Touch screen liquid crystal display

08-01-2009 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Apple Inc
Номер заявки: 11-10-200878
Дата заявки: 02-12-2008


FOR AN INNOVATION PATENT NameofApplicant: APPLE INC. of 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California 95014, United States of America Actual Inventors: Steven P. HOTELLING Wei CHEN Christoph H. KRAH John Greer ELIAS Wei Hsin YAO John Z. ZHONG Andrew Bert HODGE Brian Riehards LAND Willen den BOER Address for Sen, ice: DAVIES COLLISON CAVE, Patent Attorneys, of 1 Nicholson Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia Invention Title:"1"ouch screen liquid crystal display" The following statement is a full description of this invention, including the best method of perfon-ning it known to us: TOUCI-1 SCREEN LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPI,AY CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS 10001] lhis application clans priority to each oF the following applications, which are all incorporated by r¢i r¢ncc hereby: • Provisional Unitcd Stales Patent Application Serial No. 60/804.361, filed Jttne 9, 2006; • Provisional United States Patent Application Serial No. 601883,879: l]lcd January 8, 2007: • U.S. Patent Application 11/760,036, entitled "'Touch Screen Liquid Crystal Display, l]Icd concurrently here, ,ith (Attorney Dockel No. 119-0107US1); • U.S. Palenl Application 11/760,049, cnlilled "']'ouch Screen Liquid Crystal Display, filed concunently herewith (Attorney Docket No. 1 I 9-010713S2); • U.S. Patent Application 1!/760,060, trollied "gouch Scrccn Liquid Crystal Display. filed concurrently herewith (Altomcy Docket No. 119-0107US3); and • U.S. Patent Application 111760,080, entitled '"]'ouch Screen Liquid Crystal Display. filed concurreJltlv herewith (Attorney Docket No. 119-0107LIS4). 100021 This applicahon is related to the lbllowing applications, which are all incorporated by reference herein: • U.$. Patent Apl)licalion No.: 11/367:7,:19. titled multi-F'tmuti mal 1 land-I Icld l)e','ice.: filed Mmch 3, 2006; LI.S. Patent Application No.: 10,'8-I0,802. titled "Multipoinl l-ouch Screen," filed on May 6.20(),1: IJ.S. Patent Application 11]3gl.313, titled "Muhipninl Touch Screen Controller," filed May 2. 2006: IJ.S. Patent Application l l1367.749, emillcd "Mulli-funclional Hand-held Device". filed Nln,ch 3, 2006: ° U.S. Patent Application 11/650.049, entitled "Double-Sided louch Sensitive Pa 1 acl with 11"() Metal Elccirodes." l]led January 3. 2007. BACKG RO U%'D 100031 There exist today many types of hand-held elccironic devices: each of which utilizes some sort of user interface. The user interface can include an output dcvice in the I'om 1 of a display, such as a Liquid Crystal Display.' (,LCD), and one or more input devices, which can be mechanic:lily actuated (eg., sv,,iiches, bullons, keys. dials, joy, slicks, joy pads) or eleciricallv aclivaied (e g, touch pads or touch screens). The display can be conf]gtued to present visual informatiorl such as text, multi-media data, and graphics, and the input devices can he configmed t perti rm operations such as issuing commands, making selections, o, moving a cursor or selector m Ihe electronic device. Recently work has been progressing on inlegraiing various devices into a single hand-held device. "lhis has further led to attcrnpls lo inteL:.raie many user interface inodels and devices into a single unit. A [ouch screen can be used in such systems for bolh practical and aesthetic reasons. Additionally, muhi-loucl' capable touch screens can provide a variety of advantages for such a device. Hcretofbre, it has been ,Jssum.ed that touch screens, whether single touch or inu!ti-touch, could I.,e produced bv fabricating a traditional LCD screen, and disposing a substanliallv Transparent touch sensing device in l 10 rH of this screen, l-lowexer, this prcscrHs a number of disadvantages, illcludhlg sul0stantial r] 1 t 1]Ufg 1 C'[IJIi 11 e'' COS[S. SU /IMAR\ {00061 According ',o one embodi 1 ne 11 t of the irr,'cnlion, all integrated liquid crystal display' [ouch screen is provided. The touch screen can ir ch 1 dc a plurality of layers i clclcling a qist polalJzc'r: a Ilrsl subslr Jle I,a\'}r.g display c(.mt ol circ t\, Io;med thereon (e g.. a "1"1:"1 plate or a;ra,,, plalc), :I s C c O [ {t stH)si 1 ale (e ¢: u color filter plate) adjilcclil ihc first subslrate i 11 ,.] : 1 second polali7cr. The touch screen can liulhcr include one or more touch sensing elemcms. wherein at lcasl one ol" the touch sensing elemcnls can between lhe subslralcs. Additional Touch sensing clemems may also be between Ihe polarizers but not bet\veen the subghfltes. 1000Vl Thc touch sensing elements belwecn the subslrutes can include a plurality of touch drive electrode which can, for example,. be formed on the second subslrate..]"hese electrodes can be indium-fin oxide (ITO) pallemcd on top of a color filler. Alternatively, a color filter can be formed on lop o1" lhc touch drive electrodes. These electrodes can also be configured so serve as VcoM for tim display. A plurality of touch sense electrodes can also be provided lhat are hal between the subspaces. for example, either on the second substrale or on the seconcl polmizer. .]'hc touch sensing eIernents between Ihe substrates can also include a conductive black matrix segmented into a plurality of Iouch drive electrodes or a plurality of me!,al touch drive electrodes disposed behind a black matrix, which can be a polymer black matrix. ']'he touch sensing elements between Ihe substrates can also include a phuality of drive electrodes deposited on the firs', su!.',sm te, which can, in some embodiments, also be used for display pix¢i drivers or electrodes for display pixel storage capacitors. 100081 In mother embodiment: an electronic device incorporating an integrated LCD touch screen is provided The electronic device can lake Ihc form of a desktop conu uler, a lane computer: and a notebook computer. The electronic device can also take the l'onll Ofa handhcld computer; a persol'ml digital assistant, amediapla.ver, and a mobile telephone. In someemhodiments, device may include one or more of the li regoing, e.2.: a mobile Telephone and media player. i]RIEF I)F_,SCI li'TION OF TI-Ii FIGURERS 11)1)091 The invention mav best be understood by rel'ercoce to lhe l'ollo,.ving description taken in coll.itmctJon v, ith Ihe accomplished drawings in ,.vllich: 10Ol(}] !:i urc I illusITa[cs n multipoinl sensing_ arrangement. Figure 2 illustrates a number t l'contact patches on a multipoint sensing 2 I ligure 3 illustrates a simplified schematic diagram of a mutual capacitance circuit. Figure 4 illustrates a process for operating a multipoint sensing alT;.mgemcnt. Figure 5 illustrates a representatix'e layout for an I.TPS transflccfive subpixel. l"igure 6 illt 1 strales a simplified model of an LfPS as viev,,ed fr 0 n 1 the top and side. Figure 7 illustrates a circuit diagram lbr a sttbpixel and shows on which glass substrate the components are fabricated. Figure 8 illustrates a basic process t]o\',, tbr ]nanufactming LCDs. 10018] Figure 9 illustrates a finished small size LCD module. Figure 10 illustrates a block cliagran of a touch screen LCD with separate lot]ch driver and I..CI) driver chips. 10020] Figure I1 illustrates a block diagram of a lot,oh screen L.CI.) x\.id 1 an integrated LCD and touch driver chip. 100211 }:igurc 12 i]luslrmes a basic s:mckup of a touch screen LCD. 10022J l:igure 13 illustrates nn allcrnali\'e e 1 nb,>dinlcnt of a touch screen l_Cl). l:igurc 14 illustrates an electrode poltcln. [011231 Figure 16 ilhmtratcs a touch pixel circuit or the touch-screen LCD illustrated in Fig. 100261 Figure 17 illustrates a touch-sensing ]ayur protected b', a plastic cower. 100271 Figtue I,<'+ illustrates an oulpul column and a linked .,:;el ol'otJlptll gales for a region ola touch-screen. [00281 Figure 19 illt.istrules a la.vout of a touch pixel for a touch-screen I..CI). 10029] Figure 20 illustrates a stackup diagrarn for one enlbodirnent of a touch screen I_.CD. 10030] Figure 21 illustr;.tms a touch sensor array. [003.1] l:igurc 22 illusttatcs a physical irnplementatic, n Ibr Concepts A and B: with t p anct side viev,:s of cabling and stlbsvstem placc'ment. 1<)0321 [:igure 23 illustrates a high-level block diagraJn showing one possible architecture of bollom glass components. 10033] Figure 24 illustrates elongated conductive dols. 10034] Figure 25 illustrates a Mgh-le\el block diagram tbr a Toucl-dl.Cl) lbt-i\'cr integrated cit'ctJit. 1003Sl I:'igure 26 illustrates a t]cxiblc printed circuit for use v,ith various LCD elY bodinlcilts described bet-ein 10036] Figure _.27 illustrates a process Ik.,r si!nnh.qneous displa 3 upd.tting and [clUCh S C[IIII'I i ll o • t.:,. 100371 [-'iguzc 28 illustrates a Open Circuit \'€.sT touch chive option. 1003S1 l'iourc 29 illuslr:ttes a l)ri:e-\:csr touch dri,, e option. Figure 31 illustrates connecting \:sr 1 to Cst lines on both sides tluough ccmcluclivc clots. Figure 32 illustrates a manufacturing process rio,,,, for a touch screen 1110421 F'iguve 33 illustrates using one-line inversion of \:c 0 ,', 1 as u IotJch stimulus signal. Figure 34 illustrates a stackup diagram for an allemativc embodiment of a touch screen LC'D. Figure 35 illustrates a munufhutuving process flow tbr a touch screen 100451 [figure 36 illustrates an embodiment substitution a cot ducti,.,e black matrix for ;1 touch drive layer. [00461 Figure 37 illustrates a circuit cliagram lbr an enlbocliJ-nent of a touch screen LC1). [00471 Figure 38 illustrates a stackup diaocam for a touch screen LCI.). 10048] Figure 39 illust 1 atcs a foxy-by-foxy update of display pixels I'ov a touch screen LCD. 100491 I:igure 40 illustr::les a touch sensing process Ibr a set of touch-se sili\e display tows in a totlcla screen LCD. 10(150[ l:igure 41 il;t ;It tcs a process of detecting (troches for three pixels located in dif'feveHt regions of+a touch screen LCI). I.O511 Figure .42 illu.,,trg tcs ;1 circuit ctiaov:m 1 of :mt lhez en 1 bodinae t ot ; I00531 Figure 44 illustrates an embodiment substituting a condt,clive black matrix for a touch sense [00541 Figure 45 illustrates a slack-up diagram el" another embodiment of n touch screen LCD. 1o0551 Figure 46 illustrates a lop view of the embodiment illustralcd in Fig. 55. 100561 Figure 47 illustrates another embodiment oI'a touch screen LCD. Figure 48 illuslrales an equivalent circuit of the emb( dimenl of Fig. 10058] Figure 49 illustrates the wavcforms that can be used for touch sensing in the embodiment of Figs. 47-,18. [01)591 Figure 50 illustrates further aspects of touch screen integration For the embodiment of Fig. 47. 1006111 Figure 51 illustrates another embodiment era touch screen LCI). Figure 52 illustr - les the \,,,a\.efO 11 ]' 1 S that can be used tor loucll sensing in the embodimer t of FiL, s. 51 and 53. 1OO621]:'i urc 53 illustrates an equivalent circuit or' the embodiment <)f Fig. 51. 10()631 Figure 5,1 illusttates further aspects of touch screen inteer.qtion for |he embodiment of Fig. 51. [00641 Figure 55 illustrates a slack-up diagonal for a touch-screen 1_C17). Figure 56 iliustrales a process elupdating a wide-screen I_CD. 100661 Figure 57 il]ustzates slg.lcl,:Ul) diagram for m embodiment ol'a touchscreen 1,(:1). Figure 58 illustrates a smckup diagram ior an embodiment ol'a touchscreen I,CD. 1110681 Figure 59 illuslratcs an exemplary I..('D display diviclcd into three regions that can be updated o1' touch-scatted independently. Figure 6(3 illustrates ttpdate nnd touch-scanning of a loach-screen LCD with three regions. 10070] Figure 61 illustrates an electrode layout for a touch-screen LCD. Figu,e 62 illuslrales circuit components for a loch-scrccn LCD. 10072] Figure 63 illusnates a snapshot of an update acrangcmet l fbr a loachscreen I.CD. [110731 }-"iga_lre 64 illustrates how metal line and gaps in llO that can be Fully or partially hidden behind a black matrix. 100741 Figure 65 illu.qratcs a Slnckttp diagram for a louch screen LCD. [00751 Figure 66 illustrates a touch-sc 1 cen LCD segmented inlo tinco regions. 1110761 Figure 67 illustrates a of performing display updates and toucl>scanning in a touch-screen I.CD. [I}077] Figtue 68 illustratc.s wiring and ITO la,,out to segment a kmch screen I.CD into Ihree rcoions. lOOTSl I.igurc 69 illttstr:u,.- : lop ,.ie\',. :rod cvos>scclion oF tt ,e.gion of a Touch-screen I_CD lh:il includes gtmrd :r x:es;. 10079[ Figure 70 illus,.ratcs n top vie\ and cross-section ota regr,.m ,oF a touch-scte.en l.Cr) that does not include g,Hrd l :tees. lOOgOl Figure 71 illustrates a rcoicm Xi'an exemt,',;.+r.v display th:lt c¢;nl:. 1 ins six touch pixels and fl cir signal ,,virin?. 100Sll Figure 72 illustralcs a slack t) diagram for another embodimcn[ of a touch-screen LCD. Figure 73 illustrates a slnckt p diagram tbr another ernbodirnenl of a loch-scrcen LCD. 100831 Figure 74 illustrates a circuit diagram highlighting Vc.,- M signal coupling for a touch screen I..CD. [0(1841 Figure 75 illustrates an exemplary display. [00851 Figure 76 illustrates gl possible scan pg,tlenl Ku z [ouch-screen LCD. 100861 Figure 77 illustrates a circuit diagram For Ihe cn 1 bodiment of Fig. 79. 10087] Figured 78 illustrates segment I'1"O layers. 1(111881 l:igure 79 illuslrales a siackul) diagram for 1 noiher einbodimeni of a louch-screen I,CD. Figure go illustrates a combined wiring and crackup diagrm-n tbr the cmbodi 1 nent of Fig. 79. 100901 l-figure 81 illtJstrates a l)hysical realizg 1 ti 0 n ol" the embodiment of Fig. 79. [009J ] Figure g2 illustrates inqT, Inne ,,,xvilclling LCD cells. 1(11)921 Figure ,R3 illusl.rates an organization of electrodes lbr in-plane sx ilchillg I_CI) cells. )1)931 Figure g.:'l illustrated a chcuit diagram Ior ,m cmbodhnen¿ € l an lPSbased touch-screen LCD. 100941 I'-igure 85 illustrnles ,1 slm::I,:up dinglnm c¢ mcspor;ding to Fig. S'-'I IOO Sl Figure $6 illustrates a st lcktq) dinoram for another cnH odin ent of an ll"S-I :Jsed touch-screen LCD. Figure 87 illustrates a physical model for Concepl F, an emlmdimcnt of an IPS-bascd touch-screen LCI). 100971 Figure 88 illustrates a stackup diagram corresponding to the embodimcnl of Fig. 87. pm981 Figure g9 illustrates a side view of an all glass touch screen LCD. Figure 90 illustrates a side \'icy,, ol'a touch screen LCD including a plastic layer. [0100l Figure 91 illustrates a toucl-i screen having multiple plastic layers. 101011 Figure 92 illustrates a touch screen having a PET layer pauerned on txvo sides with a connection thjough the PE'I" layer. Figure 93 illustrates a co,nbinaTion PET/glass touch screen. [01031 Figure 94 illustrates a touch screen I_CD device assemhly. 101041 Figure 95 illustrates a touch sc,een I.CD having a touch layer patterned on the inside ola transpaaen! plastic housing 10105] Figure 96 illusuatcs a patterned PET substrate thal may be used with a touch screen I,CI). 10106[ Figure 97 illuslrales flexible printed circuits bonded (o the PET substnltc ul" Fig. 96. Figure 98 illustn 1 tcs a cover affixed Io the assembly off Fig. 97. 10108] Figure 99 illustrates a sinll)lil'ied diagram of n level shillcr/dccoder chip m glass. 101091 I:igt,re 100 Illustrates a rnoditied Iouch/LCl) IDriv¢r md peripheral lrap.siglor circuit 10110[ Figure lOl illustrates a simplified block diagrarn ot'a fully-integrated ToucIvLCD Driver. 101tll Figure 102 illustrates an application of a touch screen LCD. 101121 Figure 103 illustrates a block diagram of" a computer system incorporating a lOtiOn screen. Figure 104 illustrates a variety of electronic device and computer s\'stem form factors that may be used with a touch-screen LCD according to the present invention. 101141 Figure 105 illustrates a plurality of IPS LCD sub-pixels connected to Iorm a plurality of touch sense columns. 10115] Figure 106 illustratcs a plurality of IPS LCD st,b-pixels connected Io torm a plurality.' of touch sense rows. 101161 l:igure 107 illustrams an IPS LC1) with imegratect touch sensing DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0117J The following description is presented to enable any person skilled in the art to make and use the in\,enlion, and is i:,rovided in the context of a particular application and its requircmcnts. Various modifications to the disclosed embodiments will bc readily appment to those skilled in the ati: and the general principles defined herein may be applied to other elrlbodimc)lts and applicatioris v,.ilhou{ dcparling from the spirit arK1 scope of the present invention. Thus, the present invention is not limited to the embodimcnls shown, but is to be accorded the \,,.idcsl scope consistent v,,ith the claims. I. LCD and Touch Sensing Background 101 l Sl Disclosed herein me leclmiqucs to interface tc, uch sensing technology into liquid crystal displa.vs. II)119] .As known to those skilled in the art, an LCD includes a plurality of lay'ers, most basically': a top glass, a liquid crystal, and a bouom glass. The IOp and bosom glass can be patterned to providc the boundaries of d e cells that contain the liquid crystal for a particular display pixel. The top and bollOnl glass can also be patterned with various layers of conducting rnateri ds and thin film transistors theft allow the \ohage across the liquid crystal cells to be varied to inanil)ulate the orientation of the liquid CI'\'SI |I, thereby controlling the color and brightness of the pixel. 1Ol2OJ As described in the applications incorporated by reference, a touch surface, and specifically, a mulli-louch capable transparent touch surface c m be formed l"rom a series of layers. Fhc series of layers can include at least one substrate, e glass. \vhich can have disposed the,con a plurality o1" touch sensitive clectrodcs. For cxample, a mutual capacitance arrangement can include a plurality of drive electrodes and a plurality of sense electrodes separated by a non-co,lducting layer, i e., the glass. Capacitive coupling behveen the drive and sense electrodes cml be affected by' proximity of a conductive object (e.g., a user's finger). "lhis change in capacitive coupling can be used to determine the location. shape, size, motion, identity, etc. of a particular touch. These parameters can then be inleq)reled to control operation of a computer or other electronic device. Sell: c:Jpac tancc arrangements as described bclov,:, are also known to those skilled in the art. 10121] By integrating the la',crcd stluctu:c ofan LeD and a touch sensor: a varlet? ofbencfi,'ts can he achicved. This imcgralion can include combining or intcrlea\:ing the layered Slructtlres described abe, x,e. Integration can furlher include eliminating redundant Stl'tlClL}l'CS alld/Or Iinding dual purposes (c , one purpose I'or lhc touch function and am thcr I'or the displav function) for i)artietHar lax, crs or slrtlclures. This can pcrmil some layers to be eliminated: \vhich can reduce cost and thickness of Ihcl SCI'CCJ'I LC'I). as v.,cll as simplify n 1 a 1:uJ 1 ClL 1 rin 0..,\ variety of dil'l rcnt m langcments are possible, some of which mc distressed in greater detail hcrcin. 