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17-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716844C2
Принадлежит: ЗЕ БОИНГ КОМПАНИ (US)

Изобретение относится к антенной технике. Конструкционная антенная решетка содержит центральную часть, содержащую пересекающиеся стеночные секции, при этом центральная часть также содержит антенные элементы, выполненные на первой поверхности стеночных секций, и возбуждающие элементы, выполненные на второй поверхности стеночных секций; слой распределительной подложки, соединенный с центральной частью и имеющий электрическую связь с антенными элементами и возбуждающими элементами; первую оболочку, соединенную с центральной частью напротив слоя распределительной подложки; и вторую оболочку, соединенную со слоем распределительной подложки напротив первой оболочки. Технический результат заключается в упрощении изготовления антенной решетки. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 24 ил.

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2371817C2
Принадлежит: АСК С.А. (FR)

Изобретение относится к бесконтактным приемопередающим устройствам. Техническим результатом изобретения является создание бесконтактной метки с всенаправленной антенной. Согласно изобретению бесконтактная метка характеризуется по существу микросхемой (16) и Y-образной антенной, соединенной с микросхемой, которая содержит информацию, необходимую для отслеживания объекта, которая может быть прочитана с помощью считывателя через обмен электромагнитными волнами ультравысокой частоты. Антенна является антенной дипольного типа, состоящей из трех основных проводов, первого основного провода (10), второго основного провода (12), формирующего диполь с первым основным проводом, и третьего основного провода (14), формирующего второй диполь с первым основным проводом. Угол между первым и вторым основными проводами равен углу между первым и третьим основными проводами, а угол между вторым основным проводом и третьим основным проводом находится в диапазоне между 60° и 180°. Каждый из основных проводов ...

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Антенна и терминал

Номер: RU2752958C2

Антенна, применимая для терминала, содержит: область заземления, первый излучатель, второй излучатель и точку питания, соединенную с первым и со вторым излучателями; при этом область заземления соединена с первым излучателем и со вторым излучателем, соответственно, и на ней имеется точка заземления; между первым и вторым излучателями сформирована щелевая связь; причем первый излучатель имеет диапазон рабочих частот в диапазоне частот 5G, а второй излучатель имеет диапазон рабочих частот в диапазоне частот 4G. В настоящем изобретении первый и второй излучатели интегрированы в одну антенну, чтобы одна антенна поддерживала одновременно и диапазон частот 5G и диапазон частот 4G. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673059C2

Изобретение относится к системе возбуждения антенн и способу конструирования структуры питания антенной решетки. Структура питания антенной решетки содержит одну или несколько схемных плат, на которых выполнена одна или несколько схем, один или несколько проводящих слоев, на которых смонтирована одна или несколько схемных плат, и один или несколько соединителей, подсоединенных к одной или нескольким схемам через отверстие в одном или нескольких проводящих слоях. Один или несколько проводящих слоев отделены диэлектриком от одной или нескольких схем и контактируют с одной или несколькими схемными платами, в результате чего одна или несколько схем изолированы от одного или нескольких проводящих слоев. Техническим результатом является уменьшение потерь и обеспечение защиты от удара молнии. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

14-06-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2821013C2

Изобретение относится к области антенн и, в частности, к антенной аппаратуре и устройству связи. Техническим результатом является увеличение площади просвета антенны электронного устройства и улучшение производительности антенны. Предложено устройство связи, включающее рамку, экран и сборку печатной платы, причем экран монтируется на одной стороне рамки, а участок рамки образует излучатель антенны либо излучатель антенны закреплен на внутренней стороне рамки. Сборка печатной платы расположена на внутренней стороне рамки и включает в себя первый проводящий элемент и первую плату, подъемную плату и вторую плату, последовательно уложенные в стопку. Первая плата расположена на одной стороне второй платы на удалении от экрана и включает в себя первую часть основного корпуса и первую удлинительную часть, соединенную с первой частью основного корпуса. Первая часть основного корпуса неподвижно соединена с подъемной платой. Первая удлинительная часть выступает относительно подъемной платы и второй ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015100201A3

14-07-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019139855A3

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2488927C1

Изобретение относится к антенной технике, а именно к малогабаритным перестраиваемым антеннам. Техническим результатом является увеличение максимальной мощности резонансной антенны и возможность перестроения ее рабочей частоты в широком диапазоне радиоволн и, как следствие, расширения функциональных возможностей использования приемопередающей аппаратуры. Перестраиваемая резонансная антенна с согласующим устройством, содержащая согласующее устройство в виде трансформатора, состоящего из первичной и вторичной обмоток и незамкнутого магнитопровода, излучающий вибратор в виде плоского или объемного проводящего тела, подключенный ко вторичной обмотке и расположенный в магнитном поле согласующего трансформатора, отличается тем, что согласующий трансформатор выполнен с изменяемым коэффициентом трансформации, таким образом, что вторичная катушка трансформатора имеет степень свободы относительно магнитопровода или первичной катушки и механизм ручного или автоматического перемещения магнитопровода ...

30-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2710666C1
Автор: ШИ, Пин (US)

Изобретение относится к конструкции антенн для беспроводной связи. Технический результат изобретения заключается в обеспечении реализации настройки антенны с обратной связью за счет повторного использования процессора приложений/процессора модема в качестве контроллера с обратной связью, повторного использования схемы обнаружения мощности. Способ согласования импеданса содержит этапы: измеряют посредством детектора мощности начальные потери на отражение антенны, причем начальные потери на отражение соответствуют составляющей магнитуды коэффициента отражения антенны; измеряют посредством детектора мощности первые отрегулированные потери на отражение антенны после регулировки импеданса антенны посредством первого настраиваемого элемента, причем импеданс антенны соответствует импедансу между детектором мощности и упомянутой антенной; оценивают посредством графика диаграммы Смита фазовую составляющую коэффициента отражения упомянутой антенны на основе, по меньшей мере, начальных потерь на отражение ...

07-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690953C1
Автор: САЙ Сеии (JP)

Изобретение относится к связи в диапазоне миллиметровых волн. Устройство связи в диапозоне миллиметровых волн, установленное на транспортном средстве, осуществляющее связь с возможностью временного изменения направления связи посредством использования антенного модуля, содержит: модуль получения окружения движения, включающего в себя по меньшей мере одно из состояния дороги, по которой движется данное транспортное средство, и состояния транспортного средства для данного транспортного средства, модуль управления связью, при котором время на осуществление связи, выделяемое для каждого направления связи, определяется в соответствии с окружением движения. Причем модуль управления связью определяет, какая из (1) связи, выполняемой посредством задания одинаковым времени на осуществление связи во всех направлениях, и (2) связи, выполняемой посредством задания большего времени на осуществление связи, чем для других направлений, относительно конкретного направления, должна выполняться в соответствии ...

17-07-2020 дата публикации

Мобильный терминал и способ излучения антенны мобильного терминала

Номер: RU2727099C1

Настоящее изобретение предусматривает мобильный терминал и способ излучения антенны мобильного терминала, относящиеся к области технологий беспроводной связи. Мобильный терминал включает в себя раму, используемую в качестве антенны, причем рама имеет точку питания; держатель антенны, расположенный в раме; первый металлический лист, расположенный на держателе антенны и присоединенный к точке питания; и второй металлический лист, расположенный на держателе антенны, причем между вторым металлическим листом и первым металлическим листом имеется промежуток, причем второй металлический лист связан с первым металлическим листом промежутком для подачи питания. Благодаря обеспечению первого металлического листа и второго металлического листа на держателе антенны, присоединению первого металлического листа к точке питания на раме, обеспечению промежутка между вторым металлическим листом и первым металлическим листом и отделению второго металлического листа от первого металлического листа промежутком ...

14-07-2021 дата публикации

Антенна и терминал

Номер: RU2019139855A

19-08-2004 дата публикации

Blitzschutz für Antennenanlagen

Номер: DE0020319983U1

Blitzschutz für Antennenanlagen, mit mehreren in Vertikalrichtung versetzt liegenden Strahler und Strahleranordnungen (3), wobei vorzugsweise ein die Strahler oder Strahlerstrukturen (3') umgebendes, vorzugsweise zylinderförmiges Schutzgehäuse (5) aus für elektromagnetische Strahlen durchlässigem Material vorgesehen ist, und mit einer tragenden Struktur (1), die vorzugsweise ein Schutzgehäuse (5) oder eine vorzugsweise das Schutzgehäuse (5) umfassende mastförmige Antennentrageinrichtung aufweist, mit folgenden Merkmalen: - es ist eine Blitzschutzeinrichtung vorgesehen, - die Blitzschutzeinrichtung umfasst von oben nach unten verlaufende Blitzableitungen (17), die vorzugsweise mit dem Schutzgehäuse (5) mechanisch verbunden sind, gekennzeichnet durch die folgenden weiteren Merkmale: - die zumindest eine von oben nach unten verlaufende Blitzableitung (17) ist von der Vertikalen abweichend so ausgerichtet, dass die Blitzableitung oder einzelne Abschnitte davon in Seitenbetrachtung winklig gegenüber ...

06-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050207019D1

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015105667A1

In der vorliegenden Spezifikation werden Architekturen, Plattformen und Verfahren zur Implementierung einer ausrichtungsunabhängigen Millimeterwellen(mm-Wellen)-Antenne in einer tragbaren Vorrichtung beschrieben.

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019105455A1

Die vorliegende Anmeldung bezieht sich im Allgemeinen auf Antennen, die in oder auf Glasstrukturen eingebettet sind. Insbesondere lehrt die Anmeldung eine breitbandige koplanare Antenne, die eine Schlitzform in der Grundebene einsetzt, die konfiguriert ist, um einen breitbandigen Frequenzgang zu erreichen, worin die beiden Symmetrieachsen im Antennendesign fragmentiert sind, um die Resonanzen von HF-Strömen über breitere Frequenzbänder zu maximieren.

17-12-1942 дата публикации

Schutz- und UEberwachungseinrichtung fuer Hochfrequenzsender

Номер: DE0000729499C

09-04-2014 дата публикации

A dual port single frequency antenna

Номер: GB0201403385D0

19-08-2015 дата публикации

Antenna for satellite navigation reciever

Номер: GB0201511894D0

09-04-2014 дата публикации

Printed circuit board arrangement for supplying antennas via a three-conductor system for exciting different polarizations

Номер: GB0201403164D0

07-10-2015 дата публикации

Braring calculation

Номер: GB0201514938D0

12-05-2010 дата публикации

Electromagnetic shield for positioning between wind turbine and airport radar arrangements

Номер: GB0002465018A

A wind turbine assembly, wind farm assembly, airport radar system or their methods of manufacture or use comprise an electromagnetic shield 130, with a plurality of holes through which wind 120 may flow, which is suitable for being located between a wind turbine 21 and a radar emitter 60 to diminish the electromagnetic signals reaching the wind turbine 21 and/or being returned from the wind turbine 21 to the radar emitter 60. Also claimed is an electromagnetic shield 130 of a certain shape and size which is used for shielding an object. The said shield 130 including a plurality of holes through which wind 120 may pass and where the minor width of the holes is no larger than half a wavelength of the signal emitted from a radar emitter60. The shield 130 may use steel, aluminium, copper, carbon fibre, ionised gas or plasma to diminish an electric field and/or oxygen, sodium and aluminium and/or ferromagnetic materials including nickel to diminish a magnetic field. The holes may be circular ...

30-09-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in low-noise corona discharge devices

Номер: GB0000971544A

... 971,544. Discharging static electricity from aircraft. GRANGER ASSOCIATES. June 5, 1961 [July 27, 1960] No. 20254/61. Heading H1X. A device for de-coupling corona discharge noise from an antenna mounted on an aircraft, comprises a rod of high electrical resistance projecting from the structure of the aircraft and carrying a discharge pin supported at a region 18 of low radio-frequency coupling field of the antenna with its axis at right-angles to the direction of the radio-frequency coupling field 16. As shown, the static discharger 12 is attached to an airfoil 10 by a distributed resistance 14 so that a null region 18 is established in the radiofrequency coupling field. Radially-extending discharge pins (not shown) are mounted in region 18 so that the corona discharge current is at right-angles to the residual coupling field. Distributed resistance 14 may comprise a plastic rod through which carbon is dispersed, or a nylon rod 30, Fig. 5A, coated with high-resistance paint, and discharge ...

27-02-2002 дата публикации

Antenna with adjustable beam direction

Номер: GB0000200585D0

28-12-2016 дата публикации

A rotable antenna apparatus

Номер: GB0002539723A

A rotatable antenna apparatus 10 comprises antenna signal processing means 35 mounted on a thermally conductive shaft 40 which is thermally coupled between the components of the signal processing means 35 and a heat sink 50 located within a fixed location relative to the rotatable shaft 40. An antenna assembly 30 is coupled to the signal processing means 35. A thermally conductive coupling structure 45 may be provided between the components and the shaft 40 which may include an elongate member which extends into a recess in the shaft and into a recess within a component interface structure 45. The component interface structure 45 may be formed in two parts which are connected together to sandwich a portion of the elongate member. A thermal paste may be applied between the elongate member and the component interface structure 45. The elongate member may comprise a heat pipe. A heat pad may be used between the one or more components and the component interface structure 45. The shaft 40 may ...

28-12-2016 дата публикации

A rotable antenna apparatus

Номер: GB0002539724A

A rotatable antenna apparatus comprising; a fixed unit 20 for attachment of the apparatus to an external structure, and a rotatable unit 60 mounted on the fixed unit and comprising an aerial assembly 65 and processing circuitry 65 coupled to the antenna assembly for performing signal processing operations. An interface unit is coupled to both the fixed unit and the rotatable unit, and is used to route a cable to provide a wired connection from the fixed unit to the processing circuitry. The interface unit includes a cable housing 50 within which a length of the cable is enclosed in a coiled arrangement. A control mechanism constrains the amount to which the length of cable is wound and unwound within the cable housing so as to inhibit application of a stretching stress on the cable during rotation of the rotatable unit. Preferably the length of cable moves between an inner coil configuration (figure 4A) and an outer coil configuration (figure 6A). The cable housing may include a rotatable ...

11-01-2017 дата публикации

Node role assignment in networks

Номер: GB0002539730A8

There is provided a node for use in a network, the node comprising: communication circuitry to communicate with a management server. Bootstrap circuitry initially identifies an intermediate node from at least one available node in the network in response to the communication circuitry being unable to communicate with the management server directly. The communication circuitry is arranged to communicate with the management server indirectly via the intermediate node when unable to communicate with the management server directly. Role assignment circuitry assigns a role to be performed by the node in the network based on whether the communication circuitry communicates with the management server directly, or indirectly via an intermediate node. Embodiments describe use within a wireless feeder network where the nodes may be a Feeder Base Station or Feeder Terminal.

12-09-2018 дата публикации

A direct coupled biasing circuit for high frequency applications

Номер: GB0002560475A

Amplifier (e.g RF or microwave amplifier to drive antenna) comprises an adjustable biasing voltage coupled through a parallel LC load (tank L1) to the output of a first stage (transistor MOSFET N2), which is directly coupled to an input of a second or final (next) stage (transistor MOSFET N3), and whereby at least one characteristic such as quiescent or bias current of second stage N3 is controlled by adjustment of the biasing voltage. This circuit may comprise a reference transistor N1 which is a scaled version of the second or final stage transistor N3. An adjustable current source I4, (or switchable scaled reference transistors of width Wa,Wb,Wc figure 2b) may provide the adjustable reference bias voltage whereby the reference transistor N1 is driven in saturation. The second or final stage transistor may also have a second parallel LC circuit L2 coupling the supply VDD to its output. An input signal Vin on the first stage input (transistor N2) may pass to the output of the first stage ...

12-02-2003 дата публикации

Antenna with adjustable beam direction

Номер: GB0000300708D0

22-10-2014 дата публикации

Printed circuit board arrangement for supplying antennas via a three-conductor system for exciting different polarizations

Номер: GB0002513235A

The printed circuit board arrangement (5) serves for electrically connecting an amplifier unit (1) to at least two antenna elements (41, 42), wherein the at least two antenna elements (41, 42) are formed on the printed circuit board arrangement (5). The antenna elements (41, 42) are coupled to the amplifier unit (1) via a three conductor system (2), wherein the three conductor system (2) consists of three conductor tracks (31, 32, 33) running parallel to one another and applied on the printed circuit board arrangement (5).

28-10-2020 дата публикации

Diving computer with coupled antenna and water contact assembly

Номер: GB0002583413A

A wearable diving computer 50, comprising a housing comprising a conductive bezel 51 and a body 52, the bezel includes a radiator element (202 figure 2), which is connected to a radio unit 54, and a water contact detector circuit 55, which detects the underwater condition of the computer. The water contact detector circuit comprises a water contact surface, such as the surface of a button 53, extending through the body 52, and the radiator element and a low-pass filter comprising an inductor 56 connected at one end to a conductive coupling 58, and at the other to the ground potential 57 of the computer. Immersion of the sensor in water allows the circuit to detect an electrical connection from the water contact surface to ground and indicate an underwater condition.

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412991T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368947T

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Three-slotted antenna apparatus and method

Номер: AU2018252063B2

An apparatus and associated method are provided involving a housing having a periphery configured to operate as a second antenna, a third antenna, and a fourth antenna. The periphery includes a top wall having a first slot formed therein, a first side wall having a second slot formed therein, and a second side wall having a third slot formed therein. The top wall is arranged between the first side wall and the second side wall, and a top portion of the periphery is defined between the second slot and the third slot. The top portion is divided into a first top side portion and a second top side portion via the first slot. Further, the first top side portion operates as the second antenna, and the second top side portion operates as both the third antenna and the fourth antenna.

21-01-2002 дата публикации

Protective device

Номер: AU0006696501A

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Enhanced connected tiled array antenna

Номер: AU2013239324B2
Автор: HAY STUART, Hay, Stuart
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

An antenna device including: a conductive ground sheet of a substantially planar form; and a series of spaced apart conductive patches arranged substantially in a plane parallel to the conductive ground plane; a series of conductive feed interconnections electromagnetically coupled to the spaced apart array of conductive patches.

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Sensing proximity utilizing a wireless radio subsystem

Номер: AU2014223561A1

In particular embodiments, a wireless communications device includes an RF transceiver, a plurality of antennas coupled to the transceiver, and processing circuitry. The device may transmit an RF reference signal using the RF transceiver. When the RF reference signal is reflected back from each of the plurality of antennas, the device may determine at least one characteristic of the RF reference signal (e.g., amplitude, phase, dispersion, waveform shape, or distortion). The device may then characterize at least one aspect of the environment around the device based on the characteristic and control a function of the device based on the at least one aspect. For example, the device may detect that an object (e.g., a hand or other body part) is approaching the device but not yet in contact with the device and activate a first feature of the device based on the characterization. In particular embodiments, a wireless communications device includes an RF transceiver, a plurality of antennas coupled ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003098970A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The present application provides an antenna apparatus and a terminal. The antenna apparatus comprises a grounding plate, a radiator, and a signal source. The radiator is disposed on the grounding plate; the signal source is configured to feed an electromagnetic wave signal in a first frequency band to the radiator; the grounding plate is provided with a first gap and a second gap; the first gap and the second gap are both closed gaps and surround the radiator; the first gap and the second gap are used for suppressing current distribution on the grounding plate, so that the current generated by the electromagnetic wave signal in the first frequency band is bound inside and around the first gap and the second gap. By providing the first gap and the second gap surrounding the radiator, the flow of current to the edge of the grounding plate is suppressed, and the current is bound inside and around the first gap and the second gap, so that the directional pattern of the radiator is changed to ...

24-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002426855A1

The invention relates to a system (1) that is mounted in a coaxial line for transmitting high-frequency signals and that serves to protect appliances or installations from electromagnetic pulses, overvoltages and/or lightning strokes. The inventive system (1) comprises short-circuit lines (5, 6) which are disposed in parallel to the inner conductor (3) of the coaxial line. The inventive design allows configuration of the housing (2) of the system (1) concentrically to the longitudinal axis (9) and the housing (2) does not have any protruding elements.

