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23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719775C2

Предложены способы улучшения регулирования давления наддува в системе двигателя с наддувом. В соответствии с одним из вариантов при нажатии педали акселератора воздушный перепускной клапан, подключенный параллельно впускному компрессору системы двигателя, может поддерживаться в открытом положении в течение заданного времени. Благодаря поддержанию воздушного перепускного клапана в открытом положении при нажатии педали акселератора обеспечивается более быстрое вращение компрессора, при этом указанное ускоренное вращение может способствовать достижению требуемого более высокого уровня наддува, когда воздушный перепускной клапан впоследствии закрывается затем в течение меньшего времени, нежели это удавалось прежде. 5 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734787C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Варианты способа управления транспортным средством содержат этапы, на которых: управляют вспомогательным устройством для накопления энергии в устройстве накопления энергии в зависимости от работы двигателя в нормальном режиме; управляют вспомогательным устройством, приводимым в действие устройством накопления энергии, для подачи крутящего момента на коленчатый вал в зависимости от работы в режиме VDE. Транспортное средство содержит двигатель, вспомогательное устройство и контроллер. Двигатель работает в режиме переменного рабочего объема. Вспомогательное устройство соединено с коленчатым валом двигателя. Контроллер выполнен с возможностью работы вспомогательного устройства для подачи крутящего момента на коленчатый вал, когда двигатель работает в режиме VDE в зависимости от потребности в крутящем моменте и числе оборотов двигателя. Достигается улучшение надежности работы двигателя транспортного средства с переменным рабочим ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705527C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Предлагаются способы для достоверной самодиагностики системы впрыска воды, производящей впрыск воды в двигатель в соответствии с условиями работы двигателя, такими как детонация, причем систему впрыска воды наполняют вручную или путем сбора воды на борту транспортного средства. По ошибке впрыска воды, определенной по изменению заданного набора параметров работы двигателя во время линейного изменения впрыска воды при выбранных условиях работы, может быть выявлено наличие закупоривания в водяном тракте. Последующий впрыск воды может быть скорректирован соответствующим образом в зависимости от степени закупоривания. Изобретение позволяет повысить достоверность выявления неисправности (например, закупоривания) в системе подачи воды, что способствует повышению точности регулирования впрыска воды в двигатель, улучшению эксплуатационных показателей двигателя и снижению вероятности возникновения неисправности в двигателе из-за ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752657C2
Принадлежит: РЕНО С.А.С (FR)

Изобретение относится к способу регулирования степени обогащения топливовоздушной смеси в двигателе внутреннего сгорания с управляемым зажиганием. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности двигателя внутреннего сгорания путем ограничения температуры деталей, образующих выпускной контур, при сильной нагрузке. Результат достигается тем, что вблизи полной нагрузки степень обогащения регулируют по первому значению (r1) степени обогащения для предварительного охлаждения выхлопных газов. Когда температура (θech) выхлопных газов достигает первого порога (θ1) температуры, который ниже второго порога (θ2) температуры, значение степени обогащения увеличивают постепенно, например линейно, от первого значения (θ1) степени обогащения до максимума второго значения (r2) степени обогащения, при котором температура выхлопных газов равна второму порогу (θ2) температуры. Если температура (θech) выхлопных газов достигает указанного второго порога (θ2), прежде чем степень обогащения достигнет второго ...

12-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679600C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к регулировке крутящего момента двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Технический результат заключается в изменении крутящего момента при запросе крутящего момента двигателя так, что колебания силовой передачи уменьшаются или не возникают. Предложен способ регулировки измененияпроизводной по времени динамического крутящего момента, в котором определяется требуемое изменениепроизводной по времени с текущего значенияна новое требуемое значение. Определяется текущая разностьскоростей вращения между первым концом силовой передачи транспортного средства, вращающимся с первой скоростьювращения, и вторым концом силовой передачи, вращающимся со второй скоростьювращения. Первая скоростьвращения регулируется на основании требуемого значенияпроизводной по времени динамического крутящего момента, на основании коэффициентажесткости, связанного с податливостью при кручении силовой передачи, и на основании определенной текущей разностискоростей вращения. Посредством регулировки первой ...

27-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2374474C2

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению, в частности к устройствам и способам оптимизации работы двигателя. Изобретение позволяет повысить точность регулирования работы двигателя на динамических режимах. Устройство для управления работой двигателя внутреннего сгорания транспортного средства, имеющего датчик крутящего момента для определения создаваемого двигателем крутящего момента и регулирующие механизмы для регулирования параметров, связанных с крутящим моментом, содержит микропроцессор, выполненный с возможностью воздействия на регулирующие механизмы; и схемы памяти, выполненные с возможностью обращения к ним микропроцессора. Схемы памяти содержат данные, составляющие, по меньшей мере, один набор значений параметров и диапазон значений крутящего момента, отвечающих соответствующим параметрам данного набора или каждого из наборов, и набор команд, подлежащих выполнению посредством микропроцессора. Микропроцессор циклически получает в режиме реального времени от датчика крутящего момента ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016117195A3

15-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017117888A3

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018100821A3

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016105345A3

24-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689130C1

Изобретение относится к управлению выходной мощностью двигателя внутреннего сгорания посредством изменения характеристик впускного клапана. Технический результат заключается в подавлении уменьшения выходной мощности двигателя с турбонагнетателем, когда рабочее состояние сдвигается из рабочей области, в которой целевое значение рециркуляции отработавших газов (EGR)-пропорции является высоким, в рабочую область, в которой целевое значение EGR-пропорции является низким. Предложен электронный модуль управления, который выбирает первый кулачок в качестве приводного кулачка впускного клапана в первом рабочем диапазоне, где целевое значение EGR-пропорции задается равным указанной EGR-пропорции, и выбирает второй кулачок в качестве приводного кулачка во втором рабочем диапазоне, имеющем меньшую длительность и высоту подъема клапана, чем первый кулачок. В рабочих областях первый и второй кулачки выбираются только в области высокого крутящего момента и высоких частот вращения. Когда второй кулачок ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013129229A

... 1. Способ для двигателя, включающий в себя этап, на котором:в ответ на температуру выхлопных газов сгорания в первом цилиндре выше пороговой температуры, выполняют подавляющее преждевременное воспламенение действие во втором цилиндре, принимающем выхлопные остаточные газы от сгорания в первом цилиндре.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором подавляющее преждевременное воспламенение действие выполняют в ответ на температуру выхлопных газов сгорания в первом цилиндре выше пороговой температуры, и количество выхлопных остаточных газов, выпускаемых из первого цилиндра, выше порогового количества.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором выполнение подавляющего преждевременное воспламенение действия во втором цилиндре включает в себя этап, на котором избирательно прекращают впрыск топлива во второй цилиндр.4. Способ по п. 1, в котором выполнение подавляющего преждевременное воспламенение действия во втором цилиндре включает в себя этап, на котором регулируют впрыск топлива во второй цилиндр, чтобы был богаче, чем стехиометрия ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018106386A1

Es werden Verfahren und Systeme zum Zuführen von Kraftstoff an einen Verbrennungsmotor eines Fahrzeugs während eines Austritts aus einem Schubabschaltungs(DFSO)-Zustand bereitgestellt. In einem Beispiel kann ein Verfahren eine Kraftstoffzufuhr an den Verbrennungsmotor unter Verwendung einer Verdichtungstakt-Direkteinspritzung während des Austritts aus dem DFSO-Zustand beinhalten, um einen ersten Verbrennungsmotordrehmomentschwellenwert zu erreichen, und kann ferner Erhöhen einer Trennung zwischen der Verdichtungstakt-Direkteinspritzung und einem Zündfunken, um das Verbrennungsmotordrehmoment auf einen zweiten, höheren Verbrennungsmotordrehmomentschwellenwert schrittweise zu erhöhen, und danach Übergehen bei der Kraftstoffzufuhr an den Verbrennungsmotor von der Verdichtungstakt-Direkteinspritzung zu einer Ansaugtakt-Direkteinspritzung beinhalten. Auf diese Weise können Drehmomenterhebungen während des DFSO-Austritts verringert werden.

24-05-2018 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Vorbeugen gegen einen Surge bei einem Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102017211834A1
Автор: NOH HYUNWOO, Noh, Hyunwoo

Ein Verfahren und ein System zum Vorbeugen gegen einen Pumpeffekt bei einem Fahrzeug können umfassen: Ermitteln, ob ein Motorbetriebsmodus einem Partikelfilterregenerationsmodus oder einem Katalysatorentschwefelungsmodus entspricht; wenn der Motorbetriebsmodus dem Partikelfilterregenerationsmodus oder dem Katalysatorentschwefelungsmodus entspricht, Ermitteln einer Drehmomentveränderung; Ermitteln, ob die Drehmomentveränderung kleiner ist als ein vorbestimmter Wert; wenn die Drehmomentveränderung kleiner ist als der vorbestimmte Wert, Ermitteln, ob ein Einlassdruck um zumindest einen vorbestimmten Druck höher ist als ein Auslassdruck; und Öffnen eines Abgasrückführungs(AGR)-Ventils und eines Drosselventils, wenn der Einlassdruck um zumindest den vorbestimmten Druck höher ist als der Auslassdruck.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017112299A1

Ein Drehmomentanforderungsmodul bestimmt eine Drehmomentanforderung für einen Motor basierend auf einer Fahrereingabe. Ein Zylindersteuermodul bestimmt einen Zielbruchteil von einer Gesamtanzahl von Zylindern des Motors, die basierend auf der Drehmomentanforderung aktiviert werden. Ein Modul für Luft-/Kraftstoff-Ungleichgewicht (AFIM) ordnet selektiv an, dass das Zylindersteuermodul den Zielbruchteil anhand eines vordefinierten Anteils an der gesamten Anzahl der Zylinder des Motors, die zu aktivieren sind, festlegt. Das Zylindersteuermodul legt ferner den Zielbruchteil basierend auf dem vorbestimmten Anteil in Reaktion auf den Befehl fest und aktiviert und deaktiviert das Öffnen der Ein- und Auslassventile der Zylinder des Motors, basierend auf dem Zielbruchteil. Während der Ziel-Zündbruchteil basierend auf dem vordefinierten Bruchteil gesetzt wird, diagnostiziert das AFIM-Modul weiter selektiv das Vorhandensein eines AFIM-Fehlers basierend auf Abtastungen eines Signals von einer Lambdasonde ...

20-09-2001 дата публикации

Operating diesel engine involves determining engine torque fluctuations during changeover and holding torque constant during changeover by adjusting parameters influencing torque

Номер: DE0010026806C1

The method involves switching between a lean burn mode with a super-stochiometric combustion air ratio of greater than 1 and a rich burn mode with a sub-stochiometric air ratio of less than 1 by determining the engine torque fluctuations during the changeover and holding the engine torque constant during the changeover by adjusting parameters influencing the torque. Independent claims are also included for the following: a diesel engine for implementing the method.

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Fahrzeuges mit wenigstens einer Getriebeeinrichtung, einer Antriebsmaschine und wenigstens einer von der Antriebsmaschine antreibbaren Fahrzeugkomponente

Номер: DE102010002375B4

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Fahrzeuges (1) mit wenigstens einer Getriebeeinrichtung (3), einer Antriebsmaschine (2) und wenigstens einer von der Antriebsmaschine (2) antreibbaren Fahrzeugkomponente (9), wobei ein der Getriebeeinrichtung (3) von der Antriebsmaschine (2) zugeführtes Drehmoment messtechnisch ermittelt wird und eine Änderung des Drehmomentes der Antriebsmaschine (2) bei einer Anforderung für ein amAbtrieb (4) des Fahrzeuges (1) zur Verfügung zu stellendes Drehmoment zur Einhaltung von Abgaswerten begrenzt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in Abhängigkeit des der Getriebeeinrichtung (3) zugeführten Drehmomentes ein aktueller Auslastungsgrad der Getriebeeinrichtung (3) bestimmt wird und derDrehmomentanforderung gegenübergestellt wird, wobei die Drehmomentdifferenz zwischen dem Auslastungsgrad der Getriebeeinrichtung (3) und der Drehmomentanforderung durch Reduzieren des für den Antrieb der Fahrzeugkomponente (9) verwendeten antriebsmaschinenseitigen Drehmomentes bis hin zu ...

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Motordrehmoment-Steuersysteme mit linearer Transformation und Verfahren für Drehmomentzunahmeanforderungen

Номер: DE102010052856A1

Ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Motors eines Fahrzeugs umfasst das Erzeugen einer ersten Drehmomentanforderung. Das Verfahren umfasst das Erzeugen einer zweiten Drehmomentanforderung, die größer ist als die erste Drehmomentanforderung und auf dieser basiert, das Erhöhen eines Ausgangsdrehmoments des Motors auf der Basis der zweiten Drehmomentanforderung mit einer ersten Rate und während einer ersten Periode und das Erhöhen des Ausgangsdrehmoments des Motors auf der Basis der ersten Drehmomentanforderung mit einer zweiten Rate und während einer zweiten Periode. Die erste Periode ist von der zweiten Periode verschieden und liegt vor dieser und die erste Rate ist größer als die zweite Rate.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015119104A1

Eine Fahrzeugsteuerung für ein Fahrzeug, an dem eine interne Verbrennungsmaschine (10), die durch Nutzen einer Kraftstoffeinspritzeinrichtung (11) bei jedem von Zylindern eine Kraftstoffeinspritzung ausführt, angebracht ist, steuert die Kraftstoffeinspritzung der Kraftstoffeinspritzeinrichtung. Die Fahrzeugsteuerung weist eine Drehzahlerfassungseinrichtung, eine Drehmomentsteuereinrichtung (20), eine Kraftstoffabsperrsteuereinrichtung (20), eine Unterschiedsberechnungseinrichtung (20) und eine Anomaliebestimmungseinrichtung (20) auf. Die Drehzahlerfassungseinrichtung erfasst eine Drehzahl, die gemäß einer Verbrennung in jedem der Zylinder bei der internen Verbrennungsmaschine variiert. Die Drehmomentsteuereinrichtung berechnet basierend auf der Drehzahl von jedem der Zylinder, die durch die Drehzahlerfassungseinrichtung erfasst wird, eine übermäßige Menge oder eine unzureichende Menge eines Ausgangsdrehmoments von jedem der Zylinder relativ zu einem Zieldrehmoment. Die Drehmomentsteuereinrichtung ...

15-12-2016 дата публикации

System zum Steuern einer Maschine

Номер: DE102016110562A1

Ein System zum Steuern einer Maschine (11), die eine Luft-Kraftstoff-Mischung zündet, um ein Drehmoment zu erzeugen, weist einen Leistungsgenerator (15) und eine Sekundärbatterie (16), die durch den Leistungsgenerator (15) ladbar ist, auf. Eine Vorrichtung (10) steuert die Maschine (11), um einen tatsächlichen Punkt einer Zündsteuerzeit der Luft-Kraftstoff-Mischung an einen gewünschten Punkt der Zündsteuerzeit anzupassen. Die Vorrichtung (10) bewirkt, dass der Leistungsgenerator (15) basierend auf einem Ausgangsdrehmoment der Maschine (11) eine elektrische Leistung erzeugt. Das Ausgangsdrehmoment der Maschine (11) wird erzeugt, während der tatsächliche Punkt der Zündsteuerzeit auf den gewünschten Punkt der Zündsteuerzeit eingestellt wird. Die Vorrichtung (10) passt den Betrag der elektrischen Leistung, die durch den Leistungsgenerator (15) erzeugt wird, während der tatsächliche Punkt der Zündsteuerzeit der Maschine (11) auf den gewünschten Punkt der Zündsteuerzeit eingestellt wird, an, ...

07-04-2011 дата публикации

Systeme und Verfahren zum Moduswechsel für einen sequentiellen Turbolader

Номер: DE102010033313A1

Ein System für einen sequentiellen Turbolader enthält ein Moduswahlmodul, ein Vorwärtsschub-Wahlmodul und ein Regelkreismodul. Das Moduswahlmodul erzeugt ein Kontrollmodussignal auf der Grundlage eines Motordrehzahlsignals, eines Motordrehmomentsignals und eines Motormodussignals. Das Kontrollmodussignal zeigt einen Steuerungsmodus oder einen Regelungsmodus an. Das Vorwärtsschub-Wahlmodul ermittelt einen Vorwärtsschubwert auf der Grundlage des Kontrollmodussignals, des Motordrehzahlsignals und des Motordrehmomentsignals. Das Regelkreismodul ermittelt einen Regelungswert auf der Grundlage des Vorwärtsschubwerts und/oder eines Steuerungssignals für eine Turbine mit variabler Geometrie (VGT) und/oder eines Fehlersignals; und auf der Grundlage eines Umgehungsventil-Steuerungssignals (BPV-Steuerungssignals) und des Fehlersignals, wenn das Kontrollmodussignal vom Steuerungsmodus in den Regelungsmodus wechselt.

29-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018130025A1

Es werden Verfahren und Systeme für aufgeladene Motorsysteme bereitgestellt. In einem Beispiel kann ein System ein druckbeaufschlagtes Luftansaugsystem mit zwei Wegen beinhalten, wobei der erste zum Zuführen von Umgebungsluft und der zweite zum Zuführen von aufgeladener Luft zum Motor dient. Das druckbeaufschlagte Luftansaugsystem ist außerdem dazu ausgelegt, aufgeladene Luft für eine schnellere Zufuhr von Ladedruck im Falle eines Bedarfs nach mehr Motordrehmoment zu speichern.

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Antriebseinheit eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102009056160B4

Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Antriebseinheit eines Kraftfahrzeugs mit Automatikgetriebe oder automatisiertem Getriebe, wobei die Antriebseinheit zumindest einen Antriebsmotor umfasst, der im Schubbetrieb ein Antriebsmoment erzeugt, das in Abhängigkeit von der aktuellen Geschwindigkeit als Schleppmoment oder Kriechmoment auf die Antriebsräder einwirkt, wobei die Höhe des Antriebsmoments im Schubbetrieb durch Betätigung eines Bremspedals zumindest teilweise steuerbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das im Schubbetrieb auf die Antriebsräder aufgebrauchte Schleppmoment (SM_StdT) durch Betätigung des Bremspedals derart steuerbar ist, dass auf die Antriebsräder ein von der Betätigung des Bremspedals abhängiges reduziertes Schleppmoment (SM_MAX,SM_Bsp) aufgebracht wird.

25-06-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Motorabgasmessung

Номер: DE102007042748B4
Принадлежит: TESTO AG

Verfahren zur Bestimmung der spezifischen Stickoxid(NOx)-Emission als Abgas-Kennzahl eines Verbrennungsmotors, wobei der Stickoxid-Massenstrom (3) als erste Betriebs-Kenngröße und die Motor-Abgabeleistung (2) als zweite Betriebs-Kenngröße bestimmt werden, der Stickoxid-Massenstrom (3) und die Motor-Abgabeleistung (2) aus jeweils mindestens einer von der Betriebs-Kenngröße abweichenden Messgröße abgeleitet werden und die Abgas-Kennzahl als Quotient aus dem korrigierten Stickoxid-Massenstrom (3) und der Motor-Abgabeleistung (2) berechnet wird.

18-06-2009 дата публикации

Method for determining the composition of a fuel mixture for operating a combustion engine comprises using the maximum torque of the combustion engine at a known air mass in the combustion chamber

Номер: DE102007060224A1

Method for determining the composition of a fuel mixture comprises using the maximum torque of the combustion engine at a known air mass in the combustion chamber. Preferred Features: The composition of the fuel mixture is determined from the stoichiometric fuel/air ratio. The torque of the combustion engine is determined using a torque sensor or a combustion chamber pressure sensor.

