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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2582415C2

Изобретение относится к системам СВЧ-обработки материалов и может быть использовано для обеззараживания осадков промышленных, бытовых и сельскохозяйственных сточных вод. Установка СВЧ-обработки осадков сточных вод содержит по меньшей мере один СВЧ-генератор 1, камеру обработки осадков 2, корпус установки 3, шлюзы загрузки 4 и выгрузки 5, выполненные в виде туннелей, закрывающихся и открывающихся с помощью заслонок 6, ленточный транспортер 7 и средство придания грузонесущей ленте 8 транспортера 7 вогнутой вниз формы в зонах шлюзов загрузки 4 и выгрузки 5 и камеры обработки 2. Заслонки 6 выполнены из эластичного материала, поглощающего СВЧ-энергию. Камера обработки осадков 2 образована снизу грузонесущей лентой 8 транспортера 7 с вогнутой вниз формой, а сверху металлическим кожухом, закрепленным на корпусе установки 3. СВЧ-генераторы 1 установлены на внешней стороне металлического кожуха, с внутренней его стороны к СВЧ-генераторам 1 подсоединены волноводные облучатели, направленные в сторону ...

27-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2272787C2

Изобретение относится к обработке воды и может использоваться в медицине, пищевой промышленности, а также для полива растений. В устройстве вода подвергается воздействию колебаний, создаваемых генератором радиоволн. Это позволяет непрерывно производить «активированную» воду, характеризующуюся кластерами с размерами менее 4 молекул на кластер, рН ниже 4 или выше 10 или окислительно-восстановительным потенциалом менее -350 мВ или более +800 мВ. Основная частота плазмы предпочтительно составляет от 0,44 МГц до 40, 68 МГц. Плазма модулируется с частотой от 10 кГц до 34 кГц. Расход потока воды в типичном случае составляет от 20 л/час до приблизительно 2000 л/час. Активированная вода может использоваться для многих целей, включая бактерицидную очистку рабочих столов, пола, стен, ножей, транспортных средств и других поверхностей, например, в цехах по переработке мяса и в больницах. Технический результат состоит в повышении степени активности воды и стабильности ее активированного состояния. 2 ...

27-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2217389C2

Изобретение относится к способам выделения ионов тяжелых металлов сорбцией на целлюлозосодержащих сорбентах из растворов различной природы, образующихся после проведения разнообразных технологических процессов, и может быть использовано для совершенствования мембранных и сорбционных технологий, при разработке технологий утилизации ионов тяжелых металлов из водных растворов и сточных вод различной природы. Способ извлечения ионов тяжелых металлов из водных растворов осуществляют путем контактирования их с полимерным сорбентом на основе целлюлозы, в частности с древесными опилками или коротким льняным волокном, причем контактирование осуществляют в течение 1-10 мин при комнатной температуре и модуле раствор/сорбент, равном 50-200, сорбенты предварительно обрабатывают в течение 0,5-30 мин в растворе NaOH с концентрацией 0,1-1 г/л плазмой газового разряда атмосферного давления при токе разряда 5-50 мА и напряжении 1-10 кВ, создаваемой между металлическим электродом, расположенным в газовой ...

27-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2404930C1

Изобретение относится к способам очистки сточных вод от красителей фотокаталитическим окислением под давлением кислорода и может быть использовано при очистке сточных вод от азокрасителей в текстильной промышленности. Для осуществления способа проводят очистку от азокрасителей в ячейке с нанодисперсным фотокатализатором Fe2O3 при облучении дневным светом и давлении кислорода 0,3 МПа без подачи дополнительного напряжения на ячейку. Способ обеспечивает интенсификацию процесса обезвреживания азокрасителей за счет увеличения скорости восстановления кислорода активных частиц и снижение энергетических затрат. Экономичность процесса достигается использованием дневного света и дешевых, доступных наноразмерных фотокатализаторов при обработке сточных вод, содержащих красители. 1 ил.

10-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2383496C1

Изобретение относится к обработке водосодержащих жидких сред электромагнитным излучением и может найти применение для активации питьевой воды и различных напитков, а также для повышения активности водных растворов веществ, применяемых в различных отраслях промышленности, например для повышения активности биоцидных препаратов, предназначенных для подавления патогенных микроорганизмов и микроорганизмов, вызывающих деструкцию промышленных объектов. Устройство содержит генератор высокочастотного сигнала в виде подключенного к источнику питания полупроводникового прибора, активный слой которого содержит полупроводниковую структуру на основе соединения А3В5. Полупроводниковый прибор может быть выполнен в виде диода Ганна, или в виде туннельного диода, или в виде BARRIT диода или в виде транзистора, или их комбинации. Полупроводниковый прибор расположен в разъемном корпусе из диэлектрического материала. Технический результат состоит в уменьшении габаритов, упрощении и повышении безопасности. 7 ...

08-07-2019 дата публикации

Дисковый биофильтр

Номер: RU190676U1

Дисковый биофильтр относится к области очистки производственных и бытовых сточных вод от загрязняющих веществ и может найти применение на предприятиях пищевой промышленности, в фермерских хозяйствах для очистки хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод.Устройство представляет собой резервуар со сточной водой, в котором находятся вращающиеся валы с насаженными на них сетчатыми дисками со щетками по сторонам и торцам дисков. Диски расположены с взаимным перекрытием на 2/3 диаметра и вращаются в одну сторону в направлении совпадения вектора скорости диска в нижней части резервуара с направлением движения жидкости в резервуаре. Внутри резервуара, ниже валов с пакетами дисков, параллельно валам расположен щелевой оптический световод. Торцевые щетки на дисках касаются поверхности световода. В выходной части резервуара расположен тонкослойный отстойник с карнизами на входе каждой тонкослойной пластины и общим промывным патрубком, а в нижней части резервуара имеется наклонный желоб сбора илового осадка.Предложенный дисковый биофильтр позволяет увеличить производительность очистки сточных вод и снизить экономические затраты. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 676 U1 (51) МПК C02F 3/02 (2006.01) C02F 3/06 (2006.01) C02F 1/30 (2006.01) C02F 9/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C02F 1/302 (2019.05); C02F 3/06 (2019.05); C02F 1/302 (2019.05); C02F 9/005 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019107025, 12.03.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 08.07.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 08.07.2019 Бюл. № 19 1 9 0 6 7 6 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2452693 C1, 10.06.2012. SU 447370 A1, 25.10.1974. RU 2666860 С1,12.09.2018. US 0009470007 В2, 18.10.2016. US 0010099950 B2, 16.10.2018. (54) Дисковый биофильтр (57) Реферат: Дисковый биофильтр относится к области очистки производственных и бытовых сточных вод от загрязняющих веществ и может ...

28-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008272C1

Перед осуществлением процесса ионного обмена ионит обрабатывают водой, подвергнутой воздействию энергетического поля. В качестве энергетического поля используют ультразвуковое поле, или электрическое, или температурное, или гамма-излучение. Процесс ионного обмена ускоряется. 1 з. п. ф-лы.

27-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2076001C1

Использование: радиационно-химическая обработка жидкостей и устройство для радиационно-химической обработки жидкостей предназначаются для обеспечения инициирования в двухфазных жидкостно-газовых средах с толщинами слоев в направлении распространения пучка электронов, превышающими длину пробега электронов. Сущность изобретения: жидкость насыщается газом, проходя снизу вверх через реакционную камеру, содержащую ряд последовательно расположенных по высоте газовых распределительных решеток. Скорость движения пузырей газа относительно жидкости обеспечивается близкой к нулю. На выходе из реакционной камеры системой распределительных решеток формируются встречные потоки жидкости, которые эффективно перемешиваются в зоне облучения. Обеспечивается повышенная эффективность радиационно-химических реакций, наряду с однородностью поглощенной дозы по всему объему жидкости. 2 с. п. и 1 з. п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2408427C1

Изобретение относится к способам получения фотокатализаторов. Описан способ получения фотокатализатора на основе диоксида титана, заключающийся в приготовлении водного раствора сульфата титанила с концентрацией 0,1-1,0 моль/л, добавлении в раствор кислоты до получения концентрации 0,15-1 моль/л с последующим гидролизом полученного раствора в гидротермальных условиях при температуре в диапазоне 100-250°С в течение 0,5-24 часа и последующем высушиванием полученной суспензии пористого диоксида титана. Технический результат - вышеописанный способ позволяет получить пористый фотокатализатор, в форме мезопористых частиц, с высокой удельной поверхностью, что усиливает его фотокаталитическую активность. 4 з.п. ф-лы., 5 табл., 8 ил.

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2431607C1

Изобретение относится к технологии очистки и обеззараживания сточных вод и может быть использовано на очистных сооружениях. Очистка и обеззараживание сточных вод происходит путем воздействия на закрытый объем воды импульсным излучением плазмы. При этом посредством плазмы создают давление и температуру в закрытом объеме воды, который перемещают. В процессе перемещения чередуют закрывание объема с открыванием, при этом закрывание осуществляют путем разъединения объема с наливным отверстием для воды, а открывание - посредством совмещения объема с выходным отверстием. Обеспечивается повышение эффективности очистки и обеззараживания сточных вод, а также расширение функциональных возможностей. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2058263C1

Использование: в технологических линиях и процессах для умягчения воды. Сущность: воду с растворенными в ней соединениями с помощью инфракрасного излучения нагревают до температуры, обеспечивающей высаждение в осадок всех растворенных соединений, затем производят незамедлительное фильтрование для удаления осадка. С целью уменьшения расхода электроэнергии обработанную воду после фильтрования и перед подачей в котельную установку подают в теплообменное устройство, обеспечивая предварительный подогрев исходной воды перед последующей обработкой тепловым излучением и фильтрованием. С целью обеспечения заданной конечной температуры обработанной воды осуществляют ее регулируемое охлаждение в теплообменнике. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить заданное качество обработанной воды, уменьшить энергозатраты и расход электроэнергии, удешевить конструкцию. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

27-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2080299C1

Изобретение относится к способу и установке для обработки вод, в частности очистки воды, содержащей галогенированный этилен, например грунтовой воды, для получения технической и питьевой воды. Вода подвергается воздействию озона и энергоемкого, в частности ионизирующего излучения. Для осуществления изобретения воду, имеющую кроме галогенированного этилена также другие составляющие и/или вредные вещества, воздействующие, в основном, на качество питьевой воды, и/или воды, содержащие эти вещества и/или воду, прошедшую предварительную обработку озоном и/или воду, насыщенную озоном, в частности грунтовую воду, подвергают в потоке воздействию электронного облучения, причем концентрацию озона в воде регулируют таким образом, что вода, непосредственно после выхода из зоны облучения имеет концентрацию озона, не менее 0,1 мг/л. Установка для очистки воды содержит ускоритель электронов и камеру для электронного облучения воды, причем на выходе непосредственно за камерой расположен чувствительный элемент ...

20-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2117517C1

Изобретение относится к способам очистки воды от растворенных органических веществ и может быть использовано для очистки природных и сточных вод, а также при водоподготовке. Способ включает одновременное осуществление стадий приведения раствора органических веществ в воде в контакт с полупроводниковым фотокатализатором, облучения ультрафиолетом и отделения очищенной воды от фотокатализатора путем фильтрации раствора через пористую мембрану. Фильтрацию проводят через пористые мембраны динамического или керамического типов из полупроводникового материала. Для интенсификации процесса используют активные окислители: кислород, или перекись водорода, или озон, причем газофазные окислители могут подаваться через газопроницаемую водонепроницаемую мембрану. Предложенный способ обеспечивает быструю и полную очистку воды от растворенных органических примесей, в том числе токсичных и трудноразлагаемых хлорированных веществ. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 1 ил.

10-07-2016 дата публикации

Способ получения фотокатализатора на основе висмутата щелочноземельного металла и способ очистки воды от органических загрязнителей фотокатализатором

Номер: RU2014151070A

... 1. Способ получения фотокатализатора на основе висмутата щелочноземельного металла, заключающийся в растворении нитрата висмута и нитрата щелочноземельного металла в растворителе с последующим отжигом прекурсора до образования аморфного фотокатализатора на основе висмутата щелочноземельного металла и термическим формированием его кристаллической решетки, отличающийся тем, что количественное соотношение нитрата висмута и нитрата щелочноземельного металла выбирают из условия соответствия одному из нестехиометрических составов висмутата щелочноземельного металла со степенью окисления щелочноземельного металла не равной двум,в качестве растворителя выбирают водный раствор многоатомного спирта, содержащий не менее пяти атомов углерода, перед отжигом прекурсора его выпаривают до образования (формирования) органической матрицы с равномерно распределенными атомами висмута и щелочноземельного металла, отжиг органической матрицы осуществляют при температуре 550-650ºС до образования наночастиц аморфного ...

10-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004137271A

... 1. Система обработки жидкости с радиочастотной идентификационной системой, содержащая блок управления, установленный в корпусе системы обработки жидкости, заменяемый узел, испускающий электромагнитное излучение, установленный в указанном корпусе системы обработки жидкости; базовую станцию, расположенную в указанном корпусе системы обработки жидкости и электрически связанную с обмоткой и указанным блоком управления, причем указанная обмотка способна передавать и принимать радиосигналы в соответствии с заданными управляющими сигналами от указанной базовой станции, и радиочастотный идентификационный приемопередатчик, установленный в указанном узле, эмитирующем электромагнитное излучение, который находится в радиосвязи с указанной базовой станцией. 2. Система обработки жидкости по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что указанный радиочастотный идентификационный приемопередатчик содержит передающую антенну и чип для считывания - записи. 3. Система обработки жидкости по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что указанный ...

30-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2033976C1

Сущность изобретения: природную воду подвергают механической обработке, импульсному УФ - облучению сплошного спектра, опреснению посредством обратного осмоса, обработке углеволокнистым сорбентом и повторному УФ - облучению. После каждой стадии очистки предусмотрен контроль качества воды. В зависимости от качества исходной воды количество используемых стадий в данной технологической схеме может меняться. 1 табл., 2 ил.

27-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99126070A

Способ электронно-лучевой обработки жидкостей, основанный на взаимодействии ускоренных электронов с жидкостью, содержащей газовую фазу и движущейся снизу вверх навстречу пучку электронов, отличающийся тем, что в плоскости выходного окна реакционной камеры создают поток газа - поршень, движущийся поперек потока жидкости и пучка электронов, ширина которого равна ширине потока жидкости, с динамическим давлением, превышающим динамическое давление потока жидкости, прохождение жидкости через реакционную камеру обеспечивают созданием избыточного гидростатического давления в резервуаре-накопителе, сообщающемся с реакционной камерой, равного или превышающего динамическое давление потока газа, в нижнюю часть резервуара-накопителя на расстоянии от реакционной камеры, которое обеспечивает его растворение в жидкости за время движения от точки ввода до выходного окна реакционной камеры, подают реакционный газ.

10-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95107252A

Изобретение предназначено для обеспечения инициирования и протекания радиационно-химических реакций в двухфазных жидкостно-газовых средах с толщинами слоев в направлении распространения пучка электронов, превышающими длину пробега электронов. Жидкость насыщается газом, проходя снизу вверх через реакционную камеру, содержащую ряд последовательно расположенных по высоте газовых распределительных решеток. Скорость движения пузырей газа относительно жидкости обеспечивается близкой к нулю. На выходе из реакционной камеры системой распределительных решеток формируются встречные потоки жидкости, которые эффективно перемешиваются в зоне облучения. Обеспечивается повышенная эффективность радиационно-химических реакций наряду с однородностью поглощенной дозы по всему объему жидкости.

15-01-1985 дата публикации

Установка для нейтрализации сточных вод

Номер: SU1134548A2

УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ НЕЙТРАЛИЗАЦИИ СТОЧНЫХ ВОД по ант. св. ; № .1000405, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью интенсификации процесса облучения и исключения выбросов токсичных веществ в атмосферу, она снабжена установленньми мелоду барботажными отсеками и гаэосбросной трубой адсорбционно-каталитическими аппаратами, сообщенным с входом этих аппаратов дополнительным источником регенерируемой среды, дегазатором , заполненным поглотителем озона , преимущественно элементами мелко нарезанной резины, и установленным на трубопроводе выброса озоновоэдушной смеси реакционных камер, а также теплообменниками, размещенными перед реакционными камерами.

23-09-1992 дата публикации

Способ очистки сточных вод текстильных предприятий

Номер: SU1763385A1

Изобретение относится к очистке сточных вод текстильных предприятий, преимущественно к очистке сточных вод, образующихся в процессе щелочной отварки хлопчатобумажной ткани, и может быть использовано на предприятиях текстильной промышленности и других производств, связанных с химической переработкой целлюлозы . Способ позволяет повысить степень очистки сточных вод от органических веществ, уменьшить расходы реагентов и объемы образующихся осадков. Для осуществления способа сточные воды обрабатывают смесью сульфата железа и хлорида кальция, взятых в соотношении 1,6-1,8:0,9- 1,1 с предварительным ультрафиолетовым облучением сточных вод до значений оптического коэффициента поглощения 2,4-3,6 в присутствии пероксида водорода. В качестве источника пероксида водорода используют сточные воды стадии отбелки хлопчатобумажной ткани. Использование способа обеспечивает 73-84%-ную очистку от органических веществ, снижение расхода реагентов в 2,2-2,4 раза и сокращает объемы образующихся осадков на 41-46% ...

15-05-1989 дата публикации

Способ очистки сточных вод от алифатических кислот

Номер: SU1479422A1

Изобретение относится к области очистки сточных вод и может быть использовано для очистки стоков заводов по производству ацетатного волокна. Цель изобретения состоит в снижении энергозатрат и сокращении времени обработки за счет того, что сточную воду подают в среднюю камеру трехкамерного электродиализатора, а облучению подвергают раствор из анодной камеры, при этом концентрацию анионов в облучаемом растворе поддерживают не ниже 25% от концентрации кислоты в исходной воде. 1 табл.

07-04-1983 дата публикации

Способ очистки сточных вод

Номер: SU845385A1

СПОСОБ ОЧИСТКИ СТОЧНЫХ ВОД от органических соединений и аммиака путем дистилляции с последующим облучением полученных дистиллятов с одновременным аэрированием, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения степени очистки сточных вод, облучение проводят при темпе- , ратуре 80-98 С. (Л с 00 4 СП 00 00 сд ...

23-04-1993 дата публикации

Способ очистки сточных вод от недиссоциирующих загрязнений

Номер: SU1810300A1

Изобретение относится к способам очистки сточных вод (СВ) и может быть использовано для очистки стоков производств ацетатного волокна,лаков,красок, нефтехимических и других производств, содержащих недиссоциирующие загрязнения, например ацетон. Сущность изобретения: очистку сточных вод ведут облучением. Концентрация загрязнения в облученной воде должна быть в интервале от Ci С + Со/100 до Са Со/Ю, где С0 - исходная концентрация загрязнения; Ci,2 - концентрация загрязнения в очищенной воде. Облученная вода поступает в электродиализатор. 1 табл, ...

01-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002000986B2

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060132995D1

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Photochemische Entfernung von Uran(VI)-Verbindungen aus mit Uran(VI)-verschmutzen Flüssigkeiten

Номер: DE102014225951B4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Abtrennung von Uran(VI)-Verbindungen aus Uran(VI)-Verbindungen-haltigen Flüssigkeiten mit den Verfahrensschritten herstellen einer Suspension, enthaltend eine Mikrostruktur, aufweisend mindestens ein Flavonoid und mindestens eine amphiphile Substanz, zugeben der Uran(VI)-Verbindungen-haltigen Flüssigkeit zu der Mikrostruktur, wobei eine einen Flavonoid-Uran(VI)-Komplex enthaltende Suspension entsteht, bestrahlen des Flavonoid-Uran(VI)-Komplexes, wobei mindestens eine Uran-Spezies mit einer Oxidationsstufe kleiner sechs gebildet wird und entfernen der Uran-Spezies aus der Suspension.

17-03-2011 дата публикации

Kleinkläranlage mit photokatalytischem Kollektor und Hauswassersystem mit einer derartigen Kleinkläranlage

Номер: DE202009014915U1

Kleinkläranlage (1) für häusliches Abwasser, umfassend einen Pufferspeicher (8) für nicht filtriertes oder grob filtriertes häusliches Abwasser, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Kleinkläranlage (1) einen photokatalytischen Kollektor (10) um fasst, wobei der photokatalytische Kollektor (10) eine oder mehrere photokatalytisch aktiv beschichtete Oberflächen aufweist, an denen das Abwasser vorbei strömt und dabei gereinigt wird.

