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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 15353. Отображено 200.
10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2428280C2

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, в частности к испытаниям смазочно-охлаждающих технологических сред, используемых при резании металлов. Устройство содержит корпус, резец, резцедержатель, датчик силы, вал, выполненный с возможностью свободного вращения в корпусе, рычаг, милливольтметр, аналого-цифровой преобразователь и компьютер. Рычаг жестко закреплен на валу и соединен с датчиком силы. Милливольтметр выполнен с возможностью соединения с заготовкой. Компьютер соединен с аналого-цифровым преобразователем и милливольтметром. Корпус жестко закреплен в резцедержателе. Резец жестко закреплен на валу. Датчик силы подключен к аналого-цифровому преобразователю. В результате повышается точность определения эффективности смазочно-охлаждающих технологических сред при резании металлов. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2293945C2
Принадлежит: РЕНИШОУ ПиЭлСи (GB)

Изобретение относится к устройству емкостного типа, которое чувствительно к смещению. Чувствительное к смещению устройство, содержащее: корпус (10; 110); иглодержатель (16; 116) для удерживании иглы, вступающей в контакт с заготовкой; подвесную систему для упругой установки иглодержателя на корпус (12; 112; 114) и позволяющую одну поступательную степень свободы иглодержателя относительно корпуса и две поворотные степени свободы иглодержателя относительно корпуса, и датчик (60; 160) для определения смещения между корпусом и иглодержателем. Датчик имеет первый емкостной элемент (62, 66; 166), установленный на корпусе, и второй емкостной элемент (64; 164), установленный на иглодержателе, с возможностью совместной работы с первым емкостным элементом и с возможностью перемещения относительно первого емкостного элемента. Подвесная система имеет упругий элемент или элементы, чтобы позволить указанную поступательную степень свободы, и дополнительный упругий элемент или элементы, чтобы позволить ...

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2566654C2

Изобретение относится к метрологии и предназначено для измерения и регистрации нескольких составляющих сил взаимодействия колеса с рельсом. Устройство содержит железнодорожную колесную пару, тензорезисторы, включенные диаметрально в полумостовые тензометрические схемы и размещенные по разные стороны от оси на концентричных диаметрах внутренней стороны диска колес, тензометрические усилители, программируемый логический контроллер, датчики регистрации поперечного и углового положений колесной пары относительно рельсов, блок синхронизации, блок передачи сигналов по радиоканалу на принимающее устройство и бортовой компьютер. Полумостовые тензометрические схемы подключены к тензометрическим усилителям, выходы которых соединены с программируемым логическим контроллером, который, в свою очередь, соединен с датчиками регистрации поперечного и углового положения колесной пары относительно рельсов и блоком синхронизации данных поперечного и углового положения колесной пары относительно рельсов, а ...

21-03-2018 дата публикации

Тензометрический динамометр

Номер: RU178060U1

Полезная модель относится к области аэромеханических измерений и может быть использована в устройстве специализированных тензометрических динамометров (ТД) - т.н. тензометрических весов, применяемых для определения составляющих (компонент) векторов аэрогазодинамической силы и момента, действующих на модели испытуемых объектов (в том числе модели летательных аппаратов) в потоке аэрогазодинамических установок. Устройство содержит жесткие силовводящий и силовыводящий элементы для взаимодействия с испытуемым объектом и жесткой опорой, в которых выполнены гнезда для размещения соединяющих их тензометрических элементов с упругой измерительной системой в виде связанных между собой посредством концевых и промежуточных оснований упругих параллелограммов с парами поперечных и продольных упругих балок, ориентированных в соответствии с заданной системой координат, и тензопреобразователи, соответственно установленные на чувствительных элементах параллелограммов и соединенные в мостовые измерительные ...

20-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2252400C1

Изобретение относится к измерительным устройствам, в частности к конструкции тензометрических датчиков механических напряжений, и может быть использовано для измерения сдвиговой составляющей механического напряжения на границе двух сред. Устройство содержит заключенные в герметичную оболочку тензорезисторы и два плоскопараллельных силопередающих элемента, а также два упругих элемента, на противоположных поверхностях которых закреплены тензорезисторы. Между силопередающими элементами, симметрично с двух сторон относительно тензорезисторов, расположены два ряда тел качения. Упругие элементы выполнены в виде балочек, закрепленных одним концом на первом силопередающем элементе, а другим - на втором силопередающем элементе и расположены горизонтально в плоскости, перпендикулярной плоскости перемещения тел качения. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности и надежности измерений сдвигового напряжения, увеличении диапазона линейности метрологических характеристик, расширении температурного ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Способ контроля технического состояния судового дизель-генератора в эксплуатации

Номер: RU2682839C1

Изобретение относится к системе судового энергетического оборудования, в частности к средствам диагностики виброакустических параметров энергетического оборудования, и может быть использовано для установления причин и норм вибрации судовых дизель-генераторов. Согласно предлагаемому способу происходит получение вибросигнала в вертикальном, осевом, поперечном направлениях с датчиков, установленных на элементах дизель-генератора. Технический результат заключается в установлении оптимального режима нагрузки на основе полученных параметров вибрации и повышение надежности дизель-генератора в целом. 2 ил.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013130710A

... 1. Способ определения силовых факторов, действующих на колесо транспортного средства, включающий соединение ступицы и обода колеса с балками, измерение величин, связанных с силовыми факторами и вычисление сил и моментов, действующих на ступицу, при котором вычисляют связанные с действующими силовыми факторами перемещения контактной точки, лежащей на радиусе окружности с центром, совпадающим с геометрическим центром колеса, отличающийся тем, что ступица колеса шарнирно установлена на односторонне шарнирно закрепленную горизонтальную раму с горизонтальным расположением оси колеса, на балки которой воздействуют радиальным нагружающим силовым фактором, создающим радиальную нагрузку в плоскости вращения колеса, проходящую через геометрический центр колеса, причем горизонтальная рама параллельна поворотной измерительной опорной площадке, ось поворота которой всегда параллельна оси колеса, взаимодействующей с шиной колеса и создающей в контактной точке нормальную реакцию опорной поверхности, пропорциональную ...

07-02-1986 дата публикации

Силомоментный датчик

Номер: SU1210072A1

Изобрете ие может быть использовано при силомоментном очувствлении роботов различного назначения в металлургии, машиностроении, приборостроении . Целью изобретения является повышение точности датчика. На жестко скрепленном с основанием 1 каркасе 2 размешены накладные вихре- токовые преобразователи перемещений, причем преобразователь 4 установлен вдоль оси симметрии датчика, а преобразователи 5 и 6 закреплены перпендикулярно друг другу. На фланце 3 установлен токопроводящий элемент -9, внутренняя поверхность которого имеет форму вогнутой сферы, центр которой лежит в точке пересечения мембраны 8 с осью симметрии датчика, что обеспечивает постоянство зазора между элементом 9 и преобразователем 4. При воздействии вектора силы мембрана, деформируясь, изменяет этот зазор и выходной сигнал соот- ветствуюш;его преобразователя. По значению модуля этого сигнала судят о величине действующей на датчик силы , а по полярности знака сигнала судят о направлении. 4 ил. (Л с: А-А ю vi ьо ...

15-07-1986 дата публикации

Устройство для одновременного определения составляющих силы и перемещения

Номер: SU1244515A1

Изобретение относится к области приборостроения и может быть использовано при очувствлении промышленных роботов для измерения силы, а также программных измерений сложных поверхностей детали.. Целью изобретения является повьшение точности измерений . Корпус. 1 через рычаг 3 связан с ортогональной стержневой подвеской, состоящей из шести взаимоперпенднку- лярных стержней 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, выполненных в виде плоских пружин с отношением толщины сечения к ширине в пределах 0,07-0,10. Концы пружин размещены в соответствующих прямоугольных пазах полой сферы-щупа, длина каждого паза составляет не менее 1,3 ширины плоской пружины, а его ширина выбирается равной 1,005-1,010 толщины плоской пружины. С помощью подвески сила, действующая на щуп 2, раскладывается на три составляющие по трем координатным осям. Каждый из преобразователей 10-15 силы, расположенных на стержнях 4-9, вьщает сиг-нал , пропорциональный величине Соответствующей составляющей. 3 ил. S (в (Л ...

30-03-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения усилий на вращающемся рабочем органе

Номер: SU1638575A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано для вид в измерений усилий на вращающемся рабочем органе обескрыливателей лесных семян Цель изобретения - повышение точности за счет возможности измерения осевых усилий Устройство, содержащее тензометрическую балку с датчиками, закрепленную на основании и выполненную в виде Г-образной стойки 15 с измерителями 19 и 22 для измерения окружных и радиальных усилий снабжено дополнительным измерителем 28 для измерения осевых усилий Последний установлен на основании и размещен в двойном обтекаемом секторе-рассекателе 31 Толщина сектора-рассекателя выбрана в пределах заданной амплитуды колебаний чувствительного элемента. Осно ...

15-12-1986 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения усилий при перерезании

Номер: SU1276928A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и позволяет повысить точность измерений и обеспечить возможность измерения при косых срезах . На подвижном каркасе 2 установлен сменный нож 11, приводимый в действие приводом 3. Исследуеьый объект 14 размещается на установленном на опоре 6 двухкомпонентном тензорезисторном динамометре 7, измеряющем вертикальную составляющую силы резания. Динамометры 9 и 10, размещенные на двух уровнях относительно линии перемещения сменного ножа 11, фиксируют боковые составляющие силы резания. Передача силы с подвижного каркаса 2 на динамометры с тензорезисторами 12 осуществляется через опоры качания 13. Устойчивость хода каркаса 2 обеспечивается выбором расстояния между уровняс ми установки динамометров 9 и 10, большего величины хода привода,3. (Л 1 ил. ю ю с ...

07-11-1985 дата публикации

Трехкомпонентный измеритель усилия

Номер: SU1190216A1

ТРЕХКОМПОНЕНТНЫЙ ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬ УСИЛИЯ, содержащий корпус, нагрузочные элементы, силопреобразуйщие звьнья с злектрода1«1, которые через блок преобразования подключены к индикатору , отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения точности измерения за счет исключения гистерезиса , силопреобразующие звенья снабжены уголковыми держателями, два силопреобразующих звена выполнены в виде пластинчатых, а два других - в виде щелевых кварцевых резонаторов , вершины пластинчатых резонаторов пропущены через отверстия щелевых резонаторов, уголковые держатели прикреплены к двум парам противоположно расположенных вершин пластинчатых и четырем парам противоположно расположенных вершин щелевых резонаторов, а силочувствитель (П ные оси силопреобразующих звеньев расположены по их диагоналям.

23-10-1972 дата публикации

Стенд для определения силы тяги

Номер: SU356495A1

23-12-1986 дата публикации

Многопредельный измеритель усилий

Номер: SU1278634A1

Изобретение относитсяк силоизмерительной технике и позволяет повысить точность и расширить диапазон измерений. Силовводящий и чувствительный элементы измерителя выполнены в едином пьезоблоке 1 в виде правильного многогранника с параллельными главными гранями. Чувствительный элемент образован вогнутыми криволинейными поверхностями 4 с электродами 8, электрически соединенными с подстроечными мишенями 9, Масса измеряемого груза, установленного на герметизирующую крьижу 5, вызывает отклонение частоты пьезоэлектрических колебаний, фиксируемое 1 блоком -П преобразования. з.п, ф-лы, 3 ил.

30-06-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для динамометрирования рабочих органов почвообрабатывающих орудий

Номер: SU1744527A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике, используемой в сельскохозяйственном машиностроении. Цель изобретения - повышение точности. При работе устройства деформации стойки 4 рабочего органа 5, возникающие от действия внешних сил сопротивления почвы, через элементы 6 крепления передаются на силоизмерительный элемент, выполненный в виде тонкостенного цилиндра 1, на верхней и нижней гранях которого имеются кольца жесткости 2 и 3. связанные со стойкой 4. Деформации тонкостенного цилиндра 1 в виде шести компонент регистрируются тензодатчиками сопротивления . 1 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил. (Л С VJ N N сл го XI Фиг ...

23-10-1992 дата публикации

Весы для гидродинамических труб

Номер: SU1770789A1

Сущность изобретения: весы содержат размещенные в цилиндрическом корпусе упругие измерительные элементы с тензоп- реобразователями, обхваченные тонкостенной гибкой оболочкой из эластичного материала, полость которой заполнена нейтральной жидкостью. 11 ил.

07-07-1986 дата публикации

Силомоментный датчик

Номер: SU1242734A1

Изобретение может быть использовано Для силомоментного очувствления роботов различного назначения. Целью изобретения является повьш1е- ние надежности и уменьшение габари тов . Датчик укрепляют фланцем 2 к руке робота, а на фланец 1 воздействуют схватом робота с объектом манипулирования. При действии силы по оси датчика или крутящего момента будут деформироваться соответствующие упругие элементы 4-6 в виде пластин прямоугольного сечения с широкими и узкими гранями и цилиндрическими хвостовиками,.продольные оси которых перпендикулярны одна другой. На широких гранях упругих элементов размещены преобразователи 7 деформаций. Во фланце 2 в зонах пересечения с продольными осями упругих элементов выполнены четыре замковых паза прямоугольного сечения , через которые входят в зацепление с фланцем жесткие хвостовики прямоугольного сечения. Геометрические размеры пазов и хвостовиков удовлетворяют определенным соотношениям. 5 ил. с $ W аг. 1 1ч9 4ib lN9 ч со Фиг. 2 ...

23-09-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения силы бесстружечного резания древесины

Номер: SU1509644A1

Изобретение относится к силоизмерительной технике и позволяет повысить точность измерения усилий резания древесины. Цель достигается тем, что образец древесины зажимается между стойками 28 на основании 26 фиксатора, и на него опускается нож 7, соединенный через тензорезисторные датчики 9 и 15 силы с П-образными стойками 1 и брусьями 3. К опоре 8 приложена внешняя сила, требующаяся для перерезания и создаваемая внешним источником, например гидропрессом. Направляющие ролики 25 обеспечивают поступательное перемещение ножа 7 при перерезании. Боковая грань 14 ножа 7 выполнена отдельно, что позволяет с помощью тензорезисторных датчиков 15 измерять боковую силу. Тензорезисторные датчики 9 силы позволяют измерить вертикальную силу резания. 5 ил.

30-09-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения параметров резьбовых соединений

Номер: SU1045019A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ПАРАМЕТРОВ РЕЗЬБОВЬа СОЕДИНЕНИЙ, содержащее основание, корпус с испытываемой резьбой, связанный через упорный подшипник и датчики силы и момента с цилиндрической опорной шайбой, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения точности и расширения функциональных возможностей , в корпус введено замковое соединение , состоящее из цилиндрического стакана с Т-образным пазам, сменной втулки и сменной закладной детали, выполненной из исследуемого материала, стакан связан с корпусом через введенный шариковый опорный подшипник, упругий стержень, расположенный соосно исследуеметну резьбовому соединению, и упругие пластины с тензорезисторамн, которые расположены по касательной к поверхности стакана, а опорная шайба выполнена сменной и связана с корпусом своими упругими пластинами с тензорезисто (Л рами, расположенными по касательной к ее поверхности, причем корпус со--единен- с основанием через введенную шариковую опору и датчик момента.

23-03-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для плоскостного динамометрирования сельскохозяйственных орудий

Номер: SU1081442A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПЛОСКОСТНОГО ДИНАМОМЕТРИРОВАНИЯ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННЫХ ОРУДИЙ, содержащее раму, связанную при помощи тензозвеньев с кареткой, и механизм связи, выполненный в виде двух звеньев, одни концы которых шарнирно связаны между собой, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения точности измерения путем раздельного измерения горизонтальной и вертикальной составляющих тягового сопротивления орудия, звенья выполнены в виде двуплечих рычагов, опоры качения которых установлены на каретке, при этом свободные концы рычагов имеют шарнирные узлы для соединения с испытуемым орудием, а связанные через тенэозвенья соединены с кареткой. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающее с. я тем, что двуплечие (Л рычаги вьтолнены равными по длине.

07-04-1984 дата публикации

Способ определения тягового сопротивления навесного плуга

Номер: SU1084632A1

СПОСОБ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ТЯГОВОГО СОПРОТИВЛЕНИЯ НАВЕСНОГО П11УГА, заключающийся в перемещении навесного плуга с помощью трактора на заданной глубине по мерному участку, о тличающийся тем, что, с целью снижения трудоемкости определения тягового сопротивления навесного плуга, производят замер средней скорости перемещения навесного плуга , определяют зависимость тягового сопротивления прицепного или полунавесного плуга от скорости его перемещения по мерному участку при различных глубинах обработки почвы с корпусами, идентичными корпусам навесного плуга, и по этой зависимости определяют тяговое сопротивление навесного плуга при первоначально замеренной средней скорости его перемещения. (Л ...

15-02-1990 дата публикации

Трехкомпонентный динамометр

Номер: SU1543256A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике. Целью изобретения является повышение точности. Это достигается тем, что выступы резцедержателя 2 выполнены кольцеобразными, а пьезодатчики 3 установлены в виде колец, токопроводящая поверхность которых разбита по диаметру канавками на секторы и включена в электрическую схему измерения из элементов 13-19. Резец 5 может крепиться к резцедержателю с помощью двух клиновых элементов 8. Действующая в процессе резания на резец сила передается на пьезодатчики и с помощью электрической схемы выделяются составляющие силы резания. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

07-05-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения сил резания при пилении на лесопильных рамах

Номер: SU1016711A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЙ СИЛ РЕЗАНИЯ ПРИ ПИЛЕНИИ НА ЛЕСОПИЛЬНЫХ РАМАХ, содержащее корпус,приспособления цля крегщеяия / образца и кинематически cpffsaHiaie с ними тензоэлементы, установленные с обеих сторон приспособления и закрепленные на корпусе, отличающеес я тем, что, с целью повышения точности измерения путем обеспечения ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ свободного возвратяо-поо. тупатеяьного перемещения тензоэпементов при изгибе их в процессе пиления образца всем поставом щш, корпус выполнен В виде рамы, две жестю е противоположные части которой соединены тягами между собой, ас приспособл&нвями - через последовательно установленные тензоэлементы и кинематические звенья, которые выполнены с двумя врагщательными степенями свободы вокруг осей, о.дна из которых церпендикулярна направлению расгаша, а другая - идет В1доль направления распила, причем одно из кинематическюс звеньев имеет (О дополнительную поступательную степень с свободы В направлении, перпендикулярном плоскости распила. Oi vj ...

01-01-1962 дата публикации

Сверлильный динамометр

Номер: SU146551A1

07-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU777511A1

15-01-1989 дата публикации

Трехкомпонентный динамометр

Номер: SU1451561A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано для измерения величин сил резания , возникающих при точении на станках. Целью изобретения является повышение точности. Цель достигается тем, что в устройство дополнительно введены пьезодатчики и планка, а резцедержавка снабжена четырьмя выступами , расположенными крестообразно и воздействующими на пьезодатчики, расположенные по разные стороны выступов в двух частях корпуса, закрепленных с помощью планки на основании. Оси чувствительности пьезодатчиков расположены параллельно продольной оси резцедержателя, а сами пьезодатчики для каждого выступа соединены попарно и встречно-параллельно и включены в измерительную схему, выходной сигнал которой пропорционален величине силы, действующей на резцедержатель . 7 ил. S (Л ...

25-03-2004 дата публикации

Force or torque detecting device, has multi-component sensor consisting of deformation element with strain gauges extending along holder's longitudinal axis between two force inducing flanges

Номер: DE0010247972B3

The device has at least one multi-component sensor (1) consisting of a deformation element (2) extending along the sensor's longitudinal axis between two force applying flanges (4,5) with strain gauges (3) on its outer surfaces. One of the flanges is connected to an outer connection flange (9) via a flexible joint (10) whose joint axis (11) extends perpendicular to the plane of the deformation element.

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Millinewton-Mikrokraftmesser und Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Millinewton-Mikrokraftmessers

Номер: DE102010012441B4

Millinewton-Mikrokraftmesser (24) zum Messen von Kräften (F) unterhalb von 500 Millinewton, mit einem Mikrosensor (58), der (a) ein erstes längliches Sensorelement (26), das einen ersten Erstelement-Auflagerbereich (30) an einem ersten Erstelement-Ende (32), einen zweiten Erstelement-Auflagerbereich (34) an einem dem ersten Erstelement-Ende (32) gegenüberliegenden zweiten Erstelement-Ende (36) und einen Erstelement-Federbereich (40, 42) zwischen den Erstelement-Auflagerbereichen (30, 34) aufweist, und (b) ein zweites längliches Sensorelement (28), das einen ersten Zweitelement-Auflagerbereich (44) an einem ersten Zweitelement-Ende (46), einen zweiten Zweitelement-Auflagerbereich (48) an einem dem ersten Zweitelement-Ende (46) gegenüberliegenden zweiten Zweitelement-Ende (50) und einen Zweitelement-Federbereich (54, 56) zwischen den Zweitelement-Auflagerbereichen (44, 48) aufweist, umfasst, (c) wobei der erste Erstelement-Auflagerbereich (30) mit dem ersten Zweitelement-Auflagerbereich ( ...

