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14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682016C2

Изобретение относится к системам связи для транспортных средств. Технический результат заключается в возможности бесперебойной передачи данных между транспортными средствами. Предложено транспортное средство, которое включает в себя интерфейс связи, запоминающее устройство и устройство обработки. Интерфейс связи выполнен с возможностью обмена данными по сети связи. Запоминающее устройство выполнено с возможностью хранения карты связности для определенной географической области. Карта связности содержит данные о качестве связи в нескольких местах, находящихся в пределах географической области. Устройство обработки выполнено с возможностью инициировать удаленную передачу данных по сети связи в соответствии с картой связности. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

16-03-2022 дата публикации

Способ и устройство для получения набора параметров

Номер: RU2767049C1

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи, а именно к получению набора параметров, касающихся соединения устройств. Техническим результатом является обеспечение поддержки различных конфигураций наборов параметров при связи по прямому соединению NR V2x и предоставление дифференцированных наборов параметров для различных видов связи по прямому соединению V2x, что гарантирует выполнение дифференцированных требований QoS для услуг связи по прямому соединению. Для этого при получении набора параметров оборудованием пользователя для связи по прямому соединению осуществляют получение целевого набора параметров на основе информации о конфигурации, передаваемой базовой станцией, причем целевой набор параметров соответствует подлежащей передаче информации, и информация о конфигурации содержит целевой набор параметров оборудования пользователя для передачи подлежащей передаче информации, причем подлежащая передаче информация включает в себя по меньшей мере один из следующих типов информации ...

07-09-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020101950A3

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695037C1

Группа изобретений относится к предоставлению инструкций ведения по маршруту транспортных средств без функциональной возможности навигации. Группа изобретений содержит беспроводной приемопередатчик для связи со вторым транспортным средством, процессор и пользовательский интерфейс. Причем процессор сконфигурирован отправлять второму транспортному средству запрос инструкций ведения по маршруту до пункта назначения и принимать от второго транспортного средства последовательность навигационных указаний до пункта назначения. Последовательность навигационных указаний, по меньшей мере, как одно из звуковых сообщений и текстовых сообщений представляется на пользовательском интерфейсе. Обеспечивается ведение по маршруту транспортных средств без функциональной возможности навигации. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы. 4 ил.

19-11-2019 дата публикации

Бортовое устройство связи транспортного средства и транспортное средство

Номер: RU2706506C1

Изобретение относится к системам безопасности транспортного средства. Бортовое устройство связи транспортного средства содержит модуль связи, модуль инструкций и модуль уведомления. Модуль связи передает и принимает через беспроводную связь между рассматриваемым транспортным средством и другими транспортными средствами, расположенными в его окрестности, информацию намерений, связанную с намерением пассажира транспортного средства. Модуль инструкций принимает инструкции передачи от пассажира рассматриваемого транспортного средства и предписывает передачу информации намерений в модуль связи. Модуль уведомления уведомляет пассажира рассматриваемого транспортного средства в отношении информации намерений пассажира другого транспортного средства, принимаемой посредством модуля связи. Достигается повышение безопасности эксплуатации транспортного средства. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил.

06-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2754682C1

Изобретение относится к области технологии сетей связи. Техническим результатом является обеспечение адаптации сети к режиму работы и/или требованиям к ресурсам приложения V2X «транспортное средство, подключенное ко «всему». Упомянутый технический результат достигается тем, что устройство выполнено с возможностью определения требования к сервису V2X на основе сетевого параметра сети и/или на основе требования приложения для приложения V2X сервиса V2X, причем требование содержит по меньшей мере одно из качества сервиса, QoS, режима работы и требования к ресурсам. Устройство выполнено с возможностью передачи сообщения запроса адаптации, содержащего требование для адаптации к требованию. 6 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2720072C1

Группа изобретений относится к средствам оценки шаблона использования транспортного средства. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности совместного использования транспортного средства. Для этого предложено вычислительное устройство, которое включает в себя схему обработки и запоминающий носитель для данных. Схема обработки запрограммирована принимать первые данные использования транспортного средства, связанные с первым пользователем, и вторые данные использования транспортного средства, связанные со вторым пользователем. Устройство обработки может идентифицировать первый шаблон, связанный с первыми данными использования транспортного средства, идентифицировать второй шаблон, связанный со вторыми данными использования транспортного средства, и определять, является ли первый шаблон взаимодополняющим со вторым шаблоном. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

17-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719056C1

Информационная коммуникационная система для передачи информации между сервером и множеством транспортных средств содержит множество транспортных средств (100) и сервер (200), выполненный с возможностью связи с множеством транспортных средств (100). Сервер (200) выполнен с возможностью осуществления связи при помощи либо первого режима связи, либо второго режима связи. В первом режиме связи сервер (200) принимает информацию индивидуально от каждого транспортного средства из множества транспортных средств (100) и передает информацию индивидуально на каждое транспортное средство из множества транспортных средств (100). Во втором режиме связи сервер (200) принимает информацию от части транспортных средств из множества транспортных средств (100) и передает информацию на часть транспортных средств из множества транспортных средств (100), при этом информация распространяется среди множества транспортных средств (100) при помощи связи между транспортными средствами. Система позволяет существенно ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for detecting and processing vehicle-relevant information in driver assistance system of car, involves detecting sensor of vehicle, and transmitting data that is transferred to vehicle-external server to vehicle

Номер: DE102012022563A1

The method involves detecting a sensor of a first vehicle (1) and a unique identifier (3-1) of a second vehicle (2-1) in a surrounding. Data on the detected unique identifier of the second vehicle is automatically transferred to a vehicle-external server. The data transferred to the vehicle-external server is transmitted to the first vehicle. Direction of travel and position of the second vehicle are recorded according to the first vehicle. Judgment is made to check whether route of the second vehicle is matched with route of the first vehicle. An independent claim is also included for a system for detecting and processing vehicle-relevant information.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug mit nachträglich per Anwendungsprogramm veränderbarem Fahrverhalten

Номер: DE102013003040A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kraftfahrzeug (10) mit einer Prozessoreinrichtung (20), die dazu eingerichtet ist, Anwendungsprogramme in einer ersten Kommunikationszone (K1) auszuführen, und mit einer Speichereinrichtung (42) für Fahrzeug-Steuerdaten, durch welche ein Fahrverhalten des Kraftfahrzeugs (10) festgelegt ist. Die Speichereinrichtung (42) ist in einer zweiter Kommunikationszone (K2) des Kraftfahrzeugs (10) angeordnet. Der Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, eine nachträgliche Veränderung der Fahrzeug-Steuerdaten durch ein Anwendungsprogramm zu ermöglichen und hierbei aber einen Schutz gegen eine unerwünschte Manipulation der Fahrzeug-Steuerdaten bereitzustellen. Die erste und die zweite Kommunikationszone (K1, K2) sind hierzu durch eine Überwachungseinrichtung (16) gekoppelt, die dazu ausgebildet ist, neue Daten, die ein Anwendungsprogramm von der ersten Kommunikationszone (K1) aus in die zweite Kommunikationszone (K2) zu übertragen versucht, nur dann in die zweite Kommunikationszone ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Erweiterte physische Signalstruktur für LTE-V2V-Kommunikation

Номер: DE112015006792T5
Принадлежит: INTEL CORP, Intel Corporation

Ein Fahrzeug kann über einen physischen Kanal (einen Kanal von Fahrzeug zu Fahrzeug (V2V)), der unter Ausbreitungsbedingungen hoher Mobilität robust und zuverlässig ist, mit einem anderen Fahrzeug drahtlos kommunizieren. Der physische Kanal kann durch Modifizieren eines existierenden physischen Kanals von Long-Term Evolution (LTE), wie etwa eines Kanals der LTE Sidelink (SL), erzeugt werden. Zum Beispiel kann der physische V2V-Kanal durch Vergrößern der Subträgerbeabstandung von veralteten LTE-Kanälen (z.B. von 15 Kilohertz (kHz) auf 30 kHz) um einen bestimmten Faktor erzeugt werden. Außerdem kann eine Symboldauer und eine Größe der schnellen Fouriertransformation (FFT) für den physischen V2V-Kanal jeweils um denselben Faktor verringert werden. Dadurch kann Implementierung des physischen V2V-Kanals ohne signifikante Modifikationen anderer Aspekte des LTE-Standards ermöglicht werden.

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017001387T5

Ein System für die Kommunikation zwischen mobilen Körpern umfasst Folgendes: eine Sendevorrichtung (1a) eines mobilen Körpers, die für einen ersten mobilen Körper (2a) verwendbar ist und erste mobile Informationen überträgt; und eine Empfangsvorrichtung eines mobilen Körpers (2b), die für einen zweiten mobilen Körper (2b) verwendet wird und die ersten mobilen Informationen empfängt. Die Vorrichtung zur Übertragung zwischen mobilen Körpern umfasst Folgendes: einen indirekten Sender (41), der Informationen über eine Basisstation überträgt; einen direkten Sender (31), der Informationen mit einer Direktübertragung überträgt; und eine Übertragungssteuerung (53, 53a), die den indirekten Sender und den direkten Sender steuert, um eine identische erste mobile Information zu übertragen. Die Empfangsvorrichtung für den mobilen Körper umfasst Folgendes: einen indirekten Empfänger (42), der die erste mobile Information aufnimmt, die vom indirekten Sender über die Basisstation übertragen wird; und einen ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016000583B4

Fahrzeugkommunikationseinrichtung, die für ein Fahrzeug verwendet wird, umfassend:einen Empfangsabschnitt (31, 32), der von einem Peripheriefahrzeug, das mit einem Fernverkehrskommunikator ausgerüstet ist, um ein Fernverkehrsnetz zum Durchführen einer Kommunikation zu verbinden, einen Kommunikationsleistungsindex empfängt, der ein Leistungsvermögen des Fernverkehrskommunikators repräsentiert;einen Referenzwerteinstellabschnitt (S13, S14), der auf der Grundlage der von dem Empfangsabschnitt von einer Vielzahl der Peripheriefahrzeuge empfangenen Kommunikationsleistungsindizes sukzessive einen Referenzwert als ein Kriterium für den Kommunikationsleistungsindex festlegt;einen Beschaffungsabschnitt (S24, S29), der den Kommunikationsleistungsindex für einen Ziel-Fernverkehrskommunikator beschafft, wobei ein Ziel-Fernverkehrskommunikator der Fernverkehrskommunikator ist, auf den eine Anomalieermittlung abzielt; undeinen Anomalieermittlungsabschnitt (S25, S30), der eine Anomalie des Ziel-Fernverkehrskommunikators ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Autonomes Abschleppen von Fahrzeugen

Номер: DE102018103787A1

Ein Computer beinhaltet einen Prozessor und einen Speicher, der Anweisungen speichert, die durch den Prozessor ausführbar sind, sodass der Computer zu Folgendem programmiert ist: Anweisen, dass ein Host-Fahrzeug einem Führungsfahrzeug folgt; Überwachen des Fahrverhaltens des Führungsfahrzeugs; und Anweisen, dass das Host-Fahrzeug aufhört, dem Führungsfahrzeug zu folgen, auf Grundlage einer anormalen Fahrhandlung des Führungsfahrzeugs.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines autonomen, straßengebundenen Fahrzeugs, straßengebundenes autonomes Fahrzeug und Verkehrsführungssystem

Номер: DE102019210468A1

Im Rahmen eines erfindungsgemäßen Verfahrens zum Betrieb eines autonomen, straßengebundenen ersten Fahrzeugs (10), das dazu eingerichtet ist, in zwei einander entgegensetzten Fahrtrichtungen (4,8) auf gleiche Weise bewegt werden zu können, wird verfahrensgemäß in einem ersten Verfahrensschritt ermittelt, ob aufgrund eines weiterführenden Routenverlaufs ein Wechsel der Fahrtrichtung (4,8) des ersten Fahrzeugs (10) erforderlich ist, in einem zweiten Verfahrensschritt das erste Fahrzeug (10) im Wesentlichen entlang einer bisherigen Fahrtrichtung (4) einer der entgegengesetzten Fahrtrichtung (8) zugeordneten, benachbarten Fahrspur (6) angenähert, in einem dritten Verfahrensschritt zum Vorbereiten eines Einfädelns in die benachbarte Fahrspur (6) unter Umkehr der Fahrtrichtung an wenigstens ein auf dieser Fahrspur (6) befindliches, entgegenkommendes zweites Fahrzeug (18) eine erste Information über den beabsichtigen Wechsel des ersten Fahrzeugs (10) auf diese Fahrspur (6) übermittelt wird, und ...

18-06-2014 дата публикации

Monitoring device

Номер: GB0201407952D0

31-01-2018 дата публикации

System and method for sharing preset radio stations using a wireless network

Номер: GB0201721276D0

07-04-2021 дата публикации

System and method for determining a wet road condition

Номер: GB0002587613A

A system and method for determining a wet road condition comprises the steps of: receiving a value of the received signal strength index (RSSI) of a radio frequency (RF) signal received from a sensor associated with a wheel of a vehicle; comparing the RSSI value to a threshold; and, if the RSSI is less than the threshold, determining that a wet road condition is met and outputting a pre-aquaplaning warning signal. This works because the RSSI is affected by water in the surroundings commonly known as “rain fade” (e.g. see fig. 4 for wet W vs. dry D conditions). The warning may include triggering a passive warning to the vehicle driver; outputting the warning to an active vehicle control system, such as the anti-lock braking system (ABS) or electronic stability program (ESP); or transmitting it externally, for example using wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V, Car2Car) communication or vehicle to infrastructure communication (V2X, Car2X). The system may also include a camera and/or rain sensor ...

04-11-2015 дата публикации

Crowd enhanced connectivity map for data transfer intermittency mitigation

Номер: GB0002525750A

A vehicle (100 fig.1) includes a communication interface (120 fig.2), to communicate over a communication network, a memory device (125 fig.2), and a processing device (135 fig.2). The memory device stores a connectivity map defining a communication quality at a plurality of locations in a geographic area. The processing device initiates 315 a remote data transfer over the communication network in accordance with the connectivity map, e.g. if the communication quality at one of the plurality of locations exceeds a threshold. The connectivity map may be updated if an observed data transfer quality is different from the communication quality defined by the connectivity map. Additionally, the processing device may determine 320 whether there is sufficient time to complete the data transfer based on factors such as amount of data to be transferred, transfer speed, distance between locations and speed of vehicle when determining whether the data transfer can be completed before reaching a dead ...

28-03-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle communication system and method

Номер: GB0002554135A

When managing a vehicle convoy, the first (leader) vehicle broadcasts a convoy setup invitation message and receives a confirmation message from a second (follower) vehicle accepting the convoy setup invitation; it then sends convoy data messages to the second vehicle which comprise data required to maintain the vehicle convoy such as depth of recent wading events, wading configuration, terrain mode settings, speed, speed variations, wheel articulation, wheel slip, GPS data, tyre pressure, multimedia, available channels etc. Multiple communications systems including LTE-V, LTE-direct and/or a dedicated short-range system are used, the confirmation message indicating the preferred system. A first vehicle receives a message from a second vehicle providing an indication of the communication channels / modes available, and the first vehicle sends a message to the second vehicle using a first communications channel / mode, requesting that the second vehicle forwards the message on a second communications ...

25-12-2019 дата публикации

Network and control thereof

Номер: GB0002574908A

A method of controlling a network (1), including a first UE (100) and a second UE (200), is described. The first UE (100) determines and transmits first information related to the network(1) amongst a first set and corresponding second information related to the first UE (100) amongst a second set. The second UE (200) receives the transmitted first information and the transmitted corresponding second information and determines a first state amongst a set of states of the network based on the transmitted first information and the transmitted corresponding second information, responsive to receiving the transmitted first information andthe transmitted corresponding second information. A network (1) and a UE (100, 200) are also described. The method may be applied to Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems C-ITS, Vehicle to Vehicle, Vehicle to Everything systems V2V, V2X. The invention is concerned with predicting and mitigating against QOS changes which may impact on safety.

16-06-2021 дата публикации

Communication methods and devices in intelligent transport systems

Номер: GB0002589848A

An ITS station receives a plurality of VRU awareness messages (VAMs) each sent by a vulnerable road user (VRU). The ITS station generates a VAM aggregation message for transmission to other ITS stations. The VAM aggregation message references a certificate so that a receiving ITS station can check whether the content of the VAM aggregation message is allowed by the certificate and can conclude whether or not it can trust the originating ITS station and the content of the VAM aggregation message. Based on the certificate, the VAM aggregation message may be accepted or rejected. A second VAM may be sent using a different transmission scheme to that of a first VAM.

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Monitoring device

Номер: GB0201614759D0

28-11-2018 дата публикации

Network and control thereof

Номер: GB0201816640D0

10-07-2019 дата публикации

Communication methods and devices in intelligent transport systems

Номер: GB0201907461D0

23-05-2018 дата публикации

Diagnosis of an acoustic vehicle alerting system (avas) based on exisiting sensors

Номер: GB0201805888D0

06-06-2018 дата публикации

Camera assisted vehicle lamp diagnosis via vehicle-to-vehicle communication

Номер: GB0201806511D0

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Light based vehicle-device communications

Номер: GB0201808288D0

04-04-2018 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle towing

Номер: GB0201802725D0

25-01-2023 дата публикации

Trajectory planning of vehicles using route information

Номер: GB0002609151A

A method comprising receiving (706, 708, fig 7A) information indicating a presence of an object operating in an environment; determining (712) a trajectory representative a future travel of the object, the trajectory including at least a position, a speed, and a direction of the future travel of the object; determining (722) an expected route of the object, wherein the expected route is pre-planned and includes an expected future position of the object at a future time; comparing 726 the trajectory of the object to the expected route of the object; and in accordance with the comparison that the trajectory of the object is inconsistent with the expected route of the object, updating 736 the trajectory of the object based on decreasing 734 an emphasis of the expected route of the object ...

13-07-2022 дата публикации

Minimum communication range for MAC TB

Номер: GB0002602774A

Apparatuses, methods, and systems are disclosed for MAC TB formation and MCR selection. One apparatus 500 includes a processor 505 that identifies 705 sidelink ("SL") logical channel ("LCH") data having different minimum communication range ("MCR") and multiplexes 710 the SL LCH data having different MCR into a same medium access control ("MAC") transmission block ("TB"). The apparatus 500 includes a transceiver 525 that transmits 715 the MAC TB according to a longest MCR among the SL LCHs included in the MAC TB.

20-09-2023 дата публикации

Communication methods and devices in intelligent transport systems

Номер: GB0002616686A

A method for communicating in an Intelligent Transport System, ITS, comprising ITS stations, the method comprising the following steps at a receiving ITS station of a Vulnerable Road User, VRU: transmitting a first VRU Awareness Message, VAM, to a Collective Perception Message CPM, originating ITS station, the first VAM describing the VRU associated with the receiving ITS station; receiving a CPM, from a CPM originating ITS station, the CPM characterizing a plurality of Vulnerable Road Users; determining whether the VRU associated with the receiving ITS station is characterized within the received CPM; and if so, skipping transmission of a second VAM to the originating ITS station; otherwise, transmitting a second VAM to the CPM originating ITS station.

