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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2288296C2

Изобретение относится к установке для нанесения покрытий на ленты и может найти применение в различных отраслях приборостроения и машиностроения при изготовлении печатных схем на пленках, антибликовых слоев для дисплеев и других изделий. Установка содержит вакуумную камеру (1) и обечайку (20) с плоским потолком (10), расположенную между задней стенкой (18) и, по меньшей мере, одной съемной запорной плитой. В вакуумной камере (1) расположены, по меньшей мере, один направляющий валок (12, 13, 14, 15) с осью (А) и, по меньшей мере, один источник (39а, 39b, 39 с) покрытия. Обращенные к запорной плите концы, по меньшей мере, одного направляющего валка (12, 13, 14, 15) и покрывающего валка (9) закреплены посредством несущих элементов (16, 17, 19) с опорами на потолке (10). Пространство вакуумной камеры (1) под покрывающим валком (9) удерживается свободным от несущих элементов. По меньшей мере, один направляющий валок (12, 13, 14, 15) и покрывающий валок (9) могут быть установлены обращенными ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2657671C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для формирования многокомпонентных и многослойных покрытий и может быть использовано в автомобилестроении, в медицине при создании защитных и биосовместимых слоев дентальных и ортопедических имплантатов, для изготовления тонкопленочных интегральных аккумуляторов и в химических реакторах. Вакуумная камера (1) включает плазменно-дуговой источник (2) с магнитной системой, катодом (3) и анодом (4) с продольной осью 01-02, источник газовой плазмы (8) с первой электромагнитной катушкой ( 9), со второй электромагнитной катушкой источника (10) и с системой напуска и контроля технологических газов (11). Держатель (20) подложки (21) размещен симметрично оси O3-O4 источника газовой плазмы (8) и включает средства откачки (30). Магнетронный источник (36) имеет продольную ось 05-06. Магнитная система плазменно-дугового источника (2) включает электромагнитную катушку плазменно-дугового источника (5). Источник газовой плазмы (8) выполнен в виде кварцевого цилиндра (12 ...

26-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752350C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройству и способу для нанесения покрытия на одну или более деталей методом физического осаждения из газовой фазы (PVD). Устройство содержит по меньшей мере одну камеру подачи, по меньшей мере одну камеру для нанесения покрытия и по меньшей мере один манипулятор с держателем, к которому обеспечена возможность прикрепления одной или более деталей. Держатель выполнен по меньшей мере частично подвижным с возможностью перемещения в направлении продольной оси манипулятора от камеры подачи в камеру для нанесения покрытия. Манипулятор выполнен с возможностью смещения в направлении своей продольной оси и имеет вал, выполненный с возможностью введения в камеру подачи и подходящий для приведения в движение держателя или держателя и одной или более деталей, расположенных на держателе. Камера подачи содержит трубопровод, расположенный на стороне камеры подачи и направленный от камеры для нанесения покрытия. Трубопровод имеет по меньшей мере две телескопические секции ...

22-10-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для формирования покрытий на поверхностях элемента, ленточного материала или инструмента

Номер: RU2703751C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для формирования покрытий на поверхностях элемента, ленточного материала или инструмента. В устройстве используется по меньшей мере один проволочный или ленточный материал (2.1 и/или 2.2), который соединен с источником постоянного электрического тока. Между проволочным или ленточным материалами (2.1 и/или 2.2) или между одним проволочным или ленточным материалом и одним анодом или катодом формируется электрическая дуга. Подача проволочного или ленточного материала (2.1 и/или 2.2) осуществляется с помощью подающего устройства. Расплавленный и/или испаренный материал из проволочного или ленточного материала (2.1 и/или 2.2) протекает посредством газовой струи (3) из газа или газовой смеси через впускное отверстие во внутреннюю часть камеры (4). Камера может быть нагрета до температуры, которая по меньшей мере равна температуре испарения по меньшей мере одного материала, используемого для покрытия, или материала с самой высокой температурой испарения. Материал ...

13-09-2022 дата публикации

Устройство и способ устранения микротрещин космических летательных аппаратов

Номер: RU2779756C1

Изобретение относится к области космонавтики, в частности к получению тонких пленок тепловой энергией самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза (СВС), для устранения микротрещин на поверхности корпуса космических летательных аппаратов (КЛА). Устройство содержит камеру 1, на боковой поверхности которой выполнено смотровое окно 21 из прозрачного материала, и основание, цилиндрическую спрессованную СВС-шихту 8, спираль 12 для инициирования СВС синтеза и испаряемый материал 9, при этом камера 1 выполнена цилиндрической и в верхней части содержит герметичную двойную стенку 2 с вакуумным клапаном 4 и гибким шлангом 5, присоединенным к открытому космосу для создания вакуума 10-5-10-6 мм рт.ст. внутри двойной стенки 2, закрытой сверху уплотнителями 3, в нижней части камера 1 снабжена игольчатым клапаном 6 для подачи инертного газа для создания в камере давления 102-103 мм рт.ст. и датчиком давления, подтверждающим наличие микротрещин в стенке КЛА, в средней части камера 1 содержит вакуумный ...

11-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016143724A3

14-12-2023 дата публикации

Система прецизионного автоматического позиционирования подложек вакуумной установки магнетронного распыления

Номер: RU222196U1

Полезная модель относится к плазменной технике и предназначена для получения тонкопленочных покрытий с различными характеристиками на различных подложках. Полезная модель может быть использована в электронике, оптике, нанотехнологиях, машиностроении. Задачей разработанной полезной модели является автоматическое прецизионное позиционирование подложек с малым углом поворота в вакуумной камере магнетронной распылительной установки, для повышения точности напыления и возможности физического изменения текстуры и свойств тонких пленок за счет изменения угла наклона подложки относительно магнетрона. Технический результат достигается тем, что в установку магнетронного распыления, содержащую вакуумную камеру, магнетронную распылительную систему и распыляемую мишень установлен через вакуумный ввод, состоящий из вала, подшипников и уплотнительных сальников, привод шагового двигателя с редуктором, управляемый через драйвер шагового двигателя, особенностью является то, что драйвер шагового двигателя ...

12-07-2022 дата публикации

Устройство для получения тонких пленок металлов тепловой энергией самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза в наземных условиях и в условиях невесомости

Номер: RU2775978C1

Изобретение относится к микроэлектронике, в частности к области получения тонких пленок металлов. Устройство для получения тонких пленок металлов тепловой энергией самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза содержит вакуумную рабочую камеру 1, испаритель 4, в котором находится испаряемый материал 5, емкость для СВС-шихты, источник кратковременного теплового импульса, подложки 8, нагреватель 9 подложек 8, заслонку 7 для перекрытия потока частиц испаряемого материала 5, расположенную между испарителем 4 и подложками 8, и средства создания вакуума в рабочей камере, при этом емкость для СВС-шихты выполнена в виде вольфрамового цилиндра 2, заполненного инертным газом при нормальных атмосферных условиях, в котором установлена спрессованная СВС-шихта 3 и вольфрамовые спирали 6 для инициирования кратковременного теплового импульса, в верхней части цилиндр 2 герметично закрыт вольфрамовой крышкой с вогнутой полостью в форме лодочки, одновременно являющейся испарителем 4, заслонка 7 закреплена ...

09-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU192228U1

Полезная модель относится к области технологического оборудования для нанесения покрытий, а именно к вакуумному технологическому оборудованию, предназначенному для нанесения тонкопленочных покрытий с заданными оптическими, электрическими и другими характеристиками.Разработана вакуумная установка для нанесения тонкопленочных покрытий, включающая по меньшей мере одну технологическую камеру, установленную на каркасе и снабженную технологическими устройствами, и по меньшей мере одну шлюзовую камеру, установленную на транспортной системе, выполненной с возможностью обеспечения перемещения шлюзовой камеры из позиции загрузки/выгрузки в рабочую позицию под технологической камерой, подложкодержатель для размещения на нем подложки для нанесения тонкопленочного покрытия, выполненный с возможностью вращения вокруг своей оси, устройство подачи для перемещения подложкодержателя из шлюзовой камеры в технологическую камеру, вакуумный затвор, расположенный между камерами и выполненный с возможностью разделения внутреннего объема шлюзовой и технологической камер, устройство стыковки технологической и шлюзовой камер, при этом в верхней части технологической камеры установлен захват, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения фиксации подложкодержателя во внутреннем объеме технологической камеры и его вращения вокруг своей оси во время обработки поверхности подложки.Таким образом, разработана вакуумная установка для нанесения тонкопленочных покрытий, конструкция которой позволяет обеспечить достижение технического результата, заключающегося в сокращении времени осуществления технологического процесса, а также в повышении качества получаемого тонкопленочного покрытия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 228 U1 (51) МПК C23C 14/24 (2006.01) C23C 14/50 (2006.01) C23C 14/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C23C 14/24 (2019.02); C23C 14/50 (2019.02); C23C 14/56 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018142966, 04.12. ...

29-03-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2816469C1

Изобретение относится к устройству для электродугового испарения токопроводящего материала в вакууме. Указанное устройство содержит вакуумную камеру, являющуюся анодом, охлаждаемый катод электродугового разряда, вытянутый вдоль своей продольной оси, выполненный из испаряемого токопроводящего материала и имеющий расположенную вдоль продольной оси рабочую поверхность испарения, снабженную экраном. Экран выполнен из двух стенок одинаковой высоты, причем стенки выполнены из металлических пластин, покрытых на внутренней поверхности электроизолирующим слоем и закрепленных через керамические электроизолирующие элементы к основанию испарителя на стойках, покрытых электроизолирующим слоем и расположенных в зазоре между пластинами экрана. На верхнем торце экрана установлена заглушка U- образного сечения. Размеры стенок экрана, металлических пластин, зазоров между упомянутыми металлическими пластинами и размер зазора между стенками экрана и стойкой выполнены с возможностью защиты внутренней поверхности ...

05-06-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для осаждения покрытий

Номер: RU2656480C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, в частности к устройствам для осаждения износостойких покрытий на изделиях в вакуумной камере. Устройство для осаждения покрытий на изделиях 3 содержит рабочую вакуумную камеру 1, мишени 4-7 планарных магнетронов на стенках камеры, источники питания 8-11 магнетронных разрядов, отрицательными полюсами соединенные с мишенями, дополнительный изолированный от камеры 1 и установленный внутри нее электрод 12 и источник постоянного тока 13, отрицательным полюсом соединенный с камерой 1, а положительным полюсом соединенный с электродом 12 и с положительными полюсами источников питания магнетронных разрядов. Технический результат - повышение качества синтезируемого покрытия. 1 ил.

27-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013151452A

... 1. Способ осуществления процесса нанесения покрытий методом HIPIMS, включающий следующие стадии:- размещают по меньшей мере одну подложку, имеющую покрываемую поверхность, внутри камеры осаждения устройства нанесения покрытий, содержащего по меньшей мере одну являющуюся источником материала покрытия мишень и предназначенного для работы во время процесса нанесения покрытия посредством технологии HIPIMS, причем размещают подложку таким образом, что покрываемая поверхность может была расположена перед мишенью в течение по меньшей мере некоторого времени во время процесса нанесения покрытия;- осуществляют работу устройства нанесения покрытий методом HIPIMS для того, чтобы покрыть упомянутую по меньшей мере одну подложку, при этом прикладывая напряжение смещения к подложке во время процесса нанесения покрытия и таким образом генерируя ток смещения, который может быть измерен на подложке,отличающийся тем, чтоминимальное расстояние (5) между подложкой и мишенью, которое задается, когда покрываемая ...

09-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2723247C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для изготовления изделий из углерод-карбидокремниевых материалов со специальными свойствами, предназначенных для использования в химической, химико-металлургической промышленности, а также в авиатехнике. Устройство для силицирования паро-жидкофазным методом содержит основные нагреватели, расположенные вокруг наружной реторты, донный нагреватель для подогрева тиглей с кремнием, внутреннюю реторту замкнутого объема с размещенной внутри нее силицируемой заготовкой и тиглями с кремнием, сконсолидированными в ее нижней части, реактор проточного типа, теплоизоляцию из пористых углеграфитовых материалов и пневмо-газо-вакуумную систему. Наружная и внутренняя реторты выполнены из нескольких по высоте частей и расположены коаксиально друг другу с зазором, а наружная реторта снабжена патрубками для соединения межретортного зазора с пневмо-газо-вакуумной системой. Основные нагреватели устройства имеют в нижней части менее высокотемпературную зону, расположенную напротив ...

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009113603A

... 1. Устройство для вакуумного испарения, содержащее ! технологическую печь; ! по меньшей мере, один технологический короб, расположенный внутри технологической печи; ! средство нагрева для нагрева технологического короба; и ! средство вакуумирования для вакуумирования технологической печи и технологического короба до заранее определенного давления в состоянии, когда обрабатываемый объект и металлический испаряющийся материал расположены в технологическом коробе, ! причем средство нагрева приводят в действие при сниженном давлении, чтобы нагреть обрабатываемый объект до заранее определенной температуры, при которой металлический испаряющийся материал испаряется, в результате чего атомы испарившегося металла поставляются к поверхности обрабатываемого объекта. ! 2. Устройство для вакуумного испарения по п.1, в котором технологический короб выполнен с возможностью свободной установки в или извлечения из технологической печи, и содержит коробчатую часть, которая открыта с верхней стороны, и часть-крышку ...

20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009146069A

... 1. Устройство пленочного конвейера, передающего базовую пленку в вакуумной камере, содержащее: ! разматывающий ролик; ! сматывающий ролик; и ! механизм перемещения, который предусмотрен между разматывающим роликом и сматывающим роликом и который включает в себя направляющий узел, включающий в себя направляющий ролик и вспомогательный ролик, причем вспомогательный ролик включает в себя пару кольцевых направляющих частей, которые поддерживают боковые кромочные части базовой пленки, а вспомогательный ролик расположен напротив направляющего ролика и прижимает боковые кромочные части базовой пленки к паре направляющих частей. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее любой из механизма осаждения для нанесения слоя на базовую пленку, механизма нагревания для нагрева базовой пленки и механизма плазменной обработки для подвергания базовой пленки плазменной обработке между разматывающим роликом и сматывающим роликом. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором вспомогательный ролик включает в себя ...

30-03-1983 дата публикации

Узел уплотнения

Номер: SU1008279A1

УЗЕЛ УПЛОТНЕНИЯ, преиму , щественно пля вакуумных шлюзовых уст- ройств, соаержаший полый корпус с выо тупом на его рабочем торце и плиту с уплотнением, закрепленную на штоке привоаа возвратно-поступательного пере- , огличаюшийся тем, что, с целью уменьшения габаритов и металлоемкости, он сна&кен замком, размешенным в выступе полого корпуса перпеноикулярно к его стенкам, запирающей крышк, закрепленной на штоке привоаа возвратно-поступательного перемещения коеиссиально выступу корпуса и пли-г те, и уплотняющим поршнем, .а в рабочем торце полого корпуса соосно с уплотнением выполнен кольцевой паз, служащий цля размещения уплотняющего поршня.

22-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069523333D1

17-03-2011 дата публикации

Transportvorrichtung für Substrate

Номер: DE202010016858U1

Transportvorrichtung angeordnet in einer Vakuumbeschichtungsanlage zum Transport von Substraten entlang eines Transportpfades durch die Vakuumbeschichtungsanlage, wobei die Transportvorrichtung eine Vielzahl von entlang des Transportpfades angeordneten Transportmittel umfasst, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Transportmittel in das jeweils in Transportrichtung vorstehende Transportmittel ineinander greifend ausgeführt sind.

