(19)AUSTRALIAN PATENT OFFICE(54) Title SINGLE-WAVELENGTH, UNEQUAL-LENGTH-MULTI-CAVITY GRATING-OUTCOUPLEDSURFACE EMITTING LASER WITH STAGGERED TUNED DISTRIBUTED BRAGG REFLECTORS (51)6 International Patent Classification(s) HOI S 005/00 HOI S 003/08 (21) Application No: 2003256822 (22) Application Date: 2003.07.25(87) WIPONo: WO04/068659 (30) Priority Data (31) Number (32) Date 10/348,920 2003.01.22 (33) Country US(43) Publication Date : 2004.08.23(43) Publication Journal Date : 2004.09.23(71) Applicant(s) PHOTODIGM, INC.(72) Inventor(s) MASOOD, Taha; PA 1 1 bRSON, Steven;EVANS, Gary; AMARASINGHE, Nuditha (H) Application NoAU2003256822 A1(19)AUSTRALIAN PATENT OFFICE(54) Title SINGLE-WAVELENGTH, UNEQUAL-LENGTH-MULTI-CAVITY GRATING-OUTCOUPLEDSURFACE EMITTING LASER WITH STAGGERED TUNED DISTRIBUTED BRAGG REFLECTORS (51)6 International Patent Classification(s) HOI S 005/00 HOI S 003/08 (21) Application No: 2003256822 (22) Application Date: 2003.07.25(87) WIPONo: WO04/068659 (30) Priority Data (31) Number (32) Date 10/348,920 2003.01.22 (33) Country US(43) Publication Date : 2004.08.23(43) Publication Journal Date : 2004.09.23(71) Applicant(s) PHOTODIGM, INC.(72) Inventor(s) MASOOD, Taha; PA 1 1 bRSON, Steven;EVANS, Gary; AMARASINGHE, Nuditha A laser diode system is provided. The laser comprises first and second reflective gratings at each end of the laser. The laser further comprises an outcoupling grating between the first and second reflective gratings, wherein the outcoupling grating couples light out of the laser. The reflectors and outcoupling grating each have a unique wide-band reflective spectrum. A first laser cavity exists between the first and second reflective gratings. A second laser cavity exists between the first reflective grating and the outcoupling grating. A third laser cavity exists between the second reflective grating and the outcoupling grating, and a fourth laser cavity exists with in the outcoupling region. The overlap of reflective spectra determine the lasing wavelengths that reach resonance within each cavity. Wavelengths resonant in one cavity are suppressed in the others unless a wavelength is resonant in all cavities. This matching of mode intensities causes the outcoupled beam to be confined to a single wavelength. CLAIMS What is claimed is: 1. A surface emitting laser diode system, comprising: first and second reflective gratings at either end of the laser, wherein the first and second reflective gratings each have a unique reflective spectrum covering a broad band of light wavelengths; an outcoupling region between the first and second reflective gratings, wherein the outcoupling region has a grating that couples a light beam out of the laser, and wherein the outcoupling grating has a unique reflective spectrum covering a wide band of light wavelengths, wherein the reflective spectrum of the outcoupling grating is narrower than the reflective spectra of the first and second reflective gratings; a first laser cavity between the first and second reflective gratings;STDC0818 a second laser cavity between the first reflective grating and the outcoupling grating, wherein the second laser cavity is shorter than the first laser cavity; a third laser cavity between the second reflective grating and the outcoupling grating, wherein the third laser cavity is shorter than the second laser cavity; and a fourth laser cavity within the outcoupling region, wherein the fourth laser cavity is shorter than the third laser cavity; wherein each laser cavity allows a unique set of lasing wavelengths to reach resonance, wherein the lasing wavelengths that reach resonance in each cavity are determined by the length of that cavity; wherein only one lasing wavelength is resonant in all four cavities, and wherein said single wavelength is the only wavelength in the beam outcoupled from the laser.
2. The laser diode system according to claim 1, further comprising: a first gain region between the first reflective grating and the outcoupling grating, wherein the first gain region is equal in length to the first laser cavity; and a second gain region between the second reflective grating and the outcoupling grating, wherein the second gain region is equal in length to the second laser cavity; wherein the first and second gain regions have electrical contact for supplying current. <Desc/Clms Page number 14> 3. The laser diode system according to claim 1, wherein the first and second reflective gratings are distributed Bragg reflectors.
4. The laser diode system according to claim 3, wherein the first and second reflective gratings are third order distributed Bragg reflectors.
5. The laser diode system according to claim 3, wherein the first and second reflective gratings are fifth order distributed Bragg reflectors.
6. The laser diode system according to claim 1, wherein the outcoupling grating is a second order distributed Bragg deflector.