101221 Specifically, various embodiments of an integrated touch screen LCD are discussed below. However, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the detailed description given herein with espcct to these Iiourcs is exemplary and not exhau.,,,{ivc and that many variations on these embodiments are possible. Additionally, although man.',: of the disclosed embodiments relate to multi-touch capable an'angemenls: many of the teachings can be applied to single-touch displays s \veil. l.l.Multi-Toueh Sensing [01231 Recognizing muhiple simuh u eous or near-simult mcous touch events may be accomplished with a multi-touch sensing arrangement as illustrated in Fig. 1. t"vlulti-louch sensing arrangement 100 can delecI and monilor muhiple louch attt'ibutes (including, for example, idcnfificalion, position, velocity., size: shape, md magnitude) across touch sensitive surface 101. at the same time. nearly the s m e time, at different times, or over a 1)eriod of lime. Touch-sensitive surface 101 can provide a plurality of" sensor points. coordinates, or nodes 102 thal function substantially independenll>, of one another and that represent dil'le.renl points on a touch sensitive surface. Sensing points 102 may be posilioncd in a grid or a pixel array: wilh each sensing point capable of generating a signal at the same time. Sensing points 102 may be considered as wrapping touch sensitive surface 101 into a coordinate s vslem, for example: a Czutesian or polar coordinate s),s[enl. 10124] A Iouch-scnshive smii ce may: for example, be in the tbnn of'a tablet or lOu,.'h scrccll. To pro(It ec a touch screell, lhe cap;.lcitancc sensillg pOilltS a 1 ld other associated elcc.tric;-tl structures cull be fornlcd \','ilh a substantially transparent c,.mductivc n ediut-n: such as indium tin oxide (ll'O). The numbe 1 and COllf' t 1 rdtiOll O1" sensing pOintS 102 may be varied. The I-tU 111 l)cr Of sensing poinl.s 102 ,_,cne allv depends on the desi,cd resolution and sensitivity. In touch-screen :q]plicalions, the number of sensing points 102 3nay also depend on Ihe desired llanspn enc.v oF the loHeh screen. 101251 [)sing a multi-touch sensing aiTangement, like that described in greater detail below, signals generated at nodes ]02 of multi-touch sensor 10] may be used to produce an image of the touches at a particular point in time. For example: each object (e g., finger, stylus, etc.) in contact with or in proximity to touch-sensitive surface 10] can produce contact patch area 201, as illustrated in l:'ig 2. Each contact patch area 201 may cover several nodes 102. ('overed nodes 20"2_ may detect the object, while remaining nodes 102 do not. As a result a pixilated image of the touch surface plane (which may be referred to as a touch image, a multi-touch irnagc, or a proximity image) can be formed. The signals for each contact patch area 20] may be grouped Ioocther. Each contact patch area 201 may include high and low points based on the amount of u)uch at each I)oint. The shape of contact patch area 2()1, as wel! as the high and low points within the image, mav be used to differentiate conlacl patch areas 20] that e in close proximity to one another. [-'urthcrmor(.', the cmrent image can be compared to previous images to determine hey,," the objects may be mo,.irlg over tin'm, and what cor, cslmm.ling action should be perforated in a host device as a rcsiuh flmreof. 101261 Many difl'ercnt sensing teclmol,.,gies can bc used in conjunction with these sensing arrangements, including resistive, capacitive, optical, etc. In capacitance-based sensing arrangcmcnts, as an object al)pr(mchcs touch-sensitive surface lO1, a small capacitance forms bet,.',,een the object and sensing points 102 in proximity to the object. By detecting changes in capacitance at each of the sensing pt)ints 102 caused by this small capacitance, and by. noting the position of the sensing points. a sensing circuit 103 can detect and i 1 1orlilor muhiplc touches. l'hc cal)aci{ivc sensing nodes may be based on sell'-Cal)acitance or nlulualca pa'. 1()i271 In sclg-capacitamcc s.,.:slcms: lhe :'self' cupacilauce era sensing point is n'ieasmed rclati\.e 1o some rcfci-encc, eg, ground. Sensing points 102 may be sp tia]l> separated electrodes. These electrodes can be coupled to chiving circuitry ]04 and sensing circuitry 103 by co 1 ' 1 ducli\e ti eces ]05J (,Irivc lines) and 105b (sense lines) In scmle c]f-capacitance emboc nears, a single eon(lucti,,e trace to each elecl,odc ,nav bc used as both a drive and SellSe line. [{1128J In mutual capacitance systems, the "mutual" capacitance between a first electrode and a second electrode can be measured In mutual capacitance sensing an'angemcnls, the sensing points may bc formed by the crossings of patterned conductors forming spatially separated lines, l:'or example, driving lines 105a mav be formed on a first layer and sensing lines 105b may be formed on a second layer 105b such that the drive and sense lines cross or 'intersect" one another at sensing points 102. "l"hc different layers mav be different substrate, different sides of the same substrate: or the same side of a substrate with some dielectric separation. Because of separation between the drive and sense lines, where can be a capacitive coupling node at each "imersection.'" 1(11291 The arrangement of drive and sense lines can vary. For example, in a Cartesian coordinatc system (as illustrated): the drive lines may be formed as horizontal rows, while the sense lines may be formed as vc 1 lical columns (o, vice versa): thus forming a plurality of nodes thal may be considered as having distinct x and y coordinates. Alternatively. in a polar coordinate system, the sense tines may be a plurality of concentric circles wilh Hie drive lines being radially extending lines (or vice versa), thus I'onning a plurality of nodes thai may be considercd as having distinct radius and angle comdinates. In either case, drive lines 105a may be connected lo drive circuit 104, and sensing lines 105b may be connected m sensino circuit 103. 1(11311] During operation, a drive signal (eg., a periodic voltage) can be applied to each drive life 105a. ",,Vhel driven. Ihc charge il'nl.,lesscd cm drixc line 105a can capacitively couple to the intersecting sense lines 105b through nodes 102. 1-his can cause a detectable, measurable current and/or vollagc in sense lines 105b. Thetelalionshipbclwecn hedrix'esign:d andlhesignalappcarin onscnse lines 105b call bca function of lhe capucil:mce coupling the drive and sense lines. which, as noted above, may be affected bv an object in pro×jm l.v Io node 102. Cal',acilaFicc sensing ci:cttit (or ci!cuils) 103 max sen-;c sensing lines 10517, may determine the capacitance al each node as describt:d in grcalcr detail below. 10131] As cliscussect alcove, drive lines 105a can be one at a time, while 1he other drive lines are grounded. "l-his process can be repeated fox each drive line 105a until all the drive lines imve been driven, mid a toucll image (based on capacitance) can be built flo,n the sensed results. Once all the lines 105a have bcendriven, the sequence can repeat to build a series of touch images. However, in some embodiments of !he present invention, multiple drive lines may be driven substantially simultmmously or nearly simultaneously, as described in US. Palenl Application No. 11/619,466. titled "Simultaneous Sensing :\r,'angemenl:" Iilcd .lanuary 3, 2007. 10132] Figure 3 illustrates a simplified schematic diagram of mutual capacitance circuit 300 corresponding to the arl'angemenl dcscribed above. !',4ulual capacitance circuit 300 may include drive line l/)5a and sense line 05b. which can be spatially separated thereby forming capaciti\'e coupling node 102. Drive line 105a may be eleclricntlv (i.e., conduclivcly) coupled to drive c rcuit 104 represented by voltage source 301. Sense line 105b may bc electrically coupled to capacilixe sensing circuit 803. Both dri',e line 105a and sense line 105b may. in some cases, include some parasitic capacitance 302. 10.1331 As noted above, in the absence of a conductive object proximale the intersection of drive line 105a and sense line 105b: the capacitive coupling at nodc 102canstay Fairlvconstant. However, ifanelectricallyconductiveobject(e2,a user's finger, sly'lus: etc.) comes in proximity to node 102, the capacitive coupling (Le.: the capacitance olhc local system) changes. The change in capacitive coupling changes the current (and!or volmoe) carried by sense line 1051",. Capacitance sensing circuit 103 may nole the cat) lcilancc change and the posilion of" node 102 and repel1 this in lormation in some Ii,m to processor 106 (Fig. l). [IPI341 With rcl'erence to Fig. l. scnsin'g_, circuit 103 may acquire ctala from Iouch surplice 101 and supply Il 1 e acquired dat.t to processor IO(,. In some embodin etlts, sensing citcuit J03 n'mv be consumed to send ,n\v data (eg, ml arr,tv of capncitunce values corresponding to each sense l)oin+ 102) to proccs>;t>r 106. In other cn+boditnents, sensing eircuil 103 tmJv be conlieurcd to process the raw data itself and dclix,¢rproccssed touch data to processor 106. In either case: the processor may then use the data it receives to cemrol operation o! computer svstcm 107 ar d,'or one or more applications running thereon. Various implementaliorls along these lines arc dcscJibcd in the applic4ions referenced above, m d include a varie D, of" computer systems having touch pads and touch screens. 11)1351 In some cmbodiments sensing circuit 103 may include one or more microcontrollers, each of v,.hich mav monitor one or more sensing points 102. The microcontrollers may be application specific inlegraled circuits (Basics) thal work with 13n-nware to monitor the signals from touch sensitive surface 101, process the monilorcd signals, and lc]unt ,his information Io processor 106. lhc microcontrollers may also be digital signal processors (DSI"s). In some cmbodimcnts, sensing circuit 1()3 may include one or more sensor ICs lhut measure Ihe capacitance in each sensing line ]05b and report measured values Io processor 106 or to a host controller (not shown) in computer system 107. Any number of sensor ICs may be used. For example, a sensor IC may be used for all lines: or multiple sensor ICs may bc used for a single line or glou 1) of lines. [I)1361 Figure 4 illustrates at a high level process 400 for operating a muhiIot 1 ch sel sing arranoement, like that described above. The process may begin at block 401 where plurality of sensing points 102 can be driven. Folio\ring block 401. Ihe process flow can proceed to block ,102. where the ou!pt ts fr 0 n 1 sensing I)Oinls 102 can be read. l-or example, a capacitance value !or each sensing point 102 can be obtained. l'ollov,.ill:z block ,i02. the process can proceed lo block ,103 where an image or other fiord of data (signal or signals) ol lhc IOtlCh al one mom.cnl in lime can bc produced :,nd !hcrcal 2r ailaJ .!cd Io dclc 1 n inc \.vhc 1 c obiccls touching in proximity to the touch sensor ma; be located. I:o!lo,.vmg block 403: lh,:" ixocess can proceed to block 40:1. whcre Ihe current, image or sigrml may be comet'cd to one or rnore past images or signals t,q determine a change i one or more: t l'thc shape, size. location. direction, speed, acce[eralion, pressure, etc Ior each object. This indignation can be subscqucntl.v usecl (in s!ep 405) 'to pertorm an action in computer system 107, ranging liom moving a pointer or cursor to complex gestme-bascd interactions. 1.2.Transflcclive LCDs 1111371 To better understand integration of touch-sensing technology with transflectixe I.CDs. a brief int 1 'oductior| to transflectivc ].CDs may be Imlpful. lhe following is an ove,\'icw of a typical sub-pixel cell found in low temperature poly silicon (I_IPS) transllecti,.'e L.CDs. 1.2.1. Circuit Basics 1111381 F'igt.lrc 5 shov,,s a representative layout For an LTPS transFlective subpixcl 500. l)isplay ird'ormation can bc ,.ransferred to the subpixel's capacitors CST anti Ctt: (not shov, q 0 where a voltage represcntip, g the desired grey le\:cl is applied to lhe dala bus 501 and tllc select line 502 is asserted. "]'he select line 502 asscrtion level can be near thc gate drive positive supply' voltage. During the lime when select line 502 is asserted, ll1 c \'oltagc on \leST (mad k"co..' , which is not shov,'n) can be constant. All the circuit elcmerlts shown in Fig. 5, which includes metal, poly, active, oxide, and 1"I'O. can be fabricated on the LCD's boilom glass. 10139] Figu,c 6 shows a simplil'ied model ofa lov,' temperature polv-silicon (I_TPS) l.CI) 600, including a h p view 601 and a side view 602. "Fop view 601 .qho\.s a see-through vie\,, of the VCST routing 603 on the bottom glass 608 in both lhc display area 604 and the non-display area 605. Side view 602 shows a cross section of the display. 11114111 Each display row can include horiznnta] traces for \"csr 606 and select (nol shown). "l'hc sclccl traces connect to .grim drive circuitry made up ofpol.vsilicun lhin I']l 1 n Transistors (p-St TI-I s), also no! shown. The ","<vr traces 606 can run I'ro 1 n display cdgc to displrty edge and c tn cu mcct together, e ,.:,.,.. s shoxvn on the left The \"cs t;accs can also con.noel, through a conductix'e dol 607, to al ll-Oplane 609 on the top glass 61(). Typicall',., fou"conductive dots, one in each corrlcr: can be used to connect the \"( (,-, plane to Vc.o., l) ivc 61 I. I,'igure 6 sho',vs only oncclot 607 l', 1 simplicil.v. The \'oblige of Vc,,i and top glass ITO 609 con be set by Vcc uDrix.'e: q ich can be provided by 11 1 e I.,CD drivcr IC (not shown). \'cs can also be connected to another drive source order than Vco,vDrive 611. 10141] Figure 7 illustrmcs a circuit diagram 700 Iota sub-pixel and shows on v,hich glass substrate various componems can be fabricated. 'lhe bottom glass 701 can be the substrate for tl e integration of'all the TF'I" pixel circuitry 703. This can include the select line drivers and control logic. The bottom glass can also serve as the substrate for chip on glass (COG} components, such as the LCD driver (not shown). The upper electrode 304 of capacitor Cu." cml be on lhe lop glass 702. Electrode 700. can be an ITO plane that covers lhe entire display area and forms the counter electrode to the bottom electrode 705 making etc. Uf)per electrode 704 can also connect: e g., tl'u'ough four corner-located conductive dots 706 (only one shown), to Vc:c uDrive 707 on bottom glass 701. 1.2.2. Vc 0 1 Mimlnizing or eliminating the DC COml)onent ofthc voltage across the liquid crystal (I.C) can reduce or eliminate some undcsi 1 able image arlifacts. Therefore: {he electric field across the I.C can be periodically Ilippcd while maintaining overall balance bet,.vcen the two field directions. Obtaining perfect electric field balance can be difficult, ",vhich can lead 1o small DC offsets thai can produce u 1 l vanled image artifacts. To rnask Ilicker due 1o DC of!!sets one of several inversion schemes known to those skilled in the all, such as dot i 11 Ve 1 SiO 1 l. can be employed 1.2.3. Modulating Vc 0 v 1 [UI:I3] In some embodiuents, it may be desirable to reduce the ,.tHtage range of data drivers. Therefore, the V<.oM I'FO place mad tl c V .sj Itaces can be moctulatccl flom ground to II e supply rail to produce an AC vollagc across the I.C. l-lo',ve',:er, this can FcSlriCI t] 1 . available inversion mell 10 cls IO on}y the I'ranle ,nTid line types. [1!1441 \/cc,\ Dri',e requirements can be fairly Similar: its \,ollagc can Jcmain constant tmt}l the charge tJ'ansfer has completed IBra ro\v of Pixels Ihus sellitlg their ,..:,Joy levels. Once the display p xc,s me scl. \. o:,r,,l-r \ e" can ch:m c \VilhOUl significantly affecting the LC slate provided dmt parasitic pathways into and out of the subpi×el remain small. 1.2.4. ConstantVc 0 a 1 \"coy modulation can complicate the inlegrzltion of touch sensing xvith LCDs. Various tccbniques for overcoming These complications are discussed below. An allemati\'c method of minimizing the DC comt)onmlt of the vohagc across the liquid crystal can be employed. One such alternative method is disclosed in J. l lector and P. Buchschachcr, "Low Power Driving Options tot an AMLCD Mobile Display Chipset": SID 02 Digest, pp. 695-697, which is incorporated by reference herein. This ahcrnative method cm allow Vto M Io rcmain at a consl;.ml vohage, does not require large-vohage range dala drivers, and can consume ]o',v po,,ver. Various advantages of using a conslanl }' [- { I ) ,x [ are described below. 1.3.LCI) Manufacturing The manufacturing of LCD panels can be done usino a batch process on large pieces of glass called mother-glass. Two pieces of mothel-glass can be used: a top mothe>glass. which can provide the substrate for the color filter, black matrix, and the upper electrode for CLC; and a botlo 1 ll mothe>glass: which can provide the substrate for the active matrix TI-T array and drive circuitry. [01471 A basic process flour g00 for ma,mt'acturing LCDs is shown in Fig. g. Two large sheets of mother-glass, one lor the top portion of the I.CD and one for fi 1 e bottom portion. can go lhlough separate processing slips ROl and g02 before being aligned (Nock ,q()3), pressed together, and healed (block 804) to cure seals bctxveen Ihe u p and boilom glass ti 1 ereby producing a slablc panel SIIucltlIC. The large panel can then be scribed and broken into smaller modules olthc desired dhnensions (block 805). fhc mdividttal modules cml Impact their edges ground (block 806) betbre being filled x\ith liquid crystals (block 807). Al'tez lolling. the modules can be scaled (block g08). J-'olmiz :rs und el¢clrical cornpoFaenls Ca!l bc uttachcd (block 809). Flexible printed circuits (Irl:'C's) can be attached to their :-,uI)SIEaICS at Of near Ihe e 1 - c.l o1 tlne process (block 810). 101481 A finished LCD module 900 is shown in Fig. 9. lhe ilh, stratcd I_CI) module include a chip on glass (COG) LCD driver 901 attached to lhc bottom glass 902 and also includes a Flex on glass (FOG) flexible printed circuit (FPC) 903 attached to the bottom glass 902. Bolh components can be electrically conneetcd to bet]ore glass pads and held in place using an anisotropic conductive adhesive (ACA). Bottom glass 902 can extend beyond top glass 904 to provide a shelf 905 to mount the COG LCD driver 901: tl e FPC 903, and other S,lMortino components. I:or hand-held devices, the system processor bomd Ih tt manages the data and controls for the I.CI) can be placed under the backlight 906. Additional components used to support touch sensing (eg., FPCs) can also attach to shelf 905. Oilier attaclmlcnt points are also possible. Details arc discussed m conjunction with relevant embodiments described below. 