17-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE202009018085U1

27-10-1983 дата публикации

Planar sensory sensor

Номер: DE0003214306A1

Published without abstract.

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Mutter, insbesondere Rad- oder Achsmutter, Unterlegschreibe, Kontrolleinrichtung für Rad- oder Achsmuttern an Fahrzeugen und Fahrzeug hiermit

Номер: DE112015004271T5

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Mutter oder eine Unterlegscheibe für eine Mutter, insbesondere eine Radmutter oder Achsmutter für Fahrzeuge, mit einem Körper 13, der eine zentrale Gewindebohrung 14 mit einer Umfangswand 13' aufweist, die eine Anschlagfläche an der unteren Seite 18 aufweist, wobei die Mutter auch eine Vielzahl von Schraubenschlüsselflächen 16 an der Umfangswand des Mutternkörpers zum Festziehen oder Lösen der Mutter mittels eines Werkzeugs aufweist, das mit den Schraubenschlüsselflächen zusammenwirkt. Um das Lösen von Radmuttern oder Achsmuttern von Fahrzeugen erkennen zu können und dem Fahrzeugfahrer eine solche Lockerung anzuzeigen, um gefährliche Situationen während des Fahrens zu vermeiden, ist im Körper mindestens eine Ausnehmung 21 vorgesehen, in der ein Sensorelement 11 angeordnet ist, wobei das Sensorelement mit einer drahtlosen Schnittstelle 12 verbunden ist, die ausgebildet ist, um ein Sensorsignal des Sensorelements drahtlos an eine externe Empfangseinheit zu übertragen ...

06-03-2015 дата публикации

Stützkraftmesseinrichtung mit Induktionskopplung

Номер: DE202015000212U1

Stützkraftmesseinrichtung zur Messung einer Stützkraft an einem Abstützelement einer Stützstruktur einer insbesondere mobilen Arbeitsmaschine, mit mindestens einem Messelement, das mit einem unter Einwirkung der Stützkraft verformbaren Verformungskörper zur Bildung eines Sensors verbunden ist und ein stützkraftproportionales Signal abgibt, einem Stützfuß, der den Sensor enthält und mit dem Abstützelement beweglich verbunden ist, wobei das Abstützelement eine elektrische Kabelverbindung enthält, die zur Durchleitung von elektrischer Energie und zur Übertragung des stützkraftproportionalen Signals zu einer Auswertungseinrichtung in der Maschine eingerichtet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Abstützelement und der Sensor im Stützfuß eine elektromagnetische Schnittstelle haben, mittels der das Messelement über elektromagnetische Induktion mit elektrischer Energie aus der Maschine versorgt wird und das stützkraftproportionale Signal von dem Messelement mittels elektromagnetischer Induktion ...

27-09-1984 дата публикации

Measuring platform for differential strength analysis

Номер: DE0003245453A1

The invention relates to a measuring platform for measuring differential dynamic strength development, in particular for use in orthopaedics, traumatology, rheumatology and sport. A respective metal measuring plate system (5-8 and 9-12), provided with wire strain gauges and preferably in a square arrangement, is used for this in one case for the vertical strengths (5, 6, 7, 8) and in the other case for the horizontal strengths (9, 10, 11, 12) to record all strength components and the torsional moment to be assigned to the vertical axis. Due to the spatial orthogonality of the measuring planes, the vectorial addition of subvalues can be performed by simple analog computers. Metal plates inserted on the measuring platform and a pressure-dependently electrically semi-conducting mat lying thereupon additionally permit an areally finely resolved measurement of the distribution of the vertical pressure on the measuring platform and, using corresponding storage devices, the instantaneous-value ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Kraft-Moment-Sensor für eine Robotikeinheit

Номер: DE102017218033B4
Автор: DOLL THEO, Doll, Theo
Принадлежит: DR DOLL ENG GMBH, Dr. Doll Engineering GmbH

Kraft-Moment-Sensor für eine Robotikeinheit mit einem einteiligen Trägerkörper (1), der zwei zueinander parallele Anschlussscheiben (2, 3) und mehrere, die Anschlussscheiben (2, 3) einstückig miteinander verbindende Brückenelemente (4) aufweist, die als Messaufnehmer dienen, wobei Dehnmessstreifensysteme an verschiedenen Konturbereichen jedes Brückenelementes (4) befestigt sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an einer Anschlussscheibe (2) ein Blockierkörper (7) angeformt ist, der in eine komplementäre Blockieraufnahme (8) der anderen Anschlussscheibe (3) hineinragt und der die Blockieraufnahme (8) in Längsrichtung des Trägerkörpers (1) mit geringem Spiel formschlüssig hintergreift.

28-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000317429T1
Принадлежит: SEB S.A., SELONGEY, COTE D'OR, FR

04-09-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003229015C2

15-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002403779C3
Принадлежит: H. MAIHAK AG, 2000 HAMBURG

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Geometrie oder relativen Position eines in das für die Aufnahme von Bearbeitungswerkzeugen vorgesehene Wechselspannsystem einer Werkzeugmaschine eingespannten Tastkörpers sowie entsprechend eingerichtete Werkzeugmaschine

Номер: DE102018114899A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Geometrie oder relativen Position, insbesondere mindestens einer Kante oder Fläche, eines in das für die Aufnahme von Bearbeitungswerkzeugen vorgesehene Wechselspannsystem einer Werkzeugmaschine eingespannten Tastkörpers, unter Zuhilfenahme eines Referenzkörpers, bei der der Tastkörper und der Referenzkörper an zueinander beweglichen Teilen einer Verfahreinheit befestigt sind und sich mit Hilfe der Verfahreinheit in berührenden Kontakt zueinander bringen lassen, wobei die beim Kontakt zwischen Tastkörper und Referenzkörper wirkenden Kräfte mit einer fest in die Maschinenstruktur der Verfahreinheit integrierten Kraftmesseinrichtung erfasst werden und das Auftreten einer bestimmten Kraftwirkung zwischen Tastkörper und Referenzkörper von einer Auswerteeinheit erkannt und mit einer zeitgleichen Positionsinformation aus der Maschinensteuerung der Verfahreinheit verknüpft wird.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Bahnzugmessvorrichtung, Verwendung einer solchen sowie eine Walze umfassend eine Bahnzugmessvorrichtung

Номер: DE102018122207A1

Bahnzugmessvorrichtung mit zwei Platten, welche um eine Drehachse relativ zueinander verdrehbar sind und zwar so, dass das eine freie Ende der eine Platte auf das entsprechende, gegenüberliegende freie Ende der anderen Platte zu oder von diesem weg bewegbar ist, mit einen Kraftaufnehmer, der im Bereich der freien Enden der beiden Platten angeordnet ist, wobei der Kraftaufnehmer außerhalb der Drehachse angeordnet ist und derart ausgeführt ist, dass dieser bei einer Bewegung der freien Ende der beiden Platten aufeinander zu eine aus dieser Bewegung entsprechende Druckbelastung und bei einer Bewegung der freie Enden voneinander weg eine entsprechende Zugbelastung zwischen diesen beiden Platten erfasst.

09-08-2001 дата публикации

Device for accurately measuring and determining vehicle seat occupant data, such as weight and size, using force and moment sensors placed on or near the seat

Номер: DE0019947733A1

Device comprises one or more moment or force sensors placed in or near a vehicle seat so that they can measure translational or rotational deflections in the area where they are attached. The measurement results are transmitted as signals to a controller that analyses them and uses the results to control and, if necessary, trigger a vehicle safety system such as an airbag. The invention also relates to a method for use with the above device, where the measurement sensors are used to determine measurement values such as weight, size, etc.

01-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003502511A1

17-10-1985 дата публикации

Measuring device for the chisel thrust force and cutting force

Номер: DE0003413612A1

In order to determine and monitor the cutting force and/or the thrust force in planing units in underground coal mining, use is made of a measuring device which is arranged in a bore arranged in the upper part of the shearing blade, and consists of double-grid strain gauges whose rosettes are interconnected to form a half web. By interconnecting the two half webs to form a full web so as specifically to eliminate the measurement signals generated either by the cutting force or by the thrust force, specifically only the cutting forces or the thrust forces can be determined, amplified by a mobile measuring amplifier and visualised or fed to a recording device. ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE202015104881U1

Betonspannungsmessarrayvorrichtung, umfassend einen rechtwinkligen pyramidenförmigen Ausleger (1), der aus einer Mehrzahl von Haltestangen zusammengesetzt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass: Halterungen (2) an den fünf oberen Punkten und am Mittelpunkt des unteren Vierecks des rechtwinkligen pyramidenförmigen Auslegers (1) angeordnet sind und jede entsprechende Haltestange durch Verschrauben mit der Halterung (2) verbunden ist; die Mehrzahl von Haltestangen aus einer Mehrzahl von ersten Spannungsmesserhaltestangen (16), die mit Verbindungshaltestangen (3) versehen sind, und einer Mehrzahl von zweiten Spannungsmesserhaltestangen (4), die mit Spannungsmessern (6) versehen sind, zusammengesetzt ist; ein Ende der zweiten Spannungsmesserhaltestange (4) durch Verschrauben mit der Halterung (2) verbunden ist, und das andere Ende der zweiten Spannungsmesserhaltestange (4) durch einen Bolzen (5) mit einem unteren Endflansch (7) des Spannungsmessers (6) verbunden ist; ein Ende der ersten Spannungsmesserhaltestange ...

28-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0006940548U

16-11-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002222739A1

27-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001471805A

... 1471805 Load cells BENDIX CORP 4 July 1975 [7 Aug 1974] 28288/75 Headings G1N and G1W A multi-axis load cell comprises a housing 12, a hub 14, a plurality of cantilever bars 16, 18 (20, 22) Fig. 5 (not shown), drivingly connecting the hub and the housing in such a manner that each bar freely permits relative displacement between the hub and housing along its length but resists movement transversely thereto, a spider member 32 fixed to the hub and having a plurality of radial arms 34, 36, 38, 40 means 52, 54, 56, 58 for sensing displacement of the spider arms in a radial plane, a flange member 30 fixed to the hub and means 62, 64, 66, 68 for serving axial displacement of flange member 30 at two pairs of opposite points in planes orthogonal to each other. The hub is connected to the housing by the four bars 16, 18, (20, 22) cantilevered to the hub and connected to the housing by part spherical ends 26 received in bushes 28. The arms of the spider member 32 are received in cavities 42 in the ...

14-02-2001 дата публикации

Golf swing analysis method

Номер: GB0002351451B

01-10-1997 дата публикации

Golf swing analysis method and apparatus

Номер: GB0009715547D0

01-09-2021 дата публикации

Force sensing device

Номер: GB0002592411A

A force sensing device for use in robotic fingers 14,16 of a robotic gripper 10. A finger comprising first, second and third segments 44,46,48 and each having a joint 20, 24,28 and being connected to each other. A torque sensing means senses the torque at each of the joints when a force is applied to the third segment. Therefore, in use, the contact force between the fingers and an object can be determined without using complex fingertip sensors. The first, second and third joints are disposed within the same plane and are disposed in a triangular arrangement. A method of determining force is also disclosed. Another invention relates to a robotic gripper having two fingers, each connected by a phalanx to a base section by a joint, at least one phalanx comprising a force sensor.

12-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002080522B

14-09-1983 дата публикации

Measuring force electrically

Номер: GB0002115935A

A tactile sensing system is provided which consists of essentially four components including a touch surface having a plurality of mechanically and electrically isolated sensitive sites, transducer means associated with each of the sensitive sites for converting a mechanical response to an electrical signal, first signal processing means for scanning the signals produced by the transducer means and converting such signals to digital format, and second signal processing means including a computer for interpreting and displaying the data. The system of this invention is capable of providing high contrast, high normal load resolution, moderate spatial resolution and high sensitivity to determine such mechanical contact parameters as presence, pressure, pressure pattern, texture, hardness and topography of an object contacting the touch surface. In addition, separate means are included enabling the system to detect the location, magnitude and direction of shear forces applied to the touch surface ...

02-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001261988A

... 1,261,988. Piezo force transducers. KISTLER INSTRUMENTE A. G, July 17, 1969 [July 30, 1968], No.36064/69. Heading G1N. A force transducer which accurately divides the total applied load comprises at least one Piezo element 5 clamped between the parallel faces of force transmitting members 1, 2 and at least one "idle element" of the same thickness and resilience as the Piezo element; two idle elements 6, 7 are shown in Fig. 1 whereby the transducer divides the force by three. The faces of the transmitters and the Piezo and idle elements are made optically flat. Quartz crystals are preferred but Tourmaline or Piezo-ceramics may be used. Modifications The idle elements may also be Piezo plates responsive along mutually perpendicular axes Fig. 2 (not shown); connections to the Piezo plates may be made by "printed circuit" on an optically flat insulating sheet e.g. of aluminium oxide Figs. 3 .. 5 (not shown) or by capacitative pick off; the idle element may be in the form of a perforated metal ...

30-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008523932D0

28-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009219477D0

26-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001518865A

... 1518865 Load cell BENDIX CORP 9 Sept 1976 [23 Sept 1975] 37464/76 Headings G1N and G1W A load cell comprises a housing 12, a hub 14, a plurality of bending arms 16, 18, 20 each connected at one end to one of the housing and the hub and at the other end to a point intermediate the ends of a respective deflectable member 22, 24, 26, the ends of the deflectable members being secured to the other of the housing and the hub and transducers for measuring movement of the hub relative to the housing. As shown, the arms 16, 18, 20 are connected to the hub, and the deflectable members 22, 24, 26 are secured to the housing. The transducers comprise three differential transformer displacement transducers 28, 30, 32 arranged to measure displacements in a plane perpendicular to the load cell axis, and three differential transformer displacement transducers (40), 42, (44) arranged to measure displacements parallel to the cell axis, the six transducers allowing force components along and moments about ...

15-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521702A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Messsystem mit einer flach bauenden, im Wesentlichen parallele Deckflächen (2) aufweisenden Messelementaufnahme (1), geeignet für den Einbau zwischen moment- und/oder kraftübertragenden Maschinenteilen, mit zumindest einem piezoelektrischen Messelement (10, 20), wobei das Messelement (10) in einer Durchgangsöffnung (3) der Messelementaufnahme (1) angeordnet ist. Erfindungsgemäß ist das zumindest eine Messelement (10) mit definiertem Spiel mechanisch in der Durchgangsöffnung (3) fixiert.

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000534024T

26-07-1971 дата публикации

Mehrkomponenten Piezomeßzelle

Номер: AT0000291629B

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510443B1

The measuring wheel set has measuring sensors arranged on a wheel disk (5) of the measuring wheel set in distance of different measuring radius (I,II,III). The measuring sensors, particularly strain gauges, are formed for delivering measuring signals. A computer is formed for rectifying bridge signals for the measuring radius. An independent claim is also included for a measuring method for railway vehicles for the detection of the driving forces.

15-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000137330T

15-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000006813T

15-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000118900T

15-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000044415T

15-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000254278T

27-12-1971 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000295191B

03-03-2003 дата публикации

Rolling testbed for tyres or rims with extension measuring elements on deformable flexing bars

Номер: AU2002333398A8

08-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002222652A1
Автор: OOBA, Etsuo

17-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008718091A

13-03-2002 дата публикации

Force measuring apparatus

Номер: AU0008843801A

08-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001081342A1

20-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001048811A1

22-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002469444C

Disclosed herein is an accelerometer and/or displacement device that uses a mass coupled to a rhomboidal flexure to provide compression to an optical sensing element preferably having a fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The transducer includes a precompressed optical sensor disposed along a first axis between sides of the flexure. The top portion of the flexure connects to the mass which intersects the flexure along a second axis perpendicular to the first axis. When the mass experiences a force due to acceleration or displacement, the flexure will expand or contract along the second axis, which respectively compresses or relieves the compression of the FBG in the optical sensing element along the first axis. Perturbing the force presented to the FBG changes its Bragg reflection wavelength, which is interrogated to quantify the dynamic or constant force. A temperature compensation scheme, including the use of additional fiber Bragg gratings and thermal compensators axially positioned to counteract ...

29-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002789589C

The present invention relates to a load and moment sensor for a prosthetic device detecting load in a single direction and moment in a single plane. The load and moment sensor includes a sensing element, and a plurality of strain gauges placed in specific locations of the sensing element. The plurality of strain gauges is part of a plurality of resistor circuits such as Wheatstone bridges. While the strain gauges can be located on a single sensing element, some resistive elements of the Wheatstone bridges can be located elsewhere on the prosthetic device. The combination of the location of the strain gauges and the use of the Wheatstone bridges allows for good side load rejection which is load and moment not in the single direction or the single plane.

07-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1237739A

SUPPORTING DEVICE A supporting device comprising a first member which supports a springy means for resiliently supporting a second member. The supporting device comprises a detection means for detecting displacement of the springy means with respect to the first member in accordance with the movement of the second member and a biasing means which applies a force to the springy means from the same direction as or from a direction opposite to that of the displacement for changing the elasticity of the springy means in accordance with the movement of the second member.

16-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1190412A

When measuring a plurality of force components acting upon an object to be measured and based upon forces in a flowing medium, it is essential that all of the forces acting upon the object be detected and determined without reactive effect, in order to eliminate, as far as possible, any measuring inaccuracies. Furthermore, the measuring apparatus, and more particularly the carrier of the object to be measured, must be of simple and compact design, i.e. must take up little space. According to the invention, this purpose is achieved in that the guide for the object carrier is in the form of a cylinder guided hydrostatically in the mounting system and adapted to move rotatably and longitudinally in the Z-axis, and in that the said cylinder is in communication with both a rotary drive and a device for measuriing the angle of rotation.

22-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1054824A

MULTI-AXIS LOAD CELL A multi-axis load cell of the type adapted to generate signals corresponding to each of the various force and moment components exerted on the load cell is disclosed, comprised of a hub and a housing interconnected by three flexure arms, each flexure arm fixed at one end to one of the hub or housing and at the other end to a beam flexure element fixed to the other of the hub or housing. Each flexure beam is designed to be readily deflected in directions aligned with its respective flexure arm but offers substantially greater resistance to deflection in other directions, so that a centering bias force is provided without restricting the bending deflection of the flexure arms relied on to measure the force and moment components. Two sets of displacement transducers are provided, each set consisting of three transducers, with the first set arranged in pinwheel fashion about the load cell axis to measure the XY displacement components and torsional about the load cell axis ...

16-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA951137A

21-04-2021 дата публикации

Волоконно-оптическое устройство измерения давления

Номер: RU0000203788U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерения давления в области медицины и может быть использована для предотвращения образования пролежней у пациента. Технический результат предлагаемого волоконно-оптического устройства измерения давления заключается в упрощении конструкции предложенного устройства по сравнению с конструкцией прототипа. Технический результат в волоконно-оптическом устройстве измерении давления, содержащем источник лазерного излучения, оптический фильтр, оптический разветвитель, оптический измерительный датчик, фотоприемник, контроллер определения параметра физического поля, достигается тем, что в него дополнительно введены циркулятор, N оптических опорных датчиков, где N – натуральный ряд чисел больше или равно 1, N–1 оптических измерительных датчиков, N–1 фотоприемников, причем число оптических опорных датчиков равно числу оптических измерительных датчиков и равно числу фотоприемников, частотомер, при этом источник лазерного излучения выполнен широкополосным, каждый оптический опорный датчик идентичен друг другу и выполнен на основе волоконной решетки Брэгга с фазовым π-сдвигом, каждый оптический измерительный датчик идентичен друг другу и выполнен на основе волоконной решетки Брэгга с фазовым π-сдвигом, причем коэффициент отражения каждого оптического опорного датчика меньше коэффициента отражения каждого оптического измерительного датчика, каждый фотоприемник идентичен друг другу, контроллер определения параметра физического поля выполнен в виде контроллера определения давления, причем выход источника лазерного излучения соединен посредством волоконного световода с входом циркулятора, первый выход которого соединен посредством волоконного световода с входом оптического фильтра, второй выход циркулятора соединен посредством волоконного световода с входом оптического разветвителя, причем каждый из N выходов оптического разветвителя соединены посредством волоконных световодов соответственно с входами каждого из N оптических опорных датчиков, ...

