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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 17007. Отображено 199.
27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2199482C2
Принадлежит: КЕНИГ УНД БАУЕР АГ (DE)

Раскрыта листообрабатывающая машина, при работе которой обрезка листов со всех сторон и разделение их на части листов осуществляется "в режиме реального времени". Печатные листы в машине обрезаются по кромкам с помощью устройств поперечного резания печатных листов. Посредством первого устройства поперечного резания осуществляют обрезание полоски от задней кромки печатного листа перпендикулярно к направлению транспортировки. После этого печатный лист поворачивают так, что обрезанная кромка печатного листа движется первой. Движущуюся теперь последней переднюю кромку печатного листа также обрезают перпендикулярно к направлению транспортировки посредством второго устройства поперечного резания. Лист разделяют на некоторое количество расположенных рядом друг с другом частей листа с помощью продольного разреза. Выполнение поперечных разрезов подвергают проверке с помощью контрольного устройства. Лист и/или части печатного листа транспортируют системами захвата листа. Технический результат способа ...

27-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2299928C2

Изобретение относится к машине для нанесения покрытий на полотно и может найти применение при изготовлении гибких основ полотен с покрытием. Машина содержит, по меньшей мере, одну выполненную с возможностью вакуумирования рабочую зону, через которую проходит непрерывное полотно во время его обработки. Модуль для непрерывного продольного разрезания полотна предусмотрен непосредственно в выполненной с возможностью вакуумирования рабочей зоне. Это создает возможность продольного разрезания полностью или частично обработанного полотна перед его намоткой, так что отдельные полосы разрезанного полотна могут быть поданы на различные барабаны без контакта с окружающей средой. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2225788C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в линиях выделения резины из изношенных автомобильных шин. Установка содержит пресс с плунжером, стол с горизонтальными направляющими и установленную на столе каретку, имеющую две средние и по две крайние опоры. По направляющим стола установлены с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения две фильеры. На каретке установлены два контейнера для армированных резиновых изделий и два устройства загрузки контейнеров. На столе под плунжером пресса установлен нож для срезания с нижних плоскостей фильер резиновых остатков. На столе симметрично относительно плунжера установлены два устройства автономного поворота фильер. На средних опорах каретки установлены два фиксатора фильеры. На средних и крайних опорах каретки установлены упорные накладки. Контейнеры установлены на каретке в областях ее крайних опор с возможностью подведения одного контейнера под плунжер, а другого - под соответствующее устройство загрузки в крайних положениях каретки. Фиксаторы ...

20-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU178872U1

Заявлена насадка к силовому электроприводу, преимущественно кухонному комбайну для нарезки пищевых продуктов кубиками, корпус которой состоит из верхней крышки с вертикальным входным каналом, рабочей камеры округлой формы, узла ножа-рассекателя, расположенного внутри корпуса рабочей камеры непосредственно под крышкой, узла неподвижного ножа-решетки, расположенного под узлом ножа-рассекателя, канала вывода готового продукта. Основное отличие от известных решений в том, что фиксатор узла ножа-рассекателя к верхней крышке в виде сдвижного элемента с овальным отверстием переменной ширины. Для фиксации узел ножа-рассекателя содержит вал с канавкой.

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU151564U1

... 1. Устройство lkz нарезки ламелей для вертикальных жалюзи, включающее столешницу, перемещающийся по направляющей вдоль столешницы блок захвата полосы материи и ножевой блок с нижней и верхней платформами, сжимающими полосу материи при отрезании ламели, расположенной на столешнице, отличающееся тем, что столешница выполнена с отверстием для опускания в него конца отрезанной ламели, находящегося со стороны ножевого блока, а блок захвата и перемещения полосы материи выполнен и установлен с возможностью перемещения сначала вместе с удерживаемой им полосой материи и прохождением сжатых лапок захвата между нижней и верхней платформами ножевого блока, а затем обратно вдоль полосы материи и прохождением разжатых лапок захвата - между нижней и верхней платформами ножевого блока или прохождением нижней лапки захвата под нижней платформой ножевого блока, а верхней лапки захвата между нижней и верхней платформами ножевого блока.2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что нижняя платформа ножевого ...

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU151915U1

Режущий инструмент для черновой обработки деталей в виде тел вращения, содержащий рабочую поверхность с покрытием, материал которого представляет собой абразивный материал, твердостью по Моосу не ниже 9, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен L или П-образным, или в виде скругленной по боковым сторонам призмы, при этом покрытие выполнено шаржированием рабочей поверхности упомянутым абразивным материалом.

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU181402U1

Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, предназначена для измельчения плодов и овощей и может быть использована в индивидуальных фермерских и крестьянских хозяйствах, пищевой промышленности, а также для бытовых нужд.Измельчитель плодов и овощей, содержащий корпус с крышкой, внутри корпуса установлен вал-червяк, червячное колесо, соединенное с коленчатым валом, вращающимся на втулках, шток с пуансоном, загрузочную воронку с направляющим каналом и режущий аппарат, дополнительно содержит вибратор-встряхиватель и дозатор барабанного типа, вибратор-встряхиватель расположен сбоку загрузочной воронки; дозатор расположен между загрузочной воронкой и направляющим каналом, дозатор имеет в нижней горловине перекидной клапан, а привод дозатора осуществляется червячной парой от коленчатого вала привода штока измельчителя, режущий аппарат выполнен в виде ножей, расположенных зигзагообразно со сдвигом по вертикали, а пуансон представлен объемным сектором с выступами для входа в межножевое пространство, полностью повторяя форму рабочей поверхности режущего аппарата, под режущим аппаратом расположено выпускное окно и установлена выгрузная емкость, а корпус закреплен на станине.Технический результат - возможность проведения непрерывного процесса резания плодоовощного сырья на ломтики с пониженными энергозатратами. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 181 402 U1 (51) МПК B26D 1/00 (2006.01) B26D 3/18 (2006.01) B02C 18/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B26D 1/00 (2018.05); B26D 3/18 (2018.05); B02C 18/14 (2018.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018114363, 18.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.04.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 12.07.2018 Бюл. № 20 1 8 1 4 0 2 R U (54) ИЗМЕЛЬЧИТЕЛЬ ПЛОДОВ И ОВОЩЕЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, предназначена для измельчения плодов и овощей и может быть использована в ...

10-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU137228U1

... 1. Установка для измельчения автомобильных шин, содержащая раму с опорой для закрепления на ней силовых ножниц и площадкой для укладки шины, оборудованную фиксатором шины и механизмами ее подъема, поворота и линейного перемещения относительно закрепленных на раме силовых ножниц, отличающаяся тем, что силовые ножницы выполнены из трех, подвижно соединенных общей осью шарнира, частей, состоящих из верхней и нижней губок и центральной опоры, на которой с возможностью поворота закреплены оба конца гидравлических приводов силовых ножниц, противоположные концы которых подвижно соединены с верхней и нижней губками силовых ножниц, при этом каждая из губок выполнена в виде опорного основания, на котором закреплены параллельно установленные пластинчатые поворотные ножи, причем пластинчатые поворотные ножи верхней губки чередуются на оси с пластинчатыми поворотными ножами нижней губки.2. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что каждый пластинчатый поворотный нож силовых ножниц, установленный центрально ...

30-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2020015C1

Использование: резка крупногабаритного металлолома на одинаковые по форме и размерам части, удобные для транспортировки и переплавки. Сущность изобретения: кумулятивный заряд взрывчатого вещества, имеющий в плане сетчатое строение с ячейкой четырехугольной формы, накладывают на разрезаемый металл. Затем производят одновременное инициирование заряда по всей его площади. 1 ил.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690123C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для измельчения пищевых продуктов. Устройство для резки пищевых продуктов содержит корпус и крышку, а также n загрузочных емкостей, закрепленных на крышке, где n=1, 2 …, и по паре упоров, повторяющих форму загрузочной емкости, расположенных под каждой загрузочной емкостью соответственно и установленных перпендикулярно оси приводного вала, связанного с электродвигателем, расположенным на платформе, на которой также расположено n приемных емкостей, при этом приводной вал одним концом закреплен в крышке, другим концом - на платформе, и на приводном валу перпендикулярно его оси закреплено полотно одиночного ножа и полотна блока ножей. Полотно одиночного ножа выполнено в форме сектора диска, образованного выемкой в диске, при этом режущая кромка одиночного ножа выполнена вогнутой формы, на торце полотна одиночного ножа в центре диска выполнен фланец, а противоположный торец выполнен за одно целое с дугообразной перемычкой, образованной той же выемкой, под ...

27-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2526974C1

Изобретение относится к обработке материалов резанием и может быть использовано при механической обработке заготовок из пластмасс, преимущественно из капролона. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение производительности обработки заготовки и физико-механических свойств изделий. Способ включает обработку заготовок из капролона. Заготовке и режущему инструменту сообщают относительное движение формообразования, а подачу осуществляют дискретно. Одновременно с резанием производят процесс термообработки заготовки. В качестве нагревательного элемента используют кольцо, установленное подвижно перед резцом с возможностью копирования внутренней поверхностью рельефа заготовки. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012138479A

Способ изготовления шины из сращенных полосок резинового материала, при котором используют режущее устройство для отрезания полосок от ленты материала, которое снабжено разгрузочным устройством для выгрузки отрезанной полоски, а также устройством для сращивания отрезанных полосок, способ содержит этапы:- отрезания первой полоски от ленты резинового материала и помещение первой полоски на разгрузочный конвейер,- после отрезания первой полоски, отрезание второй полоски от ленты резинового материала и помещение второй полоски на разгрузочный конвейер,- после того как первая и вторая полоски были помещены на разгрузочный конвейер, сращивание первой и второй полосок для изготовления шины из сращенных полосокотличающийся тем, что способ содержит следующие этапы:- удержание второй полоски на разгрузочном конвейере между отрезанием первой полоски и помещением второй полоски на разгрузочный конвейер; измерение предполагаемого зазора между концом первой полоски и концом второй полоски, сращиваемым ...

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012121668A

... 1. Способ вибрационного резания с образованием элементной стружки, предусматривающий вращение обрабатываемой детали, поступательное перемещение резца и колебательное синусоидальное перемещение режущей части резца под действием сил сопротивления резанию, воздействующих на колебательный контур, в который входят подвижная режущая часть резца, упругие элементы и неподвижная часть резца, отличающийся тем, что, колебательный контур образован с использованием элементов качения, частота колебательного движения режущей части резца составляет более 45 Гц, при этом в результате импульсных воздействий в зоне резания возникают микротрещины, приводящие к дроблению стружки, а образующаяся стружка не контактирует с передней поверхностью резца.2. Вибрационный резец, содержащий корпус с крышкой и подвижную часть с режущей пластиной, а также комплект упругих элементов, связывающих подвижную часть резца с корпусом и крышкой с образованием колебательного контура, при этом упругие элементы размещены между подвижной ...

27-07-2003 дата публикации

Способ снятия покрова и оболочки с кабеля и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: RU2001130924A

... 1. Способ снятия покрова и оболочки с кабеля, содержаний подачу кабеля, внедрение в него средств разделки и перемещение их вдоль кабеля, отличающийся тем, что внедрение и перемещение средств разделки производится вдавливанием клиновых дисковых ножей и продольным обкатыванием ими кабеля параллельно его поверхности на глубину, соответствующую толщине слоев покрова и оболочки с учетом упругой податливости материалов кабеля. 2. Устройство для снятия покрова и оболочки с кабеля, содержащее корпус и смонтированные на нем кольцеобразную планшайбу с копирными дорожками, механизм поворота планшайбы, механизм подачи длинномерного изделия соосно планшайбе, каретки с валиками, параллельными оси планшайбы и взаимодействующими с ее копирными дорожками для перемещения валов с клиновыми дисковыми ножами, установленных на подшипниковых опорах в каретках равноудалено относительно оси планшайбы, отличающееся тем, что каждый нож снабжен приводом вращения и установлен так, что плоскость вершин ножевого клина ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012151758A

... 1. Устройство для обработки заготовок из капролона, включающее заготовку, токарный станок с режущим инструментом, приводом вращения заготовки и устройство подачи инструмента, отличающееся тем, что токарный станок оборудован генератором облучения заготовки с возможностью обработки заготовки при резании наносекундными электромагнитными импульсами, при этом электродами для облучения наносекундными электромагнитными импульсами являются режущий инструмент и скользящий элемент, которые контактируют с заготовкой из капролона и изолированы от металлических частей станка.2. Устройство для обработки заготовок из капролона по п.1, отличающееся тем, что генератор облучения заготовки вырабатывает наносекундные электромагнитные импульсы длительностью 1 нс, амплитудой от 8 до 12 кВ, мощность в одном импульсе от 1 до 2 МВт, частота повторения импульсов 1000 Гц.

01-01-1962 дата публикации

Устройство для разрезания рулонной бумаги

Номер: SU147480A1
Автор: Шехтман Я.А.

15-04-1991 дата публикации

Способ разделения рулонов

Номер: SU1641613A1

Изобретение относится к обработке металлов давлением, в частности к резанию материалов при помощи механических средств, и может быть использовано для разделения рулонов из неметаллических материалов. Цель изобретения - повышение производительности. Привод вращает режущие инструменты 1 и 2 в разных направлениях с различными угловыми скоростями и одновременно поступательно перемещает их к рулону 3. За счет возникающих от соприкосновения режущих инструментов 1 и 2 с рулоном 3 суммарной силы трения и крутящего момента обеспечивается дальнейшее перемещение режущих инструментов 1 и 2 к центру рулона 3 и возникающее от воздействия на рулон режущего инструмента с большой скоростью вращение его в неподвижных опорах. Происходит разделение рулона. 1 ил.

07-12-1972 дата публикации

Ножевой вал для обработки кож

Номер: SU361068A1

15-08-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для резки и формования сферического тела

Номер: SU1834641A3

Использование: изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, а именно к устройствам для формования из липкого пищевого материала сферического тела. Внутри может быть размещена начинка - наполнитель. Сущность изобретения: идентичные многоугольные элементы объединены в узел. Элементы шарнирноустановлены на осях В, расположенных по окружности. Каждый элемент имеет одинаковую толщину . На участке, близком к вершине, толщина рабочей поверхности элементов уменьшается в сторону вершины неравномерно, На вершине элементов имеются плоские участки . 2 с. и 2 з.п.ф-лы, 15 ил.

12-12-1991 дата публикации

Foam section cutter - has laser beam with controlled energy supply and cutting speed to cut and seal edges simultaneously

Номер: DE0004018567A1

To cut shaped foam material sections, where the material is covered on both sides and the foam is compressed between the sections to the thickness of the covering layers, a laser beam is moved along the cutting line between sections which, simultaneously, severs the sections and seals the cut edges. The energy delivered by the laser beam, to melt the layers of the foam sections, is pref. carried over to the cut edges, and the ratio of beam energy to cutting speed is selected to ensure that the cut edges of the layers round the foam fuse together. The alignment of the laser beam is generally orthogonal to the plane of the layer to be cut over the foam. ADVANTAGE - The material can be cut and sealed rapidly and effectively, without complex appts., in a process which can be automated.

24-10-1991 дата публикации

Cutting continuous magnetic tape - using pair of rotary blades above and below tape, which are offset slightly to avoid burred edge

Номер: DE0004112724A1

Cutting continuous magnetic tape, having a magnetic coating on a nonmagnetic substrate, is carried out from the front and back of the tape with a pair of rotary blades. The axis of rotation of the blades is parallel to the surface of the tape and in the direction of the tape width and the blades have a radial overlap. The novelty is that the gap between the cutting edges of the blades in the tape width direction is 3-20% of the thickness of the tape. Pref. at least one of the blades has a bevelled cutting edge. The bevel pref. is such that the bevel height along the tape thickness direction at the surface is 1.4 to 100 times the tape thickness and the bevel width along the tape width direction at the side is 1/40 to 18 times the tape thickness. ADVANTAGE - The technique avoids forming burrs along the edge of the tape and soiling the tape running system or peripheral equipment used in the tape mfg. process.

21-11-1963 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von mit Zellen versehenen Waben fuer Bienenstoecke

Номер: DE0001157838B

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012103939A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Schneidwerkzeug (1) zum Druckschnitt insbesondere in der Papier- und Kartonagenindustrie, bestehend aus einer bandförmigen Klinge (2) aus Stahl. Die Klinge (2) weist an einem Längsrand einen gehärteten Schneidbereich (4) mit einer Schneide (4a) und am anderen Längsrand einen Anlagebereich (6) mit einem Anlagerücken (6a) zum Abstützen der Klinge (2) in einem Aufnahmeschlitz (8) eines Werkzeugträgers (10) auf. Zwischen dem Schneidbereich (4) und dem Anlagebereich (6) weist die Klinge (2) eine streifenförmig in Klingen-Längsrichtung verlaufende Verformungszone (12) derart auf, dass die Klinge (2) beim Druckschnitt in Klingen-Querrichtung durch Beaufschlagung mit einer Druckkraft (F) unter Änderung ihrer Klingenhöhe (H) stauchverformbar ist. Der Anlagebereich (6) weist eine der Härte des Schneidbereiches (4) entsprechende Härte auf.

09-08-2001 дата публикации

Querfaserfurnier und Furniertafel

Номер: DE0019708196C2

11-05-2006 дата публикации

Absaugeinrichtung für Schnittabfälle bei einem Kryostat-Mikrotom und Kryostat-Mikrotom

Номер: DE0019803966B4

Absaugeinrichtung für Schnittabfälle bei einem Kryostat-Mikrotom, wobei im Luftstrom der Absaugeinrichtung ein Filter (6) zum Trennen des Luftstromes von den Schnittabfällen und dem Filter (6) eine Einrichtung (12, 13, 14, 15) zur Desinfektion und Entkeimung der Luft nachgeschaltet ist, wobei zur Entkeimung eine Aufheizung des Luftstroms auf eine keimtötende Temperatur erfolgt und/oder zur Entkeimung der Luftstrom einer UV-Strahlung oder einer anderen kurzwelligen elektromagnetischen Strahlung ausgesetzt wird.

27-10-2005 дата публикации

Plate cutting tool, has base extended in direction of cut through foot that exists in t-shaped profile, and carrier provided with slot that is designed for receiving blade in course of cutting

Номер: DE202005010660U1

The tool has a base (1) and a blade (2) that are movably fastened on a carrier (3), where the blade moves between an open position and a closed position. The base is extended in the direction of the cut through a foot (9) that exists in a t-shaped profile. The carrier includes a slot that is designed for receiving the blade in the course of cutting. A stopper (6) is provided for restraining the plate on the carrier during the cutting.

09-12-1982 дата публикации

Device for cutting rigid foam panels

Номер: DE0003115402A1

The invention relates to a device for cutting rigid foam panels, produced from plastic material, by means of a heated cutting wire (16). The cutting wire (16) is tensioned in a supporting frame (14) which is pivotably mounted such that the cutting wire (16) also executes a drawing cutting movement during the cutting operation. The device can be designed as a portable device which can be used on any construction site and a cutting operation may be carried out during both an upwards and downwards movement of the supporting frame (14). ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Rundmesser mit Sollbruchlinie

Номер: DE102016104227A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Rundmesser (1) mit zwei Stirnseiten (2) und einer umfangsseitigen ersten Messerschneide (3), wobei wenigstens in einer Stirnseite (2) mindestens eine konzentrisch zu der Messerschneide (3) verlaufende Materialaussparung (4) mit mindestens einer Sollbruchstelle (5) ausgebildet ist, wobei die Materialaussparung (5) das Rundmesser (1) in ein die erste Messerschneide (3) umfassendes äußeres Ringsegment (6) und ein zentrales Segment (7) teilt, so dass das äußere Ringsegment (6) an der mindestens einen Sollbruchstelle (5) von dem zentralen Segment (7) ablösbar ist und wobei sich die Dicke (8) des zentralen Segments (7) zumindest abschnittsweise radial nach außen aufgrund der geometrischen Ausbildung der Materialaussparung (4) verringert und dadurch an der durch das Ablösen hergestellten umfangsseitigen Kante des zentralen Segments (7) eine zweite Messerschneide herstellbar ist.

27-03-1958 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001026931B

22-06-1989 дата публикации

Process for profiling rubber bodies in sheet form

Номер: DE0003742166A1

The invention is based on a process in which the rubber bodies in sheet form are machined and, during this machining, strips are cut out to obtain depressions which are open at the edge. To be able also to achieve at the edge of the sheet a dimensionally accurate serration, the invention provides that, before cutting the profile, an incision or slit is made in the proximity of the edge of the area to be machined to a depth corresponding to the depth of the profile, and furthermore, after profiling, the edge determined by the incision is detached from the rubber body.

14-07-1955 дата публикации

Maschine zum Abschneiden von im wesentlichen durch Zylindermantel-flaechen begrenzten Formstuecken

Номер: DE0000930385C
Принадлежит: KRAUSS & REICHERT

05-05-1955 дата публикации

Schneidevorrichtung fuer Foerderbaender u. dgl.

Номер: DE0000927315C

14-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003741162A1

The machine comprises a multiple-step expansion die (8, Fig. 2) through which a continuous strip of lead alloy is fed intermittently and which includes a rectilinear matrix 11 and punch 14 tapered in the direction of advance of the strip and movable relative to each other. The punch 14 carries two lateral rows of toothed cutting blades 13 arranged to cooperate with two respective lateral rows of counterblades carried by the matrix and is moved towards the matrix 11 with a cam- actuated stroke synchronised with the advance of the strip. Each cutting blade 13 is provided with at least two contiguous teeth which are side by side in the direction of advance F of the strip, so as to make at least two cuts in the strip with each operating stroke of the punch 14. ...

15-09-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE8808867U1

09-02-2012 дата публикации

High-strength workpiece cutting device, particularly for cutting of steel coils, has hold-down roller preceded coaxially with cutting roller in direction of non-clamped sheet strip

Номер: DE102010033191A1

High-strength workpiece cutting device has a counter-cutting roller (4), where a hold-down roller is arranged corresponding to the counter-cutting roller. The hold-down roller is preceded coaxially with a cutting roller (1) in the direction of a non-clamped sheet strip (6). The cutting roller is formed with a protruding bending edge (2) in the region of the outer periphery.

11-04-1968 дата публикации

Schneidemaschine fuer Kueche und Haushalt

Номер: DE0001265928B

04-08-1966 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001943674U

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Plateletverstärkter Sinterformkörper, dessen Verwendung und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0019850366B4
Принадлежит: CERAM GMBH, CeramTec GmbH

Sinterformkörper mit einem Matrixwerkstoff, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Matrixwerkstoff mindestens eines der Platelets gemäß einer der allgemeinen Formeln Me1Al11O17, Me2Al12O19 und/oder Me3Al12O18 enthält, wobei Me1 für ein Alkalimetall, Me2' für Cadmium, Blei oder Quecksilber und Me3 für ein Seltenerdmetall steht und der Matrixwerkstoff tetragonal stabilisiertes Zirkoniumdioxid enthält.