04-11-2010 дата публикации

Device for generation of ion network for water treatment in tanks to reduce cloud and to stabilize water surfaces, comprises electrochemical and/or photocatalytic source arranged in a channel of jet in an ejector, and an ejector deflector

Номер: DE102010018597A1

The device comprises an electrochemical and/or photocatalytic source arranged in a channel (2) of a jet in an ejector, an ejector deflector (4) arranged at sides of the jet, and an aerosol deflector (5) arranged behind the jet, where the device is arranged on a floating body (1) that is equipped with a drive for initiation of mutual motion of the floating body and water while the floating body is equipped with the ejector. The floating body is equipped with a source of electrolytically and/or photocatalytically treated water connected with an outlet (9). The device comprises an electrochemical and/or photocatalytic source arranged in a channel (2) of a jet in an ejector, an ejector deflector (4) arranged at sides of the jet, and an aerosol deflector (5) arranged behind the jet, where the device is arranged on a floating body (1) that is equipped with a drive for initiation of mutual motion of the floating body and water while the floating body is equipped with the ejector. The floating ...

16-09-2010 дата публикации

Cleaning water containing volatile organic compounds, comprises continuously/discontinuously guiding water into first circuit having a column to strip compounds from first circuit, and transporting stripped compounds into second circuit

Номер: DE102009013255A1

The process for cleaning water containing volatile organic compounds, comprises continuously or discontinuously guiding the water into a first circuit, which has a column for stripping the compounds from the first circuit, and transporting the stripped compounds into a second circuit, which has a washing column for dissolving/emulsifying/dispersing the compounds in water or contains solvent/emulsifying agent/dispersing agent, photocatalysts and radiation source for the degradation of the compounds. The first and/or second circuits comprise a closed system. The process for cleaning water containing volatile organic compounds, comprises continuously or discontinuously guiding the water into a first circuit, which has a column for stripping the compounds from the first circuit, and transporting the stripped compounds into a second circuit, which has a washing column for dissolving/emulsifying/dispersing the compounds in water or contains solvent/emulsifying agent/dispersing agent, photocatalysts ...

11-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001445458A

... 1445458 Treating waste water with nuclear fuel waste GESELLSCHAFT FUER KERNFORSCHUNG mbH 22 Nov 1973 [24 Nov 1972 25 Sept 1973 23 Oct 1973] 54336/73 Heading C1C [Also in Division G6] Moulded bodies of glass, or ceramic or basaltic material incorporating highly radio-active solidified waste are introduced into waste water or sludge, or raw water, and allowed to remain there until the heat energy produced by the radiation has been reduced to about one-tenth. The process facilitates storage of the moulded bodies and also may be used to sterilize the water or sludge or improve its filterability. Chlorophenols or aliphatic halogen compounds present in the waste water may be decomposed by the process. To assist this decomposition, there may be added isopropyl alcohol, a halobenzene, halophenol, haloanisole, or polyhalobiphenyl or an olefinic halogen compound, e.g. trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, or hexachlorobutadiene. The decomposition is also assisted by passing a stream of air through ...

06-06-2001 дата публикации

Combined photocatalytic and ultrasonic degradation of orgainc contaminants

Номер: GB0002356858A

Treatment of aqueous liquid containing organic contaminants comprises contacting the liquid with a material comprising a semiconductor photocatalyst loaded on a molecular sieve material, irradiating the liquid to cause photocatalysis and simultaneous exposure to ultrasound energy. The semiconductor photocatalyst is preferably a titania, and the molecular sieve material may be mesoporous and/or a zeolite. Zinc oxide, cadmium sulfide, iron oxide, gallium phosphide, tin oxide and tungsten oxide may also be used a photocatalysts. Composite photocatalysts and processes for their preparation are also described.

05-05-2010 дата публикации

Concentration and dewatering of suspensions

Номер: GB0002450797B

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Water disinfection by ultra violet radiation in solar energy.

Номер: AP0201206344D0

30-09-2003 дата публикации

Activated water apparatus and methods.

Номер: AP0200302830D0

31-10-2011 дата публикации

Treatment or remediation of natural or waste water.

Номер: AP0201105931D0

30-09-2003 дата публикации

Activated water apparatus and methods

Номер: AP2003002830A0

An apparatus subjects water to waves from an RF plasma. This allows continuous production of "activated water" characterized by cluster sizes below about 4 molecules per cluster, water having pH below 4 or above 10, or water having ORP of less than -350 mV or more than -t- 800 mV. The basic frequency of Ihc plasma is preferably between 0.44 Mil/ and 40-68 Mil/, and the plasma is preferably modulated at a frequency between 10 kHz and 34 kHz. Flow rales typically range from 20 1/hr to about 2000 l/hr. Activated water can be used for many purposes, including antimicrobial cleaning of worktable, floor, wall, knife, transport and other surfaces, for example, in meat processing facilities and hospitals.

30-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003426A

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Water disinfection by ultra violet radiation in solar energy.

Номер: AP2012006344A0

31-10-2011 дата публикации

Treatment or remediation of natural or waste water.

Номер: AP2011005931A0

30-09-2003 дата публикации

Activated water apparatus and methods.

Номер: AP0200302830A0

22-05-2006 дата публикации

Activated water apparatus and methods.

Номер: OA0000012436A

30-04-1993 дата публикации

Process of treatment of the human or animal dejections by microwaves and devices for its implementation

Номер: OA0000009630A

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Water disinfection by ultra violet radiation in solar energy.

Номер: AP0201206344A0

31-10-2011 дата публикации

Treatment or remediation of natural or waste water.

Номер: AP0201105931A0

27-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000354194B

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000354542T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000392255T

26-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399658B

15-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA615976A

15-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000887675A

15-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000166678A

15-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000118978A

15-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000557075A

15-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0012342002A

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000378565T

27-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000354367B

25-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411596B

A method and a device allow treating waste water discharged from a purification or sewage treatment plant for local waste water. An amount of endocrinically active hormones and hormones dangerous to aquatic environments or hormone metabolites from the group of oestranes contained in the discharged water is reduced in the flow of the waste water leaving the waste-water purification or sewage plant by guiding the same in the form of a continuous fluid body through the field or radiation cone of a radiation source emitting ionizing radiation (gamma, x-ray, and/or electron radiation).

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408452T

15-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000081476T

15-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000079097T

12-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000340332B

15-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000227694T

15-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000169891T

15-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ATA77995A

15-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000269758T

17-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005334886A

13-11-2008 дата публикации

System to produce drinking water

Номер: AU2004275651B2

25-02-2002 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for microwave utilization

Номер: AU0008649801A

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Fluid treatment system

Номер: AU2007317148B2

In one of its aspects, the present invention relates to a fluid treatment system comprising: an inlet; an outlet; a fluid treatment zone disposed between the inlet and the outlet. The fluid treatment zone: (i) comprises a first wall surface and a second wall surface opposed to the first wall surface, and (ii) having disposed therein at least one array of rows of radiation source assemblies. Each radiation source assembly has a longitudinal axis transverse to a direction of fluid flow through the fluid treatment zone and each of the first wall surface and the second wall surface comprises a first fluid deflector element and a second fluid deflector element. The first fliud deflector element projecting into the fluid treatment zone to a greater extent than the second fluid deflector element.

13-10-2011 дата публикации

Treatment or remediation of natural or waste water

Номер: AU2010225461A1

A process for treating a natural or wastewater containing dissolved Mg or dissolved Al comprising the steps of adding at least one Mg-containing compound or at least one Al-containing compound to the natural or wastewater to thereby form a layered double hydroxide (LDH) containing Mg and Al as a predominant metal species in a lattice of the LDH. The LDH may contain hydrotalcite. The Al-containing compound may be aluminate or aluminium hydroxide derived from the Bayer process or from an alumina refinery.

06-05-1999 дата публикации

A photocatalyst

Номер: AUPP972299A0

30-01-2002 дата публикации

Process for high shear gas-liquid reactions

Номер: AU0007023901A

11-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007162491A

03-03-2004 дата публикации

Method and device for post-treating waste water from sewage plants

Номер: AU2003257216A8

13-02-1997 дата публикации

Photocatalytic method for treatment of contaminated water.

Номер: AU0000675682B2

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Development of solar driven photocatalyst and its application in degradation of organic pollutants

Номер: AU2021100320A4

Development of solar driven photocatalyst and its application in degradation of organic pollutants Abstract In this project, core-shell CdS@SnO2 particles have been prepared by Successive Ion Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) method. CdS is a well known low band gap semiconductor (of band gap ~ 2.4eV) and can thus harvest visible light of wavelength up to 520nm of the solar radiation. In our present work, we have implemented SILAR method with slight modification to coat thin CdS layer over fine SnO 2 particles to obtain core-shell CdS@SnO 2 particles. The SILAR method, which is usually used for the deposition of binary semiconducting thin films, has some advantage over other preparative methods, for example, this is a facile, less expensive and less time consuming technique, and it provides the provision to control the thickness of the film by adjusting the number of cycle of coating. In the present synthetic approach, fine SnO 2 powder has been prepared by hydrothermal method initially ...

16-06-1999 дата публикации

A method for disinfecting liquids and gases and devices for use thereof

Номер: AU0001445499A

19-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003034800A

16-07-2001 дата публикации

Process and means to prevent microorganisms blooming in an aquatic system

Номер: AU0002716801A

17-01-2000 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for purification and disinfection of liquids

Номер: AU0003513499A

08-06-2000 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for removal of material utilizing near-blackbody radiation

Номер: AU0000720629B2

08-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002353499A1

... ▓▓▓According to the invention, activated water is produced by producing singlet ▓oxygen in a gaseous medium containing oxygen or in the water itself and ▓bringing the singlet-oxygen into contact with the water. Water which has been ▓activated in this way can be advantageously used in the fields of medicine, ▓chemical process engineering, food technology, agriculture, printing, paint ▓technology and/or cleaning technology.▓ ...

18-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524838A1

A disinfectant treatment for self-contained potable water systems. A lamp or lamps (50) within the interior of at least one component system in which water is resident. During operation of the system. As the water tank (12), water heater (38), water filter, or other component which holds a volume of water.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Water treatment device

Номер: US20120125831A1
Автор: Hann HUANG
Принадлежит: Individual

A water treatment device includes a control module communicating with a feed line; an energy pipe communicating with the control module; a light wave pipe assembly communicating with the energy pipe; and magnetizing pipe communicating with the light wave pipe assembly through the second manifold then with an exit line. The light wave pipe assembly communicates with the light wave generator so that the wave guide tube grants the light wave energy to the water liquid. The magnetic energy of magnets of the magnetizing pipe magnetizes the water liquid. Furthermore, with the use of multiple loops which refine molecules of the water liquid, the energy of the water liquid increases to allow the water liquid to be easily absorbed by human body.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Water treatment apparatus and process to reduce pipe scale and biomass using positive pressure ultraviolet oxygenation

Номер: US20120272676A1
Принадлежит: Cascade Water Services Inc

A method of treating water in order to minimize scaling and biomass buildup in water conduits or containers in which the treated water is used includes pressurizing and optionally filtering ambient air, processing the pressurized ambient air in a chamber including at least one ultraviolet light source operated to generate an output flow mixture of pressurized air and reactive oxygen species (ROS) gas, mixing the pressurized ROS/gas output mixture to realize a flow of water/pressurized ROS gas/air mixture and outputting the flow of water/pressurized ROS gas/air mixture as the treated water process product. The process includes generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) gas in the pressurized ROS/gas output mixture including at least one of Super Oxide (O 2 − ), Peroxide (—O 2 —), Hydro peroxide (HO 2 − ), Hydroxyl Radicals (OH·), Ozone (O 3 − ) and Molecular Oxygen (O 2 ). The ultraviolet light source, the flow rate of the pressurized air, the water, the water/pressurized ROS gas/air mixture and the output volume are controlled to optimize scaling and biomass reduction.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Methods for the treatment of ballast water

Номер: US20130056648A1
Принадлежит: Fahs Stagemyer LLC

A process has been developed to selectively dissociate target molecules into component products compositionally distinct from the target molecule, wherein the bonds of the target molecule do not reform because the components are no longer reactive with each other. Dissociation is affected by treating the target molecule with light at a frequency and intensity, alone or in combination with a catalyst in an amount effective to selectively break bonds within the target molecule. Dissociation does not result in re-association into the target molecule by the reverse process, and does not produce component products which have a change in oxidation number or state incorporated oxygen or other additives because the process does not proceed via a typical reduction-oxidation mechanism. This process can be used for the remediation of water, particularly ballast water.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081957A1
Автор: Foret Todd

A method for treating a liquid using an apparatus includes: (a) a pump volute or hydrocyclone head having an inlet, and a throat having an outlet and a central axis, (b) a tank connected to the second opening of the throat, wherein the tank has a maximum inner diameter that is larger than an inner diameter of the outlet of the throat, and (d) a wave energy source having a first electrode within the pump volute or hydrocyclone head that extends through the outlet of the throat along the central axis, and a second electrode within the tank that is spaced apart and axially aligned with first electrode along the central axis. The method includes the steps of providing the above-described apparatus, supplying the liquid to the inlet of the pump volute or hydrocyclone head, and irradiating the liquid with one or more wave energies produced by the wave energy source. 1. A method for treating a liquid comprising the steps of:providing an apparatus comprising: (a) a pump volute or hydrocyclone head having an inlet, and a throat having an outlet and a central axis, (b) a tank connected to the outlet of the throat, wherein the tank has a maximum inner diameter that is larger than an inner diameter of the outlet of the throat, and (c) a wave energy source comprising a first electrode within the pump volute or hydrocyclone head that extends through the outlet of the throat along the central axis, and a second electrode within the tank that is spaced apart and axially aligned with first electrode along the central axis;supplying the liquid to the inlet of the pump volute or hydrocyclone head; andirradiating the liquid with one or more wave energies produced by the wave energy source.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the step of exposing the liquid to a catalyst.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the step of filtering the irradiated liquid.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the step of providing a central core of ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Advanced Biologic Water Treatment Using Algae

Номер: US20130105388A1
Принадлежит: AlgEvolve, LLC

An advanced water treatment method processes a continuous flow of water in a sequence of stages including pre-filtering [ 200 ] to remove solids, conditioning [ 202 ] to adjust pH, blending [ 210 ] with a recycled dense microalgae culture, and passing the resulting mixture through an enclosed, environmentally-controlled photobioreactor [ 212 ] where nutrients, PCB's, trace metals and other pollutants and regulated compounds are taken up by the algae. The flow from the PBR is separated using cross-flow filtration [ 222 ] to produce a treated water flow and a dense microalgae flow that is recycled to the blending stage [ 210 ] upstream. Thus, whereas the algae is recycled, the water entering the system is treated by flowing sequentially through the stages of the system, without any recycling or repetition of treatment stages. A pig-type cleaning system is also provided.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for Decontamination of Hazardous Sulfur Compounds in Sour Water Tanks

Номер: US20130126444A1

A method and system treat contaminated water. In one embodiment, the method comprises treating contaminated water by introducing a methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution to a vessel. The vessel contains the contaminated water and iron oxide. The contaminated water comprises contaminants. In addition, the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises methylmorpholine-N-oxide and water. The method further comprises contacting the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution with the contaminated water. In addition, the method comprises treating the contaminated water by allowing the methylmorpholine-N-oxide to react with the contaminants in the presence of the iron oxide. 1. A method for treating contaminated water , comprising:(A) introducing a methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution to a vessel, wherein the vessel contains the contaminated water and iron oxide, and wherein the contaminated water comprises contaminants, and wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises methylmorpholine-N-oxide and water;(B) contacting the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution with the contaminated water; and(C) treating the contaminated water by allowing the methylmorpholine-N-oxide to react with the contaminants in the presence of the iron oxide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contaminants comprise hydrogen sulfide claim 1 , iron sulfides claim 1 , or any combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the contaminants comprise hydrogen sulfide.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein treating the contaminated water comprises converting the hydrogen sulfide to elemental sulfur.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the elemental sulfur is removed from the vessel.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises between about 1 weight volume % and about 60 weight volume % methylmorpholine-N-oxide.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution is introduced to the vessel in an amount to provide a mole ratio of methylmorpholine-N-oxide to ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153477A1
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

An inner tube is provided with a protruding portion protruding from an outer peripheral surface of the tube, in a position extending throughout the entire area of the outer peripheral surface of the tube, in a region located outside an outer tube, of the entire area in a longitudinal direction of the inner tube inserted into a through-hole of a discharge side wall of the outer tube, and the protruding portion of the inner tube is pressed by an outlet joint toward the discharge side wall along an axial direction of the outer tube, and thereby, the inner tube is cantilevered by the discharge side wall. 1. A liquid waste treatment apparatus comprising:a reaction tank having a double-tube structure including an outer tubular body in a tubular form and an inner tubular body in a tubular form disposed inside the outer tubular body, the liquid waste treatment apparatus being configured such that, under a condition where the inner tubular body into which a fluid is introduced is cantilevered by the outer tubular body in a downstream end portion of the inner tubular body in a fluid transport direction, organic matter in a treatment-object fluid undergoes oxidative decomposition in a process in which the treatment-object fluid and an oxidizing agent are mixed together, heated and pressurized while introduced into the inner tubular body, and the treatment-object fluid and the oxidizing agent in the inner tubular body are transported toward the downstream end portion along a tube longitudinal direction,wherein the inner tubular body is provided with a protruding portion protruding from an outer peripheral surface of the downstream end portion of the inner tubular body and extending around the whole periphery of the outer peripheral surface, and an upstream end of the protruding portion in the fluid transport direction is pressed by a pressing device toward a downstream end of the outer tubular body in the fluid transport direction along the tube longitudinal direction, whereby ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment apparatus and systems

Номер: US20130153515A1

Apparatus and systems for water treatment, as well as methods for treating water, are provided. An apparatus for water treatment may include one or more reactors configured for water treatment, one or more light sources configured to provide ultraviolet light inside the one or more reactors, a photocatalyst positioned in each of the one or more reactors and configured to receive the ultraviolet light from the one or more light sources, and a pure oxygen source coupled to the one or more reactors and configured to supply pure oxygen to the water.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161251A1
Автор: Foret Todd

A method of and apparatus for treating liquids flowing in a thin film around a source of wave energy to directly expose the liquid to the wave energy, preferably generated in whole or part by an electrical arc between carbon electrodes. In addition to the wave energy generated by the electrical arc, energy generated by cavitation of the flowing liquid may be used in treating the liquid. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. An apparatus for treating a chemically or biologically contaminated fluid comprising:a cyclone separator having a first end, a second end, a central axis from the first end to the second end, an inlet, an overflow disposed in the first end, an underflow disposed in the second end, wherein the inlet is disposed proximate to the first end and creates a flow of the chemically or biologically contaminated fluid along a vortex path from the first end to the second end of the cyclone separator;a first electrode and a second electrode that are at least partially disposed within the cyclone separator, spaced apart from one another, and axially aligned with one another along the central axis; andwherein the electrodes are used to create an open electrical arc that treats the chemically or biologically contaminated fluid as the chemically or biologically contaminated fluid flows along the vortex path in close proximity to and surrounding the electrical arc.12. The apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the electrodes comprise carbon.13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. The apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the chemically or biologically contaminated fluid comprises a fluid containing MTBE claim 11 , a fluid containing one or more pathogens claim 11 , a fluid containing bacteria claim 11 , a fluid containing mycobacteria claim 11 , a fluid containing VOC's claim 11 , a poultry chiller fluid claim 11 , a marine ballast fluid claim 11 , a spent caustic solution or a combination ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206705A1

A system and method for the treatment of process streams is provided. A catalyst mediates a wet oxidation process at elevated temperatures and pressures for treating at least one undesirable constituent in an aqueous mixture. A catalyst may be selected for its solubility at a detected pH level of the aqueous mixture. Alternatively, a pH level of the aqueous mixture may be adjusted to solubilize a selected catalyst and/or maintain the selected catalyst in a soluble form. A controller in communication with a pH sensor may be configured to generate a control signal to adjust the pH level of the aqueous mixture in response to the pH sensor registering a pH level outside a predetermined pH solubility range for a selected catalyst. 1. A catalytic wet oxidation process , comprising:providing an aqueous mixture containing at least one undesirable constituent to be treated;detecting a pH level of the aqueous mixture containing at least one undesirable constituent to be treated;selecting a catalyst soluble at the detected pH level of the aqueous mixture, wherein the catalyst and the detected pH level are selected from the group consisting of: copper at a pH level of about 4 or lower, copper at a pH level above about 13, vanadium at a pH level above about 4.5, and iron at a pH level below about 4;contacting the aqueous mixture containing at least one undesirable constituent to be treated with the selected catalyst soluble at the detected pH level and an oxidizing agent at an elevated temperature and a superatmospheric pressure to treat the at least one undesirable constituent;monitoring the pH level of the aqueous mixture; andmaintaining the pH level of the aqueous mixture to maintain the catalyst in a soluble form during the catalytic wet oxidation process.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein contacting the aqueous mixture with the selected catalyst occurs prior to heating.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein contacting the aqueous mixture with the selected ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for the Treatment of Ballast Water

Номер: US20130213899A1
Принадлежит: Fahs Stagemyer LLC

A system has been developed to treat ballast water by selectively dissociating target molecules into component products compositionally distinct from the target molecule, wherein the bonds of the target molecule do not reform because the components are no longer reactive with each other. Dissociation is affected by treating the target molecule with light at a frequency and intensity, alone or in combination with a catalyst in an amount effective to selectively break bonds within the target molecule. Dissociation does not result in re-association into the target molecule by the reverse process, and does not produce component products which have a change in oxidation number or state incorporated oxygen or other additives because the process does not proceed via a typical reduction-oxidation mechanism. 1. A precise energy separation chamber for water remediation comprising:a chamber having one or more inlet ports and one or more outlet ports, andone or more energy of dissociation sources,wherein water is capable of flowing into the chamber through an inlet port, in proximity to an energy of dissociation source, and flowing out of the chamber through an outlet port, andwherein the energy of dissociation source can provide an effective amount, intensity and frequency of energy to specifically dissociate one or more target bonds in the target molecules in the water to separate the target molecules into their component products without producing any reaction by-products and without re-association of the one or more target bonds.2. The precise energy separation chamber of comprising a plurality of energy of dissociation sources.3. The precise energy separation chamber of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of energy of dissociation sources is arranged to distribute the energy throughout the interior of the chamber.4. The precise energy separation chamber of comprising means for controlling water flow through the chamber.5. The precise energy separation chamber of claim 1 , ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228528A1
Автор: Felch Chad L.

