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10-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2260142C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению, в частности к способам и устройствам для калибровки датчиков давления системы дозирования топлива двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Изобретение позволяет минимизировать разность между опорным давлением и регистрируемым датчиком давлением. Способ калибровки датчика давления системы дозирования топлива двигателя внутреннего сгорания (ДВС) заключается в том, что в системе дозирования топлива имеются насос высокого давления, предназначенный для подачи топлива из области низкого давления (НД) в область высокого давления (ВД), форсунки, управляемые в зависимости от рабочих параметров и предназначенные для дозированной подачи топлива из области высокого давления (ВД) в камеры сгорания ДВС, и датчик давления, предназначенный для измерения давления в области высокого давления (ВД). Преобладающее в области высокого давления (ВД) давление принимают за эталонное или опорное давление. Преобладающее в области высокого давления (ВД) давление измеряют с помощью ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652855C2

Изобретение направлено на формирование ступенчатой характеристики впрыскивания топлива аккумуляторной топливной системой дизеля без усложнения конструкции электрогидравлической форсунки. Предложен способ формирования ступенчатой характеристики впрыскивания топлива, в котором управляющие импульсы тока состоят из двух предварительных и одного основного, соответствующего второму этапу характеристики впрыскивания, имеющему максимальную амплитуду. Длительность первого предварительного управляющего импульса тока определяет амплитуду переднего фронта первого этапа ступенчатой характеристики впрыскивания топлива, интервалы между первым и вторым предварительными управляющими импульсами тока, а также интервал между вторым предварительным управляющим импульсом и основным управляющим импульсом тока подбираются с возможностью обеспечения ступенчатого впрыскивания с заданной величиной колебаний амплитуды первого этапа ступенчатой характеристики впрыскивания. При этом амплитуда первого этапа характеристики ...

25-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2717784C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах управления топливоподачей для двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Предложены способы и системы для снижения образования горячих паров топлива в топливной рампе впрыска во впускные каналы и, таким образом, снижения ошибок топливоподачи. В одном из примеров способ может включать эксплуатацию системы двойного впрыска топлива с впрыском по меньшей мере дозированного минимального количества топлива во впускные каналы в широком диапазоне условий работы двигателя даже при изменении этих условий. Соответственно регулируется количество топлива, вводимого прямым впрыском. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

13-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718654C2

Изобретение относится к способам и системам для управления двигателем транспортного средства с целью выполнения восстанавливающих действий в случае обнаружения течи топливного инжектора. Предлагаются способы и системы для выполнения восстанавливающих действий в случае обнаружения течи топливного инжектора. В соответствии с одним из примеров осуществления способ может включать в себя в случае обнаружения течи топливного инжектора выполнение первых восстанавливающих действий с использованием высокого давления (338), включающих в себя увеличение давления в топливной рампе (340), увеличение ширины импульса впрыска топлива (342), подаваемого на протекающий топливный инжектор, и подачу команды на впрыск топлива на такте сжатия (344). В случае сохранения течи уменьшают давление в топливной рампе (321) и осуществляют впрыск топлива во все цилиндры на такте впуска (322). Технический результат - уменьшение закупоривания топливного инжектора, уменьшение расхода топлива. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2282738C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению, в частности к способу и устройству управления двигателем внутреннего сгорания. Изобретение позволяет упростить определение новых параметров прежде всего управляющих сигналов для обеих отдельных стадий частичного впрыскивания, при этом обеспечивается надежное соблюдение минимальной паузы в подаче управляющих воздействий на исполнительный элемент, кроме этого сокращаются затраты машинного времени на выполнение необходимых вычислений. Способ управления двигателем внутреннего сгорания (ДВС) предусматривает разделение каждого цикла впрыскивания топлива, по меньшей мере на первую и вторую отдельные стадии частичного впрыскивания топлива. Одну из обеих отдельных стадий частичного впрыскивания топлива смещают во времени при наличии определенных рабочих режимов и в зависимости от величины такого смещения во времени отдельной стадии частичного впрыскивания определяют поправочное значение для величины, характеризующей продолжительность подачи топлива на одной ...

14-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702953C2

Изобретение относится к системе управления всасывающим насосом в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Представлены способы и системы управления насосом низкого давления в двигателях с впрыском во впускные каналы и непосредственным впрыском топлива (ВВКНВТ). Один способ содержит следующий этап: при работе насоса высокого давления в режиме базового давления обеспечивают работу насоса низкого давления в импульсном режиме, когда давление в топливной рампе высокого давления опускается ниже порогового значения. Способ дополнительно содержит следующий этап: при работе насоса высокого давления в режиме переменного давления обеспечивают работу насоса низкого давления в импульсном режиме в случае присутствия топливных паров на входе насоса высокого давления. Технический результат – уменьшение потребления энергии всасывающим насосом, повышение экономии топлива. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

11-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2633209C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах управления топливоподачей для двигателей внутреннего сгорания (ДВС). Предложен способ управления подачей топлива в двигатель транспортного средства, в котором во время выключения двигателя топливный насос высокого давления (ТНВД) переменной подачи с приводом от двигателя работает с высоким уровнем подачи и наполняет топливный накопитель высокого давления топливом. Во время последующего перезапуска двигателя используется топливо из топливного накопителя высокого давления при работе ТНВД с низким уровнем подачи. Технический результат - ускорение замедления двигателя при выключении, ускорение запуска двигателя за счет отсутствия необходимости повышения давления топлива ТНВД перед началом впрыска топлива в двигатель. 3 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

04-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629791C2

Группа изобретений относится к управлению двигателем путем регулирования закона впрыска топлива во время запуска двигателя. Техническим результатом является улучшение экономичности и снижение токсичности отработавших газов. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что во время пуска разделяют порции впрыскиваемого топлива таким образом, что происходит впрыск первой части топлива во впускной канал при закрытом впускном клапане и прямой впрыск оставшейся части топлива несколькими порциями в цилиндр. Содержание сажи в двигателе может быть уменьшено, а потребление топлива снижено. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU55880U1

Полезная модель относится к двигателестроению, а именно к системе управления топливоподачей дизельного двигателя. Целью полезной модели является упрощение конструкции и повышение надежности работы механизма управления углом опережения впрыска топлива. Указанный результат достигается тем, что механизм управления углом опережения впрыска топлива оснащен шаговым электродвигателем 8 с винтовым валом 9 осуществляющим поступательное движение, воздействуя непосредственно на плунжер золотника, при этом угол поворота ротора шагового электродвигателя выполняет функцию датчика положения плунжера золотника за счет того, что на один импульс управления ротор шагового электродвигателя поворачивается на один и тот же угол.

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU62992U1

Полезная модель относится к двигателестроению, а именно к системе управления топливоподачей дизельного двигателя. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности и точности механизма управления углом опережения впрыска топлива. Указанный результат достигается тем, что в механизме управления углом опережения впрыска топлива, содержащем насос-форсунки 1 с приводом от распределительного вала 2 в виде кулачков и взаимодействующих с ними коромысел 3, посаженных на эксцентриковую ось 4, связанную рычагом 5 и шарнирной тягой 6 с электрогидравлическим следящим приводом 7, соединенным трубопроводом 12 с системой смазки двигателя, представляющим собой гидроцилиндр с поршнем 8 и расположенным в нем плунжером золотника 9 с пружиной 10, на который воздействует винтовой вал шагового электродвигателя 11, в поршень гидроцилиндра с двух сторон установлены цилиндрические кольца 13 и 14, ограничивающие ход плунжера золотника относительно поршня на величину равную половине диаметра управляющих отверстий ...

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2596844C1

Изобретение относится к устройству для впрыска топлива и к способу управления таким устройством. Техническим результатом является разработка устройства для впрыска топлива и способа управления им, с помощью которых можно надлежащим образом определять присутствие в инжекторе коррозии отверстия для впрыска, обуславливаемой конденсированной водой. Результат достигается тем, что устройство для впрыска топлива включает в себя: первый получающий блок, который получает первый показатель, связанный с поведением инжектора при открывании; второй получающий блок, который получает, по меньшей мере, один из второго показателя, связанного с максимальной величиной цикловой подачи инжектора при впрыске, и третьего показателя, связанного с периодом впрыска топлива; и вычислительный блок, который определяет, что в инжекторе произошла коррозия отверстия для впрыска, когда задано первое условие, связанное с первым показателем, и задано, по меньшей мере, одно из второго условия, связанного со вторым показателем ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2576756C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания (ДВС). Предложенное устройство имеет усилитель давления топлива 2, в корпусе которого расположен подпружиненный ступенчатый поршень-мультипликатор 10. Топливный аккумулятор 3 содержит трубу, установленную в тисках 4, состоящих из корпуса с проушиной и хомута. Тиски 4 соединены между собой резьбовыми крепежными элементами и надеты на корпус 5 усилителя давления 2. Тиски 4 соединены резьбовыми крепежными элементами 6 с головкой цилиндров 7 двигателя. Корпус 5 усилителя давления 2 выполнен в виде стакана с буртом 8, вставленного в головку цилиндров двигателя 7. На корпус 5 усилителя давления около бурта надета втулка 9, имеющая резьбовое соединение с тисками 4. Уплотнительное кольцо 26 установлено между тисками 4 и головкой цилиндров 7 двигателя. Технический результат - снижение потерь давления топлива, подаваемого в форсунку ДВС, повышение давления впрыска топлива в цилиндры ДВС для улучшения процессов смесеобразования ...

28-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692860C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах управления для двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Предложены способы и системы для регулирования частоты прокручивания коленчатого вала двигателя стартером, подачи топлива и начала подачи искры для увеличения парообразования топлива в состояниях холодного пуска двигателя. В одном примере способ может содержать шаги, на которых: при холодном пуске двигателя прокручивают коленчатый вал двигателя стартером с частотой, меньшей номинальной частоты прокручивания с одновременным впрыском топлива и блокированием подачи искры в течение некоторого числа рабочих циклов двигателя и по завершении указанного числа рабочих циклов двигателя, повышают частоту прокручивания до номинальной и начинают подачу искры для запуска двигателя. Технический результат – улучшение эксплуатационных показателей двигателя, топливной экономичности и токсичности. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102010016427B4

Druckerfassungsvorrichtung aufweisend:einen ersten Drucksensor (5), der zum Ausgeben eines elektrischen Signals entsprechend einem Druck eines in einer Leitung (4) strömenden Fluids angepaßt ist;einen zweiten Drucksensor (6), der zum Ausgeben eines elektrischen Signals entsprechend dem Druck des Fluids angepaßt ist, wobei der zweite Drucksensor (6) in einer Fluid-Strömungsrichtung bezüglich des ersten Drucksensors (5) stromabwärts angeordnet ist;einen Druckberechnungsabschnitt (110, 3), der zum Berechnen des Drucks des Fluids basierend auf zumindest einem der Ausgangssignale der ersten und zweiten Drucksensoren (5, 6) angepaßt ist;einen Übertragungszeitberechnungsabschnitt (120, 3), der zum Berechnen einer Übertragungszeit, die für eine Übertragung einer Druckpulsation des Fluids von einer Position des ersten Drucksensors (5) und einer Position des zweiten Drucksensors (6) erforderlich ist, basierend auf den Ausgangssignalen der ersten und zweiten Drucksensoren (5, 6) geeignet ist; undeinen ...

19-09-1991 дата публикации

IC engine fuel injection control system - performs error correction function using error signals provided at centre and end of regulation range

Номер: DE0004105740A1

The ic engine fuel injection control has an error correction initiated when an abnormality is detected, with a pre-control element in parallel with the regulator. A first divergence signal (A) is supplied at the centre of the regulating range and a second divergence signal (M) is supplied at one stop point for the regulation range, the detected divergences for the respective regulator operating points being stored in the regulating system (1) as correction values. Pref the first divergence signal (A) represents an additive error and the second divergence signal (M) represents a multiplicative error. USE - For electronic fuel injection control.

27-11-1997 дата публикации

Fuel injector with vibration damper for directly injected petrol engine

Номер: DE0019720731A1

The equipment supplies fuel from a tank (11) to injector valves (24) of individual cylinders (23) via a high-pressure pump (14) and a common line (22) to a collector (28) with a damper (29) containing compressed gas in a metallic bellows (30). The pump is operated by an electromagnetic valve (19) under the control of an electronic unit (27) responsive to the signal from a pressure transducer (26) in the common line. To suppress variations in supply of the pumped fuel, the gas (e.g. nitrogen and argon) filling the bellows is compressed initially to at least 1 Mpa below the normal delivery pressure.

11-03-1999 дата публикации

Fuel injection quantity measuring device of internal combustion engine

Номер: DE0019738722A1

The device includes a measurement control unit to determine quantity of fuel injected based on pressure variation (PC) in a pressurised container (1) before fuel injection. A pressure variation detector is provided for detecting pressure variation in the container. A volume variation unit (8) with diaphragm (15) is connected to container by which volume is changed by three way solenoid valve.

07-03-2002 дата публикации

Ottomotor mit Direkteinspritzung

Номер: DE0019739786C2

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018117793A1

Eine Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuervorrichtung (2) weist einen Ventilöffnungs-Steuerabschnitt, welcher ein Steuerventil (30) öffnet, indem dieser ein piezoelektrisches Element (21a) elektrisch lädt, und einen Ventilschließabschnitt, welcher das Steuerventil schließt, auf. Der Ventilöffnungs-Steuerabschnitt beinhaltet einen ersten Anstiegs-Steuerabschnitt, einen Pausen-Steuerabschnitt und einen zweiten Steuerabschnitt. Der erste Anstiegs-Steuerabschnitt erhöht eine Ladungsmenge des piezoelektrischen Elements während einer ersten Anstiegsdauer (T1). Der Pausen-Steuerabschnitt pausiert eine Erhöhung der Ladungsmenge des piezoelektrischen Elements (21a) während einer Pausendauer (Tr) nach der ersten Anstiegsdauer. Der zweite Anstiegs-Steuerabschnitt erhöht die Lademenge des piezoelektrischen Elements (21a) während einer zweiten Anstiegsdauer (T2) nach der Pausendauer (Tr) wieder. Die Pausendauer (Tr) beinhaltet eine Dauer unmittelbar bevor das Steuerventil (30) geöffnet wird.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftstoffversorgungssystems

Номер: DE102019219900A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftstoffversorgungssystems für eine Brennkraftmaschine, bei dem ein Kraftstoffinjektor (110) mit einem als Magnetventil (120) ausgebildeten Schaltventil aus einem Hochdruckspeicher mit Kraftstoff versorgt wird und zum Einbringen von Kraftstoff in einen Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine verwendet wird, wobei das Magnetventil (120) einen Magnetanker (124) zum Verschließen und Freigeben einer Durchflussöffnung (150) und einen in einer Öffnung (126) des Magnetankers (124) angeordneten Ankerbolzen (125) aufweist, wobei, wenn bestimmt wird, dass Ablagerungen (200) zwischen Magnetanker (124) und Ankerführung (125) vorhanden sind, die ein Freigeben der Durchflussöffnung (150) durch den Magnetanker (124) beeinträchtigen oder verhindern, in einem Oszillations-Vorgang aktiv Druck-Oszillationen in dem Kraftstoff im Hochdruckspeicher erzeugt werden.

24-12-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Verbrennungsmotors

Номер: DE102013217746B3

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Verbrennungsmotors beschrieben, der mindestens zwei in/an einem Zylinderkopf angeordnete und mechanisch an diesen gebundene Injektoren aufweist, die jeweils eine von einem Piezoelement in eine Einspritzstellung gebrachte Ventilnadel besitzen. Bei dem Verfahren wird ein momentan als Aktor wirkendes und nicht zur Signalerfassung genutztes Piezoelement des ersten Injektors zum Betätigen der zugehörigen Ventilnadel zur Durchführung eines Einspritzvorganges angesteuert. Der von einem durch den genannten Einspritzvorgang und/oder den dadurch initiierten Verbrennungsvorgang bewirkten Ereignis erzeugte, in den Zylinderkopf eingeleitete Körperschall wird auf ein momentan nicht als Aktor sondern als Sensor wirkendes Piezoelement eines zweiten Injektors übertragen und von diesem erfasst, indem eine hierdurch am Piezoelement des zweiten Injektors erzeugte elektrische Größe oder deren Änderung gemessen wird. Die elektrische Größe oder deren Änderung wird zur ...

09-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013213775B4

Verfahren zur Abschwächung von stochastischen Frühzündungen (SPI), umfassend, dass:ein Frühzündungs-Ermittlungssignal (270) erzeugt wird, das eine Detektion eines SPI-Ereignisses in einem Zylinder (118) eines Motors (102) angibt;eine Last an dem Motor (102) ermittelt wird und ein Motorlastsignal (285) basierend auf der Last erzeugt wird; undbasierend auf dem Frühzündungs-Ermittlungssignal (270) und dem Motorlastsignal (285) ermittelt wird, ob in einem Einzelpulsmodus oder in einem Mehrfachpulsmodus gearbeitet werden soll, und ein Modussignal (287) erzeugt wird, um in einem ausgewählten von dem Einzelpulsmodus und dem Mehrfachpulsmodus zu arbeiten,wobei der Einzelpulsmodus umfasst, dass ein einzelner Kraftstoffpuls während eines ersten Verbrennungszyklus des Zylinders (118) in den Zylinder eingespritzt wird, und wobei der Mehrfachpulsmodus umfasst, dass mehrere Kraftstoffpulse während eines zweiten Verbrennungszyklus des Zylinders (118) in den Zylinder (118) eingespritzt werden,wobei das ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015111086A1

Eine ECU (30), die eine Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerung ist, weist eine Abbildungsspeicherungseinheit (43), eine Erregungszeitraumeinstelleinheit (42), eine Erfassungsschaltung (52), eine Lerneinheit (44) und eine Korrektureinheit (46) auf. Die Abbildungsspeicherungseinheit (43) speichert einen geeigneten Wert für einen Erregungszeitraum (Ti), der einer Anfrageeinspritzmenge entspricht. Die Erregungszeitraumeinstelleinheit (42) stellt basierend auf dem gespeicherten geeigneten Wert den Erregungszeitraum (Ti) ein. Die Erfassungsschaltung (52) erfasst ein Verhalten eines Ventilelements. Die Lerneinheit (44) lernt die Erfassungsresultate als Korrekturdaten. Die Korrektureinheit (46) korrigiert basierend auf den gelernten Korrekturdaten den Erregungszeitraum (Ti). Die Lerneinheit (44) führt zusätzlich das Lernen durch, wenn der Erregungszeitraum (Ti) ein Zeitraum in einem vorbestimmten Bereich ist, in dem eine Teilhubeinspritzung ausgeführt werden wird.

04-05-2016 дата публикации

Hochdruckpumpe und Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Hochdruckpumpe

Номер: DE102012107596B4
Автор: KUNO KOHEI, Kuno, Kohei

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Hochdruckpumpe, wobei die Hochdruckpumpe (100) umfasst: – einen Pumpenkörper (101), der eine Kompressionskammer (105) bildet, – ein Einlassventil (110), das eine Verbindung zwischen einer Einlasspassage (108) und der Kompressionskammer (105) öffnet und schließt, – ein Auslassventil (120), das eine Verbindung zwischen der Kompressionskammer (105) und einer Auslasspassage (109) öffnet und schließt, – ein Kompressionsmittel (106), das eine Hebe- und Senkbewegung ausführt und in der Kompressionskammer (105) enthaltenen Kraftstoff mit Druck beaufschlagt, – einen Drucksensor (102), der in der Kompressionskammer (105) angeordnet ist; wobei ein Verlauf des Drucks (PC) in der Kompressionskammer (105) bezüglich der Hebe- und Senkbewegung des Kompressionsmittels (106) erfasst wird und wobei das Vorliegen einer unzulässigen Kraftstoffqualität aus einer Abweichung des erfassten Verlaufs von einem bekannten Verlauf für die Änderung des Drucks (PC‘) in der Kompressionskammer ...

02-03-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Steuern des Kraftstoffdruckes in einem Kraftstoffverteiler

Номер: DE0019742993C2
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Kraftstoffeinspritzsystem mit gemeinsamer Leitung

Номер: DE0010254464B4

Kraftstoffeinspritzsystem mit gemeinsamer Leitung mit:einer Pumpe (4) zum Druckbeaufschlagen von Kraftstoff;einer gemeinsamen Leitung (2), die den durch die Pumpe druckbeaufschlagten Kraftstoff speichert;einer Einspritzvorrichtung (3), die mit der gemeinsamen Leitung verbunden ist und den aus der gemeinsamen Leitung geförderten Kraftstoff in eine Brennkammer eines Verbrennungsmotors einspritzt;einem Drucksensor (35), der ein Signal abgibt, das einen Druck des aus der Einspritzvorrichtung einzuspritzenden Kraftstoffs anzeigt; undeinem Regler (10), der den Antrieb von zumindest entweder der Pumpe oder der Einspritzvorrichtung gemäß dem Signal des Drucksensors regelt; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dassder Regler folgendes aufweist:eine Abnormalitätserfassungseinrichtung zum Erfassen, dass der Drucksensor (35) eine Abnormalität unter einem atmosphärischen Druck aufweist, wenn das von dem Drucksensor (35) abgegebene elektrische Signal außerhalb eines vorbestimmten Signalbereichs unter einer Bedingung ...

05-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000154947A3

31-01-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003126393C2

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur bedarfsgerechten Wartung eines Injektors

Номер: DE102017004424B4

Verfahren zur bedarfsgerechten Wartung eines Injektors (7) in einem Common-Railsystem, bei dem im laufendem Motorbetrieb ein aktueller Betriebspunkt (BP) in Abhängigkeit des Raildrucks (pCR) sowie der Kraftstoff-Einspritzmasse (qV) abgespeichert wird, der aktuelle Betriebspunkt (BP) mit einem Schädigungsfaktor (HSF) multipliziert wird und als Referenz-Einspritzzyklus (REZ) in Abhängigkeit des Raildrucks (pCR) sowie der Kraftstoff-Einspritzmasse (qV) abgespeichert wird, wobei der Schädigungsfaktor (HSF) aus einem Schädigungsfaktor-Kennfeld (12) in Abhängigkeit des Raildrucks (pCR) und der Kraftstoff-Einspritzmasse (qV) ausgelesen wird, bei dem ein Gesamt-Referenzeinspritzzyklus (REZ(ges)) über Summenbildung der Referenz-Einspritzzyklen (REZ) berechnet wird, bei dem ein Belastungsfaktor (HI) in Abhängigkeit des Gesamt-Referenzeinspritzzyklus (REZ(ges)) und der zulässigen Einspritzzyklen (EZ(krit)) berechnet wird und der Belastungsfaktor (HI) als maßgeblich für die Wartungsempfehlung des Injektors ...