16-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002970598C

A system, apparatus, and method directed to impedance matching an antenna with a transmitter for non-directional radio beacons. The apparatus includes an L-type impedance network comprising non-capacitive elements and at least one variable inductor on each branch of the impedance network. Also, system, apparatus, and method directed to providing a low power signal for tuning the antenna. The apparatus includes an impedance matching network and a signal generator. Also, a system, apparatus, and method directed to providing an estimate of near-field strength of a signal from an antenna. The apparatus includes an impedance matching network, a near-field signal strength detector, and microcontroller configured to estimate the near-field signal strength. Corresponding systems includes using the respective apparatuses between an antenna and a transmitter. Corresponding methods are directed to the use of the apparatuses and systems.

07-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002843415A1

Dielectric resonator antennas suitable for use in compact radiofrequency (RF) antennas and devices, and methods of fabrication thereof. Described are dielectric resonator antennas fabricated using polymer-based materials, such as those commonly used in lithographic fabrication of integrated circuits and microsystems. Accordingly, lithographic fabrication techniques can be employed in fabrication. The polymer-based dielectric resonator antennas can be excited using tall metal vertical structures, which are also fabricated using techniques adapted from integrated circuit and microsystems fabrication.

29-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002857658C
Принадлежит: ASTRIUM GMBH

Described is a waveguide radiator which comprises a slotted waveguide (10; 30) with a plurality of transverse or longitudinal slots (23; 32) provided in the waveguide (10; 30) and which comprises an additional inner conductor (14; 34) provided in the waveguide (10; 30), wherein the inner conductor (14; 34) is formed, depending on the alignment of the slots (12, 32) in such a manner that the result is a feed according to the traveling wave principle, wherein all slots (12; 32) of the waveguide (10; 30) can be excited with identical phase.

16-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002027655C

Lightning protection apparatus for antenna-coupled RF equipment is provided. A one quarter wavelength shorting stub bandpass filter shunts the RF equipment and a distributed capacitance, high voltage coaxial capacitor is serially coupled between the equipment and antenna. The shorting stub is tuned to one quarter wavelength of the RF equipment operating frequency. The series capacitor passes frequencies at or above the operating frequency of the RF equipment.

15-02-1936 дата публикации

Blitzschutzvorrichtung für Radioantennen.

Номер: CH0000182545A

15-12-1933 дата публикации

Antenne de radiocommunication.

Номер: CH0000166023A

15-12-2006 дата публикации

Overvoltage protection device.

Номер: CH0000696099A5

14-01-2000 дата публикации

Arrangement in coaxial antenna line for protecting against overvoltages

Номер: CH0000689907A5
Принадлежит: HUBER & SUHNER AG

The arrangement has a coupler for measuring the energy fed to or received by the antenna, esp. for radio networks. An EMP tapping (4) for tapping high voltages and coupling connections (5,6) for coupling out transmission and/or reception energy are mounted in series in a common housing (1). The housing is in the form of a leadthrough element through an earthed plate or with a non-inductive clamp for connecting to an earthed plate, with screws to an earthed plate or with an earth strap for non-inductive earthing.

31-05-1999 дата публикации

Wave transmission line with arc protection

Номер: CH0000689527A5

The wave transmission line is provided by a wave propagation line (10) coupled to an electronic device (14), provided with at least one wave line segment (16) allowing free passage of waves of relatively high frequency during normal operation, while blocking transmission of relatively low frequency waves resulting from HV pulses. An Independent claim is also provided for an application of a wave transmission line for connecting a microwave antenna to an electronic device.

27-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201991475A1

02-04-2014 дата публикации

Antenna device and antenna mounting method

Номер: CN103703618A

The antenna device (10) is provided with the following: an antenna (100) that has a radiating element (101) and an internal ground (103); a coaxial cable (200), an inner conductor (204) of which is connected to the radiating element (101) and an outer conductor (203) of which is connected to the internal ground (103); and an external ground (500) that is capacitively coupled with the external conductor (203) of the coaxial cable (200).

11-12-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for generating hybrid modal vortex beams based on amplitude and phase control

Номер: CN0108987917A

04-12-2013 дата публикации

Antenna device and wireless communication device

Номер: CN103427153A

An antenna device and a wireless communication device containing the same are formed. The antenna overcomes problems of a reduction in inductance of an antenna device when viewed from a feeder circuit and variations in inductance. An antenna device includes a feed coil 3 and a sheet conductor 2. The feed coil 3 includes a magnetic core 32 and a coil-shaped conductor 31, which is formed around the magnetic core 32. An RFIC 13 is connected to the feed coil 3. The sheet conductor 3 has a larger area than the feed coil 2. A slit 2S that extends from a part of the edge of the sheet conductor toward the inner side of the sheet conductor is formed in the sheet conductor 2. The feed coil 3 is arranged such that the direction of the axis around which the feed coil 3 is formed is parallel to the directions in which the sheet conductor 2 extends. The feed coil 3 is arranged in such a manner that the feed coil 3 is close to the slit 2Sand one of coil openings at the ends of the feed coil faces the ...

02-11-2018 дата публикации

Antenna assembly and electronic equipment

Номер: CN0108736130A

13-02-2013 дата публикации

Printed circuit board, antenna, wireless communication device and manufacturing methods thereof

Номер: CN102934531A

Disclosed are a low-loss printed circuit board, a low-loss broadband antenna, and methods for manufacturing the printed circuit board and the antenna using a resin as a substrate material. A resin material (101) having a predetermined shape is manufactured in a forming step, and the resin material (101) is foamed in a foaming step, thereby forming a skin layer (111) and a foam section (112). Since the skin layer (111) does not permit plating to be deposited thereon, the skin layer (111) is removed in a conductor pattern shape in a skin layer removing step, and the foam section (112) inside is exposed. Plating is deposited on the foam section (112), which has anchor effects, by performing electroless plating in a conductor layer forming step, and a conductor layer (120) is formed.

16-11-2018 дата публикации

Antenna device

Номер: CN0108832300A

09-04-2019 дата публикации

Filtering antenna device

Номер: CN0109599672A

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Broadband slot-coupled multilayer microstrip antenna based on substrate-integrated waveguide feeding

Номер: CN0109216929A

27-11-2018 дата публикации

Ultra-wideband wide-angle coverage and low cross-polarization level array antenna unit

Номер: CN0108899639A

07-02-2020 дата публикации

Base station antenna and base station device

Номер: CN0110768026A

20-11-2018 дата публикации

Ferrite-loaded broadband petal-shaped rectifier antenna

Номер: CN0108847529A

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Antenna and mobile terminal

Номер: CN0109728408A

27-08-2014 дата публикации

RF switches

Номер: CN102859888B

08-03-2019 дата публикации

Radio frequency identification tag antenna device

Номер: CN0109447229A

25-12-2018 дата публикации

A SMA connected 2.4 GHz & 5GHz miniaturized external antenna

Номер: CN0109088156A
Автор: ZHOU YU

07-12-2018 дата публикации

Antenna structure of large-screen all-metal-frame mobile phone

Номер: CN0108963429A

20-03-2013 дата публикации

Antenna arrangement

Номер: CN102986085A

An antenna arrangement is provided, which includes first and second antenna elements. A feeder line connects the first and second antenna elements for feeding a signal to and from the first and second antenna elements and the signal is inductively coupled between the feeder line and a calibration line so it can be fed to measurement equipment.

28-09-2018 дата публикации

Vertical polarization full-wave vibrator array antenna and directional radiation antenna

Номер: CN0108598699A

24-04-2018 дата публикации

Dual-frequency electrically small slot antenna

Номер: CN0107959111A

13-11-2018 дата публикации

Antenna system and mobile terminal

Номер: CN0108808221A

22-03-2017 дата публикации

Antenna with lenses

Номер: CN0106532271A

22-02-2017 дата публикации

Metal cover and electronic equipment

Номер: CN0106465556A

21-12-2018 дата публикации

Broadband filter antenna

Номер: CN0109066072A

07-04-2020 дата публикации

5G Broadband MIMO antenna system based on coupled loop antenna and mobile terminal

Номер: CN0109509965B

07-09-2018 дата публикации

The antenna device and mobile terminal

Номер: CN0106252880B

12-04-2017 дата публикации

Antenna tuner control system and for generating the control signal and method

Номер: CN0104052506B

24-07-2018 дата публикации

Orthogonal dual-polarization wide-band MIMO patch antenna and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: CN0108321517A

26-07-1996 дата публикации

Device safety against the high transitory disturbances.

Номер: FR0002721765B1

22-02-1945 дата публикации

New lightning protector of antenna

Номер: FR0000896471A

14-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002984020B1

09-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002611990A1

07-06-1996 дата публикации

Aircraft body part lightening diverter

Номер: FR0002727784A1

L'invention concerne un parafoudre. Ce parafoudre est destiné à être installé sur un radôme (7) situé sur le nez de la carcasse (9) d'un avion et est formé de bandes (1) réalisées en un matériau possédant un coefficient de température positif de résistivité dépassant celui d'un matériau métallique et qui est constitué par exemple par un polymère conducteur. Application notamment aux parafoudres installés sur le nez d'avions.

18-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102046202B1

04-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100118103A

13-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: BR112017013791A2

01-04-2019 дата публикации

Mobile device

Номер: TW0201914099A

A mobile device includes a ground element, a first radiation element, a second radiation element, a third radiation element, a matching circuit, and a first metal frame. The first radiation element and the second radiation element are both coupled to a grounding point on the ground element. The second radiation element and the first radiation element extend in opposite directions. The third radiation element is coupled through the matching circuit to the first radiation element. The first metal frame is coupled to a connection point on the third radiation element. An antenna structure is formed by the first radiation element, the second radiation element, the matching circuit, the third radiation element, and the first metal frame. A signal source is coupled to a feeding point on the first radiation element, so as to excite the antenna structure.

16-04-2021 дата публикации

Loop antenna

Номер: TW202115964A

A loop antenna includes a printed circuit board (PCB), a first antenna structure and a second antenna structure. The PCB includes a first surface and a second surface relative to the first surface, and the PCB includes a clearance area and a grounding area, wherein the clearance area is adjacent to the grounding area. The first antenna structure is arranged in the clearance area at the first surface. The first antenna structure includes a feed-in structure and a first grounding terminal. The feed-in structure is coupled to a power feed-in terminal which is arranged in the grounding area. The first grounding terminal is coupled to the grounding area. The second antenna structure includes a second grounding terminal. The second grounding terminal is coupled to the grounding area.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Embedded printed edge-balun antenna system and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20120026061A1
Автор: Aviv Shachar
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

An antenna module having a side-edge balance-to-unbalance (BALUN). The antenna module may include a flexible substrate with one or more layers that may be configured to receive one first and second conductive patterns, the substrate may have opposed first and second ends which may define a longitudinal length and/or opposed side edges situated between the first and second ends. The first conductive pattern may form an antenna loop situated adjacent to the first end of the flexible substrate and be suitable for transmitting or receiving signals at one or more frequencies. The second conductive pattern may form at least part of the BALUN and may include one or more of a center portion, side portions which may extend from the center portion at opposite sides of the center portion, and electrically neutral slots situated between a corresponding side portion and the center portion.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Antenna matching circuit control device

Номер: US20120075159A1
Принадлежит: ASUSTeK Computer Inc

The antenna matching circuit control device with an antenna body includes a sensing module, a processing module, a power adjusting module and a frequency adjusting module. The sensing module senses an object that approaches the antenna body and outputs a sensing signal accordingly. The processing module is coupled to the sensing module and outputs a first control signal and a second control signal according to the sensing signal. The power adjusting module is coupled to the processing module and controls a power amplifier to couple with one of a plurality of first matching circuits according to the first control signal. The frequency adjusting module is coupled to the antenna body and the power adjusting module. The frequency adjusting module controls one of a plurality of second matching circuits to couple with one of the first matching circuits according to the second control signal.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Figure 8 balun

Номер: US20120161870A1

A balun includes a first set of wound conductors includes a first loop portion and a second loop portion. The first loop portion and the second loop portion are conductively coupled and form a first figure eight structure. The balun further includes a second set of wound conductors includes a third loop portion and a fourth loop portion. The third loop portion and the fourth loop portion are conductively coupled and form a second figure eight structure. The first loop portion and the third loop portion are inductively coupled. The second loop portion and the fourth loop portion are inductively coupled.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Antenna structures with electrical connections to device housing members

Номер: US20120176278A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Electronic devices may be provided that contain wireless communications circuitry. The wireless communications circuitry may include antenna structures that are formed from an internal ground plane and a peripheral conductive housing member. A conductive path may be formed that connects the peripheral conductive housing member and the internal ground plane. The conductive path may include a flex circuit. A metal structure may be welded to the peripheral conductive housing member. A solder pad and other traces in the flex circuit may be soldered to the metal structure at one end of the conductive path. At the other end of the conductive path, the flex circuit may be attached to the ground plane using a bracket, screw, and screw boss.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Antennaless wireless device

Номер: US20120242557A1
Принадлежит: Fractus SA

The invention refer to an antennaless wireless handset or portable device that may include a user interface module, a processing module, a memory module, a communication module, and a power management module. The communication module may include a radiating system capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic wave signals in a first frequency region. The radiating system may include a radiating structure comprising or consisting of at least one ground plane layer including a connection point, at least one radiation booster including a connection point, and an internal port wherein the internal port is defined between the connection point of the at least one radiation booster and the connection point of the at least one ground layer.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Antenna device and wireless communication apparatus

Номер: US20130002511A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

An antenna device of an embodiment includes: an antenna having a feeding point and an end portion apart from the feeding point, the end portion being an open end; a variable impedance matching circuit connected to the antenna at the feeding point; a probe placed in such a position that the distance from the end portion to a tip of the probe is equal to or shorter than one eighth of the wavelength corresponding to the maximum radio frequency used in the antenna device; and a controller that is connected to the probe, and controls the variable impedance matching circuit, based on an electrical signal measured with the probe.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Smart channel selective repeater

Номер: US20130072207A1
Принадлежит: Mobile Joose Inc

A system and method for processing signals in a selected channel through a repeater wherein the repeater is dynamically adapted to the channel by receiving channel information from a local cell phone, such information including modulation and channel designation.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088399A1
Принадлежит: RADINA CO., LTD

Provided is an antenna having broadband frequency characteristics due to the use of a power supply structural body having a closed loop consisting of a conductive circuit and an inductive element, such that the capacitance due to a capacitive element and the inductance due to the closed loop give rise to resonance, and the magnetic flux generated in the closed loop at the resonance frequency is coupled to a radiator. Also provided is an antenna having broadband characteristics in a plurality of bands. 1. An antenna having a broadband feeding structure , the antenna comprising:a feeding structure, and a radiator having a first resonance frequency and radiating a signal provided by the feeding structure to outside, wherein the feeding structure includes:a feeding unit for providing the signal; anda closed loop formed by a capacitive element and a conducting line, whereina second resonance frequency generated by the closed loop is a frequency adjacent to the first resonance frequency.2. The antenna according to claim 1 , wherein magnetic flux of the resonance generated in the closed loop is coupled to the radiator and excites the radiator.3. The antenna according to claim 1 , wherein the second resonance frequency is determined by capacitance of the capacitive element and inductance provided by the closed loop.4. An antenna having a broadband feeding structure claim 1 , the antenna comprising:a feeding structure, and a radiator having a first resonance frequency and a second resonance frequency and radiating a signal provided by the feeding structure to outside, wherein the feeding structure includes:a feeding unit for providing the signal;a first closed loop formed by a first capacitive element and a conducting line; anda second closed loop formed by the first capacitive element, a second capacitive element and the conducting line, whereina third resonance frequency generated by the first closed loop is formed around the first resonance frequency, anda fourth ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088406A1

Low-loss printed circuit boards, low-loss wide-band antennas, and manufacturing methods thereof are provided by using a resin as a board material. A resin material () having a predetermined shape is prepared in a molding step, and the resin material () is foamed in a foaming step. As a result, a skin layer () and a foamed part () are formed. Since the skin layer () does not allow close contact of plating, the skin layer () is removed in the shape of a conductor pattern in a skin-layer removing step to expose the foamed part () in the interior. Electroless plating is carried out in a conductor-layer forming step; and, as a result, plating is brought into close contact with the foamed part () having an anchor effect, and a conductor layer () is formed. 1. A manufacturing method of a printed circuit board comprising:a foaming step of forming a foamed part having a foamed structure in at least part of its interior by subjecting a predetermined resin to a foaming process and forming a non-foamed skin layer on an outer surface of the foamed part;a skin-layer removing step of removing part of the skin layer in a predetermined pattern shape and exposing the foamed part; anda conductor-layer forming step of forming a conductor layer on the exposed foamed part by electroless plating or vapor deposition.2. The manufacturing method of the printed circuit board according to claim 1 , whereinthe foaming step is carried out after the resin is injection-molded into a predetermined shape.3. The manufacturing method of the printed circuit board according to claim 1 , whereinthe foaming step is carried out at the same time as injection molding of pellets of the predetermined resin into which a predetermined gas has been permeated.4. The manufacturing method of the printed circuit board according to any one of to claim 1 , whereinthe foamed part is exposed by melting the part of the skin layer by laser irradiation in the skin-layer removing step.5. The manufacturing method of the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088407A1

A hybrid network for in-building wireless (IBW) applications that provides a forward link path and a reverse link path, each on separate media. In particular, a hybrid cabling system for providing wireless coverage in a building comprises a forward link comprising at least one optical fiber to couple a first signal generated at an RF input bank with an RF antenna node, and a reverse link comprising coaxial cable, wherein a portion of the reverse link includes radiating coaxial cable configured to receive a second signal transmitted by a wireless user equipment in the building and pass the second signal to the RF input bank. 1. A hybrid cabling system for providing wireless coverage in a building , comprising:a forward link comprising at least one optical fiber to couple a first signal generated at an RF input bank with an RF antenna node; anda reverse link comprising coaxial cable, wherein a portion of the reverse link includes radiating coaxial cable configured to receive a second signal transmitted by a wireless user equipment in the building and pass the second signal to the RF input bank.2. The hybrid cabling system of claim 1 , wherein the reverse link conducts power to the RF antenna node.3. The hybrid cabling system of claim 1 , wherein the reverse link conducts power to the RF antenna node via a center conductor of the radiating coaxial cable.4. The hybrid cabling system of claim 1 , further comprising a converter to convert the forward link signal from an optical signal to an electrical signal to be transmitted by a radio frequency antenna of the RF antenna node.5. The hybrid cabling system of claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive-backed multi-channel RF signal cable claim 1 , comprising a main body having at least multiple bores formed lengthwise throughout claim 1 , and a flange portion having an adhesive backing layer to mount the cable to a mounting surface.6. The hybrid cabling system of claim 5 , wherein the reverse link is disposed in a first bore ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

All-Outdoor Microwave Enclosure Having a Built-In Memory Cardholder

Номер: US20130102262A1
Принадлежит: ZTE USA Inc

A microwave transmit/receive enclosure comprises an enclosure housing and one or more I/O connection ports that are mounted on one side of the enclosure housing. The enclosure housing contains a removable communication connector and a removable memory card. Both the removable communication connector and the removable memory card can be inserted into or removed from the enclosure housing via the same I/O connection port.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Two Port Antennas with Separate Antenna Branches Including Respective Filters

