claim 33 , wherein the at least one oxidizing stage is followed by at least one bleaching stage.36. The method according to claim 33 , wherein no alkaline stage follows the at least one oxidizing stage.37. The method according to claim 33 , wherein the at least one oxidizing stage is followed by at least one carboxylating stage.38. The method according to claim 33 , wherein the at least one oxidizing stage is the second stage.39. The method according to claim 33 , wherein the at least one oxidizing stage is the third stage.40. The method according to claim 33 , wherein the at least one oxidizing stage is the fourth stage.41. The method according to claim 33 , wherein the four-stage bleaching process comprises a sequence chosen from at least one of DE(OX)D claim 33 , D(OX)ED claim 33 , D(OX)DE claim 33 , DED(OX) claim 33 , D(OX)D(OX) claim 33 ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137996A9
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them. 1247-. (canceled)248. A method of making a kraft fiber comprising:bleaching a cellulosic kraft pulp using a multi-stage bleaching process; andoxidizing the kraft pulp during at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process with a peroxide and a catalyst under acidic condition;wherein the multi-stage bleaching process comprises at least one bleaching stage following the oxidation stage; andwherein the multi-stage bleaching process has at least three successive acidic stages.249. The method of claim 248 , wherein the catalyst is chosen from at least one of copper and iron.250. The method of claim 249 , wherein the peroxide is hydrogen peroxide.251. The method of claim 250 , wherein the pH of the oxidation stage ranges from about 2 to about 6.252. The method of claim 251 , wherein the catalyst is iron.253. The method of claim 252 , wherein the iron catalyst is chosen from at least one of ferrous sulfate claim 252 , ferrous chloride claim 252 , ferrous ammonium sulfate claim 252 , ferric chloride claim 252 , ferric ammonium sulfate claim 252 , or ferric ammonium citrate.254. The method of claim 253 , wherein the iron catalyst is added in an amount ranging from about 25 to about 200 ppm iron based on the dry weight of the kraft pulp.255. The method of claim 254 , wherein the pH of the oxidation stage ranges from about 2 to about 5.256. The method of claim ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Low Viscosity Kraft Fiber Having an Enhanced Carboxyl Content and Methods of Making and Using the Same

Номер: US20190136450A1

A pulp fiber with an enhanced carboxyl content resulting in improved antimicrobial, anti-yellowing and absorptive properties. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described. 141.-. (canceled)42. A method of making a modified kraft fiber comprising:subjecting cellulose fiber to a kraft pulping step;oxygen delignifying the cellulose fiber following the kraft pulping step;bleaching the cellulose fiber following oxygen delignification using a five-stage bleaching process;oxidizing the cellulose fiber with a peroxide and a catalyst chosen from at least one of copper and iron under acidic conditions during the second stage of the five-stage bleaching process; andtreating the fiber with a carboxylating acid treatment comprising a combination of either sodium chlorite and hydrogen peroxide or chlorine dioxide and hydrogen peroxide during the third stage of the five-stage bleaching process.43. The method of claim 42 , wherein the kappa number of the fiber after the kraft pulping step is from about 13 to about 21.44. The method of claim 42 , wherein the kappa number of the fiber after the kraft pulping and oxygen delignification steps is from about 5 to about 8.45. The method of claim 42 , wherein the catalyst in the oxidation stage is an iron catalyst.46. The method of claim 45 , wherein the peroxide in the oxidation stage is hydrogen peroxide.47. The method of claim 46 , wherein the pH in the oxidation stage ranges from about 2 to about 6.48. The method of claim 47 , wherein the catalyst in the oxidation stage is chosen from at least one of ferrous sulfate claim 47 , ferrous chloride claim 47 , ferrous ammonium sulfate claim 47 , ferric chloride claim 47 , ferric ammonium sulfate claim 47 , or ferric ammonium citrate.49. The method of claim 48 , wherein the catalyst in the oxidation stage is added in an amount ranging from about 25 to about 250 ppm iron based on the dry weight of the cellulose fiber and wherein the hydrogen peroxide in ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145632A1

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them. 1247-. (canceled)248. A method of making a kraft fiber comprising:bleaching a cellulosic kraft pulp using a multi-stage bleaching process, andoxidizing the kraft pulp during two stages of the multi-stage bleaching process, wherein each oxidation stage comprises oxidation with peroxide and a catalyst under acidic conditions; andwherein the multi-stage bleaching process comprises at least one bleaching stage following the two oxidation stages.249. The method of claim 248 , wherein the catalyst is chosen from at least one of copper and iron.250. The method according to any of claims 249 , wherein the peroxide is hydrogen peroxide.251. The method according to claim 250 , wherein the catalyst is iron.252. The method according to claim 251 , wherein the pH of the oxidation stages range from about 2 to about 6.253. The method according to claim 252 , wherein the catalyst is chosen from at least one of ferrous sulfate claim 252 , ferrous chloride claim 252 , ferrous ammonium sulfate claim 252 , ferric chloride claim 252 , ferric ammonium sulfate claim 252 , or ferric ammonium citrate.254. The method according to claim 250 , wherein the catalyst is iron and is added in an amount ranging from about 25 to about 250 ppm Fe based on the dry weight of the kraft pulp.255. The method according to claim 250 , wherein the peroxide is added in an amount of from about 0.1 to ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145633A1

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them. 1247-. (canceled)248. A method for making a kraft pulp comprising:digesting and oxygen delignifying a softwood cellulose pulp to a kappa number from about 6 to about 14;bleaching the cellulosic pulp using a multi-stage bleaching process; andoxidizing the kraft pulp during at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process with a peroxide and a catalyst under acidic condition.249. The method of claim 248 , wherein the catalyst is chosen from at least one of copper and iron.250. The method according to any of claims 249 , wherein the peroxide is hydrogen peroxide.251. The method according to claim 250 , wherein the catalyst is iron.252. The method according to claim 251 , wherein the pH of the at least one oxidation stage ranges from about 2 to about 6.253. The method according to claim 252 , wherein the catalyst is chosen from at least one of ferrous sulfate claim 252 , ferrous chloride claim 252 , ferrous ammonium sulfate claim 252 , ferric chloride claim 252 , ferric ammonium sulfate claim 252 , or ferric ammonium citrate.254. The method according to claim 250 , wherein the catalyst is iron and is added in an amount ranging from about 25 to about 250 ppm Fe based on the dry weight of the kraft pulp.255. The method according to claim 250 , wherein the peroxide is added in an amount of from about 0.1 to about 4% based on the dry weight of the pulp.256. ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140231034A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A method for producing mechanical paper pulp comprises: impregnating unprocessed wood, whereby unprocessed wood is exposed to an impregnating composition comprising at least a laccase enzyme and a formula mediator (I), wherein Rand Rare identical or different groups, chosen from among a hydrogen atom, a hydrocarbon chain, linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated, comprising 1 to 14 carbon atoms, wherein each hydrocarbon chain can be replaced by one or more functional groups chosen from among —OH, —SO, benzyl, amino, mercapto, keto or carboxyl, wherein Rand Rin combination can form a cyclical structure, to achieve impregnation of the wood; and mechanically refining the impregnated wood, such that a mechanical paper pulp is obtained. The disclosure also relates to an impregnating composition used in this method and to the use thereof in a method for producing mechanical paper pulp, as well as to a method for producing paper. 2. The method of wherein Rand Rare identical or different groups selected from a hydrogen atom or a C1 to C8 alkyl chain.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mediator is diethyl hydroxylamine (DEHA).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the impregnating composition is produced using claim 1 , and relative to its total weight:0.01% to 10% by weight of a laccase solution containing 1000 LAMU/mL of said solution, and0.1% to 10% by weight of mediator.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the impregnating composition is used at a rate of from 0.1 to 12 L/kg of the untreated wood for impregnation.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the untreated wood is selected from coniferous woods claim 1 , deciduous woods and mixtures thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the untreated wood is in the form of chips.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contacting during the impregnating step is performed for a time of from 5 min to 240 min.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the impregnating step is performed at a temperature of from 35° C. to 80° C.10. The ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155871A1

The present invention relates to compositions for use in an aqueous pulp bleaching process, comprising one or more alkaline earth metal oxides and/or one or more alkaline earth metal hydroxides; one or more alkaline earth metal salts; and optionally, one or more pitch control additives. Methods and kits for the formation of said compositions, are also part of the invention, as is the use of said compositions, methods and kits. 1. A method comprising:mixing an alkaline earth metal oxide or an alkaline earth metal hydroxide with a component selected from the group consisting of: a mineral acid, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, an alkaline earth metal sulfate, an alkaline earth metal carbonate, another an alkaline earth metal salt and combinations thereof.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixing step is performed within an aqueous pulp bleaching composition.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the mixing step is performed by of adding sulphuric acid claim 2 , sulphur dioxide claim 2 , or carbon dioxide to a paper bleaching pulp comprising the alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide.4. A method according to comprising forming a composition that comprises(i) the one or more alkaline earth metal oxides or alkaline earth metal hydroxides;(ii) the one or more alkaline earth metal salts; and(iii) one or more pitch control additives.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixing step takes place in the presence of a said control additive is selected from talc claim 1 , micronized talc claim 1 , bimodal talc claim 1 , cationic talc claim 1 , bentonite claim 1 , zeolite claim 1 , diatomaceous earth claim 1 , cationic mica claim 1 , hydrophobic carbonates claim 1 , resin-decomposing enzymes claim 1 , cationic polymers designed to capture and immobilise resins or resinous components on fibre surfaces claim 1 , aluminium sulphate claim 1 , polyaluminium chloride claim 1 , and dispersing agents specifically designed for the dispersion ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Methods of microbial control

Номер: US20170158537A1
Автор: Wayne E. Buschmann
Принадлежит: Clean Chemistry Inc

In some embodiments, a method may include reducing the microbial load in contaminated water of water recycle loops. These water recycling loops may include pulp and paper mills, cooling towers and water loops, evaporation ponds, feedstock processing systems and/or non-potable water systems. The methods may include providing a peracetate oxidant solution. The peracetate solution may include peracetate anions and a peracid. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution may include a pH from about pH 10 to about pH 12. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate anions to peracid ranging from about 60:1 to about 6000:1. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate to hydrogen peroxide of greater than about 16:1. The peracetate solution may provide bleaching, sanitizing and/or disinfection of contaminated water and surfaces. The peracetate oxidant solution may provide enhanced separation of microbes from contaminated water.