28-05-2014 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Bearbeiten streifenförmiger Substrate

Номер: DE102012111484A1

Die Erfindung betrifft zunächst eine Vorrichtung zum Bearbeiten, insbesondere Beschichten eines streifenförmigen Substrates (1) in einer Bearbeitungskammer (2), mit einer in der Bearbeitungskammer (2) um eine Drehachse (18) drehbar gelagerten Bearbeitungswalze (3), auf deren Mantelfläche das von einer ersten Spule (6) abgewickelte Substrat (1) wendelgangartig aufliegend, kontinuierlich bearbeitet, insbesondere beschichtet wird, wobei das bearbeitete, insbesondere beschichtete Substrat (1) auf einer zweiten Spule (7) aufgewickelt wird. Um im kontinuierlichen Durchlauf streifenförmige Substrate mit einer Schicht aus Graphene oder einer Schicht aus Nanoröhrchen zu beschichten, wird eine Gaseinlass/-auslass/-Einrichtung (8, 9, 10) zur Erzeugung eines im Wesentlichen parallel zur Drehachse (18) gerichteten Gasstroms (11, 12) vorgeschlagen. Weiter betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Beschichten eines streifenförmigen Substrates (1) in einer Vorrichtung.

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Ventilanordnung, Vakuumkammeranordnung und Verfahren

Номер: DE102016111013B4

Ventilanordnung (100) zum Abdichten einer Substrat-Transferöffnung (302o) eines Vakuumkammergehäuses (302), die Ventilanordnung (100) aufweisend:• eine Ventilklappe (102), welche einen ersten Endabschnitt (112a), einen zweiten Endabschnitt (112b) und einen Dichtabschnitt zwischen diesen aufweist;• eine Lageranordnung (104) zum schwenkbaren Lagern der Ventilklappe (102);• ein erstes Gelenk (104v), welches mindestens zwei Freiheitsgrade bereitstellt und mittels dessen die Lageranordnung (104) mit dem ersten Endabschnitt (112a) gekuppelt ist; und• ein zweites Gelenk (114v), welches mindestens zwei Freiheitsgrade bereitstellt und mittels dessen die Lageranordnung (104) mit dem zweiten Endabschnitt (112b) gekuppelt ist.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Dichtung für Substratbehandlungskammer

Номер: DE202012103945U1

Dichtung (1) für eine als Kammer (2) bezeichnete Substratbehandlungskammer, wobei zwei als Behälter (3) und Verschluss (4) bezeichnete Teile der Kammer (2) miteinander verbindbar ausgeführt sind und jeweils eine Dichtfläche aufweisen (5), an der beide Teile überlappend und die Dichtflächen (5) umlaufend geschlossen verlaufend ausgeführt sind, wobei die Dichtung (1) die Dichtflächen (5), zwei Dichtgummis (6, 7), einen Absaugkanal (8) und mindestens einen mit einer Vakuumpumpe verbundenen Absaugstutzen (9) aufweist, die Dichtgummis (6, 7) auf mindestens einer der umlaufenden Dichtflächen (5) befestigt und zueinander beabstandet angeordnet sind, der Absaugkanal (8) als ein gasleitender von den Dichtgummis (6, 7) und den Dichtflächen (5) eingefasster Kanal ausgebildet ist und der Absaugstutzen (9) mit dem Absaugkanal (8) verbunden ist, wobei einen Anpressdruck (10) bereitstellbare Mittel zum Zusammendrücken der Dichtung (1) vorgesehen sind und wobei außerhalb der Kammer (2) ein Außendruck ( ...

05-06-2008 дата публикации

Beschichtungsanlage mit einer Funkvorrichtung und einem Messgerät

Номер: DE102006056290A1

Beschichtungsanlage (1000) mit einer Beschichtungskammer (1000) und mindestens einem innerhalb der Beschichtungskammer (1001) angeordneten bewegbaren Substrathalter (1002) zur Aufnahme von zu beschichtenden Substraten (1003). Die Beschichtungsanlage (1000) umfasst weiterhin eine Messvorrichtung (1007), welche mit dem Substrathalter (1003) verbunden ist, und mindestens ein erstes Funkgerät und mindestens ein Messgerät umfasst. Die Beschichtunganlage (1000) umfasst weiter mindestens ein zweites Funkgerät (1008), welches zumindest teilweise außerhalb der Beschichtungskammer (1001) angeordnet ist. Zwischen den Funkgeräten soll zumindest zeitweise eine Funkverbindung bestehen. Das Messgerät dient zur Aufnahme von Messwerten innerhalb der Beschichtungskammer (1001). Das erste Funkgerät soll zur Übertragung eines Messsignals über die zumindest zeitweise bestehende Funkverbindung an das zweite Funkgerät (1008) geeignet sein.

12-08-2010 дата публикации

Vakuumkammer für Beschichtungsanlagen und Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Vakuumkammer für Beschichtungsanlagen

Номер: DE102009007897A1

Es wird eine Vakuumkammer (1) für Beschichtungsanlagen vorgesehen, wobei die Vakuumkammer (1) eine Bodenplatte (6) und eine Deckelplatte (2) aufweist, welche durch im Wesentlichen senkrecht zu der Bodenplatte (6) und der Deckelplatte (2) verlaufende Streben (4) miteinander verbunden sind, wobei eine Vielzahl von Öffnungen (9) durch die Bodenplatte (6), die Deckelplatte (2) und die Streben (4) definiert wird, und wobei zumindest ein Abschnitt einer Frontkante (15') der Bodenplatte (6) und ein Abschnitt einer Frontkante (15) der Deckelplatte (2) zusammen mit zwei Streben (4) eine um eine Öffnung (9) der Vielzahl von Öffnungen (9) umlaufende Abdichtfläche für eine in die Öffnung (9) einsetzbare Einsatzplatte (8) bilden. Darüber hinaus wird ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Vakuumkammer (1) für Beschichtungsanlagen bereitgestellt, welches die folgenden Schritte umfasst: Zusammenstecken eines Rahmens, welcher eine Bodenplatte (6), eine Deckelplatte (2) und Streben (4) aufweist, welche die Bodenplatte ...

23-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002740129A1

09-05-2018 дата публикации

Maskenhalterung mit geregelter Justiereinrichtung

Номер: DE102016121374A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Halterung für eine Maske (1), die bei einem Beschichtungsverfahren auf der zu beschichtenden Oberfläche eines Substrates (2) aufliegt, um das Abscheiden einer Schicht auf durch die Form und die Lage der Maske (1) vorbestimmte Flächenabschnitte der Oberfläche zu beschränken, wobei Abschnitte (4, 4', 4", 4'", 16) eines Rahmens (3) der Halterung mit einem die Maske (1) verformenden variierbaren Zug an Rändern (1') der Maske (1) angreifen. Es sind folgende Neuerungen vorgesehen:ein Sensor (5) zur Ermittlung einer Ist-Lage der Maske (1) in Bezug auf das Substrat (2), Stellglieder (6, 7, 8) zur Veränderung der Position zumindest eines ersten Abschnittes (4) des Rahmens (3) gegenüber zumindest einem zweiten Abschnitt (4') des Rahmens (3) und ein eine Steuerung (9) aufweisender Regelkreis, um durch eine Veränderung des Zuges (Z, Z', Z", Z''') die Ist-Lage der Maske (1) in Richtung einer Soll-Lage der Maske (1) zu verändern.Die Erfindung betrifft darüber hinaus ein Verfahren ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Fördereinrichtung sowie Inline-Beschichtungsanlage mit einer derartigen Fördereinrichtung

Номер: DE102017130653A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Fördereinrichtung zum Fördern von rollbaren Werkstücken (14), insbesondere für eine Inline-Beschichtungsanlage (12). Es ist vorgesehen, dass die Fördereinrichtung als Endlostrieb-Fördereinrichtung (10) ausgebildet ist und die folgenden Komponenten aufweist: eine Rollbahn (16) für die rollbaren Werkstücke (14), mindestens ein Endlostriebmittel (24) und mehrere oberhalb der Rollbahn (16) angeordnete Stabelemente (28), die von dem mindestens einen Endlostriebmittel (24) angetrieben derart entlang der Rollbahn (16) bewegt werden, dass sie auf der Rollbahn (16) befindliche rollbare Werkstücke (14) über die Rollbahn (16) abrollend vor sich her treiben.Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin eine Inline-Beschichtungsanlage (12) zum Beschichten von rollbaren Werkstücken (12), die eine entsprechende Fördereinrichtung (10) zum Fördern der rollbaren Werkstücke aufweist.

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Einbringen von Material in eine Prozesskammer und Vorrichtung zum Behandeln von Substraten in einer Prozesskammer

Номер: DE102015117236A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Verfahren und Vorrichtungen zum Einbringen von Material in eine Prozesskammer. Ein vorgeschlagenes Verfahren umfasst die Schritte: Bereitstellen eines Materials (1) in einem in einer Hilfskammer (3) angeordneten Behälter (6), Herstellen einer kommunizierenden Verbindung der Hilfskammer (3) zu der Prozesskammer (2), zumindest teilweises Bewegen des Behälters (6) in die Prozesskammer (2) hinein, Abgabe des Materials (1) aus dem Behälter (6) in oder auf eine in der Prozesskammer (2) angeordnete Materialaufnahme (11, 12), Bewegen des Behälters (6) aus der Prozesskammer (2) heraus, in die Hilfskammer (3) hinein, Unterbrechen der kommunizierenden Verbindung zwischen Hilfskammer (3) und Prozesskammer (2).

23-12-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003032940C2

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Sputteranordnung und Verfahren zum geregelten reaktiven Sputtern

Номер: DE102014103735A1

Gemäß verschiedenen Ausführungsformen kann ein Verfahren zum geregelten reaktiven Sputtern aufweisen: ein geregeltes Zuführen von mindestens einem Reaktivgas und mindestens einem Arbeitsgas in eine Sputter-Prozesskammer, wobei das geregelte Zuführen eine erste Regelung und eine zweite Regelung aufweist, wobei die erste Regelung unter Verwendung eines Partialdrucks des mindestens einen zugeführten Reaktivgases als Regelgröße durchgeführt wird, und wobei die zweite Regelung unter Verwendung einer Spektroskopie durchgeführt wird.

18-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004341635C2

03-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001621203A1

01-02-2007 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Behandeln von Substraten

Номер: DE102005035904A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zum Behandeln, insbesondere zum Beschichten, von Substraten und umfasst zumindest eine Vakuumkammer mit darin angeordnetem, um eine vertikale Drehachse bewegbaren Substrathalter, zumindest eine Vakuumschleuse zum Ein- und/oder Ausschleusen von Substraten mit einem Handlingsystem zum Transport von Substraten von der Vakuumschleuse in die Vakuumkammer und/oder zurück und zum Be- und Entladen des Substrathalters, wobei der Substrathalter kalottenförmig um die Drehachse angeordnete Segmente aufweist und um eine senkrecht zur Drehachse verlaufende Kippachse schwenkbar ist.

04-12-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Plasmabehandlung von Werkstücken

Номер: DE0010224395A1

Das Verfahren und die Vorrichtung dienen zur Plasmabehandlung von Werkstücken. Das Werkstück wird in eine zumindest teilweise evakuierbare Kammer einer Behandlungsstation eingesetzt und zur Unterstützung einer Handhabung der Werkstücke wird mindestens ein Teil der Behandlungsstation relativ zu einem weiteren Teil bewegt. Die Bewegung wird derart durchgeführt, daß eine hülsenförmige Kammerwandung relativ zu einem Kammerboden sowie relativ zu einem Kammerdeckel positioniert wird.

29-05-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to Ultra-High Vacuum Vapour Depositions Plants

Номер: GB0001153510A

... 1,153,510. Vacuum furnaces. BALZERS PATENT-UND BETEILIGUNGS A.G. 29 Dec., 1967 [13 Jan., 1967], No. 59052/67. Heading F4B. Vacuum vapour deposition plant comprises a vacuum pump chamber 1 connected via a port 2, baffle chamber 5 and ring 16 to a bell 4 on a base 3, the components above chamber 1 being surrounded by a double walled heating hood 11 with electric heating elements 12, 13, 14 and 15 for desorption purposes. The bell 4 is connected by arms 7 to a carbon slide rod 8 actuated by a pneumatic or hydraulic motor 9.

07-11-2001 дата публикации

Soil-resistant coating for glass surfaces

Номер: GB0002361938A

A glass article which has a water-sheeting coating and a method of applying coatings to opposed sides of a substrate are described. In one embodiment, a water-sheeting coating (20) comprising silica is sputtered directly onto an exterior surface of the glass. The exterior face of this water-sheeting coating is substantially non-porous but has an irregular surface. This water-sheeting coating causes water applied to the coated surface to sheet, making the glass article easier to clean and helping the glass stay clean longer. In one method of the invention, interior and exterior surfaces of a glass sheet are cleaned. Thereafter, the interior surface of the sheet of glass is coated with a reflective coating by sputtering, in sequence, at least one dielectric layer, at least one metal layer, and at least one dielectric layer. The exterior surface of the glass is coated with a water-sheeting coating by sputtering silica directly onto the exterior surface of the sheet of glass. If so desired, ...

16-05-2001 дата публикации

A line-type filmforming method for a discharge headlamp reflector

Номер: GB0000107518D0

22-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002084197B

06-12-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to arrangements for the manufacture of electronic element s

Номер: GB0001093525A

... In a vapour deposition or sputtering process for depositing material on electronic elements, in which separately evacuable chambers 4, 11, 12 are interconnected through pressure step systems 8, individual members 1 transport the elements to successive chambers. A member 1 carries the base body of the electronic element e.g. ceramic, glass or semi-conductors with a mask. A heater 5 degases the member 1 and base body in chamber 4 or alternatively heating is by thermal radiation or electron bombardment. An ion beam 6 may clean the base body. Each chamber is evacuated through outlets 13.

12-11-1969 дата публикации

Coating Substrates with Magnetic Films

Номер: GB0001170029A

... 1,170,029. Coating with metals; nickel alloy. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP. Sept.12, 1968 [Sept.20, 1967], No.43383/68. Headings C7A and C7F. [Also in Division H1] In order to reduce the magneto-strictive shift in a series of vapour deposited Ni-Fe magnetic films, the rate of deposition is reduced, e.g. by varying the temperature of the source, from one film to another through the series. A substrate 14, e.g. a copper plate, is raised at 13 to a support 15 which moves it to a position 21, where the vapour from one or more sources 16 is deposited. The coated substrate is then moved to a position where it is lowered at 14. In a modification Fig. 2, (not shown) the substrates are moved by an endless belt. A magnetic field may be applied during deposition by coils 19, and the substrates heated to e.g. 200 to 400‹C. by heaters 18. A focal plane shutter 20, and an ion gauge 17 for measuring the rate of deposition may be provided. A smoothing layer of SiO or Cr may first be applied to ...

13-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009224787D0

08-07-1981 дата публикации

Plate transfer system

Номер: GB0002066570A

A system for the automated handling and transfer of wafers individually and repetitively to and between processing stations and cassettes. A track-like conveyor engages a cassette holding a plurality of wafers in vertically facing alignment, to move same horizontally past a loading station of a processing chamber. A vertically moveable blade passes between the conveyor tracks and through the cassette to engage a wafer edgewise from below and move same upwardly to the processing chamber entrance. Vacuum means mounted to the door of the chamber entrance engages and holds the wafer during insertion into the chamber by closure of the door. Clip means are mounted within the periphery of an aperture of a vertical support plate just within the chamber entrance, to engage edgewise the wafer and support it within the plate aperture while in the processing chamber. The wafer is removed after processing by operating the foregoing apparatus in reverse order. The processing chamber may be a vacuum chamber ...

29-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009065A0

29-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609065D0

29-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609065A0

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000382023T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000382721T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399888T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449044T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000526435T

25-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000323806B

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000119948T

28-12-1970 дата публикации

Device for the coating of documents by vacuum vaporization

Номер: AT0000286738B

15-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000273403T

25-11-1969 дата публикации

Procedure for the coating of a surface of boards or courses, in particular from glass

Номер: AT0000276667B

29-05-2008 дата публикации

Magnetron sputtering apparatus

Номер: AU2006300441A2

17-07-1998 дата публикации

Vacuum treatment equipment

Номер: AU0007874198A

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Method to operate an apparatus for feeding liquid metal to an evaporator device

Номер: AU2017260148A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The invention relates to a method to operate an apparatus for feeding liquid metal to an evaporator device in a vacuum chamber, wherein the feed tube runs from a container adapted to contain a liquid metal to the evaporator device and wherein an electromagnetic pump is provided in the feed tube and a valve in the feed tube between the electromagnetic pump and the evaporator device. An at least partially gas permeable electromagnetic pump, which is enclosed in a pressure controlled enclosure, is used in the method wherein electromagnetic pump and the pressure controlled enclosure are controlled such that filling and draining of the evaporator device and feed tube can be done without affecting the vacuum pressure in the vacuum chamber.