Номер: US20130102357A1
Автор: Vance Scott LaDell

A communication structure may include a mobile terminal ground plane including a ground point. A primary radiator is electrically coupled to the ground point. A first antenna branch includes a first filter circuit that is coupled between a first point on the primary radiator and a first antenna port and that corresponds to a first frequency band. A second antenna branch includes a second filter circuit that is coupled between a second point on the primary radiator and a second antenna port that corresponds to a second frequency band that is different from the first frequency band. In addition, a radio frequency (RF) transmitter and/or receiver may be provided with the ground plane and the primary radiator being electrically coupled to the RF transmitter and/or receiver. 1. A communication structure , comprising:a mobile terminal ground plane including a ground point;a primary radiator that is electrically coupled to the ground point;a first antenna branch that includes a first filter circuit that is coupled between a first point on the primary radiator and a first antenna port and that corresponds to a first frequency band; anda second antenna branch that includes a second filter circuit that is coupled between a second point on the primary radiator and a second antenna port that corresponds to a second frequency band that is different from the first frequency band.2. A communication structure according to claim 1 , wherein the first point on the primary radiator is arranged between the second point on the primary radiator and the ground point claim 1 , andwherein the first antenna port comprises a global positioning system (GPS) port.3. A communication structure according to claim 2 , wherein the second antenna port comprises a BlueTooth and/or wireless local area network (WLAN) port.4. A communication structure according to claim 1 , wherein the first filter circuit comprises a first bandpass filter that is configured to provide a low ohmic path to signals ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135159A1
Принадлежит: Huber+Suhner AG

An adaptor with a lower portion designed to be connectable to an upper horizontal opening serving as electromagnetic aperture of a reflector frame of a surface-mountable antenna device and an upper portion of the adaptor being designed to accommodate a waveguide of testing or tuning equipment. 150. An adaptor () comprising:{'b': 51', '11', '10', '100', '100', '100, 'a lower portion () adapted to be connectable to an upper horizontal opening () serving as electromagnetic aperture of a reflector frame () of a surface-mountable antenna device (; A; B); and'}{'b': 52', '400, 'an upper portion () adapted to accommodate a waveguide () of a testing or tuning equipment.'}2501001001002250. The adaptor () of claim 1 , wherein the antenna device (; A; B) comprises an electromagnetic interface (EM) and a mechanical interface (M) for establishing a connection to the adaptor ().350210010010050. The adaptor () of claim 2 , wherein the mechanical interface (M) of the antenna device (; A; B) provides for a plug-in connection to said adaptor ().4501001001001550. The adaptor () of claim 2 , wherein the antenna device (; A; B) comprises at least one mating element () for mechanical engagement with the adaptor ().5501001001001815100. The adaptor () of claim 4 , wherein the antenna device (; A; B) further comprises at least one mating element () designed to mechanically fit the at least one mating element () of the antenna device ().650185450100. The adaptor () of claim 1 , further comprising an element (; ) adapted to provide a mode suppression and impedance transformation when the adaptor () is plugged into the antenna device ().730010010010010501518210501518. An arrangement () comprising an antenna device (; A; B) comprising a reflector frame () claim 1 , and an adaptor () according to claim 1 , wherein mating elements ( claim 1 , ) are provided for establishing a mechanical connection (M) between the reflector frame () and the adaptor () and wherein a male/female type mating pair is ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135169A1

This application relates to antennas including, for example, an antenna for operation at a frequency in excess of 200 MHz comprising: an insulative substrate having a central axis, an axial passage extending therethrough and an outer substrate surface which extends around the axis; a three-dimensional antenna element structure including at least one pair of axially coextensive elongate conductive antenna elements on or adjacent the outer substrate surface; and an axial feeder structure which extends through the passage and comprises an elongate laminate board wherein the laminate board proximal end portion includes lateral extensions projecting in opposite lateral directions, and wherein, adjacent the laminate board proximal end portion, the substrate has recesses on opposite sides of the axis which receive at least edge parts of the said lateral extensions of the laminate board proximal end portion. 1. An antenna for operation at a frequency in excess of 200 MHz comprising:an insulative substrate having a central axis, an axial passage extending therethrough and an outer substrate surface which extends around the axis;a three-dimensional antenna element structure including at least one pair of axially coextensive elongate conductive antenna elements on or adjacent the outer substrate surface; andan axial feeder structure which extends through the passage and comprises an elongate laminate board having a proximal end portion for connection to host equipment circuitry, an intermediate portion including a transmission line, and a distal end portion coupled to the antenna elements;wherein the laminate board proximal end portion is wider than the intermediate portion in that it includes lateral extensions projecting in opposite lateral directions, and wherein, adjacent the laminate board proximal end portion, the substrate has recesses on opposite sides of the axis which receive at least edge parts of said lateral extensions of the laminate board proximal end portion.2. ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135171A1

A self-reconfigurable multimode antenna system where loading conditions of sensors are analyzed and used to generate control signals to dynamically reconfigure an antenna for improved performance. One or multiple sensors can be coupled to the antenna to dynamically change the radiating structure. One or multiple sensors can be coupled to the input or matching section of the antenna to improve or alter the impedance match of the antenna. An algorithm to relate loading effects of sensors to dynamically adjust the antenna is described. 1. An antenna system adapted for integration with a wireless communication device , comprising:an active modal antenna capable of selective operation about a plurality of modes, wherein each of said plurality of modes generates a distinct antenna radiation pattern resulting from the first active modal antenna; anda processor coupled to the active modal antenna;the processor adapted to be further coupled to a plurality of sensors disposed about the wireless communication device, wherein the plurality of sensors are configured to sense an instantaneous use case from a plurality of possible use cases of the device;the processor being configured to access a lookup table containing data relating each of the plurality of possible use cases with a corresponding antenna mode of the plurality of modes for achieving optimum antenna performance;wherein the antenna system is configured to determine the instantaneous use case of the device using the sensors, lookup the corresponding antenna mode for achieving optimum antenna performance with the device in the instantaneous use case, and configure the active modal antenna to function in the corresponding antenna mode.2. The antenna system of claim 1 , said first active modal antenna comprising:a radiating structure disposed above a circuit board and forming an antenna volume therebetween;a parasitic element positioned adjacent to the radiating structure; andan active element coupled to the parasitic ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135175A1
Автор: Miller Alan, Neil Oliver

An antenna has a radiator formed entirely of thin film and adapted to receive and transmit radio-frequency signals, a connector also formed of thin film and adapted for connection to a transmitter, and a fuse formed of the same thin film as the radiator and connector and connected therebetween. The fuse is of a narrower width than the antenna and connector parts and so dimensioned as to melt if a radio-frequency signal greater than a predetermined magnitude is transmitted through it from the connector part to the radiator part. 1. An antenna comprising:a radiator formed entirely of thin film and adapted to receive and transmit radio-frequency signals;a connector formed of thin film and adapted for connection to a transmitter; anda fuse formed of the same thin film as the radiator and connector and connected therebetween, the fuse being of a narrower width than the antenna and connector parts and so dimensioned as to melt if a radio-frequency signal greater than a predetermined magnitude is transmitted through it from the connector part to the radiator part.2. The antenna defined in claim 1 , further comprising;a dielectric plastic sheet in which the radiator is imbedded, the fuse not being imbedded in the sheet.3. The antenna defined in claim 2 , wherein the sheet is formed by a pair of layers claim 2 , the radiator being between the layers.4. The antenna defined in wherein the connector is at least partially imbedded in the sheet and the sheet is cut away around the fuse to expose it.5. The antenna defined in wherein the fuse is closer to the connector part where currents are higher and where the antenna would cease to function to prevent overheating and fire and protect occupants and others nearby from excessive radiation exposure. This case is the replacement of provisional application 61/564,321 filed 29 Nov. 2011.The present invention relates to a thin-film antenna.Most CB antennas mounted on Class 8 trucks (semis) in North America are rod antennas typically ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141289A1

An antenna assembly including: an insulating substrate; a conductive coating covering a surface of the substrate at least section-wise and serving at least section-wise as a planar antenna receiving electromagnetic waves; a first coupling electrode electrically coupled to the conductive coating extracting useful signals from the planar antenna; a source of interference disposed such that interfering signals can be received by the planar antenna; an electrically conductive ground; and a second coupling electrode electrically coupled to the conductive coating coupling out interfering signals received by the planar antenna from the planar antenna. The second coupling electrode includes a first coupling surface and the conductive structure includes a second coupling surface capacitively coupled to the first coupling surface, the two coupling surfaces configured to selectively allow passage of a frequency range corresponding to the interfering signals to be extracted from the planar antenna. 113-. (canceled)14. An antenna assembly , comprising:at least one electrically insulating, or a transparent, substrate;at least one electrically conductive, or a transparent, coating, which covers a surface of the substrate at least section-wise and serves at least section-wise as a planar antenna for receiving electromagnetic waves;at least one first coupling electrode electrically coupled to the conductive coating for extracting useful signals from the planar antenna;at least one source of interference, which is disposed such that interfering signals can be received by the planar antenna;an electrically conductive structure acting as a ground, or a metallic motor vehicle body, or a metallic window frame;at least one second coupling electrode electrically coupled to the conductive coating for extracting interfering signals of the at least one source of interference from the planar antenna, wherein the at least one second coupling electrode includes a first coupling surface and the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147678A1
Автор: TANIGUCHI Yasumasa

A high-frequency module includes first and second demultiplexers and a band elimination filter. The first and second demultiplexers include common terminals, transmission filters, and reception filters, respectively. In the band elimination filter, a demultiplexer-side terminal is connected to the common terminal of the first demultiplexer. The band elimination filter includes a first pass band, and a second pass band and a stop band that are located adjacent to each other within the first pass band. The band elimination filter is configured so that the second pass band includes the pass band of each of the transmission filter and the reception filter in the first demultiplexer and the stop band includes the pass band of the transmission filter in the second demultiplexer. 1. A high-frequency module comprising:first and second demultiplexers each of which includes a common terminal, a transmission filter, and a reception filter, the transmission filter and the reception filter are connected to the common terminal; anda band elimination filter that includes an antenna-side terminal and a demultiplexer-side terminal, the demultiplexer-side terminal is connected to the common terminal of the first demultiplexer; whereinthe band elimination filter includes a first pass band, and a second pass band and a stop band that are located adjacent to each other within the first pass band; andthe band elimination filter is configured so that the second pass band includes a pass band of each of the transmission filter and the reception filter in the first demultiplexer and the stop band includes a pass band of the transmission filter in the second demultiplexer.2. The high-frequency module according to claim 1 , wherein the band elimination filter is configured so that the stop band coincides or substantially coincides with the pass band of the transmission filter in the second demultiplexer.3. The high-frequency module according to claim 1 , wherein the band elimination filter ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147681A1

Methods for generating a look-up table relating a plurality of complex reflection coefficients to a plurality of matched states for a tunable matching network. Typical steps include measuring a plurality of complex reflection coefficients resulting from a plurality of impedance loads while the tunable matching network is in a predetermined state, determining a plurality of matched states for the plurality of impedance loads, with a matched state determined for each of the plurality of impedance loads and providing the determined matched states as a look-up table. A further step is interpolating the measured complex reflection coefficients and the determined matching states into a set of complex reflection coefficients with predetermined step sizes. 1. A communication device , comprising:an antenna;a tunable impedance matching network coupled to the antenna;a memory to store instructions; anda processor coupled to the memory and the tunable impedance matching network, wherein responsive to executing the instructions, the processor performs operations comprising:determining at a terminal of the tunable impedance matching network an impedance mismatch caused by a change in impedance of the antenna;locating an impedance mismatch entry in a lookup table that approximates the impedance mismatch, wherein the lookup table comprises a plurality of complex reflection coefficients determined by measuring a signal at the terminal of the tunable impedance matching network for a plurality of impedance loads of the antenna; andusing one or more complex reflection coefficients in the lookup table which correspond to the located impedance mismatch entry to tune the tunable impedance matching network.2. The communication device of claim 1 , wherein the lookup table comprises a plurality of matched states of the tunable impedance matching network for each of the plurality of impedance loads.3. The communication device of claim 1 , wherein the tunable impedance matching network ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Providing remote access to a wireless communication device for controlling a device in a housing

Номер: US20130154831A1
Принадлежит: Daintree Networks Pty Ltd

Methods, systems, and apparatus for engaging a wireless communication device assembly to a housing. In one aspect including a wireless communication device assembly adapted to engage a knockout hole in a housing after removal of a knockout blank from the knockout hole, the wireless communication device assembly adapted to connect to the base unit and comprising: a housing engagement portion being of dimensions to at least substantially cover any uncovered portions of the knockout; a remote unit portion positioned outside of the housing when the wireless communication device assembly is engaged with the knockout hole, the remote unit portion having a remote unit surface distal from the housing engagement portion; and at least one of: an antenna device to receive wireless communications and a stimulating device that upon actuation of the stimulating device causes the base unit to perform one or more predefined operations.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154894A1

A communications apparatus. The apparatus comprises a transmitting antenna, a receiving antenna, a first serial configuration of a first power amplifier and a first matching network for producing a first signal, the first power amplifier operating in a first frequency band, a second serial configuration of a second power amplifier and a second matching network for producing a second signal, the second power amplifier operating in a second frequency band, a first switching element for switchably supplying the first signal or the second signal to the transmitting antenna, a first and a second receiver; and a second switching element for switchably directing a signal received at the receiving antenna to the first receiver or the second receiver. 1. A communications apparatus comprising:a transmitting antenna;a receiving antenna;a first serial configuration of a first power amplifier and a first matching network for producing a first signal, the first power amplifier operating in a first frequency band;a second serial configuration of a second power amplifier and a second matching network for producing a second signal the second power amplifier operating in a second frequency band;a first switching element for switchably supplying the first signal or the second signal to the transmitting antenna;a first receiver;a second receiver; anda second switching element for switchably directing a signal received at the receiving antenna to the first receiver or the second receiver.2. The communications apparatus of further comprising an isolation structure intermediate the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna.3. The communications apparatus of wherein the isolation structure further comprises a conductive structure disposed between the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna.4. The communications apparatus of further comprising a dielectric substrate claim 1 , wherein the transmitting and the receiving antennas each comprise a conductive structure disposed on the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154896A1
Принадлежит: FRACTUS, S.A.

The present invention refers to an antennaless wireless handheld or portable device () comprising: a user interface module (), a processing module (), a memory module (), a communication module () and, a power management module (); the communication module () including a radiating system () capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic wave signals in a first frequency region and in a second frequency region, wherein the highest frequency of the first frequency region is lower than the lowest frequency of the second frequency region; said radiating system () comprising a radiating structure () comprising or consisting of at least one ground plane layer () capable of supporting at least one radiation mode, the at least one ground plane layer () including at least one connection point (); at least one radiation booster () to couple electromagnetic energy from/to the at least one ground plane layer (), the/each radiation booster including a connection point (); and at least one internal port (), wherein the/each internal port () is defined between the connection point () of the/each radiation booster () and one of the at least one connection point () of the at least one ground plane layer (); wherein the at least one ground plane layer () has associated a ground plane rectangle (), the ground plane rectangle () being defined as the minimum-sized rectangle that encompasses the at least one ground plane layer () so that the sides of the ground plane rectangle () are tangent to at least one point of the at least one ground plane layer (); the radiating system () further comprising a radiofrequency system (), and an external port (); the radiofrequency system () comprising a port () connected to each of the at least one internal port () of the radiating structure () and a port () connected to the external port () of the radiating system (); wherein the input impedance of the radiating structure () at the/each internal port () when disconnected from the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Low-Profile Wide-Bandwidth Radio Frequency Antenna

Номер: US20130162498A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

The present invention relates to an RF antenna structure that includes a planar structure and a loading plate, such that the planar structure is mounted between a ground plane and the loading plate to form an RF antenna. The loading plate may be about parallel to the ground plane and the planar structure may be about perpendicular to the loading plate and the ground plane. The loading plate may allow the height of the RF antenna structure above the ground plane to be relatively small. For example, the height may be significantly less than one-quarter of a wavelength of RF signals of interest. The planar structure may include two conductive matching elements to help increase the bandwidth of the RF antenna structure. 122-. (canceled)23. An antenna structure , comprising:a ground plane;a loading plate spaced from the ground plane in a direction substantially perpendicular to the ground plane and extending substantially parallel to the ground plane;a first conductive matching element extending from the loading plate toward the ground plane, wherein the first conductive matching element is electrically connected to the loading plate and is electrically isolated from the ground plane;a first conductive element extending from the loading plate toward the ground plane; anda second conductive matching element extending from the first conductive element spaced from and between the ground plane and the loading plate;wherein the first conductive matching element, the first conductive element and the second conductive matching element are in a common plane, the common plane extending substantially perpendicular to the loading plate and the ground plane, wherein the first conductive matching element, the first conductive element and the second conductive matching element comprise an integral conductive structure, and wherein the integral conductive structure further comprises a second conductive element extending along the common plane from the first conductive element to the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Tunable Microwave Devices with Auto-Adjusting Matching Circuit

Номер: US20130169493A1

An embodiment of the present disclosure provides a variable impedance circuit including an antenna having a tunable component. The tunable component can be operable to receive a variable signal to cause the tunable component to change an impedance of the antenna. The tunable component can include a first conductor coupled to the antenna, a second conductor, and a tunable material positioned between the first conductor and the second conductor, where at least one of the first conductor or the second conductor, or both are adapted to receive the variable signal to cause the change in the impedance of the antenna. Additional embodiments are disclosed. 1. A variable impedance circuit , comprising:a matching network to couple to a tunable device;wherein the matching network comprises a first port and a second port;wherein the tunable device is coupled to one of the first port or the second port;wherein the matching network comprises one or more variable dielectric capacitors;wherein the one or more variable dielectric capacitors are operable to receive a first of one or more variable voltage signals to cause the one or more variable dielectric capacitors to change a first impedance of the matching network;wherein the tunable device is operable to receive a second of one or more variable voltage signals to cause a change in a second impedance of the tunable device; and a first conductor coupled to one of the first port or the second port;', 'a second conductor; and', 'a tunable dielectric material positioned between the first conductor and the second conductor, wherein at least one of the first conductor or the second conductor, or both are adapted to receive the first of the one or more variable voltage signals to cause the change in the first impedance of the matching network., 'wherein at least one of the one or more variable dielectric capacitors comprises2. The variable impedance circuit of claim 1 , wherein the change in the first impedance of the matching network ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Amplified Television Antenna

Номер: US20130176190A1
Автор: Robert Michael Barts
Принадлежит: Greenwave Scientific Inc

An amplified television antenna system is disclosed that receives its power from a non-dedicated source such as a Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection. The USB connection that powers the amplified television antenna can be made with any USB device such as a television, a television receiver, a desktop computer, a laptop computer, a game console, or a USB AC wall adaptor.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Methods for tuning an adaptive impedance matching network with a look-up table

Номер: US20130187727A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion RF Inc

Methods for generating a look-up table relating a plurality of complex reflection coefficients to a plurality of matched states for a tunable matching network. Typical steps include measuring a plurality of complex reflection coefficients resulting from a plurality of impedance loads while the tunable matching network is in a predetermined state, determining a plurality of matched states for the plurality of impedance loads, with a matched state determined for each of the plurality of impedance loads and providing the determined matched states as a look-up table. A further step is interpolating the measured complex reflection coefficients and the determined matching states into a set of complex reflection coefficients with predetermined step sizes.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187824A1

An impedance converting circuit module includes a first matching circuit, a feeding-circuit-side matching circuit interposed between the first matching circuit and a feeding circuit, and an antenna-side matching circuit interposed between the first matching circuit and a radiating element. The feeding-circuit-side matching circuit performs impedance matching between a feeding port of the feeding circuit and the first matching circuit, and the antenna-side matching circuit performs impedance matching between a port of the radiating element and the first matching circuit. 1. An impedance converting circuit connected between a first high-frequency circuit and a second high-frequency circuit , the impedance converting circuit comprising:a first matching circuit including a first inductance element connected to the first high-frequency circuit, and a second inductance element connected to the second high-frequency circuit and coupled to the first inductance element; anda second matching circuit connected at least between the first matching circuit and the first high-frequency circuit or between the first matching circuit and the second high-frequency circuit, the second matching circuit including a reactance element including at least one of a capacitance element and an inductance element.2. The impedance converting circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the first high-frequency circuit is a feeding circuit claim 1 , and the second high-frequency circuit is a radiating element.3. The impedance converting circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the reactance element in the second matching circuit includes at least a capacitance element that defines a parallel resonant circuit together with the first inductance element or the second inductance element.4. The impedance converting circuit according to claim 3 , wherein the second matching circuit includes a first matching circuit element including a first capacitance element shunt-connected between the first matching circuit ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Wireless Device Capable of Multiband MIMO Operation

Номер: US20130187825A1
Принадлежит: FRACTUS, S.A.