1.4.Combining LCDs and Touch Sensing 101501 The stack up diagrams discussed herein may be better understood in conjunction ,.vifl 1 the block diagrams of Figs. I 0 and 11. Starting at tle top, touch sensc electrodes 1001. 110t chill be deposited on the top (user side) of LCD tap glass 1002, 1102. 'l'oucla drive electrodes 1003:1103 can be patterned on the bottom side of top glass 1002. 1102. Conductive clots 1004, 1104 can connect drive electrodes 1003, 1103 to driver 1005, 1105, which can also be located on bottom glass 1006. 1106. A shelf 1007, 1107 on bottom glass 1006, 1106 can house LCD driver chip 1008, 1108 and the touch sensor driver chip 100% which can interface wilh each other (Fig. !0) or be integrated into a single corf'q)onenl (Fig II). l-finally, n Ff'C 1010, 1110, also bonded to the shelf can connect host device 1011. l lll. 2. lnleoration Options 1015l] Some embodimcnls Ofrm LCI) with integral touch sensing can include a top glass and a bottom __.lass. Display control circuilr\' can I,c fo,-naed on one andior both of these glass layers to affect the amotw.I of light thal l-tosses through a /aver of liquid crystal belxveen the tx\o glass layers. The space bet\veto tim external edges of{he lop and bottom glass is referred to herein as l 1 e liquid crvstal module (LCM). A typical LCI) stackup 1200 p,.,pically includes additional layers, as illustrated in Fig. 12. In Fig. 12, a hard-coated PMMA laycr 1201 can plotccl a T.CI) polarizer 1202 and the top glass 1203. and a second polarizer 1205 can be included between bottom gklss 1200 and a backlight 1206. Integrating touch-sensing technology imo an LCD can be achieved using a variety of techniques. For inslnnce, diffcrcnl touch-sensing elements and/or layers may be incoq)oratcd m a LCI) display, wilh different embodiments varving in factors such as display and/or manufacturing cost, display size, display complexity, display duraMlity, display functionality, and image display quality. In some embodiments, touch-sensing capability can be included irHo an I_CD by integrating much-sensing elements on the I,CD display outside of lhe LCM. In other embodimems, touch-sensing elements can be added both inside the L.CM (e.,.,c: between the l',vo glass layers) as well as outside of the LCM. In still olhcr crnl)odiments, a set of touch-sensing elements can be added only inside the LCM (e g.. belwecn the taro glass layers). The li)llowing scclions describe a number of concepts for each el'the above-mcnlicmed cmbodimenls. 2.I.Touch-Sensing Outside of the Liquid Crystal Module 1111541 Adding touch-sensing elements outside of the I_CM allows touch sensing capabilities lo be added tc an LCD display with little to no impact on typical LCI) nlanulacluring practices. For instance, a touch sensing system and I,C'D display svstcnl might be fL:d ricated sepuralely and integrated in a final step Ic; form an loCI) v.i[h touch sensing capahilitics. Including the lOtich-scnsing elements outside t the I.CN'I can also "Hlow Ihe loucll-sensing elcn 1 cnls IO be placed close lo the area touched by the user. potenliall 3 reducing clect 1 iicnl interference between the display and tC, t 1 ch c{mlt)ol elllS. 10155] -l'hc I'ollo\', ing t u cmbudimenls: identified as C,)ncept C and Concept N. can inc'oFl.,olI;.flc Sucl] external touch-sensing Cle 1 l 1 (.'!qlq. 2.1.1. ConceptC 10156] Onc embodiment oFlhe present invention: Concept C, uses the stackup illustratcd in Fig. 13, which a!lov, s the touch functi 01 1o be sepa,'ate f,om il e I_.('D. In Concept C, txvo additicm:d indium-tin oxide (ITO) layers (ITO1 1301 and ITO2 302) can be patterned on top of the color filter (CI:) plate (e.,f¢., the top glass layer) These layers can be used for touch sense and touch drive elements of a touch sensor, eg, a mutual-capacitance touch sensor. These ITO layers can bc partcrned inlo colum 1 ls and!or rows (as shown in Fig. 1 und 2, and described in the preceding inulii-louch sensing description), and can be separated bv a dielecnic 1305. such as a glass substrate or a thin (e.g., 5-12rnm) .qiO 2 layer. 101571 In some cnlbodiments, the electrode pattern used in the touch elements may be optimized o reduce visual arlifacts. For instance, Fig. 14 illustrates a diamond electrode pailem: which can reduce visual al!.il'acts. 101581 In (.:oncel)l C. the FPCs thai carry touch sensing dala c ln attach to thc lop surface oI" ihe top glass 1.303. 2.1.2. ConeeplN One embodiment of Ihe present invention, Concept N, cml implement capacitive sei)sing on the outside surface of the color Iilte 1 " (CF) plate rising selfcapacitance sensing. Concept N can use the stackup illustrated in Fig. 15. in ,which Ihe touch sensing components ccm be localed on top of CI;" plate 1501 (to 1) glass), l..(._:Ds based on Uoncepl N can be bill without altering standard I.CD processing by t?)l]nillg "I'I"'Fs 1503 with lwo metal layers and p:llterned ITO 1500 on CF plate 1501 using, lot example, the same I.TPS process used for c 0 nvCnliO 1 lgd Tt"I plate 1504 l"ouc.l 1 I]O hycr 1500 call be l.,atterned inlo a plurality of'touch pixels 1612 (Fig. ]6). l¢ t ch II-O later 1500 can be proleclcd by a pl'istic cover 1702 (shc v,'n in Fig. 17) Ihal can also serve as the surl ce touched by a user. 10160] Fi,'urc 16 illustrates a sell-capacitance touch pixd circuit fbr Conecpl N. 1.{nch ITO Iot 1 ch pixel 161") can be connected lo two TFTs.. e .v: an iill)Ui T17T 160 1 and an mltpu! II"T 160S. The input I'FT 160"-1 can c!'mroc 1IO Touch pixel 16 ! 2, while output "II:T 1608 can discharge ITO touch pixel 1612. The amour of charge moved can depend on the ITO touch pixel's 16t2 capacitance, which call be altered by the proximity of a l]ng¢r, l-:urtlncr details of self-capacitance touchsensing are described above and in [.I.S. Patent 6,323,846, titled "Method and Apparatus for Integrating Mamml lnpul," issued November 27, 2001, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. 10161l In one embodiment an output colmnn 1610 can be shared by touch pixels vertically, and output gates 1606 carl bc shared by touch pixels horizontally, as shown in Figs. 16 and 18 for oulpul column 1610 'CO' and output gates 1606 "R3'. Fig. 19 shows a (Iclailed layout of a touch pixel. 2.2.Pa rtially-! n legrated Touch-Sensing 10162] lmegrating touch-sensing clcments inside ti 1 e I,CM can provide a variety oF advantages. For example, touch-sensing elements added inside the I.CM could "reuse" ITO layers or other structures lhat would otherwise bc used onh, for display functions to also provide Touch-sensing functionality. Incorporating touch-sensing l'ealure into existing display hl),ers can also reduce lhe Molal number of layers, which can reduce the thiclmess of the display and simplify ti 1 e manuli cturing process. 101631 The following embodiments can include loach-sensing elcmcn s inside m 2 d outside d e I_CM. Because integrating touch-sensing elcmcnts within tile I.CM may resuh in noise anti imerle,ence between the two functions, the following designs can also include techniques thal allow elements to be sh, 1 red while reducing or eliminating any negative effects on lle display and!or louchsensing c)uII)tHS caused by electrical interference between the two. 2.2.1. ConceplA 10164] Concept A can II';C Ihc basic stacl<up 2000 illustrated in Fig. 20, with a lntdti-touch capable ('%.',IT") ITO sense la3,cr (1I'OI) 2001 positioned on the uscJ side of top glass 2002, bel\ ieen lop glass and polarizer 2003. Stalling l' 1 om the lOl.*l;, the loach sensing labels can include: Ilt)l 2001 (an I'1"O laver thnl can be pallerned inlo N sense (() I I drivel) lines) and lIl'(,..)2 2004 (k!ll lFO layer thai can be pauerned into M drive (or sense) lines). 1"I"O2 layer 2004 can also ser','c as the VcoM electrode for the LCD. Concept A:Touch Sensor Electrodes The touch sensor electrode array can include two layers of pauerned 1TO as illustrated in Fig. 21 (left side). Figure 21 is a simplii]cd vicw ofone possible implementation of touch sensor electrodes. The layer closer to the viewer, II'O1 2101, can be the touch oulpul layer also called the sense layer or the sense lines. lqle touch drive layer 2102 can be located on layer ITO2. [TO2 can also fonn lhe upper electrode o1" lhe capacitor CLC (see Fig 7). Figure 21 (right side) also shows a detail ollhrce sense pixels 2103a. 2103b, and 2103c along with assoeialcd capacitors. Both the sense and dri\'c lincs can have a 5 mm pitch \,,'i 11 a 10 lo 30 micron gap. The gap can be just small enough to) bc invisible 1o Ihe naked e .e. but still large enough Io be easy' to etch with a simple proximity mask. (Gaps in the figure are greally exaggcraled.) 101661 l":igure 22 shows one possible physical implemcnlation for Concept A, with top view 2201 and side view 2202 of cabling and subsystem placemenl. Top view 2201 shows ti 1 e approximate posili ms of FPC 2203 (discussed in greater detail below) in an unfolded stale. Figure 14 represents just one physical implementation where a discrete touch level shif er/decoder COG can be used. Alternative architectures tidal minimize the number of discrete touch eompcmenls are discussed below. Forrnechanical stability, lhe t-'PC can be beni. as shown in side view 2201, so thal stress on the T. iab 2204 and B-lab 2205 bonds are minimized, r:igure 23 is a high-level block diagram showing one possible atchitcclurc 2300 of the main I,ouom ,_,lass components, and the segmellled 11"()2 htvc 1 2301 oil lhe top glass used for Touch ,serlsing. lhe segment 2302 of 11O2 on the top glass each connect tlwough a c,,nductivc dot 2303 to a comesponding pad on the bottom glass. "lhc pads on the bottom glass can each connect to lhe touch driver, cliscussed below. Concept A: Conductive Dots ]1 167] Conductive clots located in tile congers of" the I°CD can be used to connect Ihe N;coM electrode Io drive circuits. Acldilional conductive dots can bc used to collect lhc touch drive lmcs lo louCh-drive ci,cuitry. -I-he dots can have sufficiently low resistance so as to not add significunlly Io lhe phase delay of the touch drive signals (discussed in greater detail below). This can include limiting the resistance of a conductive dot to I0 oluns or less. The size of lhe conductive dot can also be limited To reduce the real esthete necded. {01681 As hov,,n in Fig. 24: elongated conctucti\.'e clots 2401 can be used lo reduce both dol resistance and real slate requirements. "l'ouch drive segmems 2402 can be about 5 mm wide. \vhich can provide a large area Io reduce dot resistance. Concept A: Flex Circuit and Touch/LCD Driver IC 10169] A conventional display (e.,g Fig. 9) can ha\.e an LCD Driver integrated circuit (IC) 901, that can control Iow-lcvcl opera,lion of the display. A system host processor can exercise big, h-level conuot over lhe display by sending comm,'mds and display data to LCD Driver 901. Multi-touch systems car also have one or more driver ICs. One exemplar), muhi-touch capable system, described in the incorporated rcfcrenccs includes three IC:s: a lnulli-louch controller, an exlcrnal level-shiflerMecodec, and conlrollcr, such as an AIRLINE processor. The ARM proccssor can exercise low-level control cwcr the multitouch conlrollcr, ,,vhi zh can subsequently conrail the !evel->hifier/decoder. A sysmm host processor can exercise high-level control over am.l receive Touch dala from the ARM processor. In some eml odimcnls, lhc e drivers can be inlegralcd into a single IC. [017(I] Figule 25 sh \vs an example high-level block ding,am for 1 FouchiI Cl) Driver integrated ci 1 cuit _'2.501. The IC has t\vo mai,- lunclions: 1) LCD control and update: and 2) touch st.:timing and data pwccssing. These two functions can be inlegialed by an LC'D driver po1"tion 2502 fi)r I_.CD control and an ARM processor 25()3 and multi-touch contro]ler 2504 for touch scanning and processing. The touch circuits can be synchronized ,:,:ith LCD scanning to prevent one from interfering with ti 1 e other. Communication betv.cen the host d either the LCD Drivcr or the ARM processor can be tlLrough the host data and control bus 2505. A more fully inteoraled Touchil.CI) Driver is discussed below. [111711 As shown in Fig. 26, an FPC 2601 that brings together the sibmals lor lhc various totlch and display layers can have three connected tabs, a T-lab 2602. a B-tab 2603, and a host tab 2604. The 'f-tab can compeer to sense line pads on the top glass. The T-tab Traces 2605 can conrlccI to corresponding pads on B-tab 2603, which cml also attach to the bottom glass. B-tab 2603 can also provide pass-through routes 2606 fi'om l-tos:t lab 2604 Ihat can enable the host to connecl to the Tou,:h/l.CD Driver IC. FPC 2601 can also provide the substrate for various components 2607 supporting touch and I.CI) opelalion, and cml also connect to the backlight I:PC through two pads 260,";. 111172] "Fine [:PC 2601 can be TAD bonded to both the top and bottom glass. Alternatively, other bonding methods can be cmployed. Concept A: Touch l)rivch|tegraledonBottom Glass 101731 A level shifterldcco,.lcr chip. along with a separate voltage booster (eg. a 3\: to 18V booster), can provide high voltage drive circuitry for touch sensing. In one embodinlcnt, the "l'nuchiI.Cl) Driver 1C can control lhc lex.'e] shi!'ler!dccoder chip. Alternativel.x.: the \;oltagc booster and!or thc level sl-fifler:dccodcr can be integrated into the fouch/LCD Driver IC For exalnplc. such integration can be realized using a high \o tagc (I g\.') l.l"PS process. This curt allow integrating the level shil".c /dccodcr chip and the \oltaec hnostcr into the pelipher.',, of Ih.c botloln .g_vlass f'he le,.el shifter/decoder can also provide the voltages For \," :v rnndulatiun and lOtiOn (.! 1 i\ e as cliscu scd below. Concept A: Sharing Touch Drive with LCD V(: 0 1 10174] As discussed above, Concept/\ can add one layer of IT() to a standard L('D stackup, which can function as the touch sense lines. The touch drive layer can be shared with tim I.CD:s Vc 0 ,,, 1 plane, also denoted !3"O2. For display operation, a stand,'ud video refiesh rate (e g., 60 fps) can bc used• For touch sensing, a rate of at least 120 times per second can be used. l however, the touch scanning rate can also bc reduced to a slower rate. such as 60 scans per second, which can match the display rcfiesh rate. In some embodiments, it may' be desirable to not interrupt either display reficsh or touch scanning. Therefore, a scheme that can allow the sharinol" he 1"I"O2 layer v,,ithout slowing do'.Ain or interrupting display refresh or touch scamling (\,,hich can be faking place at the same or different rates) will nox\. be described. 101751 Simultaneous display update and touch scamain.u is illustrated in Fig. 27. In this example, five mulfi-tmmh drive segmcnts 2700. 2701 2702. ,70 0 . 2704 arc shown. Each touch drive segment can ovc0ap M display rows. The display can be scanned at 60 flames per second while tim multi-touch sensor an'av can bc scanned at 120 times per second. "lhe illust)ation shows the time revolution of one display' frame lasting 16.67 mscc. The area of the display currently being updated preferably should not overlap an active touch drive segment. 101761 I-natch 2705 indicates vdaere the display rows are l:,cing updated. Patch 2706 indicates an active touch drive segment. In theuppevlcft corner of Fig. 27. at the Sb.lrl of the display fl-ame the first M/2 display lines can be rel'rcshed. At Ihe same lime. touch drive segment l ?7)1 can be dri,.ctl for the purpose c,f touch sensing. Moving to the right in the t gme, al lime l=l.67n s, the ext picttuc sho\xs the next M!2 display rows being finished Chile simulla) cously tOtlch drive segment 2 2702 can bc After about 8.3 inscc of this pattern, (start of second row3 cneh tottch drive segment can h Jx, e ]men &i\cn once, a cl half the display ,,viii have been )efreshed. In the next 8.3 mscc. tl c entire touch re'ray can be sca 1 med again, thus p ox'iding a scnmmL,4 rme ort20 fl)S, while the other hal(of the display is updated. [01771 Because display scanning typically prncceds in line order, touch drixe segments can be driven OUl of sequential ordm to prevent all overlap of display and touch aclivily. In Ihe exeunple shown in Fig. 27, ti 1 e touch drive order was 1.2:3,4.0 during he fh'st g.3 msec and 1,2,4:3,0 in the second 8.3 msec period• The actual ordering can vary depending on the nurnber of touch drive segrnenis and the number o1" dis;play ,'ows. Therefore, in general, the ability 1o program the order oftouch drive usage may be desirable. I lox,,.ever, for cemfin spccial cases, a 15xcd scquence ordering may be sufficient. 101781 It may also be dcsirable (for image quality reasons) to separate the active touch dri,,e segment farther away from the area of" the display being updated. This is not illustrated in Fig. 27, butcm 1 easily be done givenasuf'ficienl number of touch drive segments (e.g, 6 or more segments). Such techniques can effectively allow dil'[ercnl Jefiesh rates for the display and Touch-sense elements without requiring muhiplex circuitry to support a high-flequcncy display drive element. Concept A: VcsT l)rive Options [01801 As i!lustratcd in Fig. 6, Vcsr and V( o, cml be connected togefl er and call l] 1 t 1 S bc modulated together to achieve Ihe desired AC waveform across tile I..C This can help achieve proper display reflesh when using Vcu. modulation. When Vc 0 ,,, 1 is used for touch drive, it is not necessary to z/lso modulate Vcs 1 . lhis can be considered as Ihe Open Circuit Vcs-t Option: de.scribed below. However. if Vcsr is modulated with VsrM, lhe capacitive load on the touch drive signal. VSTM, el.u1 be reduced, which can lead IO a smaller phase delay i 11 the lOkl(.']l signal. This c m be considered as the Drive Vcs 1 Option. described below. [111811 liL, ure 28 illustrates the Open Circuit V< , Option. t3ottur:l draxving 2 :1)2 illustrates how one touch drive segment 2803 can overlap M display rows 28!'14. Touch drive segments 2803 located on Ihe lop glass can connect elecl,ically Io circuits on lhe bottom glass lhrou,gh a conductive clot 2805. lhe M Vcs, lines of Ihe M roxvs unde 1 IIlc IotIch drive segrncnl carl eonnccl together un lhc edge of the display 2g06. Top drawing 28{'/1 shows Ihe basic circuit for a sub-pixel \',ith it,; separate storage capacitor C T..,\rea 2807 i 1 l the upper dra\ving can represent M contiguous rows olsub-pixels covered by a single touch drive segment. Display operation and touch sensing for a p,trticular touch d)ivc/display group can occur at different times, as discussed above. \.:hen 1lie display driver is ready to set the state of the sub-pixels in he M rov..s, switches 2 08. 