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159237A1

In some embodiments, a method may include treating pulp in pulp and paper mills. The methods may include providing a peracetate oxidant solution and generating a reactive oxygen species. The peracetate solution may include peracetate anions and a peracid. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution may include a pH from about pH 10 to about pH 12. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate anions to peracid ranging from about 60:1 to about 6000:1. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate to hydrogen peroxide of greater than about 16:1. The peracetate oxidant solution may provide enhanced treatment methods of bleaching, brightening, and delignifying pulp fibers involving the use of peracetate oxidant solutions. 1. A method of treating pulp , comprising:contacting pulp with a parent oxidant solution;mixing the pulp with the parent oxidant solution; andgenerating a reactive oxygen species.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the parent oxidant solution is a peracetate oxidant solution.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the pulp to a temperature from between about 50° C. to about 95° C.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the heating accelerates the generation of reactive oxygen species from the parent oxidant solution.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising delignifying the pulp.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising extracting lignin from the pulp.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising brightening the pulp.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising bleaching the pulp.9. The method of claim 8 , further comprising replacing a chlorine stage.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising reducing a waste water stream.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulp consists of a suspension of cellulose fibers in water.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulp comprises a pulp consistency from 0.1 to 20% pulp fiber.13. The method of claim 2 , wherein the peracetate ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160177503A1
Принадлежит: NOVOZYMES A/S

The improvement invention provides an enzymatic method for reducing the content of hexenuronic acids in a chemical cellulosic pulp and/or improvement of the brightness of cellulosic pulp using haloperoxidase. 1. A method for reducing the content of hexenuronic acids in a chemical cellulosic pulp and/or improving the brightness of a chemical cellulosic pulp , comprising contacting the cellulosic pulp with a haloperoxidase , hydrogen peroxide , and ions selected from the group consisting of chloride , bromide , iodide , and thiocyanate ions and optionally with one or more tertiary amines.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the haloperoxidase is a chloroperoxidase from enzyme class EC The method of claim 1 , wherein the haloperoxidase is a vanadium haloperoxidase.4Curvularia verruculosaCurvularia inequalis. The method of claim 1 , wherein the amino acid sequence of the haloperoxidase has at least 80% identity claim 1 , preferably at least 85% identity claim 1 , more preferably at least 90% identity claim 1 , even more preferably at least 95% identity claim 1 , and most preferably at least 97% identity to the amino acid sequence of a haloperoxidase (SEQ ID NO: 1) or a haloperoxidase (SEQ ID NO: 2).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chemical cellulosic pulp is also contacted with a xylanase; preferably an endo-1 claim 1 ,4-beta-xylanase from enzyme class EC agaradhaerens. The method of claim 5 , wherein the amino acid sequence of the xylanase has at least 60% identity claim 5 , preferably at least 65% identity claim 5 , more preferably at least 70% identity claim 5 , more preferably at least 75% identity claim 5 , more preferably at least 80% identity claim 5 , more preferably at least 85% identity claim 5 , more preferably at least 90% identity claim 5 , even more preferably at least 95% identity claim 5 , and most preferably at least 97% identity to the amino acid sequence of a xylanase (SEQ ID NO: 3).7. The method of claim 5 , wherein ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Modified cellulose from chemical kraft fiber and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20140262086A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them.

20-06-2019 дата публикации

A process for treating pulp

Номер: US20190186075A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

The present invention relates to a process for treating pulp comprising a step, wherein the pulp is treated with distilled percarboxylic acid, such as distilled per-carboxylic acid (dPAA), and peroxide, such as hydrogen peroxide. 1. A process for treating pulp comprising treating the pulp with distilled percarboxylic acid and peroxide , wherein amount of the peroxide , as 100% peroxide , is from 0.01 kg to 1 kg per ton of pulp (as dry pulp).2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the distilled percarboxylic acid is distilled performic acid claim 1 , distilled peracetic acid (dPAA) claim 1 , distilled perpropionic acid claim 1 , or a mixture thereof claim 1 , preferably distilled peracetic acid (dPAA).3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the peroxide is hydrogen peroxide claim 1 , percarbonate claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the pulp is wood pulp claim 1 , chemical pulp claim 1 , or Kraft pulp.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein amount of the peroxide claim 1 , as 100% peroxide claim 1 , is from 0.01 kg to 0.8 kg per ton of pulp (as dry pulp) claim 1 , from 0.04 kg to 0.6 kg per ton of pulp (as dry pulp) claim 1 , or from 0.06 kg to 0.5 kg per ton of pulp (as dry pulp).6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein amount of the distilled percarboxylic acid claim 1 , as 100% distilled percarboxylic acid claim 1 , is from 0.1 kg to 4 kg per ton of pulp (as dry pulp) claim 1 , or from 0.3 kg to 2 kg per ton of pulp (as dry pulp).7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein consistency of the pulp is from 2% to 30% claim 1 , or from 5% to 15%.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the pulp is treated at a temperature from 25° C. to 95° C. claim 1 , or from 40° C. to 70° C.9. The process according to claim 1 , wherein treatment time is from 30 min to 120 h claim 1 , from 1 h to 24 h claim 1 , or from 1 h to 6 h.10. The process according to claim 1 , wherein brightness of the pulp before the ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200181839A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A bleached softwood kraft pulp fiber with high alpha cellulose content and improved anti-yellowing is provided. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described. 115. -. (canceled)16. A viscose containing product comprising:viscose comprising at least 5% by weight of an oxidized bleached softwood kraft fiber having a total carbonyl content of less than about 2.5 mmoles/100 g and a CED viscosity of less than about 5 mPa·s; andwherein the product is cellophane or a food casing.17. The product of claim 16 , wherein the fiber has a b* value in the NaOH saturated state of less than 30.18. The product of claim 16 , wherein the fiber has a Δb* of less than about 25.19. The product of claim 16 , wherein the total carbonyl content ranges from about 1.5 mmoles/100 g to about 2.5 mmoles/100 g.20. The product of claim 16 , wherein the fiber has a hemi cellulose content from about 12% to about 17%.21. The product of claim 16 , wherein the fiber has an ISO brightness from about 85 to about 92.22. The product of claim 16 , wherein the fiber has a carboxyl content ranging from about 2 meq/100 g to about 4 meq/100 g.23. The product of claim 16 , wherein the viscose comprises at least 10% by weight of the oxidized bleached softwood kraft fiber.24. The product of claim 16 , wherein the viscose comprises at least 15% by weight of the oxidized bleached softwood kraft fiber.25. The product of claim 16 , exhibiting a total carbonyl content ranging from about 1.5 mmol/100 g to about 2.5 mmol/100 g claim 16 , a CED viscosity of less than about 5 mPa·s claim 16 , a hemi cellulose content from about 12% to about 17% claim 16 , a brightness from about 85 to about 92 claim 16 , and a carboxyl content ranging from about 2 meq/100 g to about 4 meq/100 g. This disclosure relates to modified kraft fiber having improved anti-yellowing characteristic. More particularly, this disclosure relates to softwood fiber, e.g., southern pine fiber, that exhibits a unique set ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200181840A1

Bleached polycrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers with reduced furfural content are disclosed. The reduced furfural content is accompanied by a strong reduction of malodor associated with crosslinked fibers. Methods of furfural reduction include treatment with hydrogen peroxide in the absence of alkaline or other bleaching agents subsequent to curing polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers. Some embodiments of treated polycrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers have a furfural content lower than 1.3 ppm. In some embodiments, the reduction of furfural content of the treated crosslinked fibers compared to untreated crosslinked fibers is at least 55%. in some embodiments, furfural content decreases with aging of the treated crosslinked fibers. 1. A method of reducing the furfural content of polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulosic fibers , the method comprising treating the polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulosic fibers with hydrogen peroxide alone in the absence of sodium hydroxide , in a bleaching stage subsequent to a curing stage , to polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulosic fibers , in an amount of from about 0.1 to about 20 pounds (about 0.045 to about 9.07 kg) per ADMT of fiber and at a hydrogen peroxide pH of between about 4.5 and about 5 , wherein the amount of furfural in the treated crosslinked fibers reduces from a first value determined at one day after the treatment of the crosslinked fibers to a second , subsequent value determined at 12 days , 14 days , or 21 days after treatment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein hydrogen peroxide is applied to the fibers in an amount of from about 3.0 to about 10 pounds (about 1.36 to about 4.54 kg) per ADMT fiber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein hydrogen peroxide is applied to the fibers in an amount of about 5 pounds (2.27 kg) per ADMT fiber.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen peroxide is applied by spraying the hydrogen peroxide alone into an air stream containing the crosslinked fibers.5. ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198436A1

