Номер патента: GB591463A
Опубликовано: 01-01-1900
Опубликовано: 01-01-1900
Реферат: 591,463. Bath supply fittings. PEGLERS, Ltd., and EMBERTON, A. E. Oct. 20, 1944, No. 20356. [Class 26] [Also in Group XXIX] A water supply fitting comprises a hot water tap 10 and a cold water tap 11 with a common delivery spout 28. The cold water from the tap 11 is conveyed to the spout 28 through a tubular member 33 to a point in advance of the hot water so that a certain amount of suction on the hot water supply is created. The fitting is provided with an attached panel 15 for closing the opening in the wall or cover of a plumbing duct within which the fitting is arranged, this panel being secured by screws to eye-lugs 12, 13, integral with the bodies of the taps.
Система водоснабжения
Номер патента: RU0000000592U1. Автор: Путько Александр Витальевич. Владелец: Путько Александр Витальевич. Дата публикации: 1995-07-16.