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10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2540453C2

Группа изобретений касается микроскопа, способного получать цифровое изображение, имеющее небольшую размытость даже в случае использования широкоугольного объектива с высокой разрешающей способностью. Устройство включает в себя осветительное устройство, оптическую систему для фокусировки изображения объекта и устройство формирования изображения для захвата изображения объекта. При этом устройство формирования изображения включает в себя множество блоков формирования изображения. Каждый из блоков формирования изображения включает в себя датчик изображения и механизм перемещения для перемещения датчика изображения. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 26 ил.

30-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718149C2

Изобретение относится к цифровой патологии. Для того чтобы обеспечить расширенное использование доступного излучения визуализации, предусмотрен сканер (10) для цифровой патологии, который содержит компоновку (12) излучения, которая содержит блок (40) освещения с источником света, устройство (14) приема образцов, оптическую (16) компоновку и блок (18) датчика. Источник света (20) предоставляет электромагнитное излучение (22) для облучения образца, принятого устройством приема образцов. Оптическая компоновка содержит по меньшей мере одно из группы, состоящей из: линзы (24) и фильтра (26), которые размещены между устройством приема образцов и блоком датчика. Оптическая компоновка сконфигурирована для режима трансмиссионного освещения для сканирования в режиме светлого поля, в котором свет от блока освещения передается через образец, удерживаемый на устройстве (14) приема образцов, и затем - непосредственно к блоку датчика, который выполнен с возможностью предоставления данных изображения облученного ...

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011146936A

... 1. Способ определения местоположения образца ткани, по существу, круглой формы, размещенного на твердом носителе, включающий:подачу света заданной длины волны на образец ткани, в котором этот свет вызывает автофлуоресценцию;идентификацию местоположения центра образца ткани на основе автофлуоресцентного света;корреляцию координат местоположения центра образца ткани на твердом носителе на основе двумерной системы координат; исоставление карты координат образца ткани на твердом носителе для различения областей, содержащих образец ткани, и незаполненных областей на твердом носителе.2. Способ по п.1, в котором этап идентификации включает захват автофлуоресцентного света от образца ткани для создания его цифрового изображения.3. Способ по п.1, в котором этап корреляции включает оценивание пиксельных значений автофлуоресцентного света от образца ткани.4. Способ по п.3, в котором оценивание пиксельных значений включает преобразование пространственной пиксельной информации цифрового изображения ...

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Hochauflösendes Mikroskop und Bildteileranordnung

Номер: DE102009060490A1

Mikroskop mit einem Beleuchtungsstrahlengang mit einer Weitfeldbeleuchtung einer Probe und einem ersten Detektionsstrahlengang mit einem ortsaufgelösten Flächenempfänger, auf den ein erster Teil des von der Probe kommenden Detektionslichtes über den ersten Detektionsstrahlengang gelangt oder Bildteileranordnung für ein Mikroskop wobei zur Verlängerung der optischen Weglänge mindestens ein zweiter Teil des von der Probe kommenden Detektionslichtes aus dem Detektionsstrahlengang ausgeblendet ist und über Umlenkmittel zum Detektionsstrahlengang mindestens in einem zweiten Detektionsstrahlengang geführt ist und vorzugsweise über weitere Umlenkmittel in Richtung der Detektion so zurückgelenkt wird, dass auf dem Flächenempfänger nebeneinander mindestens zwei Teilgebiete mit Detektionslicht beaufschlagt sind, wobei mindestens der zweite Teil des Detektionslichtes zumindest teilweise zur Verlängerung der optischen Weglänge in einem optischen Element mit gegenüber dem ersten Detektionsstrahlengang ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Mikroskopbeleuchtungsanordnung zur strukturierten Beleuchtung

Номер: DE102016117803A1

Es wird ein Mikroskop (1) mit einer einen Auflichtbeleuchtungsstrahlengang (11) mit einer optischen Achse (12) definierenden Weitfeld-Auflichteinheit (10), mit einer digitalen Bildaufnahmeeinheit (40) und mit einer Steuereinheit (50), wobei in den Beleuchtungsstrahlengang (11) eine Leuchtfeldblende eingebracht ist, die als ein auf Grundlage einer Positionsvorgabe der Steuereinheit (50) mittels eines Antriebs (18) durch Drehen um eine parallel zu der optischen Achse (12) liegende Rotationsachse (17) in unterschiedlichen Winkelstellungen positionierbares Blendenrad (100) ausgebildet ist ist, vorgeschlagen. Es ist vorgesehen, dass das Blendenrad (100) eine oder mehrere Strukturblenden trägt, die derart ausgebildet und auf dem Blendenrad (100) angeordnet ist oder sind, dass durch deren Beleuchten mittels einer Lichtquelle (13) der Weitfeld-Auflichteinheit (10) bei zwei oder mehr der unterschiedlichen Winkelstellungen durch Rotation oder Translation zumindest teilweise ineinander überführbare ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

System für das stereoskopische Visualisieren eines Objektbereichs

Номер: DE102017109021A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System (10(1), 10(2), 10(3), 10(4), 10(5), 10(6)) zum Visualisieren eines Objektbereichs (12), mit einer elektronischen Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16), mit einer Optikbaugruppe (18), die einen ersten optischen Kanal (32) für einen den Objektbereich (12) auf einer ersten Sensorfläche (68, 70, 72) oder mehreren ersten Sensorflächen (68, 70, 72) der Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16) abbildenden ersten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30) und einen zweiten optischen Kanal (32') für einen den Objektbereich (12) auf einer zweiten Sensorfläche (68') oder mehreren zweiten Sensorflächen (68', 70', 72') der Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16) abbildenden zweiten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30') bereitstellt und die ein Mikroskop-Hauptobjektivsystem (20) enthält, das von dem ersten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30) und dem zweiten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30') durchsetzt ist, mit einer ersten Bilderzeugungseinrichtung (74) zum Visualisieren des Objektbereichs (12) für eine erste Beobachtungsperson ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und Mikroskop zur hochauflösenden Abbildung mittels SIM

Номер: DE102015116598A1

Zur hochauflösenden Mikroskopie ist vorgesehen ein Verfahren zur hochauflösenden Mikroskopie einer Probe (2), wobei (a) auf der Probe (2) eine Beleuchtungsintensitätsverteilung erzeugt wird, die Streifen geringerer Intensität aufweist, und die derart angeregte, fluoreszierende Probe (2) abgebildet wird, (b) die Lage der Streifen auf der Probe (2) variiert wird und ein Satz an Einzelbildern mit verschiedenen Lagen der Streifen erzeugt wird, und (c) aus dem Satz an Einzelbildern ein hochaufgelöstes Bild eines Bereiches der Probe (2) erzeugt wird, wobei im Schritt (a) die Beleuchtungsstrahlung auf der Probe (2) zu einer Beleuchtungslinie (14) gebündelt wird und die Probe (2) mit der Beleuchtungsstrahlung (5) zeilenweise (21a–21d) abgescannt wird, so dass die Streifen geringerer Intensität an Übergängen von benachbarten Zeilen (21a–21d) entstehen, im Schritt (b) der beleuchtete Fleck (14) der Probe (2) descannt und damit ruhend in ein Fleckbild (17) abgebildet wird, wobei eine Intensitätsverteilung ...

10-01-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung eines Bildes einer dünnen Schicht eines Objekts

Номер: DE102006031177A1

Bei einem Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines Bildes einer Schicht eines Objekts (4) mittels einer Weitfeldoptik (5) auf einem ortsauflösenden Detektor (6), wird das Objekt (4) in wenigstens einer Objektebene (3) mit wenigstens zwei binären Beleuchtungsmustern (26, 27; 33, 34) fokussiert beleuchtet und für jedes der Beleuchtungsmuster (26, 27; 33, 34) werden entsprechende Bilder erfaßt, wobei die Beleuchtungsmuster (26, 27; 33, 34) jeweils Dunkelbereiche (27; 34) und Hellbereiche (26; 33) aufweisen, von denen die Hellbereiche und/oder die Dunkelbereiche bei Überlagerung der Beleuchtungsmuster (26, 27; 33, 34) das Objekt (4) vollständig überdecken. Aus den erfaßten Bildern wird ein Schichtbild ermittelt, das Teilsegmente umfaßt, die jeweils einen Teilbereich des Objekts (4) wiedergeben, der so innerhalb eines Hellbereichs eines der verwendeten Beleuchtungsmuster liegt, daß dessen Ränder von den Rändern des Hellbereichs um wenigstens einen vorgegebenen Mindestabstand beabstandet sind und die jeweils ...

31-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102010061167B3

Beschrieben ist ein Mikroskoptisch (14) mit einer Tischplatte (16), einem auf der Tischplatte (16) aufliegenden Probenträger (18) und einer Positioniereinrichtung (20) zum Bewegen des Probenträgers (18) in einer zur Tischplatte (16) parallelen Verstellebene. Der Mikroskoptisch (14) weist eine Positioniereinrichtung (20) mit zwei mechanisch voneinander entkoppelten Verstellvorrichtungen (34, 36) auf, von denen eine erste Verstellvorrichtung (34) ausgebildet ist, den Probenträger (18) längs einer ersten Achse in der Verstellebene zu bewegen, und eine zweite Verstellvorrichtung (36) ausgebildet ist, den Probenträger (18) längs einer zweiten Achse quer zur ersten Achse in der Verstellebene zu bewegen.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Mikroskopische Einrichtung und Verfahren zur dreidimensionalen Lokalisierung von punktförmigen Objekten in einer Probe

Номер: DE102011055294A1

Beschrieben ist eine mikroskopische Einrichtung (100) zur dreidimensionalen Lokalisierung von punktförmigen Objekten, umfassend eine Detektionsoptik (36, 108), die in punktförmige Objekte (30, 114) jeweils in Form einer dreidimensionalen Fokuslichtverteilung in einen Bildraum abbildet, eine Farbtrennvorrichtung (126), die das Licht in mindestens zwei separate Lichtbündel teilt, deren Lichtwellenlängen in unterschiedlichen Wellenlängenbereichen liegen, mindestens zwei in dem Bildraum angeordnete Detektoreinheiten (146, 148), von denen eine Detektoreinheit das eine der beiden Lichtbündel und die andere Detektoreinheit das andere der beiden Lichtbündel empfängt, wobei jede Detektoreinheit (146, 148) eine Detektionsfläche (38, 150, 152) zum Erfassen von Lichtflecken (42) aufweist, eine Auswerteeinheit (154), die durch Auswerten des jeweiligen auf der jeweiligen Detektionsfläche (38, 150, 152) erfassten Lichtflecks (42) eine laterale x-y-Position des zugehörigen punktförmigen Objektes (30, 114 ...

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Scanneransteuerung in mindestens einer Scanachse in einem Laser-Scanning-Mikroskop

Номер: DE0010359734A1

Verfahren zur Scanneransteuerung in mindestens einer Scanachse in einem Laser-Scanning-Mikroskop, wobei das Scanfeld in Teilbereiche unterteilt wird, wobei ein von einem Hinscan erzeugtes erstes Bild mindestens eines Teilbereiches mit einem von einem Rückscan erzeugten zweiten Bild des Teilbereiches verglichen wird und aus der Abweichung zwischen erstem und zweitem Bild ein Korrekturwert für die Scanneransteuerung bestimmt wird.

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Lichtmikroskopisches Verfahren zur Lokalisierung von Punktobjekten

Номер: DE102013102988A1

Beschrieben ist ein lichtmikroskopisches Verfahren zur Lokalisierung von Punktobjekten in einer Probe (76), bei dem die Probe (76) mittels einer Abbildungsoptik (70) auf einen Detektor (14, 56) abgebildet wird, und die in der Probe (76) enthaltenen Punktobjekte innerhalb des Schärfentiefenbereichs (78) lokalisiert werden, indem ein erstes Probenbild, das durch die Abbildung der Probe (76) auf dem Detektor (14, 56) erzeugt wird, ausgewertet wird. Zur Lokalisierung des jeweiligen Punktobjektes in Richtung der optischen Achse (O) wird eine Kenngröße (d) eines das Punktobjekt darstellenden Lichtflecks (38, 40, 42, 44, 60) des ersten Probenbildes ermittelt und dieser Kenngröße (d) in Abhängigkeit einer vorbestimmten Zuordnungsinformation eine auf das Punktobjekt bezogene axiale z-Position zugeordnet. Der Schärfentiefenbereich (78) wird relativ zur Probe (76) längs der optischen Achse (O) um einen vorbestimmten axialen Verstellweg verschoben wird, der kleiner als die axiale Ausdehnung (t) des ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Winkelselektive Beleuchtung

Номер: DE102016116311A1

Eine optische Vorrichtung umfasst ein Beleuchtungsmodul (100) mit einem Träger (110), der beispielsweise mindestens einen lichtdurchlässigen Bereich (112) aufweist. Das Beleuchtungsmodul (100) umfasst mehrere Lichtquellen (111), die auf dem Träger (110) angeordnet sind.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Winkelvariable Beleuchtung zur Phasenkontrast-Bildgebung mit Absorptionsfilter

Номер: DE102019100419A1

Ein System (90) umfasst ein Mikroskop (100) mit einem Beleuchtungsmodul (111), einem Probenhalter (113), einem Detektor (114) und einer zwischen dem Probenhalter (113) und dem Detektor (114) angeordneten Abbildungsoptik (112). Das System umfasst auch mindestens eine Recheneinheit (115), die eingerichtet ist, um das Beleuchtungsmodul (111) anzusteuern, um ein Probenobjekt (390) mit Licht aus mehreren Beleuchtungsrichtungen (700-703, 381, 382) zu beleuchten, und um den Detektor (114) anzusteuern, um Bilder zu erfassen, die jeweils einer der mehreren Beleuchtungsrichtungen (700-703, 381, 382) entsprechen. Das System umfasst ferner einen Absorptionsfilter (800), der in der Abbildungsoptik (112) angeordnet ist und der eine ortsabhängige Absorptionsrate (810) aufweist.

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Mikroskop und Verfahren zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung großer Proben

Номер: DE102018222876A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Mikroskop (1), insbesondere zum Lichtblattmikroskop (3) umgebautes Konfokalmikroskop (4), umfassend einen Mikroskopkorpus (5), eine mechanische Aufnahmevorrichtung (7) für Mikroskopobjektive, durch die hindurch sich ein Mikroskopstrahlengang (9) erstreckt, und ein an der Aufnahmevorrichtung (7) anbringbares optisches Modul (11) zur Beleuchtung eines Probenvolumens (13) und zum Aufsammeln und Weiterleiten von Licht (15) aus dem Probenvolumen (13), wobei das optische Modul (11) aufweist: eine erste optische Anordnung (17) mit einem ersten Strahlengang (19); eine zweite optische Anordnung (21) mit einem zweiten, den ersten Strahlengang (19) im Probenvolumen (13) schneidenden Strahlengang (23); einen optischer Strahlengangselektor (25), welcher den ersten Strahlengang (19) und/oder den zweiten Strahlengang (23) mit dem Mikroskopstrahlengang (9) zusammenführt; und ein Vorsatzelement (27) zwischen der ersten (17) oder zweiten optischen Anordnung (21) und dem Probenvolumen ...

03-12-2009 дата публикации

Spatial resolution imaging of structure of interest in specimen involves marking specimen structure, imaging the specimen, exposing the specimen to light, registering the fluorescent light and determining position of molecules of substance

Номер: DE102008024568A1

High spatial resolution imaging of a structure of interest in a specimen (102) involves selecting substance, which can be excited by light (103); marking the specimen's structure of interest with molecules of the substance; imaging the specimen onto a sensor array; exposing the specimen to the light of the one wavelength; registering the fluorescent light which is spontaneously emitted from the region of molecules; and determining the position in the specimen of the molecules of the substance, where the first and the second state are different electronic states of substance. High spatial resolution imaging of a structure of interest in a specimen (102) involves selecting a substance from a group of substances, which have a first state with first fluorescent properties and a second state with second fluorescent properties, which can be excited by light of one wavelength to spontaneously emit fluorescent light (103), which can be converted from the first state into their second state by the ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren und Mikroskopiersystem zum Scannen einer Probe

Номер: DE102006042157B4

Verfahren zum Scannen einer Probe mittels eines elektrisch und/oder elektronisch steuerbaren Mikroskops, wobei eine Vielzahl von Bildern, insbesondere digitalen Bildern, an unterschiedlichen Stellen der Probe und/oder zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten erzeugt wird und wobei das Mikroskop während des Scanvorgangs durch einen Steuerrechner gesteuert wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein von dem Mikroskop erzeugtes Bild an mindestens einen von mehreren weiteren Rechnern übertragen wird, die untereinander und mit dem Steuerrechner über ein Netzwerk oder Teile eines Netzwerks verbunden sind, dass eine automatische Analyse übertragener Bilder durchgeführt wird, dass bedarfsgerecht zur Laufzeit des Scanvorgangs weitere Rechner zugeschaltet oder getrennt werden, so dass die erzeugten Bilder parallel und im Wesentlichen zeitgleich oder zeitnah zum Scanvorgang analysiert werden, und dass basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Analyse eine Klassifikation der Bilder vorgenommen und der Scanvorgang beeinflusst ...

01-04-2004 дата публикации

Mikroskopiesystem und Mikroskopieverfahren

Номер: DE0010243852A1

Es wird ein Mikroskopiesystem 1 vorgeschlagen, welches eine Überlagerung eines stereomikroskopischen Bildes mit einem elektronisch erzeugten Bild 81 ermöglicht. Das elektronisch erzeugte Bild besteht wiederum aus zwei Eingabebildern 67, 69, von denen eines, 69, unabhängig von einer Drehstellung eines Okulartubus 21, 25 um die optische Achse 9 eines Objektivs 3 ist und welches ferner unabhängig von einer gewählten Vergrößerung ist. Ferner ist ein zweites Eingabebild 67 abhängig von der Drehstellung und der Vergrößerung.

26-02-2009 дата публикации

Optical imaging system's resolution increasing method for e.g. microscope, involves transforming distribution of field of radiation in pupil into plane so that image of object is obtained with resolution that is larger than given resolution

Номер: DE102007039201A1

The method involves illuminating an object (8) in different lighting modes and imaging the object by utilizing a projection lens (3) in an image plane. Distribution of an electrical field of radiation is determined, where the field is distributed when imaging is performed in a pupil (12). A complex pupil image is computationally framed for determining distribution of the field of radiation in a virtual pupil. The distribution in the virtual pupil is computationally transformed into the plane, so that an image of the object is obtained with a resolution that is larger than given resolution. An independent claim is also included for a device for increasing resolution of an optical imaging system.

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Image acquisition device, and imaging device

Номер: GB0201603877D0

09-07-2014 дата публикации

Improvements in imaging microscope samples

Номер: GB0201409202D0

03-07-2013 дата публикации

Optical imaging device

Номер: GB0201309229D0

12-03-2008 дата публикации

Slide basket processing apparatus

Номер: GB0002441594A

Slide basket processing apparatus that includes a basket storage portion on which a plurality of slide storage baskets 4 can be stored and basket moving means for moving baskets along the basket storage portion in the same direction as slides may be unloaded from the baskets 4 through apertures (29 fig 2) therein. The basket storage portion may be a horizontal load rail 2 along which the moving means may move the baskets 4 simultaneously. The moving means may be a pusher driven by a belt 8 and motor 10. The baskets 4 may include various different means (53, 54 fig 3, 56 fig 5, 58 fig 7) to connect to the rail 2. The baskets 4 may include slide retaining members (30 fig 2) for selectively covering at least part of the unloading aperture (29 fig 2). A slide detector may be provided for generating and processing an image of a slide and identifying a property of the slide such as its position or its edge. Also disclosed is a slide transfer mechanism, a sample processing system and a hopper ...