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503318T

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Platooning method, apparatus and system of autonomous driving platoon

Номер: AU2019399877A1

Provided is a platooning method of autonomous driving platoon, comprising: according to the application platooning request message, obtaining the first vehicle type and first kinematics information of the vehicle to be platooned, the second vehicle type and second kinematics information of the current tail vehicle in the queue of the vehicle to which the vehicle to be platooned is to be added, the first sensor and working status information of the vehicle to be platooned, and second sensor and working status information of the vehicle of each vehicle in the queue of the vehicle to which the vehicle to be platooned is to be added; performing vehicle kinematics judgment to generate a kinematics judgment result; performing sensor judgment to generate a sensor judgment result; when all the judgments are passed, sending the confirmation request message to the vehicle-mounted device of the head vehicle in the queue of the vehicle to which the vehicle to be platooned is to be added; after receiving ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Automated air traffic communications

Номер: AU2020204002B2

AUTOMATED AIR TRAFFIC COMMUNICATIONS Apparatus and methods related to aviation communications are included. A computing device (400) can receive position data indicating a position of an aerial vehicle. The position can include an altitude. The computing device (400) can determine, from a plurality of possible airspace classifications, a first airspace classification at the position of the aerial vehicle, where each airspace classification specifies one or more communication parameters for communication within an associated airspace. The computing device (400) can select, from a plurality of communication repositories, a first communication repository that is associated with the first airspace classification, where each communication repository specifies a set of pre-defined communication components for at least one associated airspace classification. The computing device (400) can generate a communication related to the aerial vehicle using the first communication repository. The computing ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for selecting carrier and communication device

Номер: AU2018331013A1
Автор: TANG HAI, TANG, Hai
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Disclosed in the present application are a method for selecting a carrier and a communication device. The method comprises: obtaining channel busy ratios (CBRs) of a plurality of candidate carriers; performing filtering on the CBRs of the plurality of carriers to obtain filtered CBRs of the plurality of carriers; and selecting a carrier among the plurality of carriers according to the filtered CBRs of the plurality of carriers. Therefore, by performing filtering on measurement results of CBRs of a plurality of carriers and selecting a carrier among the plurality of carriers based on the filtered CBRs of the plurality of carriers, the present invention reduces the carrier switching frequency to ensure system stability while implementing selection of a carrier.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Safe driving assistance device

Номер: AU2018329306A1

An objective of the present invention is to issue an alert of a collision risk in a mine, etc., with high precision and assist with safe driving. Provided is a safe driving assistance device 112, comprising: a region setting unit 269 for setting a collision risk assessment region used for an assessment of the presence of a collision risk for a host vehicle 110; and an assessment unit 268 for setting a host vehicle collision risk assessment region 511 constituting a collision risk assessment region of the host vehicle on the basis of travel data relating to the host vehicle, specifications of the host vehicle, and environment data acquired by the host vehicle, causing a vehicle-to-vehicle communication device 116 to acquire an other vehicle collision risk assessment region 531 set by another vehicle for which collision risk with the host vehicle 110 is assessed, said region constituting a collision risk assessment region of the other vehicle, and using the host vehicle collision risk assessment ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Information transmission method, resource allocation method, terminal device, and network device

Номер: AU2018373865A1
Автор: TANG HAI, TANG, Hai
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Provided are an information transmission method, a resource allocation method, a terminal device, and a network device. The method comprises: a terminal device obtains first mapping relationship information and second mapping relationship information, the first mapping relationship information comprising a mapping relationship between a first service and a first address, and the second mapping relationship information comprising a mapping relationship between the first service and at least one first carrier; the terminal device determines a first index corresponding to the first service; the terminal device determines third mapping relationship information, the third mapping relationship information comprising a mapping relationship between the first index and the at least one first carrier; and the terminal device sends the third mapping relationship information to a network device. In embodiments of the present invention, the terminal device converts at least one first carrier corresponding ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3135403A1

A method at a network element within a Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communications Domain, the method including receiving a tracking request at the network element for a target vehicle, the tracking request including identifying information for the target vehicle; creating a target vehicle list based on the tracking request; distributing the target vehicle list to at least one V2X endpoint; receiving at least one sighting report from the at least one V2X endpoint; and forwarding the at least one sighting report to a second network element.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003082230A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

An inter-vehicle wireless payment method employing a 5G communication network. The method comprises the following steps: a requesting vehicle sending a payment request to a base station (S100); the base station searching for vehicle information of a friend vehicle of the requesting vehicle on the basis of the payment request (S200); the base station encrypting request information by means of the vehicle information of the friend vehicle and broadcasting the same (S300, 400); vehicles in a broadcast range of the base station decoding broadcast information by means of vehicle information of said vehicles, and upon successful decoding, the friend vehicle acting as a responding vehicle and acquiring the request information (S500); the responding vehicle generating payment information on the basis of the request information and sending the same to the base station, the base station sending the payment information to a payment platform, and the payment platform returning a payment result to the ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003079969A1
Принадлежит: SMITHS IP

A network computer system can associate an operator with a mobile device. Additionally, the network computer system can monitor the operator using the mobile device over a time interval that a freight vehicle is operated between a start location and a destination location. During the time interval, the network computer system can control the mobile device in transmitting interval data. The interval data can include (i) location information of the freight vehicle over the time interval, (ii) vehicle operation information of the freight vehicle while the freight vehicle is in operation, and (iii) mobile device information. Based on the interval data, the network computer system can determine one or more sub-intervals that the freight vehicle is switched off or that the operator has left the freight vehicle when the freight vehicle is idle. Additionally, based on the interval data, the network computer system can evaluate the operator over the time interval using the interval data. The evaluation ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002999699A1

A method and system for selecting a transmission format of a first wireless device in a wireless communication network are provided. According to one aspect, a method for selecting a transmission format includes determining a speed of the first wireless device, selecting a transmission format based on the speed of the first wireless device.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003029709A1

Improvements may be made for the congestion control considering different technologies, types of radio resources, and priorities of different packets. The apparatus may be a User Equipment, UE. The UE determines a channel busy ratio (CBR). The UE further determines one or more channel resource utilization limits based on the CBR, wherein each channel resource utilization limit of the one or more channel resource utilization limits corresponds to a respective packet priority. The UE controls transmission of a plurality of packets based on the one or more channel resource utilization limits, each packet of the plurality of packets being associated with a respective packet priority.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003029659A1

Improvements may be made for the Channel Busy Ratio, CBR, based congestion control considering different technologies, types of radio resources, and priorities of different packets. The apparatus may be a User Equipment, UE. The UE determines an energy-based channel busy ratio (CBR) based on a number of probes on a set of radio resources having respective energy levels greater than an energy threshold. The UE performs congestion control based on the energy-based CBR by adjusting at least one transmission parameter of one or more transmission parameters or transmission power of the UE based on the energy-based CBR.The adjusting may be carried out taking into account a usage limit, or CBR limit. In addition, the UE may detect that a second technology different from a first technology is also using the channel, and in addition consider a decode-based CBR for the purpose.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3107106A1

The present disclosure includes devices, systems, and methods for autonomously landing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with collaborative information sharing and without a central coordinating entity. In one embodiment, the present disclosure includes an unmanned aerial vehicle including a communication interface, a memory; and an electronic processor. The communication interface is configured to establish a wireless communication link with one or more unmanned aerial vehicles. The electronic processor configured to autonomously coordinate landings at a landing strip with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent collisions exchanging messages with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles via the wireless communication link according to a collision avoidance protocol, and wherein the autonomous coordination occurs without a central coordination entity.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003072709A1

An apparatus and a method of a wireless communication system, and a computer-readable storage medium are disclosed. The apparatus comprises a processing circuit. The processing circuit is configured to configure, directly or indirectly on the basis of one or more height thresholds for user equipment and a current height of the user equipment, operation of the user equipment. According to at least one aspect of the embodiments of the disclosure, configuring, on the basis of a height threshold, operation of a user equipment optimizes communication performance in an unmanned aerial vehicle communication scenario.

28-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002955277A1

A system and method are provided for certificate selection in infrastructures such as those planned to be used for V2V messaging, wherein the vehicle (or other moving object)'s location is used to aid in the selection of certificates. In one aspect, there is provided a method of selecting certificates for vehicle-to-vehicle messaging, the method comprising: determining a location for a vehicle; and adapting reuse of certificates in a certificate pool for the vehicle according to the location. In another aspect, there is provided a method of selecting certificates for vehicle-to-vehicle messaging, the method comprising: determining an amount of messaging activity; and adapting reuse of certificates in a certificate pool for the vehicle according to the amount of messaging activity.

12-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002742271C

A mobile or in-vehicle communication system and method facilitate communication among groups. The system and method also facilitate the creation of such groups. The system and method may convert speech from one member of the group to text for distribution to other members of the group, for whom the text is converted to audible speech.

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Motor vehicle having a communication unit for a plurality of control units

Номер: CN0108781350B

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108886510A

29-06-2018 дата публикации

Method of organizing communication, mobile radio network subscriber station and the management unit

Номер: CN0108235279A

17-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003073697A1

17-09-2018 дата публикации

네트워크 관리 측 및 사용자 장비 측을 위한 장치 및 방법과, 중앙 관리 장치

Номер: KR1020180102623A
Автор: 쑨 천, 궈 신, 천 진후이

... 본 개시내용에서는 무선 통신 시스템에서 네트워크 관리 측 및 사용자 장비 측을 위한 장치 및 방법과, 중앙 관리 장치 및 방법이 제공된다. 무선 통신 시스템 내의 네트워크 관리 측을 위한 장치는: 무선 통신 시스템에 의해 서빙되는 지역에서 특정한 사용자 장비의 분포-관련 사용자 특성을 획득하도록 구성된 획득 유닛; 및 획득 유닛에 의해 획득된 사용자 특성에 따라, 특정한 사용자 장비에 의해 이용될 무선 전송 자원 풀 내의 자원의 분류를 결정하도록 구성된 결정 유닛을 포함한다.

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190069989A

28-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190074346A

03-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190035008A

16-06-2016 дата публикации

System and method for green communication for intelligent mobile internet of things

Номер: TW0201622469A

A method for green communication for intelligent mobile internet of things includes: communicating with at least one mobile communication device by a lead communication device through visible or non-visible micrometer wave light communication; determining the current communication environment between the lead communication device and the mobile communication device; controlling the operating mode of the mobile communication device according to the current communication environment; and forming a network with nodes of the network being the lead communication device and the at least one mobile communication device, configuring the lead communication device and the at least one mobile communication device as routers in the network, and transmitting multimedia information to other nodes of the network by using information shaping, predicting and compensation algorithms in a digital signal processing format. A system for green communication for intelligent mobile internet of things is also provided ...

16-12-2020 дата публикации

Method for locating vehicle, electronic device, vehicle, and storage medium

Номер: TW0202046259A

The present invention provides a method for locating vehicle, an electronic device, a vehicle, and a storage medium. The method includes generating a first data package containing information of a target vehicle, and broadcasting the first data package to other vehicles, the first data package being configured to be received and stored by the other vehicles. The method further includes generating a second data package when the electronic device is separated from the target vehicle, and sending the second data package to the other vehicles within a preset range. The method further includes locating the target vehicle according to the first data package and the second data package through the other vehicles, and receiving predetermined information of a navigation path. Implementing the present invention can automatically plan and direct the driver from the current location to the location of the target car in the parking lot.

18-01-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle-to-vehicle file sharing system and method

Номер: US0011228884B2
Принадлежит: Ford Global Technologies, LLC

A vehicle includes a controller, programmed to, send a vehicle status report reflecting current status of the vehicle to a server; responsive to receiving a connection message from the server indicative of a predicted data transaction, wirelessly connect to a fleet vehicle using the connection message; and transmit a data block defined in the connection message to the fleet vehicle.

12-10-2021 дата публикации

Data center using a memory pool between selected memory resources

Номер: US0011146630B2

Apparatuses, systems, and methods related to a data center using a memory pool between selected memory resources are described. A data center using a memory pool between selected memory resources may enable performance of functions, including automated functions critical for prevention of damage to product, personal safety, and/or reliable operation, based on increased access to data that may improve performance of a mission profile. For instance, a method described herein includes transmitting, from a processor at a first vehicle that comprises the processor and memory, a request to access a pool of memory resources configured from a plurality of vehicles each having a local processor and memory, receiving, from a second vehicle of the plurality of vehicles, an indication to access the pool of memory resources, and reading data from or writing data to the memory at the second vehicle using the processor at the first vehicle based at least in part on receiving the indication to access the ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US2019335401A1

An antenna device for a vehicle for a vehicle serves for a vehicle transceiver device whose transmission power level regulation device is configured in a manner such that, during the bidirectional communication, the transmission power level is set as larger as the quality of the communication link falls and is conversely lowered as the transmission quality of the communication link increases.

09-11-2021 дата публикации

Lane data sharing in a vehicle-to-vehicle safety system

Номер: US0011172467B2

A transponder and system are described for sharing vehicle lane data in a vehicle-to-vehicle safety system. It generates and broadcasts internally generated location points; and receives, processes and stores lane data received from other equipped vehicles. Physical lanes are represented by a sequence of logical lanes. Both the internal and external location points are aggregated into logical lanes. These logical lanes in turn are shared between vehicles via requests and replies. Each vehicle, within a temporary range, is considered a distinct vehicle. For each logical lane separate counts are maintained for the number of distinct vehicles that provided internal data, provided internal data shared once, and total data shared more than once. Internal data continues to aggregate until the logical lane changes. Total shared data is capped at a maximum of internal counted distinct vehicles and received distinct vehicle counts, to avoid counting the same (shared) data over and over. Based on ...

16-11-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adaptive protocol implementation for vehicle head units

Номер: US0011176819B2
Принадлежит: XEVO INC., XEVO INC, Xevo Inc.

Technologies are disclosed herein for selecting a content instance for enforcing a protocol on a head unit of a vehicle. The content instance corresponds to a geographic region of a vehicle and is received by the head unit in the geographic region. The content instance includes a set of criteria for determining whether to enforce the protocol. Enforcement of the protocol by the head unit may adjust operation of the head unit or how the head unit presents media content. The head unit may establish communication connections with head units of other vehicles. The head units may communicate vehicle specific information over the communication connections and implement protocols as a result of the communications.

29-08-2017 дата публикации

Modifying navigation information for a lead navigation device and a follow navigation device

Номер: US0009746334B1

A device may determine a lead vehicle identifier and a follow vehicle identifier associated with navigating to a destination. The device may determine a plurality of device identifiers associated with the lead vehicle identifier or the follow vehicle identifier, identifying a plurality of devices. The device may determine navigation information. The device may provide the navigation information to a navigation device associated with a vehicle identifier. The device may receive a request to modify the navigation information. The device may determine a modification option. The device may provide the modification option to the plurality of devices for voting. The device may receive one or more voting responses. The device may determine a result of the voting based on the one or more voting responses. The device may provide, to the navigation device, an instruction associated with navigating to the destination based on the result of the voting.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190306050A1

A radio communication system in which a master node collects data acquired by a plurality of sensor nodes. The master node transmits, to the plurality of sensor nodes, a data transmission request including held data information that is information related to data already held by the master node. The sensor node transmits, to the master node, data not held by the master node on the basis of the held data information, and transfers the data transmission request to another sensor node.

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US2019378356A1
Автор: FANG JUN, Fang, Jun

Examples disclosed herein relate to an autonomous driving system in an ego vehicle. The autonomous driving system includes an antenna system having an antenna controller configured to provide a radar transmission signal for transmission to a target. The antenna system also includes a beacon circuit coupled to the antenna controller and configured to generate a superimposed signal comprising the radar transmission signal and a beacon signal having information that identifies the ego vehicle to other vehicles that are in a range distance of the ego vehicle. The antenna system also includes a metamaterial antenna structure coupled to the beacon circuit and configured to transmit the superimposed signal to the other vehicles. Other examples disclosed herein include a radar system having a beacon system and a method of operating the antenna system in the autonomous driving system of the ego vehicle, for vehicle identification.

04-10-2011 дата публикации

Using V2X in-network session maintenance protocols to enable instant chatting applications

Номер: US0008032081B2

A system and method for allowing vehicle occupants to wirelessly chat with each other over a DSRC channel. A vehicle occupant may initiate a chatting session by wirelessly transmitting a request to speak with an occupant of another vehicle in its vicinity on a certain topic in a multi-hop manner. If the request is accepted by the occupant of another vehicle to enter into a chatting session on that topic, a wireless communications link is established between the two vehicles, where messages may be transmitted through other intermediate vehicles. The chatting session is maintained by monitoring the signal strength of the links between the vehicles in the chain of vehicles and new links are re-established if any of the existing links fail.

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Security and safety processing by a vehicle based computer

Номер: US0010182319B2

A vehicle computing device may receive, from a nearby vehicle, a packet with a safety control instruction having a security access code for a vehicle. A processor may be determine whether the security access code is valid and verify a security level associated with the security access code in order to process the safety control instruction.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190116476A1

A vehicle system includes a communication interface programmed to receive a video signal from a mobile aerial vehicle. The video signal includes a live video stream and is associated with a geographic location. The vehicle system further includes a processor having a memory. The processor is programmed to command a user interface to present the live video stream in response to a user input selecting the geographic location. In some implementations, the vehicle system commands the mobile aerial vehicle to operate in a follow mode or a control mode.

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200196139A1

A communication method (S) for communication between mobile units (10, 20), and in particular between vehicles, in which information transmitted between the mobile units (10, 20) is encoded on the transmitter side by means of an encoder (12-1, 22-1) and is decoded on the receiver side by means of a decoder (12-2, 22-2), and the mobile units (10, 20) are synchronized in communication (S3) with an external interface unit (30) outside the mobile units (10, 20) prior to communication (S5) with one another in that a codebook (Cj) defining or specifying an encoder (12-1, 22-1) and/or a decoder (12-2, 22-2) is determined (S2) by the external interface unit (30) and is communicated (S3) to the mobile units (10, 20).

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190150157A1

Technology for an apparatus of a user equipment (UE) configured to select spectrum resources in a vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication system is disclosed. It relies on the established mechanisms for device-todevice, D2D direct mode communication well-known in the context of Proximity Services in a 3GPP LTE communications system. The UE can calculate a received energy in a physical sidelink shared channel (PSSCH) over a sensing period for a portion of one or more sub-channels over selected subframes in a resource pool, by means of measurements of Received Signal Strength Indication, RSSI, of other D2D sidelink channel communications. The UE can identify the one or more sub-channels over the selected subframes that has a measured energy level greater than a threshold value to determine a channel congestion fraction (CCF) comprising a fraction of the resources that exceed the threshold value, reflecting a resource utilization. The UE can send the channel congestion fraction (CCF) to an ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200276909A1

Systems and methods for fueling (or charging) communication, for example between a hydrogen fueling station and a hydrogen powered vehicle (or an electric vehicle and charging station) may utilize near field communication as well as vehicle to infrastructure communication. Safety information, fueling or charging information, payment information, and other information may be transmitted, and the redundant nature of the communication permits fault recovery and improved process monitoring. In this manner, fueling and/or recharging is made safer, faster, and more efficient.

09-03-2021 дата публикации

Platoon system for vehicles

Номер: US0010943490B2
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc., CUMMINS INC

Systems and apparatuses include a controller including a circuit structured to communicate with a platoon of vehicles, determine a platoon rank order, determine final separation distances between vehicles, affect operation of each vehicle to achieve the platoon rank order and final separation distances, monitor the platoon of vehicles to determine if a deserter is leaving the platoon of vehicles or if a critical change has occurred, determine an updated platoon rank order, and determine an updated final separation distances between vehicles.

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200380273A1

A method for identifying distracted pedestrians. The method includes determining operating conditions of a vehicle using a plurality of vehicle controllers. Pedestrian parameters for a pedestrian in a vicinity of the vehicle are acquired using a plurality of vehicle sensors. The pedestrian parameters include at least one of face positions, body positions, gait and hand gestures. Information related to an environment surrounding the vehicle is acquired. Pedestrian awareness level is determined based on the acquired pedestrian parameters and based on the information related to the environment surrounding the vehicle. A determination is made whether the pedestrian awareness level is below a predefined threshold. The pedestrian is classified as distracted, in response to determining that the pedestrian awareness level is below the predefined threshold.

02-07-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus using sync and balanced V2V communication

Номер: US0010339807B2

A vehicle equipped with a wireless communication interface is configured to communicate with other similarly equipped vehicles within an intersection area. By including the wireless communication equipment to communicate with other vehicles within the intersection area, a traffic optimization tool running on one or more of the vehicles is enabled to direct traffic through the intersection area even in the case where one or more traffic signals are malfunctioning.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190373054A1
Автор: Soryoung KIM

The present invention can perform efficient data processing by sharing computing resources with other vehicles through steps of monitoring a state of connection with a first server, determining whether the state of connection with the first server is a delay occurrence state, and transmitting a message for searching for a second vehicle in order to form a P2P group for computing resource sharing. One or more of an autonomous vehicle, a user terminal and a server of the present invention can be associated with an artificial intelligence module, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) robot, an augmented reality (AR) device, a virtual reality (VR) device and a 5G service related device.

02-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210370978A1
Автор: Daniele MOLINARI

A method to select between tactical driving decisions of a controlled ego vehicle to reach a target destination is described. The method includes determining upcoming tactical driving decisions of the controlled ego vehicle to reach the target destination according to a mission plan. The method also includes ranking upcoming tactical driving maneuvers associated with each of the upcoming tactical driving decisions. The method further includes selecting a tactical driving maneuver prior to a critical intersection according to the ranking of the upcoming tactical driving maneuvers to reach the target destination according to the mission plan.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190150082A1

Systems and methods of providing a V2X communications are generally described. A geographically-limited, operator-independent mapping table is used that maps between groups of V2X applications each associated with a different application category and a different RAT preferred for the V2X application category. Each grouping is based on fulfillment of one or more KPIs for the associated V2X application category. Multiple RATs are prioritized if able to fulfill the KPIs. The mapping table is modified based on the RATs supported by the V2X UE. Carrier aggregation is used when simultaneous transmission on different RATs is desired.

20-08-2019 дата публикации

Secure communications with sensitive user information through a vehicle

Номер: US0010388081B2
Принадлежит: NIO USA, Inc., NIO USA INC

Systems of a vehicle and the operations thereof are provided. The vehicle can associate sensitive information for a user of the vehicle. Then, the vehicle can automatically provide the sensitive information for either the driver and/or passenger to a third party in an interaction with the third party. As such, user employ the automated systems of the vehicle for interactions with third parties.

