Improvements relating to storm valves for ships' scupper and soilpipe outlets, and the like
Реферат: 138,496. Cammell, Laird, & Co., Carter, Sir G. J., and Davies, F. April 14, 1919. Storm valves; leakage, removing.-Means are provided whereby all the stonn valves for ship's scupper and soil-pipe outlets and the like are simultaneously operated from the bridge or upper desk. Each storm valve A, Fig. 2, is hinged at a, in the discharge pipe a1, and is provided with a projecting piece a8. A cylinder B is made integral with the cover a6, and contains a piston C fitted with a cupleather c, and carrying a rod c2. A helical spring D maintains the piston normally at the top of the cylinder. The screwed union b<3> is connected by a pipe F, Fig. 1, through a non-return valve f1 to the upper end of an actuating-cylinder G on the bridge or upper deck. The piston of the cylinder is actuated by a handle g1, and all the pistons C of the storm valves are moved so as to lock the valves. The actuating-cylinder G is connected to a reservoir through a non-return valve to maintain the system full of liquid. Each branch from the pipe F to the closing-cylinders may be provided with a valve adapted to close with an abnormal flow of liquid, so that the branch may be isolated in the event of damage. Air or other fluid may be used in place of water, or the pressure fluid may be obtained from the system used for operating bulkhead doors. In an alternative form, each closing- rod may be operated by electro-magnetic means. In another form, the rod may be replaced by a pivoted arm or cam.
Improvements in storm valve fittings for ships' scuppers, soil pipe outlets and the like
Номер патента: GB165486A. Автор: . Владелец: NICHOLAS BICKERTON JONES PEACO. Дата публикации: 1921-06-21.