two components, which are arranged in at least two layers and are together pressed out which as a laminated filament and whose laminating is following partially broken open. The descriptive treatments produce a coincidental removal of laminating. One of the components is elastomer, while the other component is a hard polymere, and that Kompositmaterial is oriented.
After removal of the Lamiaierung and contraction the elastomers take the two components very different lengths in each entlaminierten zone, and the adjustment is distorted thereby into the form of a puffed structure. However the remaining connection places are very weak, if the original kompositäre filament were already entlaminiert in coincidental way.
In franz. Patentschri£ten Nr.1.576.177, NrA.576.178 and NrA.548.247 are manufactured einschichtige or multilevel filaments by a combination of together taking place pressing out in film form, lower parts of the sheets or films and splitting of the laminated structures up. With these procedures first a layer-like course is usually made many situations, which consist to each other of different components in stored temporarily relationship of several. The components are suitable for it, an easy Außpaltung to produce e.g. by a Reibbehandlnng or on the way that one of the components is out-broken or solved -, or that the two situations are from each other split in their bordering zones. It can be present a change in the thickness of the course or the sheet between the laminated broken apart zones and the connection places, and from there the final product can be e.g. more zweioder dreikomponentig a vielkomponentige fiber, with firm connections between the layers.
This is a very appropriate way to the production of many component fibers and filaments, in particular if more than two layers are present.
The partitioning of the laminate-like course can be favourably already implemented in the pressing out mechanism by means of partitionings, so that the press form will be leaving product a laminated filament or volume. On the other hand the partitioning can be accomplished also after the solidification of the course and just as well after the Ausspalten, e.g. by means of Nadelwalzen.
Regarding the splitting-up step (Entlaminierung) after these block letters the opinion is held that it can be of advantage, this fragmentation does not voilkommen to accomplish, but so that the product stays as a kind of network, since the ZusammenhangsteUen can facilitate the handling of the product. Anyhow the connections, which stay after these partial coincidental Entlaminierung, will be weakened connections.
The German laying out writing 1937426 teaches the production of laminated filaments, with which or two outside situations broke apart to short fibers. Hiebei a punkt£örmig welded, compound film is used as intermediate product. There however no Enflaminierung enters, since this compound film was never completely laminated.
Those the invention underlying idea is that in front-agitated effects of the partial Endaminierung can be produced be strengthened to a large extent or new favourable structures, if the partial Entlaminierung takes place after a suitable pre-determined sample instead of in coincidental way.
The invention concerns sohin a procedure for the production of a more faserf'damentoder film-like structure by common pressing of a majority characterized from bind-like layers out to the education of a continuous laminated multilayered structure and separation by paragraphs from layers from each other, thereby that the multilayered structure is coded for separation in pre-determined, in the distance places from each other lying along the length of the bind-like layers thereby that before the separation in the multilayered structure at least a zone with interrupted Klebeeigueschaften, lying between two layers, is trained.
It is well-known to laminate separated pressed out foils by means of point welding, but it is not well-known to make a laminating in parts as combination of multilevel pressing out with a definition of the SteUenanordnung and a Entlaminieren. The simple stop welding of separate foils exhibits anyhow repeated delimitations, in particular low speed, difficulties with the separate education of very thin foils and with the achievement of purify-hasty arrangements of the spotwelds and/or fine samples.
A Ausführtmgsform of the invention is characterized by that the zone is formed for coding by Mitauspressen by paragraphs of a river from sticking or separating material. This is a particularly simple way of the execution of the invention. The layers can remain partly still laminated, so that they can be partly entlaminiert, however, consist of incompatible with one another components, so that they abgespalten easily in their boundary layers from each other become can. The mitausgepraßte component by paragraphs can be in this case an adhesive between the mutually incompatible materials, which can be manufactured as an interrupted layer by supplying by paragraphs by means of a pulsating pump, a catch-push-like mechanism od.dgl. In order sharply set off interruptions too received, the material for this layer should be preferably expressed thixotrop.
This can be obtained by Beigabe by very finely gemahlenem propellant.