30-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100248618A1

A system and method for allowing vehicle occupants to wirelessly chat with each other over a DSRC channel. A vehicle occupant may initiate a chatting session by wirelessly transmitting a request to speak with an occupant of another vehicle in its vicinity on a certain topic in a multi-hop manner. If the request is accepted by the occupant of another vehicle to enter into a chatting session on that topic, a wireless communications link is established between the two vehicles, where messages may be transmitted through other intermediate vehicles. The chatting session is maintained by monitoring the signal strength of the links between the vehicles in the chain of vehicles and new links are re-established if any of the existing links fail.

17-08-2021 дата публикации

Distributed channel access mechanism using multiple access signatures for control transmissions

Номер: US0011096214B2
Принадлежит: QUALCOMM Incorporated, QUALCOMM INC

Aspects of the disclosure relate to a distributed channel access mechanism using multiple access (MA) signatures for control transmissions. In one aspect, a transmitting device determines a MA signature for distinguishing a transmission of the transmitting device from another transmission of another transmitting device on a same frequency resource, transmits sidelink control information using the MA signature on a first set of frequency resources, the sidelink control information corresponding to first data information, transmits the first data information on the first set of frequency resources, and receives, from a receiving device, a response indicating whether reception of the first data information was successful. Other aspects, embodiments, and features are also claimed and described.

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220284818A1

Various embodiments provide a method for controlling platooning of a first platooning group by a first device in a wireless communication system, and an apparatus therefor. The method comprises the steps of: receiving, from a second device, information on a second platooning group controlled by the second device; on the basis of the information on the second platooning group, transmitting a merging request message for merging with the second platooning group; and on the basis of merging of a first platooning group with the second platooning group, updating platooning information related to platooning, wherein the platooning information is updated to include first platooning information relating to the existing first platooning group, which corresponds to sub-group information, and second platooning information relating to the merged first platooning group and the second platooning group.

09-02-2023 дата публикации

System and Method for Implementing Automobile Electronic Control Function, and Automobile

Номер: US20230038536A1

A system, automobile, and method for implementing an electronic control function of an automobile. The system includes a first vehicle integration unit (VIU), an automobile control unit, and a plurality of automobile parts. The automobile control unit includes a first domain controller (DC) or a central computing platform (CCP). The automobile control unit is configured to send first control information to the first VIU. The first VIU is configured to control the plurality of automobile parts based on the first control information. In embodiments of this application, the first VIU controls the plurality of automobile parts.

20-06-2023 дата публикации

Driver assistance system and control method for the same

Номер: US0011682304B2
Автор: Jaehwan Lee
Принадлежит: HL Klemove Corp., MANDO CORPORATION

Provided is a vehicle including: a camera provided on the vehicle to have an external view of the vehicle and acquiring image data; a radar provided in the vehicle to have an external sensing field of view of the vehicle and obtaining radar data; and a controller including at least one processor for processing image data acquired by the camera and radar data acquired by the radar, and wherein when an attempt to change the lane of the vehicle is detected, the controller may detect other vehicle on the side of the lane to be changed based on the radar data, determine whether a collision with the other vehicle is possible based on driving information received from the other vehicle through a communication module of the vehicle, and transmit a warning signal for controlling the warning system of the vehicle to the vehicle in case of a collision with the other vehicle is expected.

30-11-2023 дата публикации

Autonomous Vehicle Pairing Management

Номер: US20230388761A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

Concepts and technologies disclosed herein are directed to autonomous vehicle pairing management. According to one aspect disclosed herein, a fleet pairing management application executed by a processor of an autonomous vehicle can initiate a fleet pairing process with a plurality of other autonomous vehicles, each of which can execute one of a plurality of other fleet pairing management applications. The fleet pairing management application can send, over a network, an initiate network pairing request to the plurality of other autonomous vehicles. The fleet pairing management application can receive a confirm network pairing response from at least one other autonomous vehicle of the plurality of other autonomous vehicles. A fleet can then be established. The fleet can include the autonomous vehicle and the at least one other autonomous vehicle of the plurality of other autonomous vehicles. The autonomous vehicles in the fleet can then share data among the fleet.

19-12-2023 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining a road usage charge

Номер: US0011847586B2
Принадлежит: GEOTOLL, INC., GeoToll, Inc.

A method and apparatus for determining a distance travelled by a vehicle for the purpose of assessing and settling a road usage charge allows for determining a distance travelled with a vehicle. A mobile device can acquire odometer values which are subsequently reported to a system that confirms the distance drive and determines a road usage charge. Once the actual distance travelled by the vehicle is determined by the system, a road usage charge can be determined. Fuel excise taxes paid by the vehicle operator for fuel used by the vehicle and tolls can be subtracted from the road usage charge to determine a road usage settlement amount that can be paid from, or refunded to a financial account associated with the vehicle.

12-12-2023 дата публикации

Communication device, control method thereof and communication system including the same

Номер: US0011842631B2
Принадлежит: LG Electronics Inc.

A communication device includes: a communication unit receiving position information of each vehicle from vehicles located in a predetermined area; and a processor setting first and second geofences for the predetermined area, and controlling the communication unit to transmit a warning message related to an event to one or more vehicles located in the second geofence in response to the event occurring in the first geofence.

23-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220197286A1
Автор: Bolun Zhang, Nan Yu

Systems and methods for updating navigational maps based using at least one sensor are provided. In one aspect, a control system for an autonomous vehicle, includes a processor and a computer-readable memory configured to cause the processor to: receive output from at least one sensor located on the autonomous vehicle indicative of a driving environment of the autonomous vehicle, retrieve a navigational map used for driving the autonomous vehicle, and detect one or more inconsistencies between the output of the at least one sensor and the navigational map. The computer-readable memory is further configured to cause the processor to: in response to detecting the one or more inconsistencies, trigger mapping of the driving environment based on the output of the at least one sensor, update the navigational map based on the mapped driving environment, and drive the autonomous vehicle using the updated navigational map.

07-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220108608A1

Methods, computer programs, communication circuits for communicating in a tele-operated driving session, a transportation vehicle and a remote control center for remotely controlling a transportation vehicle. The method for a transportation vehicle and communicating in a tele-operated driving session between the transportation vehicle and a remote control center includes establishing the tele-operated driving session, the transportation vehicle receiving a message including information on the environment of the transportation vehicle from a traffic entity outside the transportation vehicle, and the transportation vehicle transmitting the information to the remote control center for remotely controlling the transportation vehicle based on the information.

03-05-2022 дата публикации

Method for adaptively adjusting security level of V2X communication message and apparatus therefor

Номер: US0011323875B2
Автор: A Ram Cho, Seung Wook Park

A method of processing a vehicle-to-everything (V2X) message in a V2X message transmitting entity may comprise obtaining, at the V2X message transmitting entity, status information of a transmission target entity; determining adaptively a security level for a V2X message to be transmitted to the transmission target entity based on the obtained status information; and generating the V2X message according to the determined security level, and transmitting the V2X message to the transmission target entity. Because security levels of V2X messages are adaptively determined, the V2X messages can be processed according to a processing capability of the transmission target entity and the type of the V2X message, thereby assuring the safety of the driver.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Vehicular network with concurrent packet transmission

Номер: US20120106550A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A vehicular network is a closed network with known sources, destinations, and network connections that can be mapped in advance, and used to identify network resources needed to transmit a packet from a source to a destination. A network module can determine the source destination, and a priority of a packet based on the packet's content. Using the source and destination information, along with a network topology data, the network module can determine if two packets need the same network resources to be delivered to their destination. When the two packets do not use the same resources, there is no conflict, and the packets can be transmitted concurrently regardless of whether one of the packets has a higher priority than another packet. If there is a conflict, the network module transmits the packets based on the packets' priorities.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Unified vehicle network frame protocol

Номер: US20120109406A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A vehicle communication network includes a network fabric, a plurality of vehicle control modules, memory, one or more multimedia processing modules, and a network manager. The network manager is operable to coordinate communication of packets, via the network fabric, among the vehicle control modules, the memory, and the multimedia processing modules based on individual content of the packets and in accordance with a global vehicle network communication protocol. The network manager is further operable to facilitate network resource management to support the communication of packets via the network fabric in accordance with the global vehicle network communication protocol.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Power management within a vehicular communication network

Номер: US20120109407A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Power management within a vehicle is achieved by maintaining individual and/or power island power saving options for each of a plurality of devices coupled to a vehicular communication network of the vehicle. Upon determining that power savings should be enabled for a device, at least one of the power saving options for the device is selected and applied.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Providing power over ethernet within a vehicular communication network

Номер: US20120110356A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A power distribution system within a vehicle operates to provide power over Ethernet to a plurality of network node modules coupled to a vehicular communication network of the vehicle.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for communication

Номер: US20120268293A1
Принадлежит: Continental Teves AG and Co oHG

The invention relates to a method for a vehicle to communicate with another vehicle or with an infrastructure device which has a particular range which is dependent on the current position of the vehicle. In order to ensure correct operation of the communication, the range to be expected for the communication is derived inter alia from the nature of the surroundings, which is dependent on the current position of the vehicle. The invention also relates to an appropriate apparatus for communication.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Vehicular communications using a scalable ad hoc geographic routing protocol

Номер: US20130099941A1

Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications are accomplished via a scalable ad hoc geographic routing protocol. As vehicles move along roadways, they can query other vehicles and entities for information. Responses to queries can be used to determine information such as traffic conditions, a retail store sale, that a restaurant has tables available, and/or that parking spaces are available, for example. Businesses, vehicles, and other entities along roadways can geocast pertinent information to vehicles passing by. Vehicles can cache information as it is received.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Geomessaging Server and Client for Relaying Event Notifications via a VANET

Номер: US20130325940A1
Автор: George Foti
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

Embodiments include a geomessaging server and a geomessaging client for use in a cooperative intelligent transportation system. The server sends an event notification message, via an infrastructure-based wireless communication network, to a geomessaging client associated with a vehicle that is located within a targeted one of multiple defined geographical areas. This message indicates the occurrence of an event pertinent to travel conditions in the targeted area. The server also generates a message relay request that solicits the geomessaging client to relay the message to any other vehicles within the vehicle's vicinity via a vehicular ad-hoc wireless communication network. The sever then sends the generated request to the client via the infrastructure-based network. In at least some embodiments, the geomessaging client relays the message accordingly responsive to receiving the request. This way, the other vehicles will advantageously receive the event notification message even if they are not connected to the server.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001851A1
Автор: PAN DENG, XIA Yijun

A method for vehicle following control based on the real-time calculation of dynamic safe following distance. A preset vehicle deceleration model with three preset behavior adjustment parameters is used to obtain the absolute braking distance models of the leading and following vehicles, then to further establish the dynamic safe following distance model for calculating the dynamic safe following distance between the following vehicle and the leading vehicle in real time. In the process of vehicle following operation, the current dynamic safe following distance is compared with the current actual following distance to determine whether to adjust the following behavior of the following vehicle and how to control the following vehicle to move in safety, efficiency and smoothness. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein in step (3) claim 1 , the dynamic safe following distance model established in step (1.5) is used to calculate in real time the current dynamic safe following distance between the following vehicle and the leading vehicle; the dynamic safe following distance model is described as follows:{'br': None, 'i': S', 'v', 't', 'v', 't', 'g', 'v', 't', 'cg', 'v', 't', 's, 'sup': f', 'p', 'f', 'p, 'sub': f', 'p, '((),())=(())−(())+Δ\u2003\u2003(3);'}{'sup': f', 'p', 'f', 'p', 'f', 'f', 'p', 'p, 'sub': f', 'p, 'wherein S(v(t), v(t)) is a function which can be used to calculate in real time the current safe following distance between the following vehicle and the leading vehicle under the current preset control requirement; v(t) is the current velocity of the following vehicle; v(t) is the current velocity of the leading vehicle; g(v(t)) is an absolute braking distance model of the following vehicle when it starts to brake at an initial velocity v(t); g(v(t)) is an absolute braking distance model of the leading vehicle when it starts to brake at an initial velocity v(t); Δs is a distance margin designed for eliminating calculation error to keep the following vehicle ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method for Autonomously Operating a Vehicle, Controller Device for a Vehicle, and Vehicle

Номер: US20210001867A1

A method for operating an autonomously driving vehicle includes operating the vehicle in a first autonomous driving mode by means of a controller device based on sensor data captured by a sensor system of the vehicle, determining, from environmental data which includes at least the sensor data, presence of a handover condition at a handover location within a planned trajectory of the vehicle, establishing a data communication to a leading vehicle being operated in an autonomous driving mode to travel along a leading trajectory including the handover location, and operating the vehicle in a second autonomous driving mode based at least partially on first auxiliary data provided by the leading vehicle. 1. A method for operating an autonomously driving vehicle , the method comprising:operating the vehicle in a first autonomous driving mode by using a controller device based on sensor data captured by a sensor system of the vehicle;determining, from environmental data that includes at least the sensor data, the presence of a handover condition at a handover location within a planned trajectory of the vehicle;establishing a data communication to a leading vehicle being operated in an autonomous driving mode to travel along a leading trajectory including the handover location; andoperating the vehicle in a second autonomous driving mode based at least partially on first auxiliary data provided by the leading vehicle, the first auxiliary data including the leading trajectory.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the presence of the handover condition is determined based on the sensor data claim 1 , and wherein establishing the data communication to the leading vehicle comprises establishing a direct data link between a communication interface of the vehicle and a communication interface of the leading vehicle.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the environmental data further includes second auxiliary data received via a data network to which the vehicle is ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001892A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

With an object of notifying a peripheral vehicle or a person of a travel plan of an own vehicle at an appropriate timing, and providing a safe automatic driving system, a travel plan information distribution system is characterized by including a travel plan information compilation unit that, based on information output by a positional information and frontal road shape information acquisition unit and a sensor information acquisition unit, compiles travel plan information including a travel plan category and a time at which travel is to be started or a position from which a travel plan is to be started, a wireless communication device that transmits travel plan information to a peripheral vehicle, and a travel plan information distribution control unit that selects and outputs necessary details of travel plan information at a safe and necessary timing. 17.-. (canceled)8. A travel plan information distribution system , comprising a travel plan information distributor that has:a positional information and frontal road shape information acquirer that acquires positional information and frontal road shape information of a vehicle;a sensor information acquirer that acquires information output from a vehicle-mounted sensor group;a travel plan information compiler that compiles travel plan information based on information output by the positional information and frontal road shape information acquirer and the sensor information acquirer;a travel plan information notificator that supplies information output by the travel plan information compiler to a travel plan information displayer, where the information is displayed;a wireless communicator that carries out inter-vehicle communication with a peripheral vehicle; anda travel plan information distribution controller that controls an operation of each part at a predetermined timing, wherein,when there is a change in travel plan information compiled by the travel plan information compiler for a time from a current time until ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220004600A1

Multimedia content may be delivered to content consumer devices via a content-delivery network. Encrypted content and cryptography keys for decrypting the content may be distributed from a data center to various nodes of the content-delivery network, each node acting as a semi-independent content-delivery system. Each content-delivery system is capable of delivering received content to end-users and implementing a key-management scheme to facilitate secure content-delivery and usage tracking, even when the content-delivery system is disconnected from the data center. In other words, the disclosed systems and methods facilitate the operation of nodes which may operate in “autonomous mode” when disconnected from a larger content-delivery network, thus maintaining content-delivery capabilities despite having little if any connectivity to external networks. 1. A system for providing an in-vehicle content-delivery service to mobile consumer devices , the system comprising: one or more processors;', 'one or more communication interfaces that are coupled to the one or more processors and that are configured to: (i) communicatively couple the content delivery system to one or more mobile consumer devices via an in-vehicle network for the vehicle, and (ii) communicatively couple the content delivery system to a license server that is external to the vehicle and that is configured to authorize or not authorize content-requests originating from the one or more mobile consumer devices; and', (i) detect a loss of a connection between the content delivery system and the license server;', '(ii) respond to the detected loss by operating as a proxy for the license server, including performing an authorization operation to determine a particular content-request from a particular mobile consumer device is authorized; and', '(iii) transmit content to the particular mobile consumer device in response to determining that the particular content-request from the particular mobile consumer ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007331A1

Dynamically adapting provision of notification output to reduce distractions and/or to mitigate usage of computational resources. In some implementations, an automated assistant application predicts a level of engagement for a user and determines, based on the predicted level of engagement (and optionally future predicted level(s) of engagement), provisioning (e.g., whether, when, and/or how) of output that is based on a received notification. For example, the automated assistant application can, based on predicted level(s) of engagement, determine whether to provide any output based on a received notification, determine whether to suppress provision of output that is based on the received notification (e.g., until a later time with a decreased predicted level of engagement), determine whether to provide output that is a condensed version of the received notification, determine whether to automatically respond to the notification, and/or select an output modality for providing output that is based on the received notification. 1. A method implemented by one or more processors , the method comprising:identifying, at a vehicle computing device of a vehicle, an electronic notification designated for rendering to a user via the vehicle computing device;generating, by the vehicle computing device, a current predicted level of driving engagement being exerted in navigating the vehicle; an audible only modality,', 'a graphical only modality, and', 'an audible and graphical modality; and, 'selecting, based on both (i) one or more properties of the electronic notification and (ii) the current predicted level of driving engagement, a particular modality for rendering notification content that is based on the electronic notification, wherein selecting the particular modality is from amongst a plurality of candidate modalities, includingcausing the vehicle computing to immediately render the notification content in the selected particular modality.2. The method of claim 1 , ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007340A1

A method and an apparatus for performing a radio resource selection and contention indication in a wireless communication system are provided. The method for performing, a user equipment (UE), the radio resource selection and contention indication in the wireless communication system includes selecting a plurality of sidelink resources from a sidelink resource pool and contending at least one of the sidelink resources reserved in advance from another UE. 1. A user equipment (UE) in a wireless communication system , the UE comprising:a memory;a transceiver; anda processor coupled to the memory and the transceiver, select a plurality of sidelink resources from a sidelink resource pool; and', 'contend at least one of the sidelink resources reserved in advance by another UE, or determine that at least one of the sidelink resources reserved in advance by the UE from the sidelink resource pool is contended by another UE., 'wherein the processor is configured to2. The UE of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to contend the at least one of the sidelink resources reserved in advance by the another UE when at least one of following conditions is met:there are no other immediately available sidelink resources selected and used without contention and/or collision from the sidelink resource pool;an observed channel busy ratio (CBR) of the sidelink resource pool is greater than 80%; ora contention rate of the sidelink resources reserved by the another UE is less than or equal to 50%.3. The UE of claim 1 , wherein one of the plurality of sidelink resources selected by the UE from the sidelink resource pool is contended by the another UE when at least one of following conditions is met:an observed channel busy ratio (CBR) of the sidelink resource pool is greater than 80%; ora contention rate of the sidelink resources reserved by the another UE is less than or equal to 50%.4. The UE of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to determine that the at least one of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003861A1

An apparatus comprising a processor and a transceiver. The processor may (i) receive messages from a plurality of vehicles and (ii) determine relative coordinates of the vehicles based on the messages. The transceiver may (i) communicate the messages using a first channel in a first range and (ii) communicate short messages using a second channel in a second range. Communicating using the second channel may consume more power than communicating using the first channel. The messages may be sent from the transceiver to a cluster head within the first range. The short messages may communicate less data than the messages. The short messages may be sent directly to a target vehicle outside of the first range to determine an associated cluster head for the target vehicle. The messages may be sent to the target vehicle from the associated cluster head via the cluster head within the first range. 1. An apparatus comprising:a processor configured to (i) receive data messages from a plurality of vehicles and (ii) determine relative coordinates of said vehicles based on said data messages; anda transceiver configured to (i) communicate said data messages using a first channel in a first range and (ii) communicate short messages using a second channel in a second range, wherein (a) communicating using said second channel consumes more power than communicating using the first channel, (b) said data messages are sent from said transceiver to a cluster head within said first range, (c) said short messages communicate less data than said data messages, (d) said short messages are sent directly to a target vehicle outside of said first range to determine an associated cluster head for said target vehicle and (e) said data messages are sent to said target vehicle from said associated cluster head via said cluster head within said first range.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said short message is implemented to enable an initialization for a communication using said ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003907A1

An apparatus comprising a transceiver module and a processor. The transceiver may be configured to send/receive data messages to/from a plurality of vehicles. The processor may be configured to (i) determine a plurality of selected vehicles from the plurality of vehicles based on a selection criteria and (ii) calculate relative coordinates of the plurality of vehicles based on the data messages from the selected vehicles. The selection criteria may comprise determining (i) a target vehicle and (ii) at least two complementary vehicles. A predicted trajectory of the target vehicle may cross paths with a predicted trajectory of the apparatus. The complementary vehicles may be selected based on (i) an arrangement of the plurality of vehicles and (ii) speeds of the plurality of vehicles. 1. An apparatus comprising:a transceiver module configured to send/receive data messages to/from a plurality of vehicles; anda processor configured to (i) determine a plurality of selected vehicles from said plurality of vehicles based on a selection criteria and (ii) calculate relative coordinates of said plurality of vehicles based on said data messages from said selected vehicles, wherein (a) said selection criteria comprises determining (i) a target vehicle and (ii) at least two complementary vehicles, (b) a predicted trajectory of said target vehicle crosses paths with a predicted trajectory of said apparatus and (c) said complementary vehicles are selected based on (i) an arrangement of said plurality of vehicles and (ii) speeds of said plurality of vehicles.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein (i) said processor comprises a relative positioning module and (ii) said relative positioning module is configured to perform said selection criteria.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein (i) said selection criteria is implemented to select four of said plurality of vehicles as said selected vehicles claim 1 , (ii) said selected vehicles comprise a host vehicle claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004257A1
Автор: KIM Soryoung