19-11-1997 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing thin metal membranes

Номер: AU0002714797A

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002675271C

L'invention concerne un procédé de revêtement d'au moins une face d'un substrat en défilement, par évaporation sous vide d'une couche de métal ou d'alliage métallique susceptible d'être sublimé, selon lequel le métal ou alliage métallique est disposé en regard de la face du substrat sous la forme d'au moins deux lingots placés en contact l'un avec l'autre, la surface des lingots tournée vers ladite face du substrat étant maintenue parallèle au substrat et à une distance constante de celui-ci, au cours du revêtement, ainsi qu'une installation de revêtement pour la mise en AEuvre du procédé et un dispositif d'alimentation en métal (1) pour une telle installation.

12-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002675271A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de revêtement d'au moins une face d'un su bstrat en défilement, par évaporation sous vide d'une couche de métal ou d'a lliage métallique susceptible d'être sublimé, selon lequel le métal ou allia ge métallique est disposé en regard de la face du substrat sous la forme d'a u moins deux lingots placés en contact l'un avec l'autre, la surface des lin gots tournée vers ladite face du substrat étant maintenue parallèle au subst rat et à une distance constante de celui-ci, au cours du revêtement, ainsi q u'une installation de revêtement pour la mise en AEuvre du procédé et un dis positif d'alimentation en métal (1) pour une telle installation.

25-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1214326A

Disk or Wafer Handling and Coating System A system for handling and individually processing a plurality of thin substrates is described. The system includes a main chamber, entrance and exit load locks, a plurality of processing stations, a load lock load/unload means, a vertical transport means, and a horizontal transport means. In one embodiment the processing stations are deployed in a U-shaped configuration, allowing the entrance and exit load locks to be positioned at the same end of the machine. Idle stations between processing stations may also be employed. The substrates are vertically oriented and are raised and lowered into and out of load locks and processing stations by means of dedicated lift blades. Substrates are transferred within the main chamber from lift blades of one station to lift blades of an adjacent station by means of substrate carriers affixed to a walking beam mechanism. Substrates are transferred from the entrance load lock side of the machine to the exit load ...

19-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1184020A

... : The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device comprising at least the step of evacuating a vacuum vessel to a vacuum of at most 10-9 Torr. The vacuum vessel includes at least first and second evaporation sources and a substrate to-be-evaporated. The method includes the step of forming a first evaporation layer on the substrate to-be-evaporated by the use of the first evaporation source. A second evaporation layer is formed on at least the first evaporation layer by the use of the second evaporation source. A predetermined number of evaporation layers are further formed on at least the second evaporation layer by repeating similar steps as is needed. At least one of the evaporation sources is a semiconductor material while at least another is an insulator material. The respective steps of forming the evaporation layers are performed without taking the resultant substrate out of the vacuum vessel.

27-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001264025A1

17-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002658075A1

A sputtering chamber to coat a substrate (15) includes at least two sputt ering targets (102,103), one of the at least two targets disposed on a first side a substrate conveyor extending within the chamber, and another of the at least two targets disposed on a second side of the conveyor. The at least two targets may be independently operable, and at least one of the targets, if inactivated, may be protected by a shielding apparatus. Both of the at l east two targets may be mounted to a first wall of a plurality of walls encl osing the sputtering chamber.

20-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002919200C

Tôle d'acier munie d'un revêtement comprenant au moins une couche de zinc et une couche supérieure de peinture réalisée par cataphorèse, la couche de zinc étant réalisée par un procédé de dépôt sous vide par jet de vapeur sonique dans une chambre de dépôt maintenue à une pression comprise entre 6.10-2 mbaret 2.10-1 mbar, et procédé de fabrication associé.

30-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002746325C

The present invention relates to a vacuum deposition facility for depositing a metal alloy coating on a substrate (7), said facility being equipped with a vapour generator/mixer comprising a vacuum chamber (6) in the form of an enclosure provided with means for creating a vacuum state therein relative to the external environment and provided with means for the entry and exit of the substrate (7), while still being essentially sealed from the external environment, said enclosure including a vapour deposition head, called the injector (3), configured so as to create a jet of metal alloy vapour of sonic velocity towards the surface of the substrate (7) and perpendicular thereto, said ejector (3) being in sealed communication with a separate mixer device (14), which is itself connected upstream to at least two crucibles (11, 12) respectively, these containing different metals M1 and M2 in liquid form, each crucible (11, 12) being connected to the mixer (14) by its own pipe (4, 4').

24-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002866573C

A particulate film laminating apparatus (1) is provided with: a nanoparticle generating chamber (2), in which nanoparticles (12) of a metal material (9) are generated; a nanofiber generating chamber (3), in which a nanofiber (13) of a resin material (11) is generated; a laminating chamber (4), in which the nanoparticles (12) and the nanofiber (13) are film formed and laminated on a substrate (18); a nanoparticle film-forming region (15), in which the nanoparticles (12) are film formed in the film-forming chamber (4); a nanofiber film-forming region (16), in which the nanofiber (13) is film formed in the film-forming chamber (4); a moving unit (17), which moves the substrate (18) between the nanoparticle film-forming region (15) and the nanofiber film-forming region (16); an air-releasing unit (5), which releases air from the laminating chamber (4); and a cooling gas introducing unit (8), which introduces a cooling gas into each of the nanoparticle generating chamber (2) and the nanofiber ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002866573A1

A particulate film laminating apparatus (1) is provided with: a nanoparticle generating chamber (2), in which nanoparticles (12) of a metal material (9) are generated; a nanofiber generating chamber (3), in which a nanofiber (13) of a resin material (11) is generated; a laminating chamber (4), in which the nanoparticles (12) and the nanofiber (13) are film formed and laminated on a substrate (18); a nanoparticle film-forming region (15), in which the nanoparticles (12) are film formed in the film-forming chamber (4); a nanofiber film-forming region (16), in which the nanofiber (13) is film formed in the film-forming chamber (4); a moving unit (17), which moves the substrate (18) between the nanoparticle film-forming region (15) and the nanofiber film-forming region (16); an air-releasing unit (5), which releases air from the laminating chamber (4); and a cooling gas introducing unit (8), which introduces a cooling gas into each of the nanoparticle generating chamber (2) and the nanofiber ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002858188A1
Принадлежит: AIRD & MCBURNEY LP

A modular, rotisserie type multifunctional tooling fixture assembly is disclosed. The disclosed tooling fixture assembly comprises a positioning ring having a plurality of anchor members configured or adapted to retain a plurality of workpieces to be processed, and a retaining base defining a plurality of retaining members configured to be in locking engagement with the anchor members of the positioning ring and retain a plurality of workpieces in a fixed orientation. The tooling fixture assembly has utility in various coating related processes, including coating and grit blasting operations.

05-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002234351C

In a vacuum treatment system for depositing thin coatings on substr ates(36 through 38), with several stationary treating ch ambers (8 through 11) that are held by the annular or frame-like side wall (3) of the vacuum chamber (2) and display the treatment tools (41, 42,...), and with treatment chamber openings (4 through 7) aligned peripherally inward on the center of the vacuum chamber (2) and extending in planes parallel to each other, a shaft (14), extending parallel to the opening planes and mounted in the vacuum chamber lid and/or in the vacuum chamber bottom plate (12) of the vacuum chamber (2), is provided that moves the plates (23 through 26) for closing the treatment chamber openings (4 through 7) and is supplied with actuators (19 through 22) for moving the closing plates (23 through 26) from a radially inner opening position to a radially outer closing position, whereby the actuators working together with the shaft (14) are designed as lever pinions (19 through 22).

15-12-1955 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000311812A

31-03-1970 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000488027A

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Механизм открывания и поворота дверей вакуумной камеры

Номер: RU0000176918U1

Предлагаемый в качестве полезной модели механизм предназначен для приведения в действие (открывания и поворота) дверей вакуумной установки, предназначенной для нанесения тонкопленочных покрытий. По сравнению с известными устройствами аналогичного назначения предлагаемый механизм дополнительно содержит устройство линейного перемещения, на каретке которого смонтирована задняя дверь, а горизонтальные направляющие для передней двери выполнены цилиндрическими и установлены на каркасе крепления в подшипниках линейного перемещения, при этом передняя дверь закреплена на конце горизонтальных цилиндрических направляющих, выполненных полыми, а поперечный держатель передней двери также выполнен полым и предназначен для размещения внутри него механизма вращения поворотного суппорта, при этом поворотный суппорт снабжен фиксирующим кронштейном и упорным бампером для демпфирования двери и ограничения угла ее поворота, а в полости, по меньшей мере, одной цилиндрической направляющей проложены коммуникации. Кроме того, предлагаемый механизм обеспечивает угол поворота каждой двери вакуумной камеры на величину, меньше или равную 90º, а ограничители перемещения передней двери жестко закреплены на противоположных от передней двери концах горизонтальных цилиндрических направляющих. 2 з.п. ф-лы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 918 U1 (51) МПК C23C 14/56 (2006.01) E05D 15/02 (2006.01) E05F 1/16 (2006.01) E05F 1/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C23C 14/56 (2006.01); E05D 15/02 (2006.01); E05F 1/16 (2006.01); E05F 1/10 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017122492, 26.06.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 01.02.2018 10.04.2017 BY u20170127 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2263193 C1, 27.10.2005. RU (45) Опубликовано: 01.02.2018 Бюл. № 4 1 7 6 9 1 8 R U 2562568 C2, 10.09.2015. US 4311427 A1, 19.01.1982. US 4523985 A1, 18.06.1985. (54) МЕХАНИЗМ ...

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Установка для заполнения корпусов распылителей твердым карбюризатором

Номер: RU0000202007U1

Полезная модель относится к вспомогательным устройствам для химико-термической обработки деталей, а именно к установке для заполнения корпусов распылителей твердым карбюризатором, которая может быть использована для подготовки корпусов распылителей к цементации. Установка для заполнения корпусов распылителей твердым карбюризатором включает станину в виде сварной каркасной конструкции и вибролоток, установленный на верхней части станины и имеющий привод вибратора. Вибролоток имеет конический поддон для сбора излишков твердого карбюризатора и рукав для направленного удаления упомянутых излишков. Упомянутый привод вибратора представляет собой пневматический привод. Вибратор содержит штуцеры для подвода и отвода воздуха от источника давления. Обеспечивается создание простой и эффективной установки для заполнения корпусов распылителей твердым карбюризатором без опасности поражения электрическим током, которая создает меньший уровень шума. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 007 U1 (51) МПК C23C 8/60 (2006.01) C23C 10/30 (2006.01) C23C 14/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C23C 8/60 (2020.08); C23C 10/30 (2020.08); C23C 14/56 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020127111, 12.08.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Управляющая компания "Алтайский завод прецизионных изделий" (RU) Дата регистрации: 27.01.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 27.01.2021 Бюл. № 3 U 1 2 0 2 0 0 7 R U (54) УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ ЗАПОЛНЕНИЯ КОРПУСОВ РАСПЫЛИТЕЛЕЙ ТВЕРДЫМ КАРБЮРИЗАТОРОМ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к конический поддон для сбора излишков твердого вспомогательным устройствам для химикокарбюризатора и рукав для направленного термической обработки деталей, а именно к удаления упомянутых излишков. Упомянутый установке для заполнения корпусов распылителей привод вибратора представляет собой твердым карбюризатором, которая может быть ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Coating device

Номер: US20120042824A1
Автор: Chung-Pei Wang
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A coating device includes a main body, a transport device, at least one loader, a driving device. The main body has a top plate, a bottom plate, and a pair of sidewalls connecting the top plate and bottom plate. The sidewalls respectively define an input gate and an output gate. The transport device includes a transport track passing through the input gate and the output gate, and at least one lifting arm mounted on the transport track. Each loader is configured for loading workpieces and includes a rotary shaft, at least one loading frame rotatably connected with the rotary shaft. The driving device is mounted on the top plate. Each lifting arm is configured for clamping a corresponding loader and transporting the corresponding loader to engage with the driving device. The driving device rotates the corresponding loader rotary shaftthrough the rotary shaft of the corresponding loader.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Metal pattern formation system

Номер: US20120060708A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention discloses a metal pattern formation system produced in the following steps: an organic liquid is first printed on a substrate to form a base pattern. A metal is then evaporated to generate several metal particles for covering the printed substrate. At last, the substrate is heated to vaporize the base pattern, and the metal particles adhered to the substrate forms a metal pattern complementary to the base pattern.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Vacuum Processing Apparatus, Vacuum Processing Method, and Micro-Machining Apparatus

Номер: US20120071003A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a technology in which a nozzle part is mounted in a vacuum chamber and a silicon substrate is held to face a discharge hole of the nozzle part. For example, ClF 3 gas and Ar gas are supplied from the nozzle part and the mixed gas is discharged from the nozzle part under a vacuum atmosphere. By doing this, the mixed gas is adiabatically expanded and the Ar atoms or ClF 3 molecules are combined, which become a gas cluster. The gas cluster is irradiated to the surface of the silicon substrate without being ionized and, as a result, the surface of the silicon surface becomes a porous state. Then, lithium is grown on the surface of the silicon substrate in a separate vacuum chamber 41 by sputtering without breaking the vacuum.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Methods for in situ deposition of coatings and articles produced using same

Номер: US20120073568A1
Принадлежит: Applied Nanostructured Solutions LLC

Methods for depositing a coating on a metal surface can include heating a metal surface to a temperature not greater than its melting point; while heating the metal surface, applying a vacuum thereto; and while heating the metal surface, releasing the vacuum and backfilling with a first purge gas, where the first purge gas is reactive with the heated metal surface so as to deposit at least one layer of a coating thereon. The present methods can be used to deposit a coating in situ during the fabrication of solar receivers, in which the solar receivers contain an annulus defined by a metal tube as the inner surface and a material that is at least partially transparent to solar radiation as the outer surface.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Thin film depositing apparatus

Номер: US20120090543A1
Автор: Woo-Seok Cheong

Provided is a thin film depositing apparatus. The thin film depositing apparatus includes: a loading chamber loading a plurality of substrates; a first process chamber connected to the loading chamber and including a plurality of sputter guns inducing a first plasma on the plurality of substrates; a buffer chamber connected to the other side of the first process chamber facing the loading chamber; and a substrate transfer module simultaneously passing the plurality of substrates between the plurality of sputter guns during a process using the first plasma and transferring the plurality of substrates from the first process chamber to the buffer chamber.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Thin film deposition apparatus for continuous deposition, and mask unit and crucible unit included in thin film deposition apparatus

Номер: US20120090544A1
Автор: II-Soo PARK, Mu-gyeom Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A thin film deposition apparatus for performing continuous deposition, and a mask unit and a crucible unit that are included in the thin film deposition apparatus. A thin film deposition apparatus includes a moving unit configured to move a substrate as a deposition target; a mask unit configured to selectively pass vapor of a deposition source toward the substrate; and a crucible unit including a plurality of crucibles accommodating the deposition source and proceeding along a circulation path passing through the mask unit.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Sputtering target material, silicon-containing film forming method, and photomask blank

Номер: US20120100467A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

Provided is a silicon target material in which particles are not easily generated during a sputtering process and to form a low-defect (high quality) silicon-containing film. A silicon target material having a specific resistance of 20 Ω·cm or more at room temperature is used for forming a silicon-containing film. The silicon target material may be polycrystalline or noncrystalline. However, when the silicon target material is single-crystalline, a more stable discharge state can be obtained. Also, a single-crystal silicon in which crystals are grown by an FZ method is a preferable material as a highly-pure silicon target material because its content of oxygen is low. Further, a target material having n-type conductivity and containing donor impurities is preferable to obtain stable discharge characteristics. Only a single or a plurality of silicon target materials according to the present invention may be used for sputtering film formation of the silicon-containing film.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Thin-film formation system and organic el device manufacturing system