08-09-1983 дата публикации

Device for measuring the instantaneous fuel consumption of compression-ignition engines

Номер: DE0003224978A1

In a device for measuring the instantaneous fuel consumption of vehicles driven by compression-ignition engines, the instantaneous fuel consumption values are determined and fed to a display unit by an electronic control device, in which an engine map memory is provided, as a function of the engine speed, the load measured by a sensor and the transmission ratio. To achieve a reproducible measurement result, which cannot be influenced by mechanical loading of the load-measuring sensor, the measure of the load on the internal combustion engine is derived from the exhaust gas temperature.

30-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003002701A1

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine, sowie Computerprogramm und Steuer- und/oder Regeleinrichtung

Номер: DE102015220374A1

Bei einem Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine (10) wird der Kraftstoff in einer ersten Betriebsart der Brennkraftmaschine (10) ausschließlich direkt in mindestens einen Brennraum (34) und in einer zweiten Betriebsart der Brennkraftmaschine (10) zusätzlich oder statt dessen in einen stromaufwärts von mindestens einem Einlassventil (40) liegenden Bereich (38) eingespritzt, und der Kraftstoff, der direkt in den Brennraum (34) eingespritzt wird, von einem stromabwärts von einer Hochdruck-Kolbenpumpe (20) angeordneten Hochdruckbereich (30) entnommen, und der Kraftstoff, der in den stromaufwärts von dem Einlassventil (40) liegenden Bereich (38) eingespritzt wird, von einem stromaufwärts von der Hochdruck-Kolbenpumpe (20) angeordneten Niederdruckbereich (18) entnommen. Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass mindestens in der zweiten Betriebsart ein Förderhub der Hochdruck-Kolbenpumpe (20) mindestens mittelbar von der direkt in den Brennraum (10) einzuspritzenden Kraftstoffmenge abhängt.

02-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003609245A1

20-05-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Erkennen einer Kraftstoffeinspritzeinrichtung mit einer Fehlfunktion eines mehrzylindrigen Verbrennungsmotors

Номер: DE112008001486T5

Verfahren zum Erkennen einer Kraftstoffeinspritzeinrichtung (1–6) mit einer Fehlfunktion, die einem einzelnen Zylinder eines mehrzylindrigen Verbrennungsmotors (50) zugeordnet sind, wobei der Motor einen Speichertank (120) aufweist, von dem beabsichtigt ist, unter Druck stehenden Kraftstoff an die Zylinder mittels der Kraftstoffeinspritzeinrichtungen zu verteilen, das die folgenden Schritte aufweist: – Bestimmen eines ersten Druckwertes (P1ij) des Speichertanks vor der Kraftstoffzufuhr zu einem einzelnen Zylinder; – Zuführen von Kraftstoff zu dem einen einzelnen Zylinder während einer vorbestimmten Einschaltzeit; – Bestimmen eines zweiten Druckwertes (P2ij) des Speichertanks nach der Kraftstoffzufuhr; – Verarbeiten des ersten Druckwertes und des zweiten Druckwertes, um dadurch einen Prüfwert (Qi) zu etablieren; und – Erkennen einer Kraftstoffeinspritzeinrichtung mit einer Fehlfunktion, falls diese vorliegt, auf Grundlage des etablierten Prüfwertes (Qi).

28-06-2016 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur variablen Steuerung eines Injektors

Номер: DE202015002329U1

Vorrichtung (10, 20–22) zur variablen Steuerung von wenigstens einem Injektor (1) eines Verbrennungsmotors eines Kraftfahrzeugs, wobei die Vorrichtung folgendes umfasst: Mittel (11, 12) zum Bestimmen einer Injektortemperatur (TI) für wenigstens einen Injektor (1) des Verbrennungsmotors; und Mittel (14–16), um auf Basis der bestimmten Injektortemperatur (TI) eine Steuerungsausgabe (ET) zur Steuerung von wenigstens einem Injektor (1) des Verbrennungsmotors zu bestimmen.

23-12-1970 дата публикации

Anordnung zum Anlassen von Schiffsantriebsmaschinen

Номер: DE0001928890A1

09-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007060006B3

Es wird ein Kraftstoffdruckregelsystem für eine Brennkraftmaschine, mit einem Druckspeicher (6), der Kraftstoff unter Druck bevorratet und der Brennräume (8) der Brennkraftmaschine mit Kraftstoff versorgende Injektoren (7) speist, einer Hochdruckpumpe (9), die einen Kraftstoffmengenstrom dem Druckspeicher (6) zuführt, einem ersten Ventil (PCV), über das Kraftstoff aus dem Druckspeicher (6) abführbar ist, und einem zweiten Ventil (VCV) zur Drosselung des Kraftstoffmengenstroms, bereitgestellt, wobei ein erster Regelkreis (16) mit dem ersten Ventil (PCV) als Stellglied zur Regelung des Drucks im Druckspeicher (6) und ein zweiter Regelkreis (17) mit dem zweiten Ventil (VCV) als Stellglied zur Regelung des Drucks im Druckspeicher (6) vorgesehen sind, und wobei die beiden Regelkreise (16, 17) als Kaskadenregler (15) ausgebildet sind mit dem ersten Regelkreis (16) als Führungsregler und dem zweiten Regelkreis (17) als Folgeregler.

18-06-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Steuerung einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE0010159016A1

Es werden ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Steuerung einer Brennkraftmaschine beschrieben. Die Ansteuerdauer für eine erste Teileinspritzung wird, ausgehend von einem Nullwert, bei dem sicher keine Einspritzung erfolgt, erhöht. Es werden eine Größe erfasst, die den Zündverzug charakterisiert, und ein Endwert der Ansteuerdauer ermittelt, bei dem sich die Größe, die den Zündverzug charakterisiert, nicht mehr wesentlich ändert.

16-12-2004 дата публикации

Elektronisches Steuersystem für die Vorfüllung eines Brennstoffsystems

Номер: DE102004018843A1

Insbesondere bei einem relativ großen Motor, der für eine wesentliche Zeitperiode bei kalter Temperatur inaktiv gewesen ist, kann der Druck innerhalb eines Brennstoffsystems absinken. Vor der Einteilung eines Motorstarts können Brennstoffpumpen, die betriebsmäßig mit dem Motor gekoppelt sind, nicht den Brennstoff innerhalb des Brennstoffsystems unter Druck setzen und/oder zirkulieren. Somit kann die Zeit vernünftigerweise verzögert werden, die erforderlich ist, um die Hochdruck-Leitungen mit einem ausreichenden Brennstoffdruck zu beliefern, um den Motor zu starten und laufen zu lassen. Um die Verzögerung beim Start des Motors zu verringern, weist die vorliegende Erfindung ein elektronisches Steuermodul auf, welches einen Vorfüllungsalgorithmus aufweist. Der Vorfüllungsalgorithmus ist dahingehend wirksam, dass er eine elektrisch angetriebene Pumpe aktiviert, wenn ein Brennstoffsystem in einem nicht vorgefüllten Zustand ist. Das elektronische Steuermodul ist in Verbindung mit mindestens einem ...

12-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE102006000349A1

Eine Druckmusterschätzeinrichtung (S1, S2) einer Kraftstoffeinspritzvorrichtung einer Brennkraftmaschine schätzt einen Druckübergang von Kraftstoff in einen Common-Rail (1). Eine Überschussdruckbereichberechnungseinrichtung (S3) der Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerungsvorrichtung berechnet einen Überschussdruckbereich, in dem Druckmusterdaten, die durch die Druckmusterschätzeinrichtung bereitgestellt werden, einen Soll-Common-Rail-Druck überschreiten. Die Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerungsvorrichtung entspannt den Common-Rail-Druck auf einer Niedrigdruckseite durch Bedienen eines Druckreduzierventils (8) des Common-Rail, um den durch die Überschussdruckbereichberechnungseinrichtung berechneten Überschussdruckbereich zu beseitigen. Auf diese Weise wird der Common-Rail-Druck (Einspritzdruck) während einer Einspritzzeitdauer geglättet.

15-11-2007 дата публикации

Injection valve calibrating method for use during operation of internal combustion engine, involves enabling additional control for calibrating injection valve temporally from top-dead centre in phase of gas exchange cycle

Номер: DE102006021301A1

The method involves injecting fuel into a combustion chamber (100) of an internal combustion engine for operating the engine by a control of an injection valve (40). An additional control is provided for calibrating the injection valve. The control duration of the additional control is varied till minimum control duration is determined, in order to change operating characteristics of the engine. The additional control for calibrating the injection valve is enabled temporally from a top-dead centre in a phase of a gas exchange cycle. An independent claim is also included for a device for operating an internal combustion engine with a calibration module for calibrating an injection valve.

03-01-2008 дата публикации

Internal-combustion engine controlling device, has connecting lines connecting electronic engine control device and injector, for signal transmission and discontinuous energy transmission from control device to electronic storage

Номер: DE102006029082A1

The device has an injector (2) for injecting fuel into combustion chambers of an internal-combustion engine, and connecting lines (3) e.g. two-wire lines, for signal transmission, which connects an electronic engine control device (1) and the injector. An intelligent electronic component (4) has an electronic memory unit (6) for storing data, a measuring technique unit (8) for detecting injector-actual size and an energy storage (9) storing electricity and power supply while operating the engine. The lines are provided for discontinuous energy transmission from the device (1) to the storage. An independent claim is also included for a method for controlling an internal-combustion engine with an electronic engine control device.

05-05-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung und Regelung einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102009051390A1

Vorgeschlagen wird ein Verfahren zur Steuerung und Regelung einer Brennkraftmaschine (1) mit einem eigenständigen A-seitigen und einem eigenständigen B-seitigen Common-Railsystem, bei dem im Normalbetrieb in jedem Common-Railsystem der Raildruck (pCR(A), pCR(B)) über eine niederdruckseitige Saugdrossel (4A, 4B) als erstes Druckstellglied in einem Raildruck-Regelkreis geregelt wird sowie gleichzeitig der Raildruck (pCR(A), pCR(B)) über ein hochdruckseitiges Druckregelventil (11A, 11B) als zweites Druckstellglied mit einer Raildruck-Störgröße beaufschlagt wird, indem über das hochdruckseitige Druckregelventil (11A, 11B) ein Druckregelventil-Volumenstrom aus dem Rail (6A, 6B) in einen Kraftstofftank (2) abgesteuert wird, bei dem ein erster Notbetrieb für das betroffene Common-Railsystem gesetzt wird, wenn in diesem Common-Railsystem ein defekter Rail-Drucksensor (8A, 8B) sowie ein nicht defektes Druckregelventil (11A, 11B) erkannt wird, ein zweiter Notbetrieb für das betroffene Common-Railsystem ...

23-06-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Überwachen eines Einspritzsystems einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE0010354656A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Überwachen eines Einspritzsystems einer Brennkraftmaschine, wobei das Einspritzsystem einen Kraftstoffspeicher und eine gesteuerte Zumesseinheit zum Steuern der Kraftstoff-Fördermenge in den Kraftstoffspeicher aufweist. Bekannte Verfahren dieser Art werten ein Signal, welches den zeitlichen Verlauf des Druckes in dem Kraftstoffspeicher repräsentiert, im Hinblick auf einen möglichen Defekt einer Komponente des Einspritzsystems aus. Um gezielt auf einen Defekt der Zumesseinheit 160 schließen zu können, wird erfindungsgemäß vorgeschlagen, die Zumesseinheit während der Auswertung des den Druck im Kraftstoffspeicher repräsentierenden Signals zunehmend weiter zu schließen oder zu öffnen.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Überwachen einer Einspritzmenge eines Fluids sowie Einspritzsystem zum Einspritzen einer Einspritzmenge eines Fluids

Номер: DE102011082455A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Überwachen einer Einspritzmenge eines Fluids, welches durch eine Einspritzdüse (3) eingespritzt wird, wobei die Einspritzdüse (3) durch ein in einer Bewegung geführtes Verschlusselement (7) geöffnet und geschlossen wird sowie ein Einspritzsystem (1) zum Einspritzen eines Fluids. Es werden mindestens drei charakteristische Punkte der Bewegung des Verschlusselements (7) detektiert, zu denen sich das Verschlusselement (7) jeweils an einer bestimmten Position der Bewegung befindet und aus welchen eine Berechnung der Einspritzmenge erfolgt.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011101214B4

Verbrennungssteuersystem für einen Motor (102) mit Direkteinspritzung, das umfasst: ein Ermittlungsmodul (204) für einen mittleren effektiven Druck (MEP), das einen MEP für ein erstes Verbrennungsereignis eines Zylinders (112) basierend auf einem Zylinderdruck ermittelt, der während des ersten Verbrennungsereignisses durch einen Zylinderdrucksensor (152) gemessen wird; gekennzeichnet durch ein Ermittlungsmodul (228) für einen Variationskoeffizienten (COV), das einen COV für den Zylinder (112) basierend auf dem MEP ermittelt; ein Zündfunkenzeitpunktmodul (208), das einen Zündfunkenzeitpunkt für ein zweites Verbrennungsereignis des Zylinders (112) basierend auf dem COV selektiv festlegt, wobei das zweite Verbrennungsereignis nach dem ersten Verbrennungsereignis stattfindet; und ein Kraftstoffsteuermodul (204), das selektiv die Kraftstoffmenge für das zweite Verbrennungsereignis basierend auf dem COV ermittelt.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Steuerung einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE0010241458B4

Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Brennkraftmaschine, wobei die Brennkraftmaschine in einem Magerbetrieb und in einem Fettbetrieb betreibbar ist, wobei eine erste Kraftstoffmenge (QM) ausgehend von einer Drehzahl und einem Wunschmoment vorgebbar ist, wobei eine zweite Kraftstoffmenge (QF) ausgehend von der Drehzahl, dem Wunschmoment und einem Lambdawert vorgebbar ist, wobei ausgehend von der ersten und der zweiten Kraftstoffmenge eine Kraftstoffmenge, die der Brennkraftmaschine zugemessen wird, ermittelt wird, wobei im Magerbetrieb die erste Kraftstoffmenge die einzuspritzende Kraftstoffmenge bestimmt und wobei im Fettbetrieb die zweite Kraftstoffmenge die einzuspritzende Kraftstoffmenge bestimmt, wobei beim Übergang vom Fettbetrieb in den Magerbetrieb und/oder beim Übergang vom Magerbetrieb in den Fettbetrieb die erste und die zweite Kraftstoffmenge die einzuspritzende Kraftstoffmenge bestimmen, wobei die eine mittels einer ersten vorgebbaren Funktion abnimmt und die andere mit einer zweiten ...

19-01-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zum Betrieb eines Innenbrennkraftmotors mit Funkenzündung und Direkteinspritzung, der Betriebsarten mit variablem Kompressionsverhältnis hat

Номер: DE0010238060B4

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Innenbrennkraftmotors mit Funkenzündung und Direkteinspritzung und variablem Kompressionsverhältnis, gekennzeichnet durch: Feststellen eines geforderten Ausgangsdrehmoments des Motors; Ermitteln eines laufenden Verbrennungsmodus und einer laufenden Kompressionsverhältnisbetriebsart des Motors; Überführen des Motorbetriebs vom laufenden Verbrennungsmodus in einen neuen Verbrennungsmodus zur Erzeugung des geforderten Ausgangsdrehmoments; und Überführen des Motorbetriebs von der laufenden Kompressionsverhältnisbetriebsart in eine neue Kompressionsverhältnisbetriebsart, um Drehmomentfluktuationen während des Übergangs vom laufenden Verbrennungsmodus in den neuen Verbrennungsmodus zu verringern.

26-08-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102009032064B3

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine (1), die einen Ansaugtrakt (10) umfasst und die je ein Einspritzventil (17) pro Zylinder (5) umfasst. Ferner umfasst die Brennkraftmaschine eine Lambdaregelung (22) mit einer zugeordneten Lambdasonde (21) zur Korrektur eines Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnisses in dem Brennraum des entsprechenden Zylinders (5). Eine Betriebstemperatur (TCO) der Brennkraftmaschine (1) wird erfasst und ein Sollwert (MAF_SP) der Luftmasse in dem Brennraum wird abhängig von einem Betriebszustand der Brennkraftmaschine (1) ermittelt. Bei deaktiver Lambdaregelung wird ein erster Anpassungswert abhängig von der erfassten Betriebstemperatur (TCO), von dem ermittelten Sollwert (MAF_SP) der Luftmasse und einem vorgegebenen ersten Wichtungswert $I1 ermittelt. Ferner wird ein zweiter Anpassungswert abhängig von dem ermittelten Sollwert (MAF_SP) der Luftmasse und einem vorgegebenen zweiten Wichtungswert $I2 ermittelt. Abhängig von dem ersten und zweiten Anpassungswert wird die ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE0010344428B4
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer im Viertakt arbeitenden Brennkraftmaschine mit folgenden Merkmalen: in mindestens einen Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine, dessen Volumen sich zyklisch ändert, wird Kraftstoff direkt eingespritzt, Frischgas wird durch mindestens ein Einlassventil zugeführt und Verbrennungsabgas wird durch mindestens ein Auslassventil abgeführt, bei Teillast wird ein mageres Grundgemisch aus Luft, Kraftstoff und rückgehaltenem Abgas und bei Volllast ein stöchiometrisches Gemisch gebildet, bei Teillast erfolgt eine Kompressionszündung und bei Volllast eine Funkenzündung, die Kraftstoffmenge wird in Form von einer Voreinspritzung und einer Haupteinspritzung bereitgestellt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Voreinspritzung je nach der Verbrennungslage der Brennkraftmaschine vor dem oberen Totpunkt des Gaswechsels erfolgt und die Haupteinspritzung beim Öffnen des Einlassventils erfolgt und bei einem Lastwechsel von niedriger zu hoher Last zunächst die Masse der Voreinspritzung konstant ...

14-07-2005 дата публикации

Process for fuel pressure regulation in an internal combustion engine comprises adjusting a high pressure sensor using a low pressure sensor

Номер: DE0010358419A1

Process for fuel pressure regulation in an internal combustion engine (1) comprises adjusting a high pressure sensor (4) using a low pressure sensor (6) arranged on the low pressure side (7) of a high pressure pump (2) when the high pressure pump is out of action. An independent claim is also included for a device used for fuel pressure regulation in an internal combustion engine.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102010063380A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine, insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs, beschrieben. Die Brennkraftmaschine umfasst einen Injektor mit einer Düsennadel zur Einspritzung von Kraftstoff in einen Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine und einen Endstufenbaustein. Ein Soll-Signal (70) für einen Hubverlauf der Düsennadel wird vorgegeben. Der Injektor wird durch den Endstufenbaustein angesteuert. Ein Hubsignal wird ermittelt, das dem tatsächlichen Hubverlauf der Düsennadel entspricht. Ein Ist-Signal (60) wird aus Hubsignal ermittelt. Bei einer Abweichung des Ist-Signals (60) von dem Soll-Signal (70) wird ein Abweichungssignal (82) ermittelt.

23-06-2005 дата публикации

Steuervorrichtung für Mehrzylinder-Direkteinpritzmotor

Номер: DE0019700104B4

Steuervorrichtung für einen Mehrzylinder-Direkteinspritzmotor, der für jeden Zylinder versehen ist mit einem Kraftstoffeinspritzventil (9) und einer Zündkerze (8), die am Zylinder (C) angebracht sind, einem Ansaugrohr (5) für jeden Zylinder (C) mit einem primären Luftströmungsweg (5A) und einem sekundären Luftströmungsweg (5B), der für die Erzeugung einer Wirbel- und/oder Taumel(Fall)strömung in dem entsprechenden Zylinder (C) vorgesehen ist, wobei der sekundäre Luftströmungsweg (5B) eine kleinere Querschnittsfläche als der primäre Luftströmungsweg (5A) aufweist, und einem Luft-Durchflußmesser (3) zum Erfassen einer Einlaßluftmenge Qa, gekennzeichnet durch ein Steuerventil (6), das in dem primären Luftströmungsweg (5A) für jeden Zylinder (C) vorgesehen ist und zusammen mit den anderen Steuerventilen (6) die gesamte Einlaßluftmenge Qa des Motors und die Wirbel- und/oder Taumel(Fall)strömung von jedem Zylinder (C) einstellt, und eine Steuereinrichtung (15), die in einem Leerlaufbetriebsbereich ...

15-12-2005 дата публикации

Starting process for a combustion engine especially an otto engine with inlet tube injection and evacuated fuel supply has two stages to provide the richest possible mixture

Номер: DE102004024518A1

A starting process for a combustion engine, especially an Otto engine, with inlet tube injection in a vehicle with an evacuated fuel system comprises a primary evacuation to switch on the fuel pump (4) and at least one injection valve (2) and a second evacuation that prolongs control of the injection cycle to give the richest ignitable mixture. An independent claim is also included for an engine control unit for the above.

02-02-2006 дата публикации

Akkumulator-Kraftstoffeinspritzvorrichtung und Steuerungsverfahren dafür

Номер: DE0069925415T2

04-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069906861T2

21-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004011261D1

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung und Regelung einer mit einem Einlassventil mit elektromagnetischem Aktor versehenen Hochdruckkraftstoffpumpe einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine

Номер: DE102013215909A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Steuerung und Regelung einer mit einem Einlassventil (32) mit elektromagnetischem Aktor (76) versehenen Hochdruckkraftstoffpumpe (20) einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10). Diese umfasst ein Bestromen des elektromagnetischen Aktors (76) gemäß einer vorgegebenen Bestromungsstrategie, so dass während eines Förderzyklus eines Förderkolbens (40) der Hochdruckkraftstoffpumpe (20) der elektromagnetische Aktor (72) die Förderleistung der Hochdruckkraftstoffpumpe (20) nicht beeinflusst, wenn keine Erkennung der Position der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) erfolgt ist, und ein Bestromen des elektromagnetischen Aktors (76) in Abhängigkeit von der Position der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10), nachdem eine Erkennung der Position der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) erfolgt ist.

06-07-2000 дата публикации

Method and equipment for controlling fuel metering in IC engines based on measurement of crankshaft and/or camshaft angles

Номер: DE0019860398A1

A control system (100) controls an injector (110). An encoder disc (125) monitors the crankshaft and/or the camshaft angle detected by a sensor (120). Further sensors monitor the engine operating conditions. Based on the sensor signals the control system determines the correct angles at which pilot and main injections are initiated.