10-01-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und Anordnung zur Behandlung der Abgase eines Kraftfahrzeuges

Номер: DE0010224599B4

Verfahren zum Freisetzen einer Menge eines Abgasbestandteils, der in einer Emissionsbegrenzungsvorrichtung (36) gespeichert ist, aus der Emissionsbegrenzungsvorrichtung (36), welche das durch eine Brennkraftmaschine erzeugte Abgas aufnimmt, gekennzeichnet durch die Schritte: Erzeugen einer ersten Abgasströmung durch die Emissionsbegrenzungsvorrichtung (36) während einer ersten Zeitdauer, wobei das Abgas fetter als ein stöchiometrisches Luft/Kraftstoffgemisch ist; Erfassen eines charakteristischen Merkmals der ersten Abgasströmung an einer Position (42) innerhalb der Emissionsbegrenzungsvorrichtung (36) zwischen einem stromaufwärtigen Bereich (46) der Emissionsbegrenzungsvorrichtung (36) und einem stromabwärtigen Bereich (48) der Emissionsbegrenzungsvorrichtung (36); und Bestimmen der ersten Zeitdauer auf Basis des erfassten charakteristischen Merkmals.

09-04-2003 дата публикации

A method and system for controlling an internal combustion engine.

Номер: GB0002380425A

A method for controlling an internal combustion engine so as to release a stored component of the exhaust gas produced by the engine from an emission control device 36 comprises the generation of a flow of gas through the emission control device that is rich of a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, detecting a characteristic of said flow of exhaust gas at a position 42 within the emission control device and determining a first time period on the basis of the detected characteristic. During the generation of the flow of gas, the amount of fuel necessary to purge a predetermined amount of a constituent component of the exhaust gas stored within the downstream portion of the emission control device in a lean cycle, and the time period required to supply that additional amount of fuel, may be calculated on the basis of the first time period. A second time period may commence after the detected characteristic passes a reference value. The detected characteristic may be representative of the concentration ...

03-07-2002 дата публикации

Engine control system

Номер: GB0000212230D0

08-03-2017 дата публикации

A verification module for verifying accuracy of a controller

Номер: GB0002541948A

The invention relates to a verification module 118 for verifying accuracy of a controller 116. The controller is arranged to generate a demand based on a first input 112 and a second input 114. The verification module comprises; a calculation module 120 arranged to calculate an expected demand based on the first input; a correction module 122 arranged to calculate an error between the demand and the expected demand 124 and modify the expected demand to reduce the error 125; and a limiter 136 arranged to limit the demand in response to the error being greater than a threshold. The invention is a way of verifying the controller in a drive-by-wire system or an electronic throttle controller. The above invention allows for the verification module to be made and updated more easily as there is no need for specific detailed knowledge of the controllers response to the second input. The first and second inputs can be based on the accelerator pedal position and the driver mode selector. The demands ...

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000469295T

15-10-2018 дата публикации

Control device for determining a defect for a VCR connecting rod

Номер: AT0000519804A2

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Steuervorrichtung für ein VCR-Pleuel (6.1, 6.2, 6.3), das mittels einer Ansteuerschaltung (25.1) betätigbar ist. Ein solches VCR-Pleuel (6.1, 6.2, 6.3) soll einen sicheren Betrieb ermöglichen. Hierzu ist eine Detektionseinrichtung (42) zum Ermitteln eines Defekts der Ansteuerschaltung (25.1) vorgesehen. Des Weiteren bezieht sich die Erfindung auf ein entsprechend zugehöriges Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Ansteuerschaltung (25.1) eines VCR-Pleuels (6.1, 6.2, 6.3) eines Verbrennungsmotors.

15-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520760A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Begrenzung eines Motormoments (M), wobei in einem Speicher zumindest eine Maximalmomentlinie (3) über zumindest einer Größe (n) hinterlegt ist, ein Anforderungsmoment von der Motorsteuerung mit der Maximalmomentlinie (3) verglichen wird und aufgrund dieser Maximalmomentlinie (3) regelnd auf den Motor einwirkt und das Motormoment (M) begrenzt. Aufgabe des erfindungsgemäßen Verfahrens ist es Fahrsicherheit und Fahrkomfort zu steigern. Das wird dadurch erreicht, dass die Maximalmomentlinie (3, 11) in Abhängigkeit von zumindest einer Zustandsgröße (pU, TA, TK, E) verschoben wird, wenn motorinterne Limitierungen im zukünftigen Verlauf des Motormoments (M) über einer Drehzahl (n) zu erwarten sind.

15-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for operating of a testbench

Номер: AT0000520521A4

Um ein einfaches Verfahren zur Regelung des Drehmoments eines Antriebsaggregats (2) zur Durchführung eines Prüflaufs auf einem Prüfstand (1) anzugeben, das die beschränkte Stelldynamik des Antriebsaggregats (2) berücksichtigt, ist vorgesehen, ein inneres effektives Drehmoment (MINT_EFF) oder ein effektives Drehmoment (MEFF) des Antriebsaggregats (2) von der Aggregatsregelungseinheit (6) geregelt wird, indem Sollwerte für das innere effektive Drehmoment (MINT_EFF_SOLL) oder das effektive Drehmoment (MEFF_SOLL) vorgegeben werden und Istwerte für das innere effektive Drehmoment (MINT_EFF_IST) oder das effektive Drehmoment (MEFF_IST) während des Betriebs des Antriebsaggregats (2) am Prüfstand (1) ermittelt werden und dass mittels einer Übertragungsfunktion (UF) die Stelldynamik des Antriebsaggregats (2) bei der Regelung berücksichtigt wird, indem die Sollwerte der Regelung mit der Übertragungsfunktion (UF) korrigiert werden oder dass zur Regelung des inneren effektiven Drehmoments (MINT_EFF ...

15-11-2020 дата публикации

Method and control device for operating a gas engine

Номер: AT0000522018B1

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Gasmotors (10), der mehrere Zylinder (12) umfasst, wobei jeder Zylinder (12) eine Brennkammer (24) und einen in der Brennkammer (24) geführten Kolben (13) aufweist, der über eine Pleuelstange (14) an einer Kurbelwelle (15) des Gasmotors angreift, wobei zylinderindividuell ein Brennkammerdruck in der jeweiligen Brennkammer (24) der Zylinder (12) messtechnisch erfasst wird, wobei ein Drehmoment an der Kurbelwelle (15) erfasst wird, und wobei die zylinderindividuellen Brennkammerdrücke und das Drehmoment zur Erfassung von Zündaussetzern an den Zylindern (12) derart gemeinsam ausgewertet werden, dass dann, wenn sowohl an mindestens einem Zylinder (12) ein zu geringer Brennkammerdruck als auch an der Kurbelwelle (15) eine zu geringes Drehmoment erfasst werden, auf Zündaussetzer an mindestens einem Zylinder (12) geschlossen wird.

15-05-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines mit einem Energieversorgungsnetz verbundenen Generators

Номер: AT515058A2

A method of operating a generator connected to a power supply network, in particular a synchronous generator, during a network fault in the power supply network, in particular during an electric short-circuit, wherein electric excitation of the generator is at least temporarily reduced in dependence on the value of at least one operating parameter of the generator prior to the network fault and/or during the network fault.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Dual Repopulating Engine

Номер: AT0000517962B1

Dual-Fuel-Brennkraftmaschine mit zumindest einem Brennraum, wobei dem zumindest einen Brennraum ein Einlassventil für ein Gas-Luft-Gemisch und ein Injektor für flüssigen Kraftstoff zugeordnet ist, und einer Regeleinrichtung, welche in einem Umschaltmodus dazu ausgebildet ist, eine Umschaltung dadurch vorzunehmen, dass eine dem zumindest einen Brennraum durch eine Gas-Luft- Gemisch zugeführte Energiemenge geändert wird und eine dem zumindest einen Brennraum durch den flüssigem Kraftstoff zugeführte Energiemenge und/oder einen Zeitpunkt der Einspritzung des flüssigen Kraftstoffs geändert wird, wobei die Regeleinrichtung dazu ausgebildet ist, die Umschaltung in Abhängigkeit einer momentanen Last der Dual-Fuel-Brennkraftmaschine vorzunehmen.

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517531B1

Verfahren und Vorrichtungen betreffen die Lufthandhabung für ein Verbrennungsmotorsystem und insbesondere die Nutzung einer Vormischung von Luft und Kraftstoff. Das Motorsystem umfasst eine Ansaugluftdrossel (IAT), die eine Position aufweist, die in Reaktion auf die Motordrehzahl eingestellt wird, und ein variables Ventilzeitsteuermodul, das eine Einlassventilzeitsteuerung aufweist, die in Reaktion auf die Motorlast eingestellt wird. Das variable Ventilzeitsteuermodul kann ein Nockenphasensteller sein, der eine Position bei oder zwischen vollen Verzögerungs- und vollen Vorverlegungspositionen aufweist. Das Motorsystem kann in einem transienten Modus oder einem Kraftstoffeffizienzmodus arbeiten. Die IAT-Position wird in Reaktion auf einen Motordrehzahlfehlerwert angepasst oder auf vollständig geöffnete Drossel (Vollgas) eingestellt. Die Nockenphasenstellerposition wird in Reaktion auf einen Druckunterschied über die IAT, die Motordrehzahl angepasst oder auf eine Grenzposition eingestellt ...

25-05-2006 дата публикации

Method and system for emission control of a compression ignition locomotive engine

Номер: AU2005225041A1

02-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002990671C

An electronic control unit is configured to select a first cam as a driving cam of an intake valve in a first operation range where a target value of an EGR rate is set to a specified EGR rate, and is configured to select a second cam as the driving cam in a second operation range smaller in valve duration and lift amount than the first cam. Accordingly, in most of the operation regions, the first cam is selected, and the second cam is selected only in a high-torque and high-speed region. When the second cam is selected in the high- torque and high-speed region, the state where an actual compression ratio is high can be eliminated, and suction efficiency can be decreased. Therefore, decrease in a knocking limit can be suppressed.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002994691A1

The subject matter disclosed herein relates to a system and method for engine 10 control. In particular, a system 200, 280 may utilize a variable valve timing (VVT) device 62, modify a VVT profile, monitor engine 10 performance, and adjust operating parameters of the engine 10 accordingly. Such a system 200, 280 may enhance the response time of an engine 10 during transient operation.

23-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002190162A1

A method for comprehensive integrated control of an internal combustion engine, such as a compression-ignition engine, utilizing an electronic control module (20) is disclosed. The control strategy integrates various functions of engine control including an acceleration balance test for the engine cylinders, a fuel economy vehicle speed limit adder, a fueling limit for high altitude vehicle operation, throttle logic, a data-hub for operation trending and vehicle component lifing analyses, a gear ratio torque limit, an air temperature based torque limit, enhanced cooling fan control, and an idle shutdown strategy based on ambient air temperature.

17-12-2014 дата публикации

Engine fuel property estimation apparatus

Номер: CN104220733A

In the fuel property estimation apparatus of the invention, when fuel of an engine is cut, an upper-limit rotation speed NEmax is set based on vehicle speed SPD. When the engine rotation speed NE becomes equal to or less than the upper-limit rotation speed NEmax (YES in S102), the fuel injection for estimation of the cetane number of the fuel that is an index value the ignition quality of the fuel is implemented. The cetane number is estimated from the magnitude of engine torque produced by combustion of the injected fuel. By setting the upper-limit rotation speed NEmax to a smaller value as the vehicle speed SPD is higher, the apparatus restrains variations of the ignition delay time, and heightens the accuracy of the estimation of the cetane number.

25-01-2002 дата публикации

Method of reducing vibration in motor vehicle transmission involves producing short term reverse couple at commencement of vibration

Номер: FR0002811943A1

On réduit les oscillations d'alternance de charge dans la ligne de transmission d'un véhicule en détectant une variation du couple utile (M) dans la ligne de transmission et en définissant la période d'une oscillation d'alternance de charge. Au début de la variation de couple utile on applique au moins une impulsion de couple supplémentaire (I) provoquée par une oscillation en opposition de phase de l'oscillation d'alternance de charge et qui a une durée correspondant à la moitié de la période de l'oscillation d'alternance de charge.

01-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003005115B1

11-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002739331B1

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for diagnosing fuel injector of cylinder of thermal engine in car, involves determining state of malfunction of fuel injector representative of poor fuel injection quantity according to generated torque

Номер: FR0002993935A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S

Le procédé de diagnostic d'un injecteur de carburant d'un cylindre de moteur thermique comporte : une étape d'injection (E1) de carburant dans le cylindre par l'injecteur ; une étape de combustion (E2) du carburant injecté ; une étape de détermination (E3) d'un couple généré, fonction de l'étape de combustion (E2), par le cylindre ; une étape de diagnostic (E4) configurée de sorte à déterminer, en fonction du couple généré, un état de disfonctionnement de l'injecteur représentatif d'une mauvaise quantité de carburant injectée.

06-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002919678A1

La présente invention se rapporte notamment à un procédé pour diagnostiquer une fuite d'injecteur dans un système d'injection d'un moteur à combustion interne équipant un véhicule automobile, pourvu d'un nombre n de cylindres An, ce système d'injection comprenant un nombre n d'injecteurs Bn qui envoient chacun du carburant à un cylindre respectif Ai du moteur, i étant compris entre 1 et n. Ce procédé comprend les étapes suivantes qui consistent à : a) déterminer une phase d'absence d'injection volontaire de carburant dans le moteur ; b) pendant cette phase, et pour chacun des cylindres Ai, déterminer le couple gaz moyen correspondant Ci représentatif de la contribution de ce cylindre au couple de sortie du moteur; c) comparer la valeur de ce couple Ci, ou d'une variable fonction de ce couple, à une valeur de référence ; d) diagnostiquer un état de fuite quand une relation mathématique entre cette valeur de couple ou cette variable et la valeur de référence est vérifiée.

31-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003005113A1

L'invention concerne un moteur à combustion de véhicule automobile à réintroduction de gaz d'échappement, un module de pilotage étant configuré pour commander, dans le cas d'une baisse d'une demande de couple produit par le moteur, une réduction de couple produit par le cylindre (14) dont au moins une partie des gaz d'échappement sont réintroduits dans l'organe d'admission (20) plus rapide qu'une réduction de couple produit par un autre cylindre (11,12,13) du moteur.

22-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003060744A1

Procédé pour déterminer une dose d'injection d'un injecteur (18) selon lequel le moteur à combustion interne (10) est couplé à une machine électrique (40) pour transmettre un couple. A l'arrêt du véhicule, le moteur (10) fonctionne à une certaine vitesse de rotation (n) prédéfinie et sous une charge prédéfinie et on détermine le courant (1) généré par la machine électrique (40), et à partir de l'intensité du courant (1) généré par la machine électrique (40) on fixe la dose d'injection (m) de l'injecteur (18).

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0102010714B1

05-12-2018 дата публикации

수륙양용차량의 제어장치 및 제어방법

Номер: KR0101906950B1
Автор: 한경원
Принадлежит: 한화지상방산 주식회사

... 수륙양용차량의 제어장치는 엔진과, 육상에서의 추진력을 발생하는 육상 추진기와, 수상에서의 추진력을 발생하는 수상 추진기와, 동력을 육상 추진기와 수상 추진기로 분배하는 동력분배기와, 육상 추진기로 전달되는 동력의 변속비를 변경하는 변속기와, 제어기를 구비하고, 제어기는 육상에서의 주행을 제어하는 육상모드와, 수상에서의 주행을 제어하는 수상모드와, 천이구간에서의 주행을 제어하는 천이모드의 어느 하나를 선택하여 실행할 수 있으며, 제어기는 육상모드에서 엔진출력토크를 일정하게 유지하고 수상모드와 천이모드에서 엔진출력속도를 일정하게 유지한다.

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200031527A

16-04-2019 дата публикации

método de controle de motor e dispositivo de controle

Номер: BR112019000044A2

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014049235A1

The invention relates to controlling a power train of an engine (1), a turbocharger (3) and a gear box for detecting (E1) a change in the gear box ratio, for evaluating (E2) the charge of the engine (1) in the detected change in ratio, then for adjusting (E3) the operation of the engine (1) by modifying the air inlet pressure (E3-1) and/or by modifying the action of the exhaust gases at the outlet of the engine (1) on the turbo charger (3). The adjustment (E3) of the operation of the engine is carried out if a condition associated with the evaluated charge is verified.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014087067A1

The invention relates chiefly to a method for managing engine torque by selectively cutting off injection into one or more cylinders of a controlled‑ignition combustion engine. According to the invention, the method involves the step of determining a maximum number (Nmax) of cylinders for which the injection can permissibly be cut off, and as soon as at least one of the following safety problems: the reaching of an injection advance limit; a problem of injection; a malfunctioning of a double flywheel, is detected, the method further comprises the step of cutting off the injection to one of the cylinders, this step of cutting off the injection of one of the cylinders being able to be repeated up to the limit of the maximum number (Nmax) of cylinders injection to which can permissibly be cut off. Another subject of the invention is a motor vehicle equipped with an engine management computer able to run the method according to the invention.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Control Device

Номер: US20220010762A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Astemo Ltd

Due to changes in a flow of an air-fuel mixture in a cylinder, reliable ignition due to spark discharge may not be possible. Therefore, an ignition control unit 24 includes a secondary voltage calculation unit 31 that calculates an average value of a secondary voltage generated on a secondary side of an ignition coil, an irregular flow ratio calculation unit 32 that calculates a ratio of cycles in which the average value of the secondary voltage is equal to or less than a set average value with respect to a cycle of the internal combustion engine in a predetermined period as an irregular flow ratio indicating that the flow of the air-fuel mixture in the cylinder is irregular, and an ignition operation amount correction unit 37 that corrects an ignition operation amount so that the irregular flow ratio is equal to or less than the set ratio value that is the target to be reached of the irregular flow ratio.

23-07-2019 дата публикации

Torque control system for DPF regeneration

Номер: US0010358960B2
Автор: Seong-Cheol Park
Принадлежит: Volvo Construction Equipment AB

A method is provided for controlling the torque of an engine when a DPF is regenerated and includes detecting outputs of a gear pump and a main hydraulic pump as parameters for correcting a DPF regeneration condition, increasing the flow rate of the gear pump or main hydraulic pump, controlling the torque of an engine so as to reach a predetermined target engine torque value as the flow rate of the gear pump or main hydraulic pump is increased, starting DPF regeneration when the torque of the engine reaches the predetermined target engine torque value, allowing the number of revolutions of the engine to be increased on the basis of the target engine torque value during the DPF regeneration, and performing the DPF regeneration until the temperature of exhaust gas reaches a predetermined target DPF regeneration temperature.

24-01-1984 дата публикации

Process for controlling the beginning of delivery of a fuel injection pump and device for performing said process

Номер: US0004426982A1
Принадлежит: Friedmann & Maier Aktiengesellschaft

In a process for controlling the beginning of delivery of a fuel injection pump for internal combustion engines having fuel injection, particularly Diesel engines, in dependence on the torque and under consideration of immediately measurable operation parameters, at least the revolution speed. The torque is determined from the intake boost pressure generated by a turbocharger and optionally from that amount of air which is blown off at increasing revolution speed above a certain intake boost pressure. A device for performing said process comprises a processor for performing at least one calculating operation provided with a store for storing the program to be executed, sensors transmitting signals to the processor representative of operation parameters of the injection-type internal combustion engine, and actuating means for controlling the beginning of fuel delivery of the fuel injection pump being connected with the processor. For determining the torque delivered by the engine there is ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042447A1

Methods and systems are provided for boosted engines. In one example, a method for a boosted engine method may include storing compressed air in a reservoir for supply to the engine during increased engine load operating conditions and replenishing the air in response to pressure dropping below a nominal threshold; and increasing the pressure beyond the nominal threshold in response to increased temperature of the stored air in the reservoir even when operating conditions include decreased engine load, and purging the increased temperature stored air to bring pressure back down toward the nominal threshold. In one example, increasing pressure to the reservoir may include supplying compressed air from an air suspension system. In one example, increasing pressure to the reservoir may include supplying compressed air from an air compressor separate from an engine turbocharger compressor. In one example, the method may include, in response to a vehicle operator tip-in during the increasing of the pressure beyond the nominal threshold, simultaneously supplying stored compressed air to the engine while replenishing the air. 1. A boosted engine method , comprising:storing compressed air in a reservoir for supply to the engine during increased engine load operating conditions and replenishing the air in response to pressure dropping below a nominal threshold; andincreasing the pressure beyond the nominal threshold in response to increased temperature of the stored air in the reservoir even when operating conditions include decreased engine load, and purging the increased temperature stored air to bring pressure back down toward the nominal threshold.2. The method of wherein increasing the pressure includes supplying the compressed air from an air suspension system.3. The method of wherein increasing the pressure includes supplying the compressed air from an air compressor separate from an engine turbocharger compressor.4. The method of further comprising claim 1 , in ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180297600A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha

A driving force control system for a vehicle configured to control a driving force based on the accelerating operation by the driver. The vehicle comprises a drive unit including a prime mover and a transmission, an accelerator device; and a controller. The controller is configured to: calculate an operating amount of the accelerator device; calculate an operating speed of the accelerator device; calculate a target jerk; and control an output torque of the drive unit based on the target jerk, when the operating amount is smaller than a predetermined amount, and the operating speed is slower than a predetermined speed.