Номер: US20120103254A1
Автор: Tomokazu Sushihara
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Provided is thin-film formation system including: a first conveying mechanism to convey a substrate and a deposition mask to a substrate carry-in position; a second conveying mechanism to convey the substrate and the deposition mask aligned by an alignment mechanism placed at the substrate carry-in position; a film formation mechanism to laminate a layer of organic material on the substrate in a film formation interval of the second conveying mechanism; and a third conveying mechanism to convey the substrate and the deposition mask which have passed the film formation interval from a carry-out position, in which at least one of the first conveying mechanism and the third conveying mechanism is placed parallel to the second conveying mechanism.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Cooled pvd shield

Номер: US20120111273A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention generally comprises a top shield for shielding a shadow frame within a PVD chamber. The top shield may remain in a stationary position and at least partially shield the shadow frame to reduce the amount of material that may deposit on the shadow frame during processing. The top shield may be cooled to reduce the amount of fluxuation in temperature of the top shield and shadow frame during processing and/or during down time.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Deposition quantity measuring apparatus, deposition quantity measuring method, and method for manufacturing electrode for electrochemical element

Номер: US20120121794A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A manufacturing method according to the present invention includes a step of allowing lithium to deposit on a substrate provided with a layer capable of forming a compound together with lithium. A first beta ray and a second beta ray are emitted toward the substrate for irradiation before the deposition step to measure backscattering, from the substrate, of the first beta ray and the second beta ray. The first beta ray and the second beta ray are emitted toward the substrate for irradiation after the deposition step to measure backscattering, from the substrate, of the first beta ray and the second beta ray. A decrement in backscattering of the first beta ray before and after lithium deposition and a decrement in backscattering of the second beta ray before and after lithium deposition are calculated. The deposition step is controlled depending on the decrement in the backscattering of the first beta ray and the decrement in the backscattering of the second beta ray.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Vacuum container

Номер: US20120145724A1
Автор: Daisuke KOBINATA
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

A vacuum container which has a seal member in fitting faces of the vacuum container to be divided into half, has a labyrinth forming device inside the vacuum container in the fitting faces, and a labyrinth forming device has a concave member in which a concave portion is formed, a convex member which has a convex portion arranged to have a slight gap between the inner surface of the concave portion, and a vertically moving mechanism which operates the convex member in a direction close to the concave member.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Vacuum processing apparatus and processing method using the same

Номер: US20120160164A1
Автор: Kazuhiro Kameyama
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

A vacuum processing apparatus includes: a process chamber capable of reducing a pressure; a transport unit, provided in the process chamber, for transporting a plurality of substrates; a gas supply unit for supplying a gas to process the substrates in the process chamber; a substrate processing unit for processing the substrates placed on the transport unit; a detection unit for detecting a substrate interval between adjacent substrates out of the plurality of substrates; and a control unit for controlling, based on the substrate interval detected by the detection unit, a supply amount of the gas to be supplied by the gas supply unit.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Tape base for superconducting wire, and superconducting wire

Номер: US20120165199A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Fukushima
Принадлежит: Furukawa Electric Co Ltd

A tape-shaped base for a superconducting wire, which simplifies the intermediate layer and thus enables production of a superconducting wire at lower cost, and which is capable of improving the characteristics (such as electrical conduction and handling properties) of a superconducting wire; and a superconducting wire. Specifically disclosed is a tape-shaped base for a superconducting wire, which is obtained by forming an intermediate layer on a metal substrate. In the tape-shaped base for a superconducting wire a biaxially oriented layer of the intermediate layer is configured of a niobium monoxide (NbO) layer that is formed by depositing vapor deposition particles from a vapor deposition source on a film formation surface.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Formation of Selenide, Sulfide or Mixed Selenide-Sulfide Films on Metal or Metal Coated Substrates

Номер: US20120213933A1
Автор: Erten Eser, Shannon Fields
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of forming a metal-coated substrate having a CuInGaR 2 film on a surface of the metal coating is performed in such a manner that reaction of the metal with Se is substantially prevented, wherein R is Se or a combination of Se and S and wherein the metal is selected from the group consisting of Mo, W, Cr, Ta, Nb, V and Ti. The method includes the steps of: providing a precursor film on the surface of the metal coating, wherein the metal coating contains oxygen in an amount sufficient to inhibit reaction of the metal with Se; and selenizing the precursor film; wherein said selenizing is limited to providing only that amount of Se required to form the CuInGaR 2 film.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Functional Composite Garment Materials

Номер: US20120276332A1
Принадлежит: Zhik Pty Ltd

Composite materials for use in garments or footwear, and a process for manufacture, and use thereof. Composite materials may have one or more functional properties including water repellency, antimicrobial function, insulation, moisture wicking, directional moisture transfer, body heat reflection, exterior heat reflection, body heat redistribution through conduction, as well as prevention of body heat loss through heat conduction.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Transparent conductive film, process for producing same, and electronic device employing transparent conductive film

Номер: US20120295120A1
Принадлежит: Lintec Corp

Disclosed is a transparent conductive film, including a substrate and, formed on at least one surface of the substrate, a gas barrier layer and a transparent conductive layer, wherein the gas barrier layer is formed of a material containing at least oxygen atoms, nitrogen atoms, and silicon atoms, and includes a surface layer part which has an oxygen atom fraction of 60 to 75%, a nitrogen atom fraction of 0 to 10%, and a silicon atom fraction of 25 to 35%, each atom fraction being calculated with respect to the total number of the oxygen atoms, nitrogen atoms, and silicon atoms contained in the surface layer part and which has a film density of 2.4 to 4.0 g/cm 3 .

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Film Formation Apparatus and Film Formation Method

Номер: US20130005054A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

There is provided a film formation apparatus which is capable of forming an EL layer using an EL material with high purity. The EL material is purified by sublimation immediately before film formation in the film formation apparatus, to thereby remove oxygen, water, and another impurity, which are included in the EL material. Also, when film formation is performed using the EL material (high purity EL material) obtained by purifying with sublimation as an evaporation source, a high purity EL layer can be formed.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Target shield designs in multi-target deposition system.

Номер: US20130014700A1
Принадлежит: NANO ETCH SYSTEMS Inc

A multi-target deposition arrangement comprising of a target assembly turret configured to be rotatable is provided. The arrangement also includes a plurality of targets mounted on the target assembly turret, wherein a first target is positioned in an operational position, which is facing a substrate during sputtering. The arrangement further includes a shield arrangement that includes at least a set of static shields and a set of dynamic shields. The set of static shields is attached to the target assembly turret. The set of dynamic shields is aligned with the set of static shields when the first target is rotated into the operational position for sputtering, wherein the shield arrangement prevents cross contamination to other targets when the sputtering is occurring to the first target.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Load lock control method and apparatus

Номер: US20130017317A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Method and apparatus for controlling evacuation pressure of a load lock connected to a processing chamber uses prior pressure changes detected in the processing chamber when the load lock communicates with the processing chamber.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for cleaning deposition chamber parts using selective spray etch

Номер: US20130037062A1

In one aspect, a method of cleaning an electronic device manufacturing process chamber part is provided, including a) spraying the part with an acid; b) spraying the part with DI water; and c) treating the part with potassium hydroxide. Other aspects are provided.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Dynamic fluid valve and method for establishing the same

Номер: US20130052347A1
Принадлежит: LEVITECH BV

A method, comprising: —providing a process space atmosphere at a process space atmosphere pressure; —providing an exterior atmosphere at an exterior atmosphere pressure that is different from the process space atmosphere pressure; —providing a passage via which the exterior atmosphere is in open communication with the process space atmosphere, and via which substrates are exchangeable between the exterior atmosphere and the process space atmosphere; —injecting an exchange fluid into the passage at at least one exchange fluid injection point, so as to effect a flow of exchange fluid that extends through at least a part of the passage, wherein said flow is directed towards—the exterior in case the exterior atmosphere pressure is greater than the process space atmosphere pressure; or—the process space in case the exterior atmosphere pressure is smaller than the process space atmosphere pressure.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

In-line deposition system and process for deposition of a thin film layer

Номер: US20130084669A1
Принадлежит: Primestar Solar Inc

An apparatus for vapor deposition of a sublimated source material as a thin film on a substrate is provided. The apparatus includes a receptacle configured to hold a source material and a distribution plate positioned above the receptacle. The distribution plate defines a pattern of passages therethrough. The apparatus also includes a conveyor configured to travel in a continuous loop such that its transfer surface passes above the distribution plate in a first direction to receive thereon sublimated source material passing through the passages of the distribution plate. The conveyor is also configured to travel in a second direction while carrying a substrate on its raised edges. A heating system heats the conveyor while it travels in the second direction to transfer the source material from the transfer surface to the substrate. A process is provided for vapor deposition of a sublimated source material to form thin film.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Deposition ring and electrostatic chuck for physical vapor deposition chamber

Номер: US20130112554A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Embodiments of the invention generally relate to a process kit for a semiconductor processing chamber, and a semiconductor processing chamber having a kit. More specifically, embodiments described herein relate to a process kit including a deposition ring and a pedestal assembly. The components of the process kit work alone, and in combination, to significantly reduce their effects on the electric fields around a substrate during processing.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133571A1

The invention provides a multi-film forming apparatus including a substrate holder stock chamber for storing a plurality of substrate holders separately from a path in the multi-film forming apparatus, so that production can be performed without being affected by the process of removing a film accumulated on the surface of the substrate holder and the process of replacing the substrate holder, or by the process of removing a film accumulated on the surface of the substrate holder or the process of replacing the substrate holder, and hence high-throughput production is possible. A branch path is provided on the path of the multi-film forming apparatus, and a substrate holder stock chamber for storing a plurality of substrate holders which enables retrieval of the substrate holder from the path and feeding of the substrate holder to the path is provided. 1. A film forming apparatus comprising:a plurality of vacuum chambers;a path provided in the plurality of vacuum chambers;a plurality of substrate holders moving along the path in the vertical position;a drive unit for transferring the substrate holders; anda stock chamber which feeds the substrate holders to the path or retrieves the substrate holders from the path, and which is connected to one of the plurality of vacuum chambers, wherein the stock chamber includes a plurality of guide portions for supporting the substrate holders in the vertical position, a rotary table which includes the plurality of guide portions arranged radially and which connects predetermined one of the plurality of guide portions when the rotary table is rotated by a predetermined angle, and a transport unit for transporting the substrate holders between the path and the guide portions connected to the path.2. The film forming apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the stock chamber comprises a degasificating unit.3. The film forming apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the stock chamber is connected with a direction changing chamber ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Water-reactive al-based composite material, water-reactive al-based thermally sprayed film, process for production of such al-based thermally sprayed film, and constituent member for film-forming chamber

Номер: US20130145961A1
Принадлежит: Ulvac Inc

Herein provided are a water-reactive Al-based composite material which is characterized in that it is produced by incorporating, into Al, 2.0 to 3.5% by mass of In, 0.2 to 0.5% by mass of Si and 0.13 to 0.25% by mass of Ti, and which can be dissolved in water through the reaction thereof in a water-containing atmosphere; a water-reactive Al-based thermally sprayed film produced using this composite material; a method for the production of this Al-based thermally sprayed film; and a constituent member for a film-forming chamber which is provided with this Al-based thermally sprayed film on the surface thereof.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Load chamber with heater for a disk sputtering system

Номер: US20130175252A1
Автор: Allen J. Bourez
Принадлежит: WD Media LLC

A disk processing system having a plurality of processing chambers, a load chamber comprising a heater, and a disk transport system coupled to the plurality of processing chambers and the load chamber to transport a disk there among.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Dry Coating Apparatus

Номер: US20130186339A1
Принадлежит: Posco Co Ltd

Provided is a dry coating apparatus for coating a coating material, i.e., deposition vapor (metal vapor) on a substrate (a steel strip). The dry coating apparatus includes a coating part disposed in a vacuum to coat deposition vapor generated through heating and evaporation of a supplied coating material onto a proceeding object to be coated and a heating source disposed in an atmosphere to heat and levitate the coating material in the coating part.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing conductive film roll

Номер: US20130186547A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A method for manufacturing a conductive film roll includes step (A), step (B), and step (C). Step (A) is laminating a first transparent conductor layer and a first metal layer on one surface of a film substrate while rewinding a first roll of the film substrate to obtain a first laminate. Step (B) is conveying the first laminate in air while rewinding a second roll and forming an oxidized coated layer on a surface of the first metal layer to obtain a second laminate. Step (C) is manufacturing a third laminate by laminating a second transparent conductor layer and a second metal layer on the other surface of the film substrate to obtain a fourth roll. Operation effects of the oxidized coated layer prevents blocking.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Sputtering sources for high-pressure sputtering with large targets and sputtering method

Номер: US20130199924A1

A sputtering head comprises a receiving area for a sputtering target (target receptacle). The sputtering head comprises one or more magnetic field sources so as to generate a stray magnetic field. The magnetic north and the magnetic south of at least one magnetic field source, between which the stray field forms, are located 10 mm or less, preferably 5 mm or less, and particularly preferably approximately 1 mm apart. It was found that, notably when sputtering at a high sputtering gas pressure of 0.5 mbar or more, the degree of ionization of the sputtering plasma, and consequently also the ablation rate of the sputtering target, can be locally adjusted by such a locally effective magnetic field. This allows the thicknesses of the layers that are obtained to be more homogeneous over the surface of the substrate. Advantageously, the sputtering head additionally comprises a solid state insulator, which surrounds the base body comprising the target receptacle and the sputtering target (all connected to potential) and electrically insulates the same from the shield that spatially limits the material ablation to the sputtering target (connected to ground).