04-05-2021 дата публикации

Волоконно-оптическое устройство измерения давления

Номер: RU0000204010U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерения давления в области медицины и может быть использована для предотвращения образования пролежней у пациента. Технический результат предлагаемого волоконно-оптического устройства измерения давления заключается в упрощении конструкции предложенного устройства по сравнению с конструкцией прототипа. Технический результат в волоконно-оптическом устройстве измерения давления, содержащем источник лазерного излучения, оптический фильтр, оптический разветвитель, оптический измерительный датчик, фотоприемник, контроллер определения параметра физического поля, достигается тем, что в него дополнительно введены циркулятор, N-1 оптических датчиков, где N - натуральный ряд чисел больше или равно 1, N-1 фотоприемников, причем число оптических датчиков равно числу фотоприемников, частотомер, при этом источник лазерного излучения выполнен широкополосным, каждый оптический датчик идентичен друг другу и выполнен на основе линейно чирпированной волоконной решетки Брэгга с двумя фазовыми π-сдвигами, каждый фотоприемник идентичен друг другу, контроллер определения параметра физического поля выполнен в виде контроллера определения давления, причем выход источника лазерного излучения соединен посредством волоконного световода с входом циркулятора, первый выход которого соединен посредством волоконного световода с входом оптического фильтра, второй выход циркулятора соединен посредством волоконного световода с входом оптического разветвителя, причем каждый из N выходов оптического разветвителя соединены посредством волоконных световодов соответственно с входами каждого из N оптических датчиков, выходы каждого из N оптических датчиков соединены посредством волоконных световодов соответственно с входами каждого из N фотоприемников, выходы N фотоприемников соединены посредством электрических проводов с соответствующими входами частотомера, выход которого соединен посредством электрических проводов с входом контроллера определения давления. В волоконно ...

31-05-2021 дата публикации

Волоконно-оптический датчик измерения усилия

Номер: RU0000204543U1

Полезная модель относится к измерительной технике, а именно к волоконно-оптическим датчикам, и может использоваться в системах контроля и измерения усилий или давления. Волоконно-оптический датчик измерения усилия, содержащий чувствительный элемент, представляющий собой волоконно-оптический кабель в пластиковой оболочке в виде спиральной намотки, и толкатель, обеспечивающий передачу усилия на чувствительный элемент, отличающийся тем, что содержит фиксатор, обеспечивающий восстановление формы чувствительного элемента после снятия усилия с датчика, состоящий из двух полуцилиндрических деталей, повторяющих форму чувствительного элемента, двух прижимов волокна, обеспечивающих неподвижность чувствительного элемента относительно полуцилиндрических деталей в верхней и нижней частях чувствительного элемента и равномерное распределение усилия толкателя на чувствительный элемент, и упругих элементов, представляющих собой механические пружины или отталкивающиеся магниты, расположенные вдоль направляющих осей, обеспечивающих перемещение полуцилиндрических деталей фиксатора в зависимости от усилия на датчик и их возврат в исходное положение после снятия усилия с датчика. Техническим результатом является расширение функциональных возможностей, повышение точности измерения при отрицательных температурах окружающей среды. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 543 U1 (51) МПК G01L 1/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01L 1/24 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020135930, 02.11.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Пифагор-М» (RU) Дата регистрации: 31.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 31.05.2021 Бюл. № 16 2 0 4 5 4 3 R U (54) Волоконно-оптический датчик измерения усилия (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к измерительной технике, а именно к волоконно-оптическим датчикам, и может использоваться в системах контроля и ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Detection device, electronic device, and robot

Номер: US20120017703A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

Disclosed is a detection device for detecting a strength and a direction of an external force applied to a reference point, the detection device including: a first substrate having a plurality of first capacitor electrodes arranged around the reference point; a second substrate arranged to face the first substrate by interposing the first capacitor electrodes; a dielectric body arranged between the first and second substrates and made of an elastic body or fluid; a second capacitor electrode arranged to face the first capacitor electrodes by interposing the dielectric body between the first and second substrates; and a third substrate having an elastic projection which has a gravity center in a location overlapping with the reference point and is elastically deformed by the external force while a tip thereof abuts on the second substrate.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Sensor apparatus and robot apparatus

Номер: US20120065902A1
Автор: Yohji Nakajima
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

To well remove a noise component due to vibration of a flexible member from an original detection signal output from a detecting unit and suppress a phase delay of a detection signal obtained by filtering. For this purpose, the present invention provides a detecting unit including a flexible member deforming according to a state of an object to be measured and a sensor detecting an amount of deformation of the flexible member and outputting an original detection signal indicating a detection result. A filtering unit outputs a detection signal obtained by filtering the original detection signal using a filter coefficient. A calculating device calculates a vibration frequency of the flexible member contained in the original detection signal. A changing unit changes a filter coefficient of the filtering unit to cause the filtering unit to function as a filter for attenuating the vibration frequency calculated by the calculating device.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Measuring apparatus

Номер: US20120068177A1

A measuring apparatus including a first chip, a first circuit layer, a first heater, a first stress sensor and a second circuit layer is provided. The first chip has a first through silicon via, a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface. The first circuit layer is disposed on the first surface. The first heater and the first stress sensor are disposed on the first surface and connected to the first circuit layer. The second circuit layer is disposed on the second surface. The first heater comprises a plurality of first switches connected in series to generate heat.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing piezoresistive material, piezoresistive composition and pressure sensor device

Номер: US20120090408A1

A method for manufacturing a piezoresistive material, a piezoresistive composition and a pressure sensor device are provided. The piezoresistive composition includes a conductive carbon material, a solvent, a dispersive agent, an unsaturated polyester and a crosslinking agent. The conductive carbon material is selected from a group consisting of multi-wall nanotube, single-wall carbon nanotube, carbon nanocapsule, graphene, graphite nanoflake, carbon black, and a combination thereof. The solvent is selected from a group consisting of ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, hexane, propylene glycol mono-methyl ether acetate and a combination thereof. The dispersive agent includes block polymer solution with functional groups providing the affinity. The unsaturated polyester is selected from a group consisting of an ortho-phthalic type unsaturated polyester, an iso-phthalic type unsaturated polyester, and a combination thereof. The crosslinking agent is selected from a group consisting of ethyl methyl ketone peroxide, cyclohexanone diperoxide, dibenzoyl peroxide, tert-butyl peroxybenzoate and a combination thereof.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Parylene-c as a piezoelectric material and method to make it

Номер: US20120091858A1

A parylene C polymer that is electrically poled such that it is piezoelectric is presented. Methods for manufacturing the piezoelectric parylene C polymer with an optimal piezoelectric coefficient d33 are also disclosed. Actuators formed with piezoelectric parylene C are disclosed as well as sensor devices that incorporate piezoelectric parylene C using charge integrator circuits in which the integration time is longer than likely adiabatic temperature transients.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Device for the touch-sensitive characterization of a surface texture

Номер: US20120118080A1

Device ( 100 ) for touch-sensitive characterisation of surface texture comprising at least one three-axis force sensor ( 104 ) at least partially covered by a coating structure ( 108 ) comprising at least one first part ( 110 ) placed against the sensor and at least a second part ( 112 ) placed against the first part such that the first part is arranged between the sensor and the second part, the second part comprising at least one protrusion arranged on a side opposite the first part and a shoulder arranged against a first face of the first part of the coating structure, located on the side opposite a second face of the first part placed against the sensor, the hardness of the material of the first part being lower than the hardness of the material of the second part.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Piezoelectric sensor and a method of fabricating a piezoelectric sensor

Номер: US20120137787A1

A piezoelectric sensor comprising a piezoelectric film formed on a surface of an object to be monitored; a plurality of electrodes formed on a surface of the piezoelectric film; and wherein electrical polarization of the piezoelectric film is about coplanar with the surface of the piezoelectric film. A method of forming a piezoelectric sensor. The method comprises forming a piezoelectric film on a surface of an object to be monitored; forming electrodes on a surface of the piezoelectric film; and orientating electrical polarization in the piezoelectric film to be about coplanar with the surface of the piezoelectric film.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Optical tactile sensors

Номер: US20120160031A1

A sensor for sensing pressure is disclosed. The sensor may be a pressure sensor for sensing pressure, or a tactile sensor for sensing tactile events through pressure measurement. In one aspect, the sensor includes at least one pressure sensor having at least one VCSEL on a substrate. It further includes a compressible sensor layer covering a top surface of the at least one VCSEL, and a reflecting element covering a top surface of the sensor layer. A method of manufacturing such a sensor is also disclosed.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

High temperature strain sensor

Номер: US20120161147A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

An example sensor that includes a first Schottky diode, a second Schottky diode and an integrated circuit. The sensor further includes a voltage generator that generates a first voltage across the first Schottky diode and a second voltage across the second Schottky diode. When the first Schottky diode and the second Schottky diode are subjected to different strain, the integrated circuit measures the values of the currents flowing through the first Schottky diode and the second Schottky diode to determine the strain on an element where the first Schottky diode and the second Schottky diode are attached.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Piezoelectric sensors for automatic measurement of nip width for fuser member control

Номер: US20120180573A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

According to aspects of the embodiments, an apparatus and method is proposed to detect nip width by use of at least one piezoelectric (PZT) crystal embedded into a roll at both the inboard and outboard ends. A piezoelectric (PZT) crystal generates a charge when subjected to a load and when the load is released. The PZT generate signal is channeled to the ends of the roller such as with a brush contact to be processed and used within machine control. The duration measure from application and released of the load is indicative of the dwell time and the amplitude PZT generate signal is a function of the pressure. The time and amplitude of the PZT signal can be calibrated to correlate directly to nip width or pressure and tracked in machine control.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Sheet-like tactile sensor system

Номер: US20120247226A1

Provided are multiple normal stress detection sensor units capable of detecting a normal stress, and a sheet layer portion. The sheet layer portion includes an exterior sheet layer portion, a force detection sheet layer portion incorporating normal stress detection units, and an intermediary layer sandwiched between the exterior sheet layer portion and the force detection sheet layer portion. The exterior sheet layer portion and the force detection sheet layer portion include multiple protrusions protruding in directions opposed to each other, and are disposed such that the protrusions engage each other with the intermediary layer interposed therebetween. Each normal stress detection sensor unit includes a central portion detection sensor device disposed immediately below a central portion of the protrusion provided on the force detection sheet portion, and at least two edge detection sensor devices disposed immediately below edge portions of the protrusion provided on the force detection sheet portion.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Droop Tester Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20120300063A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

The invention relates to a system for testing heart valve leaflets. The system includes a leaflet support assembly with a support post for receiving and supporting a leaflet to be tested, the post being disposed in a target region of the support assembly. The system also has a transmitter assembly that includes a light source and is configured and arranged to direct light from the light source onto the target region. The system further includes a receiver assembly that has an image sensor configured and arranged to sense an image of the target region and generate image information indicative of the sensed image, such as leaflet droop.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069485A1
Автор: Dutheil Daniel

Electrical contactor with touch control using a piezoelectric pellet incorporated in one face () of a card () which is made of an insulating material and the other face () of which comprises an electronic circuit, characterised in that said contactor comprises a metal casing (), of which the bottom (), which is thinned-down, constitutes a protective partition against which the first face () is applied by the interposition of a tubular member (), of which one end, which is elastically deformable, is applied against the periphery of the said card, the said casing and the said card comprising means which, together, bring about the holding of the said member () in position. 122215233bab. Electrical contactor with touch control using a piezoelectric pellet incorporated in one face () of a card () which is made of an insulating material and the other face () of which comprises an electronic circuit , characterised in that it comprises a metal casing () , of which the bottom () , which is sufficiently thin to be deformed under the effect of a light manual pressure , constitutes a protective partition against which the first face () is applied by the interposition of a tubular member () , of which one end , which is elastically deformable , is applied against the periphery of the said card , the said casing and the said card comprising means which , together , bring about the holding of the said member () , or ring , in position.236. Contactor according to claim 1 , characterised in that the ring () is made of an elastically deformable material claim 1 , and in that the end () which is in contact with the card is shaped so as to allow slight flattening under the effect of an axial thrust claim 1 , while maintaining a pre-stress.3378877aa. Contactor according to claim 1 , characterised in that the ring () has at least one lug () which extends beyond the diameter of the said ring claim 1 , substantially obliquely in relation to the axis of the ring in such a way that the ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Rail stress detection system and method

Номер: US20130070083A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for detecting stress in rails includes a railcar, having a rail temperature detector, and a rail imaging device oriented to produce images of rail joints and rail anchors. The imaging device and temperature detector are connected to a computer controller, which is programmed to provide an output signal indicative of estimated axial stress in the rail based upon rail temperature and the images of at least one of the rail joints and rail anchors.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Hermetic Weighing Cell Having Overload Protection

Номер: US20130074610A1
Принадлежит: Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH

The invention relates to a load cell, preferably for an aseptic platform scale, which is embodied rod-shaped and includes a force introduction element () and a force output element () and a force measuring element arranged axially therebetween. In that regard, the force measuring element comprises a bending beam (), of which the internally located measuring spring parts () with the strain gages applied thereon are hermetically tightly enclosed by welded metal parts (). In that regard, the force introduction element (), the force measuring element () and the force output element () are embodied substantially rotationally symmetrically and rounded-off along a longitudinal axis (), whereby the force measuring element comprises a flexurally stiff pipe sleeve () with the bending beam () arranged therein. Thereby, the ends of the bending beam () are connected with flexurally soft ring elements () which are oriented perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis (), and which are welded with the pipe sleeve () at their radial edge area. The invention is characterized in that an overload protection () is integrated within the bending beam () and/or at least the end face () of the force introduction element () comprises an O-ring seal () and a centering arrangement (). 1123124569132934335694567843121532023111424282932425252829323273. Load cell , preferably for an aseptic platform scale , which is embodied rod-shaped and consists of a force introduction element () and a force output element () and a force measuring element arranged axially therebetween , whereby the force measuring element comprises a bending beam () , of which the internally located measuring spring parts () with the strain gages applied thereon are hermetically tightly enclosed by welded metal parts ( , , ) , and the force F to be measured is introducible perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis () , whereby the force introduction element () , the force measuring element () and the force output element () are ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076206A1

A system for controlling electrical appliances comprises a) a touch plate having an inner surface and an outer surface, which is accessible to a user; b) a piezoelectric module coupled with said inner surface of said touch plate and suitable to generate electric signals when deformed by pressure; c) a microcontroller connected to said piezoelectric module, said microcontroller being configured to analyze electrical signals generated by said piezoelectric module, to determine; d) circuitry coupled with said microcontroller, for receiving said control signals and for transmitting output signals to said electrical appliance; and e) a feedback module connected to said microcontroller, suitable to provide to a user feedback related to signals generated by said piezoelectric module. 1. A system for providing non-linear control over electrical appliances , comprising:(a) a touch plate having an inner surface and an outer surface, which is accessible to a user;(b) a piezoelectric sensor array coupled with said inner surface of said touch plate and suitable to generate electric signals when deformed by pressure;(c) a microcontroller connected to said piezoelectric module, said microcontroller being configured to analyze electrical signals generated by said piezoelectric module, to determine control signals therefrom;(d) circuitry coupled with said microcontroller, for receiving said control signals and for transmitting output signals to said electrical appliance; and(e) a feedback module connected to said microcontroller, suitable to provide to a user feedback related to signals generated by said piezoelectric module.2. A controller according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical appliance is selected from the group consisting of lights claim 1 , air conditions claim 1 , stoves claim 1 , amplifiers claim 1 , fans claim 1 , blenders claim 1 , industrial equipment and machinery claim 1 , volume modules and speakers.3. A controller according to claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076861A1
Автор: STERNKLAR Shmuel

A method and apparatus for optically probing an object(s) and/or a medium and/or an optical path using noisy light. Applications disclosed include but are not limited to 3D digital camera, detecting material or mechanical properties of optical fiber(s), intrusion detection, and determining an impulse response. In some embodiments, an optical detector is illuminated by a superimposition of a combination of noisy light signals. Various signal processing techniques are also disclosed herein. 1) A method of optically probing an object(s) and/or a medium and/or an optical path including the object(s) or medium , the method comprising:a) illuminating the object(s) or the medium to induce, from the object(s) or medium, one or more noisy light response signals that are randomly or pseudo-randomly modulated;b) receiving into an optical detector an optical superimposition of (i) a source light signal used in step (a) to carry out the illuminating and (ii) one or more of the induced noisy light response signals, thereby illuminating the optical detector so as to generate a combination electrical signal describing the optically superimposed plurality of received noisy light response signals; i) a relationship between power and frequency of the combination electrical signal or a derivative thereof over a discrete or continuous spectrum;', 'ii) a temporal autocorrelation function of the combination electrical signal;', 'iii) a distance parameter(s) involving one or more the objects;', 'iv) a mechanical stress or strain;', 'v) a change in a light propagation time of at least one optical path;', 'vi) a difference in light propagation times of multiple optical paths or a temporal change thereof;', 'vii) mechanical motion of an object; and', 'viii) a material or mechanical property of an optical fiber, at least a portion of which is included in the optical path of step (a)., 'c) determining or characterizing or detecting from the combination electrical signal, at least one of2. ( ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Stress-sensitive material and methods for using same

Номер: US20130082191A1

A stress-sensing material containing a matrix material and a photo-luminescent particle is disclosed, together with adhesives and coatings containing the stress-sensing material. Also disclosed are methods for preparing the stress-sensing material and measuring the stress on an article using the stress-sensing material.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130086997A1
Принадлежит: Aito B.V.

A device for detecting the likelihood of the presence of at least one human finger on a surface, and a method of using the device in the user interface of a machine, device or system. The device comprises at least one element having piezoelectric characteristics, located under a surface, the element arranged in the device in such a manner that a force when exerted on the surface, such as when the surface is pressed by finger, is transferred to mechanical stress of the element, the element then producing a voltage output in response to the mechanical stress. Also included are means for measuring the voltage output in a predefined time period and means for determining the degree of stability of the measured voltage output, and configured to indicate whether or not the degree of stability shows that the measured voltage output is likely to be a human finger or not. 1110. A device () for detecting the presence of at least one human finger on a surface () , comprising:{'b': '22', 'claim-text': [{'b': 28', '25', '18', '14, 'comprising a layer () of piezoelectric material on a metallic base plate () arranged between a lower conductive layer () and an upper conductive layer ();'}, {'b': 10', '22', '12', '28', '29, 'being located under a unitary surface (), to which the element () has been attached by an adhesive layer () and which is visible and extends laterally beyond the layer () iezoelectric material and the base plate (); and'}, {'b': 1', '10', '10', '22', '22, 'arranged in the device () in such a manner that a force (F) when exerted on the surface (), such as when the surface () is pressed by finger, is transferred to mechanical stress of the element (), the element () then producing a voltage output (V) in response to the mechanical stress;'}], 'at least one element () having piezoelectric characteristics and'}{'b': 2', '3', '3', '1, 'means (R, R, C, IC) for measuring the voltage output (V) in a predefined time period; and'}{'b': '1', 'claim-text': [{'b': '10', 'i) ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130104669A1
Принадлежит: ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

An operation body is oscillatably supported by a fulcrum member. One side of the operation body is in contact with a projection of an actuator of a pressing force sensor, and a preload is applied to another side of the operation body by a compression coil spring as a preloading elastic member. By the preload, a detection output of the pressing force sensor is set at a neutral point. An operating force by which the one side of the operation body is pressed and an operating force by which the other side of the operation body is pressed can be distinctly detected with the single pressing force sensor. 1. A pressing force input device comprising:a pressing force sensor including an actuator and a detection portion whose output changes when the actuator is pressed; andan operation body configured to cause the pressing force sensor to operate, whereinthe operation body is pressed against the actuator by an elastic member,the detection portion is set at a neutral point between a starting point and an end point of a detection operation range thereof, anda detection output showing changes in different directions across the neutral point when the operation body is operated toward one direction and when the operation body is operated toward another direction is obtained from the detection portion.2. The pressing force input device according to claim 1 , wherein a detection output corresponding to a change of a force when the actuator is pressed is obtained from the detection portion.3. The pressing force input device according to claim 1 , whereinthe operation body is oscillatably supported via a fulcrum,the operation body is in contact with the actuator at one side thereof with respect to the fulcrum,the elastic member configured to press the operation body against the actuator is provided to another side of the operation body with respect to the fulcrum, anda detection output showing changes in different directions across the neutral point when the operation body is pressed ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Flexible Micro Bumps Operably Coupled to an Array of Nano-Piezoelectric Sensors