A process comprising treating a lignocellulosic material preferably pulp in the presence of a transition metal catalyst with a oxidizing agent selected from a group consisting of hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorite, hypochlorous acid and any combination thereof to form a treated lignocellulosic material having a viscosity equal to or less than about 17 cp and having reducing functional groups selected from the group consisting of aldehyde and aldehyde type functional groups at the C6 and C1 positions but predominating at the C1 position. 1. A process of making a kraft fiber , comprisingbleaching a lignocellulosic kraft pulp using a bleaching process; and the oxidizing occurs after a pulping process or after the bleaching process,', 'the lignocellulosic kraft pulp is not refined directly after oxidizing the lignocellulosic kraft pulp, and', 'the transition metal is selected from the group consisting of copper, iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese, cerium, any combination of the foregoing, and any combination of the foregoing with zinc, tungsten, zirconium, or chromium., 'oxidizing the lignocellulosic kraft pulp by adding 0.01% to 0.1% by weight of the lignocellulosic kraft pulp of a catalyst consisting of a transition metal and/or salt thereof in the presence of from 0.5 to 5% oxidizing agent by weight of the lignocellulosic kraft pulp under acidic pH, wherein'}2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the transition metal and/or salt thereof consists of iron claim 1 , copper claim 1 , an iron salt claim 1 , a copper salt claim 1 , and any combinations thereof.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing agent is selected form the group consisting of hydrogen peroxide claim 1 , hypochlorite claim 1 , hypocholorous acid claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing acidic pH is from 2 to 7.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing agent is peroxide.6. The process according to claim 1 , ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202103A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A pulp fiber with an enhanced carboxyl content resulting in improved antimicrobial, anti-yellowing and absorptive properties. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described. 1. A chemically modified kraft fiber comprising cellulose which has been catalytically oxidized and treated with a carboxylating acid , having a carboxyl content greater than about 6 meq/100 g , an aldehyde content of less than 1 meq/100 g and viscosity less than 5.5 mPa·s.2. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the carboxyl content is at least about 7 meq/100 g.3. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the ISO brightness is from about 85 to about 92.4. The fiber of claim 1 , having a degree of polymerization of from about 350 to about 1860.5. The fiber of claim 1 , having an aldehyde content of less than about 0.6 meq/100 g.6. The fiber of claim 1 , having a carbonyl content ranging from about 1.5 meq/100 g to about 2.5 meq/100 g.7. The fiber of having a viscosity of from about 3 mPa·s to about 5.5.8. The fiber of having a viscosity of from about 3 claim 1 , mPa·s to about 4.9. The fiber of claim 1 , having a copper number of greater than about 2 claim 1 , or greater than about 2.5 claim 1 , or greater than about 3.10. The fiber of claim 1 , having an S10 caustic solubility ranging from about 14% to about 30.11. The fiber of claim 1 , having an S18 caustic solubility less than about 16%.12. The fiber of claim 1 , having an R10 value from at least about 72%.13. The fiber of claim 1 , having an R18 value ranging from at least about 79.14. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the fiber is softwood fiber and having a hemicellulose content of from about 12% to about 17%.15. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the fiber is softwood fiber and having a fiber length of at least about 2 mm.16. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the fiber exhibits antimicrobial and/or antibacterial properties.17. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the fiber is contained within an absorbent product that further ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199000A1
Автор: Buschmann Wayne E.

In some embodiments, a method may include reducing the microbial load in contaminated water of water recycle loops. These water recycling loops may include pulp and paper mills, cooling towers and water loops, evaporation ponds, feedstock processing systems and/or non-potable water systems. The methods may include providing a peracetate oxidant solution. The peracetate solution may include peracetate anions and a peracid. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution may include a pH from about pH 10 to about pH 12. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate anions to peracid ranging from about 60:1 to about 6000:1. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate to hydrogen peroxide of greater than about 16:1. The peracetate solution may provide bleaching, sanitizing and/or disinfection of contaminated water and surfaces. The peracetate oxidant solution may provide enhanced separation of microbes from contaminated water. 1. A method of reducing a microbial load in contaminated water , comprising:contacting contaminated water containing a population of microbes with a peracetate oxidant solution; andmixing said contaminated water with the peracetate oxidant solution.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising separating the water peracetate oxidant solution mixture into at least microbes and a water phase.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the contaminated water to within a temperature range from between about 38° C. to about 95° C.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the contaminated water comprises impurities claim 2 , and wherein separating the microbes and water phase comprises separating the microbe and water phase into at least microbes claim 2 , impurities claim 2 , and water.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the peracetate oxidant solution comprises peracetate anions and a peracid claim 1 , wherein the peracetate oxidant solution has a pH from about 7 to about pH 12 claim 1 , ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190203159A1

Stabilized compositions employing a sequestrant system and a binding system for improving shelf stability and dispensing stability of a solid activated bleach composition are disclosed. The compositions contain a peroxygen source and a catalyst activator which require generation of a peroxycarboxylic acid or other active oxygen sanitizing agent at a point of use. Stabilized compositions employ a sequestrant system including a phosphonic acid and/or dipicolinic acid sequestrant and a binding system comprising an anionic surfactant for a solid formulation of a catalyst activator and peroxygen source to provide shelf stability and dispensing stability for a activated bleach composition. Methods of formulating and use are further disclosed. 1. A stabilized solid activated bleach composition comprising:at least one alkaline solidification matrix;an active oxygen source;a bleach activating agent; anda sequestrant system comprising a phosphonate and/or acid thereof;a binding system comprising an anionic surfactant and a cellulose component;wherein the solid composition has less than 1 wt-% water and provides shelf stability at room temperature for at least about one year.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the sequestrant system is a phosphonic acid claim 1 , dipicolinic acid or a mixture thereof claim 1 , and wherein the alkaline solidification matrix is an alkali metal carbonate and provides a pH in use solution of at least about 8.5.3. (canceled)4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the active oxygen source is selected from the group consisting of peroxygen compounds claim 1 , peroxygen compound adducts claim 1 , hydrogen peroxide claim 1 , hydrogen peroxide liberating or generating compounds claim 1 , inorganic or organic peroxyacids claim 1 , peroxycarboxylic acids claim 1 , percarbonates claim 1 , alkali metal percarbonates claim 1 , and combinations thereof claim 1 , and wherein the bleach activating agent is tetraacetyl ethylene diamine.5. ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160237618A1
Принадлежит: NOVOZYMES A/S

The use of a GH78 enzyme in the bleaching of pulp for preparing paper materials, such as paper, linerboard, corrugated paperboard, tissue, towels, corrugated containers and boxes. 1. A method for increasing the brightness and/or decreasing the kappa number of a paper pulp , comprising contacting the paper pulp with a GH78 enzyme , wherein the GH78 enzymea) belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 78,b) exhibits esterase and rhamnosidase activities andc) consists or comprises an amino acid sequence with at least 60% identity to the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the GH78 enzyme is a glycoside hydrolase exhibiting feruloyl esterase and α-L-rhamnosidase activities.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the amino acid sequence of the GH78 enzyme has at least 65% identity claim 1 , more preferably at least 70% identity claim 1 , more preferably at least 75% identity claim 1 , more preferably at least 80% identity claim 1 , more preferably at least 85% identity claim 1 , more preferably at least 90% identity claim 1 , more preferably at least 95% claim 1 , 96% claim 1 , 97% claim 1 , 98% claim 1 , 99% claim 1 , and most preferably 100% identity to the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1.4XylariaXylaria polymorpha.. The method of claim 1 , wherein the GH78 enzyme is derived from a sp. claim 1 , such as5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulp is wood pulp.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulp is a chemical pulp claim 1 , such as kraft pulp.7. The method of claim 1 , which further comprises a step of chlorine dioxide treatment (D stage) and/or alkaline peroxide treatment (E stage).8. The method of claim 1 , which further comprises contacting the pulp with one or more additional enzyme(s) claim 1 , such as a lipase.9. A bleaching composition claim 1 , comprising a paper pulp and a GH78 enzyme claim 1 , wherein the GH78 enzymea) belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 78,b) exhibits esterase and rhamnosidase activities andc) consists or ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160237619A1
Принадлежит: Lenzing AG

A process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibers to be used in the production of molded bodies from regenerated cellulose characterized by effective metal redaction and adjustment of the degree of polymerization and brightness, including a metal removing stage and an oxidative bleaching stage of the reclaimed cotton fibers or pulp produced thereof. Reclaimed cotton fibers treated according to the described process may be used alone or in blends with conventional dissolving pulp as raw material for the production of molded bodies from regenerated cellulose. The process enables technically smooth, safe, and economically feasible spinning via the Viscose or Lyocell process, therefore, the current invention provides an efficient recycling pathway for cotton waste materials. 1. A process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibers to be used in the production of molded bodies from regenerated cellulose , wherein the pretreatment of the reclaimed cotton fibers includes a metal removing stage and an oxidative bleaching stage.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the cotton fibers are reclaimed from pre-consumer cotton waste.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the cotton fibers are reclaimed from post-consumer cotton waste.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed cotton fibers include pulp prepared from cotton rags.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed cotton fibers are mechanically shredded claim 1 , milled claim 1 , or opened prior to their use.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal removing stage is an acidic washing treatment and/or a treatment with a complexing agent.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the reclaimed cotton fibers are treated by an aqueous solution of a complexing agent.8. The process according to claim 6 , wherein both treatments are combined in one step by adding a complexing agent to the acidic washing treatment.9. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230649A1
Принадлежит: NOVOZYMES A/S

The present invention provides an enzymatic method for reducing the content of hexenuronic acids in a chemical cellulosic pulp and/or improvement of the brightness of cellulosic pulp using haloperoxidase. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for reducing the content of hexenuronic acids and/or improving the brightness of a cellulosic pulp , comprising contacting the cellulosic pulp with a haloperoxidase , hydrogen peroxide , and one or more ions selected from chloride , bromide , iodide , and thiocyanate.17. The method of claim 16 , further comprising contacting the cellulosic pulp with one or more tertiary amines.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the haloperoxidase is a chloroperoxidase from enzyme class EC The method of claim 16 , wherein the haloperoxidase is a vanadium haloperoxidase.20. The method of claim 16 , wherein the amino acid sequence of the haloperoxidase has at least 80% identity to SEQ ID NO: 1 or SEQ ID NO: 2.21. The method of claim 16 , further comprising contacting the cellulosic pulp with a xylanase.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the xylanase is an endo-1 claim 21 ,4-beta-xylanase from enzyme class EC The method of claim 21 , wherein the amino acid sequence of the xylanase has at least 60% identity to SEQ ID NO: 3.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the amino acid sequence of the haloperoxidase has at least 95% identity to SEQ ID NO: 1 and the amino acid sequence of the xylanase has at least 95% identity to SEQ ID NO: 3.25. The method of claim 16 , wherein the cellulosic pulp is a pulp made by alkaline cooking.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the cellulosic pulp is a kraft pulp or a sulfite pulp.27. The method of claim 16 , further comprising an alkaline extraction stage.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the alkaline extraction stage is reinforced with hydrogen peroxide and/or oxygen with or without a previous bleaching agent.29. A method for reducing the content of hexenuronic acids of a cellulosic pulp claim ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226153A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