10-12-2019 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine system and control method for internal combustion engine

Номер: US0010502148B2

An electronic control unit is configured to select a first cam as a driving cam of an intake valve in a first operation range where a target value of an EGR rate is set to a specified EGR rate, and is configured to select a second cam as the driving cam in a second operation range smaller in valve duration and lift amount than the first cam. Accordingly, in most of the operation regions, the first cam is selected, and the second cam is selected only in a high-torque and high-speed region. When the second cam is selected in the high-torque and high-speed region, the state where an actual compression ratio is high can be eliminated, and suction efficiency can be decreased. Therefore, decrease in a knocking limit can be suppressed.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149443A1

A method for controlling an engine having a continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) apparatus is provided. The method includes: correcting a torque required by a driver; transmitting, by a hybrid control unit (HCU), a start signal to an engine control unit (ECU) when the corrected torque satisfies conditions required to drive the engine; determining a target CVVD value for operation of an intake CVVD apparatus corresponding to the corrected torque; determining a target current value corresponding to the target CVVD value; and changing the target CVVD value to a synchronizing CVVD value when a current state of the engine is in a cranking interval, wherein the synchronizing CVVD value is configured to synchronize starting revolutions per minute (RPM) of the engine with RPM of an automatic transmission or RPM of a motor generator.

29-12-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for reducing emissions from an internal combustion engine

Номер: US0010876457B2

Systems, devices, methods and programs for reducing emissions from engines are provided. For example, one system for reducing emissions from engines comprises a heating controller coupled to an energy storage device (ESD). The heating controller is configured to control a heating element to heat one or more components of an after-treatment system using energy from the ESD under a first condition and to control the heating element to stop heating the one or more components of the after-treatment system when a second condition is satisfied. Additionally, another system for reducing emissions from engines comprises a controller detecting a decrease in a demanded torque from an engine and an ISG. The controller is then configured to operate a clutch to disengage the engine from the ISG, if after removing fuel from the engine, the sensed speed of the engine is above a threshold.

15-03-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for binary flow turbine control

Номер: US0009284898B2
Принадлежит: Ford Global Technologies, LLC

Methods and systems are provided for adjusting the opening of a scroll valve of a binary flow turbine. Scroll valve adjustments are used at different engine operating conditions to improve engine performance and boost response. Scroll valve adjustments are coordinated with wastegate and EGR valve adjustments for improved engine control.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153968A1

Fuel management system for enhanced operation of a spark ignition gasoline engine. Injectors inject an anti-knock agent such as ethanol directly into a cylinder. It is preferred that the direct injection occur after the inlet valve is closed. It is also preferred that stoichiometric operation with a three way catalyst be used to minimize emissions. In addition, it is also preferred that the anti-knock agents have a heat of vaporization per unit of combustion energy that is at least three times that of gasoline.

01-05-2008 дата публикации

Method for Operating an Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US2008103673A1

A method for operating an internal combustion engine, in which fuel is injected into a combustion chamber of a cylinder of the internal combustion engine in at least two partial injections, and in which an actual torque supplied by the internal combustion engine is ascertained from operating variables of the internal combustion engine, this actual torque being compared to an admissible torque, and an error response being initiated if the actual torque is at a predefined ratio to the admissible torque. In the ascertainment of the actual torque, taking into consideration a torque efficiency of the respective partial injection is provided, whereby a more accurate monitoring of the actual torque is made possible.

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Prime Mover Control Device of Work Vehicle

Номер: US20170274770A1
Принадлежит: KCM Corporation

A prime mover control device of a work vehicle equipped with a torque converter includes: a speed ratio calculation unit that calculates a speed ratio of the torque converter; and a rotational speed limit unit that, when a speed ratio falls within a preset speed ratio range, limits a maximum rotational speed of the prime mover to be lower as compared with a maximum rotational speed set when a speed ratio falls without the preset speed ratio range. When a state in which the speed ratio calculated by the speed ratio calculation unit falls within the preset speed ratio range is maintained for a predetermined time period, the rotational speed limit unit changes a maximum rotational speed of the prime mover to a higher maximum rotational speed than the limited maximum rotational speed limited to be lower by the rotational speed limit unit.

29-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3757373B1
Автор: OKAMATSU, Kohta

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: JP2008280959A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To accurately adapting injection timing of a cylinder injection engine with a smaller number of measuring points than former devices. SOLUTION: A relation between a ratio of fuel impinging on a cavity 37 on a piston 36 top surface and injection timing, and/or a relation between a ratio of fuel impinging on a cylinder inner wall surface (liner 35) and injection timing are simulated based on design data of an engine 11 and a fuel injection valve 31 such as spray angle, mounting angle of the fuel injection valve 31, a cylinder inner diameter, and cavity 37 position. A range of injection timing corresponding to a range where the fuel ratio to maintain good combustion is maintained is calculated, and this range of injection timing is defined as a measurement range of injection timing where measuring points are arranged in an experimental design. Process to measure engine torque with gradually changing injection timing in vicinities of an upper and a lower limit value of ...

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2529983C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах управления с обратной связью для управления сгоранием в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Система (10) двигателя внутреннего сгорания содержит многоцилиндровый двигатель (12), нагрузку (14), соединенную с двигателем посредством коленчатого вала (16), магнитный датчик (24) крутящего момента, расположенный между двигателем (12) и нагрузкой (14) и управляющий модуль (26). Магнитный датчик (24) крутящего момента выполнен с возможностью прямого измерения крутящего момента двигателя (12) и формирования выходного сигнала (28) крутящего момента, указывающего крутящий момент двигателя (12). Управляющий модуль (26) соединен для взаимодействия с магнитным датчиком (24) крутящего момента. Управляющий модуль (26) содержит модуль (30) сбора данных, выполненный с возможностью приема сигнала (28) крутящего момента и формирования одного или более выходных сигналов (32, 34, 36, 38), соответствующих одному или более параметрам сгорания, на основе сигнала (28) ...

06-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705351C2

Группа изобретений относится к области диагностики двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Техническим результатом является повышение точности регулирования двигателя путем измерения влажности окружающей среды в процессе движения транспортного средства. Предложены различные способы эксплуатации двигателя в случае переключения передачи в условиях отсечки топлива. В соответствии с одним из примеров осуществления способ эксплуатации двигателя внутреннего сгорания включает в себя отключение по меньшей мере одного из цилиндров двигателя, проведение диагностики при по меньшей мере одном отключенном цилиндре двигателя и работе двигателя с высокой нагрузкой, прогнозирование переключения передачи и снижение нагрузки на двигатель до уровня, меньшего высокой нагрузки, и прекращение диагностики в случае выполнения прогнозируемого переключения передачи. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

05-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742364C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях, работающих на природном газе. Способ регулирования сгорания в двигателе на природном газе заключается в том, что определяют, на основании текущего рабочего параметра двигателя на природном газе, рабочее состояние двигателя. Вычисляют количество полного впрыскивания природного газа и пилотного дизельного топлива, требуемое двигателем в данном рабочем состоянии. Осуществляют режим диффузионного сгорания с прямым впрыскиванием в случае, когда рабочее состояние представляет собой состояние холостого хода или состояние низкой нагрузки. Режим диффузионного сгорания с прямым впрыскиванием представляет собой режим, в котором дизельное топливо впрыскивают в верхней мертвой точке сжатия и затем впрыскивают природный газ. Осуществляют режим компрессионного зажигания с активным контролем гибридного гомогенного природного газа в случае, когда рабочее состояние представляет собой состояние средней нагрузки. Режим компрессионного зажигания с активным контролем ...

28-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016150085A3

03-08-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017117641A3

05-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107183A3

16-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017112942A3

21-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018107269A3

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662794C1

Изобретение относится к устройству управления для двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении возникновения ненормального сгорания в цилиндре в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Предложено устройство управления для двигателя внутреннего сгорания, которое содержит: средство оценки, приспособленное оценивать объем смеси топлива и масла, распределяющейся согласно движению поршня в цилиндре; и ограничительное средство, приспособленное ограничивать верхний предельный крутящий момент (UT) двигателя внутреннего сгорания согласно оцененному объему смеси. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Engine controller

Номер: US20120125295A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An ECU detects a shaft torque in a specified torque detection range defined for each cylinder. The shaft torque is generated due to a combustion of the fuel and is applied to a crankshaft of the engine. The ECU computes a crank angle position as an actual peak position at which a combustion torque is peak. The ECU stores a previously determined maximum torque position which corresponds to a crank angle position at which a combustion torque becomes peak. Based on the actual peak position and the previously stored maximum torque position, an igniter controls an ignition timing.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Fuel management system for variable ethanol octane enhancement of gasoline engines

Номер: US20120312284A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fuel management system for efficient operation of a spark ignition gasoline engine. Injectors inject an anti-knock agent such as ethanol directly into a cylinder of the engine. A fuel management microprocessor system controls injection of the anti-knock agent so as to control knock and minimize that amount of the anti-knock agent that is used in a drive cycle. It is preferred that the anti-knock agent is ethanol. The use of ethanol can be further minimized by injection in a non-uniform manner within a cylinder. The ethanol injection suppresses knock so that higher compression ratio and/or engine downsizing from increased turbocharging or supercharging can be used to increase the efficiency of the engine.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for controlling an engine for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20130096808A1

A method for controlling the operation of an engine of a vehicle is disclosed in which a torque request signal supplied to control the supply of torque from the engine is adaptively modified based upon a desired maximum acceleration limit for the currently engaged gear and variations in the sum of forces resisting motion of the vehicle.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for pre-ignition control

Номер: US20140000557A1

Methods and systems are provided for reducing late burn induced cylinder pre-ignition events. Forced entry of residuals from a late burning cylinder into a neighboring cylinder may be detected based on engine block vibrations sensed in a window during an open exhaust valve of the late burning cylinder. In response to the entry of residuals, a pre-ignition mitigating action, such as fuel enrichment or deactivation, is performed in the neighboring cylinder.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003182A1

A system for diagnosing a misfire of an engine includes a sensing unit including at least one sensor for detecting at least one detection value associated with an operation of the engine, and an electronic control unit configured to determine whether a misfire of the engine due to exhaust valve leakage has occurred based on the detection values from the sensing unit, and perform an operation corresponding to the misfire due to exhaust valve leakage when the misfire due to exhaust valve leakage has occurred, wherein the electronic control unit a misfire code for exhaust valve leakage in a memory when the misfire due to exhaust valve leakage has occurred. 1. A system for diagnosing a misfire of an engine , comprising:a sensing unit including at least one sensor for detecting at least one detection value associated with an operation of the engine; andan electronic control unit configured to determine whether a misfire of the engine due to exhaust valve leakage has occurred based on the detection values from the sensing unit, and perform an operation corresponding to the misfire due to exhaust valve leakage when the misfire due to exhaust valve leakage has occurred,wherein the electronic control unit stores a misfire code for exhaust valve leakage in a memory when the misfire due to exhaust valve leakage has occurred.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electronic control unit is configured to:detect an output torque drop of the engine;control the engine by an optimal air/fuel ratio when the output torque drop of the engine is detected;count an output torque drop of the engine while controlling the engine by the optimal air/fuel ratio; anddetermine whether the misfire due to exhaust valve leakage has occurred when the output torque drop count is above a predetermined number.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the misfire code for exhaust valve leakage comprises information on a misfire occurrence driving point where the misfire due to exhaust valve leakage has occurred ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Engine control device and engine control method

Номер: US20170002753A1
Автор: Tsutomu Miyazaki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Determination criteria for an excessive torque state are changed based on a predetermined vehicle speed related parameter. The determination criteria are changed such that when the vehicle speed related parameter is a value corresponding to a relatively high vehicle speed state, the excessive torque state is difficult to determine compared to when the vehicle speed related parameter is a value corresponding to a relatively low vehicle speed state.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Charge-flow adjustment in closed-loop exhaust temperature control on dual fuel engines

Номер: US20180003118A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

Methods and systems of controlling operation of a dual fuel engine are provided, comprising determining a target exhaust temperature, sensing an actual exhaust temperature, determining an exhaust temperature deviation by comparing the actual exhaust temperature to the target exhaust temperature, comparing the exhaust temperature deviation to a threshold, adjusting at least one of an intake throttle, a wastegate, a compressor bypass valve, an exhaust throttle, a VGT and engine valve timing when the exhaust temperature deviation exceeds the threshold to control charge-flow to the engine, and continuing the adjusting until the exhaust temperature deviation is less than the threshold.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003084A1

Fuel management system for enhanced operation of a spark ignition gasoline engine. Injectors inject an anti-knock agent such as ethanol directly into a cylinder. It is preferred that the direct injection occur after the inlet valve is closed. It is also preferred that stoichiometric operation with a three way catalyst be used to minimize emissions. In addition, it is also preferred that the anti-knock agents have a heat of vaporization per unit of combustion energy that is at least three times that of gasoline. 121-. (canceled)22. A fuel management system for a spark ignition engine , comprising:a first fueling system that uses direct injection;a second fueling system that uses port fuel injection; anda three-way catalyst configured to reduce emissions from the spark ignition engine,wherein the fuel management system is configured to provide fueling in a first torque range, the first torque range being a first range of torque values at which both the first fueling system and the second fueling system are operable throughout the first range of torque values,wherein the fuel management system is further configured such that a fraction of fueling provided by the first fueling system is higher at a highest value of torque in the first torque range than in a lowest value of torque in the first torque range,wherein the fuel management system is further configured to provide fueling in a second torque range, the second torque range being a second range of torque values at which the second fueling system is operable throughout the second range of torque values and the first fueling system is not operable throughout the second range of torque values,wherein the fuel management system is further configured such that when the system provides fueling at a torque value that exceeds the second range of torque values, the spark ignition engine is operated in the first torque range,wherein the fuel management system is further configured to increase the fraction of fueling provided ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Method For Operating An Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20220010746A1
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Company Limited

The present invention refers to a method for operating an internal combustion engine in a transition operating mode, comprising the steps of determining an initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold and a demanded fuel oxidizer ratio for a fuel mixture to be supplied to a combustion chamber of the engine, if the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio exceeds the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold, the engine is temporally operated in a raised response mode, in which a fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is increased from the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold to a raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold, and a fuel mixture having the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio is supplied into the combustion chamber of the engine. 1. A method for operating an internal combustion engine in a transition operating mode , comprising the steps of:{'sub': 'limit', 'determining an initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR) for a fuel mixture to be supplied to a combustion chamber of the engine;'}determining a demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) of the fuel mixture to be supplied to the combustion chamber of the engine;{'sub': limit', 'limit', 'limit, 'if the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) exceeds the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR), temporally operating the engine in a raised response mode, in which a fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is increased from the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR) to an raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (rFOR), and supplying a fuel mixture having the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) into the combustion chamber of the engine.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the engine operated in the raised response mode up to a predefined first period of time (t).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the engine claim 1 , after being operated in the raised response mode claim 1 , is subsequently switched to a normal response mode in which the fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is decreased from the raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (rFOR) to the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009694A1

Multiple mode control system for a vehicle includes a vehicle control unit operatively configured with manual override switch, one or plurality of sensors, audio output means and electronic control unit (ECU). The vehicle control unit includes processor configured with Read Only Memory, random access memory, analog to digital converter, switch driver and an optional communication engine and hard disk drive. The engine of the vehicle is configured with electronic control unit. 1. A multiple mode control system for a vehicle comprising{'b': 40', '50', '80', '20, 'a vehicle control unit () is operably configured with manual override switch (), one or plurality of sensors, audio output means () and ECU ();'} 'processor configured with Read Only Memory (ROM), Random Access Memory (RAM), analog to digital converter, switch driver and an optional communication engine and hard disk drive;', 'the vehicle control unit comprising'}{'b': 10', '20, 'wherein an engine () of the vehicle that is configured with ECU ().'}2. A multiple mode control system for a vehicle comprising{'b': 40', '50', '80', '20, 'a vehicle control unit () is operably configured with manual override switch (), one or plurality of sensors, audio output means () and ECU ();'} 'processor configured with Read Only Memory (ROM), Random Access Memory (RAM), analog to digital converter, switch driver and an optional communication engine and hard disk chive;', 'the vehicle control unit comprising'}{'b': '40', 'claim-text': acquiring input signal from one or plurality of sensors relating to load, road gradient, road condition, vehicle condition but not limited to it;', {'b': '40', 'processing the input signals and data, correlating it with the pre-loaded performance maps and arrive at/selecting the most effective operating mode in the vehicle controller ();'}, 'checking for manual override command by the vehicle control unit;', {'b': '20', 'sending the output signal of the selected optimum operating mode to ECU () ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025810A1

Methods are provided for engines. In one example method, at higher engine load, cool compressed air is drawn into an engine via an air intake passage, and at lower engine load, ambient air is drawn into the engine via a duct while retaining cooled compressed air in the air intake passage. The compressed air may be released from the air intake passage based on heat transferred to the compressed air during the lower engine load, in at least one example. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:at lower engine load,storing cooled boost air in an intake passage while simultaneously flowing ambient air into an intake manifold of the engine via a duct; and thenresponsive to an inferred temperature of the stored cooled boost air exceeding a threshold temperature, decreasing an amount of the ambient air flowed into the intake manifold of the engine and flowing the stored cooled boost air to the intake manifold.2. The method of wherein a boost throttle coupled to the intake passage is opened to flow the stored cooled boost air to the intake manifold.3. The method of wherein the boost throttle is further opened to flow the cooled boost air into the intake manifold responsive to a period of time that the cooled boost air has been stored in the air intake passage exceeding a time threshold.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein decreasing the amount of the ambient air flowed into the intake manifold of the engine includes adjusting a position of an air throttle coupled in the duct to a more closed position.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , at higher engine load claim 1 , drawing further cooled boost air directly into the intake manifold of the engine via the air intake passage. The present application is a divisional of U.S. Non-Provisional patent application Ser. No. 16/803,357, entitled “PRESSURIZED AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM,” and filed on Feb. 27, 2020, which is a divisional of application Ser. No. 15/826,401, entitled “PRESSURIZED AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM,” and filed ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010397A1