Номер: US20130106244A1

Implementations and techniques for manufacturing flexible micro bumps operably coupled to an array of nano-piezoelectric sensors are generally disclosed. 1. A method , comprising:depositing a plurality of bottom electrodes on a flexible substrate, wherein the deposited plurality of bottom electrodes have a substantially parallel pattern;depositing a plurality of nano-piezoelectric wires on the flexible substrate, wherein the deposited plurality of nano-piezoelectric wires have a substantially checkerboard pattern;depositing a plurality of top electrodes such that the plurality of top electrodes are electrically coupled to the plurality of nano-piezoelectric wires to form an array of nano-piezoelectric sensors, wherein the deposited plurality of top electrodes have a substantially parallel pattern; anddepositing a plurality of flexible micro bumps on the array of nano-piezoelectric sensors, wherein the plurality of flexible micro bumps are operably coupled to the array of nano-piezoelectric sensors.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:depositing a layer of catalyst on the substrate prior to depositing the nano-piezoelectric wires, wherein the deposited layer of catalyst has a substantially checkerboard pattern; andwherein depositing the plurality of nano-piezoelectric wires on the substrate comprises depositing the plurality of nano-piezoelectric wires on the layer of catalyst, wherein the plurality of nano-piezoelectric wires have a perpendicular orientation with respect to the substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising depositing a layer of flexible insulation material between the plurality of nano-piezoelectric wires prior to depositing the plurality of top electrodes.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:depositing a top layer of flexible insulation material on the plurality of top electrodes prior to depositing the plurality of flexible micro bumps; anddepositing a static-charge screen material on the top layer of flexible ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112010A1

A sensor element is formed by, when an α axis, a β axis orthogonal to the α axis, and a γ axis orthogonal to the α axis and the β axis are set, laminating piezoelectric substrates and electrodes in the γ axis direction. The sensor element includes connecting sections arranged such that a part of external sections of the electrodes aligns with a part of external sections of the piezoelectric substrates. The connecting sections are arranged not to align with one another in a direction of the γ axis. Conductors that electrically connect the connecting sections and external connecting sections are formed along outer peripheral sections of the piezoelectric substrates. 1. A sensor element comprising:piezoelectric substrates including principal planes including an α axis and a β axis; andelectrodes on principal plane sides of the piezoelectric substrates;wherein the piezoelectric substrates and the electrodes are laminated together in a γ axis direction,the β axis is orthogonal to the α axis, the γ axis is orthogonal to the α axis and the β axis, and the α axis, the β axis, and the γ axis are set as space coordinate axes,a first electrode is provided on one principal plane of a first piezoelectric substrate that detects force in the α axis direction and a second electrode is provided on the other principal plane, a third electrode is provided on one principal plane of a second piezoelectric substrate that detects force in the β axis direction and a fourth electrode is provided on the other principal plane, and a fifth electrode is provided on one principal plane of a third piezoelectric substrate that detects force in the γ axis direction and a sixth electrode is provided on the other principal plane,the first electrode and the second electrode include a first connecting section of the first electrode and a second connecting section of the second electrode arranged such that a part of external sections of the first electrode and the second electrode aligns with a part of ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Mechanical-Quantity Measuring Device

Номер: US20130118268A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A mechanical-quantity measuring device capable of measuring a strain component in a specific direction with high precision is provided. At least two or more pairs of bridge circuits are formed inside a semiconductor monocrystal substrate and a semiconductor chip, and one of these bridge circuits forms a n-type diffusion resistor in which a direction of a current flow and measuring variation of a resistor value are in parallel with a <100> direction of the semiconductor monocryastal silicon substrate, and an another bridge circuit is composed of combination of p-type diffusion resistors in parallel with a <110> direction.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119689A1
Автор: NISHIWAKI Tsutomu

A shear force detection device for detecting a shear force includes: a support body including an opening defined by a pair of straight parts perpendicular to a detection direction of the shear force and parallel to each other; a support film on the support body and closing the opening, the support film having flexibility; a piezoelectric part on the support film and extending astride an inside and outside of the opening and along at least one of the pair of straight parts of the opening when viewed in a plane in which the support body is seen in a substrate thickness direction, the piezoelectric part being bendable to output an electric signal; and an elastic layer covering the piezoelectric part and the support film. 1. A force sensor comprising:a support body including a first opening defined by a first pair of straight parts perpendicular to a first direction and parallel to each other and a second opening defined by a second pair of straight parts perpendicular to a second direction and parallel to each other, the second direction crossing the first direction;a support film provided on the support body, the support film closing the first opening and the second opening;a first piezoelectric part provided on the support film and extending astride an inside and an outside of the first opening and along at least one of the first pair of straight parts;a second piezoelectric part provided on the support film and extending astride an inside and an outside of the second opening and along at least one of the second pair of straight parts; andan elastic layer covering the first piezoelectric part, the second piezoelectric part and the support film.2. The force sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising:a third opening provided in the support body, the third opening being closed by the support film; anda third piezoelectric part provided on the support film and inside the third opening, the third piezoelectric part being covered by the elastic layer.3. A grasping ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133433A1

Deflection of a free end of one plate-like member, that is caused by uniform stress, is transmitted to the other plate-like member by moving a free end of the other plate-like member. According to this configuration, the uniform stress applied to the one plate-like member is converted into stress induced by a point force in the other plate-like member, and then, the induced stress is concentrated on a fixed end side narrow portion in which a piezoresistor is provided. Thus, a novel structure for a piezoresistive surface stress sensor having high sensitivity to uniform stress applied to the surface of the sensor is provided. 1. A surface stress sensor comprising:a first flat member that includes a first fixed end and a first free end, the first free end being opposite to the first fixed end and being caused to be deflected by stress on a surface thereof; anda second flat member that is disposed on the substantially same plane as the first flat member and includes a second fixed end and a second free end, the second free end being opposite to the second fixed end, including a piezoresistive member in at least a part thereof and causing change in a resistance value of the piezoresistive member by deflection thereof,wherein the first free end of the first flat member is connected to the second free end of the second flat member, and deflection of the first flat member applies a force to the second free end of the second flat member to cause the change in the resistance value of the piezoresistive member.2. The surface stress sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein the second flat member includes a fixed end side narrow portion and a flat member body, and the fixed end side narrow portion is disposed between the second fixed part and the flat member body and includes the piezoresistive member.3. The surface stress sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein the length between the first fixed end and the first free end of the first flat member is greater than the length between the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Pressure sensor having nanostructure and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20130140611A1

The present disclosure relates to a pressure sensor having a nanostructure and a method for manufacturing the same. More particularly, it relates to a pressure sensor having a nanostructure attached on the surface of the pressure sensor and thus having improved sensor response time and sensitivity and a method for manufacturing the same. The pressure sensor according to the present disclosure having a nanostructure includes: a substrate; a source electrode and a drain electrode arranged on the substrate with a predetermined spacing; a flexible sensor layer disposed on the source electrode and the drain electrode; and a nanostructure attached on the surface of the flexible sensor layer and having nanosized wrinkles.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152700A1

A sensor device includes a package, a sensor element that is disposed in the package, and a lid that seals the package, in which the sensor element includes a contacting surface that comes in contact with the lid, the package includes a joint surface which is joined to the lid, and the contacting surface and the joint surface are not on the same flat surface. 1. A sensor device comprising:a first member that includes a recess;a sensor element that is disposed in the recess and includes a piezoelectric body; anda second member that is joined to the first member and seals the recess of the first member,wherein the sensor element includes a contacting surface that comes in contact with the second member,the first member includes a joint surface that is joined to the second member, andthe contacting surface and the joint surface are not the same flat surface.2. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the second member includes a first surface that comes in contact with the contacting surface of the sensor element, and a second surface that is joined to the joint surface of the first member.3. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein, when a normal direction of the contacting surface is set as a γ axis direction, and directions which are perpendicular to the γ axis direction and perpendicular to each other are set as a α axis direction and a β axis direction, respectively, the sensor element includes at least one or more of a first sensor element that senses a force in the α axis direction, a second sensor element that senses a force in the β axis direction, and a third sensor element that senses a force in the γ axis direction.4. A sensor module claim 1 , comprising:a sensor device including a first member that includes a recess, a sensor element that is disposed in the recess and includes a piezoelectric body, and a second member that is joined to the first member and seals the recess of the first member;a first plate that comes in contact with the first ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152701A1

A sensor device includes a package, a sensor element that is disposed in the package, and a lid that seals the package. The lid includes a flexible portion that surrounds the vicinity of the sensor element in a plan view. 1. A sensor device comprising:a first member that includes a recess;a sensor element that is disposed in the recess and includes a piezoelectric body; anda second member that is joined to the first member and seals the recess of the first member,wherein the sensor element includes a contacting surface that comes in contact with the second member, and a first surface region that comes in contact with the contacting surface of the sensor element,', 'a second surface region that is joined to the first member, and', 'a flexible portion that is disposed between the first surface region and the second surface region., 'the second member includes2. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the flexible portion is thinner than the first and second surface regions of the second member.3. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the flexible portion has a bellows structure.4. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the flexible portion has a circular shape or a polygonal shape with arcuate corners in a plan view.5. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein, when a normal direction of the contacting surface of the sensor element is set as a γ axis direction, and directions which are perpendicular to the γ axis direction and perpendicular to each other are set as a α axis direction and a β axis direction, respectively, the sensor element includes at least one of a first sensor element that senses a force in the α axis direction, a second sensor element that senses a force in the β axis direction, and a third sensor element that senses a force in the γ axis direction.6. A sensor module claim 1 , comprising: a first member that includes a recess,', 'a sensor element that is disposed in the recess and includes a piezoelectric body, and ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154442A1

To easily detect an external force applied to a piezoelectric element with high accuracy and suppress influence of electrostatic charges accumulated in the piezoelectric element. A crystal element is cantilevered inside the container. Excitation electrodes are formed on upper and lower faces, respectively, of the crystal element. A movable electrode connected to the excitation electrode is provided in a leading end portion of the lower face side of the crystal element, and a stationary electrode is provided in a bottom portion of the container. An oscillation loop including the excitation electrodes, the movable electrode, the stationary electrode, and the oscillator circuit is formed. A capacitance change between the electrodes caused by a deflection of the crystal element due to an external force is detected as a frequency. A switch for opening or closing the neutralization path to discharge electrostatic charges generated in the crystal element to the ground is provided. 1. An external force detection equipment for detecting an external force applied to a piezoelectric element , comprising:a piezoelectric element, cantilevered onto a support portion in one end side;a pair of excitation electrodes, one excitation electrode and the other excitation electrode being provided in one face side and the other face side, respectively, of the piezoelectric element to vibrate the piezoelectric element;an oscillator circuit, electrically connected to the one excitation electrode;a movable electrode, for forming a variable capacitance, the movable electrode being provided in a portion distant from the one end side of the piezoelectric element and electrically connected to the other excitation electrode;a stationary electrode, provided separately from the piezoelectric element and oppositely to the movable electrode and connected to the oscillator circuit so as to form a variable capacitance based on a capacitance change between the stationary electrode and the movable ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Pressure detection device

Номер: US20130158896A1
Автор: Liviu Schintee
Принадлежит: Custom Fluidpower Pty Ltd

A pressure testing device for calculating a pressure in a flexible line comprises a housing unit, a force sensor mounted on the housing unit and a clamp assembly having a clamp mounted on the housing unit. The clamp is operable to compress the flexible line against the force sensor by a predetermined degree of deformation of the flexible line. The device includes a displacement sensor adapted to measure a displacement of the clamp. The device also includes a controller having a processor in communication with the force sensor and the displacement sensor, and a memory unit containing stored data. At the predetermined degree of deformation of the flexible line, the processor compares a first signal from the force sensor and a second signal from the displacement senor with the stored data to estimate the pressure within the flexible line.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160567A1

A force sensor includes: a planar piezoelectric member whose impedance varies according to an impressing force exerted from an outside; a pair of electrode patterns film-formed on both surfaces of the piezoelectric member; a wiring pattern that is film-formed integrally with the pair of electrode patterns, and connected to the pair of electrode patterns; a power feeding side coil that is provided without contact with the pair of electrode patterns, and connected to an alternating-current source; and a detector that detects variation in impedance of the piezoelectric member, as the impressing force, wherein at least a part or the entirety of one electrode pattern between the pair of electrode patterns is formed volutely extending from the wiring pattern, and is a coil pattern electromagnetically coupled with the power feeding side coil. 1. A force sensor , comprising:a planar piezoelectric member whose impedance varies according to an impressing force exerted from an outside;a pair of electrode patterns film-formed on both surfaces of the piezoelectric member;a wiring pattern that is film-formed integrally with the pair of electrode patterns, and connected to the pair of electrode patterns;a power feeding side coil that is provided without contact with the pair of electrode patterns, and connected to an alternating-current source; anda detector that detects variation in impedance of the piezoelectric member, as the impressing force,wherein at least a part or the entirety of one electrode pattern between the pair of electrode patterns is formed volutely extending from the wiring pattern, and is a coil pattern electromagnetically coupled with the power feeding side coil.2. The force sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein the detector detects at least one of voltage and current of the power feeding side coil varying according to the impedance of the piezoelectric member, as the impressing force.3. The force sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising:a base to which ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130166070A1

Methods of and a system for providing force information for a robotic surgical system. The method includes storing first kinematic position information and first actual position information for a first position of an end effector; moving the end effector via the robotic surgical system from the first position to a second position; storing second kinematic position information and second actual position information for the second position; and providing force information regarding force applied to the end effector at the second position utilizing the first actual position information, the second actual position information, the first kinematic position information, and the second kinematic position information. Visual force feedback is also provided via superimposing an estimated position of an end effector without force over an image of the actual position of the end effector. Similarly, tissue elasticity visual displays may be shown. 146-. (canceled)47. A robotic system comprising:a display;a robotic arm adapted to manipulate an instrument; anda processor programmed to cause a computer model of the instrument to be displayed relative to a real-time image of the instrument on the display so as to indicate a force being applied against a distal end of the instrument.48. The robotic system of claim 47 , wherein the processor is programmed to cause the computer model of the instrument to be displayed on the display according to a kinematically determined position of the distal end of the instrument.49. The robotic system of claim 47 , wherein the robotic arm comprises linkages that are coupled together and manipulated through motor controlled joints claim 47 , and wherein the processor is programmed to cause the computer model of the instrument to be displayed on the display according to sensed positions of the motor controlled joints.50. The robotic system of claim 47 , wherein the robotic arm comprises linkages that are coupled together and manipulated through motor ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus. System And Method For Dynamically Measuring Material Viscoelasticity Using Shear Wave Induced Resonance

Номер: US20130174666A1

A system for dynamically measuring viscoelasticity of material samples using shear wave induced resonance, the system comprising: i) an apparatus comprising a vibration source; a vibration detector; a processor, and a user interface, for example to select a sample holder configuration, and ii) a rigid sample holder connectable to the vibration source, wherein the vibration source generates shear waves that induce vibrations and the resonance of a sample through the holder, the vibration sensor measuring the sample vibrations and resonance, and the processor determining the viscoelasticity of the sample from the vibrations or resonances and from the selected sample holder configuration. Multiple measurement modalities using the system to study materials viscoelasticity as function of time parameters; temperature parameters; strain parameters; repetition parameters and mapping parameters. 1. A method for dynamically measuring viscoelasticity of material samples using shear wave induced resonance , the method comprising:mounting at least one material sample to a rigid sample holder;selectively inducing resonance to the sample by applying selected shear waves induced by the vibrations of the rigid holder;measuring the resonance of the sample in the rigid holder to obtain at least one of:displacement, velocity and acceleration spectra as a function of excitation frequency; andderiving the viscoelastic properties of the sample from the measured spectra and from sample's geometrical shape and precise dimensions.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising selecting at least one from a plurality of testing modalities.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said holder is a circular or non-circular cylindrical container having an open top and bottom.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said sample material is a plate claim 3 , sheet or membrane claim 3 , said holder having a number of apertures providing a corresponding number of circular or non- ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186208A1

A flexible tactile sensor apparatus is provided. The flexible tactile sensor apparatus may obtain information about an applied force, using a resistance between an upper nano wire array of an upper plate and a lower nano wire array of a lower plate, which may be changed based on a distance, between the upper nano wire array and the lower nano wire array, adjusted in proportion to the force. 1. A flexible tactile sensor apparatus , comprising:an upper plate comprising an upper nano wire array;a lower plate comprising a lower nano wire array; anda fastener to adjust a distance between the upper nano wire array and the lower nano wire array, in proportion to a force applied through the upper plate.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the upper nano wire array and the lower nano wire array are collinearly aligned to face each other and to be proximate to or separate from each other claim 1 , based on the adjusted distance.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fastener increases or decreases a number of wires connected between the upper nano wire array and the lower nano wire array claim 1 , based on a result of adjusting the distance between the upper nano wire array and the lower nano wire array.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe upper nano wire array and the lower nano wire array are formed of a conductive material, andthe upper plate and the lower plate are formed of an insulating material.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a controller to obtain magnitude and direction of the force applied through the upper plate, by measuring a resistance, between the upper nano wire array and the lower nano wire array, wherein at least one of the magnitude and direction are changed based on a result of adjusting the distance between the upper nano wire array and the lower nano wire array.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the controller obtains the magnitude of the force claim 5 , using a change in resistance between a first resistance measured before ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194237A1

Disclosed is a film or a panel that may measure pressure while interacting with an electronic device. A pressure sensor according to the present invention includes: a light source unit to generate light; an optical waveguide to transfer, to a light receiving unit, the light that is generated by the light source unit; and the light receiving unit to receive the light that is transferred through the optical waveguide. The optical waveguide includes a pressure sensing unit to adjust the quantity of light that is transferred through the optical waveguide based on a pressure. The light receiving unit senses the pressure based on the change in the quantity of light that is generated by the light source unit and is transferred through the optical waveguide. 1. A pressure sensor comprising:a light source unit to generate light;an optical waveguide to transfer, to a light receiving unit, the light that is generated by the light source unit; andthe light receiving unit to receive the light that is transferred through the optical waveguide,wherein the optical waveguide includes a pressure sensing unit to adjust the quantity of light that is transferred through the optical waveguide based on a pressure.2. The pressure sensor of claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensing unit includes:a pressurizing layer to which the pressure is applied; andan optical waveguide layer through which the light passes, andthe light receiving unit senses the pressure based on a change in the quantity of light between the generated light and the transferred light that occurs due to a difference between a refractive index of the pressurizing layer and a refractive index of the optical waveguide layer.3. The pressure sensor of claim 2 , wherein:the pressurizing layer and the optical waveguide layer of the pressure sensing unit are formed to be spaced apart from each other, andthe pressurizing layer contacts with the separate optical waveguide layer due to the pressure applied to the pressurizing layer.4. ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199311A1
Принадлежит: Wacom Co., Ltd.