27-07-2016 дата публикации

Image based analysis of samples

Номер: GB0201610434D0

16-09-2015 дата публикации

Image acquisition device, and imaging device

Номер: GB0002524183A

The invention relates to an imaging apparatus, 19, that may be used in an image acquisition system, 1, (such as a scanning or light sheet microscope) that scans an object, S, with an illumination light, 3. The imaging apparatus comprises a light receiving section, 19a, (such as a CMOS image sensor array) made up of a plurality of pixel rows (Figure 3, 19d), in which signal readout from the pixel rows is accomplished using a rolling (or continuous) readout method by means of an image control section, 19b. The interval of signal readout between adjacent pixel rows is set to synchronise the signal readout with the scanning with the illumination light. The frequency or count of a driving clock may be used to control the signal readout. The frequency of the driving clock may be set so as to synchronise the signal readout with scanning with the illumination light or the count of the driving clock may be used to define the period of the signal readout.

15-11-2017 дата публикации

Image acquisition device, and imaging device

Номер: GB0002544913B

09-01-2019 дата публикации

A medical imaging system for illuminating tissue samples using three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy

Номер: GB0002561711A8

A medical imaging system for illuminating tissue samples using three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy in port-based surgery is provided. The system comprises: an image sensor; a mirror device; zoom optics; a light modulator; a processor; and collimating optics configured to convey one or more images from the modulator to the mirror, the mirror configured to convey the images to the zoom optics, the zoom optics configured: to convey the image(s) from the mirror to a tissue sample; and convey one or more resulting images, formed by the image(s) illuminating the sample, back to the mirror, which conveys the resulting image(s) from the zoom optics to the image sensor, and, the processor configured to control the modulator to form the image(s), the image(s) including at least one pattern selected to interact with the sample to generate different depth information in each of resulting image(s).

01-03-2017 дата публикации

Image acquisition device, and imaging device

Номер: GB0201700874D0

25-03-2020 дата публикации

Microscope apparatus

Номер: GB0202001902D0

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358287T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000450807T

15-03-2020 дата публикации

Mikroskopie-Vorrichtung zur Erstellung dreidimensionaler Abbilder

Номер: AT0000521620B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Mikroskopie-Vorrichtung (100) zur Erstellung dreidimensionaler Abbilder von in einem ebenen Objektbereich (g) befindlichen Gegenständen (4), umfassend eine Objektivlinsen-Anordnung (1) mit einer Objektivlinsen-Brennweite (f1), eine Tubuslinsen-Anordnung (2) mit einer Tubuslinsen-Brennweite (f2) und einen Sensor (3), - wobei die Objektivlinsen-Anordnung (1) und Tubuslinsen-Anordnung (2) eine gemeinsame optische Achse aufweisen, - wobei ein Objektbereich (g) zur Anordnung zu untersuchender Gegenstände (4) in dem von der Tubuslinsen-Anordnung (2) abgewandten Bereich der Objektivlinsen-Anordnung (1) von der Objektivlinsen-Anordnung (1) beabstandet angeordnet ist, und - wobei der Sensor (3) in dem von der Objektivlinsen-Anordnung (1) abgewandten Bereich der Tubuslinsen-Anordnung (2) von der Tubuslinsen-Anordnung (2) beabstandet angeordnet ist, wobei der Sensor (3) dazu ausgebildet ist, Abbilder zu untersuchender Gegenstände (4) wiederzugeben, insbesondere aufzunehmen ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Optical fibre bundle image processing method and apparatus

Номер: AU2018353915A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Provided are an optical fibre bundle image processing method (200) and apparatus. The method (200) comprises: determining pixel information corresponding to the position of an optical fibre centre in a sample image; correcting the determined pixel information; and based on the corrected pixel information, reconstructing the sample image, so as to obtain a reconstructed image. The method (200) and the apparatus can not only obtain a more ideal processed optical fibre bundle image, but also requires a smaller amount of calculation, and the whole calculation process consumes a shorter amount of time.

14-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000571428B2

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Robust autofocus system for a microscope

Номер: AU0005399200A

23-02-2012 дата публикации

System and method for re-locating an object in a sample on a slide with a microscope imaging device

Номер: AU2006257622B2

A method of re-locating an object in a sample is provided for a previously-scanned slide having determined objects each with corresponding stored coordinates and a stored image, the objects being mapped relative to each other. The slide is positioned on a microscope stage, stored images of the objects are visually displayed, and a target object is selected. The slide is moved to an estimated coordinate position, corresponding to the coordinates of the target object, and a field-of-view image of the sample is captured for comparison to the stored image of the target. If the target is in the image, an offset between actual coordinates of the located target and the stored coordinates of the corresponding object is determined. The slide is then moved, via the stage, from the estimated coordinate position, according to the offset, to center the target in the image. Associated systems and methods are also provided.

01-09-2011 дата публикации

System and method for optical section image line removal

Номер: AU2007253766B2

An apparatus, system, and method for generating an image are disclosed. A processor may generate a first output image based on a plurality of input images and remove an artefact, if any, from the first output image to generate a second output image. For example, in an embodiment, the processor may calculate a contribution of the artefact to image intensity values and subtract the calculated contribution from the image intensity values. In another embodiment, the processor may delete a predetermined portion of a transform image representing transform data obtained by applying an image transform to the first output image, thereby modifying the transform data, and may generate a non-transform image based on the modified transform data.

23-02-2006 дата публикации

Autofocus device and microscope using the same

Номер: AU2005273421A1

30-05-2013 дата публикации

On-chip 4d lightfield microscope

Номер: AU2011323162A1

The present invention extends on-chip lensless microscope systems (10), including optofluidic microscope (OFMs) and holographic imaging microscopes to incorporate computational photography principles. A LF-OFM system 10 includes at least one plasmonic lens (50) with apertures (38), at least one microfluidic channel (28), and an image sensor array (24). The system (10) is capable of generating an image through computational photography.

13-10-2003 дата публикации

Microscopy laboratory system

Номер: AU2003222093A8

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Overlapped layers in 3D capture

Номер: AU2013273832A1

... -43 OVERLAPPED LAYERS IN 3D CAPTURE A method of registering a plurality of images of a three dimensional specimen captured by a microscope comprises capturing a first set of images on a first capture plane (zi, Layer i) of the 5 specimen including two images (721,722) having a first area (727; 810,820) of overlap. A second set of images on a second capture plane (z 2, Layer i+1) of the specimen are captured the second capture plane is parallel to the first capture plane and including two images (723,724) having a second area (728) of overlap that is offset from the first area of overlap in a direction along the capture planes so as to include in the second area of overlap at least one first alignable 10 image feature not present in the first area of overlap. The two images in the second set are aligned using the at least one first alignable image feature in the second area of overlap, and at least the two images in the first set are aligned using the alignment of the two images of the second ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Optical tomography apparatus and method

Номер: AU2014368378B2
Принадлежит: Cotters Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

The invention relates to an optical tomography apparatus which comprises: a polychromatic light source (SLM), a one-dimensional optical sensor (CIM), an interferometric microscope (Ml), a one-dimensional confocal spatial filtering system (FS), an actuator system (PR, TR1, TR2, TR3) making it possible to perform a unidirectional depthwise scan of an object to be observed and a processor (PR) for reconstructing a two-dimensional image of a section of said object from a plurality of one-dimensional interferential images acquired by said image sensor during said one-directional scan. The invention further relates to an optical tomography method using such an apparatus.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Improvements in imaging microscope samples

Номер: AU2015263108B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A microscope scanning apparatus is provided comprising a detector array for obtaining an image from a sample and a sample holder adapted to hold the sample when in use and to move relative to the detector array along a scan path. A controller is further provided to monitor the position of the sample holder relative to the detector array and to trigger image capture by the detector array in accordance with said monitored position.

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Systems, media, methods, and apparatus for enhanced digital microscopy

Номер: AU2016338681A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Described herein are improvements in digital microscopy and telepathology. The disclosed technologies enable users to configure digital microscopes remotely.

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for detecting an entity in a bodily sample

Номер: AU2016322966B2

Apparatus and methods are described including a microscope system (11) configured to acquire one or more microscope images of a bodily sample, an output device (34), and at least one computer processor (28). The computer processor identifies, in the one or more images, at least one element as being a pathogen candidate, and extracts, from the one or more images, at least one candidate-informative feature associated with the pathogen candidate. The compute processor extracts, from the one or more images, at least one sample-informative feature that is indicative of contextual information related to the bodily sample. The computer processor classifies a likelihood of the bodily sample being infected with a pathogenic infection, by processing the candidate-informative feature in combination with the sample- informative feature, and generates an output upon the output device, in response thereto. Other applications are also described.

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of providing parameter estimation

Номер: AU2020398201A1

A method is used to generate a report presenting parameter values corresponding to a structured illumination microscopy (SIM) optical system. The parameter values are based at least in part on the performed modulation calculation corresponding to an image set captured with the SIM optical system. A minimum FWHM slice is identified, based at least in part on an average FWHM value across the images in the first image set. Parameter estimation is performed on the identified minimum FWHM slice. Best in-focus parameters are identified based at least in part on the performed estimation. A phase estimate is performed for each image in the set. A modulation calculation is performed based at least in part on the identified best in-focus parameters. The report is based at least in part on the performed modulation calculation.

03-06-2004 дата публикации

Robust autofocus system for a microscope

Номер: AU0000773652B2

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002581122A1

A technology capable of measuring cell-related reactions at a time within a wide range of concentration. Cell groups (200) are disposed in a cell-storing space (110) filled with liquid (120). A specific substance is supplied to the liquid in the cell-storing space (110) to form in the liquid (120) the concentration gradient (131) of the specific substance (130) extending from one end (111) of the cell-storing space (110) toward the other end (112). The cell groups in the cell-storing space (110) is picked up by an imaging device (320) and captured into an information processor, and image obtained by the information processor is divided into a plurality of regions along the above concentration gradient, feature amounts are extracted from image portions in respective regions, and information indicating the interrelation between the extracted feature amounts and the concentration gradient is created.

26-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1183266A

A microscopy method for automatically locating objects-of-interest in a two or three dimensional image having one or more objects against a background, where each of the objects-of-interest is characterized by a predetermined set of features. The method comprises the steps of identifying objects by scanning the image and detecting one or more of the objects during said scanning, identifying ones of the identified objects having the predetermined set of features as objects-of-interest, and generating a marker signal for an identified object-of interest. The marker signal has a feature portion representative of the predetermined set of features of the identified object-of-interest, and a pattern portion representative of the relative distance and relative orientation of a plurality of detected objects neighboring the identified object-of-interest.

24-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002509330A1

The invention relates to a microscope, in which a layer of the sample is illuminated by a thin strip of light (11) and the sample is viewed (5) perpendicular to the plane of the strip of light. The depth of the strip of light (11) thus essentially determines the depth of focus of the system. To record the image, the object (4) is displaced through the strip of light (11), which remains fixed in relation to the detector (8), and fluorescent and/or diffused light is captured by a planar detector. Objects (4) that absorb or diffuse a large amount of light are viewed from several spatial directions. The three-dimensional images, which are captured from every direction can be combined retrospectively to form one image, in which the data is weighted according to its resolution. The resolution of the combined image is then dominated by the lateral resolution of the individual images.

25-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002496091A1

An optical system is provided for creating a mosaic image of a large field of view through a microscope at fast refresh rates of about 25 Hz with a high resolution that is free of blurring or aberrations. The optical system includes an objective lens assembly (20), an iris (30), one or more scanning mirrors (40) for high-speed scanning, one or more imaging lenses and irises (50, 60, 80), and a high-speed imaging device (70) arranged in that order from an object. The optical system also includes a mechanism for processing and constructing scanned and captured images into a mosaic image.

30-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002609653A1

First activation radiation is provided to a sample that includes phototransformable optical labels ("PTOLs") to activate a first subset of the PTOLs in the sample. First excitation radiation is provided to the first subset of PTOLs in the sample to excite at least some of the activated PTOLs, and radiation emitted from activated and excited PTOLs within the first subset of PTOLs is detecting with imaging optics. The first activation radiation is controlled such that the mean volume per activated PTOLs in the first subset is greater than or approximately equal to a diffraction-limited resolution volume ("DLRV") of the imaging optics.

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003100751A1
Принадлежит: DURELL, KAREN L.

A method of automated measurement of motility and morphology parameters of the same single motile sperm. Automated motility and morphology measurements of the same single sperm are performed under different microscope magnifications. The same single motile sperm is automatically positioned and kept inside microscope field of view and in focus after magnification switch. A method of automated non-invasive measurement of sperm morphology parameters under high magnification of imaging. Sperm morphology parameters including subcellular structures are automatically measured without invasive sample staining. A method of automatically selecting sperms with normal motility and morphology and DNA integrity for infertility treatment.

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003091582A1

A method and system are described for automatically centering in an XY plane a field of view of a patient's eye under high magnification during ophthalmic surgery. The method includes automatically moving the center of the field of view to the center of a circular image detected in a real-time video signal acquired from the field of view of the patient's eye under high magnification during ophthalmic surgery. The system configured to perform the method has a processor and a non-transitory computer-readable medium accessible to the processor containing instructions executable by the processor to perform the method.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003081819A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

A method (10) utilizes first, second, and third image data originating from first, second, and third digital image frames, respectively, captured sequentially in time of a sample volume containing a fluid possibly comprising moving microscopic objects while illuminating the sample volume by coherent light, each image data comprising, for a moving microscopic object of foreign object present in the sample volume, a hologram pattern (11); and comprises automatically generating first differential image data comprising the difference of the first and the second image data, (13a);automatically generating second differential image data comprising the difference of the second and the third image data (13b); automatically generating product of difference (POD) image data comprising the product of the first and the second differential image data, (14); and automatically detecting the presence of moving microscopic object(s) in the sample volume on the basis of product pattern(s) present in the POD ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3120770A1

Methods and apparatus for obtaining 3D imaging of tissue involve scanning a focused laser beam in xz planes to obtain a set of xz plane images spaced apart in a y direction. The xz plane images are processed to correct distortions and motions and combined to provide 3D image data. Surface flatting is optionally performed. Imaging may be performed using a femtosecond (fs) laser beam. Different components of light returning from the tissue may be detected and processed to yield plural co-registered images using different imaging modalities, for example, reflective confocal microscopy (RCM), two photon fluorescence (TPF) and second harmonic generation (SHG).

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003014099A1

A system for characterizing at least one particle from a fluid sample is disclosed. The system includes a filter disposed upstream of an outlet, and a luminaire configured to illuminate the at least one particle at an oblique angle. An imaging device is configured to capture and process images of the illuminated at least one particle as it rests on the filter for characterizing the at least one particle. A system for characterizing at least one particle using bright field illumination is also disclosed. A method for characterizing particulates in a fluid sample using at least one of oblique angle and bright field illumination is also disclosed.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003084857A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

A sample holder comprises one or more elongated sample tubes. The one or more elongated sample tubes are adapted for accommodating a plurality of samples to be imaged at an imaging position. The imaging position is defined by at least one illumination objective lens and at least one detection objective lens of a microscope. A microscope is disclosed, comprising at least one illumination objective lens and at least one detection objective lens, which define an imaging position. The microscope further comprises a sample holder for holding a plurality of samples. The sample holder is moveable with respect to the imaging position.A method for imaging a plurality of samples by means of the microscope is disclosed.

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002991920A1

Methods and apparatus for deep microscopic super resolution imaging use two independent and variable focal planes. Movements of fiducial markers imaged using one focal plane are monitored and used to provide real-time or near real-time correction for sample drift. A second focal plane may be used to collect light for super-resolution imaging of a sample. A prototype embodiment has produced low drift when imaging many microns deeper than the fiducial markers.

10-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002938995A1

An ultra-high-speed 3D refractive index tomography and structured illumination microscopy system using a wavefront shaper and a method using the same are provided. A method of using an ultra-high-speed 3D refractive index tomography and structured illumination microscopy system that utilizes a wavefront shaper includes adjusting an irradiation angle of a plane wave incident on a sample by using the wavefront shaper, measuring a 2D optical field, which passes through the sample, based on the irradiation angle of the plane wave, and obtaining a 3D refractive index image from information of the measured 2D optical field by using an optical diffraction tomography or a filtered back projection algorithm.

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002902356A1

An instrument and a method of scanning a large microscope specimen moves the specimen relative to a detector array during scanning by a scanner. Magnification of the instrument is adjustable using a zoom tube lens over a continuous range of magnification to enable scans of the specimen to be taken over a range of resolutions without varying the infinity corrective objective. Scans of the specimen can be taken over a range of resolutions with the same infinity connected objective.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002889495A1

A Fourier ptychographic imaging device includes a variable illuminator for providing illumination to a specimen from a plurality of incidence angles; an optical element for filtering illumination issuing from the specimen; a detector for acquiring a plurality of variably-illuminated, low-resolution intensity images of the specimen based on light filtered by the optical element; and a processor for computationally reconstructing a high-resolution image of the specimen by iteratively updating overlapping regions in Fourier space with the variably-illuminated, low-resolution intensity images.

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002947898A1

Methods and devices for conducting high-speed, high-resolution imaging of large intact tissue samples are provided. Aspects of the methods include placing a sample in an optically homogenous sample manipulation component, performing a calibration procedure to align a light sheet and a detection focal plane at a plurality of locations within the sample, and performing an imaging procedure on the sample to collect an image from each location. The collected images are reconstructed to form a three-dimensional image of the sample. Devices for carrying out the steps of the methods are also provided.

29-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002709707C

Apparatus for single-handed control of a microscope includes a first rotary controller (510), configured for manipulation by a hand of a user to adjust a position of a microscope stage. A second rotary controller (520), is configured and arranged relative to the first rotary controller for manipulation by an extended finger of the same hand to review, e.g., scroll through, previously identified portions of a biological specimen while the user's first hand may or may not remain in contact with the first rotary controller. The two controllers (510,520) are attached to the microscope stage- In this manner, the user may continue to review the previously identified specimen portions without having to look away from the microscope.

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002745587A1

The invention relates to an apparatus, a method and a system for obtaining a plurality of images of a sample arranged in relation to a sample device. The apparatus comprises at least a first optical detection assembly having an optical axis and at least one translation unit arranged to move the sample device and the first optical detection assembly relative to each other. The movement of the sample device and the first optical detection assembly relative to each other is along a scanning path, which defines an angle theta relative to the optical axis, wherein theta is larger than zero.

14-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002879297C

A method for processing, saving and viewing a digital image of a microscope slide includes inserting a microscope slide into a digital slide scanner connected to an acquisition computer. A pre-scan formed from a plurality of image tiles uploaded to a network server while the pre-scan is being generated. The network server analyzes the image tiles in realtime to identify an area of interest. The acquisition computer generates a high magnification local scan of the area of interest. The local scan is formed from a plurality of local image tiles that are uploaded to the network server while the local scan is being generated. Each local image tile is viewable by a client computer in communication with the computer network while the plurality of local image tiles is being uploaded. A raw final image is then saved on the network server independent of the acquisition computer.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002872840A1

An information processing apparatus comprising an image selecting portion configured to select an image to be displayed having a resolution determined based on a change speed of a display area, such as a movement, enlargement, reduction, a rotation or a change of focus position of the display area. Preferably when the display area stands still or is moved at low speed the high resolution image is displayed, and the low resolution is displayed when the change speed of the display area is fast. The apparatus relates particularly to an image observed with a microscope, and allows an image to be displayed without delay thereby facilitating diagnosis.