A variable valve apparatus includes: a swing body mounted to rotate to open and close a valve; an inner body driven by a cam and mounted in the swing body so as to switch a relatively-rotatable state and a latched state with respect to the swing body; a latching pin slidably mounted in the swing body so as to switch the latched state and the relatively-rotatable state of the inner body with respect to the swing body; and a control mechanism pressing the latching pin to make the inner body be latched to the swing body. 1. A variable valve apparatus comprising:a swing body mounted to rotate to open and close a valve;an inner body driven by a cam and mounted in the swing body so as to switch between a relatively-rotatable state and a latched state with respect to the swing body;a latching pin slidably mounted in the swing body so as to switch between the latched state and the relatively-rotatable state of the inner body with respect to the swing body; anda control mechanism pressing the latching pin to make the inner body be latched to the swing body.2. The variable valve apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a lower portion of a first side of the swing body is spherically supported by a supporting member claim 1 , and a lower portion of a second side of the swing body is in contact with a stem end of the valve claim 1 , such that the swing body rotates with respect to the supporting member to open and close the valve.3. The variable valve apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the inner body is mounted rotatably with respect to the swing body around a rotation axis parallel to a rotation axis of the swing body claim 1 , andan inner roller is rotatably mounted while keeping a state of being in contact with the cam to receive movement of the cam.4. The variable valve apparatus of claim 3 , wherein an inner spring is mounted between the inner body and the swing body to elastically support the inner roller of the inner body toward the cam claim 3 , anda swing roller is mounted in the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010881A1

A turbocharger system for an engine of a vehicle includes a variable geometry turbine configured to receive exhaust gas from the engine. The variable geometry turbine includes adjustable vanes and a vane actuator to adjust the adjustable vanes between at least an open position and a closed position. The turbocharger further includes an intake duct configured to receive intake air; a first compressor rotationally coupled to the variable geometry turbine and fluidly coupled to the intake duct to compress at least a first portion of the intake air; an electric compressor fluidly coupled to the intake duct to selectively compress at least a second portion of the intake air; and a manifold conduit fluidly coupled to the first compressor and the electric compressor and configured to receive and direct the first and second portions of the intake air to a manifold of the engine. 1. A turbocharger system for an engine of a vehicle , comprising:a variable geometry turbine configured to receive exhaust gas from the engine, the variable geometry turbine including adjustable vanes and a vane actuator to adjust the adjustable vanes between at least an open position and a closed position;an intake duct configured to receive intake air;a first compressor rotationally coupled to the variable geometry turbine and fluidly coupled to the intake duct to compress at least a first portion of the intake air;an electric compressor fluidly coupled to the intake duct to selectively compress at least a second portion of the intake air; anda manifold conduit fluidly coupled to the first compressor and the electric compressor and configured to receive and direct the first and second portions of the intake air to a manifold of the engine.2. The turbocharger system of claim 1 , further comprising an electronic control unit configured to control operation of at least the vane actuator and the electric compressor.3. The turbocharger system of claim 2 , wherein the electronic control unit includes a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034272A1

Fuel management system for enhanced operation of a spark ignition gasoline engine. Injectors inject an anti-knock agent such as ethanol directly into a cylinder. It is preferred that the direct injection occur after the inlet valve is closed. It is also preferred that stoichiometric operation with a three way catalyst be used to minimize emissions. In addition, it is also preferred that the anti-knock agents have a heat of vaporization per unit of combustion energy that is at least three times that of gasoline. 1. A fuel management system for spark ignition engine where the fuel management system controls fueling from a first fueling system that directly injects fuel into at least one cylinder as a liquid and increases knock suppression by evaporative cooling and from a second fueling system that injects fuel into a region outside of the cylinder;and where there is a range of torque where both fueling systems are used at the same value of manifold pressure;and where a fraction of fuel in the cylinder that is introduced by the first fueling system increases with increasing manifold pressure so as to prevent knock by providing increased knock resistance;and where the fuel management system controls the change in the fraction of fuel introduced by the first fueling system using closed loop control that utilizes a sensor that detects knock and where open loop control is also used;and where the open loop control uses an engine map lookup table;and where open loop control is used during transients.2. The fuel management system of where the maximum knock suppression that is employed is provided by a combination of fueling from the first and second fueling systems.3. The fuel management system of or where use of the second fueling system in addition to the first fueling system is employed to obtain combustion stability.4. The fuel management system of where fuel from the first fueling system is introduced when the engine torque is above a selected value.5. The fuel ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Fuel management system for variable ethanol octane enhancement of gasoline engines

Номер: US20180016998A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fuel management system for efficient operation of a spark ignition gasoline engine. Injectors inject an anti-knock agent such as ethanol directly into a cylinder of the engine. A fuel management microprocessor system controls injection of the anti-knock agent so as to control knock and minimize that amount of the anti-knock agent that is used in a drive cycle. It is preferred that the anti-knock agent is ethanol. The use of ethanol can be further minimized by injection in a non-uniform manner within a cylinder. The ethanol injection suppresses knock so that higher compression ratio and/or engine downsizing from increased turbocharging or supercharging can be used to increase the efficiency or the engine.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Direct-injection, applied-ignition internal combustion engine with injection device arranged in the cylinder liner, and method for operating an internal combustion engine of said type

Номер: US20180017013A1

A method for operating a fuel injection system is provided. The method includes injecting fuel from a first direct fuel injection device arranged in a cylinder liner in a cylinder block into a combustion chamber and injecting fuel from a second direct fuel injection device arranged in a cylinder head into the combustion chamber, the first and second direct fuel injection devices arranged at an obtuse angle with regard to an intersection of central axes of the first and second direct fuel injection devices.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Fuel Injection Control

Номер: US20190017462A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

Various embodiments may include a method for setting injection timing for injection of a fuel into a combustion chamber of a cylinder of an internal combustion engine including: determining a torque; determining a speed; determining a cylinder wall temperature; selecting the injection timing based at least on the cylinder wall temperature, the torque, and the speed; and controlling an injection of fuel into the combustion chamber using the selected injection timing.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018227A1

A method for controlling a turbocharging system with a turbocharging stage for an internal combustion engine, wherein the turbocharging stage comprises a compressor and a turbine and the turbine is adjustable via a VTG control. The method includes: acquiring an operating state target variable; adjusting a maximum VTG control criterion to implement the torque increase by increasing a boost pressure, wherein adjusting the maximum VTG control criterion includes: determining a target boost pressure; determining a VTG target position as a function of the target boost pressure; determining an actual exhaust back pressure; determining a maximum exhaust back pressure; determining the VTG control criterion taking into account the difference between the actual exhaust back pressure and the maximum exhaust back pressure. The VTG control criterion limits the VTG target position such that an accelerated adaptation of an actual boost pressure to the target boost pressure) takes place. 1. A method for controlling a turbocharging system with a turbocharging stage for an internal combustion engine , the turbocharging stage comprising a compressor and a turbine adjustable via a VTG actuator , the method comprising:acquiring an operating state target variable; and determining a target boost pressure;', 'determining a VTG target position as a function of the target boost pressure;', 'determining an actual exhaust back pressure;', 'determining a maximum exhaust back pressure; and', 'determining the VTG control criterion taking into account a difference between the actual exhaust back pressure and the maximum exhaust back pressure,, 'adjusting a maximum VTG control criterion to implement the torque increase by increasing a boost pressure, wherein adjusting the maximum VTG control criterion compriseswherein the VTG control criterion limits the VTG target position such that an accelerated adaptation of an actual boost pressure to the target boost pressure takes place compared with an ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018243A1

A combined dedicated braking and EEVO lost motion valve actuation systems for internal combustion engines provide subsystems for braking events and EEVO events on one or more cylinders. Various control strategies may utilize braking and EEVO capabilities to module one or more engine parameters, including aftertreatment temperature and engine load. 1. In an internal combustion engine having at least one cylinder and at least one respective exhaust valve associated with the at least one cylinder , a system for controlling motion of the at least one exhaust valve , comprising:a main event motion source associated with each of the at least one cylinder for providing main event motion to the respective at least one exhaust valve;an early exhaust valve opening (EEVO) motion source associated with each of the at least one cylinder for providing EEVO motion to the associated at least one exhaust valve;a main event valve train associated with each of the at least one cylinder for conveying main event motion and EEVO motion to the associated at least one exhaust valve;an EEVO lost motion component in at least one of the main event valve trains and adapted to absorb EEVO motion from the EEVO motion source in a first operational mode and adapted to convey EEVO motion from the EEVO motion source in a second operational mode;a braking motion source, separate from the main event motion source, associated with each of the at least one cylinder for providing braking event motion to the associated at least one exhaust valve; anda braking event valve train, separate from the main event valve train, associated with each of the at least one cylinder for conveying braking motion from the braking motion source to the associated at least one exhaust valve.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the EEVO lost motion component comprises a valve bridge and a piston slidably disposed in the valve bridge.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the main event motion source and the EEVO motion source ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018253A1

A first intake air amount an engine is calculated based on a detected value of an intake air flow rate of an air flowmeter. A second intake air amount is calculated based on any one of a detected value of an intake pipe pressure and a throttle opening degree instead of the detected value of the intake air flow rate. When it is determined that the intake pulsation is not large, a difference amount of the second intake air amount from the first intake air amount is calculated. A corrected second intake air amount, which is a sum of the second intake air amount and the difference amount, is set as an intake air amount calculated value when it is determined that the intake pulsation is large. 1. An engine controller configured to execute:a first intake air amount calculation process for calculating a first intake air amount, which serves as a calculated value of an intake air amount of an engine, based on a detected value of an intake air flow rate of an air flowmeter;a second intake air amount calculation process for calculating a second intake air amount, which serves as a calculated value of an intake air amount of the engine, based on any one of a detected value of an intake pipe pressure and a throttle opening degree instead of the detected value of the intake air flow rate;a determination process for determining whether intake pulsation in an intake passage of the engine is large;a difference amount calculation process for, when determining in the determination process that the intake pulsation is not large, calculating a difference amount of the second intake air amount from the first intake air amount; setting the first intake air amount as an intake air amount calculated value of the engine when determining in the determination process that the intake pulsation is not large, and', 'setting a corrected second intake air amount, which is a sum of the second intake air amount and the difference amount, as the intake air amount calculated value when determining in ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022923A1

A control apparatus of a premixed charge compression ignition engine that includes an engine body having a cylinder and causes a mixture gas containing fuel and air to self-ignite inside the cylinder is provided. The apparatus includes a fuel injector for injecting the fuel into the cylinder, a water injector for injecting supercritical water or subcritical water into the cylinder, and a controller. The controller includes an operating range determining module for receiving a parameter and determining whether an operating range of the engine body is within a water injection range. Within the water injection range, the controller controls the fuel and water injectors to inject the supercritical water or subcritical water between a latter half of compression stroke and an early half of expansion stroke, and to start this injection at a timing that is after the fuel injection and before ignition of the mixture gas. 1. A control apparatus of a premixed charge compression ignition engine that includes an engine body having a cylinder and causes a mixture gas to self-ignite inside the cylinder , the mixture gas containing fuel and air , comprising:a fuel injector for injecting the fuel into the cylinder;a water injector for injecting one of supercritical water and subcritical water into the cylinder; anda controller for controlling various parts of the engine, the various parts including the fuel injector and the water injector,wherein the controller includes an operating range determining module for receiving at least a parameter that varies based on an accelerator opening, and determining whether a current operating range of the engine body is within a water injection range set as at least one of operating ranges of the engine body, andwherein when the current operating range of the engine body is determined to be within the water injection range by the operating range determining module, the controller outputs control signals to the fuel injector and the water injector ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022924A1

A control apparatus of a premixed charge compression ignition engine that includes an engine body having a cylinder and intake and exhaust passages, and causes a mixture gas to self-ignite inside the cylinder is provided. The apparatus includes a fuel injector for injecting fuel into the cylinder, a water injector for injecting supercritical water or subcritical water into the cylinder, an EGR passage for communicating the exhaust and intake passages and recirculating, as EGR gas, a portion of an exhaust gas discharged from the cylinder to the intake passage, an EGR valve for adjusting an EGR gas recirculation amount, and a controller. The controller includes an engine load determining module for receiving a parameter and determining whether an engine operating state is a first state where the engine load is below a switch load or a second state where the engine load is the switch load or above. 1. A control apparatus of a premixed charge compression ignition engine that includes an engine body having a cylinder , an intake passage , and an exhaust passage , and causes a mixture gas to self-ignite inside the cylinder , comprising:a fuel injector for injecting fuel into the cylinder;a water injector for injecting one of supercritical water and subcritical water into the cylinder in a period from a latter half of compression stroke and an early half of expansion stroke;an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) passage for communicating the exhaust passage with the intake passage and recirculating, as EGR gas, a portion of an exhaust gas discharged from the cylinder to the intake passage;an EGR valve for adjusting an amount of the EGR gas recirculating to the intake passage through the EGR passage; anda controller for controlling various parts of the engine, the various parts including the water injector and the EGR valve,wherein the controller includes an engine load determining module for receiving a parameter of a load of the engine that varies based on an accelerator ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

System and method for engine control

Номер: US20190023271A1
Автор: Henry Todd Young
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method includes reducing automatically a speed of an engine from a first speed value to a second speed value in response to both the first speed value being at or above a first speed threshold value and a rate of change of one or both of (i) engine power and (ii) the engine speed is substantially zero for a designated period.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024594A1
Автор: SHOST Mark A.

An engine system for a vehicle includes an engine comprising X cylinders (X≥4) and Y deactivation mechanisms (X/2 Подробнее

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Drive Control Arrangement for a Mobile Working Machine and Interface

Номер: US20200025124A1
Автор: Steffen Mutschler

A drive control arrangement, for driving of consumers of a mobile working machine with a Diesel engine, includes a Diesel engine controller, vehicle controller, and interface. The engine controller is configured to actuate the Diesel engine via a first control signal. The vehicle controller is configured to (i) control the consumers via at least one second control signal, (ii) transfer a power demand, via the interface, to the engine controller, and (iii) receive feedback, via the interface, with reference to an available power from the Diesel engine. The interface is configured such that the power demand includes a value for a mechanical power and at least one speed interval value. When the engine is delivering a power according to the value of the power demand and/or with reference to the feedback, the engine controller is further configured to control a speed of the engine in a speed interval with reference to the at least one speed interval value.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030279A1

Embodiments for operating an engine in a partial deactivation mode are provided. In one example, a method for an engine having a first cylinder group and a second cylinder group includes responsive to engine operation in a first engine speed-load region, deactivating one or more cylinders of the second cylinder group, and responsive to the deactivating, adjusting exhaust valve timing of one or more cylinders of the first cylinder group. The method further includes responsive to engine operation a second engine speed-load region, adjusting exhaust valve timing of the one or more cylinders of the first cylinder group, and responsive to the adjusting, deactivating the one or more cylinders of the second cylinder group. 1. A supercharged internal combustion engine , comprising:{'sub': 1,ex', '1,ex, 'at least three cylinders, each cylinder having at least one outlet opening which is adjoined by an exhaust line for discharging exhaust gases via an exhaust-gas discharge system, each cylinder further having at least one inlet opening which is adjoined by an intake line for supply of charge air via an intake system, the at least three cylinders arranged into at least two groups with in each case at least one cylinder, each cylinder of a first group of the at least two groups being a cylinder which is in operation even in the event of partial deactivation of the internal combustion engine, and each cylinder of a second group of the at least two groups being formed as a load-dependently switchable cylinder, at least one outlet opening of at least one cylinder of the first group equipped with an at least partially variable valve drive, with an oscillating outlet valve which opens up or shuts off an associated outlet opening and which is adjustable at least with regard to a control time for opening, the oscillating outlet valve realizing a valve lift Δhbetween an open position and a closed position and opening up the associated outlet opening during an opening duration Δt;'}an ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

System and method for controlling operation of an engine

Номер: US20160032859A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method involves comparing a determined operating parameter of an engine, with a predefined operating parameter. The method further involves controlling a fuel source and an ignition source of the engine so as to operate at least one engine cylinder in a skip fire mode for at least one cycle of a crank shaft when the determined operating parameter is greater than the predefined operating parameter. The controlling involves transitioning the fuel source from a normal mode to the skip fire mode for the at least one cycle of the crank shaft either before transitioning the ignition source from the normal mode to the skip fire mode or when the ignition source is operated in the normal mode.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032590A1
Автор: Conis Peter

Methods and systems are provided for determining whether an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve is degraded and being held open in a vehicle system. In one example, a method may include, in response to an engine pull-down request, closing a throttle coupled to an intake manifold of the engine, closing the EGR valve, propelling the vehicle via an electric motor, and checking operation of the EGR valve based on both intake manifold pressure and exhaust pressure. For example, if the intake manifold pressure does not decrease by a threshold amount relative to the exhaust pressure, EGR valve degradation may be indicated. 1. A method , comprising:propelling a vehicle by an engine having a throttle coupled to an intake manifold;recirculating a portion of engine exhaust to the intake manifold through an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve; andchecking operation of the EGR valve, based on both intake manifold pressure and exhaust pressure, after closing the throttle and the EGR valve when propelling the vehicle with an electric motor while the engine spins down to rest.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the checking operation of the EGR valve commences after the vehicle transitions from being propelled by the engine to being propelled by the electric motor and concludes when the engine is at rest.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising shutting off fuel supplied to the engine during the checking operation of the EGR valve.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the EGR valve is not coupled to a position sensor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the EGR valve is positioned by a stepper motor.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the checking operation of the EGR valve includes one or more of determining a difference between the intake manifold pressure and the exhaust pressure and determining a ratio of the intake manifold pressure to the exhaust pressure.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising:in response to one or more of the difference between the intake manifold ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032733A1
Автор: INABA Takumi

An engine air-fuel ratio control device is configured to be used in a vehicle including a power transmission device configured to transmit power between an output shaft of an engine and an input shaft of a transmission and to execute a lean-burn control that puts an air-fuel ratio of the engine into a lean state. An engine controller executes a fuel injection feedback control such that the air-fuel ratio becomes a lean target value after the power transmission device is released during a deceleration of the vehicle. An engine stall predictor predicts a stall of the engine on a basis of a deceleration indicator that is correlated with a deceleration degree of the vehicle in a state in which the power transmission device is released. A lean-burn control canceler cancels the lean-burn control in a case in which the engine is predicted to stall. 1. An engine air-fuel ratio control device configured to be used in a vehicle comprising a power transmission device configured to transmit power between an output shaft of an engine and an input shaft of a transmission , the engine air-fuel ratio control device being configured to execute a lean-burn control that puts an air-fuel ratio of the engine into a lean state , the engine air-fuel ratio control device comprising:an engine controller configured to execute a fuel injection feedback control such that the air-fuel ratio becomes a lean target value after the power transmission device is released during a deceleration of the vehicle;an engine stall predictor configured to predict a stall of the engine on a basis of a deceleration indicator that is correlated with a deceleration degree of the vehicle in a state in which the power transmission device is released; anda lean-burn control canceler configured to cancel the lean-burn control in a case in which the engine is predicted to stall.2. The engine air-fuel ratio control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe deceleration indicator is an amount of intake air of the engine, ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038255A1
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc.