13-06-2001 дата публикации

Parallel cutting of flat sheets or contoured products from expanded polystyrene blocks, by making cuts in a single plane

Номер: DE0019956899A1

A foam block (26) is fed into heated cutting wires (21,27) oscillating in opposing directions. All cuts (28;29;30) in the block are progressively made in a single plane (24,25). An Independent claim is made for the cutting equipment whose cutting wires (21;27) lie in a single plane (24,25).

19-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000233093A1

25-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002319773A1

07-08-1975 дата публикации

Endless saw for cutting synthetic foams - comprising a steel cable with helically wound flights or barbs

Номер: DE0002405554A1

Moving cutter comprises an elastic core cable of 0.5-2 mm. dia. with a braking strain of 5-30 kp and having a rough surface moving at 30-60 m./s. perpendicularly to a block of synthetic foam being traversed past the moving cutter to obtain a straight or curved profile cut. Used esp. for cutting slabs of expanded polyethylene to outlines incorporating small radii or curvature. The wire type cutter can produce sharper changes of profile than conventional ribbon type bandsaw blades. The flights or barbs are not integral with the core cable structure and do not weaken the core to the same degree as tooth root profile in a narrow saw band. Mechanical cutting avoids refusion of cut surfaces of use of hot wire cutters.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Werkzeug mit einer nitridischen Hartstoffschicht sowie Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE102011108088B4

Werkzeug bestehend aus einem Werkzeugsubstrat, das mit einer nitridischen Hartstoffschicht, in der Aluminium enthalten ist, beschichtet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in einem Kantenbereich der Anteil an Aluminium in der Hartstoffschicht gegenüber dem Anteil an Aluminium, der in einem Abstand von mehr als 500 m vom Kantenbereich entfernt ausgebildeten Hartstoffschicht enthalten ist, erhöht ist.

22-10-1932 дата публикации

Herstellung von Hornplatten

Номер: DE0000562229C

14-12-2000 дата публикации

Messerblock in einem Schneidgerät zum Scheibenschneiden runder Früchte

Номер: DE0020011827U1

15-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002837691A1

24-03-1939 дата публикации

Schneidvorrichtung fuer Schneidmaschinen u. dgl.

Номер: DE0000673483C

19-03-1935 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Platten, Profilstuecken u. dgl. aus Phenolformaldehydkunstharz

Номер: DE0000610932C

15-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003440523A1

08-04-1993 дата публикации

Cutting tool for automatic machine for profile cutting of cloth - has hollow ground section between cutting edge and spine to reduce rubbing resistance

Номер: DE0004232460A1

The cutting tool has a shearing part (12) at the bottom and a main cutting part (16) running longitudinally down one side. The main cutting edge (13a) is formed by the junction of two flats (14) extending backwards in a vee from each side of the cutting edge and towards the spine (8a). Between the vee-section (13) and the spine is a hollow ground section bounded on each side by symmetrical concave elements (15). The cutting tool can be periodically reground. ADVANTAGE - Low cutting resistance and high stiffness. Only small amount of tool material removed during sharpening.

19-03-1970 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001479484B2

06-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004059479B4

Rotationsmesser mit am äußeren Umfang umlaufender Schneide für Lebensmittelaufschneidemaschinen zum maschinellen Zerteilen von Schneidgut, insbesondere von Wurst, Schinken, Käse oder dergleichen, welches eine Aufnahme besitzt, über die das Rotationsmesser zum Antrieb der Lebensmittelschneidemaschine befestigbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Rotationsmesser als ein Sichelmesser (1) oder als ein Kreismesser (12) ausgebildet ist, welche mit einer Schneidenfläche (3) ausgebildet sind, die, beginnend in der Schneide (2), endend in dem schräg verlaufenden Flächenteil (4) und den zu schneidenden Produktscheiben schneidenwinkelabhängige Ablageimpulse gebend, unterschiedlich große Schneidenwinkel (7 bis 7'') besitzen, die in wechselnder Folge, der zur Schneide (2) umfänglich zugeordneten Schneidenfläche (3) eine wellenförmige Oberflächenstruktur gebend, in der Schneidenfläche (3) vorgesehen sind.

05-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005000286T2

16-04-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines scharfkantigen Werkzeugs

Номер: DE602007000625D1

26-02-1976 дата публикации

Disintegrator for elastic waste, esp. foam and tyres - pressing shaft for stripper rings ejects cuttings more quickly

Номер: DE0002439371A1

In the parent patent a shearing machine for cutting up elastic matls., esp. waste foam, with two intermeshing cutting cylinders, comprises a series of cutter discs keyed on shafts driven in opposite directions and positioned relatively to the cutter discs of the other shaft by spacer collars on which stripper rings are supported with radial play; the inside dia. of the stripper ring being larger than the outside dia. of the spacer, whilst the outside dia. of the stripper is equal at least to that of te cutter discs. The strippers thus turn continuously enabling elastic matls. to be chopped up small and ejected from between the cutter discs without the possibility of fragments being trapped behind the strippers. In the patent of addn. at least in the case of the upper cutting cylinder and for pref. in that of the lower cutting cylinder also, there is a roller exerting pressure on the stripper rings in the direction in which the cutting action takes place. Roller is carried in adjustable ...

09-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001729536B2

20-08-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8708776U1

16-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002045206A1

27-06-2018 дата публикации

Slitting machine

Номер: GB0002557585A

A blade assembly 121 for a slitting machine (100, fig. 3) comprises first and second cutting blades 123 and a perforating blade 124. The first and second cutting blades cut a sheet of material (150, fig. 2) to define a strip (160, fig. 2). The perforating blade is arranged between the cutting blades, and perforates the sheet to define an end of the strip. The perforating blade may be a crosscutting blade which cuts a perforation across the strip. A mechanism may adjust the distance between the blades and sheet in order to selectively engage the cutting or perforating blades. The blade assembly may further include a bottom blade assembly 131 comprising spaced apart first and second members 133 with a gap 135 between them such that the mechanism urges the cutting blades against the first and second members, and the perforating blade towards the gap. Also claimed is a slitting machine (100, fig. 3) including such a blade assembly which may be used to remove the gutter around a grid of printed ...

25-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001324945A

... 1324945 Cutting devices; marking tools G F C BICKERTON and F A CATO 4 May 1972 [7 July 1971] 31788/71 Headings B4B and B4X [Also in Division C1] A device for cutting or marking out sheet material, e.g. laminated plastics materials, comprises a cutting means 15 mounted in a support plate 1 which is slidably mounted on a guide plate 18 so that the support can be positioned relative to the material. The support plate 1 is provided with four bosses 8 in which cutting tools 15 can be secured by screws 14; the tools may have ends 16 formed for cutting or scoring. The guide plate is provided with a tenon 25 for sliding movement in a slot 7 formed in the support plate, the latter also having a recess 6 for receiving a collar 30; the collar is adapted to clamp the support plate to the guide plate by means of a screw 33. The guide plate is formed with edges 19 and 20 for guiding the cutting tool in straight or curved paths respectively. To cut circles from sheet material a pointed tool is inserted ...

19-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001387766A

... 1387766 Rotary cutting tools CHAMBON Ltd 8 May 1973 21891/73 Heading B3A [Also in Divisions B4 and B6] A cylindrical cutting or creasing tool comprises a base part 1 formed in its peripheral surface with at least one rib 4 having a flat crest, and a layer of wear-resistant metal covering at least the rib and forming on the flat crest a ridge of rounded cross-section. The base part 1 may be in the form of a cylindrical solid or tubular core on which the ribs are formed either directly or on a plate wrapped around the core. The rib or ribs which constitute the cutting or creasing element are produced on the core or plate by a mechanical, chemical or electrochemical etching process. The etched part is then disposed within an electrolytic bath and is connected into the circuit thereof as the cathode, the anode being chromium. The thickness a of chromium on the flanks of the ribs is less than that portion b on the crest of the rib. The latter portion b is formed into a ridge of semicircular ...

12-12-1946 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the cutting of rubber or the like material

Номер: GB0000583224A

... 583,224. Cutting-machines for rubber &c. DUNLOP RUBBER CO., Ltd., BADHAM, P. W., WORKMAN, E. H., and BAUGH, A. Oct. 9, 1943, No. 16554. [Class 31 (i)] [Also in Group XXXIV] A cutting-machine which is especially applicable for cutting rubber tyre tubes longitudinally so that two similar tubes can be joined to form a tube larger than can be readily formed by extrusion is constructed with an electrically heated cutter 5 adjustably mounted in a stirrup 6 fitted with rollers 7 adapted to move on a runway 4 so as to enable the operator by means of a handle 14 to move the knife in a straight line. The knife is heated by elements 11, and is formed with a bent-over edge 9, Fig. 2 (not shown), and is cut off at an angle 10 to give a "lead-in" effect The tube is registered laterally against a gauge 16 attached to an adjustable plate 15, and a supporting metal plate 18 is placed in the tube to prevent damage to the lower layer 20. Two tubes cut by the machine may be joined together directly without ...

05-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001339793A

... 1339793 Cutting blades GERBER GARMENT TECHNOLOGY Inc 15 Jan 1971 [9 Feb 1970] 2036/71 Heading B4B A blade for cutting sheet material comprises an elongated carrier means 20, 22 provided with a number of cavities 24 in which are mounted inserts 28a, 28b, 28c of a material harder than that of the carrier means. The blade shown is formed from two layers 20, 22 of steel or aluminium each provided with grooves 24 and ridges 26 so that when the layers are pressed together the cavities are formed. The inserts 28a, 28b, 28c are connected together in a strip and are preferably made of tungsten carbide. The blade is formed with a sharpened edge 18 which as it wears leaves a scalloped or serrated cutting edge (Fig. 6, not shown). In a modification, the inserts may be formed separately and fitted into spaced apart cavities formed in the carrier after the layers 20, 22 have been joined together. 1339813 Composite filaments MONSANTO CO 5 Nov 1971 51611/71 Heading B5B [Also in Division C3] Fibres may ...

20-12-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in the treatment of fabrics made of or containing cellulose derivatives

Номер: GB0000298207A

... 298,207. British Celanese, Ltd., (Assignees of Dreyfus, C.). Oct. 5, 1927, [Convention date]. Addition to 293,858 and 297.712. [both in Class 42 (i), Fabrics, Finishing &c.]. 2'able covers.-Pieces or shapes for doyleys and table covers are cut from fabrics composed wholly or substantially of cellulose derivatives and have their edges sealed against fraying or ravelling by fusing, dissolving, or softening the edges and subsequently permitting them to solidify. The fabric may be woven, circular knit &c., and the cutting and fusing may be effected by a hot knife. When a cold knife is employed, the fusing may be effected by a hot surface or a flame, or the edge ma.y be treated with a solvent or softening agent. Specification 281,271, [Class 42 (i), Fabrics, Finishing &c.], is referred to.

05-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001434884A

... 1434884 Special processes; trepanning DE MAN ISOLATIE BV 28 Feb 1974 [9 March 1973] 9099/74 Headings B3C and B3T In a method of making hollow trough-like workpieces such as curved pipe insulation pieces from hard synthetic plastics material, a sheet or disc 1 of the material is supported on a worktable (not shown) and a rotary cutting device is fed perpendicularly towards the surface of the sheet, the device having a rotary spindle 2 which carries one or more radial arms 3 to which cutter blades 4, 5 and 9, 10 are attached, the blades being positioned at appropriate radial distances from the axis of the spindle about which they rotate and which corresponds to radius of curvature of the finished workpiece. In the embodiment described a pair of such cutting devices are shown one with cutting blades which form the internal configuration and one with blades 9, 10 which form the external configuration. The respective spindles 2 and 7 act as guide members during the infeed of the cutting blades ...

02-03-1994 дата публикации

Ultrasonic cutting

Номер: GB0002270025A

An ultrasonic cutting device includes a transducer, an ultrasonic horn and a cutting blade. The transducer generates ultrasonic vibrations in a direction having a longitudinal axis, and the ultrasonic horn has a nodal point and at least three projections extending, respectively, to vibrating faces equidistantly away from and symmetrically about the nodal point, one of the vibrating faces being connected to the transducer so that, in operation, the ultrasonic horn is vibrated. The cutting blade is connected to one of the vibrating faces of the ultrasonic horn which is not connected to the transducer and is positioned in a plane transverse to the longitudinal axis of vibrations so that, in operation, the blade is vibrated.

07-01-1998 дата публикации

Tyre punch

Номер: GB0002314521A

A tyre punch, for punching holes in the walls of tyres, comprises a frame with a base plate 3 and a body 5. A tyre (51 Fig 3) is placed in the region 7 between a first hole 9 and a second hole 11. A cutting member 13 having a punch end 14 is movable in the first hole 9 under the action of a pivoted lever 15. Further lever action punches the tyre, with the punch end passing into the second hole. The device may be mounted onto a three-point linkage on the rear of a tractor by means of three attachment points (31,33,35 Fig 2). The lever may be hand operated or be powered from the tractor hydraulic system.

09-05-2001 дата публикации

Improved cutting tool and method of making same

Номер: GB0002355952A

A cutting tool is disclosed, one embodiment of which is a circular punch for cutting holes in flexible material such as plastic film. The punch has a cylindrical body with an array of primary and secondary teeth at one end. The apexes of the primary teeth lie at the end of the cutting edge of the punch and the secondary teeth are disposed between adjacent primary teeth and their apexes are substantially in the plane of the roots of the primary teeth. The primary and secondary teeth have beveled edges. A method of manufacture is described.

08-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001448515A

... 1448515 Aseptic slicing of food MICARNA AG FLEISCHWARENFABRIK 6 July 1974 30046/74 Heading A4C [Also in Division F4] Bulk foodstuffs are sliced by a reciprocable rotating blade 4 located in a housing 6 which is fed with sterilized heated air through a pipe 7, the air being between 200‹C and 350‹C to maintain the blade at a sterilized temperature of between 100‹/and 135‹C. Cooled sterilized air from a hose 21 is supplied to a pivotable hood 8 located over the bulk foodstuff secured on a slide and driven towards the blade by a motor driven screw 25. An ultraviolet lamp may be located in hood 8 with a further lamp directed towards the underside of a conveyer belt 14 on which the cut slices are fed to a packaging machine. The pressure in housing 6 and hood 8 is greater than ambient pressure to prevent penetration of non-sterile ambient air. Air is supplied through a duct 41, Fig. 3, to a cylindrical pre-heater 40 containing electric coil heaters 42, 43 and then to a main heater 18 which includes ...

06-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002243572A

Cutting and melting apparatus comprising a pair of staunchoins either side of a work surface onto which each has mounted thereon a housing supporting a spindle horizontally. Both housings being able to be lowered and raised in unison. The spindles are made to rotate in unison. The spindles on their ends facing have flails (4) attached and are electrically insulated one from the other, allowing wire(s) (C,K) to be heated or tool(s) (F) to be operated. A tool(s) (C, K, F) can then be attached to one flail (H) at the axis or at any distant position therefrom and similarly on any different position on the other flail. Provision thereby exists to produce straight or truncated tube of solid or hollow sections and also shapes only limited by the shapes and size of a wire tool (C, F, K).

27-09-2006 дата публикации

Ozonation for food slicing machine

Номер: GB0002418596B

21-07-1982 дата публикации

A perforating cutter

Номер: GB0002090783A
Автор: Schulz, Helmut

A tool which is used to make rows of perforations in a running web of paper or the like has a rotary holder and a flat blade which is removably secured to the holder so that one of its longitudinal edge faces extends beyond the periphery of the holder. Such one longitudinal edge face has a row of perforating teeth and the blade has an elastically deformable portion which extends lengthwise of the one longitudinal edge portion to enable at least some of the perforating teeth to yield if they engage a hard surface while the row of teeth bulges outwardly in the region between the ends of the one longitudinal edge face. The elastically deformable portion can have one or more rows of slots or one or more corrugations. If the elastically deformable portion has two rows of slots, the slots in the row which is nearer to the perforating teeth partially overlap the neighboring slots of the adjacent row. The elastically deformable portion contributes to longer useful life of the blade because it enables ...

26-08-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for the manufacture of thin sheets of material,such as expanded polystyrene

Номер: GB0000967511A

... 967,511. Turning; sharpening machine cutters in situ. PORON INSULATION Ltd. Nov. 13, 1962 [Oct. 23, 1961], No. 37952/61. Headings B3D and B3T. [Also in Division B5] A thin continuous sheet of expanded polystyrene is cut from a roll 1 by means of an endless knife 13, the roll being driven frictionally by means of a knurled roller 10 and being mounted on a spindle 2 having its ends carried in worm boxes 4 the worms of which rotate a pair of screw shafts 5 movable through fixed nuts 5a, the arrangement being such that the spindle is moved automatically relative to the roller 10 so as to maintain constant the contact pressure between the roll 1 and roller 10 while the sheet is being cut from the roll. A guide 18 positions the knife in correct cutting contact with the surface of the roll. A pair of motor-driven saws 16 displaceable relative to one another are provided. The knife is sharpened by means of a pair of grinding wheels 14 each driven by an electric motor 15. The grinding wheels may ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации

Food Processor Arrangements

Номер: GB0002510902A

This invention relates to food processor arrangements, of the kind in which the food processor is fitted with a cutter plate located just beneath the lid of its bowl and close to a feed-tube entry through the lid, and the cutter plate, which is in the form of a disc carrying a blade, is rotated rapidly by means of an electric motor. The invention provides an arrangement in which individual cutter plates are made in sections which can be opened out to form complete cutter plates 12a and re-positioned and overlain for compact storage. In preferred embodiments, each cutter plate comprises two generally semi-circular sections 42, 44 with co-operating central portions allowing the two sections to form a complete disc or to be axially moved and rotated relative to one another so that one section overlies the other. In some particularly preferred embodiments of the invention, the central portions of the two sections of the cutter plate are provided with co-operative adjustable components whereby ...

23-11-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in machinery or apparatus for effecting cutting operations

Номер: GB0000188917A

... 188,917. Byrne, F. A. Oct. 26, 1921. Traversing-cutter machines. - Relates to means for cutting the jointing strip of tyre covers, made according to Specification 8075/15, (Class 70, India-rubber &c.], and consists in a machine with cutters which move outwardly under centrifugal force. A rotating shaft g carries an adjustable sleeve r upon which slides a collar t urged by a spring u abutting the flanged sleeve end. Within the sleeve slides a rod p carrying a cutter c and attached to the collar t by a pin p'. The tyre b is supported upon a table a in the base of which is a footstep bearing i for the shaft g, and the shaft is rotated to cause the cutter c to move outwards and sever the strip. In a modification a plurality of sleeves are provided, and in a further modification a centrifugal governor mechanism is substituted for the telescopic arms.

09-06-1999 дата публикации

Apparatus for cutting sheet material

Номер: GB0002331951A

Apparatus for cutting sheet material 7, such as polycarbonate, comprises a carrier bed 6. A blade carrier 3 is mounted for movement C relative to the bed, is rotatable about an axis X which is normal to the bed and is movable vertically along its axis X. A blade 1 is mounted on the blade carrier and has an edge 2 which is angled obliquely to the sheet 7. The blade is drawn across a sheet to be cut from one side 10 to the far side 11. The lower part of the blade does not make a complete cut at the far side. The blade is removed from the sheet and rotated through 180‹ and then forced down into the sheet to cut the sheet at its edge. Control means enables the cutting operation to be conducted automatically.

18-12-1963 дата публикации

Edge incising machine

Номер: GB0000945025A

... 945,025. Sharpening cutters in situ. FORTUNA - WERKE SPECIALMASCHINENFABRIK A.G. May 8, 1962 [May 9, 1961], No. 17632/62. Heading B3D. [Also in Division B4] Apparatus 54 for sharpening a disc cutter 1 is carried by an arm 37 which is pivotable about a horizontal axis 22 and about a double linkage with two vertical axes 27, 28. The grinding disc 36 is drivable by a belt 43 passing around pulleys 21, 30 (21 not shown), the pulley 30 being coaxial with a friction wheel 31 which, when the grinding apparatus is swung to the opertive position, is moved into engagement with a driven friction wheel 32 by the pressure of a spring 45 on a stop 41 whilst when the grinding apparatus is swung to the inoperative position, a stop 25 engages the stop 41 to move the wheel 31 out of engagement with the wheel 32. Reference has been directed by the Comptroller to Specification 890,621.

15-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002173495A

Shears for metered cutting of plastic material comprise two blades (1, 1') which are reciprocated back and forth to cut the material. Each of the blades (1, 1') has a body (5, 5') with a recess to which is secured a cutting means (4, 4') having a cutting edge which is formed by the intersection of an arcuate rearward surface (8, 8') and forward surface (7, 7'). The angle subtended between the surfaces at the junction not exceeding 90 DEG . ...

02-01-2002 дата публикации

Tyre stacking method system and cutting device therefor

Номер: GB0000127235D0

27-04-1966 дата публикации

Apparatus for trimming large bodies of resinous cellular materials

Номер: GB0001027875A

... 1,027,875. Trimming cellular bodies. ALLIED CHEMICAL CORPORATION. April 17, 1964 [April 30, 1963], No. 16092/64. Heading B5A. Apparatus for trimming large elongated bodies of cellular resinous material, e.g. polyurethane foam, comprises a conveyer 20 along which the cellular body 21 is moved, a pair of centring guide members 52, 53 on opposite sides of the conveyer, each including a series of spaced vertically disposed rollers 57 supported between a pair of angle members 54, the guide members being mounted on lateral members 58 (Fig. 4, not shown), which are slidably mounted on cross-rods 61 and to which connecting bars 78 ... 81 are pivotally secured, the other ends of the bars being secured to push-pull rods 82, 83 moved by means of an air piston 102. High pressure air supplied to the piston 102 moves the guide members 52, 53 transversely to position the cellular body in a longitudinal divertion essentially parallel to the planes defined by the rollers 57. The apparatus also includes ...

01-05-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to cushions, pillows and other upholstered supports

Номер: GB0000925223A

... 925,223. Cushions &c. HARRISON & JONES Ltd. Sept. 6, 1961 [June 25, 1960], No. 22329/60. Class 52 (4). A cushion with a dome or domes 14 is formed from a block 10 of resilient material, e.g. rubber or synthetic foam, by incising only a part 15 of the peripheral edge of the block 10 to form a pocket 13 therein and thereafter introducing a filler material into the pocket. The incision 15 may be subsequently sealed. The filler material may be diced or granulated and may be treated with an adhesive before its introduction to the pocket 13.

27-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001321337A

... 1321337 Slitting webs BELOIT CORP 15 Dec 1970 [16 Dec 1969] 59513/70 Heading B4B A slitter assembly for slitting a travelling web of material e.g. paper or plastics, comprises a pair of cutting discs 10, 11 each provided with a lip portion 12, 13, the discs being overlapped and arranged with a toe-in so that adjacent edges of the lips meet in point contact. The lip 12 or 13 of the disc is formed by providing a recess 26, Fig. 9, in the facing surfaces of the discs; the lip may be case hardened and the recess filled with a plastics material to increase rigidity. The optimum thickness for the lip is determined having regard to the diameter of the disc and the overlap. Various examples of these dimensions are disclosed. The purpose of providing the lip is to reduce the gap A1, Fig. 8B to a minimum as the blades wear together, the blades being maintained in contact e.g. by an air diaphragm. The cutting discs may be freely rotatable on shafts and rotated by the movement of the web being ...