A wireless handheld or portable device capable of multiband MIMO operation comprising a communication module including at least one MIMO system, wherein the at least one MIMO system comprises at least two radiating systems capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic wave signals, wherein at least two of the radiating systems are capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic wave signals in at least a first frequency band, and wherein at least two of the radiating systems are capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic wave signals in at least a second frequency band. The MIMO system further comprises a MIMO module arranged for processing the electromagnetic wave signals. At least one of the radiating systems includes a radiating structure comprising a ground plane () capable of supporting at least one radiation mode, and a radiation booster (-) arranged to couple electromagnetic energy from/to the ground plane. 1. A wireless handheld or portable device capable of multiband MIMO operation comprising a MIMO system comprising:at least two radiating systems capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic wave signals; anda MIMO module configured to process the electromagnetic wave signals transmitted and received by the at least two radiating systems, the MIMO module including at least two MIMO internal ports, wherein:at least two of the radiating systems are capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic wave signals in at least a first frequency band;at least two of the radiating systems are capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic wave signals in at least a second frequency band;each of the radiating systems comprises at least one external port connected to a respective one of the MIMO internal ports; and a ground plane having a maximum length larger than 0.1λ and smaller than 1.5λ, where λ is the wavelength at a frequency within the first frequency band of operation, the first frequency band of operation being ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187828A1

A communication system is provided, including an antenna, a matching network coupled to the antenna, a controller configured to control the matching network, and a look-up table coupled to the controller. The look-up table includes characterization data according to frequency bands and conditions. The controller is configured to refer to the look-up table to determine optimum impedance for a frequency band selected under a condition detected during a time interval, and adjust the matching network to provide the optimum impedance. 2. The communication system of claim 1 , whereinthe matching network comprises a plurality of first cells coupled to a plurality of switches, respectively, whereineach of the plurality of first cells comprises one or more components.3. The communication system of claim 2 , whereinthe controller is configured to adjust the matching network by turning on one or more of the plurality of switches to provide the optimum impedance for the frequency band and the condition, based on one or more of the plurality of first cells coupled respectively to the one or more of the plurality of switches that are turned on.4. The communication system of claim 2 , wherein the matching network further comprises:a plurality of second cells coupled to the plurality of switches, respectively, wherein each of the plurality of second cells comprises one or more components.5. The communication system of claim 4 , whereinthe controller is configured to adjust the matching network by turning on one or more of the plurality of switches to provide the optimum impedance for the band and the condition, based on one or more of the plurality of first cells coupled respectively to the one or more of the plurality of switches that are turned on and one or more of the plurality of second cells coupled respectively to the one or more of the plurality of switches that are turned on.6. The communication system of claim 2 , wherein the matching network further comprises:a third ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187829A1

A communication system is provided, including an antenna, a matching network coupled to the antenna, a controller configured to host an algorithm for controlling the matching network, and a look-up table coupled to the controller. The look-up table includes characterization data according to frequency bands and conditions. The controller is configured to refer to the look-up table to determine optimum impedance for a frequency band selected under a condition detected during a time interval, and adjust the matching network to provide the optimum impedance. Part or all of the sections related to the tunable matching scheme can be integrated on a chip. 3. The communication system of claim 1 , whereinthe controller and the look-up table are integrated on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA).4. The communication system of claim 1 , whereinthe matching network is integrated with the controller and the look-up table on the chip.5. The communication system of claim 4 , whereinthe look-up table is implemented on a memory.6. The communication system of claim 5 , whereinthe memory is a read only memory (ROM) or a random access memory (RAM).7. A method for impedance matching of a communication system that includes an antenna claim 5 , a matching network coupled to the antenna claim 5 , a controller configured to control the matching network claim 5 , and a look-up table coupled to the controller claim 5 , the look-up table including characterization data according to frequency bands and conditions claim 5 , wherein the controller is configured to refer to the look-up table to determine optimum impedance for a frequency band selected and under a condition detected during a time interval claim 5 , and adjust the matching network to provide the optimum impedance claim 5 , the method comprising:first adjusting the matching network to provide a first impedance that is optimum for a first frequency band and a first condition; andsecond adjusting the matching network to provide a ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194149A1

A compact wireless communication includes a first radiating element and a second radiating element, which define and function as a dipole antenna, a feeder circuit including a wireless IC chip coupled with the first and second radiating elements, and a feeder substrate that is provided with the wireless IC chip. The first radiating element is provided to the feeder substrate. The second radiating element is provided to a substrate other than the feeder substrate. 2. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 , wherein a matching circuit provided to the feeder substrate is connected between the feeder circuit and the second radiating element.3. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the feeder substrate is a multilayer substrate claim 1 , the first radiating element includes a coil pattern claim 1 , and at least a portion of the coil pattern is built into the multilayer substrate.4. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the feeder circuit includes a wireless IC chip that processes a high-frequency signal.5. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second radiating elements and the feeder circuit are coupled to each other by any of magnetic field coupling claim 1 , capacitive coupling claim 1 , electric field coupling claim 1 , electromagnetic field coupling and direct current coupling.6. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the first radiating element is built into the feeder substrate claim 1 , the substrate other than the feeder substrate is a printed wiring board claim 1 , and the second radiating element is located on the printed wiring board.7. The wireless communication device according to claim 6 , wherein the feeder substrate is mounted on the second radiating element and the feeder substrate is connected to the second radiating element only via the feeder terminal.8. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 , ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194151A1
Автор: Shachar Aviv

An antenna module having a side-edge balance-to-unbalance (BALUN). The antenna module may include a flexible substrate with one or more layers that may be configured to receive one first and second conductive patterns, the substrate may have opposed first and second ends which may define a longitudinal length and/or opposed side edges situated between the first and second ends. The first conductive pattern may form an antenna loop situated adjacent to the first end of the flexible substrate and be suitable for transmitting or receiving signals at one or more frequencies. The second conductive pattern may form at least part of the BALUN and may include one or more of a center portion, side portions which may extend from the center portion at opposite sides of the center portion, and electrically neutral slots situated between a corresponding side portion and the center portion. 1. An antenna apparatus for a mobile station (MS) , the antenna apparatus comprising:a flexible substrate portion comprising one or more layers and having first and second ends defining a longitudinal length thereof, the substrate portion comprising a first portion situated adjacent to the first end and a second portion situated adjacent to the second end;a coil antenna configured to inductively transmit or receive radio frequency (RF) signals for communication with a radio-frequency identification (RFID) device and disposed on one or more of the one or more flexible layers of the substrate portion in the first portion of the substrate portion; anda second conductive pattern configured to be coupled to one or more of a ground plane of the MS and disposed on one or more of the one or more flexible layers of the first portion of the substrate portion in the second portion of the substrate portion, the second conductive pattern being further configured to form a side-edge (SE) balance-to-unbalance (BALUN) which controls impedance in the second conductive pattern.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194152A1
Принадлежит: FRACTUS, S.A.

An apparatus includes an internal, multiband antenna element concealed within a portable communication device. The antenna element operates in at least three frequency bands and includes geometric elements arranged to define empty spaces in the antenna element to provide at least three winding current paths through the antenna element which circumvent the empty spaces, the at least three winding current paths respectively corresponding to the at least three frequency bands to provide the antenna element with multi-band behavior, wherein each of two or more of the geometric elements is traversed by the at least three winding current paths. The apparatus further includes a ground plane, with the antenna element being electrically coupled to the ground plane. The geometric elements are arranged such that the antenna element does not comprise a group of single band antennas that respectively operate in the at least three frequency bands. 1. An apparatus comprising:an internal antenna element having a multi-band behavior, the antenna element being concealed within a portable communication device and configured to operate in at least three frequency bands, the antenna element comprising a plurality of geometric elements arranged to define empty spaces in the antenna element to provide at least three winding current paths through the antenna element which circumvent the empty spaces, the at least three winding current paths respectively corresponding to the at least three frequency bands to provide the antenna element with the multi-band behavior, wherein each of two or more of the geometric elements is traversed by the at least three winding current paths; anda ground plane, the antenna element being electrically coupled to the ground plane;wherein the geometric elements are arranged such that the antenna element does not comprise a group of single band antennas that respectively operate in the at least three frequency bands.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194153A1
Принадлежит: FRACTUS, S.A.

An apparatus includes an antenna concealed within a portable communication device and configured to operate in non-overlapping frequency bands. The antenna includes an antenna element with a multilevel structure of geometric elements arranged to define empty spaces to provide winding current paths through the antenna element which circumvent the empty spaces, the winding current paths respectively corresponding to the non-overlapping frequency bands. The antenna further includes a ground plane, with the antenna element being electrically coupled to the ground plane. The antenna element provides a substantially similar impedance level and radiation pattern in the non-overlapping frequency bands. The geometric elements are arranged such that the antenna element does not comprise a group of single band antennas that respectively operate in the non-overlapping frequency bands, and the antenna element is not a fractal type antenna element. 1. An apparatus comprising: an antenna element including a multilevel structure, the multilevel structure comprising a plurality of geometric elements arranged to define empty spaces to provide a plurality of winding current paths through the antenna element which circumvent the empty spaces, the winding current paths respectively corresponding to the non-overlapping frequency bands to provide the antenna element with the multi-band behavior; and', 'a ground plane, the antenna element being electrically coupled to the ground plane;, 'an antenna having a multi-band behavior, the antenna being concealed within a portable communication device and configured to operate in a plurality of non-overlapping frequency bands, the antenna comprisingwherein the antenna element provides a substantially similar impedance level and radiation pattern in the plurality of non-overlapping frequency bands;wherein the geometric elements are arranged such that the antenna element does not comprise a group of single band antennas that respectively operate in ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194154A1
Принадлежит: FRACTUS, S.A.

An apparatus includes an antenna element that operates in at least first and second non-overlapping frequency bands and has geometric elements arranged to define empty spaces in the antenna element to provide first and second winding current paths through the antenna element, the first and second winding current paths circumventing the empty spaces and respectively corresponding to the first and second frequency bands to provide the antenna element with multi-band behavior. The apparatus further includes a ground plane, with the antenna element being electrically coupled to the ground plane. The antenna element provides a substantially similar impedance level and radiation pattern in the first and second frequency bands. The geometric elements are arranged such that the antenna element does not comprise a group of single band antennas that respectively operate in the first and second frequency bands, and the antenna element is not a fractal type antenna element. 1. An apparatus comprising:an antenna element having a multi-band behavior and configured to operate in at least first and second non-overlapping frequency bands and comprising a plurality of geometric elements arranged to define empty spaces in the antenna element to provide at least first and second winding current paths through the antenna element, the at least first and second winding current paths circumventing the empty spaces and respectively corresponding to the at least first and second non-overlapping frequency bands to provide the antenna element with the multi-band behavior; anda ground plane, the antenna element being electrically coupled to the ground plane;wherein the antenna element provides a substantially similar impedance level and radiation pattern in the at least first and second non-overlapping frequency bands;wherein the geometric elements are arranged such that the antenna element does not comprise a group of single band antennas that respectively operate in the at least first and ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Devices and methods related to electrostatic discharge-protected cmos switches

Номер: US20130194158A1
Автор: Ying-Kuang Chen
Принадлежит: Skyworks Solutions Inc

Disclosed are devices and methods related to a CMOS switch for radio-frequency (RF) applications. In some embodiments, the switch can be configured to include a resistive body-floating circuit to provide improved power handling capability. The switch can further include an electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection circuit disposed relative to the switch to provide ESD protection for the switch. Such a switch can be implemented for different switching applications in wireless devices such as cell phones, including band-selection switching and transmit/receive switching.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Compact multi-band antenna with integrating fed through co-axial cable

Номер: US20130207871A1
Автор: DiNallo Carlo

An antenna system comprises an antenna that integrates a separate fed through coaxial cable as part of its resonant structure. The fed through coaxial cable is used to feed a second antenna. This design allows for the antenna and the fed through cable to be accommodated in a very limited space at the edge of a handheld electronic device. 1. An antenna system comprising:a first antenna comprising an elongated resonant structure having a first feed end and a second ground end;a first feed cable coupled to said first feed end of said first antenna;a second feed cable that extends proximate said first antenna, said second feed cable comprising an outer conductor;wherein said ground end of said resonant structure is coupled to said outer conductor of said second feed cable.2. The antenna system according to further comprising a ground structure comprising an edge claim 1 , wherein said first antenna is disposed proximate said edge of said ground structure and wherein said second feed cable extends between said elongated resonant structure of said first antenna and said edge of said ground structure.3. The antenna system according to wherein said ground end of said resonant structure comprises a depending leg that includes an end that includes a clip that engages said outer conductor of said second feed cable.4. The antenna system according to wherein said elongated resonant structure includes a high band tuning stub that extends in a direction parallel to said elongated resonant away from said first feed end and beyond said depending leg.5. The antenna system according to wherein said resonant structure includes a matching stub extending in a direction parallel to said elongated resonant structure said matching stub having a free end facing said first feed end.6. The antenna system according to wherein said elongated resonant structure is in a shape of a folded planar conductor including at least a first portion disposed in a first plane that is parallel to a ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Proximity Detection Using an Antenna and Directional Coupler Switch

Номер: US20130210477A1
Автор: Peter Dieter

Detection of an increase in a mismatch of an antenna of a radio frequency (RF) device and/or a change in a capacitance value of the antenna indicates proximity of a body to the antenna. Upon detection of proximity of a body to the antenna, reduction of transmit power of the RF device may be done to meet Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) level regulations. 1. A directional coupler for coupling an antenna with a radio frequency (RF) system , comprising:a first connection for coupling the antenna to a directional coupler switch arranged within the directional coupler;a second connection for coupling the RF system to the antenna through the directional coupler switch; anda third connection for coupling the antenna to a capacitance measurement device through the directional coupler switch, wherein the capacitance measurement device measures capacitance values of the antenna.2. The directional coupler according to claim 1 , further comprising a return loss bridge coupled between the directional coupler switch and the first connection.3. The directional coupler according to claim 2 , wherein the return loss bridge provides a reflected power measurement.4. The directional coupler according to claim 1 , further comprising a voltage standing wave ratio bridge coupled between the directional coupler switch and the first connection.5. The directional coupler according to claim 4 , wherein the voltage standing wave ratio bridge provides a reflected voltage standing wave measurement.6. The directional coupler according to claim 1 , wherein the directional coupler switch is a three position switch.7. The directional coupler according to claim 1 , wherein the capacitive measurement device comprises a charge time measurement unit (CTMU).8. The directional coupler according to claim 1 , wherein the capacitive measurement device comprises a capacitive voltage divider (CVD) circuit.9. The directional coupler according to claim 1 , wherein the capacitive measurement device comprises an ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214987A1

A balun includes a first conductor winding having a first figure eight shape and a second conductor winding have a second figure eight shape. The first figure eight shape includes a first loop and a second loop. The second figure eight shape includes a third loop and a fourth loop. The first loop and the second loop are not concentric. The third loop and the fourth loop are not concentric. 1. A balun , comprising:a first conductor winding having a first figure eight shape, wherein the first figure eight shape includes a first loop and a second loop; anda second conductor winding having a second figure eight shape, wherein the second figure eight shape includes a third loop and a fourth loop, whereinthe first loop and the second loop are not concentric, andthe third loop and the fourth loop are not concentric.2. The balun of claim 1 , wherein:the first loop and the third loop are concentric; andthe second loop and the fourth loop are concentric.3. The balun of claim 1 , wherein:the third loop is arranged inside of the first loop; andthe fourth loop is arranged inside of the second loop.4. The balun of claim 1 , wherein the first conductor winding is stacked above the second conductor winding.5. The balun of claim 1 , wherein:the first conductor winding includes a first input node and a first output node, wherein the first conductor winding is configured to receive current via the first input node and output current via the first output node to cause i) a first magnetic field to flow in a first direction in the first loop, and ii) a second magnetic field to flow in a second direction in the second loop; andthe second conductor winding includes a second input node and a second output node, wherein the second conductor winding is configured to receive current via the second input node and output current via the second output node to cause i) a third magnetic field to flow in the second direction in the third loop, and ii) a fourth magnetic field to flow in the first ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214992A1
Автор: SILVA David

An antenna having a base film carrying at least one antenna structure and one electronic device with a contact region of the at least one antenna structure being provided on a tab formed from the base film and contacted with a contact region of the electronic device is made by first providing the electronic device inside a housing. Then the tab is inserted into the housing. Finally the housing is adhesively adhered in place on the base. 1. An antenna comprising a base film carrying at least one antenna structure and an electronic device , a contact region of the at least one antenna structure being constituted as a tab formed from the base film and contacted with a contact region of the electronic device , the electronic device being provided inside a housing , the tab extending into the housing , the housing being fixed in place on the base film.2. The antenna according to claim 1 , wherein formation of the tab creates an opening at least of equal size in the base film claim 1 , and the opening is covered by the housing of the electronic device.3. The antenna according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is constituted of a bottom part and a top part claim 1 , and the tab extends between these two parts into the interior of the housing.4. The antenna according to claim 3 , wherein the top part has at least one pusher formation claim 3 , or in that the bottom part has at least one counter-element that operates in conjunction with the pusher formation claim 3 , the pusher formation applying a force to press the contact regions together.5. The antenna according to claim 1 , wherein an adhesive layer is provided on the surface of the housing that is directed toward the base film.6. The antenna according to claim 5 , wherein the adhesive layer is covered up by at least one strip layer prior to the housing being fixed in place on the base film.7. A method of making an antenna having a base film carrying at least one antenna structure and one electronic device claim 5 , a ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222205A1

A system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, a matching network for a communication device having first and second antennas, where the matching network includes a first variable component connectable and a detector. The first variable component can be connectable along a first path between the first antenna and a front end module of the communication device, where the first antenna is configured for transmit and receive operation. The detector can be connectable along a second path between the second antenna and the front end module of the communication device, where the detector obtains an RF voltage associated with the second path, where the second antenna is configured for a diversity receive operation, and where the first variable component is adjusted based on the detected RF voltage to tune the matching network. Additional embodiments are disclosed. 1. A mobile communication device , comprising:an antenna;a matching circuit coupled with the antenna, the matching circuit including one or more variable reactance elements with variable reactance values; anda controller coupled with the matching circuit, wherein the controller obtains an RF voltage at an output of the matching circuit, wherein the controller determines derivative information associated with the RF voltage by calculating a finite difference of two sequential measurements associated with the variable reactance values, and wherein the controller tunes the matching circuit using the derivative information.2. The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein the RF voltage is obtained at a transmission frequency of the mobile communication device.3. The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein the RF voltage is obtained using a log detector.4. The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein the derivative information comprises first and second derivatives.5. The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein the controller tunes the matching ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222206A1
Автор: Park Won Seok
Принадлежит: Pantech Co., Ltd.

A portable terminal includes a first antenna unit including a low-frequency band antenna to service a low-frequency band; a second antenna unit including a high-frequency band antenna to service a high-frequency band; a first sub-antenna to support the low-frequency band antenna during communication; and a second sub-antenna to support the high-frequency band antenna during communication. A portable terminal includes a first antenna unit including a low-frequency band antenna to service a low-frequency band; a second antenna unit including a high-frequency band antenna to service a high-frequency band, in which the first antenna unit is disposed at a first portion of the portable terminal and the second antenna unit is disposed at a second portion of the portable terminal. 1. A portable terminal , comprising:a first antenna unit comprising a low-frequency band antenna to service a low-frequency band;a second antenna unit comprising a high-frequency band antenna to service a high-frequency band;a first sub-antenna to support the low-frequency band antenna during communication; anda second sub-antenna to support the high-frequency band antenna during communication.2. The portable terminal of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor to detect an approach of a dielectric medium and to determine whether a part of the first antenna unit or the second antenna unit is affected by the dielectric medium.3. The portable terminal of claim 2 , wherein the sensor comprises at least one of a proximity detection sensor to determine a range of the portable terminal to the dielectric medium claim 2 , and a capacitive touch sensor to detect the touch of the dielectric medium.4. The portable terminal of claim 1 , wherein a first resonant frequency of the low-frequency band antenna changes to a second resonant frequency in response to an approach of a dielectric medium.5. The portable terminal of claim 1 , wherein a first resonant frequency of the high-frequency band antenna changes to a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234907A1
Автор: YOO Kyoung-Sang
Принадлежит: Pantech Co., Ltd.