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Coating of shield surfaces in deposition systems

Номер: US20130202990A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd, Sematech Inc

A deposition chamber shield having a stainless steel coating of from about 100 microns to about 250 microns thick wherein the coated shield has a surface roughness of between about 300 microinches and about 800 microinches and a surface particle density of less than about 0.1 particles/mm 2 of particles between about 1 micron and about 5 microns in size and no particles below about 1 micron in size, and process for production thereof is disclosed.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Process for cleaning shield surfaces in deposition systems

Номер: US20130202991A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd, Sematech Inc

A process for cleaning and restoring deposition shield surfaces which results in a cleaned shield having a surface roughness of between about 200 microinches and about 500 microinches and a particle surface density of less than about 0.1 particles/mm 2 of particles between about 1 micron and about 5 microns in size and no particles less than about 1 micron in size and method for use thereof is disclosed.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Compact, filtered ion source

Номер: US20130206585A1
Автор: Paul Erik SATHRUM
Принадлежит: Fluxion Inc

The present invention relates to a filtered cathodic-arc ion source that reduces, or even eliminates, macroparticles while minimally compromising the compact size, simplicity, and high flux ion production benefits of unfiltered cathodic-arc sources. Magnetic and electrostatic forces are implemented in a compact way to guide ions along curved trajectories between the cathode source and the workpiece area such that macroparticles, which are minimally affected by these forces and travel in straight lines, are inhibited from reaching the workpieces. The present invention implements this filtering technique in a device that is compact, symmetrical and easy to manufacture and operate and which does not substantially compromise coating deposition rate, area, or uniformity.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130224400A1
Принадлежит: VALEO VISION

An apparatus for treating an object, for example an object made of polymer for a light or headlamp of an automotive vehicle, comprises a vacuum chamber in which the object is intended to be placed; means for placing the chamber under vacuum; and ion bombardment means intended for treating the object, comprising an ion generator and at least one ion applicator intended to emit an ion beam. This apparatus comprises, in addition: a first airlock; means for selectively placing the vacuum chamber in communication with the first airlock and means for placing the first airlock under vacuum. The ion bombardment means are arranged outside of the vacuum chamber. The ion applicator is housed in the first airlock. 1. An apparatus for treating an object , said apparatus comprising:a vacuum chamber in which the object is intended to be placed;means for placing the chamber under vacuum; andan ion bombardment device intended for treating the object, comprising an ion generator and at least one ion applicator intended to emit an ion beam;wherein said apparatus further comprises:a first airlock;means for selectively placing the vacuum chamber in communication with the first airlock; andmeans for placing the first airlock under vacuum,the ion bombardment device being arranged outside of the vacuum chamber, and the ion applicator being housed in the first airlock.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , in which the ion applicator comprises means chosen from electrostatic lenses for shaping the ion beam claim 1 , a diaphragm claim 1 , a shutter claim 1 , a collimator claim 1 , an ion-beam analyzer and an ion-beam controller.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , in which the ion generator comprises means chosen from an ionization chamber claim 1 , an electron cyclotron resonance ion source claim 1 , an ion accelerator claim 1 , and an ion separator.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , in which the means for placing the chamber under vacuum comprise a primary pumping assembly ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for Coating a Substrate and Metal Alloy Vacuum Deposition Facility

Номер: US20130239890A1
Принадлежит: ArcelorMittal France SA

The present invention provides a process for coating a substrate. A metal alloy layer including at least two metallic elements is continuously deposited on the substrate by a vacuum deposition facility. The facility includes a vapor jet coater for spraying the substrate with a vapor containing the metallic elements in a constant and predetermined relative content, the vapor being sprayed at a sonic velocity. The process may advantageously be used for depositing Zn—Mg coatings. The invention also provides a vacuum deposition facility for continuously depositing coatings formed from metal alloys, for implementing the process.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing conductive film roll

Номер: US20130243945A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A method of manufacturing a conductive film roll includes a first step of transporting a film base having an elongated shape while laminating a first transparent conductor layer, a first metal layer and a metal oxide membrane layer by sputtering on a first face side of the film base to form a first laminated body, a second step of feeding the film base, to a second film formation roll without being wound up into a roll, transporting the film base while making the metal oxide membrane layer of the first laminated body into contact with the second film formation roll, and sequentially laminating a second transparent conductor layer and a second metal layer by sputtering on a second face side of the film base to form a second laminated body, and a third step of winding up the second laminated body into a roll.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Vapor deposition shadow mask system for backplane and display screen with any size and method thereof

Номер: US20130251907A1
Автор: Chongguang Pan
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention discloses a vapor deposition shadow mask system for backplane and display screen of any size and a method thereof. The system includes at least one vacuum chamber, a substrate and a transmission device. The vacuum chambers accommodate ‘M’ set of shadow mask plates and deposition sources therein. The substrate includes ‘M’ number of elementary units, each of which being partitioned into ‘N’ number of regions. The transmission device is utilized to shift the substrate or the shadow mask plate along a path of the vacuum chamber such that the ‘M’ set of shadow mask plates are corresponded to the different regions of the ‘M’ number of elementary units in ‘N’ number of periods. The ‘M’ is a natural number greater than or equal to one, and the ‘N’ is a natural number greater than or equal to two.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods of and factories for thin-film battery manufacturing

Номер: US20130255076A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods of and factories for thin-film battery manufacturing are described. A method includes operations for fabricating a thin-film battery. A factory includes one or more tool sets for fabricating a thin-film battery.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270105A1
Принадлежит: VIEW, INC.

Conventional electrochromic devices frequently suffer from poor reliability and poor performance. Improvements are made using entirely solid and inorganic materials. Electrochromic devices are fabricated by forming an ion conducting electronically insulating interfacial region that serves as an IC layer. In some methods, the interfacial region is formed after formation of an electrochromic and a counter electrode layer. The interfacial region contains an ion conducting electronically insulating material along with components of the electrochromic and/or the counter electrode layer. Materials and microstructure of the electrochromic devices provide improvements in performance and reliability over conventional devices. 1. An apparatus for fabricating an electrochromic device , comprising: (i) a first deposition station containing a first target comprising a first material for depositing a layer of an electrochromic material on a substrate when the substrate is positioned in the first deposition station, and', '(ii) a second deposition station containing a second target comprising a second material for depositing a layer of a counter electrode material on the substrate when the substrate is positioned in the second deposition station; and, '(a) an integrated deposition system comprising(b) a controller containing program instructions for passing the substrate through the first and second deposition stations in a manner that sequentially deposits a stack on the substrate, the stack comprising the layer of electrochromic material in direct contact with the layer of counter electrode material.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , operable to pass the substrate from one station to the next without breaking vacuum.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the integrated deposition system further comprises one or more lithiation stations operable to deposit lithium from a lithium-containing material source on at least one of the electrochromic layer and the counter electrode layer.4. ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270111A1
Автор: Lee Woo-Su, PARK Bo-Hwan

A sputtering device, including a chamber providing a reaction space, a sputter unit including a target disposed in the chamber, and a conveying unit including a plurality of rollers for supporting a substrate and for conveying the substrate relative to the target along a first direction, the conveying unit including fixed roller units having a predetermined diameter, and a variable roller unit having a diameter that changes in a second direction at both ends thereof, the second direction being orthogonal to the first direction. 1. A sputtering device , comprising:a chamber providing a reaction space;a sputter unit including a target disposed in the chamber; anda conveying unit including a plurality of rollers for supporting a substrate and for conveying the substrate relative to the target along a first direction,the conveying unit including:fixed roller units having a predetermined diameter; anda variable roller unit having a diameter that changes in a second direction at both ends thereof, the second direction being orthogonal to the first direction.2. The sputtering device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the variable roller unit is positioned directly across from target,the fixed roller units are positioned at both sides of the variable roller unit in the first direction, andthe fixed roller units include first rollers, each of the first rollers having the predetermined diameter.3. The sputtering device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the variable roller unit includes at least three second rollers claim 2 , andeach of the second rollers has:a fixed diameter portion, andvariable diameter portions connected to both ends of the fixed diameter portion, the variable diameter portions having a diameter that increases for the variable diameter portions farther from the fixed diameter portion.4. The sputtering device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein a maximum diameter of the variable diameter portions increases for the second rollers closer to a center of the variable ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Gas lock, and coating apparatus comprising a gas lock

Номер: US20130276900A1

The present invention relates to a gas lock for separating two gas chambers, which while taking up minimal space makes it possible to achieve the separation of gases without contact with the product/educt/transporting system. The gas lock according to the invention is distinguished by the integration of a measuring chamber for measuring at least one physical and/or chemical property. Also, the present invention relates to a coating device which comprises a gas lock according to the invention. Also provided are possibilities for using the gas lock according to the invention.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing apparatus

Номер: US20130277207A1
Автор: Koji Tsunekawa
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

The present invention provides a manufacturing apparatus which can realize so-called sequential substrate transfer and can improve throughput, even when one multi-layered thin film includes plural layers of the same film type. A manufacturing apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a transfer chamber, three sputtering deposition chambers each including one sputtering cathode, two sputtering deposition chambers each including two or more sputtering cathodes, and a process chamber for performing a process other than sputtering, and the three sputtering deposition chambers, the two sputtering deposition chambers, and the process chamber are arranged around the transfer chamber so that each is able to perform delivery and receipt of the substrate with the transfer chamber.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Sputtering target and manufacturing method thereof, and transistor

Номер: US20130277895A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

One object is to provide a deposition technique for forming an oxide semiconductor film. By forming an oxide semiconductor film using a sputtering target including a sintered body of a metal oxide whose concentration of hydrogen contained is low, for example, lower than 1×10 16 atoms/cm 3 , the oxide semiconductor film contains a small amount of impurities such as a compound containing hydrogen typified by H 2 O or a hydrogen atom. In addition, this oxide semiconductor film is used as an active layer of a transistor.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Gas barrier film and electronic device

Номер: US20130280521A1
Автор: Takahiro Mori

There are provided a gas barrier film which is excellent in gas barrier performance and heat resistance; and an electronic device excellent in durability, in which the gas barrier film is used. The gas barrier film including, on a base, a first gas barrier layer which is formed by a physical vapor deposition method or a chemical vapor deposition method and contains Si and N; and a second gas barrier layer which is formed by coating a solution containing a polysilazane compound, wherein the second gas barrier layer is subjected to conversion treatment by being irradiated with a vacuum ultraviolet ray; and, when the composition of each layer is represented by SiO x N y , the distribution of the composition SiO x N y of the second gas barrier layer in a thickness direction satisfies a condition specified in the following (A): (A) the second gas barrier layer includes 50 nm or more of a region of 0.25≦x≦1.1 and 0.4≦y≦0.75 in the thickness direction.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Co-evaporation system comprising vapor pre-mixer

Номер: US20130302520A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A processing system for depositing a plurality of source materials on a substrate, includes a first thermal evaporation source that can evaporate a first source material to produce a first vapor, a second thermal evaporation source that can evaporate a second source material to produce a second vapor, a vapor mixing chamber that allows the first vapor and the second vapor to be mixed to produce a mixed vapor, and conduits that can separately transport the first vapor and the second vapor to the vapor mixing chamber. The mixed vapor can be directed toward a substrate to deposit a mixture of the first source material and the second source material on the substrate. The processing system can also include vapor filters configured to regulate flows of the first vapor and the second vapor, and a mixed vapor filter to regulate flow of the mixed vapor.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for depositing a transparent barrier layer system

Номер: US20130302536A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a transparent bather layer system, wherein in a vacuum chamber at least two transparent barrier layers and a transparent intermediate layer disposed between the two barrier layers are deposited on a transparent plastic film, wherein for deposition of the barrier layers aluminium is vaporised and simultaneously at least one first reactive gas is introduced into the vacuum chamber and wherein for deposition of the intermediate layer aluminium is vaporised and simultaneously at least one second reactive gas and a gaseous or vaporous organic component are introduced into the vacuum chamber.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309486A1

A magnetron sputtering coating device includes a deposition chamber, sputtering cathodes, a rotating stand within the deposition chamber, a support platform on the rotating stand, a first rotation system for driving the rotating stand to rotate around a central axis of the rotating stand, and a baffle fixed on the rotating stand. The sputtering cathodes are arranged around and perpendicular to the rotating stand. 1. A magnetron sputtering coating device , comprising:a deposition chamber;a rotating stand positioned within the deposition chamber and having a rotating axis;two first sputtering cathodes and a second sputtering cathode located on a circumference concentric with the rotating axis, wherein the second sputtering cathode contains a material different from the two first sputtering cathodes; anda baffle fixed on the rotating stand and divides the deposition chamber into at least two areas, wherein at least one first sputtering cathode is in one area, and the second sputtering cathode is in another area.2. The magnetron sputtering coating device according to claim 1 , wherein the first sputtering cathodes each include a graphite target claim 1 , and the second sputtering cathode includes a titanium or tantalum target.3. The magnetron sputtering coating device according to claim 1 , wherein the baffle extends along a diameter of the rotating stand.4. The magnetron sputtering coating device according to claim 1 , wherein the two first sputtering cathodes form an arc of substantially 180°-240° therebetween claim 1 , and the second sputtering cathode is positioned substantially in the middle of the two first sputtering cathodes.5. The magnetron sputtering coating device according to claim 1 , wherein the baffle is made of titanium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The magnetron sputtering coating device according to claim 1 , further comprising a support platform on the rotating stand for supporting an article to be ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Vapor deposition particle emitting device, vapor deposition apparatus, vapor deposition method

Номер: US20130323882A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A vapor deposition particle injection device ( 30 ) includes a vapor deposition particle generating section ( 41 ), at least one nozzle stage made of an intermediate nozzle section ( 51 ), a vapor deposition particle emitting nozzle section ( 61 ), and heat exchangers ( 43, 63, 53 ). The vapor deposition particle emitting nozzle section ( 61 ) is controlled so as to be at a temperature lower than a temperature at which a vapor deposition material turns into gas. Meanwhile, the intermediate nozzle section ( 51 ) is controlled by the heat exchanger ( 53 ) so as to be at a temperature between a temperature of the vapor deposition particle generating section ( 41 ) and a temperature of the vapor deposition particle emitting nozzle section ( 61 ).

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Substrate conveyance roller, thin film manufacturing device and thin film manufacturing method

Номер: US20130330472A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A substrate-conveying roller 6 A is configured to convey a substrate under vacuum, and includes a first shell 11 , an internal block 12 , and a shaft 10 . The first shell 11 has a cylindrical outer circumferential surface for supporting the substrate, and can rotate in synchronization with the substrate. The internal block 12 is disposed inside the first shell 11 , and is blocked from rotating in synchronization with the substrate. The shaft 10 extends through, and supports the internal block 12 . A clearance 15 is formed between the inner circumferential surface of the first shell 11 and the internal block 12 . A gas is introduced into the clearance 15 from the internal block 12 toward the inner circumferential surface of the first shell 11.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for using sputtering target and method for manufacturing oxide film

Номер: US20140001032A1
Автор: Shunpei Yamazaki
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

A method for using a sputtering target which enables an oxide film with a high degree of crystallinity, which contains a plurality of metal elements, to be formed is provided. In the method for using a sputtering target including a polycrystalline oxide containing a plurality of crystal grains which include a cleavage plane, an ion is made to collide with the sputtering target to separate sputtered particles from the cleavage plane, and the sputtered particles are positively charged, so that the sputtered particles are deposited uniformly on a deposition surface while repelling each other.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Organic layer deposition apparatus, method of manufacturing organic light-emitting display apparatus using the same, and organic light-emitting display apparatus manufactured using the method

Номер: US20140014929A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic layer deposition apparatus, a method of manufacturing an organic light-emitting display apparatus by using the same, and an organic light-emitting display apparatus manufactured using the method. The organic layer deposition apparatus includes a conveyer unit including first and second conveyer units, loading and unloading units, and a deposition unit. A transfer unit moves between the first and second conveyer units, and the substrate attached to the transfer unit is spaced from a plurality of organic layer deposition assemblies of the deposition unit while being transferred by the first conveyer unit. The organic layer deposition assemblies include common layer deposition assemblies and pattern layer deposition assemblies.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Vapor-deposited film having barrier performance

Номер: US20140030510A1

Such a vapor-deposited barrier film is provided that has a vapor-deposited layer having uniform film quality, a high film density and high barrier performance in the initial stage. The vapor-deposited barrier film contains a substrate having on at least one surface thereof at least one layer of a vapor-deposited layer (a). The vapor-deposited layer (a) contains a metal oxide, has a thickness of from 10 to 500 nm, and has an average value of an elemental ratio of oxygen (O) and the metal (oxygen (O)/metal) of 1.20 or more and 1.90 or less and a difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of the (oxygen (O)/metal) of 0.35 or less on analysis of the vapor-deposited layer in the depth direction thereof by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ESCA) method.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034489A1

A film-forming apparatus includes a plurality of target electrodes, a substrate holder for holding a substrate, a fires shutter member rotatably provided between the plurality of target electrodes and the substrate holder and having a plurality of openings, first separating walls provided on a surface of the first shutter member, the surface being on the target electrode side; and second separating walls provided between the first shutter member and the target electrodes, wherein the first separating walls are provided so as to sandwich each of the plurality of openings of the first shutter member. 1. A film-forming apparatus comprising:a plurality of target electrodes each having an attachment surface to which a target can be attached;a substrate holder for holding a substrate at a position opposing the plurality of target electrodes;a first shutter member rotatably provided between the plurality of target electrodes and the substrate holder and having a plurality of openings that oppose the attachment surfaces when the first shutter member is rotated;first separating walls provided on a surface of the first shutter member, the surface being on the target electrode side; andsecond separating walls provided between the first shutter member and the target electrodes,wherein the first separating walls are provided so as to sandwich each of the plurality of openings of the first shutter member,the second separating walls are provided so as to come into contact with the first separating wall if the first shutter member is rotated by a predetermined angle or more about a rotation shaft, andthe first separating walls are positioned so as to form gaps with the second separating walls during film formation processing.2. The film-forming apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a second shatter member rotatably provided between the first shutter member and the substrate holder and having an opening that opposes any one of the plurality of openings of the first ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for cylindrical magnetron sputtering