Disclosed is a control method of an autonomous including: generating driving information by merging meta information, including location information, and image information; receiving an object detection algorithm selected based on the meta information; based on the object detection algorithm, setting a driving path while monitoring a main object that has appeared in a place indicated by the location information; and when dangerous object information is received from a server, resetting the driving path to avoid an dangerous object. 1. A control method of an autonomous vehicle traveling while monitoring an image acquired in real time , the method comprising:generating driving information by merging meta information, including location information, and image information;receiving an object detection algorithm selected based on the meta information;based on the object detection algorithm, setting a driving path while monitoring a main object that has appeared in a place indicated by the location information; andwhen dangerous object information is received from a server, resetting the driving path to avoid an dangerous object.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the generating of the driving information claim 1 , time information and weather information are further included in the meta information.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object detection algorithm is used to detect a main object that appears in real time in a place indicated by the location information.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the object detection algorithm is used to detect a main object that appears in real time in a place indicated by the location information and in a time span indicated by the time information.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object detection algorithm further comprises an algorithm for detecting an auxiliary object to guide traffic rule observation during traveling of the vehicle.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the receiving of the object ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Traveling assistance device, traveling assistance management device, methods of same devices, and traveling assistance system

Номер: US20200004269A1
Автор: Eiji Oba
Принадлежит: Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp

A traveling assistance device provided on a traveling assistance target vehicle 11 includes: an outside-vehicle information acquisition unit that acquires outside-vehicle information; a communication unit that communicates with a traveling assistance management device 15 providing leading vehicle information; and a traveling control unit that performs following traveling control for traveling while following a leading vehicle indicated by leading vehicle information acquired from the traveling assistance management device. The following traveling control is performed using the outside-vehicle information acquired by the outside-vehicle information acquisition unit and the leading vehicle information. The traveling assistance management device 15 that manages the traveling assistance at a position away from the vehicle includes: a communication unit that communicates with the traveling assistance target vehicle 11; and an information processing unit that selects, as a leading vehicle, a candidate vehicle 12-1 scheduled to travel in a traveling schedule route of the traveling assistance target vehicle at a traveling schedule time of the traveling assistance target vehicle from candidate vehicles in response to a request for leading vehicle information from the traveling assistance target vehicle, and notifies the traveling assistance target vehicle of leading vehicle information indicating the leading vehicle. Following traveling is automatically and efficiently achievable.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004024A1

The present application provides a system for controlling a plurality of autonomous vehicles on a mine site, the system comprising: 1. A system for controlling a plurality of autonomous vehicles on a mine site , the system comprising:a centralized platform configured to store an inventory list of vehicles travelling on the mine site and configured to determine and communicate missions to the vehicles; an interface configured to communicate with the centralized platform for receiving a predetermined mission,', 'a trajectory control system configured to autonomously control the autonomous vehicle according to the predetermined mission,', 'a detection system configured to detect other vehicles by evaluating sensor information received from at least one sensor of the vehicle,', 'a collision prediction system configured to predict collisions with the other vehicles detected by the detection system;', 'a V2V communication interface for directly communicating with a V2V communication interface of at least one of the other vehicles on the mine site for exchanging information between the vehicles., 'a plurality of autonomous vehicles, the autonomous vehicles comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the information exchanged between the vehicles comprises localization information and future mission information.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the future mission information comprises path information on a trajectory to be followed by the vehicle claim 2 , wherein the path information is used by a collision avoidance system of the autonomous vehicle.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined missions comprise predetermined trajectories to be followed by the autonomous vehicles claim 3 , and wherein the autonomous vehicles further comprise a collision avoidance system claim 3 , the collision avoidance system being configured to autonomously re-plan the predetermined trajectory onboard the vehicle if the collision prediction system predicts a collision claim 3 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Orientation-Adjust Actions for Autonomous Vehicle Operational Management

Номер: US20200005645A1

Traversing, by an autonomous vehicle, a vehicle transportation network, may include identifying a policy for a scenario-specific operational control evaluation model of a distinct vehicle operational scenario, receiving a candidate vehicle control action from the policy, wherein, in response to a determination that an uncertainty value for the distinct vehicle operational scenario exceeds a defined uncertainty threshold, the candidate vehicle control action is an orientation-adjust vehicle control action, and traversing a portion of the vehicle transportation network in accordance with the candidate vehicle control action, wherein the portion of the vehicle transportation network includes the distinct vehicle operational scenario.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005650A1
Автор: PARK Yongsoo

The present invention provides a method of controlling platooning in an autonomous driving system that can cope with occurrence of a communication blind spot in platooning. In an aspect, a method of controlling platooning in which following vehicles receiving and driving a control signal from a leader vehicle and a communicator of the leader vehicle drive in a group includes monitoring and digitizing a communication status of the platooning; checking, if the digitized communication status is less than a predetermined threshold value, a communication blind spot between the leader vehicle and the following vehicle; determining, when the following vehicle is positioned at the communication blind spot, whether a relative position change of the following vehicle is available within the platooning; and changing, if a relative position change of the following vehicle is available, a relative position of the following vehicle within the platooning. 1. A method of controlling platooning in which following vehicles receiving and driving a control signal from a leader vehicle and a communicator of the leader vehicle drive in a group , the method comprising:monitoring a communication status of the platooning;determining, based on the communication status being less than a predetermined threshold value, a communication blind spot between the leader vehicle and the following vehicle; andchanging, based on the following vehicle being positioned at the communication blind spot, a relative position of the following vehicle within the platooning.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining of a communication blind spot comprises:determining, when the communicator of the leader vehicle is positioned at an upper portion of the vehicle, that the following vehicle is positioned at the communication blind spot, based on the difference of the heights of the leader vehicle and the following vehicle from a driving route.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the changing of a relative ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014886A1

Certain aspects of the present disclosure provide techniques for reducing inter-vehicle interference. In certain aspects, a method performed by a first vehicle may include detecting a second vehicle is in proximity of the first vehicle, determining that the second vehicle includes an intra-vehicle, obtaining resource allocation information associated with the intra-vehicle network of the second vehicle, the resource allocation information indicating a first set of resources allocated to one or more first sensors of the second vehicle located at least in a first portion of the second vehicle, determining that the first set of resources conflict with a second set of resources allocated to one or more first sensors of the first vehicle located in at least a first portion of the first vehicle, and performing one or more actions to resolve the determined conflict between the first set of resources and the second set of resources. 1. An apparatus for wireless communications by a first vehicle , comprising: detect a second vehicle is in proximity of the first vehicle;', 'determine that the second vehicle includes an intra-vehicle network based on one or more signals obtained from the second vehicle;', 'obtain resource allocation information associated with the intra-vehicle network of the second vehicle, the resource allocation information indicating a first set of resources allocated to one or more first sensors of the second vehicle located at least in a first portion of the second vehicle;', 'determine that the first set of resources conflict with a second set of resources allocated to one or more first sensors of the first vehicle located in at least a first portion of the first vehicle that corresponds to the first portion of the second vehicle; and', 'perform one or more actions to resolve the determined conflict between the first set of resources and the second set of resources., 'a processing system configured to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processing ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015065A1

Embodiments of this disclosure provide an information transmission method and user equipment. The method includes: receiving, by first UE, SL UE assistance information transmitted by second UE, wherein the SL UE assistance information includes at least one piece of pattern information; determining, by the first UE according to the SL UE assistance information, a resource occupied by transmission between the first UE and the second UE. 1. An information transmission method , comprising:receiving, by first User Equipment (UE), Sidelink User Equipment (SL UE) assistance information transmitted by second UE, wherein the SL UE assistance information comprises at least one piece of pattern information; anddetermining, by the first UE according to the SL UE assistance information, a resource occupied by transmission between the first UE and the second UE.2. The information transmission method according to claim 1 , wherein the receiving claim 1 , by the first UE claim 1 , the SL UE assistance information transmitted by the second UE comprises:receiving, by the first UE, the SL UE assistance information transmitted by at least one second UE.3. The information transmission method according to claim 2 , wherein the pattern information comprises at least one of: (i) a transmission periodicity claim 2 , (ii) a time interval between a time-domain resource occupied by the SL UE assistance information and a time-domain resource occupied by a transport block claim 2 , (iii) a quantity of repetitions of the transport block within the periodicity claim 2 , (iv) an indication of a starting symbol claim 2 , a symbol length and a mapping type of the transport block;wherein the mapping type comprises a slot based mapping or a symbol based mapping.4. The information transmission method according to claim 2 , wherein the receiving claim 2 , by the first UE claim 2 , the SL UE assistance information transmitted by the second UE comprises:receiving, by the first UE, the SL UE assistance ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

System and method for smartphone communication during vehicle mode

Номер: US20190005816A1
Автор: Sascha SIMON
Принадлежит: Sfara Inc

A device is provided for use with a vehicle and with a communication device. The communication device can transmit a first vehicle mode signal and a subsequent signal. The device includes a processing component, an indicator component, a transmitting component and a receiving component. The processing component can operate in a vehicle mode and can operate in a second mode. The indicator component can provide a vehicle mode indication signal when the processing component is operating in the vehicle mode. The transmitting component can transmit a second vehicle mode signal based on the vehicle mode indication signal. The receiving component can receive the first vehicle mode signal and can receive the subsequent signal. The processing component can further perform a function while in the vehicle mode and based on the first vehicle mode signal and the subsequent signal.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for acquiring and providing a database which relates to a predetermined surrounding area and contains environmental data

Номер: US20190005818A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

Data relating to at least the dynamic objects of the surrounding area is as certained by sensors of at least on e motor vehicle. The is stored in a database provided by a motor vehicle, acting as a server for the surrounding area, which communicates with other motor vehicles. When a request message is received, the motor vehicle acting as a server transmits at least one part of environmental data in the database to the requesting motor vehicle and/or transmits a request message for transmitting environmental data, relating to the requested data about at least one object, to other motor vehicles to update the database and/or captures environmental data relating to the at least one object by other sensors. The database is updated to include the transmitted or captured environmental data.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Motor vehicle with a driving behavior which can be modified at a later stage using an application program

Номер: US20160006752A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A motor vehicle has a processor device to run application programs in a first communication zone and a storage device for vehicle control data, by which a driving behavior of the motor vehicle is determined. The storage device is arranged in a second communication zone of the motor vehicle. In order to allow a modification of the vehicle control data at a later stage using an application program and thus provide protection against an undesired manipulation of the vehicle control data, the first and the second communication zones are coupled by a monitoring device that forwards new data, which an application program is attempting to transmit from the first communication zone into the second communication zone, to the second communication zone only if the monitoring device has detected that the new data leads to a safe motor vehicle driving behavior defined by a specified safety criterion.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006394A1
Автор: Tijink Jasja

A method for encrypted communication in an ad-hoc network having a plurality of network nodes comprises the following steps performed in a first node of the network: receiving an initiation message from a second node of the network, the received initiation message comprising a public key of said second node; determining at least one of a proximity or velocity measure of said second node; checking whether the at least one determined measure is below a threshold and, if so, emitting a reply message comprising an encrypted part and an encryption key encrypted with the received public key from said second node; and repeatedly emitting status messages, wherein at least a part of each emitted status message is encrypted with the encryption key. 1. A method for encrypted communication in an ad-hoc network having a plurality of network nodes , comprising the following steps performed in a first node of the network:receiving an initiation message from a second node of the network, the received initiation message comprising a public key of said second node, the public key being a part of an asymmetric encryption scheme such that only the second node can decrypt messages encrypted with said public key of the second node;determining at least one of a proximity or velocity measure of said second node in relation to the first node;checking whether the at least one determined measure is below a threshold;if the at least one determined measure is below the threshold, emitting a reply message comprising an encrypted part and an encryption key encrypted with the received public key from said second node; andrepeatedly emitting status messages, wherein at least a part of each emitted status message is encrypted with the encryption key.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first node is an onboard unit carried by a travelling vehicle.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the initiation message and the status message have the same format and the reply message has the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Device to Device Full Duplex Communication

Номер: US20190007185A1

A network node, communicating over a full duplex wireless ad hoc network (WANET) of network nodes with multiple frequency channels, includes a processor which executes code instructions. The code instructions instruct the processor to extract at least one channel allocation information set (CAIS) from signals received from at least one other network nodes. The CAIS includes a node identifier and frequency channel usage data for a respective node. The extracted CAISs are analyzed to identify at least one channel, of the multiple frequency channels, receivable by a target node. At least one of the identified channels is allocated for transmission to the target node. The signal is then prepared for transmission to the target node over the allocated channel(s). The prepared signal includes the network node's CAIS, and may optionally include a data payload and/or control information. 1. A network node comprising:a processor; extracting a channel allocation information set (CAIS) from signals received from wireless ad hoc network (WANET) nodes, the WANET comprising a plurality of network nodes communicating on multiple frequency channels, wherein each of the extracted CATS comprises a node identifier and frequency channel usage data for a respective node of the WANET nodes;', 'analyzing each of the extracted CAIS to identify, from the multiple frequency channels, a channel receivable by a target node;', 'allocating the identified channel for transmission to the target node; and', 'preparing a signal for transmission to the target node over each of the allocated identified channel, the signal comprising a CAIS of the network node., 'a memory storing a program to be executed in the processor, the program comprising instructions for2. The network node according to claim 1 , further comprising a transmitter-receiver configured to transmit and receive signals in the multiple frequency channels in full duplex mode.3. The network node according to claim 1 , wherein the signal ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Wireless vehicular communications according to vehicular communications protocols using reservation times

Номер: US20200008026A1
Принадлежит: NXP BV

Embodiments are directed to methods and apparatuses for wireless vehicular communications using different communications protocols. A method includes communicating wirelessly via first vehicular communications circuitry by using a first vehicular communications protocol in which respective messages are sent synchronously. The method further includes, as part of each transmitted message, including data which is consistent with another vehicular communications protocol in which messages are sent asynchronously on behalf of other vehicular communications circuits and which indicates to the other vehicular communications circuits a reservation time for ensuing message subframes. In some embodiments, in addition to or alternatively to the above, the messages are transmitted based upon a fairness criterion associated with a relative extent of frequency-spectrum use involving transmissions according to the first vehicular communications protocol relative transmissions according to the other vehicular communications protocol.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008028A1
Автор: Yang Kang

A method of analyzing vehicle data includes collecting behavior data of one or more surrounding vehicles with aid of one or more sensors on-board a sensing vehicle and analyzing the behavior data of the one or more surrounding vehicles with aid of one or more processors to determine a safe driving index for each of the one or more surrounding vehicles. 1. A method of analyzing vehicle data comprising:collecting, with aid of one or more sensors on-board a sensing vehicle, behavior data of one or more surrounding vehicles; andanalyzing, with aid of one or more processors, the behavior data of the one or more surrounding vehicles to determine a safe driving index for each of the one or more surrounding vehicles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors on-board the sensing vehicle comprise at least one of an image sensor configured to capture one or more images of the one or more surrounding vehicles claim 1 , an ultrasonic sensor claim 1 , a laser radar claim 1 , a microwave radar claim 1 , an infrared sensor claim 1 , or a GPS.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors are configured to collect information that spans an aggregated amount of at least 180 degrees around the sensing vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensing vehicle is configured to communicate with the one or more surrounding vehicles wirelessly.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensing vehicle comprises on-board navigational sensors.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the on-board navigational sensors comprise at least one of a GPS sensor or an inertial sensor.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are provided off-board the sensing vehicle.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the one or more processors are provided at a data center remote to the sensing vehicle.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the sensing vehicle is configured to communicate with the data center wirelessly with aid of a communication unit on-board the sensing ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022010A1
Автор: Zhang Xiaobo

The present disclosure method and device for wireless communications, comprising: operating a first data block set; and transmitting first charging information; a size of data in the first data block set is used to generate the first charging information, the first charging information comprises a first identity (ID) set, and the first ID set comprises a first ID and a second ID; the first ID is a link layer ID; the operating action is receiving, a destination ID field of a MAC header of a MAC PDU used to carry the first data block set comprises at least partial bits in a first ID, when a destination link layer ID list maintained by a node indicated by the second ID comprises the first ID. The present disclosure determines a receiver or a generator of a first data block set, which improves accuracy of charging and enriches charging types of services. 1. A first node for wireless communications , comprising:a first receiver, operating a first data block set; anda first transmitter, transmitting first charging information;wherein a size of data in the first data block set is used to generate the first charging information, the first charging information comprises a first identity (ID) set, and the first ID set comprises a first ID and a second ID; the first ID is a link layer ID; the operating action is receiving, a destination ID field of a MAC header of a MAC PDU used to carry the first data block set comprises at least partial bits in the first ID, when a destination link layer ID list maintained by a node indicated by the second ID comprises the first ID, the first ID identifies a receiver of the first data block set, and when a destination link layer ID list maintained by a node indicated by the second ID does not comprise the first ID, the first ID does not indicate a receiver of the first data block set; or, the operating action is transmitting, a source ID field of a MAC header of a MAC PDU used to carry the first data block set comprises at least partial bits ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Carrier Aggregation and High Order Modulation in Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Sidelink Communication

Номер: US20220022150A1

Embodiments of a User Equipment (UE) and methods for communication are generally described herein. The UE may be configured for carrier aggregation using a primary component carrier (CC) and a secondary CC. The UE may attempt to detect a sidelink synchronization signal (SLSS) from another UE on the primary CC. The UE may, if the SLSS from the other UE is detected: determine, based on the detected SLSS, a common time synchronization for the primary CC and the secondary CC for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) sidelink transmissions in accordance with the carrier aggregation. The UE may, if the SLSS from the other UE is not detected: transmit an SLSS to enable determination of the common time synchronization for the primary CC and the secondary CC by the other UE. The SLSS may be transmitted on the primary CC. 1. (canceled)229.-. (canceled)30. An apparatus , comprising:memory; and receive signaling indicating vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) or sidelink transmission, wherein the signaling indicates using 64 quadrature amplitude modulation (64-QAM);', 'in response to the signaling, determine a transport block size (TBS) using a 64-QAM specific table;', 'encode a sidelink shared channel transmission using the determined transport block size;', 'encode demodulation reference signals (DM-RSs) for the sidelink shared channel transmission by the UE; and', 'map the sidelink shared channel transmission and the DM-RSs to one or more physical resource blocks (PRBs) that are allocated for a physical sidelink shared channel (PSSCH)., 'processing circuitry in communication with the memory and configured to31. The apparatus of claim 30 , 'perform rate matching for a last symbol of the sidelink shared channel transmission.', 'wherein the processing circuitry is further configured to32. The apparatus of claim 30 ,wherein the determined TBS is a scaled TBS in a modulation coding scheme and physical resource block allocation table.33. The apparatus of claim 30 ,wherein the determined TBS is a new TBS ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008994A1

A charging cable includes a first connector including a first proximity detection pin and a first power pin; a second connector comprising a second proximity detection pin and a second power pin; and a cable electrically connecting the first power pin of the first connector and the second power pin of the second connector, wherein the cable may not connect the first proximity detection pin and the second proximity detection pin. 1. A charging cable comprising:a first connector comprising a first proximity detection pin and a first power pin;a second connector comprising a second proximity detection pin and a second power pin; and electrically connect the first power pin and the second power pin; and', 'not connect the first proximity detection pin and the second proximity detection pin., 'a cable configured to2. The charging cable of claim 1 , wherein:the first connector further comprises a first control pilot pin,the second connector further comprises a second control pilot pin, andthe cable is configured to connect the first control pilot pin and the second control pilot pin.3. The charging cable of claim 1 , wherein: a first ground pin electrically connected to the first proximity detection pin; and', 'a first resistance located between the first ground pin and the first proximity detection pin, and, 'the first connector further comprises a second ground pin electrically connected to the second proximity detection pin; and', 'a second resistance located between the second ground pin and the second proximity detection pin., 'the second connector further comprises4. The charging cable of claim 3 , wherein the cable is configured to not connect the first resistance and the second resistance.5. The charging cable of claim 3 , wherein the charging cable further comprises: 'a first switch element connected in parallel with the first resistance and implemented as a normally-closed switch element that operates in response to an operation of a switch provided outside the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009151A1

