30-12-1983 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 01-00-1979829
Дата заявки: 23-02-1979


PATENT CLAIMS 1st softeners for - itexfiiien, by the fact characterized that it as active Komnonente a mixture of quart eras ammonium compounds of the formula O g 1…. N O--R3 X (I) I R4 where X an anion for quartäre ammonium compounds, R, and R2, which are within a molecule same or different, langkettige alkyl groups with in each case 13-19 C-atoms, whereby the alkyl groups are branched both geradkettig and in an extent of 30-70% related to the total number of langkettiger alkyl groups in the mixture, and R3 and R4, which are within a molecule same or different, kurzkettige alkyl groups with in each case 1--4 C-atoms mean, enthält.


2. Softener according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that Ri and RA are in the formula langkettige alkyl groups with in each case 13 or 15 C-atoms, whereby the alkyl groups both geradkettig and in an extent of 30-70% related to the total number of langkettiger alkyl groups in the mixture, branches out sind.


3. Softener according to requirement 1 or 2, by the fact characterized that g 1 and R2 are in the formula alkyl groups with 13 and 15 C-flavours, which consist of 65-75% C, J-groups and of 35-25% groups of gs, whereby the proportional data refer to the total number of langkettiger alkyl groups in the mixture, and that R, and R to 40-55 Gew. - % from straight and to 60-45 Gew. - %, related to the total weight of the mixture, out in 2-Stellung chains alkyl-branched out exist, whereby the alkyl groups in 2-Stellung predominantly Methylgmppen sind.


4. Softener after one of the preceding requirements in form of a solution or dispersion of the active component in a liquid Medium.


Softeners sew requirement 4, dadureh characterized that the liquid medium an alcoholic solvent enthält.


6. Softener according to requirement 5, by the fact characterized that the alcoholic solvent methanol, ethanol, a Propanol or butanol, preferably isopropanol, ist.


7. Softener after one of the requirements 4-6, by the fact characterized that it at least 50 Gew. - %, preferably at least 70 Gew. - %, the active component enthält.


8. Softener according to requirement 4, by the fact characterized that the liquid medium water enthält.


9. Softener according to requirement 8 in form of a dispersion of 1-20 Gew. - %, preferably of 1-4 Gew. - %, the active component in Wasser.


The available invention refers to a softener for textiles, that as active component a mixture of quart eras ammonium derivatives of langkettiger of aliphatic CO of amines enthält.


Regarding the use of quart eras ammonium derivatives of langkettiger amines with the formulation of Mitrein for the treatment of fabrics and/or F textilen [, e.g. from soft detergents, different Voro5 of impacts äehengebilden was made. Has itself proven that such means are useful, it was however difficult to formulate the means in a form which can be handled easily and at present the inclination exists 2 that such means the form of thick or halfliquid pastes haben.


It was now surprisingly found that from certain quart eras ammonium derivatives means formulated s to become to be able, those easily manageably sind.


The subject of the invention is a softener, that as active component a mixture of quart eras ammonium compounds of the formula R2o O g 1 N --R3 X (I) I R4 where X an anion for quartäre ammonium compounds, e.g. chloride, bromide, iodide or methyl sulfate, R, and RA within a molecule same or different are, langkettige alkyl groups with in each case 13 to 19 C-atoms, whereby the alkyl groups are branched both geradkettig and in an extent of 30-70% related to the total number of langkettiger alkyl groups in the mixture, and RA and R4, which can be within a molecule same or different, kurzkettige alkyl groups with in each case 1 to 4 C-flavours mean, enthält.


The alkyl groups RI and RA preferably are to approximately 50%, related to the total number in the mixture, verzweigt.


The bypass into R and RH becomes preferably predominantly by groups of methyls in 2-Stellung gebildet.


o RA and R4 are preferably Methylgruppen.