This disclosure relates to improved packaging materials containing oxidized cellulose. More particularly, this disclosure relates to improved packaging materials containing oxidized cellulose exhibiting one or more of improved odor control and/or improved antimicrobial properties. This disclosure further relates to the use of oxidized cellulose in packaging materials as an anti-counterfeiting agent, and methods of testing for the same. 1. A packaging material comprising:an oxidized softwood kraft cellulose comprising a copper number of at least about 1.5, a carboxyl content of at least about 3 meq/100 g, a 0.5% capillary CEO viscosity of less than about 10 mPa·s, and a length-weighted average fiber length of at least about 2 mm.2. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidized cellulose comprises a copper number of at least about 3.3. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidized cellulose comprises a carboxyl content of at least about 6 meq/100 g.4. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidized cellulose comprises a viscosity of less than about 7 mPa·s.5. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidized cellulose is unbleached.6. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidized cellulose is bleached.7. The packaging material of claim 6 , wherein the oxidized cellulose comprises an ISO brightness of at least about 88%.8. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidized cellulose has been oxidized with hydrogen peroxide and an iron catalyst under acidic conditions.9. The packaging material of claim 8 , wherein the oxidized cellulose has an iron content of less than 5 ppm.10. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidized cellulose absorbs at least about 5 ppm ammonia per gram of oxidized cellulose.11. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the oxidized cellulose has a bacteriostatic activity after 4 hours of at least 2.5 and a bactericidal activity at 4 hours of at least 1.5.12. The packaging ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262165A1

A process comprising treating a lignocellulosic material preferably pulp in the presence of a transition metal catalyst with a oxidizing agent selected from a group consisting of hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorite, hypochlorous acid and any combination thereof to form a treated lignocellulosic material having a viscosity equal to or less than about 17 cp and having reducing functional groups selected from the group consisting of aldehyde and aldehyde type functional groups at the C6 and C1 positions but predominating at the C1 position. 125.-. (canceled)26. A treated lignocellulosic material having a viscosity equal to or less than about 17 cp and having reducing functional groups selected from the group consisting of aldehyde and aldehyde type functional groups at the C6 and C1 positions but predominating at the C1 position.27. A personal hygiene article for absorbing fluids , the article comprising:at least one fluid permeable top sheet layer and at least one substantially fluid impermeable back sheet layer; andan absorbent sub layer material interposed between the top sheet layer and the back sheet layer, the sub layer material comprising a treated lignocellulosic material having a viscosity less than 17 cp and having reducing functional groups selected from the group consisting of aldehyde and aldehyde type functional groups at the C6 and C1 positions but predominating at the C1 position.2830.-. (canceled)31. A composition comprising a treated lignocellulosic material having a capillary viscosity equal to or less than about 17 cps and functional groups selected from the group consisting of aldehyde functional groups , hemiacetal functional groups , and combinations thereof.32. The composition of claim 31 , wherein the treated lignocellulosic material is comprised of a wood pulp.33. The composition of claim 32 , wherein the treated lignocellulosic material is comprised of a treated bleached Kraft pulp.34. The composition of claim 32 , wherein the treated ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245285A1

An omnibus process of pulping and bleaching lignocellulosic materials in which a charge of a lignocellulosic material is biopulped and/or water extracted prior to pulping and bleaching. The lignocellulosic material may be mechanically pulped and bleached in the presence of an enzyme that breaks lignin-carbohydrate complexes. 111.-. (canceled)12. A pulp produced in accordance with the process of:(a) contacting a charge of a lignocellulosic material with water, the lignocellulosic material containing an initial amount of xylan, the water and charge of lignocellulosic material maintained at a temperature in the range of between about 20° C. and about 200° C. and lowering the pH to between about 3 and about 6.9 by producing acetic acid from the reaction of the water and lignocellulosic material for a period of about 10 minutes to about 4 days, to form extracted lignocellulosic materials; and(b) pulping said extracted lignocellulosic materials.13. The pulp of claim 12 , wherein the pulp is bleached and has a brightness greater than about 90%.14. The pulp of claim 12 , wherein the pulp has a specific surface area between about 5 claim 12 ,000 cm/g and about 40 claim 12 ,000 cm/g.15. The pulp of claim 12 , wherein the pulp has a specific surface area between about 15 claim 12 ,000 cm/g and about 25 claim 12 ,000 cm/g.16. The pulp of claim 12 , wherein the pulp has a specific volume between about 1.5 cm/g and about 4.0 cm/g.17. The pulp of claim 12 , wherein the pulp has a specific volume between about 2.75 cm/g and about 3.75 cm/g.18. The pulp of claim 12 , wherein the pulp is effectuated by a process selected from the group consisting of mechanical pulping claim 12 , chemical pulping and a combination of mechanical and chemical pulping.19. The pulp of wherein the pulp is effectuated by mechanical pulping.20. The pulp of claim 19 , wherein the mechanical pulping is fiber separation by mechanical force. This is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/625,545, ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210307332A1
Автор: Melenkevitz Gregory
Принадлежит: Evonik Corporation

Aqueous solutions of hydrogen peroxide are stabilized by at least one polymeric stabilizer selected from phosphino polycarboxylic acids, poly(acrylic acid)-acrylamidoalkylpropane sulfonic acid co-polymers and poly(acrylic acid)-acrylamidoalkylpropane sulfonic acid-sulfonated styrene terpolymers. The polymer-stabilized hydrogen peroxide solutions have applications in aseptic packaging, electronics manufacture, and pulp and paper bleaching. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more polymeric stabilizers is selected from the phosphino polycarboxylic acid claim 1 , or a salt thereof.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein Ris hydrogen.5. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the phosphino polycarboxylic acid has a molecular weight of 3300-3900 g/mol.10. The composition of claim 1 , comprising from 5 to 80% by weight hydrogen peroxide and from 0.1 to 1500 ppm of the one or more polymeric stabilizers.11. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a 35 weight % hydrogen peroxide solution comprises ≤60 ppm of the one or more polymeric stabilizers.12. The composition of wherein the composition is substantially free of a stannate and/or chelating substance other than the one or more polymeric stabilizers.13. The composition of having a phosphorus content expressed as PO of ≤10 ppm.14. A method of aseptic sterilization of packaging material comprising dipping the packaging material in or spraying the packaging material with the composition of .15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the packaging material is dipped in the composition at 70-95° C.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the composition is sprayed on the packaging material as a vapor at a temperature of about 150-200° C.17. A method of bleaching paper pulp or cellulosic fibers comprising contacting the composition of with the paper pulp or the cellulosic fibers.18. The method of comprising bleaching kraft pulp.19. The method of comprising bleaching a chemi-thermomechanical pulp.20. The composition of claim 2 , ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Method for extracting cellusose, hemicellulose and lignin from lignocellulose from plant biomass

Номер: US20190249363A1

A process for obtaining cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin from lignocellulose can be carried out in an environmentally friendly manner when it comprises the following steps: step a) wherein a lignocellulose from plant biomass is provided, step b) wherein the lignocellulose is brought into contact with a first mixture M1 containing water and an alkaline component, and a first suspension S1 forms, the first suspension S1 comprises a first solid F1 and a first liquid phase P1, wherein the first solid F1 contains a crude cellulose, and the first liquid phase P1 contains hemicellulose and lignin, and step c) wherein the crude-cellulose-containing solid F1 is brought into contact with a second mixture M2 containing formic acid and water and optionally acetic acid, and a second suspension S2 forms, the second suspension S2 comprises a second solid F2 and a second liquid phase P2, wherein the second solid F2 contains a pure cellulose, and the second liquid phase P2 contains hemicellulose and lignin.

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160273162A1

The invention relates to a pineapple leaf fiber fine treatment method and belongs to the technical field of fiber fine treatment. According to the method, fibers are firstly subjected to pretreatment by ultrasonic waves, then subjected to swelling treatment by a swelling additive, then subjected to chemical degumming treatment after the swelling treatment to prepare pineapple leaf fiber degummed ramie, and finally teased and refined to obtain pineapple leaf fiber ramie stripes. A loosening fiber structure makes fibers slip easily under the effect of an external teasing and refining force, while the invention may increase the fiber looseness, improve the fiber fineness, improve the fiber quality, enable a chemical degumming additive to enter the inside of the fiber more easily, reduce sewage discharge during degumming, and decrease the degumming treatment cost. 1. A pineapple leaf fiber fine treatment method , comprising the following steps:(1) pineapple leaf fiber presoaking treatment:subjecting pineapple leaf fiber in a pretreatment solution to ultrasonic treatment, and then subjecting the pineapple leaf fiber to washing and dewatering treatment;(2) swelling treatment:putting the pineapple leaf fiber after pretreatment into a compound swelling additive solution for swelling treatment at a temperature of 20˜75° C., a PH value of 3˜10 and a reaction time of 20˜120 min;(3) degumming and bleaching treatment:subjecting the pineapple leaf fiber after swelling treatment to high temperature chemical degumming treatment, then subjecting the pineapple leaf fiber to washing and dewatering, and then putting the pineapple leaf fiber into 5˜15% hydrogen peroxide to bleach for 20˜50 min at a temperature of 60˜95° C.;(4) oil feeding:soaking the bleached pineapple leaf fiber in a solution containing 0.5˜3% modified silicone oil agent for 1˜2 h at a soaking temperature of 30˜75° C.;(5) subjecting the treated pineapple leaf fiber to dewatering, shaking and drying to obtain the ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Use of Cellulase to improve Viscosity Control of Dissolving Pulp

Номер: US20190257031A1
Принадлежит: Novozymes AS

The present invention relates to treatment of unbleached or partially bleached or alkaline extracted dissolving pulp with one or more cellulases. The cellulase treatment results in increased viscosity control, reduced viscosity and/or increased reactivity of the final dissolving pulp.

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Low Capital Bleaching of Chemical Pulp

Номер: US20170268171A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC.

