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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 5740. Отображено 200.
27-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2239059C2

Дисковая шарошка подобной конструкции с дисковым элементом небольшого диаметра применяется на карьерных добычных машинах (машинах для разработки открытым способом), в бурильных машинах и в дорожно-строительных машинах, а также в валковых дробилках. Дисковая шарошка состоит из дискового элемента, который имеет наружную клиновидную в разрезе режущую кромку и осевое отверстие и который установлен на консольно и съемно закрепленной в держателе шарошки цапфе с возможностью свободного вращения вокруг нее и в осевом направлении зафиксирован на ней с помощью комбинированного радиально-упорного подшипника. Указанная цапфа со стороны ее крепления имеет форму усеченного конуса, держатель шарошки имеет сопряженное с указанным конусом по форме коническое отверстие, цапфа соединена с держателем шарошки крепежным винтом, боковая поверхность цапфы выполняет функцию внутренней опорной поверхности комбинированного радиально-упорного подшипника. Стенка осевого отверстия в дисковом элементе выполняет функцию ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600710C2
Принадлежит: МТД ПРОДАКТС ИНК (US)

Группа изобретений относится к снегоуборочным устройствам, в частности к снегомету с тремя отдельными ступенями перемещения разрыхленного снега. Трехступенчатый снегомет содержит источник питания и корпус, функционально соединенный с источником питания. Продольный приводной вал снегомета функционально соединен с источником питания, причем по меньшей мере часть продольного приводного вала расположена в корпусе, а источник питания избирательно приводит во вращение продольный приводной вал. Поперечный приводной вал функционально соединен с продольным приводным валом и расположен перпендикулярно ему, а вращение продольного приводного вала обеспечивает вращение поперечного приводного вала. Снегомет включает первую ступень в сборе, функционально соединенную с указанным поперечным приводным валом для перемещения снега в осевом направлении относительно указанного поперечного приводного вала. Вторая ступень снегомета в сборе функционально соединена с продольным приводным валом для приема снега из ...

27-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU49540U1

Полезная модель относится к снегоочистительной технике с фрезерно-роторным рабочим органом, предназначенным для разработки снега и отбрасывания его в сторону или погрузки в транспортное средство. Снегоочиститель фрезерно-роторный используется для очистки от снега дорог и взлетно-посадочных полос аэродромов. Задачей предполагаемой полезной модели является увеличение производительности за счет полного использования мощности двигателя для привода рабочего органа при изменении дальности отброса снега. Снегоочиститель фрезерно-роторный, решающий эту задачу, содержит фрезерно-роторный рабочий орган, базовое шасси, состоящее из двигателя, коробки передач, раздаточной коробки, моста переднего, моста заднего, трансмиссии привода рабочего органа, включающей редуктор отбора мощности, редуктор привода насосов с насосами, редуктор привода рабочего органа с гидромоторами постоянной и переменной производительности, причем для привода рабочего органа используется гидромотор переменной производительности ...

16-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU3282U1

... 1. Рабочий орган роторного снегоочистителя, содержащий кожух с разгрузочным патрубком, установленный в кожухе вал, на котором посредством ступицы закреплены метатель с лопастями и рыхлитель с лопастями в виде пропеллера, отличающийся тем, что лопасти метателя выполнены упругодеформируемыми, передние концы лопастей рыхлителя и метателя свободны, а задние концы соединены между собой.2. Рабочий орган по п.1, отличающийся тем, что лопасти метателя выполнены из гибкой пружинной стали.

16-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU10188U1

Снегоочиститель, состоящий из транспортного средства, снабженного уменьшителем хода, снегоочистительного оборудования, включающего отвал, барабан с приводом и метатель, отличающийся тем, что снегоочиститель дополнительно снабжен переходной плитой с элементами крепления к транспортному средству, а рабочий орган дополнительно снабжен соединительной плитой с закрепленными на ней Г-образными захватами для соединения с переходной плитой, а привод рабочего органа выполнен гидравлическим.

06-08-2024 дата публикации

Фрезерный рабочий орган снегоуборочного оборудования

Номер: RU227788U1

Полезная модель относится к области дорожного и коммунального машиностроения, а именно к снегоуборочному оборудованию, имеющему фрезерно-роторный рабочий орган, используемый для удаления снега и отбрасывания его в сторону или погрузки в транспортное средство. Фрезерный рабочий орган снегоуборочного оборудования, включает основную трубу, по краям которой размещены съемные валы для установки в корпус снегоочистителя, на трубе в несколько заходов размещены съемные и регулируемые фрезерные лопатки, которые устанавливаются на оси с канавкой и фиксируются стержнем, фрезерные лопатки зеркально направлены к центру трубы, где расположены отбрасывающие лопатки, образующие форму трапеции, фрезерные лопатки регулируются рычажным механизмом, который соединяет каждый ряд лопаток с возможностью их одновременного регулирования, изменяя угол наклона, кронштейн регулировки механизмом расположен с тыльной стороны отбрасывающих лопаток. 3 ил.

21-10-2020 дата публикации

Фрезерно-роторный снегоуборщик на базе самоходной транспортной платформы УНИМОГ

Номер: RU200371U1

Полезная модель относится к сфере коммунальной техники. Предложен фрезерно-роторный снегоуборщик на базе самоходной транспортной платформы УНИМОГ, характеризующийся наличием самоходного шасси на базе трактора УНИМОГ с установленным на его переднем свесе перед кабиной водителя-оператора фрезерно-роторным оборудованием, содержащим короб для задания траектории снегометания, рамой, жестко закрепленной на самоходном транспортном шасси на базе трактора УНИМОГ после кабины водителя-оператора, установленным на раме защитным экраном, выполненным с возможностью поворота из транспортного положения в рабочее положение посредством гидроцилиндров, гидравлических рукавов, подключенных посредством быстроразъемных муфт к гидравлической системе трактора УНИМОГ, дополнительный защитный экран, выполненный на защитном экране, крепежные цепи, сопряженные с рамой демпферы и, по меньшей мере, один габаритный ограничитель на заднем свесе трактора УНИМОГ, при этом корпуса гидроцилиндров взаимодействуют с рамой благодаря ...

10-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU49025U1

Полезная модель относится к снегоочистительной технике с фрезерно-роторным рабочим органом, предназначенным для разработки снега и отбрасывания его в сторону или погрузки в транспортное средство. Снегоочиститель фрезерно-роторный используется для очистки от снега дорог и взлетно-посадочных полос аэродромов. Задачей предполагаемой полезной модели является повышение качества очистки дорог. Снегоочиститель фрезерно-роторный, решающий эту задачу, содержит базовое самоходное шасси, фрезерно-роторный рабочий орган, подвеску рабочего органа. Подвеска рабочего органа включает раму, выполняющей роль тяги, гидроцилиндры подъема, тяги-цилиндры, причем тяги-цилиндры могут изменять свою длину.

23-12-2022 дата публикации

Снегоочиститель отбрасывающего действия с вертикальным ротором

Номер: RU215725U1

Полезная модель относится к удалению снега или льда с дорог или дорожных покрытий устройствами с вращающимися или движущимися по окружности, например роторы или фрезы, элементами посредством использования конструкции снегоочистителя с вертикальной компоновочной схемой установки оси ротора фрезы, что приведет к повышению энергоэффективности процесса транспортирования вырезанной снежной массы в область загрузочного окна. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что вертикальная компоновочная схема установки оси ротора фрезы снегоочистителя позволит перемещать снежную массу с минимальными затратами мощности для последующего отбрасывания. Фреза представляет собой полый цилиндрический барабан с вертикально установленными на боковой поверхности режущими элементами. Используя две рядом расположенные фрезы, вращающиеся в противоположном направлении, можно захватывать, срезать и перемещать снежную массу. Такую конструкцию можно рассматривать как один блок снегоочистителя. При этом для изменения ...

02-09-2021 дата публикации

Фреза для удаления льдообразований с дорожных покрытий

Номер: RU206257U1

Полезная модель относится к рабочим органам техники и может использоваться для содержания автодорог и пешеходной зоны в зимний период.Задача полезной модели - повышение качества удаления льдообразований с дорожных покрытий без ущерба последнему.Предлагается фреза для удаления льдообразований с дорожных покрытий, содержащая барабан, размещенные на барабане резцы, установленные в продольной плоскости, а также передние опоры резцов.Конструктивными особенностями предлагаемой фрезы для удаления льдообразований является то, что резцы выполнены в виде плоских ножей, установленных под углом 10° относительно продольной плоскости, резцы прикреплены непосредственно к барабану при помощи винтов с потайной головкой, а передние опоры резцов представляют собой установочный винт.Предлагаемая конструкция способствует повышению производительности и качества удаления льдообразований с дорожных покрытий без ущерба последнему. Кроме того, она достаточно проста в изготовлении.

20-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU145504U1

... 1. Уборочная машина с одной щеткой, включающая:кузов, снабженный колесами, установленными под днищем;механизм привода, установленный на кузове и используемый для передачи мощности уборочной машине;щетка установлена на одном из концов кузова, щетка включает держатель для щетинок и множество щетинок, обращенных к земле и установленных на держателе для щетинок;первый трансмиссионный механизм установлен между механизмом привода и щеткой и используется для передачи мощности от механизма привода щетке; иуправляющий механизм, включающий управляющий рычаг, расположенный на другом конце кузова, управляющий рычаг снабжен управляющим терминалом, управляющий терминал соединен с механизмом привода.2. Уборочная машина с одной щеткой по п.1, дополнительно включающая второй трансмиссионный механизм, второй трансмиссионный механизм установлен между механизмом привода и колесами для передачи мощности от механизма привода колесам.3. Уборочная машина с одной щеткой по п.1, где держатель для щетинок представляет ...

10-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU14590U1

РЕФЕРАТ Сй«г©очйстнт| ль фрезерш-рсториый Заявитель: Государственное увртарнбе првдприйтие Конструкторское бюро трАргслортиого мшцйностроения Автор.: В.В.Беляев, Е..М.Куракий, Ю.В.Паяов, А.В.Сорокин I 01 Н 5/09 Е 01 Н 5ДЮ Полезная модежь отмосктс к ©6iiicf до сажных машки и предназншена .ддв очйсгкв дорсг, улвд и Tti piwoDMt ©т QprtPii. Изевстдае m«fOp№if отегеочйститвл гголиой fept соOfitTCTiyDT TT e60Bi.fFj.M по йж эжспдуа Ащи, в частности по возможности мэмемять дальность и мапрАмеиие шброга снега из к&бкмы оператора. Цель полезной мод§дм - улучшеиве экс11жу&т цйОнньтх характеристик снегоечиститвдя i гювышежй ег© те:ш1ческог© уровня. Н©вмм явжяется то, что в жачеотвв прйв©да поворота ротора использовамьд пдромотбр, жестко з крепл@кный на тыльной стороне отвала и смабженйьШ звездочкой, установдеммой на выходном ваду, w тяговал цепь, вэаимодейзтрующая с ведущей зввздочк©, м свободными к©н,1аьи шаршрно связанная с охватмвавмей пвдшдр1Р1еск§й новерхйОстью кОжуха ...

20-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2143027C1

Изобретение относится к дорожно-строительному и коммунальному машиностроению. Машина содержит установленные на автогрейдерном шасси (1) плужный снегоочиститель (15), установленный впереди машины, и плужно-роторный снегоочиститель (8), установленный между осями шасси и закрепленный на поворотном круге (3) тяговой рамы с возможностью поворота в плане, подъема и перекоса в вертикальной плоскости и выноса относительно оси шасси. Изобретение позволяет повысить эффективность уборки. 3 ил.

10-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291244C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для содержания дорожных покрытий. Ротор шнекороторного очистителя содержит кожух с загрузочным окном и окном выхода и установленный в кожухе диск со ступицей с жестко закрепленными на нем лопастями с наружными кромками, обращенными к загрузочному окну. Каждая из лопастей размещена на диске вертикально по отношению к его плоскости и под острым углом по отношению к полярной оси, проходящей через центр вращения ротора и ближайшую точку в месте крепления лопасти к ступице, с образованием внутреннего острого угла между лопастью и тангенциальным вектором к траектории конца лопасти. Загрузочное окно кожуха конфигурировано фасонной торцевой накладкой. Каждая из лопастей может быть установлена под углом 20-70 градусов по отношению к полярной оси, при этом наружная кромка каждой из лопастей может быть отогнута на 10-40 градусов и ориентирована при этом в сторону вращения ротора. Технический результат - наименьшее рассеивание и сопротивление снежной массы и увеличение ...

24-09-2021 дата публикации

Фреза для дорожных обочин

Номер: RU2756033C1

Изобретение может быть использовано для планировки дорожных обочин и откосов при строительстве, а также поддержания их в нормальном для эксплуатации состоянии. Технический результат - расширение эксплуатационных возможностей фрезы за счет очистки и планировки обочин в труднодоступных местах при обеспечении тщательной очистки дорожной обочины с произвольным уклоном. Фреза для дорожных обочин содержит винтовой рабочий орган, который консольно соединен с валом подшипникового узла с гидравлическим мотором. Подшипниковый узел закреплен в соединительном корпусе, с которым шарнирно соединен навесной узел с гидроцилиндрами для перемещения рабочего винтового органа. Навесной узел выполнен в виде рамы, состоящей из двух телескопически соединенных между собой секций, выполненных с возможностью перемещения относительно друг друга в горизонтальной плоскости. На торце одной секции рамы закреплена прямоугольная плита, к которой прикреплена с возможностью перемещения в вертикальной плоскости дополнительная ...

20-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004107911A

Рабочий орган машины, очищающей дороги от льда и снежного наката, содержащий диск с пружинами, отличающийся тем, что на диске закреплен каждый виток пружин.

15-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2022106603A

20-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93043784A

Изобретение относится к коммунальному машиностроению, в частности к снегоуборочному оборудованию, имеющему роторный рабочий орган. Целью изобретения является увеличение эффективности работы снегоуборочного оборудования. Рабочий орган роторного снегоочистителя содержит корпус с загрузочным окном и установленные в корпусе питатель, выполненный в виде лопастей винтовых фрез встречной навивки, имеющих зубцы на режущей кромке, рассекатель, закрепленный в средней части питателя, два режущих кольцевых диска с зубцами, расположенных перед загрузочным окном, лопатки, закрепленные на кольцевых дисках со стороны фрез, и рассекатель, расположенный между дисками. Лопатки закреплены между внутренней и наружной образующими кольца диска под углом к радиусу диска. Каждый второй зубец лопастей винтовых фрез отогнут на острый угол по отношению к поверхности лопастей в направлении перемещения снежной массы вдоль питателя. Зубцы кольцевых дисков отогнуты поочередно в разные стороны на острые углы по отношению ...

27-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94023959A

Использование в области машиностроения при работе различных уборочных машин, в частности снегоочистителей и комбайнов непрерывного действия, преимущественно с механической трансмиссией. Задачей изобретения является оптимизация процесса уборки за счет автоматизированного изменения тягового усилия машины, а также автоматического изменения скорости вращения рабочего органа в зависимости от значения тягового сопротивления движению уборочной машины. Для этого в способе, включающем измерение рабочих параметров машины, сравнение их с интервальными установленными значениями и изменение скорости движения машины в соответствии с результатами сравнения, в качестве рабочего параметра для каждой передачи машины измеряют значения скорости вращения рабочего органа и значение силы тягового сопротивления движению. При этом для каждой передачи машины устанавливают интервальные значения тяговых сопротивлений движению. Подбирают интервал тяговых сопротивлений, включающий текущее значение тягового сопротивления ...

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012130777A

... 1. Самоходная поверхностная фреза, снабженная рабочим агрегатом, включающим в себя приводимый во вращательное движение корпус (9) барабана, а также по меньшей мере один приводной узел (7) барабана, который помещен внутри корпуса (9) барабана и образует по меньшей мере одну часть вращаемой опоры корпуса (9) барабана на опорной раме (33) барабана, при этом по меньшей мере один приводной узел (7) барабана имеет неподвижную, закрепленную на опорной раме (33) барабана часть (50) привода и вращаемую, соединенную с корпусом (9) барабана часть (51) привода, отличающаяся тем, что вращаемая часть (51) привода опирается на корпус (9) барабана посредством геометрически замыкаемого захватывающего соединения (53) с передачей крутящего момента, но с возможностью продольного перемещения.2. Самоходная поверхностная фреза по п.1, причем захватывающее соединение имеет зубчатое зацепление (54), включающее в себя первую зубчатую часть (55) на вращаемой части (50) привода и вторую зубчатую часть (56) на корпусе ...

10-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95119320A

Одноприводный шнеко-роторный рабочий орган снегоуборочной машины, содержащий кожух, выгрузную трубу, левый и правый шнеки, роторный аппарат состоящий из кармашков-лопаток, при этом шнеки и роторный аппарат, жестко установлены на одном валу, отличающийся тем, что кармашки-лопатки обрадованы сходящимися в центре витками левого и правого шнеков и ширина роторного аппарата, и параметры шнека связаны соотношением: Bр = 1,1...1,3 (Dш -dш), где Bр - ширина ротора Dш - наружный диаметр шнека (диаметр шнека по виткам), dш - внутренний диаметр шнека (диаметр вала шнека).

15-10-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для исследования роторных метателей снегоочистителей

Номер: SU1684614A1

Изобретение относится к машинам для зимнего содержания дорог, городских территорий и аэродромов, преимущественно типа роторных снегоочистителей. Цель изобретения - повышение точности результатов исследований и уменьшение габаритных размеров. На подвижной раме 1 монтируют роторный метатель 3 по оси емкостей , которые расположены одна за другой поперек направления перемещения рамы на галерее 7 мегзния. Галерея метания жестко соединена с рамой, а емкзсти расположены по кривой в вертикальной плоскости. 1 з.п. ф-лы. 3 ил.

31-10-1933 дата публикации

Приспособление для очистки трамвайных путей о снега или сора

Номер: SU32534A1
Автор: Розин М.В.

31-05-1929 дата публикации


Номер: SU9458A1
Автор: Потапов М.Г.

07-02-1984 дата публикации

Метательный аппарат снегоочистителя

Номер: SU1071686A2

... 1. МЕТАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АППАРАТ СНЕГООЧИСТИТЕЛЯ по авт. св. № 988954, . отличающийся тем,, что, с целью снижения материалоемкости и повышения производительности путем получения перегретого водяного пара из транспортируемого снега, он снабжен испарительной камерой, закрепленной на неподвижном кожухе, сообщенной с ним окном и связанной трубопроводом с источником перегретого пара, а также управляемой заслонкой, установленной в окне. 2.Аппарат по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что окно образовано в нижнем квадранте сектора разгона снега лопастным ротором, а управляемая заслонка установлена тангенциально в направлении вращения ротора . 3.Аппарат по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что испарительная камера снабжена разделительной перегородкой, установленной с зазором относительно дна камеры.

07-05-1968 дата публикации

Ледофрезерная машина

Номер: SU217408A1

15-06-1992 дата публикации

Винтовой питатель

Номер: SU1740292A1

Использование: механизация сельского хозяйства, а именно грузозахватные устройства (питатели) погрузчиков непрерывного действия, преимущественно для погрузки связных, слежавшихся и уплотненных сельскохозяйственных грузов. Сущность изобретения: винтовой питатель содержит вал с установленными на нем кронштейнами с косынками к которым крепится лента 4 винтовых лопастей фрезы. К ленте 4 крепятся вкладыш 5 и два типа зубьев: первые с основаниями 6 и режущими кромками 7. расположенными в плоскостях, касательных к поверхности цилиндра вращения питателя, вторые -с основаниями 8 и режущими кромками 9, расположенными в диаметральных плоскостях. Основания зубьев и вкладыш закрываются накладкой 10. Вкладыш 5, накладка 10 и основания зубьев 6 и 8 крепятся к ленте болтами с потайными головками соответственно 11 и 12. 5 ил.

05-01-1976 дата публикации

Рабочий орган снегоуборочной машины

Номер: SU498389A1

13-09-1972 дата публикации

Рабочий орган снегоочистителя

Номер: SU350899A1
Автор: Базарев А.И.

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Ротор дорожного снегоочистителя

Номер: SU80824A1

10-10-1960 дата публикации


Номер: SU130540A1

01-01-1938 дата публикации

Приемная часть снегоочистителя

Номер: SU53939A1

30-11-1979 дата публикации

Метательный аппарат роторного снегоочистителя

Номер: SU700590A1

23-07-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для увлажнения снега в снегоочистителе

Номер: SU1495409A1

Изобретение относится к машинам для очистки дорог от снега и строительству снежно-ледовых дорог. Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности путем увлажнения всей массы снега. Устройство для увлажнения снега в снегоочистителе содержит лопастной ротор 1, корпус 2 которого сообщен с испарительной камерой 8 и выбросным патрубком 3. При разгоне снега ротором 1 часть снега поступает в камеру 8, где он растапливается и минерализуется солью из бункера 12. Образующийся пар через пароперегреватель 6 подается в патрубок 3 и увлажняет снег, подающийся ротором 1. Минерализованная вода впрыскивается в патрубок 3 форсункой 16. СВЧ-индуктор 17 способствует разогреву впрыскиваемой воды, создавая условия для равномерного увлажнения всей массы снега. 2 ил.

