PROCEEDED TO THE INTEGRATION AT LEAST AN ELECTRONIC CONSTRUCTION UNIT INTO A PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD, SO \ A/IE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD The available invention refers to a procedure for the integration at least an electronic construction unit into a printed circuit board as well as to a printed circuit board with at least an integrated, electronic construction unit. In connection with increasing product functionalities of devices provided with electronic construction units and an increasing miniaturization of such electronic construction units as well as an increasing number of electronic construction units, with which printed circuit boards are to be equipped, efficient become increasing feldbzw. arrayförmig developed construction units and/or Packages with several electronic components assigned, which exhibit a multiplicity of contacts and/or connections with increasingly reduced distance of these contacts. The definition and/or contacting of such construction units increasingly the use of strongly decartelized printed circuit boards is necessary, whereby is to be assumed during a simultaneous decrease both regarding the thickness and the surface of such elements is to be expected of the product size as well as the construction units and printed circuit boards which can be used that an assembly and/or an arrangement of such electronic construction units arrived over the necessary multiplicity of contact points at printed circuit boards problematic and/or at borders of the possible dissolution of such contact points. For the solution of such problems was in the meantime suggested at least partly integrating electronic construction units into a printed circuit board whereby for example on the WHERE 03/065778, which WHERE 03/065779 or the WHERE 2004/077902 is referred. With these well-known procedures and/or execution forms of in a printed circuit board integrated, electronic construction units and/or components it is however unfavorable that for the admission recesses and/or holes in a basic element of a printed circuit board of such electronic construction units and/or components in each case are to be planned, whereby before arrangement of a construction unit in a such hole conductive strips are trained beyond that. For a contacting of the construction units soldering processes and bond techniques are used, whereby usually contact points between materials of different type between elements of the conductive strips and Kontaktbzw. Connection points of the electronic construction units result. Particularly in the case of an employment of such systems in environments with large temperature difference and/or temperature change ranges arise from the employment of different Mate rialien within the range Kontaktbzw. Connection points with consideration of the different thermal coefficients of expansion mechanically and/or thermally induced tensions, which to the tear at least Kontaktbzw. Connection point and thus to the failure of the construction unit to lead know. Beyond that is to be assumed additionally necessary drillings, in particular, load laser drillings for the production of contact areas the components. Further it is unfavorable that a contacting of the construction units at conductive strips and contact areas, embedded in the recesses and/or recesses which can be manufactured, is made more difficult by fluxes or bond wires and/or in particular with an employment with varying temperature loads is not reliably attainable. Supplementing it is unfavorable that, high pressures and temperatures which can be planned if necessary load the embedded and contacted components during the printed circuit board production process. Further a heat dissipation of if necessary more strongly loaded, electronic construction units is problematic. The available invention aims thus off to repair and/or at least strongly reduce the above-mentioned problems with an integration at least an electronic construction unit into a printed circuit board, and aims in particular off to make a procedure of the kind initially specified as well as a printed circuit board available with welehern with simplified operational sequence an improvement of the reliability of the arrangement and/or definition and contacting at least an electronic construction unit in a printed circuit board is attainable. For the solution of these tasks a procedure for the integration covers at least an electronic construction unit into a printed circuit board essentially the following steps: Make available to a layer of a printed circuit board to the support of the electronic construction unit, - Applying an adhesive on a surface of the layer, Specifies the electronic construction unit on the layer by means of the adhesive, - applying and/or arranging at least to an electrically leading layer on and/or at the construction unit at the side and/or surface turned away from the adhesive, and - Structuring the electrically leading layer according to the contacts of the electronic construction unit and/or accordingly on the printed circuit board conductive strips which can be trained. It will thus according to invention applying and establishment at least electronic construction unit without layer printed circuit board to support electronic construction unit planned, whereby contrary to the state of the art initially specified preceding training from recesses and/or recesses to the admission of the electronic construction unit and preceding training of contact points or conductive strips, which must be arranged according to the contacts, of the