A terminal includes a main ground including a first portion and a second portion; a primary antenna connected to the first portion of the main ground; a secondary antenna connected to the second portion of the main ground; and a first dummy ground disposed within a reference proximity to at least one of the primary antenna and the secondary antenna. 1. A terminal , comprising:a main ground comprising a first portion and a second portion;a primary antenna connected to the first portion of the main ground;a secondary antenna connected to the second portion of the main ground; anda first dummy ground disposed within a reference proximity to at least one of the primary antenna and the secondary antenna.2. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the primary antenna and the secondary antenna are separated by a reference distance.3. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first dummy ground is disposed within a reference proximity of at least one of the primary antenna and the secondary antenna.4. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first portion is an end portion that extends in a direction perpendicular to a plane in which the main ground extends claim 1 , and the second portion is an end portion that extends in a direction parallel to a plane in which the main ground extends.5. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first portion is an upper end portion that extends in a direction perpendicular to a plane in which the main ground extends claim 1 , and the second portion is to a lower end portion that extends in a direction perpendicular to the plane in which the main ground extends.6. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first portion is a lower end portion that extends in a direction perpendicular to a plane in which the main ground extends claim 1 , and the second portion is to an upper end portion that extends in a direction perpendicular to the plane in which the main ground extends.7. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein a gain of the primary antenna or the secondary ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237162A1
Автор: YOON Jong Cheal
Принадлежит: Pantach Co., Ltd.

A mobile communication device includes an antenna unit to operate in multiple frequency bands by shifting the resonance frequency of the antenna using capacitors. A first capacitor unit may be formed by the disposal of a first electrode in a hole in a first antenna pattern and the formation of a second electrode in the portion of the first antenna pattern opposing the first electrode. The first capacitor unit may be formed in various ways to be activated by a switch. The connection of the first capacitor unit to a voltage supply and ground may trigger a shift in the resonant frequency of the first antenna pattern. 1. A mobile terminal including an antenna , comprising:a first antenna pattern line with a first length determined according to a first frequency to be received or transmitted by the first antenna pattern line;a first capacitor unit having a first electrode disposed on the first antenna pattern line and a second electrode disposed opposite the first electrode; anda first switch to selectively connect the second electrode to a ground to shift a resonant frequency of the first antenna pattern.2. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , further comprising:a second antenna pattern line with a second length determined according to a second frequency to be received or transmitted by the second antenna pattern line;a second capacitor unit having a third electrode disposed on the second antenna pattern line and a fourth electrode disposed opposite the third electrode; anda second switch to selectively connect the fourth electrode to the ground.3. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , further comprising:a second antenna pattern line with a second length determined according to a second frequency to be received or transmitted by the second antenna pattern line;a second capacitor unit having a third electrode disposed on the second antenna pattern line and a fourth electrode disposed opposite the third electrode;a second switch to selectively connect the fourth electrode to the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241792A1

An antenna device, includes: a ground plate to which first and second antennas, each including a radiating element and a ground terminal, are connected, with one of the first and second antennas being powered, the ground plate including: a first slit extending from a portion where the ground terminal of one antenna of the first and second antennas is connected to the ground plate, in a direction along to the ground terminal, and a second slit extending from the tip of the first slit in a direction along to the radiating element. 1. An antenna device , comprising:a ground plate to which first and second antennas, each including a radiating element and a ground terminal, are connected, with one of the first and second antennas being powered,the ground plate including:a first slit extending from a portion where the ground terminal of one antenna of the first and second antennas is connected to the ground plate, in a direction along to the ground terminal, anda second slit extending from the tip of the first slit in a direction along to the radiating element.2. The antenna device according to claim 1 , whereinthe lengths of the first and second slits are from 0.1 wavelength to 0.2 wavelength for a radio wave used by the antenna device.3. The antenna device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a dielectric board connected to the ground plate, the ground plate being connected to the first and second antennas.4. The antenna device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a dielectric board upon which the ground plate, and the first and second antennas are disposed; anda microstrip line formed on a surface of the dielectric board;wherein the first antenna or the second antenna is powered via the microstrip line.5. The antenna device according to claim 1 , whereinthe first and second antennas are inverted-F antennas, inverted-L antennas, or monopole antennas.6. The antenna device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an extending conductor extending from the ground ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Input Multi-Output Antenna System

Номер: US20130241793A1
Автор: Ai Hao, Jiang Hui, Zhang Lu

The present invention discloses a multi-input multi-output antenna system comprising a first radiation unit, a second radiation unit, a radiation floor, a dielectric plate and a parasitic element. The first radiation unit, the second radiation unit and the parasitic element are printed on an upper surface of the dielectric plate, and the radiation floor is printed on a lower surface of the dielectric plate. The first radiation unit and the second radiation unit are planar monopole antennas, and the parasitic element is positioned between the first radiation unit and the second radiation unit. The system in accordance with the present invention can implement miniaturization of the antennas, and ensure two ports of an antenna have high isolation while maintaining good radiation performance. 1. A multi-input multi-output antenna system comprising a first radiation unit , a second radiation unit , a radiation floor , a dielectric plate and a parasitic element , the first radiation unit , the second radiation unit and the parasitic element being printed on an upper surface of the dielectric plate , and the radiation floor being printed on a lower surface of the dielectric plate; the first radiation unit and the second radiation unit being planar monopole antennas , and the parasitic element being positioned between the first radiation unit and the second radiation unit.2. The antenna system according to claim 1 , further comprising a matching network comprising a first matching circuit and/or a second matching circuit claim 1 , the first matching circuit being connected to the first radiation unit claim 1 , and the second matching circuit being connected to the second radiation unit claim 1 , both the first matching circuit and the second matching circuit being composed of one or more lumped elements.3. The antenna system according to claim 2 , wherein{'sub': '1', 'the first matching circuit comprises an inductor L, one end of which is connected to the first radiation ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241795A1

A mobile terminal with an antenna apparatus is provided. The mobile terminal in one embodiment includes an antenna radiator disposed at a first end of the mobile terminal; at least one antenna modifying element disposed at a second, opposing end of the mobile terminal; and a coupling unit for fastening the first and second ends and electrically connecting the at least one antenna modifying element with the antenna device when the first and second ends are fastened. In another embodiment, a deformation detector detects at least one deformation of the mobile terminal, an antenna matching unit is electrically connectable to the first antenna radiator; and a controller is coupled to the deformation detector, for controlling an electrical connection between the antenna matching unit and the first antenna radiator when the at least one deformation is detected. The antenna matching unit may include a second antenna radiator. 1. A mobile terminal including an antenna apparatus , the mobile terminal comprising:a first antenna radiator;a deformation detector which detects at least one deformation of the mobile terminal;an antenna matching unit electrically connectable to the first antenna radiator; anda controller coupled to the deformation detector, for controlling an electrical connection between the antenna matching unit and the first antenna radiator when the at least one deformation is detected;wherein the antenna matching unit comprises at least one of a second antenna radiator, a grounding surface and a matching circuit.2. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein the deformation detector detects at least one deformation of extension claim 1 , shrinkage claim 1 , warping claim 1 , folding claim 1 , twisting claim 1 , bending claim 1 , and unfolding of the mobile terminal.3. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein a first end and a second claim 1 , opposing of the mobile terminal are fastenable claim 1 , and the deformation detector detects at least one deformation of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Antenna device

Номер: US20130241796A1
Автор: Shoji Nagumo
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

An antenna device can detect the surrounding environment and appropriately corrected and maintain stable antenna characteristics. The antenna device includes at least first and second antenna element electrodes, an antenna matching circuit provided along a wireless communication signal path for the first antenna element electrode, a capacitance detection circuit connected to the second antenna element electrode and operable to detect stray capacitance of the antenna element electrode using a sensing signal. A matching control circuit controls the antenna matching circuit in accordance with an output signal of the capacitance detection circuit.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241798A1

A built-in antenna for an electronic device is provided. The built-in antenna includes a substrate, a 1st antenna radiator with at least two radiating portions, a 2nd antenna radiator, and a switching means. The substrate has a conductive area and a non-conductive area. The 2nd antenna radiator is arranged within the non-conductive area of the substrate and fed by a Radio Frequency (RF) end of the substrate. The 2nd antenna radiator is configured to operate at a band different from at least one operating band of the 1st antenna radiator, and is fed by the RF end in a position adjacent the 1st antenna radiator. The switching means switches to selectively feed the 1st antenna radiator and the 2nd antenna radiator. 1. A built-in antenna for a electronic device , the antenna comprising:a substrate having a conductive area and a non-conductive area;a 1st antenna radiator with at least two radiating portions arranged within the non-conductive area of the substrate, wherein the 1st antenna radiator is fed by a Radio Frequency (RF) end of the substrate and connected to the conductive area;a 2nd antenna radiator configured to operate at a band different from operating bands of the at least two radiating portions of the 1st antenna radiator, and fed by the RF end in a position adjacent to the 1st antenna radiator; anda switching means switching to selectively feed the 1st antenna radiator and the 2nd antenna radiator.2. The built-in antenna of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the 1st antenna radiator is operated by the switching means claim 1 , the 2nd antenna radiator is electromagnetically coupled with the 1st antenna radiator and is used as a floating dummy pattern claim 1 , wherein the coupling is sufficient to expand an operating bandwidth of the 1st antenna.3. The built-in antenna of claim 1 , wherein a radiating portion of the 2nd antenna radiator is arranged in a position to achieve coupling with at least one of the at least two radiating portions of the 1st antenna ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249745A1

An antenna for a wireless terminal is disclosed with an antenna bushing configured to provide enhanced antenna performance. The antenna bushing includes an antenna guide portion having an upper tubular portion supporting a radiator at substantially a point of extraction from the wireless terminal. A bushing fastening portion is disposed adjacent the upper tubular portion. A signal contact point of the antenna bushing transfers an antenna signal to/from an RF circuit point of the wireless terminal. At least a portion of the signal contact point is adjacent the upper tubular portion. The configuration may reduce deleterious effects of EMI from other circuit components of the wireless terminal. 1. An antenna of a wireless terminal , comprising:an antenna bushing including:an antenna guide portion having an upper tubular portion supporting a radiator at substantially a point of extraction from the wireless terminal;a bushing fastening portion adjacent to the upper tubular portion; anda signal contact point to transfer an antenna signal to/from a circuit point of the wireless terminal, wherein at least a portion of the signal contact point is adjacent to the upper tubular portion.2. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the extraction point is at an upper point of the wireless terminal claim 1 , and the bushing fastening portion is above the signal contact point.3. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the bushing fastening portion is in the shape of a plate extending laterally from the antenna guide portion.4. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the signal contact point is a surface on a signal contact plate extending laterally from the antenna guide portion.5. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the antenna guide portion further comprises a partial collar portion with at least one C-shaped cross section claim 1 , disposed below the tubular portion.6. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the bushing fastening portion comprises a first hole which is aligned with a boss hole of a housing ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Antenna device

Номер: US20130249769A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

There is provided an antenna device including: a finite ground plane; a feeding point; feed antenna elements arranged in a radial fashion around the feeding point at a height from the finite ground plane; a selector switch to connect a first end of a feed antenna element selected from the feed antenna elements to the feeding point; and parasitic elements arranged correspondingly to the feed antenna elements, in which a first end thereof is connected to the finite ground plane and a portion including a second end thereof is capacitively coupled with the feed antenna element corresponding thereto, wherein a first length of the parasitic element is approximately a quarter of a wavelength of a radio frequency to be used, and a length from the second end of the feed antenna element to the feeding point is shorter than the first length of the parasitic element.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249770A1

The invention relates to a device for receiving signals in a MIMO system comprising: 19-. (canceled)10. Device for receiving signals in a MIMO system comprising:m signal receiver channels, where m is greater than 1;an antenna system;constituted either by n directive antennae n>m, each antenna being able to receive signals in one of its own angular sectors, the angular sectors of the n antennae essentially not overlapping each other and together forming a total angular sector of 360 degrees, or a multi-sector antenna with n angular sectors n>m, then angular sectors essentially not overlapping each other and having a distinct access, and switching means to associate with each signal receiver channel, an antenna from among the n antennae according to a switching schema selected by control means, wherein the switching schema is selected from a plurality of p switching schemas, where p Подробнее

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252678A1
Автор: PARK Jong-Un, YOON Jun

Various embodiments of an antenna device for a wireless terminal are disclosed. The antenna device includes a radiator configured to be extracted from/retracted into the wireless terminal, a L-C lumped circuit, and a noise removing coil coupled between the radiator and the L-C lumped circuit, to attenuate noise introduced through the radiator. The radiator may be configured as a helical coil or at least one meandering printed pattern so as to reduce its overall length while maintaining a desired electrical length. In embodiments, the antenna device is useful for UHF/VHF frequency bands. Multi-band configurations are disclosed. In one embodiment, a stainless steel tube member substantially surrounds a helical coil, and the tube member operates at a lower frequency band than the helical coil. 1. An antenna device for a wireless terminal , the antenna device comprising:a radiator configured to be extracted from/retracted into the wireless terminal;an L-C lumped circuit; anda noise removing coil coupled between the radiator and the L-C lumped circuit, to attenuate noise introduced through the radiator.2. The antenna device of claim 1 , further comprising:a tube member substantially surrounding the radiator, wherein the tube member is extracted from/retracted into the wireless terminal together with the radiator.3. The antenna device of claim 2 , further comprising:a bushing hinged to an end of the tube member to pivot in relation to the tube member, and configured to linearly move in the inside of the wireless terminal, wherein the noise removing coil is disposed in any one of the tube member and the bushing.4. The antenna device of claim 3 , wherein the bushing has a cylinder shape claim 3 , and the noise removing coil is a helical coil formed by partially cutting out the bushing.5. The antenna device of claim 4 , further comprising:a cap coupled to end of the tube member, wherein the cap encloses an end of the helical coil.6. The antenna device of claim 2 , wherein ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257171A1

A resonant circuit dynamic optimization system is described herein that can exhibit improved system charging functionality, can have multi-input charging functionality, and can improve the efficiency and speed of charging electronic devices. The resonant circuit dynamic optimization system can comprise at least one antenna configured to receive or transmit an electromagnetic signal, at least one variable component, and at least one dynamic adjustment circuit. The dynamic adjustment circuit can adjust the variable component to thereby modify the power transfer efficiency of the electromagnetic signal. 1. A resonant circuit dynamic optimization system , said system comprising:at least one antenna configured to receive or transmit at least one electromagnetic signal;at least one variable component operatively coupled to said antenna, wherein said variable component is configured to modify the power transfer efficiency of said electromagnetic signal; andat least one dynamic adjustment circuit operatively coupled to said variable component, wherein said variable component is configured to be responsive to said dynamic adjustment circuit.2. The resonant circuit dynamic optimization system of wherein said variable component comprises a variable capacitor claim 1 , a variable inductor claim 1 , a variable resistor claim 1 , a variable antenna configuration claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The resonant circuit dynamic optimization system of wherein said variable component comprises said variable antenna configuration claim 2 , wherein said variable antenna configuration comprises at least one adjustable inductance antenna.4. The resonant circuit dynamic optimization system of wherein said variable component comprises said variable antenna configuration claim 2 , wherein said variable antenna configuration comprises a plurality of switchable antennas comprising at least two shapes.5. The resonant circuit dynamic optimization system of wherein said variable component ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Mobile Communication Coverage Distribution System in Corridor and Coupled Radiation Unit

Номер: US20130257673A1
Принадлежит: Comba Telecom Systems China Ltd

A mobile communication coverage distribution system in corridor is used for mobile communication signal coverage in corridor environment. The system includes a radio frequency (RF) cable arranged along longitudinal direction of the corridor and intended for signal transmission and having a plurality of spaced access nodes; a signal source for transmitting signal to from the RF cable or receiving signal to from the RF cable; a number of coupled radiation units corresponding to each access node and used to realize signal coverage in a limited range near the access node, said signal being transmitted across the RF cable. The mobile communication coverage distribution system in corridor according to the invention has simple structure, low cost, is convenient in construction and has reliable performance.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257675A1
Автор: JANG Dongoh, PARK Seoyoung

A terminal for performing at least one of wired and wireless communication is provided. The terminal includes a first antenna configured to recognize a handwriting through a change of an electromagnetic field and a second antenna for a short range wireless communication, wherein the first antenna and the second antenna are formed on a same Flexible Printed Circuit Board (FPCB). 1. A terminal for performing at least one of wired and wireless communication , the terminal comprising:an antenna unit including a first antenna and a second antenna, the first antenna configured to at least one of transmit and receive information via a first frequency band, the second antenna configured to at least one of transmit and receive information via a second frequency band, the first frequency band being different than the second frequency band,wherein the first antenna at least one of transmits and receives communication information through an electromagnetic interaction with the terminal and the second antenna at least one of transmits and receives radio frequency identification information, andwherein the antenna unit is formed on a same circuit board.2. The terminal of claim 1 , further comprising:a controller configured to control an operation of the terminal, wherein the first antenna and the second antenna are connected to the controller through a same connector unit.3. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first antenna at least one of transmits and receives information about a change in an induced electromotive force.4. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first frequency band is equal to or lower than 1 MHz claim 1 , and the second frequency band is equal to or higher than 10 MHz.5. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first antenna includes a plurality of loop shaped antennas.6. The terminal of claim 5 , wherein the second antenna includes a loop shaped antenna including the plurality of loop shaped antennas included in the first antenna.7. The terminal of claim 6 , ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257676A1
Принадлежит: NXP B.V.