01-03-1943 дата публикации

Improvements relating to cutting devices

Номер: GB0000551569A

... 551,569. Paper cutting apparatus. FANFOLD, Ltd., MURRAY, S. M., and BARBER, H. M. Dec. 12, 1941, No. 16053. [Class 31 (i)] Cutting apparatus comprises a serrated blade adapted to effect discontinuous or continuous cuts according to whether a part or the whole of the depth of the serrations is brought into operation, a support for the material to be cut and means for causing relative reciprocation between blade and support and for varying the depth of operation of the serations to produce discontinuous or continous cuts. The blade 1, which may have evenly arranged teeth 2 or serrations arranged in groups to produce grouped perforations, is clamped in a holder 3 having its ends 4, 5 guided for vertical movement in uprights 6, 7 and actuated by pivoted cam levers 18, 19 and an operating rod 22 which may be operated by hand or mechanically. Co-operating stops 28, 29 are allowed to contact when the blade is required to be depressed far enough to make a continous cut but if a discontinuous cut ...

10-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001417068A

... 1417068 Rigid foam laminates; cutting plastics material CHEMACRYL PLASTICS Ltd 6 March 1973 [18 April 1972] 10891/73 Headings B4B and B5N [Also in Division C3] A laminate comprises a flexible core material sandwiched between a pair of rigid skins, the core material consisting of a sheet of a rigid elastic foam plastics material (i.e. a closed cell plastic foam material having a compressive strength of at least 25 p.s.i. and being compressible at 20‹ C. to 50% of its original thickness without rupture of the cell structure and recovering its original shape after compression) the sheet being slotted to define an array of contiguous discrete, block-like elements which are articulately interconnected by discrete hinge pieces constituted by unsevered portions of the sheet at which the slots do not extend through the full thickness of the sheet. The foam plastic may be polyvinyl chloride. In Fig. 4, a portion of a mould 15 has placed thereon a liner 16 which is a sheet of impermeable reinforced ...

15-07-1953 дата публикации

Device for cutting slabs from a block of ice-cream or other plastic substance

Номер: GB0000694191A

... 694,191. Cutting ice-cream &c. THACKER, J. W. Jan. 16, 1952 [Oct. 17, 1950]. No. 25264/50. Class 87 (ii). A device for cutting and removing slabs from a block of ice-cream &c. comprises a pair of horizontally-disposed, vertically-adjustable reciprocating cutter blades 25, 26 mounted beneath the ice-cream block, a block-supporting plate 40 reciprocable in a direction at right-angles to that of the blades, the plate 40 having an ejector 41 for the severed slabs. The cutters 25, 26 are actuated by means of a longitudinally reciprocating slide 15 which has studs 30 engaging oblique slots 29 in the blades. The blades are guided in their reciprocatory movement towards and away from each other by projections 31 which engage channels 32 in a fixed member 27. The supporting plate 40 and ejector 41 are actuated by links 43, 44 in such a manner that the plate is withdrawn from under the block during the cutting movement and commences its return stroke slightly before the severed slab falls into trough ...

16-07-1914 дата публикации

Improvements in the Means for Cutting Rubber and Rubber Compounds into Strips suitable for the Production of Tyres for the Wheels of Vehicles and the like.

Номер: GB0191322008A

... 22,008. Rushmer, J., and Skelton, H. Sept.. 30. Vertical-cutter type for cutting sheet material in direction of feed.-Strips of rubber or rubber compounds, suitable for the production of wheel tyres, are cut in a calender or warming-up mill by a series of disk knives 1 adapted to engage the material as it passes over a roller 3. Each knife 1 is carried by an arm 9 adjustably mounted on a shaft 2, mounted in bearings 4 which permit of a ready removal of the shaft. The arm 9 loosely engages the shaft 2, and is connected by a spring 10 with an arm 11 adapted to be rigidly clamped to the shaft. A lever 5 carried by the shaft 2 is provided with a lock working over a toothed quadrant 14 to secure the cutters in the required position relative to the roll 3.

23-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008523206D0

02-04-1969 дата публикации

An apparatus for deburring or trimming endless rubber or rubber-like plastics material extrusions

Номер: GB0001147407A

... 1,147,407. Cutting apparatus. CONTINENTAL GUMMI-WERKE A.G. 5 Oct., 1967 [7 Nov., 1966], No. 45438/67. Heading B4B. An apparatus for bevelling the flanks of driving belts 18 of rubber or plastics material comprises fixed and movable pulleys 7, 16 around which a belt 18 passes and rotary disc cutters 23 advanceable towards the belt from both sides thereof, the pulleys being arranged on a carrier 4 rotatable about its longitudinal axis and drivable in dependence upon -the angular position of the carrier relative to the cutters which are displaceable in the longitudinal direction of the carrier. The pulleys are driven from a motor-driven shaft 9 and bevel gears 8 through switching clutches 11 controlled by a cam 13 on the end face of a fixed axle 12 supporting the carrier 4. The pulley 16 is movable towards and away from the pulley 7 by means of a pressure cylinder 17 controlled by a valve 9, or electromagnetic means, the control impulses being scanned by a cam 20 connected to a circular guide ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Blade for providing a cut at food products

Номер: US20120036971A1
Автор: Günther Weber

The invention relates to a blade for cutting food products, in particular sausages, comprising a cutter having two partial cutters disposed tapered toward each other in a curved surface. The invention further relates to a cutting device for cutting food products, having a blade and having a holder on which the blade is rotatably disposed. The cutting device is designed so that an end piece can be sliced off of a product, the longitudinal axis thereof being oriented substantially perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the blade, by a rotary motion of the blade. The invention further relates to a method for processing a food product.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasonic system and method for cutting soft materials and ultrasonic horn blade therefor

Номер: US20120073414A1
Автор: Arthur Summo
Принадлежит: Branson Ultrasonics Corp

An ultrasonic system and method for cutting soft material has an ultrasonic transducer that vibrates axially at least one horn blade having a serrated edge so that when the horn blade is moved into the food product being cut, it is vibrating in a direction in and out of the food product to make a plunge cut.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Air cooled spacer for multi-blade abrading wheel

Номер: US20120118512A1
Автор: Stanley D. Jones
Принадлежит: B&J Rocket America Inc

An abrading wheel such as a rasp hub for use in tire retreading machines includes two generally circular end, or side, plates with plural spaced mounting pins extending between and coupled to the two spaced plates. Rasp blades arranged in stacks which are arranged end-to-end about the wheel's circular circumference. Disposed between and engaging each pair of adjacent blades is a spacer, which is also attached to the mounting pins. Each spacer is curved lengthwise to match the curvature of the blades and includes plural spaced upper and lower recesses disposed immediately adjacent to its pair of adjacent blades to allow air to freely pass over the entire length of each blade as the hub is rotated at high speed to dissipate heat from the blades during operation for increased blade reliability and longevity.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Device for the Automated Slicing of Bread, Having Improved Blade-Supporting Frames

Номер: US20120297947A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for the automated slicing of bread, including a first assembly of bread cutting blades and one supporting frame for said blade assembly, each frame having a substantially rectangular shape and including two longitudinal members arranged substantially parallel to each other and two transverse members arranged substantially parallel to each other and substantially perpendicular to the two longitudinal elements. Each frame consists of two substantially rectangular single-piece rigid elements assembled together, each rigid element including a portion of each longitudinal member and of each transverse member of the frame having a shape complementary to a corresponding portion of the other rigid element of said frame and being arranged so that said rigid elements impart a three-dimensional structure for said frame together. The frame has a rectangular shape, does not include cohesion irregularities between the members, and is therefore more stable and less subject to deformation.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145917A1

An apparatus for cutting a sheet stack is provided. The sheet stack is composed of a plurality of sheets. The apparatus includes a cutting blade having a plate form and having a cutting edge at one side extending along a cutting width direction. The cutting blade has at the one side: a plurality of projecting blade portions having ridge lines forming edge lines capable of thrusting and sawing cutting, the projecting blade portions projecting in a cutting direction; and a straight bottom portion between adjacent projecting blade portions. Cutting of the sheet stack is performed by applying a load to the cutting blade in the cutting direction, and by reciprocating the cutting blade along the cutting width direction. 1. An apparatus for cutting a sheet stack composed of a plurality of sheets , the apparatus comprising a cutting blade having a plate form and having a cutting edge at one side extending along a cutting width direction , the cutting blade having at the one sidea plurality of projecting blade portions having ridge lines forming edge lines capable of thrusting and sawing cutting, the projecting blade portions projecting in a cutting direction, anda straight bottom portion between adjacent projecting blade portions,wherein cutting of the sheet stack is performed by applying a load to the cutting blade in the cutting direction, and by reciprocating the cutting blade along the cutting width direction.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the straight bottom portion has a straight portion having a length of not shorter than 1 mm.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the straight bottom portion has a ridge line forming an edge line capable of cutting the sheet stack along the cutting width direction.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the projecting blade portions project from the straight bottom portion to a projecting end in a direction perpendicular to the straight bottom portion by 0.05 mm to 1.0 mm.5. The apparatus according ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177776A1

Provided is a surface-coated cemented carbide insert obtained by containing at least WC powder and Co powder as raw materials, including a WC-based cemented carbide obtained by forming and sintering mixed raw materials containing at least any of (a) Zr compound powder, Nb compound powder, and Ta compound powder, (b) complex compound powder of Nb and Ta, and Zr compound powder, (c) complex compound powder of Nb, Ta, and Zr, (d) complex compound powder of Nb, Zr, and Ta compound powder, and (e) complex compound powder of Ta and Zr, and Nb compound powder, as essential powder components, as a substrate, and forming a hard coating layer on the substrate by vapor deposition, in which a Co enrichment surface region is formed in a substrate surface, Co content in the Co enrichment surface region satisfies to be between 1.30 and 2.10 (mass ratio) of Co content in cemented carbide. 1wherein a Co enrichment surface region having an average thickness of 5 μm to 35 μm is formed in a substrate surface of the WC-based cemented carbide, Co content in the Co enrichment surface region satisfies to be between 1.30 and 2.10 (herein, in a mass ratio) of Co content in cemented carbide, and total content of Nb and Ta in the Co enrichment surface region is between 0.025 and 0.085 (herein, in a mass ratio) of the Co content in Co enrichment surface region.. A surface-coated cemented carbide insert which is obtained by containing at least WC powder and Co powder as raw materials, including a WC-based cemented carbide obtained by forming and sintering mixed raw materials containing at least any of (a) Zr compound powder, Nb compound powder, and Ta compound powder, (b) complex compound powder of Nb and Ta, and Zr compound powder, (c) complex compound powder of Nb, Ta, and Zr, (d) complex compound powder of Nb, Zr, and Ta compound powder, and (e) complex compound powder of Ta and Zr, and Nb compound powder, as a substrate, and forming a hard coating layer on the substrate by vapor deposition, ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192441A1
Автор: Ehrle Egon, Gebert Andreas

The present invention relates to a blade for cutting machines and to a method for producing such a blade. The blade has a main body made of a first material and a cutting body made of a second material and having at least one cutting edge formed thereon. The second material has a higher hardness than the first material. The cutting body is joined along a joining line to the main body. According to the invention, the blade is produced by: a) providing a support made of a third material of high thermal conductivity; b) placing the main body on the support such that a base area of the main body and a surface of the support lie substantially parallel to each other and the joining line is adjacent the surface of the support; c) generating the cutting body by build-up welding of the second material onto the first material along the joining line, the support being arranged for mechanically supporting the second material used for build-up welding and d) sharpening the cutting body to form the at least one cutting edge 1. A blade for cutting machines , comprising a main body made of a first material and a cutting body made of a second material and having at least one cutting edge formed thereon , whereinthe second material has a higher hardness than the first material, and the cutting body is joined along a joining line to the main body, and whereinthe blade is produced byproviding a support made of a third material of high thermal conductivity;placing the main body on the support such that a base area of the main body and a surface of the support lie substantially parallel to each other and the joining line is adjacent the surface of the support;generating the cutting body by build-up welding of the second material onto the first material along the joining line, the support being arranged for mechanically supporting the second material used for build-up welding andsharpening the cutting body to form the at least one cutting edge.2. The blade according to claim 1 , wherein ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199351A1

A surface-coated sintered body includes a sintered body of cubic boron nitride (cBN) and a surface coating layer formed on a surface thereof, the sintered body of cBN containing 20 to 99.5% by volume of cBN and a binder, the surface coating layer including an adhesion layer and at least one hard coating layer, the adhesion layer being a metal layer containing at least W and being formed to cover a portion of the surface of the sintered body of cBN, the hard coating layer being formed to cover the sintered body of cBN and the adhesion layer, a ratio of cBN particles in contact with the adhesion layer to a total number of cBN particles in contact with the adhesion layer or the hard coating layer in the surface of the sintered body of cBN being 0.01 to 20%. 1. A surface-coated sintered body , comprising:a sintered body of cubic boron nitride; anda surface coating layer formed on a surface thereof,said sintered body of cubic boron nitride containing 20 to 99.5% by volume of cubic boron nitride and a binder,said surface coating layer including an adhesion layer and at least one hard coating layer,said adhesion layer being a metal layer containing at least W, and being formed to cover a portion of the surface of said sintered body of cubic boron nitride,said hard coating layer being formed to cover said sintered body of cubic boron nitride and said adhesion layer,a ratio of cubic boron nitride particles in contact with said adhesion layer to a total number of cubic boron nitride particles in contact with said adhesion layer or said hard coating layer in the surface of said sintered body of cubic boron nitride being 0.01 to 20%.2. The surface-coated sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesion layer is in an amorphous state or composed of ultrafine particles having an average particle size equal to or smaller than 5 nm.3. The surface-coated sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesion layer contains W at 0.05 to 95 atomic %.4. The surface-coated ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Knife assembly for a trimming machine

Номер: US20130233144A1
Автор: II Woodrow A. Powers
Принадлежит: Individual

A knife assembly for attachment to an industrial paper trimming or cutting machine having a primary blade and a backbone blade where the cutting edge of the backbone blade is offset at an angle α from the cutting edge of the primary blade. The knife assembly is removably attached to a cutting machine configured to move in a reciprocating motion to trim edges from soft bound single paper products.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Laser Clad Cutting Edge for Agricultural Cutting Components

Номер: US20130233145A1
Принадлежит: Kondex Corporation

An agricultural cutting blade has top and bottom surfaces and mounting apertures extending through top and bottom surfaces. A cutting edge support surface (e.g. that may be a flat, pointed or rounded) is formed on the cutting blade body with the cutting edge support extending along a side of the cutting blade body transversely between the top and bottom surfaces. A clad material deposited upon the cutting edge support such as by laser cladding process. The clad material can be built up, that is layered in partial or full overlapping relation to provide at least 2 and often more than 4 layers of clad material at one or more locations. A cutting edge provided by the clad material that may be a ground surface into a laser clad bead. 1. A method , comprising:providing a cutting blade with a cutting blade body having first and second side surfaces, the cutting blade body being formed of a first material, a cutting edge support surface formed on the cutting blade body, the cutting edge support surface extending along an end surface of the cutting blade body transversely between the first and second side surfaces;cladding at least 2 layers upon the cutting edge support surface to form a tip of a second material that provides at least one of greater hardness and wear resistance relative to the first material, a cutting edge provided in the second material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cutting edge support surface comprises first and second converging surfaces claim 1 , the first converging surface extending from the first side surface at an oblique angle toward the second side surface claim 1 , the first and second converging surfaces being joined by an end tip.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the layers is laid upon each of the first converging surface and the second converging surface.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the end tip is one of rounded and pointed.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the end tip is flat.6. The method of claim 2 , ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239769A1

A knife structure including a knife body having a cutting surface, a relief surface and a knife clamp surface. The cutting surface and the relief surface intersect at an apex region of the knife body. The knife clamp surface intersects with an end of the relief surface opposite an end of the relief surface that intersects with the cutting surface at the apex region. In one embodiment, the apex region is comprised of an alloy of a base material for the knife body and a boron containing compound. The thermally conductive plating is present on at least the knife clamp surface, the cutting surface and the release surface of the knife body. The thermally conductive plating is not present on the apex region. 1. A knife structure comprising:a knife body comprising a cutting surface, a relief surface and a knife clamp surface, wherein the cutting surface and the relief surface intersect at an apex region of the knife body, wherein the apex region is comprised of an alloy of a base material for the knife body and a boron containing compound; anda thermally conductive plating on at least the knife clamp surface, the cutting surface and the release surface of the knife body, wherein the thermally conductive plating is not present on the apex region.2. The knife structure of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive plating has a thermal conductivity that is greater than the base material claim 1 , and the thermally conductive plating transmits heat produced in the apex region to a heat sink that is contact with the knife clamp surface.3. The knife structure of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive plating is a composition selected from the group consisting of copper (Cu) claim 1 , silver (Au) claim 1 , gold (Ag) claim 1 , chromium (Cr) claim 1 , molybdenum (Mo) claim 1 , tungsten (W) claim 1 , aluminum (Al) claim 1 , and combinations thereof or the thermally conductive plating is a ceramic composition that is selected from the group consisting of aluminum nitride claim 1 ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Multiple rotary knife for longitudinal splitting of webs

Номер: US20130291700A1
Автор: Alessandro COLOMBATTO
Принадлежит: Turmond SpA

A multiple rotary knife for longitudinal splitting of webs, including a generally cylindrical annular body bearing a plurality of circumferential blades spaced apart, which are formed by continuous hard-metal rings mechanically fixed axially to the annular body.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305892A1
Автор: NOBUKUNI Hisaoki
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

Disclosed is an apparatus for cutting a web member along an intersecting direction. The web member has a plurality of fibers including tows along a predetermined direction intersecting the intersecting direction. The apparatus includes a disc-like rotatable blade member for cutting the web member by relatively moving in the intersecting direction with respect to the web member while rotating about a rotation shaft, the rotation shaft extending along the predetermined direction, the rotatable blade member including a cutting edge on an outer circumferential edge portion thereof, a plurality of recess portions being formed on the cutting edge, the plurality of recess portions being arranged along a circumferential direction of the rotatable blade member, a mean value of lengths of the plurality of recess portions in the circumferential direction being smaller than a mean value of diameters of the tows contained in the web member. 1. A web-member cutting apparatus for cutting a web member along an intersecting direction ,the web member having a plurality of fibers including tows along a predetermined direction and being continuous in the predetermined direction, the intersecting direction intersecting the predetermined direction, the web-member cutting apparatus comprising: the rotation shaft extending along the predetermined direction,', 'the rotatable blade member including a cutting edge on an outer circumferential edge portion thereof,', 'a plurality of recess portions being formed on the cutting edge,', 'the plurality of recess portions being arranged along a circumferential direction of the rotatable blade member,', 'a mean value of lengths of the plurality of recess portions in the circumferential direction being smaller than a mean value of diameters of the tows contained in the web member., 'a disc-like rotatable blade member that cuts the web member by relatively moving in the intersecting direction with respect to the web member while rotating about a ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Cutter, Packaging Apparatus and Method of Cutting a Film

Номер: US20140000217A1
Автор: Granili Andrea
Принадлежит: CRYOVAC, INC.

According to the invention, there is provided a cutter for a packaging apparatus. The cutter forms a shape. The cutter comprises at least one blade. Each blade comprises a plurality of first teeth and a plurality of second teeth. The first teeth are longer than the second teeth such that in use the first teeth contact a surface to be cut before the second teeth. 1. A cutter for a packaging apparatus , the cutter forming a shape and comprising at least one blade , each blade comprising:a plurality of first teeth; anda plurality of second teeth;wherein the first teeth are longer than the second teeth such that in use the first teeth contact a surface to be cut before the second teeth.2. The cutter of claim 1 , wherein the first teeth are interspersed with second teeth of the plurality of second teeth.3. The cutter of claim 1 , wherein the cutter forms a substantially closed shape.4. The cutter of claim 1 , wherein the first teeth are longer than the second teeth by a factor within the range of from about 1.15 to about 1.50.5. The cutter of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one blade comprises a substantially equal number of first teeth and second teeth; orthe at least one blade comprises about three times the number of second teeth as first teeth.6. The cutter of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of second teeth comprises at least two sets of teeth that have different lengths such that in use the two sets of teeth contact a surface to be cut at different times.7. The cutter of claim 1 , wherein each of the first teeth and/or each of the second teeth forms a sharp point at a tip having an angle claim 1 , in a plane of the blade claim 1 , within the range of from about 50 degrees to about 60 degrees.8. The cutter of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the at least one blade tapers towards the tips of the first teeth and/or towards the tips of the second teeth.9. A packaging apparatus comprising the cutter of .10. The packaging apparatus of claim 9 , further comprising an ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007752A1
Автор: Sato Akinobu, Suzuki Akiko

Two surfaces forming a cutting edge and a ridge of a cutting edge existing along the boundary between the two surfaces intersecting with each other are irradiated with a gas cluster ion beam at the same time, the maximum height of the profile of the two surfaces being equal to or smaller than 1 μm. A facet is newly formed on the ridge of the cutting edge by performing the irradiation with the gas cluster ion beam in such a manner that the two surfaces are not perpendicularly but obliquely irradiated with the gas cluster ion beam, and at least a part of the ridge of the cutting edge is perpendicularly irradiated with the gas cluster ion beam. 1. A method of processing a ridge of a cutting edge of , a maximum height of a profile of two surfaces forming the cutting edge being equal to or smaller than 1 μm , and the ridge of the cutting edge existing along a boundary between the two surfaces intersecting with each other , the method comprising:a step of newly forming a facet on said ridge of the cutting edge by irradiating said two surfaces and said ridge of the cutting edge with a gas cluster ion beam in such a manner that said two surfaces are not perpendicularly but obliquely irradiated with the gas cluster ion beam, and at least a part of said cutting edge is perpendicularly irradiated with the gas cluster ion beam.2. The method of processing a ridge of a cutting edge according to claim 1 , wherein said two surfaces the maximum height of the profile of which is equal to or smaller than 1 μm are surfaces planarized by irradiation with the gas cluster ion beam.3. The method of processing a ridge of a cutting edge according to claim 1 , wherein a gas of said gas cluster ion beam is a gas that does not chemically react with a material of said cutting edge.4. The method of processing a ridge of a cutting edge according to claim 3 , wherein said gas is any of argon claim 3 , oxygen claim 3 , nitrogen claim 3 , carbon dioxide or a combination thereof.5. An instrument ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013914A1