electronic construction unit which can be taken up, it can be done. It takes place thus according to invention a strong simplification in connection with the arrangement and positioning at least of the electronic construction unit, which is to be integrated into the printed circuit board, so that without complex positioning steps or preparation steps for the production of a photograph opening for the electronic construction unit can be done. After arrangement and definition of the electronic construction unit on the layer to the support of the electronic construction unit a creation and/or an arrangement takes place at least an electrically leading layer on and/or at the construction unit at the side and/or surface in further consequence, which exhibits the contacts and/or connection points, turned away from the adhesive, of the electronic construction unit which can be integrated, on which a structuring of this electrically leading layer takes place in the following according to the contacts of the electronic construction unit as well as a connection with this and/or accordingly conductive strips which can be trained on the printed circuit board. Such training and/or structuring of the electrically leading layer after an arrangement and a definition of the construction unit relieved hiebei, the precise process steps, there necessary contactings and/or conductive strips co-ordinated with the positioning, necessary for a normal contacting, of the electronic construction unit already specified to take place and/or be trained can. Beyond that can to do without increasingly smaller becoming distances of such contacts and/or connection points of the electronic construction unit more with difficulty becoming procedures of a contacting, as for example by employment of a Lötoder Galvanikoder of bond process as far as possible and/or be able such processes in simplified way after the creation and/or definition of the electrically leading and/or conductive layer and their structuring to be made by the creation and/or arrangement according to invention of the electrically leading layer on and/or in the construction unit, with which also a contacting is connected with the contact points of the electronic construction unit, complex and under consideration. Since it is intended according to invention that only after the definition at least electronic construction unit and arrangement of the electrically leading and/or conductive layer a structuring of the electrically leading layer of the leader plate takes place according to the contacts and/or connection points of the electronic construction unit and/or the conductive strips which can be manufactured in the electrically leading layer, can be done without relatively too to contact areas and/or conductive strips of the printed circuit board already trained contrary to well-known procedures and/or training necessary, high requirements regarding a precise positioning of the electronic construction unit. The position of the electronic construction unit can be determined after the definition under switching of the adhesive at the layer with simple means, on which in simple way and precisely positionable the arrangement and structuring of the leading layer of the printed circuit board are made. In order to make available and guarantee around a normal and safe as well as protected imbedding at least of the electronic construction unit inside the printed circuit board an essentially even bearing surface for after the definition of the electronic construction unit the one which can be applied and/or the one which can be arranged, at least an electrically leading layer, in accordance with a preferential execution form it is suggested that the electronic construction unit will surround after the establishment at the layer by an isolating material, in particular a prepreg foil and/or a resin. There the layer of the printed circuit board, which is to be connected an electronic construction unit and/or which some Auflagebzw with into the printed circuit board the one which can be integrated, at least. Support surface of the construction unit which can be integrated represents, if necessary an extremely small thickness exhibits, in accordance with” a further preferred execution form is suggested that the layer is applied to the support of the electronic construction unit on a carrier layer or a core before applying the adhesive. A such carrier layer makes available a sufficiently stable basis during the creation of the adhesive and the following definition at least of the electronic construction unit and can in simple way before the structuring of the electrically leading layer necessary after the definition of the electronic construction unit be again removed if required, how this corresponds to a further preferential execution form of the procedure according to invention. The one which can be integrated for a normal definition, at least electronic construction unit in accordance with a further preferred execution form it is suggested that the adhesive on the surface of the layer according to samples aufge co-ordinated with the arrangement, of the electronic construction unit which can be specified broke becomes. In such a manner will avoided that in particular for the further structure of the printed circuit board of the adhesives within ranges, in which a definition at least of the electronic construction unit does not take place if necessary it must be complex later again removed. The adhesive can be applied with actually well-known creation procedures, for example by screen printings, rolling coating, capers or such. An