A server device configured to communicate with a communication device mounted in a vehicle, the server device includes a controller configured to execute acquiring a position of an emergency vehicle, specifying a non-emergency vehicle at a predetermined distance from the position of the emergency vehicle, and transmitting, to a communication device mounted in the non-emergency vehicle, a communication stop request as information for prompting an occupant of the non-emergency vehicle to stop use of wireless communication. 1. A server device configured to communicate with a communication device mounted in a vehicle , the server device comprising a controller configured to executeacquiring a position of an emergency vehicle,specifying a non-emergency vehicle at a predetermined distance from the position of the emergency vehicle, andtransmitting, to a communication device mounted in the non-emergency vehicle, a communication stop request as information for prompting an occupant of the non-emergency vehicle to stop use of wireless communication.2. The server device according to claim 1 , wherein the communication stop request includes information indicating a communication stop time as a time during which the use of the wireless communication is stopped.3. The server device according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to calculate the communication stop time based on at least one of a traveling speed of the emergency vehicle and congestion information of a route along which the emergency vehicle is traveling.4. The server device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured not to transmit the communication stop request to the communication device of the non-emergency vehicle in a case where the position of the emergency vehicle is within an area where a predetermined communication system is usable.5. The server device according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured not to transmit the communication stop request to the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026566A1

The disclosure includes embodiments for a location data correction service for connected vehicles. A method includes receiving, by an operation center via a serverless ad-hoc vehicular network, a first wireless message that includes legacy location data that describes a geographic location of a legacy vehicle. The method includes causing a rich sensor set included in the operation center to record sensor data describing the geographic locations of objects in a roadway environment. The method includes determining correction data that describes a variance between the geographic location of the legacy vehicle as described by the sensor data and the legacy location data. The method includes transmitting a second wireless message to the legacy vehicle, wherein the second wireless message includes the correction data so that the legacy vehicle receives a benefit by correcting the legacy location data to minimize the variance. 1. A method for providing a location data correction service , the method executed by an operation center that includes a set of sensor rich vehicles and comprising:receiving, by the operation center via a serverless ad-hoc vehicular network, a first wireless message that includes legacy location data that describes a geographic location of a legacy vehicle, wherein the set of sensor rich vehicles and the legacy vehicle are connected vehicles;causing a rich sensor set included in the operation center to record sensor data describing geographic locations of objects in a roadway environment that includes the set of sensor rich vehicles and the legacy vehicles, wherein the objects whose geographic locations are described include the set of sensor rich vehicles and the legacy vehicle and wherein the sensor data is more accurate than the legacy location data for describing the geographic location of the legacy vehicle;determining correction data that describes a variance between the geographic location of the legacy vehicle as described by the sensor data ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010080A1

In a given computing node comprising at least one processor operatively coupled to a memory and implemented in a given vehicle, the method comprises obtaining at the given computing node data from at least one of: (i) one or more sensors on the given vehicle; (ii) one or more computing nodes associated with one or more other vehicles via at least one vehicle-to-vehicle communication protocol; and (iii) one or more data sources along the path of the given vehicle. The given computing node utilizes at least a portion of the obtained data to compute a risk assessment for the given vehicle with respect to an operational safety level of a proposed vehicle action. The given computing node initiates or prevents the proposed vehicle action for the given vehicle based on the computed risk assessment. 1. A method , comprising:in a given computing node comprising at least one processor operatively coupled to a memory and implemented in a given vehicle;obtaining at the given computing node data from at least one of: (i) one or more sensors on the given vehicle; (ii) one or more computing nodes associated with one or more other vehicles via at least one vehicle-to-vehicle communication protocol; and (iii) one or more data sources along the path of the given vehicle;utilizing at the given computing node at least a portion of the obtained data to compute a risk assessment for the given vehicle with respect to an operational safety level of a proposed vehicle action; andinitiating or preventing at the given computing node the proposed vehicle action for the given vehicle based on the computed risk assessment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the proposed vehicle action comprises a lane passing action whereby the given vehicle intends to pass at least one object.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one object is another vehicle moving in the same path as the given vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising utilizing at least a portion of the obtained data to ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030038A1

A method by a network node controls connectivity of UEs by identifying a group of UEs for communication with an application controlling parameters used by the UEs for operation in a vehicle platoon. The method controls connectivity for a UE in the group with a RAN node responsive to characteristics of the other UEs in the group. For each of the UEs the characteristic relates to functional operation of the UE with the application. Another method by an application server identifies the group of UEs, and identifies a characteristic of each of the UEs with the application. A message identifying the group of UEs and their characteristics is communicated to a network node for controlling connectivity for individual UEs in the group with a RAN node responsive to the characteristics of the other UEs in the group. 1. A method by a network node of a communications system for controlling connectivity of user equipments (UEs) that will operate within a vehicle platoon , the method comprising:identifying a group of UEs that will communicate with an application being executed by an application server which controls parameters used by the group of UEs for operation in the vehicle platoon; andcontrolling connectivity for one of the UEs in the group with a radio access network node responsive to characteristics of the other UEs in the group, wherein for each of the UEs the characteristic relates to a functional operation of the UE with respect to the application.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein controlling connectivity for the one of the UEs in the group comprises:for each of the UEs in the group, controlling admission of the UE to utilize radio resources of the radio access network node for communication with the application responsive to the characteristics of the other UEs in the group.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein controlling admission of the UE to utilize radio resources of the radio access network node for communication with the application responsive to the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030408A1
Автор: ZHANG Hao, ZHONG Hongzhen

A first communications device is disposed in a first vehicle, and the first communications device includes: a first information processing unit, where the first information processing unit obtains first status information of the first vehicle; determines, based on the first status information, whether a vehicle accident occurs; and generates a first emergency call message when determining that the vehicle accident has occurred, where the first emergency call message includes a first accident level; and a first vehicle-to-vehicle communications unit, where the first vehicle-to-vehicle communications unit is coupled to the first information processing unit, and the first vehicle-to-vehicle communications unit receives the first emergency call message from the first information processing unit, and sends the first emergency call message in a first range around the first vehicle. A corresponding second communications device is further provided to send a rescue response message in response to an emergency call message. 1. A first communications device , wherein the first communications device is disposed in a first vehicle , and the first communications device comprises:a first information processing unit, wherein the first information processing unit obtains first status information of the first vehicle; determines, based on the first status information, whether a vehicle accident has occurred; and generates a first emergency call message when the vehicle accident has been determined, wherein the first emergency call message comprises a first accident level; anda first vehicle-to-vehicle communications unit, wherein the first vehicle-to-vehicle communications unit is coupled to the first information processing unit, and the first vehicle-to-vehicle communications unit receives the first emergency call message from the first information processing unit, and sends the first emergency call message in a first range around the first vehicle, whereinafter sending the first ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012590A1

A monitoring apparatus provides vehicle telematics data. The monitoring apparatus includes a sensor for sensing vehicle and engine motion induced vibration in part of a vehicle and for generating vibration associated data. The sensor is coupled to part of the vehicle. Engine motion induced vibration associated data is processed to extract a characteristic of the vehicle or the engine. 134-. (canceled)35. A tag for installation on part of a vehicle for providing vehicle related data , wherein the tag comprises:at least one sensor for sensing vehicle related motion and for generating associated vehicle motion related data, the at least one sensor comprising at least an accelerometer;a processor for processing said vehicle motion related data to generate processed data representing at least one characteristic of said vehicle for capturing vehicle related events; anda transceiver for communicating said processed data representing at least one characteristic of said vehicle to a communication device for compilation, by the communication device or a processing apparatus with which the communication device communicates, of a sequence of vehicle related events;wherein said processor is configured to analyse data acquired via the sensor, to determine based on the analysis whether at least one vehicle motion related event has occurred, and to control communication of data to the communication device based on the analysis whereby the communication device will receive processed data and record information associated with corresponding vehicle related events, based on at least some of the acquired data, when motion of the vehicle is detected, but will not receive at least some other processed data.36. A tag according to claim 35 , wherein the processor is configured to control communication with said communication device via said transceiver using a low energy communication protocol.37. A tag according to claim 35 , wherein the tag is configured for installation on a windshield ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012644A1

An information processing device includes a controller configured to execute acquiring a position of a reporting vehicle that is a vehicle having reported occurrence of an emergency, acquiring a position of an emergency vehicle that is a vehicle to be dispatched to an occurrence site of the emergency to respond to the emergency, specifying, based on the position of the reporting vehicle and the position of the emergency vehicle, a base station that relays radio waves of wireless communication to be performed between the vehicles, and controlling the base station such that directivity of a radio wave from the base station toward the reporting vehicle and directivity of a radio wave from the base station toward the emergency vehicle are enhanced. 1. An information processing device comprising a controller configured to executeacquiring a position of a reporting vehicle that is a vehicle having reported occurrence of an emergency,acquiring a position of an emergency vehicle that is a vehicle to be dispatched to an occurrence site of the emergency to respond to the emergency,specifying, based on the position of the reporting vehicle and the position of the emergency vehicle, a base station that relays radio waves of wireless communication to be performed between the reporting vehicle and the emergency vehicle, andcontrolling the base station such that directivity of a radio wave from the base station toward the reporting vehicle and directivity of a radio wave from the base station toward the emergency vehicle are enhanced.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the reporting vehicle includes a camera configured to image at least one of a vehicle inside and a vehicle outside claim 1 , the controller transmits claim 1 , to the reporting vehicle claim 1 , a command for transmitting image data captured by the camera to the emergency vehicle.3. An information processing method in which a computer executes:a step of acquiring a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013292A1
Принадлежит: Peloton Technology, Inc.

Systems and methods are described for determining whether a platooning system is safe. In various aspects, a platooning system may collect information from various sensors included on one or more vehicles, and use the gathered information to determine whether the system achieves a threshold amount of safeness is achieved. In response to determining that a vehicle is unsafe, a system may prohibit vehicles from platooning or cause platooning vehicles to end their current platooning session. 1. A method for determining whether to perform an adverse action , comprising:establishing a wireless link between a first vehicle and a second vehicle, wherein information about the engine torque of the first vehicle and braking system of the first vehicle are transmitted to the second vehicle via the wireless link;determining a threshold safety level, wherein the threshold safety level is based at least in part on a gap size;in response to the first vehicle or the second vehicle determining that a current safety level of the first vehicle and the second vehicle do not exceed the threshold safety level, performing the adverse action.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing the adverse action comprises:determining whether the first and second vehicle are engaged in a platoon; andin response to the first vehicle and the second vehicle being engaged in the platoon, dissolving the platoon; andin response to the first and second vehicle not being engaged in the platoon, prohibiting the first vehicle and the second vehicle from platooning.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the safety level is determined based at least in part on whether the first and second vehicles include ABS brakes claim 2 , and the versions of the ABS brakes.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the safety level is determined based on whether a road the first vehicle and the second vehicle are traveling on is wet claim 2 , and the tire tread depth of tires on the first vehicle and the second vehicle.5. The method ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

On the road groups

Номер: US20160014250A1
Автор: Otman A. Basir
Принадлежит: Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Inc

A mobile or in-vehicle communication system and method facilitate communication among groups. The system and method also facilitate the creation of such groups. The system and method may convert speech from one member of the group to text for distribution to other members of the group, for whom the text is converted to audible speech.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Mitigating Vehicle Pose Error Across an Aggregated Feature Map

Номер: US20220032970A1

Systems and methods for improved vehicle-to-vehicle communications are provided. A system can obtain sensor data depicting its surrounding environment and input the sensor data (or processed sensor data) to a machine-learned model to perceive its surrounding environment based on its location within the environment. The machine-learned model can generate an intermediate environmental representation that encodes features within the surrounding environment. The system can receive a number of different intermediate environmental representations and corresponding locations from various other systems, aggregate the representations based on the corresponding locations, and perceive its surrounding environment based on the aggregated representations. The system can determine relative poses between the each of the systems and an absolute pose for each system based on the representations. Each representation can be aggregated based on the relative or absolute poses of each system and weighted according to an estimated accuracy of the location corresponding to the representation. 1. A computer-implemented method , the method comprising:obtaining, by a computing system comprising one or more computing devices onboard an autonomous vehicle, sensor data associated with an environment of a first autonomous vehicle;obtaining, by the computing system, estimated location data indicative of a first estimated pose of the first autonomous vehicle;determining, by the computing system, a first intermediate environmental representation of at least a first portion of the environment of the first autonomous vehicle based, at least in part, on the sensor data;obtaining, by the computing system, a first message from a second autonomous vehicle, wherein the first message comprises a second intermediate environmental representation of at least a second portion of the environment of the first autonomous vehicle and second estimated location data indicative of a second estimated pose of the second ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014577A1

Provided are a resource configuration method and device. The method includes: assigning frequency-domain resource blocks (RBs) in a system to one or more sub-channels to form a sub-channel configuration in the system, where each of the RBs is included in only one sub-channel; and determining a unique sub-channel index for each sub-channel, and instructing one or more sub-channels, through the sub-channel index, the RBs included in the instructed one or more sub-channels to carry control information and/or data information of a user equipment. The solution solves the problem of large overheads incurred by indicating configured time-domain/frequency-domain resources in a V2V communication system and reduces overheads incurred by indicating configured time-domain/frequency-domain resources. 1. A resource configuration method , comprising:assigning frequency-domain resource blocks (RBs) of a system into one or more sub-channels to form a sub-channel configuration of the system, wherein each of the RBs is included in only one sub-channel; anddetermining a unique sub-channel index for each sub-channel, and instructing one or more sub-channels, through the sub-channel index, to use the RBs included in the instructed one or more sub-channels to carry control information and/or data information of a user equipment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each sub-channel comprises one or more RBs in frequency domain and one subframe in time domain.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sub-channel configuration indicates consecutive physical RBs of the sub-channel assignment;or wherein the sub-channel configuration indicates consecutive logical RBs of the sub-channel assignment, wherein a mapping rule is built between the consecutive logical RBs and the physical RBs.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein when the one or more sub-channels are used for carrying the control information and the data information claim 1 , the control information is carried in one of the following manners: ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Wireless vehicular communications involving retransmission of messages

Номер: US20200015111A1
Принадлежит: NXP BV

Embodiments are directed to methods and apparatuses for wireless vehicular communications involving retransmission of messages. A method for communicating by vehicular communications circuitry of a device includes, in a wireless communications network in which a message is broadcasted by vehicular communications circuitry of a device for asynchronous receptions by other circuitry in one or more devices configured to wirelessly communicate according to a communications protocol, monitoring a channel busy ratio associated with channels in a designated range of frequency pertaining to the wireless communications network. The method further includes assessing whether to retransmit the message as a function of the channel busy ratio, and in response to the channel busy ratio being outside a threshold, retransmitting the message according to the communications protocol.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034677A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A planned navigation route of a first motor vehicle is established as a reference navigation route. A second motor vehicle having a planned navigation route which satisfies a prespecified synchronization condition is selected, and a route length of the navigation route of the second motor vehicle is scaled to a route length of the reference navigation route. A route section of the reference navigation route is identified as a synchronizable route section, the route section satisfying a prespecified homogeneity criterion, and a route section of the scaled navigation route is assigned to the synchronizable route section. When the first motor vehicle is on the synchronizable route section and when the second motor vehicle is on the route section of the scaled navigation route assigned to the synchronizable route section, the provided output content which describes an avatar for the second motor vehicle is changed. 111.-. (canceled)12. A method for operating a virtual reality output device assigned to a first motor vehicle , the method comprising:establishing a planned navigation route of the first motor vehicle as a reference navigation route;selecting a second motor vehicle according to a planned navigation route of the second motor vehicle satisfying a prespecified synchronization condition, the prespecified synchronization condition specifying that a duration of travel of the second motor vehicle on a navigation route of the second motor vehicle lies within a prespecified tolerance range around a reference journey duration of travel of the first motor vehicle on the reference navigation route;scaling a route length of the navigation route of the second motor vehicle to a route length of the reference navigation route to form a scaled navigation route;identifying a route section of the reference navigation route satisfying a prespecified homogeneity criterion, as a synchronizable route section, the prespecified homogeneity criterion specifying a prespecified minimum ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034991A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A conventional V2X communication system relays vehicle information received from vehicles, from a base station to all vehicles in an area. Accordingly, a problem arises in that unnecessary transmission to vehicles which do not require vehicle information occurs, resulting in increase in a traffic amount in communication. According to the present disclosure, only if it is determined, based on information that is held by a vehicle or a base station and that is about an area in which direct transmission or reception is difficult, that direct transmission of vehicle information to another vehicle or reception of vehicle information transmitted from the other vehicle is difficult, the vehicle information is transmitted to the other vehicle via the base station. 1. A V2X vehicle-mounted device comprising:first communicator configured to directly transmit vehicle information between vehicles;second communicator configured to communicate with a base station; andprocessing circuitry configured to, based on the vehicle information and information that is received by the second communicator and that is about an area in which direct transmission is difficult, determine presence or absence of a vehicle in the area in which direct transmission is difficult, whereinthe vehicle information is transmitted by the second communicator only if it is determined that a transmission-destination vehicle is present in the area in which direct transmission is difficult.2. The V2X vehicle-mounted device according to claim 1 , wherein the vehicle information comprises a position claim 1 , a speed claim 1 , and an orientation of a vehicle.3. The V2X vehicle-mounted device according to claim 1 , wherein the information about the area in which direct transmission is difficult comprises a latitude and a longitude of the area.4. The V2X vehicle-mounted device according to claim 1 , wherein the information about the area in which direct transmission is difficult comprises a latitude and a longitude ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017108A1

The present disclosure relates to a vehicle having a communication device configured to communicate with an external server through a plurality of channels, and a vehicle control device configured to control the communication device to receive a safety-related message from the external server. The plurality of channels includes a first channel that is allocated to transmit and receive the safety-related message, and the vehicle control device is configured to control the communication device to receive the safety-related message from the external server through a second channel that is different from the first channel. 1. A vehicle comprising:a communication device configured to communicate with an external server through a plurality of channels; anda vehicle control device configured to control the communication device to receive a safety-related message from the external server,wherein the plurality of channels includes a first channel that is allocated to transmit and receive the safety-related message, andwherein the vehicle control device is configured to control the communication device to receive the safety-related message from the external server through a second channel that is different from the first channel.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein thesecond channel is allocated to transmit and receive a service message, andwherein the vehicle control device configured to receive the safety-related message from the external server through the second channel rather than the first channel based on a predetermined condition being satisfied while the communication device is set to the second channel.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the vehicle control device is configured to control the communication device to transmit a request message for requesting the safety-related message from the external server through the second channel based on the predetermined condition being satisfied while the communication device is set to the second channel.4. The vehicle of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036256A1

Vehicle access control is disclosed. In various embodiments, a vehicle reservation from a wireless communication device is received, the vehicle reservation is authenticated, and access to the vehicle is provided after authenticating the vehicle reservation. In various embodiments, a system for vehicle access control includes a vehicle access control component that is configured to provide access to a vehicle and a communication interface for communication with a wireless communication device, a communication interface for communication with a wireless communication device. Access to the vehicle is provided when a vehicle reservation is received from the wireless communication device. 1. (canceled)2. A vehicle access control system , comprising:a communication interface communicates with a wireless communication device; and update the vehicle access control system based on an update to vehicle access control system information received from the wireless communication device via the communication interface; and', 'provide access to a vehicle using the updated vehicle access control system information, wherein access to the vehicle is provided by the vehicle access control component when receiving a vehicle reservation from the wireless communication device., 'a vehicle access control component executed on a processor, wherein the vehicle access control component performs3. The vehicle access control system recited in claim 2 , wherein the vehicle access control system is included in the vehicle during manufacturing of the vehicle.4. The vehicle access control system recited in claim 2 , wherein the vehicle access control system is included in the vehicle after manufacture of the vehicle.5. The vehicle access control system recited in claim 2 , wherein the vehicle access control system is configured to communicate with the vehicle via a physical port.6. The vehicle access control system recited in claim 2 , wherein the vehicle reservation includes a reservation for a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036257A1
Автор: Medina Mario A.