With preferential execution forms of the invention the substituents R and R2 are alike or different, langkettige alkyl groups with in each case 13 or 15 C-flavours, whereby the alkyl groups are branched both geradkettig and in an extent between 30 and 70%. It becomes particularly ùbevorzugt that the substituents RA and RA are langkettige alkyl groups with 13 and 15 C-flavours, which exist out approximately 65 to 75% C13-Gruppen and out approximately 35 to 25% C 5-Gruppen, whereby the proportional data refer to the Gesamtanzahi of langkettiger alkyl groups in the mixture, and that, related to the total weight of the mixture, RA and Po to 40 to 55 Gew. - % from straight and too to 45 Gew. - % out chains alkyl-branched out to 2-Stellung exist, whereby the alkyl groups in 2-Stellung predominantly groups of methyls sind.


According to invention softeners can manufactured, by converting a Quaternisierungsmittel R4 X either with a secondary amine RtR2 NH or with a tertiary amine RtRaRaN, where RI, Po, RA, R4 and X managing described the same meaning as. The secondary amine R R2 NH can be manufactured in different way, e.g., a) by heating the appropriate primary amine up with a suitable catalyst for elimination of ammonia, b) by alkylation of a primary amine with a äquimolaren quantity of an alcohol or an aldehyde or an e) by alkylation of ammonia with two molecular equivalents of an alcohol or an aldehyde. The tertiary amine RtP, 2 R3 N can be manufactured, by e.g. alkylating a) a secondary amine with methanol or formaldehyde or b) a kurzkettiges primary amine, e.g. Monoãthylamin, with an alkylating agent, e.g. with an alcohol, an aldehyde, an alcohol sulfate or an alkyl halide, alkyliert.


A particularly suitable source of primary amine for the use with the production of the secondary amine is for example a mixture of Aminen', R NHz and RaNH with the R, and RA the same meaning as managing defined, which exists out approximately 65 to 75% C 3 - amines and out approximately 35 to 25% C15 - amines, whereby the proportional data refer to the total number of langkettiger alkyl groups in the mixture, and where R and R: , related to the Gesamtgewieht of the mixture, too to 55 Gew. - % to the straight and to 60 to 45 Gew. - % out chains alkyl-branched out to 2-Stellung exist, whereby the alkyl groups are in 2-Stellung predominant groups of methyls. Such a mixture of amines, which is particularly suitable, is under the name “Synprolam” 35 bekannt.


The descriptive quaternisierten products are in o high mass effective soft detergents for fabrics and/or textile Fläehengebilde. They can be received, if one dissolves them in alcoholic solvents, in the form of freely flowing liquids. The preferential solvents are low alcohols, e.g. methanol, ethanol, Propanole and Butanole, whereby isopropanol is preferred as solvent at most. The preferential concentrations of the descriptive quaternisierten products depend a clear advantage in certain mass on the solubility in the solvent used in each case and on the viscosity of the received product, one obtained however generally in economic regard, if one manufactures a soft detergent, whose concentration is as high at quartärer ammonium compound as possible. It is improbable from there that solutions, the little than 50 Gew. - % the quart eras of the product contained, favorable and/or favourable are. Means, in those the quartäre connection in a quantity in the order of magnitude of 70 to 75 Gew. - % contained in isopropanol is, leave itself easy to manufacture, and it assumed that, if desired, means can be manufactured those up to 80 to 85 Gew. - % of the quart eras ammonium compound contain. The descriptive products are also in cold water easily dispersable, whereby one receives stable dispersions, the e.g. 1 to Gew. - %, preferably 4 to 10 Gew. - %, quartäre Ammonium3 salts to contain to be able and under addition of one or more additives, which are usually used in this area, e.g. a coloring material, an odoriferous substance, an optical Aufhellers and a nichtionischen surface-active means, to be formulated be able. If they are formulated on “o this way, the descriptive products are particularly valuable as soft detergents and lend to a textile material a softness and/or a soft grasp, which are at least so good, as softness and/or the soft grasp, which are lent by well-known formulations. “In addition textile materials, which were treated with reformulations, have in which the descriptive products are interfered, in the comparison with Textilinaterialien, which admitted formulations also after the state of the art were treated, superior Wiederbenetzungseigenschaften.