A system and method for the treatment of process streams. A catalyst mediates a wet oxidation process at elevated temperatures and pressures for treating at least one undesirable constituent in an aqueous mixture. The aqueous mixture may be contacted with a catalyst and an oxidizing agent at an elevated temperature and a superatmospheric pressure. At least a portion of the catalyst may be precipitated by a pH adjustment and recycled back to contact the aqueous mixture 1. A catalytic wet oxidation process , comprising:contacting an aqueous mixture containing at least one undesirable constituent to be treated with a catalyst and an oxidizing agent at an elevated temperature and a superatmospheric pressure at a pH within a first range at which the catalyst is substantially soluble to treat the at least one undesirable constituent within a wet oxidation reactor and form an oxidized aqueous mixture within the wet oxidation reactor;precipitating at least a portion of the catalyst solely by adjusting a pH level of the oxidized aqueous mixture to a pH within a second range to form a precipitated catalyst; andrecycling at least a portion of the precipitated catalyst to contact the aqueous mixture.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first range of pH and the second range of pH are non-overlapping.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the catalyst comprises copper and the first range of pH is selected from the group consisting of below about 4 and above about 12.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the second range of pH is from about 6 to about 12.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein precipitating the at least a portion of the catalyst is accomplished with a two step catalyst settling process comprising:performing a rough clarification in a first clarifier to produce a first supernatant and a first separated solution including soluble catalyst;contacting at least a portion of the first separated solution with the aqueous mixture;settling at least a portion of the first ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280135A1

Provided herein are systems and methods for the treatment and purification of fluids (e.g., water) using a light-emitting diode (LED) light source. In one embodiment, for example, there is provided a fluid flow conduit having an LED light source and a photo-catalytic material disposed therein. The LED light source emits ultraviolet light with a peak wavelength between about 265 nm and about 400 nm. In operation, the photo-catalytic material absorbs the ultraviolet light from the LED light source, and releases free radicals into the fluid. The free radicals then degrade organic substances (e.g., bacteria) in the fluid. 1. A fluid purification system , comprisinga fluid flow conduit forming a hollow inner surface within the fluid flow conduit;a light-emitting diode (LED) light source emitting ultraviolet light within the fluid flow conduit, wherein the ultraviolet light has a peak wavelength between about 265 nm and about 400 nm;a photo-catalytic material disposed within the fluid flow conduit, wherein the photo-catalytic material is positioned within an illumination area provided by the LED light source; anda light reflector disposed within the fluid flow conduit and positioned within the illumination area provided by the LED light source to reflect the light emitted by the LED light source, wherein the light reflector is shaped and includes a convex surface positioned within the hollow inner surface of the fluid flow conduit in order to cause turbulent flow of fluid through the fluid flow conduit.2. The fluid purification system of wherein the photo-catalytic material is TiOAnatase.3. The fluid purification system of wherein the light extends into the fluid flow conduit to cover between 20% and 80% of a cross-sectional area of the fluid flow conduit.4. The fluid purification system of wherein the light reflector extends into the fluid flow conduit to cover between 30% and 40% of a cross-sectional area of the fluid flow conduit.5. The fluid purification system of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Water purification system

Номер: US20130306529A1
Автор: Steve Flaim, Tom Flaim
Принадлежит: Individual

Purification of water is obtained by pumping water through a multi-stage filtration unit or a series of filters having increasingly smaller dimensional passages and then irradiating the water using UV light delivered at over 16,000 microwatts/cm 2 /sec. The system is advantageously portable for use in diverse environments and operable using a variety of power sources from solar to conventional fuels or electricity.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048464A1
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A fluid purifying apparatus that purifies fluid containing organic matter has a reactor including a first transfer part that receives the fluid from outside and transfers the fluid in a vertical direction from an upper side to a lower side while heating and pressurizing the fluid and mixing the fluid with an oxidant, a second transfer part that receives the fluid that has passed through the first transfer part and transfers the fluid in the vertical direction from the lower side to the upper side, and a partition member that partitions an upper part of the reactor into the first transfer part and the second transfer part, and a solid storage part that communicates with the first transfer part and the second transfer part below the partition member and receives solid matter contained in the fluid that settles while the fluid is transferred. 1. A fluid purifying apparatus comprising:a reactor that purifies a fluid to be purified that contains organic matter, the reactor being configured to mix an oxidant with the fluid while heating and pressurizing the fluid to induce decomposition of the organic matter; a first transfer part that receives the fluid from outside and transfers the fluid in a vertical direction from an upper side to a lower side while heating and pressurizing the fluid and mixing the fluid with the oxidant;', 'a second transfer part that receives the fluid that has passed through the first transfer part and transfers the fluid in the vertical direction from the lower side to the upper side;', 'a partition member that partitions at least an upper part of the reactor into the first transfer part and the second transfer part; and', 'a solid storage part that communicates with the first transfer part and the second transfer part and is arranged below the partition member with respect to the vertical direction, the solid storage part being configured to receive solid matter contained in the fluid that settles while the fluid is transferred through the first ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054240A1
Автор: White Brian Nelson

A method for providing a dose of visible light in covered drinking water storage facilities to control nitrification. In one embodiment, the method includes irradiating the water with a dose of visible light sufficient to inhibit microbial nitrification of the water. In one embodiment, the dose of visible light has a wavelength from approximately 400 Hz to approximately 700 Hz. In another embodiment, the dose of visible light has a wavelength from approximately 550 Hz to approximately 700 Hz. In a further embodiment, the dose of visible light has a wavelength from approximately 380 Hz to approximately 430 Hz. 1. A method of treating water , comprising:irradiating the water with a dose of visible light sufficient to inhibit microbial nitrification of the water.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dose of visible light has a wavelength from approximately 400 Hz to approximately 700 Hz.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dose of visible light has a wavelength from approximately 550 Hz to approximately 700 Hz.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dose of visible light has a wavelength from approximately 380 Hz to approximately 430 Hz.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dose of visible light has a wavelength from approximately 315 Hz to approximately 430 Hz.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water is chloraminated water.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the task of irradiating the water does not include irradiating the water with ultraviolet light.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising mixing the water.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dose of visible light has an intensity of at least approximately 0.1 watts per square meter throughout the water.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising irradiating the water for a period of approximately 24 hours.11. A method of treating water claim 1 , comprising:irradiating chloraminated water with a dose of visible light sufficient to inhibit microbial nitrification of the chloraminated water, wherein ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001186A1

A zinc-based nanohybrid was prepared using a facile wet chemistry process. This nanohybrid has zinc oxide nanostructures connected to zinc phthalocyanine molecules via biologically important ligands. In addition, this nanohybrid has photocatalytic properties and photodegrades water pollutants, such as methyl orange. 1: A zinc-based nanohybrid , comprising:a zinc oxide nanostructure;a zinc phthalocyanine molecule; anda bridging ligand connecting the zinc oxide nanostructure and the zinc phthalocyanine molecule.2: The zinc-based nanohybrid of claim 1 , wherein the zinc oxide nanostructure has at least one morphology selected from the group consisting of a nanoparticle claim 1 , and a nontubular nanorod.3: The zinc oxide nanostructure of claim 2 , wherein the zinc oxide nanostructure is a nontubular nanorod with an average largest diameter of 50-100 nm and a length of 0.3-5 μm.4: The zinc oxide nanostructure of claim 2 , wherein the zinc oxide nanostructure is a nanoparticle with an average diameter of 10-50 nm.6: The zinc-based nanohybrid of claim 1 , wherein the zinc phthalocyanine molecule is of Formula (I) claim 1 , wherein R-Rare each hydrogen.7: The zinc-based nanohybrid of claim 1 , wherein the bridging ligand has two terminal carboxylate groups claim 1 , and through the two carboxylate end groups claim 1 , the bridging ligand forms a first Zn—O linkage with zinc in the zinc oxide nanostructure and a second Zn—O linkage with zinc in the zinc phthalocyanine molecule.9: The zinc-based nanohybrid of claim 1 , wherein the bridging ligand is selected from the group consisting of citrate claim 1 , tartrate claim 1 , an amino acid claim 1 , which is serine claim 1 , cysteine claim 1 , aspartate claim 1 , glutamate or tyrosine claim 1 , and enantiomers thereof.10: A substrate comprising:at least one plate; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the zinc-based nanohybrid of , wherein the zinc-based nanohybrid is coated on a surface of the plate to form a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009804A1

The present invention provides a method for treating water containing pollutants, comprising the steps of 1) bringing said water in contact with magnetoelectric particles so that the pollutants in the water come into contact with the surfaces of magnetoelectric particles; 2) applying a magnetic field to the magnetoelectric particles so as to generate electric charges on the surface of said magnetoelectric particles, wherein said electric charges on the surface of said magnetoelectric particles cause redox reactions to occur which oxidize said pollutants in the water. Also provided arm water cleaning reactors which can be used to perform the method of the present invention and water cleaning assemblies which use any of said water cleaning reactors. 1. A method for treating water containing pollutants , the method comprising the steps of ,bringing said water in contact with said magnetoelectric particles so that the pollutants in the water come into contact with the surfaces of magnetoelectric particles;applying a magnetic field to the magnetoelectric particles so as to generate electric charges on the surface of said magnetoelectric particles, wherein said electric charges on the surface of said magnetoelectric particles cause redox reactions to occur which degrade said pollutants in the water.2. A method according to wherein the step of bringing said water in contact with said magnetoelectric particles claim 1 , comprises claim 1 , adding magnetoelectric particles to said water.3. A method according to wherein the step of bringing said water in contact with said magnetoelectric particles claim 1 , comprises claim 1 , passing the water through a porous membrane which comprises said magnetoelectric particles.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said pollutants comprise organic pollutants claim 1 , and wherein said electric charges on the surface of said magnetoelectric particles cause redox reactions to occur which oxidize said organic pollutants claim 1 , and/ ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014255A1

Methods and systems for treating caustic materials are disclosed. In one exemplary embodiment, a method for treating caustic materials includes the steps of providing a first caustic solution stream including phenolic constituents and naphthenic constituents, mixing the first caustic solution stream with an acid solution, and separating phenolic acids from the first caustic solution stream. The method further includes further mixing the first caustic solution stream with additional acid solution and separating naphthenic acids from the first caustic solution stream. Still further, the method includes providing a second caustic solution stream including sulfidic constituents, mixing the first caustic solution stream with the second caustic solution stream to form a combined caustic solution stream, and oxidizing the sulfidic constituents of the combined caustic solution stream. 1. A method for treating caustic materials comprising the steps of:providing a first caustic solution stream comprising phenolic constituents and naphthenic constituents, the first caustic solution stream having a pH greater than about 7.0;mixing the first caustic solution stream with an acid solution to reduce the pH of the first caustic solution stream to a pH of about 3.5 to about 4.5, thereby chemically transforming the phenolic constituents of the first caustic solution stream to phenolic acids;separating the phenolic acids from the first caustic solution stream;further mixing the first caustic solution stream with an additional acid solution to reduce the pH of the first caustic solution stream to a pH of about 1.5 to about 2.5, thereby chemically transforming the naphthenic constituents of the first caustic solution stream to naphthenic acids;separating the naphthenic acids from the first caustic solution stream;providing a second caustic solution stream comprising sulfidic constituents, the second caustic solution stream having a pH greater than about 7.0;mixing the first caustic ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016830A1
Принадлежит: Ipurtech Limited

UV apparatus comprises a tube of UV-transparent material, at least one UV lamp provided externally of the tube so as to emit UV light towards the tube, and a core extending in an axial direction within the tube and configured to create turbulent flow in a liquid passing through the tube. A photocatalyst is provided on at least one surface of the core and is responsive to UV light emitted by the lamp to generate free radicals in liquid passing through the tube.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016834A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for water descaling. The system comprises hydrodynamic cavitation reactors with a cavitator selected from the group consisting of an orifice plate, venturi and a rotating cavitator, in combination with an infrared radiation emitter. Combination of hydrodynamic cavitation reactor with infrared radiation achieves effective salt precipitation from the hard water with reduced pressure drop and reduced number of recirculation, resulting in higher savings due to reduced energy costs.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Global recycling of the earth's natural resources

Номер: US20160023181A1
Автор: Peter Anthony Miller
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure deals with is a combination of interconnected innovative technologies for exploiting the advantages of closed cyclic chain reactions on a global scale to solve the contemporary problem of carbon emissions and the earth's diminishing raw resources associated with fossil fuelled power generation and widespread dumping practices. As a first step the surest way to challenge the present monopoly of the fossil fuel industry is to exploit the full potential of photosynthesising processes, whereby carbon remains the key chemical element for fulfilling the needs of contemporary and future civilisations and whereby the means will be available to control the concentration of green house gases at optimal levels in the environment. Envisaged are global recycling trading schemes based on captive carbon processes and systems for the conversion of existing fossil fuelled power stations to cyclic global power generation using photosynthesised fuel, whereby emitted carbon gases are recycled to sites of photosynthesis for further fuel production thereby creating closed cyclic trading systems with the possibility of completely eliminating global greenhouse gas emissions into the environment from power generation. The further innovations of the present disclosure consist of alternatives to fossilised carbon for transport based on global cyclic photosynthesising systems as well as the production of potable water and a host of carbon based commodities such as furnishings, textiles, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and food production to achieve maximum mitigation of environmental pollution combined with economically viable carbon-based processes.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023926A1
Автор: CLARK Martin

A method and system for injecting a pulsed radio frequency signal into a fluid-containing system in order to create and propagate an electromagnetic field throughout the fluid-containing system. Use electromagnetic field may be used to prevent the formation and build-up of scale in the fluid-containing system and/or to prevent the proliferation of bacteria within the fluid-containing system. The method and system may also be used to inject a pulsed radio frequency signal at a number of points in a fluid-containing system, or to inject a pulsed radio frequency signal to a number of independent fluid-containing systems. 115.-. (canceled)16. A system of treating fluid-containing equipment in order to resist the formation and build-up of scale deposits , the system being arranged to inject a radio frequency signal into the fluid-containing equipment , and the system comprising a conduit , containing a fluid , and a transformer comprising a primary coil and a secondary coil , the secondary coil having a first terminal operably connected to the conduit to inject the signal into the fluid-containing equipment and a second terminal operably connected to ground to balance the load presented by the fluid-containing equipment , and wherein , in use , the system causes propagation of an electromagnetic signal in the conduit.17. The system of claim 16 , wherein the transformer is a toroidal transformer claim 16 , having a ferrite ring core.18. The system of claim 16 , wherein the secondary coil is formed by wrapping a number of turns of cable around the core.19. The system of claim 16 , wherein the conduit is made of conductive material and the first terminal of the secondary coil is operably connected to the conduit through contact with the conduit.20. The system of claim 16 , wherein the conduit is non-conductive and contains a conductive material inserted to a section of the conduit claim 16 , the first terminal of the secondary coil being operatively connected to the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041477A1

Use of Fenton's reagent or modified Fenton's reagent is described to promote rejuvenation of water treatment systems hampered by bioclogging matter. Hydraulic flow through one or more components of the water treatment system may be enhanced through the use of modified Fenton's reagent. 1. A method for rejuvenation of a water treatment system or water infiltration field having bioclogging matter , the method comprising:adding at least one metal catalyst in aqueous solution, and at least one oxidizing agent in aqueous solution, to the water treatment system, to at least one infiltration field, or to both.2. The method of wherein the at least one metal catalyst and the at least one oxidizing agent are mixed together before being added to the water treatment system claim 1 , to the at least one infiltration field claim 1 , or to both; the at least one metal catalyst and the at least one oxidizing agent are added to the water treatment system claim 1 , to the at least one infiltration field claim 1 , or to both at the same time; or both.3. The method of wherein the at least one metal catalyst is added to the water treatment system claim 1 , to the at least one infiltration field claim 1 , or to both first claim 1 , and the at least one oxidizing agent is added to the water treatment system claim 1 , to the at least one infiltration field claim 1 , or to both second.4. The method of wherein the at least one oxidizing agent is added to the water treatment system claim 3 , to the at least one infiltration field claim 3 , or to both approximately 1 hour or more after adding the at least one metal catalyst.5. The method of wherein the at least one oxidizing agent is added to the water treatment system claim 1 , to the at least one infiltration field claim 1 , or to both first claim 1 , and the at least one metal catalyst is added to the water treatment system claim 1 , to the at least one infiltration field claim 1 , or to both second.6. The method of wherein the at least one ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023588A1

The present disclosure relates to wastewater treatment, and more particularly to a method for treatment of petrochemical spent caustic wastewater. The method includes the following steps: a) adjusting the pH of petrochemical spent caustic wastewater to 7 to 12, standing, removing the organic layer, and obtaining the pretreated wastewater; b) activating a plasma reactor loaded with resin photocatalyst, passing the pretreated wastewater into the plasma reactor for treatment in the presence of oxygen, and obtaining the treated wastewater. The method provided by the present disclosure can effectively improve the COD removal rate of petrochemical spent wastewater, and the whole treatment process is carried out under normal temperature and normal pressure, with a simple process and the ability to realize continuous operation. The experimental results show that the COD removal rate of petrochemical spent caustic wastewater using the method provided by the present disclosure is above 98%. 1. A method for treating petrochemical spent caustic wastewater , comprising:a) adjusting the pH of petrochemical spent caustic wastewater to 7 to 12, standing, removing the organic layer, and obtaining the pretreated wastewater;b) activating a plasma reactor loaded with resin photocatalyst, passing the pretreated wastewater into the plasma reactor for treatment in the presence of oxygen, and obtaining the treated wastewater.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the photocatalyst in the resin photocatalyst is one or more selected from the group consisting of titanium oxide claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , silver phosphate claim 1 , silver oxide claim 1 , iron oxide claim 1 , copper oxide claim 1 , zirconium oxide claim 1 , molybdenum oxide claim 1 , silver and iron-bipyridine complex.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the resin in the resin photocatalyst is one or more selected from the group consisting of epoxy resin claim 1 , phenol-formaldehyde resin claim 1 , acrylic ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Process for Decontamination of Hazardous Sulfur Compounds in Sour Water Tanks

Номер: US20150027961A1

A method and system treat contaminated water. In one embodiment, the method comprises treating contaminated water by introducing a methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution to a vessel. The vessel contains the contaminated water and iron oxide. The contaminated water comprises contaminants. In addition, the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises methylmorpholine-N-oxide and water. The method further comprises contacting the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution with the contaminated water. In addition, the method comprises treating the contaminated water by allowing the methylmorpholine-N-oxide to react with the contaminants in the presence of the iron oxide. 1. A method for treating contaminants in water , comprising:(A) contacting the water with a methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution while in a presence of iron oxide, wherein the contaminants comprise hydrogen sulfide, iron sulfides, or any combinations thereof;(B) treating the water by allowing the methylmorpholine-N-oxide to react with the contaminants in the presence of the iron oxide to produce elemental sulfur and thiosulfate reaction products; and(C) removing the elemental sulfur and thiosulfate reaction products from the water.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution comprises between about 1 weight volume % and about 60 weight volume % methylmorpholine-N-oxide.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water is in a vessel claim 1 , and wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution is introduced to the vessel to contact the water.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the vessel is a tank.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution is introduced to the vessel by a drum pump claim 3 , a tank truck claim 3 , or any combinations thereof.6. The method of wherein the methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution is not heated before introduction to the vessel.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the molar ratio of methylmorpholine-N-oxide solution to contaminant is about 1.0 mole ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for increasing the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water and aqueous solutions

Номер: US20140112999A1
Принадлежит: Water Star Inc

Dissolved oxygen may be generated by adding a peroxide to a fluid stream and then catalytically decomposing the peroxide to generate oxygen. As the peroxide is catalytically decomposed, the oxygen may solubilize in a surrounding fluid so as to provide dissolved oxygen. In some examples, the amount of peroxide added to the fluid stream is controlled such that substantially all of the hydrogen peroxide added to the fluid stream catalytically decomposes and yet the dissolved oxygen concentration of the fluid stream does not exceed a dissolved oxygen saturation limit for the fluid stream.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035926A1
Автор: Engelhard Rolf

A photo-catalyzing fluid mobilizing system and method are disclosed. A chamber has a power source. A fluid mobilizer is mounted in the chamber and connected with the power source to mobilize a fluid through the chamber. The fluid mobilizer includes one or more fan blades that are coated with a photo catalyst. A UV light source is mounted in the chamber proximate the fluid mobilizer and connected with the power source to catalyze the photo catalyst coating the blades to purifier the fluid being mobilized thereover. 1. A method of mobilizing and photo-catalyzing a fluid , the method comprising:mobilizing, using a fluid mobilizer, a fluid through a passageway formed between a UV light source and an inner surface of at least one fan blade positioned within a chamber of the fluid mobilizer, the at least one fan blade being at least partly coated with a photo catalyst;irradiating the at least one fan blade with a UV light source to catalyze the photo catalyst, the UV light source being disposed within the at least one fan blade such that the at least one fan blade rotates about the UV light source and forms the passageway between the UV light source and the inner surface of the at least one fan blade; andpurifying the fluid being mobilized through the chamber with the catalyzed photo catalyst.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the UV light source includes a UV lamp.3. The method in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the UV lamp is ring-shaped and circumscribes an interior surface of the chamber.4. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the fluid is water claim 1 , and wherein a strength of the UV light source is adjustable to adapt to the reflective and refractive qualities of the water.5. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an interior surface of the chamber includes a UV reflective surface.6. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the fluid mobilizer comprises one or more of a rotor claim 1 , a blower wheel claim 1 , a fan ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047210A1
Автор: Macdonell Mark Minter
Принадлежит: Clear River Enviro, Inc.