2809 can connect Vcox Drive 2810 lo the M Vcs-r lines 2:404 and to the touch drive segment (Vco a). The \/co t Drive vohage can be sel by the LCD driver to eithe, ground or the supply rail. depending on the phase of the inx.ersion. Later. when this touch drive/display group is available for touch usage, sv,itches 2g0,q, 2809 can conrlec! lhe touch drive segment Io Vsr., 2811 and disconnect Vcs-r flom \"c' 0 ,',. 1 Drive 2810, thus leaving it in the open state 2812. 10182] Figure 29 illustrates the Drive-Vest option. Bothml drawing 2902 illustrates ho\v one touch drive seglnent 2903 can overlap M display rows 2904. The touch drive segments 2903 located on the top glass can connect electrically to circuits on the bottom glass tlu-ough conductive dot 2905. The ..',4 Vcsr lines of the rows under a parlieular touch drive segment c m connect together on the edge oi' Ihe display 2906. 'lop drawing 2901 shows the basic circuit tbrasubpixelhaving a separate storage capacitor Csr. Area 2907 in the upper drav,:ing can represent M cordiguous rows of subpixcls covered by a single touch clrivc segment. Display operation and touch sensing ca l occur at difl\'rcnt times. When lhe display driver is rcady to set the stale of the sub-pixels in the M rows, swilch 2908 can commcl Vc.oM Drive 2910 Io the M VCST lines 2904 and to the touch drive segnlcllt (Vco:, 0. The \"co Dive 2910 voltage can bc set by Ihe l.,('lO driver to epically cilhcr ground or a supply rail depending on Ihe phase of the inversion. Later, ',\hen this Ioueh clrivc,'disl',la,}' group is available fc l loucll using. switch 2908 can COll.lleCt the \"CS 1 and lhe InLich drive segment (\;c<,:,'..) to \/s 2911. ConceplA:MT-l)riveCapaciliveLoading 101831 lhe Calacitive load on Concept A's touch drive line can bc higtl, for example, because of the thin (e 8, --4 .ttm) gap bel,z:ecn the touch drive layer and [be I)oHon glass: which eqll be covered I:,v a mesh of metal routes ;mtl pixel ITO The: liquid crystals can have a rather high maxinmm dielectric constal]l (<?g, around 10). 10184] The capacitwlce of the touch drive segment can aflect the phase delay ofthe stimulatirlg touch pulse, VsrM. II+ the capacitance is leo hi.'41 and thus there is Ic, o rnuch phase delay, the resulting touch signal can bc negatively impacted. Analysis pertbrnled by the inventors indicates that keeping ITO2 sheet resistance to about 30 ohms/sq or less can kee l) phase delay within optimal liniits. ConceptA:ElectricaIModelandV(:oMInduced Noise 101851 Because ITO2 can be used simultaneously f'or both touch d 1 ivc and I..CD Vc 0 ,,. 1 , modulating Vcoxt can add noise to the touch signal. 10186] t.or cxample, a noise cornponcnt may be added to il-ic touch signal when one touch dr-ive segment is being modulated ,aiH1 \"c 0 a 1 tit Ihe same time another touch drive segment is being used for touch sensing. "I'he amount of added noise depends on the phase, arnl)lilude: and flequency of the Vc'oM modulation with respect to Versa The amplitude and frequency of Vc 01 depend on the inversion method used for the I.CD. 10187] Figtlre 30 sho,,vs an electrical model for lhe situation whcre touch drive 3001 is used for both I(mch sensing and LCD Vc 0 :x 1 modulation. The 1 nodel sho ..s the input path through whicla \;c, ,. moduhnion can add noise io tile input of'charge <qml)N tier 3002. In some cnd odimcnts, charge a,np!if'icr 3002 ma.$. need additional headroom to accommodate nuisc induced bv Vcnr,.t 3003. Additionally, subse(luent J]llerino circuits (r_,g, synchronous dcrnodulalurs, not shown' may need t,o renlove the noise si,gn:d due io the \;cu,',, rnodtda_Hion. Conccp!A: Vs , Effects 101891 \"<;T','I modiilation, ui 1 de 1 ce;t: in co 1 ldilio 1 ls, can h;.i\:c a ne-,,alivc inlpacl on lhc voltages of' the subpixcls t derncath the touch dri\'e >;,,2galen[ being n 1 odulated I1 Ihe sclbpixel !;,Li\,l.q. ,..oltngc changes appreciably. ,:display arlifacts may be produced. One or more of fl c following techniques may bc employed In minimize display distortion that may result. "l'ouch drive From lwo sides can reduce the distortion of Ihe LC pixel ,.,ollage .*s sho',,.aa in Fig. 31, touch drive flonl both sides can be achieved by employing flute existing low resistance Csr routes 3101 on the bottom glass b; connecting VSTM to Csr lines on both sides thJough conductive dols 3102. Alternatively, single-ended touch drive can produce a pixel offset voltage that is unilonn for all pixcls, which can bc reduced or eliminated by' adjusting the data drix.e levels. Also, reducing fi 1 e ITO sheet resistance can help reduce display arlifacts. Finally, the phase and frequency of V,<-xa can also be lied to the phase and flequency of VcoM Io reduce the amount olnoise in the Touch signal. Concept A: lmpacl on Manufacturing 101911 The manufacturing process for Conccpt A can include additional steps relative to a typical LCD nlanufacruril g process. Some may bc new seeps entirely and some may be t-n 0 dificati 0 , 1 s to existing steps, l":igure 32 shows a manul:acturing process flow .for Concept .,\. t?,locks 3201, 3202. and 320-'1 represent new steps, and blocks 3205: 3206, and 3207 represent a modil]ed slcp, both relati\'c to a con\cnlional LCI) manufacturing processes (e .o., that of Fig. 8). 10192] .,applying and patlcnaing ITO1 (bh)cks 3201, 3202) can be done using kJ o'.xn methods. The ITO can be protected during the rcrnaindel of the I.CD processing. Pholorcsist can be used to provide a rc,novable l)rolecti'.e coating. Ahernr, lively, silicon dioxide can provide a perlnanenl p,otecli\:e covering. 1'1O2 can be applied m d pallerned (block 3204) 1o Iorm the toucl! drive segnlcnls in siI 1' 1 ilm f 1 slfi 0 n. ]0193[ .,\n analysis of" I,hsse delay inclicalcs Ihat tl e heel resistance of 1TO1 anti ITO2 can be as hi!jh : s 400 ohJllS,'squ arc Ioi small displays (<= 4' diagonal), plo\ idcd that lhe capacitance Ioacting on cilhcr plane is small. ,-\s discussed above, the capacitive loading \xith Concept .¢ can be of such m.'- L.g'niludc that it nay be desired Io limit lhe maximum sheet resistance for (. - 1o around 2i0 c,h ns/square 2.2.2. ConceptA60 111194J Concept A60 can be physically similar to Concept A and call provide a different approach to the l)mblenl of synchronizing display updates and touch scanning. '['his can be accomplished by using the l-line inversion of Vc 0 r,. 1 as the sti 1 nulus tbr Ihc touch signal (i.e., Vsrt 0. "l'his is illustrated i 11 Fig. 33. which shows how a singlc touch drive segment 3301 can be modulated while other touch drive segmcnts can be held al a constant voltage. \Vilh this approach, lhe problem of removing the unwanted Vc 0 x 1 -induced noise I'vom the touch signal call he eliminated. Furthermore. iI is not necessary to spatially' separate display updating and toucll sensor scanning. However, using this approach, demodulation can be done ala single frequency (Le, the Vcov modulation flequcncy, eg, .-.14.-1 kHz) as opposed Io the multi-frequency demodulation described in U.S. Patent Application 11/381,313: titled "Muhipoint q'ouch Screen Controller," filed May 2: 2006, incoq)oraled by refc 1 cnce herein, t-'u,'themmre, using this apprt/ach, the touch sensor sc:m ra'e can be fixed at the video refresh rate (e.g., 60 per second). 2.2.3. Concept B 101951 Concept B. illustralcd in l:ig. 34, can be similar to Concept A. sharing many of the same electrical, cabling, and structural aspects. However, COJ ccpt 13 can integrale the touch drive layer into the Vc:nr layer. Concept g can lhcrcfore differ in the number and slack position of ITO layers used for LCD and touch sensing,. Decause o1" the similarities, Concept 13 will now be described by lJghliglalillg differences between Concepts A and 13. 101961 Concept 13 can sl)lil the shmed VI"O2 laver" of Concept A imo t\ o ITO la,vcrs, using or e layer for touch sensing (ITO2) 3402 and one lavel lbr Ihe I_CI) \:co, (.IIO3) 3403. Starling from the top, layers used for touch sensing call include: I1OI 340i, n ITO Inter Hint can bc pattcnled inlo N touch sense lines: 11O2 3402, un ITO lu.ver lhztt can bc patterned irlto I',4 touch drive lines: mad 11"O3 3'103. an ITO laver lhztt call serve as lh¢ \;c, : clectro(le for tile I_CID. Touch drive l: ¥cr (1"1O2) 3402 can be dcposiI :d on Ihc Ic \ver surface of top gl; sb 340< above the color filter 3405. JO197J Separating \;c 0 ', 1 li-o n touch drive elements can reduce interference. Concept B: Touch Sensor Electrodes Concept B can include touch sensor electrodes st bstanlially similar to those described above for Concept A. Concept B: Conductive Dots 10199] As in Concept A, Concept B can use additional conductive dots 3406, which can be located in the comers o1" the I..CI), to connect the touch drive segmcnls to dcdic; Icd circuitry. Because Vco,, need not be shared ,.\:ilh touch sensing, Concept B can remain tile corner dots that cormecl V(..o,,.I to its drive circuitry. Additionally (as discussed below). Conccpl /3 may add even more co ducli'.:c dols for Vc..'o -t. Concept B: Flex Circuit and Touch/LCD Driver Ic 1O2001 Concept 13 can use a FPC and -louch/LCD Driver IC substantially similar to those described for Concept A. Concept B: Synchronization with LCD Scanning 102011 For Concept B, although tl 1 e Vc(;M layer can be separate fiorn the touch drive layer, it still n %' be desired to synchronize touch scarming wilh I..CD updating to playsically separzlte the active touch drive from the display area being updated. The synch;orfization schemes previously described for Concept A can also be used fiver ('orlcept t3. Concept B: MT-Drivc Capacitive Loading, 11)2021 .;\s \vith Concept A. the: capaciti\,c load on Concept 13s touch drive line can bc high. The lar -c' capacitance can bc due to lhc thin (e.g., 5 .urn) electronic betwee 11 tot,oh drive (11"O2) 3,102 a 1 ld Vcc v plane (ITO3)3,:;03. One \ray t , reduce undesirable l?hnse delay in the touch stir'tin]us signal C:lll be to lower the 1"I-O drive line assistance lhlo lgh I} 1 C addition of parallel me1 fl traces. Phase delay can ,q!so be reduced by decreasing the otlll'ml icsislance of Ihe level Conccpt B: Electrical Modcl and Vc 0 1 -lnduccd Noise 1021131 13ec:mse the entire Vco\ plane can be coupled Io the touch drive layer, multi-touch charge amplifier operation may be disrupted by noise induced bv VcoM modulation. '1-o mitigate these effects Concept g can have a cons{anl Vc 0 ,, 4 vol tag, e. 102041 Conversely, the coupling between ITO2 3402 and ITO3 3403 (VcoM and touch &iv€) can cause interference with the Vco., vohagc that can cause the \vrong data voltage can be stored on the I.C pixcl. 1'o reduce the modulation of VcoM by' V r,.,, the number of conductive dots cmmecting VcoM Io the bottom glass can be increased. For example, in addition to VcoM dots at each corner of the viewing area: conductive dots can be placed at the middle of each edge. Distortion resuhing fiom VCuM-VsTM coupling can be furlllcr reduced by. synchronizing VSTM with Vco,,a and turning off" the pixel TFT at just the right time. For example, if the line frequency is 28.8 kHz: and the touch drive f,equency is a multiple of this (e.g., 172.8, 230.4 a 1 d 28S kHz) then the Vco distortion can have the same phase relationship for all pixels: which can reduce or eliminate visibility of die VcoM distortion. Additionally, it" the gales of the pixel "l'l:Ts are turned off when the distoJlion has mostly decayed: the LC pixel voltage error cm be reduced. As v,,ith Concept A, the please and frequency of VsTM can be fled to dw phase and frequency of \;c,),', m reduce the amount of noise in the touch signal. ConceptB: Impact on Manufacturing 11121161 As will} Conccpl A. ConCCl)t 13 can also add seeps to the LCD manufacturing process. Figure 35 shows a manufacturing process flow tbr Concept I): in which blocks 3501, 3502. 3503: and 3504 represent i e : steps rela{i,.'e to a conventional LCD manuli:lcttlrin,.g_' process (e g., dlat depicted in Fig. 8), and blocks 3506. 3507: 35!')8. and 3509 represent a modification to an existing 10207] ITOI can be applied (block 3501) and patterned (block 3502) using kJlo vn methocls, as \vith Concept A. The sheet resistance of IT() 1 and ITO2 can Mso be substantially similar Io that described Ibr Concept A. For Concept B, th IT()2 layer deposition (block 3503) can be routine because it can be directly applied Io glass. I}'.leclrical access between the I'IO2 layer and the bouom glass fO 1 the conductive dots that coltnect to the touch drive segments can be easily accomplished by' etching using a shadow mask (block 3504). 102081 ITO3 (e.g, the LCI)'s \"cot,.i layer), which can have a sheet resistance between 30 and 100 olmls/square, can also be appled (block 3505) using c 0 nve 11 tional methods. !-lo, ever, us discussed above. VcoM voltage distoJ-tion can be reduced by reducing the resistance of the ITO3 layer. If necessais': Io,,ver cl'fective resistance for I'FO3 can be achieved by adding inelal traces th;.lt run parallel to the lot 1 ch drix.e segments. ]'he metal traces can be aligned with the black matrix so as to riot interfere withlhe pi×el openings. The density of metal traces c ul be ad.iusled (bclween one per display row to about c\ei')' 32 disl)lay rows) io provide the desired rcsisl 11 ncc o1" the Scott layer. 2.2.4. Concep!B' Concept 13 can be undersi<-)od as a variation of Concept 13 Ihal elimh 1 ates the 11O2 drive laver 1 nd inslcad uses a conductive black ntairix (e.j.,,., a laver of CrO 2 below the lop glass) as the touch d 1 ive laver. Alternatively. racial drive lines can be hidcle 1 behind a black matrix, which can be a t)oly,ncr black matrix. This canprox'ideseveralbe 1 el]ts:including:(lJelinainatinganll'Olayer; (2) reducing the effect o1 Vsix 1 on lhc Vco;,i laver: and (3) simplif.->ing the nlanufaciulillg process The nlainlfacrurlng process can be sirrlplif]ed because using the black matrix for louch drive can eliminate lhe t 1 ec¢l to p<lttertl <.ul ITO laver above tile color filler. 102101 F'igLire 36 shoe's st side vie\ 36(11 1 iqcl lop vicxv 3602 of Concept B' .As can I:,c seen. side ie,.v 3601 looks vcr} i 1 ucl like a sland,trd I.CI) slack-uL). except for the top laver o.f' l'f'O 3603 used for touch sel:sill The 1 ]IIo 1 11 diagram of Fig. 36 shouts how lhc black n atri.' 360.'I can be i allilio,lcd into separate touch dri\'c segments. The mesh pattern can folio,.,,: the pattern of a conventional b]ack matrix, except that each drivc segment can be electrically' isolated from the other segments. "I'o cornpensalc for reduced touch signal strength lhat can bc caused b\' using the black matrix mesh I'o,- touch drive, the charge amp gain can be increased (e.g, about 4X). Because the touch sensing laver may nnt bc shielded flom the \;co,', laym, \zc oM modulation mav interfere ,,viii} the touch signal, tru the m ,-c, touch drive may still interfe 1 -e vvith the Vc 0 1 voltage. Both of tllcse issues can be addressed by segmenting the V'( 0 ,,, 1 lavcr as described v, qth Concept A and/o, spatially separating display updating and touch sensing as described above. A constant X/co.,,, voltage can also be used to - ddress tl-mse issues. 2.2.5. Concept K [02121 Concept K is illustralcd in Figs. 37 (circuit diag,at-n) and 38 (stackup diagran0. Concept K utilizes the fac! that select pulses in the I'F'I" I_CI]) can be partially transferred Io the pixel 11-O when the Cs-r-on-gate configuration is used. 1( 2131 As showrl in the display smckup of Fig. 38, the viewer can face active array plate 3801 rather than CF plate 3802. 1"t'O pixets 3803 on l}le active array c a provide the Vs'rM l ulses for the IOttch sensor, \vith the display rows allen 1 ali,,:elv being used fo} VsrM pulses and for display addressing. IT() scllse layer 3804 on plastic pc larizer 3805 can be l:uninated Io llte back of array plate 3801 Io plovide the lotlcl -seiTsing laver, k thin glass 1: 3cr (eg.. 0.2 n-ina) can he]p in pro',e line signal-to-noise ratio. 1021-11 Dr]ling display upO;,IcS, rox,.s can be selected indivicittnll.v to tq)(.t :ll,g' file pixel data (zls sh ,vn in Fio. 3c)). 1o gencJate \;s ' for lotlcll sensing, multiple rows 4001 c:ln be sctecled sinn}ltaneou,.:ly, ,.,.'bile high data ,.olt ge .:1003 c.7.,n I c applied to the col 1 mln lines :1002 to I.:ccp lhe 1 t-Ts ofIlas shox',n in Fig. 40). l-he column d i,.,cr can ;.:Ojt.lsl the tilnlllg of data sigp.als Ir{', 111 ;_1 cli:.,plzL'. metnorv In one eml?odimcnl, a touch pulse sequence can simultaneously pLdse about 30 10 ',vs 4001 duFingatouch scan interval. Figule41 shows the effeclofa touch drive pulse (Vsr 1 ) on lhe subl)i.\el xolta..ges of the I..CD. -lhc added voltage from the Vstt,.: pulses ca,l be cmnpensatcd b.v a DC ol'fsel of Vc 0 1 and/or gamma connection of the display dzHa grey levels. Concept K can allow a number of advantages. Because tile display pixels and tmmh sensors share drive circuitry, the level shiftcr/decodeF ma,v be eliminated. Additionally, a conven!.ional CF plate can be used. FuFIhermoFe, nO extra conductive dots bet,,,.een lhe lop and bt)ttom glass a e needed, gusline reflections may increase the reflectance (R) Ibr portions of tilt display, and hence call for the use olan extra film andre the buslincs (such as CFO under Cr) thaI can Feduce R. 2.2.6. C(mcepl X' 11)2171 Concept X" is illustrated in Fig. 42 (circuit diagram) and Fig. 43 (stackup diagram). Concept X' utilizes ti 1 e fact that VSTM pulses can be similar to gate pulses fro tile "1FT l)iXCl switches (e.g, a 15 to Ig V swing). In Concept X. the touch drive segments 4301 can be pmt of the I.-I-PS active array and can foma the counter electrode for the pixel storage capacitors CsT. C T can be formed between t,.vo ll'() lavcrs 4.,01. 4.,0_. In this cmbodiment: the active aFFay plate 4303, rather than tile color l]lleF plate 4304 can be on the user side of the display. 10218] As shown in Fig. 42: a pulse sequence with three ditlerent l'reclucncies 4201 for \z ., ca be shared by three n)\',s of pixels 4202 1o select Those rows. The ITO IOt 1 Ch chive segments 420:; Call be paIlemed uncleF a set of Fows adjacent to :tdchcssed to\vs. Touch drive segm,:'nts ,'1203 can be connected to GNI) b.'