Номер: US20140054168A1
Принадлежит: Cardinal CG Co

A cathode target assembly for use in sputtering target material onto a substrate includes a generally cylindrical target and a magnetic array. The magnetic array is adapted to provide a plasma confinement region adjacent an outer surface of the target. End portions of the magnetic array are adapted to make the shape and strength of the confinement field at the turns of the racetrack closely match the shape and strength of the confinement field along the straight part of the racetrack so as to significantly reduce cross-corner effect.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

High quality reflectance coatings

Номер: US20140065328A1
Автор: Klaus Hartig
Принадлежит: Cardinal CG Co

Low-emissivity coatings that are highly reflective to infrared-radiation. The coating includes three infrared-reflection film regions, which may each include silver.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for manufacturing an adhesive-free gas barrier film having a ceramic barrier layer

Номер: US20140087161A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing an adhesive-free gas barrier film comprising conveying means for conveying a film web; at least one first lock system for introducing the film web into a coating chamber of the apparatus; at least one first coating means by means of which the film web can be at least partially coated by depositing a barrier material in the coating chamber; and optionally at least one second lock system for expelling the film web out of the coating chamber; and at least one second coating means by means of which the coated film web can be at least partially coated by extrusion of a plastic melt.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Deposition device, and collection device

Номер: US20140087450A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A Film ( 7 ) is provided on at least a part of a surface of each of a vapor deposition preventing plate ( 3 ) and a shutter ( 4 ) of a vacuum chamber ( 5 ) on which surface vapor deposition particles are vapor-deposited, the film ( 7 ) being provided so as to be peeled off from the each of the vapor deposition preventing plate ( 3 ) and the shutter ( 4 ), and the film being made of a material differing in at least one of a melting point, a sublimation point, solubility in a given solvent, microbial biodegradability, and photodegradability from a material of which a vapor-deposited film that is formed on the film ( 7 ) is made.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Thermal expansive aluminum guide roller and production method thereof

Номер: US20140100096A1

A thermal expansive aluminum guide roller includes: an aluminum guide roller base, wherein the aluminum guide roller base is coated by an irony layer, the irony layer is coated by a hard metallic layer. Preferably, the hard metallic layer is a nickel layer or a titanium layer. Aluminum is utilized because of a small density. With the light weight, inertia is small and a rotation speed can be adjusted rapidly for quickly adapting to different conditions while coating. A production method of the thermal expansive aluminum guide roller includes: a step of preparing the aluminum guide roller base, wherein the production method further includes steps of: A) preparing an irony sleeve; B) inserting the aluminum guide roller base into the irony sleeve; C) forming the irony layer; and D) forming a coating layer, wherein the irony layer is coated by a hard metallic layer.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Textured Silicon Liners In Substrate Processing Systems

Номер: US20150001391A1
Автор: Julian Blake

Substrate processing systems, such as ion implantation systems, deposition systems and etch systems, having textured silicon liners are disclosed. The silicon liners are textured using a chemical treatment that produces small features, referred to as micropyramids, which may be less than 20 micrometers in height. Despite the fact that these micropyramids are much smaller than the textured features commonly found in graphite liners, the textured silicon is able to hold deposited coatings and resist flaking. Methods for performing preventative maintenance on these substrate processing systems are also disclosed.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002770A1

An apparatus for deposition of a layer stack on a non-flexible substrate or on a substrate provided in a carrier is described. The apparatus includes a vacuum chamber, a transport system, wherein the transport system and the vacuum chamber are configured for inline deposition, a first support for a first rotatable sputter cathode rotatable around a first rotation axis within the vacuum chamber, wherein a first deposition zone for depositing a first material is provided, a second support for a second rotatable sputter cathode rotatable around a second rotation axis within the vacuum chamber, wherein a second deposition zone for depositing a second material is provided, wherein the first rotation axis and the second rotation axis have a distance from each other of 700 mm or below; and a separator structure between the first rotation axis and the second rotation axis, adapted to receive the first material sputtered towards the second deposition zone and the second material sputtered towards the first deposition zone, wherein apparatus is configured for deposition of the layer stack comprising a layer of the first material and a subsequent layer of the second material. 1. An apparatus for deposition of a layer stack on a non-flexible substrate or on a substrate provided in a carrier , comprising:a vacuum chamber;a transport system, wherein the transport system and the vacuum chamber are configured for inline deposition;a first support for a first rotatable sputter cathode rotatable around a first rotation axis within the vacuum chamber, wherein a first deposition zone for depositing a first material is provided;a second support for a second rotatable sputter cathode rotatable around a second rotation axis within the vacuum chamber, wherein a second deposition zone for depositing a second material is provided, wherein the first rotation axis and the second rotation axis have a distance from each other of 700 mm or below;a separator structure between the first rotation ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002807A1
Принадлежит: ULVAC, INC.

A vacuum processing apparatus, including: a vacuum chamber in which a single vacuum environment is formed; first and a second processing regions provided in the vacuum chamber for performing predetermined vacuum processing on a substrate held by a substrate holder of a plurality of substrate holders; a conveying path for conveying the substrate holder, the conveying path being formed such that a projection shape with respect to a vertical plane forms a continuous ring shape; and a substrate holder conveying mechanism configured to convey the plurality of substrate holders each having a first and a second driven part along the conveying path. 1. A vacuum processing apparatus , comprising:a vacuum chamber in which a single vacuum environment is formed;first and a second processing regions provided in the vacuum chamber for performing predetermined vacuum processing on a substrate held by a substrate holder of a plurality of substrate holders;a conveying path for conveying the substrate holder, the conveying path being formed such that a projection shape with respect to a vertical plane forms a continuous ring shape; anda substrate holder conveying mechanism configured to convey the plurality of substrate holders each having a first and a second driven part along the conveying path, a first conveying part that conveys the substrate holder in a horizontal state along the conveying path in a first conveying direction;', 'a second conveying part that conveys the substrate holder in a horizontal state along the conveying path in a second conveying direction opposite to the first conveying direction and discharges the substrate holder;', 'a conveying and reversing part that reverses and conveys the substrate holder from the first conveying part toward the second conveying part, and', 'the conveying path is configured such that the first conveying part passes through one of the first and second processing regions, and the second conveying part passes through the other of the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Vacuum Lock and Method for Transferring a Substrate Carrier

Номер: US20210002757A1
Принадлежит: Singulus Technologies AG

A vacuum lock for a vacuum coating plant comprises a chamber for receiving a substrate carrier, wherein the chamber comprises a first and a second inner surface. A conveyor is configured for conveying the substrate carrier. The vacuum lock comprises a flow channel assembly for evacuating and venting the chamber, the flow channel assembly being configured to cause a gas flow between both the first inner surface and a first substrate carrier surface facing the first inner surface and between the second inner surface and a second substrate carrier surface facing the second inner surface. The substrate carrier can be positioned between the first and the second inner surfaces such that a ratio of a first distance between the first inner surface and the first substrate carrier surface to a length (L) of the substrate carrier is smaller than 0.1, and a ratio of a second distance between the second inner surface and the second substrate carrier surface to a length (L) of the substrate carrier is smaller than 0.1. 1. A vacuum lock for a vacuum coating plant , comprisinga chamber for receiving a substrate carrier and having an upper chamber part and a lower chamber part, wherein the chamber comprises a first and a second inner surface,a conveyor with drive components for conveying the substrate carrier, anda flow channel assembly for evacuating and venting the chamber, said flow channel assembly being configured to cause a gas flow in both a first region between the first inner surface and a first substrate carrier surface facing the first inner surface and in a second region between the second inner surface and a second substrate carrier surface facing the second inner surface,wherein a ratio of a first distance between the first inner surface and the first substrate carrier surface to a length of the substrate carrier is smaller than 0.1, andwherein a ratio of a second distance between the second inner surface and the second substrate carrier surface to the length of the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002758A1

A roll-to-roll deposition apparatus includes a vacuum chamber, a film travel mechanism, a lithium source, and a first roller. The vacuum chamber is capable of maintaining a reduced-pressure state. The film travel mechanism is capable of causing a film to travel inside the vacuum chamber. The lithium source is capable of evaporating lithium inside the vacuum chamber. The first roller is disposed between a deposition surface of the film and the lithium source. The first roller has a transfer pattern that receives the lithium evaporated from the lithium source. The first roller transfers a pattern of a lithium layer corresponding to the transfer pattern to the deposition surface while rotating. 1. A roll-to-roll deposition apparatus , comprising:a vacuum chamber capable of maintaining a reduced-pressure state;a film travel mechanism capable of causing a film to travel inside the vacuum chamber;a lithium source capable of evaporating lithium inside the vacuum chamber; anda first roller that is disposed between a deposition surface of the film and the lithium source, has a transfer pattern that receives the lithium evaporated from the lithium source, and transfers a pattern of a lithium layer corresponding to the transfer pattern to the deposition surface while rotating.2. The roll-to-roll deposition apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisinga second roller that faces the first roller with the film provided between the second roller and the first roller.3. The roll-to-roll deposition apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a vapor deposition container that stores the lithium and is disposed such that the lithium is vapor-deposited on the first roller, and', 'a doctor blade that controls a thickness of the lithium supplied from the vapor deposition container to the first roller., 'the lithium source includes'}4. The roll-to-roll deposition apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a third roller that faces the first roller,', 'a vapor deposition container that ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003038A1
Автор: Liu Siyang

Disclosed is an apparatus for film formation by physical sputtering, which includes a vacuum chamber; a substrate platform arranged inside of the chamber, and provided thereon with a substrate to be formed with a film; a target material arranged inside of the chamber, and arranged opposite to the substrate; at least one square resistance meter, which is connected to the target material to real-timely measure an actual resistance value of the target material; an excitation source, which is used to bombard the target material for sputtering atoms of the target material; and a control system, which is connected to the square resistance meter. The apparatus for film formation by physical sputtering has a simple structure, can monitor the consumption of the target material in real time, effectively avoid damage of a backboard and abnormality of a product resulting from breakdown of the target material, and improve the quality of the product. Meantime, the use efficiency of the target material can be improved and thus the waste of the material, which would otherwise be caused by incomplete use of the target material, can be avoided. 1. An apparatus for film formation by physical sputtering , comprising:a vacuum chamber;a substrate platform arranged inside of the chamber, and provided thereon with a substrate to be formed with a film;a target material arranged inside of the chamber, and opposite to the substrate;at least one square resistance meter, which is connected to the target material to real-timely measure an actual resistance value of the target material;an excitation source, which is used to bombard the target material for sputtering atoms of the target material; anda control system, which is connected to the square resistance meter.2. The apparatus for film formation by physical sputtering according to claim 1 , wherein the target material is arranged on a target material backboard.3. The apparatus for film formation by physical sputtering according to claim 2 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003040A1
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

A device and a process for applying multiple plasma coating layers in a vacuum, and a product created from that process. The process includes disposing a substrate in a vacuum chamber and applying multiple plasma coating layers to the substrate without breaking vacuum. 1. A device comprising:a vacuum chamber;a first target resource disposed in the vacuum chamber;a first plasma generator configured to cause plasma to pre-active the surface of the substrate disposed in the vacuum chamber;a second plasma generator configured to cause plasma to interact with the first target resource to facilitate the deposition of a first coating layer on the pre-activated substrate disposed in the vacuum chamber;a second target resource disposed in the vacuum chamber; anda third plasma generator configured to cause plasma to interact with the second target resource to facilitate the deposition of at least a second layer on the substrate disposed in the vacuum chamber,wherein the deposition of the first layer and the at least the second layer are accomplished in a continuous manner.2. (canceled)3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises an optical lens or optical film.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises polycarbonate claim 1 , polycarbonate co-polymer claim 1 , CR39 claim 1 , PMMA or other similar existing material capable of being formed into an optical article.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plasmas comprise an active gas plasma claim 1 , an inactive gas plasma claim 1 , reagent plasma claim 1 , or sputtered ions.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the first target resource and the second target resource comprises graphite claim 1 , a silicone-base claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , or a metal.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the first layer and the second layers comprises one or more of an anti-reflective layer and a blue ray cutting layer.8. An article comprising the substrate claim 1 , the first layer claim ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Film forming apparatus

Номер: US20180005800A1
Автор: Masato Kon
Принадлежит: Toppan Printing Co Ltd

A film forming apparatus for forming a thin film on a flexible substrate. The film forming apparatus forms a thin film on a flexible substrate under vacuum. The film forming apparatus includes a first zone into which a first gas is introduced and a second zone into which a second gas is introduced in a vacuum chamber. Zone separators have openings through which the flexible substrate passes. The film forming apparatus includes a mechanism that reciprocates the flexible substrate between the zones. Further, the film forming apparatus includes a mechanism that supplies a raw material gas containing metal or silicon to the first zone, and a mechanism that performs sputtering of a material containing metal or silicon as a target material in the second zone.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Real-time detection of particulate matter during deposition chamber manufacturing

Номер: US20210005436A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Implementations disclosed describe a system that includes a deposition chamber, a light source to produce an incident beam of light, wherein the incident beam of light is to illuminate a region of the deposition chamber, and a camera to collect a scattered light originating from the illuminated region of the deposition chamber, wherein the scattered light is to be produced upon interaction of the first incident beam of light with particles inside the illuminated region of the deposition chamber. The described system may optionally have a processing device, coupled to the camera, to generate scattering data for a plurality of locations of the illuminated region, wherein the scattering data for each location comprises intensity of the scattered light originating from this location.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Vacuum arrangement and method

Номер: US20200006091A1

According to various embodiments, a vacuum arrangement may comprise the following: a first dehydration chamber and a second dehydration chamber, which are gas-separated from one another; a substrate transfer chamber for changing clocked substrate transport into continuous substrate transport towards the second dehydration chamber; a first high-vacuum pump of gas-transfer type for evacuating the first dehydration chamber; and a second high-vacuum pump of gas-binding type for evacuating the second dehydration chamber; wherein the first dehydration chamber is, with respect to the substrate transport, arranged between the second dehydration chamber and the substrate transfer chamber. 1. Vacuum arrangement , comprising:a first dehydration chamber and a second dehydration chamber, which are gas-separated from one another;a substrate transfer chamber for changing clocked substrate transport into continuous substrate transport towards the second dehydration chamber;a first high-vacuum pump of gas-transfer type for evacuating the first dehydration chamber; anda second high-vacuum pump of gas-binding type for evacuating the second dehydration chamber;wherein the first dehydration chamber is, with respect to the substrate transport, arranged between the second dehydration chamber and the substrate transfer chamber.2. Vacuum arrangement according to claim 1 ,wherein the first dehydration chamber and a second dehydration chamber are gas-separated from one another by means of a substrate transfer gap.3. Vacuum arrangement according to claim 2 ,wherein the substrate transfer gap has a smallest extent of less than 10 cm.4. Vacuum arrangement according to claim 1 ,wherein the first high-vacuum pump has a turbomolecular pump; and/orwherein the second high-vacuum pump has a cold trap.5. Vacuum arrangement according to claim 1 , furthermore comprising:a shield which is arranged in the second dehydration chamber between the second high-vacuum pump and a substrate transport region of the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006216A1

An apparatus for transportation of a substrate carrier in a vacuum chamber is provided. The apparatus includes a first track providing a first transportation path for the substrate carrier, and a transfer device configured for contactlessly moving the substrate carrier from a first position on the first track to one or more second positions away from the first track. The one or more second positions include at least one of a position on a second track and a process position for processing of a substrate. The transfer device includes at least one first magnet device configured to provide a magnetic force acting on the substrate carrier to contactlessly move the substrate carrier from the first position to the one or more second positions. 1. Apparatus for transportation of a substrate carrier in a vacuum chamber , comprising:a first track providing a first transportation path for the substrate carrier; anda transfer device configured for contactlessly moving the substrate carrier from a first position on the first track to one or more second positions away from the first track, 'at least one first magnet device configured to provide a magnetic force acting on the substrate carrier to contactlessly move the substrate carrier from the first position to the one or more second positions.', 'wherein the one or more second positions include at least one of a position on a second track and a process position for processing of a substrate, and wherein the transfer device comprises2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the transfer device is configured for contactlessly moving the substrate carrier in a direction different from a direction of the first transportation path.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first magnet device is configured to provide a repulsive magnetic force acting on the substrate carrier to push the substrate carrier from the first position to the one or more second positions.4. The apparatus of of claim 1 , wherein the second track ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Multi-story substrate treating apparatus with flexible transport mechanisms and vertically divided treating units