By the descriptive products textile materials become from synthetic fibers, e.g. made of nylon or “Terylen”, also antistatic characteristics verliehen.


Example 1 by heating a mixture up of amines, “Synprolam” 35, with 50 to 55 Gew. - % nickel on Kieselgnr containing catalyst “Girdler” G49B was manufactured secondary amine. The amine mixture “Synprolam” 35 had the following composition:


Gew. - % n-Tridecylamin 36 2-Methyldodecylamin other C13 - amines 3 n-Pentadecylamin 11 2-Methyltetradecylamin 16 other Ct5 - amines 4,640,283 32 g of the secondary Aminprodnkts were converted with 123 °C under a gauge pressure from 17,9 to 20.7 bar 5 h long with 22g Methylehlorid, 9g isopropanol and 16,8g Natriumbicarbonat. After filtering and cooling one received 6.8 Gew. - % amine, 0.3 Gewg/0 hydrochloride and 72.0 Gew. - % quartäre ammonium compound containing product in form of a dark, strohfarbenen, mobile Flüssigkeit.


Example 2 by alkylation of a mixture of amines, “Synprolare” 35, with a C 3 - to C 5 - aldehyde with the Zusammens etzung:


Gew. - % n-Tridecanal 2-Methyldodecanal other Ct3 - aldehydes 4 n-Pentadecanal 14 2-Methyltetradecanal 14 other C15 - aldehydes 4 secondary amine became hergestellt.


(The managing analysis of the aldehyde mixture shows the composition of the active components in the mixture relatively to each other. Small quantities of other connections, e.g. hydrocarbons and C13 - to C15 - alcohols, can be also present.) 51.6 g of the product with 124°C under a gauge pressure von-26,2 up to 31.7 bar of 5 h long with 43 g methyl chloride, 135 g isopropanol and 25.5 g Natriumbicarbonat were converted. After cooling and filtering one received 1.3 Gew. - % amine, 24 Gew. - % amine hydrochloride and 74.0 Gew. - % quartäte ammonium compound containing product in form of a strohfarbenen mobile Flüssigkeit.


Example 3 8 g 72 Gew. - of the 1 manufactured quart eras ammonium salts in isopropanol described %igen solution as in example became cold with a mixture of 0,0003 g coloring material “Lissamine Blue 2BR”, 0.2 g of a nichtionischen surface-active means “Synperoni, C a2”, 0.1 g of an optical Aufhellers “Calcofluor RWP” the American cyanamide CO., 0.15 g of an odoriferous substance “Lavender Floral” office 123 the Proprietary Perfumes Ltd. and 91 5 g water verrührt.


The product was a stable Dispersion.


For comparison purposes two similar formulations were manufactured, with those the quartäre ammonium salt by identical quantities of 1st Ditalgfettalkyl (hydrogenated) - dimethylammoniumchlorid “Arquad” 2HT of the AkzoChemie, UK Armour Hess Div, and/or 2nd 1-Talgfettalkylamidoäthyl-2-talgfettalkyl-3-methylimidazoliniummethosulfat “Varisoft” 475 the Ashland Oli CO., replaces wurde.


It was necessary to warm up the “Arquad” 2HT containing formulation to approximately 60 °C around a stable dispersion too erhalten.