15-01-1983 дата публикации

Рабочий орган снегоочистителя

Номер: SU988955A1

23-01-1993 дата публикации

Роторный снегоочиститель

Номер: SU1790009A1

Использование: в транспортных средствах . Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит два вала 1 и 2 с установленными на них роторами 4 и 5. Ротор со шнеками размещен на одном валу, который одним концом посредством конической передачи кинематически соединен с концом другого вала. Продольные оси валов размещены под острым углом одна к другой. Один из валов посредством передачи кинематически соединен с двигателем. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

07-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: SU1449621A1

Изобретение относится к механизации снегоуборочных работ, а именно к очистке поверхностей, и может быть использовано в коммунальном хозяйстве для очистки снега с крьпп. Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности путем снижения энергоемкости . Снегоочиститель содержит рабочий орган 1, состоящий из двух лопастных метателей 2 и 3, размешенных на раме 8 соосно, сходящиеся концы метателей соединены с двигателем 11 через муфты 17 и редуктор 12. Противоположные концы валов метателей закреплены в подшипниках якорей 15 электромагнитных возбудителей 14. С помошью регулятора частоты напряжения питания электромагнитных возбудителей 23 мржно менять частоту вибрации лопастных метателей 2 з,п.ф-лы, 4 ил. ю // 9иг.1 ...

23-03-1988 дата публикации

Роторный метатель снегоочистителя

Номер: SU1382896A1

Изобретение относится к ..м для уборки дорог от снега. Целью изобретения является повьиление эффективности работы нутем увеличения пропускной способности снегоочистителя. Роторный метатель состоит из корпуса 1, в которо.м соосно установлены приводной метатель 2 с лопастями 3 и связанный с ним посредством no)ui- жаюшей передачи 5, 6 и 7 до11олните;1ь- ный метатель с диском 8. на котором размещены лопасти 9. Направление вращения приводного метателя 2 и дополните. 1ь- ного метателя совпадают, а диаметр допо.- нительного метателя превышает диаметр приводного метателя. При работе снегоочистителя снег поступает в пентра.|ьную часть корпуса 1 и отбрасывается лопастями 3 па . юпасти 9 дополнительного метателя. Частицы снега при поступлении на лопасти 9 имеют значительную окружн) Ю скорость, что способствуе их ускоренному выходу из корпуса 1 и увеличению дальности отбрасывания снега в сторону. 2 ил.

23-01-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для исследования физических моделей дорожных машин

Номер: SU1136058A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИ ФИЗИЧЕСКИХ МОДЕЛЕЙ ДОРОЖНЫХ МАШИН, преимущественно шнекороторных снего очистителей, содерх ее контейнер с имитатором дорожной среды, установленный на раме посредством шарнира , физическую модель с приводом, размещенную в контейнере, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повьшения точности исследования путем полного учета дорожных условий и сопротивления разрабатываемой среды, оно снабжено имитатором сопротивления разрабатываемой среды и бокового нагружения модели, включающим в себя гибкое звено с балластным грузом, прикрепленное свобрдным концом к физической модели с возможностью изменения точки закрепления в поперечном направлении , a шариир установки контейнера выполнен сферическим .

15-11-1986 дата публикации

Роторный снегоочиститель

Номер: SU1270202A1

Изобретение относится к машинам для зимнего содержания автомобильных дорог. Целью изобретения является повышение эффективности путем устранения залипания снега в направляющем аппарате. Фрезерный питатель 2 захватывает снег с дороги и забрасывает его вверх к лопастному ротору 5, который вращается от гидромотора. При попадании на ротор 5 снег вновь разгоняется до высокой скорости и выбрасывается наружу без залипания на изгибе желоба направляющего аппарата 4. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

15-03-1987 дата публикации

Рабочий орган роторного снегоочистителя

Номер: SU1296661A2

Изобретение относится к снегоочистительным машинам. Целью изобретения является повышение эффективности нутем снижения энергоемкости. Рабочий орган, роторного снегоочистителя содержит питатели 3, установленные на поворотной нлат- форме 25 в обойме 9 с передней стенкой 14. На передней стенке 14 закреплены основные сопла 21, сообщенные с компрессором 20 и направленные в сторону задней стенки 15 обоймы 9 с отверстия.ми. Перед ротором 4 установлен отражатель 33 с отверстиями. При работе снег захватывается питателями 3 и подается к ротору 4. Сжатый воздух из сопл 21 проходит в ротор 4 и воздействует на снег, снижая энергоемкость процесса взаимодействия лопастей ротора 4 с выбрасываемым снегом. 4 ил. (Л 2526 j; &-6 ю со 05 05 О5 29 2в 31 27 1 fe «ч ...

23-05-1973 дата публикации

Ротор снегоочистителя

Номер: SU383773A1

07-02-1984 дата публикации

Роторный снегоочиститель

Номер: SU1071685A1

РОТОРНЫЙ СНЕГООЧИСТИТЕЛЬ , содержащий кожух с торцовым загрузочным окном, ротор, установленный в кожухе на приводном валу, редуктор, кинематически связанный с валом, отличающийся тем, что, с целью увеличения пропускной способности ротора и снижения металлоемкости , кожух выполнен в виде двух обращенных верщинами в сторону загрузочного окна и установленных соосно внутреннего и внещнего усеченных конусов с общим основанием, при этом редуктор размещен в полости, ограниченной внутренним конусом. f/ Ш (Л О5 00 ел ...

01-01-1957 дата публикации

Ротор снегоочистителя

Номер: SU109366A1
Автор: Зинько А.В.

31-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003924646A1

A road-sweeping lorry for sweeping road surfaces consists of a front unit (1) and a rear unit (3) interconnected by a connecting unit (2). A sweeping device (4) with a cylinder broom is arranged between the front unit and the rear unit. The length of the connecting unit (2) can be varied telescopically, and therefore the distance between the front unit (1) and the rear unit (3) can be varied.

23-11-1961 дата публикации

An einem Schubfahrzeug befestigter Vorbau-Schneepflug

Номер: DE0001117629B

06-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019821052B4

Schneeschleudermaschine bzw. Schneefräse mit einem Motor (E) und einer davon angetriebenen Achsantriebseinheit, umfassend: ein Gehäuse (1,2), eine in dem Gehäuse (1, 2) angeordnete und darin gelagerte Achse (7), ein in dem Gehäuse (1, 2) angeordnetes Hydraulikgetriebe mit einer von dem Motor (E) angetriebenen Hydraulikpumpe (P) und einem von der Hydraulikpumpe (P) mit Öl unter Druck beaufschlagbaren Hydraulikmotor (M), wobei die Achse (7) über eine Motorwelle (4) des Hydraulikmotors (M) angetrieben wird, sowie ein an dem Gehäuse (1,2) angeordnetes Antriebssperrsystem mit einem auf der Motorwelle (4) des Hydraulikmotors (M) angeordneten ersten Sperrelement (19) und einem zweiten Sperrelement (66), das mit dem ersten Sperrelement (19) in Eingriff bringbar ist, um dadurch die Drehung der Motorwelle (4) zu verhindern.

24-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003518442C2

06-02-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001459640A1

01-05-1963 дата публикации

A snow remover

Номер: GB0000924673A

... 924,673. Snow-removing apparatus. A. LAMY, and U. BOISVERT. May 2, 1959, No. 15063/59. Class 107. In a snow-removing apparatus, the snow and ice are broken down and fed to impelleroperated discharge means. An open-fronted snow-receiving casing 1 is propelled in front of a prime mover and provided with a circular opening 3 in its back wall which leads to a rotary impeller for ejecting snow through an orientable shoot 4. The casing supports two horizontal shafts 2 which extend in front of the opening 3 and are rotated by power means (not shown). The shafts are provided with elongated parallel sided radial blades 5 in front of the opening 3 and sector-shaped blades 6 attached to the remainder of the shafts. The leading edges of blades 6 are in planes perpendicular to the shaft and their trailing edges are inclined towards the impeller opening. The radially outer leading edges of the lower set of blades are provided with detachable teeth or hammers 7. In operation, the hammers and leading edges ...

23-09-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for removing unwanted material from the ground

Номер: GB0002524350A

An apparatus for removing material from the ground is disclosed, with a path-clearing blade, a vehicle mounting, a body supporting the blade, and a jointed connection between the vehicle mounting and the body permitting the axis of the blade and body to rotate within a plane parallel to the ground. The jointed connection has first and second pivot arm each pivotally connected about a proximal axis of rotation relative to the vehicle mounting and pivotally connected about a distal axis of rotation relative to the body. As the body's axis rotates in the clockwise sense, the first and second arms each pivot counterclockwise about their respective proximal axes of rotation, and vice versa. The arms are preferably disposed above the body and the distal axes of rotation are mounted forwardly of the rear edge of a horizontal rotating brush mounted in the body behind the blade.

20-08-2014 дата публикации

Improvements in or Relating to Multi-Purpose Equipment and Method of Clearing Snow

Номер: GB0002510924A

A module for converting a lawnmower or strimmer or bushcutter into a snow clearing device is disclosed. The module includes two blades 10 rotate around a central vertical pivot 17 and may have brushes on each end to move the snow. The blades may also include vanes to move the snow into the rear chamber or to a snow outlet. The module may also use heat from the lawn mower engine to melt the snow aiding its removal. The blades can be removed and replaced if they get damaged. A shield 16 may be located around the blades and would include the snow outlet. Hover mowers may also be converted using the same method. An attachment for vehicles is also disclosed.

12-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390087B

15-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA247986A

15-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA903584A

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489506T

15-04-2020 дата публикации

Device for conveying and ejecting bulk material or snow

Номер: AT0000521690B1

Bei einer Vorrichtung zum Fördern und Auswerfen von Schüttgut oder Schnee, umfassend wenigstens eine ein rohrförmiges, am Umfang teilweise offenes Fördergehäuse (1) aufweisende Fördervorrichtung, deren Förderrichtung im Wesentlichen in Richtung der Rohrachse (5) verläuft, und wenigstens eine in Förderrichtung an die wenigstens eine Fördervorrichtung anschließende Auswurfschleuder mit einem wenigstens einen Auswurfhebel (9) aufweisenden Schleuderrad (8), welches in einem eine Auswurföffnung (25) aufweisenden Schleuderradgehäuse (11) angeordnet und zu Rotation um eine Rotationsachse (12) antreibbar ist, weist das Fördergehäuse (1) einen geringeren Durchmesser auf als das Schleuderrad (8) und die Rohrachse (5) ist in einem vertikalen Normalabstand parallel unterhalb der Rotationsachse (12) des Schleuderrades (8) angeordnet.

15-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000092875A

15-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000444977A

11-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355087B

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012264U1

TIFF 00000010.TIF 294 208 ...

15-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000054349T

15-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000056232T

15-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000048455T

15-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000085824T

15-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000060386T

15-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000036018T

15-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012946U1

Schneeräumvorrichtung (1) für ein Schneeräumfahrzeug, welche zumindest ein rotierbares Werkzeug (2) zum Auswurf von Schnee aus zumindest einem Auswurf schacht (3) der Schneeräumvorrichtung (1) aufweist, wobei das Werkzeug (2) um eine Werkzeugrotationsachse (4) rotierbar in einem Gehäuse (5) der Schneeräumvorrichtung (1) gelagert ist, wobei eine Gehäusewand (6) des Gehäuses (5) das Werkzeug (2) zumindest bereichsweise umgibt und der Auswurfschacht (3) eine Auswurföffnung (7) in der Gehäusewand (6) zumindest teilweise umgibt und am Gehäuse (5) angeordnet ist, wobei zwischen dem Werkzeug (2) und der Gehäusewand (6) zumindest bereichsweise zumindest eine Verschleißschutzzwischenwand (8) angeordnet ist.

25-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000327986B

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000320529T

26-08-1974 дата публикации

Snow removal machine with a carrier vehicle

Номер: AT0000317286B

10-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331299B

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000294283T

10-03-1971 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000288475B

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Snow Thrower

Номер: AU2019323496A1

Disclosed is a snowplow (100), comprising: a first drive shaft (142a) capable of rotating about a first axis (101); a snow sweeping paddle (151), comprising a snow sweeping blade (152b) mounted on the first drive shaft (142a); a second drive shaft (143a) capable of rotating about a second axis (102); a snow throwing paddle (152) comprising a snow throwing paddle base (152a) mounted on the second drive shaft (143a) and a snow throwing blade (152b) mounted on the snow throwing paddle base (152a), the second axis (102) being perpendicular to the first axis (101); a ground wheel assembly (16) configured to support the snowplow (100) such that the snowplow (100) can move on the ground; a first electric motor (131) configured to drive the ground wheel assembly (16) to rotate; a second electric motor (132) configured to drive the snow sweeping paddle (151) to rotate about the first axis (101) and drive the snow throwing paddle (151) to rotate about the second axis (102); a first deceleration assembly ...

16-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002598058C

... ²Arrangement for fixing brush elements (9, 10) to a rotatable brush frame ²formed of ²shaft (3) and flanges fixed to it and in which assembly the direction of ²bristles (9) is ²fitted essentially in the direction of the radius of the rotatable brush unit. ²Brush ²elements (9, 10) are locked on shaft (3) by means of oblong elements, as tubes ²(1) in ²shaft (3) direction, which tubes are from their both ends fixed to flanges in ²order to ²remain in place by means of parts in the flanges, which parts are from the end ²of tubes ²(1) fitted to the inside of the tubes.² ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3133090A1

Implements (100; 100'; 100"; 200), such as snow blower implements and buckets, have a frame (122; 122'; 122"; 222) forming a housing with at least one aperture (262; 264) arranged to provide improved visibility for an operator of a power machine (10) on which the implement is mounted.

26-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1260964A

An improved snowthrower (2) includes a housing (4) having a pair of traction wheels (20) carried thereon. Pivot arms (24) pivotably journal traction wheels (20) to the housing (4) for movement between a first position approximately beneath the center of gravity of the snowthrower to a rearward position. A control system (60) selectively swings the wheels between these two positions to obtain more downward force on the front of the snowthrower housing when hard packed or deep snow is encountered. The control system (60) includes a single control handle (62) for both manipulating the traction wheels (20) and for operating the transmission (46).

21-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1099750A

In a snow-removing device including a slinger-wheel, the slinger-wheel is preceded by a cutting and conveying mechanism consisting of individual cutting-ejecting segments angularly spaced apart. Cutting elements ensure that wet or hard-frozen snow is broken up and cut loose. Conveying-ejecting elements pass the cut-up snow to the slinger-sheel and provide suitable preliminary acceleration of the snow. The ends of the conveying-ejecting elements are secured to two cutting elements displaced circumferentially in relation to each other by approximately 60 to 120.degree.. Each cutting-ejecting segment comprises at least two conveying-ejecting elements with approximately constant radial spacing along their entire length.

30-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1241213A

POWER TAKEOFF SHAFT ARRANGEMENT FOR A ROAD VEHICLE A power takeoff attachment for a conventional road vehicle includes a base member with a rod extending transversely thereto and of a length so that the outer end thereof can be inserted into a pivot coupling for example provided by a V-shaped space between the torsion bar bracket and the frame of the vehicle. A rear edge of the base can be bolted to the transverse beam of the frame of the vehicle with the angle of the base being adjusted by the bolted connection. The base carries bearing blocks which support the power takeoff shaft and in one example an electric clutch. Drive is communicated to the shaft via chain or belt coupling from a sprocket mounted at the pulley of the vehicle engine and attached to the pulley by bolts which pass into the pulley and into the crank shaft. The power takeoff shaft including a splinted recess is exposed at a front end of the vehicle and can be used to drive an implement for example a snowblower or pump ...

16-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001303555C
Принадлежит: DEERE & CO, DEERE & COMPANY

LIFT SYSTEM FOR FRONT-MOUNTED IMPLEMENTS FOR LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTORS A front-mounted snowblower is pivotally attached to a mid-mount location at the underside of a tractor frame by a pair of lift arms that extend between the tractor front wheels. A rockshaft is pivotally attached to the snowblower at a location forwardly of the tractor and is linked to brackets carried by the tractor axle. The rockshaft includes a transversely offset arm to which the forward end of a lift link is coupled, the rear end of the lift link being coupled to a lift handle located beside the tractor operator station and secured to the outer end of a support bracket fixed to rear end portions of the lift arms. The mounting of the handle to the bracket releases the handle from the bracket upon the handle being swung forwardly beyond a normal working range thereby permitting the implement lift arms to be moved between the tractor front wheels during attachment and detachment operations.

15-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1167478A
Принадлежит: CASE CO J I, CASE (J.I.) COMPANY

A snow caster for use as a snow blower is disclosed having auger units which rotate and propel snow toward a fan rotating at a higher speed to propel the snow from the snow caster. The fan is fixed on a drive shaft which extends within the auger units and is operably connected to the auger units by a speed reduction means. The positions of the auger units are maintained by idler rollers included with the speed reduction means.

26-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1117151A

A snow thrower having an impeller which has forward facing blades which extend a short distance inward from the periphery of the impeller is disclosed. The impeller blades are substantially rigid during operation, and the impeller cooperates with two side walls and a continuous rear wall which form the active impeller housing. The continuous rear wall has a first portion whose cross section is a circular arc and generally follows the periphery of the impeller mounted within it. The rear wall has a second portion which extends forward and upward to define a substantially planar snow guiding surface which in normal operation, guides the snow forwardly and upwardly as it leaves the area of interaction with the impeller.

30-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA986543A

15-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001167478A1

11-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002425116A1

A method of snow plough from a site using a snowplough with at least two plough blades (5) forming together a ploughing angle and there being on the ploughing site fixed objects, such as airport lamps (1), rising over the site surface. In the method, when the snow plough faces an object, the plough front end is opened and the area, with the object on it, left unploughed by the open front end, is cleaned by means of brushes (6, 7) in the rear of the plough front end.

16-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001240712A1

10-05-2016 дата публикации

Тележка-скребок с электромеханическим приводом

Номер: RU0000161861U1

Тележка-скребок с электромеханическим приводом, содержащая раму, кузов, ось, два колеса, реверсивный электромотор-редуктор, аккумулятор, контроллер электромотора, штангу, рукоятку с поперечной упорной планкой, отличающаяся тем, что кузов с трех сторон с высотой бортов двадцать процентов его ширины жестко установлен на раму под углом 25-30 градусов относительно днища рамы, ось установлена поперечно на двух подшипниках в средней части рамы с закрепленными по концам колесами, которая уже ширины кузова на десять процентов, реверсивный электромотор-редуктор, передающий крутящий момент через цепной привод, закреплен на раме позади оси, штанга, продольно соединенная посередине задней части рамы шарниром, регулируется в продольно-вертикальной плоскости и фиксируется затяжным болтом, рукоятка, установленная на другом конце штанги шарнирно и фиксируемая затяжным болтом, имеет форму вытянутого по ширине прямоугольника круглого сечения с вертикальной поперечиной посередине и снабжена кнопками управления электромотором, поперечная упорная планка соединена с нижней стороной рукоятки двумя шарнирами, один из которых имеет затяжной болт для фиксации положения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК E01H 5/04 (13) 161 861 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015145254/13, 19.10.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.10.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Комаров Александр Ануфриевич (RU) 2015109421 17.03.2015 R U Приоритет(ы): (23) Дата поступления дополнительных материалов к ранее поданной заявке: 11.06.2015 , (72) Автор(ы): Комаров Александр Ануфриевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2016 Бюл. № 13 1 6 1 8 6 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Тележка-скребок с электромеханическим приводом, содержащая раму, кузов, ось, два колеса, реверсивный электромотор-редуктор, аккумулятор, контроллер электромотора, штангу, рукоятку с поперечной упорной планкой, отличающаяся тем ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239447A1
Автор: Iacona Ignazio

A removable plow attachment for a snow blower or thrower is provided. A plow attachment in accordance with the present disclosure includes a plow member and hook-shaped brackets. The plow member is an arcuate shaped member configured for moving or plowing loose material such as snow, slush, etc. The plow member is removably coupled to the snow blower by the hook-shaped brackets and fasteners. L-shaped angling members are provided on the plow member. The brackets and the L-shaped angling members are configured so that the angle of the plow member relative to the snow blower and the surface being plowed can be adjusted. 1. A plow attachment for a snow blower , the plow attachment comprising:an arcuate plow member having parallel top and bottom edges and parallel side edges extending therebetween, first and second openings formed between the top and bottom edges and spaced inward from the side edges;first and second hook-shaped brackets having integrally formed vertical and horizontal portions extending at a substantially right angle from one another, a first elongated slot formed in the vertical portion and a second elongated slot formed in the horizontal portion;first and second plow member fastening portions for removably fastening the first and second hook-shaped brackets to the plow member, the first and second plow member fastening portions being configured for insertion through the elongated slots in the vertical portions of the first and second hook-shaped bracket member and the opening formed in the plow member; andfirst and second snow blower fastening portions for removably coupling the first and second hook-shaped brackets to the snow blower, the first and second snow blower fastening portions being configured to be inserted through the elongated slots in the horizontal portions of the first and second hook-shaped bracket members and through openings formed in the snow blower.2. The plow attachment of claim 1 , further comprising:first and second L-shaped ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Automatically adjustable snowthrower chute

