Process for the manufacture of articles out of rubber not vulcanized and produced new resulting from this process
FRENCH REPUBLIC. DIRECTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. 3,-Tableware. leather, horn objects, in celluloid, andc. [...] 600,265 MM. Arnold [...] Frans VAN DER MARK and Hein [...] residing to the turmeric Dutch Oriental. Demanded 2 July 1925,h 12 to 13m, to Paris. (Patent application deposited in The Netherlands 11 July iga 4. -Declaration Applicants found.) A method for the production of rubber articles non- vulcanized, and the articles made in unvulcanized rubber. Until there is little time, the rubber unvulcanized was put on the market that under some forms and especially as crepe, sheet, etc, smoked or otherwise prepared or not. For this purpose. the latex of the rubber tree was coagulated, after which the [...] was supplied to the forms mentioned above, by example by lamination with rollers. It Is a was prepared such that the product merchant well known, especially for as a raw material for the production goods, which the [...] - hand was applied. The invention involves producing of a large number of such articles of consump- hensive, without vulcanization, from the product unvulcanized, and can also be employed to pre- trimming a product for use as a raw material from the latex. According to the invention, prepared or workpieces in the form of capabilities or containers closed or open, from the [...], fresh preferably, plastic or rubber, after which the walls of the containers are stretched and brought to the shape of thin membranes to the hub of a pressure or vacuum, formed with the aid of a gaseous medium, liquid or solid. It has already been proposed to use the non-vulcanized rubber in the form of relatively thick layers, for applications, such as for the manufacture of soles, but it has not been proposed [...]' herein preparation of articles of consumption through the formation of thin membranes, as is the object of the present invention, from unvulcanized rubber. II is known that plantations of rubber trees, the latex is, preferably by means of an acid, coagulated in cuvettes fixed size, after which the coagulated mass is supplied as a sheet thinner and more solid, of a thickness of. about I to 2 mm, by means of a roller. II was not possible to obtain a thinner foil, since the coagulum is susceptible to crack beyond the boundary [...] above, while further rolling repeated using the roller is not economical. The sheets are then typically provided with a pattern, the booklet Price: 2 francs. 2 [600,2651 tabletting, leather, andc. generally [...] and are then [...] in the * [...], Lut ee treatment of dry the rubber and further protect it somewhat against the 5 mold growth. H is also known effecting coagulation of the latex in a large container and then the. cut or Removing into pieces or pieces " subsequently to cause these parts to the crepe i o form between rollers mechanically actuated. Celt [...] crepe by stretching and flatten the coagulum and then pass between the other rollers spline shallower, and finally i 5 calendering the, flattened between smooth rollers, [...] coherent mass to the desired shape of crepe, after which mass is than [...] naturally occurring or artificial in the [...]. 20 For the preparation of the sheets is pancakes, of larger installations are necessary for formation of the crepe, while further is used of [...] and dryer, since slowly drying the sheet and a to the crepe, there is a risk that mold thereof. It is known agglomerate fresh raw rubber by pressure; this method has been already applied for the preparation of [...] o and homo- 3 gene for the manufacture of articles made of rubber. This procedure has also been applied in the production of hollow articles of [...], for example balls, slum that in [...] time is 35 ga Application of the present invention avoids the aforementioned drawbacks, and 45 that it does not further requires costly equipment. The coagulum, preferably freshly prepared and therefore still wet, has in this state, as is known, striking o k 5 property of providing high coherence by a simple compression, As a result, by placing one on the other of the parts of a sheet or two or more of these sheets, can promote adhesion between the edges by compression. If, for example this compression is not exerted on the portions of these edges or less large, the [...] or will not occur at these locations, and it will be possible to utilise these locations open for introduction of gaseous medium, liquid or solid, between the portions or foils applied against each other. Furthermore, in accordance with the present invention, one or more sheets may be arranged an top of a chamber in which can be evacuated, after which, by suction in [...] the gaseous medium, the at least one sheet, being ductile, will form a capacitance or open container. To explain the method of the present invention, it should be noted the following: If, for example, the edges of two sheets freshly prepared Tun are joined to each other such that in a certain position the junction is not performed, can be injected at that location a