Номер: US20160008841A1
Принадлежит: Screen Semiconductor Solutions Co Ltd

A substrate treating apparatus includes a first treating block and a second treating block disposed adjacent to the first treating block. Each of the first treating block and the second treating block include a plurality of stories arranged vertically. Each of the plurality of stories includes treating units for treating substrates and a main transport mechanism for transporting the substrates to and from the treating units. The substrates are transportable between the stories of the first treating block and the stories of the second treating block at same heights as corresponding stories of the first treating block. The substrates are transportable between the stories of the first treating block and the stories of the second treating block at different heights from corresponding stories of the first treating block.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010242A1

Embodiments of the invention generally relate to a process kit for a semiconductor processing chamber, and a semiconductor processing chamber having a kit. More specifically, embodiments described herein relate to a process kit including a deposition ring and a pedestal assembly. The components of the process kit work alone, and in combination, to significantly reduce their effects on the electric fields around a substrate during processing. 1. A pedestal assembly for use in a substrate processing chamber , comprising:a base plate; anda flangeless electrostatic chuck coupled to the base plate; the flangeless electrostatic chuck having a height greater than about 0.25 inches, wherein the flangeless electrostatic chuck has a dielectric body having electrodes embedded therein.2. The pedestal assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base plate has a cooling conduit disposed therein.3. The pedestal assembly of claim 1 , wherein the height of the flangeless electrostatic chuck is between about 0.30 to about 0.75 inches. mon This is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/216,389, filed Jul. 21, 2016, which is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/662,380, filed Oct. 26, 2012, which is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/280,771, filed Oct. 25, 2011, which claims benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/407,984, filed Oct. 29, 2010, all of which are incorporated by reference in their entireties.Embodiments of the invention generally relate to an electrostatic chuck and process kit for a semiconductor processing chamber, and a semiconductor processing chamber having a process kit. More specifically, embodiments of the invention relate to a process kit including at least a deposition ring used in a physical vapor deposition chamber. Other embodiments relate to a deposition ring for use with a flangeless electrostatic chuck and processing chamber having the same.Physical vapor ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010129A1

Provided is a surface treatment facility in which both surfaces of a material subjected to coating are subjected to continuous film deposition by PVD as the material is conveyed in the longitudinal direction, wherein flutter of the material subjected to coating can be suppressed. This surface treatment facility: has a chamber and continuously deposits a film by PVD on both surfaces of a material subjected to coating as the material is conveyed in the longitudinal direction through the chamber; is further provided with a conveyance mechanism for conveying the material subjected to coating and a blowing mechanism for blowing film-forming gas in the longitudinal direction on both sides of the material subjected to coating present in the chamber; and has an X/Y ratio within a range of 0.4 to 3.0 where X is the film-forming gas blowing speed, where the unit of measurement is m/min, and Y is the conveyance speed of the material subjected to coating, where the unit of measurement is m/min. 1. A surface treatment facility comprising a chamber and continuously forming coatings by a physical vapor deposition method on both surfaces of a coating formation-target material conveyed in the chamber in a longitudinal direction , the facility further comprising:a conveyance mechanism for conveying the coating formation-target material; anda blowing mechanism for blowing a coating forming gas in a longitudinal direction on both surface sides of the coating formation-target material in the chamber,wherein, when a blowing speed of the coating forming gas is X in a unit of m/minute while a conveyance speed of the coating formation-target material is Y in a unit of m/minute, a ratio expressed by X/Y falls within a range of 0.4 to 3.0.2. The surface treatment facility according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio expressed by X/Y falls within a range of 0.6 to 2.0.3. The surface treatment facility according to or claim 1 , wherein the ratio expressed by X/Y falls within a range of 0.8 to 1.5.4 ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Method and system for adjustable coating using magnetron sputtering systems

Номер: US20220028673A1
Автор: Dominik Wagner

A method and a system for adjustable coating on a substrate using a magnetron sputtering apparatus are provided. The method comprises the steps of providing a magnetron assembly which comprises a plurality of magnets attached to a plurality of yokes and a plurality of actuating mechanisms ( 208 ), each operatively coupled to at least one of the plurality of yokes. The method further comprises automatically determining individual positions of each of the plurality of yokes of the magnetron assembly on the basis of at least one parameter, and adjusting individually positions of each of the plurality of yokes of the magnetron assembly in accordance with the automatically determined individual positions.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033956A1

An apparatus leverages a physical vapor deposition (PVD) process chamber with a wafer-to-target distance of approximately 400 millimeters to deposit tantalum film on through silicon via (TSV) structures. The PVD process chamber includes a source that is configured with dual magnet source compensation. The PVD chamber also includes an upper electromagnet assembly exterior to the chamber body in close proximity to the source, a magnetron assembly in the source including dual magnets with dual radius trajectories, a shield within the chamber body, and a plurality of grounding loops that are symmetrically spaced about a periphery of a substrate support assembly and are configured to provide an RF ground return path between the substrate support assembly and the shield. 1. An apparatus for deposition of tantalum film on through silicon vias (TSV) , comprising:a physical vapor deposition (PVD) process chamber with a source and a chamber body including a processing volume, the PVD process chamber has a wafer-to-target distance of approximately 400 millimeters and the source is configured to provide dual magnet source compensation;a first electromagnet assembly exterior to the chamber body in closer proximity to the source of the process chamber than a substrate support assembly of the process chamber;a magnetron assembly in the source including dual magnets, a first magnet of the dual magnets rotates about a central axis at a first radius and a second magnet of the dual magnets rotates about the central axis at a second radius, wherein the first radius is greater than the second radius;a shield within the chamber body; anda plurality of grounding loops that are symmetrically spaced about a periphery of a substrate support assembly, the plurality of grounding loops configured to provide an RF ground return path between the substrate support assembly and the shield.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a DC power source configured to supply approximately 38 kW to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Evaporation source, vapor deposition apparatus, and method for coating a substrate in a vacuum chamber

Номер: US20220033958A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

An evaporation source for depositing an evaporated material on a substrate is described. The evaporation source includes an evaporation crucible for evaporating a material; a vapor distributor with a plurality of nozzles for directing the evaporated material toward the substrate; a vapor conduit extending in a conduit length direction (A) from the evaporation crucible to the vapor distributor and providing a fluid connection between the evaporation crucible and the vapor distributor, wherein at least one nozzle of the plurality of nozzles has a nozzle axis extending in, or essentially parallel to, the conduit length direction (A); and a baffle arrangement in the vapor conduit. Further described are a vapor deposition apparatus including such an evaporation source and methods of coating a substrate in a vacuum chamber.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Recurring process for laser induced forward transfer and high throughput and recycling of donor material by the reuse of a plurality of target substrate plates or forward transfer of a pattern of discrete donor dots

Номер: US20180015671A1
Принадлежит: Mycronic AB

The technology disclosed relates to high utilization of donor material in a writing process using Laser-Induced Forward Transfer. Specifically, the technology relates to reusing, or recycling, unused donor material by recoating target substrates with donor material after a writing process is performed with the target substrate. Further, the technology relates to target substrates including a pattern of discrete separated dots to be individually ejected from the target substrate using LIFT.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016110A1
Принадлежит: Linco Technology Co., LTD

A double-valve device includes a base unit, two valve units and a transport unit. The base unit has a surrounding wall, an entrance wall connected to the surrounding wall and formed with an entrance opening, an exit wall connected to the surrounding wall oppositely of the entrance wall and formed with an exit opening, and a spacing wall disposed between the entrance and exit walls and formed with a pass-through opening. The surrounding wall, the entrance wall and the spacing wall cooperatively define a buffer chamber. The surrounding wall, the spacing wall and the exit wall cooperatively define a joint chamber. The valve units are respectively disposed in the buffer and joint chambers for respectively sealing and unsealing the entrance and pass-through openings. 1. A double-valve device adapted to be mounted between a process chamber and an unload chamber of a film deposition apparatus , said double-valve device comprising:a base unit that has a surrounding wall, an entrance wall connected to one side of said surrounding wall and formed with an entrance opening, an exit wall connected to another side of said surrounding wall oppositely of said entrance wall and formed with an exit opening, and a spacing wall disposed between said entrance and exit walls and formed with a pass-through opening, a maximum distance between said entrance and exit walls being not greater than 500 millimeters, said surrounding wall, said entrance wall and said spacing wall cooperatively defining a buffer chamber, said surrounding wall, said spacing wall and said exit wall cooperatively defining a joint chamber, said entrance wall being adapted to be hermetically connected to the process chamber, said exit wall being adapted to be hermetically connected to the unload chamber, said base unit further having a pumping hole that is in spatial communication with said buffer chamber;two valve units that are respectively disposed in said buffer and joint chambers for respectively sealing and ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Material joining

Номер: US20180016671A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A method of joining includes bringing a bulk metallic glass (BMG) material to a temperature lower than the crystallization temperature of the BMG material and depositing the BMG material onto a first substrate with interlock surface features such that the BMG material interlocks with the interlock surface features of the substrate. The method includes joining a second substrate to the BMG material, wherein the second substrate includes interlock surface features such that the BMG material interlocks with the interlock surface features of both the first and second substrates, joining the first and second substrates together to produce a fully amorphous joint between the first and second substrates.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016557A1

A supply line guide for guiding a plurality of supply lines in a vacuum chamber of a processing system is described. The supply line guide includes a guiding arrangement including a plurality of connected elements, wherein the connected elements are angle-adjustable relative to each other. Further, the supply line guide includes a flexible tube provided around the guiding arrangement. 1. A supply line guide for guiding a plurality of supply lines in a vacuum chamber of a processing system , the supply line guide comprising:a guiding arrangement including a plurality of connected elements, wherein the connected elements are angle-adjustable relative to each other: anda flexible tube provided around the guiding arrangement.2. The supply line guide according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible tube provides a bending radius Rof R≤500 mm.3. The supply line guide according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible tube includes a metal.4. The supply line guide according to claim 1 , wherein the guiding arrangement includes a first guiding duct for a first group of supply lines and a second guiding duct for guiding a second group of supply lines.5. The supply line guide according to claim 4 , wherein the guiding arrangement includes a separation element separating a first volume of the first guiding duct from a second volume of the second guiding duct.6. The supply line guide according to claim 1 , wherein the guiding arrangement includes a third guiding duct for guiding a third group of supply lines.7. The supply line guide according to claim 6 , wherein the guiding arrangement includes a separation element separating a first volume of the first guiding duct claim 6 , a second volume of the second guiding duct and a third volume of a third guiding duct from each other.8. The supply line guide according to claim 1 , wherein a first end of the guiding arrangement is connected to a first end of the flexible tube claim 1 , and wherein a second end of the guiding arrangement is ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Film-forming apparatus

Номер: US20140102889A1
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

An apparatus includes a plurality of target electrodes having attachment surfaces, a substrate holder, a first shutter member provided between the plurality of target electrodes and the substrate holder and having a plurality of openings, a first separating portion disposed between the openings of the first shutter member on its surface of the target electrode side, and a second separating portion disposed between the first shutter member and the target electrodes. The first shutter member is driven so as to bring the first separating portion and the second separating portion toward each other so that an indirect path can be formed between the first separating portion and the second separating portion, and driven so as to bring the first separating portion and the second separating portion away from each other so that the first shutter plate can be rotated.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017640A1

Provided is an apparatus and a method that is capable of performing continuous coating at a constant coating composition and rate. One embodiment is a deposition apparatus for coating two or more compounds or elements on a substrate, the apparatus comprising: a supply unit for supplying the two or more compounds or elements to a plurality of solid bodies; a heating unit for melting and evaporating the solid bodies supplied from the supply unit to form vapor; a buffer unit, connected to the heating unit, in which the vapor stays and is mixed with previously generated vapor; and a nozzle connected to the buffer unit and having an opening toward the substrate. 1. A deposition apparatus for coating two or more compounds or elements on a substrate , the substrate comprising:a supply unit for supplying the two or more compounds or elements to a plurality of solid bodies;a heating unit for melting and evaporating the solid bodies supplied from the supply unit to form vapor;a buffer unit, connected to the heating unit, in which the vapor remains and is mixed with previously generated vapor; anda nozzle connected to the buffer unit and having an opening toward a substrate.2. The deposition apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the supply unit supplies a solid body to the heating unit through a pipe claim 1 , andthe supply pipe comprises an end portion facing the heating unit extending into molten metal of the heating unit.3. The deposition apparatus of claim 2 , wherein an opening claim 2 , smaller than a cross-section of the solid body is formed in the end portion of the supply pipe claim 2 , the end portion facing the heating unit claim 2 , such that the supplied solid body is partially melted by the molten metal and is then discharged from the supply pipe.4. The deposition apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the heating unit comprises a crucible claim 1 , andthe buffer unit is a space connecting the nozzle and the crucible, wherein an area of the opening is smaller than a cross- ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Patterning of Nanoporous Gold Microstructures

Номер: US20200017954A1

A nanoporous metal can be formed by projecting laser patterns using a spatial light modulator (SLM) onto a gold/silver alloy film immersed in diluted nitric acid solutions. Heat accumulation induced by the photothermal effect enables localized dealloying in dilute nitric acid. NPG micropatterns can be formed at the irradiated spots while the surrounding alloy remains intact. 1. A method for forming a nanoporous metal , comprisingproviding a substrate;evaporating chromium and gold onto the substrate as adhesion;sputtering a layer of a noble metal alloy on the gold to form a sample;immersing the sample in an acid solution;placing the sample in the acid solution on a microscope; andirradiating a projected laser pattern on the alloy layer.2. The method of wherein the irradiating occurs for 5 to 20 seconds.3. The method of further comprisingperforming a phase modulation and producing a desired pattern using a continuous wave laser beam incident on a spatial light modulator, wherein a modulated beam is fed through a back port of an inverted microscope to form a laser pattern.4. The method of wherein the noble metal alloy is comprised of the first noble metal and a second noble metal selected from the group consisting of ruthenium claim 1 , rhodium claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , silver claim 1 , osmium claim 1 , iridium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , gold claim 1 , mercury claim 1 , rhenium claim 1 , and copper and the more noble metal is ruthenium claim 1 , rhodium claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , silver claim 1 , osmium claim 1 , iridium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , gold claim 1 , mercury claim 1 , rhenium claim 1 , and copper claim 1 , wherein the first noble metal and second noble metal are not the same noble metal.5. The method of wherein the noble metal alloy is comprised of gold and silver.6. The method of wherein the acid in the acid solution is nitric acid.7. The method of wherein the concentration of the acid solution is equal or less than 3.65 M.8. The method of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017957A1

The present disclosure provides an apparatus () for vacuum processing of a substrate (). The apparatus () includes a first vacuum region (), a second vacuum region (), an opening () between the first vacuum region () and the second vacuum region (), and a closing arrangement () for closing the opening (). The closing arrangement includes one or more first permanent magnets, one or more second permanent magnets, and a magnet device configured to change a magnetization of the one or more first permanent magnets. 1. An apparatus for vacuum processing of a substrate , comprising:a first pressure region, a second pressure region, and an opening between the first pressure region and the second pressure region; one or more first permanent magnets and one or more second permanent magnets; and', 'a magnet device configured to change a magnetization of the one or more first permanent magnets; and, 'a closing arrangement for closing the opening, includinga sealing device including a magnetic material and configured for closing the opening.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a magnetic field generated by the closing arrangement is configured to act on the magnetic material to provide a magnetic force attracting the sealing device towards the opening.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the closing arrangement is configured to magnetically hold the sealing device at the opening.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one or more first permanent magnets include a soft magnetic material or a semi-hard magnetic material claim 1 , and wherein the one or more second permanent magnets include a hard magnetic material.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the magnet device includes a winding provided at least partially around the one or more first permanent magnets.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a direction of a magnetization of the one or more first permanent magnets is switchable by an electric pulse provided to the magnet device claim 1 , wherein a polarity of the one or ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037130A1