Номер: US20140013633A1
Принадлежит: Briggs and Stratton Corp

A snowthrower includes a body, a chute rotatable relative to the body among multiple chute positions, wherein the chute is configured to discharge snow from the snowthrower, a motor for rotating the chute, a chute position detector configured to detect a current chute position, a compass sensor configured to detect a snowthrower bearing, and an electronic control unit configured to, in a compass guidance operating mode, control the motor to move the chute to an appropriate chute position to maintain the chute at a preferred chute bearing in response to a comparison of the snowthrower bearing detected by the compass sensor and the current chute position detected by the chute position detector.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Discharge Pipe for Snow Blower

Номер: US20140059899A1
Автор: Lee Jang Yong

Provided is a discharge pipe for a snow blower, which is mounted on the snow blower, and is capable of easily removing snow covered on an inner wall of a conveyance duct in the process of discharging snow introduced from the snow blower to the outside. 1. A discharge pipe for a snow blower , which is mounted on the snow blower and discharges internally introduced snow to an outside , comprising:a box-shaped body having an inlet and an outlet through which the snow is introduced and discharged and an opening in an upper portion thereof at a side of the outlet;a cover plate having a predetermined area and slidably coupled to the body so as to cover the opening; anda scraper having a shape of a bar having a predetermined length and disposed on the side of the outlet so as to come into line or surface contact with a lower surface of the cover plate,wherein, when the cover plate slides toward the outlet, the snow covered on the lower surface of the cover plate is removed by the scraper.2. The discharge pipe for the snow blower according to claim 1 , wherein the cover plate further includes a handle on an upper surface thereof.3. The discharge pipe for the snow blower according to claim 1 , wherein the cover plate includes hooks extending downwards from opposite ends thereof to a predetermined length claim 1 , and the body includes guide grooves cut in a direction parallel to a discharging direction of the snow to a predetermined depth claim 1 , so that the hooks slide along the guide grooves.4. The discharge pipe for the snow blower according to claim 3 , wherein: the body includes at least one driving motor claim 3 , to a rotational shaft of which a driving gear is coupled claim 3 , on the side of the outlet; and the cover plate includes a driven gear claim 3 , with which the driving gear is meshed claim 3 , on the lower surface thereof.5. The discharge pipe for the snow blower according to claim 3 , wherein: the body includes at least one driving motor claim 3 , to a ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068976A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A snow thrower comprises an auger housing and an auger flight assembly. The auger flight assembly comprises a helical auger flight blade and a helical pliable flight extending radially beyond the helical auger flight blade. 1. A snow thrower comprising:an auger housing; andan auger flight assembly comprising:a helical auger flight blade; anda helical pliable flight extending radially beyond the helical auger flight blade.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the auger flight assembly further comprises:a hub;a second helical auger flight blade;a second pliable flight extending radially beyond the helical auger flight blade; andfirst and second supports, each of the first and second supports supporting an end of the first auger flight blade, an end of the second auger flight blade, an end of the first helical pliable flight and an end of the second helical pliable flight.3. The snow thrower of further comprising a third support extending from the hub actually between the first and second supports claim 2 , the third support supporting the first helical pliable flight and the second helical pliable flight.4. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the helical pliable flight is removably attached to and carried by the helical auger flight blade.5. The snow thrower of claim 4 , wherein the helical pliable flight comprises:a helical base;a first row of resiliently flexible pliable members extending from the base; anda second row of resiliently flexible pliable members extending from the base along side the first row of resiliently flexible pliable members.6. The snow thrower of claim 5 , wherein the first row of resiliently flexible pliable members and the second row of resiliently flexible pliable members outwardly diverge from one another to have a V-shape.7. The snow thrower of claim 4 , wherein the helical pliable flight is adjustably mounted on the helical auger flight blade at one of a plurality of positions at which the helical pliable flight radially extends ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096418A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD

Snowblower deflector control devices, systems, and methods are provided. In one aspect, a snowblower deflector control device can be externally disposed from a machine handle of the snowblower. The control device can include a control member and a guide plate. The control member can include a longitudinal shaft and a projection disposed along the shaft. The guide plate can be adapted to receive a portion of the control member. The guide plate can include a plurality of gates disposed at spaced intervals from a first end to a second end, and the projection of the control member can be lockable within at least one gate of the plurality of gates. 1. A snowblower deflector control device comprising:a control member comprising a longitudinal shaft and a projection disposed along the shaft; anda guide plate adapted to receive a portion of the control member, wherein the guide plate comprises a plurality of gates disposed at spaced intervals from a first end to a second end, and wherein the projection of the control member is lockable within at least one gate of the plurality of gates.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the guide plate is disposed along a portion of a machine handle.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the guide plate is disposed along an outer surface of the machine handle.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of gates are disposed at regularly spaced intervals from the first end to the second end.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the control member is adapted to move clockwise and counterclockwise about a pivot point for raising and lowering a deflector.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of gates comprises a chamfered edge.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein a linking member is attached to a portion of the guide plate.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein a flexible cable is attached to a portion of the control member.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the control member is adapted to move in at least a first ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002959A1

A snow thrower is disclosed including a rotor assembly having a first auger, a second auger, and a paddle disposed between the first and second augers The snow thrower also includes an intake housing having a first interior surface adjacent to the first auger and a second interior surface adjacent to the second auger, where an outer edge of the first auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the first interior surface across a sweep of at least 120 degrees, and an outer edge of the second auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the second interior surface across a sweep of at least 120 degrees. 120-. (canceled)21. A snow thrower comprising:a rotor assembly having a first auger, a second auger, and a paddle disposed between the first and second augers, the rotor assembly fixed to a shaft and the shaft configured to rotate around an axis;an intake housing having a first interior surface adjacent to the first auger and a second interior surface adjacent to the second auger, the intake housing further comprising a first kicker and a second kicker defining a chute opening therebetween, the chute opening having a width greater than a width of a throwing surface of the rotor assembly;wherein an outer edge of the first auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the first interior surface, wherein the first interior surface extends from a bottom edge to a corner edge of the intake housing, and an outer edge of the second auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the second interior surface, wherein the second interior surface extends from a bottom edge to a corner edge of the intake housing.22. The snow thrower of claim 21 , wherein the intake housing further comprises a third interior surface portion adjacent to the paddle claim 21 , wherein the outer diameter of the paddle has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the third interior surface.23. The snow thrower of claim 21 , wherein a width of the first auger is greater ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001724A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A snowplow having a snow removal mechanism, the snowplow comprises: an obtainment unit configured to obtain topography information prior to snow accumulation; and a projection unit configured to, based on the topography information prior to snow accumulation obtained b the obtainment unit, project an image indicating the topography information prior to snow accumulation on a surface of accumulated snow that is to be removed by the snow removal mechanism. 1. A snowplow having a snow removal mechanism , the snowplow comprising:an obtainment unit configured to obtain topography information prior to snow accumulation; anda projection unit configured to, based on, the topography information prior to snow accumulation obtained by the obtainment unit, project an image indicating the topography information prior to snow accumulation on a surface of accumulated snow that is to be removed by the snow removal mechanism.2. The snowplow according to claim 1 , whereinthe projection unit projects an image that shows a scene prior snow accumulation on the surface of accumulated snow as the image indicating the topography information prior to snow accumulation.3. The snowplow according to claim 1 , whereinthe image indicating the topography information prior to snow accumulation is an image that is viewable stereoscopically41. The snowplow according to claim. claim 1 , whereinthe projection unit further projects an image indicating information related to snow accumulation on the surface of accumulated snow.5. The snowplow according to claim 4 , whereinthe projection unit projects an image indicating information of a depth of accumulated snow on the surface of accumulated snow as the image indicating the information related to snow accumulation.6. The snowplow according to claim 5 , whereinthe image indicating the information of the depth of accumulated snow is an image indicating a contour line.7. The snowplow according to claim 4 , whereinthe projection unit projects an image ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003136A1

A burden on an operation of an operator is reduced. A working machine includes a grid light that projects a grid light of a grid-shaped pattern, and a control unit that control the vehicle in accordance with deformation of the pattern of the grid light according to a shape of a projection spot. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a pattern light projection unit that projects light of a predetermined pattern to a projection spot;a control unit that controls the vehicle in accordance with deformation of the predetermined pattern according to a shape of the projection spot.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the vehicle is a work vehicle including a work unit for executing a predetermined work,the pattern light projection unit projects the light of the predetermined pattern to a spot where the work unit works, andthe control unit controls the work unit in accordance with the deformation of the pattern.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , further comprising:a machine body that travels,the work unit is provided in front of the machine body and performs snow-removal work, andthe control unit controls the snow-removal work in accordance with the deformation of the pattern.4. The vehicle according to claim 3 ,wherein the work unit includes an auger that removes snow, andthe control unit controls rotation of the auger in accordance with the deformation of the pattern.5. The vehicle according to claim 4 ,wherein when the predetermined pattern deforms in accordance with a snow wall and a snow lump in the projection spot,the control unit increases a rotational frequency of the auger.6. The vehicle according to claim 4 , further comprising:a raising and lowering mechanism that raises and lowers the auger,wherein the control unit controls the raising and lowering mechanism in accordance with the deformation of the pattern.7. The vehicle according to claim 6 ,wherein when the predetermined pattern deforms in accordance with a transition border of a downward slope in the projection ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Automatic Moving Snow Removal Device

Номер: US20190003137A1
Принадлежит: Positec Power Tools Suzhou Co Ltd

An automatic moving snow removal device including a moving module, driving a snow blower to move; a working module, including a working motor and a snow throwing mechanism driven by the working motor, the snow throwing mechanism is driven by the working motor to collect accumulated snow and inclusions on the ground and throw out of the snow throwing mechanism; and a control module, configured to control a rotary speed of the working motor to cause a speed when the inclusions depart from the snow throwing mechanism is not higher than 41 m/s.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003698A1

A working machine is provided, which can suppress reduction in visibility of a spot illuminated by illuminating light even when an ambient light environment changes. A working machine in which a working unit that performs predetermined work is connected to a machine body that travels is configured to include a headlight that illuminates a traveling direction of the machine body and is capable of color adjustment, a camera that detects a color of an illumination spot P that is illuminated by illuminating light K of the headlight, and a control unit that performs color adjustment of the headlight in accordance with the color detected by the camera. 1. A working machine in which a working unit that performs predetermined work is connected to a machine body that travels , comprising:illumination means that illuminates a traveling direction of the machine body and is capable of color adjustment;color detection means that detects a color of an illumination spot that is illuminated by illuminating light of the illumination means; andcontrol means that performs color adjustment of the illumination means in accordance with the color detected by the color detection means.2. The working machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the control means keeps a hue of the color of the illumination spot at a predetermined hue by the color adjustment.3. The working machine according to claim 2 ,wherein the control means keeps a chroma of the color of the illumination spot at a predetermined chroma by the color adjustment.4. The working machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:brightness detection means that detects brightness of the illumination spot,wherein the illumination means is capable of light adjustment, andthe control means performs light adjustment of the illumination means and increases a light amount of the illuminating light until the brightness reaches a predetermined value or more, when the brightness is below the predetermined value.5. The working machine according ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Snow Blower Shovel Attachment Apparatus

Номер: US20220010511A1
Автор: DUrso John

A snow blower shovel attachment apparatus for using a snow blower as a plow for wet snow includes a frame coupled to a shovel blade. The frame has a horizontal portion extending from a back face of the shovel blade and a vertical portion extending from the horizontal portion to above a top edge of the shovel blade. A plurality of attachment brackets is coupled to the frame. The plurality of attachment brackets includes a pair of upper attachment brackets coupled to a top end of the vertical portion of the frame and a pair of lower attachment brackets coupled to a bottom end of the vertical portion of the frame. The upper attachment brackets pivotably engage an auger housing of a snow blower and the lower attachment brackets selectively engage the auger housing. 1. A snow blower shovel attachment apparatus comprising:a shovel blade, the shovel blade having a bottom edge, a top edge, a left edge, a right edge, a front face, and a back face;a frame coupled to the shovel blade, the frame having a horizontal portion extending from the back face of the shovel blade and a vertical portion extending from the horizontal portion to above the top edge of the shovel blade, the vertical portion being coupled to the left edge and the right edge of the shovel blade; anda plurality of attachment brackets coupled to the frame, the plurality of attachment brackets including a pair of upper attachment brackets coupled to a top end of the vertical portion of the frame and a pair of lower attachment brackets coupled to a bottom end of the vertical portion of the frame, the upper attachment brackets being configured to pivotably engage an auger housing of a snow blower, the lower attachment brackets being configured to selectively engage the auger housing of the snow blower.2. The snow blower shovel attachment apparatus of further comprising a pair of headlights coupled to the shovel blade claim 1 , each headlight having a light housing claim 1 , a bulb claim 1 , a battery in operational ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007461A1
Автор: Schmalz Jacob J.

A snow thrower head comprises an impeller and an auger disposed within a housing. The impeller is to contact a surface to be cleared by the impeller. The impeller is rotatable within the housing about a first axis while the auger is rotatable within the housing about a second axis above and forward the first axis. 1. A single-stage snow thrower comprising:a prime mover;a housing;an impeller disposed within the housing, the impeller operably coupled to the prime mover and rotatable within the housing about a first axis;an auger disposed within the housing and rotatable within the housing about a second axis parallel to, above and forward the first axis.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the impeller has a first rotational path and wherein the auger has a second rotational path differently sized than the first rotational path.3. The snow thrower of claim 2 , wherein the first rotational path is larger than the second rotational path.4. The snow thrower of claim 2 , wherein the first rotational path is smaller than the second rotational path.5. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein impeller has a first rotational path and wherein the auger has the second rotational path claim 1 , wherein the first rotational path and the second rotational path intersect.6. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the prime mover is operably coupled to the auger so as to rotatably drive the impeller and the auger.7. The snow thrower of further comprising a power train operably linking the auger and the impeller such that the prime mover rotatably drives the auger at a first speed dependent upon a second speed at which the prime mover drives the impeller.8. The snow thrower of claim 7 , wherein the second rotational speed is less than the first rotational speed.9. The snow thrower of claim 8 , wherein the impeller has a first rotational path and wherein the auger has a second rotational path larger than the first rotational path.10. The snow thrower of further comprising a secondary ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007462A1
Автор: Cohen Joseph

A cordless electric snow thrower is disclosed having a separate and distinct battery housing containing a battery being positioned on a handle of the cordless snow thrower. The cordless snow thrower may include an electronic controller that allows a user to rotate a chute of the cordless snow thrower to alter a direction in which snow is thrown. The cordless snow thrower may also include a light that provides sufficient light to allow the user to use the cordless snow thrower at night to clear snow. The placement of the battery housing provides balance to the cordless snow thrower and allows power to be provided to all of the electronic devices and components of the cordless snow thrower. 1. A snow thrower , comprising:a frame;a main housing coupled to the frame and having an inlet cavity;an auger assembly disposed in the main housing and extending across the inlet cavity;an electric motor disposed in the main housing and coupled to the auger assembly, the electric motor adapted to rotate the auger assembly;a handle portion coupled to the frame opposite the main housing;a battery housing coupled to the handle portion; anda battery disposed in the battery housing and electrically connected to the electric motor.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , further comprising a wheel axle coupled to the frame between the main housing and the handle portion; and wheels coupled to ends of the wheel axle.3. The snow thrower of claim 2 , wherein the battery housing and the main housing are positioned on opposite sides of a pivot point formed by the wheel axle.4. The snow thrower of claim 1 , further comprising a switch electrically connected to the battery and the electric motor and adapted to activate and deactivate voltage flow from the battery to the electric motor.5. The snow thrower of claim 1 , further comprising a chute disposed over an aperture in the main housing.6. The snow thrower of claim 5 , further comprising a chute motor disposed in the main housing and adapted to ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009418A1

A two stage snow thrower comprises an auger, and a snow discharge housing. The snow discharge housing comprises a one piece deep drawn auger housing. 1. A two stage snow thrower comprising:a one piece deep drawn auger housing having a mouth, wherein the auger housing omits welds and is formed from a single deformed sheet of material, wherein the mouth is flared out;an auger supported from opposite sides of the housing;an impeller can extending from the housing;an impeller within the can; anda chute extending from the impeller can.2. The two stage snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the impeller is supported for rotation about an axis claim 1 , wherein the auger housing includes a rear opening and a first flange about the opening and wherein the impeller can includes the second flange having a second face claim 1 , wherein one of the first flange and the second flange has a depression receiving the other of the first flange and the second flange.3. The two stage snow thrower of further comprising a bent C-shaped bar coupled to the auger housing so as to serve as a scraper and to strengthen the mouth of the housing.4. The two stage snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the auger housing has a first face claim 1 , wherein the impeller can has a second face opposite the first face and wherein the first face and the second face are each coated with a layer of paint.5. The snow thrower of further comprising:an inner ring coupled to one of the shoot and the housing;an outer ring about the inner ring and coupled to the other of the chute and the housing;detents associated with one of the inner ring and outer ring; anda projection associated with the other of the inner ring and outer ring, wherein the projection is resiliently biased into one of the detents to releasably retain the chute in one of a plurality of positions.6. The snow thrower of claim 5 , wherein outer ring includes the detents.7. The snow thrower of claim 5 , wherein the detents comprise a series of spaced ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010309A1

A snow removal device, adapted to be installed on a motor vehicle, for compacting, transporting and discharging snow, includes: 1. A snow carrier device , adapted to be mounted on a transport vehicle chassis , for compacting and transporting snow , said carrier device comprising , in combination:(a) a rectangular box-shaped structure having a central longitudinal axis, said box-shaped structure having an opening at the top for receiving snow and having a floor panel, two opposite sidewall panels, a front panel and a rear gate panel which is openable to permit the snow contents of the structure to be discharged,(b) a compactor plate, disposed substantially vertically in the box-shaped structure, for pushing snow inside the box-shaped structure toward the rear gate panel; and(c) means for moving the compactor plate, while maintaining its substantially vertical orientation, from a point adjacent the front panel of the box-shaped structure toward the rear gate panel thereof and back again, said moving means including:(1) at least one elongate screw rod adapted for installation in the box-shaped structure, extending parallel to said central longitudinal axis and transverse to the compactor plate, said screw rod having an external screw thread that mates with the internal screw thread in the rod bearing on the compactor plate; and(2) at least one drive mechanism, mechanically connected to selectively rotate said at least one screw rod either clockwise or counter-clockwise and thereby cause said compactor plate to move back and forth within the box-shaped structure in the direction of the central longitudinal axis;thereby to repeatedly compact snow that enters through an open top of the box-shaped structure until the structure is sufficiently loaded with snow and thereafter, after opening the rear gate panel, to discharge the compacted snow out the rear of the box-shaped structure.2. The snow carrier device of claim 1 , wherein the rear gate panel includes a single panel ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013196A1
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB

A snow removal device includes a frame, an engine supported at least in part by the frame, a mobility assembly and a bucket assembly. The mobility assembly is operably coupled to the frame and the engine to provide mobility of the snow removal device responsive at least in part to operation of the engine. The bucket assembly is operably coupled to the frame and houses a material conveyor and an impeller, each of which operate via power from the engine to provide snow removal operations. The bucket assembly includes one of each of a first stage housing, an impeller housing, and a discharge chute base. The bucket assembly is formed such that at least two among the first stage housing, the impeller housing, or the discharge chute base are integrally molded or cast as a single unitary component. 1. A snow removal device comprising:a frame;an engine supported at least in part by the frame;a mobility assembly operably coupled to the frame and the engine to provide mobility of the snow removal device responsive at least in part to operation of the engine; anda bucket assembly operably coupled to the frame and housing a first stage material conveyor and an impeller, each of which operate via power from the engine to provide snow removal operations, the bucket assembly comprising one of each of a first stage housing, an impeller housing, and a discharge chute base, the bucket assembly being formed such that at least two among the first stage housing, the impeller housing, or the discharge chute base are integrally molded or cast as a single unitary component.2. The snow removal device of claim 1 , wherein the first stage housing claim 1 , the impeller housing claim 1 , and the discharge chute base are each integrally formed together as the single unitary component.3. The snow removal device of claim 1 , wherein the first stage housing and the impeller housing are integrally formed together as the single unitary component.4. The snow removal device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015342A1
Автор: Schmalz Jacob J.