17-08-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren und Steuerung einer Brennkraftmaschine mit einem Abgasnachbehandlungssystems

Номер: DE0019906287A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Brennkraftmaschine mit einem Abgasnachbehandlungssystem beschrieben. Es wird wenigstens zwischen einem ersten Zustand und einem zweiten Zustand des Abgasnachbehandlungssystems unterschieden. Die Zustände unterscheiden sich durch wenigstens einen Wert wenigstens einer Betriebskenngröße. Beim Übergang von dem zweiten in den ersten Zustand wird ein ersten Sonderbetriebsprogramm durchgeführt.

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Benzindirekteinspritzungsmotor, Steuerungsvorrichtung dafür und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Direkteinspritzungsmotors

Номер: DE102014017162A1

Eine Steuerungs- bzw. Regelungsvorrichtung für einen BenzinBenzindirekteinspritzungsmotor enthält einen Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerungs- bzw. -regelungsteil (Motorsteuerungs- bzw. -regelungsvorrichtung), die so aufgebaut ist, dass sie einen Kraftstoffeinspritzaspekt eines Injektors steuert bzw. regelt. Der Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerungs- bzw. -regelungsteil ändert einen Einspritzmodus des Injektors durch Ändern des Hubbetrags des Injektors und des Einspritzintervalls des Kraftstoffs. Der Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerungs- bzw. -regelungsteil schaltet zwischen einem ersten Einspritzmodus, der mehrere Male der Kraftstoffeinspritzung mit dem geringen Hubbetrag des Injektors und dem kurzen Intervall der Kraftstoffeinspritzung beinhaltet, und einem zweiten Einspritzmodus um, der mehrere Male der Kraftstoffeinspritzung mit dem größeren Hubbetrag des Injektors und dem längeren Intervall der Kraftstoffeinspritzung als denjenigen des ersten Einspritzmodus beinhaltet, und zwar gemäß einem Betriebszustand ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug und Betriebsverfahren

Номер: DE102014209622A1

Es wird ein Kraftfahrzeug (10) beschrieben mit einem Motor (11) zum Antrieb des Kraftfahrzeugs (10) und einer Steuereinheit (15) zur Steuerung des Motors (11) und zur Bestimmung eines Ist-Status (Si) des Motors (11). Der Motor (11) weist einen Brennraum (17) und einen Injektor (22) auf. Der Injektor (22) umfasst mehrere für den Durchfluss von Kraftstoff freigebbare Auslassöffnungen zur Einspritzung des Kraftstoffs in den Brennraum (17). Die Steuereinheit (15) ist ausgebildet, die Auslassöffnungen des Injektors (22) in Abhängigkeit des Ist-Status (Si) des Motors (11) selektiv freizugeben. Zudem wird ein Betriebsverfahren (50) zum Betreiben des Kraftfahrzeugs (10) beansprucht.

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine mit einem Einspritzsystem und Einspritzsystem zur Durchführung eines solchen Verfahrens

Номер: DE102017216989A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine (1) mit einem Einspritzsystem (3), das einen Hochdruckspeicher (13) aufweist, wobei ein momentaner Hochdruck (p) in dem Hochdruckspeicher (13) mittels eines Hochdrucksensors (23) zeitabhängig überwacht wird. Es ist vorgesehen, dass eine erste Alarmstufe (A1) gesetzt wird, wenna) ein erster vorbestimmter Hochdruck-Grenzwert (p) von dem momentanen Hochdruck (p) für eine vorbestimmte Grenz-Zeitdauer (Δt) ununterbrochen überschritten ist, und/oder wennb) der erste vorbestimmte Hochdruck-Grenzwert (p) durch den momentanen Hochdruck (p) erstmals mit einer vorbestimmten, ersten Grenz-Häufigkeit (H) überschritten ist.

21-10-2004 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Steuern einer Hochdruckpumpe mit variabler Durchflussrate

Номер: DE0060013657D1

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Common-Rail-Einspritzsystems

Номер: DE102015204037A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Ansteuern wenigstens eines Injektors (1, 2) eines Common-Rail-Einspritzsystems einer Brennkraftmaschine insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs, zur Einspritzung von Kraftstoff in wenigstens einen Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine, wobei der wenigstens eine Injektor mittels eines einen Ankerraum (5) und einen Steuerraum (8) aufweisenden Schaltventils (1) betrieben wird, und wobei insbesondere vorgesehen ist, dass zu wenigstens einer eine Einspritzung bewirkenden Ansteuerung des wenigstens einen Injektors (1, 2) wenigstens eine zusätzliche Ansteuerung (410) mit einer Ansteuerdauer durchgeführt wird, durch welche der Kraftstoffdruck im Steuerraum (8) des Schaltventils (1) nur so weit absenkt wird, so dass aufgrund der zusätzlichen Ansteuerung keine Einspritzung von Kraftstoff in den Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine erfolgt, jedoch eine Dämpfung von Druckschwingungen im Ankerraum (5) des Schaltventils (1) erfolgt.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und Einrichtung zum Betrieb einer Common-Rail-Kraftstoffeinspritzeinrichtung insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102015212154A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Einrichtung zum Betrieb einer Kraftstoffeinspritzeinrichtung insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs, bei der Kraftstoff unter Hochdruck in einen Hochdruckspeicher (1) gefördert wird, dessen Druck mittels einer Druckregelung gesteuert wird und aus dem Kraftstoff zur Einspritzung über wenigstens ein Kraftstoffeinspritzventil (14) gesteuert durch eine Steuereinrichtung (7) entnommen wird, und bei der Mittel zur Erkennung einer Mengenbilanzverletzung von dem Hochdruckspeicher (1) zugeführter und aus dem Hochdruckspeicher (1) abgeführter Kraftstoffmenge vorgesehen sind, wobei der Kraftstoffdruck in dem Hochdruckspeicher (1) um einen vorgegeben Wert angehoben wird (200) und wobei auf der Grundlage einer erkannten Mengenbilanzverletzung (215) eine dynamische Absenkung oder Begrenzung des angehobenen Kraftstoffdrucks und/oder die Reduzierung des Momentes der Brennkraftmaschine durchgeführt wird (230).

11-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016111008B4

Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuervorrichtung für eine Dieselmaschine (10), die ein Kraftstoffeinspritzventil (18) zum direkten Einspritzen von Kraftstoff in eine Verbrennungskammer (10a) der Maschine (10) aufweist, wobei die Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuervorrichtung aufweist:ein Erlangungsteil (30; S17) zum Erlangen eines tatsächlichen Zylinderinnendrucks, der ein tatsächlicher Innendruck in der Verbrennungskammer (10a) ist;ein Solleinstellteil (30; S12), das konfiguriert ist, in einem Fall einer Durchführung einer einheitlichen Druckverbrennungssteuerung, bei der der tatsächliche Zylinderinnendruck nach einem Start der Verbrennung während der einheitlichen Druckdauer im Allgemeinen einheitlich auf einen Spitzenwert aufrecht erhalten wird, einen tatsächlichen Zylinderdruckverlauf auf einen Sollzylinderinnendruckverlauf einzustellen, und zwar übereinstimmend mit einem Betriebszustand der Maschine (10) während einer Steuerdauer, die eine Druckanstiegsdauer und eine einheitliche Druckdauer des Zylinderinnendruckverlaufs ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017118343A1

Eine Druckreduzierventil-Steuerungsvorrichtung (ECU) ist für ein Kraftstoffzuführsystem mit einem Common-Rail (12) und einem Druckreduzierventil (20) vorgesehen, um einen Raildruck in dem Common-Rail (12) durch Steuern eines Stromzuführzustands des Druckreduzierventils (20) zu steuern. Das Druckreduzierventil (20) arbeitet, um einen Ventilkörper (22) zum Abgeben von Kraftstoff von dem Common-Rail (12) gegen eine in einer Ventilschließrichtung aufgebrachte Vorspannkraft (Fs) durch eine durch Kraftstoff erzeugte Ventilöffnungskraft (Fp), welche den Ventilkörper (22) durch den Raildruck in einer Ventilöffnungsrichtung vorspannt, und eine durch eine Stromzuführung zu einer elektromagnetischen Spule (25) erzeugte elektromagnetische Kraft (Fc) zu öffnen. Die ECU startet das Öffnen des Ventilkörpers (22) während einer Haltephase eines Haltewerts (Ih) durch Halten des zu der elektromagnetischen Spule (25) geführten Stroms auf einem vorbestimmten Haltewert nach dem Starten der Stromzuführung zu ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Einspritzventil und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Einspritzventils

Номер: DE102013220528B4
Автор: LI HUI, LI, HUI

Ein Einspritzventil (1) weist auf, einen Injektorkörper (2) mit einer Ausnehmung (3) und einem Fluidzulauf (7) und einem Fluidablauf (9), einen Nadelkörper (10), der axial beweglich in der Ausnehmung (3) des Injektorkörpers (2) angeordnet ist und der in einer Schließposition des Nadelkörpers (10) in einen Fluidfluss durch eine Einspritzöffnung (12) des Injektorkörpers (2) unterbindet und ansonsten frei gibt, einen Steuerraum (15) der in der Ausnehmung (3) angeordnet ist und der hydraulisch zwischen dem Fluidzulauf (7) und dem Fluidablauf (9) angeordnet ist, ein Steuerventil (16) mit einem Ventilkörper (17), das in dem Steuerraum (15) angeordnet und das dazu ausgebildet ist, in einer Schließposition des Ventilkörpers (17) einen Fluidfluss zwischen dem Steuerraum (15) und dem Fluidablauf (9) zu unterbinden und ansonsten frei zu geben, einen Piezoaktuator (20) der mechanisch mit dem Steuerventil (16) über einen ersten Übertrager (23) gekoppelt ist zum Öffnen des Steuerventils (16), wobei der ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren und Steuerungseinrichtung zur Funktionsüberprüfung von Zündfluid-Injektoren

Номер: DE102015003012A1

Verfahren zur Funktionsüberprüfung von Zündfluid-Injektoren (13) eines Motors, insbesondere eines Dual-Fuel-Motors, wobei der Motor mehrere Zylinder (2) und ein Zündfluid-Einspritzsystem mit einer für mehrere Zylinder gemeinsamen Zündfluid-Förderpumpe (16), mit einem für die mehreren Zylinder gemeinsamen Zündfluid-Speicher (22) und mit für die mehreren Zylinder individuellen Zündfluid-Injektoren (13) umfasst, wobei zunächst alle Zündfluid-Injektoren (13) des Zündfluid-Einspritzsystems minimal bestromt werden und weiterhin die Zündfluid-Förderpumpe derart betrieben wird, dass im Zündfluid-Speicher (22) ein definierter Druck aufgebaut wird, wobei hierbei der Druck des Zündfluid-Speichers (22) als Referenzdruck und/oder eine Saugdrosselstellung der Zündfluid-Förderpumpe (16) als Referenzsaugdrosselstellung ermittelt werden; wobei darauffolgend an einem ersten Zündfluid-Injektor (13) für eine definierte Zeitdauer die Bestromung erhöht wird, während und an allen anderen Zündfluid-Injektoren ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren und Steuerungseinrichtung zum Betreiben einer Common-Rail Kraftstoffversorgungsanlage

Номер: DE102019112754A1

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Common-Rail Kraftstoffversorgungsanlage einer Brennkraftmaschine, die einen Niederdruckbereich (4), einen Hochdruckbereich (6) und eine mindestens zwei Hochdruckpumpen (2) aufweisende Hochdruckpumpeinrichtung (3) aufweist, mit der Kraftstoff aus dem Niederdruckbereich in den Hochdruckbereich förderbar ist, wobei im Hochdruckbereich (6) zwischen der Hochdruckpumpeinrichtung (3) und Injektoren (1) ein permanent unter Hochdruck stehendes Druckspeichersystem (7) vorgesehen ist, und wobei eine Fördermenge der Hochdruckpumpeinrichtung (3) über Drosselventile (13) einstellbar ist. Abhängig von einem Betriebspunkt der Brennkraftmaschine werden eine Soll-Fördermenge der Hochdruckpumpeinrichtung (3) und ein Soll-Druck für das Druckspeichersystem (7) bestimmt. Abhängig von der Soll-Fördermenge wird für alle Drosselventile (13) ein Steueranteil für die Stellung des jeweiligen Drosselventils (13) bestimmt, mit welchem dasselbe angesteuert wird. Abhängig von einer Abweichung ...

10-08-2000 дата публикации

Kraftstoffversorgungssystem für eine Brennkraftmaschine insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE0019903273A1

The invention relates to a fuel supply system (1) for an internal combustion engine, especially of a motor vehicle, which is provided with a pressure accumulator (2) and a pump (6, 10). Said pump (6, 10) is used to convey fuel to the pressure accumulator (2). A control device (16) is provided for controlling and/or regulating the pressure in the pressure accumulator (2) by means of a pressure control valve (4). Said pressure control valve (4) can be closed by means of the control device (16) when the internal combustion engine is being started but is not yet turning.

12-06-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und Schaltungsanordnung zur Ansteuerung eines Doppelspulen-Hochdruckeinspritzmagnetventils für die Kraftstoffeinspritzung

Номер: DE0019922485B4

Verfahren zur Ansteuerung eines Doppelspulen-Hochdruckeinspritzventils für die Kraftstoffeinspritzung insbesondere im Kraftfahrzeugmotor, wobei zwei in Reihe geschaltete Magnetspulen (L1, L2) von einem gemeinsamen Boosterschalter (S2), einem Boosterkondensator (Cboost), einem Lowsideschalter (S1) und einem Highsideschalter (S3) jeweils zum Öffnen und Schließen des Ventils mit Strom gespeist werden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass während einer Vorbereitungszeit (Tv) bei geschlossenem Boosterschalter (S2) und geöffnetem Lowsideschalter (S1) diejenige der beiden Spulen (L2), die als Vorbereitungsspule an ihrem einen Ende mit der Batteriespannung UBatt und an ihrem anderen Ende mit dem Boosterkondensator (CBoost) und dem Boosterschalter (S2) verbunden ist, mit Energie (EL2 = L2 × IL22/2) geladen wird.

14-12-2000 дата публикации

Purifying IC engine exhaust gas comprises taking measures to increase exhaust gas temperature with introduction of event which can be canceled after combustion

Номер: DE0019926138A1

Purifying internal combustion (IC) engine exhaust gas comprises taking measures to increase the exhaust gas temperature with the introduction of an event which can be canceled after combustion of at least one part of the injected particles. An Independent claim is also included for a device for carrying out the process comprising an IC engine (1); an air suction line (2) with an adjustable choke (13) extending into the engine; an injection device with valves for the direct injection into the cylinder of the engine; an exhaust gas line (3) extending from the engine and containing a particle filter (7); and a device (25) for increasing the exhaust gas to a temperature at which the particles of the filter combust on exceeding a determined exhaust gas pressure, after a model-supported enquiry, at a critical temperature in the exhaust gas, in determined time intervals or sporadically.

31-08-2000 дата публикации

Automobile direct fuel injection engine operating method has throttle in air intake line adjusted for reducing combustion air quantity dependent on engine load or pressure increase in reduced pressure reservoir for servo devices

Номер: DE0019908408A1

The engine operating method is used for a direct fuel injection engine which has a reduced pressure reservoir for one or more servo devices, coupled to the engine air intake line (1) supplying the combustion air to the engine combustion chamber, with the throttle adjusted for reducing the quantity of combustion air, in dependence on the position of the accelerator pedal or upon reaching a pressure increase threshold for the reduced pressure reservoir. Also included are Independent claims for the following; (a) a control element for an engine control device; (b) an engine control device; and (c) an automobile engine.

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014102649A1

Eine Voreinspritzmengenlernvorrichtung ist konfiguriert, um eine Voreinspritzmenge (Lernpunkt) bei einem Voreinspritzmengenlernen bei dem gleichen Lerndruck durch Variieren des Lernpunkts, der einer Voreinspritzmenge QPILOT bei dem Voreinspritzmengenlernen bei dem gleichen Lerndruck entspricht, durch Ändern der Anzahl von Malen einer Mehrfacheinspritzung bei der Mehrfacheinspritzung, bei der die Kraftstoffeinspritzung mit einer Mehrzahl von Schüben in einem Zyklus des Zylinders der Maschine durchgeführt wird, zu einer Mehrzahl zu machen. Die Lerngenauigkeit einer charakteristischen TQ-Q-Kurve nach einem Lernen der Voreinspritzmenge kann somit verbessert werden.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling the pressure in a high-pressure fuel reservoir of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120006302A1

A method for controlling the pressure in a high-pressure fuel reservoir of an internal combustion engine; fuel from a presupply pump being supplied to a quantity control valve; and the fuel metered by the quantity control valve being transported by a high-pressure pump into the high-pressure fuel reservoir; the pressure in the high-pressure fuel reservoir being controlled by controlling the quantity control valve; and the supply pressure in front of the high-pressure pump also being considered in the control.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Controller for pressure reducing valve

Номер: US20120042853A1
Автор: Masakazu Sakata
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A controller for a pressure reducing valve is applied to a fuel injection system which is provided with a pressure reducing valve in a common-rail and a fuel pressure sensor detecting a fuel pressure in a fuel supply passage from the accumulator to an injection port of the fuel injector. The controller includes a fuel-pressure-variation detector for detecting a fuel pressure variation timing at which a detection value of the fuel pressure sensor is varied due to an opening operation or a closing operation of the pressure reducing valve. The controller further includes a response-delay-time computing portion for computing a response delay time of the pressure reducing valve based on a command timing and a fuel pressure variation timing.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Variable flow fuel transfer pump system and method

Номер: US20120073545A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Intellectual Property Inc

A fuel supply system and method of controlling fuel flow through a supply system is provided including a variable flow, i.e. speed, electric fuel transfer pump and a control system adapted to variably control the transfer pump based on fuel demand of the engine. The system provides improved transient response by providing the transfer pump with a feed forward speed/flow command based on engine fueling demand determined based on engine operating conditions. The transfer pump is controlled based on fuel demand not necessarily achieved yet by the high pressure pump and injectors. Therefore, this system controls the EFTP substantially simultaneously with controlling the high pressure pump and injectors to optimize fuel flow through the entire system ensuring the minimum required fuel flow is passing through the second the fuel filtration system, hence maximizing steady state fuel filtration efficiency, and minimizing surge effects on filtration efficiency.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for the open-loop control and closed-loop control of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120221226A1
Автор: Armin Dolker
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

The invention relates to a method for the open-loop control and the closed-loop control of an internal combustion engine ( 1 ), the rail pressure (pCR) being controlled in a closed loop mode in the normal operating state and an emergency operation mode being activated once a defective rail pressure sensor ( 9 ) is detected, in which emergency operation the rail pressure (pCR) is controlled in an open loop mode. The invention is characterized in that in the emergency operation mode, the rail pressure (pCR) is gradually increased until a passive pressure relief valve ( 11 ) is activated which redirects fuel from the rail ( 6 ) to the fuel tank ( 2 ) when it is open.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method to minimize common rail pressure irregularities due to aliasing effect on battery voltage monitoring

Номер: US20120253720A1

A method is provided to minimize common rail pressure irregularities due to aliasing effect on battery voltage monitoring in a digital electronic control unit that is capable of PWM regulations of a metering valve unit in a diesel common-rail power-train system. At least an engine rotary speed signal is detected and at least a battery voltage signal is monitored, the method includes, but is not limited to calculating the aliasing frequency on said battery voltage signal as a function of said engine rotary speed signal, filtering the battery voltage signal before it is input to said controller module with at least one digital non-linear notch filter, the at least one digital non-linear notch filter substantially centered on the first harmonic of the aliasing frequency, and input the filtered battery voltage signal, at least with the engine rotary speed signal, to the controller module for PWM regulating the metering valve unit.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for the open-loop control and closed-loop control of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120265424A1
Автор: Armin Dolker
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

The invention relates to a method for the open-loop control and the closed-loop control of an internal combustion engine ( 1 ), the rail pressure (pCR) being controlled in the normal operating state in a closed loop control mode via an intake throttle ( 4 ) on the lower pressure side as the first pressure control member in a rail pressure control loop and at the same time a rail pressure disturbance variable being applied to the rail pressure (pCR) via a pressure control valve ( 12 ) on the high pressure side as the second pressure control member. For this purpose, a pressure control valve volume flow (VDRV) is redirected from the rail ( 6 ) to a fuel tank ( 2 ) via the pressure control valve ( 12 ) on the high pressure side, and an emergency operation mode is activated once a defective rail pressure sensor ( 9 ) is detected, in which emergency operation the pressure control valve ( 12 ) on the high pressure side and the intake throttle ( 4 ) on the low pressure side are actuated depending on the same set point value.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating a fuel injection system of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120283933A1
Автор: Markus Strasser

A method for operating a fuel injection system of an internal combustion engine is described in which pressurized fuel is provided in a pressure storage device and a fuel pressure prevailing in pressure storage device is regulated with the aid of a pressure regulation, during a first measuring interval at least one fuel withdrawal from the pressure storage device taking place, and during a second measuring interval no fuel withdrawal from the pressure storage device of this type taking place, and during the first and the second measuring intervals a performance quantity of the pressure regulation being ascertained in each case, and the fuel quantity withdrawn during the first measuring interval being ascertained for the at least one withdrawal from a difference of the ascertained performance quantities of the pressure regulation.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144509A1
Принадлежит: Gas Tek Solutions Pty. Ltd.