A system for treating pharmaceutical waste at a location at which the pharmaceutical waste is disposed includes a waste conduit having an inlet that is configured to receive the pharmaceutical waste, a diluent conduit fluidly coupled to the waste conduit and configured to discharge water into the waste conduit, a first reagent conduit fluidly coupled to the waste conduit and configured to dispense a first reagent into the waste conduit, and a second reagent conduit fluidly coupled to the waste conduit and configured to discharge a second reagent into the waste conduit. In some embodiments, the waste conduit further comprises an outlet disposed downstream from the second reagent conduit. The waste conduit may be free of waste-receiving vessels between the inlet and the outlet. 1. A system for treating pharmaceutical waste at a location at which the pharmaceutical waste is disposed , the system comprising:a waste conduit having an inlet configured to receive the pharmaceutical waste;a diluent conduit fluidly coupled to the waste conduit and configured to discharge water into the waste conduit;a first reagent conduit fluidly coupled to the waste conduit and configured to dispense a first reagent into the waste conduit; anda second reagent conduit fluidly coupled to the waste conduit and configured to discharge a second reagent into the waste conduit.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the waste conduit further comprises an outlet disposed downstream from the second reagent conduit claim 1 , and wherein the waste conduit is free of waste-receiving vessels between the inlet and the outlet.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system is configured such that the pharmaceutical waste flows continuously along an entire length of the waste conduit.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein both the first reagent conduit and the second reagent conduit are fluidly coupled to the waste conduit downstream from the diluent conduit.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a fluid ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044602A1
Автор: FURUSAKI Koichi

Provided is mineral functional water including beneficial efficacy, such as improving action of combustion efficiency. Electromagnetic waves irradiated by mineral components contained in the mineral functional water according to the present invention reveals combustion-promoting action on hydrocarbons, such as hydrocarbons fuel. 1. Mineral functional water , including mineral components of electromagnetic radioactivity and showing activating action on hydrocarbons.2. The mineral functional water as defined in claim 1 , further showing combustion-promoting action on hydrocarbons.3. The mineral functional water as defined in claim 1 , wherein the mineral components irradiate electromagnetic waves including wavelength resonating with mutual stretching vibration between C—H of molecules existing in the hydrocarbons.4. Composition containing the mineral functional water as defined in .5. A method of producing mineral functional water claim 1 , comprising:producing first mineral-containing water (A) according to the following first process (1): andproducing second mineral-containing water (B) according to the following second process (2):the mineral functional water containing the first produced mineral-containing water (A) and the second produced mineral-containing water (B) according to a ratio within a range of 1:5-1:20 (weight ratio),wherein the first process (1) includes:{'i': Betula platyphylla, Pinus', 'Cryptomeria japonica;, 'immersing a conductive wire covered with insulator and mineral-imparting material (A) into water, the mineral-imparting material containing: woody plant raw material; vegetation raw material; and activated carbon, the vegetation raw material including: vegetation belonging to Asteraceae and vegetation belonging to Rosaceae, the woody plant raw material including at least one kind selected from a group consisting of Maple, , and'}conducting DC electric current to the conductive wire to generate water flow around the conductive wire in the same ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124357A1

The present invention consists of a method of pre-treatment of adulterated water for distillation, including adulterated water produced during hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) of shale rock during natural gas drilling. In particular, the invention is directed to a method of treating adulterated water, said adulterated water having an initial level of bicarbonate ion in a range of about 250 ppm to about 5000 ppm and an initial level of calcium ion in a range of about 500 ppm to about 50,000 ppm, said method comprising contacting the adulterated water with a non-thermal arc discharge plasma to produce plasma treated water having a level of bicarbonate ion of less than about 100 ppm. Optionally, the plasma treated water may be further distilled. 1. A method of treating adulterated water , said adulterated water having an initial level of bicarbonate ion of at least about 250 ppm and an initial level of calcium ion of at least 500 ppm , said method comprising:(a) contacting the adulterated water with a non-thermal plasma to produce plasma treated water having a level of bicarbonate ion of less than about 100 ppm; and(b) optionally distilling the plasma treated water.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising distilling the plasma treated water.3. The method of claim 1 , the adulterated water being flowback water or water produced during hydraulic fracturing of shale rock during oil or natural gas drilling.4. The method of claim 1 , the adulterated water having an initial level of bicarbonate ion in the range of from about 500 ppm to about 5 claim 1 ,000 ppm.5. The method of claim 4 , the adulterated water having an initial level of bicarbonate ion of at least about 1000 ppm.6. The method of claim 1 , the plasma treated water having a bicarbonate ion level less than about 50 ppm.7. The method of claim 6 , the plasma treated water having a bicarbonate ion level in the range of from about 10 ppm to about 50 ppm.8. The method of claim 1 , the non-thermal plasma being ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131286A1

A system for disinfecting a water sample includes a pipe having an inlet for engaging a source of the water sample, a storage reservoir connected to an outlet of the pipe for holding the water sample, an array of photovoltaic cells coupled to the pipe for converting solar radiation into a current, and an array of light emitting diodes coupled to the pipe and powered by the current, wherein the array of light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation. A method for disinfecting a fluent water sample includes generating a current using an array of photovoltaic cells, using the current to power an array of light emitting diodes, wherein the array of light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation, and exposing the fluent water sample to the radiation while transporting the fluent water sample from a source to a storage reservoir. 1. A system for disinfecting a sample of water , the system comprising:a pipe having an inlet for engaging a source of the sample of water;a storage reservoir connected to an outlet of the pipe for holding the sample of water;a first array of photovoltaic cells coupled to the pipe for converting solar radiation into a current; andan array of light emitting diodes coupled to the pipe and powered by the current, wherein the array of light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first array of photovoltaic cells is coupled to an exterior wall of the pipe.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the array of light emitting diodes is coupled to an interior wall of the pipe.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second array of photovoltaic cells coupled to an exterior surface of the storage reservoir.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a backup power source coupled to the first array of photovoltaic cells.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the backup power source comprises a thin film battery integrated with at least one photovoltaic cell in the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131287A1

Disinfecting a sample of water includes generating a current using an array of photovoltaic cells, using the current to power an array of light emitting diodes, wherein the array of light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation, and exposing the sample of water to the radiation. Another method for disinfecting a sample of water includes placing the sample of water within a container, wherein the container includes an array of photovoltaic cells encircling an exterior wall of the container and an array of light emitting diodes encircling an interior wall of the container, placing the container in a location exposed to solar radiation, converting the solar radiation to a current using the array of photovoltaic cells, and powering the array of light emitting diodes using the current, wherein the array of light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation sufficient to disinfect the sample of water. 1. A method for disinfecting a sample of water , the method comprising:generating a current using an array of photovoltaic cells;using the current to power an array of flexible light emitting diodes applied directly to an interior wall of a container holding the sample, wherein the array of light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation; andexposing the sample of water to the radiation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the generating comprises:exposing the array of photovoltaic cells to solar radiation, wherein the array of photovoltaic cells converts the solar radiation into the current.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the current is in a milliwatt range.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the array of photovoltaic cells comprises a plurality of micro photovoltaic cells.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of micro photovoltaic cells includes flexible thin-film photovoltaic cells.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the array of photovoltaic cells comprises a plurality of photovoltaic cells formed from at least ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131591A1

A system for disinfecting a sample of water includes a container for holding the sample of water, an array of photovoltaic cells coupled to the container for converting solar radiation into a current, and an array of light emitting diodes coupled to the container and powered by the current, wherein the array of light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation. Another system for disinfecting a sample of water includes a container for holding the sample of water, an array of photovoltaic cells encircling an exterior wall of the container, for converting solar radiation into a current, and an array of light emitting diodes encircling an interior wall of the container and powered by the current, wherein the array of light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation. 1. A system for disinfecting a sample of water , the system comprising:a container for holding the sample of water;an array of photovoltaic cells coupled to the container for converting solar radiation into a current; andan array of flexible light emitting diodes coupled directly to an interior wall of the container and powered by the current, wherein the array of flexible light emitting diodes emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the current is in a milliwatt range.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the array of photovoltaic cells comprises a plurality of micro photovoltaic cells.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of micro photovoltaic cells includes flexible thin-film photovoltaic cells.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the array of photovoltaic cells comprises a plurality of photovoltaic cells formed from at least one of: amorphous silicon claim 1 , crystalline silicon claim 1 , silicon germanium claim 1 , germanium claim 1 , indium gallium arsenide claim 1 , or indium arsenide.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the array of flexible light emitting diodes comprises a plurality of micro light emitting diodes.7. The ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Ultraviolet Irradiation of a Flowing Fluid

Номер: US20220073377A1
Принадлежит: Sensor Electronic Technology Inc

A solution for irradiating a flowing fluid through a channel with ultraviolet radiation is provided. Ultraviolet radiation sources can be located within the channel in order to direct ultraviolet radiation towards the flowing fluid and/or the interior of the channel. A valve can be located adjacent to the channel to control the flow rate of the fluid. A control system can control and adjust the ultraviolet radiation based on the flow rate of the fluid and a user input component can receive a user input for the control system to adjust the ultraviolet radiation. The ultraviolet radiation sources, the control system, the user input component, and any other components that require electricity can receive power from a rechargeable power supply. An electrical generator located within the channel can convert energy from the fluid flowing through the channel into electricity for charging the rechargeable power supply.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Fluid Disinfection Using Ultraviolet Light

Номер: US20170057842A1

A fluid treatment system and method of treating fluid is described. The fluid treatment system can include a fluid transparency meter, which acquires data corresponding to an ultraviolet transparency of the fluid and a disinfection chamber within which a set of ultraviolet sources emit ultraviolet light onto the fluid located therein. The treatment system can include various features for mixing the fluid and/or recirculating the fluid for multiple ultraviolet light doses. A control system can manage a flow of the fluid through the fluid treatment system based on a disinfection dose delivered to the fluid. 1. A fluid treatment system comprising:a fluid transparency meter for acquiring data corresponding to an ultraviolet transparency of the fluid;a disinfection chamber fluidly connected to the fluid transparency meter, wherein the disinfection chamber stores a volume of the fluid;a set of ultraviolet sources located within the disinfection chamber, wherein the set of ultraviolet sources emit ultraviolet light within the disinfection chamber;means for recirculating the fluid into at least one of: the fluid transparency meter or the disinfection chamber;means for mixing the fluid; anda control system for managing a flow of the fluid through the fluid treatment system based on a disinfection dose delivered to the fluid.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the set of ultraviolet sources emit ultraviolet light into the chamber from a central region of the chamber.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the means for recirculating the fluid includes means for reintroducing at least a portion of the fluid into the fluid transparency meter claim 1 , wherein the control system uses ultraviolet transparency data of the fluid to dynamically determine the disinfection dose.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a set of filtering components for filtering the fluid within the treatment system claim 1 , wherein at least one filtering component is configured with a plurality of ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057847A1

A composite water purification apparatus and method thereof are provided. The composite water purification apparatus includes a container, a sacrificial anode, a photocatalyst anode and a cathode. The container is employed for receiving liquid including water and gas. The photocatalyst anode includes a photocatalyst for conducting a photocatalytic reaction. The cathode is electrolyzed with the sacrificial anode and the photocatalyst anode. The cathode, the sacrificial anode, and the photocatalyst anode are immersed in the container to contact the liquid. The present invention enhances the purity of the water, while prolonging the service life of the sacrificial anode. 1. A composite water purification apparatus , comprising:a container for receiving a liquid including water and gas;at least one sacrificial anode;at least one photocatalyst anode including a photocatalyst for conducting a photocatalytic reaction to purify the liquid; andat least a cathode electrolyzed with the sacrificial anode and the photocatalyst anode to purify the liquid,wherein the sacrificial anode, the photocatalyst anode, and the cathode are immersed in the container to contact the liquid.2. The composite water purification apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an aeration element provided in the container for feeding additional gas to the liquid claim 1 , wherein the additional gas is air or oxygen.3. The composite water purification apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the photocatalyst anode includes a mesh substrate and a titanium dioxide layer on the mesh substrate.4. The composite water purification apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sacrificial anode is made of iron or copper claim 1 , and the cathode is made of a material including carbon.5. The composite water purification apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a power supply electrically coupled to the photocatalyst anode claim 1 , the sacrificial anode claim 1 , and the cathode for conducting the electrolysis.6. The composite ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068976A1

The invention pertains to a method for treating an effluent to be treated in order to reduce its phosphates content, said method comprising a step of anoxic biological treatment of said effluent to be treated, producing a first effluent, a step of aerobic biological treatment of said first effluent, producing a second effluent, a step of recirculating at least a part of said second effluent to the inlet of said anoxic biological treatment step, a step of liquid/solid separation of at least a part of said second effluent, producing a treated effluent and a first denser effluent, a step for producing volatile fatty acids including a wet heat treatment, at a temperature of 100° C. to 350° C., for a residence time of between 10 and 180 minutes, of at least a part of said first denser effluent, a step of anaerobic biological treatment of at least a part of the effluent coming from said wet heat treatment step, and a step of recirculating at least a part of the effluent coming from said anaerobic biological treatment step to the inlet of said anoxic biological treatment step. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for treating an effluent to reduce the phosphates content of the effluent , said method comprising an anoxic biological treatment step of said effluent which produces a first effluent , an aerobic biological treatment step of said first effluent which produces a second effluent , a recirculating step of at least a part of said second effluent to the inlet of said anoxic biological treatment step , a liquid-solids separation step of at least a part of said second effluent which produces a treated effluent and a first denser effluent , a step for producing volatile fatty acids including a wet heat treatment , at a temperature of 100° C. to 350° C. , for a residence time of between 10 and 180 minutes , of at least a part of said first denser effluent , an anaerobic biological treatment step of at least a part of the effluent coming from said wet heat treatment step , and a ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065864A1

The present disclosure provides a liquid treatment method and apparatus according to which poorly treated liquid is prevented from being discharged to the outside thereof. The liquid treatment apparatus of the present disclosure comprises a channel switch, a return channel that establishes communication between the channel switch and an internal space of a first tank, and a discharge channel that establishes communication between the channel switch and the outside of the liquid treatment apparatus. In the circulation state, the liquid mixture is circulated in the liquid treatment apparatus so as to return a liquid to the first tank through the return channel. If a concentration of the photocatalyst particles contained in the first tank falls within a predetermined range, the channel switch is switched from the circulation state to the discharge state to discharge the liquid to the outside of the liquid treatment apparatus. 1. A liquid treatment method using a liquid treatment apparatus , the method comprising: a first tank having an internal space for storing liquid mixture containing photocatalyst particles;', 'a light source for emitting ultraviolet light with which the photocatalyst particles are irradiated;', 'a second tank comprising a filtration membrane therein and having an internal space divided into a first chamber and a second chamber with the filtration membrane;', 'a communication channel that establishes communication between the internal space of the first tank and the second chamber of the second tank;', 'a filtering pump for decompressing the first chamber of the second tank;', 'a channel switch;', 'a return channel that establishes communication between the channel switch and the internal space of the first tank; and', 'a discharge channel that establishes communication between the channel switch and an outside of the liquid treatment apparatus,, '(la) providing the liquid treatment apparatus comprising the liquid mixture is guided from the ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076081A1
Принадлежит: ALSTOM Technology Ltd

An apparatus and method for producing a catalyst rich seawater useful to catalyze oxidation reactions in a flue gas desulfurization system seawater aeration basin to obtain a treated seawater. 1. An apparatus comprising:a catalyst unit operable to periodically contain an acidic liquid and particulates supplied from a particulate collection device for leaching of catalyst agents from the particulates to the acidic liquid to produce a catalyst rich liquid; anda seawater aeration basin fluidly connected to the catalyst unit operable to contain the catalyst rich liquid from the catalyst unit and effluent seawater supplied from a seawater flue gas desulfurization system, to catalyze oxidation of sulphite ions to inert sulfate ions within effluent seawater contained therein to obtain a treated seawater.2. The apparatus according to further comprising an agitator in the catalyst unit operable to mix and agitate the acidic liquid and particulates to promote catalyst agent leaching from the particulates.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the mixed acidic liquid and particulates contained in the catalyst unit are retained for a period of approximately 1 minute to approximately 20 minutes for leaching of catalyst agents from the particulates.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the particulates comprise dust and ash.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyzing agents comprise iron claim 1 , manganese or a combination thereof.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the acidic liquid is effluent seawater supplied from a seawater flue gas desulfurization system.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a neutralization basin containing treated seawater supplied from the seawater aeration basin claim 1 , for treated seawater neutralization with a neutralization agent supplied to the neutralization basin for contact with the treated seawater therein to obtain neutralized seawater.8. The apparatus according to claim ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075568A1

Invention regards a light-emitting diode (LED)-based system for purifying a fluid flowing through a pipe, said system comprising means for mounting the system on the pipe, a housing, a pliant carrier structure comprising a plurality of LEDs arranged flush with a first surface () of the structure () and configured to emit radiation in UV range, wherein, when the system is pipe-mounted, said structure is detachably arranged within the housing, and said structure () adopts a substantially tubular shape within the housing with said first surface delimiting a purifying chamber (), wherein said purifying chamber is in fluid communication with the pipe so that the fluid flowing through the pipe passes, prior to being dispensed, through the purifying chamber where it is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the energized LEDs. 249. A system of claim 1 , wherein the LEDs () extend only in the axial direction of the purifying chamber ().34. A system of claim 1 , wherein the LEDs () extend in a helical pattern.476. A system of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein at least a part of said first surface () is provided with turbulence creating means ().5164. A system of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein a diffraction grating () is provided on at least one of the LEDs ().67. A system of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein at least a part of said first surface () is provided with a photoactivated coating.77. A system of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein at least a part of said first surface () is provided with a coating claim 1 , said coated surface obtaining hereby a hydro-affinity.89. A system of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the inner dimensions of the purifying chamber () match with the inner dimensions of the pipe.98. A system of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the pliant carrier structure () further comprises:{'b': '12', 'a first layer (), made at least partly in a UV-radiation-transparent material ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Fluid magnetizer