The layers, which partial is entlaminiert, to remain in addition, partly however laminated are to consist, can of compatible mutually with one another components or the same component, so that they are received with one another a firm connection. By paragraphs along-pressed out the component can be in this case a separation component, which than interrupted layer is formed. The separation component can be, as hief'ür admits, either a polymere, which with at least one of of the adjacent layers is incompatible, or a very fragile polymer material or a polymer material, which are very easily extractable, or a pressable paste, more tonoder loam-like substance, a which really polymere character does not have to exhibit.
After a further characteristic of the invention, whereby it does not play a role, whether the adjacent layers are against each other compatible or incompatible, can the Mitanspressen by paragraphs in form on-board on ends of a subdivided river take place, which consists of sticking and separating material in alternating sequence. This can produce sharper differences between the appropriate binding forces in many cases. Those in sections consequence can be produced again by pulsating pumps, slidegate valve-like mechanisms od.dgl.
The aforementioned execution forms have together that the Festlegnng or coding for the Entlaminierung is in distances, a part of the procedure of common pressing out. In addition, it is possible to specify the structure after completion of pressing out. A further execution form of the procedure after the invention is characterized by that., the zone is formed for coding in the structure thereby that first a continuous layer from a separation component, which is fragile in the solid state is to-pressed together with the remaining layers, then this layer after solidification in distances is broken and following the neighbouring layers over the broken ranges in contact to be brought with one another and in these ranges fusionbound. In this way the distances from firm and weak connection can be particularly short, also at high production speed. For example breaking can be rolled in distances through by zones distances between Zahnwalzen or - accomplished, and the Inberührungbringen and fusing of the neighbouring layers can take place via waves nnd warming up or via twisting and warming up. The surfaces, which are fusionbound, must consist however of identen or compatible with one another materials. It is best to-press small portions of continuous Klebstofflagen on one or both sides of the layers of the separation components. In order to avoid a melting or a destruction of the larger layers, while the firm gluing enters, the sticking component should preferably exhibit a lower fusion point than the thicker components. The fragile component can e.g. be a mixture from two incompatible and particularly rigid thermoplastic polymers.
In accordance with a further characteristic of the invention it can be proceeded in such a way that the zone is produced for the coding by common pressing of a passing layer out and change of its sticking characteristics in distances by chemical change, which by varied or irradiation by paragraphs is caused. This irradiation is preferably a jet or jets of accelerated electrons, and the changes can be caused by pulsating or filters of the irradiation. Although this Ausf'ührungsform of the invention requires expensive mechanisms, she is favourable in certain cases, in particular if short distances from adhesion and/or Endaminierung are demanded. In addition, the irradiation can be furnished to lead a reinforcement or a reduction of the connection firmness into the ways. Hief'ür should a suitable additive, as a Monomeres or a catalyst is preferably interfered, into the layer or absorbed in this. Thus the adhesion can be manufactured or strengthened by a suitable grafting polymerization between the originally incompatible polymers, and the decrease of the adhesion can be obtained by dismantling or reinforcement, e.g. by means of transverse networking.
As comes out from this, many layers can be pressed out together, and it is generally of advantage, some or many layers, whose everyone specifies a sample for a partial Entlaminierung to train. A special Ausf'ührungsform of the invention is characterized by that with education of different Codiernngszonen between them layers are pushed in which are suitable to produce a going through weak adhesion. This continuous weak connection brings the laminated structure to the Entlaminierung and forms several separate filaments or nets, against what the coding layers cause a partial splitting of the individual filaments or the net up. It is so possible to make several or many compound threads with relatively complicated and favourable structure of a together pressed out body. This Ausfährungsform is particularly in connection with the mentioned procedure suitable, with which the product a layer-like, liquid course manufactured first gebi! det.
The ways to the training of a combination of layers for the coding and layers as the continuous separation are the following:
If the codings are manufactured with the squeezing procedure, each layer is stopped in such a way that a continuous weak connection enters when continuous pressing out. If the codings are manufactured by following mechanical breaking, becomes everyone laminate, which is so adjusted that a continuous weak connection is produced, made of polymers, which is not particularly fragile and is not broken with the treatment.