A surface-coated cutting tool having excellent fracture resistance and wear resistance is provided. In the surface-coated cutting tool having at least a hard coating layer made of an (Al, Cr)N layer with a layer thickness of 0.5 μm to 10 μm formed to coat on the surface of a cutting tool body made of a WC cemented carbide, pores and droplets are dispersed and distributed in the (Al, Cr)N layer, the occupied area ratio of the pores and the occupied area ratio of the droplets in a cross-section of the (Al, Cr)N layer are 0.5 to 1 area % and 2 to 4 area % respectively, and, furthermore, out of the droplets, Al-rich droplets having a higher Al content ratio than the average Al content ratio of the (Al, Cr)N layer occupy 20 area % or more of the total droplet area. 1. A surface-coated cutting tool comprising:a cutting tool body made of tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide; anda hard coating layer including an Al and Cr composite nitride layer, which is formed on the cutting tool body to coat the cutting tool body and has a layer thickness of 0.5 μm to 10 μm,wherein pores and droplets are dispersed and distributed in the Al and Cr composite nitride layer,an occupied area ratio of the pores and an occupied area ratio of the droplets in a cross-section of the Al and Cr composite nitride layer are 0.5 to 1 area % and 2 to 4 area % respectively, and,out of the droplets, Al-rich droplets having a higher Al content ratio than an average Al content ratio of the Al and Cr composite nitride layer occupy 20 area % or more of a total droplet area in the cross-section of the Al and Cr composite nitride layer.2. The surface-coated cutting tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the hard coating layer includes a first layer made of an Al and Ti composite nitride layer formed to coat the cutting tool body, a second layer made of an Al and Cr composite nitride layer formed to coat on the first layer, and a third layer made of an Al and Ti composite nitride layer formed to coat on the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing of cutting knives using direct metal deposition

Номер: US20140026730A1
Принадлежит: DM3D Tech LLC

Direct metal deposition (DMD) is used to fabricate knife edges with extended service life. A metal alloy powder is deposited along a blank and melted with a laser beam so that the powder solidifies into a strip of material having a hardness and/or wear resistance greater than that of the starting material. The piece is then finished to produce a sharp edge in the solidified material. The powder may be melted while it is being deposited, or it may be melted after being deposited. A slot or groove may be formed in the blank with the metal alloy powder being deposited into the slot or groove. A hardened steel alloy powder is deposited onto a mild steel blank. For example, a tool steel or vanadium steel powder may be deposited onto a 1018 steel blank. An invention line-beam nozzle may be used for deposition and/or powder melting.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Stationary blade assembly

Номер: US20140041499A1
Принадлежит: Sidel SpA

There is disclosed a stationary blade assembly for cutting labels from a label film in labelling machines, comprising: a support and a blade supported by said support; blade comprises at least two cutting edges which are adapted to cut said labels.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Chipping-proof inorganic solid-state material and chipping-proof edge tool

Номер: US20140065363A1
Автор: Akiko Suzuki, Akinobu Sato
Принадлежит: Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd

A chipping-proof nonmetal inorganic solid-state material is characterized in that the inorganic solid-state material has, in at least a part of a surface thereof, a surface structure in which a network of recesses and protuberances surrounded by the recesses are formed, the protuberances have an average width of 5 nm to 50 nm, a physical property of the surface structure differs from the physical property of an interior of the inorganic solid-state material lying below the surface structure, and there is no solid-solid interface between the surface structure and the interior of the inorganic solid-state material.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000483A1

A cutting blade, which is useable for cutting a reinforcing strip into reinforcing plies, includes one or more notches disposed at given intervals. When a volume of rubber separating two reinforcing threads is cut by the cutting blade, bridges of rubber are left between a rear edge of a first reinforcing ply and a front edge of a second reinforcing ply. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for producing a reinforcing ply used in a tyre , the ply including reinforcing threads that are coated in a rubber mixture , the threads being arranged parallel to one another and forming a given angle (a) with a longitudinal direction of the ply , the method comprising steps of:{'sub': 1r', '1', '2f', '2, 'cutting through a rubber portion located between two adjacent threads of a reinforcing strip, so as to separate a rear edge (N) of a first reinforcing ply (N) of the reinforcing strip from a front edge (N) of a second reinforcing ply (N) of the reinforcing strip; and'}{'sub': '1', 'removing the first reinforcing ply (N) from the reinforcing strip, the first reinforcing ply (N1) having a given length,'}{'sub': 1r', '1', '2f', '2, 'wherein, in the cutting step, cutting of the rubber portion is interrupted at predetermined intervals in order to leave bridges of rubber between the rear edge (N) of the first reinforcing ply (N) and the front edge (N) of the second reinforcing ply (N).'}13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the threads of the reinforcing ply form an angle (α) of between 45° and 90° with a longitudinal direction of the reinforcing ply.14. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the bridges of rubber have a length claim 12 , measured along a thread at an edge claim 12 , of between 0.5 mm and 2 mm.15. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the bridges of rubber are spaced apart by a length claim 12 , measured along a thread at an edge claim 12 , of between 1 cm and 15 cm claim 12 , with between 2 cm and 10 cm being preferable for the length.16. The method ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002781A1
Автор: Ramos Ramos Alberto

An apparatus for removing O-rings from a device is disclosed. The apparatus includes a first actuator assembly that is adapted to modulate at least two first cutting members via at least two pistons. The apparatus includes a second actuator assembly that is adapted to modulate at least two second cutting member via at least two pistons. The apparatus further includes a receiver module sandwiched between the first actuator assembly and the second actuator assembly. The receiver module is adapted to secure the device to remove the O-rings. The receiver module is adapted to be replaced according to a model of the device. The at least two first cutting members and the at least two second cutting members operate in a complementary manner and in synchronization with each other to perform at least two hitting strokes per cycle for an efficient breakage of the O-rings. 1. An apparatus for removing O-rings from a device , the apparatus comprising:a first actuator assembly adapted to modulate at least two first cutting members, the first actuator assembly having at least two pistons for modulating the at least two first cutting members;a second actuator assembly adapted to modulate at least two second cutting member, the second actuator assembly having at least two pistons for modulating the at least two second cutting members; anda receiver module sandwiched between the first actuator assembly and the second actuator assembly, the receiver module is adapted to secure the device to remove the O-rings, the receiver module is adapted to be replaced according to a model of the device;wherein the at least two first cutting members and the at least two second cutting members operate in a complementary manner and in synchronization with each other to perform at least two hitting strokes per cycle for an efficient breakage of the O-rings.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the device being a fuel injector of an engine.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first actuator ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Device for Separating Containers Connected to Container Groups and Corresponding Method

Номер: US20170015012A1
Автор: Fuellemann Cyrille

A device for separating containers, particularly ampoules, connected to container groups includes a separating unit and a positioning unit. The separating unit is configured to separate at least one container of a container group that is in a foremost position along an advancing direction from at least one further container in the container group located upstream of the at least one container along the advancing direction via a separating process. The separating process acts in a separating region of the separating unit in a direction crosswise to the advancing direction. The positioning unit is configured to interlockingly position the at least one further container of the container group during the separating process. 1. A device for severing containers that are connected in container groups , comprising:a severing unit that is configured to sever at least one container located at a foremost position in a container group in a feed direction from at least one further container in the container group located upstream of the at least one container via a severing procedure that acts along a severing region of the severing unit, in a direction transverse to the feed direction; anda positioning unit that is configured to form-fittingly position the at least one further container along the feed direction during the severing procedure.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positioning unit is further configured to form-fittingly position the at least one further container of the container group in a direction opposite to the feed direction during the severing procedure.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the positioning unit includes at least a first wedge arranged along the feed direction claim 1 , and a second wedge arranged the feed direction claim 1 , the first wedge and the second wedge each having respective faces that are oriented at least partly opposite each other.4. The device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the second wedge has a first ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023483A1

Provided is a disclosure for a cutting device configured to control a linear speed of a cutting wheel as the cutting wheel gets smaller with use. 1. A method for controlling a rotational velocity of a cutting device , comprising:determining a present diameter of a cutting wheel of the cutting device; andadjusting a rotational velocity of the cutting wheel based on the present diameter to have a surface speed of the cutting wheel at substantially a pre-determined constant surface speed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the present diameter is determined upon demand by a user of the cutting device or periodically without user input.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the present diameter comprises detecting one or both of:light or sound reflected from at least one reflector of the cutting wheel, andlight or sound reflected from the cutting wheel.4. The method of claim 3 , comprising:transmitting, by a source on a first side of the cutting wheel, light or sound toward the cutting wheel; andreceiving, by a sensor on a second side of the cutting wheel, the transmitted light or sound.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the present diameter comprises determining an amount of power used to maintain a present rotational velocity.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the power is electric power.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the determining the present diameter comprises determining a distance from a sensor to at least one of a surface of an item being cut by the cutting wheel and a member supporting the item claim 5 , and the distance is used to determine the present diameter of the cutting wheel.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the present diameter is based on one or both of:an amount of time the cutting device is in operation, oran amount of time the cutting wheel is in contact with an item being cut.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein:when the amount of time the cutting device is in operation is used, an initial diameter of the cutting ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024849A1

A system and method for automating construction that includes collecting a multi-dimensional point cloud measurement of at least one construction structure that includes at least one surface; generating a construction plan from the multi-dimensional point cloud measurement, wherein the construction plan defines an assembly arrangement of a set of parts; from the construction plan, automatically generating a cut list for a subset of parts; communicating the cut list to a cutting device; and at the cutting device, cutting a set of materials according to the cut list. 1. A method for automating paneled construction comprising:collecting a multi-dimensional point cloud measurement of at least one construction structure that includes at least one surface;generating a construction plan from the multi-dimensional point cloud measurement, wherein the construction plan defines an assembly arrangement of a set of parts;from the construction plan, automatically generating a cut list for a subset of parts;communicating the cut list to a cutting device; andat the cutting device, cutting a set of materials according to the cut list.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein collecting the multi-dimensional point cloud comprises claim 1 , at a measurement device claim 1 , scanning the construction structure and thereby collecting the multi-dimensional point cloud measurement; and wherein the multi-dimensional point cloud measurement is a two or more dimensional point cloud measurement defining a perimeter of at least one surface of the construction structure.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the assembly arrangement characterizes placement of parts to cover the construction structure; and wherein generating the construction plan further comprises generating the assembly arrangement that defines an arrangement of a set of paneling parts that satisfies design conditions.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the construction structure includes at least a tread surface and a riser surface for ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027102A1

A method system/apparatus for the streamlined cutting of seeds to sample the seeds and select seeds for planting is disclosed. A method of sampling seeds using such system/apparatus is also provided. The seeds are manually positioned and cut by a serrated cutting tool. 1. A seed cutting system/apparatus , comprising:(a) a cutting device operable to remove material from a seed;(b) a seed guide including an opening sized to receive material removed from the seed;(c) a cleaning system operable to clean the seed guide; and(d) a collection tray configured to receive material removed from the seed;wherein the seed guide is moveable between (i) a first position in which the seed guide is positioned between the cutting device and the collection tray to direct material removed from the seed to the collection tray and (ii) a second position in which the opening of the seed guide is positioned below a nozzle of the cleaning system.2. The seed cutting system/apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cutting device includes a body configured to rotate about a central axis claim 1 , the body including a serrated section extending circumferentially from a first end to a second end claim 1 , wherein the serrated section has a plurality of cutting teeth that define a first radius of the body at the first end and a second radius of the body at the second end claim 1 , the second radius being greater than the first radius.3. The seed cutting system/apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the seed guide includes a funnel that is movable between the first position and the second position.4. The seed cutting system/apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the funnel includes an upper funnel and a lower funnel positioned below the upper funnel claim 3 , the lower funnel being operable to be moved between a raised position and a lowered position.5. The seed cutting system/apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising a protective barrier positioned between the cutting device and the collection tray claim 4 , wherein ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048214A1

An ultrasonic knife has a cutting portion formed with at least one cutting edge and a fastening portion. The fastening portion has an external thread for connection to a sonotrode. The cutting portion and the fastening portion are formed in one piece from cemented carbide material. The cemented carbide material includes hard particles that are, at least predominantly, formed by tungsten carbide and a metallic binder. The external thread of the fastening portion has a thread pitch p and is shaped such that the root of the thread turns has a rounded shape with a root radius R of 0.2*p≤R≤0.3*p. 111-. (canceled)12. An ultrasonic knife , comprising:a cutting portion formed with at least one cutting edge and a fastening portion formed with an external thread for connection to a sonotrode;said cutting portion and said fastening portion being formed in one piece from cemented carbide material;said cemented carbide material comprising hard particles, at least predominantly formed by tungsten carbide, and a metallic binder; andsaid external thread of said fastening portion having a thread pitch p and thread turns with a root having a rounded shape with a root radius R being 0.2*p≤R≤0.3*p.13. The ultrasonic knife according to claim 12 , wherein said root radius R lies in a range 0.24*p≤R≤0.285*p.14. The ultrasonic knife according to claim 12 , wherein said external thread has a nominal thread diameter in a range from 3 mm to 13 mm.15. The ultrasonic knife according to claim 14 , wherein the nominal thread diameter of said external thread lies in a range from 5 mm to 10 mm.16. The ultrasonic knife according to claim 12 , wherein said cemented carbide material has WC grains with an average grain size in a range from 0.5 μm to 1.2 μm.17. The ultrasonic knife according to claim 12 , wherein said external thread is configured to threadingly mesh with a metric standard ISO internal thread in the sonotrode.18. The ultrasonic knife according to claim 12 , wherein said external thread ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033927A1
Автор: OU Che-Wen

A continuous-type automatic label separating apparatus is formed of a frame, a driving device, and a label separating device. The frame includes a feeding port and a discharging port. The driving device is mounted to one side of the label separation device. The label separation device is formed of a rotary shaft, a combination-type cutter unit, and an adjustable nail unit. The combination-type cutter unit is installed to the rotary shaft. The adjustable nail unit surrounds the combination-type cutter unit. A label-separation interval is formed between the combination-type cutter unit and the adjustable nail unit. The combination-type cutter unit includes a circular or polygonal cross-section. The adjustable nail unit includes label separating bolts. Each of the label separating bolts includes an adjustable fixed needle. The adjustable nail unit also includes a slide rail formed of concavities and convexities opposite to the concavities. 1. A continuous-type automatic label separating apparatus comprising a frame , a driving device , and a label separating device , the frame having a feeding port formed at an upper side thereof and a discharging port formed at a lower side thereof , the driving device being mounted to a side of the label separating device , the label separating device having a rotary shaft , a combination-type cutter unit , and an adjustable nail unit , the combination-type cutter unit being mounted to the rotary shaft , the adjustable nail unit surrounding the combination-type cutter unit , whereby a label-separation interval is formed between the combination-type cutter unit and the adjustable nail unit;wherein continuous-type automatic label separating apparatus is characterized in that the combination-type cutter unit comprises a circular or polygonal cross-section and the adjustable nail unit comprises label separating bolts and a slide rail formed of concavities and convexities opposite to the concavities at upper and lower ends thereof, each ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031010A1
Автор: Fischer Peer, Qui Tian

A method where a propeller is set into locomotion relative to a medium at least partially surrounding the propeller. An actuator induces a rotation of the propeller relative to the medium and about a rotational axis of the propeller, and the propeller converts its rotational movement into locomotion relative to the medium. The aspect ratio of at least one cross-section of the propeller is three or more. Also a helical or modifiedly helical propeller for converting rotational movement of the propeller into locomotion of the propeller relative to a medium at least partially surrounding the propeller, where the aspect ratio of at least one cross section of the propeller is three or more. And a method of producing a propeller, including the step of providing a plate extending along the helical axis, where the aspect ratio of at least one cross section of the plate is three or more. 1. A method in which a propeller is set into locomotion relative to a medium which at least partially surrounds the propeller , wherein an actuator induces a rotation of the propeller relative to the medium and about a rotational axis of the propeller , and wherein the propeller converts its rotational movement into locomotion of the propeller relative to the medium , wherein the aspect ratio of at least one cross section of the propeller , which cross section is a cross section related to the propeller's rotational axis , is 3 or more , and on at least one cross section , a rotational center is inside of the propeller.2. A method in which a propeller is set into locomotion relative to a medium which at least partially surrounds the propeller , wherein an actuator induces a rotation of the propeller relative to the medium and about a rotational axis of the propeller , and wherein the propeller converts its rotational movement into locomotion of the propeller relative to the medium , wherein the aspect ratio of at least one cross section of the rotating body that comprises the propeller and ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031393A1

Disclosed is an ultrasonic cutting method employing a straight-blade sharp knife. The ultrasonic cutting method employing the straight-blade sharp knife includes the following steps: S1, measuring parameters of the straight-blade sharp knife; S2, initially rotating, by the straight-blade sharp knife, around an axis thereof, such that a rear knife surface of the straight-blade sharp knife is attached to or is away from a machined surface, and performing ultrasonic vibration cutting on a material according to a machining track; S3, performing quality detection on the machined material surface obtained by the ultrasonic vibration cutting, completing the machining if the surface passes the detection, and performing step S4 if the surface does not pass the detection; S4, further increasing an amount of rotation of the straight-blade sharp knife during initial rotation around the axis thereof, performing the ultrasonic vibration cutting on the material according to the machining track, and performing step S3. 1. An ultrasonic cutting method employing a straight-blade sharp knife , comprising the following steps:S1, measuring parameters of the straight-blade sharp knife;S2, initially rotating, by the straight-blade sharp knife, around an axis thereof, such that a rear knife surface of the straight-blade sharp knife is attached to or is away from a machined surface, and performing ultrasonic vibration cutting on a material according to a machining track;S3, performing quality detection on the machined material surface obtained by the ultrasonic vibration cutting, completing the machining if the surface passes the detection, and performing step S4 if the surface does not pass the detection; andS4, further increasing an amount of rotation of the straight-blade sharp knife during initial rotation around the axis thereof, performing the ultrasonic vibration cutting on the material according to the machining track, and performing step S3.2. The method according to claim 1 , ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031396A1

A packaging machine having a plurality of working stations for processing a film, at least one of the working stations being a cutting station. The working stations are disposed successively along a working direction and the film is conveyed in the working direction from a first one of the working stations to a second one of the working stations. The cutting station is configured to sever the film in a cutting direction, which is oriented transverse, preferably orthogonal, with respect to the working direction. The cutting station has a knife and counter pressure device, both being pressable against one another in a pressing direction. The disclosure is characterized in that the counter pressure device has a curved surface, which is curved around a curvature axis, and the counter pressure device is configured to roll on a cutting edge of the knife about a rolling axis with the curved surface. 1. A packaging machine having a plurality of working stations for processing a film , at least one of the working stations being a cutting station , wherein the working stations are disposed successively along a working direction and the film is conveyed in the working direction from a first one of the working stations to a second one of the working stations , wherein the cutting station is configured to sever the film in a cutting direction , which is oriented transverse with respect to the working direction , wherein the cutting station has a knife and a counter pressure device , which are pressable against one another in a pressing direction ,wherein the counter pressure device has a curved surface, which is curved around a curvature axis, and the counter pressure device is configured to roll on a cutting edge of the knife about a rolling axis with the curved surface.2. The packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling axis is at least partially oriented parallel to the working direction.3. The packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling axis ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040394A1

A remote turbine component replacement apparatus for a turbine assembly includes an arm having a first end and a second end, the first end configured to be positioned at a user accessible region and the second end configured to extend to a remote location of the turbine assembly, the remote location in close proximity with a turbine material zone to be removed. Also included is a base portion proximate the second end, the base portion configured to engage a turbine component located at the remote location. Further included is a material removal tool disposed proximate the base portion. Yet further included is a debris removal component disposed proximate the base portion. 1. A remote turbine component replacement apparatus comprising:an arm having a first end and a second end, the first end configured to be positioned at a user accessible region and the second end configured to extend to a remote location of the turbine assembly, the remote location in close proximity with a turbine material zone to be removed;a base portion proximate the second end, the base portion configured to engage a turbine component located at the remote location;a material removal tool disposed proximate the base portion; anda debris removal component disposed proximate the base portion.2. The remote turbine component replacement apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a borescope disposed proximate the base portion and configured to provide a viewing region of the remote location.3. The remote turbine component replacement apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the debris removal component comprises a vacuum.4. The remote turbine component replacement apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the material removal tool is configured to do at least one of drill claim 1 , mill and cut material from the turbine material zone.5. The remote turbine component replacement apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the material removal tool comprises a die grinding cutting disk.6. The remote turbine component replacement ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Freeze Pop Package Clipper and A Method to Open Freeze Pop Packaging

Номер: US20220055783A1

A hand-held cutting device configured to safely, easily, and reliably remove the plastic tip of the plastic packaging of a Freeze Pop is disclosed. The device includes a housing with a slot into which the tip of the unopened Freeze Pop is inserted. Inside the slot is an internal cutting mechanism which produces a curved cut to remove the tip of the Freeze Pop. The tip then falls into a collection chamber which may be opened for easy disposal of plastic scraps. The entire device is storable on a magnetic surface via a removable magnetic component. 1. A hand-held cutting device for removing a tip of a tubular plastic packaging of an alimentary product , which device comprises:a housing comprising a slot into which the tubular plastic packaging is inserted;an internal cutting mechanism comprising at least one blade;at least one lever comprising a handle;wherein the housing encloses the cutting mechanism such that no blade is exposed to the environment or a user's skin.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the internal cutting mechanism is a selectable cutting mechanism comprising a plurality of sets of blades from which a set of blades to be used in a cutting operation is selected claim 1 , wherein any set of blades of the plurality of sets of blades comprises at least one non-rusting blade that produces a curved cut.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the internal cutting mechanism is an adjustable cutting mechanism comprising at least one non-rusting blade that produces a curved cut claim 1 , wherein a size of an arc of the curved cut is adjustable via one of the at least one levers.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the device further comprises an openable collection chamber comprising at least one air vent claim 1 , wherein the openable collection chamber comprises means to allow for opening the openable collection chamber.5. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the means to allow for opening the openable collection chamber comprises ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046031A1

A rotary blade assembly for cutting a food product into helical strips is disclosed. The rotary blade assembly includes a substantially spiral-shaped blade holder for mounting in a food product flow path, and a plurality of axially extending slitter blades connected to the blade holder. The blade holder includes an axis of rotation, an upstream surface, an upstream end and a downstream end. The upstream end is axially spaced apart from the downstream end to define a radial slot. A radial cutting edge is positioned adjacent the radial slot. Each slitter blade extends upstream of the upstream surface and includes a slitter cutting edge. At least a portion of the slitter cutting edge of at least one of the slitter blades extends substantially non-perpendicularly to the upstream surface toward or away from the axis of rotation. 1. A rotary blade assembly for cutting a food product into helical strips , the rotary blade assembly comprising: an axis of rotation,', 'an upstream surface,', 'an upstream end and a downstream end, the upstream end being axially spaced apart from the downstream end to define a radial slot,', 'a radial cutting edge adjacent the radial slot; and, 'a substantially spiral-shaped blade holder for mounting in a food product flow path, the blade holder comprising 'wherein at least a portion of the slitter cutting edge of at least one of the slitter blades extends substantially non-perpendicularly to the upstream surface toward or away from the axis of rotation.', 'a plurality of axially extending slitter blades connected to the blade holder, each slitter blade extending upstream of the upstream surface, each slitter blade including a slitter cutting edge,'}2. The rotary blade assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of each slitter cutting edge is curved.3. The rotary blade assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the slitter blades of the plurality of slitter blades is in contact with an adjacent other slitter blade of the plurality of ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047482A1