Presented is radio frequency antenna circuit for portable and/or compact electronic devices. Embodiments comprise an antenna connected to an unbalanced current feeding arrangement. The unbalanced feeding arrangement may generate common mode currents which increase the overall radiation resistance and efficiency of the antenna circuit. 1. A radio frequency antenna circuit for a portable electronic device comprising:first and second antenna elements;an inductive element connected between the first and second antenna elements; anda feed line comprising first and second electrical conductors connected to the inductive element, wherein the connection arrangement of the first and second electrical conductors to the inductive element is asymmetrical.2. The radio frequency antenna circuit of claim 1 , wherein the first and second electrical conductors are connected towards one end of the inductive element and at different distances from a central point of the inductive element.3. The radio frequency antenna circuit of claim 1 , wherein the first and second antenna elements are arranged parallel to each other and spaced apart with a dielectric substrate material provided therebetween.4. The radio frequency antenna circuit of claim 1 , wherein the first and second antenna elements are adapted to resonate at a first frequency claim 1 , and wherein the inductive element and the first and second antenna elements have a combined resonant frequency at a second frequency that is different from the first frequency.5. The radio frequency antenna circuit of claim 4 , wherein maximum dimension of the first and second antenna elements is not more than half the wavelength of the second frequency.6. The radio frequency antenna circuit of claim 1 , wherein the first and second antenna elements are adapted to generate a first common mode current component in the feed line claim 1 , and wherein the asymmetrical connection of the first and second electrical conductors are adapted to generate ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257677A1
Автор: JEONG Chan Yong

Disclosed herein are a hybrid variable capacitor, an RF apparatus, a method for manufacturing a hybrid variable capacitor, and a method for tuning a variable capacitor. The hybrid variable capacitor used in a tunable matching network includes: a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) cap array including one or more MIM capacitors and having varied capacitance equivalent to values of a lower-bit region among digital values corresponding to capacitance to be tuned; and a MOS varactor connected in parallel to the MIM cap array and having varied capacitance equivalent to values of an upper-bit region among the digital values. 1. A hybrid variable capacitor used in a tunable matching network , the hybrid variable capacitor comprising:a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) cap array including one or more MIM capacitors and having varied capacitance equivalent to values of a lower-bit region among digital values corresponding to capacitance to be tuned; anda MOS varactor connected in parallel to the MIM cap array and having varied capacitance equivalent to values of an upper-bit region among the digital values.2. The hybrid variable capacitor according to claim 1 , further comprising:one or more FET switches connected to the respective capacitors of the MIM cap array and performing a switching operation according to the values of the lower-bit region to allow the MIM cap array to have varied capacitance.3. The hybrid variable capacitor according to claim 1 , wherein the MOS varactor has varied capacitance according to an analog voltage generated from a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) which has received the values of the upper-bit region.4. The hybrid variable capacitor according to claim 1 , wherein the MOS varactor performs coarse tuning claim 1 , and the MIM cap array performs fine tuning.5. An RF apparatus comprising:an antenna;an RF module transmitting an RF signal to the antenna or receiving an RF signal from the antenna;a tunable matching network installed between the antenna and the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257680A1

An antenna assembly for a wireless communications device and/or system, the assembly comprising a first antenna having a first direction of maximum radiated power; and a second antenna having a second direction of maximum radiated power, wherein the first and second antenna are arranged such that the first and second directions are substantially mutually orthogonal. Also, provided is an antenna assembly having a third or more antenna having a third or further direction of maximum radiated power, wherein the third or more antenna is/are arranged such that the third or further directions is/are substantially orthogonal with the first and second directions. 1. An antenna assembly for a wireless communications device , the assembly comprising:a first antenna having a first direction of maximum radiated power; anda second antenna having a second direction of maximum radiated power, wherein the first and second antennas are arranged such that the first and second directions are substantially mutually orthogonal.2. An antenna assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first and second antennas have respective directions of polarization claim 1 , and wherein those directions of polarization are substantially mutually orthogonal.3. An antenna assembly as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a third antenna having a third direction of maximum radiated power claim 1 , wherein the third antenna is arranged such that the third direction of maximum radiated power is substantially orthogonal to the first and second directions.4. An antenna assembly as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the third antenna has a direction of polarization which is substantially orthogonal to each of the first and second directions of polarization.5. An antenna assembly as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising at least one antenna in addition to the first claim 3 , second and third antennas claim 3 , the assembly being operable to select for operation a subset of the antennas claim 3 , the subset ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257682A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A high-frequency transmission line having low alternate current (AC) resistance is provided. One aspect of the present invention is a high-frequency transmission line disposed along a surface of an insulating support, wherein, letting F [Hz] be the frequency of an AC electric signal transmitted by the high-frequency transmission line and Ms [Wb/m] be the saturation magnetization per unit area, the frequency value F and the saturation magnification value per unit area Ms satisfy the following expression (1): 1. A high-frequency transmission line disposed along a surface of an insulating support;wherein, letting F [Hz] be the frequency of an alternate current electric signal transmitted by the high-frequency transmission line, andMs [Wb/m] be the saturation magnetization per unit area of the high-frequency transmission line, {'br': None, 'i': Ms', 'F+, 'sup': 2', '−8, '≦(1.5×10)/5.7×10.\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'the frequency value F and the saturation magnification value per unit area Ms satisfy the following expression (1)2. A high-frequency transmission line according to claim 1 , comprising:a conductor layer disposed on the surface of the insulating support; anda coating layer covering a surface of the conductor layer.3. A high-frequency transmission line according to claim 2 , wherein the coating layer contains at least one of nickel and palladium.4. A high-frequency transmission line according to claim 3 , wherein the coating layer contains nickel;wherein the coating layer is formed by electroless plating; andwherein a plating solution used for the electroless plating contains at least one complexing agent selected from the group consisting of carboxylic acids, dicarboxylic acids, hydroxy acids, and amino acids and elemental nickel.5. A high-frequency transmission line according to claim 3 , wherein the coating layer contains elemental phosphorus.6. A high-frequency transmission line according to claim 4 , wherein the plating solution contains phosphorus.7. An antenna ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Antenna Arrangement

Номер: US20130265203A1

An antenna arrangement is provided, which includes first and second antenna elements. A feeder line connects the first and second antenna elements for feeding a signal to and from the first and second antenna elements and the signal is inductively coupled between the feeder line and a calibration line so it can be fed to measurement equipment.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265207A1

Provided are an antenna-device substrate which is capable of flexibly adjusting multiple resonance frequencies and can also be made small and thin and an antenna device provided with the same. The present invention is provided with a substrate main body (), first to third elements ( to ), a ground plane (GND), and a ground connection pattern (), wherein the first element is provided with a feed point (FP) at the base end and extends while having a power feeding-side passive element (P), a first connecting portion (C), and an antenna element (AT); the second element extends while being connected to the first element via a second connecting portion (C); and the third element extends while being connected to the first element via a third connecting portion (C). The first element extends while being spaced apart from the second and third elements and the ground plane such that a stray capacitance can be generated between the first element and each of the second and third elements and the ground plane; and at least one of the first to third elements is patterned from the surface to the rear surface of the substrate main body via a through-hole. 1. An antenna-device substrate comprising:an insulating substrate main body; anda first element, a second element, a third element, a ground plane, and a ground connection pattern each of which is in the form of metal foil and has been patterned on the substrate main body,wherein the first element is provided with a feed point at the base end and extends while having a power feeding-side passive element, a first connecting portion to which a first passive element is connectable, and an antenna element of a dielectric antenna in this order at the intermediate portion,the second element extends such that the base end thereof is connected via a second connecting portion to which a second passive element is connectable between the power feeding-side passive element and the first connecting portion of the first element,the third ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271339A1
Автор: MIKATA Jin
Принадлежит: TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD.

A passive element has an electrical length such that a resonance mode thereof is in a target frequency band, and first and second feed elements, each of which has an electrical length such that a resonance mode thereof is not in the target frequency band. The first feed element has a first coupling conductive part, and a first connecting conductive part, which has a continuous shape with the first coupling conductive part. The second feed element has a second coupling conductive part, and a second connecting conductive part, which has a continuous shape with the second coupling conductive part. The first coupling conductive part is disposed parallel and adjacent to the passive element. The second coupling conductive part is disposed parallel and adjacent to the passive element. The first connecting conductive part and the second connecting conductive part are disposed adjacent and parallel to each other. 1. A multi-antenna , comprising:a passive element with an electrical length such that a resonance mode thereof is in a target frequency band; andfirst and second feed elements, each of the first and second feed elements having an electrical length such that a resonance mode is not in said target frequency band, the first and second feed elements being capacitively coupled with the passive element.2. The multi-antenna according to claim 1 ,wherein the passive element is a non-ground type,wherein the first feed element includes a first coupling conductive part and a first connecting conductive part that is continuous to the first coupling conductive part and connected to a first feed point, the first coupling conductive part being capacitively coupled with the passive element and meeting at an angle with the first connecting conductive part, andwherein the second feed element includes a second coupling conductive part and a second connecting conductive part that is continuous to the second coupling conductive part and connected to a second feed point, the second ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Air Loop Antenna For Shared AM/FM

Номер: US20130271340A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for shared AM/FM air loop antennas that may be advantageously implemented to provide a AM/FM receiver system with a single common air loop antenna for receiving both AM and FM channels, thus eliminating the need for additional materials and electronics associated with provision of a separate FM pigtail antenna and FM antenna jack for connection of same. The shared AM/FM air loop antennas may be connected to a radio device having antenna connections. 1. Shared AM/FM antenna circuitry configured for coupling to radio circuitry , comprising:an air loop antenna element formed between first and second antenna element nodes, the air loop antenna element being configured to receive AM channels within an AM broadcast band;a first conductor segment coupled to the first node of the air loop antenna element with the first node being between the air loop antenna element and the first conductor segment; anda second conductor segment coupled to the second node of the air loop antenna element with the second node being between the air loop antenna element and the second conductor segment;at least one of the first and second conductor segments being configured to receive FM channels within an FM broadcast band;at least one of the first and second conductor segments being coupled between the first or second node of the air loop antenna element and an AM signal path, the AM signal path being configured for coupling at a third node to provide the received AM broadcast channels to an AM signal input of the radio circuitry;at least one of the first and second conductor segments being coupled between the first or second node of the air loop antenna element and a FM signal path, the FM signal path being configured for coupling at a fourth node to provide the received FM broadcast channels to an FM signal input of the radio circuitry;the AM signal path being further configured to at least partially block the received FM broadcast band channels and to at ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271342A1
Автор: Shen Shaowu

The disclosure provides a device and a method for antenna impedance matching. The device comprises an application detection module, configured to detect a current state of an antenna of a terminal, and output a matching adjustment signal according to the state; an adaptive control module, configured to perform control over a process of matching adjustment in response to the matching adjustment signal; and a matching adjustable module, configured to, under control of the adaptive control module, perform matching adjustment on impedance of the antenna through an impedance matching network corresponding to the matching adjustment signal. Through the technical solution provided by the disclosure, the problem of single impedance matching mode in the prior art is solved, and further, the effect that differential matching can be performed for various application states of the terminal is achieved. 1. A device for antenna impedance matching , comprising:an application detection module, configured to detect a current state of an antenna of a terminal, and output a matching adjustment signal according to the state;an adaptive control module, configured to perform control over a process of matching adjustment in response to the matching adjustment signal; anda matching adjustable module, configured to, under the control of the adaptive control module, perform the matching adjustment on impedance of the antenna through an impedance matching network corresponding to the matching adjustment signal.2. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a feedback coupling module, configured to sample a matched impedance value to obtain a circuit measurement value, and output the circuit measurement value to a matching comparison module; andthe matching comparison module, configured to perform matching comparison between the circuit measurement value and a target characteristic impedance value, and feed a matching comparison result back to the adaptive control module.3. The device ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278477A1

A communication system is provided, including an antenna coupled to multiple RF paths, one or more matching networks, multiple switches, a controller configured to control the one or more matching networks and the multiple switches, and a look-up table coupled to the controller, the look-up table including characterization data according to frequency bands and conditions. The multiple switches are controlled to engage the signal path corresponding to the frequency band selected. The one or more matching networks are controlled by the controller to provide optimum impedance for the frequency band selected and a condition detected during a time interval with reference to the look-up table. Additional switches may be included to improve isolation. 1. A communication system comprising:an antenna comprising a plurality of feeds coupled to a plurality of first paths, respectively, each first path configured to process signals in a group of frequency bands;one or more matching networks, each coupled to one or more of the plurality of first paths;a plurality of switches coupled to the plurality of first paths on one side and a plurality of second paths on the other side, each switch configured to engage one of the plurality of second paths according to a frequency band selected from the group of frequency bands corresponding to the first path coupled to the switch;a controller configured to control the one or more matching networks and the plurality of switches; anda look-up table coupled to the controller, the look-up table including characterization data according to frequency bands and conditions,whereinthe plurality of feeds are configured to provide isolation and a first-order impedance matching for the plurality of first paths; andeach of the one or more matching networks is controlled by the controller to provide optimum impedance for the frequency band selected and under a condition detected during a time interval.2. The communication system of claim 1 , further ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285874A1
Автор: Hill Michael D.

Radiofrequency and other electronic devices can be formed from textured hexaferrite materials, such as Z-phase barium cobalt ferrite BaCoFeO(CoZ) having enhanced resonant frequency. The textured hexaferrite material can be formed by sintering fine grain hexaferrite powder at a lower temperature than conventional firing temperatures to inhibit reduction of iron. The textured hexaferrite material can be used in radiofrequency devices such as circulators or telecommunications systems. 1. A radio-frequency circulator having increased resonant frequency comprising:{'sub': 3', '2', '24', '41, 'at least one ferrite disk including Z-phase barium cobalt hexagonal ferrite material having the formula BaCoFeOformed from fine grain hexagonal ferrite powder having an average particle size of between 300-600 nm; and'}a pair of magnets with the at least one ferrite disk disposed between.2. The circulator of wherein the at least one ferrite disk comprises a pair of ferrite disks.3. The circulator of wherein the at least one ferrite disk is formed by firing the fine grain hexagonal ferrite powder at a sintering temperature selected to form the hexagonal ferrite material having reduced magnetorestriction.4. The circulator of wherein the pair of magnets are cylindrical.5. The circulator of wherein the pair of magnets are arranged so as to yield generally axial field lines through the at least one ferrite disk.6. The circulator of wherein the at least one ferrite disk has a magnetic frequency linewidth of 11 Oe or less.7. The circulator of wherein the fine grain hexagonal ferrite powder has an average surface area of greater than 15 m/g.8. The circulator of wherein the at least one ferrite disk absorbs signals at microwave frequencies.9. The circulator of further comprising:a pair of ground planes positioned between the magnets and the ferrite disks; anda center conductor positioned between the pair of ferrite disks.10. The circulator of wherein the sintering temperature is between 1100 ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293432A1

Provided is a MEMS module that includes a MEMS element having a first capacitor electrode that can be displaced, a second capacitor electrode that opposes the first capacitor electrode, and driving electrodes that cause the first capacitor electrode to be displaced. The driving electrodes are connected to a control unit that applies a driving voltage to the driving electrodes and monitor terminals for detecting power. Thus, an element for monitoring power is not needed and a MEMS module, a variable reactance circuit and an antenna device are provided that are capable of realizing smaller size and lower loss. 1. A MEMS module comprising: a first capacitor electrode that can be displaced;', 'a second capacitor electrode that opposes the first capacitor electrode; and', 'a driving electrode that causes the first capacitor electrode to be displaced,, 'a MEMS element comprisingwherein the driving electrode is connected to a control unit that applies a driving voltage to the driving electrode and a monitor terminal for detecting power.2. The MEMS module according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one of a capacitor and an inductor connected in parallel with the MEMS element.3. A variable reactance circuit comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the MEMS module according to ;'}a feeder circuit to which the first capacitor electrode is connected; anda radiating element to which the second capacitor electrode is connected,wherein reactance between the feeder circuit and the radiating element is changed by causing the first capacitor electrode to be displaced.4. An antenna device that includes the variable reactance circuit according to and performs communication in different frequency bands claim 3 , the antenna device comprising:a first radiating element that is connected to the feeder circuit and is used in a first frequency band; anda second radiating element comprising the radiating element to which the second capacitor electrode is connected ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293438A1
Автор: UEJIMA Takanori

A high-frequency module includes a switch IC and a matching circuit. The high-frequency module includes a multilayer body. The switch IC and an inductor of the matching circuit are mounted on a top surface of the multilayer body. A top-surface land electrode on which a common terminal of the switch IC is mounted is connected to one end of a wiring conductor through a via-conductor. The other end of the wiring conductor is connected to a top-surface land electrode on which a terminal electrode at one end of the inductor is mounted, through a via-conductor. An end portion of the inductor on the side connected to the common terminal of the switch IC is disposed near the common terminal. Thus, the length of the wiring conductor is shortened and a parasitic capacitance is decreased. 1. A high-frequency module comprising:an antenna connection terminal which is connected to an antenna;a plurality of input/output terminals to which communication signals are input or from which communication signals are output, respectively;a switch IC that includes a plurality of switch terminals which are individually connected to the plurality of input/output terminals, and a common terminal which is connected to the antenna connection terminal, and that connects the common terminal to each of the plurality of switch terminals in a switching manner;a matching circuit which is connected between the common terminal of the switch IC and the antenna connection terminal; anda multilayer body including a plurality of electrically insulating layers which are stacked on top of one another; whereinthe switch IC is mounted on one principal surface of the multilayer body;the matching circuit includes a first inductor which is connected in series between the common terminal of the switch IC and the antenna connection terminal; anda first wiring line, which connects one end of the first inductor and the common terminal, is shorter than a second wiring line, which connects the other end of the first ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293439A1
Принадлежит: Sparq Wireless Solutions Pte, Ltd.

An antenna for wireless telecommunication comprises a piezoelectric material layer, the piezoelectric material layer being formed such that when an electromagnetic wave is applied thereto, the first piezoelectric material layer is excited at the frequency of the electromagnetic wave. The antenna also comprises an acoustic cavity layer arranged to collect the acoustic energy received from the first piezoelectric layer and first and second electrode layers positioned on either side of the acoustic cavity layer, the electrode layers being arranged to transfer electrical energy to and from both the piezoelectric material layer and the acoustic cavity layer. 111-. (canceled)12. An antenna for wireless telecommunication , the antenna comprising:a piezoelectric material layer, the piezoelectric material layer being formed such that when an electromagnetic wave is applied thereto, the first piezoelectric material layer is excited at the frequency of the electromagnetic wave;an acoustic cavity layer arranged to collect the acoustic energy received from the first piezoelectric layer; andfirst and second electrode layers positioned on either side of the acoustic cavity layer, the electrode layers being arranged to transfer electrical energy to and from both the piezoelectric material layer and the acoustic cavity layer.13. An antenna in accordance with claim 12 , wherein the piezoelectric material layer is arranged to cover at least part of the acoustic cavity layer and part of the first electrode layer.14. An antenna in accordance with claim 12 , wherein the acoustic cavity layer also comprises piezoelectric material.15. An antenna in accordance with claim 12 , wherein the piezoelectric material layer comprises a layer of nanowires disposed perpendicularly with respect to the second piezoelectric material layer.16. An antenna in accordance with claim 12 , wherein:the piezoelectric material is formed of zinc oxide;the acoustic cavity layer is formed of quartz; andthe first and ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300606A1

The present invention relates to radar and antenna technique, and more particularly, to a radar apparatus and an antenna apparatus having antenna configuration of arranging a plurality of array antennas capable of concentrating antenna gain on a direction for sensing. 1. A radar apparatus comprising:an antenna unit having: a long range transmission antenna unit with a plurality of long range transmission array antennas; a short range transmission antenna unit with one or more short range transmission array antenna; and a reception antenna unit with a plurality of reception array antennas; anda signal transmission and reception unit for transmitting signal through at least one of the long range transmission antenna unit and the short range transmission antenna unit, and receiving echo signal of the transmitted signal reflected off surroundings through the reception antenna unit,wherein the long range transmission array antenna arranged in the middle of the plurality of long range transmission array antennas is the longest and the other long range transmission array antennas become shorter from the middle toward both sides.2. The radar apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the long range transmission antenna unit claim 1 , the short range transmission antenna unit claim 1 , the reception antenna unit and the signal transmission and reception unit are mounted on one side of a printed circuit board.3. The radar apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a length of a first area on which the long range transmission antenna unit is to be mounted is longer than lengths of a second area on which the short range transmission antenna unit is to be mounted claim 2 , a third area on which the reception antenna unit is to be mounted and a fourth area on which the signal transmission and reception unit is to be mounted.4. The radar apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a protective member coupled to the top side of the printed circuit board to cover the signal transmission and reception unit ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300626A1

An antenna apparatus includes: a first member ground-connected to a ground of a printed circuit board (PCB); a second member spaced from the first member in parallel, and configured to capacitive coupling-feed the first member so as to transmit and receive signals of a first frequency band; and a third member extending from the second member by a prescribed length, so as to have a bandwidth extending up to a second frequency band adjacent to the first frequency band. 1. An antenna apparatus , comprising:a first member ground-connected to a ground of a printed circuit board (PCB);a second member spaced from the first member in parallel, and configured to capacitive coupling-feed the first member so as to transmit and receive signals of a first frequency band; anda third member extending from the second member by a prescribed length, so as to have a bandwidth extending up to a second frequency band adjacent to the first frequency band.2. The antenna apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first member and the third member are spaced from each other by a distance more than 0.2λtimes of a wavelength (λ) corresponding to a first resonance frequency claim 1 , for prevention of electrical connection therebetween.3. The antenna apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first member is connected to a ground of a printed circuit board (PCB) adjacent thereto claim 1 , and the second member is feed-connected to the PCB.4. The antenna apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first frequency band is a frequency band corresponding to GSM-850 or GSM-900 communication service claim 1 , andwherein the second frequency band is a frequency band corresponding to B13 or B17 communication service of long term evolution (LTE).5. The antenna apparatus of claim 4 , wherein a path implemented from a feed connection portion (F) of the PCB via the second member and the first member claim 4 , forms a resonance length corresponding to λ/8 of a wavelength (λ) corresponding to the first resonance frequency.6. The ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300629A1

An antenna array of a mobile terminal and an implementing method thereof are disclosed in this document. The antenna array includes: a mobile terminal floorboard, configured to act as a radiation body to radiate antenna energy coupled by multiple pairs of coupling units, and multiple pairs of coupling units corresponding to multiple antennas, each of which are fixed at two ends of the mobile terminal floorboard and are configured to inspire a waveguide mode of the mobile terminal floorboard to radiate the coupled antenna energy through feed points of feed lines of each coupling unit therein, located at the same side of a dielectric material plate; and a matching circuit located at the other side of the dielectric material plate, connected with the feed points located at the opposite side of the dielectric material plate and configured to implement impedance matching of a micro-strip feed line of each coupling unit. 1. An antenna array of a mobile terminal , comprising a mobile terminalfloorboard and multiple pairs of coupling units corresponding to multiple antennas located at a same side of a dielectric material plate, and a matching circuit located at another side of the dielectric material plate, wherein:the mobile terminal floorboard is configured to: act as a radiation body to radiate antenna energy coupled by multiple coupling units;each pair of coupling units include two coupling units, the two coupling units are respectively fixed at two ends of the mobile terminal floorboard, and each coupling unit is configured to: inspire a waveguide mode of the mobile terminal floorboard to radiate the coupled antenna energy through feed points of feed lines of each coupling unit; andthe matching circuit is connected with the feed points located at the other side of the dielectric material plate, and the matching circuit is configured to: implement impedance matching of the feed lines of each coupling unit.2. The antenna array according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

RF Switches

Номер: US20130303093A1
Автор: Masliah Denis A.
Принадлежит: ACCO Semiconductor, Inc.