The steered Endamlnierung, which is caused by the sample-moderate Festlegnng or coding, makes it further possible to give an individual “fraying” in the endaminierten zones the form from more zweioder mehrkomponentigen fibers to with which the components firmly together cling. I-Iiezu is characterized a performance form of the invention by that with training of different coding zones between them layers are pushed in which through-louse-end a strong connection form. This can be ausgefiilart in analogy to what was described in former times regarding additional switching on on of layers with continuous weak connections between the coded layers.
As mentioned, the principal purpose of the invention consists of adapting the structure of the £aserfilamentartigen or folien£örmigen structure for different purposes exactly. Over a filament too received with the best combination of elasticity and Schmiegsamkeit, simmered preferably three or more layers available its, which are in accumulations connected and between them entlaminiert (as mentioned, the ùFransen can exhibit " in the endaminierten parts the form of more components fibers).
In order to receive this structure, a Ausführungs£orm of the procedure according to invention is characterised by that with training of different coding zones the interruption by neighbouring coded layers in phase are brought.
Another desirable structure of the £aserfllamentartigen structure is the one regular net.
In order to receive this, a further Ausfiihrungs£orm marks itself by that with training of different coding zones the codings in successive layers err phase difference are with one another brought. In this form the invention is suitable fiir the production of (not-woven) Vliessto££en. In addition, combinations between the grnppenbildenden structure and the netlike structure can be manufactured.
Brit. Patent specification Nr.1, 172.669 describes a procedure for the production of a compound rohr£örmigen sheet, which exists to passing lamellas, which succeed mutually, whereby everyone takes the same an angle with the surface of the sheet and progressively itself essentially schranbenlinienförmäg in the tubular sheet extended. This laminated composition can be used as exit Pür a partial Au£spalten for a net. The invention can be used also with advantage on this procedure for the education of a regular net, preferably by means of the common extrusion by paragraphs of a separating and/or responsible component, whereby the reverse Ohereinstimmung is used between neighbouring interrupted lamellas.
The invention is more near described on the basis the designs, into which Fig.1 a production pattern Rir a preferential Ausf'ührungs£orm of the procedure, Fig.2 in schauhildlicher opinion an intermediate product, manufactured after the HersteUungsablau£ in accordance with after Fig.1, yields however before the Entlaminierung, Fig.3 in principle same the product, as in Fig.2, however the Endaminierung, Fig.4 a manufacture pattern fiir another Durchführnngsform of the procedure, Fig.5 a HersteUungsschema for a third Durchführungfform of the procedure, Fig.6, the process steps in accordance with Fig.5 continues to point out, an intermediate product consisting in schaubilcllicher opinion, Fig.7 a representation in principle of a new filament structure, of laminated and entlamlnierten, baUenförmigen sections and Fig.8 a look-figurative opinion of a lattice structure, which develops, if those Interruptions in neighbouring responsible layers in reverse agreement are, show.
In the Auspreßstu£e in Fig.1 a course should be preferably made from many layers of different components, which are between each other pushed in. The laminated structure is shown in Fig.2. I-Iiebel are also --! and 2-- the layers from the components available in larger mass designates, which are compatible with one another polymers, so that a good I-Iaftbindung of the layers enters with one another. With ---3--- the separation component, e.g. a polymere, is soft also --1-- and/or --2-- incompatibly is, characteristic. Preferably is --3--, in order to facilitate the Au£spalten, in addition a beard a polymere.
Finally should --3-- in order to guarantee an exact interruption, preferably expressed thixotrop in the liquid condition its, while it is pressed out. This reached by adding a fine propellant, e.g. kaolin, which is surface-treated, so that it disperses well in that polymers.
The expiration of manufacture in accordance with Fig.1 can be used either to be produced separate filaments or be made a net similar to in Fig.8 the shown in case of several preferably many) separated filaments of the subdivided course, must further durchlau£ende Endaminiernngszonen be present. In Fig.2 this is by the continuous layers --4-- from a separation component represented.
The common extrusion of many layers from several components, which are between each other geschachtelt, preferably becomes in the melted condition after in franz. Patent specification Nr.1.548.247 descriptive procedures accomplished. The same procedure is described also in an essay in the magazine textile Industries ", July 1969, pages 60 to 71. With this procedure the components side by side in repetitive consequence into a tubular Sammelkammer are pressed out and cut following, while they pass through by the chamber. Däs new one with the invention is that the separation component --3-- one zugefiJb_tt by paragraphs. This preferably happens by means of a fast moved closing valve, which behind the pressing out openings r the separation component --3-- for pressing out into the Sammdkammer is arranged.