adhesive can if necessary be hardened after arrangement and/or creation at least one, of the electronic construction unit which can be integrated a hardening treatment, for example by use of warmth and/or irradiation with electromagnetic radiation of certain wavelength. Alternatively can be intended for example a hardenable, in particular photo-active adhesive film for the definition, of the electronic construction unit which can be integrated, which is subjected to an appropriate hardening by precipitation, in particular treatment of photos after the arrangement of the electronic construction unit for example. As already above suggested, a structuring takes place at least an electrically leading layer after a definition and a contacting the one which can be integrated, at least electronic construction unit in accordance with the procedure according to invention, whereby in this connection in accordance with a preferential execution form it is suggested that the structuring of the leading layer is accomplished by a laser structuring, a photo structuring or such. Such structuring procedures are actually admit and permit precise training of the contact contacts as well as that to it following conductive strips within the range and/or, of the electrically leading and/or conductive layer which can be connected connected with that at least an electronic construction unit. As already above suggested, is to be assumed with well-known training and/or procedures for the integration at least an electronic construction unit into a printed circuit board the printed circuit board and in particular conductive strips defining layers are as far as possible finished, according to which that is arranged at least electronic construction unit in an appropriate recess and/or recess and contacted in the following complex. In contrast to it according to invention afterwards a further structure and/or a completion of the printed circuit board takes place after the definition at least electronic construction unit, whereby after the structuring of the electrically leading layer after the establishment at least electronic construction unit in accordance with a further preferred execution form of the procedure according to invention it is suggested that after structuring the leading layer little - Q - stens an isolating layer on the surface of the structured, leading layer turned away from the electronic construction unit is applied. In connection with the completion of the printed circuit board, in which at least an electronic construction unit is integrated in accordance with the procedure according to invention, it is suggested beyond that additionally at least a leading and/or not leading layer, for example a RCC foil, is applied and/or arranged, as this corresponds to a further preferred execution form of the procedure according to invention. Such RCC foils (Resin Coated copilot by Foil) actually are well-known and can after the normal contacting at least electronic construction unit with the electrically leading layer the further completion of the printed circuit board be used and/or become directly in connection with the arrangement and definition of the electrically leading layer after definition of the electronic construction unit assigned. For a heat dissipation of warmth produced by in if necessary strongly stressed, electronic components it is intended in accordance with a further preferred execution form that at the side of the electronic construction unit turned away from the electrically leading layer in particular in the range of the definition of the electronic construction unit at least one opening is trained as the heat dissipation and/or contacting of the construction unit. For the further improvement of the heat dissipation and/or for the distribution of the warmth produced if necessary punctually in the electronic construction unit in accordance with a further preferred execution form it is suggested that the layer is formed to the support of the electronic construction unit by a metallic, in particular electrically leading layer. In connection with a support of the heat dissipation and/or distribution of if necessary punctually arising places of a high thermal load, in particular in subranges and/or, of the electronic construction unit which can be integrated which can be embedded in accordance with a further preferred execution form it is suggested that a thermally leading and/or conductive adhesive is used. , Electronic construction unit which can be integrated for the further increase of the number of the contacts and/or connection points one in accordance with a further preferred Ausfüh rungsform the procedure according to invention it is suggested that an electronic construction unit is used, which is provided by contacts in each case at opposite main surfaces with a majority, which are contacted with the electrically leading layers. By use of an electronic construction unit, which is provided by contacts at opposite main surfaces with a majority in each case, thus the number of the contacts and/or connection points can be increased, whereby in this connection preferred, as this was already suggested above in connection with an improvement of a heat dissipation and/or a heat distribution, also the construction unit supporting layer and/or situation, which is provided with the adhesive for the definition of the electronic construction unit, is formed by an electrically leading and/or conductive layer. In accordance with the procedure according to invention it is beyond that preferentially suggested that immediately after structuring the electrically