Improvements in or connected with Guards for Planing Machines.
Реферат: 19,138. Cook, A. Sept. 5. Guards.-A curved guard E for a rotary woodplaning cutter is centrally slotted at F, and can slide, but not rotate, on the flange B of a round post A held by a screw L in a bracket K. The guard is secured to the post by washers H and a nut D. The bracket arm is forked, and its prongs embrace the holding-down bolts of one of the cutter-spindle bearings, and are gripped between the cap and a cover-plate, or are slotted or perforated to receive the holding-down bolts.
Improvement in elastic pitmen or connecting-rods
Номер патента: US172903A. Автор: . Владелец: . Дата публикации: 1876-02-01.