An apparatus includes an engine module, an in-cylinder content module, and an engine out NOx module. The engine module is structured to interpret engine in-cylinder data regarding an operating condition within a cylinder of an engine, wherein the engine in-cylinder data includes an engine torque, an engine speed, a rail pressure, and a start-of-injection. The in-cylinder content module is structured to interpret at least one additional in-cylinder data point regarding the operating condition within the cylinder of the engine. The engine out NOx module is structured to determine an engine out NOx amount responsive to the engine in-cylinder data and the at least one additional in-cylinder data point. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an engine module structured to interpret engine in-cylinder data regarding an operating condition within a cylinder of an engine, wherein the engine in-cylinder data includes an engine torque and an engine speed;an in-cylinder content module structured to interpret at least one additional in-cylinder data point regarding the operating condition within the cylinder of the engine; andan engine out NOx module structured to determine an engine out NOx amount responsive to the engine in-cylinder data and the at least one additional in-cylinder data point.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one additional in-cylinder data point includes an in-cylinder oxygen fraction amount.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one additional in-cylinder data point includes one or more of an in-cylinder trapped air mass amount claim 1 , an in-cylinder exhaust gas recirculation amount claim 1 , an in-cylinder oxygen-to-fuel ratio value claim 1 , a temperature value indicative of a temperature in the cylinder at intake valve closing claim 1 , and a humidity value indicative of a humidity in the cylinder.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an aftertreatment module structured to control one or more components of an aftertreatment ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038299A1

To provide an internal combustion engine control device () in which a control unit () controls an operating condition of an internal combustion engine () based on a difference ΔTCC between a first temperature TCC corresponding to the temperature of a first portion in a wall defining a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine (), and a second temperature TE corresponding to the temperature of a second portion on an outer wall surface side than the first portion in the wall. 120-. (canceled)21. An internal combustion engine control device comprising a control unit that controls an operating condition of an internal combustion engine of a vehicle equipped with the internal combustion engine and a temperature sensor that detects temperature information of the internal combustion engine , by using a temperature of the internal combustion engine calculated based on the temperature information ,wherein the control unit controls the operating condition of the internal combustion engine based on a first temperature and a second temperature,wherein the first temperature is calculated based on temperature information detected by a first temperature sensor element attached to the internal combustion engine so as to be exposed to a combustion chamber, via a recess that is depressed from an inner wall surface of a wall defining the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine, and opens to the inner wall surface, with the first temperature sensor being accommodated in a case of the temperature sensor, as a structural element of the temperature sensor,and wherein the second temperature is calculated based on temperature information detected by a second temperature sensor element disposed on a side of an outer wall surface of the wall than the first sensor element in a hole axial direction of a through hole penetrating the wall into which the case is inserted toward the recess, with the second temperature sensor being accommodated in the case to be shared by the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038319A1

Methods and systems are provided for selecting a location for water injection during a water injection event based on engine operating conditions. In one example, a method may include selecting a location for water injection from each of an intake port of each cylinder, an intake manifold upstream of all engine cylinders, and directly into each cylinder based on engine operating conditions. Further, the method may include adjusting water injection at the selected location and engine operating parameters in response the evaporated and/or condensed portion of water. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:in response to a request for water injection, selecting, based on engine operating conditions, a location for water injection from each of: an intake port of each cylinder, an intake manifold upstream of all engine cylinders, and directly into each cylinder; andinjecting water at the selected location.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein injecting water at the selected location includes injecting water at the intake port of each cylinder in response to one or more of engine speed and load below a threshold level.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein injecting water at the intake port of each cylinder includes injecting a same amount of water at each intake port of each cylinder based on one or more of engine load claim 2 , engine speed claim 2 , a fuel injection amount claim 2 , indication of engine knock claim 2 , spark timing claim 2 , and ambient conditions.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein injecting water at the intake port of each cylinder includes injecting a different amount of water at each intake port of each cylinder claim 2 , where the different amount of water injected at each intake port of each cylinder is based on one or more of mass air flow to each cylinder claim 2 , a pressure at each cylinder claim 2 , a fuel injection amount injected into each cylinder claim 2 , a temperature of each cylinder claim 2 , and a knock level indicated by a knock sensor ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Gas engine heat pump

Номер: US20220056837A1

The present disclosure relates to a gas engine heat pump including: an engine which burns a mixed air of air and fuel; a first exhaust flow path which is connected to the engine so that exhaust gas discharged from the engine passes through and is discharged to the outside; a turbo charger including: a first compressor which compresses the mixed air and supplies to the engine, and a first turbine which is installed in the first exhaust flow path and receives the exhaust gas passing through the first exhaust flow path to drive the first compressor; a supercharger which is installed in the first exhaust flow path between the engine and the first turbine, and receives and compresses the exhaust gas passing through the first exhaust flow path to supply to the first turbine; a second exhaust flow path which is branched from the first exhaust flow path between the engine and the supercharger, and converges to the first exhaust flow path between the supercharger and the first turbine; a first valve which is installed to be opened and closed in the second exhaust flow path; a third exhaust flow path which is branched from the first exhaust flow path between the supercharger and the first turbine, and converges to the first exhaust flow path in downstream of the first turbine; a second valve which is installed to be opened and closed in the third exhaust flow path; and a controller which controls operations of the first valve, the second valve, and the supercharger according to load of the engine.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Protecting Clutch in Vehicle Driving Process

Номер: US20200040831A1
Автор: Ding Chao, HAN Lingtao

Related are a method and an apparatus for protecting a clutch in a vehicle driving process. The method comprises: acquiring a current oil temperature of a space where the clutch is located and judging whether the current oil temperature is within a set temperature interval or not; in a case where the current oil temperature is within the set temperature interval, detecting whether a current wheel speed difference between front shaft and rear shaft reaches to a set wheel speed difference threshold or not; and in a case where the current wheel speed difference between the front shaft and rear shaft reaches to the set wheel speed difference threshold, triggering a first protective mode that is preset to protect the clutch; and in a case where the current oil temperature is higher than the set temperature interval, triggering, a second protective mode that is preset to protect the clutch. 1. A method for protecting a clutch in a vehicle driving process , comprising:acquiring current oil temperature of a space where the clutch is located and judging whether the current oil temperature is within a set temperature interval or not;in a case where the current oil temperature is within the set temperature interval, detecting whether a current wheel speed difference between front shaft and rear shaft reaches to a set wheel speed difference threshold or not; and in a case where the current wheel speed difference between the front shaft and rear shaft reaches to the set wheel speed difference threshold, triggering a first protective mode that is preset to protect the clutch, wherein under the first protective mode, a maximum output torque of an engine is not greater than a current output torque; andin a case where the current oil temperature is, higher than the set temperature interval, triggering, a second protective mode that is preset to protect the clutch, wherein under the second protective mode, the maximum output torque of the engine is reduced to a torque threshold ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Controller and control method for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20210047972A1
Автор: Hideki Hagari
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

To provide a controller and a control method for an internal combustion engine capable of performing automatic adaptation of the optimal ignition timing or the optimal control value of the combustion operation mechanism during operating. A controller and a control method for an internal combustion engine changes setting values of a torque characteristics function so that an output torque calculated using the torque characteristics function approaches an output torque calculated based on an actual value of internal cylinder pressure; calculates a plurality of output torques corresponding to respective plurality of combustion control states using the torque characteristics function; and changes setting values of a combustion control target setting function so that a target value of combustion control state calculated using the combustion control target setting function approaches a maximum torque combustion control state where the output torque becomes the maximum.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047976A1

A controller for a vehicle includes at least one processor and at least one memory storing instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the controller to perform various operations. The operations include determining that the vehicle is in reverse and in response, initiating a cylinder deactivation mode for an engine of the vehicle. 1. A controller for a vehicle comprising at least one processor and at least one memory storing instructions that , when executed by the at least one processor , cause the controller to:determine that the vehicle is in reverse; andin response, initiate a cylinder deactivation (“CDA”) mode for an engine of the vehicle.2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the CDA mode corresponds to a predetermined number of cylinders being deactivated.3. The controller of claim 1 , wherein in response to an accelerator pedal being depressed by more than a threshold amount claim 1 , the controller is structured to exit the CDA mode.4. The controller of claim 1 , wherein in response to a requested torque amount being greater than an available torque or preset threshold amount claim 1 , the controller is structured to exit the CDA mode.5. The controller of claim 1 , wherein response to an exhaust gas temperature being below a predefined exhaust gas temperature threshold claim 1 , the controller is structured to maintain the CDA mode for the engine.6. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the instructions claim 1 , when executed by the at least one processor claim 1 , cause the controller to maintain the CDA mode based on periodically evaluating operation data associated with the vehicle while the vehicle is in reverse.7. The controller of claim 6 , wherein the operation data comprises look-ahead data claim 6 , the look-ahead data comprising at least one of route road curvature claim 6 , grade claim 6 , elevation claim 6 , and speed limit claim 6 , and wherein the instructions claim 6 , when executed by the at least one processor claim 6 , cause ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045000A1

A method is disclosed for operating an internal combustion engine equipped with an aftertreatment device. The internal combustion engine is equipped with a cylinder having an exhaust gas port intercepted by an exhaust valve, the exhaust valve being actuated by means of a Variable Valve Actuation (VVA) system, An aftertreatment device regeneration is detected, and the exhaust valve closure is anticipated using the Variable Valve Actuation (VVA) system during the aftertreatment device regeneration to provide an exhaust valve actuation profile having an anticipated exhaust valve closure with respect to a baseline exhaust valve actuation profile. 111-. (canceled)12. A method of operating an internal combustion engine having a cylinder with an exhaust gas port interrupted by an exhaust valve operable by a variable valve actuation system to close the exhaust gas port and an exhaust gas aftertreatment system in communication with the exhaust gas port , the method comprising:detecting a regeneration of the aftertreatment system; andanticipating a closure of the exhaust gas port by the exhaust valve, during the aftertreatment device regeneration, using the variable valve actuation system to provide an exhaust valve actuation profile having an anticipated exhaust valve closure with respect to a baseline exhaust valve actuation profile.13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the exhaust valve actuation profile provides an anticipated closure crank angle with respect to a baseline closure crank angle.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the difference between the anticipated closure crank angle and the baseline closure crank angle does not exceed 55°.15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the difference between the anticipated closure crank angle and the baseline closure crank angle does not exceed 40°.16. The method according to claim 12 , further comprising providing an exhaust valve actuation profile having an anticipated exhaust valve closure with ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048806A1

A method of transitioning between two intake valve lift states while providing constant engine torque output comprehends the steps of receiving a lift change request from an engine control device, determining the current phase angles of the camshafts, and determining whether the intake and exhaust camshafts are at transition positions. The transition positions are experimentally or empirically determined combinations of operating conditions that result in constant engine torque output before and after the intake valve lift transition. If they are, an appropriate, i.e., low to high or high to low cam lift state transition of the intake valves occurs. If they are not, the cam phasers move the intake and exhaust camshafts to transition positions. When the cam phasers have moved the intake and exhaust camshafts to the transition positions, i.e., positions of constant engine torque output, the intake valve lift transitions from high to low or low to high. 1. A method of transitioning between two intake valve lift states in an internal combustion engine , comprising the steps of:providing an instruction to shift an intake valve lift state from a first state to a second state,determining current angular positions of an intake cam and an exhaust cam,determining if an intake cam and an exhaust cam are in angular positions wherein the instructed shift will result in constant engine torque output before and after the commanded shift,adjusting a phase of the intake cam and the exhaust cam to provide constant torque before and after the instructed shift.commanding an intake cam transition from a first lift state to a second lift state.2. The method of transitioning between two intake valve lift states of wherein the instruction to shift the intake valve lift state is generated in an engine control module.3. The method of transitioning between two intake valve lift states of further including the step of retarding engine spark when commanding the intake cam transition.4. The ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048811A1

Fuel management system for efficient operation of a spark ignition gasoline engine. Injectors inject an anti-knock agent such as ethanol directly into a cylinder of the engine. A fuel management microprocessor system controls injection of the anti-knock agent so as to control knock and minimize that amount of the anti-knock agent that is used in a drive cycle. It is preferred that the anti-knock agent is ethanol. The use of ethanol can be further minimized by injection in a non-uniform manner within a cylinder. The ethanol injection suppresses knock so that higher compression ratio and/or engine downsizing from increased turbocharging or supercharging can be used to increase the efficiency or the engine. 133-. (canceled)34. A fuel management system for a turbocharged spark ignition engine , comprising:a first fueling system that uses direct injection; anda second fueling system that uses port fuel injection,wherein an air/fuel mixture of the fuel management system is stoichiometric,wherein the fuel management system is configured to provide fueling in a first torque range, the first torque range being a first range of torque values at which both the first fueling system and the second fueling system are operable throughout the first range of torque values,wherein the fuel management system is further configured such that a fraction of fueling provided by the first fueling system is higher at a highest value of torque in the first torque range than in a lowest value of torque in the first torque range,wherein the fuel management system is further configured to provide fueling in a second torque range, the second torque range being a second range of torque values at which the second fueling system is operable throughout the second range of torque values and the first fueling system is not operable throughout the second range of torque values, andwherein the fuel management system is further configured such that when the system provides fueling at a torque value that ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054804A1

Various methods and systems are provided for diagnosing a condition of a fuel injector of an engine. In one example, a method for an engine includes injecting a first pulse of fuel as a first pilot injection into a first subset of cylinders of a plurality of engine cylinders, where the first pilot injection precedes a primary injection of fuel into the first subset of cylinders by a duration; correlating a first response in an engine operating parameter to the first pilot injection; and adjusting the primary injection of fuel into the first subset of cylinders based on the first response. In one example, the first pilot injection precedes the primary injection by a predefined short duration and the primary injection of fuel is adjusted within a predefined or preset upper limit and lower limit. 116-. (canceled)17. A system for an engine , comprising:a plurality of engine cylinders including at least a first cylinder and a second cylinder;a first fuel injector coupled to the first cylinder;a second fuel injector coupled to the second cylinder; and during a first engine cycle, control injection of a primary pulse of fuel into the first cylinder via the first fuel injector and the second cylinder via the second fuel injector and injection of a pilot pulse of fuel, before the primary pulse, into only the first cylinder via the first fuel injector;', 'correlate a first response in an engine operating parameter to injection of the pilot pulse of fuel into the first cylinder; and', 'during a second engine cycle, following the first engine cycle, adjust the primary pulse of fuel into the first cylinder based on the first response to the pilot pulse of fuel., 'a controller operatively coupled to the first and second fuel injectors and configured to18. The system of claim 17 , wherein the controller is further configured to:during a third engine cycle, control injection of the primary pulse of fuel into the first cylinder via the first fuel injector and the second cylinder via ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Exhaust Flap for an Exhaust System of a Motor Vehicle, Controller for Such an Exhaust Flap, and Method for Operating Such an Exhaust Flap

Номер: US20200049040A1

An exhaust flap for an exhaust system of a motor vehicle, which has an internal combustion engine and an electronic processing device for a closed-loop control of the internal combustion engine, has a valve element, an actuator for moving the valve element, and a dedicated electronic processing device. The dedicated electronic processing device is configured to receive a first signal which is provided by the electronic processing device of the motor vehicle and which characterizes a first position of the valve element, generate a second signal which characterizes a second position of the valve element as a function of the received first signal, and transmit the second signal to the actuator. The actuator moves the valve element into the second position based on the received second signal. 1. An exhaust flap for an exhaust system of a motor vehicle which has an internal combustion engine and an electronic processing device for a closed-loop control of the internal combustion engine , comprising:a valve element;an actuator, wherein the valve element is movable by the actuator; and receive a first signal which is provided by the electronic processing device of the motor vehicle and which characterizes a first position of the valve element;', 'generate a second signal which characterizes a second position of the valve element, wherein the second position differs from the first position, as a function of the received first signal; and', 'transmit the second signal to the actuator;, 'a dedicated electronic processing device which is configured towherein the actuator is configured to receive the transmitted second signal from the dedicated electronic processing device and move the valve element into the second position based on the received second signal.2. The exhaust flap according to claim 1 , wherein the valve element is movable in an adjustment range which comprises the second position and a plurality of further positions claim 1 , wherein the exhaust flap is ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051622A1
Автор: HE Yongsheng, LIU Jim

An internal combustion engine is described, and includes a method for operating that includes determining an observed carbon monoxide (CO) ratio in an exhaust gas feedstream, determining an observed in-cylinder scavenging based upon the observed CO ratio in the exhaust gas feedstream, and controlling, by a controller, control states for the variable cam phasing system to control opening times of engine intake valves in relation to closing times of engine exhaust valves based upon the observed in-cylinder scavenging. 1. A method for operating an internal combustion engine including a variable cam phasing system , the method comprising:determining an observed carbon monoxide (CO) ratio in an exhaust gas feedstream;determining an observed in-cylinder scavenging ratio based upon the magnitude of CO in the exhaust gas feedstream; andcontrolling, by a controller, control states for the variable cam phasing system to control opening times of engine intake valves in relation to closing times of engine exhaust valves based upon the observed in-cylinder scavenging ratio.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the magnitude of CO in the exhaust gas feedstream comprises determining an amount of CO in the exhaust gas feedstream as a percent of the exhaust gas feedstream.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining a magnitude of CO in an exhaust gas feedstream comprises determining a magnitude of CO in an exhaust gas feedstream employing one of an exhaust gas sensor and a virtual sensor.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining an observed in-cylinder scavenging ratio based upon the observed CO in the exhaust gas feedstream comprises:determining an in-cylinder lambda based upon the magnitude of CO in the exhaust gas feedstream;determining an in-cylinder trapped air mass and a scavenging air mass based upon the in-cylinder lambda; anddetermining the observed scavenging ratio based upon the scavenging air mass.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein determining the in- ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Damage protection for multi-function axle

Номер: US20180051637A1
Принадлежит: Dana Heavy Vehicle Systems Group LLC

A method of protecting a multi-function drive axle system from damage, comprising the steps of: determining the axle torque and speed from sensors positioned on the multi-function drive axle system; using the axle torque and speed to approximate damage values for the driveline of the multi-function drive axle system; comparing the approximated values of driveline damage with driveline damage durability targets; identifying if the approximated values of driveline damage exceed the driveline damage durability targets; and limiting the engine torque and/or speed to produce an axle torque and speed corresponding to driveline damage values that do not exceed the driveline damage durability targets.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Method for operating a drive device of a motor vehicle and corresponding drive device

Номер: US20180051641A1
Автор: Werner Wilding
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for operating a drive device of a motor vehicle is disclosed. The drive device has a compressor, which can be driven by an electric motor for supplying combustion fresh gas to an internal combustion engine of the motor vehicle. At a power increase of the internal combustion engine, the compressor is driven with the electric motor so that a torque curve selected from a plurality of different torque curves is established at the internal combustion engine over its rotational speed.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051642A1

An engine system may include an engine including first and second cylinder banks; a throttle valve; a first exhaust manifold gathering exhaust gas exhausted from the first cylinder bank to be supplied to the first exhaust line; a second exhaust manifold gathering exhaust gas exhausted from the second cylinder bank to be supplied to the second exhaust line; a turbocharger including a turbine rotated by the exhaust gas exhausted through the first exhaust manifold and a compressor rotated in connection with the turbine; a cylinder deactivation (CDA) device selectively deactivating the cylinders of the first cylinder bank; and a supercharger including a motor and an electric compressor operated by the motor. 1. An engine system comprising:an engine including a first cylinder bank and a second cylinder bank, each including a plurality of cylinders generating a driving torque by combustion of a fuel;a throttle valve provided at an intake manifold distributing an intake gas to the cylinders of the first cylinder bank and the second cylinder bank to control an intake amount of the intake gas;a first exhaust manifold gathering exhaust gas exhausted from the cylinders of the first cylinder bank to be supplied to a first exhaust line;a second exhaust manifold gathering the exhaust gas exhausted from the cylinders of the second cylinder bank to be supplied to a second exhaust line;a turbocharger including a turbine rotated by the exhaust gas exhausted through the first exhaust manifold and a compressor rotated in connection with the turbine to compress external air;a cylinder deactivation (CDA) device selectively deactivating the cylinders of the first cylinder bank; anda supercharger including a motor to supply supercharged air to the cylinders and an electric compressor operated by the motor,wherein the exhaust gas exhausted through the second exhaust manifold is exhausted without passing through the turbine.2. The engine system of claim 1 , whereina bypass line bypassing a ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055893A1
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

Techniques are disclosed herein that provide for controlling torque in a vehicle. In some embodiments, desired torque values are generated and are compared to an amount of torque currently being generated by an engine. If a different amount of torque is desired, an engine speed target is altered in a linear fashion, and then converted back to a torque request to be provided to an engine ECU for implementation. Techniques disclosed herein may cause changes in torque demand to be limited in such a way to cause predictable and smooth changes in engine speed, even when engine speed and torque do not have a linear relationship to each other. 1. A vehicle , comprising:an engine;an engine electronic control unit (ECU) configured to control torque output by the engine in response to received torque request values; determine a desired torque value;', 'use the desired torque value, a current engine speed target value, and a current torque value to determine a subsequent engine speed target value, wherein the current torque value represents an amount of torque being generated by the engine;', 'convert the subsequent engine speed target value to a torque request value; and', 'provide the torque request value to the engine ECU., 'and at least one electronic control unit (ECU) configured to2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein determining the subsequent engine speed target value comprises:generating the subsequent engine speed target value by adding an increase amount to the current engine speed target value in response to determining that the desired torque value is greater than the current torque value by at least an increase hysteresis threshold amount;generating the subsequent engine speed target value by subtracting a decrease amount from the current engine speed target value in response to determining that the desired torque value is less than the current torque value by at least a decrease hysteresis threshold amount; andusing the current engine speed value as the subsequent ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Method and systems for adjusting flow resistance in a thermal management system during an engine start

Номер: US20180058354A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Various methods and systems are provided for a thermal management system of an engine. A method for an engine may comprise adjusting an engine speed during an engine start event that includes an engine cranking activity from a first engine speed to a second engine speed, where the adjusting is based on a sensed oil temperature; adjusting a first resistance of a radiator primary return line of a thermal management system to a first resistance level; and adjusting the engine speed a duration after a start of the engine cranking from the second engine speed to a third engine speed, the third engine speed based at least in part on an engine torque demand, and selectively adjusting the first resistance between each of the first resistance level and a second resistance level based on the third engine speed, the second resistance level being lower than the first resistance level.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058356A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co., Ltd.