leading layer the electronic construction unit is tested on its operability. A such examination of the operability of the electronic construction unit immediately after structuring the electrically leading layer after the connection of the connections and/or contact points of the electronic construction unit with the electrically leading layer makes directly an examination and/or a test possible also regarding the correctness and/or VoIIständigkeit of accomplished contactings, so that contrary to well-known Procedure guidance already to an earlier time the operability and/or normal contacting at least electronic construction unit can be examined and under strong decrease of the committee and/or the costs with an incorrect contacting at an earlier time during the operational sequence defective elements to be already selected be able. For the solution of the tasks initially specified beyond that a printed circuit board with at least an integrated, electronic construction unit covers essentially a layer to the support of the electronic construction unit, at which that at least elektronisehe construction unit under switching of an adhesive is fixed, whereby at least an electrically leading layer is anordenbar after definition of the electronic construction unit on and/or at the construction unit and according to the contacts of the electronic construction unit and/or conductive strips of the printed circuit board is structurable. As already above marked, thus a simple and reliable contacting of Kontaktbzw lets itself. Connection points at least electronic construction unit with an electrically leading layer of a printed circuit board obtain, whereby without complex, additional procedures of a contacting under preceding training of precise drillings and/or breaking through which can be arranged can be done. Beyond that a simple and reliable structuring with reference to, the electronic construction unit already specified is possible and/or attainable after the definition at least electronic construction unit at the printed circuit board. For a reliable isolation as well as mechanical stability and a protection of the construction unit which can be integrated it is beyond that intended preferentially that the electronic construction unit is surrounded by an isolating material, in particular a prepreg foil and/or an isolating resin. For the further completion of the printed circuit board according to invention it is beyond that intended that additionally a majority by the construction unit embedding layers and/or situations from an isolating and/or leading material is intended, as this corresponds to a further preferred execution form of the printed circuit board according to invention. For the derivative of warmth of if necessary more highly stressed, electronic construction units it is beyond that intended preferentially that in material in particular isolating the electronic construction unit the surrounding and/or supporting, in particular in the range of the definition of the electronic construction unit at least one opening is intended for heat dissipation. The invention is more near described in the following on the basis of remark examples of a printed circuit board according to invention under employment of the procedure, according to invention represented schematically in the enclosed design. In this show: Fig. 1 a schematic representation of a first process step of the procedure according to invention for the production of a printed circuit board according to invention, whereby a majority is applied by electronic construction units on a supporting layer; Fig. 2 a schematic representation of a further process step of a creation and/or an arrangement at least an electrically leading layer; Fig. 3 a schematic representation of a step of a structuring of the electrically leading layer after the creation and/or arrangement at the electronic construction unit; Fig. 4 a schematic representation of a further process step of an arrangement of further layers and/or situations of a printed circuit board according to invention; Fig. 5 a schematic representation of a printed circuit board according to invention after a Vornahme of a supplementing structuring as well as training of heat derivative openings; Fig. 6 a schematic partial representation similarly the representation in accordance with Fig. 5 under employment one, electronic construction unit which can be integrated, which is provided with contacts and/or connection points at both major faces; Fig. 7 in a representation similarly to Fig. 2 a schematic representation of a modified process step of an arrangement of an electrically leading layer on a majority of arranged, to integrating, electronic construction units; Fig. 8 a schematic representation of a further process step in accordance with the modified execution form of a structuring, of the electronic construction units integrated fixed by layers within the range and/or; and Fig. 9 a schematic representation of a further process step in accordance with the modified execution form under training of contacting places. A first procedure guidance for the production of a printed circuit board for integration at least an electronic construction unit into a printed circuit board becomes on the basis the Fig. 1 to 5 in the detail discusses. As in Fig. 1 evidently, is put a majority from into a printed circuit board to integrating, electronic construction units 1, to 2 and 3 supporting layer and/or situation of 4 at the disposal, whereby during the definition of the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 over splices 5 the situation and/or