Disclosed is a method of injecting LPG gas into a diesel fuel engine for combustion with diesel fuel therein. One aspect includes injecting LPG gas into an air-stream of an engine air intake or manifold, measuring the percentage of LPG gas injected into the airstream or other efficiency gauge, varying the rate of injection of LPG gas into the airstream in response to the measured percentage of LPG gas therein and injecting the LPG gas at a pre-determined rate so as to maintain an LPG gas concentration in the air intake stream in the range of 0.2% to 0.6% by volume of LPG gas. 1. A method of injecting flammable gas into a diesel fuel engine for combustion with diesel fuel therein , the method comprising:injecting flammable gas into the engine for combustion with the diesel fuel;measuring the percentage of flammable gas injected;varying the rate of injection of flammable gas into the engine in response to the measured percentage of flammable gas therein and injecting the flammable gas at a pre-determined rate so as to maintain a flammable gas concentration in the engine for combustion is in the range of 0.2% to 0.6% by volume of flammable gas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flammable gas concentration injected in the air intake stream is maintained at substantially 0.35%.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein injecting flammable gas into the engine includes injecting the flammable gas into an air intake stream or manifold claim 1 , or directly into an engine cylinder.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein measuring the percentage of flammable gas mixed into the airstream of the engine intake comprises bleeding a portion of the mixed air intake stream by combusting the flammable gas intake mixture and measuring same with a sensor in the form of a time delayed hot wire sensor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flammable gas is LPG gas claim 1 , hydrogen gas or natural gas.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting flammable gas into the airstream of the engine air ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device for Operating a High-Pressure Accumulator Fuel Injection System for an Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20130206111A1

A method is disclosed for operating a high-pressure accumulator fuel injection system for an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle which has a stop-start automatic function by way of which the internal combustion engine can be switched off and restarted afterwards independent of the intervention of the driver of the motor vehicle, the fuel being conveyed to the high-pressure accumulator as needed by means of a high-pressure pump and the pressure of the fuel being adjusted on the pressure side by means of a pressure control valve which is electrically actuated and open when de- energized. According to the method, the supply with power of the pressure control valve is adapted to the prevailing pressure in the high-pressure accumulator during a stop phase within a stop-start cycle. 1. A method for operating a high-pressure accumulator fuel injection system for an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle having an automatic stop/start function for deactivating and subsequently restarting the internal combustion engine independent of an intervention by the motor vehicle driver , in which fuel is fed to a high-pressure accumulator by a high-pressure pump , with at least one injector connected to the high-pressure accumulator for injecting fuel into at least one cylinder of the internal combustion engine , the method comprising:setting a pressure of the fuel in the high-pressure accumulator using an electrically activated pressure control valve which is open in a currentless state, andduring a stop phase within a stop/start cycle, automatically adjusting the level of the electric current for supplying the pressure control valve to the prevailing pressure in the high-pressure accumulator.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising reducing the level of the electric current as a function of a pressure drop in the high-pressure accumulator.3. The method of comprising controlling the reduction of the level of the electric current to avoid overshooting a minimum ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220274A1

A control system for operation of a dual fuel engine is disclosed wherein the engine is operated by a liquid fuel and a gaseous fuel at varying loads and engine speeds. The control system has a first sensor and a second sensor for sensing intake manifold pressures of the engine and pressures of the liquid fuel respectively. A speed sensing means is provided to generate signals corresponding to engine speeds and varying loads. A liquid fuel actuator and a gaseous fuel actuator are provided to induct the liquid fuel and the gaseous fuel into the engine respectively. 1. A method of optimized fuel induction at a particular revolution per minute (RPM) of an engine for dual fuel operation in an engine adapted to be operated using a liquid fuel and a gaseous fuel at varying loads and engine speeds , said method comprising: inducting the gaseous fuel and the liquid fuel into the engine commencing from a predetermined lower engine load limit; increasing an amount of gaseous fuel inducted into the engine as the engine load increases from the predetermined lower engine load limit to a predetermined upper engine load limit; limiting an increase in the amount of gaseous fuel inducted into the engine at engine load levels above said predetermined upper engine load limit; and increasing the amount of liquid fuel inducted by a predetermined quantity at engine load levels above said predetermined upper engine load limit.2. The method as claimed in comprising:identifying intake manifold pressures corresponding to a series of pre-determined load conditions;identifying pressures of the liquid fuel corresponding to said series of pre-determined load conditions;changing said pressures of the liquid fuel corresponding to a change in said intake manifold pressures and corresponding engine speeds; and a first mode wherein only liquid fuel is inducted into the engine;', 'a second mode wherein induction of liquid fuel is maintained constant and the gaseous fuel is increasingly inducted ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for estimating fuel composition

Номер: US20130238217A1

Methods and systems are provided for operating a fuel system configured to deliver a gaseous fuel to an engine. Following tank refilling, the fuel composition is selectively updated based on fuel tank pressure, temperature, and air content data. When the engine is subsequently restarted, the fuel rail is primed for a duration based on the updated composition.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289849A1
Автор: Emi Masahiko, Uehara Issho
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A diesel engine is provided with a common rail type fuel injection device. A controller controls a common rail pressure and an engine control parameter other than the common rail pressure, respectively, to target values that are determined on the basis of the engine load. The controller corrects the engine control parameter other than the common rail pressure when the common rail pressure does not coincide with the target common rail pressure in a transient state of the diesel engine, thereby preventing an air-fuel ratio in the combustion region from becoming lean. 18-. (canceled)9. A combustion control device for a diesel engine provided with a common rail type fuel injection device , comprising:a sensor that detects an engine load of the diesel engine;a sensor that detects a common rail pressure; and control a common rail pressure to a target common rail pressure that is determined on the basis of the engine load such that the target common rail pressure increases as the engine load increases;', 'control an engine control parameter other than the common rail pressure to a target value which is determined on the basis of the engine load; and', 'correct the engine control parameter other than the common rail pressure when the common rail pressure does not coincide with the target common rail pressure in a transient state of the diesel engine where the engine load varies., 'a programmable controller programmed to10. The combustion control device as defined in claim 9 , wherein the diesel engine comprises a cylinder in which a fuel provided from the common rail type fuel injection device is burnt and a swirl control valve which promotes a swirl in the cylinder claim 9 , and the engine control parameter other than the common rail pressure is a swirl ratio which represents a strength of the swirl promoted by the swirl control valve.11. The combustion control device as defined in claim 10 , wherein the controller is further programmed to control the swirl control valve ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130289851A1
Автор: Kentaro NISHIDA
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An ECU 70 A is applied to an internal combustion engine 50 of in-cylinder injection type equipped with a fuel injection valve 56 that injects fuel into a combustion chamber E, an intake valve 54 and an exhaust valve 55 provided for the combustion chamber E, and VVTs 57 and 58 that cause the intake valve 54 and the exhaust valve 55 to overlap each other. In a case where the VVTs 57 and 58 cause the intake valve 54 and the exhaust valve 55 to overlap each other to thereby scavenge the combustion chamber E, the ECU 70 A sets the injection pressure of fuel injected by the fuel injection valve 56 lower than that for a case where the intake valve 54 and the exhaust valve 55 are not caused to overlap each other.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130332048A1

An electronically controlled fuel injection valve can control the time to inject fuel and the amount of fuel to be injected in response to a control signal independently from the operating condition of an engine unlike a traditional mechanical fuel injection valve. The electronically controlled fuel injection valve employs a control method for fuel injection that increases the force of lifting up a cutoff needle of an injection controller by delivering high-pressure fuel to a lower pressure chamber via a control needle, thereby rapidly controlling fuel injection, has a simple structure making it easy to assemble, replace and precisely machine parts, and has a simple flow path structure which facilitates fabrication. 1. An electronically controlled fuel injection valve comprising:a valve body having defined therein a first flow path along which fuel is fed through a fuel supply port, and having a control valve housing in an upper portion thereof;a nozzle part coupled to a lower portion of the valve body, and having defined therein a nozzle chamber which is filled with fuel that is supplied via the first flow path so that a needle disposed therein is pressed upward, whereby the needle is lifted up so that fuel is injected;a needle driving part disposed inside the valve body, the needle driving part driving the needle of the nozzle part;an upper pressure chamber formed above the needle driving part, the upper pressure chamber creating a pressure when the upper pressure chamber is filled with fuel fed through the fuel supply port, the pressure pressing the needle driving part in a downward direction;a lower pressure chamber positioned below the upper pressure chamber, the lower pressure chamber creating a pressure when the lower pressure chamber is filled up with fuel, the pressure pressing the needle driving part in an upward direction;a second flow path formed inside the valve body via the control valve housing, the second flow path being connected to the lower ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345949A1

Over a diesel engine's lifetime, engine efficiency may be reduced and some of this may be attributable to sulfur deposit accumulation in the engine. A method for controlling operation of a diesel engine operating on a fuel is provided. The method may include adjusting an injection of fuel to the engine in response to a sulfur content of the fuel. 1. A method for controlling operation of a diesel engine operating on a fuel , comprising:adjusting a direct injection of fuel, and fuel pressure to the engine in response to a sulfur content of the fuel, including adjusting injection timing responsive to the sulfur content of the fuel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting a direct injection of fuel includes adjusting a duration of fuel injector opening and/or adjusting an injection pressure wherein the duration of fuel injector opening increases as the sulfur content of the fuel increases and/or the injection pressure increases as the sulfur content of the fuel increases.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting injector timing includes advancing injection timing to initiate a fuel injector cleaning cycle.4. A method claim 1 , comprising: indicating fouling of a direct fuel injector in the engine responsive to a sulfur content of the fuel, wherein the indicating includes setting a diagnostic code in a controller; and', 'regenerating a catalyst responsive to the sulfur content by adjusting engine operation., 'monitoring operation of a diesel engine operating on a directly injected fuel, including5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the indicating includes generating a message in a vehicle message center.6. The method of wherein the message identifies issues related to the sulfur content of the fuel.7. The method of wherein the message identifies that the sulfur content of the fuel is above a threshold limit.8. The method of wherein the message requests maintenance or increased maintenance related to an increase in the sulfur content of the fuel.9. The method of ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method And Device For Controlling A Valve

Номер: US20140070124A1
Автор: Hans Riepl, Thomas Kraft
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method is provided for controlling a valve having a spring, a pin, and an actuator for actuating the pin. A current having a specified current profile is applied to the actuator, starting from an initial current value at which the pin is in an initial position in which the pin allows the valve to move between open and closed positions. The current profile includes a section or several consecutive sections, wherein each section defines an initial current value and a final current value, a first time interval having a continuously falling current, and a subsequent second time interval having a continuously rising current. For each section, the final current value is less than the initial current value. After the specified current profile has been passed through, the pin is in a final position in which the pin prevents the valve from moving between open and closed positions.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Method For Operating An Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20220010746A1
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Company Limited

The present invention refers to a method for operating an internal combustion engine in a transition operating mode, comprising the steps of determining an initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold and a demanded fuel oxidizer ratio for a fuel mixture to be supplied to a combustion chamber of the engine, if the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio exceeds the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold, the engine is temporally operated in a raised response mode, in which a fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is increased from the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold to a raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold, and a fuel mixture having the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio is supplied into the combustion chamber of the engine. 1. A method for operating an internal combustion engine in a transition operating mode , comprising the steps of:{'sub': 'limit', 'determining an initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR) for a fuel mixture to be supplied to a combustion chamber of the engine;'}determining a demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) of the fuel mixture to be supplied to the combustion chamber of the engine;{'sub': limit', 'limit', 'limit, 'if the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) exceeds the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR), temporally operating the engine in a raised response mode, in which a fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is increased from the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR) to an raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (rFOR), and supplying a fuel mixture having the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) into the combustion chamber of the engine.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the engine operated in the raised response mode up to a predefined first period of time (t).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the engine claim 1 , after being operated in the raised response mode claim 1 , is subsequently switched to a normal response mode in which the fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is decreased from the raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (rFOR) to the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Control method of fuel pump for vehicle and electronic controller

Номер: US20150007798A1
Автор: Cheol Hun Cho, Ju Tae Song
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A control method and system of a fuel pump for a vehicle are provided and include determining, by a controller, whether an accelerator pedal signal is rapidly increased and comparing, by a controller, a current control quantity of the fuel pump with a predetermined reference control quantity in response to determining that the accelerator pedal signal is rapidly increased. In addition, the controller is configured to set the control quantity of the fuel pump as a predetermined jump control quantity when the current control quantity is less than the predetermined reference control quantity.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Method and system for fuel injector balancing

Номер: US20210017928A1

Methods and systems are provided for injector correction learned while a direct injector delivers fuel as a group of fuel injections per cylinder event. The correction is learned using a pressure based injector balancing approach while relies on a sensed pressure drop across the group of fuel injections. Errors for individual pulses of the group of injections is learned as a function of inter-injection spacing and individual pulse-width commands.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017930A1

Methods and systems are provided for reducing errors in estimated fuel rail pressure incurred at the time of a scheduled injection event due to engine-driven cyclic fuel rail pressure changes. In one example, a pulse-width commanded during a scheduled injection event is determined as a function fuel rail pressure samples collected over a moving window that is customized for the corresponding fuel injector. In another example, the commanded pulse-width is determined as a function of an average fuel rail pressure sampled during a quiet zone of injector operation and predicted fuel rail pressure altering events occurring between the quiet zone and the scheduled injection event. 1. An engine method , comprising:estimating an average fuel rail pressure at a scheduled injection event based on an initial fuel rail pressure, sampled and averaged over a quiet period of a fuel injector, and a predicted change to the initial fuel rail pressure from pressure altering engine events occurring between the quiet period and the scheduled injection event; andadjusting a pulse-width commanded at the scheduled injection event based on the estimated average fuel rail pressure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel injector is a first injector claim 1 , and wherein the scheduled injection event is scheduled at a second fuel injector of the engine.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the pressure altering engine events include one or more of an injection event from an engine fuel injector other than the first injector claim 2 , and cam lobe strokes of a high pressure fuel pump fueling all fuel injectors of the engine.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the estimating includes one or more of estimating a decrease in fuel rail pressure due to the injection event from the engine fuel injector other than the first injector and estimating an increase in fuel rail pressure due to the cam lobe strokes.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the estimating is responsive to the high pressure fuel ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025030A1

Methods are provided for controlling a lift fuel pump configured to provide pressurized fuel to a direct injection fuel pump that further pressurizes the fuel to be sent to a plurality of direct injectors. Control strategies are needed that provide reliable and robust operation of the lift fuel pump by selectively providing current to the pump while optimizing energy consumption. To maintain a desired range of lift fuel pump operation, methods are proposed that involve sending current pulses to the lift fuel pump and switching to continuous current when fuel vapor is detected at an inlet of the direct injection fuel pump. 1. A method , comprising:operating a lift fuel pump in a pulsed energy mode for a discrete time duration only upon detection of a threshold fuel volume expelled by a direct injection fuel pump positioned downstream of the lift fuel pump; andswitching operation of the lift fuel pump to a continuous energy mode when vapor pressure is detected at an inlet of the direct injection fuel pump.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulsed energy mode includes sending a series of discrete electrical signals to a power input of the lift fuel pump to initiate operation of the lift fuel pump.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the continuous mode energy mode includes sending a substantially continuous electrical signal to a power input of the lift fuel pump to initiate operation of the lift fuel pump.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the discrete time duration is 200 milliseconds and the threshold fuel volume is 3 cubic centimeters.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising estimating the presence of vapor pressure via a pressure sensor located in a low-pressure fuel passage connecting the lift fuel pump to the direct injection fuel pump.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising estimating the presence of vapor pressure via timing energy pulsation events and the time in between events.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lift fuel pump is an ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023502A1
Автор: Dölker Armin

An injection system for an internal combustion engine including at least one injector and a high-pressure accumulator, which has a fluid connection to the at least one injector on the one side and has a fluid connection to a fuel reservoir via a high-pressure pump on the other side, wherein a suction throttle is associated with the high-pressure pump as a first pressure-setting element. At least two pressure control valves are provided, via which the high-pressure accumulator can be brought into fluid connection with the fuel reservoir. 110-. (canceled)11. An injection system for an internal combustion engine , comprising:at least one injector;a high-pressure accumulator which is fluidically connected at one side to the at least one injector and at another side via a high-pressure pump to a fuel reservoir;a suction throttle assigned to the high-pressure pump as a pressure setting element; andat least two pressure regulating valves by which the high-pressure accumulator is fluidically connectable to the fuel reservoir.12. The injection system according to claim 11 , further comprising a control unit operatively connected to the suction throttle and to the at least two pressure regulating valves claim 11 , wherein the injection system is configured to claim 11 ,a) in a normal operating mode, regulate a high pressure in the high-pressure accumulator by actuating the suction throttle as the pressure setting element, wherein, at least one first pressure regulating valve of the at least two pressure regulating valves is actuated in order to generate a high-pressure disturbance variable;b) in a first operation type of a protective operating mode, regulate the high pressure in the high-pressure accumulator by actuating the at least one first pressure regulating valve as pressure setting element; andc) in a second operation type of the protective operating mode, actuate at least one second pressure regulating valve of the at least two pressure regulating valves, which ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042477A1

A method is disclosed of controlling operation of a fuel injector in response to measuring a quantity of fuel injected by the fuel injector from a fuel accumulator to an engine cylinder during operation of a fuel pump that delivers fuel to the accumulator, comprising: determining an average pressure of the fuel accumulator during a first time period before a fuel injection event; predicting a mass of fuel delivered to the fuel accumulator during a pumping event (Q); determining an average pressure of the fuel accumulator during a second time period after the fuel injection event; estimating a leakage of fuel; computing the injected fuel quantity by adding the average pressure during the first time period to Q, and subtracting the average pressure during the second time period and the leakage; and using the computed injected fuel quantity to control operation of the fuel injector. 1. A method of controlling operation of a fuel injector in response to measuring a quantity of fuel injected by the fuel injector from a fuel accumulator during operation of a fuel pump that delivers fuel to the accumulator , comprising:determining a first pressure value of the fuel accumulator during a first time period before a fuel injection event;{'sub': 'pump', 'predicting a mass of fuel delivered to the fuel accumulator by the fuel pump during a pumping event (Q);'}determining a second pressure value of the fuel accumulator during a second time period after the fuel injection event;estimating a leakage of fuel;{'sub': 'pump', 'computing the quantity of fuel injected by the fuel injector by adding the first pressure value to Q, and subtracting the second pressure value and the leakage; and'}using the computed quantity of fuel injected by the fuel injector to control operation of the fuel injector during a subsequent fuel injection event.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pumping event occurs after the first time period and before the fuel injection event.3. The method of claim 1 , ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

High-pressure pump

Номер: US20220042480A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A high-pressure pump includes a pressurizing chamber forming portion, a suction passage forming portion, a seat member, a valve member, a cylindrical member, a needle, a movable core, a biasing member, a fixed core, and a coil including a winding portion. The coil generates an attractive force between the fixed core and the movable core when the winding portion is energized. The coil includes an outer cylindrical surface and multiple inner cylindrical surfaces that have different diameters. The multiple inner cylindrical surfaces are arranged in order of increasing diameter in a direction toward a pressurizing chamber. The movable core has an end surface that faces the fixed core, and the end surface of the movable core is located between a center, in an axial direction, of a smallest diameter one of the plurality of inner cylindrical surfaces and a center, in an axial direction, of the outer cylindrical surface.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024596A1

A control device for an internal combustion engine includes an electronic control unit configured to perform dither control processing for controlling the fuel injection valve based on a requested injection amount such that a part of cylinders among a plurality of cylinders becomes a lean combustion cylinder and cylinders different from the part of cylinders among the cylinders become a rich combustion cylinder, and restriction processing for, in a case where the requested injection amount is equal to or greater than a first injection amount, making no restriction on the dither control processing, and in a case where the requested injection amount is within a second injection amount range of an injection amount smaller than the first injection amount, restricting the dither control processing to a side where a leaning degree of an air-fuel ratio of a cylinder having a leanest air-fuel ratio among the cylinders decreases. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine , the internal combustion engine including a plurality of cylinders , a catalyst configured to process exhaust gas discharged from the cylinders , and fuel injection valves respectively provided in the cylinders , the control device comprising an electronic control unit configured to performcalculation processing for calculating a requested injection amount according to an operation point of the internal combustion engine,dither control processing for controlling the fuel injection valve based on the requested injection amount such that a part of cylinders among the cylinders becomes a lean combustion cylinder having an air-fuel ratio leaner than a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, and cylinders different from the part of cylinders among the cylinders become rich combustion cylinder having an air-fuel ratio richer than the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, andrestriction processing for, in a case where the requested injection amount is equal to or greater than a first injection amount, making no ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027411A1
Автор: NIEDDU Stefano

A method and control apparatus are disclosed for operating a fuel-metering valve associated to a fuel pump arranged to supply fuel into a fuel rail, the fuel-metering valve having a valve member and an electric actuator arranged to move that member for regulating a fuel flow-rate. The control apparatus includes an electronic control unit connected to the fuel-metering valve and configured to implement a method of control using a target value, a nominal function corrected value to set an adjustable parameter of a control signal for the fuel-metering valve. 113-. (canceled)14. A control apparatus for operating a fuel metering valve associated to a fuel pump arranged to supply fuel into a fuel rail , the fuel metering valve having a valve member and an electric actuator arranged to move the valve member for regulating a fuel flow-rate supplied by the fuel pump into the fuel rail , the control apparatus comprising an electronic control unit connected to the fuel metering valve and configured to:{'sub': 'tot', 'determine a target value (q*) for the fuel flow-rate;'}{'sub': n', 'n', 'tot, 'use a nominal function (F), correlating values of the fuel flow-rate to corresponding values of an adjustable parameter of an electric signal driving the actuator of the fuel metering valve, to determine a nominal value (r) of the adjustable parameter that corresponds to the target value (q*) of the fuel flow-rate;'}{'sub': 'n', 'use the determined nominal value (r) to calculate a corrected value (r*) of the adjustable parameter; and'}set the adjustable parameter of the electric signal at the corrected value (r*);wherein the electronic control unit is configured to calculate the corrected value (r*) of the adjustable parameter by:{'sub': tot', 'tot, 'estimating a value (q̂) of the fuel flow-rate that approximates a real value (q) thereof;'}{'sub': tot', 'tot, 'calculating a difference between the target value (q*) and the estimated value (q̂) of the fuel flow-rate;'}{'sub': 'n', 'using ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Method for Operating a High Pressure Pump of an Injection System and an Injection System

Номер: US20170030288A1
Автор: Wirkowski Michael
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for operating a high-pressure pump of an injection system and an injection system is provided. The method relates to a switching off of additional pulses, which are applied to a valve of the high-pressure pump, if the determined coil temperature of the valve exceeds a limit value. The method is, for instance, then carried out if additional pulses are applied to the valve to reduce noise (“whisper function”). Current information and voltage information from the control signal of the valve of the high-pressure pump are used to measure the temperature of the valve and switch off additional current pulses through this information if there is a risk of the valve overheating. The disclosure further describes an injection system of a combustion engine, wherein the injection system comprises a high-pressure pump having a valve and a corresponding control unit. 1. A method for operating a high pressure pump of an injection system of an internal combustion engine in which a valve in the high pressure pump is opened and/or closed by way of a control unit by means of influencing the coil of the valve by way of a control pulse of the type mentioned , the method comprising the following steps:measuring an electrical current that the valve uses to open and/or to close;measuring an electrical voltage that is prevailing at the valve;calculating an electrical resistance of the coil;determining a coil temperature from the calculated coil resistance; andswitching off additional pulses with which the valve is influenced if the determined coil temperature exceeds a limit value.2. The method of claim 1 , where additional pulses with which the valve is influenced so as to reduce noise development are switched off.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the current that the valve uses to open and/or to close is measured by a shunt resistor in the control unit.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein with the knowledge of the coil resistance a resistance is measured at normal temperature and ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030317A1
Автор: Kim Young-Ho, YU Seung-Eun