In cases where a control device determines that a load is continuously less than a predetermined value for a predetermined period, the control device executes a first control to maintain the engine speed at a first rotation speed or higher, and when the control device determines that the load reached the predetermined value within the predetermined time, the control device executes a second control to maintain the engine speed at a second rotation speed or higher, which is higher than the first rotation speed. This provides a control device for an engine and an engine, which can restrain activation of an oil pressure switch attributed to an oil temperature. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A control device for an engine , the control device comprising:a load specifying unit configured to output a signal indicative of an engine load of an engine; and when the engine load is at or below a predetermined value and has been at or below the predetermined value for at least a predetermined period of time, set an allowable minimum rotation speed of the engine to a first rotation speed; and', 'when the engine load is not at or below the predetermined value or has not been at or below the predetermined value for at least the predetermined period of time, set the allowable minimum rotation speed of the engine to a second rotation speed that is greater than the first rotation speed, the second rotation speed being greater than an engine speed that leads to detection of a low-oil pressure state., 'a control unit configured to receive the signal from the load specifying unit and4. The control device according to claim 3 , comprising the engine. The present invention relates to a control device for an engine and relates to an engine.Traditionally, there has been known a structure in which monitoring of an oil pressure by an oil pressure switch is suspended for a predetermined time, at a time of rapid deceleration or rapid acceleration (e.g., Patent Literature 1; hereinafter, PTL 1 ). ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058358A1
Автор: GUO Yichao

Systems and methods for operating an engine operated by a controller that has a capacity to determine whether or not misfire occurs in the engine are presented. In one example, an operating region of the engine is broken into a plurality of zones and a misfire threshold level is dynamically provided for each of the plurality of zones based on slowly updated zone-level statistical parameters and quickly updated buffer-level parameters. The real-time dynamic misfire thresholds provide a basis for determining misfire within the engine. 1. An engine control method , comprising:dividing an engine operating region into a plurality of zones, each zone within the plurality of zones defined by an engine speed range and an engine load or engine torque range;storing misfire threshold values in memory representing each of the plurality of zones; andadjusting an actuator via a controller responsive to an indication of misfire based on the misfire threshold level.2. The method of claim 1 , where the misfire threshold values are dynamically determined based on misfire index values that are calculated from crankshaft speed or acceleration claim 1 , and further comprising determining a real-time misfire threshold for each of the plurality of zones by calculating two sets of statistical parameters:zone-level statistical parameters that are updated for each engine firing event, and buffer-level statistical parameters that are real-time calculated from a circular buffer of immediate past misfire index values to quickly adapt to engine operation conditions based on real-time misfire index values, and dynamically outputting the misfire threshold to the memory by combining zone-level and buffer-level statistical parameters and mixing the two sets of statistical parameters.3. The method of claim 2 , where the zone-level statistical parameters include but are not limited to mean value claim 2 , standard deviation claim 2 , maximum value claim 2 , and minimum value claim 2 , an initial value ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058367A1

Various methods and systems are provided for diagnosing a condition of a fuel injector of an engine. In one example, a method for an engine includes injecting a first pulse of fuel as a first pilot injection into a first subset of cylinders of a plurality of engine cylinders, where the first pilot injection precedes a primary injection of fuel into the first subset of cylinders by a duration; correlating a first response in an engine operating parameter to the first pilot injection; and adjusting the primary injection of fuel into the first subset of cylinders based on the first response. In one example, the first pilot injection precedes the primary injection by a predefined short duration and the primary injection of fuel is adjusted within a predefined or preset upper limit and lower limit. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:injecting a first pulse of fuel as a first pilot injection into a first subset of cylinders of a plurality of engine cylinders, where the first pilot injection precedes a primary injection of fuel into the first subset of cylinders by a duration;correlating a first response in an engine operating parameter to the first pilot injection; andadjusting the primary injection of fuel into the first subset of cylinders based on the first response.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first subset of cylinders includes a single cylinder claim 1 , wherein injecting the first pulse of fuel includes injecting the first pulse of fuel as the first pilot injection into only the single cylinder via a first fuel injector claim 1 , and further comprising diagnosing a condition of the first fuel injector based on a change in the first response over a number of first pilot injections.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising estimating an effective pulse width of the first fuel injector based on the first response for the number of first pilot injections and diagnosing the condition of the first fuel injector based on a change in the estimated ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Control apparatus of engine

Номер: US20170058816A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A control apparatus that is applied to a gasoline engine including cylinders is provided, which includes a controller for controlling the engine to perform a compression self-ignition operation within a first operating range, and perform a forced-ignition operation within a second operating range. Within a third operating range where an engine load is above the first range and below the second range, the controller executes a combined operation control in which a first cylinder performs the compression self-ignition operation and a second cylinder performs the forced-ignition operation, and the controller causes a change rate of a torque from the first cylinder to be lower than that of a torque from the second cylinder, the rates being taken in relation to a change of a requested load of the engine, the first cylinder being one or some of the cylinders, the second cylinder being the rest of the cylinders.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058820A1
Автор: SUGIMOTO Hitoki

In an in-cylinder injection mode, a misfire count M is incremented by value 1 when a time variation ΔT] with regard to a cylinder [i] is not less than a reference value ΔTref in each ignition cycle. When a number of operations N becomes equal to or greater than a reference value Nref, the misfire count M is compared with a reference value Mref. When the misfire count M is equal to or greater than the reference value Mref, it is determined that an in-cylinder injector has a failure. When the misfire count M is less than the reference value Mref, on the other hand, a likelihood that the in-cylinder injection mode is likely to be continued is increased at a large value (L/N), compared with the likelihood at a small value (L/N). 1. An engine apparatus , comprising:a multi-cylinder engine that includes an in-cylinder injection valve provided to inject a fuel in a cylinder, and a port injection valve provided to inject the fuel into an intake port; anda controller that is configured to control the engine, whereinin an in-cylinder injection mode where the fuel is injected from only the in-cylinder injection valve or in a port injection mode where the fuel is injected from only the port injection valve, the controller performs a failure diagnosis process for the in-cylinder injection valve or the port injection valve, wherein the failure diagnosis process increases a misfire count of the engine when a variation in rotation of the engine is equal to or greater than a predetermined variation in every predetermined cycle, and determines that the in-cylinder injection valve or the port injection valve has a failure when the misfire count is equal to or greater than a predetermined number of times after elapse of a predetermined time period that is longer than the predetermined cycle, andthe controller increases a likelihood that the in-cylinder injection mode or the port injection mode is likely to be continued when the engine has a long light load operation time in the failure ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Optimized fuel management system for direct injection ethanol enhancement of gasoline engines

Номер: US20200056557A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fuel management system for enhanced operation of a spark ignition gasoline engine. Injectors inject an anti-knock agent such as ethanol directly into a cylinder. It is preferred that the direct injection occur after the inlet valve is closed. It is also preferred that stoichiometric operation with a three way catalyst be used to minimize emissions. In addition, it is also preferred that the anti-knock agents have a heat of vaporization per unit of combustion energy that is at least three times that of gasoline.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063337A1

A control device for a compression-ignition engine is provided, which includes an engine having a plurality of cylinders, spark plug, a fuel injector, and a control unit connected to the spark plug and the fuel injector. The control unit causes the engine to perform an all-cylinder operation when the engine operates at a load above a given load, and perform a reduced-cylinder operation at a load below the given load. In the reduced-cylinder operation, the fuel injector injects fuel to one or some of the cylinders to generate mixture gas, the spark plug ignites the mixture gas, and the engine starts, at an air-fuel ratio larger than a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio and a large compression ratio, SI combustion in which the mixture gas is ignited to combust by flame propagation, and then perform CI combustion in which unburned mixture gas ignites by self-ignition. 1. A control system for a compression-ignition engine , comprising:an engine having a plurality of cylinders formed with a combustion chamber, respectively;a spark plug disposed in each of the combustion chambers;a fuel injector disposed to be oriented into each combustion chamber; anda control unit including a processor connected to the spark plug and the fuel injector, and configured to output a control signal to the spark plug and the fuel injector, respectively, whereinwhen the engine operates at a load above a given load, the control unit causes the engine to perform an all-cylinder operation by supplying fuel to all the plurality of cylinders, and when the engine operates at a load below the given load, the control unit causes the engine to perform a reduced-cylinder operation by supplying the fuel to one or some of the plurality of cylinders, andin the reduced-cylinder operation, the control unit controls the fuel injector to inject the fuel to the one or some of the plurality of cylinders to generate a mixture gas, controls the spark plug to ignite the mixture gas, and causes the engine to start, at an ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063353A1

Methods and systems are provided for controlling a fuel injector included in a fuel injection system of an engine of a vehicle. A method includes receiving vehicle sensor data that is indicative of air measurement data and engine sensor measurement data. A combustion model is used to estimate, through an iterative approach, a total fuel amount for satisfying a torque request and to estimate start of injection degree based upon the received vehicle sensor data. The estimated total fuel amount and the start of injection degree are outputted for controlling the fuel injector. 1. A method of controlling a fuel injector included in a fuel injection system of an engine of a vehicle , the method comprising:receiving vehicle sensor data that is indicative of air measurement data and engine sensor measurement data;using a combustion model to estimate, through an iterative approach, a total fuel amount for satisfying a torque request and to estimate start of injection degree based upon the received vehicle sensor data;wherein an iteration in the iterative approach includes determining an injected fuel amount;wherein the iterative approach includes using the combustion model with the injected fuel amount that was determined in a previous iteration; andoutputting the estimated total fuel amount and the start of injection degree for controlling the fuel injector.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein iterations involving the combustion model in the iterative approach cease upon satisfying a brake mean effective pressure error threshold.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the estimated total fuel amount is a main fuel quantity amount needed to reach a driver brake mean effective pressure torque request.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the iterative approach is used with the combustion model in order to reach a target associated with the torque request and to satisfy a MFB50-based target.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the driver brake mean effective pressure torque request ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067405A1
Автор: Nakano Hitoshi
Принадлежит: HINO MOTORS, LTD.

An estimation unit calculates an estimated value of oxygen concentration in an exhaust passage on the basis of a target injection amount of a fuel injection valve and an air intake amount of an engine. A first determination unit determines the relationship of a detected value to the estimated value of the oxygen concentration, in both a fuel-injecting state and a non-fuel-injecting state. For each of a plurality of cylinders, a second determination unit acquires crankshaft angular acceleration during the expansion strokes of the cylinders in the fuel-injecting state, and determines the relationship of each angular acceleration to the average value of all of the angular accelerations. An abnormality determination unit determines whether or not there is an abnormality in an engine system on the basis of the determination results of the first and second determination units. 1. A device for determining presence or absence of abnormality in an engine system , wherein the engine system includes an engine that has a plurality of cylinders and drives a crankshaft , a fuel injection valve that is arranged in each of the cylinders and injects fuel into the cylinder , and a sensor that outputs a detected value of residual oxygen concentration , which is an oxygen concentration in an exhaust passage , and the abnormality includes at least one of abnormality in the sensor , abnormality in the fuel injection valves , and misfires in the engine ,the device comprising:an estimation section for calculating an estimated value of the residual oxygen concentration based on a target injection amount for the fuel injection valves and an intake air amount of the engine;a first determination section for determining a relationship between the detected value and the estimated value separately in a non-fuel-injecting state and in a fuel-injecting state, wherein the relationship includes whether the detected value is higher than the estimated value, whether the detected value is lower than the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071595A1
Автор: BARRA Bernd, REIKER Jan
Принадлежит: Audi AG

An internal combustion engine with a plurality of cylinders is a drive device in which the drive torque available can be reduced. The ignition timing which is set at the internal combustion engine is adjusted in the retarded direction starting from an initial ignition timing until the ignition timing corresponds to a threshold ignition timing. To reduce the drive torque further, at least one cylinder, among the plurality of cylinders, is deactivated by suspending fuel injection into the cylinder, and the remaining cylinder(s) continue to be operated with fuel injection using the ignition timing. The remaining cylinders of the internal combustion engine which continue to be operated are supplied with a quantity of fuel which is larger in comparison with an initial quantity of fuel present before the cylinder deactivation, to set a substoichiometric fuel/oxygen ratio. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for operating a drive device , including an internal combustion engine with a plurality of cylinders , to reduce a drive torque produced by the internal combustion engine , comprising:adjusting ignition timing set at the internal combustion engine in a retarded direction starting from an initial ignition time until the ignition timing corresponds to a threshold ignition timing;deactivating at least one cylinder, among the plurality of cylinders, by suspending fuel injection into the cylinder;continuing to operate each remaining cylinder, not deactivated, using the ignition timing and supplying each remaining cylinder of the internal combustion engine with a subsequent quantity of fuel larger than an initial quantity of fuel supplied before cylinder deactivation, thereby setting a substoichiometric fuel/oxygen ratio.12. The method according to claim 11 , further comprising supplying each remaining cylinder with a quantity of oxygen equal to an initial quantity of oxygen supplied before the cylinder deactivation.13. The method according to claim 12 , further comprising claim 12 ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072137A1

An engine controller to control a plurality of engines is disclosed. The engine controller may identify a plurality of engines configured to provide power to a load, wherein the plurality of engines have a first set of priorities associated with providing the power to the load; receive a plurality of parameters from a plurality of monitoring devices monitoring the plurality of engines; calculate a plurality of metrics corresponding to the plurality of engines based on the plurality of parameters; determine, based on the plurality of metrics, that a switching condition is satisfied to switch from the first set of priorities to a second set of priorities for the plurality of engines; determine the second set of priorities for the plurality of engines based on the plurality of metrics; and cause the plurality of engines to provide respective amounts of power to the load based on the second set of priorities. 1. A method , comprising: 'wherein the plurality of engines have a first set of priorities associated with providing the power to the load;', 'identifying, by a device, a plurality of engines configured to provide power to a load,'}receiving, by the device, a plurality of parameters from a plurality of monitoring devices monitoring the plurality of engines;calculating, by the device, a plurality of metrics corresponding to the plurality of engines based on the plurality of parameters;determining, by the device and based on the plurality of metrics, that a switching condition is satisfied to switch from the first set of priorities to a second set of priorities for the plurality of engines;determining, by the device, the second set of priorities for the plurality of engines based on the plurality of metrics; andcausing, by the device, the plurality of engines to provide respective amounts of power to the load based on the second set of priorities.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the second set of priorities for the plurality of engines comprises: ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Spark ignition engine control with exhaust manifold pressure sensor

Номер: US20210079858A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

Control of a spark ignited internal combustion in response to an exhaust manifold pressure measurement of an engine is disclosed. An engine out NOx amount for at least one cylinder is determined at least in part in response to the exhaust manifold pressure measurement and a brake mean effective pressure of the at least one cylinder. An operating condition of the engine is adjusted in response to the engine out NOx amount.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078505A1

A control device according to the present invention determines whether a demand load demanded of an engine exceeds a load threshold. The control device starts an electric motor if the demand load exceeds the load threshold. If the demand load is equal to or less than the load threshold, the control device performs control such that the degree of opening of an on-off valve increases monotonically with respect to the demand load. The control device switches the on-off valve from an open state to a closed state when the electric motor starts. 1. A control device for an engine system includingan engine,a first compressor which is provided in an intake flow path through which intake air supplied to the engine flows and is driven to compress the intake air,an electric motor which drives the first compressor,a second compressor which is provided in the intake flow path independently of the first compressor and compresses the intake air,a turbine which is provided in an exhaust flow path through which exhaust air from the engine flows and is rotated by the exhaust air so as to drive the second compressor,a bypass flow path which is connected to the intake flow path and bypasses the first compressor, andan on-off valve which opens or closes the bypass flow path,the control device comprising:a load determination unit which determines whether or not a load required by the engine exceeds a load threshold value;an electric motor control unit which starts the electric motor in a case where the required load exceeds the load threshold value; anda valve control unit which performs a control such that an opening degree of the on-off valve monotonically increases with respect to the required load in a case where the required load is equal to or less than the load threshold value and switches the on-off valve from an open state to a closed state in a case where the electric motor starts.2. The control device for an engine system according to claim 1 ,wherein the valve control unit ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Combustion-stabilizing device and combustion-stabilizing method for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20190078520A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A change amount per unit time of an engine output command for controlling engine output of an internal combustion engine is calculated as an engine output increasing rate, and a power supply device is controlled so that power corresponding to the calculated engine output increasing rate is supplied to a combustion promoter generation device. The combustion promoter generation device generates a combustion promoter through the power supplied from the power supply device to supply the combustion promoter to a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine, and a generation amount of the combustion promoter increases as the supplied power increases. In this manner, the generation amount of the combustion promoter is adjusted.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080398A1
Автор: Leone Thomas G.