In Fig.2 is the Trennschiehten --4-- as components of small mass represented. However this component can --4-- just that way well of larger mass its, which incompatibly with e.g. the component --1-- is, while the component --2-- a sticking component to be knows, which is present only in small portion and for it serves, in the finished filament the components --1 and 4-- to interconnect.
This case a separation will enter in levels, where the components --1 and 2-- with one another in direct contact are located.
The second step in Fig.2, i.e. dividing the course into laminated strips is implemented preferably by means of partitionings at the end of the Strangpreßkopfes, while the material is still in melted condition, afterwards the laminated thing in form of many volumes or thick filaments is extruded. This step is shown to patent specification Nr.1.576.178 in franz, and also in the above-mentioned essay in the magazine “Textile Industries”.
The third stage, i.e. orienting the strips is necessary, if a larger different contraction is desired, in addition, can after the step of the partial Entlaminierung (fragmentation) be accomplished.
The Entlaminieren (where interfaces are present) can be made usually best by means of rubbing e.g. in some stages between sentences by Gummiwalzen or rubber bands, which move with different speed, as it is shown in the USA Patentschrfft Nr.3, 427.654. In addition, the Endaminieren can suddenly enter by warming up or pouring, if the internal tensions caused by different shrinking are sufficient to cause the Entlaminierung.
In Fig.3 the structure was torn apart in accordance with Fig.2, e.g. by rubbing between rubber belts or aprons and it by different Sehrump£ung a Bausehigkeit adjusted itself.
95 the layers is in such a way arranged that the middle layer --2-- more shrinks than the two external layers --1--, which form hiebei loops. This “jumping up” can spontaneously by that outer one {splits to enter, if e.g. the layer --2-- of elastomers consists and can be received in other cases by warming up or Anquellen. The layers from the separation component --3 and 4--, which either the same component can be, which was brought in different way, or two different components are, here as further in the final product remaining and bind to other layers shown. They can be however also only loosely in the form of flakes connected or separate flakes in the manufactured mass from fiber-filament-like elements form, or they can be removed either by extracting or by a suction mechanism.
Dependent on the intended purpose the loops can be and more briefly or longer more or less pressed together. If the puffedness is the principal purpose, both the entlaminierten should and the laminated sections as briefly to be as practically possible, e.g. between 0,5 and 5mm, whereby the entlaminierten sections are measured in the astringent condition.
The filament shown in the designs extends in straight lines direction, it is however usually from advantage, dle structure more or less wendel£örmig to nachen, by means of an asymmetry in the thickness or the structure of the layers. Purpose of the helicalness is it to lend to the filament an elasticity and to make the loops in different directions distant. The structure can be compared with that of the individual Flaums of a feather/spring, which Flaum is provided by fine hair with a Bausch. The Schlanfenform Bau at the available filaments improved substantially the Widerstandsf'ähigkeit of the volume and the flat form of the schlaufigen layers improves the ability the same to remain in an upright situation the structure in the form of filaments, or in piles cut, is very suitable as feather/spring replacement in Pölstern u, dgl, in addition, around effects to receive similarly to the Chenillegarn. The thickness of each streffen£örmigen layer can lie e.g. between 0,002 and 0.02 mm, while those can be width between 0,01 and 0.5 mm.
The I-Ierstellungsahlauf shown in Fig.4 is similar to that in accordance with Fig.1, used however the extrusion by paragraphs of a Haftoder of adhesive in place of a separation component. Fig.2 is valid also for this case, if the layer --3-- as a Kleboder detention material and the layers --1 and 2-- as not with one another compatible polymers to be understood, which to separate itself, if the Schiehtung were brought and/or gerippelt in gestures the condition to binding. In this case certainly the continuous interfaces can --4-- are omitted, however in some cases will be perhaps favorable.
With in the Fig.5 and 6 Aus£ührungs£orm shown the establishment of the partial Entlaminierung on common pressing out is following accomplished. Apart from the fact that all layers are together pressed out as durchlanfende layers it is accomplished, the steps of the Sttangpressens and the partitioning of the course into laminates from strips, as in connection with the Fig.1 and 2 described.