layer 4 is supported over a comparatively larger thickness exhibiting carrier layer 6. To the definition of the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 used glue layer 5 according to the arrangement and/or in further consequence of the construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be integrated which can be specified on the layer 4 for example by screen printings, rolling coating or such is applied. In place of such applying of a glue layer in a sample according to the arrangement at least an electronic construction unit 1, 2 and/or 3 and/or in the Fig. 1 to 5 represented construction units 1, 2 and 3 also the arrangement and/or creation of an adhesive film 5 can be intended, which is activated in further consequence for example by photo hardnesses after an arrangement, of the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be specified. And/or, the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be integrated which can be specified exhibit beyond that in each case a majority of contacts 7. After the definition of the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 on the layer 4 under switching of the adhesive 5 in further consequence an electrically leading layer 8 on the side at the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3, turned away from the adhesive 5, is applied and/or arranged, whereby in Fig. 2 represented execution form the electrically leading layer 8 a component of a so-called RCC foil is, whereby by the subranges 9 from plastic and/or generally isolating material, planned beyond that, it is guaranteed that after an arrangement of the electrically leading layer 8 free spaces between the individual electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 and/or within the range of the contact points 7 are filled out accordingly, whereby for distances and/or free spaces between the particulars, which can be specified, electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 additional extensions from isolating material with 10 are suggested. In place of in Fig. 2 suggested use RCC foil, which from the electrically leading layer 8, which is formed from copper for example, and which isolating material 9 exists, can if necessary be used also according to the arrangement and/or of the construction units 1, 2 and 3 as well as their contacts 7 an accordingly punched or non-punched prepreg and separate Kupferfolien which can be integrated which can be specified as electrically leading layer 8. Immediately after the creation and/or arrangement of the electrically leading layer 8 within the range of the contacts and/or connection points 7, of the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be integrated the carrier layer 6 is removed, on which in further consequence a structuring of the layer 4 and the electrically leading layer 8 takes place according to the contact points 7 of the construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be integrated and for example via a laser boring and cases of with a contacting material a leading connection between the contact points 7 and appropriate subranges of the electrically leading and now structured layer 8, like this in Fig. 3 represented and with 27 is suggested. In the context of the structuring of the electrically leading layer 8 also appropriate conductive strips for the printed circuit board which can be manufactured in further consequence are trained and/or planned. During the representation in accordance with Fig. 4 it is suggested that after a contacting of the construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be integrated, like this in Fig. 3, for a further structure of the printed circuit board which can be manufactured for example both afterwards to the construction units which can be integrated 1, 2 and 3 supporting layer 4 and afterwards to the electrically leading layer 8 additional layers is represented to be applied and/or planned. For example under inserting a prepreg a 11, which exhibits for example a thickness of approximately 40 μm, for a further structure of the printed circuit board Kupferfolien and/or copper layers 12 and 13 are arranged in each case and/or specified, whereby for example within the range of the lower surface of the printed circuit board which can be manufactured a Kupferfolie 12 with a thickness is arranged of less than 25 μm, for example about 18 μm, while afterwards to the electrically leading layer 8 as well as the prepreg 11 likewise a Kupferfolie of a similar thickness is arranged as for example at the lower surface or a thick Kupferfolie 13 with a thickness of more than 50 μm, in particular 80 μm. During the representation in accordance with Fig. to 5 it is evident that also the additionally applied layers and/or situations of 11, 12 and 13 in accordance with the representation of Fig. 4 of a further structuring to be subjected, whereby for example again within the range of contactings laser drillings are planned, which in Fig, which can be manufactured. 