Systems and methods for determining when one or more cylinders of an engine may be deactivated are presented. In one example, different cylinder deactivation strategies are used to determine which engine cylinders are deactivated during an engine cycle in response to an actual total number of valve actuator state changes being greater than a first threshold. 1. An engine control method , comprising:deactivating engine cylinders via a controller according to a first cylinder deactivation strategy in response to an actual total number of valve actuator state changes being less than a first threshold; anddeactivating the engine cylinders via the controller according to a second cylinder deactivation strategy in response to an actual total number of valve actuator state changes being greater than a second threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , where the first cylinder deactivation strategy deactivates a first engine cylinder and activates a second engine cylinder during a first engine cycle while the engine operates at a substantially constant engine speed claim 1 , a substantially constant load claim 1 , and a substantially constant temperature claim 1 , and where the first cylinder deactivation strategy activates the first cylinder and deactivates a second engine cylinder during a second engine cycle while the engine operates at the substantially constant engine speed claim 1 , a substantially constant load claim 1 , and a substantially constant temperature.3. The method of claim 2 , where the second cylinder deactivation strategy deactivates a first group of engine cylinders during a first engine cycle while the engine operates at a substantially constant engine speed claim 2 , a substantially constant load claim 2 , and a substantially constant temperature claim 2 , and where the second cylinder deactivation strategy deactivates the first group of engine cylinders during a second engine cycle while the engine operates at the substantially constant engine speed claim 2 ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080403A1

A system for correcting engine torque includes: a torque correction value generator generating a torque correction value for correcting output torque of an engine; a torque correction determination unit determining applicability of the generated torque correction value; and a torque applying unit determining a final engine output torque by applying the generated torque correction value to the output torque of the engine based on the determined applicability of the generated torque correction value. 1. A system for correcting engine torque comprising:a torque correction value generator generating a torque correction value for correcting output torque of an engine;a torque correction determination unit determining applicability of the generated torque correction value; anda torque applying unit determining a final engine output torque by applying the generated torque correction value to the output torque of the engine based on the determined applicability of the generated torque correction value.2. The system for correcting engine torque according to claim 1 , wherein the torque correction value generator comprises:an intake density determination unit determining a factor related to intake density of the engine based on atmospheric pressure and intake temperature; anda torque correction map storing a torque correction value based on the factor related to a previous intake density of the engine and a previous state of charge of a main battery, receiving a factor related to a current intake density and a current state of charge of the main battery, and outputting the torque correction value.3. The system for correcting engine torque according to claim 2 , wherein the factor related to intake density includes an atmospheric pressure-intake temperature correction factor (AmpTia factor) which is used as an environmental factor in an engine management system (EMS).4. The system for correcting engine torque according to claim 1 , wherein the torque correction determination ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

System and method for motor-assisted non-uniform displacement engine control

Номер: US20170080920A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A motor-assisted non-uniform displacement engine control system includes a non-uniform displacement engine comprising a plurality of cylinders, the cylinders comprising at least two kinds of cylinders having different displacements, a motor connected to a driving shaft of the engine, an energy storage device for supplying electrical energy to the motor, and a motor control unit for controlling the motor, wherein the motor control unit controls the motor to compensate for a difference in torque due to different displacements of the cylinders such that a sum of engine torque and motor torque during an explosion stroke of each cylinder is uniform.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082040A1

When a load on an engine device is lower than a first predetermined load falling within a low load range, feedback control is performed on a main throttle valve. When the load is higher than the first predetermined load, map control based on a data table is performed on the main throttle valve. When the load is higher than a second predetermined load higher than the first predetermined load, an opening degree of the main throttle valve is brought to a fully-open opening degree, and each of an exhaust bypass valve and an air supply bypass valve is controlled to allow pressure inside an intake manifold to be adjusted to a target value appropriate to the load. 1. An engine device comprising:at least one cylinder;an intake manifold configured to supply air into the at least one cylinder;an exhaust manifold configured to discharge exhaust gas from the at least one cylinder;at least one main fuel injection valve configured to inject liquid fuel into the at least one cylinder to cause combustion of the liquid fuel;at least one gas injector configured to mix gas fuel with the air supplied by the intake manifold;a supercharger comprising a compressor and configured to compress air through a use of the exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold;an intercooler configured to cool compressed air resulting from the compression by the supercharger and supply resultant cooled air to the intake manifold;a main throttle valve disposed at a portion where an outlet of the supercharger and an inlet of the intercooler are coupled to each other;an exhaust bypass flow path configured to couple an outlet of the exhaust manifold to an exhaust outlet of the supercharger;an exhaust bypass valve disposed in the exhaust bypass flow path;an air supply bypass flow path configured to bypass the compressor of the supercharger; andan air supply bypass valve disposed in the air supply bypass flow path,wherein, when a load on the engine device is lower than a first predetermined load falling within a low ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082041A1

An engine device includes a main throttle valve disposed at a portion where an outlet of a supercharger and an inlet of an intercooler are coupled to each other, an exhaust bypass flow path configured to couple an outlet of an exhaust manifold to an exhaust outlet of the supercharger, an exhaust bypass valve disposed in the exhaust bypass flow path, an air supply bypass flow path configured to bypass a compressor of the supercharger, and an air supply bypass valve disposed in the air supply bypass flow path. Within a low load range of a load on the engine device, when the load is lower than a predetermined load, feedback control is performed on the main throttle valve, and when the load is higher than the predetermined load, map control based on a data table is performed on the main throttle valve. 1. An engine device comprising:at least one cylinder;an intake manifold configured to supply air into the at least one cylinder;an exhaust manifold configured to discharge exhaust gas from the at least one cylinder;at least one main fuel injection valve configured to inject liquid fuel into the at least one cylinder to cause combustion of the liquid fuel;at least one gas injector configured to mix gas fuel with the air supplied by the intake manifold;a supercharger comprising a compressor and configured to compress air through a use of the exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold;an intercooler configured to cool compressed air resulting from the compression by the supercharger and supply resultant cooled air to the intake manifold;a main throttle valve disposed at a portion where an outlet of the supercharger and an inlet of the intercooler are coupled to each other;an exhaust bypass flow path configured to couple an outlet of the exhaust manifold to an exhaust outlet of the supercharger;an exhaust bypass valve disposed in the exhaust bypass flow path;an air supply bypass flow path configured to bypass the compressor of the supercharger; andan air supply bypass valve ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099037A1
Автор: SUGIMOTO Hitoki

A misfire detection device includes processing circuitry configured to execute a stopping process stopping combustion control of an air-fuel mixture in one or more cylinders and a determination process determining whether a misfire has occurred based on a value of a determination subject rotation fluctuation amount, that is, a rotation fluctuation amount of a determination subject cylinder for misfire. A comparison subject rotation fluctuation amount is a rotation fluctuation amount corresponding to a crank angle separated by a predetermined angular interval from a crank angle corresponding to the determination subject rotation fluctuation amount. The determination process includes a process determining the misfire based on a value of the determination subject rotation fluctuation amount when the predetermined angular interval equals an angular interval between crank angles at which compression top dead center appears in the one or more of the cylinders and the determination subject cylinder during the stopping process. 1. A misfire detection device for an internal combustion engine including cylinders , the misfire detection device comprising: processing circuitry , wherein the processing circuitry is configured to executea stopping process that stops combustion control of an air-fuel mixture in one or more of the cylinders, anda determination process that determines whether a misfire has occurred based on a value of a determination subject rotation fluctuation amount, wherein the determination subject rotation fluctuation amount is a rotation fluctuation amount related to a determination subject cylinder, which is one of the cylinders that is subject to determination of whether a misfire has occurred, whereina comparison subject rotation fluctuation amount is a rotation fluctuation amount corresponding to a crank angle that is separated by a predetermined angular interval from a crank angle corresponding to the determination subject rotation fluctuation amount,{' ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Engine egr device

Номер: US20220099053A1
Автор: Mamoru Yoshioka
Принадлежит: Aisan Industry Co Ltd

An EGR device is provided with: an EGR passage for allowing a portion of exhaust gas from an engine to flow to an intake passage; an EGR valve for adjusting an EGR flow rate through the EGR passage; a throttle valve provided in the intake passage; and an electronic control device which calculates a fully closed reference intake pressure based on an operating state of the engine during EGR valve fully-closing, and which diagnoses an abnormality due to valve-opening locking of the EGR valve based on the calculated fully closed reference intake pressure. The ECU determines a foreign matter biting abnormality of the EGR valve based on the intake pressure, and based on the result of adding the fully closed reference intake pressure, calculated according to the rotational speed and the load of the engine, to an intake-pressure increase allowance calculated according to the rotational speed.

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Misfire determination apparatus and method for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20220099528A1
Автор: Hitoki Sugimoto
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A CPU determines that misfires are occurring in a cylinder subject to determination of whether misfires are occurring when a value obtained by subtracting a rotation fluctuation amount ΔT30[n−2] from a rotation fluctuation amount ΔT30[n] is greater than or equal to a determination threshold. The rotation fluctuation amount ΔT30[n] is subject to the misfire determination. The rotation fluctuation amount ΔT30[n−2] is 360° CA earlier than the rotation fluctuation amount ΔT30[n]. When stopping fuel supply to a cylinder #1 and determining whether misfires are occurring in cylinder #4, the CPU determines whether misfires are occurring after executing a correcting process that corrects the determination threshold to a second determination threshold Δth2, which is less than a first determination threshold Δth1.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088410A1

Aspects of the present disclosure are directed to controlling an inner effective torque or an effective torque of a drive unit via a unit controlling unit. In some embodiments, the control method may include providing desired values for the inner effective torque or the effective torque and determining actual values for the inner effective torque or the effective torque during operation of the drive unit on a test stand, and in that actuating dynamics of the drive unit are taken into account in the control by means of a transfer function by correcting the desired values of the control with the transfer function or in that for controlling the inner effective torque or the effective torque of the drive unit, a feed forward control of a manipulated variable of the drive unit is used. 1. A method for operating a test stand for performing a test run including the following steps:providing a drive unit connected via a connecting shaft to a load machine;driving or loading the drive unit with the load machine;controlling the load machine by a control device on the test stand for carrying out the test run; andcontrolling the drive unit by a unit controlling unit for carrying out the test run;reproducing given time courses of a rotational speed and a torque of the drive unit;controlling an inner effective torque or an effective torque of the drive unit by the unit controlling unit by providing desired values for the inner effective torque or the effective torque; anddetermining actual values for the inner effective torque or the effective torque during operation of the drive unit on the test stand;accounting for actuating dynamics of the drive unit by correcting the desired values of the control with a transfer function orby using a feed forward control of a manipulated variable of the drive unit for controlling the inner effective torque or the effective torque of the drive unit and correcting precontrol values of the manipulated variable or the desired values of the control ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of controlling amphibious vehicle

Номер: US20190084363A1
Автор: Kyung Won Han
Принадлежит: Hanwha Land Systems Co Ltd

An apparatus for controlling an amphibious vehicle includes an engine, a land propeller generating a propulsion force on land, a water propeller generating a propulsion force on water, a power distributor distributing power to the land propeller and the water propeller, a transmission for changing a shift ratio of the power supplied to the land propeller, and a controller, wherein the controller selects and executes one of a land mode for controlling travel on land, a water mode for controlling travel on the water, and a transition mode controlling the travel in a transition region, and the controller maintains an engine output torque in the land mode to be constant and maintains an engine output speed in the water mode and the transition mode to be constant.

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Spark control systems and methods for engine torque estimation

Номер: US20160090101A1

A spark control module, for an engine speed and an engine load: for a first predetermined period, supplies spark to each cylinder of the engine at a predetermined spark timing set for the engine speed and the engine load. For a second period following the first predetermined period, the spark control module: provides spark to a first one of the cylinders at a first spark timing that is retarded relative to the predetermined spark timing; and supplies spark to all of the other cylinders of the engine at the predetermined spark timing. The storage module selectively stores in memory: a first torque output of the engine measured during the first predetermined period; and a second torque output of the engine measured during the second period.

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for controlling electronic throttle control system

Номер: US20160090934A1
Автор: Jung-Wook Na
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A method for controlling an electronic throttle control (ETC) system, in which an electronic control unit (ECU) controls the ETC system using an air volume learning value containing information on a volume of air introduced into an engine for each opening degree of the ETC system according to carbon deposit of the ETC system, the method may include reading an air volume learning value used during a previous operation. The air volume learning value is compared to a preset learning value change reference value. Whether an operation condition of the engine satisfies a learning value change condition which is preset to change the air volume learning value, and whether the volume of air passing through the ETC system satisfies a preset learning-value-change-air-volume condition are determined. The air volume learning value used during the previous operation and stored in the ECU is substituted with a preset initial value of the air volume learning value.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Engine device

Номер: US20190085773A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

An engine device (21) including: an intake manifold (67) configured to supply air into a cylinder (77); an exhaust manifold (44) configured to output exhaust gas from the cylinder (77); a gas injector (98) which mixes a gaseous fuel with the air supplied from the intake manifold 67; and a main fuel injection valve (79) configured to inject a liquid fuel into the cylinder (77) for combustion. At the time of switching the operation mode from one to the other between a gas mode and a diesel mode, an instant switching to the diesel mode is executed when the engine rotation number is determined to approach the upper limit value which leads to an emergency stop of the engine device.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Onboard Control Device

Номер: US20190085784A1

An onboard control device has a drive manipulated variable detection unit () for determining a drive manipulated variable manipulated by a driver to impart a propulsive force to a vehicle, a command value calculation unit () for calculating a command value for a drive source of the vehicle based on the drive manipulated variable, a propulsive force control unit () for controlling the propulsive force based on the command value, operating state detection units () for determining the operating states of the drive source, a drive manipulation rate of change calculation unit () for calculating the rate of change in drive manipulation, an operating state rate of change calculation unit () for calculating the rate of change in the operating state, and an abnormality detection unit () for detecting abnormalities in the drive source based on the rates of change in drive manipulation and the operating state. 1a drive manipulation rate of change calculation unit that calculates a rate of change in drive manipulation that is a rate of change in a drive manipulated by a driver;an operating state rate of change calculation unit that calculates a rate of change in an operating state that is a rate of change in the operating state of the driving source;an abnormality detection unit that detects abnormalities in the drive source, based on a difference or a ratio between the rate of change in drive manipulation and the rate of change in the operating state exceeding a predetermined threshold value, when a vehicle acceleration of a predetermined level or more occurs.. An onboard control device for controlling a propulsive force of a drive source for driving a vehicle comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/114,112, filed Jul. 26, 2016, which is a 371 of International Application No. PCT/JP2014/082355, filed Dec. 8, 2014, which claims priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2014-019604, filed Feb. 4, 2014, the disclosures of which are ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Control device and control method

Номер: US20210095608A1

Provided is a control device for an internal combustion engine, which can control an injection amount of water injected into each cylinder of the internal combustion engine to a minimum injection amount that allows knock to be suppressed for each cylinder. Therefore, in a control device 1 that controls water supply valves 35 (water supply devices) that supply water into each of combustion chambers of a plurality of cylinders R (cylinders R 1 to R 3 in the embodiment) of an internal combustion engine 100, the control device 1 includes a water supply amount calculation unit 2 that calculates a supply amount of water supplied to each of the combustion chambers of the plurality of cylinders R 1 to R 3 for each cylinder, and a water supply control unit 3 that controls the water supply valves 35 based on the supply amount of water calculated by the water supply amount calculation unit 2 for each cylinder.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145813A1

Aspects of the present invention relate to a control system () for controlling operation of an internal combustion engine (), an internal combustion engine (), a vehicle (), a method () and a non-transitory computer readable medium (). The control system (), comprises at least one controller. The control system () and being configured to: receive a first request signal indicative of first torque demand; determine a schedule defining an opening timing of the intake valve () and a closing timing of the intake valve () of a cylinder () of the internal combustion engine () in dependence on the first torque demand; and cause the intake valve () to open in accordance with the schedule. The control system () is also configured to, during a period in which the intake valve () is open: receive a second torque request signal indicative of a second torque demand different to the first torque demand; determine an updated schedule defining an updated closing timing of the intake valve () in dependence on the second torque demand; and cause the intake valve () to close in accordance with the updated schedule. 113-. (canceled)14. A control system for controlling operation of an internal combustion engine , the control system comprising at least one controller and memory associated with the at least one controller , the control system being configured to:receive a first request signal indicative of a first torque demand;determine a schedule defining an opening timing and a closing timing of an intake valve of a cylinder of the internal combustion engine in dependence on the first torque demand;cause the intake valve to open in accordance with the schedule; and receive a second torque request signal indicative of a second torque demand different than the first torque demand,', 'determine an updated schedule defining an updated closing timing of the intake valve in dependence on the second torque demand, and', 'cause the intake valve to close in accordance with the updated schedule., ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093574A1

An engine control device controls an engine. The engine includes a turbocharger, a waste gate valve, and a throttle. In a predetermined low load region, the engine control device performs first control in which the waste gate valve is opened at a predetermined opening degree or more and output adjustment is performed by an opening degree of the throttle. In a predetermined high load region, the engine control device performs second control in which the throttle is opened at a predetermined opening degree or more and output adjustment is performed by an opening degree of the waste gate valve. When a torque limiting request is generated in the high load region, the engine control device performs third control in which the waste gate valve is substantially fully closed and output adjustment is performed by the opening degree of the throttle. 1. An engine control device configured to control an engine , the engine comprising:a turbocharger comprising a turbine configured to be driven by exhaust gas and a compressor configured to be driven by the turbine;a waste gate valve that is provided in a passage that allows the exhaust gas to bypass a section from an inlet side to an outlet side of the turbine; anda throttle configured to adjust an intake air amount, whereinin a predetermined low load region, the engine control device is configured to perform first control in which the waste gate valve is opened at a predetermined opening degree or more and output adjustment is performed by an opening degree of the throttle,in a predetermined high load region, the engine control device is configured to perform second control in which the throttle is opened at a predetermined opening degree or more and output adjustment is performed by an opening degree of the waste gate valve, andwhen a torque limiting request is generated in the high load region, the engine control device is configured to perform third control in which the waste gate valve is substantially fully closed and output ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for monitoring soot production

Номер: US20190093584A1

Methods and systems are provided for using an engine laser ignition system to take images, in real-time, of a cylinder during combustion and estimate cylinder soot generation. If excess soot generation is determined, cylinder fueling is adjusted by varying an injection pressure, amount, and ratio. An air-fuel ratio of the cylinder is also adjusted in view of exhaust temperature constraints to reduce soot generation.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100444A1

A method for controlling intake and exhaust valves of an engine includes: controlling, by an intake continuous variable valve timing (CVVT) device, opening and closing timings of the intake valve; controlling, by an exhaust CVVT device, opening and closing timing of the exhaust valve; determining, by a controller, a target opening duration of the intake valve and target opening or target closing timings of the intake valve based on an engine load and an engine speed; modifying, by an intake continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) device, current opening and closing timings of the intake valve based on the target opening duration; and advancing or retarding, by the intake CVVD device, the current opening timing of the intake valve while simultaneously retarding or advancing the current closing timing of the intake valve by a predetermined value based on the target opening duration of the intake valve. 1. A method for controlling intake and exhaust valves of an engine , the method comprising:controlling, by an intake continuous variable valve timing (CVVT) device, opening and closing timings of the intake valve;controlling, by an exhaust CVVT device, opening and closing timing of the exhaust valve;determining, by a controller, a target opening duration of the intake valve and at least one of a target opening timing or a target closing timing of the intake valve and the exhaust valve, based on an engine load and an engine speed;modifying, by an intake continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) device, current opening and closing timings of the intake valve based on the target opening duration of the intake valve; andadvancing, by the intake CVVD device, the current opening timing of the intake valve while simultaneously retarding the current closing timing of the intake valve by a predetermined value, or retarding the current opening timing of the intake valve while simultaneously advancing the current closing timing of the intake valve by a predetermined value, based ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100445A1

A method for controlling intake and exhaust valves of an engine includes: controlling, by an intake continuous variable valve timing (CVVT) device and an exhaust CVVT device, opening and closing timings of the intake valve and exhaust valves; determining, by a controller, a target opening duration of the intake and exhaust valves based on an engine load and an engine speed; modifying, by an intake continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) device and by an exhaust two-stage variable valve duration device, current opening and closing timings of the intake valve and exhaust valve based on the target opening durations. In particular, the exhaust two-stage VVD device switches a current opening duration of the exhaust valve to a first exhaust opening duration or a second exhaust opening duration which is shorter than the first opening duration based on the target opening duration of the exhaust valve. 1. A method for controlling intake and exhaust valves of an engine , the method comprising:controlling, by an intake continuous variable valve timing (CVVT) device, opening and closing timings of the intake valve;controlling, by an exhaust CVVT device, opening and closing timing of the exhaust valve;determining, by a controller, a target opening duration of the intake valve, a target opening duration of the exhaust valve, and at least one of a target opening timing or a target closing timing of the intake valve and the exhaust valve, based on an engine load and an engine speed;modifying, by an intake continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) device, current opening and closing timings of the intake valve based on the target opening duration of the intake valve;modifying, by an exhaust two-stage variable valve duration (VVD) device, current opening and closing timings of the exhaust valve based on the target opening duration of the exhaust valve;advancing, by the intake CVVD device, the current opening timing of the intake valve while simultaneously retarding the current ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100446A1

