Improvements to wheels and rims for motor vehicles
Реферат: 249,702. Gair, J. May 29, 1925. Tyre attachments to rims. - A detachable rimflange c is secured by a split ring d engaging a groove f, or a series of spaced slots, in the rim base a<2> which together with the fixed rim-flanae a<3>, is formed integral with the stamped or pressed wheel-disc a<1>. The flange c is shown provided with a lip c<1> adapted to prevent displacement of the locking-ring d.
Tilting motor vehicle with three or four-wheels, and kit for converting a two-wheeled motor vehicle into a three -wheeled motor vehicle
Номер патента: EP3790787A1. Автор: Andrea Raffaelli. Владелец: Piaggio and C SpA. Дата публикации: 2021-03-17.