The present invention relates to a rotating cutting blade, which cuts a plurality of food slices from a bar of food, wherein the cutting blade is provided on a blade holder. The present invention further relates to a slicing device having the cutting blade according to the invention, a method for slicing a bar of food, wherein a rotating cutting blade cuts a plurality of food slices from a bar of food, and a method for slicing a bar of food, wherein a rotating cutting blade, which is arranged on a blade holder, cuts a plurality of food slices from a bar of food and an interleaver is arranged between two food slices. 1. A rotating cutting blade which cuts a plurality of food slices from one or several food slabs ,wherein the cutting blade is provided on a blade receiving means,wherein at least one means is provided on the cutting blade and/or on the blade receiving means and/or in that a cutting blade and/or the blade receiving means are developed in a corresponding manner such that, as a result of the rotation of the cutting blade, one or several gas flows, in particular air flows, are produced which form each food slice during the cutting process and/or thereafter and/or stabilize the food slice in a desired form at least in part and/or at times and/or which apply an interleaver to a food slice.2. The rotating blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means is at least one projection which is arranged on the side of the cutting blade which is remote from the food slab.3. The rotating blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cutting blade and the means are provided in one piece.4. The rotating blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means is at least one vane which produces the air flow.5. The rotating blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein alignment of the vane is modifiable relative to the cutting blade.6. The rotating blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means rotates at a same speed as the cutting blade claim 1 ,7. The rotating blade as claimed in claim 1 ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050489A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

In one aspect, coated cutting tools are described herein. In some embodiments, a coated cutting tool comprises a substrate and a refractory layer deposited by PVD adhered to the substrate, the refractory layer comprising MAlN wherein x≧0.4 and M is titanium, chromium or zirconium, the refractory layer having a thickness greater than 5 μm, hardness of at least 25 GPa and residual compressive stress less than 2.5 GPa. 1. A coated cutting tool comprising:a substrate; and{'sub': 1-x', 'x, 'a coating comprising a refractory layer deposited by physical vapor deposition adhered to the substrate, the refractory layer comprising MAlN wherein x≧0.55 and M is titanium, chromium or zirconium, the refractory layer having a thickness greater than 5 urn, hardness of at least 25 GPa and residual compressive stress less than 2.5 GPa.'}2. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the residual compressive stress is less than 2.0 GPa.3. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the residual compressive stress is less than 1.5 GPa.4. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the refractory layer is greater than 10 μm.5. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the refractory layer has greater than 15 weight percent hexagonal phase.6. The coated cutting tool of claim 5 , wherein the refractory layer has up to 35 weight percent hexagonal phase.7. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein 0.6≦x≦0.85.8. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the refractory layer has hardness up to 35 GPa.9. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein refractory layer is deposited at bias of less than −40 V.10. The coated cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the refractory layer comprises a plurality of sublayer groups claim 1 , a sublayer group comprising a cubic phase forming nanolayer and an adjacent nanolayer of the MAlN.11. The coated cutting tool of claim 10 , wherein the cubic phase forming nanolayer comprises a cubic nitride claim 10 , carbide or carbonitride of ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170053500A1
Автор: Janot Cyril

A paper cutter for a printer adapted to being integrated into an electronic device. The paper cutter is transparent and has at least some of the following optical properties: a ray arriving at a first viewing angle is at least partly refracted to arrive on said paper, and a ray arriving at a second viewing angle is totally reflected. 1. A paper cutter for a printer adapted to being integrated into an electronic device , said paper cutter comprising: a ray arriving at a first viewing angle is at least partly refracted to arrive on said paper, and', 'a ray arriving at a second viewing angle is totally reflected., 'an upper face and a lower face, wherein the paper cutter is transparent between the upper and lower faces and comprises the following optical properties2. The paper cutter according to claim 1 , wherein the paper cutter has a shape adapted to obtaining said optical properties.3. The paper cutter according to claim 2 , wherein said paper cutter is made of plastic and said adapted shape corresponds to a triangle adapted to:obtaining an angle of less than 40° between said first viewing angle and a normal to the upper face of said paper cutter, delivering a first refracted ray;obtaining an angle of less than 40° between the first refracted ray and a normal to the lower face of the paper cutter, delivering a second refracted ray arriving on said paper;obtaining an angle of less than 40° between said second viewing angle and the normal to the upper face of said paper cutter, delivering a third refracted ray;obtaining an angle of more than 40° between said third refracted ray and the normal to the lower face of said paper cutter, delivering a totally reflected ray.4. The paper cutter according to claim 1 , wherein said paper cutter is made of plastic and a treatment is applied to at least a part of its upper face and/or its lower face to obtain said optical properties.5. The paper cutter according to claim 4 , wherein said treatment belongs to the group comprising: ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072727A1
Автор: Dumas Pierre, FEVRE Loïc

The invention relates to a motorized food-processor apparatus () which comprises: 2. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the cutter is immobilized in translation by the guide plate along the direction defined by the axis of rotation.3. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the blades have cutting edges whose mean slope forms an angle less than 70° with a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation.4. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the blades have cutting edges made of a succession of concave arcs.5. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein at least one guide ridge on the plate has an increasing elevation in the direction of the trajectory of the foodstuff to be cut claim 1 , above the plane of the guide plate.6. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein at least one guide ridge on the plate has a cutting portion in at least its upstream portion in the direction of the trajectory of the foodstuff to be cut.7. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the blades is smaller than or equal to 0.3 mm.8. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the minimum distance between two adjacent blades claim 1 , measured in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation and along a direction perpendicular to the trajectory of the foodstuff in the vicinity of these two blades claim 1 , is smaller than or equal to 8 mm.9. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the distance between a support disc of each cutter and the guide plate along a direction defined by the axis of rotation is smaller than or equal to 8 mm.10. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the outlet tool is connected mechanically to the guide plate in a removable manner.11. The motorized food-processor apparatus according to ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059544A1

A plastic film punching apparatus is improved to prevent a waste from being caught in a cylindrical punch blade The apparatus includes a punch blade comprising a saw-toothed edge which includes mountain portions and valley portions formed alternately with each other. A protrusion is disposed internally of the punch blade to protrude beyond the position of height H1 of the bottoms of valley portions and toward the position of height H2 of the tops of mountain portions. An annular clearance is formed between the punch blade and the protrusion 1. A plastic film punching apparatus comprising:a cylindrical punch blade comprising a saw-toothed edge which includes mountain portions and valley portions formed alternately with each other, the mountain portions having tops formed at a position of height, the valley portions having bottoms formed at a position of height;a protrusion disposed internally of the punch blade to protrude beyond the position of height of the bottoms of valley portions and toward the position of height of the tops of mountain portions, the protrusion being fixed with respect to the punch blade;an annular clearance formed between the punch blade and the protrusion; anda drive by which the punch blade and the protrusion are pressed against a plastic film, the plastic film being pierced with the tops of mountain portions and stretched by the protrusion, the punch blade being thrust into the plastic film about the protrusion, the plastic film being introduced into the annular clearance to be lacerated by the punch blade, the plastic film being lacerated to the bottoms of valley portions in the annular clearance to be punched by the punch blade so that an aperture should be formed in the plastic film, the plastic film generating a waste;wherein the waste contracts into an original state after the plastic film is punched so that the protrusion should receive a reaction of contraction, the waste being removed by the reaction.2. The apparatus as set forth in ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056538A1
Автор: Watanabe Kiyoshi

A scoring apparatus includes a scoring portion having a first plate member and a pair of second plate members arranged to sandwich the first plate member therebetween. The apparatus is configured to form a score on a sheet by making an end portion of the first plate member and end portions of the pair of second plate members engage with the concave portion. The end portion of the first plate member is positioned closer to the concave portion than the end portions of the pair of second plate members. 1. A scoring apparatus comprising:a concave portion; anda scoring portion including a first plate member and a pair of second plate members arranged to sandwich the first plate member therebetween, and configured to form a score on a sheet placed between the concave portion and the scoring portion by making an end portion of the first plate member and end portions of the pair of second plate members engage with the concave portion,wherein the scoring portion is configured so that the end portion of the first plate member is positioned closer to the concave portion than the end portions of the pair of second plate members.2. The scoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a position of an end portion of one of the pair of second plate members and a position of an end portion of another of the pair of second plate members coincide with each other in a direction heading toward the concave portion.3. The scoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of one of the pair of second plate members and a thickness of another of the pair of second plate members are equal to each other.4. The scoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the first plate member and a thickness of each of the pair of second plate members are equal to each other.5. The scoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the first plate member and a thickness of each of the pair of second plate members are different from each other.6. The scoring ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064158A1

Device for forming and dividing of at least one string-shaped pasty foodstuff into slice-shaped products, with a forming nozzle for extruding the string-shaped foodstuff along a conveying direction through a nozzle opening, which determines the thickness of the slice-shaped product, at least one forming plate that is arranged downstream of the forming nozzle and that can be displaced during extrusion with at least one positioning element in at least one component transversally to the conveying direction, and with a control unit that controls the positioning element synchronously to the extrusion velocity in a way that the at least one forming plate forms a longitudinal contour of the slice-shaped product variably during extrusion. 1. A device for forming and dividing of at least one string-shaped pasty foodstuff into slice-shaped products , comprising:a forming nozzle for extruding the at least one string-shaped pasty foodstuff along a conveying direction through a nozzle opening that determines a thickness of the slice-shaped products;at least one forming plate that is arranged downstream of the forming nozzle and that is displaced during extrusion with at least one positioning element in at least one component transversally to the conveying direction; andwherein a control unit controls the positioning element synchronously to an extrusion velocity, and wherein the at least one forming plate forms a longitudinal contour of the slice-shaped products variably during extrusion.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein two or more of the forming plates are each connected to one of the positioning elements claim 1 , wherein the positioning elements are activated separately with the control unit in order to form respectively different longitudinal contours of the slice-shaped product variably.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein a conveyor system and/or the forming nozzle for the at least one string-shaped pasty foodstuffs are formed in parallel lanes claim 1 ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Cutting blade for brush cutter

Номер: US20210069925A1

A cutting blade has two ends and two sides and includes a mounting hole mounted on a front housing of a brush cutter; a convex member on a central portion of either side and having two notches at two ends respectively and an intermediate, curved cutting edge; and two cutting edges on either side with the convex member disposed between, each cutting edge having a first end terminated at the notch and a second end terminated at either end. Two cutting edges of different sides with the mounting hole disposed between comprise a plurality of groups of an outward inclined cutting member and a cavity. The other two cutting edges of different sides with the mounting hole disposed between comprise a plurality of groups of an inward inclined cutting member and a recess. 1. A cutting blade having two ends and two sides , comprising:a mounting hole;a convex member on a central portion of either side and having two notches at two ends respectively and an intermediate, curved cutting edge; andtwo inclined cutting edges on either side with the convex member disposed between, each inclined cutting edge having a first end terminated at the notch and a second end terminated at either end;wherein two of the inclined cutting edges of different sides with the mounting hole disposed between comprise a plurality of groups of an outward inclined cutting member and a cavity, and the other two inclined cutting edges of different sides with the mounting hole disposed between comprise a plurality of groups of an inward inclined cutting member and a recess.2. The cutting blade of claim 1 , wherein the notches have a smooth curve.3. The cutting blade of claim 1 , wherein the number of the groups is five.4. A cutting blade having two ends and two sides claim 1 , comprising:a mounting hole;a convex member on a central portion of either side and having two notches at two ends respectively and an intermediate, curved cutting edge; andtwo curved cutting edges on either side with the convex member ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069926A1

A crystal cutting method includes a step of preparing a crystal structure body constituted of a hexagonal crystal, a first cutting step of cutting the crystal structure body along a [1-100] direction of the hexagonal crystal and forming a first cut portion in the crystal structure body and a second cutting step of cutting the crystal structure body along a [11-20] direction of the hexagonal crystal and forming a second cut portion crossing the first cut portion in the crystal structure body. 1. A crystal cutting method comprising:a step of preparing a crystal structure body constituted of a hexagonal crystal;a first cutting step of cutting the crystal structure body along a [1-100] direction of the hexagonal crystal and forming a first cut portion in the crystal structure body; anda second cutting step of cutting the crystal structure body along a [11-20] direction of the hexagonal crystal and forming a second cut portion crossing the first cut portion in the crystal structure body.2. The crystal cutting method according to claim 1 , wherein the first cutting step includes a first cleaving step of cleaving the crystal structure body along the [1-100] direction claim 1 , andthe second cutting step includes a second cleaving step of cleaving the crystal structure body along the [11-20] direction.3. The crystal cutting method according to claim 2 , further comprising:a step of forming a first cleavage line oriented along the [1-100] direction by heating a region of the crystal structure body to be cleaved along the [1-100] direction, in advance of the first cutting step; anda step of forming a second cleavage line oriented along the [11-20] direction by heating a region of the crystal structure body to be cleaved along the [11-20] direction, in advance of the second cutting step;wherein the first cutting step includes the first cleaving step of cleaving the crystal structure body with the first cleavage line as a starting point, andthe second cutting step includes the ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Method for providing an abrasion resistant cutting edge and trimming device having said cutting edge

Номер: US20150075347A1
Принадлежит: Braun GmbH

A method for manufacturing a toothbrush filament trimmer includes providing a cutter and a counter knife each comprised of hot-working steel, wherein the cutter and the counter knife include at least a recess suitable to carry a coating to form a cutting edge; depositing a first material onto the at least one recess of the cutter and/or the counter knife to form a first layer; depositing a second material onto each first layer to form a second layer, wherein at least a carbide of at least one element of the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and/or the seventh group of the periodic table is used as the second material; and sharpening the coating comprising the first layer and the second layer applied to the at least one recess of the cutter and/or to the at least one recess of the counter knife, wherein a cutting edge is formed.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Methods and equipment for cutting food products

Номер: US20180071934A1
Принадлежит: Urschel Laboratories Inc

Methods and equipment for producing shaped food products having large amplitudes, for example, sliced, shredded, and/or strip-cut food products. The methods and equipment utilize a cutting apparatus having at least two sequential knives at different radial positions in reference to radial distances of the sequential knives in radial directions of the cutting apparatus. Each sequential knife has a corrugated shape comprising peaks and valleys, and the sequential knives are arranged to be in phase or out of phase alignment with each other.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090237A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.

A cemented carbide includes first hard phase grains, second hard phase grains, third hard phase grains, and a metal binder phase, wherein the cemented carbide has a total of 70 unit regions, the number of unit regions each having a percentage of less than 0.43% or more than 2.43% is ≤10 among the total of 70 unit regions, the percentage being a percentage of the total number of the second and the third hard phase grains in each unit region with respect to the total number of the second and the third hard phase grains in the total of 70 unit regions, and in a total of 10 unit regions existing in a fourth row in a longitudinal direction, a percentage of the number of the third hard phase grains with respect to the total number of the second and the third hard phase grains is 5% to 15%. 1. A cemented carbide comprising first hard phase grains , second hard phase grains , third hard phase grains , and a metal binder phase , whereineach of the first hard phase grains includes tungsten carbide,each of the second hard phase grains has a core portion in a form of a grain and a peripheral portion that coats at least a portion of the core portion,{'sub': 1-X-Z', 'X', 'Z', '1-Y', 'Y, 'the core portion is composed of a first composite carbonitride represented by TiNbMCN,'}the peripheral portion is composed of a second composite carbonitride, the second composite carbonitride being a carbonitride that has a composition different from a composition of the core portion and that at least includes titanium, niobium, and tungsten,the M represents at least one element selected from a group consisting of vanadium, chromium, and molybdenum,the X is more than or equal to 0.1 and less than or equal to 0.2,the Y is more than or equal to 0.3 and less than or equal to 0.6,the Z is more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 0.02,each of the third hard phase grains is composed of the first composite carbonitride,the metal binder phase includes an iron group element,the cemented carbide ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070377A1

The food slicer comprises a first support module for supporting at least one slicing blade, a second support module for supporting at least one piece of food and a drive mechanism means for transforming a relative movement of the first and second support modules into a movement of the slicing blade in the first support module, said relative movement involving a change in the height (h) between the first and second support modules. The slicing blade has a protruding portion protruding from at least one surface of the slicing blade in accordance with at least one ramp oriented to facilitate separation of the sliced piece of food from the rest of the piece of food without damaging it. 2. The food slicer according to claim 1 , wherein the protruding portion is integral with the slicing blade.3. The food slicer according to claim 1 , wherein the food slicer additionally comprises a slicing end of run stop adjustable to set a thickness of sliced pieces of food.4. The food slicer according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one of the first support module claim 3 , the second support module claim 3 , or the slicing end of run stop is independent and detachable from the slicer.5. The food slicer according to claim 1 , wherein he food slicer additionally comprises a hinged lever associated with the drive mechanism for causing relative movement of the first and second support modules.6. The food slicer according to claim 1 , wherein the food slicer additionally comprises a motor device for causing relative movement of the first and second support modules.7. The food slicer according to claim 1 , wherein the drive mechanism is configured for driving the slicing blade as the first support module is moved towards the second support module claim 1 , and not driving the slicing blade as the first support module is moved away from the second support module.8. The food slicer according to claim 1 , wherein the food slicer additionally comprises a biasing member arranged to oppose the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078204A1

A cutting blade, which can cut an insulating film while suppressing exfoliation of the insulating film such as a Low-k film that is likely to be exfoliated upon cutting, is demanded. A cutting blade, that can meet this demand, has a binder and abrasive particles, in which the abrasive particles are fixed by the binder at least part of which is glassy carbon. 1. A cutting blade having a binder and abrasive particles , whereinthe abrasive particles are fixed by the binder at least part of which is glassy carbon.2. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , whereinthe abrasive particles of the cutting blade have an average particle size equal to or smaller than 12 μm.3. A manufacturing method of a cutting blade in which abrasive particles are fixed by a binder claim 1 , comprising:a molding step of forming a molded body of a predetermined shape from mixture including a thermosetting resin and the abrasive particles;a baking step of baking the molded body at a temperature equal to or higher than 100° C. and equal to or lower than 300° C. to form a baked body; anda heat treatment step of heat treating the baked body at a temperature equal to or higher than 500° C. and equal to or lower than 1500° C. under an inert gas atmosphere or a vacuum atmosphere, wherein,in the heat treatment step, at least part of the thermosetting resin is the binder of glassy carbon.4. A cutting method of a wafer for cutting an insulating film provided on a front face side of the wafer on which a device is formed in each of a plurality of regions partitioned by scheduled division lines set in a grating pattern claim 1 , the cutting method comprising:a holding step of sucking and holding a rear face side positioned on an opposite side to the front face of the wafer by a chuck table to hold the wafer in a state in which the front face side is exposed; anda cutting step of cutting the insulating film positioned on the front face side along the scheduled division lines using a cutting blade in which ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Tool for Cutting Food into Pieces

Номер: US20140158800A1
Принадлежит: SEB SA

Provided is a tool for cutting food into pieces, comprising at least one cutting element adjacent to a bearing surface, the cutting element comprising at least one vertical member forming a longitudinal cutting member provided for slicing the food to be cut longways, and a transverse wall having, on either side of said vertical member, two transverse cutting members provided for separating the food pieces that were sliced longways, so as to provide two channels for cut food. The vertical member has a front notch. A retaining member, which is rigidly connected to the bearing surface, can be inserted into the front notch. Also provided is an accessory for preparing food and to an appliance for preparing food comprising the above-described tool for cutting food into pieces.