5 for example with 14 is characteristic. For a derivative of warmth of the construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be integrated is beyond that in Fig. 5 for the construction units 1 and 2 heat derivative openings 15 intended and/or suggested. For a support and/or an improvement of the heat dissipation it can be beyond that intended that as the support of the construction units which can be integrated 1, 2 and 3 used layer 4 made of a metal is for example likewise trained from copper, so that by the good heat conductivity of this metallic material of the layer 4 an accordingly reliable and/or improved removal in particular of the warmth in further consequence, developing if necessary unevenly within the range of the construction units 1 and 2, becomes possible over the heat derivative openings 15. For the further support of the heat transport and/or an even distribution in particular by the electronic construction units of the 1 and 2 being produced ME can be beyond that intended that the adhesive 5 used for definition is formed by a thermally conductive adhesive. During the representation in accordance with Fig. it is evident to 6 that in modification to in accordance with the Fig. 1 to 5 trained printed circuit board, in which a majority is integrated by construction units 1, 2 and 3, which are provided at a side turned away from a splice under switching of an adhesive 5 with contacts and/or connection points 7 in each case, which again on a layer marked with 4 over an adhesive 5 fixed, electronic construction unit 16 is provided both at the side turned away from the adhesive 5 with again with 7 designated contacts and at the second main surface with one for example from copper formed lower surface 17, so that a contacting of the construction unit 16 both by the contacts 7 can be made and the lower surface 17. Such training increases on the one hand the number of contact areas and/or - place, whereby by planning the copper layer 17 at the lower surface of the integrated, electronic construction unit 16 also an improved heat dissipation over the contacting places 18 is attainable, which are thus consulted apart from a contacting for the derivative improved if necessary by warmth. With in Fig. it is evident to 7 to 9 represented, modified execution form of a printed circuit board which can be manufactured that again a majority of elements and/or construction units which can be integrated, which similarly as with the execution form in accordance with Fig. 1 to 5 again with 1, 2 and 3 is characteristic, over in each case an adhesive and/or a splice 5 at a layer 4 is fixed. With in Fig. 7 represented training is in place of the carrier layer 6 in accordance with Fig. 1 after their distance already similarly as during the representation in accordance with Fig. 4 a further situation of the printed circuit board which can be manufactured arranged, whereby this is formed by a RCC foil again for example, so that under inserting an isolating layer 19 a further leading and/or conductive, in particular copper layer 20 is intended. For a contacting of the contacts again marked with 7 and/or connection points, of the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be integrated finds with the execution form in accordance with Fig. 7 a multi-layer structure 21 use, whereby a roughed out, double-sided core is co-ordinated been used, which beside an isolating intermediate layer 22 at both sides with electrically leading layers and/or elements 23 and 24 is provided, their structuring at the positioning of individual connection points and/or contacts 7, of the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be embedded. For a backfilling of free spaces and/or gaps between the particulars, to integrating construction units again an isolating material use finds 1, 2 and 3 and within the range of the contacts and/or connection points 7, like this in Fig. 2 is suggested. After a definition both the double-sided core finds 21 and the additional layers and/or situations of 19 and 20 similar as during the representation in accordance with Fig. 3 a structuring for example by a laser boring instead of, so that in further consequence, like this in Fig. finally represented to 9, under training from appropriate contacting places 25 a contacting of the contacts 7 of the construction units 1, 2 and 3 which can be integrated took place. Similarly as with the execution form in accordance with the Fig. are again heat derivative openings 26 intended 1 to 5 for the construction units 1 and 2, which with an appropriate material can be filled if necessary, which supports the heat dissipation. In place of, the electronic construction units 1, 2 and 3, which are formed by a P-MOSFET, a D-MOSFET or a IC and/or an integrated circuit for example, represented in the designs, a multiplicity of other components and/or construction units can be integrated and/or arranged, whereby these construction units can be active or passive construction units and/or logical construction units and/or components. Beyond that it is possible apart from the arrangement of further layers and/or situations of 11, 12, 13 or 19 to 24, suggested schematically in the figures, for the production of an in particular multi-layer printed circuit board to plan according to the requirements further and additional situations and/or layers which can be structured according to the connections which can be manufactured and coupled with one another. On the basis of for example in Fig. 5, 6 or 9 represented, essentially only partly finished, multi-layer printed circuit boards, in which the schematically suggested construction units 1, 2 and 3 are integrated, a further treatment or completion of a such printed circuit board takes place under employment of well-known processing steps and/or - proceed. This publication discloses a circuit-board construction and a method for manufacturing an electronic module, in which method at least one component (6) is embedded inside an insulating-material layer (1) and contacts (14) are made to connect the component (6) electrically to the conductor structures (14, 19) contained in the electronic module. According to the invention, at least one thermal via (22), which boosts the conducting of heat away from the component (6) is manufactured in the insulating-material layer (1) in the vicinity of the component (6). 