14-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002199407A1

A high speed image capture apparatus (100) includes a camera (102) with an integration period between consecutive flashes of an illuminating light pulse (605), where the camera (102) has an image read out period and an image output. A timer (612) provides a strobe output (608) representative of the start of a flash (605). An image capture apparatus (516) captures a first image during the integration period and a second image within a predetermined time after capturing the first image but before the image read out period (Fig. 7) has elapsed so as to substantially increase a rate of producing usable image outputs. The image capture apparatus (516) is coupled to the strobe output and the image output.

08-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002195565A1

A device for the visual inspection of a specimen (21), comprising a first microscope (20) for obtaining a magnified view of different areas of a specimen (21), a display monitor (14) for displaying images of at least a subset of the different areas of the specimen (21), selection means (18) for enabling the selection of an image displayed on the monitor, a second microscope (20a) for review of an area of the specimen (21) corresponding to the selected image, a motorized stage for positioning said specimen (21) with respect to the field of view of the second microscope (20a), and a processor (16a) for determining the image selected and instructing the motorized stage to position the specimen (21) so that the area of the specimen (21) corresponding to the selected image is in the field of view of the second microscope (20a).

15-11-2017 дата публикации

System for visualizing an object region stereoscopic.

Номер: CH0000712453A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System (10 (1) ) zum Visualisieren eines Objektbereichs (12), mit einer elektronischen Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16), mit einer Optikbaugruppe (18), die einen ersten optischen Kanal (32) für einen den Objektbereich (12) auf einer ersten Sensorfläche (68) oder mehreren ersten Sensorflächen (68) der Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16) abbildenden ersten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30) und einen zweiten optischen Kanal (32´) für einen den Objektbereich (12) auf einer zweiten Sensorfläche (68´) oder mehreren zweiten Sensorflächen (68´) der Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16) abbildenden zweiten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30´) bereitstellt und die ein Mikroskop-Hauptobjektivsystem (20) enthält, das von dem ersten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30) und dem zweiten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30´) durchsetzt ist, mit einer ersten Bilderzeugungseinrichtung (74) zum Visualisieren des Objektbereichs (12) für eine erste Beobachtungsperson (76), der ein auf der ersten Sensorfläche (68) oder den mehreren ...

29-10-2021 дата публикации

Visualisierungssystem für das stereoskopische Visualisieren eines Objektbereichs.

Номер: CH712453B1
Принадлежит: ZEISS CARL MEDITEC AG, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System (10 (1) ) zum Visualisieren eines Objektbereichs (12), mit einer elektronischen Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16), mit einer Optikbaugruppe (18), die einen ersten optischen Kanal (32) für einen den Objektbereich (12) auf einer ersten Sensorfläche (68) oder mehreren ersten Sensorflächen (68) der Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16) abbildenden ersten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30) und einen zweiten optischen Kanal (32') für einen den Objektbereich (12) auf einer zweiten Sensorfläche (68') oder mehreren zweiten Sensorflächen (68') der Bilderfassungseinrichtung (16) abbildenden zweiten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30') bereitstellt und die ein Mikroskop-Hauptobjektivsystem (20) enthält, das von dem ersten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30) und dem zweiten Abbildungsstrahlengang (30') durchsetzt ist, mit einer ersten Bilderzeugungseinrichtung (74) zum Visualisieren des Objektbereichs (12) für eine erste Beobachtungsperson (76), der ein auf der ersten Sensorfläche (68) oder den mehreren ...

21-09-2018 дата публикации

For operating and imaging micro-sample method and optical arrangement

Номер: CN0105283792B

18-10-2019 дата публикации

The arrangement of the TIRF microscopy, microscope and method

Номер: CN0110352373A

03-05-1996 дата публикации

Microscope system having a wide screen television incorporated.

Номер: FR0002711881B1

28-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003047077A1

L'invention concerne un procédé d'observation d'un échantillon, en particulier une lame d'anatomo-pathologie, formée à partir d'une fine épaisseur d'un tissu biologique prélevé. Il comporte une étape d'illumination de l'échantillon par une source de lumière et l'acquisition, par un capteur d'image, d'une image représentant la lumière transmise par l'échantillon. L'image fait l'objet d'une reconstruction holographique, de manière à obtenir une représentation, dans le plan de l'échantillon, de l'onde lumineuse transmise par ce dernier. Le procédé comporte l'application d'un fluide dit d'imprégnation sur l'échantillon, de telle sorte que l'échantillon s'imprègne dudit liquide d'imprégnation, ledit liquide d'imprégnation ayant un indice de réfraction strictement supérieur à 1.

29-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102105878B1

09-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060022265A

A system for screening, and assisting in screening, biological specimens. Images of a biological specimen are obtained, and image data is generated from the images. Objects of interest (OOI) are identified from the image data. The OOIs are assigned to each of a plurality of fields of interest (FOIs), at least partially based on the assignment of OOIs to other FOIs. For example, OOIs that have not previously been assigned to other FOIs can be assigned to a selected FOI. The OOIs can be grouped within the FOIs to maximize the number of OOIs included within FOIs, or alternatively, to minimize the number of FOIs required to include all of the OOIs. Once assignment of the OOIs is complete, a field of view (FOV) can be scanned relative to each FOI in order to present the OOIs to a technician for review. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

20-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190029766A

03-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011135819A1

Polarized light when outgoing from an optical fiber (1) is converted to circularly polarized light by passing through a first quarter wavelength plate (51). The circularly polarized light having entered a second quarter wavelength plate (52) is converted to linearly polarized light being S-polarized light. The light having become the linearly polarized light has P-polarized light removed by a polarization plate (53), the polarization plate (53) being not always required. The optical axis of the polarization plate (53) is along the direction which allows the S-polarized light to pass through. The light having passed through the polarization plate (53) is split into diffracted light by a diffraction grating (3) and used as structural illumination light.

03-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008080032A2
Автор: HESS, Harald F.

In one embodiment, an apparatus comprises an optical system with multiple detectors and a processor. The optical system is configured to produce images of an optical source in a first dimension and a second dimension substantially orthogonal to the first dimension at each detector at a given time. Each image from the images is based on an interference of an emission from the optical source in a first direction and an emission from the optical source in a second direction different from the first direction. The processor is configured to calculate a position in a third dimension based on the images. The third dimension is substantially orthogonal to the first dimension and the second dimension.

31-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008091296A2

The present invention generally relates to sub-diffraction limit image resolution and other imaging techniques. In one aspect, the invention is directed to determining and/or imaging light from two or more entities separated by a distance less than the diffraction limit of the incident light. For example, the entities may be separated by a distance of less than about 1000 run, or less than about 300 run for visible light. In one set of embodiments, the entities may be selectively activatable, i.e., one entity can be activated to produce light, without activating other entities. A first entity may be activated and determined (e.g., by determining light emitted by the entity), then a second entity may be activated and determined. The entities may be immobilized relative to each other and/or to a common entity. The emitted light may be used to determine the positions of the first and second entities, for example, using Gaussian fitting or other mathematical techniques, and in some cases, with ...

13-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008028944A1

A method for scanning a sample using an electrically and/or electronically controllable microscope (1), wherein a plurality of images, particularly digital images, are created at different areas of the sample and/or at different times and wherein the microscope (1) is controlled during a scanning process by a control computer (2), is characterized, with respect to the fastest and most precise scanning process possible with a low data volume even at a high number of images, in that an observation and/or analysis of the generated image is performed by at least one other computer (7) connected via a network (4), and that based on the results a classification of the images is performed and/or the scanning process is influenced. A corresponding microscopic system is provided.

13-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008028745A1
Автор: SIECKMANN, Frank

A method for examining a specimen using a microscope, in particular a confocal scanning microscope, has the following steps. First, a scanning region, containing a specimen to be examined or a plurality of specimens to be examined, in a predeterminable spatial direction is selected. Then, a series of images in the scanning region along the spatial direction are recorded such that the individual images can be uniquely assigned to individual planes in the spatial direction. Then, an image analysis method is selected with at least one predeterminable criterion with respect to the specimen to be examined or the specimens to be examined. Finally, the image analysis method is applied to the individual planes for ascertaining a preferred plane which at least to a great extent satisfies the predeterminable criterion or criteria. Furthermore, a microscope for carrying out the method is specified.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013049646A1

A microscope has an objective, a light source illuminating a sample over an illumination beam path, an arrangement producing a flat illumination pattern which is structured in both spatial directions on the sample, a surface detector detecting light coming over one picture beam path, an arrangement shifting the illumination pattern on the sample in one displacement direction, and a control unit taking one picture at a time of the light which was detected by the detector as phase picture in different positions of the pattern along the displacement direction and to computationally reconstruct from these phase pictures an overall picture of the illuminated sample region. The displacement direction is oblique to the main axes of symmetry of the illumination pattern and depending on the illumination pattern is chosen such that the number of phase pictures which is necessary for the picture reconstruction corresponds to the theoretically minimally required value.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013126019A1
Автор: LI, Hao, LEONG, Hoe, Yiin

A self-illuminating microscope slide with a biopsy specimen disposed thereon comprises LEDs on the ends of the slide to illuminate the specimen through total internal reflection. A camera device captures a single digital image of the entire specimen in high resolution and large field of view encompassing the specimen.

11-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010015563A1
Автор: ALEXANDROV, Yuriy

According to one aspect, the present invention relates to an imaging system (100) for enhancing microscopic images of unstained cells. The imaging system (100) comprises a light source (102) for producing light (120a), a sample holder (109) for containing cells to be imaged, a condenser (104) for focussing the light (120b) at a focal plane within the sample holder (109) on the cells to be imaged, a translation mechanism for moving the focal plane of the light (120b) relative to the sample holder (109) and a detector system (112) configured to acquire a plurality of images at respective focal planes within the sample holder (109) and process the plurality of images to provide an enhanced processed imaged.

24-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012065910A1

The invention describes a method for subjecting a sample to high-resolution luminescence microscopy, which sample is marked with marking molecules which can be activated in such a manner that, once activated, they can be excited to emit particular luminescent radiation, wherein the method has the following steps: a) repeated activation and excitation of a subset of the marking molecules present in the sample to emit luminescent radiation, wherein, in the sample, at least some of the luminescent marking molecules are at least at a distance from the luminescent marking molecules immediately adjacent thereto, which distance is greater than or equal to a length which results from a predetermined optical resolution, b) repeated imaging of the sample with luminescent marking molecules along a depth direction and with the predetermined optical resolution, and c) production of individual images from the imaging operations from step b), wherein the geometrical locations of the luminescent marking ...

11-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010128307A1

A method of obtaining, in a single exposure, imaging information from an object (16) representative of more than two distinct illumination images, the method comprising the steps of generating first electromagnetic waves (14) at least some of which having spatially modulated polarisation; illuminating the object with the first electromagnetic waves; and capturing second electromagnetic waves (18) emanating from the object.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for Detecting and Quantitating Multiple-Subcellular Components

Номер: US20120075453A1
Принадлежит: Ikonisys Inc

A method for detecting and quantitating multiple and unique fluorescent signals from a cell sample is provided. The method combines immunohistochemistry and a fluorescent-labeled in situ hybridization techniques. The method is useful for identifying specific subcellular components of cells such as chromosomes and proteins.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Degree-of-focus determination module, position-of-best-focus selection modules, image processing module, imaging system, and corresponding method

Номер: US20120092546A1
Автор: Volodymyr Borovytsky

A system for imaging a structure of an object is provided. The imaging system includes a degree-of-focus determination module that may comprise logic for taking into account at least one of a first and a second dimension of a topological element of the structure to be imaged. An image processing module of the system may comprise: a control module for controlling a motorized focus driver; a memory for storing images; and said degree-of-focus determination module. The imaging system may comprise: a stage; a motorized focus driver for driving the stage; at least one of microscope optics, a lens, an illumination system; a camera; and an image processing module.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Microscope System, Method for Operating a Charged-Particle Microscope

Номер: US20120104250A1
Принадлежит: Carl Zeiss Microscopy Ltd

A method of operating a charged-particle microscope, the method comprising: recording a first image of a first region of an object in a first setting; recording a second image of a second region of the object using the charged-particle microscope in a second setting; reading a third image of a third region using the charged-particle microscope, wherein the first and second regions are contained at least partially within the third region; displaying a representation of the first image at least partly within the displayed third image, wherein the representation of the first image includes a first indicator which is indicative of the first setting; displaying a representation of the second image at least partly within the displayed third image, wherein the representation of the second image includes a second indicator which is indicative of the second setting, and wherein the displayed second indicator is different from the displayed first indicator.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, incubation observing apparatus, and image processing method

Номер: US20120114219A1
Принадлежит: KYOTO UNIVERSITY, Nikon Corp

An image processing apparatus includes an outline extracting processing unit inputting a phase contrast image of a cell colony acquired by an observing unit, and extracting an outline of the cell colony, an extracting unit extracting a feature quantity of an outline part of the cell colony based on brightness information at an outside and brightness information at an inside of the outline on the phase contrast image, and an automatic discriminating unit automatically discriminating whether or not the cell colony is an iPS cell colony based on a discriminant criterion determined in advance and the feature quantity extracted by the extracting unit.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Slide Processing Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20120195497A1
Принадлежит: Thermo Shandon Ltd

A basket processing apparatus that includes a basket storage portion in a form of a horizontal load rail. A plurality of slide storage baskets can be located in series on the rail. Each basket is ‘side loading’ and the side loading aperture of each basket can be selectively covered by a slide retaining bar. When the baskets are placed on the load rail, the basket can be moved along the horizontal rail by a basket moving means. The arrangement of the rail and the basket moving means is such that the baskets can be pushed together and move as a ‘train’. Baskets moved to the pick-up end of the rail can then be removed from the rail and processed. A vertical lift mechanism can be used to remove the basket and transport it to a processing device, for example a coverslipper.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Talbot Imaging Devices and Systems

Номер: US20120228475A1
Автор: Changhuei Yang, Shuo Pang

Talbot imaging systems comprising a Talbot element, a phase gradient generating device, a light detector, and a processor. The Talbot element repeats a Talbot image at a distance from the Talbot element. The phase gradient generating device scans the Talbot image at a plane at the distance from the Talbot element by incrementally changing a phase gradient of a light field incident the Talbot element. As the Talbot image is scanned, the light detector captures time varying data associated with light altered by an object located at the distance from the Talbot element. The processor reconstructs an image of the object based on the time-varying light data.

13-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120229791A1

A microscope including an illumination device providing a light sheet illuminating a sample region, said sheet having a planar extension along an illumination axis of an illumination beam path and a transverse axis lying normal to the illumination axis. A detection device detects light emitted from the sample region on a detection axis the illumination axis and detection axis as well as the transverse axis and the detection axis being oriented relative each other at an angle unequal zero. The detection device has a detection lens system arranged in the detection beam path and splitting means for splitting the detection beam path into two beam sub-paths. A dichroic beam splitter in the infinity region of the surface detectors is about 3 mm thick. Wobble plate(s) disposed orthogonal to each other relative to the detection axis arranged in one of the two beam sub-paths so measured values can be automatically superimposed.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Automatic stereological analysis of biological tissue including section thickness determination

Номер: US20120236120A1

Systems and methods are provided for automatic determination of slice thickness of an image stack in a computerized stereology system, as well as automatic quantification of biological objects of interest within an identified slice of the image stack. Top and bottom boundaries of a slice can be identified by applying a thresholded focus function to determine just-out-of-focus focal planes. Objects within an identified slice can be quantified by performing a color processing segmentation followed by a gray-level processing segmentation. The two segmentation processes generate unique identifiers for features in an image that can then be used to produce a count of the features.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus and program

Номер: US20120262562A1
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

An imaging apparatus includes an imaging unit that images a test object, an analysis unit that outputs a feature amount of an image which is captured by the imaging unit, a storage unit that stores an evaluation function which has the image feature amount as a variable, for evaluation of the image, a selection unit that selects one image from two or more images including an image specified based on a value of the evaluation function, and a changing unit that changes the evaluation function based on the one image in a case where the one image selected by the selection unit is different from the specified image.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Microscope system

Номер: US20120293644A1
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

A phase-contrast microscope system includes: an illumination optical system that illuminates a specimen with an illumination light from a light source; an imaging optical system that forms an image of the specimen from a light from the specimen; a first spatial modulation element that is disposed in a position of a pupil of the imaging optical system and changes an amplitude transmittance distribution of the light from the specimen; an image sensor that detects the image of the specimen by the imaging optical system and outputs a picture signal; a calculation section that calculates the amplitude transmittance distribution of the light from the specimen appropriate for observing the specimen on the basis of the output data detected by the image sensor and the amplitude transmittance distribution of the light from the specimen formed by the first spatial modulation element.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Observing apparatus and observation method

Номер: US20120327210A1
Автор: Hiroaki Kii
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

A certain material irregularly expressed in an observation area is effectively observed. An observing apparatus includes a first observing unit performing a time lapse shooting of a predetermined observation area, a first discriminating unit discriminating whether or not a first material is expressed in the observation area based on an image obtained by the first observing unit, and a second observing unit starting a time lapse shooting relating to a part where the first material is expressed at a timing when the first material is expressed in the observation area, in which a shooting frequency of the time lapse shooting by the second observing unit is higher than a shooting frequency of the time lapse shooting by the first observing unit.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Omnidirectional super-resolution microscopy

Номер: US20130093871A1

A microscopy method and apparatus includes placing a specimen to be observed adjacent to a reflective holographic optical element (RDOE). A beam of light that is at least partially coherent is focused on a region of the specimen. The beam forward propagates through the specimen and is at least partially reflected backward through the specimen. The backward reflected light interferes with the forward propagating light to provide a three dimensional interference pattern that is at least partially within the specimen. A specimen region illuminated by the interference pattern is imaged at an image detector. Computational reconstruction is used to generate a microscopic image in all three spatial dimensions (X,Y,Z), simultaneously with resolution greater than conventional microscopy.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for illuminating a sample

Номер: US20130107358A1
Принадлежит: Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH

A method for illuminating at least one sample in SPIM microscopy includes generating a light beam and forming a light strip from the light beam using an optical device that interacts with the light beam. The light strip is passed strip through at least one objective having optics configured to deliver detection light emanating from the sample directly or indirectly to a detector, with the objective optics interacting with the light strip. The light strip is deflected using a light-redirecting device downstream of the objective optics so as to propagate the light strip, after deflection, at an angle other than zero degrees with respect to an optical axis of the objective in order to illuminate the sample.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147916A1

A system () and method for creating three dimensional images using probe molecules is disclosed and described. A sample is mounted on a stage (). The sample has a plurality of probe molecules. The sample is illuminated with light, causing the probe molecules to luminesce. The probe luminescence can be split into at least four paths corresponding to at least four detection planes corresponding to object planes in the sample. The at least four detection planes are detected via a camera (). Object planes in corresponding recorded regions of interest are recorded in the camera (). A signal from the regions of interest is combined into a three dimensional image. 1. A microscopy system for creating three dimensional images using probe molecules , comprising:a sample stage for mounting a sample;an activation light source configured to illuminate the sample with an activation light and to activate probe molecules in at least one subset of probe molecules;a readout light source configured to illuminate the sample with a readout light and to cause luminescence in the at least one subset of probe molecules;an acoustic optical tunable filter (AOTF) configured for fine tuning a power of the activation light source and the readout light source;an objective lens configured to direct a light beam from the light source toward the sample;a total internal reflection fluorescence condenser configured to alter a beam path of the light beam between a region proximal to a side of the objective lens and a region proximal to a center of the objective lens;at least one camera positioned to capture a plurality of images by detecting the luminescence from the at least one subset of probe molecules when the beam path of the light beam is directed through a region of the objective lens proximal to a side of the objective lens and when the beam path of the light beam is directed through a region of the objective lens proximal to a center of the objective lens and capture a plurality of images; ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Dimensional Imaging Using Multi-Focus Microscopy