A position indicator includes a capacitor having a capacitance that changes in correspondence to a force applied to one end part of a housing. The capacitor is configured by a pressure detecting chip that includes a first electrode and a second electrode disposed opposite to the first electrode with a predetermined distance defined therebetween to have capacitance Cv formed between the first electrode and the second electrode. The capacitance Cv changes when the force applied to the one end part of the housing is transmitted to the first electrode to thereby change a relationship (e.g., the distance) between the two electrodes. A pressure transmitting member having predetermined elasticity is disposed on the first electrode such that the force applied to the one end part of the housing is transmitted to the first electrode of the semiconductor element via the pressure transmitting member. 1. A position indicator comprising:a housing having a first end part and a second end part;a capacitor having a capacitance that changes in correspondence to a force applied to the first end part of the housing, the capacitor being configured by a semiconductor element that includes a first electrode and a second electrode disposed opposite to the first electrode at a predetermined distance from the first electrode to have a capacitance formed between the first electrode and the second electrode, wherein the capacitance changes in correspondence to a change in a relationship between the first and second electrodes caused by the force applied to the first end part of the housing and transmitted to the first electrode;a pressure transmitting member that has predetermined elasticity and transmits the force to the first electrode of the semiconductor element; anda pressing member that transmits the force applied to the first end part of the housing to the pressure transmitting member having the predetermined elasticity;wherein the force applied to the first end part of the housing is ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Sensor Element, Sensor Device, And Electronic Apparatus

Номер: US20130221804A1
Автор: ICHIKAWA Fumio

A sensor element includes a base, vibrating arms for detection extended from the base, and first to fourth detecting sections provided in the vibrating arms for detection. The first to fourth detecting sections respectively include lower electrode layers, upper electrode layers, and piezoelectric layers. The lower electrode layers of the first and second detecting sections are electrically connected to each other. The lower electrodes of the third and fourth detecting sections are electrically connected to each other. 1. A sensor element comprising:a base;a vibrating arm for detection extended from the base; anda first detecting section and a second detecting section provided in the vibrating arm for detection and configured to output charges according to vibration of the vibrating arm for detection, whereinthe first detecting section includes a first lower electrode layer, a first upper electrode layer, and a first piezoelectric layer provided between the first lower electrode layer and the first upper electrode layer, the first lower electrode layer being provided above the vibrating arm for detection side,the second detecting section includes a second lower electrode layer, a second upper electrode layer, and a second piezoelectric layer provided between the second lower electrode layer and the second upper electrode layer, the second lower electrode layer being provided above the vibrating arm for detection side, andthe first lower electrode layer and the second lower electrode layer or the first upper electrode layer and the second upper electrode layer are electrically connected.2. The sensor element according to claim 1 , wherein the first lower electrode layer and the second lower electrode layer are electrically connected to each other by the vibrating arm for detection.3. The sensor element according to claim 1 , further comprising:a vibrating arm for driving extended from the base; anda driving section provided in the vibrating arm for driving and ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233081A1

A sensor () for monitoring health of an associated article (A) (e.g., a fluid connector) including a sensing element () disposed along a length of an outer surface of the associated article, wherein the sensing element is configured to detect at least one physical property of the associated article and output an electrical signal in proportion to an amount of the physical property applied to the sensing element; and a mounting mechanism () configured to secure the force sensing element to at least a portion of the outer surface of associated article. 1. A sensor for monitoring health of an associated article , the sensor comprising:a sensing element disposed along a length of an outer surface of the associated article, wherein the sensing element is configured to detect at least one physical property of the associated article and output an electrical signal in proportion to an amount of the physical property applied to the sensing element; anda mounting mechanism configured to secure the force sensing element to at least a portion of the outer surface of associated article.2. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the sensing element is an electroactive polymer that measures force generated between the mounting mechanism and the outer surface of the associated article.3. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the sensing element is a piezoelectric material that measures force generated between the mounting mechanism and the outer surface of the associated article.4. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the sensing element is one or strain sensors that measure deformation of the outer surface of the associated article.5. The sensor of claim 1 , further including a deformable dielectric layer configured to cover at least a portion of the associated article and the force sensing material.6. The sensor of claim 5 , wherein the deformable dielectric layer is adhesively affixed to at least a portion of the mounting mechanism.7. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the mounting mechanism is ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233089A1

A sensor module includes a first member including a first recess in which a piezoelectric element including an electrode is arranged, a second member joined to the first member, a first plate in contact with the second member, a second plate in contact with the first member, and a fastening section configured to fasten the first plate and the second plate. A first projection projecting toward the second member is provided on the first plate. The internal height of the first recess of the first member is larger than the height of the piezoelectric element. The piezoelectric element is in contact with the second member. 1. A sensor module comprising:a sensor element in which a piezoelectric body and an electrode are laminated;a first member including a first recess in which the sensor element is arranged;a second member joined to the first member and configured to seal the first recess of the first member;a first plate in contact with the second member;a second plate in contact with the first member; anda fastening section capable of fastening the first plate and the second plate, whereina dimension from a contact surface of the first member and the sensor element to a surface on which the first member and the second member are joined is formed larger than a dimension of the sensor element in a direction in which the piezoelectric body and the electrode are laminated, anda first projection projecting toward the second member and in contact with the second member is provided on the first plate, the sensor element being in contact with the second member.2. The sensor module according to claim 1 , wherein a second projection projecting toward the first member and in contact with the first member is provided on the second plate.3. The sensor module according to claim 2 , wherein a second recess that fits with the second projection is formed on a bottom surface of the first member.4. The sensor module according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , around a peripheral section ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239700A1

A three-axis load sensor utilizing four piezoresistive devices on a flexible silicon membrane is provided. The load sensor further includes a mesa disposed on the membrane substantially equidistant from the piezoresistive devices. A six-axis load cell is provided by placing a plurality of load sensors disposed on a substrate, the substrate configured to attach to an object wherein forces applied to the object can be measured and/or determined. The load sensors can be manufactured using bulk microfabrication techniques on a single crystal silicon wafer, and can detect normal and shear loading applied to the membrane. 1. A microelectromechanical system (“MEMS”) load sensor for detecting loads in three axes , the load sensor comprising:a) a flexible silicon membrane substrate comprising a top surface; andb) a plurality of piezoresistive devices disposed on the top surface, the piezoresistive devices disposed in a spaced-apart configuration around a perimeter of the top surface, each piezoresistive device configured to produce an output voltage.2. The load sensor as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a mesa disposed on the top surface.3. The load sensor as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the mesa is disposed substantially equidistant from each of the plurality of piezoresistive devices.4. The load sensor as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the mesa further comprises a rectangular solid member.5. The load sensor as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the mesa further comprises a cylindrical solid member.6. The load sensor as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the membrane substrate is rectangular thereby defining four edges claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of piezoresistive devices is further comprised of four piezoresistive devices disposed about the perimeter of the membrane substrate claim 1 , each piezoresistive device disposed substantially near the middle of each edge.7. The load sensor as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the membrane substrate is further comprised of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241353A1
Автор: ASARI Tomotaka

A sensor element includes a base part, a detection vibrating arm extended from the base part, and detection parts that are provided on the detection vibrating arm and detect flexural vibration of the detection vibrating arm, the detection parts each have a first electrode layer, a second electrode layer provided at an opposite side to the detection vibrating arm with respect to the first electrode layer, and a piezoelectric layer provided between the first electrode layer and the second electrode layer, and the detection parts have parts provided over boundary parts between the detection vibrating arm and the base part and the parts bend or curve to extend in a direction including a direction component orthogonal to an extension direction of the detection vibrating arm along side surfaces of the detection vibrating arm and the base part. 1. A sensor element comprising:a base part;a vibrating arm extended from the base part;a detection part that is provided above the vibrating arm and the base part and detects flexural vibration of the vibrating arm,wherein the detection part has a first electrode layer, a second electrode layer, and a piezoelectric layer provided between the first electrode layer and the second electrode layer, andthe detection part bends or curves to extend in a direction including a direction component orthogonal to an extension direction of the vibrating arm along side surfaces of the vibrating arm and the base part.2. The sensor element according to claim 1 , wherein an end of the detection part at the base part side is located at an outer side of the vibrating arm than a virtual surface formed by extending the side surface of the vibrating arm along the extension direction of the vibrating arm.3. The sensor element according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , given that a width of the vibrating arm is Ws and a distance between the virtual surface and the end of the detection part at the base part side is Ls claim 2 , Ls/Ws is equal to or less than ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247657A1

Disclosed is a multi-component force measurement spindle unit that accurately measures forces and moments applied to a tire in a tire testing machine. The multi-component force measurement spindle unit of a tire testing machine includes: a spindle shaft on which a tire can be mounted; an inner sleeve that rotatably supports the spindle shaft via a bearing part; an outer sleeve arranged on an outside of the inner sleeve along an axial center direction of the spindle shaft; a multi-component force measurement sensor that connects an end of the inner sleeve and an end of the outer sleeve to each other and is capable of measuring a load acting on the outer sleeve from the inner sleeve; and a cooling part that cools the inner sleeve. 1. A multi-component force measurement spindle unit of a tire testing machine , comprising:a spindle shaft on which a tire can be mounted;an inner sleeve that rotatably supports the spindle shaft via a bearing part;an outer sleeve arranged on an outside of the inner sleeve along an axial center direction of the spindle shaft;a multi-component force measurement sensor that connects an end of the inner sleeve and an end of the outer sleeve to each other and is capable of measuring a load acting on the outer sleeve from the inner sleeve; anda cooling part that cools the inner sleeve.2. The multi-component force measurement spindle unit of a tire testing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the multi-component force measurement sensor is provided at either end of the inner sleeve in an axial direction thereof claim 1 , and the cooling part cools a predetermined area of the inner sleeve in the axial direction.3. The multi-component force measurement spindle unit of a tire testing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the multi-component force measurement sensor is provided only at one end of the inner sleeve in an axial direction thereof claim 1 , and the cooling part cools a predetermined area of the inner sleeve in a periphery direction ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Torsion measurement device

Номер: US20130247681A1
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corp

A torsion measurement device is disclosed. In one embodiment, the device includes a component having a marked surface and an optical sensor. The marked component and the optical sensor may be attached to a tube or other elongate member and positioned to enable the optical sensor to measure angular deflection of the tube from rotation of the marked component with respect to the optical sensor. The angular deflection may be combined with other data to determine applied torque and torsional stress on the tube or other elongate member. Additional systems, devices, and methods are also disclosed.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250277A1
Принадлежит: National Tsing Hua University

An apparatus for quantifying unknown stress and residual stress of a material to be tested, the material being a birefringent or temporary birefringent material, which includes a light source, a polarizer in front of the light source for converting a light beam from the light source into a beam with linear polarization, a first quarter-wave plate in front of the polarizer for generating circular polarization, a standard material, a second quarter-wave plate, an analyzer, a loading unit, a spectrometer for obtaining transmissivity spectrum of the standard material under the wavelength of the light source and a detecting module connected to the spectrometer to have the transmissivity spectrum of the material to be tested and consequently a stress quantifying formula for the standard material. 1. An apparatus for quantifying unknown stress and residual stress of a material , the material being a birefringent or temporary birefringent material , the apparatus comprising:a light source for generating light beam of a single wavelength or multiple wavelengths;a polarizer in front of the light source for converting a light beam from the light source into a beam with linear polarization;a first quarter-wave plate in front of the polarizer for generating circular polarization;a standard material the same as that of the material to be tested and being free of unknown stress and residual stress, which is mounted or located in front of the first quarter-wavelength plate with a face thereof facing a face of the first quarter-wave plate;a second quarter-wave plate in front of the standard material with its one face facing a face of the standard material;an analyzer in front of the second quarter-wave plate with its one face facing a face of the second quarter-wave plate;a loading unit for loading the standard material;a spectrometer in front of the analyzer for recording intensity of the light passing through the analyzer and obtaining transmissivity spectrum of the standard ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Load Cell Including Excess Load Preventing Mechanism

Номер: US20130269449A1
Принадлежит: YAMATO SCALE CO., LTD.

A load cell includes a horizontal upper beam; a lower beam extending parallel with the upper beam; a fastening section connecting one end of the upper beam to the lower beam and is fastened to a stationary object; a movable section which connects the upper beam and the lower beam and is displaced vertically by a load applied to the movable section 5; and a cylindrical stopper having a circular cross-section. The fastening section has a first circular hole. The movable section has a second circular hole concentric with the first circular hole. A base end portion of the stopper is fastened to the first circular hole and a tip of the stopper member 7 is located at an inner side of the second circular hole such that there is a space of a specified width between the tip and an inner surface of the second hole. 1. A load cell which is Roberval-type load cell , comprising:an upper beam section extending horizontally;a lower beam section extending below the upper beam section in parallel with the upper beam section;a fastening section which connects one end of the upper beam section and one end of the lower beam section to each other and is fastened to a stationary object;a movable section which connects the other end of the upper beam section and the other end of the lower beam section to each other and is displaced vertically by a load applied vertically to the movable section; anda cylindrical stopper member having a circular cross-section;wherein the fastening section has a first circular hole having a circular cross-section;wherein the movable section has a second circular hole having a circular cross-section and being concentric with the first circular hole; andwherein a base end portion of the stopper member is fitted into and fastened to the first circular hole and a tip end portion of the stopper member is located at an inner side of the second circular hole such that there is a space of a specified width between the tip end portion and an inner surface of the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130282308A1

Head impact event evaluation systems and methods. A system and computer implemented method for event detection includes collecting sensor data transmitted from one or more sensor devices being attached to one or more users. The sensors transmit data when an event results in sensor data above a threshold value. At least one force is determined based on the collected sensor data. At least one force vector is determined based on a location of one or more sensors associated with the sensor devices and the determined at least one of the linear or rotational force. At least a portion of a human form is displayed with the determined force vector based on the determined at least on force vector on a display. 1. A computer implemented method for event detection comprising:collecting sensor data detected by a sensor attached to a head of a user, the sensor monitoring an impact parameter associated with an impact event;determining an impact vector as a function of the impact parameter associated with the impact event; andtranslating the impact vector from a location of the sensor to an associated vector experienced by at least one other location in the head of the user.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining an assessment score for the associated vector.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the impact vector further comprises associating the impact vector with a center of mass of a brain of the user.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein determining an impact vector comprises determining a direction and magnitude of movement of the head of the user as a function of the impact event.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising providing an alert when the assessment score is above an assessment threshold.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein providing an alert comprises at least one of an audible or visual signal.7. A system configured to analyze impact event data claim 5 , comprising:a sensor configured to be worn on a head of a user, the sensor being ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305834A1

The invention relates to a device () for converting a force or a pressure into an electrical signal, the device () having a first deformation element (), in particular a first membrane (), by means of which the force or the pressure can be applied to the device (), and a second deformation element (), in particular a second membrane (), by means of the deflection of which the force or the pressure can be converted into an electrical signal, wherein the first deformation element () has a first force transmitting means () and the second deformation element () has a second force transmitting means () for transmitting the force from the first deformation element () to the second deformation element (). The device is characterized in that the first force transmitting means () is rigidly connected at the end thereof distant from the first deformation element () to the end of the second force transmitting means () distant from the second deformation element (), and in that both compressive forces and tensile force can be transmitted from the first deformation element () to the second deformation element () by means of the first and second force transmitting means (). The invention further relates to a method for producing such a device. 1111012120221014202410201410242010201424. A device () for converting a force or a pressure into an electrical signal , wherein the device () includes a first deformation element () , in particular a first membrane () , by means of which the force or the pressure can be applied to the device () , and a second deformation element () , in particular a second membrane () , by means of the deflection of which the force or the pressure can be converted into an electrical signal , and wherein the first deformation element () has a first force transmitting means () and the second deformation element () has a second force transmitting means () for transmitting the force from the first deformation element () to the second deformation element () , ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Transducer acceleration compensation using a delay to match phase characteristics

Номер: US20130305840A1
Автор: Saari Byron, Schletty Mark
Принадлежит: MTS Systems Corporation

A method and system for correcting for the inertial error of a transducer as a function of frequency by applying a delay to a leading signal of the transducer to provide phase compensation. 1. A system comprising:a transducer;a sensor operably coupled to the transducer, the sensor providing a signal that is directly or indirectly related to acceleration; anda compensator connected to receive at least one signal based on at least one of the output signals from the transducer and the sensor, the compensator including a delay module to delay the at least one signal in order to provide phase compensation.2. The system of wherein the transducer comprises a force transducer.3. The system of wherein the transducer comprises a pressure transducer.4. The system of wherein the transducer comprises a torque transducer.5. The system of wherein the compensator provides both gain and phase compensation.6. The system of wherein the compensator provides phase compensation based on another factor in addition to frequency.7. The system of wherein the another factor is applied external load.8. The system of wherein the compensator provides phase compensation based on another factor in addition to frequency.9. The system of wherein the another factor is applied external load.10. The system of wherein the compensator provides phase compensation based on another factor in addition to frequency.11. The system of wherein the another factor is applied external load.12. The system of wherein the delay is configured for a selected range of frequencies.13. The system of wherein the delay is configured for frequencies less than a first modal frequency.14. The system of wherein the sensor comprises an accelerometer.15. The system of wherein the sensor comprises a displacement sensor.16. A method of providing acceleration compensation to a transducer comprising:applying excitation motion to a transducer and a sensor and obtaining response signals therefrom, wherein the sensor is operably coupled ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Force sensor

Номер: US20130319135A1
Принадлежит: Tri Force Management Corp

With the Z-axis given as a central axis, on an XY-plane, arranged are a rigid force receiving ring, a flexible detection ring inside thereof, and a cylindrical fixed assistant body further inside thereof. Two fixing points on the detection ring are fixed to a supporting substrate, and two exertion points are connected to the force receiving ring via connection members. When force and moment are exerted on the force receiving ring, with the supporting substrate fixed, the detection ring undergoes elastic deformation. Capacitance elements or others are used to measure distances between measurement points and the fixed assistant body and distances between the measurement points and the supporting substrate. Elastic deformation of the detection ring is recognized for mode and magnitude, thereby detecting a direction and magnitude of force or moment which is exerted.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319136A1
Принадлежит: Merlin Technology Inc.

Tension monitoring is described using a sensor which may exhibit an offset for which compensation may be provided to produce a zero voltage amplified output or to increase dynamic range. An arrangement determines whether a power reset is responsive to a battery bounce such that an initially-measured system start-up parameter can be retained. The start-up parameter is automatically saved at start-up if the power reset is responsive to a start-up from a shut-down condition. The start-up parameter may be a zero tension amplified output responsive to the sensor offset at zero tension. Protection of a tension data set is provided such that no opportunity for altering the data set is presented prior to transfer of the data set. A housing configuration forms part of an electrical power circuit for providing electrical power to an electronics package from a battery. 1. In a system for installing an underground utility by retraction that is applied to a leading end of the utility to draw the utility through the ground such that the utility is subjected to a tension force during an installation time period , a tension monitoring apparatus , comprising:a sensor for inground sensing of the tension force that is applied to the leading end of the utility to produce a sensor signal during said installation time period;a processor configured at least for storing an original digital data set responsive to said sensor signal during the installation time period and for copying the original data set to a different location to create a copied data set after said installation time period; anda user interface, in communication with the processor, to permit a user to instruct the processor to erase the original data set only after the original data set has been copied to the different location.2. The apparatus of wherein said processor is configured for creating said original data set in a way which provides for detection of any alteration of the copied data set at said different location. ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Touch Panel and Touch Type Input Device

Номер: US20130328817A1
Автор: Andoh Masamichi

A sensing apparatus that includes a polylactic acid film having a first surface and an opposing second surface. The polylactic acid film is molecularly oriented and thermally treated so as to have a shear piezoelectric property. An electrode arrangement is provided adjacent at least one of the first and second surfaces of the polylactic acid film, and is configured to detect a relative position of an input on the polylactic acid film and detect a pressure of the input toward the polylactic acid film. 1. A sensing apparatus comprising:a polylactic acid film having a first surface and an opposing second surface, the polylactic acid film being molecularly oriented and thermally treated so as to have a shear piezoelectric property; andan electrode arrangement adjacent at least one of the first and second surfaces of the polylactic acid film, the electrode arrangement being configured to detect a relative position of an input on the polylactic acid film and detect a pressure of the input toward the polylactic acid film.2. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the polylactic acid film is an L type polylactic acid film.3. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the polylactic acid film is a D type polylactic acid film.4. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode arrangement comprises:a divided electrode on the first surface of the polylactic acid film, the divided electrode being electrically divided into at least four sections; andan electrode on the opposing second surface.5. The sensing device according to claim 4 , wherein the electrode on the opposing second surface of the polylactic acid film is a divided electrode having respective sections opposite to the sections of the divided electrode on the first surface of the polylactic acid film.6. The sensing device according to claim 4 , wherein the electrode on the opposing second surface of the polylactic acid film is a uniform ground electrode arranged opposite to the divided ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130331978A1
Автор: Suzuki Hironori

A pressure sensor includes: a supporting body which has an opening; a pressure detecting portion which includes a supporting film provided on the supporting body and having a diaphragm portion closing the opening, and a piezoelectric body provided on the diaphragm portion and deflecting to output an electric signal; a frame body which has, on the pressure detecting portion, a cylindrical cavity along a film thickness direction of the supporting film, and is formed, in plan view when viewed from the film thickness direction of the supporting film, at a position where a cylindrical inner peripheral wall of the cavity overlaps with the opening, or outside of the opening; a sealing film which closes the frame body; and a silicone oil which is filled in an inner space formed of the cylindrical inner peripheral wall of the cavity, the sealing film, and the pressure detecting portion. 1. A sensor array comprising:a pressure sensor which hasa supporting body which has an opening, a supporting film provided on the supporting body and having a diaphragm portion closing the opening, and', 'a piezoelectric body provided on the diaphragm portion and deflecting to output an electric signal,, 'a pressure detecting portion which includes'}a frame body which has, on the pressure detecting portion, a cylindrical cavity along a film thickness direction of the supporting film, and is formed, in plan view when viewed from the film thickness direction of the supporting film, at a position where a cylindrical inner peripheral wall of the cavity overlaps with an inner peripheral edge of the opening, or outside of the inner peripheral edge of the opening,a sealing film which closes the frame body, anda pressure medium which is filled in an inner space formed of the cylindrical inner peripheral wall of the cavity, the sealing film, and the pressure detecting portion; and a second supporting body having a second opening, and', 'an ultrasonic transducer portion including a second supporting ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333487A1

An embodiment of the subject invention is directed to a jack incorporating one or more strain gauges. The one or more strain gauges can be positioned on, within, or integral to the jack. When a load or force is applied by the jack, one or more materials within the jack are deformed or displaced as a result of the applied load. The one or more strain gauges are used to measure the deformation or displacement and thus measure the strain. The measured strain can be used to determine the magnitude of the load applied by the jack. In an embodiment, a plurality of strain gauges are used and the resulting strain measurements can be combined to determine the applied load. 1. A method of determining a load applied by a jack , comprising:providing a jack having at least one strain gauge positioned such that a corresponding at least one strain experienced by the jack is related to a load applied by the jack in accordance with a load-strain relationship;applying a load with the jack;measuring the corresponding at least one strain from the at least one strain gauge; anddetermining the load applied by the jack based on the load-strain relationship,wherein the jack comprises a piston, a cylinder for receiving the piston, and a fluid positioned between a top surface of the piston and a bottom surface of a top of the cylinder, wherein pressurizing the fluid creates a first force on the piston and a second force on the cylinder tending to separate the piston and the cylinder,wherein the at least one strain gauge is incorporated with the piston of the jack, wherein the at least one strain is at least one strain experienced by the piston.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one strain gauge comprises one or more vibratory wire strain gauge.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the piston comprises a hollow body claim 2 , a top plate claim 2 , and a bottom plate claim 2 , wherein one of the one or more vibratory wire strain gauge is attached to the top plate ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