Disclosed herein is a diesel ISG vehicle, including an engine ECU controlling a rail pressure of a common rail engine system, in which the engine ECU determines a cold start of the engine based on detected cooling water temperature and detected fuel temperature at the time of engine restarting by idle go of the idle stop & go (ISG) and then restarts the engine by a quick rail pressure control mode in which the pressure of the fuel pumped to a common rail is controlled or restarts the engine by a normal rail pressure control mode in which the flow rate and the pressure of the fuel is controlled, thereby improving the fuel efficiency by the ISG restarting which does not increase a driving torque of a high pressure pump, particularly, reducing a fuel injection quantity by reduction in a loss of accessories such as pump and compressor. 1. A method of controlling a diesel engine rail pressure at the time of ISG (Idle Stop and Go) restarting , comprising:(A) an idle stop & go (ISG) operation confirming step of confirming, by a controller, whether a restarting signal is an idle go or an ignition switch on when recognizing a stop of an engine by an idle stop of ISG and then detecting a restarting signal of the engine;(B) a rail pressure control selecting step of determining, by the controller, an excess of a cold starting condition of the engine based on engine monitoring data of the engine if it is confirmed that the restarting signal is the idle go; and(C) a quick rail pressure control step of selecting, by the controller, an MeUn (Metering Unit Valve) control at the time of the excess of the idle go condition and the cold starting condition and performing, by an MeUn control, the restarting based on a pressure control of fuel pumped to a common rail.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engine monitoring data include detected cooling water temperature and detected fuel temperature claim 1 , the detected cooling water temperature and the detected fuel temperature are ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033037A1
Автор: OHORI Shinya, Okubo Naoya

During operation of the engine for a time period from a system-on operation to a system-off operation, the vehicle causes the warming-up determination parameter to be subject to addition when an engine is not in a flow path heat release state where an amount of heat released in the supply flow path is expected to be larger than an amount of heat received in the supply flow path, while causing the warming-up determination parameter to be subject to subtraction when the engine is in the flow path heat release state and a duration time of the flow path heat release state is equal to or longer than a first predetermined time period. 1. A vehicle , comprising:an engine having a cylinder injection valve configured to inject a fuel into a cylinder;a fuel supply device having a high pressure fuel pump configured to pressurize the fuel from a fuel tank and supply the pressurized fuel to a supply flow path which is connected with the cylinder injection valve;a fuel pressure sensor configured to detect a pressure of the fuel in the supply flow path; anda control device configured to control the engine and the fuel supply device and to perform characteristic abnormality diagnosis that determines whether a characteristic abnormality occurs in the fuel pressure sensor, when an abnormality diagnosis precondition is satisfied after duration of a system-off state for a set time period that is set in advance since a system-off operation, wherein the abnormality diagnosis precondition includes a condition that a warming-up determination parameter indicating a degree of warming-up in the supply flow path in the system-off state is equal to or larger than a predetermined value, whereinduring operation of the engine for a time period from a system-on operation to a system-off operation, the control device causes the warming-up determination parameter to be subject to addition when the engine is not in a flow path heat release state where an amount of heat released in the supply flow path ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040617A1

An internal combustion engine includes a port injection valve and a feed pump that pressurizes the fuel. An engine ECU performs a stuck abnormality diagnosis of the fuel pressure sensor based on detection values of the fuel pressure sensor in first processing and second processing. The first processing includes setting a target pressure of the fuel in the storage section to a first pressure, and detecting a pressure of the fuel with the fuel pressure sensor. The second processing includes setting the target pressure of the fuel in a low-pressure delivery pipe to a second pressure lower than the first pressure, and detecting a pressure of the fuel. The engine ECU causes the first processing to be performed in response to a start signal that starts an internal combustion engine, and causes the second processing to be performed subsequent to the first processing. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine ,said internal combustion engine comprising:a port injection valve that injects fuel into an intake passage;a storage section that stores the fuel to be injected from said port injection valve; anda feed pump that pressurizes and supplies the fuel to said storage section,said control device comprising:a fuel pressure sensor that detects a pressure of the fuel stored in said storage section; anda control unit that controls said feed pump based on a detection value of said fuel pressure sensor, and performs an abnormality diagnosis of said fuel pressure sensor based on a detection value of said fuel pressure sensor when a target pressure of the fuel stored in said storage section is changed,said control unit being configured to cause first processing to be performed in response to a start signal that starts said internal combustion engine, for changing said target pressure, and cause the second processing to be performed subsequent to said first processing,said first processing including setting the target pressure of the fuel in said storage section to a ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Fuel Pump Control Method for Vehicle

Номер: US20140121949A1
Автор: Cheol Hun Cho, Ju Tae Song
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A fuel pump control method can improve acceleration response and operability of a vehicle by allowing a rapid increase in fuel pressure of a low-pressure pump in re-acceleration after fuel cut in a vehicle equipped with a fuel supply system where a low-pressure pump and a high-pressure pump, which are variably controlled, are connected in series.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for controlling and regulating an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140123950A1
Автор: Armin Dolker
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

Proposed is a method for controlling and regulating an internal combustion engine ( 1 ) having a common rail system and having a passive pressure limiting valve ( 11 ) for discharging fuel out of a rail ( 6 ) into the fuel tank ( 2 ), in which method, in a first stage, the pressure limiting valve ( 11 ) is set as open when the rail pressure, proceeding from a steady-state rail pressure, exceeds a first threshold value and subsequently falls below a second threshold value within a first critical time, wherein the first threshold value characterizes a higher pressure level than the steady-state rail pressure and the second threshold value characterizes a lower pressure level than the first threshold value, and in which method the opening duration of the opened pressure limiting valve ( 11 ) is monitored.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051815A1

A method of estimating an injection pressure for an internal combustion engine of an automotive system is disclosed that is well-suited for use with a digital pressure sensor, which periodically acquires injection pressure signals. An updated injection pressure value is calculated starting from an injection pressure signal and compensated with a pressure-correcting parameter, based on an elapsed time from the injection pressure signal acquisition, an actual engine speed and an actual fuel injection quantity. 111-. (canceled)12. A method of estimating an injection pressure for an internal combustion engine having a fuel injection system with a digital pressure sensor which periodically acquires injection pressure signals , the method comprising:calculating an updated injection pressure value, starting from an injection pressure signal;compensating the updated injection pressure value with a pressure correcting parameter, based on an elapsed time from the injection pressure signal acquisition, an actual engine speed and an actual fuel injection quantity; andcontrolling the fuel injection based on the compensated updated pressure value.13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein said elapsed time is calculated by setting an internal counter to zero claim 12 , when an angular-based task is scheduled claim 12 , incrementing said internal counter claim 12 , until said angular-based task is called claim 12 , and resetting said internal counter to zero when an injection pressure signal is acquired by the digital pressure sensor.14. The method according to claim 13 , further comprising calculating said pressure correcting parameter from a calibrated map whose input parameters are an actual engine speed claim 13 , an actual fuel quantity and a value assumed by said internal counter claim 13 , wherein said calculation takes place when said angular-based task is called.15. The method according to claim 13 , wherein said internal counter is a time-based counter.16. The method ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

A fuel system for an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20190048808A1
Автор: Staffan Lundgren
Принадлежит: Volvo Truck Corp

A fuel system for an internal combustion engine is provided including a first fuel container for a first fuel, a second fuel container for a second fuel, a pump, and a first fuel injector, the fuel system being arranged to provide a communication between the first fuel container and the pump and between the pump and the first fuel injector, and a reservoir with a separation device adapted to divide the reservoir into a first volume and a second volume, whereby the separation device may be moved or flexed by a pressure difference in the first and second volumes so as to change the sizes of the first and second volumes, wherein the fuel system is arranged to provide a communication between the pump and the first volume, and to provide a communication between the second fuel container and the second volume and between the second volume and a second fuel injector.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053672A1

A fuel supply system for an engine is disclosed. The fuel supply system includes a prechamber assembly in fluid communication with a fuel supply line having a first end and a second end. The prechamber assembly is enclosed within a cylinder head of the engine. The prechamber assembly further includes a pre-combustion chamber located upstream of a main combustion chamber. The pre-combustion chamber is adapted to supply fuel into the main combustion chamber. The prechamber assembly further includes a check valve that is located upstream of the pre-combustion chamber. The fuel supply system further includes a fuel injector that is adapted to fluidly communicate with the check valve of the prechamber assembly. The fuel injector is located upstream of the check valve and in fluid communication with the fuel supply line. The fuel supply system further includes a controller in electric communication with the fuel injector. 1 a pre-combustion chamber located upstream of a main combustion chamber, the pre-combustion chamber adapted to supply fuel into the main combustion chamber;', 'a check valve located upstream of the pre-combustion chamber, the check valve moves between a first position and a second position in response to a pressure of the fuel in the fuel supply line and a pressure of an air-fuel mixture received in the pre-combustion chamber from the main combustion chamber, wherein the check valve allows flow of the fuel from the fuel supply system to the pre-combustion chamber in the first position and restricts flow of the fuel from the fuel supply system to the pre-combustion chamber in the second position;, 'a prechamber assembly in fluid communication with a fuel supply line having a first end and a second end, the first end of the fuel supply line is connected to an outlet of a fuel reservoir and the second end of the fuel supply line is connected to an inlet of the prechamber assembly, the prechamber assembly enclosed within a cylinder head of the engine, the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053706A1

A method for operating a common-rail system of a motor vehicle that includes a common-rail-pressure sensor configuration having at least two signal paths, and that can be operated at a maximally permissible common-rail pressure and at a minimally permissible common-rail pressure. Sensor signals are read out in each case in response to a pressure measurement in a common rail of the common-rail system via the at least two signal paths, and a signal deviation value is ascertained that characterizes a deviation between the pressure values that are each determined on the basis of the sensor signals. The method includes reducing the maximally permissible common-rail pressure by a correction value to a maximally permissible emergency common-rail pressure and/or increasing the minimally permissible common-rail pressure by a correction value to a minimally permissible emergency common-rail pressure in response to the signal deviation value exceeding a predefined value. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for operating a common-rail system of a motor vehicle that includes a common-rail-pressure sensor configuration having at least two signal paths , and that can be operated at a maximally permissible common-rail pressure and at a minimally permissible common-rail pressure , comprising:reading out sensor signals in each case in response to a pressure measurement in a common rail of the common-rail system via the at least two signal paths;ascertaining a signal deviation value that characterizes a deviation between pressure values that are determined on the basis of the sensor signals; and reducing the maximally permissible common-rail pressure by a correction value to a maximally permissible emergency common-rail pressure, and', 'increasing the minimally permissible common-rail pressure by the correction value to a minimally permissible emergency common-rail pressure., 'in response to the signal deviation exceeding a predefined value, at least one of16. The method as recited in claim ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for correction of pressure wave affected fuel injection

Номер: US20200049098A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A fuel injection system ( 1 ) of a combustion engine includes: at least one fuel injection actuator ( 3 ) to inject fuel into a cylinder ( 2 ) of the combustion engine, a high pressure fuel supply system to supply the fuel injection actuators ( 3 ) with fuel, and a control logic device ( 12 ) including an artificial neural network ( 12 A) to calculate pressure correction data (pcd) used to correct pressure waves, PW, generated by at least one actuator of the fuel injection system ( 1 ).

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061137A1

In a method for adapting at least one injector of an injection system, in particular of a common-rail injection system of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle, where injections take place based on a characteristics map with at least two input variables and at least one output variable, a transition is carried out into a learning mode in which only discrete values are permitted for one of the at least two input variables of the characteristics map. 1. A method for adapting at least one injector of an injection system , in which injections are performed based on a characteristics map that provides at least one output variable based on at least two input variables , the method comprising:transitioning, by processing circuitry, into a learning mode in which only discrete values are permitted for one of the at least two input variables of the characteristics map; andupdating, by the processing circuitry, the characteristics map during the learning mode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transitioning is performed when correction parameters necessary for the updating have not yet been ascertained or must be re-ascertained.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least two input variables of the characteristics map is adjusted only in discrete stages.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein only those predefined values for which base points are already provided in the characteristics map are used for the discrete stages.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising ascertaining a value of the one input variable to be provided during normal operation claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the updating includes setting whichever one of the permitted discrete values that is closest to the ascertained value as a setpoint value of the one input variable.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a hysteresis is provided at each of a plurality of switchover points between respective pairs of the permitted discrete values.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein an entirety of the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058410A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An engine starting system is provided which is used with a vehicle equipped with a gear driving starter which is energized to bring a pinion gear into engagement with a ring gear of an engine mounted in the vehicle and also to rotate the pinion gear to crank the engine. The engine starting system works to terminate energization of the starter after the starter is energized to start the engine. The engine starting system executes combustion control to control combustion of fuel in the engine so as to develop a first firing event where the fuel is first fired in the engine after the energization of the starter is terminated. This minimizes the gear noise when the engine is being cranked and ensures the stability in starting the engine. 1. An engine starting system for a vehicle equipped with a gear drive type starter which is energized to bring a pinion gear into engagement with a ring gear of an engine mounted in the vehicle and also to rotate the pinion gear , comprising:an energization control unit which works to terminate energization of said starter after said starter is energized to start the engine; anda combustion control unit which works to execute combustion control to control combustion of fuel in the engine so as to develop a first firing event where the fuel is first fired in the engine after the energization of said starter is terminated by the energization control unit.2. An engine starting system as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a determining unit which determines a first firing top dead center where the first firing event is expected to occur when the starter is rotating the pinon gear to crank the engine claim 1 , and wherein when the first firing top dead center is determined by the determining unit claim 1 , said energization control unit works to terminate the energization of the starter before the first firing top dead center is reached.3. An engine starting system as set forth in claim 2 , wherein when the first firing top dead ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Method for determining a value of a current

Номер: US20150068610A1

A method for determining a value of a current, which is required for changing a switching state of a pressure control valve of a fuel delivery system, in which the current flowing through the pressure control valve is varied from a starting value up to a target value, and a time curve of the current is analyzed, the value required for changing the switching state being reached when the curve of the current has a change in slope, this change being detected via a first derivation over time of the current.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063362A1

A method for checking the operation of a high-pressure fuel supply unit for an internal combustion engine, consisting in driving a high-pressure fuel injection pump by a starter, and after the engine is synchronised and fuel injection into the cylinders is shut off, in defining an initial base pressure in a high-pressure rail, in activating the injection pump by issuing successive timing and angle-setting commands, on the basis of the initial pressure, and in comparing the first pressure and the second pressure obtained in the rail by these timing and angle-setting commands, and/or by comparing at least one of the pressures with a reference pressure in order to check the operation of the high-pressure fuel supply unit for the internal combustion engine 1. A method for checking the operation of a high-pressure fuel supply system for an internal combustion engine comprising a booster pump , a high-pressure fuel injection pump fed by the booster pump , a regulator for the high-pressure fuel injection pump , means for activating the high-pressure fuel injection pump by means of a timing command or by means of an angle-setting command via the regulator for the high-pressure fuel injection pump and an engine control unit , a high-pressure fuel tank or common rail fed by said high-pressure fuel injection pump , means for measuring the pressure in the common rail , injectors fed with fuel by said common rail and controlled by the engine control unit to inject fuel into the cylinders of the internal combustion engine , said high-pressure fuel injection pump being capable of being driven by an electric drive with the internal combustion engine , the method comprising:driving the high-pressure fuel injection pump by said electric drive and, after the engine is synchronized and the injection of fuel into the cylinders is shut off,defining an initial base pressure in the common rail,successively activating the high-pressure fuel injection pump by said timing and angle-setting ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066621A1

When imbalance diagnosis is not executed, target fuel pressure is set based on a rotation speed and volumetric efficiency of an engine, and when the imbalance diagnosis is executed, fuel pressure smaller than the target fuel pressure settable when the imbalance diagnosis is not executed is set as the target fuel pressure, and a high-pressure fuel pump that supplies fuel to a delivery pipe connected to the in-cylinder injection valve, is driven and controlled such that detected fuel pressure becomes the target fuel pressure. With this, it is possible to execute the imbalance diagnosis with higher accuracy. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine , the internal combustion engine being a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine including an in-cylinder injection valve configured to inject fuel into a cylinder of the internal combustion engine , the control device comprising:a fuel supply device including a high-pressure fuel pump configured to pressurize fuel from a fuel tank and to supply the fuel to a supply flow passage connected to the in-cylinder injection valve; and (i) control the high-pressure fuel pump such that fuel pressure in the supply flow passage becomes target fuel pressure,', '(ii) execute imbalance diagnosis for determining whether or not imbalance of a fuel injection amount between cylinders occurs based on fluctuation of an air-fuel ratio or fluctuation of rotation of the internal combustion engine, and', '(iii) set a value of the fuel pressure to the target fuel pressure, the value of the fuel pressure being a value of the fuel pressure when the imbalance diagnosis is executed and being smaller than a value of the fuel pressure when the imbalance diagnosis is not executed., 'an electronic control unit configured to2. The control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe electronic control unit is configured to calculate the target fuel pressure based on volumetric efficiency and a rotation speed of the internal combustion engine, the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079862A1
Автор: Sasaki Ryota

An acquisition unit acquires a required torque and an operating state of an internal combustion engine. A control unit is configured to: control operation of the internal combustion engine by using a required air amount, a required fuel amount, and a required ignition timing; acquire a required air amount by using the acquired required torque and a target air-fuel ratio of an air system determined according to the operating state; perform torque fluctuation correction on the target air-fuel ratio of the air system to determine a target air-fuel ratio of an injection system to reduce a difference between the required torque and an actual torque in a transition period between stoichiometric combustion and lean combustion; acquire a required fuel amount and a required ignition timing by using the determined target air-fuel ratio of the air system and the determined target air-fuel ratio of the injection system. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine , comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire a required torque and an operating state of the internal combustion engine; anda control unit configured to control operation of the internal combustion engine by using a required air amount, a required fuel amount, and a required ignition timing, wherein determine a target air-fuel ratio of an air system according to the acquired required torque and the acquired operating state;', 'acquire the required air amount by using the target air-fuel ratio of the air system;', 'perform torque fluctuation correction on the target air-fuel ratio of the air system to determine a target air-fuel ratio of an injection system to reduce a difference between the required torque and an actual torque when a combustion state of the internal combustion engine is in a transition period between stoichiometric combustion and lean combustion;', 'determine the target air-fuel ratio of the injection system by using the target air-fuel ratio of the air system when the combustion ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080405A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

The present disclosure provides a fuel injector for an internal combustion engine with a fuel injector body having a valve chamber, a first conduit in fluid communication with the valve chamber for a first flow of fuel having a first pressure, and a second conduit in fluid communication with the valve chamber for a second flow of fuel having a second pressure. The fuel injector further includes a valve member configured to move between the first conduit and the second conduit. Additionally, an actuator of the fuel injector is configured to move the valve member during a fuel injection cycle. The fuel injector is configured to operate in at least three modes. 1. A fuel injector for an internal combustion engine , comprising: a valve chamber;', 'a first conduit in fluid communication with the valve chamber and fluidly coupled to a first fuel source having a first pressure;', 'a second conduit in fluid communication with the valve chamber and fluidly coupled to a second fuel source having a second pressure, the second pressure being greater than the first pressure; and', 'an outlet port in fluid communication with the valve chamber;, 'a fuel injector body havinga valve member positioned within the valve chamber and configured to fluidly couple the valve chamber to the first conduit in a first position, and to fluidly couple the valve chamber to the second conduit in a second position; andan actuator coupled to the fuel injector body and configured to move the valve member such that the valve member is in each of the first position and the second position during distinct portions of a single fuel injection event,the fuel injector being configured to operate in at least three modes, wherein in a first mode, the valve member is positioned toward the second conduit during a first portion of the fuel injection event and fuel from the first fuel source is in fluid communication with the outlet port, in a second mode, the valve member is positioned toward the first conduit ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Method and Device for Pressure Regulation in a Fuel Hight-Pressure Injection System

Номер: US20220099045A1
Принадлежит: Vitesco Technologies GmbH

The disclosure relates to a method for pressure regulation in a fuel high-pressure injection system having an overpressure valve, in which pressure pulsations occur which are caused by fuel being pumped into a high-pressure fuel accumulator and extracted from the high-pressure fuel accumulator. The method includes detecting pressure values of the fuel present in the high-pressure fuel accumulator. The method also includes comparing the detected pressure values with a nominal pressure value; and carrying out a pressure regulation in which the fuel pressure prevailing in the high-pressure fuel accumulator is set to the nominal pressure value. During pressure regulation, a peak pressure value of the detected pressure values is used as the actual pressure value. The disclosure also relates to a device for pressure regulation in a fuel high-pressure injection system. 1. A method for pressure regulation in a fuel high-pressure injection system having an overpressure valve , in which pressure pulsations occur which are caused by fuel being pumped into a high-pressure fuel accumulator and extracted from the high-pressure fuel accumulator , the method having the following steps:detecting pressure values of the fuel present in the high-pressure fuel accumulator;comparing the detected pressure values with a nominal pressure value; andcarrying out a pressure regulation in which the fuel pressure prevailing in the high-pressure fuel accumulator is set to the nominal pressure value;wherein during pressure regulation, a peak pressure value of the detected pressure values is used as the actual pressure value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the peak pressure value is determined for each engine segment and used as an actual pressure value for the following engine segment.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein an engine segment has a segment duration of several milliseconds.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein several pressure values are detected per millisecond.5. The method of claim 1 ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Method of controlling a fuel supply system of an engine of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20140163847A1

A method of controlling a fuel supply system of an engine 10 of a motor vehicle 50 is disclosed in which an engine driven variable output high pressure fuel pump is operated at a high demand level to charge a high pressure fuel accumulator with fuel during a shutdown of the engine and, during a subsequent start-up of the engine, use fuel from the accumulator while operating the high pressure fuel pump at a low demand level. This reduces the fuel consumption of the engine by using kinetic energy from the slowing engine to drive the high pressure fuel pump and increases the deceleration of the engine.