Номер: US20130176622A1

An optical imaging system includes a first diffractive optical element that receives a multi-wavelength beam of light and separates the received beam of light into diffractive orders. The optical imaging system also includes a second diffractive optical element that includes panels displaced along the second diffractive element in at least one direction, where each panel is positioned to receive and pass the multi-wavelength beam of one of the diffractive orders. A refractive optical element is positioned to receive multi-wavelength beams of the diffractive orders that pass through the second diffractive element, and an optical lens that receives the multi-wavelength beams of the diffractive orders that pass through the refractive element and focuses each of the multi-wavelength beams of the diffractive orders to a different location on an image plane at the same time.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188035A1

This disclosure is directed to optical microscope calibration devices that can be used with optical microscopes to adjust the microscope imaging parameters so that images of samples can be obtained below the diffraction limit. The microscope calibration devices include at least one calibration target. Each calibration target includes a number of features with dimensions below the diffraction limit of a microscope objective. Separate color component diffraction limited images of one of the calibration targets are obtained for a particular magnification. The color component images can be combined and image processed to obtain a focused and non-distorted image of the calibration target. The parameters used to obtain the focused and non-distorted image of the calibration target can be used to obtain focused and non-distorted images of a sample for the same magnification by using the same parameters. 1. A calibration device comprising:at least one calibration target, wherein each calibration target includes a number of features with dimensions less than the diffraction limit of a microscope objective used to image a sub-region of the at least one calibration target.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a transparent plate; andan opaque layer attached to a surface of the transparent plate, the opaque layer includes the at least one calibration target.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising an adhesive disposed between the first surface of the transparent layer and the opaque layer to attach the opaque layer to the surface.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the features of the at least one calibration target further comprises holes in the opaque layer that expose the surface.5. The device of claim 2 , wherein the features of the at least one calibration target further comprises fluorescent beads in the opaque layer.6. The device of claim 2 , wherein the features of the at least one calibration target further comprises reflective beads in the opaque layer.7. ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222547A1

The present invention extends on-chip lensless microscope systems (), including optofluidic microscope (OFMs) and holographic imaging microscopes to incorporate computational photography principles. A LF-OFM system includes at least one plasmonic lens () with apertures (), at least one microfluidic channel (), and an image sensor array (). The system () is capable of generating an image through computational photography. 1. An on-chip light field optofluidic microscope system comprising:a plurality of plasmonic lenses;at least one microfluidic device;a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor image sensor array or a CCD sensor array;wherein the system is capable of generating a plurality of three-dimensional images utilizing a 4D lightfield through computational photography techniques.2. An on-chip light field optofluidic microscope system comprising:at least one plasmonic lens;at least one microfluidic device; andan image sensor array;wherein the system is capable of generating an image through computational photography techniques.3. The system according to further comprising a mobile communication device comprising a camera claim 2 , wherein the mobile communication device is attached to the image sensor array to utilize the camera of the mobile communication device for personal diagnostic applications.4. The system according to wherein the image sensor array is a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor image sensor array or a CCD sensor array.5. The system according to wherein the image is a 3D image.6. A method for using 4D lightfield claim 2 , the method comprising:transporting a biological sample across a linear array of a plurality of apertures on an imaging sensor, wherein the imaging sensor is illuminated with light from a light source;interrupting the transmission of light from the light source as the biological sample transports across the linear array to generate a plurality of line traces, wherein a time-varying transmission associated with each aperture ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Three-dimensional confocal microscopy apparatus and focal plane scanning and aberration correction unit

Номер: US20130229493A1

Provided is a 3-dimensional confocal microscopy apparatus which is manufactured by combining a confocal microscope and an optical tweezers technique, wherein a pair of lenses for focal plane displacement where one lens is movable in the optical axis direction is arranged between a fixed objective lens and a fluorescent light imaging camera, and the 3-dimensional confocal microscopy apparatus also includes a mean which corrects the aberration of a fluorescent confocal image obtained by the fluorescent imaging camera. Accordingly, it is possible to provide a 3-dimensional confocal microscopy apparatus which can acquire a 3-dimensional image of a specimen during a manipulation of the specimen using optical tweezers without affecting an optical trap.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Microscopic device and microscopic method for the three-dimensional localization of point-like objects

Номер: US20130229494A1
Автор: Marcus Dyba
Принадлежит: Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH

A microscopic device provides three-dimensional localization of point-like objects and includes two imaging optics, each configured to image a same point-like object located in an object space into two separate image spaces as a focused light distribution. Two detector units are respectively associated with the imaging optics and configured to capture an analyzable light spot in detection points of a detection surface disposed in the respective image space. Each imaging optics includes an optical device that orients the focused light distributions obliquely to a detection axis such that, taking into account the detection point correspondence, the two light spots shift in opposite directions based on a z-position of the point-like object. An evaluation unit brings the detection points of the two detection surfaces into mutual pairwise correspondence and analyzes the two light spots so as to ascertain a lateral x-y position and an axial z-position of the point-like object.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242079A1
Автор: LIANG Chen, Zhou Pixuan
Принадлежит: DMETRIX, INC.

Two-dimensional scanning array microscope system, which has fields of view of individual objectives overlapping at the object, produces a composite image of the object that is devoid of optical distortions caused by such overlapping. Method for processing imaging data with the system includes precise identification of detector pixels corresponding to different portions of multiple image swaths projected on the detector by the system during the scan of the object, and, based on such identification, allocating or assigning of detector pixels that receive light from the object through more than one objective to only one of objectives, thereby correcting imaging data received in real time to remove a portion of data corresponding to image overlaps. 1. A method of combining multiple swaths of images acquired with a scan of an object with a microscope array , the method comprising: wherein the microscope array has a plurality of magnifying imaging systems disposed along a corresponding plurality of optical axes and enabling formation of an image of the object on a detector, the plurality of magnifying imaging systems being arranged in a magnifying imaging systems array, the detector including a plurality of linear pixel arrays;', 'wherein the positioning of magnifying imaging systems in the magnifying imaging systems array is such that such that each of the magnifying imaging systems acquires image data corresponding to a respective continuous strip of the object along the direction of scan, and', 'wherein the linear pixel arrays are extended transversely to the linear direction of scan;, 'enabling a relative movement between the two-dimensional microscope array and the object,'}scanning the object to define multiple image swaths of the object, each image swath having a width defined by a field of view of a corresponding magnifying imaging system in the array of magnifying imaging systems and a length defined by said direction of scan across the object;with each linear ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278742A1
Принадлежит: Universite Paris Diderot- Paris 7

Method for observing an emission of light from a sample in a medium of refractive index nL disposed against a surface of a transparent support of refractive index nS, greater than nL, the emission of light comprising luminous components oriented toward the support and forming an angle θ and including supercritical luminous components and critical or subcritical luminous components, implementing an observation device applying filters to the signal; and transforming the signal into an image zone of the sample Modulation of the signal is carried out, in which components of the emission of light are allowed to pass through so as to obtain image zones, the modulation pertaining to all or some of the collected signals; and at least one useful image zone of the sample is produced by combining image zones, the combination evidencing differences between the image zones related to the modulation. 1. A method for observing a light emission of a sample in a medium with a refractive index n , the sample being arranged on a surface of a transparent support of refractive index n , which is greater than n , the light emission comprising luminous components of a given amplitude and phase , oriented toward the support and forming an angle θ with a direction perpendicular to the surface , among which , on the one hand , supercritical luminous components , for which the angle θ is strictly greater than a critical angle θ=arcsin(n/n) and on the other hand , critical or subcritical luminous components , for which the angle θ is less than or equal to the critical angle θ , the method implementing an observation device capable of:capturing at least part of the light emission from a region of interest of the sample and obtaining a captured luminous signal comprising luminous components arising from the supercritical luminous components of the light emission;applying filters to the captured luminous signal in order to selectively decrease the amplitude and/or change the phase of certain ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278743A1
Принадлежит: New York University

A method for analyzing porosity of a particle and a medium disposed in the porosity of the particle. A video-holographic microscope is provided to analyze interference patterns produced by providing a laser source to output a collimated beam, scattering the collimated beam off a particle and interacting with an unscattered beam to generate the interference pattern for analyzation to determine the refractive index of the particle and a medium disposed in the porosity of the particle to measure porosity and the medium. 117-. (canceled)18. A method of analyzing characteristics of a particle in suspension , comprising the steps of:providing a particle in a suspension medium;providing a video holographic microscope;providing a laser source for producing a collimated output beam;scattering the collimated output beam off the particle to generate a scattered beam and a combination of the scattered beam and an unscattered portion of the output beam to generate an interference pattern;recording intensity of the interference pattern for analysis;analyzing the interference pattern to determine refractive index of the particle; andcomparing characteristics of an average of a bulk form of the material composing the particle to the particle refractive index to characterize parameters of the particle and the suspension medium.19. The method as defined in wherein the step of analyzing comprises determining the refractive index and then performing the comparing step to establish at least one of porosity of the particle and character of the suspension medium disposed in pores of the particle.20. The method as defined in wherein the step of analyzing the interference pattern comprises applying a Lorenz-Mie formalism to determine the refractive index of the particle.21. The method as defined in further including the step of analyzing the interference pattern during growth of the particle claim 18 , thereby enabling characterization of development of porosity in the particle.23. The ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Increased depth-resolution microscopy

Номер: US20130302905A1

A method for high-resolution luminescence microscopy of a sample marked with marking molecules that can be activated to excite particular luminescent radiation, including: repeated activation of a subset of the marking molecules to emit luminescent radiation; repeated imaging of the sample along a depth direction and with a predetermined optical resolution; and producing images from the repeated imaging. Locations of the marking molecules are determined with a spatial resolution that is increased above the predetermined optical resolution. Activation of the marking molecules can be through radiation introduced into multiple regions, each extending along a plane substantially perpendicular to the depth direction. The regions can be arranged so that the regions are behind one another and overlap only partially. Separate images of the sample may be recorded for activation in each of the regions in order to obtain depth information relating to the marking molecules from the separate images.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Image pickup method and image pickup apparatus

Номер: US20130314527A1
Автор: Miyoko Kawashima
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image pickup method includes dividing a surface shape of an object into a plurality of areas, approximating a surface of each of the plurality of areas to a plane, and calculating a slope of the plane, grouping the plurality of areas into m groups so that slopes of planes corresponding to the areas belonging to the same group fall within a permissible range, tilting a stage configured to hold the object so that all slopes of planes belonging to a group k of the m groups can fall within a depth of focus where k is an integer selected from 1 to m, making image sensors corresponding to the areas belonging to the group k among the plurality of image sensors, capture images of the object, and repeating tilting and caputing from k=1 to k=m.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for focussing a microscope automatically

Номер: US20130342673A1

A method for automatic focusing of a microscope with a microscope objective on a selected area of a specimen, in which a digital hologram of the selected area of the specimen is generated in an off-axis mode and a microscope with which the method is implemented. The digital hologram is used to determine, on the optical axis of the microscope objective, a focus position to be set in which the selected area of the specimen is optimally in focus. Subsequently, a control system is used to set the microscope to the focus position determined and thus is focused on the area selected.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Variable orientation illumination-pattern rotator

Номер: US20130342886A1
Автор: Jeremy R. COOPER
Принадлежит: Applied Precision Inc

Variable orientation illumination-pattern rotators (“IPRs”) that can be incorporated into structured illumination microscopy instruments to rapidly rotate an interference pattern are disclosed. An IPR includes a rotation selector and at least one mirror cluster. The rotation selector directs beams of light into each one of the mirror clusters for a brief period of time. Each mirror cluster imparts a particular predetermined angle of rotation on the beams. As a result, the beams output from the IPR are rotated through each of the rotation angles imparted by each of the mirror clusters. The rotation selector enables the IPR to rotate the beams through each predetermined rotation angle on the order of 5 milliseconds or faster.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for navigating stacked microscopy images

Номер: US20140022236A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A method for navigating images in microscopic imaging, the method comprising reducing dimensionality of an original sequence of images of a specimen for navigation using an all-focus image and providing a user interface to a user for navigating the original sequence of images and the all-focus image.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for simulating depth of field (dof) in microscopy

Номер: US20140022347A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A method and apparatus for simulating depth of field (DOF) in microscopic imaging, the method comprising computing a blur quantity for each pixel of an all-focus image, performing point spread function operations on one or more regions of the all-focus image, computing intermediate and normalized integral images on the regions and determining an output pixel for the each pixel based on the intermediate and normalized integral images.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Microscope with a viewing direction perpendicular to the illumination direction

Номер: US20140042339A1

A microscope and imaging method in which a layer of the sample is illuminated by a thin strip of light and the sample is viewed perpendicular to the plane of the strip of light. The depth of the strip of light thus essentially determines the depth of focus of the system. To record the image, the object is displaced through the strip of light, which remains fixed in relation to the detector, and fluorescent and/or diffused light is captured by a planar detector. Objects that absorb or diffuse a large amount of light are viewed from several spatial directions. The three-dimensional images, which are captured from each direction can be combined retrospectively to form one image, in which the data is weighted according to its resolution. The resolution of the combined image is then dominated by the lateral resolution of the individual images.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140049632A1
Принадлежит: Lucid, Inc.

Method and system for imaging tissue, including (i) causing a macroscopic image of a tissue surface to be displayed on a visual display; (ii) receiving a selection of at least one portion of the macroscopic image; (iii) causing a plurality of confocal images captured by a confocal imager at different depths in a portion of the tissue to be displayed; (iv) receiving a selection of at least one target depth image; and (v) for each selected target depth image, instructing the confocal imager to capture a plurality of additional images at different locations and at a common depth with the target depth image. A system for imaging tissue having a macroscopic display module; a first selection module; a confocal display module; a second selection module; and an instruction module for instructing a confocal imager to capture a plurality of images at different locations over a selected region of the tissue. 1. A method for imaging tissue , comprising:causing a macroscopic image of a tissue surface captured by a macroscopic imager to be displayed on a visual display;receiving a selection of at least one portion of the macroscopic image;for each selected portion of the macroscopic image, causing a plurality of confocal images captured by a confocal imager at different depths in a corresponding portion of the tissue to be displayed on the visual display;receiving a selection, from among the plurality of confocal images, of at least one target depth image; andfor each selected target depth image, instructing the confocal imager to capture a plurality of additional images at different locations over a selected region of the tissue and at a common depth with the target depth image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the visual display comprises a touch screen.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein receiving the selection of the at least one portion of the macroscopic image comprises identifying at least one touch of at least one portion of the macroscopic image displayed on the touch ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092463A1

A structured illumination apparatus includes a light modulator being disposed in a light path of an exit light flux from a light source, and in which a sonic wave propagation path is arranged in a direction traversing the exit light flux; a driving unit generating a sonic standing wave in the sonic wave propagation path by giving a driving signal for vibrating a medium of the sonic wave propagation path to the light modulator; an illuminating optical system making at least three diffracted lights of the exit light flux passed through the sonic wave propagation path to be interfered with one another, and forming interference fringes of the diffracted lights on an observational object; and a controlling unit controlling a contrast of the interference fringes by modulating a phase of at least one diffracted light among the diffracted lights in a predetermined pitch. 1. A structured illumination apparatus , comprising:a light modulator being disposed in a light path of an exit light flux from a light source, and in which a sonic wave propagation path is arranged in a direction traversing the exit light flux;a driving unit generating a sonic standing wave in the sonic wave propagation path by giving a driving signal for vibrating a medium of the sonic wave propagation path to the light modulator;an illuminating optical system making at least three diffracted lights of the exit light flux passed through the sonic wave propagation path to be interfered with one another, and forming interference fringes of the diffracted lights on an observational object; anda controlling unit controlling a phase of at least one diffracted light among the diffracted lights in a predetermined pitch.2. The structured illumination apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe controlling unit controls the phase in order for a phase difference between at least two diffracted lights among the diffracted lights to be π on the observational object.3. The structured illumination apparatus according ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098213A1

An imaging system according to the present invention comprises: an imaging unit configured to acquire a plurality of images by imaging an object a plurality of times while changing a focusing position in an optical axis direction of an imaging optical system; and a generation unit configured to generate, on the basis of the plurality of images acquired by the imaging unit, an image at arbitrary depth of field or an image of the object viewed from an arbitrary viewing direction. The image acquired by the imaging unit sometimes includes fixed pattern noises that appear in fixed positions. The imaging unit images the object a plurality of times while changing a position or an orientation of an imaging region such that relative positions of the fixed pattern noises to the object vary among the plurality of images. 1. An imaging system comprising:an imaging unit configured to acquire a plurality of images by imaging an object a plurality of times while changing a focusing position in an optical axis direction of an imaging optical system; anda generation unit configured to generate, on the basis of the plurality of images acquired by the imaging unit, an image at arbitrary depth of field or an image of the object viewed from an arbitrary viewing direction, whereinthe image acquired by the imaging unit sometimes includes fixed pattern noises that appear in fixed positions, andthe imaging unit images the object a plurality of times while changing a position or an orientation of an imaging region such that relative positions of the fixed pattern noises to the object vary among the plurality of images.2. The imaging system according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in all combinations of two images among the plurality of images claim 1 , the imaging unit changes the position or the orientation of the imaging region such that a difference between positions of the fixed pattern noises at the time when positions and orientations of the object of the two images are set to ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Image-Forming Device, and Dimension Measurement Device

Номер: US20150002652A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide an image forming device and the like that is capable of forming a proper integrated signal even when an image or a signal waveform is acquired from a pattern having the possibility of preventing proper matching, such as a repetition pattern, a shrinking pattern, and the like. In order to achieve the purpose, there is proposed an image forming device that forms an integrated image by integrating a plurality of image signals and that is provided with: a matching processing section that performs a matching process between the plurality of image signals; an image integration section that integrates the plurality of image signals for which positioning has been performed by the matching processing section; and a periodicity determination section that determines a periodicity of a pattern contained in the image signals. The matching processing section varies a size of an image signal area for the matching in accordance with a determination by the periodicity determination section. 1. An image forming device comprising a processor that forms an integrated image by integrating a plurality of image signals obtained by a microscope , whereinthe processor includes:a matching processing section that performs a matching process between the plurality of image signals;an image integration section that integrates the plurality of image signals for which positioning has been performed by the matching processing section; anda periodicity determination section that determines a periodicity of a pattern contained in the image signals,wherein the matching processing section varies a size of an image signal area for the matching in accordance with a determination by the periodicity determination section.2. The image forming device according to claim 1 , wherein:the periodicity determination section determines the presence or absence of the periodicity of the pattern; andthe matching processing section executes the matching by narrowing a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003714A1

