27-10-1992 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Evva Schmiermittel
Номер заявки: 162289
Дата заявки: 03-07-1989


The invention refers to a grease for the use also to lubricating articles from plastics, like e.g. Pole henylenoxiden, in particular for the lubrication of Kunststoffradem for transmissions. For the suitability of a Schmieffettes, which is to remain over a longer period of operation area at plastic parts which can be lubricated, is it zunachst a fundamental condition that no disturbing separation features arise with Beuäebsstillständen. Greases of the kind initially specified are used for example for the Sctunierung by Getrieberädem from plastics with magnetic recording devices and transmissions of such devices are mostly relatively with difficulty accessible. In particular with kompaktund ldeinbauenden turning out usually electronic building groups under utilization the free area of the chassis are arranged around transmissions and drive components, so that in the consequence the entrance to such mechanical parts of electronic devices becomes possible with high maintenance costs only. The greases must exhibit from there apart from a high long-term stability a good plastic contractualness. Übermschenderweise showed up that the characteristics demanded for Sehmierfette seem to behave regarding noise suppression and efficiency in reverse relation to their Kunststoffverüäglichkeit. From the WO-89/04856 is an oil in water emulsion hekalmtgeworden, in more softly 10 to 40 Gew. - % of a waxlike substance, as for example Paraff'mwachs or Petrolatum, 0.5 to 10 Gew,% of a film-forming polymer, like polyethylene or Polybuten, as well as further additives of wax modifying agents, corrosion inhibitors, I-Iilfsstoffen and oberfläehenaktiven means as well as if necessary water are contained. For transmission parts and plastic bearings of waves for example polyphenylene oxide will become as plastic begun and to examination of the plastic compatibility Priifkörper, in particular tension members, from a such plastic made and in contact with the grease under test conditions stored, whereby a storage is usually made with 20 °C in condition without tension, under 0B%-iger and under one percent stretch as well as a storage with 80°C in the spanmmgslosen condition with 0,5%-iger stretch and when l%-ger stretch. After an appropriate storage over several days the appearance of the probes and their mechanical characteristics are gepriift. While a set of well-known greases for plastics in condition without tension of the tension members and at low temperatures causes still no considerable Korrosionserscheinungen at the Prüfkörpem, becomes usually in particular with higher Dehunng and more or less pronounced attack on the Oberflächenslruktur of the Prütkörper observes higher temperatures, which in the consequence in the employment to the break of transmission parts and/or storage hurrying can lead. Usual fats for the lubrication of such plastic parts, in the employment, must exhibit given viscosity, points of dripping, beside one mostly in the kind of the creation of the fat which to guarantee that the Sehmierfett in the enterprise is not displaced so easily between in interference standing with one another the parts of a transmission or at the bearing. With consideration all these boundary conditions, in particular with consideration of the demanded plastic compatibility, all requirements fairly becoming greases are not well-known at present. Lithiumfette and lithium complex fats are for reasons of plastic compatibility lacking only limited applicable and also highly pure hydrocarbon mixtures semisolid condition show a pronounced attack on plastic parts, if these are mechanically loaded. The invention aims now at it, a Sehmierfett of the kind initially specified to off create, whatever is suitable in particular fflr the lubrication of Kunststoffradem for transmissions and apart from a good plastic compatibility good noise suppression over the Lebensdaner of the construction units and during the power transmission exhibits an improved efficiency. Further the invention aims off to create a grease which only small separation tendencies exhibits and after immediately after longer downtimes the Inbetrielmahme in case of such separation features rapidly again a homogeneous consistency assumes. For the solution of this task the grease according to invention consists essentially of that it as basis of polyolefins, in particular Polybutene and/or Polyisobutene, in a quantity from 55 to 80 Gew. - % contains, which basis a mixture of centralfirm hydrocarbons, like e.g. Petrolatum, in a quantity of less than Gew. - % and soaps, like Stearate, Palmitate, in particular AI-Stearate, left-Stearate, Erdalkalistearate, as well as if necessary usual lubricant additives, like graphite and/or MOS2, are added preferably. The use of Polybutenen do not undPolyisobutenen as lubricants with oily consistency is well-known, ÖIe are usable to the Danerschmierung of transmissions in inaccessible places however so easily and do not know due to their fluidity as well as due to the sealing problems connected with this fluidity in electronic turning out with mechanical Banteilen so easily to be used. The use of a basis from polyolefins, in particular from Polybutenen and/or Polyisobutenen for greases brings opposite well-known greases a substantially improved plastic compatibility with itself and leads to the creation of a grease with extremely small inclination to the separation as well as to the requirements appropriate Gerauschdämpfung. In particular the noise suppression are guaranteed due to the small inclination to the Entmischang. On the test conditions indicated above in particular 395,250 B and/or Polyisobutenen Schmieffette can be produced on the basis of Polybutenen RK, which do not show any Korrosionserscheinungen at high temperatures and high meehanischen demands, and which circumstance that a mixture of centralfirm hydrocarbons, as for example Petrolatum, in a quantity of less than 30 Gew. - % begun, leads to it that this grease component, which, for itself seen, would show clear