System And Method For Post-Tensioned Tendon Monitoring

Номер: US20130335727A1
Автор: WALL James

A system and method for post-tensioned tendon monitoring includes at least one optical sensor arranged in monitoring proximity to a post-tensioned tendon, a test instrument in communication with the optical sensor, and a processor capable of managing operation of the test instrument, a storage device and a display. The system and method further include a database adapted to contain sensor baseline information and sensor measurement data. The test instrument is capable of sending a first wavelength to the optical sensor and receiving a second wavelength from the optical sensor, wherein at least one of the instrument or the processor is configured to analyze the second wavelength and output sensor measurement data for storage in the database. The processor is configured to calculate an amount of tensile loading which exists in the post-tensioned tendon, based on the sensor measurement data and the sensor baseline data, and to provide an output. 1. A system for post-tensioned tendon monitoring comprising:at least one optical sensor arranged in monitoring proximity to a post-tensioned tendon;a test instrument in communication with the at least one optical sensor; the test instrument,', 'a storage device associated with the processor, and', 'a display in communication with the processor;, 'a processor capable of managing operation ofa database stored on the storage device, wherein the database is adapted to contain sensor baseline information and sensor measurement data;wherein the test instrument is capable of sending a first wavelength to the at least one optical sensor and receiving a second wavelength from the at least one optical sensor, wherein at least one of the instrument or the processor is configured to analyze the second wavelength and output sensor measurement data for storage in the database; andwherein the processor is adapted to access the database and configured to calculate an amount of tensile loading which exists in the post-tensioned tendon, based on ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000380A1

A method is provided for measuring geometry deformations of a turbine component, rotor groove or blade root. The method includes providing the turbine component, rotor groove or blade root, respectively, with at least one measuring mark; using the at least one mark as a reference point in determining, in a first measurement, a length on the turbine component or rotor groove or blade root, respectively, before placing the turbine into service. The method also includes operating the turbine for a period of time; determining, in a second measurement, the length on the turbine component, rotor groove or blade root, using the at least one measuring mark as a reference point, after said operating period; comparing the measured lengths of the first and second measurements; and determining an amount of creep deformation in the turbine component, rotor groove or blade root, respectively, based on a difference between the measured lengths. 114. A method for measuring geometry deformations of a turbine component () , rotor groove or blade root , the method comprising the steps of:{'b': 14', '20, 'providing the turbine component (), or rotor groove or blade root, respectively, with at least one measuring mark ();'}{'b': 20', '1', '2', '14, 'using the at least one measuring mark () as a reference point in determining, in a first measurement, a length (L, L) on said turbine component () or rotor groove or blade root, respectively, prior to the turbine being placed into service;'}operating the turbine for a period of time;{'b': 1', '2', '14', '20, 'determining, in a second measurement, said length (L, L) on said turbine component () or rotor groove or blade root, respectively, using again said at least one measuring mark () as a reference point, after said operating period;'}{'b': 1', '2, 'comparing the measured lengths (L, L) of said first and second measurements; and'}{'b': '14', 'determining an amount of creep deformation in said turbine component () or rotor groove or blade ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000385A1

A force sensor has an input part, a base part, an intermediate part and a sensor element. The external force to be sensed is applied to the input part. The input part transmits the external force to the base part via the intermediate part. The base part is fixed to a frame of reference and exerts a reaction force on the input part via the intermediate part. The intermediate part deforms as a result of the external force and the reaction force. The deformation of the intermediate part causes the input part to change its position or orientation relative to the base part. The sensor element senses this change and supplies an output signal representative of the change. 1. A force sensor configured for sensing an external force in at least two dimensions , wherein:the force sensor comprises an input part, an intermediate part, a base part and a sensor element;the input part and the base part engage via the intermediate part;the input part has a first end and a second end;the first end of the input part is configured for being subjected to the external force;the sensor element is located between the base part and the second end;the intermediate part engages the input part at a region of the input part at a position between the first end and the second end;the intermediate part is configured to undergo a deformation under combined control of the external force transmitted by the input part to the intermediate part and a reaction force applied by the base part to the intermediate part;the second end of the input part is configured for undergoing a change in at least one of: a position relative to the base part and an orientation relative to the base part in response to the deformation of the intermediate part;the change in at least one of the position relative to the base part and the orientation relative to the base part is representative of the external force;the sensor element is operative to sense the change and to supply an output signal indicative of the change.2. The ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Bridge Safety Monitoring Integrated System with Full Optical Fiber and the Method for Sensing Thereof

Номер: US20140002275A1
Автор: Zheng-Kuan Lee

The present invention provides an integrated system of full optical complete bridge safety monitoring with speech warming for smart phones. The Integrated system of full optical complete bridge safety monitoring includes a stabilizing device, optical sensing device and communication device. The basic structure involves cable and optical fiber connecting two ends and joined by heat shrink tubes. A measuring segment is located between two heat shrink tubes. The stabilizing device provides a pre-determined tensile strength to the measuring segment. The optical fiber sensing device detects a response via a Fiber Bragg grating in the optical fiber's measuring segment. When the measuring segment receives a response, it changes from first phase to second phase and creates a signal change from the reflected signals. Signal processing device converts the signal changes to physical parameters. The communication device sends warning signals to users. Warning signals are sent to users' smart phones, to proactively inform the bridge's safety status with speeches.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007700A1

An apparatus and method for measuring a tactile sensation is provided. The tactile sensation measuring apparatus may include a plurality of pressure measuring units, each to measure a magnitude of an external pressure applied, using a variable resistance material of which a resistance changes when an external pressure is applied, and a tactile sensation measuring unit to measure a three-dimensional (3D) tactile sensation corresponding to the external pressure, based on a position of each of the plurality of pressure measuring units, and the magnitude of the external pressure measured by each of the plurality of pressure measuring units. 1. An apparatus for measuring a pressure , the apparatus comprising:a resistance measuring unit to measure a resistance of a variable resistance material of which a resistance changes when an external pressure is applied; anda pressure determining unit to determine a magnitude of the external pressure applied to the variable resistance material, based on the measured resistance.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pressure determining unit determines the magnitude of the external pressure applied to the variable resistance material to be proportional to the measured resistance.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the variable resistance material comprises a first conductor of which a volume is reduced by an external pressure applied, and a second conductor of which a volume is maintained irrespective of an external pressure applied, andthe second conductor has a resistance higher than a resistance of the first conductor.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pressure determining unit determines the magnitude of the external pressure applied to the variable resistance material to be inversely proportional to the measured resistance.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein:the variable resistance material comprises a first conductor of which a volume is reduced by an external pressure applied, and a second conductor of which a ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Large-Area Extensible Pressure Sensor for Textiles Surfaces

Номер: US20140007704A1

The invention relates to a large-area extensible pressure sensor for textile surfaces, of the type comprising a support on which a conductive ink is printed which can transmit a printed electrical signal by any known printing technique. More specifically, the pressure sensor is characterised in that said support is flexible, extensible and elastic, and a plurality of main tracks of extensible and elastic conductive ink or paste are printed on said support; on said plurality of main tracks a plurality of piezoresistive paste or ink depositions acting as pressure sensing points are printed, and each of these depositions are linked to a secondary extensible and elastic conductive ink or paste track, which is also printed on said support, resulting in all tracks, primary or secondary, being connected to a control system without crossing each other. 1. A large-area extensible pressure sensor for textiles surfaces , of the type comprising a support or substrate on which a conductive paste or ink is printed which can transmit a printed electrical signal printed by any known printing technique , wherein said support is flexible , extensible and elastic , and a plurality of main tracks of extensible and elastic conductive ink or paste are printed on said support; on said plurality of main tracks a plurality of piezoresistive paste or ink depositions acting as pressure sensing points are printed , and each of these depositions are linked to a secondary extensible and elastic conductive ink or paste track , which is also printed on said support , resulting in all tracks , primary or secondary , being connected to a control system without crossing each other.2. The pressure sensor according to claim 1 , wherein each piezoresistive ink deposition is covered with a conductive ink deposition in the same form as the piezoresistive ink deposition and is in contact with the secondary track claim 1 , and wherein this can be conductive ink deposited by any known conventional printing ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007705A1

A microelectromechanical (“MEMS”) load sensor device for measuring a force applied by a human user is described herein. In one aspect, the load sensor device has a contact surface in communication with a touch surface which communicates forces originating on the touch surface to a deformable membrane, on which load sensor elements are arranged, such that the load sensor device produces a signal proportional to forces imparted by a human user along the touch surface. In another aspect, the load sensor device has an overload protection ring to protect the load sensor device from excessive forces. In another aspect, the load sensor device has embedded logic circuitry to allow a microcontroller to individually address load sensor devices organized into an array. In another aspect, the load sensor device has electrical and mechanical connectors such as solder bumps designed to minimize cost of final component manufacturing. 1. A microelectromechanical (MEMS) load sensor device , comprising:a substrate defining a deformable membrane, a mesa and an overload protection portion, the mesa being configured to receive and transfer an applied force to the deformable membrane, the deformable membrane being configured to deform in response to the applied force; andat least one load sensor element formed on the deformable membrane, the load sensor element being configured to change at least one electrical characteristic based on an amount or magnitude of the applied force, wherein a height of the mesa is greater than a height of the overload protection portion.2. The MEMS load sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the mesa defines a contact surface for receiving the applied force.32. The MEMS load sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the contact surface has at least one of a substantially square claim 1 , rectangular claim 1 , rounded claim 1 , circular or elliptical shape.4. The MEMS load sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the mesa is arranged in a central portion of the substrate.5. ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for measuring forces acting on a downhole tool

Номер: US20140013837A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

An apparatus for measuring forces acting on a downhole tool is provided. The apparatus can include an annular body having an axial bore formed therethrough. A first fluid can be disposed within the bore. An annular sleeve can be disposed proximate an inner surface of the body. An annular chamber can be formed between the body and the sleeve, and a second fluid can be disposed within the chamber. A sensor can be coupled to the sleeve to measure a strain placed on the sleeve by a pressure differential between the first and second fluids. A pressure of the first fluid in the bore can be determined from the strain.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Input Device Sensor Configuration

Номер: US20140020484A1

Input device configurations are described. In one or more implementations, an input device includes a sensor substrate having one or more conductors and a flexible contact layer spaced apart from the sensor substrate. The flexible contact layer is configured to flex to contact the sensor substrate to initiate an input of a computing device. The flexible contact layer includes a force concentrator pad that is configured to cause pressure to be channeled through the force concentrator pad to cause the flexible contact layer to contact the sensor substrate to initiate the input. 1. An input device comprising:a sensor substrate having one or more conductors; anda flexible contact layer spaced apart from the sensor substrate that is configured to flex to contact the sensor substrate to initiate an input of a computing device, the flexible contact layer including a force concentrator pad that is configured to cause pressure to be channeled through the force concentrator pad to cause the flexible contact layer to contact the sensor substrate to initiate the input.2. An input device as described in claim 1 , wherein flexible contact layer includes a force sensitive ink that is configured to initiate the input.3. An input device as described in claim 1 , wherein the pressure is applied to the force concentrator pad through an off center key strike and the force concentrator pad is configured to channel the pressure to initiate the input.4. An input device as described in claim 1 , wherein the force concentrator pad forms a raised portion in relation to a substrate of the flexible contact layer.5. An input device as described in claim 4 , wherein an area of the surface is smaller than an area defined by a space defined between the flexible contact layer from the sensor substrate.6. An input device as described in claim 1 , wherein the force concentrator pad causes an increase in a deformation bend radius of the flexible contact layer from that of a contact that applied the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Device Intended For Measuring Pressure From A Flexible, Foldable, And/Or Extendable Object Made Of A Textile Material And Comprising A Measurement Device

Номер: US20140026678A1

The present invention relates to a device for measuring the pressure and/or the tension exerted at different points of a flexible, foldable and/or extensible textile material capable of being used as a garment, lapel, or the like; said device is remarkable in that it includes, on the one hand, at least one sensor obtained from a single layer (1), formed of an arrangement of at least three types of fibers, piezoresistive fibers forming piezoresistive areas (2), conductive fibers forming electrically-conductive areas (3), and insulating fibers forming electrically-insulating areas (4) and, on the other hand, an electronic circuit (5) capable of measuring the electric resistance variation of the piezoresistive areas submitted to one or several forces. 1. A device for measuring a pressure and/or a tension exerted at different points of a flexible , foldable , and/or extensible material , capable of being used as a garment , lapel , or the like , characterized in that it comprises at least one sensor having a single layer comprising an arrangement of at least three types of fibers , the at least three types of fibers including piezoresistive fibers forming piezoresistive areas , conductive fibers forming electrically-conductive areas , and insulating fibers forming electrically-insulating areas , and an electronic circuit capable of measuring the electric resistance variation of the piezoresistive areas submitted to at least one force.2. The device of claim 1 , characterized in that the layer comprises at least one piezoresistive area and at least two electrically-conductive areas insulated from each other by at least one electrically-insulating area and in contact by with the at least one piezoresistive area claim 1 , and each of said piezoresistive claim 1 , electrically conductive claim 1 , and electrically-insulative areas are formed of at least one row of fibers.3. The device of claim 1 , characterized in that the layer comprises a plurality of piezoresistive areas ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033832A1

A pressing roller testing apparatus for a printer includes a base, a duplexer module positioned on the base, and a resisting module fixed on the base. A paper pressing roller is fixed on the duplexer module. The resisting module includes a rotating axis, a rotating wheel mounted on the rotating axis, a pressure detecting unit mounted on the rotating wheel, a supporting block mounted on the rotating wheel, and a resisting block connected to the pressure detecting unit and the supporting block. A top surface of the resisting block contacts the paper pressing roller. A bottom surface of the resisting block contacts the pressure detecting unit. The rotating axis is rotated and the resisting block resists against the paper pressing roller. The paper pressing roller generates an elastic counterforce on the pressure detecting unit by the resisting block. The pressure detecting unit detects and output value of the counterforce. 1. A pressing roller testing apparatus for a printer comprising:a base;a duplexer module positioned on the base; a paper pressing roller being fixed on the duplexer module; anda resisting module fixed on the base; the resisting module comprising:a rotating axis;a rotating wheel mounted on the rotating axis;a pressure detecting unit mounted on the rotating wheel;a supporting block mounted on the rotating wheel; anda resisting block connected to the pressure detecting unit and the supporting block; wherein a top surface of the resisting block contacts the paper pressing roller; a bottom surface of the resisting block contacts the pressure detecting unit; when the rotating axis is rotated and the resisting block resists against the paper pressing roller, the paper pressing roller generates an elastic counterforce on the pressure detecting unit by the resisting block, and the pressure detecting unit detects and outputs a value of the counterforce.2. The pressing roller testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a first slot is defined in the rotating wheel; ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053660A1

A package having a recessed section, a sensor element arranged in the recessed section and having a piezoelectric material, a lid joined to the package and sealing the recessed section of the package are provided. The package has a first hollow portion which a part of the sensor element fits with, on an inner bottom surface of the recessed section. The lid has a second hollow portion which a part of the sensor element fits with. 1. A sensor device comprising:a first member having a recessed section;a second member joined to the first member in such a way as to seal the recessed section; anda sensor element having a piezoelectric material and arranged in the recessed section;wherein a first hollow portion which apart of the sensor element fits with is formed on an inner bottom surface of the recessed section, and a second hollow portion which a part of the sensor element fits with is formed on the second member.2. The sensor device according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor element hasa first contact surface which the first member contacts, anda second contact surface which the second member contacts, 'a first flat portion having a flat surface which contacts the first contact surface, and', 'the first member has'} 'a second flat portion having a flat surface which contacts the second contact surface.', 'the second member has'}3. The sensor device according to claim 1 , wherein if a normal direction of the second contact surface of the sensor element is a Z-axis direction and directions orthogonal to the Z-axis direction and orthogonal to each other are X-axis direction and Y-axis direction claim 1 , 'at least one of a first sensor element which detects a force in the X-axis direction, a second sensor element which detects a force in the Y-axis direction, and a third sensor element which detects a force in the Z-axis direction.', 'the sensor element has'}4. A sensor module comprising:a first member having a recessed section;a sensor element having a piezoelectric ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060209A1

A force sensor includes a transducer with a measuring element operatively connected to a measuring object for generating measuring signals of a force acting on the measuring object, and two in parallel transmission channels transmit mutually corresponding signals of the measuring signals independently from one another and connected in parallel to the same transducer. A test signal is evaluated in a transmission channel in which the test signal has been injected and in another transmission channel in which the test signal has not been injected. In another testing method, the transmitted signals are compared. 1. A force sensor comprising a transducer with a measuring element operatively connected to a measuring object for generating measuring signals of a force acting on the measuring object , and at least two transmission channels configured to transmit mutually corresponding signals of said measuring signals independently from one another , wherein said transmission channels are connected in parallel to the same transducer such that the transmitted signals at the output of each transmission channel can be verified.2. The force sensor according to claim 1 , wherein said transducer is the single transducer operatively connected to the measuring object.3. The force sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring object comprises at least one seismic mass such that said measuring signals are representative of a force acting on the seismic mass as a result of an acceleration of the seismic mass.4. The force sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring object comprises at least one of a gas and a liquid such that said measuring signals are representative of at least one of a pressure and a pressure change of said at least one of a gas and a liquid.5. The force sensor according to claim 1 , wherein said transducer comprises a positive and a negative electrode for collecting said measuring signals generated by said measuring element claim 1 , wherein each of said ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060210A1

A pressure sensor and a pressure sensing method are provided. The pressure sensor includes a substrate; a sensor thin film transistor (TFT) disposed on the substrate and including a gate insulating layer, wherein the gate insulating layer includes an organic matrix in which piezoelectric inorganic nano-particles are dispersed; a power unit configured to apply an alternating current (AC) signal to a gate of the sensor TFT; and a pressure sensing unit configured to obtain a remnant polarization value based on a drain current which is generated in response to the AC signal and detected by the sensor TFT, and to sense a pressure based on the remnant polarization value. 1. A pressure sensor comprising:a substrate;a sensor thin film transistor (TFT) disposed on the substrate and comprising a gate insulating layer, wherein the gate insulating layer comprises an organic matrix in which piezoelectric inorganic nano-particles are dispersed;a power unit configured to apply an alternating current (AC) signal to a gate of the sensor TFT; anda pressure sensing unit configured to obtain a remnant polarization value based on a drain current which is generated in response to the AC signal and detected by the sensor TFT, and to sense pressure based on the remnant polarization value.3. The pressure sensor of claim 1 , wherein the AC signal has a frequency ranging from about 0.001 Hz to about 1 GHz.4. The pressure sensor of claim 1 , wherein a voltage amplitude of the AC signal ranges from 0.01 V to 100 V.5. The pressure sensor of claim 1 , wherein the organic matrix comprises a piezoelectric organic material.6. The pressure sensor of claim 5 , wherein the piezoelectric organic material is selected from P(VDF-TrFE) claim 5 , P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) claim 5 , and P(VDF-TrFE-CtFE).7. The pressure sensor of claim 5 , wherein the organic matrix has a crystalline structure.8. The pressure sensor of claim 5 , wherein the piezoelectric inorganic nano-particles are selected from the group consisting ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060211A1
Автор: Van den Broeck Bram

Device () for measuring physical characteristics or changes in physical characteristics in a sheet (), provided with one or more sensors () embedded in the sheet (), whereby the sensors () are meant to measure at least one of the aforementioned physical characteristics and generate or influence an electrical signal () as a function of a measured physical characteristic or a change in such a physical characteristic, whereby the device () also includes a signal processing unit () for processing the electrical signal () or the electrical signals () supplied to the signal processing unit () from the sensor () or the sensors (). 1. A sheet having applied thereto multiple sensors for measuring one or more physical characteristics of the sheet including a vibration frequency.2. The sheet of wherein the multiple sensors are applied to the sheet by printing or coating.3. The sheet of wherein at least one of the sensors is selected from the group consisting of resistive sensors; capacitive sensors; inductive sensors; and piezoelectric sensors.4. The sheet of wherein the one or more physical characteristics include a characteristic selected from the group consisting of a static tension distribution; a dynamic tension distribution; a change in tension; a position of a change in tension; a change in frequency; a position of a change in frequency; and combinations thereof.5. The sheet of wherein the sensors comprise a conducting material claim 1 , optionally in combination with a dielectric and or a semiconducting material.6. The sheet of wherein the sensors are connected to one or more connectors by means of an electrically conductive material applied to the sheet in the form of at least one of a line claim 1 , a strip or an area.7. The sheet of wherein the electrically conductive material is a metallic material or an electrically conductive organic polymer material.8. The sheet of which is circular claim 1 , having an outer edge claim 1 , and which has the sensors located at ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062260A1