Disclosed herein is a method of tomographic bright field imaging (TBFI): an optical imaging technique that enables the measurement of cellular refractive index and dry mass density using a standard transillumination optical microscope and software embodying said method. 1. A method of imaging a sample illuminated or detected by a light source , the method comprising:obtaining one or more image cubes;processing the one or more image cubes using a transport of intensity equation; andprocessing the one or more image cubes using an eikonal equation.2. The method of wherein the method of imaging a sample comprises:processing the one or more image cubes using the convolution theorem.3. A method of imaging a sample illuminated by a light source of a trans-illumination microscope claim 1 , the method comprising:focusing on a first z-plane of the sample;focusing on a second z-plane of the sample;measuring the intensity of the light from the light source, said light passing through the sample at the first z-plane and the second z-plane, thereby creating a set of 2-D measurements of the sample;combining the set of 2-D measurements to form a 3-D image cube;processing the image cube using a TBFI algorithm, said TFBI algorithm comprising a transport of intensity equation (TIE) and an Eikonal equation.4. The method of wherein the TFBI algorithm further comprises a first convolution theorem and wherein the processing results in a 3-D image cube of phase values.5. The method of wherein the TFBI algorithm further comprises a relation to the refractive index and a second convolution theorem.6. The method of wherein the processing results in a 3-D image cube of refractive index values.7. The method of wherein the TFBI algorithm further comprises a calibration model and wherein the processing results in a 3-D image cube of mass density profile values.8. The method of further comprising post processing of the 3-D image cube by defining the borders of the sample in the 3-D image cube.9. ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003490A1

An image processing apparatus includes a holder holding a carrier carrying cells, an imager including an imaging optical system in which an optical axis is oriented toward the carrier, and images the cells in a bright field, a position changer changing a focus position of the imaging optical system in a direction along the optical axis, a controller changing a set position of the focus position by the position changer and obtaining a plurality of original images by causing the imager to perform imaging at each set position, and an image processor calculating a contrast value of each original image, specifying two set positions at opposite sides of a local minimum value of the contrast value in a profile of the contrast value in relation to the set position and generating a difference image of two of the original images respectively imaged at the two set positions. 1. An image processing method , comprising:arranging an imager including an imaging optical system with respect to a carrier carrying cells;changing a set position of a focus position of the imaging optical system in an optical axis direction of the imaging optical system in a multi-stage manner and imaging the cells in a bright field in each stage to obtain a plurality of original images;calculating a contrast value of each of the original images imaged in each stage; andgenerating a difference image of two of the original images imaged at two set positions at opposite sides of a local minimum value of the contrast value in a profile of the contrast value in relation to the set position.2. The image processing method according to claim 1 , further comprising finding two set positions respectively corresponding to two local maximum values at opposite sides of the local minimum value in the profile claim 1 , wherein a difference image of two original images respectively imaged at the two set positions is generated.3. The image processing method according to claim 1 , further comprising finding one set ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003491A1

A system and method for quantitative functional neuroimaging through thick brain tissue in live animals. A computational imaging method is disclosed that uses plenoptic image acquisition including a first initialization step that identifies individual neurons by their optical signature and provides a reliable estimate of their position in space and a second stimulation-based image processing step that used acquired calibration data to quickly quantify activity in each identified neuron at video frame-rate. 1. A functional imaging apparatus , comprising:(a) a computer processor; and(b) a memory storing instructions executable by the computer processor; (i) acquiring initial image data from a sample tissue, the initial image data comprising features corresponding to a plurality of neurons within the sample tissue;', '(ii) generating a database of individual optical signatures, each of the individual optical signatures corresponding to an identified neuron within the plurality of neurons;', '(iii) acquiring secondary image data from the sample tissue, the secondary image data comprising features corresponding to a plurality of neurons responsive to an external stimulus applied to the sample tissue; and', '(iv) decomposing the secondary image data as a function of the database of individual optical signatures to output a quantitative measure of fluorescence levels of the identified individual neurons., '(c) said instructions, when executed by the computer processor, performing steps comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the database comprises data corresponding to an estimated location in space for each identified neuron within the plurality of neurons.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the secondary image data is decomposed as a function of a positive claim 1 , linear combination of one or more image frames within database of individual optical signatures.4. The apparatus of :wherein acquiring initial image data comprises acquiring video data from the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003492A1
Автор: Soenksen Dirk G.

Microscope slide scanner. In an embodiment the microscope slide scanner comprises a single enclosure unit that includes at least one objective lens, at least one line scan camera, at least one communication port, and at least one processor. The line scan camera may be configured to capture image data of a sample as a plurality of image stripes via the objective lens. The communication port provides communication over a network. The processor may align the plurality of image stripes into a contiguous image of at least a portion of the sample, and executes a web server that provides an operator interface over the network to one or more remote devices. 1a stage configured to support a microscope slide;an objective lens positioned to view a portion of the microscope slide;a line scan camera optically coupled with the objective lens, the line scan camera configured to create a digital image strip of a portion of the microscope slide;a processor configured to align adjacent digital image strips into a contiguous digital image; anda data storage area configured to store the contiguous digital image.. A microscope slide scanner comprising: The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/275,021, filed May 12, 2014, which is a continuation of U.S. patent appllication Ser. No. 13/771,831, filed Feb. 20, 2013, and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,755,579, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/291,971, filed Nov. 8, 2011 and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,385,619, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/344,037, filed Dec. 23, 2008 and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,055,042, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/235,479, filed Sep. 22, 2008 and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 7,826,649, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/379,648, filed Apr. 21, 2006 and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 7,428,324, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/371,586, filed Feb. ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004637A1

Various aspects of the present invention are generally directed to systems and methods for imaging at high spatial and/or temporal resolutions. In one aspect, the present invention is generally directed to an optical microscopy system and related methods adapted for high spatial and temporal resolution of dynamic processes. The system may be used in conjunction with fluorescence imaging wherein the fluorescence may be mediated by voltage-indicating proteins. In some cases, time resolutions may be enhanced by fitting predefined temporal waveforms to signal values received from an image. The system may also contain a high numerical aperture objective lens and a zoom lens located in an imaging optical path to an object region. Other aspects of the present invention are generally directed to techniques of making or using such systems, kits involving such systems, manufactured storage devices able to implement such systems or methods, and the like. 1. A method for temporally resolving a time-varying image , the method comprising:receiving, from a plurality of imaging pixels, a plurality of signal values associated with a plurality of measurement time bins during which the time-varying image was obtained; andfitting, for at least some of the pixels, a pre-defined temporal waveform to the respective signal values received for each pixel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fitting provides a temporal resolution finer than the smallest duration of any of the measurement time bins.3. The method of any one of or claim 1 , wherein the time-varying image is obtained with a microscope.43. The method of any one of - claims 1 , wherein the time-varying image is obtained with a fluorescence microscope.5. The method of any one of or claims 1 , wherein the time-varying image is obtained with an X-ray imaging system.6. The method of any one of or claims 1 , wherein the time-varying image is obtained with a magnetic resonance imaging system.76. The method of any one of - claims 1 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004058A1

Devices and methods for lightsheet microscopy using rotational-shear interferometry are provided. Advantages include improved lateral spatial resolution and easier alignment. 1. A method for lightsheet imaging of a sample , comprising:providing a rotational-shear interferometer;setting a region-of-focus of the rotational-shear interferometer at an initial location relative to the sample;positioning a lightsheet at an initial location within the sample; andrecording light emitted from the sample.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of positioning the lightsheet comprises positioning the lightsheet within the region-of-focus.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising moving the location of the lightsheet relative to the sample and then recording light emitted from the sample at the new location.4. The method according to claim 3 , where the step of moving the location of the lightsheet relative to the sample comprising moving the sample.5. The method according to claim 3 , where the step of moving the location of the lightsheet relative to the sample comprising moving the lightsheet.659. The method according to any one of - or claims 1 , comprising moving the location of the region-of-focus of the rotational-shear interferometer within the sample.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the step of moving the location of the region-of-focus comprises adjusting the rotational-shear interferometer focus.8. An optical imaging system claim 6 , comprising:a source of optical radiation;lightsheet optics in optical communication with the source of optical radiation, the optics configured to receive the optical radiation and configured to generate a lightsheet at a selected location within the optical imaging system;collection optics in optical communication with the selected location; anda rotational-shear interferometer in optical communication with the collection optics.9. The method according to claim 2 , comprising moving the location of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004002A1

A light sheet microscope includes a specimen-side objective having an illumination device configured to provide a first illumination beam which is focused for forming a first light sheet for illuminating a specimen from a first direction, the first light sheet being inclined obliquely in relation to an optical axis of the objective and being guided through the objective. A detector is configured to detect light passing through the objective. The illumination device is further configured to provide at least one second illumination beam which is focused for forming at least one second light sheet for illuminating the specimen from at least one second direction that differs from the first direction, the at least one second light sheet being inclined obliquely in relation to the optical axis of the objective and being guided through the objective. 1. A light sheet microscope comprising:a specimen-side objective having an illumination device configured to provide a first illumination beam, which is focused for forming a first light sheet for illuminating a specimen from a first direction, the first light sheet being inclined obliquely in relation to an optical axis of the objective and being guided through the objective; anda detector configured to detect light passing through the objective, andwherein the illumination device is further configured to provide at least one second illumination beam, which is focused for forming at least one second light sheet for illuminating the specimen from at least one second direction that differs from the first direction, the at least one second light sheet being inclined obliquely in relation to the optical axis of the objective and being guided through the objective.2. The light sheet microscope according to claim 1 , wherein the first direction of the first illumination beam and the at least one second direction of the at least one second illumination beam are perpendicular to each other or approximately perpendicular to each other ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Illumination Apparatus Optimized for Synthetic Aperture Optics Imaging Using Minimum Selective Excitation Patterns

Номер: US20200004040A1

A synthetic aperture optics (SAO) imaging method minimizes the number of selective excitation patterns used to illuminate the imaging target, based on the objects' physical characteristics corresponding to spatial frequency content from the illuminated target and/or one or more parameters of the optical imaging system used for SAO. With the minimized number of selective excitation patterns, the time required to perform SAO is reduced dramatically, thereby allowing SAO to be used with DNA sequencing applications that require massive parallelization for cost reduction and high throughput. In addition, an SAO apparatus optimized to perform the SAO method is provided. The SAO apparatus includes a plurality of interference pattern generation modules that can be arranged in a half-ring shape. 1. An apparatus for performing synthetic aperture optics (SAO) on a target including one or more objects , the apparatus comprising: a beam splitter for splitting a first laser beam into the pair of laser beams including a second laser beam and a third laser beam; and', 'a rotating window configured to modulate an optical path length of the third laser beam, wherein the second laser beam and the modulated third laser beam interfere to generate the selective excitation pattern on the target, and wherein the plurality of phases of the selective excitation pattern of the IPGM is generated by adjusting the optical path length of the third laser beam; and, 'a plurality of interference pattern generation modules (IPGMs), each IPGM configured to generate a pair of light beams that interfere to generate a selective excitation pattern illuminating the target at a predetermined orientation and a predetermined pitch, each IPGM further configured to generate a plurality of phases of the selective excitation pattern, each IPGM further includingan optical imaging module configured to optically image the illuminated target at a first resolution, the optical imaging module further configured to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for creating a digital fluorescent image

Номер: US20190003967A1

In a method for creating a digital fluorescent image, the light emitted per pixel from an object plane is converted into a sequence of amplitudes, each of which is associated with one specific measurement time, the sequence of amplitudes is auto-correlated in a manner that is delayed by at least one time offset, and a specific correlation amplitude, from which a total amplitude is determined, is formed for each of the time offsets.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Detecting movements of a sample with respect to an objective

Номер: US20220011559A1
Принадлежит: Abberior Instruments GmbH

An apparatus for detecting movements of a sample with respect to an objective comprises imaging optics which include the objective, which have an image plane and which are configured to image light from at least one reference object that is connected to the sample arranged in front of the objective into reference object images in the image plane. The apparatus further comprises a camera which is arranged in the image plane of the imaging optics and which is configured to record the reference object images at consecutive points in time, and an optical device arranged between the objective and the camera in a plane that is Fourier-conjugated with respect to the image plane. The optical device is configured to mask out low spatial frequencies of reference object images which the imaging optics image into the image plane.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Volumetric multi-modal microscopy methods and systems

Номер: US20220015638A1

Methods and apparatus for obtaining 3D imaging of tissue involve scanning a focused laser beam in xz planes to obtain a set of xz plane images spaced apart in a y direction. The xz plane images are processed to correct distortions and motions and combined to provide 3D image data. Surface flatting is optionally performed. Imaging may be performed using a femtosecond (fs) laser beam. Different components of light returning from the tissue may be detected and processed to yield plural co-registered images using different imaging modalities, for example, reflective confocal microscopy (RCM), two photon fluorescence (TPF) and second harmonic generation (SHG).

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Detecting a defect within a bodily sample

Номер: US20220019070A1
Принадлежит: SD Sight Diagnostics Ltd

Apparatus and methods are described for analyzing a bodily sample. One or more microscope images of the bodily sample are acquired. Using at least one computer processor at least one sample-informative feature that is indicative of a characteristic of the bodily sample is extracted from the images. Based upon the sample-informative feature, the computer processor determines that there is a defect associated with the bodily sample, and determines a source of the defect. Other applications are also described.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Test device

Номер: US20180010084A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi High Technologies Corp

The invention provides a technology for promptly determining bacterial identification or an antimicrobial susceptibility testing. In the invention, first, a state where the bacteria are divided is monitored by performing microscopic observation with respect to the shape or the number of bacteria in each of wells of a culture plate for bacterial identification culture or the antimicrobial susceptibility testing. In addition, the shape, the number or the area of the bacteria are interpreted from the image obtained by the microscopic observation whether or not the bacteria proliferate at a stage from an induction phase to a logarithmic phase, and the time-dependent changes thereof are made into a graph. From the graph, it is determined whether or not the bacteria proliferate for each measurement, the determination results are displayed on the screen, and accordingly, the result of the antimicrobial susceptibility is provided every time when the measurement is performed (FIG. 12 ).

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011409A1
Автор: Oshima Takuya

This information processing apparatus includes: a search image acquisition unit that acquires enlarged images at focal positions different from each other; a first feature amount calculation unit that obtains, for each of the multiple captured enlarged images, a first feature amount based on a direct current component and a dynamic range of an alternating current component of pixel values for each of blocks forming each of the enlarged images; and an in-focus position determination unit that determines an in-focus position of each enlarged image based on the first feature amount. 1. An information processing apparatus , comprising:a search image acquisition unit that acquires enlarged images at focal positions different from each other;a first feature amount calculation unit that obtains, for each of the multiple captured enlarged images, a first feature amount based on a direct current component and a dynamic range of an alternating current component of pixel values for each of blocks forming each of the enlarged images; andan in-focus position determination unit that determines an in-focus position of each enlarged image based on the first feature amount.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe first feature amount calculation unit obtains the first feature amount in accordance with the block that satisfies a first condition in which the dynamic range of the alternating current component is predetermined and a second condition in which the direct current component is predetermined.3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe first feature amount calculation unit calculates and combines a unit feature amount of the block that satisfies the first condition and the second condition by a predetermined method, and obtains a first feature amount of each of the enlarged images based on a result of the combination.4. The information processing apparatus according to claim 3 , further comprisinga curve fitting ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Imaging Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20180011304A1

An apparatus for imaging a feature within a specimen is provided. According to one implementation the apparatus includes a substrate that is configured to support a specimen on an upper surface of the substrate so that the specimen resides over a hole that extends through the substrate. A heater is located vertically above the upper surface of the substrate. The heater is configured to heat the specimen when the specimen is supported on the substrate. An imaging device is located vertically below the lower surface of the substrate. The imaging device has an unobstructed line of sight to and through the hole in the substrate. The lower surface of the substrate is supported on a heat insulating platform in a manner that permits air to flow between the heat insulating platform and the lower surface of the substrate. 1. An apparatus for use in imaging a specimen , the apparatus comprising:a substrate comprising an upper surface, a lower surface and a hole extending between and through the upper and lower surfaces, the upper surface having a zone that at least partially circumscribes the hole that is configured to support the specimen over the hole, the zone is at least partially surrounded by a recess in the upper surface of the substrate.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a heat insulating platform including an upper surface claim 1 , a lower surface and a through opening extending through the upper and lower surfaces claim 1 , at least a portion of the lower surface of the substrate being supported on the heat insulating platform in a manner that permits air to flow between the heat insulating platform and the substrate claim 1 , the through opening providing an unobstructed line of sight to and through the hole in the substrate.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a heater located vertically above the upper surface of the substrate that is configured to heat the specimen when the specimen is supported on the substrate.4. ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011273A1

Apparatuses, systems and methods for generating color video with a monochrome sensor include the acts of (i) selectively energizing each of a plurality of light sources in a sequence, (ii) capturing a monochrome image of the illuminated sample at a monochrome sensor at each stage of the sequence, and (iii) generating a color video from the monochrome images. The sequence can have a series of stages with each stage of the sequence corresponding to activation of a different wavelength of light from the light sources to illuminate a sample. Generating the monochrome video can include the acts of compiling a plurality of monochrome images captured at the monochrome sensor with a single light source into a series of monochrome video frames comprising the monochrome video. 1. A system for generating monochrome and color videos with a monochrome camera , comprising:one or more processors; andone or more computer readable media having stored thereon computer-executable instructions that are executable by the one or more processors to cause the system to perform at least the following: selectively energize each of a plurality of light sources in a sequence, the sequence having a series of stages with each stage of the sequence corresponding to activation of a different wavelength of light from one or more light sources to illuminate a sample;', 'capture a monochrome image of the illuminated sample at the monochrome camera at each stage of the sequence; and', 'compile a plurality of monochrome images into a series of color video frames comprising the color video;, 'generate a color video from compiled monochrome images captured at a monochrome camera, wherein generating the color video causes the system toreceive a request for a monochrome video of the sample; andgenerate a monochrome video from compiled monochrome images captured at the monochrome camera in response to receiving the request, wherein generating the monochrome video causes the system to compile a plurality of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011690A1

The invention relates to a method for capturing and compensating the influence of ambient conditions on an imaging scale (S) in a measuring microscope. Here, a modification of the optical properties in the measuring microscope that is caused by a change in the ambient conditions is measured by use of a reference measurement system, in particular an etalon, and, at the same time, an image of a reference structure with at least one reference length (L) that is situated on a calibration mask is produced by use of a detector of the measuring microscope and a change (ΔL) of the reference length (L) that is caused by the change in the ambient conditions is determined in the image of the reference structure. Subsequently, a correlation is established between the modification of the optical properties of the reference measurement system and the length change (ΔL) in the image, produced in the detector, of the reference structure of the calibration mask. This correlation can be used to carry out a computational adaptation of the size of picture elements of the detector and thus compensate the influence of ambient conditions on the imaging scale (S) of the measuring microscope. 1. A method for capturing the influence of ambient conditions on an imaging scale in a measuring microscope of a mask inspection system or a wafer inspection system ,wherein a modification of the optical properties in the measuring microscope that is caused by a change in the ambient conditions is measured by use of a reference measurement system,wherein an image of a reference structure with at least one reference length that is situated on a calibration mask is produced by use of a detector of the measuring microscope,wherein a change in the reference length that is caused by the change in the ambient conditions is determined in the image of the reference structure by use of at least one processor in the mask inspection system or the wafer inspection system, andwherein a correlation is established ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Imaging Blood Cells

Номер: US20180012062A1
Принадлежит: Roche Diagnostics Hematology, Inc.