Provided are a fully automated dispatch system and method of dispatching vehicles that requires no direct communication between a dispatch person and the driver or passenger. 1. A method of dispatching vehicles for hire comprising:providing a system comprising at least one cloud-based server comprising a non-volatile memory;logging onto the system by a booker;entering passenger information into the non-volatile memory by the booker;entering a pickup location and a drop-off location into the system by the booker;searching for a vehicle in the system by the booker;selecting a vehicle by the booker;determining by the system a best driver for a passenger;logging onto the system by the driver;entering driver information into a database stored in the non-volatile memory;automatically validating driver information by the system, and if the driver's information is validated, providing logon information for a driver app to the driver;running the driver app by the driver on a driver user interface device;automatically validating passenger information by the system, and if the passengers information is validated, providing logon information for a passenger app to the passenger;running the passenger app by the passenger on a passenger user interface device;validating by the system that the passenger app is running on the passenger user interface device;inputting an internet protocol (IP) address of the passenger user interface device to the non-volatile memory;using the IP address by the system to determine a location of the passenger user interface device;validating by the system that the driver app is running on the driver user interface device;determining by the system at least one route for the driver between the pickup location and drop-off location, and providing the at least one route to the driver app for the driver to view on the driver user interface device;picking up the passenger at the pickup location by the driver;determining in real time a real time location of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037775A1

Techniques are described for a full duplex communication method and apparatus for inter-vehicle communication (V2V). A communication apparatus includes one or more transmit antennas, one or more receive antennas, and a processor. For cases where a single transmit antenna and multiple receive antennas are used, a distance between the transmit and receive antennas is greater than a pre-determined value. Further, the transmit antenna is located on or in a central region of a top surface of the vehicle and the receive antennas are evenly distributed located on the vehicle. The processor configured to generate one or more messages to be transmitted via the transmit antenna, where the one or more messages includes vehicle condition information, operational information about a driver of the vehicle, or information associated with one or more sensors of the vehicle. 1. A communication apparatus , comprising:at least one transmit antenna and at least one receive antenna, wherein a distance between the at least one transmit antenna and the at least one receive antenna is greater than a pre-determined value; anda processor configured to:generate one or more messages to be transmitted via the at least one transmit antenna, wherein the one or more messages include vehicle condition information, operational information about a driver of the vehicle, or information associated with one or more sensors of the vehicle.2. The communication apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one transmit antenna and the at least one receive antenna are respectively located on two end points of a diagonal line that extends from one end of a vehicle to another end of the vehicle; orthe at least one transmit antenna and the at least one receive antenna are respectively located on or in a first side and a second side of a vehicle, the first side being opposite to the second side.3. The communication apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the at least one transmit antenna and the at least one receive ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019176A1

An apparatus comprising a transceiver, a processor and a memory. The transceiver may be configured to send/receive data messages to/from a plurality of vehicles. The processor may be configured to execute instructions. The memory may be configured to store instructions that, when executed, perform the steps of (A) generating signal distance calculations between the apparatus and at least three of the vehicles using the data messages, (B) calculating a plurality of potential positions of the vehicles using the signal distance calculations, (C) performing a scaling operation on the plurality potential positions of the vehicles to determine relative positions of the vehicles on a coordinate system, (D) implementing a procrusting procedure on the coordinate system to generate a corrected coordinate system and (F) determining changes of the relative positions using the corrected coordinate system. 1. An apparatus comprising:a transceiver configured to send/receive data messages to/from a plurality of vehicles;a processor configured to execute instructions; anda memory configured to store instructions that, when executed, perform the steps of (A) generating signal distance calculations between said apparatus and at least three of said vehicles using said data messages, (B) calculating a plurality of potential positions of said vehicles using said signal distance calculations, (C) performing a scaling operation on said plurality potential positions of said vehicles to determine relative positions of said vehicles on a coordinate system, (D) implementing a procrusting procedure on said coordinate system to generate a corrected coordinate system and (F) determining changes of said relative positions using said corrected coordinate system.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said changes represent an amount of error between sampled locations.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said data messages are sent along with a standard message.4. The apparatus ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018934A1

A travel control device including a congestion situation acquisition section configured to acquire a currently occurring congestion situation for traveling vehicles or a predicted congestion situation of predicted congestion for traveling vehicles, a vehicle formation acquisition section configured to acquire information relating to a predefined vehicle formation in a traveling state, a communication section configured to communicate with vehicles configuring the vehicle formation, and a switchover control section configured to switch a leading vehicle traveling at a head of the vehicle formation acquired by the vehicle formation acquisition section over to remote driving when the currently occurring congestion situation or the predicted congestion situation has been acquired by the congestion situation acquisition section. 1. A travel control device comprising:a congestion situation acquisition section configured to acquire a currently occurring congestion situation for traveling vehicles or a predicted congestion situation of predicted congestion for traveling vehicles;a vehicle formation acquisition section configured to acquire information relating to a predefined vehicle formation in a traveling state;a communication section configured to communicate with vehicles configuring the vehicle formation; anda switchover control section configured to switch a leading vehicle traveling at a head of the vehicle formation acquired by the vehicle formation acquisition section over to remote driving when the currently occurring congestion situation or the predicted congestion situation has been acquired by the congestion situation acquisition section.2. The travel control device of claim 1 , further comprising a storage section configured to store a predetermined situation in which congestion is likely to occur as the predicted congestion situation.3. The travel control device of claim 2 , wherein a predetermined disaster is stored in the storage section as the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019186A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A control device includes a search information calculation unit, an area information storage unit, an area information update unit, and a location control unit. The search information calculation unit acquires information relating to a plurality of unmanned vehicles that move within a target area in accordance with a set operation, and calculates search information relating to the unmanned vehicles using the acquired information relating to the unmanned vehicles. The area information storage unit stores area information including indicators for searching the target area. The area information update unit updates the area information on the basis of said search information and the time that has elapsed since the last search conducted by the unmanned vehicles. The location control unit which, on the basis of the area information, calculates locations to which the unmanned vehicles should move, and outputs control signals for causing the unmanned vehicles to move to the calculated locations. 1. A control device , comprising:at least one memory storing instructions; andat least one processor connected to the at least one memory and configured to execute the instructions to:acquire information related to a plurality of unmanned vehicles moving within a target area according to a set operation;calculate search information about the unmanned vehicle by using the acquired information related to the unmanned vehicle;hold area information including an index for searching in the target area;update the area information, based on an elapsed time since a search is performed by the unmanned vehicle and the search information; andcalculate a position of a movement destination of the unmanned vehicle, based on the area information, and output a control signal for moving the unmanned vehicle to the calculated position.2. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one processor is configured to execute the instructions to:hold the area information including an index ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038555A1

A server apparatus includes a communication interface and a controller configured to transmit/receive information to/from another apparatus using the communication interface. Upon receiving a request for vehicle dispatch from a terminal apparatus, the controller is configured to transmit an instruction to pick up a user of the terminal apparatus to a vehicle that includes a game apparatus corresponding to a game preference of the user. 1. A server apparatus comprising:a communication interface; anda controller configured to transmit/receive information to/from another apparatus using the communication interface, whereinupon receiving a request for vehicle dispatch from a terminal apparatus, the controller is configured to transmit an instruction to pick up a user of the terminal apparatus to a vehicle that includes a game apparatus corresponding to a game preference of the user.2. The server apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to transmit an instruction to the vehicle to change a travel route or a travel speed in accordance with a required time for a game provided by the game apparatus.3. The server apparatus of claim 1 , wherein upon receiving a request for vehicle dispatch from a terminal apparatus of another user who has the game preference claim 1 , the controller is configured to transmit an instruction to pick up the another user to another vehicle that includes a game apparatus configured to communicate with the game apparatus of the vehicle.4. The server apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to transmit an instruction to the vehicle and the another vehicle to change respective travel routes or travel speeds so that riding times of respective users of the vehicle and the another vehicle match.5. The server apparatus of claim 1 , wherein upon receiving a request for vehicle dispatch from a terminal apparatus of another user who has the game preference claim 1 , the controller is configured to transmit an ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038850A1

A communication apparatus according to the present disclosure is a communication apparatus included in a first vehicle, the communication apparatus including a communication interface and a controller. The communication interface communicates with a server. The controller detects a second vehicle located in a vicinity of the first vehicle. The controller generates positional information for the second vehicle based on a position of the first vehicle when the second vehicle is detected. The controller transmits the positional information for the second vehicle to the server via the communication interface, when the communication interface can communicate with the server. The controller stores the positional information for the second vehicle as unsent information for the first vehicle, when the communication interface cannot communicate with the server, and transmits the unsent information for the first vehicle to the server via the communication interface, when the communication interface becomes able to communicate with the server. 1. A communication apparatus included in a first vehicle , the communication apparatus comprising:a communication interface configured to communicate with a server; and detect a second vehicle located in a vicinity of the first vehicle;', 'generate positional information for the second vehicle based on a position of the first vehicle when the second vehicle is detected;', 'transmit the positional information for the second vehicle to the server via the communication interface, when the communication interface can communicate with the server; and', 'store the positional information for the second vehicle as unsent information for the first vehicle, when the communication interface cannot communicate with the server, and transmit the unsent information for the first vehicle to the server via the communication interface, when the communication interface becomes able to communicate with the server., 'a controller configured to2. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038855A1
Автор: WHYTE William

A method of providing positioning information includes: receiving, at a first UE from a second UE, a request that includes a location and a geographic region of interest; and sending, from the first UE to the second UE: at least one first one-way tree portion, of a one-way tree, comprising at least one first one-way sub-value corresponding to at least one first sub-area of a map area and that includes the location, the one-way tree corresponding to the map area; and at least one second one-way tree portion of the one-way tree comprising at least one second one-way sub-value and corresponding to at least one second sub-area; the at least one first one-way sub-value and the at least one second one-way sub-value together comprising a complete data set for determining a root value of the one-way tree and correspond, in combination, to the map area. 1. A method of providing positioning information , the method comprising:wirelessly receiving, at a first user equipment (UE) from a second UE, a map request that includes a location and a geographic region of interest; and at least one first one-way tree portion, of a one-way tree, comprising at least one first one-way sub-value of the one-way tree and corresponding to at least one first sub-area that spans less than a map area and that includes the location, the one-way tree corresponding to the map area; and', 'at least one second one-way tree portion of the one-way tree comprising at least one second one-way sub-value of the one-way tree and corresponding to at least one second sub-area of the map area;, 'wirelessly sending, from the first UE to the second UEwherein the at least one first one-way sub-value and the at least one second one-way sub-value together comprise a complete data set for determining a root value of the one-way tree and correspond, in combination, to the map area; andwherein the map area includes the geographic region of interest.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first one-way tree ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038872A1
Автор: GUO Rui, Lu Hongsheng

The disclosure includes embodiments for adaptive sensor data sharing by a connected vehicle. A method includes calculating, by a processor of an ego vehicle, a view angle overlap between a first sensor of the ego vehicle and a second sensor of a roadway device, wherein the view angle overlap is an amount of sensor view overlap shared by first sensor and the second sensor. The method includes determining an amount of ego sensor data to share with the roadway device based on the view angle overlap. The method includes building a sharing message that includes the amount of ego sensor data in a payload of the sharing message. The method includes transmitting, by a communication unit of the ego vehicle, the sharing message to the roadway device. 1. A method executed by an ego vehicle , the method comprising:calculating, by a processor of the ego vehicle, a view angle overlap between a first sensor of the ego vehicle and a second sensor of a roadway device, wherein the view angle overlap is an amount of sensor view overlap shared by first sensor and the second sensor;determining an amount of ego sensor data to share with the roadway device based on the view angle overlap;building a sharing message that includes the amount of ego sensor data in a payload of the sharing message; andtransmitting, by a communication unit of the ego vehicle, the sharing message to the roadway device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the roadway device is a remote vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the roadway device is not a remote vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ego sensor data includes lidar measurements recorded by a lidar sensor of the ego vehicle claim 1 , and wherein when the view angle shared by the ego vehicle and the roadway device is greater claim 1 , then less of the lidar measurements described by the ego sensor data is included in the payload relative to how many lidar measurements are included in the payload when the view angle is less.5. The method of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038873A1
Автор: NAGASAWA Isamu

An emergency reporting device for a vehicle includes an emergency detector and a communicator. The emergency detector is configured to detect or estimate an emergency including a collision of the vehicle. The communicator is configured to, when the emergency of the vehicle is detected or estimated, transmit information related to the emergency to outside so that a succeeding vehicle receives the information related to the emergency. The communicator is configured to, after the information related to the emergency is transmitted, receive acknowledgment information from the succeeding vehicle about reception of the information related to the emergency. 1. An emergency reporting device for a vehicle , the emergency reporting device comprising:an emergency detector configured to detect or estimate an emergency including a collision of the vehicle; anda communicator configured to, when the emergency of the vehicle is detected or estimated, transmit information related to the emergency to outside so that a succeeding vehicle receives the information related to the emergency,wherein the communicator is configured to, after the information related to the emergency is transmitted, receive acknowledgment information from the succeeding vehicle about reception of the information related to the emergency.2. The emergency reporting device for the vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising a reporter configured to claim 1 , after the communicator transmits the information related to the emergency claim 1 , report to an occupant in the vehicle whether the communicator receives the acknowledgment information from the succeeding vehicle.3. The emergency reporting device for the vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the communicator is configured to transmit claim 1 , as the information related to the emergency claim 1 , at least one of a state of the vehicle caused by the collision or a state of the occupant in the vehicle caused by the collision.4. The emergency reporting ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle-to-pedestrian positioning with joint localization in vehicles

Номер: US20220039054A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A vehicle-enabled user equipment (VUE) and related techniques are disclosed. In one aspect, the VUE issues a periodic broadcast, or signals a response to a requesting source, identifying its location management capability (LMC). The UE forms a link with a recipient VUE of the broadcast to perform joint localization of the pedestrian UE (PUE). Joint localization by VUE and another VUE may be performed by VUEs and PUEs in the region exchanging ranging signals and ego measurements. The VUE determines a location jointly of the PUE. The location can be determined upon a request, periodically, or in response to a triggered event.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039202A1

A communication system conducts wireless communication with a communication apparatus present in a vicinity of a moving object, and conducts inter-vehicle wireless communication with a communication device mounted on another moving object. The communication system specifies a group formed with a plurality of moving objects capable of conducting the inter-vehicle wireless communication, and distributes a content to the communication apparatus. The communication system differentiates the content to be distributed to the communication apparatus depending on a formation of the group that has been specified. 1. A communication system comprising:one or more processors; anda memory storing instructions which, when the instructions are executed by the one or more processors, cause the one or more processors to:conduct wireless communication with a communication apparatus present in a vicinity of a moving object;conduct inter-vehicle wireless communication with a communication device mounted on another moving object;specify a group formed with a plurality of moving objects capable of conducting the inter-vehicle wireless communication; anddistribute a content to the communication apparatus,wherein the distributing of the content includes differentiating the content to be distributed to the communication apparatus depending on a formation of the group that has been specified.2. The communication system according to claim 1 , wherein the formation of the group is distinguishable in accordance with at least one of the number of the moving objects that belong to the group claim 1 , the number of the communication apparatuses connected with the moving object that belongs to the group via a network claim 1 , or a total of the number of the moving objects that belong to the group and the number of the communication apparatuses connected with the moving object that belongs to the group via the network.3. The communication system according to claim 2 , wherein the distributing of the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020031A1
Автор: Herman David Michael

A vehicle may determine that it is stopped and detect a perimeter-modification event predefined as correlating to a changed vehicle perimeter. The vehicle may further, responsive to the perimeter-modification event, define an expanded vehicle perimeter, larger than a perimeter predefined as representing the vehicle in travel. The perimeter expansion may be done in accordance with a predefined modification associated with the detected perimeter modification event. The vehicle may additionally wirelessly share the expanded vehicle perimeter with at least one other vehicle. 1. A vehicle comprising:a processor configured todetect a perimeter-modification event predefined as correlating to a change in a vehicle perimeter surrounding the vehicle from which other roadway objects are to be excluded;responsive to the perimeter-modification event, define an expanded vehicle perimeter, larger than a perimeter predefined as representing the vehicle in travel, in accordance with a predefined modification associated with the detected perimeter modification event; andwirelessly share the expanded vehicle perimeter with at least one other vehicle.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the perimeter-modification event includes a door-unlock event.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the perimeter-modification event includes a door-opening event.4. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the predefined modification includes expanding the vehicle perimeter to accommodate at least a predefined path of the door from closed to fully open.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the perimeter-modification event includes a vehicle compartment opening.6. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the predefined modification includes expanding the perimeter to accommodate at least a path of predefined size from an occupied vehicle seat to the vehicle compartment.7. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to determine a location of the vehicle and wherein the predefined modification varies ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020044A1

One or more devices associated with a first vehicle receives location information that specifies a location of a second vehicle. The one or more devices determine, based on the location information, that the second vehicle is within a threshold distance of the first vehicle. The one or more devices establish, based on determining that the second vehicle is within the threshold distance of the first vehicle, a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection with the second vehicle. The one or more devices receive from the second vehicle, and by using the P2P connection, content that has been captured by a camera component associated with the second vehicle. The one or more devices cause an interface associated with the first vehicle to display the content. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, by one or more devices associated with a first vehicle, location information that specifies a location of a second vehicle;determining, by the one or more devices and based on the location information, that the second vehicle is within a threshold distance of the first vehicle;establishing, by the one or more devices and based on determining that the second vehicle is within the threshold distance of the first vehicle, a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection with the second vehicle;receiving, by the one or more devices, from one or more other devices associated with the second vehicle, and by using the P2P connection, content that has been captured by a camera component associated with the second vehicle; andcausing, by the one or more devices, an interface associated with the first vehicle to display the content.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the content displayed via the interface depicts at least an area of a road from a perspective of the second vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining that the second vehicle is within the threshold distance of the first vehicle comprises:determining that the second vehicle is within the threshold distance of the first vehicle using a telematics unit ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020987A1

Methods, systems, and storage media for reporting geo-information in wireless communications networks are described. In embodiments, an evolved nodeB (eNB) may configure a user equipment (UE) to report its geo-information, and use the reported geo-information for scheduling vehicle-to-vehicle (VV) communications. The eNB may also allocate radio frequency (RF) resources for VV communications based on reported geo-information. In embodiments, a UE may report its geo-information based on a configuration message received from an eNB, receive scheduling information for VV communications, and determine or select RF resources on which to transmit or receive VV communications. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed. 125.-. (canceled)26. An apparatus to be implemented in an Evolved Node B (“eNB”) the apparatus comprising:encoding circuitry to encode a first message, wherein the first message is to instruct a user equipment (“UE”) to generate and transmit a report and the first message is to indicate a trigger to initiate transmission of the report;decoding circuitry to decode a second message to obtain the report, wherein the report is to include geo-information associated with the UE; andcentral processing circuitry to generate the first message and a schedule of one or more vehicle-to-vehicle (“V2V”) sidelink transmissions for the UE, wherein the schedule is based on radio frequency (“RF”) resources allocated to a geographical sub-area (“GSA”) associated with the geo-information from the obtained report.27. The apparatus of claim 26 , wherein the first message further comprises a report type and report timing information claim 26 , wherein the report timing information indicates when a timestamp is to be recorded with respect to acquisition of the geo-information and the report type indicates a coordinate system to be used for acquisition of the geo-information and a format to be used for the report claim 26 , wherein the coordinate system is an absolute ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021082A1
Автор: Chen Jinhui, GUO XIN, Sun Chen

Apparatuses and methods for a network management side and a user equipment side in a wireless communication system are described herein, and as well as a central management apparatus and a method. The apparatus for a network management side in a wireless communication system includes comprises: an obtaining unit, configured to obtain a distribution-related user characteristic of a specific user equipment in a region served by the wireless communication system; and a determining unit, configured to determine, according to the user characteristic obtained by the obtaining unit, classification of resources in a wireless transmission resource pool to be used by the specific user equipment. 1. An apparatus for network management side in a wireless communication system , comprising:an acquiring unit, configured to acquire a user feature of particular user equipment in a region served by the wireless communication system, which is related to distribution of the particular user equipment; anda determining unit, configured to determine, based on the user feature acquired by the acquiring unit, division of resources in a wireless transmission resource pool to be used by the particular user equipment.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a transceiving unit, configured to transmit information on the division determined by the determining unit to the particular user equipment.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the user feature of the particular user equipment is denoted by density information of the particular user equipment in the region.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the user feature of the particular user equipment is a density of the particular user equipment which transmit information in unit time in the region.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a storage unit, configured to store and update the user feature of the particular user equipment, which is related to the distribution of the particular ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Automatic identification of a vehicle driver based on driving behavior

Номер: US20140106732A1
Принадлежит: Tango Networks Inc

A method and apparatus are disclosed that identify a motor vehicle operation and whether a driver is operating a mobile device. One example of operation may include a method that includes receiving vehicle data based on active operation of a vehicle and compiling a candidate driver identification profile (DIP) based on the received vehicle data. The method may also include comparing the candidate DIP to a pre-stored DIP and determining a match between the candidate DIP and the pre-stored DIP. The method may also include applying a restriction to a mobile station operated by a driver of the vehicle responsive to the match determination.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Multi-Level Video Processing Within A Vehicular Communication Network