Designate in Fig.6 --1 and 2-- the components with the larger masses, which are to be understood here as compatible materials. In addition, they can be incompatible with one another, however then Kleboder detention layers must be used, which are not shown. --5 and 6-- are two different separation components. The separation component --5-- soUte very fragilly in the solid state its, e.g. a mixture from two firm incompatible polymers, there both together (incompatibility and stiffness) contributes to make a pad material fragile. The layers --6--should on the other hand be less rigid, so that they can be drawn under conditions, under which the layers --5-- break.
According to pressing out and dividing the layers formed to foils into band-shaped strips, the layers become --5-- broken and the remaining layer thing in the zones --7-- stretched, whereby the layers --5-- going through essentially remain and the remaining part of the layer thing in the zones --8-- one leaves unverstreckt. The Känder between the two groups of zones is with interrupted lines --9-- indicated. This breaking in distances becomes preferably mittos Zahnwalzen or gear wheels od.ähnl. Mechanisms accomplished. The other layers from separation components --6-- do not have to be broken during this treatment.
At steep ones, where the layers --5-- broke, become the layers --1 and 2-- err with one another contact brought and fusionbind. This is possible with heating up and twisting. The laminated structure was specified now in its examination for the Endaminierung, in the zones, in which the layers --5-- during the earlier treatment stage was not broken and around the Entlaminierung to resist, where the layers --1 and 2-- by the refractions in the layer --5-- through one fused. The layers --6-- form further passing splitting-up levels. Again the last Endaminierung usually by Kippeln between rubber belts or aprons should be accomplished od.dgl.
Dependent e.g. on the Sprödheit of the layers --5-- and of the length of the zones --7-- breaking can take place on one from two kinds. Either each layer can --5-- a breaking open in each zone --7-- form and from all zones --7-- are removed, or each layer --5-- several Aufbrechungea can form and several islands from the separation component in each zone --7-- leave.
Endaminiert in latter case from there the laminated zones in reality will become partially, however in one very much fine mash tritowards way and a kind zellenstrnktur to form. In case of the components of the laminate with larger portion from different polymere materials exist, can the fine cells or honeycombs also the form of Außlühungen have and a relatively voluminösen section of the filament form. If the laminated foil or the filament, soft or which these brittle layers contains, kontinnierllch instead of only in distances, becomes the product is drawn after linen threads or Jollen and fusion binding by the Außrechungen through a such more zeHoder wabenförmige structure everywhere receive. This represents a suitable method for the production of zellularen filaments or foils, whereby a completely large advantage exists darrt that the cell walls are passing layers of even thickness.
In a drawable laminated structure further the shortness of the individual layers depends on their thickness. The Verstreckbarkeit takes to me removing thickness of these situations too and from there can the layers --5 and 6-- in certain Fäilen made of same polymers its. Hiebei is to be met precaution that the layers --6-- more thinly than the layers --5-- are.
The structure, which is shown in very the Fig.7 schematically held, is a further training from that to Fig.3. It consists those of a relatively high portion of band-shaped layers of two or more components, in the sections --10-- larniniert and in the sections --11-- with build-like appearance are endaminiert. The ball-like form results from the different kinds of layers, which shrank differently and which lie between each other, whereby them under Bezngnahme on the sections --! 0-- alternate generally each other. This new structure offers an unusual combination of softness, elasticity, thermal insulation and puffedness. The order of magnitude of the layers as well as the length of the zones should be soUten generally within the measures described in connection with Fig.3 to lie usually between 8 and 50 layers in each filament present and. An asymmetry can be brought in, so that the filaments pivot themselves helically.
The mentioned structure of the filaments can by means of each of the operational sequences, how into the Fig.! , 4 and is shown, to be reached, whereby a substantially higher number of between-lying layers than that number of durchiau£enden Außpaltebenen are used. It is clear that the interruptions must be with one another in over A HUMMINg. When cutting these filaments off for the purpose to stack it is usually favourable to control a cutting in such a way that the cuts go alone through the endaminierten sections.
