Improved Means for Storing Hydrocarbon and other Liquids.
Реферат: 24,114. Smith, J. Nov. 15. Liquid levels, regulating and indicating.-Tanks for hydrocarbon and other liquids are constructed so that the liquid is displaced by a heavier liquid,- in ordinary cases, water. Fig. 1 shows the application of the invention to a ship's tank. The main tank a is provided with a vertical tube b, open at the bottom and communicating with the top of the tank through holes e. Water can be admitted to the bottom of the tank through a pipe g in sufficient quantity to raise the oil level in the tube b above a draw-off cock f. This water may be supplied from a circulating-pump through a pipe h regulated by a cock, or a direct communication may be made from the bottom of the tank to the outside of the vessel. With the arrangement shown in Fig. 1, an overflow j with a non-return valve k is provided. The tank may be filled from outside the vessel by a pipe l. The top of the tube b is provided with a glass cover d, and an indicating-arrangement q, worked by a float n, shows the level of the water. In tanks for domestic purposes, the displacing water may be supplied from the house cistern, or from other suitable source.
Atherectomy device having trapping and excising means for removal of plaque from the aorta and other arteries
Номер патента: US5662671A. Автор: John McKenzie,Denise Barbut,Giovanni Pastrone,James M. Sellers,Robert Rizzari,Jonathan D. Root. Владелец: Embol X Inc. Дата публикации: 1997-09-02.