Appliance for the humane killing of poultry
Реферат: 1422418 Killing poultry S MCCORMICK 2 March 1973 [2 March 1972] 10380/73 Heading AIM Appliance for killing poultry comprises an anvil plate 2 having a U-shaped recess 3 adapted to receive the neck of a bird; and a crushing lever 5 connected to the plate 2 by a pivot 4. In the position shown the recess 3 is unobstructed but the lever 5 may be moved to bridge the open end and further movement will reduce the size of the aperture until a set screw 7 abuts the edge 9. The set screw 7 is adjusted according to the type of poultry to be killed so that the lever closes upon the bird's neck so crushing a vertebra but not severing the head. The lever may be operated manually or by hydraulic or pneumatic means.
Machine for breaking neck of poultry and poultry neck breaking method
Номер патента: RU2599830C2. Автор: ХИЛЛО Эрик Адриан ВАН,Ян Виллем ХАГЕНДОРН. Владелец: Мейн Фуд Просессинг Текнолоджи Б.В.. Дата публикации: 2016-10-20.