Номер: US20180072587A1
Автор: Wen-Pin Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A fluid magnetizer is provided, including: a housing; a magnetizing member, received in the housing; a resonance member, cooperating with the magnetizing member to resonate, received in the housing, the resonance member, the magnetizing member and the housing defining a channel flowing past the resonance member and the magnetizing member.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Laser ablation and filtration apparatus and process for removal of hydrocarbons and contaminants

Номер: US20200071195A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A laser ablation and filtration process and apparatus wherein liquid containing hydrocarbons or other contaminates is purified. The liquid is exposed to laser energy at one or more selected wavelengths wherein the laser energy travels through the liquid and reaches the hydrocarbons or other contaminates and vaporizes, denatures, breaks down, neutralizes, renders inert and/or separates the hydrocarbons or contaminates from the liquid. A laser source is positioned in or on a vessel based on pre-set parameters to maximize exposure of the liquid to the laser energy, including sizing parameters, angle and inclination of the laser, retention time for the laser process to be applied and geometry of the containment for proper inclination. One or more collection chambers, which may include perforated membranes may be included to collect gases, separated hydrocarbons or contaminates and other by-products of the process. The vessel utilized may be submergible in water to pull or flow contaminated water therethough. The vessel may also be utilized outside a body of water wherein contaminated water from a source is introduced within the vessel.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

A method of degrading contaminants / pollutants from a material and structures for carrying out said method

Номер: US20160083270A1
Принадлежит: Swansea University

A method of removing contaminants from liquid passing over a surface by applying a photocatalyst to said surface 2, such that when a liquid passes over said surface in the presence of solar power, contaminants are degraded to less harmful compounds in said liquid. The photocatalyst is typically titanium dioxide applied as a coating on a surface such as glass or metal and can be used to degrade contaminants in effluents from industrial processes such as the textile or paper industries when liquid from those processes flows over the coating.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084851A1
Автор: SCHUMACHER Jochen

A method and system for treating cyanide-containing fluids, in particular cyanide-containing waste water, wherein cyanide-containing fluid is subject to a pretreatment in a pretreatment zone, in which at least one predetermined pH value and a predetermined temperature is set, wherein a base fluid is formed with the pretreatment. Base fluid is reacted at least with an oxidation means in at least one reaction reactor, whereby an oxidation reaction of the cyanide is initiated. Fluid from the reaction reactor is transferred as intermediate fluid into at least one process reactor, in which conditions exist in which the oxidation reaction of the cyanide initiated in the reaction reactor can take place, wherein a process fluid is formed. A continuous flow of fluid is maintained at least periodically, wherein the base fluid is transferred continuously from the pretreatment zone into the reaction reactor, intermediate fluid is transferred continuously from the reaction reactor into the process reactor, and process fluid is removed continuously from the process reactor. 1. A method for treating cyanide-containing liquids comprising the steps of:a) subjecting cyanide-containing liquid to a pretreatment in a pretreatment zone wherein at least a specified pH and a specified temperature are established, the pretreatment forming a base liquid;b) admixing base liquid in at least one reaction reactor with at least an oxidizing agent, thereby initiating an oxidation reaction of the cyanides,c) transferring liquid from the at least one reaction reactor transferred as intermediate liquid into at least one process reactor, in which conditions prevail under which the cyanide oxidation reaction initiated in the at least one reaction reactor is able to proceed, forming a process liquid; da) the base liquid is transferred continuously from the pretreatment zone into the at least one reaction reactor;', 'db) the intermediate liquid is transferred continuously from the at least one reaction ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for Determining Antirust Effect of Treated Water

Номер: US20180088075A1

A method of determining an enhancement in rust-prevention of treated water by applying an electric current between a first cathode electrode and an anode electrode, and between a second cathode electrode and the anode electrode, wherein the first cathode electrode, the second cathode electrode, and the anode electrode are immersed in treated water; applying a comparative electric current between a first comparative cathode electrode and a comparative anode electrode, and between a second comparative cathode electrode and the comparative anode electrode, wherein the first comparative cathode electrode, the second comparative cathode electrode, and the at least one comparative anode electrode are immersed in untreated water; and determining an antirust effect of the treated water based on a first potential difference across the first cathode electrode and the second cathode electrode, and a second potential difference across the first comparative cathode electrode and the second comparative cathode electrode. 15-. (canceled)6. A method for determining antirust effect of treated water comprising:applying an electric current between a first cathode electrode of a pair of cathode electrodes and at least one anode electrode, and between a second cathode electrode of the pair of cathode electrodes and the at least one anode electrode, wherein the first cathode electrode, the second cathode electrode, and the at least one anode electrode are immersed in treated water that has been treated with a water treatment device;applying a comparative electric current between a first comparative cathode electrode of a pair of comparative cathode electrodes and at least one comparative anode electrode, and between a second comparative cathode electrode of the pair of comparative cathode electrodes and the at least one comparative anode electrode, wherein the first comparative cathode electrode, the second comparative cathode electrode, and the at least one comparative anode electrode ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144675A1

Fluid purification systems employing a monolithic composite photocatalyst to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and/or pathogenic organisms are disclosed. Pairing of systems tuned to abate each of these materials are discussed in different configurations such as series and parallel, as well as combining systems to target both materials simultaneously. System configurations that allow a portion of the fluid stream to be purified are also disclosed as are configurations that allow regeneration of the photocatalyst. These features may be augmented by sensors that allow closed loop control of bypass and regeneration cycles in the systems. 1. A photocatalytic reactor apparatus for performing abatement of volatile organic compounds and pathogens in a fluid stream , comprising: (a) a fluidizable media comprising a monolithic composite photocatalyst with a NBET surface area from 50-600 m/g and with attrition less than 3 wt %/h , (b) a photoreactor that contains said monolithic composite photocatalyst and through which at least a first portion of the fluid stream flows , the photoreactor further providing dual illumination sources and non-imaging optics that direct photocatalytic illumination with wavelengths in the range of 350-420 nm and germicidal illumination with wavelengths in the range of 190-280 nm throughout the monolithic composite photocatalyst , and (c) a mechanical means to fluidize the monolithic composite photocatalyst and contact it with the first portion of the fluid stream.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fluidizable media has an isoelectric point above pH 6.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the photoreactor has both monolithic composite photocatalyst media and non-photocatalytic media contained therein claim 1 , further wherein the non-photocatalytic media has an isoelectric point above pH 6.46. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the reactor system has both monolithic composite photocatalyst media and non-photocatalytic media contained ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for water treatment using radio waves

Номер: US20170101327A1
Автор: Vladimir SUVOROV
Принадлежит: Individual

A method, device, and system for treating water solutions is disclosed for the purpose of preventing the formation of deposits on the inner surface of pipelines, boilers and other equipment. The method is based on the use of radio waves which are sent in batches of four pulses, either of equal amplitude or with larger amplitude of the first pulse and smaller the last. Different hatches have different interval between pulses. The water treatment system disclosed which is based on the method; it significantly improves a water solution's properties without extensive usage of chemicals.

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Photocatalytic Composition for Water Purification

Номер: US20140183141A1

The present invention refers to lightweight and settable photocatalytic compositions and solid composites; methods of preparing the compositions and solid composites; and their use in water purification. The compositions are comprised of photocatalysts such as titanium dioxide (TiO) and zinc oxide (ZnO), lightweight glass bubbles, and a hydraulic cementing binder. The lightweight and settable photocatalytic compositions can be formed into lightweight photocatalytic solid composites and/or structures by mixing with water and moist curing. This invention also describes relatively simple, fast, and cost effective methodologies to photodope the TiO—ZnO compositions and composites with silver (Ag), to enhance and extend the photocatalytic activity from the ultraviolet into the visible light spectrum. The lightweight and settable TiO—ZnO and Ag—TiO—ZnO compositions are used in making solids, structures, coatings, and continuous or semi-continuous water purification panels for purifying contaminated water. 1. A lightweight and settable photocatalytic composition comprising photocatalysts such as TiOand ZnO , glass bubbles , and a settable hydraulic cementing binder; method for preparing the composition; and its use in water purification.2. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the photocatalyst may be a single photocatalyst or combination of photocatalysts which are selected from materials such as TiO claim 1 , ZnO claim 1 , WO claim 1 , CuO claim 1 , SnO claim 1 , SiO claim 1 , RuO claim 1 , SrTiO claim 1 , FeO claim 1 , NiO claim 1 , SiC claim 1 , and the like claim 1 , and may also include non-metals and metals such as N claim 1 , C claim 1 , S claim 1 , P claim 1 , B claim 1 , F claim 1 , I claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , Pd claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Wo claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , V and the like claim 1 , or their oxides as dopants claim 1 , to enhance and extend its photocatalytic activity from the ultraviolet into the visible ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169537A1
Автор: HERRING Rodney

A non-biological, visible light photoreactor is provided, the photoreactor comprising: a fiberglass sheet, which includes fibers and interstitial spaces between the fibers; and a low iron oxide content, iron-doped titanium dioxide film on the fibers, the film containing about 0.5 atomic percent iron and an iron oxide content of less than about 0.075 atomic percent iron. The photoreactor may be configured as a tube with a light emitting diode housed therein, a cap at one end of the tube that has inlets to accept pressurized air and a plate at the other end of the tube, such that the air is forced through the photoreactor. 1. A non-biological , visible light photoreactor , the photoreactor comprising: a plurality of porous glass , carbon fiber or poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide filter layers , of which an outermost filter layer includes a discontinuous layer of gold , each filter layer including fibers and interstitial spaces between the fibers; and an iron-doped titanium dioxide film on the fibers , the film including a surface that is substantially iron oxide free.2. The photoreactor of claim 1 , wherein the porous glass claim 1 , carbon fiber or poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide filter layers are retained by a frame claim 1 , the frame comprising a cap claim 1 , a plate and support members claim 1 , the support members attached to the cap and the plate and extending therebetween.3. The photoreactor of claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of visible light emitting diodes housed in the frame.4. The photoreactor of claim 3 , wherein the film includes about 0.1 atomic % iron to about 2.0 atomic % iron.5. The photoreactor of claim 4 , further comprising: an anode which is a metal mesh; a cathode which is a metal mesh claim 4 , the anode and the cathode sandwiching the filter layers; and electrical connectors for the anode and the cathode.6. The photoreactor of claim 5 , further comprising: at least one air line which include apertures claim 5 , the air line ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Laser ablation and filtration apparatus and process for removal of hydrocarbons and contaminants

Номер: US20220169540A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A laser ablation and filtration process and apparatus wherein liquid containing hydrocarbons or other contaminants is purified. The liquid is exposed to laser energy at one or more selected wavelengths wherein the laser energy travels through the liquid and reaches the hydrocarbons or other contaminants and vaporizes, denatures, breaks down, neutralizes, renders inert and/or separates the hydrocarbons or contaminants from the liquid. A laser source is positioned in or on a vessel based on pre-set parameters to maximize exposure of the liquid to the laser energy, including sizing parameters, angle and inclination of the laser, retention time for the laser process to be applied and geometry of the containment for proper inclination. One or more collection chambers, which may include perforated membranes may be included to collect gases, separated hydrocarbons or contaminants and other by-products of the process. The vessel utilized may be submergible in water to pull or flow contaminated water therethough. The vessel may also be utilized outside a body of water wherein contaminated water from a source is introduced within the vessel.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107120A1

A bottle cap having an integrated circuit wherein a frequency can be transmitted to structure water. When the bottle cap is twisted open, a current is created in the circuit strip and the RF chip transmits a predetermined frequency. Particular predetermined frequencies are known to affect the structure of water contained in the bottle, specifically to a healthy hexagonal structure. 1. A bottle cap having a circumference comprising:a circuit strip along the circumference of the bottle cap;said circuit strip having at least one capacitor, one resistor and one RF chip;at least one barium titanate strips placed along said circuit strip; andat least one bottle cap break point surrounding at least one barium titanate strip;wherein when the bottle cap is twisted, a current is created in said circuit strip, causing said RF chip to emit a specified frequency.2. A bottle cap having a circumference comprising:a circuit strip along the circumference of the bottle cap; andsaid circuit strip having at least one capacitor, one resistor and one RF chip;wherein when the bottle cap is twisted, a current is created in said circuit strip, causing said RF chip to emit a specified frequency. The present invention generally relates to a bottle cap with an integrated frequency transmitter, more particularly to a bottle cap for bottled water, in which the frequency transmitted by the transmitter corresponds to a particular desired frequency.There are many who know for a fact through extensive scientific research in the benefits of structured water. Structured water or structure-altered water (“SAW”) is water that has been subjected to waves of a particular frequency that are known to alter the “structure” of the water. For example, a frequency of 528 MHz and other frequencies listed herein are known through scientific experiments to change the structure of water into a healthier structure, providing a number of physical and emotional benefits for the wellbeing of a person.The present ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

UV-LED Collimated Radiation Photoreactor

Номер: US20150114912A1
Автор: TAGHIPOUR Fariborz

A reactor that operates with ultraviolet light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) to attain UV photoreactions or UV photo-initiated reaction in a fluid flow for various applications, including water purification. The UV-LED reactor is comprised of a conduit means for passing fluid flow, an ultraviolet light emitting diode (UV-LED), and a radiation-focusing element to focus the UV-LED radiation to the fluid in the longitudinal direction of the conduit. The UV-LED reactor may include photocatalysts or chemical oxidants, which are activated by UV emitted by UV-LEDs for photocatalytic and photo-initiated reactions. 1. An ultraviolet (UV) reactor for irradiating a flow of fluid with ultraviolet radiation , the reactor comprising:a housing to receive a flow of fluid, the housing being comprised of a fluid inlet, a fluid outlet, and a conduit for passing fluid flow;an ultraviolet light emitting diode (UV-LED) that is arranged to emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation; anda radiation-focusing element, wherein:the fluid flows in the longitudinal direction of the conduit,the radiation-focusing element is positioned to focus the radiation from the UV-LED, andthe UV-LED is positioned to emit the focused radiation to the fluid in the longitudinal direction of the conduit.2. The UV reactor of claim 1 , wherein the reactor is a fluid treatment reactor.3. The UV reactor of claim 2 , wherein the reactor is a water treatment reactor of an appliance.4. The UV reactor of claim 2 , wherein the reactor is a water treatment reactor of a healthcare device.5. The UV reactor of claim 1 , wherein the focusing element is a focusing lens disposed proximate to the UV LED.6. The UV reactor of claim 1 , wherein the focusing element is a collimating lens.7. The UV reactor of claim 1 , wherein the focusing element is a collimating lens and a converging lens.8. The UV reactor of claim 6 , wherein the UV-LED and the collimating lens are arranged claim 6 , such that UV-LED radiation that is emitted into the fluid flow ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202963A1
Принадлежит: UOP, LLC

One exemplary embodiment can be a process for oxidizing sulfides. The process can include passing an alkaline stream having about 1-about 30%, by weight, of an alkaline material and one or more sulfide compounds to a reaction zone having a metal phthalocyanine catalyst. 1. A process for oxidizing sulfides , comprising:passing an alkaline stream comprising about 1-about 30%, by weight, of an alkaline material and one or more sulfide compounds to a reaction zone comprising a metal phthalocyanine catalyst.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal phthalocycanine catalyst comprises cobalt.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal phthalocyanine catalyst comprises an activated carbon support.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction zone operates at a temperature of about 25-about 150° C. claim 1 , and a pressure of about 440-about 1 claim 1 ,830 KPa.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction zone operates at a temperature of about 35-about 95° C. claim 1 , and a pressure of about 790-about 1 claim 1 ,480 KPa.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction zone comprises a first reactor and a second reactor.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the reaction zone further comprises an interstage cooler cooling an effluent from the first reactor upstream of the second reactor.8. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising cooling an effluent from the reaction zone.9. The process according to claim 8 , further comprising venting the cooled effluent to remove a gas stream.10. The process according to claim 7 , further comprising providing another metal phthalocyanine catalyst to a feed to the first reactor.11. The process according to claim 7 , further comprising providing another metal phthalocyanine catalyst to the effluent from the first reactor upstream of the second reactor.12. The process according to claim 10 , further comprising recycling at least a portion of the cooled effluent ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136672A1

A liquid treatment unit includes: a treatment tank provided with an inlet and an outlet, the treatment tank having a shape that allows a portion of liquid to be retained; a controller that controls supply of liquid into the treatment tank and ejection of liquid from the treatment tank; and a plasma generator generates plasma in the liquid inside the treatment tank. The plasma generator generates plasma while the controller stops supply of liquid and ejection of liquid. After the liquid has been treated, the controller resumes the supply of liquid, and causes the liquid to be ejected from the treatment tank while allowing a portion of the treated liquid to be retained inside the treatment tank. 1. A liquid treatment unit comprising:a treatment tank provided with an inlet and an outlet, the treatment tank having a shape that allows a portion of liquid to be retained;a controller that controls supply of liquid into the treatment tank and ejection of liquid from the treatment tank; anda plasma generator that generates plasma in the liquid inside the treatment tank,wherein the plasma generator generates plasma to cause the liquid to be treated while the controller stops supply of liquid and ejection of liquid in a state where the liquid is present inside the treatment tank, andafter the liquid has been treated, the controller resumes the supply of liquid into the treatment tank, and causes the liquid to be ejected from the treatment tank while allowing a portion of the treated liquid to be retained inside the treatment tank.2. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 ,wherein, prior to stopping the supply of liquid and the ejection of liquid, the controller causes the liquid to be supplied into the treatment tank.3. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 ,wherein, when the liquid is ejected while allowing a portion of the treated liquid to be retained inside the treatment tank, the plasma generator further generates the plasma in the liquid inside the ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136673A1

A liquid treatment unit includes: an inlet for supplying liquid; a flow passage tube connected to the inlet, the flow passage tube defining a circulation flow passage along which the liquid supplied from the inlet circulates; a plasma generator generates plasma in the liquid in at least a partial area of the flow passage tube; a distributor, provided midway in the flow passage tube, for distributing a portion of liquid from the liquid flowing through the flow passage tube; and an outlet, connected to the distributor, for ejecting the portion of liquid from the flow passage tube. 1. A liquid treatment unit comprising:an inlet for supplying liquid;a flow passage tube connected to the inlet, the flow passage tube defining a circulation flow passage along which the liquid supplied from the inlet circulates;a plasma generator that generates plasma in the liquid in at least a partial area of the flow passage tube to cause the liquid to be treated;a distributor, provided midway in the flow passage tube, for distributing a portion of liquid from the liquid flowing through the flow passage tube; andan outlet, connected to the distributor, for ejecting the portion of liquid from the flow passage tube.2. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the circulation flow passage includes a flow passage extending from the inlet to the distributor in the direction of the circulating flow, andwherein at least part of the plasma generator is arranged in the flow passage.3. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:a gas-liquid separator provided midway in the flow passage tube, the gas-liquid separator extracting gas from a mixture of the liquid and gas contained in the flow passage tube and emitting the gas to outside.4. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 , wherein the plasma generator comprises:a first electrode at least a portion of which is arranged inside the flow passage tube;a second electrode at least a portion of which is ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136711A1

A liquid treatment apparatus according to the present disclosure includes a dielectric tube that defines a channel through which water to be treated flows, the channel being split upstream of the dielectric tube into a first channel and a second channel, the first channel and the second channel being merged with each other downstream of the dielectric tube, a first electrode at least partially disposed within the first channel, a second electrode at least partially disposed within the first channel, a first gas-supply unit that supplies gas to form a gas bubble into water to be treated that flows through the first channel, and a first power-supply that applies a voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode. 1. A liquid treatment apparatus comprising:a dielectric tube that defines a channel through which water to be treated flows, the channel being split upstream of the dielectric tube into at least a first channel and a second channel, the first channel and the second channel being merged with each other downstream of the dielectric tube;a first electrode at least partially disposed within the first channel;a second electrode at least partially disposed within the first channel;a first gas-supply unit that supplies gas to form a gas bubble into the water to be treated that flows through the first channel; anda first power-supply that applies a voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode.2. The liquid treatment apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the first power-supply applies the voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode, causing an electric discharge inside the gas bubble to generate plasma.3. The liquid treatment apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the second electrode is disposed upstream from the first electrode.4. The liquid treatment apparatus according to further comprising:an insulator surrounding the periphery of the first electrode with a space therebetween, the insulator having an opening through ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127248A1
Автор: SHAH Shashank N.