Bleaching methods and formulations for bleaching/delignification processes for chemical pulp are provided. The bleaching methods utilize peroxide and an organomanganese complex under aqueous caustic conditions, increasing bleaching efficiency of the overall bleaching/delignification process. Chemical pulp having increased brightness can be obtained at decreased temperatures and with reduced stage time, resulting in reduced chemical consumption and improved energy efficiency.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180266051A1
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

A bleached softwood kraft pulp fiber with high alpha cellulose content and improved anti-yellowing is provided. Methods for making the kraft pulp fiber and products made from it are also described. 115-. (canceled)16. An oxidized bleached softwood kraft fiber exhibiting:a total carbonyl content of less than about 2.5 mmoles/100 g and a CED viscosity of less than about 5 mPa·s.17. The fiber of claim 16 , wherein the fiber has a b* value in the NaOH saturated state of less than 30.18. The fiber of claim 16 , wherein the fiber has a Δb* of less than about 25.19. The fiber of claim 16 , wherein the total carbonyl content ranges from about 1.5 mmoles/100 g to about 2.5 mmoles/100 g.20. The fiber of claim 16 , further exhibiting a hemicellulose content from about 12% to about 17%.21. The fiber of claim 16 , further exhibiting a brightness from about 85 to about 92.22. The fiber of claim 16 , further exhibiting a carboxyl content ranging from about 2 meq/100 g to about 4 meq/100 g.23. The fiber of claim 16 , exhibiting a total carbonyl content ranging from about 1.5 mmol/100 g to about 2.5 mmol/100 g claim 16 , a CED viscosity of less than about 5 mPa·s claim 16 , a hemicellulose content from about 12% to about 17% claim 16 , a brightness from about 85 to about 92 claim 16 , and a carboxyl content ranging from about 2 meq/100 g to about 4 meq/100 g.24. Microcrystalline cellulose made from the fiber of .25. Viscose made from the fiber of .26. Cellulose ether made from the fiber of . This disclosure relates to modified kraft fiber having improved anti-yellowing characteristic. More particularly, this disclosure relates to softwood fiber, e.g., southern pine fiber, that exhibits a unique set of characteristics, improving its performance over other fiber derived from kraft pulp and making it useful in applications that have heretofore been limited to expensive fibers (e.g., cotton or high alpha content sulfite pulp).This disclosure further relates to chemically modified ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264388A1

This disclosure relates to methods of making novel dissolving wood pulps by processes comprising acid prehydrolysis, pulping, and a multi-stage bleaching process comprising oxidation with a catalyst and peroxide under acidic conditions, as well as to products made therefrom having a combination of medium-purity, low viscosity, and improved reactivity, filterability, and/or clogging that can be used as a substitute for traditional high-purity dissolving pulps in a wide variety of applications. 1. A method of making a kraft dissolving wood pulp comprising:subjecting a cellulosic material to an acid prehydrolysis process,subsequently subjecting the cellulosic material to a kraft cooking process to form a kraft pulp,subjecting the kraft pulp to a multi-stage bleaching process to form a kraft dissolving wood pulp, wherein at least one stage of the multi-stage bleaching process is an oxidation bleaching stage (OX) comprising oxidizing the pulp with at least one peroxide and at least one catalyst under acidic conditions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cellulosic material is a softwood.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein kraft pulp is subjected to an oxygen delignification process after the kraft cooking process and before the multi-stage bleaching process.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the oxidation bleaching stage (OX) is carried out at an acidic pH with an iron catalyst and hydrogen peroxide.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the oxidation bleaching stage (OX) is carried out at an acidic pH from about 2 to about 5 with an iron catalyst in an amount from about 5 ppm Feto about 100 ppm Feand hydrogen peroxide in an amount ranging from about 0.01% to about 0.3% based on the dry weight of the kraft pulp.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the dissolving wood pulp is further treated with a surfactant following the multi-stage bleaching process.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the multi-stage bleaching sequence is chosen from one of D(OX)D claim 6 , DE(OX) claim 6 , ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210355635A1

This disclosure relates to methods of making novel dissolving wood pulps by processes comprising acid prehydrolysis, pulping, and a multi-stage bleaching process comprising oxidation with a catalyst and peroxide under acidic conditions, as well as to products made therefrom having a combination of medium-purity, low viscosity, and improved reactivity, filterability, and/or clogging that can be used as a substitute for traditional high-purity dissolving pulps in a wide variety of applications. 1. A kraft dissolving wood pulp made from softwood comprising an R10 of from about 87% to about 92% , a viscosity of from about 4 mPa·s to about 7.5 mPa·s , and a clogging value (Kr) of less than about 1000.2. The kraft dissolving wood pulp of claim 1 , further comprising an R18 from about 93% to about 95%.3. The kraft dissolving wood pulp of claim 1 , further comprising a pentosans level of from about 2% to about 5%.4. The kraft dissolving wood pulp of claim 1 , further comprising an ISO brightness of from about 86 to about 90.5. The kraft dissolving wood pulp of claim 1 , further comprising a carboxyl content of from about 2 meq/100 g to about 4 meq/100 g and a copper number from about 0.5 to about 1.5.6. The kraft dissolving wood pulp of claim 1 , further comprising a filterability of at least about 2000 grams/min and a carbon disulfide reactivity of ΔT less than 10 seconds at 9 ml carbon disulfide for 14.4 g of oven dried pulp.7. The kraft dissolving wood pulp of claim 1 , comprising an R10 of from about 87% to about 90% claim 1 , a viscosity of from 5.5 mPa·s to 6.5 mPa·s claim 1 , a clogging value (Kr) of less than about 600 claim 1 , and an ISO brightness of at least about 88.8. The kraft dissolving wood pulp of claim 1 , comprising an R10 of from about 90% to about 92% claim 1 , a viscosity of from 6.5 mPa·s to 7.5 mPa·s claim 1 , a clogging value (Kr) of less than about 800 claim 1 , and an ISO brightness of at least about 88.9. A viscose product made from the kraft ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190271112A1

The present invention is in the field of delignifying and/or bleaching of pulp, more in particular wood pulp. Such a process is useful in paper production. More in particular, the method relates to the use of an enzyme for delignification and/or bleaching, more in particular a bacterial laccase. Even more in particular, it provides a method for delignifying and/or bleaching of a pulp, comprising an enzymatic treatment step wherein lignin-containing pulp and a laccase are reacted at alkaline pH, wherein the laccase has an amino acid sequence according to SEQ ID NO: 1 or an amino acid sequence at least 90% identical to SEQ ID NO: 1. 1. Method A method for lignin depolymerization , the method comprising:contacting a solution or suspension containing lignin with a laccase at alkaline pH,the laccase comprises an amino acid sequence at least 90% identical to SEQ ID NO: 1; andthe lignin is depolymerized.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solution or suspension containing lignin comprises a pulp.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the pulp is a mechanical pulp or a chemical pulp.4. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising bleaching the pulp.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein bleaching the pulp comprises:the pulp with a bleaching chemical selected from the group consisting of peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, ozone, chlorine dioxide and a mixture of chlorine dioxide and chlorine gas.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solution or suspension containing lignin comprises at least 40% lignin as a fraction of the dry matter of the solution or suspension.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein contacting the solution or suspension is carried out at a temperature between 10 and 90 degrees Celsius.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the temperature is above 40 degrees.9. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the temperature is below 50 degrees.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pH of the ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160289606A1

Stabilized compositions employing a sequestrant system and a binding system for improving shelf stability and dispensing stability of a solid activated bleach composition are disclosed. The compositions contain a peroxygen source and a catalyst activator which require generation of a peroxycarboxylic acid or other active oxygen sanitizing agent at a point of use. Stabilized compositions employ a sequestrant system including a phosphonic acid and/or dipicolinic acid sequestrant and a binding system comprising an anionic surfactant for a solid formulation of a catalyst activator and peroxygen source to provide shelf stability and dispensing stability for a activated bleach composition. Methods of formulating and use are further disclosed. 1. A stabilized solid activated bleach composition comprising:at least one alkaline solidification matrix;an active oxygen source;a bleach activating agent; anda sequestrant system comprising a phosphonate and/or acid thereof;a binding system comprising an anionic surfactant and a cellulose component;wherein the solid composition has less than 1 wt-% water and provides shelf stability at room temperature for at least about one year.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the sequestrant system is a phosphonic acid claim 1 , dipicolinic acid or a mixture thereof.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the alkaline solidification matrix is an alkali metal carbonate and provides a pH in use solution of at least about 8.5.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the active oxygen source is selected from the group consisting of peroxygen compounds claim 1 , peroxygen compound adducts claim 1 , hydrogen peroxide claim 1 , hydrogen peroxide liberating or generating compounds claim 1 , inorganic or organic peroxyacids claim 1 , peroxycarboxylic acids claim 1 , percarbonates and combinations thereof.5. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the active oxygen source is an alkali metal percarbonate.6. The ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170284023A9
Принадлежит: Lenzing AG

A process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibers to be used in the production of molded bodies from regenerated cellulose characterized by effective metal redaction and adjustment of the degree of polymerization and brightness, including a metal removing stage and an oxidative bleaching stage of the reclaimed cotton fibers or pulp produced thereof. Reclaimed cotton fibers treated according to the described process may be used alone or in blends with conventional dissolving pulp as raw material for the production of molded bodies from regenerated cellulose. The process enables technically smooth, safe, and economically feasible spinning via the Viscose or Lyocell process, therefore, the current invention provides an efficient recycling pathway for cotton waste materials. 1. A process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibers to be used in the production of molded bodies from regenerated cellulose , wherein the pretreatment of the reclaimed cotton fibers includes a metal removing stage and an oxidative bleaching stage.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the cotton fibers are reclaimed from pre-consumer cotton waste.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the cotton fibers are reclaimed from post-consumer cotton waste.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed cotton fibers include pulp prepared from cotton rags.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed cotton fibers are mechanically shredded claim 1 , milled claim 1 , or opened prior to their use.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal removing stage is an acidic washing treatment and/or a treatment with a complexing agent.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the reclaimed cotton fibers are treated by an aqueous solution of a complexing agent.8. The process according to claim 6 , wherein both treatments are combined in one step by adding a complexing agent to the acidic washing treatment.9. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210388561A1