RF switching devices are provided that alternatively couple an antenna to either a transmitter amplifier or a receiver amplifier. An exemplary RF switching device comprises two valves, one for a receiver transmission line between the antenna and the receiver amplifier, the other for a transmitter transmission line between the antenna and the power amplifier. Each valve is switchably coupled between ground and its transmission line. When coupled to ground, current flowing through the valve increases the impedance of the transmission line thereby attenuating signals on the transmission line. When decoupled from ground, the impedance of the transmission line is essentially unaffected. The pair of valves is controlled such that when one valve is on the other valve is off, and vice versa, so that the antenna is either receiving signals from the power amplifier or the receiver amplifier is receiving signals from the antenna. 1. An article of manufacture comprising:an amplifier;an antenna port; a node between the amplifier and the antenna port, and', 'a transmission line segment between the amplifier and the antenna port;, 'a transmission line extending between the amplifier and the antenna port and including'}a first valve line joined to the transmission line at the node and including a first valve line segment disposed along the transmission line segment;a second valve line also joined to the transmission line at the node and including a second valve line segment disposed along the transmission line segment;a switch configured to couple and decouple the first and second valve lines to and from ground;the first and second valve lines being arranged such that when a current is flowing in the transmission line and when the switch couples the first and second valve lines to ground, currents flowing from the node to the ground through the first and second valve line segments impedes the current flow through the transmission line segment.2. The article of manufacture of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307742A1

The invention relates to a balanced antenna system comprising a radiator connected via a matching circuit to a balun. In certain embodiments, the radiator comprises a first radiating element and a second radiating element and the matching circuit comprises a first impedance-matching circuit connected to the first radiating element and a second impedance-matching circuit connected to the second radiating element. The first and second matching circuits may be identical and are connected through the balun to a single port. To minimise the component count, the design of the matching circuit and balun is co-optimised. 1. A balanced antenna system comprising a radiator connected via a matching circuit to a balun.2. The balanced antenna system according to wherein the radiator comprises a loop or a dipole antenna and comprises a first feed line and a second feed line.3. The balanced antenna system according to wherein the radiator comprises a first radiating element and a second radiating element.4. The balanced antenna system according to wherein the matching circuit comprises a first impedance-matching circuit and a second impedance-matching circuit.5. The balanced antenna system according to wherein the first impedance-matching circuit is connected to a first feed line and/or the first radiating element and the second impedance-matching circuit is connected to a second feed line and/or the second radiating element.6. The balanced antenna system according to wherein the balun is configured to convert unbalanced signals to balanced signals by cancelling or choking an outside current.7. The balanced antenna system according to wherein the balun comprises one of a current balun claim 1 , a coax balun or a sleeve balun.8. The balanced antenna system according to wherein the balun comprises a wideband LC balun claim 1 , configured for impedance transformation.9. The balanced antenna system according to wherein the balun comprises a first filter and a second filter.10. The ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307746A1

An antenna device includes a feed coil and a sheet conductor. The feed coil includes a magnetic core and a coil-shaped conductor, which is provided around the magnetic core. An RFIC is connected to the feed coil. The sheet conductor has a larger area than the feed coil. A slit that extends from a portion of the edge of the sheet conductor toward the inner side of the sheet conductor is provided in the sheet conductor. The feed coil is arranged such that the direction of the axis around which the feed coil is disposed is parallel or substantially parallel to the directions in which the sheet conductor extends. The feed coil is arranged such that the feed coil is close to the slit and one of coil openings at the ends of the feed coil faces the slit. 1. An antenna device comprising:a feed coil including a coil-shaped conductor; anda sheet conductor having a sheet shape; whereinthe sheet conductor has an area larger than an area of the feed coil;a slit that extends from a portion of an edge of the sheet conductor toward an inner side of the sheet conductor is provided in the sheet conductor, or an opening and the slit are provided in the sheet conductor, the opening being connected to the slit;the feed coil is arranged such that a direction of an axis around which the coil-shaped conductor is disposed differs from a direction perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the sheet conductor; andthe feed coil is arranged such that a coil opening at one end of the coil-shaped conductor is adjacent to the slit, or a portion of an edge of the opening and the coil opening faces the slit or the portion of the edge of the opening.2. An antenna device comprising:a feed coil that includes a coil-shaped conductor; anda plurality of sheet conductors; whereina slit is provided or an opening and the slit are provided between adjacent sheet conductors of the plurality of sheet conductors, the opening being connected to the slit;a total area of the plurality of sheet conductors is ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307750A1
Автор: Kim Yu Sin, Park Sung Hwan
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. Ltd.

Disclosed herein are a switching circuit and a wireless communication system including the same. In the case in which a control signal applied to a control terminal of a main switch is a first control signal, a first gate resistor is connected to the control terminal, such that the first control signal is applied to the control terminal of the main switch through the first gate resistor, in the case in which the control signal applied to the control terminal of the main switch is a second control signal, a second gate resistor is connected to the control terminal, such that the second control signal is applied to the control terminal of the main switch through the first gate resistor, and the first gate resistor and the second gate resistor have different resistance values, such the switching circuit may pass a multi-band high frequency signal therethrough. 1. A switching circuit comprising:a main switch having a first terminal connected to an antenna, a second terminal connected to an input and output port, and a control terminal applied with a control signal,wherein in the case in which the control signal applied to the control terminal of the main switch is a first control signal, a first gate resistor is connected to the control terminal, such that the first control signal is applied to the control terminal of the main switch through the first gate resistor,wherein in the case in which the control signal applied to the control terminal of the main switch is a second control signal, a second gate resistor is connected to the control terminal, such that the second control signal is applied to the control terminal of the main switch through the first gate resistor, andwherein the first gate resistor and the second gate resistor have different resistance values.2. The switching circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the input and output port includes:a first port connected to a first high frequency signal processing module processing a GSM signal; anda second port ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Device with Embedded Antenna

Номер: US20130321242A1
Автор: Lo Shao-Chin, Wu Min-Chung
Принадлежит: Ralink Technology Corp.

An electronic device with an embedded three-dimensional antenna is disclosed. The electronic device includes a printed circuit board (PCB) and an embedded three-dimensional antenna. The embedded three-dimensional antenna includes a radiation element and a connection element. The connection element includes a first connection part and a second connection part. The first and second connection parts are coupled to the PCB, and utilized for transferring signals of the embedded three-dimensional antenna to the PCB. The first and second connection parts further clamp the PCB to attach the embedded three-dimensional antenna on the PCB. 1. An electronic device with an embedded three-dimensional antenna , the electronic device comprising:a printed circuit board (PCB); and a radiation element; and', 'a connection element comprising a first connection part and a second connection part, the first and second connection parts, respectively coupled to the PCB, for transferring signals of the embedded three-dimensional antenna to the PCB;, 'an embedded three-dimensional antenna comprisingwherein the first and second connection parts clamp the PCB such that the embedded three-dimensional antenna is attached on the PCB.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the connection element is formed at one end of the radiation element.3. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the embedded three-dimensional antenna further comprises a clamping element claim 2 , formed at another end of the radiation element as an auxiliary of the connection element.4. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second connection parts respectively comprise a plurality of parallel short metal arms.5. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second connection parts are a feeding terminal and a grounding terminal of the embedded three-dimensional antenna claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , and are coupled to metal contacts of the PCB.6. The electronic device of claim 1 , ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328736A1

A method for adapting an antenna circuit including at least one first capacitive element and an inductive element in series, and at least one second capacitive element having a first electrode connected between the first capacitive element and the inductive element, wherein data representative of the voltage of said first electrode are applied to the second electrode of the second capacitive element. 1. A method for adapting an antenna circuit comprising at least one first capacitive element and an inductive element in series , and at least one second capacitive element having a first electrode connected between the first capacitive element and the inductive element , wherein data representative of the voltage of said first electrode are applied to the second electrode of said second capacitive element.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein an image of the signal present on said first electrode is applied to said second electrode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said data are in phase with the signal present on the first electrode.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said data are a voltage proportional to the voltage present on the first electrode.5. The method of claim 1 , adapted to an antenna circuit comprising two first capacitive elements and two second capacitive elements claim 1 , the first two capacitive elements being in series with the inductive element and each second capacitive element having a first electrode connected between the inductive element and one of the first capacitive elements claim 1 , wherein data representative of the voltage of each first electrode being applied to second respective electrodes of the second capacitive elements.6. An antenna circuit for an electromagnetic field generation terminal capable of implementing the method of .7. The circuit of claim 6 , comprising a resistive dividing bridge between said or each first electrode and the ground.8. The circuit of claim 7 , wherein the midpoint of said resistive dividing bridge is ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

RFID System

Номер: US20130328740A1
Автор: Blumberg, JR. David
Принадлежит: DEKA Products Limited Partnership

A magnetic field focusing assembly includes a magnetic field generating device configured to generate a magnetic field, and a split ring resonator assembly configured to be magnetically coupled to the magnetic field generating device and configured to focus the magnetic field produced by the magnetic field generating device. 1. An RFID antenna assembly configured to be energized with a carrier signal , the RFID antenna assembly comprising:an inductive component including a loop antenna assembly, wherein the circumference of the loop antenna assembly is no more than 25% of the wavelength of the carrier signal; andat least one capacitive component coupled to the inductive component.2. The RFID antenna assembly of wherein the inductive component is configured to be positioned proximate a first slot assembly to detect the presence of a first RFID tag assembly within the first slot assembly and not detect the presence of a second RFID tag assembly within a second slot assembly that is adjacent to the first slot assembly.3. The RFID antenna assembly of wherein the circumference of the loop antenna assembly is approximately 10% of the wavelength of the carrier signal.4. The RFID antenna assembly of wherein the at least one capacitive component includes a first capacitive component configured to couple a port on which the carrier signal is received and a ground.5. The RFID antenna assembly of wherein the at least one capacitive component includes a second capacitive component configured to couple the port on which the carrier signal is received and the inductive component.6. An RFID antenna assembly configured to be energized with a carrier signal claim 4 , the RFID antenna assembly comprising: at least a first antenna segment including at least a first phase shift element configured to reduce the phase shift of the carrier signal within the at least a first antenna segment, and', 'at least a second antenna segment including at least a second phase shift element configured ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335280A1

A system that incorporates the subject disclosure may include, for example, a method for electrically coupling a first lower frequency radiator of a first antenna to a first upper frequency radiator of a second antenna via a shared first port, electrically coupling a second lower frequency radiator of the first antenna to a second upper frequency radiator of the second antenna via a shared second port, suppressing, at least in part, with at least one first filter, first signals of the first lower frequency radiator from entering the first upper frequency radiator, second signals of the first upper frequency radiator from entering the first lower frequency radiator, or both, and suppressing, at least in part, with at least one second filter, third signals of the second lower frequency radiator from entering the second upper frequency radiator, fourth signals of the second upper frequency radiator from entering the second lower frequency radiator, or both. Other embodiments are disclosed. 1. A multimode antenna , comprising:a low band antenna comprising a first low band radiating structure and a second low band radiating structure each configured to radiate low band radio frequency signals in a low band resonant frequency range;a high band antenna comprising a first high band radiating structure and a second high band radiating structure each configured to radiate high band radio frequency signals in a high band resonant frequency range;a first port electrically coupled to the first low band radiating structure and the first high band radiating structure;a second port electrically coupled to the second low band radiating structure and the second high band radiating structure;a first component that decouples the first low band radiating structure from the first high band radiating structure by suppressing low band radio frequency signals from entering the first high band radiating structure, suppressing high band radio frequency signals from entering the first low band ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335291A1

A wireless device is described. The wireless device includes an antenna. The wireless device also includes a hybrid transformer. The wireless device further includes a frequency matching termination port. The frequency matching termination port provides impedance matching with the antenna at multiple frequencies. The frequency matching termination port may include multiple resistors, inductors and capacitors that can be switched in/out. 1. A wireless device , comprising:an antenna;a hybrid transformer; anda frequency matching termination port, wherein the frequency matching termination port provides impedance matching with the antenna at multiple frequencies.2. The wireless device of claim 1 , wherein the frequency matching termination port comprises multiple resistors claim 1 , inductors and capacitors that can be switched in/out.3. The wireless device of claim 2 , wherein the frequency matching termination port mimics an impedance of the antenna over a broad range of frequencies.4. The wireless device of claim 1 , wherein the wireless device is a wireless communication device.5. The wireless device of claim 1 , wherein the wireless device is a base station.6. The wireless device of claim 1 , wherein the frequency matching termination port is controlled by a frequency impedance adjusting module.7. The wireless device of claim 6 , wherein the frequency impedance adjusting module continuously tunes the frequency matching termination port to match the antenna impedance at the multiple frequencies.8. The wireless device of claim 6 , wherein the frequency impedance adjusting module continuously tunes the frequency matching termination port to match the antenna impedance at a single frequency for wideband termination in full duplex systems.9. The wireless device of claim 6 , wherein the frequency impedance adjusting module periodically tunes the frequency matching termination port to match antenna impedance at the multiple frequencies.10. The wireless device of claim 6 , ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335293A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present invention provide an antenna apparatus. The antenna apparatus includes multiple antennas, a switching unit, a grounding layer, connecting lines and a dielectric substrate. The antennas are configured to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves. The connecting lines are configured to connect the switching unit and the antennas. The switching unit is configured to selectively feed signals to the antennas through the connecting lines. The grounding layer serves as a reference of zero potential, and by setting the shape or size of the grounding layer and the distance from the grounding layer to the antennas, the grounding layer is further configured to restrain a transmitting direction of the electromagnetic waves transmitted by the antennas. The dielectric substrate is configured to allow the grounding layer to be printed thereon, and the dielectric substrate is further configured to allow the antennas, the switching unit and the connecting lines. 1. An antenna apparatus , comprising multiple antennas , a switching unit , a grounding layer , connecting lines and a dielectric substrate , wherein the antennas are configured to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves; the connecting lines are configured to connect the switching unit and the antennas; the switching unit is configured to selectively feed signals to the antennas through the connecting lines; the grounding layer serves as a reference of zero potential , and by setting a shape or size of the grounding layer and a distance from the grounding layer to the antennas , the grounding layer is further configured to restrain a transmitting direction of the electromagnetic waves transmitted by the antennas; and the dielectric substrate is configured to allow the grounding layer to be printed thereon , and the dielectric substrate is further configured to allow the antennas , the switching unit and the connecting lines to be printed or installed thereon.2. The antenna apparatus according ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335295A1
Принадлежит: WISTRON CORP.

An antenna module is provided. The antenna module includes a first ground element, a body, a radiator and a parasitic element. The body is electrically connected to the first ground element. The radiator is connected to the body, wherein the radiator includes an extending portion, a bending portion and a terminal portion, and the bending portion is connected to the extending portion, and the terminal portion is connected to the bending portion. The parasitic element includes a parasitic extending portion and a parasitic conductive portion, wherein the parasitic extending portion is connected to the parasitic conductive portion, and the terminal portion and the parasitic extending portion is located on a same straight line, and the terminal portion is separated from the parasitic extending portion. 1. An antenna module , comprising:a first ground element;a body, electrically connected to the first ground element;a radiator, connected to the body, wherein the radiator comprises an extending portion, a bending portion and a terminal portion, and the bending portion is connected to the extending portion, and the terminal portion is connected to the bending portion;a parasitic element, comprising a parasitic extending portion and a parasitic conductive portion, wherein the parasitic extending portion is connected to the parasitic conductive portion, the terminal portion and the parasitic extending portion is located on a same straight line, and the terminal portion is separated from the parasitic extending portion.2. The antenna module as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a switch unit, connected to the parasitic conductive portion; anda second ground element, wherein when the antenna module is in a first transmission mode, the switch unit electrically connects the parasitic conductive portion to the second ground element, and when the antenna module is in a second transmission mode, the switch unit electrically separates the parasitic conductive portion from the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335297A1

The three-dimensional integrated structure including a support element, an interface device connected to the support element by first electrically conductive connection, an integrated circuit arranged between the support element and the interface device and connected to the interface device by second electrically conductive connection, a filler region between the second electrically conductive connection and between the interface device and the integrated circuit, and an antenna, having a radiating element in electromagnetic coupling with an excitation element through the interconnection of a slot, the antenna being distributed over the interface device and the integrated circuit. 1. Three-dimensional integrated structure comprising a support element , an interface device connected to the support element by first electrically conductive connection means , an integrated circuit arranged between the support element and the interface device and connected to the interface device by second electrically conductive connection means , a filler region standing between the second electrically conductive connection means and between the interface device and the integrated circuit , and means forming an antenna , having a first antenna substrate and a second antenna substrate which are separated by an earth plane equipped with an aperture , a radiating element separated from the earth plane by the first antenna substrate , and an excitation element separated from the earth plane by the second antenna substrate , the said aperture being configured in such a way as to permit electromagnetic coupling between the excitation element and the radiating element , the interface device incorporating the radiating element , the first antenna substrate and the earth plane , the integrated circuit incorporating the excitation element , and the second antenna substrate being formed by at least a part of the filler region.2. Structure according to claim 1 , wherein the second electrically ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Compact Radiating Array for Wireless Handheld or Portable Devices

Номер: US20130342416A1
Принадлежит: FRACTUS, S.A.