A utility implement may include a frame, traction members supported by the frame, a propulsion unit supported by the frame and operably coupled to the traction members, a handle bar coupled to the frame, a control handle extending from the handlebar and located to be gripped by an operator while the operator is maneuvering the utility implement and as the utility implement is being driven by the traction members and a control transmission associating the control handle to the propulsion unit such that manipulation of the control handle adjusts operation of the propulsion unit to adjust propulsion of the utility implement by the traction members. 1. A utility implement comprising:a frame;traction members supported by the frame;a propulsion unit supported by the frame and operably coupled to the traction members;a handle bar coupled to the frame; anda control handle extending from the handlebar and located to be gripped by an operator while the operator is maneuvering the utility implement and as the utility implement is being driven by the traction members;a control transmission associating the control handle to the propulsion unit such that manipulation of the control handle adjusts operation of the propulsion unit to adjust propulsion of the utility implement by the traction members.2. The utility implement of claim 1 , wherein the control handle comprises a joystick.3. The utility implement of claim 1 , wherein the control handle is actuatable to switch between a forward direction and a rearward direction.4. The utility implement of claim 1 , wherein the traction members comprises left traction member and a right traction member and wherein the control handle is actuatable to differently drive the left traction member and the right traction member relative to one another.5. The utility implement of claim 1 , wherein the control handle is actuatable to adjust the transmission to control a speed in which the traction members move the utility implement.6. The utility ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016977A1

Skid-steer type power unit engageable with an implement using an attachment assembly including an attachment frame and a hitch. An arcuate frame member is located forwardly of the attachment frame and is engaged therewith in such a way that the frame member pivots about a vertical axis located forwardly of the frame member and generally centrally positioned relative to the attachment frame. The frame member pivots in response to actuation of a hydraulic cylinder. The power unit includes a system for transferring weight of the implement rearwardly onto the power unit. A belt-drive power-take off system on the power unit powers the implement's operation. An underbelly drop spreader is located between the front and rear wheels of the power unit and a brine delivery system distributes brine from nozzles located rearwardly of the rear wheels. A unique control panel permits operation of all systems on the power unit and implement. 1. A power unit comprising:a powered vehicle that has differential steering;an attachment engageable with the powered vehicle; said attachment being adapted to perform a task as the powered vehicle travels over a surface; anda belt-drive power take-off system provided to transfer power from the powered vehicle to the attachment.2. The power unit according to claim 1 , wherein the belt-drive power take-off system comprises:a first belt-drive system provided on the powered vehicle; said first belt-drive system including a first drive belt;a second belt-drive system provided on the attachment; said second belt-drive system including a second drive belt; andan overlap formed between the first belt-drive system and the second belt-drive system and wherein power from the first belt-drive system is transferred to the second belt-drive system at the overlap.3. The power unit according to claim 2 , wherein the overlap is provided by a connector mechanism and each of the first drive belt and the second drive belt engage the connector mechanism.4. The ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017725A1
Автор: Ackie Davidson

A snow removal apparatus having a mobile platform assembly configured to traverse across a surface in response to remotely generated command signals from a remote controller and a snow blowing assembly mounted to the mobile platform assembly. The snow blowing assembly configured to remove snow from a surface. The snow blowing assembly having at least one auger mounted thereto. The mobile platform assembly having a mobile platform, a transportation assembly connected to the mobile platform. The transportation assembly configured to provide movement to the mobile platform assembly. A control assembly having a receiver is configured to receive remotely generated command signals from the remote controller. The control assembly configured to control the transportation assembly and the mounting arm in response to the signals. 1. A snow removal apparatus for use with an associated remote controller that generates commands , the snow removal apparatus comprising:a mobile platform assembly configured to traverse across a surface in response to remotely generated command signals from the remote controller; anda snow removal assembly mounted to the mobile platform assembly, the snow removal assembly configured to remove snow from a surface.2. The snow removal apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the mobile platform assembly comprising:a mobile platform;a transportation assembly connected to the mobile platform, the transportation assembly configured to provide movement to the mobile platform assembly, anda control assembly having a receiver configured to receive remotely-generated command signals from the remote controller, the control assembly configured to control the transportation assembly in response to the signals.3. The snow removal apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the transportation assembly comprises:a wheel assembly connected to the mobile platform, the wheel assembly configured to provide movement to the mobile platform assembly; anda power assembly configured to provide ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Unique attachment assembly and method of use

Номер: US20200018029A1
Принадлежит: Venture Products Inc

Skid-steer type power unit engageable with an implement using an attachment assembly including an attachment frame and a hitch. An arcuate frame member is located forwardly of the attachment frame and is engaged therewith in such a way that the frame member pivots about a vertical axis located forwardly of the frame member and generally centrally positioned relative to the attachment frame. The frame member pivots in response to actuation of a hydraulic cylinder. The power unit includes a system for transferring weight of the implement rearwardly onto the power unit. A belt-drive power-take off system on the power unit powers the implement's operation. An underbelly drop spreader is located between the front and rear wheels of the power unit and a brine delivery system distributes brine from nozzles located rearwardly of the rear wheels. A unique control panel permits operation of all systems on the power unit and implement.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Deflector for a Snow Blower

Номер: US20190024335A1
Автор: Mackenzie Jim

A snow deflector for a snow blower is formed from a plate member. The plate member includes a first surface portion for being disposed covering a portion of a snow-receiving opening of a fan housing of the snow blower, and a second surface portion configured to cooperate with an adjacent rear interior surface of the snow blower to guide snow along a direction laterally toward a predetermined target region of the snow-receiving opening that is after a discharge chute opening in the fan housing along a direction of fan rotation. The snow is guided simultaneously vertically upward and longitudinally frontward. The first and second surface portions are disposed within respective first and second planes that intersect one another along a common edge shared between the first and second surface portions. The common edge being aligned generally toward the predetermined target region when the plate member is in the installed condition. 1. A snow deflector for a snow blower , comprising:a plate member having a first surface portion configured for being disposed covering a portion of a snow-receiving opening of a fan housing of the snow blower when the plate member is in an installed condition, and having a second surface portion configured to cooperate with an adjacent rear interior surface of the snow blower to guide snow, which is lifted toward the plate member using lift pallets mounted on an auger axle, along a direction that is laterally toward a predetermined target region of the snow-receiving opening of the fan housing and that is after a discharge chute opening in the fan housing along a direction of rotation of a fan that is disposed within the fan housing, and for simultaneously guiding the snow vertically upward and longitudinally frontward toward the predetermined target region of the snow-receiving opening,wherein the first and second surface portions of the plate member are disposed within respective first and second planes that intersect one another along a ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140112010A1
Автор: Franke Kyle, Lambert Matt

An outdoor power equipment device may include a mobility assembly and a mounting receptacle. The mobility assembly may support a device frame of the outdoor power equipment device and enable an operator of the outdoor power equipment device to facilitate movement of the outdoor power equipment device. The mounting receptacle may be coupled to the device frame. The mounting receptacle may include a removable lamp operable to provide light at least when removed from the mounting receptacle. 1. An outdoor power equipment device comprising:a mobility assembly supporting a device frame of the outdoor power equipment device and enabling an operator of the outdoor power equipment device to facilitate movement of the outdoor power equipment device; anda mounting receptacle coupled to the device frame, the mounting receptacle including a removable lamp operable to provide light at least when removed from the mounting receptacle.2. The outdoor power equipment device of claim 1 , further comprising a snap assembly to enable the removable lamp to be detachably secured to the mounting receptacle.3. The outdoor power equipment device of claim 2 , wherein the snap assembly includes at least one detent disposed at the mounting receptacle and at least one corresponding detent receiver disposed at the removable lamp claim 2 , or includes at least one detent disposed at the removable lamp and at least one corresponding detent receiver disposed at the mounting receptacle.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The outdoor power equipment device of claim 1 , wherein the mounting receptacle comprises an accessory panel including a reception cavity configured to receive at least a portion the removable lamp for detachable storage of the removable lamp.715-. (canceled)16. The outdoor power equipment device of claim 6 , wherein an orientation of the removable lamp is adjustable within the reception cavity.17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. An accessory panel of an outdoor power equipment device ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033589A1
Автор: McAdam Jim, McHugh Gerry

An apparatus for removing material from the ground is disclosed, with a path-clearing blade, a vehicle mounting, a body supporting the blade, and a jointed connection between the vehicle mounting and the body permitting the axis of the blade and body to rotate within a plane parallel to the ground. The jointed connection has first and second pivot arm each pivotally connected about a proximal axis of rotation relative to the vehicle mounting and pivotally connected about a distal axis of rotation relative to the body. As the body's axis rotates in the clockwise sense, the first and second arms each pivot counterclockwise about their respective proximal axes of rotation, and vice versa. The arms are preferably disposed above the body and the distal axes of rotation are mounted forwardly of the rear edge of a horizontal rotating brush mounted in the body behind the blade. 132-. (canceled)33. An apparatus for removing unwanted material from the ground when the apparatus is driven across the ground by the vehicle , the apparatus comprising:(a) a vehicle mounting permitting attachment of the apparatus to a vehicle;(b) a body supporting a path-clearing blade, the blade having a longitudinal axis generally parallel to the ground in use, defining an axis of the body; and (i) a first pivot arm pivotally connected about a first proximal axis of rotation relative to the vehicle mounting and pivotally connected about a first distal axis of rotation relative to the body, and', '(ii) a second pivot arm pivotally connected about a second proximal axis of rotation relative to the vehicle mounting and pivotally connected about a second distal axis of rotation relative to the body,, '(c) a jointed connection between the vehicle mount and the body permitting the axis of the body to rotate within a plane generally parallel to the ground in use, the jointed connection comprisingwherein as the body's axis rotates in the clockwise sense relative to the ground, the first and second arms ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033590A1

An auger snow-removing machine includes left and right forward rotation augers rotatable in a first direction during snow removal and left and right reverse rotation augers rotatable in a second direction opposite the first direction during the snow removal. The forward and reverse rotation augers are coaxially disposed in alignment in a width direction of an auger housing within the housing. Distal ends of the left forward rotation auger and the right reverse rotation auger have phases set to substantially simultaneously reach a lowermost location when the forward and reverse rotation augers rotate. Distal ends of the right forward rotation auger and the left reverse rotation auger have phases set to substantially simultaneously reach the lowermost location when the forward and reverse rotation augers rotate. 1. An auger snow-removing machine comprising:left and right forward rotation augers rotatable in a direction from an upper side of the forward rotation augers toward a front lower side of the forward rotation augers during a snow-removing operation of the machine;left and right reverse rotation augers rotatable in a reverse direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the left and right forward rotation augers during the snow-removing operation; andan auger housing,the left and right forward rotation augers and the left and right reverse rotation augers being coaxially disposed and aligned with one another in a width direction of the auger housing within the auger housing,all of the left and right forward rotation augers and the left and right reverse rotation augers having the same rotational speed,the left and right forward rotation augers being located either inside or outside the left and right reverse rotation augers in the width direction of the auger housing,the left forward rotation auger having a distal end in the direction of rotation of the left and right forward rotation augers, the right reverse rotation auger having a distal end in the ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033591A1

An auger snow-removing machine includes a forward rotation shaft and a reverse rotation shaft disposed on the same axis and aligned in a width direction of an auger housing within the auger housing, and a transmission disposed inside the auger housing such that the forward rotation shaft and the reverse rotation shaft are rotated concurrently in opposite directions by a driving force transmitted from the transmission. A case of the transmission is divided into a front case member and a rear case member at a position behind a reverse rotation drive shaft extending in the width direction of the auger housing. The front case member has a first gear unit assembled therein, and the rear case member has a second gear unit assembled therein. The first and second gear units are assembled together when the front and rear case members are assembled together. 1. An auger snow-removing machine comprising:an auger housing;a forward rotation shaft provided with a forward rotation auger and a reverse rotation shaft provided with a reverse rotation auger, the forward rotation shaft and the reverse rotation shaft being disposed on the same axis and aligned in a width direction of the auger housing within the auger housing; anda transmission disposed inside the auger housing such that the forward rotation shaft and the reverse rotation shaft are rotated concurrently in opposite directions by a driving force transmitted from the transmission, an input shaft to which the driving force is inputted;', 'a reverse rotation drive shaft connected to the reverse rotation shaft and extending in the width direction of the auger housing;', 'a forward rotation drive shaft connected to the forward rotation shaft;', 'a driving gear provided on the input shaft;', 'a first driven gear provided on the reverse rotation drive shaft and meshing with the driving gear;', 'a counter gear meshing with the first driven gear;', 'an idle gear mechanism for converting rotation of the counter gear to rotation in ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Auger snow blower

Номер: US20150033592A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

In an auger snow plow, right and left forward rotating augers and right and left backward rotating augers are disposed on a same axis and aligned in a width direction of an auger housing. A blower housing is disposed at a rear portion of the auger housing and also positioned at a widthwise center of the auger housing. A blower is disposed inside the blower housing. The right and left forward rotating augers are positioned at least in an entire range of a width of the blower housing. The right and left backward rotating augers are separately positioned on both sides of the right and left forward rotating augers and positioned only at a more outer side than the width of the blower housing in the width direction.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031080A1

There is provided a snow removal machine capable of illuminating, with a light projector, a dropped position of snow that varies depending on a direction of a chute guide. A working machine as a snow removal machine includes a machine body, and a chute that is provided on the machine body, and throws away snow. The chute includes a chute main body extending upwardly from the machine body, and a chute guide that is pivotably provided on a distal end portion of the chute main body, and adjusts a snow throwing direction that is an up-down direction of the snow to be thrown, the chute guide is connected to the chute main body side through a link, and the link is provided with a light projector so as to be capable of illuminating a dropped position of the snow to be thrown. 1. A snow removal machine , comprising:a machine body; anda chute that is provided on the machine body, and throws away snow,wherein the chute includes a chute main body extending upwardly from the machine body, and a chute guide that is pivotably provided on a distal end portion of the chute main body, and adjusts a snow throwing direction that is an up-down direction of the snow to be thrown,the chute guide is connected to the chute main body side through a link, andthe link is provided with a light projector so as to be capable of illuminating a dropped position of the snow to be thrown.2. The snow removal machine according to claim 1 , whereina main body side link pivot axis that pivotably supports the link on the chute main body side is arranged on a side opposite to a pivoting range of the chute guide with respect to a chute guide pivot axis that pivotably supports the chute guide on the chute main body, and is arranged higher than the chute guide pivot axis.3. The snow removal machine according to claim 2 , whereina headlight is provided on the machine body, the chute is arranged to be offset in either a left or a right direction with respect to the headlight, and the light projector is ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031099A1

Visibility of information that is provided to a worker is enhanced. A working machine includes an indicator device that functions as an information providing unit that provides information of a machine body to the worker, and the indicator device emits an indicator light to a ground that is located in front of the working machine and is exposed to a worker side that is located at a manipulation position. 1. A working machine including an information providing unit that provides information to a worker ,wherein the information providing unit includes an indicator device that emits an indicator light indicating the information, andthe indicator device emits the indicator light to a ground located in front of the working machine and exposed to a worker side, or a surface exposed to the worker side in a front portion of the working machine.2. The working machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the indicator light is a light indicating at least any one of images including a color, flashing, and a character.3. The working machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:an illumination device that illuminates an area ahead of the working machine,wherein an emitting direction of the indicator light deviates from an optical axis of an illuminating light of the illumination device.4. The working machine according to claim 3 ,wherein the indicator device emits the indicator light to a region outside an irradiation range of the illumination device.5. The working machine according to claim 3 ,wherein the indicator device is disposed on the illumination device.6. The working machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a working unit at a front portion of the working machine,wherein the indicator device emits the indicator light to a surface that is exposed to the worker side in the working unit. The present application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119 to Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-148283 filed on Jul. 31, 2017. The content of the application is incorporated ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Snowblower skid shoe height adjustment mechanism

Номер: US20160040380A1
Автор: Russell J. Betts
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A snowblower skid shoe height adjustment mechanism includes a linear actuator mounted to an auger housing. The linear actuator may be connected to a switch in an operator station. A shaft extends transversely across the auger housing and rotates in response to the extension or retraction of the linear actuator. A first bell crank is attached to a left end and a second bell crank is attached to a right end of the shaft. A rod is connected to each of the first and the second bell cranks, and each rod extends generally vertically down to a skid shoe. The rods and skid shoes are raised or lowered as the linear actuator is extended or retracted.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037666A1

Presence of a working machine is noticed by those in the surroundings, and a worker is easily informed of a warning relating to an external environment. A working machine includes a detection unit including a sensor detecting an external environment of a machine body, and a control unit that controls a headlight that functions as an illumination unit based on the detected external environment. 1. A working machine including an illumination unit that emits illuminating light outward , in a machine body , comprising:a detection unit that detects an external environment of the machine body; anda control unit that controls the illumination unit based on the external environment.2. The working machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the detection unit detects a plurality of kinds of external environments, andthe control unit determines a lighting state associated with a detected external environment from lighting states that individually report the plurality of kinds of external environments, and controls the illumination unit to the determined lighting state.3. The working machine according to claim 2 ,wherein the control unit changes an emission light color of the illumination unit in accordance with the detected external environment.4. The working machine according to claim 2 ,wherein the control unit changes a flashing pattern of the illumination unit in accordance with the detected external environment.5. The working machine according to claim 4 ,wherein the detection unit detects at least an inclined ground, presence of a level difference, and a situation where a working load is high, as the external environments, andthe flashing pattern corresponding to the inclined ground has a shorter period of flashing than the flashing patterns respectively corresponding to the presence of a level difference, and the situation where the working load is high.6. The working machine according to claim 5 ,wherein the flashing pattern corresponding to the presence of a level ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040538A1
Автор: NKURUNZIZA Didier

A snow blower () for blowing snow off a surface. The snow blower () comprises a body () comprising an intake port (); a discharge port (); and a conduit () having an interior wall (). The conduit () is fluidly connecting the intake port () to the discharge port (). The snow blower () further comprises an electric circuit () housed by the body () and connected to a power source; an electric blower () housed by the body () and powered by the electric circuit () for drawing air from the intake port (); and a heating coil () electrically connected to the electric circuit () and extending along a portion of the interior wall (). The air is forced through the conduit (), heated by the heating coil () and exhausted at the discharge port () to blow snow off the surface. 2. The snow blower of claim 1 , further comprising:an extension duct which forms the conduit; anda nozzle, wherein the nozzle is releasably attached and fluidly connected to the extension duct,and wherein the nozzle comprises the discharge port.3. The snow blower of claim 2 , wherein the nozzle comprises a pair of blades guiding the air exhausted at the discharge port.4. The snow blower of claim 3 , wherein at least one of the blades from the pair of blades comprises ribs.5. The snow blower of claim 4 , further comprising thermally conducting spines housed by the ribs that are thermally connected to the heating coil.6. The snow blower of claim 1 , further comprising a power chamber housing the electric circuit and the electric blower claim 1 , wherein the power chamber is fluidly connected to the intake port.7. The snow blower of claim 6 , further comprising a handle comprising extremities claim 6 , a first one of the extremities being secured to the power chamber and a second one of the extremities being secured to the conduit.8. The snow blower of claim 7 , wherein the handle defines a hollow passage fluidly connecting the conduit and the power chamber.9. The snow blower of claim 8 , further comprising a ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Snow Removal Device

Номер: US20150052784A1

A snow removal system is provided that includes a compression module having a tubular casing with an inlet, and an outlet having a converging cross-sectional surface area shape and air-hole perforations, a conveyor screw concentric to the casing spanning from the inlet to the outlet is powered to move and compact the snow at the outlet, a conveyor belt moves the output snow away from the compression module at a velocity v, a moveable truss houses the conveyor belt and supports the compression module, the device contacts a snow-covered surface and the truss moves at a velocity vperpendicular to the snowplow, where vis great enough to move the snow from the compression module when the truss moves at a velocity vthe conveyor screw turns at a rate that to incorporate Vand vto ensure the conveyor belt capacity is not exceeded. 1. A snow removal system , comprising: i. a tubular casing, wherein said tubular casing comprises a snow inlet and a snow outlet, wherein said snow outlet comprises a converging or straight cross-section tubular shape, wherein said tubular casing is perforated with air holes, where said snow inlet comprises a road contacting device;', 'ii. a conveyor screw, wherein said conveyor screw rotates on a shaft that is disposed concentric to said tubular casing, wherein said conveyor screw spans from said snow inlet to said snow outlet, wherein said conveyor screw is powered to move snow from said snow inlet to said snow outlet and compacts said snow to a compressed state at the snow outlet, wherein air from said snow is exhausted through said air holes, wherein said compressed snow is output from said snow outlet;, 'a. a compression module, wherein said compression module comprises{'sub': '1', 'b. a conveyor belt, wherein said conveyor belt is disposed to receive said compressed snow from said snow outlet, wherein said conveyor belt is disposed to move said compressed snow at a velocity vfrom said snow outlet to a location away from said compression ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048544A1

A chute control assembly for a snow thrower having a housing, handle, and a chute includes a control mechanism, a connecting mechanism, and a guide mechanism. The control mechanism includes an actuator mechanism that allows an operator to manually control the orientation of the chute from a position spaced apart from the chute. The connecting mechanism transfers rotation of the actuator mechanism to the guide mechanism. The guide mechanism is attached to the chute and rotates and adjust the orientation of the chute in response to rotation of the actuator mechanism in order to change the direction that snow is thrown from the snow thrower. 1. A chute control assembly for a snow thrower , said snow thrower having a housing , a handle operatively connected to said housing , a pair of wheels operatively connected to said housing , and a chute operatively connected to said housing , said chute control comprising:a control mechanism attached to said handle, said control mechanism includes a selectively rotatable actuator mechanism;a guide mechanism operatively connecting said chute to said housing, wherein said guide mechanism rotates said chute relative to said housing in response to rotation of said actuator mechanism; anda connecting mechanism operatively connecting said control mechanism to said guide mechanism, wherein said connecting mechanism transfers rotation of said actuator mechanism to said guide mechanism to cause said chute to rotate relative to said housing;wherein said guide mechanism includes a scalloped surface that provides an indexing engagement between said guide mechanism and said housing.2. The chute control assembly of claim 1 , wherein said connecting mechanism includes a pair of Bowden cables extending between said control mechanism and said guide mechanism.3. The chute control assembly of claim 1 , wherein said control mechanism includes a casing attached to said handle claim 1 , a spool assembly positioned within said casing claim 1 , and said ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051430A1