A method for controlling intake and exhaust valves of an engine includes: controlling, by an intake continuous variable valve timing (CVVT) device and an exhaust CVVT device, opening and closing timings of the intake valve and exhaust valves; determining, by a controller, a target opening duration of the intake and exhaust valves based on an engine load and an engine speed; modifying, by an intake continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) device and by an exhaust CVVD device, current opening and closing timings of the intake valve and/or exhaust valve based on the target opening duration; and advancing or retarding, by the intake and/or exhaust CVVD devices, the current opening timing of the intake and exhaust valves while simultaneously retarding or advancing the current closing timing of the intake and exhaust valve by a predetermined value based on the target opening duration. 1. A method for controlling intake and exhaust valves of an engine , the method comprising:controlling, by an intake continuous variable valve timing (CVVT) device, opening and closing timings of the intake valve;controlling, by an exhaust CVVT device, opening and closing timing of the exhaust valve;determining, by a controller, a target opening duration of the intake valve, a target opening duration of the exhaust valve, and at least one of a target opening timing or a target closing timing of the intake valve and the exhaust valve, based on an engine load and an engine speed;modifying, by an intake continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) device, current opening and closing timings of the intake valve based on the target opening duration of the intake valve;modifying, by an exhaust CVVD device, current opening and closing timings of the exhaust valve based on the target opening duration of the exhaust valve;advancing, by the intake CVVD device, the current opening timing of the intake valve while simultaneously retarding the current closing timing of the intake valve by a predetermined ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100447A1

A method for controlling intake and exhaust valves of an engine may include: determining, by a controller, a target opening duration of the intake and exhaust valves based on an engine load and an engine speed; modifying, by an intake continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) device and by an exhaust CVVD device, current opening and closing timings of the intake valve and/or exhaust valve based on the target opening duration of the valves; and advancing or retarding, by the intake and/or exhaust CVVD devices, the current opening timing of the intake and exhaust valves while simultaneously retarding or advancing the current closing timing of the intake and exhaust valve by a predetermined value based on the target opening duration. 1. A method for controlling intake and exhaust valves of an engine , the method comprising:determining, by a controller, a target opening duration of the intake valve, a target opening duration of the exhaust valve based on an engine load and an engine speed;modifying, by an intake continuous variable valve duration (CVVD) device, current opening and closing timings of the intake valve based on the target opening duration of the intake valve;modifying, by an exhaust CVVD device, current opening and closing timings of the exhaust valve based on the target opening duration of the exhaust valve;advancing, by the intake CVVD device, the current opening timing of the intake valve while simultaneously retarding the current closing timing of the intake valve by a predetermined value, or retarding the current opening timing of the intake valve while simultaneously advancing the current closing timing of the intake valve by a predetermined value, based on the target opening duration of the intake valve; andadvancing, by the exhaust CVVD device, the current opening timing of the exhaust valve while simultaneously retarding the current closing timing of the exhaust valve by a predetermined value, or retarding the current opening timing of the exhaust ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Methods and systems for removing deposits in an aftertreatment system to minimize visible smoke emissions

Номер: US20200095912A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

Systems and methods for removing accumulated soot in an aftertreatment system for an engine are disclosed herein. A method includes receiving an indication that an engine of a vehicle has been operating in a low load condition for more than a predefined amount of time; in response, determining an adsorption rate of soot in an exhaust aftertreatment system of the vehicle; determining an adsorption amount of soot based on the adsorption rate for a predefined amount of time; comparing the adsorption amount to a predefine adsorption amount limit; and in response to the adsorption amount exceeding the predefined adsorption amount limit, initiating an exhaust cleaning event to remove at least some of the accumulated soot in the exhaust aftertreatment system.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101948A1
Автор: KUNKEL Christian

A method for operating an internal combustion engine, in particular a gas engine, preferably a lean gas engine, which has at least one cylinder, in order to improve the combustion process, a prechamber is provided for igniting a mixture in a main chamber. A pressure curve is detected by a pressure sensor in the main chamber dependent on a crank angle, and the quantity of supplied fuel is controlled or regulated for each individual cylinder using a fuel metering device and the pressure sensor dependent on a desired output and/or a desired torque and/or a desired rotational speed of the internal combustion engine. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for operating an internal combustion engine which has at least one cylinder , comprising the steps of: providing a prechamber for igniting a mixture in a main chamber; determining a pressure gradient by a pressure sensor in the main chamber in a manner that is dependent on a crank angle; and controlling or regulating a supplied quantity of fuel into the prechamber and/or into the main chamber for each individual cylinder with aid of the pressure sensor in a manner dependent on a desired power output and/or a desired torque and/or a desired rotational speed of the internal combustion engine.15. The method according to claim 14 , including flushing the prechamber during every cycle claim 14 , and introducing a fuel for ignition into the prechamber via a prechamber valve.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the fuel is gas.17. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the pressure sensor is an indicator quartz claim 14 , a sensor with strain gage technology claim 14 , or an optical sensor.18. The method according to claim 14 , including evaluating a pressure gradient for appearance of a gradient peak in a rising branch of the pressure gradient.19. The method according to claim 18 , wherein the pressure gradient is of heat release rate or combustion profile.20. The method according to claim 14 , including determining a ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Adaptive control of motor vehicle powertrain

Номер: US20170101951A1
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

A method and system for blending between different torque maps of a vehicle in a smooth and progressive manner. Blending is delayed if the vehicle driver cannot detect that blending is taking place, for example, when the difference between a source map and target map is below a predetermined threshold.

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Engine torque limit control

Номер: US20220170422A1
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Co Ltd

A method for controlling a torque limit of an engine, which includes activating a power boost mode in which an enhanced engine torque limit for the engine is temporarily enabled in place of a normal engine torque limit for the engine. In this way, on receipt of a transient load demand during an operational period of the power boost mode, a fuel rate of the engine may be increased to attempt to meet the transient load demand while maintaining an engine torque of the engine within the enhanced engine torque limit.

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Method of Determining Air Charging System Deficient State of Health during Part Load Operation

Номер: US20180106202A1

A method to diagnose post air charger compressor icing obstructions without the addition of a post compressor pressure sensor. The method detects when conditions exists for icing to occur and performs at least one icing mitigation strategy when the icing conditions exceed a predetermined icing condition threshold. 1. A method of determining an air charger system deficient state of health condition during engine part load operation comprising:detecting if the engine is operating at a steady state condition;detecting if an air charger system deficient state of health condition exists when the engine is operating at a steady state condition;calculating charge air cooler pressure based on engine speed, manifold pressure and barometric pressure when icing conditions exists;comparing the calculated charge air cooler pressure to a measured charge air cooler pressure;starting a deficient state of health condition timer when a difference between the calculated charge air cooler pressure and the measured charge air cooler pressure is greater than a predetermined charge air cooler pressure difference threshold; andperforming at least one mitigation strategy when the deficient state of health condition timer is greater than a predetermined timer threshold.2. The method of wherein an air charger system deficient state of health condition is caused by icing.3. The method of wherein detecting an air charger system deficient state of health condition further comprises detecting that a positive crankcase ventilation valve routing path flows into the air charger system.4. The method of wherein the positive crankcase ventilation valve routes into the air charger system when engine manifold air pressure (MAP) is greater than a predetermined MAP pressure threshold.5. The method of wherein the positive crankcase ventilation valve routes gases into the air charger system.6. The method of wherein comparing further comprises measuring charge air pressure with an air pressure sensor.7. The ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190107067A1

A control device for an internal combustion engine includes an electronic control unit configured to execute dither control processing in a first mode and a second mode. The dither control processing is processing for operating a fuel injection valve such that an air-fuel ratio of at least one cylinder among cylinders becomes lean air-fuel ratio, and an air-fuel ratio of cylinders different from the at least one cylinder becomes rich air-fuel ratio when a condition that a regeneration request of the filter occurs is established. In the second mode, an absolute value of the difference between the air-fuel ratio in the lean combustion cylinder and the air-fuel ratio in the rich combustion cylinder smaller than in the first mode. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine including a plurality of cylinders , a filter configured to trap particulate matter in exhaust gas discharged from the cylinders , and a fuel injection valve provided in each of the cylinders ,the control device comprising an electronic control unit configured to execute dither control processing, the dither control processing including a first mode, and a second mode that is executed after the first mode, the dither control processing being processing for operating the fuel injection valve such that at least one cylinder among the cylinders becomes a lean combustion cylinder having an air-fuel ratio leaner than a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, and cylinders different from the at least one cylinder among the cylinders become a rich combustion cylinder having an air-fuel ratio richer than the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio when a condition that a regeneration request of the filter occurs is established, and in the second mode, an absolute value of the difference between the air-fuel ratio in the lean combustion cylinder and the air-fuel ratio in the rich combustion cylinder being smaller than in the first mode.2. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein:the dither control processing ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112606A1
Автор: Huang Jian, Lee Kevin

Premixed engines including dual fuel engines can experience abnormal combustion characteristics including misfire, pre-ignition and knock. A method for detecting and mitigating abnormal combustion in an engine comprises sensing frequency components of an acoustic signal associated with a combustion chamber during a combustion cycle, the frequency components representative of at least one of a normal and an abnormal combustion characteristic; determining an in-cylinder pressure signal as a function of the acoustic signal; calculating as functions of the in-cylinder pressure signal at least one of a knock index, a gross indicated mean effective pressure and a start of combustion timing; detecting the abnormal combustion characteristic is at least one of (a) a misfire event when the gross indicated mean effective pressure is less than a predetermined mean effective pressure value; (b) a pre-ignition event when the start of combustion timing is advanced of a start of ignition timing; and (c) an engine knock event when the knock index is greater than a predetermined knock value; and performing a mitigation strategy for the detected abnormal combustion characteristic. 1. A method for detecting and mitigating abnormal combustion in an internal combustion engine comprising:sensing frequency components of an acoustic signal associated with a combustion chamber during a combustion cycle, the frequency components representative of at least one of a normal combustion characteristic and an abnormal combustion characteristic;determining an in-cylinder pressure signal as a function of the acoustic signal;calculating as functions of the in-cylinder pressure signal at least one of a knock index, a gross indicated mean effective pressure and a start of combustion timing;detecting the abnormal combustion characteristic is at least one of:(a) a misfire event when the gross indicated mean effective pressure is less than a predetermined mean effective pressure value;(b) a pre-ignition ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112608A1
Принадлежит: dynaCERT Inc.

A system and method of managing an on-demand electrolytic reactor for supplying hydrogen and oxygen gas to an internal combustion engine. The system minimizes reactor's power consumption and parasitic energy loss generally associated with perpetual reactors. The system comprises a plurality of sensors coupled to the reactor measuring a plurality of reactor parameters, an electronic control unit coupled to the plurality of sensors and the engine, and a reactor control board coupled to the reactor and the electronic control unit. The electronic control unit: monitors the plurality of reactor parameters and the plurality of engine parameters; determines a reactor performance level; determines an engine performance level; determines a change in the engine performance level to forecast a future engine demand level; and determines an ideal reactor performance level corresponding to the engine performance level or the future engine demand level. The reactor control board regulates the reactor by modifying at least one of electrical current supplied to the reactor, electrical voltage supplied to the reactor, and temperature of the reactor. 1. A system for managing an on-demand electrolytic reactor for supplying hydrogen and oxygen gas to an internal combustion engine , the system minimizing amount of power drawn from the engine for the reactor to operate , the system minimizing parasitic energy loss generally associated with perpetual reactors , the engine configured to measure and store a plurality of engine parameters , the system comprising:a) a plurality of sensors coupled to the reactor, the plurality of sensors configured to measure a plurality of reactor parameters; i. monitor the plurality of reactor parameters and the plurality of engine parameters,', 'ii. determine a reactor performance level based on at least one of the plurality of reactor parameters,', 'iii. determine an engine performance level based on at least one of the plurality of engine parameters,', 'iv ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Managing skip fire phase transitions

Номер: US20180112609A1
Автор: Louis J. Serrano
Принадлежит: Tula Technology Inc

Methods and controllers for dynamically altering the phase of a firing sequence during operation of an engine are described. The described methods and controllers are particularly useful in conjunction with dynamic skip fire operation of the engine.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112616A1

Disclosed are engine torque and emission control (ETEC) systems, methods for using such systems, and motor vehicles with engines employing ETEC schemes. An ETEC system is disclosed for operating an internal combustion engine (ICE) assembly. The system includes an engine sensor for monitoring engine torque, an exhaust sensor for monitoring nitrogen oxide (NOx) output of the ICE assembly, and an engine control unit (ECU) communicatively connected to the engine sensor, exhaust sensor, and ICE assembly. The ECU is programmed to: receive desired engine torque and desired NOx output data; determine, from current engine torque and current NOx output data, desired engine torque, and desired NOx output, desired engine operation and exhaust operation references; determine, from the desired engine operation and exhaust operation references, an engine operation control command and an exhaust operation control command; and regulate operation of the ICE assembly via the engine operation and exhaust operation control commands. 1. An engine torque and emission control system for an internal combustion engine (ICE) assembly , the ICE assembly including one or more combustion chambers fluidly coupled to an exhaust aftertreatment system , the engine torque and emission control system comprising:an engine sensor configured to detect a current engine torque of the ICE assembly and output a signal indicative thereof;an exhaust sensor configured to detect a current nitrogen oxide (NOx) output of the ICE assembly and output a signal indicative thereof; and receive indications of a desired engine torque and a desired NOx output;', 'determine, from the current engine torque, the current NOx output, the desired engine torque, and the desired NOx output, a desired engine operation reference and a desired exhaust operation reference;', 'determine, from the desired engine operation reference and the desired exhaust operation reference, an engine operation control command and an exhaust operation ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113690A1

A vehicle control system is provided to promptly execute an ignition retard of the engine during shifting a gear stage in such a manner as to prevent an engine misfire, while switching air/fuel ratio from lean-burn ratio to stoichiometric ratio. An air/fuel ratio is switched between a stoichiometric ratio and a lean-burn ratio based on an operating point of an engine determined based on an engine speed and an engine torque. If a shifting operation of gear stage and a switching operation of the air/fuel ratio from the lean-burn ratio to the stoichiometric ratio are expected to be executed simultaneously, a controller delays the shifting operation of gear stage until completion of the switching operation of the air/fuel ratio. 1. A vehicle control system that is applied to a vehicle having an engine that is operated by burning an air/fuel mixture supplied to cylinders , and a transmission that transmits a drive torque delivered from the engine while changing the drive torque by shifting a gear stage among a plurality of gear stages of different gear ratios , comprising:a controller for controlling the engine and the transmission that is configured toswitch an operating mode of the engine between a stoichiometric mode in which an air/fuel ratio is set to a stoichiometric ratio, and a lean-burn mode in which the air/fuel ratio is set to a lean-burn ratio based on an operating point of the engine determined based on a speed and a torque of the engine, anddelay a shifting operation of gear stage of the transmission until completion of a switching operation of the air/fuel ratio, in a case of switching the air/fuel ratio from the lean-burn ratio to the stoichiometric ratio and the shifting operation of gear stage and the switching operation of the air/fuel ratio are expected to be executed simultaneously.2. The vehicle control system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to prevent a simultaneous execution of the switching operation of the ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178316A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Power Technology Co Ltd

An engine includes a cylinder internal pressure sensor, a torque sensor, and an engine control device. The cylinder internal pressure sensor detects a cylinder internal pressure. The torque sensor detects an engine load. The engine control device receives a detection result of the cylinder internal pressure sensor and a detection result of the torque sensor. If the load detected by the torque sensor is zero (no load) and the cylinder internal pressure obtained from the detection result of the cylinder internal pressure sensor is greater than or equal to a threshold, the engine control device determines that an abnormality occurs in detection by the torque sensor.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114734A1

A method for operating an internal combustion engine using an external exhaust-gas recirculation device with a recirculation setting device to set the flow rate of the recirculated exhaust gas and using a closing time setting device to adjust the closing time of the at least one inlet valve of the internal combustion engine. For the reduction of nitrogen oxides emitted by the internal combustion engine, it is possible, by way of the closing time setting device, for a nitrogen oxide reduction cycle to be set in which the at least one inlet valve of the internal combustion engine closes earlier or later than in the basic cycle. If the torque of the internal combustion engine falls below at least a defined torque threshold value, the internal combustion engine is operated in the basic cycle and the recirculation of the exhaust gas is enabled by way of the recirculation setting device, and wherein, if the torque of the internal combustion engine exceeds the defined torque threshold value, the internal combustion engine is operated in the nitrogen oxide reduction cycle and the recirculation of the exhaust gas is blocked by way of the recirculation setting device. 1. A method for operating an internal combustion engine , wherein the internal combustion engine includes at least one inlet valve , the internal combustion engine being part of an apparatus further including an external exhaust-gas recirculation device configured to feed exhaust gas emitted by the internal combustion engine back to the internal combustion engine , the exhaust-gas recirculation device having a recirculation setting device configured to set the flow rate of the recirculated exhaust gas , and a closing time setting device configured to adjust the closing time of at least one inlet valve of the internal combustion engine , the closing time setting device being configured to set a basic cycle of the internal combustion engine in which the at least one inlet valve of the internal combustion engine ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108817A1
Автор: KIM Youngmin

The present invention relates to an engine torque control method of a mild hybrid electric vehicle including an engine as a power source, the mild hybrid electric vehicle further includes a mild hybrid starter and generator (MHSG) which starts the engine or operates as a generator by an engine torque and a controller which controls the change of a fuel injection mode among a MPI engine mode using a low pressure injector which injects the fuel to an intake port of the engine, a GDI engine mode using a high pressure injector which injects a fuel to a combustion chamber of the engine, and a hybrid MPI and GDI engine mode using both the low pressure injector and the high pressure injector, and the engine torque control method includes: determining whether a fuel injection mode is a MPI engine mode, by the controller, measuring a maintaining period when the MPI engine mode is maintained by a timer when the fuel injection mode is the MPI engine mode, determining whether the fuel injection mode is changed from the MPI engine mode to the GDI engine mode or the hybrid MPI and GDI engine mode, by the controller; and, driving the MHSG by the controller to assist an engine torque when the fuel injection mode is changed from the MPI engine mode to the GDI engine mode or the hybrid MPI and GDI engine mode. 1. An engine torque control method of a mild hybrid electric vehicle including an engine as a power source ,the mild hybrid electric vehicle further including a mild hybrid starter and generator (MHSG) which starts the engine or operates as a generator by an engine torque and a controller which controls the change of a fuel injection mode among a MPI engine mode using a low pressure injector which injects the fuel to an intake port of the engine, a GDI engine mode using a high pressure injector which injects a fuel to a combustion chamber of the engine, and a hybrid MPI and GDI engine mode using both the low pressure injector and the high pressure injector,the engine torque ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113005A1

Methods and systems are provided for coordinating water usage with spark usage based on the effect on an engine torque ratio. Water is injected based on torque ratio at a current spark timing relative to torque ratio at borderline knock to improve the impact of the water injection on the engine performance. Manifold water injection and direct water injected are coordinated based on intake manifold humidity. 118-. (canceled)19. An engine method , comprising:at each engine operating point,determining a spark timing based on each of engine speed, load, and knock intensity;comparing a torque ratio at the determined spark timing to a torque ratio at borderline knock; andadjusting an amount of water injected into an engine via a manifold water injector based on the comparing.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of water injected is further adjusted based on sensed intake manifold humidity claim 19 , the method further comprising advancing the spark timing based on the adjusted amount of water.21. The method of claim 19 , wherein the torque ratio at the current spark timing includes the torque ratio before the adjusted amount of water is injected into the engine.22. The method of claim 19 , wherein the adjusting includes reducing the amount of water injected into the engine as the torque ratio at the current spark timing approaches a threshold claim 19 , the threshold based on the torque ratio at borderline knock.23. The method of claim 22 , further including disabling water injection and adjusting spark at a threshold.24. The method of claim 19 , wherein the adjusting further based on the sensed humidity includes increasing the amount of water injected into an intake manifold of the engine while the torque ratio at the current spark timing is below the threshold until the sensed humidity in the intake manifold reaches a limit.25. The method of claim 19 , further comprising direct injecting water into an engine cylinder until the torque ratio at the current ...