An ultrasonic sensor device includes a housing, a transducer, a securing unit and a circuit board. The housing has an enclosing portion formed with first and second openings. The transducer is mounted to the enclosing portion at the second opening, and includes an electrically conductive surrounding wall and a piezoelectric member. The securing unit includes a securing component that secures the transducer on the enclosing portion, and a connecting pin set including two pins each having an end connected electrically to a respective one of the surrounding wall and the piezoelectric member. The circuit board is disposed at the first opening of the enclosing portion for electrical connection with the connecting pin set. 1. An ultrasonic sensor device , comprising:a housing includingan enclosing portion formed with a first opening and a second opening that is opposite to said first opening and that is in spatial communication with said first opening, said first opening and said second opening being aligned along an imaginary axis,a connecting portion having a first end connected to said enclosing portion and a second end formed with a third opening, andan outer connecting pin set disposed in said enclosing portion and having one end extended toward said first opening and another end extended into said connecting portion toward said third opening; a base wall,', 'a surrounding wall that is made of an electrically conductive material, that extends from a periphery of said base wall in a direction of the imaginary axis, that is secured to said enclosing portion, and that is formed with a pin engaging hole that opens toward said first opening of said enclosing portion, and', 'a piezoelectric member disposed on one surface of said base wall that faces toward said first opening of said enclosing portion;, 'a transducer being mounted to said enclosing portion at said second opening, and including'}a securing unit including a securing component that secures said surrounding ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140067123A1

A force sensing apparatus and an operating method of the force sensing apparatus may obtain and provide information about a force applied to an object, thereby enabling control of a force to be applied to manipulate the object. 1. A force sensing apparatus , comprising:a plurality of support frames;a plurality of support frame sensors, each sensor provided on each of the plurality of support frames, respectively, to sense a compressive strain and a tensile strain of each of the plurality of support frames; anda processor to obtain information about a force applied to an object by the plurality of support frames, based on data sensed by the plurality of support frame sensors.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor obtains at least one of a direction and a magnitude of the force applied to the object claim 1 , based on the data sensed by the plurality of support frame sensors with respect to the compressive strain and the tensile strain of each of the plurality of support frames.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the plurality of support frame sensors sense a compressive strain with respect to a portion of the support frames claim 1 , and a tensile strain with respect to the remaining portion of the support frames claim 1 , the processor obtains at least one of a direction and a magnitude of a force applied to the object in a horizontal direction.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the plurality of support frame sensors sense a compressive strain with respect to all of the support frames claim 1 , or when the plurality of support frame sensors sense a tensile strain with respect to all of the support frames claim 1 , the processor obtains at least one of a direction and a magnitude of a force applied to the object in a vertical direction.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a bottom frame disposed at one end of the plurality of support frames and perpendicular to the plurality of support frames,wherein the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069202A1
Автор: Fisk Thomas E.

A medical device comprising a wall, a coating of SiO, and a piezochromic material is disclosed. The piezochromic material is associated with the wall, and changes its appearance when the wall is exposed to mechanical stress exceeding a threshold intensity. Also disclosed is a method of interrogating a closed medical device for processing damage, comprising at least the acts of providing a closed medical device and inspecting the medical device. The medical device is inspected from the exterior for a change in the appearance of at least some of its piezochromic material that is characteristic of exposure of the wall to mechanical stress exceeding a threshold intensity greater than zero. Optionally in any embodiment inspecting is carried out using a spectrophotometer to determine the change in the color of at least some of its piezochromic material. 1. A medical device comprising:a wall having an interior surface defining a lumen and an exterior surface;a coating or layer on the interior surface; anda piezochromic material associated with the wall, the piezochromic material having the property of changing its appearance when the wall is exposed to mechanical stress exceeding a threshold intensity.2. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the coating or layer is a barrier coating or layer.3. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the coating or layer has the ratio of elements SiOx claim 1 , in which x in this formula is from about 1.5 to about 2.9.4. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the coating or layer is applied using chemical vapor deposition.5. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the coating or layer is applied using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition6. (canceled)7. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the wall is comprised of thermoplastic material.8. The medical device of claim 1 , in which the piezochromic material is coated ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076066A1

A multicapacitor sensor system facilitates the measurement of applied shear and moment forces. In one disclosed configuration, moments may be detectable in x, y and z directions, resulting in a full, 3-axis load cell with 6 degrees of freedom. The system may further include electrical circuitry to generate electrical drive pulses, sense amplify and buffer the voltages induced on the sense plates, and compute applied forces. An array of multicapacitor sensors that can be addressed individually without cross-talk and globally produce a map of forces and moments applied to the whole array. A MEMS implementation enables in vivo application. 1. A multicapacitor sensor system , comprising:a drive plate or plates in the case of an array defining an electrically conductive pattern having a center point, the pattern including at least two orthogonal electrodes and at least one electrode extending radially outwardly from the center point;an electrically conductive sensor pattern including at least one electrode parallel to each of the orthogonal electrodes and at least two electrodes parallel to each electrode extending radially outwardly from the center point; and a) Forces applied to the system in the x and y directions may be detected by changes in the capacitance between the orthogonal electrodes of the drive plate pattern and the electrodes of the sense plate pattern parallel to the orthogonal electrodes, and', 'b) Moments applied to the system around the z direction may be detected by changes in the capacitance between the electrode extending radially outwardly from the center point of the drive plate pattern and the electrodes of the sense plate pattern parallel to the electrode extending radially outwardly., 'a compressible, elastic dielectric material separating the drive and sensor patterns, whereby the drive and sensor patterns and dielectric define a two-dimensional plane with x and y directions and a z direction perpendicular to the plane, and2. The ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083205A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide an apparatus and method for inspecting a rubbing-cloth. The apparatus for inspecting a rubbing-cloth comprises: a base-platform provided with a pressure-sensing device on a surface thereof; a supporting-frame; a rubbing-roller, rotatably supported above the surface of the base-platform by means of the supporting-frame, with a rubbing-cloth wrapped around an outer circumference of the rubbing-roller; when the rubbing-roller is rotated, the rubbing-cloth rubs the surface of the base-platform, and the pressure-sensing device can detect pressure-sensing signals of pressure applied by the rubbing-cloth at each of detection-points on the surface of the base-platform. 1. An apparatus for inspecting a rubbing-cloth comprising:a base-platform, provided with a pressure-sensing device on a surface thereof;a supporting-frame; anda rubbing-roller, rotatably supported above the surface of the base-platform by means of the supporting-frame, with a rubbing-cloth wrapped around an outer circumference of the rubbing-roller;wherein when the rubbing-roller is rotated, the rubbing-cloth rubs the surface of the base-platform, and the pressure-sensing device is capable of detecting pressure-sensing signals of pressure applied by the rubbing-cloth at each of detection-points on the surface of the base-platform.2. The apparatus for inspecting a rubbing-cloth according to claim 1 , wherein when the rubbing-roller is rotated claim 1 , the supporting-frame is adapted to move perpendicular to an axial direction of the rubbing-roller and parallel to the surface of base-platform claim 1 , so that the locations of the respective detection-points on the surface of the base-platform are in one-to-one correspondence with the locations of points on the rubbing-cloth.3. The apparatus for inspecting a rubbing-cloth according to claim 1 , whereinthe rubbing-roller is adapted to move in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the base-platform by means of ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090489A1
Автор: Taylor Geoffrey L.

A flexible force or pressure sensing mat includes a first sheet of electrically conductive first paths, a second sheet of electrically conductive second paths, and a sensing layer positioned between the first and second sheets. The first and second conductive paths are oriented transversely to each other, and the locations of their intersections define individual sensing areas or sensors. The sensing layer is made from materials that have first and second electrical characteristics—such as capacitance and resistance—that vary in response to physical forces exerted thereon. A controller repetitively measures the multiple electrical characteristics of each sensor in order to produce a near real time pressure distribution map of the forces sensed by the mat. The mat can be used on a patient support surface—such as a bed, cot, stretcher, recliner, operating table, etc.—to monitor and help reduce the likelihood of a patient developing pressure ulcers. 1. A flexible force sensing mat comprising:a first sheet having a plurality of first conductive paths supported thereon;a layer of sensing material positioned in contact with said first conductive paths, said layer of sensing material having first and second electrical characteristics that vary in response to physical forces exerted thereon;a second sheet positioned in contact with said layer of sensing material on a side of said layer of sensing material opposite said first sheet, said second sheet having a plurality of second conductive paths supported thereon, said plurality of second conductive paths being transverse to said plurality of first conductive paths; anda controller adapted to detect changes in both said first and second electrical characteristics when force is applied to said force sensing mat.2. The mat of wherein said first sheet claim 1 , said second sheet claim 1 , and said layer of sensing material are all elastically stretchable.3. The mat of wherein said first and second sheets are made of nylon.4. ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000419A1

A sensor device includes a sensor element which is formed by laminating a piezoelectric substance and an electrode, a first case and a second case which house the sensor element therein, and a pressing portion which presses the sensor element in the lamination direction of the piezoelectric substance and the electrode via the first and second cases. 1. A sensor device comprising:a sensor element including a piezoelectric substance laminated with an electrode;a first case and a second case which house the sensor element therein; anda pressing portion which presses the sensor element in a lamination direction of the piezoelectric substance and the electrode by the first and second cases.2. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the pressing portion is an elastic member which is pressed by the first and second cases.3. The sensor device according to claim 2 ,wherein the elastic member is a gasket which is formed of rubber, an elastic elastomer, or a metal.4. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the pressing portion is a bellows portion which is formed in the first or second case.5. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the first case and the second case have connection portions which connect the first and second cases together.6. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein, when a Z direction is the lamination direction of the sensor element, and an X direction and a Y direction are directions which are orthogonal to the Z direction and are orthogonal to each other, the sensor device includes at least a first sensor element which detects a force in the X direction, a second sensor element which detects a force in the Y direction, and a third sensor element which detects a force in the Z direction.7. The sensor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the piezoelectric substance is quartz crystal.8. A force detection device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the sensor device according to .'}9. A robot comprising ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Method And System For Monitoring Bend And Torque Forces On A Drill Pipe

Номер: US20150000424A1

A system and method for monitoring bend radius and torque force exerted on a drill string. A sensor system is supported within a pipe section of the drill string and has a light source supported within the pipe section to emit a light beam within the pipe section. An optical sensing device is supported within the pipe section and spaced apart from the light source. The optical sensing device transmits a detection signal indicative of the position of the light beam on a surface of the optical sensing device to a processor that determines the bend radius and torque force exerted on the pipe section. 1a light source supported within the pipe section to emit a light beam within the pipe section;an optical sensing device supported within the pipe section and spaced apart from the light source, wherein the optical sensing device transmits a detection signal indicative of the position of the light beam on a surface of the optical sensing device; anda processor for receiving the detection signal and processing the detection signal to determine the force exerted on the pipe section.. A system for monitoring a force exerted on a pipe section, the system comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/165,418 filed Jun. 21, 2011, now U.S. Pat. No 8,833,183 issued Sep. 16, 2014, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No.: 61/356,863 filed Jun. 21, 2010, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates generally to installation of underground utilities and specifically to a system for monitoring of forces exerted on drill pipe during operation of a drill rig.The present invention is directed to a system for monitoring a force exerted on a pipe section. The system comprises a light source supported within the pipe section to emit a light beam within the pipe section, an optical sensing device supported within the pipe section and spaced apart from the light source, and a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001652A1

Embodiments relate to stress sensors and methods of sensing stress. In an embodiment, a stress sensor comprises a vertical resistor. The vertical resistor can comprise, for example, an n-type resistor and can have various operating modes. The various operating modes can depend on a coupling configuration of terminals of the resistor and can provide varying piezo-coefficients with very similar temperature coefficients of resistances. Comparisons of resistances and piezo-coefficients in differing operating modes can provide a measure of mechanical stresses acting on the device. 1. A stress sensing device comprising:a semiconductor substrate;a layer arranged within the semiconductor substrate,a plurality of contacts arranged on a first side of the layer, whereina first resistive element formed within the layer between a first pair of contacts of the plurality of contacts;a second resistive element formed within the layer between a second pair of contacts of the plurality of contacts;wherein the first resistive element and the second resistive element show a substantially identical response to temperature changes.2. The stress sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the contacts of the first pair of contacts are arranged closer to each other than contacts of the second pair of contacts.3. The stress sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the first resistive element has a response to mechanical stress substantially different to a response of the second resistive element to mechanical stress.4. The stress sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the first pair of contacts comprises at least one contact of the plurality of contacts that is different from the contacts of the second pair of contacts.5. The stress sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the contacts of the first pair of contacts are different from the contacts of the second pair of contacts.6. The stress sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the first resistive element is ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001492A1

Robotic grippers and robotic gripping systems are disclosed. A robotic gripper includes one or more gripping members, one or more tactile sensors on or in the one or more gripping members, and one or more processors. The one or more tactile sensors are configured to take geographic measurements of an object gripped by the one or more gripping members. The one or more processors are configured to create a numeric model of at least a portion of a surface of the object gripped by the one or more gripping members using the geographic measurements from the one or more tactile sensors. The one or more processors are also configured to adjust a location of the object gripped by the one or more gripping members by controlling the one or more gripping members based on the numeric model of the at least the portion of the surface of the object. 1. A robotic gripper , comprising:one or more gripping members;one or more tactile sensors on or in the one or more gripping members, the one or more tactile sensors configured to take geographic measurements of an object gripped by the one or more gripping members; and create a numeric model of at least a portion of a surface of the object gripped by the one or more gripping members using the geographic measurements from the one or more tactile sensors; and', 'adjust a location of the object gripped by the one or more gripping members by controlling the one or more gripping members based on the numeric model of the at least the portion of the surface of the object., 'one or more processors configured to2. The robotic gripper of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are further configured to use the geographic measurements from the one or more tactile sensors to at least one of recognize the object or estimate a pose of the object to enable precise manipulation of the object.3. The robotic gripper of claim 2 , further comprising a vision system configured to capture image data corresponding to images of the object claim 2 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Force Detection Apparatus And Robot

Номер: US20190001510A1

A force detection apparatus includes a first member, a second member placed to be opposed to the first member, a sensor device placed between the first member and the second member and including a force detection element having at a piezoelectric element that outputs a signal according to an external force, and a pressurization bolt provided in an outer periphery of the sensor device in a plan view as seen from a direction in which the first member and the second member overlap and pressurizing the sensor device, wherein the first member has a groove which is between the sensor device and the pressurization bolt in the plan view. 1. A force detection apparatus comprising:a first member;a second member placed to be opposed to the first member;a sensor device placed between the first member and the second member and including a force detection element having a piezoelectric element that outputs a signal according to an external force; anda pressurization bolt provided in an outer periphery of the sensor device in a plan view as seen from a direction in which the first member and the second member overlap and pressurizing the sensor device,wherein the first member has a groove which is between the sensor device and the pressurization bolt in the plan view.2. The force detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first member has a projection having a convex shape toward the sensor device without pressurization to the sensor device by the pressurization bolt and the projection is contact with the sensor device.3. The force detection apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the projection has a thickness gradually increasing toward a center of the sensor device.4. The force detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a length of the force detection element in directions orthogonal to the pressurization directions is shorter than a length of the force detection element in the pressurization directions.5. The force detection apparatus according to claim 1 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001511A1
Автор: Kawai Hiroki

A force detection apparatus includes a first member, a second member, a piezoelectric sensor device sandwiched by the first member and the second member and outputting electric charge according to an external force, and a conversion and output circuit converting an electric charge output from the piezoelectric sensor device into a voltage and outputting the voltage. When a detectable range of a component of the external force in a predetermined axis direction is a first range, the external force is detected within the first range. When the detectable range is a second range different from the first range, the external force is detected within the second range. 1. A force detection apparatus comprising:a first member;a second member;a piezoelectric sensor device sandwiched by the first member and the second member and outputting electric charge according to an external force; anda conversion and output circuit converting an electric charge output from the piezoelectric sensor device into a voltage and outputting the voltage,wherein, when a detectable range of a component of the external force in a predetermined axis direction is a first range, the external force is detected within the first range, and, when the detectable range is a second range different from the first range, the external force is detected within the second range.2. The force detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric sensor device includes a sensor element placed in the first member claim 1 ,the sensor element includes a first piezoelectric material layer and a second piezoelectric material layer placed on one side of the first piezoelectric material layer, andthe first piezoelectric material layer and the second piezoelectric material layer respectively output electric charge according to external forces applied in first directions.3. The force detection apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the conversion and output circuit includes:a first conversion and output ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002169A1

A method for homogenizing the height of a plurality of wires from the plurality of wires erected on a face of a substrate, the method including a first step of coating the face of the substrate including the plurality of wires with a first film, the first film embedding the plurality of wires over a first height; a second step of coating the first film with a second film, the second film embedding at least one part of the plurality of wires over a second height; a step of removing the second film, the part of the wires of the plurality of wires embedded in the second film being removed at the same time as the second film, a mechanical stress between the first film and the second film being exerted during the removal step. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said first height is smaller than or equal to the height of the lowest wire from the wires of the plurality of wires.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , between the first coating step and the second coating step claim 1 , a third step of coating with an anti-adhesive layer.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising after the step of removing the second film and when the anti-adhesive layer has remained at least partially on the first film claim 3 , a step of removing the anti-adhesive layer.5. The method according to claim 4 , further comprising claim 4 , after the step of removing the second film or the step of removing the anti-adhesive layer claim 4 , a step of removing the substrate claim 4 , the first film thereby forming a membrane including a plurality of wires with a homogeneous height.6. The method according to claim 4 , further comprising claim 4 , after the step of removing the second film or the step of removing the anti-adhesive layer claim 4 , a step of removing the first film.7. A method for manufacturing an electronic or optoelectronic device including a plurality of wires claim 1 , the method comprising a step of manufacturing a plurality of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002177A1

A stretchable piezoelectric sensor applied to logistics for real-time monitoring includes a stretchable flexible substrate and a conductive layer formed on the flexible substrate. A plurality of sensing members corresponding in number to end faces of a packaging box is adhered to the conductive layer. When the piezoelectric sensor is placed at the bottom of the packaging box containing goods, two ends of the piezoelectric sensor can be stretched to fit on the diagonal corners of the packaging box, and the sensing members are located on the respective end faces of the packaging box to achieve an all-round monitoring. 1. A stretchable piezoelectric sensor applied to logistics for real-time monitoring , comprising a stretchable flexible substrate and a conductive layer formed on the flexible substrate , and characterized in that: the stretchable piezoelectric sensor is in the form of a ring , a plurality of sensing members corresponding in number to end faces of a packaging box is adhered to the conductive layer , when two ends of the piezoelectric sensor are stretched and fitted on diagonal corners of the packaging box , the sensing members are located on the respective end faces of the packaging box.2. The stretchable piezoelectric sensor applied to logistics for real-time monitoring as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flexible substrate is a flexible printed circuit board.3. The stretchable piezoelectric sensor applied to logistics for real-time monitoring as claimed in claim 1 , wherein upper and lower end faces of the piezoelectric sensor are respectively enclosed with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) through an optical adhesive. The present invention relates to a piezoelectric sensor, and more particularly to a stretchable piezoelectric sensor which can be quickly bound to a packaging box containing goods to detect whether the goods are thrown or pressed heavily or unsealed during transportation.Taiwan Patent No. I289795 discloses a radio frequency tag provided ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Micromechanical Semiconductor Sensing Device

Номер: US20170003180A1

A micromechanical semiconductor sensing device is disclosed. In an embodiment the sensing device includes a micromechanical sensing structure being configured to yield an electrical sensing signal, and a piezoresistive sensing device provided in the micromechanical sensing structure, the piezoresistive sensing device being arranged to sense a mechanical stress disturbing the electrical sensing signal and being configured to yield an electrical disturbance signal based on the sensed mechanical stress disturbing the electrical sensing signal. 1. A micromechanical semiconductor sensing device comprising:a micromechanical sensing structure including a sensing device responsive to an external force on the micromechanical semiconductor sensing device, the micromechanical sensing structure configured to output an electrical sensing signal responsive to the external force; andmeans for sensing a mechanical stress in the micromechanical sensing structure due to the external force on the micromechanical semiconductor sensing device; andmeans for outputting an electrical disturbance signal responsive to the sensed mechanical stress, wherein the means for sensing the mechanical stress and the means for outputting the electrical disturbance signal are embedded in the micromechanical sensing structure.2. A method for sensing an external force on a micromechanical semiconductor sensing device , the method comprising:simultaneously obtaining an electrical sensing signal and an electrical disturbance signal, the electrical sensing signal obtained from a first sensing device of a micromechanical sensing structure of the micromechanical semiconductor sensing device, wherein the electrical disturbance signal is obtained for a second sensing device embedded in the micromechanical sensing structure, wherein the electrical sensing signal is responsive to an external force on the micromechanical semiconductor sensing device, and wherein the electrical disturbance signal is responsive to a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003694A1