Err Fig.8 became two stronger Komponentschichten --12 and 13-- together extruded together with an extrusion by paragraphs of layers from a detention material, like however with the Verfahreusablauf in accordance with Fig.4, with the special arrangement that neighbouring layers --14-- from the detention material in inverse adjustment became extruded, in order to specify the laminated structure on the “education of a regular net after the Endaminierung. In the same way faithful layers also by paragraphs can become extruded (S. Fig.1), if the inserting lie in to each other wrong order.
In the managing part the procedure according to invention was described in particular in connection with the production of fiber fflamentartigen products, although foils and sheet material, which partial at pre-determined distances was endaminiert, when possible intermediate products were mentioned. It must be however clear that due to the Schmiegsamkeit, puffedness and effects regarding an obliging/pleasing appearance such partially entlaminierte and preferably for bursting or jumping up Folienoder brought sheet materials with advantage as final products, e.g. as Umhüllungsmaterial to be used to be able.
B e i s p i e 1 1: This example describes the production of a yarn with netlike structure, by means of extrusion by paragraphs of a separation component from two different supply systems, which pulsate in different phase.
The used pressing out form corresponds in the essay in the magazine to “Textile the Industries” less form detailed from July 1969, pages 60 to 71 shown in is this mechanism also in Fig.5 in combination with Fig.7 franz. Patent specification Nr.1.576.178 shown. However the pressing out form so amended that three in place of two components into one another geschachtelt, extruded become. Eighty strips become at the same time extruded, whose each layer configuration possesses, as it in Fig.2 of the mentioned franz. Patent specification is represented.
Three extrusion are used, of which everyone delivers a separate layer material to the pressing out head. One supplies Polyamid-6, while the two different supply a Trennkomponentc, consisting of polystyrene, mixed with 10% of a commercial kind of kaolin, which was surface-treated for easy dispersion in Polyhydrocarbonen. Mixing is accomplished in a planet snail extrusion press before common pressing out. The purpose of the kaolin is to guarantee sharp interfaces. The Polyamid-6 as well as the mixed polystyrene have a melt-flow index of I according to ASTM D1238-62T condition K.
If the two different Zuf'ührsysteme for the separation component are named “September 1” and “September 2”, the sequence is in the formed layers the following:
September 1, PP, September 2, PP, September 1, PP, September 2….
Between everyone that extrusion for the separation component and the pressing out head is here a heated piston switched on. The piston stroke of each piston is variable and the two pistons moves synchronously in opposite direction. The vertical lifts are so adjusted that a certain interruption in everyone laminates the separation component is produced, but the interruptions are more briefly than the actual sections each interface.
Those achzig volumes of lameUarer form are pressed out downward into a Wasserbad, drawn immediately on it in a relationship of 3:1 and fibrilliert between rubber bands, how it brit in. Patent specification Nr.1, 155.961 is descriptive. Pulsating amounts to two per second, according to a distance from 16 cm in the finished yarn.
The arising lattice structure of the yarn makes for linen threads unnecessarily.
B e i s p i e 1 2: This example describes the use of the extrusion by paragraphs of Klebstofflagen and further the production of a yarn, which consists of successive Laminierungcn and Entlaminierungen, whereby the entlaminierten sections have relatively coincidental appearance, due to the different contraction of the different layers.
The same pressing out head as in is used the example 1, however with the following alterations:
a) a pulsating piston is used only for one of the three components; b) the layering for the three components is changed, so that a consequence is produced, which is indicated further down; c) the number of pressing out openings is increased of eighty on hundred one hundred.
The remaining HersteUungsablauf remains unchanged. The two larger components are Polyamid-6 and polypropylene with a mixing of 20% of high-density PL, whereby each forms components 45% of entire pressing out. At least 10% consist of by paragraphs pressed out the layers, which as adhesive to work and from copolymers of ethylen and Zn-acrylate (trade name Surlyn Z) are formed, which was mixed finely with 5% kaolin in the P1aneten-Schnecken-Strangpresse. All three components have a melt-flow index of 1 according to ASTM-D1238-62T, condition K. the consequence with the structure of the layer situations are the following: PP, adhesive, p.p., adhesive, PP, adhesive, p.p. Adhesive…. etc., but the adhesive each tenth intermediate phase between PP and polypropylene (p.p.) is omitted. The pressing out achievement, Verstreckgröfle, final yarn that and frequency of pulsating are the same as in the example 1. the arising distance between the coded consequences by means of the Pulsationen are 10 cm.