.,, "I't" I's 420i \rhea m CO 1 l 11 CCiCgl l(.) WgrM. Changes Hint can be n 1 ade o the t)Focessing slips to act Concept X' can include the h-,llov, mg. ITiFSt, a 1)attemed sense ITO can be added on the outside of lhe anav subslFate. Scc mcl, SiO 2 pro{ec(ion c .n be added on the sense ITO dtHi g LI 1'$ process l" oIectJve resist coJM lso be uscd. -lhild, tOt 1 Cl] drive 110 ca: be Clel,OSilcd and pattelned unctel lhc Si() 2 bnlriel laurel (\hich can be found in typical I.fPS processes) fi r tile LTPS array. Finally, vias can be patterned in Ihe barrier Si0 2 to contact the tottch drive ITO laver. This step can be combined with a subsequent process step. Concept X' can allow a number of advantages. For example, because the display' and touch sensors share drive circuit,y, the level sltifter/decodcr chip cml be eliminated. Additionally. no change to the CF plate is required, so conventional color filter processing can be used. f:urther, because the storage capacitor Csr cun be located between two I'1O layers: high tran mhtance can be achieved. Artother advantage can be thal extra conduclive dots between the arrav plate 4303 and CF plate ,1304 may bc eliminated. 2.3.Fully-Integrated Touch-Sensing [02211 A third set of embodimerns of the present invention full)' integrate the touch-sensing elements inside the LCM. As u.ilh partially-integrated touchsensing, e.,<isling layers in the LCM can serve double duty' to also provide touchsensing functionality, thereby reducing display: thickness and simplifying manuI) ctoring. The fully-integrated lot ch-sensin layers can also be prolecled between the glass layers. In some embodiments: the fully-integrated LCD can include a Vco,,, laver similm to those described in previous embodiments. In other embodiments, the fully-integrated touch-sensil g L.CD can include in-plane-switching (IPS) LCD constructions, which are described in further detail in the lbllowing sections. 2.3.1. F'ully-lntegraled Vco t-Based LCDs ConceptA' Concept A" can bc consiclcrcd as a variation of Concept .,\ that elimin;: tes thc 11O sense h>.cr (I lOI 2001 in Fig. 20) in f \or of a Co 1 ldl.lC{iVe black matrix layer (below Ihe top glass) used as the touch sense laver. Ahcrna',i\elv. metal sense lines c :u be hidctc:n behind a black matrix, xvhiv:h can be a polymer black matrix. As aEesuh ('oncept A' cml also eliminate the T-tabor the Fl"C and the corresponding bonding to lhe top glass. Touch ,;cnse lines can be routed through conductive clots to the bottom glass and can dirccllv connect to the TouclVLCI) Driver chip. FuFthem orc, the FPC can be a standard LC1) FPC. Elimination of manufacttuing seeps and components can ]cad Io a reduction in COSl compared to Concepts A and B. Figure 44 shows one v ly substitution era conductive black matrix for the touch sense layer can be accomplished. Figure 44 includes a side view 4401 of the upper portion of u single pixcl with its black matrix 4403 framing between primary color sections 44(,)4. l'ouch drive segmcn! 4405 Call be separated from black matrix lines 4403 by' planarizing dielectric layer 4406. Figure 44 also shows top view 4402 of the display with black matrix lines 4403 running \'erticallv. Approximately 96 black matrix lines (eg.. 32 pixels worth) can connect together into Hie negative terminal of charge amplifier 4907. Touch drive segments 4405 can be driven as described above. A finger approaching top glass 4408 can perturb the electric field between vertical black matrix lines 4403 and touch drive segment 4405. The pe;lurbation can be amplified by. charge amplifier 4407 and further processed gks described elsewhere herein. Because of the depth of touch sense lines 4403 in thc display: the minimum distance between a 1Sager or touch object and sense lines 4403 may be limited. This can decrease the strength of d e touch signal. This can be addressed by reducing the thickness of layers above the much sense layer, Thereby allowing a closer approach of the finger or Older touch ob ccl to tile sense lines. ConceptX [0226 Concept X is i!lusuated in Figs. 45 and 46. The slack-up For Concept X, shov,.n in F'ig. 45. can be b tsic:]llv identical to thn! ol'a standa 1 'd LCI). Touch sense layer 4501 can be embedded within the \"c, 0 layer (I-1"O2). xxhich c:ul setre the dual pt purpose 1 providing the Vco,u voltage plane and acting as thc oulpui of the touch consume. The touch drive layer can also be embedded within an cxistiug LCI-) layer. For example, touch drive can be located an bottom glass 4503 and can be impact ofthe I,CI) elccl line ci:cuitrv (see Fig. 5). The select circuit car thus serve a du d purpose of providing g ltc sign tls Fcor the subpixcl Tl:Ts aud the touch drive signal VSTMFigure 46 is a lop vie\v of Conccpl X showing one possible arrangement ofthe touch sense la\ r Raith ils floating pixels 460I embedded in tile ¥'co r layer. Conccpl H 102271 Concept t-t is illustrated in Figs. 47-50. Concept It need riot include any ITO outside the top glass or plastic layer of the display. As a result, lhe manufacturing processes can be very siinilar Io cxisting display manufacturing processes. 102281 As shown in Fig. 47, lhe loucb-sensiJlg part Of lhe screen can be a lranspment resistive sheet 470 I, 1"or example, a glass or phistic substrate having an unpatlerncd layer of ITO dept/sitcd thereon -l-he Vco:a layer of the display may be used forthis toucla-sensing part. Because this layer need not be pauerned, a photolithography step can be eliminated from the manufacturing process as compared to some embodimeE ts discussed above. For purposes of reference herein, lhe sides will be referred Io as north, soclth, east: aJ d ,,vest as indicated in the drawing 10229] A phlra/ity of switches 4 702 c m be arranged about the perimeter of lhe resistive sheet. These switches can be implcnaented as TFTs on glass. Also shoxvn are a plurality of conductive (Iols 4703. at each switch location, that can cormcct Vcox (on the top glass) lt the TFT layer on the bottom glass, in the bot'der region of the display. Switches 4702 can bc connected together into two busses, [br example, \viih the north and easl switches conneclcd IO one bus 4704 and the sottth a d west switches ccmrmcted to a second hus 470.5. 102301 For touch sensing, bewitches 4702 can be operated as folio\vs. "I[l' 1 C north and south switches can be used to m,:asure the Y-direction capacit:mce. "Ihc /el't and right side swilchcs ca be used to measure Ihc X-direction capacitance. lhe sxviichcs al the noFtb.c:asl and soutlaxvesl comers can be used for both X and Y measurc nc:lal Capacilance can be measured by' stimulating resistive sheet 4701 with a inodul: 1 lhm california \"MOD, illustrated in Fig. 49. f'he cturenl ( e.. charge) required to drive the sheet to the desired voltage can be measured and used to determine the location of the touch. 102311 Specifically. as illu.,strated in the waveforrns for Fi 49, in the absence of touch, the baseline capacitances d902 can indicate the current (charge) required to stimulate the sheet 4701 In lhe \" oc, voltage. In Ihe prcsence of touch, greater current 4903 (charge) may be required because ¢ 1" tllc capacitance of the !inger. This greater current is illustrated in the lower group of waveforms. The position of the touch can then be determined by simple mathematical combination of the baseline and signal wavel'orms as; illt,sunted in Fig. 49. ]02321 An equivalent cii'cuit lbr the lot+ch screen during the X-direction (i,e, east-west) measurement is i/lustraled in /rig. 48, C PARA 4801 can be the distributed parasitic resistance c l" the sheet: and C_FINGFR 4802 can be the capacitance of a touch: c'.g., located al)prc, ximately 75% of the way, to tile east side. Tile block diagrams indicate how the plate can be driven to Vx or) and how the charge can be measured, combined, processed, and sent to tlm host. 10233] Figure 50 illustrates how Col cepI H can be imegrated with an I..CD. Specifically, conductive dots 5001 can connect to the "I'FT layer, which can allovv resistive sheet 5002 (VcoM) to be modulated Ibr display operation. Touch sensitive operation and display; operation can be time multiplexed. for example, assuming a 601Iz screen reflesh rate. coHesponding to a 16ms LCf) update period, pm-t of Ibis time can be used !or nJlJng inli,rmation to lle I..('D, and another par! can be used I'or IOtlCh scilsing. I)t:ring I.CD updating. \ij ot) can be \;<oxa flom Ihe I_CL) d 1 delivery circuit. 13u!ing touch selqsing, wavcli,ttns having dillerent flequencies and amplitudes may be used depcndinu on the exact details; of the touch system, such as desired SNR, parasitic capacitances, etc. It shield also be noted theft the touchsensing circuitry in this en b 0 c!ia 1 lc 1 m illustrated in block diagr, ml f m, can either be late.grated into the LCI) driver or can be a separate circuit. Cent:opt ,! 102341 (_'or cept .l, like (.'oncept 11, need iiot include any ITO outside the lop glass or plastic laxor < f the display. Physical u 0 nst 1 -uction of" Concept .l is illustrated in Fig. 51. Tlletouch-scrisingsurfimecunbea resistivesheclS]01 like Concept l-t, but patterned into a number of row strips 5102. Pauemmg ma``' bc accomplished by photolithograply, laser deletion, or other known pauerning tcdmiques. By patterning resistive sheet 510l into a plurality of strips 5102, tile switches along the top and botlol'n (nollh and south) can be eliminated, leaving cast and ',vest switches 5103 connected to the row strips, l:ach row 5102 can be stimulated in sequence, using, for example, the Vr oD v,,aveform 5201 illustrated in Fig. 52. "]'he current (charge) required to drive each row 5102 to the modulation voltage can be a function el the capacilancc o[ the rn\v, which can be a combination of Ihe parasitic capacitance (C_PARA 5301, Fig. 53) lor a given row and the capacitance of the linger or other touch object (C_FiNGER 5302: Fig. 5.3). [02351 As shown in l-ig. 52, the signal in the presence of touch 5202 can be mathematically combined v,'ith the baseline signal 5203 to compute the coordinates of the touch. "Fi 1 e Y outpttts c:ua be determined by the centroids of Z outputs for each row. 'l'he X ottlpuis can be dctcrnlined bv a wcighlcd average of the X outputs tbr each row. 11}2361 I'igure 54 shows how lhe Conccpl J touch sensor can be integrated with an LCD. Conductive dots 5401 c m connect Vcot, t on the to]) glass to the "l'l;"l' layer on the bottom glass. Touch and display opcralions need not be time division multiplexed. Rather, while a portion of the display' is being updated, another portion may be scanned for [erich Various t,zchniques lor so doing are discusscd above with respect to other emb(>dmlcrils. TI!e tntich sensing may use different frequencies :1 1 1(1 ,i.mpliludes. bill 111giy be phase synchronized \viii1 the LCD row ii 1 vcrsiol 1 . Sxvitches 5402 Call be implemented as l-I:Ts on glass. 1 he MeHsiilelnClll ciicuitrv can either be inic'graled with the LCI) conlrollor or a sepflr:3lC colllpOnei11. Concep! L 102371 In Cc nccp, i L. active "1"1:'I" layers c3n be added to lhe color fihei glass, to allow J sc,.zmcnted ITO lay'el tu pJox.icle multiple ltmctioils simullancou.,d) across clifferen! regions of an I_CD display. A stackup diagram for Concept L is illustrated in Fig. 55. Concept L can contain tile same numheroflTO layers asa standard LCD display. However. x,,.llile ITOt 5509 and other structures 5507, 5508 on bottom glass 5511 caJ1 remain standard, an aclivc l'f:'T layer 5501 on the color filter glass 5505 can allow a region (e g,., a horizontal roy,,) of ITO2 5504 to be switched between the role of VcoM, touch drive, or touch sense. Figure 56 illustrates a Concept L display with a horixontall.vsegmented [TO2 layer 5504. Different regions of the display are concurrentl.v: undergoing Vco. modulation (region 5601) and/or being written (region 5602); providing touch stimulus (region 5603) being measured to provide touch sense (region 5604); and maintaininga hold state (region 5605). The transistors in the active "ll:'l' layer 5501 can switch the signals for each horizontal row to the desired function for a specified time intc,wal. Each region can have equal exposure to each state, in tim same sequence, to substantially eliminate nontmifo,n-lily. Because providing touch stimulus may distttrb the voltage ac,oss the I_C. LCD pixel writing can take place just after the touch stimulus phase to reduce tile time duration of any disttubance. LCD pixel writing fo a region can occur dtuing V : 0 .x 1 modulation: while adjacent segments can be undergoing Vcox modulation to maintairl unil'onn boundary conditions during pixel w, iring. 102391 The color filter plate can bc formed using a process similar Io the process used for the active array. Forming the additional "1I:"I" layers may involve additional steps, but the back-end processing of" the t\x.o substrates can remain substantially similar to that of a standttrd LCD. These techniques can +,lluw such displays to scale to larger-sized panels without using Icnv-resistivit? 1TO. ConceplsMI andM2 10240] Figures 57 and 58 sho,.v slack-up ctia ralns for (oilucpls b, l l and NI2. respectively. Conccpisr,.ll and.',,12 can add layers ofpat crncd ITOand metal Io tile color filler uluss lot touch sensing. \Vhi!c concepts M I +mcl M2 arc similar. {)no difl'erence relates to (liffercnl uses of the 1Tel and 11O2 layers. Concel t M I setting/holding I.CD pixel voltages) aqd touch drive (v,,hcn not writing pixel voltages). Concept M2 can use IT()I 5801 For touch drive, and can use 11"O2 5802 !'t r Vcov and touch sense. }:'or both Concepts M1 and/','!2, top glass 5703, 5803 need not include any transistors or other active components. 102411 In either concept MI or M2, Vco,, can be segmemcd to allow one region of the display to keep a constant V'c.oM during display updating ,..vhi}e another -egion can be i,',dependcntly scanned for touches. This can reduce interference between the toucla-sensir, g and display f`unctions. Figures 59,60. and 61 show an exemplary display (con'esponding lo Concept M2) that has been scgmemed into three legions (5901, 5902, 5903; Fig. 59). and v,:herein two regions can be si nultaneouslv touch-scarred (e.g.: regions 5901. 5902) while a third region's display pixels can be updated (e.g., Jegion 5903). On the left side of Fig 61: twenty seven vertical d 1 ive lines610l in the IFO I and M I (metal 1 ) layer's can provide dkree different regions with nine touch columns each. Each dti\'e line (3 per !ouch column) can have a conductive dot (not shown) down to the anay glass, and can be 10 uted to a driver ASIC. 102431 The right side Of" Fig. 61 shov,'s the possible modes for the segmented horizo 1 3ta] rows of the 11O2 layer, which include Vc 0 1 and VIIOLO t'oJ' a first sel of alternating rows 6102 and V(.oM VuoLi), and \;sE s - I'ora second set ofalten aling rows 6103. Each ITO2 row can connect via a conductive dol ('not showt" 0 do\,.TI Io the reray glass, flom which the nt de of the R ., carl be sv,itched using I.l'PS ll-"T \,..ilches. The right side of Iri o. 61 sl oxvs t\vent.v-one sense rows. of" which fourteen ,._'un be sensed l nv time (although other nt 1 nlbels of ro,.',.'s could also {)e toole). 102441 I"igulc 62 shoxvs the chcuit diagram f 01 touch sc,lsing in the exemplm,.- dispbLv illustrated in Figs. 59, 60: :rod 61. \;s ,: d i,..e 6200 sends a signal Ib ough metal d 1 ivc column 6202. which can have a resistance of l>,,,,...z..,.,j and a parasitic capacilallce o1 Cc -,. loucll capacitance C's c.m bc measure actoss the I'lO row. which can ha\.e a Jcsisl:mcc of R,,,_:., ,, and a parasitic capacitance of C,, 02, .. The iouch-sen ing charge can also bc affectc:.d by two addhional resistances. lt 1 and Rbo,j<T, before reaching charge ample Iicr 6204. A display tiame update ralc of 60fps call correspond lo a touch scan rate of 120f)s. If desired (e.g. in small muhi-touch displays) designers may choose to reduce the touch scan rate (e.g., to 60fps). thereb.v saving power and possibly reducing complexity. As a result, sorne regions of the display can be left in a %okt stale" when neither display updating nor touch scanning is oecul-ri_ng in lhat region. 10246] l:'igule 63 shov,s a display in v,.t-fich the display regions can be scanned and updated hori/.ontally instead of vertically (as in Fig. 60). The touch drive and touch sense regions can be interleaved so lhat a stimulus applied to touch drive row 6301 can be simuhancously sensed flo.m l,.,.'o sense rovvs 6302 and 6303, as indicated bv sense field lines 6305. The black mask laver can be used to hide metal wires and/or gaps in ITO layers, f:or example, the metal drive lines: etched gaps in I'I-O2, and etched gaps in flOI can be fully or pmlially hidden behind the black mask (as shown in Fig. 64). This can reduce or eliminate the visual impact lhesc items may have on the displav's user. Concept M3 ,'ks shown in Fig. 65: (concept ,",,13 CLlll 1 1 2 similar to Concepts MI and M2, but with touch drive and touch sense integrated into a single, segmented ITO layer 6501. \.'lille various embodiments described above included drive arid sense electrodes on separate layers, (cmcept M3 can hnclu,..le drive and sense electmclcs in the same plarlc. A dielectric laver 6502 cml be added to shield the touchsensing t]lClllelltS f 1 o 1 ] 1 their electrical fields .m,.I/or effects. Figures 66 and 67 illustrated: a Concept M3 display segmented into tlnree regions 6601, 6602, 6603 each of which cml alternate lh;ough a Touch stim/sense l)hasc, gi LCD pixel v, -iling phase. ,rod ci hcHd phase dining decry cvclc update of H 1 al enables pmlilioning II'm display. ITO1 rows 6801 can connect via conductive dots 6802 to LTPS sv,,itchcs on the TFT glass lhat switch the voltage for the row between Vcot and VHn f Tl'u'ee sense lines 6803 can bc used for each column (one sense line For cach region), with the lines multilevel so thai the signal fbr the active region can be measured in the corresponding timcfrarne. I)uring touch scarring for a region, the touch drive elements corresponding to a row in the region can be activated, and all of the columns for that row can be simultaneously sensed. During the time that one region of the display is scanned For tOtlchcs. another region can be m0dulaling Vc >x and/or updating the display pixcls. 