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Blade Means for a Mixer

Номер: US20220095841A1

The invention relates to a blade means () for a mixer, e.g. an immersion blender () or stand mixer, which at least comprises: a rotational shaft (); at least one blade () which extends from the rotational shaft () and has at least one cutting edge (); and a plurality of serrations () which are formed in the at least one cutting edge (), wherein the individual serrations () are spaced apart from one another by a planar portion () of the at least one cutting edge (), wherein the planar portion () of the at least one cutting edge () is less sharp than the serrations (). 1. A blade for a blender , at least comprising:a rotation axis;at least one knife which extends so as to proceed from the rotation axis and has at least one cutter; anda plurality of serrations which are configured in the at least one cutter, wherein individual serrations are in each case mutually spaced apart by a flat portion of the at least one cutter;wherein the flat portion of the at least one cutter has a sharpness that is inferior to that of the serrations.2. The blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the serrations have a first cutter thickness of at most 0.2 mm claim 1 , and the flat portion has a second cutter thickness of 0.2 to 1.0 mm.3. The blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the serrations run from a radially inward serration starting point to a radially outward serration finishing point claim 1 , and wherein a first spacing between the serration starting point and an apex of the serration is smaller than a second spacing between the apex and the serration finishing point.4. The blade as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the serrations at the serration starting point have a first gradient claim 3 , and at the serration finishing point have a second gradient claim 3 , and wherein the value of the first gradient differs from the value of the second gradient.5. The blade as claimed in claim 3 , wherein a first tangent that contacts a first center between the serration starting point and the apex ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Cutting Apparatus

Номер: US20170080586A1

A rotary cutter apparatus uses an improved geometrical arrangement of parts to optimize cutter speed versus evenness and straightness of cut, increase operating life and quietness of operation, and reduce dust formation and energy consumption. 1. A cutting apparatus , comprising: 'the horizontal cutting edge lying in a vertical first plane;', 'having a forward facing, left-to-right horizontal cutting edge;'}, 'an elongate straight blade,'}a circular blade having a circular cutting edge rotatable in a second plane; and the axis moveable from left to right and back in a vertical third plane parallel to the first plane;', 'the third plane being a first horizontal distance forwardly from the first plane;', 'the circular cutting edge having a radius greater than the first horizontal distance;', 'the second plane intersecting the horizontal cutting edge at an angle in the first plane;', 'the horizontal cutting edge having a first point along it which coincides with a second point on the circular cutting edge, at which point sheet material is sheared; and, 'having an axis of rotation perpendicular to the second plane;'} 'the motion of the first point relative to the second point in the left-right direction being within about 3% of the linear speed of the axis in the third plane.', 'a means for rotating the circular blade about the axis to produce a tangential speed of the circular cutting edge and a linear speed of the axis in the third plane;'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 , in which:said means for rotating said circular blade is a carousel wherein said means for rotating the circular blade is driven coaxially about said axis by motion of said carousel left-to-right.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:said means for rotating the circular blade is either:(a) a resilient edge in frictional contact with a left-to-right elongate surface; or(b) a shaped, rigid edge in contact with a shaped, left-to-right elongate surface; or(c) both.4. A cutting apparatus claim 2 , comprising: ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086384A1
Автор: Thompson Horace

A helicoidal blade system is presented having an armature to facilitate bending of metal stock to form helicoidal blades. In one or more embodiments, the armature has an exterior surface that is generally conical in shape and includes a guide structure and an engagement track. The helicoidal blade system also includes drive coupler and motor that are operably coupled together. The drive coupler is configured to engage the engagement track of the conical armature and rotate the conical armature when the motor is operated. A blade metal feed apparatus is configured to feed the metal stock into the helical shaped guide structure as the conical armature is rotated. As the conical armature is rotated, the metal stock is bent around the armature within the helical shaped guide structure to form one or more helicoidal blades. 1. A system for forming helicoidal blades , comprising:a conical armature;the conical armature extending a length from a first end to a second end;the conical armature having an exterior surface;wherein the exterior surface of the conical armature is generally conical in shape;the exterior surface of the conical armature having a helical shaped guide structure;the conical armature having one or more engagement tracks in the exterior surface;a drive coupler;a motor;the motor operatively coupled to the drive coupler and is configured to rotate the drive coupler when operated;wherein the drive coupler is configured to engage the one or more engagement tracks of the conical armature and cause the conical armature to rotate when the drive coupler is rotated;a blade metal feed apparatus configured to provide metal stock to be formed into helicoidal blades;wherein the blade metal feed apparatus is positioned and aligned to feed the metal stock into the helical shaped guide structure as the conical armature is rotates; andwherein, as the conical armature is rotated, the metal stock is bent around the armature within the helical shaped guide structure to form ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090090A1
Автор: Jere Anton

The invention relates to a cutting or punching tool () which is formed from several material layers () and carries a tool blade or a tool sleeve, wherein the tool blade or the tool sleeve tapers in a direction of the cutting edge () in the region of a bevel (). It is characteristic of the cutting or punching tool () according to the invention for the cutting or punching tool () to be produced from at least two material layers () that are connected together and are produced from material of varying hardness, that the edge is formed from at least one blade-thin cutting edge layer (), that the at least one cutting edge layer () is connected at least on one of its two flat or peripheral sides to at least one carrier layer (), which at least one carrier layer () carries the bevel () that tapers in the direction of the cutting edge () and that the at least one carrier layer () has a hardness that is less than that of the at least one cutting edge layer (). The cutting or punching tool () according to the invention is characterized in that its cutting edge () comprises a high level of cutting sharpness over a longer period of use (cf. FIG. ). 112345678914151011121314151414141414141414151513121514141414a,b,ca,b,ca,b,c. A cutting or punching tool ( , , , , , , , , ) comprised of at least two material layers ( , ) and including a tool blade () or a tool sleeve () that tapers in a direction toward a cutting edge () in a region of a bevel () , the at least two material layers ( , ) are connected together on flat sides thereof and are produced from materials of varying hardness , the cutting edge is formed from at least one blade-thin cutting edge layer (; ) of the at least two material layers , the at least one cutting edge layer (; ) is connected at least on one of its two flat or peripheral sides to at least one carrier layer () of the at least two material layers , said at least one carrier layer () carries the bevel () that tapers in the direction of the cutting edge () and ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086518A1
Автор: CHARM Hui Ho

A container tin includes a container base with one or more storage compartments for ingestible products, and a reclosable lid with child-resistant (CR) features. The container incorporates mechanisms for creating and storing microdoses of edibles or medicaments. The CR reclosable container contains closure mechanisms, such as a latching pin and catch assembly, that present difficulties to a child attempting to open the container but that a properly trained adult can operate without undue problems to open the container. The container includes a cutter at the lid and a cutting support assembly at the base. A user places a product on the cutting support assembly, then closes the container lid to cut the product in two. This procedure can be used with products or similar psychoactive products to create microdoses below a threshold quantity that creates a perceptible psychoactive effect in the user. 1. A container , comprising:a container base comprising at least one compartment for storing a plurality of discrete portions of a solid ingestible food or medicament, and further comprising a cutting support member configured to support one of the discrete portions of the solid ingestible food or medicament during cutting; anda container lid moveably coupled to the container base for movement from an open configuration of the container to a closed configuration of the container, said container lid comprising a cutter configured to cut the one of the discrete portions of the solid ingestible food or medicament supported on the cutting support member into a plurality of parts during the movement from the open configuration of the container toward the closed configuration of the container.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the container is a reclosable container and the container lid is pivotally coupled to the container base by a hinge for movement between the opened configuration of the container and the closed configuration of the container.3. The container of claim 1 , ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087734A1

The present invention relates to a cutting bite and a cutting apparatus including the same. According to one embodiment of the present invention, a cutting bite is provided to sequentially pass through an upper end portion, a central portion, and a lower end portion of stacked films in a thickness direction of the stacked films when a rotating wheel rotates, and is provided such that cutting is performed in a manner in which a cutting direction of a cutting tip is a direction from an outside toward an inside of the stacked films while the cutting bite passes through the upper end portion toward the lower end portion. 1. A cutting apparatus used for a chamfering process of stacked films , the apparatus comprising:a rotating wheel having a center of rotation; anda plurality of cutting bites installed in a circumferential direction of the rotating wheel to be spaced a predetermined angle apart from each other,wherein:each of the cutting bites is provided such that a cutting tip is exposed in the same direction with respect to a rotational direction of the rotating wheel;each of the cutting bites includes:a main body to be fixed to the rotating wheel; andthe cutting tip provided at a front end portion of the main body and provided to perform the chamfering process while a state of being in contact with the stacked films is maintained according to a rotation of the rotating wheel;the cutting tip is provided such that a cutting line in contact with the stacked films according to a rotational direction of the rotating wheel is formed as a curved line; andthe cutting line is provided in a concave shape in which a central portion of the cutting line is inwardly recessed with respect to both side edges of the cutting line.2. The cutting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cutting tip is laterally symmetrical with respect to the central portion of the cutting line.3. The cutting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the cutting tip is provided such that an overall cutting line is ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220140304A1

A slitter according to an embodiment of the present art includes: an upper knife disposed above the electrode plate to rotate, thereby cutting the electrode plate; and a lower knife disposed below the electrode plate to partially overlap the upper knife and rotate, thereby cutting the electrode plate together with the upper knife, wherein the upper knife includes: a first inner surface extending to be inclined from a tip formed at the lowermost end to the lower knife; and an outer circumferential surface extending to be inclined from the tip to an opposite side of the lower knife, wherein the first inner surface has an inclination at a first angle from a vertical line V that is perpendicular to a rotation axis that serves as a rotation center of the upper knife, and the outer circumferential surface has an inclination at a second angle from the vertical line.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094337A1

It is an object to provide a trimmer that can trim a fore-edge portion of a bound material except a cover and that can be excellent in productivity and cost. A cover has flap portions adjacent to the fore-edge portion of the bound material, a trimmer includes: a trim cutter that trims the bound material; a blade receiving portion that receives an edge of the trim cutter; a base portion and a pressure portion that nip and position the bound material; and a pair of guide portions arranged for movement in a direction close to or away from the bound material, wherein the guide portions are inserted between the book block and the cover so as to peel the cover together with the flap portions up when the fore-edge portion of the bound material is trimmed by the trim cutter. 1. A trimmer that trims a bound material which has a book block and a cover attached to the book block , the cover having flap portions adjacent to the fore-edge portion of the bound material , the trimmer comprising:a trim cutter that trims the bound material;a blade receiving portion that receives an edge of the trim cutter;a base portion and a pressure portion that nip and position the bound material; anda pair of guide portions arranged for movement in a direction close to or away from the bound material, whereinthe guide portions are inserted between the book block and the cover so as to peel the cover together with the flap portions up when the fore-edge portion of the bound material is trimmed by the trim cutter.2. The trimmer according to claim 1 , wherein each of the guide portions is attached to each of the base portion and the pressure portion.3. The trimmer according to claim 1 , wherein each of the guide portions is inclined relative to face and reverse surfaces of the book block claim 1 , and the guide portions are widened toward the trim cutter.4. The trimmer according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,when the fore-edge portion of the bound material is trimmed by the trim cutter,the book ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091959A1
Автор: Lemmens Peter L.C.

A cutting mechanism is provided for a dunnage conversion machine 10 that selectively cuts dunnage sheet stock drawable through the cutting mechanism. The cutting mechanism includes a frame and a pair of opposed cutting blades through which the sheet stock is drawable. The cutting blades include a driven blade and a biased blade, each supported relative to the frame for movement into and out of contact with one another. The driven blade is movable towards the biased blade to cut the sheet stock. The biased blade is biased against movement away from the driven blade to allow for self-adjustability to counter wear of one or both of the opposed blades. Contact of the opposed blades with one another causes the biased blade to be deflected away from the driven blade. 1. A cutting mechanism for a dunnage conversion machine that selectively cuts dunnage sheet stock drawable through the cutting mechanism , the cutting mechanism comprising:a frame;a driven blade supported relative to the frame for movement towards a biased blade and across a sheet stock path along which the dunnage sheet stock is movable through the cutting mechanism, to cut the sheet stock into discrete lengths; andthe biased blade supported relative to the frame for pivoting movement towards and away from the driven blade, the biased blade being biased against movement away from the driven blade where contact of the driven blade with the biased blade effects pivoting movement of the biased blade against a biasing force in a direction of movement away from the driven blade.2. (canceled)3. The cutting mechanism of claim 1 , where the driven blade is linearly translatable towards the biased blade.4. The cutting mechanism of claim 1 , further including a blade guard coupled between the frame and the driven blade claim 1 , the blade guard configured to be commonly movable with the driven blade between an engaged position of the blade guard and a disengaged position of the blade guard claim 1 , and the blade ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101166A1

A polarizing film cutting knife includes a body portion extending in a first direction, and a knife portion connected to the body portion. The knife portion includes a first surface and a second surface. The first and second surfaces form a first angle. The first angle is about 21.8 to 22.2 degrees. 1. A polarizing film cutting knife comprising:a body portion extending in a first direction; anda knife portion connected to the body portion and comprising a first surface and a second surface, the first and second surfaces forming a first angle, the first angle being about 21.8 to 22.2 degrees.2. The polarizing film cutting knife of claim 1 , wherein the knife portion is substantially perpendicular to a polarizing film to be cut.3. The polarizing film cutting knife of claim 2 , wherein the first and second surfaces are symmetric with respect to a direction which is substantially perpendicular to the polarizing film.4. The polarizing film cutting knife of claim 1 , wherein the first angle is 22 degrees.5. The polarizing film cutting knife of claim 1 , wherein the knife portion comprises carbon steel.6. The polarizing film cutting knife of claim 5 , further comprises a coating layer formed on the first and second surfaces of the knife portion claim 5 , the coating layer comprising Teflon.7. A method of manufacturing a polarizing plate comprising:unrolling a polarizing film from a polarizing film roll in a preparing process;forming polarizing plates by cutting the polarizing film using a polarizing film cutting knife in a cutting process;sorting out defective goods among the polarizing plates in a testing process; andstacking the polarizing plates which pass the testing process to form a bunch of the polarizing plates in a packaging process,wherein the polarizing film cutting knife comprises a body portion extending in a first direction, and a knife portion connected to the body portion and comprising a first surface and a second surface, the first and second surface ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095941A1
Автор: Giro Amigo Ezequiel
Принадлежит: Girnet Internacional, S.L.

A method for obtaining one strip or a number of strips from a band material which extends in a longitudinal direction (Y) which comprises using a cutting die which has at least two cutting edges, there being at least two theoretic cutting start and end points on each one of the cutting edges which determine a predetermined cutting pattern therebetween, wherein said cutting edges are extended in at least one cutting line beyond the theoretic cutting start or theoretic cutting end points, or in both, which do not form part of the pattern, said cutting lines comprising a correcting section which extends in a direction that is not parallel to the cited longitudinal direction (Y), being intended to compensate for a lateral discrepancy between the theoretic cutting start and end points between two consecutive cutting operations. 141823143237777728121abb. A method for obtaining one strip () or a number of strips from a band material () which extends in a longitudinal direction (Y) , which comprises using a die carrier () and a cutting die () which has at least two cutting edges () of equal length which are repeatedly applied in consecutive cutting operations against longitudinally contiguous sections of the band and cooperate in order to cut two portions of band () therebetween which are connected in order to form a continuous strip () , there being at least two theoretic cutting start and end points (A , B) on each one of the cutting edges () which determine a predetermined cutting pattern between each other , the method being characterized in that a cutting die () is used , the cutting edges () of which extend in at least one cutting line () beyond the theoretic cutting start point (A) or theoretic cutting end point (B) , or in both , and in that said cutting lines () comprise a correcting section () which extends in a direction that is not parallel to the cited longitudinal direction (Y) , said correcting sections () of the cutting lines () being intended to compensate ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140178534A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

The present invention relates to a frozen confectionery product comprising a core consisting of a frozen confection, wherein the core is coated with a frozen flexible edible gel layer, characterized in that the gel layer is provided with at least one cutting line extending spirally over the gel layer, said cutting line allowing to peel-off the gel-layer in a spiral. It furthermore relates to an apparatus for manufacturing same, and to a cutting device for use in that method. 1. Frozen confectionery product comprising a core comprising a frozen confection , the core is at least partially coated with a frozen flexible edible gel layer , the gel layer is provided with at least one cutting line extending spirally over the gel layer , the cutting line allowing to peel-off the gel-layer in a spiral.2. Frozen confectionery product according to claim 1 , comprising a holder stick having an upper portion which is inserted into the core.3. Frozen confectionery product according to claim 1 , wherein the gel layer comprises a gelling hydrocolloid.4. Frozen confectionery product according to claim 3 , wherein the gel layer comprises a gelation controller or inhibitor.5. Frozen confectionery product according to claim 1 , wherein the gel layer has a thickness of between 2 and 6 mm.6. Frozen confectionery product according to claim 1 , wherein the gel layer comprises inclusions.7. Frozen confectionery product according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting line has an inclination of between 3° and 60° with respect to a plane extending perpendicularly to the symmetry axis of the spiral.8. Frozen confectionery product according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting line is ondulated.9. Frozen confectionery product according to claim 1 , wherein the frozen confection forming the core is selected from the group consisting of ice cream claim 1 , water ice claim 1 , sherbet claim 1 , and sorbet.10. Method for manufacturing a frozen confectionery product comprising the following steps of:filling a ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182440A9
Автор: Sato Akinobu, Suzuki Akiko

Two surfaces forming a cutting edge and a ridge of a cutting edge existing along the boundary between the two surfaces intersecting with each other are irradiated with a gas cluster ion beam at the same time, the maximum height of the profile of the two surfaces being equal to or smaller than 1 μm. A facet is newly formed on the ridge of the cutting edge by performing the irradiation with the gas cluster ion beam in such a manner that the two surfaces are not perpendicularly but obliquely irradiated with the gas cluster ion beam, and at least a part of the ridge of the cutting edge is perpendicularly irradiated with the gas cluster ion beam. 1. A method of processing a ridge of a cutting edge of , a maximum height of a profile of two surfaces forming the cutting edge being equal to or smaller than 1 μm , and the ridge of the cutting edge existing along a boundary between the two surfaces intersecting with each other , the method comprising:a step of newly forming a facet on said ridge of the cutting edge by irradiating said two surfaces and said ridge of the cutting edge with a gas cluster ion beam in such a manner that said two surfaces are not perpendicularly but obliquely irradiated with the gas cluster ion beam, and at least a part of said cutting edge is perpendicularly irradiated with the gas cluster ion beam.2. The method of processing a ridge of a cutting edge according to claim 1 , wherein said two surfaces the maximum height of the profile of which is equal to or smaller than 1 μm are surfaces planarized by irradiation with the gas cluster ion beam.3. The method of processing a ridge of a cutting edge according to claim 1 , wherein a gas of said gas cluster ion beam is a gas that does not chemically react with a material of said cutting edge.4. The method of processing a ridge of a cutting edge according to claim 3 , wherein said gas is any of argon claim 3 , oxygen claim 3 , nitrogen claim 3 , carbon dioxide or a combination thereof.5. An instrument ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107426A1

Knife assemblies and methods therefor that are adapted to be used with a cutting apparatus capable of producing a variety of shaped food products having large amplitudes, for example, sliced, shredded, and strip-cut food products. The knife assembly includes a primary blade having a corrugated shape to produce a large-amplitude food product slice having a periodic shape, and at least one tab blade assembled with or formed from the primary blade to cut a food product slice into strips. 1. A knife assembly adapted for producing julienne cut food product , the knife assembly comprising:a primary blade having a corrugated shape to produce a large-amplitude food product, the corrugated shape having a cutting leading edge and defining multiple peaks and valleys, the primary blade further having slots located at least some of the peaks; andat least one tab blade adapted to cut the large-amplitude food product slice into strips, the tab blade having a cross-sectional shape comprising a lower section that is complementary to a valley of the primary blade and comprising at least two bladed sections adapted to extend through at least two of the slots of the primary blade so as to be exposed above at least two peaks of the primary blade, wherein the primary and tab blades are not metallurgically joined together.2. The knife assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a knife holder having relief areas to accommodate the lower section of the tab blade and defines a contour that is complementary to one of the valleys of the primary blade.3. The knife assembly of claim 1 , wherein the knife assembly is adapted to produce shaped shredded or shaped strip-cut food products.4. The knife assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the tab blade has a square leading edge.5. The knife assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the tab blade has a beveled leading edge.6. The knife assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the tab blade has an angled leading edge.7. A method of producing julienne cut ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106459A1
Автор: Haas Anton

Cutting tool for flat materials. The cutting tools includes a band-shaped base body which has on one longitudinal side a working region with cutting teeth and on an other longitudinal side a supporting region with a supporting surface. The cutting teeth are formed with tips and include cutting sides emanating from the tips at an angle a to one another. In a longitudinal direction of the working region, the tips of adjacent cutting teeth have different distances to the supporting surface. 1. A cutting tool for flat materials , comprising:a band-shaped base body which has on one longitudinal side a working region with cutting teeth and on an other longitudinal side a supporting region with a supporting surface,wherein the cutting teeth are formed with tips and include cutting sides emanating from the tips at an angle α to one another,wherein, in a longitudinal direction of the working region, the tips of adjacent cutting teeth have different distances to the supporting surface.2. The cutting tool according to being formed from hardenable steel and the flat materials comprising cardboard claim 1 , corrugated cardboard claim 1 , honeycomb packaging claim 1 , plastic panels.3. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting surface comprises a plurality of supporting surfaces.4. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the tips have radii up to 2.0 mm and the angle α is 60° to 90°.5. The cutting tool according to claim 4 , wherein the cutting teeth comprise tips having a radius of 1 mm or less.6. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the different distances are 0.5 to 2.0 mm.7. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting sides of the teeth have a same angle α of 65° to 75°.8. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting sides have a cutting angle β of 40° to 55° in cross-section.9. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting sides have a hardness greater than 360 HB or 380 HV up to a depth of ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106550A1

An apparatus for slicing food product to produce food product slices. The apparatus includes a circular cutting head having an axis and comprising at least one knife assembly on the circumference of the cutting head, a knife extending axially inward and having a corrugated shape to produce a food product slice with generally parallel cuts, wherein the food product slice has a periodic shape characterized by peaks and valleys, and means for securing the knife to the cutting head, the securing means comprising a surface facing radially inward and having a corrugated shape. The corrugated shape of the surface of the securing means is shaped differently than the corrugated shape of the knife to minimize surface contact between unsliced food products and the cutting head. 1. An apparatus for cutting food product , the apparatus comprising:a circular cutting head having an axis and comprising at least one knife assembly on the circumference of the cutting head;a knife extending axially inward and having a corrugated shape to produce a food product slice with generally parallel cuts, wherein the food product slice has a periodic shape characterized by peaks and valleys; andmeans for securing the knife to the cutting head, the securing means comprising a surface facing radially inward and having a corrugated shape;wherein the corrugated shape of the surface of the securing means is shaped differently than the corrugated shape of the knife to minimize surface contact between unsliced food products and the cutting head.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting head is annular-shaped with an impeller coaxially mounted within the cutting head for rotation about the axis of the cutting head in a rotational direction relative to the cutting head claim 1 , and the impeller comprises one or more paddles circumferentially spaced along a perimeter thereof for delivering food product radially outward toward the cutting head.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114197A1

The present invention provides a composite blade module and cutting means using the same. The composite blade module comprises a blade and at least one elastic layer. The elastic layers are adhered to a part of cutting edge and/or a back of the blade selectively. The composite blade module is used by the cutting means to cut an object to be cut. The elastic layers may be used as a shock absorber to absorb the collision force acting on the blade, thus reducing the probability of breaking blade, during the cutting process. Furthermore, if the blade is broken unfortunately, the broken blade is still adhered to the elastic layers, in such a way that the broken blade is prevented from either being drawn into the cutting means and then damaging the means, or being ejected and then endangering the operator, leading to safety guarantee during cutting. 1. A composite blade module , provided in a cutting means , comprising:a blade; andat least one elastic layer, selectively adhered to a part of cutting edge and/or a back of said blade, wherein the exposed cutting edge of said blade is used by said cutting means to cut an object to be cut.2. The composite blade module according to claim 1 , wherein one or more said elastic layers are adhered to the part of cutting edge and/or the back of said blade.3. The composite blade module according to claim 1 , wherein the adjustment of thickness and the selection of material of each of said elastic layers are determined on the basis of rigidity or toughness of said composite blade module demanded by said cutting means.4. The composite blade module according to claim 1 , wherein said elastic layer is made of soft metallic material or rubber-like material.5. The composite blade module according to claim 1 , wherein each of said elastic layers is selectively provided on the part of cutting edge and/or the back of said blade depending upon the direction of force on said blade.6. A cutting means claim 1 , comprising:a bottom wheel, on a ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114200A1

A blade and assembly provides for a blade that has a front beveled cutting edge and at least two recesses defined within the back, or non-cutting edge, of the blade. A substantially cylindrical cavity or bore extends inwardly into the blade from each recess, the bores being defined in planes that are parallel to the top and bottom surfaces of the blade. A plurality of “T-shaped” legs is provided, each leg having a cross bar or “foot” that is secured at one end of a rod. In the preferred embodiment, three such legs are used, although the present invention is not limited to that number. The rod of each leg is used for insertion into a blade bore. Means for fixing the position of the rod within the blade bore is also provided. This allows the blade to be properly positioned within the holder thereby compensating for blade wear. 1. A wood cutting blade comprising:a beveled front cutting edge;a rear surface;a planar top surface;a planar bottom surface;a primary bore extending inwardly of the blade from the rear surface; anda T-shaped leg comprising a cross-bar and a longitudinal rod that extends perpendicularly from the cross-bar, the rod being receivable and movable within each primary bore.2. The wood cutting blade of wherein each primary bore extends forwardly of the rear surface of the blade and has an axis that is substantially parallel to the planar top and bottom surfaces of the blade.3. The wood cutting blade of wherein the blade further comprises at least one secondary bore that is disposed below each primary bore and extends upwardly from the bottom surface of the blade claim 2 , the secondary bore having an axis that is disposed substantially perpendicular to the axis of the primary bore.4. The wood cutting blade of further comprising a plurality of recesses defined within the rear surface of the blade and a portion of the cross-bar is configured to fit within the recess at the rear surface of the blade.5. The wood cutting blade of wherein the rod of the T- ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123838A1