gaseous medium between the sheets naked means of a air pump or the like. It should be taking care in this case suitably apply the opening around the duct [...][...] gas, which may be done in a very simple manner. For insufflation or gas pumping, the sheets applied against each other will be drawn, since in this form the product is very [...] complete by a junction, the edges seal the container formed thereof. Depending on the quantity and the pressure of the air blown, or can increase ductility k walls such that the walls become very thin membranes (pure example of a thickness corresponding to fractions of a millimeter), while remaining intact [...] and airtight" Once, in this manner, or by injection, or by suction from a gaseous medium, a container or capacity, and that the rubber walls have been stretched to the desired degree, may be dried very [...] the [...] in this state, even without artificial heating (if necessary after removal of 1st line supplying the gas of the container, formed and after having closed the opening In this way, is obtained, in a very short time, a container or capacity open or closed, the walls of which are rubber sec, 5 and which may later be used as a raw material, is using this closed container as such. is using the thin walls of the container (after having released the entrapped air), or by using the apparatus [...] o open further defined by said walls. According to the invention, the open container, closed or may receive such a shape that it corresponds to the shape of the desired article. iI s has result is that, to a certain [...], the shape of the walls may vary also. since this form depends on the shape of the rubber receptacle, and also since after allowed to escape gas 3o, these rubber walls contract not significantly The containers open or closed rubber, or _ the membranes or obtained thin walls thereof, may, -35 inciples accordance with the present invention, be used in a variety of ways. Therefore, for example, it is possible to manufacture at [...] of the closed vessel a ball playing, or by means of the open container a bathing cap, and to the means of the diaphragms a cover sheet is the like. Furthermore, it has been found that it can be painted, for coloring or decoration otherwise the thin rubber walls 45 and the rubber receptacle itself, or reinforce the cover and by other materials, for a variety of purposes. The articles may also be colored by adding the coloring material already latex. 5o caking materials may further optionally be added to the latex. According to the intended use the article to be produced, the container can be enhanced and the membranes separately in a variety of ways, both as to the [...][...], by wrapping around, eri covering [...] by coating the container or the membranes of different materials and many ways. Finally, the thin walls are highly likely to be subjected to a cold vulcanizing, or by combinations of sulfur chlorides, or sulfurous [...] and hydrogen sulfide. Eu addition, [...] h method according to is extraordinarily adapted to the manufacture of a product, raw material, quick-drying, from the latex, without employing costly equipment., as is the case for the product currently on the market in the form of a pancake or sheet. In this way, it is also possible to prepare the raw material for the manufacture of the " blanket crepe 55 (i.e. crepe 1/2 Box thick to 1 cm., after transformed with thin membranes dry for this purpose. Eraser a result of the simple method of preparing, it will be possible to market, as for the wholesale, various articles made according to any [...]. II is no need to freshly prepared from coagulum or sheets freshly prepared, since the same process may be applied to a coagulum that is not in the fresh state, or rubber-plastic, if the edges are pressed against each other, or if Ton takes care obtain, otherwise, an air-tight seal between the sheets or parts thereof. The thin membranes unvulcanised can, in particular, be used as a packing material for goods, requiring a sealed insulation for transporting and storing, without coming into contact with sulfur or sulfur compounds. [...]. The aim of the invention is: ° A. 1 process for manufacturing articles unvulcanized rubber, is provided by molding the capabilities or closed or open containers from 4 [600.265] tabletting, leather, andc. coagulum, preferably [...] ! prepared, rubber or plastic, and stretches the walls of these capabilities or containers to obtain thin membranes, at means of pressure or a vacuum, generated using a gaseous medium, liquid or solid. has " Since new industrial products, articles unvulcanized rubber, characterized by walls supplied by state drawing of thin membranes, obtained from capabilities or open containers or closed, by pressure or by vacuum. Arnold [...] Frans VAN DER MARK and Hein [...]. Proxy eroism For El [...][...] elder. For the [...] rio, [...]. is [...] J' [...] to Nationair. 97, for the Convention. Paris (15" |. Ministry of commerce and industry.
XX.-Articles of Paris and industries.
A method for the production of rubber articles and unvulcanized novel products resulting from this process.