102501 Metal segm'mnls (6805 in Fig.. 68) can be added Ic regions oflhe 11O to reduce the resistanceofthe 11'O. Fm examplc. :;horl metal scgmenis can be added lo /he I'I'O1 drive electrodes 6804 Io reduce phase delay of tim lnuch signal. "lhcse metal lines rnay be hidden behind a black mask layer. [02511 As illustrated in Fig. 69, guard traces 6903 can bc used /o block field lines between the touch and sense electrodes that do nol pass up through the glass where they would be affected bv a finger or olher touch object. ]'his can reduce noise and chance the measured effect of touches to the display. Figure 70 shows a top-view 7001 and a cross-section 7002 of a display without guard traces, in v,..hich a narrow ooap separates the ro\vs of touch-sensing ek:ments., e.o.. drive electrodes 7003 and sense electrodes 70(:.,4. (;rounding the ITO2 layer 6905 (Vco,,,!) while touch sensing is active can shield touch sensing mid display functions from one another. Figttrc 69 shows a lop-view II I01 and a crosssection 6902 of a display that includes grounded guard Traces 6903 between rows of Touch-sensing clcnlents on r[o1, og., drive electrodes 690..1 and sense electrodes 6905. ConceplsPi andl'2 102521 Concepts Pl md P2: like Concept J\'13, c:m provide touch d 1 ive anti Iouct 1 sense electrodes in tile stune planc, llowever, (.'onccpls P] and P2 can provide an additional benefit oF indium iduall\,-addlessable loch-pixcls, as shown i 1 l FJ 71 F..: ch Iot.lch pixel c;m i 1 ]clucte a drive elecl 1 ode 7102. <l sense elecirode 7103, and corresponding drive lines 7]04 and sense lines 71U5 that can be individually routed and connected to a bus oil l e border of tile display. These lines may be formed usino conductive black mask, thereby allowing black rnask areas aheady present in the display to provide additional sen'ice Iior touch sensing. ,,\llernativel,..: Ihe lines may be metal lines disposed behind a black matrix, which can be a polyn cr black matrix. [02531 Figure 72 shov,,s a st;lckup diagram for Concept P1. Concept PI can difl'cr from a standard LCD process in various respects. For example, a portion o1" Ihc standard pnlylner black mask can be changed 1o black chrome with lowresislance metal backing. These conductive lines can then be used to route signals to and from tile touch pixels. A layer of paltemed 1TO 7202 can be added I)ehind the black mask in an additional mask step. STN-slyleconductive dots 7203 cml be added to route tim drive and sense signals lbr each touch pixel to the LTPS TFT plate (e %, using 2 dols per touch pixcl). ]'he color I?ller layer and lhe boMering planarization layer 7204 can also be thickened to decrease the capncitar|ce bet',veen the touch drive and Vco q. 10254] Figure 73 shows a stackup diagram for Concept P2. In addition to irlcoll)orating the Four changes described above with respect to Concept P], Ccmccpl t:'2 can nlso include a I)allerned ITO layer 7301 that can be Leased to create a segmented \;c 0 1 . Segmenting Vco: can isolate touch drive and display operation, thereby potentially improving fine signal-to-noise ratio. Figure 74 shoves a circuit diagram highlighting lhe Vc: 0 x 1 signal coupling For Concept P2. Keeping independent buses (\"holdbtJsl and Vholdlms2) for rclurn curlcnt cal! reduce li 1 t coupling charge. Also. using complemenlcuy drive for half of tile louch pixcls can reduce tile return current in Vholdbus]. 1112551 Figure 71 and 75 illuslrale an exemplac3 roiling oftouch sense arid touch drive lincsloand flora nonsense and&i,,'epixels. A sel ofdriveaiM sense lines can be roulcd hnrizonlally from bus lines 7501. 75{)2 at the sides of the display to eactn individual touch pixel 7101. l'hese lincs can be hi&len behind a black mask Dyer. ur can be incorporated i lo a coi 1 duclivo black matslc laver. Ticks routing can also bc oll a single layer. Signals for individual touch pixels can be addressed and multiplexed through the bus lines using Ifl'PS lt-"l"s. 102561 The ability to drive individual pixels, rather than whole rows, can be used to reduce parasitic capacitance, lndividuallv-addressdble touch pixels can also allow the touch array to be scanned in "random access" mode. rather than just row-by-row. This can increase flexibility in interlacing touch sensing and display updating. For example Fig. 76 illustrates a possible scan pauezn. Because the system can scan the touch pixels in anv desired pattern. a sca palte,n can be designed that eJlsures that ad.jacenl rows and adjacent pixel are nevel driven at lle same time, theteby dividing flinge #leld interaction thai can Jcsult in signal loss or l looker signal-to-noise 1 atio. In Fig. 76, the squares 7601 and 7602 each comprise one drive electrocie and one sense electrode. Squares 7601 correspond to in phase drive while squares 7602 correspond to 180 degree out-of-phase drive signal. In the figure, two ro .s (totaling tv,.enty pixels) c m be covered in Ii\.'e sequences, wilh four pixels scammd at a lime. Concept D 102571 Another embodiment: Concept D, can support multi-touch sensing using l,.vo segmented ITO la3'els d an additional transistor for each touch pixel. Figure 77 shows a circuit diagram for Concept 1). !)uring display updates, the circuit car, t'tmction as in a standard LCD display. Gate drive 7700 can drive I,.vo t 1 ansist 0 rs (QI 7702 and Q2 7704), tJlereby allowing signals from \/co bus 7706 and dala lines 77.08 to transfer charge o a set of czlpacilors controllmg the I.C (Cxj 7710, CLci 7712. and CL¢ 2 7714). \Vhen transistor Q2 7704 is turned ofl" \Z(or 7706 is disconnected liom Csv 7710. allowing decode line 7706 Io be used for touch sensing. Specifically, V¢oM line 7706 can be t, sed to send char e thruuoh C N 7716 and C'ot.r 7718: thiough the delta line 7708 (vdlich ,nets as a Iot,ch sense line) into charge an+plifier 7720. A conductive object (such as a user's finger, sl.,,.lus, etc.) approaching the display can peHtJrb lhc capacitances of the system in a ma:mcr that can be measured by the charge alnplilie, 7720. 11)2581 Figures 78 and 79 show stackup diagrams for a sub-pixel in a Concept D-based display. I 11 Fig. 78, thc lTOl layer can be segmented into two plates, A 7722 and C 7726. Ti 1 e ITO2 laver carl be scgmemed into islands (e o.. B 772'-4.') thai cram bc located over sub-pixels and serve as lhc counter-electrodes to the plates in the ITOI layer. During display update, vohage differences bet',vecn island 7724 and the plates (A 7722, C 7726) can be used lo control liquid crystal 7804. During touch sensing, perturbations to the capacitances Ihroughoul the sub-pixel (eg.. C l, C2, Cin, Cout, and Cst in Fi 129) can be measured to determine the proximity of a conductive object. 102591 Figure 80 shows a combined wiring and stackup dia uram 10r Concept D. Fig. 81 shows a physical realization lbr one embodiment ofConcq)l D. 2.3.2. F.Ily-lntegrated IPS-based LCDs In-plane switching (IPS), as illusmued schematically in Fig 82, can be used to creme LCD displays \,,.ith widm" viewing angles. While some I.CDs (such as twisted ncmatic LCDs) use vertically-ananged electrode pairs (e.g., as shown in Fig. 21")), in 1PS LCDs both electrodes 8201,8202 used to control orientation of the liquid crystals 8203 can be parallel to one another in the same layer (e+g, in a single plmm). Orienting the electrodes in this way can generate a horizontal electric field 8200 tlu'ough the liquid crystal. ,,vhich can keep the liquid crystals parallel to the front of tile panel, thereby increasing the ,,'ie' .ing angle, liquid crystal molecules in an IPS display arc not anchored to layers above or below (as sho\v 1 l in Fig. 82. for example), but instead can rotate Freely to align themselves with electric field 8200 while rclllaining parallel to one another m d tl e plane of lhe display elec'tmde:s, figure 83 shoe's a inore rcalislic urrangcH'lenl ot an inteldigilaled their ul' electrodes 8301, 83(12 in a display thin can use in-plane switching. [0261 ] I?,ecause IPS displays lack a \"cox,: ln.vel Iha! can also be used for tcmch drive or touch sense, some etnbocliments or the i)rescm in\'cntion can provicle Iouch-scn hlg capabilities by allowing d c s'lme electrodes used t' r display updaling Io also be used for touch sensing. 1 hcs electtodes can be complimeuied lw additional circuJlry. In some embodinmms discussect above; 1ouch pixels ca nvcrlap a laJLz number of display pi.xcls. In contrasl: because the ]PS embodiments discusscd below carl use the same elecuodes used for display control and {ouch sensing: higher touch resolution can he obtaiJmd wilh little to no addiHonal cost. Ahernalively, a number of touch pixels can be grouped to produce a combined touch signal with a lower resolution. ConceptE [02621 One IPS embodiment, Concel)t E. is illuslrate(I in Fig. 84. .As memioncd above, the electrodes in ]PS-based touch sensing displays can be i,a the same plane mlcl can have an interdigitated structure (as shown in Fig. 84). \Vhile electrode A 8400 and clectrode B 8402 can he used to orient the liquid cr\'slal layer during display updating, Ihese same electrodes c m also be used (in combination with additional elements) to achieve touch sensing. For cxample, Concept E can use additional switches g404 to change the drives for a set of signal lines based on whether lhe pixel is undergoing dispJa.v updating or much-sensing. Concept E can also include capacitances (CIN_A 8406: COUF_A 8408. CIN_B g410. and COU'I'_B 8412) and two transistors (transistor Q I g414 and transistor Q2 8416) Io control \,AJen the electrodes will be used for display updalh g or touch sensing. 102631 l)uring touch sensing, transistors Ol g:114 and Q2 8418 are turned off, discomaecting the electrodes flom display signals and allov, ing the cleclrodes lo be used to measure capacitance. l-he 'v'u v mc',al line 8:116 can then be cormec ccl to lottch sli 1 nulatior! signal 841,1. This stimulation signal can be sent Through CFN A 8406 and C IN 13 ,R410 to COU'F A ,R40g and (-OL:I" 13 8412. which can connects to charge amplJlier 8422. A capacitance Csrc,, (not shown) bel\,,'een CIN and COl.!"l" can be used to deled touch. \ ,'he! 1 the sense pixel is not hcing lot.robed, charge delivered to li e charge ampliticr 8422 can depemt mainly on he capacitance between II e two pai;s of (7:IN and C()UT capacitors. \q en an object s!. 2 ch as a finger) approaches ,he electrodes;. the (-s 1 , 3 capacitance carl be perturbed (c g. lu,aered) and can be measured hv charoc anqqificr ,I-'122 as a chan,ze in tile amount 0f charge trunsl rred The values for CI-N and COLIT can be: sclccled Io fit a desired input range for charoe amplilicr 422 to optimize touch siD al slrenglh. ]0264] -l'he €leclrodes can be used to perlbrm touch sensing wilhoul ncgalively affecting lhe dislHay slate by using a high-frequency signal during touch sensing. Because I.C molecules are large and non-polar: touches can be detected without clanging the display state by using a high-frequency field that does not change or irnp se a DC componerll on the P,.MS voltage across the I.C. Figure 85 shows a stackup diagram lbr Concep! E. As described: all touch elernenls can be l,.)rnled on "I'I:T plate 8501. Concept Q Another embodiment of an IF'S-based touch-sensing display, Concept Q, also permits the TFI" glass elements of an LCD (such as metal routing lines. electrodes, etc.) to be used for both display and touch sensing functions. ]\ potential adva,-,tage of such an embodimerlt is that no changes to display factor.',.' equipment arc required. The ordy addilicm to conventional I..CD fabrication includes adding the touch-sensing electronics. 10267] Concept Q includes two types of pixels, illustrated in Figs. 105 and 106. Pixel type :\ is illustrated in Fig. 105. Each i)ixel 10501 includes three lermirmls, a select terminal 10502. a data terminal 10503, and a COllllllon terminal 10504. Each of Ihe A type pixels ha\'e ll 1 eir common lcrmirlal connected along colurrms 10505 (o form touch-sensing columns. Pixel type B is illuslr:tled in Fig. 106. t: 1 ch F, ixel 10601 also includes three terminals, select 1060-2: data 10603: ,:i 1 l(l co111111o11 1060-i. Each of tile B type pixels Im\,c their common terminal connected al,.mg ro\vs 106(15 to lbrm touch sensing rn\vs. The I:,ixels can be arranged : > sho\vn in l-ig. 1(17 ilh a plurality of touch sense ro,.\.s 10702 a 1 d a pluraHil? 1 touch sense ccHumns 10703. A touch sensing chip 10701. which can include lhe drive stimulation and sensing circuitry can be connected Io the rows 10268] The touch sensing chip can operate as follows. During a flrsl time period, all of the rows and columns can be held at ground while die I,CD is upclaled, hi some cmbodimen{s, this may be a period of abnt, 12ms. During a next lime period d e A [),pc pixels, i.e.: [ouch columns, can be driven \vilh ,z sHmulus waveform while d e capacitance at cach of Lhe 13 type pixels, i e., touch rows, can be sensed. During a next ume period: lhc B type pixels. ie., much rows, can be driven x',:ith a stimulus wavcform while fl e capachance at each oflhc A lype pi.xcls, Le, much columns. can be sensed. This process can allen repeal Thc l\vo touch-sense periods can bc about 2ms. The stimulus wavetbrm can lake a varicly offbrlns. In some embodiments it may b : a sine wave of about 5V peakto-peak v,.ifi-j zero DC offset. Other lime periods and waveforms may also be used. Concept G 102691 One issue tlmt can arise in an JPS-b;.2sed ouch-sensing display is lhul a lack of shielding between Ihc touch and the LC means a finger (or otllcr touch object) can affect the disphly output. For instance, a finger touching the screen cm afl'ecl the fields used to control the LC. causing the display to clistorl. One solution to this issue can be Io l uz a shield (e.g., lransparenl ITO layer) between Ihe user and lhe display sub-pixels, l lov,,ever, such a shield can also blucl,: tile electric liel(ls used for touch sensing, thereby hindering touch sensing. [02701 One embodime'x, Concept G: overcomes lhis issue bv Ilil)ping the layers of lhe display as shown in he slacl,:up diagram in Fig. 86. ]his can place I.,C 8600 (,n Ll 1 C opposite side of the TFT plate S602 £iom d c user. As a resuh: Ihe field lines used lo control H e 1_(2: ,q601) can be generally oriented away from the touch side of fin(, I,CD. "Finis c:m allow metal alias, such a lhe data linch, gale lines, and electrodes, thai are now belxv(:en [he touclunk2 ubjecl and lhe LC $600 to provide: pr rlial OF fuji slnielding for 'the LC. Concept F .,\nothe 1 cn 1 l oc!in 1 ent. ("oncc:pt ]7 (illustrated in Fig. ,qT). caI' reduce di.-,pl y penulhntion while leaving lhc I_(.'D dalz 1 bus unchal Ccl (in relation h non-touch IPS displays) and without requiring additional tTO layers o1 making the alignment of lavers more difficult. Instead of using a shared d ta line (as in Concepts E and G), Concept F call reduce potential display perturbation by adding a set of routed metal lines in n nlctal layer (MI) that cm serve as output sense lines 8700. These Otll])t',l sense lines 8700 can run vertically underneath the display circuitry across the full area of the display, as sho',vn in Fig. 87 md in the stackup diagram tot a Concept f: sub-pixel shown in Fig. ] 34. Bv using a separate nletal laver tot output sense, Concept }: call allow one 88 Ihe transistc>rs shown for Concept E (Fig. 84) to be removed Note also that Concept F ilips the layers of lhe display to Iiirthcr redt 1 ce polcnlial display perturbation, as described above with respect to Concept G. 3. Enabling Technologies A vaaiety of aspects can apply to many of Ihc embodiments described above. Examples of these ,ire described below. 3.I.DITO 102731 In re'any embodiments, I1O may be deposited and patterned on two sides of a substrate. Various tectmiques and processes for doing so are described in U.S. Patent ,.\pplicalion No. 11/650.049: titled "Double-Sided louch Sensili',.'e Panel With ITO Metal Elcctiodes.' liled .January 3, 2007. \vhich is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. 3.2.Replacing l)attcrncd ITO with Metal [112741 \.'<uio,as embodirnei 1 ts can eliminate tile p:ltterned ITO la',.cr ih 1 l fen]is touch sense elcclrodes and replace laver with very then metal lines deposited Ol1 o11e ()f the layers, for example, on the lop glass. This t:<m have a nunlbcr o1 ziclv lnlagCS, incll.idJng climinatino ,in lfO proc:.:sslng step Additionally. the sense line oloclrodt:.'s nqav be 1 ilfide q/iiic lhin (i' (..'., on the" order of10 mlcltms), so ihal they do !101 ii 1 "cr re with xr u<- l perception o! r.i' 1 e display This redueiic>n in line thiekr 'ss can nlso ledl_Jcc tPio parasitic capg_tCilailCe which c n enha 1 lco variotis :I.e.peelS Of tOl.iCh screen opcraliO,l, a<; describe a{;c ,c. Finally. bec<qil?,e iho light from the display does not pass through a la,,e subslantiu]lv CO\'IC|'ed vitl'l If L). color and lransmissivilv can be improved. 3.3.Use of Plastic for Touch Sense Substrate 102751 Various embodiments described bo\,e have been described in the context of glass substrates. Ho;vevcr, in some embodiments, cost savings ,rod reduced thickness can be ztchievcd by replacing one or marc of these substrates wi h plastic. Figures 89 and 90 illustrate some differet 1 ces between glass-based systems, illustrated in Fig. 89, md plastic-based s.',slems, illustrated in Fig. 90. Although illustrated in the context of one pal'ticttlar embodiment, the prirlciple of substituting a plastic substrate may bc applied to any of the concepts. [02761 Figure 89 illustrates a stack up of a glass based system. Dimensions illustrated are exemplary using current technology, but those smiled in the as ,.,,.ill understand thal OlhCr lhJckncss may be used, particularly as the various fabrication technologies advance. Starting from the top, a cover 8001.. ha\ing an exemplary thickness of about 0.Smm, can be above :In index matching la',er 8902 (e..o., approximately 0.1gram thick). Below the index matching layer can be lop polarizer 8003. The top polarizer 8003 can have a thickJ 1 ess of appro×imatey 0.2ram The next laver can be glass laver g904 (co, about 0.Smm thick) having I'I'O patterned on each side. Sense eleclrodcs can be patterned on the mp side: for example, which cam also be bonded to FPC 8905 Thcdriveelcclrodesand VcoM layer for the I,CD can be p,attemcd on the bottom of glass I,l)er 8905. Belmv this can be another glass laver 89(16. having an exemplaly thickness of about 0.3ram. on which the TFT I l).'ers lot the display car bc !brined. The lop of this glass laver c:.m also be bo dcd IO FPC 8907 coj m:'clmo ro bc)lh the displa.v md lot 1 gh <..CllgJlq circuitry Sc)0g. t3clow this czm be lhe bouo'n polarizer: b ::low which can be the display bad<light 8910. 