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090217A1

A fuel injection control apparatus of a compression ignition type internal combustion engine includes a controller adapted to control an injector so that pre-stage injection and post-stage injection are performed as fuel injection during one cycle. The controller controls an interval between the timing of the pre-stage injection and the timing of the post-stage injection so that an interval Δt1 between the timing of the pre-stage peak and the timing of the post-stage peak approximately satisfies a condition. The condition is that the interval Δt1 is 0.5 times an inverse number of the frequency f0 at which a combustion noise level becomes the maximum. 1. A fuel injection control apparatus of a compression ignition type internal combustion engine , wherein fuel is injected into a cylinder and combusted by self-ignition , the apparatus comprising:a controller configured to control an injector that injects the fuel into the cylinder so as to perform pre-stage injection and post-stage injection as fuel injection during one cycle,wherein the controller:adjusts timing of the pre-stage injection, an injection amount of the pre-stage injection, timing of the post-stage injection, and an injection amount of the post-stage injection so that a value obtained by differentiating a cylinder pressure by a time or a value obtained by differentiating the cylinder pressure by a crank angle during one cycle has a pre-stage peak by combustion of the fuel supplied by the pre-stage injection and a post-stage peak by combustion of the fuel supplied by the post-stage injection; andadjusts an interval Δt0 between the timing of the pre-stage injection and the timing of the post-stage injection so that an interval Δt1 between the timing of the pre-stage peak and the timing of the post-stage peak approximately satisfies a condition such that Δt1=0.5/f0,wherein f0 is a frequency at which a combustion noise level becomes the maximum when fuel injection is performed so that a single peak equal to ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097314A1
Автор: Miao Yong, Sun Min

A system is provided and includes a fuel module that, based on a crankshaft angle of an engine, generates a value indicative of an amount of fuel burned in a cylinder or a change in the amount of fuel burned. A heat release module, based on the value, determines an amount of heat released during a combustion event of the cylinder. A pressure module, based on the amount of heat released, estimates a pressure in the cylinder. A temperature module, based on the pressure, estimates a temperature in the cylinder. A concentration module, based on the pressure or the temperature, estimates nitrogen oxide concentration levels in the cylinder. An output module, based on the nitrogen oxide concentration levels, estimates an amount of nitrogen oxides. A control module, based on the amount of nitrogen oxides out of the cylinder, controls operation of the engine or an exhaust system. 1. A system comprising:a fuel module configured to, based on a crankshaft angle of an engine, generate a first value indicative of (i) an amount of fuel burned in a cylinder of the engine, or (ii) a change in the amount of fuel burned in the cylinder;a heat release module configured to, based on the first value, determine an amount of heat released during a combustion event of the cylinder;a pressure module configured to, based on the amount of heat released, estimate a pressure in the cylinder;a temperature module configured to, based on the pressure, estimate a temperature in the cylinder;a concentration module configured to, based on the pressure or the temperature, estimate nitrogen oxide concentration levels in the cylinder;an output module configured to, based on the nitrogen oxide concentration levels, estimate an amount of nitrogen oxides out of the cylinder; anda control module configured to, based on the amount of nitrogen oxides out of the cylinder, control operation of the engine or an exhaust system of the engine.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the fuel module is configured to ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182560A1

A fuel system is provided for use with a variable speed dual fuel engine. The fuel system comprises a first fuel injector configured for supplying diesel fuel to the engine, a second fuel injector configured for supplying natural gas to the engine, and a fuel controller configured to implement a diesel injection schedule and a natural gas injection schedule based on at least a fuel map, an optimal engine speed and a current engine speed. 1. A fuel system comprising:a first fuel injector configured for supplying diesel fuel to a variable speed dual fuel engine;a second fuel injector configured for supplying natural gas to the engine; anda fuel controller configured to implement a diesel injection schedule and a natural gas injection schedule based on at least a fuel map, an optimal engine speed, and a current engine speed.2. The fuel system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel controller is configured to establish an optimization priority and a starting fuel selection claim 1 , to select one or more fuel maps based upon the optimization priority and the starting fuel selection claim 1 , and to determine the optimal engine speed based at least on the one or more fuel maps and on at least one engine load parameter claim 1 , wherein the at least one engine load parameter includes a shaft torque.3. The fuel system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel controller is configured to establish an optimization priority and a starting fuel selection claim 1 , to select one or more fuel maps based upon the optimization priority and the starting fuel selection claim 1 , and to determine the optimal engine speed based at least on the one or more fuel maps and on at least one engine load parameter claim 1 , wherein the at least one engine load parameter includes a magnitude of a largest potential electrical load.4. The fuel system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel controller is configured to establish an optimization priority and a starting fuel selection claim 1 , to ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108879A1
Автор: Kylström Kim

In a high pressure pump in a system for fuel injection in a combustion engine, determining whether a predetermined partial load operating condition prevails in the combustion engine, at which one single of several pump elements () in the high pressure pump is capable of alone delivering a fuel pressure requested in an accumulator tank (), according to a first reference value, and to achieve a reproducible increase of the fuel pressure to a second reference value. If applicable, the high pressure pump's pump elements are controlled so that one single pump element alone delivers the fuel pressure in the accumulator tank according to the first reference value, whereupon this reference value is changed to the second reference value, and the actual development of the pressure in the accumulator tank as a function of time is determined, and compared with stored values of similar developments for the determination of information regarding the pump element's performance ability. 1. A method for operation of a high pressure pump in a system for fuel injection in a combustion engine , wherein the system comprises:a low pressure part of the system and an accumulator tank for fuel injection to the combustion engine, each accumulator tank has a cylinder defining a pump chamber with a moveable piston therein for pumping;the high pressure pump comprises at least two pump elements which are connected in parallel between the low pressure part of the system and the accumulator tank;the cylinder has a connecting opening to the low pressure part;an inlet valve in the connecting opening is controllable in order to control a flow of fuel into the pump chamber,the method comprises the steps of:{'sub': 1', '2, 'a) determining whether a predetermined partial load condition prevails in the combustion engine, at which condition one of the pump elements is alone capable delivering a fuel pressure requested in the accumulator tank according to a first reference value (P), and is capable to ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for diagnosing a fuel pressure sensor

Номер: US20150112575A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

A device executes a power limiting process when the number of pressure sensors determined to be normal in a second determination process made by a second processing unit is smaller than or equal to one. When only one pressure sensor is determined to be normal through the second determination process, and when that pressure sensor and a pressure sensor connected to only a first processing unit are determined to be normal in a first determination process made by the first processing unit, a process associated with fuel injection based on a detected value of the pressure sensor determined to be normal in the second determination process is executed, and a degree of limiting engine power through the power limiting process is reduced as compared with when both the pressure sensors are determined to be abnormal in the first determination process.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150112576A1
Автор: WATANABE Kazumasa

An estimated fuel consumption quantity corresponding to a fuel injection timing of an engine is reduced or set to zero if failure of the corresponding injector has been detected. A pump control apparatus controls a fuel supply pump to maintain the pressure in a common rail at a target value by control of a command delivery quantity supplied from the pump to the common rail in correspondence with each injection timing. Each command delivery quantity is determined based on a necessary delivery quantity and on a feedback quantity, which is derived from a difference between previously obtained values of command delivery quantity and of a corresponding actual delivery quantity from the pump. Prior to the injection, a pressure compensation quantity is calculated, as a fuel quantity required to bring the fuel rail pressure to the target pressure value, and is added to the fuel consumption quantity to obtain the necessary delivery quantity. 1. A pump control apparatus for application to a fuel supply system , the fuel supply system incorporating a fuel supply pump which impels fuel to a common rail to be stored under a common rail pressure and supplied from the common rail to respective injectors of an internal combustion engine , to be injected at injection timings respectively corresponding to the fuel injectors;the pump control apparatus comprising:injection condition detection means configured to detect respective injection conditions of the fuel injectors,consumption quantity determining means configured to determine a fuel consumption quantity for each of the fuel injectors, at a current injection timing of the fuel injector, based on information including the injection condition of the fuel injector,pressure compensation quantity determining means configured to determine a pressure compensation quantity prior to the current injection timing, based upon a difference between the common rail pressure and a target pressure value, as a fuel quantity required to be ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150120171A1

A method for controlling a pressure control valve which controls the pressure in a high-pressure accumulator of a fuel metering system of an internal combustion engine, fuel being metered into the combustion chambers of the internal combustion engine from the high-pressure accumulator, and the pressure control valve being connected to the high-pressure accumulator and controlling the outflow of fuel from the high-pressure accumulator into a low-pressure accumulator, and it being provided, in particular, that in the case of a closed pressure control valve, the energization of the pressure control valve is reduced until the pressure control valve opens, and a close offset input is ascertained based on the energization present at the opening of the pressure control valve. 1. A method for controlling a pressure control valve which controls a pressure in a high-pressure accumulator of a fuel metering system of an internal combustion engine , the method comprising:metering fuel metered into combustion chambers of the internal combustion engine from the high-pressure accumulator;controlling, via the pressure control valve, which is connected to the high-pressure accumulator, an outflow of fuel from the high-pressure accumulator into a low-pressure accumulator;reducing, for a closed pressure control valve, the energization of the pressure control valve until the pressure control valve opens; andascertaining a close offset input based on the energization present at the opening of the pressure control valve.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the close offset input is computed by adding a predefined current input value to the energization value present during the opening of the pressure control valve.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ascertained close offset input of the pressure control valve is determined as a function of the individual manufacturing tolerances.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the close offset input of the pressure control valve is determined at at ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178320A1

A method comprises determining that an aftertreatment system is in a cold-operation mode; initiating a low engine-out NOx (LEON) mode by controlling a component of a vehicle containing the aftertreatment system to decrease an instantaneous engine out NOx (EONOx) amount and to increase exhaust energy relative to a normal operation mode for an engine of the vehicle; receiving information indicative of an operating status of the vehicle during the LEON mode; disengaging the LEON mode; subsequent to disengaging the LEON mode, initiating a thermal management (TM) mode for the aftertreatment system, wherein the TM mode is initiated by controlling a component of the vehicle to increase fueling to the engine for a power level by reducing engine efficiency and directing excess fuel to the aftertreatment system; receiving information indicative of an operating status of the vehicle during the TM mode; and disengaging the TM mode. 1. A method , comprising:determining, based on a current temperature of an aftertreatment system, that the aftertreatment system is in a cold-operation mode;initiating a low engine-out NOx (LEON) mode by controlling a component of a vehicle containing the aftertreatment system to decrease an instantaneous engine-out NOx (EONOx) amount and to increase exhaust energy relative to a normal operation mode for an engine;receiving information indicative of an operating status of the vehicle during the LEON mode;based on the information indicative of the operating status of the vehicle during LEON mode, disengaging the LEON mode;subsequent to disengaging the LEON mode, initiating a thermal management (TM) mode for the aftertreatment system based on the information indicative of the operating status of the vehicle during the LEON mode, wherein the TM mode is initiated by controlling a component of the vehicle to increase fueling to the engine for a power level by reducing engine efficiency and directing excess fuel to the aftertreatment system;receiving ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109681A1

A method for injector injection error diagnosis may include a diagnostic inrush condition control of establishing an injector injection error diagnosis entry condition as air tank pressure of an air tank applied to an air pressure brake system according to presence or absence of an air compressor when injector injection error diagnosis entry of a controller for an injector performing fuel injection to an engine of an engine system is performed. 1. A method for injector injection error diagnosis , the method comprising:a diagnostic inrush condition control of establishing an injector injection error diagnosis entry condition as air tank pressure of an air tank applied to an air pressure brake system according to presence or absence of an air compressor when injector injection error diagnosis entry of a controller for an injector performing fuel injection to an engine of an engine system is performed.2. The method for injector injection error diagnosis of claim 1 , wherein the diagnostic inrush condition control is performed by:a diagnostic inrush condition dividing step of dividing air compressor application data and air compressor non-application data according to the presence or the absence of the air compressor;a step of generating an air compressor determination condition signal by one of the air compressor application data and the air compressor non-application data;a step of generating an injector injection error diagnosis inrush condition signal by detecting the air compressor determination condition signal, engine operation information related to the engine system, and brake operation information related to the air pressure brake system; anda step of establishing an injector injection error diagnosis enable condition by a change of the air tank pressure.3. The method for injector injection error diagnosis of claim 2 ,wherein in the air compressor application data, the air compressor determination condition signal is generated by confirming an air tank ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156332A1

A method is disclosed of controlling operation of a fuel injector in response to measuring a quantity of fuel injected by the fuel injector from a fuel accumulator to an engine cylinder during operation of a fuel pump that delivers fuel to the accumulator, comprising: determining an average pressure of the fuel accumulator during a first time period before a fuel injection event; predicting a mass of fuel delivered to the fuel accumulator during a pumping event (Q); determining an average pressure of the fuel accumulator during a second time period after the fuel injection event; estimating a leakage of fuel; computing the injected fuel quantity by adding the average pressure during the first time period to Q, and subtracting the average pressure during the second time period and the leakage; and using the computed injected fuel quantity to control operation of the fuel injector. 1. A method of controlling operation of a fuel injector in response to measuring a quantity of fuel injected by the fuel injector from a fuel accumulator to an engine cylinder during operation of a fuel pump that delivers fuel to the accumulator , comprising:determining an average pressure of the fuel accumulator during a first time period before a fuel injection event wherein the fuel injector injects fuel from the fuel accumulator to the engine cylinder;{'sub': 'pump', 'predicting a mass of fuel delivered to the fuel accumulator by the fuel pump during a pumping event (Q);'}determining an average pressure of the fuel accumulator during a second time period after the fuel injection event;estimating a leakage of fuel;{'sub': 'pump', 'computing the quantity of fuel injected by the fuel injector by adding the average pressure during the first time period to Q, and subtracting the average pressure during the second time period and the leakage; and'}using the computed quantity of fuel injected by the fuel injector to control operation of the fuel injector during a subsequent fuel injection ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140209064A1
Автор: TOKUDA Takeshi

The required fuel supply amount of an internal combustion engine is reduced by limiting the throttle opening when a high-pressure fuel pump is required to discharge fuel that exceeds the fuel delivery capacity thereof. Further, when the throttle opening is limited, the operation of a return valve, through which fuel and vapor thereof can be discharged from the high-pressure fuel pump, is prohibited. By performing the abovementioned control, a reduction in the fuel delivery amount of the high-pressure fuel pump due to the operation of the return valve is prevented when there is a possibility that the fuel deliver amount of the high-pressure fuel pump runs short and the fuel supply amount of the internal combustion engine runs short. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine having a high-pressure fuel pump for pressurizing and delivering fuel and a return valve capable of discharging fuel and vapor of the fuel from the high-pressure fuel pump ,wherein, when the high-pressure fuel pump is requested to perform a fuel delivery that exceeds its fuel delivery capacity, the return valve is controlled such that actuation of the return valve is limited compared to a case in which such a request is absent.2. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the high-pressure fuel pump is requested to perform a fuel delivery that exceeds its fuel delivery capacity claim 1 , the opening degree of a throttle valve of the engine is limited.3. A control device for an internal combustion engine having a high-pressure fuel pump for pressurizing and delivering fuel and a return valve capable of discharging fuel and vapor of the fuel from the high-pressure fuel pump claim 1 , the control device limiting the opening degree of a throttle valve of the engine when a requested fuel supply amount of the engine is great claim 1 ,wherein, when the opening degree of the throttle valve is limited, the return valve is controlled such that actuation of the return valve ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131074A1

A control device for a fuel injection valve includes a drive circuit that controls open/close operation of the fuel injection valve by passing an exciting current through a solenoid of the fuel injection valve and an ECU that reduces a peak current value as a fuel pressure in a delivery pipe at timing of a start of energization of the fuel injection valve decreases. The ECU reduces the peak current value as an amount of fuel discharged from a high-pressure fuel pump to the delivery pipe reduces. 1. A control device for a fuel injection valve , comprising:an electronic control unit configured to:(a) control open/close operation of the fuel injection valve by passing exciting current to a solenoid of the fuel injection valve that injects fuel supplied from a delivery pipe,(b) reduce a peak current value of the exciting current, with which the solenoid is energized, as a fuel pressure in the delivery pipe decreases at timing of a start of energization of the fuel injection valve, and(c) reduce the peak current value as an amount of fuel discharged from a high-pressure fuel pump to the delivery pipe reduces.2. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic control unit is configured to cause the high-pressure fuel pump to discharge a large amount of fuel when a sensor value of the fuel pressure in the delivery pipe claim 1 , detected by a fuel pressure sensor claim 1 , is smaller than a predetermined value and as the sensor value of the fuel pressure reduces claim 1 , and the electronic control unit is configured to reduce the peak current value as a difference between the sensor value of the fuel pressure and the predetermined value reduces.3. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein a lower limit value of the peak current value is set claim 1 , and the electronic control unit is configured to set the peak current value to a value equal to the lower limit value when an energization time claim 1 , that is a time during which the exciting ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136090A1

A method for operating a fuel system for an internal combustion engine having a metering device, an electrical actuating device, and a valve element includes: activating the electrical actuating device in at least one first cycle in such a way that the valve element switches into a second position corresponding to an open metering device; activating the electrical actuating device in at least one second cycle in such a way that the electrical actuating device is activated from activation to activation, with activation energy which decreases gradually, until a limiting case is reached in which the valve element only just or just no longer switches into the second position; ascertaining a first activation energy, which corresponds to the limiting case; and subsequently activating the actuating device, taking the first activation energy into account. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for operating a fuel system for an internal combustion engine , the fuel system including a metering device for measuring a delivery quantity of the fuel being at least one of selectively openable and closable with the aid of an electrical actuating device , and a valve element of the metering device which is switched into a first position when the actuating device is not activated , and into a second position when the actuating device is activated , the method comprising:(a) activating the electrical actuating device in at least one first cycle such that the valve element switches into the second position;(b) activating the electrical actuating device in at least one second cycle in sequential multiple activations, with activation energy which decreases gradually, until a limiting case is reached in which the valve element one of only just switches into the second position or just no longer switches into the second position;(c) ascertaining a first activation energy which corresponds to the limiting case; and(d) subsequently activating the actuating device, taking the first activation energy ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

High-pressure pump control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20180128188A1
Автор: Yasuo Hirata
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A high-pressure pump control device is applied to an internal combustion engine including a high-pressure pump supplied with fuel discharged from a low-pressure pump and an injector supplied with fuel discharged from the high-pressure pump. The high-pressure pump control device includes a prediction unit predicting whether a discharge quantity of the high-pressure pump exceeds a discharge quantity of the low-pressure pump and a restricting unit executing a discharge quantity restriction control to restrict a discharge quantity of the high-pressure pump not to exceed a predetermined value when the prediction unit predicts that a discharge quantity of the high-pressure pump exceeds a discharge quantity of the low-pressure pump.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128209A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

In the present disclosure, pressurized fuel is directly injected from a fuel injection valve into a cylinder, and a fuel pressure is controlled to a target fuel pressure. A target fuel pressure during early depressurization is calculated on the basis of a target amount of intake air that is a target load of an internal-combustion engine, a target fuel pressure during a normal state is set on the basis of an actual amount of intake air that is an actual load of the internal-combustion engine, and a lower one of the target fuel pressure during early depressurization and the target fuel pressure during a normal state is set as the target fuel pressure. 1. A fuel injection control device for an internal-combustion engine that directly injects pressurized fuel from a fuel injection valve into a cylinder comprising:a fuel pressure controller that controls, to a target fuel pressure, a fuel pressure that is a pressure of fuel fed to the fuel injection valve;a target load acquisition controller that acquires a target load that is a target of a load of the internal-combustion engine;a first target fuel pressure setting controller that sets a first target fuel pressure on a basis of the acquired target load;an actual load acquisition controller that acquires an actual load of the internal-combustion engine; anda second target fuel pressure setting controller that sets a second target fuel pressure on a basis of the acquired actual load,wherein the fuel pressure controller performs target-fuel-pressure-control-during-deceleration by setting a lower one of the first target fuel pressure and the second target fuel pressure as the target fuel pressure during deceleration of the internal-combustion engine.2. The fuel injection control device according to claim 1 , further comprising a deceleration determining controller that determines a deceleration state of the internal-combustion engine on a basis of an amount of decrease of a degree of opening of an accelerator pedal or an ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123993A1

Engine systems and methods improve emission control through the use of concurrent HCI and EGR. An engine system includes at least two cylinders. A fuel system intermittently supplies a first fuel stream to the first cylinder and a second fuel stream to the second cylinder. An intake system supplies combustion air to the cylinders. An exhaust manifold has one or more interior chambers through which the exhaust gas from the cylinders passes. An EGR circuit is connected between the exhaust manifold and the intake system and includes an EGR valve. A controller operates the fuel system to supply the first fuel stream to deliver fuel to the exhaust system while operating the fuel system to stop the second fuel stream from delivering fuel to the exhaust system, and to open, concurrently with operating the fuel system to supply the first fuel stream, the EGR valve to supply the exhaust gas to the intake system. 1. An engine system comprising:a cylinder block defining at least two cylinders including a first cylinder and a second cylinder;a fuel system configured to intermittently supply a first fuel stream to the first cylinder and to intermittently supply a second fuel stream to the second cylinder;an intake system supplying combustion air to the cylinders;an exhaust manifold connected to the cylinder block to receive the exhaust gas from the cylinders, the exhaust manifold having one or more interior chambers through which the exhaust gas from the cylinders passes;an exhaust system configured to receive exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold; andan exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) circuit connected between the exhaust manifold and the intake system;an EGR valve disposed in the EGR circuit; and operate the fuel system to supply the first fuel stream to deliver fuel to the exhaust system while operating the fuel system to stop the second fuel stream from delivering fuel to the exhaust system; and', 'open, concurrently with operating the fuel system to supply the first fuel ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140216408A1
Автор: NAGAO Takeru, UCHIYAMA Ken
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