Korrosionserscheinungen in the mixture provable Korrosiunserscheinungen does not cause. The use of soaps leads to the training of the desired consistency of the grease, although the basis of the grease is to be addressed as oily with advantage becomes hiebei as basis polyolefins assigned, which give a viscosity of the basis with 100 °C between and to 40 east “. In particularly favourable way Polybutene are and/or in the context of the grease according to invention. Polyisobntene as mixture of components with different-polymerization-degree-Inge-sets AufdieseWeise succeeds it under maintenance of a small Entmischungsneigung to adjust the Komistenz demanded in each case accurately whereby due to the choice of the individual components also with different consistencies the plastic compatibility remains invariably upright. A grease, which can be applied with the same mechanisms, as greases used before, in particular suitable for application to the Schmiertmg of pinions existing to the Polyphenylenoxiden, lets itself a kinematic viscosity obtain thereby that three components of different polymerization degree are used as basis, to their component with lowest polymerization degree with 50 °C from 4 to 8 east, whose component with middle polymerization degree a kinematic Viskosilät with 100 °C (ASTM D445) from 10 to 30 eSt and whose component with highest Polyrnerisationsgrad a kinematic viscosity cSt with 100 *C (ASTM D445) from 80 to 200, in particular 90 to 125 cSt exhibits. By suitable mixture of these three components product with a Tropfpunkt_&lt leaves itself; 70 °C realizes, with soft also the demanded penetration as criterion for the lubricant suitability is fulfilled. The penetration lies hiebei mostly more günsUger than the appropriate values of comparable products of the state of the art, and a value of 280 mm/10 can be stopped as upper limit of the Penetraüon. The which are used semisolid hydrocarbons, as for example Petrolatum, point usually a Tropfptmkt from 43 to 45 °C, if they are used in appropriate purity, unf. This point of dripping would be for the maintenance of a lubricating action over long period of operation areas too low and in particular for the use with higher operatings temperature unsuitable by the mixture with the Polybutenen and/or Polyisobutenen and Verdickung with the which are used soaps becomes the point of dripping into ranges suitable for the area of application verse-lifted. When particularly been suitable mixtures of Polybutenen and/or Polyisobutenen proved, with the soft component with middle PolymerisaUonsgrad in a quantity are present, yield the quadruple quantity of the two other components to the 2bis 5-fold, in particular the 3bis correspond. Altogether with advantage greases are trained in such a way that the Polybutene and/or Polyisohutene in a quantity from 65 to 75 Gew. - %, the grease enlhalten are, whereby in favourable way soaps and semisolid hydrocarbons in a Gesamimenge from 20 to 35 Gew. - %, in particular about 30 Gew. - %, the grease are assigned. During the production of the grease the basis, consisting of the mixture of the Polybutene and/or Polyisobutene, is agitated with suitable mitteifesten hydrocarbons and soaps with Temperatxtren over 100 °C, on which the mixture can cool off slowly. During cooling off agitating is not intended, probably however following homogenizing, which can be made for example over Walzenstühle. Particularly favorable consistencies result hiebei, if the quantity of soaps 2 to 8 Gew. - %, in particular 3 to 5 Gew. - amounts to %, the grease. A product with particularly good plastic slow-acting borrowingness, high noise suppression and good homogeneity as well as extended service life, without danger of a Entmischens, l t thereby obtain themselves that the component with lowest polymerization degree in a Mengenverhaltnis to the others component of 1:10 to I: 15, in particular 1:13, and those component along highest polymerization degree in a quantitative proportion to the other components of 1: 5 to 1: 8, in particular about 1: 6, in the mixture of the Polybutene and/or Polyisobutene is present. The Erfmdnng is more near described in the following on the basis a Ansf'ührungsbeispieles. 55 Gew became. - cSt parts of a Polybutens of a Viskositat from 11 to 14 with 100 °C (ASTM D445) with Gew. - Parts of a Polybutens of a viscosity with 50 °C (ASTM D445) from 4,5 to 5.5 east and 10 Gew. - Mixes parts einesPolybutens with a Viskositatbei 100 °C (ASTMD445) from 92 to 114 and 26 Gew eSt with one another. - Shifts parts of Petrolatum in food purity (ÖAB 9). Further 4 Gew became. - Parts of Aluminiumstearat added and this mixture at temperatures of over 100 °C under agitating held. Subsequently, this mixture was left slow to cool off and homogenized over a three-roller chair. The available product drew by a penetration of _< 340 mm/10 and one point of dripping of > 70 °C out. In this way manufactured grease was brought to mitPrülkörpem from polyphenylene oxide in contact and stored with 20° spannungsAT 395,250 B IOS, with 20° with 0,5%-iger Dehuurlg, with 20° with l%-iger Dolmung, with 80° without tension, with 80° with 0,5%-iger stretch and with 80° with l%-iger Dchnung more äber one period by 168 h. Following the storage the appearance of the probes and the mechanical characteristics the sample staff were examined. The mechanical characteristics were determined on a course test equipment with a feed speed of 20 mm/min, whereby the received values were compared with the characteristic values not stored sample staffs. Under the given conditions sees with no Prüfk0rper neunenswcrtex an attack of the Kunststoffcs showed, so that the Kunststoffverträgfichkeit must be called sufficient. Only with highest temperatures, in particular with comparison attempt with 80 °C, came it with highest Dchnung isolated still to ascertainable attacks on plastic, whereby with a further product, with which additionally to the components specified above graphite and/or MOS2 into the mixture was inkorporiert, also at highest temperatures and highest Belasumg like always constituted attack of the plastics it could not be observed.