Pallets for transporting one or more glass substrates in a substantially vertical orientation through a sputtering system. In some cases, a pallet comprising a frame with an aperture and an adjustable grid array within the aperture. The adjustable grid array is configurable to hold a plurality of glass substrates of different shapes and/or sizes. In one case, the adjustable grid array comprises a system of vertical and horizontal support bars, wherein the vertical support bars configured to both support the plurality of glass substrates at their vertical edges, wherein the horizontal support bars are configured to support the plurality of glass substrates at their horizontal edges, wherein the ends of the horizontal support bars are slideably engaged with the vertical support bars. 163-. (canceled)64. A pallet for transporting at least one rectangular glass substrate through a sputtering apparatus , the pallet comprising:a frame; andan aperture in the frame; andwherein the pallet is configured to hold the at least one glass substrate by at least two edges, and in a substantially vertical orientation during transport through the sputtering apparatus,wherein the at least one rectangular glass substrate has dimensions of between 60 inches and 130 inches along one side and between 72 inches and 205 inches along an other side, and wherein the at least one rectangular glass substrate has a thickness of between 2 mm and 20 mm.65. The pallet of claim 64 , further comprising an electrically conductive component configured to establish electrical communication with an electrically conductive coating on a work surface of the at least one rectangular glass substrate.66. The pallet of claim 65 , wherein the electrically conductive component comprises one or more springs.67. The pallet of claim 64 , wherein the pallet is configured to maintain its temperature to within +5° C. of the temperature of the at least one rectangular glass substrate during sputtering.68. The pallet of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Deposition apparatus

Номер: US20180019395A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A deposition apparatus includes a chamber, a first stage and a second stage for supporting substrates within the chamber, an evaporating source assembly moving a first stage area corresponding to the first stage and a second stage area corresponding to the second stage, and including a plurality of nozzles through which a source material is spurted, and a photographing assembly which is disposed between the first stage and the second stage and photographs the plurality of nozzles.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019696A1

A semiconductor processing chamber is provided and may include a wafer transfer passage that extends through a chamber wall and has an inner passage surface defining an opening, an insert including an insert inner surface defining an insert opening, and a gas inlet. A first recessed surface of the wafer transfer passage extending at least partially around and outwardly offset from the inner passage surface, a first insert outer surface extending at least partially around and outwardly offset from the insert inner surface, and a first wall surface extending between the inner passage surface and the first recessed surface, at least partially define a gas distribution channel fluidically connected to the gas inlet, the first recessed surface is separated from the first insert outer surface by a first distance and an insert front surface faces and is separated from the first wall surface by a first gap distance. 1. A semiconductor processing chamber comprising:a chamber wall that at least partially bounds the semiconductor processing chamber;a gas inlet; an inner passage surface that defines an opening perpendicular to the first axis,', 'a first recessed surface that extends at least partially around and is outwardly offset from the inner passage surface when viewed along the first axis, and', 'a first wall surface that extends between the inner passage surface and the first recessed surface; and, 'a wafer transfer passage that extends through the chamber wall along a first axis and that includes an insert inner surface that defines an insert opening perpendicular to the first axis,', 'a first insert outer surface that extends at least partially around and is outwardly offset from the insert inner surface when viewed along the first axis, and', 'an insert front surface that extends between the insert inner surface and the first insert outer surface,, 'an insert that includes the first recessed surface, the first insert outer surface, and the first wall surface at least ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Mask assembly for testing a deposition process, deposition apparatus including the mask assembly, and testing method for a deposition process using the mask assembly

Номер: US20180021802A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A deposition apparatus includes deposition sources, a deposition chamber, a mask assembly, and a transfer unit. The mask assembly includes a support member, a shutter member, and a drive member. The support member has a first opening configured to allow the deposition materials to pass through while supporting the base substrate on which the passed-through deposition materials are deposited. The shutter member is accommodated in the support member and has a second opening smaller than the first opening. The drive member is configured to change a position of the second opening with respect to the base substrate in accordance with the movement of the mask assembly.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Ion Beam Sample Preparation and Coating Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20160024645A1
Принадлежит: Gatan Inc

Disclosed are embodiments of an ion beam sample preparation and coating apparatus and methods. A sample may be prepared in one or more ion beams and then a coating may be sputtered onto the prepared sample within the same apparatus. A vacuum transfer device may be used with the apparatus in order to transfer a sample into and out of the apparatus while in a controlled environment. Various methods to improve preparation and coating uniformity are disclosed including: rotating the sample retention stage; modulating the sample retention stage; variable tilt ion beam irradiating means, more than one ion beam irradiating means, coating thickness monitoring, selective shielding of the sample, and modulating the coating donor holder.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

A processing apparatus for processing devices, particularly devices including organic materials therein, and method for transferring an evaporation source from a processing vacuum chamber to a maintenance vacuum chamber or from the maintenance vacuum chamber to the processing vacuum chamber

Номер: US20170022601A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A processing apparatus for processing devices, particularly devices including organic materials therein, is described. The processing apparatus includes a processing vacuum chamber; at least one evaporation source for organic material, wherein the at least one evaporation source includes at least one evaporation crucible, wherein the at least one evaporation crucible is configured to evaporate the organic material, and at least one distribution pipe with one or more outlets, wherein the at least one distribution pipe is in fluid communication with the at least one evaporation crucible; and a maintenance vacuum chamber connected with the processing vacuum chamber, wherein the at least one evaporation source can be transferred from the processing vacuum chamber to the maintenance vacuum chamber and from the maintenance vacuum chamber to the processing vacuum chamber.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Vacuum processing device

Номер: US20170022606A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp, Kaji Seisakusho Co Ltd

A device of executing vacuum processing has a chamber capable of keeping the chamber as a whole in a depressurized state; a feeding roller so disposed as to hang a reinforcement fiber down in the chamber; a processor so disposed in the chamber as to pass the reinforcement fiber hung down in the chamber through the processor; a capture device so disposed as to capture and keep a leading end of the reinforcement fiber passing the processor and vertically falling down in place; a winding bobbin configured to wind the reinforcement fiber processed by the processor; and a resilient cord withdrawn in synchronism with the winding bobbin from a first position where the resilient cord surrounds the leading end kept in place by the capture device to a second position where the resilient cord gets in contact with and leads the reinforcement fiber to the winding bobbin.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023190A1
Автор: Adibi Babak, BLUCK Terry

The use of non-mass analyzed ion implanter is advantageous in such application as it generates ion implanting at different depth depending on the ions energy and mass. This allows for gaining advantage from lubricity offered as a result of the very light deposition on the surface, and at the same time the hardness provided by the intercalated ions implanted below it, providing benefits for cover glass, low E enhancement, and other similar materials. In further aspects, ion implantation is used to create other desirable film properties such anti-microbial and corrosion resistance. 1. A method of fabricating a low-E glass panel , comprising:providing a glass panel;depositing a low emissivity coating on the glass, the low emissivity coating having a top surface exposed to surrounding environment;implanting a plurality of non-mass analyzed ions to a defined depth below the top surface of the low emissivity coating.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ions are selected from at least one of: Zr claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , N claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Ar claim 1 , Carbon claim 1 , and Hydrogen.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein depositing low emissivity coating comprises depositing a plurality of layers with a top layer having the top surface exposed to surrounding environment claim 1 , and wherein implanting the ions comprises implanting the ions only into the top layer.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein depositing plurality of layers comprises depositing a layer of SiNx claim 3 , and wherein the implanting comprises implanting ions into the SiNx layer.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the implanting comprises implanting aluminum ions into the SiNx layer.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the implanting comprises implanting zirconium ions into the SiNx layer.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein depositing plurality of layers comprises depositing a layer of ZrOx claim 3 , and wherein the implanting comprises implanting ions into the ZrOx layer.8. The method of claim 7 ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Processing arrangement and method for conditioning a processing arrangement

Номер: US20190024229A1
Принадлежит: Von Ardenne Asset GmbH and Co KG

A processing arrangement comprising: a process chamber comprising an upper chamber wall, a lower chamber wall and two lateral chamber walls; an insulating structure, arranged between the processing region and each of the upper chamber wall, the lower chamber wall and the two lateral chamber walls, respectively, for thermally insulating the processing region, wherein the insulating structure is configured as gas-permeable at least in sections in such a way that a process gas from the processing region can flow out of the processing region in the direction in each of the upper chamber wall, the lower chamber wall and the two lateral chamber walls, respectively, through the insulating structure; and a gas channel, arranged between the insulating structure and each of the upper chamber wall, the lower chamber wall and the two lateral chamber walls, respectively, for pumping away the process gas which flows through the insulating structure.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Sputtering apparatus

Номер: US20160027623A1
Автор: Shigenori Ishihara
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

A sputtering apparatus includes a shutter arranged having a first surface on a side of a substrate holder and a second surface on the opposite side, a first shield having a third surface including a portion facing the second surface and a fourth surface on the opposite side, a second shield having a fifth surface including a portion facing end portions of the shutter and the first shield, and a gas supply unit supplying a gas into a space arranged outside the first shield to communicate with a first gap between the second surface of the shutter and the third surface of the first shield. The second shield includes a protruding portion on the fifth surface to form a second gap between the protruding portion and the end portion of the shutter.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Uv light emitting devices and systems and methods for production

Номер: US20170025565A1
Принадлежит: RayVio Corp

A method of fabricating an ultraviolet (UV) light emitting device includes receiving a UV transmissive substrate, forming a first UV transmissive layer comprising aluminum nitride upon the UV transmissive substrate using a first deposition technique at a temperature less than about 800 degrees Celsius or greater than about 1200 degrees Celsius, forming a second UV transmissive layer comprising aluminum nitride upon the first UV transmissive layer comprising aluminum nitride using a second deposition technique that is different from the first deposition technique, at a temperature within a range of about 800 degrees Celsius to about 1200 degrees Celsius, forming an n-type layer comprising aluminum gallium nitride layer upon the second UV transmissive layer, forming one or more quantum well structures comprising aluminum gallium nitride upon the n-type layer, and forming a p-type nitride layer upon the one or more quantum well structures.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024722A1
Автор: Naik Mehul, Ren He, Yu Minrui

Methods for forming a nickel silicide material on a substrate are disclosed. The methods include depositing a first nickel silicide seed layer atop a substrate at a temperature of about 15° C. to about 27° C., annealing the first nickel silicide seed layer at a temperature of 400° C. or less such as over 350° C.; and depositing a second nickel silicide layer atop the first nickel silicide seed layer at a temperature of about 15° C. to about 27° C. to form the nickel silicide material. 1. A method for forming a nickel silicide material on a substrate comprising:depositing a first nickel silicide seed layer atop a substrate at a temperature of about 15° C. to about 27° C.,annealing the first nickel silicide seed layer at a temperature over 350° C.; anddepositing a second nickel silicide layer atop the first nickel silicide seed layer at a temperature of about 15° C. to about 27° C. to form the nickel silicide material.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising annealing the nickel silicide material.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising depositing a titanium nitride (TiN) capping layer atop the second nickel silicide layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature for depositing the first nickel silicide seed layer is about 20° C. to about 25° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature for depositing the second nickel silicide layer is about 20° C. to about 25° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first nickel silicide seed layer has a thickness of about 20 angstroms to 60 angstroms.7. The method of claim 1 , where the second nickel silicide layer has a thickness of about 50 angstroms to 200 angstroms.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first nickel silicide seed layer and the second nickel silicide layer is deposited by exposing the substrate to nickel silicide in a physical vapor deposition process.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first nickel silicide seed layer and the second nickel silicide layer are formed using a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Substrate Positioning Apparatus And Methods

Номер: US20200024726A1
Автор: Moradian Ala, Tesch Travis

Described herein are apparatus and methods used to process a substrate in a chamber, in particular to position a non-round substrate in a holding chamber or a processing chamber. Further described herein are a 3D mapping device that is configured to measure the surface profile of a non-round substrate and a position of the substrate on the robot arm. 1. A substrate processing apparatus comprising:a robot arm including a rotational joint connecting a robot blade to a robot arm extension;a three-dimensional (3D) radiation mapping device configured to measure a surface profile of a non-round substrate and a position of the substrate on the robot arm; anda controller in communication with the 3D radiation mapping device and the robot arm, the controller configured to receive surface profile data from the 3D radiation mapping device and to adjust the position of the substrate on the robot arm.2. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the 3D radiation mapping device comprises a 3D laser mapping device.3. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the 3D laser mapping device is configured to measure the surface profile of a transparent substrate.4. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the 3D laser mapping device is configured to measure the surface profile of substrate that is a square claim 3 , a rectangle claim 3 , a triangle claim 3 , a hexagon claim 3 , a polygon claim 3 , a rhombus claim 3 , and a parallelogram.5. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 4 , wherein when the 3D laser mapping device comprises a laser source and a laser sensor.6. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 5 , further comprising a controller that controls movement of the robot arm and the robot blade is configured to move in an x direction claim 5 , a y direction and rotationally in an x-y plane.7. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the controller is configured to move the robot blade n one or more of in an x- ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025050A1

A target replacement apparatus for use in replacement of a sputtering target, the sputtering target being used to carry out surface treatment by a physical vapor deposition method on a material to be surface-treated that is situated in a reduced pressure space of a chamber, the target replacement apparatus includes a target retaining portion retaining the sputtering target; an attachment and detachment mechanism used to detachably attach the target retaining portion to the chamber at a position where the sputtering target faces the material to be surface-treated that is situated in the reduced pressure space; and an isolating mechanism operable to isolate the target retaining portion attached to the chamber from the reduced pressure space in an openable and closable manner. 121-. (canceled)22. A target replacement apparatus for use in replacement of a sputtering target , the sputtering target being used to carry out surface treatment by a physical vapor deposition method on a material to be surface-treated that is situated in a reduced pressure space of a chamber , the target replacement apparatus comprising:a target retaining portion retaining the sputtering target;an attachment and detachment mechanism used to detachably attach the target retaining portion to the chamber at a position where the sputtering target faces the material to be surface-treated that is situated in the reduced pressure space; andan isolating mechanism operable to isolate the target retaining portion attached to the chamber from the reduced pressure space in an openable and closable manner.23. The target replacement apparatus according to claim 22 , wherein the material to be surface-treated is conveyed through the reduced pressure space and continuously subjected to surface treatment by use of the sputtering target.24. The target replacement apparatus according to claim 23 ,wherein the attachment and detachment mechanism is a mechanism used to arrange a plurality of the target retaining ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220044918A1

A method of forming a particle trap on a sputtering chamber component comprises forming a first pattern on at least a portion of a surface of the sputtering chamber component to form a first patterned top surface, and forming a second pattern on at least a portion of the first patterned top surface. 1. A method of forming a particle trap on a sputtering chamber component , the method comprising:forming a first pattern on at least a portion of a surface of the sputtering chamber component to form a first patterned top surface; and,forming a second pattern on at least a portion of the first patterned top surface; a plurality of first indentations arranged in a repeating pattern with adjacent first indentations separated by side walls, the first indentations having a first depth and a first width, and', 'a plurality of first ridges arranged in a repeating pattern with adjacent first ridges separated by grooves, the first ridges having a first height and a first width; and,, 'wherein the first pattern comprises one of a plurality of second indentations arranged in a repeating pattern with adjacent second indentations separated by side walls, the second indentations having a second depth and a second width, and', 'a plurality of second ridges arranged in a repeating pattern with adjacent second ridges separated by grooves, the second ridges having a second height and a second width,, 'wherein the second pattern comprises one ofwherein the first pattern is formed by pressing a first knurling tool having a first thread count into the sputtering chamber component and the second pattern is formed by pressing a second knurling tool having a second thread count into the sputtering chamber component, wherein the first thread count and the second thread count are different.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and second indentations are shaped as inverted pyramids with the base of each inverted pyramid parallel to the surface and the apex of each inverted ...