This document describes methods, systems and computer program products directed to imaging blood cells. The subject matter described in this document can be embodied in a method of classifying white blood cells (WBCs) in a biological sample on a substrate. The method includes acquiring, by an image acquisition device, a plurality of images of a first location on the substrate, and classifying, by a processor, objects in the plurality of images into WBC classification groups. The method also includes identifying, by a processor, objects from at least some classification groups, as unclassified objects, and displaying, on a user interface, the unclassified objects and at least some of the classified objects. 1. (canceled)2. A method of classifying white blood cells (WBCs) in a biological sample on a substrate , the method comprising:acquiring, by an image acquisition device, a plurality of images of a first location on the substrate;identifying one or more non-WBC objects in the plurality of images, the non-WBC objects including one of more of platelets, clumps, giant platelets, and micromegakaryocytes;determining, by one or more processing devices using a first classification process, that a given object in the plurality of images is associated with a first classification group selected from a set of multiple WBC classification groups, wherein the first classification process is based on a first set of features, and wherein the one or more non-WBC objects are excluded from the first classification process;determining, by the one or more processing devices using a second classification process, that the given object is associated with a second classification group, wherein the second classification process is based on a second set of features different from the first set of features;in response to determining that the given object is associated with the second classification group, changing a classification of the given object; andpresenting, on a user interface, a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Arrangement, Microscope and Method for TIRF Microscopy

Номер: US20200012084A1

An arrangement for TIRF microscopy, having an illumination optical unit with an illumination objective for illuminating a specimen on a specimen carrier in a specimen plane via an illumination beam path. An optical axis of the illumination objective includes an illumination angle that differs from zero with the normal of the specimen plane. A detection optical unit with a detection objective in a detection beam path includes a detection angle that differs from zero between an optical axis thereof and the normal of the specimen plane. A transition element between the specimen carrier and both objectives is arranged both in the illumination beam path and in the detection beam path. The transition element corrects aberrations that arise on account of the passage through media with different refractive indices of radiation to be detected and/or radiation for illuminating the specimen. 1. An arrangement for total-internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF microscopy) , comprisingan illumination optical unit with an illumination objective for illuminating a specimen situated on a specimen carrier in a specimen region of a specimen plane via an illumination beam path, whereinan optical axis of the illumination objective includes an illumination angle that differs from zero with the normal of the specimen plane, in respect of which the specimen carrier is aligned, a transition element located between the specimen carrier, and the illumination and detection objectives, said transition element being arranged both in the illumination beam path and in the detection beam path;', 'the transition element is configured to correct aberrations that arise on account of the passage through media with different refractive indices of radiation to be detected and/or radiation for illuminating the specimen, and', 'wherein the illumination beam path is directed into the specimen region of the specimen plane at an illumination angle suitable for producing total-internal reflection of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012121A1

We describe a super-resolution optical microscopy technique in which a sample is located on or adjacent to the planar surface of an aplanatic solid immersion lens and placed in a cryogenic environment. 1. A method of carrying out super-resolution optical microscopy on a sample , comprising:providing an aplanatic solid immersion lens having a planar surface;locating the sample on or adjacent to the planar surface of the aplanatic solid immersion lens;locating the sample in a cryogenic environment; andimaging the sample through the aplanatic solid immersion lens using a super-resolution optical microscopy technique to provide a super-resolution image of the sample.2. The method of wherein the cryogenic environment is at least one of: at a temperature of less than 200 Kelvin claim 1 , at a temperature of less than 100 Kelvin; maintained using liquid nitrogen; and maintained using nitrogen vapour.3. The method of wherein the sample is in contact with the aplanatic solid immersion lens.4. The method of wherein the super-resolution optical microscopy technique is a single molecule localisation optical microscopy technique.5. The method of wherein the single molecule localisation optical microscopy technique comprises:labelling the sample with optical emitters;separately detecting each of a plurality of optical emissions, each optical emission being from a single one of the emitters, the optical emissions being received at a detector through the aplanatic solid immersion lens while the sample is located in the cryogenic environment; andconstructing the super-resolution image of the sample from the separately detected optical emissions.6. The method of wherein the optical emitters comprise fluorophores such as organic dyes claim 5 , fluorescent proteins and quantum dots.7. The method of wherein each fluorophore is a fluorophore molecule for bonding to a molecule of the sample.8. The method of wherein the single molecule localisation optical microscopy technique is one or ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Image generating apparatus, image generating method, and image generating program

Номер: US20170013248A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image generating apparatus includes: an input unit that inputs data on a defocused image group; a storage unit that stores data on a plurality of filters generated based on a three-dimensional blur function; and a computing unit that generates a new image by applying the filter to the defocused image group. When a first element of a first filter out of the plurality of filters is symmetrical or anti-symmetrical with a second element included in the first filter or a second filter, which is different from the first filter, the storage unit does not store the data on the first element, and the computing unit generates the data on the first element of the first filter based on data on the second element which is stored in the storage unit when the first filter is used.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013146A1
Автор: YASUDA Takuya

A plurality of captured images is first acquired by capturing images of an object while changing a focal position along an optical axis. Then, variations in magnification among the captured images are acquired. On the basis of the variations in magnification, corresponding pixels in the captured images are specified, and definition is compared among the corresponding pixels. Then, an image reference value indicating the number of a captured image that is to be referenced as the luminance value of each coordinates in an omnifocal image is determined on the basis of the result of comparison of the definition. The omnifocal image is thereafter generated by referencing the luminance value in the captured image indicated by the image reference value for each coordinates. In this way, the omnifocal image that reflects the position and size of the object accurately can be generated. 1. An image processing method for generating an omnifocal image on the basis of a plurality of captured images , the method comprising the steps of:a) acquiring a plurality of captured images by capturing an image of an object while changing a focal position along an optical axis;b) acquiring variations in magnification among said plurality of captured images;c) specifying corresponding pixels in said plurality of captured images and comparing definition among said corresponding pixels on the basis of said variations in magnification;d) determining an image reference value on the basis of a comparison result obtained in said step c), the image reference value being a number of one of said captured images that is to be referenced as a luminance value of each coordinates in an omnifocal image; ande) generating an omnifocal image by referencing the luminance value in the captured image indicated by said image reference value for each coordinates.2. The image processing method according to claim 1 , whereinin said step b), an amount of variations in magnification and an amount of parallel ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015578A1

Systems and methods for creating and viewing three dimensional digital slides are provided. One or more microscope slides are positioned in an image acquisition device that scans the specimens on the slides and makes two dimensional images at a medium or high resolution. These two dimensional digital slide images are provided to an image viewing workstation where they are viewed by an operator who pans and zooms the two dimensional image and selects an area of interest for scanning at multiple depth levels (Z-planes). The image acquisition device receives a set of parameters for the multiple depth level scan, including a location and a depth. The image acquisition device then scans the specimen at the location in a series of Z-plane images, where each Z-plane image corresponds to a depth level portion of the specimen within the depth parameter. 1. A method for providing digital images , the method comprising using one or more hardware processors to:display a user interface comprising a base digital image;receive a selection of a first area of interest in the base digital image via the user interface;in response to the selection of the first area of interest, initiate acquisition of a first Z-stack of the first area of interest via an image acquisition device, wherein the first Z-stack comprises a first plurality of Z-planes, and wherein each of the first plurality of Z-planes comprises a digital image of the first area of interest at a different focus depth; anddisplay the first area of interest at one or more focus depths using the first Z-stack.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying the first area of interest at one or more focus depths comprises displaying at least one of the first plurality of Z-planes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying the first area of interest at one or more focus depths comprises interpolating the first area of interest at one or more of the one or more focus depths based on one or more of the first plurality of Z-planes ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014904A1
Автор: Ren Hugang, YU Lingfeng

A surgical microscope may support intraoperative viewing of optical and digital images of a surgical site during surgery. The optical images may be viewed using an optical beam path from an objective lens of the surgical microscope. The digital images may be generated by redirecting or splitting the optical beam path to an imaging system that outputs digital data representing the digital image to a display for output to the user, such as through an ocular of the surgical microscope. 1. A method for displaying images during surgery , the method comprising:displaying an analog image of a surgical site to a user using a surgical microscope, wherein the analog image comprises light from an objective lens of the surgical microscope;receiving a first indication to display a digital image of the surgical site using the surgical microscope;responsive to the first indication, redirecting the light from the objective lens to an imaging system enabled to acquire the digital image; anddisplaying the digital image of the surgical site to the user using a display device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:performing digital processing on the digital image, the digital processing including at least one operation selected from:changing the contrast of the digital image;changing the brightness of the digital image;annotating the digital image with text annotations;annotating the digital image with a measurement display; andannotating the digital image with a digital marker.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a second indication to display the analog image of the surgical site using the surgical microscope; andresponsive to the second indication, redirecting the light to an ocular of the surgical microscope; anddisplaying the analog image in the ocular.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein redirecting light from the objective lens further comprises:controlling a first mirror shutter in an optical path of the light to redirect the light to the imaging system ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014837A1

Method for observing a sample comprising the steps of (a) illuminating the sample using a light source, the light source emitting an incident light wave that propagates toward the sample along a propagation axis (Z); (b) acquiring, using an image sensor, an image of the sample, which image is formed in a detection plane; (c) forming a stack of images, called reconstructed images, from the image acquired in step (b), each reconstructed image being obtained by applying, for one reconstruction distance, a numerical propagation operator; and (d) from each image of the stack of images, computing a clearness indicator for various radial positions, each clearness indicator being associated with one radial position and with one reconstruction distance. 1. Method for observing a sample , comprising the following steps:a) illuminating the sample using a light source, the light source emitting an incident light wave that propagates toward the sample along a propagation axis;b) acquiring, using an image sensor, an image of the sample, which image is formed in a detection plane, the sample being placed between the light source and the image sensor, each image being representative of an exposure light wave, to which the image sensor is exposed under the effect of the illumination, the image comprising pixels, each pixel corresponding to a defined radial position in a plane parallel to the detection plane;c) forming a stack of complex images, called reconstructed images, from the image acquired in step b), each reconstructed image being obtained by applying, for one reconstruction distance along the propagation axis, a numerical propagation operator, the stack of images comprising as many reconstructed images as there are different reconstruction distances, each reconstructed image being representative of an exposure light wave to which the image sensor is exposed;d) from each image of the stack of images, computing a clearness indicator for various radial positions, each ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034812A1

An optical arrangement for fluorescence microscopy applications. Electromagnetic radiation from a radiation source is directed onto a biological sample in the form of a light sheet. One of more fluorophore(s) is contained in the sample. The radiation photoactivates the fluorophore(s) by exciting them from a state which they cannot be exited to fluoresce to a state which they can be exited to fluoresce by illuminating with electromagnetic radiation of a particular wavelength, and subsequently photodeactivating them. Multiphoton beams of nonclassical light are directed onto a first optical system the beam(s) are directed onto a sample of the light sheet. Fluorescent radiation of fluorophores, can be excited within the light sheet by the plurality of multiphoton beams occurring simultaneously on/in the sample. The fluorescence radiation occurs by means of a second optical system on a detection system which measures in a spatially resolving manner. 1. An optical arrangement for fluorescence microscopy applications , in which electromagnetic radiation from a radiation source is directed onto a biological sample in the form of a light sheet and one or more fluorophores are contained in the sample , wherein the electromagnetic radiation photoactivates the fluorophore(s) by exciting them from a state in which they cannot be excited to fluoresce into a state in which they can be can be excited to fluoresce by illumination with electromagnetic radiation of a particular wavelength and subsequently photodeactivating them from a state in which they can be excited to fluoresce into a state in which they cannot be can be excited to fluoresce by illumination with electromagnetic radiation of another particular wavelength ,one or more multiphoton beams, and at least one or two photon pair beams are directed from a source of non-classical light onto a first optical system consisting of an arrangement of at least one optical lens or photon reflecting element or polarizing optical ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Optical arrangment for fluorescence microscopy applications

Номер: US20220034813A1

In the optical arrangement for fluorescent microscopic applications, one or more multiphoton beams, but at least one or two photon pair beams, from a source of non-classical light is/are directed at a first optical system, consisting of an arrangement of at least one lens or one photon-reflecting element or another beam-forming element or a combination thereof. The first optical system (3) is designed to shape the non-classical light into a light sheet (4) or a light sheet-like shape and thence to direct it at a specimen (5), so that fluorescent radiation is excited by means of multiphoton absorption using the multiple multiphoton beams that are simultaneously incident on/in the specimen. Fluorescent radiation (6) obtained by excitation is incident by means of a second optical system (7) on a detection system (8) that is designed for the spatially resolved capture of fluorescent radiation.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Surgical visualization systems and displays

Номер: US20210015355A1
Автор: John Tesar
Принадлежит: Camplex Inc

A medical apparatus is described for providing visualization of a surgical site. The medical apparatus includes an electronic display disposed within a display housing, the electronic display configured to produce a two-dimensional image. The medical apparatus includes a display optical system disposed within the display housing, the display optical system comprising a plurality of lens elements disposed along an optical path. The display optical system is configured to receive the two-dimensional image from the electronic display, produce a beam with a cross-section that remains substantially constant along the optical path, and produce a collimated beam exiting the opening in the display housing. The medical apparatus can also include an auxiliary video camera configured to provide an oblique view of a patient on the electronic display without requiring a surgeon to adjust their viewing angle through oculars viewing the electronic display.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035146A1
Автор: Schumann Christian

A microscopic transmitted light contrasting method includes illuminating a sample through asymmetrical first and second illumination pupils and imaging the sample through asymmetrical first and second detection pupil in order to generate, respectively, first and second partial images. The first illumination pupil and the first detection pupil, as well as the second illumination pupil and the second detection pupil, are arranged pivoted in relation to one another and partially overlapping in projection on a plane perpendicular to an optical axis in such a way that first and third regions of an angular space are in a bright field and second and fourth regions of the angular space are in a dark field, and the first and second partial images each have a bright and a dark field component. An image of the sample is generated from the first and second partial images. 1. A microscopic transmitted light contrasting method , the method comprising:at least partially illuminating a sample through an asymmetrical first illumination pupil;at least partially imaging the sample through an asymmetrical first detection pupil in order to generate a first partial image, wherein the first illumination pupil and the first detection pupil are arranged pivoted in relation to one another and partially overlapping one another in projection on a plane perpendicular to an optical axis in such a way that at least one first region of an angular space is in a bright field and one second region of the angular space different from the first region is in a dark field, and the first partial image has a first bright field component and a first dark field component;at least partially illuminating the sample through an asymmetrical second illumination pupil;at least partially imaging the sample through an asymmetrical second detection pupil in order to generate a second partial image, wherein the second illumination pupil and the second detection pupil are arranged pivoted in relation to one another and ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035147A1

Disclosed herein are systems for imaging of samples using an array of micro optical elements and methods of their use. In some embodiments, an optical chip comprising an array of micro optical elements moves relative to an imaging window and a detector in order to scan over a sample to produce an image. A focal plane can reside within a sample or on its surface during imaging. Detecting optics are used to detect back-emitted light collected by an array of micro optical elements that is generated by an illumination beam impinging on a sample. In some embodiments, an imaging system has a large field of view and a large optical chip such that an entire surface of a sample can be imaged quickly. In some embodiments, a sample is accessible by a user during imaging due to the sample being exposed while disposed on or over an imaging window. 1. A system for imaging of a sample , the system comprising:a transparent imaging window, wherein the transparent imaging window provides a surface onto or over which a sample is disposed during imaging of the sample;a photon source for providing an illumination beam;a beam splitter for directing the illumination beam toward the imaging window;a collimating lens for collimating the illumination beam over an area comparable in size to a field to be illuminated, thereby providing a collimated illumination beam, wherein the collimating lens is disposed between the imaging window and the beam splitter such that the illumination beam is directed to the collimating lens by the beam splitter; (i) focuses a portion of the collimated illumination beam onto a tight focus, and', '(ii) directs back-emitted light from the sample through the collimating lens and towards the beam splitter;, 'an optical chip, wherein the optical chip comprises an array of micro optical elements for focusing the collimated illumination beam onto a focal plane above or on the imaging window, wherein each micro optical element of the array of micro optical elementsa ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus, Method, and System for Cultured Sample Development Monitoring

Номер: US20160017270A1

The present invention relates to the field of testing and evaluation of biological samples and provides apparatus for cultured samples comprising at least one independently accessible module adapted for incubating at least one of a plurality of samples wherein the at least one module is operatively associated with a light source and a movable optical inspection means adapted for motion about a viewing axis through the module to enable a sweeping of viewing area. The invention also provides a method of assessing cultured samples for viability comprising the steps of: disposing biological samples in a substantially elliptical arrangement within a culturing chamber of an independently accessible module; imaging individual samples of the substantially elliptical arrangement with optical inspection means driven within an X-Y plane that is normal to a viewing axis through the module to obtain time lapse measurement of development of individual samples.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170017071A1

A microscopy system includes a microscope apparatus that has an objective and a correction device correcting for a spherical aberration, and a refractive index calculator that calculates a refractive index of a sample at a target position in the sample on the basis of a plurality of target set values each of which is a set value of the correction device and each of which corresponds to an amount of spherical aberration that occurs in the microscope apparatus when an observation target plane is situated at a different position in the sample in an optical-axis direction of the objective. 1. A microscopy system comprising:a microscope apparatus that has an objective and a correction device correcting for a spherical aberration; anda refractive index calculator that calculates a refractive index of a sample at a target position in the sample on the basis of a plurality of target set values each of which is a set value of the correction device and each of which corresponds to an amount of spherical aberration that occurs in the microscope apparatus when an observation target plane is situated at a different position in the sample in an optical-axis direction of the objective.2. The microscopy system according to claim 1 , wherein calculates, on the basis of the plurality of target set values, a relationship, at the target position, between an amount of movement of the observation target plane in the optical-axis direction and an amount of change in target set value, and', 'calculates the refractive index of the sample at the target position on the basis of the calculated relationship., 'the refractive index calculator'}3. The microscopy system according to claim 1 , further comprisinga target value calculator that calculates a target set value on the basis of a plurality of pieces of image data obtained by the microscope apparatus in a plurality of states in which different set values are respectively set in the correction collar.4. The microscopy system according to ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018632A1
Автор: GAREAU Daniel S.