In the start mode of a fuel supply apparatus, a subtraction value of an electric power is obtained in view of an SCV characteristic. Furthermore, a common correction value is employed as the subtraction value in order to increase an actual fuel discharge amount when the internal combustion engine is started, whereby a fuel pressure in an accumulator agrees with the target value even if an individual pump unit shows a lowest limit in the variations of the discharge amount. The common correction value is shared among the individual pump units. Even if a starting characteristic is not acquired for each of the individual supply pumps, the internal combustion engine can reliably be started. 1. A fuel supply apparatus supplying a fuel to an internal combustion engine through an accumulator in which the fuel is accumulated at a high pressure , comprising:a pump unit having a high-pressure pump and an amount adjusting portion; anda control unit controlling the pump unit, wherein;the high-pressure pump suctions the fuel, pressurizes the fuel and discharges the fuel to the accumulator,the amount adjusting portion adjusts an amount of the fuel which is suctioned by the high-pressure pump and adjusts the amount of the fuel which is discharged by the high-pressure pump in accordance with an amount of an electric power supplied to the amount adjusting portion,the control unit stores an control characteristic of the amount adjusting portion, which shows a correlation between the amount of electric power and a discharge amount of the high-pressure pump,the control unit calculates a requesting discharge amount for bringing the fuel pressure in the accumulator to substantially agree with a target pressure,the control unit calculates a target electric power based on the requesting discharge amount in view of the control characteristics,the control unit corrects the target electric power in such a manner as to increase an actual discharge amount of the high-pressure pump,the control ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138513A1
Автор: KIM Hyun

A method for controlling fuel pump of vehicle includes sensing a vehicle door lock release signal, detecting a fuel pressure in a fuel line, and actuating the fuel pump so that the fuel pressure arrives at a predetermined target pressure when the detected fuel pressure is below a predetermined actuation pressure. 1. A method for controlling a fuel pump of a vehicle comprising:sensing a vehicle door lock release signal;detecting a fuel pressure in a fuel line; andactuating the fuel pump so the fuel pressure arrives at a predetermined target pressure when the detected fuel pressure is below a predetermined actuation pressure.2. The method for controlling the fuel pump of thea vehicle of claim 1 , wherein when the fuel pressure arrives at the target pressure claim 1 , the actuation of the fuel pump is stopped and an actuation completion count is accumulated.3. The method for controlling the fuel pump of the vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the sensing step further includes an actuation restriction step of judging whether the accumulated actuation completion count is below a predetermined actuation restriction number of times claim 2 , and not performing the actuation of the fuel pump when the accumulated actuation completion count is below the actuation restriction number of times.4. The method for controlling the fuel pump of the vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the accumulated actuation completion count is reset at the time of a vehicle start.5. The method for controlling the fuel pump of thea vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the detecting step further detects a fuel temperature and the fuel is a gas fuel claim 1 , and the predetermined actuation pressure is a pressure value at which the fuel can maintain a liquid state at the detected fuel temperature.6. The method for controlling the fuel pump of the vehicle of claim 5 , wherein the gas fuel is an LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) fuel.7. The method for controlling the fuel pump of the vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the actuation ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164413A1
Автор: INABA Masashi

An injection control device controls the opening and dosing of a fuel injection valve by performing peak current drive and constant current drive and controls injection of fuel from the fuel injection valve to an internal combustion engine. The injection control device includes a preheat current energization control unit configured to, when a temperature of a solenoid coil of the fuel injection valve prior to starting the internal combustion engine is lower than a predetermined temperature, energize the fuel injection valve with a preheat current having an output density that causes the temperature of the solenoid coil to increase, the preheat current being within a range that maintains the fuel injection valve in a valve closed state, and when the temperature of the solenoid valve increases to or above the predetermined temperature, stop the energization of the fuel injection valve with the preheat current. 1. An injection control device that controls the opening and closing of a fuel injection valve by performing peak current drive and constant current drive with respect to the fuel injection valve and controls injection of fuel from the fuel injection valve to an internal combustion engine , comprising: when a temperature of a solenoid coil of the fuel injection valve prior to starting the internal combustion engine is lower than a predetermined temperature, energize the fuel injection valve with a preheat current having an output density that causes the temperature of the solenoid coil to increase, the preheat current being within a range that maintains the fuel injection valve in a valve closed state, and', 'when the temperature of the solenoid valve increases to or above the predetermined temperature, stop the energization of the fuel injection valve with the preheat current., 'a preheat current energization control unit configured to'}2. The injection control device of claim 1 , wherein energize the fuel injection valve by performing constant current ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150142291A1

An internal combustion engine having six in-line piston and cylinder assemblies providing a center pair, an intermediate pair and an outer pair, each pair having crankshaft connected pistons mounted in cylinders through simultaneous repetitive strokes four of which together constitute simultaneous repetitive cycles including a drive event injectors selectively (1) in a (Mode 1) to inject fuel in both cylinders and (2) in a (Mode 2) to inject fuel in only one cylinder, the cylinders of the center pair being intercommunicated by a passage. The effect of skipping an injection in (Mode 2) in the center pair is a pair of shared power drive events and in the other pairs the effect in one of the cylinders is a directly fired power drive shaft and the effect in the other cylinder is deactivation and a method of operating the engine in a vehicle. 1. A method of operating an engine to move a vehicle , the vehicle also having an accelerator pedal moveable between an initial position and a maximum position in a direction away from the initial position to progressively pass through first , second , and third transition positions each further away from the initial position and in an opposite direction away from the maximum position to progressively pass through the three transition positions in reverse; a frame,', 'six piston and cylinder assemblies mounted in line in said frame,', 'a crankshaft,', 'a connecting rod between said crankshaft and a piston of each of said six assemblies constructed and arranged so that the pistons of a pair of inner adjacent assemblies, a pair of outer assemblies and a pair intermediate assemblies each move through repetitive cycles of reciprocating movement offset with respect to one another by 120° of crankshaft rotation and in which each cycle has four strokes of piston movement alternately in opposite directions which take place during four successive 180° rotational movements of said crankshaft,', 'a controlled fuel injecting and firing system ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144094A1
Автор: McAlister Roy Edward

The present disclosure is directed to injectors with integrated igniters providing efficient injection, ignition, and complete combustion of various types of fuels. These integrated injectors/igniters can include, for example, multiple drivers used to shape charges, controllers used to modify operations based on ionization parameters, and so on. 1. A fuel injector , comprising:a body having a middle portion extending between a base portion and a nozzle portion; wherein the body includes a channel configured to allow fuel to pass between the base portion and the nozzle portion to a combustion chamber of a fuel combustion engine;an actuator contained within the channel of the body, the actuator having a distal end and a proximal end;a flow control device fluidically coupled to the channel and operably connected to a distal end of the actuator;a first driver operably connected to a proximal end of the actuator;a second driver operably connected to the proximal end of the actuator; anda controller operably connected to the drivers and configured to provide operating instructions to the drivers.2. The fuel injector-igniter of claim 1 , wherein the first driver is a driver configured to cause the actuator to move the flow control device outwardly from the nozzle portion into an open position to allow fuel within the channel to exit the channel; and wherein the second driver is a driver configured to modulate the movement of the flow control device when the flow control device is in an open position.3. The fuel injector-igniter of claim 1 , wherein the first driver is an electromagnetic component configured to cause the actuator to move the flow control device laterally with respect to the channel and the second driver is a piezoelectric component configured to modulate the lateral movements of the flow control device.4. The fuel injector-igniter of claim 1 , wherein the flow control device is a valve.5. The fuel injector-igniter of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Method for Analyzing the Efficiency of the High-Pressure Pump of a Fuel Injection System

Номер: US20140222312A1
Автор: Hans Riepl, Janos Radeczky
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for analyzing the efficiency of a high-pressure pump of a fuel injection system includes analyzing the efficiency of the high-pressure pump with respect to individual pumping strokes of the high-pressure pump, detecting and analyzing the pressure build-up and the pressure drop for the individual pumping strokes, and drawing conclusions about the state of individual components of the high-pressure pump from the analysis of the pressure build-up or the pressure drop.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for operating an internal combustion engine, device for the open-loop and closed-loop control of an internal combustion engine, injection system, and internal combustion engine

Номер: US20190136784A1
Автор: Armin Dolker
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

A method for operating an internal combustion engine with a motor having a number of cylinders and an injection system having a common rail with a number of injectors assigned to the cylinders and similar high pressure components, which is designed to hold fuel from the common rail for the injector, wherein the method has the steps: injecting fuel from the common rail into a cylinder by way of an injector, determining a fuel pressure for a high-pressure component, in particular the common rail, the injector and/or the individual reservoir, having at least one high-pressure sensor measuring the fuel pressure. Provision is made for a defect in the high-pressure sensor to be detected in that a check is made as to whether magnitude of the high-pressure control deviation (ep) during a predetermined time interval (t Limit1 SD , t Limit2 SD , t Limit3 SD ) exceeds a predetermined limiting value (e Limit1 SD , e Limit2 SD , e Limit3 SD ).

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136787A1

A fuel delivery system for an engine is provided. The fuel delivery system includes a fuel rail, a pressure sensor, a relief valve, and a controller. The controller is configured to receive a signal indicative of a fuel rail pressure, identify exceeding of the fuel rail pressure beyond a first threshold, identify the fuel rail pressure drop below a second threshold, and initiate a counter for a first predefined amount of time accordingly. The controller is also configured to identify if the fuel rail pressure drops below a third threshold within the first predefined amount of time, and identify if the fuel rail pressure remains below the third threshold for at least a second predefined amount of time. The controller is further configured to determine an open status of the relief valve based, at least in part, on the identification. 1. A fuel delivery system for an engine , the fuel delivery system comprising:a fuel rail adapted to receive a pressurized fuel therein;a pressure sensor coupled to the fuel rail;a relief valve fluidly coupled to the fuel rail; and receive a signal indicative of a fuel rail pressure from the pressure sensor;', 'identify exceeding of the fuel rail pressure beyond a first threshold;', 'identify the fuel rail pressure drop below a second threshold;', 'initiate a counter for a first predefined amount of time based, at least in part, on the fuel rail pressure drop below the second threshold;', 'identify if the fuel rail pressure drops below a third threshold within the first predefined amount of time;', 'identify if the fuel rail pressure remains below the third threshold for at least a second predefined amount of time; and', 'determine an open status of the relief valve based, at least in part, on the identification., 'a controller communicably coupled to the pressure sensor and the engine, the controller configured to2. The fuel delivery system of claim 1 , whereat the controller is further configured to limit at least one of a speed claim 1 ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172389A1

An internal combustion engine includes an internal combustion engine body including an intake valve and an exhaust valve, and a controller configured or programmed to perform a control to set a rotational speed of the internal combustion engine body to a predetermined rotational speed based on an environmental temperature at a time of starting the internal combustion engine body, and perform a control to drive the internal combustion engine body at the set predetermined rotational speed during a time period until when fuel is supplied to a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine body and first ignition is performed. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising:an internal combustion engine body including an intake valve and an exhaust valve; anda controller configured or programmed to perform a control to set a rotational speed of the internal combustion engine body to a predetermined rotational speed based on an environmental temperature at a time of starting the internal combustion engine body, and perform a control to drive the internal combustion engine body at the set predetermined rotational speed during a time period until when fuel is supplied to a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine body and first ignition is performed.2. The internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a variable valve mechanism configured to adjust an opening-closing timing of the intake valve under control of the controller; whereinthe controller is configured or programmed to perform a timing control to set a closing timing of the intake valve based on the predetermined rotational speed such that a largest amount of outside air is introduced.3. The internal combustion engine according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured or programmed to continue the timing control until a first cycle in which the fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber and the first ignition is performed claim 2 , and to control the variable valve ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Fuel injection control system for an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140230791A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a fuel injection control system for an internal combustion engine provided with a low pressure fuel pump and a high pressure fuel pump, proportional plus integral control of a high pressure fuel pump is carried out to make a pressure of fuel come close to a target value between the high pressure fuel pump and fuel injection valves. In cases where the high pressure fuel pump is in operation, a feed pressure, which is a pressure of fuel between a low pressure fuel pump and the high pressure fuel pump, is caused to go down when an integral term in the proportional plus integral control does not change or is decreasing, and the feed pressure is caused to go up when the integral term is increasing. In cases where the high pressure fuel pump is in a stopped state, the feed pressure is made higher than before the high pressure fuel pump is stopped.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine control apparatus

Номер: US20140230793A1
Автор: Zenichiro Mashiki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a dual-fuel injection operation, when a fuel injection time by a direct injector as determined on the basis of a direct fuel pressure is less than a minimum value, a dual-injection is performed with a duel injection rate such that the amount of fuel injected by the direct injector is greater than when the dual-injection is performed with a duel injection rate which is determined in accordance with an engine operation state. Thus, the amount of fuel injected by the direct injector is increased, so that the high-temperature fuel that has remained in a high-pressure fuel pipe connected to the injector is rapidly injected and consumed. As a result, the direct fuel pressure can be rapidly lowered, whereby the fuel injection time by the direct injector for implementing an amount of fuel injection in accordance with a direct injection command value can be rapidly increased to the minimum value.

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for determining at least one injection parameter of an internal combustion engine, and internal combustion engine

Номер: US20160153382A1
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

A method for determining at least one injection parameter of an internal combustion engine, including the following steps: detecting a pressure profile in a time-resolved manner in an injection system of an internal combustion engine at least during an injection; providing a reference pressure profile for at least one operating point of the injection system; comparing the detected pressure profile with the reference pressure profile, and ascertaining at least one injection parameter as a function of the comparison.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290627A1

An electronic control unit for a vehicle with a combustion engine and a method of fuel analysis are provided. At least one dynamic torque sensor value from a high pressure pump of the vehicle and at least one additional sensor value including at least one pressure sensor value and/or at least one timing value are used to determine whether a combustible fuel type currently in use is known, unknown, or similar to a known fuel type. In each case, the operation of the combustion engine is optimized using specific parameter configurations for the fuel injectors of the vehicle. The specific parameter configurations are either retrieved from a database, or are generated using artificial intelligence methods. 1. An electronic control unit , ECU , for a vehicle with a combustion engine , comprising: receive at least one dynamic torque sensor value (DTSV) from a high pressure pump of the vehicle;', 'receive at least one additional sensor value (ASV) including at least one pressure sensor value or at least one timing value;', 'receive combustion performance data (CPD) indicating combustion properties of a current fuel type of a fuel currently present in the high pressure pump and the fuel rail; and', information about known fuel types; and', 'a specific parameter configuration for fuel injectors operatively connected to the fuel rail, for each of the known fuel types;, 'grant access to a database (DB) containing], 'an input interface configured to a fuel type detection module (FTDM);', 'an artificial intelligence module (AIM); and', 'a fuel injection control module (FICM);, 'a computing unit including a first fuel type group including the known fuel types;', 'a second fuel type including fuel types within a predefined variation range about at least one fuel type of the first fuel type group;', 'a third fuel type group including all other fuel types;, 'wherein the fuel type detection module (FTDM) is configured to determine, based on the at least one received dynamic torque ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167579A1
Автор: KOO Bon-Chang

Disclosed are a method and a system for diagnosing failure of a gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine that can diagnose a device (or part) causing failure through forcible driving control of a related device (or part) when failure occurs in the GDI engine. The method for diagnosing failure of a GDI engine may include verifying whether a failure code is output from an engine control unit that controls the engine, and diagnosing whether a fuel system device is in a failure state by forcibly driving the fuel system device of the engine with a set control value when the failure code is output from the engine control unit. 1. A method for diagnosing failure of a gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine , comprising:verifying whether a failure code is output from an engine control unit that controls the engine; anddiagnosing whether a fuel system device is in a failure state by forcibly driving the fuel system device of the engine with a set control value when the failure code is output from the engine control unit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the fuel system device includes a fuel pressure sensor, a low-pressure fuel pump, a high-pressure fuel pump, and/or an injector.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:controlling down pressure of the low-pressure fuel pump until the pressure of the low-pressure fuel pump reaches first set down pressure if the failure code is output from the engine control unit;diagnosing that the fuel pressure sensor is normal if the pressure of the low-pressure fuel pump becomes the first set down pressure;additionally controlling down the pressure of the low-pressure fuel pump until the pressure of the low-pressure fuel pump becomes second set down pressure;calculating a change inclination from the first set down pressure to the second set down pressure if the pressure of the low-pressure fuel pump becomes the second set down pressure; anddiagnosing that the low-pressure fuel pump is normal if the change inclination is within a set ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Fuel injection control apparatus of engine

Номер: US20150167580A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Motors Corp

A fuel injection control apparatus of an engine, which can inhibit a learning time from lengthening, is provided. With the fuel injection control apparatus, learning control over one of a first fuel injection valve and a second fuel injection valve is exercised in an operating region of the engine where fuel is injected from each of the first fuel injection valve and the second fuel injection valve, and the change rate of a learning value by the learning control is altered in accordance with an injection ratio between the first fuel injection valve and the second fuel injection valve.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189986A1

An injection control device includes a boost controller performing boost control of a boosted voltage generated by a booster circuit until a boosted voltage, which is generated in a boost capacitor, rises to a full-charge threshold when the boosted voltage falls below a charge start threshold. When a power interruption controller interrupts electric current supplied to the fuel injection valve by the drive unit, a regeneration unit regenerates electric current generated in the fuel injection valve to the boost capacitor of the booster circuit. The boost controller stops the boost control of the booster circuit when at least the electric current is regenerated by the regeneration unit to the boost capacitor of the booster circuit after the interruption control by the power interruption controller. 1. An injection control device for controlling injection by supplying electric current to a fuel injection valve , the boost control device comprising:a booster circuit boosting a battery voltage to generate a boosted voltage in a boost capacitor;a boost controller controlling the booster circuit to start boosting when the boosted voltage falls below a charge start threshold, and to end boosting when the boosted voltage rises above a full-charge threshold;a drive circuit supplying electric current to a fuel injection valve using the boosted voltage or the battery voltage;a power interruption controller interrupting electric current supplied by the drive circuit to the fuel injection valve; anda regeneration circuit passing a regenerative current from the fuel injection valve to the boost capacitor of the booster circuit, wherein the regenerative current is caused by interruption control by the power interruption controller, whereinthe boost controller stops boosting by the booster circuit during a boost prohibition period.2. The injection control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe power interruption controller performs the interruption control as at least one of: ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189987A1

An injection control device includes a boost controller performing boost control of a boosted voltage generated by a booster circuit until a boosted voltage, which is generated in a boost capacitor, rises to a full-charge threshold when the boosted voltage falls below a charge start threshold. When, for stopping a peak current by a drive unit, a power interruption controller interrupts electric current supplied to the fuel injection valve by the drive unit as interruption control (i) of an application voltage to a fuel injection valve or (ii) of a constant current by the drive unit, a regeneration unit regenerates electric current generated in the fuel injection valve to the boost capacitor of the booster circuit. The boost controller upward-shifts (i.e., raises) the full-charge threshold of the booster circuit. 1. An injection control device for controlling injection by supplying electric current to a fuel injection valve , the boost control device comprising:a booster circuit boosting a battery voltage to generate a boosted voltage in a boost capacitor;a boost controller performing boost control by the booster circuit until the boosted voltage rises to a full-charge threshold when the boosted voltage falls below a charge start threshold;a drive unit supplying electric current to a fuel injection valve with the boosted voltage or the battery voltage;a power interruption controller interrupting electric current supplied by the drive unit to the fuel injection valve; anda regeneration unit regenerating electric current generated in the fuel injection valve to the boost capacitor of the booster circuit, generation of the electric current caused by interruption control of the power interruption controller, whereinthe boost controller upward-shifts a full-charge threshold of the booster circuit in a period of when at least the electric current is regenerated by the regeneration unit to the boost capacitor of the booster circuit after the power interruption controller ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189988A1

An injection control device includes a boost controller performing boost control of a boosted voltage until a boosted voltage, which is generated in a boost capacitor, rises to a full-charge threshold when the boosted voltage falls below a charge start threshold. A drive unit supplies electric current to a fuel injection valve from a start timing t of an injection instruction period. A power interruption controller interrupts electric current supplied to the fuel injection valve by the drive unit. A regeneration unit regenerates electric current generated in the fuel injection valve which is caused by interruption control by the power interruption controller to the boost capacitor of the booster circuit. 1. An injection control device for controlling injection by supplying electric current to a fuel injection valve , the boost control device comprising:a booster circuit boosting a battery voltage to generate a boosted voltage in a boost capacitor;a boost controller performing boost control by the booster circuit, including starting boost control when the boosted voltage falls below a charge-start threshold, and ending boost control when the boosted voltage rises to a full-charge threshold;a drive circuit supplying an energization current to a fuel injection valve with the boosted voltage or with the battery voltage after a start timing of an injection instruction period;a power interruption controller interrupting the energization current supplied by the drive circuit to the fuel injection valve; anda regeneration unit passing a regenerative current from the fuel injection valve to the boost capacitor of the booster circuit, wherein the regenerative current is caused by an interruption control of the power interruption controller,wherein the boost controller stops the boost control by the booster circuit during a boost prohibition period,wherein the boost prohibition period at least partly includes passing the regenerative current caused by the interruption control, ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160169144A1

Methods and systems are provided for operating a high pressure injection pump to provide each of high fixed fuel pressure at a port injection fuel rail and high variable fuel pressure at a direct injection fuel rail. Port injection fuel rail pressure can be raised above a pressure provided with a lift pump via a fuel system configuration that includes various check valves, pressure relief valves, and a spill valve positioned between an inlet of the high pressure injection pump and the port injection fuel rail. High pressure port injection may be advantageously used to provide fuel at high pressure during conditions when fuel delivery via high pressure direct injection is limited. 1. A method , comprising:operating a high pressure fuel pump to deliver fuel at a variable pressure to direct fuel injectors via a first fuel rail, and at a fixed pressure to port fuel injectors via a second fuel rail, fuel delivery from the pump controlled via an upstream control valve, wherein the second rail is coupled to an inlet of the pump while the first rail is coupled to a pump outlet.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fixed pressure is based on a pressure set-point of a mechanical pressure relief valve positioned downstream of a low pressure lift pump and upstream of the control valve of the high pressure fuel pump.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the high pressure fuel pump is coupled downstream of the low pressure lift pump with no additional pump positioned in between the high pressure fuel pump and the low pressure lift pump.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the fixed pressure in the second rail is higher than a default pressure of the low pressure lift pump claim 3 , and wherein the fixed pressure is created by back-flow from the high pressure fuel pump.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the high pressure fuel pump is not connected to an external electronic controller.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the variable pressure includes a minimum pressure that is at or ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Methods and systems for high pressure port fuel injection

Номер: US20160169145A1

Systems and methods for improving fuel injection of an engine that includes a cylinder receiving fuel from two different fuel injectors is disclosed. In one example, fuel is supplied to port fuel injectors and direct fuel injectors via a same high pressure fuel pump, and high pressure port fuel injection is activated at times where direct fuel injection would supply less fuel than is desired or an inconsistent amount of fuel.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162128A1
Автор: OCHI Yuta