A process and system provides for atraumatic preparation of morcelized Tissue Particles (MTPs), such as Full Thickness Skin Graft Particles (FTSGPs), cartilage particles and other organ tissue particles, in a liquid medium. The resultant tissue product may be a suspension of Tissue Particles in an aqueous solution and containing highly viable cells and may be rapidly prepared at bedside or in the operating room and conveniently delivered to a patient through a syringe or similar applicator. The MTPs may be used for surgical applications including wound healing, cosmetic surgery, and orthopedic cartilage repairs. 1. A device for processing tissue biopsy samples (TBSs) into morcelized tissue particles (MTPs) comprising:a) a processing chamber for accommodating fluid and said TBSs;b) a morcelizing mechanism supported within said processing chamber for recirculating said fluid and said TBSs in the processing chamber and morcelizing said TBSs into said MTPs;c) a filter chamber in fluid communication with said processing chamber for filtering said fluid and said MTPs into a matrix based on a desired size range;d) a drain in communication with said filter chamber for draining said filtrate and particles smaller than the desired size range; ande) a dispensing port in communication with said filter chamber to enable collection of the filtered matrix for subsequent dispensing.2. A device of further including a drain chamber in communication with said drain for collecting said filtrate and said particles.3. A device of further including a dispensing chamber in communication with said dispensing port for collection of said filtered matrix.4. A device of wherein said dispensing chamber includes a syringe.5. A device of wherein said processing chamber claim 3 , said morcelizing mechanism claim 3 , said filter chamber claim 3 , said drain chamber and said dispensing port are sterilizable by gamma or electric beam radiation.6. A device of wherein said processing chamber is ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Mandoline slicer

Номер: US20190111579A1
Принадлежит: Masterful Ltd

A mandoline slicer including a frame having two opposed side walls and a food support surface, a blade assembly, and a slicing thickness adjustment mechanism engaging the blade assembly with the frame and configured to vertically move the blade assembly relative to the food support surface between an operating position where the cutting blade is exposed above the food support surface for a vertical distance for slicing and a resting position where the cutting blade is positioned coplanar with or below the food support surface. The present invention has a fixed and integral food support surface and a movable blade assembly which is easy and safe to operate. It can provide bi-directional food slicing as well as bi-directional julienne blade slicing of food.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138678A1

A food slicer assembly includes a housing defining a first opening and a second opening perpendicularly arranged. A slicing blade received at the second opening enters the first opening of the housing. A coupling releasably couples a food product or a food product packaging to the housing. The first opening receives a food product therethrough, the second opening receives the slicing blade therethrough, and the slicing blade slices the food product arranged in the first opening such that the food product is divided into multiple portions using the food slicer assembly. The slicing blade may pass into the first opening from a first end, and upon reaching the second end, the slicing blade seals the food slicer assembly at the first opening. The assembly may be a cheese slicer assembly for slicing a block of cheese so that a slice of cheese can be removed from the first opening. 1. A food slicer assembly , comprising:a housing defining a first side, a second side, a first opening,. and a second opening, wherein the first opening and the second opening intersect and are arranged perpendicular to one another;a slicing blade received by the housing at the second opening such that the slicing blade is configured to enter the first opening of the housing via the second opening; anda coupling configured to releasably couple a food product or a food product packaging to the housing,wherein the first side is configured for food product ingress and the second side is configured for food product egress such that the food product can be moved into, through, and out of the housing from the first side to the second side,wherein the first opening is configured to receive a food product therethrough,wherein the second opening is configured to receive the slicing blade therethrough, andwherein the slicing blade is configured to slice the food product arranged in the first opening such that the food product can be divided into multiple portions using the food slicer assembly.2. The ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Double cutting disc with curved deformation lines

Номер: US20200108519A1
Автор: Mäder Marcus

A rotary cutting disc () comprising two coaxial mutually opposed disc-shaped elements () each having a circumferential edge, wherein circumferential edges () of the disc-shaped elements () are joined together forming a cutting edge () of the cutting disc (); wherein each of the disc-shaped elements () comprises one or more at least partly curved elongated deformation lines (), wherein the one or more deformation lines () have a radial distance from the centre () of the cutting disc () that increases along at least a part of the length of the deformation line (). The rotary cutting disc () has an increased critical speed that allows improving the efficiency of a cutting operation with a cutting disc while maintaining acceptable levels of quality, cutting precision and safety. 1. A rotary cutting disc comprising:two coaxial mutually opposed disc-shaped elements each having a circumferential edge, wherein circumferential edges of the disc-shaped elements are joined together forming a cutting edge of the cutting disc;wherein each of the disc-shaped elements comprises one or more at least partly curved elongated deformation lines, wherein the one or more deformation lines have a radial distance from the center of the cutting disk that increases along at least a part of the length of the deformation line.2. The rotary cutting disc according to claim 1 , wherein the two disc-shaped elements form a cavity in between that contains a vacuum.3. The rotary cutting disc according to claim 1 , wherein the two disc-shaped elements form a cavity in between that is filled with a fluid.4. The rotary cutting disc according to claim 1 , wherein the two disc-shaped elements form a cavity in between that is filled with a damping material with viscoelastic properties.5. The rotary cutting disc according to claim 1 , wherein the disc-shaped elements are separated by a separating element.6. The rotary cutting disc according to claim 1 , wherein the disc-shaped elements are configured such ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Tool for Wrapping Paper Manufactured by 3D Printing

Номер: US20180117784A1
Автор: Leason David

A tool for use with wrapping paper is manufactured by a process comprising the step of causing a 3D printer to make the tool using an instruction file which is accessible to the 3D printer. The instruction file includes instructions for a hardware processor which define actions to be taken at and by the 3D printer to manufacture the tool. The tool manufactured in accordance with the instruction file comprises a unitary, plastic stick having a length which extends along an axis of elongation, a broad surface, a bracing surface, and first and second opposing sides extending along the length, separated by a width which is substantially less than the length. The first aide has serrations defined in the plastic stick adjacent the bracing surface. The second side has a non-serrated edge defined in the plastic stick proximate to the bracing surface. 1. A tool for use with wrapping paper , manufactured by a process comprising the step of:causing a 3D printer to make the tool using an instruction file which is accessible to the 3D printer, the instruction file including instructions for a hardware processor which define actions to be taken at and by the 3D printer to manufacture the tool,wherein the tool manufactured in accordance with the instruction file comprises:a unitary, plastic stick having a length which extends linearly along an axis of elongation, a broad surface, a bracing surface, and first and second sides along the length which meet the bracing surface at respective first and second side edges,wherein the first side extends parallel to the axis of elongation and comprises serrations defined in the plastic stick adjacent the bracing surface,wherein the second side extends parallel to the axis of elongation and opposite to the first side and comprises a non-serrated edge defined in the plastic stick proximate to the bracing surface,wherein the first and second sides are separated by a width in a direction perpendicular to the axis of elongation which is ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154873A1
Принадлежит: ANDRITZ AG

The invention relates to a method for cross-cutting a material web (), in particular a pulp web or the like, that is moved in a direction of movement (), wherein the material web () is moved through between two axes of rotation oriented approximately perpendicularly to the direction of movement (), about which axes of rotation cooperating blades () are moved with a rotary movement, said blades () cutting the material web () approximately perpendicularly to the direction of movement () as said material web () passes through between the axes of rotation. In order to achieve a high-quality cut edge with little noise pollution and high system availability, the invention provides that, after the material web () has been cut, a force is applied to a part of the material web () that is carried along with a blade () and in particular a part of the material web () that bears against a blade (), in order to separate the material web () from the rotary movement of the blade (). Furthermore, the invention relates to a device for cross-cutting a material web () that is moved in a direction of movement (), having at least two cooperating blades (), which are rotatable about axes of rotation arranged approximately perpendicularly to the direction of movement (), wherein the material web () is movable through between the axes of rotation, such that the material web () is able to be cut by the blades () approximately transversely to the direction of movement (). 1. A method for cross-cutting a material web moved along a direction of movement , in particular a pulp web or the like , wherein the material web is moved between two rotational axes oriented roughly perpendicular to the direction of movement , wherein cooperating blades are moved around these rotational axes with a rotational movement , cutting the material web roughly perpendicular to the direction of movement as it passes through between the rotational axes , wherein , after the material web has been cut , a force is ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154875A1
Автор: Ochs Christoph

The present invention concerns a method of cutting a rubber web by means of ultrasound, in which a sonotrode comes into contact with the rubber web and the rubber web and the sonotrode are moved relative to each other while the sonotrode is excited with an ultrasonic vibration. To provide a method of the kind set forth in the opening part of this specification which allows reliable cutting of a rubber web and at the same time ensures that the wear of the tool and the converter is markedly reduced according to the invention it is proposed that a sonotrode comprising steel, preferably hardened steel, is used. 1. A method of cutting a rubber web by means of ultrasound , the method comprising:contacting the rubber web with a sonotrode andmoving the rubber web and the sonotrode relative to each other while the sonotrode is excited in an ultrasonic vibration, the sonotrode comprising steel.2. A method according to characterised in that the sonotrode has a wedge-shaped tip.3. A method according to characterised in that the length of the separating surface is <60 mm.4. A method according to characterised in that the sonotrode is coated at least at portions which are intended to come into contact with the rubber web.5. A method according to characterised in that the sonotrode is cooled during the cutting operation.6. A method according to characterised in that the sonotrode is excited with an ultrasonic frequency of less than 38 kHz.7. A method according to characterised in that the sonotrode is connected to a converter by way of an amplitude transformer claim 1 , wherein a clamping device is used claim 1 , with which a holding element can be clamped to the converter or the amplitude transformer.8. A method according to characterised in that the sonotrode and the converter are arranged on a tool axis claim 1 , wherein the tool axis includes an angle of between 30° and 70° with a normal on the rubber web.9. A method according to characterised in that the longitudinal ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135926A1

The disclosure relates to a cutting blade that is rotatably drivable and provided for machines for slicing food products, in particular high-speed slicers. With the aid of a mounting area surrounding a rotary shaft, the cutting blade is fixed to a drive shaft of the machine. A distance area is provided outside the mounting area but inside the cutting edge area. The disclosure aims at improving the cutting blade with respect to its stability and configuring it such that it has the lowest possible weight. For this purpose, alternately recessed and raised formations are provided in the distance area. 1. A rotatably drivable cutting blade for machines for slicing food products , in particular high-speed slicers , said cutting blade being fixed to a drive shaft with the aid of a mounting area , which surrounds a rotary shaft , and having a preferably flat distance area outside the mounting area and inside a cutting edge area , wherein embossed , alternately recessed and raised formations are provided in the distance area.2. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , wherein the embossed formations have a material thickness corresponding at most to that of the surrounding areas of the distance area.3. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , wherein the formations are circular.4. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , wherein the formations are configured as depressions having a preferably flat bottom.5. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , wherein the formations are oriented in the radial direction.6. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , wherein the formations have an elongate shape that extends in the radial direction.7. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of formations extend successively in the radial direction.8. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , wherein the formations have on their radial outer end a width that is larger than the width on their inner radial end.9. The cutting blade according to claim 1 , wherein the formations ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274275A1
Автор: Lutz Wolfgang
Принадлежит: Gebrüder Busatis Gesellschaft m.b.H.

The present disclosure relates to a cutter bar for chopping machines. The cutter bar includes a cutter bar body that defines an edge groove. The edge groove includes a groove bottom and a groove sidewall. The groove sidewall is formed by the material of the cutter bar body. A wear protection structure extends along a surface of the cutter bar body from the edge groove. The wear protection structure is built up on the surface of the cutter bar body as an additively manufactured metal powder application layer. At least one carbide strip is secured to the edge groove and forms the cutting edge. The carbide strip can be fastened to the edge groove by means of a bonding agent, such as solder or adhesive. 1. A cutter bar for a chopping machine , the cutter bar comprising:a cutter bar body defining an edge groove, wherein the edge groove includes a groove bottom and a groove sidewall, the groove sidewall having a first wall portion formed from the material of the cutter bar body;a wear protection structure extending along a surface of the cutter bar body from the edge groove, wherein the wear protection structure includes a second wall portion formed by a thickened area of the wear protection structure that extends from the first wall portion of the groove sidewall, wherein the thickened area of the wear protection structure is formed as an additively manufactured metal powder application layer without mechanical finishing; andat least one carbide strip disposed within the edge groove and secured to the edge groove, wherein the at least one carbide strip forms a cutting edge;2. The cutter bar according to claim 1 , wherein:the at least one carbide strip is disposed within the edge groove adjacent both the first wall portion of the groove sidewall and the second wall portion of the wear protection structure.3. The cutter bar according to claim 1 , wherein:the wear protection structure extends along a flat surface of the cutter bar body.4. The cutter bar according to claim 1 ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150140198A1

A lattice-cut potato product is sliced so that the ridges and grooves on one surface of the slices are oriented transversely to the ridges and grooves on the opposite surface of the slices. The sizes and shapes of the ridges and grooves are particularly selected so that each point in the interior of a slice is no greater than a specified distance from an outer surface of the slice. These parameters enable a lattice-cut potato product to consistently achieve a crispy outer surface and a smooth and creamy interior when cooked by baking or microwaving. 1. A method of preparing a potato-based food product , the method comprising:cutting potatoes into slices having first and second major surfaces, the first surface having a plurality of ridges and grooves extending in a first direction, and the second surface having a plurality of ridges and grooves extending in a direction transverse to the first direction, the potato slices having an interior surrounded by an exterior surface, each point in the interior being no more than a predetermined distance from a point on the exterior surface;blanching the potato slices;dipping the blanched potato slices in a solution to prevent nonenzymic oxidation of the potato slices;drying the potato slices;parfrying the potato slices; andpackaging the parfried potato slices.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ridges and grooves in the second surface are substantially orthogonal to the plurality of ridges and grooves in the first surface.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the blanching step includes heating the potato slices in a water bath at a temperature between about 150° F. and about 200° F. claim 1 , for a time between about 5 minutes and about 20 minutes.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising freezing the potato slices.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising cooking the potato slices without frying.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the cooking step ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Cutting Knife

Номер: US20160136829A1

A reciprocally moveable cutting knife is described and which includes an elongated main body having a first, and an opposite, second end for engaging an object of interest; and a protrusion is made integral with the elongated main body and which extends outwardly from a plane which is defined by the outside facing surface of the main body, and which inhibits an adhesion from being created between the outside facing surface of the elongated main body, and the respective sidewalls of a knife guidance track when a source of water wets the outside surface of the elongated main body and the spaced sidewalls of the knife guidance channel. 1. A reciprocally moveable cutting knife , comprising:an elongated, main body having opposite first and second ends, and wherein the second end of the main body defines a sharpened edge, and wherein the elongated main body further has an outside facing surface, and is reciprocally moveable within a knife guidance track which has spaced sidewalls for defining a predetermined path of travel for the elongated main body, and wherein a preponderance of the outside facing surface of the elongated main body is oriented in substantially the same plane, and wherein the outside facing surface of the elongated main body, and the knife guidance track are exposed to a source of water; anda protrusion defined by the elongated main body extends outwardly from the plane which is defined by the outside facing surface, and further creates a space between the elongated main body and the spaced sidewalls of the knife guidance track, so as to inhibit an adhesion which is created between the outside facing surface of the elongated main body, and the respective sidewalls of the knife guidance track, when the source of water wets the outside surface of the elongated main body, and the spaced sidewalls of the knife guidance channel.2. A reciprocally moveable cutter knife as claimed in claim 1 , and wherein the elongated main body is defined claim 1 , at least in ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

High speed taversing shear

Номер: US20160136833A1

A trim shear is adapted to trim the front and tail ends of a hot rolled product exiting from a rolling mill along a mill pass line and travelling at either high or low speeds, depending on the size of the product being rolled. The trim shear comprises a trim station having a high speed a set of trim knives configured and arranged to trim the front and tail ends of high speed products, and a different low speed set of trim knives disposed laterally from the high speed set of trim knives and configured and arranged to trim the front and tail ends of low speed products; and traversing means for shifting the trim station transversely with respect to the mill pass line to alternatively locate either one or the other of said sets of trim knives in an active position on the mill pass line.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180133859A1
Автор: Landwehr Thomas Jay

A cutting blade partially covered with one or more layers covering a part of the blade, with one of the layers being a wear layer which has a different visual appearance than the underlying material of the blade, and wears away more quickly than the core material when the blade is used, so that the underlying material of the blade is uncovered as soon as this wear layer is completely removed in partial areas, providing a clear visual signal that it needs to be replaced. The present invention relates to a blade with wear indicating means.Blades, be it for propellers on aircrafts, boats, in pumps or for all sorts of scraping and cutting tools, all owe their efficiency to a particular geometry. For instance, the blades used to propel fluids must feature a sharp edge for cutting through the fluid without effort and a smooth surface to minimize frictions. Besides, functional cutting and scraping blades obviously require a sharp edge. However, the lifetime of a blade subjected to intensive use may not exceed a few hours until it becomes unsuitably worn out. The progressive erosion of the sharp edge of the blade is due to the repetitive friction against the object to cut, to scrape or the fluid to propel. A blunt blade represents a waste of time and energy, since more force and more time are required to achieve the same result. In addition, the blade does not wear out uniformly, which may result in a dented and rough cutting edge. For example, cavitation is a significant cause of erosion on the sides of propelling blades for liquids. A dented blade has disastrous consequences: instead of a clean cut, the material in the way of a cutting or scraping blade may be torn out. Similarly, a dented propelling blade may generate chaotic turbulences rather than a strong laminar flow. Eventually, the blade cannot be used any more and it has to be discarded.For the sake of simplicity, the following introduction and description shall focus on blades for cutting, scraping and the like. ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Bread-Knife Blade and a Method for Its Manufacture

Номер: US20150143971A1
Автор: Hallberg Per-Olov

The present invention relates to a bread-knife blade for machine saws, which bread-knife blade () blade has teeth () with a tooth edge (E), a tooth breast (H) at the front of the tooth, seen in the sawing directing, a tooth back (F) behind the tooth edge (E), and a tooth bottom (B) between the tooth breast of each tooth and the tooth back of next tooth in front thereof, and tooth gaps, wherein a tooth gap (G) is defined as the space between the tooth edges (E) of two subsequent teeth (), which knife blade has two flat sides (L, R), a right side (R) and a left side (L), when the knife blade is regarded obliquely from above in the sawing directing, wherein said tooth edge (E) consists of a point. 1122. A bread-knife blade for a machine saw , which bread-knife blade () has teeth () with a tooth edge (E) , a tooth breast (H) at the front of the tooth , seen in the sawing directing , a tooth back (F) behind the tooth edge (E) , and a tooth bottom (B) between the tooth breast on each tooth and the tooth back of next tooth in front thereof , and tooth gaps , wherein a tooth gap (G) is defined as the space between the tooth edges (E) of two subsequent teeth () , which knife blade has two flat sides (L , R) , a right side (R) and a left side (L) , when the knife blade is regarded obliquely from above in the sawing directing , wherein said tooth edge (E) consists of a point , characterized in that{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '1', '1, 'the knife blade, along the length of the knife blade on each side of said tooth edge (E), has inclined grinding surfaces (L, R), which grinding surfaces (L, R) each extends in different planes, which planes in relation to each other form an acute angle (γ), implying that each one of the grinding surfaces (L, R) forms an acute angle (γ) in relation to the centre plane (C) of the bread-knife blade (),'}{'b': 1', '1, 'said grinding surfaces (L, R) extend from the tooth edge (E) down to the vicinity of said tooth bottom (B) arranged in such a ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Spiralizer mixer attachment

Номер: US20190134835A1
Автор: Kam Fai Fung
Принадлежит: Conair Corp

A spiralizer attachment for a stand mixer includes a base assembly connectable to an attachment drive port of the stand mixer and a cutting blade rotatably disposed in the base assembly. The spiralizer attachment further includes a lid including a feeding chute through which food can be delivered to the cutting blade.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130219A1
Автор: Puntoni Patrick G.

