X=ray film identification data recording device - illuminates identification card during retraction of shutter incorporated in X=ray film cassette
Реферат: The device for an X-ray film, contained within a cassette, controls the movable shutter covering the part of the X-ray film onto which the data is to be recorded. It has a light-tight housing (8) into which the identification card carrying the data is introduced and which is subsequently illuminated while the shutter is retracted, to permit the data on the X-ray film. The housing (8) has a plate (16) with an opening (15) to the right of that in the cassette, with a movable slider (25) pivoted into cooperation with the shutter and slid to allow the shutter to be retracted.
X-ray film identification
Номер патента: GB1355854A. Автор: . Владелец: England I A. Дата публикации: 1974-06-05.