In some embodiments, a method may include treating pulp in pulp and paper mills. The methods may include providing a peracetate oxidant solution and generating a reactive oxygen species. The peracetate solution may include peracetate anions and a peracid. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution may include a pH from about pH 10 to about pH 12. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate anions to peracid ranging from about 60:1 to about 6000:1. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate to hydrogen peroxide of greater than about 16:1. The peracetate oxidant solution may provide enhanced treatment methods of bleaching, brightening, and delignifying pulp fibers involving the use of peracetate oxidant solutions. 130-. (canceled)31. A method of treating pulp in a delignification process , the delignification process comprising:adding a parent oxidant solution to a pulp at a primary addition point and after the adding, mixing a mixture with the pulp with the added parent oxidant solution; and a pH in a range of from pH 10 to pH 12;', 'peracetate anions and a peracid with a molar ratio of peracetate anions to peracid of from 60:1 to 6000:1; and', 'either no hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide wherein a peracetate anion to hydrogen peroxide molar ratio is greater than 16:1; and, 'the parent oxidant solution being a peracetate oxidant solution to generate a reactive oxygen species in the resulting mixture, wherein the peracetate oxidant solution has the following properties as added to the pulpwherein after a period of time, separating from the pulp an oxidant liquor containing residual active oxidant and conveying the oxidant liquor to a secondary addition point, upstream of the primary addition point, where the pulp and the oxidant liquor are contacted and mixed.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein the pulp is at a temperature in a range of from 50° C. to 95° C. during the adding and mixing.33. The ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160298294A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

Process for delignifying and bleaching pulp Process for the delignification and bleaching of pulp, comprising a first bleaching stage with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a molybdate or tungstate in an acidic aqueous mixture; subsequent to the first bleaching stage, a second bleaching stage with hydrogen peroxide in an alkaline aqueous mixture; and, subsequent to the second bleaching stage, a third bleaching stage with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a molybdate or tungstate in an acidic aqueous mixture. 112-. (canceled)13. A process for the delignification and bleaching of pulp , comprising:a) a first bleaching stage in which pulp is reacted with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a molybdate or tungstate in an acidic aqueous mixture;b) subsequent to the first bleaching stage, a second bleaching stage in which pulp is reacted with hydrogen peroxide in an alkaline aqueous mixture; andc) subsequent to the second bleaching stage, a third bleaching stage in which pulp is reacted with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a molybdate or tungstate in an acidic aqueous mixture.14. The process of claim 13 , wherein in the first and third bleaching stages claim 13 , the pulp is reacted with 0.1 to 5 wt % of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of 10 to 2000 ppm of molybdenum in the form of molybdate or 200 to 10 000 ppm of tungsten in the form of tungstate claim 13 , based in each case on the mass of dry pulp claim 13 , at a temperature of 50 to 150° C. and at a pH in the range from 1 to 7 claim 13 , and in the second bleaching stage the pulp is reacted with 0.1 to 5 wt % of hydrogen peroxide claim 13 , based on the mass of dry pulp claim 13 , at a temperature of 50 to 100° C. and at a pH in the range between 7 and 12.15. The process of claim 13 , wherein the pulp is washed after the first bleaching stage and after the second bleaching stage.16. The process of claim 13 , wherein said process does not comprise further bleaching stages between the first and second ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Method of processing and fractionating biomass and use of fractions thus obtained

Номер: US20170298152A1

The present invention relates to a method of treating biomass, comprising providing a lignocellulosic biomass feedstock; contacting the biomass feedstock in a mixture, which is formed by the biomass, water and an alkaline agent, with an oxidizing agent at an elevated temperature; and continuing the contacting of the biomass feedstock with the oxidizing agent until a notable part of the lignin is solubilised. The step of providing the biomass feedstock comprises contacting a biomass raw-material containing cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin in an aqueous phase with an alkaline agent; continuing the contacting of the biomass with the alkaline agent until a significant portion of the hemicellulose is dissolved in the aqueous phase to provide a modified biomass; recovering the modified biomass; optionally opening the structure of the modified biomass by mechanical treatment; and using the modified biomass as a lignocellulosic biomass feedstock. Treating the biomass provides hemicellulose, lignin and cellulose fractions that have a multitude of applications in the bioeconomy. 1. A method of fractionation of biomass , in particular in the absence of sulphurous chemicals , comprising the steps of:a) providing a lignocellulosic biomass feedstock containing cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin;b) dispersing the biomass feedstock in an aqueous phase;c) separating at least a part of the hemicelluloses from the biomass by dissolving them into the aqueous phase;d) defibering the biomass to provide a modified biomass;e) contacting the modified biomass in an aqueous phase with an oxidizing agent in the presence of an alkaline agent at an elevated temperature;f) continuing the contacting of the biomass with the oxidizing agent until a part of the lignin is solubilised and a cellulose-enriched biomass is obtained; andg) recovering the cellulose-enriched biomass thus obtained.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising recovering the hemicelluloses obtained in step c.3. ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170306557A1

An omnibus process of pulping and bleaching lignocellulosic materials in which a charge of a lignocellulosic material is biopulped and/or water extracted prior to pulping and bleaching. The lignocellulosic material may be mechanically pulped and bleached in the presence of an enzyme that breaks lignin-carbohydrate complexes. 111. -. (canceled)12. A process of pulping lignocellulosic materials comprising:(a) contacting a charge of a lignocellulosic material with water, the water and charge of lignocellulosic material maintained at a temperature in the range of between about 20° C. and about 200° C. and lowering the pH to between about 0.5 and about 6.9 by producing acetic acid from the reaction of the water and lignocellulosic material for a period in the range of between about 1 minute and about 7 days, wherein an aqueous extract and extracted lignocellulosic materials are obtained; and(b) pulping said extracted lignocellulosic materials with a mixture of a hydroxide and an anthraquinone (AQ) wherein individual fibers and fiber bundles are produced.13. The process of claim 12 , wherein the hydroxide is selected from the group consisting of sodium hydroxide claim 12 , potassium hydroxide and mixtures thereof.14. The process of claim 12 , wherein the AQ is a sodium anthraquinone-2-sulfonate (SAQ).15. The process of claim 12 , wherein the AQ is a 2-methylanthraquinone (MAQ).16. The process of claim 12 , wherein the concentration of the AQ in the mixture is 0.05-0.1%. This is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/051,742, filed Feb. 24, 2016, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/603,663, filed January 23, 2015, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,273,431, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/198,754, filed Mar. 6, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,940,133, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/683,642, filed Nov. 21, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,668,806, which is a divisional of U.S. patent application ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150322626A1

Bleached polycrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers with reduced furfural content are disclosed. The reduced furfural content is accompanied by a strong reduction of malodor associated with crosslinked fibers. Methods of furfural reduction include treatment with hydrogen peroxide in the absence of alkaline or other bleaching agents subsequent to curing polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers. Some embodiments of treated polycrylic acid crosslinked cellulose fibers have a furfural content lower than 1.3 ppm. In some embodiments, the reduction of furfural content of the treated crosslinked fibers compared to untreated crosslinked fibers is at least 55%. In some embodiments, furfural content decreases with aging of the treated crosslinked fibers. 1. A method of reducing the furfural content of polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulosic fibers , the method comprising applying hydrogen peroxide alone , in a bleaching stage subsequent to a curing stage , to polyacrylic acid crosslinked cellulosic fibers , in an amount of from about 0.1 to about 20 pounds (about 0.045 to about 9.07 kg) per ADMT of fiber and at a pH of between about 4.5 and 5 , wherein the amount of furfural in the treated crosslinked fibers reduces from a first value determined at least one day after the treatment of the crosslinked fibers to a second , subsequent value determined up to 21 days after treatment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein hydrogen peroxide is applied to the fibers in an amount of from about 3.0 to about 10 pounds (about 1.36 to about 4.54 kg) per ADMT fiber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein hydrogen peroxide is applied to the fibers in an amount of about 5 pounds (2.27 kg) per ADMT fiber.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen peroxide is applied by spraying the hydrogen peroxide alone into an air stream containing the crosslinked fibers.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reduction of furfural from the first value to the second value is at least about 25%.6. The ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160326694A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A system for the delignification of plant matter impregnated with a solution of organic acid selected from acetic acid, formic acid, propionic acid, butanoic acid, or a mixture of said acids, containing said plant matter and a hydrogen peroxide composition including hydrogen peroxide and at least one phosphorus-bearing additive, the phosphorus content in the composition being higher than, or equal to, 40 ppm, expressed in weight of elemental phosphorus in relation to the total weight of the composition, for the delignification of plant matter impregnated with a solution of organic acid, said plant matter being selected from straw and/or wood or a lignocellulosic paste originating from straw and/or wood, the mass ratio of the organic acid solution, expressed in weight of solution, to the plant matter, expressed in weight of dry matter, being between 1.5:1 and 10:1. 1. System for delignifying plant matter impregnated with a solution of organic acid chosen from acetic acid , formic acid , propionic acid , butyric acid , or a mixture of these acids , containing said plant matter and a hydrogen peroxide composition comprising hydrogen peroxide and at least one phosphorus additive , the phosphorus content of the composition being greater than or equal to 40 ppm , expressed as weight of elemental phosphorus relative to the total weight of the composition , for the delignification of plant matter impregnated with a solution of organic acid chosen from acetic acid , formic acid , propionic acid , butyric acid , or a mixture of these acids , said plant matter being chosen from straw and/or wood or a lignocellulose pulp derived from straw and/or wood; the mass ratio of the organic acid solution , expressed as weight of solution , to the plant matter , expressed as weight of solids , being from 1.5:1 to 10:1.2. System as claimed in claim 1 , in which the phosphorus content is greater than or equal to 45 ppm claim 1 , expressed as weight of elemental phosphorus relative to the ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170335515A1
Автор: Buschmann Wayne E.