One embodiment of techniques for confocal microscopy includes illuminating a spot on a surface of a biological sample. A first emission intensity from the spot is detected in a first range of optical properties; and a second emission intensity in a second range. A pixel that corresponds to the spot is colored using a linear combination of the first and second emission intensities. Sometimes, the pixel is colored to approximate a color produced by histology. In some embodiments, a surface of a sample is contacted with a solution of a nucleus dye. Then, a spot is illuminated with a laser beam of wavelength about 488 nanometers (nm). Fluorescence emission intensity is detected above about 500 nm. Sometimes, a certain illumination correction is applied. In some embodiments, a sample holder that compresses a sample is removable from a stage that is fixed with respect to a focal plane of the microscope.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018941A1

A spectral imaging device () includes an image sensor (), a tunable light source (), an optical assembly (), and a control system (). The optical assembly () includes a first refractive element (A) and a second refractive element (B) that are spaced apart from one another by a first separation distance. The refractive elements (A) (B) have an element optical thickness and a Fourier space component of the optical frequency dependent transmittance function. Further, the element optical thickness of each refractive element (A) (B) and the first separation distance are set such that the Fourier space components of the optical frequency dependent transmittance function of each refractive element (A) (B) fall outside a Fourier space measurement passband. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for analyzing a sample comprising:capturing information of the sample for a first image with an image sensor during a first image capture time;directing an illumination beam at the sample with a tunable light source; andcontrolling the tunable light source so that the illumination beam has a center optical frequency that is modulated at least one cycle from a first optical frequency to a second optical frequency, and back from the second optical frequency to the first optical frequency during the first image capture time while the image sensor is accumulating the information for the first image; wherein a difference between the first optical frequency and the second optical frequency is at least one wavenumber.22. The method of wherein the spectral imaging device has a desired spectral resolution claim 21 , and wherein the directing includes the illumination beam having a spectral width that is equal to or less than the desired spectral resolution.23. The method of wherein the capturing information includes capturing a two-dimensional array of information.24. The method of wherein controlling the tunable light source includes the difference between the first optical frequency and the second ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Optical arrangement and method for imaging a sample

Номер: US20200018943A1

An optical arrangement for imaging a sample is disclosed. The optical arrangement comprises at least one first objective lens and at least one second objective lens, at least one illumination source for producing an illumination beam, detector for imaging radiation from the sample, and at least one mirror for reflecting the radiation from one of the first objective lens or the second objective lens into the detector. The at least one mirror is double-sided and dependent on the illumination beam at the other one of the first objective lens and the second objective lens.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104407A1
Автор: Ouchi Yumiko

An illumination optical system includes: a beam splitter located near a conjugate position of a specimen and configured to split beams from a light source into a plurality of groups of beams having different splitting directions around an optical axis; a beam selector configured to select and transmit one group of beams from the plurality of groups of beams and that is rotatable with respect to the optical axis; and a ½ wavelength plate located near the beam selector and rotatable about the optical axis. The rotation angles of the ½ wavelength plate and of the beam selector about the optical axis are respectively set so that the polarization direction of the beam which has passed through the ½ wavelength plate is perpendicular to the splitting direction of the one group of beams that has been selected by the beam selector and split by the beam splitter. 1. A structured illumination optical system comprising:a beam splitter disposed near a conjugate position of a specimen and configured to split beams from a light source into a plurality of groups of beams having different splitting directions around a predetermined axis;a beam selector configured to select one group of beams from the plurality of groups of beams; anda ½ wavelength plate, whereinthe structured illumination optical system is configured to form, on the specimen, interference fringes by a plurality of beams included in the one group of beams, anda fast axis of the ½ wavelength plate is set, based on the one group of beams selected by the beam selector, to a direction displaced from a predetermined direction by an angle θ/2, where θ is a difference between (i) a polarization direction of a beam that enters the ½ wavelength plate and (ii) a polarization direction of a beam that is to be emitted from the ½ wavelength plate.2. The structured illumination optical system according to claim 1 , whereinthe polarization direction of the beam that is to be emitted from the ½ wavelength plate is perpendicular to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

A Sample Holder for Imaging a Plurality of Samples

Номер: US20210018740A1

A sample holder comprises one or more elongated sample tubes. The one or more elongated sample tubes are adapted for accommodating a plurality of samples to be imaged at an imaging position. The imaging position is defined by at least one illumination objective lens and at least one detection objective lens of a microscope. A microscope is disclosed, comprising at least one illumination objective lens and at least one detection objective lens, which define an imaging position. The microscope further comprises a sample holder for holding a plurality of samples. The sample holder is moveable with respect to the imaging position. A method for imaging a plurality of samples by means of the microscope is disclosed.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018742A1
Автор: STUMPE Martin

A microscope of the type used by a pathologist to view slides containing biological samples such as tissue or blood is provided with the projection of enhancements to the field of view, such as a heatmap, border, or annotations, or quantitative biomarker data, substantially in real time as the slide is moved to new locations or changes in magnification or focus occur. The enhancements assist the pathologist in characterizing or classifying the sample, such as being positive for the presence of cancer cells or pathogens. 1. A method for assisting a user in review of a slide containing a biological sample with a microscope having an eyepiece comprising the steps of:(a) capturing, with a camera, a digital image of a view of the sample as seen through the eyepiece of the microscope,(b) using a first machine learning pattern recognizer to identify one or more areas of interest in the sample from the image captured by the camera, and a second machine pattern recognizer trained to identify individual cells and(c) superimposing an enhancement to the view of the sample as seen through the eyepiece of the microscope as an overlay, wherein the enhancement is based upon the identified areas of interest in the sample and further comprises quantitative data associated with the areas of interest,(d) wherein, when the sample is moved relative to the microscope optics or when a magnification or focus of the microscope changes, a new digital image of a new view of the sample is captured by the camera and supplied to the machine learning pattern recognizer, and a new enhancement is superimposed onto the new view of the sample as seen through the eyepiece in substantial real time.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more areas of interest comprise cells positive for expression of a protein and wherein the quantitative data comprises a percent of the cells in the view as being positive for such protein expression.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the protein comprises Ki-67 ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Digital microscopy systems, methods and computer program products

Номер: US20210018743A1
Принадлежит: SD Sight Diagnostics Ltd

Apparatus and methods are described including a microscope system configured to acquire first and second images of a blood sample at respective times. A computer processor determines whether, between acquisitions of the first and second images, there was motion of a given entity within the sample, by comparing the first and second images to one another. At least partially in response thereto, the computer processor distinguishes between the given entity being a non-parasitic entity and the given entity being a parasite, and generates an output on the output device, at least partially in response thereto. Other applications are also described.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021795A1
Автор: Themelis George

The invention relates to a medical inspection apparatus (), such as a microscope or endoscope, and to a medical inspection method such as microscopy or endoscopy. Visible image data () representing a visible-light image () and fluorescence image data () representing a fluorescent-light image () and a pseudocolor () are merged to give an improved visual rendition of an object () which comprises at least one fluorophore () to mark special features of the object (). This is accomplished in that an image processing unit () of the microscope () or endoscope is configured to compute a color (r, g, b) of an output pixel () in the pseudocolor image () from at least one pseudocolor (r, g, b), a color (r, g, b) of a first input pixel () in the visible-light image () and an intensity (f) of a second input pixel () in the fluorescent-light image (). In particular, the color (r, g, b) may result from a linear interpolation in a color space (RGB) between the pseudocolor and the color of the first input pixel () of the visible-light image () depending on the intensity (f) of the second input pixel () in the fluorescent-light image. 11181831114923212512333453218545350495251. A medical inspection apparatus () comprising an image processing unit () , the image processing unit () comprising a first input section () configured to receive visible image data () representing a visible-light image () of an object () , a second input section () configured to receive fluorescence image data () representing a fluorescent-light image () of the object () , and an output section () configured to output pseudocolor image data () representing a pseudocolor image () of the object () , wherein the image processing unit () is adapted to compute a color (r , g , b) of an output pixel () in the pseudocolor image () from at least one pseudocolor (r , g , b) , a color (r , g , b) of a first input pixel () in the visible-light image () and an intensity (f) of a second input pixel () in the fluorescence- ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022579A1
Автор: Atiya Yossef, Verker Tal

Described herein are apparatuses for dental scanning and components of apparatuses for dental scanning. A component of a dental scanning apparatus may include a beam splitter, a transparency and an image sensor. The component may have a first surface and a second surface. The transparency may be affixed to the first surface of the beam splitter, and may comprise a spatial pattern disposed thereon and be configured to be illuminated by a light source of the dental scanning apparatus. The image sensor may be affixed to the second surface of the beam splitter, wherein as a result of the transparency being affixed to the first surface of the beam splitter and the image sensor being affixed to the second surface of the beam splitter, the image sensor maintains a stable relative position to the spatial pattern of the transparency. 1. A component for a dental scanning apparatus , comprising:a beam splitter having a first surface and a second surface;a transparency affixed to the first surface of the beam splitter, the transparency comprising a spatial pattern disposed thereon, wherein the transparency is configured to be illuminated by light from a light source of the dental scanning apparatus and to output patterned light comprising a spatial pattern; andan image sensor affixed to the second surface of the beam splitter, wherein the image sensor is configured to receive reflected patterned light, and wherein as a result of the transparency being affixed to the first surface of the beam splitter and the image sensor being affixed to the second surface of the beam splitter, the image sensor maintains a stable relative position to the spatial pattern of the transparency.2. The component of claim 1 , wherein the image sensor maintains the stable relative position to the spatial pattern of the transparency with changes in temperature.3. The component of claim 1 , wherein the first surface is perpendicular to the second surface claim 1 , and wherein the transparency is ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025959A1
Автор: Suzuki Yoshimasa

A sample observation method includes an acquisition of for acquiring an electronic image of a sample, and a subtraction step of subtracting a DC component from a signal of the electronic image, and the acquisition step is performed in a state of bright-field observation, the electronic image at the subtraction step is an image acquired in a first predetermined state, and in the first predetermined state, at least a position of the sample and a in-focus position of an image forming optical system are different. A sample observation device includes a light source, an illumination optical system, an image forming optical system, an image-pickup device, and an image processing device, and the illumination optical system is disposed so as to irradiate a sample with illumination light from the light source, the image forming optical system is disposed so that light from the sample is incident thereon and an optical image of the sample is formed, the image-pickup device is disposed at a position of the optical image, and the image processing device is configured to implement the aforementioned sample observation method. 3. The sample observation method according to claim 1 , further comprising:an amplification step after the subtraction step, whereinat the amplification step, a signal of an electronic image subjected to the subtraction step is amplified.6. The sample observation method according to claim 1 , whereina position of the sample is changed relative to a in-focus position of the image forming optical system a plurality of times,at each position of the sample after changing, the acquisition step and the subtraction step are performed, and thereby a plurality of electronic images are generated after the subtraction step, andthe plurality of electronic images generated are added.7. The sample observation method according to claim 6 , whereinbefore addition, a part with highest contrast in each of the plurality of electronic images is extracted, andaddition is ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023784A1

An optical arrangement for imaging a sample is disclosed. The optical arrangement comprises at least one first objective lens and at least one second objective lens, at least one illumination source for producing an illumination beam, detector for imaging radiation from the sample, and at least one mirror for reflecting the radiation from one of the first objective lens or the second objective lens into the detector. The at least one mirror is double-sided and dependent on the illumination beam at the other one of the first objective lens and the second objective lens. 111.-. (canceled)12. An optical arrangement for imaging a sample comprising:at least one first objective lens and at least one second objective lens;at least one illumination source for producing an illumination beam;a detector for imaging radiation from the sample; andat least one movable mirror for at least one of reflecting the illumination beam towards one of the first objective lens or the second objective lens, or reflecting the radiation from the other one of the first objective lens or the second objective lens to the detector, wherein, depending on the position of the selected one of the at least one movable mirror, the illumination beam is directed through one of the first objective lens or the second objective lens, and the radiation is directed through the other one of the first objective lens or the second objective lens.13. The optical arrangement of claim 12 , wherein the at least one movable mirror is translatable or rotatable.14. The optical arrangement of claim 12 , wherein the at least one movable mirror is double-sided.15. The optical arrangement of claim 12 , further comprising at least two further movable mirrors and wherein the reflected radiation can be directed into one of the at least two further movable mirrors.16. The optical arrangement of claim 12 , further comprising an image processor connected to the detector.17. The optical arrangement of claim 12 , wherein the sample ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Multi-focal structured illumination microscopy systems and methods

Номер: US20180024338A1
Автор: Andrew YORK, Hari Shroff

A multi-focal selective illumination microscopy (SIM) system for generating multi-focal patterns of a sample is disclosed. The multi-focal SIM system performs a focusing, scaling and summing operation on each multi-focal pattern in a sequence of multi-focal patterns that completely scan the sample to produce a high resolution composite image.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024339A1

An emitting section of a light projecting section is provided to surround an optical axis of an objective lens of a lens unit. The optical axis of the emitting section is substantially the same as the optical axis of the objective lens. Ring illumination is irradiated on the observation target from the emitting section and light from the observation target is received by an imaging section via the objective lens, whereby first original image data is generated. Directional illumination is irradiated on the observation target from the emitting section and the light from the observation target is received by the imaging section via the objective lens, whereby second original image data is generated. Image data for display indicating an image of the observation target that should be obtained when it is assumed that light in a specific emitting direction is irradiated on the observation target is generated. 1. A magnifying observation apparatus comprising:a stage including a placement surface on which an observation target is placed;a lens unit including an objective lens;a light projecting unit including an emitting section having an optical axis substantially same as an optical axis of the objective lens and provided to surround the optical axis of the objective lens, the light projecting unit selectively irradiating, on the observation target placed on the stage, light in a first emitting direction and light in a second emitting direction different from the first emitting direction;an imaging section configured to receive light from the observation target via the objective lens and generate first or second original image data indicating an image of the observation target; anda data generating section configured to generate image data for display indicating an image of the observation target that should be obtained when it is assumed that light in a specific emitting direction designated by a user is irradiated on the observation target, whereinat a first light ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024340A1

Lights in a plurality of emitting directions different from one another are selectively irradiated on the observation target from a light projecting section. A plurality of image data indicating images of the observation target at the time when the lights in the plurality of emitting directions are respectively irradiated on the observation target are generated by an imaging section. An imaginary emitting direction of light is designated on the basis of operation of an operation section by the user. Image data for display indicating an image of the observation target that should be obtained when it is assumed that the light in the designated emitting direction is irradiated on the observation target is generated on the basis of the designated emitting direction and the plurality of image data generated by the imaging section. The image based on the generated image data for display is displayed on the display section. 1. A magnifying observation apparatus comprising:a stage on which an observation target is placed;a light projecting device configured to selectively irradiate lights in a plurality of emitting directions different from one another on the observation target placed on the stage;an imaging section configured to receive light from the observation target and respectively generate a plurality of image data indicating images of the observation target at times when the lights in the plurality of emitting directions are respectively irradiated on the observation target;a designating section configured to designate an imaginary emitting direction of light on the basis of operation by a user;a data generating section configured to generate, on the basis of the emitting direction designated by the designating section and the plurality of image data generated by the imaging section, image data for display indicating an image of the observation target that should be obtained when it is assumed that the light in the designated emitting direction is irradiated on the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024346A1

Light in a first emitting direction is irradiated on an observation target from a light projecting section and light from the observation target is received by an imaging section via an objective lens while a focal position of the light is changed in an optical axis direction of the objective lens, whereby a plurality of first original image data are generated in a plurality of focal positions. Light in a second emitting direction different from the first emitting direction is irradiated on the observation target from the light projecting section, whereby a plurality of second original image data are generated. First and second focused image data are respectively acquired on the basis of the pluralities of first and second original image data. 1. A magnifying observation apparatus comprising:an objective lens;a light projecting section configured to selectively irradiate, on an observation target, lights from first and second emitting directions different from each other;an imaging section configured to receive light from the observation target via the objective lens and generate first and second original image data indicating an image of the observation target;a focal-position changing section configured to change a focal position of the light passed through the objective lens to an optical axis direction of the objective lens relatively to the observation target; anda data generating section configured to generate image data for display indicating an image of the observation target that should be obtained when it is assumed that light in a specific emitting direction designated by a user is irradiated on the observation target,wherein, at a first light irradiation time, the light projecting section irradiates the light in the first emitting direction on the observation target and the imaging section generates a plurality of the first original image data in a different plurality of the focal positions changed by the focal-position changing section, at a second ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Imaging Blood Cells

Номер: US20160026852A1
Принадлежит: Roche Diagnostics Hematology, Inc.

This document describes methods, systems and computer program products directed to imaging blood cells. The subject matter described in this document can be embodied in a method of classifying white blood cells (WBCs) in a biological sample on a substrate. The method includes acquiring, by an image acquisition device, a plurality of images of a first location on the substrate, and classifying, by a processor, objects in the plurality of images into WBC classification groups. The method also includes identifying, by a processor, objects from at least some classification groups, as unclassified objects, and displaying, on a user interface, the unclassified objects and at least some of the classified objects. 142.-. (canceled)43. A method of classifying white blood cells (WBCs) in a biological sample on a substrate , the method comprising:acquiring, by an image acquisition device, a plurality of images of a first location on the substrate;classifying, by a processor, objects in the plurality of images into WBC classification groups;identifying, by a processor, objects from at least some classification groups, as unclassified objects; anddisplaying, on a user interface, the unclassified objects and at least some of the classified objects.44. The method of claim 43 , wherein acquiring the plurality of images includes acquiring the plurality of images using a 50× objective lens.45. The method of claim 43 , comprising determining at least one of a value for a nuclear complexity of neutrophils in the WBC classification groups and a value for an atypicality of lymphocytes in the WBC classification groups.46. The method of claim 45 , comprising displaying at least one of the value for the nuclear complexity and the value for the atypicality on the user interface.47. The method of claim 43 , comprising removing non-WBC objects from the images prior to classifying the objects.48. The method of claim 47 , wherein the non-WBC objects include one or more of platelets claim 47 , ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Three-Dimensional Image Processing to Locate Nanoparticles in Biological and Nonbiological Media

Номер: US20160027206A1

Disclosed are various embodiments for methods and systems for three-dimensional imaging of subject particles in media through use of dark-field microscopy. Some examples, among others, include a method for obtaining a three-dimensional (3D) volume image of a sample, a method for determining a 3D location of at least one subject particle within a sample, a method for determining at least one spatial correlation between a location of at least one subject particle and a location of at least one cell structure within a cell and/or other similar biological or nonbiological structure, a method of displaying a location of at least one subject particle, method for increasing the dynamic range of a 3D image acquired from samples containing weak and strong sources of light, and method for sharpening a 3D image in a vertical direction. 1. A method for obtaining a three-dimensional volume image of a sample , the method comprising:obtaining, by dark-field microscopy, a plurality of two-dimensional images from the sample, the plurality of images comprising at least one two-dimensional image taken at each of a plurality of equally spaced sample locations along a direction of focus, each two-dimensional image containing both in-focus and out-of-focus light from the sample;inputting the plurality of two-dimensional images to a three-dimensional computational method for determining a location of at least one structure present in the sample; andformulating a three-dimensional volume image of the sample, the three-dimensional image showing the location of the at least one structure present in the sample.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample comprises:at least one cell and/or other similar biological or nonbiological structure; andat least one unstained subject particle within the at least one cell.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dark-field microscopy uses broadband light for illumination of the sample.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the at least one cell and/or other ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043251A1

Described herein are systems and methods for assessing a biological sample. The methods include: characterizing a speckled pattern to be applied by a diffuser; positioning a biological sample relative to at least one coherent light source such that at least one coherent light source illuminates the biological sample; diffusing light produced by the at least one coherent light source; capturing a plurality of illuminated images with the embedded speckle pattern of the biological sample based on the diffused light; iteratively reconstructing the plurality of speckled illuminated images of the biological sample to recover an image stack of reconstructed images; stitching together each image in the image stack to create a whole slide image, wherein each image of the image stack at least partially overlaps with a neighboring image; and identifying one or more features of the biological sample. The methods may be performed by a near-field Fourier Ptychographic system. 134-. (canceled)35. A method performed by a far-field Fourier ptychographic system for assessing a biological sample , comprising:positioning a biological sample relative to an illumination source such that the biological sample is backlit;applying light to the biological sample from the illumination source in rapid succession, wherein the illumination source is configured to generate incident rays of light when applied to the biological sample;projecting the diffraction pattern of the incident rays of light onto a sensor;collecting one or more diffraction patterns generated from an optical transmission function of the biological sample to reconstruct the original optical transmission function of the biological sample;stitching images together by matching key points across the overlapped regions of the sample images; andidentifying one or more features of the biological sample, wherein the one or more features are selected from a group consisting of: cell count, nucleus, edges, groupings, clump size, and a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Cell tracking correction method, cell tracking correction device, and storage medium which stores non-transitory computer-readable cell tracking correction program