11'12771 "l-he m,crall thick 1 ess liom top to bottom can be approximately 2.0ram. Various Basics and discrclc cirCt.lil cor al2ort,zllts r'lla',,, be located all lhe glns; or colmeclcd via the tvPC?s. Pallerned ]']'O can be [)locct] r,r another plastic laver, i'c,r complex. the bottom side of the op cover, cm. [02781 Figure 90 illustrates a similar an'angemcnt i 11 \vhich middle glass laver 9001 can be reduced in Thickness by moving touch sense layer 9002 to plastic polarizer 9003. Patterning touch sense layer 9002 on plastic polarizer 9003 can be accomplished bv various known methods. Reduction in thickness can be accomplished because the glass necdnot be patterned on both sides. Because of handling isstles, glass used in 1..CD processes may be processed at a tl 1 ickness of about 0.5ram. for ex:unple, and then ground down to about, O.3mm, for example, after processing, l-lu,.ing circuit elements on both sides precludes grinding down the glass. However, because in lhe emhodiment of Fig. 90 middle ghlss 9001 has electrodes pauerned on only one side. it may be ground down, giving an overall IhickJaess reduction of about 0.2n;m. '['his ammgement nlaV include additional I:I'C connection 9004 to ti 1 e polarizer, which can be bonded usirig a low temperature bonding process. An additional advantage of using a plastic subslrale can arise in that materials with different dielectric constants can be used, which can provide fle×ibilily and enhance operation of capacitive sensing ci,.'cuits. [02791 A variation on ihe plastic substrate embodiment is illustrated in Fig. 91. Electrodes 9101 ('e.g.. driveor sense lines) can be patiemedon muJiiple lflaslic subslrale 9102, 9103 Ihat cart lhen be adhered together. Because lhe plastic substrates can be whimper ( ...<;. approximately half lhe ll of a glass subslrale) such leclmlques can allow e\,cn thhmer loach screens. 11128111 In aiat)thcr variation, illuslraled in Fig. 92, polyester suhstrale 9201 can have elecm)cles 9202 lmtterned on either side. This embodinlcru can include an access hole 9203 tluot gh subslrme 9201 for eommclion l etxveen lhc i vo sides. Polyester subst 1 ule 9201 can be clisposcd in coyer 9204 0 f 1 dc\'ice, such as a handheld computer. Still Lt 1 q )ti ei variation is illustrated in Fi:_,. 93, which illusirnlcs t polyester laver 9301 lulving l-IX) elccirodes 9302 pcutcrned on a top surface. \vhh access hole 9303 lhiough subslrale 930t to a second glass sut?slrale 930:i. also x\;iil-i IT() cicclrode 9305 p:llteined on tll ;: top stirl'dc:c. [02gl figure 9'-1 illuslrcttcs fill upsictc down view ot'a device, for example a handhold colllputcr 9-i01. 13)' ul>sJck' down. il is meaJ l Ihal lhe user surlbce oi" lhc device is ti 1 e bottom surface (nul shown). ]TO touch sensing electrodes 9402 can be pallerned cm the back oJ lhe user surface, with a slack up 9403 havino I-l'O disposed on the facing surface being disposed therein during device assembly. A further ',ariation of this concept is illustrated in Fig. 95, ,,vhid 1 shows ITO electrodes 9501 patterned on the inside of molded plastic cover 6702 and on the top of a stack up of layers 9503 according to one of the various emb 0 dimm 1 ts discussed herein, hi flm diagram of'l"ig. 95, the user face of the device can be top surface 9504. 102821 Figures 96.97, and 98 illustrate a sequence of seeps in manufacturing a polycster substrate having a pattern of ITO electrodes disposed thereon that mav be suitable tbr touch sensing as described herein. Figure 96 illustrates a palterned polyester sheet 9601 paltcrncd into a grid of isolated squares of ]TO 96()2. fhe ITO resistivity can bc about 200 ohms m" less. The individual electrodes can be approximately lmm by' lnml, \vith 30 mic 10 n gaps bctwcen. In the illustrated embodiment, heel 9601 can be approxirnately 50ram by 80ram. ,.vlQch cml be a suitable size for a handheld computer, nmliimedia pla,ver, mobile telephone, or similar device, although a variety of other sizes and!or applications will occur to floss skilled in lhe art. As illustrated in the sectional view, the sheet ,nay be as liIllc as 25 microns thick, ahhough dimensions of 25 to 200 microns may also be used. Obviously, this can provide sigmficant advantages in terms of dcvicc thickness. 1 12831 In Fi b 97. I-I"Cs 970I can be bonded Io the patlcrned substralc 9702. In Fig. 9S cover 9801. xv!m.:h can be. to example, an appro×imatdy 0.Smm Thick lave:r of P:\.IMA, can be adhered In the PE'I subslr tle 9802 using an optically clear ?,dhcsive. 3.4.Level ShiflerfDecodcr Integration with LCD Controller 102S41 In some embodiments, additional circuitry (active, passive, or both) carl be placed in the peripheral area of the LCD (see Fig. 6) to support delivery of Vs1 t, j signalslo Ihe toucl 1 drive se mcnls Details of the peripheral areacircui rv :rod its design rt lcs c?.n clci?end on Ihe particular mnt lac ring process dclails and on which IFT technology (;.e, PMOS, NMOS or CMOS) is used. The following four sub-sections discuss approaches for realizing peripheral touch drive circuits in vievv ofdiff'erenI drive circuit integration arrangements. 3.4.1. Discrete Level Shifter/Decoder Chip 102851 In one approach, a discrete level shifter/decoder COG can be-attached to the bollom glass (see Fig. 22). In this arrangement metal traces may be needed in the peripheral area. The number of traces can depend on the number of touch drive scgmenls, ;which may be less than tv,,cnty for small .displays. Design ob.iectives of this approach can include reducing capacitive coupling, which can be affected by the spacing betx*,.een touch chive traces, and the space between the louch drive traccs and other [.CD circuits in the peripheral area. l,ow trace impedance can also help reduce capacitive coupling between adjacent touch drive II'LtCgS. 10286] for example. tl e cm3abincd resistance of the longest trace: the level shifter/decoder output resistance, the conductive dot. and the ITO drive segment may bc limited to about 450 oluns The rc.,,is{ance of the touch drive I'fO may be aromad 330 ohms (assuming ITO sheet resistance of 30 ohms/sq and 11 squares), which can leave 120 ohms for other components. "l'he following lane shows one allocation of{his resistance tbr each compoJlenl in the touch drive circuit. ] Level shifteridccoder Output Metal Trace Condt,ctiveDot I IIOSegmenll I f l0 ohlns 100011 1 11'; [ 0 O11 1 115 r 330ohms j 1112871 Wider traces and!or lower ,,heet resistances may be used to obtain tile desired trace resistance. For example, foratrace resistance of 100 ohms. a {race width o1" 0.18 :am ol re,me nmv be desirable if lhe sheet resistance is 200 rnohn s/sq. ()f course, only the hmgcsl touch &i\,c traces need the grcalcsl width. Other touch drive traces, being co,resptmdingly shorter, mav h \e conespondinglysmaller widths. For example, if the shol'tcst trace is 5 mm, lhen ils width could be around 0.01 ram. [02891 Figure 99 slm',vs a simplitied dia-nam of the level shifter!decoder COO 9901 for Concept A. (For Concept B: transistor QI and ENB_LCD[xl decoder can be eliminated.) Registered decoder block 9902 can be comprised of thtec separate registered decoders, vd ich can be loaded one at a time. One of the three decoders can be selected by two signals from the Touch/LCD Driver and can be programmed using 5-bit dala. The decoder outputs can control the three transistors Q l, Q2, Q3 associated with each output section of the level shifter/decoder. Each output section can be in one of three states: ]) LCD (Ql on, Q2and Q3 off), 2) touch (Q2 on, QI and Q3 oft"), or .3) GND (Q3 on. Q1 and Q2 of 0. As mentioned above. Q2's OUlpUl resistance can be approximately. l0 ohrns or less to reduce Vs-ix phase delay, l"or Concept P,, lhe I_CD decoder and Q1 can be eliminated. 3.4.2. Level Shifter/Decoder Fully-Integrated in Peripheral Area [029!)] "/'he h.'vc} shifter!decoder flmction (Fig. 99) can also be filly integrated in the peripheral area of the bottom glass. With this approach, the type of TFT lecbnologv becomes relevant to poveer consmnplion. While Cb,,IOS TI"T Icclmolog)' in:.l.v give Ic>v,.'er power co lsumplioll, it mav bc more e:xpcnsi,.'e lhan NMOSorPMO,q. However, anylechno!ogymavbeuseddependJngonparlicular dc:dgn conslanls. 102911 "1'o further reduce touch drix.e resistance, the transistor width tnav be enlarged Io compensate t'c r lclatively low I_.TPS I'FT mobility (e.g, -50 cm'l\!*scc). 3.4.3. Level ShiflerlPeeoder l:'arlial/y Inlegraled in TouchlLgl) Driver 102921 Il 1 some embodi 1 'nC 1 atS, the lcvel shifter/decoder function can be partially irllcgrated i 1 'i tl' 1 c Touchll.CD I.) 1 i, and partially integrated iri the pcriphel+al arca This appi-oach can have scvcral be 11 el'i, ls including, for example. eliminating ('MOS in the peril)heral men: v, hich can rccluce cost. alJct climinati 1 m logic in the peripheral aiea. ,a.hich c:ui reduce power corlst,mplion. Figure I00 sl 1 o',vs a modified l"ouchll.OD Driver 100()1 and periphcr ll tri:msi>,lor ci 1 cciil 10002 that can b,.? tised in tlnis approach. lhe Icvel shifter and boost c 1 ,CUil I0003 can be integralcd on tile botlom glass and positioned between the segment drivers and the Touch!LCD chip. There can he one segment driver for each touch drive segment. Each touch drive segment can be in one of (htee stales: GND, modulated by Vsrv, or modulated by Vcot,,. In !his arrangcmenl level shifter circuits may be needed on lhe bottom glass to enable the low voltage ToucI LCD chip to control the Iransislor Switches. 3.4.4. Level Shifter/Decoder Fl,lly Integrated in Touch/LCD Driver [02931 In some embodimcnls, fi 1 e level shifleddecodcr functional can be c¢mlpletely intcgraled in Ihe Touclgl,CD Driver. By' moving the Lcvd shifler/dccoder function 1o the l'ouct LCD Dn\'cr. the separate level shifler!decodcr COG can bc elininaled, l":unhermorc, eliminating CMOS and logic from the periphcral alea can be achieved 10294] Figure 101 shows a simplit3ed block diagram of the fully integrated Toucl'dl_('D driver I0101. \vhich can include the boo l circuitry 10102 o generale V ,. Passive components (such as capacitors: diodes, and indt,clors) may also needcd: buh as with all l 1 e other approaches, have not been sho\vn for simplicity. 4. Uses Form Factors clc. ]0295] Exemplary applications of Ihc integral much screen IX'D desc,ibed herein ,.,,'ill no\v be dcscribed. Handhold compulcrs can be one advantageous application: including devices such as PDAs. muhimedia players: mobile telcpllones. GPS device';, etc. :.\(idilionally: the touch scret.'n may find application in |able( computers, , 1 OtCbook COIllptHcr dcsktop computers, inffwmalioll kiosks. and the like. 10296] l-'igure 102 is a pc,specti\c view of:in app}icaiion oFa touch sc,een 10201: in accordance ,.viHt one cmbodime,/t of lhe prcsent in\,enlicm. Touch screen 10201 can be conl'igmcd to ctisptny a graphical uscr interlace (GUI) including perhaps a l)oinler or cu,sor nq \,,:ell as other inI'onnation Io the user. By way of example: Ihe {ouch sc,ee,, may allow a ,,set Io move ap. J{lput poinle, o, make selecthms on the graphical user interleave by simply pointing al die GU! oil the display 10202, ]0297] In general, touch screens can recugnizc a touch event on the surface 10204 of the touch sclcell and thereafter output this inl'ormalion lo a host device. ]he host device may, for :xamplc, correspond 1o a conqpuler such as a desktop, laptop, handhetd or label computer. ]he bosl device can interpret the touch event and can perlbrm an action based on ll e touch event. The touch screen shown in Fig. 102 can be configured io recognize muliiplc touch evcnls thai occur ai diffcrenl locations on the touch sensitive su 1 ii ce 10204 of the touch screen at the same lime. As shown, the touched screen can, for example, generate separate tracking, sitznals S1-S4 liar each Iot 1 ch point T I-T4 thai occurs on the surface orthe touch screen at a given time. The muhiple touch evcnls can be used separately or together Io perform singular or multiple actions in Ilm host device. When used separately, a touch event may be u ed to perform a first action while a second touch event mav be cised to perlbrm a second action that can be diflL=rcnl than the irsl action. "l e actions may, for example: include n,oving aJl object such as a cursor or pointer, scrolling or panning. :ldjuslino control se,qings, opening a file or document, viewing a menu. making a selection: cxecuiing instructions, operutin.g a peripheral device connccicd to tim frost device etc. \Vhen used together: first and second touch events may bc used for pcrl'orming orle particular uction. The particular action may for cxamj-le include loooing Ohio a computer or a computer net>.ork, permitting authorized individuals access lo restricted areas o1 the comptHcr or conll)uler llCl\vorl<, hiding a user proille ,.Jss:ociatcd with a uscr:s prel'erred arrangcmcnl of lhc cu nl)uler desktop, permitting access Io web COlltelll. I;.mnchhig s parlicula2 pro.grain, 'i c ),plb g or cJecoding a iocssage, and/or lhe like. Re/erring back to Fig. ().-. touch 5:cleon 10201 inav be a sland ah)ne unit or may integraic x\ith other c!e\iccs \Vhcn sland alo,m, touch sctccn 10201 can acl like :l pcriphclal dcx ice (e g.. a mc, nilor) that can include ils own housilTg. .I.',, Island 01 le disp/<v :m mgemen{ L'glll I)(2 COIIp 2(l 10 a host d .,icc through wired or wireless connections. 'A"lmn inlegraled, touch screen 10201 can share a housing and can be hard wired into he host device, thereby/'urming a single unit. B v way of example, the touch screen 10201 may be disposed inside a variety of host de\,ices including but nol limited 1o general purpose computers such a desktop, laptop or fabler computers, handholds such as PDAs and media players such as music l)laycrs: o1 pm'fpl'/eral devices such as cameras, plinzels, mobile telephones, and/or lhe like. [03001 Figure 103 is a block diagrant of a computer system 10301, in accordance with one embodiment oflhe present invention. Computer system 10301 may correspond Io pt:rsonal computer s.vslems such as desktops, laplops.. tablets or handhelds. By way of example, the computer syslern n'my correspond to any Apple or PC-b ed computer system. lhe computer system may also correspond to public computcr systems such as inf'urmalion kiosks, aulomaled teller machines (ATM), point of sale machines (POS), industrial machines, gaming machines, arcade machines, vcnding machines: airline e-ticket terminals, reslauranl reservation terminals, customer service slalions, library terminals: learning devices, and the like. 103011 .As shown, computer system 10301 can inclmlc processor 56 configured to execute instructions and to carry out operations associatL'd 10302 computer system 10301. F'or exalnple, using instructions retrieved lbr example flom memory: processor 10302 may control the reception and manipulation of input and output data between component of computing s}slem 10301, Processor ]0302 can be a single-chip processor or can be implemented with multiple cornponents. 1 t3021 In mosl cases: processor 10302 Io.,.4ethcr with an opcraling s)slcm ope ares to execute compttter code and produce and u' e data. l'he contputer code and data may reside v,'ithi progran,1 storage block 1{')303 that ctm be opcrati\elv couplcd loprocessor 10302. Program slorageblock 10303 can provide a place to hold dala beillg used by compulcr syslcm 10301. 13), wav of example, the prograun storage block Iraqi',, include read-only memcn', (ROM) 1030-:1, randomaccess memory (ILAM) 10305, hard disk drive 10306, and/or the like. The computer codc and dutu could also reside on a removable storage medium and loaded or installed onto the computer s\;stcm when nccded. Removable storage media call include, for example, CD-I OM: PC-CARD, t]oppy disk, magnetic tape, and a network component. 10303] Computer system 10301 can also include an input!output (I/O) controller 10307 thai can be operatively coupled to processor 10302. 1/O controller 10307 may be integra(ed with processor 56 or it may be a separate component as shov,:n. I/O controller 103()7 can be con.figured to control interactions \vilh one or more 1/O de:'ices. I/O controller 66 can operate by exchanging data betv,:een the processor and the 110 devices that desire to communicate with the processor. The 1/O devices and the I/O comroller can communicate through data link 10312. Data link 10312 may he a one way link or i,\vo way link. In some cases, 1/O devices may be connected to I/O controller 10307 through wired commctions. In other cases, I/O devices may be cotmected to I/O controller 10307 through wireless connections. By' v,av of example, data link 10312 may correspond to PSI2, LISB. Firewire, IR, RF, Bluetoolh, or the like. 10304] Computer system 10301 can also include display' device 10308, eg., an ini,egral winch screen LCD as described herein, that cnn be Ol)crafivcly coupled to processor 10302. Display device 10308 may be a separate component (peripheral device) or may be integrated with the processor and program storage to li)mt a dcsklop computer (all in one machine), a lapi,op, handlleld or tablet or the like. Display dcuicc 10308 can be configured to display ;) graphical user imerface (Gk!l) it)eluding, I'or example, a pointer or cursor as well as other info,-malion displa>¢d t(', the user 103051 t)ispia) device 10308 call also include an inlcgral touch screen 10309 (showu separately for chuity, but actually integral \ ii,h the display) thut can be opcralivel>., coupled to the processor 10302. Touch qcrcen 10309 can be ,:on,qgmed m receive illptH f/'OH 1 a 1 aser's touch and lo send i'hJs i) 1 fO 1 H)atJO 1 ) Io processor 10302. Touch screen 10309 Call recognize touches and the positicu:, slmpe, size. etc. of touches on its surface. Touch screen 10309 can capon fl'm tou,.:hes to processor 10302, and processor 10302 can interpret the touches hi accordance with its programming. For example, processor 10302 may initiale a task in accordance with a particular touch. 10306] The touch screen LCDs described herein ma): lind particularly advantageous application in muhi-functional handhold devices such as those disclosed in U.S. Patent Application 11/'367,749. entitled "Multi-functional l landheld Device", filed March 3, 2006. which is hereby incorporated by ,eference. 10307] For example, principles described herein ,nay be used to devise input devices for a variet\" of electronic devices and comptlter s)'slcn s. These electronic devices and computer system may be any of a variety of types illustrated in Fig. 104. including desktop computers 10401, notebook computers I0402, tablet computers 10403, hand-held computers 10404, personal digital assistants 10405. media players 10406, mobile telephones 10407, nd the like. Additionally, the electronic devices and computer systems may be combinations of these types, for example, a device that is a combination o1" personal digital assistant: media player and mobile telephone. Other ahematio,ls, permutations, and combinations of the aforementioned embodiments are also possible. Morcox'er, the principles herein, though described \vilh reference to capacitive muhi-touch systems, may also apply to systems in which touch or proximity sensing, dcpcnds on other tcclmologies. It iS thcrerorc intended hat the l\dlo\vil g claims be intml)relcd as inclucline all alterations, pemlutations, combinations and equivalents of the R regmng.