A snowthrower having a rotor housing with first and second sidewalls and a rotor extending between the sidewalls. As the rotor wears, it may be repositionable, relative to a ground surface and to the rotor housing to maintain snowthrower performance. In some embodiments, end portions of the rotor may connect to the sidewalls via an adjustable coupler. 1. A snowthrower comprising:a rotor housing comprising spaced-apart first and second sidewalls connected to one another by a rear wall to define a front-facing collection opening; 'a rotor shaft comprising first and second end portions connected to the first and second sidewalls, respectively, and defining a rotor axis intersecting the sidewalls, wherein the rotor shaft is adapted to rotate, relative to the rotor housing, about the rotor axis; and', 'a rotor positioned within the housing between the collection opening and the rear wall, the rotor comprisingat least one flyte attached to, and radially spaced-apart from, the rotor shaft, wherein each end portion of the rotor shaft is securable, relative to its respective first or second sidewall, at both a first location and a second location, and wherein, as the flyte wears during snowthrower operation, the rotor is movable from a first position in which the end portions of the rotor shaft are in their respective first locations, to a second position in which the end portions of the rotor shaft are in their respective second locations.2. The snowthrower of claim 1 , further comprising first and second couplers connected to the first and second sidewalls claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , the first and second couplers adapted to support the first and second end portions of the rotor shaft claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , at both the first and second locations.3. The snowthrower of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second couplers comprises an arm pivotally connected to its respective sidewall.4. The snowthrower of claim 1 , wherein the rotor is movable to a third ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051431A1

A clearing vehicle comprises a supporting frame () and a sweeper-blower arrangement (), which is adjustably pivotable around a vertical axis () which runs through the clearing vehicle with respect to the supporting frame () and comprises a blow-air device (). Furthermore, a blower () is arranged at the supporting frame (), wherein blow-air is conducted from the blower () through the hollow body () to the blow-air device (). The hollow body () and the blow-air device () are brought in blow-air connection by a first pivoting movement from a transport position to a working position. The blow-air connection between the hollow body () and the blow-air device () is removed by a second pivoting movement from the working position to the transport position. 1. A clearing vehicle , in particular a snow-clearing vehicle , comprising:a supporting frame,a sweeper-blower arrangement, which is adjustably pivotable around a vertical axis which runs through the clearing vehicle with respect to the supporting frame and comprises a blow-air device,a blower arranged at the supporting frame for generating blow-air,a hollow body for guiding the blow-air from the blower to the blow-air device,wherein the sweeper-blower arrangement with the blow-air device is pivotable by a first pivoting movement in a working position and by a second pivoting movement in a transport position,characterized in that the hollow body and the blow-air device are adapted and arranged such thatthey are able to be brought into blow-air connection by the first pivoting movement, andthe blow-air connection is removed by the second pivoting movement.2. A clearing vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein it has a coupling device for coupling the hollow body and the blow-air device.3. A clearing vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the coupling device is adapted such that the hollow body and the blow-air deviceare mutually coupleable with power of the first pivoting movement by the coupling device, andare mutually ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059118A1

A mower system comprising a powered mower, a connecting device connected to the powered mower and an attachment connected to the powered mower through the connecting device for conducting specified function during the operation of the mower system. The connecting device includes a mounting assembly mounted to the powered mower and a base rotatably mounted to the mounting assembly for driving the attachment being rotated together with the base in a horizontal plane relative to the powered mower. The utilization rate of the powered mower is effectively improved because other working functions can be conducted by the attachment which is connected to the powered mower through the connecting device. 1. A connecting device for connecting an attachment to a mower system , the attachment conducting specified function during the operation of the mower system , comprising:a mounting assembly; anda base rotatably mounted to the mounting assembly for driving the attachment to rotate relative to the mower system in a horizontal plane.2. The connecting device according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting device includes at least one connecting frame pivotally connected to the mounting assembly claim 1 , and wherein the base is connected to the mounting assembly through the connecting frame.3. The connecting device according to claim 2 , wherein the mounting assembly and the base are respectively located at two opposite ends of the connecting frame.4. The connecting device according to claim 2 , wherein the connecting device further includes a pivoting base fixedly mounted to the connecting frame claim 2 , and wherein the base is rotatably mounted to the pivoting base.5. The connecting device according to claim 4 , wherein the base is positioned to the desired position relative to the pivoting base after being rotated.6. The connecting device according to claim 5 , wherein a limiting mechanism is formed between the pivoting base and the base for limiting the relative position of ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074156A1
Автор: LI Shuhua
Принадлежит: Globe (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.

A snow thrower is provided and includes: a snow removal system and a power system configured to drive the snow removal system to work. The power system includes a first motor. The snow removal system includes a transmission shaft, an auger assembly in transmission connection with the transmission shaft, and a snow throwing impeller mounted to the transmission shaft. An output shaft of the first motor is connected with the transmission shaft directly, so that when the first motor rotates, power is transmitted to the transmission shaft through the output shaft, so as to drive the auger assembly to rotate. 1. A snow thrower , comprising:a snow removal system; anda power system configured to drive the snow removal system to work, the power system including a first motor;wherein the snow removal system includes a transmission shaft, an auger assembly in transmission connection with the transmission shaft, and a snow throwing impeller mounted to the transmission shaft, an output shaft of the first motor is connected with the transmission shaft directly, so that when the first motor rotates, power is transmitted to the transmission shaft through the output shaft.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , whereinthe output shaft of the first motor is connected to the transmission shaft through a coupling, so that when the first motor rotates, the coupling and the transmission shaft are driven to rotate synchronously.3. The snow thrower of claim 1 , whereinthe snow removal system further includes a deceleration assembly, the transmission shaft is connected with the deceleration assembly, and the auger assembly is connected with the deceleration assembly.4. The snow thrower of claim 3 , whereinthe snow removal system further includes an auger housing covering the outside of the deceleration assembly and the auger assembly, an impeller housing covering the outside of the snow throwing impeller, and a chute assembly communicated with the impeller housing.5. The snow thrower of claim 1 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058471A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A snowthrower includes a body, a chute rotatable relative to the body among multiple chute positions, wherein the chute is configured to discharge snow from the snowthrower, a motor for rotating the chute, a user input device, and an electronic control unit configured to control the motor to automatically rotate the chute from a first chute position on a first side of a zero degree chute position aligned with the forward direction of travel of the snowthrower to a second chute position on a second side of the zero degree chute position upon actuation of the user input device. 1. A snowthrower comprising:a body;a chute rotatable relative to the body among a plurality of chute positions, wherein the chute is configured to discharge snow from the snowthrower;a motor for rotating the chute;a user input device; andan electronic control unit configured to control the motor to automatically rotate the chute from a first chute position on a first side of a zero degree chute position aligned with the forward direction of travel of the snowthrower to a second chute position on a second side of the zero degree chute position upon actuation of the user input device.2. The snowthrower of claim 1 , wherein the first chute position is located clockwise from the zero degree chute position and the second chute position is located counterclockwise from the zero degree chute position.3. The snowthrower of claim 1 , wherein the first chute position is located counterclockwise from the zero degree chute position and the second chute position is located clockwise from the zero degree chute position.4. The snowthrower of claim 1 , further comprising:a chute position detector configured to detect a current chute position.5. The snowthrower of claim 4 , wherein the chute position detector includes a lead screw mechanically coupled to the chute so that the rotation of the chute rotates the lead screw claim 4 , a target member coupled to the lead screw so that rotation of the lead screw ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058472A1
Автор: YOU Gye Hee

The present invention generally relates to a snow blower that removes snow from an area by blowing the snow away. More particularly, the present invention relates to a snow blower configured in such a manner that snow is introduced into a blade via transmission by an augur, and is then discharged through a discharge chute by the operation of an impeller. The snow blower including: a blower body including a blade, an augur, and an impeller; and a coupler including a mount and multiple links, wherein the blower body includes vertical mount panels, the mount panels provided at a rear end of the blower body and spaced apart from each other in parallel, and the mount of the coupler includes dual plates provided at the front end parts of the links such that each of the mount panels is fitted between and mounted to the dual plates of the coupler. 1. A snow blower comprising:a blower body including a blade, an augur, and an impeller; anda coupler including a mount and multiple links, the links provided at each side of a front end part of a connector arm, and the mount provided at front end parts of the links such that the blower body is mounted to the coupler,wherein the blower body includes vertical mount panels, the mount panels provided at a rear end of the blower body and spaced apart from each other in parallel, and the mount of the coupler includes dual plates provided at the front end parts of the links such that each of the mount panels is fitted between and mounted to the dual plates of the coupler.2. The snow blower of claim 1 , wherein each of the mount panels of the blower body includes: a groove provided in an upper part of the mount panel by being indented upwardly so that a first support pin of the mount is inserted into the groove; a protruding part formed by protruding from a vertical end surface of the mount panel to a predetermined length such that the first support pin and a second support pin of the mount are supported by the groove and the vertical end ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Snow thrower

Номер: US20150068074A1
Принадлежит: Briggs and Stratton Corp

A snow thrower comprises a main auger having a first diameter, an auxiliary auger above the first auger and an impeller. In one implementation, the impeller has a second diameter greater than the first diameter.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150302A1

A two stage snow thrower comprises an auger, and a snow discharge housing. The snow discharge housing comprises a one piece deep drawn auger housing. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. A two stage snow thrower comprising:a one piece deep drawn auger housing having a mouth;an augur supported from opposite sides of the housing;an impeller can extending from the housing;an impeller within the can; anda chute extending from the impeller can.17. The snow thrower of claim 16 , wherein the auger housing omits welds and is formed from a single deformed sheet of material.18. The snow thrower of claim 16 , wherein the mouth is flared out.19. The snow thrower of claim 16 , wherein the impeller is supported for rotation about an axis claim 16 , wherein the housing includes a first flange having a first face extending non-parallel to the axis and wherein the impeller can includes the second flange having a second face extending non-parallel to the axis in abutment with the first face.20. The snow thrower of claim 19 , wherein the first face and the second face are each coated with a layer of paint.21. The snow thrower of further comprising at least one fastener extending through the first flange and the second flange.22. The snow thrower of claim 19 , wherein one of the first flange and the second flange has a depression receiving the other of the first flange and the second flange.23. The snow thrower of further comprising a bent C-shaped bar coupled to the auger housing so as to serve as a scraper and to strengthens the mouth of the housing.24. A method comprising:providing a single sheet of material;deep drawing the single sheet of material in at least one die to form a one piece auger housing having a bottom portion, a top portion, a central portion between the bottom portion and the top portion, a first ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Power unit with salt spreader and salt spreader for use therewith

Номер: US20220090338A1
Принадлежит: Venture Products Inc

Skid-steer type power unit engageable with an implement using an attachment assembly including an attachment frame and a hitch. An arcuate frame member is located forwardly of the attachment frame and is engaged therewith in such a way that the frame member pivots about a vertical axis located forwardly of the frame member and generally centrally positioned relative to the attachment frame. The frame member pivots in response to actuation of a hydraulic cylinder. The power unit includes a system for transferring weight of the implement rearwardly onto the power unit. A belt-drive power-take off system on the power unit powers the implement's operation. An underbelly drop spreader is located between the front and rear wheels of the power unit and a brine delivery system distributes brine from nozzles located rearwardly of the rear wheels. A unique control panel permits operation of all systems on the power unit and implement.

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Snow thrower with electronic controls

Номер: US20170073916A1
Принадлежит: Briggs and Stratton Corp

A snow thrower includes a body, a chute rotatable relative to the body about a vertical axis, wherein the chute is configured to discharge snow from the snowthrower, a chute motor for rotating the chute, a chute position user interface, and an electronic control unit configured to cause the chute motor to rotate the chute incrementally in response to receiving a first input from the chute position user interface, and to cause the chute motor to rotate the chute to a predetermined position in response to receiving a second input from the chute position user interface.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Remote Chute Rotation System

Номер: US20140157633A1

A remote chute rotation assembly may include a chute, a cable system and a control head. The chute may direct ejected material based on an orientation of the chute. The control head may be operatively coupled to the chute via the cable system. The control head may enable remote adjustment of the orientation of the chute via the cable system. The orientation of the chute may be adjustable through a plurality of positions fixable by a positioning assembly disposed at the chute.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Adjustment mechanism for deicing unit, deicing unit, deicing vehicle and deicing method

Номер: US20180080187A1
Автор: Chao Ding, Suiping Yang
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided are a deicing unit adjustment mechanism, a deicing unit, a deicing vehicle, and a deicing method. The adjustment mechanism comprises sub-adjustment unit(s) comprising a positioning wheel, a screw rod, a guide rod having one end connected with the screw rod, an upper-end cover slidably arranged at one end of the screw rod away from the guide rod, a lower-end cover fixedly arranged at one end of the screw rod close to the guide rod, a positioning wheel-adjustment spring sleeved outside the screw rod and having two ends abutting against the upper- and lower-end covers and a pressure-adjusting nut at one end of the screw rod away from the guide rod and one side of the upper end cover away from the guide rod. The positioning wheel is rotatably-arranged at other end of the guide rod, with an axis of the positioning wheel perpendicular to that of the guide rod.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081817A1

A self-propelled snowthrower wherein, in one embodiment, drive members on each side of the snowthrower provide variable speed propulsion. A transmission that delivers power to the drive members may be adapted to de-clutch one of the two drive wheels when the ground speed of that wheel exceeds the driving speed of the transmission. In other embodiments, the snowthrower includes a rotor having a snow ejection surface forming a negative rake angle. Yet other embodiments include a chute rotation control mechanism that permits manual discharge chute rotation via one-handed input. 1. A snowthrower rotor housing comprising:two spaced-apart sidewalls connected to one another by a rear wall to define a front-facing collection opening, wherein the rear wall or an upper wall of the housing further defines a discharge outlet; and a collecting portion comprising a helical flyte adapted to collect snow; and', 'a central discharge portion comprising a paddle that is offset from the rotor axis, wherein the discharge portion receives the snow transported by the collecting portion and ejects it outwardly from the housing through the discharge outlet;', 'wherein the paddle comprises a snow ejecting surface that is inclined at a rake angle such that an outermost radial edge of the snow ejecting surface lying on a plane normal to the rotor axis trails an innermost radial edge of the snow ejecting surface also lying on the plane when the rotor rotates in the first direction., 'a rotor positioned within the housing between the collection opening and the rear wall, the rotor adapted to rotate in a first direction, relative to the housing, about a rotor axis, wherein the rotor comprises2. The rotor housing of claim 1 , wherein the rake angle is −5 to −25 degrees.3. The rotor housing of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the rear wall of the housing corresponds in shape to claim 1 , but is offset from claim 1 , a surface of revolution defined by the helical flyte.4. The rotor housing of claim 1 ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098809A1
Принадлежит: Venture Products, Inc.

Skid-steer type power unit engageable with an implement using an attachment assembly including an attachment frame and a hitch. An arcuate frame member is located forwardly of the attachment frame and is engaged therewith in such a way that the frame member pivots about a vertical axis located forwardly of the frame member and generally centrally positioned relative to the attachment frame. The frame member pivots in response to actuation of a hydraulic cylinder. The power unit includes a system for transferring weight of the implement rearwardly onto the power unit. A belt-drive power-take off system on the power unit powers the implement's operation. An underbelly drop spreader is located between the front and rear wheels of the power unit and a brine delivery system distributes brine from nozzles located rearwardly of the rear wheels. A unique control panel permits operation of all systems on the power unit and implement. 1. A power unit comprising:a powered vehicle having a frame having a longitudinal axis;a pair of front wheels and a pair of rear wheels operatively engaged with the frame and spaced longitudinally apart from one another;differential steering provided on the powered vehicle and which enables the powered vehicle to perform turns with a near zero degree radius;an attachment selectively engageable with the frame; anda drop spreader located between the pair of front wheels and the pair of rear wheels.2. The power unit according to claim 1 , wherein the drop spreader includes a trough having a slot defined in a bottom wall thereof claim 1 , wherein the drop spreader is configured to drop a quantity of particulate materials through the slot and directly onto a ground surface located between the pair of front wheels and the pair of rear wheels.3. The power unit according to claim 1 , wherein the drop spreader includes a trough oriented at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the frame.4. The power unit according to claim 3 , wherein the drop ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098810A1
Принадлежит: Venture Products, Inc.

Skid-steer type power unit engageable with an implement using an attachment assembly including an attachment frame and a hitch. An arcuate frame member is located forwardly of the attachment frame and is engaged therewith in such a way that the frame member pivots about a vertical axis located forwardly of the frame member and generally centrally positioned relative to the attachment frame. The frame member pivots in response to actuation of a hydraulic cylinder. The power unit includes a system for transferring weight of the implement rearwardly onto the power unit. A belt-drive power-take off system on the power unit powers the implement's operation. An underbelly drop spreader is located between the front and rear wheels of the power unit and a brine delivery system distributes brine from nozzles located rearwardly of the rear wheels. A unique control panel permits operation of all systems on the power unit and implement. 1. A power unit comprising:a powered vehicle having a frame having a longitudinal axis;a pair of front wheels and a pair of rear wheels operatively engaged with the frame and spaced longitudinally apart from one another;differential steering provided on the powered vehicle which enables the powered vehicle to perform turns with a near zero degree radius;an attachment engageable with the powered vehicle; said attachment being adapted to perform a task as the powered vehicle travels over a surface; anda belt-drive power take-off system provided to transfer power from the powered vehicle to the attachment.2. The power unit according to claim 1 , wherein the belt-drive power take-off system comprises:a first belt-drive system provided on the powered vehicle; said first belt-drive system including a first drive belt;a second belt-drive system provided on the attachment; said second belt-drive system including a second drive belt; andan overlap formed between the first belt-drive system and the second belt-drive system and wherein power from the first ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098811A1
Автор: Bonney Michael Allen

Disclosed is a two-stage electric powered snowblower. It has an auger, a blower, and a main drive shaft. A first electric motor is operably coupled to the drive shaft to rotate the drive shaft at a desired speed. The drive shaft is operably coupled to the auger to rotate the auger. The auger rotates to pull snow into the snowblower housing so that it can be forced out of a chute in the desired direction. A second electric motor is operably coupled to the blower to drive the blower at a desired speed which is typically higher than the speed of the auger. The second electric motor is mounted adjacent the first electric motor. The blower is operably coupled to the second electric motor. The drive shaft extends through the second electric motor the blower. 1. A snowblower comprising:an auger,a blower,a drive shaft,a first electric motor operably coupled to said drive shaft to rotate said drive shaft at a desired speed, said drive shaft operably coupled to said auger to rotate said auger;a second electric motor operably coupled to said blower to drive said blower at a desired speed.2. The snowblower of claim 1 , further including a pair of drive wheels and an electric motor drive to drive said wheels.3. The snowblower of claim 2 , wherein said electric motor drive includes at least a third electric motor and gearbox claim 2 , said third electric motor and gearbox is operatively connected to at least one wheel to drive said snowblower.4. The snowblower of claim 3 , wherein said electric motor drive includes a fourth electric motor and gearbox claim 3 , said third electric motor and gearbox is operatively connected to one wheel of said snowblower and said fourth electric motor and gearbox is operatively connected to said other wheel of said snowblower.5. The snowblower of claim 1 , wherein said first electric motor is attached to said second electric motor.6. The snowblower of claim 1 , wherein said second electric motor has a hollow shaft to which said blower is mounted ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Power head and outdoor power equipment using the same

Номер: US20220134531A1
Автор: Kan Fei, LI Shuhua
Принадлежит: Globe (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.