The present disclosure provides rotatable blades with easily replaceable cutting edges, and methods of making and using same. 126-. (canceled)27. A rotatable blade comprising:a carrier portion having a first long edge and a first end portion; and a retaining slot disposed on a first longitudinal edge and configured to removably mate with the first long edge of the rotatable carrier portion, and', 'a tapered cutting edge disposed along a second longitudinal edge opposite the first longitudinal edge., 'a replaceable cutting edge removably associated with the first long edge and the first end portion, the replaceable cutting edge comprising28. The rotatable blade of claim 27 , wherein the replaceable cutting edge further comprises an angled finger claim 27 , and wherein the carrier portion further comprises an angled receiving slot configured to removably mate with the angled finger.29. The rotatable blade of claim 28 , wherein the carrier portion further comprises an angled finger claim 28 , and wherein the replaceable cutting edge further comprises an angled receiving slot configured to removably mate with the angled finger.30. The rotatable blade of claim 27 , wherein the retaining slot is defined by a top shoulder and a bottom shoulder.31. The rotatable blade of claim 27 , wherein the retaining slot has a height of about 40% to about 65% of a thickness of the replaceable cutting edge.32. The rotatable blade of claim 27 , wherein the replaceable cutting edge has a thickness that is greater than a thickness of the rotatable carrier.33. A rotatable carrier comprising:at least one inwardly-angled receiving slot disposed along a first edge and configured to receive an outwardly-angled finger of a replaceable cutting edge; andat least one inwardly-angled finger disposed along the first edge and configured to reversibly mate with an outwardly-angled receiving slot of the replaceable cutting edge.34. The rotatable carrier of further comprising an air/debris deflector ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143549A1
Автор: Laurikainen Eliisa

A cutting die for rotary die-cutting of a label laminates is described herein. The cutting tools of the die include at least one of the following cutting edge parameters: effective height, shape and bevel angle arranged to be different in a first direction when compared to a second direction of the cutting die. The use of the cutting die, a method for designing a cutting die and a method for die-cutting a label laminate are also described. 2. A cutting die according to claim 1 , wherein the difference of the effective height between the cutting edges in the first direction and in the second direction is between 5 and 15 μm.3. A cutting die according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting die is a sheet claim 1 , and wherein the sheet comprises further material layer on the surface opposite to the base surface so as to provide difference of the effective height between the cutting edges in the first direction and in the second direction.4. A cutting die according to claim 1 , wherein the difference of the bevel angle between the cutting edges in the first direction and in the second direction is between 5 to 25°.5. A cutting die according to claim 1 , wherein the first direction is a transverse direction of the cutting die and the second direction is perpendicular to the first direction.6. A cutting die according to claim 1 , wherein the transverse direction of the cutting die is parallel to the transverse direction of the label laminate to be cut.7. Use of a cutting die according to claim 1 , for rotary die-cutting of a label laminate web so as to form individual labels attached on a release liner.8. A method of designing a cutting die for rotary die-cutting of a label laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprises:selecting a label laminate to be die-cut;determining the difference in the die-cutting properties of the label laminate in a first direction and a second direction along the plane of the label laminate;analyzing the total number and shape of the ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178620A1
Автор: MAYR Martin

In order on the one hand to avoid that regrinding of a blade of a slicing machine changes behavior of the blade during operation and on the other hand to achieve a very smooth penetration and good slice ejection, the radially outermost area of the blade may be produced as a regrinding area with a very small thickness, which is constant in any case in the radial direction. 2. The blade according claim 1 , on the back side of the blade, radially further inwards from the regrinding area, there is at least one connecting surface which is axially further away from the blade plane than the rear back side in the regrinding area and', 'at least an axial distance between them is bridged by a deflector shoulder of the back side, which is inclined obliquely to the blade plane., 'wherein'}3. The blade according to claim 2 , 'the regrinding area is arranged radially between the grinded surface and the deflector shoulder.', 'wherein'}4. The blade according to claim 2 ,whereinthe deflector shoulder projects further beyond the blade plane transversely to the blade plane than a next connecting surface radially inside the deflector shoulder.5. The blade according to claim 2 , the deflector shoulder has a larger deflection angle in a radial direction to the blade plane than the grinded surface.6. The blade according to claim 2 , the at least one connecting surface comprises several radially spaced connection surfaces and', 'a transition from one to a next connecting surface is designed as a deflector shoulder., 'wherein'}7. The blade according to claim 2 ,whereinthe at least one connecting surface runs parallel to the blade plane.8. The blade according to claim 1 ,whereinthe thickness of the blade over the entire radial extension, of the regrinding area differs by less than 0.5 mm, between a greatest and a smallest thickness, calculated from the smallest thickness.9. The blade according to claim 1 ,wherein 'is a closed cutting edge running around in a shape of a circular ring of the ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150158193A1

A disposable carving blade contains a central hole defined at a central position thereof, a first central line passing through the central position thereof, a right cutting rim formed on a first peripheral side thereof and a left cutting rim formed on a second peripheral side thereof. The right cutting rim is connected with the left cutting rim to form a V-shaped portion, and the V-shaped portion includes a cutting edge defined on a distal end thereof. An intersection point of the right cutting rim on the first peripheral side of the disposable carving blade and the left cutting rim on the second peripheral side of the disposable carving blade is adjacent to the first central line, and a distance between the intersection point and the first central line is a first eccentric value. 1. A disposable carving blade comprising:a central hole defined at a central position thereof, a first central line passing through the central position thereof, a right cutting rim formed on a first peripheral side thereof and a left cutting rim formed on a second peripheral side thereof, wherein the right cutting rim is connected with the left cutting rim to form a V-shaped portion, the V-shaped portion includes a cutting edge defined on a distal end thereof, and an intersection point of the right cutting rim on the first peripheral side of the disposable carving blade and the left cutting rim on the second peripheral side of the disposable carving blade is adjacent to the first central line, and a distance between the intersection point and the first central line is a first eccentric value.2. The disposable carving blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a length of the right cutting rim is not symmetrical to that of the left cutting rim.3. The disposable carving blade as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising another right cutting rim arranged on a third peripheral side thereof symmetrical and parallel to the right cutting rim on the first peripheral side of the disposable carving blade ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Slicing Blade System

Номер: US20150158194A1
Принадлежит: Knife Solutions, LLC

A slicing blade system utilizing an advanced blade edge design optimizing the cutting angle, allowing symmetrical forces on both sides of the blade at the same time to improve slicing. The system includes a blade which includes a blade edge which has been optimized for efficiency and precision. The blade edge includes a front bevel extending a first direction from a bisectional line extending through its tip and a back bevel extending in a second direction therefrom. The blade edge has a cutting wedge angel between the front and rear bevels which ranges between 12 and 45 degrees, depending on the specific product being sliced. The blade's orientation may be altered with respect to the angle between the bisectional line of the cutting wedge and the cutting plane depending on the deformation of the product at the cutting point, the geographical location of slicing, and the desired thickness of slices. 1. A product slicing apparatus , comprising:a blade, wherein said blade includes a blade edge;a first bevel formed on a first side of said blade edge, wherein said first bevel includes a first arm, wherein said first arm extends at a first angle with respect to a bisectional line extending through a tip of said blade edge; anda second bevel formed on a second side of said blade edge, wherein said second bevel includes a second arm, wherein said second arm extends at a second angle with respect to said centerline extending through said tip of said blade edge.2. The product slicing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a cutting wedge angle defined as an angle between said first and said second arm is between 12 degrees and 45 degrees.3. The product slicing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said cutting wedge angle is 30 degrees.4. The product slicing apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a first spine extending from said first arm away from said tip of said blade edge and a second spine extending from said second arm away from said tip of said blade edge.5. The product slicing ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154533A1

A flexible curvilinear knife is disclosed. The flexible curvilinear knife is formed from a cutting element, a blade holder element, and a plurality of spring elements. A first, proximal end of each spring element of the plurality of spring elements is operably and fixably attached to a discrete location of the cutting element and a second, distal end of each spring element of the plurality of spring elements is fixably attached to a discrete location of the blade holder element. 1. A flexible curvilinear knife comprising:a cutting element,a blade holder element, and,a plurality of spring elements;wherein a first, proximal end of each spring element of said plurality of spring elements is operably and fixably attached to a discrete location of said cutting element and a second, distal end of each spring element of said plurality of spring elements is fixably attached to a discrete location of said blade holder element.2. The flexible curvilinear knife of wherein a first spring element of said plurality of spring elements is provided with a first spring constant claim 1 , k claim 1 , and a second spring element of said plurality of spring elements is provided with a second spring constant claim 1 , k claim 1 , said first spring constant claim 1 , k claim 1 , and said second spring constant claim 1 , k claim 1 , being different.3. The flexible curvilinear knife of wherein said first and second spring elements of said plurality of spring elements are disposed adjacent one another when said first and second spring elements of said plurality of spring elements are operably and fixably attached to said cutting element and said blade holder element.4. The flexible curvilinear knife of wherein a first spring element of said plurality of spring elements is provided with a first spring constant claim 1 , k claim 1 , and a second spring element of said plurality of spring elements is provided with a second spring constant claim 1 , k claim 1 , said first spring constant claim 1 ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180154535A1

A cutting device includes a circular driving blade that rotates and drives, a circular driven blade that is driven to rotate accompanying rotation of the driving blade, and a holding portion that rotatably holds the driving blade and the driven blade in a state of cutting edges thereof being aligned with each other, wherein a tapered surface that becomes tapered from a second cutting edge side toward a second revolving shaft side of the driven blade is formed on the second contact surface on the side that contacts the driving blade in the driven blade. 1. A cutting device comprising:a circular driving blade that drives to rotate;a circular driven blade that is driven to rotate accompanying rotation of the driving blade; anda holding portion that rotatably holds the driving blade and the driven blade in a state of cutting edges thereof being aligned with each other,wherein a tapered surface that becomes tapered from the cutting edge side toward the revolving shaft side of the driven blade is formed on the contact surface on the side that contacts the driving blade in the driven blade.2. The cutting device according to claim 1 ,wherein the driven blade is formed with a cover portion, which has the tapered surface, installed on a blade body that has the cutting edge.3. The cutting device according to claim 2 ,wherein the cover portion is formed of a material that it is more difficult for adhesive to adhere to than the blade body.4. The cutting device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a medium guiding portion that guides a medium which is cut at the cutting position at which the cutting edges of the driving blade and the driven blade are aligned with each other, and at which the medium is cut toward the revolving shaft side of the driven blade.5. A printing apparatus comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the cutting device according to ;'}a transport unit that transports a medium from an upstream side to a downstream side in a transport ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Knife Having Beam Elements

Номер: US20180154540A1

A knife including a cutting edge, a fixed edge, and a plurality of beam elements connecting the cutting edge to the fixed edge, each of the beam elements having a beam element extent oriented between about 20 degrees and about 80 degrees off of the cutting edge, each beam element separated from adjacent beam elements by a reduced stiffness zone, each reduced stiffness zone having a reduced stiffness zone extent oriented from about 20 degrees to about 80 degrees off of the cutting edge. The knife can be employed in a process and an apparatus for cutting a web. 1. A knife comprising:a cutting edge;a fixed edge; anda plurality of beam elements connecting said cutting edge to said fixed edge, each of said beam elements having a beam element extent oriented between about 20 degrees and about 80 degrees off of said cutting edge, each said beam element separated from adjacent beam elements by a reduced stiffness zone, each reduced stiffness zone having a reduced stiffness zone extent oriented from about 20 degrees to about 80 degrees off of said cutting edge.2. The knife of claim 1 , wherein said beam elements are nearer to said cutting edge than to said fixed edge.3. The knife of claim 2 , wherein said reduced stiffness zones are slots.4. The knife of claim 1 , wherein said beam elements have a beam element width orthogonal to said beam element extent and a beam element length in line with said beam element extent claim 1 , wherein said beam element has a ratio of beam element length to beam element width from about 2 to about 40.5. The knife of claim 1 , wherein said reduced stiffness zones have a reduced stiffness zone width orthogonal to said reduced stiffness zone extent and a reduced stiffness zone length in line with said reduced stiffness zone extent claim 1 , wherein said reduced stiffness zone has a ratio of reduced stiffness zone length to reduced stiffness zone width from about 2 to about 40.6. The knife of claim 1 , wherein said cutting edge defines a ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147824A1

A vegetable knife includes a pulverizing coring pin for pulverizing a core of a vegetable, where the pulverizing coring pin can be a generally cylindrical tube. The pulverizing coring pin can define one or more pulverizing tubes that extend from a first end of the pulverizing coring pin to a second end of the pulverizing coring pin opposite the first end. The vegetable knife also includes at least one vegetable shaping blade that extends radially outwardly from the pulverizing coring pin, where the at least one vegetable shaping blade supports the pulverizing coring pin at a location generally central with respect to the vegetable knife. The vegetable knife may also include an outer flange for coupling the vegetable knife to a rotatable cutting assembly. The vegetable shaping blade can be connected between the outer flange and the pulverizing coring pin for supporting the pulverizing coring pin. 1. A vegetable knife comprising:an outer flange for coupling the vegetable knife to a rotatable cutting assembly;a pulverizing coring pin for pulverizing a core of a vegetable; andat least one vegetable shaping blade extending radially outwardly from the pulverizing coring pin for shaping the vegetable, the at least one vegetable shaping blade connected between the outer flange and the pulverizing coring pin for supporting the pulverizing coring pin at a location generally central with respect to the outer flange and generally coaxial with a rotational axis of the rotatable cutting assembly.2. The vegetable knife as recited in claim 1 , wherein the outer flange includes at least one aperture for coupling the vegetable knife to the rotatable cutting assembly.3. The vegetable knife as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pulverizing coring pin comprises a generally cylindrical tube extending from a first side of the vegetable knife to a second side of the vegetable knife opposite the first side.4. The vegetable knife as recited in claim 4 , wherein the pulverizing coring pin ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Underwater Line Cutting Tool

Номер: US20220305686A1
Автор: Burgoa Robert David

An underwater line cutting tool includes a cutter. The cutter includes a blade holder and a rotating manipulator arm. The blade holder includes two stationary arms in a V-shaped configuration including at least one blade attached to one of two stationary arms. The blade holder is attached to the rotating manipulator arm of a rotating manipulator that is attached to an underwater remotely operated vehicle. 1. A rotating manipulator , comprising:four rotating manipulator arms, wherein two rotating manipulator arms are parallel to each other forming a first rotating manipulator arm and two other rotating manipulator arms are parallel to each other forming a second rotating manipulator arm opposite the first rotating manipulator arm;a rotating manipulator attachment, wherein the rotating manipulator attachment is capable of attaching to an underwater remotely operated vehicle and the four rotating manipulator arms are attached to the rotating manipulator attachment; anda blade holder with two stationary arms in a V-shaped configuration including at least one blade attached to one of two stationary arms, wherein the blade holder is attached parallel, via one stationary arm, to the first or second rotating manipulator arm and the V-shaped configuration of the blade holder opens towards the rotating manipulator attachment.2. (canceled)3. The rotating manipulator of claim 1 , wherein the rotating manipulator moves the first rotating manipulator arm and the second rotating manipulator arm between an open position and a close position to guide an underwater line into the at least one blade.45-. (canceled)6. The rotating manipulator of claim 1 , wherein the at least one blade is two blades attached to each individual stationary arm of the blade holder.7. The rotating manipulator of claim 1 , wherein the at least one blade is two blades attached to each individual stationary arm of the blade holder and one blade that is capable of being attached to the rotating manipulator arm. ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Cutting Method

Номер: US20140251100A1

A cutting tool component which has an ultra-thin layer of ultra-hard material bonded to a cemented carbide substrate. The ultra-thin layer of ultra-hard material has a thickness of no greater than 0.2 mm. This cutting tool is used to cut workpieces under roughing and/or interrupted cut conditions. Where the workplace is a wood product or wood composite the invention extends to cutting such workpieces in general. The ultra-hard material is preferably PCD or PCBN.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174777A1

Double-edged knives for use in centrifugal-type cutting apparatuses, for example, the Urschel Model CC®, and transverse cutting wheel-type cutting apparatuses, for example, the Urschel TranSlicer 2000®, to produce uniform cuts in bulk quantities of food products. Such a knife has a longitudinal length defining oppositely-disposed first and second ends and defining oppositely-disposed edges between the first and second ends. Each of the edges has a cutting edge defined thereon adapted for slicing food products. As a result, the knife has two operational life spans and can be removed and reinstalled to utilize either of its cutting edges. 1. A knife adapted for producing sliced food products , the knife comprising a longitudinal length defining oppositely-disposed first and second ends and defining oppositely-disposed edges between the first and second ends , each of the edges having a cutting edge defined thereon adapted for slicing food products.2. The knife of claim 1 , wherein the knife further comprises a handle disposed at the first end thereof claim 1 , the cutting edges of the knife being present between the handle and the second end but not being present on the handle.3. The knife of claim 1 , wherein the cutting edges are bias-cut edges.4. The knife of claim 1 , wherein the cutting edges are substantially centered bevel-cut edges.5. The knife of claim 1 , wherein the knife is configured to be installed on a centrifugal-type slicing machine.6. The knife of claim 1 , wherein the knife is configured to be installed on a rotating cutting wheel-type slicing machine.7. A shoe assembly of a centrifugal-type slicing machine adapted for producing sliced food products claim 1 , the shoe assembly comprising:a shoe;a knife holder mounted to the shoe;a knife mounted to the knife holder; andmeans for clamping the knife to the knife holder;wherein the knife comprises a longitudinal length defining oppositely-disposed first and second ends and defining oppositely-disposed ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Impeller, centrifugal cutting apparatus comprising same, and method of operating same

Номер: US20190168403A1
Автор: BUCKS Brent
Принадлежит: FAM

Impeller for a centrifugal cutting apparatus, provided for being coaxially mounted within an annular-shaped cutting head and to be rotated inside the cutting head about a rotational axis in a rotational direction, the impeller comprising: a base plate, an annular cover plate and a plurality of circumferentially spaced paddles mounted between the base and cover plates. The paddles are oriented such that they have a first impelling surface directed towards the rotational direction and the circumference of the impeller, so as to drive the product that is admitted into the impeller forwards and outwards towards cutting elements mounted on the cutting head. The paddles have peripheral parts located at or near the circumference of the impeller. The peripheral parts of the paddle elements are provided with replaceable, removably mounted wear parts which form a second impelling surface on the respective paddle. 2. The impeller according to claim 1 , wherein the wear parts are removably fixed to the impeller paddles.3. The impeller according to claim 1 , wherein the wear parts protrude from the first impelling surface.4. The impeller according to claim 1 , wherein the wear parts are removably fixed in a corresponding slot which is each time provided in the peripheral part of the paddle and provided to accommodate the wear parts.5. The impeller according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one annular divider plate disposed axially between said base and cover plates and generally in parallel therewith.6. The impeller according to claim 5 , wherein the wear parts function as positioning elements for positioning the at least one divider plate axially between said base and cover plates.7. The impeller according to claim 5 , wherein the at least one divider plate comprises holes dimensioned for accommodating the paddles claim 5 , said holes being located inwards from the circumference of the respective divider plate claim 5 , such that the circumference of the divider plate ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Automated fiber placement (afp) cutter blade assemblies, afp cutter systems including the same, and associated methods

Номер: US20210206016A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Automated fiber placement (AFP) cutter blade assemblies, AFP cutter systems including the same, and associated methods. An AFP cutter blade assembly includes a blade base and a reversible blade insert configured to be coupled to the blade base in either of a first cutter blade configuration, in which a first cutting edge is an active cutting edge, and a second cutter blade configuration, in which a second cutting edge is the active cutting edge. In examples, an AFP cutter system includes a plurality of AFP cutter blade assemblies in combination with an actuator assembly. In examples, a method of reconfiguring a reversible blade insert of an AFP cutter blade assembly includes uncoupling the reversible blade insert from a blade base, rotating the reversible blade insert relative to the blade base, and operatively coupling the reversible blade insert to the blade base in a different configuration.

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Automatic Enclosed Food Slicer

Номер: US20180178403A1
Автор: Vivirito Frank

An automatic enclosed food slicing apparatus including a housing defining a slicing compartment and a food compartment and including a cover. The cover has an open position allowing access to the food compartment and a closed position preventing access to the food compartment. A feed bed is located within the food compartment for placing food to be sliced, and a gripper moves the food along the feed bed and into the slicing compartment. A blade slices the food as it moves into the slicing compartment. A motor is drivingly connected to the blade to rotate the blade and drivingly connected to the gripper to move the gripper along the feed bed. A controller controls the speed at which the blade rotates, and the speed at which the gripper moves along the feed bed. A conveyor located within the slicing compartment and extending out from the slicing compartment accepts the sliced food product and through communication with the electronic controls arranges the sliced product into desirable “layout” configurations. 1. An apparatus for the automatic slicing and portioning of food product; comprising a involute rotary knife; a feed bed for the food product; a gripper configured to move the food along the feed bed and into the slicing compartment , and a conveyor to accept the sliced food product andmove sliced product away from the slicing apparatus.2. The apparatus of wherein the food product moves toward and through the involute rotating knife in order to slice the food product.3. The apparatus in comprising a horizontal shaft; a vertical knife claim 1 , a horizontal product feed bed and a vertical slicing chamber.4. The apparatus in wherein the food product once sliced falls upon an accepting conveyor to move the food product away from the slicing apparatus.5. The apparatus in which is controlled by an electronic controlling device that allows for the sliced products to fall onto the accepting conveyor and to be arranged into various desirable “layout” configurations.6. ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213644A1
Автор: TRUDEAU Leon

A cutting tool for truncating elongated structural members has a frame with a pair of parallel siderails connected at a first end by a support plate and at a second end by a removable end gate, the frame having an open center adapted to receive the structural member therethrough. The truncating is performed by a fixed penetrating blade mounted on and end gate open and a driven penetrating blade slidably disposed within the frame. Thus, the end gate has at least two penetrating blades pointing in opposite directions wherein the driven penetrating blade and the fixed penetrating blade have concave cutting edges relative to one another and configured to be adjacent to one another along the travel of the driven penetrating blade. 1. A cutting tool for truncating elongated structural members , said cutting tool comprising:a frame with a pair of parallel siderails connected at a first end by a support plate and at a second end by a removable end gate,the frame having an open center adapted to receive the structural member therethrough, a fixed penetrating blade mounted at a first side of the end gate open to the open center of the frame,', 'a driven penetrating blade slidably disposed within the frame, and', 'a mechanism connected to the driven penetrating blade to drive the driven penetrating blade towards the structural member to sever the structural member, and', 'slidable mounts to secure and guide the driven penetrating blade on the frame to allow for movement across the open center of the frame towards the fixed penetrating blade,, 'a plurality of blades including'}, 'a truncating mechanism comprising,'}wherein the end gate has at least two penetrating blades pointing in opposite directions; andwherein the driven penetrating blade and the fixed penetrating blade have concave cutting edges relative to one another and configured to be adjacent to one another along the travel of the driven penetrating blade.2. The cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the cutting edge of ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190067A1

A circular cutting blade is configured for cutting meat when turned about a rotation axis in a predetermined cutting direction. The cutting blade has a peripheral blade edge defined between the first and second sides and a plurality of circumferentially disposed cutting knives. Each cutting knife includes first and second knife sides and an arcuate knife edge that constitutes a portion of the peripheral blade edge. Each knife edge is titled and rises, relative to the rotation axis, between a first blade-edge location corresponding to a minor blade radius and a second blade-edge location corresponding to a major blade radius such that, when the circular blade is rotating in the predetermined cutting direction and cutting a work piece, the work piece first encounters the first blade-edge location of each cutting knife before encountering the second blade-edge location of that cutting knife. 1. A planar circular cutting blade configured for cutting meat when turned about a rotation axis in a predetermined cutting direction , the cutting blade comprising:a planar substrate having opposed first and second substrate sides extending along a blade plane;a single overall peripheral blade edge defined between the first and second substrate sides; and (a) when the cutting blade is rotated in the predetermined cutting direction into a work piece adjacent the overall peripheral blade edge, the work piece is encountered first by the first blade-edge location of each cutting knife; and', '(b) all of the cutting knives are uniformly configured such that the first and second knife sides of each cutting knife are both non-parallel to the blade plane and mutually converge to define a double bevel terminating at, and defining, the arcuate knife edge of that cutting knife and a portion of the single overall peripheral blade edge., 'a plurality of circumferentially disposed cutting knives, each of which cutting knives includes first and second knife sides that (i) are defined by portions ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180194028A1

Disclosed are apparatuses and methods for cutting thin film solar cells. The apparatus may include circular knife cutter rollers, each having a knife edge and coupled with a cutter arbor, support rollers, each coupled to a support arbor and having first and second outer surfaces and a circumferential gap between the first and second outer surfaces partially defined by a first side, a second side facing and offset from the first side, a first rounded edge where the first side intersects with the first outer surface, and a second sharp edge where the second side intersects with the second outer surface. The cutter arbor and support arbor are offset, and the knife cutter rollers and support rollers are axially spaced, such that one knife edge is positioned in the gap of each support roller and the web may be fed between the cutter arbor and the support arbor. 1. An apparatus for cutting a web with a first face , a second face opposite the first face and offset from the first face by a nominal thickness , the apparatus comprising:a plurality of substantially circular knife cutter rollers, each knife cutter roller having a substantially circular knife edge that is the outer-most circumferential boundary of the knife cutter roller;a cutter arbor, wherein each knife cutter roller is coupled with the cutter arbor such that the knife edges are coaxial with each other;a plurality of support rollers, each support roller having a substantially cylindrical first outer surface, a substantially cylindrical second outer surface coaxial with the first outer surface, and a circumferential gap between the first outer surface and the second outer surface, wherein each gap is partially defined by a first side, a second side that faces and is offset from the first side, a first edge where the first side intersects with the first outer surface, and a second edge where the second side intersects with the second outer surface, wherein the first edge is rounded with a first radius, and ...