Test of the formulations a) treatment samples of Frotteegewebe in a well-known formulation of detergent “Tide”, thoroughly with water rinsed and then in water dived in, in which the formulation tested in each case was contained in a quantity, 5 those, related to the weight of the fabric sample, were washed to 0.2 Gew. - corresponded to % of the active component, i.e. the quart eras ammonium compound. This procedure had been repeated, accomplished in each Full 6 treatments waren.


b) Evaluation of softness and/or the soft grasp as part of balanced with one another, incompletely paired comparison tests, with which other soft detergents in the test stage were involved, were accomplished test, with which a group of 14 experts had to judge in each case on the basis of pairs of treated fabrics, who Géwebe had the softest Grifi. The following evaluations were delivered:


o • used soft detergent Hä figkeit, with which it was judged that the sample was not softer than thereby the compared other sample of 3Y2 “Arquad” 2HT “Varisoft” 475 Quartäre 19 ammonium compounds of example 1 (í shows on that the expert could not find a difference between the samples.) c) rewettability test samples of approximately 25 x 4cm of the treated Frotteegewebes was perpendicularly hung up, so that the lower 3 cm containing into an aqueous solution, 0.18 Gew. - %/Volumen the coloring material “Lissamine talk” 2G dived in. The distance, over which the coloring material front high-walked in 30 min on the fabric, was measured. One received the following results:


This test it do not make used soft detergent migration distance (cm) clear for o of 18 “Arquad” 2HT 17 “Varisoft” 475 Quartäre 18 ammonium compounds of 5 example 1 that the softener according to invention results in excellent Vveichspülund rewettability characteristics. In addition it shows this test that from connections with langkettigen, 13 to 15 C-atoms containing alkyl groups, which exhibit a considerable portion of bypasses very effective softeners can be formulated, what in contrast to it stands that after state of the art softeners, in those connections with langkettigen, are contained as branched alkyl groups at least 16, e.g. 16 to 18, preferably rather geradkettigen exhibiting CAtome, in certain mass is preferred, because one the opinion is that this the better softeners are.


Fabric softening compositions comprise alcoholic solutions or aqueous dispersions of a mixture of quaternary ammonium compounds having the general formula: <IMAGE> in which X represents a quaternary anion, for example chloride, bromide, iodide, methylsulphate, R1 and R2, which may be the same or different within a molecule, are long chain alkyl groups containing from 13 to 19 carbon atoms in each group, the groups being both straight chain and branched and in which the amount of branching is in the range between 30% and 70%, and particularly mixtures of quaternary compounds in which the substituents R1 and R2 are alkyl groups containing 13 and 15 carbon atoms comprising 65 to 75% C13 groups with 35 to 25% C15 groups (the percentages being calculated on the total of long chain alkyl groups) with 40 to 55 wt % straight chain and 60 to 45 wt % 2-alkyl branched chain where the 2-alkyl groups is predominantly methyl.

1. A composition comprising a mixture of quaternary ammonium compounds having the formula: ##STR3## in which X represents a quaternary anion; R.sub.1 and R.sub.2, which may be the same or different within a molecule, are long chain alkyl groups containing from 13 to 15 carbon atoms in each group, the groups being both straight chain and branched, 65 to 75% C.sub.13 groups with 35 to 25% C.sub.15 groups, the percentages being calculated on the total of long chain alkyl groups, with 40 to 55 wt % straight chain and 60 to 45 wt % 2-alkyl branched chain where the 2-alkyl group is predominantly methyl; and R.sub.3 and R.sub.4, which may be the same or different within a molecule, are short chain alkyl groups containing one to four carbon atoms in each group.

2. A fabric softening composition comprising a solution or dispersion in a liquid medium of the composition of claim 1.

3. A fabric softener composition as claimed in claim 1 in which the liquid medium comprises methanol, ethanol, a propanol or a butanol.

4. A fabric softening composition as claimed in claim 3 in which the solvent comprises isopropanol.

5. A fabric softening composition as claimed in claim 2 comprising at least 50% by weight of the composition of claim 1 in an alcoholic solvent.

6. A fabric softening composition as claimed in claim 2 comprising at least 70% by weight of the composition of claim 1 in an alcoholic solvent.

7. A fabric softening composition as claimed in claim 2 comprising a dispersion in water of 1 to 20% by weight of the composition of claim 1.

8. A composition as claimed in claim 1 in which X is chloride, bromide, iodide or methylsulphate.