A highly efficient and effective process for destroying organic contaminants in wastewater streams, without the need for supercritical oxidation conditions, is provided. 1. A process for treating a waste stream comprised of water , at least one organic contaminant and , optionally , at least one oxidizing agent , wherein the process comprises:a) passing the waste stream, having an initial temperature and an initial pressure, through a pressure exchanger and a heat exchanger to obtain a heated, pressurized stream having a temperature higher than the initial temperature and a pressure higher than the initial pressure;b) introducing the heated, pressurized stream and, if the heated, pressurized stream does not already contain an oxidizing agent, at least one oxidizing agent into a reactor vessel and oxidizing the at least one organic contaminant;c) withdrawing a first treated stream from the reactor vessel, wherein the treated stream has a lower concentration of at least one organic contaminant as compared to the waste stream; andd) passing the first treated stream, having a post-oxidation temperature and a post-oxidation pressure, through the heat exchanger and the pressure exchanger to obtain a second treated stream having a temperature lower than the post-oxidation temperature of the first treated stream, as a result of heat exchange between the waste stream and the first treated stream, and a pressure lower than the post-oxidation pressure of the first treated stream, as a result of pressure exchange between the waste stream and the first treated stream;wherein the process is carried out in its entirety under subcritical conditions, the heat exchanger recovers at least 80% of heat input, and the pressure exchanger recovers at least 95% of mechanical energy.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the waste stream comprises at east one oxidizing agent.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the at least one oxidizing agent includes at least one peroxide.4. The process of ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140224731A1

A seawater oxidation basin system () for treating effluent seawater is described. The effluent seawater is generated in the removal of sulfur dioxide from a process gas by contacting the process gas containing sulfur dioxide with seawater. The oxidation basin system () includes: —a first supply pipe () for distributing oxidation enhancing sub stance in the effluent seawater (), —a second supply pipe () for distributing oxidation enhancing sub stance in the effluent seawater (), and —a control device () for controlling a first amount of oxidation enhancing substance supplied by one of the first and second supply pipes () independently from a second amount of oxidation enhancing substance supplied by the other one of the first and second supply pipes (). 1. A method of controlling treatment of an effluent seawater generated in removing sulfur dioxide from a process gas by contacting the process gas containing sulfur dioxide with seawater , comprising:flowing effluent seawater along an oxidation basin;supplying an oxidation enhancing substance in a first supply location and in a second supply location to oxidize at least a portion of a content of sulfite and/or bisulfite in the effluent seawater;measuring at least one parameter to obtain at least one parameter measurement relating to oxidation of sulfite and/or bisulfite in a first measurement location downstream of the first supply location, and in a second measurement location downstream of the second supply location; andcontrolling, based on the at least one parameter measurements in from the first and second measurement locations, supply of a first amount of oxidation enhancing substance supplied in one of the first and second supply locations independently from supply of a second amount of oxidation enhancing substance supplied in the other one of the first and second supply locations.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the second supply location is downstream claim 1 , with regard to the effluent seawater ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152882A1

Methods may include circulating a breaker fluid into a wellbore, the breaker fluid containing: a base fluid, a peroxide source, and a catalyst. In another aspect, methods may include drilling a wellbore with a drilling fluid containing a catalyst, and circulating a breaker fluid into a wellbore, the breaker fluid containing a base fluid, and a peroxide source. In yet another aspect, methods may include treating a contaminated fluid with a treatment fluid containing a base fluid, a peroxide source, and a catalyst. 1. A method , comprising: a base fluid;', 'a peroxide source; and', 'a catalyst., 'circulating a breaker fluid into a wellbore, the breaker fluid comprising2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the peroxide source is one or more delayed peroxide sources selected from a group consisting of percarbonates and percarbamides.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the peroxide source and catalyst are encapsulated.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pH of the wellbore fluid is adjusted to a pH in the range of pH 3 to pH 8.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is one or more selected from a group consisting of ferric salts claim 1 , ferrous salts claim 1 , cupric salts claim 1 , and cuprous salts.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the breaker fluid further comprises a chelating agent.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the catalyst to the peroxide source is within the range of 1:5 to 1:15.8. A method claim 1 , comprising:drilling a wellbore with a drilling fluid comprising a catalyst; and a base fluid; and', 'a peroxide source., 'circulating a breaker fluid into a wellbore, the breaker fluid comprising9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the pH of the wellbore fluid is adjusted to a pH in the range of pH 3 to pH 8.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the catalyst is a solid metal claim 8 , and wherein the metal is oxidized in situ to create an active catalytic species.11. The method of claim 8 , wherein one or more of the peroxide ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Integrated Unicellular/Filamentous Algal Production, Harvesting and Remediation System

Номер: US20200148568A1

A method of removing nitrogen-bound nitrate from at least one of groundwater, surface water, or waste water is disclosed. The method includes providing contaminant-containing water from groundwater, surface water, and/or waste water sources. The method further includes adding the contaminant-containing water to an algal photobioreactor system. The method further includes adding an alga culture to the alga photobioreactor system. The method further includes adjusting temperature, COconcentration, pH, light wavelength, and/or light intensity in the algal photobioreactor system to optimize the growth of the algae. The method further includes separating the algae from the water and harvesting algal biomass. 1. A filtration assembly comprising:a filter plate containing at least one pore;a filter column attached to an algal photobioreactor system and configured to receive at least one species of unicellular alga grown in the algal photobioreactor system; andat least one species of filamentous alga disposed within the filter column.2. The filtration assembly of claim 1 , wherein the filter column is packed with the at least one species of the filamentous alga.3. The filtration assembly of claim 1 , wherein the filamentous alga comprises: a single celled alga that forms a structure of at least one of long chains claim 1 , threads claim 1 , filaments claim 1 , or pseudofilaments.4Bumilleriopsis filiformis, Tribonema aequale, Tribonema affine, Tribonema minus,Tribonema viride.. The filtration assembly of claim 1 , wherein the filamentous alga comprises: at least one of or5. The filtration assembly of claim 1 , wherein the filamentous algae binds with single cell algae through electrostatic processes.6. The filtration assembly of claim 9 , wherein a diameter of the pores ranges from 0.25 μm to 5 μm.7. An algal photobioreactor system comprising:a photobioreactor chamber;a reservoir;a filtration assembly;a unicellular alga; anda light source.8. The algal photobioreactor system ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210188664A1

The embodiments disclose a method including bottling alcoholic beverages with selected ingredients including alcohol neutral spirits, alcohol and whisky, beer, wine, ingredients to add flavors and nutritional additive ingredients to benefit the health of an alcoholic beverage drinker, wherein a selection of alcohols includes vodka, tequila, gin, rum, brandy and other alcoholic spirits, wherein a selection of ingredients to add flavors includes flavorings including fruit flavorings, an artificial sweetener, and natural sweetener, wherein a selection of nutritional additive ingredients includes vitamins, minerals, fulvic acid, humic acid, ulmic acid and a purified and sanitized black water with humic acid and fulvic acid molecules in a mixed solution, and wherein bottling includes a bottling electronic monitoring, at least one control network, at least one bottling quality control process and a bottling labeling and packaging process and devices. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for producing a black colored alcoholic beverage , comprising:providing testing and control devices to an alcoholic spirit bottling process for testing and controlling bacterial and microbial growth levels to be within predetermined levels of acceptance safe for human consumption;providing an alcoholic spirit to the alcoholic spirit bottling process;mixing purified water with the alcoholic spirit during the bottling process;mixing a humate source having humic acid and fulvic acid generally recognized as safe for human consumption based on regulatory standards to the purified water and alcoholic beverage spirit, wherein the humic acid and the fulvic acid are suspended within the purified water after mixing to create a black colored mixed solution;monitoring conditions of the bottling process using at least one testing device for detecting bacterial and microbial organisms of the black colored mixed solution; andcreating a bottled black colored alcoholic beverage safe for human consumption from the ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166464A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

The invention relates to the treatment of the wastewater from isophorone production (IP) by high-pressure wet oxidation. 1. A method of treating wastewater from isophorone production , said method comprising:oxidizing an alkaline wastewater at a pH of 8 to 14 under action of pure oxygen and/or oxygen in compressed air at a pressure of 5-50 bar.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidation of the alkaline wastewater is carried out at a pH of 11 to 14.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidation of the alkaline wastewater is carried out at a pressure of 20-40 bar.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidation of the alkaline wastewater is carried out at an operating temperature of 150-250° C.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a residence time in the oxidation reactor during the oxidation of the alkaline wastewater is from 0.5 to 5 hours.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidation of the alkaline wastewater is carried out in the temperature range of 150-250° C. and at a pH of 11 to 14 and at a pressure of 20-40 bar.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidation of the alkaline wastewater is carried out in the presence of a catalyst.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pure oxygen and/or the oxygen in compressed air is introduced in a bottom region of a pressure vessel via a distributor.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pure oxygen and/or the oxygen in compressed air is introduced in a bottom region of a pressure vessel via at least one distributor selected from the group consisting of a perforated tray claim 1 , a distributor pipe comprising holes claim 1 , and a frit. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to the treatment of the wastewater from isophorone production (IP) by high-pressure wet oxidation.Discussion of the BackgroundWO2012/076314 discloses a method of preparing isophorone (3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one).WO2012/076314 and WO 2012/156187 ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161367A1
Принадлежит: Portland State University

Devices, systems, and methods for the purification of water with a photoreactor. A continuous flow water purification photoreactor having a water inlet, a plurality of illumination sources disposed about a central axis facing and having n-fold rotational symmetry about the central axis, a reaction tube, and a water outlet. The reaction tube including a set of bundled rods having m×n-fold symmetry wherein the bundled rods include a photocatalyst support material at least partially coated with a photocatalyst film. 1. A continuous flow water purification photoreactor , comprising:a water inlet;a plurality of illumination sources disposed about a central axis facing and having n-fold rotational symmetry about the central axis, where n is a whole number; 'a set of bundled rods having m×n-fold symmetry, where m is a rational number and wherein the bundled rods comprise a photocatalyst support material at least partially coated with a photocatalyst film; and', 'a reaction tube comprisinga water outlet, wherein the water inlet is fluidly coupled to a proximal end of the reaction tube and the water outlet is fluidly coupled to a distal end of the reaction tube.2. The continuous flow water purification photoreactor of claim 1 , further comprising a housing.3. The continuous flow water purification photoreactor of claim 1 , wherein the illumination sources comprise LEDs emitting in a UV range.4. The continuous flow water purification photoreactor of claim 1 , wherein the photocatalyst support material comprises quartz and/or fused silica.5. The continuous flow water purification photoreactor of claim 1 , wherein the photocatalyst support material is porous allowing water to pass through.6. The continuous flow water purification photoreactor of claim 1 , wherein the photocatalyst comprises TiO7. A water purification system claim 1 , comprising a continuous flow water purification photoreactor coupled to a water source claim 1 , the continuous flow water purification ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197099A1

Disclosed are methods of separating solute from solvent using a photoactive extractant. The photoactive extractant can be switched between two states by exposure to light. This can change the affinity of the photoactive extractant for either the solute or the solvent, causing absorption of the solute or solvent. The photoactive extractant can then be separated from the fluid stream containing the solute or solvent. The absorbed solute or solvent is then separated from the photoactive extractant. The photoactive extractant is a photoisomer. Applications for these methods include desalination, water purification, and metal extraction. 1. A method of capturing a solute that is present in a first fluid stream , comprising:contacting the first fluid stream with a photoactive extractant to absorb the solute;separating the photoactive extractant from the first fluid stream; andstripping the absorbed solute from the photoactive extractant to obtain the captured solute;wherein the photoactive extractant is exposed to light having a first wavelength during either the contacting or the stripping, which changes a binding affinity of the photoactive extractant for the solute from a first binding affinity to a second binding affinity.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the photoactive extractant is exposed to the light having the first wavelength during the stripping claim 1 , and wherein the second binding affinity is less than the first binding affinity claim 1 , such that the absorbed solute is stripped from the photoactive extractant.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the photoactive extractant is exposed to the light having the first wavelength during the contacting claim 1 , and wherein the second binding affinity is greater than the first binding affinity claim 1 , such that at least a portion of the solute is absorbed by the photoactive extractant.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the photoactive extractant is an azobenzene claim 1 , a stilbene claim 1 , or a diarylethene ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170172135A1

The present invention provides a method of killing larvae of sessile invertebrates in the settlement stage in water, comprising the step of irradiating light comprising the spectrum of 409 to 412 nm, to the larvae in the settlement stage. 1. A method of killing a larva of a sessile invertebrate in a settlement stage in water , comprising the step of irradiating light comprising the spectrum of 409 to 412 nm , to the larva in the settlement stage.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light comprises the spectrum of a part of 400 to 440 nm.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light has a peak in the wavelength range between 409 nm and 412 nm.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light comprises the spectrum of 400 to 420 nm.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light irradiated to the larva in the settlement stage has the maximum intensity of 146.4643 μWcmnmor higher in the wavelength range between 409 nm and 412 nm.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light is irradiated for 3 hours or more.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light is an LED beam.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the water is seawater.10Mytilus galloprovincialisMegabalanus rosa.. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the larva in the settlement stage is a pediveliger or a plantigrade of or a cypris larva of11. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.12. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.13. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.14. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.15. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.16. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.17. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the light is not a laser beam.18. The method ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172614A1
Принадлежит: TOSHIKOGYO CO., LTD.

A determination device for determining an improvement in water quality, capable of determining it in no time, is provided. The device has a first measuring device for measuring by AC terminal electric conductimetry a capacitance of a first capacitor formed between a pair of electrodes immersed in untreated water to be supplied to a water quality-improving apparatus; a second measuring device for measuring by AC terminal electric conductimetry a capacitance of a second capacitor formed between a pair of electrodes immersed in water discharged by the apparatus; and a processor for calculating a ratio (Y/X) of a capacitance Y to a capacitance X wherein the capacitance X is a capacitance of the first capacitor outputted by the first measuring device when an AC frequency is 100 Hz or less, and the capacitance Y is a capacitance of the second capacitor at the same frequency outputted by the second measuring device. 1. A determination device for determining an improvement in water quality comprising:a first measuring device for measuring by AC terminal electric conductimetry a capacitance of a first capacitor formed between a pair of first electrodes that are immersed in water to be supplied to a water quality-improving device;a second measuring device for measuring by AC terminal electric conductimetry a capacitance of a second capacitor formed between a pair of second electrodes that are immersed in water that has been treated with the water quality-improving device; anda processor for calculating a ratio (Y/X) of a capacitance Y to a capacitance X, wherein the capacitance X is a capacitance of the first capacitor in the water to be supplied to the water quality-improving device, outputted by the first measuring device when an AC frequency is not more than 100 Hz; and the capacitance Y is a capacitance of the second capacitor in the water that has been treated with the water quality-improving device, outputted by the second measuring device at the same AC frequency.2. ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160185615A1

Provided is a visible active photocatalyst of formula BiOX wherein X=P or S and process of preparation and use thereof. Use of the catalyst is demonstrated in the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical drug pollutants and pollutant dyes using solar radiation or artificial radiation. 1. A visible active photocatalyst active in the visible and UV regions of the electromagnetic spectrum , of formula BiOX wherein X=P or S , said catalyst active for degradation of an organic compound.2. The visible active photocatalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the photocatalyst is selected from the group consisting of BiOS and BiOP.3. The visible active photocatalyst according to in porous particle form.4. The visible active photocatalyst according to claim 3 , wherein the photocatalyst is BiOS particles having a size in the range of from 80 nm to 240 nm claim 3 , and a surface area in the range of 100 to 110.2 m/g.5. The visible active photocatalyst according to claim 3 , wherein a BiOS photocatalyst has an average pore size of 3.95 nm and an average pore volume of 0.109 cm/g.6. A process for the preparation of visible active photocatalyst active in the visible and UV regions of the electromagnetic spectrum claim 3 , of formula BiOX wherein X=P or S claim 3 , said process comprising steps of:(a) adding bismuth (III) oxide to ethanol to form a mixture;(b) stirring the mixture of step (a) and adding concentrated sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid at 40° C. to form a reaction mixture;(c) sonicating the reaction mixture of step (b) for 1 hr; and(d) calcining the sonicated product of (c) at 500° C. for 12 hrs. to produce the photocatalyst.7. The process of wherein the product of step (c) is washed with ethanol or deionized water or alternately with ethanol and with deionized water and vacuum dried before calcination.8. A process of degrading at least one organic pollutant comprising: exposing the pollutant in liquid medium claim 6 , the pollutant in a concentration range of 1-1000 ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172412A1
Автор: BRAHMI Saadi, Nuti Pascal

A chlorinated water treatment apparatus is disclosed, the apparatus including a tank arranged to receive a predetermined volume of chlorinated water to be treated, wherein the treatment apparatus includes at least one light source arranged to expose the predetermined volume to an ultraviolet radiation of a wavelength within a range from 325 nm to 395 nm. 1. A chlorinated water treatment apparatus , comprising a tank and a cap , arranged to receive a predetermined closed volume of chlorinated water to be treated , characterized in that the treatment apparatus comprises at least one light source arranged to expose the predetermined closed volume to an ultraviolet radiation of a wavelength within a range from 320 nm to 400 nm and preferably from 325 nm to 395 nm , so as to break the chlorinated molecules only with the ultraviolet radiation.2. The treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a casing and a plurality of light sources arranged in the casing to expose the predetermined volume to a light radiation of a wavelength within one of a range from 320 nm to 400 nm and a range from 325 nm to 395 nm claim 1 , wherein the treatment apparatus comprises cooling means arranged to cool the light sources claim 1 , and switching means arranged to switch off the cooling means so as to cause internal heating of the casing and of the predetermined volume of water.3. The treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising a casing and a plurality of light sources arranged in the casing to expose the predetermined volume to a light radiation of a wavelength within one of a range from 320 nm to 400 nm and a range from 325 nm to 395 nm claim 1 , wherein the treatment apparatus comprises ventilation means arranged to cause an air flow at the level of the light sources claim 1 , and recirculation means arranged to operate the ventilation means in closed circuit or not claim 1 , so as to respectively cause internal heating of the casing and of the predetermined ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160200593A1

The present disclosure relates to a rapid method of using a nanostructured zinc oxide (ZnO) catalyst for the photocatalytic degradation of a contaminant such as MTBE in waste water. The degradation is carried out under the laser light wherein 100% MTBE gets degraded in a short time such as 20 minutes from the start of the irradiation. 1. A method of using a metal oxide catalyst for a photocatalytic degradation of a contaminant comprises:pouring an aqueous contaminated solution into a container;placing the metal oxide catalyst into the container;placing a magnetic bar into the container;{'sub': '1', 'collecting a sample to determine an initial concentration (C) of the contaminant;'}irradiating the solution with a laser light for a specific time period;{'sub': 2', '1', '2, 'recollecting the sample to determine subsequent concentration (C) of the contaminant whereas the difference in concentration of Cand Cwill determine the amount of contaminant degraded.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contaminant to be degraded is methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide catalyst is a zinc oxide (ZnO) catalyst.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the ZnO catalyst is a nanostructured ZnO catalyst.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of contaminant is determined using a gas chromatography.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is irradiated with laser light for 25 minutes.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is irradiated with laser light for 20 minutes.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic bar helps in continuous stirring of the solution when placed on a stirrer.9. A method of using nanostructured ZnO catalyst for photocatalytic degradation of MTBE comprises:pouring an aqueous MTBE contaminant solution into a container;placing a nanostructured ZnO catalyst into the container;placing a magnetic bar into the container, wherein the magnetic bar helps in continuousstirring of the solution ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160200605A1

There is described a process for treatment of a fluid comprising an oxidizable contaminant. The process comprises the step of contacting the wastewater with a combination of: (i) a sulfide, (ii) a complex of Fe(III) and a chelating agent, and (iii) an oxidant. It has been discovered that of treatment of a fluid containing an oxidizable contaminant employing iron(III)-chelates as the Fenton catalyst may be significantly improved by including a sulfide in the reaction scheme. As described herein, by employing sulfide ion, the present inventors have been able to: (i) increase the rate of iron recycling from minutes or hours to a few seconds, and (ii) destroy benzene in an oil and gas refinery (OGR) wastewater in less than one minute. It is believed that these findings in OGR wastewater can be extended to other fluids containing other oxidizable contaminants. 1. A process for treatment of a fluid comprising an oxidizable contaminant , the process comprising the step of contacting the wastewater with a combination of: (i) a sulfide , (ii) a complex of Fe(III) and a chelating agent , and (iii) an oxidant.2. The process defined in claim 1 , wherein the contacting step is conducted at a pH in the range of from about 6.5 to about 10.34-. (canceled)5. The process defined in claim 1 , wherein the chelating agent is selected from the group consisting of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) claim 1 , ethylenediamine-N claim 1 ,N′-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) claim 1 , diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid (DTPA) claim 1 , ethylenediamine-N claim 1 ,N′-disuccinic acid (EDDS) claim 1 , iminodisuccinic acid (IDS) claim 1 , methylglycinediacetic (MGA) claim 1 , phosphonomethyliminodiacetic acid (PDA) and N-(2-carboxyethyl)iminodiacetic acid (CEDA).67-. (canceled)8. The process defined in claim 1 , wherein the oxidizable contaminant is selected from the group consisting of gasoline claim 1 , MtBE claim 1 , EtBE claim 1 , BTEX (benzene-toluene-ethylbenzene-xylenes) claim 1 , chlorobenzene claim 1 , ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207030A1