The invention relates to a lubricating grease for use with plastic articles to be lubricated, such as, for example, made of polyphenylene oxides, in particular for lubricating plastic wheels for gears, which contains, as a base, polybutenes and/or polyisobutenes, to which base has been added a mixture of medium-solid hydrocarbons, such as, for example, petrolatum, in an amount of less than 30% by weight, and soaps, such as, for example, Al stearates, Li stearates, and optionally conventional lubricant additives, such as, for example, graphite and/or MoS2.

1. Grease for the use also to lubricating articles from plastics, like Polyphenylenoxiden, in particular for the lubrication of Kunststoffrädem for transmissions, thereby characterized that it as basis Polyolef'me, in particular Polybutene and/or Polyisobntene in a quantity from 55 to 80 Gew. - % contains, which are added to basis a mixture of mittelfcster hydrocarbons, like in particular Pelrolatum, in a quantity of less than 30Gew. - %und soaps wiev rzugsw iseStearate Palmitate insbesondereA - S office for list Erda kalistenrate as well as if necessary usual lubricant additives, like graphite and/or MoS2.

2. Schmieffett according to requirement 1, by characterized that the viscosity of the polyolefin basis 10 to 40 with 100 °C amount to eSt.

3. Grease according to requirement 1, by characterized that Polybutene and/or Polyisobutene are used as mixture of components with different polymerization degree.

4. Schmieffett according to requirement 1, 2 or 3, by it characterized that three components of different polymerization degree are used as basis, their component by lowest polymerization degree a kinematic viscosity with 50 degrees from 4 to 8 eSt, their component by middle polymerization degree a kinemtiscbe viscosity with 100 °C (ASTM D445) from 10 to 30 cSt and by highest polymerization degree a kinematic viscosity with 100 °C (ASTM D445) from 80 to 200 east, in particular 90 to 125 cSt exhibits their component. Grease after one of the requirements 1 to 4, by characterized that the component with middle polymerization degree in a quantity is present, which corresponds to the 2bis 5-lachen, in particular the 3bis 4-faehen of the quantity of the two other components.

6. Grease after one of the requirements 1 to 5, by characterized that the Polybutene and/or Polyisobutene in a quantity from 65 to 75 Gew. - %, the grease are contained.

7. Sehmierfctt after one of the requirements 1 to 6, by characterized that soaps and semisolid Koldenwasserstoffe in a total quantity from 20 to 35 Gew. - %, in particular about 30 Gew. - %, the grease are assigned.

8. Sclunieffett after one of the requirements 1 to 7, by characterized that the quantity of soaps 2 to 8 Gew. - %, in particular 3 to 5 Gew. - amounts to %, the Schmieffettes.

9. Grease after one of the requirements 1 to 8, by characterized that the component with lowest polymerization degree in a quantitative proportion to the other components of 1: 10 to 1: 15, in particular 1: 13, and the component with highest polymerization degree in a quantitative proportion to the other components of 1: 5 to 1:8, in particular about 1:6, in the mixture of the Polybutenebzw. Polyisobutene is present.