Номер: US20180025211A1
Автор: Hideya ARAGAKI
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

A processor of a cell tracking correction apparatus is configured to perform processes comprising: estimating a position of at least one cell in images acquired by time-lapse photography, and tracking the position of the cell; generating nearby area images of a nearby area including the cell from the images of photography time points of the time-lapse photography, based on the tracked position of the cell at each of the photography time points of the time-lapse photography; displaying the nearby area images on a display; accepting, via a user interface, an input of a correction amount for correcting the position of the cell with respect to one of the nearby area images displayed on the display unit; and correcting the tracked position of the cell corresponding to the nearby area image, in accordance with the correction amount.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025475A1

An image generating apparatus is provided with: first and second light sources that illuminate a material; an image sensor on which the material is disposed; a mask which includes a light-transmitting part that transmits light and a light-blocking part that blocks light, and which is positioned between the image sensor and the first and second light sources; and a light and dark image processing unit. The image sensor acquires first and second images of the material when illuminated by the first and second light sources, respectively. The light and dark image processing unit derives a difference between a luminance value of a pixel included in the first image and a luminance value of a pixel included in the second image at the same position as the pixel included in the first image, and thereby generates a third image of the material. 1. An image generating apparatus that generates an image of a translucent material , comprising:a first light source that illuminates the material;a second light source that illuminates the material from a position separated from the first light source by a certain distance;an image sensor on which the material is disposed;a mask including a light-transmitting part that transmits light from the first light source and the second light source, and a light-blocking part that blocks the light, the mask being positioned between the image sensor, and the first light source and the second light source; anda processing circuit, whereinthe image sensor acquires a first image of the material when illuminated by the first light source, and acquires a second image of the material when illuminated by the second light source, andthe processing circuit generates a third image of the material by deriving a difference between a luminance value of a pixel included in the first image and a luminance value of a pixel included in the second image at a same position as the pixel included in the first image.2. The image generating apparatus according to claim ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Image Recording System with a Rapidly Vibrating Global Shutter CMOS Sensor

Номер: US20160029000A1
Автор: LENZ Reimar

Image recording system, having: a digital camera with a two-dimensional global shutter CMOS sensor array with photosensitive sensor elements; shifting means, which are configured to produce a relative shifting between an object image and the sensor array between two positions; and a control unit, which is configured to control the shifting means between the recording of successive partial images, taking into account a color mosaic filter placed in front of the sensor elements for the simultaneous recording of a red, green, and blue color separation in such a way that by means of successive partial images recorded at the two positions for all image points of an image obtained by combining the partial images, color information for green is available; and an image processing unit, which is coupled to the digital camera and is configured to calculate a result image or a result image sequence, which includes at least two result images, based on at least three successive partial images. 1. An image recording system , comprising:a digital camera with a two-dimensional global shutter CMOS sensor array with photosensitive sensor elements; at least one shifting actuator, which is configured to produce a relative shifting between an object image and the sensor array between two positions; and a control unit, which is configured to control the shifting means between the recording of successive partial images, taking into account a color mosaic filter placed in front of the sensor elements for the simultaneous recording of a red, green, and blue color separation in such a way that by means of successive partial images recorded at the two positions for all image points of an image obtained by combining the partial images, color information for green is available; andan image processing unit, which is coupled to the digital camera and is configured to calculate a result image or a result image sequence, which includes at least two result images, based on at least three successive ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Viewing Three Dimensional Digital Slides

Номер: US20140111509A1
Автор: Ole Eichhorn
Принадлежит: Leica Biosystems Imaging Inc

Systems and methods for providing a view of a digital slide image. In an embodiment, a digital slide image file is accessed. The digital slide image file may comprise a plurality of first image planes representing an image of at least a portion of a slide specimen at varying focal depths. Then, a three-dimensional object is constructed from the digital slide image file. The three-dimensional image object comprises a plurality of second image planes that are derived from one or more of the first image planes and may comprise at least one image plane that has been interpolated from one or more of the first image planes. In addition, a two-dimensional and/or three-dimensional view of the three-dimensional object may be generated.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Unique oblique lighting technique using a brightfield darkfield objective and imaging method relating thereto

Номер: US20200026053A1
Принадлежит: Nanotronics Imaging Inc

A process is provided for imaging a surface of a specimen with an imaging system that employs a BD objective having a darkfield channel and a bright field channel, the BD objective having a circumference. The specimen is obliquely illuminated through the darkfield channel with a first arced illuminating light that obliquely illuminates the specimen through a first arc of the circumference. The first arced illuminating light reflecting off of the surface of the specimen is recorded as a first image of the specimen from the first arced illuminating light reflecting off the surface of the specimen, and a processor generates a 3D topography of the specimen by processing the first image through a topographical imaging technique. Imaging apparatus is also provided as are further process steps for other embodiments.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026126A1

Various approaches in which an image-recording parameter is varied between a plurality of images of an object and a stereo image pair is displayed on the basis of the images recorded thus are described. Here, in particular, the image-recording parameter can be a focal plane or an illumination direction. 1. A method for presenting stereo images , comprising:recording a plurality of images of an object by an image-recording device, wherein an image-recording parameter is varied over the plurality of images,calculating a first result image and a second result image by a computer device, wherein at least two images of the plurality of images are combined in each case for calculating the first result image and the second result image, wherein the first result image and the second result image form a stereo image pair for presenting stereo images.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:displaying the first result image for a left eye of a user and the second result image for a right eye of the user.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image-recording parameter comprises a focal plane such that the plurality of images are recorded with different defocusing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image-recording parameter comprises an illumination direction such that the plurality of images are recorded with different illumination directions.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein determining the first and second result image comprises:calculating a first phase-contrast image, which has an increased phase contrast in a first direction, and a second phase-contrast image, which has an increased phase contrast in a second direction that differs from the first direction, on the basis of the plurality of images, andcalculating the first and second result image on the basis of the first and second phase-contrast image.6. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:predetermining an observation perspective, wherein the first and second result image is determined on the basis of ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026127A1

Systems and methods of optical coherence tomography stereoscopic imaging for microsurgery visualization are disclosed. In accordance with an aspect, a method includes capturing a plurality of cross-sectional images of a subject. The method includes generating a stereoscopic left image and right image of the subject based on the cross-sectional images. Further, the method includes displaying the stereoscopic left image and the right image in a display of a microscope system. 1. A method comprising:capturing a plurality of cross-sectional images of a subject;generating a stereoscopic left image and right image of the subject based on the cross-sectional images; anddisplaying the stereoscopic left image and the right image in a display of a microscope system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subject comprises an eye.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subject is a retina of an eye.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein capturing a plurality of cross-sectional images of a subject comprises capturing a plurality of B-scan images of the subject.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein capturing a plurality of cross-sectional images comprises using an optical coherence tomography (OCT) technique for capturing the cross-sectional images.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating a stereoscopic left image and right image comprises:filtering the left and right images; andapplying an edge enhancement and depth-based light technique to the filtered images.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the display of microscope system comprises a left ocular and a right ocular claim 1 , andwherein displaying the stereoscopic left image and the right image comprises displaying the stereoscopic right image and the right image in the left ocular and the right ocular, respectively.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying the stereoscopic left image and the right image comprises displaying the stereoscopic left image and the right image in one of a heads-up display claim 1 , a video screen ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113283A1

The present invention relates to a high-speed screening apparatus for a Raman analysis-based high-speed multiple drug. The screening apparatus according to the present invention may easily detect a Raman signal using a core-cap-shell nanoparticle which amplifies the Raman signal by 10times and has high reproducibility through Raman spectroscopy in which materials do not interfere with each other and a spectrum has a sharp peak to detect the Raman signal multiple times. Also, since a CCD camera, not a scanner, may be used as the detector, the screening apparatus may multiply screen the drug at a high speed without movement between molecules within a sample. In addition, since multicolors of 5 colors or more may be coated, the screening apparatus may be usefully used for screening various drugs. 1. A high-speed screening apparatus of multiple drugs using surface-enhanced Raman scattering , comprising:an excitation module, composed of a lens, a mirror, and a pinhole, for introducing light from a light source into a microscope;a microscope module for acquiring an image of a sample, comprising a motion controller for controlling a position of the sample, a filtration unit composed of one or more Raman filters for filtering Raman wavelengths against light scattered from the sample when the sample is irradiated with excitation light from the light source, and a detector for sequentially receiving light beams passing through the filtration unit; andan image processing module for coding colors for a set of images obtained from a point containing a sample to produce cell or tissue images, and for displaying the cell or tissue images, said point being positioned by the motion controller.2. The high-speed screening apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a storage chamber for storing core-gap-shell nanoparticles.3. The high-speed screening apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light source emits light with a wavelength of from 400 to 700 nm.4. The high-speed screening apparatus ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Deep Learning Model for Auto-Focusing Microscope Systems

Номер: US20220046180A1
Принадлежит: Nanotronics Imaging Inc

A computing system receives, from an image sensor, at least two images of a specimen positioned on a specimen stage of a microscope system. The computing system provides the at least two images to an autofocus model for detecting at least one distances to a focal plane of the specimen. The computing system identifies, via the autofocus model, the at least one distance to the focal plane of the specimen. Based on the identifying, the computing system automatically adjusts a position of the specimen stage with respect to an objective lens of the microscope system.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Imaging Assemblies With Rapid Sample Auto-Focusing

Номер: US20170031146A1
Автор: Guoan Zheng
Принадлежит: University of Connecticut

Advantageous instruments, assemblies and methods are provided for undertaking imaging techniques (e.g., microscopic imaging techniques). The present disclosure provides improved imaging techniques, equipment and systems. More particularly, the present disclosure provides advantageous microscopy/imaging assemblies with rapid sample auto-focusing (e.g., microscopy/imaging assemblies having instant focusing for rapid sample imaging with auto-focusing). The present disclosure provides for high-throughput whole slide imaging with instant focal plane detection. A whole slide imaging platform/assembly that uses instant focusing systems/methods for high-speed sample autofocusing is provided. Such exemplary platforms/assemblies can be used for digital pathology or the like, and can provide improved, faster and cheaper diagnosis/prognosis of ailments/diseases. At least two exemplary rapid-focus systems for whole slide imaging are provided, a first system including two pinhole-modulated cameras mounted on the eyepiece ports of a microscope platform/assembly, and a second system including one pinhole-modulated camera mounted on the epi-illumination arm for auto-focusing.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Scanning Imaging For Encoded PSF Identification and Light Field Imaging

Номер: US20170031151A1

Scanned illumination allows for capturing 3-dimensional information about an object. A conventional reflection (or transmission) bright field (or fluorescence, darkfield, polarizing, phase contrast or interference) microscope is configured to use laterally scanned illumination (for example by moving an array in front of the light source) to scan an extended object. A pixelated detector may capture a series of images at the exit pupil of a microscope objective, and this series of images may be processed to form a Light Field image of the object. Or, a microscope is configured to provide scanned illumination to an extended object, while applying extended depth of field and 3D depth localization encoding to the resulting set of images. Thus multiple encoded images are generated. These images are decoded and combined, with custom digital signal processing algorithms, to form a 3D volume rendering or animation. Each point in the specimen is illuminated separately from its neighbors, and records its distinct PSF signature without any ambiguity arising from adjacent points on the object. 1. Apparatus for capturing a Light Field of an object comprising:a scanning device for sequentially illuminating points of the object;an optic for focusing light from the object;a detector having an array of pixels for forming a series of multi-pixel images at a focal plane near the exit pupil of the optic;a storage device for storing the series of multi-pixel images.2. The apparatus of further wherein the detector includes a 2-Dimensional array of at least about 5×5 pixels.3. The apparatus of wherein the detector includes a 2-Dimensional array of at least about 10×10 pixels.4. The apparatus of further including a processor configured to generate focal-plane images at various depths of focus based upon the series of multi-pixel images.5. The apparatus of further wherein the processor is further configured to combine the focal-plane images and form a Light Field image of the object.6. The ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033753A1

An image acquiring apparatus configured to acquire an image of an object, including: an imaging optical system; an image taking element; a changing mechanism configured to change a posture of the object or the image taking element; a control unit configured to calculate a control target value; and a correcting mechanism configured to correct the posture such that a reached posture approaches the target posture, wherein the control unit compares reached image data obtained as a result that the image taking element actually takes an image of a correction chart whereof drawing information is known in a state that the posture is the reached posture, and target image data which is expected to be obtained when the image taking element takes an image of the correction chart in a state that the posture is the target posture to calculate a correction value of the posture. 1. An image acquiring apparatus configured to acquire an image of an object by joining a plurality of divided images obtained by taking images of a plurality of divided areas in the object , comprising:an imaging optical system configured to image light from the object;an image taking element configured to take an image of the object;a changing mechanism configured to change a posture of the object or the image taking element;a control unit configured to calculate a control target value for causing the changing mechanism to reach a target posture; anda correcting mechanism configured to correct the posture such that a reached posture approaches the target posture, the reached posture is a posture of the object or the image taking element after the changing mechanism has changed the posture in accordance with the control target value, whereinthe control unit calculates a correction value of the posture by comparing reached image data obtained by the image taking element taking an image of a correction chart, the correction chart including drawing information that is known in a state that the posture is the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031818A1

The invention is directed to a method for creating an optical tomogram, which comprises the steps providing an optical microscope, arranging a sample () in the optical coverage region of a lens () of the microscope, setting the focus of the lens to a particular focal plane (), recording an image of the sample through the microscope, rotating the sample through an angle α, optionally displacing the sample along the longitudinal axis (z) of the lens () and/or perpendicular to the plane of the previously recorded image () and continuing the method with step d) until a predetermined number of section images () of the sample () have been recorded, wherein the sample () is displaced along the longitudinal axis (z) of the lens () and/or perpendicular to the plane of the previously recorded image (), in accordance with step f), at least once during a rotation of the sample through 360°. Furthermore the invention is directed to an optical microscope for creating tomograms, which comprises at least one lens (), at least one sample suspension device () and at least one illumination device (), wherein the sample suspension device () is rotatable about an axis () arranged perpendicular to the longitudinal axis (z) of the lens () and is displaceable along the longitudinal axis (z) of the lens (). 252. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the sample () is imaged n times from each angle α claim 1 , in different focal planes () in each case claim 1 , n being greater than 3 claim 1 , preferably greater than 5 claim 1 , more preferably between 10 and 1000 and particularly preferably between 15 and 100.3159. Method according to claim 2 , characterised in that after each rotation through the angle α the sample () is displaced by a distance along the longitudinal axis (z) of the lens () and/or perpendicular to the plane of the previously recorded image () claim 2 , said distance corresponding to a length of 360·D/α·n claim 2 , D being the total displacement of the sample ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160035093A1

A Multimodality Brain Mapping System (MBMS), comprising one or more scopes (e.g., microscopes or endoscopes) coupled to one or more processors, wherein the one or more processors obtain training data from one or more first images and/or first data, wherein one or more abnormal regions and one or more normal regions are identified; receive a second image captured by one or more of the scopes at a later time than the one or more first images and/or first data and/or captured using a different imaging technique; and generate, using machine learning trained using the training data, one or more viewable indicators identifying one or abnormalities in the second image, wherein the one or more viewable indicators are generated in real time as the second image is formed. One or more of the scopes display the one or more viewable indicators on the second image. 1. A system , comprising one or more scopes coupled to one or more processors , wherein: obtain training data from one or more first images and/or first data, wherein one or more abnormal regions and one or more normal regions are identified;', 'receive a second image captured by one or more of the scopes at a later time than the one or more first images and/or first data and/or captured using a different imaging technique; and', 'generate, using machine learning trained using the training data, one or more viewable indicators identifying one or more abnormalities in the second image, wherein the one or more viewable indicators are generated in real time as the second image is formed; and, 'the one or more processorsone or more of the scopes display the one or more viewable indicators on the second image.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:one or more of the processors comprise one or more multi-modality data processors; andthe multi-modality data processors register at least two of the first images and/or first data obtained from biopsy, Infrared Imaging, Ultraviolet Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), Computed ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050283A1

An acquiring unit of a structured illuminating microscopy apparatus acquires at least two modulated images having the same wave number vector and the different phases; and a calculating unit of the structured illuminating microscopy apparatus, in a spatial frequency spectrum of each of at least the two modulated images acquired by the acquiring unit, separates a 0th-order modulating component and ±first-order modulating components of observational light fluxes superimposed on arbitrary two observation points based on at least four observation values regarding the two observation points which are mutually displaced by an amount of the wave number vector. 1. A structured illuminating microscopy apparatus , comprising:an illuminating optical system performing a spatial modulation on a sample by fringes;an image-forming optical system forming an image of an observational light flux from the sample being performed the spatial modulation;an acquiring unit controlling at least one of a wave number vector of the fringes and a phase of the fringes, and acquiring a modulated image of the sample; anda calculating unit generating an image of the sample based on the modulated image acquired by the acquiring unit, wherein:the acquiring unit acquires a first modulated image having a first wave number vector of the fringes and a first phase of the fringes, a second modulated image having the first wave number vector of the fringes and a second phase of the fringes, a third modulated image having a second wave number vector of the fringes, and a fourth modulated image having a third wave number vector of the fringes being a linear combination of the first wave number vector of the fringes and the second wave number vector of the fringes; andthe calculating unit restores the modulated image based on observation points mutually displaced by an amount of the first wave number vector in a spatial frequency spectrum of the first modulated image having the first wave number vector and the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140118499A1
Автор: SHIBATA Motohiro

In order to properly perform smoothing depending on depth-of-field so as to provide a 3D image with improved display image quality, a microscope system comprises: a microscope device for acquiring a plurality of observation images with different focal points; a 3D image constructing unit for constructing 3D image data based on the observation images; a smoothing strength calculating unit for calculating smoothing strength for smoothing the 3D image data, based on optical information of the microscope device ; and a smoothing unit for smoothing the 3D image data with the smoothing strength calculated in the smoothing strength calculating unit 1. A microscope system comprising:a microscope device for acquiring a plurality of observation images with different focal points,a 3D image data constructing unit for constructing 3D image data based on the observation images,a smoothing strength calculating unit for calculating smoothing strength for smoothing the 3D image data, based on optical information of the microscope device, anda smoothing unit for smoothing the 3D image data with the smoothing strength calculated in the smoothing strength calculating unit.2. The microscope system according to claim 1 , wherein the smoothing strength is calculated by means of the following equation (1):{'br': None, 'α=depth-of-field/field-of-view\u2003\u2003(1)'}where α is smoothing strength.3. The microscope system according to claim 1 , wherein the smoothing strength is calculated by means of the following equation (2):{'br': None, 'α=depth-of-field/resolution\u2003\u2003(2)'}where α is smoothing strength.6. The microscope system according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , if the Gaussian strength σ is larger than a predetermined threshold value m claim 4 , the smoothing unit is the Gaussian-filter defined by means of the equation (3) with σ=m.7. The microscope system according to claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , if the Gaussian strength σ is larger than a predetermined threshold value m ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For The Imaging Of A Labeled Biological Sample

Номер: US20140118524A1

A method and apparatus for the imaging of a labeled biological sample. The method comprises illuminating the labeled biological sample, generating members of a time series of images if the labeled biological sample, generating a plurality of difference images between later members of the time series of images of earlier members of the time series of images and combining the plurality of difference images to generate a final image of the labeled biological sample.