The disclosure provides a power head and an outdoor power equipment using the same. The power head includes a housing assembly, a motor assembly and a battery pack assembly. The housing assembly includes a first housing and a second housing. The first housing and the second housing defines a housing space. The motor assembly is arranged in the housing space. The motor assembly includes a motor. One end of an output shaft of the motor extends to outside of the housing assembly. The battery pack assembly is arranged inside the housing space. The battery pack assembly supplies power for the motor assembly.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096206A1
Автор: Raasch Jason J.
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A carburetor includes a passageway having a constricted section, a nozzle directed into the passageway proximate the constricted section, and a shaft having a surface that at least partially defines the constricted section. The nozzle is configured to deliver fuel to air passing through the passageway, and the surface includes a contour that is configured to be moved relative to the passageway to change the area of the passageway through the constricted section. 1. A snow thrower having a power boost mode , the snow thrower comprising:a frame;wheels coupled to the frame;a fuel tank; an air intake;', 'a combustion chamber;', 'a passageway configured to channel air from the air intake to the combustion chamber, wherein the passageway comprises a surface at least partially defining a constricted section of the passageway, and wherein the surface is configured to be adjusted to change the area of the passageway through the constricted section;', 'a well configured to hold fuel delivered to the well from the fuel tank; and', 'a nozzle in fluid communication with the well and directed into the passageway proximate to the constricted section of the passageway, whereby the constricted section of the passageway provides a relative low pressure in air passing through the passageway that draws fuel from the nozzle to the air;, 'an engine mounted to the frame, comprisinga rotating tool driven by the engine; anda control interface, wherein manual control of the control interface increases the flow rate of air through the passageway to increase the combustion processes of the engine and provide a power boost mode having greater output for the engine.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the control interface comprises a power boost button.3. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the control interface is configured to adjust the surface in order to change the area of the passageway through the constricted section.4. The snow thrower of claim 1 , further comprising:a shaft ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095433A1

There is provided a snowblower comprising a frame with a transversally extending portion; an auger assembly mounted to the frame and comprising a rotating axle extending substantially parallel to the transversally extending portion and a snow-gathering device mounted to rotating axle and rotating therewith about an auger rotating axis at an auger revolution speed; an impeller assembly mounted to the frame and comprising a snow-expelling device rotatable about an impeller rotation axis at an impeller revolution speed, the impeller rotation axis extending substantially parallel to the auger rotating axis; an actuator assembly configured to engage the auger and impeller assemblies in rotation wherein the impeller revolution speed is greater than the auger revolution speed; and a discharge chute mounted to the frame and having a discharge chute inlet adjacent to the impeller assembly. There is also provided a method for clearing away snow. 1. A snowblower comprising:a snowblower frame with a transversally extending portion;an auger assembly mounted to the snowblower frame and comprising at least one rotating axle extending substantially parallel to the transversally extending portion and at least one snow-gathering device mounted to the at least one rotating axle and rotating therewith about an auger rotating axis at an auger revolution speed;an impeller assembly mounted to the snowblower frame and comprising at least one snow-expelling device rotatable about an impeller rotation axis at an impeller revolution speed, the impeller rotation axis extending substantially parallel to the auger rotating axis;at least one actuator assembly configured to engage the auger assembly and the impeller assembly in rotation wherein the impeller revolution speed is greater than the auger revolution speed; anda discharge chute mounted to the snowblower frame and having a discharge chute inlet adjacent to the impeller assembly.2. The snowblower according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180094395A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

An impeller assembly for a snowthrower includes a driven shaft configured to rotate about an axis, a flexible impeller configured to rotate about the axis and extending horizontally across substantially a complete width of the impeller assembly parallel to the axis, and a rigid cutting implement. The flexible impeller extends radially from the driven shaft to an impeller radial distance. The rigid cutting implement extends radially from the driven shaft to a cutting implement radial distance less than the impeller radial distance, wherein the rigid cutting implement is spaced apart from and does not contact the flexible impeller. 1. An impeller assembly for a snowthrower , comprising:a driven shaft configured to rotate about an axis;a flexible impeller extending horizontally across substantially a complete width of the impeller assembly parallel to the axis and configured to rotate about the axis, wherein the flexible impeller extends radially from the driven shaft to an impeller radial distance; anda rigid cutting implement extending radially from the driven shaft to a cutting implement radial distance less than the impeller radial distance, wherein the rigid cutting implement is spaced apart from and does not contact the flexible impeller.2. The impeller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flexible impeller comprises a plurality of flexible paddles.3. The impeller assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a first side mounting plate attached to a first end of the flexible impeller and a second side mounting plate attached to a second end of the flexible impeller;wherein the first and second side mounting plates are attached to the driven shaft.4. The impeller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rigid cutting implement comprises a tine.5. The impeller assembly of claim 4 , wherein the tine includes a first body portion extending away from the axis in a first direction and a second body portion extending away from the axis in a second opposite direction.6. The impeller ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Snow plow

Номер: US20150107134A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A snow plow includes a control unit for controlling a raising/lowering drive mechanism so that an auger housing becomes horizontal, a relative angle detection unit for detecting the angle of the auger housing relative to a travel frame, and a horizontal detection unit for detecting the horizontal state of the auger housing. The control unit stops the raising/lowering drive mechanism when the control unit assess that either a first condition or a second condition is satisfied, the first condition being that the relative angle be zero and the second condition being that the auger housing be horizontal.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107135A1

A snow plow including a control unit for controlling the raising and lowering of an auger housing, a reset switch that can be operated by a worker, and a reset display light that illuminates in conjunction with the turning on of the reset switch. The control unit automatically raises and lowers the auger housing in accordance with the reverse and forward traveling of travel device, and automatically adjusts the auger housing to a horizontal position during forward travel of the travel device upon receiving an on signal from the reset switch. The control unit maintains the illuminated state of the illuminated reset display light according to the turning on of the reset switch, even when the travel device is traveling in reverse, and extinguishes the reset display light upon receiving a termination signal for terminating snow plowing work performed with an auger. 1wherein the snow plow comprises a reset switch adapted to be operated by a worker, and a reset display light that illuminates in conjunction with turning on of the reset switch,the control unit controls the raising/lowering drive mechanism so as to raise the auger housing when the travel device travels in reverse and lower the auger housing when the travel device begins to travel forward, and so as to automatically adjust the auger housing to a horizontal position during forward travel of the travel device upon receipt of an on signal from the reset switch, andthe control unit performs a control so as to maintain an illuminated state of the illuminated reset display light according to the turning on of the reset switch, even when the travel device is traveling in reverse, and to extinguish the reset display light upon receipt of a termination signal for terminating snow plowing work performed with the auger.. A snow plow comprising a travel frame having a travel device, an auger housing having an auger and being capable of being raised and lowered relative to the travel frame, a raising/lowering drive ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Snow plow

Номер: US20150107136A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A snow plow includes a control unit for raising an auger housing to a predetermined upper limit angle when travel device is reversing, and an acceleration sensor for detecting acceleration produced in the auger housing. The control unit determines an angle of inclination of the auger housing on the basis of the acceleration. When the travel device starts moving forward after having temporarily moved in reverse, the control unit sets an intermediate lowering target angle of inclination, which is in the lowering path of the auger housing from the upper limit angle to a pre-reversing angle of inclination, in accordance with the forward acceleration; lowers the auger housing at a given lowering speed from the upper limit angle to the intermediate lowering target angle of inclination; and lowers the auger housing at a gradually decreasing lowering speed from the intermediate lowering target angle of inclination to the pre-reversing angle of inclination.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101755A1

A hybrid driving snow sweeper includes a snow sweeping impeller. The snow sweeping impeller is mounted on an impeller shaft. The impeller shaft is driven by a motor. The motor includes a DC motor and an AC motor. The DC motor and the AC motor are connected with a control panel. The control panel is connected with wires of battery power supply and AC power supply. The control panel controls the operation of the DC motor or the AC motor so as to drive the impeller shaft. The DC motor and the AC motor are set simultaneously. 1. A hybrid driving snow sweeper , comprising a snow sweeping impeller , wherein the snow sweeping impeller is mounted on an impeller shaft , and the impeller shaft is driven by a motor , characterized in that: the motor comprises a DC motor and an AC motor , the DC motor and the AC motor are connected with a control panel , the control panel is connected with wires of battery power supply and AC power supply , and the control panel controls the operation of the DC motor or the AC motor so as to drive the impeller shaft.2. The hybrid driving snow sweeper according to claim 1 , wherein the battery power supply comprises several lithium battery packs which are mounted in a battery positioning frame.3. The hybrid driving snow sweeper according to claim 1 , wherein the DC motor is a brushless motor which is connected with a brushless controller claim 1 , and the output shaft of the brushless motor is linked with the impeller shaft directly via a coupling.4. The hybrid driving snow sweeper according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller shaft is connected with a big belt pulley claim 1 , and the output shaft of the AC motor is connected with the big belt pulley via a belt.5. The hybrid driving snow sweeper according to claim 4 , wherein a clutch protecting mechanism is provided between the big belt pulley and the impeller shaft.6. The hybrid driving snow sweeper according to claim 1 , wherein the DC motor and the AC motor are located at both axial sides of ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Dual-step snow sweeper

Номер: US20170101756A1

A dual-step snow sweeper includes a body, on which a driving device, a self-propelled device, a snow sweeping device, and a handrail control device are arranged. The driving device drives the operation of the self-propelled device and the snow sweeping device, the snow sweeping device includes a snow scraping mechanism and a snow throwing mechanism, and the driving device includes at least one motor which is powered by a power supply device. The power supply device can use battery supply separately, and can supply power by being connected with alternating current through an AC-DC power supply system as well, or operate in such a way that the AC directly drives an AC motor.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108593A1
Автор: Cohen Joseph S

A snow thrower is disclosed having a reverse shut-off mechanism configured to deactivate voltage supplied from a power source to a motor that rotates an auger assembly. The reverse shut-off mechanism deactivates the voltage supplied in response to the snow thrower being moved or rolled in a reverse direction. Upon movement of the snow thrower in a forwards direction to clear snow or other debris, the shut-off mechanism reactivates voltage supplied from the power source to the motor that rotates the auger assembly. This allows the snow thrower to conserve power and/or fuel when the snow thrower is not being used to clear snow or other debris. 1. A snow thrower , comprising:a frame;a main housing coupled to the frame and having an inlet cavity;an auger assembly disposed in the main housing and extending across the inlet cavity;a motor disposed in the main housing and coupled to the auger assembly, the motor adapted to rotate the auger assembly;a wheel assembly coupled to the frame and including an axle and wheels coupled to ends of the axle for rolling the snow thrower;a shut-off mechanism coupled to the wheel assembly and adapted to deactivate power to the motor in response to the snow thrower being rolled in a reverse direction.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , further comprising a handle portion coupled to the frame opposite the main housing claim 1 , and wherein the wheel assembly is coupled to the frame between the main housing and the handle portion.3. The snow thrower of claim 2 , further comprising a battery housing coupled to the handle portion; and a battery disposed in the battery housing and electrically connected to the motor through the shut-off mechanism.4. The snow thrower of claim 3 , wherein the battery housing and the main housing are positioned on opposite sides of a pivot point formed by the axle.5. The snow thrower of claim 4 , further comprising a switch electrically connected to the battery and the motor and adapted to activate and deactivate ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220171395A1
Принадлежит: Chongqing University

A method for obstacle detection and recognition for an intelligent snow sweeping robot is disclosed, comprising: 1) disposing ultrasonic sensors at a front end of the snow sweeping robot to detect distance information from an obstacle ahead; and disposing radar sensors at the front and rear of the snow sweeping robot to detect whether a creature suddenly approaches; 2) processing signals detected by each of the ultrasonic sensors and radar sensors, and calculating a forward distance of the snow sweeping robot; and 3) determining a snow cover extent of a working road, detecting a change of the distance from the obstacles, and recognizing the obstacles for conditions of an ultrasonic ranging variation ratio and a variation of the forward distance of the snow sweeping robot, a change of the signal detected by radar sensors, and a descriptive statistic of the snow cover extent within a specific time period. 1(1) disposing an ultrasonic sensor on each of a left side, middle, and a right side of a front end of the snow sweeping robot to detect a distance between the snow sweeping robot and an obstacle ahead by the ultrasonic sensor; and disposing a radar sensor at the front and the rear of the snow sweeping robot respectively to detect whether a creature suddenly approaches when the snow sweeping robot operates by the radar sensor;(2) processing signals detected by each of the ultrasonic sensors and each of the radar sensors, and calculating a forward distance of the snow sweeping robot, specifically comprising:a. processing ranging data acquired by each of the ultrasonic sensors, specifically comprising:{'sup': 'th', 'performing recursive weighted average filtering on distance data acquired by each of the ultrasonic sensors within a time period Δt, expressed as follows for a ktime period Δt. A method for obstacle detection and recognition for an intelligent snow sweeping robot, comprising the following steps:{'sub': k', 'ki', 'ki, 'sup': th', 'th', 'th', 'th, 'wherein ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106852A1

A three-stage snow thrower having a housing, a power supply operatively connected to said housing, a longitudinal drive shaft extending from the power supply into the housing, and a lateral drive shaft extending rotatably attached to opposing side walls of the housing and being meshingly engaged with the longitudinal drive shaft within a gear assembly. The power supply drives the longitudinal drive shaft, thereby causing the longitudinal drive shaft to rotate, and at least a portion of such rotation is transferred to the lateral drive via a gear assembly. The first stage assembly includes a plurality of augers attached to the lateral drive shaft, wherein the first stage assembly pushes loosened snow axially toward the gear assembly. The second stage assembly includes at least one auger attached to the longitudinal drive shaft, wherein the second stage assembly pushes the snow from the first stage assembly axially rearward in a transverse manner relative to the first stage assembly. The third stage assembly includes an impeller that rotates to throw the snow from the second stage assembly through a chute attached to the housing to expel the snow from the housing. 1. A multiple-stage snow thrower for removing accumulated snow , said multiple-stage snow thrower having a housing , a frame , and a power supply operatively connected to said frame , said multiple-stage snow thrower comprising:a first stage assembly operatively connected to said power supply, wherein rotation of said first stage assembly moves said snow radially to expel said snow from said housing;a second stage assembly operatively connected to said power supply, wherein rotation of said second stage moves said snow longitudinally toward said first stage assembly; anda third stage assembly operatively connected to said power supply, wherein rotation of said third stage assembly moves said snow laterally toward said second stage assembly;wherein said snow is moved from said third stage assembly toward said ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Trailing Shield for a Snow Removal Device

Номер: US20140196323A1

A snow removal device may include an auger assembly, a mobility assembly, a housing and a blowback prevention assembly. The auger assembly may include a rotatable auger that imparts momentum to draw material engaged by the auger toward an ejection path. The auger may extend substantially transversely with respect to a front portion of the snow removal device. The mobility assembly may be configured to enable the snow removal device to move with respect to a surface. The housing may be disposed proximate to a portion of the auger assembly to direct at least some of the material toward the ejection path responsive to rotation of the auger. The blowback prevention assembly may be disposed to inhibit blowback of material between the housing and the surface. The blowback prevention assembly may include a scraper bar and a trailing shield. 1. (canceled)264. The snow removal device of claim , wherein the blowback prevention assembly extends between opposing sides of the snow removal device substantially parallel to a longitudinal axis of the auger assembly.3. The snow removal device of claim 2 , wherein the blowback prevention assembly is disposed substantially below a portion of the auger assembly and forward of the mobility assembly.4. (canceled)564. The snow removal device of claim claim 2 , wherein the scraper bar is disposed to lie proximate to the surface during operation of the snow removal device and direct material over a portion of the scraper bar toward the housing and into the ejection path.6. A snow removal device comprising:an auger assembly including a rotatable auger that imparts momentum to draw material engaged by the auger toward an ejection path, the auger extending substantially transversely with respect to a front portion of the snow removal device;a mobility assembly configured to enable the snow removal device to move with respect to a surface;a housing disposed proximate to a portion of the auger assembly to direct at least some of the material ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114875A1

A belt-type continuously variable transmission capable of continuously changing a speed reduction ratio of a driven pulley to a drive pulley, has a speed reduction ratio regulation mechanism that regulates a minimum speed reduction ratio of the driven pulley to the drive pulley. The driven pulley includes a fixed sheave, a movable sheave displaceable in an axial direction with respect to the fixed sheave, and a coil spring that urges the movable sheave toward the fixed sheave. The speed reduction ratio regulation mechanism has a swing arm that adjusts an allowable range in which moving away in an axial direction of the movable sheave with respect to the fixed sheave is possible, and a regulation drive section that drives the swing distal end portion of the swing arm to swing continuously. 1. A belt-type continuously variable transmission for a working machine that is capable of continuously changing a speed reduction ratio of a driven pulley to a drive pulley ,in which the driven pulley includes a fixed sheave, a movable sheave displaceable in an axial direction with respect to the fixed sheave, a coil spring that urges the movable sheave toward the fixed sheave, and a torque cam mechanism that converts a part of a rotational force that acts on the movable sheave into a thrust that presses a side surface of a V-belt, comprising:a speed reduction ratio regulation mechanism that regulates a minimum speed reduction ratio of a rotational speed of the driven pulley to the drive pulley,wherein the speed reduction ratio regulation mechanism has a swing arm that adjusts an allowable range in which moving away in the axial direction of the movable sheave with respect to the fixed sheave is possible, and a regulation drive section that drives a swing distal end portion of the swing arm to swing continuously,the swing arm extends in a direction to intersect a rotation center line of the driven pulley,a swing base end portion of the swing arm is supported by a bracket to be ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114894A1

A working machine having a belt-type continuously variable transmission in a working power transmission system includes a target working speed setting section for optionally setting a target working rotational speed of a working unit, a working unit speed sensor that detects an actual working rotational speed of the working unit, a speed reduction ratio regulation mechanism that regulates a minimum speed reduction ratio of a rotational speed of a driven pulley with respect to a drive pulley, and a control unit. The control unit controls a drive source rotational speed to bring the actual working rotational speed close to the target working rotational speed, obtains a minimum limit speed reduction ratio based upon a target minimum rotational speed of a drive source and the target working rotational speed, and controls the speed reduction ratio regulation mechanism to keep the minimum limit speed reduction ratio. 1. A working machine in which a belt-type continuously variable transmission is interposed in a working power transmission system from a drive source to a working unit , and a driven pulley of the belt-type continuously variable transmission includes a fixed sheave , a movable sheave displaceable in an axial direction with respect to the fixed sheave , an urging member that urges the movable sheave toward the fixed sheave , and a torque cam mechanism that converts a part of a rotational force that acts on the movable sheave into a thrust that presses a side surface of a belt , comprising:a target working speed setting section that optionally sets a target working rotational speed of the working unit;a working unit speed sensor that detects an actual working rotational speed of the working unit;a speed reduction ratio regulation mechanism that regulates a minimum speed reduction ratio of a rotational speed of the driven pulley to a drive pulley; anda control unit that controls the drive source and the speed reduction ratio regulation mechanism,wherein the ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202046A1
Автор: YAMAZAKI Nobuo
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A snow removal machine, in which an engine drives an auger and a blower, includes a mode switching operation section for selecting and switching to any one of a plurality of control modes differing from each other in engine output control characteristic; and a control section for controlling the engine by executing any one of the plurality of control modes in accordance with an operation signal output from the mode switching operation section. The control section makes a determination as to whether an operating state of the engine in the currently-executed control mode is in a recommended operating range preset on the basis of at least a rotating speed and degree of throttle opening of the engine, and instructs a display section to display a result of the determination. 1. A snow removal machine in which an engine drives at least an auger and a blower for blowing snow , gathered by the auger , to around the machine through a shooter and which is self-propelled via a travel unit , the snow removal machine comprising:a mode switching operation section for selecting and switching to any one of a plurality of control modes differing from each other in engine output control characteristic; anda control section for controlling the engine by executing any one of the plurality of control modes in accordance with an operation signal output from the mode switching operation section,wherein the control section makes a determination as to whether an operating state of the engine in the control mode currently executed by the control section is in a recommended operating range preset on a basis of at least a rotating speed and degree of throttle opening of the engine, and the control section issues an instruction to a display section such that the display section displays a result of the determination.2. The snow removal machine according to claim 1 , which further comprises a speed lever for controlling a traveling speed of the travel unit claim 1 , andwherein, upon ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202047A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A snow removal machine including a travel unit frame having travel units, and an auger housing liftable, lowerable and rollable relative to the travel unit frame. The machine also includes: a frame inclination angle detection section for detecting an inclination angle of the travel frame relative to a ground surface; a housing inclination angle detection section for detecting an inclination angle of the auger housing relative to the travel unit frame; and an overall inclination angle evaluation section for evaluating an overall inclination angle of the auger housing relative to the ground surface on the basis of the inclination angles detected by the two detection sections. The two detection sections are provided on a part of the machine which does not make rolling motion together with the auger housing. 1. A snow removal machine including a travel unit frame having a travel unit mounted thereon , and an auger housing having an auger housed therein and not only liftable and lowerable but also rollable relative to the travel unit frame , the snow removal machine comprising:a frame inclination angle detection section for detecting an inclination angle of the travel frame itself relative to a ground surface the travel unit is contacting;a housing inclination angle detection section for detecting an inclination angle of the auger housing relative to the travel unit frame; andan overall inclination angle evaluation section for evaluating an overall inclination angle of the auger housing relative to the ground surface on the basis of the inclination angle detected by the frame inclination angle detection section and the inclination angle detected by the housing inclination angle detection section,the frame inclination angle detection section and the housing inclination angle detection section being provided on a part of the snow removal machine which does not make rolling motion together with the auger housing.2. The snow removal machine according to claim 1 , which ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128459A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A snowthrower includes a body, a chute rotatable relative to the body among a plurality of chute positions, wherein the chute is configured to discharge snow from the snowthrower, a motor for rotating the chute, a user input device configured to set a preferred chute bearing, and an electronic control unit configured to control the motor to automatically rotate the chute to an appropriate chute position to maintain the chute at the preferred chute bearing without additional input from the user input device. 1. A snowthrower comprising:a body;a chute rotatable relative to the body among a plurality of chute positions, wherein the chute is configured to discharge snow from the snowthrower;a motor for rotating the chute;a user input device configured to set a preferred chute bearing;an electronic control unit configured to control the motor to automatically rotate the chute to an appropriate chute position to maintain the chute at the preferred chute bearing without additional input from the user input device.2. The snowthrower of claim 1 , wherein the electronic control unit is configured to:store the preferred chute bearing in a memory device of the electronic control unit;calculate a current chute bearing;determining if the preferred chute bearing is possible;if the preferred chute bearing is possible, calculate the bearing error and then rotate the chute with the motor to eliminate the bearing error; andif the preferred chute bearing is not possible, rotate the chute with the motor toward the preferred chute bearing until the chute reaches an angular travel limit.3. The snowthrower of claim 2 , wherein the chute is rotatable between a clockwise angular limit and a counterclockwise angular limit; and further comprising:a clockwise limit switch configured to be actuated when the chute is at the clockwise angular limit and wherein actuation of the clockwise limit switch prevents the chute from further clockwise rotation; anda counterclockwise limit switch configured ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127934A1
Автор: LARUE Denis