The sunlight active composite photocatalyst for water purification includes ZnO (zinc oxide) and CoO(cobalt II, III oxide). The composite photocatalyst may, in the presence of natural sunlight, achieve complete mineralization of chemical and biological contaminants in water without leaving any hazardous by-products. The composite photocatalyst may be synthesized by a sol gel route or process. 1. A sunlight active composite photocatalyst for water purification , comprising:ZnO (zinc oxide); and{'sub': 3', '4, 'CoO(cobalt II, III oxide) dispersed on the surface of the ZnO.'}2. A method for producing a sunlight active composite photocatalyst for water purification , comprising the steps of:synthesizing ZnO;{'sub': '2', 'sup': '2+', 'forming a ZnO—Co—(OH)co-gel by mixing the ZnO with Co solution;'}{'sub': '2', 'heating the ZnO—Co—(OH)co-gel to form a slurry;'}drying the slurry to form a powder; andcalcining the powder.3. The method for producing a sunlight active composite photocatalyst according to claim 2 , further comprising the steps of:dissolving zinc acetate in deionized water to form a solution;hydrolyzing the solution with KOH to form a hydrated ZnO gel;heating the gel at 250° C. for 2 his;drying the gel to form ZnO powder; andcalcining the ZnO powder.4. The method for producing a sunlight active composite photocatalyst according to claim 2 , further comprising the step of heating the ZnO—Co—(OH)co-gel to a temperature of about 250° C.5. The method for producing a sunlight active composite photocatalyst according to claim 2 , wherein the slurry is dried in a hot air oven at a temperature of about 100° C.6. A method for purifying water claim 2 , comprising the step of submerging a photocatalyst in water claim 2 , the photocatalyst being a composite having:ZnO (zinc oxide); and{'sub': 3', '4, 'CoO(cobalt II, III oxide) dispersed on the surface of the ZnO.'} 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to water purification, and particularly to a sunlight ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140291256A1

A method for treatment of dye wastewater by using ultraviolet-acetylacetone oxidation process is provided. This method belongs to the field of dye wastewater treatment, comprising the following steps: A) adding acetylacetone into dye-containing water, stirring and mixing them completely; B) putting the liquid obtained in step A) under ultraviolet irradiation till it is effectively decolorized. Provided is a new method for decolorizing high-concentrated dye wastewater on the basis of ultraviolet-induced oxidation process of phydroxyl radicals. This method can realize complete decolorization of the dye wastewater. During the oxidation process, the dye in the wastewater acts as the photosensitizer and can accelerate the decolorization process as the reaction progresses. The method can also improve BOD5/COD ratio from lower than 0.1 to higher than 0.3, which means that this method can be used not only for high-efficient decolorization of dye wastewater, but also as a preliminary step of microorganism treatment. 1. A method for treatment of dye wastewater by using ultraviolet-acetylacetone oxidation process , comprising following steps:A) adding acetylacetone into dye-containing water, stirring and mixing them completely; andB) putting a liquid obtained in step A) under ultraviolet irradiation until it is effectively decolorized.2. The method for treatment of dye wastewater by using ultraviolet-acetylacetone oxidation process as defined in claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the dye in the polluted water mentioned in step A) is lower than 0.5 mM claim 1 , while the pH value of the water is lower than 9.0.3. The method for treatment of dye wastewater by using ultraviolet-acetylacetone oxidation process as defined in claim 2 , wherein a molar concentration of acetylacetone in the dye wastewater mentioned in step A) is 0.3-1.0 mM.4. The method for treatment of dye wastewater by using ultraviolet-acetylacetone oxidation process as defined in claim 2 , wherein the solution ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Treating an Aqueous Effluent

Номер: US20150210568A1

Methods and systems for treating an aqueous effluent from a metathesis reactor, such as a metathesis-based biorefinery, are generally disclosed. In some embodiments, the aqueous effluent is generated from washing the metathesized product with an aqueous medium. In some embodiments, such wash streams are chemically treated to reduce their toxicity and to facilitate disposal. In some embodiments, such wash streams are treated to recover at least a portion of the catalyst residue, so as to facilitate catalyst recovery. 1. A method of treating a reactor water stream , the method comprising:providing a first aqueous medium comprising (i) an organic phosphine compound or an organic phosphonium compound, and (ii) a metathesis catalyst residue; andreacting the organic phosphine compound or the organic phosphonium compound with an oxidizing agent to form a second aqueous medium comprising an organic phosphine oxide.35-. (canceled)79-. (canceled)10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first aqueous medium comprises the organic phosphonium compound and one or more counterions to the organic phosphonium compound.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the one or more counterions are selected from the group consisting of: a halide anion claim 10 , a sulfate anion claim 10 , a hydrogen sulfate anion claim 10 , a phosphate anion claim 10 , a hydrogen phosphate anion claim 10 , a dihydrogen phosphate anion claim 10 , a nitrate anion claim 10 , a hydroxide anion claim 10 , a carbonate anion claim 10 , a hydrogen carbonate anion claim 10 , a cyanide anion claim 10 , an acetate anion claim 10 , a formate anion claim 10 , an oxalate anion claim 10 , and any mixtures thereof.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the one or more counteranions are selected from the group consisting of: a chloride anion claim 11 , a sulfate anion claim 11 , and any mixtures thereof.13. The method of claim 1 , further comprising separating at least a portion of the metathesis catalyst residue from the first ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203284A1
Автор: Viswanathan Tito

A method of synthesizing a doped carbon composite includes preparing a solution having a carbon source material and a heteroatom containing additive, evaporating the solution to yield a plurality of powders, and subjecting the plurality of powders to a heat treatment for a duration of time effective to produce the doped carbon composite. 1. A method of synthesizing a doped carbon composite , comprising the steps of:(a) preparing a solution having a material containing tannin and an additive containing a doping chemical element;(b) evaporating the solution to yield a plurality of powders; and(c) subjecting the plurality of powders to a heat treatment for a duration of time effective to produce the doped carbon composite.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the material containing the tannin is tannin sulfonate claim 1 , lignin claim 1 , lignosulfonate claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the additive containing the doping chemical element is one containing oxygen (O) claim 1 , nitrogen (N) claim 1 , phosphorus (P) claim 1 , boron (B) claim 1 , sulfur (S) claim 1 , iodine (I) claim 1 , fluorine (F) claim 1 , silicon (Si) claim 1 , selenium (Se) claim 1 , germanium (Ge) claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat treatment is performed at a temperature in a range of about 700° C. to about 1800° C.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the duration of time effective is in a range of about 10 minutes to about 2 hours.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat treatment is performed by subjecting the plurality of powders to a microwave radiation with a frequency of 2.45 GHz.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat treatment is performed by a heat source other than a microwave radiation source.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of adding polyphosphoric acid to the plurality of powders prior to the subjecting step.9. An article of manufacture by the method of .10. A composite synthesized by ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

UV-LED Radiation Photoreactor

Номер: US20180201521A1
Автор: TAGHIPOUR Fariborz
Принадлежит: The University of British Columbia

A reactor that operates with ultraviolet light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) to attain UV photoreactions or UV photo-initiated reaction in a fluid flow for various applications, including water purification. The UV-LED reactor is comprised of a conduit means for passing fluid flow, an ultraviolet light emitting diode (UV-LED), and a radiation-focusing element to focus the UV-LED radiation to the fluid in the longitudinal direction of the conduit. The UV-LED reactor may include photocatalysts or chemical oxidants, which are activated by UV emitted by UV-LEDs for photocatalytic and photo-initiated reactions. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of directing ultraviolet (UV) radiation into at least one photoreaction chamber of a photoreactor apparatus , the method comprising:causing at least one lens to refract at least some of the UV radiation into the at least one photoreaction chamber.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the at least one photoreaction chamber comprises a longitudinal fluid conduit defining a longitudinal fluid flow direction in the longitudinal fluid conduit.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein causing the at least one lens to refract the at least some of the UV radiation into the at least one photoreaction chamber comprises causing the at least one lens to refract the at least some of the UV radiation generally along the longitudinal fluid flow direction of the fluid conduit.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein:the longitudinal fluid conduit has a transverse cross section and a central longitudinal axis extending through the transverse cross section; andthe at least one lens refracts the at least some of the UV radiation substantially throughout the transverse cross section of the fluid conduit including the central longitudinal axis of the fluid conduit.25. The method of claim 23 , wherein causing the at least one lens to refract the at least some of the UV radiation generally along the longitudinal fluid flow direction of the fluid conduit comprises:causing ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200196611A1
Автор: MCPEAK Kevin Michael

A metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) plasmonic device includes a substrate; a metal layer deposited on the substrate, the metal layer being substantially reflective in at least the visible wavelength range; an oxide layer deposited on the metal layer; and gold or gold alloy nanoparticles deposited on the oxide layer. 1. A metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) plasmonic device comprising:a substrate;a metal layer deposited on the substrate, the metal layer being substantially reflective in at least the visible wavelength range;an oxide layer deposited on the metal layer; andgold or gold-alloy nanoparticles deposited on the oxide layer.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises silicon (Si) claim 1 , glass or a polyimide film.3100. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the substrate is crystal Si .4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein a size of the substrate is 50 mm by 50 mm.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the metal layer comprises aluminum (Al) claim 1 , copper (Cu) claim 1 , gold (Au) claim 1 , or silver (Ag).6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide layer comprises zinc oxide (ZnO) claim 1 , WO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , SrTiO claim 1 , SnO claim 1 , or BiVOlayer.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide layer is an oxide doped layer.8. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide layer is doped with Al claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , F or Mg.9. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the gold or gold alloy nanoparticles are configured to absorb 90% or more of incident light at a wavelength in the visible region.10. The device according to claim 9 , wherein the wavelength in the visible region is centered around 600 nm.11. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the device is light polarization independent.12. The device according to claim 1 , wherein a size of the gold nanoparticles is in the range from 5 nm to 100 nm.13. A method of making a metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) plasmonic device claim 1 ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170210653A1

A liquid treatment unit () includes: an electrical conductor () including a first surface () and a second surface (), and a space () provided between the first surface and the second surface in which hydrogen ions move; and a structure () arranged on the second surface to regulate an oxygen supply amount. A liquid treatment device () includes the liquid treatment unit, and a treatment tank () which keeps a liquid () to be treated, wherein the first surface of the electrical conductor in the liquid treatment unit is located inside the treatment tank. 1. A liquid treatment unit comprising:an electrical conductor including a first surface and a second surface, and a space provided between the first surface and the second surface in which hydrogen ions move, the electrical conductor providing electrical connection between the first surface and the second surface; anda structure arranged on the second surface to regulate an oxygen supply amount, the structure supplying oxygen to the second surface.2. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductor supports an oxygen reduction catalyst on the second surface.3. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductor includes an electrically conductive porous sheet.4. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductor includes at least one of an electrically conductive woven sheet or an electrically conductive nonwoven sheet.5. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 , wherein at least part of a surface of the electrical conductor corresponding to the space provided between the first surface and the second surface is covered with an electrically insulating material.6. The liquid treatment unit according to claim 1 , wherein the structure is a water-repellent sheet.7. A liquid treatment device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the liquid treatment unit according to ; and'}a treatment tank which keeps ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210238071A1

A process for removal of TOC from industrial aqueous waste streams which have TOC of 350000 mg/I or less and various pH, wherein the process comprises a plurality of successive steps comprising in each step electromagnetic irradiation in the region 200 nm-600 nm at a temperature of less than 70° C. for photo oxidation of the waste streams using an added oxidant. 1. A process for removal of TOC from industrial aqueous waste streams which have TOC of 350000 mg/I or less and various pH , wherein the process comprises a plurality of successive steps comprising in each step electromagnetic irradiation in the region 200 nm-600 nm at a temperature of less than 70° C. for photo oxidation of the waste streams using chlorine as an oxidant.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the oxidant is used in a stoichiometric excess to TOC of from 0.5:1.0 to 5.0:1.0.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein an additional oxidant is selected from hypochlorites and peroxides.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the photo oxidation of the waste streams using an added oxidant is carried out under pH lower than 7.0.5. The process of where the photo oxidation is conducted under low pressure conditions claim 1 , such as atmospheric or low range superatmospheric pressure claim 1 , i.e. at a pressure in the range from about 100 kPa to about 150 kPa.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , following the plurality of photo oxidation steps claim 1 , the waste streams are treated with at least one physical adsorber to achieve final TOC 10000 mg/I or less claim 1 , 1000 mg/I or less claim 1 , 100 mg/I or less claim 1 , 50 mg/I or less claim 1 , 25 mg/I or less claim 1 , 15 mg/I or less claim 1 , 10 mg/I or less claim 1 , 5 mg/I or less.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the physical adsorber is selected from the group consisting of microporous absorbers claim 6 , such as microporous activated carbon with uniform cells size claim 6 , microporous zeolites claim 6 , or carbonaceous compounds claim 6 , such ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Photocatalytic Composition for Water Purification

Номер: US20170216821A1

The present invention refers to lightweight and settable photocatalytic compositions and solid composites; methods of preparing the compositions and solid composites; and their use in water purification. The compositions are comprised of photocatalysts such as titanium dioxide (TiO) and zinc oxide (ZnO), lightweight glass bubbles, and a hydraulic cementing binder. The lightweight and settable photocatalytic compositions can be formed into lightweight photocatalytic solid composites and/or structures by mixing with water and moist curing. This invention also describes relatively simple, fast, and cost effective methodologies to photodope the TiO—ZnO compositions and composites with silver (Ag), to enhance and extend the photocatalytic activity from the ultraviolet into the visible light spectrum. The lightweight and settable TiO—ZnO and Ag—TiO—ZnO compositions are used in making solids, structures, coatings, and continuous or semi-continuous water purification panels for purifying contaminated water. 114-. (canceled)15. A composition comprising:{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '3, 'one or more photocatalysts selected from TiO, ZnO, WO, CuO, SnO, SiO, RuO, SrTiO, FeO, NiO, and SiC;'}one or more glass bubbles; anda cementing binder.16. The composition of claim 15 , wherein the photocatalyst is TiO claim 15 , ZnO claim 15 , or a mixture of both.17. The composition of claim 15 , further comprising one or more metals and non-metals selected from N claim 15 , C claim 15 , S claim 15 , P claim 15 , B claim 15 , F claim 15 , I claim 15 , Cu claim 15 , Ag claim 15 , Pt claim 15 , Pd claim 15 , Mn claim 15 , Wo claim 15 , Ni claim 15 , Sn claim 15 , Fe claim 15 , and V.18. The composition of claim 17 , wherein the photocatalyst is a complex comprising Ag claim 17 , TiO claim 17 , and ZnO.19. The composition of claim 17 , wherein the composition comprises a metal; the metal is Ag; and the metal coats the surface of the composition.20. The composition of claim 15 , ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Laser ablation and filtration apparatus and process for removal of hydrocarbons and contaminants

Номер: US20170217792A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A laser ablation and filtration process and apparatus wherein liquid containing hydrocarbons or other contaminates is purified. The liquid is exposed to laser energy at one or more selected wavelengths wherein the laser energy travels through the liquid and reaches the hydrocarbons or other contaminates and vaporizes, denatures, breaks down, neutralizes, renders inert and/or separates the hydrocarbons or contaminates from the liquid. A laser source is positioned in or on a vessel based on pre-set parameters to maximize exposure of the liquid to the laser energy, including sizing parameters, angle and inclination of the laser, retention time for the laser process to be applied and geometry of the containment for proper inclination. One or more collection chambers, which may include perforated membranes may be included to collect gases, separated hydrocarbons or contaminates and other by-products of the process. The vessel utilized may be submergible in water to pull or flow contaminated water therethough. The vessel may also be utilized outside a body of water wherein contaminated water from a source is introduced within the vessel.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Device For Disinfecting Liquids

Номер: US20180215633A1
Автор: Hug Daniel, Laufer Linda
Принадлежит: Herbert Waldmann GmbH & Co. KG

A device for disinfecting liquids, comprising at least one photosensitizer and at least one bypass which comprises radiation sources and which is arranged such that light emitted from the radiation sources passes through the liquid. The bypass has at least one layer in which the radiation sources are arranged, and the radiation sources emit visible light and a method for disinfecting liquids using a device, wherein the light emitted from the radiation sources excites the at least one photosensitizer from a base state into an excited state, and reactive oxygen species are formed by means of the energy dispensed by the photosensitizer when transitioning from the excited state into an energetically lower state. 1. A device for disinfecting liquids , comprising:a photosensitizer, anda bypass which comprises radiation sources and which is arranged such that light emitted from the radiation sources passes through liquid to be disinfected,wherein the bypass has a radiation source layer in which the radiation sources are arranged, and the radiation sources emit visible light.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein a translucent layer is arranged between the radiation source layer and the liquid.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the radiation sources are positioned at a reflecting surface.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the bypass has a cavity crossing the bypass claim 1 , in which the liquid may be supplied through the bypass.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the radiation source layer claim 4 , the translucent layer claim 4 , or both claim 4 , are positioned symmetrically claim 4 , around the cavity.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the radiation sources are arranged in the radiation source layer on two sides claim 5 , which are opposite the cavity.7. The device of claim 5 , wherein the radiation sources are arranged claim 5 , offset from one another claim 5 , in the radiation source layer on two sides claim 5 , which are opposite the cavity.8. The device of claim 1 , ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170225983A1

The invention provides methods and compositions for reducing the malodorous sulfide gas released by a wastewater treatment system. The method preserves the vitality of waste consuming organisms within the system. The method comprises the steps of: determining the SRP PAA demand of the system, determining the aerobic PAA demand of the system, and adding a composition in an amount such that it is in excess of the SRP PAA demand but is below the aerobic PAA demand. Even though the composition increases the amount of sulfates within the wastewater it reduces the amount of SRP which prevents the malodorous sulfite gas release. The composition comprises at least one percarboxyacid. 1. A method of reducing the odor released by a wastewater treatment system without eliminating the entire aerobic and/or anaerobic bacteria population within the system , the method comprising the steps of:continuously or variably adding to a process flow of water a composition in an amount such that it is in excess of the SRP PAA demand but is below the aerobic PAA demand,detecting an increase in PAA demand in the process flow of water,in response to the detected increase in PAA demand, adding an effective amount of PAA to the flow to reduce the PAA demand to levels which are found to reduce malodor,wherein the composition comprises at least one peroxy acid.2. The method of in which the Fenton's Reagent is added before there is a detectable change in the population of microorganisms in the wastewater treatment system.3. The method of in which the Fenton's Reagent is added before the nutrient surge reaches the wastewater treatment system.4. The method of in which the Fenton's Reagent is added after there is a noticeable increase in odor.5. The method of in which the amount of continuously added composition is not altered in response to the sudden surge in nutrient content.6. The method of in which the surge in nutrient content is detected by measuring fluorescence from the nutrient.7. The ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170225984A1
Автор: HAYDEN John B.