A radiating system transmits and receives in first and second frequency regions and includes a radiating structure comprising first and second radiation boosters having maximum sizes smaller than 1/30 times the free-space wavelength of the lowest frequencies of the first and second frequency regions, respectively. The radiating system further includes a radiofrequency system having first and second ports respectively connected to first and second internal ports of the radiating structure, and a third port connected to an external port of the radiating system. The radiofrequency system includes: first and second reactance cancellation element providing impedances having an imaginary part close to zero for respective frequencies in the first and second frequency regions and a delay element interconnecting the first and second reactance cancelation elements to provide a difference in phase therebetween to produce first and second impedance loops in the first and second frequency region, respectively, at the external port. 1. An apparatus comprising: a radiating structure comprising: a first radiation booster having a maximum size smaller than 1/30 times the free-space wavelength of the lowest frequency of the first frequency region; a second radiation booster having a maximum size smaller than 1/30 times the free-space wavelength of the lowest frequency of the first frequency region; a first internal port; a second internal port; and a ground plane layer;', 'an external port; and', a first port connected to the first internal port of the radiating structure; a second port connected to the second internal port of the radiating structure; a third port connected to the external port of the radiating system;', 'a first reactance cancellation element connected to the first port and configured to provide an impedance having an imaginary part substantially close to zero for a frequency allocated in the first frequency region;', 'a second reactance cancellation element ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Aktives antennensystem

Номер: US20130342422A1
Принадлежит: Kathrein Werke KG

An improved active antenna system is distinguished inter alia by the following features: comprising a first antenna group ( 5 ) which is provided for transmitting and receiving operation, comprising a second antenna group ( 10 ) which is provided for receiving operation, the two antenna groups ( 5, 10 ) are arranged above one another, and the supply network (N 11 , N 12 ) of the first antenna group ( 5 ) has an amplitude distribution which is frequency-dependent, i.e. dependent on a transmitting and a receiving frequency.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002315A1
Автор: LIM Dong Uk
Принадлежит: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.

An antenna according to an embodiment includes a structure, and an antenna pattern on the structure, wherein the antenna pattern includes a feeding structure and a radiator integrated with the feeding structure for radiating a signal provided from the feeding structure to an outside. 1. An antenna comprising:a structure; andan antenna pattern on the structure,wherein the antenna pattern includes a feeding structure and a radiator integrated with the feeding structure for radiating a signal provided from the feeding structure to an outside.2. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the feeding structure includes a feeder for providing a signal; anda closed loop formed by a capacitive device and a conductive line.3. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the feeding structure includes a feeder for providing a signal;a first closed loop formed by a first capacitive device and a conductive line; anda second closed loop formed by the first capacitive device, a second capacitive device and a conductive line.4. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the structure includes a back cover of an apparatus to which the structure is applied.5. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the radiator is attached to a first surface of the structure claim 1 , and the feeding structure is attached to a second surface of the structure which is different from the first surface.6. A method for manufacturing an antenna claim 1 , the method comprising:printing an antenna pattern on a plate;mounting a capacitive device on the printed antenna pattern;cutting the antenna pattern on which the capacitive device is mounted; andattaching the cut antenna pattern to an injection molded structure,wherein the printing of the antenna pattern comprises printing an antenna pattern which includes a feeding structure and a radiator integrated with the feeding structure for radiating a signal provided from the feeding structure to an outside.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the structure includes a back cover of an apparatus to ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002322A1

A shield cable includes: a first film member made of an insulating resin; a second film member made of an insulating resin; a laminated body including a center conductor surrounded by the first film member and the second film member; an easy-adhesion layer positioned around the laminated body; an outer conductor positioned around the easy-adhesion layer; and a protective film that covers around the outer conductor, wherein the shield cable is flat when viewed in cross section. 1. A shield cable comprising:a laminated body comprising: a first film member made of an insulating resin; a second film member made of an insulating resin; and a center conductor surrounded by the first film member and the second film member;an easy-adhesion layer positioned around the laminated body;an outer conductor positioned around the easy-adhesion layer; anda protective film that covers around the outer conductor, whereinthe shield cable is flat when viewed in cross section.2. The shield cable according to claim 1 , whereincorners of the laminated body are trimmed when viewed in cross section.3. The shield cable according to claim 1 , whereinthe outer conductor is seamlessly formed around the easy-adhesion layer.4. The shield cable according to claim 1 , whereinthe center conductor is positioned over an easy-adhesion layer formed at a predetermined part of the first film member.5. The shield cable according to claim 1 , whereinthe center conductor is a copper foil with a thickness of 5 μm or smaller.6. The shield cable according to claim 1 , whereinthe outer conductor is a copper foil with a thickness of 5 μm or smaller.7. The shield cable according to claim 1 , whereinthe first film member is a film made of one of polyimide, a cyclo-olefin polymer, and a liquid crystal polymer.8. The shield cable according to claim 1 , whereinthe first film member and the second film member are the same member.9. The shield cable according to claim 1 , whereincharacteristic impedance is approximately ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002324A1

The antenna matching circuit control device with an antenna body includes a sensing module, a processing module, a power adjusting module and a frequency adjusting module. The sensing module senses an object that approaches the antenna body and outputs a sensing signal accordingly. The processing module is coupled to the sensing module and outputs a first control signal and a second control signal according to the sensing signal. The power adjusting module is coupled to the processing module and controls a power amplifier to couple with one of a plurality of first matching circuits according to the first control signal. The frequency adjusting module is coupled to the antenna body and the power adjusting module. The frequency adjusting module controls one of a plurality of second matching circuits to couple with one of the first matching circuits according to the second control signal. 1. An antenna matching circuit control device cooperating with an antenna body comprising:a sensing module sensing an object approaching the antenna body and outputting a sensing signal accordingly;a processing module coupled to the sensing module and outputting a first control signal and a second control signal according to the sensing signal;a power adjusting module coupled to the processing module and adjusting an output power according to the first control signal; anda frequency adjusting module coupled to the antenna body and the power adjusting module and adjusting operating frequency of the antenna body according to the second control signal.2. The antenna matching circuit control device according to claim 1 , wherein the power adjusting module controls a power amplifier to couple with one of a plurality of first matching circuits; andthe frequency adjusting module controls one of a plurality of second matching circuits to couple with one of the first matching circuits.3. The antenna matching circuit control device according to claim 1 , wherein the sensing module has a first ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009360A1
Автор: Ellä Juha, Ikonen Pekka
Принадлежит: EPCOS AG

The present invention concerns a mobile communication device comprising a ground plane, a main antenna comprising a main radiator (MRAD) that can couple electromagnetically to the ground plane and to a first signal path (SPm), a diversity antenna comprising a diversity radiator (DRAD), a reconfigurable input matching circuit that couples the diversity radiator (DRAD) to the ground plane and to a second signal path (SPd), and a control unit (CU) coupled to the reconfigurable input matching circuit and adapted to change the coupling of the diversity radiator (DRAD) to the ground plane during operation. The present invention further concerns to a method to enhance the performance of the device. 1. A mobile communication device comprising:a ground plane;a main antenna comprising a main radiator that can couple electromagnetically to the ground plane and to a first signal path;a diversity antenna comprising a diversity radiator;a reconfigurable input matching circuit that couples the diversity radiator to the ground plane and to a second signal path; anda control unit coupled to the reconfigurable input matching circuit and adapted to change the coupling of the diversity radiator to the ground plane during operation.2. The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the reconfigurable input matching circuit comprises a tunable capacitor claim 1 , andwherein the diversity radiator is connected to the ground plane via a path that comprises the tunable capacitor.3. The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the capacitance of the tunable capacitor is set to a maximum value when the diversity antenna is inactive.4. The mobile communication device according to or claim 2 , wherein the capacitance of the tunable capacitor is set to value below a maximum value when the diversity antenna is active.5. The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the reconfigurable input matching circuit comprises a second tunable capacitor and ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009361A1
Автор: KATO Noboru

An antenna device includes a plate-shaped radiating element, a frame-shaped radiating element arranged to surround the plate-shaped radiating element, and a feeding unit that includes a feeding circuit and a frequency stabilizing circuit and that is connected between the plate-shaped radiating element and the frame-shaped radiating element. The plate-shaped radiating element and the frame-shaped radiating element are connected to the feeding circuit through the frequency stabilizing circuit as a result of a first terminal portion of the frequency stabilizing circuit being connected to the frame-shaped radiating element, a second terminal portion of the frequency stabilizing circuit being connected to the plate-shaped radiating element, and a third terminal portion of the frequency stabilizing circuit being connected to the feeding circuit. 1. (canceled)2. An antenna device comprising:a plate-shaped radiating element;a frame-shaped radiating element arranged to surround the plate-shaped radiating element; anda feeding unit that includes a feeding circuit and a frequency stabilizing circuit and that is connected between the plate-shaped radiating element and the frame-shaped radiating element; whereinthe plate-shaped radiating element and the frame-shaped radiating element are connected to the feeding circuit through the frequency stabilizing circuit as a result of a first terminal portion of the frequency stabilizing circuit being connected to the frame-shaped radiating element, a second terminal portion of the frequency stabilizing circuit being connected to the plate-shaped radiating element, and a third terminal portion of the frequency stabilizing circuit being connected to the feeding circuit.3. The antenna device according to claim 2 , wherein a portion of the frame-shaped radiating element includes a cut-out that defines a gap.4. The antenna device according to claim 2 , wherein the frequency stabilizing circuit includes a primary side reactance circuit ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015722A1
Автор: LIM Dong Uk

Embodiments provide connecting various circuits to which capacitive elements are connected to obtain an optimal capacitive reactance value needed in a resonance. Embodiments provide a capacitance value of an optimal capacitive reactance needed in a resonance by connecting a plurality of capacitive elements to a conductive line connecting an emitter and a ground in series or connecting one or more capacitive elements in parallel/series. 1. An antenna apparatus , comprising:a radiating body;a feeding part for providing a signal for the radiating body; anda grounding part for grounding the radiating body and extended from the feeding part.2. The antenna apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one resonance addition part connected to the grounding part.3. The antenna apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the resonance addition part comprises at least one reactance device.4. The antenna apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the reactance device comprises at least one of a capacitive device and an inductive device.5. The antenna apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the capacitive device is a capacitor.6. The antenna apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the in the inductive device is an inductor.7. The antenna apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a first loop is formed by the feeding part and the grounding part.8. The antenna apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a second loop is formed by the resonance addition part and the grounding part.9. The antenna apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the resonance addition part is disposed between the feeding part and the grounding part.10. The antenna apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the feeding part is disposed between the grounding part and the resonance addition part.11. A feeding structure claim 2 , comprising:a feeding part for providing a signal; anda grounding part extended from the feeding part.12. The feeding structure of claim 11 , further comprising:at least one resonance addition part connected to the grounding part.13. The feeding structure of claim 12 , ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015726A1

Disclosed herein are embodiments of a radiofrequency circuit assemblies and dielectrically-loaded antennas for use in the assembly, the assembly and the antenna being for operation at a frequency in excess of 200 MHz. The disclosed assemblies and antennas should not be construed as limiting in any way. Instead, the present disclosure is directed toward all novel and nonobvious features and aspects of the various disclosed embodiments, alone and in various combinations and subcombinations with one another. 1. A radiofrequency circuit assembly comprising the combination of a dielectrically loaded antenna and a printed circuit board mounting the antenna , wherein:{'b': '5', 'the antenna comprises a solid electrically insulative core of a material having a relative dielectric constant greater than and occupying the major part of the inner volume defined by the core outer surface, the core having a passage therethrough extending from a first core surface portion to a second, oppositely facing core surface portion, and a printed circuit feeder structure secured in the core passage and having exposed antenna mounting projections at opposite respective ends of the passage, at least one of the mounting projections bearing conductors for connecting the antenna to associated circuitry;'}the printed circuit board mounting the antenna has an aperture dimensioned to accommodate the antenna core with the passage extending substantially parallel to the plane of the board;wherein the aperture has inner edge portions surrounding the antenna core such that at least one of the inner edge portions and the core outer surface are substantially in close proximity or in contact;the antenna mounting projections at both ends of the passage engage respective inner edge portions of the aperture so that the antenna core is supported by the printed circuit board between spaced-apart mounting locations adjacent the oppositely facing core surface portions, the board further comprising conductive ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015729A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A first antenna element a second antenna element and a MEMS (micro-electromechanical system) switch are provided, and a feeding point is provided at one end of the first antenna element The other end of the first antenna element is connected to a first terminal of the MEMS switch and one end of the second antenna element is connected to a second terminal of the MEMS switch The one end of the first antenna element is grounded to a ground pattern via an inductor and a ground terminal of the MEMS switch is connected to the other end of the first antenna element 1. An antenna device comprising:a circuit board having a ground pattern;a first antenna element and a second antenna element which are disposed so as to be spaced from the ground pattern by prescribed intervals; anda first switch which has a ground terminal, a first terminal, and a second terminal and connects or disconnects the first terminal and the second terminal to or from each other,wherein a feeding point is provided at one end of the first antenna element, and the other end of the first antenna element is connected to the first terminal of the first switch;wherein one end of the second antenna element is connected to the second terminal of the first switch; andwherein the one end of the first antenna element is grounded to the ground pattern of the circuit board via an inductor, and the ground terminal of the first switch is connected to the other end of the first antenna element.2. An antenna device comprising:a circuit board having a ground pattern;a first antenna element and plural second antenna elements which are disposed so as to be spaced from the ground pattern by prescribed intervals, the plural second antenna elements having different electrical lengths to each other; anda first switch which has a ground terminal, a first terminal, and plural second terminals and connects or disconnects the first terminal and each of the second terminals to or from each other,wherein a feeding point is provided ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015731A1

The disclosure is directed to optimized switching circuitry utilizing MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) circuitry in series with solid state circuitry. Specifically, the MEMS circuitry includes a first MEMS circuit in parallel with (and separate from) a second MEMS circuit. A paired signal is defined as a transmit signal and a receive signal (in a single band) that are transmitted or received on separate paths or on separate nodes. The transmit signal is associated with the first MEMS circuit, and the receive signal is associated with the second MEMS circuit. The solid state circuitry switches between the first MEMS circuit and second MEMS circuit without requiring any switching in the first or second MEMS circuits. 1. Optimized switching circuitry comprising:MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) circuitry including a first MEMS circuit and a second MEMS circuit, wherein the first MEMS circuit and the second MEMS circuit are in parallel with each other; andsolid state circuitry in series with the MEMS circuitry.2. The optimized switching circuitry of claim 1 , further comprising:a first signal pair of nodes in a first band,wherein the first signal pair of nodes includes a first transmit signal node and a first receive signal node,wherein the first transmit signal node is associated with the first MEMS circuit, andwherein the first receive signal node is associated with the second MEMS circuit.3. The optimized switching circuitry of claim 2 , wherein the solid state circuitry includes SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) circuitry.4. The optimized switching circuitry of claim 2 , wherein the solid state circuitry is configured to quickly switch back and forth between the first MEMS circuit and the second MEMS circuit claim 2 , thereby quickly switching back and forth between the first transmit signal node and the first receive signal node without requiring any MEMS switching.5. The optimized switching circuitry of claim 4 , further comprisinga second signal pair of nodes ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Antenna Apparatus

Номер: US20140015734A1

An antenna apparatus includes a cable structure, a feed fitting, a ground fitting, and an antenna. The cable structure includes a feed segment and a ground segment, wherein the feed segment and the ground segment are arranged along an axial direction of the cable structure. The feed fitting and the ground fitting respectively electrically fit the feed segment and the ground segment. The antenna includes a body, a feed holding portion and a ground holding portion, wherein the body extends along the axial direction of the cable structure, the feed holding portion and the ground holding portion are arranged on the body along the axial direction, and the feed holding portion and the ground holding portion electrically clamp the feed fitting and the ground fitting, respectively. 1. An antenna apparatus , comprising:a cable structure comprising a feed segment and a ground segment, wherein the feed segment and the ground segment are arranged along an axial direction of the cable structure;a feed fitting and a ground fitting respectively electrically fitting the feed segment and the ground segment; andan antenna comprising a body, a feed holding portion, and a ground holding portion, wherein the body extends along the axial direction of the cable structure, the feed holding portion and the ground holding portion are arranged on the body along the axial direction, and the feed holding portion and the ground holding portion electrically clamp the feed fitting and the ground fitting, respectively.2. The antenna apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the feed holding portion and the ground portion are integrally disposed on the antenna.3. The antenna apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises:a ground portion extending along the axial direction and vertically bent from a side parallel to the axial direction to form a cable holding portion, so that the cable holding portion, the ground holding portion, and the feed holding portion are sequentially arranged along the axial ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of Checking the Matching of an Antenna Connected to a NFC Component and Corresponding NFC Component

Номер: US20140022143A1
Автор: Tramoni Alexandre

An NFC component includes a first interface that can be used in reader mode and is configured to be connected to an antenna via an impedance matching external circuit. A second interface can be used in card mode and in reader mode and is configured to be connected to the antenna and to the first interface via the impedance matching external circuit. An internal module includes a first detection circuit configured to deliver a first detection signal that represents the phase antenna matching quality when the impedance matching external circuit and the antenna are indeed connected between the first interface and the second interface. The internal module is further configured to deliver a check signal from at least the first detection signal. 1. An NFC component , comprising:a first interface that can be used in reader mode and is configured to be connected to an antenna via an external impedance matching circuit;a second interface that can be used in card mode and in reader mode and is configured to be connected to the antenna and to the first interface via the impedance matching external circuit; andan internal module comprising a first detection circuit configured to deliver a first detection signal that represents a phase antenna matching quality when the external impedance matching circuit and the antenna are indeed connected between the first interface and the second interface.2. The NFC component according to claim 1 , wherein the internal module is further configured to deliver a check signal from at least the first detection signal.3. The NFC component according to claim 2 , further comprising an internal matching adjustment circuit configured to adjust the antenna matching based upon the check signal.4. The NFC component according to claim 1 , further comprising an internal matching adjustment circuit that comprises:a circuit of switched capacitors coupled between the first and second interfaces and between terminals of the second interface; anda control ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028521A1

Adjustable impedance tuning circuitry includes a first impedance matching terminal, a second impedance matching terminal, and a plurality of passive components adapted to match the impedance of the first impedance matching terminal and the second impedance matching terminal. The plurality of passive components includes one or more tunable components adapted to adjust the impedance of the adjustable impedance tuning circuitry to maintain an impedance match between the first impedance matching terminal and the second impedance matching terminal over a variety of operating conditions. Each of the one or more tunable components includes one or more switches adapted to selectively alter the impedance of the tunable component. The one or more switches are integrated onto a single semiconductor die in order to facilitate the performance of the adjustable impedance tuning circuitry over a wide bandwidth. 1. Adjustable impedance tuning circuitry comprising:a first impedance matching terminal and a second impedance matching terminal; and the plurality of passive components includes one or more tunable components;', 'the one or more tunable components include one or more tuning switches adapted to alter an impedance of the one or more tunable components; and', 'each of the one or more tuning switches are integrated onto a single semiconductor die., 'a plurality of passive components adapted to match an impedance at the first impedance matching terminal to an impedance at the second impedance matching terminal, wherein2. The adjustable impedance tuning circuitry of further comprising control circuitry coupled to the one or more tunable components and adapted to adjust the impedance of the one or more tunable components in order to match the impedance at the first impedance matching terminal to the impedance at the second impedance matching terminal.3. The adjustable impedance tuning circuitry of wherein the control circuitry is integrated onto the single semiconductor die with ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043109A1
Автор: Lam Alan

An antenna including a conductive loop having a first top surface portion, the conductive loop having a first edge portion interrupted by a gap defining a feed point, a conductive strip having a second top surface, the conductive loop lying in a plane defined by the second top surface, the conductive strip having a second edge portion extending between first and second opposing distal ends, the second edge portion being spaced from the first edge portion, and the second edge portion extending along the first edge portion at a substantially constant distance from the first edge portion, and wherein the conductive strip is electrically isolated from the conductive loop and is structurally configured and positioned relative to the conductive loop to adjust an input impedance of the conductive loop. 1. An antenna , comprising ,a conductive loop having a first top surface and a first bottom surface, the first top surface and the first bottom surface being separated by a first thickness, the conductive loop having a first edge portion interrupted by a gap defining a feed point, and the conductive loop being responsive to electromagnetic signals in a frequency band;a conductive strip having a second top surface and a second bottom surface, the second top surface and the second bottom surface being separated by a second thickness substantially similar to the first thickness, the conductive loop lying in a plane defined by the second top surface, the conductive strip having a first distal end and an opposing second distal end and a second edge portion extending between the first and second distal ends, the second edge portion being spaced from the first edge portion, and the second edge portion extending along the first edge portion at a substantially constant distance from the first edge portion; andwherein the conductive strip is electrically isolated from the conductive loop and is structurally configured and positioned relative to the conductive loop to adjust an input ...