An assembly for releasable attachment to a vehicle. The assembly comprises a frame including a mounting member configured to be mounted onto the vehicle, a plow blade mounted to the frame and a power broom coupled to the frame and disposed between the mounting member and the plow blade. The power broom is configured to be disposed in front of a most forward wheel of the vehicle relative to a forward direction of travel of the vehicle. The power broom is also configured to rotate to sweep snow away from the power broom. 1. An assembly for releasable attachment to a motorized vehicle , the assembly comprising:a frame;a mounting member extending rearwardly relative to the frame and configured for attachment to the vehicle;a plow blade mounted at a front of the frame; anda power broom secured to the frame between the mounting member and the plow blade, the power broom configured to be disposed in front of a most forward wheel of the vehicle relative to a forward direction of travel of the vehicle, the power broom configured to rotate and sweep towards the front.2. The assembly as defined in claim 1 , comprising a shield extending vertically between the plow blade and the power broom.3. The assembly as defined in claim 2 , wherein a tip of the shield is curved toward the power broom and is extended rearwardly at least partially over the power broom.4. The assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the plow blade is mounted to the frame via a pivotal dual arm assembly.5. The assembly as defined in claim 4 , wherein the pivotal dual arm assembly has an actuator activatable to selectively raise or lower the plow blade relative to the height of the frame.6. The assembly as defined in wherein the actuator is operable in a floating mode.7. The assembly as defined in wherein the frame has a wheel assembly configured to support its weight on the ground.8. The assembly as defined in wherein the wheel assembly is connected to the frame via a dual arm assembly having an actuator ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140215863A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Snowblower adjustable deflector control devices, systems, and methods can include a control cable connected at one end to a movable deflector of a discharge chute of a snowblower, a control lever pivotably connected to a machine handle of the snowblower, and a lever guide connected to the machine handle. The control lever can have a first end comprising a grip portion, a second end connected to the control cable, and at least one protrusion extending from the control lever, and the lever guide can be configured to selectively retain the at least one protrusion in any of one or more angular positions corresponding to one or more deflector positions. 1. An adjustable snowblower deflector control system comprising:a control cable connected at one end to a movable deflector of a discharge chute of a snowblower;a control lever pivotably connected to a machine handle of the snowblower, the control lever comprising a first end comprising a grip portion, a second end connected to the control cable, and at least one protrusion extending from the control lever; anda lever guide connected to the machine handle, the lever guide configured to selectively retain the at least one protrusion in any of one or more angular positions corresponding to one or more deflector positions;wherein the control lever is movable away from the lever guide such that the at least one protrusion is movable out of engagement with the lever guide.2. The adjustable snowblower deflector control system of claim 1 , wherein the control lever is pivotably connected to the machine handle at a pivot point positioned between the first end and the second end.3. The adjustable snowblower deflector control system of claim 1 , wherein the control lever is pivotable relative to the machine handle in a plane substantially parallel to the lever guide.4. The adjustable snowblower deflector control system of claim 1 , wherein the lever guide comprises a plurality of openings configured for receiving the at least one ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138232A1
Автор: Friberg Nathan J.

A snowthrower that, in one embodiment, includes a chute rotation control mechanism that permits manual rotation of a directional chute about a chute axis via one-handed input. The mechanism may have a chute rotation lever having a proximal end attached to the directional chute, the lever extending radially from the chute axis to terminate at a distal end, wherein a handle is provided at or near the distal end, the handle having a handle axis parallel to the chute axis. 1. A snowthrower comprising:a frame;at least one ground support member;a rotor housing attached to the frame, the housing defining a discharge outlet;a rotor at least partially enclosed within the housing and adapted to collect snow entering the housing;a chute assembly attached to the housing and in fluid communication with the discharge outlet, the chute assembly comprising a directional chute operable to rotate, relative to the housing, about a chute axis; anda chute rotation lever having a proximal end attached to the directional chute, the lever extending radially from the chute axis to terminate at a distal end, wherein a handle is provided at or near the distal end, the handle having a handle axis parallel to the chute axis, and wherein the lever defines a pivot joint located between the proximal and distal ends, the pivot joint defining a lever pivot axis coincident with the chute axis.2. (canceled)3. The snowthrower of claim 1 , wherein the handle is mounted to the lever such that the handle rotates claim 1 , relative to the lever claim 1 , about the handle axis.4. The snowthrower of claim 1 , wherein lowermost portions of the ground support member and the housing together define an operating plane.5. The snowthrower of claim 4 , wherein the chute axis is normal to the operating plane.6. The snowthrower of claim 1 , further comprising a retention device adapted to maintain the lever and the directional chute in one position until a threshold torque about the lever pivot axis is applied.7. The ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Self-propelled, single-stage snowthrower

Номер: US20160138234A1
Принадлежит: Toro Co

A self-propelled, single-stage snowthrower wherein, in one embodiment, drive members on each side of the snowthrower provide variable speed propulsion. A transmission that delivers power to the drive members may be adapted to de-clutch one of the two drive wheels when the ground speed of that wheel exceeds the driving speed of the transmission. In other embodiments, the snowthrower includes a rotor having a snow ejection surface forming a negative rake angle. Yet other embodiments include a chute rotation control mechanism that permits manual discharge chute rotation via one-handed input.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135264A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A snow thrower includes a body, a chute rotatable relative to the body about a vertical axis, wherein the chute is configured to discharge snow from the snowthrower, a chute motor for rotating the chute, and a chute position user interface. The chute motor is electrically controlled to rotate the chute in response to a first input duration to the chute position user interface and to rotate the chute in response to a second input duration to the chute position user interface. The chute motor ceases operation after the first input duration and the chute motor continues operation after the second input duration. 1. A snow thrower comprising:a body;a chute rotatable relative to the body about an axis, wherein the chute is configured to discharge snow from the snow thrower;a chute motor for rotating the chute; anda chute position user interface;wherein the chute motor is electrically controlled to rotate the chute in response to a first input duration to the chute position user interface, and wherein the chute motor is electrically controlled to rotate the chute in response to a second input duration to the chute position user interface;wherein the chute motor ceases operation after the first input duration, and wherein the chute motor continues operation after the second input duration.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the chute position user interface comprises a joystick.3. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the first input duration is provided upon actuation of the chute position user interface for less than a predetermined amount of time and wherein the second input duration is provided upon actuation of the chute position user interface for at least the predetermined amount of time.4. The snow thrower of claim 1 , further comprising:a drive wheel rotatably coupled to the body;a speed/direction user interface;a speed servo configured to control a speed of the drive wheel; anda direction servo configured to control a direction of the drive wheel; andan ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135359A1

A utility machine includes a frame, a prime mover supported by the frame, and an operator control assembly coupled to the frame. The operator control assembly includes controls to operate the utility machine. The utility machine further includes a track drive system coupled to the frame to facilitate movement along a ground surface. The track drive system includes a drive wheel rotatably driven by the prime mover, an idler wheel rotatably supported by the frame, and a flexible track interconnecting the drive wheel and the idler wheel. The idler wheel is translatable relative to the frame and to the drive wheel to adjust an orientation of the frame relative to the ground surface. 1. A utility machine comprising:a frame;a prime mover supported by the frame;an operator control assembly coupled to the frame, the operator control assembly including controls to operate the utility machine; and a drive wheel rotatably driven by the prime mover,', 'an idler wheel rotatably supported by the frame, and', 'a flexible track interconnecting the drive wheel and the idler wheel,, 'a track drive system coupled to the frame to facilitate movement along a ground surface, the track drive system including'}wherein the idler wheel is translatable relative to the frame and to the drive wheel to adjust an orientation of the frame relative to the ground surface, andwherein a portion of the flexible track between the idler wheel and the ground surface is removed from contact with the ground surface when the idler wheel translates upwardly relative to the frame.2. The utility machine of claim 1 , wherein in a first mode of operation claim 1 , a virtual plane is defined by a bottom edge of the frame and a lowermost section of the flexible track extending between the drive wheel and the idler wheel claim 1 , and wherein in a second mode of operation claim 1 , the idler wheel is moved away from the virtual plane.3. The utility machine of claim 2 , wherein the idler wheel is releasably securable ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Automatic Moving Snow Removal Device

Номер: US20220282440A1

An automatic moving snow removal device including a moving module, driving a snow blower to move; a working module, including a working motor and a snow throwing mechanism driven by the working motor, the snow throwing mechanism is driven by the working motor to collect accumulated snow and inclusions on the ground and throw out of the snow throwing mechanism; and a control module, configured to control a rotary speed of the working motor to cause a speed when the inclusions depart from the snow throwing mechanism is not higher than 41 m/s. 1. An automatic moving snow removal device comprising:a working module, configured to execute specific work of the automatic moving snow removal device;a moving module, configured to drive the automatic moving snow removal device to move on the ground;an energy module, configured to provide energy for the moving module and the working module of the automatic moving snow removal device;a control module, wherein the control module is configured to control the working module and the moving module of the automatic moving snow removal device, such that the automatic moving snow removal device moves and works within a preset border;the automatic moving snow removal device further comprises a location navigation module, and the control module generates a snow removal path according to a map of the preset border, and controls the automatic moving snow removal device to move along the snow removal path according to coordinate data provided by the location navigation module; andwherein the location navigation module is detachably mounted on the automatic moving snow removal device.2. The automatic moving snow removal device according to claim 1 , wherein the map of the preset border is formed by continuous coordinates formed in a manner that the location navigation module moves for a circle along the border of a working area.3. The automatic moving snow removal device according to claim 1 , wherein the preset border is an electrified wire ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Chute Rotation Assembly for Snow Removal Device

Номер: US20200141077A1

A snow removal device may include an engine assembly operably coupled at least in part to a frame of the snow removal device. The snow removal device may further include a mobility assembly operably coupled to the frame and the engine assembly to provide mobility of the snow removal device responsive at least in part to operation of the engine assembly. The snow removal device may even further include an ejection assembly that includes a chute for ejecting material from the snow removal device, and a handle assembly that includes a lever assembly. Moreover, the snow removal device may also include a chute rotation assembly operably coupled to the chute of the ejection assembly. The chute rotation assembly may include a cable system, the cable system operably coupling the lever assembly to the chute rotation assembly. The chute rotation assembly may also include a disc clutch assembly configured to move between an engaged position and a disengaged position in response to actuation of the lever assembly, where when the disc clutch assembly is in the disengaged position, the chute is enabled to rotate between a plurality of positions. 1. A snow removal device comprising:an engine assembly operably coupled at least in part to a frame of the snow removal device;a mobility assembly operably coupled to the frame and the engine assembly to provide mobility of the snow removal device responsive at least in part to operation of the engine assembly;an ejection assembly comprising a chute for ejecting material from the snow removal device;a handle assembly comprising a lever assembly; and a cable system, the cable system operably coupling the lever assembly to the chute rotation assembly; and', 'a disc clutch assembly configured to move between an engaged position and a disengaged position in response to actuation of the lever assembly, wherein when the disc clutch assembly is in the disengaged position, the chute is enabled to rotate between a plurality of positions., 'a chute ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Snow Removal System

Номер: US20200141078A1
Автор: Rodriguez Michael

A snow removal system. The snow removal system includes a housing having an inlet disposed on a front side thereof, wherein the inlet is in fluid communication with a first chamber. An auger is disposed transversely across the first chamber, wherein the auger is operably connected to a motor within the housing. The auger rotates about a longitudinal axis thereof to mash snow and transport the mashed snow into a second chamber when the motor is actuated. The second chamber includes a primary heating element therein, the heating element designed to heat snow within the second chamber to produce steam. An outlet is disposed through a sidewall of the second chamber, wherein the outlet can emit steam from the second chamber. 1. A snow removal system , comprising:a housing having an inlet disposed on a front side thereof;wherein the inlet is in fluid communication with a first chamber;an auger disposed transversely across the first chamber, wherein the auger is operably connected to an auger motor disposed within the housing;wherein the auger is configured to rotate about a longitudinal axis thereof to mash snow and transport the mashed snow into a second chamber when the auger motor is actuated;wherein the second chamber includes a primary heating element therein, the primary heating element configured to heat snow within the second chamber to produce steam;an outlet disposed through a sidewall of the second chamber, the outlet configured to emit steam from the second chamber.2. The snow removal system of claim 1 , further comprising a pair of wheels are disposed on a lower end of the housing along a rear side thereof claim 1 , wherein the pair of wheels are operably connected to a drive motor disposed within the housing.3. The snow removal system of claim 2 , further comprising a pair of skids disposed on the lower end of the housing along the front side thereof.4. The snow removal system of claim 1 , wherein the first chamber comprises an arcuate rear wall extending ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159334A1
Автор: Cohen Joseph S.

A cordless electric snow thrower is disclosed having a separate and distinct battery housing containing a battery being positioned on a handle of the cordless snow thrower. The cordless snow thrower may include an electronic controller that allows a user to rotate a chute of the cordless snow thrower to alter a direction in which snow is thrown. The cordless snow thrower may also include a light that provides sufficient light to allow the user to use the cordless snow thrower at night to clear snow. The placement of the battery housing provides balance to the cordless snow thrower and allows power to be provided to all of the electronic devices and components of the cordless snow thrower. 1. A snow thrower , comprising:a frame;a main housing coupled to the frame and having an inlet cavity;an auger assembly disposed in the main housing and extending across the inlet cavity;a motor disposed in the main housing and coupled to the auger assembly, the motor adapted to rotate the auger assembly;a chute disposed over an aperture in the main housing;a handle portion coupled to the frame opposite the main housing; anda joystick coupled to the handle portion and configured to rotate the chute with respect to the main housing.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , further comprising a chute motor disposed in the main housing and configured to receive voltage in response to activation of the joystick and rotate the chute with respect to the main housing.3. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the motor is an electric motor.4. The snow thrower of claim 1 , further comprising:a battery housing coupled to the handle portion; anda battery disposed in the battery housing and electrically connected to the motor.5. The snow thrower of claim 4 , wherein the joystick is electrically connected to the battery and configured to activate and deactivate voltage flow from the battery to the chute to rotate the chute with respect to the main housing.6. The snow thrower of claim 4 , further ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152638A1

A snowthrower includes a motor, an auger driven by the motor to rotate, a handle device for a user to operate, an auger housing for containing the auger and a frame for connecting the handle device and the auger housing. The auger housing is made of at least two different materials. 1. A snowthrower , comprising:a motor;an auger driven by the motor to rotate;a handle device for a user to operate;an auger housing for containing the auger; anda frame for connecting the handle device and the auger housing;wherein the auger housing is made of at least two different materials.2. The snowthrower of claim 1 , wherein the auger housing is formed with a snow outlet for discharging snow claim 1 , the auger housing comprises a first housing claim 1 , which is made of a metal material and comprises two side walls disposed oppositely with the auger being rotatably disposed between the two side walls claim 1 , and a second housing for guiding the snow in the auger housing to the snow outlet claim 1 , which is made of plastic material.3. The snowthrower of claim 2 , further comprising a shaft claim 2 , which is made of metal material and fixedly mounted on the frame claim 2 , and wheels mounted on the shaft and being capable of rotating relative to the shaft.4. The snowthrower of claim 3 , wherein the frame comprises two connecting plates connected with the first housing and the shaft is connected with the two connecting plates.5. The snowthrower of claim 3 , further comprising a battery pack for supplying electricity to the motor and a housing assembly which is formed with a chamber for coupling with the battery pack claim 3 , wherein the battery pack is supported by the shaft.6. The snowthrower of claim 2 , further comprising a mounting part for mounting the motor wherein the mounting part is fixedly mounted on the first housing and is made of metal material.7. The snowthrower of claim 6 , further comprising a driving belt driven by the motor so as to drive the auger to rotate ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140237864A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

An impeller assembly for a snowthrower includes a driven shaft configured to rotate about an axis, a flexible impeller paddle coupled to the driven shaft for rotation about the axis, and a rigid cutting implement coupled to the driven shaft for rotation about the axis. The flexible impeller paddle is configured to clear snow from a surface to be cleared. The flexible impeller paddle extends radially from the axis to a paddle radial distance. The rigid cutting implement is configured to break up snow or ice on the surface to be cleared. The rigid cutting implement extends radially from the axis to a cutting implement radial distance less than the paddle radial distance. 1. An impeller assembly for a snowthrower , comprising:a driven shaft configured to rotate about an axis;a flexible impeller paddle coupled to the driven shaft for rotation about the axis, the flexible impeller paddle configured to clear snow from a surface to be cleared, wherein the flexible impeller paddle extends radially from the axis to a paddle radial distance; anda rigid cutting implement coupled to the driven shaft for rotation about the axis and configured to break up snow or ice on the surface to be cleared, wherein the rigid cutting implement extends radially from the axis to a cutting implement radial distance less than the paddle radial distance.2. The impeller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rigid cutting implement is one of a plurality of rigid cutting implements.3. The impeller assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of rigid cutting implements comprise two cutting disks claim 2 , each cutting disk attached near an end of the driven shaft and each cutting disk attached to the flexible impeller paddle to couple the flexible impeller paddle to the driven shaft.4. The impeller assembly of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of rigid cutting implements further comprise a blade attached by a plate to a central portion of the driven shaft between the two cutting disks and wherein the ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220298736A1

A work machine includes: a drive rotation speed detector configured to detect a signal indicating a rotation of a drive source; a work rotation speed detector configured to detect a signal indicating rotation of a work rotation shaft; and a control device configured to, on the basis of comparison between signals acquired from the drive rotation speed detector and the work rotation speed detector, stop the drive source in a case where there is a rotation speed difference between a driven shaft in a rotating state due to power transmission from the drive source and the work rotation shaft. The work rotation speed detector includes: a detection target member configured to rotate together with the work rotation shaft; and a sensor mounting member configured to hold a detection sensor configured to detect rotation of the detection target member. 1. A work machine comprising:a drive source;a transmission mechanism configured to transmit rotation of the drive source;a driven rotary member configured to rotate a driven shaft in accordance with the rotation transmitted by the transmission mechanism; anda coupling mechanism configured to couple a work rotation shaft coupled to a working section and the driven shaft to each other via a friction member and transmit the rotation of the driven shaft to the work rotation shaft,wherein the work machine includes:a drive rotation speed detector configured to detect a signal indicating the rotation of the drive source;a work rotation speed detector configured to detect a signal indicating rotation of the work rotation shaft; anda control device configured to, on the basis of comparison between signals acquired from the drive rotation speed detector and the work rotation speed detector, stop the drive source in a case where there is a rotation speed difference between the driven shaft in a rotating state due to power transmission from the drive source and the work rotation shaft,wherein the work rotation speed detector includes:a ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Height Adjustable Snow Blower Shroud

Номер: US20140250739A1
Автор: Distefanis, JR. James

A height adjustable auger shroud for a snow blower is provided. The shroud comprises a pair of wheels secured to a lower portion of the opposing sides of the shroud. The wheels are secured to the shroud by a pair of levers. Each lever comprises a first and second plate. The first plate is positioned against the shroud, and includes an upper arcuate perimeter having a series of notches along the upper perimeter line. The second plate is rotatably connected to the first plate, and includes a lever arm on one vertical half of the plate, and a wheel attachment on the opposing half of the plate. Actuation of the lever arm in relation to the first plate raises or lowers the wheel in relation to the shroud, thereby altering the distance between the shroud and the ground surface.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167094A1

A multiple-stage snow thrower having a housing, a power supply operatively connected to a plurality of drive shafts for rotating a plurality of stage assemblies. Each stage assembly of the multiple-stage snow thrower is configured to move snow either axially along the axis of rotation or radially away from the axis of rotation. The first stage assembly is configured to expel snow from the housing, thereby throwing the snow away from the snow thrower. The second, third, and fourth stages assemblies are configured to push the snow toward the longitudinal centerline of the housing and then rearwardly toward the first stage assembly. 110.-. (canceled)11. A multiple-stage snow thrower for removing accumulated snow , said multiple-stage snow thrower having a housing , a frame , and a power supply operatively connected to said frame , said multiple-stage snow thrower comprising:a first stage assembly, wherein rotation of said first stage assembly moves said snow radially to expel said snow from said housing;a second stage assembly, wherein rotation of said second stage moves said snow longitudinally toward said first stage assembly;a third stage assembly, wherein rotation of said third stage assembly moves said snow laterally toward said second stage assembly; anda fourth stage assembly, wherein rotation of said fourth stage assembly moves said snow longitudinally toward said second stage assembly.121. The multiple-stage snow thrower of claim , wherein said third stage assembly is intermediate to said second stage assembly and said fourth stage assembly.131. The multiple-stage snow thrower of claim , wherein said first and second stage assembly are attached to a first drive shaft , said third stage assembly is attached to a second drive shaft , and said fourth stage assembly is attached to a third drive shaft.143. The multiple-stage snow thrower of claim , wherein rotation of said first drive shaft is causes rotation of said second drive shaft and said third drive shaft. ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157755A1

