Improvements in Furnace Doors.
Реферат: 17,022. Scott, J. July 25. Doors. - Relates to hollow furnace doors of the kind through which air flows and becomes heated before passing into the furnace at a low level above the grate, and consists in providing such doors with a hollow axle communicating with the hollow door and having means for regulating and distributing the flow of air through the door. The form of door shown in Figs. 1 and 2 comprises an outer plate a and an inner baffle-plate b connected bv bolts c to form a chamber d communicating with the hollow axle l, the supply of air to which is controlled by adjustable disks p mounted in the balance weights n. The flow of air through the door is evenly distributed by a baffle-plate m, which is of increasing width towards its ends, and in addition, deflectors or baffles may be arranged transversely within the hollow axle. The door may be held in any desired position by a pin r which engages with holes in one of the balance weights. The air escapes from the chamber d through holes k. To prevent air from entering the furnace above or at the sides of the door, a covering-plate s, which forms a joint with a projecting lip t on the door axle, is mounted on the top of the door frame, and a bead or projecting strip against which the door closes is formed on the inner part of each side of the frame. In the modification shown in Fig. 6, the air supply through the axle is regulated by a rotary valve w, the forward edge of which is curved, as shown in Fig. 8, so that the communicating passage between the axle and door chamber is contracted at the ends. The air enters the furnace through apertures formed by slotting the lower wall of the door chamber and the lower edge of the plate b, the two sets of slots being out of register. ' Instead of admitting air direct from the stokehold into the hollow axle, air may be led to the axle from a space inside or outside the furnace front by conduits 2, as shown in Fig. 9, the conduits being formed with hollow bosses 2* which fit into openings in the balance weights n in line with the axle of the door. In applying the invention to a door mounted on a vertical axle, air is led to the axle by a conduit 2, Fig. 12, provided with a valve 5, and enters the chamber in the door, which is divided by a baffle 7 of increasing height towards the axle end of the door into two compartments. The air enters the outer compartments, passes over the baffle, and escapes from the inner compartment through perforations k. The door plate a is formed around the inner plate b with a recess containing asbestos tape or other packing which makes a tight joint with a flange on the door frame.
Improvements in Water-cooled Furnace Door Frames.
Номер патента: GB191208884A. Автор: Oliver Imray. Владелец: Individual. Дата публикации: 1912-08-08.