A controller of an internal combustion engine includes processing circuitry configured to execute a peak current command value calculating process of calculating a peak current command value, which is a command value of a peak current flowing through a coil, based on a detection value of a pressure in a delivery pipe, and a peak control process of controlling a value of the peak current at the peak current command value. The in-cylinder injection valve is configured to execute multi-stage injection including a first injection and a second injection carried out at a timing toward a retarding side from the first injection. A peak current command value for the second injection is larger than the peak current command value for the first injection. 1. A controller for an internal combustion engine , wherein the internal combustion engine includes an in-cylinder injection valve configured to inject fuel supplied from a delivery pipe to a combustion chamber when opened by an electromagnetic force that acts on a movable element including a magnetic body and is generated by an energizing process of energizing a coil , the in-cylinder injection valve is further configured to execute multi-stage injection , the multi-stage injection includes execution of a plurality of fuel injections during a single combustion cycle in a cylinder , the plurality of fuel injections includes at least a first injection and a second injection carried out at a timing toward a retarding side from the first injection , and the timing at which the second injection is carried out is adjacent in time to a timing at which the first injection is carried out , the controller comprising: a peak current command value calculating process of calculating a peak current command value, which is a command value of a peak current flowing through the coil because of the energizing process, based on a detection value of a pressure in the delivery pipe, and', 'a peak control process of controlling a value of the peak ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170080A1
Автор: YOKOI Masahiro

A fuel injection valve is for injecting fuel to cause combustion in an internal combustion engine. An injection rate adjuster is for adjusting an injection rate of the fuel injected by the fuel injection valve. A control device for the internal combustion engine includes a signal generator, and an outputter. The signal generator generates a command signal to cause the injection rate adjuster to adjust the injection rate based on a parameter, which is to estimate an internal EGR amount in which a part of exhaust gas remains in a cylinder. The outputter outputs the command signal to the injection rate adjuster. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine , the internal combustion engine including a fuel injection valve , which is for injecting fuel to be burned in an internal combustion engine , and an injection rate adjuster , which is to adjust an injection rate of the fuel injected by the fuel injection valve , the control device comprising:a signal generator configured to generate a command signal, which is to cause the injection rate adjuster to adjust the injection rate, based on a parameter, which is for estimating an internal EGR amount of a part of exhaust gas remaining in a cylinder; andan outputter configured to output the command signal, which is generated by the signal generator, to the injection rate adjuster.2. The control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe parameter is a downstream portion exhaust gas pressure, which is a pressure of the exhaust gas flowing in a downstream portion of an exhaust valve of the internal combustion engine.3. The control device according to claim 2 , whereinthe signal generator is configured to generate the command signal to cause the injection rate adjuster to adjust the injection rate to be lower as the downstream portion exhaust gas pressure is lower when the internal combustion engine is in a low load operation state.4. The control device according to claim 2 , further comprising:a fuel injection ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for Diagnosing Fuel Pressure Sensor Characteristic Fault

Номер: US20150184610A1
Автор: ONOZAWA Ryo

After an ECU is activated by turning a key switch on, if a total intake air quantity, which is indicative of the engine temperature immediately before turn-off of the key switch, exceeds a set intake air quantity indicative of a full warm-up determination temperature, and a soak time exceeds a set key-off time, it is determined that the condition for executing a diagnosis of a fuel pressure sensor is satisfied. 1. An apparatus for diagnosing a fuel pressure sensor characteristic fault , comprising:a fuel injector that is opposed to each cylinders and injects fuel directly into each of the cylinders;a high-pressure fuel generator that is driven by an engine and generates high-pressure fuel;a fuel pressure release unit that regulates an upper limit pressure of the high-pressure fuel;a fuel rail that supplies the fuel injector with the high-pressure fuel discharged from the high-pressure fuel generator;a fuel pressure sensor that is opposed to the pressure rail and detects a fuel pressure in the fuel rail; anda characteristic fault diagnosis unit that determines, after a key switch is turned off, whether a predetermined diagnosis execution condition is satisfied, and performs a diagnosis of a characteristic fault in the fuel pressure sensor if the diagnosis execution condition is satisfied,wherein the characteristic fault diagnosis unit determines that the diagnosis execution condition is satisfied at least if an engine temperature immediately before turn-off of the key switch reaches a full warm-up temperature, and if a set key-off time elapses after the key switch is turned off.2. The apparatus for diagnosing a fuel pressure sensor characteristic fault according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristic fault diagnosis unit determines whether the diagnosis execution condition is satisfied when the key switch is turned on.3. The apparatus for diagnosing a fuel pressure sensor characteristic fault according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristic fault diagnosis unit ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Control device and control method for fuel pump

Номер: US20190178197A1
Автор: Seiji Okamura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control device for a motor-driven fuel pump adapted for an internal combustion engine is provided. The fuel pump includes a cylinder, a mover in the cylinder, and an electric actuator configured to move the mover. The control device is configured to perform energization control on the electric actuator to reciprocate the mover so that the fuel pump draws in and discharges fuel. The control device is also configured to control a discharge count and a unit discharge amount based on an operating state of the internal combustion engine. The discharge count is a number of times of discharging fuel from the fuel pump to the fuel pipe during a period between a fuel injection from the fuel injection valve and the next fuel injection, and the unit discharge amount is an amount of fuel for one fuel discharge from the fuel pump.

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Control device for fuel pump and control method thereof

Номер: US20190178198A1
Автор: Seiji Okamura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control device for an fuel pump includes an electronic control unit. The fuel pump is an electric fuel pump configured to supply fuel to a fuel pipe to which a fuel injection valve disposed within a cylinder of an engine is coupled. The electronic control unit executes an inter-injection discharge control of executing fuel discharge from the fuel pump at a predetermined timing between an Nth fuel injection and an (N+1)th fuel injection from the fuel injection valve. The electronic control unit changes a discharge ratio in accordance with an operational state of the internal combustion engine during the execution of the inter-injection discharge control. The discharge ratio is a ratio of the number of times of fuel discharge from the high-pressure fuel pump to the number of times of fuel injection from the fuel injection valve.

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150198110A1
Принадлежит: CATERPILLAR, INC.

Fuel is injected by energizing a solenoid of a fuel injector for an on-time that terminates at a first end-of-current timing. An end-of-current trim is determined at least in part by estimating a duration between an induced current event in a circuit of the solenoid and a valve/armature interaction event. An induced current event occurs when an armature abruptly stops, and a valve/armature interaction event occurs when the armature couples with or de-couples from the valve member. Fuel is injected in a subsequent injection event by adjusting the end-of-current timing by the end-of-current trim. 1. A method of operating a fuel injector , comprising the steps of:injecting fuel in a first injection event by energizing a solenoid of the injector for a first on-time that terminates at a first end-of-current timing;determining an end-of-current trim at least in part by estimating a duration between an induced current event in a circuit of the solenoid and a valve/armature interaction event; andinjecting fuel in a second injection event, which is subsequent to the first injection event, by energizing the solenoid for a second on-time, which is different from the first on-time, and terminates at a second end-of-current timing that is the first end-of-current timing adjusted by the end-of-current trim.2. The method of wherein the injecting steps include moving a valve member out of contact with a seat to open a pressure control passage to a drain and then moving the valve member back into contact with the seat to close the pressure control passage;wherein the steps of moving the valve member include moving an armature of the solenoid that is operatively coupled to the valve member; andovertraveling the armature after the valve member contacts the seat.3. The method of wherein the induced current event is associated with the armature contacting an overtravel stop.4. The method of wherein the step of determining an end-of-current trim includes energizing the solenoid for a ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198657A1
Автор: Aso Koji, Hayashi Hideaki

Provided is a fuel supply device for an internal combustion engine. When fuel pressure in a high-pressure fuel pipe changes as a result of the driving of a high-pressure pump, the changing fuel pressure propagates as pulsation into a low-pressure fuel pipe. A degree of influence of propagation of pulsation decreases as fuel pressure in the low-pressure fuel pipe increases. When the high-pressure pump is in an operating state where the degree of influence of the pulsation of the fuel pressure propagating from the high-pressure fuel pipe on the fuel pressure in the low-pressure fuel pipe is high, boost control for driving a feed pump to raise the fuel pressure in the low-pressure fuel pipe is executed. 1. A fuel supply device for an internal combustion engine , the fuel supply device comprising:a low-pressure fuel pipe connected to a first fuel injection valve of an internal combustion engine, the low-pressure fuel pipe being configured to receive fuel supplied from a feed pump;a high-pressure fuel pipe branching from the low-pressure fuel pipe, the high-pressure fuel pipe being connected to a second fuel injection valve of the internal combustion engine;a high-pressure pump configured to boost the fuel in the high-pressure fuel pipe, the high-pressure pump being configured to supply the fuel to the second fuel injection valve; andan electronic control unit configured to execute boost control in an operating state of the high-pressure pump where a degree of influence of pulsation of fuel pressure propagating from the high-pressure fuel pipe on fuel pressure in the low-pressure fuel pipe is greater than a predetermined value, the degree of influence of pulsation being a degree to which the fuel pressure propagating from the high-pressure fuel pipe causes the fuel pressure in the low-pressure fuel pipe to pulsate, the boost control being a control for driving the feed pump in order to raise the fuel pressure in the low-pressure fuel pipe such that the fuel pressure is ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Monitoring device for fuel injection quantity control device

Номер: US20160208727A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A microcomputer determines a presence of an abnormality of a fuel injection quantity control device based on a comparison between a required injection quantity as a command value for the amount of a fuel injected from an injector in one engine cycle and a total monitor injection quantity as a total value of monitor injection quantities obtained from an energization time monitor value of the injector for each fuel injection in the one engine cycle. The microcomputer removes a micro-injection correction amount from the monitor injection quantity when the monitor injection quantity is below a determination value and executes a removal processing in which the removal of the micro-injection correction amount from the monitor injection quantity is not performed when the monitor injection quantity is at least the determination value. The total value of the monitor injection quantities after the removal processing is regarded as the total monitor injection quantity.

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204803A1

Methods and systems are provided for operating a lift pump of an engine fuel system. In one example, a method may comprise closed loop operating a lift pump of a fuel system based on a difference between a desired fuel rail pressure and an estimated fuel rail pressure, and open loop operating the lift pump to the desired fuel rail pressure in response to a fuel flow rate in a direction of a fuel rail through a check valve positioned between the lift pump and the fuel rail decreasing to a threshold. Thus, outputs from a fuel rail pressure sensor may not be used to adjust lift pump operation when an amount of fuel flowing to the fuel rail decreases to a threshold. 1. A method comprising:closed loop operating a lift pump of a fuel system based on a difference between a desired fuel rail pressure and an estimated fuel rail pressure; andopen loop operating the lift pump to the desired fuel rail pressure in response to a fuel flow rate in a direction of a fuel rail through a check valve positioned between the lift pump and the fuel rail decreasing to a threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the estimated fuel rail pressure is determined based on outputs from a pressure sensor positioned downstream of the check valve.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the closed loop operating the lift pump comprises adjusting an amount of power supplied to the lift pump based on one or more of a proportional term claim 2 , integral term claim 2 , and derivative term.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the closed loop operating the lift pump further comprises updating and computing the proportional term and integral term claim 3 , and where the updating and computing the proportional term and integral term comprises calculating an error based on a current difference between the desired fuel rail pressure and a most recently estimated fuel rail pressure.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the open loop operating the lift pump comprises adjusting an amount of power supplied to the lift ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204826A1
Автор: Zhang Xiaogang

Methods and systems are provided for direct fuel injection. In one example, a fuel injector system includes an injector needle with an injector pin with a curved fuel channel around the outer circumference of the injector pin, fluidically connected along the length of the curved fuel channel with a fuel reservoir inside the injector pin. An actuator coupled to the injector needle may sequentially move and position the injector needle to establish fluidic connection between the curved fuel channel and with one or more nozzle holes of the fuel injector at each position, discharging fuel from only those nozzle holes, thereby minimizing fuel spray interaction. 1. A fuel injector system , comprising:an injector body with a plurality of nozzle holes; andan injector needle coupled to an injector pin, the injector pin including a curved fuel channel in fluidic communication with a fuel reservoir inside the injector pin, the injector needle and pin housed inside the injector body, the curved fuel channel configured to be in fluidic communication with the plurality of nozzle holes when the injector needle is actuated.2. The fuel injector system of claim 1 , further comprising:an actuator coupled to the injector needle; anda controller storing non-transitory instructions that when executed cause the controller to, responsive to a command to inject fuel, activate the actuator to push the injector needle in a downward direction, sequentially establishing fluidic communication between the curved fuel channel and each nozzle hole.3. The fuel injector system of claim 2 , wherein when the actuator pushes the injector needle to a first position claim 2 , fluidic communication is established between the curved fuel channel and a first nozzle hole.4. The fuel injector system of claim 3 , wherein when the actuator pushes the injector needle to a second position claim 3 , fluidic communication is established between the curved fuel channel and a second nozzle hole claim 3 , and between ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218989A1

An internal combustion engine which is provided with a fuel injector which injects fuel into a cylinder, an exhaust purification catalyst, and a secondary air feed device which feeds air to an engine exhaust passage. First catalyst warm-up control performs stratified combustion to retard an ignition timing, while second catalyst warm-up control feeds air to the engine exhaust passage. A first temperature range of engine cooling water at which the first catalyst warm-up control is performed and a second temperature range of engine cooling water at which the second catalyst warm-up control is performed are set. The second temperature range is set to be included inside the first temperature range. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising:a cylinder fuel injector which injects fuel to an inside of a combustion chamber;an exhaust purification catalyst which is arranged in an engine exhaust passage;a secondary air feed device which feeds air to the engine exhaust passage at an upstream side from the exhaust purification catalyst;a related temperature acquisition device which acquires a related temperature which is a temperature of a part with which a temperature of the exhaust purification catalyst is linked; anda control device; whereinthe control device is formed so as to perform first catalyst warm-up control and second catalyst warm-up control which promote a rise in temperature of the exhaust purification catalyst,the first catalyst warm-up control includes control which injects fuel from the cylinder fuel injector in a compression stroke to make a fuel concentration around an ignition device rise and control which retards an ignition timing to make a temperature of an exhaust gas which flows out from the combustion chamber rise,the second catalyst warm-up control includes control which feeds air to the engine exhaust passage to make components which are included in the exhaust gas oxidize and make the temperature of the exhaust gas rise,a first temperature range ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Fuel-Supply System For An Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20170211504A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

The present invention relates to a method for operating a fuel supply system for an internal combustion engine, and to a corresponding device. The fuel supply system of an internal combustion engine may include: an outlet of a high-pressure pump coupled to a pressure-limiting valve and a high-pressure fluid accumulator. The method may include, when the internal combustion engine is set into a deactivated state, actuating the high-pressure pump such that, at the outlet side of the high-pressure pump, a pressure is increased such that the pressure-limiting valve is opened. 1. A method for operating a fuel supply system of an internal combustion engine , wherein the fuel supply system includes an outlet ofa high-pressure pump coupled toa pressure-limiting valve anda high-pressure fluid accumulator, the method comprising:when the internal combustion engine is set into a deactivated state, actuating the high-pressure pump such that, at the outlet side of the high-pressure pump, a pressure is increased such that the pressure-limiting valve is opened.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure-limiting valve comprises a direct-acting safety valve.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure-limiting valve connects the outlet of the high-pressure pump to a low-pressure region of the fuel supply system at the inlet side of the high-pressure pump.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure-limiting valve connects the outlet side of the high-pressure pump to a stroke chamber of the high-pressure pump.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which wherein a predefined opening threshold of the pressure-limiting valve is between 50 bar and 90 bar higher than a predefined nominal pressure of the fuel supply system.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the predefined nominal pressure of the fuel supply system at the outlet side of the high-pressure pump is between 200 bar and 350 bar.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150226142A1
Автор: HIRAOKA Kenji

It is an object of the present invention to improve estimation accuracy of an air excess ratio within a fuel spray and quickly cause the air excess ratio to approximate to a target value when the engine load factor rises. An internal combustion engine control apparatus includes a parameter acquiring section to acquire an air intake parameter and a fuel parameter, a first estimation section to estimate an in-fuel-spray air excess ratio using the air intake parameter and fuel parameter, and a pressure calculation section to calculate, if the in-fuel-spray air excess ratio is less than a target in-fuel-spray air excess ratio, a necessary fuel injection pressure to match the in-fuel-spray air excess ratio with the target in-fuel-spray air excess ratio, in which if the necessary fuel injection pressure is equal to or less than a maximum injection pressure, fuel injection is to be performed at the necessary fuel injection pressure. 1. An internal combustion engine control apparatus comprising:an information acquiring section configured to acquire an air intake parameter relating to intake air including an intake oxygen molar concentration and a fuel parameter relating to fuel injection;a first estimating section configured to estimate an in-fuel-spray air excess ratio which is an air excess ratio within a fuel spray using the air intake parameter and the fuel parameter;a first determining section configured to determine whether or not the in-fuel-spray air excess ratio is equal to or higher than a preset predetermined target in-fuel-spray air excess ratio;a pressure calculating section configured to calculate, when the in-fuel-spray air excess ratio is determined to be less than the target in-fuel-spray air excess ratio, a necessary fuel injection pressure to match the in-fuel-spray air excess ratio with the target in-fuel-spray air excess ratio; anda second determining section configured to determine whether or not the necessary fuel injection pressure is equal to or ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Dual Fuel Common Rail Transient Pressure Control And Engine Using Same

Номер: US20140311444A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A compression ignition engine is fueled from common rail fuel injectors that predominately inject natural gas fuel that is compression ignited with a small pilot injection of liquid diesel fuel. Before and after a rapid load loss transient, the liquid and gaseous rail pressures are controlled toward respective pressures based upon engine speed and load. During the transient, the liquid rail pressure is controlled relative to the gas rail pressure in order to maintain the liquid rail pressure greater than the gas pressure during the transient to avoid migration gaseous fuel into the liquid fuel side of the system.

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Controller for a Common-Rail Injection System

Номер: US20140311453A1
Принадлежит: Liebherr Machines Bulle SA

A controller for a common-rail injection system includes a plurality of fuel injectors, a common fuel supply line for the fuel injectors, a high-pressure pump for supplying the common fuel supply line with fuel, and a pressure sensor for determining the pressure in the common fuel supply line. A determination unit evaluates data of the pressure sensor and, from the pressure drop caused by an injection in the common fuel supply line, determines the fuel quantity actually injected during this injection or a value derived therefrom. An adaption unit uses the results of the determination unit in order to adapt the actuation of the fuel injectors. The determination unit carries out at least one test injection, and the actually injected fuel quantity or a value derived therefrom is effected by way of the test injection or injections.

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170226953A1

A control device of the present invention is applied to an engine provided with a fuel injection valve which directly injects fuel into a combustion chamber. The control device includes a pre-ignition prediction unit which predicts occurrence of pre-ignition when the engine is started; and an injection control unit which causes fuel to be injected in an expansion stroke from the fuel injection valve when occurrence of pre-ignition is predicted by the pre-ignition prediction unit. Thus, it is possible to prevent pre-ignition without lowering the effective compression ratio. 1. An engine control device for controlling an engine provided with a fuel injection valve which directly injects fuel into a combustion chamber , comprising:a pre-ignition prediction unit which predicts occurrence of pre-ignition when the engine is started; andan injection control unit which causes fuel to be injected in an expansion stroke from the fuel injection valve when occurrence of pre-ignition is predicted by the pre-ignition prediction unit.2. The engine control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe pre-ignition prediction unit predicts whether or not pre-ignition occurs at least at a time of initial combustion when a first time fuel injection is performed after an ignition switch is turned on.3. The engine control device according to claim 2 , further comprising:a concentration specifying unit which estimates or detects a concentration of alcohol contained in fuel, whereinthe pre-ignition prediction unit predicts occurrence of pre-ignition when an effective compression ratio of the engine to be set at the time of initial combustion is close to a predetermined limit value of the effective compression ratio, andthe limit value is set to a larger value, as the alcohol concentration detected by the concentration specifying unit is increased.4. The engine control device according to claim 3 , whereinwhen prediction by the pre-ignition prediction unit is not finished by the time of initial ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254570A1

A method of controlling an air-fuel ratio in a pre-ignition (PI) situation, may include: monitoring, by a PI detector, whether PI occurs in a cylinder of a plurality of cylinders of an engine; and when the PI occurs in the cylinder of the plurality cylinders, controlling, by a controller, an air-fuel ratio of the cylinder in which the PI occurs to be smaller than a theoretical air-fuel ratio, and controlling an air-fuel ratio of a remaining cylinder of the plurality of cylinders in which PI does not occur to be larger than the theoretical air-fuel ratio. 1. A method of controlling an air-fuel ratio in a pre-ignition (PI) situation , comprising:monitoring, by a PI detector, whether PI occurs in a cylinder of a plurality of cylinders of an engine;in response to determining that the PI occurs in the cylinder of the plurality of cylinders, calculating, by an oxygen calculator, an extra oxygen of an oxygen storage amount (OSA) of a catalyst of an exhaust system; andcomparing, by a controller, the extra oxygen of the OSA with a predetermined threshold,in response to determining that the extra oxygen of the OSA is less than or equal to the predetermined threshold, controlling, by the controller, an air-fuel ratio of the cylinder in which the PI occurs to be smaller than a theoretical air-fuel ratio and controlling an air-fuel ratio of a remaining cylinder of the plurality of cylinders in which PI does not occur to be equal to or larger than the theoretical air-fuel ratio.23-. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the air-fuel ratio of the cylinder in which the PI occurs is controlled to be smaller than the theoretical air-fuel ratio claim 1 , and the air-fuel ratio of the remaining cylinder in which the PI does not occur is controlled to be equal to or larger than the theoretical air-fuel ratio claim 1 , such that an average air-fuel ratio of the plurality of cylinders becomes the theoretical air-fuel ratio.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in response to ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Diesel fuel quantity adjustment fast learn

Номер: US20200217266A1

A method of operating a fuel injector includes determining an actual energizing time correction value for a fuel injector at a first fuel rail pressure, calculating an extrapolated energizing time correction value by performing a mathematical calculation on the actual energizing time correction value, and controlling the operation of the fuel injector based on the actual energizing time correction value and the extrapolated energizing time correction value.