Described herein are snow removal machines having at least one auxiliary snow moving member. According to some embodiments, the snow removal machines comprise: an auger assembly for directing snow rearwards to be received by a discharge chute, the auger assembly having auger blade(s) coupled to an auger axle for rotation therewith about a first axis defined by the auger axle; an auxiliary snow moving assembly for directing snow rearwards to be received by the discharge chute, the auxiliary snow moving assembly having snow moving member(s) coupled to an auxiliary axle for rotation therewith about a second axis defined by the auxiliary axle, wherein the auxiliary axle is lower and rearwards of the auger axle towards the discharge chute; and an auxiliary drive assembly configured to rotationally couple the auxiliary axle to the auger axle such that rotation of the auxiliary axle is driven by rotation of the auger axle. 1. A snow removal machine comprising:an auger assembly for directing snow rearwards to be received by a discharge chute, the auger assembly having at least one auger blade coupled to an auger axle for rotation therewith about a first axis defined by the auger axle;an auxiliary snow moving assembly for directing snow rearwards to be received by the discharge chute, the auxiliary snow moving assembly having at least one snow moving member coupled to an auxiliary axle for rotation therewith about a second axis defined by the auxiliary axle, wherein the auxiliary axle is lower and rearwards of the auger axle towards the discharge chute; andan auxiliary drive assembly configured to rotationally couple the auxiliary axle to the auger axle such that rotation of the auxiliary axle is driven by rotation of the auger axle.2. The snow removal machine of claim 1 , wherein the snow removal machine is a snow thrower or a snow blower.3. The snow removal machine of claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary drive assembly is configured to drive rotation of the auxiliary axle in a ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176235A1

A snow and road sweeping vehicle with a brush body turning apparatus includes a vehicle body, a brush bracket, a brush body arranged on the brush bracket, and a drive mechanism. The snow and road sweeping vehicle further includes a rotating shaft assembly, at least two limiting holes, and a limiting assembly. The limiting assembly is selectively inserted into one of the limiting holes to position the brush bracket. The present invention can change the orientations of the brush bracket and the brush body to facilitate the operation and improve the sweeping efficiency. 1. A snow and road sweeping vehicle with a brush body turning apparatus , comprising a vehicle body , a brush bracket connected to the vehicle body , a brush body rotatably arranged on the brush bracket , and a drive mechanism capable of driving the brush body to rotate , characterized in that: the snow and road sweeping vehicle further comprises a rotating shaft assembly , at least two limiting holes , and a limiting assembly , the rotating shaft assembly allows the brush bracket to swing in a left and right direction relative to the vehicle body , the at least two limiting holes are arranged in the brush bracket and staggered in left and right directions of the brush bracket , and the limiting assembly is selectively inserted into one of the limiting holes to position the brush bracket.2. The snow and road sweeping vehicle with a brush body turning apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , the two limiting holes are a first limiting hole and a second limiting hole arranged in the brush bracket and staggered in the left and right directions of the brush bracket.3. The snow and road sweeping vehicle with a brush body turning apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , the brush bracket is further formed with a shaft hole for the rotating shaft assembly to pass therethrough claim 2 , and the shaft hole is located between the first limiting hole and the second limiting hole. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Snow thrower

Номер: US20170175351A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A snow thrower may include a housing, a rotatable snow moving member at least partially within the housing and a compressed gas knife coupled to the housing and aimed at an underlying terrain forward the housing.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169809A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A snow thrower including an auger housing, a center snow impelling blade housed within the auger housing, a first blade positioned on a first side of the center snow impelling blade and configured to be driven about a rotational axis of a drive shaft, and a second blade positioned on a second side of the center snow impelling blade and configured to be driven about the rotational axis of the drive shaft. The first blade and the second blade are housed within the auger housing and configured to drive snow to the center snow impelling blade. The auger housing directs snow to the center snow impelling blade, the first blade, and the second blade. 1. A snow thrower comprising:an auger housing;a center snow impelling blade housed within the auger housing and comprising a rotating element;a first blade positioned on a first side of the center snow impelling blade and configured to be driven about a rotational axis of a drive shaft; anda second blade positioned on a second side of the center snow impelling blade and configured to be driven about the rotational axis of the drive shaft, the first blade and the second blade housed within the auger housing and configured to drive snow to the center snow impelling blade;wherein the auger housing directs snow to the center snow impelling blade, the first blade, and the second blade.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the rotating element comprises one or more paddles radially extending outward from the rotational axis of the drive shaft.3. The snow thrower of claim 2 , wherein an outermost edge of the one or more paddles is offset from the rotational axis.4. The snow thrower of claim 2 , wherein the one or more paddles comprises a portion that is substantially parallel with the rotational axis.5. The snow thrower of claim 2 , wherein each of the one or more paddles extend in a plane intersecting the rotational axis.6. The snow thrower of claim 2 , wherein each of the one or more paddles extend parallel to the rotational ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169810A1

A system effective to communicate a message between two devices. A first device may include a plaintext to monoid element module effective to receive a plaintext message and apply a first function to the plaintext message to produce a first monoid element. A monoid element evaluator module may be effective to receive and insert submonoid generators into a monoid expression to produce a second monoid element in response. An encryption device module may be effective to apply a second function to the first monoid element, the second monoid element, the monoid expression, and a third monoid element to produce an encrypted plaintext message. Decryption may be performed on the encrypted plaintext message knowing the private key which includes the first function, the second function, the third monoid element and the submonoid generators list. 1. A device effective to communicate a message , the device comprising: a first function,', 'a list of submonoid generators,', 'a second function, and', 'a first monoid element,, 'a memory, wherein the memory is effective to include'}a first module in communication with the memory, the first module effective to receive a message and apply the first function to the message to produce a second monoid element;a second module in communication with the memory, the second module effective to receive and insert the submonoid generators into at least one monoid expression to produce a third monoid element; anda third module in communication with the memory, in communication with the first module, and in communication with the second module, the third module effective to apply the second function to the first monoid element, the second monoid element, the monoid expression, and the third monoid element to produce an encrypted message.2. The device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:a random number generator effective to produce a random number; anda fourth module in communication with the random number generator and the memory, the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Snowthrower with Removable Self-Heating Starter Battery Pack

Номер: US20190178220A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A snowthrower includes an internal combustion engine and a starter battery pack that provides electrical power to operate an electric starter motor. The starter battery pack is received within a receptacle of the snowthrower and is selectively coupled to the starter motor to initiate operation of the internal combustion engine. The starter battery pack can further include a battery heating circuit that is operable to heat the starter battery pack above ambient temperatures to increase the current output of the starter battery pack. The battery heating circuit includes a controller that utilizes electrical power from the starter battery pack to heat the starter battery pack. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of operating a snowthrower including an electric starter motor operable to start an internal combustion engine , comprising:inserting a starter battery pack including a plurality of lithium ion battery cells into a battery receptacle of the snowthrower;receiving a request to start the snowthrower in a controller of the starter battery pack;determining an ambient temperature;connecting the battery cells to a battery heating circuit when the ambient temperature is below a threshold temperature to heat the battery cells; andconnecting the plurality of battery cells to the electric starter motor through the battery receptacle after the temperature of the battery cells has been raised by the battery heating circuit.22. The method of wherein the request to start the snowthower is depression of a push button on the starter battery pack.23. The method of wherein the battery heating circuit includes a plurality of resistors that are connected to the battery cells by a switching device controlled by the controller.24. The method of wherein the battery heating circuit includes a plurality of capacitors connected to the battery cells by a plurality of switching devices controlled by the controller such that the battery cells discharge current to charge the plurality of capacitors ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Remote controlled hybrid snow thrower

Номер: US20190187693A1
Автор: Kevin P. Towers
Принадлежит: Individual

A gasoline powered walk behind snow removal device modified to include drive motors and a linear actuator controlled snow discharge chute to provide a remote controlled snow removal device. The modification includes a control unit mounted to the handle or frame structure to remotely control the snow removal device using a hand held wireless system. The drive includes a single piece mounting bracket or pair of mounting brackets fastened to the frame structure. The mounting brackets receive a pair of motor brackets and motors to drive a first drive wheel and a second drive wheel disposed on opposing sides of the frame structure.

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160201279A1

Snow-clearing vehicle (), having a sweeper-blower arrangement (), wherein the sweeper-blower arrangement is adjustably pivotable around a vertical axis () which runs through the snow-clearing vehicle. The sweeper-blower arrangement has a sweeping-roller brush () which is rotatingly drivable around its longitudinal axis. In the direction of travel, blow-air openings () arranged on both sides of the vertical axis are provided in front and along the sweeping-roller brush (), which are arranged for simultaneous and identically acting blowing. This allows for an improved removal of the snow to be cleared. 1. Snow-clearing vehicle , having a sweeper-blower arrangement , wherein the sweeper-blower arrangement is adjustably pivotable around a vertical axis which runs through the snow-clearing vehicle , and wherein the sweeper-blower arrangement is provided with a sweeping-roller brush which is rotatingly drivable around its longitudinal axis , as well as with a plurality of blow-air openings arranged in the direction of travel in front and along the sweeping-roller brush on both sides of the vertical axis , wherein the sweeper-blower arrangement provides blow-air openings arranged on both sides of the vertical axis which are provided for simultaneous , identically acting blowing.2. Snow-clearing vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein two or more blow-air openings are provided on each side of the vertical axis.3. Snow-clearing vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein for a sweeping-roller brush with a length of 4 to 6 meters at least four blow-air openings are provided claim 1 , and wherein for a sweeping-roller brush with a length of more than 6 meters at least six blow-air openings are provided.4. Snow-clearing vehicle according to claim 2 , characterized in that the blow-air openings are substantially evenly spaced apart from each other.5. Snow-clearing vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the blow-air openings are pivotably arranged individually or in groups for changing ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150204037A1
Автор: Busque Martin

The present snow blower comprises a frame, an auger, a fan, a hydraulic system, a rotating drum, a securing mechanism and a disengagement mechanism. The auger is rotationally mounted to the frame, and is adapted for collecting snow. The fan is mounted upon the frame, behind the auger, and evacuates the collected snow in the rotating drum. The hydraulic system rotates the rotating drum with respect to the frame. The rotating drum defines a pair of teeth about a circumference thereof. The securing mechanism is affixed to the frame, and includes on one extremity a pair of complementary circular cams, and on a second extremity a pressure mechanism for applying pressure on the pair of complementary circular cams to keep the pair of complementary circular cams engaged. Upon pressure applied by the hydraulic system to rotate the rotating drum, the disengagement mechanism cooperates with the pair of teeth to counteract the pressure applied by the pressure mechanism and disengages the disengagement mechanism from the pair of teeth. 1. A snow blower comprising:a frame;an auger rotationally mounted to the frame, the auger being adapted for collecting snow upon rotation thereof;a fan mounted upon the frame behind the auger, the fan evacuating the collected snow into a rotating drum;a hydraulic system for rotating the rotating drum with respect to the frame;the rotating drum defining a pair of teeth about a circumference thereof; anda securing mechanism affixed to the frame, the securing mechanism including on one extremity a pair of complementary circular cams, the securing mechanism including on a second extremity a pressure mechanism for applying pressure on the pair of complementary circular cams to keep the pair of complementary circular cams engaged;the pair of complementary circular cams including a disengagement mechanism;upon pressure applied by the hydraulic system to rotate the rotating drum the disengagement mechanism cooperates with the pair of teeth to counteract ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Rotary boom with snow and ice removal system

Номер: US20200190756A1
Принадлежит: Alamo Group Inc

A rotary broom assembly is provided for use with a vehicle to reduce the accumulation of ice and snow on the rotary broom assembly when clearing paved surfaces, such as airport runways. The rotary broom assembly includes one or more wiper assemblies that are mounted for reciprocating movement along a broom hood. The broom hood includes a generally flat top surface and the wiper assemblies move along the top surface to clear snow and ice from the top surface of the broom hood. During forward movement of the wiper blade, the scraping edge of the wiper blade contacts the top surface of the broom hood to remove accumulated ice and snow. During the reverse movement of the wiper blade, the scraping edge of the wiper blade is lifted from the top surface to reduce removal of accumulated ice and snow during the reverse movement.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194892A1

A snow thrower is disclosed including a rotor assembly having a first auger, a second auger, and a paddle disposed between the first and second augers The snow thrower also includes an intake housing having a first interior surface adjacent to the first auger and a second interior surface adjacent to the second auger, where an outer edge of the first auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the first interior surface across a sweep of at least 120 degrees, and an outer edge of the second auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the second interior surface across a sweep of at least 120 degrees. 1. A snow thrower comprising:a rotor assembly having a first auger, a second auger, and a paddle disposed between the first and second augers, the rotor assembly fixed to a shaft and the shaft configured to rotate around an axis;an intake housing having a first interior surface adjacent to the first auger and a second interior surface adjacent to the second auger;wherein an outer edge of the first auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the first interior surface across a sweep of at least 120 degrees, and an outer edge of the second auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the second interior surface across a sweep of at least 120 degrees.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the outer edge of the first auger has a clearance of less than 1 centimeter from the first interior surface across a sweep of at least 140 degrees.3. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the rotor assembly provides a degree of helix of greater than 180 degrees.4. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the paddle has a throwing surface adjoining the first auger and the second auger.5. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the paddle has a throwing surface claim 1 , a first conveying surface claim 1 , and a second conveying surface claim 1 , wherein the first conveying surface adjoins the first auger and the second conveying surface adjoins the second ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218764A1

A chute rotation mechanism for a snow thrower having a frame and a chute rotatably mounted to the frame includes a ring gear configured to be mounted to the chute, a drive gear engaging the ring gear, and a handle assembly configured to pivot relative to the frame. The chute rotation mechanism also includes a first cable extending between the drive gear and the handle assembly. The handle assembly is pivotable in a first direction to tension the first cable and rotate the drive gear, thereby rotating the ring gear in a corresponding first direction. The chute rotation mechanism further includes a second cable extending between the drive gear and the handle assembly. The handle assembly is pivotable in a second direction to tension the second cable and rotate the drive gear, thereby rotating the ring gear in a corresponding second direction. 1. A chute rotation mechanism for a snow thrower , the snow thrower including a frame and a chute rotatably mounted to the frame , the chute rotation mechanism comprising:a ring gear configured to be mounted to the chute;a drive gear engaging the ring gear;a handle assembly configured to pivot relative to the frame;a first cable extending between the drive gear and the handle assembly, wherein the handle assembly is pivotable in a first direction to tension the first cable and rotate the drive gear, thereby rotating the ring gear in a corresponding first direction; anda second cable extending between the drive gear and the handle assembly, wherein the handle assembly is pivotable in a second direction to tension the second cable and rotate the drive gear, thereby rotating the ring gear in a corresponding second direction.2. The chute rotation mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the ring gear rotates about a chute rotation axis claim 1 , and wherein the drive gear rotates about a drive axis that is generally perpendicular to the chute rotation axis.3. The chute rotation mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the drive gear is a bevel gear.4. ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Snow Removal Vehicle

Номер: US20140305010A1
Автор: FONSECA Italo

A snow removal vehicle is provided as a means of collecting, melting, and transporting in order to facilitate snow removal operations during winter months. The snow removal vehicle is able to remove and dispose of snow from a plurality of environments. The snow removal vehicle accomplishes this through the user of a snow collection means mounted to the front section of an existing vehicle. The snow collection means channels removed snow through a snow conveyance means which transports the collected snow to a water tank positioned within an insulated enclosure. A high pressure nozzle sprays the collected snow while in the snow conveyance means to melt it before it reaches the water tank. The water tank contains the collected snow as water, but additional serves as reservoir for the high pressure nozzle. 1. A snow removal vehicle comprises:a insulated enclosure;a snow collection means;a snow conveyance means;a water tank;a water heater system;a high pressure nozzle;a high pressure pump;the snow collection means comprises a collection auger, a collection housing, a hydraulic system, an exit opening, a separator, and a vehicle mount;the snow conveyance means comprises a first auger assembly and a second auger assembly;the water tank comprises an interior chamber, a filtration means, a first water pump, a second water pump, and a drainage spout;the first auger assembly comprises a collection opening, a first pipe, a first auger, and a first transfer opening;the second auger assembly comprises a second transfer opening, a second pipe, a recessed nozzle mount, a second auger, and an ejection port;the water tank and the water heater system being positioned within the insulated enclosure;the water tank being in fluid communication with the water heater system;the high pressure nozzle being in fluid communication with the water heater system by way of the high pressure pump;the high pressure nozzle being in fluid communication with the snow conveyance means;the insulated ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Snowthrower impeller assembly with rigid cutting implement

Номер: US20160222614A1
Принадлежит: Briggs and Stratton Corp

An impeller assembly for a snowthrower includes a flexible impeller configured to rotate about an axis, wherein the flexible impeller extends radially from the axis to an impeller radial distance, and a cutting implement extending radially from the axis to a cutting implement radial distance less than the impeller radial distance, wherein the cutting implement is spaced apart from and does not contact the flexible impeller.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Remotely Controlled Power Equipment System

Номер: US20180217587A1
Автор: Gates Reuben B.

A remotely controlled power equipment system which allows various types of power equipment to be remotely controlled by a transmitter. The remotely controlled power equipment system generally includes a base which is adapted to removably connect to one of a plurality of attachments. The base includes a pair of wheels which are each individually powered by one of a pair of drive motors. A battery, which is charged by the primary motor via an alternator, is adapted to power the drive motors. The base includes a control unit which has a receiver adapted to receive commands from a transmitter and a controller adapted to individually control each of the drive motors in response to a signal received from the transmitter. In this manner, power equipment may be remotely controlled via a transmitter without the operator needing to manually operate the power equipment. 1. A remotely controlled power equipment system , comprising:a base including a primary motor, wherein the base includes at least one wheel;an attachment adapted to be removably connected to the base, wherein the attachment is adapted to be powered by the primary motor when the attachment is connected to the base;wherein the base comprises an engagement mechanism for starting and stopping the rotation of the attachment via a signal from the transmitter, wherein the base comprises an actuator, wherein the actuator is interconnected with the engagement mechanism such that adjustment of the actuator in a first direction engages the engagement mechanism and adjustment of the actuator in a second direction disengages the engagement mechanism, wherein the engagement mechanism comprises a power take off adapter;a cable connected between the actuator and the engagement mechanism;at least one drive motor for powering the at least one wheel;a transmitter; anda control unit including a receiver for receiving a signal from the transmitter, wherein the control unit is adapted to control the at least one wheel based on the ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211519A1
Принадлежит: Snow Lion

A roadway clearing device includes a plurality of rotatable members for dislodging material (snow or ice) from a roadway and a conveyer disposed rearward of the rotatable members to collect and laterally discharge material from the roadway. The device may include a plurality of shovel members disposed rearward of the conveyor to divert material from the roadway to the conveyor for lateral discharge. The rotatable members and/or shovel members may be disposed for separate movement from corresponding downward positions to upward positions relative to an interconnected support frame. Spring-loaded, extensible members may be provided to bias the rotatable members and/or shovel members to their corresponding downward positions. The rotatable members and/or shovel members are supportably and pivotably interconnected to a common support frame so as to separately pivot upward relative to the support frame from their respective downward positions, facilitating dislodgement, diversion, collection and discharge of material from a roadway. 1. A roadway clearing device , comprising:a plurality of rotatable members supportably disposed in a row at a front end of the device and rollable along a roadway to dislodge material from the roadway;a conveyer supportably disposed rearward of the plurality of rotatable members for collecting and laterally discharging material from the roadway; and,a plurality of shovel members supportably disposed in another row rearward of the conveyer to divert material from the roadway to the conveyer for lateral discharge.2. A device as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of rotatable members is provided for separate movement away from and is biased to assume a corresponding downward position.3. A device as recited in claim 2 , wherein said conveyer is disposed to maintain an elevated position relative to at least a portion of each rotatable member of the plurality of rotatable members when the rotatable member is moved away from the ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246620A1

A snow thrower includes a motor, an auger driven by the motor to rotate, a handle device for a user to operate, an auger housing for containing the auger and a frame for connecting the handle device and the auger housing. The auger housing is made of at least two different materials. 1. A snow thrower , comprising:a motor for driving an auger to rotate about a rotation axis;a housing assembly for accommodating at least a portion of the motor;wheels for supporting the snow thrower on a ground;a handle device for a user to operate; anda chute device for throwing snow;wherein the housing assembly comprises an auger housing formed with a channel for containing at least a portion of the auger and a frame for connecting the handle device and the auger housing, the auger housing comprises a first housing provided with a snow inlet for allowing snow to enter the channel and a second housing provided with a snow outlet for allowing the snow to exhaust out of the channel and guiding the snow to enter the chute device, the second housing comprises a back plate portion comprising a back plate for guiding at least a portion of the snow moved by rotation of the auger to the snow outlet, a baffle plate portion capable of directing at least a portion of the snow moved by rotation of the auger, and a side plate portion for connecting the back plate portion and the baffle plate portion, the back plate comprises a guiding plane parallel to a rotation axis of the auger, and an angle between the guiding plane of the back plate and the ground is greater than or equal to 70 degrees and less than or equal to 90 degrees.2. The snow thrower of claim 1 , wherein the first housing covers a part of the second housing claim 1 , the first housing comprises two side walls claim 1 , and a drive shaft of the auger is mounted to the two side walls of the first housing.3. The snow thrower of claim 2 , wherein the first housing is made of metal material and the second housing is made of plastic ...