In some embodiments, a method may include treating pulp. The method may include contacting a wood pulp with a singlet oxygen source. The method may include contacting the wood pulp with an alkaline peroxide source. The singlet oxygen source may include a peracetate oxidant solution and generating a reactive oxygen species. The peracetate oxidant solution may include peracetate anions and a peracid. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution may include a pH from about pH 10 to about pH 12. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate anions to peracid ranging from about 60:1 to about 6000:1. In some embodiments, the peracetate solution has a molar ratio of peracetate to hydrogen peroxide of greater than about 16:1. The peracetate oxidant solution may provide enhanced treatment methods of bleaching, brightening, and delignifying pulp fibers involving the use of peracetate oxidant solutions. 1. A method of bleaching pulp , comprising:contacting a pulp with a singlet oxygen source; andcontacting the pulp with an alkaline peroxide source.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising repeatedly contacting the pulp in multiple stages with a singlet oxygen source and/or an alkaline peroxide source.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising repeatedly contacting the pulp with a singlet oxygen source and/or an alkaline peroxide source such that the resulting bleached pulp comprises a pulp brightness of about 80% ISO or greater.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising collecting a liquor and sending the liquor to a recovery boiler or a lignin recovery process.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bleached pulp comprises a pulp brightness of about 60% ISO or greater.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising contacting the pulp with an alkaline peroxide source such that the resulting bleached pulp comprises a pulp brightness of about 85% ISO or greater.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising contacting the pulp with chlorine ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Bleaching and shive reduction process for non-wood fibers

Номер: US20200332466A1
Принадлежит: GPCP IP Holdings LLC

The present invention is directed to a method for scouring and increasing the brightness of non-wood fibers. The method comprises forming a mixture of non-wood fibers, exposing the mixture to a scouring liquor and a scouring agent comprising oxygen gas to form a scouring mixture, and scouring the scouring mixture by radially circulating the scouring liquor throughout the scouring mixture to provide scoured fibers.

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190345672A1

The present invention relates to a method for bleaching an unbleached or pre-bleached paper pulp comprising at least the following consecutive steps: a) preparing an unbleached or pre-bleached paper pulp having a pH of at least 8, b) bringing the paper pulp obtained at the end of step a) into contact with chlorine dioxide, c) when the pH of the paper pulp obtained from step b) is lower than 10, adding at least one Brønsted base to the paper pulp, d) adding hydrogen peroxide to the paper pulp obtained at the end of step c), e) maintaining the paper pulp obtained at the end of step d) in a first bleaching tower, f) optionally, adding sulphuric acid to the paper pulp obtained at the end of step e) and maintaining the obtained paper pulp in a second bleaching tower, the method dispensing with the need for a step of washing the paper pulp before the end of step e), and, if applicable, before the end of step f). 1. A process for bleaching unbleached or pre-bleached paper pulp comprising at least the following successive steps:a) preparing an unbleached or pre-bleached paper pulp with a pH greater than or equal to 8,b) placing the paper pulp obtained at the end of step a) in contact with chlorine dioxide,c) when the pH of the paper pulp at the end of step b) is less than 10, add at least one Brønsted base to the paper pulp,d) adding hydrogen peroxide to the paper pulp,e) keeping the paper pulp obtained at the end of step d) in a first bleaching tower,where the process has no step of washing the paper pulp before the end of step e).2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the process further comprises the following step f):f) at the end of step e), acidifying the paper pulp and keeping it in a second bleaching tower,where the process has no step of washing the paper pulp before the end of step f).3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein at least one cellulose protective agent and a chelating and/or sequestering agent are added during step a).4. The process ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200347550A1

A modified kraft pulp fiber with unique properties is provided. The modified fiber can be a modified bleached kraft fiber that is almost indistinguishable from its conventional counterpart, except that it has a low degree of polymerization (DP). Methods for making the modified fiber and products made from it are also provided. The method can be a one step acidic, iron catalyzed peroxide treatment process that can be incorporated into a single stage of a multi-stage bleaching process. The products can be chemical cellulose feedstocks, microcrystalline cellulose feedstocks, fluff pulps and products made from them. 1247-. (canceled)248. A fluff pulp comprising a kraft fiber bleached according to a multi-stage bleaching process , wherein at least one stage of the bleaching process comprises oxidizing the kraft fiber with at least one peroxide and at least one catalyst under acidic conditions , wherein the at least one catalyst comprises copper or a combination of copper and iron , and wherein the kraft fiber has an aldehyde content ranging from about 1 meq/100 g to about 9 meq/100 g , a carboxyl content of at least about 3 meq/100 g , a 0.5% capillary CED viscosity of less than about 10 mPa·s an ISO brightness of at least about 88 , and a length-weighted average fiber length of at least about 2 mm.249. The fluff pulp of claim 248 , wherein the at least one catalyst comprises copper sulfate.250. The fluff pulp of claim 248 , wherein the at least one catalyst comprises a combination of a copper catalyst and an iron catalyst and the iron catalyst comprises at least one of ferrous sulfate claim 248 , ferrous chloride claim 248 , ferrous ammonium sulfate claim 248 , ferric chloride claim 248 , ferric ammonium sulfate claim 248 , and ferric ammonium citrate.251. The fluff pulp of claim 249 , wherein the copper sulfate is added in an amount ranging from about 100 to about 200 ppm copper based on the dry weight of the kraft fiber252. The fluff pulp of claim 250 , wherein the ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200385928A1

The present technology is directed to fluff pulps with improved odor control as well as methods of making such fluff pulps. A fluff pulp is provided that includes a bleached kraft fiber and a copper ion content from about 0.2 ppm to about 50 ppm by weight of the bleached kraft fiber. The bleached kraft fiber includes a length-weighted average fiber length of at least about 2 mm, a copper number of less than about 7, a carboxyl content of more than about 3.5 meq/100 grams; an ISO brightness of at least 80; and a viscosity from about 2 cps to about 9 cps. 1. A fluff pulp comprising: a length-weighted average fiber length of at least about 2 mm;', 'a copper number of less than about 7; and', 'a ISO brightness of at least 80, and, 'bleached kraft fiber comprising'}a copper ion content from about 0.2 ppm to about 50 ppm by weight of the bleached kraft fiber.2. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein copper ions of the copper ion content comprise a copper (I) salt claim 1 , a copper (II) salt claim 1 , hydrates thereof claim 1 , or a combination of any two or more thereof.3. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein copper ions of the copper ion content comprise one or more of elemental copper claim 1 , copper (I) chloride claim 1 , copper (I) oxide claim 1 , copper (I) sulfate claim 1 , copper (II) carbonate claim 1 , copper (II) chloride claim 1 , copper (II) phosphate claim 1 , copper(II) nitrate claim 1 , copper (II) perchlorate claim 1 , copper (II) phosphate claim 1 , copper (II) sulfate claim 1 , copper (II) tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , and copper (II) triflate.4. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein the fluff pulp further comprises iron ions.5. The fluff pulp of claim 4 , wherein the fluff pulp comprises an iron ion content from about 0.2 ppm to about 50 ppm by weight of the bleached kraft fiber.6. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein the fluff pulp does not comprise a super-absorbent polymer (SAP).7. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , wherein the fluff pulp has a carboxyl content of ...

19-11-2003 дата публикации

Chemical method for lignin depolymerization

Номер: EP1025305B1
Принадлежит: Individual

06-02-2008 дата публикации

Bleaching of chemical pulp with peracid

Номер: EP1040222B1
Принадлежит: Kemira Agro Oy, KEMIRA OYJ

28-06-2001 дата публикации

Peroxyacid delivery process

Номер: WO2001046519A1
Принадлежит: Warwick International Group Limited

In a peroxyacid delivery process for the continuous generation of peroxyacid from hydrogen peroxide solution (5) and bleach activator (10) mixed together in a tank (1), the pH of the mixture is adjusted by the addition or injection of an alkaline material (16) selected from the group consisting of sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and magnesium oxide under vigorous mixing conditions such as are provided by an in-line mixer (14) within which the Froude number is at least 1. Preferably the output of mixer (14) is fed though a pipe (18), which may be coiled through a cooling tank (19) for heat dissipation, to provide a residence time of 4 to 25 minutes for completion of the reaction without degradation of the product, which may be used for pulp bleaching. Preferably an excess of hydrogen peroxide is present, and sequestrant (3) is incorporated in the peroxide-activator mixture.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibres to be used in the production of moulded bodies from regenerated cellulose

Номер: WO2015077807A1
Принадлежит: Lenzing AG

A process for pretreating reclaimed cotton fibres to be used in the production of moulded bodies from regenerated cellulose, characterized by effective metal reduction and adjustment of the degree of polymerization and brightness, including a metal removing stage and an oxidative bleaching stage of the reclaimed cotton fibres or pulp produced thereof. Reclaimed cotton fibres treated according to the described process may be used alone or in blends with conventional dissolving pulp as raw material for the production of moulded bodies from regenerated cellulose. The process enables technically smooth, safe, and economically feasible spinning via the Viscose or Lyocell process, therefore, the current invention provides an efficient recycling pathway for cotton waste materials.

03-11-2022 дата публикации

Bleaching Trichomes to Remove Proteins

Номер: US20220349123A1

A process for bleaching trichome fibers individualized from a trichome source, such as a leaf and/or a stem, is disclosed. The process of bleaching degrades trichome associated protein. Further, the bleaching processes improves the color of the trichomes. 1. A process of treating individualized trichomes to remove proteins , whereby the process comprises:a. selecting a trichome containing biomass;b. individualizing the trichomes from the biomass, wherein the trichomes have a protein content;c. wetting the trichomes;d. reacting the trichomes with a reactant comprising at least one one of a chlorite, a peroxide, and a peracid;e. removing the trichomes from the reaction; andf. measuring the protein content of the reacted trichomes;wherein protein present in the individualized trichomes is reacted with the reactant to break down the protein via oxidation, yielding individualized trichomes with less than 0.1% protein by weight of molecular weight greater than 3,500 daltons.2. The process of wherein the peracid is peracetic acid.3. The process of wherein peracetic acid is generated by reacting N claim 2 ,N claim 2 ,N′ claim 2 ,N′-Tetraacetylethylenediamine with hydrogen peroxide.4. The process of wherein the temperature of the reacting step d is maintained above 20° C.5. The process of wherein the pH of the reacting step d is maintained above 5.0.6. The process of wherein the reaction of the reacting step d is for greater than 1 minute.7Stachys byzantina.. The process of wherein the biomass is from8. A process of treating individualized trichomes to remove proteins claim 1 , whereby the process comprises:a. selecting a trichome containing biomass;b. individualizing the trichomes from the biomass, wherein the trichomes have a protein content;c. wetting the trichomes;d. reacting the trichomes with a first reactant;e. reacting the trichomes with a second reactant;f. removing the trichomes from the second reaction; andg. measuring the protein content of the reacted trichomes; ...

