(19) AUSTRALIAN PATENT OFFICE (54) Title METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRANSFORMING ADAPTIVELY VISUAL CONTENTS ACCORDING TO USER'S SYMPTOM CHARACTERISTICS OF LOW VISION IMPAIRMENT AND USER'S PRESENTATION PREFERENCES (51)e(21)(87)(30) (31) (43) (43) (71) (72) International Patent Classification(s) G06F 017/00 (22) Application Date: 2003.10.15 Application No: 2003269542 WIPONo: WO04/036447 Priority Data (33) Country KR Number(32) Date 10-2002-0063153 2002.10.16 Publication Date :2004.05.04 Publication Journal Date : 2004.06.10 Applicant(s) ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH INSTITUTE Inventor(s) RO, Yong-Man; NAM, Je-ho; KIM, Jin-Woong; KIM, Cheon-Seog; HONG, Jin-Woo; YANG, Seung-Ji Disclosed are a method and a system that could adaptively improve the visual quality of people with low-vision impairment, regardless of network and terminal. The low-vision impairment is described by a set of "symptoms" that is semantically defined. As the description tool of low vision impairments, it is flexible and reliable to use the proposed "symptoms" based descriptions rather than individually identified names of eye disease, because the user can describe his/her low-vision impairment by specifying associated symptoms based on his/her own experience. The inputted visual contents are adaptively transformed according to the low vision-impairment. What Is Claimed Is: 1. A method for adapting visual contents to user's low-vision impairment symptom and presentation preferences, comprising the steps of: receiving visual contents; accepting information about the user's low-vision impairment symptom and presentation preferences and describing the information in a standardized description structure; adapting the received visual contents through a method selected according to the information; and displaying the adapted visual contents to the user.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information about the user's low-vision impairment symptom includes at least one of information of indicating whether or not left and right eyes of the user are blind, left and right visions of the user, and the kind of the low-vision impairment symptom of the user.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information about the user's low-vision impairment symptom includes a textual or numerical descriptor that describes a degree of the user's low-vision impairment symptom.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information about the user's low-vision impairment symptom includes at least one selected from the group consisting of a degree of"loss of fine detail", a degree of"lack of <Desc/Clms Page number 21> contrast", a degree of"light sensitivity", a degree of "need of light", a degree of"loss of peripheral vision field", a degree of"loss of central vision field"and a degree of"loss of half field of vision".
5. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information about the user's presentation preferences includes user's contents resource priority preference.
6. The method as claimed in claim 5, wherein the contents resource priority preference has a modality priority preference and a genre priority preference.
7. The method as claimed in claim 5, wherein the contents resource priority preference has an object priority preference.
8. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the step of adapting the visual contents is carried out through at least one technique selected according to the user information from contrast control, sharpness control, brightness control, glare reduction, adjustment of image size, presentation priority and modality transformation.
9. A method for adapting visual contents to user's low-vision impairment symptom, comprising the steps of: receiving visual contents; accepting information about the user's low-vision impairment symptom and describing the information in a standardized description structure; <Desc/Clms Page number 22> adapting the received visual contents according to the user information having the standardized description structure; and displaying the adapted visual contents to the user.
10. The method as claimed in claim 9, wherein the information about the user's low-vision impairment symptom includes at least one selected from the group consisting of a degree of"loss of fine detail", a degree of"lack of contrast", a degree of"light sensitivity", a degree of "need of light", a degree of"loss of peripheral vision field", a degree of"loss of central vision field"and a degree of"loss of half field of vision".
11. A method for adapting visual contents to user's presentation preferences, comprising the steps of: receiving visual contents; accepting information about the user's presentation preferences and describing the information in a standardized description structure; adapting the received visual contents according to the user information having the standardized description structure; and displaying the adapted visual contents to the user.
12. The method as claimed in claim 11, wherein the information about user's presentation preferences includes user's contents resource priority preference.
13. The method as claimed in claim 12, wherein the <Desc/Clms Page number 23> contents resource priority preference has a modality priority preference and a genre priority preference.
14. A system for adapting visual contents to user's low-vision impairment symptom and presentation preferences, comprising: means for receiving visual contents ; means for accepting information about the user's lowvision impairment symptom and presentation preferences and storing the information in a standardized description structure; means for adapting the received visual contents through a method selected according to the'information ; and means for displaying the adapted visual contents to the user.
15. The system as claimed in claim 14, wherein the information about the user's low-vision impairment symptom includes at least one selected from the group consisting of a degree of"loss of fine detail", a degree of"lack of contrast", a degree of"light sensitivity", a degree of "need of light", a degree of"loss of peripheral vision field", a degree of"loss of central vision field"and a degree of"loss of half field of vision".
16. The system as claimed in claim 14, wherein the information about user's presentation preferences includes a user's contents resource priority preference.
17. The system as claimed in claim 14, wherein the <Desc/Clms Page number 24> means for adapting the visual contents carries out at least one technique selected according to the user information from contrast control, sharpness control, brightness control, glare reduction, adjustment of image size, presentation priority and modality transformation.