Centrifugal oil cleaner for IC engines - oil supply issues through a hollow shaft with spray insert screwed into the drive shaft
Реферат: Centrifugal oil cleaner for an air-cooled I.C. engine with bowl type cover attached to the blower flywheel. The oil supply to the cleaner is through a screw with a hollow shaft with spray openings and extends through an apertured pipe socket of the drive shaft of the blower flywheel, leaving some radial play and screwed into a threaded bore of a drive shaft fitted with an axial supply channel. The face side of the blower flywheel has a circular groove into which the cover sealed off by the screw is pressed.
Centrifuge housing for receiving centrifuge cartridge and method for removing soot from engine oil
Номер патента: EP1131163A1. Автор: Farrell F. Calcaterra,Gene W. Brown,Steven J. Merritt. Владелец: Baldwin Filters Inc. Дата публикации: 2001-09-12.