27-10-1998 дата публикации

Process for producing hydrogen peroxide

Номер: US5827493A
Автор: Henry Ledon
Принадлежит: Chemoxal SA

A method using auto-oxidation of an anthraquinone derivative in three successive steps, comprising hydrogenating the working solution (at 1), oxidizing the hydrogenated working solution (at 2), and removing hydrogen peroxide using water (at 3). The hydrogenation step is performed in such a way that a hydrogen peroxide equivalent of around 7.9 g/l is achieved at the inlet of the oxidizer (2), and the oxidation step (b) is performed in such a way that the temperature at the top of the oxidizer (2) is below about 50° C., and preferably around 35°-40° C. The method is useful for producing hydrogen peroxide in situ in a paper pulp bleaching plant.

27-11-2012 дата публикации

Product and processes from an integrated forest biorefinery

Номер: US8317975B2

An omnibus process of pulping and bleaching lignocellulosic materials in which a charge of a lignocellulosic material is biopulped and/or water extracted prior to pulping and bleaching. The lignocellulosic material may be mechanically pulped and bleached in the presence of an enzyme that breaks lignin-carbohydrate complexes. The aqueous extract in embodiments including a water extract step is separated into acetic acid and hemicellulose sugar aqueous solutions.

22-05-2019 дата публикации

Materiales de empaque que tienen celulosa oxidada.

Номер: MX2018014721A
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH

Esta descripción se refiere a materiales de empaque mejorados que contienen celulosa oxidada. Más particularmente, esta descripción se refiere a materiales de empaque mejorados que contienen celulosa oxidada que presenta uno o más de control de olor mejorado y / o propiedades antimicrobianas mejoradas. Esta divulgación se refiere además al uso de celulosa oxidada en materiales de empaque como un agente antifalsificación, y métodos de prueba para la misma.

23-12-2004 дата публикации

Method for producing corn stalk pulp and paper products from corn stalk pulp

Номер: US20040256065A1
Принадлежит: CORN PULP AND PAPER Inc

A new method for making pulp out of agricultural residue includes harvesting certain portion of plant stalk. The harvested plant stalk is bailed, transported and stored. At the mill, the plant stalk is chopped and goes through pulping process. The pulp is used to make varieties of papers with or without blending other wood based pulp.

27-11-1997 дата публикации

Method of delignification and bleaching of lignocellulose-containing pulp

Номер: RU2097462C1

FIELD: pulp-and-paper industry. SUBSTANCE: lignocellulose- containing pulp is delignificated by a peracid or its salt, treated with complexing agent and then bleached with chlorine-free bleaching agent. may be performed with strongly oxidizing peracetic acid, whereas chlorine-free bleaching agent includes at least one peroxide- containing compound, ozone or sodium dithionite, or their mixtures. Delignification and treatment with complexing agent should be advantageously carried out at pH value close to neutral. Final bleaching may be effected by ozone and hydrogen peroxide. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency of process. 11 cl, 5 tbl сС97У16 0с ПЧ Го РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК ВИ” 2 097 462 ' 13) С1 О 21 С 9/00, 9/10, 9/16 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 95114367/12, 26.05.1995 (30) Приоритет: 27.11.1992 ЗЕ 9203585-6 (46) Дата публикации: 27.11.1997 (56) Ссылки: 1. ЕР, патент, 0402335, кл. О 21 С 9/10, 1990. 2. ЕР, патент, 0480469, кл. О 21 С 9/1 47, 1992. 3. Ц$, патент, 5091054, кл. О 21 С 9/147, 1992. (86) Заявка РСТ: ЗЕ 9301019 (25.11.93) (71) Заявитель: Ека Нобель Актиеболаг (3Е) (72) Изобретатель: Магнус Линстен[ЗЕ], Иири Баста[5Е], Анна-Софи Хелльстрем[5Е] (73) Патентообладатель: Ека Нобель Актиеболаг (Е) (54) СПОСОБ ДЕЛИГНИФИКАЦИИ И ОТБЕЛИВАНИЯ ЛИГНОЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗОСОДЕРЖАЩЕЙ ПУЛЬПЫ (57) Реферат: Использование: в целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности, при делигнификации и отбеливании лигноцеллюлозосодержащей пульпы. Сущность изобретения: лигноцеллюлозосодержащую пульпу делигнифицируют перкислотой или ее солью. Обрабатывают комплексообразующим агентом и затем отбеливают отбеливателем, не содержащим хлор. Делигнификацию возможно осуществлять сильно окисляющей перуксусной кислотой. После отбеливания отбеливателем, не содержащим хлора и включающим по крайней мере одно из пероксидсодержащих соединений, озон или дитионит натрия, или по выбору их последовательности или смеси, делигнификацию и обработку ...

02-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: DE69302020D1
Принадлежит: Kvaerner Pulping Technologies AB

23-07-2009 дата публикации

Silica composition

Номер: WO2009090150A1
Принадлежит: Bim Kemi Ab

The invention relates to a composition comprising a mixture of a silica compound and an alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide in an aqueous solvent, characterised in that the silica compound and the alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide together form the major part of the non-solvent matter of the composition. The invention also relates to a method for producing said composition comprising adding an alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide and a silica compound to an aqueous medium to form an aqueous mixture, and allowing said aqueous mixture to stand. The invention also relates to a method for treating cellulosic fibres using said composition.

29-07-2009 дата публикации

Silica composition

Номер: EP2083117A1
Принадлежит: Bim Kemi Ab

The invention relates to a composition comprising a mixture of a silica compound and an alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide in an aqueous solvent, characterised in that the silica compound and the alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide together form the major part of the non-solvent matter of the composition. The invention also relates to a method for producing said composition comprising adding an alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide and a silica compound to an aqueous medium to form an aqueous mixture, and allowing said aqueous mixture to stand. The invention also relates to a method for treating cellulosic fibres using said composition.

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Silica composition

Номер: EP2592185A1
Принадлежит: Bim Kemi Ab

The invention relates to a composition comprising a mixture of a silica compound and an alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide in an aqueous solvent, characterised in that the silica compound and the alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide together form the major part of the non-solvent matter of the composition. The invention also relates to a method for producing said composition comprising adding an alkaline earth metal oxide or alkaline earth metal hydroxide and a silica compound to an aqueous medium to form an aqueous mixture, and allowing said aqueous mixture to stand. The invention also relates to a method for treating cellulosic fibres using said composition.

22-09-2020 дата публикации

Rice straw papermaking method

Номер: CN111691221A
Автор: 刘艳凤


29-06-2018 дата публикации

With acid bleaching sequence manufacture high functionalization's low-viscosity sulfur silicate fiber method and thus technique manufacture fiber

Номер: CN105121735B
Принадлежит: GP Cellulose GMbH


27-01-2010 дата публикации

Method of producing high alpha-cellulose pulp

Номер: RU2380466C1
Принадлежит: Акцо Нобель Н.В.

FIELD: chemistry. ^ SUBSTANCE: method involves a) chemical treatment of substance containing lignocellulose through an oxidative system which contains at least one non-enzymatic oxidising agent and an activator at pH ranging from approximately 2 to approximately 6.5 and b) mechanical treatment of the substance containing lignocellulose during a period time sufficient for obtaining high alpha-cellulose pulp, where the lignocellulose-containing substance is chemically treated before and/or during any stage for mechanical treatment, and where the lignocellulose-containing substance is not chemically treated at pH ranging from approximately 11.5 to approximately 14 between stages a) and b). ^ EFFECT: reduced energy consumption, simplification of the method without need for considerable capital investments and improved quality of the end product. ^ 15 cl, 8 dwg, 6 ex, 6 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 380 466 (13) C1 (51) МПК D21B D21B D21B 1/00 1/02 1/16 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 02.12.2005 EP 05111643.2 (73) Патентообладатель(и): АКЦО НОБЕЛЬ Н.В. (NL) (45) Опубликовано: 27.01.2010 Бюл. № 3 2 3 8 0 4 6 6 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 4849053 А, 18.07.1989. ЕР 0494519 A1, 15.07.1992. GB 1505076 A, 22.03.1978. WO 9722749 A1, 26.06.1997. WO 9954544 A1, 28.10.1999. RU 2015234 C1, 30.06.1994. RU 2106447 C1, 10.03.1998. RU 9422620 A1, 20.02.1996. RU 95113478 A1, 27.05.1997. 2 3 8 0 4 6 6 R U (86) Заявка PCT: SE 2006/050460 (08.11.2006) C 1 C 1 (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 02.07.2008 (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2007/064287 (07.06.2007) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. А.В.Мицу, рег.№ 364 (54) СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗЫ С ВЫСОКИМ СОДЕРЖАНИЕМ АЛЬФА-ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗЫ (57) Реферат: Способ касается ...

27-12-1996 дата публикации

Method of delignifying and bleaching lignin-cellulose pulp

Номер: RU95114367A

Изобретение относится к способу делигнификации и отбеливания лигноцеллюлозосодержащей пульпы, в котором пульпу делигнифицируют перкислотой или ее солью, обрабатывают комплексообразующим агентом и затем отбеливают отбеливателем, не содержащим хлор. Делигнификацию возможно осуществлять сильно окисляющей перуксусной кислотой, что приводит к заметному увеличению степени белизны и заметному уменьшению числа каппа после отбеливания отбеливателем, не содержащим хлора, и включающим по крайней мере одно из пероксидсодержащего соединения, озона или дитионита натрия или по выбору их последовательности или смеси. Эффект, выражающийся в увеличении степени белизны, является чрезвычайно селективным, т.е. вязкость пульпы поддерживают по сравнительно высокой степени. Как делигнификацию, так и обработку комплексообразующим агентом целесообразно осуществлять при pH, близком к нейтральному, что сводит к минимуму необходимость в регулировании pH и предоставляет возможность для внутреннего использования отработанного отбелочного раствора, например, для промывки пульпы. При конечном отбеливании озоном и перекисью водорода посредством предлагаемого способа можно получить пульпы мягкой древесины, имеющие степень белизны, превосходящую 90% ИСО, и удалить из пульпы практически весь лигнин при поддержании достаточной концентрации пульпы.