1. Procedure for the integration at least an electronic construction unit into a printed circuit board, comprehensively the following steps: - Making available a layer (4) of a printed circuit board to the support of of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16), applying an adhesive (5) on a surface of the layer (4), - Establishment of of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) on the layer (4) by means of the adhesive (5), - applying and/or arranging at least an electrically leading layer (8, 23, 24) on and/or at the construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) to of the adhesive (5) turned away side and/or surface, and - Structuring the electrically leading layer (8, 23, 24) according to the contacts of the electronic construction unit and/or accordingly on the printed circuit board conductive strips which can be trained. 2. Procedure according to requirement 1, by characterized that the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) after the establishment at the layer by an isolating material (9, 10), in particular a prepreg foil and/or a resin, is surrounded. 3. Procedure according to requirement 1 or 2, by the fact characterized that the layer (4) to the support of of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) on a carrier layer (6) or a core before applying the adhesive (5) is applied. 4. Procedure according to requirement 3, by the fact characterized that the carrier layer (6) after the establishment of of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) is removed. 5. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 4, by the fact characterized that the adhesive (5) on the surface of the layer (4) according to one on the arrangement the one which can be specified, of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) co-ordinated samples is applied. 6. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 5, by characterized that the structuring of the leading layer (8, 23, 24) is accomplished by a laser structuring, a photo structuring or such.
7. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 6, thereby characterized that after structuring the leading layer (8, 23, 24) at least an isolating layer (11, 22) on the surface of the structured, leading layer (8, turned away from the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16), 23, 24) is applied. 8. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 7, by characterized that additionally at least a leading and/or not leading layer (9, 11, 19, 21) is applied and/or arranged, for example a RCC foil. 9. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 8, by characterized that at the side of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16), turned away from the electrically leading layer, in particular in the range of the definition of the electronic construction unit at least one opening (15, 18, 26) is trained as the heat dissipation and/or contacting of the construction unit. 10. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 9, by the fact characterized that the layer (4) to the support of of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) by a metallic, in particular electrically leading layer is formed. 11. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 10, by the fact characterized that a thermally leading and/or conductive adhesive (5) is used. 12. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 11, by characterized that an electronic construction unit (16) is used, which is provided in each case at opposite main surfaces with a majority by contacts (7, 17), which with the electrically leading layers (4, 8) to be contacted. 13. Procedure after one of the requirements 1 to 12, by characterized that immediately after structuring the electrically leading layer (8, 23, 24) the elekironische construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) is tested on its operability. 14. Printed circuit board with at least an integrated, electronic construction unit, comprehensively a layer (4) to the support of of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16), at which that at least electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) under switching of an adhesive (5) is fixed, whereby at least an electrically leading is anordenbar layer (8, 23, 24) after definition of of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) on and/or at the construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) and according to the contacts (7) of of the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) and/or conductive strips of the printed circuit board structurable is. 15. Printed circuit board according to requirement 14, by characterized that the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) by an isolating material (9, 10), in particular a prepreg Foil and/or an isolating resin, are surrounded. 16. Printed circuit board according to requirement 14 or 15, by characterized that additionally a majority is intended by the construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) embedding layers and/or layers (9, 11, 19, 21) from an isolating and/or leading material. 17. Printed circuit board according to requirement 14, 15 or 16, by characterized that in that the electronic construction unit (1, 2, 3, 16) surrounding and/or supporting, in particular isolating material in particular in the range of the definition of the electronic construction unit at least one opening (15, 18, 26) is intended for heat dissipation.