ABSTRACT: An integrated liquid crystal display touch screen comprising: a first polarizer; a second polarizer; a first substrate having display control circuitry formed thereon, the first substrate being disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer; a second substrate disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer and adjacent the first substrate; and at least one touch sensing element disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer and not between the first and second substrates. Sensing Circuit .I -[ Processor Mem°rY Computer Circuit

1 An integrated liquid crystal display touch screen comprising:

a first polarizer; a second polarizer; a first substrate having display control circuitry formed thereon, the first substrate being disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer; a second substrate disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer and adjacent the first substrate; and at least one touch sensing element disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer and not between the first and second substrates.

2. The touch screen of claim 1 wherein the second substrate has a color filter disposed thereon.

3. The touch screen of claim 1 wherein the at least one touch sensing element comprises one or more touch sensors formed on the second substrate.

4. The touch screen of claim 3 wherein the one or more touch sensors fonned on the second substrate further comprise:

a first plurality of touch electrodes formed on the second substrate; a dielectric deposited over the first plurality of electrodes; and a second plurality of touch electrodes formed on top of the dielectric.

5. The touch screen of claim 4 wherein the dielectric has a thickness of about to 12 microns.

6. The touch screen of claim 4 wherein the first plurality oftouch electrodes fonned on the second substrate comprises ITO patterned to form a plurality of drive electrodes.

7. The touch screen ofclaim 4 wherein the first plurality of touch electrodes formed on the second substrate comprises ITO patterned to fonn a plurality of sense electrodes.

8. The touch screen of claim 4 wherein the touch electrodes are patterned to reduce visual artifacts.

9. The touch screen of claim 3 wherein the one or more touch sensors formed on the second substrate comprise active circuitry.

10. The touch screen of claim 9 wherein the active circuitry comprises one or more thin film transistors.

11. The touch screen of'claim I wherein the second substrate is glass.

12. The touch screen ofclaim 1 wherein the second substrate is plastic.

13. The touch screen of claim I wherein the at least one touch sensing element comprises a mutual capacitance touch-sensing arrangement.

14. The touch screen of claim 1 wherein tile at least one touch sensing element comprises a selfcapacitancetouch-sensing arrangement.

15. An electronic device incorporating all integrated liquid crystal display touch screen, wherein the liquid crystal display touch screen comprises:

a first polarizer; a second polarizer; a first substrate having display control circuitry fornled thereon, the first substrate being disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer; a second substrate disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer and adjacent the first substrate; and at least one touch sensing element disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer and not between the first and second substrates.

16. The electronic device of claim 15 wherein the electronic device is selected from the group consisting of a desktop computer, a tablet computer, and a notebook computer.

17. The electronic device of claim 15 wherein the electronic device comprises at least one of a handheld computer, a personal digital assistant, a media player, and a mobile telephone.

18. The electronic device of claim 15 wherein the at least one touch sensing element comprises one or more touch sensors formed on the second substrate.

19. The electronic device of claim 18 wherein the electronic device is selected from the group consisting of a desktop computer, a tablet computer, and a notebook computer.

20. The electronic device of claim 18 wherein the electronic device comprises at least one of a handheld computer, a personal digital assistant, a media player, and a mobile telephone.

21. The electronic device of claim 18 wherein tlle one or more touch sensors formed on the second substrate further comprise:

a first plurality of touch electrodes formed on the second substrate; a dielectric deposited ovcr the first plurality of electrodes; and a second plurality of touch electrodes formed on top of the dielectric.

22. The electronic device of claim 21 wherein the electronic device is selected from the group consisting ofa desktop computer, a tablet computer, and a notebook computer.

23. The electronic device of claim 21 wherein the electronic device comprises at least one of a handheld computer, a personal digital assistant, a media player, and a mobile telephone.

24. The electronic device of claim 21 ,,,,,herein the first plurality of touch electrodes formed on the second substrate comprises ITO patterned to form a plurality of drive electrodes.

25. The electronic device of claim 24 wherein the electronic device is selected from the group consisting of a desktop computer, a tablet computer, and a notebook computer.

26. The electronic device of claim 24 wherein the electronic .device comprises at least one of a handheld computer, a personal digital assistant, a media player, and a mobile telephone.

27. The electronic device of claim 21 wherein the first plurality of touch electrodes donned on the second subs{rate comprises ITO patterned to form a plurality of sense electrodes.

28. The electronic device of claim 27 wherein the electronic device is selected from the group consisting ofa desktop computer, a tablet computer, and a notebook computer.

29. The electronic device of claim 27 wherein the electronic device conlprises at least one of a handheld computer, a personal digital assistant, a media player, and a mobile telephone.

30. Ttle electronic device of claim 18 wherein the one or more touch sensors formed on tim second substrate comprise active circuitry.

31. The electronic device of claim 30 wherein the electronic device is selected from the group consisting ofa desktop computer, a tablet computer, and a notebook computer.

32. Tile electronic device of claim 30 wherein the electronic device comprises at least one of a handheld computer, a personal digital assistant, a media player, and a mobile telephone.

33. A mobile telephone incorporating an integrated liquid crystal display touch screen, wherein the liquid crystal display touch screen comprises:

a first polarizer; a second polarizer; a first substrate having display control circuitry formed thereon, the first substrate being disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer; a second substrate disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer and adjacent the first substrate; and at least one touch sensing element disposed between the first polarizer and the second polarizer and not between the first and second substrates.

34. The mobile telephone of claim 33 wherein the at least one touch sensing element comprises one or more touch sensors formed on tile second substrate.

35. The mobile telephone of claim 34 wherein the one or more touch sensors fonned on the second substrate further comprise:

a first plurality of touch electrodes formed on the second substrate; a dielectric deposited over the first plurality of electrodes; and a second plurality of touch electrodes formed on top of the dielectric.

36. The mobile telephone of claim 35 wherein the first plurality of touch electrodes lbrmed on the second substrate comprises ITO patterned to form a plurality of drive electrodes.

37. The mobile telephone of claim 35 wherein the first plurality of touch electrodes formed on the second substrate comprises ITO patterned to form a plurality of sense electrodes.

38. The mobile telephone ofclaim 34 wherein the one or more touch sensors formed on the second substrate comprise active circuitry.

39. A method of fabricating an integrated liquid crystal display touch screen comprising:

patterning a first ITO layer on a top glass of a liquid crystal display; placing a dielectric layer on the first ITO layer; and patterning a second ITO layer on the dielectric layer.

40. The method ofclaim 39 wherein the dielectric layer comprises a glass substrate.

41. The method of claim 39 wherein the dielectric layer comprises silicon dioxide deposited on the first ITO layer.

42. The method of claim 39 wherein the first and second ITO layers are patterned to reduce visual artifacts.

43. The method of claim 39 further comprising attaching one or more flexible printed circuits to the top glass.

44. A method of fabricating an integrated liquid crystal display touch screen comprising:

patterning a plurality of touch sensing electrodes on a top glass of a liquid crystal display; and patterning a plurality of thin fihn transistors on the top glass, wherein the thin fihn transistors are configured as input and output transistors for the touch sensing electrodes.