Номер: US20200021538A1

A system and method for performing vehicle safety processing within a vehicle includes determining whether a driver is present in a vehicle, receiving driver sensed data, processing the driver sensed data to recognize a safety issue. The method continues by determining if the driver sensed data also indicates an externally sensed safety issue. For the driver sensed data without the externally sensed safety issue, the method includes generating one or more control signals to activate a driver awareness measure. For the driver sensed data with an externally sensed safety issue, the method includes activating auto safety precaution measures, determining whether the auto safety measures were successful in avoiding an accident, and, if not, recording the driver sensed data in a one-time programmable (OTP) memory device. 1. A vehicle safety system comprises: determine whether occupants are present in a vehicle;', 'for a driver occupant, receive driver sensed data;', 'process the driver sensed data to recognize a safety issue;', 'determine if the driver sensed data also indicates an externally sensed safetey issue;', 'for the driver sensed data without the externally sensed safety issue, generate one or more control signals to activate a driver awareness measure;', 'for the driver sensed data with an externally sensed safety issue, activate auto safety precaution measures;', 'determine whether the auto safety precaution measures were successful in avoiding an accident; and', 'if not, record the driver sensed data in a one-time programmable (OTP) memory device., 'a vehicle safety processor configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the driver sensed data without the externally sensed safety issue further includes an environmental adjustment for an ambient temperature above or below a desired setting.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the environmental adjustment for an ambient temperature above or below a desired setting includes an adjustment made to a temperature ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle network and method for establishing a vehicle network

Номер: US20200021658A1
Принадлежит: WABCO GmbH

A vehicle network for a plurality of interconnected vehicles is disclosed. The network is in the form of a WLAN and has at least two access points. The access points are interconnected in a wireless manner, i.e., without using a wired backbone. Each access point uses the same radio network ID, so all access points form only one single visible network for WLAN clients. A method for establishing the vehicle network is also disclosed.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021950A1

Provided are an intra-group communication method and apparatus, a resource configuration method, apparatus and system, and a storage medium. The intra-group communication method includes acquiring, by a group member in group, a platooning dedicated resource (PDR), where the PDR is used for intercommunication of all group members in the group; and performing, by the group member, the intercommunication after acquiring PDR configuration information related to the PDR. 1. An intra-group communication method , comprising:acquiring, by group members in a group, a platooning dedicated resource (PDR), wherein the PDR is used for intercommunication of all members in the group; andperforming, by the group members, the intercommunication after acquiring PDR configuration information related to the PDR, wherein the all members comprise the group members.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:on condition that the group members are located within a coverage range of a network side device or a resource member in the group is located within the coverage range of the network side device, acquiring, by the group members, the PDR transmitted by the network side device and/or the resource member; oron condition that the resource member is located out of the coverage range of the network side device or the all members are located out of the coverage range of the network side device, acquiring, by the group members, the PDR transmitted by the resource member;wherein the resource member is one of the all members in the group which is configured to transmit to the network side device a configuration request for requesting the PDR and configure the PDR for the group members in the group.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the acquiring the PDR configuration information comprises:on condition that the group members are located within the coverage range of the network side device or the resource member is located within the coverage range of the network side device, acquiring, by the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021961A1

This technology provides designs and methods for the vehicle on-board unit (OBU), which facilitates vehicle operations and control for connected automated vehicle highway (CAVH) systems. OBU systems provide vehicles with individually customized information and real-time control instructions for vehicle to fulfill the driving tasks such as car following, lane changing, route guidance. OBU systems also realize transportation operations and management services for both freeways and urban arterials. The OBU composed of the following devices: 1) a vehicle motion state parameter and environment parameter collection unit; 2) a multi-mode communication unit; 3) a location unit; 4) an intelligent gateway unit, and 5) a vehicle motion control unit. The OBU systems realize one or more of the following function categories: sensing, transportation behavior prediction and management, planning and decision making, and vehicle control. OBU is supported by real-time wired and/or wireless communication, the power supply networks, the cloud, cyber safety, security services, and the human machine interface. 1184-. (canceled)185. A vehicle on-board unit (OBU) comprising:a data collection and storage component configured to receive vehicle motion state parameters and vehicle environment parameters;a communications component;a location component; anda vehicle control component,wherein said OBU is configured to perform sensing functions; prediction functions;planning and decision-making functions; and/or vehicle control functions.186. The OBU of configured to communicate in real-time with components of a connected and automated vehicle highway (CAVH) system using wireless media and/or with other vehicles using wireless media.187. The OBU of configured to communicate with a CAVH cloud.188. The OBU of configured to:receive data from a roadside unit (RSU), wherein said data is used to control a connected and automated vehicle (CAV);receive data from an RSU; and use said data, said vehicle ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021962A1
Автор: Kong Jiejun

A vehicular high-speed network system having a vehicle, a terminal associated with the vehicle and having a radio rate transformer, and stations each having a radio rate transformer which are connected to a network gateway. The radio rate transformers having a GPS device for providing GPS location data of the first radio rate transformer, an embedded computer system, a VHF/UHF radio connected to the GPS device for transmitting the GPS location data to the embedded computer system, a first sector antenna, a compass for providing a heading angle of the first sector antenna to the embedded computer system, and a broadband radio for establishing high-speed data connection. The stations are connected to the internet and adapted to enable the high-speed data connection to the terminal once the sector antennas have a line of sight connection. 1. A vehicular high-speed network system comprising:a vehicle;a terminal associated with the vehicle and having a first radio rate transformer, the first radio rate transformer having a GPS device for providing GPS location data of the first radio rate transformer, an embedded computer system, a VHF/UHF radio connected to the GPS device for transceiving the GPS location data to the embedded computer system, a first sector antenna, a compass for providing a heading angle of the first sector antenna to the embedded computer system, and a broadband radio for establishing high-speed data connection; anda plurality of stations, each having a second radio rate transformer connected to a network gateway, wherein each of the plurality of stations are connected to the Internet and adapted to enable the high-speed data connection to the terminal once a second sector antenna of the second radio rate transformer has a line of sight connection with the first sector antenna.2. The vehicular high-speed network system of claim 1 , wherein the station is mobile.3. The vehicular high-speed network system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021977A1

A physical layer secret key generation scheme exploiting randomness of the road surface and driving behavior is described herein. A symmetric key generation scheme can be implemented in any existing V2V visible light communication. By analyzing and simulating numerous samples taken from NGSIM vehicle trajectory data, the natural driving behavior and road surface roughness can be exploited as a source of randomness to generate symmetric cryptographic security keys. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the communications channel is a vehicle to vehicle visible light communication channel claim 1 , wherein a pre-defined visible light signal is simultaneously transmitted between the at least two vehicles claim 1 , wherein the signal is symmetrically affected by road conditions and driving behavior in a manner observable to the vehicles claim 1 , wherein the stochastic process is the fluctuation in a signal strength of the visible light signal transmitted between the vehicles.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the signal is an RF signal claim 1 , wherein the random process is the fluctuation of RF signal strength caused by road conditions and driving behavior.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the signal is visible light of headlights from one vehicle to the other claim 1 , wherein the random process is the fluctuation of headlight light brightness due to the road conditions and driving behavior.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quantization rule comprises an upper and a lower threshold claim 1 , wherein the key bit is a 1 if the sample value is greater than the upper threshold claim 1 , wherein the key bit is a 0 if the sample is below the lower threshold claim 1 , wherein the sample is invalid otherwise.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the threshold values vary depending on the index corresponding to the sample point.7200. A system () for sending encrypted messages between two vehicles claim 5 , wherein the two vehicles are symmetrically affected by the stochastic ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022013A1

Various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. In some aspects, a user equipment may identify two or more peer-to-peer (P2P) communications to be combined based at least in part on a respective location of each of two or more originating UEs from which the two or more P2P communications are received; combine the two or more P2P communications, using network coding, to form a combined P2P communication; and transmit the combined P2P communication. Numerous other aspects are provided. 1. A method of wireless communication performed by a user equipment (UE) , comprising:identifying two or more peer-to-peer (P2P) communications to be combined based at least in part on a respective location of each of two or more originating UEs from which the two or more P2P communications are received;combining the two or more P2P communications, using network coding, to form a combined P2P communication; andtransmitting the combined P2P communication.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combined P2P communication includes an indication that multiple P2P communications have been combined to form the combined P2P communication.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the indication is a single bit.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combined P2P communication includes a communication identifier that identifies a P2P communication claim 1 , of the two or more P2P communications claim 1 , that has been combined to form the combined P2P communication.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the communication identifier includes a set of cyclic redundancy check (CRC) bits of the P2P communication.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combined P2P communication identifies all of the two or more P2P communications that have been combined to form the combined P2P communication.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two or more P2P communications are identified based at least in part on feedback received from one or more neighbor UEs.8. The method of claim 7 , ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Reference Signal Sending Method, Terminal Device, And Access Network Device

Номер: US20200022116A1
Автор: Deping Liu, Zhenwei LU
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

The present disclosure relates to reference signal sending or receiving methods and systems, terminal devices, and access network devices. One example method includes sending, by a first device, first control information to a second device, where the first control information is used to indicate a first resource used by the first device to send a reference signal, and sending, by the first device, the reference signal to the second device on the first resource.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021959A1

A vehicle includes a millimeter wave (mmWave) antenna, including a millimeter wave (mmWave) antenna, including a plurality of light elements and a plurality of active antenna elements in a predefined configuration surrounding a lensless camera element. The vehicle further includes an antenna controller configured to receive an image of a second mmWave antenna of a second vehicle via the lensless camera of the mmWave antenna, identify a scale and angle of rotation between the mmWave antenna and the second mmWave antenna based on the image, compute phase angles for the active antenna elements of the mmWave antenna according to the scale and angle of rotation, and transmit data using the active antenna elements to the second vehicle, according to the computed phase angles, to form a beam targeted at the second mmWave antenna of the second vehicle. 1. A vehicle comprising:a millimeter wave (mmWave) antenna, including a plurality of light elements and a plurality of active antenna elements in a predefined configuration surrounding a lensless camera element; and receive an image of a second mmWave antenna of a second vehicle via the lensless camera of the mmWave antenna,', 'identify a scale and angle of rotation between the mmWave antenna and the second mmWave antenna based on the image,', 'compute phase angles for the active antenna elements of the mmWave antenna according to the scale and angle of rotation, and', 'transmit data using the active antenna elements to the second vehicle, according to the computed phase angles, to form a beam targeted at the second mmWave antenna of the second vehicle., 'an antenna controller configured to'}2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the antenna controller is further configured to utilize a Fourier transform to estimate translation claim 1 , rotation claim 1 , and scaling between the image and a predefined image included in a library of shapes.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the antenna controller is further programmed to ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022159A1

A communication apparatus for inter-vehicular communication according to the present invention includes: a network state estimating unit configured to estimate network state information indicating a current network state based on driving information and channel state information of neighboring vehicles; a network access controller configured to control whether to transmit a message based on the network state information; a transmission scheduler configured to control a transmission time point of the message based on the network state information; and a transmission buffer unit configured to delay transmission of the message according to the control of the transmission time point of the transmission scheduler. 1. A communication apparatus for inter-vehicular communication , comprising:a network state estimating unit configured to estimate network state information indicating a current network state based on driving information and channel state information of neighboring vehicles;a network access controller configured to control whether to transmit a message based on the network state information;a transmission scheduler configured to control a transmission time point of the message based on the network state information; anda transmission buffer unit configured to delay transmission of the message according to the control of the transmission time point of the transmission scheduler.2. The communication apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the network state information includes at least one of a packet error rate claim 1 , a channel busy ratio claim 1 , and a vehicle density.3. The communication apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the network state information includes at least one of a packet error rate claim 2 , a channel busy ratio claim 2 , and a vehicle density corresponding to a predetermined distance range from a driver's own vehicle.4. The communication apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined distance range is determined according to whether a change in at ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022064A1

Techniques for establishing and controlling information sharing via a dynamic wireless mesh network for a group of vehicles comprise determining a set of communication parameters for the group of vehicles and, based on the set of communication parameters, establishing the dynamic wireless mesh network for the group of vehicles, wherein each vehicle in the group of vehicles is a node in the dynamic wireless mesh network, determining a set of routing rules for the dynamic wireless mesh network, controlling information sharing between the group of vehicles through the dynamic wireless mesh network using the set of routing rules, and selectively adjusting the set of routing rules in response to changes in the set of communication parameters. 1. A communication system for a vehicle , the communication system comprising:a wireless transceiver system configured to wirelessly transmit and receive information via one or more wireless communication protocols; and determine a set of communication parameters for a group of vehicles comprising the vehicle and a set of other vehicles, wherein each communication parameter of the set of communication parameters relates to the establishment and control of a dynamic wireless mesh network for the group of vehicles; and', establish the dynamic wireless mesh network for the group of vehicles, wherein each vehicle in the group of vehicles is a node in the dynamic wireless mesh network,', 'determine a set of routing rules for the dynamic wireless mesh network,', 'control information sharing between the group of vehicles through the dynamic wireless mesh network using the set of routing rules, and', 'selectively adjust the set of routing rules in response to changes in the set of communication parameters., 'based on the set of communication parameters], 'a controller in communication with the wireless transceiver system and configured to2. The communication system of claim 1 , wherein the set of communication parameters comprises signal ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022131A1

A data transmission method, comprising: a terminal device at a transmit end sends information about a transmission reliability requirement of to-be-transmitted data to a radio access network device through a wireless communications interface; and the terminal device at the transmit end obtains a transmission resource that is configured by the radio access network device and that is required for sending the to-be-transmitted data on the wireless direct communications interface, and sends the data to the terminal device at the receive end by using the transmission resource. 1. A data transmission method , applied to a first terminal device and comprising:sending, by the first terminal device, information about a transmission reliability requirement of to-be-transmitted data to a radio access network device through a wireless communications interface, wherein the to-be-transmitted data is data to be sent by the first terminal device to a second terminal device through a wireless direct communications interface, wherein the wireless communications interface is a communications interface between the first terminal device and the radio access network device, and wherein the wireless direct communications interface is a communications interface between the first terminal device and the second terminal device; andreceiving, by the first terminal device, transmission resource information that is sent by the radio access network device and that is needed for sending the to-be-transmitted data on the wireless direct communications interface.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission resource information comprises a quantity of times of transmitting the to-be-transmitted data on the wireless direct communications interface claim 1 , or information about a transmission resource required for sending the to-be-transmitted data based on a quantity of times specified by the radio access network device claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method according to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Intra- and Inter-RAT Co-Existence and Congestion Control for LTE PC5-Based Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)

Номер: US20210022183A1

Systems and methods of providing RAT co-existence and congestion control in V2V communications are generally described. A vUE detects specific non-LTE RAT transmissions in a listening period of a PSCCH or PSSCH, determines whether a metric has been met and reselects to a non-overloaded channel to communicate with other vUEs or the eNB. The manner of reselection is dependent on the RAT specific or V2X service priorities of the channels, as well as whether the channels are V2V service dependent. 130-. (canceled)31. An apparatus , comprising: encode, for transmission to a user equipment device (UE), an indication of resource pools disposed in at least one of a physical sidelink control channel (PSCCH) or physical sidelink shared channel (PSSCH) and devoid of cellular radio frequency (RF) signals between the UE and the base station;', 'allocate multiple sub-channels to device to device communication according to a first radio access technology (RAT); and', 'encode, for transmission to the UE, an indication of at least one metric for measurement of device to device transmissions for adjustment of transmission parameters by the UE for transmission on one or more of the multiple sub-channels in response to the metric., 'a processor configured to cause a base station to32. The apparatus of claim 31 , wherein:the resource pools are based at least in part on geographic location.33. The apparatus of claim 31 , wherein:transmission parameters include a maximum number of transmission time intervals (TTIs) used per transport block (TB).34. The apparatus of claim 31 , wherein the transmission parameters include a maximum number of sub-channels that used per transport block (TB) transmission.35. The apparatus of claim 31 , wherein the transmission parameters include a range of effective code rates per transport block (TB) transmission.36. The apparatus of claim 31 , wherein:the at least one metric is a congestion control metric including a channel busy ratio.37. The apparatus of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023839A1
Автор: Yan Yu

Driving control systems and methods include a first vehicle having one or more processors programmed to receive an individual driving behavior model specific to a driver of a second vehicle proximate the first vehicle. The individual driving behavior model is based on historical driving behavior of the driver of the second vehicle. The one or more processors are programmed to identify a motion plan for the first vehicle based on the individual driving behavior model specific to the driver of the second vehicle, and to control movement of the first vehicle according to the identified motion plan. 1. A driving control system of a first vehicle , comprising: responsive to receiving an individual driving behavior model specific to a driver of a second vehicle proximate the first vehicle, the individual driving behavior model being based on historical driving behavior of the driver, identify a motion plan for the first vehicle based on the individual driving behavior model; and', 'control movement of the first vehicle according to the identified motion plan., 'one or more processors programmed to'}2. The driving system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are programmed to claim 1 , responsive to determining that the individual driving behavior model for the driver of the second vehicle is not available claim 1 , identify the motion plan for the first vehicle based on a popular driving behavior model.3. The driving system of claim 1 , wherein the individual driving behavior model includes an aggressiveness rating claim 1 , a reaction time rating claim 1 , and a driving comfortability rating specific to the driver.4. The driving system of claim 1 , wherein the individual driving behavior model indicates an aggressiveness rating of the driver claim 1 , and the one or more processors are programmed to identify the motion plan for the first vehicle based on the individual driving behavior model by being programmed to identify whether the first vehicle should enter ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023862A1

A system and method for disabling a function of a feature of a vehicle based on a validation request to a centralized validation authority, prior to a use of the feature includes determining that a condition is met as part of a startup sequence of the vehicle, transmitting the validation request to the centralized validation authority, in response to determining the condition is met, wherein the validation request is part of the startup sequence of the vehicle, receiving a validation decision from the centralized validation authority, and disabling the feature of the vehicle as a function of the receiving the validation decision. 1. A method for disabling a function of a feature of a vehicle based on a validation request to a centralized validation authority , prior to a use of the feature , the method comprising:determining, by a processor of a computing system, that a condition is met as part of a startup sequence of the vehicle;transmitting, by the processor, the validation request to the centralized validation authority, in response to determining the condition is met, wherein the validation request is part of the startup sequence of the vehicle;receiving, by the processor, a validation decision from the centralized validation authority; anddisabling, by the processor, the feature of the vehicle as a function of receiving the validation decision.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the disabling the feature includes cancelling a command to provide electrical power to an electrical circuit that controls an operation of the feature of the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the condition is selected from the group consisting of: a period of days from a previous validation request sent to the centralized validation authority claim 1 , and a usage of the vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:detecting, by the processor, that the vehicle cannot connect to the Internet to transmit the validation request;locating, by the processor, a nearest ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Positioning method and device

Номер: US20220043099A1

The embodiments of the present disclosure provide a positioning method and related device. The positioning method includes: measuring, by a first vehicle, a positioning reference signal PRS and a carrier phase reference signal C-PRS sent by a plurality of positioning reference devices, to obtain a plurality of PRS measurement results and a plurality of C-PRS measurement results, the plurality of positioning reference devices including a network side device and other vehicles; performing, by the first vehicle, a positioning operation according to the plurality of PRS measurement results and the plurality of C-PRS measurement results.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023962A1
Автор: STRAßER Roman
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for ascertaining a variable which relates to the state of a motor vehicle battery of a first motor vehicle and which indicates a count value in order to count a previously effective service life of the motor vehicle battery, and wherein a starting count value is provided in order to ascertain the count value and at least one parameter which influences the effective service life of the motor vehicle battery is detected. An estimated value for the influence of the at least one detected parameter on the effective service life of the motor vehicle battery is calculated on the basis of the at least one detected parameter, and the starting count value is increased to a current count value on the basis of the calculated estimated value. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for ascertaining a variable comprising: a starting count value is provided;', 'at least one parameter influencing the effective service life of the motor vehicle battery is detected;', 'an estimated value for the influence of the at least one detected parameter on the effective service life of the motor vehicle battery is calculated on the basis of the at least one detected parameter; and', 'the starting count value is increased to a current count value on the basis of the calculated estimated value., 'ascertaining a variable related to a state of a motor vehicle battery of a first motor vehicle wherein the variable related to the state represents a count value for counting a previous effective service life of the motor vehicle battery, and wherein, for ascertaining the count value;'}12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the at least one parameter influencing the effective service life of the motor vehicle battery is detected repeatedly and the estimated value is ascertained repeatedly on the basis of the detected parameter claim 11 , wherein the current count value up to that point is increased to a new current count value claim 11 , on the basis of the respectively currently ascertained ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024080A1
Автор: Liu Xin

A method for data analysis, an electronic device, and a computer readable storage medium are provided. The method includes the following. A trip order is obtained. A smart contract is generated based on the trip order. Trip data uploaded by an on-board equipment is obtained. The smart contract is triggered based on the trip data and the trip order. Early-warning which corresponds to the smart contract is performed. 1. A method for data analysis , comprising:obtaining a trip order and generating a smart contract based on the trip order;obtaining trip data uploaded by an on-board equipment; andtriggering the smart contract based on the trip data and the trip order, and performing early-warning which corresponds to the smart contract.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein triggering the smart contract based on the trip data and the trip order claim 1 , and performing the early-warning which corresponds to the smart contract comprise:determining, based on the trip data, whether a deviation between a driving route and a preset navigation route contained in the trip order exceeds a first threshold; andupon determining that the deviation between the driving route and the preset navigation route exceeds the first threshold, triggering the smart contract and sending a monitoring instruction to the on-board equipment, wherein the monitoring instruction is used to activate a monitoring equipment of a vehicle.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the following after sending the monitoring instruction to the on-board equipment:receiving monitoring information sent by the on-board equipment; anddetermining, according to the monitoring information received, whether the monitoring information contains information indicating danger; andupon determining that the monitoring information contains information indicating danger, triggering the smart contract, disclosing private information contained in the trip order, and uploading the private information and the trip data to a police ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025818A1