A sensor and a method of manufacturing the same are provided. The sensor includes a substrate, a projecting portion including a plurality of projections that protrude upwardly from an upper portion of the substrate, and an electrode portion covering the projections and the upper portion of the substrate between the projections. The projecting portion of the sensor may have a micro-size projections and sense pressure applied thereto and a sliding movement thereon. 1. A sensor comprising:a substrate;a projecting portion comprising a plurality of projections that protrude upwardly from an upper portion of the substrate, the projections comprising an elastic material; andan electrode portion comprising a conductive material and covering the projections and the upper portion of the substrate between the projections.2. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein a height of the projections is greater than an interval between the projections adjacent to each other claim 1 , and the projections tilts in response to horizontal force being applied thereto and the projections returns to original shapes thereof in response to the force being removed.3. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the projections have a pattern like a fingerprint in a top plan view.4. The sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the projections have a pattern like a fingerprint in a top plan view.5. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the projections are formed integrally with the substrate.6. The sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the projections are formed integrally with the substrate.7. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate and the projections are formed of an elastic dielectric material.8. The sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the substrate and the projections are formed of an elastic dielectric material.9. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode portion comprises a graphene material.10. The sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the electrode portion ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003634A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Company Limited

Provided is a sensor sheet, a capacitive sensor, and a method for manufacturing sensor sheet with which it is possible to suppress changes in capacitance due to an arrangement state. This sensor sheet () includes a pair of electrode layers (X-X, Y-Y), constraint layers () that regulate the surface-direction expansion and contraction of the electrode layers (X-X, Y-Y), a plurality of detection parts (A ()-A ()) disposed in portions where the pair of electrode layers (X-X, Y-Y) is overlapped when viewed from the lamination direction, and non-detection parts (G) disposed between the plurality of detection parts (A ()-A ()). In a no-load state, the constraint layers () are disposed in at least some of the plurality of detection parts (A ()-A ()), and gaps (g) are partitioned in at least some of the non-detection parts (G). 1. A sensor sheet , comprising:a pair of electrode layers disposed to be spaced apart in a lamination direction;constraint layers that regulate the surface-direction expansion and contraction of the electrode layers;a plurality of detection parts disposed in portions where the pair of electrode layers is overlapped when viewed from the lamination direction; andnon-detection parts disposed between the plurality of detection parts when viewed from the lamination direction,wherein in a no-load state,the constraint layers are disposed in at least some of the plurality of detection parts, andgaps are partitioned in at least some of the non-detection parts.2. The sensor sheet according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of dielectric layers which are disposed between the pair of electrode layers and are disposed in the plurality of detection parts.3. The sensor sheet according to claim 2 , wherein the constraint layers are disposed between the dielectric layers and the electrode layers.4. The sensor sheet according to claim 3 , wherein the constraint layers comprise constraint layer bodies claim 3 , inside adhesive layers which adhere the constraint layer ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003635A1

A pressure sensor device capable of further decreasing dimensions of a pressure-sensitive element in which a semiconductor integrated circuit is integrated and increasing a spatial resolution and a method for manufacturing the pressure sensor device. A pressure sensor device includes a flexible wiring substrate and a plurality of pressure-sensitive elements in each of which a semiconductor integrated circuit is integrated. The pressure-sensitive elements are attached to one surface of the flexible wiring substrate and are electrically connected to wirings of the flexible wiring substrate. Pressure applied to the other surface of the flexible wiring substrate corresponding to an attachment position of each of the pressure-sensitive elements can be detected by a corresponding pressure-sensitive element through the flexible wiring substrate. 1. A pressure sensor device comprising:a flexible wiring substrate; anda plurality of pressure-sensitive elements in each of which a semiconductor integrated circuit is integrated and which is attached to one surface of the flexible wiring substrate and is electrically connected to wirings of the flexible wiring substrate, wherein pressure applied to the other surface of the flexible wiring substrate corresponding to an attachment position of each of the pressure-sensitive elements can be detected by a corresponding pressure-sensitive element through the flexible wiring substrate.2. The pressure sensor device according to claim 1 , whereineach of the pressure-sensitive elements is formed of a parallel plate-type electrostatic capacitance sensor in which a semiconductor integrated circuit is integrated.3. The pressure sensor device according to claim 1 , whereinthe semiconductor integrated circuit can compress data output from a pressure sensing unit of each of the pressure-sensitive elements.4. The pressure sensor device according to claim 1 , whereinthe flexible wiring substrate is formed of a multi-layer substrate having wirings ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003637A1

A force sensor may comprise a sense die comprising a top part and a bottom part. Generally, the top part may comprise a first surface and a second surface, and the bottom part may comprise a first surface for direct contact with a substrate. Typically, the bottom part may be formed by removing a portion of the material of the sense die around the edges of a first face of the sense die. Typically, adhesive may replace the portion of the sense die material removed from the edges of the first face of the sense die. Thus, the adhesive may secure the first surface of the bottom part of the sense die directly to the substrate without serving as an interface between the bottom part of the sense die and the substrate. 1. A method for assembling a force sensor , the method comprising:removing sense die material from a bottom portion of a sense die while not removing sense die material from a top portion of the sense die, the sense die material being removed around the edges of a bottom face of the sense die leaving sense die material at the center to form a bottom support;applying sense elements to the top portion of the sense die;applying to the sense die adhesive to where the sense die material was removed; andsecuring, using the adhesive, the sense die to a substrate with the bottom support of the sense die situated between the top portion of the sense die and the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein removing sense die material from the sense die around the edges of the bottom face of the sense die comprises etching the sense die material.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bottom face of the sense die along the bottom of the bottom support remains free of adhesive after the sense die is secured to the substrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is applied to laterally facing side walls of the bottom support of the sense die revealed as a result of the sense die material being removed.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein etching of the edges of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003645A1
Автор: Jiang Hao, Wang Shiquan

A multi-axis force and torque sensor and a robot are provided. The sensor includes a first supporting element, a second supporting element, a deformable component connected between the first supporting element and the second supporting element, and multiple signal pairs. The deformable component is configured to deflect in response to applied external force and torque in multiple directions. Each of the multiple signal pairs includes a magnet and a hall effect detector. The magnet is mounted on one of the first supporting element and the second supporting element, and the hall effect detector is mounted on the other. The hall effect detector is located corresponding to the respective magnet. One or more magnetization directions of the magnets of the signal pairs are different such that the signal pairs are capable of measuring force and torque applied on the first supporting element and the second supporting element in different directions. 1. A multi-axis force and torque sensor , comprising:a first supporting element;a second supporting element;a deformable component connected between the first supporting element and the second supporting element, the deformable component configured to deflect in response to applied external force and torque in multiple directions; anda plurality of signal pairs, each including a magnet and a hall effect detector,wherein the magnet is mounted on one of the first supporting element and the second supporting element,wherein the hall effect detector is mounted on the other of the first supporting element and the second supporting element, and is located corresponding to the respective magnet; andwherein the magnetization directions of the magnets of the plurality of signal pairs are different such that the plurality of signal pairs are capable of measuring force and torque applied on the first supporting element and the second supporting element in different directions.2. The sensor of claim 1 , whereinthe first supporting element ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011177A1
Автор: Shih Wei-Yan

A piezoelectric sensor comprises a support structure, a channel extending through the support structure, a sensing material stack coupled to the support structure and extending over the channel, and a filler material disposed within the channel and over the sensing material stack. The sensing material stack comprises an structural layer, a first electrode layer disposed on the structural layer, a piezoelectric material disposed in a piezoelectric layer on the first electrode, and a second electrode disposed on the piezoelectric layer opposite the first electrode layer. 1. A method of detecting a mechanical stimulus with a piezoelectric sensor , the method comprising:receiving a mechanical force at a piezoelectric sensor;transmitting the mechanical force to a sensing material stack through a filler material, wherein the filler material is disposed on both sides of the sensing material stack, and the sensing material stack comprises a layer of piezoelectric material;deflecting the sensing material stack in response to transmitting the mechanical force; andgenerating an electrical signal in response to deflecting the piezoelectric material in the sensing material stack.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric sensor comprises a support structure comprising a channel claim 1 , and the sensing material stack extends and deflects over the channel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric sensor is coupled to a substrate claim 1 , and wherein receiving the mechanical force comprises passing the mechanical force through the substrate claim 1 , into the filler material claim 1 , and to the sensing material stack.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric sensor comprises a proof mass coupled to the filler material claim 1 , and wherein receiving the mechanical force comprises moving the proof mass to generate the mechanical force claim 1 , transmitting the mechanical force from the proof mass claim 1 , into the filler material claim 1 , and ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011178A1
Автор: Wade Richard

The load cell for measuring a force in both push and pull includes a body assembly having a body element defining a measurement chamber with a closed end and an opposite open end, a protruding member positioned within the measurement chamber and extending from the closed end toward the open end. The load cell also includes a base assembly secured at the open end of the body element, including a base element; and a sense die attached to the base element and aligned with the protruding member, where a top surface of the sense die supports a Wheatstone bridge circuit configured to generate a signal based on a force exerted by the protruding member on the sense die. The body element, the protruding member and the base element are integrally formed from a common material which has a CTE close to the CTE of the sense die. 1. A load cell , comprising:a body assembly comprising a body element defining a measurement chamber having a closed end and an open end, wherein the body element comprises a protruding member positioned within the measurement chamber and extending from the closed end toward the open end; anda base assembly secured at the open end of the body element, wherein the base assembly comprises a sense die aligned with the protruding member, wherein a top surface of the sense die supports a circuit configured to generate a signal based at least in part on a force exerted by the protruding member on the sense die,wherein the protruding member causes a stress in the sense die and the stress in the sense die correlates to a force,wherein the load cell is prestressed by the protruding member in a zero force condition associated with the load cell, andwherein the load cell is electronically calibrated to correlate a decrease in the stress within the sense die to a pull force exerted on the load cell, and an increase in the stress within the sense die to a push force exerted on the load cell.2. The load cell of claim 1 , wherein the protruding member defines a first ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004634A1

Disclosed are a display substrate, a display panel and a display device. The display substrate comprises: a base substrate; at least one pressure sensor provided on the base substrate and comprises a first pressure-sensitive resistor and a second pressure-sensitive resistor, wherein the first pressure-sensitive resistor comprises at least two first sub-pressure sensitive resistors connected in series, and the second pressure-sensitive resistor comprises at least two second sub-pressure sensitive resistors connected in series, a first principal strain induction direction of the first sub-pressure sensitive resistor intersects a second principal strain induction direction of the second sub-pressure sensitive resistor, and a second end of the first pressure-sensitive resistor and a first end of the second pressure-sensitive resistor are electrically connected with a pressure-sensitive signal output line. 1. A display substrate , comprising:a base substrate, which comprises a display region and a non-display region surrounding the display region; the first sub-pressure sensitive resistor has a first principal strain induction direction, the second sub-pressure sensitive resistor has a second principal strain induction direction, and the first principal strain induction direction are intersected with the second principal strain induction direction;', 'the first sub-pressure sensitive resistors are correspond with the second sub-pressure sensitive resistors, respectively, wherein a formation of at least two pressure-sensitive resistor pairs each including one of the first sub-pressure sensitive resistors and one of the second sub-pressure sensitive resistors, and in each of the pressure-sensitive resistor pairs, a point on the first sub-pressure sensitive resistor which is farthest from the second sub-pressure sensitive resistor is a first point, a point on the second sub-pressure sensitive resistor which is farthest from the first sub-pressure sensitive resistor is a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004662A1

Various embodiments concern piezoelectric sensors that can be used as ultrasonic transmitters and/or receivers. Piezoelectric sensors can be embedded within, or connected to, a medium. For example, a piezoelectric sensor could be embedded within a chassis, a protective substrate disposed above a display, or a substrate laid within a break in the chassis. An array of piezoelectric sensors can generate a high-frequency ultrasound vibration field that is continuously and uniformly propagated across the medium. These propagating ultrasound waves enable detection of objects touching the surface of the medium. More specifically, during a touch event, ultrasound waves will be reflected back toward the piezoelectric sensors. A controller can determine the location of the touch event based on which piezoelectric sensor(s) detect reflected ultrasound waves and/or characteristic(s) of those reflected ultrasound waves. 1. An electronic device comprising: an outward-facing contact surface, and', 'an inward-facing surface that is adjacent to internal circuitry of the electronic device;, 'a shell member comprising'}a plurality of piezoelectric transmitters embedded within the shell member, each piezoelectric transmitter being configured to transmit ultrasound waves that propagate across the outward-facing contact surface of the shell member; anda plurality of piezoelectric receivers embedded within the shell member, each piezoelectric receiver being configured to generate a signal in response to receiving an ultrasound waveform transmitted by one or more of the plurality of piezoelectric transmitters, as reflected by contact of an object along the outward-facing contact surface of the shell member.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the shell member is a chassis shell claim 1 , an optically-clear substrate located above a display assembly claim 1 , or an optically-opaque substrate affixed within a break in the chassis shell.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , further ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Thermal Imaging Sensors

Номер: US20150007665A1

A sensor device comprises an array of spaced apart sensor elements disposed in a pattern on a substrate. Each sensor element is connected electrically so that a physical variable measured by each sensor element independently can be recorded and/or displayed by an external instrument. The sensing device may be a temperature sensing device, in which case the sensor elements are temperature sensing elements such as negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors. Alternatively the sensing device may be a strain or pressure sensing device, or an optical imaging device, in which case the sensor elements include piezoresistors or photoresistors. The sensor elements may be connected in a common source or write all—read one configuration, in a common output or write one—read all configuration, or in an array comprising X rows and Y columns, in a write X—read Y configuration, 1. A sensor device comprising an array of spaced apart sensor elements disposed in a pattern on a substrate , each sensor element comprising a resistive component and being connected electrically so that a physical variable measured by each sensor element independently can be recorded and/or displayed by an external instrument.2. The sensor device of wherein the sensor elements are temperature sensing elements claim 1 , so that the sensor device is a temperature sensing device.3. The sensor device of wherein the temperature sensing elements comprise temperature dependent resistors.4. The sensor device of wherein the temperature sensing elements comprise negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors.5. The sensor device of wherein the sensor elements include piezoresistors claim 1 , so that the sensing device is a strain or pressure sensing device.6. The sensor device of wherein the sensor elements include photoresistors claim 1 , so that the sensing device is an optical imaging device.7. The sensor device of wherein at least one sensor element includes a series temperature independent ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008796A1
Автор: SUN Hae Young
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

Provided is an ultrasonic sensor assembly. The present invention simplifies an assembly structure of the ultrasonic sensor assembly, and thus enables a process of the ultrasonic sensor assembly to be performed as an automation process. 1. An ultrasonic sensor assembly comprising:a hollow housing, a through hole being through-formed at one end of the housing, and an accommodating port being formed to be opened at the other end;a case inserted into and disposed at the through hole;a fixing member disposed between one end inner circumference surface of the housing and an outer circumference surface of the case to couple the case to the housing;a front supporting cover configured to comprise a side wall that is coupled to one end outer circumference surface of the housing and a supporting part that is formed to be bent in a direction from the side wall to the case and supports one surface of the fixing member;a piezo-electric element mounted on an inner bottom portion formed at one end of the case;a printed circuit board (PCB) disposed in the housing;a connection member, one end of the connection member being electrically connected to the piezo-electric element, and the other end being connected to an extension pin; anda sound-absorbing material charged into the case,wherein,an inner diameter of the supporting part is formed less than a maximum diameter of the fixing member, and one surface of the fixing member is supported by the supporting part, thereby preventing the case coupled to the fixing member from deviating in one end direction of the housing, andthe extension pin is inserted into the housing in a state in which one end and the other end of the extension pin are exposed from the housing, the one end of the extension pin is connected to the connection member, and the other end of the extension pin is connected to the PCB.2. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a covering member coupled to the other end of the housing to seal an inside ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008378A1

The present invention provides an improved orthodontic bracket with integrated piezosensor chip determining even the slightest change in initial installation setup of orthodontic bracket system and further notifying the subscriber electronically comprising of orthodontic bracket, for holding the tooth; at least one wire, for connecting the orthodontic brackets; and at least one sensor chip placed on the bracket and/or on the wire, wherein, at least one pulse oximeter is installed at the periphery of the bracket base to ensure force applied are within biological limits; the invention provides a detachable wireless frequency transmitter to be placed on the bracket of tie-wing to permit clinical recycling of the bracket; and optionally allowing a handheld laser scanner/photospectrometer to measure the frictional coefficient between the archwire and bracket to determine exact amount of force required for tooth retraction; to determine the bonding technique for detecting voids in adhesive; and to determine the distance between forces applied and center of mass of the tooth. 1. An improved orthodontic bracket comprisingan orthodontic bracket, for holding the tooth; at least one wire, for connecting the orthodontic brackets; and at least one sensor chip placed on the bracket and/or on the wire, wherein:atleast one pulse oximeter is installed at the periphery of the bracket base to ensure force applied within the biological limits;a detachable wireless frequency transmitter to be placed on the bracket of a tie-wing to permit clinical recycling of the bracket; andoptionally allowing a handheld laser scanner/photospectrometer to measure the frictional coefficient between an archwire and the bracket to determine exact amount of force required for tooth retraction.2. The improved orthodontic bracket as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said handheld laser scanner/photospectrometer is used to determine worn out wire.3. The improved orthodontic bracket as claimed in claim 1 , wherein ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008894A1

The present technology is to provide a medical operation system, a surgical system, a surgical instrument, and an external force sensing system that detect a force acting on an end effector in a preferred manner. The medical operation system includes: an inner slave having an end effector; an outer slave into which the inner slave is inserted, the outer slave supporting the inner slave at a position that allows the end effector to protrude outward from an end of the outer slave; a strain detection unit that detects strain generated in the outer slave; and a processing unit that calculates a force acting on the end effector in a living subject, on the basis of a result of detection performed by the strain detection unit. The outer slave is a structure decoupled from the inner slave. 1. A medical operation system comprising:an inner slave having an end effector;an outer slave into which the inner slave is inserted, the outer slave supporting the inner slave at a position that allows the end effector to protrude outward from an end of the outer slave;a strain detection unit that detects strain generated in the outer slave; anda processing unit that calculates a force acting on the end effector in a living subject, on a basis of a result of detection performed by the strain detection unit.2. The medical operation system according to claim 1 , whereinthe outer slave has a bending portion that bends in a long axis direction, andthe strain detection unit is disposed on a distal end side than the bending portion.3. The medical operation system according to claim 1 , whereinthe outer slave has a structure decoupled from the inner slave, and a cable for pulling the end effector is inserted together with the inner slave into the outer slave.4. The medical operation system according to claim 1 , whereinthe strain detection unit includes strain detection elements disposed at two positions on respective opposite sides in two directions perpendicular to the long axis direction of ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010678A1
Автор: Bentley Andrew
Принадлежит: KRAFT FOODS R & D, INC.

The present application relates to a pouch location device () for a machine () for dispensing beverages or foods, and in particular to a device for enabling a soft pouch () containing beverage or food ingredients to be accurately located in a bar code reader (). The pouch location device comprises a slot () for receiving at least an end of a flexible pouch. The slot () has an entry aperture () at one end, an end wall () at the opposing end, a substantially transparent window () defining the top of the slot, a spring biased platen () defining the base of the slot. The platen () defines the lower lip of the entry aperture () and is angled to taper the slot () towards the end wall (). 1. A pouch location device for a beverage or food preparation machine comprising a slot for receiving at least an end of a flexible pouch , the slot having an entry aperture at one end , an end wall at the opposing end , a substantially transparent window defining a top of the slot , and a spring biased platen defining a base of the slot , wherein the platen defines a lower lip of the entry aperture and is angled to taper the slot towards the end wall.2. The pouch location device as claimed in in which the platen is formed by a sprung cantilever.3. The pouch location device as claimed in in which the platen is formed by a hinged plate.4. The pouch location device as claimed in in which a spring means are located beneath the plate.5. The pouch location device as claimed in in which the spring means comprise a leaf spring or a helical spring.6. The pouch location device as claimed in further comprising a position sensor configured to sense whether a pouch is correctly located within the slot.7. A beverage or food preparation machine comprising the pouch location device of and an image sensor located in the vicinity of the window and configured to read a machine readable code on a pouch inserted in the slot and to generate a signal according to information read from the code on the pouch.8. ...