A self-cleaning fountain includes: a structure having two ends, defining a first flow way for a first fluid to flow along, wherein the structure defines holes for allowing a second fluid to flow through the holes; a pump system configured to pump the first fluid to a first end of the structure; a distributer located at the first end of the structure and configured to spray the first fluid received from the pump system onto the structure; a catch basin located at a second end of the structure for collecting the first fluid that has moved along the flow way to the catch basin; a photocatalytic coating on the structure; and a light source configured to direct light on the photocatalytic coating. 1. A self-cleaning fountain comprising:a structure having two ends, defining a first flow way for a first fluid to flow along, wherein the structure defines holes for allowing a second fluid to flow through the holes;a pump system configured to pump the first fluid to a first end of the structure;a distributer located at the first end of the structure and configured to spray the first fluid received from the pump system onto the structure;a catch basin located at a second end of the structure for collecting the first fluid that has moved along the flow way to the catch basin;a photocatalytic coating on the structure; anda light source configured to direct light on the photocatalytic coating.2. The self-cleaning fountain of claim 1 , wherein the coating includes Titanium Dioxide.3. The self-cleaning fountain of claim 1 , wherein the structure is made of stainless steel.4. The self-cleaning fountain of claim 1 , further comprising a blower oriented to move the second fluid alone a second flow way defined claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , by the structure and through the holes defined by the structure.5. The self-cleaning fountain of claim 1 , wherein the structure is any one of:a mesh and a perforated tube.6. The self-cleaning fountain of claim 1 , wherein the light source ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230027A1

An apparatus for producing reforming liquid includes a treatment tank in which an introduced liquid is swirled so as to generate a gas phase in the vicinity of a swirling center of a swirling flow of the liquid, a first electrode which has at least a portion which is disposed in the treatment tank and comes into contact with the liquid in the treatment tank, a second electrode which is disposed so as to come into contact with the liquid in the treatment tank and a power source which is configured to apply a voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode so as to generate plasma in the gas phase. A reformed liquid is produced in a manner that the plasma is generated in the gas phase so as to form a reformed component, and the formed reformed component is dissolved and dispersed in the liquid. 1. An apparatus for producing reforming liquid comprising:a treatment tank in which an introduced liquid is swirled so as to generate a gas phase in the vicinity of a swirling center of a swirling flow of the liquid;a first electrode which has at least a portion which is disposed in the treatment tank and comes into contact with the liquid in the treatment tank;a second electrode which is disposed so as to come into contact with the liquid in the treatment tank; anda power source which is configured to apply a voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode so as to generate plasma in the gas phase,wherein a reformed liquid is produced in a manner that the plasma is generated in the gas phase so as to form a reformed component, and the formed reformed component is dissolved and dispersed in the liquid.2. The apparatus for producing reforming liquid of claim 1 ,wherein the first electrode is disposed so as to come into contact with the gas phase generated in the vicinity of the swirling center of the swirling flow of the liquid or to be positioned in the vicinity of the gas phase.3. The apparatus for producing reforming liquid claim 1 ,wherein the ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232265A1

A porous catalyst for catalytic activating persulfates to decompose typical pollutants in papermaking wastewater is provided, and a synthesis method thereof and a method of degrading the typical pollutants in paper wastewater by using the porous catalyst are also provided. The porous catalyst MIL-88A@MIP is prepared by a molecular imprinting method comprising using metal organic framework MIL-88A as a precursor and using phthalates as templates. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of preparing a catalyst for degrading phthalates in water , the method comprising:dissolving phthalates in acetonitrile in a reactor;sequentially adding metal organic framework MIL-88A and methacrylic acid into the reactor and stirring for a first period of time;adding tetraethyl orthosilicate and acetic acid into the reactor;sealing the reactor;heating the reactor at 60-80° C. for a second period of time to form a catalyst containing the phthalates by using the phthalates as template molecules;removing the phthalates from the obtained catalyst by extracting to obtain a porous catalyst MIL-88A@MIP; anddrying the porous catalyst MIL-88A@MIP.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the metal organic framework MIL-88A is prepared by reacting fumaric acid and FeCl.6HO in water claim 11 , and a molar ratio of the fumaric acid and the FeCl.6HO is 1:10 to 20:1.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the phthalates comprise at least one of dimethyl phthalate claim 11 , diethyl phthalate claim 11 , and dibutyl phthalate.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein a molar ratio of the phthalates claim 11 , the methacrylic acid and the tetraethyl orthosilicate is about 1:40:200.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein the first period of time is about 0.5-3 hours.16. The method of claim 11 , wherein the second period of time is about 10-20 hours.17. A catalyst for degrading phthalates in water claim 11 , wherein the porous catalyst MIL-88A@MIP is prepared by the method of .18. The catalyst of claim 17 , wherein the ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации

In-house closed water filter system to remove carcinogenic 1,4-dioxane and other contaminants to purify drinking water

Номер: US20210276897A1
Автор: BHUSHAN ARYA, Misra Preeti

An in-house closed water filter system to remove carcinogenic 1,4-dioxane and other contaminants to purify drinking water. A resin is engineered by a method developed to identify 1,4-dioxane and remove it using direct photolysis and advanced oxidation processes involving UV/HO/Fe(II). The resin is coupled with granulated activated charcoal to create an in-house filter system. 1. An in-house drinking water purification system comprising:a first unit, wherein the first unit having a top and a bottom opening, wherein the top opening allows an unfiltered water to fill the first unit and the bottom unit allows a flow of water free from 1,4-dioxane and microbes out of the first unit,a second unit, wherein the second unit is connected to the first unit by a first valve, wherein the first valve allows the flow of water free from 1,4-dioxane and microbes from the first unit to the second unit, anda third unit, wherein the third unit is connected to the second unit by a second valve, wherein the second valve allows a flow of purified water from the second unit to the third unit.2. The in-house drinking water purification system of claim 1 , wherein the first unit contains a chamber filled with iron oxide bed or resin which act as catalyst to initiate reaction of Fenton's Oxidation to remove the 1 claim 1 ,4-dioxane and micobes.3. The in-house drinking water purification system of claim 2 , wherein the first unit contains a first sensor and a second sensor claim 2 , wherein the first sensor is to indicate the filling of the chamber with the unfiltered water and activate an initiation of addition of hydrogen peroxide from a hydrogen peroxide source in the first unit.4. The in-house drinking water purification system of claim 3 , wherein the second sensor opens the flow of water from the first unit after completion of the Fenton's Oxidation to completely empty water from the first unit.5. The in-house drinking water purification system of claim 4 , the first sensor and the ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Device and Methods for Increasing the Solubility of Crystals in Water

Номер: US20190241443A1
Автор: Krummel Amber T.

Band-pass filters for guiding or controlling crystal polymorphism in water are provided. Band-pass filters convert a passive energy source to a spectral energy pattern tuned to resonant with different types of molecular oscillations pertinent to water. Tuned energy patterns convert problematic insoluble crystals to more thermodynamically stable and soluble crystals. Methods include use of the band-pass filter in water and design of band-pass filter parameters for optimal use on a particular water source. 1. A method , comprising:transmitting a passive energy through a band pass filter to obtain at least one spectral energy pattern; andtargeting water with the at least one spectral energy pattern, wherein:the water includes at least one crystal; andwherein the spectral energy pattern results in the at least one crystal in the water to have a greater solubility in the water, as compared to the same at least one crystal not targeted by the at least one spectral energy pattern.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one spectral energy pattern comprises at least one frequency selected from a near-infrared frequency, a mid-infrared frequency, a resonant frequency, a far-infrared frequency, and a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the at least one crystal in the water after targeting with the spectral energy pattern is aragonite.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the at least one spectral energy pattern is composed of a far-infrared frequency.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the water further comprises at least one non-polar solvent; wherein:the at least one spectral energy pattern lowers the interfacial tension between the non-polar solvent and water.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein:the water is located in an input pipe to a dwelling.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the water further comprises at least one polar solvent; wherein:the at least one polar solvent is different from water.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the band pass filter ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Plasma Discharge in Liquid

Номер: US20190241447A1
Принадлежит: Energy Onvector LLC, ONVECTOR LLC

A system for generating a plasma discharge in liquid utilizes first and second electrodes spaced apart in an interior space of a vessel holding the liquid. A channel can be defined in certain embodiments at least partially by at least one of the first and second electrodes, and an inlet in fluid communication with the interior space is configured to generate a vortical fluid flow in the vessel. A method for generating a plasma discharge in liquid is also provided.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Plasma Generator and Method for Setting an ION Ratio

Номер: US20180249569A1

A plasma generator and a method for setting an ion ratio. In an embodiment a plasma generator includes a piezoelectric transformer suitable for ionizing a process gas, an ion separation electrode and a drive circuit suitable for applying a potential to the ion separation electrode. 113-. (canceled)14. A plasma generator comprising:a piezoelectric transformer suitable for ionizing a process gas;an ion separation electrode; anda drive circuit suitable for applying a potential to the ion separation electrode.15. The plasma generator according to claim 14 , wherein the plasma generator is suitable for the process gas to flow through it claim 14 , and wherein the process gas is ionized by the piezoelectric transformer and is subsequently guided through the ion separation electrode.16. The plasma generator according to claim 14 , wherein the potential at the ion separation electrode defines a ratio of positive and negative ions in a plasma generated by the plasma generator.17. The plasma generator according to claim 14 , further comprising a tube connecting a process gas inlet and a process gas outlet claim 14 , wherein the piezoelectric transformer and the ion separation electrode are arranged in the tube claim 14 , and wherein the ion separation electrode is arranged between the piezoelectric transformer and the process gas outlet.18. The plasma generator according to claim 14 , wherein the drive circuit is adjustable such that the potential at the ion separation electrode is variable.19. The plasma generator according to claim 14 , wherein the drive circuit comprises a drive circuit transformer suitable for generating an AC output voltage and a circuit for rectifying and smoothing the AC output voltage claim 14 , and wherein the circuit for rectifying and smoothing the AC output voltage is connected to the ion separation electrode.20. The plasma generator according to claim 14 , wherein the ion separation electrode is grid-shaped.21. The plasma generator according to ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200239340A1
Автор: Martin Roy W.
Принадлежит: TRUOX, INC.

A method and composition for reducing halogenated decomposition byproducts and precursors of the byproducts in the water and air of an aquatic facility. The composition contains a water soluble metal-porphyrin catalyst that accelerates oxidation of the halogenated decomposition byproducts and their precursors. The catalyst remains stable and only requires replenishment relative to the makeup water added to the treated aquatic facility. The average time interval of replenishment can be measured in weeks or months.

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140346124A1

The invention relates to a method for the decontamination of contaminated liquid, as well as a reactor for implementing a decontamination method. The method comprises a step of mixing the contaminated liquid under stirring with at least one persulphate ion with the exception of ammonium persulphate, and at least iron, an iron atom or an iron ion in its ferrous or ferric form at a concentration between 50 μM and 600 μM, preferably between 100 μM and 400 μM, a second step in which the mixture obtained is subjected for a sufficient time to at least one UV/visible irradiation having a narrow wavelength spectrum comprised between 153 nm and 560 nm. 1. Method for the decontamination of liquid contaminated by non-biodegradable organic compounds , comprising the following steps:the contaminated liquid is mixed under stirring with at least one persuiphate ion with the exception of ammonium persulphate and at least one iron atom or an iron on in its ferrous or ferric form, at a concentration between 50 μM and 600 μM, preferably between 100 μM and 400 μM;the mixture obtained is subjected for a sufficient time to at least one UV/visible irradiation having a narrow wavelength spectrum comprised between 153 nm and 560 nm.2. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in the first step the persulphate is chosen from sodium persulphate claim 1 , potassium persulphate or barium persulphate.3. Method according to claim 2 , characterized in that the persulphate is chosen from sodium persuiphate and potassium persulphate claim 2 ,4. Method according to one of claim 2 , characterized in that the persulphate is sodium persulphate.5. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the pH of the mixture obtained in the first step of the method is between 1 and 7 claim 1 , preferentially between 2 and 4.6. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in the first step the iron is in ferrous form.7. Method according to claim 6 , characterized in that the iron is in ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210300787A1

Disclosed is a device for treating high-concentration organic wastewater by catalyst hydrothermal gasification, including a CHG reactor, a temporary wastewater storage tank and a condensing heat exchanger which are sequentially in loop connection. The CHG reactor includes a shell, a thermocouple, a water distribution device, and a packing support. The device of the present disclosure can quickly convert the high-concentration organic wastewater into clean energy or harmless gas at a low temperature under the action of a catalyst, so that the energy consumption of a treatment process is greatly reduced, and the treatment efficiency is improved. The device has potential application prospect.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190247834A1
Автор: Viswanathan Tito

A composite synthesized by the steps of preparing a solution having a carbon source material and a heteroatom containing additive; evaporating the solution to yield a plurality of powders; and subjecting the plurality of powders to a heat treatment for a duration of time effective to produce a doped carbon composite. 1. A composite synthesized by pyrolysis of a mixture of tannin and melamine , wherein the steps involved in the synthesis process comprises:(a) dissolving the tannin and the melamine in water to form a homogeneous solution;(b) evaporating the solution to yield a dry solid; and(c) subjecting powders of the dry solid to a heat treatment between about 700° C. and about 1800° C. for about 10 minutes to about 2 hours.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the synthesis process further comprises the step of adding polyphosphoric acid to the plurality of powders prior to the subjecting step.3. A composite synthesized by the steps of:(a) preparing a solution having a carbon source material and a heteroatom containing additive;(b) evaporating the solution to yield a plurality of powders; and(c) subjecting the plurality of powders to a heat treatment for a duration of time effective to produce a doped carbon composite.4. The composite of claim 3 , wherein the carbon source material comprises tannin claim 3 , urea claim 3 , lignin claim 3 , lignosulfonate claim 3 , tannin sulfonate claim 3 , phenol formaldehyde resins claim 3 , melamine formaldehyde resins claim 3 , tannin formaldehyde resins claim 3 , resorcinol formaldehyde resins claim 3 , urea formaldehyde resins claim 3 , or a mixture thereof.5. The composite of claim 3 , wherein the heteroatom containing additive comprises one containing oxygen (O) claim 3 , nitrogen (N) claim 3 , phosphorus (P) claim 3 , boron (B) claim 3 , sulfur (S) claim 3 , iodine (I) claim 3 , fluorine (F) claim 3 , silicon (Si) claim 3 , selenium (Se) claim 3 , germanium (Ge) claim 3 , or a mixture thereof.6. The composite of claim 5 , ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Oxidation Method, Nozzle and System for Treating Waste Water

Номер: US20140353259A1
Автор: Strunk Sven

The present invention relates to a device, particularly a nozzle, for treating waste water, said nozzle having an outer tube and an inner tube. An intermediate space is formed between the outer tube and the inner tube and said intermediate space between the outer tube and the inner tube is divided into at least two chambers in the longitudinal direction of the tubes. The inner tube tapers in the longitudinal direction and then widens again and has at least one opening into each chamber at the constricted area. On the inner side of the inner tube and/or in the interior thereof, the device preferably has a catalyst. The present invention further relates to a method for oxidising polluted waste water and a system for performing the method. 132334433a,ba,ba,b. A device , especially a nozzle , for feeding waste water , an oxygen containing gas and a radical starter into a reactor , which is characterized by an outer tube () and an inner tube () which inner tube forms an intermediate space with the outer tube , wherein the intermediate space between the outer tube and the inner tube is separated in the longitudinal direction of the tubes into at least two chambers () , wherein the inner tube tapers in the longitudinal direction and widens again and wherein the inner tube has at least one opening () at the constricted area into each of both chambers ().232334433a,ba,ba,b. A device , especially a nozzle , for the treatment of waste water , comprising an outer tube () and an inner tube () wherein an intermediate space is formed between the outer tube and the inner tube wherein the intermediate space between the outer tube and the inner tube is separated in the longitudinal direction of the tubes into at least two chambers () wherein the inner tube tapers in the longitudinal direction and widens again and wherein the inner tube has at least one opening () at the constricted area into each of both chambers ().3. A device according to or , wherein the intermediate space between ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160280562A1

An water providing apparatus includes a input portion for receiving untreated water, a treatment portion for treating and outputting treated water having a UV treatment module for reducing pathogens, a filtering mechanism for reducing physical and chemical impurities, a UV analysis module for determining levels of the impurities in the untreated water and for determining levels of impurities in the treated water, a processing unit for determining whether the levels of impurities in the treated water exceed a threshold, a reporting module for outputting the levels of the impurities in the untreated and treated water to a remote monitoring service, and a water output portion for providing the treated water if safe, and for inhibiting output of the treated water if unsafe. 1. An apparatus for providing water comprises:a water input portion configured to receive untreated water;a water treatment portion configured to receive the untreated water and to output treated water comprising:a filtering mechanism configured to reduce the chemical impurities in the untreated water;an analysis module configured to determine initial optical properties of the untreated water and to determine treated optical properties of the treated water;a processing unit coupled to the UV analysis module, wherein the processing unit is configured to determine whether the initial optical properties of the untreated water exceed at least one threshold and to provide an impurity signal in response thereto, and configured to determine UV output parameters in response to the initial optical properties of the untreated water;a UV treatment module coupled to the processing unit, wherein the UV treatment module is configured to provide UV light to the in response to the UV output parameters; anda reporting module coupled to the processing unit, wherein the reporting module is configured to output the initial optical properties of the untreated water and the treated optical properties of the treated water ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170275187A1

Sterilization of a liquid substance is performed by causing cavitation in the liquid substance by stirring the liquid substance with a rotary blade of a suction stirring pump and generating plasma with a plasma generation mechanism in air bubbles generated in the liquid substance by the cavitation. 1. A liquid substance sterilization method for performing sterilizing a liquid substance by causing cavitation in the liquid substance and generating plasma with a plasma generation mechanism in air bubbles generated in the liquid substance by the cavitation , the method comprising:causing the cavitation in the liquid substance by stirring the liquid substance with a rotary blade.2. The liquid substance sterilization method according to claim 1 ,wherein the cavitation is caused in the liquid substance by passing the liquid substance, to which a flow speed is imparted by performing stirring with the rotary blade, through a throttle flow passage.3. A liquid substance sterilization method for performing sterilizing a liquid substance by causing cavitation in the liquid substance and generating plasma with a plasma generation mechanism in air bubbles generated in the liquid substance by the cavitation claim 1 , the method comprising:causing the cavitation in the liquid substance behind an obstacle by installing the obstacle in a flow passage for the liquid substance to which a flow speed is imparted.4. A liquid substance sterilizing apparatus comprising:a suction stirring pump that suctions a liquid substance under a negative pressure with a negative-pressure suction force generated by rotation of a rotary blade and causes cavitation by stirring the liquid substance subjected to the suction under the negative pressure with the rotary blade; anda plasma generation mechanism that generates plasma in air bubbles generated in the liquid substance by the cavitation.5. The liquid substance sterilization apparatus according to claim 4 ,wherein the suction stirring pump includes a ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140374104A1
Автор: Seth Kushal

A method for reducing sulfide in oilfield waste water includes contacting oilfield waste water with an oxidizer in the presence of an iron catalyst. The oilfield waste water includes sulfide that is oxidized to sulfate while avoiding formation of a colloidal or bulk sulfur precipitate. A method for recycling oilfield waste water includes contacting oilfield waste water with an oxidizer in the presence of an iron catalyst, the oilfield waste water comprising sulfide; oxidizing the sulfide to sulfate; avoiding formation of a colloidal sulfur precipitate, a bulk sulfur precipitate, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing; clarifying the oilfield waste water by contacting the oilfield waste water with a flocculant to form an aggregate precipitate; separating the aggregate precipitate from the oilfield waste water to form a recycled water; combining an additive with the recycled water; and disposing the recycled water in a downhole environment. 1. A method for reducing sulfide in oilfield waste water , the method comprising:contacting oilfield waste water with an oxidizer in the presence of an iron catalyst, the oilfield waste water comprising sulfide;oxidizing the sulfide to sulfate; andavoiding formation of a colloidal sulfur precipitate, a bulk sulfur precipitate, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising clarifying the oilfield waste water by contacting the oilfield waste water with a coagulant claim 1 , a flocculant claim 1 , or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising separating claim 2 , from the oilfield waste water claim 2 , an aggregate precipitate formed by the coagulant claim 2 , the flocculant claim 2 , or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein contacting the oilfield waste water with the oxidizer comprises combining the oilfield waste water and the oxidizer in a flowing ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210387126A1

In one aspect, a material structure is disclosed, which includes a macroscopic porous substrate configured to receive a flow of a medium for passage of at least a portion thereof through the porous substrate. At least one porous coating is disposed on at least a portion of an inner surface of the porous substrate, wherein the porous coating comprises a matrix having a plurality of interconnected passages. The porous substrate and the coating are configured to treat at least one contaminant, if any, present in the flowing medium. 1. A material structure , comprising:a macroscopic porous substrate configured to receive a flow of a medium for passage of at least a portion thereof through the porous substrate,at least one porous coating disposed on at least a portion of an inner surface of said porous substrate,wherein said porous coating comprises a matrix having a plurality of interconnected passages, andwherein said macroscopic porous substrate and said coating are configured to treat at least one contaminant, if any, present said flowing medium.2. The material structure of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of an inner surface of at least one of said passages of the coating comprises an active site suitable for treating said contaminant.3. The material structure of claim 2 , wherein said active site comprises catalytically active material.4. The material structure of claim 3 , wherein said catalytically active material is any of a thermally claim 3 , photocatalytically and electro-catalytically active material.5. The material structure of claim 3 , wherein said catalytically active material comprises any of oxides claim 3 , mixed oxides claim 3 , mixed oxides of elements from one or more groups I claim 3 , II claim 3 , III claim 3 , IV V claim 3 , VI claim 3 , zeolites claim 3 , oxohydroxides claim 3 , aluminates claim 3 , silicates claim 3 , alumosilicates claim 3 , titanates claim 3 , oxometallates claim 3 , metal-organic frameworks claim 3 , vanadia claim 3 , ...