Finally the entlaminierten polypropylene layers by warming up to 104° are shrunk.
B e i s p i e 1 3: This example describes the coding after completion of pressing out. The manufactured structure is essentially as however in the example 2, with finer distances between the sections.
The used Auspreßkop£ is alike in principle as in the other examples, but amended to the use of four components from four different Extrudern.
The components are the following:
a) Polyamid-6 b) PP ll c) polystyrene and Polymethacrylat intimately mixed in the relationship 50/50 in a planet snail extrusion press d) polypropylene.
All components have a melt-flow index of 1 after ASTM D 1238-62T condition K.
The component c) is selected for the coding Klebnng/Nichtklebung, while the component d) for a continuous Nichtklebung is selected. With reference to Fig.6 the layer parts are stopped in such a way that the following consequence is produced:
D, A, C, b, C, A, D, A, C, b, C…. etc.
After pressing out, however before orienting the volumes of laminated form between parents sentence of Zatmwalzen go through, whereby the tooth pitch amounts to 3 mm. Hiebei are repeated broken the separation situations of c), while the other interfaces resist d) of the treatment.
Following each volume with a turn per cm in a FalschdraUverfahren is twisted, while it is heated up in a furnace on 190°C. Fusing enters thereby by the refractions through. After leaving the FalschdralIeinrichtung and dissolution of the spin each volume in the relationship becomes 2: 1 oriented and in filament eye structures anfgespalten, yield after the heat shrinking with ungeßhr 160°C generally the appearance in accordance with Fig.3 exhibit. Method of producing fibrous or sheet structure comprising melt coextruding a laminated structure comprising an assembly of two or more layers from polymeric material laminated together in intimate adherence with one another and simultaneously or subsequently so treating the assembly as to produce a regular pattern of areas of strong bonding separated by areas of weak or no bonding between the layers of the assembly. PAL A sheet or fibrous product comprising an assembly of three or more ribbon-like elements of polymeric material with adjacent elements bonded in face-to-face relationship at regular intervals along their length. PAL A sheet of fibrous product comprising three or more layers of polymeric material bonded to one another into an assembly at regular intervals along the length of the assembly and in which the or at least one of the inner layers of the assembly has a shorter surface length between adjacent bonds than the outer layers of the assembly, the outer layers thus having the form of loops. 1. Procedure for the production more £aserfilamentoder - film-like structure by common pressing of a majority from bind-like layers out to the education of a continuous laminated multilayered structure and separation by paragraphs from layers from each other, thereby characterized that the multilayered structure to the separation on vorbestimmtea, in the distance from each other lying places along the length bind pool of broadcasting corporations towards layers thereby is coded that forwards dern separation in the multilayered structure is trained at least a zone with interrupted sticking characteristics, lying between two layers. 2. Procedure according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the zone is formed for coding by Mitanspressen by paragraphs of a river from sticking or separating material. 3. Procedure according to requirement 2, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that under-test pressing out by paragraphs in form of a £ordau£enden river effected, which consists of sticking and separating material in alternating sequence. 4. Procedure according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t - that the zone is formed for coding in the structure thereby that first a continuous layer from a separation component, which is fragile in the solid state is pressed out together with the remaining layers, then these layer after solidification in distances to be broken and following the neighbouring layers over the broken ranges in contact be brought with one another and in these enriched fusionbound.
Procedure according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the zone is produced for the coding by common pressing of a durcMaufenden layer out and change of its sticking characteristics in distances by chemical change, which by varied or irradiation by paragraphs is caused. 6. Procedure according to requirement. 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that with education of different coding zones between them layers are pushed in which are suitable to produce a going through weak adhesion. 7. Procedure according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that with training of different coding zones between them layers are pushed in which form going through a strong connection. 8. Procedure according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that with training of different coding zones the interruptions are brought by neighbouring coded layers in phase. 9. Procedure according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that with training of different coding zones the codings are brought with one another in successive layers in phase difference.