Systems, apparatuses, and methods are provided herein for autonomous vehicles hierarchy management. In some embodiments, a system for autonomous product delivery vehicle fleet management comprises a locomotion system, a communication device, and a control circuit. The control circuit being configured to receive a request from a second autonomous vehicle to join the autonomous vehicle fleet, wherein the autonomous vehicle fleet comprises a master autonomous vehicle configured to coordinate tasks assigned to vehicles in the autonomous vehicle fleet, authenticate the second autonomous vehicle based on fleet rules stored in a hash chain database and update the hash chain database to add the second autonomous vehicle to the autonomous vehicle fleet, detect a master reassignment condition, and select an autonomous vehicle in the autonomous vehicle fleet as a new master autonomous vehicle based on master assignment rules stored in the hash chain database. 1. A system for autonomous product delivery vehicle fleet management , comprising:a locomotion system of a first autonomous vehicle;a communication device configured to communicate with other autonomous vehicles in an autonomous vehicle fleet comprising at least the first autonomous vehicle; and receive, via the communication device, a request from a second autonomous vehicle to join the autonomous vehicle fleet, wherein the autonomous vehicle fleet comprises a master autonomous vehicle configured to coordinate tasks assigned to vehicles in the autonomous vehicle fleet;', 'authenticate the second autonomous vehicle based on fleet rules stored in a hash chain database and update the hash chain database to add the second autonomous vehicle to the autonomous vehicle fleet;', 'detect a master reassignment condition; and', 'select an autonomous vehicle in the autonomous vehicle fleet as a new master autonomous vehicle based on master assignment rules stored in the hash chain database., 'a control circuit of the first ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025856A1

A system and related methods for management, planning and control of a connected fleet of vehicles. A unique, single integrated platform may be provided for management, planning and control of a connected fleet of vehicles, including fleet planning, in-fleeting operations, vehicle acquisition and provisioning, vehicle assignment, vehicle transfers, vehicle use operations, vehicle servicing, vehicle maintenance and repairs, and de-fleeting operations. Fleet communications can be by cellular, wireless, or low earth orbit satellite communications. Fleet vehicles include a programmable TCU installed in the vehicle and connected, directly or indirectly, to the CAN bus or similar vehicle network, and carries out various operations, including controlling vehicle access. Where outside communications links are not available, access to a vehicle may be through a protected, secure, single-use token stored on a user's computing device upon making a reservation, which is later securely communicated to the vehicle. The vehicle processes the token and allows access if the information in the token is valid. 1. A connected fleet management system , comprising:a plurality of microsatellites in low earth orbit;a plurality of fleet vehicles, each vehicle comprising a telematics control unit or other electronic control unit for collecting data from the vehicle and establishing external two-way electronic communications through said plurality of microsatellites; and assisting in provisioning of fleet vehicles;', 'communicating with said telematics control units or other electronic control units;', 'managing reservations and scheduling of use of fleet vehicles;', 'overseeing access to fleet vehicles;', 'monitoring use and return of fleet vehicles;', 'managing and scheduling maintenance and repairs of fleet vehicles; and', 'managing the movement of vehicles between fleets or sub-divisions or components of fleets., 'at least one fleet management system server with one or more microprocessor ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for messaging coordination

Номер: US20220044563A1

A vehicle includes one or more vehicle-exterior displays and a processor. The vehicle receives indication of a second proximate vehicle, the indication including viewing preferences for an occupant of the second proximate vehicle. The vehicle selects content for display on at least one of the vehicle-exterior displays and selects at least one display having an exterior orientation determined to be viewable based on a heading of the second proximate vehicle. The vehicle then displays the selected content on the selected display.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026286A1

A system and a method for autonomous decisioning and operation by an autonomous agent includes: collecting decisioning data including: collecting a first stream of data includes observation data obtained by onboard sensors of the autonomous agent, wherein each of the onboard sensors is physically arranged on the autonomous agent; collecting a second stream of data includes observation data obtained by offboard infrastructure devices, the offboard infrastructure devices being arranged geographically remote from and in an operating environment of the autonomous agent; implementing a decisioning data buffer that includes the first stream of data from the onboard sensors and the second stream of data from the offboard sensors; generating current state data; generating/estimating intent data for each of one or more agents within the operating environment of the autonomous agent; identifying a plurality of candidate behavioral policies; and selecting and executing at least one of the plurality of candidate behavioral policies. 1. A system for intelligently implementing an autonomous agent , the system comprising: 'collect observation data relating to circumstances surrounding a travel route of the autonomous agent;', 'a plurality of offboard infrastructure devices arranged geographically remote an autonomous agent and that a communication interface that enables the autonomous agent to communicate with each of the plurality of offboard infrastructure devices;', 'an onboard sensor suite comprising a plurality of distinct sensors arranged on the autonomous agent and that collect observation data relating to circumstances surrounding the autonomous agent from a perspective that is distinct a perspective of the plurality of offboard infrastructure devices;', 'a decisioning data buffer storing at least a first stream of observation data from the onboard sensor suite and a second stream of observation data from the plurality of offboard infrastructure devices;', implements a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027046A1

A system and platform for establishing continuous, uninterrupted wireless communications with “connected drivers” for the delivery of information and data for a variety of purposes. Connection is through an application running on their smartphone, tablet, or other mobile computing device, or through a networked system or device in the vehicle, including, but not limited to, the vehicle's information/entertainment system or a telematics device or unit. The system provides contextually appropriate and accurate offerings or information to the connected driver globally when operating a vehicle. The offerings or information may be related to a particular location of interest. The system provides offerings or information based on a combination of various factors, including the location of the connected driver or vehicle, the location of various locations of interest, driver profiles with the connected driver system or business partners or participants, driver preference information, information about the particular trip, and predictions of consumer drive-time ecommerce trends and preferences. 1. A system for providing information to connected drivers , comprising:a plurality of vehicles for use by a plurality of drivers;a plurality of mobile computing devices, at least one mobile computing device from said plurality of mobile computing devices in use by each driver from said plurality of drivers; identify when a vehicle from said plurality of vehicles is within a predetermined distance from a location of interest;', location of the connected driver or vehicle;', 'location of the location of interest;', 'driver preference information;', 'driver actions within a pre-determined period of time prior to the time of determination; and', 'information about the particular trip; and, 'determine whether the location of interest has an offering that is contextually appropriate to be electronically communicated to the driver of said vehicle, where contextual appropriateness is based ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026373A1

One or more vehicles in a platoon may be operated autonomously using a surface-penetrating radar (SPR) system implemented in the lead vehicle. SPR signals obtained by the system may be converted to one or more images (or scans) that provide information about the ground surface and/or other surfaces around the vehicle within a detection range of the SPR system. Based on the obtained SPR signals, the lead vehicle may create a real-time map including the SPR information and/or localize the real-time SPR information to an existing map. This real-time SPR map information may then be transmitted from the lead vehicle to succeeding vehicles in the platoon in a pass-it-down fashion for localizing the succeeding vehicles behind the lead vehicle. 1. A system for navigating a plurality of vehicles as the vehicles travel in a platoon or a convoy along a path , the system comprising:a surface-penetrating radar (SPR) system configured for attachment to a lead vehicle of the traveling vehicles for acquiring real-time SPR information associated therewith; and generate a navigation map including the acquired real-time SPR information associated with the lead vehicle;', 'cause the generated map to be transmitted from the lead vehicle to other vehicles of the traveling vehicles; and', 'operate the lead vehicle and other vehicles based at least in part on the generated map., 'at least one controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the SPR system is further configured for attachment to at least one of the other vehicles following the lead vehicle claim 1 , the at least one controller being configured to cause the generated map to be transmitted between the vehicles via the SPR systems.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the SPR system is further configured for attachment to at least one of the other vehicles following the lead vehicle for acquiring real-time SPR information associated therewith claim 2 , the at least one controller being configured to generate a secondary ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027285A1

A monitoring apparatus provides vehicle telematics data. The monitoring apparatus includes a sensor for sensing vehicle and engine motion induced vibration in part of a vehicle and for generating vibration associated data. The sensor is coupled to part of the vehicle. Engine motion induced vibration associated data is processed to extract a characteristic of the vehicle or the engine. 134.-. (canceled)35. A monitoring apparatus for providing vehicle related data , the apparatus comprising:at least one sensor for sensing vehicle related motion and for generating associated vehicle related motion data;a processor for processing said vehicle motion associated data to generate processed data representing at least one characteristic of said vehicle; anda transceiver for communicating said processed data representing at least one characteristic of said vehicle to a communication device for use in compiling telematics data for said vehicle;wherein said processor is configured to identify at least one vehicle related event from said vehicle related motion data; andwherein said processor is configured to perform a preliminary analysis on acquired data, prior to storing any acquired data for subsequent transmission, and to determine, based on the analysis whether at least one specific event has occurred and based on a determination that the at least one specific event has occurred to determine that the acquired data should be stored.36. The monitoring apparatus according to claim 35 , wherein said processor is configured to determine an orientation of at least one accelerometer axis claim 35 , relative to at least one axis of the vehicle claim 35 , before generating processed data based on acceleration thresholds that are respectively different in different directions.37. The monitoring apparatus according to claim 35 , wherein said at least one sensor is configured to sense vehicle related motion in a plurality of different dimensions and to provide associated vehicle ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027348A1

A network computer system can associate an operator with a mobile device. Additionally, the network computer system can determine a current location of a freight vehicle operated by the operator, using location information transmitted by the mobile device associated with the operator. At a given instance, the network computer system can determine a time of arrival for the freight vehicle to arrive at a given destination location based on various parameters. For example, the time of arrival can be based at least in part, on (i) a distance between the current location of the freight vehicle to the given destination location, (ii) a time for the freight vehicle to travel the distance, and (iii) a duration of one or more required downtime intervals during which one or more restrictions are placed on the operator operating the freight vehicle. 1. A computer system comprising:one or more processors;a set of memory resources to store a set of instructions; receive interval data from a mobile device associated with a freight operator of the freight vehicle;', 'determine a performance of the freight operator in operating the freight vehicle based on a freight operator model and the interval data;', 'determine information about the freight operator operating the freight vehicle, the determined information including (i) information identifying a vehicle type of the freight vehicle, and (ii) one or more determinations that are based at least in part on the determined performance of the freight operator; and', 'select a dock for the freight vehicle based on the determined information., 'for each freight vehicle of a plurality of freight vehicles that are to arrive at a destination location during a given time interval, 'wherein the one or more processors use the set of instructions to2. The computer system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more determinations include an estimated arrival time for the freight vehicle to arrive at the destination location.3. The computer system of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027355A1

Systems and apparatuses include a controller including a circuit structured to communicate with a platoon of vehicles, determine a platoon rank order, determine final separation distances between vehicles, affect operation of each vehicle to achieve the platoon rank order and final separation distances, monitor the platoon of vehicles to determine if a deserter is leaving the platoon of vehicles or if a critical change has occurred, determine an updated platoon rank order, and determine an updated final separation distances between vehicles. 1. An apparatus comprising: receive vehicle sensor signals from an array of sensors;', 'determine self-dynamic parameters of a vehicle;', 'broadcast the self-dynamic parameters to other vehicles;', 'receive other-dynamic parameters from the other vehicles;', 'assign each vehicle a score based at least in part on the self-dynamic parameters and the other-dynamic parameters;', 'rank the scores;', 'determine a self-preliminary platoon order based on the ranked scores;', 'broadcast the self-preliminary platoon order to the other vehicles;', 'receive other-preliminary platoon orders from the other vehicles;', 'merge the self-preliminary platoon order and the other-preliminary platoon orders;', 'determine a platoon rank order based on the merged self-preliminary platoon order and the other-preliminary platoon orders; and', 'broadcast the platoon rank order to the other vehicles., 'a controller including a circuit structured to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the self-dynamic parameters include at least one of vehicle mass claim 1 , vehicle and powertrain losses claim 1 , power capabilities claim 1 , and brake capabilities.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the score includes a weighted average of the self-dynamic parameters.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the weighted average of the self-dynamic parameters is proportional to braking capabilities claim 3 , power capabilities claim 3 , and vehicle mass; andwherein the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for c-v2x radio resource allocation

Номер: US20220046398A1
Принадлежит: Autotalks Ltd

Methods and apparatuses for allocating cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) radio transmission resources for transmitting messages in a C-V2X network from amongst a pool of initial resources comprised within a plurality of subframes are disclosed. For each subframe in the plurality of subframes, it is determined whether transmitting in the subframe is likely to cause reception degradation with other C-V2X messages being transmitted in the network, and if yes, all resources in the subframe are excluded prior to allocating a resource for transmission.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Out-of-band authentication for vehicular communications using joint automotive radar communications

Номер: US20220046420A1

The disclosure includes embodiments that provide out-of-band authentication for vehicular communications using Joint Automotive Radar Communications (“JARC” if singular, “JARCs” if plural). A method includes receiving, by a directional radio of a connected vehicle, a directional communication having a payload that includes the first temporary identifier and sensor data for a purported transmitter of the directional communication. The method includes initiating, by the directional radio and a radar of the connected vehicle, a set of JARCs with the purported transmitter to determine an authenticity status of the first temporary identifier. The method includes executing a vehicular action for the payload of the directional communication responsive to the authenticity status.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046468A1

A system and related method for transmitting data to one or more connected vehicles. The system includes one or more processors and a memory. The memory includes one or more modules that cause the one or more processors to establish a communication connection between the system and one or more of the connected vehicles, the connected vehicles forming a vehicular micro cloud and having a shared identification, send a first portion of data to one or more of the connected vehicles, the data having the first portion and a remaining portion, receive acknowledgment data from one or more of the connected vehicles, the acknowledgment data including the shared identification, validate the acknowledgment data, and in response to the acknowledgment data being validated, send the remaining portion of data to one or more of the connected vehicles. 1. A method for transmitting data between a server and one or more of a plurality of connected vehicles , the method comprising the steps of:establishing, by the server, a communication connection between the server and the one or more of the plurality of connected vehicles, the plurality of connected vehicles forming a vehicular micro cloud and having a shared identification;sending, by the server, a first portion of data to the one or more of the plurality of connected vehicles, the data having the first portion and a remaining portion;receiving, by the server, acknowledgment data from the one or more of the plurality of connected vehicles, the acknowledgment data including the shared identification;validating, by the server, the acknowledgment data; andin response to the acknowledgment data being validated, sending, by the server, the remaining portion of the data to the one or more of the plurality of connected vehicles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the shared identification is based on at least one of a vehicular micro cloud identification and a vehicle identification.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:in response ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046657A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide methods, computer program products, and systems. Embodiments of the present invention can be used to, in response to response to anticipating a maneuver to be performed by a vehicle, adjust one or more 5G dedicated traffic channels (DTCH) over a radio bearer network. Embodiments of the present invention can be used to revert the one or more adjusted 5G DTCH after the maneuver is performed by the vehicle. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:in response to anticipating a maneuver to be performed by a vehicle, adjusting one or more 5G dedicated traffic channels (DTCH) over a radio bearer network; andreverting the one or more adjusted 5G DTCH after the maneuver is performed by the vehicle.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:collecting data from IoT devices and transferring the collected data to a service orchestration layer of 5G telecom network.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:proactively detecting overtaking decisions of the vehicle based on power levels of the vehicle and road conditions that is along a route of the vehicle.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , further comprising:collecting trajectory paths of vehicles in proximity to the vehicle, respective distances of each vehicle in proximity to the vehicle, and respective capacities of each vehicle in proximity of the vehicle when predicting an overtaking decision.5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing an API interface for an autonomous vehicle that enables a manual operating mode of the autonomous vehicle; andadjusting bandwidth of a 5G dedicated traffic channel of the one or more 5G DTCH that is classified as a priority channel using the API interface.6. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:sending an inspection instruction to a virtual network function to allocate additional 5G-DTCH bandwidth over radio interface and S1 ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027628A1

Methods, computer programs, apparatuses, a transportation vehicle, and a traffic entity for updating an environmental model at a transportation vehicle. The method for a transportation vehicle and for updating an environmental model of the transportation vehicle includes obtaining an environmental model of the transportation vehicle, the environmental model having static and dynamic objects in the environment of the transportation vehicle along at least a part of the trajectory of the transportation vehicle; assigning information related to correctness probabilities at least to dynamic objects of the environmental model; determining at least one dynamic object for which the information related to the correctness probability indicates a correctness probability below a threshold; and transmitting a broadcast message to the environment to request further information on the at least one dynamic object. 1. An apparatus for a transportation vehicle configured to update an environmental model of the transportation vehicle , the apparatus comprising:one or more interfaces for communicating with one or more transportation vehicles and traffic entities; and obtain an environmental model of the transportation vehicle, the environmental model comprising static and dynamic objects in the environment of the transportation vehicle along at least a part of the trajectory of the transportation vehicle;', 'assign information related to correctness probabilities at least to dynamic objects of the environmental model, wherein the information related to correctness probabilities indicates a confidence on a determined object;', 'determine at least one dynamic object for which the information related to the correctness probability indicates a correctness probability below a threshold;', 'transmit a broadcast message to the environment to request further information on the at least one dynamic object; and', 'receive at least one response message from another transportation vehicle or a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190028864A1

A street lamp integration device, a street lamp system and a communication method are disclosed. The street lamp integration device includes a local area network module configured to generate a local area network covering a first range, a traffic collector configured to collect traffic information in a second range and send the same to a communication module and the communication module configured to send the traffic information to a vehicle connected to the local area network. By extensive availability and close mutual distance of street lamps, a local area network is formed within the first range of each street lamp, which helps to to form a network of comprehensive coverage and extensive range. The traffic collector can collect traffic in a certain range and send the same to the vehicle connected to the local area network through the communication module, facilitating awareness of the current traffic by the vehicle. 1. A street lamp integration device , comprising: a local area network module , a traffic collector and a communication module; wherein ,the local area network module is configured for generating a local area network that covers a first range;the traffic collector is configured for collecting traffic information in a second range and sending the traffic information to the communication module;the communication module is configured for sending the traffic information to a vehicle connected to the local area network.2. The street lamp integration device according to claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured for claim 1 , if a vehicle in the first range matches a first condition claim 1 , determining to connect the vehicle to the local area network.3. The street lamp integration device according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is further configured for sending a first instruction to obtain the traffic information to the traffic collector claim 2 , receiving the traffic information collected by the traffic collector claim 2 , and sending ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Communication control device

Номер: US20190028955A1
Автор: Mari Ochiai
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A communication control device in a vehicle having a first wireless communication device that performs vehicle-to-infrastructure communication in a predetermined place on a road and a second wireless communication device that performs communication using a frequency band that has a possibility to cause interference with communication of the first wireless communication device, which are mounted in the vehicle, controls the second wireless communication device. The device includes a vehicle-to-infrastructure communication detection unit that detects a communication state of the first wireless communication device, and a radio transmission control unit that controls a transmission operation of the second wireless communication device based on a result of the detection of the vehicle-to-infrastructure communication detection unit.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028657A1

A method, a computer-readable medium, and an apparatus may involve wireless communication in a bundled TTI comprising a first TTI and a second TTI. A first UE may be configured to receive a first data transmission and a first reference signal from a second UE in the first TTI, to transmit a feedback to the second UE, and to receive a second data transmission having one or more transmission parameters adapted based on the feedback in the second TTI. In certain aspects, the first UE may be configured to transmit a first data transmission and a first reference signal to a second UE in the first TTI, to receive a feedback from the second UE, to adapt one or more transmission parameters for a second data transmission in the second TTI based on the feedback, and to transmit the second data transmission to the second UE in the second TTI. 1. A method of wireless communication at a first user equipment (UE) in a bundled Transmission Time Interval (TTI) comprising at least a first TTI and a second TTI , the method comprising:receiving, at the first UE, a first data transmission directly from a second UE in the first TTI;receiving, at the first UE, a first reference signal directly from the second UE;transmitting a feedback to the second UE based on the first reference signal; andreceiving a second data transmission from the second UE in the second TTI or a subsequent TTI, the second data transmission having one or more transmission parameters adapted based on the feedback transmitted to the second UE.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first reference signal comprises a channel state information-reference signal (CSI-RS).3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving a second reference signal in the first TTI, the second reference signal for decoding data in the first TTI, wherein the CSI-RS is multiplexed with the second reference signal.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving a second reference signal in the first TTI, the second reference ...
